14-1 Spring - Flagler Beach Historical Museum
14-1 Spring - Flagler Beach Historical Museum
Flagler Beach Historical Museum “From the Stone Age... to the Space Age” Spring 2014 Volume 14 - Edition 1 What’s New at the Museum ...998, 999, 1000! On an otherwise ordinary day in March, and unbeknownst to them, docents greeted our 1000th visitor of the month to the Museum creating a new record! The final March count was 1080 guests, a full 197 visitors over our next highest monthly total. Many of the 1000+ visitors happened to be students. From the local Montessori School students (p.6) to the university Spring Breakers (photo below right), youthful groups found us. Just beyond our doors, the Flagler Beach Pier is our city’s most iconic landmark. Historically, many community events in decades past have taken place on the Pier although more recently those have been April means “Appreciation” for wonderful museum volunteers! ~Page 2 Bev Zemlock & Cindy Miller (L) (R) Save the Date: 9-6-14 Museum Gala 2014! Help Choose the Theme, geared just to fishing, surfing, or our (also iconic) 4th of July fireworks. Now the museum will open a new chapter of history with a fundraiser on the pier May 31st from 3pm-7pm. Attendees can listen to Linda Cole & Co, enjoy small samples of wine, craft beer, cheese, & sweets while gazing at the best ocean view in town. Samplers can buy full glasses of wine or beer if they find a favorite. For more info, turn to p.3, go to our facebook page, or call Teri at (386) 439-6262. And last but not least -- plans are underway for our annual autumn costume gala. Help choose this year’s theme and you could win a ticket to the event. Make a suggestion on facebook, or call Teri at (386) 439-6262. W E V A L U E OUR VISITORS! ~Page 7 Meet newest Board Director Kelli O’Reilly ~Page 3 207 South Central Avenue PO Box 2136 Flagler Beach, FL 32136 (386) 517-2025 Open Daily 10am-4pm & 1st Friday Nights flaglerbeachmuseum.com Thanks & Cheers to Our Volunteers! His assist fit in nicely with Catherine’s final words, “It takes a village!” Teri agreed, stating, “This is my favorite event of the year, because it allows me to thank all of you, our docents and volunteers, without whom the Museum would not be such a success.” She then acknowledged former City Commissioner John Feind for his many years on the board and the audit committee; newcomer Paul Tonini, serving as bookkeeper; Sue Norton the 2nd year webmaster; and Stewart Selden who is in his 4th year of digitalizing the museum archives. Many heartfelt thanks were expressed to the Museum’s annual Gala Committee for their tireless dedication to making the annual costume gala fundraiser such a great success and fabulous fun. Honored were committee members extraordinaire Kim Carney, Carol Fisher and her staff, Beth Mount, Lauren Watkins, Sandra Siepietoski, Cindy Miller, Karen Young, Linda Jones, Jason Ganser, and Bev Zemlock. Sometimes forgotten as volunteers are the Museum Board Directors. In addition to Catherine, Rob, Teri, Kelli, and Linda, in attendance were 2nd V.P. Kathy Feind, Secretary Linda Jones, Cindy Dalecki, Charles Helm, Cindy Miller, Beth Mount and Ed Moore. Unable to attend but greatly appreciated are Mary Ann Ruzecki, Lea Stokes,Lauren Watkins and Pat MacAllister And saving the “best for last,” the Museum’s 28 fabulous and dedicated docents were celebrated! These are the folks who gave a warm Museum welcome to 8,160 visitors in 2013. Each of these volunteers relayed a humorous or heartwarm- Photo (L to R) Executive Director Teri Pruden, President Catherine Wilson, Flagler Volunteer ing story from their past Services Director Suzy Gamblain and Docent year of service. Honored Mary Calkins. Teri and Catherine display their were Mary Calkins, Vo l u n t e e r L i f e t i m e A c h i e v e m e n t A w a r d s . Mary Ann Clark, Rob Creal, LJ & Dick Dunham, David Eichenberg, Bill Grady, Sally Horvath, Dick Hull, Linda & Elizabeth Jones, Pam Jones, Connie & Ed Kormanyos, Shirlee Lepson, Jan & Tom McKinney, Pat & Hal Mesnard, Chris Milnes, Ed Moore, Alita Peddle, Lorraine Ruhl, Carol Schneider, Sandra Siepietoski, Catherine Wilson, Karen Young and Bev Zemlock. Along with other volunteers, attendees collectively provided over 4000 volunteer hours in 2013, which provided an amazing savings in what would be $84,000 salaried hours! Soon after the lovely afternoon gathering had concluded, Teri shared these thoughts, “The only downside to this event is that with so much help, we worry about leaving someone out. Just off the top of my