tourist development council
tourist development council
FLAGLER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PACKET MAY 20, 2015 FLAGLER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Flagler County Emergency Services Building Training Room – A May 20, 2015 10:00 A.M. AGENDA PLEDGE TO THE FLAG AND MOMENT OF SILENCE 1. ATTENDANCE 2. Adoption of Minutes from the April 15, 2015 meeting. 3. Accept Financial Status Reports for Review. 4. Accept Flagler County Chamber Monthly Reports for Review: Marketing Activity Report (April 2015) Google Analytics Reports (April 2015) Florida’s First Coast of Golf Report (March 2015) 5. Final status presentation for The Friends of Washington Oaks Gardens State Park Events Field Stage project. Lucy Crowley President, Friends of Washington Oaks Gardens and State Park FUND 110 DISCRETIONARY EVENT FUNDING 6. Review and recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners to allocate $3,500 from the Discretionary Event Funding budget to the PDA Soccer’s 3v3 Soccer 2015 event to be held June 16-19, 2015. 7. Update as to current activities of Chamber representatives 8. Community Outreach A thirty-minute time has been allocated at the end of the meeting for public comment. Each speaker will be allowed up to three minutes to address the Board on items not on the agenda. 9. Board Member Commentaries 10. Adjournment. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT INDIVIDUAL COMMISSIONERS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MAY ATTEND THIS MEETING. THE COMMISSIONERS, WHO ATTEND, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF COMMISSIONERS WHO SERVE ON THE DESIGNATED BOARD BEING NOTICED, WILL NOT TAKE ANY ACTION OR TAKE ANY VOTE AT THIS MEETING. THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF FLAGLER COUNTY. THIS NOTICE IS BEING PROVIDED TO MEET THE SPIRIT OF THE SUNSHINE LAW TO INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT COMMISSIONERS MAY BE PRESENT AT THESE DISCUSSIONS. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, PERSONS NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE NUMBER LISTED ABOVE AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. 1|Page FLAGLER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Flagler County Government Services Building Board Chambers – First Floor April 15, 2015 10:00 A.M. Minutes MEETING CALLED TO ORDER BY CHAIRMAN NATE MCLAUGHLIN at 10:00 A.M. Chairman McLaughlin led the pledge to the flag and a brief moment of silence. 1. Attendance PRESENT: Chairman Nate McLaughlin, Councilman Bill McGuire, Mayor Linda Provencher, Pamela Walker, Tim Digby, Tom Grimes, Ryan Crabb, Rich Stanfield ABSENT: Kurt Allen 2. Adoption of Minutes from the March 18, 2015 meeting. McGuire/Walker. Motion to Adopt the March 18, 2015 Minutes carries unanimously. 3. Accept Financial Status Reports for Review. McGuire/Stanfield. Motion to Accept Financial Status Reports carries unanimously. 4. Accept Flagler County Chamber Monthly Reports for Review: Marketing Activity Report (March 2015) Google Analytics Reports (March 2015) Florida’s First Coast of Golf Report (February 2015) McGuire/Crabb. Motion to Accept Flagler County Chamber Monthly Reports carries unanimously. 5. Review and recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners to grant $7,500 to the Flagler County Corvette Club from Fund 110 Overnight Stay Special Events for the CORVETTES at the BEACH event being held October 9th-10th-11th, 2015. Flyer handed out and a brief presentation by Mr. Paul Kachura, Car Show Chairperson. Mr. Kachura mentioned there were some reimbursement issues he will discuss with Mary Anne Atwood, TDC Secretary. McGuire/Grimes. Motion to recommend to the Board of County Commissioners approval to grant $7,500 to the Flagler County Corvette Club from Fund 110 Overnight Stay Special Events for the CORVETTES at the BEACH event being held October 9th-10th-11th, 2015 carries unanimously. 1|Page 6. Review and recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners to grant $2,500 to the Flagler Film Festival from Fund 110 Overnight Stay Special Events for the Flagler Film Festival event being held January 15-17, 2016. Flyer handed out and brief presentation by Kathy Berry, Director. Councilman McGuire asked if all films were unsuitable for children. Ms. Berry replied that the Festival does not suggest ratings and it would be up to the parents. Some more adult films are scheduled at night, not during the day. Walker/Grimes. Motion to recommend to the Board of County Commissioners approval to grant $2,500 to the Flagler Film Festival from Fund 110 Overnight Stay Special Events for the Flagler Film Festival event being held January 15-17, 2016 carries unanimously. 7. Review and recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners to allocate funds from the Discretionary Event Funding budget to the following projects: a) Allocate $3,500 for Florida Lacrosse All-Star Game Summer Showcase & Youth Academy to be held May 8-10, 2015. b) Allocate $1,250 for Team Florida College Skills Camp to be held September 4-6, 2015. McGuire/Crabb. Motion to recommend to the Board of County Commissioners approval of the allocation requests for Event Funding projects 7a and 7b carries unanimously. 8. Update as to current activities of Chamber representatives. Due to lack of time, Chairman Nate McLaughlin asked Mr. Matt Dunn to type his REPORT and send to the members. 