2014-2013_v3_Class of 1998 Newsletter-Summer


2014-2013_v3_Class of 1998 Newsletter-Summer
Class of 1998 Newsletter
Summer 2014
Class Survey
Update, Green
“Fly Thru” © Scott Listfield ‘98
Update Your Email
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From the Editors
In addition to our newsletters, Alumni Magazine, and mail or email direct
communications from your class officers, you can stay in touch with the
Class through these online venues:
Class of 1998 Facebook Page
Our facebook page
(www.facebook.com/groups/Dartmouth1998/) currently has 314 members.
We would love to see more of you on Facebook, so please consider joining
the group.
Class of 1998 Website
Jasson Walker Jr. and Jack Pien have joined the
Executive Committee as Co-webmasters. They are working on the new class website
(http://1998.dartmouth.org), where we hope to have an active calendar of events
for alumni, an other relevant Class information, activities, updates. Look here for an
archive of Class Newsletters since 2003.
If you’re reading
this again, you
might be one
of over 340
classmates who
are not receiving
emailed news,
events, and
to participate.
Please take a
moment and
update your
alumni directory
contact info.
Check page 14
of this newsletter
to see if you’re
on the list.
[email protected] | [email protected]
Hello Class of 1998. Summer is upon us, and Katey Ritrovato with Stu Davidson
are planning another mini-reunion in the great city of Atlanta, GA. So, if you’re
in the area, check it out.Katey and Stu will post the announcement of time and date
on the Dartmouth Class of 1998 Facebook page and possibly by email. Which begs
a small and friendly reminder (see pages 14-15) that if you have not updated your
Alumni Directory email listing in a while, please take a few minutes to do that at the
Dartmouth Alumni Directory page: http://alumni.dartmouth.edu/von/directory. And
our first ever 98th Day of the Year launched with a few of us participating in service events in our local neighborhoods, about
which you can read more on pages 4-7; folks posted photos of themselves on the class Facebook page. Also, the Class of 1998
Facebook page (www.facebook.com/groups/Dartmouth1998/) membership continues to grow, which is exciting because it
means that we are reaching more of you. We’d like to take a moment to thank you all for continuing to remain engaged with the
each other, with this newsletter, and with the College. Lastly, in the last issue of the newsletter, we issued a Call for Submissions
to rename Green Gossip column, the class newsletter, and the class website, and we will keep that as an open call for suggestions.
If you think our class communications can use a fresh logo, please send any ideas along to Gabi at [email protected]. As always,
we wish you luck in everything you endeavor to accomplish. Have a great summer! — Gabi and Kate
President’s Corner
New Dartmouth Alumni Directory
The College has migrated to a new Dartmouth Alumni Directory.
If you haven’t yet, please take a look to update your alumni profile,
email and address listing, and to choose how much information
people can see about you.
Blitzmail Reminder
IMPORTANT INFO about getting your
dartmouth.edu email address
As of the end of February 2014 Dartmouth will have retired the alumni.dartmouth.
org Blitzmail server. Details for forwarding your email can be found online at 8
Steps to a Successful E-mail Transition at www.dartmouth.edu/comp/about/
With this transition you can get and an “e-mail address for life” service, a
dartmouth.edu email address, which does not have a mailbox attached to it but can
be forwarded to any other e-mail account you own (e.g. Gmail). For additional help,
please call the Alumni Help Desk (603) 646-3202.
[email protected]
Hey, ‘98s! Summer is here, and we hope
you guys are all out enjoying some great
weather! Your Executive Committee
worked hard this winter on various
fronts. The Projects Committee has
been focusing on setting goals for a class
project, identifying great possibilities
for our first project, and getting the options out to the class
for a vote. The survey inside this newsletter is the next step
in that effort, and we hope you will take the time to fill it out
and return it to us by mail or email! The Communications
Committee has also been spending time thinking about how
we can better our communications as a class--how we can have
a stronger website, whether we can use other social media
options to connect to each other, etc. That’s part of the survey
too. Our Mini-Reunion Chair has been setting up reunions and
putting a lot of time into helping us all get together. And, as you
can see, our Newsletter Editors have been working overtime to
make awesome, beautiful newsletters for the class. I’d like to
thank all the EC members for their hard work, and I hope you
are all enjoying the fruits of their labors. Thanks for taking the
time to fill out our little 10-question survey! Please have them
back to us by July 15, 2014! — Jo Golub
Alumni Council Report
[email protected]
The 208th meeting of the Dartmouth
Alumni Council was held from May 1517, 2014. Some of the highlights of the
Council meeting included: address by
President Philip Hanlon ’77 regarding
recent Dartmouth news and the strategic
plan implementation for Dartmouth;
conversations with Dean of the College Charlotte Johnson
and members of the Office of Admissions; and updates from
the Board of Trustees. The Alumni Council functions as a
communication conduit between the Alumni and the College,
so your input is very important to making this process work.
