2013 EMPLOYEE PACKET BRIEF SUMMARIES OF EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PLEASE REFER TO BOOKLETS FOR DETAIL prepared by 1.907.522.2229 1.888.533.9669 (in ak) COLVILLE INC. / BROOKS RANGE SUPPLY BENEFITS SUMMARIES TABLE OF CONTENTS MEDICAL BENEFITS SUMMARY Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska Group #1016686 1.800.508.4722 or 1.866.224.8550 (in AK) HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ARRANGEMENT SUMMARY (HRA) Flex Plan Services ID: Colville/Brooks 1.866.897.1996 DENTAL BENEFITS SUMMARY Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska Group #1016686 1.800.508.4722 or 1.866.224.8550 (in AK) VISION BENEFITS SUMMARY Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska Group #1016686 1.800.508.4722 or 1.866.224.8550 (in AK) HEARING BENEFITS SUMMARY Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska Group #1016686 1.800.508.4722 or 1.866.224.8550 (in AK) LIFE AND AD&D BENEFITS SUMMARY USAble Life Group #50013295 1.800.370.5856 VOLUNTARY LIFE BENEFITS SUMMARY USAble Life Group #50013295 1.800.370.5856 SHORT TERM DISABILITY BENEFITS SUMMARY USAble Life Group #50013295 1.800.370.5856 LONG TERM DISABILITY BENEFITS SUMMARY USAble Life Group #50013295 1.800.370.5856 WELLNESS PROGRAM Contact your Employer for Information COLVILLE INC. / BROOKS RANGE SUPPLY SUMMARY OF MEDICAL INSURANCE BENEFITS PREMERA BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF ALASKA Group #1016686 Deductible $3,000* you only pay $750, then Colville pays 100% of the next $2,250 Office Visit Co-pay (6/calendar yr) Outpatient Mental Health (unlimited) Inpatient Mental Health (unlimited) Chemical Dependency (unlimited) Acupuncture (12/calendar yr) Naturopathic Care (unlimited) Manipulations (12/cal. yr) Rehab (PT, Massage, etc. – 45/cal.yr) Preventive Office Visit (unlimited) Preventive Care (including most preventive lab & pathology) - Immunizations, PAP smears, mammograms, PSA, etc., covered) $30**, then ded. & coinsurance $30** Deductible & coinsurance $30*** $30** $30** $30** $30*** No Cost to You! Diabetic Health Education (unlimited) No Cost to You! Have provider verify which procedures are covered at 100% vs. go to deductible Lab and pathology notes No Cost to You! Diagnostic services including lab and pathology unless noted otherwise Prescription Drugs Co-pay 1 month supply, retail pharmacy (unlimited) Prescription Drugs Co-pay Mail order, 3 month supply (unlimited) Coinsurance Maximum (point at which Premera begins paying 100% of eligible expenses for remainder of calendar year) Deductible & coinsurance Air or ground ambulance Additional Hospital Deductible ER ($100 Co-Pay waived if admitted) Ambulance Lifetime Maximum (no lifetime maximum) Phone Website $100 then ded. & coinsurance None $100 then ded. & coinsurance $100 then ded. & coinsurance $2,000,000 per year maximum 1.800.224.8550 www.premera.com * $10 generic/$30 other** no max. $25 generic/$75 other** no max. $3,000 in your 20% plus your deductible expenses. You will not begin paying 20% until after you have had over $3,000 in deductible expenses! Colville, via the HRA, will pay $2,250 of deductible related charges after you have paid $750. If you exceed $3,000, Premera will begin paying 80% ** Co-pays are not subject to or subtracted from the deductible *** Only if billed separately by credentialed provider otherwise deductible & coinsurance This is a highlight of your plan based on seeing a preferred provider, For specifics please go to website or your booklet Preventive office visits, preventive imaging (lab, pathology, etc.), immunizations and mammograms are paid 100% by Premera. If there is a diagnosis, the charges will go toward your deductible and coinsurance (other than office visit which remains $30) Highlights of your Health Care Coverage Colville Inc Group Number: 1016686 Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska believes this plan is a "grandfathered health plan" under the Affordable Care Act. For more information, please refer to your Benefit Booklet. Any deductibles, copays, and coinsurance percentages shown are amounts for which you're responsible. Effective date: 11/1/2012 HPE $3,000/20%/$6,000/$30 MEDICAL PLAN - GRANDFATHERED IN-NETWORK MEDICAL COST SHARE OPTIONS OUT-OF-NETWORK Individual Deductible PCY (Family Deductible 3x Individual) Coinsurance (Member's percentage of costs after deductible based on allowable charges) $3,000 PCY Shared with In-Network Deductible 20% Individual Out of Pocket Maximum PCY, Excludes Copay (Family OOP Max 3x Individual) Office Visit Cost Share (First six visits include office and home visits combined) $6,000 PCY Hospital/CD Facility & MD/DO/DPM: 50%; Other Facilities & Professionals: Same as In-Network Cost Share Not Applicable First 6 visits $30 Copay; then Deductible/Coinsurance ² MD/DO/DPM: 50%; Other Professionals: Same as In-Network Cost Share COVERED SERVICES PREVENTIVE CARE OPTIONS AND HEALTH EDUCATION Preventive Office Visit (Unlimited) Covered in Full ¹ Immunizations (Unlimited) Covered in Full ¹ Diabetes Health Education (DE) (Unlimited) Covered in Full ¹ MD/DO/DPM: Deductible/Coinsurance; Other Facilities: Same as In-Network Preventive Office Visit Cost Share MD/DO/DPM: Deductible/Coinsurance; Other Facilities: Same as In-Network Immunization Cost Share ³ Covered in Full PROFESSIONAL CARE Professional Office Visit Including Urgent Care Inpatient Professional Services First 6 visits $30 Copay; then Deductible/Coinsurance ² Deductible/Coinsurance MD/DO/DPM: 50%; Other Professionals: Same as In-Network Cost Share Hospital/CD Facility & MD/DO/DPM: 50%; Other Facilities & Professionals: Same as In-Network Cost Share Covered in Full ¹ Hospital/CD Facility & MD/DO/DPM: Deductible/Coinsurance; Other Facilities & Professionals: Same as In-Network Cost Share Hospital/CD Facility & MD/DO/DPM: Deductible/Coinsurance; Other Facilities & Professionals: Same as In-Network Cost Share Hospital/CD Facility & MD/DO/DPM: Deductible/Coinsurance; Other