This Week - Our Lady Star of the Sea


This Week - Our Lady Star of the Sea
This Week
Tuesday ~ Coffee, Tea and Theology
1:45 pm - Parish Center
6:45 pm - Parish Center
Wednesday ~ Parish Retreat Night - “Out From our Tombs”
7:00 pm - Church
Thursday ~ Exposi$on of the Blessed Sacrament
8:00 am - 11:00 am - Church
Friday ~ Fish Fry
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm - Parish Center
Sta$ons of the Cross
7:00 pm - Church
Friday is a day of Abs nence*
Saturday ~ Private Confession
3:00 pm - Church
*The law of absnence obliges those 14 years of age and older not to eat meat.
Our Lady Star of the Sea
Page 2
Grosse Pointe, Michigan
From the Parish Family
Half and Half
I might as well start to give a plug
now for you to at least start thinking
about par cipa ng in the three most important days of the Church’s year – the
liturgies of the Paschal Triduum. Those
liturgies are the Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday night, the Liturgy of
the Lord’s Passion on Good Friday a2ernoon, and the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday night. It has been very heartening to
hear people say over the years how
thankful they are that they par cipated in
these special liturgies. Maybe they first
came to one. Then another. Now they
look forward to all three. Give it a
thought for this year if you haven’t par cipated in one in the past!
** Speaking of the Triduum, this year we
will con nue what we started last year.
Many years ago, yet is s ll allowed today,
all the statues in the church were covered
with purple cloth beginning on Palm Sunday and not revealed un l the Easter Vigil.
On Good Friday, any crucifixes in church
are likewise to be covered. This year, we
will again remove them from the church
on Holy Thursday and return them for the
Easter Vigil.
** Why not come to church Wednesday
evening for our Parish Retreat Night? A
me to let things go and focus on the Lord
in our life, where He wants to lead us,
discovering what He wants to heal in us,
what He wants to un e in us and let us
experience freedom in His life!
** Thanks for your par cipa on in the
parish fish frys. There have been many
volunteers who help to make this run
smoothly. From the “Team Fry”, to the
kitchen chefs and coordinators to the
food runners, thank you for all of your
help! We hope you have enjoyed the
food and me these past Fridays. We
look forward to seeing you again the next
few weeks.
** A reminder that Star parishioners are
invited to join in any one of the four SERF
vicariate penance services this Lent. They
take place Thursday, April 10 and Monday, March 14.
** I hope you take the me to read the
other ar cles in this paper. They provide
some educa on, forma on and get us
thinking about our discipleship in the
** Thanks again for those who have responded to our plea to give us an extra
“shot in the arm” through the Sunday
offerings. Your generosity and stewardship are very much appreciated.
** Next weekend many of our young second graders will receive Holy Communion
for the first me during the weekend
Masses. Next Sunday, our 8th graders will
receive the Sacrament of Confirma on at
2:00 pm. Bishop Francis Reiss will be here
to administer the sacrament. Please pray
for these children as they con nue their
prepara on to receive these important
sacraments of ini a on.
** Please keep the parishioners and staff
of Our Lady Queen of Peace in your prayers as they mover closer to the closing of
their beloved parish May 18. It is always
difficult to close a parish that has been so
instrumental in life. Some parishioners
have been there 50 years or more! We
also welcome those Queen of Peace parishioners who join us at Sunday Mass as
they seek a new parish home. Let’s make
them feel welcome and comfortable as
they come to “check us out” and join in
our Sunday prayer.
May the Lord’s peace and love be
witnessed this week. See you in church!
Msgr. Gary Smetanka
From the Deacon’s Desk
As we con nue our Lenten journey,
I hope you are taking advantage of programs offered here at Our Lady Star of
the Sea, including Msgr. Gary’s weekly
retreats on Wednesday evenings. I also
would like to con nue invi ng people to
aGend sessions I’m hos ng on Tuesdays
at 1:45 p.m. and 6:45 p.m. in the Parish
Center, using the adult forma on program called Symbolon.
Symbolon combines outstanding
videos and print materials that encourage
par cipants to grow in faith and engage
in dialogue with each other, along with
taking the message beyond the parish. In
the early days of the Church, Chris ans
described their Creed as a “symbolon”,
meaning “seal” or “symbol of the faith”.
It’s from the Greek word that defined a
piece of parchment or a coin that was cut
in half and shared by two people, confirming a rela onship between the two.
We always are being called into a
deeper rela onship with Jesus, so it can
be said that “symbolon” is something that
helps to seal – and strengthen – our relaonship with Him.
We have been using Symbolon in
our classes for the Rite of Chris an Ini aon of Adults – and it has been a blessing
for the group – but it should be emphasized that it’s for all Catholic Chris ans. I
encourage you to join me this Tuesday,
April 1, for video and discussion of the
Paschal Mystery and Tuesday, April 8, for
the Holy Spirit & Life of Grace. It’s the
same presenta on at 1:45 and 6:45, so
you only have to come once.
May Our Lord con nue to walk with
us en route the celebra on of His Passion,
Death and Resurrection. Have a blessed week.
In Christ’s Peace,
Deacon Bill
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Page 3
March 30, 2014
From the Parish Family
RJK - Accounting
How will we be judged when we
make our final accoun ng? How well (or
how poorly) we handle condi ons which
confront us on a daily basis could be the
principal point of reference. Do we reconcile or divide? Such is food for thought
during the upcoming Holy Week as we
recall the personali es in the redemp ve
process of the Passion.
First, the crowd idolizing Christ on
Palm Sunday as he entered Jerusalem.
This was a fine start to recognizing what
was about to take place, Divinity and man
in reconcilia on. Enter the powerprotec ve high priests and the crowd is
manipulated into a frenzy of hate. What
would have been our reac on; would we
have gone along with the crowd? Do we
do that now?
There was Judas who sold out
Christ for 30 pieces of silver, then cast
himself to sudden death in a clumsy suicide. Would we have chosen money over
Divinity and in remorse despaired or repented?
Pilate emerged as a principal. His
confronta on with Christ elicited the
classic ques on, “What is truth?” Do we
know and do we interface with others to
develop or hide truth?
Peter with his fresh field promo on
to head the church on earth denied
Christ three mes during the Passion.
What makes us believe we would have
acted otherwise in view of how we act or
react in our daily lives? Eventually he
atoned with martyrdom. Would we?
Conscience personified was found
in the inconspicuous maid servant who
asked Peter if he were a companion of
Christ. Similarly confronted, would we
deny it?
May we use this Lenten season as
an interim accoun ng of our lives. See
you in church.
(first Published March 21, 1993)
Go and Make Disciples
Catholic street evangelists! Yes,
that’s right.