If there are any matters or issues which you would like me to
raise or address during the next session, or if you have any
comments which you would like me to relay, please let me know
before the meeting. Your responses will be shared with the
Alumni Liaison Committee, which in turn communicates with
both the Administration and the Board of Trustees.
Warm regards. — Khalid Osbourne Roberts
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Class Updates
thanks, too, to Jo Golub, Jasson Walker,
Jack Pien, and Unai Montes Irueste for
helping to get folks in touch with each
Mini-Reunion Notes
Green Gossip
with Katey Ritrovato Dadakis
with Gabi Sarhos & Kate Gold
We had a Silicon Valley / San Francisco
area mini-reunion, folks! The event
was held on Thursday, March 6, 2014
at 6:30pm at Barrelhouse Bar in
Burlingame, California.
Dear ‘98s, in the last issue we
asked you to suggest a new
name for this column because
we don’t love the idea of
gossip. So please send name
suggestions to gsarhos@
gmail.com. Here goes the
Almost a dozen alums came together
in Silicon Valley for a Mini-Reunion
held on March 6. Among the attendees
were Rodrego Byerly ‘98, Jack Pien
‘98, Stephanie (Adamson) King ‘98,
Mary Stanfield Hollendoner ‘98, Amy
Feldmann ‘98, Anna Anderson ‘98
and her husband Eric, Kelley (Moohr)
Kinney ‘98, Carrie (Langsdorf)
Weinstein ‘98 and a few others. A huge
thanks goes out to Kelly Wardwell
Rierson ‘98 who helped organize the
location and details with me! Thank you
so much, Kelly!!
Looking ahead to future mini-reunion
events, please stay tuned for details on
the a gathering to be held in the Atlanta
area in June 2014 (we’ll report on that in
the next newsletter). Stuart Davidson
‘98, our trusty Treasurer, will be helping
me out locally and more details will be
sent to ‘98s in the area as we get closer
to that date. Please be on the lookout for
communications from me both via email
and/or on Facebook.
Want to host a mini-reunion in your local
area? Contact me! I need a local contact
for each event we hold and I’d love to
hear from you if you are interested. You
can reach me at [email protected].
We’ve heard from a number of you
thanking us for the newsletter, updating
your contact information, and just plain
reaching out. Thanks to Debbie (Missal)
Grorud ‘98, Dorothy Hui ‘98, Peter
Hasenkamp ‘98, and Wendy (Simon)
Habeski ‘98, Stu Davidson ‘98 (your
class treasurer), Danny Gans ‘98, Karl
Kroenlein ‘98, Ruth Ann Redbird ‘98,
Genevieve Simermeyer ‘98. Also, thanks
to those ‘98s who have recently joined
the ‘98 Facebook page (http://www.
Bobby Cancelli, Barrett Shaver, Steve
Zrike, Kytja Weir, Sam Christian,
Amanda Cotter Driscoll, Leslie K.
Segal, Charlie Fiordalis, Mike Carey,
Jesse Sweet, Talease Niche Cleveland,
Tikia Kenise Hamilton, Obianuju
(Uju) Anya, Thomas Bertha, Minyoung
Sohn, Rachel Kim, Scott Listfield,
Tom Arnold, Amy Feldmann, Katie
Malone Weiss, W. Blair Kenney, James
Panero, Adam Dietz, Charles Gelinas,
Jonathan Lloyd, S. Isabel Choi, Sharat
Raghavan, Ahsan Kabir, Jim Horowitz,
Jennifer Molinar, Amanda (Lawrence)
Rossolimo, Heather Anne Doty, Chris
Houpt, Dan Mazzucco, Jenny Lyons,
Jonathan Hurst, Holly Eaton Zevin, and
Amanda Glenn Biesecker. Thanks to all
who are part of the Facebook page, and
other. I look forward to hearing more
about you, your families, your work.
About our last page campaign to get
people’s email updated, we heard from
Jonathan Heavey ‘98, (thanks!) who
wrote: “I hope the printer didn’t mix
up the red and the black colors in the
newsletter... sure looks like you may have
a lot of people sending you email address
updates! Thanks for keeping us all in
touch – it was great to see everyone at
We also heard from Unai Montes Irueste
‘98, who writes: “I married Sara Ceballos
(Tisch School, NYU, Class of 2001)
on February 8 in Los Angeles. Nicole
Ostrowski ‘98 & Uju Anya ‘98 & Khalid
Osbourne Roberts ‘98 & Betsy Lewis
Roberts ‘98 & Rodrego A. Byerly ‘98 &
Shakari Byerly ‘96 & Case Dorkey ‘99 &
Holly Sedillos ‘05 & Anton Anderson ‘89
& Elena Reilly ‘97 & Tina Zarpour ‘99 &
Patricia Frausto ‘97, traveled from near
and far for the wedding.” A veritable
feast, no doubt, and many beloved friends
and classmates. Unai graciously shared
a link to a video that features some our
classmates if you’d like to check it out:
http://vimeo.com/88136078. Thanks
Unai, and hearty congratulations.
