Burmese Cats Of Blue Dream


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Saturday 10/08/2011 6:13:41pm
Name: Heike
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
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Comments: Guten Tag,
ich bin auf der Suche im Netz um Hilfe, Ratschläge und Erfahrungsberichte für
Handaufzucht für Katzenfrühchen auf Ihre Site gestoßen.
Ich habe im Mom. 3 kleine BKH-frühchen (57.TT).
Danke für diese Site, ich habe viele Ratschläge von hier mitgenommen und hab nun neue
Hoffnung das die 3 es schaffen grosse und schöne Fellnasen zu werden.
Sunday 08/07/2011 7:51:56pm
Name: Nicole Gromadecki
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E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://www.loquitzgrund-perser.de
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Zwingenberg
Comments: Hallo Frau Schulz,
Auch hier wollen wir uns nochmals für die Hilfe und Ihre Tipps bedanken.
Wir melden uns bald wieder, und in ein paar Tagen werden wir auch ein paar Bilder von den
C-Engelchen auf der Homepage haben.
Liebe Grüße Nicole Gromadecki und Sven Müller mit den Fellnasen vom Loquitzgrund
Friday 05/06/2011 6:29:32pm
Name: knoetschi
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Super Seite! Hab gerade eine Babykatze zur Handaufzucht und diese Seite hat mir sehr
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Saturday 12/18/2010 9:12:34pm
Name: Andrea v.d. kleinen Hexen
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: von den Kleinen Hexen
Homepage URL: http://www.kleine-hexen.de
Referred By: Friend
Location: Nördlingen
Comments: Liebe Fam. Schulz,
wir wünschen besinnliche Weihnachtstage, ein ganz fleißiges Christkindl und dass 2011 alle
Wünsche in Erfüllung gehen.
Liebe Grüsse
Fam. Schneider mit Sweetie
Sunday 06/27/2010 8:41:50am
Name: Yvonne Honegger
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: TicTacMauwBurmesen
Homepage URL: http://www.tictacmauwburmesen.com
Referred By: Friend
Location: Schweiz
Comments: Liebe Heidi,
Ich finde die Homepage einfach supi! Du hast wunderschöne Burmis!
Gruss Yvonne
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02.03.2012 12:28
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Monday 02/01/2010 8:17:35pm
Name: Heike Kamaris
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
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Comments: Liebe Familie Schulz, Ich bin Ihnen jeden Tag aufs neue Dankbar für unsere beiden
Goldjungen, die einfach jeden Besucher begeistern. Dies werden mit Sicherheit nicht die
letzten Burmesen in diesem Haus bleiben. Weiterhin alles gute und ich freue mich auf
zukünftige Würfe. Heike Kamaris
Wednesday 10/14/2009 10:14:11pm
Name: Ilse
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
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02.03.2012 12:30
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Comments: Hallo, ich möchte mich bei Ihnen bedanken für die guten Tipps und die Super Anleitung bei
der Handaufzucht. Mir sind letzts Wochenende drei Katzenbabys, die von einer Freundin
gerettet wurden, ins Haus geschneit. Dank Ihrer Seite geht es den dreien bisher sehr gut.
Ich hoffe, das bleibt so...
Also, vielen Dank, auch von den Drillingen,
Friday 02/06/2009 11:57:13am
Name: Hannelore Louage
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: http://www.everyoneweb.com/catterygolden
Homepage URL: http://www.everyoneweb.com/catterygoldenmoonbeam/
Referred By: Friend
Location: Belgium
Comments: Hello,
You're having a nice website.
Your cats are very beautiful.
I hope I can see you and your cats in the futur.
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02.03.2012 12:30
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Tuesday 12/23/2008 10:59:05am
Name: Grischa Rupert
Homepage Title: Hohensyburg Burmesen
Homepage URL: http://www.burmesen.de
Referred By: Friend
Location: Dortmund, Germany
Comments: Hallo,
wir wünschen frohe Festtage und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr.
Würden uns auf Gegeneintrag freuen.
Thursday 10/09/2008 12:11:48am
Name: doris
E-Mail: @.com
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: berlin
Comments: Ich finde den Aufbau der Seite sehr gut. Macht weiter so.
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Monday 09/22/2008 4:10:24pm
Name: nina
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: da sind wir mal wieder
Homepage URL:
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Comments: Hallo Heidi,
immer wieder schön diese Zauberwesen. Meinen gehts gut. Uns auch ;-).
Liebe Grüße Nina
Thursday 09/18/2008 2:39:30pm
Name: Joan und Arie
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Cattery GiBoBriKi-Joy
Homepage URL: http://www.gibobriki.nl
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Amersfoort / Holland
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02.03.2012 12:31
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Comments: Hallo,
Ich bin über ein anderes Gästebuch auf Ihre schöne HP gelangt und wollte nicht gehen
ohne einen Pfotenabdruck zu hinterlassen.
Ihre Katzen sind wirklich ein Traum, weiterhin viel Erfolg mit der Zucht.
Liebe Grüße
Arie, Joan und alle GiBoBriKi-Joy katzen
Thursday 05/22/2008 6:08:44am
Name: Wendy Simpson
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Jezabel Silvers
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/jezabelsilvers/
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Australia
Comments: Hi,
I had a wonderful time on your web page viewing your beautiful cats.
Wishing you all the best with them.
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Thursday 05/22/2008 6:07:03am
Name: Christine Smith
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Cenedra Burmillas
Homepage URL: http://www.cenedraburmillas.id.au/
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Australia
Comments: Hi,
I enjoyed my time on your web page. Congratulations to you and your beautiful cats.
Tuesday 04/01/2008 6:19:06pm
Name: Helga Meuser
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Hallo,
nach längerer Zeit habe ich mal wieder auf Ihrer Seite nachgeguckt und die (für mich)neue
gefällt mir sehr gut.Ach,ich könnte schon wieder *lach*
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Sunday 03/30/2008 12:55:00am
Name: Peggy
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Zweckes Schatzinsel
Homepage URL: http://www.zweckesschatzinsel.eu
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: BaWü
Comments: Hallo!
Ich bin gerade hin und weg-das sind wunderschöne Katzen.Viel Freude noch mit den Tieren
und einen schönen Sonntag...
wünscht Peggy!
Saturday 12/29/2007 9:56:05pm
Name: Claudia E.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Burmesen vom Rhoenstern
Homepage URL: http://www.burmesen-vom-rhoenstern.beep.de
Referred By: Search Engine
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Location: fränkische Rhön / Ecke Hessen &Thüringen
Comments: Einen guten und vor allem gesunden Start in 2008 wünscht Euch
Claudia mit Familie und den Burmesen
Ich schaue immer wieder mal gerne bei Ihnen rein! Vielleicht könnten wir den Kontakt im
neuen Jahr etwas ausbauen :)
Tuesday 11/06/2007 1:22:49pm
Name: Kerstin Hasse-Schieder
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Silberburma und Heilige Birma
Homepage URL: http://www.icefirecats.de
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Belgien
Comments: Hallo,
ich bin per Zufall auf Ihre Seite gesurft und sehr erstaunt: Ihr Golden Earring sieht aus wie
unser Tarzan!! Tarzan ist red silver ticked tabby- fast schon smoke. Ich könnte die Farbe
von Ihrem Roten wirklich nicht unterscheiden. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn Sie einmal bei
uns reinsurfen würden: www.icefirecats.de
Viele Grüße,
Kerstin Hasse-Schieder
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Monday 11/05/2007 11:44:10am
Name: Linda Dooremalen
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Cattery Jewels Choice
Homepage URL: http://www.jewelschoice.nl
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Holland
Comments: Dear Heidi,
Your males are truly beautifull!! My little red girl is just 10 weeks old but I can see some
beautifull offspring between her and Earing or Kisses:-))))
Kind regards,
Sunday 10/28/2007 1:25:26pm
Name: Funda
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Friend
Comments: Liebe Frau Schulz,
unsere kleine Sternchen (ja - wir haben nun einen passenden Namen für sie gefunden!) hat
sich hier wirklich hervorragend eingelebt. Sie spielt mit allem was sie finden kann und wenn
gerade keine Spielstunde ist, wird geschmust, gekuschelt und geschnurrt was das zeug
hält. Ihr größtes Hobby ist aber eindeutig das "Gardinenschaukeln" - davon kann sie gar
nicht genug bekommen. Sie ist wirklich eine ganz Besondere und genau so ein Kätzchen,
wie wir es uns gewünscht haben. Man merkt ihr wirklich an, dass sie von Ihnen mit sehr
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sehr viel Liebe großgezogen wurde.
Machen Sie unbedingt weiter so!
ganz liebe Grüße an Sie und Ihre Rasselbande
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Wednesday 10/03/2007 8:52:04pm
Name: Rainer und Susanne
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
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Location: Köln
Comments: Hallo Heidi,
die Homepage ist wirklich gelungen und immer einen Besuch wert.
Viele Informationen und schöne Fotos.
Rainer und Susanne
Thursday 05/24/2007 7:36:11pm
Name: Helga Meuser
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
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Comments: Hallo Frau Schulz,
eine schön gestaltete HP haben Sie und dazu die tollen Bilder *lechz*bitte mehr davon.
Vielen Dank noch für das zugesendete Video.
Liebe Grüße
Tuesday 04/17/2007 10:34:00am
Name: Claudia Bender
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: CATFUNDUS
Homepage URL: http://www.catfundus.de
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Bayern
Comments: Huhu.... Ein kleiner Engel lieb und nett, flog mal eben über dein Gästebuch hinweg.
Ohne Grüße werd ich nicht gehn, dann weißt du ich habe dich geseh`n.
Liebe Grüße,
Claudia Bender
PS: Kommt uns doch auch einmal besuchen!
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Monday 04/02/2007 10:13:01am
Name: Tina Schoch
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Liebe Frau Schulz,
wie so oft wollte ich Ihren fantastischen Artikel zur Handaufzucht an einen Hilfesuchenden
weiterleiten als ich dabei bemerkte, wie sich Ihre Homepage optisch gemausert hat. Es
steht ihr gut, sieht sehr edel aus!
Es grüßt Sie sehr herzlich
Tina Schoch
Saturday 03/24/2007 11:32:30pm
Name: Katrin Leipski
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Essen
Comments: Hallo, Frau Schulz!
Jetzt ist es schon über ein Jahr her, dass ich Sie kontaktiert und um Hilfestellung zur
Vergesellschaftung meiner aus dem Tierschutz stammenden Burmakatze Bahia gebeten
habe. Damals hatte ich mich für einen Heiligen Birmakater ebenfalls aus dem Tierheim
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entschieden. Mit der Zeit ist eine interessante Beziehung zwischen zwei starken
Katzenpersönlichkeiten daraus erwachsen, und auch wenn es (noch) keine Liebe ist, ziehen
alle Beteiligten ihre Vorteile daraus. Die Zeichen für die Zukunft stehen auf jeden Fall
bestens. An dieser Stelle noch einmal ´´Danke schön´´ für Ihr offenes Ohr. Viel Glück für
die Zukunft wünschen Ihnen Bahia, Jay und Katrin Leipski!
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Thursday 03/08/2007 6:15:18am
Name: Christa
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Friend
Location: Herne
Comments: Hallo Heidi,
schönes Design hat die Seite :-)
Monday 02/12/2007 4:25:21pm
Name: Tanja
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Katzenfreunde
Homepage URL: http://katzenfreunde.plusboard.de
Referred By: Friend
Location: NRW
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02.03.2012 12:34
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Comments: Hallo Heidi,
Hallo Frank,
nun hat sich Zaubi aus dem ehemaligen CP zu Euch veriirt und ich wollte nicht gehen ohne
einen lieben Gruß zu hinterlassen!
Auf Eurer HP gibt es viel schönes zu betrachten und ich hoffe, Euch und Euren Katzen geht
es gut!!
Liebe Grüße von Tanja
Monday 09/25/2006 1:39:55pm
Name: Bartuschek, Lutz
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: hallo frau schulz,
hoffe daß mit dem neuen wurf alles gut gegangen ist.. drücke auf jeden fall die daumen!
homepage gefällt mir sehr gut! wir telefonieren dann am wochenende, wollte nur einen
schnellen gruß hinterlassen,
Lutz Bartuschek, Kirchdorf/Amper
Saturday 06/17/2006 0:47:18am
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02.03.2012 12:34
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Name: matt
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: www.catsofdistinction.com
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: your page is lovely your cats are too.
you are breedeing the type of cats we appreciate. our lines would go good together...matt
Tuesday 02/21/2006 4:48:37pm
Name: Tante Käthe
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Tolle Homepage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Friday 12/23/2005 0:14:17am
Name: Anette Sauerhöfer
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Tonkanesen vom Sandhügel - Meine Katzen
Homepage URL: http://www.tonkanesen-vom-sandhuegel.de
Referred By: Friend
Location: Deutschland/Pfalz
Comments: Hallo Familie Schulz,
vielen Dank für die wunderschöne und stilvolle Weihnachtskarte.
