Parsisiųsti - Construction21
Parsisiųsti - Construction21
Konferencijos metu eksponuojama kraštovaizdžio architekturos darbu paroda. Pranešimų santraukos publikuojamos konferencijos e-leidinyje: Atrinkti recenzuoti straipsniai bus publikuojami mokslo žurnale „Urbanistika ir architektura“ Alėjos kaip istoriniai dokumentai Milda Aidukaitė Žalioji architektūra ir rudoji urbanistika: priešprieša ar sąlyčio taškai Dalia Bardauskienė, Mindaugas Pakalnis A Social Sustainability Approach in Addressing the Problematic of the Socialist Housing Estates in Lithuania Vytautas Buinevicius Innovative approaches for energy efficient architecture Francesco De Luca „GREEN“ ARCHITECTURE IN HISTORICAL LITHUANIAN TOWN PUBLIC SPACES STRUCTURE Dovilė Furmaniukaitė Green architecture as a method to measure human and architectural environment improve the quality of living together. Petras Grecevičius Rammed Earth. Gravel – Sand – Stone – Clay THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SUSTAINABLE AND INNOVATIVE ARCHITECTURE SOLUTIONS IN THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE HANGAR PROJECT Marius Mickaitis Future of large scale housing estates in the post socialist cities Justina Muliuolytė ENERGY SAVING ARCHITECTURE IN CONTEXT OF REGIONAL ENVIRONMENT Roberts Riekstinš GREEN URBAN DEVELOPMENT: GUIDELINES AND PROBLEMS OF A NEW APPROACH AND DESIGNING METHOD Vladas Stauskas Waterscape design in urban environment: integrated solutions in a traditional form Gintaras Stauskis Green Open Space in Large Scale Housing Estates: a Place for Challenge Sandra Treija, Uģis Bratuškins Hanno Burtscher Network city Transport based urbanisation in Kaunas Tadas Jonauskis SEARCHING A SYSTEM OF PARADIGMS FOR CULTURAL LANDSCAPE PLANNING Paulius Kavaliauskas The relationship between architecture and energy efficiency of a building Andrius Keizikas ARCHITECTURE DECONSTRUCTION AS REAPPLICATION Ignas Lukauskas About ecology in Heritage Protection Nijolė Lukšionytė City axes in The Netherlands: China in the polder? Martynas Marozas Available resources of the lot for integrated building design Vytautas Martinaitis Stone and Grass in the Squares of Lithuanian Towns Alvydas Žickis Green architecture and national identity of rural landscape in Latvia Aija Ziemelniece Miestas kaip besikeičiantis bendruomenės kultūrinis reiškinys Jonas Jakaitis Miestų transporto infrastruktūros objektų projektavimas taikant darnios plėtros principus Antanas Klibavičius Žmogaus poveikis urbanistinės aplinkos florai Viktoras Pranckietis Metodologinė būsto ekologiškumo vertinimo sistema ir jos taikymo geografiniai ypatumai Ričardas Skorupskas DARNAUS BIRŠTONO MIESTO MODELIS ATNAUJINANT MIESTO KVARTALUS IR GERINANT GYVENIMO KOKYBĘ Edita Šarkienė, Lina Užšilaitytė, Tatjana Vilutienė, Vaidotas Šarka ALĖJOS KAIP ISTORINIAI DOKUMENTAI Milda Aidukaitė Atestuota Želdynų projektų rengimo Lietuvos kraštovaizdžio architektų sąjunga vadovė Abstract Kraštovaizdžio architektūros objektų istoriniai aspektai pastaruoju metu atkreipia į save vis didesnį dėmesį. Prieš šimtmečius žmogaus sukurtos parkų erdvės, reprezentacinėse parkų dalyse esančios alėjos, sunykusių senųjų kelių alėjų fragmentai, ar dalinai išlikusios senosios medžių eilės, pasodintos prieš 100 - 200 ir daugiau metų, pavieniai medžiai - primena senus laikus, kuriuos kartu išgyveno su ten gyvenusiais žmonėmis. Šie vertingi kraštovaizdžio elementai praturtina jį savitu istoriniu pojūčiu, jungiančiu dabartį su vietovės praeitimi. Vietovės autentiškumo išsaugojimas - labai trapus dalykas. Medžiai – senoliai turi apibrėžtą, tam tikrą laiko paskirtą gyvenimą, priklausomai nuo medžio rūšies, nuo aplinkos, kurioje jie gyvena. Senieji mūsų medžiai kur jie beaugtų, į kokius kraštovaizdžio architektūros darinius būtų susijungę turi istorinę, meninę ir dendrologinę vertę. Tai ir biologinė vertybė, biologinis turtas priklausantis ekologinėms sistemoms. Istorinėse dendrologinėse erdvėse (nepaliestose žmogaus) visada klesti biologinė įvairovė. Ekosistemos medžiams senoliams ir jų dariniams padeda išlikti, išgyventi. Medis yra ekosistemos dalis. Jo išlikimui labai svarbi jį supanti aplinka su savo tarpusavio ryšiais. Atkuriant istorinius želdynus yra pažeidžiamos ekosistemos – dažnai net sunaikinamos. Į senus medžius žiūrima kaip į tam tikros istorinės struktūros elementus – tik iš estetinės ar meninės pusės. Bet nereikia pamiršti, kad šie medžiai jau priklauso tam tikroms ekosistemoms, kartais kintančioms dėl aplinkos natūralaus kitimo, dėl pačių bendrijų individų gyvybinės veiklos, antropogeninių faktorių. Ekosistema negali egzistuoti be sąveikų su kitomis ekosistemomis. Tam, kad padarytume kuo mažiau žalos medžio gyvenimui ir sugyvenimui su jį supančia aplinka iš vienos pusės, ir išsaugotume žmogaus sukurtą meno kūrinį kaip vertybę, turime nueiti tam tikrą pažinimo kelią skirtą konkrečiam atvejui ir surasti teisingą sprendimą aplinkos kokybės gerinimo link. Alėjos – kaip kraštovaizdžio architektūros elementai dar yra ir ekodendrologiniai kompleksai, priskirtini mikroekosistemoms, kuriose be vienos rūšies medžių dar gyvena įvairūs kiti augalai, gyvūnai ir mikroorganizmai. Juos jungia viena, tik šiems organizmams būdinga gyvenamoji vieta, tik jai būdingas dirvožemis ir mikroklimatas. Prieš pradenant istorinių želdynų atkūrimo darbus turėtume suprasti vieną dalyką, kad įvertindami autentiškas ir formuodami naujas menines erdves reikėtų įsigilinti į aplinkoje esančių augalų, gyvūnų ir mikroorganizmų besikeičiančius tarpusavio ryšius: nuolat vykstančią medžiagų ir energijos apykaitą ir susiformavusius palyginti pastovius tarpusavio santykius bei ryšius. Prieš pradedant istorinių želdynų atkūrimo ir jų projektavimo darbus, be istorinių kultūrinių tyrimų, reikėtų atlikti ekologinius, medžio biologinius tyrimus. Istoriniam želdyno atkuriamajam etapui reikalingas profesionalus medžių būklės įvertinimas tam tikrais aspektais. Ypatingai svarbus šios būklės kartografavimas. Tam tikrų duomenų sudėjimas į lenteles, kurios būtų naudojamos medžių priežiūros procese. Taikomieji dendrologiniai ir kiti taikomieji tyrimai leidžia suvokti mikroekosistemas. Vertingųjų savybių nustatymas, grėsmių numatymas, stebėsena, skirtingų lygmenų priežiūra, dokumentacijos paruošimas – tai profesionalus istorinio želdyno įvertinimas prieš pradedant jam gyventi naujose meninėse erdvėse. Literatūra ir šaltiniai 1. Historische Alleen in Schleswig-Holstein – geschutzte Biotope und grune Kulturdenkmale, Prof. Dr. Dirk Dujesiefken , Institut fur Baumpflege. Hamburg, 2009, p.100, ISBN: 978-3- 937937-40-3. 2. Michel Thom Penette. Impulsas susirūpinti Lietuvos parkais. Kultūros barai, 2002, vasaris, p.60-63, ISSN 01343106 3. Bučas J., Vedeninas J. Žaliasis kultūros paveldas kraštovaizdžio vertybių sistemoje. Parkas mieste – socialinis ir ekonominis veiksnys, Tarptautinės konferencijos medžiaga. Vilnius, 2005, p.116. 4. Navys E.V. Sumedėjusių augalų ištvermingumo zonos Lietuvoje, žiemos pakenkimai ir jų įvertinimas, Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, Vilnius, 2008, p.43 Keywords: kraštovaizdžio architektūra, istoriniai želdynai, želdynai, alėjos, ekosistema, autentiškas ŽALIOJI ARCHITEKTŪRA IR RUDOJI URBANISTIKA: PRIEŠPRIEŠA AR SĄLYČIO TAŠKAI Dalia Bardauskienė, Mindaugas Pakalnis VGTU Statybos ekonomikos ir nekilnojamo turto vadybos katedra VGTU Urbanistikos katedra Abstract Žalioji architektūra ir urbanistika (angl. green architecture and urbanism ) yra palyginus nauja koncepcija, tačiau jos tikslai gerai žinomi: užtikrinti darnų aplinkos, visuomenės ir ekonomikos vystymąsi (Global Eco cities survey 2011). Kadangi darnus vystymasis urbanistikoje yra surištas su vietos klausimu, kalbant profesionaliu žargonu ją galima vadinti rudąja ir žaliaja urbanistika, plėtra žaliajame lauke (angl. green field ) ar rudajame lauke (angl. brown field)). Rudoji urbanistika ( XX a. vid. koncepcija) šiuolaikinėje Europoje suprantama kaip degraduojančių pramoninių ir kitų nuskurdintų miesto erdvių bei infrastruktūros atnaujinimas ir antrinis panaudijimas, ji ypač aktuali Rytų ir Vidurio Europos miestams. Žalioji urbanistika (XIX a. pabaigos miesto sodo koncepcija) tęsia odisėją per pasaulį, nors sulaukia griežtos kritikos dėl brovimosi į susiklosčiusias ekosistemas ir vartotojiškos kultūros skleidimo. Strateguodami žaliosios architektūros ateitį Lietuvoje, autoriai mato sankirtą tarp idėjos idealizmo ir tikrovės, pasižyminčios miestų ekspansija į užmiesčius bei naujų žalio lauko teritorijų urbanizacijos (Bardauskiene, D. 2011). Teigia, kad šiuolaikinėje miestų plėtros praktikoje žalioji architektūra būtų daugiausia suprasta kaip žaliojo lauko urbanizacija pastatais su minimaliu poveikiu sveikatai, supančiai aplinkai ir energijos vartojimui (pasyvūs namai). Šią tendenciją patvirtina ir aktualūs Vilniaus miesto naujų statybų sklaidos, gyventojų amžiaus, priemiesčių žemės naudojimo ir verčių kaitos tyrimai. Jie rodo žaliajai urbanistikai palankias tendencijas, nors mieste yra gausu rudojo lauko teritorijų su prieiga prie viešosios infrastruktūros. Tyrimai atskleidžia žaliosios architektūros ir rudosios urbanistikos sankirtą, kurią pralaimi pastaroji. paper is questioning the sufficiency of such approach within the context of post-socialist city trends. It is suggested that social sustainability could be a beneficial complementary approach which would enable to address the complexity of the problematization in its wider scope. Furthermore, such approach could overlap and strengthen the current economic and environmental sustainability agendas resulting in comprehensive urban planning strategies. Through the following chapters it is intended to exemplify how a social sustainability approach could unfold in a logical sequence of reasoning leading from the problematization and strategic urban planning task to concrete strategy and design proposals for renovation and restructurization of the socialist housing estates in Lithuania. References Autoriai įsitikinę, kad žaliosios architektūros idėjų sėkmė priklausos nuo jų sąlyčio su vieta. Remdmiesi tarptautine praktika ir teoriniais teiginiais, žaliosios architektūros sėkmę mato sąlytyje su rudaja urbanistika (Brownfield Policy Improvement Task Force 2012). Daromos išvados, kad žalioji architektūra gali tapti