Liz Gerber ‘98 recently joined the
‘98 Facebook page, and I took the
opportunity to reach out to her and
ask for a little update. Liz thanks for
writing in, and certainly we want to
hear more. She writes: “I left the Bay
Area 5 years ago and have been a design
professor at Northwestern University
since then. I founded a national network,
called Design for America (www.
designforamerica.com), that guides
students in using design to make social
impact in their communities. I have a
4 year old boy and 6 year old girl. My
husband and I miss the great CA weather,
but love the family friendly midwest.”
Laura (Jastrem) Walther ‘99 wrote to
Jeff Beyer ‘98, in a note that he also
included in his Alumni Magazine column.
Laura writes: “I’m a ’99, but wanted to
report on Etoile Pinder ‘98’s amazing
wedding on April 12 to James Cercone
on the remote and beautiful island of
Eleuthra, Bahamas. Other Dartmouth
attendees included Jen Burdman ‘99,
Brent Boehlert ‘98, Erin Fuse-Brown
‘98 and some I know I’m forgetting, as
well as at least one Dartmouth professor.
Etoile was married on a pink sand beach,
before friends and family from over 32
different countries. The lucky Dartmouth
guests were treated to an outdoor ocean-
side reception with food, drink and music
from almost as many different countries
as the guests – interrupted at one point
by a live junkanoo band parading through
the crowd. Congrats to Etoile. What an
amazing celebration!
I, Gabi, wrote to my good friend and
veterinarian extraordinaire, Erin Wright
‘98 to ask if she’d heard any news of
my freshman trip mate, Jennifer Hayes
‘98 (about whom I also talked with
Daniel Boccippio ‘98 on his recent
trip to Albany and Saratoga Springs).
Erin Wright wrote “all I know of J Hayes
is what I found when I went google
snooping on her last year when I was
missing her: as of 2010, she was getting
a degree in architecture (!) from UMass
Amherst, and she was a finalist in a
Dunkin Donuts create-your-own donut
recipe (!!!). I would love to get back in
touch with her!” This is a call to Jen
Hayes: people miss you, darling. Let us
know where you are.
Brad Jefferson ‘98 is featured in Forbes
magazine (http://onforb.es/S9gwNU)
in January 2014. Brad is the co-founder
and CEO of a video creation service
called Animoto that uses AI to create
inexpensive, professional videos for
individuals, small businesses. Brad, we’d
love to hear more about your work and
your fellow co-founders, all three of
whom we here are also Dartmouth grads.
Dorothy Hui ‘98 wrote on May 10:
“I’m still based in the great city of New
York. Work-wise I’m overseeing digital
marketing for Roc Nation, where I’ve
been for almost two and a half years.
Some of the D-mouth gang got together
earlier this year, when Elinor Actipis
‘98, Neeta Vora ‘98, Morning Washburn
‘98, and I visited Veena Shankaran ‘98
in beautiful Seattle. We got to meet Vee’s
newbie Naveen for the first time!”
I always love getting updates from
Scott Listfield ‘98 (www.astronaut
dinosaur.com) who wrote an email
update, which I immediately posted to
our Facebook page because I wanted
to share with you all his news. And I
really dig his obsession with all things
astronauts and dinosaurs. Scott writes:
“I couldn’t be more excited to announce
a new show, everybody. Lost Moments:
Scott Listfield and Friends opens June
28th at San Francisco’s Gauntlet Gallery.
Curated by me and gallery director Luke
Lombardo, the artists in the show all
depict strange but familiar places, with
a murky sense of time - it might be the
distant past or sometime in the future.
Featuring work by a number of artists
alongside a group of new paintings
by me. You should really come to the
And thanks for Facebook, I am writing
to inform you that Seth Abramson
‘98, currently based at the University
of Wisconsin-Madison, is the author
of three collections of poetry, and
Series Co-Editor for the Best American
Experimental Writing series. Seth, write
more about yourself. Or submit a poem to
be included; we could start our very own
Seth Abramson’s Writer’s Almanac.
Finally, my co-editor Kate Gold ‘98 is a
new mom to baby Henry. Here’s looking
at you kid!
