PDF - Absolute Sounds
PDF - Absolute Sounds
W W W. HI FI NEWS. CO . U AP RIL2O 1I ,,*T JJ*usxfuIMxf *r*sSJ,lg firiruruJjiT7qJ .,,t$$t*rixl##ts**"*xxi*y;*rl*mlip f,s$gi :4uij. I tit:Htr l r .lIIuII**lIIl$# :lit--, il ;{siJ*a:J} [il**3*t *: . PLUS13pagesof musicfeatures. VINYIRE-REIEASE Bil/ion DollarBabies uK14.00 AliceCooper's usge.ee Aus$e.e5 . INVESTIGATION oHl-Fl@HOMEOurreviewers' Pick-ups revealed timeforgot systems oVINTAGE galore 9',771472',256226', Hi-fibargains Richard AllanA21amp ontest. READERS' CIASSIFIEDS "', [ill[ll rfi rfr I "ll]|lltlllllilll Anniversary AudioResearch ooo) e (t24,: EdrtionReferenc hasraisedthe AudioResearch 5 preamplifier, Wowingthe worldwith the Reference be evenbetter? EditionReference barfor its4Othbirthday- canthe Anniveisary ,. KenKesslerLab:PaulMiller Review: reachedthe ' n intriguingmissive wor ld' saud i op re s si n e a rl y2 0 1 0 . Itsopeningread:'TheAudio teamthoughtlongand Research hard about how to commemorateand continuethis track record on the occasion of its 40th anniversary.lt would have to be a product so specialin its design,so groundbreakingin its performance,as to be regardedapPropriatelyas a true 'AnniversaryEdition".' The pressrelease should have come with.an tttPgtlte providinga fanfare,for it heraldedthe ier. AnniversaryEditionReferencePreamplif Whew. Hadn't ARCjust releasedthe Reference5, a preamp so terrifyingly good that this writer followed a number of his reviewercolleaguesin buying one? How on earth could this thing be improved?The Ref 5 was alreadya costlyenough device to representa flagshipby any measure, not leastfinancial.But a killerveirsionof it costing double?Justifyingthat would requirepeerlessperformance.lt would have to be a Ref 5 without restraint. To that end, Audio Researchaddressed the few solutionsnot availablein the Ref 5. As is clearfrom single-chassis the photos,the Anniversaryis a twochassisdesign, its valve-heavypower supply relegated to a box of its own. An immediatecaveatwas made known, necessaryin light of publicityphotos showing the two sectionsstacked:don'f. That'sstrictlyfor photographypulposes, and the two rnust be separated,either or on shelveswith at least 6in side-by-side, above each unit for cooling. Evolvinginto a true dual-monolayout is another departure between '5 and right down to two fat umbilical Anniversary, cords connectingthe chassis.Theseare RIGHT: Built onto a singlePCBasa duaFmono layout, the hand-wired Anniversaryfeaturcs no feurerthan four 6H3OPdoubletriodes per channel.And look at those decouplingcaps! 20 I www.hifinews.co.ukI APRIL2011 including multiplestagesof regulation, for eachchannel separate valveregulation viatwo 6550Candtwo 6H30tubes. isan all-valve, In the preampchassis pureClass-A circuit zerofeedback, POINT TO POINT four 6H30triodesperchannel, claimsthat the Anniversary employing AudioResearch Thosewho loveto gaze againdual-mono. enjoys'twicethe power,{upplyenergy with a perforated, unit comes previous inside the Reference with storagecompared 'see-through' top panel- will find it hard preamps', whichmaygo someway of the sheermassiveness gainsin to comorehend the shocking towardsexplaining quietness, headroom andspeedof thisunit the four customTefloncouplingcapacitors mountedon the bottomof the mainboard, sibling.Thecompany overits single-box eachweighingarounda kilo.Eachvalveis topology the two-chassis alsoattributes dampingring;the fittedwith a now-familiar becausethe moveto 'truly to necessity, maincircuitryisfittedto a largemother signalpathsfor eachchannel' separate board;daughterboardsdealwith the front on real-estate the demands increased and- asif to charm thismeansa dual-mono panelandthe socketry, within.In practice, - there'splentyof good olderaudiophiles powersupplywith separate low andhigh