Facilities & Professionals: Same as In-Network Cost Share DIAGNOSTIC SERVICE OPTIONS Preventive Professional Diagnostic Imaging and Laboratory Services - Including PAP/PSA Other Professional Diagnostic Imaging and Laboratory Services Mammography Deductible/Coinsurance Covered in Full ¹ FACILITY CARE OPTIONS Inpatient Facility Deductible/Coinsurance Outpatient Surgery Facility Deductible/Coinsurance Skilled Nursing Facility (60 days PCY) Deductible/Coinsurance Hospital/CD Facility: 50%; Other Facilities: Same as In-Network Cost Share Hospital/CD Facility: Deductible/Coinsurance; Other Facilities: Same as In-Network Cost Share Hospital/CD Facility: 50%; Other Facilities: Same as In-Network Cost Share ¹ Benefits provided at 100% of allowable charges; not subject to deductible or coinsurance. ² The 6-visit limit is a combined total of all specified in-network visits PCY; deductible waived. Above is only a partial list. The full list can be found in your Master Group Contract. ³ Seasonal immunizations provided at a pharmacy will be covered in full up to maximum allowable amount. PCY = Per calendar year. Balance billing may apply if a provider is not contracted with Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska. Members are responsible for amounts in excess of the allowable charge. This is not a complete explanation of covered services, exclusions, limitations, reductions or the terms under which the program may be continued in force. This benefit highlight is not a contract. For full coverage provisions, including a description of waiting periods, limitations and exclusions please contact Customer Service. Document ID: CTR0142.400 - 325889 An Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association 10/22/2012 5:25 pm Page 1 of 3 Highlights of your Health Care Coverage Colville Inc Group Number: 1016686 Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska believes this plan is a "grandfathered health plan" under the Affordable Care Act. For more information, please refer to your Benefit Booklet. Any deductibles, copays, and coinsurance percentages shown are amounts for which you're responsible. EMERGENCY CARE OPTIONS Emergency Care (Waive copay if admitted, always subject to deductible and coinsurance) Ambulance Transportation Air Ambulance (Unlimited) Air or Surface Transportation IN-NETWORK Effective date: 11/1/2012 OUT-OF-NETWORK $100 Copay, Deductible/Coinsurance $100 Copay, Deductible/Coinsurance $100 Copay, Deductible/Coinsurance Deductible/Coinsurance $100 Copay, Subject to In-Network Deductible/Coinsurance $100 Copay, Subject to In-Network Deductible/Coinsurance $100 Copay, Subject to In-Network Deductible/Coinsurance Same as In-Network Deductible/Coinsurance $30 Copay MD/DO/DPM: 50%; Other Professionals: Same as In-Network Cost Share Covered as Any Other Service OTHER SERVICES Acupuncture (12 visits PCY) Chemical Dependency (Unlimited) Covered as Any Other Service Home Health Care (130 visits PCY) Deductible/Coinsurance Hospice (Inpatient: 10 days; Respite: 240 hours; 6 month limit) Deductible/Coinsurance Manipulations (spinal and other) (12 visits PCY) Medical Supplies (MS), Equipment (ME), Prosthetics (Pro) and Orthotics (Orth) () Mental Health Inpatient Facility Care(Unlimited) Mental Health Outpatient Professional Care(Unlimited) Naturopathy (Unlimited) Rehab Inpatient Facility (30 days PCY) Rehab Outpatient Care, Including Physical, Occupational, Speech and Massage Therapy; Cardiac & Pulmonary Rehab.; and Chronic Pain (45 visits PCY)* Transplants (Unlimited up to the member annual maximum; $75,000 donor and $7,500 travel and lodging limits) $30 Copay Deductible/Coinsurance Same as In-Network Medical Inpatient Cost Share Same as In-Network Medical Office Visit Cost Share First 6 visits $30 Copay; then Deductible/Coinsurance ² Deductible/Coinsurance Covered as Any Other Service Covered as Any Other Service Hospital/CD Facility & MD/DO/DPM: 50%; Other Facilities & Professionals: Same as In-Network Cost Share Hospital/CD Facility & MD/DO/DPM: 50%; Other Facilities & Professionals: Same as In-Network Cost Share MD/DO/DPM: 50%; Other Professionals: Same as In-Network Cost Share Deductible/Coinsurance Same as Out-of-Network Medical Inpatient Cost Share Same as Out-of-Network Medical Office Visit Cost Share MD/DO/DPM: 50%; Other Professionals: Same as In-Network Cost Share Hospital/CD Facility: 50%; Other Facilities & All Professionals: Same as In-Network Cost Share MD/DO/DPM: 50%; Other Professionals: Same as In-Network Cost Share Not Covered SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS Routine Vision Exam (1 PCY) Waive Deductible/20% Waive Deductible/20% Vision Hardware (1 set of lenses PCY/1 frame every 2 consecutive calendar years) Routine Hearing Exam (1 every 3 years to combined max of $800 limit every 3 consecutive years) Hearing Hardware (Combined $800 limit every 3 consecutive years) Waive Deductible/20% Waive Deductible/20% Waive Deductible/20% Waive Deductible/20% Waive Deductible/20% Waive Deductible/20% LIFETIME MAXIMUM Unlimited Lifetime Max, $2,000,000 Aggregate Annual Max ² The 6-visit limit is a combined total of all specified in-network visits; deductible waived. Above is only a partial list. The full list can be found in your Master Group Contract. * Massage Therapy must be billed by a licensed physician. PCY = Per calendar year. Balance billing may apply if a provider is not contracted with Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska. Members are responsible for amounts in excess of the allowable charge. This is not a complete explanation of covered services, exclusions, limitations, reductions or the terms under which the program may be continued in force. This benefit highlight is not a contract. For full coverage provisions, including a description of waiting periods, limitations and exclusions please contact Customer Service. Document ID: CTR0142.400 - 325889 An Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association 