darnaus vystymosi varikliu, jei visuomenėje ir miesto plėtros praktikoje bus įveikti įsišakniję sociokultūriniai paradigmai. Kita vertus, darnus vystymasis yra socialiniai, ekonominiai ir aplinkosauginiai uždaviniai, kuriuos gali suderinti urbanistinė politika ir įžvalgus teritorijų planavimas (National Planning Policy Framework, 2012). Diegiant žaliosios architektūro idėjas, galvojant apie jų meniškumą ir technologinį inovatyvumą, būtinas integruotas žaliosios architektūros ir miestų bei priemiečių planavimas, pastovus situacijos stebėjimas ir vertinimas. Laukia diskusija apie tai ar šis inovatyvumas perspektyvoje taps pažanga, ar tęs globalią, vartotojišką miestų naikinimo kultūrą (Rubavičius, V. 2011). Keywords: žalioji architektūra, žalioji urbanistika, rudoji urbanistika, darnus vystymasis, sociokultūriniai Kempen, R. V.; Murie, A.; Knorr-Siedow, T.; Tosics, I. 2006. Regenerating Large Housing Estates in Europe: A Guide to Better Practice. Zeist: A-D Druk bv. Stanilov, K. 2007. The Post-Socialist City: Urban Form and Space Transformations in Central and Eastern Europe After Socialism. Dordrecht: Springer Keywords: social sustainability; social diversity, socialist housing estates; urban complexity strategies, Integrated Intensification INNOVATIVE APPROACHES FOR ENERGY EFFICIENT ARCHITECTURE Francesco De Luca Associate Professor - Tallinn University of Technology Tartu College Abstract A SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY APPROACH IN ADDRESSING THE PROBLEMATIC OF THE SOCIALIST HOUSING ESTATES IN LITHUANIA Vytautas Buinevicius Architect Abstract Declining post-war housing estates in Western Europe have been a challenging task for politicians and planners since the 1980s. Meanwhile, the fall of the Soviet Union opened broad new horizons of the massive housing estates in central and eastern Europe, housing about 40% of the residents in the post-socialist cities. Within that context we can see Lithuanian housing estates which house 66% of the population. This paper is approaching the issue of socialist built housing estates in Lithuania through the facets of urban sustainability agenda. The current approach that is seen in the related governmental policies is arguably based on economic and partly environmental considerations focusing on energy efficiency as one of the main, if not the ultimate, goal. The Current sustainable design projects and architectural experimentations are improving substantially nowadays by the use of advanced and innovative digital design technologies and methodologies. These significantly increase the designer’s awareness that green architecture is not a requirement but a completely whole method of work, it’s not a scope, it’s a principle. This is strengthened by architects’ new interest toward the essence of development of forms in nature and complex processes in geometry, mathematics and biology. The buildings are not anymore neutral and idle objects, but they interact with the environmental conditions like living organisms. These are developed through bottomup design methodologies based on the genotype/phenotype principle of biology and take place by transformation and adaptation processes. In this way the bio-logic or biomimicry aspect of the new designs is strengthened, enhanced by a persuasive use of digital generative and parametric formfinding methodologies. The paper will have a double aspect. On one side will critically discuss the current digital methodologies of design using energy and environmental analysis (Orientation, Shading and Shadows, Solar Access and Exposure, Lighting and Right-to-Light Analysis) in association with parametric, associative and generative digital design tools. The innovative aspect of this work method is to use the analysis tools not anymore at the end of the project, or at important steps of it, to verify its correspondence to the requirements but it is employed from the very early stages, since the concept phase. Will be presented a variety of applications of this design methodologies. On the other side the paper will focus on the research project of the author about the creation, through visual coding, of parametric digital design tools for the determination of Solar Envelope, the calculation of the maximum building volume allowed that permits proper Right-to-Light to the surrounding buildings and allow the required Direct Sunlight Illumination hours on surrounding facades at specific time of the year. At the same time the generated envelope can be furthermore developed in relation with its own illumination needs depending on its orientation and on the existing surrounding buildings. The scope is to find the best floors layout and to optimize the facades’ openings and articulations for the most efficient natural lighting and shading. The innovative aspect of this method is that it determines at the same time, shape and features of the building actively in relation with the environment morphology, to allow the required illumination to the surroundings and to maximize its wellness, functionality and efficiency. The critical work underline how the simulation and performative digital techniques used not as verification but as design tools allow the designers to work in a more efficient way, optimizing time and costs, and to create highly integrated environmental design and cutting-edge architecture. The innovative approach of the research project is to develop a method for architects and planners to easily and interactively evaluate the different possibilities and options of design taking into account municipalities requirements and construction regulations, together with building performances in terms of energy efficiency, spaces optimization, project requirements and integration with the environment. Will be presented author’s design case studies developed with the tool and comparative and evaluation results of the usability and potentiality of the proposed system. „GREEN“ ARCHITECTURE IN HISTORICAL LITHUANIAN TOWN PUBLIC SPACES STRUCTURE importantly, highlights the many problems of urban cores historic old towns or parts public spaces recreation development network, distinctive and unique natural landscape, highlighting aesthetic-psychological effects visual communications and other issues. Topics relevant and unique transformation of Lithuanian historical public spaces conditions, that formed a political, economic, social and others factors. These and other aspects resulted in to the unclear and there is an unresolved complex structure of natural and urban areas the ratio situation. Dovilė Furmaniukaitė Department of Architectural Fundamentals and Theory , Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Pylimo g. 26/Trakų g. 1, LT-01132 Vilnius, Lithuania Abstract Article and the report is an intention overview of Lithuania's major public spaces in historic cities "green" architecture of sustainable development issues and problems of prospective trends. Given the importance of sustainable development ideas for the development and expression of relevance in the context of the world, it is necessary to develop and explore the principles of sustainable development, one of which - "green" architecture. Sustainability development includes primarily qualitative rather than quantitative changes in the growth¹. Qualitative growth is seen as a perfection not only satisfies the current needs of society, but without diminishing the opportunities of future generations, and combines the needs of the development of social, economic and spheres of the natural environment². Today, the current needs of society most minimally resolved, but also creates serious problems for future generations. References Keywords: environment, integration, analysis, efficiency, optimization, generative, digital design. Judging the "green" architecture for sustainable development of historic urban public spaces problems and perspective is necessary for the establishment of guidelines for analysis and discussion. Keywords: : "green" architecture, history, landscape, public space, sustainable development, principles of sustainable development. GREEN ARCHITECTURE AS A METHOD TO MEASURE HUMAN AND ARCHITECTURAL ENVIRONMENT IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LIVING TOGETHER. Petras Grecevičius University of Klaipėda Abstract In historical Lithuanian towns public spaces structure is not "green" architectural innovation, development, preservation of landscape values, human and environment for sustainable co-existence and uniqueness of qualitative improvement of highlighting strategies. "Green" architecture emergence and development of public places is one of the most important aspects of sustainable development strategy. But most Human and architectural environment harmony problems solved in the world from the oldest times, but a special recovery observed in recent decades. Seeking to a higher quality of living environment makes town-planner, architects and landscape architects searching for new more efficient solutions. Increasingly new problems arise for various reasons. At first it was necessary decided only protection from the natural environment negative factors, such as rain, wind, cold,... but when the city started growing up, then had needed to protect people from industrial pollution, car noise. Green architecture components, used in formed the environment, were usually near the architectural building, as an additional, but not always necessary, composite measure. Living environment arsenal of quality improvement measures was limited for streets or yard green plantation, acoustic walls, measures of buildings grouping, ideas of acoustic house. Living, industrial and public premises ecology a problem has been dealing with ventilation, air conditioning measures. One of the most effective solutions associated with the city functional zoning idea. Unfortunately, solving one problem, another was born. Lack of energy resources induced a passive, efficient house idea. Again returned skeptically evaluated the sun, wind and other energy types, which began to destroy the traditional building form. Modern buildings are often similar to technological equipment, rather than Gothic and Baroque masterpiece. Newest… etc., green technology begins