Auch die Tonkanesen vom Sandhügel mit ihrem "Personal" wünschen ihnen ein schnurriges
Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr.
LG Anette Sauerhöfer
Tuesday 12/06/2005 3:08:32pm
Name: Prinzessin
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
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Comments: Ich wünsche einen schönen Advent und fröhliche Weihnachten, schöne Feiertage und ein
gesundes Neues Jahr.
Wednesday 05/18/2005 7:39:35pm
Name: Sheila
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Absolutely Cats
Homepage URL: http://absolutelycats.com/23EuropeanBurmese.html
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: USA
Comments: Hello! I just came across your site and wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed my visit.
Lovely cats and lovely site.............lots of hugs and treats for all the kitties!
Wednesday 05/11/2005 5:31:30pm
Name: pitti
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
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Comments: Hallo Heidi und Frank!!
Habe lange nichts mehr von euch gelesen.Schade das ihr so selten im CP seit .Hoffe das
es euch und euren Katzen gut geht.Wünsche euch alles liebe.
Liebe grüße Petra.
Tuesday 04/19/2005 2:03:54pm
Name: cyro
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: world cats
Homepage URL: http://www.cat50.com
Referred By: Friend
Location: usa
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Saturday 03/05/2005 0:27:02am
Name: Emily
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: KOTERIA*PL
Homepage URL: http://koteria.republika.pl
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Poland
Comments: Greatings from Poland!
Saturday 02/26/2005 10:58:23pm
Name: Heike Kruppenbacher
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Heike's Katzenwelt
Homepage URL: http://www.kruppenbacher.net
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Wiesloch
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Comments: Beim stöbern im Netz sind wir 'zufällig' auf eure Seite gestoßen. Zum schnurren...! Liebe
Grüße, Heike
Sunday 02/20/2005 8:06:58pm
Name: Sabine
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://www.burmaby.at
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Wien
Comments: Sie haben eine sehr schöne HP und wunderschöne Burmesen!
Ich finde es immer so traurig auf den "In Memoriam" Seiten zu lesen.
Alles Gute für die weitere Zucht!
Liebe Grüße aus Wien
Friday 02/04/2005 10:30:04pm
Name: Karen
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Hundeforum
Homepage URL: http://www.hundeforum.de.ms
Referred By: Search Engine
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Comments: Kompliment, eine sehr schöne HP und intressante Katzen.
Ich schau bestimmt öfter mal vorbei.
Monday 01/31/2005 2:49:26pm
Name: Angela Kessler
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://www.burmesen.ch
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Basel
Comments: Hallo Frau Schultz
Zum x-ten mal bin ich jetzt bei Ihnen reingesurft, nun muss ich doch auch mal einen Gruss
hinterlassen!! Mitte Februar kriege ich endlich meine rote Lady, ich werde Ihnen dann Fotos
schicken, oder sie können sie auf meiner HP betrachten.
Liebe Grüsse und bis zum nächsten Mal!!
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Friday 01/14/2005 9:56:43am
Name: Koenigskobra
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: E-Mail
Location: Winterberg
Comments: Liebe Heidi, das ist tatsächlich eine wunderschöne Seite.
Ich kann verstehen, warum Dein Herz für die Burmesen schlägt... es sind wirklich ganz
besonders schöne Samtpfoten.
LG die Kobra (Frauke)
Thursday 01/06/2005 1:50:04pm
Name: Thomas
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Kleiner Loewe - Der Treffpunkt für Dosi'
Homepage URL: http://www.kleiner-loewe.com
Referred By: Friend
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Location: Esslingen-Germany
Comments: Hi,
dankeschön für diese wunderschöne Seite mit traumhaften Tieren... wir werden hier wohl
öfters vorbeischauen.. schaut doch auch mal bei uns vorbei, vielleicht fühlt ihr euch wohl,
Jane, Thomas und die 3 Fellnasen..
Sunday 12/12/2004 8:20:02pm
Name: Anette Sauerhöfer
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: %22Meine Katzen%22
Homepage URL: http://www.beepworld.de/members74/diane-und-dusty/index.htm
Referred By: Friend
Location: Deutschland
Comments: Hallo Frau Schulz,
eine klasse Homepage und tolle Burmesen, die sie da haben.
Ich bin neu in der IG Tonkanesen und würde mich freuen, wenn sie auch mal einen Blick auf
meine Homepage werfen würden.
Liebe Grüße A.Sauerhöfer
Tuesday 12/07/2004 6:05:42pm
Name: Dagmar
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E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: two-coonies
Homepage URL: http://www.two-coonies.de.vu
Referred By: Friend
Location: Düsseldorf
Comments: Wow... was sind Burmesen schön! Ich musste doch dann auch mal hier vorbeischauen ;-)
Alles Gute für euch und die zauberhaften Fellnasen. Einen speziellen Gruß an Luna.
Bis zum nächsten Stammtisch!
Saturday 10/09/2004 5:27:00pm
Name: Heide+Nina
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Friend
Comments: Liebe Heidi,
liebe Grüße von Zweien, die Deine Katzen immer lieben werden.
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Tuesday 08/03/2004 1:25:37pm
Name: Aga
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://www.burmy.republika.pl
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Poland
Comments: Hi!!!
I very, very like your Hp & your fantastic cats.. You have excellet pictures.
Ich liebe deine burmeze :-)))
Aga aus Polen
Monday 08/02/2004 10:09:09am
Name: Sleepy
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Katzen - Community
Homepage URL: http://www.katzen-community.de
Referred By: Just Surfed In
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02.03.2012 12:38
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Location: Nähe Stuttgart
Comments: Hallihallo,
jetzt bin ich auch mal hier gelandet und das durch eine der bösen bösen
Distanzierungslisten. ;-)
Lasst Euch nicht unterkriegen Eure Katzen sind wunderschön.
Toi toi toi für die Zukunft.
Monday 05/24/2004 11:04:14pm
Name: Sonja
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Hallo Frau Schulz, wusste gar nicht, wie schön Burmakatzen sind.. Ihre Homepage gefällt
mir auch sehr gut!! Ganz ganz liebe Grüße von Sonja, Gina und Beppo, der heute Dank
Ihrer Hilfe wieder quietschfidel ist :-)!!
Saturday 05/22/2004 10:40:35am
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Name: Magret Sixt
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Simara Cat's
Homepage URL: http://www.simara-cats.de
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Bensberg
Comments: Hallo liebe Katzenfreunde,
tolle Zucht. Umfangreiche und informative HP.Wünsche Euch für die Zukunft weiterhin viel
Glück und Erfolg. Ich bin ja noch ganz am Anfang meiner Zucht. Danke für den lieben
Eintrag im Gästebuch und viel Spaß beim Brunch im Schloß Bensberg :-)
Magret und die Simara Cat's
Thursday 05/13/2004 10:52:02am
Name: silvio
Homepage Title:
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Location: Germany
Comments: Ciao,
la tua site mi piace molto. tanti saluti da
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Thursday 05/06/2004 8:37:48am
Name: Susanne Rixen
Homepage Title: Kanaani Interessengemeinschaft
Homepage URL: http://www.kanaani-ig.de
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Comments: Guten Tag, Familie Schulz,
wir möchten uns ganz herzlich für den netten Gästebucheintrag bedanken. Wir möchten das
Lob gerne weitergeben ihre Seite ist wirklich sehr informativ. Wir wünschen Ihnen und Ihren
Vierbeinern für die Zukunft alles Gute.
Ihre KIG
PS: Kessem ist ein absoluter Prachtkerl geworden.
Wednesday 04/28/2004 4:31:56pm
Name: Yvonne
E-Mail: [email protected]
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Homepage Title:
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Referred By: Just Surfed In
Comments: Ich finde diese Seite wirklich sehr schoen. Es macht richtig Spass reinzuschauen... yvonne
Monday 03/29/2004 4:30:58pm
Name: Bianca & Thomas Purtsch
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Little Miracle Crew
Homepage URL: http://www.littlemiracle.de
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Jüchen - Gierath
Comments: Hallo,
hab heute direkt vorbei geschaut, um meinem Mann die schönste Katze zu zeigen, die ich
gestern in Leverkusen gesehen habe!!! In Wirklichkeit ist Happy noch viel viel schöner!
Vielen Dank für tolle "Käfignachbarschaft" gestern und alles gute weiterhin!
Liebe Grüße
Bianca & Thomas Purtsch
& Mietzen of Little Miracle
Sunday 03/14/2004 12:27:13am
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Name: Boek
E-Mail: KBeckfeldt-oneline.de
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Hallo Frau Schulz, seit vier Wochen und drei Tagen bin ich stolze Besitzerin eines kleinen
Blue Dreams, namens Leopold, genannt Leo. Wir sind alle von ihm begeistert. Alle, das
umfasst zwei Erwachsene, zwei Kinder, eine Heilige Birma und einen Mittelschnauzer. Leo
hat sich in unseren Haushalt (zugegeben, manchmal leicht chaotisch) voll integriert. Unsere,
nach dem Verlust ihres Partners, sehr traurige Katze Lady hat endlich wieder einen
Schmusefreund und unser Hund Carl einen sehr stürmischen kleinen Spielgefährten. Es
könnte nicht besser laufen. Leo wiegt jetzt 2200 g. Ich bin glücklich, dass wir den Schritt
gewagt haben und wieder eine zweite Katze zu uns geholt haben. Vorallem bin ich froh,
dass wir die lange Fahrt nicht gescheut haben und es ein kleiner Blue Dream geworden ist.
Eine bessere und liebevollere Aufzucht als von Ihnen, liebe Frau Schulz, kann man sich wohl
kaum wünschen und ich würde mich jederzeit wieder für ein Kitten von Ihnen entscheiden.
Nochmals herzlich Dank für alles! Wir sind sehr stolz auf unseren gesunden und
wunderschönen blauen Burma-Kater Leo.
Ganz liebe Grüsse aus Wolfsburg
Ihre dankbare Ulrike Boek
Thursday 03/04/2004 5:04:13am
Name: Ania Ake (nee Eberlein)
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Turkish Van cattery Kinali
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/turkish_van_cats
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: USA
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Comments: I was just surving and found your site. What adorable cats you have!!!
Best wishes and good luck!
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Sunday 02/29/2004 3:37:57pm
Name: Su
Homepage Title: This is my World!
Homepage URL: http://www.susiletta.q27.de
Referred By: E-Mail
Location: Hallo, noch!
Comments: Jetzt hab ich es auch mal geschafft, mich hier einzutragen!!
Ich liebe diese Seite!! Und die Katzen!
Und ich freue mich schon riesig auf meinen Racker!!! *g*
Bis bald und liebe Grüße
Wednesday 02/04/2004 2:35:16pm
Name: Luna und Claudia
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E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: die Geschichte einer behinderten Katze
Homepage URL: http://www.luna-cat.de
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Liebe Heidi, lieber Frank,
wir wollten hier mal wieder einen Pfotenabdruck hinterlassen und natürlich das
Schokomädel (Take my Hart) noch mal anschauen.
Ganz herzliche Grüße von Eurer Patenkatze Luna und der Claudia
Monday 02/02/2004 5:35:41pm
Name: Projekt Purzelnde Preise
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Projekt Purzelnde Preise
Homepage URL: http://www.purzelnde-preise.de
Referred By: Friend
Location: Germany
Comments: Wir waren zu Besuch auf Ihrer schönen Homepage und würden uns auf einen Gegenbesuch
unserem neugestalteten Katzenrevier freuen.
Gleichzeitig laden wir alle Züchter & Vereine zu einem Besuch auf www.purzelnde-preise.de
ein. Dort können Sie alles über unser neues Projekt "Purzelnde Preise" erfahren.
Das Projekt "Purzelnde Preise" erlaubt es Züchtern angeschlossener Vereine über einen
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02.03.2012 12:39
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Zugang zu www.futterrevier.de erhebliche Rabatte beim Tierfutter-Kauf zu erhalten.
Mehr Infos unter www.purzelnde-preise.de
Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch
Monday 02/02/2004 2:29:06pm
Name: Stefan Weber
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: artificial life - Kunst - Auftragsarbeit
Homepage URL: http://www.rtificiallife.de
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Hallo burmese_de
Liebe Gruesse von artificial_life aus dem CATSPLANET Forum !
Tolle Page - tolle Katzen !
Liebe Gruesse !
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Friday 01/23/2004 9:05:38pm
Name: Nicki
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Mein bester Freund Benny & Co
Homepage URL: http://www.nicki-benny.de.vu
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Hallo Heidi,
gerade habe ich Deine Vorstellung in Mitz Mietz gelesen und durch das Thema
"Handaufzucht" sofort zu Deiner Seite getigert.
Meine Freundin Astrid (auf meiner Page zu finden unter "Astrid`s Leonie) hatte letztes Jahr
ein kleines Kitten grosszuziehen, dessen Mama gestorben war. Im Internet fand Sie kaum
Hilfe vor allem mit Gewichtstabellen an die Sie sich orientieren hätte können usw. So habe
ich jetzt eine gemacht von meiner Katze Fine, Ihrer Leonie und noch von einer Bekannten
Ihrer Kitten.
