HSVPOA Advocate - Hot Springs Village


HSVPOA Advocate - Hot Springs Village
Official Publication of the Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association
Celebrate the
The Season
Hot Springs
Volume 37, No. 4
Winter 2013
Garvan Woodland Gardens
Holiday Lights Display
Q & A With David Twiggs
David Twiggs Discusses Placemaking Strategies
PLACEMAKING: The act of making Hot Springs Village an exciting,
engaging “place” for members and
visitors to thrive. This is the idea
Chief Operating Officer (COO) David Twiggs wants to convey to members, visitors and even investors. In his
first few months on the job (he began
work in June 2013), Twiggs has spoken to countless organizations, both
in the Village and beyond, about this
concept of placemaking and specifically what that means for HSV in the
coming months … and the years to
In this interview, Twiggs looks back
at his first few months as COO and
shares some information about what’s
on the horizon.
You’ve been “on the job” since
June 2013 and have immersed
yourself in HSV life, meeting with
Villagers, regional and state stake
holders, speaking to area organizaProperty Owners’ Association Advocate
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association
895 DeSoto Blvd. Hot Springs Village, AR 71909
Telephone: (501) 922-5556
Email address: [email protected]
Website: www.hsvpoa.org
Managing Editor: Linda Mayhood
Editor: Lisa Watson
Volume XXXVII, Number 4
Entry, Little Rock, Arkansas.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
the POA Advocate, 895 DeSoto Blvd., Hot
Springs Village, AR 71909.
The Property Owners’ Association Advocate
is published quarterly, four times a year, by
the Hot Springs Village Property Owners’
Association (POA), 895 DeSoto Blvd., Hot
Springs Village, AR 71909. The POA assesses its members $432 a year, $1 of which covers the annual subscription price. The publication is distributed to 22,026 members of
the POA. Periodical postage #019-874 from
Hot Springs, Arkansas.
2 Hot Springs Village Advocate Winter 2013
want to expand on the great lifestyles we already have
in place, while adding value through creating appeal
to a wider market. -David Twiggs
tions. So, what are your impressions
thus far?
Hot Springs Village is a great place
to live and work. We have sound fundamentals in the areas of finance, infrastructure, staff and the ability to
adapt to changing markets.
Because of our close proximity to
Hot Springs, a major tourist destination with about 2.7 million visitors
every year, the Village has a great opportunity to add to the assets that
make the region attractive.
This is just one of many reasons Hot
Springs Village is such a great place to
live and to visit. We want to expand
on the great lifestyles we already have
in place, while adding value through
creating appeal to a wider market.
And we will do this through strategic
investments that will continue our
evolution to a vibrant, livable community.
You said Hot Springs Village has
sound fundamentals in finances,
infrastructure and staff and that op-
erations are strong. We’ve heard a
lot about budgeting and financial
issues in the past few years. What's
your take on this and what are you
planning to do to create a more efficient and effective structure?
First, let’s look at the positives. We
are finishing up a water plant expansion that will allow treatment of an
additional 2 million gallons of water
per day, from 4 million to six million.
And this expansion is going to be paid
in full. This is a significant accomplishment. As you know, having enough
water available is a huge key to community growth. This expansion eliminates a limiting factor for residential
growth over the next 10-15 years.
This is one very significant way the
Village will now be ready for new
residents moving here in the coming
years. This is a strategic investment in
our community. But what you may
not know is that this investment has
already become a significant point in
See TWIGGS page 4
Board Update With Keith Keck
Board President Discusses 2014 Projects, Budget
cial situation. Our current 2014 Budget should be
THE LEAVES ARE ALL now past their prime and
described as a maintenance budget. Yes, we are fundwe are well into our "winter" season. I guess that just
ing the last $1M+ of the water plant expansion and
means no more shorts, even for the most avid golfers.
$300K for potential smaller growth initiatives, like a
Your Property Owners Association (POA) Board
community garden. Unfortunately, there are no othof Directors is providing oversight to a multitude of
er major capital improvement projects scheduled, in
new initiatives. Director Bobbie Bateman is overseefact your Board deferred the start of the Balboa Golf
ing the startup of a Health Services Committee, while
Director Frank Leeming continues to watch over the new Course renovation.
Looking ahead to 2015, your Board again will be focusAppeals Committee to support our new Administrative
ing on a maintenance budget, with limited available fundFines Process, and Director Harv Shelton continues to lead
ing for major capital improvement projects. And then
the AdHoc Gates Committee.
Your Board is working diligently with David Twiggs, our starting in 2016, we are forecasting budget shortfalls even
on a maintenance budget, thus we must further assess our
new GM, to refine his vision for our Village. This is critical
to our Village's future as your Board provides the needed revenue and expenditures.
You ask why are we facing this revenue shortfall, you
budget, planning and policy support or changes required
need to look no further than the $3M/year of uncollected
to make this vision a reality.
assessments. Looking back, we have over $10M of uncolIn the near future, an AdHoc Governing Documents
lected assessments that probably will never be recouped
Review led by Director Tom Bryant will be starting up.
This committee will review by-laws, protective covenants, and will still have this $3M/year level into 2015, with
some turn around expected in 2016.
articles of incorporation, as well as POA Staff recommendTherefore, I asked Vice President John Cooney to lead
ed policies and rules/regulations. Many of our governa Future Financial Task Force. Along with Director Sheling documents may need refinement to support potential
ton, GM David Twiggs and six property owners, the group
growth initiatives vital to our Village's future.
Based on the Research and Special Project Committee's will evaluate the operational and new investment financial
needs for 2014-2020 and recommend future funding opreview of the 2014 Budget and the committee’s follow-on
work, your Board is waiting to receive a recommendation tions to meet these needs.
Your Board knows there are challenges ahead, and we as
of a better defined budget process which includes POA
a group are ready to tackle them head-on to maintain the
Staff Committees, POA Departments and the POA Board
Village we all know and love.
earlier in the budgeting process.
From your POA Board. ... We wish you a Merry ChristSpeaking of the recently completed 2014 POA Budget
mas and a Happy New Year.
Process, your Board faced the reality of our future finan-
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Winter 2013 Hot Springs Village Advocate 3
Q & A With David Twiggs
of the marketing fluff in the world can't
compare with happy people thriving in
authentic community. - David Twiggs
TWIGGS continued from page 2
our talks with potential developers and builders before it's
even completed. Now that’s positive!