to penetrate and in the Old Town areas, destroying the usual red-tiled roofs rhythm. The biggest unresolved problem become increasingly deteriorating air quality in the central parts of the cities, where less and less are Natural air quality maintenance factor - the tree. In recent years, many people in European cities during the hot summer time felt the disastrous health effects of smog. The author of this article with research groups in recent years began to search for new methods, how to solve housing, living environment in the city of ecology problems with in landscape architecture used elements support. Green architecture method in this case becomes an important instrument for human and architectural environment improve the quality of living in harmony. Treat not only individual green elements integration into building architectural structure but using a complex assessment method. There are currently deployed all known factors. Assessed not only decorative plant features but and their effects on the human body. In this article submitted the first results of the study and some preliminary environmental quality improvement solutions. Keywords: green architecture, landscape, home ecology, environmental quality. RAMMED EARTH. GRAVEL – SAND – STONE – CLAY compacted. This procedure is repeated until the final height of the wall is reached and the formwork removed. The rammed earth wall is created. This is the way the Great Wall of China was built as well as the Alhambra in Seville; and this is the way rammed earth walls were built over thousands of years all over the world until the present day. This 4000 year old construction technique carries answers for today’s requirements of sustainable architecture. Aim of my presentation: with the help of images of the projects I was involved in countries like India, Indonesia, Thailand and Columbia, you will get introduced to rammed earth and you will understand the main benefits for humans and for nature. You will learn how adaptable this technique is; for use in different cultures, climates, using local materials and local infrastructure. My aim is to present a solution to several issues we are currently dealing with in the field of architecture: • • • • • reduction of carbon footprint in the production of construction materials by using natural materials; reduction of long distance transportation of construction materials by using local material; reduction of energy needed for air-conditioning due to the ability of rammed earth to store heat; the shielding of electromagnetic waves created by mobile phones; transmitter and wireless internet stations. Methodology: my approach is not only scientific, it is also very practical. The knowledge I am going to present was gained by direct application of the rammed earth techniques in different countries and cultures. References Keywords: rammed earth, earth architecture, sustainable building, sustainable building material, natural building method, low cost construction technique. NETWORK CITY TRANSPORT BASED URBANISATION IN KAUNAS Tadas Jonauskis MVRDV Abstract Hanno Burtscher Earthman Abstract Four elements: gravel – sand – stone – clay, are put together and just enough water is added to create a damp mixture. A layer of 15cm of this mixture is poured into a formwork, which will define the final shape of the wall. In order to achieve strength and stability, this mixture needs to be Sustainable city is based on a good mobility network that is well integrated into the urban fabric. It provides people with the access to the city allowing them to benefit from being connected to one another. Good accessibility allows having higher densities and bigger concentration of functions, activities and services. It allows people to be connected and benefit not only from the immediate surrounding but also from the larger region. That is the essence of the good city living, working, and creating added value from being close to each other. There are various networks embedded into the city fabric. Each of them has different scale and reaches out to different city parts. Pedestrian zone could cover only small part while public transport reaches out to much larger area. Each network creates very different urban environments that are based on mobility requirements. The space is not only different by its transit organization but also has different distribution of services, functional organization, creates different morphological pattern and unique way of living. However the people who are able to easily access only one type of transport are disconnected from the areas that their network does not cover. The city becomes segregated and divided or very uncomfortable to use. There are "good" or "best" places to live and work in the city. Such places are accessible by most available means of transport that connects to the whole city. Those are the most vibrant and multifunctional spaces. Such environments are developed over time together with the growth of the city. The crucial element of such places is being connected and belonging to “today’s” networks. It is important to be accessible by car, have a quick access to the airport, a very good internet connection and have human scale environment connected to main pedestrian zones. Kaunas is investigated as a case study to find the "best" places in the city. Historic development will illustrate how each period of urbanization had its own leading mobility network. It will reveal how each period of urbanisation shaped and created "best" places. Each period not only created new but also enriched old environments with the new connectivity. Over time Kaunas developed variety of "best" places to live and work which belong to various periods of urbanisation. Finally the conclusive suggestions will be drawn on how to deal with urbanisation in present times. It will be illustrated with the master theses project "Lost in the city" by Tadas Jonauskis. Proposed strategy is based on the transport to develop and upgrade Kaunas city as a whole. It will suggest the vision of sustainable Kaunas city where good mobility networks will enable citizens to use the city more efficiently. It will enrich socio-economic conditions, improve quality of life and encourages people to prosper from living in the city. Keywords: Transport based urbanisation, mobility network, urban shape, historic development, Kaunas, Lithuania SEARCHING A SYSTEM OF PARADIGMS FOR CULTURAL LANDSCAPE PLANNING provisions in the cultural landscape development and a public interest consistent with the design methodology. This requires a more explicit formulation of the cultural landscape provisions that could include three fundamental different paradigms of reflecting the views of the complex: a) the landscape geographical paradigm, b) the landscape architectural paradigm, c) the landscape optimization paradigm. Geographical landscaping should reflect the paradigm of geographical approach in land management triad with assumptions, reflecting the process of modern provisions. These are: a) consolidation the stable development as a country’s space planning ideology, b) rationalization the spatial results of the land-use management system, c) development the landscape’s compensation structures as a guarantors of ecological stability. It should be noted that the traditional stable (that means sustainable and balanced) development of the concept of ideology is now trying to add emphasis on self-culture factor. Culture is understood as a kind of factor in balancing the interests of ensuring the common house "roof" as the essential guarantee of human rationality, because only a high cultural level of society in a position to realize the sustainable development goals and objectives. Landscape architectural paradigm is to be related to the emotional perception of the landscape and the process of harmonization of environmental features. It could make the ideology and professional methodological foundation of modern landscape architecture. Unfortunately, neither our country nor foreign landscape architecture is not clearly formulated their own conceptual terms and unambiguously defined its jurisdiction area. Cultural landscape in a rational and universal optimality can be interpreted using a common methodology with system of fundamental anthropo-ecological criteria. That provision states that the optimal structure of the cultural landscape in harmony with the idea of "green" architecture is: a) outstand with geo-bio-ecological stability, b) provide psychological comfort, c) be purposeful socially identified, d) comply with the ongoing (providing) operating ergonomics, e) reflect the economic conditions for development of the territory. As the landscape optimization problem expresses the aspirations of society against its structure, its decision largely depends on the intentions of the public culture, national economic development and education development level. Keywords: spatial planning, sustainable and balanced development, cultural landscape, landscape geography, landscape architecture Paulius Kavaliauskas VU Geografijos ir kraštotvarkos katedra Abstract Land management in the interests of rational optimization of spatial planning, not just a description of the existing shortcomings and problems, but also a scientifically-based THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ARCHITECTURE AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF A BUILDING Andrius Keizikas VGTU Architektūros inžinerijos katedra Abstract Andrius Keizikas Now, there are a great number of methodologies for assessing the sustainability of a building, or its relationship with the environment, based on this principle. Most of these methodologies promote moderate consumption of fossil fuels and maximum use of the renewable energy resources for maintaining useful qualities and quantities of a building and their interactions during the building lifecycle. Architecture is an inherent element of these interactions. It unifies the function, shape, substance and space (the surroundings), affecting the ecological, social, economic and other various parameters and values, describing the quality of an object. The strategy of the European Union implies that since the end of 2020 all