9. Community Outreach None 10. Board Member Commentaries None 11. Adjournment. McGuire/Allen. Motion to adjourn at 10:25am carries unanimously. 2| April 15, 2015 TDC Minutes RECORDING OF MEETING CAN BE ACCESSED BY THE FOLLOWING LINK: If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Tourist Development Council with respect to any matter considered at the meeting, a record of the proceedings may be needed and, for such purposes, the person may need to ensure that a verbatim record is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. BACK TO AGENDA 3| April 15, 2015 TDC Minutes BACK TO MINUTES BACK TO AGENDA SUNDAY]ANUARYll,2015 (cont'd) 6:00 PM BLOCK# 9 DRAMA *Scapegoat (Khadif Sanders -FSU Student) Once A Year (Ian Adema) Into the Night (Kate Li- Boston U.) *The Conversation (C. Carmona/N. Roman) As it Used to Be (Clement Gonzalez) Time Capsule (Michael Peeling) The Drowned Man {Per Krogh - AFI Student) Indigo (Paul Jerndal) FL KS MA FL S. Africa GA CA Sweden 6 min 6min ?min ?min 8min 11 min 17 min 20 min CA 90 min 7:30-8:00 PM Q&A Filmmakers 8:00 PM BLOCK# 10 DOCUMENTARY That's Not Funny (Mike Celestino) 9:30 PM AWARDS CEREMONY I I I 2 11d AI'l.nual KIX AGLER ~------~~ ~~~ ~WNZF NewsRadio ~~ ~ I ~ F~~~~J1~fs~ ~amof!............. • "'-°"-Realty,;.. Carla Faith Christy 386-503-3609 / Fla lerLivefom -FILM FES"T~VAL ~ ~ FRIDAY ]ANU ARY 9, 2015 6:00 PM BLOCK A -FREE ADMISSION -Tommy Tant Benefit Net Positiva (Peter Cambor) CA 11 min CA 32 min Wave of the Winter (Mike Cianciulli) 7:00 PM BLOCK #1 COMEDY Superdate (Sasha Fox) CA AL Forget the Milk (William H. Adams) * Knock Her Socks Off (Dean Bruggeman-UFL) FL Zugzwang (Yolanda Centeno-NY Film Academy)SPAIN Jordan's Jackhammer (Mike Karp) NY Martian American (Trevor Worley - AFI) CA FL * Sexcut (Matt Florio) 3min 4min ?min 9min 13 min 21 min 29 min BLOCK #2 HORROR/THRILLER Knock Knock (Christopher Cox) *Inhabited (Trent Duncan) * Deadtona (Scott Mena) *Kick (Marcus Warren, Kjell Larsson) 5min 17 min 16 min 75 min SATURDAY ]ANU ARY 10, 2015 12:00 PM BLOCK B SPECIAL GUEST APPEARANCE Meet Laura Tyler, Winner of Syfy Network Season 5 "FACE-OFF" Watch as Laura transforms an actor into a zombie Photos and Q&A with Laura with ZOM1 BEE truck BLOCK# 3 ANYTHING GOES (SHORTS) The Last Leaf (Gwyneth Christoffel} CANADA 2min NY The Columbia Steps (Jensen Davis) 4min Dinner (Kelly Teacher) NY ?min The Cherry Drops-Outta' Sight (Laverne Shank) FL ?min February (Zach Redpath - SCAD) GA ?min The Race Card (Audrey Noone) MA 6min Big Bag (Ricardo Martin Coloma) SPAIN ?min FL * Dirty Justice (TL Westgate) 8min * Nozomi (Dale Metz) FL 12 min Tough Case (Stefan Perez) CA 12 min 13 min Le Nocturne de Lumiere (Dave Boarini) CA 16 min FL * M-Theory (TL Westgate) 22 min Posey (Billy DaMota) CA BACK TO MINUTES BLOCK# 4 DOCUMENTARY You Belong to Me (Kitty Potapow, Hilary Saltzman, Jude Hagin) FL 88 min 7:00-7:30 PM Q&A Filmmakers 7:30 PM 9:30 PM MD FL FL UK/FL 10:40-11 :00 PM Q&A Filmmakers 3:00 PM 5:30 PM BLOCK# 5 DRAMA * Life in Darkness (Mike Collins - UCF Student) FL Contamination (R. Shanea Williams) GA One Armed Man (Tim Guinee) NY *The Debt (Mahmoud Shoolizadeh) FL 11 23 27 37 min min min min 9:00-9:30 PM Q&A Filmmakers 8:25-8:45 PM Q&A Filmmakers 8:45 PM SATURDAY]ANUARYl0,2015 (cont'd) 5:00-5:30 PM Q&A Filmmakers BLOCK# 6 DRAMA/THRILLER Retribution (Robert Matthews) Visionary (Ben Proulx) FL NH SUNDAYJANUARY 11, 2015 12:00 PM BLOCK #7 DRAMA Runner (Eduardo Moises Escribano Solera) Spain Last Intentions (Elena Frez) Spain The Legacy (Nora Wenner) Luxembourg A Strange Man (Gozde Yetiskin) Turkey Little Things (Roman Simonyan) U.A.E. The Fall (Kristoff Hoornaert) Belgium The Painter of Shadows (Miguel Garcia de la Carera) Dominican Republic 2: 15 PM BLOCK# 8 DOCUMENTARY * The Last Orange Grove of Middle Florida FL (Carl Knickerbocker) FL * Startup is the New Black (Kevin Erhard) * Land Meets Sea (Jp Talty- FSU Student) FL * Water (Ruth Hellerman) FL * A Good Short Life (Stewart Lippe - FSU Graduate) FL 10 min 85min 4 min 14 min 14 min 15 min 15 min 17 min 19 min 3min 24 min 12 min 18 min 33 min 3:30-4:00 PM Q&A Filmmakers 4:00 PM BLOCK# 8.5 INTERNATIONAL The Story of M (Anna Arlanova) Russian Federation Pechorin (Khrushch Roman) Russian Federation *********ALL FILMS ARE UNRATED AND NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN********** adult language, sex, nudity and violence may be present in some films 23 min 95 min BACK TO AGENDA Subject: TDC Meeting - 8. Update as to current activities of Chamber representatives Hello All, As promised during today’s TDC Meeting, below are my comments related to agenda item #8: 1. First, welcome back Pam! Glad you are back safe from a long business trip to Myanmar 2. Upcoming events: 4/17-19 Florida Youth Soccer Association State Cup 4/18 Flagler County Sheriff’s Office Police Athletic League 5K 4/22-25 4/25 Florida State Horseshoes State Championships Earth Day Celebration (Washington Oaks) 5/2-10 5/2-3 National Travel & Tourism Week Florida Youth Soccer Association State Cup 5/4-10 Players Championship, PGA TOUR , Ponte Vedra Beach (We’re expecting to see overflow from this event) 5/8-9 5/9 5/9-10 Choral Arts Society Florida Lacrosse High School All-Star Game Lacrosse Summer Showcase & Youth Academy 3. Staff Travel: April 27-May 1 National Association of Sports Commissions Annual Event Symposium (Doreen & Matt) May 20-22 Florida Association of Destination Marketing Organizations (Amy) May 20-22 Florida Sports Foundation Annual Meetings (Matt) 4. February STR Report & TDT Collections Update: 9% Occupancy increase to 63% $5 Average Daily Rate increase to $137.55 $16 increase in Revenue Per Available Room YTD 15% increase in TDT collections. 