art of Japanese - Rare Oriental Books Company
art of Japanese - Rare Oriental Books Company
List Date : NOVEMBER 17, 2016 JAPANESE ART 1 - 1652 ============================================================ RARE ORIENTAL BOOK CO. ABAA, ILAB An Art & Intellectual Property Company Since 1967 P.O. BOX 1599 APTOS, CALIFORNIA 95001 TEL [831] 689 0203 email [email protected] website: http://www/ Dear Antiquarian Oriental Bibliophile, SOMETHING NEW !! WE ARE NOW MAKING COLOR-ILLUSTRADED CATALOGS ! FREE SUBSCRIPTION TO OUR MAILING LIST You are invited to join our free color-catalog mailing list. Please let us know your collecting, reading and book buying interests, we shall be happy to add you to our email mailing list. 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We are flexable and happy to assist you in preserving your budget. We can offer "special terms" to our colleagues when ever possible. our inquiries appreciated, let us us hear from you! We are happy to accept for credit your antiquarian, scholarly and better books in the Asian-related fields listed below. Please watch for quality book donations, scholar's libraries, G & E items. Please send us a simple hand list for starters. * * * * THIS LIST SUPERSEDES ALL OTHER LISTS, PRICES IN U.S. $ ALL ITEM PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE ALL ITEMS AVAILABLE "FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED," BASIS, ALL SUBJECT TO PRIOR ORDERS & OR RESERVES. A MORE COPIOUS DESCRIPTION & PHOTOS OF ANY ITEM AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. 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If possible, please send us a simple hand list showing author, title, imprint & condition. ** ** ** ** ** A P P R A I S A L S We are America's most experienced & qualified Asian specialty appraisor. We have been a specialist antiquarian rare bookdealer since 1967. This is our fiftieth year of professional experience, we are a highly qualified specialist and scholar. Working in materials in Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese and in most any other western European language. We are triple graduates of U.C.L.A. with two years Japanese University and one year Taiwan research residency. We are prepared to execute your most complicated appraisal for insurance, charitable donations, probate, valuations, or any other purpose. Please inquire for more details. ** ** ** ** ** WEEDING YOUR LIBRARY ? BOOKS FOR SALE ? COLLECTORS: We are always interested in buying your better single items, or whole collections and libraries. Please contact us with your list & inquiries. LIBRARIANS: Your duplicates, G & E items in our area specialty will be happily considered for credit or cash. Please send us a simple hand list, or inquire. ============================================================ NOVEMBER 17, 2016 Book Number: 95265501 1 1923 JAPAN PHOTOS. 1923 JAPAN PHOTOGRAPHS. [Japan 1923,]. Grey stiff covers, stapled, [7p.]., wonderful group of 24 tipped-in actual b. w. photos, with English captions, 10 x 15 cm., very clean, solid copy, nicely done. A very nice one-of-a-kind collection. . RareOrientalBooks.Com Shows: 1. Moonlight in Japan 2. Temple grounds 3. Waterfalls 4. Snapshots from the "S.S. Glenshul:" A photo captioned "New island claimed by Capt. of ship to have appeared in South China Seas..." . 5. Mt. Fuji 6. Nikko 7. Kyoto 8. Nagasaki 9. Kamakura 10. Yokohama &c. several other nice images. * This group was photographed by an amateur, but one with great skill. A very nice group overall. *** $80 Book Number: 92025701 2 ABEGG, Lily. YAMATO DER SENDUGSGLAUBE DES JAPANISCHEN VOLKES. Frankfurt [1936], Societats. Rose cloth, very good, 6+394p., 16 b.w. photos, German text. Covering starken und schwachen des Japanischen geistes, der Japan sitil, was bietet die Japanische kultur? Useful study. $24 A SUPERB MONOGRAPH ON THE ZEN ART OF ARCHERY Book Number: 83000201 3 ACKER, William R.B. JAPANESE ARCHERY. Rutland [1965], Tuttle. Blue cloth, bright copy, dj., 84p., index, glossary, 14 drawings & illustrations,former owner's book plate, 13 x 19 cm.,a reprint of the 1937 first edition, else solid clean copy. FIRST TUTTLE EDITION Japanese archers is deeply rooted in the Zen tradition from its ancient origins. The work is carefully illustrated, and describes the fundamentals. A most useful text as there is very little on the subject in English. Comparisons between American & British archery. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $15 WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY BERNARD LEACH Book Number: 89045401 4 [ADACHI, Barbara.] THE LIVING TREASURES OF JAPAN. [Designated as Ningen Kokuho] Tokyo [1973], Kodansha. Brown cloth, very clean, 164p., dj., 68 color photos, index, glossary, introduction by Bernard Leach, edited by Derek Birdsall, solid copy. FIRST EDITION This work addresses the folk artists, their work, techniques and art works. Focus on Bizen ceramics, handmade paper makers, textile weavers, dyers, ceramics, lacquer work. . With color drawings showing the artists at work in the process of making their wares. Covering Abe, Hamada, Chiba, Fujiwara, Kitagawa the weaver, Kodama the stencil cutter, Kuroda, Matsuda, Miwa, Miyairi the swordsmith, Moriguchi et al. * WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY BERNARD LEACH RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 Book Number: 89045402 5 [ADACHI, Barbara.] THE LIVING TREASURES OF JAPAN. [Designated as Ningen Kokuho] Tokyo [1973], Kodansha. Brown cloth, very clean, 164p., dj., 68 color photos, index, glossary, introduction by Bernard Leach, edited by Derek Birdsall, solid copy, former owner's name embossed on first fly, else solid, nice. FIRST EDITION This work addresses the folk artists, their work, techniques and art works. Focus on Bizen ceramics, handmade paper makers, textile weavers, dyers, ceramics, lacquer work. . With color drawings showing the artists at work in the process of making their wares. Covering Abe, Hamada, Chiba, Fujiwara, Kitagawa the weaver, Kodama the stencil cutter, Kuroda, Matsuda, Miwa, Miyairi the swordsmith, Moriguchi et al. * A BEAUTIFUL MONOGRAPH ON ALL ASPECTS OF THE CAMELLIA Book Number: 83000301 6 ADACHI, Choka. CAMELLIA: Its Appreciation and Artistic Arrangement. Tokyo [1960], Koyo Shoin. Purple cloth, dj., 278p., 61 color 265 b.w. photos, 52 figures, very good, bibliography, solid copy. FIRST EDITION RareOrientalBooks.Com $17 Covering an appreciation of Snow Camellias, about HiogoCamellias, process of cultivating dwarfed Camellia, Camellias in Japan. With a history of Camellias, the picture of 100 Camelias, customs and flower arrangements. Useful text. BEGINNING OF THE MEIJI PERIOD BOOK OF KABUKI & SAMURAI Book Number: 27024801 7 [ADACHI, Ginko.] [EHON SHOSETSU SAI GINKOH: WOODBLOCK BOOK BY GINKOH. [Japan 1880, no publisher]. Stiff boards, accordion album, contains 11 double-page woodcut color prints, or 22 smaller prints, each Chuban page is 21 x 17 cm., rebacked,mismatched covers, each page is a small dyptich. OBSCURE ITEM ! The contents consists of 10 double-illustrations in full woodblock printed color. Some of the pages are slightly mis-aligned, which is normal for a book of this period and nature. * THE ARTIST: Sho-Setsu-Sai Gin-Koh is his real name, and he used his studio name Adachi Ginkoh for this book, he flourished 1874-97. He had several other Go or studio names, see Roberts below for more details. * Each print shares a date cartouche at the top, stating Meiji period, these are diptych type woodcuts, each pair equals a single image or scene from a Kabuki play. The action starts out with a Buddhist priest talking to an itinerant traveler. The next shows two ruffians engaged in conversation. Followed by a man with a stab wound in the belly biting his Kimono to stave off the pain, while two other men look at him. The next shows a man offering a cup of Sake to an Onnagata [woman form, actually acted by a man]. Nest shows a man holding a Kiseru tobacco pipe talking to another man and an Onnagata. Two men are locked in crossed bamboo Kendo swords during sword play and practice. Two samurai look at the same direction, one has drawn his sword in anger. Two Samurai engage in combat, the man on the right trying to avoid being roped while trying to stab his opponent with a short dagger; the other uses a fork-like weapon to jab the other man in the neck while pulling the rope tight. Three Samurai all look to the left, one holds Kiseru pipe, the other two fans. Next shows a central Samurai figure who holds his sword, he looks at a man to his left as does an Onnagata to his right. * DATES: RareOrientalBooks.Com $29 The top of several prints show the dates, which range from 1868-1888, essentially meaning the scenes were from these years. * CONDIDITON: The work is solid having been rebacked at some time. Each of the woodblock prints are laid down on the backing, some show previous old vertical folds, minor corner wear, dusty, old minor stains, but solid and nicely executed in the usual Meiji genre. The album has mismatching covers. The contents consists of 10 double-illustrations in full woodblock printed color. Some of the pages are slightly mis-aligned, which is normal for a book of this period and nature. We tend to be over critical on condition, nevertheless this is a nice work, highly collectable. * A good representation of Meiji type Kabuki/Samurai style plays, with good costumes, period Kimono as well as Western style clothing, typical of that period. The artist's name is on some of the prints along with his cinnabar Hanko or seal. All prints show the names of the actors and whom they portray in the story. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.32 left colum, states he was an Ukiyo-e printmaker, life unknown, good at Nishiki-e and actors' portraits [as is evidenced by this book], as well as battle scenes. Served as an lillustrator during the Sino-Japanese war, and is highly collected by world museums. * $524 Book Number: 97026701 8 ADAMS, Celeste. HEART MOUNTAINS AND HUMAN WAYS: Japanese Landscape and Figure Painting. [Houston 1983, Museum of Fine Arts]. Stiff pictorial wrs., catalogue by Paul Berry, 91p., artist index, bibliography, seal index, 28+ color & b.w. photographs, very clean, solid copy. FIRST EDITION An excellent exhibition catalog, with a prologue by Calvin French. A scholarly work, covering some 28 superb examples, each well illustrated & annotated. Drawing on works from the Heian, Kamakura, Nambokucho, Muromachi, Momoyama & Edo periods, with the poetry translated & annotated. . Nicely done. Book Number: 20042501 9 ADDISS, Stephen. et al SAMURAI PAINTERS. Tokyo 1983, Kodansha. Maroon cloth, very good, dj., 4 p., 30 color, 20 b.w. photos, notes, bibliography, tall size 27 x 37 cm., co-author G. Cameron Hurst III. FIRST EDITION Covers the origins of the Samurai, the Heian Samurai, the RareOrientalBooks.Com $19 emergence of warrior government, Samurai arts & Zen. The world of the Muromachi Shogun, Momoyama & early Edo periods, Miyamoto Musashi: swordsman & artist. The era of Confucian Samurai & the legacy of the Samurai. $37 Book Number: 86096301 10 ADDISS, Stephen. NANGA PAINTINGS. London [1975], Sawers. Boards, very good, 81p., 4 color, 43 b.w. illustrations, 72 b.w. figures, tall, clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION An excellent monograph devoted to the Nanga literati painters, their history, milieu & works. Influenced much by their Chinese contemporaries, this form of gentle & flowing brush work has a calming effect on one's mind. * Covering the early period through the Taiga, Buson and other masters into the conservative Kyoto generation and late Edo & early Meiji masters' works. *** An valuable reference source book. *** $15 Book Number: 88039501 11 AKATSUKA, Kanya. KO SETTO: KO SETTO CERAMIC WARE. [Tokyo 1955], Heibon. Grey cloth,very clean, 8 color, 96 bw. photos, map, dj., 72p. photos, 25p., Japanese text, solid & nice copy, in nice dust jacket. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Vol.19 Toki Zenshu: Complete Ceramic Series. This monograph focuses on the Ko Setto wares of Aichi prefecture. Located near Nagoya, this ceramic ware has a unique look. It has applique work stuck to the exterior surface and embossed design work. Nicely done, primitive looking ware. ORIGINAL OLD PHOTOS OF EMPEROR AKIHITO OF JAPAN RareOrientalBooks.Com $34 Book Number: 41002001 12 AKIHITO, THE EMPEROR JAPAN. ORIGINAL 1956 PHOTOGRAPH OF THEN "CROWN PRINCE" OF JAPAN WITH DR. S. KIKUCHI AND OTHERS. [Tokyo 1956]. A group of 6 b.w. photographs, one shows the current Emperor of Japan, very clean solid. EXCEPTIONALLY RARE ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPHS ! A group of 6 original black & white photographs. * The first is 12 x 16.5 cm, and shows Akihito the "Crown Prince" of Japan with Dr. S Kikuchi, and a similar caption in ink on the verso. * The next two are 16.5 x 11 cm., and show the Kikuchi Hospital in the Ginza, Tokyo, Japan with "Dr. S. Kikuchi: President of the Kikuchi Hospital" written in ink on the face. * The last three are ca. 10.5 x 8 cm., showing: .a: "Kikuchi Hospital" with that English name on the front . of the building. . .b: another view with "Kikuchi Hospital" again in English . with Japanese characters, in a new face lifted version . of the building after some modernization, no captions. . c: A photo with caption on verso of "Dr. Takashi Akazawa" . in San Francisco standing before the Golden Gate bridge. * Akihito [born 23 December 1933] is the current Emperor of Japan, and the 125th Emperor according to Japan's traditional order of succession. He acceded to the throne in 1989, and is the 17th most senior monarch or lifelong leader. He is the world's only currently reigning monarch whose title is customarily translated into English as "Emperor." He was the son of Hirohito. * Note: see Wikipedia for details on the Japanese Emperor: and also: * Together with a six page color article extracted from Biography Magazine [ca. a-4 size], showing [at the time in 1924] Crown Prince Hirohito & Princess Nagako just after their marriage; four other color photos of the royal household: Emperor Hirohito, Crown Prince Akihito and Princess Michiko, then the next generation of Crown Prince Naruhito and Princess Masako. Followed by three more photos of Hirohito and Princess Nagako, Akihito and Michiko, Naruhito and his Harvard-educated Masako, and six other color photos of Japan, feature article, slight edge trimming RareOrientalBooks.Com to 2 pages, therefore "as is." * REFERENCE: *** $500 Book Number: 98122601 13 AKIOKA, Yoshio. JAPANESE SPOONS AND LADLES. Tokyo [1979], Kodansha. Stiff yellow wrs., very good, 78p., profusely illustrated with b. w. photos, Japanese & English text, tall format, very clean solid copy. FIRST EDITION An excellent pictorial work, showing a derth of various wood ladels and spoons found in Japanese cooking, tea ceremony, kitchens, restraunts et al...wonderful designs, from basic & beautiful wood. Some for religious ceremonial use too ! $5 Book Number: 85104701 14 AKIYAMA, Aisaburo. A BRIEF HISTORY OF PICTORIAL JAPAN. [Tokyo] 1919, [Akiyama]. Color stenciled silk covered board covers, printed on double folded leaves, index of principal artists, 14 collotype plates, 2 of which are fold-outs, 15 x 23 cm., top gilt, clean solid. FIRST EDITION The author's earliest work, devoted to the artists who have continued in the great graphic tradition of Japan. Akiyama outlined the abstract or ideal Japanese painting principles & esthetic manifestations of emotion, while guiding the reader through Japan's pictorial history. Superbly done, an important art reference source. Color scans can be sent by email. A MOST USEFUL LIST OF REIGNS, EMPERORS, DATES & YEARS Book Number: 84234903 15 AKIYAMA, Aisaburo. A CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF JAPAN AND CHINA. Tokyo 1930, Akiyama. Red cloth, bit faded, contents very good, 42p., a comprehensive list of all reigns for both of the Emperors and political reigns for Japan & China. Highly useful reference for any student or collector. S C A R C E RareOrientalBooks.Com $100 Includes Gregorian related dates along side these other dates. Essential resource. * Shows all reigns of Emperors, dynasty names, dates, list of Era names, Shoguns and much more. * A valuable reference. * $24 A MOST USEFUL LIST OF REIGNS, EMPERORS, DATES & YEARS Book Number: 84234905 16 AKIYAMA, Aisaburo. A CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF JAPAN AND CHINA. New York 1964, Paragon. Brown cloth, very good, 42p., a chronological list of the years, reigns and dynasty dates, with characters listed. Useful reference. Includes Gregorian related dates along side these other dates. Essential resource. * Shows all reigns of Emperors, dynasty names, dates, list of Era names, Shoguns and much more. * A valuable reference. * Book Number: 84023003 17 AKIYAMA, Aisaburo. GEISHA GIRL. Yokohama 1937, Yoshikawa Bookstore. Grey cloth, 104p. 3rd ed 1 color woodblock printed plate, 7 color, 4 b.w. photos, one fold out photo, cover with color wood cut of a Geisha, minor chip to top edge, else solid, 14 x 22.5 cm., 3rd edition. A charming book, devoted to the study of a Geisha, the skilled dancer-entertainer. . Illustrated with nice color plates. . A copious study of her occupation, life, charm and her end. Nicely illustrated with photos of Shinsui prints, some editions have actual small size Hasui woodblock printed color prints. . A nice monographic work on all aspects of the Geisha and her RareOrientalBooks.Com $51 arts. * With chapters: What is a Geisha girl ? Geisha occupation From where do Geisha-girls come? How do Geisha-girls live ? Origin of Geisha: Asobime [play girl], Shirabyoshi [dancer], Debut of Geisha, End of Geisha life. *** $65 Book Number: 83000502 18 AKIYAMA, Aisaburo. SIGHTS OF OLD CAPITAL. [Kyoto 1930], J.T.B. Green cloth, 149p., many b.w. photos, 3 actual color woodblock prints, reproductions of Hiroshige, clean solid copy, 2nd edition. A fascinating guide to the great & beautiful ancient city. A historical outline of the city, its gardens, temples, fabulous palaces, zoologicl gardens, pagodas &c. With 3 color woodblock prints. An indepth copious guide to the great sights & numerous temples & holy places. Nicely done. Color scans can be sent by email. $124 Book Number: 83000601 19 AKIYAMA, Terukazu. JAPANESE PAINTING. New York [1961, Skira]. Yellow cloth, very good, 216p., 81 color plates, 2 maps, chronology, bibliography, index, dust jacket, former owner's name rubber stamped on edges, else clean solid copy. FIRST EDITION Scholarly monograph, covers the introduction of Buddhist painting and the assimilation of the T'ang style from China. The Buddhist painting of Japanese inspiration, formation of the national style in secular art, the great age of scroll painting, renewed influence of Chinese art and the development of monochrome paiting. The golden age of mural painting and decorative painting of the Sotatsu-Korin School. Genre painting and the masters of the Japanese print, with a final chapter on trends of modern painting 17-19th centuries. This work begins with the 7th century, and follows the stylistic trends through each artistic period up to the 19th century. Book Number: 83000604 20 AKIYAMA, Terukazu. JAPANESE PAINTING. New York [1977, Skira]. Stiff wrs., very good, 216p., 81 color plates, 2 maps, chronology, bibliography, index, clean solid copy. Scholarly monograph, covers the introduction of Buddhist pa- RareOrientalBooks.Com $17 inting and the assimilation of the T'ang style from China. The Buddhist painting of Japanese inspiration, formation of the national style in secular art, the great age of scroll painting, renewed influence of Chinese art and the development of monochrome paiting. The golden age of mural painting and decorative painting of the Sotatsu-Korin School. Genre painting and the masters of the Japanese print, with a final chapter on trends of modern painting 17-19th centuries. This work begins with the 7th century, and follows the stylistic trends through each artistic period up to the 19th century. $10 A LOVELY HAND-PAINTED COLOR GOUACHE ALBUM, BOUND IN SILK Book Number: 83000801 21 ALBUM OF ORIGINAL COLOR PAINTINGS FROM NATURE. ALBUM OF ORIGINAL COLOR PAINTINGS FROM NATURE. Japan 1933-1934. Blue silk brocade album, 18 x 24 cm., all edges gilt, blue Chitsu case, a bit of foxing, otherwise clean, consists of 8 double-page pastel gouach paintings, each cinnabar sealed with chop, nicely executed. OBSCURE A lovely accordion folding album containing eight original color paintings on two sides of the album, painted upon stiff hand-made Washi paper. Showing the following by artists of the period: * ARTIST TITLE 1. Seiko: BONSAI 2. Shigemaro: FLOWER 3. Seiko: FESTIVAL DECORATIONS 4. Jumei: SPARROW AND FLOWERS 5. To-u: NARA DEER 6. Unkei A COLORFUL LOBSTER 7. O-to: A GEISHA SAMISEN 8. Shoshun: RIVER BOAT ON A SPRING DAY * Each painting is nicely executed with a skilled brush. Painted to delight the viewer. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $301 Book Number: 96053801 22 ALEX, William. JAPANESE ARCHITECTURE. London [1963], Prentice-Hall. Half black cloth over grey boards, very clean, 127p., 33 b.w. illustrations, 121 b.w. photos, bibliography, glossary, index, solid copy in very nice dust jacket. FIRST & ONLY EDITION First establishes the physical, religious, and historical setting of Japanese architecture. Then traces its development from the primitive times to the period of Japan's contact with the West, about 100 years ago. . In conclusion, the author mentions the present-day Japanese architects who are attempting to adapt new industrial techniques without forsaking their own rich heritage. . A very useful reference. *** $12 Book Number: 96053802 23 ALEX, William. JAPANESE ARCHITECTURE. London [1963], Prentice-Hall. Black wrs., very clean, 127p., 33 b.w. illustrations, 121 b.w. photos, bibliography, index, glossary, solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION First establishes the physical, religious, and historical setting of Japanese architecture. Then traces its development from the primitive times to the period of Japan's contact with the West, about 100 years ago. . In conclusion, the author mentions the present-day Japanese architects who are attempting to adapt new industrial techniques without forsaking their own rich heritage. . A very useful reference. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $10 AN EXCELLENT REFERENCE FOR JAPANESE & CHINESE COLLECTORS Book Number: 91075901 24 ALEXANDER, W.F. CLOISONNE AND RELATED ARTS. Des Moines [1972], Wallace-Homested. White cloth,very clean, 96p., 99 color, 69 b.w. photo plates,50 figures, solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION A useful reference, with cyclopedia covering cloisonne art, the nine stages in manufacture of cloisonne, unfinished cloisonne. Sketches, cross sectional views, with price gui * Valuable for collectors & students, loaded with good, solid reference information. *** REFERENCES: Franklin 5937. * AN EXCELLENT REFERENCE FOR JAPANESE & CHINESE COLLECTORS Book Number: 91075902 25 ALEXANDER, W.F. CLOISONNE AND RELATED ARTS. Des Moines [1972], Wallace-Homested. White cloth,very clean, 96p., 99 color, 69 b.w. photo plates, 50 figures, slight and minor discoloration to leading edge of front & back covers, contents unaffected, else a very solid copy. FIRST EDITION A useful reference, with cyclopedia covering cloisonne art, the nine stages in manufacture of cloisonne, unfinished cloisonne. Sketches, cross sectional views, with price gui * Valuable for collectors & students, loaded with good, solid reference information. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $15 REFERENCES: Franklin 5937. * $14 Book Number: 21180301 26 AMERICAN JAPANESE TEA COMMITTEE. THE CUP THAT CHEERR. 'Welcome' in Japan the Land of Color, Courtesy and Charm. [Japan n.d. ca 1930, American Japanese Tea Committee. Stiff color wrappers, very good, ribbon tied, 10 x 14.5 cm., [18]p each page illustrated in color, English text. S C A R C E This charming work concerns the origins of tea & tea drinking. An ancient tale, origin of tea in China, introduction to Japan, cultivation there. Science put to work for green tea by Dr. Miura. Japanese green tea, photos of the tea camellia, as imported by American Japanese Tea Committee in Chicago. Government protection of, distribution of Japanese green tea, how drunk in Japan, the Zen art of Japanese tea ceremony, with an appreciaton of tea, its cost, translation of Japanese character "Cha" or tea. Longivity by drinking green tea, with complete directions for making a perfect cup of Japanese green tea, including hot and iced. A charming work, beautifully illustrated in full color. AN ECCLECTIC JOURNAL ON ALL ASPECTS OF ALL ASIAN ARTS Book Number: 88036603 27 ANDACHT, Sandra. ed. ORIENTALIA JOURNAL. [Little Neck 1986]. Stiff wrs.,very clean, Vol. 8, #4,solid, many b.w. photos. With articles: CHINESE GLASS PART 3 by G. Chu; S. Sokolov: Hagoita; S. Andacht: CHINESE WOOD & BAMBOO BASKETRY; CHINESE REED ORGAN, OJIME, EXPORT PORCELAIN clean. An eclectic journal, with an eclectic group of articles on all aspects of Asian arts, by collectors, scholars & others who contribute for the edification of all. . These newsletters cover a wide range of collectables and art works. . Covering: Netsuke, Chinese & Japanese ceramics, Chinese glass,Buddhist bronzes, clay figures, Okimono, pipe cases [Kiseru], tomb figures, Japanese woodblock prints, Imari, textiles, Chinese RareOrientalBooks.Com $75 seals, Chinese carpets & rugs, Jade, Korean art &c. . Also articles on Japanese lacquer, Chinese archaeological items, tomb figures, Nestorian crosses, Chinese foot binding an erotic art, enamels, Tibetan arts, Buddhist art, Japanese swords, Indian art, Chinese glass, Chinese export porcelain, Jade, Japanese painting and most any other subject one can imagine ! $7 AN ECCLECTIC JOURNAL ON ALL ASPECTS OF ALL ASIAN ARTS Book Number: 88036604 28 ANDACHT, Sandra. ed. ORIENTALIA JOURNAL. [Little Neck], 1980. A single issue Vol. 2, #6,very clean, articles: G. Chu: MISTS, MOUNTAINS, ROCKS & TREES [Chinese landscapes]. J. Garthe: OBSERVATIONS ON CLOISONNE; IMARI PT. 1 by S. Andacht. J. Ream: CHINESE CALLIGRAPHY, b.w. photos. An eclectic journal, with an eclectic group of articles on all aspects of Asian arts, by collectors, scholars & others who contribute for the edification of all. . These newsletters cover a wide range of collectables and art works. . Covering: Netsuke, Chinese & Japanese ceramics, Chinese glass,Buddhist bronzes, clay figures, Okimono, pipe cases [Kiseru], tomb figures, Japanese woodblock prints, Imari, textiles, Chinese seals, Chinese carpets & rugs, Jade, Korean art &c. . Also articles on Japanese lacquer, Chinese archaeological items, tomb figures, Nestorian crosses, Chinese foot binding an erotic art, enamels, Tibetan arts, Buddhist art, Japanese swords, Indian art, Chinese glass, Chinese export porcelain, Jade, Japanese painting and most any other subject one can imagine ! AN ECCLECTIC JOURNAL ON ALL ASPECTS OF ALL ASIAN ARTS Book Number: 88036605 29 ANDACHT, Sandra. ed. ORIENTALIA JOURNAL. [Little Neck 1982]. Stiff wrs., very clean, Vol.4 #2, A4 size articles: G. Chu: MORE ON SUMIDA GAWA WARES; CLOISONNE by J. Garthe. B. Rosett K'OSSU; solid copy An eclectic journal, with an eclectic group of articles on all aspects of Asian arts, by collectors, scholars & others who contribute for the edification of all. . These newsletters cover a wide range of collectables and RareOrientalBooks.Com $7 art works. . Covering: Netsuke, Chinese & Japanese ceramics, Chinese glass,Buddhist bronzes, clay figures, Okimono, pipe cases [Kiseru], tomb figures, Japanese woodblock prints, Imari, textiles, Chinese seals, Chinese carpets & rugs, Jade, Korean art &c. . Also articles on Japanese lacquer, Chinese archaeological items, tomb figures, Nestorian crosses, Chinese foot binding an erotic art, enamels, Tibetan arts, Buddhist art, Japanese swords, Indian art, Chinese glass, Chinese export porcelain, Jade, Japanese painting and most any other subject one can imagine ! $7 AN ECCLECTIC JOURNAL ON ALL ASPECTS OF ALL ASIAN ARTS Book Number: 88036606 30 ANDACHT, Sandra. ed. ORIENTALIA JOURNAL. [Little Neck 1990]. Stiff wrs., very clean, Vol. 11 #5, A4 size articles: UKIYO-E YOKOHAMA PRINTS. J. Lawrence: CHINESE IVORY CARVINGS. LETTER OF PERE D'ENTRECOLLES. solid copy. An eclectic journal, with an eclectic group of articles on all aspects of Asian arts, by collectors, scholars & others who contribute for the edification of all. . These newsletters cover a wide range of collectables and art works. . Covering: Netsuke, Chinese & Japanese ceramics, Chinese glass,Buddhist bronzes, clay figures, Okimono, pipe cases [Kiseru], tomb figures, Japanese woodblock prints, Imari, textiles, Chinese seals, Chinese carpets & rugs, Jade, Korean art &c. . Also articles on Japanese lacquer, Chinese archaeological items, tomb figures, Nestorian crosses, Chinese foot binding an erotic art, enamels, Tibetan arts, Buddhist art, Japanese swords, Indian art, Chinese glass, Chinese export porcelain, Jade, Japanese painting and most any other subject one can imagine ! VALUABLE PRICED REFERENCE SOURCE FOR JAPANESE & CHINESE ARTS RareOrientalBooks.Com $7 Book Number: 94020001 31 ANDACHT, Sandra. et al. PRICE GUIDE TO ORIENTAL ANTIQUES. [Des Moines 1984], Wallace-Homestead. Stiff yellow wrs.,very good, 8.5 x 11 inches, 302p., index, color & b.w. photos co-authors N. Garthe & R. Mascarelli, very clean solid copy. FIRST EDITION A priced oriental antiques guide from A to Z, including both Japanese amd Chinese work. Marks & identification, motifs, table of dynasties, reign & period marks, symbols, hallmarks and marks of commendation, potters' marks & place marks, cloisonne marks, provinces & prefecture list, family crests or Mon, woodblock print artists' signatures, wood carvings, ivory, lacquer, Netsuke, metalwares, Tsuba marks, Nippon era marks and post-Nippon era marks. Jacoulet & Shin-hanga woodblock prints also well referenced. Japanese furniture, enamels, dolls, bronzes, paintings, screens, Japanese arms and armour, snuff bottles, clothing & ceremonial dress, glass and so many others. A highly valuable resource book for any collector wrestling with the identification & valuation of collectable objects. Long out-of-print ! $5 A VERY USEFUL CONTEMPORARY REFERENCE & PRICE GUIDE Book Number: 86071401 32 ANDACHT, Sandra. SATSUMA: An Illustrated Guide. [Des Moines 1978, Wallace-Homestead]. Stiff green wrappers, 68p., 24 color, 29 b.w. figures, glossary, bibliography, with extra pamphlet price guide [in facsimile], very clean solid. AN OBSCURE & RELIABLE REFERENCE FIRST & ONLY EDITION A useful and very well illustrated work of Satsuma-style porcelain. Well written, this guide gives an introduction to marks & symbols commonly found on such wares as well as a chapter entitled "Helpful Hints." A must for every collector and valuable resource. With the very useful reference price guide. RareOrientalBooks.Com $17 ONE OF THE MOST USEFUL REFERENCES ON THE SUBJECT Book Number: 95117701 33 ANDACHT, Sandra. TREASURY OF SATSUMA. [Des Moines 1981, Wallace-Homestead]. Red boards, very clean 159p., index, bibliography, glossary, ceramic marks and seal section, zodiac cycle & year periods [Nengo], 245 color & bw photos, 22 x 28.5 cm., solid. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Covering the historical background, tea and Cha No Yu, prominent Westerners, Satsuma Wares, potting & decoration, the Awaji, Kyoto schools. The moderns, Satsuma decorated blanks, the Mon & other marks, comparison study and value determination, Satsuma style. . Nicely done, a useful resource. * Book Number: 91081503 34 ANDERSON, William. THE PICTORIAL ARTS OF JAPAN: With a Brief Historical Sketch of the Associated Arts, and Some Remarks Upon the Pictorial London 1886, Sampson.Green pictorial cloth, part 4 of 4 only pp. 98-146 only, b.w. plates 19-80 only, figures 98-146, 146 b.w. illustrations, 276p.,index, very clean, folio, solid, "as is" only, head/tail spine worn. FIRST EDITION A superb and standard classic work, comprehensive in nature, covering the prehistoric art in Japan, China & Korea: with stunning plates on ceramics, methods, painters, monuments, sculptures, lacquering, bronzes, embroidery, Buddhist school of painting. * Beginning of Ukiyo-E school, Korin school, arms and armour, damascening, ornamental sword work, wood carving, netsuke, RareOrientalBooks.Com $26 Cha-No-Yu or Tea Ceremony, woodblock book illustrations, Kakemonos [hanging scrolls], embroidery, chromoxylography, tattooing &c. * This work compares, contrasts and discusses all aspects of Japanese, Chinese & Korean art works in juxtaposition, valuable, classic art history, lavishly supported with excellent graphics. * We have Section 4 only, which lacks some plates, sold "as is" only, not returnable: see below for more details. *** THE COMPLETE CONTENTS: Section 1: General History Section 2: Applications of Pictorial Art. Section 3: Technique. Section 4:Characteristics [the volume we offer for sale now] Section four includes Appendix of Chinese & Korean Pictorial art & contains color chromolithographic plates #'s: 19,44, 58, 66; with the following b.w. plates: 38, 40, 43, 50, 54, 56, 60, 63, 64, 67, 69, 78, 9, 80. Sold with all faults. *** Addenda. * FOLIO: The book is 29.5 x 42.5 cm., and is bound in green pictorial cloth, with red and gold cover and spine lettering. The complete work was issued in 4 separately bound matching volumes. * THE PLATES: The color plates were done in superb chromolithographic color, and are exceptional for the time and period. * CONDITION: The contents are bright, clean, no foxing, solid, with tissue guards as issued. * FIRST EDITION * A RUN FROM VOLUME 1 NUMBER 1 OF THIS COLLECTOR'S JOURNAL Book Number: 99087602 35 ANDON. ANDON: SHEDDING LIGHT ON JAPANESE ART: A Journal. [Leiden, 1981-2003, S.J.A.]. Stiff buff & color wrs., very good, broken run, beginning with Vol.1, no. 1 to #15, 17-25, 30-32, 34-36, 38-43, 47, 49, 52-58, 62,74 as a lot missing a few, FROM THE BEGINNING to 2003, very clean.FIRST & ONLY ED. ANDON SHEDDING LIGHT ON JAPANESE ART A Journal. * This run has many color & b.w. photos, contains some 47 issues in all, each bright, tight, new as issued. *** Covers a wide range of subjects, focus on Japanese woodblock prints, woodblock printed books, albums, RareOrientalBooks.Com $63 Netsuke, collectors, Surimono, signatures & the folklore, customs, erotic themes found in these objects. * With scholarly article contributions, as well as those of collectors. Fine reference for collectors & students alike. ANDON is the Bulletin of the Society for Japanese Arts & Crafts. *** $275 A CLASSIC ON JAPANESE AESTHETICS: ZEN, SHIBUI, WABI & SABI Book Number: 88001601 36 ANESAKI, Masaharu. ART, LIFE, AND NATURE IN JAPAN. Boston 1933, Jones. Black cloth spine over grey boards, very nice, dj., 31 b.w. photos, 178p.,exceptionally clean, crisp copy, top gilt, firm, nice dust jacket. FIRST EDITION An outstanding essay by the celebrated Japanese art historian & scholar. Covering art in the home life of the Japanese, life & art of the court noble, beauty of decadent sentimentalism, warrior's life and art, the life and art of the bour rgeoisie. This work covers in great detail an integrated perspective on the ephemeral quality of Japanese natural beauty, art form, and living space. He covers in great detail Japanese gardens, architecture, Samurai & Zen gardens, Kyoto pavillions, shrines, temples, Zen gardens and the aesthetics of Japanese 'natural' life while living in natural settings. $65 A CLASSIC ON JAPANESE AESTHETICS: ZEN, SHIBUI, WABI & SABI Book Number: 88001602 37 ANESAKI, Masaharu. ART, LIFE, AND NATURE IN JAPAN. Boston 1933, Jones. Black cloth spine over grey boards, very clean, 31 b.w. photos, 178p., solid copy. FIRST EDITION An outstanding essay by the celebrated Japanese art historian & scholar. Covering art in the home life of the Japanese, life & art of the court noble, beauty of decadent sentimentalism, warrior's life and art, the life and art of the bour rgeoisie. This work covers in great detail an integrated perspective on the ephemeral quality of Japanese natural beauty, art form, and living space. He covers in great detail Japanese gardens, architecture, Samurai & Zen gardens, Kyoto pavillions, shrines, temples, Zen gardens and the aesthetics of Japanese 'natural' life while living in natural settings. Book Number: 26009201 38 APOLLO THE INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS. ORIENTAL ART ISSUE. RareOrientalBooks.Com $63 London 1997, Apollo. Stiff pictorial wrs., single issue devoted to Asian antiquities, 72p., large format 23.5 x 30.5 cm profuse color & b.w. photos, English text. Covers Chinese, Japanese, Indian arts, archaeology, painting, ceramics and bronze. Nicely done, useful reference, articles by leading scholars & exponents in the field. A CLASSIC TREATISE ON SAMURAI ARMOUR, YOROI & SWORD FITTINGS Book Number: 83001303 39 ARAI, Hakuseki. et al. THE SWORD BOOK IN HONCHO-GUNKIKO AND THE BOOK OF SAME KO HI SEI GI OF INABA TSURIO. Translated by Henri L. Joly & Inada New York [1963], Tuttle. Red cloth, very clean, 132p.,frontispiece, 38 b.w. plates, 44 texts illustrations,bibliography & index, Y. Otsuka trans., H.R. Robinson ed., 15.5 x 25 cm., dust jacket in mylar protector, sharp. solid copy. Perhaps one of the most important reference sources for Japanese swords, fittings, SAME, furniture, armour &c. * Detailed study of sword manufacturing families, materials, designs, uses, illustrations of all parts. With special note on the use of sting ray skin for scabbards & hilts and other applications. * With comprehensive dictionary of sword smiths. * This study is based on Arai's great 9 volume set on military clothing, armour worn in Japan up to about 1550.[The reprint editions has notes by the celebrated Japanese arms expert, H.R. Robinson]. * Illustrations are taken from the original, with extra plates of museum pieces.] Detailed coverage of nomenclature, Kabuto or helmets, Yoroi, lacing, metal fittings, dyed leather, boots, caps, head cloth, armour robe &c. * An excellent reference work, essential to all collectors. * THE REPRINT EDITION: The reprint edition was edited by H. Russell Robinson. * The original edition is seldom found and is most R A R E ! With an interesting & valuable biography of Arai, copious illustrations. Appendices: The Honcho Gunkiko: Setto: making & testing swords, short treatise on Same or ray-skin used in hilt mounting and also thescabbard. The Honami family, addiontal notes, synoptical table of Nengo [year dates], RareOrientalBooks.Com $14 list the of principal swordsmiths. Swordmaking, quality of metal, Tetsugawari & Gotetsu, Midare the technical names used for Niye and Nioi. * Superstition and proportions of blades, sword-lore and information not found elsewhere, Tameshigiri, human cutting tests, the costs to produce, defects, Bonji or inscriptions, sword archaeology. * The copious and useful index of swordsmiths show the makers in alphabetical order, with Romanized name, the Kanji and associated names. * Arai Hakuseki [1659- 1725] also known as Kumbi was a celebrated name of letters and a historian. Became the Shogun Tsunayoshi's councellor and received the title of Chikugo no Kami. Enjoyed favor under the next Shogun Ietsugu. The writer of several esteemed works. Extracted from: E. Papinot: HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF JAPAN, p.19 for other details. *** A major and valuable resource for all dealers, curators and collectors. *** $102 Book Number: 95091001 40 ARAKAWA, Hirokazu. et al. TRADITIONS IN JAPANESE DESIGN: Kacho - Bird and Flower Motifs. Tokyo [1967], Kodansha. Black cloth, very clean, 132p., 53 color photos, 97 b.w. photos, index, pictorial dust jacket, co-authors G. Hasebe, S. Imanaga, H. Okumura, A. Turney the translator, solid copy in nice dust jacket. FIRST EDITION Discussion and illustration of Kacho, the "bird and flower" motif in Japanese design. Superb examples that date from the seventh through the nineteenth century, covering textiles, ceramics, bronzes, sword furnishings, lacquer *** THE FINEST NETSUKE COLLECTION IN THE WORLD Book Number: 93014301 41 ARAKAWA, Hirokazu. THE GOH COLLECTION OF NETSUKE: Tokyo National Museum. RareOrientalBooks.Com $19 Tokyo 1983, Kodansha. Gray cloth, 260p., 361 color photos, 272 pieces photographed in actual size, 377 b. w. photos, 69 drawings, 23 x 30.5 cm.,slipcase, very clean bright copy, index, no dj. as issued, blindstamped. FIRST & ONLY EDITION A stunning reference, loaded with superb color and b.w. photos. Covering the origins of Inro and their relationship to Netsuke. The origins and development of Netsuke. Types of Netsuke, their designs, artists, and also Ojime. * Rich appendices with biographical sketches of Netsuke masters, bibliographic primary, secondary resources, classification of Netsuke designs, plates of the carrying cases, miniature Gigaku masks by Kano Tessai, notes to the color plates, making of Netsuke, with index. * $136 AN EROTIC, NASTY & BONDAGE LOOK AT TOKYO WOMEN & MEN Book Number: 99013101 42 ARAKI, Nobuyoshi. ARAKI TOKYO LUCKY HOLE. [Photos of Nude Japanese Women] Koln [1997], Taschen. Stiff wrs., like new, hundreds of b.w. porno, nude, SM, "soap," bondage photos of nude women, some with their "guests," English, German, French 37p. text, balance is photos, 14 x 19.5 cm., 5 cm. thick! FIRST EDITION A very fascinating and up to the minute look at the decadent Tokyo life. * Covers the various Shinjuku bawdy and porno bars clubs, sex clubs, and nude performance places. A clear look at the way in which the Japanese, both male & female get joy from SEX and YEN. The clubs are look touch and participate with the stage girls baring all, some observers are called on to the stage to participate with the girl, and her co-workers ! * Gang & group sex, bondage, S.M., perverted sex, a group of caged girls offer sex services through iron bars, others sell, touch & feel through a cage with areas to insert your hands, others allow guests to put their head through a box and enjoy themselves with the girl on the other side ! * A unique and great insight into what is going on in Japan's SEX industry ! * High-tech application to an ancient trade ! Lots of explicit photos of completely nude girls, some spread wide to show a detail look a their most private parts ! * Not for the faint hearted ! *** MORE PORNOGRAPHIC & BIZARRE PHOTOS OF NUDE JAPANESE WOMEN RareOrientalBooks.Com $26 Book Number: 21000601 43 ARAKI, Nobuyoshi. ARAKI VIAGGIO SENTIMENTALE: ARAKI SENTIMENTAL VOYAGE. [Prato, Italy 2000, Araki]. Stiff pictorial wrs., very good, 27.5 x 32.5 cm., profusely illustrated with nude Japanese women's photos, 240p., English & Italian text, appendix, and an English interview with Araki, chronology. E X O T I C ! Araki lives up to his reputation as a "weird, bizarre, raunchy & Exotic" photographer of nude, S.M. and pornographic Asian women. Specializing in nude Japanese women bound, tied and gagged, suspended by ropes and prepared to be raped, his photos are "stunning" for lack of a better word ! This work was part of an exhibition of his photo in Italy at the Center of contemporary Art, in Prato. Illustrating a profuse number of his photos. Araki's fascination with the nude and pornographic depiction of Asian women is legendary ! True to form, this word meets ones expectations and delivers a host of phallic & erotic flowers in full color, then decends into how these now relate to [willing ??] Japanese women who are then bounded, tied, and various poses of inviting looks and nude views, some are read to be violated, others...spreadeagle. Some show expressions of torture and fright, others had their vulva's shaved, then bound, women being seduced & others in the raptures of orgasm, while they clutch the sheets. Collages in full color 30 to a page six pages in all. These consist of 5.5 x 5.5 cm photos of various people, the majority nude women: focus on their breasts & vulva. A magnificent work, no words sufficient to describe ! $168 Book Number: 29041501 44 ARCHIVES OF ASIAN ART. VOL. XLI, 1988. [New York] 1988, Asia Soc. Stiff buff wrs., very clean, 23 x 30.5 cm., many b.w. photos, 110p. With articles: OBITUARY OF Arthur M. Sacklers [1913-1987]; Karen L. Brock: THE CASE OF THE MISSING SCROLL: A HISTORY AND RECONSTRUCTION OF TALES OF GISHO AND GANGYO; Judy C. Ho: THE PERPETUATION OF AN ANCIENT MODEL; Robert T. Thorp: THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF STYLE AT ANYANG: TOMB 5 IN CONTEXT; Robert J. Poor; THE MASTER OF THE "METROPOLIS"-EMBLEM KU. Brief notices: Caron Smith: THE ELLSWORTH COLLECTION; Paul Singer: A PUZZLING OBJECT. Book Number: 29041801 RareOrientalBooks.Com $10 45 ARCHIVES OF ASIAN ART. VOL. XLVII, 1994. New York 1994, Asia Soc. Stiff buff wrs., very good, 23 x 30 cm., 100p., many b.w. photos. With articles: Kathyln Liscomb: A COLLECTION OF PAINTING AND CALLIGRAPHY DISCOVERED IN THE INNER COFFIN OF WANG ZHEN; Tsuji Bobuo: ORNAMENT [KAZARI] AN APPROACH TO JAPANESE CULTURE; Quitman Phillips: HONCHO GASHI AND THE KANO MYTH; Timon Screech: THE MEANING OF WESTERN PERSPECTIVE IN EDO POPULAR CULTURE; C.C. Wang and Katleen Yang: THE REDISCOVERY OF NI ZAN, LONGMEN DUBU TU. $70 Book Number: 29042301 46 ARCHIVES OF ASIAN ART. VOL. XXXI, 1977-1978. New York 1978, Asia Soc. Stiff buff wrs., very good, 23 x 30 cm., many b.w. photos, 144p., notes, one year index,glossary Articles: Richard Voinograd: REMINISCENCES OF CH'IN-HUAI: TAO-CHI AND THE NANKING SCHOOL; Susan H. Bush and Victor H. Mair: SOME BUDDHIST PORTRAITS AND IMAGES OF THE LU AND CH'AN SECTS IN 12TH-AND 13TH CENTURY CHINA; Julia Meech-Pekarik: DISUISED SCRIPTS AND THE HIDDEN POEMS IN AN ILLUSTRATED HEIAN SUTRA: Ashide and Uta-e in the Heike Nogyo; Anneliese G. Bulling: the eastern han tomb and ho-lin-ko-erh [Holingol]; Balaji Mundkur: WESTERN KARNATAKA ICONS AT SHIRALI. Brief notices: obituary: LUDWIG BACHOFER, HAROLD STERN. $10 Book Number: 89053902 47 ARCHIVES OF ASIAN ART. VOL. XXXII, 1979. [New York 1979], Asia Society. Stiff wrs., very good, 100p., many b.w. photos, clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION With scholarly articles: KAIKEI'S STATUES OF MANJUSRI & FOUR ATTENDANTS IN THE ABE NO MONJUIN by Christine G. Kanda. . NEW DISCOVERIES IN CH'IN ANDHAN REPRESENTATIOAL ART by Mary Fong . EARLY VAISNAVA IMAGERY: CATURVYUHA AND VARIANT FORMS by Doris Srinivasan. . Yutaka Mino's TZ'U-CHOU-TYPE WARE DECORATED WITH INCISED PATTERNS ON A STAMPED 'FISH-ROE" GROUND. . H.W. Woodward Jr.'s THE BAYON PERIOD BUDDHA IMAGE IN THE KIMBELL ART MUSEUM. Book Number: 29041401 48 ARCHIVES OF ASIAN ART. VOL. XXXVI, 1983. RareOrientalBooks.Com $12 [New York] 1983, Asia Soc. Stiff buff wrs., very clean copy, 23 x 30.5 cm., many b.w. photos, 108p. With articles: obituary of John Alexander Pope [1906-1982]; Diran Kavork Dohanian: SINHALESE SCULPLTURES IN THE PALLAVA STYLE; Robert L. Thorp: ORIGINS OF CHINESE ARCHITECTURAL STYLE: THE EARLIEST PLANS AND BUILDING TYPES; Patricia Berger: PURITY AND POLLUTION IN HAN ART; Elizabeth ten Grotenhuis: REBIRTH OF AN ICON: THE TAIMA MANDALA IN MEDIEVAL JAPAN. Brief notices: Paul Singer: A BONE MASK. $10 Book Number: 98068301 49 ARNOLD, H.J.P. PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE WORLD: The Biography of Herbert Ponting. London [1969], Hutchinson. Blue cloth, very good, dj., 174p. index, 77 b. w. photographs, very clean solid copy, in likewise dust jacket. FIRST EDITION An excellent biographical study of a privileged observer of the Russo-Japanese War, China, India, Japan. . Intensely individualistic as a personality, her created his own world with his lens, at once an artist & a technical inventory. . Superb images of the countries & people, dramatically portrayed. An excellent & beautifully illustrated reference book. $20 Book Number: 89086401 50 ARS ORIENTALIS. VOL. 05. THE ARTS OF ISLAM AND THE EAST. Washington D.C. 1963, Freer. Buff cloth, very good, 509 b.w. photos, 40 illustrations, 4 fold out plates, 354p. Complete issue, excellent reference and art history, clean solid copy FIRST & ONLY EDITION With essays: A. Geijer: SOME THOUGHTS ON THE PROBLEMS OF EARLY ORIENTAL CARPETS. . A. Lippe: CH'EN HSIEN, PAINTER OF LOHANS. . J. Cahill: YUAN CHIANG AND HIS SCHOOL. . R. Paine: THE MASANOBU TRADITION OF COURTESANS OF THE THREE CITIES, an essay on primitive Japanese woodblock prints. Book Number: 89086501 51 ARS ORIENTALIS. VOL. 06. THE ARTS OF ISLAM AND THE EAST. Washington D.C. 1966, Freer. Buff cloth, very good, 247p., 274 b.w. photos, bibliograhy, appendix. A complete issue, a schlolarly art reference source, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 With essays: . W. Spink: AJANTA AND GHATOTKACHA: A PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS. . H. Garner DIAPER BACKGROUNDS ON CHINESE CARVED LACQUER. . J. Cahill: YUAN CHIANG AND HIS SCHOOL PT.II. . J.M. Rosenfield: STUDIES IN JAPANESE PORTRAITURE: THE STATUE OF VIMALAKIRTI AT HOKKE-JI & other articles. $19 Book Number: 97136701 52 ARS ORIENTALIS. VOL. 11. THE ARTS OF ISLAM AND THE EAST. Ann Arbor 1979, A.O. Grey cloth, very good, large size, 328p many b.w. photos, scholarly articles, clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION With articles: K. Yamasaki: PIGMENTS USED IN JAPANESE PAINTINGS FROM THE PROTOHISTORIC PERIOD THROUGH THE 19TH CENTURY. . K. Toshi: THE SCROLL PAINTING. . E. W. Fitzhugh: A PIGMENT CENSUS OF JAPANESE UKIYO-E PAINTINGS IN THE FREER. . S. Weintraub: URUSHI AND CONSERVATION: The use of Japanese Lacquer in the restoration of Japanese art. . J. C. Y. WATT: NOTES ON THE USE OF COBALTIN LATER CHINESE CERAMICS. . R. Brill: LEAD ISOTOPES IN SOME JAPANESE & CHINESE GLASSES. . J. D. Frierman: THE PROVENANCE OF EARLY ISLAMIC LUSTRE WARES. . B. W. Keyser: DECOR REPLICATION IN TWO LATE CHOU BRONZE CHIEN. . M. Sawada: NON-DESTRUCTIVE X-RAY FLOURESCENCE ANALYSIS OF ANCIENT BRONZE MIRRORS EXCAVATED IN JAPAN. . W.T. Chase: EARLY CHINESE BLACK MIRRORS & PATTERN-ETCHED WEAPONS. . L. Chung: STUDIES ON THE IRON BLADE OF A SHANG DYNASTY BRONZE YUEH-AXE UNEARTHED AT KAO-CH'ENG, HOPEI. . E. Salvage: TECHNIQUES OF THE JAPANESE TSUBA-MAKER. et al. Book Number: 97048401 53 ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO. HANDBOOK OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ORIENTAL ART. [Chicago] 1933, A.I.C. Stiff yellow wrs., very good, 62p.,81 RareOrientalBooks.Com $26 b.w. photos & figures, clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION An excellent guide to the strong collection of superb objects of Chinese: bronzes, stone sculpture, paintings & ceramics. Japan: paintings, woodblock prints, lacquer, Kimono.And arts of the near East. Useful reference resource. $5 Book Number: 84287602 54 ART TREASURES FROM JAPAN. ART TREASURES FROM JAPAN. [Los Angeles 1965, Kodansha]. Stiff green wrs., very good, 196p., 163 b.w. photos, glossary, describing 117 objects, chronology, and commentary, clean solid copy. AN ECLECTIC REFERENCE SOURCE A major catalog exhibiting Japan's best sculpture, painting, calligraphy, metal work, lacquer, ceramics and textiles. Illustrating some 116 items, and describing each in detail renders this a useful and valuable reference source. A comprehensive integrated catalog, which covers the full spectrum of Japanese fine arts. $26 Book Number: 96074601 55 ARTIBUS ASIAE. VOL. LI, 3/4. Ascona 1991. Stiff yellow wrs., very good, pages 147-292, 97 b.w. photos, 2 illustrations, glossary,full index to vol.50, 23 x 31.5 cm., very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Scholarly articles: * M.H. Fong: ANTECEDENTS OF SUI-TANG BURIAL PRACTICES IN SHAANXI. * A.C. Soper: YEN LI-PEN, YEN LI-TE, YEN CH'ING: THREE GENERATIONS IN THREE DYINASTIES. * H.H. Sorensen: A STUDY OF THE 'OX-HERDING THEME' AS SCULPTURES AT MT. BROADING IN DAZU COUNTY, SICHUAN. * C. Lachman: ARHATS IN THE TREE-TOPS. * J. Stanley-Baker: THE PROBLEM OF RETOUCHING IN ANCIENT CHINESE PAINTINGS OR TRYING TO SEE THROUGH CENTURIES. * P. J. Graham: A HETRODOX PAINTING OF SHUSSAN SHAKA IN LATE TOKUGAWA JAPAN. Book Number: 96074701 56 ARTIBUS ASIAE. VOL. LII, 1/2. Ascona 1992. Stiff yellow wrs., very good, 145p., appendix, 85 b. w. photos, 4 plans, map, glossary, bibliography, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION RareOrientalBooks.Com $32 Scholarly articles: A. L. Cohen: THE KING & THE GODDESS: THE NOLAMBA PERIOD LAKSMANESVARA TEMPLE AT AVANI. . M.D. Willis: A BRICK TEMPLE OF 9TH CENTURY. . Y. Krishan: A NEW INTREPRETATION OF "PANCA-GANESA" . SCULPTURES. S.J. Jang: OX-HERDING PAINTING IN THESUNG DYNASTY. . K. B. Tsang: FURTHER OBSERVATIONS ON THE YUAN WALL PAINTER ZHU HAOGU & THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE CHUNYANG HALL WALL PAINTINGS TO "THE MAITREYA PARADISE" AT THE ROM. . M.S. Slusser: A DOCUMENT ON HIMALAYAN PAINTING. . P.J. Graham: A HETRODOX PAINTING OF SHUSAN SHAKA IN LATE TOKUGAWA JAPAN. Book Number: 96074901 57 ARTIBUS ASIAE. VOL. LIII, 1/2. Ascona 1993. Stiff yellow wrs., very good, 305p., glossary, 8 color, 170, 39 illustrations, index, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Scholarly articles: D. Seckel: THE RISE OF PORTRAITURE IN CHINESE ART. . E.C. Bunker: GOLD IN THE ANCIENT CHINESE WORLD: A CULTURAL PUZZLE. . M. Hayashi: CONCERNING THE INSCRIPTION 'MAY SONS & GRANDSONS ETERNALLY USE THIS [VESSEL].' . H.Y.Shih: READINGS & RE-READINGS OF NARRATIVE IN DUNHUANG MURALS. . W. Watson: VERB. SAP. ON ASUKA BRONZE OR, WHO WOULD BE A MUSEUM CURATOR. . J. Fontein: EPITAPHS OF TWO CHAN PATRIARCHS. . R. Goepper: THE 'GREAT STUPA' AT ALCHI. T. Akiyama: THE DOOR PAINTINGS IN THE PHOENIX HALL FO THE BYODOIN AS YAMATOE. . R. Edwards: LI GONGLIN'S COPY OF WEI YAN'S PASTURING HORSES. . C.T. Li: RECENT STUDIES ON ZHAO MENGFU'S PAINTING IN CHINA. . S. E. Lee: YAN HUI, ZHONG KUI, DEMONS & THE NEW YEAR. . J. Cahill: TANG YIN & WEN ZHENGMING AS ARTISTS TYPES: A RECONSTRUCTION. . T. Yuho: WOMAN PAINTERS OF THE MING DYNASTY. . RareOrientalBooks.Com $24 M. Murase: THE TAIHEIKI EMAKI: THE USE OF THE PAST. . W. C. Fong: THE MODERN CHINESE ART DEBATE. $20 Book Number: 96075001 58 ARTIBUS ASIAE. VOL. LIII, 3/4. Ascona 1993. Stiff yellow wrs., very good, pages 311-505, 1 color, 140 b.w. photos, 3 illustratins, glossary, index,full index to vol. 53, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Scholarly articles: J. Lee: THE ORIGINS & DEVELOPMENT OF THE PENSIVE BODHISATTVA IMAGES OF ASIA. . M. Matsumoto: THE ICONOGRAPHY OF SHAKA'S SHERMON ON THE VULTURE PEAK & ITS ART HISTORICAL MEANING. . F. McGill: JATAKAS, UNIVERSAL MONARCH & THE YEAR 2000. . R. Hempel: DIE JUWELEN DES ARMELS. . E. Isacco & J. Darrah: THE ULTRAVIOLET-INFRARED METHOD OF ANALYSIS, A SCIENTIFICE APPROACH TO THE STUDY OF INDIAN MINIATURES. $20 Book Number: 32075901 59 ARTIBUS ASIAE. VOL. XII. INDEX. Ascona 1949, Artibus Asaie. Buff stiff wrs., very good,index only, 12p., stapled spine, 21.8 x 32 cm., clean bright copy. COMPLETE INDEX Book Number: 91008601 60 ARTIBUS ASIAE. VOL. XIV, 1/2. Ascona 1951, Artibus. Stiff buff wrs., very good, 204p., index, bibliography, 24 x 32.5 cm., very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION With articles: * T.N. Ramachandran: FIND OF TEMPERA PAINTING IN SITABHINJI. * F. Koyama: THE YUEH-CHOU YAO CELADON EXCAVATED IN JAPAN. * Sherman E. Lee: JAPANESE MONOCHROME PAINTING AT SEATTLE. * S.H. Minkenhoff: DATE AND PROVENANCE OF DEATH MASKS OF THE FAR EAST. * J. Marringer: SOME REFINED TOOL-SHAPES OF THE MONGOLIAN STONE AGE. RareOrientalBooks.Com $24 * Max Loehr: ORDOS DAGGERS & KNIVES. 2nd. part: Knives. * D. Blair: HIROSHI YOSHIDA, 1876-1950. * R. Ghirshman: S.V. Kisselev's HISTOIRE ANCIENNE DE AL SIBERIE DU SUD. * L. Carrington Goodrich: ROSWELL SESSOMS BRITTON. * Excellent scholarly source. $24 Book Number: 32030001 61 ARTIBUS ASIAE. VOL. XL, 1, 2/3, 4. Ascona 1978. Stiff yellow wrs., very good, index,many b.w. photos, 1 plate, index, pp.5-334, 23 x 31.5 cm., maps. COMPLETE MONOGRAPH IN 4 PARTS Scholarly articles: * R. L. Brown: THE FOUR STONE FACADES OF MONASTERY I AT RATNAGIRI. * R.M. Cooler: SCULPTURE, KINGSHIP, AND THE TRIAD OF PHON DA. * J.T. Terry: SOME BURMESE PAINTINGS OF THE 17TH CENTURY & LATER. PART II: THE RETURN TO PAGAN. * B.N. GOSWAMY & A.L. Dallapiccola: PAINTING IN KUTCH. * PRELIMINARY NOTES ON A GROUP OF MINIATURES. * C.M. Zainie: RYOZEN: FROM EBUSSHI TO INK PAINTER. * R. Vinograd: RIVER VILLAGE-THE PLEASURES OF FISHING AND CHAO MENG-FUK'S LI-KUO STYLE LANDSCAPES. * M. Gatellier: LE STUKPA ET SON DECOR A CEYLAN. SON INFLUENCE EN THAILANDE ET EN BIRMANIE. * P. Granoff: REVERSE GLASS PAINTING FROM GUJARAT IN A PRIVATE CANADIAN COLLECTION: DOCUMENTS OF BRITISH INDIA. * C. Berkson: SOME NEW FINDS AT RAMGARTH HILL, VIDISHA DISTRICT. * E. Ray: DOCUMENTATION FOR PAITHAN PAINTINGS. * B.N. Goswamy & A.L. Dallapiccola: MORE PAINTING FROM KUTCH.MUCH CONFIRMATION, SOME SURPRISES. * P.K. Agrawala. ON A FOUR-LEGGED ICON OF GANAPATI FROM GHOSAI. * D. Paul: DEITH OR DEIFIED KING? REFLECTIONS ON A UNIQUE VAISNAVITE SCULPTURE FROM JAVA. RareOrientalBooks.Com $46 Book Number: 96072401 62 ARTIBUS ASIAE. VOL. XLIII, 1/2. Ascona 1982. Stiff yellow wrs., very good, 166p., 94 b.w. photos, 52 illustrations, plan, index, bibliography, 2 maps, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Scholarly articles: A.E. Dien: A STUDY OF EARLY CHINESE ARMOR. . R. L. Thorpe: THE SUI XIAN TOMB: RE-THINKING THE 5TH CENTURY. . J. Meech-Pekarik: THE FLYING WHITE HORSE: TRANSMISSION OF THE VALAHASSA JATAKA IMAGERY FROM INDIA TO JAPAN. . D.M. Stadtner: NAND CHAND & A CENTRAL INDIAN REGIONAL STYLE. . B. N. Goswamyi: LEAVES FROM AN EARLY PAHARI RAMAYANA SERIES. $24 Book Number: 96072501 63 ARTIBUS ASIAE. VOL. XLIII, 3. Ascona 1982. Stiff yellow wrs., very good, pages 171-248, 25 b.w. photos, 15 illustrations, index, bibliography, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Scholarly articles: G. Azarpay: BISHAPURVI: AN ARTISTIC RECORD OF AN ARMENO-PERSIAN ALLIANCE IN THE 4TH CENTURY. . C. G. Kanda: KAIKE'S STATUE OF HACHIMAN IN TODAIJI. . M. Benisti: UNE SCULPTURE INSOLITE DE L'INDIANMUSEUM DE CALCUTTA. . M.B.Heston : ICONOGRAPHIC THEMES OF THE GOPURA OF THE KAILASANATHA TEMPLE AT ELLORA. . A.K. Srivastava:SIVA-LINGA WITH GANAS, A NEW FIND FROM MATHURA. . R. L. Thorpe: THE DATE OF TOMB 5 AT YINXU, AN-YANG. A REVIEW ARTICLE. Book Number: 89085701 64 ARTIBUS ASIAE. VOL. XLV, 1, 2/3, 4. Ascona 1984, Artibus Asiae. Stiff yellow wrs., very good, 4 parts in 3, 4 color, 269 b.w. photos, 346p.,index, 23 x 31.5 cm., the complete year, 4 issues, clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Scholarly articles: * P. E. Karetzkky: A SCENE OF THE TAOIST AFTERLIFE ON A 6TH RareOrientalBooks.Com $24 CENTURY SARCOPHAGUS DISCOVERED IN LOYANG. * C. GLYNN: EARLY PAINTING IN MANDI. * R. M. Bernier: TRADITION & INVENTION IN HIMACHAL PRADESH TEMPLE ARTS. * L. C. Johnson: THE WEDDING CEREMONY FOR AN IMPERIAL LIAO PRINCESS. WALL PAINTINGS FROM A LIAO DYNASTY TOMB IN JILIN. * N.S. Steinhardt:THE PLAN OF KHUBILAI KHAN'S IMPERIAL CITY. * S.E. Nelson:LATE MING VIEWS OF YUAN PAINTING. * T. S. Maxwell. THE EVIDENCE FOR A VISVARUKPA ICONOGRAPHIC TRADITION IN WESTERN INDIA, 6TH-9TH CENTURIES A.D. * J. Irwin: THE TRUE CHRONOLOGY OF ASOKAN PILLARS. * M.W. Meister: GEOMETRY AND MEASURE IN INDIAN TEMPLE PLANS: RECTANGULAR TEMPLES. * A. J. Gail: ON THE SYMBOLISM OF THREE & FOUR FACED VISNU IMAGES: A RECONSIDERATION OF EVI DENCE. * D. Shimkada: A PRELIMINARY STUDY OF THE GAME OF KARMA IN INDIA, NEPAL & TIBET. $100 Book Number: 96073001 65 ARTIBUS ASIAE. VOL. XLV, 1. Ascona 1984. Stiff yellow wrs., very good, 96p., indes, 39 b. w. photos, 2 illustrations, glossary, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Scholarly articles: B. Klein: JAPANESE KINBYOBU: THE GOLD-LEAFED FOLDING SCREENS OF THE MUROMACHI PERIOD [1333-1573]. . ADAPTED & EXPANDED BY CAROLYN WHEELWRIGHT. PT. I. . M.H. Fong: TANG TOMB MURALS REVIEWED IN LIGHT OF TANG TEXTS ON PAINTING. . W. Smith: THE CEILING OF THE MUKTESVARA TEMPLE IN BHUBANESWAR. Book Number: 96073101 66 ARTIBUS ASIAE. VOL. XLV, 2/3. Ascona 1984. Stiff yellow wrs., very good, pages 101-248, 2 color, 21 b.w. photos, 9 illustrations, diagram, glossary, bibliography, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Scholarly articles: B. Klein. JAPANESE KINBYOBU: THE GOLD-LEAFED FOLDING SCREENS OF THE MUROMACHI PERIOD [1333-1573]. ADAPTED AND RareOrientalBooks.Com $26 EXPANDED BY CAROLYN WHEELWRIGHT [PTS.2-4]. . R.A. Rorex: SOME LIAO TOMB MURALS & IMAGES OF NOMADS IN CHINESE PAINTINGS OF THE WEN-CHI STORY. . K. Kumar: THE EVIDENCE OF WHITE-WASH, PLASTER & PIGMENT ON NORTH INDIAN SCULPTURE WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SARNATH. . I. Alsop: FIVE DATED NEPALESE METAL SCULPTURES. . D. Shimkhada: THE MASQUERADING SUN: A UNIQUE SYNCRETIC IMAGE IN NEPAL. $24 Book Number: 91013001 67 ARTIBUS ASIAE. VOL. XVI, 3. Ascona 1953, Artibus Asiae. Stiff buff wrs., very good, 13 b.w. photos, 11 figures, pp.167-250, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION With articles: S. Paranavitana's SCULPTURE OF MAN AND HORSE NEAR TISAVAVA AT ANURADHAPURA, CEYLON. . H. Munsterberg's A GROUP OF CHINESE BUDDHIST BRONZES IN THE D'AJETA COLLECTION. . J.E. Kidder Jr.'s KAMEGAOKA VESSELS IN CITY ART al Book Number: 96076901 68 ARTIBUS ASIAE. VOL. XXII, 1/2. SPECIAL NUMBER DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF ALFRED SALMONY. Ascona 1959. Yellow cloth, very good, worn dj., index, 198p. many b.w. photos, bibliography, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Scholarly articles: G. Coedes. NOTE SUR UNE STELE INDIENNE D'EPOQUE PALA DECOUVERTE A AYUDHA [SIAM]. . J.L. Davidson: THE RIDDLE OF THE BOTTLE-HORN. . D. T. Devendra: SEVENTY YEARS OF CEYLON ARCHAEOLOGY. . G. Ecke: CARVED IMAGES OF JIZO AS A PRIEST IN LATE FUJIWARA & EARLY KAMAKURA INTERPRETATIONS. . H. Goetz: AN IRRUPTION OF GOTHIC STYLE FORSM INTO INDO-ISLAMIIC ARCHITECTURE. . J. Haskins: SARMATIAN GOLD COLLECTED BY PETER THE GREAT: VII. . J.E. Kidder: PRE-POTTERY & JOMON POTTERY RELATIONSHIPS ON THE I.C.U. CAMPUS. . RareOrientalBooks.Com $26 C. Kim: TREASURES FROM THE SONGYIMSA TEMPLE IN S. KOREA. . S. Kramrisch: THE RG VEDIC MYTH OF THE CRAFTSMEN. . S.E.Lee & W.K. Ho: A COLLOSSAL ELEVEN-FACED KUAN-YIN OF THE T'ANG DYNASTY. . L. Chi: EXAMPLES OF PATTERN DISSOLUTION FROM THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SPECIMENS OF ANYANG. . M. Loehr: A LANDSCAPE ATTRIBUTED TO WEN CHENG-MING. . A.C. Soper: A T'ANG PARINIRVANA STELE. . H. Trubner: A BRONZE DAGGER-AXE. . G. Tucci: A TIBETAN CLASSIFICATION OF BUDDHIST IMAGES. Et al $24 Book Number: 32033501 69 ARTIBUS ASIAE. VOL. XXIX, 2/3. Ascona 1967, Artibus Asiae. Stiff yellow wrs., very good, 115-270., 23 x 31..5 cm., many b.w. photos. With articles: * Charles d. Weber: CHINESE PICTORIAL BRONZE VESSELS OF THE LATE CHOU PERIOD. PART 3. * Miyeko Murase: JAPANESE SCREEN PAINTINGS OF TEH HOGEN AND HEIJI INSURRECTIONS. * Kapila Vatsyayan: THE THEORY AND TECHINQUE OF CLASSICAL INDIAN DANCING. * Leland w. Gralapp: BALINESE PAINTING AND THE WAYANG TRADITION. * Alexander C. Soper: THE "LETTER FROM SHIH-T'AO TO PA-TASHAN-JEN. * Book Number: 32033601 70 ARTIBUS ASIAE. VOL. XXIX, 4. Ascona 1967, Artibus Asiae. Stiff yellow wrs., very good, PP.275-357, index, 23 X 31.5 cm. With articles: Jean Boisselier: NOTES SUR L'ART DU BRONZE DANS L'ANCIEN CAMBODGE. * Alexander c. Soper: A NINTH CENTURY LANDSCAPE PAINTING IN THE JAPANESE IMPERIAL PALACE AND SOME CHINESE PARALLELS. * Wen Fong: REPLY TO PROFESSOR SOPER'S COMMENTS ON TAO-CHI'S LETTER TO CHU TA. RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 * $20 Book Number: 96075501 71 ARTIBUS ASIAE. VOL. XXXI, 1. Ascona 1969. Stiff yellow wrs., very good,96p., bibliography many b.w. photos, 23 x 31.5 cm., very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Scholarly articles: * G.A. Rowley:A CHINESE SCROLL OF THE MING DINASTY "MING HUANG & YANG KUEI-FEI LISTENING TO MUSIC." WITH FOREWORD & ADDENDUM BY A.C. SOPER. * A.D. SOPER: SOME LATE CHINESE BRONZE IMAGES [8TH-14TH CENTURIES] IN THE AVERY BRUNDAGE COLLECTION, M.H.DE YOUNG MUSEUM, SAN FRANCISCO. S.F * Morgan: THE GILDING OF ANCIENT BRONZE STATUES IN JAPAN. * L. Malleret: SUR UNE DEFENSE D'ELEPHANT SCULPTEE AYANT APPARTENU A M. POIVRE. * P. Banerjee: A SIVA ICON FROM PIANDJIKENT. * $19 Book Number: 96075701 72 ARTIBUS ASIAE. VOL. XXXI, 4. Ascona 1969. Stiff yellow wrs., very good, pages 241-331, many b.w. photos, index, bibliograhy, full index to vol. 31. 23 x 31.5 cm., very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Scholarly articles: * D. P. Rowan: THE YAKUSHI IMAGE & SHAKA TRINITY OF THE KONDO, HORYUJI: A STUDY OF DRAPERY PROBLEMS. * R. Ettinghausen: SOME COMMENTS ON MEDIEVAL IRANIAN ART. * M.K. Dhavalikar: SRI YUGADHARA-A MASTER-ARTIST OF AJANTA. * S. Settar: THE CULT OF JVALAMALINI AND THE EARLIEST IMAGES OF JVALA SYKAMA. * $20 Book Number: 86102401 73 ARTIBUS ASIAE. VOL. XXXI, SEPARATUM. Ascona 1969, Artibus. Stiff orange wrs., pp. 6-31, 20 b.w. plates, 23 x 15 cm., clean, bright copy. George A. Rowley: "A CHINESE SCROLL OF THE MING DYNASTY 'MING HUANG & YANG KUI-FEI LISTENING TO MUSIC," very clean solid copy. FIRST ED RareOrientalBooks.Com $19 Book Number: 86102402 74 ARTIBUS ASIAE. VOL. XXXI, SEPARATUM. Ascona 1969, Artibus. Stiff orange wrs., pp.32-53, plates, 23 x 15 cm., clean, bright copy. Alexander SOME LATE CHINESE BRONZE IMAGES [8-14TH CTYS] IN THE BRUNDAGE COLLECTION, DE YOUNG MUSEUM, SAN FRANCISCO, 26 b.w. Soper: AVERY solid. $19 75 ARTIBUS ASIAE. VOL. XXXII, 4. Ascona 1970. Stiff yellow wrs., very good, pages 243-338 many b.w. photos, bibliograpy, full index for vol. 32, 23 x 31.5 cm., very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Scholarly articles: * D. P. Hansen: AL-HIBA, 1968-1969, A PRELIMINARY REPORT. * H.B. Chapin: LONG ROLL OF BUDDHIST IMAGAGES III [REVISED BY A.O.SOPER]. * H. Penth: KUNST IM LAN NA THAI [1] DER GROSSE GONG IM KLOSTER PHRATHAT HARIPHUNCHAI. * D. Seckel & H. Brinker: THE CLOISONNE MIRROR IN THE SHOSOIN: DATE AND PROVENANCE. $20 Book Number: 96075801 Book Number: 89084201 76 ARTIBUS ASIAE. VOL. XXXIII, 1/2. Ascona 1971, Artibus Asiae. Stiff yellow wrs., very good, 157p., 17 b. w. photos, bibliography, index, 23 x 31.5 cm., very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Scholarly articles: K. Jettmar: METALLURGY IN THE EARLY STEPPES. * S. Settar: THE BRAHMADEVA PILLARS. AN INQUIRY INTO THE ORIGIN & NATURE OF THE BRAHMADEVA WORSHIP AMONG THE DIGAMBARA JAINS. * M. Murase: KUAN-YIN AS SAVIOR OF MEN: ILLUSTRATION OF THE 25TH CHAPTER OF THE LOTUS SUTRA IN CHINESE PAINTING. * H. C. Chapin: A LONG ROLL OF BUDDHIST IMAGES. IV [REVISED BY A.C. SOPER.] * Book Number: 96076001 RareOrientalBooks.Com $36 77 ARTIBUS ASIAE. VOL. XXXIV, 1. Ascona 1972. Stiff yellow wrs., very good, 114p., index, many b.w. photos, bibliography, very clean solid copy.. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Scholarly articles: A. L. Juliano: THREE LARGER CH'U GRAVES RECENTLY EXCAVATED IN THE CHIANGLILNG DISTRICT OF HUPEI PROVINCE. . H.Penth: KUNST IM LAN NA THAI [2]: BESCHRIFTETE BUDDHA FIGUREN AUS NAM PHRA [PPHRAO]. . G. Armbruster: CASSONI-EMAKI: A COMPARATIVE STUDY. . S. K. Mukhopadhyay: TERRACOTTAS FROM BHITA. . J.Boisselier & A.B. Griswold: HENRI MARCHAL 1876-1970. . A.C. SOPER: "RECENT STUDIES INVOLVING THE DATE OF KANISKA II." $20 Book Number: 96071301 78 ARTIBUS ASIAE. VOL. XXXIX, 3/4. Ascona 1977. Stiff yellow wrs., very good, pages 165-338, 44 b.w. photos, 18 illustrations, plan, appendix, bibliography, index for the full volume 39 tipped in, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Scholarly articles: R.W. Bagley: P'AN-LUNG-CH'ENG: A CITY IN HUPEI. . G. Vlam: KINGS & HEROES: WESTERN-STYLE PAINTING IN MOMOYAMA JAPAN. . R. M. Bernier: WOODEN WINDOWS OF NEPAL-AN ILLUSTRATED ANALYSIS. . R. Agarwala: THE MARWAR MURALS. . C. B. Asher: THE MAUSOLEUM OF SHER SHAH SURI. . E. Baer: A BRASS VESSEL FROM THE TOMB OF SAYUID BATTAL GHAZI...13TH CTY ISLAM Book Number: 91016902 79 ARTS OF ASIA 1971. ARTS OF ASIA 1971. Hong Kong 1971, Arts of Asia. Vol. 1 No. 1, color stiff wrs. many color & b.w. photos. Articles: City of Vietnamese Emperors, fishing basket bay, Wong Po Yeh H.K. painter, Shekwan ware, snuff bottles, jade, pp. 3-8 missing, as is only. The inagural issues in volume one cover Chinese lacquer, Hong Kong's children's art, cash in the Hang Seng Bank collection, Lo Ka Ping Cantonese musican, Tiger Balm Garden, RareOrientalBooks.Com $24 Philippine art, fake is not a fake, talking jars, Hong Kong pre-history, hidden trasures revealed in China, Wat Phra Keo Vietnamese lacquer painting, Thai music, Yuyu Yang compleat sculptor, agate snuff bottles, Christian Netsuke, Musee de Saigon, Singapore's museums, Hong Kong village, success with Batik, Khon masks, Thai art, Canton trade fair, Yi-hsing and inkstones, music of Oboe & drums, Ng Eng Teng: potter, Burma treasure house: Ancient Pagan. Jade, ageless Chinese bronzes Horstman's Ming furniture, Mandalay relics, Japanese contemporary woodcut & other prints, Shoji, Chinnery paintings, Burma's marvels the Shwedagon, golden age of blue & white, Museu Luis de Camoes in Macao. Asian painting, city of Vietnamese Emperors, Wong Po Yeh Hong Kong painter, Collector of Netsuke, Shekwan ware, snuff bottles & matching saucers,Jade in ancient China, Cheung Yee sculpture, auction reviews. A grand entry to the Asian art world. A great & new journal ! $19 Book Number: 91016904 80 ARTS OF ASIA 1971. ARTS OF ASIA 1971. Hong Kong 1971, Arts of Asia. Vol. 1, no. 5, stiff wrs.,very good, color, 97 b.w. photos. Articles on Korean pottery and National Museum in Seoul, Pearl River, Chinese wallpaper, Korean music, Tseng Hou-hsin & Choi Duk Hyu painters, et al. The inagural issues in volume one cover Chinese lacquer, Hong Kong's children's art, cash in the Hang Seng Bank collection, Lo Ka Ping Cantonese musican, Tiger Balm Garden, Philippine art, fake is not a fake, talking jars, Hong Kong pre-history, hidden trasures revealed in China, Wat Phra Keo Vietnamese lacquer painting, Thai music, Yuyu Yang compleat sculptor, agate snuff bottles, Christian Netsuke, Musee de Saigon, Singapore's museums, Hong Kong village, success with Batik, Khon masks, Thai art, Canton trade fair, Yi-hsing and inkstones, music of Oboe & drums, Ng Eng Teng: potter, Burma treasure house: Ancient Pagan. Jade, ageless Chinese bronzes Horstman's Ming furniture, Mandalay relics, Japanese contemporary woodcut & other prints, Shoji, Chinnery paintings, Burma's marvels the Shwedagon, golden age of blue & white, Museu Luis de Camoes in Macao. Asian painting, city of Vietnamese Emperors, Wong Po Yeh Hong Kong painter, Collector of Netsuke, Shekwan ware, snuff bottles & matching saucers,Jade in ancient China, Cheung Yee sculpture, auction reviews. A grand entry to the Asian art world. A great & new journal ! Book Number: 96106901 81 ARTS OF ASIA 1973. ARTS OF ASIA 1973. Hong Kong 1973, Arts of Asia. Stiff colored wrs., 6 issues, very good, profusely illustrated, color & b.w. photos, the complete Vol.3, very clean solid set. FIRST & ONLY EDITION With articles on Indian Ethos in Ceylonese Studio, Buddhist sculpture in Ceylon, Kandayan dance, puppet show, ceramics of Japan, tomb find in China, Colombo National Museum. Jade, Snuff bottle articles, Thai celadons, Jade in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, Export wares of Southeast Asia, Khmer RareOrientalBooks.Com $44 ceramics, Sham Wan-a cultural record, Tibetan Thang-Kas' inventive repetition, craft villages of N. Thailand, Sumitomo Bronze Collection, Kyoto. Masatoshi: the last of the Netsuke artists, Tokyo Art Club, Japanese & French paintings in the Bridgestone Museum. Chinese snuff bottles "Made in Japan." Chinese furniture, Thai shadow play figures, Murut graves in Sabah, Tibetan art in the Newark Museum, Inaba Cloisonne. Thailand's Ban Chiang, Tsuba-Japanese sword guard, Korean dances, Laotian silver, Singapore calligrapher Tsue Ta Ti. With dealers gallery, curio notes, book reviews, salesroom news, auctions, bookreviews &c. Great early issues. $100 Book Number: 90054702 82 ARTS OF ASIA 1974. ARTS OF ASIA 1974. Hong Kong 1974, Arts of Asia. 6 issues, complete year, very clean, profusely color & b. w. illustrated in color, solid copy. A COMPLETE YEAR FIRST & ONLY EDITION Ancient Chinese glass, finds from N. Vietnam, Lizzadro Museum, Manchu pricess,Manobo art in Philippines, Van Lau a H K sculptor, Bronzes of Nepal, Nepali paintings, Zimmerman collection of Nepali art, wooden sculptures of Nepal, Gion Matsuri, water architecture of Kathmandu valley, Indian miniature painting, ivory carving of Sri Lanka, prayer rugs, Chinese snuff bottle Soc. America, uninhibited brush, modern Netsuke. . Bishop jade collection, export ware, masks of Sri Lanka, Chinese arts & crafts, immortial Indian bronzes, Islamic art, symbolism of Chinese snuff bottles, Indian dance, Korean tombs, rice gods of Ifugao, collecting shells in P.I. Chinese exhibition at Royal Academy, saleroom news, bookreviews, curio notes &c. . Excellent articles contents of vol. 4. $126 Book Number: 90054802 83 ARTS OF ASIA 1975. ARTS OF ASIA 1975. [Hong Kong 1975, Arts of Asia]. One issue: July-August, with focus on Jewish ceremonial art, Palestine a historical background, Israeli archaeology, Jade at the V & A., color & bw. clean and solid. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles covering Japanese trade porcelain, Burmese art, McCann Collection of China trade porclain in the MET., history of pearls, Wu Tao-Tzu: man of T'ang,Kris of the Malay Ar Archipelago, Chniese export ware Indonesia, Borneo bronze, pewter, Asian Collection in the L.A. County Museum of Art, primitive wood-carvings of Malaysia, Palestine, Israel Museum, Jewish ceremonial art, archaeology of Israel, Jade, bamboo brushpots, puppet theatre of India, Nabeshima & Kokutani aristocrats of Japanese porcelain, Ikebana basket art, Tibetan bronzes & art, Castiglione and the Conquests of the Ch'ien Lung Emperor, Buddhist altar &c...Salesroom news, book reviews & curios. RareOrientalBooks.Com $26 Book Number: 90054803 84 ARTS OF ASIA 1975. ARTS OF ASIA 1975. [Hong Kong 1975, Arts of Asia]. 5 issues, lacks March-April, very clean,profusely illustrated in color & b.w. photos,very solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles covering Japanese trade porcelain, Burmese art, McCann Collection of China trade porclain in the MET., history of pearls, Wu Tao-Tzu: man of T'ang,Kris of the Malay Ar Archipelago, Chniese export ware Indonesia, Borneo bronze, pewter, Asian Collection in the L.A. County Museum of Art, primitive wood-carvings of Malaysia, Palestine, Israel Museum, Jewish ceremonial art, archaeology of Israel, Jade, bamboo brushpots, puppet theatre of India, Nabeshima & Kokutani aristocrats of Japanese porcelain, Ikebana basket art, Tibetan bronzes & art, Castiglione and the Conquests of the Ch'ien Lung Emperor, Buddhist altar &c...Salesroom news, book reviews & curios. $129 Book Number: 90054804 85 ARTS OF ASIA 1975. ARTS OF ASIA 1975. [Hong Kong 1975, Arts of Asia]. 6 issues, complete year,very clean, profusely illustrated in color & b.w. photos, solid copy. COMPLETE YEAR ! EARLY ISSUES ! FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles covering Japanese trade porcelain, Burmese art, McCann Collection of China trade porclain in the MET., history of pearls, Wu Tao-Tzu: man of T'ang,Kris of the Malay Ar Archipelago, Chniese export ware Indonesia, Borneo bronze, pewter, Asian Collection in the L.A. County Museum of Art, primitive wood-carvings of Malaysia, Palestine, Israel Museum, Jewish ceremonial art, archaeology of Israel, Jade, bamboo brushpots, puppet theatre of India, Nabeshima & Kokutani aristocrats of Japanese porcelain, Ikebana basket art, Tibetan bronzes & art, Castiglione and the Conquests of the Ch'ien Lung Emperor, Buddhist altar &c...Salesroom news, book reviews & curios. Book Number: 90054902 86 ARTS OF ASIA 1976. ARTS OF ASIA 1976. [Hong Kong 1976, Arts of Asia]. Stiff color wrs., very clean Jan.-Feb. issue, profusely color illustrated, lacks title page & pp.49-58, slight damped, as is only, else solid. FIRST & ONLY EDITION With articles on: Betel nut sets, National Museum of Cambodia, Lost civilization of Champa, Tibetan art, Luang Prabang and its temples, Thai ceramics, Japanese Netsuke: ceramic & mythological animals in, judging Netsuke. . Also visitor in Peking, little known field of Japanese RareOrientalBooks.Com $150 glass, Hugh Scott's T'ang Treasures, Indian arts, treasures of Sian & Shanghai, arts of Islam, Japanese dolls, Chinese antiquities in Japan, art of Batak, Indonesian arts, London Netsuke Convention, Chinese Furniture of Robert Ellsworth, Bonsa, John Tomson a compasionate photographer, Jakarta museum,Indonesian costume auction news, book reviews &c. $15 Book Number: 90054907 87 ARTS OF ASIA 1976. ARTS OF ASIA 1976. Hong Kong 1976, Arts of Asia. Vol 6, 5 issues, lacks Nov/Dec issue, profusely illustrated in b.w. & color, very clean and solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION With articles on: Betel nut sets, National Museum of Cambodia, Lost civilization of Champa, Tibetan art, Luang Prabang and its temples, Thai ceramics, Japanese Netsuke: ceramic & mythological animals in, judging Netsuke. . Also visitor in Peking, little known field of Japanese glass, Hugh Scott's T'ang Treasures, Indian arts, treasures of Sian & Shanghai, arts of Islam, Japanese dolls, Chinese antiquities in Japan, art of Batak, Indonesian arts, London Netsuke Convention, Chinese Furniture of Robert Ellsworth, Bonsa, John Tomson a compasionate photographer, Jakarta museum,Indonesian costume auction news, book reviews &c. $112 Book Number: 90054908 88 ARTS OF ASIA 1976. ARTS OF ASIA 1976. 2Hong Kong 1976, Arts of Asia. 5 issues, lacks Jan.-Feb,very clean, profusely illustrated in b.w. & color. FIRST & ONLY EDITION With articles on: Betel nut sets, National Museum of Cambodia, Lost civilization of Champa, Tibetan art, Luang Prabang and its temples, Thai ceramics, Japanese Netsuke: ceramic & mythological animals in, judging Netsuke. . Also visitor in Peking, little known field of Japanese glass, Hugh Scott's T'ang Treasures, Indian arts, treasures of Sian & Shanghai, arts of Islam, Japanese dolls, Chinese antiquities in Japan, art of Batak, Indonesian arts, London Netsuke Convention, Chinese Furniture of Robert Ellsworth, Bonsa, John Tomson a compasionate photographer, Jakarta museum,Indonesian costume auction news, book reviews &c. Book Number: 90055001 89 ARTS OF ASIA 1977. ARTS OF ASIA 1977. [Hong Kong 1977, Arts of Asia]. 5 issues, lacks RareOrientalBooks.Com May-June, $112 very clean, profusely illustrated in full color, solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles: Portuguese in Macau & watercolours of George Smirnoff, Musee Guimet rarities, Wayang Purwa, Chinese ceramics for the Japanese tea masters, Luang Prabang decorative arts, Sixteen Buddhist Arhats, Japanese armour, Inro, Second Netsuke Convention, Japanese sword fittings, Ikebaja Ukiyo-e, costume of the Noh theatre, Noh masks. . Japanese prints from the Vever collection, wood & bamboo carving in National Palace Museum, Japanse matchbox covers, Chinese paper-cuts, Philippine Issue, ivory carving and the Ch'ien Lung Emperior Chinese water-pipe, Agate snuff bottles, Chinese ceramics carried by the Dutch East India Company, &c... $117 Book Number: 90055002 90 ARTS OF ASIA 1977. ARTS OF ASIA 1977. [Hong Kong 1977, Arts of Asia]. Issues: January-December, complete year, 6 issues, very clean, profusely illustrated in color. COMPLETE YEAR FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles: Portuguese in Macau & watercolours of George Smirnoff, Musee Guimet rarities, Wayang Purwa, Chinese ceramics for the Japanese tea masters, Luang Prabang decorative arts, Sixteen Buddhist Arhats, Japanese armour, Inro, Second Netsuke Convention, Japanese sword fittings, Ikebaja Ukiyo-e, costume of the Noh theatre, Noh masks. . Japanese prints from the Vever collection, wood & bamboo carving in National Palace Museum, Japanse matchbox covers, Chinese paper-cuts, Philippine Issue, ivory carving and the Ch'ien Lung Emperior Chinese water-pipe, Agate snuff bottles, Chinese ceramics carried by the Dutch East India Company, &c... Book Number: 90055003 91 ARTS OF ASIA 1977. ARTS OF ASIA 1977. [Hong Kong 1977, Arts of Asia]. January-February, very clean profusely illustrated in color. Articles: Aspects of Macau, & Portuguese in Macau, Musee Guimet, Cham Museum Danang &c. very solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITITON Articles: Portuguese in Macau & watercolours of George Smirnoff, Musee Guimet rarities, Wayang Purwa, Chinese ceramics for the Japanese tea masters, Luang Prabang decorative arts, Sixteen Buddhist Arhats, Japanese armour, Inro, Second Netsuke Convention, Japanese sword fittings, Ikebaja Ukiyo-e, costume of the Noh theatre, Noh masks. . Japanese prints from the Vever collection, wood & bamboo carving in National Palace Museum, Japanse matchbox covers, Chinese paper-cuts, Philippine Issue, ivory carving and the Ch'ien Lung Emperior Chinese water-pipe, Agate snuff bottles, Chinese ceramics carried by the Dutch East RareOrientalBooks.Com $122 India Company, &c... $22 Book Number: 90055004 92 ARTS OF ASIA 1977. ARTS OF ASIA 1977. [Hong Kong 1977, Arts of Asia]. July-August,very clean, many color & b.w. photos. Articles: Woodblock prints from Fatshan Noh Masks, Gujarat folk wood sculpture, Vever Jap. prints... Articles: Portuguese in Macau & watercolours of George Smirnoff, Musee Guimet rarities, Wayang Purwa, Chinese ceramics for the Japanese tea masters, Luang Prabang decorative arts, Sixteen Buddhist Arhats, Japanese armour, Inro, Second Netsuke Convention, Japanese sword fittings, Ikebaja Ukiyo-e, costume of the Noh theatre, Noh masks. . Japanese prints from the Vever collection, wood & bamboo carving in National Palace Museum, Japanse matchbox covers, Chinese paper-cuts, Philippine Issue, ivory carving and the Ch'ien Lung Emperior Chinese water-pipe, Agate snuff bottles, Chinese ceramics carried by the Dutch East India Company, &c... $20 Book Number: 90055006 93 ARTS OF ASIA 1977. ARTS OF ASIA 1977. [Hong Kong 1977, Arts of Asia]. 6 Issues, complete year very clean, profuse color & b.w. photos, solid copy.COMPLETE YEAR FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles: Portuguese in Macau & watercolours of George Smirnoff, Musee Guimet rarities, Wayang Purwa, Chinese ceramics for the Japanese tea masters, Luang Prabang decorative arts, Sixteen Buddhist Arhats, Japanese armour, Inro, Second Netsuke Convention, Japanese sword fittings, Ikebaja Ukiyo-e, costume of the Noh theatre, Noh masks. . Japanese prints from the Vever collection, wood & bamboo carving in National Palace Museum, Japanse matchbox covers, Chinese paper-cuts, Philippine Issue, ivory carving and the Ch'ien Lung Emperior Chinese water-pipe, Agate snuff bottles, Chinese ceramics carried by the Dutch East India Company, &c... Book Number: 90055101 94 ARTS OF ASIA 1978. ARTS OF ASIA 1978. [Hong Kong 1978, Arts of Asia]. Complete year, 6 issues,very clean, profusely color illustrated solid. COMPLETE YEAR FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles: Bronze metalwork in Java, Chhau Dances, tomb pottery in the National Museum of History, Khmer ceramics, the Second Netsuke Convention, snuff bottles in Vancouver. . RareOrientalBooks.Com $121 Antique buying in Peking, temples in Central Java, Old Manila in photographs, Contemporary Hong Kong art, Indonesian ceramics Thai arts, Japanese Tansu, Inro, Japanese Ivory sculptor's Assn., Japaense sword, Chinese costumes, snuff bottles, the Second Netsuke Convention, Imperial Peking Palaces &c... $121 Book Number: 90055102 95 ARTS OF ASIA 1978. ARTS OF ASIA 1978. [Hong Kong 1978, Arts of Asia]. Issues: 5 of 6 issues, lacks September-October. very clean, profusely color illustrated. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles: Bronze metalwork in Java, Chhau Dances, tomb pottery in the National Museum of History, Khmer ceramics, the Second Netsuke Convention, snuff bottles in Vancouver. . Antique buying in Peking, temples in Central Java, Old Manila in photographs, Contemporary Hong Kong art, Indonesian ceramics Thai arts, Japanese Tansu, Inro, Japanese Ivory sculptor's Assn., Japaense sword, Chinese costumes, snuff bottles, the Second Netsuke Convention, Imperial Peking Palaces &c... $112 Book Number: 90055103 96 ARTS OF ASIA 1978. ARTS OF ASIA 1978. [Hong Kong 1978, Arts of Asia]. Color stiff wrs., very clean 5 of 6 issues, lacks Sept./Oct, profusely color ilustrated, very solid. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles: Bronze metalwork in Java, Chhau Dances, tomb pottery in the National Museum of History, Khmer ceramics, the Second Netsuke Convention, snuff bottles in Vancouver. . Antique buying in Peking, temples in Central Java, Old Manila in photographs, Contemporary Hong Kong art, Indonesian ceramics Thai arts, Japanese Tansu, Inro, Japanese Ivory sculptor's Assn., Japaense sword, Chinese costumes, snuff bottles, the Second Netsuke Convention, Imperial Peking Palaces &c... Book Number: 90055105 97 ARTS OF ASIA 1978. ARTS OF ASIA 1978. [Hong Kong 1978, Arts of Asia]. Color stiff wrs., very clean NOV.-DEC. issue, Special Kiseruzutsu issue, profusely color illustrated, solid. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles: Bronze metalwork in Java, Chhau Dances, tomb pottery in the National Museum of History, Khmer ceramics, the Second Netsuke Convention, snuff bottles in Vancouver. . Antique buying in Peking, temples in Central Java, Old RareOrientalBooks.Com $22 Manila in photographs, Contemporary Hong Kong art, Indonesian ceramics Thai arts, Japanese Tansu, Inro, Japanese Ivory sculptor's Assn., Japaense sword, Chinese costumes, snuff bottles, the Second Netsuke Convention, Imperial Peking Palaces &c... $27 Book Number: 90055106 98 ARTS OF ASIA 1978. ARTS OF ASIA 1978. [Hong Kong 1978, Arts of Asia]. Color stiff wrs., very clean May-June issue, Special Thailand Issue, profusely color illustrated, solid. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles: Bronze metalwork in Java, Chhau Dances, tomb pottery in the National Museum of History, Khmer ceramics, the Second Netsuke Convention, snuff bottles in Vancouver. . Antique buying in Peking, temples in Central Java, Old Manila in photographs, Contemporary Hong Kong art, Indonesian ceramics Thai arts, Japanese Tansu, Inro, Japanese Ivory sculptor's Assn., Japaense sword, Chinese costumes, snuff bottles, the Second Netsuke Convention, Imperial Peking Palaces &c... $22 Book Number: 90055202 99 ARTS OF ASIA 1979. ARTS OF ASIA 1979. [Hong Kong 1979, Arts of Asia]. Complete year of 6 issues, very clean, profusely illustrated in color, solid copy. COMPLETE YEAR FIRST AND ONLY EDITION Articles: Chinese bamboo carving, Chinese, Japanese & Korean ceramics at the Freer, Chinese painted cloisonne enamel, the Imperial Court at Peking, Chou Bronzes, Royal Ontario Museum Far Eastern Dept., Special National Exhibiton in Peking. . Islamic art, Japanese Prints in the Museum Rietberg, Chinese scroll mounting, SPECIAL ISSUE: The Soken Kisho & Ojime, Yoshitoshi, Japanese Netsuke, Alexander's Views of China, Taost colour symbolism in Ming & Ch'ing ceramics, Canton museum Oriental rugs, Korean chests, Shanghai garden, blue pottery of Jaipur, Alexander's view of China, Chinese soupspoon, Taoist colour symbolism in Ming & Ch'ing ceramics, origins of Thai silk, Canton museum. Auction news, book reviews &c. Book Number: 90055204 100 ARTS OF ASIA 1979. ARTS OF ASIA 1979. [Hong Kong 1979, Arts of Asia]. Color stiff wrs., very clean profusely illustrated in color, 4 issues lacks March-April & May-June, solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles: Chinese bamboo carving, Chinese, Japanese & Korean ceramics at the Freer, Chinese painted cloisonne enamel, the RareOrientalBooks.Com $117 Imperial Court at Peking, Chou Bronzes, Royal Ontario Museum Far Eastern Dept., Special National Exhibiton in Peking. . Islamic art, Japanese Prints in the Museum Rietberg, Chinese scroll mounting, SPECIAL ISSUE: The Soken Kisho & Ojime, Yoshitoshi, Japanese Netsuke, Alexander's Views of China, Taost colour symbolism in Ming & Ch'ing ceramics, Canton museum Oriental rugs, Korean chests, Shanghai garden, blue pottery of Jaipur, Alexander's view of China, Chinese soupspoon, Taoist colour symbolism in Ming & Ch'ing ceramics, origins of Thai silk, Canton museum. Auction news, book reviews &c. $99 Book Number: 90055301 101 ARTS OF ASIA 1980. ARTS OF ASIA 1980. [Hong Kong 1980, Arts of Asia]. Complete set of 6 issues, very clean, profusely illustrated, solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles: Kiseruzutsu: Japanese pipe case, Chinese ceramics, Netsuke & the Sokeh Kisho, mythological animals in Netsuke, Zen paintings, Indonesian art, jade Ju-i scepters, the Third Netsuke Convention, Lost tribe of China, Watch market in China, kilns of Lalong, Chinese Snuff bottles. . Chinese furniture, making Bali mask, Chinese bronzes, 5000 years of Korean Art, Wayang Museum, Indonesian textiles, art of Toradja, Pacific Asia Museum, Tibetan wheel of life, religion & art in N. Wei, temple of Ambika Mata, Buddhist cave art Lung-men the Te-hua porcelain figurines of 17 & 18th centuries. Surya icons of the Sun-god. Kapilavastu of Buddha, Kingfisher life & Kingfisher feather jewelry, Loro Blonyo sculpture of central Java. Auction news, book reviews &c... Book Number: 90055302 102 ARTS OF ASIA 1980. ARTS OF ASIA 1980. [Hong Kong 1980, Arts of Asia]. Nov. Dec. Issue, very clean, profusely color illustrated, special issue on Kiseruzutsu the Japanese pipe case, solid. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles: Kiseruzutsu: Japanese pipe case, Chinese ceramics, Netsuke & the Sokeh Kisho, mythological animals in Netsuke, Zen paintings, Indonesian art, jade Ju-i scepters, the Third Netsuke Convention, Lost tribe of China, Watch market in China, kilns of Lalong, Chinese Snuff bottles. . Chinese furniture, making Bali mask, Chinese bronzes, 5000 years of Korean Art, Wayang Museum, Indonesian textiles, art of Toradja, Pacific Asia Museum, Tibetan wheel of life, religion & art in N. Wei, temple of Ambika Mata, Buddhist cave art Lung-men the Te-hua porcelain figurines of 17 & 18th centuries. Surya icons of the Sun-god. Kapilavastu of Buddha, Kingfisher life & Kingfisher feather jewelry, Loro Blonyo sculpture of central Java. Auction news, book reviews RareOrientalBooks.Com $90 &c... $26 Book Number: 90055303 103 ARTS OF ASIA 1980. ARTS OF ASIA 1980. [Hong Kong 1980, Arts of Asia]. Issue March-April only,very clean, color illustrated, solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles: Kiseruzutsu: Japanese pipe case, Chinese ceramics, Netsuke & the Sokeh Kisho, mythological animals in Netsuke, Zen paintings, Indonesian art, jade Ju-i scepters, the Third Netsuke Convention, Lost tribe of China, Watch market in China, kilns of Lalong, Chinese Snuff bottles. . Chinese furniture, making Bali mask, Chinese bronzes, 5000 years of Korean Art, Wayang Museum, Indonesian textiles, art of Toradja, Pacific Asia Museum, Tibetan wheel of life, religion & art in N. Wei, temple of Ambika Mata, Buddhist cave art Lung-men the Te-hua porcelain figurines of 17 & 18th centuries. Surya icons of the Sun-god. Kapilavastu of Buddha, Kingfisher life & Kingfisher feather jewelry, Loro Blonyo sculpture of central Java. Auction news, book reviews &c... $26 Book Number: 90055304 104 ARTS OF ASIA 1980. ARTS OF ASIA 1980. Hong Kong 1980, Arts of Asia. Vol. 10, 6 issues, complete year, very clean, profusely illustrated in color & b.w. very solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles: Kiseruzutsu: Japanese pipe case, Chinese ceramics, Netsuke & the Sokeh Kisho, mythological animals in Netsuke, Zen paintings, Indonesian art, jade Ju-i scepters, the Third Netsuke Convention, Lost tribe of China, Watch market in China, kilns of Lalong, Chinese Snuff bottles. . Chinese furniture, making Bali mask, Chinese bronzes, 5000 years of Korean Art, Wayang Museum, Indonesian textiles, art of Toradja, Pacific Asia Museum, Tibetan wheel of life, religion & art in N. Wei, temple of Ambika Mata, Buddhist cave art Lung-men the Te-hua porcelain figurines of 17 & 18th centuries. Surya icons of the Sun-god. Kapilavastu of Buddha, Kingfisher life & Kingfisher feather jewelry, Loro Blonyo sculpture of central Java. Auction news, book reviews &c... Book Number: 90055401 105 ARTS OF ASIA 1981. ARTS OF ASIA 1981. [Hong Kong 1981, Arts of Asia]. Complete set of 6 issues, for the year, very clean, profusely illustrated in color,a very solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles: 12th International Snuff Bottle Convention, Yao RareOrientalBooks.Com $90 Taoist painting, Chinese firework Label, Borneo Tattoo, Okimono & Netsuke, Indianapolis Museum of Art: Ancient Chinese bronzes, Chinese & Japanese paintings, Chinese ceramics, Japanese prints. . Oriental textiles, Sino-Thai ceramics, Khmer ritual, old Chinese paper money, modern art in Korea, Korean furniture, Korean issue, jade, Islamic arts, Museum of FarEastern Antiquities: covering the whole collection, an artist Remembers Cambodia, Tomb Sculptures of the Southern Dynasties, Buddha images from Burma. Auction news, book reviews. $92 Book Number: 90055402 106 ARTS OF ASIA 1981. ARTS OF ASIA 1981. [Hong Kong 1981, Arts of Asia]. 5 issues, lacks May-June, many color, b.w. photos, very clean, solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles: 12th International Snuff Bottle Convention, Yao Taoist painting, Chinese firework Label, Borneo Tattoo, Okimono & Netsuke, Indianapolis Museum of Art: Ancient Chinese bronzes, Chinese & Japanese paintings, Chinese ceramics, Japanese prints. . Oriental textiles, Sino-Thai ceramics, Khmer ritual, old Chinese paper money, modern art in Korea, Korean furniture, Korean issue, jade, Islamic arts, Museum of FarEastern Antiquities: covering the whole collection, an artist Remembers Cambodia, Tomb Sculptures of the Southern Dynasties, Buddha images from Burma. Auction news, book reviews. $80 Book Number: 90055403 107 ARTS OF ASIA 1981. ARTS OF ASIA 1981. [Hong Kong 1981, Arts of Asia]. Nov.-Dec. 1981, very clean, color & b. w. photos, special OSTASIATISK MUSEET MUSEUM OF FAR EASTERN ANTIQUITIES issue, solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles: 12th International Snuff Bottle Convention, Yao Taoist painting, Chinese firework Label, Borneo Tattoo, Okimono & Netsuke, Indianapolis Museum of Art: Ancient Chinese bronzes, Chinese & Japanese paintings, Chinese ceramics, Japanese prints. . Oriental textiles, Sino-Thai ceramics, Khmer ritual, old Chinese paper money, modern art in Korea, Korean furniture, Korean issue, jade, Islamic arts, Museum of FarEastern Antiquities: covering the whole collection, an artist Remembers Cambodia, Tomb Sculptures of the Southern Dynasties, Buddha images from Burma. Auction news, book reviews. RareOrientalBooks.Com $29 Book Number: 90055404 108 ARTS OF ASIA 1981. ARTS OF ASIA 1981. [Hong Kong 1981, Arts of Asia]. March-April 1981, very clean special on Indianapolis Museum of art, many color & b.w. photos, covers bronzes, painting, ceramics, textiles, prints solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles: 12th International Snuff Bottle Convention, Yao Taoist painting, Chinese firework Label, Borneo Tattoo, Okimono & Netsuke, Indianapolis Museum of Art: Ancient Chinese bronzes, Chinese & Japanese paintings, Chinese ceramics, Japanese prints. . Oriental textiles, Sino-Thai ceramics, Khmer ritual, old Chinese paper money, modern art in Korea, Korean furniture, Korean issue, jade, Islamic arts, Museum of FarEastern Antiquities: covering the whole collection, an artist Remembers Cambodia, Tomb Sculptures of the Southern Dynasties, Buddha images from Burma. Auction news, book reviews. $26 Book Number: 90055405 109 ARTS OF ASIA 1981. ARTS OF ASIA 1981. Hong Kong 1981, Arts of Asia. Jan.