Next, our infrastructure and maintenance have remained
strong despite the financial challenges we have faced over
the past few years. Like most communities, we’ve had to
defer some maintenance because of economic uncertainty.
Now we are taking care of those maintenance issues.
I also think it’s important to note that the Village saw
only about 10 percent decrease in revenues. Many similar
communities saw a much greater loss during the recession.
Though we operate with a lean staff, we are seeing some
positive improvements in efficiency and productivity as we
begin modernizing our work flow and priority management systems.
I want our management team to work efficiently and
effectively. To that end, we’ve already begun the process of
improving management and accountability practices in all
areas and at all levels throughout our organization.
Building a streamlined, logical management system is
key to serving our Villagers and guests, as well as overcoming entrenched ways of doing business, outdated operating
habits and the mentality of “we’ve always done it this way.”
We will continue to do some things the same way, but
we will also be doing things differently.
In 2014 and the years to come, we will be making some
primary strategic investments or capital improvements
that will benefit Hot Springs Village in many years. (Interviewer’s note: For more detailed information, see related
4 Hot Springs Village Advocate Winter 2013
article on 2014 projects on pg. 10-11.)
Tell us more about how you plan to continue to meet
the needs of our membership while at the same time
tapping into the potential customer/resident base that
Hot Springs’ “destination location” status brings to Hot
Springs Village?
We are going to keep what’s important to our membership strong while creating and building on newer, more
diverse elements to help us to continue to be relevant in
the coming market.
We want to partner with Hot Springs and the Ouachita
region to bring more attention to the area. I don’t want
a piece of the current regional pie, I want a larger pie for
central Arkansas rather than fighting with my neighbor for
a bigger piece of the existing pie.
Here’s the thing - if Hot Springs and the eastern Ouachita
region thrives, then Hot Springs Village will also thrive. We
are not in competition with Hot Springs. We are in competition with places like Phoenix, Orlando, Ashville, Charleston for relocation and tourism dollars.
But this is key – we will make sure new growth opportunities are developed in a manner that keeps our community sustainable and livable, while allowing us to be good
hosts, good stewards and good neighbors.
Let’s talk about some specifics related to amenities in
the near future as well as a little further out. What’s on
the horizon for Hot Springs Village members and visitors?
I’m going to be honest, this is where I start to get excited about what’s coming because this is what it’s all about
… keeping what’s important to the members strong, while
providing great opportunities for growth to help us maintain and build relevancy in the coming market.
To do this, I have to talk about Placemaking. This concept is really what it’s all about for me. The most important element of Placemaking is establishing a community as
an engaging place where residents and visitors thrive. The
truth is simple … all of the marketing fluff in the world
can't compare with happy people thriving in authentic
community to attract in-migration and tourism.
About 14,000 people live in HSV and thousands of
non-resident members and visitors come here each year.
We want to establish some key basics to build our community. While we have a fantastic traditional country club
and golf experience, we are looking at some ways to build
community that will appeal to a broader audience.
2014 will be a year of in depth planning, marketing and
Q & A With David Twiggs
feasibility studies, preparing us to attract new marketplace values. However, we will be working on capturing
the "low-hanging fruit" for building
the fundamentals of a livable community.
Community Garden: We plan to
establish a community garden to give
our residents and visitors the opportunity to work together and give back.
Farmers’ Market: We are going to
begin offering a local farmers’ market
in a central location.
Bringing People Together: We
plan a series of local casual gatherings,
with local music and food, providing
an opportunity for people to meet
with their friends and enjoy some
great music. More than 200 people attended our first session in November
and we had some great reviews.
Engaging the Larger Region: We
plan to support and be a good neighbor to all the organizations bringing,
arts, sports and other types entertainment to the region.
Regional Sporting Community:
We are launching the Ouachita Rod
& Gun Club in Spring 2014. This
will be a community of sporting folks
who want to explore opportunities
throughout our region and Arkansas.
Traditional sporting lifestyle is a tremendous draw for in-migration that
hasn't been communicated effectively
to engage people with that lifestyle
interest relocating here.
Expanded Sporting Options: In
the Fall of 2013, we began offering
stand up paddleboarding at the Coronado Fitness Center. In 2014, we will
expand our offerings to include not
only stand up paddle boarding, but
also kayaking, hiking and mountain
biking options throughout the eastern Ouachita region.
Artistic Focus/Possible Campus:
We have many creative and talented
folks in our region. We’d like to promote and bring more focus on our
growing arts community, both creative and performing arts. Though
this is in very preliminary stages,
we’d love to establish a kind of artistic community, providing opportunities for visitors and members alike
to learn more about a variety of arts
including pottery, metal arts, fiber
arts, and painting as well as music
(performance and actual instrument
construction), wood working. Who
knows, we might even include boat
There are huge opportunities for
growth in central Arkansas. That
makes this an exciting time to shape
the future of our community to be
part of that regional growth.
In This Issue
Q & A with David Twiggs...................................................................................... 2
Board Update with Keith Keck.............................................................................. 3
Regional Event Calendar.......................................................................................... 6
Must Love Dogs........................................................................................................ 8
2014 Projects........................................................................................................... 10
Money Matters......................................................................................................... 11
Hot Springs Village News......................................................................................13
Board News.............................................................................................................. 18
Notable in Hot Springs Village............................................................................. 19
Upcoming Events.....................................................................................................21
a livable community includes a
farmer's market (pg. 4), expanded
sporting options like paddle
boarding (above), and a regional
sporting community (below).
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Winter 2013 Hot Springs Village Advocate 5
Regional Events Calendar
Regional Events Offer Something for Everyone
Garvan Woodland Garden’s Holiday
Display to the 114th Annual Racing Season at Oaklawn Park to the
World’s Smallest St. Patrick’s Day
Parade and the Hot Springs Village
4th of July Extravaganza, the eastern
Ouachita region offers events and entertainment for everyone.
Celebrate the season with the Holiday Lights Display at Garvan Woodland Gardens in Hot Springs, going
on through Dec. 31. The 4 million
bulb display transforms the 17 acre
botanical garden into a holiday wonderland.
For more information,
go to: www.garvangardens.org.