5. If you haven’t already, please RSVP for our National Travel & Tourism Week Celebration Breakfast at Grand Haven Thursday, May 7th to [email protected]. There is no cost this year. All TDC Members should have received an evite Monday, if not please let me know. 6. Our May 2015 TDC Meeting on Wednesday, May 20th at 10:00 am will be held at the Emergency Operations Center. Please click on the link below to view an aerial map: 7. As always, if you have any questions or would like to speak about topics or ideas, please feel free to contact me any time! Enjoy your Wednesday! -Matt Matthew C. Dunn, CSEE | Vice President of Tourism Development Flagler County Chamber of Commerce 20 Airport Road, Suite B Palm Coast, Florida 32164 P: 386.206.0957 | F: 386.437.5700 [email protected] BACK TO MINUTES BACK TO AGENDA AGENDA ITEM #3 FLAGLER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TDC FINANCIAL REPORTS MONTHLY TAX COLLECTIONS ANALYSIS OF COLLECTIONS UPCOMING EVENT DATES FUND 110 MARKETING & BUDGET CAMPAIGN QUALITY OF LIFE REPORTS OVERNIGHT STAY REPORTS • DISCRETIONARY EVENT REPORTS FUND 109 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT OPEN GRANT REPORT GRANT STATUS REPORT FUND 111 BEACH RESTORATION OPEN GRANT REPORT BACK TO AGENDA Flagler County Board of County Commissioners Analysis of Monthly Tourist Development Tax Collections Fiscal Year 2010-11 Through 2014-15 (to Date) Prepared By: Financial Services Department Month October November December January February March April May June July August September Totals Fiscal Year 2010-11 $45,113 51,081 42,756 54,211 62,275 124,043 167,208 146,762 105,932 157,948 213,529 105,691 $1,276,550 Change Amount Percentage $ 3,303 7.90% 9,878 23.97% (2,871) -6.29% 13,310 32.54% 15,208 32.31% 37,355 43.09% 65,241 63.98% 62,051 73.25% 38,738 57.65% 42,433 36.73% 62,907 41.76% 26,140 32.86% $ 373,693 41.39% Fiscal Year 2011-12 $72,490 $80,313 $73,076 $69,713 $82,448 $145,946 $205,861 $168,483 $118,228 $190,555 $230,128 $131,753 $1,568,993 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Change Fiscal Year Amount Percentage 2012-13 27,377 60.68% $75,602 29,231 57.22% $75,705 30,319 70.91% $72,826 15,502 28.60% $70,091 20,173 32.39% $103,054 21,904 17.66% $129,850 38,653 23.12% $236,514 21,720 14.80% $149,402 12,296 11.61% $127,865 32,608 20.64% $206,746 16,599 7.77% $247,548 26,062 24.66% $157,032 $292,443 23% $1,652,235 Change Fiscal Year Amount Percentage 2013-14 $3,112 4.29% $87,503 ($4,608) -5.74% $92,058 ($250) -0.34% $80,927 $378 0.54% $82,743 $20,605 24.99% $108,639 ($16,096) -11.03% $158,536 $30,653 14.89% $234,908 ($19,081) -11.33% $196,862 $9,638 8.15% $149,053 $16,190 8.50% $229,923 $17,420 7.57% $269,928 $25,279 19.19% $168,298 $83,241 5% $1,859,378 Change Fiscal Year Amount Percentage 2014-15 $11,900 15.74% $91,481 $16,353 21.60% $108,167 $8,101 11.12% $87,147 $12,652 18.05% $115,326 $5,586 5.42% $118,732 $28,686 22.09% $191,669 ($1,606) -0.68% $47,460 31.77% $21,187 16.57% $23,177 11.21% $22,380 9.04% $11,266 7.17% $207,143 13% $712,522 Change Amount Percentage $3,979 4.55% $16,109 17.50% $6,220 7.69% $32,583 39.38% $10,092 9.29% $33,133 20.90% $102,116 The tourist development tax rate increased from 3% to 4% effective December 1, 2010. BACK TO CONTENT BACK TO AGENDA 17% UPCOMING EVENT DATES 110 - Fireworks 2015 07 04 FY14/15 Annual Fireworks 110 - Overnight Stay 2015 06 13-15 2015 Father's Day Invitiational 2015 10 09 - 11 FY15-16 Corvettes at the Beach 2016 01 15 - 17 2016 Flagler Film Festival 110 - Quality of Life 2015 07 03 - 04 Fabulous Fourth of July Festival 110 - Discretionary Event 2015 06 27-28 Florida Flag Football State Championship & Hall of Fame Banquet 2015 07 15-17 US Lifesaving Association SE Regionals 2015 09 FL Outdoor Writers Assoc FL Outdoor Writers Assoc 2015 09 04-06 Team FL Lacrosse College Skills Camp 2015 11 27-28 Crappie USA Fall Tournament 2016 11 15-19 Fishers of Men National Tournament Trail - District 1 Championship BACK TO CONTENTS BACK TO AGENDA FY 14/15 FUND 110 FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT Thru May 11, 2015 REVENUE FY2013-14 OCTOBER THRU MARCH $ 403,966.77 FY2014-15 $ 485,085.01 Sales, Use and Fuel Tax FY13/14 FY14/15 CHAMBER BUDGET Sum of Budget Amt Advertising & Public Relations Event Funding Fulfillment Multi Media Development & Production Product Development & Analysis Special Event Grants - Overnight Stay Special Event Grants - Quality of Life Staff Undesignated Marketing Grand Total Sum of Amt Spent $369,892 $165,000 $86,750 $157,900 $42,675 $85,000 $15,000 $217,783 $30,000 $225,099 $72,063 $40,549 $87,375 $32,707 $67,015 $7,405 $137,865 $29,868 $1,170,000 $699,946 Sum of Unencumbered Sum of Balance $9,732.43 $45,351.34 $3,591.59 $58,675.36 $144,793.44 $102,669.86 $46,201.31 $70,524.56 $9,968.12 $63,336.23 $11,186.18 $79,917.72 $131.98 $528,729.40 Undesignated Marketing Staff Special Event Grants - Quality of Life Special Event Grants - Overnight Stay Product Development & Analysis Sum of Balance Sum of Unencumbered Multi Media Development & Production Fulfillment Sum of Amt Spent Sum of Budget Amt Event Funding