wiring. old point-to-point for eachchanneland voltagetransformers multi-pinaffairswith industrialtwist-tolock connectors,and usersare advisedto connect them before attachingthe mains. ...AND COUNTING lf you'veplayedwith ARCpreampsin the pastdecade,the Anniversary will be instantlyrecognisable. Withoneexception: whenyou switchit on,the vacuumfluorescent displayreadsAnniversary 'l970-1971' EditionReference Preamplifier andit thencountsup,yearby year,untilit re a d s'1 970- 2010' lt '.sa n i c ed i v e rs i oans the Anniversary warmsup.Oncethe count finishes, the displayswitches to normal mode,showingvolume,source,choiceof balanced or single-ended input,andmute. Thefasciacontainsknobsfor volume andinputon eithersideof the display while,below,aresixaluminium buttons for Power,Processor, Mono,lnvert BAL/SE, and Mute.Aesthetically, bothchassis come fittedwith sifuerhandles. whileblackunits areavailable. Thetop coversarein smoked acrylic, ARCsuggesting that they'reused for'optimalsonics'as wellasaeSthetic appeal,but blackmetalis an optionfor thoseof a moreconservative mien. Functionally, thereareno cautionsnor surprises, asidefrom makingsurethat youseparate the chassis and hookup everything beforethe mains.Thedisplay canbe dimmedor turnedoff completely, with ninesmallpixelsremaininq to indicate Audio Researchwas born in 1970 with a preampbasedon Dynaco'sPAS, hot-roddedby Bill Johnsonto match his equally-tweakedamp basedon Dynaco's Stereo70. The companyproduceda steadyrun of complete preamplifierswith phono sections,succumbingto the (presumedfdecline in phono inputs in 1989 preamp,the LS1.Since1982, though, with the launchof its first line-level-only ARChastreated us to a run of sensationaltwo-box preamplifiersbeginningwith the all-valveSPlO(regardedby some as one of ARC'Sgreatest-evermodels),the hybridtube/ FETSPl1 (1985)and the SPI5 (1988).Intriguingly,the Anniversary ReferenceEdition is not only the first'REF'model with an outboard power supply,it's alsotheir first-everline-stageto fill two chassis.The juicy closure? lohnson'shot-roddedDynacoof'70 featured an... outboard power supply. ABOVE:Frontpanellaidout asRef5, but with TheAnniversary legend sleeknewpushbuttons. countsupfrom 1970fromwvitchonto warmonly up!NB:stackingisfor photopurposes that the unit ison; a tiny lightalsoglows frontpanel.At on the powersupply's I will laudfromthe the back- a Dractice rooftops- all inputsandoutputsare XLRor singleofferedin both balanced endedform:sixlineinputs,a unity-gain pass-through input,two pairsof main outputsanda recordoutput.Theunitalso lRremoteand comeswith a full-function 12Vtriggerfor remoteswitch-on. Forthe review,I usedthe Anniversary with both balanced andsingle-ended preferring components, the formerwhen ableto try both,aswith the Mclntosh MC 2102pow erampandthe Mar ant z Forsi ngl e-ended use ,I C D 12/D A 12. enjoyedthe Quadll-eightymonoblocks andQuad99 CDPll CDplayer. Also V employed werethe SME20/3with Series armfitted with Koetsuand Lyracartridges, andW i l sonS ophi a 3s. Asthe Anniversary allowsthe user to displaythe hourson the valves,.I'm guessing that the reviewsamplestillhad O manyto go beforecompleteburn-in. APR|L2011i wrryw.hifinews.co.uk I 21 Onlya mere85 hoursor so reglstered Butdid thisnear-virgin on the display. mean equivalent, state,likeits biological or innocence? or indecision uncertainty thispreampin lf what I heardrepresents itsfirstflushof youth,I can'twait to hear onethat'sway pastslattern. @ rurnnc oN BANGLEs - talkaboutfirstimpressions Mygoodness Whateverit wasthat led beinglasting. I haveno idea.Hadn't rneto TheBangles, playedtheirmusicin ages.Butbrashand powerpop, femalevocals, amassed brassy tight and janglyguitars, slickproduction, crunchydrumming- | figuredthat sorting with so muchgoing