Warum ich das nun schreibe ist, da ich Dich fragen wollte, ob ich auf dieser Seite einen Link
zu Deiner "Handaufzucht" anbringen darf. Ich würde mich sehr darüber freuen! Bitte sag
So, und Deine Page muss ich natürlich auch noch loben, ich finde Sie nämlich einfach super
gemacht. Nicht "nur" schön, sondern auch inhaltlich klasse!
Sei lieb gegrüsst,
Nicki mit Sternchen Benny, Fine & Co
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Sunday 01/18/2004 6:39:46pm
Name: Elke Lünemann
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: E-Mail
Comments: Alle Achtung, Ihr habt eine sehr schöngestaltete Seite und sehr entzückende Tiere :-))
weiter so.
Gruß Elke aus Wilhelmshaven
Friday 01/16/2004 4:03:26am
Name: Christa M. Keil-Jahns
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Zotty
Homepage URL: http://www.zotty.org/katzen/
Referred By: E-Mail
Location: Herne, NRW, Germany
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Comments: Hallo Frau Schulz,
schon lange wollte ich in Ihr Gästebuch schreiben.
Vor fast 1 Jahr kam der rote X-Man of Blue Dream nach Herne und schon recht bald wird
es sich hier auch der blaue Happy gemütlich machen können.
Ich möchte mich bei Ihnen (und natürlich Ihrem Mann) für Ihr Vertrauen bedanken und die
Hilfe, die Sie mir in der Zeit waren und immer noch sind.
Auf Happy freue ich mich schon jetzt "wie ein Kind wenn auf Weihnachten und Ostern auf
einen Tag fallen" :-)
Sie und Ihre Tiere sind etwas *ganz* besonderes.
Danke, das Sie so spezielle Tiere an uns weiter geben.
Ich habe in meinem Leben schon viele Katzen erlebt, aber ihre Blue Dreams setzen dem
ganzen einfach das Sahnehäubchen auf!
Vielen Dank
Monday 11/17/2003 0:58:12am
Name: Tequila
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: I am The Boss
Homepage URL: http://www.tequila-theboss.de
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Schnurrrrrrrrrr =^..^=
Auf Samtpfoten schleich ich durchs Net
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und finde ich eine Site toll und nett
dann schreib ich was ins Gästebuch
um kund zu tun von meinem Besuch
Nasenstupsergruss Tequila
Wednesday 11/12/2003 10:43:33am
Name: Daniela
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Glenn's beautiful Chihuahuas
Homepage URL: http://www.glenns-beautiful-chihuahuas.de
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Liebe Heidi, lieber Frank,
wir kennen uns nun schon fast 20 Jahre und Euch habe ich unsere wunderbare "Mimi"
(Belinda of Blue Dream" zu verdanken gehabt. Ich durfte 18 Jahre mit ihr zusammenleben
und werde nicht eine einzige Minute davon vergessen.
Danke für Eure besonders liebevolle Zucht dieser schönen Katzen, für Euer Engagement,
für Eure Hilfe in Notfällen und besonderen Dank an Euch für die 18 Jahre mit "Mimi".
Herzliche Grüße,
Saturday 10/11/2003 1:54:02pm
Name: Robert
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02.03.2012 12:39
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E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Mystic Batcats Orientalen
Homepage URL: http://www.Orientalen.de.vu
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Germany
Comments: Hallo Familie Schulz,
Sie haben eine großartige Homepage und tolle Katzen. Ich war gerne hier und werde mit
sicherheit wieder mal vorbei schauen.
Alles Liebe weiterhin für Zwei-,und Vierbeiner
Robert & Samtpfoten
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Wednesday 10/01/2003 8:19:50am
Name: bob
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: online casino
Homepage URL: http://www.CasinoLasVegas-Online.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: You have nice and well done site thanx !
Thursday 07/31/2003 9:34:23pm
Name: w. busch
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: mülheim
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Comments: ich bin stolzer Besitzer von Mayflower of blue dream, welche am vergangenen Samstag 10
Jahre wurde.
Es ist eine sehr inteligente,liebe und gelehrige Katze.
Machen Sie mit Ihrer Zucht weiter so.
w. Busch
Tuesday 06/17/2003 12:34:36am
Name: Eliane
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: E-Mail
Location: Schweiz
Comments: Hallo Familie Schulz!
Super Page! Ist wirklich sehr informativ und die Fotos sind sehr schön. Freue mich auf ein
Treffen irgendwann.
Liebe Grüsse und macht weiter so!
Tuesday 05/13/2003 5:24:40pm
Name: Ewald
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Katzen und Diverses
Homepage URL: http://schneider.ewald.bei.t-online.de
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Referred By: Search Engine
Location: D
Comments: Hallo!
Bin durch Zufall hier gelandet und habe mir mindestens 10min Flöhli angeschaut!
Einfach toll! Alle Glückskatzen werden anscheinend irgendwo auf Bauernhöfen kurz vor
dem Verhungern oder Erschlagen gerettet! Meistens ist es so, wenn ich eine Geschichte
von einer Glückskatze im Internet finde.
Gruß an Flöhli!
Tuesday 03/11/2003 10:11:14am
Name: Tinga
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: www.the-bastet.de.vu
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Hallo,
eine ganz tolle HP, ich bin sehr beeindruckt, sie haben wirklich wunderschöne Katzen,
weiterhin viel Erfolg und alles Gute!
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Wednesday 02/19/2003 2:19:34pm
Name: Luna und Claudia
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Hallo Ihr Zwei,
Luna wollte mal echte Rassekitten gucken und grüßt auf dem Wege mal ganz ganz lieb.
Dicke Knuddler an die süßen Kitten. Eure Luna
Saturday 02/01/2003 11:01:58pm
Name: Viola
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://www.candy-cats.tk
Referred By: Friend
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Comments: Hallo,
nun war ich schon so oft auf Ihrer HP - da muß ich mich auch endlich mal ins Gästebuch
eintragen. Nur den TV Tipp habe ich leider nicht rechtzeitig gesehen - wirklich schade. Ich
kann mich sehr glücklich schätzen von Birgit einen Sohn Ihres wunderhübschen Cream Kiss
bekommen zu haben. Bilder von ihm können Sie auf meiner HP bewundern (die ist aber
lange noch nicht fertig - also nachsichtig sein!)
Gruß und viel Erfolg weiterhin
Sunday 01/05/2003 6:03:03am
Name: Shirley D. Storey
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Stagelight Burmese Welcomes You
Homepage URL: http://www.stagelightburmese.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: South Carolina, USA
Comments: Enjoyed the pictures of your lovely Burmese especially the lilacs.
Friday 12/27/2002 7:48:08am
Name: Christina Keime
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: www.beepworld.de/members31/katerminki
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Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: 45478 Mülheim an der Ruhr
Comments: Liebe Heidi, lieber Frank,
zum Ende des Jahres 2002 möchte ich mich, als Inhaberin , des FUTTERPARADIES
Mülheims, und im Namen meiner drei Katzen, Kater Minki, Katzenlady Kira und Felix ,der
Kobold, für alle Eure Hilfe bedanken, wobei Dir liebe Heidi mein größter Dank gilt, denn ich
weiß , auf Dich ist immer Verlass. Für das kommende Jahr wünsche Ich Dir, Frank und
allen Burmesen, weiter viel Erfolg mit Eurer Zucht, aber auch für Euch persönlich, Glück,
Erfolg, Zufriedenheit und vor allem Gesundheit. Vielleicht klappt es ja im Jahre 2003 mit
einem weiteren Baby von Euren Kitten, worüber wir uns alle sehr freuen würden.
Mit vielen lieben Grüßen und nochmals herzlichen Dank Eure Christa mit Minki, Felix und
Kira aus Mülheim an der Ruhr
Friday 12/06/2002 9:02:32pm
Name: tracy rukenbrod
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://www.petorphansfund.org
Referred By: Shit happens
Comments: thanks so much again for your doantion and love the website! lots of fun!
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Sunday 12/01/2002 8:57:28pm
Name: Raoul Keller
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Süße miezen habt ihr! Wir hatten auch mal einen leider hatte er leukose.
Sunday 11/24/2002 8:17:26pm
Name: Feldmann
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
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02.03.2012 12:41
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Comments: Hallo Fam. Schulz,
glückwunsch zu Ihrer tollen HP und Ihren super schönen Katzen.
Grüße aus Goch sendet Ihnen Carsten Feldmann
Sunday 11/24/2002 8:04:29pm
Name: Anni Hemme
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://www.burmakatzen-von-chandigarah.de
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Hohenhameln
Comments: Hallo Frau Schulz,
Timmendorfer Strand ist auch im Spätherbst sehr schön - leider sind die 3 Wochen viel zu
schnell vergangen...
Junior hat den Haushalt vorbildlich geführt und die Katzen und Hunde ordentlich gemestet :-)
Vielen Dank nochmal für die nette und moralisch aufbauende Unterstützung... ;-)
Nette Grüße
Anni Hemme und die Burmakatzen von Chandigarah
Sunday 11/17/2002 1:10:17pm
Name: Gaby Marx
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02.03.2012 12:41
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E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Thandi's Burmese Cattery
Homepage URL: http://home.t-online.de/home/320077181202-0001/home.html
Referred By: E-Mail
Location: Germany
Comments: Liebe Frau Schulz,
nun komme ich endlich dazu, mich in Ihr Gästebuch einzutragen und nutze dies, mich bei
Ihnen ganz herzlich für Ihre liebevolle und fürsorgliche Unterstützung rund um die Uhr, zu
bedanken. Es ist allein Ihrer langjährigen Erfahrung und Kompetenz zu
verdanken, dass wir unser jüngstes Familienmitglied Coco, nach einem Kaiserschnitt,
durchbekommen haben. Ich finde es lobens- und bewundernswert, mit welchem
Engagement Sie sich Meiner und meiner Thandi und Coco angenommen haben. Wir
gratulieren Ihnen noch zu Ihrem 20 jährigem Züchterjubiläum und wünschen Ihnen weiterhin
so viel Erfolg und alles Gute mit Ihren wunderschönen Burmesen und bleiben Sie wie Sie
Liebe Grüße
Gaby Marx und Thandi's Burmesen
Monday 11/04/2002 5:09:49am
Name: Andrew H.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Web Ring
Location: Philadelphia, Pa, USA
Comments: Ich mochte das website. Es ist sehr gut. I like the schwarz background, and the stars. Ich
habe eine schwarze katz, although he is Burmese nicht. Good luck with your website!
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Saturday 11/02/2002 2:16:20am
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://www.beepworld.de/members31/katerminki
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Mülheim an der Ruhr
Comments: Liebe Heidi,
auch ich bin heute mal wieder zusammen mit meinen Dreien auf Eure wunderschöne HP
getigert, die Ihr beide ja schon wieder verbessert habt. Man kann Euch zu Eurer nun
20jährigen erfolgreichen Zucht , die von Euch beiden mit viel Liebe betrieben wird, wie ich
mich immer wieder selber überzeugen kann, nur gratulieren und hoffen , dass Ihr weiter so
macht. Schließlich wollen auch wir noch ein Kitten von Euch.Liebe Heidi, dir persönlich mal
wieder meinen ganz herzlichen Dank für Deine Hilfe, die ich immer gerne annehme und auch
sehr zu schätzen weiß.Bis zu meinem nächsten Besuchh auf Eurer HP grüßt Euch beide
und alle Burmesen Christa Keime mit Minki, Kira und Felix vom MülheimerFutterparadies
Friday 10/18/2002 10:16:17am
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Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Monday 10/14/2002 1:02:05pm
Name: Heese
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: kartaeuser-heese.de
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Web Ring
Comments: Hallo meine Liebe!Ich bin auf Ihre Seite durch die Handaufzucht geraten.Denn plötzlich hatte
ich das Problem,meine Kitten drei Tage lang von Hand aufzuziehen.Ich denke,das es zum
Glück nur drei Tage waren,habe ich Ihrer Kompetenz und Ihrer Ruhe am Telefon zu
verdanken.Durch Ihre Bereitschaft für völlig fremde Menschen Ihr Wissen zur Verfügung zu
stellen,habe ich stets das Richtige getan.Heute schau ich glücklich einer fidelen und
glücklichen Katzenmama beim säugen zu.Meine Kitten sind happy,Vielen Dank,das Sie der
Engel geschickt hat.Liebe Grüsse aus Mahlow,sendet Ihnen Simone
Friday 10/11/2002 10:23:59pm
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Name: Steffi
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Ich finde diese homepage sehr gut. Ich interesiere mich sehr für Katzen. Ich habe auch eine
eigene, aber nur eine Plattschecke Europäische.
Sunday 09/22/2002 9:20:06pm
Name: Katja Pelzer
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://www.tonkanese.de
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Aschaffenburg
Comments: Hallo Frau Schulz!