The 2014 Live Horse Racing Sea6 Hot Springs Village Advocate Winter 2013
son Opening Day kicks off at Oaklawn Park Jan. 10. Best known as the
home of the Racing Festival of the
South and Arkansas Derby, Oaklawn
Park has played host to some of the
biggest names in horse racing and
has evolved into one of the premier
race meets in the country. 2014 seating reservations may be made Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00
p.m., until Opening Day. For more
information, or go to www.oaklawn.
The Woodlands Auditorium kicks
off with a beat, a bang, and a shout,
with the off-Broadway hit show, “Feet
Don’t Fail Me Now,” on Jan. 27-28
at 7:30 p.m. Featuring rapid-fire tap
from four award-winning dancers, a
one-man beat-box phenomenon and
an infectious six-piece band channeling everything from blues, to rock,
to salsa, “Feet Don’t Fail Me Now,”
turns tap shoes into instruments of
rhythm while mixed genres of music
drive the show. Audiences of all ages
agree the show excites, energizes, and
inspires at every turn. Click here to
check out a video clip of the show. See
Woodlands Spring Calendar for more
“Duck Dynasty’s” Mountain Man
will be the official starter for the First
Ever 11th Annual World’s Shortest St. Patrick’s Day Parade, set for
See EVENTS page 7
Regional Events Calendar
2014 Spring Woodlands Season
YOU DON'T HAVE to go far to see some of the best
entertainment the Ouachita region has to offer at the
Ponce de Leon Center's Woodlands Auditorium. Upcoming entertainment offerings include a wide variety of events
including a hit off-Broadway show "Feet Don't Fail Me
Now," the vocal stylings of the Texas Tenors and the hilariously "high brow" music and comedy of the Pagagnini
Quartet. Below is a listing of upcoming events coming to
the Woodlands in the first quarter of 2014. To purchase
tickets for these and other entertainment offerings in Hot
Springs Village, go to www.HSVTicketSales.com.
Woodlands Auditorium
Upcoming Events
Jan. 27-28 Feet Don't Fail Me Now
Feb. 18-21 Texas Tenors
Mar. 8
Mar. 20-23Inherit the Wind,
Village Players
April 1-4 PaGAGnini Comedy
April 18 BJ Thomas
EVENTS continued from page 6
March 17 on Bridge Street in downtown Hot Springs.
The world-famous parade’s entire route consists of the 98foot length of Bridge Street, the world’s shortest street in
everyday use. Actor/comedian Jim Belushi will be the parade’s grand marshal, the latest in a series of celebrities
that include Bo Derek, John Corbett, Tim Matheson,
George Wendt, Mike Rowe and others. For more
information, go to http://www.shorteststpats.com/
Made your summer plans yet? Look no further than
Hot Springs Village’s 4th of July Extravaganza. With a
huge fireworks display over Lake Balboa and a host of
events for the whole family, this yearly event promises to
be a great way to celebrate our nation’s birthday. More
information will be available in the Spring Advocate.
And that’s just the tip of the event iceberg, so to speak.
With monthly music jams like the Rock Porch Sessions,
a Chef Series featuring regional chefs and local produce,
a Kayak Fishing Tournament, the TRI-the-Village Sprint
Triathlon and more, the coming months are going to be
full of great opportunities for everyone. Don’t miss out!
The Ouachitas: A Great Place
to Race, Fish, Learn, Play
Jan. 10
Opening Day, Oaklawn Park, HS
Jan. 27-28 Feet Don't Fail Me Now, HSV
Feb. 1
Rock Porch Sessions, HSV
Feb. 18-21 Texas Tenors, HSV
Mar. 1-2 Little Rock Marathon
Mar. 1
Rock Porch Sessions, HSV
Mar. 8
Voces8, HSV
Mar. 17
World's Shortest St. Patrick's Day Parade, HS
Mar. 20-23 Inherit the Wind, Village Players, HSV
March 31 The Chef's Table, HSV
April 1-4 PaGAGnini Classical Comedy Quartet, HSV
April 5
Rock Porch Sessions, HSV
April 12 Collegiate Kayak Fishing Tournament, HSV
April 13 A Titanic Event: Listen & Learn (Meet the
Characters), HSV
April 14 A Titanic Event: An Evening to Remember,
(Dinner Theater), HSV
April 18 BJ Thomas, HSV
Apr 24-27 Ark. Literary Festival, Little Rock
Apr. 26
Kayak Fishing Tournament, HSV
Apr. 26-27 National Real Estate Open House, HSV
May 5
Cinco de Mayo
May 10
Warrior Dash 2014 Mud Run, Amity
May 15-19 Little Rock Film Festival
May 23-25 Riverfest, Little Rock
May 29-31 Couples Invitational Golf Tournament, HSV
May 31
HSV Chamber British Car Week, HSV
June 5-7 Arkansas State HOG Rally, HS
June 14
TRI-the-Village Sprint Triathlon, HSV
July 3-5
Stars & Stripes July 4 Extravaganza, HSV
July 11-13 Ike Eisenhauer State Farm Junior
USTA Tennis Tournament, HSV
Winter 2013 Hot Springs Village Advocate 7
Must Love Dogs
HSV Dog Park Opens for Registered, Vaccinated Pets
HOT SPRINGS VILLAGE dogs are jumping, running
and maybe even barking for joy. After months of fundraising and construction, the new DeSoto Dog Park, is open
for business. A ribbon cutting was held at the facility on
Nov. 18 and a "soft" opening is currently underway.
The 1.5 acre park, located at the former HSV boat and
RV storage facility site on DeSoto Park Drive, provides a
place for “well-behaved” dogs to exercise in a clean, safe
environment. To gain entry to the facility owners must
provide proof of HSV pet registration, which is available
for $11.00 per animal at the HSV Administration building.
Dog parks not only provide an opportunity for dogs to
interact but also for their owners to get together as well, according to a recent article in Dog Fancy magazine. "In an
age when keyboards and touchpads connect us, off-leash
parks flourish across the country because they are great
gathering places for both dogs and dog owners to come
together and enjoy each other's company,'' says Dog Fancy
Editor Ernie Slone. "The best parks offer opportunities for
Park visitor "Kitty" Stonecipher
(left) and her dog, Daisy, relax on a
park bench. Two dogs frolic together in the large dog area.
socialization and exercise, but also strive to create a special
bond and a sense of community.''