Advertising & Public Relations BACK TO CONTENTS BACK TO AGENDA Quality of Life Encumbrances & Fund Availability Fiscal Year FY14/15 Sum of Award Amount 110 - Quality of Life 2015 3 Concert Series 2015 04 24 & 26, 07 04 * 2015 Print Brochures and Maps 2014 12 Earth Day Celebration 2015 04 25 FY14-15 Oceans 50 Relay Race 2014 11 08 Race of the Runways 5k/10k/dash 2015 02 14 Picnic and Pops 2015 04 19 * Christmas in Bunnell 2014 12 19 Flagler Singles/FL State Club Team Tournament 2015 01 30-31 Fabulous Fourth of July Festival 2015 07 03 - 04 Cheer at the Pier! 2015 04 11 or 18 2015 Flagler Film Festival 2015 01 09-11 Grand Total Budget FY14/15 Encumbered FY14/15 Replinish Unencumbered Funds* Available Balance for FY14/15 FCBCC Sum of Reimbursement Amount $1,500.00 $1,500.00 Sum of Balance $1,500.00 $1,405.41 $1,500.00 $94.59 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $16,500.00 $1,500.00 $7,405.41 $0.00 $9,094.59 $15,000.00 $16,500.00 -$1,500.00 $3,591.59 $2,091.59 1 Quality of Life Funds Unencumbered Report Sum of Balance FY13/14 Concert Series 2014 $1003 partial reimbursement Flagler Veteran's Appreciation Day 2014 No surveys. Reimbursement Denied FY14/15 2015 Print Brochures and Maps partial reimbursement - $1405.41 is amount requested Christmas in Bunnell Event not held - no reimbursement sought Grand Total BACK TO CONTENTS $497.00 $1,500.00 $94.59 $1,500.00 $3,591.59 BACK TO AGENDA 2 Overnight Stay Encumbrances & Fund Availability Fiscal Year FCBCC FY14/15 Sum of Award Amount 110 - Overnight Stay 2014 Marineland Military Support 2014 12 04 - 07 or 11 - 14 2014 PDA Fall Classic 2014 10 10 - 12 2014 PDA NPL Showcase 2014 12 31 - 2015 01 02 2014 Pumpkin Shootout 2014 10 18-19 2014 Veteran's Day Invite 2014 11 08 - 09 2014-2015 Season 2014 09 - 2015 06 2015 Father's Day Invitiational 2015 06 13-15 2015 JU Lacrosse Preview 2015 01 10-11 2015 Primary Care Conference 2015 03 30-04 03, 04 06-10 FY14-15 8th Maya at Playa 2014 09 25 - 28 * FY14-15 Corvettes at the Beach 2014 10 11 * 2015 USTA Pro Circuit Tournament 2015 01 22 - 02 01 Cycle Flagler 2015 2015 04 12 Rockin' the Runways - Wings II 2015 03 27-29 * Birds of a Feather Festival 2015 02 06-08 FY15-16 Corvettes at the Beach 2015 10 09 - 11 2016 Flagler Film Festival 2016 01 15 - 17 Grand Total Sum of Reimbursement Amount Sum of Balance * Budget FY14/15 Encumbered FY14/15 Replinish Unencumbered Funds* Available Balance for FY14/15 $2,500.00 $2,169.61 $330.39 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 $0.00 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 $4,845.50 $154.50 $10,000.00 $7,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $5,000.00 $2,500.00 $7,500.00 $2,500.00 $125,000.00 $2,500.00 $7,500.00 $67,015.11 $2,500.00 $57,984.89 $85,000.00 $125,000.00 -$40,000.00 $45,351.34 $5,351.34 1 Overnight Stay Funds Unencumbered Report Sum of Balance FY12/13 FL Flag Football Tournament 2013 partial reimbursement $2753.27 FY13-14 2013 GIS Cup $7500 partial reimbursement Starlight Half Marathon & 5k 2013 No reimbursement requested FY13/14 1/2 & 1 Mile Guinness Longboard 2014 No reimbursement requested FY13-14 FL Flag Football $7500 partial reimbursement - 225 room nights not achieved Palm Coast Half Marathon 2014 No reimbursement requested Spoonbills & Sprockets 2014 $2380.28 partial reimbursement USSSA FL Junior Golf Tour 2014 No reimbursement requested Wings Over Flagler 2014 $5000 partial reimbursement - did not use "tag line" in advertising FY14/15 2014 Marineland Military Support qualified for partial reimbursement of $2169.61 2015 USTA Pro Circuit Tournament partial reimbursement due to lack of room nights Birds of a Feather Festival partial reimbursement of $2500 due to number of room nights FY14-15 Corvettes at the Beach $4845.50 partial reimbursement Grand Total BACK TO CONTENTS $7,246.73 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $7,500.00 $2,500.00 $10,000.00 $119.72 $2,500.00 $5,000.00 $330.39 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $154.50 $45,351.34 BACK TO AGENDA 2 Discretionary Event Encumbrances & Fund Availability Sum of Award Amount * * * * * 2014 12 05-07 Women's National Championship American Collegiate Rugby Assoc 2014 12 30 - 2015 01 04 ESPN Bassmaster Carhartt Bassmaster College Series 2015 01 21-25 Super Regional Crappie USA 2015 01 22-02 01 Palm Coast Beach Bash National Pastime Athletics 2015 02 05-08 FL Flag Football League Florida Flag Football 2015 02 27-03 01 South Regional Championship US Quidditch Assoc 2015 03 26-30 Horseshoe Pros Tour Horseshoe Pitchers Pro Tour 2015 04 FL Society of Assoc Executives FL Society of Assoc Executives 2015 04 10-12 Flagler College Soccer Invitational PDA Soccer 2015 04 17-19 FL Youth Soccer Assoc State Cup Rnd 2 PDA Soccer 2015 04 22-25 FHSA State Championships FL State Horseshoes Association 2015 05 01-03 FL Youth Soccer Assoc State Cup Rnd 16 PDA Soccer 2015 05 08-10 All-Star Game / Summer Showcase Ethos Sports LLC-FPLC 2015 06 01-07 EVP Pro Beach Volleyball Tour EVP Tour 2015 06 05-07 2015 Palm Coast Summer LAX National Pastime Athletics 2015 06 27-28 State Championship & Hall of Fame Banquet Florida Flag Football 2015 07 15-17 SE Regionals US Lifesaving Association 2015 09 FL Outdoor Writers Assoc FL Outdoor Writers Assoc 2015 09 04-06 College Skills Camp Team FL Lacrosse Grand Total Sum of Reimbursement Amount $7,500.00 FCBCC Sum of Balance $7,500.00 $25,000.00 $22,155.84 $2,844.16 $16,500.00 $14,660.39 $1,839.61 $2,500.00 $0.00 $2,500.00 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 $0.00 $7,500.00 $5,220.00 $2,280.00 $6,000.00 $5,951.34 $48.66 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 $3,500.00 $3,500.00 $25,000.00 $7,500.00 $17,500.00 $2,500.00 $0.00 $2,500.