Back in 2009, this column reported
on an evangeliza on program at Texas A
& M University. Students wearing T-shirts
with the words “I am Catholic. Ask me a
ques on.” would stand on campus where
lots of people walk by.
They did this in order to engage
others in conversa on about the Catholic
faith. The concept had begun to be adopted at other ins tu ons, as well.
More recently, an organiza on
called St. Paul Street Evangeliza on has
been highlighted twice in The Michigan
Catholic. It is a na onal non-profit group
founded in 2012 by Steve Dawson, a
Michigan na ve. They can be found evangelizing in business districts as well as on
college campuses.
The main driver of the group’s
efforts is the command of Jesus to “go
and make disciples of all the naons…” (MaGhew 28:19-20). They set up
a simple sign (“Catholic Truth”) on sidewalks and are there to engage passersby.
It’s a non-confronta onal approach.
They want to find common ground first.
They’ll talk to anyone -- non-Catholics,
inac ve Catholics, non-Chris ans, and
those with no religion.
They want to get into a conversation, not
just hand out a flyer. They want to “share
the Person of Jesus Christ and the truth
and beauty of the Catholic Faith with a
hungry culture” (
On one Saturday last fall, Archbishop Vigneron joined them in downtown
Royal Oak and par cipated in the outreach. Regarding the me he spent there,
the Archbishop said “I was blessed to be
part of one of those ‘new methods’ that
Blessed John Paul II said belong to the
New Evangeliza on.”
Most of us won’t have the opportunity to be street evangelists, but there
are family members, friends, neighbors,
and others with whom we interact. Some
of them might be hur ng in some way,
searching for something in their lives, or
not aGending church, or any number of
other things.
What is the best way to interact
with them as a person of faith and an
The first is to be a witness of our
faith – that is living our faith and showing
charity to others.
You are probably already doing that.
So, let’s focus on the encounter. Some
evangelizing techniques that work well
• Being a good observer and being
willing to listen.
• Mee ng others where they are, not
where you think they should be.
• Respec ng their situa on, ques on,
belief, or need to know.
• Showing concern, not being cri cal.
• Showing empathy.
• Being thoughVul and caring in making comments/responses.
• Sharing your own experiences and
your faith story.
• AdmiXng you don’t know the answer; offering to find or help find
the answer.
Remember, that it’s not just the
evangelizer who is involved here. This is
the work of the Holy Spirit. So, pray for
that all important guidance.
One in the Spirit,
Jean Wersching
Evangeliza on Commission
Recite the Rosary Weekly with our Neighbors at the Rivers
Do you have a half hour to spare once a month? The Rivers on Cook Road have
asked if we could send 1 or 2 parishioners to help the residents recite the Rosary
in the Chapel at least once a month or more if we have enough volunteers.
This Ministry would not begin un l May. If you are interested in
serving our community please contact Debby Veltri in the Parish Office.
Our Lady Star of the Sea
Page 4
Grosse Pointe, Michigan
Spirituality and Worship
Liturgy Schedule for April 5th and 6th, 2014
4:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
Msgr. Gary Smetanka
Fr. Bill Herman
Ron Bogen
Tom Kliber
Carol Abiragi
Kerry Schaeffner
Saturday Team
Team B
Team D
Team F
Kay Abram
Dave Barthel
Peter Cracchiolo
Greg De Mars
Carl Henrichs
Allan Koziol
Eric Lindquist
Bill Quinlan
Joseph Rabaut, Jr.
Paul Ven miglia
Anthony Brinkman
Bob Chevalier
Jeff HueGer
Mike Makowski
Jim Solomon
Leonard Stoehr
Frank Zimmer
Dr. Ralph Hinz
Ray KeGel
Dick Mar n
Ed Pniewski
Walter Pokladek
Lindsay Rusch
Mark Rusch
Dave Vago
Bob Waldvogel
Bill Bolton
Ben Czerniawski
Doug Hawkins
Ted Kedzierski
Norb Kreuter
Dr. Gerald Mullan
Dr. Ray Rahi
Dr. John Roarty
C. Ancona
G. Flynn
K. Flynn
D. Gallant
M. HarG
J. Lucido
A. Cataldi
J. Gehlert
B. Kreuter
D. Ament
D. Ament
R. Koch
Michele Zyngier
Tony Brinkman
Help Needed
Carolyn Ugval
Mary Ann Fox
Gail Monte
BeGy & Joe Ahee
Maggie Kanakri
Men’s Bible Study
and Fellowship
Join us Thursday mornings at 6:30 in the
Parish Office Conference Room as we
read and discuss the Scriptures of the
day. If your schedule permits, you then
can aGend 7:30 a.m. Mass with the
group and con nue fellowship
by going to breakfast after Mass.
For more informa on, contact
Deacon Bill Jamieson,
313.884.5554, ext. 212,
or [email protected].
Pray the Rosary
Please join us in praying the Rosary
in church weekday mornings at 7:05 a.m.
"The Rosary of the Seven Sorrows"
is prayed following the Tuesday and Friday morning Masses.
Both the Rosary and the Chaplet of
the Divine Mercy are usually recited in
the chapel following the 7:30 a.m. Mass.
Please Note
Msgr. Gary Smetanka Msgr. Gary Smetanka
Sunday, March 30
Fourth Sunday of Lent
1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a; Ps 23;
Eph 5:8-14; Jn 9:1-41 or
9:1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38
Monday, March 31
Is 65:17-21; Ps 30; Jn 4:43-54
Tuesday, April 1
Ez 47:1-9, 12; Ps 46; Jn 5:1-16
Wednesday, April 2
Is 49:8-15; Ps 145; Jn 5:17-30
Thursday, April 3
Ex 32:7-14; Ps 106; Jn 5:31-47
Friday, April 4
Wis 2:1a, 12-22; Ps 34;
Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30
Saturday, April 5
Jer 11:18-20; Ps 7; Jn 7:40-53
Sunday, April 6
Fi*h Sunday of Lent
Ez 37:12-14; Ps 130; Rom 8:8-11;
Jn 11:1-45 or 11:3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45
Altar Servers
Monday, March 31
7:30 a.m. C. Gesell; K. Gesell
Tuesday, April 1
7:30 a.m. C. Gesell; K. Gesell
Wednesday, April 2
7:30 a.m. M. Burns; D. Gallant
Thursday, April 3
7:30 a.m. M. Burns; D. Gallant
Friday, April 4
8:30 a.m. M. Burns; E. Harris
Sunday, April 6 - Confirma%on Mass
2:00 p.m. P. Ciaravino; S. Maxey;
A. McFarlane
Mass Intentions
Monday, March 31
7:30 a.m.
† Deceased Priests, Deacons
and Bishops
Tuesday, April 1
7:30 a.m.