new residential houses should meet the nearlyzero energy consumption requirement. However, nowadays, only the minority of the newly designed or built houses in Lithuania can demonstrate this level of energy consumption. At present, the saving of energy resources is perceived in the narrow context of retaining the heat within a building. However, this effect can be achieved not only by increasing the qualitative properties of the external envelope elements. It is also hardly rational to associate the effective energy absorption from the renewable sources with the use of additional devices, such as construction engineering (HVAC) systems (e.g. solar collectors, heat pumps, etc., which also require extra investments as well as resources for their production and maintenance). The potential of saving the resources is also the subject of architecture. The applied volumetric and plan solutions, including various layouts of the facade elements are effective (passive) measures helping to decrease the demand for resources at the execution and operation stages of a building lifecycle. In addition, they can also minimise the necessity of the additional devices of building HVAC systems as well as the demand for extra investments. Our previous studies of the shapes of residential buildings (based on maximising the amount of the most effective external envelope elements with respect to the useful area of a house) revealed the difference in a few tens of percent in the demand for materials at the execution stage and even a greater difference in energy balance (the totality of energy losses and gains through the external envelope elements) at the operation stage of a building. This shows that there is the often unexploited potential for the most effective design of a building in its surroundings. However, the above-mentioned measures associated with the building’s volume and shape are not the only architectural means, influencing the total energy balance of a house. In addition to the living areas, there are also the so-called buffer zones (e.g. staircases, atria, balconies, double facades, etc.) within the building envelope, which have an influence on energy saving. The influence of the effective positioning and use of these buffer zones provide a basis for detailed research, which is presented in this paper. The study presents a comparative analysis of buffer zones belonging to the volumes of residential houses. The influence of the external conditions on various spatial solutions of building design, which is reflected in the numerical expression of energy losses, is determined. The present research aims to identify the effective passive measures of building spatial design and the environmental conditions, in particular, for bringing buildings closer to meeting the energy consumption requirements of 2020. Keywords: Passive design measures, energy efficiency, buffer zones, geometric efficiency of a building, building compactness ARCHITECTURE DECONSTRUCTION AS REAPPLICATION Ignas Lukauskas Vilniaus dailės akademija Abstract The article discuss the current situation of architecture application in Lithuania by pointing out and describing several key features. The meaning and the examples of architecture deconstruction and transformation into the objects of urban architecture of other intended use is analyzed. Changing architecture and the changing community requirements related to the formation of architecture and the city itself are examined as well. Some more clearly visible tendencies and ideas of architecture deconstruction and reapplication are indicated and discussed in the thesis. The thesis aims to attract attention to the application of architecture as a thing for other needs of the city so that the environment of a new mission and an innovative design and objects saving the environmental resources would be reasonably formed. Deconstruction of architecture and innovative approach is analyzed on the examples of modern architecture and design. Keywords: architecture deconstruction, re-application, reasonable attitude, transformation, and architecture longevity. ABOUT ECOLOGY IN HERITAGE PROTECTION Nijolė Lukšionytė VDU Menų fakultetas Abstract Houses from natural or recycled materials, heated by natural energy represent green building or sustainable architecture. In the wider context, the conception of ecology is applicable not only for a separate house, but also for the all town planning and architecture. This article is meant to describe several relevant ways to implement sustainable development in the historical territories of Lithuanian cities by seeking for a dialog between contemporary needs and the policy of sustainability. In 2008 the European Union has initiated a purposeful document – “2030 Heritage Strategy”. There is declared a holistic preservation of vital cultural heritage and its surroundings by comprehending, controlling, conserving and restoring it properly and promoting the appreciation of heritage as a cultural treasure of all the urban community. The document encourages arranging and reusing the existing buildings by invoking the innovative technologies. There are a lot of deserted, unused buildings in the historical territories of Lithuanian cities. First thing that should be done is to give the status of revitalization priority zone for the territories of historical surrounding. The revitalization would proceed by reaching for the balance between preservation of the existing resources and inserting new functions and elements. Obviously, the notification of revitalization zone will not take an effect itself – the changes have to be initiated. Therefore the governance of revitalization zones is so important. The specific field that waits impatiently for a “green” treatment is the old wooden houses of Lithuanian cities and towns. People often forget that a timber house, though not new, is itself a base of healthy microclimate. There would be enough to take care of suitable ways of heating and trimming and we would have an ecologic house. This would open a new field for architects’ activity. In 2011 by the support of Kaunas City Municipality there has been started a database of Kaunas wooden architecture, which can already be used through a website ( Here a professional documentation of wooden architecture is being accumulated. It is expected that through this website the information will reach the house owners, administration of subdistricts and municipalities and gradually the understanding of the value of wooden architecture will be developed. We think that an educative support could grow into particular social solidarity program: people would share their knowledge and experience and a community interested in preservation of wooden houses would come into being. Keywords: revitalization, historic sustainability, civic wooden houses. territories, CITY AXES IN THE NETHERLANDS: CHINA IN THE POLDER? Martynas Marozas the train station has great economic potential and the ability to pool traffic and urban development demands. The image looms of a high-rise corridor in China. However, this picture conflicts with ambitions for sustainability, spatial quality and identity. The pilot study City Axes Deventer explores this tension with a help of three T's:Transformation, Typology and Transfer. The results of the study shows the size of the discrepancy between theoretical concept and its implementation in a real city. Keywords: transfer, transformation, typology, sustainable development, knowledge economy, cultural history, identity, small & mid-sized business, ecology, geomorphology, cultural history AVAILABLE RESOURCES OF THE LOT FOR INTEGRATED BUILDING DESIGN Vytautas Martinaitis VGTU Pastatų energetikos katedra Abstract The most prevalent achievement of progress under the Sustainable Building Policy has been already developed and implemented in specific regions by Building Certification System regulations such as Haus (Germany) and LEED (U.S). These solutions are similar to a more widely discussed and already utilized concepts: Integrated Whole Building Design (IWBD) and Building Information Modeling (BIM). Although it may sound bland, it is vital to acknowledge and understand that the building is an integral component of the lot. On the completion of developing a Building Concept, it will regularly lack versatile and professional assessment of the possible resources available, especially renewable energy. It is proposed in the beginning of IWBD concept that an assessment should be conducted on the resources available and more specifically focusing on renewable energy. The assessment should meet the expectations that of the building’s owner in order to effectively utilize the potential of all possible solutions. Thus a certificate is drawn up, defining all the resources available for the particular lot. The structure of the reflected data is formed in a specific manner to ease the orientation of designing modern renewable energy technologies, according to their performance under changing weather conditions during the year. Such assessments assist in shaping the concept of the building and allow to achieve the highest level of sustainability. Keywords: integrated whole building design, building systems engineering, renewables in the lot, energy efficiency We Love the City/Andries Geerse Stedenbouwkundige bv Abstract The Dutch government launched the concept of "City Axis" in the Multiannual programme for Infrastructure, Space and Transportation (MIRT). The MIRT exploration of the A1zone suggests that this connection between the highway and THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SUSTAINABLE AND INNOVATIVE ARCHITECTURE SOLUTIONS IN THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE HANGAR PROJECT Marius Mickaitis VGTU Pastatų konstrukcijų katedra Abstract The aim of this paper is to examine the current expansion project of the University campus. Discussions are going on how to improve the infrastructure of the campus. One of the biggest challenges is to create a sufficient number of the group workplaces because this learning method is becoming increasingly important in the academic experience and as an effective study process. At the moment University does not have the premises