-Feb. issue only, very clean, profusely illustrated color & b.w., Chinese fireworks labels special feature, solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles: 12th International Snuff Bottle Convention, Yao Taoist painting, Chinese firework Label, Borneo Tattoo, Okimono & Netsuke, Indianapolis Museum of Art: Ancient Chinese bronzes, Chinese & Japanese paintings, Chinese ceramics, Japanese prints. . Oriental textiles, Sino-Thai ceramics, Khmer ritual, old Chinese paper money, modern art in Korea, Korean furniture, Korean issue, jade, Islamic arts, Museum of FarEastern Antiquities: covering the whole collection, an artist Remembers Cambodia, Tomb Sculptures of the Southern Dynasties, Buddha images from Burma. Auction news, book reviews. Book Number: 90055502 110 ARTS OF ASIA 1982. ARTS OF ASIA 1982. [Hong Kong 1982, Arts of Asia]. Issues: 4 of 6, lacking JanJanuary-April, very good, profusely illustrated in color, a very solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles: Stevens' collection of Chinese snuff bottles, Burmese "Opium" weights, Christian motifs in Chinese snuff bottles, export fans, Negoro lacquer, John Ogilby, China publisher, Chinese soft paste or steatitic porcelain, Korean painting history, carved Rhino horn, Philippine brass boxes, Prehistoric Collections in Muzium Negra, Kuala Lumpur, Thai RareOrientalBooks.Com $19 jewelry & other Thai ceramic & art works, &c... Useful. $80 Book Number: 90055503 111 ARTS OF ASIA 1982. ARTS OF ASIA 1982. Hong Kong 1982, Arts of Asia. September-October, very clean profusely illustrated in color, this issue devoted to prehistoric collections in Muzium Negra, Kuala Lumpur, solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles: Stevens' collection of Chinese snuff bottles, Burmese "Opium" weights, Christian motifs in Chinese snuff bottles, export fans, Negoro lacquer, John Ogilby, China publisher, Chinese soft paste or steatitic porcelain, Korean painting history, carved Rhino horn, Philippine brass boxes, Prehistoric Collections in Muzium Negra, Kuala Lumpur, Thai jewelry & other Thai ceramic & art works, &c... Useful. $26 Book Number: 90055601 112 ARTS OF ASIA 1983. ARTS OF ASIA 1983. [Hong Kong 1983, Arts of Asia]. Complete set of 6 issues, very clean, profusely illustrated in color, solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles: Triennial Index 1980-1982, Indian arts, Japanese fans of the Meiji period, crickets, Netsuke carver Shoko, jades, Kakiemon, Beatty Jade collection, musical instruments of China, Philippine ivory carvings & other arts forms, old Peking. . Indo-Asian shadow figures, Durham University Oriental Museum their Asian collections &c... $94 Book Number: 90055602 113 ARTS OF ASIA 1983. ARTS OF ASIA 1983. [Hong Kong 1983, Arts of Asia]. 3 Issues lacks Jan.-Feb., May-June, July-Aug., Sept.- October very clean, profusely color illustrated, solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles: Triennial Index 1980-1982, Indian arts, Japanese fans of the Meiji period, crickets, Netsuke carver Shoko, jades, Kakiemon, Beatty Jade collection, musical instruments of China, Philippine ivory carvings & other arts forms, old Peking. . Indo-Asian shadow figures, Durham University Oriental Museum their Asian collections &c... Book Number: 90055603 RareOrientalBooks.Com $39 114 ARTS OF ASIA 1983. ARTS OF ASIA 1983. [Hong Kong 1983, Arts of Asia]. November-December issue on Egypt, Near East, India, Southeast Asia, China and Japan, profusely color illustrated, very clean, solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles: Triennial Index 1980-1982, Indian arts, Japanese fans of the Meiji period, crickets, Netsuke carver Shoko, jades, Kakiemon, Beatty Jade collection, musical instruments of China, Philippine ivory carvings & other arts forms, old Peking. . Indo-Asian shadow figures, Durham University Oriental Museum their Asian collections &c... $22 Book Number: 90055703 115 ARTS OF ASIA 1984. ARTS OF ASIA 1984. [Hong Kong 1984, Arts of Asia]. Complete set of 6 issues, very clean, profusely illustrated in color, solid copy. COMPLETE YEAR FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles: Chang Ta-Ch'ien and his son, Light of Asia, funerary sculpture of the Northern Sung, overseas Chinese silversmiths, Antique Maps of Japan, Chinese snuff bottles in Paris, Kano Tessai, Japanese blue & white porcelain, modern Mien silver, Angkor Wat Apsaras, ethnic jewelry of Nepal, Nepalese issue, ancient Ts'ung jade tube, Khmer monuments, Kampong pastimes, metalwork of the Shanghai bund, sacred heirlooms, Cricket story &c. $75 Book Number: 90055801 116 ARTS OF ASIA 1985. ARTS OF ASIA 1985. [Hong Kong 1985, Arts of Asia]. Complete set of 6 issues, very clean, profusely illustrated in color, solid copy. COMPLETE SET OF 6 ISSUES FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles: Tibetan arts, Nepal, Sri Lanka & S. East Asia, Arab furniture of the 19th century, 100 years of Philippine painting, MOA Museum of Art Atami, Yokohama prints, Tsuba, miniature bamboo Japanese art, betel leaf holders, Chinese bird cages, Szechwan's temples, tombs & gardens, Inro, Chinese thumb rings, Treasures of Islam, Chinese painting, lacquer in Los Angeles, cloisonn� of Kuo Ming-Chiao &c... Book Number: 90055803 117 ARTS OF ASIA 1985. ARTS OF ASIA 1985. [Hong Kong 1985, Arts of Asia]. Sept./Oct issue only, very clean, profusely illustrated in color, solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles: Tibetan arts, Nepal, Sri Lanka & S. East Asia, RareOrientalBooks.Com $94 Arab furniture of the 19th century, 100 years of Philippine painting, MOA Museum of Art Atami, Yokohama prints, Tsuba, miniature bamboo Japanese art, betel leaf holders, Chinese bird cages, Szechwan's temples, tombs & gardens, Inro, Chinese thumb rings, Treasures of Islam, Chinese painting, lacquer in Los Angeles, cloisonn� of Kuo Ming-Chiao &c... $22 Book Number: 90055901 118 ARTS OF ASIA 1986. ARTS OF ASIA 1986. [Hong Kong 1986, Arts of Asia]. Complete set of 6 issues, very clean, profusely illustrated in color, solid set. COMPLETE YEAR 6 ISSUES FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles: Macau past and present, Old Protestant cemetery, George Chinnery's view of Macau, National Museum Singapore, Straits Chinese bridal chamber, 17th century Chinese porcelain, Wayang puppets, Palaces of Nepal, enamels, jade and a special issue on the British Museum collection. $94 Book Number: 90055903 119 ARTS OF ASIA 1986. ARTS OF ASIA 1986. [Hong Kong 1986, Arts of Asia]. January-February issue, on Macau heritage, profusely illustrated in color & b.w. photos very clean, solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles: Macau past and present, Old Protestant cemetery, George Chinnery's view of Macau, National Museum Singapore, Straits Chinese bridal chamber, 17th century Chinese porcelain, Wayang puppets, Palaces of Nepal, enamels, jade and a special issue on the British Museum collection. $17 Book Number: 90056102 120 ARTS OF ASIA 1987. ARTS OF ASIA 1987. [Hong Kong 1987, Arts of Asia]. Six issues, a complete year, very clean, profuselly illustrated, solid copy. COMPLETE YEAR, 6 ISSUES FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles: National Museum Singapore, Chinese trade ceramics, Chinese glove puppet theatre, Southeast Asian ceremonial textiles, Straits Chinese bridal chamber, Tibetan art, Mongolian saddle, contemporary prints in India, Ting ware, white porcelains, Surimono-Ukiyoe, Ohara Museum Kurashiki, Japanese metal art in Meiji era, Lacquer work of Suzuki Mutsumi, Bluish-white and Ying-Chi'ing wares of Chingtechen, Grace Wu Bruce collection of Chinese furniture, Turkish ceramics &c. Book Number: 90056103 RareOrientalBooks.Com $80 121 ARTS OF ASIA 1987. ARTS OF ASIA 1987. Hong Kong [1987], Arts of Asia. Four issues, wanting January -February & March-April, very clean copies, profusely color illustrated, solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Articles: National Museum Singapore, Chinese trade ceramics, Chinese glove puppet theatre, Southeast Asian ceremonial textiles, Straits Chinese bridal chamber, Tibetan art, Mongolian saddle, contemporary prints in India, Ting ware, white porcelains, Surimono-Ukiyoe, Ohara Museum Kurashiki, Japanese metal art in Meiji era, Lacquer work of Suzuki Mutsumi, Bluish-white and Ying-Chi'ing wares of Chingtechen, Grace Wu Bruce collection of Chinese furniture, Turkish ceramics &c. $60 Book Number: 90056202 122 ARTS OF ASIA 1988. ARTS OF ASIA 1988. [Hong Kong 1988, Arts of Asia]. Six issues, a complete year, profusely illustrated in color, very clean, January-December 1988, solid set. COMPLETE YEAR 6 ISSUES FIRST EDITION Articles: Yao-chou ware, dragon in Chinese art, wedding jewellery in Malaysia, Balinese theatre, classical Ming garden, paper money of Macau, Chester Beatty collection of Snuff Bottles, tattoo weights from Burma, Chinese paintings, beads of India, Khmer temple in Thailand, Buddhist bronzes from the Nitta Group Collection, early Chou bronze vessels, Treasure of the Tokugawa, Japanese screens, Toghoku ceramic museum, Shikoku temples, Kobe City Museum & Denver Art Museum. $87 Book Number: 91085303 123 ARTS OF ASIA 1989. ARTS OF ASIA 1989. Hong Kong [1989]. 5 issues: Jan.-Aug. & Nov.-Dec.,very clean solid set. FIRST & ONLY EDITION $63 Book Number: 91085304 124 ARTS OF ASIA 1989. ARTS OF ASIA 1989. Hong Kong [1989], Arts of Asia. September-October issue,very clean, profusely color illustrated. Issue: New Asian Gallery at Newark Museum:Japan, China, Korea, India, Tibet & Nepal, solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Book Number: 87043101 125 ARTS OF ASIA 1990. RareOrientalBooks.Com $15 ARTS OF ASIA 1990. Hong Kong 1990, Arts of Asia. Complete vol. 20, 6 issues, very good, many color & b.w. photos, very clean solid set, the complete year. FIRST & ONLY EDITION With articles: Yu Chin-chen China's most popular woman artist, beads in Philippines, Wang Shu-sen jade carver, Socialist realism in N. Korea, Buddhist painting of Ladakh, Chinese eating kits, snuff bottles, ceramic cites in Burma, glass beads of China, central Himalayan art, R.T. Villanueve collection in Manila: export Yuan & Painting, Santos.Highlights of a jade collection, porcelain for palaces, Newar ceremonial jewellery, Chinese bronzes, 10-14th century Chinese ceramics, oriental carpets, Asian domestic embroideries, Japanese combs & hairpins, Netsuke & metalworking techniques,from Jomon to Sankama: ceramic treasures. Wagashi: Japanese sweet cakes. Fuji art museum, Sarnath Buddhist art, Arhats & Mahasiddhas in Himalayan art, Sanghol sculptures, Nias sculpture and art gallery in a Chinese Imperial garden et al. Auction news, book reviews &c... $100 Book Number: 20068402 126 ARTS OF ASIA 1991. ARTS OF ASIA 1991. Hong Kong 1991, Arts of Asia. 6 Issues, full year, complete, very good, profuse color & b.w. photos. R. N. Villegas: Classic Furniture in the Paulino Que Collection, M. Tranchini: Borobudur: Art and Religion, P. Coyne: Bridges of Imperial China, R. Cato: Islamic Swords of the Southern Philippines. J. Goldstein: The Quest for Satsuma Ware, H. Cortazzi: Japanese Paintings in the Yamatane Museum of Art in Tokyo, W. J. Rathbun: A Textile Treasury in the Seattle Art Museum, E. Warren:The Woodblock Prints of Kawase Hasui, P. C. Bassan: Musha Ningyo: A Disappearing Samurai Heritage, L. Kapp: Appreciating the Japanese Sword. A. Hsi: Gems of China's Cultural Relics, S. V. R. Cammann: Birds and Animals as Ming and Ch'ing Badges of Rank, C.Lin-sheng: Ch'ing Dynasty Imperial Enamelled Glassware, C. Pagani: Late Ch'ing Dynasty Opium Boxes, S. Yiu Yip: Collecting Ming Furniture of Huang Hua-li Wood. V.Dove: Northern Thailand: Legacies of the Lanna Thai Kingdoms, E. Torres: The Paulino Que Collection of Philippine Paintings, K. K. Sulaiman: Carved Sword Hilts from Nais, N. Pearce: The T. T. Tsui Gallery of Chinese Art, G. Lester: Raku: The Beauty of Imperfection. M. M. Rhie et. al.: Wisdom and Compassion: The Sacred Art of Tibet, N. F. Singer: Rhino Horn and Elephant Ivory, I. Hersey: Art of Indonesia's Outer Islands, S. Thompson: Japanese Export Art at the Bowes Museum, M. L. Davis: Pina Fabric of the Philippines, E. B. Curtis: Glass for K'ang Hsi's Court. A. Kwau-yau:An Introduction to the Historical Pictures Collection, H. Kam-chuen: Some Interesting Items in the Chinese Antiquities Section, C. Chu:The Collection of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy, G. Tsang: "Too French": The Inaugural Exhibition of Contemporary French Art. 23 x 30 cm. Book Number: 21036601 RareOrientalBooks.Com $77 127 ARTS OF ASIA 1992. ARTS OF ASIA 1992. Hong Kong 1992. Arts of Asia. 6 issues, full year, complete, very good, profuse color & b.w. photos. P. Swart: Japanese Swond Guards in the Vancouver Museum, R. B. Caldwell: Menuki - The Magnificent Minitures of Japan, G. Lester: Zen Philosophy in the Japanese Tea Ceremony, H. Cortazzi: The Mingeikan Museum in Tokyo, J. Marschner: "A Taste for the Orient": Queen Mary II and the Porcelain Collection at Kensington Palace, P. Pal: The Divine Couple in Himalayan Art. R. H. Sheeks: Tea Bowls of the Himalayan and Mongolian Peoples, Y. Po-ta: Jade: Emperor Ch'ien Lung's Collection in the Palace Museum, Peking, S.B. Singh: The God Vishnu - Concept, Forms, and Images in Uttar Pradesh, S. V. R. Cammann: Other Mandarin Squares: Korean, Annamese, and Unfamiliar Examples. M. Knight: Chinese Art, W. J. Rathbun: The Japanese Gallery, R. D. Mowry: Korean Art, I. A. Bierman: Near East Gallery. C.Conover: Miniature Works of Art, The Simone Hartman Collection, M.Baistrocchi: Additional Notes on the Chinese Water-pipe, R. T. Jose: Philippine Santos in the Paulino Que Collection, B.Till: Kumbum Lamasery, Sacred Tibetan Buddhist Centre, C. Guillen-Nunez: Macau's Heritage the Guia Lighthouse, M.Banks: Tomb Sculpture of the Northern Wei Dynasty. C. O. Valdes: Martaban Jars Found in the Philippines, N. F. Singer: The Gold Relics of Bana Thau, L. Lynton: The Wild Silk Saris of Eastern India, G.Leonov: The Rite of Consecration in Tibetan Buddhism, A.McBain: Flower Symbolism in Chinese Art. C. Michaelson: The Joseph E. Hotung Gallery, Oriental Antiquities in the British Museum, B. Till: Tomb Statuary of Korea, B. P. Stoltie: Chinese Paktong, Magic Metal with the Soul of Gold, N. Pearce: The Samsung Gallery of Korean Art at the Victoria and Albert Museum, R.Esser: Archeological Investigations and Finds on a Hong Kong Island. 23 x 30 cm. $77 Book Number: 21033601 128 ARTS OF ASIA 1993. ARTS OF ASIA 1993. [Hong Kong 1993, Arts of Asia]. Complete year, 6 issues,very good, profusely color illustrated. Articles: '92 Beijing International Auction and China Treasures '92 Shanghai. Classical Chinese furniture in the Nelson -Atkins Museum, Kodo-Japanese incense game, Gardens of Kyoto Tsuba & Japanese swords,early photography & Japanese prints. Asian art in the Cincinnati Art Museum, George Chinnery and his contemporaries on the China coast, Conference on Zhejiang Greenware at Univ. H.K., ancient god Siva, Kamavaca text & their bindings, blue de Hue, Chinese porcelains for the Vietnamese court. Imperial China: ritual, revival of Buddhism in Mongolia, interior design in Ming dynasty China. Jiang Zhaohe Chinese figure painter, sites & stucco figureines of Nalanda, straits Chinese jewelry. Chang Foundation, Farquhar collection: natural history drawings of Malacca. Chinese celadons: the collection of Mr. & Mrs. Jack Chia. Malay Islamic Manuscripts: arts of the book in the Malay archipelago. Blanc de Chine Hickley collection, Joe Grimberg collection of Chinese snuff bottles. Treasures of the Warring states. RareOrientalBooks.Com $77 Book Number: 21033701 129 ARTS OF ASIA 1995. ARTS OF ASIA 1995. [Hong Kong 1995, Arts of Asia]. Complete year, 6 issues,very good, profusely color illustrated. Articles: Recapturing Utagawa Kunisada, Washi Japan's handmade paper & its myriad uses, Rhythm & repeats in Japanese porcelain design, Japanese stone appreciation, Tokkuri a saluation to Japanese Sake bottle. Chinese opium pipe, Keisuke Serizawa, Chinese bronze Bodhisattva sculptures, Bhutanese women's dress, Song-Ming jades. Chinese ceramics from Song to Qing, Mengdiexuan Collection of metalwork, Chris Hall Chinese textiles & regalia, M.K. Lau collecton 20th century Chinese paintings, Chinese snuff bottles in the Hui collection. Art of Eastern India in the Avery Brundage collection, Chinese pig tales, Timorese tribal bracelets, Chinese textiles related to Tibetan Buddhism, stone architecture of the Karnali Basin, head-dress of the Tibetan Nyinba in Nepal, gold treasure of Wonoboyo at Jakarta National Museum. Sagemono, Golden age of Satsuma, circle & the sword, personal account of Japanese sword study, Chishakuin Kyoto, Chinese actress. Archaic jades in Lantien Shanfang Collection, jade from neolithic to Qing, jade colloquy, art of Mongolia's Buddhist renaissance, searching for Li Keran and the Eight Eccentrics. Book Number: 95113001 130 ARTS, P.L.W. TETSUBIN: A JAPANESE WATERKETTLE. Groningen 1987, Geldermaslen. Blue cloth, 582p., 190 b.w. photos & line drawings, map, bibliography, chronology,index, solid, "AS NEW COPY," in excellent dust jacket. FIRST & ONLY EDITION A scholarly and systematic study of these important and collectable objects, placing them in their cultural and social context as well as charting their historical development as tea and household utensils. . This the first monograph devoted exclusively to Japanese casted iron water kettles. It is the major single English language resource and reference. . Hitherto there were only a few resources, but in Japanese. Valuable for any Japanese antique collector, or student of Japanese tea. RareOrientalBooks.Com $75 * $109 SUBSTANTIAL COLLECTOR'S REFERENCE AND PICTORIAL RESOURCE Book Number: 20042301 131 ARTS, P.W.L. JAPANESE PORCELAIN: A Collector's Guide to General Aspects & Decorative Motifs. Lochem 1983, Uitgeversmaatschappi. Blue cloth, very good, dj 178p., index, bibliography, appendix of hundreds of pottery marks/seals, 100 + figures, 90 color photos, 16 x 25 cm. S C A R C E FIRST & ONLY EDITION This is a major reference resource for collectors & students of motifs found on Japanese porcelain & other objects. This is a fine dictionary of the large & various traditional designs and motifs found in Japanese art, as well as those found on porcelains. * Few books cover this subject at all, none in the depth given herein. This monograph is loaded with figures and photos showing examples, variations, and the meaning of each. This work also covers the development of Japanese porcelain from the between the middle of the 17th century and the beginning of the 19th centuries. Covers also foreign porcelain trade of the Portuguese, the Dutch East India Company [V.O.C.], &c. * With a chapter devoted to the techniques of porcelain making in old Japan: kilns, clay-composition, firing process, enamel & colors, spur marks, &c. Description of the types of porcelains: blue-and-white, Imari, Kakiemon, Kutani, Nabeshima & Hirado wares. * $65 Book Number: 96048901 132 AS IDLE AS PAINTED SHIP. "AS IDLE AS A PAINTED SHIP." [New York 1918, Asia]. Extracted photo-article, [8]p., 8 2tone photos. With photos and descriptions of Fuji, Japanese sail boats, Chinese sail boats, dawn in the harbor of Singapore, a solitary fisherman on Dhal Lake, &c. RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 A SUPERB MONOGRAPH ON ONE OF JAPAN'S GREATIST ARTISTS Book Number: 88025501 133 [ASAI, CHU Tadashi.] MOKUGOKAI comp. MOKUGO NIHON GASHU: A GROUP OF PAINTINGS BY ASAI [CHU] TADASHI COLLECTED BY THE MOKUGO CLUB. [Kyoto 1909, Unsodo]. Green boards, thread-tied spine, tall folio 24.6 x 37.5 cm., very clean. a bit of edge/corner wear contents solid, 8 color woodblock prints, 81 b.w. collotype photos, [Small Edition ca.200 Copies] THE RARE FIRST EDITION . * * A STUNNING COLOR WOODBLOCK PRINTED MONOGRAPH * * . . AN IMPORTANT JAPANESE PAINTER AND INFLUENTIAL ARTIST . This is a stunning work, with 8 full-page color woodblock printed illustrations, plus 81 b.w. collotypes, showing 89 examples of Asai's and other artist's paintings. . A DELUXE BOOK: This work was beautifully printed with 8 color woodblock prints, before which are tissue guards with the Japanese painting title and the owner's name. This copy also contains seven additional typed English sheets giving the title, owner's name for the first 8 color prints, [lacks 1 sheet] and translation of the Japanese. . The work was compiled by the committee from the MOKUGO KAI [MOKUGO CLUB] and includes the works of Nakazawa Iwata, Ikebe Gissho, Tsumaki Tsuruichi, Yamamoto Shunkyo, Kagoi Toshiro, Kikuchi Samataro and Miyakodori Eiki. *** . WHO WAS THE ARTIST ASAI CHU [Tadashi] [1856-1907]: . Per Roberts below states, he was a "Western-style painter, born in Kazusa province,, moved to Tokyo, later Kyoto, a pupil of Kunisawa Shikuro at his private school Shogido in 1875, and Antonio Fontanesi the next year at the Kobu Daigaku Bijitsu Gakko. In 1888, with Kawamura Kiyo-o and others, set up the Meiji Bijutsukai. In 1898 taught at the Tokyo School of Fine Arts. Served as a war artist in the Sino-Japanese war. From 1900 to 1902 in France, living first in Paris, then in Grez [near Paris], where he did some of his best work; exhibited at the Paris Exposition of 1900. On his return moved to Kyoto and became professor at the Kyoto Kogei Gakko; also took a leading part in Kyoto art circles as director of the Kansai Bijutsuin and founder of the Shogoin Yoga Kenkyusho. Among his best pupils were Ishii Hakutei, Umehara Ryuzaburo, and Yasui Sotaro. A leading RareOrientalBooks.Com painter of his time, most influential in the development of Western-style painting in Japan." He is well collected by world museums. *** Wikipedia has an excellent article on Asai Chu. Asai Chu was a Japanese painter, noted for his pioneering work in developing the yoga (Western-style) art movement in late 19th century and early twentieth-century Japanese painting. . Asai was born to an ex-samurai class household in Sakura, in the Kanto region of Japan, where his father had been a retainer of the Sakura Domain. He attended the domain school, where his father was principal, and left home in 1873 to pursue English language studies in Tokyo. However, he became interested in the arts, and enrolled as a pupil of Kunisawa Shinkuro in western oil painting classes. In 1876, he enrolled as one of the first students in the Kobubijutsu Gakko [the Technical Fine Arts School], where he was able to study under the Italian foreign advisor Antonio Fontanesi, who had been hired by the Meiji government in the late 1870s to introduce Western oil painting to Japan. . He also tutored the noted poet Masaoka Shiki in the techniques of Western art, and was the model for a character in Natsume Soseki�s novel "SANSHIRO." . Asai also used a number of "Go" or "studio names: Go: Mokugo, Mokugyo. . A number of Asai�s works have been recognized by the Japanese government's Agency for Cultural Affairs as "IMPORTANT CULTURAL PROPERTIES.". . *** . THE TWO EDITIONS: [AND UNSODO THE PUBLISHER] . The title was printed in two editions: The FIRST EDITION OF 1909, superbly done, and a much later and poor quality edition of 1927. . This the FIRST EDITION OF 1909 is an exceptionally fine printing of the first pull off the woodblocks in full color. The quality of Unsodo in their early days was of the highest standard in Japan of the period. . The second edition was printed some eight years later in 1927, reflecting the world-wide depression attitude of poor-quality Japanese goods. This edition is can not compare to the high quality First Edition. . *** THE BINDING: The work is bound in the original green-pictorial paper covered boards, with a decoration of flowers from the artists collection. The binding is solidly stitched with [recent] purple threads. * . PROTECTED IN CHITSU: . RareOrientalBooks.Com The book is protected in a typical indigo-blue cloth covered Japanese Chitsu case, circa the 1940's-50's period. It is very clean and solid, without any issues, complete with 2 bone clasps, all in all, in excellent condition. * CONDITION: The book covers show signs of use and wear at the corners and edges, the contents is very clean, with all tissue guards placed before each illustration. There was a tiny worm hole on 2 pages, in the lower margins, properly restored ages ago, this is not anywhere near the graphics, the work is very solid. *** . REFERENCES: WorldCat lists: 77/editions?editionsView=true&referer=br * Wikipedia cites him: * Link: 07 This illustrates a number of his drawings, and prints, with biographical data. * ROBERTS, Laurance P.: A DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS: PAINTING, SCULPTURE, CERAMICS, PRINTS, LACQUER, cites this artist on p.6, left column. *** Book Number: 27028101 134 ASIA SCENE. ASIA SCENE. [Tokyo 1957-8, Sankei]. Stiff pictorial wrs., 21 x 28 cm., profuse photos, English text, pages average 96-66 per issue, very good, as issued, odd group: Dec. 1957; 1958: Jan.-Feb., April & Sept, group of 4 issues as a lot. This is an ecclectic journal on 'new' Japan, just after World War II, and after the occupation. * This work covers Japan's progress in manufacturing, economics, women's right and culture, festivals, costume, Kimono, foreign trade, art, sports, style, fashion trends, movies, theater, trendy news, entertainment, religion, foreign relations, "sister boys," headlines for each year, Noh plays, enduring elegance, What is Japanese? Art collectors RareOrientalBooks.Com $1559 and their treasures, woodblock prints, book scene, inside communist China, S.E. Asia, Japanese pin-up girls, falconry in Japan, medical science, Japanese ceramics, Japanese behind Korean bars, Third Asian Games, art of Taikan, Japanese pearl industry, Judo and too many others !!! * $48 Book Number: 96043601 135 ASIA SOCIETY. MASTERPIECES OF ASIAN ART IN AMERICAN COLLECTIONS II. [New York 1970], Asia Soc. Green cloth, very good, 150p., 8 color, 96 b.w. photos, large A4 fomat, clean solid copy. FIRST EDITION Covering India, Nepal, Indonesia, China and Japan, ceramics, sculpture, some screens, scrolls, woodblock, calligraphy, porcelain, wood, stone, &c. Excellent reference source. Book Number: 95818401 136 ASIA: THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE ON THE ORIENT. ASIA: VOLUME 30, 1930. THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE ON THE ORIENT. [Concord 1930, Asia]. # 3 Pictorial wrs., very good, pp.156229, profusely b. w. illustrated throughout, bibliography, large format 22.5 x 30.5 cm., leading edge margin slightly damaged, no text loss, else very good. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Contents: #3 March: IN HOLY MECCA by Dr. Riza-Tewfik. . OUTRIGGER BOATS OF MADASGASCAR by James Hornell. . CHINA'S DESPERATE GESTURE [mandate of Nanking government as led by Chiang Kai-shek, denouncing extraterritorialty] by Rodney Gilbert. . AS HUMAN AS WE ARE [about Africa] by Erick Berry. . DIGGING UP DEAD CITIES. [Mohenjo-Daro] by Dorothy Mackay. . HUNTING SOUL-STUFF [head-hunting by Ifugaos] by R. Barton. . HEART-BEATS IN INDIA by C. Andrews.. . MY CAPE TOWN TO LONDON FLIGHT [Southern Rhodesia] Lady Heath. . SUNDAY IN A RUSSIAN VILLAGE by Maurice Hindus. *** #4 April: THE MONTE CARLO OF THE ORIENT [Macao] by Aleko Lilus. . WHAT SHALL WE DO WITH THE PHILIPPINES by Edward Bowditch. . EVER-OLD, EVER-NEW KASHMIR pictorial, photos by J. Noel. . THE HEIR OF LENIN [Stalin] by William White. RareOrientalBooks.Com $7 . THE MOSQUE OF THE MUFTI by Vincent Sheean. . SOME JAPANESE FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS pictorial. . THE PALACE OF DOGS OF CHINA by Elsie Weil. . AS HUMAN AS WE ARE [Hill pagans of Nigeria] by Erick Berry. . THE PUZZLE OF CHINESE FOREIGN RELATION by James Shotwell. . MY CAPE TOWN TO LDONDON FLIGHT [on to Cairo] by Lady Heath *** #5 May: CHERRY BLOSSOMS: I: Japanese spring in America by Paul Russell. II First among flowers by Keizo Matsuno. . LATEST TURN OF THE MANCHURIAN WHEEL BY Herbert Elliston. . DINDIKI by Andre Gide. . HIGH TARTARY II: Into the Heavenly Mountains, by Owen Lattimore. . MY CAPE TOWN TO LONDON FLIGHT IV: Home to London in a re-tailed plane, by Lady Heath. . HEROES OF THE AMERICAS SEEN BY OLD JAPAN, pictorial. . TERRIBLE TALES [Africa] BY eRICK bERRY. . WHEN THE SUN WENT OUT IN THE PHILIPPINES by Beverley Hancock. . THE NEW ROAD. [Nanking] A Story, by Pearl Buck. . A VAGABOND AMONG THE SUN-ISLES III Gossip of White Rabaul, by Margaret Matches. *** #6 June: A CHILD OF OLD STAMBOUL by Hadije Selma Ekrem. . EXPLORING FOR PLANTS IN CEYLON by David Fairdchild. . A ROYAL CITY THAT DOESNT CARE [Kentung, Burma] by Ralph Henderson. . WHITE MAN'S LAW AMONG FILIPINO TRIBESMEN [Kalingas, Bontoc & head-hunters], by R. Barton. . ANIMAL SCROLLS [Japanese] pictorial from the Louis Ledoux collection. . TURKEY AND CHINA by Arnold Toynbee. . HINDU TEMPLES OF MYSORE by Frieda Das. . HIGH TARTARY III: The American Dukes in the Tien-Shan [Inner Mongolia/Gobi] by Owen Lattimore. . FIRECRACKERS AND WHITE TULLE. [A Chinese wedding in Hawaii], by Loraine Kuck. RareOrientalBooks.Com . A ROMAN ALPHABET FOR MODERN CHINA by Ching-chun Wang. . HASHISH SMUGGGLERS OF EGYPT by Seudamore Jarvis. *** #7 July: PIG AND POI IN PARADISE by Don Blanding. . DEADLOCK IN INDIA by G. Garratt. . A PLACE OF WONDERFUL DEATH by Frederick Drowne. . TWILIGHT OF THE GEISHA pictorial. . POINTS OF VIEW ABOUT THE SOVIET UNION by Paul Scheffer. . THE MONASTERY OF THE OAK POOL by Ruth Tenney. . A VAGABOND AMONG THE SUN-ISLES by Margaret Matches. . THE GOSPEL OF A HINDU MONK by Romain Rolland. . THE CHINESE PIPE-ORGAN by S. Chen. . THE JAVANESE BLACK COBRA by Felix Koopstein. . A CHILD OF OLD STAMBOUL by Hadije Selma Ekrem. . A LETTER FROM SUMATRA dictated by Virginia Welch. *** #8 August: MONEY BY THE TON by Rodney Gilbert. . CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE IN INDIA by Ramananda Chatterjee. . A TABLOID IN BANGKOK by Andrew Freeman. . RUINS OF PENANCE by Lt.Col. V. Prescott-Westcar. . NEW YORK TIGERS FROM MALAYA pictorial. . THE GOSPEL OF A HINDU MONK II by Romain Rolland. . PLACE OF HAPPINESS pictorial. . SINGING-TO HER DEATH a story by Pearl Buck. . FISHING IN INDIAN WATERS pictorial, photos by James Hornell. . BRITISH TWO-PRONGED POLICY IN PALESTIN by Vincent Sheean, *** #9 September: SPIRITUAL COMRADESHIP AMONG RACES by Sir Francis Younghusband. . PILLS OF TEN THOUSAND EFFICACIES by James Bennett. . OOZY PASTURES OF THE CROCODILE by Alexander Reynolds. . A BOOTLET DANCE AMONG THE MA-NANJIA by Inglis Fletcher. . MERCHANDISE OF FEZ by Eleanor Hoffman. RareOrientalBooks.Com . A LESSON IN PUSHTU by Harry Wedeck. . THE GOSPEL OF A HUNDU MONK III by Romain Rolland. . LAMAS DEVIL-DANCERS AND A LIVING GOD pictorial. . A TABLOID IN BANGKOK II by Andrew Freeman. . A CHILD OF OLD STAMBOUL IV by Hadije Selma Ekrem. *** Each issue includes the Asiatic Bookshelf. *** Book Number: 95818402 137 ASIA: THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE ON THE ORIENT. ASIA: VOLUME 30, 1930. THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE ON THE ORIENT. [Concord 1930, Asia]. # 4 Pictorial wrs., very good, pp.232307, profusely b. w. illustrated throughout, bibliography, large format 22.5 x 30.5 cm., very clean. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Contents: #3 March: IN HOLY MECCA by Dr. Riza-Tewfik. . OUTRIGGER BOATS OF MADASGASCAR by James Hornell. . CHINA'S DESPERATE GESTURE [mandate of Nanking government as led by Chiang Kai-shek, denouncing extraterritorialty] by Rodney Gilbert. . AS HUMAN AS WE ARE [about Africa] by Erick Berry. . DIGGING UP DEAD CITIES. [Mohenjo-Daro] by Dorothy Mackay. . HUNTING SOUL-STUFF [head-hunting by Ifugaos] by R. Barton. . HEART-BEATS IN INDIA by C. Andrews.. . MY CAPE TOWN TO LONDON FLIGHT [Southern Rhodesia] Lady Heath. . SUNDAY IN A RUSSIAN VILLAGE by Maurice Hindus. *** #4 April: THE MONTE CARLO OF THE ORIENT [Macao] by Aleko Lilus. . WHAT SHALL WE DO WITH THE PHILIPPINES by Edward Bowditch. . EVER-OLD, EVER-NEW KASHMIR pictorial, photos by J. Noel. . THE HEIR OF LENIN [Stalin] by William White. . THE MOSQUE OF THE MUFTI by Vincent Sheean. . SOME JAPANESE FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS pictorial. . THE PALACE OF DOGS OF CHINA by Elsie Weil. RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 . AS HUMAN AS WE ARE [Hill pagans of Nigeria] by Erick Berry. . THE PUZZLE OF CHINESE FOREIGN RELATION by James Shotwell. . MY CAPE TOWN TO LDONDON FLIGHT [on to Cairo] by Lady Heath *** #5 May: CHERRY BLOSSOMS: I: Japanese spring in America by Paul Russell. II First among flowers by Keizo Matsuno. . LATEST TURN OF THE MANCHURIAN WHEEL BY Herbert Elliston. . DINDIKI by Andre Gide. . HIGH TARTARY II: Into the Heavenly Mountains, by Owen Lattimore. . MY CAPE TOWN TO LONDON FLIGHT IV: Home to London in a re-tailed plane, by Lady Heath. . HEROES OF THE AMERICAS SEEN BY OLD JAPAN, pictorial. . TERRIBLE TALES [Africa] BY eRICK bERRY. . WHEN THE SUN WENT OUT IN THE PHILIPPINES by Beverley Hancock. . THE NEW ROAD. [Nanking] A Story, by Pearl Buck. . A VAGABOND AMONG THE SUN-ISLES III Gossip of White Rabaul, by Margaret Matches. *** #6 June: A CHILD OF OLD STAMBOUL by Hadije Selma Ekrem. . EXPLORING FOR PLANTS IN CEYLON by David Fairdchild. . A ROYAL CITY THAT DOESNT CARE [Kentung, Burma] by Ralph Henderson. . WHITE MAN'S LAW AMONG FILIPINO TRIBESMEN [Kalingas, Bontoc & head-hunters], by R. Barton. . ANIMAL SCROLLS [Japanese] pictorial from the Louis Ledoux collection. . TURKEY AND CHINA by Arnold Toynbee. . HINDU TEMPLES OF MYSORE by Frieda Das. . HIGH TARTARY III: The American Dukes in the Tien-Shan [Inner Mongolia/Gobi] by Owen Lattimore. . FIRECRACKERS AND WHITE TULLE. [A Chinese wedding in Hawaii], by Loraine Kuck. . A ROMAN ALPHABET FOR MODERN CHINA by Ching-chun Wang. . HASHISH SMUGGGLERS OF EGYPT by Seudamore Jarvis. *** #7 July: RareOrientalBooks.Com PIG AND POI IN PARADISE by Don Blanding. . DEADLOCK IN INDIA by G. Garratt. . A PLACE OF WONDERFUL DEATH by Frederick Drowne. . TWILIGHT OF THE GEISHA pictorial. . POINTS OF VIEW ABOUT THE SOVIET UNION by Paul Scheffer. . THE MONASTERY OF THE OAK POOL by Ruth Tenney. . A VAGABOND AMONG THE SUN-ISLES by Margaret Matches. . THE GOSPEL OF A HINDU MONK by Romain Rolland. . THE CHINESE PIPE-ORGAN by S. Chen. . THE JAVANESE BLACK COBRA by Felix Koopstein. . A CHILD OF OLD STAMBOUL by Hadije Selma Ekrem. . A LETTER FROM SUMATRA dictated by Virginia Welch. *** #8 August: MONEY BY THE TON by Rodney Gilbert. . CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE IN INDIA by Ramananda Chatterjee. . A TABLOID IN BANGKOK by Andrew Freeman. . RUINS OF PENANCE by Lt.Col. V. Prescott-Westcar. . NEW YORK TIGERS FROM MALAYA pictorial. . THE GOSPEL OF A HINDU MONK II by Romain Rolland. . PLACE OF HAPPINESS pictorial. . SINGING-TO HER DEATH a story by Pearl Buck. . FISHING IN INDIAN WATERS pictorial, photos by James Hornell. . BRITISH TWO-PRONGED POLICY IN PALESTIN by Vincent Sheean, *** #9 September: SPIRITUAL COMRADESHIP AMONG RACES by Sir Francis Younghusband. . PILLS OF TEN THOUSAND EFFICACIES by James Bennett. . OOZY PASTURES OF THE CROCODILE by Alexander Reynolds. . A BOOTLET DANCE AMONG THE MA-NANJIA by Inglis Fletcher. . MERCHANDISE OF FEZ by Eleanor Hoffman. . A LESSON IN PUSHTU by Harry Wedeck. . THE GOSPEL OF A HUNDU MONK III by Romain Rolland. . LAMAS DEVIL-DANCERS AND A LIVING GOD pictorial. RareOrientalBooks.Com . A TABLOID IN BANGKOK II by Andrew Freeman. . A CHILD OF OLD STAMBOUL IV by Hadije Selma Ekrem. *** Each issue includes the Asiatic Bookshelf. *** Book Number: 95818403 138 ASIA: THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE ON THE ORIENT. ASIA: VOLUME 30, 1930. THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE ON THE ORIENT. [Concord 1930, Asia]. # 5 Pictorial wrs., very good, pp.310383, profusely b. w. illustrated throughout, bibliography, large format 22.5 x 30.5 cm., very clean. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Contents: #3 March: IN HOLY MECCA by Dr. Riza-Tewfik. . OUTRIGGER BOATS OF MADASGASCAR by James Hornell. . CHINA'S DESPERATE GESTURE [mandate of Nanking government as led by Chiang Kai-shek, denouncing extraterritorialty] by Rodney Gilbert. . AS HUMAN AS WE ARE [about Africa] by Erick Berry. . DIGGING UP DEAD CITIES. [Mohenjo-Daro] by Dorothy Mackay. . HUNTING SOUL-STUFF [head-hunting by Ifugaos] by R. Barton. . HEART-BEATS IN INDIA by C. Andrews.. . MY CAPE TOWN TO LONDON FLIGHT [Southern Rhodesia] Lady Heath. . SUNDAY IN A RUSSIAN VILLAGE by Maurice Hindus. *** #4 April: THE MONTE CARLO OF THE ORIENT [Macao] by Aleko Lilus. . WHAT SHALL WE DO WITH THE PHILIPPINES by Edward Bowditch. . EVER-OLD, EVER-NEW KASHMIR pictorial, photos by J. Noel. . THE HEIR OF LENIN [Stalin] by William White. . THE MOSQUE OF THE MUFTI by Vincent Sheean. . SOME JAPANESE FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS pictorial. . THE PALACE OF DOGS OF CHINA by Elsie Weil. . AS HUMAN AS WE ARE [Hill pagans of Nigeria] by Erick Berry. . THE PUZZLE OF CHINESE FOREIGN RELATION by James Shotwell. . MY CAPE TOWN TO LDONDON FLIGHT [on to Cairo] by Lady Heath RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 *** #5 May: CHERRY BLOSSOMS: I: Japanese spring in America by Paul Russell. II First among flowers by Keizo Matsuno. . LATEST TURN OF THE MANCHURIAN WHEEL BY Herbert Elliston. . DINDIKI by Andre Gide. . HIGH TARTARY II: Into the Heavenly Mountains, by Owen Lattimore. . MY CAPE TOWN TO LONDON FLIGHT IV: Home to London in a re-tailed plane, by Lady Heath. . HEROES OF THE AMERICAS SEEN BY OLD JAPAN, pictorial. . TERRIBLE TALES [Africa] BY eRICK bERRY. . WHEN THE SUN WENT OUT IN THE PHILIPPINES by Beverley Hancock. . THE NEW ROAD. [Nanking] A Story, by Pearl Buck. . A VAGABOND AMONG THE SUN-ISLES III Gossip of White Rabaul, by Margaret Matches. *** #6 June: A CHILD OF OLD STAMBOUL by Hadije Selma Ekrem. . EXPLORING FOR PLANTS IN CEYLON by David Fairdchild. . A ROYAL CITY THAT DOESNT CARE [Kentung, Burma] by Ralph Henderson. . WHITE MAN'S LAW AMONG FILIPINO TRIBESMEN [Kalingas, Bontoc & head-hunters], by R. Barton. . ANIMAL SCROLLS [Japanese] pictorial from the Louis Ledoux collection. . TURKEY AND CHINA by Arnold Toynbee. . HINDU TEMPLES OF MYSORE by Frieda Das. . HIGH TARTARY III: The American Dukes in the Tien-Shan [Inner Mongolia/Gobi] by Owen Lattimore. . FIRECRACKERS AND WHITE TULLE. [A Chinese wedding in Hawaii], by Loraine Kuck. . A ROMAN ALPHABET FOR MODERN CHINA by Ching-chun Wang. . HASHISH SMUGGGLERS OF EGYPT by Seudamore Jarvis. *** #7 July: PIG AND POI IN PARADISE by Don Blanding. . DEADLOCK IN INDIA by G. Garratt. . A PLACE OF WONDERFUL DEATH by Frederick Drowne. . RareOrientalBooks.Com TWILIGHT OF THE GEISHA pictorial. . POINTS OF VIEW ABOUT THE SOVIET UNION by Paul Scheffer. . THE MONASTERY OF THE OAK POOL by Ruth Tenney. . A VAGABOND AMONG THE SUN-ISLES by Margaret Matches. . THE GOSPEL OF A HINDU MONK by Romain Rolland. . THE CHINESE PIPE-ORGAN by S. Chen. . THE JAVANESE BLACK COBRA by Felix Koopstein. . A CHILD OF OLD STAMBOUL by Hadije Selma Ekrem. . A LETTER FROM SUMATRA dictated by Virginia Welch. *** #8 August: MONEY BY THE TON by Rodney Gilbert. . CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE IN INDIA by Ramananda Chatterjee. . A TABLOID IN BANGKOK by Andrew Freeman. . RUINS OF PENANCE by Lt.Col. V. Prescott-Westcar. . NEW YORK TIGERS FROM MALAYA pictorial. . THE GOSPEL OF A HINDU MONK II by Romain Rolland. . PLACE OF HAPPINESS pictorial. . SINGING-TO HER DEATH a story by Pearl Buck. . FISHING IN INDIAN WATERS pictorial, photos by James Hornell. . BRITISH TWO-PRONGED POLICY IN PALESTIN by Vincent Sheean, *** #9 September: SPIRITUAL COMRADESHIP AMONG RACES by Sir Francis Younghusband. . PILLS OF TEN THOUSAND EFFICACIES by James Bennett. . OOZY PASTURES OF THE CROCODILE by Alexander Reynolds. . A BOOTLET DANCE AMONG THE MA-NANJIA by Inglis Fletcher. . MERCHANDISE OF FEZ by Eleanor Hoffman. . A LESSON IN PUSHTU by Harry Wedeck. . THE GOSPEL OF A HUNDU MONK III by Romain Rolland. . LAMAS DEVIL-DANCERS AND A LIVING GOD pictorial. . A TABLOID IN BANGKOK II by Andrew Freeman. . A CHILD OF OLD STAMBOUL IV by Hadije Selma Ekrem. *** Each issue includes the Asiatic Bookshelf. RareOrientalBooks.Com *** $20 Book Number: 95818404 139 ASIA: THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE ON THE ORIENT. ASIA: VOLUME 30, 1930. THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE ON THE ORIENT. [Concord 1930, Asia]. # 6 Pictorial wrs., very good, pp.386463, profusely b. w. illustrated throughout, bibliography, large format 22.5 x 30.5 cm., very clean. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Contents: #3 March: IN HOLY MECCA by Dr. Riza-Tewfik. . OUTRIGGER BOATS OF MADASGASCAR by James Hornell. . CHINA'S DESPERATE GESTURE [mandate of Nanking government as led by Chiang Kai-shek, denouncing extraterritorialty] by Rodney Gilbert. . AS HUMAN AS WE ARE [about Africa] by Erick Berry. . DIGGING UP DEAD CITIES. [Mohenjo-Daro] by Dorothy Mackay. . HUNTING SOUL-STUFF [head-hunting by Ifugaos] by R. Barton. . HEART-BEATS IN INDIA by C. Andrews.. . MY CAPE TOWN TO LONDON FLIGHT [Southern Rhodesia] Lady Heath. . SUNDAY IN A RUSSIAN VILLAGE by Maurice Hindus. *** #4 April: THE MONTE CARLO OF THE ORIENT [Macao] by Aleko Lilus. . WHAT SHALL WE DO WITH THE PHILIPPINES by Edward Bowditch. . EVER-OLD, EVER-NEW KASHMIR pictorial, photos by J. Noel. . THE HEIR OF LENIN [Stalin] by William White. . THE MOSQUE OF THE MUFTI by Vincent Sheean. . SOME JAPANESE FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS pictorial. . THE PALACE OF DOGS OF CHINA by Elsie Weil. . AS HUMAN AS WE ARE [Hill pagans of Nigeria] by Erick Berry. . THE PUZZLE OF CHINESE FOREIGN RELATION by James Shotwell. . MY CAPE TOWN TO LDONDON FLIGHT [on to Cairo] by Lady Heath *** #5 May: CHERRY BLOSSOMS: I: Japanese spring in America by Paul Russell. II First among flowers by Keizo Matsuno. . LATEST TURN OF THE MANCHURIAN WHEEL BY Herbert Elliston. RareOrientalBooks.Com . DINDIKI by Andre Gide. . HIGH TARTARY II: Into the Heavenly Mountains, by Owen Lattimore. . MY CAPE TOWN TO LONDON FLIGHT IV: Home to London in a re-tailed plane, by Lady Heath. . HEROES OF THE AMERICAS SEEN BY OLD JAPAN, pictorial. . TERRIBLE TALES [Africa] BY eRICK bERRY. . WHEN THE SUN WENT OUT IN THE PHILIPPINES by Beverley Hancock. . THE NEW ROAD. [Nanking] A Story, by Pearl Buck. . A VAGABOND AMONG THE SUN-ISLES III Gossip of White Rabaul, by Margaret Matches. *** #6 June: A CHILD OF OLD STAMBOUL by Hadije Selma Ekrem. . EXPLORING FOR PLANTS IN CEYLON by David Fairdchild. . A ROYAL CITY THAT DOESNT CARE [Kentung, Burma] by Ralph Henderson. . WHITE MAN'S LAW AMONG FILIPINO TRIBESMEN [Kalingas, Bontoc & head-hunters], by R. Barton. . ANIMAL SCROLLS [Japanese] pictorial from the Louis Ledoux collection. . TURKEY AND CHINA by Arnold Toynbee. . HINDU TEMPLES OF MYSORE by Frieda Das. . HIGH TARTARY III: The American Dukes in the Tien-Shan [Inner Mongolia/Gobi] by Owen Lattimore. . FIRECRACKERS AND WHITE TULLE. [A Chinese wedding in Hawaii], by Loraine Kuck. . A ROMAN ALPHABET FOR MODERN CHINA by Ching-chun Wang. . HASHISH SMUGGGLERS OF EGYPT by Seudamore Jarvis. *** #7 July: PIG AND POI IN PARADISE by Don Blanding. . DEADLOCK IN INDIA by G. Garratt. . A PLACE OF WONDERFUL DEATH by Frederick Drowne. . TWILIGHT OF THE GEISHA pictorial. . POINTS OF VIEW ABOUT THE SOVIET UNION by Paul Scheffer. . THE MONASTERY OF THE OAK POOL by Ruth Tenney. . RareOrientalBooks.Com A VAGABOND AMONG THE SUN-ISLES by Margaret Matches. . THE GOSPEL OF A HINDU MONK by Romain Rolland. . THE CHINESE PIPE-ORGAN by S. Chen. . THE JAVANESE BLACK COBRA by Felix Koopstein. . A CHILD OF OLD STAMBOUL by Hadije Selma Ekrem. . A LETTER FROM SUMATRA dictated by Virginia Welch. *** #8 August: MONEY BY THE TON by Rodney Gilbert. . CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE IN INDIA by Ramananda Chatterjee. . A TABLOID IN BANGKOK by Andrew Freeman. . RUINS OF PENANCE by Lt.Col. V. Prescott-Westcar. . NEW YORK TIGERS FROM MALAYA pictorial. . THE GOSPEL OF A HINDU MONK II by Romain Rolland. . PLACE OF HAPPINESS pictorial. . SINGING-TO HER DEATH a story by Pearl Buck. . FISHING IN INDIAN WATERS pictorial, photos by James Hornell. . BRITISH TWO-PRONGED POLICY IN PALESTIN by Vincent Sheean, *** #9 September: SPIRITUAL COMRADESHIP AMONG RACES by Sir Francis Younghusband. . PILLS OF TEN THOUSAND EFFICACIES by James Bennett. . OOZY PASTURES OF THE CROCODILE by Alexander Reynolds. . A BOOTLET DANCE AMONG THE MA-NANJIA by Inglis Fletcher. . MERCHANDISE OF FEZ by Eleanor Hoffman. . A LESSON IN PUSHTU by Harry Wedeck. . THE GOSPEL OF A HUNDU MONK III by Romain Rolland. . LAMAS DEVIL-DANCERS AND A LIVING GOD pictorial. . A TABLOID IN BANGKOK II by Andrew Freeman. . A CHILD OF OLD STAMBOUL IV by Hadije Selma Ekrem. *** Each issue includes the Asiatic Bookshelf. *** Book Number: 95818405 RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 140 ASIA: THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE ON THE ORIENT. ASIA: VOLUME 30, 1930. THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE ON THE ORIENT. [Concord 1930, Asia]. # 7 Pictorial wrs., very good, pp.466533, profusely b. w. illustrated throughout, bibliography, large format 22.5 x 30.5 cm., very clean. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Contents: #3 March: IN HOLY MECCA by Dr. Riza-Tewfik. . OUTRIGGER BOATS OF MADASGASCAR by James Hornell. . CHINA'S DESPERATE GESTURE [mandate of Nanking government as led by Chiang Kai-shek, denouncing extraterritorialty] by Rodney Gilbert. . AS HUMAN AS WE ARE [about Africa] by Erick Berry. . DIGGING UP DEAD CITIES. [Mohenjo-Daro] by Dorothy Mackay. . HUNTING SOUL-STUFF [head-hunting by Ifugaos] by R. Barton. . HEART-BEATS IN INDIA by C. Andrews.. . MY CAPE TOWN TO LONDON FLIGHT [Southern Rhodesia] Lady Heath. . SUNDAY IN A RUSSIAN VILLAGE by Maurice Hindus. *** #4 April: THE MONTE CARLO OF THE ORIENT [Macao] by Aleko Lilus. . WHAT SHALL WE DO WITH THE PHILIPPINES by Edward Bowditch. . EVER-OLD, EVER-NEW KASHMIR pictorial, photos by J. Noel. . THE HEIR OF LENIN [Stalin] by William White. . THE MOSQUE OF THE MUFTI by Vincent Sheean. . SOME JAPANESE FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS pictorial. . THE PALACE OF DOGS OF CHINA by Elsie Weil. . AS HUMAN AS WE ARE [Hill pagans of Nigeria] by Erick Berry. . THE PUZZLE OF CHINESE FOREIGN RELATION by James Shotwell. . MY CAPE TOWN TO LDONDON FLIGHT [on to Cairo] by Lady Heath *** #5 May: CHERRY BLOSSOMS: I: Japanese spring in America by Paul Russell. II First among flowers by Keizo Matsuno. . LATEST TURN OF THE MANCHURIAN WHEEL BY Herbert Elliston. . DINDIKI by Andre Gide. . HIGH TARTARY II: Into the Heavenly Mountains, by Owen Lattimore. . RareOrientalBooks.Com MY CAPE TOWN TO LONDON FLIGHT IV: Home to London in a re-tailed plane, by Lady Heath. . HEROES OF THE AMERICAS SEEN BY OLD JAPAN, pictorial. . TERRIBLE TALES [Africa] BY eRICK bERRY. . WHEN THE SUN WENT OUT IN THE PHILIPPINES by Beverley Hancock. . THE NEW ROAD. [Nanking] A Story, by Pearl Buck. . A VAGABOND AMONG THE SUN-ISLES III Gossip of White Rabaul, by Margaret Matches. *** #6 June: A CHILD OF OLD STAMBOUL by Hadije Selma Ekrem. . EXPLORING FOR PLANTS IN CEYLON by David Fairdchild. . A ROYAL CITY THAT DOESNT CARE [Kentung, Burma] by Ralph Henderson. . WHITE MAN'S LAW AMONG FILIPINO TRIBESMEN [Kalingas, Bontoc & head-hunters], by R. Barton. . ANIMAL SCROLLS [Japanese] pictorial from the Louis Ledoux collection. . TURKEY AND CHINA by Arnold Toynbee. . HINDU TEMPLES OF MYSORE by Frieda Das. . HIGH TARTARY III: The American Dukes in the Tien-Shan [Inner Mongolia/Gobi] by Owen Lattimore. . FIRECRACKERS AND WHITE TULLE. [A Chinese wedding in Hawaii], by Loraine Kuck. . A ROMAN ALPHABET FOR MODERN CHINA by Ching-chun Wang. . HASHISH SMUGGGLERS OF EGYPT by Seudamore Jarvis. *** #7 July: PIG AND POI IN PARADISE by Don Blanding. . DEADLOCK IN INDIA by G. Garratt. . A PLACE OF WONDERFUL DEATH by Frederick Drowne. . TWILIGHT OF THE GEISHA pictorial. . POINTS OF VIEW ABOUT THE SOVIET UNION by Paul Scheffer. . THE MONASTERY OF THE OAK POOL by Ruth Tenney. . A VAGABOND AMONG THE SUN-ISLES by Margaret Matches. . THE GOSPEL OF A HINDU MONK by Romain Rolland. . THE CHINESE PIPE-ORGAN by S. Chen. . RareOrientalBooks.Com THE JAVANESE BLACK COBRA by Felix Koopstein. . A CHILD OF OLD STAMBOUL by Hadije Selma Ekrem. . A LETTER FROM SUMATRA dictated by Virginia Welch. *** #8 August: MONEY BY THE TON by Rodney Gilbert. . CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE IN INDIA by Ramananda Chatterjee. . A TABLOID IN BANGKOK by Andrew Freeman. . RUINS OF PENANCE by Lt.Col. V. Prescott-Westcar. . NEW YORK TIGERS FROM MALAYA pictorial. . THE GOSPEL OF A HINDU MONK II by Romain Rolland. . PLACE OF HAPPINESS pictorial. . SINGING-TO HER DEATH a story by Pearl Buck. . FISHING IN INDIAN WATERS pictorial, photos by James Hornell. . BRITISH TWO-PRONGED POLICY IN PALESTIN by Vincent Sheean, *** #9 September: SPIRITUAL COMRADESHIP AMONG RACES by Sir Francis Younghusband. . PILLS OF TEN THOUSAND EFFICACIES by James Bennett. . OOZY PASTURES OF THE CROCODILE by Alexander Reynolds. . A BOOTLET DANCE AMONG THE MA-NANJIA by Inglis Fletcher. . MERCHANDISE OF FEZ by Eleanor Hoffman. . A LESSON IN PUSHTU by Harry Wedeck. . THE GOSPEL OF A HUNDU MONK III by Romain Rolland. . LAMAS DEVIL-DANCERS AND A LIVING GOD pictorial. . A TABLOID IN BANGKOK II by Andrew Freeman. . A CHILD OF OLD STAMBOUL IV by Hadije Selma Ekrem. *** Each issue includes the Asiatic Bookshelf. *** Book Number: 95818406 141 ASIA: THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE ON THE ORIENT. ASIA: VOLUME 30, 1930. THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE ON THE ORIENT. [Concord 1930, Asia]. # 8 Pictorial wrs., very good, pp.536603, profusely b. w. illustrated throughout, bibliography, large format 22.5 x 30.5 cm., upper corner back cover small RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 part torn away + last 2 pages, else clean, solid. FIRST ED. Contents: #3 March: IN HOLY MECCA by Dr. Riza-Tewfik. . OUTRIGGER BOATS OF MADASGASCAR by James Hornell. . CHINA'S DESPERATE GESTURE [mandate of Nanking government as led by Chiang Kai-shek, denouncing extraterritorialty] by Rodney Gilbert. . AS HUMAN AS WE ARE [about Africa] by Erick Berry. . DIGGING UP DEAD CITIES. [Mohenjo-Daro] by Dorothy Mackay. . HUNTING SOUL-STUFF [head-hunting by Ifugaos] by R. Barton. . HEART-BEATS IN INDIA by C. Andrews.. . MY CAPE TOWN TO LONDON FLIGHT [Southern Rhodesia] Lady Heath. . SUNDAY IN A RUSSIAN VILLAGE by Maurice Hindus. *** #4 April: THE MONTE CARLO OF THE ORIENT [Macao] by Aleko Lilus. . WHAT SHALL WE DO WITH THE PHILIPPINES by Edward Bowditch. . EVER-OLD, EVER-NEW KASHMIR pictorial, photos by J. Noel. . THE HEIR OF LENIN [Stalin] by William White. . THE MOSQUE OF THE MUFTI by Vincent Sheean. . SOME JAPANESE FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS pictorial. . THE PALACE OF DOGS OF CHINA by Elsie Weil. . AS HUMAN AS WE ARE [Hill pagans of Nigeria] by Erick Berry. . THE PUZZLE OF CHINESE FOREIGN RELATION by James Shotwell. . MY CAPE TOWN TO LDONDON FLIGHT [on to Cairo] by Lady Heath *** #5 May: CHERRY BLOSSOMS: I: Japanese spring in America by Paul Russell. II First among flowers by Keizo Matsuno. . LATEST TURN OF THE MANCHURIAN WHEEL BY Herbert Elliston. . DINDIKI by Andre Gide. . HIGH TARTARY II: Into the Heavenly Mountains, by Owen Lattimore. . MY CAPE TOWN TO LONDON FLIGHT IV: Home to London in a re-tailed plane, by Lady Heath. . HEROES OF THE AMERICAS SEEN BY OLD JAPAN, pictorial. . TERRIBLE TALES [Africa] BY eRICK bERRY. RareOrientalBooks.Com . WHEN THE SUN WENT OUT IN THE PHILIPPINES by Beverley Hancock. . THE NEW ROAD. [Nanking] A Story, by Pearl Buck. . A VAGABOND AMONG THE SUN-ISLES III Gossip of White Rabaul, by Margaret Matches. *** #6 June: A CHILD OF OLD STAMBOUL by Hadije Selma Ekrem. . EXPLORING FOR PLANTS IN CEYLON by David Fairdchild. . A ROYAL CITY THAT DOESNT CARE [Kentung, Burma] by Ralph Henderson. . WHITE MAN'S LAW AMONG FILIPINO TRIBESMEN [Kalingas, Bontoc & head-hunters], by R. Barton. . ANIMAL SCROLLS [Japanese] pictorial from the Louis Ledoux collection. . TURKEY AND CHINA by Arnold Toynbee. . HINDU TEMPLES OF MYSORE by Frieda Das. . HIGH TARTARY III: The American Dukes in the Tien-Shan [Inner Mongolia/Gobi] by Owen Lattimore. . FIRECRACKERS AND WHITE TULLE. [A Chinese wedding in Hawaii], by Loraine Kuck. . A ROMAN ALPHABET FOR MODERN CHINA by Ching-chun Wang. . HASHISH SMUGGGLERS OF EGYPT by Seudamore Jarvis. *** #7 July: PIG AND POI IN PARADISE by Don Blanding. . DEADLOCK IN INDIA by G. Garratt. . A PLACE OF WONDERFUL DEATH by Frederick Drowne. . TWILIGHT OF THE GEISHA pictorial. . POINTS OF VIEW ABOUT THE SOVIET UNION by Paul Scheffer. . THE MONASTERY OF THE OAK POOL by Ruth Tenney. . A VAGABOND AMONG THE SUN-ISLES by Margaret Matches. . THE GOSPEL OF A HINDU MONK by Romain Rolland. . THE CHINESE PIPE-ORGAN by S. Chen. . THE JAVANESE BLACK COBRA by Felix Koopstein. . A CHILD OF OLD STAMBOUL by Hadije Selma Ekrem. . A LETTER FROM SUMATRA dictated by Virginia Welch. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com #8 August: MONEY BY THE TON by Rodney Gilbert. . CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE IN INDIA by Ramananda Chatterjee. . A TABLOID IN BANGKOK by Andrew Freeman. . RUINS OF PENANCE by Lt.Col. V. Prescott-Westcar. . NEW YORK TIGERS FROM MALAYA pictorial. . THE GOSPEL OF A HINDU MONK II by Romain Rolland. . PLACE OF HAPPINESS pictorial. . SINGING-TO HER DEATH a story by Pearl Buck. . FISHING IN INDIAN WATERS pictorial, photos by James Hornell. . BRITISH TWO-PRONGED POLICY IN PALESTIN by Vincent Sheean, *** #9 September: SPIRITUAL COMRADESHIP AMONG RACES by Sir Francis Younghusband. . PILLS OF TEN THOUSAND EFFICACIES by James Bennett. . OOZY PASTURES OF THE CROCODILE by Alexander Reynolds. . A BOOTLET DANCE AMONG THE MA-NANJIA by Inglis Fletcher. . MERCHANDISE OF FEZ by Eleanor Hoffman. . A LESSON IN PUSHTU by Harry Wedeck. . THE GOSPEL OF A HUNDU MONK III by Romain Rolland. . LAMAS DEVIL-DANCERS AND A LIVING GOD pictorial. . A TABLOID IN BANGKOK II by Andrew Freeman. . A CHILD OF OLD STAMBOUL IV by Hadije Selma Ekrem. *** Each issue includes the Asiatic Bookshelf. *** Book Number: 95818407 142 ASIA: THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE ON THE ORIENT. ASIA: VOLUME 30, 1930. THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE ON THE ORIENT. [Concord 1930, Asia]. # 9 Pictorial wrs., very good, pp.608671, profusely b. w. illustrated throughout, bibliography, large format 22.5 x 30.5 cm.,small loss to front left corner & first few pages, else clean, solid. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Contents: #3 March: IN HOLY MECCA by Dr. Riza-Tewfik. . OUTRIGGER BOATS OF MADASGASCAR by James Hornell. RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 . CHINA'S DESPERATE GESTURE [mandate of Nanking government as led by Chiang Kai-shek, denouncing extraterritorialty] by Rodney Gilbert. . AS HUMAN AS WE ARE [about Africa] by Erick Berry. . DIGGING UP DEAD CITIES. [Mohenjo-Daro] by Dorothy Mackay. . HUNTING SOUL-STUFF [head-hunting by Ifugaos] by R. Barton. . HEART-BEATS IN INDIA by C. Andrews.. . MY CAPE TOWN TO LONDON FLIGHT [Southern Rhodesia] Lady Heath. . SUNDAY IN A RUSSIAN VILLAGE by Maurice Hindus. *** #4 April: THE MONTE CARLO OF THE ORIENT [Macao] by Aleko Lilus. . WHAT SHALL WE DO WITH THE PHILIPPINES by Edward Bowditch. . EVER-OLD, EVER-NEW KASHMIR pictorial, photos by J. Noel. . THE HEIR OF LENIN [Stalin] by William White. . THE MOSQUE OF THE MUFTI by Vincent Sheean. . SOME JAPANESE FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS pictorial. . THE PALACE OF DOGS OF CHINA by Elsie Weil. . AS HUMAN AS WE ARE [Hill pagans of Nigeria] by Erick Berry. . THE PUZZLE OF CHINESE FOREIGN RELATION by James Shotwell. . MY CAPE TOWN TO LDONDON FLIGHT [on to Cairo] by Lady Heath *** #5 May: CHERRY BLOSSOMS: I: Japanese spring in America by Paul Russell. II First among flowers by Keizo Matsuno. . LATEST TURN OF THE MANCHURIAN WHEEL BY Herbert Elliston. . DINDIKI by Andre Gide. . HIGH TARTARY II: Into the Heavenly Mountains, by Owen Lattimore. . MY CAPE TOWN TO LONDON FLIGHT IV: Home to London in a re-tailed plane, by Lady Heath. . HEROES OF THE AMERICAS SEEN BY OLD JAPAN, pictorial. . TERRIBLE TALES [Africa] BY eRICK bERRY. . WHEN THE SUN WENT OUT IN THE PHILIPPINES by Beverley Hancock. . THE NEW ROAD. [Nanking] A Story, by Pearl Buck. . RareOrientalBooks.Com A VAGABOND AMONG THE SUN-ISLES III Gossip of White Rabaul, by Margaret Matches. *** #6 June: A CHILD OF OLD STAMBOUL by Hadije Selma Ekrem. . EXPLORING FOR PLANTS IN CEYLON by David Fairdchild. . A ROYAL CITY THAT DOESNT CARE [Kentung, Burma] by Ralph Henderson. . WHITE MAN'S LAW AMONG FILIPINO TRIBESMEN [Kalingas, Bontoc & head-hunters], by R. Barton. . ANIMAL SCROLLS [Japanese] pictorial from the Louis Ledoux collection. . TURKEY AND CHINA by Arnold Toynbee. . HINDU TEMPLES OF MYSORE by Frieda Das. . HIGH TARTARY III: The American Dukes in the Tien-Shan [Inner Mongolia/Gobi] by Owen Lattimore. . FIRECRACKERS AND WHITE TULLE. [A Chinese wedding in Hawaii], by Loraine Kuck. . A ROMAN ALPHABET FOR MODERN CHINA by Ching-chun Wang. . HASHISH SMUGGGLERS OF EGYPT by Seudamore Jarvis. *** #7 July: PIG AND POI IN PARADISE by Don Blanding. . DEADLOCK IN INDIA by G. Garratt. . A PLACE OF WONDERFUL DEATH by Frederick Drowne. . TWILIGHT OF THE GEISHA pictorial. . POINTS OF VIEW ABOUT THE SOVIET UNION by Paul Scheffer. . THE MONASTERY OF THE OAK POOL by Ruth Tenney. . A VAGABOND AMONG THE SUN-ISLES by Margaret Matches. . THE GOSPEL OF A HINDU MONK by Romain Rolland. . THE CHINESE PIPE-ORGAN by S. Chen. . THE JAVANESE BLACK COBRA by Felix Koopstein. . A CHILD OF OLD STAMBOUL by Hadije Selma Ekrem. . A LETTER FROM SUMATRA dictated by Virginia Welch. *** #8 August: MONEY BY THE TON by Rodney Gilbert. . CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE IN INDIA by Ramananda Chatterjee. . A TABLOID IN BANGKOK by Andrew Freeman. RareOrientalBooks.Com . RUINS OF PENANCE by Lt.Col. V. Prescott-Westcar. . NEW YORK TIGERS FROM MALAYA pictorial. . THE GOSPEL OF A HINDU MONK II by Romain Rolland. . PLACE OF HAPPINESS pictorial. . SINGING-TO HER DEATH a story by Pearl Buck. . FISHING IN INDIAN WATERS pictorial, photos by James Hornell. . BRITISH TWO-PRONGED POLICY IN PALESTIN by Vincent Sheean, *** #9 September: SPIRITUAL COMRADESHIP AMONG RACES by Sir Francis Younghusband. . PILLS OF TEN THOUSAND EFFICACIES by James Bennett. . OOZY PASTURES OF THE CROCODILE by Alexander Reynolds. . A BOOTLET DANCE AMONG THE MA-NANJIA by Inglis Fletcher. . MERCHANDISE OF FEZ by Eleanor Hoffman. . A LESSON IN PUSHTU by Harry Wedeck. . THE GOSPEL OF A HUNDU MONK III by Romain Rolland. . LAMAS DEVIL-DANCERS AND A LIVING GOD pictorial. . A TABLOID IN BANGKOK II by Andrew Freeman. . A CHILD OF OLD STAMBOUL IV by Hadije Selma Ekrem. *** Each issue includes the Asiatic Bookshelf. *** COVERS CHINA, KOREA, JAPAN, INDIAN SUBCONTINENT & S.E. ASIA Book Number: 20064101 143 ASIAN ART MUSEUM OF SAN FRANCISCO. A DECADE OF COLLECTING: An Exhibition Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the AAMSF & Avery Brundage Collection, San Francisco [1976], AAMSF. Color stiff wrs., very good, bit larger than A4 size, 191p., bibliography, 280 color and RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 b.w. photos. Covers the recent acquisitions of Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Indian, Indian Subcontinent, Lamaist countries, Southeast Asian & Persiain materials of all cultures & periods. A very good illustrated reference. $7 Book Number: 23030501 144 ASIAN PORNO DVD. ASIAN PORNO DVD: CHINESE, JAPANESE, S.E. ASIAN GIRLS. We have a selected group of various titles of Asian porno DVDs. We can send you a list of titles, & color scans, so please inquire, and we will be happy to assist. These are This is a good set of dvd's, price is $25 + shipping. $5 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018001 145 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1913, A.S.J.Grey cloth over boards,very good,p.493-680 vol 51, pt.4: W.Schwartz; THE GREAT SHINTO SHRINE OF IDZUMO: Some notes on Shinto,Ancient & Modern, author's presentation copy, clean ex-liberary copy, the usual marks, solid. SCARCE These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 Book Number: 22018002 146 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1914, A.S.J.Grey cloth over boards, very good, 681p. vol 42, pt.1: article: W. MCLAREN: JAPANESE GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS, clean ex-library copy, usual marks, College gift book plate, PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION signed by Payson J. Treat. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018003 147 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1915, A.S.J.Grey cloth over boards, very good,170p., vol 43, pt.1: articles: J. Robertson: BIBLIOGRAPHY OF EARLY SPANISH JAPANESE RELATIONS, clean ex-library copy, the usual marks, solid,signed by Payson J. Treat & his gift bookplate. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * $43 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018004 148 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1915, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 307p., vol.43, pt.2: W. Schwartz: A SURVEY OF THE SATSUMA DIALECT,+ parts: 1,2,3: CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DIALECT; LEXICAL COMPARISON OF THE DIALECT; VOCABULARY. Schwartz signed copy.RARE These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018005 RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 149 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1916, A.S.J.Grey cloth over boards, very good, 55p., vol 44, pt.1: articles: M. TAKESHIRO:OLD GEOGRAPHER. CRUCIFIXION OF THE TWENTY-SIX IN 1597. Clean ex-library copy, the usual marks, solid, signed by Payson J. Treat. R A R E These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018006 150 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1917, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 185p. vol. 45, pt. II: articles: S. Kato: WARONGO OR JAPANESE ANALECTS. G. Fisher: KUMAZAWA BANZAN. Rev. Macauley: PERCIVAL LOWELL: A MEMORIAL. Clean ex-library copy, usual marks,solid These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * $37 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018007 151 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1917, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 204p. vol. 45, pt.I: articles: F. Star: NOSATSU-KWAI. E. Kellogg: HOGEN MONOGATARI. H. COLEMAN: LIFE OF YOSHIDA SHOIN, clean ex-library copy, College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018008 152 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1918, A.S.J.Grey cloth over boards, very good, 278p. vol 46, pt.2: one article: A. Sadler: THE HEIKE MONOGATARI, clean ex-library copy, usual marks, College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, Payson J. Treat signed copy. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018009 153 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1918, A.S.J.Grey cloth over boards, very good, 112p. vol 46, pt.1: articles: E. Kellogg: SPRING & AUTUMN FIRES IN JAPAN. E. Clement: YEDO & TOKYO. K. Asakawa: SOME ASPECTS OF JAPANESE FEUDIAL INSTUTIONS. Treat signed, ex-libray, &c. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * $37 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018000 154 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1919, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 171p. +57p. list of books in TASJ library. Vol. 47: articles: F. Purvis: SHIP CONSTRUCTION IN JAPAN. G. Bouldin: TEN BUDDHISTIC VIRTUES. S. Wainright:JAPAN'S TRANSITION. Treat signed. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018001 155 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1920, A.S.J.Grey cloth over boards, very good, 45p., RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 vol 48, articles: F. Starr: EMA. E. Clement: SAKURADA AFFAIR J. Troup: ABRAXAS, clean ex-librarly copy, usual marks,solid College gift book: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, Treat signed. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018002 156 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1921, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 354p. vol. 49, pt. 1: A. Sadler: THE HEIKE MONOGATARI [cont], fold out map, index, very clean solid ex-library copy, signed by PAYSON J. TREAT, College gift book plate: TREAT COLLECTION. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * $37 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018003 157 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1922, A.S.J. Gray cloth over boards, very good, 100p., vol.50, articles: N. Tsuda: MANUSCRIPT COPIES OF BUDDHIST SCRIPTURES & HOW THEY WERE MADE. E.CLEMENT: SAGA & THE SATSMA REBELLION. J.Gubbins: FEATURES OF TOKUGAWA. Treat signed. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018004 158 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1924, A.S.J. Gray cloth over grey boards, very good, 99p.,2nd series, vol.1: G. Sansom; IMPERIAL EDICTS IN THE SHOKU-NIHONGI. G. Ramstedt: COMPARISON OF THE ALTAIC LANG. RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 WITH JAPANESE. J.KUIPER:FOREIGN RELATIONS OF JAPAN...&c... These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018005 159 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1924, A.S.J. Gray cloth over grey boards, very good, 168p.,2nd series, vol.8:D.Holtom:SOME NOTES ON JAPANESE TREE WORSHIP. M. Anesaki: WRITINGS ON MARTYRDOM IN KIRISHITAN LITERATURE.C.Boxer: NOTES ON EARLY EUROPEAN MILITARY INFLU.. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * $37 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018006 160 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1927, A.S.J. Gray cloth over grey boards, very good, 184p.,2nd series, vol.4: L. Tomkinson: THE SOCIAL TEACHINGS OF MEH TSE. Pason J. Treat's signed copy, clean ex-library copy, usual marks, college gift plate from Pason J. Treat. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018008 161 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1930, A.S.J. Grey cloth over grey boards, very good, 205p., second series,vol. 7,articles on: Jan Compagnie in Japan by C.R. Boxer; Japanese Criticisms by M. Anesaki; A.K. Reischauer: GENSHIN'S OJO YOSHU: W.M. Bickerton: 2 STORIES. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018009 162 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1930, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 205p., 2nd series, vol.7, articles: M. Anesaki; JAPANESE CRITICISMS & REFUTATIONS OF CHRISTIAITY in 17 & 18th CETURIES.A.Reischauer: GENSHIN'S OJO YOSHU: COLLECTED ESSAYS. & Others... These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * $37 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018000 163 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1930, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 122p., 2nd. series,vol.5, articles:C.Parker:COGNATES OF NATIVE JAPANESE WORDS. W. Gundert: INTRO TO THE MAIN CURRENTS OF BUDDPHILOSOPHY IN JAPAN. R. Layard: INDEX OF TASJ FIRST SERIES. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018001 164 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1930, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 179p., 2nd. series,vol.3, articles:A. FOUCHER: CRADEL OF GRECO-BUDDHIST ART. A.WHYMANT:OCIANIC THEORY ORIGIN OF JAPANESE LANGUAGE & PEOPLE. F. Starr: JAPNESE TOYS. & Other essays. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, RareOrientalBooks.Com $43 and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018002 165 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1930, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 121p., 2nd. series,vol.2, articles: A.Clement:50 SESSIONS OF JAPANESE IMPERIAL DIET. S.Wainright: APPRECIATION OF NATURE IN JAPANESE POETRY. F.Gookin:AESTHETIC VALUE OF FAR EASTERN ART These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 from his collection. * $37 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018003 166 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1930, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 179p., 2nd. series,vol.3, articles:A. FOUCHER: CRADEL OF GRECO-BUDDHIST ART. A.WHYMANT:OCIANIC THEORY ORIGIN OF JAPANESE LANGUAGE & PEOPLE. F. Starr: JAPNESE TOYS. & Other essays. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018004 167 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1930, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 70p., 2nd. series,vol., supp. articles: G.Kato: STUDY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE RELIGIOUS IDEA AMONG THE JAPANESE PEOPLE AS ILLUSTRATED BY JAPANESE PHALLICISM. Clean ex-library copy. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * $43 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018005 168 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1932, A.S.J. Gray cloth over grey boards, very good, 166p.,2nd series, vol.9: B.Trollope: CARLETTI DISCOURSE. J. Batchelor: AINU BEAR FESTIVAL. C. BOXER: RIN SHIHEI AND HIS PICTURE OF A DUTCH EAST INDIA SHIP, 1782. Pason Treat Coll. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $43 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018006 169 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1933, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 158p., 2nd. series, vol.10, articles:J.Romieux: LES ALTERATIONS DES RADICAUX ET DES RACINES EN JAPONAIS. J.Hackin: IRANIAN INFLUENCES IN BUDDHIST ART. R.Ponsonby-Fane: NIBUKAWAKAMI. &c... These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018007 170 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1934, A.S.J. Gray cloth over grey boards, very good, 244p.,2nd series,vol.11:J.SNELLEN: IMAGE OF ERASMUS IN JAPAN N. SMITH:WRITINGS OF THE 18TH CENTURY. J. PIERSON:WAS JAPANESE A LANGUAGE OF OPEN SYLLABLES IN THE 7TH CTY. & others.. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * $43 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018008 171 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1935, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 191p., 2nd. series,vol.12, articles:D. Buchanan: INARI: ITS ORIGIN, DEVELOPMENT & NATURE. Clean ex-library copy, bibliography, index, many b.w. photo plates. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018009 172 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1936, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good,137p., 2nd. series, vol.13, articles: R .K. Reischauer: ALIEN LAND TENURE IN JAPAN, clean ex-library copy, Pason J. Treat Collection gift book plate, 15 x 21.7 cm. FIRST & ONLY EDITION These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018000 173 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1937, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 284p., 2nd series, vol.14,articles: N. Smith: MATERIALS ON JAPANESE SOCIAL & ECONOMIC HISTORY. A.Sadler:NAVAL CAMPAIGN IN KOREAN WAR OF HEDYOSHI. J. SNELLEN: SHOKU NIHONGI pt.IV-VI cont.& c These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * $37 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018001 174 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1937, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 268p., 2nd. series,vol.14, articles:YT. Tsuchiya: AN ECONOMIC HISTORY OF JAPAN, trans. by N. Smith, intro. and notes by Kurt Singer, 40 b.w. photos, clean ex-library copy, usual marks. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018002 175 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1938, A.S.J. Gray cloth over boards, very good, 259p., 2nd series, vol.17, articles: K.Singer: DAS BILD DER KREISEDEN DREI. R.Van Gulik: ON THREE ANTIQUE LUTES. Z. Itani:THE ECONOMIC CAUSE OF THE MEIJI RESTORATION. & other essays. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018003 176 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1938, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 356p., 2nd. series, vol.16, articles:H.Borton: PEASANT UPRISINGS IN JAPAN TOKUGAWA PERIOD. F.Fisher: KUMAZAWA BANZAN, HIS LIFE & IDEAS. & his transl: DAI GAKU WAKUMON BY KUIMAZAWA BANZAN. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $43 PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * $37 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018004 177 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1939 A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 204p., 2nd. series,vol.18, article: S. Sakamaki: JAPAN & THE UNITED STATES 1790-1853: A Study of Japanese Contacts with & Conceptions of the Unites States & its People Prior to 1853-4.&c. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 Book Number: 22018005 178 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1940, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 307p., 2nd. series,vol.19,articles:U. Casal: SOME NOTES ON SAKAZUKI & ON THE ROLE OF SAKE DRINKING. J. RABBIT: RICE IN CULTURAL LIFE OF JAPANESE PEOPLE. S.KISHIBE:ORIGIN OF P'I P'A. &c... These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018006 179 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1954, A.S.J. Red cloth over boards, very good, 241p., 3rd. series, vol.7 articles:I.Morris:ECONOMIC REALISM IN THE LATER WORKS OF IHARA SAIKAKU. J. Ackroyd: WOMEN IN FEUDAL JAPAN. J. Lwerski: A POLISH CHAPTER OF THE RUSSO-JAP. WAR... These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * $32 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018007 180 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1954, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 189p., 3rd. series, vol.3, articles: C. Spinks: TOKAIDO IN POPULAR LITERATURE & ART;E.DeBecker:POST-WAR TRENDS IN JAPANESE LAW. U.CASAL: INCENSE. G.Stramigioli: HIDEYOSHI'S EXPANSION...&c. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018008 RareOrientalBooks.Com $32 181 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1955, A.S.J. Red cloth over boards, very good, 258p., 3rd. series, vol.4 articles:THE KAGERO NIKKI: Journal of a 10th Century Noblewoman, translated by E. Seidensticker, 15 x 21.7cm., illustrated. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018009 182 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1957, A.S.J. Red cloth over boards, very good, 157p., 3rd. series, vol. 5 articles: I. Shimizu: TAKAOKA, PRIEST IMPERIAL PRINCE SHINNYO; G.Wenck: JAPANESE LANGUAGE STUDIES SINCE CHAMBERLAIN. D.Keene: BASHO'S JOURNEY TO SARASHINA. &c These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly RareOrientalBooks.Com $43 another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * $32 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018000 183 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1958, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 96p., 3rd. series, vol.6: COMPREHENSIVE INDEX: 1872-1957., very clean ex-library copy, College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, 15 x 21.7 cm. AN IMPORTANT INDEX REFERENCE These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018001 184 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. RareOrientalBooks.Com $70 Tokyo 1961, A.S.J. Red cloth over boards, very good, 251p., 3rd. series, vol.8 articles:E.Crawour: SOME OBSERVATIONS ON MERCHANTS CHONIN KOKEN ROKU; J. Figgess: GLAZED POTTERY IN THE SHOSOIN. U. Casal: THE KAPPA. I. Dan: INFLUENCE OF ...&c These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018002 185 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1980, A.S.J. Red cloth over grey boards, very good, 122p., third series. Articles on Don Brown, Japan Queries & Answers, Shimoda, Minoan & Japanese Ritual, Griffis & Japanese Education, 5 in all by Japanologists. Vol. 15. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . RareOrientalBooks.Com $32 Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * $20 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018004 186 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1980, A.S.J. Red cloth over boards, very good, 175p., 3rd series,11, articles: R. Rabinowitz:LAW & SOCIAL PROGRESS IN JAPAN. V.Hrdlickova: CHINESE STORY TELLERS & SINGERS OF BALLADS. L. Zolbrod: KUSAZOSHI:CHAPBOOKS IN JAPAN. & others. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018005 187 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1980, A.S.J. Red cloth over boards, very good, 160p., third series,vol.9:U.Casal:JAPANESE COSMETICS & TEETH BLACK- RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 ING. E.Crawcour: KAWAMURA ZUIKEN. J.Kidder: HANIWA: ORIGIN & MEANING. S.O: MODERNIZATION & JAPANESE PHILOSOPHY. & others. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018007 188 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1986, A.S.J. Buff stiff wrs. very good, 177p., 4th series, #1. Articles on KIDO TAKAYOSHI & THE YOUNG EMPEROR MEIJI; IMAGES F WOMAN; SAIOKUKEN SOCHO & THE LINKED VERSE; BRUSH STROKES OF ENLIGHTENMENT ZEN ART & other articles. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * $20 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018008 189 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1987, A.S.J. Buff stiff wrs. very good, 203p., 4th series, #2. Articles on: JAMES MURDOCH; ELITIST ORIGINS OF JAPANESE WELFARE; BASIL H. CHAMBERLAIN; GOLDEN DECADE FORGOTTEN; & several other articles, as new bright copy. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018009 190 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1988, A.S.J. Buff stiff wrs. very good, 188p., 4th series, #3. Articles on:CULTURED NATURE OF HEIAN COLORS;JAPANESE-SPANISH RELATIONS 1936-1945; BUSY YEAR: BUSON'S LIFE; KAGA'S TARDY SUPPORT & several other articles, as new copy. RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018000 191 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1989, A.S.J. Buff stiff wrs. very good, 215p., 4th series, #4. Articles on:INVESTIGATION INTO ESSENCE KUKI SHUZO;TOKYO-MOSCOW-PEKING-TRIANGLE;JAPANESE MUSICAL HERITAGE IN THE HALFSHADE & several other articles, a very good copy. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * $20 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018003 192 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1995, A.S.J. Stiff buff wrs., very good,240p., vol.10, 4th Series.Articles: AYUTTHAYAN-JAPANESE RELATIONS IN PREMODERN PERIOD; STATESMAN FOR 21ST CENTURY: SIDEHARA;TALES OF TOYOKAGE; MYTHICAL ELEMENTS IN SECRET HISTORY OF MONGOLS... These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * STUNNING COLLECTION:FINE NETSUKE,INRO & SAGEMONO:2400 COPIES RareOrientalBooks.Com $14 Book Number: 35023001 193 ATCHLEY, Virginia. et al. THE VIRGINIA ATCHLEY COLLECTION OF JAPANESE MINIATURE ARTS. [A Color Reference of 400 Netsuke, Inro, Ojime & Sagemono] Chicago 2006, Artmedia Resources. Blue cloth, 360p.,new copy co-author Neil Davey, covers 400 pieces, 760 color photos, 23.5 x 29.9 cm., a DeLuxe edition on heavy paper, superbly bound with heavy dust jacket. FIRST & ONLY LIMITED EDITION . FIRST & ONLY LIMITED EDITION OF 2400 ONLY COPIES ONLY . . This superb color-reference was issued in a small . FIRST & ONLY EDITION OF 2400 COPIES *** WHO WAS VIRGINIA ATCHLEY: . For over forty years, the name Virginia Atchley has been synonymous with the collecting of miniature Japanese arts in America. Her eclectic collection encompassed Netsuke, Inro, pipe cases [Kiseru] and tobacco boxes in a wide range of styles, techniques and materials. She was also a senior member of the International Netsuke Society [I.N.S.] * Virginia Atchley decided to share her collection with other aficionados. Detailed here are over 400 pieces of her best and most loved examples, with individual close-up photographs of each piece and also the artist signatures. * CO-AUTHORED BY NEIL DAVEY: The eminent Neil K. Davey has been the leading expert and author on Japanese Netsuke, Inro, Ojime, Japanese tobacco cases and other related objects for many years. He is the co-author of this superbly color-illustrated reference work. *** THE PHOTOGRAPHER: This stunning color reference was beautifully photographed by Ms. Einstein, the grand-daughter of Albert Einstein. *** . DELUXE EDITION-SUPERB POLYCHROME PHOTOGRAPHIC PLATES & PAPER . This work is printed using the most advanced and highest quality chromolithography technology, resulting in the "far and above" standard color photographs. . The clay-laid paper is thick and of the highest grade. This is a DELUXE publication bound in a high quality cloth, with a heavy-duty thick card dust jacket in full color. . This is NOT an "ordinary" trade art book ! . This is a stunning, elegant and refined art reference book achieving the highest graphic standards possible. It was produced at an enormous expense, to faithfully reproduce the exact color of the articles illustrated. . When published in 2006, this book was priced at $150. *** SUBJECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: The work is replete with a substantial subject bibliography. RareOrientalBooks.Com Contains a comprehensive index of artists, their biography, subject index & comprehensive glossary *** HEAVY BOOK: This superb reference is a large & heavy book. Appropriate shipping costs apply. *** REFERENCES: . DAVEY, Neil K.: NETSUKE: A Comprehensive Study Based on the M.T. Hindson Collection. * ATCHLEY, Virginia. et al.: NETSUKE: Japanese Sculpture in Miniature *** . NETSUKE, INRO, OJIME, SAGEMONO, KISERU & RELATED BOOKS: . If you are interested in these subjects, please inquire with us for a list, or you can visit our website and download the list, and search for books. . *** $54 Book Number: 91094401 194 ATWOOD, Elizabeth. JAPAN'S HONORABLE FLOWERS. [New York 1919, Asia. Extracted article from Asia magazine, very clean, pages, 647-668, 12 b.w. photos, with essay,solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION $20 Book Number: 89049501 195 AUBOYER, Jeannine. et al. ORIENTAL ART: A HANDBOOK OF STYLES AND FORMS. New York [1980], Rizzoli. Brown boards, 608p., bibliography, glossary, 12 maps, 2063 illustrations,very good, co-authors: Michel Berurdeley, Jean Boisselier, Huguett Rousset et al, very solid copy. This highly useful reference source covers in detail the art history and artifacts of Japan, China, Korea, Nepal, Tibet, India-Pakistan-Afghanistan-Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, Champa and Vietnam. * Each country's art is introduced with an essays, map, illustration, list of museums, bibliography, and outline of art style. By and large, an excellent overall reference to the areas. Book Number: 96119001 196 AUBOYER, Jeannine. et al. THE ORIENTAL WORLD: India and South-East Asia, China, Korea & Japan. RareOrientalBooks.Com $14 New York [1967], McGraw-Hill. Black cloth, very good, dj.,17 176p.,index,bibliography,glossary, 112 color,114, end paper maps, co-author was Roger Goepper on the Far East. This is an integrated Asian art history, covering the arts of the main cultures. Giving 228 superb examples of art work and essays on these cultures. India & S.E.Asia: covers the prehistory, protohistory & early history, ancient schools & transitional styles. The cl;assical styles: Gupta, post-Gupta and Pala-sena styles. The medieval period, Muslim art, with conclusions. China, Korea & Japan: covers the earliest times through each art historic period, down to the 19th century. An excellent work, giving a juxtapositon comparison between each culture. Highly useful art history. $80 Book Number: 96119002 197 AUBOYER, Jeannine. et al. THE ORIENTAL WORLD: India and South-East Asia, China, Korea & Japan. New York [1967], McGraw-Hill. Black cloth, very good, dj.,17 176p.,index,bibliography,glossary, 112 color,114, e.p. maps,co-author R. Goepper,clean ex-library marked copy. This is an integrated Asian art history, covering the arts of the main cultures. Giving 228 superb examples of art work and essays on these cultures. India & S.E.Asia: covers the prehistory, protohistory & early history, ancient schools & transitional styles. The cl;assical styles: Gupta, post-Gupta and Pala-sena styles. The medieval period, Muslim art, with conclusions. China, Korea & Japan: covers the earliest times through each art historic period, down to the 19th century. An excellent work, giving a juxtapositon comparison between each culture. Highly useful art history. WITH THE MOST MAGNIFICIENT CHROMO-LITHOGRAPHIC COLOR PLATES Book Number: 89004203 198 AUDSLEY, George A. THE ORNAMENTAL ARTS OF JAPAN. London 1882-4, Sampson. Black blind stamped gilt leather, 30 x 41 cm.,very clean, lavishly gilt decorated front covers, 2 folio vol. set, 68 color chromolithos, ca 250 b.w. plates, neatly rebacked with leather using the old spine. R A R E ! . AN IMPORTANT JAPANESE ART HISTORY . . THE FIRST DELUXE EDITION RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 . . WITH A STUNNING 68 FULL COLOR CHROMOLITHOGRAPHI PLATES . . LUXURIOUSLY BOUND IN FULL TOOLED & GOLD-STAMPED LEATHER . *** This important art history covers the major Japanese art forms in great detail, supported with lavish plates, illustrating 116 individual items in color and hundreds in black & white. With copious index to artists, subjects, techniques & a host of others. Some major areas covered include drawing, painting, engraving, printing, embroidery, textile, fabrics, lacquer, incrusted, metal work, sword fittings, cloisonn� enamel, modeling and carving, sculpture, heraldry & Japanese woodblock color prints. * THE CONTRIBUTORS: SCHOLARS, JAPANOLOGISTS & ART HISTORIANS: This grand impressive work has been hailed as the "Most beautiful art book of the late 19th century." . Some of the famous contributors were celebrated Scholars, Japanologists, art historians and authors of the period, such as: . Sir T. Mc Clatchie . Christopher Dresser . Louis Gonse & others . Note: Please inquire with us for books by the above authors. *** DELUXE SIZE AND FORMAT: The set is printed and bound in a Large Deluxe Folio size, and printed on excellent heavy, stiff paper. . The books are heavy and solid. . *** THE STUNNING BINDINGS: . This set is stunningly bound in period full black tooled leather, with pictorial embossed covers in traditional Japanese designs, the swastika in brilliant gold, bamboo in brilliant gold, the cryptomeria in green and the chrysanthemum in red. Kanji-Japanese title in brilliant gold. All in all an impressive and very elegant binding and design. . The titles are stamped in brilliant gold on both the front covers and spines, in Japanese characters [Kanji] and in English, with deep-gilt embossing. . All edges are gilt. *** CONDITION: RARE IN THE ORIGINAL STATE: The set is in remarkably excellent condition, re-backed preserving the original spine, over refreshed leather. . There is a bit of the usual minor tiny flake or chipping to a few of the page edges, there is no trimming whatsoever, the book remains in its original Deluxe and Grand Original RareOrientalBooks.Com published size, in the original state. . Being over 130 years old, the paper has some of the usual attrition associated with books of this period, minor and feint toning and the like. Nevertheless, the book remains solid and firm. *** ORDERING AND SHIPPING: This set is large and very heavy, appropriate packing and shipping charges apply. At our option we may elect to only ship this by. You may order at our website. *** Please inquire for more details if necessary. . Please review the color photos posted to our website. *** $5000 Book Number: 83002101 199 AURITI, Giacinto. ON JAPANESE ART: Comparative Observations on Far Eastern and Western Art. Tokyo 1937, K.B.S. White stiff wrs., 41p., very good copy. Comparative observations on Far-Eastern & Western art, solid copy. FIRST EDITION Comparative observations on Far-Eastern & Western Art. $15 CHINESE ARCHAEOLOGY, BRONZES, LACQUER, CREAMICS, BUDDHIST... Book Number: 86053801 200 AVERY BRUNDAGE COLLECTION. AVERY BRUNDAGE COLLECTION: Selected Works of Art. [Mexico 1968, N.p.]. Stiff pictorial wrs., very good, [64p.] 5 color, 31 b. w. photos, bibliography, English, French, Spanish text. Chinese Painting, Bronzes, Buddhist Arts &c. FIRST EDITION This book covers the cultural program for the Mexico City Olympics, and displays a loan exhibition from the De Young Museum Society. It illustrates and describes Chinese ritual bronze vessels, stone stele, ceramic equestrians, ceramic vessels, porcelains, jades, cloisonne, ivory carvings, lacquerware, paintings and Japanese bronzes, wood sculptures, Chinese landscape paintings, Buddhist Icons, lacquers, etc. The Tokyo and Mexico editions are slightly different, but contain about the same kind of reference material. CHINESE ARCHAEOLOGY, BRONZES, LACQUER, CREAMICS, BUDDHIST... Book Number: 86053802 201 AVERY BRUNDAGE COLLECTION. RareOrientalBooks.Com $3 AVERY BRUNDAGE COLLECTION: Selected Works of Art. [Osaka 1970, Yomiuri].Stiff pictorial wrs.,very good, 144p., 9 color, 162 b. w. photos, chronology, English and Japanese text, edges, part of cover partially browned, else clean and a solid copy. Chinese Painting, Bronzes, Buddhist Arts &c. This book covers the cultural program for the Mexico City Olympics, and displays a loan exhibition from the De Young Museum Society. It illustrates and describes Chinese ritual bronze vessels, stone stele, ceramic equestrians, ceramic vessels, porcelains, jades, cloisonne, ivory carvings, lacquerware, paintings and Japanese bronzes, wood sculptures, Chinese landscape paintings, Buddhist Icons, lacquers, etc. The Tokyo and Mexico editions are slightly different, but contain about the same kind of reference material. $3 SUPERBLY "WAY COOL" ZEN PAINTINGS ! Book Number: 88100801 202 AWAKAWA, Yasuichi. ZEN PAINTING. [Tokyo 1970,] Kodansha. Black cloth, very clean, 184p.,notes & biographies on the artists, 140 b. w. photos & examples, about A4 size, solid copy. FIRST EDITION This wonderful work illustrates and showes many examples of the impact of Zen on painting. Also covered are the brush marks of infinity, with lucid commentaries on each of the 139 works, notes on the artists. . Translated by John Bester. . Very Zen and Way Cool Zen Sumi [black & white] art works by the masters.... You need this to reduce your stress and Zen out. . SUPERBLY "WAY COOL" ZEN PAINTINGS ! RareOrientalBooks.Com $19 Book Number: 88100802 203 AWAKAWA, Yasuichi. ZEN PAINTING. [Tokyo 1970,] Kodansha. Black cloth,very clean, 184p., notes and biographies on the artists, 140 b.w. photos & examples. 2nd printing,about A4 size, solid copy. FIRST EDITION This wonderful work illustrates and showes many examples of the impact of Zen on painting. Also covered are the brush marks of infinity, with lucid commentaries on each of the 139 works, notes on the artists. . Translated by John Bester. . Very Zen and Way Cool Zen Sumi [black & white] art works by the masters.... You need this to reduce your stress and Zen out. . $17 SUPERBLY "WAY COOL" ZEN PAINTINGS ! Book Number: 88100803 204 AWAKAWA, Yasuichi. ZEN PAINTING. [Tokyo 1974,] Kodansha. Black cloth,very clean, 184p., notes & biographies on the artists, 140 b.w. photos & examples, abouot A4, former owner's rubber stamps, else solid. This wonderful work illustrates and showes many examples of the impact of Zen on painting. Also covered are the brush marks of infinity, with lucid commentaries on each of the 139 works, notes on the artists. . Translated by John Bester. . Very Zen and Way Cool Zen Sumi [black & white] art works by the masters.... You need this to reduce your stress and Zen out. . RareOrientalBooks.Com $15 ECCLECTIC WORK, ILLUSTRATED WOODBLOCK BOOKS, IVORY, METAL... Book Number: 89043501 205 BAEKELAND, Frederick. IMPERIAL JAPAN: The Art of the Meiji Era 1868-1912. Ithaca [1980], Johnson Museum. Stiff wrs.,very clean, 155 bw photos, index, bibliography, 22 x 28 cm., solid copy. FIRST & ONLY LIMITED EDITION OF 2500 COPIES This well organized exhibition addresses the various art forms of the Meiji era, including painting, calligraphy, lacquer, woodblock prints and illustrated books, ivory, wood, metalwork, cloisonne and ceramics. The print section covers works by Yoshitoshi, Koson, Kiyochia, Gyosai, Gekko, Seitei, Kokyo et al. A very useful reference source. * $12 Book Number: 85119501 206 BALL, Katherine M. DECORATIVE MOTIVES OF ORIENTAL ART. London [1927], Lane. Black cloth, very good, folio, 286p., 673 b.w. plates, minor corner wear, top gilt, 25 x 32.5 cm., else clean and solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Discusses major themes in Japanese and Chinese art: dragon, phoenix, unicorn, crane, peacock, & other birds & animals. Highly informative, including basic and general information the different sources of inspiration as well as all of the specific uses in oriental art. An exceptional reference source, very well-illustrated from the works of well-known artists. Different perspectives are discussed... very nice. RareOrientalBooks.Com $60 Book Number: 85119502 207 BALL, Katherine M. DECORATIVE MOTIVES OF ORIENTAL ART. London [1927], Lane. Black cloth, very good, folio, 286p., 673 b.w. plates, neatly rebacked using the old spine, a bit of corner wear, else clean & solid copy, folio 25 x 32.5 cm. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Discusses major themes in Japanese and Chinese art: dragon, phoenix, unicorn, crane, peacock, & other birds & animals. Highly informative, including basic and general information the different sources of inspiration as well as all of the specific uses in oriental art. An exceptional reference source, very well-illustrated from the works of well-known artists. Different perspectives are discussed... very nice. $56 Book Number: 85067301 208 BANDO, Shojun. et al. A BIBLIOGRAPHY ON JAPANESE BUDDHISM. Tokyo 1958, CIIB. Stiff wrs., 180p., index, 1660 entries, divided into subjects, bright, clean copy, 15 x 21 cm. $36 AN EXCELLENT PICTORIAL REFERENCE SOURCE Book Number: 83002401 209 BARBANSON, Adrienne. FABLES IN IVORY: Japanese Netsuke and their Legends. Rutland [1961], Tuttle. Brown cloth spine over boards, very clean,116p.,8 color,52 b.w. plates, bibliography, preface by Felix Tikotin,large format:26 x 25 cm., dust jacket in mylar protector,3 torn away spots, else solid.FIRST & ONLY EDITION An important reference source, covering Netsuke in terms of legends, carving methods, materials used, the multi-form of this miniature sculpture. Also covered are the legendary figures depicted, with excellent close-up photography. RareOrientalBooks.Com $31 AN EXCELLENT PICTORIAL REFERENCE SOURCE Book Number: 83002402 210 BARBANSON, Adrienne. FABLES IN IVORY: Japanese Netsuke and their Legends. Rutland [1961], Tuttle. Brown cloth spine over boards, very good, 116p., 8 color, 52 b.w. plates, bibliography, preface by Felix Tikotin, clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITON An important reference source, covering Netsuke in terms of legends, carving methods, materials used, the multi-form of this miniature sculpture. Also covered are the legendary figures depicted, with excellent close-up photography. $27 Book Number: 89099401 211 BARKER, Richard. et al. NETSUKE: The Miniature Sculpture of Japan. [London 1976], British Museum. Red cloth, very clean, dj. 184p., 7 color plates & 641 text illustrations, index, concordance of registration numbers, glossary, bibliography, solid copy, in nice dust jacket. FIRST EDITION Co-author Lawrence Smith of the British Museum. This work is exceptionally comprehensive, offering a photo for each work, some with additional photos of signatures and details. Each piece is identified, signature read, date and size given, along with the owner's name. A very valuable and quite useful reference source for any student or collector. * "Netsuke" opens the door to almost every aspect of Japanese life seen in miniature." * RareOrientalBooks.Com $19 Book Number: 94114301 212 BARNET, Sylvan. et al. ZEN INK PAINTINGS. [Ahead of Title: GREAT JAPANESE ART.] [London 1982], Sawers. Black cloth, very clean, folio, 94p., bibliography, 51 b.w. photo plates, co-author was Wm. Burto, solid copy. FIRST EDITION An excellent resource for Zen Sumi paintings, with a background to Chinese Zen painting Liang K'ai, the Poet Li . A Zen triptych Mu-ch'i, Crane, Kuan-yin, & monkeys. Patriarchs and Eccentrics, portraits, landscapes, birds, flowers, an allegory of enlighten, and calligraphy. * Beautifully done. $17 AN EXCELLENT RESOURCE WITH REAL PAPER SAMPLES Book Number: 93135204 213 BARRETT, Timothy. JAPANESE PAPERMAKING: Traditions, Tools & Techniques. New York [1984], Weatherhill. Brown cloth, very clean, 317p. 165 b.w. photos, index, 3 appendices, 2nd. printing, bibliography, 29 drawings, crisp, bright copy, has ca. 2 mm. wedge clipped off first fly, else verso illustration is fine, dj. An excellent text, covering in great detail Japanese paper: past & present, use, production. Raw fiber production, cultivation, harvesting, stripping, black, green & white bark. . Fiber preparation, cooking, washing, cleaning, beating, finished fiber. Sheet formation: Nagashi-zuki action, Tororoaoi: key to Japanese papermaking. Tororo cultivation, drying and finishing. The tools, craft, equipment. A superb text. * A SUPERB REFERENCE FOR OLD BUDDHIST ICONS IN JAPANESE ART RareOrientalBooks.Com $75 Book Number: 29044601 214 BASKETT, Mary W. FOOTPRINTS OF THE BUDDHA: Japanese Buddhist Prints from American and Japanese Collections. [Philadelphia] 1980, Philadelphia Mus. Art. Stiff pictorial wrs., very good, 125p., bibliography, 81 tipped in color and many b.w. photos, chronology, catalogue, abbreviations list, 19 x 28 cm., clean solid copy. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION A superb reference on Japanese icons found on ancient woodblock prints, paintings, Japanese woodblock prints, woodblock printed books, scrolls &c. * This work traces and illustrates the earliest examples of Buddhist icons as found in a 753 A.D. Nara stone carving, and in the earliest woodblock print, early 12th century example ca. 898-1185 [Late Heian period], down to contemporary Buddhist prints through 1975. * The major focus of the work is on the ancient examples down to the late 19th century. * $15 THE THEME OF JAPANESE DOLLS IN WOODCUT PRINTS AND OTHERS... Book Number: 29007301 215 BATEN, Lea. PLAYTHINGS AND PASTIMES IN JAPANESE PRINTS. [Tokyo 1995], Shufunotomo. White boards, dust jacket, as new index, 160p., bibliography, 22 x 27 cm., solid.FIRST EDITION An excellent reference on Japanese dolls as found in woodcut prints, ceramic sculptures, in cloth and a wide variety of other mediums. * An useful resource, great for collectors. * Book Number: 88020801 216 BATTERBERRY, Michael. CHINESE & ORIENTAL ART. New York [1968], McGraw-Hill. Red cloth, very good, 236p.,20 color, 122 b.w. photos, index, 9.75 x 12 inches, dj., folio, very clean, solid copy. FIRST EDITION An interesting art history from the religious and decorative RareOrientalBooks.Com $10 perspective in the rich artistic cultures of China, Korea, Japan and India. An integrated study covering the art works of each country, beginning at the earliest period, through the 19th century. Each culture carefully accessed, contrasted with the others and compared to render a useful art history valuable to any student of East Asian art & culture. $7 Book Number: 96096903 217 BAUR COLLECTION. THE BAUR COLLECTION GENEVA. [Geneva] 1994, [Baur]. Stiff color wrs., very good, many color photos, French text, covers 84 items summary title:LES TRESORS DU TUKANG: Ceramicques d'Extreme Orient trouvees en Indonesie, Collection de l'Ambassadeur & Mme. Chas. Muller. An excellent history & guide to the collection. Consisting of Chinese ceramics, jades, celadons, Ming Ch'i, enamelware, Japanese Netsuke, Inro, woodblock prints, sword furniture, ceramics, lacquer ware, ivories, tea, tobacco &c. AN EARLY COLLECTION OF BEATO & STILLFRIED PHOTOGRAPHS Book Number: 24055401 218 [BEATO, Felice & Raimund Von STILLFRIED.] NOTEBOOK OF FELICE BEATO & RAIMUND VON STILLFRIED PHOTOGRAPHS. [Japan, n.d. ca. 1871-1883]. Notebook mounted sepia tone photographs, two basic sizes: smallest: 108 each 8.5 x 5 cm, largest: 8 each: 14 x 12 cm., all very good, strong, clear non-faded images, first photo has small tear balance fine. This is a rare collection of Stillfried & Beato photographs. Mounted in a lined paper notebook, no covers, 17.5 x 21 cm., soiled first blank & back cover pages, contents quite clean. Each page has about 6 small images per page, and other pages have a combination of one large with about 3 smaller sized photos, [22 pages] with photos, balance are blanks. A famous photograph is found on page [15], showing four Japanese men pushing a cart ladened with several bails of rice. This is illustrated in to common reference books: Hugh Cortazzi et al: JAPAN CAUGHT IN TIME, photograph 27, attributed to Von Stillfried, in a color version. It is also illustrated in ONCE UPON A TIME, page 79 again in color, but this time with the number 563 in lower right corner, attributed to Felice Beato. Beato had been an early Yokohama photographer in Japan from 1869-1877. The great fire of 1866 had destroyed a large number of his negatives, so he spent a year working diligently to replace all he had lost. Exhausted by 1868, he began to look for other business; in 1877, he sold his stock and archives to Von Stillfried. Therefore this collection has that distinct look of Beato's works, with some likely Von Stillfried added images. The images were available for purchase by foreigners who visited Yokohama and bought some memorial photos, most of which were put into handsome lacquer albums. A few other foreigners who had less money to RareOrientalBooks.Com $5 spend just bought selected photos and put them in their own albums, ergo what we have here. Old pen captions read: A memorial of a visit to Yokohama, and a tour of Japan. Entrance to a temple; Burial ground; Views of sacred mountain [Mt. Fuji] 9 photos; Street scent in native town; Yokohama; In the rice fields; Silk weaving room; Picking tea leaves; Views of Yokohama; School for Japanese children; Seminary for young ladies [actually a house of prostitution!]. In the interior [native street scenes]; View of Yokio [sic for Tokio]; Railway terminal; the river; Views of Yokohama:railway station; gentleman's house. Nagasaki: Town of Nagasaki; seaport town; in the mountains; town hall of Yokohama; Railway between Yokohama &c; Then the captions end. Other photos show Kintai Bridge in Iwakuni; waterfalls, leisure boats with Geisha, Kyoto pagoda; Photos of Japanese girls in elaborate Kimono costume; A street scene with rickshaw pullers before a great merchant's business [dye shop]. More Japanese women, one in a Western dress, others in Kimono; view of a Japanese temple; Japanese coolies being served wine by two women; Women in winter Kimono and scarf; View of Yokohama city and bay from the bluff; women musicans, rickshaw puller and children; girl having her coiffeur done; Various sellers with "yoke" type carriers on their shoulder; one carries load on her head; girls with umbrella; male coiffeur, basket sellers. The great bronze Buddha at Kamakura, temple scenes, Japanse women with dolls; mother and baby; then the very famous photo of pullers of rice bails; children musicians play Shamisen, another plays the Koto. Waterfalls [Nikko], girls sleeping under Futon; Street with many rickshaws before the theatre. Children entertainers and acrobats,girls playing string games; others drink tea; another group of three sing, others play the Shamisen, another musical group play the Tsutsumi drum,Shamisen, and flute. A child studying by oil lamp. Views of Yokohama harbour and the bay with a large number of grand sized Kuro-fune or "Black ships" which were the earliest of sailing vessels to visit Japan. Most have three large sail masts. Antoher shows the quay in Yokohama with its stone lanterns; the last shows a very low in the water type sailing ship with center smoke stack, flying the Japanese flag. The last page shows a man with a Japanese head on a box, perhaps a magician, next to that is one showing two Japanese criminals with large wooden stocks on their necks, the last shows a Japanese carpenter with a hoe-like tool plaining wood. An exciting work, showing a wide variety of Japanese life, and two famous ports and their environs. People who catalogue Japanese photos do not always give credit to both Beato and Stillfried for some photographs, but rather naively cite just one photographer. Due to the nature of the transfer of the Beato business to Stillfried, there is always a question, as to which person took the photo or made a reprint of it. Nevertheless, this collection is early and quite rare ! A large number of these are not found in the reference books, perhaps they were taken prior to the fire and are thus quite early. See ONCE UPON A TIME: VISIONS OF OLD JAPAN: PHOTOGRAPHS BY FELICE BEATO AND BARON RAIMUND VON STILLFRIED for excellent background information. Beato went to Japan in 1863 where he and Charles Wirgman founded the first Egnlish-language Japanese magazine: JAPAN PUNCH, which later became the FAR EAST, enhanced with actual photographs tipped in. Beato was the first foreign person to establish a photographic business in Yokohama. See also [Helene Bayou]: FELICE BEATO: Et L'ecole de Yokohama for RareOrientalBooks.Com many other excellent photos, and Yokohama Kaikoo Shiryo Kan comp.: F. BEATO BAKUMATSU NIPPON NIHON SHASHIN SHU for other valuable photos and details. Color scans can be sent by email. $3723 Book Number: 86051701 219 BEDFORD, John. CHINESE AND JAPANESE LACQUER. New York [1969], Walker. Black cloth, very good, dj., 64p., 2 color, 40 b.w. photos, very good clean, solid copy. FIRST EDITION Answering a need for the affordable objects of art, this text covers those collectible pieces which are still available. With an essay on what is lacquer, stories and symbols of lacquerware and on its masters. An excellent source for the collector & library. Examples of Inro, ink boxes, carved furniture, etc. With useful signature index. A valuable reference source book. $5 Book Number: 91109301 220 BELL, Hamilton. NOTES ON LANDSCAPE IN THE ARTS OF THE EAST AND THE WEST. [New York 1919, Asia]. Article extracted from Asia Magazine, pages 1127-1126, 7 b.w. photos, stapled, very good. Covering Chinese landscape paintings in America and Japan. AN EXCELLENT EARLY JAPANESE PHOTOGRAPHIC REFRERENCE Book Number: 95248001 221 BENNETT, Terry. EARLY JAPANESE IMAGES. Rutland [1996], Tuttle. Black cloth, 152p., 166 photos of 40 hand-colored, 100 sepia toned images, appendix, bibliography, of photographic terms, index of 1200 numbered early photos, dust jacket, "AS NEW COPY." FIRST & ONLY EDITION Covering the early days of photography in Japan, from 1853, when Commodore Perry's ships landed, to the end of the Meiji era in 1912. An introductory essay gives historical background about this turbulent period, and captions give detailed information about the book's 166 photos. . RareOrientalBooks.Com $14 The photos, many published here for the first time, provide a rare look at a Japan few people know. Subjects include Geisha and Samurai, beggars, Ainu and Westerners, Japanese soldiers at Port Arthur during the Russo-Japanese war, Dejima [Deshima] in the 1860's, a bathhouse & nude women in the 1890's, Kobe's Bund, &c. . The images were taken by the most famous and important photographers of Meiji Japan. These include Felice Beato and Baron von Stillfried, who took some of the earliest photos of Japan, Shimo'oka Renjo and Ueno Hikoma, the first professional Japanese photographers, and others, both Western and Japanese, who took the most fascinating photos of Japan. * AN EXCELLENT COLOR REFERENCE TO OLD JAPANESE PHOTOGRAPHS Book Number: 27003201 222 BENNETT, Terry. PHOTOGRAPHY IN JAPAN 1853-1912. London 2006, Tuttle. Cloth over boards, ! NEW COPY !,23 X 31 cm.,320p.,404 color and b.w. photos, index of photographers, chronology, glossary of photographic terms. FIRST & ONLY EDITION NEW COPY, UNUSED ! As well as providing the most complete history of Japanese photography so far published, this fascinating book provides a unique visual insight into Japan's rapid transformation from a feudal society to a modern, industrial state. The photographs, taken between 1853 and 1912 by both commercial and amateur Japanese and Western photographers operating in the country, document a nation on the brink of abandoning its traditional ways and entering the modern age. * A rather comprehensive history of Japanese photography 1853-1912 over 350 photographs and 50 plates in colour, black & white, and sepia about 50% of the photographs are published here for the first time photographs gathered from major private and institutional collections around the world, including Japan, United States, Europe, Canada and Australia. Also contains results of major new research findings, with indices of commercial & amateur photographers in Japan. * With a chronology of photography in Japan, a glossary of photographic terms. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $48 The book is organized by photographers from the West, in the 1860's, and from the 1870's when the Japanese photographers began to enter the field. The domination of the Japanese photography field by the Japanese in the 1880's. With substantial lists of photographers, biographies and outline of their activities in Japan and as photographers. Excellent examples of each photographer documented, along with the chemistry of photography used, technology, copious footnotes appendices, substantial bibliography, index of commercial amateur photographers in Japan, 1853-1912. * Subjects contained include, Samurai, officials, tradesmen, women: Geisha, prostitutes, other women of daily walks of life, foreigners, photographers, scenery, Ainu, horses, flowers, gardens and virtually most other subjects found in Japanese photographs. A useful reference and resource. * $39 Book Number: 83002501 223 BERNOULLI, Rudolf. AUSGEWAHLTE MEISTER-WERKE OSTASIATISCHER GRAPHIK IN DER BIBLIOTEK FUR KUNST UND KUNSTGEWERBE IN BERLIN: SELECTED Vogtland 1923, Schultz. Half red cloth over boards,11 color, 32 b.w. tipped in plates, 110p., very good, German text, 22 x 29 cm., very good, clean solid copy FIRST EDITION An excellent study of Japanese, Chinese & Korean color woodblock prints. Also covered are the Ukiyo-e schools, the primitives, illustrated Japanese books [Ehon], prints, &c. * An excellent comparative study. Well illustrated & carefully written. Important reference. * $26 Book Number: 28016601 224 BERTHIER, Francois. READING ZEN IN THE ROCKS: The Japanese Dry Ladscape Garden. Chicago, [2000], Univ. Chicago. Black cloth over blue boards very clean fine copy in dust jacket, former owners signature inside front cover else clean, 166p., index, bibiography, 37 b. w. photos, notes, small mended tear to margin of a page. With a chronology. A lovely work, covering the traditionalJapanese Zen method of creating and appreciating rock rakedgardens and other examples.*Two pages had a slight fold, one mended and both solid, as is.* RareOrientalBooks.Com $15 PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED WITH COLOR EROTIC PLATES Book Number: 87098201 225 BEURDELEY, Michel. et al. EROTIC ART OF JAPAN: The Pillow Poem. [Paris 1981], Amiel. Gold Cloth, very good, 25.5 x 33.5 cm. tall folio, 40 color, 111 b.w. plates, tables, bibliography, dj., notes, glossary, 275p. co-authors: Shinobu Chujo, Motoaki & Richard Lane, clean bright copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION This excellent work covers erotic Japanese prints & illustrated books otherwise not published. Beginning with ancient love, insights to primitive works, paintings & early prints as well as printed books. Amatory literature during the renaissance in the 17th century, Ihara Saikaku and the lore of the merchant classes, erotic literature at the end of the 17th century, the Geisha, prostitutes, illicit love, 18th century novels. Other erotic tales, libertine stories, lexicon of erotic terms and a host of enjoyable art reference materials. This is truly a very well illustrated resourc and study. A readable work with translations for the first time of the commentaries written along side erotic prints & wood cut illustrated books [Ehon]. * What makes this work unique from other book on Japanese erotic art, is that a good number of fine examples are herein illustrated for the first time rom the still private and celebrated Goncourt Collection. * The authors are all leading experts in the field of Japanese art and Japanese erotic art. * 31 SUPERB COPPER-ETCHED PLATES IN FOLIO SIZE Book Number: 93023001 RareOrientalBooks.Com $65 226 BIGOT, Georges. CROQUIS JAPONAIS. JAPANESE SKETCHES. Tokio 1886. Buff stitched stiff wrs.,29+2=31 engraved plates in all, bound in the original illustrated covers, 31 x 46 cm tall folio, clean plates, no worming, solid, nice copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION R A R E Ferninand Georges Bigot [1860-1927] lived 17 years in Japan from 1882 to 1899, married a Japanese woman and had one son. * In 1882 he went to Japan as a journalist. He lived in Tokyo and taught Western drawing, perspective, and watercolors at the National Military School. * He was a book illustrator capturing the essence of the Japanese character, and later illustrated the excesses of the Japanese and their culture. Depicting the common Japanese in their different walks of life. Shows some of the striking contrasts from traditional Japanese society and dress and that of the early Meiji period when Western influences changed the Japanese and their culture. *** TITLES OF THE SKETCHES/PLATES: 1. L'Etudient: A student, signed in plate . 2. Ecoliers: group of children . 3. Officer, signed in plate. . 4. Soldad: soldier, signed in plate . 5. Matelot: sailor, signed in plate . 6. Fonctionnaire: civil servant, signed in plate . 7. No title: A reader . 8. Koto player with a woman looking on. . 9. Bonze: Buddhist priest, signed in plate . 10. Agent de police: policeman. . 11. Servante, servant girls, signed in plate . 12. Lacteur: postman, signed in plate . 13. No title. Japanese man sits before a small Hibachi [brazier] trying to keep his hands warm, with coins to his right on the table, likely a merchant of some kind, he is bundled up with a heavy winter scarf. . 14. No title. Two women play shuttlecock. . 15. No title. A woman does another woman's coiffeur. . 16. No title. A young woman carries a bucket of water. . 17. No title. Washer woman. . 18. No title. A woman eats. . RareOrientalBooks.Com 19. Marchand de Remedes: medicine seller. Shows two men hold an umbrella wearing Kimono and carrying a small satchel. . 20. No title: Shows a man in a broad flat bamboo hat standing near a castle, with electrical wires in the background, he smokes a small Kiseru pipe and wears a short Kimono. Signed in the plate: "G. Bigot." Some call this "Smoker." . 21. Betto, horse groom holds the bridal of a horse. . 22. Jinrikiski: rickshaw puller, signed in block . 23. Pecheur, A Fisherman, signed in block . 24. Ama, masseur, shows No title. Man in a long Kimono smoking he holds a long staff [stick] in his right hand and touches his smoke with his left hand. He faces left. . 25. Md. de Poisson: man carrying fish in a yoke with two baskets. A seller of fish. . 26. No title. Shows a scavenger. . 27. Md. de Gueta. Shows a Geta [shoe] seller man who holds two pair of Geta and calls out his sales cry. . 28 Chanteuses des rue: street singers. . 29. No title. A rural landscape *** THE ILLUSTRATED COVERS: To the above add two more etched plates: Front cover: Shows a Japanese woman looking away from the artist at a cast-iron teapot. Back cover shows a street scene, a mother carries her child on her back, a gas street light, and an electrical wire with many businesses and hoses along the street. The total copper etched sketches is 31 in all. **** This lavishly illustrated work includes one of the most attractive of all of Bigot's engravings, which depicts two young Japanese women in Kimono playing shuttlecock [#14]. *** THE PRINTING TECHNIQUE: This work was entirely hand-etched on copper plates, then printed on hand-made Washi paper and bound in traditional Japanese stitched style. **** OTHER TITLES BY BIGOT: LIMITED EDITIONS 150 COPIES: ASA 1883 O-HA-YO 1883 MATA 1884 [actual correct title is "TAMA" Bigot's error ! Please check with us as we may have some of these in stock. *** CONDITION: A very nice copy. The front cover has some minor small foxing spots, some other dark spots mostly along the spine and lower edge, with the usually 'dusty' covers for a book of this period. . RareOrientalBooks.Com The back cover has a few minor foxing spots, with some of the usual dustiness consistent with a book of this period. . The contents are remarkably clean with a bit of minor foxing to the first fly leaf and barely any at all in the following pages and is limited to the margins, the images are very clean. . *** PHOTOGRAPHS ARE POSTED TO OUR WEBSITE: Please see scans posted to our website, for this and most of our other items. *** SIZE OF THE IMAGES: The image on the front cover is a grand 21.5 x 29 cm. On the back cover it is 16 x 17.5 cm. The internal leaves have a wide variety of image sizes. If this is critical please inquire with us. *** REFERENCES: . Wenckstern: I, p.212. * Bigot Exhibition Catalog p.110/pl., 156. * Tamio, Ikeda: Gallery Tamakaya. Georges Bigot's Passion for Japan. Daruma, Japanese Art & Antiques Magazine, Issue #35, Vol.9, No.3, Summer 2002. * Shigeru, Oikawa: Georges Bigot's Secret Life as an Epinal Print Artist. Daruma, Japanese Art & Antiques Magazine, Issue #33, Vol.9, No.1, Winter 2002. * Georges Bigot: * YOKOHAMA MUSEUM OF ART.:SELECTED WORKS FROM THE COLLECTION, 1989 see p. 64-65, #28. *** SUPERB CLASSIC BY THE FAMOUS ART HISTORIAN Book Number: 86051103 227 BINYON, Laurence. THE FLIGHT OF THE DRAGON: An essay on the Theory and Practice of Art in China and Japan. London [1948], Murray. Buff cloth, very good, 112p., 12 x 17 cm., very good. RareOrientalBooks.Com $2300 This book covers the "Six Canons", rhythm, relation of man, landscape, flowers, dragon, techniques, training & methods, composition, perspective, color, and figures and movement in Chinese painting. A classic, this highly readable work is well organized and useful tool for the student or collector. * $15 SUPERB CLASSIC BY THE FAMOUS ART HISTORIAN Book Number: 86051104 228 BINYON, Laurence. THE FLIGHT OF THE DRAGON: An essay on the Theory and Practice of Art in China and Japan. London [1948], Murray. Buff cloth, very good, 112p., 12 x 17 cm., brilliant copy, dust jacket in mylar protector, clean, very solid copy. This book covers the "Six Canons", rhythm, relation of man, landscape, flowers, dragon, techniques, training & methods, composition, perspective, color, and figures and movement in Chinese painting. A classic, this highly readable work is well organized and useful tool for the student or collector. * $24 Book Number: 83002901 229 BINYON, Laurence. THE SPIRIT OF MAN IN ASIAN ART: Being the Charles Eliot Norton Lectures Delivered in Harvard University 1933-34. Cambridge 1935, Harvard Univ. Blue cloth, very good, 217p., 70 b.w. photos, clean solid copy. FIRST EDITION The text of six scholarly lectures, dealing with early Chinese art, early Indian art, the impact of Buddhism on Chinese art & thought. Conception of landscape art in China, Taoism & Zen. Art in Persia, contacts with India & China. Growth of Persian style in painting. Japanese art: its relation to Chinese art and special character & development. Popular art: Rajput painting in India & Ukiyo-e in Japan. Useful study. Book Number: 83002902 230 BINYON, Laurence. THE SPIRIT OF MAN IN ASIAN ART: Being the Charles Eliot Norton Lectures Delivered in Harvard University 1933-34. RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 New York [1965], Dover. Stiff wrs., very good, 217p., 70 b w photos, exact reprint of the 1935 edition, solid copy. The text of six scholarly lectures, dealing with early Chinese art, early Indian art, the impact of Buddhism on Chinese art & thought. Conception of landscape art in China, Taoism & Zen. Art in Persia, contacts with India & China. Growth of Persian style in painting. Japanese art: its relation to Chinese art and special character & development. Popular art: Rajput painting in India & Ukiyo-e in Japan. Useful study. $9 A VALUABLE INDEX TO ALL JAPANESE ARTS IN THE 31 VOLUME SET Book Number: 94041801 231 BIRD, Richard. comp. GENERAL INDEX TO HEIBONSHA SURVEY OF JAPANESE ART, A 31 VOL. SET. VOL.31 OF THE SERIES. New York [1980], Weatherhill. Blue cloth, very clean, 104p., alphabetical index to the 30 vol. set, useful guide, solid copy in nice dust jacket. FIRST EDITION *Ask us for more information on our 31 volume complete set.* A comprehensive index to the complete set of 30 volumes, each a monograph on a different subject in Japanese Art. * SEE US FOR A COMPLETE SET OF THE 31 VOLUMES . Indispensable both to all students & collectors of Japanese art. All relevant text and illustration references are included in a compilation that thoroughly covers the series and makes each entry easily found. Additionally the index undertakes to identify a great number of its entries in glossary fashion, thereby furnishing the reader with useful though brief explanations. * Book Number: 87020302 232 BLACKER, J.F. A B C OF JAPANESE ART. New York [1929], Bridgman. Black cloth over yellow cloth spine, 460p., 49 b.w. plates, 97 illustrations,old bookplate top/bottom signatures rubber stamped, else contents clean & solid, appendix, index, very good. This work covers in a comprehensive way, details on Japanese arts, great painters, bronzes, carved ivory, wood, Netsuke, lacquer, armour and arms, woven silks, embroideries, women's RareOrientalBooks.Com $26 fashion, homes, tea ceremonies, temples, pottery & porcelain woodblock prints, atists, Hokusai, Hiroshige &c. With priced appendix of lacquer, pottery and color prints. A useful reference, eclectic in nature, a solid resource. $19 A SUPERB MONOGRAPH ON JAPANESE GLASS-ART OBJECTS Book Number: 20008901 233 BLAIR, Dorothy. A HISTORY OF GLASS IN JAPAN. [Tokyo 1973, Kodansha]. Blue silk, very good, 479p., index, glossary, appendix, notes, bibliography, 2 maps, 37 color & 203 b.w. photos, major reference on this subject, appendix, notes, large size, 23 x 29 cm., acetate dust jacket, clean. This work was co-published by the Corning Museum of Glass. The color plates are of the highest quality chromolithography, chronology, appendix is Chemical Considerations by R. Brill. . This work covers the beginning of glass in Japan, and traces its origins and uses from Jomon down to the modern period, and outlines each era of use, production & influence from abroad. * Important corpus of plates with descriptive notes & bibliographic references. An excellent work, large size format, brilliantly done. The single and most comprehensive work on the subject. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: Arntzen/Rainwater p.432: "A monumental book, by the foremost Western authority on Japanese glass, which advances research in the field and serves as the starting point for future research...excellent plates." * Franklin 4615 * Ehresmann Applied & Decorative Arts 1544: "Excellent, scholarly history of glass in Japan from Jomon period to the 1970's." *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $12 A SUPERB MONOGRAPH ON JAPANESE GLASS-ART OBJECTS Book Number: 20008902 234 BLAIR, Dorothy. A HISTORY OF GLASS IN JAPAN. [Tokyo 1973, Kodansha]. Blue silk, very good, 479p., index, glossary, appendix, notes, bibliography, 2 maps, 37 color & 203 b.w. photos, major reference on this subject, appendix, notes, large size, 23 x 29 cm., dj., clean ex-library copy. This work was co-published by the Corning Museum of Glass. The color plates are of the highest quality chromolithography, chronology, appendix is Chemical Considerations by R. Brill. . This work covers the beginning of glass in Japan, and traces its origins and uses from Jomon down to the modern period, and outlines each era of use, production & influence from abroad. * Important corpus of plates with descriptive notes & bibliographic references. An excellent work, large size format, brilliantly done. The single and most comprehensive work on the subject. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: Arntzen/Rainwater p.432: "A monumental book, by the foremost Western authority on Japanese glass, which advances research in the field and serves as the starting point for future research...excellent plates." * Franklin 4615 * Ehresmann Applied & Decorative Arts 1544: "Excellent, scholarly history of glass in Japan from Jomon period to the 1970's." *** AN EXCELLENT REFERENCE & ARTIST BIOGRAPHICAL RESOURCE RareOrientalBooks.Com $14 Book Number: 94029801 235 BLAKEMORE, Frances. WHO'S WHO IN MODERN JAPANESE PRINTS. New York [1975], Weatherhill. Blue cloth, very good, dj., 263p., appendix: index of modern Japanese print artists, profusely illustrated. An important illustrated referece and biographical resource. With an essay: the Japanese print: a historical survey. Very nicely illustraed with examples showing the artist's styles. Including etchings, woodbocks, lithograhs, silkscreen, stencil & mixed media. A valuable resource for any collector. $73 Book Number: 21025001 236 BLEICHER, Frederick. MICROANALYSIS OF CHIEN TEMMOKKU GLAZES. Ann Arbor 1977, Univ. Michigan. Stiff orange wrs., very good an article in ANTHROPOLOGICAL PAPERS, MUSEUM OF ANTHROPOLOGY UNIV. MICHIGAN NO. 61, whole issue, but just this article is pointed out to our clients. Covers pages 55-71, addresses previous investigations, shows potsherds, electron micrograph of surface, experimental results, table, charts, statistics, bibliography, notes, conclusions, 13 photos in all. A most useful and scholarly work. AN ECLECTIC SET OF BOOKS ON ALL FACETS OF JAPANESE CULTURE RareOrientalBooks.Com $26 Book Number: 84207209 237 BOARD OF TOURIST INDUSTRY. [JAPANESE GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS] TOURIST LIBRARY: A Complete Set of Forty [40] Volumes. [Individually Bound in Original Color-Illustrated Covers] [Tokyo 1937-42].Stiff wrs.,color paste-on, many color & b.w. plates, complete set 40 vols.,a few minor blemishes, several in glassine dj., 3 vols. re-backed, else as publisher issued a nice set,mixed dates,all solid & firm copies.40 VOLUME SET *** *** *** . . A SUPERB COMPLETE SET OF 40 INDIVIDUAL MONOGRAPHS . . . ON ALL ASPECTS OF JAPAN, ART & CULTURE . . . EXCELLENT PRIMARY RESOURCE BY LEADING SCHOLARS & EXPERTS . . . A FASCINATING PRE-WAR SET PUBLISHED FROM 1934-1942 . . . COMPLETE AS ISSUED, EACH UNIFORMLY BOUND . . *** THE SUBJECT & THE SET: This set was published by the Board of Tourist Industry, under the sponsorship of the Japanese Government Railways system. . The Japanese government, in an effort to attract foreign visitors to come to and tour Japan, serially produced this group of exceptionally scholarly, accurate and beautifully illustrated monographs. The government sought out the leading exponents and eminent scholars to introduce all aspects of Japanese art, culture, history, customs and traditions to the western world. The results were an impressive success in publishing nicely illustrated, uniform size volumes, each with a color illustration pasted on to the front cover. RareOrientalBooks.Com . The complete set consists of 40 separates monographs [each on a specific subject], all issued prior to WWII, the last five volumes were issued at the start of WWWII in 1941-1942. . Many of these eminent scholars & authors continued to write more exhaustive works on their specialty subjects after the war. . *** NOTE ON THE ROMANIZATION OF PRE-WORLDWAR II JAPANESE: Note the Romanization of Japanese in the 1930's. In an effort to avoid 'western culture' during the pre-World War II period, Japan abandoned the "Hepburn" method of Romanization of Japanese, in favor of a 'native' method which turned out to be very difficult for westerners to read. After the war, Japanese returned to the 'standard' way to Romanize. The below names are spelled in the old [strange] way. . *** THE COMPLETE LIST OF ALL TITLES & AUTHORS: This set is seldom found complete. . 1. TEA CULT OF JAPAN. Yasunosuke Fukukita 2. JAPANESE NOH PLAYS. Toyoichiro Nogami 3. SAKURA [Japanese Cherry]. Manabu Miyosi 4. JAPANESE GARDENS. Matsunosuke Tatsui 5. HIROSHIGE & JAPANESE LANDSCAPES. Yone Noguchi 6. JAPANESE DRAMA. [Yoshio Yoshikawa] 7. JAPANESE ARCHITECTURE. Hideto Kisida 8. WHAT IS SHINTO? Genchi Kato 9. CASTLES IN JAPAN. Orui & M. Toba 10. HOT SPRINGS. Koichi Fujinami 11. FLORAL ART. Issotei Nishikawa 12. CHILDREN'S DAY. Tamotsu Iwado 13. KIMONO. Kenichi Kawakatsu 14. FOOD. Kaneko Tezuka 15. MUSIC. Katsumi Sunaga 16. ZYUDO [ZYUZYUTU] [JUDO & JUJUTSU]. Jigoro Kano 17. FAMILY LIFE. Shunkichi Akimoto 18. SCENERY. T. Tamura 19. EDUCATION. K. Yoshida & T. Kaigo 20. FLORAL CALENDAR. T. Makino & Genziro Oka 21. BUDDHISM. Daitsetz[u] Teitaro Suzuki 22. ODORI [Dance]. Kasyo Matida 23. KABUKI DRAMA. Syutaro Miyake 24. JAPANESE WOOD-BLOCK PRINTS. S. Huzikake 25. HISTORY. Koya Nakamura 26. FOLK-TOYS. Tekiho Nisizawa 27. GAME OF "GO". Fukumensi Mihori 28. COIFFURE. R. Saito 29. SCULPTURE. Seiroku Noma 30. POSTAGE STAMPS. Yokiti Yamamoto 31. ANCIENT ARMOUR. Hatiro Yamagami 32. ANGLING. Meizi Matuzki 33. PROVERBS. Otoo Huzii 34. SUMO. Kozo Hikoyama 35. BIRDS. Prince Nobusuke Takatukasa 36. AINU LIFE & LEGEND. Kyosuke Kindaiti 37. FAMILY CRESTS. Yuzuru Okada 38. INDUSTRIAL ARTS. Seiti Okuda RareOrientalBooks.Com 39. HAND-MADE PAPERS OF JAPAN [With sample papers tipped in] . by Bunsyo Zyugaku 40. NATIONAL CHARACTER. Nyozekan Hasegawa . A complete list of all titles is often found inside the first fly leaf; earlier numbers show less than later numbers, which show a full list of the titles of all 40 titles. . *** UNIFORM FORMAT: Uniform format and size: 12.8 x 18.2 cm., some had slightly larger covers, the contents remains about the same size in each volume. Each volume is nicely translated into English. . *** ILLUSTRATIONS: COLOR WITH BLACK & WHITE: Each book has a color front cover printed illustration tipped down. There is also a color frontispiece in each/most volumes, followed by profuse b.w. collotype photographs. . During the mid-1930's the world was beginning to illustrated printed articles like books, magazines and newspapers with more and better illustrations or photographs. Color printing was still in its infancy and was used sparingly being a complex printing process and costly. . Some of the later issues had color photos and folding color illustrations. . *** MIXED EDITIONS/MIXED DATES: This set consists of 'mixed' dates, some are First Editions, others are second or later editions, however all are early pre- 1940, except those published after that date. . *** CONDITION: The set is bound in the original stiff wrappers, some are trimmed to the edge of the contents size, others are deckle edge, issued in varied format. By and large each volume is clean, some in the original glassine dust jacket [therefore the covers are exceptionally clean], a few may have some usual: minor stains, dusty covers, a few with former owner's name/ signatures, old Hanko [seal/chop], names or rubber stamped names, penned numbers on the spine or other places, a bit of minor mild foxing here or there. Some may have their spines reinforced with another stiff paper to keep their binding firm, other minor and typical issues for books 82+ years old. . *** COLOR SCANS POSTED TO OUR WEBSITE: Please review the color scans posted to our website, some volumes may look a bit "dull" due the original "glassine" dust jackets. These are 'stock' photos for individual volumes, the 'title.jpg' is an actual photo of this set, the balance are from copies we have had in the past to give you the 'flavor' of each volume and its appearance. Please ask questions. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $750 A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO ALL OF JAPAN'S ART FORMS Book Number: 87021301 238 BOGER, H. Batterson. THE TRADITIONAL ARTS OF JAPAN: A Complete Illustrated Guide. New York 1964, Doubleday. Red cloth, very good, 351p., 26 color, 200+ b.w. photos, index, bibliography, chronology,dj. very clean solid copy in like wise dust jacket,large format. FIRST EDITION Covers: color woodblock prints, sculpture, masks, armour & arms, metalwork, sword furniture, Shinto, Buddhist & domestic architecture,landscape gardening, floral art, incense and tea ceremony, pottery & porcelain, lacquer, inro, Netsuke, Yatate, tobacco pouch & pipe case, textiles, costume, dolls, fans, cloisone enamel, Shosoin Repository, Ainu folk art and general painting. An excellence all around reference source. Book Number: 27029901 239 BONSAI CLUBS INTERNATIONAL. BONSAI MAGAZINE OF BONSAI, JAPANESE GARDENS, SAIKEI & SUISEKI. [Mountain View 1973-4, 1976-7, B.C.I.]. Brown board binder, 2 volume set, 4 years of issues: vol.12: 1973; vol.13: 1974: vol.15: 1976; vol.16: 1977, each is a complete year, ca. 10 issues per year, A4 size, clean, solid copies, as a group. This is perhaps the best know and most useful journal on the subject. With superb articles on "how-to" as well as other essays on pruning, fertilizing, planting, types of plants and a host of other fascinating subjects. * This is an important journal for any collectors or lovers of Japanese Bonsai or tray landscapes. Pleaes contact us for other books on the subject, or request our Bonsai list. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $19 Together with an odd issue of: vol xiv, no. 10, 1975, all as a single group. * CONDITION: The actual journals are clean, solid as issued, but mailed. The binders are brown boards and show some scratches, split of the covering paper, solid and firm; each binder has steel rods to hold each issue firmly i place and can be opened flat for easy reading. * $162 Book Number: 21067001 240 BORTON, Hugh ed. JAPAN. Ithica [1951], Cornell Univ. Red cloth, dj., 320p., index, very good, bibliography. A classic written just after the end of World War II, this text addresses where does Japan stand, is there real freedom with responsibility, what is her role in Aisa ? Compiled by some 20 experts on Japan, it covers all phases of Japan's history, culture and brings together in one volume an up to date survey. With good focus on contemporary history & life. Addressing philosophy, architecture, fine arts, religion, drama, literature &c. Useful resource. $5 Book Number: 85065301 241 BORTON, Hugh. comp. et al. A SELECTED LIST OF BOOKS AND ARTICLES ON JAPAN IN ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN. Washington D.C.[1940], American Council Learned Soc. Blue cloth, very good, 272p., index. Co-authors Serge Elisseeff & Edwin O. Reischauer. An annotated subject bibliograhy. Listing books & periodicals with the subjects: bibliographies, reference works, periodicals, geography, history, economics, government & politics, sociology & ethnology, education & journalism, mythology, religion & philosophy, language, literature and art. Very useful reference source, with copious index. $51 Book Number: 85065304 242 BORTON, Hugh. comp. et al. A SELECTED LIST OF BOOKS AND ARTICLES ON JAPAN IN ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN. Washington D.C.[1940], American Council Learned Soc. Blue cloth, very good, 272p., index. Co-authors Serge Elisseeff & Edwin O. Reischauer. An annotated subject bibliograhy. Listing books & periodicals with the subjects: bibliographies, reference works, periodicals, geography, history, economics, government & politics, sociology & ethnology, education & journalism, mythology, religion & philosophy, language, literature and art. Very useful reference source, with copious index. RareOrientalBooks.Com $51 A MOST BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED COLOR BOOK Book Number: 92043101 243 BOTTOMLEY, I. et al. ARMS AND ARMOUR OF THE SAMURAI THE HISTORY OF WEAPONRY IN ANCIENT JAPAN. [New York 1988], Crescent. Black cloth,very clean, dj., 192p index, bibliography, glossary, 146 color, 165 b.w. photos,18 illustrations, tall 24 x 31 cm.,a solid copy in nice dust jacket. FIRST & ONLY EDITION An excellent illustrated source, covering the origins of the warrior class, the Samurai during the Gempei wars, the Kamakura and Nambokucho periods, civil unrest: the Ashikaga Shogunate. . The evolution of modern armour, the arrival of the Southern Barbarians. Japan in isolation: the Edo period. This work shows and describes the military weapons employed during the change of history. . Lavishly illustrated in full color shows a wealth of swords, Tsuba, pole arms, helmets, armor & other protective gear, manufacture of weapons, blades, bows & arrows &c. . Valuable addition to any reference collection. . Color s cans can be sent by email. $36 Book Number: 25026301 244 BOVEY, Patricia. et al. CERAMICS: East Meets West. Oct. 7-Dec. 5 1982. Victoria 1982, Art Gallery Greater Victoria. Stiff oblong wrs., very good, 40p., 44 photos, co-author was Barry Till. Covers Chinese, Japanese and other ceramics. AN EARLY MONOGRAPH ON JAPANESE ENAMELWARE RareOrientalBooks.Com $3 Book Number: 83003501 245 BOWES, James L. NOTES ON SHIPPO: A Sequel to Japanese Enamels. London 1895, Kegan Paul. Half cloth over decorated boards, 109p.,very good,9 b.w.photogravures,6 illustrations,top gilt clean ex-private library copy, no spine marks,blind stamped, spine chipping & corner wear, contents clean. FIRST EDITION Covers history of enamels, glass making, Mirror of Shomu, sword guards, art in China, foreign influence, signatures, views of visitors to Japan, modern developments &c. A very useful monograph, and scholarly study. * Top edge gilt. * $56 AN EARLY TREATISE AND REBUTTAL ESSAY Book Number: 83003602 246 BOWES, James L. A VINDICATION OF THE DECORATED POTTERY OF JAPAN. [Liverpool] 1891, Privately Printed. Boards, very good, gold decorations, 63p. line drawings, b.w. and color plates,solid copy. FIRST EDITION Fascinating record of esthetic & scientific controversy between the author & Professor Morse. Also interesting for researchers on William Cullen Bryant & the journalism of the era. Also covers a reply to Mr. Morse's criticisms on Japanese Pottery. Also an essay on undecorated wares. SCARCE RareOrientalBooks.Com $51 Book Number: 96023302 247 BOWIE, Theodore. et al. EAST-WEST IN ART: Patterns of cultural & Aesthetic Relationships. Bloomington [1966], Indiana Univ. Orange decorated wrappers, very good, 191p, 310 b.w. photos, index, clean copy, clean solid copy. FIRST EDITION Written in collaboration with J.L. Davidson, J.G. Mahler, R. Reed, W. Samolin, D.G. Shepherd, & D. Sinor. These prominent scholars in art, archaeology, and history discuss the relationships between Western and Oriental art since the bronze age. Conpares differences, parallels, similarities in style, theme, & techniques in all parts of the vast Eurasian continent, with bibliographical notes.Scholarly essays. $3 AN IMPORTANT MONOGRAPH ON THE DUTCH IN JAPAN Book Number: 84296701 248 BOXER, C.R. JAN COMPAGNIE IN JAPAN, 1600-1850: An Essay on the Cultural Artistic & Scientific Influence Exercised by the Hollanders Hague 1936, Nijhoff. Buff cloth, very good, 198p, index, appendices, 4 color, 12 b.w. photos, bibliography, 16 x 24.5 cm., corners/spine bit worn, slight mark to front cover,else a solid copy, interior clean. FIRST EDITION This covers the Dutch impact on Japan, cartography,geography military arts, medicine, botany, astronomy, Nagasaki interpreters & the study of Dutch in Japan, pictorial arts or Namban works. * Famous Dutch residents of Deshima:, Titsingh, Kaempfer, Caron, Cocks, Pompe Van Meerdervoort, Rangakusha: Shiba Kokan, Sugita Genpaku, Yoshimune and a host of others. * A major reliable contribution to this subject. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $117 AN IMPORTANT MONOGRAPH ON THE DUTCH IN JAPAN Book Number: 84296702 249 BOXER, C.R. JAN COMPAGNIE IN JAPAN, 1600-1850: An Essay on the Cultural Artistic & Scientific Influence Exercised by the Hollanders The Hague 1950, Nijhoff. Buff cloth,very bright, 2nd revised edition, 198p.,17 plates, 4 in color, unclipped dj. in mylar protector, 16 x 25 cm., extra sharp clean copy. BEST EDITION This covers the Dutch impact on Japan, cartography,geography military arts, medicine, botany, astronomy, Nagasaki interpreters & the study of Dutch in Japan, pictorial arts or Namban works. * Famous Dutch residents of Deshima:, Titsingh, Kaempfer, Caron, Cocks, Pompe Van Meerdervoort, Rangakusha: Shiba Kokan, Sugita Genpaku, Yoshimune and a host of others. * A major reliable contribution to this subject. *** AN IMPORTANT MONOGRAPH ON THE DUTCH IN JAPAN Book Number: 84296703 250 BOXER, C.R. JAN COMPAGNIE IN JAPAN, 1600-1850: An Essay on the Cultural Artistic & Scientific Influence Exercised by the Hollanders The Hague 1950, Nijhoff. Buff cloth, very good, 198p,index, appendices, 4 color, 13 b. w. photos, bibliography, 2nd. revised edition. S C A R C E This covers the Dutch impact on Japan, cartography,geography military arts, medicine, botany, astronomy, Nagasaki interpreters & the study of Dutch in Japan, pictorial arts or Namban works. RareOrientalBooks.Com $77 * Famous Dutch residents of Deshima:, Titsingh, Kaempfer, Caron, Cocks, Pompe Van Meerdervoort, Rangakusha: Shiba Kokan, Sugita Genpaku, Yoshimune and a host of others. * A major reliable contribution to this subject. *** $71 Book Number: 20002701 251 BOYD, Robin. NEW DIRECTIONS IN JAPANESE ARCHITECTURE. New York [1968]. Braziller. Black cloth spine over boards,dj very good, 128p., index, bibiliography, notes, 114 plans and b.w. photographs, clean copy. An excellent resource for the post 1964 Olympics structures in Japan. Covering inescapable tradition, space psychosis, between East & West, among the architects. Highly useful for Japanese design and composition. $7 Book Number: 36032101 252 BREA, Luigi B. et al. UKIYO-E PRINTS AND PAINTINGS FROM THE EARLY MASTERS TO SHUNSHO: Edoardo Chiosonne Civic Museum of Oriental Art Genoa [1980], Sagep. Buff cloth, as new copy, in likewise dj & slipcase, introduction by Giuliano Frabetti, 322p., index bibliography, 433 color, b.w. figures & photos,English text, 17 x 25 cm., co-author Eiko Kondo. FIRST & ONLY EDITION CANDID AND REAL PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE WOMEN AT THEIR CHORES RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 Book Number: 20029901 253 BREITENBACH, Josef. WOMEN OF ASIA. New York [1968], Day. White boards, very good, dj., large format, 27 x 34 cm., 84 color & b.w. photographs, clean. FIRST EDITION This excellent work shows photographs of women from India, Nepal, Philippines, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Korea, Ceylon, Malaysia, Formosa, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia & Persia. Each photograph captures the essence of each culture and a woman at her work or daily routine. Marvelous look at common people in their country. With a smaller photograph of each as a key to the large exact photo. A great way to see Asian women and young girls in their life style. $15 Book Number: 89053601 254 BRINKER, Helmut. et al. TREASURES FROM THE RIETBERG MUSEUM. [New York 1980], Asia Society. Buff cloth, very good, dj.,12 color, 122 b. w. photos, 176p.,co-author Eberhard Fischer, clean, solid copy. FIRST EDITION An excellent catalogue covering the works held by the Museum on South and Southeast Asia, China and Japan. With essays on each subject. Covers scuplpture, bronzes, tombs, tomb art, stone religious works, Buddhist art &c. RareOrientalBooks.Com $9 Book Number: 89053602 255 BRINKER, Helmut. et al. TREASURES FROM THE RIETBERG MUSEUM. [New York 1980], Asia Society. Stiff pictorial blue wrs., 12 color, 122 b. w. photos, 176p. co-author Eberhard Fischer, 21 x 27 cm., former owner's name embossed, else as new clean & bright solid copy. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION An excellent catalogue covering the works held by the Museum on South and Southeast Asia, China and Japan. With essays on each subject. Covers scuplpture, bronzes, tombs, tomb art, stone religious works, Buddhist art &c. A GRAND WORK, WITH ORIGINAL HAND-COLORED ALBUMEN PHOTOS Book Number: 83004005 256 BRINKLEY, F. ed. JAPAN DESCRIBED AND ILLUSTRATED BY THE JAPANESE. Written By Eminent Japanese Authorities and Scholars. Boston [1897],Millet. Colored brocade cloth, stitched bound, vols 1-10. LIMITED EDITION 1000, 26 hand colored photos, 185 b.w. photos, tall folio, covers worn, some tears, ex-library all photographs by Tamamura Kozaburo 1856-19?? S C A R C E An eclectic work, covering all of Japan. A view of travel in the main and obscure places. daily activities and photos of people engaged in the toil of trades, farming, commerce and household activities. A complete view to the Japanese with essays by their scholars in English. Each volume begins with a beautiful color photo of a flower [photographed by Ogawa] and then contains 25 hand colored album photos of portraits and scenic spots. * The black and white photos show interiors of homes, art works, outside scenery, activities of daily life, and a host of other views on Japan in the late 19th century. This work is a guide to the Japanese and to Japan at large. It a fairly complete introspective view to that culture before a the results of western influence was manifest. * An excellent primary visual source for Japan before her leap towards modernization. A superb photographic essay & statement of what Japan looked before modernization. Photos by Kozaburo Tamamura [1856-19??] *** THE VARIOUS EDITIONS: Notes on the blue cloth, 5 volume 1904 edition. This set RareOrientalBooks.Com $5 contains a single hand-colored photograph by Kozaburo Tamamura tipped in as the frontis in each volume, 13.3 x 9 cm. The balance of the photos are collotype b.w. in the text. The set is in excellent, clean, solid condition. . CONTENTS OF THE 5 VOL. EDITION: Contains 5 color, 148 b.w. photos: . Vol.1: The Empire, its size, buildings, cities & scenery; Early Japanese and their history; Establishment of the Tokugawa dynasty and Japan's relations with the orient in the early ages of the Christian era; Japan's debt to continental neighbors in early eras; Mediaeval Japan. . Vol. 2: Yoshitsune, Genghis and the Mongol invasion, creeds and castes, religion & rites, superstitions and divination. . Vol. 3: Festivals; observances & pastimes; Japan's commercial & political intercourse with foreign countries. . Vol. 4: Attitude of Japan toward foreign residents; Japanese finance; modern Japan, recent progress; appendix. . Vol.5: The art of Japan: pictorial art; applied art: masks, sage-mono; sculpture on sword furniture; cloisonn� enamel, lacquer; Fairy Tales: the Forty-seven Ronin; Kazuma's revenge; the badger; the monkey & the crab; the sparrow of the cleft tongue; index. *** *** POSTAGE, PACKING & INSURANCE: This title consists of multiple volumes, and is heavy, appropriate packing, shipping and insurance charges apply. At our option, we may choose Federal Express Shipping depending your location. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: T. Bennett: EARLY JAPANESE IMAGES p.51 for good biographical notes. It is interesting to note that Bennett cites the fact [p.52] that Tamamura was commissioned to produce 180,000 hand-colored photographs..."undoubtedly provided the photographs used in Capt. Brinkley's book JAPAN DESCRIBED & ILLUSTRATED BY THE JAPANESE." This set has been a highly collectable work, with good photos & illustrations of Japan, along with his famous text. *** A GRAND WORK, WITH ORIGINAL HAND-COLORED ALBUMEN PHOTOS RareOrientalBooks.Com $325 Book Number: 83004007 257 BRINKLEY, F. ed. JAPAN DESCRIBED AND ILLUSTRATED BY THE JAPANESE. Written By Eminent Japanese Authorities and Scholars. Boston [1904], Millet. Blue cloth, very good, teg., 5 hand colored photos, 144 b.w. photos, 5 volume set, 262+248+257+ 251+281 pages, index, all photographs by Tamamura Kozaburo 1856-19??, fresh, bright, solid, very clean. FIRST EDITION An eclectic work, covering all of Japan. A view of travel in the main and obscure places. daily activities and photos of people engaged in the toil of trades, farming, commerce and household activities. A complete view to the Japanese with essays by their scholars in English. Each volume begins with a beautiful color photo of a flower [photographed by Ogawa] and then contains 25 hand colored album photos of portraits and scenic spots. * The black and white photos show interiors of homes, art works, outside scenery, activities of daily life, and a host of other views on Japan in the late 19th century. This work is a guide to the Japanese and to Japan at large. It a fairly complete introspective view to that culture before a the results of western influence was manifest. * An excellent primary visual source for Japan before her leap towards modernization. A superb photographic essay & statement of what Japan looked before modernization. Photos by Kozaburo Tamamura [1856-19??] *** THE VARIOUS EDITIONS: Notes on the blue cloth, 5 volume 1904 edition. This set contains a single hand-colored photograph by Kozaburo Tamamura tipped in as the frontis in each volume, 13.3 x 9 cm. The balance of the photos are collotype b.w. in the text. The set is in excellent, clean, solid condition. . CONTENTS OF THE 5 VOL. EDITION: Contains 5 color, 148 b.w. photos: . Vol.1: The Empire, its size, buildings, cities & scenery; Early Japanese and their history; Establishment of the Tokugawa dynasty and Japan's relations with the orient in the early ages of the Christian era; Japan's debt to continental neighbors in early eras; Mediaeval Japan. . Vol. 2: Yoshitsune, Genghis and the Mongol invasion, creeds and castes, religion & rites, superstitions and divination. . Vol. 3: Festivals; observances & pastimes; Japan's commercial & political intercourse with foreign countries. . Vol. 4: Attitude of Japan toward foreign residents; Japanese finance; modern Japan, recent progress; appendix. . Vol.5: The art of Japan: pictorial art; applied art: masks, sage-mono; sculpture on sword furniture; cloisonn� enamel, lacquer; Fairy Tales: the Forty-seven Ronin; Kazuma's revenge; the badger; the monkey & the crab; the sparrow of the cleft tongue; index. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com *** POSTAGE, PACKING & INSURANCE: This title consists of multiple volumes, and is heavy, appropriate packing, shipping and insurance charges apply. At our option, we may choose Federal Express Shipping depending your location. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: T. Bennett: EARLY JAPANESE IMAGES p.51 for good biographical notes. It is interesting to note that Bennett cites the fact [p.52] that Tamamura was commissioned to produce 180,000 hand-colored photographs..."undoubtedly provided the photographs used in Capt. Brinkley's book JAPAN DESCRIBED & ILLUSTRATED BY THE JAPANESE." This set has been a highly collectable work, with good photos & illustrations of Japan, along with his famous text. *** COMPREHENSIVE REFERENCE TO BOTH CULTURES, COLOR ILLUSTRATED Book Number: 84045601 258 BRINKLEY, F. JAPAN: Its History Arts and Literature. Volumes 1-8. CHINA: Its History Arts and Literature: Volumes 9-12. Boston [1901], Millett. Brown cloth, t.e.g., 8 vol. set,many color & b.w. photos, appendix, 3752p., index, very good set, spines a bit faded, contents clean, red leather labels, top gilt. A LIMITED NUMBERED EDITON OF 1000 COPIES. R A R E JAPAN: Volumes 1-8. Profusely illustrated with hand colored collotypes. Covering the primeval Japanese, Japan on the verge of history, early eras of history, Nara & Heian. History of the military epoch manners and customs of the military, weapons, operations of war, Bushido or the way of the warrior, refinements and pastimes of the military. * Early Tokugawa times, middle & later period and the fall. The Tokugawa court, criminal procedure, criminal classes, RareOrientalBooks.Com $60 personal liberty, justice, slavery, checks on vice. Meiji era, financial & economic conditions, foreign politics, progress, creed, caste, religion, rites, superstitions, festivals, observances & commercial history. * Ceramics of Kyoto, Japanese pictorial & applied arts, bronze-casting architectural sculpture & decoration. Swords, Tsuba makers, sword furniture, with very useful index of pictorial artists artisans and chisellers showing names, periods, schools for sword makers, keramists, sculptors & other artists. * Also an index of ceramic makers and their marks and seals. *** JAPAN CONTENTS: Chapter headings: Vol.1: Present Japan; primeval Japanese; Japan on the verge of history; Japan in the early eras of history; The Japanese in the Nara epoch; the Heian epoch; appendix. . Vol.2.: History of the military epoch; Manners & customs of the military epoch; Weapons and operations of war during the military epoch; Bushido or the way of the warrior; Refinements & pastimes of the military epoch; appendix.. . Vol.3.: Refinements & pastimes of the military epoch; The early Tokugawa times; Middle Tokugawa; Later Tokugawa; The fall of the Tokugawa; appendix. . Vol.4.: Manners & customs of the Tokugawa era; The Tokugawa court; Criminal procedure & the criminal classes in Tokugawa times; Personal liberty, justice, slavery & checks on vice; Philosophy, education, customs & costumes; Meiji or the era of "Enlightened Government," appendix. . Vol.5. Financial & economic conditions, Japan's foreign politics; steps of progress; creed and caste; Religion & rites; Superstitions, appendix. . Vol.6: Festivals; Observations & pastimes; History of commerce in Japan; appendix, index. . Vol.7: Japanese pictorial art; applied art; Bronze casting, architectural sculpture and decorations; Various applications of art, sculpture, sword-furniture; special subjects, appendix, index. . Vol.8.: Early [ceramic] wares; Wares of Hizen; Wares of Satsuma; Wares of Kyoto; Wares of Kaga; Wares of Owari, Bishu & Mino; miscellaneous wares; modern developments of Japanese keramics; appendix, index. *** An excellent comprehensive reference source. Useful for collectors. *** This is a heavy multi-volume set, appropriate postage, packing will apply. *** REFERENCE: H. Cordier: SINICA 108; JAPONICA * Taylor p.59 *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $192 COMPREHENSIVE REFERENCE TO BOTH CULTURES, COLOR ILLUSTRATED Book Number: 84045604 259 BRINKLEY, F. JAPAN: Its History Arts and Literature. Volumes 1-8. CHINA: Its History Arts and Literature: Volumes 9-12. Boston [1901], Millet. Red cloth, very good, 8 vol. set., profusely illustrated with color photos, top edge gilt, 8 color, 40 b.w. photos, 2622p., appendix, index. S C A R C E A LIMITED NUMBERED EDITION OF 750 COPIES. JAPAN: Volumes 1-8. Profusely illustrated with hand colored collotypes. Covering the primeval Japanese, Japan on the verge of history, early eras of history, Nara & Heian. History of the military epoch manners and customs of the military, weapons, operations of war, Bushido or the way of the warrior, refinements and pastimes of the military. * Early Tokugawa times, middle & later period and the fall. The Tokugawa court, criminal procedure, criminal classes, personal liberty, justice, slavery, checks on vice. Meiji era, financial & economic conditions, foreign politics, progress, creed, caste, religion, rites, superstitions, festivals, observances & commercial history. * Ceramics of Kyoto, Japanese pictorial & applied arts, bronze-casting architectural sculpture & decoration. Swords, Tsuba makers, sword furniture, with very useful index of pictorial artists artisans and chisellers showing names, periods, schools for sword makers, keramists, sculptors & other artists. * Also an index of ceramic makers and their marks and seals. *** JAPAN CONTENTS: Chapter headings: Vol.1: Present Japan; primeval Japanese; Japan on the verge of history; Japan in the early eras of history; The RareOrientalBooks.Com Japanese in the Nara epoch; the Heian epoch; appendix. . Vol.2.: History of the military epoch; Manners & customs of the military epoch; Weapons and operations of war during the military epoch; Bushido or the way of the warrior; Refinements & pastimes of the military epoch; appendix.. . Vol.3.: Refinements & pastimes of the military epoch; The early Tokugawa times; Middle Tokugawa; Later Tokugawa; The fall of the Tokugawa; appendix. . Vol.4.: Manners & customs of the Tokugawa era; The Tokugawa court; Criminal procedure & the criminal classes in Tokugawa times; Personal liberty, justice, slavery & checks on vice; Philosophy, education, customs & costumes; Meiji or the era of "Enlightened Government," appendix. . Vol.5. Financial & economic conditions, Japan's foreign politics; steps of progress; creed and caste; Religion & rites; Superstitions, appendix. . Vol.6: Festivals; Observations & pastimes; History of commerce in Japan; appendix, index. . Vol.7: Japanese pictorial art; applied art; Bronze casting, architectural sculpture and decorations; Various applications of art, sculpture, sword-furniture; special subjects, appendix, index. . Vol.8.: Early [ceramic] wares; Wares of Hizen; Wares of Satsuma; Wares of Kyoto; Wares of Kaga; Wares of Owari, Bishu & Mino; miscellaneous wares; modern developments of Japanese keramics; appendix, index. *** An excellent comprehensive reference source. Useful for collectors. *** This is a heavy multi-volume set, appropriate postage, packing will apply. *** REFERENCE: H. Cordier: SINICA 108; JAPONICA * Taylor p.59 *** COMPREHENSIVE REFERENCE TO BOTH CULTURES, COLOR ILLUSTRATED RareOrientalBooks.Com $189 Book Number: 84045605 260 BRINKLEY, F. JAPAN: Its History Arts and Literature. Volumes 1-8. CHINA: Its History Arts and Literature: Volumes 9-12. Boston [1901], Millet. 3/4 Leather over blue boards, 8 vol. set, 8 colotype color + 46 b.w. collotypes, top edge gilt, 2622p., appendix, index, head/tail spine + edges & corners a bit worn, clean, solid. LIMITED NUMBERED EDITION 750 COPIES JAPAN: Volumes 1-8. Profusely illustrated with hand colored collotypes. Covering the primeval Japanese, Japan on the verge of history, early eras of history, Nara & Heian. History of the military epoch manners and customs of the military, weapons, operations of war, Bushido or the way of the warrior, refinements and pastimes of the military. * Early Tokugawa times, middle & later period and the fall. The Tokugawa court, criminal procedure, criminal classes, personal liberty, justice, slavery, checks on vice. Meiji era, financial & economic conditions, foreign politics, progress, creed, caste, religion, rites, superstitions, festivals, observances & commercial history. * Ceramics of Kyoto, Japanese pictorial & applied arts, bronze-casting architectural sculpture & decoration. Swords, Tsuba makers, sword furniture, with very useful index of pictorial artists artisans and chisellers showing names, periods, schools for sword makers, keramists, sculptors & other artists. * Also an index of ceramic makers and their marks and seals. *** JAPAN CONTENTS: Chapter headings: Vol.1: Present Japan; primeval Japanese; Japan on the verge of history; Japan in the early eras of history; The Japanese in the Nara epoch; the Heian epoch; appendix. . Vol.2.: History of the military epoch; Manners & customs of the military epoch; Weapons and operations of war during the military epoch; Bushido or the way of the warrior; Refinements & pastimes of the military epoch; appendix.. RareOrientalBooks.Com . Vol.3.: Refinements & pastimes of the military epoch; The early Tokugawa times; Middle Tokugawa; Later Tokugawa; The fall of the Tokugawa; appendix. . Vol.4.: Manners & customs of the Tokugawa era; The Tokugawa court; Criminal procedure & the criminal classes in Tokugawa times; Personal liberty, justice, slavery & checks on vice; Philosophy, education, customs & costumes; Meiji or the era of "Enlightened Government," appendix. . Vol.5. Financial & economic conditions, Japan's foreign politics; steps of progress; creed and caste; Religion & rites; Superstitions, appendix. . Vol.6: Festivals; Observations & pastimes; History of commerce in Japan; appendix, index. . Vol.7: Japanese pictorial art; applied art; Bronze casting, architectural sculpture and decorations; Various applications of art, sculpture, sword-furniture; special subjects, appendix, index. . Vol.8.: Early [ceramic] wares; Wares of Hizen; Wares of Satsuma; Wares of Kyoto; Wares of Kaga; Wares of Owari, Bishu & Mino; miscellaneous wares; modern developments of Japanese keramics; appendix, index. *** An excellent comprehensive reference source. Useful for collectors. *** This is a heavy multi-volume set, appropriate postage, packing will apply. *** REFERENCE: H. Cordier: SINICA 108; JAPONICA * Taylor p.59 *** THE COMPLETE UNIFORMLY BOUND SET OF 24 VOLUMES Book Number: 35036901 261 BRINKLEY, F. ORIENTAL SERIES: 24 VOLUME SET ON: JAPAN, CHINA, KOREA, MANCHURIA, PHILIPPINES, SIAM, BURMA, AFGHANISTAN, INDIA, Boston [1901-1910], Millet. White paper spine over handmade brown paper boards, very clean, solid, top edges gilt, 144 RareOrientalBooks.Com $213 color & b.w. photos, index, appendices, 16 x 25 cm., 7753p., excellent condition. COMPLETE 24 VOLUME SET ! FIRST EDITION SELDOM FOUND IN THE 'COMPLETE SET OF 24 VOLUMES ON ASIA: The 24 volume set is listed below by each volume number and subject. There are a total of 144 color & b.w. photos, and a total of 7753 pages in this set. *** THE BINDING: The set is uniformly bound in stiff white paper spine over brown hand-made paper boards. The spines are decorated with the title "ORIENTAL SERIES" at the top, followed by volume title, number and blue, yellow, red decorations, and the publisher's name and place at the bottom. The spines are a bit 'toned' with a kind of aging common with books over 100 years old. Each volume has top edge in gilt, many pages are uncut as issued. Each volume has ca. 6 full-page photographs, some are colored or tinted. Most volumes have uncut pages as issued by the publisher. Most each volume has an appendix & index. . CONDITION: Each volume is tightly bound, solid, and exceptionally bright and clean inside. Being a "largely uncut" set means this work has yet to be fully read and opened, thus it is internally excellent, unread and very clean all in all an exceptionally crisp copy. *** THE VOLUMES: 1-8: JAPAN: Its History Arts & Literature. Covers present day Japan, history of the military epoch, refinements and pastimes of the military epoch, manners & customs of the Tokugawa era, financial & economical conditions, festivals, pastimes, commerce bronze-casting, architectural sculpture & decoration, sword furniture, keramic art: early wares, Hizen, Satsuma, Kyoto, Owari, Bishiu, Mino, misc. wares and modern developments. * I: Japan. 260p., 6 plates. Present Japan-Primeval Japan-Japan on the Verge of History-Japan in the Early Eras of History-The Japanese in the Nara Epoch-The Heian Epoch. . II: Japan. 286p. 6 plates, History of the Military Epoch-Manners and Customs of the Military Epoch-Weapons and Operations of War During the Military Epoch-Bushi-do or the Way of the Warrior-Refinements and Pastimes of the Military Epoch. . III: Japan. 256p., 6 plates. Refinements and Pastimes of the Military Epoch [continued]. The Early Tokugawa Times-Middle Period of the Tokugawa-Later Period of the Tokugawa-The Fall of the Tokugawa. . IV: Japan. 267p., 6 plates Manners and Customs of the Tokugawa Era-The Tokugawa Court-Criminal Procedure and the Criminal Classes in Tokugawa Times-Personal Liberty, Justice, Slavery, and Checks on Vice-Philosophy, Education, Customs, and Costumes-Meiji, or the Era of "Enlightened Government." . V: Japan. 260p., 6 plates. Financial & economical conditions. Japan's foreign politics. RareOrientalBooks.Com Steps of progress. Creed & caste. Religion & Rites. Superstitions. Appendix. . VI: Japan. 301p., 6 plates. Festivals, observances & pastimes, history of commerce. . VII: Japan. 396+67p. sword furniture chisellers, 6 plates. Japanese pictorial art, Japanese applied art, bronze-casting, architectural sculpture and decorations, various applications of art, sculpture of sword-furniture, special subjects. . VIII: Japan. 450+16p. marks & seals, 6 plates. Early wares [ceramics], wares of Hizen, Satsuma, Kyoto, Kaga, Owari, misc. wares, modern developments of Japanese keramics. *** CHINA: Its History Arts & Literature. Volumes 9-12 contains essays on its history arts and literature, pottery, porcelain, features of the country, administration, finance, foreign trade, propaganda, Chinese relations, education, literati, secret societies, rebellions and the Second Opium War, Canton, Peking, Taiping treaties, China's education, commentaries on today's China. . IX: China: 426 + 5pp. marks & seals, 6 plates. Chinese porcelain and pottery. As to the first manufacture of true porcelain in China, Early wares, Sung, celadon, Sung & Yuan, porcelain decorated under & over the glaze, monochromatic glazes, polychromatic glazes, Chinese pottery, Chinese porcelain in the west, manufacturing processes. . X: China: 273p., 6 plates. Features of the country, administration, finances, foreign trade & intercourse: early period, pre-conventional period. . XI: China: 285p., 6 plates. The propaganda and Chinese religions, conventional period, education, literati, secret societies, rebellions, the Second War and the events preceding it. . XII: China: 292p., 6 plates. Canton and Peking at last, the treaty and the Taipings, China's education, closing episodes, to-day. *** KOREA: Its History, Its People, & its commerce. By Angus Hamilton, Maj. Herbert H. Austin & Viscount Masatake Terauchi. . XIII: Korea: 326p., 6 plates. Outline of history, land and folk, a city of peace, costume, manners & morals, education & crime, industries, scenery, mining & hunting, monks & monasteries, across Korea, drought & starvation, traveling, resting in Kang-Wha, sorrows of a coveted kingdom, land of morning calm, relations with Japan, administration, judiciary, trade, maritime, railroads, telegraphs, telephones, public works, sanitation & water works, education. *** XIV:MANCHURIA: Its People, Resources & Recent History. By Alexander Hosie. 320p., 6 photos. . RareOrientalBooks.Com Boundaries, physical features & climate, people and administration, recent events, agriculture & agricultural products, animal & mineral products, special industries, trade, journey into central Manchuria, to Port Arthur and along the Eastern frontier, on the Amur. *** XV: PHILIPPINES: 324p., 6 plates. . An Account of their People, Progress, and Condition. By Mr. Campbell Dauncey, with special contributions by: Hon. William H. Taft & Hon. Theodore Roosevelt. 324p., 6 plates. . Our policy and our work in the Philippines, Some results of our government in the Philippines. An Englishwoman in the Philippines. Manila, Iloilo, wasted land, native dress & customs, social amusements, tariffs, insects, theatre, American occupation, New Year, climate, scenery, religion, democracy and society in Manila, return voyage, baile, Filipino indolence, the wharves, trip to Guimaras, tropical shower, eastern festivities, a day at Nagaba, monsoon, week-end at Nagaba, little earthquake, evening on the river, sanitation, Mr. Taft, native education. *** XVI: SIAM: [including Cambodia] 330p., 6 plates. . An Account of the Country & the People. By P.A. Thompson. . Bangkok, present conditions, Buddhist religion, temples, images & symbols, brotherhood of the Yellow robe, Pees & charms, Siamese art, rice & fish, camp life, Ayuthia and the elephant hung, Lopburi and the story of Phaulcon, the Prabaat mountain, edge of the jungle, fragments of an empire, Angkor Tom. *** XVII: BURMA: 327p., 6 plates. The Land and the People. By R. Talbot Kelly. . Rangoon, amenities, across the Yomas to Taungdwingyi, Burmese market town, jungle life at Kokogon, through the forest to Pyinmana, 1000 miles up the Irrawaddy [Rangoon to Prome], and to Bhamo, two capitals, other towns, a month on the Lashio Line, camping in the northern Shan states, the Burman, resources & trade, government, travel and hints to visitors. *** XVIII: AFGHANISTAN: 323p., 6 plates. By Angus Hamilton. . The Orenburg, Tashkent railway, Khanate of Bokhara, province of Samarkand, district of Tashkent & Merv, northern border, Murghab valley and railway, Herat & the western border, Kandahar, Seistan, provinces and races, administration, laws and revenue, trade, industries, products, army, Kabul its palaces and court life and bazaars. *** XIX: INDIA: 326p., 6 plates. The Real India. By J.D. Rees. . Early & later history, the land system, government, revenues & taxation, native states, unrest, congress, social reform, economic policy. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com XX: PERSIA: 323p., 6 plates. Through Persia from the Gulf to the Caspian. By F.B. Bradley-Birt. . Up the Persian gulf, in Bushire, Shapur, night in a Persian hut, the pass of the old woman, Shiraz, the graves of Sadi & Hafiz, pass of God is Great, Persepolis, Naksh-i-Rustam, tomb of Cyrus, through Dehbid & Yizdikhast to Ispahan, Teheran, Mejliss. *** XXI: TURKEY: 324p., 6 plates. . The Awakening of Turkey, the Turkish Revolution of 1908. By E.F. Knight. . The Turkish people, atrocities, early reformers, spread of corruption, spread of education, rise of the young Turks, discontent in the army, central committee, how the revolution began, standard of revolt, the insurrection in Bulgaria, palace and the Greeks, bloodless victory, committee's ultimatum, after the revolution, European assistance, mutinous palace guards, preparing for self-rule, a strong army needed, opening of parliament, the new Sultan. *** RUSSIA: [3 Volumes 22-24] Its History & Condition to 1877. By Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace. . XXII: RUSSIA: 332p, 6 plates. Traveling in Russia, in the northern forests, voluntary exile, village priest, medical consultation, peasant family of the old type, peasantry of the north, the Mir or village community, Tartar village, towns and mercantile classes, Lord Novgorod the Great, the Imperial administration and the officials, land proprietors of the old & modern schools. * XXIII: RUSSA: 334p, 6 plates. Social classes, church & state, among the Heretics, the dissenters, the pastoral tribes of the Steppe, the Tartar domination, the Cossacks, foreign colonies on the Steppe, St. Petersburg & European influence, the Serfs, emancipation of the Serfs, consequences of the emancipation. * XIV: RUSSIA: 324p., 6 plates Russia of To-day. By Luigi Villari. The new law courts, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Nijni Vovgorod, the Volga, provincial Russia, Black sea ports, on a country estate, the industrial development of Russia, the Russian working classes, effects of the war on the economic situation, the effect of the war on Russian public opinion. *** SHIPPING: This is a large and heavy set, appropriate post, packing & shipping charges apply. Inquire for the cost to your destination. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $945 A MOST EXCELLENT REFERENCE RESOURCE BOOK Book Number: 84090903 262 BROCKHAUS, Albert. NETSUKES. New York 1924, Duffield. Brown cloth, scuffed covers, very good, 175p., 73 b.w. photos, index, bibliography, appendix, translated by M. Watty, edited by E.Stillman, contents clean sound. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION A very reliable source, translated from the original German edition. With use, kinds, carving of Netsuke. The subjects, collections, history, artists' and signatures. The mythological subjects portrayed. This work has been hailed as the classic on the subject. It has been used as the basis for most all other works. Based on data provided from Japan,this work covers in great detail with authority all of the known knowledge of Netsuke & its lore at the time. A superb study! $224 Book Number: 85144601 263 BROOKS, Van Wyck. FENOLLOSA AND HIS CIRCLE: With Other Essays in Biography. New York 1962, Dutton. Buff cloth, very good, 321p., dj. in mylar protector, 14 x 21.5 cm., sharp, clean & solid copy. FIRST EDITION By the kind introductions of Edward S. Morse, Fenollosa was sent off to the Univ. of Tokyo. He later became Commissioner of Fine Arts for the Japanese Empire & rediscovered ancient Noh plays, which Ezra Pound popularized in English. The Japanese Emperor said of him, "He taught the Japanese to know their own art." * His circle included intellectuals, artists, travellers, explorers & others, in a parade of fascinating personalities: Lafcadio Hearn, John La Farge, Henry Adams, Ezra Pound, Fanny Wright, John Lloyd Stephens, George Catlin, Charles Wilkes, Charles Godfrey Leland, Maurice Prendergast, Randolph Bourne, & many others. * THE ONE AND ONLY SUPERB GUIDE TO THIS SUBJECT IN ENGLISH ! RareOrientalBooks.Com $12 Book Number: 24057802 264 BROWN, Kendall H. et al. ART OF THE JAPANESE POST CARD: The Leonard A Lauder Collection at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Boston 2004, MFA. Stiff pictorial wrs., 288p., 350 color, 20 b.w. photos, co-authors: L. Lauder & Anne Morse, as new copy 22 x 24 cm. FIRST & ONLY EDITION From the late 19th to the early 20th century, Japan was a vital world center for postcard art. More than just casual mail pieces, these postcards were often designed by prominent artists and had a visual impact that belied their modest format. Some were done by famous and known artists from the Ukiyo-e genre [woodblock print artists]. They are remarkably beautiful examples of graphic design. showing the influence of West, Art Nouveau and Euroopean taste. This book shows some 300 full-color examples of these cards, culled from the vast Leonard A. Lauder Collection. They are astonishing not only for their beauty and the quality of their printing, but also for the insight they provide into contemporary Japanese artistic practices--insights not relayed in standard histories that focus on painting & sculpture. The essays are by leading scholars of Japanese prints, art and culture, with a statement by the collector himself, highlight the design, development, and cultural function of these rarely studied, but highly influential and visually exciting, expressions of graphic genius. Nicely done, the one and only monograph in English on this subject. A SUPERB REFERENCE ON THE ART OF USING PAPER FOR ART WORKS Book Number: 20025901 265 BUISSON, Dominique. THE ART OF JAPANESE PAPER: Masks, Lanterns, Kites, Dolls, Origami. [Paris 1992], Terrail. Red boards, very good, large size ca. 25 x 31 cm., 223p., glossary, profusely illustrated with ca. 400 color photographs, English text, clean.FIRST EDITION RareOrientalBooks.Com $49 This excellent reference traces the origins and use of paper as a central medium for activities in Japanese life, as well as a resource for daily products. Essays on paper culture, a short history of paper, the making of Washi [handmade Japanese paper], paper gods and the Gods of paper; paper as a ceremonial art, paper games, paper in art. This work cearly shows Japanese uniqueness & creativity in design and application of a common and plain item such as paper to create a genre of common and useful items, as well as spectacular art forms and designs. $12 Book Number: 29001901 266 BULLETIN DE LA MAISON FRANCO-JAPONAISE. BIBLIOGRAPHIE DES PRINCIPALES PUBLICATIONS PERIODIQUES DE L'EMPIRE JAPONAIS. Paris 1941, Geuthner. Half grey cloth over boards, chipped corners, paper browned, 373p., 230 entries, French, Japanese text, solid copy, list of Bulletin titles from tome I-XII. 18 x 26 cm. FIRST & ONLY EDITION A comprehensive annotated bibliography. Covers bibliography,Societes Savantes, anthropology, folk lore, archaeology, history, geographie, language, literature, theatre, political science, economics, financies, philosophy, Christianity, Buddhism, Shintoism, arts, architecture, gardens, ceramics, woodblock prints, lacquere, painting, sculpture, science, math, astronomy, geology, meteorology, mineralogy, metallurgy, oceanography, seismology, chemistry, natural history, biiology, botany, zoology, agriculture, sericulture, fish, shells. Mechanical science, electricity, textiles, aeronomic, construction, vessels; medicine, anatomie, bacteriology, pharmacy, hygiene et al. * As is condition, not returnable. $32 Book Number: 22002001 267 BULLETIN OF THE FOGG MUSEUM OF ART. SPECIAL NUMBER DEVOTED TO THE GRENVILLE LINDALL WINTHROP BEQUEST. [Cambridge] 1943, Harvard Univ. Stiff white wrs., very good, few damp drops to covers, contents clean, 71p., essay on Winthrop by E. forbes & P. Sachs, 19 b.w. photos, + other article & photos on Egyptian arts. This scholarly journal covers an excellent essay on Winthrop and those fabulous items of Chinese, Japanese, Cambodian sculpture, Buddhist art, bronze & stone. A STUNNING GROUP OF FLOWER & FRUIT ARRANGEMENTS RareOrientalBooks.Com $10 Book Number: 34043301 268 [BUNSHOSAI, Issen]. SOKA SHIKI EN: SOKA SCHOOL FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE FOUR SEASONS: SPRING & SUMMER. [Edo 1813, n.p.].Greem stiff stitched wrs., very good, title slips, 2 vols.: Spring & Summer of a 4 vol. set, 15.5 x 22.3 cm., vol.1.: 17+4, vol.2:17+4 double-folded leaves, most all pages are woodcut plates, clean, solid, nice copy. R A R E ! This is a lovely set of illustrated books. Of the four seasons, of which we only have Spring and Summer. These are the two seasons which have the most variety of flowers and fruits of the whole year. These two volumes are devoted to flower arrangements of these two prolific seasons. * The work is lavishly illustrated with stunning arrangements and vessels, woodblock printed on handmade Washi paper. * A superb and early guide for any student of flower arrangement and its vessels. Each arrangement has a caption and title giving additional information. * The art was selected by who we believe to be a master flower arrangement Sensei [teacher] SHOHAKUSAI Ippyo. * This is volumes 1 and 2 of a 4 volume set. The other lacking volumes are Autumn and Winter. *** REFERENCES: Not listed in: ROBERTS, Laurance P. :A DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS PAINTING, SCULPTURE, CERAMICS, PRINTS, LACQUER. . KERLEN, H.:CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS. *** A USEFUL RESOURCE FOR ANY STUDENT OR COLLECTOR RareOrientalBooks.Com $408 Book Number: 84058401 269 BUSH, Lewis W. JAPANALIA: Reference Book to Things Japanese. New York [1959], McKay. Red cloth, very good, 5th revised & enlarged edition, 311p.,index, appendices, many b.w. photos. Excellent reference in dictionary form to things Japanese, covering from A-Z almost any subject you could imagine. $51 A USEFUL RESOURCE FOR ANY STUDENT OR COLLECTOR Book Number: 84058404 270 BUSH, Lewis W. JAPANALIA: Reference Book to Things Japanese. New York [1959], McKay. Red cloth, very good, 5th revised & enlarged edition, 311p.,index, appendices, many b.w. photos. Excellent reference in dictionary form to things Japanese, covering from A-Z almost any subject you could imagine. AN EXCELLENT COLOR REFERENCE FOR ALL COLLECTORS Book Number: 91118501 271 BUSHELL, Raymond. COLLECTORS' NETSUKE. RareOrientalBooks.Com $51 New York [1971], Weatherhill. Brown cloth,very clean, dj., glossary, index, bibliography, 344 color, 57 b.w. photos, 199p., solid copy in nice dust jacket. THE FIRST EDITION ! This is an excellent current source, covering living artists as well as retrospective artist's works. Speaking primarily as an experienced collector & connoisseur, he presents some discoveries, insights and opinions deriving from two decades of research. * This work is enhanced by nearly 700 photographs showing some 354 outstanding Netsuke in clear detail. Also a large number of carver's signatures. He addresses copies and copying, age, authenticity, commercialism, identification of signatures, criteria for judging & carvers. * Valuable and informative reference by the leading exponent of Japanese Netsuke.. A must for any collector's library. Covering the Soken Kisho carvers, 18th, 19th, middle 19th Meiji-Taisho and contemporary carvers. Clearly written work. * $29 AN EXCELLENT COLOR REFERENCE FOR ALL COLLECTORS Book Number: 91118507 272 BUSHELL, Raymond. COLLECTORS' NETSUKE. New York [1995], Weatherhill. Brown cloth, glossary, index, bibliography, 344 color, 57 b.w photos, 199p., PRISTINE COPY NEW IN SHARP DUST JACKET, 19 x 26.5 cm. !! A NEW COPY !! It does not get any better than this !!! This is an excellent current source, covering living artists as well as retrospective artist's works. Speaking primarily as an experienced collector & connoisseur, he presents some discoveries, insights and opinions deriving from two decades of research. * This work is enhanced by nearly 700 photographs showing some 354 outstanding Netsuke in clear detail. Also a large number of carver's signatures. He addresses copies and copying, age, authenticity, commercialism, identification of signatures, criteria for judging & carvers. * Valuable and informative reference by the leading exponent of Japanese Netsuke.. A must for any collector's library. Covering the Soken Kisho carvers, 18th, 19th, middle 19th Meiji-Taisho and contemporary carvers. Clearly written work. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $29 Book Number: 91082302 273 BUSHELL, Raymond. AN INTRODUCTION TO NETSUKE. Rutland [1993], Tuttle. Buff cloth,very clean, dj., [138p.], 30 b.w. photos of Netsuke, as new unused copy, sharp in very clean unclipped dust jacket, 12.5 x 19 cm., solid copy. Covers what are Netsuke ? Origin and development; materials of Netsuke. * A very useful essay by one of the leading exponents and experts on Netsuke in the world. * $5 A GRAND MAJOR REFERENCE WORK Book Number: 90041503 274 BUSHELL, Raymond. NETSUKE FAMILIAR AND UNFAMILIAR: New Principles for Collecting. New York [1989], Weatherhill. Brown cloth, very clean,dj., 260p., index, bibliography, appendices of carvers, inscriptions, uncommon materials, 790 color & b. w. photos, 19.5 x 26.5 cm., 2nd printing, like new, solid copy. This source is a major contribution to the knowledge on Netsuke. A copious reference source, illustrating some 800 carved pieces in a wide variety of materials. Including ivory, wood, amber, bamboo, bone, cane, carnelian, coral, glass, hornbill, lacquer, leather, malachite, metal, mother-of-pearl, mushroom, nut & porcelain. * The valuable appendices covers the carvers representated, Netsuke inscriptions, Netsuke with Kakihan minus signatures, collections represented. * All in all one of the best and most reliable reference books. * A GRAND MAJOR REFERENCE WORK RareOrientalBooks.Com $34 Book Number: 90041504 275 BUSHELL, Raymond. NETSUKE FAMILIAR AND UNFAMILIAR: New Principles for Collecting. New York [1999], Weatherhill. Brown cloth, very clean, dj., 260p., index, bibliography, appendices of carvers, inscriptions, uncommon materials, 790 color & b.w. photos, 19.5 x 26.5 cm., nice dust jacket, solid lovely copy. This source is a major contribution to the knowledge on Netsuke. A copious reference source, illustrating some 800 carved pieces in a wide variety of materials. Including ivory, wood, amber, bamboo, bone, cane, carnelian, coral, glass, hornbill, lacquer, leather, malachite, metal, mother-of-pearl, mushroom, nut & porcelain. * The valuable appendices covers the carvers representated, Netsuke inscriptions, Netsuke with Kakihan minus signatures, collections represented. * All in all one of the best and most reliable reference books. * $32 Book Number: 89098102 276 BUSHELL, Raymond. NETSUKE MASKS. Tokyo [1985], Kodansha. Red cloth, slip case, excellent copy 240p., 375 color, 509 b.w. photos, glossary, bibliography, small folio,22 x 30.5 cm., index, sharp copy. FIRST EDITION This is an excellent reference for any Netsuke, mask, of ivory collector. Covering Gigaku, Bugaku, religious, demon, Shishi, Okina, Noh, Kyogen & folk play masks. Mask groups & mask sets, trick mask Netsuke, quasi masks, masked dancers, with a list of signatures, inscriptions, Kakihan and masks. * A verty useful reference. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $44 A COMPLETE RUN OF THE JOURNAL Book Number: 90064305 277 BUSHIDO: An International Journal of Japanese Arms. BUSHIDO: An International Journal of Japanese Arms. Honolulu 1979-1981, Bushido. Stiff pictorial wrs.,very clean as issued, complete run: vol.1 #1-4, vol.2 #1-4, vol. 3 #1, when it was discontinued.Each vol. has 49 or 48p., 77 color, many b.w. photos, nine issues in all, solid. RARE SET OF ALL A journal devoted to Japanese arms, armour, swords, sword furniture, news and articles in the field. Essays on sword clubs, activities, polishing, shows, auctions, polishing techniques, club happenings, history of swords, armour, fittings, exhibition news &c. . A valuable resource for any collector & student on this subject. . Long out-of-print now always now quite rare complete. . A very good reference for any collector, dealer or library interested in Japanese swords, fittings, armour, furniture & related items. Book Number: 21128701 278 BUSON MEI GA FU: ALBUM FAMOUS PAINTINGS BY BUSON. BUSON MEI GA FU: ALBUM FAMOUS PAINTINGS BY BUSON. [Kyoto 1933, Yahankai]. Yellow silk covered Chitsu [folding box], loose portfolio, 11 color, 31 b.w. plates, 42 in all, complete, 39.5 x 51 cm., title page, list of plates, introduction, with additional stitched bound book title: BUSON OH DEN NEN PU RAKKAN IN PU: BOOK OF THE ARTIST'S SEALS & SIGNATURES. Full texts in Japanese [9p.text, 9p. illlustrations of seals & signatures], chronology. The Chitsu has been mended in the joints. A very good copy, first page slightly dusty, else clean, seldom found with the additional book. The main work consists of a series of the artist's great works: portraits, Chinese style landscapes & rural scenes, horse screens, literati paintings, Nihon Ga [traditional Japanese paintings], folk paintings &c. "Buson [1716-83] was a celebrated Nanga style painter and poet who combined his talents. He was also a well known and famous painter during his lifetime and made his living as a painter. Born in Settsu, his father probably a rich farmer. At age 22 went to Edo, studied Haiku under Hayano Hajin. After his master's death in 1742, he led a vagabond life until he settled in the small village of Yosa in 1754 where he took his name. During this period he was influenced by the great Chinese painter Shen Nan-pin & other Chinese painters and the works of Hanabusa Itcho. Later he worked in Kyoto and was recognized with Okyo as one of the two leading Kyoto painters of the time. As a poet, he ranked next to Basho, produced many Haiga and all his paintings have a literary content. A sympathetic painter, representing the Nanga ideal in being both RareOrientalBooks.Com $187 poet & painter. A great landscape painter, gay, witty, frequently allowing touches of caricature to creep into his work." See L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, pp. 111-112 for more details. Well collected world wide in most major museums. . $496 Book Number: 95267501 279 BUTTERFIELD & BUTTERFIELD. APRIL 16, 17 1992. SALES 48150 & 48630. FINE ORIENTAL WORKS OF ART. [San Francisco 1992, B & B]. Grey pictorial wrappers, very good, 172p, 90 color, 190 b.w. photos, price estimats, 1195 well-described lots, index, chart. Covers Japanese woodblock prints, Netsuke, ceramics, screens & paintings. Chinese: paintings, bronzes, jades, ivories and textiles. With a chronological chart. Also the arts of Tibet and Buddhist art objects. A valuable and useful reference, $31 Book Number: 32055501 280 BUTTERFIELD & BUTTERFIELD. June 18, 1991. FINE ORIENTAL WORKS OF ARE IN SAN FRANCISCO. San Francisco 1991, B & B. Stiff pictorial wrs., very good, first fly corner stuck to cover small loss, else clean solid 107p., 2408 items, price estimates, 21.5 x 28 cm., color & b.w. illustrations. FIRST & ONLY EDITION . Covers Japanese ceramics, metalwork, cloisonne, enamel, lacquer, paintings, screens, furniture. Chinese & Southeast Asian furniture, Buddhist art, Indian bronzes. * Chinese: metalwork, bronzes, enamels, ivories, carved bamboo, ceramics, blue and white wares, Famille Rose, Famille verte and others, monochrome wares, Blanc-de-Chine, sculptures, textiles, paintings, cricket cages, snuff bottles, jade, Peking glass &c. A REMARKABLE GROUP OF EARLY PHOTOS OF JAPANESE WOMEN & GIRLS Book Number: 95058401 281 CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS OF JAPANESE WOMEN. CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS OF JAPANESE WOMEN: A GROUP OF NINE EARLY HAND-COLORED ALBUMEN PHOTOGRAPHS. [Japan n.d. ca. 1880's]. A very clean group of 9 gilt-edge cabinet photographs, 13.5 x 9 cm., each mounted on a stiff card, slightly curved as usual, no fading, solid, clean,nice group. This group of photographs is nicely done, very sharp images, with unusual and delicately hand-coloring. * The use of solid red is a bit heavy, expressing a new use for the imported aniline dye. . RareOrientalBooks.Com $19 All photographs are excellent examples. . Showing: . 1. Kimono clad girl playing the Tsutsumi drum. . 2. Standing girl modeling a thick winter "Tanzen" Kimono. . 3. Two Kimono clad girls: one stands with a fan, the other sits on the floor, legs extended with a tea bowl. . 4. Kimono clad girl sits by her sewing box, with a quilt near by. . 5. Two girl entertainers: one stands with in a fan pose, the other sits playing the Shamisen, both wear elaborate silk Kimono. . 6. Two girls meet and bow a greeting, each in Kimono, in a studio staged pose. . 7. A young woman poses for the camera, elaborately dressed in four layers of Kimono for winter. . 8. A young girl kneels holding a "shuttle cock" [ a kind of badminton"] for New Years, in her winter Kimono. . 9. Posed view of two girls in a Rickshaw, with 2 male coolies pulling, nice studio scene. *** All girls sport lavish coiffeurs, some with flowers, or other decorations. A very nice insight to early Japanese femininity and costume. *** A MOST CHARMING AND VERY USEFUL JAPANESE DOLL REFERENCE BOOK Book Number: 84193701 RareOrientalBooks.Com $551 282 CAIGER, G. DOLLS ON DISPLAY: Being an illustrated commentary on Boy's & Festivals and the dolls used. Tokyo [1933], Hokuseido. Purple brocade silk covers, ribbon ties, very good,23 foldout color & 2 color plates, 81 b.w. photos, in original folding box, exceptionally clean solid copy. AS ORIGINALLY ISSUED FIRST & ONLY EDITION Color fold-out plates. This is a valuable work for any doll collector. The text covers dolls, with commentaries on how they are used in festivals, and other celebrations, with an appendix account of festival dolls, "No" Drama, mythical dolls &c. A very useful source. *** $134 A MOST CHARMING AND VERY USEFUL JAPANESE DOLL REFERENCE BOOK Book Number: 84193703 283 CAIGER, G. DOLLS ON DISPLAY: Being an illustrated commentary on Boy's & Festivals and the dolls used. Tokyo [1933], Hokuseido. Purple brocade silk covers, ribbon ties, very good, 2 foldout color & 2 color plates, 81 b.w. photos, clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Color fold-out plates. This is a valuable work for any doll collector. The text covers dolls, with commentaries on how they are used in festivals, and other celebrations, with an appendix account of festival dolls, "No" Drama, mythical dolls &c. A very useful source. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 Book Number: 27028601 284 CALIFORNIA BONSAI SOCIETY, INC. BONSAI IN CALIFORNIA. [Los Angeles 1972-1986, Calif. Bonsai Soc.]. Stiff pictorial wrappers, 4 odd issues: vol. 6, 8, 15, 20, clean bright as issued, ca 50-64p. per issue, profuse color photos, English & some Japanese text, as a lot only. FIRST & ONLY EDITIONS Superb reference, loaded with great photos, techniques for caring of the Bonsai, planting material, pots, pruning, watering, fertilizer &c. Useful for all collectors. * Nicely done and very valuable to collectors and students. * $31 A MOST VALUABLE ART REFERENCE AND HIGHLY DESIRABLE RESOURCE Book Number: 84336203 285 CAMMANN, Schuyler. SUBSTANCE AND SYMBOL IN CHINESE TOGGLES, CHINESE BELT TOGGLES FROM THE C.F. BIEBER COLLECTION. Philadelphia [1962], Univ. Penna. Blue cloth, very good, dj, notes, glossary, 256p., 3 color, 230 b.w. photos, index, clean, solid nice copy. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION Similar to the Japanese Netsuke, these toggles are small hand-carved objects of wood, ivory, or semi-precious stones, and were used to secure various objects to the user's belt. The materials employed were believed to have magical or medicinal value. This is the first text in any language devoted exclusively to these little-known objects d'art. Covering in great detail the development of belt toggles, basic types and those made from natural objects. Wooden, ivory, stone, metal and related substances. General symbols carved on the toggles from nature in the form of trees, flowers, plants, animals and inanimate objects, as well as men and gods. A great reference source, well illustrated with superb text. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $31 AN EXCELLENT REFERENCE & MONOGRAPH WITH 57 COLOR EXAMPLES Book Number: 96117201 286 CARDEIRO, C. Philip. HIRADO WARE. [Monterey 1989, Art Asia Museum]. Stiff wrs., as new, 76p., 57 color plates,41p. text, bibliography,glossary, chronlogy, discusses 57 fine ceramic pieces,each is nicely illustrated, 21.5 x 28 cm., solid. FIRST AND ONLY OBSCURE EDITION An excellent monograph on the Hirado ware, the other Daimyo porcelain, catalogue of the exhibition. * A highly useful resource and reference. There are very few monographs on this very fascinating and unique type of ceramics. * $39 Book Number: 86040302 287 CARDOZO, Sidney B. ROSANJIN: 20th Century Master Potter of Japan. [New York 1972], Japan Society. Boards, as new copy, 97p., 9 color, 7 b.w. photos, 93 b.w. illus., indices, large foldout of his marks and seals, appendix of signatures & seals, clean, solid. FIRST EDITION Works were put together from both private and institutional collections to create one of the largest exhibitions of this artist's works ever in America. The catalogue and exhibition were organized by the artist's friend. The varied examples represent creative design, form and tasteful use of glaze. Superb reference. EARLY PHOTOGRAPHS OF FAMOUS JAPANESE MILITARY OFFICERS RareOrientalBooks.Com $32 Book Number: 96078101 288 CARTE 'D VISITE. GROUP OF THREE EARLY JAPANESE MILITARY OFFICER PHOTOGRAPHS: a.: Lieutenant General HASHIMOTO Katsutaro. b.:Major General [Japan c. 1870's]. Three sepia-toned carte d'visite, each is 5.5 x 8.5 cm., and then mounted on a larger card, very good, toned as usual. QUITE SCARCE ! This is an unusual and RARE group of Japan's elite military officers. Seldom found, three early ca.1870's photographs of Japan's leading military officers. Each is studio posed, the officers are finely uniformed in full military dress uniforms with hip swords. Two wear white gloves. All three of these men were graduates of the Japanese Military Academy. * EACH OFFICER IS IDENTIFIED WITH HIS NAME ON THE BACK: a. Lieutenant General HASHIMOTO Katsutaro b. Major General MATSUMOTO Kana-e c. Lieutenant General HOSOKAWA Tadayasu * Each verso [back] shows a faint pencil name in Japanese Kanji, identifying each officer on the photograph. * CONDITION: Each photograph image is very clear, with the usual minor fading/toning, expected of an item made in the ca. 1870's. The verso [back side] are blank, except for the officer's names, lightly penciled in. Each card has rounded corners as issued by the photographer. All in all very nice examples. * Early sepia-toned photographs of Japanese military men are scarce and are seldom found. Even more rare, is to find them with the name of the person photographed! Therefore, identified photographs are again exceptionally obscure and RARE ! * THREE 1870's PHOTOGRAPHS OF EARLY JAPAN RareOrientalBooks.Com $1156 Book Number: 96068201 289 CARTE 'D VISITE. JAPAN: A GROUP OF THREE EARLY SEPIA TONED CARTE 'D VISITE PHOTOS. TWO OF JAPANESE WOMEN, ONE OF A RICKSHAW & PULLER. [Japan 1870's]. Three sepia-toned photographs, each is 5.5 x 9 cm., mounted on a stiff card, mild fading, strong images, slightly toned, clean, solid copies. R A R E ! A NICE GROUP OF VERY THREE EARLY SEPIA-TONE PHOTOGRAPHS: . 1. An unusual image of a Japanese woman in Kimono, seated on a decorated grass mat [Tatami], her knees are folded. In the fore ground is her Kiseru [smoking pipe] and other smoking materials, along with her tobacco, as she holds a folded napkin. Her coiffeur is done up with combs and long hair pins. She sits demurely and gazes with a knowing smile. . 2. Two young girls, both in summer Kimono, one holds a large oil-paper umbrella while standing next to a second girl who is seated on a foreign type chair of metal pipe. Both are wearing thick wooden Geta [sandals], face and pose for the camera for a very image. . 3. This image shows a Jinrikisha man and his Rickshaw. He is at rest before a very foreign style stone block building, most likely in Yokohama or Tokyo before a broad avenue during the winter season. It is possible the building is a Japanese governmental structure, but with out any namesake. * A wonderful look at Japan's quaint and very early charming past. Photos of this early era are always R A R E ! * THE JAPANESE HOUSE, ITS INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DESIGN Book Number: 97039801 290 CARVER, Norman F. Jr. FORM AND SPACE OF JAPANESE ARCHITECTURE. Tokyo [1955], Shokokusha. Green cloth, very clean, 200p.,158 b.w. photos, Japanese & English text, list of plates, 21 x 28 cm., solid copy in nice dust jacket. FIRST & ONLY EDITION An excellent perspective on Japanese architecture, and the forms of Japanese beauty. . Written by a foreigner, who was able to appreciate the classic beauty of ancient Japanese buildings, and RareOrientalBooks.Com $250 construction details using natural and domestic materials. . An appreciation of Japanese form and design. Covering screens, gardens, natural settings, trees as building materials, sliding doors, grass & tile roofs, mud/stucco, paper windows, farm settings, dramatic use of water. * . $22 Book Number: 22098101 291 [CASTILE, Rand.] LATER JAPANESE LACQUERS. [San Francisco 1987, Asian Art Museum]. Stiff pictorial wrs. very good, [16]p., 32 color photos. A useful essay on all aspects of Japanese lacquereware: Suzuri bako & other writing items, boxes, incense containers containers, picnic set, Sho [Japanese bamboo flute]. $7 Book Number: 95087201 292 CATALOGUE OF NINTH EXHIBITION OF FINE ARTS. CATALOGUE OF THE NINTH EXHIBITION OF FINE ART BY THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. [Tokyo 1922, Mombusho [Ministry of Education]. Purple thread stitched binding, color woodblock printed wrappers,bit dusty contents clean, 259p. b.w. photos of paintings & scrolls +8p English list of photos: author, title, page number. SCARCE A most obscure & early exhibition catalogue, list of plates & artist, captions in both Japanese & English. . Oversize 19 x 26.5 cm., with excellent examples from paintings, screens & scrolls by a very large variety of superb Japanese artists, all recognized by the Ministry as the most representative of Japanese spirit. . This catalogue covers the artistic works of about 300 recognized painters, and is a painter's who's who. . The artistic works cover the traditional Japanese painting tradition, subjects and native genre. . By & large a valuable and comprehensive reference resource. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $131 A LOVELY & LONG HAND-PAINTED GOUACHE 19TH CENTURY SCROLL Book Number: 22033301 293 [CH'IU Ying. [Qiu Ying] [Tribute Painting] CH'IU YING: TRIBUTE PAINTINGS OF BEAUTIFUL CHINESE WOMEN, AFTER MASTER CH'IU YING [1594-1522, A MING DYNASTY PAINTER. [Japan ca. 1800-1810]. Hand scroll, silk brocade cloth, with ribbon tie,ivory clip,painted on fine hand-made crushed mica flecked Washi paper, giving a sparkling effect, very long: 27.5 x 6m.48 cm.,very clean, solid 21 color paintings. RARE! *** *** *** . . . A TRIBUTE TO THE FAMOUS MING DYNASTY CHINESE PAINTER . . CH'IU YING [QIU YING] [1494?-1522] . . . A STUNNING GOUACHE COLOR PAINTED CHINESE SCROLL . This is a tribute work, most likely painted, by an unknown Japanese artist. We have found a signature and three seals of "Shuuho" [Shuho] at the betinning of the scroll. There is no proof to the exact last name of Shuuhoo. Rather than a signature of artistic responsibility, we believe this to be a signature of ownership name and seals. There is always a possibility this was painted by Yamakawa Shuuhoo. . A likely candidate and educated guess points to Yamakawa Shuuhoo [1898-1944], as the former owner, not the artist. We have no proof that it was painted by Yamakawa Shuuhoo, or was just his peronsonal property. We know he admired beautiful ladies and painted them as well as created several stunning color woodblock printed examples. Because his style was completely separate and apart from this example we dont belive it to be a work of his hand. There are several other artists in our dictionary but none meet or match the characters for this signature, that came after Ch'iu's dates. . A leap of faith is beyond this cataloger's duty. In that case, we simply state this stunning work was most likely the former property of the famous painter [Yamakawa] "Shuuhoo." . After a careful search of artist dictionaries, we could not find a single other possible candidate based on dates and exact characters for that name. Yamakawa Shuuho's appreciation and admiration of Ch'iu Ying is understandable. It would be entirely appropriate for artists to keep and refer to earlier master's works, or even 'tribute' items for RareOrientalBooks.Com which respect of others work and inspiration eminated. . We know this work was expertly executed by a Japanese artist because in scene 18, there is a small note in Katakana, on the screen near the bronze gong, indicating the softness of the color. Sadily there is no signature at the end of the work, by the artist. . ORIGINAL WORK BY THE CHINESE MASTER CH'IU YING [QIU YING]: . BRUSHED NAMES: Per the brushed title slip on the exterior of the scroll, and the first brushed name listed at the beginning of the scroll, we find the Hanzi [Chinese characters, or Kanji] for "CH'IU YING" [QIU YING] the name of the original artist which inspired an unnamed Japanese artist to produce this tribute painting. . Continuing with the same brush and writing style below is also the brush-written name: "Shuuhoo Sei," followed by "Dai jushi go" ["Number 40"]. The significance is moot. Please see images spine.jpg and title.jpg posted to our website. . THE HANKO OR SEALS/CHOPS: There are a total of four red cinnabar Hanko [seals/chops] found at the beginning of this scroll. There are two small square red cinnabar Hanko [seals/chops] at the left of the name "Shuuhoo." Below them, is yet another and larger round seal, with two characters stamped maybe read as "Shuuhoo." To the left of these three seals is a large square Hanko with 6 seal characters, most likely another former owner's seal, unread. . *** A NOTE ABOUT "TRIBUTE" PAINTINGS: Within Japanese and Chinese artistic and literati culture it entirely appropriate and common for artists to paint "tribute" examples of other masters' work not in an attempt to create fakes or spurious works, but rather in an effort to show respect and great interest in earlier fine examples. . We all know that a large number of famous paintings have been wrongly copied, faked and put on the market in an attempt to deceive the public with "fabulous fakes." This is an entirely opposite, spurious subject and intention ! In some cases "tribute" paintings have been misrepresented by unethical sellers as original art works of the old masters. . Within the artistic and literati world, there are large numbers of legitimate "tribute" paintings openly so noted and annotated by the respectful "tribute" artist. This item is from that category of respectful renditions from the ancient past masters' works. . In the case of this painting, due to its paper, technique and obviously Japanese connection, there is no possibility it can be or is an original work byt Ch'iu Ying from the 16th century. It is however, surely one from about [18001820] period, based on the drawing and Japanese Washi micaflecked paper used. . RareOrientalBooks.Com *** A LOVELY AND CHARMING DEPICTION OF MING PERIOD LADIES: . A most charming and lovely Nanga school painted long scroll. The work shows the more tropical looking foliage of South China, and is entirely devoted to Chinese beautiful women of the Ming dynasty. Their costume and furnishings reflect the best of Ming advanced Chinese art and culture. . *** THE 21 SUBJECTS & SCENES: . This lovely color work contains some twenty-one separate scenes divib the Chinese text before or after each example. The scenes depict the most celebrated Chinese beauties from the Ming period and earlier in history. Each is delicately painted in pastel colors, with a steady and fine hand in very thin outline. The surrounding scenery is beautifully executed in much detail, as are the floral, architectural and other accommodations. . NAME, SCENE AND SIGNIFICANCE: Each painting is preceded by a Chinese text, giving the name of the lady, a brief comment about her charms and celebrity. . Each Chinese beauty is clad in the most stunning and beautiful silk garments, with elaborate coiffure, some hold various kinds of fans, or bamboo painting brushes and other items. . *** DESCRIPTION OF THE 21 COLOR GOUACHE, HAND-PAINTED SCENES: . 1. The work begins with a lady in her garden, she holds a fan and has red inner sleeves showing. Behind her is a group of long banana leaves painted in orange and a bit of green remaining, indicating they are at the end of their season, and about to dry out and die. They grow from a stylized Chinese rock, with a few green leaves on a small branch near the foot. . 2. Wearing a blue silken head cover, this lady holds a horse tail fly swatter, while standing in her garden. Behind her is a very ancient and gnarled tree trunk with several red flowers, below that is a stylized Chinese rock. . 3. A colorful garment-wearing lady faces away from the artist and looks up to her right at her fluffy sleeve. She is standing on a red carpet with floral pattern. She wears a white flower in her hair. . 4. Wearing a red gown, this lady stands in her garden, with a very stylized ancient pine tree-trunk-table which has a book with a red title slip upon it. She looks away in a dreamy fashion allowing her fan to drop down. Behind her the ancient pine tree rises with grace. . 5. A lady stands in her garden, she admires a gnarled stump with a vase and red coral. Behind her is an ancient pine tree with a sprig or two. . 6. A lady in a pale green garment plays a very thin long RareOrientalBooks.Com bamboo flute, serenading a Phoenix at her side. There are five peacock feathers behind her, and behind that is a tree and a few branches. . 7. A seated Chinese lady plays her Zheng [zither, harp] while seated. A white stork [or white crane] is to her right, and behind her is a stylized Chinese decorative rock. At her left is a small table with a Chuan case of several books, a small censor, a vase with red flowers, and a small red ceramic covered jar. . 8. The Chinese lady dressed in an orange gown is painting pale blue clouds a grand and large screen. Her maid is behind her and holds a large ink stone. There is a Foo-dog on the end of the screen. . 9 The lady is seated before a wide Ming period desk. She is holding a bamboo brush, and preparing to either write or draw. There is another, larger table to her right with a bronze bell suspended from a wooden frame, two orange cloth Chuan with many books, a golden statue of Buddha and a sprig of flowers in a ceramic vase, a single book in blue covers is on the table. . 10 This lady holds a pink ceramic jar and looks pleased. . 11 A Chinese lady adjusts her coiffure after rising from her bed. She has a water basin on the bed to wash her face. There is a small table behind the bed with a mirror and a silken scarf partially covering it. A very ancient gnarled tree is behind her, it has one single group of red fruits. . 12 A Chinese lady holds a group of silk-tied scrolls, she looks at a pair of large ceramic tables, each with vases and a cup. . 13 A mother and her two very young children sit near a checkered blanket. She holds a red silk cloth which perhaps holds a ceramic bottle while the youngest little boy reaches for it. An older boy in blue garment sits between his younger brother and mother. There is a group of rolled up scrolls tied with a silk cord before the blanket, along with an ink stone, paper, and a large silk bag, probably holding her Zheng [zither or harp]. . 14 A Chinese lady appears to be returning from her vegetable garden, with a thin bamboo pole over her shoulder holding a basket full of greens. She walks along a small river. . 15 A Chinese lady holds her hands inside her garment in the prayer form, before an old gnarled tree and makes her prayer. . 16 A stunning Chinese lady sits on a circular woven Chinese carpet, she has a small censor on a stand, and has her hands in the prayer mode as she smells the incense makes her prayer. . 17 A mother looks wistfully ahead while holding a large fan, her shy daughter stands partially behind her, holding a blue Chuan case with several books inside. Behind them is a RareOrientalBooks.Com stylized rough tree trunk with a few sprigs and leaves. . 18 A Chinese lady sits on a wooden chair, before a large screen. She is holding a bamboo brush, and is actively engaged in painting. She has an attendant made to her left, but she looks left, toward where the artist who painted this scene would be located. On her right side is a lovely Ming period table, with her ink stone, various paint cups and a vase with several other bamboo brushes, behind which is a stack of books and a small vase. There is a small table behind the larger table with a vase and cherry blossoms. . 19.This lady sits on a decorated mat in a pensive mode. Her Zheng [zither or harp], and a group of scrolls rolled inside of a silken cloth. Her teapot and two large ceramic vases are to her right side. . 20 This depicts a pensive lady, with her right hand holding a Mao bi [bamboo brush] supporting her chin. She looks down in a pensive and dreamy mood. There is a very stylized small table behind her with a group of peaches in a vase. . 21. Three ladies ride horses with saddles. The first lady holds her hand together under her gown in a prayer form. The second lady has a group of scrolls tied to her back with a silk scarf, she holds her sleeve-covered right hand to her mouth. The third lady carries a Chinese Pipa over her shoulder in a silken bag. *** . SCHOLARLY AND BOOK-RELATED SUBJECTS: A good number of the beautiful ladies are in rooms with books, scrolls, bamboo painting brushes, ink stones, paper and other scholar's desk articles. Scholar's stylized rocks and gnarled ancient tree trunks grace many of the paintings, as well as period Chinese furniture, ceramics, bronzes and large painted screens. . Please review the photos posted to our website for more details. * The work is exceptionally and brilliantly executed with the most delicate fine lines, superb depiction of gowns, hair style, and facial expressions. The adjacent furniture and household items are meticulously drawn and fitted in a most tastefully way. There is great charm and conveyance of the message found in the color-executed drawings. . *** . WHO WAS YAMAKAWA SHUHO [SHUUHOO]: . Was a well known Japanese painting, who specialized in birds and flowers under Ikegami Shuho [Shuuho], and from whom he derived his studio name. He also studied Bijinga [pictures of beautiful women] under Kaburagi Kiyokata. . *** SCROLL MOUNTING & CONDITION: The scroll is mounted in the typical 1800-1820's type of mica-flecked Washi paper. There is also a gold over pale green hand-woven cloth on the outer of the scroll when RareOrientalBooks.Com rolled up. The edges of the scroll had some thin and narrow reinforcing cloth earlier in its age, a good part of this has separated or detached and parts are gone. This does not affect the stability of the paper or scroll whatsoever, it is mostly cosmetic. . The paper has a backing which in some places is partially not attached to the painting, and a few small wrinkles common for scrolls of this period and age. Again, these can be pressed and reinforced to give a flat look. We prefer to leave this work in its current original state. Its in acceptable and clean condition. . There are a few tiny ink marks here and there, and a few of the reds have bled a bit from being in a humid climate, and a feint water stain at the upper margin in one place. . The wood ends were turned on a lathe, we dont know their age, but the are clean, intact and have no chips or cracks, indicating they could be more recent than the mounting. The are Japanese style. . As our custom, we are overly critical of the smallest defects. By and large, the work is clean, presentable and free from any significant defects, marks or issues. There is no worming, or mends to this scroll or its vers. It is in original condition, as mounted ca 1800-1810. Please ask questions, or inspect photos posted to our website. . *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: . ROBERTS, Laurance P.: A DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS: PAINTING, SCULPTURE, CERAMICS, PRINTS, LACQUER, p.195 cites Yamakawa Shuuhoo. He was a Japanese-style painter, born in Kyoto, pupil of Kaburagi Kiyokata & Ikegami Shuho. Showed in the Teiten. Strongly influenced by the Ukiyo-e tradition. . Yamakawa Shuho [Shuuhoo] used three "Go" or studio names, the third listed by Roberts as "Shuuhoo" is a match for the signature on this scroll, and 3 of the seals, and can be a logical connection. * Ho, Wai-Kam et al.: EIGHT DYNASTIES OF CHINESE PAINTING: The Collections of the Nelson-Atkins Museum, Kansas City and The Cleveland Museum of Art. illustrations164, 165, 166 and the index for this artist, p.386 2nd entry from the bottom, shows Chinese the character name for Ch'iu Ying ca.1494-ca. 1552], see items 164, 165, 166. * QIU YING: Wikipedia: . Was a Chinese painter who specialized in the "Gongbi" brush technique. Regarded as one of the Four Masters of the Ming dynasty. *** Color scans of this and most other items are posted to our website. RareOrientalBooks.Com $5994 Book Number: 98160001 294 CHAMBERLAIN, B[asil] H. NOTES BY MOTOORI ON JAPANESE & CHINESE ART. [Yokohama 1885, Meiklejohn]. New wrs., very good, extracted article from original TASJ journal, vol. xii, pp.221-229, a clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION An excellent article by on of the early & leading exponents of Japanese studies. Covers painting and how its evolution was dreived from China. Motoori's essay is carefully translated. $19 A CLASSIC REFERENCE ON ALL THINGS JAPANESE Book Number: 84054901 295 CHAMBERLAIN, Basil H. THINGS JAPANESE: Being Notes on Various Subjects Connected With Japan for the Use of Travellers and Others. London 1890, Kegan Paul. Black cloth, 408p., bibligraphy, index, notes, fold out map, 14 x 20.5 cm. R A R E F I R S T E D I T I O N Arranged in dictionary order. This standard reference is a helpful for all subjects Japanese. With four articles by Lafcadio Hearn. This work was very popular in Japan with early visiting foreigners. It's a standard and a classic work by the well known Japanologist. A virtual compendium & encyclopaedia to Japan's art, literature, culture, history, customs, language, traditions, religion, music, poetry &c. Very readable, with references to LAFCADIO HEARN. SCARCE * A CLASSIC REFERENCE ON ALL THINGS JAPANESE RareOrientalBooks.Com $372 Book Number: 84054904 296 CHAMBERLAIN, Basil H. THINGS JAPANESE: Being Notes on Various Subjects Connected With Japan for the Use of Travellers and Others. London 1902, Murray. 4th revised ed. Black embossed cloth, 545p., fold-out map, Japanese colophon, 14.5 x 22 cm., solid very clean. Arranged in dictionary order. This standard reference is a helpful for all subjects Japanese. With four articles by Lafcadio Hearn. This work was very popular in Japan with early visiting foreigners. It's a standard and a classic work by the well known Japanologist. A virtual compendium & encyclopaedia to Japan's art, literature, culture, history, customs, language, traditions, religion, music, poetry &c. Very readable, with references to LAFCADIO HEARN. SCARCE * $44 A CLASSIC REFERENCE ON ALL THINGS JAPANESE Book Number: 84054906 297 CHAMBERLAIN, Basil H. THINGS JAPANESE: Being Notes on Various Subjects Connected With Japan for the Use of Travellers and Others. London 1890, Kegan Paul. FIRST EDITION. Red cloth, very good top & bottom of spine worn, 408p., colored folding map,index notes. FIRST EDITION R A R E Arranged in dictionary order. This standard reference is a helpful for all subjects Japanese. With four articles by Lafcadio Hearn. This work was very popular in Japan with early visiting foreigners. It's a standard and a classic work by the well known Japanologist. A virtual compendium & encyclopaedia to Japan's art, literature, culture, history, customs, language, traditions, religion, music, poetry &c. Very readable, with references to LAFCADIO HEARN. SCARCE * A CLASSIC REFERENCE ON ALL THINGS JAPANESE RareOrientalBooks.Com $745 Book Number: 84054907 298 CHAMBERLAIN, Basil H. THINGS JAPANESE: Being Notes on Various Subjects Connected With Japan for the Use of Travellers and Others. Kobe 1927, Thompson. Green cloth, rebacked, very good, 591p. large fold-out color map, 2 appendices, frontispiece of B.H. Chamberlain. S C A R C E Arranged in dictionary order. This standard reference is a helpful for all subjects Japanese. With four articles by Lafcadio Hearn. This work was very popular in Japan with early visiting foreigners. It's a standard and a classic work by the well known Japanologist. A virtual compendium & encyclopaedia to Japan's art, literature, culture, history, customs, language, traditions, religion, music, poetry &c. Very readable, with references to LAFCADIO HEARN. SCARCE * $155 A CLASSIC REFERENCE ON ALL THINGS JAPANESE Book Number: 84054908 299 CHAMBERLAIN, Basil H. THINGS JAPANESE: Being Notes on Various Subjects Connected With Japan for the Use of Travellers and Others. London 1891, Kegan. Cloth, very good, 503p., color fold out map, index, with Lafcadio Hearn reference, bibliography. SECOND REVISED AND ENLARGED EDITION. R A R E Arranged in dictionary order. This standard reference is a helpful for all subjects Japanese. With four articles by Lafcadio Hearn. This work was very popular in Japan with early visiting foreigners. It's a standard and a classic work by the well known Japanologist. A virtual compendium & encyclopaedia to Japan's art, literature, culture, history, customs, language, traditions, religion, music, poetry &c. Very readable, with references to LAFCADIO HEARN. SCARCE * RareOrientalBooks.Com $559 A CLASSIC REFERENCE ON ALL THINGS JAPANESE Book Number: 84054909 300 CHAMBERLAIN, Basil H. THINGS JAPANESE: Being Notes on Various Subjects Connected With Japan for the Use of Travellers and Others. London 1905, Murray. Green cloth, very good, 552p., 5th revised edition, index, with reference to Lafcadio Hearn.SCARCE Arranged in dictionary order. This standard reference is a helpful for all subjects Japanese. With four articles by Lafcadio Hearn. This work was very popular in Japan with early visiting foreigners. It's a standard and a classic work by the well known Japanologist. A virtual compendium & encyclopaedia to Japan's art, literature, culture, history, customs, language, traditions, religion, music, poetry &c. Very readable, with references to LAFCADIO HEARN. SCARCE * $155 A CLASSIC REFERENCE ON ALL THINGS JAPANESE Book Number: 84054902 301 CHAMBERLAIN, Basil H. THINGS JAPANESE: Being Notes on Various Subjects Connected With Japan for the Use of Travellers and Others. London 1905, Murray. Green cloth, very good, 552p., large folding color map, index, 5th edition, revised. Arranged in dictionary order. This standard reference is a helpful for all subjects Japanese. With four articles by Lafcadio Hearn. This work was very popular in Japan with early visiting foreigners. It's a standard and a classic work by the well known Japanologist. A virtual compendium & encyclopaedia to Japan's art, literature, culture, history, customs, language, traditions, religion, music, poetry &c. Very readable, with references to LAFCADIO HEARN. SCARCE * RareOrientalBooks.Com $124 Book Number: 91082401 302 CHANDLER, Billie T. CRAFTS AND TRADES OF JAPAN: With Doll-&-Flower Arrangements. Rutland [1964], Tuttle. Brocade cloth,very clean, 57p., 12 color plates, with essays: Crafts and Trades of Japan, Sake, pottery, sculpture, swords, umbrellas, pearl diving, masks, solid copy. FIRST EDITION $7 Book Number: 97019502 303 CHAPPELEAR, Kei K. et al. MON: THE JAPANESE FAMILY CREST. Hollywood [1994], Hawley. Yellow spiral bound, as new, 475 Mon with names of the families that used them, indexed by both family name and subject, 150p., A4 size, illustrated, co-author was W.M. Hawley, revised edition,solid, nice copy. An excellent reference for sword collectors, as well as those who appreciate Japanese design. Very useful reference for identification of family name and their family crests, or Mon. As found on clothing, houses, lacquer, Japanese wood block prints, ceramics &c. Scans can be sent by email. LATE 18TH CENTURY ILLUSTRATED JAPANESE FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS Book Number: 34043401 304 CHIBA, Ryuboku. HYAKKI ZUKAI: DRAWINGS OF FLOWER VASES, WITH FULL DESCRIPTIONS AND OWNER'S NAMES. [Kyoto 1773, Toundo]. Blue stiff wrs., stitched spine, 3 vol set, engraved by Morimoto Richo, 16.3 x 22.2 cm., profusely illustrated woodblock printed on hand-made Washi paper, 20 + RareOrientalBooks.Com $51 20+16 double folded leaves, very clean solid copy. R A R E ! A lovely set of books, showing a large number of flower arrangement vases, trays, baskets, enamels and ceramics, and trays used. Also some Bonkei style arrangements. . The three volumes focus strictly on the wide variety of vessels use in Japanese flower arrangement. Volume 2 shows some furniture used in the tea room or the flower arrangement room. Each vase or recepticale has a name, size, and other details. Nicely done, artistic work ! *** REFERENCE: DAWES, Leonard G.: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PRINTS AND DRAWINGS. See p.21, last entry at the bottom. **** NOT IN: . MITCHELL, C.H. et al. THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN: A Bibliography. * KERLEN, H. CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS. * EDGREN, J.S. CATALOGUE OF THE NORDENSKIOLD COLLECTION OF JAPANESE BOOKS IN THE ROYAL LIBRARY. *** AN EXCELLENT RESOURCE ON MEDICINE, SAMURAI SWORDS & BRONZES Book Number: 90025801 305 CHIKASHIGE, Masumi. ALCHEMY AND OTHER CHEMICAL ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE ANCIENT ORIENT: The Civilization of Japan & China in Early Times Tokyo 1936, Uchida. Black cloth, very good, 102p., 1 color, 171 photos, 4 charts, with "Compliments of the Author" slip tipped in. FIRST & ONLY EDITION. S C A R C E An excellent monograph and superb resource for Alchemy in both China and Japan with a valuable insight to the metallurgy and anatomy of the Japanese Samurai sword. The work is divided into three major sections: * I: ALCHEMY IN THE EAST: a. Addressing This obscure work covers the distinguished -- alchemists in Ancient China * b. Theories of Chinese alchemy RareOrientalBooks.Com $447 c. The medicines of the Immortals d. Art of gold-making -- i. Recipes for gold -- ii. Chemical reactions of gold-making -- iii. Another recipe for gold-making *** II: BRONZE ARTICLES a. Six receipts for Bronze b. The method and results of bronze articles c. The results of analysis of bronze articles [2] *** III: JAPANESE SWORDS: a. Methods of forging b. Anatomical investigations of Japanese swords c. Swords of the natives of the Pacific coast. *** The ancient art of metallurgy as found in China begins ca 8000 b.c. and spread to Korea, Japan and S.E Asia. It was a wondrous time and it afforded people the opportunity to make ritual objects [mirrors, horse fittings only to cite a few] as well as weapons and tools. The advent of combining raw materials into solid metal objects was major and huge leap forward for mankind. By and large the Chinese used bronze to cast religious and ritualistic vessels, later bronze weapons were made. The art of casting was the highest ebb of technology at the time. It took great sophistication and major skills in alchemy. As these arts were passed to Japan and Korea iron replaced bronze as a material for weapons. The migration from bronze to iron provided weapons that would not fail like bronze did. The Japanese are perhaps the one and only culture to push iron technology to its limit with the multi-layered folded sword, forged and tempered with a razor sharp edge. This sword was coveted by soldiers and armies throughout Asia and was the weapon of choice as it could sever a body with a single swift stroke. * The anatomy and creation of a Japanese sword, with its multi layered different hardness of metals combined to make the finest quality sword ever made. Forging methods of the Kawakane are outlined in much detail and with supporting drawings and figures. * This work provides essential material not found elsewhere to give a good understanding of the chemical and scientific footings of early science in China and Japan. A valuable chronology is also attached. An essential resouorce for any collector of Japanese swords & bronzes. * AN EXCELLENT RESOURCE ON MEDICINE, SAMURAI SWORDS & BRONZES RareOrientalBooks.Com $235 Book Number: 90025802 306 CHIKASHIGE, Masumi. ALCHEMY AND OTHER CHEMICAL ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE ANCIENT ORIENT: The Civilization of Japan & China in Early Times Tokyo 1936, Uchida. Black cloth, very good, 102p., 1 color, 171 photos, 4 charts, nice copy. FIRST EDITION SCARCE An excellent monograph and superb resource for Alchemy in both China and Japan with a valuable insight to the metallurgy and anatomy of the Japanese Samurai sword. The work is divided into three major sections: * I: ALCHEMY IN THE EAST: a. Addressing This obscure work covers the distinguished -- alchemists in Ancient China * b. Theories of Chinese alchemy c. The medicines of the Immortals d. Art of gold-making -- i. Recipes for gold -- ii. Chemical reactions of gold-making -- iii. Another recipe for gold-making *** II: BRONZE ARTICLES a. Six receipts for Bronze b. The method and results of bronze articles c. The results of analysis of bronze articles [2] *** III: JAPANESE SWORDS: a. Methods of forging b. Anatomical investigations of Japanese swords c. Swords of the natives of the Pacific coast. *** The ancient art of metallurgy as found in China begins ca 8000 b.c. and spread to Korea, Japan and S.E Asia. It was a wondrous time and it afforded people the opportunity to make ritual objects [mirrors, horse fittings only to cite a few] as well as weapons and tools. The advent of combining raw materials into solid metal objects was major and huge leap forward for mankind. By and large the Chinese used bronze to cast religious and ritualistic vessels, later bronze weapons were made. The art of casting was the highest ebb of technology at the time. It took great sophistication and major skills in alchemy. As these arts were passed to Japan and Korea iron replaced bronze as a material for weapons. The migration from bronze to iron provided weapons that would not fail like bronze did. The Japanese are perhaps the one and only culture to push iron technology to its limit with the multi-layered folded sword, forged and tempered with a razor sharp edge. This sword was coveted by soldiers and armies throughout Asia and was the weapon of choice as it could sever a body with a single swift stroke. RareOrientalBooks.Com * The anatomy and creation of a Japanese sword, with its multi layered different hardness of metals combined to make the finest quality sword ever made. Forging methods of the Kawakane are outlined in much detail and with supporting drawings and figures. * This work provides essential material not found elsewhere to give a good understanding of the chemical and scientific footings of early science in China and Japan. A valuable chronology is also attached. An essential resouorce for any collector of Japanese swords & bronzes. * AN EXCELLENT RESOURCE ON MEDICINE, SAMURAI SWORDS & BRONZES Book Number: 90025803 307 CHIKASHIGE, Masumi. ALCHEMY AND OTHER CHEMICAL ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE ANCIENT ORIENT: The Civilization of Japan & China in Early Times Tokyo 1936, Uchida. Black cloth, very good, 102p., 1 color, 171 photos, 4 charts, slip case, 13 x 19.5 cm., largly uncut copy, superb condition. SCARCE FIRST & ONLY EDITION An excellent monograph and superb resource for Alchemy in both China and Japan with a valuable insight to the metallurgy and anatomy of the Japanese Samurai sword. The work is divided into three major sections: * I: ALCHEMY IN THE EAST: a. Addressing This obscure work covers the distinguished -- alchemists in Ancient China * b. Theories of Chinese alchemy c. The medicines of the Immortals d. Art of gold-making -- i. Recipes for gold -- ii. Chemical reactions of gold-making -- iii. Another recipe for gold-making *** II: BRONZE ARTICLES a. Six receipts for Bronze b. The method and results of bronze articles c. The results of analysis of bronze articles [2] *** III: JAPANESE SWORDS: a. Methods of forging b. Anatomical investigations of Japanese swords c. Swords of the natives of the Pacific coast. RareOrientalBooks.Com $167 *** The ancient art of metallurgy as found in China begins ca 8000 b.c. and spread to Korea, Japan and S.E Asia. It was a wondrous time and it afforded people the opportunity to make ritual objects [mirrors, horse fittings only to cite a few] as well as weapons and tools. The advent of combining raw materials into solid metal objects was major and huge leap forward for mankind. By and large the Chinese used bronze to cast religious and ritualistic vessels, later bronze weapons were made. The art of casting was the highest ebb of technology at the time. It took great sophistication and major skills in alchemy. As these arts were passed to Japan and Korea iron replaced bronze as a material for weapons. The migration from bronze to iron provided weapons that would not fail like bronze did. The Japanese are perhaps the one and only culture to push iron technology to its limit with the multi-layered folded sword, forged and tempered with a razor sharp edge. This sword was coveted by soldiers and armies throughout Asia and was the weapon of choice as it could sever a body with a single swift stroke. * The anatomy and creation of a Japanese sword, with its multi layered different hardness of metals combined to make the finest quality sword ever made. Forging methods of the Kawakane are outlined in much detail and with supporting drawings and figures. * This work provides essential material not found elsewhere to give a good understanding of the chemical and scientific footings of early science in China and Japan. A valuable chronology is also attached. An essential resouorce for any collector of Japanese swords & bronzes. * $214 Book Number: 92023301 308 CHILDERS, James S. THROUGH ORIENTAL GATES: The Adventures of an Unwise Man in the East. New York 1930, Appleton. Maroon cloth, 333p., 16 b.w. illustrations, very good, end paper maps. This is a primary source, covering the author's adventures of travel in Japan, Korea and China. Commentaries on Geisha, Japanese house, cricket fighting in a Chinese garden, Chinese chow, Korea,beggars, "Peace in the North," the Great Wall and "Golden Lilies of Cathay" or women's bound feet. Chinese theater, funeral &c. Wonderful reading, just for fun. RareOrientalBooks.Com $80 Book Number: 22012501 309 CHINESE CARVED JADE. A CHINESE CARVED MUTTON-FAT JADE OF A WATER-BUFFALO AND A WHEEL, WITH GRASS PATTERN. China n.d. ca. 1910-20. A square, flat piece, of translucent jade, nicely carved, shows a lively water-buffalo at play, square ca.. 7.5 x 6 cm., 4 mm. thick, a very good example. A lovely representative work, nicely carved and polished. The buffalo stands on the wheel and is surrounded by grass and leaf patterns. A good luck piece for any Water Buffalo year person ! From the Chinese zodiac of 12 animals. This is a fun piece. * $187 Book Number: 97063001 310 CHRISTIE'S AMSTERDAM. SALE ARTIA. SALE OF FINE CHINESE & JAPANESE CERAMICS, WORKS OF ART, FURNITURE, PAINTINGS & PRINTS. Sale of June 6, 1985. Amsterdam 1985, Christie's. Yellow over white stiff wrs.,95p very good, 512 well described lots, price estimates & prices realized list, many b.w. photos. Covers Inro, Japanese lacquerware, boxes, screens,porcelain. Chinese blue & white porcelain, polychrome. Japanese & Chinese paintings, books, sacreens, Blanc-de-Chine, jade, furniture of Japan, Korea & China, Yixing ware, Japanese woodcut prints et al. A useful priced reference. $60 Book Number: 97066801 311 CHRISTIE'S EAST. SALE 7391. ORIENTAL WORKS OF ART, EUROPEAN FURNITURE AND DECORATIVE ARTS. SALE OF 1 DEC., 1992. New York 1992, Christie's. Stiff color wrs., very good, 422 well described lots,many b.w. photos, price estimates, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Covers Chinese furniture, ivory, costumes, jades, Japanese screens, ceramics, paintings, woodcut prints &c... Book Number: 97066701 312 CHRISTIE'S EAST. SALE 7433. CHINESE, JAPANESE, SOUTHEAST ASIAN & TRIBAL ART. New York 1993, Christie's. Stiff covers, very good, 508 well RareOrientalBooks.Com $22 described lots, many b.w. photos, price estimates, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Covers ivories,jade, snuff bottles, ceramics, Japanese dolls, bronze items, carved ivories, Ming-ch'i, screens &c... $22 Book Number: 96053401 313 CHRISTIE'S NEW YORK. SALE 6056. FINE JAPANESE WORKS OF ART: From Various Sources. Sale of December 11, 1985. New York 1985, Christie's. Grey pictorial wrappers, very clean, 106p, profusely illustrated in color & b.w., 346 well described lots, price estimates, solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Including ceramics, cloisonne, sculpture, lacquerware, Inro, Ojime and Netsuke. $20 Book Number: 98005801 314 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. CODE COR 6387. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. Sale of February 10, 1994. London 1994, Christie's. Stiff color wrs., very good, 452 well described lots, price estimates, many b.w. photos, very clen solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Netsuke, ivory carvings, lacquer, Chinese & Japanese ceramics, carvings, Ojime, bronzes, enamel ware, Tibetan bronzes, Canton enamel ware, Peking glass, snuff bottles, & ecclectica.. $19 Book Number: 97065001 315 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 2940. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF AUG. 11, 1988. London 1988, Christie's. Stiff white wrs., very good, 33p., 418 well described lots, many b.w. photos, price estimates, very clean solid. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Covers Chinese & Japanese ceramics, Japanese ivories, Okimono, Inro & ecclectic others Chinese & Japanese art works. Book Number: 97065201 316 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 3056. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 3 NOV. 1988. London 1988, Christie's. Stiff white wrs., very good, 44p., 337 well described lots, many b.w. photos, price estimates, very clean solid. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Covers Chinese & Japanese ceramics, Japanese carved ivories, RareOrientalBooks.Com $22 Netsuke, paintings, more... Japanese woodcut prints & much $22 Book Number: 97065301 317 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 3146. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 12 JAN. 1989. London 1989, Christie's. Stiff white wrs., very good, 30p., 308 well described lots, price estimates, many b. w. photos, very clean solid. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Covers Chinese & Japanese ceramics, carved ivories & Okimono, Buddhist art, Chinese screen & much more... $22 Book Number: 97065101 318 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 3162. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 26. JAN. 1989. London 1989, Christie's. Stiff white wrs., very good, 40p., 390 well described lots, many b.w. photos, price estimates, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Covers Chinese & Japanese ceramics, painting, prints, scrolls, carved ivories, jades & ecclectic art works. $22 Book Number: 97063201 319 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 4563. ORIENTAL CERAMICS & WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 20 FEB. 1992. London 1992, Christie's. White stiff wrs., very good, 29p., 331 well described lots, many b.w. photos, price estimates, xlean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Covers Japanese & Chinese ceramics, bronzes, enamels &c. $22 Book Number: 97066301 320 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 4578. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 5 MARCH, 1992. London 1992, Christie's. Stiff white wrs., very good, 30p., 342 well described lots, many b.w. photos, price estimates, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Covers Chinese & Japanese ceramics, Japanese woodcut prints, paintings, scrolls, carved jades, snuff bottles, Tibetan bronzes, Chinese & Japanese carved ivories &... Book Number: 97064201 RareOrientalBooks.Com $22 321 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 4605. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 23 JAN., 1992. London 1992, Christie's. Stiff white wrs., very good, 38p., 417 well described lots, many b.w. photos, price estimates, very solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION & illustrated books [e-hon], Buddhist sculpture, cloisonne & Chinese & Japanese ceramics, Japanese prints. $22 Book Number: 97066601 322 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 4609. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 2 APRIL, 1992. London 1992, Christie's. Stiff white wrs., very good, 46p., 473 well described lots, price estimates, many b.w. photos, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Covers Chinese & Japanese ceramics, Japanese woodcut prints, scrolls, paintings, Chinese cloisonne, oil paintings, Inro, Japanese swords, armor, Menuke,Sino-Tibetan Buddhist bronze, Tibetan sculpture & arts &c. $22 Book Number: 97066101 323 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 4621. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 16 APRIL, 1992. London 1992, Christie's. Stiff white wrs., very good, 33p., 351 well described lots, many b.w. photos, price estimates, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Covers Chinese & Japanese ceramics, Japanese woodcut prints, paintings, scrolls, carved Chinese ivories, snuff bottles, Okimono, scholar's items &c... $22 Book Number: 97063101 324 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 4638. ORIENTAL CERAMCS & WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 30 APRIL, 1992. London 1992, Christie's. White stiff wrs., very good, 35p., 384 well described lots, price estimates, many b.w. photos, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Covers Chinese & Japanese ceramics, enamels & snuff bottles. Book Number: 97064401 325 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 4649. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 14 MAY, 1992. London 1992, Christie's. Stiff white wrs., very good, 24p., RareOrientalBooks.Com $22 347 well described lots, many b.w. photos, price estimates, clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Eccletic lots: Chinese & Japanese ceramics, Japanese prints, paintings & scrolls &c... $22 Book Number: 97064301 326 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 4665. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 28 MAY 1992. London 1992, Christie's. White stiff wrs., very good, 29p., 342 well described lots, many b.w. photos, price estimates, very solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Ecclectic lots Chinese & Japanese ceramics, Netsuke &c.. $22 Book Number: 97066501 327 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 4712. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 9 JULY, 1992. London 1992, Christie's. Stiff white wrs., very good, 48p., 478 well described lots, many b.w. photos, price estimates, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Covers Chinese & Japanese ceramics, Japanese woodcut prints, Chinese & Japanese carved ivories, Okimono, scrolls, paintings, Chinese carved artworks, snuff bottles, scholar's desk items, lacquerware &c... $22 Book Number: 97066201 328 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 4726. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 23 JULY, 1992. London 1992, Christie's. Stiff white wrs., very good, 33p., 410 well described lots, many b.w. photos, price estimates, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Covers Chinese & Japanese ceramics, snuff bottles, paintings $22 Book Number: 97065701 329 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 4739. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 6 AUG., 1992. London 1992, Christie's. Stiff white wrs., very good, 25p., 325 well described lot, price estimates, many b.w. photos, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Covers Chinese & Japanese ceramics, Japanese woodcut prints, scrolls, paintings, Chinese ivory carvings & ecclectica. RareOrientalBooks.Com $22 Book Number: 97065801 330 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 4772. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 24 SEPT., 1992 London 1992, Christie's. Stiff white wrs., very good, 42p., 435 well described lots, price estimates, many b.w. photos, very solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Covers Chinese & Japanese ceramics, Japanese woodblock prints, paintings, scrolls, Indian & Nepalese bronzes, Japanese and Chinese carved ivories, Okimono &c... $22 Book Number: 97066401 331 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 4791. ORIENTAL CERAMIICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 8 OCT., 1992. London 1992, Christie's. Stiff white wrs., very good, 36p., 403 well described lots, many b.w. photos, price estimates, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Covers Chinese & Japanese ceramics, Ming-Ch'i, Japanese woodcut prints, scrolls, paintings, carved Chinese & Japanese ivories &c... $22 Book Number: 97066001 332 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 4821. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 5 NOV. 1992. London 1992, Christie's. Stiff white wrs., very good, 31p., many b.w. photos, price estimates, 346 well described lots, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Covers Chinese & Japanese ceramics, Japanese woodcut prints, paintings, scrolls, Buddhist arts, carved ivory items, snuff bottles, lacquer, Indian sculptures &c... $22 Book Number: 97065401 333 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 4836. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 19 NOV. 1992. London 1992, Christie's. White color wrs., very good, 57p., 413 well described lots, many b.w. photos, price estimates, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Covers Chinese & Japanese ceramics, Ming-ch'i, Japanese prints, paintings & scrolls, Inro, bronzes, lacquer, Okimono. Chinese jades, bronzes, Buddhist arts &c... Book Number: 98005501 RareOrientalBooks.Com $22 334 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 4894. ORIENTAL CERAMICS & WORKS OF ART. Sale of Dec. 14, 1993. London 1993, Christie's. Stiff color wrs., very good, 388 well described lots, prices estimates, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Covers Chinese and Japanese ceramics, Tibetan ritual arts, many b. w. photos. $22 Book Number: 97066901 335 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 6028. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 25 FEB., 1993. London 1993, Christie's. Stiff color wrs., very good, 32p., 327 well described lots, many b.w. photos, price estimates, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Covers Chinese & Japanese ceramics, Ming-Ch'i, Netsuke and carved ivory, Okimono, Chinese jades, Japanese cloisonne. &c... $22 Book Number: 97065901 336 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 6042. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 11 MARCH, 1993. London 1993, Christie's. Stiff color wrs., very good, 34p., 324 well described lots, many b.w. photos, price estimates, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Covers Chinese & Japanese ceramics, Japanese woodblock prints, scrolls, paintings, Inro, Netsuke, carved ivories. Chinese snuff bottles, Nepalese art, bronzes &c... $22 Book Number: 97064801 337 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 6089. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 22 APRIL, 1993. London 1993, Christie's. White stiff wrs., very good, 51p., 433 well described lots, price estimates, many b.w. photos, very clean solid. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Covers Chinese and Japanese ceramics, Tibetan arts, silver, Islamic arts, arms, silver, Nepalese metal arts &c... Book Number: 97063501 338 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 6173. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 1 JULY, 1993. London 1993, Christie's. Stiff colored wrs., very good, 37p. 414 well described lots, price estimates, clean solid. FIRST & ONLY EDITION RareOrientalBooks.Com $22 Covers snuff bottles, Netsuke, S.E. Asian sculpture, Chinese paintings &c. $22 Book Number: 98005601 339 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 6199. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. Sale of July 29, 1993. London 1993, Christies. Stiff color wrs., very good,352 well described lots, price estimates, many b.w. photos,very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Chinese & Japanese ceramics, porcelains, Buddhist art, Netsuke, Ivory. $19 Book Number: 97063601 340 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 6246. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 23 SEPT. 1993. London 1993, Christie's. Color stiff wrs., very good, 37p., 376 well described lots, price estimates, solid copy FIRST & ONLY EDITION Eclectic sale on Chinese & Japanese ceramics, Buddhist art, lacquer, jade &c. $22 Book Number: 98005701 341 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 6263. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. Sale of Oct. 7, 1993. London 1993, Christie's. Stiff color wrs., very good, 369 well described items, price estimates, many b.w. photos, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Japanese & Chinese ceramics, Japanese woodblock prints, paintings, Chinese jade, bronzes, sculptures, screens, enamelware & much more. Useful reference. Book Number: 97063901 342 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 6278. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 21 OCT. 1993. London 1993, Christie's. Stiff color wrs., very good, 42p., 470 well described lots, many photos, price estimates, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Ecclectic sale, Chinese & Japanese ceramics, bronzes, woodc $22 Book Number: 97063301 RareOrientalBooks.Com $19 343 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 6299. ORIENTAL CERAMICS & WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 11 NOV. 1993. London 1993, Christie's. White stiff wrs., very good, 30p., 400 well described lots, price estimates, b.w. photos, clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Covers Japanese & Chinese ceramics,Japanese woodblock prints, scrolls. $22 Book Number: 97064901 344 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 6334. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 9 DEC. 1993. London 1993, Christie's. Stiff color wrs., very good, 48p., 512 well described lots, many b.w. photos, price estimates, very solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Covers Chinese & Japanese ceramics, ivory carvings, Netsuke, Chinese jade carved items, Bronzes, Buddhist sculptures & stone items, Japanese painted scrolls, woodblock prints, Chinese paintings, some color photos of better items &c... $22 Book Number: 97063801 345 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 6366. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 13 JAN. 1994. London 1994, Christie's. Stiff color wrs., very good, 41p., 495 well described lots, many b.w. photos, price estimates, very solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Ecclectic sale Chinese & Japanese ceramics, woodcut prints. Book Number: 97064001 346 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 6402. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 24 FEB. 1994. London 1994, Chrisite's. Stiff color wrs., very good, 47p., 445 well described lots, many b.w. photos, price estimates, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Ecclectic lots, Chinese & Japanese ceramics, prints, screens $22 Book Number: 97065601 347 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 6416. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 10 MARCH, 1994. London 1994, Christie's. Stiff colored wrs., very good, 47p. 445 well described lots, price estimates, many b.w. photos, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION RareOrientalBooks.Com $22 Covers Chinese & Japanese ceramics, carved Chinese ivories, jade, scholar's items, Netsuke, bronze items, Japanese carved ivories & Okimono, Japanese cloisonne &c., et al. $22 Book Number: 97063401 348 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 6443. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 7 APRIL, 1994. London 1994, Christie's. Stiff pictorial wrs., very good,48p many b.w. photos, 416 well described lots, price estimates, very clean solid. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Japanese & Chinese arts, ceramics, Netsuke, bronzes. $22 Book Number: 97065501 349 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 6457. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 21 APRIL, 1994. London 1994, Christie's. Stiff color wrs., very good, 52p.,4 480 well described lots, many b.w. photos, price estimates, very clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Covers Chinese & Japanese ceramics, Chinese carved ivories, Nepalese bronzes & Buddhist arts. Japanese carved ivory Okimono, Netsuke, Inro &c... $22 Book Number: 97063701 350 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 6489. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 19 MAY, 1994. London 1994, Christie's. Colored stiff wrs., very good, 41p. 397 well described lot, many b.w. photos, price estimates, very solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Ecclectic sale, Chinese & Japanese ceramics, Netsuke, prints $22 Book Number: 99084501 351 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 7223. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. [Japanese Sword Furniture, Chinese Sculpture, Bronzes, Gilt London 1996, Christe's. Stiff pictorial wrs., 65p., 103 b.w. photos show 538 items, price estimates, very good. Sale of May 16, 1996, clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Book Number: 97064701 352 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON SALE COR 4491. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 28 NOV. 1991. RareOrientalBooks.Com $17 London 1992, Christie's. Stiff white wrs., very good, 45p., 456 well described lots, price estimates, many b.w. photos, clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Covers Chinese & Japanese ceramics, Japanese woodcut prints, woodblock printed & illustrated books [e-hon], Chinese jades & ivory carvings, lacquer, bronzes, Buddhist art &c... $19 Book Number: 99087301 353 CHRISTIE'S. SALE 7028. MODERN JAPANESE PAINTINGS, PRINTS & CERAMICS. The Properties of The Lakenan Barnes Collection of Japanese New York 1990, Christie's. Stiff pictorial wrs., 71p., 49 b.w. photos, 49 b.w. photos, price estimates, price list,102 well described lots. Sale of March 29, 1990. Goyo, Sekino, Azechi, Saito, Munakata, Yoshida &c. $31 Book Number: 99088501 354 CHRISTIE'S. SALE 8258. JAPANESE NETSUKE AND INRO. New York 1995, Christie's. Stiff pictorial wrs., 33p., 31 color photos shows 68 well described items, price estimates, very clean, Sale of September 12, 1995, color photos, solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Book Number: 97064101 355 CHRISTIES SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 4550. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 6 FEB., 1992. London 1992, Christie's. Stiff white wrs., very good, 39p., 365 well described lots, many b.w. photos, price estimates, very clean solid. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Japanese woodblock prints, Chinese cloisonne, ivories, Japanese swords, Chinese & Japanese ceramics, Chinese erotica, & $22 AN EXCELLENT RESOURCE ON THE SUBJECT Book Number: 87022302 RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 356 CHU, Arthur. et al. ORIENTAL CLOISONNE AND OTHER ENAMELS: A Guide to Collecting and Repair. New York [1975], Crown. Half blue cloth, over boards, very clean,dj., 180p., index, 18 color, 24 b.w. photos, 53 figues bibiliography, 18 x 26 cm. FIRST EDITION. AUTHOR'S SIGNED & DATED COPY PRESENTATION IN ENGLISH & CHINSE NAME CHARACTERS An overall excellent reference for the collector & library. Covering explanations of what is enamel, cloissone,champleve and painted, repousse and basse-taille. Lucid essays on both Chinese & Japanese examples, Ch'ing style, export, late 19th century, Japanese cloisonne: early, peak & decline. Symbols, marks, motifs, with guide to repair, restorations & prices. * $15 AN EARLY AMERICAN'S COMMENTARIES ON JAPAN & THE JAPANESE Book Number: 86066201 357 CLARK, E. Warren. LIFE AND ADVENTURE IN JAPAN: Empire of Japan. New York [1878], Amer. Tract Soc. Green decorated cloth,very good, 247p., 1 map, 30 illustrations. Written by a missionary in Japan, his intimate knowledge of Japan, it's people, missions and customs renders this early study valuable. As a primary source, he comments on Buddhist life, excursions & comical experiences, an ascent to Mount Fuji, rambles in the capital, Kyoto, & his missionary view. An excellent early primary resource. AN EXCELLENT & MAJOR MONOGRAPH ON THIS SUPERB PAINTER Book Number: 95243101 358 CLARK, Timothy. DEMON OF PAINTING: ART OF KWANABE KYOSAI. London 1993, British Museum. Grey pictorial wrappers, very good, 192p., 122 color photos 1 folding, 163 b.w. photos, bibliography, appendix, index, clean, 22 x 27.5 cm. R A R E FIRST & ONLY EDITION A well-constructed monograph, with an informative introduction, catalog with 112 well-described items, with additional descriptive text about each item. A highly useful & copious reference, loaded with great color plates, some foldouts, RareOrientalBooks.Com $141 with good annoations. An essential tool for any collector interested in Kyosai painting and artistic production, wood block books and his prints. Perhaps the best single resource in English on this fantastic artist and woodblock book and print designer. The book profusely illustrated with a very large number of excellent color and b.w. photos of Kyosai's marvelous and imaginative art works. Quite useful reference. $403 AN EXCELLENT AND OBSCURE RESOURCE ON INCENSE BOXES Book Number: 97045201 359 [CLEMENCEAU, Georges.] BOITES A ENCENS JAPONAISES REDECOUVERTES. JAPANESE INCENSE BOXES REDISCOVERED. Montreal [1977], Montreal Museum.Stiff color wrs.,very clean bibliography, 94p., profusely illustrated, signature photos, French & English text, map, solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION An excellent exhibition catalog, with full text in both English & French. . Covering each of the examples with at least 2 or 3 photos, some close-ups of artist's seal, full descriptions of each, with references, artist's name, dates, collection number &c. * With fascinating acknowledgements by Yutaka Mino, preface by G. Cardinal, an essay on Clemenceau, notes on J. Simard, the collector who donated the collection to the museum. . A valuable reference tool on a very scarce subject, useful for collectors & students of ceramics & incense. * There are very few books on this subject in any language. A CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH REFERENCE SOURCE Book Number: 92082801 360 COBEN, Lawrence A. et al. JAPANESE CLOISONNE: History, Technique, and Appreciation. New York [1982], Weatherihll. Blue cloth, as new,323p.,index glossary, bibliography, notes, 6 appendices, 158 color, 171 b.w. photos, map, chronology, co-author Dorothy Ferster, dj. in mylar, 19 x 26.5 cm., clean, bright, solid. FIRST EDITION The art and traditional way of life in Japan, varieties of RareOrientalBooks.Com $75 decorative enamels, the medallion makers' tradition. The reinvention of cloisonne,the emergence of Japanese style. Western influences, control of space, companies & technical innovation. Influence on French art. Age of masterpieces, porcelain dream. Critical appreciation, Japanese & Western. Enameling technology, positive identification, enamelists's marks, sources of evidence for dating. Rich appendices include: varieties & origins of decorative enamels, major historical events. Exhibitions 1851-1936. Hirata Family. Enamelists. Beautiful floral motifs. * $70 A CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH REFERENCE SOURCE Book Number: 92082803 361 COBEN, Lawrence A. et al. JAPANESE CLOISONNE: History, Technique, and Appreciation. Rutland [1990], Tuttle. Blue cloth, as new, 323p., index, glossary, bibliography, notes, 6 appendices, 158 color, 171 b.w. photos, map, chronology, co-author Dorothy Ferster, dj. in mylar, 19 x 26.5 cm., clean, bright copy.First Tuttle Ed. The art and traditional way of life in Japan, varieties of decorative enamels, the medallion makers' tradition. The reinvention of cloisonne,the emergence of Japanese style. Western influences, control of space, companies & technical innovation. Influence on French art. Age of masterpieces, porcelain dream. Critical appreciation, Japanese & Western. Enameling technology, positive identification, enamelists's marks, sources of evidence for dating. Rich appendices include: varieties & origins of decorative enamels, major historical events. Exhibitions 1851-1936. Hirata Family. Enamelists. Beautiful floral motifs. * Book Number: 84128701 RareOrientalBooks.Com $355 362 COHEN, George. IN SEARCH OF NETSUKE AND INRO. [London 1974, Jacey]. Boards, 95p., 32p. text, illustrating 369 individual pieces in full color, list of carvers and lacquer artists, very clean & solid, original slipcase, tall folio: 21 x 30 cm.,dustjacket,like new. FIRST & ONLY EDITION This work illustrates 399 individual pieces in full color, with all fittings and ties. Highly useful reference study source for students and art reference libraries. With lucid essays in search of Netsuke & Inro, early days, good Netsuke guide, appreciation of fine Inro, auction, bibliography,list of carvers, and lacquer artists, caution to the intrepid. *** List of Netsuke carvers & lacquer artists. *** AN EXCELLENT COLOR-ILLUSTRATED REFERENCE SOURCE. *** $20 Book Number: 96132001 363 COLLECTIONS BAUR. COLLECTIONS BAUR: Reouverture des Collections. [Geneve] 1971, Baur. Stiff red wrs.,very good,13 b.w. photos 17p., #13, 1971. French text, very clean solid. FIRST EDITION A guide to the fabulous collections of Chinese jade,ceramics sculptures. Japanese swords, fittings, furniture. $5 Book Number: 96132002 364 COLLECTIONS BAUR. COLLECTIONS BAUR: Reouverture des Collections. [Geneve] 1970, Baur. Stiff red wrs.,very good,17 b.w. photos essays: P.F. Schneeberger: Propositions pour un catalogue de jades...No 12, 1970. Nice articles on jades, French, very clean solid copy. A guide to the fabulous collections of Chinese jade,ceramics sculptures. Japanese swords, fittings, furniture. A LOVELY SET OF ORIGINAL PHOTOGAPHS IN COLORED ENVELOPES Book Number: 25069101 365 COLOR PHOTOS OF POST-WORLD WAR II JAPAN, 1947. SOUVENIR HAND-COLORED PHOTOGAPHS OF POST-WORLD WAR II JAPAN: KOBE, OSAKA, MT. FUJI, FARMER LIFE, KAMAKURA AND VIEWS [Yokohama 1947, Hobundo]. A group of five colored envelopes, 28 hand-colored photos in all, smallest group ca 6 x 6.5 cm. of Kamakura, all the rest 11.5 x 18 cm., very clean, crisp & sharp imges, nice delicate hand-coloring, 10 black & white. These hand-colored photogaphs were collected in Japan in 1947 by an American woman in transit to Canton. T he photos are all in their original mailer-type color envelopes. The sights are: Kobe & Mt. Fuji eight photos each; Farmer life RareOrientalBooks.Com $10 [with an English caption list] & Osaka six each; & Kamakura 10 each, done in black & white. * These photos show a Japan immediately after the end of World War II, or the "Pacific War" as the Japanese called it. They are nicely executed and without flaw, and show some of the famous tourist sights that were not bombed and traditional views, temples, scenery, great photos of Mt. Fuji in various seasons, a small Osaka & Kobe, and the old temple and Great Buddha at Kamakura. The photo group of farmers show Japanese in traditional folk-costume, planting, hearvesting & threshing rice, one of tea-pickers. $87 Book Number: 98149701 366 COMMISSION FOR PROTECTION OF CULTURAL PROPERTIES OF JAPAN. NATIONAL TREASURES OF JAPAN. [Tokyo 1956], C.P.C.P.J. Boards, very good, large size, 23 x 29.5 cm., English text, Series IV, profusely illustrated in color & b.w. photos, slipcase, very clean, solid copy FIRST & ONLY EDITION This work is divided into sections: Sculpture, Applied Arts, Calligraphy, Archaeology & Architecture. Each section has its own pagination, with superb photos of examples, followed by a General List of Newly Designatead National Treasures for the Year. . An excellent resource, covering a wide variety of both Japanese, Chinese and Buddhist art objects, with chronology. Covers Chinese & Japanese calligraphy & historical documents, Japanese swords, arms, armour, textiles and ritural robes, bronze objects and mirrors, Chinese and Japanese paintings, landscapes, scrolls & a host of other important artistic & cultural properties, and where they are housed. * A useful art resource for students. A MOST VALUABLE AND COMPREHENSIVE COLOR REFERENCE BOOK Book Number: 84199301 367 COMPTON, Walter A. et al. NIPPON TO ART SWORDS OF JAPAN: The Walter A. Compton Collection. New York 1976, Japan Society. Black cloth, very good, dj.,in RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 slipcase, 134p., 38 superb color, 82 b.w. plates, 18 ills, folio, 10.5 x 14.5 inches, map, folio, as new copy. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION This is one of the most important catalogs on Japanese sword blades & furniture ever issued. Printed in chromolithography on heavy rag paper. Covering Japanese Sword and its Cultural Significance by Homma Junji. On This Exhibiton by K. Sato. Artistic Quality of the Japanese Sword by Compton. Characteristics of the Japanese Sword & Exhibition Catalogue by M. Ogawa. Statement of Appreciation by Compton. A superb collection of Tsuba, blades & Midare, Kozuka, Kogai & Menuki. With outline of blades, nomenclature, points of value, appreciation, history of the Japanese sword, shapes, identificat ion of Japanese sword by its characteristics, Koshirae, Kodogu &c. The exhibition catalog draws upon over 100 examples, each well identified and explained. Explanation of tang form and file-marks, tempering & forging characteristics, engravings, signature, mountings & accessories. By and large the most valuable reference to any collector's library. R A R E $224 A MOST VALUABLE AND COMPREHENSIVE COLOR REFERENCE BOOK Book Number: 84199303 368 COMPTON, Walter A. et al. NIPPON TO ART SWORDS OF JAPAN: The Walter A. Compton Collection. New York 1976, Japan Society. Stiff black wrs., very good, 134p., 38 superb color, 82 b.w. plates, 18 illustrations, folio, 10.5 x 14.5 inches, map, folio, as new copy, solid ! FIRST EDITION This is one of the most important catalogs on Japanese sword blades & furniture ever issued. Printed in chromolithography on heavy rag paper. Covering Japanese Sword and its Cultural Significance by Homma Junji. On This Exhibiton by K. Sato. Artistic Quality of the Japanese Sword by Compton. Characteristics of the Japanese Sword & Exhibition Catalogue by M. Ogawa. Statement of Appreciation by Compton. A superb collection of Tsuba, blades & Midare, Kozuka, Kogai & Menuki. With outline of blades, nomenclature, points of value, appreciation, history of the Japanese sword, shapes, identificat ion of Japanese sword by its characteristics, Koshirae, Kodogu &c. The exhibition catalog draws upon over 100 examples, each well identified and explained. Explanation of tang form and file-marks, tempering & forging characteristics, engravings, signature, mountings & accessories. By and large the most valuable reference to any collector's library. R A R E RareOrientalBooks.Com $100 A MAJOR PRICED REFERENCE AUCTION CATALOG WITH COLOR PHOTOS Book Number: 93089304 369 COMPTON, Walter, A. JAPANESE SWORDS AND SWORD FITTINGS FROM THE COLLECTION OF DR. WALTER AMES COMPTON. New York 1992, Christies. East. Stiff black wrs.,very clean, 235p., 235 color, 80 b. w. photos, index, bibliography, glossary, 317 well described items, price list, like new, a solid copy, unused. PART 2 ONLY FIRST & ONLY EDITION Edited & contributions by Robert E. Haynes, D. Martin Lorber, Walter Compton II, and Sebastian Izzard. * A comprehensive and massive sale catalog. A prime example of some of the greatest objects to come to auction in many years. High quality printing on quality paper renders this a valuable reference resource, with copious indices of sword smiths, expanded glossary of terms & grand bibliography. . An essential priced & illustrated reference for any collector, student, dealer of Japanese sword furniture, arms & armour. . Sale of March 31, Oct. 22, & Dec. 17, 1992, sale numbers 7420, 7424,7554, with prices realized included. Covering a total of 971 well described items. . Most valuable & reliable recent reference source book. Now scarce in the complete state. * The first parts went out-of-print almost immediately after publication, all parts published in a small printing. There are no reprints of this work or any of its parts. . Covering a total of 971 well described items. A contemporary and valuable, reliable reference source. *** Clients interested in Japanese sword furniture can request or download a color-illustrated catalog from our website. . Robert Haynes: we have inventory of his ten important Japanese arms & armor sales, please inquire or visit our website for his books. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $165 A MOST IMPORTANT ENGLISH MONOGRAPH ON LANDSCAPE GARDENS Book Number: 85161504 370 CONDER, Josiah. LANDSCAPE GARDENING IN JAPAN. Tokio 1912,1893, Maruzen.Green cloth,very good,gold stamped, 2 vol.set, index, many illustrations 40 collotype photos by K. Ogawa, tall folio 161+40p. photos, bibliography, plans, neatly rebacked, 26.5 x 36.5 cm. 2nd & BEST EDITION. SCARCE BINDING: The pictorial are gold-stamped with garden illustrations, the backs are blind-stamped as issued. Large size format. *** THE FRONTIS: This was a lovely print done with 80 color woodblocks., highlighted by gold and silver, colors superbly done by T. Tamura. * CONTENTS: Treatise on authentic Japanese garden design & construction. Covering in detail, the history, garden stones, lanterns, pagodas, water basins, garden enclosures, wells, bridges, arbors, ornamental water, garden vegetation & composition. The supplemental volume contains some forty photo collotypes of individual gardens in Japan, superbly photographed by the celebrated Japanese photographer, K. Ogawa. This work is a classic study on the construction and design of Japanese gardens, as well as a photographic essay of some of the best examples throughout Japan. A corner stone of Japanese garden books & teahouse gardens. Always R A R E in the complete two volume set. Volume 1 contains history, garden stones, lanterns, pagodas, water basins, enclosures, wells, bridges, arbors, water use, vegetation, garden composition. An excellent resource. * WHO WAS JOSIAH CONDER: Josiah Conder, the father of Japanese architecture of the many foreign architects invited to Japan in the last quarter of the 19th century, Conder was the man who made the biggest impact on the Japanese. A graduate of the Royal Institute of British Architects, where he was a pupil of William Burgess, Conder was awarded the institute's prestigious Soane Prize in 1876, recognition of his talent and potential. In 1877, aged 25, Conder arrived in Japan, where he served concurrently as professor of architecture at the Imperial College of Engineering, and as consultant to the Building and Repair Division of the Ministry of Public Works. He was to remain in Japan until his death in 1920, devoting his life to modernizing Japan's architectural technology. RareOrientalBooks.Com . Between 1878 and 1907, Conder designed over 50 major Western-style buildings in Tokyo. These included the Tokyo Imperial Museum in Ueno (1881), the largest brick building in Japan of its day, the Kaitakushi Bussan Urisabakijo [1881], a marketplace for selling produce from Hokkaido, and the Rokumeikan state reception hall (1883), a symbol of the Meiji government's Westernizing aspirations. Conder built in a variety of styles, ranging from Gothic to Renaissance to Tudor to Moorish, contributing to the progressive, eclectic appearance of Meiji period architecture while suggesting he was struggling to find a suitable idiom for Japan. For example, the Tokyo Imperial Museum showed Islamic Indian influence, the Kaitakushi building Victorian Gothic tendencies, and the Rokumeikan English Renaissance tastes. . For the Meiji administration, however, which sought a more mainstream European style, Conder's approach proved a little too wide-ranging, and in due course he set up his own firm, although he continued to advise the government. Conder went into private practice in 1888. His commissions included the first Mitsubishi building in the redbrick Marunouchi district of Tokyo [1894], a residence in Yushima for Hisaya Iwasaki [1896] and the Mitsui Club in Mita, used by the Mitsui family for entertaining [1913]. He paid full attention to interiors as well as exteriors, so that these residences were perfectly coordinated, and all his projects bore his distinctive touch. As the Imperial College of Engineering's chief instructor for the Engineering Science Department, Conder organized lessons and delivered lectures. His courses covered everything from ancient Egyptian through Indian to contemporary European architecture, and focused on construction techniques using wood, brick and stone. . Conder also gave demonstrations on site, such as at the Tokyo Imperial Museum, ensuring that he not only taught theory but also gave his students a solid practical training as well. . Many of Condor's pupils went on to become pillars of the Japanese architectural establishment. Among his first group of graduates were Tatsuno Kingo, who designed Tokyo Station, and Toukuma Katayama, responsible for the Akasaka Detached Palace [State Guest House]. * Condor was also a patron of Japanese arts and artists. His high watermark work on Japanese gardens stands today as the pinnacle and a classic on the subject. All of his several titles remain superb reference works on the subjects he loved and devoted his life to. The contribution from his Japanese wife was major. . He encouraged K. Ogawa a famous photographer even at that time to contribute the stunning photos for this book. Please inquire with us for other albums and individual photos by this photographer. *** THE EDITION: The 1912 revised 2 volume edition is the best of the two editions. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com CONDITION: Contents is remarkable clean, and with the tissue guards. The endpapers are quite clean and bright. *** This is a large and heavy set, apropriate packing, insurance and postage apply. * A MOST IMPORTANT ENGLISH MONOGRAPH ON LANDSCAPE GARDENS Book Number: 85161505 371 CONDER, Josiah. LANDSCAPE GARDENING IN JAPAN. Tokio 1912, Maruzen. Green cloth, very good, gold stamped, 2 vol. set, index, many illustrations 40 collotype photos by K. Ogawa, tall folio 161+40p., photos, bibliography, plans, 26.5 x 36.5 cm.,head/tail bit rubbed,2nd. rev & BEST EDITION BINDING: The pictorial are gold-stamped with garden illustrations, the backs are blind-stamped as issued. Large size format. *** THE FRONTIS: This was a lovely print done with 80 color woodblocks., highlighted by gold and silver, colors superbly done by T. Tamura. * CONTENTS: Treatise on authentic Japanese garden design & construction. Covering in detail, the history, garden stones, lanterns, pagodas, water basins, garden enclosures, wells, bridges, arbors, ornamental water, garden vegetation & composition. The supplemental volume contains some forty photo collotypes of individual gardens in Japan, superbly photographed by the celebrated Japanese photographer, K. Ogawa. This work is a classic study on the construction and design of Japanese gardens, as well as a photographic essay of some of the best examples throughout Japan. A corner stone of Japanese garden books & teahouse gardens. Always R A R E in the complete two volume set. Volume 1 contains history, garden stones, lanterns, pagodas, water basins, enclosures, wells, bridges, arbors, water use, vegetation, garden composition. An excellent resource. * WHO WAS JOSIAH CONDER: Josiah Conder, the father of Japanese architecture of the many foreign architects invited to Japan in the last quarter of the 19th century, Conder was the man who made the biggest impact on the Japanese. A graduate of the Royal RareOrientalBooks.Com $2100 Institute of British Architects, where he was a pupil of William Burgess, Conder was awarded the institute's prestigious Soane Prize in 1876, recognition of his talent and potential. In 1877, aged 25, Conder arrived in Japan, where he served concurrently as professor of architecture at the Imperial College of Engineering, and as consultant to the Building and Repair Division of the Ministry of Public Works. He was to remain in Japan until his death in 1920, devoting his life to modernizing Japan's architectural technology. . Between 1878 and 1907, Conder designed over 50 major Western-style buildings in Tokyo. These included the Tokyo Imperial Museum in Ueno (1881), the largest brick building in Japan of its day, the Kaitakushi Bussan Urisabakijo [1881], a marketplace for selling produce from Hokkaido, and the Rokumeikan state reception hall (1883), a symbol of the Meiji government's Westernizing aspirations. Conder built in a variety of styles, ranging from Gothic to Renaissance to Tudor to Moorish, contributing to the progressive, eclectic appearance of Meiji period architecture while suggesting he was struggling to find a suitable idiom for Japan. For example, the Tokyo Imperial Museum showed Islamic Indian influence, the Kaitakushi building Victorian Gothic tendencies, and the Rokumeikan English Renaissance tastes. . For the Meiji administration, however, which sought a more mainstream European style, Conder's approach proved a little too wide-ranging, and in due course he set up his own firm, although he continued to advise the government. Conder went into private practice in 1888. His commissions included the first Mitsubishi building in the redbrick Marunouchi district of Tokyo [1894], a residence in Yushima for Hisaya Iwasaki [1896] and the Mitsui Club in Mita, used by the Mitsui family for entertaining [1913]. He paid full attention to interiors as well as exteriors, so that these residences were perfectly coordinated, and all his projects bore his distinctive touch. As the Imperial College of Engineering's chief instructor for the Engineering Science Department, Conder organized lessons and delivered lectures. His courses covered everything from ancient Egyptian through Indian to contemporary European architecture, and focused on construction techniques using wood, brick and stone. . Conder also gave demonstrations on site, such as at the Tokyo Imperial Museum, ensuring that he not only taught theory but also gave his students a solid practical training as well. . Many of Condor's pupils went on to become pillars of the Japanese architectural establishment. Among his first group of graduates were Tatsuno Kingo, who designed Tokyo Station, and Toukuma Katayama, responsible for the Akasaka Detached Palace [State Guest House]. * Condor was also a patron of Japanese arts and artists. His high watermark work on Japanese gardens stands today as the pinnacle and a classic on the subject. All of his several titles remain superb reference works on the subjects he loved and devoted his life to. The contribution from his Japanese wife was major. RareOrientalBooks.Com . He encouraged K. Ogawa a famous photographer even at that time to contribute the stunning photos for this book. Please inquire with us for other albums and individual photos by this photographer. *** THE EDITION: The 1912 revised 2 volume edition is the best of the two editions. *** CONDITION: Contents is remarkable clean, and with the tissue guards. The endpapers are quite clean and bright. *** This is a large and heavy set, apropriate packing, insurance and postage apply. * $1862 PRIMARY SOURCE ON LIFE IN YOKOHAMA & YEDO Book Number: 84216201 372 CONN, William. JAPANESE LIFE, LOVE AND LEGEND: A Visit to the Empire of the 'Rising Sun.' London 1886, Ward. Grey pictorial cloth, 351p., very good, library plate, lower & upper edge stamp, very clean. R A R E FIRST & ONLY EDITION This early work covers the visit and residence in Yokohama & the Edo area of an Englishman. The voyage from Lorient to Yokohama, interesting acquaintances in Yokohama Honcho Dori, Japanese theatre, music, costume, coiffure, courtship. * Old customs and new ideas. The wedding in the old style. Story of the Forth-Seven Ronin. An excursion to Nikko. About silk and lacquer. Pleasure party to Kamakura. Osaka, dancing girls of the Chibai-ya. A visit Kyoto & its temples, theatre, the legends and fragments of history. Wonderful stories & sites, Nagasaki-the cat of Nabeshima. An excellent primary source. * PRIMARY SOURCE ON LIFE IN YOKOHAMA & YEDO RareOrientalBooks.Com $403 Book Number: 84216202 373 CONN, William. JAPANESE LIFE, LOVE AND LEGEND: A Visit to the Empire of the 'Rising Sun.' London 1886, Ward. Grey pictorial cloth, 351p., very good, private library plate, covers bit faded, contents clean and solid. FIRST & ONLY EDITION S C A R C E This early work covers the visit and residence in Yokohama & the Edo area of an Englishman. The voyage from Lorient to Yokohama, interesting acquaintances in Yokohama Honcho Dori, Japanese theatre, music, costume, coiffure, courtship. * Old customs and new ideas. The wedding in the old style. Story of the Forth-Seven Ronin. An excursion to Nikko. About silk and lacquer. Pleasure party to Kamakura. Osaka, dancing girls of the Chibai-ya. A visit Kyoto & its temples, theatre, the legends and fragments of history. Wonderful stories & sites, Nagasaki-the cat of Nabeshima. An excellent primary source. * PRIMARY SOURCE ON LIFE IN YOKOHAMA & YEDO Book Number: 84216203 374 CONN, William. JAPANESE LIFE, LOVE AND LEGEND: A Visit to the Empire of the 'Rising Sun.' London 1886, Ward. Grey pictorial cloth, 351p., very good, solid copy, contents clean, 12.5 x 19.5 cm. FIRST EDITION This early work covers the visit and residence in Yokohama & the Edo area of an Englishman. The voyage from Lorient to Yokohama, interesting acquaintances in Yokohama Honcho Dori, Japanese theatre, music, costume, coiffure, courtship. * Old customs and new ideas. The wedding in the old style. RareOrientalBooks.Com $440 Story of the Forth-Seven Ronin. An excursion to Nikko. About silk and lacquer. Pleasure party to Kamakura. Osaka, dancing girls of the Chibai-ya. A visit Kyoto & its temples, theatre, the legends and fragments of history. Wonderful stories & sites, Nagasaki-the cat of Nabeshima. An excellent primary source. * $444 A CLASSIC OF JAPANESE BIBLIOGRAPHY & IMPORTANT REFERENCE Book Number: 85065402 375 CORDIER, Henri. BIBLIOTHECA JAPONICA: Dictionnaire Bibliographique des Ouvrages Relatifs a L'Empire Japonais. Ranges Par Ordre Chrono[Gottingen] 1969, Hildesheim. Reprint of Paris 1912 edition. Brown cloth, very good, 762p., index, appendix, 17 x 4.5 cm. clean, bright, solid copy, no marks, the best of all reprint editions, in large type, easy to read. IMPORTANT WORK SCARCE SUBTITLE: cont. 1912. A highly useful reference authority for librarians & collectors alike. The most cited reference. In all, this work covers 3,500 individual citations. Cordier was the pioneer work, and still stands as the standard reference for materials on Japanese studies. An annotated listing of works in Western languages. The printed works are presented in chronological order from pre-Marco Polo item to 1870. The appendix lists alphabetically the principal works published from 1870-1912. With author index. * Please confirm which edition of the reprint you want, as we may have two variants, one in brown, the other green cloth. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: Besterman 3245 Sheehy DE249 Walford II:274 * A CLASSIC OF JAPANESE BIBLIOGRAPHY & IMPORTANT REFERENCE RareOrientalBooks.Com $60 Book Number: 85065404 376 CORDIER, Henri. BIBLIOTHECA JAPONICA: Dictionnaire Bibliographique des Ouvrages Relatifs a L'Empire Japonais. Ranges Par Ordre Chrono[Staten Island 1996, Martino.] Reprint of Paris 1912 edition green cloth, as new, 762p., index, appendix. A LIMITED EDITION OF 100 COPIES SUBTITLE: cont. 1912. A highly useful reference authority for librarians & collectors alike. The most cited reference. In all, this work covers 3,500 individual citations. Cordier was the pioneer work, and still stands as the standard reference for materials on Japanese studies. An annotated listing of works in Western languages. The printed works are presented in chronological order from pre-Marco Polo item to 1870. The appendix lists alphabetically the principal works published from 1870-1912. With author index. * Please confirm which edition of the reprint you want, as we may have two variants, one in brown, the other green cloth. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: Besterman 3245 Sheehy DE249 Walford II:274 * AN OUTSTANDING & PROFUSELY COLOR ILLUSTRATED WORK Book Number: 93050301 377 CORT, Louise A. SHIGARAKI, POTTERS' VALLEY. Tokyo 1979, Kodansha. Brown cloth, very clean, bright copy 35 color, 65 b.w. photos, 5 appendices, 4 maps, index, 428p. bibliogaphy, end paper maps, 21 x 30 cm.,in nice dust jacket !The Original Edition, NOT A CHEAP REPRINT ! FIRST EDITION This study is without peer. I will remain the standard work in the subject field for a long time and will se a new RareOrientalBooks.Com $41 standard for other publications on the great traditions of Japanese pottery. . By and large a fabulous book covering the kilns of the pottery village an its makers, their designs, kilns, glazes, and techniques. *** The original edition of this book, have superb true-to-life high-quality color photographs, while later and cheap reprints use inferior quality color printing, poor quality paper and cheap 'trade bindings.' * This original edition is printed on heavy rag paper, and with the most stunning colors, heavy dust jacket, strong brown cloth binding. * NOTHING CAN COMPARE TO THE ORIGINAL KODANSHA EDITION WITH HIGH QUALITY MULTI-LITH COLOR PHOTOS, BOUND IN A SUPERB CLOTH BINDING. . . ! BEWARE ! Cheap reprints are not the same book ! *** $77 Book Number: 96062901 378 CORTAZZI, Hugh. et al. JAPAN: CAUGHT IN TIME. New York 1995, Weatherhill. Black cloth, very clean, 159p., 122 color photos, bibliography, co-author T. Bennett, very solid, in nice dust jacket, " LIKE NEW" copy. These photos come from one particular collection, that assembled by the Russian Botanist Grigoryev, whose travels took him to Japan in 1879. . They have been preserved in the archives of the Russian Geographical Soc. and have not been published before as a collection. Photos are undated, but were for the most part taken in the 1870's. . Hand-colored at the time, these photos provide a unique view of Japan as it was in the early years after reopening of Japan to the West. *** REFERENCES: . BENNETT, Terry. EARLY JAPANESE IMAGES . BENNETT, Terry. OLD JAPANESE PHOTOGRAPHS: COLLECTORS' DATA GUIDE. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $26 Book Number: 94012901 379 COSGROVE, Maynard G. THE ENAMELS OF CHINA AND JAPAN: Champleve and Cloisonne. New York [1974], Dodd. Green cloth, very good, dj., 115p., appendices, bibliography, index, chart of elements & fusing points, Japanese-English & Chinese-English list of symbols, 15 x 23 cm., clean solid copy. FIRST EDITION An excellent technical resource, addressing the political & cultural background, glass & enamels: description, history, methods of creation, design, symbolism, conquest of color, in relation to other arts. Methods of creation, cleaning and care. With valuable appendices, chronology. Valuable reference for any collector or student of enamel works of art. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: Franklin 5941 * $7 Book Number: 89043701 380 COVELL, Jon C. et al. ZEN AT DAITOKU-JI. Tokyo [1974], Kodansha. Brown cloth, very clean, dj., 204p., 44 color, 67 b.w. photos, index, 4 appendices, co-author was Abbot Yamada Sobin, solid copy. FIRST EDITION Daitoku-Ji is the most important Zen temple in Japan, known as "The Temple of Great Virture," it has had a long and rich tradition and history since its founding in the early 14th century. . Many of the most impressive perrsnalitites of Japanese history were associated with it, and this position of prestige allowed it to accumulate an unsurpassable treasury of Zen art objects. . Including paintings, ceramics, gardens, architecture and a host of other objects. It is still a living and thriving temple. This work covers the art works in great detail, illustrating most. . Book Number: 84129704 RareOrientalBooks.Com $51 381 COVELL, Jon C. UNDER THE SEAL OF SESSHU. New York 1975, Hacker. Red cloth, 163p., bibliography, glossary, many b.w. plates, very clean solid copy. Scholarly study, with catalog of important attributions to Sesshu, loaded with excellent examples of his landscapes, Buddhist images &c. $34 SOLID & COMPREHENSIVE REFERENCE RESOURCE ON ASIAN CERAMICS Book Number: 83011404 382 COX, Warren E. THE BOOK OF POTTERY AND PORCELAIN. New York [1945], Crown. 