† Edmund T. Ahee, Jr.;
Fr. Art Fauser
(5th Anniversary of Death)
Wednesday, April 2
7:30 a.m.
† Stephen Yuhase; Niki Gjurashaj;
† Dr. Gilbert Di Loreto;
Msgr. Gary Smetanka
Thursday, April 3
7:30 a.m.
† Elsie Connors; † Gerald Kent
Friday, April 4
8:30 a.m.
Thomas and Michael Baks;
† Myron Di Bartolomeo
Saturday, April 5
4:00 p.m.
† Helen and Peter Ciaravino;
† Mae Moeller; † Joseph Tiseo;
† Myron Di Bartolomeo
Sunday, April 6
8:00 a.m.
OLSOS Parishioners
9:30 a.m.
† Edwin Monnig
11:30 a.m.
† Virginia Mushenski; † Mamie Amine;
† Carl , Catherine and Sam Palazzolo;
† Kathleen KeGel; † Robert J. LeFevre;
† Helen and Peter Ciaravino
Mass inten ons may be arranged in the Parish Office. According to Archdiocesan Policy, the suggested
dona on is $10 per Mass. The († ) indicates deceased. Mass inten ons must be received 14 days prior
to publica on to be published and read at Mass.
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Page 5
March 30, 2014
Spirituality and Worship
Please Pray for ...
Marie Caldwell
Robert Caldwell
Dorothy Doeren
Janet Drolshagen
Mary Lee Graham
Dr. Ralph Hinz
Virginia Hinz
Elizabeth Pendy
Angelina Russo
Denise Abood Sidlow
Michelle Tubbs
Carmela Veneri
Mark Wehner
Robert Wehner
James Wouczyna
James Patrick Carrier
Kyle Cone
Emily de Brun
Kevin Dornan
Jason T. Erbecker
Adam Evanski
Brian Evanski
Kevin Hanley
Kaysey Harms
MaG Helm
MaG Hoffman
MaGhew Johnston
Jus n Kelly
Paul Koss
Evan Marshall
Joseph McDade
David Miller
Thomas Miller
Joseph Misuraca
Vincent Scalabrino
Meghan Servais
Dan Sheppard
Robert Skowronski
Michael Trondle
Nick Trybus
Michael Ullman
Jus n Wines
Joseph Youngblood
Please Note
Names will remain on
the sick list for one (1) month unless
the parish is nofied otherwise.
In Memoriam
Maureen Jumer
Lorie Ann Byrne
Raffaela Burgio
Louis Weber
Grace Mixich
James Hathaway
Mary Michaux
Mary Sherman
Helen Staskowski
Kathryn Artner
Rosanna Jennings
Frederick VanAssche
Celine S bich
Theodore M. Barthel
CharloGe Conroy
Laura Cowden
Mitchell Malicki
John Bissa
Angela Simoncini
BeGy Trentacoste
Marguerite Crandall
Robert Petz
Hilda Garry
Anthony Brinkman
James P. Conroy
Gilbert Di Loreto
Agnes Borchak
Stephen Yuhase
Margaret Saponaro
Runar Anderson
Walter Sunday
Kenneth Fisher
Auber ne Coussement
Lena Theresa Bologna
Virginia Alden
Joseph BaraGa
William Cavataio
Paul Trupp
Fern Pantano
Stanley Condon
Gusparro Cataldo
Margaret Kelly
Barbara Lemieux
Elsie Connors
John Quinlan
“The liturgy is the source for
achieving . . . human sanc fica on and God’s glorifica on”
(Cons tu on on the Sacred Liturgy, 10)
Liturgy is an event, an ac vity, during which the Church gathers to offer
praise and glory to God. God, in all of his
aGributes (compassion, mercy, faithfulness) is worshipped during the liturgy.
The faithful on their own cannot hope to
accomplish holiness. God’s presence and
power works through the faithful so that
they might be sanc fied, that is, healed
and made holy by God. The documents
of the Second Va can Council reaffirmed
that the bap smal call is to holiness.
How do we know what the holiness of
God is like? The prayers, readings, gestures, and ac ons of the liturgy provide a
glimpse into the holiness God desires for
each person.
The 50th Anniversary of the Cons tu on on the
Sacred Liturgy: A Parish Celebra on © 2013 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publica ons.
Orders: 1-800-933-1800. WriGen by Kristopher W.
Seaman. Text from the Cons tu on on the Sacred
Liturgy © 1982, Interna onal Commission on English in the Liturgy Corpora on (ICEL). Imprimatur
granted by the Reverend Monsignor John F. Canary,
Vicar General, Archdiocese of Chicago on June 5, 2013.
Lenten Adoration
During the Thursdays of Lent,
Adora on is scheduled from
8:00 a.m. un l 11:00 a.m.
through April 10th.
All are invited to aGend.
Homebound Ministry
If you or someone you know are unable
to aGend Mass and would like to share in
the Eucharist, please call the Parish
Office at 884-5554 to schedule a
volunteer to bring you Holy Communion.
Our Lady Star of the Sea
Page 6
“I’m so sorry….”
In our humanness, we o2en
need to express an apology to
someone for perhaps hur ng their
feelings, for bumping into them in
line; for everything from simple to
complex human errors. But, what
about for those times we’ve offended Jesus? This is the time in the liturgical calendar in which the
focus is intensified upon the suffering, the Passion and Crucifixion of a man so innocent, so kind and loving; He simply did it for
us…out of love for us. When we extend our apology to someone, we hope that it will be met with “Oh, that’s okay,” or, “no
problem.” When we bring our sorrow for our mistakes to Jesus
in Confession, He tells us, “I’m so glad you realize that what you
did hurt Me.,” “but, I forgive you and I love you.” “Do your best
to sin no more.” The Catholic News Agency wrote the following
regarding the Papal audience of February 19:
(CNA).- During his Wednesday audience, Pope Francis
encouraged the pilgrims filling St. Peter's Square to receive the
sacrament of Reconcilia on. "Everyone say to himself: ‘When
was the last me I went to confession?’ And if it has been a
long me, don’t lose another day! Go, the priest will be good.
And Jesus, (will be) there, and Jesus is beGer than the priests Jesus receives you. He will receive you with so much love! Be
courageous, and go to confession.”
Acknowledging a popular objec on to the sacrament,
Pope Francis noted, “someone can say, ‘I confess my sins only
to God.’ Yes, you can say to God, ‘forgive me,’ and say your sins.
But our sins are also against our brothers, against the Church.