out theserecordings, on all at once,wouldbe a trialworthyof sucha component. coversof 'Live'and Theirimmaculate 'WhereWereYouWhenI NeededYou'were likea perfectlemonmeringuepie:softon the top, squidgyin the middle,with a crisp recordings TheBangles' crust.Additionally, stereoimaging, enjoyedratherremarkable 'EternalFlame' not leastthe exquisite irritating'WalkLike andthe perennially lt isthe 'dancemix'of the An Egyptian'. latterthat's punctuatedwith a syntheticslamdeadcentre soundingpercussive wavesto the that sendsoff shimmering l . somehow outeredges.TheAnniversary the artifice,with the decayof ameliorated fluidity. the CDnearinganalogue Sibilance, oftenenoughto marthe bliss systems, throughlesser of TheBangles the a silkiness that rendered acouired seductive. merelytolerablepositively Cymbalcrashes, the stringson 'Eternal Flame'... nothingjarred,nothingreplicated the onsetof tinnitusor the edgeof a compressed source.Fora laugh,I subjected to the sametrackon last the Anniversary year'siPodnanoviathe Purei-10dock.lt was'not badat all'. DaveGordon,MD of Salesat Audio Research, isn't coy about describing the Anniversaryas 'a Reference5 taken to the max.Obviously,the major differenceis the all-tube, externalpower supply,but other componentshavebeen upgradedas well, includingfour customTeflon eachweighing couplingcapacitors, more than two pounds.Another major improvementis dual-mono constructionthroughout'. ADIFFERENT HAT stuff, Backto theserious t hough. M o n o H o l l i e s on vinyl was tonally too s im ilart o T h e B a n g l e st o presentany challenge,so they merely reaffirmed ; 22 | www.hifinews.co.uk! APRIL201 1 the chassis, in a separate ABOVE:Housed PSUemploysa Anniversary chokeregulated pairof 6550Cand6H30Ptubesperchannel. isaround200W Theidlepowerconsumption preamplifier championwho anysolid-state thinksthat tubesare'soft'. to the '5, the Anniversary Alsocompared effect offereda slightlydeepersoundstage making on the monoHolliesrecordings, them seembigger,fuller.I knowthisis to thosewho refuseto believe anathema haveanyspatial that monorecordings valuebeyondthat of a point,but the effectis - and easilydiscernible But,out disconcerting. of respectto sceptics, I will applycomments aboutthe spatialonlyto lest stereorecordings, youthinkI'm attributing virtuesto a singlechannel. imaginary finest oneof thiscountry's PaulCarrack, it la Ferry, vocalists,hasjust released, that Stewart,et al, an albumof standards by thoseof I fearwill be overshadowed A gentleaffair,A Different hiscolleagues. in the RoyalPhilharmonic Haffeatures feel.lf lushform,with a true analogue-era you might you didn'tknowit wasCarrick, mistakehimfor anyof a dozenor so stellarG' A squigymiddle andcrisp crusttheperfectlemon menngue ple hasa deft waywith that the Anniversary abundanttreble.Althoughmoreprecise for arresting thanthe Ref5, especially abrupttransientstopson electricguitar, neverseemedaggressive the Anniversary thanthe '5. lt wasmorean nor harsher thanquality,like exampleof presentation a lensa merehalf'stopin either adjusting does,in Whatthe Anniversary direction. thisrespect,isthrow downthe gauntletto z ARC REFERENCEANNMRSARY (f 24k) Thisis,by any measure,a crackingtube preamp.lf there's an issuethen it's one of channelsymmetrybecause,on our samDle.the left channelexceededits ratedspec.more convincingly than did the right.The 6H30Pdualtriodes themselves are preciselymatched,offeringa total + 12.2d8 (left)and + 12.1dB (right)gain via its balancedin/outputsand with a supremelywide 96.9d8A-wtdS/Nratio (re.0dBV).The channelresponses are identicaltoo, evenif the -0.6dB/20kHz tq -6.9d8/1ookHzultrasonictailoring[seeCraph1, below] the differsfrom AudioResearch's -3dB/200kHzspec.Frankly, tailoredresponseis the moresensiblewhen interfacingwith