Hot Springs Village resident and Friends of the Dog
Park member Katie Feather and her dogs, Cammie and
Murphy, have already begun enjoying the new amenity.
She said the park provides a place to connect with other
owners. "It's a great place to meet people," she said.
The park is divided into sections for large and small
dogs and includes watering stations for both dogs and
owners, waste management stations, and shade pavilions.
It was developed by the Hot Springs Village Friends of
the Dog Park, and approved by the Board of Directors.
For more information, go to www.hsvdogpark.org.
DeSoto Dog Park Do's & Don’t’s
8 Hot Springs Village Advocate Winter 2013
Dogs must be licensed, vaccinated, and wear an appropriate collar with tags.
Please leash and unleash your dog(s) within the
double-gated entrance and carry a leash for each dog
inside the park.
Be responsible for the behavior of your dog(s) at all
Remain within visual sight and voice control of their
dog(s) at all times.
Immediately clean up after their dog(s) and deposit
waste in park receptacles.
•No dogs allowed that are unattended by owner, under
5 months of age, in heat, sick or have an illness.
Please don't allow your dog to jump on
people or bark excessively.
Aggressive dogs are not permitted.
• No food including dog food or treats.
• No smoking, alcohol or glass containers.
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2014 Projects
West Gate Update To Restore Iconic HSV Landmark
WORK IS NOW in progress on the restoration of the
West Gate entrance to Hot Springs Village, located on
Highway 7. The restoration includes reconstruction of
the original E. Faye Jones design, including rebuilding the
iconic fountain.
Plans also include new landscaping, lighting, pumps,
and signage as well as pond liner replacement.
Though bidding is currently underway for rebuilding
the fountain, as well as repairing and refurbishing structures including the rock wall, ponds, and signage, Public
Works crews have already been hard at work on the project. First up, the ponds on the north side of the entrance
were drained. In the process, hundreds of gold fish were
relocated to Lake DeSoto. Crews plan to begin mucking
out the northern ponds in preparation for installing new
pond liners.
Public Works also removed the old guard building,
which was located in the West Gate entrance median. The
structure, which was not built by E. Faye Jones, had been
West Gate restoration
includes rebuilding iconic
structure and fountain.
in disrepair and unused for a number of years.
In the coming months, outside contractors and POA
crews will be completing the work, which is estimated for
completion in Spring 2014.
Water Plant Expansion Benefits Hot Springs Village
THE HOT SPRINGS Village Water Plant Expansion, which is set for
completion by July 2014, promises to
be a great asset to members, both now
and in the future. Residential growth
is a key to continued opportunities
for expansion. With the completion
of the project on the horizon, one
major limited factor to growth will be
eliminated. The expansion, which began in January 2013, will increase the
number of gallons of treated water
per day from 4 million to 6 million,
paving the way for the new residents
and visitors who will move to the Village in the coming years.
Four major portions of the project will be completed in the next few
months. These include: rebuilding/replacing worn parts and installation of
tube settlers in the clarifiers, installing
new primary intake pumps, installing
10 Hot Springs Village Advocate Winter 2013
new high service supply pumps and
replacing old controls systems
Though modeling of the water distribution systems and the evaluation
of the existing chemical feed systems
added a cost of $311,091 to the project, bringing the total to $6,344,469,
the work will be done concurrent with
the existing work in order to provide a
state-of-the-art water treatment plant
and distribution system to support
the needs of HSV for years to come.
These additional items will be funded partly from the balance of Water
Plant reserve ($140,000), from savings in engineering costs ($45,000),
and from the Public Works Maintenance and Capital budgets for 2013
($126,000). The $6,344,469 also assumes no other contingencies will be
The expansion project is scheduled
for completion on time and about
$500,000 less than budget.
Inbound Lane to be Added at East Gate
PLANS ARE underway to add an inbound lane at the East Gate entrance
to Hot Springs Village for members.
Crews are surveying the area to create
a design and layout for the project and
to create a conceptual drawing from
an aerial background.
The landscaping at Highway 5 has also
undergone an update, with the HSV
Men’s Garden Club planting
some new flowers and plants. The
HSV Recreation Department has
extended irrigation to cover all of
the landscaped areas at the entrance.
David Twiggs, COO
Money Matters
Hot Springs Village Year-to-Date Financials
From: Donald J. Yucuis, CFO
November 15, 2013
October 31, 2013 Financial Report
The net Fiscal Year 2013 year-end activity of -$816,373 remains the same as reported
summarized below along with the estimated year-end cash balances:
AT THE NOV. 21 Board Regular Meeting, Don Yucuis,
CFO, presented a financial report for Hot Springs Village
including a total estimate of revenues, expenses and reserve
transfers to year end December 31, 2013.
For the period ending October 2013, year to date
(YTD) revenues totaled $22.5 million and are expected
to be $27.2 million or $1 million less than budget by year
end. YTD operating expenses totaled $20.8 million and
are expected to be $24.7 million by year end. 2013 YTD
capital expenses were revised to $7.9 million because the
Water Treatment Plant expansion is moving along quicker,
on target and funded from set aside water reserves.
FY 2013
FY 2013
Operating Expenses
Revenue less
Operating expenses
- 24,818,798
- 24,773,262
Principal on Bonds
Net Reserve Transfers
Capital Expenses
Net Activity
Year End Estimate Cash
Estimated cash balances at year end for operating and reserves are as follows:
HSV Board Adopts Lean, Balanced Budget for 2014
**Operating Cash
$ 5,053,737
Water Plant Reserve
$ 5,372,305
Capital Reserve
$ 1,833,959
Building Reserve
$ 300,000
Expenses $12,560,001
** Assumes $2 million of prepays.
FY 2013
ending Balance
Net Activity
($ 816,373)
$ 4,237,364
($ 4,600,000)
$ 772,305
($ 260,741)
$ 1,573,218
$ 300,000
$ 28,265,816
25,064,452)$ 6,882,887
Adopted Summary
Net Revenue less Operating Expenses $
A more detailed analysis of the financial status at ten months ending October 31, 2013
five. Principal on Bonds
Transfer to Reserve
Total Bonds and Net Transfers
Net Activity before Capital Expenses
Capital Expenses
Net Activity for FY 2014
$ 1,227,305
$ 4,428,669
($ 4,428,669)
Overall Summary – Overall revenue is worse (less) than budget and expenses and ba
Transfer from Reserve
$ 2,207,305
(more) than budget for the year to date (YTD) ending October 31, 2013.