10/22/2012 5:25 pm Page 2 of 3 Highlights of your Health Care Coverage Colville Inc Group Number: 1016686 Pharmacy Benefits Tier 1 = Generic Tier 2 = Brand Below is a brief overview of what you can expect to pay for a prescription drug, depending on which "tier" category it falls under in the Preferred Drug List for your plan when using an In-Network Pharmacy. For more information on your pharmacy benefits, including Out-of-Network benefits, see your benefit booklet. To find out what tier applies to a specific medication, see our Preferred Drug List in your pharmacy packet or at www.premera.com. Effective date: 11/1/2012 Any deductibles, copays, and coinsurance percentages shown are amounts for which you're responsible. PHARMACY PLAN C RX $0-$10/$30 Cost Share Category Tier 1/ Tier 2 OUTPATIENT PRESCRIPTION DRUGS Retail Cost Shares Up to 90 day supply per prescription, 1 Copay required for each 30-day supply; 30 day supply for specialty Mail Cost Shares Up to 90 day supply per prescription, 1 Copay per prescription; 30 day supply for specialty Individual Deductible PCY $10/$30 Out of Pocket Max Unlimited Annual Benefit Max Unlimited $25/$75 $0 This is not a complete explanation of covered services, exclusions, limitations, reductions or the terms under which the program may be continued in force. This benefit highlight is not a contract. For full coverage provisions, including a description of waiting periods, limitations and exclusions please contact Customer Service. Document ID: CTR0142.400 - 325889 An Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association 10/22/2012 5:25 pm Page 3 of 3 COLVILLE INC. / BROOKS RANGE SUPPLY SUMMARY OF HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ARRANGEMENT (HRA) FLEX PLAN SERVICES Grandfathered Purpose of Plan Uses Preferred Providers HRA Balance Contact Telephone Fax (for claims) E-mail (for claims) Colville funds $2,250 into your HRA account each year to reimburse you any deductible expenses beyond $750. Any expenses that go toward your deductible beyond $750 will be reimbursed to you by Colville at 100% via your HRA until you reach $3,000 in eligible claims. If you exceed $3,000 in eligible deductible expenses, Premera will begin paying 80% until your 20% payments total $3,000, then Premera will pay 100% of eligible expenses for the remainder of the year. If you elect to go to a non-preferred provider, you pay the additional costs, the HRA does not pay those charges. Every January 1, Colville/Brooks will add money to your HRA account up to the $2,250 point, even if you have used every penny from the previous year. www.flex-plan.com 1.866.897.1996 1.866.831.6222 [email protected] COLVILLE INC. / BROOKS RANGE SUPPLY HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ARRANGEMENT CLAIM FORM PLAN YEAR 2013 through DECEMBER 31, 2013 Section I – Employee Information Employee SSN Last Name, First Name, MI __________-__________-__________ Day Phone ( ) Address City Address Change St Zip Email Instructions 1. Complete Section I – Employee Information. This form can only be used for services incurred during the plan year shown above. 2. Do not staple any documentation to claim form, please tape to separate sheet or include loosely in envelope. Do not send originals (all claims are stored electronically and paper copies will be shredded). 3. Complete Section II – Claims. Attach proper documentation showing the date(s) of service, type(s) of service and cost (No cancelled checks, balance forwards or bank card receipts). Itemize all expenses to prevent delays in reimbursement. If your expense is covered by your insurance, you must submit a copy of your explanation of benefits (EOB). 4. Complete Section III - Signing the claim form. Fax or mail a signed claim form, but do not do both. Claims must be submitted at least two (2) full business days prior to the scheduled reimbursement date ***Deductible expenses associated with the employer sponsored group medical plan are eligible for reimbursement. An Explanation of Benefits (EOB) is required*** Section II – List Claimed Expenses Service Dates Type of Service - - - - - - - - - - - - Name of Provider For Whom Total Request Net Cost $ Does the claimant have secondary coverage? __Y __N If Yes, please provide an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from both carriers. Section III – Signature To the best of my knowledge and belief, my statements on this claim form are complete and true. I understand that I am solely responsible for the validity of claims submitted to this Plan. I am claiming reimbursement only for eligible expenses incurred by myself, spouse and/or dependents. Note: The IRS does not recognize Domestic Partners for purposes of receiving tax-favored health benefits. For further information please contact your employer. I certify that these expenses have not been reimbursed under this plan or by any other source and that they will not be reimbursed by any other source or insurance. By providing my email address, I am requesting that all possible communications regarding this claim may be sent via email. I hereby authorize my HRA to be reduced by the amount(s) shown above. Participant’s Signature X Date Fax completed form and documentation to: FAX: (425) 709-7125 or (866) 831-6222 Email: [email protected] Mail forms and documentation to: Flex-Plan Services, Inc. PO Box 53250 Bellevue, WA 98015-3250 Customer Service Line: (425) 452-3421 or (866) 897-1996 Visit our Web site at www.flex-plan.com COLVILLE INC. / BROOKS RANGE SUPPLY Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) Flex-Plan Services, Inc. is proud to be the claims administrator for your Health Reimbursement Arrangement. This plan has been established by Colville, Inc. to reimburse you and your family for medical deductible expenses Plan Information • Plan Year: January 1, 2013 – December 31, 2013 • Benefit: The HRA will reimburse deductible expenses as indicated below for each enrolled participant: Deductible Benefit o 0% of the first $750 o 100% of the next $2,250 Maximum HRA Reimbursement Employee only: $2,250 Employee plus one: $4,500 Employee plus family: $6,750 • Eligible Expenses: Deductible expenses associated with the employer sponsored group medical plan. • How it Works: Get treatment from a provider. The provider will bill your medical insurance. You will receive an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from the insurance carrier. If you have secondary insurance, wait until you also receive the secondary EOB before submitting both of the EOB’s and a completed claim form to Flex-Plan Services for reimbursement. It is then your responsibility to pay the provider. HRA Claims Submission 1) Fill out a claim form, make sure to write legibly and sign the bottom. 