Ich bin auf der Suche nach Fotos der Vorfahren meiner Tonkanesin und dabei auf Ihre Seite
gestoßen. Die Urgroßmutter war Open Heart of Blue Dream. Vielleicht haben Sie noch
Fotos von ihr, die Sie mir zur Verfügung stellen könnten?
Ansonsten ein dickes Lob für Ihre Homepage, wirklich sehr gelungen!
Viele Grüße
Katja Pelzer
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Thursday 09/19/2002 9:15:36pm
Name: Tina.S
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: E-Mail
Location: Fürth/Bay
Comments: Hallo Frau Schulz,
in dieses Gästebuch trage ich mich besonders gerne ein - nachdem sie meiner Lucy so
prompt geholfen haben.
Ich danke Ihnen hierfür nochmals und wünsche Ihnen und Ihren hübschen Katzen alles
Tina Schoch mit Lucy und Bam-Bam
Thursday 09/12/2002 5:33:37pm
Name: Nordsternchen
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E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Alles rund um die Katz!
Homepage URL: http://www.nordsternchens-katzen.de
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Comments: Liebe Frau Schulz,
Ihre Katzen sind sehr hübsch, es hat mich sehr gefreut, den Weg zu Ihrer Homepage
gefunden zu haben. Vielleicht schauen sie auch mal bei uns rein, wir würden uns sehr
Liebe Grüße vom Nordsternchen
und den beiden Fellnasen
Bella und Muckie
Saturday 09/07/2002 8:22:01pm
Name: Nonna Kärki
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Genuina Burmese Cats
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/genuinaburms
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Finland
Comments: You've got some really nice cat photos on your homepage. I like the reds and creams;
they're so stripeless like they're supposed to.
:) Nonna
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Monday 08/05/2002 7:48:09am
Name: Angie Vogel
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Glendora CA USA
Comments: ich bin geboren in Mannheim aber wohne jetzt hier in Californian. Habe jetzt meine erste
katze bekommen. Sie ist neun wochen alt.
Friday 07/05/2002 9:16:36pm
Name: Familie Seel
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Liebe Frau Schulz,
wir möchten uns hier noch einmal ganz herzlich für unser Bienchen bedanken. Sie ist nun
schon über 2 Monate bei uns und hat sich wunderbar eingelebt. Sie ist gesund und munter
und sehr verschmust. Wenn man Sie auch nur berührt schnurrt Sie sofort.
Wir wünschen Ihnen weiterhin viel Erfolg mit ihren Burmies.
Liebe Grüße aus Ludwigshafen
Familie Seel
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Tuesday 07/02/2002 12:25:27am
Name: Uwe Müller
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Friend
Location: Friedrichsthal / Saarland
Comments: Hallo
Wollte nur kurz schreiben, daß mir Ihre HP sehr gut gefällt.
Der mit dem tropfenden Kater.
Saturday 06/29/2002 2:16:47am
Name: Keime Christina Minkis Katzenwelt
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Mülheim an der Ruhr
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Comments: Liebe Frau Schulz,
Habe mir gerdae noch einmal Ihre wunderschöne HP angesehen, die man muss sagen mit
wirklich viel Liebe gemacht worden ist. Ganz besonders gut finden ich und meine 3 Katzen ,
dass Sie auch eine eigene Seite Ihren nun verstorbenen Burmesen widmen.So können alle ,
die sie kannten, sich die Tiere noch einmal in Erinnerung rufen. Vielen Dank auch für Ihre
immer liebevolle Hilfe , Sie sind wiurklich zu jederzeit für Alle da.
mit vielen lieben Grüßen
Ihre Christina Keime mit Minki, Kira und Felix
Saturday 06/22/2002 6:07:47pm
Name: Gabriele
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://www.zucht-maine-coon.de
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Hallo,
bin durch den Link Handaufzucht auf ihre HP gekommen.
Vielleicht hilft mir der ein oder andere Tip.
Schöne Hp und tolle Katzen.
Viele Grüße Gabriele
Thursday 06/13/2002 8:52:45am
Name: Tao Gutekunst
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E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Werbeagentur
Homepage URL: http://www.4ueyes.ch
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Mitzekatze
Comments: Ich will die Katze sehen!!!
Monday 04/08/2002 8:37:48pm
Name: Stephanie Houston
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Friend
Comments: We are friends of Paul and Pat Lever, and we will soon meet their adorable kittens! We
also have a Burmese.She is 15 years old,chocolate brown,still behaves like a kitten, and is
THE BEST! We love Burmese cats! Your kittens are beautiful !
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Sunday 04/07/2002 7:49:21pm
Name: Brigitte Seel
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Liebe Familie Schulz,
ich möchte mich recht herzlich für die wunderschönen Bilder bedanken. Es war einfach
super neue Bilder zu erhalten. Ihre HP ist einfach toll. Wir freuen uns schon riesig auf
Bienchen und hoffen, daß es Ihnen bald besser geht.
Viele Grüße aus Ludwigshafen
Brigitte Seel
Saturday 11/10/2001 3:45:05am
Name: Penny Stapley
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E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: E-Mail
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Comments: beautiful photos of beautiful kittens
Saturday 08/18/2001 1:54:40pm
Name: M
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: none
Homepage URL: http://none
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Australia
Comments: I'll e-mail you some pictures of my cats soon(all your cats look sooo much like mine)
Monday 08/13/2001 11:26:10pm
Name: kate
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
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Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: I currently searching the web for ideas as I am thinking of buying a burmese.
Tuesday 07/24/2001 9:29:10pm
Name: Tanja Eibner-Kemen
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Friend
Location: Landgraaf,Holland
Comments: Hallo,Frau Schulz,
leider etwas verspätet,aber ich möchte Ihnen nochmal für die Therapiehilfe meiner Katze
ganz herzlich danken.Wir sind sehr froh,das es ihr besser geht.
Ihre Homepage gefällt uns ausserordentlich gut,viele Informnationen and lots if beautiful
Liebe Grüsse
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Tuesday 07/24/2001 9:28:20pm
Name: Tanja Eibner-Kemen
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Friend
Location: Landgraaf,Holland
Comments: Hallo,Frau Schulz,
leider etwas verspätet,aber ich möchte Ihnen nochmal für die Therapiehilfe meiner Katze
ganz herzlich danken.Wir sind sehr froh,das es ihr besser geht.
Ihre Homepage gefällt uns ausserordentlich gut,viele Informnationen and lots if beautiful
Liebe Grüsse
Sunday 07/08/2001 7:58:35pm
Name: Annika Bülau
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: DeepWaters Perser&Exotic-Shorthairkatzen
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Homepage URL: http://www.exotic-perser.de
Referred By: Friend
Comments: Hallo Fr. Schulz,
ich möchte mich hiermit nochmals für Ihre liebe Hilfe in der schwierigen Zeit nach dem
Kaiserschnitt bedanken. Meiner Katze und ihren Babys geht es dank Ihrer selbstlosen Hilfe
heute sehr gut und es ist eine Freude, die kleine Familie zu beobachten. Sie sind ein wahrer
Schutzengel für die Katzen und Ihre "Dosenöffner". Wir hören uns nach der hoffentlich
erfolgreichen Geburt meiner Exotin wieder...
Liebe Grüße...
Fam. Bülau
Friday 07/06/2001 8:09:37am
Name: Achim Giloy & Thomas Schult
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Tachimas´Siamesen
Homepage URL: http://members.aol.com/tachimas/
Referred By: Friend
Location: Rheinbach/Bonn Germany
Comments: Hallo Heidi & Frank
Hab´ Euch endlich gefunden!!
Klasse HP und super schöne Katzen.
Möchten uns noch recht herzlich für deine super Tips und dein immer "offenes Ohr"
Bei uns hat´s jetzt auch "geklappt" !!!
Viele liebe Grüsse
Achim, Thomas, dogs & die ganze
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Thursday 07/05/2001 1:12:13pm
Name: Carol Lutz
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Incazo Cattery
Homepage URL: http://www.users.bigpond.com/incazo
Referred By: Web Ring
Location: Sydney, Australia
Comments: Love your red boy: Golden Earring. What fabulous eye colour and clear coat.
Congratulations on your lovely site, and all the best in your breeding program.
Monday 07/02/2001 10:28:47am
Name: angela huinink
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: cattery tomintoul's
Homepage URL: http://members1.chello.nl/~a.huinink
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Holland
Comments: Hallo Frau Schulz,
Ich möchte sie nochmals gratulieren mit die überwinnung gestern auf der ausstellung in
Ich bin sehr froh das nun eine Burma gewonnen hat (und was für eine!!! o, was ist er
Sie haben sehr schöne Tiere und ich komme sicher nochmal auf ihren homepage vorbei um
sie mir anzuschauen.
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Saturday 06/16/2001 1:45:50am
Name: Frances Quinn
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Web Ring
Location: http://www.vervain.co.uk/
Comments: I like Burmese cats because they are so
affectionate. I currently have a DSH who is very loving. I tell him that the Cat Union is going
to sanction him because of his "uncatlike behavior".
Friday 06/15/2001 2:47:17pm
Name: Penny Hardy
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Netherlands ,but I'm from the U.S.
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Sunday 05/27/2001 4:30:53pm
Name: Charlotte Brill (7)
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Epsom, UK
Comments: I really love Burmese cats and I am hoping to get one soon we have one that keeps coming
into our garden
Monday 05/14/2001 2:40:53am
Name: Christiane
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Australia
Comments: Hallo Heidi,
Nachdem ich fuer Jahre die Strassenkatzen hatte, habe ich letzte Woche einen kleinen
braunen Burmesen gekauft. Ich hole ihn in 4 Wochen ab, und ich kann es nicht erwarten,
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diese wundervolle Rasse kennen- und lieben zu lernen.
Alles Gute
Sunday 04/22/2001 10:18:20pm
Name: Clare Duncan
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Studio City, California, USA
Comments: I've owned British Burmese cats as pets since 1975. My particular favorites are red and
cream. Always interested to hear news of the European Burmese cat line.
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Friday 04/20/2001 11:16:19pm
Name: Limbra Cat Club
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://www.homepages.hetnet.nl/~limbra_cat/
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: href="http://www.homepages.hetnet.nl/~limbra_cat/">
Wednesday 03/21/2001 10:05:03pm
Name: Annika Bülau
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: DeepWaters Perser&Exotic-Shorthairkatzen
Homepage URL: http://www.exotic-perser.de
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Dortmund / NRW / Germany
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Comments: Hallo Frau Schulz, auch ich möchte mich bei Ihnen für Ihre schnelle Hilfe bedanken. Dank
Ihrer Hilfe geht es meiner geliebten "Mutterkatze" heute schon wieder gut. Überaus
Dankbare Grüße... Annika Bülau
Wednesday 03/21/2001 8:46:35pm
Name: Melitta Pridal
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Edelkatzen vom Schwanenort
Homepage URL: http://www.perser-exotic.de
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Germany
Comments: Liebe Frau Schulz. Auf diesem Wege nochmals ein Dankeschön für Ihre Unterstützung. Die
Katzenwelt kann sich freuen, daß sich jemand in ihr befindet, der selbstlos bereit ist, zum
Wohle aller unserer Stubentiger zu helfen. Nun können Sie mittlerweile allein bei mir 7
muntere Katzenleben auf Ihr Konto buchen, 5 Babys und 2 Mamakatzen. Alle Dank Ihrer
Hilfe gesund und munter. Viele Grüße Melitta Pridal
Tuesday 12/05/2000 10:24:59am
Name: Niina & Ninelli's burmese
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Ninelli's burmese
Homepage URL: http://netti.nic.fi/~clover.c/ninellis.htm
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
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Location: Pori, Finland
Comments: Greetings from a cream burmese male and his family from Finland! Burmese cats are the
Thursday 11/16/2000 8:58:09pm
Name: john beale
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: teignage-burmese
Homepage URL: http://www.teignage-burmese.co.uk
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: devonshire u.k
Comments: loved everything, would like to add a link from my site to yours, maybe you might do
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Thursday 11/16/2000 8:54:56pm
Name: john beale
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: index.html
Homepage URL: http://www.teignage-burmese.co.uk
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: devonshire u.k
Comments: loved everything, would like to add a link from my site to yours, maybe you might do
Tuesday 11/14/2000 7:42:37am
Name: Deb
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: From WWW.LPAGE.COM
Location: kentucky,usa
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Comments: I'm interested in owning a Mainecoon again, just looking, take care of those kitties and God
Saturday 11/11/2000 9:05:12pm
Name: Keri Keating
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: I am from Maryland but currently live in West Virginia.
Comments: I am very interested in becoming a breeder of European type burmese cats. I feel that they
are very beautiful and I like their looks a lot more than the traditional look. Could you give
me any advice on becoming a breeder and what I will most likely pay for one, etc.? Thanks
for any help you can give! Sincerely,
Keri Keating
Saturday 10/21/2000 10:54:48am
Name: Jill Hansen
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: From WWW.LPAGE.COM
Location: Campbell California
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Comments: I'm just checking you guys out. I'm looking at the Kittens you have to offer. This is my first
time here so I'm just wondering around.