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $9,500.00 $9,500.00 $1,250.00 $163,250.00 $62,987.57 $1,250.00 $100,262.43 1 Budget FY14/15 Encumbered FY14/15 Replinish Unencumbered Funds FY14/15* Available Balance for FY14/15 $165,000.00 $163,250.00 $1,750.00 $9,732.43 $11,482.43 Discretionary Event Funds Unencumbered Report Sum of Balance 2015 Palm Coast Summer LAX 2015 06 05-07 National Pastime Athletics Event Cancelled - competing lacrosse event ESPN Bassmaster 2014 12 30 - 2015 01 04 Carhartt Bassmaster College Series Event Complete - under budget Horseshoe Pros Tour 2015 03 26-30 Horseshoe Pitchers Pro Tour (blank) Palm Coast Beach Bash 2015 01 22-02 01 National Pastime Athletics Event Cancelled - lack of registration Super Regional 2015 01 21-25 Crappie USA Event Complete - under budget Grand Total BACK TO CONTENTS $2,500.00 $2,844.16 $48.66 $2,500.00 $1,839.61 $9,732.43 BACK TO AGENDA 2 FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT FY14/15 FUND 109 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Thru April 30, 2015 REVENUE FY13/14 OCTOBER THRU MARCH $ FY14/15 134,655.59 $ 153,690.99 REVENUE FY13/14 FY14/15 PRIOR GRANTS CARRY FORWARD OPEN GRANTS $ 510,445.00 SPENT $ BALANCE 11,098.61 $ 499,346.39 AWARDED PRIOR TO FY14/15 CARRY FORWARD REIMBURSED GRANTS FY2014-15 AWARDED $ - SPENT $ BALANCE - $ FY 14/15 AWARDED GRANTS - AWARDED REIMBURSED FEES BUDGET FY2014-15 $ 1,800.00 SPENT $ 673.44 BALANCE $ 1,126.56 FY14/15 BUDGET SPENT BACK TO CONTENTS BACK TO AGENDA Fund 109 Open Grant Financial Sum of Award Amount Sum of Reimbursement Amount Sum of Balance FY06/07 Flagler Parks and Rec PPP-Local Match for museum exhibit FY11/12 Flagler Co BOCC Princess Place Preserve Rehab 2012 02 - 2014 02 FY13/14 Flagler Auditorium Upgrade Phase 1 2014 08 01 - 12 01 Flagler Beach Historical Museum FY14/15 Operational Support 2014 10 01 - 2015 09 30 Flagler Co Historical Society FY14/15 Operational Support 2014 07 - 2015 07 PC Historical Society FY14/15 Operational Support 2014 05 28 - 2015 05 28 Town of Beverly Beach Walkover Renovation 2014 03 01 - 04 01 Town of Marineland Marina Phase 2 2015 06 - 10 Grand Total BACK TO CONTENTS $28,370.00 $28,370.00 $150,000.00 $150,000.00 $150,000.00 $150,000.00 $5,000.00 $1,628.82 $3,371.18 $2,830.00 $1,126.49 $1,703.51 $4,245.00 $3,285.38 $959.62 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $150,000.00 $505,445.00 $150,000.00 $499,404.31 $6,040.69 BACK TO AGENDA 1 Fund 109 Open Grant Status FY06/07 Flagler Parks and Rec PPP-Local Match for museum exhibit Prior to Fund 109 Policy Changes - this is in process. 1/21/2015 - RFP had no responses last year. Item for BOCC approval to find firm & negotiate is pending. 4/14/2015 - Al is aware of the issue but has no additional information—just that Purchasing didn’t hear from a proposer. FY11/12 Flagler Co BOCC Princess Place Preserve Rehab 2012 02 - 2014 02 1/21/15: Architectural Drawings are 100% complete (Ken Smith Architect). We advertised and awarded for the Construction (It was awarded to DiMare Construction out of St. Augustine). They have recently signed the contract and secured their performance bond. We are in the process of scheduling a pre-construction meeting with both firms (Ken Smith & DiMare). 4/14/15: DiMare Construction has completely elevated the structure and stabilized the walls. They have formed and poured a new foundation on the north section. They are in the processing of forming and preparing for foundation work on the remaining part of the building. According to the contractor’s schedule they are right on task as far as time. FY13/14 Flagler Auditorium Upgrade Phase 1 2014 08 01 - 12 01 11/19/14 - Brief presentation by Lisa McDevitt. Project three quarters complete. Walker/Holm. Motion to approve project extension on the previously awarded Fund 109 grant for the Flagler Auditorium Upgrade Phase 1 Project carries unanimously. 5/5/2015 Reimbursement in process. Flagler Beach Historical Museum FY14/15 Operational Support 2014 10 01 - 2015 09 30 Annual operational support Flagler Co Historical Society FY14/15 Operational Support 2014 07 - 2015 07 Annual operational support PC Historical Society FY14/15 Operational Support 2014 05 28 - 2015 05 28 Annual operational support Town of Beverly Beach Walkover Renovation 2014 03 01 - 04 01 6/13/14: PLEASE NOTE - UNABLE TO BEGIN PROJECT. WILL NEED TO WAIT UNTIL TURTLE SEASON IS OVER. WILL COME BEFORE TDC TO ASK FOR AN EXTENSION. 8/20/14: Mayor Jim Ardell, Town of Beverly Beach, explained that the Walkover Renovation and Reconstruction project has been delayed due to turtle nesting season. Plans are to begin project after October 31, 2014 and complete by end of November 2014. 1/21/15 - Status Update @ meeting - Mayor Jim Ardell, Town of Beverly Beach, explained the issues that have prevented the project from being completed on time. New procedures and contracts are in process. Building should commence any day now with project completion expected in a month and a half. Chairman McLaughlin requested a final update with pictures be provided for the Council. 