2) Include an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from your insurance carrier. If you have dual coverage, also include EOB from the secondary insurance carrier. 3) Fax, email or mail your claim to Flex-Plan Services. 4) Your reimbursement will be distributed to you by your employer. Reimbursements are processed on the 15th and last day of each month. 5) You will have 90 days to turn in claims at the end of the plan year. Customer Service Line: (425) 452-3421 or (866) 897-1996 Visit our Web site at www.flex-plan.com COLVILLE INC. / BROOKS RANGE SUPPLY HRA AND INSURANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR EMPLOYEES WHO HAVE OTHER COVERAGE If you have other insurance coverage, you need to wait until both the Premera and your other source of coverage pay BEFORE turning a claim into Flex Plan. In many cases, whatever Premera does not pay, the other coverage will, so any claim that is submitted to Flex Plan would be an overpayment to you. All you need to do is wait until you receive an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from Premera 1st and then your other insurance showing the payments from Premera AND the other carrier or coverage. In the case of Indian Health Care, most medical expenses are covered 100% after Premera pays. If there are outstanding amounts after both insurance companies pay on your claim, you would then file a claim with Flex Plan for your HRA. With the claim form, you would need to provide proof that both Premera and your other source have been billed and paid the maximum they will pay. COLVILLE INC. / BROOKS RANGE SUPPLY SUMMARY OF DENTAL PLAN BENEFITS PREMERA BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF ALASKA GROUP #1016686 Preventive Services Cleanings, exams, Routine x-rays … No deductible Basic Services Fillings, root canals … Paid at 80% after ded. $50 deductible Major Services Bridges, crowns, in/onlays … Paid at 50% after ded. Calendar Year Maximum Preferred Providers Website Contact $1,500 You may go to any dentist and get 100%, 80% or 50% of reasonable charges paid by Premera. If you go to a Preferred dentist (under Provider Search on website), you will never have charges that exceed what Premera considers to be reasonable. www.premera.com 1.800.224.8550 Highlights of your Health Care Coverage Colville Inc Group Number: 1016686 Any deductibles, copays, and coinsurance percentages shown are amounts for which you're responsible. DENTAL PLAN Effective date: 11/1/2012 DOPT $50/0%/20%/50%/$1500 COVERED SERVICES Individual/Family Deductible PCY $50 PCY / $150 PCY DIAGNOSTIC/PREVENTIVE -cleanings (limited to 2 PCY) -emergency & non-routine exams (limited to 1 PCY) -fluoride treatments (limited to 2 applications PCY for members under age 20) -routine oral exams (limited to 2 PCY) -sealants (for members under age 19) -space maintainers (for members under age 20) -x-rays (including bitewing x-rays; complete series or panoramic X-ray once per 36 consecutive months) BASIC -emergency palliative treatment -fillings (limited to once per tooth surface every 24 consecutive months) -general anesthesia (limited to covered dental procedures at a dental-care provider's office when dentally necessary) -oral surgery (including simple and surgical extractions) -periodontal maintenance (limited to 4 visits per calendar year) MAJOR -implants, dentures, partial & fixed bridges (replacements for dentures, partials & fixed bridges limited to once every 5 calendar years) -endodontic (root canal) treatment (limited to 2 per arch when performed in conjunction with overdentures) -full mouth debridement (limited to once every 3 calendar years) -inlays, onlays & crowns (replacements limited to once per tooth every 5 years) -periodontal scaling (limited to once per quadrant every 2 calendar years) -periodontal surgery -recementing & repair of crowns, inlays, bridgework & dentures Annual Maximum 0% 20% 50% $1,500 PCY Diagnostic and Preventive Care Services aren't subject to the calendar year deductible. PCY = Per calendar year. Balance billing may apply if a provider is not contracted with Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska. Members are responsible for amounts in excess of the allowable charge. This is not a complete explanation of covered services, exclusions, limitations, reductions or the terms under which the program may be continued in force. This benefit highlight is not a contract. For full coverage provisions, including a description of waiting periods, limitations and exclusions please contact Customer Service. Document ID: CTR0142.400 - 325872 An Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association 10/22/2012 5:27 pm Page 1 of 1 COLVILLE INC. / BROOKS RANGE SUPPLY VISION BENEFITS SUMMARY PREMERA BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF ALASKA GROUP #1016686 Shown in Medical highlights Deductible None Vision Exams Premera pays 80% of reasonable charges once per year Lenses Premera pays 80% of reasonable charges once per year Frames Premera pays 80% of reasonable charges once every 2 years Phone 1.800.224.8550 Website www.premera.com You also will receive a 45% discount at LensCrafters when you tell them you are