Monday 09/18/2000 8:55:40pm
Name: Richard T. + Dilys the Burmese
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Croydon, UK
Comments: What's up, Heidi! I haven't visited this site in a while, so I decided to see some of the little
kitties again! Your pal, Richard. (Dilys sends her best wishes!)
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Thursday 09/14/2000 9:58:37pm
Name: Sarah
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: none
Homepage URL: http://none
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: New Hampshire
Comments: I love cats. They are the best!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday 09/10/2000 4:12:14pm
Name: Biggi
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Biggi´s Welt
Homepage URL: http://home.germany.net/biggis-welt/BiggisWelt
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Bremen/Germany
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02.03.2012 12:57
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Comments: Hallo Heidi,
schöne Fotos hast Du hier von Deinen Katzen. Romeo ist ja ein ganz hübscher! Es hat
Spaß gemacht, bei Dir zu stöbern!
Viele Grüße,
Tuesday 09/05/2000 9:47:38am
Name: lionel benjamin
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Taupo, New Zealand
Comments: We have just bought a burmese cat who is 3 weeks old. we are having so much fun. he is
so fun loving and quiet.
hope it stays that way. his name is Chester
Saturday 09/02/2000 1:04:40pm
Name: evita
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
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Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: australia
Comments: just surfing looking at bumese cats i have 2 and my daughter has 2. ilove them vey much.
you have a lovely page.
Monday 08/28/2000 5:33:03am
Name: Janet Lewis
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Ft. Collins, Colorado
Comments: I am very interested in purchasing a Burmese kitten towards the end of November. If you
sell kittens I would love to see more pictures and information, if not then possibly you could
help me find a reputable breeder. thank you very much. Janet Lewis
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Saturday 08/12/2000 8:55:56pm
Name: emeline
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: north of france
Comments: How beautiful your cats are ! I have a blue burmese called Pouchka. I love burmese cats, I
enjoyed your homepage and I wish you to go on and have champion burmese cats.
Saturday 08/12/2000 2:13:27pm
Name: Dawn Hannaford
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: South Africa
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Comments: I breed Asian (Bombay) cats. My cattery is Tristan Cattery in South Africa. I am always
looking for information about these truly remarkable cats. I have a web site but it is not
completed yet. Thank you for allowing me to visit your lovely site.
Friday 07/14/2000 5:08:05pm
Name: Marcia Owen
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Goldlay Birmans, Burmese & Singapuras
Homepage URL: http://www.goldlay-cats.co.uk
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: UK
Comments: I like the look of your page. Do you have plans to publish your pedigrees. I am working on
a database and find it very interesting collecting new pedigrees, especially from abroad.
Monday 06/19/2000 5:19:53am
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage URL: http:/www.city.mississauga.on.ca/animalcontrol
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
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Comments: Just getting more information on different breeds and how to recognise them.
They are lovely animals.
Thursday 04/27/2000 1:47:48am
Name: Vivienne Courto
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Canberra, Australia
Comments: We also love Burmese cats and under very sad circumstances have lost two much-loved
companions over the past two years. Out cats were a sable male called Asher and a little
blue female called Lila - we miss them very much, as does our old tabby cat Bealey. I
found your story about the "Rainbow Bridge" very moving and now have a copy pinned up
above my desk.
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Monday 04/24/2000 11:01:14pm
Name: Rassekatzen Jahrbuch
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Rassekatzen Jahrbuch - Internet Homepage URL: http://www.rassekatzen-jahrbuch.de
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Germany
Comments: Hallo,
sehr schöne Seiten und ne Menge Informationen! Macht richtig Spaß hier! Bei uns gibt es
auch ne Menge zu sehen und Züchter können eine Katzen kostenlos eintragen (incl. Foto).
Aber es gibt auch sonst noch ne ganze Menge zu sehen und lesen, denn unsere Seiten
werden ständig erneuert und erweitert. Schaut doch mal vorbei!
Thursday 03/30/2000 8:22:50pm
Name: Helle Høybye
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
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Homepage URL: http://magicat.homepage.dk
Referred By: Friends told me to stop here
Location: You know...
Comments: Hello Heidi!
We have now settled in ok, me, the kids and the cats.
I love my new house.
Here is my new adress:
Helle Høybye
Kringsvej 59
DK-6000 Kolding
Tel. +45 76 31 20 19
Skylark and Ice had a litter that is 5 weeks old now. And
guess what they got...a choc.tortie, and....a bluecreme.
I'm keeping the blue cream. She is not the best of the two, but I want a bluecreme.
How are you and the cats? Have you won anthing great recently?...I'm sure you have...!
I'm going to Arnhem this eastern. I bring Perdita and Ice.
Are you going?
Well, see you soon anyway...Greetings to all the cats and of course Frank..
Yours truly
Thursday 03/30/2000 11:51:13am
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E-Mail: (sorry, i don't have an e-mail address)
Homepage Title: /
Homepage URL: http:///
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: L-3428 DUDELANGE (Luxembourg)
Comments: I love those cats, i'd like if you could send me
some informations about, and if you have them in
German, i would be pleased.
This is my adress: KERSCHEN Miri
23, route de Boudersberg
Tuesday 03/21/2000 5:45:27pm
Name: Tante Käthe
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Deutschland
Comments: Hallo Frau Schulz. Endlich auch drin. Ihre Seiten sind Klasse. Bis bald Tante Käthe
Saturday 03/18/2000 1:30:52pm
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Name: cindy Hoenes
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Canton, Ohio USA.
Comments: We currently have a Turkish Angora 10yrs.old just entering
renal failure. I have a 5yr.daughter so we are looking for kittens
and like this breed. Do you know anybody in the states here
who may have REDS? How long does this breed live? I heard
only 9 years. Looking forward to hearing from you. Going to
the Cat Show in Pittsburgh Pa .here today. 2hrs away.
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Friday 03/17/2000 4:13:23am
Name: Jose & Josephine Luna
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Dusklun Burmese
Homepage URL: http://www.members.optusnet.com.au/~dusklun
Referred By: Thru the grapevine
Location: Sydney, Australian
Comments: Hello,
Well you visited us so we thought we would also take a peek.
WOW so much information!!
Absolutely fantastic site - well done.
Sunday 03/12/2000 4:38:15am
Name: Marjorie Stanton
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
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02.03.2012 12:58
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Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Napa, California
Comments: Thank you for your nice burmese cat site. Our burmese was with us for 14 years. WE
named her Flash because of her purrfectly adorable antics. She was sweel, cute loving and
Wednesday 03/08/2000 11:22:26am
Name: Sue and Maryanne Burkett
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Canberra ACT Australia
Comments: We own and adore our beautiful brown burmese "Mishka"(Maus)
We also have a Russian Blue "Katinka"
They are both very spoilt!
Tuesday 03/07/2000 6:59:53pm
Name: Jessica Scheller
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Showaholics Maine Coon Cattery
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Homepage URL: http://www.showaholics.de
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Augsburg
Comments: Hallo,
da mußte ich doch gleich nochmals einen Gegenbesuch starten ;-)
Auch Eure HP gefällt mir sehr gut. Faszinierend, daß Ihr schon so lange züchtet :-)
Ist total schön und macht Mut.
Liebe Grüße
Jessi und die Showaholic Maine Coons
Friday 03/03/2000 10:44:32pm
Name: chloe watson
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Loge's Picture Gallery
Homepage URL: http://members.home.net/canda/index.htm
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Chicago, ILLinois, USA
Comments: found you by Burmese web ring. Our little cream Burmese boy is named for the character
in Wagner's Ring. His dad is a Red, and his mother a Cream. From Canada. You have
beautiful kittens.
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Friday 02/25/2000 7:20:23am
Name: Janet Hughes
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Australia
Comments: Very nice site! I'm a big burmese fan.
Sunday 02/13/2000 1:59:17pm
Name: Rosemary Taffijn
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Meaux Burmese Cattery
Homepage URL: http://www.amitar.com.au/~meaux/home.htm
Referred By: Friends told me to stop here
Location: Perth.. Western Australia
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02.03.2012 12:59
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Comments: hello Heidi..
you have made some changes since my last visit..
the pages are looking wonderful..
thank you for the joy that only a burmese can give..
i love to look at your beautiful burmese cats..
Thursday 02/10/2000 4:15:41pm
Name: Dan Gullahorn
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Stringapurrs Abyssinians
Homepage URL: http://www.stringapurrs.net
Referred By: Friends told me to stop here
Location: Pensacola
Comments: I am wondering where Frank could be?
Thursday 02/10/2000 7:46:08am
Name: Tegan Ellery-Farrell
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: @#%$! happens ;-)
Location: Australia
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Comments: I think it is abseloutley excellent
Friday 02/04/2000 8:03:29pm
Name: Carma Roodzant
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Holland
Comments: This is a most wonderfull site. We enjoyed the pictures very much. Also the backgrounds
etc. are very creative. It's realy a pleasure to come to this page.
p.s. Can we please use one of your pictures as a background on our computer. The
photo's are so wonderfull.
Best regards and a prrrrrrr from our two burmese cats,
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Thursday 01/27/2000 3:45:50am
Name: Charlotte Ewell
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: USA; Virginia
Comments: I love cats!
Sunday 01/16/2000 1:27:25pm
Name: Stefán Schanz
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Seligenstadt, Germany
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Comments: I Like your page. We have three Cats and we love to have them. It`s nice to see your page
about cats and I hope you will go on. Bye Stefan
Saturday 12/04/1999 9:45:47pm
Name: Dagmar
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Regenbogenland
Homepage URL: http://fly.to/regenbogenland
Referred By: Word of Mouth
Location: Wien
Comments: Liebe Grüße von einem Katzenfan..!
Sunday 11/21/1999 1:16:54am
Name: kmad
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Thru the grapevine
Location: uk
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Comments: please send me something. thanks
Monday 11/15/1999 10:35:51am
Name: Barb Midson
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Friends told me to stop here
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Comments: BURMESE are the greatest, I have a Burmese Blue, his name is Zac and he is everything a
person could ever wish for in a pussy cat, he is my buddy and I love him dearly.
Had always wanted to see a Burmese Red and your site made that possible, thank you
very much for such a great site, love looking through it.
Kind Regards,
Barb Midson
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Monday 11/08/1999 1:51:44pm
Name: y.heum
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: düsseldorf/ germany
Comments: dear guests of this page!
if anybody of you once have problems or questions, how to
feed little kittens , even newborn , with the bottle - don`t
hesitate- ask mrs schulz. in the end of sept. mrs schulz helped me with my ten days old
litter of 5 siameze kittens,
and saved them , because of her tips and explanetions .
they are now 8 weeks , healthy lovely and beautyfull . the mother didn`t have any milk left
and i was really afraid , i could loose one .but for god´s sake, mrs s. and her husband
arrived at night ,stayed for a lot of hours and showed me everything!!!! if she woldn`t have
come, i don`t know , what could have happened.i will be ALWAYS gratefull!!! yvonne
Sunday 11/07/1999 8:24:33pm
Name: y.heum
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02.03.2012 12:59
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E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: liebe frau schulz! schöne page was ich bis jetzt gesehen habe.
den miezen geht es schon besser . nochmals vielen dank für
die hilfe . wir bleiben in kontakt - alles gute!
Wednesday 11/03/1999 3:13:58am
Name: Tani
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: NewZealand
Comments: I think your web page is very well done
Monday 11/01/1999 11:26:23pm
Name: Marlene
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Marlene's Cats
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02.03.2012 12:59
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Homepage URL: http://members.home.net/sassy34/HomePage.htm
Referred By: Word of Mouth
Location: Ontario, Canada
Comments: Wonderful site. Full of information and gorgeous cats!
(P.S. Thanks for stopping by my site, too!)
Monday 10/25/1999 10:21:56am
Name: Puezel the Cat
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Purzel´s Katzenalbum
Homepage URL: http://www.katzenalbum.de
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Das ist wirklich eine schöne Homepage. Die Gestalltung der Seiten, der Aufbau und die
Infos passen sehr gut zusammen.
Ich habe eine Katzen-Homepage.
Und wenn Du möchtest, lade ich Dich ein, sie mal zu besuchen. Vielleicht schreibst Du mir
ja auch was in mein Gästebuch.
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Sunday 09/19/1999 5:55:55pm
Name: Annette Esser
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://www.Triskani.de
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: D/SH
Comments: Dear Heidi,
because of your international page I try to dig up all my knowledge that has been sealed in
my "English-Cache".
Your Site is very good, informative, clearly arranged - and that beautiful pictures!!!
Thanks for signing my Guestbook, good for a Newcomer like me!
Cu your Site soon again: Annette + 7
Saturday 09/11/1999 11:04:30pm
Name: Richard Townsend
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Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://Sorry/nothing/yet.com
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: London, UK
Comments: Hey Heidi! This is my fave burmese page and I also have my own brown Burmese Cat
called Dilys. I have some of your masterpieces in my Scrap book!