5/6/2015 - To answer your question, the contractor started work about two weeks ago and it is nearly complete. We have paid the first 50% of the fees and will be cutting a check today for the next 40%. A change order for $3,850 had to be added to the original estimate and the Town Commission approved that on Monday night at the Commission meeting. Town of Marineland Marina Phase 2 2015 06 - 10 1/21/15: 3 of the 4 grants that we applied for have announced and so far we have around $600,000 for Phase II construction for the Town of Marineland Marina. The Boaters Infrastructure Grant (BIG) will not announce until March or April and is the source of the remaining $400,000 that we very much need to complete Phase II. Our target to begin construction is in May, 2015 with completion by October. We plan on a grand opening celebration in November coupled with the 75th anniversary of the Town of Marinalend BACK TO CONTENTS BACK TO AGENDA FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT FY14/15 FUND 111 BEACH RESTORATION REPORT Thru April 30, 2015 REVENUE FY13/14 OCTOBER THRU MARCH $ FY14/15 71,783.76 REVENUE $ 73,746.04 FY13/14 FY14/15 GRANTS AWARDED BEACH RESTORATION GRANTS $ - SPENT $ BALANCE - GRANTS $ - SPENT AWARDED FEES FY 14/15 $ 650.00 $ 289.10 FEES $ 360.90 SPENT AWARDED CARRY FORWARD GRANTS AWARDED PRIOR FY14/15 GRANTS AWARDED PRIOR FY14/15 $ - $ - $ - SPENT AWARDED BACK TO CONTENTS BACK TO AGENDA Fund 111 Grant Financial - No Open Grants At This Time Sum of Award Amount Army Corp of Engineers FY03/04 Feasibility Study of FC Shore Protection 06-Jul-04 12-Jul-04 FY11/12 Feasibility Study Continued 06-Jul-04 12-Jul-04 City of Flagler Beach FY12/13 Comprehensive shoreline analysis 17-Oct-12 05-Nov-12 Grand Total BACK TO CONTENTS Sum of Reimbursement Amount Sum of Balance $665,000.00 $642,000.00 $0.00 $578,500.00 $578,500.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $1,293,500.00 $50,000.00 $1,270,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 BACK TO AGENDA Tourism Monthly Marketing April, 2015 J 1,,c; u H Ill. Ac.Ill '> &."''')' hoch • &unntll • Flo9lu hoch The llommo(~ • Modntlond .. Marketing Activity Month VTD 3796 15587 Tota l Activity Leads 1978 3472 Conversio ns 1818 12115 YTD Total Marketing Activity ___. 4000 3500 ~ 3000 2500 .........._ 2000 T 1500 1000 -- .... .... T ..... --- • ~ ~ , 500 0 Oct '14 Nov '14 Dec'14 Jan '15 Feb '15 Mar '15 Apr '15 Conversion Requests Month YTD Visitor Package 178 1144 An E-newslette r 128 1026 73 391 Reloca t ion Package Conversion Requests 450 ' 400 350 300 ..._ E-Newsletter 250 Visitor Package 200 -m- Relocation Package 150 100 50 0 Oct '14 Nov '14 Dec '14 Jan '15 Feb '15 Mar '15 Apr '15 • Page 1 Friday, May 8, 2015 ' Tourism Monthly Marketing April, 2015 ~*Cbtvi 11 1\Col Ill B l 11<. 11 1 s 8tvetly h och • l v11nt ll • floglt, l tach .. I~• ttomt'llot\. • Morinelond Top Leads Orlando Sentinel Month YTD Miles Media Solodev Adwords Pet Friendly (Ip) Month 1034 531 112 5 Trade Show C & LAtlanta West Palm Beach Month 163 133 Social Media Facebook Likes Twitter Followers 1171 - Month 19 1063 60 112 This Month VTD 1034 531 1184 17 7 3 400 VTD 163 133 YTD 128 6957 454 559 Grand Total 70 3717 34 2936 Direct Contact Month VTD Pet Friend ly 63 130 Magazine 3 16 Newspaper 1 12 lV 1 2 Radio 1 2 Friends/Family 17 Facebook/Twitter/Other Social Media 11 E-news 6 Previous Visitor 6 Chamber 8 \ Travel Expo at t he Villages -Jan 2013 Website Landing Page Month Tota l Views 1074 YTD 11537 Solodev Adwords Pet Friendly (Ip) 181 1171 130 566 Visit Florida Pet Friendly 2015 (Ip) 30 366 Solodev Retargeting (Ip) 16 162 AJC Local Soul (Ip) 16 16 News Journal-Spring Specials (Ip) 3 3 Kayaking Adwords 2 35 The Bark 2015 (Ip) 1 28 Pet Friendly TripAdvisor 37 ' Flagler360 20 2015 (Ip) 256 FTL_enews (Ip) 35 9 Orlando Sentinel 2015 (Ip) Newspaper or Magazine 1 3 3 BrightHouse (Ip) M onth Florida Travel & Life YTD 4 Floridians Insiders Guide 1 DREAMSCAPES 2 Audubon 1 Horizon Travel 1 Orlando Sentinel 5 AAA 12 Other Newspaper or Magazine 10 People Magazine 2 SEE Visitors Guide 3 Sports Magazine 1 VISIT FLORIDA 11 Other Advertising 12 Radio, TV or Internet Friday, M ay 8, 20 15 YTD Trip Advisor Banner (Ip) Halifax Media - 2015 Bike Week (Ip) Month 1 137 AJC Pet Friendly 2015 (Ip) YouTube YTD 181 Conversions by Source Print Orlando Sentinel Snowbird Miles Media Southern Living Woodall's Good Sam AAA Chamber of Commerce Flagler Beach Historical Museum Holden House Jacksonville Airoort Solodev Adwords Pet Friendly (Ip) 1184 Leads by Source Visitor Center Walk Ins Month Top Conversions 1034 M onth YTD WNZF 3 Other Radio or lV 5 Page 2 Tourism Monthly Marketing April, 2015 I I /\GI I H Bl.AC 11 1 <; Beve rly hoch • 811nn t ll • flogl• t &eoch ' U1• Hommoc~ • Morin efond 12 TripAdvisor WESH Top Visitor Interests Month Beach YTD 137 Visitor Interests Month YTD 137 805 Hiking, Biking, Tra'ils 88 500 Parks& Preserves 86 563 Arts and Culture 80 427 Fishing 58 342 Paddling 48 276 Sports Event 37 215 Golf 29 178 Camping 26 189 Birding 21 192 2 29 Beach Beach 805 3 Weddings Visit Friends/Fam ily 136 VoncouveiO Se~ lll c ,•9 I I 'IOHTH IJ,. (l,\l((l/" 0 llH I f. I !Jl,./11 /'({ '.It/• LIAll 1 UNIT E D ' tl tl.