98th Day of the Year
with Gabi Sarhos
Back in April, to celebrate
the 98th Day of the Year, the
Executive Committee invited
all the members of the Class
of 1998 to do some community
service (of your choice) in
honor of our class! A few of us
participated and sent photos
(see next page).
Rodrego Byerly ‘98 wrote that he
”forgot to take pictures, but Shakari (‘96)
and I volunteered at the Food Bank of
Contra Costa and Solano counties where
we sorted and inspected food, packed,
boxed/bagged, stacked and tagged ‘em!
Anat Levtov ‘98 represented the class at
Faculty/Staff hour of Dance Marathon at
Bowling Green State University, dancing
away the afternoon to raise money for
Children’s Miracle Network hospitals!
Yours truly, Gabi Sarhos ‘98, helped a
local orchard and farm, Indian Ladder
Farms in Altamont, New York, prepare
for their opening day.
And Jo Golub ‘98 and her lovely daughter
Laila “represented at the SF Food Bank
for the 98th Day of Service!”
Please remember to pay
your class dues, which help
to pay for printing this newsletter,
for reunions, and for the class
Name The Class Competition
This is how other classes do it. Let’s name our class too.
Submit your idea for naming the Class of 1998, using either a visual design or a word mark. No financial compensation will be
provided, but you can proudly say that you won, and your design will be featured across different ‘98 class communications.
Judges will be editors of this newsletter and other members of the ‘98 EC (Executive Committee). We will run this competition
until the end of 2014. Email ideas to [email protected].
Class of 1998 Survey
Earlier this month we sent out a SurveyMonkey survey
via email. If you haven’t already completed the survey
online, we invite you to take a few moments and fill out the
survey, pull it out of the newsletter and mail it to Jeff Beyer.
We are seeking your feedback primarily about helping
the Executive Committee choose a class project. We would
love to hear your thoughts on what project we should
do in 2014-2015, but also what we should keep in mind
for future projects.
Rauner Special Collections Library seeks narrators
for an ongoing oral history project,
Dartmouth Community & Dartmouth’s World.
To date one member of the Class of 1998, Michelle Fox ‘98, has already
participated. To learn more about the project and read completed transcripts
from dozens of community members, visit http://www.dartmouth.
and consider scheduling an interview at Rauner
during your next visit to campus!
Want to hold a Mini-Reunion in your area?
Want to help shape the Class Project?
Or help build better communications with the Class and the College?
Get in touch with one of us, and we’ll tell you how.
Our class has never done a class project, but class projects
are really popular with other classes, and it would be a great
thing for us to start getting involved with. The Executive
Committee has discussed the issue, and we would really
like the class to start participating in college life in this way.
Once we decided to do a class project, we formed a Projects
Committee, which has taken on the job of defining our goals
and narrowing our choices so that we can provide options to
the class for a vote.
Our goals for the class project are:
• To connect classmates to the class, the College,
and each other
• To support and connect with current students
at Dartmouth
• To support educational and service activities
by the College
For fiscal year 2014-2015, we are dedicating $3,000-5,000
from our class account for this project. If it is a success,
we hope to continue to do projects in future years, and
hopefully dedicating more money to the effort. With all of
that in mind, the question to you is:
* 1. Which of the following projects should our class
select for its class project this year? (Select one.)
enter for Professional Development, Experiential
Learning Grant – A new initiative developed by
President Hanlon and Gail, his wife, to encourage more
off-campus learning opportunities. Provides funding
for students to pursue unpaid professional internships
during their leave terms, and to apply the skills and
lessons acquired through their experiences in academic
work upon their return to campus.
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We also wanted to take the opportunity to seek your
feedback on various other topics, like how we communicate
with you, how the college communicates with you, and a
handful of other questions that we are asking in order to
allow us to do better and better and better for you guys!
Thanks again, and be in touch!
Your Executive Committee
Foundation, Dartmouth Partners in Community
Service - The Dartmouth Partners in Community Service
(DPCS) mission is to inspire Dartmouth students to join
with Dartmouth alumni and their families in addressing
problems facing our society. The DPCS program funds
Dartmouth students participating in full-time, leaveterm community service internships. Interns are
matched with Dartmouth alumni, who serve as mentors
for the interns.
Center Internships - The Dickey Center provides
funding opportunities for students to broaden their
international perspectives and their understanding of
different cultures by carrying out leave-term projects
abroad. The ideal Dickey International Internship
enriches a student’s on-campus academic work,
while helping to develop their ability to communicate
comfortably with persons from other cultures and to
understand the processes for addressing international
issues that confront nations.