in campus which would be dedicated for students to work in groups. One of the hangars is intended to be reconstructed to fit facilities and premises in specially adapted groupware use customized space. According as users will be students of technical university, the focus would be to emphasize the vitality to turn one's attention to the advance of climate change, government legislation and uncontrolled consumption. Aim is to highlight the possible design decisions of the implementation of innovative techniques, improvement to features of construction characteristics and spatial simulation that constribute to the sustainable building. This building should include many methods available to demonstrate the importance of relationship between buildings and energy as it would be a valuable knowledge for every student of technical university. Accordingly, there is a need of appropriate architectural and engineering solutions to produce energy efficient buildings. Regardless of the climate and geographical position, energy-efficient buildings are year-round energy-efficient and emit low-carbon building. According to European Union directives, such buildings are of interest to reduce the dependence on energy imports from other countries, avoiding price shocks and improving quality of life. Particular architectural and engineering solutions are applied to reflect the concept of economy and ecology. The project takes into account the current orientation of the building and assesses the possibility of adjacency to maximize sunlight and heat that is radiated to illuminate and create a stable indoor temperature with the minimum mechanical means. The main constructional solutions are proposed that contribute to achieve low energy consumption results - installed energy-saving windows with additional glass packages and frames, appropriate construction layers and their hermetic joints to ensure good heat insulation, reducing air infiltration selected adequate external structures. Also, attention is drawn to the temperature changes in Lithuania, which should be useful to use - a massive parts of the building construction has ability to accumulate heat and release it when it begins to cool. Thermal mass, which is used for building structures, suppress temperature fluctuations and retains heat. In this way, heat is released gradually throughout the day to prevent overheating in hot period or in case of overcrowding in room. Next to constructional solutions feasibility of the civil engineering solutions application in the building are assessed - geothermal thermal pumps, solar collectors, water drainage accumulation - a selection of active systems using renewable energy sources. The aim is to highlight the possible interaction of the architectural and engineering decisions with asessment of dependence and their influence on each other. It should be noted that in first place passive architectural solutions should be applied in order to maximise low energy demand and afterwards implementation of active systems and technologies helps to achieve best results. Energy efficient buildings are not only environmentally friendly practices of various architectural expressions but also a better living environment. Focus is on the building which should include many methods available to demonstrate the importance of the relationship between buildings, environment and energy. Keywords: energy-efficient building, energy efficient solutions, passive architectural solutions, active systems FUTURE OF LARGE SCALE HOUSING ESTATES IN THE POST SOCIALIST CITIES Justina Muliuolytė Urban designer, Planner Abstract Large scale housing estates are typical neighborhoods reminding us about fast post WWII developments. Once a dream of every family, now many of these areas, especially in Western Europe are facing serious physical and social decline (RESTATE, 2009). This paper explores origins of the problems in the modernist neighborhoods and their opportunities for the sustainable development in the future. Already in the early 1970s clean and open modern city has started to be criticized for the lack of human scale, public and private space separation, monotony and mono functionality. Urban theorist Jane Jacobs criticizes the regularity of buildings for keeping out diversity of population and business. While in the seventies most western European countries have already started renewal programs for declined estates, massive construction of uniform tower blocks in the former Soviet Union, continued up until 1990s. However comparison of the post war housing in Western Europe and post-socialist cities made by Ivan Tosics (2005) has showed that despite low physical quality neighborhoods in the eastcentral Europe were much less deteriorated, then their western counterparts. On one hand post-socialist housing estates do not have problem yet, on the other it may be hypothesized that there is a threat of stigmatization: as soon as the housing shortage is eliminated, apartments in the estates go to the bottom of the market, segregation and urban problems can be triggered (Dekker, et al., 2005). Preventing the threat to happen it is necessary to start rehabilitation programs in early enough stage. Therefore, nowadays housing estates are discovered once again. In the new Millennium sustainable urban development is becoming a fashionable topic (Tosics, 2004) and if the positive aspects of post war housing (compact morphology, potentials of public transport links, environment friendly heating system, and large green areas) could be preserved Europe would gain o lot to reach her very ambitious sustainability goals (Tosics, 2005). Potentials of modernist housing could minimize post socialist cities sprawl. Nevertheless integral regeneration strategies for large estates should incorporate not only technical improvements, but also community needs, neighbourhood local housing market trends, promotion and place making, which can be reached by humanizing the spaces and mixing land uses. The main objective of this paper is to explore how possible that the above mentioned threat of stigmatization in large scale housing estates will happen in the post-socialist cities. How to avoid it? What can we learn from regeneration experiences in Western cities? What could be transformation strategies? The main findings propose regeneration guidelines for large scale housing estates in postsocialist cities. Recommendations for renewal are illustrated with master graduation project done for case study city Vilnius in Lithuania. There comprehensive polycentric city strategy uses quality of the housing estates. Suggested new sub-centre in one of micro-districts in Vilnius is a basis for their social, economic and environmental revitalization. References Keywords: Housing; large scale housing estates; microdistrict; post-socialist city; renewal; transformation; transit oriented development; polycentric city; sub-centre ENERGY SAVING ARCHITECTURE IN CONTEXT OF REGIONAL ENVIRONMENT Roberts Riekstinš Riga Technical University, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning Abstract Energy efficiency has become the most actual topic of building design process in Latvia as well as in all Baltic countries. Projects of energy-efficient buildings make a substantial part of all design commissions and can reasonably be considered to be determinating the overall direction of today’s architecture. Architecture is changing. It also largerly affects the designers’ work process and design methods used, as well as perceptions of visual-spatial qualities both for architects and users of buildings. Energy-saving is important for all types of buildings residential, commercial, industrial and others. Also both for historical and new constructions. Therefore a need for a clear understanding of the acquired architecturally-aesthetic qualities is needed. We concentrate on engineering solutions too much. Is today’s architecture forming a harmonious dialogue with the existing environment and cultural heritage or it is contrasting? Are the architectural qualities of energysaving buildings, offered by designers today, consistent with those expected by people that use buildings? Often these questions are unclear while not exercised enough carefully. The thesis studies visual aesthetic qualities of energyefficient buildings. There has been analised the role of specific environmental regional traditions, heritage and cultural space as a whole. The objective is to define - which are the architectural qualities, that allow for regional spatial identity, architectural continuity, and create the specific local conditions of a region? The interaction between climatic factors and architectural form provide the preconditions for the new search in spatially-aesthetic aspect. Use of materials, planning, shape, site layout and other parameters determine the appearance of a building. Today an architect must be able to synthesize environmentally climatic parameters with the tehnical parameters of buildings but in a smart way. But space context must be kept, especially in particular heritage zones and industrial heritage areas, where conservation of existing architectural qualities is particularly important. The paper is a comparison of several European countries, classified according to certain parameters - climate, cultural heritage, socioeconomic, and others - which allow to define it as a single region. It is marked as the Baltic States, Denmark, Netherlands and Sweden. In order to point out the spatial identity of Latvia it’s being compared the traditional and modern architectural approaches for residential, public and industrial buildings Keywords: energy saving. energy efficiency. spatial identity. architectural shape. aesthetic quality GREEN URBAN DEVELOPMENT: GUIDELINES AND PROBLEMS OF A NEW APPROACH AND DESIGNING METHOD VLADAS STAUSKAS VDU Abstract The theme of the expert meeting of the European Commission (2001) has already been written in the “European City Visions” resolution: one of the main criteria for the modernity of European cities is the percentage of landscaped green spaces in them. Thus, New York, or even Astana (the new capital of Kazakhstan) examples are outdated. The future model, such as E.Howard’s “Green Cities”, is probably more suitable. There is a saying "What’s old is new again.” Already in 1968, in the first integrated master plan of Neringa’s history, a “landscape” or “landscape-ecological” method, justified by the author, was practically applied in urban development (LASMT Institute). The approach then was applied to the design of the Grand Palanga area and in part to developing a rich program in the project of Kaunas suburban area (1988) and later. There is now a similar approach emerging abroad, called “eco-urbanism” or similar names, which we have long known. The key features of the landscape-ecological method: a) Before starting to plan where and what to build, both physical places and places in design drawings must first be identified where nothing can be built, and even the existing landscape and its view must be maintained; b) Except for areas under their intended use (“functional” zoning), it is necessary to foresee the potential degree of transformation of the existing landscape in the “human-nature” relationship, to predict the intensity of urban development and the nature of human contact with a natural complex. This is referred to as “eco-zoning”. (Later, this type of zoning was renamed by some geographers as “management” zoning). c) In this way, in each segment of the planned area a need for differentiation of more detailed architectural-urban solutions will occur. There cannot be a single one type of a spatial model for the whole city. d) With regard to aesthetic and psychological needs of a human as a local eco-system and holding urban development a part of the entire art of architecture, each urban area is provided the regulation of vertical dimension (urban aesthetics). Land management alone is not enough. e) City (especially resort) development must be balanced with the natural (or intended, e.g. dams, etc.) dynamics of the development of its own and surrounding natural landscape, its territorial areas and physical parameters. As an example, following this methodology, a master development plan for Grand Palanga (1988-89, “Miestprojektas” and LSAMTI), approved by already independent Palanga City Council (1991), was developed. Its main idea, taking into account its resort status, was “not parks in the city, but the city in the park”. A new concept of “deepsea-nested” development in the coastal strip, which had been well proven in Lithuania earlier, was repeated, avoiding the continuous urbanization of the seacoast (like in Jurmala, Latvia...) and leaving or enriching substantial spaces between construction nests with greenery (first project implemented was the “Vanagupe” complex). Unfortunately, the Master Plan of 2009-2010 proposed building up an almost entire strip of future plots up till Butinge (and further)... Deviations from the previous “eco” trend are often justified by land privatization and “Land Relocation” law. “Relocation” law should have been and should be a great concern for the cultural unions, such as Lithuanian Union of Architects (LAS) and Lithuanian Union of Landscape Architects (LKAS) as well as our Chamber of Architects. Keywords: green modernity; landscape-ecological method; the concept of deepsea-nested seacoast; legislative adjustments. WATERSCAPE DESIGN IN URBAN ENVIRONMENT: INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS IN A TRADITIONAL FORM Gintaras Stauskis VGTU Urbanistikos katedra Abstract The article presents a comprehensive comparative analysis of treating water features as a powerful resource for creating waterscapes in different cultural environments (Aesthetical 1993). The most advanced cases and plans for integrating waterscapes into modern urban tissue from different regions ranging from Europe as far as to South East Asia will be reviewed (Farhana 2011). The particular study focuses on planning experience of Vilnius City where historical system of water features is presented as an endless resource for planning and designing multiple public facilities around the city in historical town, core area, new development as well as peri-urban lands for use in a recent period. Learning, surveying and inheriting local and regional traditions of water treatment in the city along with proper spatial arrangement of the areas of different water features could be used to turn them into the key public spaces perfectly fit for different types of mixed use activities in modern city (Dreisseitl et al. 2001). Recent planning practices in historical town area of Vilnius City are focusing on empowering of brown-field areas that comprise a large vast land in the heart of the city. Former industrial use is obsolete since the 90’ties of the 20th c. With the iconic water features as the Neris and Vilnia rivers, the interconnected system of ponds and streams this area still bears the potentials of most traditional waterscapes of Vilnius city (Vilniaus 1998). Successful integration of modest development into this context is the way to overall success and satisfaction for local communities residing there from the time of founding the town as far as from the 14th c. Case studies of development projects and competition entries are presented and analysed. The core urban area of the city has traits of planning and design from several historical periods from the 18th to 21st c. With the basic water management principles being taken over from the historical part of town along it bears more dense solutions where the waterscapes are less impressive as they are visually and spatially suppressed by the size and scale of urban blocks. Treatment of still existing potentials of water features by integrating them to all and any refurbishment and rebuilding projects is seen as a way towards developing more identity features typical for Vilnius city. The areas of large scale housing are recent challenge area for Vilnius city. In the face of refurbishment plans of the whole housing stock constructed in a rapid urban development programme in 60-ties and 70-ties of the 20th c. to match requirements for energy efficiency as well as residents satisfaction the potentials of green urbanism become more than adequate. Inclusive design of water features along with sustainable surface water management is the most promising perspective for the 21st c. urbanism in Vilnius. More integrated use of the existing landscape elements water features among them would be the way towards developing a modern identity for those areas where around 40% of halfmillion Vilnius citizens are settled. The existing rivers, streams and ponds have to be revitalised and their small scale should be taken as an advantage for creating more inclusive spaces of a human scale. The peri-urban development areas have placed a lot of problems for many modern cities Vilnius being a rather typical case. Pre-crisis construction boom played its igniting role along with citizen’s aspiration for an illusion of suburban living in nature. Lack of proper infrastructure on a big urbanised territory, problems of liaison with the urban centre, sustainable energy solutions and the other problems of newly urbanised sprawling periphery of Vilnius city still has immense values of a natural landscape where integrated solutions of waterscapes are to be empowered to facilitate for creating its own urban identity. shared values which, in turn, can serve as reference criteria for local planners to envision more sustainable city strategies. Keywords: architecture, urban sustainable water management Alvydas Žickis design, waterscape, GREEN OPEN SPACE IN LARGE SCALE HOUSING ESTATES: A PLACE FOR CHALLENGE Sandra Treija, Uģis Bratuškins Riga Technical University, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning Riga Technical University, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning Abstract The renewal of urban areas by development of green open spaces increases the overall quality of life and helps to reduce social exclusion. Urban green open space can help to constitute a framework where urban society and culture can develop, and to increase identity and a sense of community. It can be used to provide a ground for education and awareness raise in relation to the way ecosystems function and how urban functions can be integrated into the natural system. Despite the known socio-economic benefits resulting from it, considerations regarding sustainable land use planning often occupy a secondary role when designing city quarters. There exist many pressures – essentially market-related and driven by short-term thinking – for unsustainable development. Housing ownership reform, carrying out denationalization and privatization, along with a core capital for many inhabitants has also created a range of problems – one of them: as a result of denationalisation of land properties, when the land in large-scale residential districts was returned to the previous owners and then provided as the minimum required land to the privatised buildings, the original spatial composition of districts was completely destroyed, creating a legal basis for new construction in large-scale residential districts. Green open spaces fulfill many social functions and psychological needs of citizens, which make urban nature a valuable municipal resource, and a key ingredient for city sustainability. Different age-groups have different motives to use the public open spaces and different activities they are going to undertake. Valuation and assessment of these intangible services and benefits is of crucial importance in order to justify and legitimize strategies for urban sustainability. Public involvement, residents’ participation and a qualitative appraisal of their needs and interests are believed to help urban communities to articulate commonly Keywords: public open space, large scale housing, sustainability. STONE AND GRASS IN THE SQUARES OF LITHUANIAN TOWNS VGTU Architekturos katedra Abstract Original meaning of square is closely related with nature In Lithuanian lexis: flat site without trees, easy overlooked and clear. During development of the towns the buildings replaced the trees, and the pavement replaced the meadows. Formation of perimetre of square equalizes it with architectural form. It was one of the main means of creation of urban