+o C1lf , ',/ \/AOA .J""'~11111 tn '4> H Ot nver 0 f1~\01J r r t10 F1.mc11ccP, '111 rJl(NM Lo ~ Angel !!So Son Diego~ ol• V"11tl II II 'I bi'ho t nlK ·~t • IC<I l.11/ ," 0EIP o Aprll 2015 Friday, May 8, 2015 q Leads 9 Conversions .. Page 3 11 A t.I I ll I l l A< 111 <, ...... ,1, ha(h • l>1t111•ll • flogl•' hotll The Hommock • Moriulond STAFF ACTIVITY REPORT - APRIL 2015 04/01 /2015 Quidcon and Quidditch National Cup Bids 2016/2017 (DC) 04/01 /2015 STR Report Review (MD) 04/01/2015 Hammock Beach Resort upcoming event planning (MD) 04/01/2015 FY 2015 Budget Prep (MD) 04/01 /2015 App Review w/ Kiosk (MD, AL) 04/01 /2015 Thrive content meeting (MD) 04/01/2015 Event Funding Reports (MD) 04/02/2015 Meeting w/ Dr. Martindale/Whitney Labs (MD) 04/02/2015 Marineland Marina/Chris Kelly (MD) 04/02/2015 TDC Event Funding Reports (MD, DC) 04/02/2015 ConfCall w/ Nate McLaughlin (MD) 04/02/2015 Conference Call w/Solodev (AL) 04/02/2015 Met w/ Fantastic Flagler designer (AL) 04/02/2015 Wedding Brochure content (AL) 04/02/2015 Business Development Sales SGMP (DC) 04/02/2015 Event Numbers Request (DC) 04/03/2015 Howard Holley/PCAF (MD) 04/03/2015 Site Visit USLA Geny (MD, DC) 04/03/2015 DMAI Soccer & Lacrosse (MD, DC) 04/05/2015 Primaiy Care Conference - Welcome (DN) 04/06/2015 BOCC Workshop (MD) 04/06/2015 NTTW planning (AL, MD) 04/06/2015 SelfBusiness Development Sales USS Congress, FACA (DC) 04/06/2015 Event Numbers Request (DC) 04/07/2015 Met w/Lea Stokes (AL, MD) 04/07/2015 Call w/Interfuse (AL) ' ~ .. 04/07/2015 3D Blue Chip Site Visit HBR (MD, DC) 04/07/2015 Write Event Contract Drafts (MD) 04/07/2015 Soccer Contract Signature (DC) 04/07/2015 Write The Voice atiicle (MD) 04/08/2015 Met w/ wedding brochure designer (AL) 04/08/2015 TDC April Meeting Agenda Review (MD) 04/08/2015 Ripple Effects follow up (MD) 04/08/2015 Whitney Lab/Hammock Beach Resoti Intros (MD) 04/08/2015 Dr. Hunter, Flagler College Intern Program (MD) 04/08/2015 Spotis Events Magazine Advertorial (MD) 04/08/2015 FY 15-16 Budget second draft (MD) 04/08/2015 CnL Travel review (MD) 04/08/2015 NTTW Proclamation document (MD) 04/09/2015 FY 15-16 Budget second draft (MD) 04/09/2015 Met w/ Garden & Gun rep (AL) 04/10/2015 Distributions of Atis & Culture Card (DN) 04/10/2015 MD OFF 04/13/2015 FluidNoid ad-EVP Tour (MD, AL) 04/13/2015 Flagler Corvette Club (MD) 04/13/2015 Response to DBNJ request (MD) 04/13/2015 Tom West confcall (MD) 04/13/2015 Whitney Labs event coordinator mtg (MD) 04/13/2015 Event Numbers Request (DC) 04/13/2015 Business Development Sales RFP Research (DC) 04/14/2015 Meeting w/ Nate McLaughlin (MD) 04/14/2015 TDC Member Outreach (MD) 04/14/2015 Horseshoes Contract Draft (MD) 04/14/2015 Met w/Jeri Harper for NTTW planning (AL) 04/14/2015 Event Memos for Finance Dept (MD) 04/15/2015 TDC Meeting (MD, AL, DC, DN) 04/15/2015 Met w/ Brighthouse rep (AL) 04115/2015 Fantastic Flagler design meeting (AL) 04115/2015 Sales Call Meghan Daves UF (DC) 04/15/2015 Sales Call Linda Kirby UF (DC) 04/15/2015 Sales Call Mark Heiser Cheer Event (DC) 04/15/2015 Meeting w/ FC Horseshoes Club (MD, DC) 04/15/2015 Review ofNTTW materials (MD) 04/15/2015 EVP Tour Planning w/ HBR (MD) 04/16/2015 USA Ultimate bid review (MD, DC) 04/16/2015 USTA-DMAI review (MD) 04/16/2015 Chamber Board of Directors Meeting (MD) 04/16/2015 FY 15-16 Budget (MD) 04/16/2015 Met w/ Carolyn Marlow (AL) 04/16/2015 Call w/ LRC (AL) 04/16/2015 Meeting Planning Training St. Augustine (DC) 04/17/2015 Call w/ Solodev (AL) 04/17/2015 PCFB Team collateral items discussion (MD, DC, DN, AL) 04/17/2015 FY 15-16 CnL travel Planning (MD) 04/17/2015 USLA & Lacrosse Contract Drafts (MD) 04/18/2015 Attended event at Ocean Books & Ati (MD, AL) 04/18/2015 State Cup Soccer ITSC (DC) 04/20/2015 Met w/ CNL Travel (AL, MD) 04/20/2015 Event Numbers Request (DC) 04/20/2015 Kellie Schriber Meeting Best Western (DC) 04/20/2015 Follow up -Restaurant's USLA (DC) 04/20/2015 Rich Weber, PDA Soccer Update Meeting (MD) 04/20/2015 Fotostock Research (MD, AL, DN) 04/20/2015 EVP our Planning (MD) 04/21/2015 NASC Travel Plans (MD) 04/21/2015 Call w/Interfuse Media (AL) 04/21/2015 Attended FB Paid Parking Committee mtg (AL, MD) 04/21/2015 NASC Meeting Plan (MD, DC) 04/21/2015 FAC Conference Exhibitor Planning (MD) 04/22/2015 Event Contract Drafts (MD) 04/22/2015 Horseshoes State Championships set up (MD) 04/23/2015 Eggs & Issues Chamber Breakfast (MD) 04/23/2015 Jim Cullis/FC EDC Meeting (MD) 04/24/2015 MD OFF 04/24/2015 FC Horseshoes State Championships (DC) 04/26-30/2015 NASC Conference, Milwaukee (DC, MD) 04/30/2015 Attended Special Mtg. for Paid Parking in FB (AL) BACK TO AGENDA Apr1,2015 - Apr30,2015 Amy's Dashboard 0 All Sessions 100.00% Visits by Visitor Type • New Visitor • Visits Returning Visitor Visits by Traffic Type 21,184 • organic • direct • referral paid • Email • Other % of Total: 100.00% (21, 184) Unique Visitors 17,713 _______.A % of Total: 100.00% (17,713) Visits by City Pageviews City 50,579 % ofTotal: 100.00% (50,579) ---.-A Pageviews by Page Title Page Title Pageviews Palm Coast and the Flagler Beaches I Palm Coast and The Flagler Beaches 4,550 The Best Dog Friendly Flor ida Beach I Palm Coast an d The Flagler Beaches 2,795 Things To Do I Palm Coast and The Flagler Beaches 2,368 Webcams and Weather I P aim Coast and The Flagler Beaches 1,947 Campgrounds & RV Parks 1,712 Dining and Nightlife I Palm Coast and The Flagler Bea ch es Hotels, Motels & Resorts 1,518 1,441 Goal Completions Goal Conversion Rate google 11,815 100.00% 523 (direct) 3,720 100.00% Panama City Beach 435 yahoo 705 100.00% Jacksonville 421 lnterfuse 619 100.00% Atlanta 413 582 100.00% Bay Lake 266 bing 533 100.00% New York 260 405 100.00% Ormond Beach 253 trip advisor .com sin1 .g.adn 220 100.00% aol 149 100.00% flaglercou 139 100.00% 922 Miami Beach 659 Ocala V is its and Avg . Visit Duration by CountryfTerritory United States Sessions Avg. Session Duration Source 19,984 00:01 :51 Canada 407 00:02 :07 Indonesia 227 00:00:25 177 00:00:56 Brazil 54 00:00:08 Germany 43 00:03:28 Netherlands 24 00:00:45 India 21 00:00:27 France 19 00:02:48 paper.Ii Italy 16 00 :00:23 Weebly Visits by Social Network United Kingdo m Social Network 1,325 Sessions TripAdvisor Facebook Twitter Spring Specials and Deals! er Beaches Goal Completions and Goal Conve ... 