Enrichment at Dartmouth (SEAD) - The
Summer Enrichment at Dartmouth (SEAD) program
empowers promising high school students from
under-resourced backgrounds to thrive in high
school and college, and provides Dartmouth students
transformative opportunities for service and leadership.
Funding pays for the high school students’ travel,
lodging, and expenses during their 2-week stay at
Dartmouth, and for Dartmouth students to conduct
internships in SEAD student schools during the
academic year.
Campus option - Fund a student on campus, doing a
research project or faculty internship.
* 2. In general, and not just for this first project, what
types of projects would you be excited for the class to
support? (Select all that apply.)
On-campus projects
Off-campus but local projects
Off-campus but domestic projects
Off-campus international projects
Off-campus projects, no limitation on geography
Projects only involving current students
Projects involving prospective students
Experiential projects
Research projects
Other (please specify)
The Executive Committee would also like to take this
opportunity to ask you guys some questions about your
connection to Dartmouth, the class, and each other. Thanks
for taking the time to fill these out!
* 5. On a scale from 1-5, how connected to do you feel
to Dartmouth, where 1 is “not at all connected” and 5 is
“very connected”?
* 9. Which of the following do you donate to?
(Please select all that apply.)
* 3. Which of these events would you participate in if
they were held within 25 miles of your home or workplace? (Select all that apply.)
philanthropic event (like meeting up a t
food bank, cleaning a beach, etc.)
with a family-friendly time, location, and
activity (e.g., a bagel brunch at a park)
following a local Dartmouth Club event
(like a talk by President Hanlon, followed by a ‘98
dinner/drinks event)
mini-reunion (attend a sporting event,
play a golf tournament, go on a private tour, etc.)
Evening mini-reunion at a bar or restaurant
Mini-reunion in an unusual locale
* 4. In general, how do you prefer to hear from and
communicate with Dartmouth and the class?
(Select all that apply.)
Snail mail
* 6. On a scale from 1-5, how connected do you feel to
the Class of 1998, where 1 is “not at all connected” and
5 is “very connected”?
* 7. What events or outreach options have you participated in in the past? (Select all that apply.)
Dartmouth College Fund (DCF)
Dartmouth sports teams
ther Dartmouth affinity groups
(Greek, Senior Society, etc.)
Class of 1998 Class dues
Other Dartmouth giving
*10. If you did not select Dartmouth College Fund
(DCF), what would make you more likely to donate
to the DCF?
5th year reunion
10th year reunion
15th year reunion
Mini-reunion held in my area
Other Dartmouth events in my area
Have read 1998 newsletters
ave sent news to 1998 newsletter editors
or class secretary
Have joined the 1998 Facebook page
Other (please specify)
If there is any other feedback you would like to share
with us about the Class, your hopes, dreams and aspirations as regarding the Class of 1998, please take a
moment and share those thoughts below.
Alumni Magazine
Class website
I have thoughts about how one or more
of these could be better (write in below)
* 8. What would make you feel more connected
to Dartmouth and our class? (Select all that apply.)
Attending our 20th reunion
More mini-reunions in my area
Attending other Dartmouth alumni events
A more active 1998 Facebook presence
A more active 1998 website
Other social media presence
More frequent newsletters
Updates from more people within newsletters
Other (please specify)
Thank you for completing this survey.
Thanks for completing me. Now 1 take me out of the newsletter.
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Meet the ‘98 Executive Committee
2 Fold me once.
3 Fold me once more.
4 Tape and stamp me.
stamp me
Thanks to all those who are volunteering their time to help make
the Class of 1998 a strong and vibrant alumni body. We want to
hear from more of you about what kind of action you’d like to see
from the class leadership, and as always, please let Jo Golub know
if you’d like to be involved.
The Executive Committee serves as the policy making and acting governing body of the class,
and consists of class officers and members-at-large, listed below by office:
Your 2014 Class Officers
[email protected]
Rodrego Byerly | VICE PRESIDENT
[email protected]
Adrian Durbin
[email protected]
Works in close contact with the
president to carry out the managerial
“I live in San Francisco, with my wife Claudia and
our 2yr old son Spencer, and work for McKesson.
At our reunion I came away with renewed fondness for Dartmouth and an appreciation for how
much pong skills can deteriorate in 15 years.”
Stu Davidson | TREASURER
[email protected]
Jeff Beyer | SECRETARY
[email protected]
Nita Farahany
[email protected]
Khalid Osbourne Roberts
[email protected]
Katey Ritrovato Dadakis |
[email protected]
Roger Griesmeyer
[email protected]
Establishes and monitors the class
operating structure that organizes and
mobilizes, on a regional basis, classmates scattered around the world.