THE FY 2014 Hot Springs Village Budget adopted by
the Board of Directors in the Oct. 16 Regular Meeting
projects a lean, balanced financial outlook. The Board held
three public budget review sessions related to the FY 2014
budget in September and October. Staff presented their
respective budget highlights and public comment was received before at each review session before formal Board
approval Oct. 16.
FY 2014 revenue of $28.2 million includes modest increases in almost all user fees (see related article) and assessments (see related article).
FY2014 operating expenses of $25.0 million include
the following:
• a net increase of five full-time employees; three in
Public Safety, one in Permitting and one in Public
• a merit pool for eligible employees;
• an employee contribution to the health insurance
• health plan changes that result in cost savings to the
• no significant changes to the other existing fringe
benefit plans;
• $1.1 for continued maintenance of streets, culverts
and crack sealing;
• $157,000 for Lake Maintenance.
The budget document is available for viewing at www.
hsvpoa.org | governance | financials.
Winter 2013 Hot Springs Village Advocate 11
Money Matters
Assessment Increase In Effect Jan. 1; Fee Schedule Online
THE ANNUAL assessment increase of $0.68 per month,
which was approved by the Board of Directors in 2013,
will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2014. This will increase the
total annual assessment by $8.16.
An amendment to Article X, Section 3, which was
passed Oct. 3, 2007 and became effective April 20, 2013,
gave the Board the authority to increase the annual assessment each year above the previous year using the Consumer Price Index, South Region, All Items (CPI), as of
June 30, as promulgated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics
of the U.S. Department of Labor. This year, the CPI was
1.9 percent. The assessment increase requires a two-thirds
majority vote of the Board.
The 2014 fee schedule is now available online at www.
hsvpoa.org. The document, which was approved by the
HSV Board includes a number of modest fee increases.
These increases include a $.10 per month increase in the
ambulance fee which is passed through to LifeNet (see related story), and $.50 per month increases to water, sewer
and sanitation. An excess water fee increase of 2.5 percent
is also reflected.
Golf fees were increased an average of 3.1 percent overall
and Recreation fees reflect an average of 2 percent increase.
Other minor fee increases include general administration fees to decals, identification cards, gate cards and
work passes as well as boat registration and library cards.
To view the 2014 Recreation Fee Schedule, go to www.
hsvpoa.org | Recreation Fees.
Pay Annual Renewals Today, Forms Available Online
IT’S TIME TO renew vehicle decal and other annual fees. For your
convenience, the HSV Accounting
Department mailed renewal forms to
members who purchased vehicle decals in 2013. Please verify the member information on the vehicle decal
renewal forms for accuracy. Complete
missing information and clearly mark
corrections, additions or deletions.
Please mail in the renewal forms and
a check with the appropriate payment or credit card information to
Property Owners Association, 895
DeSoto Blvd., Hot Springs Village,
AR 71909.
The 2014 annual fee renewal
forms, which were mailed in previous
years, are available online at www.
hsvpoa.org. A direct link is also included on the site homepage. Forms
are also available at the HSV Administration office.
The following forms are online:
pet registration, private cart and boat
registration as well as forms for annual recreation amenities, tennis and
GHIN, annual golf fee/cart lease in12 Hot Springs Village Advocate Winter
er 2013
formation, library cards and dependent cards. Members may also pick
up forms at the Administration Office, located at 895 DeSoto Blvd.
Forms are available in both PDF
and Microsoft Word formats. Members have two options for printing
the forms online: print out Microsoft
Word form(s) and fill in manually
or fill out the PDF form(s) online,
which will calculate the appropriate
fees including sales tax, allowing the
member to print a completed form.
To view the PDF forms, Adobe Reader 10.0 or later must be installed on
your computer. To download the latest version of this software, click here.
See RENEWALS page 13
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on Equipment Replacement
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Hot Springs Village News
HSV General Rules and Regulations Available Online
AN UPDATED version of the Hot
Springs Village General Rules and
Regulations is now available online at
General information about the
Village is available on the website
and in documents published by the
Communications and Marketing
departments and is not a part of the
updated document, which will also be
placed in HSV facilities for members
and guests. To view, click here or go
to www.hsvpoa.org |Governance | Governing Documents | General Rules and
RENEWALS continued from page 12
Please be aware that you cannot pay
these fees online.
Members have two payment options: mail the forms along with check
or credit card information to the POA
at the address listed above or bring
the documents along with a check
or credit card information to the Administration Building, weekdays from
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
For more information, please call
501-922-5519 or 501-922-5556 or
email [email protected].
Stay up-to-date on the latest
upcoming events and news.
Click here to subscribe to This
Week in HSV. Sign up today.
Winter 2013 Hot Springs Village Advocate 13
Hot Springs Village News
Register Your Storm Shelter and/or Safe Room Today
HELP THE Hot Springs Village Police and Fire Departments by registering your storm shelter and/or safe
room today.
The Permitting and Inspections
Department and the Police and Fire
Departments are working together to
identify the locations of existing storm
shelters and/or safe rooms in homes
throughout Hot Springs Village. The
Departments request residents with
these shelters to register their homes
at 501-922-5562.
Please provide the following information when registering:
• What is the exact location of the
storm shelter or safe room in the
home? Is it located in a stairwell
or basement?
• What kind of vault is used: steel or
Please note that exterior key accessibility will be required for post storm
entry by emergency personnel if latches are engaged from the inside.
Following initial contact with the
Permitting & inspections Department, staff will set up an appointment
to visit your home to determine GPS
coordinates of the exact location of the
shelter (inside or outside the home).
For new construction of storm shel-
ters or safe rooms, the Permitting &
Inspections Department will determine GPS coordinates when inspecting the construction for the exact location (inside or outside the home)
and will share the information with
the Police and Fire Departments.
Registering a shelter or safe room
on this list will help provide extra
safety for residents. This information
will be kept private.
In the event of an emergency, the
list of registered shelters and safe
rooms will be provided to responders
to aid search and rescue efforts.
Contact AT&T For U-Verse Availability
AT&T U-VERSE TV, internet and
voice services is now available in select
Hot Springs Village neighborhoods.