This is why it is necessary to ask forgiveness of the Church and
of our brothers, in the person of the priest.” “Forgiveness is not
something we can give ourselves,” cau oned the Pope. “One
asks forgiveness, one asks it of another person, and in confession, we ask forgiveness from Jesus.” “Forgiveness is not a result of our efforts, but is a gi2. It is a gi2 of the Holy Spirit who
showers us with mercy and grace that pours forth unceasingly
from the open heart of Christ crucified and risen.” The Pon ff
went on to recognize that many people feel ashamed at the
idea of confessing their sins and might say, “but Father, I am
embarrassed!” “Even embarrassment is good. It’s healthy to
have a bit of shame... it does us good, because it makes us
more humble.” “Don’t be afraid of confession,” Pope Francis
stressed. “When someone is in line for confession he feels all
these things - even shame - but then, when he finishes confessing, he leaves (feeling) free, great, beau ful, forgiven, clean,
happy.” “The sacrament of Reconcilia on is a sacrament of
healing,” he pointed out. “When I go to confession, it’s for
healing: healing the soul, healing the heart because of something that I did to make it unwell.” “But I say to you,” he
stressed to the many pilgrims, “every me we go to confession,
God embraces us.”
The link below contains both the text and video of the Pope’s address:
Grosse Pointe, Michigan
School News
Teacher Feature Toni Landa
The four year old preschool students have been busy preparing for the Resurrec on of Christ. We started Lent by aGending Mass and receiving ashes. It was the first me that many of
the children had received ashes. We will con nue to learn more
about the Crucifixion and Resurrec on of Christ.
Since September we have been very busy learning our
leGers. We have used the Handwri ng Without Tears program to
help us learn how to properly form each leGer. This program
allows the students to use mul ple mediums to build and write
leGers. The children use four pieces to build all the leGers; big
curve, small curve, big line and small line. Some ways we prac ce
wri ng our leGers is by using our index finger to write the leGers
in sand and shaving cream. We also use the tradi onal paper and
pencil to write our leGers. Handwri ng Without Tears also has a
great app for iPads that we have been able to use as well. When
wri ng or building our leGers, we always remember to start at
the top!
We will be wrapping up the year by learning how to care
for God’s creatures. The children are looking forward to visi ng
Upland Hills Farm in May. While at the farm the children will be
able to experience hands on ac vi es and interact with the animals on the farm.
Box Tops for Education
Our Lady Star of the Sea School is con nuing to collect
Box Tops for Educa on
(a program put on by General Mills).
Our goal for this year to earn is $2,000!
Clip, save & send any of the box tops to the school
office or put into
the collec on jar in the back of church.
Thanks for your con nued support!!
Please Note:
2014-2015 Tuition Assistance forms are
available in both the school and parish offices.
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Page 7
March 30, 2014
Christian Service
Lenten Alms Tree
The three tradi onal pillars of Lenten observance are prayer, fas ng and almsgiving.
During Lent, we are asked to focus more intently on "almsgiving," which means dona ng money or goods to the poor and performing
other acts of charity. As one of the three pillars of Lenten prac ce, almsgiving is "a witness to fraternal charity" and "a work of jus ce
pleasing to God." (Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 2462).
Almsgiving: It is a sign of our care for those in need and an expression of our gra tude for all that God has given to us. Works of charity
and the promo on of jus ce are integral elements of the Chris an way of life we began when we were bap zed.
The four organiza$ons we are helping this year:
Mary’s Mantle
Mary’s Mantle is a residen al program rooted in the Catholic faith. The home is designed to accommodate four expectant mothers at
a me who are at least eighteen years old for the dura on of one year. Mary’s Mantle is a safe haven where expectant mothers can
fully realize their poten al as children of a loving God. The staff and volunteers work diligently to help plan for their future.
Dominican Literacy Center
The Dominican Literacy provides a tutoring service and conducive learning environment to help adults improve their reading, speaking,
listening, wri ng, mathema cs, and basic computer skills.
St. Patrick’s Senior Center
St. Patrick’s Senior Center has been serving seniors for over 30 years. They provide hot and nutri ous meals, an excellent health care
clinic, and transporta on assistance. They also offer fun and educa onal classes, exercise programs designed for healthy living, social
ac vi es and the spiritual enrichment.
Kids on the Go
Is a nonprofit summer therapy program, has been providing free therapy to children with special needs for the past fi2een years. Kids
on the Go pairs children with professional therapists as they work with the latest and most reliable therapeu c tools. The therapy
comes at no cost to already overburdened families, and it comes at a crucial me, a2er school provided therapy has ended. In the 2011
-2012 school year, the number of students who qualified for special educa on services in the State of Michigan was 217, 868. Kids on
the Go bridges that gap and prevents children from losing valuable skills over the summer months. Your support will help these children see they are capable of achieving great things while they have fun doing it!
It’s easy to help any of these organiza ons:
Take an envelope
Put your dona on inside the envelope
(cash or check made payable to OLSOS or the organiza on(s))
Return envelope during the Holy Thursday Service or on Palm Sunday
Any ques ons please contact Debby Veltri in the Parish office
Service Sundays 2014
Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan
Spring Gala - Stronger Together - A Chain of Love, Faith and Family
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Wes n Book Cadillac Detroit
Tickets: $150 per person \ $200 pp includes a2erglow
Tables of 10 $1250 \ $1750 includes a2erglow
Honorary Chair: Dr. Isaiah McKinnon
Emcee: Glenda Lewis
Invoca on: Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron
Tickets available in Parish office or by calling CCSEM at (248) 537-3300
March/April: Lenten Alms
May 10/11: Household Cleaning items - rags, buckets,
disinfectants, Windex, etc...