Tuesday 08/31/1999 6:38:38pm
Name: Dirk
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Dirks WebSite
Homepage URL: http://www.primbs.de/
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: So.... Bin auf Gegenbesuch und klick mich durch Eure homepage... Schön habt Ihr's hier!
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Friday 08/27/1999 3:10:16am
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: NONE
Thursday 08/19/1999 10:01:43pm
Name: Kate Doty
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: United States
Comments: This is a fun site. Thanks for taking the time to share it with all us websurfing cat fans!
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Monday 08/02/1999 3:01:24am
Name: Chris & Smidget (and Lily too!)
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Weezer's World
Homepage URL: http://www.angelfire.com/ct/weezersworld
Referred By: @#%$! happens ;-)
Location: Connecticut, USA
Comments: I just love your cats. They are so beautiful! Your website is great too and I bookmarked it
so I can come back and visit again soon. "Schmidtchen" says hi!!! I wanted you to see how
this little one has grown!
She is now 9 months old, and weighs 6 pounds (a little less than one kilogram if my
conversion is accurate). Remember how little she was when she was a kitty...I got her at 4
months old and she weighed less than half what she weighs now! And she isn't fat - fat, just
filled out and grew up! Hope you are all doing well. Your friend, Chris and the gang
(Smidget, Lily, and Weezer the parakeet)
Thursday 07/29/1999 6:32:37pm
Name: Camilla Scharff
E-Mail: [email protected]
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Homepage Title: Camischa's Burmese
Homepage URL: http://www.burmese.dk
Referred By: Word of Mouth
Location: Copenhagen, DK
Comments: Hi Heidi
Just took a tour of your homepage - like your pussies!!! I'd appreciate it very much if you
went by my website http://www.burmese.dk - looks a lot like yours, huh??
Regards, Camilla - Camischa's Burmese >^..^
Thursday 07/22/1999 11:45:58am
Name: jinger
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Cyprus
Comments: I really like it but it needs more pictures!
Monday 07/12/1999 5:49:35am
Name: J. Kim
E-Mail: [email protected]
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Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: California, USA
Comments: Guten Tag! Wir haben auch ein kleines "Burmese" Kaetchen
--sie heisst Sofia und sie ist einfach wunderschoen! Sie
ist sehr huebsch und verspielt-- sie spielt immer mit
Papierbaelle und Bluemen! Wir lieben sie und alle Burmese
Katzen! Wir lieben auch dein Website!
Vielen dank,
Jenny, von der USA
(bitte, Entschuldigung, mein Deutsch ist so schlecht!)
Wednesday 07/07/1999 3:58:23pm
Name: anna
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: london
Comments: really love your page, well done.
we have got a lovely tortie burmese called chester harlequin allspice.
chester is extremely affectionate and she talks a lot.
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Tuesday 06/29/1999 9:09:48pm
Name: Jeff Stiltner
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Indiana, USA
Comments: I like cats, i own 4 of my own, they are just strays that we've adopted. your cats are just as
beautiful as they are!:)
Sunday 06/27/1999 5:39:56pm
Name: Richard Townsend (And Dilys the cat under the table)
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: London, UK
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Comments: I love your site! I have a burmese cat called Dilys who is a thief, stealing pieces of chicken
our next door neighbours cats found!
Sunday 06/20/1999 6:02:42am
Name: nikki
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: none
Homepage URL: http://none
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: perth,australia
Comments: you need some more pictures!!!!
Tuesday 06/15/1999 11:52:37pm
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: DALLAS, TX
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Monday 06/14/1999 9:45:08pm
Name: Melitta Pridal
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Edelkatzen der Gruppe Wuppertal des 1. DEKZV e.V.
Homepage URL: http://www.edelkatzennet.de
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Germany
Comments: Hallo, ich freue mich, Sie im September mit Ihrem Vortrag über die Flaschenaufzucht von
Katzenbabys in unserer Gruppe begrüßen zu dürfen. Vielen Dank, daß Sie uns an Ihren
Erfahrungen teilhaben lassen.Frdl. Melitta pridal
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Saturday 05/29/1999 11:45:02pm
Name: Melissa
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Greeley, Colorado, U.S.A
Comments: Hi! I love your web page, Burmesecats are my favorites! Unfortunately, I don't own one
personally, but I hope to have a tortie one day.
Tuesday 05/18/1999 7:35:58pm
Name: Val
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Northwest Pennsylvania
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02.03.2012 13:02
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Comments: HI, I have a few questions if you would be willing to answer? I would greatly appreciate it! I
am allergic to most cats, but have heard that I should not have that problem with bermese.
I really don't care about fancy bloodlines as I would spade or neuter my pet. I just want a
nice, affectionate cat for companionship. Is what I heard about the Burmese cat accurate?
Also who would be the closest breeder for me to contact? How much money for a Burmese
Thanks so much for answering my questions. Val
Thursday 04/15/1999 2:46:05pm
Name: Gerrit Kestermann
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Germany
Comments: Schöne Seite, Glückwunsch
Tuesday 04/06/1999 7:40:46pm
Name: Gina Schnell
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: ist noch nicht fertig
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
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02.03.2012 13:02
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Location: cat-town-village
Comments: Wir sind vorŸbergehend Ÿber AOL zu erreichen (Testphase).Unsere "Osterhasen" haben
den Kindern alle Verstecke verraten! Sugar hat sich ein PlŸschkŸken geschnappt und ist
damit abgehauen!!!!Viele GrŸ§e von FlÅ mmchen (=Flambinchen), Sugar, Gina u.Co.
Friday 04/02/1999 6:07:37pm
Name: Colin Yorke
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: South Africa
Comments: Really impressed by this web site. We have one cream burmese and will soon have a blue
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Wednesday 03/10/1999 6:16:28pm
Name: Gary & Zonya Brittain- Murray
E-Mail: Gary.Elisande@tesco. net
Homepage Title: no web page yet !!!!!
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: West Midlands UK
Comments: Hello from Gary & Zonya the home of Elisande Burmese
Saturday 03/06/1999 8:47:47pm
Name: Chris
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Connecticut, USA
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02.03.2012 13:02
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Comments: I love your pictures. You have beautiful cats and kittens. I was searching for Burmese
pictures because I just got a little Burm female 17 weeks old (tiny - 2 lbs.) platinum and
perfectly cute! She is a companion kitty and her name is Smidget. Thanks for the really nice
Wednesday 02/24/1999 7:15:00am
Name: Kathy
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: USA
Comments: I enjoyed looking at your (pussies). Seriously, I enjoyed all your pictures. Even made one of
them my desktop. Thanks.
Tuesday 02/16/1999 9:27:58am
Name: Helle Høybye
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://not yet but coming soon
Referred By: Friends told me to stop here
Location: Denmark
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Comments: Hey Heidi and Frank!
So are you still not settled in?
I'm very sorry to hear about Jennilee.
Otilly is expecting kittens, but that Tiger, Perdita is chasing her so this is not a very happy
house these days.
I hope to see you in Hennef, I really look forward to see you again.
How are the cats.
Mail me a few words to tell me, how you are!
Sunday 02/14/1999 9:31:16pm
Name: marc phillipps
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Germany / Grevenbroich
Comments: Ihre Homepage ist prima aufgebaut und die Fotos von den süssen Katzenbabies sind
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Wednesday 01/20/1999 2:26:49am
Name: Barbara Herring
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Vienna, Virginia
Comments: I recently acquired two Burmese (sable) kittens and just absolutely love them to death.
Very delightful companions. These are my first Burmese--my other cats have always been
Siamese or Tonkinese. My son always comments that no matter what I get, if "mese" is
part of their name, it's going to be a great cat. And it's so true!
Tuesday 01/19/1999 10:43:00am
Name: Helle
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
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Location: you know that!
Comments: Hello Heidi!
How are you. I hope you have settled in in your house now. We kindly accept your invitation
to stay with during the burma special show in Hennef.
I will phone you soon so that we can plan the weekend.
My "ICE" has now begun to mate. He mated Otilly a week ago.
I have 3 kittens left from the big litter. One is a chok.tortie like Qatja.
See you soon.
Yours Truly
Sunday 01/03/1999 5:01:54pm
Name: Monica Hall
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: England but living in Norway
Comments: I am living in Norway having relocated from England. A few months before we moved my
brown Burmese Jindah died in a road accident.
I am interested in owning a Burmese again but am unsure about quarantine regulations if
we move on to another country in Europe or
back to England. Also, I'd like to e-mail anyone who is interested in Burmese cats, just for
fun and general information.
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Friday 01/01/1999 9:46:23pm
Name: Martha Bogdanoff
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://www.nvidia.com
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: San Francisco, California
Comments: Nice site. I own a Burmese. I like to learn all about them,
they are very unique cats. My Burmese is a Champagne (dilute)
traditional Burmese. Pet quality, but he is a pedigree
that I bought from breeders who show their beautiful
His name is Jimi-Jami, and he is now 1 year old. His companion
is my other cat Angel Baby, a black American shorthair that
I adopted from the Humane Society.
Monday 12/28/1998 8:54:30am
Name: someone
E-Mail: somrthing
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Australia
Comments: This page is heaps cool!!!!!!
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Thursday 12/17/1998 4:43:26am
Name: Gary Haythorn
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
Comments: Had a beautiful burmese cat that died 5/97 at age 20 yrs and 2 mos. She was a
wonderfule pet. Her name was Teelock, a Thai word for sweetheart. I am now surfing to
find a burmese(s) available for sale within driving distance of Erie, Pennsylvania and have
them home for Christmas.
Wednesday 12/16/1998 2:22:05pm
Name: Brian Wilshire
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Brian Wilshire/Beautiful Burmese
Homepage URL: http://www.mrpc.com.au
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
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02.03.2012 13:04
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Location: Sydney Australia
Comments: Hi from Downunder! I'm a Sydney radio announcer (check www.2gb.com ). We have a
brown and a champagne Burmese (males), a black male Oriental, and two
Burman/Burmese cross cats. Their pics are in the Burmese section of my web pages, at
the above address. The Burmese is more than a cat, it is a way of life!
Friday 12/11/1998 7:42:42pm
Name: Carolene Ungemack Stanek
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Fairfield, CT (USA)
Comments: I happen to own two (sable colored) burmese.
Always happy to see there are others in the world who love this breed. My Shakespeare
and Baby are very dear to me!
Wednesday 12/09/1998 4:24:53pm
Name: Jim Morrison & Lissia Pica
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
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Location: Guess
Comments: Heidi & Frank,
We have a package for you from Jim & Frances. Need your new address in order to mail
Saturday 11/28/1998 3:17:17am
Name: Mini & Murphy
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Maryland, USA
Comments: We are 2 Jack Russells who very much miss our former cat companion and are helping
Mom decide on a new companion. Thanks for the information and pictures.
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Thursday 11/26/1998 11:21:13am
Name: Sweetkittie
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Sweetkittie: Cats, Crime, & More!
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/~sweetkittie
Referred By: Thru the grapevine
Location: USA
Comments: Beautiful cats and kittens. I'd like to have a Burmese myself someday, a platinum Burmese.
To me they are the prettiest.
Thursday 11/26/1998 0:21:44am
Name: linda andrews
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: england
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Comments: I have a 19 year old blue who has out lived all our vets thoughts as she was a runt. With
the help of steroid injetions she is doing well but I go to sleep every night wondering if she
will greet me in the morning?
Sunday 11/22/1998 11:50:26am
Name: Tatjana Köhnke
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Neubrandenburg
Comments: Bin fasziniert von dieser Rasse. Sie lassen mich
einfach nicht mehr los.Leider habe ich meine kleine
vor ca. 6 Monaten durch eine angeborene Krankheit verloren
und bin sehr sehr traurig. Es vergeht kein Tag an dem ich
nicht an diese kleine Burmesin denken muss.
Viele Grüsse Tatjana Köhnke
Friday 11/20/1998 6:12:14pm
Name: Armin & Beate Birk
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: The Birk´s Homepage
Homepage URL: http://fly.to/birk
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02.03.2012 13:05
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Referred By: Thru the grapevine
Location: Hiltersdorf / Bavaria
Comments: Hallöchen Heidi & Frank ! Eure Sites sind ja wahnsinnig gut gelungen. Sogar unsere Petra :
Viele Grüße und ein herzliches Meow from Bavaria
Wednesday 11/18/1998 8:23:46pm
Name: Myriam Pöhler
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Germany but living in Sweden
Comments: Hallo!
Ich habe gerade vier kleine Burmababys, 2½ Wochen alt.
2 Blaue, 1 braunschildpatt wie die Mamma und 1 braun. Wir wohnen in der Nähe von
Stockholm. Der Pappa ist aus Dänemark, Ecco.
Gruesse, Myriam
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Sunday 11/01/1998 0:58:54am
Name: Lisa Sachade
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Comments: I have a Blue Cream "Tortoise?" Burmese who is very noisy and
talks continuously, whether we want her to talk or not. In
fact she talks more than my 8 month old daughter. As we speak
she is looking at the screen--trying to catch the cursor point.