The initial neighborhoods Andorra, Brilliante, Cartagena, Cielo,
Diamante, Encantado, Guadalajara,
Isabella, Ladera, Levantino, Magnifico, Marinero, Pacifica, Promesa, Sacedon, Santa Maria, Santiago, Sergio,
Sorpresa, and Vereda. (Please note all
homes in the above subdivisions may
not have U-verse availability.)
Contact Patti Rhodes, AT&T Uverse Marketing Manager and HSV
member, at 501-765-4823 or patti.
[email protected] to confirm U-verse
availability to your home, schedule an
in-home visit, and/or schedule a time
to meet with an AT&T representative
in Hot Springs Village.
Free Email Utility Billing
IN A COST-SAVING effort, the Hot Springs Village
Property Owners Association now offers water, sewer and
sanitation billing via email at NO CHARGE to members.
Please consider signing up for this efficient and cost-saving
Forms are available to download and print online at
Bring or mail the completed form to the Administration Building, located at 895 DeSoto Boulevard in Hot
Springs Village, from 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday –
Friday or call 501-922-5556.
PLEASE NOTE: Signing up to receive Utility Email
Billing does NOT affect automatic bank drafts and you
are not required to pay your utility bill online.
14 Hot Springs Village Advocate Winter 2013
Main Number
Assistant GM
Fire Non Emergency
Police Non Emergency
Public Works
Tee Times
Visitor Center
501-922-5556 [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Hot Springs Village News
Fitness Center Silver Sneakers Membership Tops 1,100;
Check 2014 Eligibility with Personal Insurance Providers
THE CORONADO Fitness Center
began a partnership with Healthways
Silver Sneakers program in 2013. Enrollment for the program continues
to be very successful with more than
1,100 people taking advantage of the
benefits. The program will continue
in 2014.
Members who are already enrolled
in Silver Sneakers are eligible for free
Fitness Center membership including
unlimited use of all classes and services, with the exception of massage
Due to changes in healthcare coverage in previous months, current and
enrollees and those who are interested
need to verify eligibility with personal
insurance providers. For more information, call 501-922-0322.
Winter Road Safety Tips
AS THE weather turns colder, HSV Police Chief Gary
Adams reminds residents to consider the following tips.
“Stay off the roads when they are covered with ice and
snow,” said Adams. “Only go out if absolutely necessary,
and if you have to go out, be sure to take appropriate
precautions.” He said residents should dress warmly, in a
coat, gloves and hat, in case of emergency, as well as keep
a blanket and cell phone in the car. “Use common sense,”
he said. “If you can’t drive on ice; don’t!” Click here for a
list of driving safety tips from the Arkansas State Police.
Obey Posted Signs
HOT SPRINGS Village Police Chief
Gary Adams reminds members to
obey signs posted at HSV manned
gate entrances. The signs help our
Public Relations Officers (PROs) to
work efficiently and safely, helping to
“keep the Village a safe place to live
and visit,” said Adams.
Please note the speed limit for entering Hot Springs Village is 15 mph.
This limit is in place to protect the
safety of the PROs, who are often outside the gate building assisting HSV
members and visitors. Also, please remember to turn off head lights when
entering through the East and West
Winter 2013 Hot Springs Village Advocate 15
Hot Springs Village News
HSV Fire Department Offers CPR Training
EVERY YEAR in the U.S., more than
300,000 Americans experience sudden cardiac arrest, according to the
American Heart Association (AHA).
About 95 percent of cardiac arrest victims die before arriving at the hospital.
Sudden cardiac arrest can happen
to anyone at any time. Many victims
appear healthy with no known risk
factors. Sudden cardiac arrest may
occur when electrical impulses in the
heart become rapid or chaotic, which
causes the heart to suddenly stop beat-
ing effectively.
Effective bystander cardiac pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) provided
immediately after sudden cardiac
arrest can double or triple a victim’s
chance of survival, but only 32 percent
of cardiac arrest victims get CPR from
a bystander, according to the AHA.
Learn CPR today and you could
save a life. The Department will
be holding CPR training classes in
2014. Get your name on the list today by calling 501-922-2210 or email
[email protected]. Classes will be
scheduled when enough people have
expressed interest.
Don't delay. CPR training saves
lives. You could save the life of a loved
one or friend.
Congratulations to “Adopt a Hydrant” Winners
CONGRATULATIONS to Darlene Filley, first place
winner of the Hot Springs Village Fire Department “Adopt
a Hydrant” contest. Her depiction of Smokey the Bear is
located on Pardon Lane. Filley received a special first place
award made by Lee Smith, a member of the Hot Springs
Village Woodworkers.
Second place went to Judy Freidel, for her Dalmatian,
located by the POA administration building. And third
place was awarded to Frank Mason for his Face and Dalmatian, located on Ballobar Way. Winners also received
$25 gift cards to The Home Plate and Applebee’s.
“It was a tough decision,” said Jason Miller, HSV Fire
Chief, noting that there were many creative entries.
Although the contest has ended, it’s not too late to
“Adopt a Hydrant.” Drop by the Cortez Fire Station to
1st Place Winner
2nd Place Winner
3rd Place Winner
pick up red paint and let your creativity flow in your neighborhood.
For more information on the “Adopt a Hydrant” program, please call the Cortez Fire Station at 501-922-2210.
Fire Department Offers Smoke Detector/Home Inspections
ON AVERAGE, seven people die in
home fires in the United States each
According to the National Fire Protection Association, almost two-thirds
of home fire deaths resulted from fires
in properties without working smoke
alarms. A working smoke alarm significantly increases your chances of
surviving a deadly home fire.
16 Hot Springs Village Advocate Winter 2013
Smoke alarms that are properly installed and maintained play a vital role
in reducing fire deaths and injuries.
Having a working smoke alarm cuts
the chances of dying in a reported fire
in half.
Does your home have adequate
smoke detectors? Thanks to a donation
of 60 smoke detectors from Arkansas
Children's Hospital, the Fire Depart-
ment is currently offering a smoke detector/home inspection program for
members. One detector per household
will be made available and provided to
members whose homes do not have an
adequate number of detectors or have
non-working units. Don't wait until
it's too late - schedule an appointment
today. Call 501-922-2210 or email
[email protected].