environment applied in history of town planning. This trend remained even after loss of political and commercial function of square. This vacancy was filled with sculptural monuments and other inanimate formations. Underground garages, new solid surfaces are designed in the squares of Lithuanian town squares in our days. Other tendency is creation of natural town squares. They originated with early public green areas. The area and boundaries of natural town square could be created by different formations. The space of Cathedral square in Vilnius is closed by the slopes of Vilnia valley and the Garden of Bernardines, and is extended by Odminių Square. Rebuilt volume of the Royal Palace obscures the Castle Hill, and paved Odminių Square does not function as quiet leisure space. But alive nature is surrounding it, and its influence is still evident. In other case grass-plot could be regarded as main feature of square, surrouded by solid surfaces. Many market squares in Lithuania or demolished blocks were converted into squares. Absence of maintenance resulted chaotic growth of trees, and they shadowed these areas. Grass remained in the churchyards. Vast grass-plots are under formalion in Utena and other towns of Lithuania, but shortage of them is evident in comparison with other towns of EU. Surface of square mostly determines use of square. Pavement fits requirements of comunication or outdoor commerce, and big public events, if they are frequent. Grass-plot is necessary for calm relaxation and many forms of active leisure, and sustains crowded events. It is ecologically important urban element, participating in circulation of air and water. With depopulation of towns more favourable circumstances for cultivation of grass-plots and meadows are created. Possibilities for restoration of initial form of grass-plot in town are established. Lukiškių Square is less integrated with surrounding greenery in comparison with Cathedral Square. However it has distinguished potential of nature. From the point of view of green areas development it is unreasonable to cover this huge plot by the roof of underground garage or expensive pavement. Repeatable contents of Lukiškių Square recreation reflect intolerance of society to formal proposals. They reveal lack of coomon values between organizers with jury and society. their soul lived in the freedom of rural individual estate. The green architecture of the building is created by the wood constructive solution, flooring of wood shingles, wood window frames. Keywords: square, nature, pavement, leisure, Lukiškių square Keywords: Landscape area, restoration, vision lines and spots GREEN ARCHITECTURE AND NATIONAL IDENTITY OF RURAL LANDSCAPE IN LATVIA MIESTAS KAIP BESIKEIČIANTIS BENDRUOMENĖS KULTŪRINIS REIŠKINYS Aija Ziemelniece Jonas Jakaitis Latvia University of Agriculture, Department of Architecture and Building VGTU Architekturos institutas I would like to mention that this brave experiment after nyears will be cultural monuments because it has strong identity of place. Perhaps of the personality and nationality too. cultural landscape, Abstract Abstract The traditional landscape conception is not uniform and constant because the landscapes, as well as the hierarchy and multiformity of values change in our point of views. All of there are the landscapes transformed by people and they have more or less features of changes. Only the swamps and reservoirs untouched might be almost all landscapes of nature untransformed absolutely in Latvia. Nature untouched has remained so little that it is doubtful to connect the typical landscape of Latvia with these exceptions. Almost all our forests have been planted. Lately the transformations of landscapes are depresive architectonically when countless new villages are built next to the towns, these landscapes do not inquire, they are remains of relief, the green colour of real meadows as well as nature and multiformity of flora and fauna disappear. One of the positive examples is Amatciems as wood building having expressive roof planes. This building has been formed in relief place to the romantisism of which is increased with new pond system and groups of tree plantings. Does Amatciems pretend to a cultural and national identity value? The relief, trees, shrubs, water and meadovs-called the landscape - are created as conditions of nature and by the people- creators feelings of nature and the creation work. As regards the creation – several thousand trees have been planted. Not in the forest, but in the landscape. Amatciems differs from other villages with its non-linear character. Its basis-activated- natural qualities – are the relief, water, vegetation. It has been created as one of the alternatives of the urbanization of the new countryside and the landscape. The presented form of Amatciems density of population may be explained as the reaction of the urbanized society to the relative uniformity of existence forms of towns and the overload in the country in which rather large part of population was connected to the town with their mind but Miestas – objektyvių ir subjektyvių, statinių ir dinaminių veiksnių pagal tam tikrus, formalius ar neformalius dėsningumus veikiamas, permanentiškai besivystantis ir besikeičiantis kultūrinis organizmas. Šiandien, kaip ir prieš kelis šimtus metų miestai išliko ekonomikos varikliais bei intelektualinio gyvenimo plėtros centrais. Tačiau greitai augantys miestai[1], kelia grėsmę gamtinės ir antropogeninės aplinkos darnai. Jo formuojamam miestovaizdzdžiui svarbūs miestų augimo valdymo optimizavimo problemų sprendimų paieška bei miestų erdvinio formavimo dalyvių diskurso ir susitarimų su gyventojais įtraukiant juos į miestų valdymą įgyvendinimas. Naujieji miestų ir teritorinės plėtros iššūkiai tokie kaip, individualių ir kolektyvinių vertybių ir gyvenimo būdo kaita, bendruomeniškumas, žmogaus teisės ir demokratija, saugumo užtikrinimas, žaliosios ekonomikos ir energijos efektyvus naudojimas, technologiniai pavojai, globalinė konkurencija, segregacija ir integracija, mobilumas, naujai atvykstančių miestų dalyvių skaičiaus augimas, kartu mažėjant bendram gyventojų skaičiui ne tik miestuose, bet ir visoje Lietuvos valstybėje reikalauja ypatingai inovatyvių vadybinių žinių ir miestų valdymo metodų. Priešingu atveju Lietuvoje ir toliau bus plėtojama dezintegruota, ekonomiškai nuostolinga ir socialiai dezorentuota šalies urbanizacija, tokiu būdu prarandant Lietuvos tarptautinį konkurencingumą, kraštovaizdžio identitetą ir žmones. Neišvengiamas tampa demokratiniais principais konkrečiu teritoriniu pagrindu miestų bendruomeninio gyvenimo konstravimas grįstas, interesu, darbinės, rekreacinės veiklos ar hobio. Europos sąjungai palaikant (Council conclusions on architecture...2005), bendruomenių formavimo teises, galimybės neribotai išsiplėtė, taikant virtualias informacinių technologijų (IT) priemones. Nežiūrint į tai, kad dažnai virtualus bendruomeninis gyvenimas konstruojamas aplinkoje nieko bendro neturinčioje su gyvenamąja, tyrimų rezultatai rodo, kad sukuriami ištisi socialiniai tinklai neformaliai įtakojantys realią vietos, miesto, nacionalinio regiono, valstybės ar tarpvalstybinių teritorijų raidą. Straipsnyje konkrečių projektų pavyzdžiu siekiama atskleisti šių dienų naudojamų IT galimybių privalumus ir trūkumus, formas ir būdus, neformalų veikimą miestiečių gyvenimui, taip demonstruojant gerų pavyzdžių ištyrimo ir informacijos sklaidos praktines galimybes ne tik nacionaliniu, bet ir tarptautiniu lygmeniu. Taip pat straipsnio tema siejama su miestų „žaliojo“ planavimo idėja per teminių bendruomenių sistemos funkcionavimą IT pagrindu, kuri būtų įdomi ne tik interesus turinčiai bendruomenei, bet ir plačiajai visuomenei. Ir tai ne kas kita, kaip konkurencijos didinimas skleidžiant patirtį apie pasaulio progresyvių sprendimų ir inovatyvių technologijų objektuose panaudojimą, kurie įgalina mažinti neigiamą veiksnių įtaką klimato kaitai. Taip pat pasaulio šalių pavyzdžiu siekiama ištirti ir atskleisti konkretaus tarptautinio mokslo projekto EGBE-C21 metodologinius pagrindus orientuotus metodinių priemonių parengimo link, skatinančių bendruomeninių miestų urbanistinių struktūrų kūrimą. Įvairiais požiūriais tema segmentuotai diskutuojama daugelyje mokslo sričių įvairių mokslinių publikacijų tekstuose, todėl ją tenka analizuoti jų kontekste, pasirenkant geriausiai tinkamus statistinės analizės, apklausų, kiekybinus ar kokybinius vertinimo metodus savaip interpretuojant ir reziumuojant tyrimų rezultatus. [1] Miestų gyventojų skaičius pasaulyje pagal Jungtinių Tautų duomenis 2025 metais prognozuojamas 5,2 milijardai, t.y. 61% pasaulio gyventojų gyvens miestuose). [Interaktryvus]. Prieiga per internetą <>. [Žiūrėta 2012-01-16]. Keywords: žalioji urbanistika ir miestų planavimas, teritorinės miestų bendruomenės, miestovaizdis, energetinis naudojimo efektyvumas, kraštovaizdžio architektūra MIESTŲ TRANSPORTO INFRASTRUKTŪROS OBJEKTŲ PROJEKTAVIMAS TAIKANT DARNIOS PLĖTROS PRINCIPUS Antanas Klibavičius VGTU Miestų statybos katedra Abstract Rengiant miestų teritorijų detaliuosius planus bei miesto transporto infrastruktūros objektus tarp užsakovų, projektuotojų ir derinančių organizacijų dažnai kyla ginčai dėl siūlomų projektinių sprendinių. Šiuo metu nėra vieningų normatyvinių dokumentų [7], metodikų [4] ar rekomendacijų [5], kurios reglamentuotų projektinių sprendinių vertinimą [3]. Remiantis ilgalaikiais tyrimo darbais ir konkrečiais projektais, atliktais VGTU miestų statybos katedroje, autorius siūlo miestų transporto infrastruktūros objektų projektų vertinimui taikyti darnios plėtros principus, kur būtų vertinami sekantys projektų rodikliai: • • • teritorijų planavimo rodikliai; transportiniai rodikliai; ekologiniai rodikliai; • • • eismo saugumo rodikliai; rekreaciniai rodikliai; ekonominiai rodikliai [1,4]. Taikant rodiklių monetarizavimo metodus (visus rodiklius vertinant pinigine išraiška), galima rasti tokius gatvių ir sankryžų statybos ir rekonstrukcijos projektų vertinimo metodus, kurie tenkintų tiek užsakovus, tiek derinančias organizacijas ir duotų didžiausią naudos /kaštų santykį. Atskirų rodiklių – ekologinių, rekreacinių rodiklių vertinimo metodikos, kurios taikomos Lietuvos miestų transporto infrastruktūros