June/July - all month: Backpacks for elementary and
middle school children: more info to follow
August 9/10: Laundry item - detergent, fabric so2ener
sheets, laundry baskets
September 13/14: Baby Care Items - Wipes, powder,
lo on, etc…
October 11/12: Sock and underwear drive
feed the hungry • give drink to the thirsty • clothe the naked • visit the imprisoned • shelter the homeless
Our Lady Star of the Sea
Page 8
Grosse Pointe, Michigan
In Our Parish
This Week
Penance Services
Sunday, March 30
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Lenten Alms
Catholic Relief Services Collec%on
9:15 a.m…….………………..………..Sunday Preschool (SC)
9:30 a.m…………………………………………………….RCIA (EC)
10:30 a.m…………………..………...…..Spirit and Life (CAF)
1:00 p.m………………..…………………Baseball Prac ce (G)
Thursday, April 10
1 pm - St. Margaret Church
7 pm - Our Lady Star of the Sea
Monday, March 31
3:30 p.m…………………………………..……Floor Hockey (G)
5:15 p.m……………………….………...Baseball Prac ce (G)
7:00 p.m..…….………………………..……Bap sm Class (CR)
Monday, April 14
1 pm - St. Barnabas Church
7 pm - St. Joan of Arc Church
Tuesday, April 1
1:45 p.m………………….Coffee, Tea and Theology (A,B)
3:30 p.m…………………………………………Floor Hockey (G)
4:00 p.m………..………..1st Communion Rehearsal (CH)
4:05 p.m……………………………....Religious Ed. (1-5) (SC)
6:30 p.m……………………………....Religious Ed. (1-6) (SC)
6:30 p.m…………………………………...Spirit and Life (CAF)
6:45 p.m………………….Coffee, Tea and Theology (A,B)
7:30 p.m…Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy (CHP)
Wednesday, April 2
9:30 a.m………………..…..…Bible Study {Last Class} (CR)
3:15 p.m……………………………………….Gymnas cs (CAF)
6:30 pm……………..……….……Winter Sports Awards (G)
7:00 p.m…………………………….…..Lenten Series (CH,GS)
7:00 p.m……………….…..GP Symphony Rehearsal (A,B)
Thursday, April 3
6:30 a.m……….………...…...Men’s Fellowship Mtg. (CR)
8:00 a.m….Exposi on of the Blessed Sacrament (CH)
6:30 p.m. ……………………...Theology of the Body (CH)
6:30 p.m…….………………………………...Choir Prac ce (B)
7:00 p.m………………..Evangeliza on Comm. Mtg. (CR)
7:30 pm.………………………………..……….…Bible Study (A)
7:30 pm.…………….…………………Men’s Club Mtg. (CAF)
Friday, April 4
8:30 a.m…………..…………………...…………..……Mass (CH)
5:00 p.m……………………………………………….Fish Fry (PC)
5:00 p.m………………….……...Men’s Club Basketball (G)
5:30 p.m……………………...Confirma on Rehearsal (CH)
7:00 p.m…………………………..Sta ons of the Cross (CH)
SERF Vicariate Penance Services
Celebrating the Triduum
Holy Thursday- April 17
[No 7:30 a.m. Mass. Chapel closed at 9:00 a.m. for the Triduum.]
7:00 p.m. - Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Private Adora on in the Parish Center un l 11:00 p.m.
Good Friday – April 18
[No 8:30 a.m. Mass]
Church open at 9 am for private prayer and devo on
12:45 p.m. - Sta ons of the Cross
1:30 p.m. - Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion
followed by Divine Mercy Novena
Private Venera on of the Cross un l 6 p.m.
Holy Saturday – April 19
Saturday, April 5
Lenten Alms
1:00 p.m….…….…..………….…..Handbell Rehearsal (CH)
4:00 p.m………………………………..1st Communions (CH)
[No 3:00 p.m. confessions. No 4:00 p.m. Mass]
Sunday, April 6
Fi*h Sunday of Lent
Lenten Alms
9:15 a.m…….………………..………..Sunday Preschool (SC)
9:30 a.m….……………………………..1st Communions (CH)
9:30 a.m…………………………………………………….RCIA (EC)
10:00 a.m………….……………Preschool Fellowship (A,B)
10:30 a.m………………………....V3 (Teen Ministries) (CR)
11:30 p.m…………….………………..1st Communions (CH)
2:00 p.m………………..………………….…Confirma on (CH)
Recep on to follow in Gym
8:30 p.m. - The Easter Vigil
Blessing of the Easter Fire and Candle
Liturgy of the Word
Sacraments of Ini a on
Liturgy of the Eucharist
A = Room A; B = Room B; BC = Barton Center;
CAF = Cafeteria; CH = Church; CHP = Chapel;
CMR = Convent Mtg. Rm.; CR = Conference Room;
EC = Enrichment Center; G = Gym; GS = Gathering Space;
PC = Parish Center; SC = School; ScLB = School Library
Noon - Blessing of Easter Food
Easter Sunday – April 20
8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Masses
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Page 9
March 30, 2014
In Our Parish
Welcome Our
New Parishioners
Alicia Evola
Michael and Rita Mar n
We welcome visitors from Our Lady
Queen of Peace as they seek a new
parish home. We strive to be a
welcoming community offering
programs for all types of individuals,
families and ethnic groups.
We believe that faith
forma on is a life-long process.
We endeavor to respond to the
concerns of all and are happy to assist
you with any ques ons or concerns.
If we can offer support, comfort or aid
please contact us at 313-884-5554.
Easter Flowers
As Easter approaches we are
giving you an opportunity to
remember your loved ones by making
a monetary dona on for Easter flowers.
Please use your envelope that is included
with your weekly offering envelopes
or place your dona on in a plain
envelope marked
“Easter Flowers Dona$on”
with the name of the person(s)
you would like remembered.
All names will be listed in the
April 20th bulle n if dona ons
are received by Friday, April 11th.
Those received a2er the deadline
will be published at a later date.
Donaon made in memory/honor of :
Attention All Pro-Life Star Parishioners
For a dona on of $5.00 you can have your name included in the Our Lady Star of the
Sea display in the new edi on of the Michigan Right to Life Yearbook being published in
September 2014. We will be collec ng names/dona ons in the parish office during the
weeks of March 24th and March 31st during regular parish office hours. Please stop by
and show your support in helping save the lives of our Lord's precious unborn babies.
For ques ons please call Mary Klobuchar, 885-7091.
Thank you for your con nued support.
Right to Life of Michigan - Grosse Pointe and Harper Woods
Save the Date for Right to Life
It's official....Please save the date of Thursday, October 30, for our Touching Hearts, Saving Lives Recep on. We are honored to welcome Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life
as our special guest speaker. Fr. Frank's energy and passion to defend the unborn will
be an inspira on to all who aGend. More details to spread the word!
Our Lady Star of the Sea
Friday’s of Lent
April 4, and 11th
(excluding Good Friday)
5:00pm – 7:00pm
in the Parish Center
$10.00 per adult (13+)
$5.00 per child (4 – 12)
2013 Contribution
Statements for your 2013
contribu ons are available
Please no fy the parish office 24 hours
in advance, and we will have your
document ready to pick up,
mail or email to you.
Please note that contribu ons to
CSA and Changing Lives Together
will be sent to you directly from
the AOD accoun ng office.
Holy Water Care
Catholic Relief Services Collection
“Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of
mine, you did for me” (Mt 25:40).
Today, we are reminded that Jesus iden fied himself with our poorest
brothers and sisters. The Catholic Relief Services Collec on serves Jesus
in the vic ms of human trafficking, in those who suffer from unjust
laws, and in those who need pastoral care and humanitarian assistance
across the globe. Through your support with today’s Collec on, you help Jesus in disguise. Please be generous.
April 4…………………………...Catherine Pen s
April 11…………………………….…….Need Help
April 18………....No Schedule/Good Friday
April 25………………….………………..Liz Abood
Our Lady Star of the Sea
Page 10
Grosse Pointe, Michigan
The Preppy Star ~ Auction 2014
Thank you Auction 2014 Sponsors!