Hot Springs Village News
Medical Helicopter Service Among LifeNet Benefits
with LifeNet Inc., to maintain three
strategically located state-of-the-art
Advanced Life Support (ALS) ambulances within the Village to satisfy the
emergency service needs of occupants
of residential properties.
At the Oct. 16 Regular meeting,
the HSV Board of Directors voted to
extend the contract with LifeNet, Inc.
for five years with a monthly increase
of $.10 per month, beginning Jan. 1,
2014. This increase will be reflected on
resident utility bills.
The LifeNet contract includes several new benefits for Hot Springs Village residents. These include emergency response times of 8:59 minutes
on 90 percent of all calls classified as
"life threatening" within Hot Springs
Village and medical helicopter am-
bulance service benefits. Members
with insurance will never receive an
air ambulance bill for emergency or
non-emergency advanced life support (ALS) helicopter ambulance services meeting their insurance company's or federal insurance medical
necessity requirements.
In addition, an Emergency transport for Hot Springs Village occupants with Medicare, with or without
a supplemental policy or occupants
with private insurance that pays a
portion of the ambulance charges,
will be covered at 100 percent.
If the claim is denied by your insurance or Medicare the occupant
will receive a bill for 100 percent of
the charges incurred. If the insured
does not agree with the determination their insurance or Medicare
makes, it is the insured’s responsibility to appeal the claim to their insurance company or Medicare.
If the appeal is successful, the
bill will be paid by the insurance or
Medicare and the Hot Springs Village occupant will owe nothing.
If the appeal is unsuccessful, the
occupant should notify LifeNet Inc.,
and they will reduce the bill due for
Hot Springs Village occupants by
40 percent. The occupant will be responsible for 60 percent of the bill.
Adams Promises "Open Door," Effectiveness, Efficiency
SINCE GARY ADAMS, the new Hot Springs Village Police Chief, took office Sept. 30, he has been settling in to
his new job, meeting officers, dispatchers and PROs, and
getting acquainted with HSV life.
Adams said he found quite a few similarities between
the HSV Police Department (PD) and the other agencies
he worked with prior to his employment in HSV, noting
he was "very pleased" with the knowledge and experience
of the men and women working in the PD and at the HSV
gates. "I have also been impressed with their dedication."
Adams said he intends to have an "open door policy" as
Police Chief as a way to "open and improve communications in the department by meeting with and listening to
all employees, sworn and non-sworn."
In addition, the HSVPD has already ordered new duty
weapons for all officers, to replace the current weapons,
many of which were 14-15 years old.
Adams said he will spend the coming months working
to address issues to "improve the police department's effectiveness and efficiency through delivering public safety
services to the community and improving the working
conditions of the agency."
Adams previously served as Police Chief for 13 years in
University Park, Texas, an affluent suburb four miles north
of Dallas. He also worked for 25 years with the city of Texarkana, Texas, working in all capacities of the Police Department, from patrol officer to Captain. Adams is a graduate of the FBI Academy, has an M.B.A. from Texas A&M,
and has served as President of the Texas Police Chief ’s Association.
700 Balearic Rd.
(corner of
Balboa & Balearic Roads)
Adult Sunday School 9:00 & 10:15 a.m.
Nursery Available All Services
Senior Pastor —Dr. Walter L. “Bubba” Smith
8:40 a.m. Traditional Service
10:15 a.m. Traditional Service
11:20 a.m.
A casual, come-as-you-are service
A Stephen Ministry
Caring Congregation
Winter 2013 Hot Springs Village Advocate 17
Board News
Make a Difference in Your Community; Serve on the HSV Board
WANT TO MAKE a difference in
Hot Springs Village? Then consider
serving on the Board of Directors.
Two board positions are open in 2014
for three year terms.
Interested members may pick
up an application packet from the
General Manager’s office at the Administration Building, 895 DeSoto
Blvd., weekdays from Monday, Dec.
2-Thursday, Jan. 16, 2014, by calling 501-922-5530 or www.hsvpoa.
org | Governance | Board of Directors
| 2014 Board Application on Dec. 2.
Completed applications with resume and photograph are due by 4
p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 16, 2014.
Information on candidates, including photographs and unedited statements will be printed in the Spring
2014 Advocate for public review.
Ad Hoc Committee Focuses On Optimizing Health Services
GOOD HEALTH is key to living an active, happy lifestyle. And access to quality health services is a necessity
for continuing that lifestyle. The Ad Hoc Health Services
Committee, formed by the HSV Board of Directors at the
Sept. 18 Board Regular Meeting, will identify and make
recommendations to optimize Village health services, development of resources and health services improvement
strategies for members.
Members elected to the committee at the Nov. 21 Regular Meeting include: WM Botkin, M.D., Chad O'Kane,
18 Hot Springs Village Advocate Winter 2013
Janice Dean, Don Stevens, Mary Ellen Farney, Missy Masterson and Edith Fraley, M.D.
2014 Board Meeting Calendar Set
DURING THE NOV. 21 Regular Board Meeting, the
Board of Directors approved the 2014 Board meeting calendar for planning purposes. The calendar also includes the
Annual Meeting and Committee Appreciation reception.
For Board Meeting dates, click here.
Notable In Hot Springs Village
DeSoto Golf Course Set to Re-Open in April 2014
THE DESOTO GOLF COURSE renovation is nearing
the final stages of completion, according to John Paul,
HSV Director of Golf. The course is set to re-open in
April 2014.
Crews will be working throughout the winter to complete the remaining projects. Paul said only a few major
projects remain including rebuilding the bridge on hole
#7, and renovations along some of the cart paths.
A large landscaping project is also underway between
10 tee and 18 green. There will be additional drainage to
the right of 3 green, behind 8 green and just below the
swimming pool on # 1 as well as adding additional irrigation behind 15 green.
Other projects include installation of new signage
around the course, adding sand to all of the renovated
bunkers, edging all the paths, fixing the rock work on
many of the bridge headers and rolling all of the new sod.
“The course is looking very good and should be ready
to open in mid- April,” said Paul. “A few of the greens
have some spots left to fill in around the edges but they
are 95 percent grown in and look great. The collars have
established well and will be a highlight of the new course.”
Paul said he looks forward to a great golfing season in
2014, with many new events on the calendar.
“We will continue with specials throughout the year
and enhanced couples events,” he continued.
