Sleigh bells ring
Sleigh bells ring
m aeonson foSa@J. We wrlte songsaboutall ldndsof bells--lots of songs,startingwith "\MnterWondedancl" 'JingleBellRock" We talk ancl"lingle Bellsand 'That fngs a bell," we say;or we aboutbells. dlscuss"the bell curve."We put bellsin tltlesl "Bell.Book,anctGndle." "ForVvhomthe Bell Tolls,"andln numeryrhyme6, too: "bellson herffnge]sand bellson hertoes," "ding dong bell" and "silver bellsand cocldeshells" come immecllatelyto mlnd. Butsaythe words "sleigh bell," and we all get the sarnepicturein our minds---qispwinter night, horse-drawnsleigh' and ioas$ blankets,all accend lry the icy tinkle of thosesleighbellsin the cold air.Sleigh bellsareasmucha partof the Amedcanpastas arethe sleighsthqy adorn,ancliust the thought of them canmakeusyearnfor that long-ago, simplertime. horsebellsare usedfor decorationand '/lday, to set a f€stivetone filr a pleasuredde in a sleigh,caniage,or w4gon. But horse-clrawn # where do they comefrom in this electronic age?We set out to find out' BEL6 HARNESS 'There'ssomethingabouta humanbeingand a bell," salrsMosesSmuckerof Smucker'sHarnessShopin Narvon,Pa., "We all seemto like bells.What'sthe fint thing we do when we seea bell?We haveto ing lt. There'sa connectionthere." ForSmucker,the connectionis real:a lineof bellscreated directlyfor hisshop,castand to Smudcr's hand-Dollshecl own standards."We have our bellscastficrus, and then we wholesale them to harness and tad( shop6, necl€r-basketmakers, clepartrnentstore6,craftshop6,gift shop6, Chdstrnasstores,"Smud<ersaYs. At this time of year,sleighbellstop the valiety of bellshe canies."Our castsleigh usual! aresolid brass,so thqy'll nwer rust," finisheclby handandthe bellsarestrungat Smud<er's shopin the heartof Pennqyfuania Dutci countryin Lancaster County,Pa. Smuckersays."Plateclbells are macleof steelwith eithernid€l or brassplating, so eventuallythq/ will rust.We alsoc.try a lineof brassshaftchimes to put on a steelstrap that attachesto harness. Thesecanbe useclas cloorchimesor on a banister,too - thqy'regreat " The seasonalclecorations. bellsaremounteclon Wd<ett & Craiglerthers. Shaftchimesaresolicl brassand lacquereclbells attacheclto steelstrapsbr mounting to bottomof harnessshafts. Fourvarieclsizeclbellsprocluce a beautifulchimingsound.And s.ldcllechimesof solidbrassattach io the sadcllefilr a cheerfuljingle. RINGINGHISO!VI{ BELLS Don Livingstonof Bells& SleighBellsin tower Bunell,Pa.,hasbeenin "the bell business" for about3Oyears,he s.rys."l startedcutting leatherwhen I wasabout 10yearsold, ancl then got into bells.I've probablybeenin this businesslongerthan anyboctyin the UniGd States." LMngstoncrafu hisown bells."l makequite a fuw cliffurentclesignsin manydiffierentsizes," he s4rs.Someof hisvarietiesincludehorse bells,Sweclishsleighbells,and acornbells. "Buckeyebellslook likegolf balls,"he scrlrs. "Saddlechimesgo on saclclle or harness; they'reabout8" square.I makeoDen-hc€clbells and arcticbellswith firurslots."Most of his bellsarechrome,solicl brass,or nid(el-phH. CLASSIC, ANnQUEBELLS ClassicBellsin PosMlle.lowa. ringsa cliffierentbellentirely."We clealin antiquesleighbellson!," says CharlesKelly,co-orvnerMth wifu DeAnna Weecl)anclself-profussecl shopslave."We've collecteclbellsthat clatefrom l81O throwh about l94O into our inventory.We haveon hanclabout 100clifferentstylesanclsizes---on Smucker'sharnessbellsgaineclworlclwicle anygiven clay,we haveabout 5,0OObellsin recognitionwhenthey firstapp€arecl sevour inventory." eralyearsago on the hmousAnheuser BusciteamofClydesclale horses.SmuckClassicBellsspecializesin restodngvintage er'sbellsarestillmadethe old way,with horsebells,with an overallgod to procluce hancllabor,justasbellsweremade 15O well-macle,heirloom-qualitybell strapsancl yearsago.Theleatherstrapsarecut and otherbell-relateclitemsthat customeEc.m use, I 1a-' l' display,ancltreasurefilr manyyearc."We clo not makebiclles.s"lcldles.harnessor other itemsunlesstheN/happ€nto havevint€e bells on them," Kellynotes. Thatstill leavesClassicBellsplentyof bellrelatedlatitude."We can matchbellsficrcustomers,We canrestorecustomeCsbells.We canmal€ rump straps,boclybelts,anctneck collars.We Gmtal€ olcl bellsand put them on new, us"rbleleather.And we cancreatehistoricallyaccuratestrapsftom 10G I 50 yean qgo. "Sleighbellsarel<inclofthe ultimateluxuD/ horseitem," IGlly commen6. "lf you've spent tons of moneyrestoringan olclsleigh,it really neeclssleighbells."And ClassicBellshasthem. How cliclhe anclDeAnnaget startted?"We haveNorwegianFlordhor-s, andwe wanted old bellsfor them," Kellysaici."We clidn't like the new bells." 