covered by Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska under the "Extras" plan! COLVILLE INC. / BROOKS RANGE SUPPLY HEARING BENEFITS SUMMARY PREMERA BLUE CROSS BLUE SHEILD OF ALASKA GROUP #1016686 Shown in Medical Highlights Deductible Routine Exam Hearing Hardware None $800 1x every 3 years Combined Phone 1.800.224.8550 Website www.premera.com COLVILLE INC. / BROOKS RANGE SUPPLY SUMMARY OF LIFE AND ACCIDENTAL DEATH & DISABILITY INSURANCE BENEFITS USAble Life GROUP #50013295 Deductible None Amount of Life coverage $20,000 (employee only) Amount of AD&D coverage $20,000 (employee only) Benefit Reduction Full benefit to “normal Social Security retirement age” (65 – 67) then benefit schedules down (see certificate for details) Phone 1.800.370.5856 Website www.usablelife.com [email protected] e-mail If there is an accidental death, both plans pay out to the beneficiary(s) COLVILLE INC. / BROOKS RANGE SUPPLY SUMMARY OF VOLUNTARY (EMPLOYEE PAID) LIFE AND ACCIDENTAL DEATH & DISABILITY INSURANCE BENEFITS USAble Life GROUP #50013295 Deductible None Amount of Voluntary Live Coverage $10,000-$100,000 Employee $5,000-$50,000 Spouse $2,000,$4,000,$6,000,$8,000 or $10,000 Child(ren) over 14 days old Amount of Voluntary AD&D Coverage SAME Benefit Reduction Full benefit schedules down beginning age 65 (see certificate for details) Phone 1.800.370.5856 No health questions if apply when first eligible for coverage Website e-mail www.usablelife.com [email protected] Voluntary Life and AD&D Premium Cost Worksheet - Colville, Inc. Effective Date: November 1, 2012 Voluntary Life and AD&D for Employees Monthly Rate for Voluntary Life & AD&D AGE <30 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 Monthly Premium (Based on Level Coverage) Example (per $1,000 of benefit) $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $50,000 $70,000 $80,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $0.11 $0.11 $0.15 $0.24 $0.36 $0.59 $0.99 $1.34 $1.10 $1.10 $1.50 $2.40 $3.60 $5.90 $9.90 $13.40 $2.20 $2.20 $3.00 $4.80 $7.20 $11.80 $19.80 $26.80 $3.30 $3.30 $4.50 $7.20 $10.80 $17.70 $29.70 $40.20 $5.50 $5.50 $7.50 $12.00 $18.00 $29.50 $49.50 $67.00 $7.70 $7.70 $10.50 $16.80 $25.20 $41.30 $69.30 $93.80 $8.80 $8.80 $12.00 $19.20 $28.80 $47.20 $79.20 $107.20 $11.00 $11.00 $15.00 $24.00 $36.00 $59.00 $99.00 $134.00 $22.00 $22.00 $30.00 $48.00 $72.00 $118.00 $198.00 $268.00 $33.00 $33.00 $45.00 $72.00 $108.00 $177.00 $297.00 $402.00 $44.00 $44.00 $60.00 $96.00 $144.00 $236.00 $396.00 $536.00 $55.00 $55.00 $75.00 $120.00 $180.00 $295.00 $495.00 $670.00 $16.50 $16.50 $22.50 $36.00 $54.00 $88.50 $148.50 $201.00 Voluntary Life and AD&D for Spouses Monthly Rate for Voluntary Life & AD&D AGE <30 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 Monthly Premium (Based on Level Coverage) Example (per $1,000 of benefit) $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $25,000 $35,000 $40,000 $50,000 $75,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 $250,000 $0.11 $0.11 $0.15 $0.24 $0.36 $0.59 $0.99 $1.34 $0.55 $0.55 $0.75 $1.20 $1.80 $2.95 $4.95 $6.70 $1.10 $1.10 $1.50 $2.40 $3.60 $5.90 $9.90 $13.40 $1.65 $1.65 $2.25 $3.60 $5.40 $8.85 $14.85 $20.10 $2.75 $2.75 $3.75 $6.00 $9.00 $14.75 $24.75 $33.50 $3.85 $3.85 $5.25 $8.40 $12.60 $20.65 $34.65 $46.90 $4.40 $4.40 $6.00 $9.60 $14.40 $23.60 $39.60 $53.60 $5.50 $5.50 $7.50 $12.00 $18.00 $29.50 $49.50 $67.00 $8.25 $8.25 $11.25 $18.00 $27.00 $44.25 $74.25 $100.50 $11.00 $11.00 $15.00 $24.00 $36.00 $59.00 $99.00 $134.00 $16.50 $16.50 $22.50 $36.00 $54.00 $88.50 $148.50 $201.00 $22.00 $22.00 $30.00 $48.00 $72.00 $118.00 $198.00 $268.00 $27.50 $27.50 $37.50 $60.00 $90.00 $147.50 $247.50 $335.00 Employee and Spouse benefit costs are calculated from their respective ages. Benefits are available for employees and spouses who are age 65 or greater. Please contact your Human Resources Department for rates. You may elect increments of $10,000 to a maximum of $500,000 not to exceed seven times your annual salary. If you are insured for Voluntary Life and AD&D, you may also elect coverage for your spouse in increments of $5,000 to a maximum of $250,000. Your spouse benefit may not exceed 50% of your benefit amount. Voluntary Life and Voluntary AD&D are a packaged benefit and may not be purchased independent of each other. Child(ren) Voluntary Life and AD&D If you are insured for Voluntary Life and Voluntary AD&D, you may also elect coverage for your child(ren) in $2,000 increments to a maximum of $10,000. The child(ren) benefit may not exceed 50% of your Voluntary Life and Voluntary AD&D amount. Monthly Rate (per $2,000 of benefit per family unit) 07/21/2008 Monthly Premium (Based on Level of Coverage) $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 $10,000 COLVILLE INC. / BROOKS RANGE SUPPLY SUMMARY OF SHORT TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE BENEFITS USAble Life GROUP #50013295 Deductible How long before Short Term Disability benefits begin? Amount of income replacement Maximum Benefit Duration Phone Website e-mail None Immediately for injury; No cap after 7 days of disability for sickness Up to 60% of your pre-disability basic salary /pay $1,000/week 13 weeks to dovetail with your long term disability benefits (see next page) 1.800.370.5856 www.usablelife.com [email protected] Your short term disability benefits may cover pregnancy, even if it is not high risk Benefit will never exceed 100% of pre-disability income, such as if income is received due to auto insurance, judgments/settlements, etc. COLVILLE INC. / BROOKS RANGE SUPPLY SUMMARY OF LONG TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE BENEFITS USAble Life GROUP #50013295 Deductible How long before LTD benefits kick in None After 90 days of disability (short term plan, when applicable, covers from either 1st or 8th day until the long term plan kicks in) Up to 60% of your pre-disability basic salary/pay $5,000/month Yes, up to 24 months Amount of income replacement Maximum Own