Jeffrey Beyer
25 Aspen Way
Morristown NJ 07960
RE: ‘98 Survey
Assesses and maintains cash flow required to meet annual spending needs
for Alumni Magazine, class projects,
reunions, newsletter mailings, etc.
Brings class ideas and concerns to the
attention of the Alumni Council and
College and reports back to the class.
Produces up to 6 Dartmouth Alumni
Magazines columns yearly.
Coordinates mini-reunion gatherings
during the year.
“My wife and I are expecting our first child in
January 2014, and as a loyal alum (and future
Dartmouth dad), I’m looking forward to attending
the 2035 graduation ceremony!”
Gabi Sarhos & Kate Gold | NEWSLETTER EDITORS
[email protected], [email protected]
David Mace
[email protected]
Develop the class newsletter and work with
webmaster to establish electronic communications
via the class website and social media.
“I am living in San Francisco with my wife
Sterling and our son Fisher.”
Jasson Walker Jr. & Jack Pien | WEBMASTERS/SOCIAL MEDIA
[email protected], [email protected]
Unai Montes-Irueste
[email protected]
Initiates, monitors, and maintains webpage. and plays an
integral role in the electronic communications among class
officers and all class members.
“I would like to serve to foster open communications between the college and alumni and to
engage in dialogue with and support the work
of students, faculty, staff, administrators, and
Joan Ai & Rachel Drew | PROJECT CHAIRS
[email protected], [email protected]
Betsy Roberts
[email protected]
Marene Jennings & Abby Smith | HEAD AGENTS
[email protected], [email protected]
Tracy Van Dorpe
[email protected]
Establish a mechanism for identifying potential
projects and decide general parameters for projects
with class Executive Committee.
Principal Dartmouth College Fund volunteers
responsible for the fundraising activities for the
entire class during non-reunion years.
“Topliff was my home for three years on campus.
Now in Boston with my husband Phil Tu’05 and
twin sons John and Henry, I’m involved with
fundraising for our class and am a member of
the Dartmouth College Fund Committee.”
The Rockin’ Class of 1998. TOP ROW | Jo Golub ‘98 and Laila share a day of service on the 98th Day of the Year || Erin Wright, veterinarian extraordinaire || Sarah Mullin
‘98 strikes a pose || Unai Montes Irueste’s wedding guests included (standing) Elena Reilly ‘97, Sara Ceballos (Unai’s lovely bride), Unai, Patricia Frausto ‘97, Indalecio
Valencia, Mari Tina Zarpour ‘99 and her husband Sean O’Donnell, Uju Anya ‘98, Robert Vaindiner and (sitting) Shakari Beyerly ‘96 and Rodrego A. Byerly ‘98, Khalid
Osbourne-Roberts ‘98 and Betsy Lewis Roberts ‘98 || CENTER ROW | Anat Levtov ‘98 on the 98th Day of the Year danced away the afternoon to raise money for Children’s
Miracle Network hospitals || San Francisco Mini-Reunion Rodrego Byerly ‘98, Jack Pien ‘98, Stephanie (Adamson) King ‘98, Mary Stanfield Hollendoner ‘98, Amy Feldmann
‘98, Anna Anderson ‘98 and her husband Eric || BOTTOM ROW | Gabi Sarhos ‘98 on the 98th Day of the Year || Scott Listfield ‘98 self-described as “16 years out of college
and still an idiot” || Liz Gerber ‘98, design innovator || Brad Jefferson ‘98, co-founder of Animoto || Dorothy Hui ‘98 and Elinor Actipis ‘98 in Seattle.
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Vikram R. Krishnan
Mark A. H. Kristensson
Karl R. Kroenlein
Jennifer G. Abbey
Seth D. Abramson
Mary F. Albert
Mariam Malik Alsikafi
Brian D. Amsbary
Emily H. Anderson
X. Andrea Arata
Selassie Atadika
Christian A. Atwood
Abigail T. Augusta
Aimee Cain Bakeman
Erik Baldwin
Ana I. Baptista
Peter R. Barnes
Ysabella Castro Barnett
Peter A. Bastian
Michael E. Beckerman
Scott R. Behrens
Heather B. Bell
Niteen Bhatia
Amanda G. Biesecker
Miles A. Bingham
Kate M. Bjordahl
William D. Bleier, III
Jonah D. Blumstein
Daniel F. Boccippio
Brent B. Boehlert
Scott J. Bogard
Tammy L. Bolduc
Paul C. Borchardt
Terence S. Bradshaw
J. M. Brennan
Katherine M. Brown
Winton G. Brown
H. Nicole Browne
Tim-Allen Bruckner
Demetrius C. Brunson
Darik S. Buchar
Jeremiah J. Buckley
Jason W. Bunyan
Sara E. Burch
Douglas H. Burnaford
Alexa V. Burneikis
Nadine C. Burnett
Charlene E. Campbell
Peter M. Campion
Christina K. Campo
Justin A. Carrino
Jason T. Cecchini
Sage L. Chandler
Alexander P. L. Charity
Corey T. Chatis
Bonnie H. C. Cheung
Kipyung M. Choi
Joshua Chuang
Hahn B. Chung
Matthew I. Cirulnick
Ta’lease N. Cleveland
Peter J. Cobb
Kimberly A. Coffey, Ph.D.