Auction Chair
Serafina Schorer
Auction Chairs
Danielle Brousseau
Denise Miller
Advertising Chair
Abby Schorer
Family Photo Chair
Judy Armbruster
Set-Up and
Merchandising Chair
Susan Lesha
Lakeshore Sponsor
Bob Maxey Ford Lincoln
Provencal Sponsors
Beline Obeid Realty, Century Plastics, Inc—Plastic Service Centers
Kercheval Sponsors
Christian Financial Credit Union, Matty and Nora Moroun,
Meridian Health Plan, Michigan OMS
Mack Avenue Sponsors
Detroit Custom Framing, Flowers by Gabrielle, Great Lakes Wine & Spirits, The Portrait Place
What a Night it Was!
It was wonderful to see so many members of our Star family join us for a great evening of
fundraising. We hope that all of you enjoyed it as much as we did. Although, it will be a few weeks until
final numbers are obtained, it appears to have been a very successful auction year. This success is
attributed to a culmination of efforts. We are so proud of what all of the volunteers, teachers, and faculty
partnered with the generosity of the Sponsors, Donors, Patrons, and the Star family were able to accomplish
this year. Each person was crucial to its success, and we are grateful for each and every contribution. Please
join us in thanking everyone for the generosity and support shown—we truly could not have done it without
all of you!
With the increasing amount of schools holding auctions, we are grateful that so many surrounding
businesses chose to donate to Our Lady Star of the Sea. When given the opportunity, please make a similar
choice and patronize those businesses. Take a moment to thank them for their contribution, also. It makes
the job of the acquisition team that much easier when they ask them to donate again next year!
Also, a special thank you to Mrs. Serafina Schorer. It truly has been an honor to stand beside you this
year. We are forever grateful for your guidance, your kind words, and your support of the Auction, our
school, and parish throughout the years.
As we complete this year’s auction, we reflect on the past several months of planning. We have been
overwhelmed and humbled by the support that you have given. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you
for the faith you have placed in us and your contribution to the tremendous success of Auction 2014!
Danielle and Denise
Auction 2014 Patrons
Diamond Patrons
Mrs. Dolores Bradway
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cracchiolo
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. DeMars
Mrs. Serafina Schorer
Mr. and Dr. Donald Wisniewski
Platinum Patrons
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bolz
Dr. and Mrs. William Cosgrove Jr.
Mrs. Mary Ellen Dakmak
Mr. and Mrs. John Lesha
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Paglino
Mrs. Elizabeth Schmidt
Msgr. Gary Smetanka
Gold Patrons
Mr. and Mrs. J. Lewis Cooper Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Nwoke
Silver Patrons
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ahee
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ahee
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cracchiolo
Mr. and Mrs. Vito Cusenza
Mrs. Charles Farrar
Ms. Susan Kenney
Dr. and Mrs. John Nehra
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Petzold
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Varani
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vaughn
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wujek
Friends of the Auction
Ms. Kay Abram
Mr. and Mrs. David Barthel
Ms. Lynda Bonucchi
Mr. and Mrs. John Carolin
Mr. Anthony Ciaravino
Dr. John Connors
Dr. and Mrs. William Cosgrove Sr.
Mr. Ronald DeCosmo
Mrs. Pat De Foe
Dr. Natalia Filipof
Mr. and Mrs. David Harnadek
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kettel
Mr. and Mrs. John Langone
Mrs. Mary Lou Le Fevre
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Lenhard
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lesha
Ms. Mary-Agnes MacDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Michielutti
Ms. Joanne Mualem
Ms. Renata Polonaise
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Rancilio
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sloan
Mrs. Sam Spatafora
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Tallerico
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tramchida
Mrs. Henry Wholihan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zaccardelli
Ms. Georgette Zahar
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Zink
Auction 2014 Advertisers
Abby Schorer–Beijo Handbags
AHEE Jewelers
Alexis G. Vetere–PNC Mortgage
Backer Landscaping, Inc.
Beline Obeid Realty
Bob Maxey Lincoln Ford
Century Plastics, Inc.
Chas Verheyden, Inc.
Christian Financial Credit Union
Clor Lighting Group LLC
Danielle Gehlert, D.D.S.
David Felkin, Coldwell Banker
David P. Bryk, D.D.S
David Secord, D.D.S. P.C.
De La Salle Collegiate High School
Doug Kett Painting
Dr. Paula Ottaway at Wellspring Dental
Eugenio Painting Company
Henry’s Cleaners
Innovative Building Co. Inc.
Jeff Genaw Agency–State Farm Insurance
Jennings Dental Associates
Julie Ahee, Realtor – Sine and Monaghan
KM Financial
Knights of Columbus, Council 7780
Kusch & Raubolt, P.L.L.C.
Family Dentistry
LaLonde Jewelers & Gemologist
Lenhard Financial Service
Mercy High School
Meridian Health Plan
Michigan Home Builders
Michigan OMS, PC Oral &
Maxillofacial Surgery
OLSOS Men’s Club
Pointe Alarm
Plastic Service Centers
Proper Group International
Regina High School
RIM Custom Racks
Safety One Electric
Schena Roofing & Sheet Metal Co.
Sparkman Landscaping
The Portrait Place
Thomas Stephen Vaughn
Tom Fincham, Realtor - Community
Choice Realty
Tommy Bogen, Agent – State Farm
Tony the Mover
University of Detroit Jesuit
Wujek – Calcaterra & Sons
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Page 11
March 30, 2014
Live Auction Donors
edmund t. AHEE Jewelers
Alexander’s Premiere Banquet Facility & Restaurant
The William Asimakis Family
Black River Farm and Ranch
The John Carlino Family
Delores Causley and Jim Causley Buick-GMC Truck
The William Cosgrove Jr. Family
The Gregory Drawbaugh Family
The David Gesell Family
Grosse Pointe South Choir
Grosse Pointe Yacht Club
The Daniel Hart Family
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Henrichs
The Ilitch Family
Mel Joseph
Kem-Tec Professional Engineers and Surveyors
London Chop House
Magnum Helicopters, LLC
The Mascarin Family
The Mazzola Family
The Melhem Family
Mr. and Mrs. McCarroll
Jane McFeely
Moehring Woods
The Mark Simon Family
Meadowbrook Custom Woodworking
The Roostertail
Sparkman Landscaping
The Patrick Villani Family
The Roy Villani Family
The Wortman Family
Raffle Prize Donors
Bob Maxey Ford Lincoln
Café Nini
Café ML
Capital Grille
Champs Rotisserie & Spirits
Foxtown Grille
The Hill Seafood and Chop House
LaLonde Jewelers & Gemologists
The Lark
Mr. Paul’s Chop House
Slow’s Bar B Q
The Town Tavern
Silent Auction Donors
The Abdenour Family
Achatz Burgers
The Adventure Park of West Bloomfield
African Safari Wildlife Park
AgeWell in Motion
Airtime Trampoline & Game Park
AJ Nails
Alexander & Polen
American Cycle and Fitness
Animal Learning System
Aria Salon
The Armbruster Family
Bank’s Vacuum
Barb Thomson Gymnastics
The David Barthel Family
Bayne Optical
Beachside Villas
Bed n Biscuit Pet Lodging
Chef Brian Beland
Belle Tire
The Berndtson Family
The Jason Bessert Family
The Link Bessert Family
The Jason Bierkle Family
The Mark Bierkle Family
Black the Salon
Blaser Design Group Inc./Kloka Design Group
Bommarito’s Italian Bakery
Bounce House
The Bourbeau Family
The Brousseau Family
Camp Bow Wow
Campus Martius
Candi Belts
Capital Grill
Casali School of Dance
The Cataldi Family
The Cavaliere Family
Charvat the Florist
Chaundry Art Gallery
Chicken Shack
Chocolate Bar Café
Christian Financial Credit Union
Christine’s Portraits
The Cipriano Family
CJ Barrymore’s Entertainment
The Cleary Family
The Collins Family
Coloseum Salon and Spa
Connie’s Children’s Shop
The Conrad Family
Conti Corp.