'This isn't the clayiob yet, but it's my passion;I havea hardtime loowing when io shut up." ClassicBellshas beena businessfor about threeyearvjeas fillecl with collectingbellsancl infilrmationaboutbells.In fact,that'swhere DeAnna comesin. "My wifu is a graduate engineer,"Kellysays."So we turneclher loosewith the Internet,a computer, ancla problem.That'show we were ableto figure out how to dean bells, how to polishthem without clestroyingthem, how \, to get them off the straps. We havea couplehundreclpiecesof olcl lelther straDs:we can recreatethem." Together,Kellyand Weeclhavestucliedbell strapsand bells,manyof which arecloseto 20Oyearsold. They'vele.lrneclthe construction methocls,the leatheranclthe hardwarethat are historicallyconectand long-livecl,anclthose that are not. Sometimesthqy clotakea fuw libertiesif they think moclernmaterialsare betteror if the olcl methodsare impractical(theyusesolid brass bucldesanclother fittingsratherthanthe steel harclwareuseclin the 1800s).ButClassicBells' ownersalwayschooseharc'lware stylesasclose to the originalsasthey canfincl. Theypridethemselveson payingcarefulattention to the details.'The cut edgesof wery straparecreasecl,rouncledover,burnishecl, anclctyecl,so the strapbels niceancllool(s gooct,"IGlly eys. "As a finishingtouch,we ShorTalU- Decenber 200.1 dways proviclea makhing hangingloop or nng so it is eary to ciisplaya bellstrapwith pricleanclelegance." "DeAnnacreateclour websiteanclhancllesour photography,"Kellyaclds."We cioquite a bit of buyingancisellingover the Internet,much of it througheBay.In acldition,we havean army of clealersanclfriendswith listsin their backpoc.ketsof what we're lookingfirr.Some peoplecontactus throwh our website,too (; we get them from " eveD^/tr'here. lf bellingyour horsesand sleighsoundspretty goocl (anclit will), Foxoffiersthisaclmonition. "Beforeyou load clownyour horsewith bells anclset to, here'sa thought:Ifyour horsehas neverhada loaclof bellson him, he might not cotton to the idearight at first. lfyou load him with all mannerof bellsanclhook him to your bestcutter,you might arfve at whereyou're he"ldeda lot quider thanyou like or you just might not end up thereat all. "Soit's a good icleato bombproofyourhorse by puttinga passelof bellson him [befi:re you go out for a clrivel.After all," Foxwarnecl, "All horsesarebombproof,exceptwhen they Up to this point, Kellysa1a,ClassicBellshas beens€llingits waresanclservic€sprimarily ain't." Foxsuggesteclthatyou "harnessyour to inclivicluals lookingbr restoration."lt's our horse,loaclhim up with the bells,anclwork experiencethat most harness-mal(ers are lool(- him in the rounclpen to let him get usedto "but ing for new bells,"Kellysays, we're always the souncibefureputting him to that beautiful happyto work with anyonewho neeclsbells." cutter.Yourcaballowon't take long to start lildngthe soundanclrhythmofthe bells,ancl A BII ABOUTBELLS ls therea differencebetweena sleighbelland a jingle bell?Nope,accorclingto an article by ValvertLuciusFoxthat appeareclin the Wnter 2000 issueof RuralHeritageMagazine. "l alwaysthought "jingle bells"was merelythe nameof a song," Foxwrote. "lt is not.Theterm rebrsto rouncicastbells,eachwith a iinglet insicle,asop;:oseclto an open bellwith clapper.lingle bellsarethe usualbellsyou will finci on harnesses and sleighs,and may be usedin variouswaysto aclornhorses." Sadcllechimes,on the otherhancl,Foxsays, areo;:en bells,"like ha.lfof a sphere,with a dapper.I alwaysthink of Russia, where sleigh horseswears.rdcllechimeson their sadcllesor backpacls.Sometimesthe dapper is on the orrEicleof the bell, but more often it is on the inside." you won't takelong to get to lildngthem, either.Ihe jinglingof bellswill liftyourwonies away.Befi:reyou know it, you will be filled with happinessandioy at the musicalsouncl of jinglebells." Meny Christmas,eveD/one. COMACT INIORMITIION: MosesSmucker,owner Smud<er'sHarnessShop 2014N. MainSt. Narvon,PA 17555 Phone:(717)z145-5956 ta,r:(717)445-2728 Don Livingston,owner Bells& SleighB€lls zl4l 1C,arvers FenyRoacl LowerBunell,PA 15068 Phone:(74) 226-3946 fax: (724)226-A62 CharleslGlly & DeeAnnaWeed,co-owners ClassicBells POBox 370 Postville, lA 52152 Phone:(563)86zl-32o1 Fax:(%3) 8(*7414 [email protected] C.rail Damerow,Editor RuralHeritageMagazine 281 DeanRictgeL"ne Cainesboro,TN 38562-5039USA Phone:(931) 2684655 Fax (93'l) 2@5884 E-mail:[email protected] & ."33 ShorTalkl Decenber 200.1