occupation coverage Mental health or substance abuse, along with some other Limited to 24 months of income specific conditions (please replacement refer to your certificate for details) Phone 1.800.370.5856 www.usablelife.com Website e-mail [email protected] Benefit will never exceed 100% of pre-disability income, such as if income is received due to Workers’ Compensation, auto insurance, judgments/settlements, etc. COLVILLE INC. Your employee benefits summary USAble Life is proud to make the following benefits available to you as an employee of COLVILLE INC.: Group Term Life/ Accidental Death & Dismemberment Voluntary Group Term Life (VGTL) Group Short Term Disability Group Long Term Disability Voluntary Accidental Death & Dismemberment (VAD&D) $20,000.00 Benefits reduce to 65% at your age 65, and to 50% at your age 70, and to 30% at age 75, and to 20% at age 80. Terminate when you are no longer eligible or your retirement whichever occurs first. Employee: If you are age 69 or younger, you may purchase coverage in units of $10,000 to a maximum of $100,000 without medical evidence of insurability. Coverage over these amounts to a maximum of $500,000 is available with medical evidence of insurability. Spouse: You may purchase coverage for your eligible spouse, through the spouse’s age 69, in units of $5,000 to a maximum of $50,000 without evidence of medical insurability. Coverage over these amounts to $250,000 is available with medical evidence of insurability. Children: You may purchase coverage for your eligible children between the ages of 14 days and over in the amount of $2,000, $4,000, $6,000, $8,000 or $10,000. Benefits reduce to 65% at age 65, and to 50% at age 70, to 30% at age 75, and to 20% at age 80. Spouse reduces to 65% at employee’s age 65 and to, 50% at employee’s age 70, to 30% at employee’s age 75, and to 20% at employee’s age 80. Terminate when you or your spouse is no longer eligible or your retirement, whichever occurs first. Children’s coverage terminates when they are no longer eligible or the termination of your eligibility, whichever occurs first. Pays a benefit of 60% of your Weekly Earnings to a maximum of $1,000 per week [less offsets for other income]. Benefits begin on the first day of covered disability resulting from an accident, and on the 8th day of a covered disability resulting from sickness, and are payable up to a maximum of 13 weeks for any one covered disability. Pays a benefit of 60% of your Basic Monthly Earnings to a maximum of $5,000 per month [less offsets for other income]. Benefits begin on the 91st day of a covered disability and are payable for two (2) years if you are disabled from your own occupation or to your Social Security Normal Retirement age (SSNR) for any occupation. Employee: If you are age 69 or younger, you may purchase coverage in units of $10,000 to a maximum of $500,000. Spouse: You may purchase coverage for your eligible spouse, through the spouse’s age 69, in units of $5,000 to a maximum of $250,000. Children: You may purchase coverage for your eligible children between the ages of 14 days and over in the amount of $2,000, $4,000, $6,000, $8,000 or $10,000. Employee Benefits reduce to 65% at age 65 and to 50% at age 70, to 30% at age 75, and to 20% at age 80. Spouse Reduces to 65% at employee’s age 65, and to 50% at employees age 70, to 30% at employees age 75, and to 20% at employee’s age 80. Terminate when you or your spouses are no longer eligible or your retirement, whichever occurs first. Important Note: If you are not actively at work on the date your insurance or any increase in insurance is scheduled to take effect, the coverage or increase in coverage will take effect on the day you return to active work. This benefit summary provides a very brief description of USAble Life’s insurance products. This is not an insurance policy and only the actual provisions of an issued policy control. USAble Life’s policies set forth the rights and obligations of covered persons and USAble Life. Please be aware that certain limitations and exclusions may apply, and certain coverage may reduce or terminate due to age or lack of eligibility. If you enroll and are approved for coverage, you will be furnished with a policy or certificate of insurance. Please read your insurance documents carefully. Group Term Life Insurance is designed to provide benefits to your designated beneficiary for loss of life. Group Term Life coverage also includes the following benefits: Accelerated Benefit Extended Life Insurance Benefit (Waiver of Premium) Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) is payable, if within 365 days of a covered accident, you suffer loss of life or dismemberment. AD&D provides protection for losses occurring on or off the job. AD&D coverage also includes the following benefits: Seat Belt/ Air Bag Rider Benefit Coma Benefit Exposure & Disappearance Benefit Repatriation Benefit Paralysis Rider GRPNM-BENESUM(2-13) COLVILLE INC. Your employee benefits summary (continued) Long Term Disability (LTD) is designed to provide partial income replacement for you should you become disabled as the result of a covered sickness or injury. Long Term Disability coverage includes the following benefits: Return to Work Incentive Survivor Benefit Voluntary Group Term Life (VGTL) If you need additional term life protection for you and your eligible family members, think about USAble Life’s low cost Voluntary Group Term Life coverage. You select the benefit amounts to suit your specific situation, and premium payments are made through payroll deduction. VGTL coverage includes the following benefits: Accelerated Benefits Rider Portability Extended Life Insurance Benefit (Waiver of Premium) Voluntary Accidental Death & Dismemberment (VAD&D) coverage allows you to purchase benefits to provide protection in the event of an unexpected loss of accidental death or dismemberment. Protection is issued on a 24-hour basis for you and your eligible family