head, I realize I should have mentioned Tom Hury for leading the annual audit each year and our new student intern Heather Crane. I always encourage people to call me if they, or someone they know, has been forgotten. We’ll give them their own feature in the next newsletter!” Photo (L to R) Chris Milnes, Dick & LJ Dunham, Board Director Ed Moore, Hal Mesnard, 1st VP Rob Creal, President Catherine Wilson, Bev Zemlock, Pat Mesnard, Alita Peddle, Mary Calkins, Lorraine Ruhl, Shirlee Lepson, Pam Jones and Tourism Liaison Karen Young. A lovely spring day bloomed brightly on April 7th, for the Museum’s Annual Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon. Docents and dignitaries gathered in Blue’s Antique Room at the Topaz Motel for a delicious luncheon hosted by Blue owner Kelli O’Reilly. As our newest board member, she has immediately displayed her willingness to roll up her sleeves and get right to work! (See opposite page for more about Kelli.) On hand to applaud the volunteers were Flagler Beach Mayor Linda Provencher and City Manager Bruce Campbell, plus City Commissioners Jane Mealy and Kim Carney. Director Teri Pruden pointed out that Linda also serves as the City Liaison to the Museum board, that Jane was a long time board secretary and that Kim has been co-chair of the annual costume gala for numerous years. She is also spearheading the newest Museum fundraiser: Jazz, Cheese & “Cheers!” (For more info, see opposite page.) Teri also asked Bruce to take her heartfelt thanks back to his staff, whom she said “always step up to help -- competently and enthusiastically whenever a request is made.” Each year at the luncheon, a new aspect of volunteerism is highlighted. In 2013, the docents who had served the longest were honored. This year, Flagler Volunteer Services Director Suzy Gamblain arrived with President’s Volunteer Service Awards for those who met the national criteria. (Number of 2013 hours served follow each name.) Silver Awards went to LJ Dunham (264) and Linda Jones (313). Bronze Awards went to Sally Horvath (102), Ed Moore (110), Bill Grady (156), Mary Calkins (128), Carol Schneider (116), Tom McKinney (219) and 1st Vice President Rob Creal (246). Lifetime Achievement letters from President Barack Obama were awarded to Museum Founder/ President Catherine Wilson (4,224 hours) and Director Teri Pruden, (8,667 hours). While accepting her award, Catherine reminded the group that everything accomplished was due to their efforts, and those of so many unsung heroes not in the room. As she spoke a story was circulating about how Blue hostess’ Crystal Haines’ father Bill Willis had been called upon the night before to help prepare for the luncheon. In the front of just one table of fun: Tom McKinney (L) and Carol Fisher (R). Hostesses Kelli O’Reilley & Crystal Haines 2 Jane Mealy & Bruce Campbell Carol Schneider (L) & Cindy Dalecki Welcome Kelli O’Reilly to the FBHM Board of Directors! Besides being owner of the well known Flagler Beach restaurant BLUE at the Topaz for over a decade, Kelli has a very diverse background of promotional expertise and community involvement. We at the museum are very excited to welcome Kelli to our Board of Directors, and look forward to benefitting from her many experiences. Born and raised in Long Island, Kelli has lived in Flagler County for over 12 years, and prior to that, resided in Los Angeles for 4 years. She worked as Senior Communications Officer from 1998-2001 at the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation where she developed public relations strategy, wrote press releases and scientific updates, and coordinated press conferences including a 1999 event with First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton. Kelli has expertise in two areas that the Museum staff puts a lot of effort into: Special Events and Publicity. She was an event coordinator of many high profile fundraising programs including celebrity-run carnivals, golf tournaments, and black tie dinners. Kelli also worked as an Associate Producer/Marketing & Publicity Director. She coordinated all logistical elements of several live pay-per-view shows, and has also been responsible for all aspects of marketing and publicity including creating and writing national advertising campaigns. Her employment included a stint for a PR company and work at Conde Nast Publications as an assistant editor. Kelli was a 1989 graduate of St. John’s University in NYC with a degree in journalism. Charmingly located in quaint Flagler Beach overlooking the tranquil