April, 2016
April, 2016
The Central Chalice APRIL 2016 APRIL EVENTS 10-CLC Meeting-12:10pm 13-CWF Meeting-11:00am 16-Dozier Church Clean Up—9:00am 17-Sunday School Coffee at Dozier-10:00am Worship at Dozier-10:55am 24-Elders Meeting-12:10pm 30-Wedding-Lori & Brad-2:00pm ********************************************** EASTER LILIES March 27, 2016 Given In Memory Of: Given By: Joey and Eugene Bell Joe Bell Family Joe Carroll Bell Joe Bell Family Robert Alexander & Nannie Jean Bell Joe Bell Family Michael Andrew Bell Joe Bell Family Horace and Jeannette Dunn Jack and Cheryl Dunn Arthur and Catherine Patton Marion and Sybil Ely Joe Bell Family Jack and Cheryl Dunn Paul and Mary Ellen Massey Billy and Naomi Reynolds Will and Carrie Ruffin Carrie Lynne West Fred and Virginia Reynolds Leonard and Mildred West Billy and Naomi Reynolds Carrie Lynne West Beatrice Puckett Carrie Lynne West Martha Love and Walton Garrett Betty Woodard Bill Woodard Given as a Gift: Mark and Susan Calvert-Rosenberger Betty Woodard 2 The Central Chalice April 2016 From the Desk of Allyn Maxfield-Steele Located in the Chalice Hymnal is a gem from the diary of 19th century evangelist Walter Scott: I enjoyed the feast of a hundred hills, all lying in the quietude of the infinite, who had formed them a feature of his own power. For a moment I retreated to the back of the mountain, that I might enjoy the sweets of solitude, that I might hold converse for a moment with the great sentiment of power that impressed itself on the surrounding scene. With the multitude of hills lying all around me, I could not but lift up my hat as being in the presence of God. Scott was writing about the Alleghenies in Pennsylvania, but maybe his words inspire you to think of times when the breathtaking awareness of God’s Creation overwhelmed your senses. Maybe you didn’t find yourself taking in a “feast of a hundred hills,” but maybe it was a galaxy of stars, a dramatic sunset, or a thick fog over the fields. This time of year is often called Eastertide, the season when we celebrate Resurrection. Yes, Christ is Risen! We proclaim this in word, whether in silent or spoken prayer, or in song or conversation. And we proclaim Resurrection in our action, whether in a renewed commitment to justice and compassion, or in steadier attention to relationships that need nurturing. Walter Scott didn’t only experience Resurrection during his “feast of a hundred hills.” He sought it out, and he noticed it. Let Scott’s example sink in for a moment, and then ask, Where might I seek out and notice Resurrection in this new season? Where will you find yourself able to “converse for a moment” with God’s presence? Wherever you seek it, and wherever you notice it, may God’s love in the resurrection surround you with the embrace of New Life. Grace and peace, Allyn Church 615-384-5825 Allyn Maxfield-Steele 864-205-2047 [email protected] Naomi Reynolds 615-746-0302 615-533-7303 [email protected] Please feel free to call or email any time you have a need! 3The Central Chalice April 2016 Prayer Concerns: Margaret Kermicle Sandi Reid Jared Thigpen Charlotte Bell Josh Thigpen Clay Riggins Betsy Felts Hank Knapper Hugh Akerman Stanley Brown Mike Montgomery Angelo Delgado Robert & Erica Scott (Missionaries for 1yr) Adam Cowan Anna Bell Sanders Jean Baker Brenda & Leon Fulbright Katherine Carter CWF--April 13, 2016—11:00am The CWF will meet April 13, 2016, at 11:00am in the church library. Bring your Bible, Blessing Box and food for United Ministry. BREAD FOR THE WORLD Birthdays: 06-Halie Nichole Parker 09-Jackson Morris 14-Winn Woodard 15-Trina Murdock 16-Kaitlyn Gregory 20-Dot Woodard 29-Allyn Maxfield-Steele 30-Tony Cowan Anniversaries: 7-Mark & Janie Calvert 21-Doylene & Charles Knapper Bread for the World is a collective Christian voice urging our nation’s decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad. For more than 40 years, Bread for the World’s members have helped win bipartisan support for measures that address the causes of hunger. Each year, thousands of churches from many different faith traditions take part in the Offering of Letters. These Personalized letters they send will encourage Congress to support legislation that will save the lives of mothers and young children in Zambia and other countries that struggle with hunger and disease. As we offer these letters, we live out the prayer that Jesus has taught us: that God’s will be done on earth as in heaven, that all may have bread (Luke 11:1-4). By helping mothers and their children survive and thrive, we participate in God’s vision of a world where people “hunger no more, and thirst no more” (Revelation 7:16). 425 3RD ST. SW, Suite 1200, Washington, DC 20024 www.bread.org for more information APRIL 3 10 17 24 Invitation Tom Jack Janie Allyn To Beesley Dunn Calvert Maxfield- Acolyte Kaitlyn JoseyBell Kaitlyn JoseyBell Communion Gregory Felts Gregory Steele Felts APRIL SERVANTS Worship Leader: Dick Dean Presiding At Table: Allyn Maxfield-Steele Offering /Serving: Janie Calvert Jack Dunn Clayton Sykes Dick Dean Communion Clean-Up / Greeter: Janie Calvert Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Corner of Fifth Ave. W. & Oak Street P.O. Box 146 Springfield, TN 37172 Notes from Muzetta Earth Day is an annual event, celebrated on April 22, on which day events worldwide are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It was first celebrated in 1970, and is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network, and celebrated in more than 192 countries each year. The focus of Earth Day 2016 is to plant trees – yes, 7.8 billion trees over the next 5 years. Why trees? Trees help combat climate change. They absorb excess and harmful CO2 from our atmosphere. In fact, in a single year, an acre of mature trees absorbs the same amount of CO2 produced by driving the average car 26,000 miles. Trees help us breathe clean air. Trees absorb odors and pollutant gases (nitrogen oxides, ammonia, sulfur dioxide and ozone) and filter particulates out of the air by trapping them on their leaves and bark. Trees help communities. Trees help communities achieve long-term economic and environmental sustainability and provide food, energy and income. As I research Earth Day, I am grateful to be living in Robertson County where so much of our land is covered in beautiful woods and farmland. Grateful to all of the people in our church and community who choose to farm their land, providing agricultural sustainability in our state and country.