My cats name is "Ménu" (French for kitty). We bought her from
a breeder in Toronto. She comes from a very long line of British
cats. The breeder claims that she is the only one who breeds
a Blue Cream Tortoise version of these cats in Canada.
Saturday 10/24/1998 10:11:17pm
Name: Tanya Stevens
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E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: n/a
Homepage URL: http://n/a
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Denver, Colorado USA
Comments: I have had two Burmese cats, one died of cancer at the age of 14 months. I can't seem to
find any information around the Colorado area about the health of Burmese cats. I have a 3
year old female now that is a wonderful cat. She is for the most part, healthy.
I think your website is great!! Loved all the pictures!!
If you have any information about the health problems of Burmese cats could you E-mail it
to me at [email protected]. Thank You!!!
Friday 10/02/1998 9:28:52am
Name: Petra E. Lerch
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: @#%$! happens ;-)
Location: Spargelland
Comments: Hi darlings,
was nice to meet you at the web.
Hope to hear from you soon again.....
kisses & hugs,
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Sunday 09/27/1998 5:40:53pm
Name: Kitty
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://expage.com/page/pedey or http://expage.com/page/krd
Referred By: Word of Mouth
Location: Massachusetts
Comments: Hello fellow cat lover
i like ur page
Sunday 09/27/1998 9:38:45am
Name: Juleeanna Kovacs
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: home.netscape.com
Homepage URL: http://home.netscape.com
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Oceanside, California
Comments: Hi Friend cat lover,
Do you have any full screen pictures of Bombay Cats? Thats
the kind of cat I have. A six year old black Bombay. If you do
have any pictures of Bombays, please let me know. Thank you.
By the way your website is excellent! Chow for now :-)
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Monday 09/14/1998 1:47:12am
Name: Bill Prescott
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Sebastian, Fl U.S.A.
Comments: My wife and I are owned by a half burmese half ferrel cat. He is black with a small white
mark on the chest. Having owned dozens of cars over the years we are captivated by this
animal and would love to learn more about the Burmese. He is growing old. 14 years but
still active. He is an indoor/outdoor cat and rules the rest of the house, includeing 4 female
mixed breeds and a pure breed female German Shepard.
Saturday 08/08/1998 1:59:20pm
Name: Vicky
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
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Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Hertfordshire, UK
Comments: What a lovely page full of beautiful burmese babies! I have two red boys, 5 yrs old, and
called Freddie and Rufus and their 6 month old cream half brother called Dylan. They are
all beautiful and all get up to a lot of mischief. I love them all dearly. For some reason, the
reds and creams aren't as popular as the other colours but I think they are lovely and it is
great to see a website dedicated to these colours :-)
Best wishes
Thursday 08/06/1998 2:25:40am
Name: Monika
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Westchester County, New York
Comments: Thank you for sharing your beautiful cats and kittens. I have two Burmese kitties:
Sebastian, who is 2 1/2 years old, and his niece, Tamar, who just turned two. They are
both dark champagne-colored. Burmese kitties are the most affectionate, intelligent and
playful cats! Like another who signed your Guestbook, I call mine my "brown babies!"
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Sunday 07/26/1998 7:51:44pm
Name: Christine Hazlett
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Hazlett Web Site
Homepage URL: http://chrishaz.ez2.net/
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Southern California, USA
Comments: Hi! You came to visit my pet photo page, so Awesome and Mocha wanted me to visit the
picture of the kitten. You left his address in our guestbook. He is so cute!!!!! I just love the
photos of kittens with their paws open wide trying to grab a toy! You have beautiful cats.
For some reason I thought Burmese cats were long hair!
Saturday 05/23/1998 8:48:14am
Name: Diane
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Slinky The Cat's Little Corner Of The Net
Homepage URL: http://pw1.netcom.com/~guidarel/slinky_burmese_cat.html
Referred By: Thru the grapevine
Location: Burbank, Southern California
Comments: What a splendid Burmese website! Thank you very much for recommending it on the
[email protected] mailing list. I hope to chat with you soon.
I have a Traditional Sable Burmese female named Slinky. She's loves to play fetch and
knock anything over that's not nailed down. She's my baby and I love her very much. Aren't
Burmese Cats wonderful?
Talk To You Soon,
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Thursday 05/07/1998 5:46:02am
Name: angie mccann
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: sydney, nsw australia
Comments: i thought it was great. keep up the excellent work.
Monday 04/27/1998 7:37:58pm
Name: Sara Voigt
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: @#%$! happens
Location: Clinton, Iowa
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Comments: I was looking for Albino Burmese Pythons and found your web page and figured to check it
Friday 04/24/1998 6:59:29pm
Name: D Marr
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: UK
Comments: WE want one
Sunday 04/19/1998 2:51:40pm
Name: Eric martin
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://www.btinternet.com~our.house/eric.htm
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Buckinghamshire England
Comments: stealing a picture od a burmese cat so I can update my web site!
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Friday 04/17/1998 12:23:21am
Name: Joy
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Longreach, Australia
Comments: Hi! I have a male (neutered) Chocolate Burmese named Milo.He completely rules the
house.Loves hiding around corners to dive out and grab me around the ankles and throws
tantrums by pushing everything off the table.Also likes playing with the miniture Terrier next
door and torments my Chiuhuahua.
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Wednesday 04/15/1998 4:13:03pm
Name: Jeanette
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: JJG's Homepage
Homepage URL: http://leisuredome.net/members/LD?homepage=jjg
Referred By: Thru the grapevine
Location: New Hampshire,USA
Comments: cool site.
I own a sable burmese named Charm's Max-A-Million of Stagelight.He's a Grand Champion
in CFA and I'm going for a Grand Premier in CFF.He's a sweetie-fetches like a dog and
jumps 5 feet in the air to catch toys.
Sunday 04/12/1998 1:43:14pm
Name: Linda Slavin
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
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Location: Missouri, Pennsylvania, Florida
Comments: Hi- we have 2 beautiful, sable burmese cats, Guppy and Gus, whom we love as
children(referred to as brown babies). We wish that we could clone them so that they
would be in our lives continuously. As of yet we don't have our own web page but then you
never know... Given that I am disabled at this point in my life, they provide me with
enormous amounts of love and affection. My male is aware of when I am upset and is
famous for licking my tears away! We are lucky individuals to have BURMS in our lives.
Great web site and hello from the US. Linda
Sunday 04/12/1998 1:31:00pm
Name: Linda Slavin
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Missouri, Pennsylvania, Florida
Comments: Hi- we have 2 beautiful, sable burmese cats, Guppy and Gus, whom we love as
children(referred to as brown babies). We wish that we could clone them so that they
would be in our lives continuously. As of yet we don't have our own web page but then you
never know... Given that I am disabled at this point in my life, they provide me with
enormous amounts of love and affection. My male is aware of when I am upset and is
famous for licking my tears away! We are lucky individuals to have BURMS in our lives.
Great web site and hello from the US. Linda
Sunday 04/05/1998 10:19:03pm
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Name: Diana
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Web page name? What web page?
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Devon, Pennsylvania, USA
Comments: I was looking through the internet trying to find another breeder and noticed this page. Well
set up with lovely mamas and papas and darling babies. I had 2 sable boys who died within
a month of each other in late 1996 at age 17 (still miss them). I now have a Bombay and a
Burmese, both aged almost 2. I had forgotten how riotous youngsters can be. . . I also ride
a tall chestnut gelding whenever I can. Anyone with Burmese or Bombay cats (or any
mixture thereof) is in for a treat! Best wishes to all!
Saturday 04/04/1998 9:39:45pm
Name: Katz
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: New Zealand
Comments: Where is everyone on your chatline?
I come on it at different times, and I am the only one here.
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Friday 03/27/1998 7:05:10pm
Name: Lyn Barclay
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Essex England
Comments: I have been breeding Burmese Cats since 1986. I have three studs all home breed.
One is Brown one Chocolate and one Cream. Maisie my Brown Tortie is about to have
kittens in the next couple of weeks.
I am married with three grown up children, and one Grandson who at the ripe old age of
five months is also developing a love for cats.
Your cats look lovely, I have a real soft spot for Red Burmese, I have got two Red neuters,
Sam and Tango. There is only one thing wrong with Burmese
Friday 03/20/1998 11:58:27am
Name: Odette Schlumpf
E-Mail: None as yet
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Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Hi! I have never "chatted" on the Internet before, so this is all new to me. I am a cat lover,
married to a man who is allergic to cats. It's a real tragedy for me. Somebody told me that
Burmese cats do not shed hair and that people who are usually allergic to cats can actually
live with Burmese. Understandably I'm very interested. I'm "chatting" from a High School in
South Africa and we have not set up an E-mail address yet. I plan to visit this site again
some time next week. Hopefully by then I'll have found out more about ourE-mail address
and also the basic things such as our URL!
Tuesday 03/17/1998 3:38:29am
Name: Parveen Nisha
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Parveen Nisha
Homepage URL: http://www.freeyellow.com/members2/nisha4deva/index.html
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Blk 511 #14-78 Jurong West St 52 Singapore 640511
Comments: I wanna be friends of those who come to this web site! Feel free to drop me a message in
my e-mail! I'm waiting ya!!!!
Monday 03/16/1998 6:53:31pm
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Name: Jena
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Victoria, BC, Canada
Comments: I just wanted to get some info about Burmese cats I was given one and I already have a
blue point siamese and they are hilarious together. My Burmese is named Chloe and she is
a tortoise shell color really pretty, she is so tiny and
hyper quite entertaining.
Monday 03/16/1998 6:38:42pm
Name: Jena
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Victoria, BC, Canada
Comments: I just wanted to get some info about Burmese cats I was given one and I already have a
blue point siamese and they are hilarious together. My Burmese is named Chloe and she is
a tortoise shell color really pretty, she is so tiny and
hyper quite entertaining.
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Thursday 03/05/1998 1:43:12pm
Name: Mary H.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: @#%$! happens
Location: New Prague, MN USA
Comments: I was doing a report on Burmese cats and I came across this.
Its pretty cool!
Tuesday 03/03/1998 0:43:18am
Name: felicity
E-Mail: felicity [email protected]
Homepage Title: none
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Gloucestershire, England
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Comments: cream burmese
Friday 02/13/1998 3:35:12pm
Name: cherry
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Enjoyed the page. Will check back sometime. My husband and I have a three year old
ruddy Ab that is the darling of the household, so you know that I enjoyed "meeting" your
sweethearts, too.
Tuesday 02/10/1998 3:36:14pm
Name: Rosemary Silk
E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: From Ourworld
Location: Hampshire, UK
Comments: Just surfing around - I've got a 15 year old brown Burmese called 'Octavia' - lost my darling
3 year old Chocolate boy Beresford just before Xmas and am about to get a new kitten - a
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little 'Blue Boy' - don't know what I'll call him. I am married to a farmer's son, live in a
cottage on 500 acres of arable land with woods, stables and lots and lots of things for
Burmese to chase and hunt!! Oh yes, we also have two black Labradors - Gemma (14)
and Panda (7) for company. The only other male in the house is Simon, my husband. Nice
to read about your cats. Regards, Rosemary
Thursday 02/05/1998 6:55:50am
Name: Theresa Fouche
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: None as yet
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: South Africa
Comments: I have just finished surfing through your sight, and found it very pleasing indeed. No
frustrating pictures that take hours to come up, good layout, lots of beautiful pictures.
Congratulations on a job well done,keep up the good word.Theresa from Sunny South
AfricaNo matter how much cats fight, there always seem to be plenty of kittens. Abraham
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Wednesday 02/04/1998 0:45:39am
Name: Enock Pio de Oliveira Silva
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Cat Fanciers of Brazil
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/5753
Referred By: Word of Mouth
Location: Brazil
Comments: Dear Heidi & Frank,
You know this die hard fan of your babies is always checking this beautiful homepage of
Thursday 01/29/1998 6:18:15pm
Name: Diane Michelson
E-Mail: [email protected]
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Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Trenton, New Jersey
Comments: I have had Burmese for nearly 25 years, currently only have one Champagne female. I miss
my Sable boy, who had kidney failure at 10 years old. The Sable boys are just soooo
Wednesday 01/21/1998 11:14:26am
Name: Linda
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Rikki's Retreat
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/9000/
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Western Australia
Comments: I have a beautiful brown Burmese boy and was just checking out Burmese links. Hello!!
Friday 01/16/1998 7:09:57am
Name: Tonya Fowle
E-Mail: rfowle.eex.com
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
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Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Dallas, Texas, USA
Comments: Our family is about to aquire a 1 1/2 year old Male Black Bombay Cat. I understand that
Burmese cats look alot like Bombay cats. You have a really fun Web page.
Thursday 01/15/1998 10:51:44am
Name: Ann Nelson
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Nelsons
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/8792/index.html
Referred By: Friends told me to stop here
Location: Sydney Australia
Comments: Anne Chidley referred to your page, so clicked and here we are. Tried your chat room but
no-one there at this time I suppose.