Dr. James Cooper, DDS
The Craparotta Family
Crowther Carpet and Rugs
The Danna Family
David the Salon
DeLaSalle Collegiate
Detroit Red Wings
Detroit Zoological Society
The Dimuzio Family
The Dobbs Family
Doggie Scoops
The Dragich Family
The Duffy Family
Eastside Bagel
Eastside Tennis & Fitness
Eastwood Carpet
edmund t. AHEE Jewelers
Edsel & Eleanor Ford House
Edwin Paul
Elan Candies by Maralyn
Emagine Theatres
Chris Emmerson
Extreme Gymnastics
Fancy Dancers Dancewear & Supply
Farms Fresh Market
The Filipof Family
Foot Solutions
Forever Green Landscaping
Fountain Bistro
The Stephen Francis Family
The Franck Family
Frank Lamia Salon
Friends Hair and Nails
Full Lotus Yoga
Fusion the Salon & MediSpa
The John Gallant Family
The Gehlert Family
The Gemmete Family
George Koueiter Jewelers
Gilbert’s Pro Hardware, Inc.
Girlie Girl Salon
Goldfish Swim School
Vicki Granger
The Grice Family
Grosse Pointe Dance Center
Grosse Pointe Dermatology
Grosse Pointe North High School
Grosse Pointe Theatre
Grosse Pointe War Memorial
Gym Chix
Christine Hafner
Kevin Hafner
The Haney Family
Harbor Lanes
The Hartsell Family
The Hellwarth Family
Hemlock Golf Course
Henry Ford Plastic Surgery
Dr. Herman Houin
Hungry Howies
Huntington Ford
The Atanas Ilitch Family
Image Exposures
Irish Coffee Bar & Grill
Jerry’s Club Party Store
Jet’s Pizza
Jewel Photo and Portraits
J. Hilburn
Josef’s European Pastry Shop
Joseph A. DiMaggio Jewelers
Jul’ry Beads & Boutique
Jungle Java
Josef’s European Pastry Shop
Kart 2 Kart
The Kalyvas Family
The Rusch Family
Kate Kreations
Russell’s Barber Shop
Christine Keating
S.A.F.E. Management, L.L.C.
Kitty Deluxe
Sahara Restaurant
The Kozak Family
Saks Fifth Avenue
The Kreuter Family
Salon Biondo
The Lafata Family
Salon Seventy Six
Lakeshore Family YMCA
Salon Tresor
Lamia & Lamia Day Spa and Salon
Satisfaction Limousines
The Michael Latiff Family
Scalawags Golf Club
The Steven Lesha Family
The Michael Schorer Family
Living Waters Yoga
Schummer’s Ski Shop
Lochmoor Club
Pat and Christie Scoggin
Lou’s Pet Shop
The Matthew Lucchese Family
Ms. Karen Shea
The Sebastian Lucido Family
The Thomas Shea Family
Lucido Fine Jewelry
Luigi’s “The Original” Restaurant
Shores Inn
Macomb Center for the Performing Arts
Slice of Life Photography
Maloof Jewelry
The Sloan Family
Massage Green Spa
Msgr. Smetanka
Mark Ridley’s Comedy Castle
Specialties Showroom
The McFarlane Family
Stafford Hospitality
Meadowbrook Theatre
The Stapleton Family
Men’s Wearhouse
The Staricco Framily
The Daniel Michael Family
The Streberger Family
The Michielutti Family
Mike’s on the Water
The Supal Family
The Aaron Miller Family
The Alex Miller Family
Team Stuff, Inc.
The David Miller Family
Mitchell’s Fish Market
Terry Schafer, Independent Consultant
The Morrison Family
TGA Premier Junior Golf
Motor City Casino
The Adventure Park
Motor City MAT
The Big Salad
The Mourad Family
The Great Skate
Mr. C’s Car Wash
The Grosse Pointe News
Mt. Clemens Ice Arena
The Grosse Pointe Yoga Shelter
National Coney Island
The Original Pancake House
Next Level Health & Fitness
The Portrait Place
Northern Michigan Equine Therapy
The Rattlesnake Club
The Olejniczak Family
Three Dogs
The Tignanelli Family
Our Lady Star of the Sea Faculty and Staff
Tim Hortons
Our Lady Star of the Sea Men’s Club
Tin Fish
The Joseph Paglino Family
The Tiseo Family
The Paluzzi Family
Total Soccer Fraser
Panera Bread
Towar Productions
Papa Romano’s
Uncle Harry’s Delicatessen & Restaurant
Pat Scott Jewelers
Uncle Paul’s Pizza
University Liggett School
Pepperoni Grill
Vera’s Daughter Home
Pink Elephant Cupcakes
Alexis Vetere – Premiere Designs
Platz Animal Hospital
Village Grille
Pointe Aquatics
Village Palm
Pointe Fitness and Training Center
Viviano Flower Shop
Pointe Lamp and Lighting
Wally’s Frozen Custard
Pointe Vision Care
Walt Disney World
Preva Salon
The Watts Family
PRP Wines
The Weglarz Family
Dr. Richard Rappa, DDS
The Weiermiller Family
Reading and Language Arts Center
Wellspring Dental
Regina High School
The Wheatley Family
The Rendzikowski Family
3 Dogs
The Roarty Family
The Wujek Family
Roberts Restaurant Group
The Youngblood Family
Our Lady Star of the Sea
Page 12
Grosse Pointe, Michigan
Faith Formation
March — FREE Web access is now available to you
and your family! Pick up your access creden%als in
the gathering space or call the Parish Office.