objektų projektavimo praktikoje yra diskutuotinos (atskirų rodiklių kainų proporcijos skiriasi lyginant su kitų šalių proporcijomis), tačiau tai leidžia priimti sprendimus, kuriuose visi rodikliai taikomi kaip lygiaverčiai, nesuteikiant išskirtinio prioriteto atskiram rodikliui ar rodiklių grupei. Keywords: žodžiai: teritorijų planavimas, transportiniai, ekologiniai, saugaus eismo, rekreaciniai rodikliai, rodiklių monetrarizavimas ŽMOGAUS POVEIKIS URBANISTINĖS APLINKOS FLORAI Viktoras Pranckietis Aleksandro Stulginskio universitetas, Agronomijos fakultetas Abstract Pastaruoju metu didėjant susirūpinimui aplinkos kokybe, žmonijos išgyvenimu intensyviai urbanizuotoje aplinkoje būtinas inovatyvus požiūris į „žaliąją“ architektūrą. Kyla vis didesnė būtinybė modeliuoti augalų kaip kompozicinės ir funkcinės priemonės naudojimą pastatų architektūroje ir urbanizuotų teritorijų planavimo procese. Nepakankamai vykdomi augalų integravimo į pastatų architektūrą ir miestovaizdį kryptingo tikslinio formavimo darbai, dėl to nukenčia gyvenamosios aplinkos kokybė. Profesionalus augalų panaudojimas pastato ar atviros erdvės kompozicijoje gali padėti architektui, kraštovaizdžio architektui siekti naujos estetinės ir funkcinės kokybės, užtikrinti miesto vaizdo išskirtinumą. Urbanistinis požiūris į augalus, kaip esamos arba kuriamos aplinkos objektą, neretai būna vienpusis – žmogaus poreikių tenkinimas, nesigilinant į abipusį "žmogus↔augalas" santykį, nesukuriant arba neužtikrinant augalų augimui palankios aplinkos ir tai neretai atspindi tik mūsų vartotojiškus lūkesčius arba „žmogaus teises kuriant „žaliąją“ urbanistiką ir architektūrą“. Augalų gerovė nereglamentuojama teisės aktais ( kaip pvz. gyvūnų), todėl verta iškelti su augalų aplinkos kokybe susijusias problemas, išryškinant aktualias sritis, nulemiančias augalų kokybinę būseną ir tuo pačiu gebėjimą tenkinti žmonių lūkesčius. Išskirtinio dėmesio reikalauja auginimo vietos parinkimas ir paruošimas atsižvelgiant į dirvožemio granuliometrinę sudėtį, fizikines, agrochemines, biologines, hidrologines savybes. Augalų klimatinių ir mikroklimatinių poreikių identifikavimas, dekoratyviųjų ir fiziologinių savybių derinimas, fitosanitarinių sąlygų užtikrinimas – visa tai sąlygoja harmoningą augalo „vidinės architektūros“ kūrimąsi, leidžia abipusiškai suderinti žmogaus ir augalo poreikius. Augalams daugiausiai problemų gali sukelti žmogaus tiesioginė veikla arba neveiklumas ir gamtiniai kataklizmai. Dažniausiai pasitaikančios klaidos urbanistinėje želdininkystėje kyla dėl nežinojimo: neteisingai parinkta ir paruošta augavietė (aukštas gruntinis vanduo, netinkamas dirvožemio pH, sutankintas dirvožemis), drėgmės trūkumas ar perteklius, netinkamos augalų mitybos bei šviesos ir dirvožemio oro sąlygos, neteisinga augalų priežiūra (formavimas, apsauga nuo ligų, kenkėjų, vėjo, saulės), kitas neigiamas žmogaus antropogeninės veiklos poveikis ir t.t. Siekiant išvengti daugelio minėtų problemų kai urbanizuojamos teritorijos ir keičiama natūralios gamtinės aplinkos paskirtis, pirmiausiai reikėtų nesugadinti esamo didžiausio gamtos ištekliaus – dirvožemio. Siekiant išsaugoti jo kokybę ir sudaryti augalų augimui tinkamas sąlygas, būtina išsaugoti jo struktūrą (struktūrinius agregatus). Labiausiai dirvožemio struktūra gadinama jį slegiant (spaudžiant) kai dirvožemyje daug drėgmės. Siekiant to išvengti būtina dirvožemio derlingojo sluoksnio nuėmimą (ir paskleidimą) vykdyti kai dirvožemis optimalaus drėgnumo ir „trupa“ arba yra sušalęs žiemos metu. Daugelio kitų klaidų turi padėti išvengti augalų poreikius išmanantys specialistai. Keywords: urbanistinė aplinka, dirvožemio savybės, flora, augavietė, žmogaus poveikis METODOLOGINĖ BŪSTO EKOLOGIŠKUMO VERTINIMO SISTEMA IR JOS TAIKYMO GEOGRAFINIAI YPATUMAI Ričardas Skorupskas VU Geografijos ir kraštotvarkos katedra urbanizuoto kraštovaizdžio formavimo, ekologiškos statybos metodologines nuostatas analizavo Green building Rating System ... (2002), M. Roe (2007), J. Stuart-Murray (2007), M. Wells (2009), ir daugelis kitų tyrinėtojų. Reikėtų pastebėti, kad literatūroje dažniausiai pateikiami tik paviršutiniškai apibendrinti šių veiklų apibrėžimai, analizuojami atskiri ir toli gražu ne visi būsto tvarumą lęmiantys faktoriai bei veiksniai. Pastebėtina, kad pernelyg mažas dėmesys skiriamas būsto kultūriniam kontekstui, estetiškumo ir psichologinio priimtinumo kriterijams, kurie analizuojant problematiką dažnai atsiduria antrame plane dėl pernelyg didelio dėmesio teikiamo naujausioms technologijoms, energetiniam pastatų efektyvumui ir išteklių tausojimui. Bet labiausiai visoje nagrinėjamoje problematikoje pastebimas vieningos ir metodologiškai pagrįstos būsto ekologiškumo vertinimo sistemos trūkumas. Dabartinė situacija šioje srityje sukuria prielaidas atsirasti metodologiniam nesuderinamumui ir mažiną susikalbėjimo galimybes tarp mokslininkų, paslaugų tiekėjų ir jų naudotojų. Ekologiško būsto idėja pastaruoju metu itin plačiai ekploatuojama tiek Lietuvoje, tiek užsienio šalyse, bet pastarųjų objektų ekologiškumą pagrindžiantis teorinis – metodologinis pagrindas nėra tvirtas ir juo labiau pilnai išvystytas. Dėl to, yra ypač sunku nustatyti konkretaus būsto ekologiškumo laipsnį. Tikslinga pastebėti ir tai, kad būsto ekologiškumo samprata tampriai susieta su konkrečia vieta, jos materialaus ir nematerialaus kraštovaizdžio ypatybėmis. Dėl tos priežasties, tai kas ekologiškas vienoje geografinėje erdvėje gali būti ne visiškai ekologiška kitoje. Šis pamatinis dėsningumas ypač ryškus lyginant urbanizuotas ir santykinai gamtines erdves. Tai įvertinus pranešime dėmesys koncentruojamas į būsto ekologiškumo laipsnį parodančių veiksnių išskyrimą remiantis kraštotvarkoje taikoma universalia antropoekologinių kriterijų grupe. Greta to formuojama ir pateikiama būsto ekologiškumo vertinimo sistema, į kurią integruojami tokie komponentai kaip objektų medžiagiškumas, architektūra, estetika, energetika, bei visa eilė kitų. Keywords: Ekologiškas būstas, kriterijai, vertinimo sistema antropoekologiniai Abstract Prėjusiame dešimtmetyje į viešumą iškilusi ir plačiai propaguojama tvarios raidos idėja suteikė naują ir gana didelį impulsa didesnei daugumai mokslo ir praktikos sričių vystymuisi, ir palaipsniui išprovokavo kokybinį jų virsmą. Tvarios raidos idėjos persismelkusios per visuomenės sanklodą įgijo dar didesnį potencialą, svarbą, pagreitį ir tapo daugumos procesų ir veiklų siekiamybe, o lygegrečiai ir įvairių mokslinių tyrimų objektu. Pastarosios idėjos bene ankščiausiai realizavosi įvairiuose strateginio ir bendrojo planavimo darbuose ir paplito kasdieninėse žmogaus gyvenimo srityse (aplinkosauga, statyba) užtikriančiose jo visavertį egzistavimą. Moksliniuose darbuose, studijose, projektuose, populiarioje profesinėje literatūroje bei spaudoje labai dažnai vartojama visa eilė terminų: „darni architektūra“, „darni statyba“, „biologinė statyba“, „žalia statyba“, „ekologiška architektūra“, „žalioji architektūra“ ir t.t. Tvarios raidos principais paremto gyvenamosios aplinkos arba DARNAUS BIRŠTONO MIESTO MODELIS ATNAUJINANT MIESTO KVARTALUS IR GERINANT GYVENIMO KOKYBĘ Edita Šarkienė, Lina Užšilaitytė, Tatjana Vilutienė, Vaidotas Šarka VGTU Abstract Birštonas, kaip ir visi kiti Lietuvos miestai, susiduria su rimtais iššūkiais dėl sparčiai augančių energijos kainų. Didelė dalis pastatų Birštone yra nusidėvėję ir jų energinio naudingumo lygis yra žemas, jų šildymui išleidžiama daug lėšų. Pagrindinis šių problemų sprendimo būdas yra mažinti energijos suvartojimą pastatuose, diegiant energijos vartojimo efektyvumą didinančias priemones ir didinant atsinaujinančių energijos išteklių vartojimo apimtis. Atsižvelgiant į tai, 2009 m. Birštono savivaldybė taryba patvirtino Birštono – EKO miesto koncepciją. Šioje koncepcijoje apibrėžta Birštono EKO miesto vizija: Birštonas EKO miestas – tai inovatyvius, aukštesnius nei vidutiniai šalies reikalavimai, taikantis gyvenimo kokybę gerinančius ekologinius, aplinką tausojančius sprendimus, turizmo ir kurortinio gydymo bei sveikatinimo centras. Nuo 2010 m. Birštono savivaldybė dalyvauja Europos Sąjungos Septintosios mokslinių tyrimų bendrosios programos (7BP) projekte „Sustainable Zero Carbon ECOTown Developments Improving Quality of Life across EU ECO-Life“ (Gyvenimo kokybės gerinimas ES vystant darnius CO2 neutralius EKO-miestus). Eco-Life projekte siekiama suburti tris CO2 neišmetančias bendruomenes Europos Sąjungoje – Belgijoje, Danijoje ir Lietuvoje. Lietuvoje projektas įgyvendinamas Birštono mieste. Projekto tikslo siekiama, suformuojant kvartalinės modernizacijos modelį ir kompleksiškai modernizuojant visą pasirinkto kvartalo energetinę sistemą – nuo energijos gamintojo iki energijos vartotojo. Siekiant, kad miesto teritorija taptų CO2 neutralia, bus diegiamos atsinaujinančių energijos išteklių technologijos ir energijos vartojimo efektyvumo didinimo priemonės energijos pasiūlos (gamybos) ir energijos paklausos (vartojimo) pusėse. Siekiant mažinti iškastinio kuro naudojimą ir mažinti CO2 išmetimus, numatyta įrengti biokuro katilą. Didinant energijos gamybos efektyvumą planuojama įrengti ekonomaizerį ir kogeneracinę elektrinę. Energijos pasiūlos pusė apima 13 gyvenamųjų pastatų ir 3 viešojo naudojimo pastatus, kurių šiluminės charakteristikos yra žemos. Įgyvendinant projektą numatoma šiuos pastatus modernizuoti iki aukšto energinio naudingumo lygmens. T. y. bus siekiama energijos vartojimo efektyvumą pastatuose pagerinti 30 % daugiau nei šiuo metu reikalauja mūsų normos. Taip pat numatoma diegti atsinaujinančių energijos išteklių technologijas pastatuose (saulės energijos panaudojimas karštam vandeniui ruošti ir elektros energijai gaminti). Projekto įgyvendinimo metu numatyta kompleksiškai spręsti ir socialinius klausimus. Tai pirmasis Lietuvoje ir Baltijos šalyse įgyvendinamas tokio pobūdžio demonstracinis projektas. Pagrindinė idėja, išskirianti šį projektą iš vykdytųjų anksčiau yra ta, jog į projekto įgyvendinimą siekiama įtraukti visą bendruomenę ir skatinti geresnius bei labiau koordinuotus regiono mastu taikomus kompleksinio modernizavimo principus, užuot remiantis pavienėmis atsitiktinėmis iniciatyvomis. Keywords:: gyvenimo kokybė, pastatų modernizavimas, energinis efektyvumas, ECO-Life, atsinaujinantys energijos ištekliai.