members and covers you as the result of a covered accident anywhere in the world. VAD&D coverage includes the following benefits: Seat Belt/ Air Bag Rider Benefit Coma Benefit Exposure & Disappearance Benefit Repatriation Benefit Speech & Hearing Benefit Paralysis Rider Additional Services from USAble Life With Group Term Life Coverage: Assist America is a global emergency medical travel assistance company. Anytime you, your spouse and/or minor dependent children are traveling 100 miles or more away from home or in another country—with or without you present, they are protected by Assist America’s vast assistance resources. A single phone call is all it takes to put Assist America in motion on your behalf. Online Will Prep is a will preparation service. Living will documents are also available at no cost. Go to www.estateguidance.com to create a simple or living will and use Promotional Code USW. PO Box 1650 Little Rock, Arkansas 72203 (800) 648-0271 Conditions & Exclusions About Assist America, Inc., formed in 1990, is the nation’s largest provider of global emergency services through employee benefit plans. Assist America responds when any eligible member becomes ill or injured while traveling just 100 miles or more away from home or abroad. Conditions Assist America will not provide services in the following instances: • Travel undertaken specifically for securing medical treatment • Injuries resulting from participation in acts of war or insurrection • Commission of unlawful act(s) • Attempt at suicide • Incidents involving the use of drugs unless prescribed by a physician • Transfer of member from one medical facility to another medical facility of similar capabilities and providing a similar level of care Assist America will not evacuate or repatriate a member: • Without medical authorization • With mild lesions, simple injuries such as sprains, simple fractures, or mild sickness which can be treated by local doctors and do not prevent the member from continuing his/her trip or returning home • With a pregnancy over six months • With mental or nervous disorders unless hospitalized Exclusions Please detach card and carry with you at all times. • Travel by a member’s spouse when it is for the benefit of the spouse’s employer (spouse business travel) • Trips exceeding 90 days from legal residence without prior notification to Assist America (Separate purchase of Expatriate coverage is available) While assistance services are available worldwide, transportation response time is directly related to the location/jurisdiction where an event occurs. Assist America is not responsible for failing to provide services or for delays in the delivery of services caused by strikes or conditions beyond its control, including by way of example and not by limitation, weather conditions, availability of airports, flight conditions, availability of hyperbaric chambers, communications systems, or where rendering of service is limited or prohibited by local law or edict. All consulting physicians and attorneys are independent contractors and not under the control of Assist America. Assist America is not responsible or liable for any malpractice committed by professionals rendering services to a member. This is not a medical insurance card. Claims for reimbursement for services not provided by Assist America will not be accepted. ATTENTION Le titulaire de cette carte est membre d’Assist America et a droit à l’assistance médicale et aux services personnels d’Assist America. El portador de esta tarjeta es miembro de Assist America y tiene derecho a los servicios personales y de asistencia médica de Assist America. The holder of this card is a member of Assist America and is entitled to its medical and personal services. or via e-mail: [email protected] Outside the U.S.A. Toll free inside the U.S.A. +1-609-986-1234 800-872-1414 If you require medical assistance and are more than 100 miles from your permanent residence or abroad, call Assist America’s Operations Center at: For questions regarding the program, contact: GLOBAL EMERGENCY SERVICES Reference Number 01-AA-USA-06081 Name USAble Life 320 West Capitol Avenue, Suite 700 Little Rock, AR 72201 Telephone: 1-800-648-0271 www.usablelife.com 202 Carnegie Center l Suite 302A l Princeton, NJ 08540 609-921-0868 www.assistamerica.com is a registered service mark of Assist America, Inc. 05.08.300M Global Emergency Services Provided by Global Emergency Services Congratulations! As part of your policy with USAble Life you now have a unique global emergency services program from Assist America. This program immediately connects you to doctors, hospitals, pharmacies Key Services Medical Consultation, Evaluation & Referral Calls to Assist America’s Operations Center are evaluated by medical personnel and referred to English-speaking, Western-trained doctors and/or hospitals. Assist America’s Operations Center is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year with trained multilingual and medical personnel, including nurses and doctors, to advise and assist you quickly and professionally in a medical emergency. Assist America will render every possible assistance in the event of a member’s death. This service includes arranging the preparation of the remains for transport, procuring required documentation, providing the necessary shipping container as well as paying for transport. Emergency Trauma Counseling and other services when faced with a medical emergency while traveling 100 miles or more away from your permanent residence or abroad. Return of Mortal Remains Hospital Admission Guarantee Assist America will guarantee hospital admission outside the United States by validating a member’s health coverage or by advancing funds to the hospital. Assist America will provide initial telephone-based counseling and referrals to qualified counselors as needed or requested. Lost Luggage or Document Assistance Assist America will help members locate lost luggage, documents