1158p. Buff cloth, index of Chinese & Japanese pottery marks,3000 b.w. & color illus., 3 maps, 2 vol set. Important reference source on Asian porcelains. A solid reference resource, covers fundamental aesthetic appeals, earliest potteries, Crete, Egypt & the Agean, Greece, Italy, Han China, Six Dynasties & Sui periods of China, the T'ang, Five Dynasties, Sung dyansties. Korean potteries & porcelains, those of Yuan, Ch'ing, periods. Also world ceramics covered. A highly useful background for the whole genre of ceramics and pottery in the world, with focus on the strong Asian traditions, including those of Japan. Also Persia, Western Asia & Egypt, European wares et al. $5 A USEFUL GUIDE TO NORTHERN JAPAN, ITS FOLK WORKS, AINU ET AL Book Number: 87052302 383 CRAWFORD, Jeanne W. TOHOKU: Travel in Northern Honshu. Np. [1974,] n.p. Boards, 62p., 10 maps, 11 b.w. photos,large fold out map, very good, glossary, annual festival calendar, festival calendar, figures, many b. w. photos, ribbon tied spine, 16 x 21 cm. FIRST & ONLY EDITION A useful guide to the area, its art wares, manufactures, leisure activities, festivals, towns, folk arts and all things in Aomori, Hirosaki, Lake Towada, Hachinobe, Morioka, Hanamaki, Hiraizumi, ski areas and guide book. * A lovely guide to all things Tohoku [Northern Japan]. Nicely done, privately printed. OBSCURE WORK RareOrientalBooks.Com $36 Book Number: 25013901 384 CUNNINGHAM, Michael R. et al. MASTERWORKS OF ASIAN ART. Cleveland [1998], Cleveland Museum Art. Red pictorial stiff wrs., very good, as new copy, 254p., bibliography, co-authors: S. Czuma, A. Wardwell, J. Wilson, 125 color photos, many color fold-outs, chronology. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION Superb catalogue of the collection, covers in much detail a very large number of superb pieces with superb descriptions from China, Central Asia, India, Japan and Korea. Beautifully printed on heavy rag paper with true-to-life color lithography. $5 A PRIMARY LOOK AT MEIJI JAPAN in 1896 BY AN AMERICAN Book Number: 84316201 385 CURTIS, William E. THE YANKEES OF THE EAST: Sketches of Modern Japan. New York 1896, Stone & Kimball. Pink cloth, very good, 2 vol set, paper labels, 644p., 44 b. w. photos, tops gilt, 12.5 x 19.5 cm. FIRST EDITION THE AUTHOR'S SIGNED PRESENTATION COPY Covers Japanese government, police, courts, prisons, labor & wages, educational system, Imperial Family, the Tycoon,about shopping and foreign commerce. Fine source book for American visitors in Japan & their counterparts. Also covers suggestions for railways and "rickshas," the missionary problem, Christianitiy from the Buddhist point of view, divorce, journalism, advancement of women, theatre & wrestling ring, art & artists, odd things you see and hear of, political crisis. An excellent andmost early primary resource on the Japanese & their customs, country and way of life. RareOrientalBooks.Com $187 A PRIMARY LOOK AT MEIJI JAPAN in 1896 BY AN AMERICAN Book Number: 84316202 386 CURTIS, William E. THE YANKEES OF THE EAST: Sketches of Modern Japan. New York 1896, Stone & Kimball. Red cloth, very good, 2 vol. set, paper labels, 644p., 44 b.w. photos, tops gilt, covers a bit faded, contents clean & solid, 12.5 x 19.5 cm. FIRST EDITION Covers Japanese government, police, courts, prisons, labor & wages, educational system, Imperial Family, the Tycoon,about shopping and foreign commerce. Fine source book for American visitors in Japan & their counterparts. Also covers suggestions for railways and "rickshas," the missionary problem, Christianitiy from the Buddhist point of view, divorce, journalism, advancement of women, theatre & wrestling ring, art & artists, odd things you see and hear of, political crisis. An excellent andmost early primary resource on the Japanese & their customs, country and way of life. AN EARLY & MOST IMPRESSIVE JAPANESE ART & DESIGN MANUAL Book Number: 84129802 387 CUTLER, Thomas W. A GRAMMAR OF JAPANESE ORNAMENT AND DESIGN. London 1880, Batsford. 3/4 Leather over marbled boards, 58 plates, introduction, descriptive & analytical text, neatly rebacked in leather old spine layed down, covers bit scuffed corners bit rubbed,contents clean, ex-library perforations. Plates are highlighted with gold & silver & show ornaments, flowers, plants, insects, fish and birds, items used for decorating textiles, book covers, lacquer, textiles, paper &c. Cutler's aim was to "...present a carefully selected series of characteristic examples of the natural & conventconventional ornament of the Japanese which shall furnish a RareOrientalBooks.Com $141 general and comprehensive view of the leading features of their decorative work..." An important design and artistic work,large format 28 x 37 cm., 12 color chromolithographic plates, 45 other beautiful plates, one shows birds, falcons &c. $1200 AN INDEPTH STUDY OF JAPANESE EROTIC SYMBOLS Book Number: 88033201 388 CZAJA, Michael. GODS OF MYTH AND STONE:PHALLICISM IN JAPANESE FOLK RELIGION. New York [1974], Weatherhill. Brown cloth, very clean, 294p. index, bibliography, notes, appendix, glossary, dj., 101 bw. photos, with a foreword by G. De Vos, solid copy in nice dj. FIRST & ONLY EDITION This work addresses the early tradition of Japanese phallism and traces it's origins through sculptures, their worship, festivals. Utilizing the Dosojin sculptures & wood carvings, as examples to explain the tradition. These have been & are still used throughout Japan in native shamanism, mythology, in the creation myths, celestial festivals, rice ceremonies and reltaed to the deities of rice & sex. A keen insight to native Japanese spirit. Well researched and nicely illustrated. Book Number: 97119801 389 D'ARGENCE, Rene-Yvon L. ed. ASIAN ART: Museum & University Collections in the San Francisco Bay Area. New York [1978], Universe. Buff cloth, very good, dj., 39p. text, 34 color, 178 b.w. photos, large format, 26 x 35.5 cm. clean & bright solid copy. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION This excellent work covers the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco: the Avery Brundage collection on China, Korea, Japan, India, Southeast Asia, Lamist Art & Iran. Japanese colored RareOrientalBooks.Com $9 woodblock prints in the Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Art and the University Art Museum, Berkeley. The Stanford University Museum. Highly useful reference work, with excellent photographs, and essays on the wonderful art of the Far East including Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia. Color scans can be sent by email. $7 A MOST FABULOUS COLOR BOOK SHOWING BEAUTIFUL SEA ANIMALS Book Number: 84099001 390 DAI NIHON SUISAN KWAI. ILLUSTRATIONS OF JAPANESE AQUATIC PLANTS AND ANIMALS. [Tokyo] 1931-32, Fisheries Soc. Brown raw silk, 2 vol. set, thread ties, all edge gilt, 14 1/2 x 20 1/4 inches, beautifully illustrated in color. Exceptionally R A R E ! With 100 fine color lithographs, many of which have mica dust on the scale area, giving a genuine portrayal of each fish. Each plate page has an average of 4-6 individual illustrations. Compiled by Fisheries Society of Japan. Illusstrating the flora and fauna of Japan's marine world. Beautifully illustrating the wide variety of fish, shell fish, crabs, and various plants in full color. ALWAYS RARE ! A GOOD LOOK AT THE DAIKA TEMPLE, ART, GARDENS & INTERIORS Book Number: 21152601 391 DAIKA-JI TEMPLE. KYU SAGA GO SHO DAI KAKU JI SEI KA: THE REAL BEAUTIFUL DAIKA-JI TEMPLE LIKE THE OLD SAGA PALACE. [Nara ? n.d. ca. 1920's, Daika-ji Temple. Green faded loose portfolio, very good, central hinge repaired, contains, 2 color, 8 b.w. photos, Japanese captions. U N U S U A L This unusual work outlines in graphic views, the temple, its RareOrientalBooks.Com $3723 environs, Engawas, screen like sliding doors, the adjacent lake, Buddhist & Fuda icons, Buddhist sculptures & deamons, marvelous multi-pannel screens, animals deities, gilt screen examples in full color, &c. $44 Book Number: 22005901 392 DAWSON'S BOOK SHOP. CATALOGUE 390 JAPANESE PAINTINGS. Los Angeles [1069], Dawson's. Stiff white wrs., 14 x 22 cm., very good, back cover & last 2-4p. stained, else clean,solid copy, priced catalog, many b.w. photo plates, 726 items listed. A useful reference. $19 USEFUL PRICED REFERENCE GUIDE TO YOKOHAMA PRINTS, E-HON &c. Book Number: 90000501 393 DAWSON'S BOOK SHOP. FOREIGNERS IN EARLY JAPAN: Paintings, Prints, Books, Including a Remarkable Perry Scroll of Russians in Japan, Los Angeles [1965-6], Dawson's. Brown cloth, as new, 136p., 323 b.w. photos, a series of catalogs #'s: 354, 363 & 386, covering hundreds of items, illustrations, & photos. An excellent reference to the genre. Consisting of three separate catalogs, all bound in one, items consecutively numbered through item 1-561. A highly valuable reference for a host of various Japanese prints, woodblock printed books, painted scrolls, guidebooks &c. All related to the opening of Japan & Commodore Perry, Yokohama, Nagasaki, maps, early foreigners in Japan. Each item is well described, catalogued & priced. Including a substantial part on the Dutch in Nagasaki, their Chinese assistants, exotic paintngs, foreign birds, whaling in Japan, Japanese Christianity, Yokohama prints showing a host of foreigners, maps shwowing Yokohama & other ports, foreign technology, "Black Ships," Sino-Japanese War prints & tryptichs, and a host of other fascinating resources on the subject. Useful for any serious student & collector of this genre. Book Number: 98168002 394 DAWSON'S BOOK SHOP. JAPANESE PAINTINGS OF THE FLOATING WORLD. Catalogue 352. Los Angeles [1966 ], Dawson's. Stiff pictorial wrs., very good, 55p., color cover print + many b.w. photos, covers 128 individual items, priced, with good descriptions, Catalogue 352 on the covers, very clean, solid. FIRST & ONLY EDITION An excellent resource for a wide variety of scrolls, Kakemono, paintings in various forms, manuscripts, early Japanese woodblock prints [primitives], E-hon or illustrated books and a host of fascinating illustrated works. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $65 A useful guide to the genre. $19 FEATURING JAPANESE & CHINESE PAINTINGS, BUDDHIST ART &c... Book Number: 98167901 395 DAWSON'S BOOK SHOP. JAPANESE PICTURE SCROLLS AND PAINTINGS. [Including Chinese & Korean Paintings &c.] Los Angeles [1965-67], Dawson's. Blue cloth, AS NEW,clean 191p., title, artist & author indexs, profusely illustrated with b.w. photos, 511 individuially described & priced item many illustratations, solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Excellent priced dealers catalog & a valuable reference resource for any collector or student of both Japanese & Chinese painting, Buddhist art, Buddhist woodblock prints [Japanese], sculptures, scrolls, Kakemono, Zen Buddhist arts, woodblock printed books [E-hon]. . Also manuscript scrolls, books, paintings, fans, Samurai fenching, Noh drama, Kano and early Sumi paintings, literati, Shijo, fine calligraphy, Shijo school work, picture scrolls, flower arrangement, Korean art works & a host of others. * An ecclectic reference, most useful. * Contains Catalogue numbers: 343, 349, 351, 357 & 366, all items consecutively numbered 1-511. $15 THE ORIGINAL TALE, NICELY ILLUSTRATED Book Number: 84024301 396 DE BENNEVILLE, James S. TALES OF THE SAMURAI OGURI HANGWAN ICHIDAIKI: Being the Story of the Lives, the Adventures, and the Misadventures Yokohama 1915, De Benneville. Grey cloth, 485p., appendix, bibliograhy, fold out maps, woodcut frontis, 45 b.w. illustrations, printed on double folded paper, ivory clasps, 15 x 24 cm. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION A redaction from the Kodan and chronicles of the Japaneseoriginals. A monumental work, 8 appendices, nicely printed &bound by the Fukuin Co., Yokohama, Kobe & Tokyo. A marveloustreatise and resource.* RareOrientalBooks.Com $44 THE ORIGINAL TALE, NICELY ILLUSTRATED Book Number: 84024302 397 DE BENNEVILLE, James S. TALES OF THE SAMURAI OGURI HANGWAN ICHIDAIKI: Being the Story of the Lives, the Adventures, and the Misadventures Yokohama 1915, De Benneville. Grey cloth, 485p., appendix, bibliograhy, fold out maps, color woodcut frontis, 45 b. w. illustrations, printed on double folded leaves, ivory clasps 15 x 24 cm. FIRST AND ONLY OBSCURE EDITION A redaction from the Kodan and chronicles of the Japaneseoriginals. A monumental work, 8 appendices, nicely printed &bound by the Fukuin Co., Yokohama, Kobe & Tokyo. A marveloustreatise and resource.* $46 AN EXCELLENT DICTIONARY FORMAT REFERENCE TO THINGS JAPANESE Book Number: 83009402 398 DE GARIS, Frederic. THEIR JAPAN. Yokohama [1946], Yoshikawa. Blue stitched cloth wrs., 204p., index, cover label, very good, minor small stain to label, 204p.,double folded leaves, bound Japanese style,15.3 x 22.3 cm., paper a bit browned usual for this period,clean, solid. This is a standard reference in dictionary format, for things Japanese. A useful resource for traditions, customs, travel, and most any subject Japanese, A thru Z. * Useful for collectors, students and librarians. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $24 A STANDARD REFERENCE FOR ALL THINGS JAPANESE Book Number: 84130203 399 DE GARIS, Frederic. WE JAPANESE: Being Descriptions of many of the Customs, Manners, Ceremonies, Festivals, Arts & Crafts of the Miyanoshita [1937], Fujiya Hotel. Silk stitched wrs., very good, over 753 b. w. photos, indices, 2 vol. set, 200+207p., contained in cloth slip cases, with a small b.w. photo of H. Yamaguchi, the hotel's managing director laid in, complete. This excellent reference resource covers virtually everything on and about Japan. Including history, religion, Ainu, crests, Netsuke, Geisha, goldfish, clothing, hot springs, legends, natural history, theater, silkworm, folk art, general arts, literature, chronology, travel guide, national, historical, legendary, artistic, aesthetic, poetic tastes of the Japanese, characteristics, superstitions, customs, festivals, religion, dance, drama, sports, games, flowers, names of the years, fine arts, porcelains, products, industries, sundry, oddities, proverbs, sightseeing and far too many others to list. Each subject is completely covered on one page. A valuable referennce and "dictionary" of all things Japanese, with lovely native illustrations. * Useful for any students, collectors, writers, art collectors of all subjects. * CONFUSION REGARDING CORRECT AUTHOR: Some copies do not show Frederic De Garis on the title page, and this leads to confusion as to the correct author. We see that some catalogue this under Atsuharu Sakai, or others whom are not the author. This is a bibliographic error. Others catalog this under H.S.K. Yamaguchi who was not the author, but the manager of the hotel. *** A STANDARD REFERENCE FOR ALL THINGS JAPANESE RareOrientalBooks.Com $75 Book Number: 84130206 400 DE GARIS, Frederic. WE JAPANESE: Being Descriptions of many of the Customs, Manners, Ceremonies, Festivals, Arts & Crafts of the Miyanoshita [1947], Fujiya. Brown silk covers,stitched spine 2 vol. set, [vols.1,2]& 2, index, profuse b. w. photos, 15 x 21 cm., exceptionally clean, 207+189p., in original paper protective covers, paper title slips, solid nice copies. This excellent reference resource covers virtually everything on and about Japan. Including history, religion, Ainu, crests, Netsuke, Geisha, goldfish, clothing, hot springs, legends, natural history, theater, silkworm, folk art, general arts, literature, chronology, travel guide, national, historical, legendary, artistic, aesthetic, poetic tastes of the Japanese, characteristics, superstitions, customs, festivals, religion, dance, drama, sports, games, flowers, names of the years, fine arts, porcelains, products, industries, sundry, oddities, proverbs, sightseeing and far too many others to list. Each subject is completely covered on one page. A valuable referennce and "dictionary" of all things Japanese, with lovely native illustrations. * Useful for any students, collectors, writers, art collectors of all subjects. * CONFUSION REGARDING CORRECT AUTHOR: Some copies do not show Frederic De Garis on the title page, and this leads to confusion as to the correct author. We see that some catalogue this under Atsuharu Sakai, or others whom are not the author. This is a bibliographic error. Others catalog this under H.S.K. Yamaguchi who was not the author, but the manager of the hotel. *** A STANDARD REFERENCE FOR ALL THINGS JAPANESE Book Number: 84130207 RareOrientalBooks.Com $43 401 DE GARIS, Frederic. WE JAPANESE: Being Descriptions of many of the Customs, Manners, Ceremonies, Festivals, Arts & Crafts of the Miyanoshita [1949], Fujiya. Stitched pictorial cloth, paper folding cases, 3 vol. set, index, profuse b. w. photos, 15 x 21 cm., exceptionally clean, bright copies,189+199+200 pages like new, excellent covers. NICE POST WORLD WAR 2 SET This excellent reference resource covers virtually everything on and about Japan. Including history, religion, Ainu, crests, Netsuke, Geisha, goldfish, clothing, hot springs, legends, natural history, theater, silkworm, folk art, general arts, literature, chronology, travel guide, national, historical, legendary, artistic, aesthetic, poetic tastes of the Japanese, characteristics, superstitions, customs, festivals, religion, dance, drama, sports, games, flowers, names of the years, fine arts, porcelains, products, industries, sundry, oddities, proverbs, sightseeing and far too many others to list. Each subject is completely covered on one page. A valuable referennce and "dictionary" of all things Japanese, with lovely native illustrations. * Useful for any students, collectors, writers, art collectors of all subjects. * CONFUSION REGARDING CORRECT AUTHOR: Some copies do not show Frederic De Garis on the title page, and this leads to confusion as to the correct author. We see that some catalogue this under Atsuharu Sakai, or others whom are not the author. This is a bibliographic error. Others catalog this under H.S.K. Yamaguchi who was not the author, but the manager of the hotel. *** A STANDARD REFERENCE FOR ALL THINGS JAPANESE Book Number: 84130208 402 DE GARIS, Frederic. WE JAPANESE: Being Descriptions of many of the Customs, Manners, Ceremonies, Festivals, Arts & Crafts of the Yokohama [1950], Yamagata. Stitched cloth, bright, paper folding case, 3 vols. bound in one, index, 591p., profusely illustrated. This excellent reference resource covers virtually everything on and about Japan. Including history, religion, Ainu, crests, Netsuke, Geisha, goldfish, clothing, hot RareOrientalBooks.Com $70 springs, legends, natural history, theater, silkworm, folk art, general arts, literature, chronology, travel guide, national, historical, legendary, artistic, aesthetic, poetic tastes of the Japanese, characteristics, superstitions, customs, festivals, religion, dance, drama, sports, games, flowers, names of the years, fine arts, porcelains, products, industries, sundry, oddities, proverbs, sightseeing and far too many others to list. Each subject is completely covered on one page. A valuable referennce and "dictionary" of all things Japanese, with lovely native illustrations. * Useful for any students, collectors, writers, art collectors of all subjects. * CONFUSION REGARDING CORRECT AUTHOR: Some copies do not show Frederic De Garis on the title page, and this leads to confusion as to the correct author. We see that some catalogue this under Atsuharu Sakai, or others whom are not the author. This is a bibliographic error. Others catalog this under H.S.K. Yamaguchi who was not the author, but the manager of the hotel. *** A STANDARD REFERENCE FOR ALL THINGS JAPANESE Book Number: 84130209 403 DE GARIS, Frederic. WE JAPANESE: Being Descriptions of many of the Customs, Manners, Ceremonies, Festivals, Arts & Crafts of the Yokohama [1950], Yamagata. Stitched cloth, very good, 3 volumes bound in one, index, 591p., profusely illustrated, 15 x 21 cm., bright, clean copy. This excellent reference resource covers virtually everything on and about Japan. Including history, religion, Ainu, crests, Netsuke, Geisha, goldfish, clothing, hot springs, legends, natural history, theater, silkworm, folk art, general arts, literature, chronology, travel guide, national, historical, legendary, artistic, aesthetic, poetic tastes of the Japanese, characteristics, superstitions, customs, festivals, religion, dance, drama, sports, games, flowers, names of the years, fine arts, porcelains, products, industries, sundry, oddities, proverbs, sightseeing and far too many others to list. Each subject is completely covered on one page. A valuable referennce and "dictionary" of all things Japanese, with lovely native illustrations. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $94 Useful for any students, collectors, writers, art collectors of all subjects. * CONFUSION REGARDING CORRECT AUTHOR: Some copies do not show Frederic De Garis on the title page, and this leads to confusion as to the correct author. We see that some catalogue this under Atsuharu Sakai, or others whom are not the author. This is a bibliographic error. Others catalog this under H.S.K. Yamaguchi who was not the author, but the manager of the hotel. *** $94 CELEBRATING THE END U.S. OCCUPATION OF JAPAN Book Number: 21142401 404 DE YOUNG MEMORIAL MUSEUM. ART TREASURES FROM JAPAN: Special LoanExhibition inY. Commemoration of the Signing of the Peace Treaty in [San Francisco] 1951, Young Memorial Mus. Gray stiff wrs., no pagination, exhibition catalog, 2 color, many b.w. photos very good, about A-4. Covers Japanese: painting, woodblock prints, masks, calligraphy, arms, armour, swords, Tsuba, bronzes, lacquer, ceramics, dolls & textiles. Nicely done, useful reference. Lists 150 items. $7 Book Number: 88004701 405 DE YOUNG MEMORIAL MUSEUM. ONE HUNDRED OBJECTS OF ASIAN ART FROM THE AVERY BRUNDAGE COLLECTION. San Francisco 1960, De Young. Stiff wrs., very good, 24p.,21 b.w. photos. Limited 5000 copies. Exhibition of 127 objects from the collection, covering Chinese & Japanese paintings, clean, solid copy. FIRST EDITION Buddhist stele, Chinese ritual bronzes, ceramics, sculpture, cloisonne, metal work, lacquer &. Also articles from Korea, Iran, Tibet & Nepal, Cambodia and India. A useful reference. $15 Book Number: 89005301 406 DEGUCHI, Onisaburo. THE ART OF ONISABURO DEGUCHI [1871-1948] AND HIS SCHOOL: Ceamics, Paintings, Calligraphy and Textiles. New York 1975, Oomoto Foundation. Stiff wrs.,64p, very clean 10 b.w. photos, excellent examples of his creative and very beautiful art forms, English and German text, solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION The celebrated artist's works in all of his medium are now displayed in a travelling exhibition. This catalogue is enhanced by a series of appreciatons & essays by leading Japanese art exponents who comment in English translation on Deguchi's monumental contribution to Japanese art genre. RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 JAPAN'S LEGENDARY ADVERTISING GIANT'S ADVERTISING GUIDE Book Number: 24069701 407 DENTSU ADVERTISING LTD. INDUSTRIAL JAPAN. Tokyo 1968, Dentsu. Stiff pictorial wrs., 21.5 x 28 cm.,very good, 336p., Quarterly No. 11, April 1968, SPRING SPECIAL, English text, charts, statistics, profuse photos. FIRST EDITION Copious work, covers a large number of Japanese economic issues, the miracle of Japan's economy. Dentsu is the number three advertising company in the world and number one in Japan. Loaded with copious information. $5 JAPAN'S LEGENDARY ADVERTISING GIANT'S ADVERTISING GUIDE Book Number: 24069702 408 DENTSU ADVERTISING LTD. INDUSTRIAL JAPAN. Tokyo 1970, Dentsu. Stiff pictorial wrs., 21.5 x 28 cm., new copy in original cardboard box, 308p,., Quarterly No. 19, SPRING SPECIAL, English text, charts, statistics, profuse photos. FIRST EDITION Copious work, covers a large number of Japanese economic issues, the miracle of Japan's economy. Dentsu is the number three advertising company in the world and number one in Japan. Loaded with copious information. $5 Book Number: 95234901 409 DETROIT INSTITUTE OF ARTS. ART OF INDIA, CHINA, AND JAPAN. Ahead of Title: Picture Book [Detroit] 1946, D.I.A. Grey stiff wrappers, very good, 29 bw captioned photos, very clean solid copy.FIRST & ONLY EDITION This nice little book shows ceramic pieces, Buddhist, Jain, & Hindu art, animals, vessels, also a Taoist mirror, some paintings and a color on silk from Korea's Korai period. RareOrientalBooks.Com $19 Book Number: 84130501 410 DICK, Stewart. ARTS AND CRAFTS OF OLD JAPAN. Chicago 1905, McClurg. White cloth spine over boards, 153p., 153p., 30 b.w. photos. Covers painting, color printing, scupture and carving, metal work, ceramics, lacquer, landscape gardening, very good solid copy. FIRST EDITION A LOVELY LOOK AT MEIJI ERA JAPANESE PHOTOGRAPHS Book Number: 24057701 411 DOBSON, Sebastian. et al. ART & ARTIFACE: Japanese Photographs of the Meiji Era: Selections From the Jean S. and Frederic A. Sharf Collection Boston 2004, MFA. Stiff wrs., as new, 96p., 40 color, 5 b.w. photos, co-author Anne Nishimura Morse & F. Sharf, a sharp, as new copy, 25.5 x 20 cm. FIRST & ONLY EDITION With the influx of Westerners to Japan during the Meiji period [1868-1912] came the rise of the Japanese photo industry. Originally created as souvenirs for foreign travelers, these pictures soon came to act as a prepackaged guide: Before long, the tourist's first stop in Japan was the photographer's studio, where he ordered the handsomely-made photo album that would help set his itinerary. But more than this, these photographs reveal an astounding virtuosity, not only in composition but also in the technique of color retouching, which brought these views of daily life, splendid gardens, bustling cityscapes, and theatrical performances to a new level of vividness. Blatantly artificial, these photographs also convey a true and resonant picture of Japanese society at the dawn of the modern age. * ART AND ARTIFACE: Japanese Photographs of the Meiji Era provides a brief, elegant introduction to Meiji-era photographs and to the world in which it flourished. In three essays and over 70 illustrations, it explores the RareOrientalBooks.Com $10 social function of these photos and their remarkable artistry, the practicalities of transpacific travel at the turn of the century, and the personal stories of those who collected and preserved these images--leaving us with a privileged glimpse into this pivotal moment in Japanese cultural history and the history of photography. ** A useful reference for any collector of early Japanese hand-tinted photography. * $19 Book Number: 95236201 412 DOHRENWEND, Doris. THE EAST ASIAN GALLERIES. [Toronto 1969], R.O.M. Black stiff wrappers, very good, 55p. map, plan, 81 b.w. photos, bibliography, chronology, very good solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION An intelligent discussion of the late Neolitich, Bronze, and early Iron age in China, early Chinese ceramics, the T'ang tradition and the art of the Tomb figurines, Sung traditions in Chinese ceramics, arts of different Chinese dynasties, blue & white, sculpture, the arts of Japan & Korea, also the arts of India. Well written, with archaeological discussion. $7 Book Number: 94020601 413 DOI, Tsugiyoshi. MOMOYAMA DECORATIVE PAINTING. Vol. 14. The Hiebonsha Survey of Japanese Art. New York [1977], Weatherhill. Blue cloth, very clean, 166p., 35 color, 113 b.w. photos, solid copy, nice dust jacket. FIRST EDITION Scholarly art history, covering the meaning & characteristics of Shoheki-ga, shoji & shoji-e, Fusuma painting. . The Yamato-e & Kanga style, Kara-e, Shoheki-ga, Kanga & Kimpeki styles, magnified, close-up composition. . Shoheki-ga and castles, Azuchi Castle, Kano Eitoku, golden age of Shoheki-ga. Momoyama painters & their milieu, Kano & other schools, characteristics of Shoheki-ga in the Momoyama. . Kano school works, works of other schools, screens &c. . RareOrientalBooks.Com $12 Book Number: 94020602 414 DOI, Tsugiyoshi. MOMOYAMA DECORATIVE PAINTING. Vol. 14. The Hiebonsha Survey of Japanese Art. New York [1977], Weatherhill. Blue cloth, very good, 166p., 35 color, 113 b.w. photos. FIRST EDITION Scholarly art history, covering the meaning & characteristics of Shoheki-ga, shoji & shoji-e, Fusuma painting. . The Yamato-e & Kanga style, Kara-e, Shoheki-ga, Kanga & Kimpeki styles, magnified, close-up composition. . Shoheki-ga and castles, Azuchi Castle, Kano Eitoku, golden age of Shoheki-ga. Momoyama painters & their milieu, Kano & other schools, characteristics of Shoheki-ga in the Momoyama. . Kano school works, works of other schools, screens &c. . EXCELLENT COLOR STUDY OF CHINESE & JAPANESE EROTIC ART WORKS Book Number: 22084801 415 DOPP, Hans-Jurgen. THE EROTIC ORIENT. New York 2001, Parkstone Press. Pictorial boards, 104p., as new, profusely illustrated in color, English text, 15.5 x 23 cm., dust jacket, as new bright copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION A useful recent study, covers the erotic theme as found in Chinese painted albums & books, carvings, sculptures, hidden erotic art and in ceramics. The Japanese section also covers erotic woodblock printed books, prints, and a lovely section on erotic ivory carvings or Netsuke. An unusual color refer- RareOrientalBooks.Com $10 ence, nicely done. $15 Book Number: 86109803 416 [DORRINGTON-WARD, Carol.] ed. FANS FROM THE EAST. London (1978), Peerage. Stiff pictorial wrs., 88p., 30 color 79 bw photos., bibliography, notes, very good copy, The Fan Circle & the Victorial & Albert Museu. Tracing the pre-history through China and its appearance in the 6th century in Japan. The changes and transformations of this useful and beautiful object. Its eventual export to the west, and reaction of the Europeans. The attraction as Tracing the pre-history through China and its appearance in the 6th century in Japan. The changes and transformations of this useful and beautiful object. Its eventual export to the west, and reaction of the Europeans. The attraction as an art form for famous artists of China and Japan to decorate these daily objects, and its eventual movement throughout Asia. Loaded with colorful examples, this work is based on an exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum in 1979. an art form for famous artists of China and Japan to decorate these daily objects, and its eventual movement throughout Asia. Loaded with colorful examples, this work is based on an exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum in 1979. Excellent reference. $5 Book Number: 90047001 417 DRAKES VOYAGES. SEDANS USED BY THE JAPANESE LADIES OF QUALITY. [London c.1750]. A single sheet, hand colored, 11.25 x 8 inches, very good, framable. Showing an elaborate riksha, with woman passenger. A MOST FAMOUS AND STUNNING LOOK AT JAPAN'S NATIVE ARTS RareOrientalBooks.Com $124 Book Number: 84130804 418 DRESSER, Christopher. JAPAN: Its Architecture, Art, and Art Manufactures. London 1882, Longmans. Buff pictorial cloth, 467p., bibliography, 202 b.w.illustrations, rebacked, very good.This work had a profound effect on the European Art Nouveau movement, clean solid copy. FIRST EDITION A masterpiece work on Japanese art, design and creative artistic process. Recognized as a standard early important study, this work embodies the best attributes of Japan's long tradition of art and art works. This keen eye of an architect and ornaments has rendered a treasured work. A valued acquisition for any art reference library. RARE. Dresser was a leader in the late 19th century vogue for Japanese influenced design. An important work by one of the first professional designers discussing many aspects of the Japanese national style of conventional ornament &c... * Book Number: 97052901 419 DREXLER, Arthur. THE ARCHITECTURE OF JAPAN. New York [1955], M.O.M.A. Black cloth, very clean, 286p., profusely illustrated with b.w. photographs, figures, line drawings, solid copy in very nice dust jacket. FIRST EDITION This work covers the relevance of traditional Japanese architecture to modern Western building. . RareOrientalBooks.Com $485 Covers the environment & religious beliefs which influenced architecture, great Shinto shrine at Ise is fully illustrated for the first time with authorized photographs. . Traditional principles of structure, masterpieces, gardens et al. *** $15 EXCELLENT RESOURCE FOR MODERN JAPANESE PRINTS & PRINT MAKERS Book Number: 97094702 420 [DRORI, Irene.] NEWSLETTER ON CONTEMPORARY JAPANESE PRINTS. [Los Angeles 1972, Juda Foundation]. Stiff cream wrs., very good, 23p., 8 b. w. photos. Vol. 3, No. 2. Works of Shiko Munakata, personal memoir by Munsterberg. Sumio Kawakami. This journal was devoted to Japan's modern print makers and was short lived. The articles are very good & contain good illustrations, bibliographical notes, and other useful data for any collector or student of this subject. Any copies of this journal are quite scarce and are seldom found for sale. $53 Book Number: 84130903 421 DU CANE, Florence. THE FLOWERS AND GARDENS OF JAPAN. London 1908, Black. Decorated pictorial cloth,49 of 50 color plates painted by Ella Du Cane, very good, solid copy, top edge gilt, 249p., 16 x 22.8 cm., sold "as is." FIRST EDITION This famous book is illustrated by high quality color paintings by the author. . The author addresses the landsdscape gardening, stones and other garden ornaments, fences, nursery gardens, dwarf trees & Hachi-niwa, temple gardens, summer flowers, peach, plum, cherry, wistaria, peony, azaleas, iris, morning glory, lotus, chrysanthemum, maple leaves, bamboo, pine-tree and a host of others. . This important and valuable work has been hailed the as the "best source," this is an understatement. The color paintings are superb and beautifully executed. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $29 Book Number: 90028002 422 DUNN, Charles J. EVERYDAY LIFE IN IMPERIAL JAPAN. New York [1989], Dorset. Black cloth spine over boards, very good, dj., 197p., notes, index, map, 102 b.w illustrations. An excellent look at early life in the period from 1600-1850 and a country in isolation. The Samurai, farmers, craftsmen, merchans, courtiers, priests, doctors and intellectuals. The actors, outcasts, everyday life in Edo. This integrated work addresses the interactions of each class of citizen, and the activities of the society as a whole. Of especial interest is the attention given to crafts & tradesmen, the swordmaker andstone mason, lacquer workers, money changers, pawnbrokers the rice merchants, candel maker, kite seller, story teller, night watchman, & a host of others. A good look at life during this fascinating period of non-Western influence. $70 Book Number: 96117601 423 DURSUM, Brian A. BIRD, BEASTS, BLOSSOMS, AND BUGS IN EAST ASIAN ART. Coral Gabels [1993], Lowe. Stiff color wrs., very good, 40 color plates, illustrating about 125 individual objects, Netsuke, Chinese ceramics, jade, paintings &c., clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION $7 Book Number: 89099301 424 EARLE, Joe. AN INTRODUCTION TO NETSUKE. Owing Mills [1980], Stemmer. Pictorial color boards,47p.very clean, artist index, 79 color photos, bibliography, 19 x 25 cm., solid copy. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION A profusely illustrated guide, covering a wide variety of carved articles. The author was the Assistant Keeper in the Far Eastern Dept., Victoria & Albert Museum. * A very useful color-illustrated reference for any collector or student. * Book Number: 36014901 425 EARLE, Joe. Splendors of Meiji: Treasures of Imperial Japan Masterpieces from the Khalili Collection [London 1999], Broughton. Red cloth, 384p., 341 color + 550 illusstrations, dust jacket, tall folio 24.5 x 31.5 cm.,maps index, concordances, glossary, illustrating & describing 397 superb objects, bibliography, slight damped, else clean. Magnificent volume devoted to the enamelware, textiles, RareOrientalBooks.Com $9 porcelain, bronzes, metalwork, exotic goods for globetrotters, Satsuma ware, history, myth, religion and topography, lacquer, the Philadelphia to Paris 1876-1910 Exhibitions of the mid-Meiji period, Paris to London 1900-1910 Exhibition, sculpture, textiles, works of the artists to the Imperial Household, and so much more ! . Superb color reference. A COPIOUS AND MAJOR BIBLIOGRAPHY ON ALL CLASSES OF E-HON Book Number: 98157902 426 EDGREN, J.S. CATALOGUE OF THE NORDENSKIOLD COLLECTION OF JAPANESE BOOKS IN THE ROYAL LIBRARY. Stockholm 1980, [Royal Library]. Green stiff wrs., very good 388p., slight bump to corner, contents clean, concordance, with 1082 excellent entries with full bibliographic description for each, with English & Japanese characters. OBSCURE ! With 1082 entries with full bibliographic notes , Also with personal name & book title index. . The A.E .Nordenskiold collection of Japanese illustrated books was made in Japan 100 years ago as a direct result of the famous & celebrated successful voyage of the "VEGA" through the so-called North-east Passage: from Sweden over the Northern waters of Russia and through the Bering Strait. * The world-famous expedition was led by Adolf Erik Nordenskiold [18 Nov. 1832-12 Aug. 1901], who with his officers and crew spend the months of September & October, 1879 in Japan before proceeding on to Sweden by the Southerly route and through the Mediterranean Sea. * Nordenskiold related the history & findings of the expedition in an eminently readable, popular report of the journey, in 2 vols. entitled THE VOYAGE OF THE VEGA AROUND ASIA AND EUROPE, London & N.Y., 1881.It contains three chapters devoted to the 2 months in Japan, in which brief mention of the book collection is made. *** From a Swedish translation: "An even more valuable contribution to the knowledge of Japan's older history & its people's ancient culture is provided by the rather extensive Japanese book collection that I succeeded to bring together during my brief stay there. I was assisted by a young Japanese...on my account he searched through the stocks of countless antiquarian book dealers in RareOrientalBooks.Com $12 Yokohama, Tokyo & Kyoto...I was guided by the desire to be able to bring home a more valuable & more enduring memento than could be conveyed by the natural history collections..." Thus it was very clear, during his visit the old feudal estates were being confiscated & the dispersal of a large number of historical & family collections of arms, armor, old books were completely disregarded & went to curio & book stores in great numbers." * This major and hitherto most OBSCURE bibliographical resource offers the collector a new & keen insight to a whole genre of E-hon many of which are NOT listed in the other standard reference bibliographies of the past. The preface offers a rich history of the collection and the first attempt at cataloging by Leon de Rosny, which was severely flawed. * A major resource for pre-Meiji books. Each entry shows the Romanized, Kanji author & title with English notes on date, original price, size, Rosny and other reference citations, with notes on the covers & title labels. The whole work is organized in the traditional subject format following that of the Naikaku Bunko with sections on: general, Shintoism, Buddhism, language, literature, music and drama, history, geography, government -law -economics, education, physical sciences, medicine, industries, fine arts and amateur arts, military arts, Sinology and Chinese works, book & personal name index. An essential reference for any collector or student of E-hon. * $83 AN IMPORTANT DESIGN, MOTIF & ART REFERENCE RESOUCE Book Number: 84131001 427 EDMUNDS, Will H. POINTERS AND CLUES TO THE SUBJECTS OF CHINESE & JAPANESE ART As Shewn in Drawings, Prints, Carvings & the Decoration of London [1934], Low. Yellow cloth, very good, 725p., many b w illustrations, very clean. FIRST EDITION A LIMITED EDITION OF 1000 COPIES SUBTITLE: cont. Porcelain and Lacquer, with Brief Notices of the Related Subjects. An important reference tool, covering in copious detail Chinese, Japanese & Buddhist subjects.With an alphabetical dictionary of "Pointers & Clues" with definitions of subjects. The work continues as a dictionary covering the Chinese & Japanese subjects. Easily used, completely in alphabetical order by these subjects or key words.With a glossary of Japanese words with English meanings. If you are tired of looking everywhere for those obscure meanings, this source will induce easy finds.A Major reference source. * THE FIRST EDITION WAS LIMITED TO 1000 COPIES. GROUP OF LOVELY COLOR PERIOD MAPS OF OLD EDO CITY AREAS RareOrientalBooks.Com $80 Book Number: 35011601 428 EDO KIRI CHIZU. EDO KIRI CHIZU: A GROUP OF 19th CENTURY COLOR WOODBLOCK PRINTED SECTION OR "KU" MAPS OF EDO [OLD TOKYO]. [Edo 1850-1861]. A group of 28 of 31 original period color woodblock-printed maps, folds to 9.2 x 16.5 cm.,all the same uniform size blue covers, title slips, smallest opens to be 54.49.3 cm.; largest is 54.5 x 74 cm.,1-7,8-21,23-30. RARE ! This is an offering of a group of original period woodblock printed sectional maps of the old city of Edo, now modern day Tokyo. *** GENERAL CONDITION: All in original blue paper covers with labels, a few labels are in facsimile. Any old worming was restored from the verso using period handmade Washi paper and rice glue. All maps are now stable and solid. Old stains, discoloration or other typical condition issues with the covers, by and large very good contents, no stains or blemishes, restored old worming. *** GROUP 1: Contains 28 of 31 maps, 1 title slip in facsimile, else all original. This group also contains six original map envelope covers which originally contained each map. These are for the most part soiled, torn, rear cover detached or otherwise simply excellent examples of how the maps were originally protected. These are seldom found if ever with the maps. An added bonus to the group ! . Condition: All maps are very good or better some have old restored worming, and are now solid. Some covers have old stains, oxidizing of the blue color, else contents clean, excellent registry, excellent color, all folded several times as issued. Complete with all covers. *** GROUP 2: Contains 23 of 31 maps, 3 title slips in facsimile, else all original. . CONDITION: All maps are very good or better some have old restored worming and are now solid. Some covers have old stains, oxidizing of the blue color, else contents clean, excellent registry, excellent color, all folded several times as issue. One map lacks the back cover, else complete with all covers. *** THE MAPS: Each map shows a specific area of old Edo, now called "Ku" [ward, district or section] of the city. Much detail to each map shows the name of the Daimyo Loyal Retainers, their Mon, name of the street, location of rivers, canals, bridges, RareOrientalBooks.Com directional compass, temples, shrines, special gardens, flower locations, fire stations, with a color coded key to the above and also stores, roads, rivers and other geographical features. * There is also a colophon on each map, showing date of publication, author or compiler, location of the publisher and address. *** An excellent example of the complex and grand city of Edo during the late Edo period [prior to 1868]. Each individual map is a cartographic treasure. With all of the usual features found in larger and earlier maps. *** REFERENCE: HAMADA, Giichiro. comp. EDO KIRI E ZU: ILLUSTRATED SECTIONAL MAPS OF EDO. 2 volume set. These maps are found & listed in both vol. 1 and 2 of this set. We have elected to follow the numbering found in volume one, which shows some 31 maps in all. There has always been a variation as to the exact count of the sections of old Edo, and this work shows both versions and lists each section's name. The list in volume 1 seems to best suit the group of sectional maps we have. * [KONDO Gennichi.]: MEIJI TOKYO KUBUN CHIZU ZEN: Tokyo Daishoo Kubun Chizu & Tokyo Jyuugo Kubun Chizu: COMPLETE MEIJI TOKYO WARDS [KU]:LARGE & SMALL WARDS & THE FIFTEEN WARDS OF TOKYO. * EDO KIRI MAPS: 3&dq=EDO+KIRI+MAP+NAMES&source=bl&ots=r3MkvkDGOT&sig=3Q5PE4s SpuYcmEsbNPqL50n9-tg&hl=en&sa=X&ei=F0NbVfzfGcfTsAXeuIGgBg&ve d=0CBQQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=EDO%20KIRI%20MAP%20NAMES&f=false *** GROUP OF LOVELY COLOR PERIOD MAPS OF OLD EDO CITY AREAS Book Number: 35011602 429 EDO KIRI CHIZU. EDO KIRI CHIZU: A GROUP OF 19th CENTURY COLOR WOODBLOCK PRINTED SECTION OR "KU" MAPS OF EDO [OLD TOKYO]. [Edo 1850-1861]. A group of 23 of 31 original period color woodblock-printed maps, folds to 9.2 x 16.5 cm.,all the same uniform size blue covers, title slips,smallest opens to 54 x 49.3 cm.;largest: 54.5 x 74 cm.,#'s 1-6,9-17,19-21,23-26,30. This is an offering of a group of original period woodblock RareOrientalBooks.Com $3313 printed sectional maps of the old city of Edo, now modern day Tokyo. *** GENERAL CONDITION: All in original blue paper covers with labels, a few labels are in facsimile. Any old worming was restored from the verso using period handmade Washi paper and rice glue. All maps are now stable and solid. Old stains, discoloration or other typical condition issues with the covers, by and large very good contents, no stains or blemishes, restored old worming. *** GROUP 1: Contains 28 of 31 maps, 1 title slip in facsimile, else all original. This group also contains six original map envelope covers which originally contained each map. These are for the most part soiled, torn, rear cover detached or otherwise simply excellent examples of how the maps were originally protected. These are seldom found if ever with the maps. An added bonus to the group ! . Condition: All maps are very good or better some have old restored worming, and are now solid. Some covers have old stains, oxidizing of the blue color, else contents clean, excellent registry, excellent color, all folded several times as issued. Complete with all covers. *** GROUP 2: Contains 23 of 31 maps, 3 title slips in facsimile, else all original. . CONDITION: All maps are very good or better some have old restored worming and are now solid. Some covers have old stains, oxidizing of the blue color, else contents clean, excellent registry, excellent color, all folded several times as issue. One map lacks the back cover, else complete with all covers. *** THE MAPS: Each map shows a specific area of old Edo, now called "Ku" [ward, district or section] of the city. Much detail to each map shows the name of the Daimyo Loyal Retainers, their Mon, name of the street, location of rivers, canals, bridges, directional compass, temples, shrines, special gardens, flower locations, fire stations, with a color coded key to the above and also stores, roads, rivers and other geographical features. * There is also a colophon on each map, showing date of publication, author or compiler, location of the publisher and address. *** An excellent example of the complex and grand city of Edo during the late Edo period [prior to 1868]. Each individual map is a cartographic treasure. With all of the usual features found in larger and earlier maps. *** REFERENCE: HAMADA, Giichiro. comp. EDO KIRI E ZU: ILLUSTRATED SECTIONAL MAPS OF EDO. 2 volume set. These maps are found & listed in both vol. 1 and 2 of this set. We have elected to follow the numbering found in volume one, which shows some 31 maps in all. There has always been a variation as to the exact count of the sections of old RareOrientalBooks.Com Edo, and this work shows both versions and lists each section's name. The list in volume 1 seems to best suit the group of sectional maps we have. * [KONDO Gennichi.]: MEIJI TOKYO KUBUN CHIZU ZEN: Tokyo Daishoo Kubun Chizu & Tokyo Jyuugo Kubun Chizu: COMPLETE MEIJI TOKYO WARDS [KU]:LARGE & SMALL WARDS & THE FIFTEEN WARDS OF TOKYO. * EDO KIRI MAPS: 3&dq=EDO+KIRI+MAP+NAMES&source=bl&ots=r3MkvkDGOT&sig=3Q5PE4s SpuYcmEsbNPqL50n9-tg&hl=en&sa=X&ei=F0NbVfzfGcfTsAXeuIGgBg&ve d=0CBQQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=EDO%20KIRI%20MAP%20NAMES&f=false *** $2722 Book Number: 91112103 430 EDWARDS, Lisa A. et al. NETSUKE THE COLLECTION OF THE PEABODY MUSEUM OF SALEM. Salem 2000, Peabody. Stiff wrs., very clean, 160p., index, glossary, appendices, 9 color, 768 b.w. photos, co-author was Margie M. Krebs, as new, solid copy. A useful reference, covering the vast collection. Addressing the dities, demons, folk tales, people, masks, animals, Sagemono, plants, functional & decorative Netsuke, shop sig . With useful appendix of artists signatures helpful for all students & collectors of Netsuke. Book Number: 93011301 431 EGAMI, Namio. THE BEGINNINGS OF JAPANESE ART. VOL.2. HEIBONSHA SURVEY OF JAPANESE ART. New York [1973], Weatherhill. Blue cloth, very clean, map,32 color, 166 b.w. photos, fold out table. Co-author: T. Esaka. & A. Amakasu, solid copy. FIRST EDITION RareOrientalBooks.Com $14 Covers origins of Japanese art, Jomon, Yayoi & Tumulus periods, center of Jomon culture: Hokkaido and Tohoku areas. . Archaic & early Jomon pottery, expressions in stone, culture after Jomon. Sculpturesque tradition, the Kanto & Chubu area the late Jomon artistic changes. . Frontier of the Yayoi and Tumulus cultures. Continental gateway: the Kyushu area, dawn of Yayoi & influence of Tumulus periods. . Advent of powerful clans: the Kinai & Setouchi areas. Art before Tumulus period and aspects of Yayoi & Tumulus art. Yayo metal culture, tomb and grave goods, Haniwa et al. * $9 Book Number: 93011302 432 EGAMI, Namio. THE BEGINNINGS OF JAPANESE ART. VOL.2. HEIBONSHA SURVEY OF JAPANESE ART. New York [1978], Weatherhill. Blue cloth,very clean, map, 32 color, 166 b.w. photos, fold out table. Co-author: T. Esaka. & A. Amakasu, solid copy in very nice dust jacket. Covers origins of Japanese art, Jomon, Yayoi & Tumulus periods, center of Jomon culture: Hokkaido and Tohoku areas. . Archaic & early Jomon pottery, expressions in stone, culture after Jomon. Sculpturesque tradition, the Kanto & Chubu area the late Jomon artistic changes. . Frontier of the Yayoi and Tumulus cultures. Continental gateway: the Kyushu area, dawn of Yayoi & influence of Tumulus periods. . Advent of powerful clans: the Kinai & Setouchi areas. Art before Tumulus period and aspects of Yayoi & Tumulus art. Yayo metal culture, tomb and grave goods, Haniwa et al. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $9 Book Number: 93011303 433 EGAMI, Namio. THE BEGINNINGS OF JAPANESE ART. VOL.2. HEIBONSHA SURVEY OF JAPANESE ART. New York [1973], Weatherhill. Blue cloth,very clean, map, 32 color, 166 b.w. photos, fold out table. Co-author: T. Esaka & A. Amakasu, clean ex-private library copy, signatures stamped, else contents clean & solie, nice dj. FIRST EDITION Covers origins of Japanese art, Jomon, Yayoi & Tumulus periods, center of Jomon culture: Hokkaido and Tohoku areas. . Archaic & early Jomon pottery, expressions in stone, culture after Jomon. Sculpturesque tradition, the Kanto & Chubu area the late Jomon artistic changes. . Frontier of the Yayoi and Tumulus cultures. Continental gateway: the Kyushu area, dawn of Yayoi & influence of Tumulus periods. . Advent of powerful clans: the Kinai & Setouchi areas. Art before Tumulus period and aspects of Yayoi & Tumulus art. Yayo metal culture, tomb and grave goods, Haniwa et al. * A CLASSIC STORY OF SAMURAI COURAGE FROM THE 16TH CENTURY Book Number: 99069701 434 EHON AMAGO YUUSHI DEN: ILLUSTRATED STORY OF A BRAVE SAMURAI. EHON AMAGO YUUSHI DEN: ILLUSTRATED STORY OF A BRAVE AMAGO SAMURAI: The Story of Yamanaka Shikanosuke. [Tokyo 1870 Tohsendoh]. Stitched orange wrs., very good, 8.5 x 12 cm., 19 double folded leaves, 50 pages of steel or copper engraved illustrations, two large fold-outs opens to be a double set with 4 illustrations on both sides 8 in all. This work shows the courage & heroism Yamanaka Shikanosuke, one of the bravest who served his Shogun Amago in the Sannin RareOrientalBooks.Com $7 district. * It was during the 16th century, that Yamanaka became a wellknown legend for his bravery. This work outlines his deeds & escapades as a warrior. It shows various scenes in the life and actions of Yamanaka, a women who threw off male attackers, young people listening to the tales of recited by Yamanaka. Views of his early childhood, as he rode a deer, while his mother was protected by a monkey. * Suppressing the Inoshishi [wild boar], how he protected his Lord Amago from attackers while traveling in a palanquin as he fends off attackers. His sword duels, in full armor, protection of unarmed Buddhist priests, suppression of animal monsters, capture of enemies &c. Fascinating graphic representations of true stories from Japan's rich Samurai past. * The theme of courage, loyalty and honor is clearly delivered, and has become legendary. Expertly executed etchings drawn by Bai-Doh Kunimasa. * FORMAT: The book is a very small size, easily put in the pocket. The kind of a book people carried around and read. Nicely done, profusely illustrated work, capturing the imagination of the reader. ********** BIBLIOGRAPHY: Not in Kerlen. * A STUNNING SET OF DESIGN BOOK FOR JAPANESE OBJECTS Book Number: 84355501 435 EITAKU, Sensai. BANBUTSU HINAGATA GAFU: BOOK OF DESIGNS. [Tokyo 1880-81, Eto]. Vols. 1-4 of a 5 vol. set, very good, blue, green, purple stitched wrs., some faint damp stain on vol.1, 129 double-pages woodcut illustrations, hand-printed on Washi paper, 15 x 23.5 cm. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Contains b.w. illustrations of E-hon, textiles, scrolls and birds, flowers, Chinese heroes, pottery, porcelain &c. Compiled by Otagawa Yasuchika, the well known ivory carver. * This is signed "Sensai Eitaku" [Kano School, 1843-90]. Eitaku [Kobayashi] was a Japanese style painter & became a pupil of Kano Eitoku Tatsunobu. He attained Samurai status, RareOrientalBooks.Com $270 later he edited several painting books & was an illustrator for the "Yokohama Mainichi Shimbun," specializing in historical subjects. He worked in the Kano, and later Nanga styles. Eitaku: [1843-90]. Superbly done, quite nice ! * CONDITION: The set is bound in original various colored covers, with title slips, title slip of vol. 4 is half gone, and there is some spotting to the front and rear covers of that volume else all are with usual edge wear and some small nibbles on the bottom of vol. 1. Contents of all are clean, no worming. **** REFERENCE: L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.23 for more details. * H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS AND MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS #29, p.14. * Louise N. BROWN: BLOCK PRINTING AND BOOK ILLUSTRATION IN JAPAN, p.180. * L. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS: pp.180-181. *** A STUNNING SET OF DESIGN BOOK FOR JAPANESE OBJECTS Book Number: 84355503 436 EITAKU, Sensai. BANBUTSU HINAGATA GAFU: BOOK OF DESIGNS. [Tokyo 1881, Eto]. Purple stitched binding wrs., vol. 4 of 5 only, 20 double page woodblock illustrations, printed on hand made paper, 15 x 22.5 cm., very good. Contains b.w. illustrations of E-hon, textiles, scrolls and birds, flowers, Chinese heroes, pottery, porcelain &c. Compiled by Otagawa Yasuchika, the well known ivory carver. * This is signed "Sensai Eitaku" [Kano School, 1843-90]. Eitaku [Kobayashi] was a Japanese style painter & became a pupil of Kano Eitoku Tatsunobu. He attained Samurai status, later he edited several painting books & was an illustrator for the "Yokohama Mainichi Shimbun," specializing in historical subjects. He worked in the Kano, and later Nanga styles. Eitaku: [1843-90]. Superbly done, quite nice ! * CONDITION: The set is bound in original various colored covers, with RareOrientalBooks.Com $1358 title slips, title slip of vol. 4 is half gone, and there is some spotting to the front and rear covers of that volume else all are with usual edge wear and some small nibbles on the bottom of vol. 1. Contents of all are clean, no worming. **** REFERENCE: L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.23 for more details. * H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS AND MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS #29, p.14. * Louise N. BROWN: BLOCK PRINTING AND BOOK ILLUSTRATION IN JAPAN, p.180. * L. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS: pp.180-181. *** $136 Book Number: 84131202 437 ELISSEEV, Serge. LA PEINTURE CONTEMPORAINE AU JAPON. Paris 1923, Boccard. Blue cloth, very good, 81 b.w. photos, index, bibliography, notes, original wrappers bound in, text in French, bookplate, else clean solid copy. FIRST EDITION Scholarly monograph on Japanese painters and paintings from the Meiji era (1868) through 1900. Perspective on the traits and characteristics of modern works. Excellent study, with copious indices artist names and subjects covered. SCARCE A CHARMING AND QUAINT HAND-PAINTED MINIATURE EROTIC BOOK Book Number: 27052401 438 EN SHO HI CHO. EN SHO HI CHO: SECRET BOOK OF BIG LEAVES AND SWALLOW. RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 [An Erotic Color Painted Japanese Miniature Albuml] [Japan's]. Green silk brocade cloth covers, very clean, solid copy, 8.5 x 12 cm., accordion folded, painted on both sides, 12 double-page erotic color paintings, all edges gilt, on thick album leaves. OBSCURE CHARMING WORK *** *** *** . . . A SUPERB POLYCHROME PAINTED MINIATURE EROTIC ALBUM . . TWELVE DOUBLE-PAGE STUNNING EROTIC SCENES . . *** A miniature Japanese hand-painted erotic album. As was the custom at the time, these albums were seldom signed or signed with a pseudonym to hide the true artist's name. . This stunning and skillfully painted album is most likely the anonymous work of a famous Ukiyo-e artist, executed in polychrome with the utmost detail. * THE TITLE: EN SHO HI CHO:SECRET BOOK OF BIG LEAVES THE SWALLOW: Is a play on words, the "big leaf" means the vagina, and the "swallow" refers to the penis, and of course most of the erotic books contain the character "Hi" [Himitsu = secret] secret or hidden book in the title. . **** TWELVE DOUBLE-PAGE EROTIC PAINTINGS: Front Side: . 1. A man with a large hard-on holds his penis projecting from his Kimono, as he listens to a couple on the other side of the Shoji screen making love. . The opposite page shows a sexually excited woman flushed and pink-faced, while she also listens to the adjacent couple making love. She prepares to wipe her freely flowing love-fluids, she holds a packet of Chirishi [toilet paper] at the ready. Her Kimono is parted, revealing her red under wear with her legs parted. . 2. A man inserts his fingers inside the his lover's vulva, she closes her eyes in ecstasy, pink-faced and flushed. . 3. A couple making love, the woman rides on top of the man, her rear end exposed, showing his penis entering her vagina. She is flushed and red-faced in excitement. . 4. A couple making love. The woman is on her knees offering her rear to him, as he enters her vagina, we can see his testecals and a fierce look on his face. His Kimono is pulled open, her Kimono is pulled over her back, revealing her bright red under Kimono. . 5. Before a grand screen of landscape and a plum tree in blossom, a couple make love. She clutches a packet of Chirishi [toilet paper] in her right hand. She is on her back, spread wide and open, he penetrates her fully-exposed vagina revealing his penis half-way inside her. He clutches RareOrientalBooks.Com her around the back of her neck with both arms, holding her Kimono firmly. He is flushed and pink-faced in ecstasy. . 6. A man makes love and enjoys two women. His penis penetrates the closest woman and sucks her nipple, while inserting his fingers into the vagina of the second. Both women have exposed vagina's. All three display very bright red-pink-flushed faces in fits of sexual passion. * VERSO OR BACK SIDE OF THE ALBUM: . 7. A naked woman is on her back, spread-eagle, right leg held up by his left arm. She is top-mounted by her passionate male lover. He is on his knees penetrating her anus. The woman flails her arms, squinting in pain, the man has a firm look on his pink-flushed face. Her Kimono is spread below, her wooden pillow is pushed off to the side. . 8. A fully naked and well-tattooed man sits on the Tatami mat, while holding a naked woman's left leg up enough to easily enters her exposed vagina from the rear. Love fluids freely flow from her vagina. She faces away from her lover while supporting herself by holding his right leg and left hand on the Tatami. He is pink-faced in ecstasy. . 9. A man catches a prostitute on the street. He pushes her against a building, while pulling up the back side of her Kimono. Spreading his Kimono open, he enters her vagina from the rear. They are both exposed from the hips downward, revealing their genitals. The are both quite red-faced in moment of sexual passion and ecstasy. . 10. An afternoon scene, the man wears a cloth over his head, hiding himself from the public. He secretly entered his lover's room. The eager and passionate lovers embrace, he is on his knees, she willingly sits back spreading her vagina while he penetrates her, ejaculating quickly with excitement. Love fluids flow from her vagina. Their Kimonos are pulled up to their hips, revealing their genitals. She is clutches him tightly holding his Kimono fast. Her face is brightly flushed pink. A white cockatoo observes from his cage. . 11. A night scene, the man has secretly entered his lover's room, he uses his Kimono to block out the lantern light. Holding a lighted candle in his left hand, he sheds light to reveal the sight of the couple's love-making. She is on her back, knees spread wide revealing her naked vagina, he sits on his knee, fully penetrating her vagina, which flows love-fluids. He holds her firmly with right hand. She is locked in a passionate grip behind her neck, eyes closed lost in ecstasy. His face and neck are pink-flushed with sexual passion. Her Kimono is thrown open, her bright-red under Kimono above her pubic area. . 12. The last scene is a classic of Japanese erotica. A man visits his beloved and favorite prostitute. She has pulled open her Kimono revealing her breasts and vagina. She sits back, resting both feet on her lover's chest, offering her vagina to him. He sits back resting against the door jam near naked as his Kimono is pulled off his shoulders. His penis penetrates her vagina as he suddenly notices a person RareOrientalBooks.Com just outside the doorway. . Just beyond the open sliding doors is an unashamed young prostitute, who is voyeuring the couple making love, which greatly excites her. Pulling her Kimono up over her back and on all fours, reveals her naked rear end and vagina. She reaches under and between her legs with her right hand, masturbating her vagina with her fingers. Her whole body is a sexually excited pink-flush. . *** . EXCELLENT AND HIGHLY SKILLED PAINTING TECHNIQUE AND DESIGN: . This adorable and charming miniature album is a very solid, with excellent color and fine detail, executed by a first class artist. Much attention has been paid to the facial details, sensual facial expressions, the elaborately designed Kimono, rooms, their design and art work, and every facet of common life during the mid-19th century Japanese culture. The book reflects the average person, and their dwellings, costume, coiffeur and erotic social customs. . *** EROTIC ART BANNED BY THE SHOGUN: From the Tokugawa period [1604], the Shogun banned erotica in all forms. This was an effort to demonstrate to foreign missionaries and foreign traders [i.e. Dutch merchants in the Nagasaki] that the Japan and the Japanese were a high-cultured people, not a "base people or culture" by prohibiting erotic books and paintings from their culture. . Being illegal, these books mostly circulated privately or "underground," being passed around discreetly. Artists either avoided signing their erotic woodblock-printed books and prints, or signed them with some ironic anti-political or anti-Shogunate name. Nevertheless the public could easily identify the painting style and know the artist's name. Many artists were jailed for either erotic art production or anti-Shogunate political satirical books and prints. . Regardless, substantially large number of anti-Shogun and erotic works were popularly circulated in society continually down to the modern period. Erotica in Japan is an ancient art form, continuing for millenum. . *** SIZE AND FORMAT: The album is small, commonly called "Mamebon" or "Bean Book" in Japan due to its miniature size. This kind of miniature book was easily concealed in the Kimono sleeve and joyfully carried around and jshared among friends, loaned or sold in the street. . *** REFERENCES: LANE, Richard.: IMAGES FROM THE FLOATING WORLD: THE JAPANESE PRINT, INCLUDING AN ILLUSTRATED DICTIONARY OF UKIYO-E. . LANE, Richard.: THE EARLY SHUNGA SCROLLS. Tokyo 1979, Gabundo. . RareOrientalBooks.Com LANE, Richard.: THE EROTIC THEME IN JAPANESE PAINTING AND PRINTS. [Tokyo 1968-69, Gabundo.] . LANE, Richard.: EROTIC THEME IN JAPANESE PAINTING: THE EARLY SHUNGA SCROLL. [Tokyo 1979, Gabundo] . BEURDELEY, Michel. et al.: EROTIC ART OF JAPAN: The Pillow Poem. * FAGIOLI, Marco.: SHUNGA THE EROTIC ART OF JAPAN. * ILLING, Richard.: JAPANESE EROTIC ART: And the Life of the Courtesan. . Note: Please check with us as we may have some of the above reference items. *** Color scans of this & most other items posted to our website. $2725 ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS ON JAPANESE GARDENS & DESIGNS Book Number: 84131301 439 ENGEL, David H. JAPANESE GARDENS FOR TODAY. Rutland [1959], Tuttle. Brown cloth, 270p., many b.w. illustrations, bibliography, index, very good. FIRST EDITION A classic study, covers the theory, why & what, some universal garden effects, human principles, some intrinsic characteristics, conventional classification. The practice: how? rocks, stones, house & garden, water, enclosures, steppingstones, artifacts, garden care & plant pruning. The realization, plant list. With a foreword by Richard Neutra. A very good resource. ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS ON JAPANESE GARDENS & DESIGNS RareOrientalBooks.Com $10 Book Number: 84131302 440 ENGEL, David H. JAPANESE GARDENS FOR TODAY. Rutland [1959], Tuttle. Brown cloth, 270p., many b.w. photos bibliography, index, dj. Basic rules for creating a garden in a serene Japanese style. Forward by Richard Neutra, clean solid copy. FIRST EDITION A classic study, covers the theory, why & what, some universal garden effects, human principles, some intrinsic characteristics, conventional classification. The practice: how? rocks, stones, house & garden, water, enclosures, steppingstones, artifacts, garden care & plant pruning. The realization, plant list. With a foreword by Richard Neutra. A very good resource. $12 Book Number: 95269601 441 ENGEL, Heino. MEASURE AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE JAPANESE HOUSE. Tokyo [1985], Tuttle. Stiff wrs.,very clean, 19 x 26 cm.,250 floor plans, sketches, aspects of joinery illustrated, very solid, nice copy. FIRST EDITION Covers measuring system and module, system of plan layout, examples of floor plans, structural framework, space enclosures, movable space controls, construction for spiritual spaces, house enclosures. . A fabulous work, with much detail to the workings, materials, composition & the Shibui design. $24 Book Number: 95269602 442 ENGEL, Heino. MEASURE AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE JAPANESE HOUSE. Tokyo [1987], Tuttle. Stiff wrs., very good, 19 x 26 cm.,250 floor plans, sketches, aspects of joinery illustrated, very clean, solid copy. Covers measuring system and module, system of plan layout, examples of floor plans, structural framework, space enclosures, movable space controls, construction for spiritual spaces, house enclosures. . A fabulous work, with much detail to the workings, materials, composition & the Shibui design. RareOrientalBooks.Com $22 A FASCINATING MINIATURE ACCORDION ALBUM OF EROTIC PRINTS Book Number: 90077901 443 EROTIC MEIJI JAPANESE WOODBLOCK PRINTED COLOR ALBUM. EROTIC MEIJI JAPANESE WOODBLOCK PRINTED COLOR ALBUM. [Japan ca. 1870]. Small calico cloth covered accordion album 10 x 13 cm., very good, 12 color erotic woodblock prints, with 1 b.w. photo layed down on the verso of an old erotic woodcut print,a bit of the old silver gilt edges left. RARE! The title slip on the cover is somewhat illegible, but possibly can be read: UME TO TORA: PLUM & TIGER. * The contents are nicely done, showing twelve different scenes of love-making prints of a man and a woman. . 1. & 2. Man on top missionary position, shows genital parts. . 3. Man licking her vulva while she holds it open and she licks his penis. . 4. & 5. Man on top making love, they exchange tongue kiss. . 6. A Bonze [Buddhist priest] inserts his fingers into her vulva, while he sucks on her nipple . 7., 8. & 9. Woman is on top, making love, genitals exposed. . 10. 11 & 12. Man is on top, love making, genitals exposed. *** CONDITION: The calico covers are a bit dusty, the accordion folds are solid, not weak or torn. Title slip is rubbed. . Each print is nicely woodblock printed. There is a tiny bit of purple transfer from the end paper on the first & last print. Others clean, * A nice example of Meiji [1867-1912] period printing by a skilled painter & artist. As usual, this work is not signed RareOrientalBooks.Com as this kind of erotically illustrated work was banned by the Shogun. Nevertheless this kind of "Shun-pon [erotic book] was still produced and distributed under the table. *** LIVELY GROUP SEX EROTIC FANTASY WOODBLOCK COLOR PRINTS Book Number: 98161601 444 EROTIC PRINTS. PAIR OF SHUNGA JAPANESE EROTIC COLOR WOODBLOCK PRINTS. [Japan nd. ca 1840's]. Pair of oblong Japanese hand colored woodcut prints, printed on tissue Washi paper, black outline gouache color, 2 small verso mends, a bit of color transfer. UNUSUAL WORK ! *** *** *** . . Early Shunga, closely resembles the work of Harunobu? Masanobu school ? . This pair of matching prints shows three couples engaged in love making. Each scene consists of three men, most likely good friends visiting a whore house. In the first print, the men are anxiously engaging the women with large penis erect and entering the vulva, while the women provide "service." One is passively smoking a Kiseru pipe and holding a fan, as she permits her guest to "enter from the rear." Another man tries to kiss his girl while he too plunges into her. In the second print, the three men & two other women look with much interest as the prostitute in the center gladly opens her legs revealing her vulva. . One man and his prostitute are distracted by this from their love-making, while his erect "member" points upward. The background shows this room to be off a verandah on a summer's day, with elaborate furniture & smoking box, also a tray of food, and a very large Bonsai tray upon a table. . This work looks somewhat primitive and "rough" when compared to very sophisticated later color-printed Ukiyo-e. . SIZE: The first print is 31.8 x 11.8 cm., second is 32.6 x 11.8 cm. . *** CONDITION: RareOrientalBooks.Com $2312 The work is woodblock-printed on thin paper. Because the paper is so very thin, when it was hand-colored, the color ran in the "Bokasu" method, and spread beyond intended borders. This is common for a work on this kind of paper. There are two mends on the verso of the second, near the edge which does not detract from the overall image. . *** REFERENCES: BEURDELEY, Michel. et al. EROTIC ART OF JAPAN: The Pillow Poem. * UKIYOE SHUNGA MEI HIN SHU SEI:THE COMPLETE UKIYO-E SHUNGA: * EVANS, Tom. et al. SHUNGA: The Art of Love in Japan. * FAGIOLI, Marco. SHUNGA THE EROTIC ART OF JAPAN. * GROSBOIS, Charles. SHUNGA IMAGES OF SPRING: Essay on Erotic Elements in Japanese Art. * LANE, Richard. EROTIC THEME IN JAPANESE PAINTING: THE EARLY SHUNGA SCROLL. . --.THE EARLY SHUNGA SCROLLS. * GICHNER, Lawrence E. EROTIC ASPECTS OF JAPANESE CULTURE. * ILLING, Richard. JAPANESE EROTIC ART: And the Life of the Courtesan. * RAWSON, Philip. EROTIC ART OF THE EAST: The Sexual Theme in Oriental Painting & Sculpture. . --. ORIENTAL EROTIC ART. * UHLENBECK, Chris. ed. et al. JAPANESE EROTIC FANTASIES: Sexual Imagery of the Edo Period. * WINZINGER, Franz. MEISTERWERKE DER EROTISCHEN KUNST JAPANS. MASTERWORKS OF JAPANESE EROTIC ART. * Please inquire with us about any of the above reference books we may have them in stock. . *** Book Number: 84186801 445 FAGIOLI, Marco. RareOrientalBooks.Com $491 UTAMARO, KOI NO HUTOSAO. [Florence 1977], Tipografia. Stiff wrs., 118p., full text in English & Italian, with 9 unexpurgated erotic color prints, as new copy. LIMITED EDITION 1500 NUMBERED COPIES. R A R E Scholarly study of the erotic prints of Utamaro, 16 x 24 cm. $65 Book Number: 97044601 446 FAIRSERVIS, Walter A. Jr. BEFORE THE BUDDHA CAME: The Story of the Earliest Civilizations of the Far East. New York [1972], Scribner's. Black cloth, very good, dj.,132 pages, index, bibliography, chronology, many b.w. photos, maps, top edge rubber-stamped, else clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION A scholarly resource covering the archaeological & art remains in the record. China: her beginnings, spirits, ancient bronzes, tomb finds, superstitions & ancient culture. Korea: The three kingdoms, 'Rabbitland," ancient culture, artifacts and Confucian background. Japan: early Jomon, legendary beginnings, Yamato, writing & speech, the coming of the Buddha. Central Asia: nomads, ancient Tagar culture & artifacts, barbarians in China, home in Scythia, life on the steppe, sorcery & religion, the great Chief in life & death. $3 AN ECCLECTIC LOOK AT THE CLASSIC COSTUMES & MINORITY FASHION Book Number: 98109601 447 FAIRSERVIS, Walter A. Jr. COSTUMES OF THE EAST. Riverside [1971], Chatham. Red cloth, very good, dj., 160p., index, bibliography, appendix of costumes in the Museum collection, many color & b.w. photos. drawings, clean solid, copy. FIRST EDITION An excellent and ecclectic work, covers the costumes of each of the countries & cultures of: Central Asia, China, Japan, Korea, Balkans, Caucasus, Ukraine, Near East, Iran, Afghanistan, India and Pakistan, high borderlands: Kashmir, Nepal, Sikkim, Butan, Tibet. Southeast Asia: Burma. Thailand, many minority & ethnic groups, Chu'an, Miao, et al, Laos. Southeast Siberia, Manchuria, Bonins & Siberia. A very rich resource, lavishly illustrated showing the true color & nature of each individual culture. Nicely done ! A LOVELY B.W. PHOTO POSTCARD ALBUM OF KYOTO TEMPLES & SITES RareOrientalBooks.Com $15 Book Number: 34032701 448 FAMOUS PLACES IN KYOTO. FAMOUS PLACES IN KYOTO: A 29 Postcard Album. [Japan no date ca 1900-1910, no publisher]. Stiff pictorial covers, very good, 14.8 x 9 cm., 29 b. w. collotype photos, lacks back cover, else clean, bright, all cards unused, with English & Japanese caption, green ribbon tied spine. OBSCURE This is a lovely early set of 29 views of the most famous Kyoto temples, shrines and scenic places, all done prior to the burn-down of Kinkakuji and Ginkakuji temples after which they were rebuilt. An excellent early example of Kyoto temples, historic architecture. . This set comes with the usual poor English or transliteration of the period. * 1. THE KINKAKUJI TEMPLE 2. THE HELL [sic BELL] OF CHEJIN 3. THE CHIOIN-TEMPLE 3. THE CATE [sic GATE] OF CHIRIN 4. THE GOSHYO-DEY OF GATE 5. THE NJIO-CASTLE [sic NIJO] 6. THE NISHI-HONGWANJI 7. THE HIGASHI-HONGWANJI 8. THE HIGASHI-HENGWANJI-GATE [sic Honganji] 9. MEIJI IMPEROR [sic Emperor] MOUNT 10. THE INARI-SHRINE 11. THE SANJUSANGENDO 12. THE HOKOKU-SHRINE 13. THE BELL OF DAIBUTSU 14. THE NISHIOTANI 15. THE KIYOMIDXU-TEMPLE [sis KIOMIZU] 16. THE YASAKA TEWER [TOWER, i.e. PAGODA] 17. THE YASAKA-SHRINE 18. THE SHIJO-BRIDGE 19. THE SANJO BRIDGE 20. THE MARUYAMA NEWNESS PRK [sic NEW MARUYAMA PARK] 21. THE TAIGYOKUDEN 22. THE SOSUI-INELAINE 23. THE AHUEJUJI, HONDE 24. THE KUROTANI TEMPLE 25. THE GINKAKSJI [sic GINKAKU-JI TEMPLE] 26. THE SHIMEGAMO-SHRINE 27. THE KIUMOUHRINE [sic KIUMOU SHRIE] 28. THE OMURO-NIANAJI 29 THE ARASHIYAMA * Each photograph is a sharp image, in black & white, done in postcard format. All are blank verso [back], unused. The spine is perforated in two places, and then tied with a green ribbon to keep all in place. Clean, nice copy. RareOrientalBooks.Com * THE PHOTOS: Since this item is tightly bound, it is very difficult to take any photos of the contents. Suffice to say all are as above described. Color cover & verso photos are posted to our website. * $99 A MAJOR EARLY JOURNAL PUBLISHED IN JAPAN Book Number: 96000001 449 FAR EAST. THE FAR EAST: AN EXPONENT OF JAPANESE THOUGHTS & AFFAIRS. [Yokohama 1896-97]. New black cloth, very good, 732p., Vol.I #11 & Vol. II #1-6, 8-12 as is,faint hint of old center fold very clean, contents page, first few pages edge wear.R A R E This is a major early journal written by foreign residents & Japanese. It contains a wealth of articles, anecdotes, and a host of valuable early printings on Japanese subjects. With a valuable contents page listing articles in each issue. It was also the 'news paper' to the foreign community regarding Japanese laws, government activites in the Diet, loaded with "special contributions," news & notes, drawings by Japanese artists, early appearance of the Iwakura Embassy to America, which covered the first Japanese to come to America, Kanrin Maru, articles on Japanese nobility, festivals, artists, customs, religion, theatre, treaties, laws, foreign impressions on Japan. Japan's Formosan & Korean colonies, Japanese women, Marquis Ito & Korean affairs, philosophy, Japan's view of China. Formosa & its inhabitants by Davidson, the Formosan insurrection, Korean commerce by Count Okuma, the arrival of Li Hung-Chang, an article by Count Tolstoi and women, Marquis Ito & Korean affairs, philosophy, Japan's view of China. Formosa & its inhabitants by Davidson, the Formosan insurrection, Korean commerce by Count Okuma, the arrival of Li Hung-Chang, an article by Count Tolstoi and $1180 Book Number: 86115101 450 FAR EASTERN CERAMIC GROUP. MARCH 1949. FAR EASTERN CERAMIC BULLETIN. N. p., March 1949, F.E. Ceramic Group. Stiff wrs., 38-47p., 3 actual photos tipped, very good, solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION In March 1949: With articles: Junsei Ozaki's SOGEN NO TOJI continued. Also F. StG. Spendlove's KU YUEH HSUAN IMPERIAL PORCELAIN. Scholarly articles well written, with examples. THE COMPLETE RUN FROM THE BEGINNING RareOrientalBooks.Com $19 Book Number: 89068301 451 FAR EASTERN CERAMIC GROUP. VOL. 1-12. FAR EASTERN CERAMIC BULLETIN. 1948-1960. [Amsterdam [1975], Israel. Grey cloth, very solid,2 vol set, index, bibliograhy, glossary, 711 tables, 1641 pages, 4 maps hundreds of b.w. photos, 12 vols. bound in 2, dust jackets, 18 x 25 cm., bright, clean set, complete work, clean copy. This is a reprint of the first twelve issues beginning in 1948 through 1960, covering serial numbers 1-43 inclusively. This is an exact reprint of the bulletins, with a foreword by Basil Gray. Covering the ceramics and potteries of Japan, China, Korea and other places in the Far East issued under the auspices of the Fogg Art Museum. . A highly valuable and scholarly journal which expired in 1960. Many of the papers were written by leading scholars, and also reported the results of the Research Laboratory. With summaries of Japanese, Chinese, Korean & Russian writings on the subject. . An important post World War II reference source, supported by Garner Paine, Pope, Rogers, Lee et al. A very useful resource. *** This two volume set is heavy, appropriate shipping costs apply. *** REFERENCES: Artnzen Rainwater Q167. * VERY EARLY [1879] PHOTO OF A RARE SNOW-FALL IN YOKOHAMA Book Number: 90046501 452 [FARSARI, A.] A 83 SNOW SCENERY AT YOKOHAMA. [Yokohama ca. 1879]. An albumen photograph, very clean, card RareOrientalBooks.Com $49 mounted: photo size: 26.3 x 20.8 cm., card size: 40.5 x 30.3 cm., an excellent example, sharp and clear image. * A RARE & OBSCURE, UNRECORDED IMAGE * AN EARLY, UNSIGNED PHOTOGRAPH ATTRIBUTED TO A. FARSARI. . Common of the early period, most photographers working in Japan did not sign their images. They did however number and title them in a unique way identifying [to them !] as their work. The major flaw in that logic comes after they sell, trade or otherwise transfer ownership of the negative to other photographers. *** EXCEPTIONALLY RARE & EARLY IMAGE: This image has not been found listed or cited in the literature below. It appears to be "un-recorded" and so early that its negative may have been damaged or destroyed, therefore very few examples remain. If it were one of the common negatives sold, exchanged or used by other photographers under their name, there would be ample examples found throughout the literature and the graphic record. This example appears to have been taken in the early period, before hand-coloring was a common feature of the genre. It appears to be a weather inspired work, done in an effort to record the rare and unusual snow-fall in Yokohama. This is a truly OBSCURE and RARE image! We believe it to be a true reflection of Farsari's earliest period of personally inspired photographs. There are very few other images of any Yokohama snow-fall. *** A RARE VIEW OF A SNOW-FALL IN YOKOHAMA: The Image Details: . An excellent early photograph showing Mt. Fuji in the background, a river scene with a Japanese cargo 'junk,' a single well covered rickshaw on the left quay is seen heading away from the camera. Two Japanese men in Kimono are on the quay, one holds an umbrella, the other holds a "Boston Bag" a kind of foreign style small bag with two handles, on the left bank. * THE CAPTION: In the lower left corner is the caption: "A 83 SNOW SCENERY AT YOKOHAMA." . This caption was a common feature for a larger number of photographs from Japan in this period. This number is not found in any of the Bennett books, and remains illusive with virtually no published or recorded literature about it. See below reference books. * THE COMPOSITION: The photograph is very nicely composed. A bleak, cold scene along the river with several vessels covered in snow tied up to the right bank. The left quay and cobble-stone walkway has snow build up. * WHO WAS THE PHOTOGRAPHER: ALDOLFO FARSARI: . ADOLFO FARSARI [1841-1898] was an Italian photographer based in Yokohama, Japan. His studio, the last notable foreign-owned studio in Japan, was one of the country's largest and most prolific commercial photographic firms. Largely due to Farsari's exacting technical standards and RareOrientalBooks.Com his entrepreneurial abilities it had a significant influence on the development of photography in Japan. . Following a brief military career, including service in the American Civil War, he became a successful entrepreneur and commercial photographer. His photographic work was highly regarded, particularly his hand-coloured portraits and landscapes, which he sold mostly to foreign residents and visitors to the country. . Farsari's images were widely distributed, presented or mentioned in books and periodicals, and sometimes recreated by artists in other media; they shaped foreign perceptions of the people and places of Japan and to some degree affected how Japanese saw themselves and their country. . MASS CONFUSION IN TRUE IDENTITY OF MOST JAPANESE IMAGES: . It is also worthy to note that Farsari used several Japanese to hand-color and assist in developing and creating souvenir albums for the western visitor trade. Some of these Japanese eventually opened their own photography studios in Yokohama and in other port cities where foreigners arrived and departed. In the late years Farsari sold and exchanged negative images with some of these Japanese photographers. In the end, a large number of negatives exchanged hands, resulting in a general 'loss' of attribution to the exact photographer to took the original photo. This cause mass confusion in the Japanese photographic history and genre. . A semi-reliable method to determine authorship of a photograph it to have knowledge of photographic souvenir albums, some of which had a sticker place inside a cover with the studio name. Again confusing, but some reflect the artistic style and unique composition habits, thus connecting them to that photographer. Its more of an art than a science. The reference books are loaded with mis-attribution to the dearth of photographic images. *** FARSARI AND YOKOHAMA SHASHIN: FARSARI & YOKOHAMA PHOTOGRAPHY During the time Farsari was in Yokohama, there were also a good number of other foreign and Japanese photographic studios actively taking photos and creating souvenir photo albums. . To list some: Beato, Stillfried, Tamamura, Kusakabe Kimbei, Ogawa Kazumasa, and Uchida Kuichi were all competitors. Farsari being a perfectionist, makes him perhaps the best of all photographers working in Japan during this period. See the Wikipedia article below for more info. *** CONDITION: The photograph is very clean, with a sharp and very clear image. There is a minor bit of the usual fading common to photos of this early era. Being a very bleak, cloudy winter day, Mt. Fuji in the background is a bit faint, but clearly outlined with a lot of snow. . The image has been laid-down on a clean board and is solid. The board looks similar to the kind of heavy rag-paper common to the better quality albums of the period, there is not foxing anywhere on the board or image. There is a very RareOrientalBooks.Com mild bit of warping to the board, again common to an item of this age. The verso of the board is clean, without annotation. *** REFERENCE: The following are some useful bibliographies to consult for more information on this album and Japanese early photography in general: * We have had another Yokohama bound photo album by Farsari many years ago. This contained a good number of his albumen photos mounted on similar rag-board, and was leather bound with title: "THE ENVIRONS OF YOKOHAMA," a large size format: 34.5 x 6.5 cm. . BENNETT, Terry. EARLY JAPANESE IMAGES . BENNETT, Terry. OLD JAPANESE PHOTOGRAPHS: COLLECTORS' DATA GUIDE. . H. Bayou; FELICE BEATO ET L'ECOLE DE YOKOHAMA. JAPANISCHE PHOTOGRAPHIE 1860-1929. . H. Cortazzi: JAPAN CAUGHT IN TIME. . [Feliz Beato/R. von Stillfried]: ONCE UPON A TIME: Visions of Old Japan from the Photos of Beato and Stillfried & the Words of Pierre Loti. . Claudia G. Philipp et al: FELICE BEATO IN JAPAN: Photographien zum Ende der Feudalzeit 1863-1873. . C. Worswick: JAPAN PHOTOPGRAPHS 1854-1905. . Philipp March & Claudia Delank: THE ADVENTURE OF JAPANESE PHOTOGRAPHY 1860-1890. . LA LEGGENDA DI UN IMPERO: Felice Beato e la scuola fotogarfica di Yokohama alla scoperta del Giappone 1860/1900 for more useful details, valuable images and information. * More on Aldolfo Farsari: *** AN EARLY BRITISH PRIMARY RESOURCE ON EARLY JAPAN Book Number: 89017702 RareOrientalBooks.Com $1000 453 FAULDS, Henry. NINE YEARS IN NIPON: Sketches of Japaense Life and Manners. Boston 1888, Cupples. Pictorial mustard cloth, very good, 42 illustrations after Japanese woodcuts, 3 maps, 304p., book plate, very clean & crisp copy. 42 illustrations, 13.5 x 21 cm. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION This excellent primary source was written by a surgeon at Tsukiji Hospital in Tokyo. It is a description of Japan and of the Japanese, their great cities, daily activities, life at work and a guide to the sights by this seasoned resident and traveler. His intelligent commentaries upon Japanese art, gardens, schools, language, flower arrangement, houses, manners and amusements are a valuable contribution to the study of 19th century Japan. * Fascinating narrative covering in detail the hygienic Japanese their miniature gardens, art and artistic manufactures, moral, honorific & etiquette, the Tokaido journey, Koi fish, ancient trees, Jinrikisha man, missionary martyrs, tortoise shell work, schools, Chinese money changers, drying cuttle-fish, spiders & beetles, Fuji & egrets, paddy fields. * A thoroughly wonderful work, written by a trained observer and humanist. The author was a close friend of Sir Harry Parks. Marvelous reading and narrative. * AN EARLY BRITISH PRIMARY RESOURCE ON EARLY JAPAN Book Number: 89017703 454 FAULDS, Henry. NINE YEARS IN NIPON: Sketches of Japaense Life and Manners. Boston 1888, Cupples. Pictorial brown cloth, very good, 42 illustrations after Japanese woodcuts, 3 maps, 304p., very good copy, two ex-library blind-stamps, small label removed from spine, else clean, 13.5 x 21 cm. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION This excellent primary source was written by a surgeon at Tsukiji Hospital in Tokyo. It is a description of Japan and of the Japanese, their great cities, daily activities, life at work and a guide to the sights by this seasoned resident and traveler. His intelligent commentaries upon Japanese art, gardens, schools, language, flower arrangement, houses, manners and amusements are a valuable contribution to the study of 19th century Japan. * Fascinating narrative covering in detail the hygienic Japanese their miniature gardens, art and artistic RareOrientalBooks.Com $896 manufactures, moral, honorific & etiquette, the Tokaido journey, Koi fish, ancient trees, Jinrikisha man, missionary martyrs, tortoise shell work, schools, Chinese money changers, drying cuttle-fish, spiders & beetles, Fuji & egrets, paddy fields. * A thoroughly wonderful work, written by a trained observer and humanist. The author was a close friend of Sir Harry Parks. Marvelous reading and narrative. * $745 AN EARLY BRITISH PRIMARY RESOURCE ON EARLY JAPAN Book Number: 89017704 455 FAULDS, Henry. NINE YEARS IN NIPON: Sketches of Japaense Life and Manners. Boston 1888, Cupples. 3/4 Brown leather over marbled boards 42 illustrations after Japanese woodcuts, 3 maps, 304p.,very good sharp, top gilt, excellent, no foxing, clean copy, 14 x 21 cm. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION RARE This excellent primary source was written by a surgeon at Tsukiji Hospital in Tokyo. It is a description of Japan and of the Japanese, their great cities, daily activities, life at work and a guide to the sights by this seasoned resident and traveler. His intelligent commentaries upon Japanese art, gardens, schools, language, flower arrangement, houses, manners and amusements are a valuable contribution to the study of 19th century Japan. * Fascinating narrative covering in detail the hygienic Japanese their miniature gardens, art and artistic manufactures, moral, honorific & etiquette, the Tokaido journey, Koi fish, ancient trees, Jinrikisha man, missionary martyrs, tortoise shell work, schools, Chinese money changers, drying cuttle-fish, spiders & beetles, Fuji & egrets, paddy fields. * A thoroughly wonderful work, written by a trained observer and humanist. The author was a close friend of Sir Harry Parks. Marvelous reading and narrative. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $716 Book Number: 88099801 456 FAULKNER, R.F.J. et al. SHINO AND ORIBE KILN SITES: A Loan Exhibition of Mino Shards From Toki City at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford February 1981 Oxford [1981], Sawers. Stiff color wrs.,very clean, 96p., 16 color, 120 b.w. photos, 15 figures, 2 maps, index, co-author O.R. Impey, solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION This is an interesting monograph, covering the Mino kilns of the Momoyama period: Shirashi wares, Yamachawan wares, introduction of Seto technology, pre-Momoyama Ogama the ash & iron glazed wares. Momoyama Ogama black Seto and related the yellow Shino wares. . Early Noborigama Shino, green, red and Narumi, monochrome Oribe wares & their imitations of other Japanese wares. Iron glazed, Ofuke ware & kiln furniture. . An excellent work, scholarly in nature, covering the depth and width quite well, based on excavations & reports of some 16 & 17th century Mino kiln sites. . With 8 plates, 3 folding. * AN ECCLECTIC DESIGN BOOK FOR ALL ART FORMS Book Number: 98101201 457 FEDDERSEN, Martin. JAPANESE DECORATIVE ART: A Handbook for Collectors & Connoisseurs. New York [1962], Yoseloff. Red cloth, very good, dj., 296p., index, bibliography, folding comparative chronological table sixty-year cycle mtable, Japanese year [Nengo] tables, 15.5 x 24 cm., clean solid copy nice dj. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION An important contribution to the study of Japanese art works with historical survey from pre & proto-history down to modern times or since 1868. RareOrientalBooks.Com $10 . Covers ceramics, metalwork, lacquer & a history of lacquer-work, leather work, basketry, iconography: Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Chinese legend and history, Seven Gods of Good Luck, tales of Chivalry, poets, painters & calligraphers, fairy tales, festivals, fabulous creatures, plants, landscapes & architecture. . Valuable reference resource for collectors of any form of Japanese art and the designs found on them. With a special section on textiles. . Nicely done. * $7 AN ECCLECTIC DESIGN BOOK FOR ALL ART FORMS Book Number: 98101202 458 FEDDERSEN, Martin. JAPANESE DECORATIVE ART: A Handbook for Collectors & Connoisseurs. London [1962], Faber. Red cloth, very good, 296p., index, bibliography,folding comparative chronological table,60 year cycle table, Japanese year [Nengo] tables, dust jacket in mylar protector, 15.5 x 24 cm., solid. FIRST BRITISH EDITION An important contribution to the study of Japanese art works with historical survey from pre & proto-history down to modern times or since 1868. . Covers ceramics, metalwork, lacquer & a history of lacquer-work, leather work, basketry, iconography: Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Chinese legend and history, Seven Gods of Good Luck, tales of Chivalry, poets, painters & calligraphers, fairy tales, festivals, fabulous creatures, plants, landscapes & architecture. . Valuable reference resource for collectors of any form of Japanese art and the designs found on them. With a special section on textiles. . Nicely done. * A CLASSIC BY THE CELEBRATED ART HISTORIAN ON JAPANESE PRINTS RareOrientalBooks.Com $7 Book Number: 94029701 459 FENOLLOSA, Ernest F. THE MASTERS OF UKIOYE: A Complete Historical Description of Japanese Paintings & Color Prints of the Genre School. New York 1896, Ketcham. Grey boards, very good, 115p., 447 well described items, with dates, analytical comments on printing techniques &c.,intro by Frederick W. Gookin, covers bit worn, contents clean, compliments of A. Hayashi, N.Y. A classic, by one of the most important scholars on Japanese art and former curator of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Essentially a catalouge of exhibition of some 447 items, each of which are nicely described by Fenollosa. Essential material for any collector or student. Scans can be sent by email. $95 Book Number: 98048701 460 FENOLLOSA, Ernest F. AN OUTLINE OF JAPANESE ART. [New York 1899, Century Magazine]. New stiff yellow wrs., very clean, 2 extracted articles: pp.62-75 & pp.276-289, 25 b.w. photos/illustrations, first appearance of these essays, nice and solid. UNUSUAL EARLY ESSAYS FIRST &ONLY EDITION THE ORIGINAL EARLY ESSAYS: . These essays cover Japanese art, primitive, coming of Buddhism, first civilization, religious sculpture, Indian & Chinese prototypes, Corean importations, early Japanese sculpture, bronze statuettes, Trinity, open halo work, Greco-Buddhist art, clay sculpture, contact with China, esoteric Buddhism, Kyoto capital art, period of aristocracy, social culture, Kobo Daishi school, religious & Chinese paintings, isolation of Japan, feudal system, drawings, four great masters, decay, New Sung culture, neo-Confucianism education, Zen idealism. . Useful essays from the celebrated Asian art historian and author. WITH 20 STUNNING COLOR PLATES AFTER JAPANESE ARTISTS RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 Book Number: 84048601 461 FENOLLOSA, Mary. BLOSSOMS FROM A JAPANESE GARDEN: A book of child-verses. London 1913, Heinemann. Full leather, 20 beautiful color tipped-in plates, 59p., color paintings after Japanese artists, purple leather + gold embossed stamping, crisp, 16 x 22 cm.,top edge gilt,a lovely solid copy. FIRST EDITION Consisting of forty great selections from Japan's rich traditional literary past. A wonderful children's book, lavishly illustrated with tipped-in color plates. A great addition to any library. * We believe this work was written by Ernest Fenellosa's daughter. * Spine a bit faded, else clean, bright, solid copy. * $54 A MOST INTERESTING PHOTO ESSAY OF MT. FUJI DURING THE WAR Book Number: 21162001 462 [FERENG, Haar]. FUJI KORUL: FUJI AND ITS ENVIRONS. Japanese Title: FUJI SAN ROKU. Tokyo 1942, Inoue. White boards, very good, tall 27 x 37 cm. 33 b.w. photos of Mt. Fuji & surrounding villages & people, list of plates in English, French, Italian, German and Swedish. AUTHOR'S SIGNED AND ANNOTATED PRESENTATION COPY A very fascinating photo essay on Mt. Fuji by a Swede during the beginning of the Pacific War [World War II]. Produced in a time a great rationing of paper & ink, and printing presses in Japan. Although the war had started, its still a bit daunting to see a deluxe edition of photographs of Japan produced during this period. The work is essentially a group of black and white, dramatic photographs of the villages and surrounding area of Mt. Fuji and its inhabitants. Nicely composed, keenly executed, the work reflects a Western eye on on Japan's most famous symbol. With an inscription by the photographer on the Swedish list of plates page to a Japanese friend, with date, and again on the first fly leaf dated 1942 XII.6. to 'Shirouaki." One other inscription graces the work on the title page, in French 1947. Also published under the auspicies of Sumeru Shashin Kenkyu Sho.Scans can be sent by email. RareOrientalBooks.Com $372 Book Number: 93127002 463 FERGUSSON, James. HISTORY OF INDIAN & EASTERN ARCHITECTURE. Delhi 1967, Manoharlal. Black cloth, 2 vol. set, 450+ 521p., 394 b.w. photos, worn dj., reprint of the London 1876, revised & edited, with additdions: INDIAN ARCHITECTURE by James Burgess & EASTERN ARCHITECTURE by R. Spiers, rubber-stamped. with former owner's name, as is, else clean, solid. Covers Buddhist architecture, architecture of the Himalayas: Kashmir, Nepal and Tibet. Dravidian styile: Hindu construction, Dravidian rock-cut temples, Dravidian temples, civil architecture. Chalukyan style. Vol. 2 covers Jaina architecture, Northern or Indo-Aryan style, Orissa, Western India, Central & Northern India, civil architecture. Indian Saracenic architecture: Ghanzni, Pathan style, Jaunpur, Gujarat, Malwa, Bengal, Kulbarga, Bijapur, Mughal architecture, wooden architecture. Hisory of Eastern architecture: further India: Burma, Cambodia, Siam, Java. China & Japan: China, temple of the Great Dragon, Buddhist temples, tombs, pagodas. Japan: chronology, original sources, temples, Nara & Nikko. With 2 folding maps. A most valuable and useful reference study. Scans can be sent by email. Book Number: 22086101 464 FLORENCE, Gene. THE COLLECTORS ENYCLOPEDIA OF OCCUPIED JAPAN COLLECTABLES. 