Michael L. Coleman
Susan J. Collins
Benjamin W. Coonley
Lisa S. Core
Robert Corso
Wendy A. Cover
Hamish J. Cowan, M.D.
Leland M. Cross
Ernesto Cuevas, Jr.
J. Andrew Culp
Charles Davant, IV
Melissa L. Davis
Ken Deem, M.D.
Lea E. DeFrancisci, M.D.
Paul J. DeGaetano
Sophia L. Delano
Ryan E. Derby
Christopher E. Dervan
Lazar N. Dimitrov
Jason A. Docheff
Jeremy Donaldson
Benjamin F. Donohue
Matthew R. Dorozenski
Douglas C. Doucet
Tiffany A. Downing
Spencer J. Doyle
Amy L. Dunstan
Rosemary J. Durousseau
Arika L. Easley
Holly M. Eaton
Slade T. Ellis
Zachary K. Ellis
Fouad S. El-Naggar
Jeffrey L. Everett
Thomas J. Farley
Travis S. Farrell
Rob M. Fasani
Rachel R. Federman
Stephanie R. Feldman, Esq.
Kathryn B. Fernandez
Matthew John Fernquest
Damon Ferrara
Shavon L. Fields
Charles Fiordalis
Adrienne E. Fournier
Michelle M. Fox
Paulina M. Fraser
Elisa A. Freeman
Joshua A. Freeman
Austyn R. Fudge
Joni T. Fuenmayor
Gabriel G. Galletti
Daniel S. Gans
Natalie M. Garza
Nicole T. Gercke
James R. Gerhart
Louis N. Gerolemou
Asim Ghaffar
Olivia K. Giddings
Jeffrey T. Giuffrida
Daniel E. Goren
Emily R. Gorman-Melo
Cameron M. Gossen
Jeffrey R. Graffam
Joshua G. Graubart, Esq.
Ellen M. Greene
Deborah M. Grorud, M.D.
Kristina M. O. Hagstrom
Carolyn K. Hall
E. Alexander Hancock
Wendy A. Hansen
Erin E. Hardie
Amie Harper
Talmadge Harper
Anne I. Harrington
Gianni B. Harris
Seon L. Harry
Lopa Partel Hartke
Candida M. Harty
Peter A. H. Hasenkamp
Thomas E. Haven
Michael G. Hay
I. Addison Heard
Molly T. Heath
Jonathan D. Heavey, M.D.
Matthew C. Heerde
F. A. Hessick III, Esq.
Margaret E. Hiers
Sylvie W. Hogg
Kara K. Holmstrom
Zachary Holt
Molli J. Hourihan
Shan Hu
Elizabeth Sumida Huaman
Lilei Huang
Theodore A. Huang
P. MacKenzie Hurd
Thomas S. Inglesby, III
Robert E. Jacobs
Timothy R. Jezek
Colleen O’Connor Jo
Daniel S. Jo
Erika D. Johnson
Janet D. Johnson
Kristen A. Johnson
Ryan O. Johnson
Jason A. Jones
M. Clair Jones
Miranda L. Jones
Stuart V. Jordan
Elizabeth M. Joyce
F. Janice Kam
L. Leann Kanda
Trevor J. Keenan
Harry R. Kellett, III
Kajal Khanna
Rosalin Khuntaweetep
Eric M. Kidd
Daria Zibluk Killebrew
Alice Kim
Edward Kim, M.D.
Julie Yoonsun Kim
Kwang H. Kim
Tami T. Kim
Miriam A. Kolar
Toshiaki Komura
Jamie Udler Koplan
Barry R. Kral
April M. LaChance
John T. Ladson
Yolanda A. Lara
Phuoc V. Le, M.D.
David Y. Lee
Jonathan S. Lee
Martin H. Lee
Melissa S. Lee
Michael H. Lee
Daniel S. Lemke, M.D.
Catherine B. Lemons
Winifred K. Leung, M.D.
Morgan M. Levi
Marc A. Lewinstein, Esq.
Patricia R. Limeres
Andrew I. Lin
Frances K. Lin
Elizabeth R. Linnell, M.D.
S. Scott Lollis, M.D.
Thomas L. Loughrey, II
John F. Luisi, Jr.