or personal belongings. Emergency Medical Evacuation If adequate medical facilities are not available locally, Assist America will use whatever mode of transport, equipment and personnel necessary to evacuate a member to the nearest facility capable of providing a high standard of care. Interpreter & Legal Referrals Assist America will refer members to interpreters and/or legal personnel, as necessary. Pre-trip Information One simple phone call to the number on your Assist America identification card will connect you to: l l Critical Care Monitoring A global network of pre-qualified medical providers Assist America’s medical personnel will maintain regular communication with the member’s attending physician and/or hospital and relay information to the family. A state-of-the-art Operations Center with worldwide response capabilities Medical Repatriation l Experienced crisis management professionals l Air and ground ambulance service providers If a member still requires medical assistance upon being discharged from a hospital, Assist America will repatriate him/her home or to a rehabilitation facility with a medical or non-medical escort, as necessary. Assist America offers members web-based country profiles that include visa requirements, immunization and inoculation recommendations, as well as security advisories for any travel destination. Please detach card and carry with you at all times. CALL ASSIST AMERICA WHEN TRAVELING 100 MILES OR MORE AWAY FROM HOME OR IN ANOTHER COUNTRY AND: • You require medical or counseling assistance Assist America completely arranges and pays for all of the assistance services it provides without limits on the covered cost. This alleviates many of the obstacles and potential expenses that can be caused by medical emergencies away from home. Prescription Assistance If a member needs a replacement prescription while traveling, Assist America will help in filling that prescription. • You require legal assistance • You experience local language problems Emergency Message Transmission It is important to keep your identification card with you at all times so that you can call for services whenever you need them. Assist America will receive and transmit emergency messages for members. Assist America is not travel or medical insurance, rather it is a provider of global emergency services.* Assist America’s services do not replace medical insurance during medical emergencies away from home. All medical costs incurred should be submitted to your health plan and are subject to the policy limits of your health coverage. Compassionate Visit If a member is traveling alone and will be hospitalized for more than seven days, Assist America will provide economy, round-trip, common carrier transportation to the place of hospitalization for a designated family member or friend. Care of Minor Children *All services must be arranged and provided by Assist America. No claims for reimbursement will be accepted. Assist America will arrange for the care of children left unattended as the result of a medical emergency and pay for any transportation costs involved in such arrangements. All services must be arranged and provided by Assist America. No claims for reimbursement will be accepted. PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION WHEN YOU CALL: • Your name, telephone number and relationship to the patient • Patient’s name, age, gender, reference number and employer • A description of the patient’s condition • Name, location and telephone number of hospital or treating doctor, if applicable An Overview of Your EstateGuidance® Program YOUR life YOUR work YOUR best No Cost Will Preparedness Service Protect Your Family, Safeguard Your Assets, Make Sure Your Wishes Are Carried Out Log on to EstateGuidance and Complete EstateGuidance® is a new member benefit that offers you the ease and simplicity of online will preparation—at no cost! Wills are perhaps the most important legal documents for you to have. Without them, the courts—and not you— make important decisions regarding your assets, your children and even whether you should receive artificial life support. With EstateGuidance you can create two important types of wills to ensure that all your wishes are carried out: > Complete a customized will for your estate > Name a guardian for your children > Name an executor to settle your estate > Specify funeral and burial wishes > A will, also known as a simple will, ensures that you control who gets your property and other financial assets, who will be the guardian of your children, and who will manage your estate. Your Will: Your Living Will: > Specify in advance your end-of-life decisions > Name a health care surrogate to make medical decisions on your behalf if you become unable to do so > Name an alternate surrogate if your first choice cannot serve *Certain additional features, such as printing and electronic storage, are available at an additional cost. > A living will makes certain that your wishes are followed while you are alive but unable to communicate, such as whether you want artificial life support, if you become terminally ill or are in an irreversible coma or vegetative state. > Creating your will is easy. Just go to estateguidance.com, enter your special promotional code, click on Get Started and sign in. An intelligent online questionnaire will guide you through the process. Both the simple will and living will can be completed online and downloaded to your computer. In addition, you will receive instructions about how to execute your wills and store them. Take This Important Step Today! Copyright © 2009 ComPsych Corporation. All rights reserved. Go to: estateguidance.com To create your Will, enter your promotional code: USW To create your Living Will, enter your promotional code: USLW ComPsych® GuidanceResources® Y O U R S I N G L E S O U R C E F O R S U P P O R T, R E S O U R C E S & I N F O R M AT I O N ®
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