2nd Series. [Lexington 1982], Collector Books. Brown boards, about A4 size, or 22 x 28.5 cm., 112p., 58 full page color pages, pictorial cover, very bright, sharp copy. A highly useful color reference covers a wide range of ceramic figurines, animals, dinnerware, china figurines, small toys, costumed people; elves; salt & pepper shakers and a large variety of other items. * With very clear, sharp photography, excellent descriptions and values. What makes this important are the descriptions, RareOrientalBooks.Com $185 as values always change. This reference source gives collectors a good insight into the items. * Useful reference. * A STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL COLOR WOODBLOCK PRINTED CRAPE BOOK Book Number: 85057201 465 FLORIAN, J.P. Claris de. FABLES CHOISIES DE J.P. CLARIS DE FLORIAN. Ilustrees Par Des Artists Japonais Souos La Direction de P. Barboutau. Paris [1895], Marpon. Stiff wrs., woodblock printed covers, 14 color woodcuts in Oban sizes, deuxieme serie, [18p.], 34 x 24 cm., printed on hand-made Torinoko paper,very clean, minor rubbing. FIRST LIMITED EDITION OF 190 ONLY COPIES This fascinating book comes in two variants. First printed by woodcuts on Torinoko paper, large paper edition oblong format, 34.3 x 24.4 cm. The second woodblock printed, on Hosho paper, then creped, 15.2 x 20.2 cm. The contents are identical, but the order of the stories may vary. The illustrations also are the same in both editions. *** The oblong version: exceptionally nice book, lavishly illustrated with 30 color woodcut prints, Oban size, also with line drawings. Artists/illustrators: Koubota [Kubota] Beisen [aka To-soui], Yosai, Tosoui, Kano Tomonobu & Kajita Hanko. Second series. * Consists of illustrated stories & verses in French, such as "L'Aveugle et le Paralytique," "Le Chat et le Miror," "Le Grillon," "Le Singe qui Montre la Lanterene Magique," &c... * The vertical version: a beautiful work, from the 2nd series on Japanese Fairy Tales, illustrated by Japanese artists. Printed by Shueisha, a printer/publisher very well-known for their charming crepe paper children's books. Text in French, 14 double-page color woodblock printed illustrations, using RareOrientalBooks.Com $26 subtle vegetal natural colors. Artists/illustrators: Koubota [Kubota] Beisen [aka To-soui], Yosai, Tosoui, Kano Tomonobu & Kajita Hanko. *** JAPANESE CREPE PAPER BOOKS: If you would like to see more of our listings of Japanese crepe paper books please let us know, we have many in stock. *** REFERENCES: Kyoto University 1980, vol.I, #843, page 52. * SHARF, Frederic A. TAKEJIRO HASEGAWA: Japanese Pictures of Japanese Life. * WorldCat: hoisies&qt=advanced&dblist=638 **** $629 Book Number: 95251501 466 FOGG MUSEUM OF ART. RELIGIOUS WOOD-BLOCK PRINTS OF THE FAR EAST: An Exhibition of Chinese, Korean, and Japanese Religious Wood-Block Prints [n.p.] 1948, Fogg. Grey stiff wrappers, very good, [19]p., 5 b.w. plates, bibliography, very clean solid copy. FIRST EDITION Buddhas, sacred text, pagoda, figures, people, animals, &c. A useful art reference and scholarly resource. IMPORTANT OFFICIAL JAPANESE DOCUMENTS & PROPAGANDA WW2 Book Number: 41016401 467 FOREIGN AFFAIRS ASSOCIATION OF JAPAN. CONTEMPORARY JAPAN: A Review of Far Eastern Affairs. Tokyo 1934, F.A.A.J. Stiff blue wrs., very good, Vol.ii,no.4 March,pp.571-772.Articles:geography, population, governmemt. [artoes & politics, Manchurian Incident, national defense, Korea, Taiwan, Manchoukuo, appedices, + many other subjects. This is an important World War II group of "official policy" declarations by the Japanese government. Much can be also stated to be "propaganda" for the benefit of the Japanese military and their war on America, Britain, China, Singapore, Thailand & Vietnam. Also contains many documents expounding the official Japanese text of various agreements, complaints and other official comments, often by famous Japanese politicians and later to be convicted "War Criminals," some of who were hanged by the tribunal after the war ! . Being entirely in English, the Japanese surely directed their comments to the enemy English-speaking world for the most effect. It was a huge "propaganda" effort to translate each month's political position papers, documents and other artistic essays, one is at a loss to understand the Japanese RareOrientalBooks.Com $19 concept of engaging in a war with America and Britain, while still providing artistic, articles on Japanese art, culture and other non-war related essays in English. . During 1942 was a "watershed" and historic group of actions that reflected the temporary strength of the Japanese, the fall of Singapore, sinking of famous British war ships, the evacuation of America's west coast Japanese and other actions by the Japanese military in China. A year full of important war history and facts. *** THIS ITEM COVERS JULY-DECEMBER 1942, the height of Japanese success during the China, Pacific and South-Pacific War. . Articles: July 1942: MARCH OF EVENTS . MODERN LAW OF NATIONS by Thomas Baty. . THEIR LATEST DIPLOMATIC BURLESQUE by Katsuji Inahara. . OUR POPULAR SOLDIER-STATESMAN ABE by Rikuro Takaghi. . THE "DEMOCRACIES" GO WEST BY Rihachiro Banzai. . PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S "FREEDOM" WAR. . MODERN ARCHITECTURE OF JAPAN by Hideto Kishida. . THE EVOLUTION OF JAPANESE DESIGNS by Tamezo Ohsumi. . THE HISTORIC FALL OF SINGAPORE by Naosada Takabatake. . Documentary Material, Loan of 200 million yen to Thailand. *** August MARCH OF EVENTS . JAPAN'S WAR ON BRITISH SHIPPING by Masakazu Sumita. . CHOU EN-LAI AND YEN-AN'S ATTITUDE by Kenichi Hatano. . GERMAN-SOVIET WAR by Yahei Ohba. . OUR GENTLEMAN-GENERAL COUNT TERAUCHI by Kanichi Yamaura. . REORGANIZATION OF JAPAN'S AGRICULTURE 1: by Takeo Ono . SOME ASPECTS OF JAPANESE FEUDALISM by F. Jouon Des Longrais. . THE CHINESE WAY OF LIFE by Tsuneo Yonayama. . TORII AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE by Gaijiro Fujishima. . JAPAN'S PERIODICALS EXTRACTS: Code of Economic Morality. Significance of the China Affair. Italian immigrants in Brazil. . BOOK REVIEWS . CHRONICLE OF CURRENT EVENTS. RareOrientalBooks.Com . DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL: Japan-Indo-China Agreement July 18, 1942. 100 Million Yen Loan to Nanking, July 28, 1942. *** September: MARCH OF EVENTS . THE AXIS PROJECT OF WORLD ORDER by Shigetomo Sayegusa. . THE PROSPECT OF SECOND FRONT by Yoshitaro Kusuyama. . INDIA SEEKS ITS FREEDOM by Katsuji Inahara. . COLLAPSE OF CHUNKING'S CURRENCY by Shigheo Imura. . SNAPSHOT OF JAPANESE MUSIC by Keizo Horiuchi. . AUSTRALIA AND GREATER EAST ASIA by K. Takashi Itoh. . REORGANIZATION OF JAPAN'S AGRICULTURE by Takeo Ono. . ISSUE OF SOUTH AFRICAN INDEPENDENCE by Hideo Miyashita. . JAPAN'S PERIODICALS EXTRACTS: Japanese culture and national virility. Features of East Asiatic economy. Whither Argentina & Mexico. . BOOK REVIEWS. . CHRONICLE OF CURRENT EVENTS. . DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL: Special Ambassadors to Nanking, Aug. 28, 1942. *** October: . MARCH OF EVENTS . JOHN DOUGH'S DESIGN ON AFRICA by Tohmin Suzuki. . CLASSICAL BUNRAKU DOLL PLAY by Shutaro Miyake. . OFFICIAL FORMULA AND SCHOOL REFORM by Yasushi Sekiguchi. . THE ROLE OF NEWSREELS IN WAR [The Bombing of Pearl Harbor; Sinking of the Prince of Wales & the Repulse off Kuantan in Malaya; Mechanical corps speeding toward Johore Bharu; with Japanese b.w. photos !!] by Tatsuo Hoshino. Showing Japan's sense of "pride" in taking British and American assets and loss. . OUR LANGUAGE AND GREATER EAST ASIA by Takeshi Yaghi. , TECHNOLOGICAL CULTURE OF THE SOUTH by Soshu Watanabe. . JAPAN'S PERIODICALS EXTRACTS: New order in Japanese officialdom. Reform of the Japanese language. Press control & reform. . BOOK REVIEWS. . RareOrientalBooks.Com CHRONICLE OF CURRENT EVENTS. . DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL: American ill-treatment of Japanese evacuees, Sept. 11, 2-1942 [California evacuation of Japanese]. Press interview by Foreign Minister Masayuki Tani Sept. 17, 1942. Brazilian maltreatment of Japanese statement by T. Hori, Sept. 26, 1942. Premier Toho's speech on the Tripartite Alliance, Sept. 27, 1942. British mistreatment of Japanese statement by T. Hori, Oct. 5, 1942. *** November: . MARCH OF EVENTS . WAR IN THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC by Chu Saito. . CULTURAL TRAITS OF EAST AND WEST by Ina Metaxa. . OUR GREATER EAST ASIA MINISTER AOKI by Tatsuichi Hachiyama. . HIROSHIGE'S LANDSCAPE PRINTS by Seiichiro Takahashi, with many color examples. . MANCHOUKUO IN CO-PROSPERITY SPHERE by Bunroku Yoshioka. . BUDDHIST FRESCOES OF THE HOHRYUJI by Momoo Kitagawa, with many color photos. . CHIANG'S NORTHWESTERN GUN ROAD [Chiang Kai-shek/Jiang Jieshi] by Goro Oguchi, large folding map . NEW SOUTHERN PAINTINGS OF JAPAN by Takachiyo Uyemura, pictures of paintings and drawings of peoples & places in Southeast Asia. . JAPAN'S PERIODICALS EXTRACTS: Economic aspect of the Greater East Asia ministry. Occident and Japanese fine art. The decline of English literature. . BOOK REVIEWS. . CHRONICLE OF CURRENT EVENTS. . DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL: Crews of American airplanes punished Oct. 19, 1942. Cultural agreement between Japan & Thailand, Oct. 28, 1942. Protests to the United States & Canada concerning treatment of prisoners of war Nov. 6, 1942. *** December: . MARCH OF EVENTS . ONE YEAR OF THE PACIFIC WAR by Yusai Takahashi. . LIMIT OF SOVIET "DEMOCRATIC" UNITY by Shozo Mori. . THE OFF-SEASON ELECTION IN AMERICA by Katsuji Inahara. . WAR SITUATION IN NORTH AFRICA by Tohmin Suzuki. . GREATER EAST ASIA INTER-NATIONAL LAW by Masatoshi RareOrientalBooks.Com Matsushita. . READJUSTMENT OF SMALLER CONCERNS by Tanzan Ishibashi. . JAPANESE-THAI CULTURAL ACCORD by Takeshi Yanaghisawa. . CHARACTERISTICS OF JAPANESE WOMEN by Toshiko Ifukube. . OUR SOUTHERN RECONSTRUCTION POLICY by Chihiro Tsutsui . BOOK REVIEWS. . JAPAN'S PERIODICALS EXTRACTS: Japan's objective in historical light. Revisions in the conscription system. Our modern women. . CHRONICLE OF CURRENT EVENTS. . DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL: Protest of the Japanese government to the British and Indian governments in regard to maltreatment of Japanese interned at New Delhi, Nov. 11, 1942. Second anniversary of the conclusion of the Sino-Japanese basic treaty, Nov. 30, 1942, Premier Tohjo's address. *** CONDITION: The title pages are bound in, complete 6 months issues bound on one volume. Clean ex-library "Army library" copy stamps on signatures, blind-stamped covers, and a few here and there, else clean, no other marks, spine very clean. *** FOR CONTENTS OF OTHER ITEMS PLEASE INQURE FOR A LIST. *** January-June 1944: Vol.13: This is another group of 6 issues during World War II. With highlights of articles about the war, America, Britain, Russia, China and related. . This is a brief list, if you need the full list please inquire. . [Brief] CONTENTS: WORLD ANGLE IN JOINT DECLARATION, EVENTFUL YEAR 1943. WAR IN SOUTHERN PACIFIC. WAR STRUCTURE OF AMERICA. WARTIME MASS PRODUCTION. CHURCH REVIVAL IN MOSCOW. WAR AND JAPANESE WOMEN. MOSCOW'S DIPLOMATIC OFFENSIVE. WARTIME ROLE OF MANCHOUKUO. PACIFIC CHARTER. BRITAIN VIEWS HER FUTURE. WAR BUDGET AND FINANCIAL RESOURCES. FILIPINO AMBASSADOR VARGAS. ADMINISTRATION COMMAND CO-ORDINATION. NEW CHINA MARCHES ON. GLIMPSE OF WARTIME GINZA. ANGLO-AMERICAN APPETITE AND JAPAN. WAR IN THE PACIFIC. WHAT WASHINGTON WANTS? LATIN AMERICA AND ROOSEVELTIAN LEGALISM. TREND OF CURRENCY INFLATION. PROBLEMS OF WARRING AMERICA. . To the above add as usual: BOOK REVIEWS. . JAPAN'S PERIODICALS EXTRACTS: . DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $26 IMPORTANT OFFICIAL JAPANESE DOCUMENTS & PROPAGANDA WW2 Book Number: 41016402 468 FOREIGN AFFAIRS ASSOCIATION OF JAPAN. CONTEMPORARY JAPAN: A Review of Far Eastern Affairs. Tokyo 1939, F.A.A.J. Stiff blue wrs., very good, Vol.VIII,no 9, November, pp.1047-1148. Articles: SOVIET VOLTE-FACE; IMPRESSIONS OF PRE-WAR EUROPE; WANG CHING-WEI & THE PEACE MOVEMENT. AMERICAN LADY IN JAPAN; INDIA'S ROLE IN CHINA...&c... This is an important World War II group of "official policy" declarations by the Japanese government. Much can be also stated to be "propaganda" for the benefit of the Japanese military and their war on America, Britain, China, Singapore, Thailand & Vietnam. Also contains many documents expounding the official Japanese text of various agreements, complaints and other official comments, often by famous Japanese politicians and later to be convicted "War Criminals," some of who were hanged by the tribunal after the war ! . Being entirely in English, the Japanese surely directed their comments to the enemy English-speaking world for the most effect. It was a huge "propaganda" effort to translate each month's political position papers, documents and other artistic essays, one is at a loss to understand the Japanese concept of engaging in a war with America and Britain, while still providing artistic, articles on Japanese art, culture and other non-war related essays in English. . During 1942 was a "watershed" and historic group of actions that reflected the temporary strength of the Japanese, the fall of Singapore, sinking of famous British war ships, the evacuation of America's west coast Japanese and other actions by the Japanese military in China. A year full of important war history and facts. *** THIS ITEM COVERS JULY-DECEMBER 1942, the height of Japanese success during the China, Pacific and South-Pacific War. . Articles: July 1942: MARCH OF EVENTS . MODERN LAW OF NATIONS by Thomas Baty. . THEIR LATEST DIPLOMATIC BURLESQUE by Katsuji Inahara. . OUR POPULAR SOLDIER-STATESMAN ABE by Rikuro Takaghi. . THE "DEMOCRACIES" GO WEST BY Rihachiro Banzai. . PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S "FREEDOM" WAR. . MODERN ARCHITECTURE OF JAPAN by Hideto Kishida. . THE EVOLUTION OF JAPANESE DESIGNS by Tamezo Ohsumi. . RareOrientalBooks.Com THE HISTORIC FALL OF SINGAPORE by Naosada Takabatake. . Documentary Material, Loan of 200 million yen to Thailand. *** August MARCH OF EVENTS . JAPAN'S WAR ON BRITISH SHIPPING by Masakazu Sumita. . CHOU EN-LAI AND YEN-AN'S ATTITUDE by Kenichi Hatano. . GERMAN-SOVIET WAR by Yahei Ohba. . OUR GENTLEMAN-GENERAL COUNT TERAUCHI by Kanichi Yamaura. . REORGANIZATION OF JAPAN'S AGRICULTURE 1: by Takeo Ono . SOME ASPECTS OF JAPANESE FEUDALISM by F. Jouon Des Longrais. . THE CHINESE WAY OF LIFE by Tsuneo Yonayama. . TORII AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE by Gaijiro Fujishima. . JAPAN'S PERIODICALS EXTRACTS: Code of Economic Morality. Significance of the China Affair. Italian immigrants in Brazil. . BOOK REVIEWS . CHRONICLE OF CURRENT EVENTS. . DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL: Japan-Indo-China Agreement July 18, 1942. 100 Million Yen Loan to Nanking, July 28, 1942. *** September: MARCH OF EVENTS . THE AXIS PROJECT OF WORLD ORDER by Shigetomo Sayegusa. . THE PROSPECT OF SECOND FRONT by Yoshitaro Kusuyama. . INDIA SEEKS ITS FREEDOM by Katsuji Inahara. . COLLAPSE OF CHUNKING'S CURRENCY by Shigheo Imura. . SNAPSHOT OF JAPANESE MUSIC by Keizo Horiuchi. . AUSTRALIA AND GREATER EAST ASIA by K. Takashi Itoh. . REORGANIZATION OF JAPAN'S AGRICULTURE by Takeo Ono. . ISSUE OF SOUTH AFRICAN INDEPENDENCE by Hideo Miyashita. . JAPAN'S PERIODICALS EXTRACTS: Japanese culture and national virility. Features of East Asiatic economy. Whither Argentina & Mexico. . BOOK REVIEWS. . CHRONICLE OF CURRENT EVENTS. . RareOrientalBooks.Com DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL: Special Ambassadors to Nanking, Aug. 28, 1942. *** October: . MARCH OF EVENTS . JOHN DOUGH'S DESIGN ON AFRICA by Tohmin Suzuki. . CLASSICAL BUNRAKU DOLL PLAY by Shutaro Miyake. . OFFICIAL FORMULA AND SCHOOL REFORM by Yasushi Sekiguchi. . THE ROLE OF NEWSREELS IN WAR [The Bombing of Pearl Harbor; Sinking of the Prince of Wales & the Repulse off Kuantan in Malaya; Mechanical corps speeding toward Johore Bharu; with Japanese b.w. photos !!] by Tatsuo Hoshino. Showing Japan's sense of "pride" in taking British and American assets and loss. . OUR LANGUAGE AND GREATER EAST ASIA by Takeshi Yaghi. , TECHNOLOGICAL CULTURE OF THE SOUTH by Soshu Watanabe. . JAPAN'S PERIODICALS EXTRACTS: New order in Japanese officialdom. Reform of the Japanese language. Press control & reform. . BOOK REVIEWS. . CHRONICLE OF CURRENT EVENTS. . DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL: American ill-treatment of Japanese evacuees, Sept. 11, 2-1942 [California evacuation of Japanese]. Press interview by Foreign Minister Masayuki Tani Sept. 17, 1942. Brazilian maltreatment of Japanese statement by T. Hori, Sept. 26, 1942. Premier Toho's speech on the Tripartite Alliance, Sept. 27, 1942. British mistreatment of Japanese statement by T. Hori, Oct. 5, 1942. *** November: . MARCH OF EVENTS . WAR IN THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC by Chu Saito. . CULTURAL TRAITS OF EAST AND WEST by Ina Metaxa. . OUR GREATER EAST ASIA MINISTER AOKI by Tatsuichi Hachiyama. . HIROSHIGE'S LANDSCAPE PRINTS by Seiichiro Takahashi, with many color examples. . MANCHOUKUO IN CO-PROSPERITY SPHERE by Bunroku Yoshioka. . BUDDHIST FRESCOES OF THE HOHRYUJI by Momoo Kitagawa, with many color photos. . CHIANG'S NORTHWESTERN GUN ROAD [Chiang Kai-shek/Jiang Jieshi] by Goro Oguchi, large folding map . RareOrientalBooks.Com NEW SOUTHERN PAINTINGS OF JAPAN by Takachiyo Uyemura, pictures of paintings and drawings of peoples & places in Southeast Asia. . JAPAN'S PERIODICALS EXTRACTS: Economic aspect of the Greater East Asia ministry. Occident and Japanese fine art. The decline of English literature. . BOOK REVIEWS. . CHRONICLE OF CURRENT EVENTS. . DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL: Crews of American airplanes punished Oct. 19, 1942. Cultural agreement between Japan & Thailand, Oct. 28, 1942. Protests to the United States & Canada concerning treatment of prisoners of war Nov. 6, 1942. *** December: . MARCH OF EVENTS . ONE YEAR OF THE PACIFIC WAR by Yusai Takahashi. . LIMIT OF SOVIET "DEMOCRATIC" UNITY by Shozo Mori. . THE OFF-SEASON ELECTION IN AMERICA by Katsuji Inahara. . WAR SITUATION IN NORTH AFRICA by Tohmin Suzuki. . GREATER EAST ASIA INTER-NATIONAL LAW by Masatoshi Matsushita. . READJUSTMENT OF SMALLER CONCERNS by Tanzan Ishibashi. . JAPANESE-THAI CULTURAL ACCORD by Takeshi Yanaghisawa. . CHARACTERISTICS OF JAPANESE WOMEN by Toshiko Ifukube. . OUR SOUTHERN RECONSTRUCTION POLICY by Chihiro Tsutsui . BOOK REVIEWS. . JAPAN'S PERIODICALS EXTRACTS: Japan's objective in historical light. Revisions in the conscription system. Our modern women. . CHRONICLE OF CURRENT EVENTS. . DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL: Protest of the Japanese government to the British and Indian governments in regard to maltreatment of Japanese interned at New Delhi, Nov. 11, 1942. Second anniversary of the conclusion of the Sino-Japanese basic treaty, Nov. 30, 1942, Premier Tohjo's address. *** CONDITION: The title pages are bound in, complete 6 months issues bound on one volume. Clean ex-library "Army library" copy stamps on signatures, blind-stamped covers, and a few here and there, else clean, no other marks, spine very clean. *** FOR CONTENTS OF OTHER ITEMS PLEASE INQURE FOR A LIST. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com January-June 1944: Vol.13: This is another group of 6 issues during World War II. With highlights of articles about the war, America, Britain, Russia, China and related. . This is a brief list, if you need the full list please inquire. . [Brief] CONTENTS: WORLD ANGLE IN JOINT DECLARATION, EVENTFUL YEAR 1943. WAR IN SOUTHERN PACIFIC. WAR STRUCTURE OF AMERICA. WARTIME MASS PRODUCTION. CHURCH REVIVAL IN MOSCOW. WAR AND JAPANESE WOMEN. MOSCOW'S DIPLOMATIC OFFENSIVE. WARTIME ROLE OF MANCHOUKUO. PACIFIC CHARTER. BRITAIN VIEWS HER FUTURE. WAR BUDGET AND FINANCIAL RESOURCES. FILIPINO AMBASSADOR VARGAS. ADMINISTRATION COMMAND CO-ORDINATION. NEW CHINA MARCHES ON. GLIMPSE OF WARTIME GINZA. ANGLO-AMERICAN APPETITE AND JAPAN. WAR IN THE PACIFIC. WHAT WASHINGTON WANTS? LATIN AMERICA AND ROOSEVELTIAN LEGALISM. TREND OF CURRENCY INFLATION. PROBLEMS OF WARRING AMERICA. . To the above add as usual: BOOK REVIEWS. . JAPAN'S PERIODICALS EXTRACTS: . DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL *** IMPORTANT OFFICIAL JAPANESE DOCUMENTS & PROPAGANDA WW2 Book Number: 41016405 469 FOREIGN AFFAIRS ASSOCIATION OF JAPAN. CONTEMPORARY JAPAN: A Review of Far Eastern Affairs. Tokyo 1944, F.A.A.J. Blue buckram, clean ex-library copy, minimal marks, blind stamped, spine clean, Jan.-June,vol.13 #'s 1-6, 6 issues bound in one vol., pp.1-625, color & b. w. photos, signatures stamped, 16 x 24 cm. FIRST & ONLY EDITION This is an important World War II group of "official policy" declarations by the Japanese government. Much can be also stated to be "propaganda" for the benefit of the Japanese military and their war on America, Britain, China, Singapore, Thailand & Vietnam. Also contains many documents expounding the official Japanese text of various agreements, complaints and other official comments, often by famous Japanese politicians and later to be convicted "War Criminals," some of who were hanged by the tribunal after the war ! . Being entirely in English, the Japanese surely directed their comments to the enemy English-speaking world for the most effect. It was a huge "propaganda" effort to translate each month's political position papers, documents and other artistic essays, one is at a loss to understand the Japanese concept of engaging in a war with America and Britain, while still providing artistic, articles on Japanese art, culture and other non-war related essays in English. RareOrientalBooks.Com $56 . During 1942 was a "watershed" and historic group of actions that reflected the temporary strength of the Japanese, the fall of Singapore, sinking of famous British war ships, the evacuation of America's west coast Japanese and other actions by the Japanese military in China. A year full of important war history and facts. *** THIS ITEM COVERS JULY-DECEMBER 1942, the height of Japanese success during the China, Pacific and South-Pacific War. . Articles: July 1942: MARCH OF EVENTS . MODERN LAW OF NATIONS by Thomas Baty. . THEIR LATEST DIPLOMATIC BURLESQUE by Katsuji Inahara. . OUR POPULAR SOLDIER-STATESMAN ABE by Rikuro Takaghi. . THE "DEMOCRACIES" GO WEST BY Rihachiro Banzai. . PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S "FREEDOM" WAR. . MODERN ARCHITECTURE OF JAPAN by Hideto Kishida. . THE EVOLUTION OF JAPANESE DESIGNS by Tamezo Ohsumi. . THE HISTORIC FALL OF SINGAPORE by Naosada Takabatake. . Documentary Material, Loan of 200 million yen to Thailand. *** August MARCH OF EVENTS . JAPAN'S WAR ON BRITISH SHIPPING by Masakazu Sumita. . CHOU EN-LAI AND YEN-AN'S ATTITUDE by Kenichi Hatano. . GERMAN-SOVIET WAR by Yahei Ohba. . OUR GENTLEMAN-GENERAL COUNT TERAUCHI by Kanichi Yamaura. . REORGANIZATION OF JAPAN'S AGRICULTURE 1: by Takeo Ono . SOME ASPECTS OF JAPANESE FEUDALISM by F. Jouon Des Longrais. . THE CHINESE WAY OF LIFE by Tsuneo Yonayama. . TORII AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE by Gaijiro Fujishima. . JAPAN'S PERIODICALS EXTRACTS: Code of Economic Morality. Significance of the China Affair. Italian immigrants in Brazil. . BOOK REVIEWS . CHRONICLE OF CURRENT EVENTS. . DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL: Japan-Indo-China Agreement July 18, 1942. 100 Million Yen Loan to Nanking, July 28, 1942. RareOrientalBooks.Com *** September: MARCH OF EVENTS . THE AXIS PROJECT OF WORLD ORDER by Shigetomo Sayegusa. . THE PROSPECT OF SECOND FRONT by Yoshitaro Kusuyama. . INDIA SEEKS ITS FREEDOM by Katsuji Inahara. . COLLAPSE OF CHUNKING'S CURRENCY by Shigheo Imura. . SNAPSHOT OF JAPANESE MUSIC by Keizo Horiuchi. . AUSTRALIA AND GREATER EAST ASIA by K. Takashi Itoh. . REORGANIZATION OF JAPAN'S AGRICULTURE by Takeo Ono. . ISSUE OF SOUTH AFRICAN INDEPENDENCE by Hideo Miyashita. . JAPAN'S PERIODICALS EXTRACTS: Japanese culture and national virility. Features of East Asiatic economy. Whither Argentina & Mexico. . BOOK REVIEWS. . CHRONICLE OF CURRENT EVENTS. . DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL: Special Ambassadors to Nanking, Aug. 28, 1942. *** October: . MARCH OF EVENTS . JOHN DOUGH'S DESIGN ON AFRICA by Tohmin Suzuki. . CLASSICAL BUNRAKU DOLL PLAY by Shutaro Miyake. . OFFICIAL FORMULA AND SCHOOL REFORM by Yasushi Sekiguchi. . THE ROLE OF NEWSREELS IN WAR [The Bombing of Pearl Harbor; Sinking of the Prince of Wales & the Repulse off Kuantan in Malaya; Mechanical corps speeding toward Johore Bharu; with Japanese b.w. photos !!] by Tatsuo Hoshino. Showing Japan's sense of "pride" in taking British and American assets and loss. . OUR LANGUAGE AND GREATER EAST ASIA by Takeshi Yaghi. , TECHNOLOGICAL CULTURE OF THE SOUTH by Soshu Watanabe. . JAPAN'S PERIODICALS EXTRACTS: New order in Japanese officialdom. Reform of the Japanese language. Press control & reform. . BOOK REVIEWS. . CHRONICLE OF CURRENT EVENTS. . DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL: American ill-treatment of Japanese RareOrientalBooks.Com evacuees, Sept. 11, 2-1942 [California evacuation of Japanese]. Press interview by Foreign Minister Masayuki Tani Sept. 17, 1942. Brazilian maltreatment of Japanese statement by T. Hori, Sept. 26, 1942. Premier Toho's speech on the Tripartite Alliance, Sept. 27, 1942. British mistreatment of Japanese statement by T. Hori, Oct. 5, 1942. *** November: . MARCH OF EVENTS . WAR IN THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC by Chu Saito. . CULTURAL TRAITS OF EAST AND WEST by Ina Metaxa. . OUR GREATER EAST ASIA MINISTER AOKI by Tatsuichi Hachiyama. . HIROSHIGE'S LANDSCAPE PRINTS by Seiichiro Takahashi, with many color examples. . MANCHOUKUO IN CO-PROSPERITY SPHERE by Bunroku Yoshioka. . BUDDHIST FRESCOES OF THE HOHRYUJI by Momoo Kitagawa, with many color photos. . CHIANG'S NORTHWESTERN GUN ROAD [Chiang Kai-shek/Jiang Jieshi] by Goro Oguchi, large folding map . NEW SOUTHERN PAINTINGS OF JAPAN by Takachiyo Uyemura, pictures of paintings and drawings of peoples & places in Southeast Asia. . JAPAN'S PERIODICALS EXTRACTS: Economic aspect of the Greater East Asia ministry. Occident and Japanese fine art. The decline of English literature. . BOOK REVIEWS. . CHRONICLE OF CURRENT EVENTS. . DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL: Crews of American airplanes punished Oct. 19, 1942. Cultural agreement between Japan & Thailand, Oct. 28, 1942. Protests to the United States & Canada concerning treatment of prisoners of war Nov. 6, 1942. *** December: . MARCH OF EVENTS . ONE YEAR OF THE PACIFIC WAR by Yusai Takahashi. . LIMIT OF SOVIET "DEMOCRATIC" UNITY by Shozo Mori. . THE OFF-SEASON ELECTION IN AMERICA by Katsuji Inahara. . WAR SITUATION IN NORTH AFRICA by Tohmin Suzuki. . GREATER EAST ASIA INTER-NATIONAL LAW by Masatoshi Matsushita. . READJUSTMENT OF SMALLER CONCERNS by Tanzan Ishibashi. RareOrientalBooks.Com . JAPANESE-THAI CULTURAL ACCORD by Takeshi Yanaghisawa. . CHARACTERISTICS OF JAPANESE WOMEN by Toshiko Ifukube. . OUR SOUTHERN RECONSTRUCTION POLICY by Chihiro Tsutsui . BOOK REVIEWS. . JAPAN'S PERIODICALS EXTRACTS: Japan's objective in historical light. Revisions in the conscription system. Our modern women. . CHRONICLE OF CURRENT EVENTS. . DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL: Protest of the Japanese government to the British and Indian governments in regard to maltreatment of Japanese interned at New Delhi, Nov. 11, 1942. Second anniversary of the conclusion of the Sino-Japanese basic treaty, Nov. 30, 1942, Premier Tohjo's address. *** CONDITION: The title pages are bound in, complete 6 months issues bound on one volume. Clean ex-library "Army library" copy stamps on signatures, blind-stamped covers, and a few here and there, else clean, no other marks, spine very clean. *** FOR CONTENTS OF OTHER ITEMS PLEASE INQURE FOR A LIST. *** January-June 1944: Vol.13: This is another group of 6 issues during World War II. With highlights of articles about the war, America, Britain, Russia, China and related. . This is a brief list, if you need the full list please inquire. . [Brief] CONTENTS: WORLD ANGLE IN JOINT DECLARATION, EVENTFUL YEAR 1943. WAR IN SOUTHERN PACIFIC. WAR STRUCTURE OF AMERICA. WARTIME MASS PRODUCTION. CHURCH REVIVAL IN MOSCOW. WAR AND JAPANESE WOMEN. MOSCOW'S DIPLOMATIC OFFENSIVE. WARTIME ROLE OF MANCHOUKUO. PACIFIC CHARTER. BRITAIN VIEWS HER FUTURE. WAR BUDGET AND FINANCIAL RESOURCES. FILIPINO AMBASSADOR VARGAS. ADMINISTRATION COMMAND CO-ORDINATION. NEW CHINA MARCHES ON. GLIMPSE OF WARTIME GINZA. ANGLO-AMERICAN APPETITE AND JAPAN. WAR IN THE PACIFIC. WHAT WASHINGTON WANTS? LATIN AMERICA AND ROOSEVELTIAN LEGALISM. TREND OF CURRENCY INFLATION. PROBLEMS OF WARRING AMERICA. . To the above add as usual: BOOK REVIEWS. . JAPAN'S PERIODICALS EXTRACTS: . DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL *** Book Number: 88003902 RareOrientalBooks.Com $68 470 FORMAN, W. et al. ART OF FAR LANDS. [London nd.c.1960's], Spring. Cloth, very good, 27 color,175 b.w. photos, 4 color & 6 b.w. fold out photos, 322p., 9. 75 x 13 inches, edited by Lubor Hajek, clean, solid copy. FIRST EDITION Drawing on part from Prof. Hrozny's collection, this work is an anthology of writings. Lubor Hajek's: Art of the Luristan Shepherds. Vera Kubicokva's: Graphic Art of the Islamic Countries. Hajek's: Indian Sculputure, Bronze Deities of India, Khmer & Siamese Buiddhist Sculpture, People and Dragons in Chinese Art & Sculpture and the small Objects d'art of Japan & his In The Remotest Corner. Lumir Jisl's Paradox of Tibetan Paintings. A useful, integrated art history & reference. Co-author was B. Forman. $5 AN EXCEPTIONALLY RARE MONOGRAPH ON BAMBOOS Book Number: 89041501 471 FREEMAN-MITFORD, A.B. THE BAMBOO GARDEN. London 1896, Macmillan. White cloth,very clean, gold stamped top edge gilt, 224p., 15 illustrations by Alfred Parson, 15 x 23 cm., appendix, Japanese nomenclature, glossary,index bit wear head/tail spine, bit foxing, else very solid. FIRST EDITION. * This exceptionally Rare monograph was written by Her Majesties Consul in Japan. It is a descriptive catalogue d'raisonne of the hardy Bamboos cultivated in Japan. Much of the study was based on materials not yet available at that early time in English to the Western world. The work covers the Bamboo garden, propagation of hardy bamboos, choice of position, soil, culture, uses, customs and superstitions. * Also addresses the etymology, classification, characteristics and description of species. With useful commentary on the natives of China and Japan, those of North America, the Himalayas, and those which the native home is uncertain. A useful work, carefully documented and researched. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $235 Book Number: 88101301 472 FREER GALLERY OF ART. FREER GALLERY OF ART: II JAPAN. Washington D.C [1972], Freer. White cloth, folio,very clean, dj., 184p., 90 color, 38 b.w. photos, 113 small b.w. photos, explanatins of the plates by H. P. Stern & T. Lawton, solid copy in nice dust jacket. FIRST EDITION This important catalog covers the collection of Japanese paintings, sculpture, and decorative arts in terms of painted folding screens, ceramics, bronzes, wood Buddhist sculptures lacquerware & other art forms.An excellent reference source. $12 Book Number: 88000501 473 FRENCH, Calvin L. et al. THE POET-PAINTERS: BUSON AND HIS FOLLOWERS. Ann Arbor 1974, Univ. Mich. Stiff wrs., 8 color, 154 b.w. photos, 179p.+ appendix of signature & seals, about A4 size, very clean, solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION This catalog uses some 65 excellent illustrated examples, with detail description & notes, locating each work. Useful reference for art collectors & students. . Also illustrated & described are woodblock printed books of this genre. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $26 Book Number: 88000502 474 FRENCH, Calvin L. et al. THE POET-PAINTERS: BUSON AND HIS FOLLOWERS. Ann Arbor 1974, Univ. Mich. Stiff wrs., 8 color, 154 b.w. photos, 179p.+ appendix of signature & seals, about A4 size, very good, front covers bit scuffed and damp mark, contents very clean, solid. FIRST & ONLY EDITION This catalog uses some 65 excellent illustrated examples, with detail description & notes, locating each work. Useful reference for art collectors & students. . Also illustrated & described are woodblock printed books of this genre. * $19 AN EXCELLENT BIOGRAPHY ON THE DA VINCI OF JAPAN Book Number: 84239601 475 FRENCH, Calvin L. SHIBA KOKAN: Artist, Innovator, and Pioneer in the Westernization of Japan. New York [1974], Weatherhill. Blue cloth, very good, dj., 200p., bibliography, index, appendix, notes, 105 color & b.w photos, 18 x 26.5 cm., bright, clean. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Profusely illustrated biography of a most uncommon man. This work covers the amazing life of a man comparable to Leonardo Da Vinci. He was an artist of startling accomplishments, he played a formative role in the development of Japanese art, and was second to none in his wide knowledge & inquisitive mind. At one and the same time he was an ink painter in the traditional Oriental style, an admitted and excellent forger of Harunobu's woodblock prints, the artist who perfected in Japan the Western techniques of copperplate etching, a geographer, a cartographer, a scholar, a philosopher and a Ran-gakusha [student of Dutch learning]. * He was also the author of a most celebrated and famous illustrated set of books, documenting his journey from Edo to Nagasaki SAIYU RYODAN: ACCOUNT OF A WESTERN JOURNEY 1788-1789. Kokan was Japan first and true renaissance man and great scholar. * Check with us regarding original editions of other works by Kokan. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $32 Book Number: 90067901 476 FRENCH, Calvin L. THROUGH CLOSED DOORS: Westerm Influence on Japanese Art 1636-1853. [Rochester] 1977, Meadow Brook Art Gallery. Stiff blue wrs., 173p., bibliography, 12 color, 146 b.w. photos, tall format: 12.8 x 30.3 cm., very clean. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION An important art history and history of the arts and foreign activities in Nagasaki. Covering in very fine terms: World view: Closed Doors and Expanding Horizons, geography of the World, the Country. * Views from the Port: Souvenir prints of Nagasaki. More views from the port: Professional painters of Nagasaki. Including the Russians first visit to Nagasaki. * A valuable combination of essays upon the Nagasaki prints, the history of the Dutch and Russians in Nagasaki, with a profusion of useful illustrations provided. Covering also the various painters of the Dutch: both Japanese and foreign. *** SUPERSTITIOUS PAPERS TO BE PASTED ON A SHINTO SHRINE Book Number: 36062401 477 FUDA/SENJAFUDA. FUDA/SENJA FUDA: TALISMAN JAPANESE WOODBLOCK PRINTED VOTIVE NAME PAPER. [Japan ca 1870-80's]. Group of 5 separate woodblock printed miniature b.w. Fuda/Senjafuda, hand printed on Washi decklepaper [1 example], various sizes, each excellent, unused as new old period genuine examples. UNCOMMON *** **** *** . RareOrientalBooks.Com $39 . A GROUP OF VARIOUS FUDA ISSUED BY THE SAME KUMI-I . . WHAT ARE 'FUDA' AND 'JINJA FUDA: Since Heian period [794-1185 AD],, 'Fuda' and 'Jinja Fuda' [Shinto Shrine personal name papers] have been used by the Japanese as a talisman to appeal to the gods for the New Year's blessing. These became most popular during the Edo period [160-1868 AD]. . For over 800 hundred years, Japanese have been visiting Shinto shrines at New Years and plastering their Fuda, invoking prayers for "cleansing and purification" which are central to the values of Shinto. . Fuda were plastered on Shinto shrines by Kumi-ai [local organized workers] of various kinds. Individual tradesmen and 'tradesmen union' workers [Kumi-ai], actors and merchants and so many others [see below] have used Fuda, annually during their lifetime. . A the old tradition continued, every New Years, each person or 'tradesmen union members' group would have a new Votive woodblock printed, the glued to the stanchions and Torii gates of their local Shinto shrine. The higher one can place it the closer to the Gods and the sooner the Gods will see and grand protection. . The offering was to insure good: luck, health, fortune for the next year. . Fuda and Jinga Fuda ranged from the most simple person's name to elaborate color prints with bold Edo period Kanji characters. They were exceptionally popular with celebrities, famous leaders, local law enforcers, Meiji police, firemen, fishermen, builders, roofers, bricklayers, ceramicists, laborers, long-shore men, carpenters, and other manual laborers & various other workers. . In some cases, these Fuda were composed, drawn and executed by famous Ukiyo-e woodblock artists of the time. Wealthy people vied to create the most attractive Fuda by well-known artists. Such Fuda were a source of pride. . Posting these to the local Jinga was an act of superstitious belief. A kind of Karmic action "proactive-action." . *** READY FOR DISPLAY AND FRAMING: These lovely items are presentable and will be conducive to be framed and displayed. . *** THE CONDITION: These are original old period items unused, in new condition, nicely preserved since they were printed. There are no issues. The versos are clean, also no issues. The first is deckle edge at the top, all others are clean, squar cut, as issued. . *** RareOrientalBooks.Com THE SIZE: Please view the photo posted to our website. From the left the sheet sizes are: a. 12.1 x 25.5 cm. b. 5.1 x 15 cm. c. 5.7 x 15.9 cm. c. 6.8 x 19.3. . *** REFERENCES: Senjafda: source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjbpInDq-3OAhUD32MKHTcPA JcQ_AUIBigB . ine-stickers/ . *** Color scans of this & most other items are posted to our website. AN EXCEPTIONALLY RARE 13TH CENTURY WOODBLOCK PRINT Book Number: 29044101 478 FUDOH MYOH-OH HYAKU INBUTSU: FUDOH MYOH-OH INBUTSU: ONE-HUNDRED IMAGES OF FUDOH MYOH-OH, FROM TOH-JI TEMPLE, KYOTO, JAPAN. [Kyoto 1185-1333, Tohji Temple]. A single sheet woodblock printed, white Washi mulberry paper, 32 x 48 cm., minor old worming now rebacked, shows 100 FUDOH MYOH-OH icon images, extremely rare and famous work. FIRST & ONLY OBSCURE EDITION This FUDOH MYO-OH is a thirteenth century Late Heian [1185-1336] A.D. Buddhist work and is represented showing one-hundred individual Buddhist images, woodblock printed. . WHAT IS FUDOH MUYO-OH: FUDOH MYO-OH was one of the supernatural guardians of the paradise of the Amida Buddha. Also known commonly as the "Immovable Wisdom King," is the patron deity of the Yamabushi. He usually portrayed holding a sword and a lariat, clad in rags, has one fang pointing up and another pointing down, and a braid on one side of his head. It is also know in Chinese as BU DONG MING WANG. * PULSATING: Jon Rosenfield stated: "Overcrowded, pulsating with bristling energy, this sheet of one hundred tiny stamped images of Fudoh is typical of those found inside Buddhist statues of the 13th century." See his book cited below. * FUDO MYOO: In Sanskrit: Acalanatha, was the principal of the Myojh or "Enlightened Kings" of Esoteric Buddhism, A manifestation of Dainichi and a powerful conquer of evil, he is shown in many frightening aspects. Commonly depicted in very early woodblock prints with a fiery Mandala behind his head. See references below for Wikipedia citation. RareOrientalBooks.Com $51 * This print was found in the Toh-ji [Eastern Temple], Kyoto. from the Shingon Buddhist sect. This is located next to the famous Rashomon gateway to the Heian capitol [now Kyoto]. It was formerly known as Kyoh-oh-gokoku [The Temple for the Defense of the Nation by Means of the King of Doctrines] believed to defend the nation. * This work upon discovery was first considered to have been printed in the Heian period [794-1185], later after study, it is currently believed to have been printed in the Kamakura [1185-1392] and is so cited by Baskett and Rosenfield to be this period. This Inbutsu [woodblock print] along with several others, was rolled up, then placed inside a hollow place in a Fudoh Myoh-oh statue and left for over nearly a millennium. In the 1960's Japanese temple monks began to conserve and preserve ancient sculptures in the Toh-ji temple and therefore discovered these prints. * Monk's efforts brought to light a few rare bundles of these prints, undisturbed. In an effort to save the structure and sculptures a very few were given to patrons of the temple in gratitude for substantial donations, which has been a common practice for over 2000 years in Japan, China and Korea. Because these prints were left sealed inside the statues, they were preserved in extraordinary condition. In some cases a few worms or insects penetrated and left some damage to the hand-made Washi mulberry paper, sadly this was unavoidable. Ours is one of those presented to a patron. Mosaku discusses this on pages 29, 30. * TOH-JI TEMPLE: UNESCO designated this as part of the Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto" a World Heritage Site. The temple is located Minami-ku near the intersection of Omiya and Kujo Streets, southwest of Kyoto Station. Toh-ji is often associated with Kobo Daishi [Kukai]. The well-known Buddhist priest was put in charge of Toh-ji in 823 by order of Emperor Saga. The temple's principal image is of Yakushi Nyorai, the Medicine Buddha. * PRINTING AS A DAILY DEVOTION: Ishida points out this on p.30-31, discussing the Heian practice of worshipers printing a number of Buddhist images each day or month to fulfill a religious vow. Printing these images gave merit and virtue to the printer, thereby increasing their position in the Buddhist Sangha [community]. Temples encouraged the Sangha to print images as that aided in soliciting donations. "Donors were allowed to pay for the printing of Buddhist images to be placed inside of statues. This served the purpose of temple finance in much the same way as printed appeals for contributions. The images were never distributed to the people but were instead stored away in sculpted images." See Ishida p.31. * Every morning as part of a daily regimen, women of the Imperial court would print Buddhist images using woodblocks on sheets of thin mulberry Washi paper as religious observance, much like saying prayers every morning. After an appropriate number of pages were printed, the sheets were rolled and tied in bundles and then inserted into the hollow RareOrientalBooks.Com interior of sculptures. * PRINTING TECHNIQUE: This print was likely printed from a single block containing ten images, then printed ten times on a single sheet, yielding a total of one-hundred images in all. See Baskett p.30. Upon closer observation, taking a single image, the third one from the right, and comparing it to all above there are the exact specks of dust influencing the printing of the flame lines in the upper left quadrant. This is ample evidence to support both Ishida and Baskett's idea that the print was done by use of a single block containing ten images then stamped from the top ten times on a single sheet of paper. * RARITY: The print is exceptionally rare. Only a few examples have been cited, published or illustrated. Apparently this image only came to light in the 1960's and very few came to public view, those few that were given to patrons eluded the usual scholars and their publications. It was not uncommon for patrons of Buddhist temples in Japan to covet and hold their gifts from the temple for several reasons. Namely, the need and desire to remain unknown to the general public for their donations, which were done for the right reasons, avoiding any public acknowledgement. Secondly, there are moral questions vis-�-vis accepting "compensation/gifts" from monks for donations. Above all, donors do not like others to know their private business and so the prints given in acknowledgement by monks commonly remains a private matter. * CONDITION: The work has some worming on the upper left and right edges, where it was rolled up and stored inside a sculpture. All one-hundred images are present, there is some loss to eight of the images on the sides, and other old worming though not major but nevertheless has left its mark on the interior. The print was kept relatvely safe inside a sculpture of Amida Buddha for some 900 years. During that time natural attrition rate to bugs or moisture has taken a toll on this kind of print. It is therefore natural to see some loss and other minor defects. . Unfortunately almost all of the very few prints similar to this one have survived only in fragmented pieces, and none are cited nor illustrated in Ishida, They seem to have eluded the scrutiny of Ishida, and most other studies of early Buddhist woodblock prints. *** REFERENCES: BASKET, Mary: FOOTPRINTS OF THE BUDDHA: Japanese Buddhist Prints from American and Japanese Collections. This exact print is illustrated and discussed on p.30, as plate 6. She attributes this work to the 13th century i.e.: Kamakura period. Source: "Discovered inside a sculpture [Tainai=Fudoh] of Fudoh Myoh-oh." See her Bibliography for other excellent references on this famous work. * ROSENFIELD, John et al.: TRADITIONS OF JAPANESE ART: Selections from the Kimiko and John Powers Collection. This exact print is illustrated and discussed on p.113, and illustrated as item 45. RareOrientalBooks.Com * MUSEE CERNUSCHI: ESTAMPS BOUDDHIQUES JAPONAISES: XIIe-XVIIIe Siecles: Les Precurseurs de l'Ukiyo-e. See item 81; introduction by Kikutake Junichi. * Ishida, Mosaku: JAPANESE BUDDHIST PRINTS: pp.29-30, 120-122, et al; plates 73-75 a, b, c. * Tokuriki, Tomikichiro; TOYO KO HANGA [ORIENT OLDEST WOODBLOCK PRINTS FROM THE TOMIKICHIRO TOKURIKI COLLECTION]. Tokyo 1978, page 63 * Nara National Museum. TOKUBETSU TENRAN BUKKYO HANGA: SPECIAL EXHITIBION OF BUDDHIST WOODBLOCK PRINTS. July-August 1972, no. 44. * * $4964 A MARVELOUS FULL SET OF JAPANESE ARCHITECTURAL HOUSE PLANS Book Number: 22085801 479 FUJII, Atsuji. CHO CHIKUI ZUAN SHU: PHOTO ALBUM OF 'CHOUCHIKYO' OR THE LISTENING BAMBOO RESIDENCE. Tokyo 1939, Iwanami. Loose portfolio, large folio, 32 x 41.5 cm., 1 color, 42 fine b.w. collotype photos, blue cover folder, contained in original slipcase:minor edge wear,contents very clean, printed on thick deckle edge watermarked paper. A fascinating look at the architectual design of a traditional Japanese design done before the Pacific War. Done in a contemporary yet traditional style, this house shows the very "Shibui" good taste and spartan interior design. Each room is fully illustrated, with additional drawings. Shows the traditional interior designed built-in furniture, along with classic and traditional furnishings. The exterior garden is also address and drawn in. Excellent architectural drawings accompany the photographs, rendering this a most intersting and valuable reference. Mr. Fujii was a celebrated architect of the time, and "Chochikukyo" was the name of his house. It was designed for himself and used as an examexample to represent his concepts of architecture. Japanest text faces each illustration or photo on tissue sheets. RareOrientalBooks.Com $187 A MOST SUPERB REFERENCE ON THE SUBJECT Book Number: 89045801 480 FUJIOKA, Ryoichi. SHINO AND ORIBE CERAMICS. JAPANESE ARTS LIBRARY VOL.1. Tokyo [1977], Kodansha. Green boards,very clean, dj., 178p., 26 color,222 b.w. photos, index, bibliography, glossary,map, tables, trans. by Samuel C. Morse, 19 x 26 cm., bright solid copy. FIRST EDITION The introductory essay covers Ceramics and the Tea Ceremony. The origin, types & characteristics of Shino and the kilns. Oribe ware, its types, kilns, kiln marks & connoisseurship. * Japanese Arts Library Series vol. 1. * FIRST & ONLY EDITION * A MOST SUPERB REFERENCE ON THE SUBJECT Book Number: 89045803 481 FUJIOKA, Ryoichi. SHINO AND ORIBE CERAMICS. JAPANESE ARTS LIBRARY VOL.1. Tokyo [1984], Kodansha. Green boards,very clean, dj., 178p., 26 color,222 b.w. photos, index, bibliography, glossary,map, tables. Trans. by Samuel C. Morse, 19 x 26 cm., bright solid copy, 3rd printing. The introductory essay covers Ceramics and the Tea Ceremony. The origin, types & characteristics of Shino and the kilns. Oribe ware, its types, kilns, kiln marks & connoisseurship. * Japanese Arts Library Series vol. 1. * FIRST & ONLY EDITION RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 * $37 SUPERB REFERENCE OF JAPANESE TATTOO PRINTS OF 19TH CENTURY Book Number: 36003901 482 FUKUDA, Kazuhiko. ed. GENSHOKU UKIYOE SHISEI HANGA: 19TH CENTURY COLOR JAPANESE UKIYO-E [WOODBLOCK] PRINTS SHOWING TATTOOED PEOPLE. [Tokyo 1977, Haga].Blue cloth, very clean like new copy,210p Japanese text, profusely color & b.w. photo illustrated some folding & fold out color plates, small folio: 21 x 30.5 cm., Gunji Masakatsu editorial supervisor. FIRST & ONLY EDITION This is an excellent, large-format and size volume. It is loaded with stunning color Japanese woodblock prints depicting Japanese Samurai, actors & tradesmen with tattoos, or famous images, Buddhist art, and examples of some of the most impressive graphics to come out of Japan in the last 200 years. This is a very useful color reference, used in Japanese tattoo studios as samples and selections for tattooing. . The Japanese have been masters of tattooing for more than 400 years. They have used historic symbols, heroes, villains, Monks, priests, goddesses, demons, folk-heroes and other images drawn from the rich Shinto, Buddhist and historic pantheon. . The superb full color Japanese prints within this fabulous reference book cover the breath and width of this genre, using some of the best artists of the time and their impressive, dramatic and "Timeless" images. Their impressive nature survives and continues today. The best collection of such images in any single book, combined herein to give a full perspective of this amazing genre. *** The work focuses on some of the most celebrated and greatest Japanese woodblock color print artists of the time. RareOrientalBooks.Com Illustrating some 87 fine color examples from the best works from the below famous artists. With many fantastic full color illustrations. Showing a large number of tattooed Japanese in the prints. Please visit our website, where we have posted a good number of color photos from this great work ! . STUNNING EXAMPLES FROM THE BELOW ARTISTS: . 1. Kuniyoshi . 2. Toyokuni . 3. Kunisada II . 4. Yoshitoshi . 5. Kunichika . *** There a good number of folding three and two panel color woodblock prints. There are also a good number of smaller black & white print examples, with descriptions. *** THE AUTHOR KAZUHIKO FUKUDA: The author is a celebrated contemporary scholar and respected authority on Japanese Ukiyo-e or color woodblock prints and illustrated woodblock printed period books. He is the author of many superb reference books & monographs on Japanese woodblock color printing. *** RARE FIRST & ONLY EDITION: This is the First & Only RARE edition. It has been scarce since its small publication, and this title seldom comes to market. *** CONDITION: This work is in excellent original condition, contained in the original slip case, with color woodblock images. This is a bright & clean copy with its gold-stamped titles on the blue cloth binding. In collector's condition. *** If you are collecting books about Japanese woodblock prints, or actual Japanese 18-19th century woodblock printed books, or original color Japanese woodblock prints, please inquire as we have a good inventory. *** Please visit our website and view the stunning color photo examples posted. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $301 Book Number: 84205201 483 FUKUDA, Naomi. UNION CATALOG ON JAPAN IN WESTERN LANGUAGES. [Tokyo] 1968, International House Library. Blue cloth, very sharp copy, 543p., reprint edition, corrected, 18 x 26 cm., contents very clean. A copious reference tool. Essential bibliography, listing books in the National Diet Library (former Ueno Library), Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai Library, Toyo Bunko, including the Morrison Library & the International House Library. All entries nicely listed in alphabetic order by author's name. * $153 A RARE MONOGRAPH AND COPIOUS RESOURCE ON THE SUBJECT Book Number: 84132901 484 FUKUI, Kikusaburo. JAPANESE CERAMIC ART AND NATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS. Tokyo [1927], Kyodo. Pictorial cloth covers, very good, 51 + 62p. b.w. plates, map, full text in Japanese and English, spine a bit worn, frayed, else contents very clean, solid copy. FIRST EDITION Covering the misapprehension of the taste in ceramics, essence of ceramic beauty, perfect harmony of elements. With a history of ceramics in Japan, tracing the earliest origins from the Nihongi, the Korean expediton by Empress Jingo, glazed ware, introduction from China, arrival of potters from Korea, development of a domestic industry. Old Karatsu, Old Seto, Mino & other wares. As use in the tea ceremony, Raku, down to the Meiji era, and the present, through 1927. A SUPERB AND MOST CHARMING ZEN CLASSIC ON TEA CEREMONY RareOrientalBooks.Com $49 Book Number: 92146703 485 FUKUKITA, Yasunosuke. CHA-NO-YU TEA CULT OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1932, Maruzen. Decorated cloth, very good, 111p., 35p. notes, index, 5 color, 9 b. w. drawings, 14 collotype b. w. photos, 1 b.w. plate, dust jacket, 16 x 25 cm. FIRST EDITION An Excellent aestethic work covering the Zen art of formal tea ceremony in great detail. . Addressing Cha-no-yu as a pastime, introduction from ancient China, early masters and patrons. Invitation to Cha-no-yu. Roji the garden path, Chashitsu & Chaseki tea room. Usucha or thin tea, traditions, ideals, training, etiquette. * Shows a good number of photos, drawings and color examples. A must text for any serious tea ceremony studeny or practitioner. * A SUPERB AND MOST CHARMING ZEN CLASSIC ON TEA CEREMONY Book Number: 92146704 486 FUKUKITA, Yasunosuke. CHA-NO-YU TEA CULT OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1932, Maruzen. Decorated cloth, very good, 111p., 35p. notes, index, 5 color, 9 b. w. drawings, 14 collotype b. w. photos, 1 b.w. plate, 16 x 25 cm. FIRST EDITION RareOrientalBooks.Com $73 An Excellent aestethic work covering the Zen art of formal tea ceremony in great detail. . Addressing Cha-no-yu as a pastime, introduction from ancient China, early masters and patrons. Invitation to Cha-no-yu. Roji the garden path, Chashitsu & Chaseki tea room. Usucha or thin tea, traditions, ideals, training, etiquette. * Shows a good number of photos, drawings and color examples. A must text for any serious tea ceremony studeny or practitioner. * $73 A FINE ILLUSTRATED MONOGRAPH ON THE SUBJECT Book Number: 84049404 487 FUKUKITA, Yasunosuke. THE TEA CULT OF JAPAN. Tokyo [1953], Japan Travel Bureau. Blue cloth, very good,166 pages, index, glossary, bibliography,4 color,127 b.w. photos A comprehensive insight to the art & culture of Zen teaism, or Cha No Yu, or the serving & drinking of powdered green tea. An art that has plays an important artistic role in the life of the Japanese people for more than 400 hundred years. $20 A FINE ILLUSTRATED MONOGRAPH ON THE SUBJECT Book Number: 84049405 488 FUKUKITA, Yasunosuke. THE TEA CULT OF JAPAN. Tokyo [1955], Japan Travel Bureau. Blue cloth, very good,166 pages, index, glossary, bibliography, 4 color, 127 b. w. photos, very clean bright copy, 13 x 18.5 cm. A comprehensive insight to the art & culture of Zen teaism, or Cha No Yu, or the serving & drinking of powdered green tea. An art that has plays an important artistic role in the life of the Japanese people for more than 400 hundred years. A FINE ILLUSTRATED MONOGRAPH ON THE SUBJECT Book Number: 84049406 489 FUKUKITA, Yasunosuke. THE TEA CULT OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1961, Japan Travel Bureau. Brown cloth, very good, dj. 166p., index, glossary, bibliography,4 color,127 b.w. photos A comprehensive insight to the art & culture of Zen teaism, or Cha No Yu, or the serving & drinking of powdered green tea. An art that has plays an important artistic role in the RareOrientalBooks.Com $12 life of the Japanese people for more than 400 hundred years. $31 A FINE ILLUSTRATED MONOGRAPH ON THE SUBJECT Book Number: 84049407 490 FUKUKITA, Yasunosuke. THE TEA CULT OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1965, Japan Travel Bureau. Brown cloth, very good, dj. 166p., index, glossary, bibliography,4 color,127 b.w. photos A comprehensive insight to the art & culture of Zen teaism, or Cha No Yu, or the serving & drinking of powdered green tea. An art that has plays an important artistic role in the life of the Japanese people for more than 400 hundred years. $31 Book Number: 95261801 491 FUKUYAMA, Toshio. HEIAN TEMPLES: BYODO-IN AND CHUSON-JI. VOL. 9. THE HEIBONSHA SURVEY OF JAPANESE ART. New York 1976, Weatherhill. Blue marbled cloth, very clean, 168p., color folding map, maps, 8 plans, 43 color, 113 b.w. photos, color fold-outs, solic copy in nice dust jacket. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Art and architecture of Pure Land Buddhism in Heian times. . Absorbing & informative text, the author traces the course of this distinctive development in Japanese art history, its origins, its manifestations in the ancient capital of Kyoto and the surrounding area, and its extension of western and northern Japan. . Richly illustrated. * NICELY ILLUSTRATED WITH COLOR & B.W. FULL-PAGE PLATES RareOrientalBooks.Com $10 Book Number: 35015001 492 FUZOKU GA HO: THE PICTORIAL MAGAZINE OF JAPANESE FASHION. FUZOKU GA HO:THE PICTORIAL MAGAZINE OF JAPANESE FASHION. A Group of 34 Odd Issues of this Color-Illustrated Meiji Era Tokyo 1889-1908, Toyodo. Original color pictorial wrs., various pagination, color & b. w. plates, 18.5 x 25.7 cm., spines worn, some loose, some stapled, all now solid, 34 odd issues, profusely illustrated. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION FUZOKU GA HO: a group of 34 odd issues of this scarce and obscure color-lustrated Japanese periodical. Some items have the English title: FUZOKU GAHO THE PICTORIAL MAGAZINE OF JAPANESE FASHION. Also: FUZOKU GAHO AN ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE OF JAPANESE LIFE. . The title is somewhat misleading. It is not actually about fashion, but an illustrated history of Japanese life, customs, political activates, militarism in China, historical events, important people, and government, to only mention a few. . An historical record of Japan's past, important events, political activities, military aggression in China, famous people, festivals, customs, dress, furniture, arms, armor, and too many subjects to list. . Each issue contains a number of illustrations, some in color and b.w. illustrations, as well as a good number of text drawings, figures and illustrations. *** THE LIST OF ISSUES, number of color & b.w. illustrations, last page number, &c. . No. 3. 1889., tinted covers, 5 full page b.w., 2 double page b.w. illustrations, 42p. . No. 4. 1889. Tinted covers, 7 full page b.w., 1 double page b.w. illustrations. . No. 21. 1890. Tinted covers, double page b.w. & 2 full page b.w. illustrations, 14p. . No. 22. 1890. Tinted covers, 5 double page b.w. 3 single full page b.w. illustrations, 20p. . No. 26. 1891. Color covers, 4 double page b.w., 5 single full page b.w. illustrations, 22+3p. . No. 27. 1891. Color covers, 2 color by Hiroshige, 2 double page b.w., 6 full page b.w. illustrations, 22p. . No. 36, 1891, color pictorial covers, 1 double page color, RareOrientalBooks.Com 10 b.w. single page, 32 pages text. . No. 43. 1892. Color pictorial covers, 1 full page color, 5 double b.w. page, 2 single b.w. page illustrations, 28p. . No. 45. 1906. Color covers, 2 full page color, b.w. photos, 1 full page b.w. & 1 double page b.w. illustration, 42p. . No. 53. 1893. Color pictorial covers, 3 page color folding, 1 full page color and 3 double page b.w. illustrations, 30p. . No. 54, 1908, 2 double page color, 9. b.w. photos, 39p. text . No. 54. 1980. Color pictorial covers,1 color double page, 1 color single page, 4 b.w. double page, 8 b.w. drawings, 20 pages text. . No. 55. 1893. Color pictorial covers, 3 page folding color, 3 double page b.w. and 4 single page b.w. illustrations, 30p. . No. 56. 1893. Color pictorial covers, 3p. 1 color folding, 1 single color, 4 double page, 4 single page b.w. illustrations, b.w. 30p. . No. 64. 1894. Pictorial color covers, 1 color folding, 5 double page b.w. & 8 full page b.w. illustrations, 32p. . No. 67. 1894. Title covers, 22 full page b.w. illustrations, pp.51-80. . No. 72. 1984. Color pictorial covers, 2 double page b.w., 1 foldout b.w. and 7 single page b.w. illustrations, 32p. . No. 83. 1895. Color pictorial covers, 2 fold out color,3 double page b.w. 3 full page b.w. and 1 fold out b.w. illustrations, 32p. . No. 85. 1895, color pictorial covers, 1 color folding, 4 b.w. double page, 1 b.w. folding, 4 drawings, 31 page text. . No. 86. 1895. Color pictorial covers, 1 fold out color, 2 double page b.w., 5 single b.w. and a map, 30p. . No. 87. 1895. Color pictorial covers, 1 fold out color, 2 double folding b.w., 7 single full page b.w. illustrations, map, 34p. . No. 88. 1895. Color pictorial covers, 1 fold out color, 3 double page b.w. and 3 single page b.w. illustrations, 36p. . No. 90. 1895, color pictorial covers, 1 folding color, 3 double b.w. pages, 4 single b.w. pages, 1 b.w. folding, 28 pages text. . No. 91. 1895 color pictorial covers, 1 color folding, 2 color single, 2 b.w. , 4 b.w. double, 1 drawing, 1 single b.w. plate, 32 text pages. . No. 98. 1905, color pictorial covers, 1 color double, 1 color folding, 1 b.w. double, 6 b.w. single pages, 32 pages text. RareOrientalBooks.Com . No. 139, 1897, 2 double color page, 4 double b.w. pages, 3 single b.w. pages, 38p. text. . No. 141, 1892, 3 double page color, 5 double page b.w., 3 b.w. single page, 36p. text. . No. 175, 1898, color pictorial covers, 2 double color, 3 double b.w., 4 single b.w., 24 b.w. photos, 40 pages text, typed captions. . No. 176 1897, color pictorial covers, 2 double color, 1 color single, 1 b.w. double, 5 single b.w. pages, 40 page text. . No. 177, 1892, color pictorial covers, 2 double color, 1 double b.w., 7 single b.w. pages, 36p. text. . No. 353, 1897, 11 double color, 5 b.w. single, 17 b.w. photos, 40 pages text. . No. 370. 1907. Title covers, 3 color fold out,21b.w. photos one large fold out, 44p. . No. 379, 1892. Color pictorial covers,2 double color, 2 single page color, 2 double page b.w., 3 b.w. photos. . No. 382, 1908. Cover with double color illustration of Ueno station only. . *** THE COLOR PLATES: The color covers and other color plates are all signed in block, and red cinnabar Hanko [seal/chop] with the artist's name and seal. *** OTHER ILLUSTRATIONS; The work has many full page, double-page and folding b.w. illustrations, + profuse text drawings & illustrations. . Hand-written English captions to most illustrations, or typed captions. ***, CONTENTS: Covers subjects: recording earthquakes, festivals, Buddhist images, Buddhist ceremonies, historical events, famous persons, gardens, sights, telegraph, conflagrations, Shinto shrines, Japanese Imperial Issue: military uniforms, swords; 1894 Sino-Japanese war, New Years celebration, great earthquake of 1855 at the Yoshiwara [prostitution quarters], first Japanese envoys [1960's], Ronin attack on the British minister at Takanawa, Battle of Weihaiwei, floods and disasters. *** CONDITION: As published, most paper clean white, a few are browned, toned paper, some spines modern double staples, some old dog ears, all in all very good, solid. *** Color photos can be sent by email. RareOrientalBooks.Com $578 Book Number: 23020501 493 [GANKI]. et al. KOKON MEIKA NARAI GA CHO: ALBUM OF OLD & NEW PAINTINGS BY FAMOUS PAINTERS: A Practice Book of Drawing Examples. Tokyo 1909, Ohashi/Hakubunkan. Stiff silk-tied buff wrs., 2 volume set, very good, ca. 17.5 x 25.5 cm., Japanese text, 34 color & b.w woodcut illustrations: 2 large folding black & white; single-page color:11, b.w. 11; double-page color 5, single: 5. A very lovely work. * Contains paintings exmaples of many fine and celebrated artists: Ganki, Toba Sojyo, Tanyuu, Gahoo, Tonda Tanryo, Raboku, Kazan, Kohgyoshuku, Kotei, Kanboo, Yuushou, Kagefumi,Tanyuu, Tosashoukan Keimitsu, Kazzan, Okyo and Rantei Kyokusui et al. * Volume 1: The work begins with an introductory essay on how to paint. The basis of this book is to teach interested persons how to paint by observing the masters and their works and techniques of orchids, grasses, leaves, plum, cherry, flower blossoms, chrysanthemum, bamboo &c., in Sumi & gray color. The work then shows how to color flowers and grasses, birds, firefly, with help by example of drawings and paintings of people, a dramatic birds of prey, old sage, pair of dogs, & a classic landscape. * Volume 2 continues with a Chinese scholar, children playing with bows, mythological Gods, Samurai warriors, Chinese literati or scholars, portraits of various people, ending with a large foldout of a pavilion in the pines. * Nicely done and finely executed. * Book Number: 84133102 494 GARNER, Harry. CHINESE AND JAPANESE CLOISONNE ENAMELS. Rutland [1962], Tuttle. Green cloth, very good, bibliography index, 120p.+96p. b.w. + color plates, bibliography. First monograph devoted to this subject, bright copy, clean, in very good dust jacket, 16 x 25.5 cm. Being introduced from the West in the 14th century, this art form has had a dramatic impact on both Japan and China. Carried to its ultimate form of artistic expression, this work breaks entirely new ground. By use of a logical system, RareOrientalBooks.Com $818 pieces can now be identified by study of their basic properties. Excellent work, useful to any student or collector. * $10 Book Number: 84133103 495 GARNER, Harry. CHINESE AND JAPANESE CLOISONNE ENAMELS. London [1962], Faber. Green cloth, 120p., 6 color, 96 b.w. plates, index, appendices, bibliography, very good. The first book devoted entirely to this subject, 16 x 25.5 cm. Being introduced from the West in the 14th century, this art form has had a dramatic impact on both Japan and China. Carried to its ultimate form of artistic expression, this work breaks entirely new ground. By use of a logical system, pieces can now be identified by study of their basic properties. Excellent work, useful to any student or collector. * $10 Book Number: 84133105 496 GARNER, Harry. CHINESE AND JAPANESE CLOISONNE ENAMELS. London [1970], Faber. Green cloth, 120p., 6 color, 96 b.w. plates, index, appendix, bibliography, very good, dj., top rubber stamped, contents clean, as is, 16 x 25.5 cm. Being introduced from the West in the 14th century, this art form has had a dramatic impact on both Japan and China. Carried to its ultimate form of artistic expression, this work breaks entirely new ground. By use of a logical system, pieces can now be identified by study of their basic properties. Excellent work, useful to any student or collector. * $7 Book Number: 84133106 497 GARNER, Harry. CHINESE AND JAPANESE CLOISONNE ENAMELS. London [1976], Faber. Green cloth, 120p., 6 color, 96 b.w. plates, index, appendix, bibliography, very good, dj. First book entirely devoted to this subject, 16 x 25.5 cm. Being introduced from the West in the 14th century, this art form has had a dramatic impact on both Japan and China. Carried to its ultimate form of artistic expression, this work breaks entirely new ground. By use of a logical system, pieces can now be identified by study of their basic properties. Excellent work, useful to any student or collector. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $9 Book Number: 86078703 498 GARNER, Harry. ORIENTAL BLUE AND WHITE. London [1973], Faber. Blue cloth, very good, 89p., 4 color, 110 b.w. plates, appendix, index, bibliography, bright dust jacket, former owner's name stamped on first fly, else very bright and clean & solod copy, 16 x 25.5 cm. This work focuses on the 14th & 15th century wares, including Korean, Chinese & Japanese. Covering some little-known from Japan & Indo-China and discussing the differentiating styles. An excellent work, covering all forms of blue and white, with assistance on dating & attribution. An appendix of marks is helpful for identification. Very good reference tool for any student & collector. Nicely done reliable work. * BIBLIOGRAPHY Arntzen p.355. * A VERY EARLY ILLUSTRATED WOODBLOCK RESOURCE ON YOSHITSUNE Book Number: 20038101 499 GI KEI KI YOSHITSUNE KI: RECORD OF THE LIFE OF YOSHITSUNE. GI KEI KI [YOSHITSUNE KI]: RECORD OF LIFE OF YOSHITSUNE. Ahead of Title: Shinpan Eiri: New Edition [1697]. [Kyoto 1697, Umemura]. Blue stitched wrs., very good, covers basically clean, bit of minor scuff, tiny bit of old worming vol. 1, else clean, entirely woodblock printed on hand-made paper, 43 woodcut illustrations, 8 volume set, complete. A most famous and valuable work. The first edition of this was published in 1635 and is a biography of Yoshitsune in 8 volumes. The title is however written in the Chinese reading thus it is commonly known as GI KEI KI. The earliest copies were neatly hand colored. This set is complete and follows the original in volume count & contents, 18 x 25.5 cm., and follows the bibliographical note cited in L. Brown: BLOCKBLOCK-PRINTING & ILLUSTRATION IN JAPAN, p.32 & 48. She also states:"...each illustration extends over 2 full is one of the most interesting sets of books of this period, not only because it represents rather typical Kwanyei work in wood-engraving, but also because it shows the dress, armour, weapons, etc. for the time of Yoshitsune." K. Toda also cites this on p.28-30 with a careful list of the illustrations and two editions. Yoshitsune was the son of Minamoto no Yoshitomo, his father turned against the Taira clan in the Heiji uprising. Yoshitsune entered Kuramadera temple RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 in Kyoto to become a monk. Around 1180, he joined his halfbrother to fight the Taira, and the famous battle of Dan No Ura spelled the end of the Taira. Yoshitsune and his famous retainer Benkei are the subject of a number of dramatic books & stories performed as Kabuki plays. This present work outlines the life of Yoshitsune until his death at the hands of the Yoritomo forces. With a nice set of charming illustrations, one in particular shows a young Yoshitsune testing his arm and sword against a solid tree, another shows him in a successful defense against four assassins as he beheads two and cuts another in the heart as blood sprays forth, the fourth flees for his life. For more information on Yoshitsune see: S. Iwao:BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE HISTORY, p.92, et al; F. Brinkley: A HISTORY OF THE JAPANESE PEOPLE...p.294 et al; E. Papinot: HISTORICAL & GEOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF JAPAN p.383-385; [H. Murakami]: GREAT HISTORICAL FIGURES OF JAPAN p.75 et al. J.M. Goedertier: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE HISTORY index p.347 for several entries. Scans can be sent by e-mail. AN EXCEPTIONALLY RARE & EARLY ILLUSTRATED RESOURCE $10200 AN EARLY ENGLISH LANGUAGE ILLUSTRATED EROTIC CLASSIC Book Number: 84133302 500 GICHNER, Lawrence E. EROTIC ASPECTS OF JAPANESE CULTURE. N.p. 1953, Privately Printed. Red boards, very good, 94p., bibliography, notes, corners & spine a bit bumped,else clean copy. The author old us this book was LIMITED 250 COPIES. FIRST ORIGINAL EDITION ! NOT SOME CHEAP DEFECTIVE REPRINT ! First unexpurgated study of Japanese sex life issued in the U.S. Numerous uncensored photo-reproductions of erotic art and objects to illustrate phallicism, picture scrolls, woodblock prints, erotic poetry, literature, sex manuals, sex aids, Netsuke, etc. An important contribution to the study of erotic Japanese art in all forms. Nicely illustrated. A COMPREHENSIVE PAIR OF DICTIONARIES TO FIND JAPANESE NAMES Book Number: 84240702 501 GILLIS, I.V. et al. JAPANESE PERSONAL NAMES AND JAPANESE SURNAMES. Peking 1940, [Hwa Hsing Pr.]. Rare 2 vol. set, 70+173+171p., co-author Pai Ping-Chi, vol.2 Ann Arbor 1943, Edwards, mixed set, vol. 1 First Edition, vol. 2 red cloth, both very good, clean, solid. SELDOM FOUND COMPLETE IN TWO CLEAN VOLUMES Assists in locating Japanese names, their correct characters & pronunciation, along with the reading of the Kanji or characters. This work has advantages over the other usual books on the subject: ie its main plus is that it is simple to use, organizing names by strokes and characters, yeilding the romanized sound, and combination variants of compound character names. With English text. RareOrientalBooks.Com $26 * An essential tool for any student or collector of Japanese art works, swords, arms, prints, lacquer, paintings, ceramics, sculpture, Netsuke, Inro, Ojime and a host of others or anywhere a name must be read. Once you can understand how to count character strokes, or find a character by its "look" you can use this book successfully. * Japanese & Chinese are highly organized languages, and can be mastered by foreigners, if they can learn the basics of how to "read" or count character strokes & radicals. We have a host of useful reference books on both languages, please inquire for a current list. PHOTOS BY A SAN FRANCISCO PHOTOGRAPHER, AMERICANS IN ASIA Book Number: 25035501 502 GIVENS, J.D. SCENES TAKEN IN THE PHILIPPINES, CHINA, JAPAN AND ON THE PACIFIC RELATED TO [AMERICAN] SOLDIERS. N.p. ca. 1901. Brown gold-stamped album, oblong format 19 x 14 cm., with 160 b.w. photos, string tied binding, very good sharp un-faded images, clean condition. OBSCURE PHOTO SOURCE This is a album was made by the usual method of machine printed photo plates, in a high quality, at least for the time and period. * The fascinating record of U.S. soldiers in the Spanish-American War [1900]. The album covers what appears to be a group of volunteers who left from the East coast of America and went to Puerto Rico, & Cuba, fighting all the way. It shows some gruesome executions, hangings and other battle-related scenes. The photographer seems to have accompanied the soldiers from their arrival in Japan with photos of women there; and China on the way to the Philippines. The photographer, a man named J.D. Givens of San Francisco took photos recording the historic voyage and actions. He seems to have borrowed some high-light photos of women in Japan, executions and the the beheading and dismemberment of Boxer rebels in China ca. [1900]. *It begins with a photo of the Americans soldier's base Camp Stetsenberg near Mt. Ariat, Philippines. Campaign photos, death and destruction in the Philippines, superb photos of ethnic Philippine natives from various islands & cultures, semi-nude women and natives. The photos are mostly numbered and signed by Givens in the negative, in random order, and gaps in the numbers, but what is here seems to be a complete album recording the great event, as Givens follow- RareOrientalBooks.Com $105 ed the action along with the G.I's. All in all, this is a very fascinating group of photos. An excellent record of the ethnic people and places the soldiers visited. One of the last photos is of a great & large groups of insurgent Filipinos who surrender en masses to General F. D. Grant. The hanging of the worst offenders and the death of so many Filipinos is recorded. An amazing insight to the actions of an early American war. PHOTOS BY A SAN FRANCISCO PHOTOGRAPHER, AMERICANS IN ASIA Book Number: 25035502 503 GIVENS, J.D. SCENES TAKEN IN THE PHILIPPINES, CHINA, JAPAN AND ON THE PACIFIC RELATED TO [AMERICAN] SOLDIERS. N.p. ca. 1901. Brown gold-stamped album, oblong format 19 x 14 cm., with 114 b.w. photos, string tied binding, very good sharp unfaded images, clean condition. OBSCURE PHOTO SOURCE This is a album was made by the usual method of machine printed photo plates, in a high quality, at least for the time and period. * The fascinating record of U.S. soldiers in the Spanish-American War [1900]. The album covers what appears to be a group of volunteers who left from the East coast of America and went to Puerto Rico, & Cuba, fighting all the way. It shows some gruesome executions, hangings and other battle-related scenes. The photographer seems to have accompanied the soldiers from their arrival in Japan with photos of women there; and China on the way to the Philippines. The photographer, a man named J.D. Givens of San Francisco took photos recording the historic voyage and actions. He seems to have borrowed some high-light photos of women in Japan, executions and the the beheading and dismemberment of Boxer rebels in China ca. [1900]. *It begins with a photo of the Americans soldier's base Camp Stetsenberg near Mt. Ariat, Philippines. Campaign photos, death and destruction in the Philippines, superb photos of ethnic Philippine natives from various islands & cultures, semi-nude women and natives. The photos are mostly numbered and signed by Givens in the negative, in random order, and gaps in the numbers, but what is here seems to be a complete album recording the great event, as Givens followed the action along with the G.I's. All in all, this is a very fascinating group of photos. An excellent record of the ethnic people and places the soldiers visited. One of the last photos is of a great & large groups of insurgent Filipinos who surrender en masses to General F. D. Grant. The RareOrientalBooks.Com $527 hanging of the worst offenders and the death of so many Filipinos is recorded. An amazing insight to the actions of an early American war. $422 IMPORTANT STUDY OF THE BUDDHIST SCULPTURES OF JAPAN & CHINA Book Number: 23014801 504 GLASER, Curt. OSTASIATISCHE PLASTIK. Berlin 1925, Cassirer. Blue cloth spine over boards, very good, 97p. German text, 172p. b.w. photos, captions in both German & English of some 186 objects. This excellent monograph addresses the stone, wood, bronze and other Buddhist sculptures of these two cultures from the beginning of their inception. Nicely done superb photography. $5 Book Number: 91030301 505 GLEASON'S PICTORIAL. CLOTH MILL-RURAL SCENERY IN JAPAN. And JAPANESE ARMS-SWORDS, SCIMETARS, ETC. And WEIGHTS AND MEASURES OF JAPAN. Boston 1854. Single sheet, 3 etchings, first by Best Hotelin very good, hand colored, with brief text. $94 Book Number: 91030302 506 GLEASON'S PICTORIAL. CLOTH MILL-RURAL SCENERY IN JAPAN. And JAPANESE ARMS-SWORDS, SCIMETARS, ETC. And WEIGHTS AND MEASURES OF JAPAN. Boston 1854. Single sheet, 3 engravings, the first by Best Hotelin, very good, brief text. $68 Book Number: 91035701 507 GLEASON'S PICTORIAL. COURT DRESSES OF JAPAN. Boston 1854. Single sheet, 4 engravings showing four court officials in their elaborate dress. RareOrientalBooks.Com $94 A HAND-DRAWN AND COLOR PAINTED EROTIC STORY BOOK Book Number: 23013801 508 GOKURAKU NO TOMO: FRIEND OF BLISS AND PARADISE. GOKURAKU NO TOMO: FRIEND OF BLISS AND PARADISE. [An Old Erotic Hand-Painted Color Story] [Japan n.d. ca 1920]. Green brocade silk covers, accordion folded book, all edges gilt, contains 12 double-page color drawing, on front and back sides of the leaves, 12 x 18 cm., very good, tiny faint margin stain on 2 else clean. SCARCE A charming and quaint erotic book. It begins with a couple engaged in love-making and tongue kissing, and also shows the various other positions and styles of love-making. The couples are wearing the usual Taisho period [1912-1926] Kimono and coiffeur, laying on the Tatami mats in typical Japanese style rooms. The artwork is skillfully executed in Sumi black outline, with color applique. Each color drawing occupies double pages, 24 x 18 cm. A very tiny bit of corner wear to the covers, else very bright and unique work. Harubon [erotic books] have been banned in Japanese society since the 1850's, so were always an underground" sub-culture never for sale in the open market, but rather passed among collectors discreetly. Color scans can be sent by email. $1180 Book Number: 97049001 509 GOLDEN GATE INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION. PACIFIC CULTURES: Department of Fine Arts, Division of Pacific Cultures. San Francisco 1939, Golden Gate. Stiff green wrs., very good 156p., profusely illustrated with b.w. photos, lender list, clean and solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION LANGDON WARNER'S SIGNED COPY An excellent exhibition catalog, covers the cultures of China, Southeast Asia, Japan, Northwest Coast of America, Islands of the Pacific, South & Middle America. Essay on China: by Langdon Warner, covers ancient jade, bronzes, Buddhist arts, ceramics, paintings. Essay on Southeast Asia:by George Coedes covers Siamese sculpture, Buddhist art, ceramics, those of Indo-China & the Malaya Archipelago. Japan essay by K. Sato covers Buddhist sculptures, paintings, Kimono, ceramics and some Luchu Island works. RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 A NAKED LOOK AT NAKED JAPANESE YOUNG WOMEN Book Number: 21155401 510 GOMI, Akira. YELLOWS 1.0. [Photographs of Nude Japanese Young Women] Tokyo 1999, Bunka Sha. White boards, very good, dj., large size, 24 x 31 cm., ca 140 b.w. photos of young Japanese women completely nude, small bump to lower edge, else clean and solid copy of his first book on nude Japanese women. SCARCE This is Gomi's first attempt at photographing nude Japanese girls. All girls are in their early 20's. Each girl is then photographed about 3-4 times, with a full frontal, back side & some have a close up of their face. The inside of the dust jacket is a collage of about 112 more photos of the girls in differnt poses. It also advertises other titles he has done on the same subject of nude Japanese and Chinese women, the titles are: Yellows 1, 2, 3 Chinese Girls, 20 Years Old, Yellows Restart...&c. With two pages of Japanese text, each girl is identified in English at the bottom left with her name & date of birth. Scans can be sent by email. A NAKED LOOK AT NAKED JAPANESE GIRLS IN THEIR 20'S Book Number: 96123701 511 GOMI, Akira. YELLOWS PRIVACY '94. [A Contemporary Nude Photographic Study of Japan's Young [Tokyo 1994,] Fuga. Glossy boards,very clean, profuse color photographic study, English & Japanese text, body size,blood type, age, birth date, name, folio 23 x 31.5 cm., solid copy high quality paper, nice dust jacket. FIRST & ONLY EDITION The photographer asks the question: "Is it possible to make a close observation on "Fresh" Japanese people?" A "fresh" look at the apartments, accessories, kitchen, bathroom, bed room, and toilet of these young girls. . RareOrientalBooks.Com $311 Most are crammed into a very tiny space, and the rooms are more or less a single space. In this tiny atmosphere Gomi does his camera work. The girls are more than willing to strip and pose for the camera and bare all to us, the voyeur of their life style & body. . Gomi is capable of bringing to the reader a picture of the girls in all of their innocent [& not so innocent!] glory and erotic views. We see them in various states of dress & undress, as their personal nude story evolves. Unrehearsed, natural, raw & truly Japanese, with close up of the "private parts" and intimate photos of each body & girl. . One girl has a nipple ring, another a tattooed flower on her naval ! This work is for the appreciation & edification of those who adore observing the nude Asian female body. . A real joy! "Gomi" in Japanese means 'garbage'!! . Inquire with us for more and other Gomi books also showing nude Asian women. He also did an excellent nude Chinese girls book, check out our website for books and photos posted there. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION * A NAKED LOOK AT NAKED JAPANESE GIRLS IN THEIR 20'S Book Number: 96123702 512 GOMI, Akira. YELLOWS PRIVACY '94. [A Contemporary Nude Photographic Study of Japan's Young [Tokyo 1994,] Fuga. Glossy boards, very clean, profuse color photographic study, English & Japanese text, body size,blood type, age, birth date, name, folio 23 x 31.5 cm., nice dust jacet, solid,in original protective box.FIRST & ONLY EDITION The photographer asks the question: "Is it possible to make a close observation on "Fresh" Japanese people?" A "fresh" look at the apartments, accessories, kitchen, bathroom, bed room, and toilet of these young girls. . Most are crammed into a very tiny space, and the rooms are more or less a single space. In this tiny atmosphere Gomi does his camera work. The girls are more than willing to strip and pose for the camera and bare all to us, the voyeur of their life style & body. . RareOrientalBooks.Com $156 Gomi is capable of bringing to the reader a picture of the girls in all of their innocent [& not so innocent!] glory and erotic views. We see them in various states of dress & undress, as their personal nude story evolves. Unrehearsed, natural, raw & truly Japanese, with close up of the "private parts" and intimate photos of each body & girl. . One girl has a nipple ring, another a tattooed flower on her naval ! This work is for the appreciation & edification of those who adore observing the nude Asian female body. . A real joy! "Gomi" in Japanese means 'garbage'!! . Inquire with us for more and other Gomi books also showing nude Asian women. He also did an excellent nude Chinese girls book, check out our website for books and photos posted there. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION * $185 Book Number: 98011501 513 GONICK, Gloria. et al. COSTUMES OF THE RYUKYU KINGDOM: Splendor of the Dragon. Los Angeles [1995], Craft & Folk Art Museum. Stiff color wrs very clean, 48p., glossary, bibliography, 96 items catalogue many color & b. w. photos, co-author I. Yonamine. solid and firm copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION A very unusual and esoteric monograph dealing with the great beauty of Okinawan textiles & costumes of the island. From the 96 excellent examples of Kimono, Obi, yardage, stenciled cloth, dresses et al, one gets the distinct image of a very unique design from the Okinawans. EXCELLENT REFERENCE ON JAPANESE, CHINESE & KOREAN CERAMICS RareOrientalBooks.Com $14 Book Number: 84133902 514 GORHAM, Hazel H. JAPANESE AND ORIENTAL CERAMICS. [A Reprint of 1953 Original:"JAPANESE AND ORIENTAL POTTERY"] Rutland [1979], Tuttle. Red cloth, very good, dj., 256p., 36 b.w. photos, bibliography, ceramic design and symbol index. FIRST TUTTLE EDITION An excellent and in detail discussion of Japanese, Chinese & Korean ceramics. *** Detailed discussion of many local wares. Inscriptions, dates and marks. Covers Cha-no-yu or Tea ware, clays, kilns and potters methods.Prehistoric & early potteries, Bizen,Karatsu Satsuma, Hyata, Hagi, celadons. The kilns & potters of Seto Imari, Kutani, Kyoto, Tokyo, Korean ware, appreciation, the inscriptions, designs, symbols and use in religion. Chinese date marks. ** Useful reference for any collector, student, dealer & museum. *** TUTTLE REPRINT VARIATION TO TITLE: Tuttle has slightly changed the title in its reprint edition to be: JAPANESE AND ORIENTAL CERAMICS. The contents remains identical to the original edition. *** EXCELLENT REFERENCE ON JAPANESE, CHINESE & KOREAN CERAMICS Book Number: 84133903 515 GORHAM, Hazel H. JAPANESE AND ORIENTAL CERAMICS. [A Reprint of 1953 Original:"JAPANESE AND ORIENTAL POTTERY"] Rutland [1980], Tuttle. Red cloth, as new, dj., 256p., 36 bw photos, bibliography, ceramic design and symbol index. Like new copy in likewise as new mylar protected dustjacket. An excellent and in detail discussion of Japanese, Chinese & Korean ceramics. *** Detailed discussion of many local wares. Inscriptions, dates and marks. Covers Cha-no-yu or Tea ware, clays, kilns and potters methods.Prehistoric & early potteries, Bizen,Karatsu Satsuma, Hyata, Hagi, celadons. The kilns & potters of Seto Imari, Kutani, Kyoto, Tokyo, Korean ware, appreciation, the inscriptions, designs, symbols and use in religion. Chinese date marks. RareOrientalBooks.Com $7 ** Useful reference for any collector, student, dealer & museum. *** TUTTLE REPRINT VARIATION TO TITLE: Tuttle has slightly changed the title in its reprint edition to be: JAPANESE AND ORIENTAL CERAMICS. The contents remains identical to the original edition. *** GOTO'S MAGNUM OPUS-A GREAT PAPERMAKING SET WITH SAMPLES Book Number: 93080001 516 GOTO, Seikichiro. JAPANESE HAND-MADE PAPER: JAPANESE PAPER AND PAPERMAKING: NIHON NO KAMI: Complete in Two Folio Volumes: [Tokyo 1958,1960, Bijutsu]. Stencilled folio, 2 vol. set, stitched stiff wrappers,unpaginated,175 color stencil prints 58 Washi samples, 80 b.w. text drawings, folio 26 x 42 cm., Chitsu.* SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR FIRST & ONLY EDITION OF 200 * FIRST & ONLY LIMITATION NUMBERED EDITION OF 200 HAND NUMBERED COPIES ONLY: . The complete 2 volume work was in issued in two separate volumes with titles: Volume I: NORTHEASTERN JAPAN, 1958 . Volume II: WESTERN JAPAN, 1960 * Each volume issued in a FIRST & ONLY LIMITED EDITION OF 200 HAND NUMBERED AND AUTHOR SIGNED COPIES. * FIRST & ONLY LIMITATION NUMBERED EDITION OF 200 ONLY COPIES: Volume 1 clearly states in the colophon in Japanese, the LIMITATION OF THE EDITION TO BE 200 ONLY COPIES. . Volume 2 does not have a colophon, but states on the title page: Volume 2, translated into English by Iwao Matsubara. . Both copies are signed by the author on the last page in black Sumi ink brushed-in by Goto with his full name. *** This was Goto's most ambitious set of books on handmade Washi paper making. A great work taking some four years to complete. Since each volume was published at a different time, these are rarely found together. *** Volume I covers hand-made papers from Nagano, Yamagata, RareOrientalBooks.Com $10 Fukushima, Shizuoka, Iwate, Yamanashi, Ibaragi and Miyagi prefectures of Northern Japan. The covers are stenciled in red, showing paper-making villages, paper presses and other traditional designs. *** Volume 2 Gifu, Nagano, Toyama, Fukui, Tottori, Shimane, Miyazaki, Oita, Fukuoka, Kumamoto, Kagoshinma, Ehime, Kochi, Nara, Wakayama & Shiga prefectures. The covers are the same as volume 1 but in blue stencil. *** The work also outlines the materials and tools associated with Washi paper making. The bilingual Japanese & English texts provides a detailed and meticulous account of Japanese papermaking techniques and processes as found in each prefecture. **** The work is lavishly illustrated with a large number of hand-made stencil plates, showing the actual step-by-step process and ancient technique of making hand-made Washi papers. The text sketches show additional paper-making examples as well as some unique paper-making plants, folk tools used in the paper process. *** GOTO'S MAGNUM OPUS: A most stunning and impressively beautiful copious work, *** *** ELEPHANT FOLIO SIZE: The two volumes are printed in a large folio size, each with Chitsu folding cases. *** RARE ! : Truly one of the greatest set of Washi paper sample books illustrating a large number of examples from throughout Japan. Also a pictorial history of the hand-made paper making methods employed by rural farmers of Japan. The stencil prints show the tools, and technique of hand-made Japanese paper-making. *** ALWAYS RARE ! *** With a page color illustrated essay on Goto in Japanese, showing a good number of examples of his colored & decorated hand-made Washi papers. *** A MOST BEAUTIFUL AND UNIQUELY DESIGNED PAPER SAMPLE BOOK Book Number: 90041801 RareOrientalBooks.Com $2475 517 GOTO, Sekichiro. WAGAMI INDEN: Lacquered Japanese Handmade Papers. [Tokyo 1957, Ohshita]. Stitched wrs., very clean, dj, [49] double folded leaves, 27 stencil color illustrations, and 27 samples of Inden lacquered papers tipped-in, 6 b. w. illustrations, solid, nice copy,small folio. FIRST & ONLY EDITION FIRST & ONLY DELUXE FOLIO EDITION: . A wonderful work, Japanese text, English captions, showing the process of Japanese hand-made paper making, cutting of mould-papers, taking juice from a lacquer-tree, lacquer used for coloring, molding with lacquer, putting the materials in a drying-room. . What makes this work highly unique are the numerous actual stenciled lacquer onlay decorated paper samples. These are done on his handmade papers. The stenciled illustrations show the papermaking process printed in vegetal colors, including indigo, and soft pastels. * An excellent copy, contained in the original Chitsu folding hand-made Washi covered slipcase, with cotton ties. *** $1501 AN EARLY TREATISE ON CHINESE & OTHER DRAGONS Book Number: 84121701 518 GOULD, Charles. MYTHICAL MONSTERS. London 1886, Allen. Black cloth, teg., 407p., app., 93 b.w. illus., color litho frontispiece, very good. An early treatise on the unicorn, phoenix and dragon in China & Japan. A RARE BOOK ! FIRST ORIGINAL EDITION An excellent and unusual treatise commenting on remarkable animal forms, extinction of species, antiquity of Man,deluge not a myth, translation of myths between the old and new worlds. The Dragon: Chinese & Japanese versions, sea-serpent and the Unicorn, Chinese phoenix and more. Great reading! Book Number: 84134002 519 [GOVERNMENT OF JAPAN.] EXHIBITION OF JAPANESE PAINTING AND SCULPTURE. [Tokyo 1953]. Brown wrs., 207p., 91 plates, detailed descriptions, covers 7th though 12th century, spine bit rubbed, RareOrientalBooks.Com $128 covers bit soiled else contents clean & solid. FIRST EDITION This exhibition was composed of items loaned by the Emperor, from temples & other religious & private collectors. With an historical sketch of the pre-Buddhist Age prior to 522 A.D., all of the other historical ages down to the Edo 1615-1867. Covers the forms & techniques of painting: religious, Buddhist, Kakemono, folding screens, pigments, gold, silver, the kinds of paper & brushes. Sculpture covers types of images: Buddhist, Butsu [Buddhas], Bosatsu [Bodhisattvas], Ten [guardian kings], Myo-o [deities]. The materials and techniques. Asuka period: bronze and wood; early Nara : bronze, middle Nara: clay, dry-lacquer, bronze & wood. Late Nara: wood and rarely stone. Heian: & later: wood. Lavishly illustrated and describing some 91 individual objects in much detail. AN EXCELLENT MONOGRAPH ON BOOKS & ART BY BERTHA LUM Book Number: 99115101 520 GRAVALOS, Mary E. et al. BERTHA LUM. Washington D.C. 1991, Smithsonian Inst. Stiff color wrs., 112p., 18 color, 77 b. w. illustrations, chronology, index, exhibition list, bibliography, as new copy, co-authors: Mary Evans O'Keefe & Carol Pulin. FIRST & ONLY EDITION An excellent and valulable refernce source for her texts, published and unpublished illustrated works. * This monograph outlines the artistic and intellectual work of Bertha Lum [1869-1954]. . Her early visit to Japan in 1903 gave her an important exposure to Japanese woodblock color print, which were to give her a solid medium for her talent. Through this early introduction to woodcuts, she developed a good relationship with Japanese wood carvers, printers and thus began to print & publish her art work. . She also was active as an author and book illustrator in America. This work gives the most comprehensive insight to her work & talent. The one and only copious resouce on this American talent. . Highly collected now, she enjoys a great popularity. She illustrated one book by Lafcadio Hearn: GODS, GOBLINS & GHOSTS, as well as drawing on Hearn's other stories for her inspiration. She spend many years in Japan. *** WHO WAS BERTHA LUM: RareOrientalBooks.Com $5 Bertha Boynton Lum [1869-1954] was an American artist known for helping to make the Japanese and Chinese woodblock print known outside of Asia. . She married Burt F. Lum, a corporate lawyer from Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1903. They honeymooned in Japan, where she purchased woodcutting tools and began using them upon her return to Minneapolis. On January 23, 1907 she went to Japan for a 14-week stay to learn how to make wood block prints. She also traveled there in 1911, 1915 to 1916 and 1919. . She moved to Peking, China in 1922, but returned to the United States in 1924. She lived in California until 1927 when she stayed in China. The following year she divorced Burt Lum and in 1933 returned to Peking. . In 1912 she exhibited her woodcut prints in Tokyo at the Tenth Annual Art Exhibition. In 1915 she was awarded a silver medal at the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition for her color woodcuts. Her work has also received honors in Rome, Paris and Portugal. She made her last known print in 1935. She did continue to show her work in the United States and China until 1950. . She was a member of the Asiatic Society of Japan. *** REFERENCES: * HEARN, Lafcadio. : GODS, GOBLINS AND GHOSTS: The Weird Legends of the Far East. Illustrated by Bertha Lum. . Bertha Lum.: GANGPLANKS TO THE EAST. Written and illustrated by Bertha Lum. This work covers the author's sojourn in Japan, Korea, China, Hong Kong and the Phillipines, with many details on ceremonies, festivals and pageants. . Bertha Lum.: A PEIPING SOJOURN. Although we have a reference to this title, we have . Bertha Lum.: Little Pieces of Japan. Vogue, April 15, 1914. . Gods, Goblins and Ghosts: The Weird Legend of the Far East, J B Lippincott Company, 1922. . A Peinping Sojourn. Montreal, The Canadian-Pacific Railway, 1931. . Ten Days in Japan. Montreal, The Canadian-Pacific Railway, c.1931. *** A LOVELY GUIDE TO JAPAN'S 'SNOW COUNTRY' CITY IN HOKKAIDO RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 Book Number: 25040001 521 GREAT SAPPORO. GREAT SAPPORT. [Photo Album & Guide] [Sapport 1923, Fukido]. Green oblong album, very good, 26 x 17.5 cm., contains 12 collotype photos with tissue guards that have English and Japanese captions, list of plates in Japanese, [25]p., inscription gift dated 1923. OBSCURE ITEM Sapporo is the capital city of Hokkaido. This charming work is a guide to the city, its surrounding countryside, snow land, and $94 Book Number: 84241302 522 GREEY, Edward. THE WONDERFUL CITY OF TOKIO OR FURTHER ADVENTURS OF THE JEWETT FAMILY AND THEIR FRIEND Boston 1883, Lee. Red pictorial gold stamping, 169 illustrations, very good, 301p. S C A R C E SUBTITLE: cont. Oto Nambo. A wondrful story of what American people did while in residency. Their Japanese friends and adventures. Written by a merchantwho worked in Japan for many years. Essays on the glories of Tokio, visit to a lacquer maker, how the Japanese make Chinese ink, at the fan maker's, among porcelain makers, musical concerts, visits to sacred places, a Japanese dry-goods store, harvesting rice,a ramble in the streets and New Year's festivities. Excellent insight to art manufactures of the Meiji period. Useful. E. Greey [1835-1888] spent some eleven years in Japan as a member of the British Naval Expedition thereafter he immigrated to the United States and went into business in New York. RareOrientalBooks.Com $496 Book Number: 84241303 523 GREEY, Edward. THE WONDERFUL CITY OF TOKIO OR FURTHER ADVENTURS OF THE JEWETT FAMILY AND THEIR FRIEND Boston 1883, Shepard. Red decorated cloth, covers designed by the author, 301p., 169 illustrations. QUITE S C A R C E SUBTITLE: cont. Oto Nambo. A wondrful story of what American people did while in residency. Their Japanese friends and adventures. Written by a merchantwho worked in Japan for many years. Essays on the glories of Tokio, visit to a lacquer maker, how the Japanese make Chinese ink, at the fan maker's, among porcelain makers, musical concerts, visits to sacred places, a Japanese dry-goods store, harvesting rice,a ramble in the streets and New Year's festivities. Excellent insight to art manufactures of the Meiji period. Useful. E. Greey [1835-1888] spent some eleven years in Japan as a member of the British Naval Expedition thereafter he immigrated to the United States and went into business in New York. Book Number: 84241304 524 GREEY, Edward. THE WONDERFUL CITY OF TOKIO OR FURTHER ADVENTURS OF THE JEWETT FAMILY AND THEIR FRIEND Boston 1883, Lee. Green pictorial cloth, gold stamped, 301p. very good, 169 b.w. illustrations. SUBTITLE: cont. Oto Nambo. A wondrful story of what American people did while in residency. Their Japanese friends and adventures. Written by a merchantwho worked in Japan for many years. Essays on the glories of Tokio, visit to a lacquer maker, how the Japanese make Chinese ink, at the fan maker's, among porcelain makers, musical concerts, visits to sacred places, a Japanese dry-goods store, harvesting rice,a ramble in the streets and New Year's festivities. Excellent insight to art manufactures of the Meiji period. Useful. E. Greey [1835-1888] spent some eleven years in Japan as a member of the British Naval Expedition thereafter he immigrated to the United States and went into business in RareOrientalBooks.Com $496 New York. $496 Book Number: 84241305 525 GREEY, Edward. THE WONDERFUL CITY OF TOKIO OR FURTHER ADVENTURS OF THE JEWETT FAMILY AND THEIR FRIEND Boston 1883, Lee. Red pictorial gold stamping, 169 illustrations, very good, 301p. S C A R C E SUBTITLE: cont. Oto Nambo. A wondrful story of what American people did while in residency. Their Japanese friends and adventures. Written by a merchantwho worked in Japan for many years. Essays on the glories of Tokio, visit to a lacquer maker, how the Japanese make Chinese ink, at the fan maker's, among porcelain makers, musical concerts, visits to sacred places, a Japanese dry-goods store, harvesting rice,a ramble in the streets and New Year's festivities. Excellent insight to art manufactures of the Meiji period. Useful. E. Greey [1835-1888] spent some eleven years in Japan as a member of the British Naval Expedition thereafter he immigrated to the United States and went into business in New York. AN EARLY RESOURCE FOR AMERICAN IN JAPAN 1892 Book Number: 35013402 526 GREEY, Edward. YOUNG AMERICANS IN TOKIO. Boston [1892],Brown. Color pictorial boards, very good,a few small nicks/chips to the leading edges, corners a bit worn, contents extra clean, tight, firm copy, 17 x 21.6 cm., 301p. illustrated with b.w. ca. 200 plates, solid. FIRST EDITION A valuable insight to the life and time Edward Greey [1835-1888] spent some eleven years in Japan as a member of the British Naval Expedition thereafter he immigrated to the United States and went into business in New York. An RareOrientalBooks.Com $496 excellent primary source for foreigners in Japan. * The contents: 1. The Jewetts' New Home. 2. One of the glories of Tokio. 3. A visit to a lacquer-maker. 4. How the Japanese make Chinese ink. 5. At a fan-maker's 6. Among the porcelain-makers. 7. A concert at the college of music. 8. A visit to some sacred places. 9. A Japanese dry-goods store 10. Harvesting the rice. 11. A ramble in the streets. 12. Preparing for New Year's festivities. *** $44 ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL COLOR DOLL BOOKS Book Number: 91119102 527 GRIBBIN, JILL. et al. JAPANESE ANTIQUE DOLLS. Tokyo [1984] Weatherhill. Green cloth,very clean, dj., 176p. 50 color plates, 8.5 x 12.65 inches, map, annotated bibliography, glossary-index, like new,solid. FIRST & ONLY EDITION A deluxe monograph, devoted to Japanese antique dolls, including those used for festivals, classic, plays, clay &c. The text traces the historical development of dolls in Japan and provides information essential to the collector, tips on identification, evaluation and advice on care & collection. Book Number: 84348803 528 GRILLI, Elise. THE ART OF THE JAPANESE SCREEN. New York [1971], Weatherhill. Tall folio, cloth, dj., very RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 good, 275p., index, appendix, bibliography, 48 color +159 bw photo plates, 26.5 x 38.5 cm., bright, clean solid copy. FIRST EDITION WITH THE AUTHOR'S LETTER TIPPED IN The most important work on this subject, supported with high quality photos, appendices of screen development, genealogy of the Kano, Hon'ami & Ogata families. Covers the Momoyama & early Edo period, the golden age of screens during which the most celebrated painters did the work. With biographies of Sotatsu & Korin. Careful documentation and commentary on this uniquely Japanese art form. Wonderful reference source. * $54 Book Number: 86047602 529 GROSBOIS, Charles. SHUNGA IMAGES OF SPRING: Essay on Erotic Elements in Japanese Art. Paris [1964] Nagel. White cloth, dj., 157p., very good, 56 color, 97 b.w. photos, with a 6 panel large fold-out color plate, tall 26 x 34 cm., English text, slipcase. S C A R C E FIRST & ONLY EDITION Early unexpurgated work illustrating the sexual activities of Japanese society by color woodcut prints and illustrated books. Artistically done in frankness, these scenes of love are charming portrayals of the 18th & 19th centuries. Done by some of the most celebrated artists of the time: Shuncho, Moronobu, Harunobu, Masanobu,Toyonobu, Utamaro, Eisen et al. An excellent illustrated reference source. $151 Book Number: 97045701 530 GUEST, Grace D. ANNOTATED OUTLINES OF THE HISTORY OF JAPANESE ARTS. Washington D.C. 1943, Freer Gallery. Stiff red wrs. ribbon tied, no pagination ca. 50+ pages,with revisions & additions by Archibald G. Wenley, clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION An excellent bibliography of Japanese art reference books. Divided by subjects: historical background, brief list of Buddhist terms [a glossary], list of Chinese and Japanese characters & equivalents, bibliography of art books. . A useful resource, with notes. Book Number: 96051601 RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 531 GUILLEVIC, Jeanne C. MUSEEE GEORGES LABIT: [Arts d'Asie]. [Toulouse 1971, Mus.Labit]. Blue wrappers, very good, 280p. 4 color, 67 b.w. photos, bibliography, folding table, glossary, French text. Compris sculptures, bronzes, lampes, et plus l'Inde, aussi l'art Khmer, Champa, Siam, Laotien, et Java, les arts Nepalo -Tibetans, bronzes, epoques Han, T'ang, Song, Yuan et Ming, et Ts'ing, ceramiques, le Japon, epoques Muromachi et Edo, masques de no, inros et netsukes. $58 Book Number: 91121902 532 GUNSAULUS, Helen C. GODS AND HEROES OF JAPAN. Chicago 1924, Field Museum. Red cloth, very good, 23p., 6 bw illustrations of Gods and heroes found in Japanese prints. Covering Shinto Deities, Seven Gods of Good Fortune &c... Fudo and his attendants, National Heroes, those found in Surimono &c. A useful reference source, valuable for any Japanese woodblcock print and art collector. $48 Book Number: 91079001 533 GUNSAULUS, Helen C. JAPANESE COSTUME. Chicago 1923, Field Museum. Stiff wrs., very clean, 8 b.w. photos of Japanese prints, showing Japanese costumes. Covers peasant, ordinary women's dress, outdoor and court dress, 14 x 22 cm., solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Useful reference on Kimono, and costume found on Japanese woodblock prints. * A VERY NICE REFERENCE ON JAPANESE METAL WORK Book Number: 84134901 534 GUNSAULUS, Helen C. THE JAPANESE SWORD AND ITS DECORATION. Chicago 1924, Field Museum of Nat. History. Stiff wrs., 21p. many b.w. plates, very solid, clean copy. A useful reference A very useful resource, outlining the motifs used in Tsuba, RareOrientalBooks.Com $9 Kozuka, Fujishiro &c. Nicely done. Field Museum collection. Based on items in the $12 A GRAND REFERENCE SOURCE FOR ALL OF ASIA Book Number: 91073702 535 HACKIN, J. et al. ASIATIC MYTHOLOGY: A Detailed Description and Explanation of The Mythologies of All the Great Nations of Asia. New York [1932], Crowell. Red buckram, very good, index, 460 pages, 16 color, 354 b.w. photos. Co-authors: C. Huart, R. Linossier, H. De Wilman-Grabowska, H. Maspero, S. Eliseev, a very clean solid copy. FIRST EDITION This grand scholarly work addresses in depth, the mythology of the cultures and countries of Persia, Kafirs, Buddhism of India, Brahmanic, Lamaism, Indo-China and Java, Central Asia and the arts of China & Japan, Buddhist icons, Shinto et al. An anthology by art historians. $20 A GRAND REFERENCE SOURCE FOR ALL OF ASIA Book Number: 91073703 536 HACKIN, J. et al. ASIATIC MYTHOLOGY: A Detailed Description and Explanation of The Mythologies of All the Great Nations of Asia. New York [1963], Crescent. Brown cloth, very good, index, 460p., 16 color, 354 b. w. photos, co-authors: C. Huart, R. Linossier, H. De Wilman-Grabowska, H. Maspero, S. Eliseev, large size 22 x 29 cm., very clean solid copy. This grand scholarly work addresses in depth, the mythology of the cultures and countries of Persia, Kafirs, Buddhism of India, Brahmanic, Lamaism, Indo-China and Java, Central Asia and the arts of China & Japan, Buddhist icons, Shinto et al. An anthology by art historians. A LOVELY MINGEI-HIN: TEA KETTLE AND TEA CUP Book Number: 35028601 537 HAGIWARA, Kichiji. RareOrientalBooks.Com $10 FUROGAMA TO CHAWAN: CAST IRON TEA KETTLE & CERAMIC TEACUP. [Morioka]. Single sheet, large print 41 x 34 cm., woodblock printed & hand-tinted color, mend to lower left corner & a few small closed tears, hand-signed,cinnabar Hanko [seal], printed on hand-made Washi paper. UNIQUE ITEM! The artist, HAGIWARA Kichiji [1915-1957] was known as a Sosaku Hanga artist [Creative folk-woodblock print artist]. * This is a lovely example of Sosaku Hanga [Creative print] or Mingei-hanga [Japanese Folk art woodblock print]. It shows a Furogama, [a Tetsubin or iron-casted pot] used to make hot water for the Chanoyu or Japanese tea ceremony. Placed before the Furogama is a "Chawan" or ceramic folk-art tea cup, with lovely & bold folk-art design, enhanced with hand-painted colors. . The print therefore is an example of Zen art of Chanoyu [tea ceremony] utensils. Typically this kind of print would be hung on the wall of a tea-ceremony room. * The work is enhanced by hand-coloring on the Furogama where the green vertical stripes and red diamonds are drawn in. Also are other hand-drawn white lines on the foot and brown on the left and to outline of the Chawan, or tea cup. *** The print is signed with the Japanese Kanji character "Kichi" in the middle right side, along with the artist's cinnabar Hanko [seal] or chop. "Kichi" is an abbreviation of the artist's first name. *** Morika is famous in Japan for making cast-iron objects. This print was made in Morioka and there is a Morioka address hand-brushed on the verso of the print. We shall assume for now, this is the address of the artist, Hagiwara Kichiji, as he wrote it. . At the lower left of the verso of the print there is a pencil note: "Kichiji Hagiware, Morioka City." Also to the right lower corner is written in pencil "Guriri Fujin Sho-zoh" meaning "Presentation copy to Mrs. Guriri." We can only assume all of this hand-writing, hand-brushing was by the artist. Based on the fact that the artist put his address as Morioka city, we assume he lived there for a period of time, doing his personal art work. *** THE ARTIST: WHO WAS KICHIJI: Per the google article below, we liberally extract from it. Since 1937, he was a member of the Nihon Hanga Kyokai [Japanese woodblock Print Association]. *** CONDITION: The print was mended from the verso in the left corner, and there are a few small 'closed' tears mended on the verso with Washi hand-made paper. Else the print is very clean without blemishes. There are a few tiny pin holes it the upper corners. The work is printind on rough brown paper, common for the post-World War II period in Japan. While there is no date on it, the rough quality of the paper indicates this work was probably done ca 1947-1950. *** REFERENCES: HAGIWARA, Kichiji: RareOrientalBooks.Com A25&dq=HAGIWARA+Kichiji&source=bl&ots=FfXdEmOdQ-&sig=-S2OA3R 692U6tpSYvrfzoWXXzXk&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CBYQ6AEwAGoVChMI9Y63i_O SyAIVEEaICh2bDgIh#v=onepage&q=HAGIWARA%20Kichiji&f=false *** $116 Book Number: 85012602 538 HAJEK, Lubor. JAPANESE GRAPHIC ART: A Study of Japanese Woodblock Prints. [London 1976], Galley. Blue cloth, very good, dj., 37p.,text + 113p. color plates, many other b.w. plates, glossary,clean sharp copy, tall format: 24 x 30 cm. The typical form of graphic art in Japan has been its Ukiyo-e, or woodblock prints of the 'floating world.' * This work covers those color prints illustrating the actors, Kabuki theatres, the women, men and settings. * Also essays on the wood, colour, paper, reproduction, distribution, pictorial cycles, brush, knife and calligraphy of these prints. * An excellent work, well illustrated in full color. Also covers the primitives, Utamaro, Toyokuni, erotica, woodblock printed books, Meiji prints &c. * A useful reference source. $5 A MAJOR REFERENCE RESOURCE ON THE SUBJECT Book Number: 84135201 539 HAKUSUI, Inami. NIPPON-TO, THE JAPANESE SWORD. Tokyo [1948], Cosmos. Red cloth, 222p. fold out map, very good, famous swords age, date, value, 147 b.w. photos, 101 figures of sword Midare, covers, spine corners a bit rubbed, else contents clean,solid.ESSENTIAL REFERENCE FIRST EDITION This work is devoted to the collector of Japanese swords and answers countless questions. It also covers the many swords given to the Allied military personnel as trophies of war. It covers the "schools" of sword makers, how to judge swords and the nomenclature of the blade, related facts, forging & tempering. Polishing: the ancient art, history of "old" swords, Gokaden and Shinto, Koshirae, with chronology of Japanese and Christian dates. List of the most famous Japanese sword makers and comparative values of swords. A very useful reference book for any collector or student of Japanese swords and sword furniture. Highly reliable study. SCARCE BRITAIN'S FIRST ACCURATE ACCOUNT OF COREANS & OKINAWANS RareOrientalBooks.Com $100 Book Number: 85049701 540 HALL, Basil. ACCOUNT OF A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY TO THE WEST COAST OF COREA, AND THE GREAT LOO-CHOO ISLAND. With an Appendix, Containing London 1818, Murray. 3/4 leather over marbled boards, neatly rebacked, 222p., appendix, glossary, 8 aquatint hand-colored plates, 1 b.w. engraving, 5 fold-out maps, 1 b.w. engraving, 6 fold-out maps and charts. AUTHOR'S SIGNED PRESENTAION COPY . THE FIRST ACCURATE EUROPEAN ACCOUNT OF KOREANS & KOREA . . THE RARE FIRST EDITION, WITH 8 HAND-COLORED AQUA TINTS . . COPPER ETCHED ENGRAVINGS AND MAPS . THE RARE FIRST EDITION, WITH 8 HAND-COLORED AQUA TINTS . . WITH FIVE LARGE FOLDING CHARTS/MAPS . While there was an earlier smaller accounts of Korea by the Dutchman, Hamel, Hall's work is comprehensive and an accurate account of Korea's coast, and other important aspects of Koreans, hitherto not recorded. . With a rich appendix of charts, table of observations, meteorological journal, abstract of the Lyra's Voyage, geological memorandum, &c. With glossary & vocabulary of English & Loo-Choo words, alphabetically arranged with notes & references to the sentences in the second part. . ATTRACTIVE COPY: Attractive copy, with particularly good impression of the plates. The work is a journey of exploration along the coast of Korea and the Yellow Seas, about which virtually no information existed at that time. Conducted in the sloops "Alceste" & "Lyra." . This work is the most comprehensive and first accuarte and reliable account of the islands of Corea & Greaat Loo-Choo [Ryukyu/Okinawa] to date. . Capt. Hall, following the British embassy to China under Lord Amherst in the Alceste, was direced to take the sloop Lyra, which was part of the embassy, to the coast of "Corea" to take part in a voyage to examine the coasts of the little known island group, of which it produced the first detailed & accurate hydrographic information. . Hall's work represents the most important primary accounts of exploration and discovery in the Far East. From the beginning of his naval career he had been encouraged by his RareOrientalBooks.Com father to keep a journal, which later became the source for a series of books and publications describing his travels. These included Account of a Voyage of Discovery to the West Coast of Corea and the Great Loo-Choo Island in the Japan Sea [1818], which was one of the first accurate descriptions of Korea by a European, . The FIRST EDITION, London 1818, issued in a small folio, 21 x 28 cm. ALWAYS RARE ! *** Hall explored Java in 1813 and as a part of a diplomatic mission to China under Lord Amherst in 1816 undertook surveys of the west coast of Korea and the outlying Ryukyu Islands of Japan. *** NOTE: The Philadelphia 1818 edition is without most of the above, but of course contains the original account. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: H. Cordier: BIBLIOTHECA JAPONICA 469 * Abbey: Travel 558 * Hill p.134. * Alt Japan. Cat. 614. * BASIL HALL: *** BRITAIN'S FIRST ACCURATE ACCOUNT OF COREANS & OKINAWANS Book Number: 85049702 541 HALL, Basil. ACCOUNT OF A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY TO THE WEST COAST OF COREA, AND THE GREAT LOO-CHOO ISLAND. With an Appendix, Containing London 1818, Murray. Blue leather, recent binding, very good 8 aquatint hand-colored engravings, 6 fold out maps & chart, 222p., 1 b.w. engraving. WITH THE AUTHOR'S SIGNED & DATED LETTER TIPPED IN, ca. 9 x 11.5 cm. FIRST EDITION. R A R E ! . THE FIRST ACCURATE EUROPEAN ACCOUNT OF KOREANS & KOREA . . THE RARE FIRST EDITION, WITH 8 HAND-COLORED AQUA TINTS . . COPPER ETCHED ENGRAVINGS AND MAPS . THE RARE FIRST EDITION, WITH 8 HAND-COLORED AQUA TINTS RareOrientalBooks.Com $13000 . . WITH FIVE LARGE FOLDING CHARTS/MAPS . While there was an earlier smaller accounts of Korea by the Dutchman, Hamel, Hall's work is comprehensive and an accurate account of Korea's coast, and other important aspects of Koreans, hitherto not recorded. . With a rich appendix of charts, table of observations, meteorological journal, abstract of the Lyra's Voyage, geological memorandum, &c. With glossary & vocabulary of English & Loo-Choo words, alphabetically arranged with notes & references to the sentences in the second part. . ATTRACTIVE COPY: Attractive copy, with particularly good impression of the plates. The work is a journey of exploration along the coast of Korea and the Yellow Seas, about which virtually no information existed at that time. Conducted in the sloops "Alceste" & "Lyra." . This work is the most comprehensive and first accuarte and reliable account of the islands of Corea & Greaat Loo-Choo [Ryukyu/Okinawa] to date. . Capt. Hall, following the British embassy to China under Lord Amherst in the Alceste, was direced to take the sloop Lyra, which was part of the embassy, to the coast of "Corea" to take part in a voyage to examine the coasts of the little known island group, of which it produced the first detailed & accurate hydrographic information. . Hall's work represents the most important primary accounts of exploration and discovery in the Far East. From the beginning of his naval career he had been encouraged by his father to keep a journal, which later became the source for a series of books and publications describing his travels. These included Account of a Voyage of Discovery to the West Coast of Corea and the Great Loo-Choo Island in the Japan Sea [1818], which was one of the first accurate descriptions of Korea by a European, . The FIRST EDITION, London 1818, issued in a small folio, 21 x 28 cm. ALWAYS RARE ! *** Hall explored Java in 1813 and as a part of a diplomatic mission to China under Lord Amherst in 1816 undertook surveys of the west coast of Korea and the outlying Ryukyu Islands of Japan. *** NOTE: The Philadelphia 1818 edition is without most of the above, but of course contains the original account. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: H. Cordier: BIBLIOTHECA JAPONICA 469 * Abbey: Travel 558 * Hill p.134. * Alt Japan. Cat. 614. * RareOrientalBooks.Com BASIL HALL: *** BRITAIN'S FIRST ACCURATE ACCOUNT OF COREANS & OKINAWANS Book Number: 85049703 542 HALL, Basil. ACCOUNT OF A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY TO THE WEST COAST OF COREA, AND THE GREAT LOO-CHOO ISLAND. With an Appendix, Containing London 1818, Murray. Contemporary full gold stamped leather, old spine laid down, 8 aquatint hand-colored engravings, 6 fold-out maps & charts, 222p., 1 b.w. engraving,ca 21.5 x 27 cm., gold-stamped, raised bands FIRST EDITION R A R E . THE FIRST ACCURATE EUROPEAN ACCOUNT OF KOREANS & KOREA . . THE RARE FIRST EDITION, WITH 8 HAND-COLORED AQUA TINTS . . COPPER ETCHED ENGRAVINGS AND MAPS . THE RARE FIRST EDITION, WITH 8 HAND-COLORED AQUA TINTS . . WITH FIVE LARGE FOLDING CHARTS/MAPS . While there was an earlier smaller accounts of Korea by the Dutchman, Hamel, Hall's work is comprehensive and an accurate account of Korea's coast, and other important aspects of Koreans, hitherto not recorded. . With a rich appendix of charts, table of observations, meteorological journal, abstract of the Lyra's Voyage, geological memorandum, &c. With glossary & vocabulary of English & Loo-Choo words, alphabetically arranged with notes & references to the sentences in the second part. . ATTRACTIVE COPY: Attractive copy, with particularly good impression of the plates. The work is a journey of exploration along the coast of Korea and the Yellow Seas, about which virtually no information existed at that time. Conducted in the sloops "Alceste" & "Lyra." . This work is the most comprehensive and first accuarte and reliable account of the islands of Corea & Greaat Loo-Choo [Ryukyu/Okinawa] to date. . Capt. Hall, following the British embassy to China under Lord Amherst in the Alceste, was direced to take the sloop RareOrientalBooks.Com $11127 Lyra, which was part of the embassy, to the coast of "Corea" to take part in a voyage to examine the coasts of the little known island group, of which it produced the first detailed & accurate hydrographic information. . Hall's work represents the most important primary accounts of exploration and discovery in the Far East. From the beginning of his naval career he had been encouraged by his father to keep a journal, which later became the source for a series of books and publications describing his travels. These included Account of a Voyage of Discovery to the West Coast of Corea and the Great Loo-Choo Island in the Japan Sea [1818], which was one of the first accurate descriptions of Korea by a European, . The FIRST EDITION, London 1818, issued in a small folio, 21 x 28 cm. ALWAYS RARE ! *** Hall explored Java in 1813 and as a part of a diplomatic mission to China under Lord Amherst in 1816 undertook surveys of the west coast of Korea and the outlying Ryukyu Islands of Japan. *** NOTE: The Philadelphia 1818 edition is without most of the above, but of course contains the original account. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: H. Cordier: BIBLIOTHECA JAPONICA 469 * Abbey: Travel 558 * Hill p.134. * Alt Japan. Cat. 614. * BASIL HALL: *** $9112 Book Number: 86028001 543 HAMMITZSCH, Horst. ZEN IN THE ART OF THE TEA CEREMONY. New York [1980], St. Martin's. Black cloth, very good, dj., bibliography, 104p., crisp, bright copy. FIRST EDITION The ephemeral nature of the Japanese esthetic has fascinated the Western mind for over a century. The tea ceremony is a perfect metaphor defining the Japanese sense of beauty. Together with a history of the ceremony, this text is a valuable contribution to this Zen form of enlightenment. Shibui Zen at its best...way cool... A LOVELY BRUSH-PAINTED WORK BY HANABUSA ITCHO RareOrientalBooks.Com $87 Book Number: 35024301 544 [HANABUSA, Itcho]. FUJI YAMA: MOUNT FUJI. [Japan n.p. n.d. ca. 1730]. A mounted painting on a stiff card size: 16.1 x 23.6 cm., painting size: 15.8 x 23.3 cm., exceptionally clean, verso with typed:"(Mount Fuji) Itcho the Late Hanabusa)," very clean, no issues. R A R E ! HANABUSA Itcho [1652-1724] was a famous Kano School painter of Japan. He also was known by his Go [studio names]: Kunju, Isaburo, Jiemon, Sukenoshin, and also Chooko, Gyoun, Hokusoo, Hooshuu, Ikkan Sanjin, Ippoo Kanjin, Itcho, Kansetsu, Kyoundo, Kyusoodoo, Rinshooan, Rintooan, Rokusoo, Sasuioo, Sesshoo, Shurinsai, Suisaioo, Undoo, Ushimaro and Waoo. * Hanabusa was a stunning painter and woodblock printmaker, born in Osaka, the second son of a doctor Taga Hakuan, who served several Daimyo. . Hanabusa's original last name was also Taga. Hanabusa entered the Buddhist priesthood at age 15 in Edo under the name of Chooko, but was temperamentally unsuited. Studied then under the celebrated and most famous of his times, Kanoo Yasunou. Expelled from that studio as a rebel against the Kanoo tradition ! . Having no other options, he sought patronage of merchants in big cities rather than the official patronage of Shogun or Daimyo. In 1698 he was exiled to Miyakejima for making fun of the Shogun's favorite concubine, allowed to continue painting while incarcerated under the name Shima Itchoo and to sell his works. . Pardoned in 1709, returned to Edo, and led a typical life of pleasure seeking a kind of Bohemian life. . . He frequented the Yoshiwara or prostitution quarters in Edo, where he developed his skill as an excellent recorder of the contemporary "Ukiyo-life" [Life of the Fleeting World"]. Painted topical subjects, street scenes, strolling singers, habitu�s of the Yoshiwara prostitutes, good at poetry, and Haiku which he learned from the most eminent of Japanese poets, Basho. Many of his paintings of that time had literary allusions. He eventually found his own school. One of the most original painters to come out of the Kanoo School.] . He painted in a cheerful and lighthearted style, between Kanoo and Ukiyo-e ["Pictures of the floating world"] style. A delightful painter deserved of fame. He has been collected by world museums. The above liberally extracted from Roberts. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com THE ARTIST: We are unsure about this work. It can also be the work of Itcho II [1677-1737], who was the adopted son and pupil of Hanabusa Itcho the first. See top of page 58 in Roberts. . The work not being signed leaves this cataloger in the dark. The nature of the paper, and the board to which it is laid down appears to be later than 18th century, and may even be a Taisho period work [1912-1926] and the typing on the back only makes it seem more recent. We are not representing this to be a genuine work, but possibly a "tribute" work drawn by an unsung copyist. In that vein it is priced accordingly. *** REFERENCE: ROBERTS, Laurance P.: A DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS PAINTING, SCULPTURE, CERAMICS, PRINTS, LACQUER, p.58 has a long paragraph on this eminent and most celebrated Japanese painter. See also his entry for Itcho II, top p.58. * $99 A MAJOR EXHIBITON OF JAPAN'S BEST & MOST TREASURED ARTISTS Book Number: 89044201 545 [HARADA, Hiroshi]. et al. LIVING NATIONAL TREASURES OF JAPAN. [Boston 1983, M.F.A.]. Stiff wrs.,very clean, 286p.,glossary 240 color, 11 b.w. photos, 25 x 24 cm., solid copy. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION This is an eclectic catalog, covering a wide variety of folk art works. Covering the development of techniques of Japanese applied arts, system of protection of applied art crafts & its present state. Covering ceramics, textiles, dolls, lacquerer ware, wood and bamboo crafts, metal work, swords, sword furniture, handmade papers, and other applied arts. * A very high quality catalog, with superb polychrome photography. Covering the works of Kimura, Nakamura, Moriguchi, Komiya, Matsubara, Serizawa, Inagaki, Hamada, Goyo, Takano, Mae, Oba and a host of others. * Co-authors/collaborators: Kunio Minami Tetsuro Kitamura, Shin Yagihashi, Ikoi Otaki & Morihiro Ogawa. Excellent reference source for recent art works of the highest caliber. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $19 A MAJOR EXHIBITON OF JAPAN'S BEST & MOST TREASURED ARTISTS Book Number: 89044202 546 [HARADA, Hiroshi]. et al. LIVING NATIONAL TREASURES OF JAPAN. [Boston 1983, M.F.A.]. Stiff wrs.,very clean, 286p.,glossary 240 color, 11 b. w. photos,former owner's name stamped copy else clean, bright & solid. FIRST & ONLY EDITION This is an eclectic catalog, covering a wide variety of folk art works. Covering the development of techniques of Japanese applied arts, system of protection of applied art crafts & its present state. Covering ceramics, textiles, dolls, lacquerer ware, wood and bamboo crafts, metal work, swords, sword furniture, handmade papers, and other applied arts. * A very high quality catalog, with superb polychrome photography. Covering the works of Kimura, Nakamura, Moriguchi, Komiya, Matsubara, Serizawa, Inagaki, Hamada, Goyo, Takano, Mae, Oba and a host of others. * Co-authors/collaborators: Kunio Minami Tetsuro Kitamura, Shin Yagihashi, Ikoi Otaki & Morihiro Ogawa. Excellent reference source for recent art works of the highest caliber. * ARCHAEOLOGY, GARDENS, TEA CEREMONY, LACQUER, ARCHITECTURE... Book Number: 84135502 547 HARADA, Jiro. A GLIMPSE OF JAPANESE IDEALS: Lectures on Japanese Art And Culture. Tokyo 1937, Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai. Buff cloth, 239p., very RareOrientalBooks.Com $15 good, index, 10 color, 167 b.w. plates, small folio, 21.5 x 28.5 cm., small old tape mark on lower spine, else clean and very bright copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION SCARCE An excellent art & cultural history, addressing some characteristics of the Japanese which have influenced their art, certain ideals & characteristics of Japanese art. A survey of Japanese archaeology, Japanese architecture, the Shoso-in or Imperial Repository at Nara. Ancient lacquer in Japan Japanese gardens, Noh Drama, Japanese appreciation of and attitudes toward art. Cha-no-yu [Tea Ceremony] as a cultural institution. Highly lucid lectures delivered at American Universities. $54 Book Number: 88035701 548 HARADA, Jiro. JAPANESE GARDENS. Boston [1956], Branford. Brown cloth, very clean, 221 b.w. illustrations, 160p., glossary, large size 8.5 x 11.5 inches solid copy. FIRST EDITION Covering the gardens of Japan by historical periods, from the pre-Kamakura 1183 through the Meiji era 1868. Photos of these examples, with lucid commentary. A well organized and scholarly work. A useful reference and guide to all Japan. $9 Book Number: 26007401 549 HARRISSON, Barbara. ORIENTAL CELADON: The Princesshof Collections. Exhitibtion 12 May- 3 July 1978. [Leeuwarden 1978, Garneentelijk Museum Heet Princesshof.]Wrs very good, about A4 size, 30p., 94 b.w. photos, English text 19 x 26 cm., bibliography, covers some 165 items in all,each with substantial descriptions. FIRST & ONLY EDITION A very useful source, showing and describing the early productions from South China and Southeast Asia, #1-31;Early celadon from North China #32-34; Celadon from the South of the 12th and 13th centuries #35-63;Export productions from the 14th -17th centuries # 64-129;Celadon from Thailand #130-151;Japanese celadons #152; Recent productions of China #153-165. A penned note of the former owner states: " 71 pcs out of 165 in this catalogue were 'obtained in Indonesia.' 43%." Occasional marginalia or check marks, comments. Nicely done, obscure resource ! A STUNNING BOOK OF JAPANESE DESIGNS RareOrientalBooks.Com $46 Book Number: 86096501 550 [HARUNA, Shikizan.] SHIN KYOH MOYOH SHUU: COLLECTION OF ANCIENT & MODERN TEXTILE PATTERNS. [Kyoto 1903, Yamada]. Buff Stitched wrs., blind-stamped,[40+ 42] folded leaves, Japanese style binding, 2 vols. complete, [82p.], red tile slips, minor cover dusty, else very clean, 18 x 25 cm., woodblock printed. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION Contains original patterns with a total of 80 b.w. and one color illustrated pages of textile design. The work is very copious, showing a wide variety of creative and traditional designs and variations implemented. A Japanese designer wish book. The work is obscure and rare when found complete. * The complete work in 2 volumes with embossed covers. * Scans can be sent by email. A WONDERFUL EARLY JAPANESE VIEW TO THE WORLD OF NATIONS Book Number: 91117001 551 HASEGAWA, Sadanobu. NAGASAKI HANGA BANPAKU ZUE: NAGASAKI WOODBLOCK PRINTS ILLUSTRATIONS OF ALL NATIONS. [Japan 1929, Shiudoh]. Accordion folded album, in Chitsu blue cloth case with ivory clasps, color woodblock printed, 8 prints of ships, 2 color maps 1 folding, [30]p., 31 x 24cm RareOrientalBooks.Com $340 very pristine clean copy. FIRST AND ONLY OBSCURE EDITION A beautiful look at the foreign sailing ships that visited Nagasaki. Including ships from England, Korea, Ryukyu Island Russia, India steam paddlewheeler, Holland, America & China. Each print sheet is 10 x 7.25 inches, with accompanying text in Japanese. . *** Essentially a work discussing and illustrating the vessels from around the world that have visited Nagasaki with examples of foreign writing. The color woodblock printed title sheet shows a globe on its axis, and has two cinnabar seals and a colorful chain boarder. The folding map illustrates Eastern Asia beginning with all of Japan, surrounding islands, Korea & the China mainland. . *** The ships are lavishly done, showing flags flying, cannon, anchor, under sail, national flags, and some with surrounding scenery. A second map shows a double hemisphere view of the world against an indigo background. Each continent is named. . *** CONDITION: A very handsome addition to any collection or library in superb condition. Books of this subject and vintage are quite R A R E ! . *** $8000 Book Number: 94086201 552 HASHIMOTO, Fumio. ARCHITECTURE IN THE SHOIN STYLE: Japanese Feudal Residences. Tokyo [1981], Kodansha. Grey boards,very clean, 248p.,index, bibliography, glossary, 20 color, 155 b.w. photos, trans. & adapted by H. M. Horton, nice dust jacket. FIRST EDITION An excellent monographic study, addresses the origin of the Shoin style, early Shoin style, Shoin buildings of the Mooyama period. The Edo period Shoin, the Sukiya & Minka Shoin types. . Nicely done, well illustrated art history. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $26 A FAMOUS COLOUR MAP BY SADAHIDE-STAR PUPIL OF KUNISADA Book Number: 93086501 553 HASHIMOTO, Gyokuransai. [UTAGAWA, Sadahide.] MUTSU DEWA KOKUGUN KOOTEI ZEN ZU: COMPLETE MAP OF MUTSU AND DEWA PROVINCES WITH HALF OF ECHIGO PROVINCE. N.p. [1868], Gyokuransai. A large color woodblock printed map, 1 meter 45.5 x 92 cm.,minor old worming, else very good hand-printed woodblocks, pastel vegetal dyes, handmade paper symbol key, beautifully executed with superb charm. R A R E Sadahide [1807-1873] was an excellent artist and stylist. He was an Ukiyo-e painter who dogged foreigners in Yokohama,and made large numbers of "Yokohama E" or prints of foreigners; he was also know for his lovely landscape prints often done in a series of three single but matching prints ie tryptich, that again connected to other groups of three to form a long panoramic panel of views of famous sights & Shogun or Imperial processions. He lived in Edo & worked under the master painter & Ukiyo-e print-maker Kunisada I. He was a prolific print maker and cartographer. His "Bird's Eye View" maps are among the most spectacular and decorative ever done in the mid 19th century, and show a high degree of artistic skill, understanding of composition and three-dimensional drawing. He was truly a unique and creative artist and far ahead of his time. * This map is a prime example of his keen ability to imagine, or project himself above the land, as if he were floating in a balloon, while he sketched the country side. Per Namba..."maps of Mutsu & Dewa [provinces] in the Northeastern part of Honshuu, were not published at all until 1868 [first year of the restoration of the Meiji Emperor to the seat of power], the last year of the Edo period, when the Shogunate collapsed." This most charming map shows the coast, mountains, rivers, lakes in a pictorial and highly artistic manner. * WHO WAS HASHIMOTO GYOKURANSAI: His works are always graphically pleasant to view and have a magical charm. His use of delicate and pastel vegetal colors was a confirmation of his committment to the use of traditional coloring, while many of his contemporaries were enthralled with the new aniline or foreign pigments, that made so many Meiji prints garish and bright. This work is truly superb for and ready framing and library display. All of his maps are quite R A R E ! Cited and illustrated on 4 full pages in color in in M. Namba: OLD MAPS IN JAPAN as plate #46 pp.86-89, with text on p.190. Due to the very large nature of this map, and difficuly to get a good digital photo we have also posted a scanned from the above book, which shows this map in all its color, large size and RareOrientalBooks.Com glory. Sadahide was also one of eleven Japanese woodblock print-makers who presented their artistic examples at the Paris Exposition of 1866, receiving the Legion d'Honneur. This map folds down to about 18 x 26 cm. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: * L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS: p.135. [A major woodblock print artist of the mid-19th Century. Well collected by world museums & collectors. * * KOBE CITY MUSEUM. EZU TO FUKEI, E NO YONA CHIZU, CHIZU NO YONA E: BETWEEN LANDSCAPE PAINTING AND PANORAMIC MAPS. [Literal Title: PICTURE MAPS & LANDSCAPES, PICTURE-LIKE MAPS AND MAP-LIKE PICTURES.] * HASHIYAMA, Takashi. et al. BAKUMATSU MEIJI BUNMEI KAIKA: The Westernization of Japan in Ukiyo-e. * This is one of the best monographs on Sadahide, showing a large variety of his color woodcut prints and books. KANAGAWA KENRITSU REKISHI HAKUBUTSUKAN. YOKOHAMA UKIYOE TO SORATOBU ESHI, GOUNTEI SADAHIDE: SPECIAL EXHIBITION: YOKOHAMA UKIYOE: LIFE AND WOODCUT WORKS OF GOUNTEI SADAHIDE. * FOLIO SIZE, WITH EXCELLENT COLOR WOODCUTS & COMPOSITION Book Number: 32000801 554 HATTORI, Torazo. YAMATO-E MONYO SHUN KA SHU JU: JAPANESE DESIGNS OF SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN & WINTER. [Kyoto 1934, Uchida]. Stiff board covers, folio 30.5 x 42.5 cm., 10 fine color woodcut color prints tipped in, pristine condition prints, cover edges worn, else a very nice solid copy of a rare book. FIRST & ONLY OBSCURE EDITION A STUNNING WOODBLOCK PRINTED "ART DECO" "AVANT-GARDE" ALBUM . . A folio sized large color-printed woodblock accordion folded album with ten stunning "Art Deco" Japanese prints with creative and skilled composition and fantastic color use, reflecting the "Avant-Garde" movement. . . *** CONTENTS: RareOrientalBooks.Com $2725 . Title page in Japanese listing ten print titles. Each print is lightly tipped in to the album at the top edge, each 21 x 31.7 cm. . Each woodblock print is printed in stunning polychrome or multi-colors. Each is a masterpiece work, with excellent registry and color, each is flawless, no issues. . THE WOODCUT PRINTS: . 1. Depicts a bird with cherry blossoms and Yanagi [weeping willow] tree. . 2. Shows a large paulownia floral Mon on a grand-size textile partition, indicating the Imperial family home, with white pear blossoming tree. . 3. A stunning iris with bamboo lattice, colorful flowers and leaves. . 4. Illustrates a pair of water-foul in the river, with a double cherry blossom on the shore and three rocks, gentle flowing wave patterns. . 5. Two bamboo stalks and a new bamboo shoot, eight bamboo leaves in purple, red and green. Fascinating composition. . 6. A stunning scene showing a blue butterfly hovering over a wheat-like flower head, with red and green leaves, with a pale yellow flower in bloom. There is some crushed mica used to pattern of the wind in the background, flowing behind the flowers and butterfly. The use of mica is the most difficult and complicated form of woodblock printing ever used in Japan. It is a special technique, involving the use of mica crushed into a "glittering" ink-like color, reflecting silver color. Indicative of a master artist and superb block printer at his best. Seldom used technique due to its high level of application difficulty. . 7. An owl in a cypress tree, with black and white trunk and leaves. The owl has brown outer feathers, pale cr�me chest feathers with a blue-black beak and large eyes with gray outline. The background in a diagonal purple within a gray sky, impressive image and composition. . 8. Weeping willow sprig in the foreground, a traditional Japanese bridge with its red-lacquer posts and rail, topped with a bronze miniature Buddhist pagoda. In the background are two round bamboo baskets, each a different color: foremost is gold with gray background, the second is purple, both sit before a powerful indigo-blue "V" shaped background, with a pale blue-silver second background from the upper left corner progressing through the left half of the image to the lower right corner. A stunning composition and creative use of color. . 9. Two Peony flowers, one in white the other in crimson, with black leaves, against a green-covered mountain with oxidized copper-ochre background. Behind the two mountains are two very tall and jagged mountains with two streams of clouds in brilliant white moving half-way across RareOrientalBooks.Com the sheet. Yet another stunning composition and imaginative and very creative use of color and forms. . 10. Pink flowers with tiny white stamens on a dark brown twig, the background is a blue ocean with lovely wave-patterns in silver, behind which is a green mountain, and a silver background, again special and skillful use of crushed mica to indicate the sea spray rising from the ocean waves. The foreground has pale brown, beige and cream with silver grass and twigs in a delicate pattern. Beautifully executed composition and creative use of color . Please view the images posted to our website for this gem. *** This is a stunning example of some of Japan's best "Art Deco" and "Avant-Garde" work of the period. . *** CONDITION: The front album cover is woodblock-printed paper, with a purple floral pattern and black Sumi-ink Kanji titles. The back cover is covered in a crepe-like embossed pattern in beige. Both covers are well worn on the edges and just inside from the edges, and the internal boards are showing on the edges. The covers have performed their duty to protect the contents. . The contents are exceptionally clean, if not pristine. The front end papers are a gold-fleck hand-made Washi paper covered thick board pages. Each page has a gauze-like cotton hinge material inside and under the page covered paper. Each page hinge is solid, intact and firm. Each page is covered in a "gauze" pattern embossed paper laid down over the stiff board pages. Each print is lightly tipped-in at the top edge, the balance is loose, revealing the verso to any interested observer. . There is a small amount of foxing to the "gauze" paper covering and the title page. Otherwise each print is exceptionally clean, no foxing or other issues whatsoever. We do not like to use the word 'pristine' however in this case it is the proper adjective to describe the flawless condition of each print. . The book can and should be opened as the artist & publisher intended, flat to show two lovely images in juxtaposition. . The last print is facing the colophon. *** By and large an excellent example of mid 1930's Japanese "Art Deco," artistic compositions, "modern" and "creative" use of color, design and artistic concepts of "modernity." *** A BEAUTIFUL COLOR WORK ON TEXTILES, CERAMICS, LACQUER &C... RareOrientalBooks.Com $1307 Book Number: 89033101 555 HAUGE, Victor. et al. FOLK TRADITIONS IN JAPANESE ART. [New York 1978, Intl. Exhibition Foundation]. Brown cloth, very clean, 272p., 65 color, 205 b. w. photos, bibliography, glossary,covers 231 items,co-author Takako Hauge, solid copy small folio 23 x 27.5 cm., nice dust jacket. FIRST EDITION This excellent catalog illustrates and discusses beautiful art wares from paintings, prints, sculpture, ceramics, textiles, lacquer, wood, metal and other crafts. Drawing on Japan's rich tradition of two and three dimensional artworks this catalog covers each discipline in turn, with many illustrations and captions for each. A very useful reference for any student or collector. Covering works mosty from the 16-19th centuries. Nicely done. * FIRST & ONLY LIMITED NUMBERED EDITION OF 125 NUMBERED COPIES Book Number: 84228301 556 HAWLEY, Frank. WHALES AND WHALING IN JAPAN. Kyoto 1958-59, [Kawakita]. Goat skin spine over boards, dj., original boxed case, printed on hand made papers, 354p., 18 collotypes, 1 color woodcut folding frontispiece, excellent copy, prospectus layed in. FIRST & ONLY LIMITED EDITION 125 *** *** *** . .THE FIRST AND ONLY LIMITED, NUMBERED EDITION OF 125 COPIES . . PRINTED ON RARE HAND-MADE WASHI PAPER WITH DECKLE EDGES . . THE AUTHOR WROTE TWO OF THREE PLANNED TITLES: A very RARE & DeLuxe Edition, printed on handmade Washi paper, fabricated of pure Kozo [Brous-sonetia Kazinoki Sieb.] made by the master paper-maker Endo Tadao of RareOrientalBooks.Com $15 Shiroishi village. The paper was only made during the winter months when the strongest and most durable fibers are harvested to make good solid paper. Please see below for the author's first book. This one being his second and last title. . SPECIAL TECHNIQUE WITH HAND-BURNISHED CAMELLIA LEAVES: . To harden and impart a gloss to the paper, each sheet was hand-burnished while they were still on the drying boards with camellia leaves, a ancient and difficult process, seldom used after the late 1950's. . *** TOGETHER WITH: A COPY OF THE PROSPECTUS: There is an excellent copy of the book prospectus included. This is an exact sample of the book, which is also printed on hand-made Washi paper, printed in red and black ink, the same approximate size as the book, 23 x 30.5 cm., and states "Prospectus" at the top left corner. . THE CONTENTS: The first printed page discusses the number of copies, with other informative notes by Hawley, giving the contents, and discussion of volume 2 where he states: "...which, it is hoped, will appear before the end of 1959, contains...." 2 pages of his comments." . Followed by the Preface, 7 pages, dated Sept. 11, 1958, Yamashina, Kyoto. Then page 215 text is shown, along with a double-size sheet of b.w. photo showing "Plate IIB. Ainus [native people of Hokkaido Island] Making a Feast of Dolphin-meat [from Tani-Gentan's Ezokiko, MS., 1799]," pages 216-218. . The back of p.218 shows the price of volume I "WHALES AND WHALING IN JAPAN," along with the booksellers who will distribute this and other Hawley titles. The Prospectus was hand bound with a buff-color silken cord, affixed in three places, nicely done ! . BOOK ORDER FORMS: Also included are two 13.5 x 13.5 book order card forms for "WHALES AND WHALING IN JAPAN," Edition Limited to 125 Copies." This was likely sent by the author to prospective buyers, along with the Prospectus, to be sent to the author for purchase, where the buyer indicates his "name, address, the number of copies and a draft for Yen or $ is enclosed. . *** . THE FRONTISPIECE: The large folding frontispiece is a color woodblock print which required a total of 15 individual blocks, with a total of 30 printing stages. . THE MONOGRAPH: This monograph is complete as issued, and is Q U I T E R A R E. Each page is a large Washi sheet, with deckle edge, the overall book size is 24 x 31.5 cm., plus illustrations. . *** RareOrientalBooks.Com THE CONTENTS: The contents covers the introduction, Japanese names of whales, and related fish: the Morse & the Narwahl, the Beluga & other Dolphins in Japan. . *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: There is a useful bibliography of Japanese books on Whales & Whaling at the end. . *** POSTSCRIPT: The postscript, covers a note on the hand-made papers used in this book. . *** RARE AND UNUSUAL SUBJECT: This is a substantial study of the Japanese whales, and how the Japanese fished for them, the harvesting & capturing techniques. Illustrating how the whales were hand-winched to the beach, and the following dissection. . *** THE BINDING: The book is hand-bound in lovely brown goat skin over Washi paper covered boards. The slipcase box is covered in a lovely Washi paper with flecks of brown bark against natural white fibers. The folk art of Japanese paper and binding evident. . A superb example of the great Japanese art of the book, its lovely binding, paper and Washi-covered slipcase makes a great presentation. . *** CONDITION: The excellent dust jacket is in a mylar protector. . The slipcase is likewise in the excellent collector's condition. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: HAWLEY, Frank.: AN ENGLISH SURGEON IN JAPAN IN 1864-1865: An Extract From the Private Journal of John T. Comeford. FIRST & ONLY LIMITED NUMERED EDITION OF 100 COPIES, 1954. . Note: Please check with us we may have the above title in stock. *** Color scans of this & most other items are posted to our website. Book Number: 84242601 557 HAWLEY, W.M. comp. JAPANESE CHRONOLOGY. Oriental Culture Chart #23. Hollywood 1956, Hawley. Folding paper chart 27 x 35 inches, very good. Genealogy of the gods, list of Emperors, regents, Shoguns, RareOrientalBooks.Com $5585 administrators, art periods, & a table of year periods, with co-relation with Western dates & the 60 year cycle system. $19 Book Number: 94008601 558 HAWLEY, W.M. comp. JAPANESE CREST [MON] DESIGNS. Oriental Culture Chart #21a. Hollywood [1953], Hawley. Red stiff wrs., very good, 34p., list of family names, 211 b.w. illustrations of Mon, well identified by family name & meaning, 21.5 x 16.5 inches or 72 x 55 cm., unused, clean solid copy, shows 220 crests. $15 Book Number: 98009601 559 HAWLEY, W.M. comp. JAPANESE SWORD SCHOOLS. Oriental Culture Chart #24a. Hollywood, 1944, Hawley. Single sheet,folded, 73.5 x 58.5 cm like new, map, alphabetical list of schools and their sword makers, dates of work, all Japanese provinces noted, clean & solid. FIRST EDITION A very useful resource for any collector of Japanese swords, arms, armour and Samurai interest. $15 Book Number: 84135702 560 HAWLEY, W.M. comp. JAPANESE SWORDS. Oriental Culture Chart #11. Hollywood 1945, Hawley. Chart, 75 x 59 cm., gives terms, methods of forging, list of swordsmiths &c., folded 4 times as new, useful reference for collectors and students. Shows parts of a sword and the Japanese names, list of famous swordsmiths, and value, dates, types of swords, lengths, forging process, five basic steels, care of swords, a Japanese 'Shaku' measurement scale vs. inches. * AN EXHAUSTIVE REFERENCE LIST OF SWORD MAKERS & DETAILS RareOrientalBooks.Com $12 Book Number: 99021601 561 HAWLEY, W.M. comp. JAPANESE SWORDSMITHS. THE FIRST EDITION. 13,000 NAMES USED BY ABOUT 12,000 SWORDSMITIHS FROM 700 TO Hollywood 1966-67, Hawley. Blue cloth, FIRST EDITION, 2 vol. set, 492+756p. [1257p .in all], swordmaker index, very clean solid, the complete set, 14 x 21 cm., very nice set. R A R E ! THE ORIGINAL FIRST & BEST EDITION Perhaps the most comprehensive, useful single resource on Japanese swordsmiths ever published in English. * Hawley was an avid collector of Japanese swords and had a magnificent collection. He was also an astute student of Japanese and could read and write with much skill. His books, charts and pamphlets are all useful to those who do not read Japanese. For them he opens a whole new world into the world of Japanese swords. * The book is nicely organized for easy use, entries are in alphabetical order, place, type of sword made, teacher, school, dates, Kanji name & place characters. * Complete, with the supplemental lists of 4000 swordsmiths, steel and temper line characteristics of 2500 smiths, glossary of 1000 sword terms, 30 pages of illustrations with numerous tables. * This work remains the standard and "classic" for sword students, collectors, dealers and museums. . An invaluable comprehensive reference resource, copious in nature. *** AN EXHAUSTIVE REFERENCE LIST OF SWORD MAKERS & DETAILS RareOrientalBooks.Com $425 Book Number: 99021602 562 HAWLEY, W.M. comp. JAPANESE SWORDSMITHS. THE FIRST EDITION. 13,000 NAMES USED BY ABOUT 12,000 SWORDSMITIHS FROM 700 TO Hollywood 1966-67, Hawley. Blue cloth, FIRST EDITION, 2 vol. set, 492+756p. [1257p .in all], swordmaker index, very clean solid, the complete set, 14 x 21 cm., EXTRA CLEAN SHARP COPY vol. 1 in mylar dj. RARE! THE ORIGINAL FIRST & BEST EDITION Perhaps the most comprehensive, useful single resource on Japanese swordsmiths ever published in English. * Hawley was an avid collector of Japanese swords and had a magnificent collection. He was also an astute student of Japanese and could read and write with much skill. His books, charts and pamphlets are all useful to those who do not read Japanese. For them he opens a whole new world into the world of Japanese swords. * The book is nicely organized for easy use, entries are in alphabetical order, place, type of sword made, teacher, school, dates, Kanji name & place characters. * Complete, with the supplemental lists of 4000 swordsmiths, steel and temper line characteristics of 2500 smiths, glossary of 1000 sword terms, 30 pages of illustrations with numerous tables. * This work remains the standard and "classic" for sword students, collectors, dealers and museums. . An invaluable comprehensive reference resource, copious in nature. *** Book Number: 21100801 563 HAWLEY, W.M. BUDDHIST SYMBOLS ON THE JAPANESE SWORD. Hollywood [1974], Hawley. Stiff green wrs., very good, 17p., RareOrientalBooks.Com $500 illustrated.A useful monograph to those who want to identify what the Buddhist deities or know how they look, illustrates 32 varities, plus Buddhist symbols on Tsuba, Vajra et al. $15 Book Number: 93012102 564 HAYASHI, Ryoichi. THE SILK ROAD AND THE SHOSO-IN. VOL.6. HEIBONSHA SURVEY OF JAPANESE ART. New York [1975], Weatherhill. Blue cloth,very clean,40 color 166 b.w. photos plates, fold out color plate, 181p., 19 x 24 cm., chronology, solid copy, nice dust jacket. FIRST EDITION Covers the Shoso-in past & present. Historical sketch, architecture of, Tempyo craftwork, Jen-sheng fragments. . Foreign goods from the T'ang Court. Shoso-in legacy, Todai-ji, ceremonial objects. Introduction of continental culture: diffusion of Persian culture. Shoso-in motifs & designs, in search of ornamental beauty. . Emergence of a Japanese style. Survey of Shoso-in treasures, materials & techniques. Gallery of Horyu-ji treasures. * ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS CATALOG OF SUPERB ASIAN ANTIQUITIES Book Number: 84187104 565 HAYASHI, T[adamasa.] LA COLLECTION HAYASHI: Dessins, Estampes, Livres Illustres. OBJECTS D'ART ET PEINTURES DE LA CHINE ET DU JAPON. Paris 1903, n.p. Stiff brown decorated paper wrs.,vol.2 of 2 327p., many engraved plates, index of artist names, French text, 1743 items described, 22 x 20.8 cm., solid copy, spine restored, contents very clean, no marks or issues. R A R E ! *** **** *** . RareOrientalBooks.Com $12 . THE FAMOUS AND GREATLY CELEBRATED HAYASHI COLLECTION OF . . IMPORTANT JAPANESE, CHINESE & KOREAN ART OBJECTS . . This legendary work covers: Japanese, Chinese & Korean: Buddhist sculpture, sculptures, bronzes, paintings, lacquer ware, bronze masks, porcelains. Netsuke in ivory & wood & buttons. Also Inro, embroideries, religious textiles, diverse metal objects, ceramics, arms, armor, swords, Tsuba, smoking utensils [Kiseru], combs, Ukiyo-e paintings &c., &c. . *** FIRST AND ONLY LIMITED EDITION IN TWO VOLUMES: . The work was issued in a Limited Edition, in 2 volumes, bound in decorated brown stiff paper. This work is by and large one of the most valuable illustrated reference resource of the early 20th century. . *** WHO WAS HAYASHI TADAMASA [1853-1906]: . Hayashi was a famous and outstanding Japanese art dealer with a gallery in Paris. From 1878 until his death, he organized and supported several large auction sales from his inventory. He was also an exhibitor at the international Paris Exhibition of 1900. He engaged art connoisseur M.S. Bing to write the text to this and other auction sales catalogs. This and other auction sales were Sales were done at the L'Hotel Drout over several days. . Hayashi contributed significantly to the formation of French taste and knowledge of Japanese art in the late 19th century. *** RARE HELIOGRAVURE PLATES: BY HELIOG P. DUJARDIN, A FAMOUS PHOTOGRAPHER: . Volume 1 contains 1646 fine examples, well described and cataloged by M.S. Bing. The work was originally bound in the brown decorated stiff paper covers. Illustrated with 31 fine full-page heliogravures executed by Heliog P. Dujardin, with tissue guards before each of the heliogravures . We now offer volume 2 only: Volume 2 contains 27 full-page, finely executed monochrome Heliogravure plates by Heliog P. Dujardin, a famous photographer of Japanese art objects, ivories, Netsuke, Ojime, and Sagemono in the 1880's. . *** ARTIST INDEX: Contains a copious index of artists found in this catalog. *** RARITY: This book seldom comes to market, and when found is usually lacking many of the rare heliogravure plates, see above. . *** CONDITION RareOrientalBooks.Com Volume 2: Binding: The work is in the original brown-decorated stiff paper. The spine has been restored with cloth, over which the old spine was laid down and mended. The book is solid and firm. Several pages are uncut, as issued. Covers show a very minor bit of wear to the extremities as usual, else clean, solid and firm. The tissue guards over each of the engraved illustrations are present. Complete as issued. We note others selling single plates from this work for about $100, each by Dujardin. . Contents: The contents are very clean and solid, there are no marks or issues with the plates or text. . *** Color scans of this and most other items are posted to our website. $400 A MOST SUPERB REFERENCE ON TEA CEREMONY & RELATED ITEMS Book Number: 96054001 566 HAYASHIYA, Seizo. CHANOYU: Japanese Tea Ceremony. [Tokyo 1979], Japan Society. Black stiff wrappers, very clean, 189p., 35 color, 104 b. w. photos, glossary, index, biblioraphy, very solid bright copy, 21 x 29.5 cm., in very nice dust jacket. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION The catalogue of an exhibition, and was part of the nationwide Japan Today program. . Includes essays: Tea In Japan, from its origins to the late 16th century by H.P. Varley, Tea in Japan, from late 16th century to present, by L.A. Cort, Tea Ceremony, by R. Castile, also contributions by S. Castile. Catalogue includes paintings, writings, containers and scoops, serving bowls, &c. . A highly useful resource. * A SUPERB SOURCE ON TEA CEREMONY, TEA HOUSES AND OBJECTS RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 Book Number: 93002402 567 HAYASHIYA, Tatsusaburo. et al. JAPANESE ARTS AND THE TEA CEREMONY. Vol.15. HEIBONSHA SURVEY OF JAPANESE ART. New York [1980], Weatherhill.Blue cloth,very clean, 34 color 41 b. w. photo plates, 2 fold-out color plates, 25 b. w. ilustrations, 186p., co-authors M. Nakamura & S. Hayashiya, 19 x 24 cm., 2nd printing, solid copy. Excellent study, covers origins of the tea ceremony, formal, semiformal and informal. Ami, Juko, Jo-o and Rikyu. Spirit of Wabi, utensils of tea. Suki: Artistic taste, Oribe's taste for irregularity, Koetsu's spirit of resistance. . Sansai the conservative. Expansion of the tea room. Rusticity refined, Enshu and the Daimyo style of tea. . Harmony, taste, tea as a work of art, tea garden, beauty in tea, Wabi. WAY COOL ! * BIBLIOGRAPHY: Arntzen 1552 * A SUPERB SOURCE ON TEA CEREMONY, TEA HOUSES AND OBJECTS Book Number: 93002403 568 HAYASHIYA, Tatsusaburo. et al. JAPANESE ARTS AND THE TEA CEREMONY. Vol.15. HEIBONSHA SURVEY OF JAPANESE ART. New York [1980], Weatherhill.Blue cloth,very clean, 34 color 41 b. w. photo plates, 2 fold-out color plates, 25 b. w. ilustrations, 186p., co-authors M. Nakamura & S. Hayashiya, 19 x 24 cm., 2nd printing,bright, solid in nice dust jacket. Excellent study, covers origins of the tea ceremony, formal, semiformal and informal. Ami, Juko, Jo-o and Rikyu. Spirit of Wabi, utensils of tea. Suki: Artistic taste, Oribe's taste for irregularity, Koetsu's spirit of resistance. RareOrientalBooks.Com $26 . Sansai the conservative. Expansion of the tea room. Rusticity refined, Enshu and the Daimyo style of tea. . Harmony, taste, tea as a work of art, tea garden, beauty in tea, Wabi. WAY COOL ! * BIBLIOGRAPHY: Arntzen 1552 * $29 Book Number: 89100101 569 HAYNES, Robert E. EXHIBITION CATALOG #01. [Japanese Swords, Armor, Tsuba] [San Francisco 1981, Haynes]. Stiff wrs., very good, price list, many b.w. photos, glossary, covering 372 detail items, clean solid as new. HIS VERY FIRST CATALOGUE R A R E ! FIRST & ONLY EDITION Property of the late Duke of Windsor K.G., Admiral Kichisaburo Nomura, Colonal Victor Cadwell et al. Eminetly important Japanese swords, fittings, armor & books. * A useful reference source for collectors & students. *** Book Number: 89100202 570 HAYNES, Robert E. EXHIBITION CATALOG #02. [Japanese Swords, Armor, Tsuba] [San Francisco 1982, Haynes]. Stiff wrs., very good, many bw photos, 473 well described lots, price list, as new copy, a very clean and solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION HIS RARE SECOND CATALOGUE Important Japanese Kodogu and Gaiso and works of art, fine Tsuba [1400-1900], Kamakura Kogai and Menuki, Fuchi-kashira, RareOrientalBooks.Com $46 Kozuka, Ryu-gashira no Hachi, fine woodcut prints, books and auction catalogs. An excellent reference for collectors. * $75 Book Number: 86050801 571 HAYNES, Robert E. EXHIBITION CATALOG #03. IMPORTANT JAPANESE IROGANE, KOTSUBA, MENUKI, KOZUKA, FUCHI, San Francisco 1982, Haynes. Stiff pictorial color wrs., 93p. 259 b.w. photos, very good, with artisan signature index, good auction catalog, 355 lots, with prices realized sheet, as new copy, clean solid. FIRST & ONLY EDITION SUBTITLE: continued: to 1600, Menuki from Muromachi to Edo, fine Fuchi Kashira and Kozuka Jingasa, Abumi, arrows and horse bits, fine woodblock prints & books of prints, books on swords & Tsuba. * Useful priced reference. *** $75 Book Number: 86050901 572 HAYNES, Robert E. EXHIBITION CATALOG #04. IMPORTANT EARLY IRON AND KINKO TSUBA. San Francisco 1982, Haynes. Color pictorial stiff wrs.,100p. Tsuba artisan index, 480 b.w. photos, price realized list, very good, 355 well described items, as new copy, clean and solid. FIRST & ONLY EDITION SUBTITLE: Featuring Kamakura to Edo period Katchushi, early Saotome and Tembo school, Muromachi Kamakura Bori & Onin styles, Ko-Shoami and Ko-Nara &c, &c. Profusely illustrated, with b.w photos, and detail descriptions. Useful reference. RareOrientalBooks.Com $80 Book Number: 86086201 573 HAYNES, Robert E. EXHIBITION CATALOG #05. [Japanese Swords, Armor, Tsuba�] [San Francisco 1983, Haynes]. Stiff color wrs., 146p.,like new copy, index of Tsuba and other fittings artists, prices realized list,480 items,an exact reprint of the FIRST & ONLY EDITION. ! VOL.5 IS NOW THE RAREST OF ALL HIS CATALOGS ! An excellent reference and source for Tsuba, fittings, woodblock prints, Netsuke, Inro, and books on swords and Tsuba. Preface addresses Haruta, Suruga, Kamakura, Onin, HeianjoZogan & other Tsuba. Also covered in the sale are early Menuki, Kozuka & Kogai, Fuchi-Kashira, mounted Tsuka, Tsuka and sword braker, Mempo & Katana Kake, various metal work, masks Tabakoire and Kizeruzutsu &c. Valuable & useful source book, covers 594 well described items. $126 Book Number: 86086101 574 HAYNES, Robert E. EXHIBITION CATALOG #06. [Japanese Swords, Armor, Tsuba�] [San Francisco 1983, Haynes]. Stiff color wrs., 142p., very clean, solid copy, like new,422 well described & illustrated lots, price list. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Profusely illustrated auction catalog of important tsuba, menuki,bokuto, woodblock prints, koshirae, sword pistol & kana mono &c. * A useful current guide to prices, as well as a useful illustrated reference & guide book. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $80 Book Number: 88009801 575 HAYNES, Robert E. EXHIBITION CATALOG #07. Masterpieces Tsuba and Kodogu from the Hans Conreid and [San Francisco] 1983. Stiff color wrs., very good, 46 color, about 600 b.w. photos, 278p., signature of fittings artists and schools, excellent catalog covering 351 individual lots, clean solid copy, as new. FIRST & ONLY EDITION With prices realized list. Containg Kamakura Katchushi... important woodblock prints by Utamaro, Hokusai, Hiroshige, & Hasui. * A good reference for the speciality, Japanese arms, armour, tsuba, blades, furniture, helmets &c. * A useful current book. *** $80 Book Number: 86019001 576 HAYNES, Robert E. EXHIBITION CATALOG #08. [Including Important 19th & 20th Century Japanese Woodblock [San Francisco 1984, Haynes].Color pictorial stiff wrs., 208 pages, many b.w. photos, glossary of armor and sword furniture,terminology, sword characteristics & Tsuba, price list, 711 lots, as new copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION An auction catalog of Tsuba, Menuki, Kozuka, Fuchi-Kashira, & important 19th & 20th century Japanese woodblock prints & books. An excellent reference for students and collectors. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $75 Book Number: 89100001 577 HAYNES, Robert E. EXHIBITION CATALOG #09. [Japanese Swords, Armor, Tsuba, Japanese Woodblock Books [San Francisco 1984, Haynes]. Stiff color wrs., very good, 207p., many b.w. photos, results of sale #7,8,9, price list, 524 lots, as new copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION An excellent reference source, covering masterpiece & highly imortant Tsuba, Menuki, Kozuka, Fuchi-kashira from eminent collections in America, England, France & Japan. Also woodblock printed Japanese books [E-hon], Jidai, &c. *** HAYNES ENDED HIS SALES CATALOGS WITH #10. Book Number: 90042001 578 HAYNES, Robert E. EXHIBITION CATALOG #10. [Japanese Swords, Armor, Tsuba, Japanese Art Reference Books San Francisco 1984, Haynes. Stiff color wrs., very good, 665 b.w. photos, 193p., with price estimates and price realized list, glossary, results of Sale #9, like new copy, clean and solid. HIS LAST SALE CATALOG FIRST & ONLY EDITION Haynes began his sales with catalog #1 in 1981, and ended on a high-note, with this, his last catalog #10. The complete set is in 10 uniform volumes. *** An excellent reference source, covering a total of 782 well described lots. Including important Tsuba, Menuki, Kozuka, Fuchi-Kashira, Kabuto, Japanese art reference books & woodblock prints. Including the works of Jacoulet, Keith, Munakata, Saito, Seiler, Yoshida & a host of others. *** Please inquire with us as we may have the other volumes from #1 onwards. *** An invaluable priced guide. RareOrientalBooks.Com $75 *** $80 A MAJOR REFERENCE RESOURCE ON ALL JAPANESE ART SUBJECTS Book Number: 95261301 579 HEIBONSHA SURVEY OF JAPANESE A THE HEIBONSHA SURVEY OF JAPANESE ART. The Complete 31 Volume Set. New York 1976-80, Weatherhill. Blue marbled cloth, very nice 31 vol. set, profusely illustrated in color & b.w., about 150-190pp. per vol., with index volume, bright, clean set, all in original dust jackets & protectors. COMPLETE ! RARE THE COMPLETE SET OF 31 VOLUMES . The 31 volume set titles are: . 1. Major Themes in Japanese Art 2. The Beginnings of Japanese Art 3. Shinto Art 4. Asuka Buddhist Art 5. Nara Buddhist Art 6. The Silk Road and the Shoso-in 7. Temples of Nara 8. Art in Japanese Esoteric Buddhism 9. Heian Temples 10. Painting in the Yamato Style 11. Sculpture of the Kamakura Period 12. Japanese Ink Painting 13. Feudal Architecture of Japan 14. Momoyama Decorative Painting 15. Japanese Arts & the Tea Ceremony 16. Japanese Costume & Textile Arts 17. Momoyama Genre Painting 18. Edo Painting 19. The Nambam Art of Japan 20. Edo Architecture 21. Traditional Domestic Architecture 22. Traditional Woodblock Prints 23. Japanese Painting in the Literati Style 24. Modern Currents in Japanese Art 25. Japanese Art in World Perspective 26. Folk Arts and Crafts of Japan 27. The Art of Japanese Calligraphy 28. The Garden Art of Japan 29. The Art of Japanese Ceramics 30. Japanese Art: A Cultural Appreciation 31. General index to the whole set. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com The ultimate single and great monographic resource for Japanese art reference and art history, complete ! *** SHIPPING COSTS: This is a large, heavy set, appropriate extra packing, shipping and insurance will apply. Please inquire prior to ordering so we may advise the shipping costs. If going abroad, wire transfer is the only acceptable form of pre-payment accepted, shipping will be by Federal Express. * ELEPHANT FOLIO HAND-COLORED LITHOGRAPHS OF PERRY IN JAPAN Book Number: 99009904 580 HEINE, Peter Bernard William. GRAPHIC SCENES OF THE JAPAN EXPEDITION. New York 1856, Putnam. Tall folio, single hand colored litho of "PASSING THE RUBICON," 82.5 x 56.5 cm., slight browning, marginal tears, mounted on a stiff cardboard, VERY R A R E ! This work preceded the famous three volume set published in 1856: THE JAPAN EXPEDITION. GRAPHIC SCENES OF THE JAPAN EXPEDITION was a spectacular work and contained 10 hand tinted large and nine smaller colored lithographs to document the arrival of Perry & his Squadron. * Most were drawn by Heine the young German who was the expedition artist. The complete work includes: 1. PORTRAIT OF M.C. PERRY. 2. MACAO FROM PENHA HILL. 3. PAGODA OF WHAMPOA. 4. OLD CHINA STREET IN CANTON. 5. KUNG-TWA, AT ON-NA, LEW CHEW. 6. MIA, OR ROADSIDE CHAPEL AT YOKU-HAMA. 7. TEMPLE AT BEN-TENG,IN THE HARBOR OF SIMODA. 8. STREET & BRIDGE AT SIMODA. 9. TEMPLE OF THE HA-TSHU-MAN-YA TSCHU-RO, AT SIMODA. 10. GRAVEYARD AT THE SIMODA, DIO ZENGE. * Of these exceedingly RARE lithographs one prints is now offered: PASSING THE RUBICON documents the event of July 11, 1853 wherein Lt. Silas Bent from the Mississippi's first cutter confronted Japanese guard boats and a coastal Junk. This is illustrated in S. Morrison: "OLD BRUIN" COMMODORE MATTHEW CALBRAITH PERRY on p.327. This scene shows the American sounding party at work on Monday morning [July 11th], "...when a flotilla of thirty to forty guard boats filled with soldiers who presented quite a bristling front with their spears and matchlocks, while their RareOrientalBooks.Com $1800 lacquered caps and shields flashed brightly in the sun confronted the flag launch under charge of Lt. Bent & the senior Japanese officer made minatory gestures with his iron fan and yelled orders which nobody in the American launch understood. The Lieutenant, anxious to avoid a crash, altered his collision course but dispatched another boat to the Mississippi to ask Capt. Lee to move closer. On the steamer's approach the guard boats retired. And Perry named the nearest point of land 'Point Rubicon' because no foreign ship had passed it for three centuries." See Morrison p.328. * The lithograph PASSING THE RUBICON is 83 x 56.5 cm. overall, print size is 83 x 49.5 cm., with top and side edges trimmed, bottom edge slightly trimmed; overall browned with some surface scuffs, tears, laid down on an old cardboard, complete illustration present, with minor faults. * The complete title reads: PASSING THE RUBICON. Lieut's. Bent in the Mississippi's First Cutter Forcing His Way Through a fleet of Japanese Boats While Surveying the Bay of Yedo, July 11th., 1853. To Commodore M.C. Perry, Officers and men of the Japan Expedition this print is respectfully dedicated by their Obt. Servths [sic]. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: R. Pineau: THE JAPAN EXPEDITION 1852-1854 THE PERSONAL JOURNAL OF COMMODORE MATTHEW C. PERRY, after p.156 & before p.167, color illustrations. * THE PAUL C. BLUM COLLECTION CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, Yokohama Archives of History vol.4 no.4395. * H. Cordier: BIBLIOTHECA JAPONICA, p.513-518. **** By and large any of these prints from this work is exceptionally rare, and seldom if ever found on the market for sale. $31025 Book Number: 94134201 581 HEINEKEN, Ty. et al. TANSU: Traditional Japanese Cabinetry. New York [1981], Weatherhill. Black cloth, 64p., 32 color, 350 b.w. photos, line drawings, maps, bibliography, glossary 25 x 35 cm., index, 2 maps, clean, solid copy. FIRST EDITION An authoritative guide for admirers of Japanese chests,includes technical information on joinery, metalwork,finishing and conservation.*An excellent resource for a substantial amount ofinformation.* RareOrientalBooks.Com $46 Book Number: 85069102 582 HENDERSON, Harold G. JAPANESE ART. [Cambridge c.1910, University Prints]. Green cloth box,loose portfolio, with 149 b.w. plates, very good, with a 10p. list of plates enclosed ,bit box worn,co-author was R. Paine, Jr. else very solid copy, complete with all items. FIRST EDITION Co-author: Robert T. Paine. Covers archaic period 532 A.D. to Meiji 1867, the art history of Japan. $24 AN EXCELLENT DEALER'S ILLUSTRATED REFERENCE CATALOGUE Book Number: 97092701 583 HENDERSON, Milne. AN EXHIBITION OF PRINTS & PAINTINGS ON NETSUKE SUBJECTS BY ZESHIN & RELATED ARTISTS 28 JUNE-14 JULY [1980]. London [1980], Henderson. Stiff wrs., oblong format, 26 x 20.5cm., very good, 2 clear tapes on covers, 36 seals in characters, 5 color, 98 b. w. photos, bibliography, 2 small. tapes on cover, one partially removed cover paper, "as is." An excellent illustrated reference work covering the works of Shibata Zeshin, Ogata Gekko, Tsukioka Kokgyo, Kawanabe Kyosai, Kawabata Gyokusho, Ohara Koson, Mitsukane have done the Japanese woodblock prints, surimono, shikshi-ban. Paintings by Zeshin, Kyosai, Mori Tessan, Ayaoka Yushin, Tanaka Hoji, Hanabusa Itcho et al. The useful seal index gives the wide variety of artist's seals used, and identified. Useful resource for any collector or student of this art form. SUPERB REFERENCE ON JAPANESE WOODBLOCK PRINTS & LACQUER RareOrientalBooks.Com $109 Book Number: 87030701 584 HENDERSON, Milne. AN EXHIBITION OF PRINTS, PAINTINGS AND LACQUER BY SHIBATA ZESHIN 25 JUNE- 9 JULY 1976. London 1976, Henderson. Stiff pictorial color wrs., 70p., 80 b.w. photos, 55 seal index samples, bibliography, 15 x 21 cm valuable reference on Zeshin woodblock prints, tobacco boxes and lacquer ware. FIRST & ONLY SMALL EDITION *** *** *** . . LONDON DEALER'S EXHIBITION CATALOG OF ZESHIN ITEMS . . An excellent reference on Zeshin woodblock prints, a few tobacco boxes and a few lacquer ware items. The majority of the items are woodblock prints. . Covers 78 items by Zeshin: including Japanese Shin-hanga color prints, paintings and lacquer. A useful reference to the art works of Zeshin. . *** With a group of 1890's octagonal fans, including a series of woodblock prints issued by Haibara of Tokyo over a period of 10-15 years [ca.1875-1890] with the title HANA KURABE. . With an excellent seal index of 55 variant seals, and their reading, some with date or age indicators. . Valuable for collectors and students. . *** Contains an excellent Zeshin biographical essay; artistic notes essay, and notes on lacquer. . The excellent and very useful reference list of 55 various Zeshin Hanko [seal/chop] give the reading and in some cases the dates used. Helpful in dating and identifying. . SMALL EDITION: This work was issued for the exhibition in a small and limited number of copies. It is difficult to find on the market after 40 years of issue. . *** CONDITION: This is in the original solid stiff wrappers, with the usual spine fold where the cover opens, slight front corner bends, and a price sticker roughly removed from front upper right corner. Contents, very clean, no marks or issues. Please see scans posted to our website. RareOrientalBooks.Com . *** $60 Book Number: 21010401 585 HENDERSON, Milne. JAPAN IN TRANSITION: Drawings of the Meiji Period. London [1983], Henderson. Stiff buff illustrated wrs., very good, no pagination, ca. [75p.], bibliography, lists & shows some 144 individual drawings, 3 color, balance in b.w. with introductory essay, 21 x 22.5 cm. FIRST & ONLY SMALL EDITION This excellent resource shows the drawings with Western elements, Sumo wrestling and Kendo, Geishas, Ronin & Samurai, suicide, aspects of travelling, drawings with various themes skillfully executed. A marvelous reference & resource. $54 CATALOGUE ABOUT ALL FORMS OF JAPANESE CHILDREN'S BOOKS Book Number: 41005201 586 HERRING, Ann. THE DWAN OF WISDOM: Selections from the Japanese Collection of the Cotsen Children's Library. Los Angeles 2000, Cotsen Occasional Press. Stiff pictorial wrappers, bibliography, 136p.,fold out color plates, profuse color plates, about A4 size or 21 x 29 cm., edited by Don J. Cohn, clean, bright "AS NEW" copy. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION "The Cotsen Children's Library is home to one of the finest and most comprehensive collections of Japanese children's books and printed materials outside of Japan. At present, this remarkable and constantly expanding corpus consists of over 10,000 items, including not only books and documented discussion of an unfamiliar form of publication." * AN EXCEPTIONAL USEFUL REFERENCE ON MILITARY, SWORDS &c. RareOrientalBooks.Com $44 Book Number: 86095801 587 HICKMAN, B. ed. JAPANESE CRAFTS: MATERIALS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS. Selected early papers from the Japan Society of London. London [1978], East-West. Black cloth, very clean, dj., 360p 98 b.w. photos, 79 figures, as new copy. FIRST EDITION This is an important monograph, dealing with all aspects of Japanese crafts, materials & applications. * Originally papers read before the Japan Society of London between 1892 and 1915, these essays embody some of the most lucid articles on Japanese works of art written & are still the most definitive study extant. * Covering wood, bamboo, metal & metal working, archery & archers, Ya-No-Ne arrowheads, leather in military equipment, sword blades, genealogy & military works in old Japan, etc. *** A HIGHLY VALUABLE REFERENCE RESOURCE. *** Scans can be sent by email. $36 SUPERB MONOGRAPH ON THE 18TH CENTURY KYOTO ZEN PAINTER Book Number: 20011101 588 HICKMAN, Money L. et al. THE PAINTINGS OF JAKUCHU. [New York 1989, Asia Society]. Black cloth, very good, dj., tall, 24 x 31 cm., 224p., bibliography, notes, chronology, appendix of seal, inscription & signatures, 97 color, 72 b w photographs, co-author was Yasuhiro Sato. FIRST & ONLY ED. The one & only single major resource on this exquisite Kyoto painter. Born in 1716, was a devout Buddhist, his work reflects a rich, naturalistic style with attention to detail, and also reflect a Zen sprit. Scholarly monograph. RareOrientalBooks.Com $12 Book Number: 95126201 589 HIERSEMANN, Karl W. KATALOG 505: Chinesische, Tibetanische, und Japanische Orignalmalereien. Leipzig [1922], Hiersemann. Tan wrappers, very good but for cover wear, 48p., 7 b.w. plates, 292 items, German text. $10 Book Number: 97096201 590 HIERSEMANN, Karl W. KATALOG 532. OSTASIATISCHE KUNST. Liepzig 1924, Hiersemann. Stiff wrs., very good, 72p., 9 b w plates, top edge minor damping, contents clean, 659 well described book lots, priced,useful dealer's reference catalog. $39 Book Number: 20014301 591 HIGA, Karen M. THE VIEW FROM WITHIN: Japanese Americna Art From the Internment Camps, 1942-1945. [Los Angeles 1994. U.C.L.A.]