ocean, Blue at the Topaz offers creative food from creative chefs. It is consistently fine dining at an affordable price. Since opening the doors in 2002, Blue has grown into one of Flagler Beach’s most talked about restaurants, for both its menu and the fabulous view at 1224 South Oceanshore Blvd. Dining at the award-winning Blue is recommended for celebrating a special day or everyday. After you’ve dined at Blue, you’ll be leaving and planning your next visit all at the same time. The friendly service, fabulous food, and unique surroundings will have you coming back again and again…. Because at Blue, everyone’s a local! Jazz, Cheese & “Cheer!” Save on tickets -- Purchase in advance! Day of event tickets are $25, but you can get yours for just $20 by stopping in at the Museum, at Flagler Beachfront Winery or at Eagles Nest Storage. You can also go to our website: www.flaglerbeachmuseum. com and purchase through PayPal. Your receipt will be your entry ticket and we’ll have your name and the number of tickets on a list when you check-in at the Pier. Not Too Late to Sponsor or Donate! Cash, food, wine, donations welcome Call 2014 OFFICERS President: Catherine Wilson 1st Vice President: Robert R. Creal 2nd Vice President: Kathy Feind Secretary: Linda S. Jones Treasurer: Patricia MacAllister Renee & Emily Would you like to be on the cutting edge of Flagler Beach Museum business? Join us at a board meeting - alternate months on second Tuesdays 2pm at the Flagler Beach Fire Hall. For more info, call Teri at 386-439-6262. Museum Director: Teri Pruden City Liaison: Linda Provencher 3 Kim at (386) 846-5493 2014 DIRECTORS Cindy Dalecki Charles Helm Cindy Miller Ed Moore Beth Mount Kelli O’ Reilly Mary Ann Ruzecki Lea Stokes Lauren Watkins Meet Our Newest Business Member, Michelle Brown, owner of Flagler Beach Gift Shop! Our newest Patron Business Member is Michelle Brown, owner for the past four years of the Flagler Beach Gift Shop located behind Finn’s at 105 North A1A (North Oceanshore Blvd.) Born and raised in Ohio, Michelle discovered Flagler Beach on the way to see friends in New Smyrna Beach, and fell in love with our area. An avid scuba diver, Michelle has over 100 dives under her belt in many locations in Florida. She enthusiastically remarked, “There are so many gorgeous dive spots in this state, many of them around this area. Michelle is a Diplomat for the Flagler County Chamber of Commerce. She is also a recent board member of the Flagler Beach Area Council, as well as a committee member for the Flagler Beach Economic Development Task Force. She is also very involved in many community events. Michelle likes to support local talent, so her store features books by area authors, CDs by local musicians, jewelry created by resident artists, as well as hundreds of Flagler Beach souvenirs, shells and clothing. Flagler Beach Gift Shop is open Tuesday through Saturday. Stop in and say “Hi!” ~Kathy Tiller Become a Business (or Individual) Member of the Museum! Call Kathy Tiller (386) 299-9516 for costs & benefits! Special Thanks to our 2014 Premier Members Platinum ($1000) In Loving Memory of Isay (Joseph) Davydov Ilona Itskov Family City of Flagler Beach Bronze Gold ($500) Becker, Michael & Rebecca Alliance Financial Partners: David Fowler & Charles Helm Bank of America on behalf of Linda Jones Publix Super Markets Charities Silver ($250) Bradley, Hallie Hall, Sheryl Lowe, Jeralyn Wilson, Catherine Coquina Real Estate & Construction Flagler County Corvettes JBirney Financial Preferred Management Services, Inc. WNSS Radio Patron Babbitt Miller, Brenda Broderick, Dan & Kalush, Margaret Ceryak, Ron Creal, Robert Cusa, Tom Deal, Don & Terri DiFrancesco, Lida & Fred Duncan, Tom Gardner, Jay & Lisa Aligood, John Atack, Sharon Bayerl, Dan & Pruden, Teri Caldwell, Wayne & Martha Delisi, Donald & Adele Delisi, Thomas Elliott, Carol W. Feind, John & Catherine Grigas, Robert & Josephine Hull, Richard In Loving Memory of Raymond R. Pruden Kuhnlein, Ed March, Susan Burke Pettus, James Petty, Tim & Lou Ruzecki, Mary Ann Schneider, Uwe & Carol Shupe, Marshall Sloan, Jeanne Flagler Woman’s Club Memory Lane Rotary Club of Flagler Beach Tee Times USA The Selby Group Your Name Here! Patron Members - Limited Time Offer! Get Premier Status complimentary links from our website to yours. Call before July 1st. Bronze through Platinum Premiers will still recieve the links free with membership. Just get in touch and we’ll put the benefit in process. Call Kathy at (386) 299-9516 for more information. Hammond, Kim Hunter, Robert & Jean Johnston, Gregory & Peggy Latham, James Martino, Keith Miller, Karen L. Moretti, Karen & Don Morris, Bill A. & Beverly Mount, Bill & Beth Price, Rosmarie & Richard Provencher, Linda Reeves, Cheri & Dixon Rohrabaugh, Paul & Beverly Root, J. Preston, & Family Stuckey, Richard Taylor, Ann Creal Torrance, Bonnie Trivett, Danny Wilson, Matthew G. Down By The Sea Gifts Eagles Nest Storage Flagler Animal Hospital 4 Flagler Beach Gift Shop Flagler County Chamber Flagler School of Dance Gerling Travel Group Intracoastal Bank Johnny D’s Beach Bar & Grill JPA Joseph Pozzuoli, Architect RE/MAX Oceanside Seaside Shoppe Strickland Sod Farm, Inc. Your Name Here! Thank You February-April New & Renewing Members! Join us in welcoming our Newest Members listed below in Bold Italics! Silver Bradley, Hallie Wilson, Catherine P. Bronze Caldwell, Wayne & Martha Delisi, Donald & Adele Grigas, Robert & Josephine Kuhnlein, Ed Ruzecki, Mary Ann Schneider, Uwe & Carol Patron Creal, Robert Cusa, Tom Deal, Don & Terri DiFrancesco, Lida & Fred Miller, Karen L. Morris, Beverly Provencher, Linda Rohrabaugh, Paul & Beverly Wilson, Matthew G. Family Burkley, Harold & Jan Burpeau, Michele & DiGregorio, Silvio Duggins, Michael & Gail Edson, Joyce & Hal Farrell, Pat Green, Susan Hadeed, Al & Maureen Kovalyak, Joseph Medearis, Jerry & Grace Miller, Frederick & Arlene Moore, Bill Reed, Lois Sayers, Maria Business Gold Alliance Financial Partner: Charles Helm Business Silver Coquina Real Estate & Construction Business Bronze Flagler County Chamber of Commerce Flagler Woman’s Club Business Patron Down By The Sea Gifts *Flagler Beach Gift Shop (See opposite page!) JPA, Joseph Pozzuoli Architect Individual Small Business Brown, Mikki Davis, Patricia L. *de Courval, Nicole Hayworth, Paula Iseminger, Joan H. Lally, Kevin J. Reed, Martin Ruhl, Lorraine Watkins, Lauren Williams, Anne Atlantic Mobile RV Service Flagler Fish Company Joseph Cergio Realty Exchange Palm Coast Civil War Round Table Upgrade your membership and be listed on the opposite page as Premier members in every issue! Save trees, plus print & mailing expenses: Have Your Newsletters Emailed! Call Kathy @ (386) 299-9516 or email [email protected] LEVELS OF MUSEUM MEMBERSHIP = Individual $12 = Family $20 = Small Business $25 LEVELS OF PREMIER MEMBERSHIP = Patron $50 = Bronze Member $100 = Silver Member $200 = Gold Member $500 = Platinum $1000 BENEFITS OF MUSEUM MEMBERSHIP = Free quarterly newsletter = Recognition in newsletter = Discounts on museum merchandise and special events = Advance notice of new displays and upcoming events = Free gifts for bringing in new members ADDITIONAL BENEFITS FOR PREMIER MEMBERS = Recognition in every newsletter and on Museum website = Museum available for private or group tours = Ask about links from our website to yours Membership Form Make checks payable to Flagler Beach Historical Museum. Mail to: P.O. Box 2136, Flagler Beach FL. 32136 Name:______________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail: _ ____________________________________________________ Amount Enclosed: $__________ ft!! If this is a Gift: Your Name:____________________________________ i G A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER Phone: _______________ SERVICES BY CALLING TOLLFREE, WITHIN THE STATE, 1-800-435-7352. REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE. Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services Registration # CH-32919 5 ! The History Corner 1964: 50 Years ago at the Flagler Beach School! Now home to the Flagler Beach Montessori School, the old Wickline’s walls and halls have witnessed nearly 90 years of education since the building’s 1925 debut as the Flagler Beach School. Often referred to today as simply “The Wickline,” the South Daytona Avenue school site and park name honors dedicated public servant George E. Wickline whose combined service as Flagler County Commissioner and Flagler Beach Mayor and Commissioner totaled 34 years. He also helped save the landmark from private ownership in its later years, added Wickline’s daughter and Museum president Catherine Wilson, who writes of the school’s early days in her book “A New Beginning. “It was just so nice to have a small school where everybody knew each other,” shared Wilson, whose daughters, JoAnne Hebb and Barbara Revels were students there in the 1950s. Barbara (photo below: second row, far left) reminisced about her days at the school noting that Becky Thomas, Kenneth Whitney, Rosemary “Rosie” Tidwell, Susan “Suzie” Peterson, Frank