sourcesso perhapsARChasseenfit to modernwide-bandwidth the 28Oohm adjustits performancein production.Interestingly, balancedoutput impedance(risingto 440ohm at 25Hz)is also lowerthan the suggested600ohm,and no bad thing too. Thedistinctionbetweenchannelsis seenin distortion,for though both left and right are lowerthan ARC's0.006%limit, our samplehad ratherless2nd harmonicon the left - 0,0008% versus0.004%.Thistrend is broadlyconsistentwith frequency lsee6raph 2, below]and with output above125mV right up to it's Nevertheless, the maximum3OVrmsavailablefrom its XLRS. the consistencv of 'harmoniccolour',mainlv2nd with a hint of 3rd/4th,with both frequencyand levelthati most impressive and most likelyto exert a positivesubjectiveimpact.Thereare preampsthat could learna thing morethan a few solid-state are invitedto view a Readers or two from thisAnniversary,.. QC Suitetest reportfor the ARc Reference - comprehensive Anniversarypreamp by navigatingto vrww.hifinews.comand button. PM clickingonto the red 'Dovr.mload' ABOVE: Rearis also rcminiscent of Ref 5 bnt with addition of socketsto accept {. umbilicalcablesfrom power supply;singleendedand balancedfor all inputs/outputs Italian-American crooners from 50 yearsago.Andwhileinstrumental dramais keptin check,the sound spreadis breathtaking. 'MoonRiver'is so laidback that in it'salmosta textbookexercise subtlety, showinghow silences information are and low-level aslmportantasvivid,in-yourfacespectacle. TheAnniversary's graceandcomposure inimitable allowthe performance to slipout, embraceyou lightlyandvanish beforeyou knowit. With 'Don't Let TheSunCatchYouCrying', though, Carrack rampsup the emotion, the orchestra the soundswells, shimmers. Theantithesis of the orchestral bombastfrom,say, cinemasoundtracks suchas6/ory or StarWars,it showsthat 'restraint' is not the sameas'constraint'. lf anything,it'slikeGoldilocks' just right. preferred porridge: HAPPTTOGETHER Whatkeptme fromswitchingoff the Anniversary evenwhendinner beckoned, wasthe mannerin which it presented vocals.Carrack's voice fallsjustshortof 'fully-textured', like 2O%of MelTorm6or RodStewart. thoughneitheris it vergingon the WayneNewton.Justasthe preserved Anniversary the clarity andtinglein Susannah Hoffs'epic momentwith 'EternalFlame'. so did it leavethe nuances of Carrack's 24 I www.hifinews.co.uk i nprulzott voicein perfectproportion. (Thisis not to portrayCarrack's thoughit rsless asanonymous, than Mel'sor Rod's.) distinctive Following Carrack with Torm6's crazyinterpretationof TheTurtles' (yes,he did 'HappyTogether' coverit, a 180oreversal on rockers coveringcrooners), the Anniversary dug deeperinto itsvocalspalette, capturingthe'VelvetFog'in all Mark its Balkan Sobranie/Maker's Recalling hisstancefrom smokiness. TVshowsseenin my youth,I could picturethe plumpcomposer of 'The Christmas Song'caressing each n o te ,w h i l es m il i ngat l i nesl i ke' l f I s h o u l dc a l ly o uu p,i nvesta di me...' Happy,indeed.() ldBl E s E v Frequency>> r"r*nr" oE ,"r"ra u*"r"ABoVE: Balanced isflatto -0.8d8/1Hz Bassresponse 1V/60kohm. E Frequncy >> Owninga Ref5 won't prepare you for this:the Anniversary is quieter,offerswider dynamics, tighter bassandfastertransients. It soundslikea '5 on steroids. improvedin everyarea.Which doesn'tmeanthat the Ref5 is anylessa masterpiece. lt'sjust that this isto its siblingwhat a Porsche 91 1 GT2is to the Carrera S,or what Massetois to Ornellaia: simplybetter.No, makethat simplythe bestof its kind.Ever. Sound 0uatity: 89% ffiffiffiffiffiffi€ffii#:ffi* rrom5HzT Distortion ABoVE: ""-rr;;:":cy andright(red) Left(black) 40kHz(1Vrms/6okohm). Maximum output (<1%THD) A-wtd s/N ratio (re.0dBV) +0.O dBto - 6.9d8 (+ 6 d Bg a i n ) Distortion vs. freq. {11R,20Hz-20kHz) Dist. vs. outPut [L/R,100mv-20v)