Please visit our Website for
more informa%on,
direc%on and links!
1. Opening the Word - App = videos, reflec ons for Sunday Mass readings.
2. Adult Faith Formaon and RCIA – Systema c faith forma on sessions.
3. Leader Development.
Lent Calls Us to Life:
Our Journey of Faith
John 9:1-41
This sec on of John’s Gospel focuses on the division that Jesus
has engendered among those who follow him and those who
don’t. The argument between the fac ons runs like this: Because
Jesus had supposedly violated the Sabbath by making clay,
which he used to smear the man’s eyes, the Pharisees claim that
Jesus couldn’t be from God. That is, if Jesus is a sinner, he
shouldn’t be able to work miracles. They ques on the man born
blind and his parents and find that he was indeed born blind. So
they must call into ques on that it was Jesus who gave him
sight. Failing in that, they can only throw the formerly blind man
out of the synagogue since they can’t deny that Jesus must have
healed him and therefore must be God.
Some say this story would’ve spoken directly to the posi on of
the Jewish Chris ans who’d been put out of the synagogues
themselves at the me that John’s Gospel was wriGen. This story
would’ve given them hope that their separa on from the synagogue wasn’t a sign of their having been cut off from God, but the
necessary result of Jesus’ mission “to make the sightless see and
the seeing blind.”
Michael King
Director of Religious Educa on
7:00 p.m.
Genesis of Faith
Parish Retreat Nights
Symbolon Reflec%on
Today’s Gospel
April 2
Out From Our Tombs
April 9
The Light of Christ
Encounter Christ in our life and that of others!
[Each evening is 60-75 minutes
with addi onal me for prayer, sharing and fellowship.]
Religious Education Schedule
Next Sessions
April 1
April 8 ~ Last Class
March 30/April 1 Interviews
April 4 Rehearsal 5:30-6:30
April 6 Confirma on 2:00
June 23-27
Genies of Faith
Coffee, Tea and Theology
Join Deacon Bill Jamieson and relax as you explore
the richness of the Catholic faith.
This is a great opportunity to refresh your faith
or perhaps hear about the faith for the first me.
All are welcome!
When: April 1, 8 | Time: 1:45 - 2:45 & 6:45 - 7:45 | Where: Parish Center
Deacon Bill will use
SYMBOLON, a state-of-the-art
video based faith forma on process,
to proclaim the fullness of the faith,
bear witness to the beauty of the
tradi on, and engage our secular
culture in a way that brings souls into
the heart of the Church.
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Page 13
March 30, 2014
467 Fairford Rd., Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236
Parish Office
Christian Formation
Tel No................................ 313.884.5554
Fax No. ............................... 313.885.5591
Grade School
Tel No. 313.884.1070
Fax No. 313.884.0406
Tel No. 313.884.7407
Director of Religious Educa%on
Michael King ............................... Ext. 207
[email protected]
Religious Educa%on Classes
Sunday Pre-School
(During the School Year)
3 - 5 yrs. .................... Sunday at 9:30 a.m.
Coordinator for Gr. 1- 6
Judy Zedan .................................. Ext. 206
[email protected]
Tues. Grades 1-6
Session I: 4:05 - 5:35 p.m.
Session II: 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Coordinator for Spirit and Life (Gr. 7-8)
Colleen Haubert .......................... Ext. 206
[email protected]
Session I: Sun. 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Session II: Tues. 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Coordinator for Youth Ministry
Carolyn Mikula ............................ Ext. 208
[email protected]
Msgr. Gary Smetanka ...................Ext. 201
[email protected]
Deacon and RCIA Coordinator
Rev. Mr. William Jamieson...........Ext. 212
[email protected]
Chris%an Service Coordinator
Debby Veltri .................................Ext. 216
[email protected]
Music Ministry
Brian Foos ....................................Ext. 210
[email protected]
Business Manager
Brian Ebner ..................................Ext. 202
[email protected]
Mary Zak ......................................Ext. 203
[email protected]
Bulle%n Editor
Susan Vanden Boom
Email ar%cles to: [email protected]
Copy deadline: Mondays 10:00 a.m.
Office Staff
Susan Vanden Boom ....................Ext. 204
[email protected]
Michele Zyngier ...........................Ext. 200
[email protected]
Designed by: ........
Contact: Michael King
[email protected]
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday: 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and Holidays: Closed
Mass Schedule
Saturday: 4:00 p.m. (Vigil)
Sunday: 8:00, 9:30 & 11:30 a.m.
Monday - Friday: 7:30 a.m. (Summer)
Mon.– Thurs.: 7:30 a.m.; Fri.: 8:30 a.m.
(School Year)
Sacrament of Reconcilia%on
Saturdays at 3:00 p.m. un l all are heard.
Newcomers to the parish may register
in the Parish Office during regular office
hours. Adults over 21 need to be registered as an individual member to be considered a Catholic in Good Standing. As a
mark of courtesy, please no fy the office
when moving, either within or out of the
parish boundaries. A change in phone
numbers also requires a change to your
When calling the parish office phone number,
follow the prompt and dial 333.
Julie Aemisegger ......................... Ext. 102
[email protected]
School Secretary
Patricia Skowronski ..................... Ext. 100
[email protected]
School CommiOee e-mail:
[email protected]
Finance Council
Lou Zedan
Tim Cavanaugh; Vito Cusenza; Gary Lechner;
Steven Lesha; Mark Lucchese
Parish Council
JeaneGe Franck
Joe Ahee; Dave Barthel;
Connie Lucchese; John Lundy
Vicariate Council Representa$ve
Joyce Janowski
Evangeliza$on Commission
Joanne Mualem
Planning Commission
Pat Burke
Worship Commission
Terry Varani
Rosary Altar Society
Marianne Carlisle ............... 313.882.7054
Lil Rogers ............................ 313.886.2785
Men’s Club
Thomas Lizza ...................... 248.563.2391
Dave Vago .......................... 313.886.2322
Knights of Columbus Council #7780
Mee ngs: 4th Thur. of the month - 7:30 p.m.
Grand Knight: Vito Cusenza 313.886.8598
OLSOS St. Vincent de Paul Society
313.884.1070 (Ext. 205)
Bap%sm and Marriage
Please be advised that those who wish to
celebrate the sacrament of Bap sm or
Marriage are required to be registered,
ac ve and contribu ng members of this
parish community for at least (3) three
months prior to the beginning of the prepara on process.
Please call the parish office during the last
months of pregnancy to arrange for dates
of classes and Bap sms.
Archdiocesan law requires advance no ce
of at least six months.