We just got our first Burmese - and joined [email protected] Listserv to find out more.
Your page is very enticing and interesting. Well done.
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Thursday 01/15/1998 10:35:02am
Name: Christine Soerensen
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: www.bayside.net/users/scotland/psychocan.htm
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: From Ourworld
Location: Denmark
Comments: Really nice page :)
Friday 01/09/1998 11:29:16pm
Name: Sarah and Elizabeth
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Exeter, England
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Comments: We loved visiting your page and managed to spend the whole time making "AaaHhhh"
noises to all your photos. Our burmese is called Amy and she is the most beautiful, friendly
and affectionate cat you could wish for. Thank you for letting us visit. Cheers...
Tuesday 01/06/1998 11:25:47pm
Name: Christine D.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Christine's Feline Expressions
Homepage URL: http://www.creativeworldnet.com/bboardcat.hts
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: USA
Comments: Great site about your cats....
Thursday 01/01/1998 2:50:21pm
Name: Estelle Fanucci
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Bethany, CT USA
Comments: I loved seeing your "babies". I have one very spoiled sable Burmese - he rules the roost!
Also, I enjoyed the armchair tour of Dusseldorf - I've never been to Germany, and this is
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certainly an incentive to visit!
Thursday 01/01/1998 8:46:56am
Name: Claire Vivash
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Waitakere village, Auckland, New Zealand
Comments: I love Burmese cats and I have enjoyed looking through this web site. Thanks
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Sunday 09/21/1997 11:39:00am
Name: Kelsie Deitch & Mi Miss Morgan
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Issaquah, Wa USA
Comments: Great page. Very cute babies!
Saturday 09/20/1997 3:44:00pm
Name: michael & claire pascoe
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: sydney, australia
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Comments: nice home page, especially the stellar scenes, and of course the cat links - we are currently
searching for a name for
a new member of the family - a very cheeky, vocal, adventurous 7 week old (as at
20/09/97) chocolate burmese cat
from a realy good breeder called margaret (to be picked up in about 5 weeks) in Gosford,
north of Sydney.
any ideas ?
Saturday 09/13/1997 8:56:00pm
Name: Leyse
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: The Real Me!
Homepage URL: http://members.tripod.com/~Leyse/index.html
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Australia!
Comments: Gee! you have some beautiful babies! I haven't yet been able to get pictures of my wee
bairns on the net BUT I will
soon! This is a lovely page. CONGRATULATIONS!
( Don't forget to visit mine...*g*)
Monday 09/08/1997 9:57:00pm
Name: Diane Smith
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E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Australia
Comments: I am a Teacher Librarian at a primary school in Newcastle, some 160 kms. north of Sydney.
We do not have a home page as yet, as I'm very much at the learning/beginning stage as
far as the Internet is concerned. And of course you begin with familiar topics, don't you? I
am a registered breeder of Burmese cats too, and currently have a rainbow litter to my
chocolate queen, and am expecting blue and lilac "babies" to my blue queen next weekend.
I think that they make beautiful and loving pets, and Burmese are almost a passion of mine
now. I hope that this reaches you! Diane
Sunday 09/07/1997 1:27:00pm
Name: Ian & Sue Gaskell
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Burnley, UK
Comments: We have 4 Burmese cats, 2 girls and 2 boys - all neuters.
Our girls are Ch.& Gr.Pr.Isajen Cinnamon (chocolate)
and her sister Isajen Quicksilver (blue). Our boys are out
of the very famous Bambino line - Pr.Sykris Alpine Mist (cream)
and Pr.Sykris Ultimate Nirvana (lilac). We are very proud of
all 4 and cannot imagine life without them.
We see that your cats carry the Rumba prefix owned by
Helen Marriot-Power who we know quite well and often see at
Championship shows all over England.
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Sunday 09/07/1997 1:36:00am
Name: Chie - Lei
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Johannesburg
Comments: I love my Burmeses, they are fat, lazy, beautiful, full of personality and give me
unconditional love. I'm sure you can identify with this
Wednesday 08/27/1997 12:09:00am
Name: Wendy Porter
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
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Comments: I loved your web site. I have a male lilac Burmese called
Minky who's 11 years old, and who I consider my best friend.
He's like my teddy bear, and isn't content until he's
snuggled up beside me in bed every night. I wouldn't be
without him for the world.
Saturday 08/02/1997 11:35:00am
Name: Laura Walden
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: I have a marvelous sable female 1 year - I'm looking for a European male - very good
eyecolor - very short stop - I am a member of the German Burmese club and am shopping
around for other breeders.
Do you have any male kittens available?
My Fax is 39-6-36088469 my E-mail is unreliable.
Thank you - nice to see your site!
All the best, Laura.
Saturday 07/26/1997 6:21:00am
Name: Victoria Basiuk
E-Mail: [email protected]
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Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: St albans UK
Comments: Elvis lives !, thats right he lives with us and is a chocolate Burmese
Friday 07/25/1997 9:45:00pm
Name: Misty
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Berea, Ky U.S.A.
Comments: Burmese cats are very Beautiful I've been wanting to get one for a while now. Glad to see
you have a page dedicated to them.
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Monday 07/21/1997 12:43:00am
Name: Silvia Cattery vom Silvan
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Word of Mouth
Location: Friedewald im Westerwald / Germany
Comments: beautifull Homepage !
Hopefully for good teamwork in breeding things for long long time, for we are both
successfull all over many many years.
Saturday 07/19/1997 10:23:00am
Name: claudia
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: nashville TN USA
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Comments: i am the definitive burmese cat lover and have been for all my life!!!
Tuesday 07/15/1997 5:06:00am
Name: T Munn
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Winston and Ambrose's Scratching Post
Homepage URL: http://www.senet.com.au/~tmunn/tm3.htm
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Comments: Very Cute. We love the kindergarten.
Please visit our home page to see our boys!
Monday 07/14/1997 11:18:00am
Name: cynthia a. hasbrook
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: muskego, wisconsin, usa
Comments: thanks - I've had burmese cats for 20 years - just lost
my 17 year old beloved "Nicholas" (traditional, sable)
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and am beginning to search for a kitten. cah
Sunday 07/13/1997 1:00:00pm
Name: Melissa-Anne Chapin
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Melissa-Anne Chapin's Web Page
Homepage URL: http://homepages.enterprise.net/jeznmel/Melissa
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Ipswich, Suffolk, England
Comments: Thank you for your wonderful Burmese site.
Yours sincerely,
Melissa and Samadhi (Burmese)
Max and India (Moggies)
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Friday 07/11/1997 12:04:00am
Name: Veronica L. Mulherin
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: St. Louis, Missouri U.S.A.
Comments: I have always been a cat lover since childhood. Six years ago I went to a cat show and
there were all kinds of cats. There was a breeder of Burmese cats there. She had pet
quality cats to sell. I fell in love with a little boy I named Burme'. He had such a special
personality. Unfortunately, this past year, before his sixth birthday I lost him to kidney failure
after two hospitalizations. It has been very hard without Burme' as he was very special to
me. My question is, is kidney failure common among the Burmese cat? I want another
Burmese because the have such a loving nature, but I don't think I could go through loosing
another cat at such an early age.
Thanking you in advance for any information you can give me.
Thursday 07/10/1997 3:29:00pm
Name: Dan
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E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Stringapurrs Abyssinians
Homepage URL: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/spanishtrlvet
Referred By: @#%$! happens
Location: Farfrompukenville, USA
Comments: Suggestions......
Let me hear from you!
Wednesday 07/09/1997 7:00:00pm
Name: katie
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: meow
Homepage URL: http://www.meow.com
Referred By: From Ourworld
Location: world
Comments: Good page. I know that you do talk about burmese cats but maybe try
to talk about them more, have pictures of your cats, and put some other
good sites in that people could also see.
Wednesday 07/09/1997 7:04:00am
Name: Silke
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E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: CatConnect - die int. Rassekatzenvermittlungsstelle
Homepage URL: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/catconnection/homepage.htm
Referred By: Friends told me to stop here
Location: Frankfurt/Germany
Comments: Nice pages!
If you are intersted to get a link to my CatConnect Agency - come
in and leave a note at:
CU soon
Saturday 07/05/1997 4:57:00am
Name: Kerry Chapman
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Gleniph Arabians
Homepage URL: http://www.wolf.net.au/~pixie/
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Sydney, Australia
Comments: Was looking around at burmese cats, we used to breed them and are thinking of starting up
again, still have some desexed monsters! They are really great, aren't they! Your pages
are really good, great to have visited. Bye for now
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Friday 07/04/1997 3:59:00pm
Name: Toska
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Toska's Home
Homepage URL: http://Home.pages.de/ ~ Toska
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Nice :-)
Echt schön....... aba die schrieft ist mir zu grell
Ciaoooooooo Toska
Thursday 06/26/1997 8:52:00pm
Name: annette bate
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
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Location: st. catharines, ontario canada
Comments: I have an abyssinian, and a long haired calico cat. I love cats and enjoy all these websites.
Wednesday 06/25/1997 6:55:00am
Name: Jaensken
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://nix da!!
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Düsseldorf
Comments: Hallo fs,
schön, so eine Homepage, ich hätte auch gerne,
bin aber wohl zu dumm für sowas. Vielleicht hilfst Du mir mal
bei Gelegenheit bei der Erstellung??
Friday 06/06/1997 3:02:00pm
Name: Sara Grant
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
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Location: Wirral, England
Comments: I have a blue burmese called "Sparky" who is two years old.
Sunday 06/01/1997 2:10:00pm
Name: Laura
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Thru the grapevine
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Comments: Nice cats! Mingus, a five year old lilac burmese who shares his home with me thought your
page was fab!
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Wednesday 05/28/1997 5:44:00pm
Name: rebecca
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Oklahoma
Comments: I love your home page! I was thrilled to find another Burmese lover. I have had Burmese
cats since 1961.
( when nobody knew what a burmese was) and I can't live without them. Only traditional
though, I don't care for the looks of the contemporary. I currently have 1 blue female that
rules the house, but you know how that is!
Monday 05/26/1997 8:35:00pm
Name: Sonja Westlund
E-Mail: cc- [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
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Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Walnut Creek, California, USA
Comments: Nice Cats--I breed all colors of Burmese(traditional lines
only.)Blue,Champagne,Platinums,and Sables. Litter of kittens
due this week, should be platinum & champagne. Thanks for letting me vis
this site.
Sunday 05/25/1997 3:00:00pm
Name: Clifford Calladine
E-Mail: Cliffcal @MSM.com
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
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Enjoyed visiting your page.We unfortunately have just lost our burmese boy,so everyone is
a little sad,that includes the three other burmese.Any way I hope all your cats are well.
Kind regards, Cliff Calladine
Tuesday 05/20/1997 8:10:00pm
Name: Sheila Fernandez
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Simi Valley California
Comments: How much is a red burmese? We would like a friend for our champange Burmese,
Sunday 05/18/1997 12:24:00am
Name: Viveca C. Ott
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Geneva Switzerland
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Comments: I don't have the cat yet, it will be with me in June. For the time being, I have a Korat, called
Do you have any suggestions for names for my female brown Burmese, starting with "N"?
Bye for now
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Thursday 05/01/1997 9:29:00pm
Name: Jimmy & Jessica Banks
E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Michigan, USA
Comments: So far from what i have seen i love the site but you really have to get rid of the blue typeing
for the letters you should use red since you also breed the red variety of Burmese, but
other than that i admire
you for dealing in these breeds because i had a Burmese cat and two years ago we lost
him in our house fire, i tried to get back into the house after i had gotten my little boy too
safety, but he never came too me, but he was lost and now i am trying to fill that void in my
and that is why i am looking for another or two of the brown with dark tips and bright blue
eyes, i just love the breed they are just like a real human they and he was just like part of
the family, so if you could help me out i am looking for just pet quality but still want the pet
to be healthy and very
out going, but i need help finding breeders in my area if you could be of some help please
e-mail us at either of our e-mail address i have given thanks so much, bye
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Monday 04/28/1997 7:45:00am
Name: Lauren Hugel
E-Mail: jeff_hugel
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Michigan (although currently living in Zurich, Switzerland)
Comments: I love the pictures, some of the best I have seen on the Internet!
Saturday 04/19/1997 8:17:00pm
Name: Bob Kamins
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: ???
Homepage URL: http://www.kamins.com/bob
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Brampton, Ontario, Canada (near Toronto)
Comments: Got here from Tosca's home page (in Australia:
Looking for Tom breeders to broaden our genetic stock.
No prizewinners for us though. Just like the old garden
variety, barn-cat type of Burmese. Our "Spanky" is about
a year old, male, likes long walks on the beach and watching
the sun rise. Would like to meet a female with similar...
oops -- I forget he's fixed! Oh well.
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Friday 04/18/1997 3:40:00am
Name: Dick Granson
E-Mail: [email protected] - or - [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Friends told me to stop here
Location: Pensacola, Florida
Comments: I know of you through Dan & Jean Gullahorn.........
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