to hear from more of the students who attended the Flagler Beach School. In a timely coincidence, a recent visitor to the Museum was Ms. Theo (Smith) Dodge, (photo right of her 98th birthday.) Ms. Dodge taught 3rd and 4th grade at the Flagler Beach School in the early 1950s before leaving to go to Palatka. Born in Putnam County, she graduated from Gainesville High School and then the University of Florida. Ms. Theo‘s teaching career included several elementary schools in Central Florida, as well as a stint as the Assistant Principal at Larken High School. She Theo (Smith) Dodge, teacher at Flagler’s 1st Schoolis an avid reader and an accomplished house Turns 98 Years Young! painter, who has won many awards for her artwork. At last count, Ms. Theo has 47 paintings in her house of landscapes and birds. Her paintings also hang in several professional offices in Ponte Vedra, Jacksonville and the Palatka Library. Ms. Theo’s visit included a look at the Wickline school desk and lectern on display at the Museum. For more information about “The Wickline” see the Autumn 2008 newsletter on our website: flaglerbeachmuseum. com. Also watch this space in the next issue for a feature on the Montessori School students who recently visited the Museum (photo below.) Their teachers and classes continue the Flagler Beach friendly small town educational tradition. Help Preserve Local History Photo Above (L to R): Front row: Debbie Lucas, Connie Yannuzzi, Barbara Bross, Becky Thomas, Faye Hutcheson and Sheila Phillips. Second row, Barbara Wilson, Donna Filkins, Derese Owens, Kenneth Whitney, Cathy Duncan and Rosemary Tidwell. Third row, Dee Ann Perkins, Patti Galloway, Billy Joe Miller, Susan Peterson, Grady Prather, David Anderson and Daniel Waterman. Back row, Kris Martel, Frank Fleurie, Christy Wilson, Janet Sue Haines, Ann Meekins and Jane Green. Far left is Principal William Fennell. Fleurie and Ann Meekins are among those still making Flagler County their home. Barbara has fond memories of attending the school where she made what were to be lifelong friends. Many thanks go out to Suzie (photo above: third row, center) who emailed the Museum this 1964 photo of the 6th grade graduation. She remembers fondly her 2nd grade teacher Ms. Suzanne Bourne (a museum founding member!) who let her have a birthday party during class. Suzie said that the students would sit on the high wall on the south side of the building, and that misbehaving students had to sit on a rock during recess as punishment. She remembers Mr. Fennell (photo: far left) bringing in a TV to their 6th grade classroom so they could watch President Kennedy’s funeral. Barbara said that, unlike today, the principal, Mr. Fennell also taught classes at the school. She recalled him as a very tall man and a very good principal and teacher for about ten years. She said he was also “famous” for his sneezes, which were so loud that they actually rattled the windows in the building, so everyone in all the classrooms knew when he had sneezed. Fifty years later, we hope A Flagler County history book and DVD series are in the making. If you have stories or photos to share, or know someone who does, please contact Teri at 386-439-6262 or via email: [email protected]. For more history, visit our website: www.flaglerbeachmuseum.com and click on the History Tab Local Montessori students during March Museum visit. 6 Flagler Beach Historical Museum goes ON THE ROAD! Karen Young and other Museum representatives have been on the move this month. From Earth Day to outer space, they reached out to the local community to share a little taste of our Museum displays. This year the Friends of the Flagler County Library encouraged residents to read the book “Killing Kennedy” by Bill O’Reilly for the annual “Flagler Reads Together” program. Friends president Terry Jones arranged for Jon Cowart from NASA’s Community Outreach Program, to speak of President Kennedy’s challenge to his country and Congress on May 25, 1961. The speech included these words: “First, I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the Earth.” Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Mike Collins in the Command Module did just that in July of 1969. At the behest of Palm Coast Astronomy Club president Fred Pellmann, the Museum’s 1969 photo of the three astronauts who crewed the Apollo 11 mission, was displayed prominently during Cowart’s speech. A popular piece in the Space Age display at the Museum, the photo was donated to us by the Flagler Woman’s Club. In addition to multiple NASA photos and memorabilia, the exhibit includes the City of Flagler Beach flag designed by Rosmarie Price, Colleen Lee, Alice Baker and Sandra Bolser which traveled on the Space Shuttle Endeavor on its flight to the International Space Station in December 2001. Turning from landing a man on the moon to planet Earth, Karen Young also attended the annual Earth Day celebration at Washington Oaks in April. With the help of Linda Jones, Connie Kormanyos and Kathy Tiller, the museum tent was erected and their tables included photo displays, membership information, and historiy-related gift shop items. If your organization has an event at which you would like museum representation, please call Karen at (386) 517-2025. Save the Gala Date: 9-6-14 Help Pick the 2014 Gala Theme! Calling All Founding Museum Members! Jon Cowart We appreciate your support and want to thank you and include your stories in our historic archives. We will be hosting a series of Saturdays to meet you and introduce you to your fellow founding members. The 1st afternoon gathering will be Saturday, July 5th. Come share refreshments and your memories of the past 15 years or more with our staff and volunteers. From the Roaring Twenties through the Footloose 80s, our costume galas have covered a lot of history. More recently we ranged from Island Time to the western Boots & Bling! What will this year’s theme be? Help us choose. Join Team Gala, or you can call or leave a suggestion on our facebook page. And YOU could win a free ticket worth $75 to Gala 2014! Unsure whether you are a founding member? Expect a call from one of our friendly volunteers some day soon... or call Teri at (386) 439-6262 The Flagler Beach Museum is wheelchair accessible. The Flagler Beach Historical Museum thanks the County Commission and the Flagler County Tourist Development Council for their grant awards that help us fund operating expenses, promotion, and much more! Congratulations to the Museum for a great ranking that resulted in a state grant for 2014-2015 from the Florida Department of Cultural Affairs. We are thankful for the state’s support. Writers/Researchers: Rob Creal, Teri Pruden, Kathy Tiller Proofreader Extraordinaire: Mary Ann Ruzecki Photography: Cindy Dalecki, Kathy Tiller, Karen Young Sponsored in part by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs and the Florida Council on Arts and Culture. This newsletter is published quarterly and mailed free to members. Address questions/comments to Teri at (386) 439-6262 or [email protected] Hi KJ. See you in the summer issue. 7 “We were happy to be included at Waffle Cone again. Now come visit us at our 2nd business Kahuna Surf Subs on S.6th Street!” ~ Nancy Zinkowski & son Robert Lee “It’s a special holiday event and we like supporting the museum. It’s fun for everyone.” ~Frank Gromling, owner of Ocean Books & Art “It was a blast to be a part of this event for the first time!” ~ Judy Gardner Barchus of Odum’s Barber Shop, with customer John Chaffee Thanks to all the great Scramble Ramble merchants listed below! See Winter Newsletter for more photos and quotes: flaglerbeachmuseum.com “We liked participating in the e v e n t t h i s y e a r, o u r f i r s t y e a r. ” ~ Jim Sawyer, owner of A1 Surf & Skate Shop (formerly Sully’s) Alliance Financial Services Atlantic Ocean Realty Bahama Mama’s Big Easy Cafe Change Jar Books Cuts & Curls Down by the Sea Gift Shop Gail Lampert, PA Gallery of Local Art Gerling Travel Kokomo’s Cafe Mason Music Ocean Books & Art Odum’s Barber Shop Pan Con Todo Cuban Cafe Pasta Pasta Professional Shoe Repair &Sharpening Southeast Jewelry A1 Surf & Skate Shop Tavolacci Realty Vic’s Airbrushing Shop Waffle Cone “We were happy to participate and we enjoy being supporters of the museum and its good work”. ~ Mark Gerling, Gerling Travel & Safaris “Changing lives one animal at a time.” “I am in my 6th year of business and enjoyed participating in the event. ~ Igor Unke, Professional Shoe Repair “I’d like to thank the museum for doing this event, and we appreciate working together.” ~ Joe Tavolacci, owner Tavolacci Realty It was a fun event! We enjoyed being a part of it.” ~ (LtoR) Manny Vilamarim with owners Frank and Larry Amaturo “Being a part of the Flagler Beach Museum’s events for everyone is always lots of fun! Thanks for stopping by Atlantic Ocean Realty! ~ Owner Suzanne Mathis 8 “We love being part of this event and Alliance Financial Services has been a stop every year.” ~ Mindi Sander & Cyndi Munson
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