To schedule a tee time, go to www.hsvpoa.org and
click on the link on the home page or call 501-922-2858.
Invite Friends and Family to Experience HSV in 2014
INVITE YOUR FRIENDS and family to experience all that Hot Springs Village has to offer. Visitors play golf at member rates with a valid state ID; (go to www.HSVStateWeeks.com for the latest dates and regulations).
2014 State Week Dates
Dec 30-Jan 5: Montana
Jan 6-12: Wyoming
Jan 13-19: Idaho
Jan 20-26: Maine
Jan 27 – Feb 2: Oregon
Feb 3-9: North Dakota
Feb 10-16: South Dakota
Feb 17-23: Massachusetts
Feb 24-Mar 2: Connecticut
Mar 3-9: New Jersey
Mar 10-16: Delaware
Mar 17-23: New Hampshire
Mar 24-30: Rhode Island
Mar 31 – Apr 6: Ohio
Apr 7-13: Nebraska
Apr 14-20: Texas
Apr 21-27: Louisiana
Apr 28 – May 4: New Mexico
May 5-11: Mississippi
May 12-18: Illinois
May 19-25: Alaska
May 26- Jun 1: South Carolina
June 2-8: Georgia
Jun 9-15: Nevada
Jun 16-22: Alabama
Jun 23-29: Kentucky
Jun 30 – Jul 6: West Virginia
Jul 7-13: Virginia
Jul 14-20: Maryland
Jul 21-27: Tennessee
Jul 28-Aug 3: Indiana
Aug 4-10: Utah
Aug 11-17: North Carolina
Aug 18-24: Arkansas
Aug 25-31: Kansas
Sep 1-7: Washington
Sep 8-14: Hawaii
Sep 15-21: Missouri
Sep 22-28: Washington DC
Sep 29-Oct 5: Colorado
Oct 6-12: California
Oct 13-19: Wisconsin
Oct 20-26: New York
Oct 27-Nov 2: Michigan
and Canada
Nov 3-9: Minnesota
Nov 10-16: Pennsylvania
Nov 17-23: Oklahoma
Nov 24-30: Florida
Dec 1-7: Texas
Dec 8-14: Iowa
Dec 15-21: Arizona
Dec 22-28: Puerto Rico
Dec 29-Jan 4: Vermont
Winter 2013 Hot Springs Village Advocate 19
Notable In Hot Springs Village
New Home Permits Exceed Budget Expections;
Construction Begins on Mt. Carmel Garden Homes
in Hot Springs Village and more people are moving here to check it out.
Permitting and Inspections reports
the Architectural Control Committee
has issued a total of 72 new home permits since Jan. 1. That’s 12 more than
budgeted for 2013.
Construction has begun on 10
garden homes in the Mt. Carmel
Community, located at the Balboa
Gate. The HSV Board of Directors
Winter 2013
Winter 2013
20 Hot Springs Village Advocate Winter 2013
approved a development agreement
with Mt. Carmel to build 16 garden homes and a community center
All Saints Anglican Church recently received a building permit to
construct a new 3,650 sq. ft. worship
center at #3 Jardinero Drive. The proposed sanctuary will hold 66 people.
Construction is currently underway on 10
garden homes in the Mt. Carmel Community, located at the Balboa Gate.
Notable In Hot Springs Village
2 GM Coffee, CCC
3 Lions Bingo, CCC
4 Rock Porch Session, DeSoto Club
4 Village Merry Mixers Dance, CCC
8 Board Work Session, Ponce
8 A Team, CCC
11 Country Two Steppers, CCC
15 Board Regular Meeting, Ponce
15 A Team, CCC
17 Lions Bingo, CCC
18 Village Merry Mixers Dance, CCC
21 Arkansas Blood Institute, CCC
22 A Team, CCC
25 Beboppers Dance, CCC
27 Feet Don't Fail Me Now, Woodlands
28 Feet Don't Fail Me Now, Woodlands
29 A Team, CCC
Board Work Session, Ponce
A Team, CCC
Newcomers' Coffee, Ponce
GM Coffee, CCC
Lion's Bingo
Village Merry Mixers Dance, CCC
ASO Concert, Woodlands
Village Chorale, Woodlands
A Team, CCC
Hot Springs Concert Band,
13 Beboppers Dance, CCC
14 Country Two Steppers, CCC
17 Arkansas Blood Institute, CCC
18 Board Regular Meeting, Ponce
18 A Team, CCC
21 Village Merry Mixers Dance, CCC
26 Arkansas Blood Institute, Ponce
30 Village Merry Mixers
Dinner/Dance, CCC
Moving to Hot Springs Village
in 2014? Then, plan to attend
a Newcomers Coffee. February
27, April 24, June 26,
August 28, October 23,
December 4 9:00 a.m.
Ouachita Activities Building,
Ponce de Leon Center
Click here to view the Hot Springs
Village calendar of events.
Rock Porch Sessions, DeSoto Club
A Team, CCC
GM Coffee, CCC
Country Two Steppers, CCC
Valentine's Cararet, CCC
A Team, CCC
Cirque Zuma Zuma, Woodlands
Village Merry Mixers Dance, CCC
Texas Tenors, Woodlands
Texas Tenors, Woodlands
Texas Tenors, Woodlands
Texas Tenors, Woodlands
A Team, CCC
Lions Bingo, CCC
A Team, CCC
1 Village Merry Mixers Dance, CCC
4 Voces 8, Woodlands
5 Board Work Session, Ponce
5 A Team, CCC
6 GM Coffee, CCC
7 Lions Bingo, CCC
8 Country Two Steppers, CCC
11 Ouachita Speaker Series, Ponce
12 A Team, CCC
15 Village Merry Mixers Dance, CCC
17 St. Patrick's Day Party, DeSoto Club
18 Arkansas Blood Institute, CCC
19 Board Regular Meeting, Ponce
19 A Team, CCC
20 Inherit the Wind Woodlands
21 Lions Bingo, CCC
21 Inherit the Wind, Woodlands
22 Inherit the Wind, Woodlands
22 Beboppers Dance, CCC
23 Inherit the Wind, Woodlands
26 A Team, CCC
27 Last Thursday, CCC
29 Rotary Flea Market, CCC
31 Ouachita Chef Series, DeSoto Club
Chef Series
of Every
March 31,
Winter 2013 Hot Springs Village Advocate 21
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