2,735 Orlando 1,618 1,574 I Palm Coast and The Flag! Palm Coast Country Top 10 Things To Do! I Pal m Coast and The Flagler B eaches Visit Us To Find Your Local Soul I Palm Coast and The Flagler Beaches Sessions Pinterest 413 .. 275 24 7 (not provided) 8,853 pet friendly Oorida vacation rentals 638 dog friendly beaches 555 pet friendly hotels Oorida 386 swim with dolphins Oorida 134 dogs friendly beaches 85 pet friendly beaches 76 pet friendly beaches in Oori da 71 dog friendly beaches in nor ida 63 swimming with dolphins in f lorida 63 ' Total Unique Searches by Search ... Search Term Total Unique Searches Search 5 golf 4 Annual Events 2 camping 2 coffee house 2 Fishing 2 furniture 2 map 2 marineland 2 pool 2 ' © 2015 Google BACK TO AGENDA Florida's First Coast oro~ Flagler County March 2015 Total Golf Tourism 2015 2014 %Change Rooms 922 876 5% Rounds 2,168 2,060 5% 2015 YTD 2014 YTD 2,210 5,198 2,044 4,809 %Change 8% 8% Rooms Rounds Precipitation Temperature (Average High) 2014 .15 Change -0.09 Website Traffic 2014 2015 88,492 8,357 2015 YTD 2014 YTD *%Change 958.90% 803.04% 208,269 23,063 *Monthly % change calculated by adding tota ls from FFCG Co-Op Landing Pages on a separate tracking account which generated 84,218 visits. YTD Promotional Media Exposure (In Kind) Im resslons 27,850,903 Value $2,005,472.00 Top Five Markets - Web Visitation for Month BACK TO AGENDA States Countries Florida MichiQan Maryland New York Toronto United States Canada United Kingdom India Germany . . Tourist Development Council May 20, 2015 Flagler County Emergency Operations Center Bunnell, FL – 10:00 am EVENT FUNDING CONSENT AGENDA 3v3 Soccer 6/19-21/15 $3,500 ____________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL $3,500 Tourist Development Council May 20, 2015 Flagler County Emergency Operations Center Bunnell, FL – 10:00 am EVENT FUNDING PROJECT DETAILS 3v3 Soccer Event dates: 6/19-21/15 Event Site: Indian Trails Sports Complex 120 team total 720 soccer players Teams from Florida and Georgia Two night stay due to Friday evening check in Smaller teams, shorter playing field, shorter game times, more games played Round robin style of play, minimum guarantee number of games Divisions by gender, age, co-ed, etc… Hosted by PDA Soccer Direct Visitor Spending: $753,308 Economic Impact: $1,256,033 Budget Request: $3,500 Event Impact Summary Destination: Palm Coast and The Flagler Beaches Event Parameters Key Results Event Name: 3v3 Soccer Business Sales (Direct): $753,308 Organization: PDA Soccer Business Sales (Total): Event Type: Sports: Youth Amateur Jobs Supported (Direct): 427 Start Date: 6/19/2015 Jobs Supported (Total): 556 End Date: 6/21/2015 Local Taxes (Total): $50,987 Overnight Attendees: 2138 Net Direct Local Tax ROI: $35,522 Day Attendees: 238 Estimated Room Demand: $1,256,033 1,927 Direct Business Sales Industry Lodging Attendees Organizer Media/Sponsors Total $285,722 $0 $0 $285,722 $65,495 $732 $96 $66,323 Food & Beverage $182,481 $32,260 $0 $214,741 Retail $132,288 $0 $0 $132,288 $47,014 $0 $0 $47,014 Space Rental $0 $2,526 $0 $2,526 Business Services $0 $4,641 $54 $4,695 $712,999 $40,158 $150 $753,308 Transportation Recreation TOTAL DMAI's Event Impact Calculator 5/8/2015 3:35:11 PM Event Impact Details Destination: Palm Coast and The Flagler Beaches Event Name: 3v3 Soccer 2015 Organization: PDA Soccer Economic Impact Details Direct Indirect/Induced Total Business Sales $753,308 $502,725 $1,256,033 Personal Income $220,641 $129,325 $349,966 427 128 556 9 3 12 Federal Total $64,551 $41,036 $105,587 State Total $48,504 $12,568 $61,072 sales $40,971 $7,541 $48,512 $0 $0 $0 Jobs Supported Persons Annual FTEs Taxes and Assessments income bed $0 - $0 other $7,533 $5,027 $12,560 Local Total $39,022 $11,965 $50,987 sales $6,829 $1,257 $8,085 $0 $0 $0 $11,429 - $11,429 $0 - $0 income bed per room charge tourism district property tax $0 - $0 $16,998 $8,195 $25,193 restaurant other $0 $0 $0 $3,767 $2,514 $6,280 Event Return on Investment (ROI) Direct Direct Local Tax Receipts $39,022 Local Costs $3,500 Direct ROI $35,522 Net Present Value $35,522 Direct ROI (%) 1,015% Total Total Local Tax Receipts $50,987 Total ROI $47,487 Net Present Value $47,487 Total ROI (%) 1,357% Estimated Room Demand Metrics Room Nights (total) 1,927 Room Pickup (block only) 0 Peak Rooms 792 Total Visitor Days 5,364 DMAI's Event Impact Calculator 5/8/2015 3:35:12 PM 3v3 Soccer June 19-21, 2015 PDA Soccer Palm Coast and the Flagler Beaches PRELIMINARY BUDGET INCOME BUDGETED TDC Event Funding $ 3,500.00 Total Income $ 3,500.00 EXPENSE Officials/Referees EMTs Parking Staff $ 1,800.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 500.00 Total Expense $ 3,500.00 TOTAL $ - BACK TO AGENDA
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