Eric S. Maas
Elizabeth L. Magner
John L. C. Maldonado
Allison C. Malley
Miriam B. Marcum, M.D.
Mario C. Martinus, Jr.
Benjamin G. Mathew, Ph.D.
Tamara M. Matthews
Daniel C. Mazzucco
Stephanie A. McAfee
Tara C. McDowell
Elizabeth C. McGoldrick
Lindsay J. McHenry, Ph.D.
Neil G. Miller
Morgan A. Mitchell
Stacie M. Moeser
James M. Mok, M.D.
Julie H. Moynihan
Julia A. L. Mueller
James H. Muiter
Robert C. Mullins
Amy Yost Murray
Patrick R. Murray
Shannon C. Nash
Ann Marie Nee
James W. Nelson
Lauren M. Newton
Michelle J. Nichols
Samuel E. Nijensohn
Timothy C. Nitz
J. Mulei Nthenge
Richard R. Nybakken
Susan A. O’Bell, D.V.M.
Anne B. O’Connor
Hereen Oh
Rebecca L. O’Reilly
Nicole Ostrowski
Pieter A. Ott
Sixten F. Otto
Richard W. Ouimet
Andrew P. Ouimette
Asa M. Palmer
Sara L. Pankenier, Ph.D.
Steve T. Park
Glen M. Patashnick
Therese A. Patrizi
Cem Paya
Shaun W. Peet
Anne A. Peterson-Davis
E. James Petersson, Ph.D.
Hubert W. Pfabe
Kristin K. Porter, Ph.D.
Meghan E. Pound, Esq.
Joshua H. Povill
Alexandra K. Prinstein
Mathieu G. Pung
Guilherme V. W. Quentel
Richard Raanaas
Stephanie F. Raillard
Elisabeth A. Rehrmann
Arvidas J. Remeza
Jeremy R. Resnick
William A. Restrepo
Charles M. Retter
Gilberta K. Reyes
Kate Rice
Gesualdo C. Riday
Henry M. Rosevear
Michael G. Ross, Ph.D.
Jason M. Rotenberg
Vincent W. Rudzinski IV
W. Avery Rueb
Kially M. Ruiz
Owen Russell, Esq.
Aaron D. Russo
Zachary P. Samol
David T. Santoro
Andrew J. Schader
Angela D. Schiebout
Angela E. Scott
Elizabeth Mawn Scott
Shelly-Ann M. Scott
Zachary L. Segal
Mayu T. Sekiguchi
Kiesha D. Sellers
Peter J. Sellers
George M. Serban
Lon J. Setnik
Richard M. Sevilla
Jamie R. Shandro
Veena Shankaran
Dr. Nidhi J. Sharma
Leon Shaulov
Barrett S. Shaver
Mia L. Shelton
Yu-May Shen
Stacey E. Sheriff
Nicholas D. Sherman
Steven M. Shultz
Kelly A. Sidley, Ph.D.
Genevieve M. Simermeyer
Tiffany Taylor Slack
Claire H. Smith
Kirsten L. Smith
Michael J. Smith
Sam M. Sollami
Peter T. Sperger
J. Carrie Spring
Brian S. Staveley
Jeremy N. Stevens
Nikolay S. Stoyanov
Christine Strumpen-Darrie
Onieka Fraser Sutton
Sarah J. S. Suzuki
Erik A. Swanson
Tara Swanson, M.D.
Jurrien M. Swarts
Max M. Swedlow
Matthew P. Sweet, M.D.
Nathaniel H. Taylor
Lazaros Theofilactidis
Shawn T. Thistlethwaite
Erica J. Thrall
Marjorie A. Thurlow
Jessica Kim Tom
Yasser U. Toor
Onche R. Ugbabe
Brett Umlauf
Bradley J. Ursillo
Claudia I. Vargas-Ramirez
Guadalupe R. Veliz
David D. Viele
Alexander R. Vogel, M.D.
Daniel T. Walker
Shannon J. Walsh, M.D.
Zachary C. Walz
Sarah E. Rainwater Ward
Robert Gregory Webster
Mark J. Wenzel, Ph.D.
David Eric White
Timothy R. White
John A. Wilde
Martin W. Williams, Jr.
Jeannine Winch
Amy N. Wolfe
Taida J. Wolfe
Erica R. Wong, Ph.D.
Melissa L. M. Woo, M.D.
Reesa C. Yale
Eleanore C. Yang-Diep
Ken Yasuhara
Peter S. Yoo, M.D.
Arturo G. Zamudio
Mark A. Zanatta
Bradford H. Ziegler
Dror D. Zorea
Stephen K. Zrike, Jr.
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