. Stiff wrs., oblong format,very good, 100p., biographies of the artists, check list of the exhibition, many color & b.w. photographs of paintings and sketches, clean. FIRST EDITION With essays: THE VIEW FROM WITHIN by Karen M. Higa. Lane Hirabayashi & J. Hirabayashi: BEHIND BARBED WIRE. B. Niiya:INTERNMENT CHRONOLOGYH. W. Yamauchi; POSTON, ARIZONA: A PERSONAL MEMORY. Nicely done, showing the art & graphics done in the camps. Book Number: 28044801 592 HIGASHIYAMA, Shinkichi. HIGASHIYAMA KAII DAISHI HARI SO BYO SHU: ROUGH SKETCHES OF MT. HIGASHI KAII. [Tokyo 1981, Shueisha]. Blue stiff paper portfolio, large size 31 x 25 cm., contains four Toyama paintings tipped onto a stiff card about31 x 25 cm, painting size 19 x 13.5 cm. very bright, clean, Japaneswe text sheet accompanies. Contains four lovely examples, one in color the other three in black & white. First shows a boy chasing ducks; girls dancing and playing a stringed instrument; mountain in the RareOrientalBooks.Com $14 clouds. * Higashiyama was the father of Mishima Yukio's wife, and a celebrated painter in Japan in his own right. He used the studio name Kaii. * $37 A MOST VALUABLE & COMPREHENSIVE REFERENCE SOURCE Book Number: 87019701 593 HILLIER, Jack. CATALOGUE OF THE JAPANESE PAINTINGS AND PRINTS IN THE COLLECTION OF MR. & MRS. RICHARD P. GALE. Rutland [1970], Minn. Inst. Arts. Buff cloth, 2 vols, boxed, very good, 72 color, 231 b.w. plates, some foldout plates, 567p., bibliography, glossary, index, 22 x 31 cm. bright, as new copy, clean & solid, unused ! FIRST & ONLY EDITION With notes on cataloguing method. This is an overall very useful and excellent catalog, covering 547 items in detail. Beginning at the primitives, and continuing through Shinsui. An excellent reference source with bibliographic citations. $46 Book Number: 85013404 594 HILLIER, Jack. HOKUSAI: Paintings, Drawings and Woodcuts. New York [1978], Phaidon. Black decorated cloth, 136p., 18 color, 142 b.w. plates, bibliography, chronology, list of woodblock printed books illustrated by Hokusai, very good, 3rd ed., 22 x 29 cm., as new, bright clean copy. This text describes expertly the slow unfolding of this artist's gifts as a print designer and book illustrator. A highly authoritative work, supported with profuse illustrations. Also covered are his brush drawings, paintings most of which are little known. A comprehensive and fully illustrated reference work. Essential for students or collectors. RareOrientalBooks.Com $26 A LIMITED NUMBERED EDITION OF 2000 COPIES Book Number: 89040703 595 HILLIER, Jack. JAPANESE PRINTS & DRAWINGS FROM THE VEVER COLLECTION. [London 1976, Sotheby. Brown cloth, small folio, 24 x 34 cm. top gilt, 3 vol. set, 69 color, 901 b.w., 1034p., as new, in the original cloth slipcase, pristine, many folding plates. LIMITED NUMBERED EDITION OF 2000 COPIES. S C A R C E This is a fabulous set covering the great Vever collection and expertly catalogued by Hillier. Each of the 973 individual items are carefully described & identified, dated, with provenance mentioned. This major contribution to Japanese print and painting bibliography is a valuable and essential reference for any collector or student of this Japanese art form. * The discovery and subsequent sale of the hitherto unknown collection of the prominent Parisian jeweler and early protagonist of Japonisme caused a sensation. The collection was begun in the 1880's and continued through 1920. Many of the superb prints are so rare that they have never been published. * The works are arranged chronologically, and those in series are placed in the proper order. A very useful source. * This is a very large and heavy set. Appropriate extra packing, insurance and shipping charges will apply. * A SUPERB RESOURCE FOR JAPANESE 'MON' OR FAMILY CREST DESIGNS Book Number: 99122701 RareOrientalBooks.Com $825 596 HIRA-T'SHE. LE LIVRE DES 10.000 DESSINS: Documents d'Art Japonais. Paris [], Hue. Blue cloth spine over boards, loose portfolio, 25 x 33.5 cm., 50 plates on 25 loose sheets very clean, illustrates some 1500 individual crests, solid copy of a very rare book. FIRST & ONLY EDITION This early example shows the French interest in things Japanese. Each sheet illustrates, and names 30 individual Japanese family crests, with a great diversity of thematic design. * Mon were used on Kimono, and other family objects, the Mon was an instant message to any visitor or person who saw it and knew of its rank and social standing. . The Mon has been used for centuries to identify and order Japanese society by status. The Imperial Mon as well as other gentry and all classes are listed. * This kind of book has been treasured by designers as a great resource for the unique Japanese designs found on most everything Japanese. *** Excellent resource and fascinating treasure. *** Book Number: 36050001 597 HIROSHIGE, Ando. I [Utagawa] et al. SEBA NO AKI TSUKI: AUTUMN MOON AT SEBA. [From the Series: KISO KAIDOH ROKUJUHKYUH TSUGI: [Tokyo ca 1920's, Watanabe.] An Oban color woodblock print, horizontal format, sheet size: 38.6 x 24.3 x cm., print size 35.1 x 21.9 cm., excellent example no issues, block signed, red Hanko [chop/seal], a reprint of the mid-1830's edition. *** *** *** . . ONE OF HIROSHIGE'S MOST FAMOUS LANDSCAPES . RareOrientalBooks.Com $250 . SEBA NO AKI TSUKI: AUTUMN MOON AT SEBA . . A COLLABORATIVE WORK WITH CONTRIBUTION BY EISEN . . This stunning work shows two bargemen poling their craft in the same direction, as wind-bent willows lean over the blue Narai river in a lonely region, under a harvest moon at dusk. . This exact print is illustrated and commented upon in length by Lane, where he cites the date to be circa late 1830's. . *** . COLLABORATIVE WORK OF TWO MASTER ARTISTS HIROSHIGE & EISEN: . ANDO HIROSHIGE I [1797-1858]: Was the last major master of the Ukiyo-e School. In 1811 he studied with Ukiyo-e master, Utagawa Toyohiro, from whom he received his "nom d'artiste" Hiroshige. His first published illustrated book was from 1818, during the following decades he published profusely. From 1831 he was greatly influenced by Hokusai and began his series of landscape prints. . *** EISEN [1790-1848]: Was a Ukiyo-e painter, print artist and illustrator. Pupil first of the Kano School artist Hakkesai, then of the Ukiyo-e artist Eizan. He is well-known as a collaborator with Hiroshige I for this series of landscapes. See Lane, p.219. . *** WATANABE SHOZABURO REPRINT: . This is a Watanabe reprint of Hiroshige's most famous color woodblock color print. This is a circa 1920 excellent example and color woodcut print faithful to the original, exact in all details. It is an exact match for the print cited in Lane, page 183, no.187, and also in the Watanabe 1936 catalog. Although Watanabe did not mark, stamp or otherwise earmark the great master's Sui Generis, the paper and printing is unmistakable the product of Watanabe in the 1920's-30's. . PUBLISHER WATANABE SHOZABURO [1885-1962]: . Watanabe Shozaburo was a known maker of this kind of fine reprint work. It is number 346 on pl. 62 of his catalog. As usual, there are no Watanabe publisher's seal or indication whatsoever on the print. Due to the nature of the 'laid' paper, it is commensurate with his high-quality color woodblock reprinted works. Because it was in the 1936 catalog is not an indication of date. Watanabe had been making high quality reprints of famous masters' prints from 1915. See Watanabe below. . Watanabe was a Japanese print [woodblock] publisher and the driving force behind the Japanese printmaking movement known as "Shin-hanga" [New prints"] movement. Watanabe employed highly skilled carvers and printers, and commissioned RareOrientalBooks.Com artists to design prints that combined traditional Japanese techniques with elements of contemporary Western painting, such as perspective and shadows. Watanabe coined the term Shin-hanga in 1915 to describe such prints. Charles W. Bartlett, Hashiguchi Goyo, Kawase Hasui, Yoshida Hiroshi, Kasamatsu Shiro, Torii Kotondo, Ohara Koson, Terashima Shimei, Ito Shinsui, Takahashi Shotei and Yamakawa Shuho are among the artists whose works he published. . Much of his company's stockpile of both prints and their original printing-blocks was destroyed in the Great Kanto earthquake of 1923. In the following years, new versions of many of these prints were created, using re-carved blocks, typically, the re-issued "post-quake" prints included changes and revisions in the designs. The quality was always fist class, using highest quality materials and craftsmen. . Watanabe exported most of his Shin-hanga prints to the United States and Europe due to a lack of Japanese interest. . *** CONDITION: This work is in excellent condition, strong color, perfect registry, no fading, clean and solid, as issued. . *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: LANE, Richard.: IMAGES FROM THE FLOATING WORLD: THE JAPANESE PRINT, INCLUDING AN ILLUSTRATED DICTIONARY OF UKIYO-E, p.182, illustration 186 shows this exact print. For the full series KISO KAIDOH ROKUJUHKYUH TSUGI: SIXTY-NINE STATINOS OF THE KISO HIGHWAY see pp.180, 190, color illustration on p.182. * WATANABE, Shozaburo. comp., publisher.: CATALOGUE OF WOOD-CUT COLOUR PRINTS OF S. WATANABE, 1936, page 61, number 320 where he calls it: "MOONRISE AT SEBA, KISO HIGHWAY." * Watanabe Shozaburo: Wikipedia: *** Color scans of this & most other items posted to our website. HIROSHIGE'S "FINAL MONUMENT TO HIS CAREER" OHASHI BRIDGE Book Number: 36049901 RareOrientalBooks.Com $245 598 HIROSHIGE, Ando. I [Utagawa] OHASHI ATAKE NO YUHDACHI: SUDDEN SHOWER AT ATAKE BRIDGE. [From the Series: MEISHO EDO HYAKKEI: ONE HUNDRED FAMOUS [Tokyo ca. 1920's, Watanabe]. An Oban color woodblock print, vertical format, sheet size: 24.6 x 38 cm., print size is: 21.6 x 35.7 cm.,excellent example no issues,signed in block, red Hanko [chop/seal], reprint of the 1857 First Edition. *** *** *** . . ONE OF HIROSHIGE'S MOST FAMOUS & LANDMARK ACHEIVEMENTS . . THE "FINAL MONMUMENT" TO HIROSHIGE'S GREAT CAREER . . SUPERB EXAMPLE AND SUBJECT: This print is one of the most desirable of all Hiroshige's production of prints. Coveted by collectors for about 150 years, this work commands world interest and the highest of prices regardless where and when it appears. . HIROSHIGE'S BEST COMPOSITION: This superb composition is in Lane's words: "Plebian citizens of Edo, caught on the Great Bridge across the Sumida River at Take, shielded themselves from a sudden shower. On the river a logger poles his raft and in the distance dimly, the houses and temples of Fukagawa and Honjo can be seen." Lane continues: "Hiroshige's "Ohashi" stands as the final monument of his career and was produced only a year before his death." See Lane below. . The cartouche at the upper right reads: "ATAKE NO YUDACHI: SUDDEN SHOWER AT ATAKE." The work also has the censor's or Kiwame seal at the top right margin indicated a date of October 1857. . *** THE ARTIST: ANDO HIROSHIGE I [1797-1858]: Was the last major master of the Ukiyo-e School. In 1811 he studied with Ukiyo-e master, Utagawa Toyohiro, from whom he received his "nom d'artiste" Hiroshige. His first published illustrated book was from 1818, during the following decades he published profusely. From 1831 he was greatly influenced by Hokusai and began his series of landscape prints. . *** WATANABE SHOZABURO REPRINT EDITION: . This is a Watanabe reprint of Hiroshige's most famous color woodblock color print. This is a circa 1920 excellent example and color woodcut print faithful to the original, exact in all details. It is an exact match for the print cited in Lane, page 183, no.187, and also in the Watanabe 1936 catalog. Although Watanabe did not mark, stamp or otherwise earmark the great master's Sui Generis, the paper and printing is unmistakable the product of Watanabe in the 1920's-30's. . WHO WAS PUBLISHER WATANABE SHOZABURO [1885-1962]: . Watanabe Shozaburo was a known maker of this kind of fine reprint work. It is number 346 on pl. 62 of his catalog. As usual, there are no Watanabe publisher's seal or indication RareOrientalBooks.Com whatsoever on the print. Due to the nature of the 'laid' paper, it is commensurate with his high-quality color woodblock reprinted works. Because it was in the 1936 catalog is not an indication of date. Watanabe had been making high quality reprints of famous masters' prints from 1915. See Watanabe below. . Watanabe was a Japanese print [woodblock] publisher and the driving force behind the Japanese printmaking movement known as "Shin-hanga" [New prints"] movement. Watanabe employed highly skilled carvers and printers, and commissioned artists to design prints that combined traditional Japanese techniques with elements of contemporary Western painting, such as perspective and shadows. Watanabe coined the term Shin-hanga in 1915 to describe such prints. Charles W. Bartlett, Hashiguchi Goyo, Kawase Hasui, Yoshida Hiroshi, Kasamatsu Shiro, Torii Kotondo, Ohara Koson, Terashima Shimei, Ito Shinsui, Takahashi Shotei and Yamakawa Shuho are among the artists whose works he published. . Much of his company's stockpile of both prints and their original printing-blocks was destroyed in the Great Kanto earthquake of 1923. In the following years, new versions of many of these prints were created, using re-carved blocks, typically, the re-issued "post-quake" prints included changes and revisions in the designs. The quality was always fist class, using highest quality materials and craftsmen. . Watanabe exported most of his Shin-hanga prints to the United States and Europe due to a lack of Japanese interest. . *** CONDITION: This work is in excellent condition, strong color, perfect registry, no fading, clean and solid, as issued. . *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: LANE, Richard.: IMAGES FROM THE FLOATING WORLD: THE JAPANESE PRINT, INCLUDING AN ILLUSTRATED DICTIONARY OF UKIYO-E, p.183, illustration 183 shows this exact print. For the full series MEISHO EDO HYAKKEI: ONE HUNDRED FAMOUS VIEW OF EDO, see pp.209-326. * WATANABE, Shozaburo. comp., publisher.: CATALOGUE OF WOOD-CUT COLOUR PRINTS OF S. WATANABE, 1936, page 62, number 346., vertical format, from the series MEISHO EDO HYAKKEI: ONE HUNDRED FAMOUS VIEW OF EDO. * Watanabe Shozaburo: Wikipedia: . *** Color scans of this & most other items posted to our website. SUPERB SNOW SCENERY OF THE SUMIDA RIVER FROM SERIES OF 8 RareOrientalBooks.Com $546 Book Number: 41045801 599 HIROSHIGE, Ando. I [Utagawa] TOTO YUKIMI HYAKKEI: SUMIDA GAWA TSUTSUMI NO KEI: EIGHT SNOW VIEWS OF EASTERN CAPITAL: SUMIDA RIVER. Japan n.d. 1920's? Single Oban sheet, color woodblock print, sheet size: 38 x 25.5 cm., print size: 34.5 x 22 cm. very clean, sharp copy, loosely layed into old, period paper mat, lovely work, nicely executed. Ready for framing & display. This is a reprint of the original print, nicely done, colors true to the original. A lovely, tender snow scene. * HIROSHIGE I: [1797-1858]. * A FAMOUS & STUNNING COLOR WOOKBLOCK PRINTED ALBUM Book Number: 99001601 600 HIROSHIGE, Ichiryusai. [Hiroshige III] FUJI SANJU ROKKEI & EDO YONJU HAKKEI: THE THIRTY-SIX VIEWS OF MT. FUJI & FORTY-EIGHT VIEWS OF EDO. [Edo 1891]. A brocade silk covered album, Oban size, all edge gilt, with a total of 65 fine color prints, including 2 title pages, and one dedication print, book size 24.5 x 35.5 cm., 4.15 cm. thick. A stunning group of his most famous prints well represented. Hiroshige II [1826-1869] and III [1843-1894] were one in the same, a pupil of the most famous & great Ando Hiroshige. Using his master's name plus his old name Ichiryusai, he was the adopted son of Hiroshige I and was a very skilled painter, who actually painted along side & with the master until his master's death in 1858. After that, Ichiryusai specialized in railroad prints depicting these new innovations recently imported from the West around Yokohama, as well as issuing many series of beautiful prints. In his later years, he executed a most beautiful and exquisite set of his own interpretation of his master's most well-known series of prints showing Mt. Fuji & the celebrat- RareOrientalBooks.Com $247 ed places around Edo. This was not done to merely copy the master's works, but rather as a sincere Confucian tribute to his adopted father [& now father-in-law] and master. He took each of the master's views & repainted them in pastel colors with great control & precision. Some of the more delicate places such as rainbows and clouds behind a flock of birds were actually brushed on by hand, a technique rarely ever done. The wood blocks used were of the highest quality, a majority of which were center cuts & these have left a most beautiful wood-pattern in the print. This example shows 28 prints from the Fuji Sanju Rokkei and 35 from the Edo Yonju Hakkei series, with the title page from each present. There is a dedcation & memorial print to Hiroshige I from his faithful son and pupil. This print is most similar to one found as the frontispiece to the book by E. F. Strange: THE COLOR PRINTS OF HIROSHIGE, London [1925].Its clear that this print by Kunisada [who is Toyokuni I] was used as a model by Ichiryusai, as it differs in what the master is holding.Kunisada shows him holding his rosary beads, while Ichiryusai shows the master with his Fude [brush pen] and paper in hand.Ichiryusai and Kunisada had collaborated to issue a series of 36 prints:EDO JIMAN or THRIY-SIX PLACES OF WHICH YEDO IS PROUD. Ichiryusai has taken much care to represent the most wonderful views of Fuji & Edo with great skill.A majority of these prints are certainly well-known to the art world at large, as well as to Japanese print collectors.Many of these prints prints show up in the usual references. Some of the more famous Edo views are showing a falcon in winter, rain on the river bridge,storks, cat view in Asakusa,busy street scenes, Asakasa temple & lantern in snow, river scenes &c. Some Fuji views show many snow scenes, seasonal views,cherry blossoms, a majority show water and mountains, charming set of prints. Alternate title is MEISHO EDO HYAKKEI. See L. Roberts: A DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE PRINTS ARTISTS p.44-45 for background on Hiroshige I,II & III. R. Lane: IMAGES FROM THE FLOATING WORLD p.232-254, most all of the prints in this album are listed under Hiroshige I's series: MEISHO EDO HYAKKEI: ONE HUNDRED FAMOUS VIEWS OF EDO. Beautifully bound in traditional brocade silk-gilt brocade, with prinnts on both sides of an accordion folded album. A L W A Y S R A R E ! A STUNNING BOOK OF NATIVE JAPANESE DESIGNS Book Number: 84136301 601 HIROTA, Ihei. KODAI KARAKUSA MOYOU SHU: COLLECTION OF ANCIENT ARABESQUE DESIGNS FOR TEXTILES. Tokyo [1885], Okura. Blue stitched wrs., woodblock plates, RareOrientalBooks.Com $20400 printed by hand on hand-made Washi paper, 15 x 22 cm., 59 clean, bright copy. 29 double-leaves [58p]. FIRST EDITION A great work, shows traditional designs and patterns. A designer's wish book ! * $211 A CLASSIC WORK ON THE SUBJECT OF ZEN ARTS Book Number: 84136404 602 HISAMATSU, Shinichi. ZEN AND THE FINE ARTS. Tokyo [1974], Kodansha. Blue cloth, very good, dj., 400p., index, biographical notes, 276 b.w. photos, 10 figures, slip case, first few pages has a binder's defect: small corner cut out of inside gutter, else text unaffected, clean solid. An excellent integrated work, covering paintings, calligraphy, architecture, floral art, garden, industrial arts, theatrical art &c. With some 300 illustrations of examples. This is a very useful reference to Zen arts and related areas. & * $80 Book Number: 85170601 603 HITCHCOCK, Romyn. SOME ANCIENT RELICS IN JAPAN. Washington 1893, GPO. Grey wrs., p.525-526, 4 b. w. plates, 14.5 x 23 cm., very good, clean solid. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Esoteric study on the stone figures in a small enclosure near Hirata Mura in southern Yamato. Possibly the oldest stone images in Japan. * Part of Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution....for the year ending June 30, 1891. Report of the U.S. National Museum. * This title is a complete monograph issued that year. * Book Number: 84136501 604 HOBSON, R.L. NOTES ON JAPANESE POTTERY. RareOrientalBooks.Com $29 London 1931, reprinted from TASJ, Vol.28. Grey wrappers, 97+ 109p. 10 b.w. plates, very clean solid. Scholarly study. ORIGINAL EDITION !! NOT SOME CHEAP DEFECTIVE REPRINT !! Hobson gives a brief background, discusses the influence of the Tea Ceremony, different potters, and different types of pottery. An early work, written when little else was available on the subject. A MARVELOUS ACTION PACKED SAMURAI WARRIOR EPIC Book Number: 85001503 605 HOKUSAI, Katsushika. EHON MUSASHI ABUMI: PICTURE BOOK 'THE STIRRUPS OF MUSASHI.' [Edo 1836, Nishimiya]. Original green stitched covers, very good, 58p. woodcut illustrations, 32 double folded sheets, strong impression, recent blue cloth case Chitsu, the usual wear to edges & corners, a bit thumbed, 16 x 22 cm.FIRST ED. In this sequel to Hokusai's companion work, EHON SAKIGAKE, his warrior series, Hokusai again explains in the preface his goal to express the freedom of movement of the human body under heavy armor. * A very nice example of some of Hokusai's best warrior drawings and action-packed-sword wielding Samurai defending against enemy attacks. Done at age 77, Hokusai signed this work: "The Old Mad of Painting." * Musashi takes on his advisories, fights the great carp, pays homage to the great serpent, rides his fearless steed into war, sword fights, against the forces of evil, and saves the helpless and meek. Stunning period work covering the exploits of Musashi the Buddhist warrior monk. & Original FIRST EDITIONS of this vintage are RARE. This example represents a "by-gone era" of this fine caliber of artistic creation. Seldom found for sale in a complete and solid state with an early & strong impression. * Inquire for our complete list of other original Hokusai E-hon [illustrated books], and references on this celebrated Japanese original artist. We often have many of the below cited references. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: J. Hillier: HOKUSAI, p. 227-232. * Toda: p.263. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $19 Dawes pp.55-57. * Kerlen #295 for much bibliographic detail. * James S. DE BENNEVILLE: SAITO MUSASHI-BO BENKEI: TALES OF THE WARS OF THE GEMPEI...Saito Musashi-bo Benkei the Warrior Monk. * WONDERFUL & CHARMING DESIGNS BY JAPANS'S GREATEST PAINTER Book Number: 87057401 606 HOKUSAI, Katsushika. EHON TEIKIN OHRAI: THE ILLUSTRATED 'COMMUNICATION OF HOME PRECEPTS.' [Edo c.1874, Yoshikawa]. Stitched wrappers, 3 vols.,complete set, 30+30+30p., 166 woodcut illustrations, covers with some small chips, corners, bit rubbed, contents clean, no worming very good impression,16 x 23.8 cm.,blue Chitsu folding case. THE ARTIST/ILLUSTRATOR: The work was illustrated by Hokusai, and reflects all charm and skill that he is famous for. Hokusai has captured the flavor and charm of his genre, reflecting a lovely panoramic view of the Japanese and their life, set during the 18301840's towards the end of the Tokugawa period. A delightful and most light-hearted illustrated book, typical of Hokusai, who enjoyed poking fun at the irony of daily life and its parade of characters. **** THE AUTHOR: The text was written by Gene Hohshi [?-1350] a Buddhist priest of the Tendai sect, wrote the text in the 14th century, see Hillier p.200 for more. * THE SUBJECT: A popular work during the late Tokugawa period, it was also used in the Ashikaga period, as a text for writing by the literati classes. An eclectic and superbly illustrated text, shows the activities of all classes of Japanese. Tradesmen at their hard toil, paper makers, the daily activities of women, artists and artisans, cultured classes, warriors, Buddhist priests, Lords, and a host of other charming drawings. With a number of natural history illustrations: fish, birds & animals. * Hokusai books are always RARE & highly desirable. They reflect a charm, showing the artist's humor and compassion for life, his talented gift to record for all posterity. A RareOrientalBooks.Com $3740 lovely and sympathetic view of what Japan was truly like during his times. His works are celebrated as the best Japanese painter and illustrator of his era. S U P E R B ! ****** PER HILLIER: [See entry in Bibliography below] "It was the first book of what might be termed a serious, didactic type that Hokusai had been called upon to illustrate during his long career..." Page 198. * "Hokusai's book is ingeniously designed, with pages divided in two, and text and illustration separated by a dividing line, but the positions of each part, and their proportions, varied from page to page. ...but seizes upon some incident or object mentioned by the author and builds a drawing around it, situation his pictures in contemporary Edo and his figures in 'modern dress.'" Page 200-201. * "One illustration [plate 181] gives us a picture of another famous publisher's is the premises of Nishumura Eijudoh, the publisher of the TEKIN ORAI, his sign and name being emblazoned on the Noren [or curtain] and on the lantern outside the premises. Another illustration is of Benkei, with his armoury of fearsome weapons, standing on Gojo Bridge." Page 200-201, plate 181, 182. ****** EDITION: This is the Meiji reprint of the first issue, 1828. * CONDITION: The work is printed with good registry and excellent key block line and images are solid. The binding is tight with some minor splits to where the stitching is at either the top or lower edges, some very minor chipping to edges of covers. The set is contained in a recent indigo-blue Chitsu case with bone clips. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE & CHINESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS IN THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO, p.258. * E. Dawes: p.57. * H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS, p.137, #335. * J. Hillier: THE ART OF HOKUSAI IN BOOK ILLUSTRATION: p.277, item number 230, the 1828 edition, and pp.198, 200, 201; illustrations 181, 182. * HOKUSAI'S MOST CELEBRATED BOOK ON SACRED MT. FUJI RareOrientalBooks.Com $6249 Book Number: 84211702 607 HOKUSAI, Katsushika. FUGAKU HYAKKEI: THE HUNDRED VIEWS OF MT. FUJI. [Nagoya 1875, Tohekido]. Blue stitched stiff wrs.,3 vol. set woodblock printed on hand-made paper, very good,leaf 15 from vol. 2 lacking, else contents complete, clean, clear images, in tones of grey, Sumi, black, indigo blue, 164 x 24 cm.RARE Perhaps Hokusai's [1760-1849] most famous work in book form, illustrating a profusion of views of Mt. Fuji from all perspectives. This was also the prototype for his great color print series on Mt. Fuji. A delightful & impressive work, used as a standard for over a hundred years by artists, designers and collectors. This monograph is devoted to Japan's most sacred Mt. Fuji in all its glory, portrayed in various seasons and as seen by common folk as they go about their daily lives & occupations. * The volumes are 22.5 x 15.5 cm., with 25+25+25 double folded leaves or 150 pages in all, with illustrations of Mt. Fuji on 144 of the pages, 6 pages of Japanese text. The history of the various editions are complex, suffice to say that the work was originally issued in two volumes [it could be that the whole work was simply bound within two covers]. Then there were basically two main editions: the first being published in 1834-5, and reprints of this the first edition in pink covers called "FALCON FEATHERS," later ones in yellow covers. Another in 1875, in black stiff covers. The contents in all cases identical, the size varied by only a few centimeters, essentially all are identical. * The introduction consisting of the first two pages in volume one were actually written by Hokusai. * The work is marvelous, and shows how Mt. Fuji was portrayed in the life of the Japanese. How in the spring time people sat outdoors and viewed the cherry blossoms with Mt. Fuji in the background. The theme is how Mt. Fuji was always present in their daily lives as a background. The artistry and skill of Hokusai is without parallel, he illustrated using his keen ingenuity at drawing skills. He put the sacred mountain in the picture in a myriad of ways. The mystical quality of Mt. Fuji is illustrated and conveyed by his acute composition, insight and visionary-like avant-garde skills which were head and shoulders above most all other artists of his time. Hailed as perhaps Japan's greatest artist of the 19th century. All of his original woodcut books are rare and of great value. * REPRINT EDITION: The 1948 reprint edition was an exact woodblock-printed edition of the earlier edition and has all of the same pages RareOrientalBooks.Com and illustrations found in earlier editions, with a paper Chitsu or folding cover, nicely done, good registry, color, the exact same size as earlier editions. * AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION: If you are interested in the English translation of each page of this set, please inquire with us for this title. It is a superb work, giving valuable insight to the texts found in this stunning work. It bears the title: FUGAKU HIYAKU-KEI: ONE HUNDRED VIEWS OF FUJI BY HOKUSAI. See bibliography below. *** CONDITION NOTE: The 1877 edition has a small mend at the last page, the colophon in vol. 3, else very clean, nice. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: * H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS . for more bibliographic details, item #396, pp.163-166. * H. Smith: HOKUSAI ONE HUNDRED VIEWS OF MT. FUJI, pp.21-22 . outline the editions. * K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE AND CHINESE . ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.263. * L. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.47. * J. Hillier: no. 241, p.278. " " HOKUSAI: no. 110 J. HILLIER: THE ART OF BOOK ILLUSTRATION, p.213-225, plates . 195-208 * Kraft: VOL.3, NO. 185-=195; VOL. 4, NO.36 * R. Keyes: EHON: The Artist and the Book in Japan: pages 218-223, i.e. exhibit #54, color plates: fig 54.1-54.5. * KSM: [Kaiga] 7-18-1 * Forrer: 170-177 * Not listed in C. Mitchell: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN. * * The British author F.V. Dickins did a book with the title: FUGAKU HIYAKU-KEI: OR A HUNDRED VIEWS OF FUJI [FUJISAMA] BY HOKUSAI. It was an interesting edition of the book issued in London in 1880, with English commentaries & translations by F.V. Dickins. This book contained an actual and original woodcut illustrated edition of Hokusai's book bound in with the English translation of the Hokusai text. We do have this in stock from time to time, if interested, please inquire. * Henry Smith II: HOKUSAI ONE HUNDRED VIEWS OF MT. FUJI. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $2720 HOKUSAI'S MOST CELEBRATED BOOK ON SACRED MT. FUJI Book Number: 84211705 608 HOKUSAI, Katsushika. FUGAKU HYAKKEI: THE HUNDRED VIEWS OF MT. FUJI. Tokyo 1877, Hayashi. Black stitched stiff wrs., 3 vol. set, woodblock printed on hand-made paper, very good, vol.1 cover edges bit worn, contents clean, clear impressions, tones of grey, Sumi, black, indigo blue Chitsu case. RARE Perhaps Hokusai's [1760-1849] most famous work in book form, illustrating a profusion of views of Mt. Fuji from all perspectives. This was also the prototype for his great color print series on Mt. Fuji. A delightful & impressive work, used as a standard for over a hundred years by artists, designers and collectors. This monograph is devoted to Japan's most sacred Mt. Fuji in all its glory, portrayed in various seasons and as seen by common folk as they go about their daily lives & occupations. * The volumes are 22.5 x 15.5 cm., with 25+25+25 double folded leaves or 150 pages in all, with illustrations of Mt. Fuji on 144 of the pages, 6 pages of Japanese text. The history of the various editions are complex, suffice to say that the work was originally issued in two volumes [it could be that the whole work was simply bound within two covers]. Then there were basically two main editions: the first being published in 1834-5, and reprints of this the first edition in pink covers called "FALCON FEATHERS," later ones in yellow covers. Another in 1875, in black stiff covers. The contents in all cases identical, the size varied by only a few centimeters, essentially all are identical. * The introduction consisting of the first two pages in volume one were actually written by Hokusai. * The work is marvelous, and shows how Mt. Fuji was portrayed in the life of the Japanese. How in the spring time people sat outdoors and viewed the cherry blossoms with Mt. Fuji in the background. The theme is how Mt. Fuji was always present in their daily lives as a background. The artistry and skill of Hokusai is without parallel, he illustrated using his keen ingenuity at drawing skills. He put the sacred mountain in the picture in a myriad of ways. The mystical quality of Mt. Fuji is illustrated and conveyed by his acute composition, insight and visionary-like avant-garde skills which were head and shoulders above most all other artists of his time. Hailed as perhaps Japan's greatest artist of the 19th century. All of his original woodcut books are rare and of great value. * RareOrientalBooks.Com REPRINT EDITION: The 1948 reprint edition was an exact woodblock-printed edition of the earlier edition and has all of the same pages and illustrations found in earlier editions, with a paper Chitsu or folding cover, nicely done, good registry, color, the exact same size as earlier editions. * AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION: If you are interested in the English translation of each page of this set, please inquire with us for this title. It is a superb work, giving valuable insight to the texts found in this stunning work. It bears the title: FUGAKU HIYAKU-KEI: ONE HUNDRED VIEWS OF FUJI BY HOKUSAI. See bibliography below. *** CONDITION NOTE: The 1877 edition has a small mend at the last page, the colophon in vol. 3, else very clean, nice. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: * H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS . for more bibliographic details, item #396, pp.163-166. * H. Smith: HOKUSAI ONE HUNDRED VIEWS OF MT. FUJI, pp.21-22 . outline the editions. * K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE AND CHINESE . ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.263. * L. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.47. * J. Hillier: no. 241, p.278. " " HOKUSAI: no. 110 J. HILLIER: THE ART OF BOOK ILLUSTRATION, p.213-225, plates . 195-208 * Kraft: VOL.3, NO. 185-=195; VOL. 4, NO.36 * R. Keyes: EHON: The Artist and the Book in Japan: pages 218-223, i.e. exhibit #54, color plates: fig 54.1-54.5. * KSM: [Kaiga] 7-18-1 * Forrer: 170-177 * Not listed in C. Mitchell: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN. * * The British author F.V. Dickins did a book with the title: FUGAKU HIYAKU-KEI: OR A HUNDRED VIEWS OF FUJI [FUJISAMA] BY HOKUSAI. It was an interesting edition of the book issued in London in 1880, with English commentaries & translations by F.V. Dickins. This book contained an actual and original woodcut illustrated edition of Hokusai's book bound in with the English translation of the Hokusai text. We do have this in stock from time to time, if interested, please inquire. * Henry Smith II: HOKUSAI ONE HUNDRED VIEWS OF MT. FUJI. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $6120 HOKUSAI'S MOST CELEBRATED BOOK ON SACRED MT. FUJI Book Number: 84211706 609 HOKUSAI, Katsushika. FUGAKU HYAKKEI: THE HUNDRED VIEWS OF MT. FUJI. [Tokyo 1948, Oshima]. Yellow stitched stiff wrs., 3 vol. set woodblock printed on hand-made paper, very good,clean,bright set, contents very clean, white, clear impressions, in tones of grey, Sumi, black, stiff buff paper Chitsu case. R A R E Perhaps Hokusai's [1760-1849] most famous work in book form, illustrating a profusion of views of Mt. Fuji from all perspectives. This was also the prototype for his great color print series on Mt. Fuji. A delightful & impressive work, used as a standard for over a hundred years by artists, designers and collectors. This monograph is devoted to Japan's most sacred Mt. Fuji in all its glory, portrayed in various seasons and as seen by common folk as they go about their daily lives & occupations. * The volumes are 22.5 x 15.5 cm., with 25+25+25 double folded leaves or 150 pages in all, with illustrations of Mt. Fuji on 144 of the pages, 6 pages of Japanese text. The history of the various editions are complex, suffice to say that the work was originally issued in two volumes [it could be that the whole work was simply bound within two covers]. Then there were basically two main editions: the first being published in 1834-5, and reprints of this the first edition in pink covers called "FALCON FEATHERS," later ones in yellow covers. Another in 1875, in black stiff covers. The contents in all cases identical, the size varied by only a few centimeters, essentially all are identical. * The introduction consisting of the first two pages in volume one were actually written by Hokusai. * The work is marvelous, and shows how Mt. Fuji was portrayed in the life of the Japanese. How in the spring time people sat outdoors and viewed the cherry blossoms with Mt. Fuji in the background. The theme is how Mt. Fuji was always present in their daily lives as a background. The artistry and skill of Hokusai is without parallel, he illustrated using his keen ingenuity at drawing skills. He put the sacred mountain in the picture in a myriad of ways. The mystical quality of Mt. Fuji is illustrated and conveyed by his acute composition, insight and visionary-like avant-garde skills which were head and shoulders above most all other artists of his time. Hailed as perhaps Japan's greatest artist of the 19th century. All of his original woodcut books are rare RareOrientalBooks.Com and of great value. * REPRINT EDITION: The 1948 reprint edition was an exact woodblock-printed edition of the earlier edition and has all of the same pages and illustrations found in earlier editions, with a paper Chitsu or folding cover, nicely done, good registry, color, the exact same size as earlier editions. * AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION: If you are interested in the English translation of each page of this set, please inquire with us for this title. It is a superb work, giving valuable insight to the texts found in this stunning work. It bears the title: FUGAKU HIYAKU-KEI: ONE HUNDRED VIEWS OF FUJI BY HOKUSAI. See bibliography below. *** CONDITION NOTE: The 1877 edition has a small mend at the last page, the colophon in vol. 3, else very clean, nice. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: * H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS . for more bibliographic details, item #396, pp.163-166. * H. Smith: HOKUSAI ONE HUNDRED VIEWS OF MT. FUJI, pp.21-22 . outline the editions. * K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE AND CHINESE . ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.263. * L. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.47. * J. Hillier: no. 241, p.278. " " HOKUSAI: no. 110 J. HILLIER: THE ART OF BOOK ILLUSTRATION, p.213-225, plates . 195-208 * Kraft: VOL.3, NO. 185-=195; VOL. 4, NO.36 * R. Keyes: EHON: The Artist and the Book in Japan: pages 218-223, i.e. exhibit #54, color plates: fig 54.1-54.5. * KSM: [Kaiga] 7-18-1 * Forrer: 170-177 * Not listed in C. Mitchell: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN. * * The British author F.V. Dickins did a book with the title: FUGAKU HIYAKU-KEI: OR A HUNDRED VIEWS OF FUJI [FUJISAMA] BY HOKUSAI. It was an interesting edition of the book issued in London in 1880, with English commentaries & translations by F.V. Dickins. This book contained an actual and original woodcut illustrated edition of Hokusai's book bound in with the English translation of the Hokusai text. We do have this in stock from time to time, if interested, please inquire. * Henry Smith II: HOKUSAI ONE HUNDRED VIEWS OF MT. FUJI. RareOrientalBooks.Com * $1836 A MOST STUNNING HOKUSAI EROTIC COLOR-BOOK Book Number: 23014201 610 HOKUSAI, Katsushika. FUKUJU SOH: THE ADONIS PLANT. [An Erotic Color Illustrated Woodblock Printed Book] [Japan n.d. ca 1868]. Gold brocade green cloth covers, accordion folded, all edge silver gilt, album size 17 x 25 cm., contains 12 double page prints opening to 34 x 25 cm. Oban size, plus an introductory illustrated page. STUNNING ! This is a most famous book executed by one of Japan's most famous painters and woodblock print artist, Hokusai [17601849], who was commonly known as the "Mad Man on Painting." The original was printed in the late 1810's it was unsigned, several variant editions are known, most copies were lost or now unaccounted for. It is part of Hokusai's erotic trilogy. This posthumous edition has been meticulously carved and printed with the utmost care and registry. The book used some twenty different colors, each color printed by a different wood-block. An interesting proof of age, is found on page [six], the rape scene. The girl's red under-Kimono was printed from a color made from finely ground iron. The red has now turned to an iron-red patina with a dark purple hue. This common color was used at the beginning of the Meiji period [1868-1912] for most solid reds. Humidity content determines the amount of time it takes to give this patina, on the average, about 100-135 years for this reaction to change the properties of the iron, forcing it to oxidize and change into and achieve this marvelous color and affect [see #6 scan]. While the book has a proper title slip, it was intentionally left blank. The over all condition of the book is quite good with very minor reservations. A small amount of foxing, more on some, less on other prints, some are even approaching fine. On page #11, the print is about 5 mm. shorter at the bottom, but this does NOT affect the overall value of the image as it is insignificant. A small, RareOrientalBooks.Com faint amount of transfer from the black is evident with close scrutiny. Overall the work is quite lovely, and the viewer is soon distracted to the subject of the images rather than the minor flaws. A truly magnificent and unusual example of early Meiji polychrom printing. Most of the Shun Pon [erotic books] of this period show small images, drawn from a distance, with room decorations, food, bedding, flowing robes, furniture and outside scenery. This by stark contrast has directed the viewer to the real point of Shun Pon [literally Spring Book Pictures...after all, spring in Asia means a new beginning and the opening of a New Year...return of nature from a winter's sleep, what better things to think of and do for a good New Year start if not sex !] is to stimulate and enhance the act of making love. The book begins sans title page nor artist's name recognition. Many books of this subject were clearly executed by some of the most famous artists of the period. It was a quick source of cash for starving artists. The work starts out with a double-page showing sliding Fusuma doors, an invitation to voyeurism. The doors are subtly decorated giving no clue to the true nature of the contents, useful for coercing young virgins to have a look...also the reason for no title slip. Each of the subsequent 12 double pages are devoted to the real subject of this book. The joy, art and pleasure of love- making. From the beginning of recorded time the Japanese were not a prudish people. In fact, they held strong beliefs in and worship of inanimate sexual objects such as trees, rocks and other things that showed a natural resemblance to the genitalia. These objects were collected & placed in shrines. Later, some were carved from wood and stone and placed in special "fertility shrines" in Japan. Barren women often visited these shrines offering prayers to the Gods for fertility and evoked charms. Stories passed down over the centcenturies, that some of the keepers of these fertility shrines, or their priests were willing "assistants" of these "Gods" & gladly inseminated such vulnerable women. The Japanese had an affinity with the natural expression of passion passion and lust. Rape of women alone along a pathway, or in their own room was not uncommon. While some may truly object others feigned objection while in ecstasy [see page #6]. The book therefore beings when the first page is turned to page number one. * * Page one shows a very young woman. She has mounted an unseen suitor, while she sits upon his gigantic penis, her eyes are closed in the throes of ecstasy, her lips are red with excitement and a very pale but obvious pink flush envelops her face. On the floor is the usual package of Chirishi or toilet paper used to wipe the aftermath. The male's organ is huge and the veins are blue and popping, her very excited vulva takes on the color of deep red and faint purple, displaying the maximum color of excitement. While fully clothed, her Kimono is open just enough to accomplish the act of love. To the Japanese partially clothed women with their genitals exposed was more erotic than a full nude...after all they did mixed public bathing for centuries. * * Page two shows a couple, she is almost nude, with just her red under Kimono draped over her stomach, while he exposes his organ as he enters her from the "X" angle, he cradles, her from behind while holding her left breast. She pulls him from behind the neck to be close enough to share a tongue RareOrientalBooks.Com kiss, rarely shown in Japanese prints. He inserts his tongue into her willing mouth, as she holds his cheek fast. Her long and flowing hair is still tied with a black ribbon at the bottom suggesting that she is some kind of royal person. She also shows a pink flush to her mouth and vaginal lips. * *Page three shows newlyweds. The woman still wears the traditional head gear of a bride. She holds a package of Chirishi in her lips ready for the flood of love juices that are already flowing out. The man enters her from the top, while she willingly spreads her legs wide open. * * Page four shows the woman on top in a contortion, revealing the organs involved in love-making. * *Page five shows the influence from an earlier Utamaro work a classic. The woman is on the bottom, pulling the covers over her lover's bare back-side, while they are making love in the winter. Her wooden platform pillow is ready as the are hidden from view by a small folding screen to keep out the cool draft. Her vermilion under Kimono is tangled with her outer Kimono. * *Page six shows a ruffian raping a young girl. He is likely a common coolie, all he wears is a "Fundoshi" or loin cloth which was easily moved to reveal his huge and erect penis. He has tumbled this innocent girl by pulling her foot from under her; then with his other hand, inserts his organ into her. She is pushing his cheek away, and attempting to pull his hand off her foot. What is ironical is that her face is flushed pink, and her face shows no frown of rejection, but her eyes are almost closed as she secretly anticipates the oncoming pleasure. For sure, she must resist being innocent, young, coquettish and demure in an attempt to save face. It is important to note at this time, that there exists a most similar print by Utamaro showing this very scene. Surely Hokusai was so impressed, that as a tribute to Utamaro he utilized this stunning image in his own work, the old adage "Copying is the greatest compliment." See more below re: #6. * *Page seven shows an unabashed nude couple enjoying a fully adult pleasure of making love without any restraints. In fact this must the a second or third time as the amount of expended Chirishi has been thrown about after the last joys of love-making pleasure. It is known in Japan, that after the first round of love-making if the couple can clean up the love juices promptly enough, a new erection can be achieved, and the drying of the vagina will give the next round of love-making a new and more pleasurable sensation. In this view the man enters from the rear while holding her fast,his right foot is set for maximum traction ! * *Page eight shows another couple engaged, the woman on top but with her back side facing him. Vis-a-vis each other to observe each other thus increasing the erotic passion. A tiny bit of silver color has accented her Kimono, highly unusual in any woodblock print. Of note, her toes are curled curled down in a fit of ecstasy. * *Page nine shows one of the most fascinating of all prints in this series. In the traditional sixty-nine position, he has his tongue in her very excited and swollen purple-red RareOrientalBooks.Com vulva. She tries with difficulty to contain his very large penis, also with a dark pink-purple flush, as she curled her toes in painful ecstasy, her expression shows her eyebrows in a frown, as she enjoys the agony and ecstasy of this wonderful pleasure. * *Page ten shows a mature couple nude, she holds the tie-died head band in her mount, to silence her cries of joy, while she embraces her lover's neck. The spectacular view of the genitals fully engaged is stunning. The penis has its veins popping out, while the lips of her vulva are flushed bright red, the love juices flowing out. Her breasts are pointed downward, revealing that she has given birth previously. Her her toes are curled in a passionate dream of pleasure. The pair both display a pink flush to their faces with very bright red lips. It is not common to see this in men. * *Page eleven shows a couple preparing to make love. The man who is on top displays a very large and erect penis, while he sucks on her upturned breast; she is being manipulated to move her left leg up so he can then enter her open and waiting vulva. She clutches a handful of Chirishi in preparation for the flood. Her eyebrows are shaved, but a faint pink flush just above her eyes has emerged. * *Page twelve shows a most unusual scene in the world of Haru Bon. While lesbianism is not unusual, openly depicting girls at such play are. This shows two ordinary nude women, likely being bored or abandoned by their male suitors, have taken to the mutual pleasure of dildo play. One wears a huge and most black penis tied about her waist. The other reveals her open and moist vagina, clutches the penis while holding a few Chirishi sheets. The other opens a tiny container with some sort of stimulating potion. This will either be applied to the dildo or her partner's vagina. It seems clear, the two girls have already shared this joy before and could be that the girl grasping the penis has already applied it to her partner,and is now awaiting her turn to be "penetrated." * Books of this subject, quality, nature and rarity are truly most difficult to acquire on the open market. Superbly colored in pastels, prior to the very garish and bright advent and use of aniline dyes imported from Europe. Because Hokusai had lived during the life-time of Utamaro [1754-1806] he was influencd by this great master. The most vivid example of this invluence is found in number six [above], the rape scene. The original inspiration for this print was done by Utamaro in his most celebrated erotic album: UTA MAKURA: PILLOW OF SONG, dated 1788..."Utamaro's masterpieces...most impressive ...series of twelve prints ...this is one of the most dramatic scenes: a plebeian maiden being attacked by a middle-aged laborer and putting up stiff resistance" See R. Lane: IMAGES OF THE FLOATING WORLD, page 140, plate 140 for a most similar example. The original Utamaro shows the exact same action, with nearly identical composition; the man supresses the girl by holding her left leg, while she pushes his cheek away with her right hand...clearly Hokusai was so impressed with this superb composition and subject that he utilized it in his own masterpiece. Note how even the man's "Fundoshi" [loin cloth] is in the exact format, draped over his stiff penis. This is no coincidence ! This series and a few similar prints illustrated also in T. Evans: SHUNGA: The RareOrientalBooks.Com Art of Love in Japan, page 249 for the text; illustrations 6.83, 6.85 and 6.86; 6.88 is an exact match for our number 9 above. A stunning and most fantastic piece of color erotica by Japan's master painter. JAPAN'S MOST FAMOUS ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF COMIC CARICATURES Book Number: 91077403 611 HOKUSAI, Katsushika. HOKUSAI MANGA, 15 VOLUME SET: HOKUSAI'S CARICATURES, THE COMPLETE WORK. Nagoya 1812-1849 Eirakuya. Stitched replacement blue stiff wrs., 15 vol. set, 411 woodblock illustrations in pastels, very good, bit of lower corner of vol. 2 worn away but illus not affected, else good, cloth case, clasps. FIRST EDITION *** *** *** . . THE HOKUSAI MANGA . . . IS ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OUT OF JAPAN . . IN THE EARLY TO MID-19TH CENTURY . . . HOKUSAI'S MONUMENTAL 15 VOLUME ILLUSTRATED GENRE BOOK . . REMAINS ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS & RECOGNIZABLE BOOKS . . FROM JAPAN'S MOST CELEBRATED AND HUMOROUS MASTER ARTIST . A MONUMENTAL WORK, COMPLETE IN 15 VOLUMES: . This is a monumental work of art! It is probably the most famous of Hokusai's illustrated books. The main feature of this book is an encyclopedic demonstration of Hokusai's great ability in depicting all things Japanese found in daily life. RareOrientalBooks.Com $16320 . SUBJECTS OF THE MANGA: People, fauna, flora, landscape, the past, grotesque, technical, architecture, comedians, average people at work, play and mischief. . Covering a host of figures, animals, flowers, birds, landscapes, people, miscellaneous items, historical figures, Buddhist and Shinto temples, religious icons, military arts, Samurai, famous Japanese sights, Japanese and Chinese deities, architecture, a host of fish, landscapes, great and common people at their work, horses, humorous figures and a host of other sketches to tickle the imagination. Some of the illustrations are pastel colored in pink and light blue, the outlines are all are done in Sumi-black. * A wealth of superb art and excellent examples of Hokusai's best drawing and painting skills. Of all books ever done in Japan, it is this set that has captured the imagination of its viewers more than any other single book. It has also portrayed Japan to the world in graphic terms that anyone can understand. * The Manga has always been the most desirable & collectible of all of Hokusai's books. Seldom found in its complete state of 15 matching volumes. Each volume addresses a different aspect of Japanese life, the themes are highly creative and his unique ability to express humor is widely appreciated as his gift to the world at large. * He has always been the most ingenious of all Japanese artists, expressing a true native ability to record the essence of Japan and the Japanese character. The pictures of a giant octopus pouncing on a lonely spectator, the elongated limbs of his humorous characters tickle one's fancy. Chopsticks protruding from a man's nose...zany! * An important reflection of Japan, Japanese culture and daily life before the advent of Western influence. HOKUSAI'S SUI GENERIS ! . *** NOTES ABOUT THE Nagoya 1812-1849 Eirakuya Edition: This set has the title pages for volumes: 3, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13,14, and the standard two-page introduction by Hokusai in volumes 1-14, volume 15 did not come with this page. . Else the set is complete with all pages, illustrations, publisher's catalogs and colophons, where cited. . *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: . Toda: RYERSON LIBRARY OF THE A.I.C. p.254-5. * J. Hillier: ART OF HOKUSAI IN BOOK ILLUSTRATION pp.96-112. * D. Chibbett: A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE PRE-1868 JAPANESE BOOKS...p.33 item #85. * H. Kerlin: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS, p.226-239, RareOrientalBooks.Com item #546 for most all editions & variants. * HILLIER, Jack. :THE ART OF HOKUSAI IN BOOK ILLUSTRATION p.186. . *** JAPAN'S MOST FAMOUS ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF COMIC CARICATURES Book Number: 91077404 612 HOKUSAI, Katsushika. HOKUSAI MANGA, 15 VOLUME SET: HOKUSAI'S CARICATURES, THE COMPLETE WORK. [Tokyo 1875]. Stitched stiff wrappers, very good, usual wear to corners/edges, contents very clean,15 vol. set,411 double page illustrations by color-tinted woodblocks, title slips a bit worn as usual, each bound in a different color. COMPLETE *** *** *** . . THE HOKUSAI MANGA . . . IS ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OUT OF JAPAN . . IN THE EARLY TO MID-19TH CENTURY . . . HOKUSAI'S MONUMENTAL 15 VOLUME ILLUSTRATED GENRE BOOK . . REMAINS ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS & RECOGNIZABLE BOOKS . . FROM JAPAN'S MOST CELEBRATED AND HUMOROUS MASTER ARTIST . A MONUMENTAL WORK, COMPLETE IN 15 VOLUMES: . This is a monumental work of art! It is probably the most famous of Hokusai's illustrated books. The main feature of this book is an encyclopedic demonstration of Hokusai's RareOrientalBooks.Com $13743 great ability in depicting all things Japanese found in daily life. . SUBJECTS OF THE MANGA: People, fauna, flora, landscape, the past, grotesque, technical, architecture, comedians, average people at work, play and mischief. . Covering a host of figures, animals, flowers, birds, landscapes, people, miscellaneous items, historical figures, Buddhist and Shinto temples, religious icons, military arts, Samurai, famous Japanese sights, Japanese and Chinese deities, architecture, a host of fish, landscapes, great and common people at their work, horses, humorous figures and a host of other sketches to tickle the imagination. Some of the illustrations are pastel colored in pink and light blue, the outlines are all are done in Sumi-black. * A wealth of superb art and excellent examples of Hokusai's best drawing and painting skills. Of all books ever done in Japan, it is this set that has captured the imagination of its viewers more than any other single book. It has also portrayed Japan to the world in graphic terms that anyone can understand. * The Manga has always been the most desirable & collectible of all of Hokusai's books. Seldom found in its complete state of 15 matching volumes. Each volume addresses a different aspect of Japanese life, the themes are highly creative and his unique ability to express humor is widely appreciated as his gift to the world at large. * He has always been the most ingenious of all Japanese artists, expressing a true native ability to record the essence of Japan and the Japanese character. The pictures of a giant octopus pouncing on a lonely spectator, the elongated limbs of his humorous characters tickle one's fancy. Chopsticks protruding from a man's nose...zany! * An important reflection of Japan, Japanese culture and daily life before the advent of Western influence. HOKUSAI'S SUI GENERIS ! . *** NOTES ABOUT THE Nagoya 1812-1849 Eirakuya Edition: This set has the title pages for volumes: 3, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13,14, and the standard two-page introduction by Hokusai in volumes 1-14, volume 15 did not come with this page. . Else the set is complete with all pages, illustrations, publisher's catalogs and colophons, where cited. . *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: . Toda: RYERSON LIBRARY OF THE A.I.C. p.254-5. * J. Hillier: ART OF HOKUSAI IN BOOK ILLUSTRATION pp.96-112. * D. Chibbett: A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE PRE-1868 JAPANESE BOOKS...p.33 item #85. RareOrientalBooks.Com * H. Kerlin: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS, p.226-239, item #546 for most all editions & variants. * HILLIER, Jack. :THE ART OF HOKUSAI IN BOOK ILLUSTRATION p.186. . *** A CLASSIC WORK ON JAPANESE ARCHITECTURE & ART DESIGN Book Number: 93091702 613 HOKUSAI, Katsushika. SHOHSHOKU EHON KATSUSHIKA SHIN HINAGATA: PICTURES OF NEW AND ORIGINAL DESIGNS, ARCHITECTURAL PLANS & WORKING DRAWINGS FOR Kyoto 1836, Sandoshurin. Stitched blue wrs., very good, but covers bit worn, scuffed, title slip top missing, contents clean solid, bit dusty, old thumbing in lower margin, 26 double folded leaves, 18 double-page & 42 illustrations.RARE This work was woodblock printed, and contains some 50 plates illustrating architectural themes for craftsmen. The building of traditional Japanese structures has been a highly guarded and most secret set of tradesman's techniques. These were never shared with strangers or competitors. These techniques were passed from journey man to his disciples. Therefore when Hokusai attempted to draw the methods and construction techniques he met substantial opposition from those who were the builders and designers. Because of his personal fame he was allowed to sketch these for the purpose of "painting" rather that construction. This work then shows a good number of hitherto guarded subjects, now exposed for the first time in print. * Hokusai takes us on a guided tour of some of Japan's most traditional and typical buildings. Covering the likes of what the builder and architect looks like, his tools, methods of using a compass, how to draw and make things square, basic carpentry tools, as well as the proper attire of head designer and architect. The offering to Shinto gods for a successful and lucky construction. Then the work delves into the actual design of tile roofs, Buddhist themes in architecture, bell & the bell tower, building guardians or "Fu Dogs," ocean wave patterns, shrine Gods, symbols of longevity, floating and rope bridges Swastika and other Buddhist patterns, other protectors of buildings found in mythological animals, dragon, demons, and a handsome horse. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $11944 A famous work, used by artisans for making art works. A valuable example of Japanese art and craft work at its best ! * VARIANT READINGS OF THE TITLE: There are variant readings of the title, each bibliographer has selected his own way to read the full title. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: J. Hillier: ART OF HOKUSAI IN BOOK ILLUSTRATION, p.188, and illustrates 2 full-pages from this work as plates #169, 170. * L. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.56 for 2 entries. * H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS, p.619, #1497. * K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE AND CHINESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.262. * AN EXCELLENT REFERENCE ON JAPANESE WOODBLOCK BOOKS OR E-HON Book Number: 84301401 614 HOLLOWAY, Owen E. GRAPHIC ART OF JAPAN: The Classical School. London 1957, Tiranti. Black cloth, 135+121p., 5 color, 135 b.w. plates. Excellent source for landscape albums, wood block printed books, bird & flower pictures. FIRST EDITION This invaluable text gives a keen insight into some of the more interesting woodblock print & book artists of the Edo period. Devoted to the other than sheet printed works, with a focus on Kyoto & Osaka art of the early 18th century. Social structure of Japanese taste, Chinese culture in Japan, Kyoto, what is graphic art? Medium & method of the classical school. What are brush stroke & engraved 'line'? Graphic art & the brush original, landscape, landscape in the albums, visual & verbal art, figure studies, the albums of figure subjects, bird & flower pictures, list of chief albums of the classical school. With copious descriptive notes to the plates.A very useful reference or illustrated books & albums of the time. Valuable for students, dealers and collectors. Illustrating examples from Kishi Empu, Ki Baitei, Kameda Bosai, Kawamura Bumpo, Yosa Buson, Ki Chikudoh, Onishi Chinnen, Cho Gessho, Matsumura Goshun, Tsuji Hozan, Niwa Kagen, of the time. Valuable for students, dealers and collectors. Illustrating examples from Kishi Empu, Ki Baitei, Kameda RareOrientalBooks.Com $2312 Bosai, Kawamura Bumpo, Yosa Buson, Ki Chikudoh, Onishi Chinnen, Cho Gessho, Matsumura Goshun, Tsuji Hozan, Niwa Kagen. $44 Book Number: 84229001 615 HONDA, I. THE SILK INDUSTRY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1909, Imperial Tokyo Sericultural Inst. Green cloth, very good, gold stamped, 198p., 3 color, many b.w. photos, 2 color maps, statistics, all edge gilt. S C A R C E A most valuable resource, covers the history of sericulture industry of Japan. The present state of sericultural industry, government enterprises for sericultural industry, associations. Cultivatin of mulberries, feeding of silkworms, manufacture of raw silk, sales of raw silk, wild silkworms. This is most comprehensive and authorative work on the subject, issued by the Japanese government. Honda was the director of the Imperial Tokyo Sericulture Inst. A very copious resource, covering all aspects of silk culture, profusely illustrated with text and full page photographs. $187 Book Number: 86123902 616 [HORIGUCHI, S.] ARCHITECTURAL BEAUTY IN JAPAN. New York [1956], Studio. Yellow cloth, 11.5 x 11.5 inches, 107p., 4 color, 148 b.w. photos, 9 b.w. illus., very clean solid copy. FIRST EDITION With additional commentary on MODERN ART AND JAPANESE ARCHITECTURE by Y. Kojiro. This work covers traditional and modern structures, a variety of materials, forms and including structures abroad. Covers gardens and religious structures. Book Number: 97034901 RareOrientalBooks.Com $29 617 [HORIGUCHI, Sutemi.] TRADITION OF JAPANESE GARDEN. [Tokyo 1962], Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai. Purple cloth, oblong format, 185p., 140 color & b.w. photos, index, maps, plans, very clean, solid copy. FIRST EDITION A strong work, covers the relationship between nature and gardens, garden for contemplation, garden for use, gardens that are not called gardens. . Essays by Yuichiro Kojiro: The Japanese & their gardens, natural order, moon, snow & flowers, Tsubo Niwa [enclosed small garden], Karesansui or 'dry landscapes,' Shakkei, a rotating garden, Zen inspired Roji [path leading up to the Tea-house] et al. . A keenly inspired monograph, giving a marvelous look at how the Japanese gardens are designed & why they work. Traditional houses are the back drop, and the garden is a living part of the whole architectural environment. . The use of massive rocks, water, ponds, waterfalls and a host of others, calmly employed, rendering this an excellent study. . Useful to architects & garden designers. * A JAPANESE CLASSIC ON HAND-MADE JAPANESE PAPERS OR WASHI Book Number: 97088801 618 HORIKOSHI, Jusuke. KAMI KOSHII CHOHO-KI: DIARY OF JAPANESE WASHI PAPER MAKER. [WASHI is Japanee for Hand-Made Native Paper] [Tokyo 1925, Sanseido]. Green stitched stiff wrs.,very clean Chuban 15.5 x 23 cm., woodblock printed, 20p.+7p. supplement & 29 illustrations, 5 b.w. collotype photos, reprint of the 1798 First Edition,in recent blue cloth folding Chitsu case. AN IMPORTANT PRIMARY RESOURCE ON JAPANESE HAND-MADE WASHI PAPER-MAKING: . THE EDITION: This is the 1925 reprint of the 1798 original woodblock printed edition. It is printed on double-folded leaves to look like the original, including the period style stitched binding. * This work outlines graphically the whole hand-made process of Washi papermaking. From collecting of the plants to the RareOrientalBooks.Com $22 final trimming of the dried paper sheets. . This excellent example shows the whole & complete process of hand-made Washi papers. Beginning with selecting the plants used, harvesting & culture, separating the fibers, hauling by horse, river washing, scraping by hand, boiling process, alternate & supplemental plants used, beating the fibers, and screening the fiber solution into paper. The native tools used, drying, cutting, bundling & preparation for market. *** WINTER OCCUPATION OF JAPANESE FARMERS - PAPERMAKING: Japanese farmers had little to do during the cold, snowy winter months. Washi papermaking became a useful and productive enterprise in rural Japan. . The process of hand-made paper in Japan was strictly a winter home vocation. The farmers had to immerse their hands in the bitterly cold water to do much of this process. It was not easy work, and most papers were made in the extreme cold of northern Japan where Kozo and other fiber-containing plants grew. * The work is lavishly illustrated, it actually shows the complete process of this early technology. The same basic process was followed for hand-making papers in China and Korea as well. . A charming and wonderful work, with additional commentaries on the papermaking village. A most fascinating period work, always R A R E. * ***** THE PERSONAL COPY OF THOMAS K. TINDALE: This is the personal copy of Thomas K. Tindale, and bears his blind-stamped, embossed seal in the lower edge of the first blank leaf. Tindale was the author of THE HANDMADE PAPERS OF JAPAN, perhaps the best book on Japanese Washi papers. It included a stunning collection of samples and other valuable essays, resources and examples. Contains a white 3 x 5 inch typed card, with pencil notes in Tindale's hand giving bibliographical information on this book. . Please inquire with us as we may have other items from his library, and about Washi papers and sample books. *** CONDITION: This copy is in superb collector's condition, solidly stitch bound, no worming or other defects. * CHITSU FOLDING INDIGO BLUE CASE WITH CLASPS: This work is contained in a recent indigo-blue folding Chitsu, in superb condition, with hand-made Washi stencil inside papers, 2 bone clasps. *** REFERENCES: TINDALE, Thomas K. et al.: THE HANDMADE PAPERS OF JAPAN. * Color scans of this and most other books are posted to our website. RareOrientalBooks.Com $250 Book Number: 21064701 619 HOSHINO, Tomihiro. ROAD OF THE TINKLING BELL: Paintings, Poems, and Essays. [Tokyo 1990, Kaisei-sha]. White boards, dj., 95p., Kyoko & Gavin Bantock translators, very good, many color photos. A most unique book: "THE BELL MAKES NO SOUND WHEN WE ARE GOING ALONG A SMOTH ROAD, BUT WHEN WE COME TO AN OBSTACLE OR UNEVEN PATCH IN OUR LIVES, THE LITTLE BELL TINKLES CLEARLY." Is how the author describes his colorful work. Written and illustrated by the author who is paralyzed from the neck down is a consummate artist, working with his mouth to create superb art & poems. A MOST STUNNING HAND-MADE WASHI COLOR PAPER SAMPLE BOOK Book Number: 23015601 620 HOSOKAWA SHI GIJUTSU SHA KYO KAI. HOSOKAWA SHI SHI: THE HISTORY OF HAND-MADE WASHI PAPERS HOSOKAWA PAPERMAKING VILLAGE. Tokyo 1980, Yushodo. Purple stitched stiff wrs., as new,fine copy, in green hand-made paper Chitsu folding case, 60 handmade paper samples, 21 x 28.7 cm., 64p. Japanese text, 25p. photos, 69 b.w. photos, map, photos of paper makers. R A R E FIRST & ONLY LIMITED EDITION OF 300 COPIES * A superb monograph on the hand-made paper activities of Hosokawa area. Contains a 60 great-full page samples of beautiful colored, designed and embossed papers; each with a number and name that matches the key page. The key page gives more details on the process, place &c. The photo essay shows the complete technique of paper making from collecting the plants with the fibers the finished product. These photos show the ancient method juxtaposition the 1980 method. * Papermakers are a dieing breed, and so many of their off spring have forsaken the tiny dull villages for the bright city life. Very few continue this art form. The entire text & photograph section is printed on double-folded leaves, then spine stitched in traditional Japanese binding. Contained in the Chitsu with bamboo clasps, then again in original card board protective box. A Pristine, flawless copy ! The beautiful art of the hand-bound Japanese book and hand-made papers. RareOrientalBooks.Com $2 * A marvelous folk-art work. * $372 STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL WORK ON JAPANESE WOMEN Book Number: 92040304 621 HOSONO, Masanobu. et al. ITO SHINSUI. Volume 5 from the Gendai Nippon Bijinga Zen Shuu Series. [Tokyo 1979, Shueisha]. Blue cloth, very good, dj., 127p.,56 color, 98 b.w. photo plates, chronology, Japanese text, 8.5 x 11 inches, slip case. S C A R C E This is a grand work, illustrating some 150 plus paintings by the great master of "Bijinga." Shinsui captured the essence of Japanese feminine beauty. Reference monographs on the works of Shinsui are quite scarce. A valuable addition to the reference materials for prints & paintings of the Taisho and early Showa periods. Each work is clearly dated, artist seal shown, with work title, including some color fold outs. Shinsui haunted both the Japanese & Western style live theatres in Japan, from which he found many useful & beautiful female subjects. Many of the paintings found in this work were the prototypes for later woodblock prints. A sensual view of his women, their charm, beauty, elegance and refinement. Drawn with exquisite perfection, he was perhaps one of the best artists of the time for female figures. Printed on high quality heavy rag paper with superb color. A beautiful addition to any art reference library & asset to collection. A MAJOR CONTRIBUTION TO THE SUBJECT Book Number: 90076201 RareOrientalBooks.Com $238 622 HOSONO, Masanobu. NAGASAKI PRINTS AND EARLY COPPERPLATES. [Tokyo 1978, Kodansha]. Blue cloth, very good, dj., 24 color 143 b.w. plates, bibliography, index, glossary, 165p., 19 x 26.5 cm., as new copy. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION An important work, covering the early art history influenced by foreigners. Addresses the Soputhern Barbarians, foreign culture, Port of Nagasaki, Nagasaki woodblock prints, Hiraga Gennai, Shiba Kokan, Ando Denzen and his successors in the Western-style woodcut . Nagasaki woodblock prints focused on European subjects, life in the Dutch colony, European manners and customs as portrayed in imported books & art works. $31 A SUPERB MONOGRAPH ON THE CONTEMPORARY CHINESE PAINTER Book Number: 91114101 623 [HU, Sishen.] [CLIMBING MOUNTAINS, FORDING RIVERS: The Unusual Road Taken By Artist Shao Yu]. Hunan [1981, Hunan Mei]. Red cloth spine over boards, dj., very good, 39 color, 52 b.w. plates, 16 drawn sketches by artist Shao Yu, tall folio, Chinese & English text, summary, plate list 26 x 36 cm., slipcase. FIRST & ONLY SMALL EDITION A grand work, with poignant views of China, her people, landscape, some semi-political statements, peasants training with rifles mostly women, folk-art works, many in color and others in black-white Sumi. The largest percent are of Chinese views, with a minority of paintings in Japan, Siam, Middle-East, France, England &c. Nicely done work. * Book Number: 28042101 624 HUDSON, Richard. et al. KUBOYAMA AND THE SAGA OF THE LUCKY DRAGON. New York [1965], Yoseloff. Pictorial cloth, original clear plastic dust jacket with notes, 59.,10 color, 25 b.w. photos drawings, English text, 22 x 28.5 cm., co-author Ben Shahn, clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION This is the true story of the first men who were Japanese fishermen who had an actual brush with the H-bomb. These unsuspecting Japanese were thousands of miles from home aboard the small ship "Lucky Dragon," when on March 1st, 1954 a cloud of strange whitish gray flakes drifted down on their craft. This changed their lives, as these men died from rad- RareOrientalBooks.Com $46 iation atoll. poisoning from the American test bomb near Bikini It is a touching story, with superb graphics. $7 A MAJOR ILLUSTRATED RESOURCE ON EARLY JAPAN Book Number: 84137001 625 HUMBERT, Aime. JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED. York 1874, Appleton. Tall folio, decorated red cloth, 198 beautiful woodcut engravings, 378p., very good, neatly rebacked.Trans. by Mrs. Cashel.Edited by H.W. Bates.QUITE RARE Illustrates the Japanese country, domestic life, religion, folklore, Kyoto, Yeddo [old Tokyo], political system, education, literature, customs, religious festivals, theater &c. This superb primary source was written by the late Envoy Extraordinary Minister Plenipotentiary, during his two year stay in Japan from 1863-1864 as he represented Switzerland. * Because of his diplomatic position, he was able to travel beyond the barriers of the foreign settlement at Yokohama. A privilege accorded exclusively to diplomatists of the Treaty Powers. He set down in writing his view of quarters inaccessible to the ordinary person. * With candor, this text illustrates and discusses the life, customs & activities of the Japanese, their neighboring towns, Bay of Yeddo, taverns &c., embellished by sketches and photographs done while enroute. * A wonderful primary insight to an earlier Japan before the influence of foreign powers. Lavishly illustrated with beautifully executed art. * A MAJOR ILLUSTRATED RESOURCE ON EARLY JAPAN RareOrientalBooks.Com $2234 Book Number: 84137002 626 HUMBERT, Aime. JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED. London 1874, Bentley. Red pictorial cloth, very good, 378p., 190 fine woodcuts & illustrations, large size 24 x 31.5 cm., beautifully done, small folio. R A R E Illustrates the Japanese country, domestic life, religion, folklore, Kyoto, Yeddo [old Tokyo], political system, education, literature, customs, religious festivals, theater &c. This superb primary source was written by the late Envoy Extraordinary Minister Plenipotentiary, during his two year stay in Japan from 1863-1864 as he represented Switzerland. * Because of his diplomatic position, he was able to travel beyond the barriers of the foreign settlement at Yokohama. A privilege accorded exclusively to diplomatists of the Treaty Powers. He set down in writing his view of quarters inaccessible to the ordinary person. * With candor, this text illustrates and discusses the life, customs & activities of the Japanese, their neighboring towns, Bay of Yeddo, taverns &c., embellished by sketches and photographs done while enroute. * A wonderful primary insight to an earlier Japan before the influence of foreign powers. Lavishly illustrated with beautifully executed art. * A MAJOR ILLUSTRATED RESOURCE ON EARLY JAPAN Book Number: 84137003 627 HUMBERT, Aime. JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED. New York 1874, Appleton. 3/4 Black leather, very good, 378p. 190 fine woodcuts and illustratons, large size 24 x 31.5 cm. RareOrientalBooks.Com $1862 top edge gilt, beautifully done, small folio, raised bands, gold stamped morocco over marbled boards & endpapers. RARE Illustrates the Japanese country, domestic life, religion, folklore, Kyoto, Yeddo [old Tokyo], political system, education, literature, customs, religious festivals, theater &c. This superb primary source was written by the late Envoy Extraordinary Minister Plenipotentiary, during his two year stay in Japan from 1863-1864 as he represented Switzerland. * Because of his diplomatic position, he was able to travel beyond the barriers of the foreign settlement at Yokohama. A privilege accorded exclusively to diplomatists of the Treaty Powers. He set down in writing his view of quarters inaccessible to the ordinary person. * With candor, this text illustrates and discusses the life, customs & activities of the Japanese, their neighboring towns, Bay of Yeddo, taverns &c., embellished by sketches and photographs done while enroute. * A wonderful primary insight to an earlier Japan before the influence of foreign powers. Lavishly illustrated with beautifully executed art. * A MAJOR ILLUSTRATED RESOURCE ON EARLY JAPAN Book Number: 84137004 628 HUMBERT, Aime. JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED. New York 1874, Appleton. Brown cloth, very good, 378p., 190 fine woodcuts and illustratons, large size 24 x 31.5 cm., top edge gilt, small split to spine, bookplates. S C A R C E Illustrates the Japanese country, domestic life, religion, folklore, Kyoto, Yeddo [old Tokyo], political system, education, literature, customs, religious festivals, theater &c. This superb primary source was written by the late Envoy Extraordinary Minister Plenipotentiary, during his two year stay in Japan from 1863-1864 as he represented Switzerland. * Because of his diplomatic position, he was able to travel beyond the barriers of the foreign settlement at Yokohama. A privilege accorded exclusively to diplomatists of the Treaty Powers. He set down in writing his view of quarters inaccessible to the ordinary person. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $1862 With candor, this text illustrates and discusses the life, customs & activities of the Japanese, their neighboring towns, Bay of Yeddo, taverns &c., embellished by sketches and photographs done while enroute. * A wonderful primary insight to an earlier Japan before the influence of foreign powers. Lavishly illustrated with beautifully executed art. * $1862 A MAJOR ILLUSTRATED RESOURCE ON EARLY JAPAN Book Number: 84137005 629 HUMBERT, Aime. JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED. New York 1874, Appleton. 3/4 Brown leather, very good, 378p. 190 fine woodcuts and illustratons, large size 24 x 31.5 cm. all edge gilt, beautifully done, small folio, raised bands, gold stamped morocco over marbled boards & endpapers. RARE Illustrates the Japanese country, domestic life, religion, folklore, Kyoto, Yeddo [old Tokyo], political system, education, literature, customs, religious festivals, theater &c. This superb primary source was written by the late Envoy Extraordinary Minister Plenipotentiary, during his two year stay in Japan from 1863-1864 as he represented Switzerland. * Because of his diplomatic position, he was able to travel beyond the barriers of the foreign settlement at Yokohama. A privilege accorded exclusively to diplomatists of the Treaty Powers. He set down in writing his view of quarters inaccessible to the ordinary person. * With candor, this text illustrates and discusses the life, customs & activities of the Japanese, their neighboring towns, Bay of Yeddo, taverns &c., embellished by sketches and photographs done while enroute. * A wonderful primary insight to an earlier Japan before the influence of foreign powers. Lavishly illustrated with beautifully executed art. * A MAJOR STUDY OF FAR EASTERN HANDMADE PAPERS WITH SAMPLES RareOrientalBooks.Com $1862 Book Number: 84175801 630 HUNTER, Dard. A PAPERMAKING PILGRIMAGE TO JAPAN, KOREA AND CHINA. [First & Only Signed Limited Numbered Edition of 370 Copies] New York 1936, Pynson. Half leather over boards, 148p., fine solid copy, 50 tipped-in paper samples,68 b.w. photos,index. * * IN ORIGINAL SLIPCASE, WITH ORIGINAL PROSPECTUS * * *FIRST & ONLY HAND-NUMBERED, SIGNED, LIMITED EDITION OF 370* *** *** *** . . FIRST AND ONLY HAND-NUMBERED . . . LIMITED EDITION 0F 375 COPIES . . . SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR & PUBLISHER . . CONTAINING 50 FINE HANDMADE WASHI PAPER SAMPLES . . An exceptionally rare and important primary source. It covers, compares & contrasts the three major paper-making cultures of Eastern Asia. Written by the premier authority on handmade papers. This scholarly monograph, addresses papermaking materials, moulds. Documenting his personal pilgrimage to the various papermaking villages, variety of papers, with copious bibliography. . *** With lucid descriptions of the illustrations with full commentaries and descriptions of the 50 numbered individual tipped-in large handmade paper specimens. Printed on Shogun paper, frontispiece, three woodcuts, 65 b.w. photogravures, illustrations, 148 [+4p.]. . *** LOVELY DOUBLE-SIGNED COPY: This copy is signed and hand-numbered in black by the author Dard Hunter. It is also signed in red by the publisher, Elmer Adler. . *** THE BINDING: The work was finely hand-bound & specially designed by Gerhard Gerlach, in black morocco leather spine, with paper covered boards printed in gold, red & black from 18th century woodblocks bought in Korea. The spine titles are gold-stamped with a red Chinese Hanzi/Kanji character "Zhi/Kami" for "paper" and four rule lines ." Book size is a RareOrientalBooks.Com small folio: 23.3 x 28.8 cm. . *** This is a landmark work, covers in great detail the handmade paper cultures of Japan, China & Korea. Including bamboo papers, methods, villages, photos of techniques, materials and a host of other useful and valuable Asian paper-making subjects. . *** WHO WAS DARD HUNTER 1883-1966]: William Joseph "Dard" Hunter was an American authority on printing, paper, and papermaking, especially by hand, using the tools and craft of four centuries prior. Hunter produced two hundred copies of his book Old Papermaking, preparing every aspect of the book himself: he wrote the text, designed and cast the type, did the typesetting, handmade the paper, and printed and bound the book. . A display at the Smithsonian Institution that appeared with his work read: . "In the entire history of printing, these are the first books to have been made in their entirety by the labors of one man." . He also wrote the classic "Paper Making by Hand in America" [1950], a similar but larger undertaking. . *** REFERENCES: Dard Hunter: . *** . FIRST AND ONLY LIMITED EDITION OF 125 COPIES . HUNTER, Dard.: CHINESE CEREMONIAL PAPER. A MONOGRAPH RELATING TO THE FABRICATION OF PAPER AND TIN FOIL AND THE USE OF PAPER IN CHINESE RITES AND RELIGIOUS CEREMONIES. . . *** . FIRST & ONLY EDITION 182 COPIES SIGNED BY DARD HUNTER . HUNTER, Dard.: PAPERMAKING IN INDO-CHINA. . * . *** . First & Only Limited Edition 250 copies. TINDALE, Thomas K. et al.: THE HANDMADE PAPERS OF JAPAN. Limited First & Only Edition 250 copies. . * . *** . First & Only Numbered Edition of 173 Copies . BERGER, Sidney E.: THE HANDMADE PAPERS OF JAPAN: A Biographical Sketch of its Author and an Account of the Genesis & Production of the Book. With a Reprint of the Original Text by Thomas Keith Tindale & Harriett Ramsey Tindale. . * NOTE: Please check with us as we may have some of the above RareOrientalBooks.Com titles in stock. . *** A MAJOR STUDY OF FAR EASTERN HANDMADE PAPERS WITH SAMPLES Book Number: 84175802 631 HUNTER, Dard. A PAPERMAKING PILGRIMAGE TO JAPAN, KOREA AND CHINA. [First & Only Signed Limited Numbered Edition of 370 Copies] New York 1936, Pynson. Half leather over boards, 148p., very clean, 50 tipped-in paper samples, 68 b. w. photos, index, bibliography, firm & solid copy. FIRST & ONLY LIMITED NUMBERED & SIGNED EDITION OF 370 COPIES *** *** *** . . FIRST AND ONLY HAND-NUMBERED . . . LIMITED EDITION 0F 375 COPIES . . . SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR & PUBLISHER . . CONTAINING 50 FINE HANDMADE WASHI PAPER SAMPLES . . An exceptionally rare and important primary source. It covers, compares & contrasts the three major paper-making cultures of Eastern Asia. Written by the premier authority on handmade papers. This scholarly monograph, addresses papermaking materials, moulds. Documenting his personal pilgrimage to the various papermaking villages, variety of papers, with copious bibliography. . *** With lucid descriptions of the illustrations with full commentaries and descriptions of the 50 numbered individual tipped-in large handmade paper specimens. Printed on Shogun paper, frontispiece, three woodcuts, 65 b.w. photogravures, illustrations, 148 [+4p.]. . *** LOVELY DOUBLE-SIGNED COPY: This copy is signed and hand-numbered in black by the author Dard Hunter. It is also signed in red by the publisher, Elmer Adler. . RareOrientalBooks.Com $3650 *** THE BINDING: The work was finely hand-bound & specially designed by Gerhard Gerlach, in black morocco leather spine, with paper covered boards printed in gold, red & black from 18th century woodblocks bought in Korea. The spine titles are gold-stamped with a red Chinese Hanzi/Kanji character "Zhi/Kami" for "paper" and four rule lines ." Book size is a small folio: 23.3 x 28.8 cm. . *** This is a landmark work, covers in great detail the handmade paper cultures of Japan, China & Korea. Including bamboo papers, methods, villages, photos of techniques, materials and a host of other useful and valuable Asian paper-making subjects. . *** WHO WAS DARD HUNTER 1883-1966]: William Joseph "Dard" Hunter was an American authority on printing, paper, and papermaking, especially by hand, using the tools and craft of four centuries prior. Hunter produced two hundred copies of his book Old Papermaking, preparing every aspect of the book himself: he wrote the text, designed and cast the type, did the typesetting, handmade the paper, and printed and bound the book. . A display at the Smithsonian Institution that appeared with his work read: . "In the entire history of printing, these are the first books to have been made in their entirety by the labors of one man." . He also wrote the classic "Paper Making by Hand in America" [1950], a similar but larger undertaking. . *** REFERENCES: Dard Hunter: . *** . FIRST AND ONLY LIMITED EDITION OF 125 COPIES . HUNTER, Dard.: CHINESE CEREMONIAL PAPER. A MONOGRAPH RELATING TO THE FABRICATION OF PAPER AND TIN FOIL AND THE USE OF PAPER IN CHINESE RITES AND RELIGIOUS CEREMONIES. . . *** . FIRST & ONLY EDITION 182 COPIES SIGNED BY DARD HUNTER . HUNTER, Dard.: PAPERMAKING IN INDO-CHINA. . * . *** . First & Only Limited Edition 250 copies. TINDALE, Thomas K. et al.: THE HANDMADE PAPERS OF JAPAN. Limited First & Only Edition 250 copies. . * . *** . First & Only Numbered Edition of 173 Copies . RareOrientalBooks.Com BERGER, Sidney E.: THE HANDMADE PAPERS OF JAPAN: A Biographical Sketch of its Author and an Account of the Genesis & Production of the Book. With a Reprint of the Original Text by Thomas Keith Tindale & Harriett Ramsey Tindale. . * NOTE: Please check with us as we may have some of the above titles in stock. . *** PAPERMAKING THROUGH ASIA: CHINA, JAPAN, KOREA, SIAM, VIETNAM Book Number: 90043402 632 HUNTER, Dard. PAPERMAKING: THE HISTORY AND TECHNIQUE OF AN ANCIENT CRAFT. [This Copy With Thomas K. Tindale's Personal Book Plate] New York [1947], Knopf. Blue cloth, very clean, 611 + 37p., index, notes, bibliography, chronology, fold out map, 313 bw photos, 4 figures,2nd.revised & best enlarged edition,2paper samples, ex-private library book plate of Thomas K. Tindale. This is a standard classic on all aspects of hand-made paper, from the beginning down to modern times. It covers writing substances before paper, Ts'ai Lun and the Chinese invention of paper, the influence of calligraphy upon paper, & printing. Empress Shotoku & her Hyakuman-Toh, one million printed prayers, the first text printing upon paper executed in the world. 664-770 C.E. . The hand-mould: papermakers' most essential tool, maceration of materials, papermaking process & methods paper: a sacred material, papermakers of Europe, America during the early years of printing. Ancient water-marks, latter day watermarks of the 19th century. Paper making materials of the 18th century, the paper-machine and its inventor, revolutionizes printing. . Handmade paper vs. machine made papers. The history of the invention of Chinese hand made paper, its move to Formosa, Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia, Indo-China [North Vietnam], India, Tibet, Kashmir, and the eventual migration to Europe. The various fibers used to make paper, techniques, laid & other papers. * Undoubtedly one of the most reliable of all authors on the subject, a "best resource" on the history of paper, also on world-wide hand-made papers. With two full-page paper samples included, comprehensive chronology, and a 200 work bibliography on papermaking by geographic areas, copious index, fold out illustrations. * Dard Hunter was the premier author/scholar on the subject of hand-made paper, and has written extensively on this subject with a substantial number of rare and excellent books which contain paper samples. All of his works are reliable and considered of great intellectual value and contrition to the RareOrientalBooks.Com $2740 subject. * WHO WAS THOMAS K. TINDALE: THOMAS K. TINDALE Tindale was an American, employed as an advisor to the Japanese Civil Service immediately after the end of World War II. He was assisted by Yoshikuni Seki, the celebrated and noted Japanese paper-making scholar and historian. The work was co-authored by his wife, Harriet R. Tindale. *** REFERENCES: TINDALE, Thomas K. THE HANDMADE PAPERS OF JAPAN. A stunning set of books with large numbers of hand-made Washi samples, LIMITED EDITION OF 250 COPIES *** $250 AN OUTSTANDING COLOR REFERENCE SOURCE BOOK Book Number: 89044401 633 HURTIG, Bernard. comp. MASTERPIECES OF NETSUKE ART: One Thousand Favorites of Leading Collectors. New York [1973], Weatherhill. Brown silk over white brocade, very clean, 1075 color illustrations, glossary, index,in the original cloth covered slip case, index, bibliography, large size folio 23.5 x 30.5 cm., solid. FIRST EDITION This work was published for the International Netsuke Collectors Society. With representative pieces from the Atchley, Baur, Bushell, Gercik, Greenfield, Hurtig, Kenzo, and other collections. With essays by each collector on what and why they collect Netsuke. Stunningly beautiful work, giving more color photos of Netsuke and identifications than any other work. A very useful and valuable standard reference source. This work is perhaps one of the most desirable books on the art of Netsuke & Netsuke collecting by the foremost writers. AN OUTSTANDING COLOR REFERENCE SOURCE BOOK RareOrientalBooks.Com $187 Book Number: 89044402 634 HURTIG, Bernard. comp. MASTERPIECES OF NETSUKE ART: One Thousand Favorites of Leading Collectors. New York [1973], Weatherhill. Brown silk over white brocade, very clean, 1075 color illustrations, glossary,bibliography, index,spine & cloth covered slipcase bit faded,small scratch a very solid copy. FIRST EDITION This work was published for the International Netsuke Collectors Society. With representative pieces from the Atchley, Baur, Bushell, Gercik, Greenfield, Hurtig, Kenzo, and other collections. With essays by each collector on what and why they collect Netsuke. Stunningly beautiful work, giving more color photos of Netsuke and identifications than any other work. A very useful and valuable standard reference source. This work is perhaps one of the most desirable books on the art of Netsuke & Netsuke collecting by the foremost writers. $150 AN OUTSTANDING COLOR REFERENCE SOURCE BOOK Book Number: 89044403 635 HURTIG, Bernard. comp. MASTERPIECES OF NETSUKE ART: One Thousand Favorites of Leading Collectors. New York [1973], Weatherhill. Brown silk over white brocade, very clean, 1075 color illustrations, index, glossary, bibliography, ex-library copy, usual marks, spine bit worn, contents clean, solid. FIRST EDITION This work was published for the International Netsuke Collectors Society. With representative pieces from the Atchley, Baur, Bushell, Gercik, Greenfield, Hurtig, Kenzo, and other collections. With essays by each collector on what and why they collect Netsuke. Stunningly beautiful work, giving more color photos of Netsuke and identifications than any other work. A very useful and valuable standard reference source. This work is perhaps one of the most desirable books on the art of Netsuke & Netsuke collecting by the foremost writers. RareOrientalBooks.Com $136 Book Number: 93011001 636 IENAGA, Saburo. JAPANESE ART: A CULTURAL APPRECIATION. Vol. 30. Heibonsha Survey of Japanese Art. New York [1979], Weatherhill. Blue cloth, very clean, 105 color & b.w. photos, 177p., trans. by R. Gage., bright solid copy, in nice dust jacket. FIRST EDITION Covering primitive society, stone age Japan, Jomon pottery, early ancient society, metal culture, emergence of social classes and political control, ethnic religion & festivals. Early chronicles: Kojiki & Nihon Shoki, sex in ancient Japan and tumulus art. Age of penal & administrative codes, Buddhist arts, traditional arts, aristocratic society. Growth of feudal society, rise & significance of the warrior class. Rich merchants, popular arts, Genroku, feudal decline, scientific spirit, rise of social reform. Excellent work addresses all forms of art, screens, Buddhist art, ceramics, paintings, theater, stage, sculpture &c. A SUPERB JOURNAL OF FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD Book Number: 27029801 637 IKEBANA INTERNATIONAL. IKEBANA INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE. [Tokyo 1960-1985, I.I.]. Original pictorial stiff wrappers, as issued, from issue # 7-73, broken set, numbers in all, English text, 18 x 25.5 cm., average 65p. per issue, profuse color & b.w. photos, clean, solid. FIRST & ONLY EDITION The work is elegant and artistic. The masters include those from the major schools: Ikenobo: Mr. Ikenobo; Ohara: Houn Ohara, Sogetsu: Sofu Teshigahara. * Each issue celebrates friendship between members of all countries, including Chinese flower arranging techniques, joining of masters, new schools and places to study, the basic arts of Ikebana, world chapters, characteristics of Japanese flower arrangement and random notes, samples, examples and a range of techniques. * This work celebrates and joins all schools of Ikebana into a single journal for the pleasure and edification of all. * In the beginning, in the 1960's the journal was in its RareOrientalBooks.Com $12 infancy, by the mid 1980's it became a slick high-class color magazine loaded with even more elegant resources, essays on and by women of the classical times down to the contemporary, a kind of women's liberation statement for women of all walks of life. A study if women's grace and refinement, interviews with leading exponents of the women's movement and role models. * Elegant and first-class adverts by the best of Japanese art works and accessories ! * THE RUN: This group begins with number 8, 1961, with additional numbers: 15, 20-21, 23-25, 31, 33-4, 36-7, 39, 41, 43-47, 50-63, 68-73 plus IKEBANA THIRD WORLD CONVENTION, October 17-21, 1976; 41 issues in all. * A SUPERB JOURNAL OF FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD Book Number: 27029802 638 IKEBANA INTERNATIONAL. IKEBANA INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE. [Tokyo 1974-1976, I.I.]. Original pictorial stiff wrappers, as issued, issue nos: 39, 41, 44-46= FIVE odd issues in all, English text, 18 x 25.5 cm., average 65p. per issue, profuse color & b.w. photos, clean, solid. FIRST & ONLY EDITION The work is elegant and artistic. The masters include those from the major schools: Ikenobo: Mr. Ikenobo; Ohara: Houn Ohara, Sogetsu: Sofu Teshigahara. * Each issue celebrates friendship between members of all countries, including Chinese flower arranging techniques, joining of masters, new schools and places to study, the basic arts of Ikebana, world chapters, characteristics of Japanese flower arrangement and random notes, samples, examples and a range of techniques. * This work celebrates and joins all schools of Ikebana into a single journal for the pleasure and edification of all. * In the beginning, in the 1960's the journal was in its infancy, by the mid 1980's it became a slick high-class color magazine loaded with even more elegant resources, essays on and by women of the classical times down to the contemporary, a kind of women's liberation statement for women of all walks of life. A study if women's grace and refinement, interviews with leading exponents of the women's RareOrientalBooks.Com $75 movement and role models. * Elegant and first-class adverts by the best of Japanese art works and accessories ! * THE RUN: This group begins with number 8, 1961, with additional numbers: 15, 20-21, 23-25, 31, 33-4, 36-7, 39, 41, 43-47, 50-63, 68-73 plus IKEBANA THIRD WORLD CONVENTION, October 17-21, 1976; 41 issues in all. * A SUPERB AND MOST MARVELOUS REFERENCE WITH COLOR EXAMPLES Book Number: 84137301 639 IKENAGA, Hajime. SHUSHU HIN MOKUROKU: CATALOGUE OF EXOTIC ART OBJECTS INFLUENCED BY EARLY FOREIGNERS IN JAPAN: A Catalogue of the [Osaka 1933, np.]. Silk binding, 31 x 23 cm., 2 vol. set,in 3/4 leather folding case, velvet lining, teg., 704 plts: 81 color, some double page, color and b. w. woodblock prints. RARE FIRST & ONLY EDITION Perhaps the largest collection of all forms of Japanese art forms dealing with the impact of the Western world on the culture and art of the Japanese. Strong on the Dutch & Nagasaki graphics, Namban screens, books, paintings and single Nagasaki prints. Japanese text, with an English pamphlet:"An Outline of Exotic Art of Japan." * Together with a large color fold out chart of the chronology. An important reference for all phases of Christian and related foreign art, maps, world maps and hemispheric projections, ceramics, carvings plus a host of other foreign influenced Japanese art works. * A most excellent resource for a wide variety of Nagasaki maps, and color woodblock prints on the Dutch in Japan, their ships, other color woodblock prints of foreigners, RareOrientalBooks.Com $27 Christianity and secret use of the cross in Japanese swords, armour, Namban screens, three dimensional foreign influenced Japanese art, paintings and a host of others. A R A R E REFERENCE. * $3278 A DELUXE PORT-FOLIO WITH ACTUAL CLOTH SAMPLES Book Number: 93006201 640 IKI, Eizo. ed. KIMONO. [A Book Consisting of 25 Actual Silk Cloth Samples] Tokyo 1966, Meiji. Blue folding chitsu case, 25 tipped-in cloth samples, matted, ca. 34 x 44.5 cm., Vol. l, No.l, the only volume ever issued, very clean, English captions, cloth samples c 18 x 22 cm., solid. FIRST & ONLY OBSCURE EDITION A loose portfolio, with a series of silk textile samples, many elaborately silk screened, or printed, traditional and classic patterns, Goshodoki, Edotoki styles, Arabesque, pine & umbrella patterns, geometric, hexagonal, Komon, stencilled resist, flowers, leaves &c. . A beautiful set of cloth examples. Written by the director of the Japan Textile Promotion Assn. This is a wonderful group of textiles each is identified by the kind & location of origin, some are Okinawan, most are stencilled or woven patterns, all very beautiful & uniquely Japanese. . A wonderful collection with actual cloth textiles are quite scarce. A marvelous look at the beautifully artistic Japanese world of cloth and clothing, with some creped examples. . All contained in a nice blue-cloth folding case, superbly done. *** Book Number: 87108102 641 ILLIK, DRAHOMIR. et al. THE GREAT ARCHITECTURE OF JAPAN. London [1970], Hamlyn. Grey cloth, very good, 126p.,many bw. photos, 21p.text, 9.5 X 11 inches, co-author Vlasta Hilska, clean solid copy. Highly graphic work discusses the characteristic features of RareOrientalBooks.Com $1501 Japanese architecture, art of the Japanese garden, historic development of architecture, gardens and Shinto shrines from the earliest times through the Edo period. . Well written work. $5 Book Number: 88065301 642 ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS. ARAI, THE STATION OF THE GREAT JEDDO GUARD, JAPAN. Together With: ENTRANCE HALL OF A JAPANESE INN. London 1862, I.L.N. Single full sheett, very good, two 1/2 page woodcut illustrations, 28.5 x 40.5 cm. R A R E An excellent early example of Japan. Two half-page woodcut illustrations show the architecture of Japanese buildings. * The first view is of Arai, it is animated with a wide variety of Japanese moving along the street infront of the Guards. Pilgrims, men and women with children, ladened horses and a host of others pass infront of the "Go-Yoh" lantern. * The second scene shows the vast interior of a Japanese Ryokan [inn], with palanquin set to he side, women bearing trays with tea [?] bowls, while others sit on thier knees waiting. Tansu and other utencils in the background with Tatami mat floors. * Both are illustrated by "Our Special Artist" meaning the I.L.N.'s special artist, who most often was Charles Wirgman. * $63 Book Number: 23010501 643 ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS. CASE OF JAPANESE ARTICLES; JAPANESE TEMPLE, ETC.; JAPANESE BANNERS, ETC.; JAJPANESE SPEAR, UMBRELLA, AND [London] 1853, ILN.Single sheet with 4 woodcut illustrations 27.5 x 40.5 cm., very good, captions. Nicelly executed, showing the first curios and art goods brought in from Japan. A good look at a variety of Japanese goods. RareOrientalBooks.Com $44 Book Number: 98100401 644 ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS. EXHIBITION OF ARTS & MANUFACTURES AT KIOTO, JAPAN. London 1872, ILN. Single sheet, one large illustration shows the exhibition hall with many Japanese looking on. Shows all varities of Japanese arts: ceramics, lacquer, armor &c, with verso text, 28.5 x 40.5 cm, very clean solid.FIRST & ONLY ED This is a full-sheet woodcut illustration. It shows a single foreigner being guided by an elderly Japanese in western clothing. The exhibition is in the background, showing ancient Japanese armor, with lots of other examples to the left and many men, women & children looking on. * $31 Book Number: 98100601 645 ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS. A JAPANESE BALLET AT THE THEATRE OF KYOTO. New York 1873, Harper's. Single full sheet with full page woodcut illustration of a Japanese theatre, with a large audence looking on, candles & lanterns lighting the stage area, with text, nicely done,suitable for framing & display. This is a full sheet woodcut illustration. It shows the theater and stage plus the large audience. * There is a capationa at the bottom: A JAPANESE BALLET AT THE THEATRE OF KYOTO, with additional text on the back side. * VERY CLEAN SOLID COPY, sheet size is 28.5 x 40.5 cm. * Book Number: 91031501 646 ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS. LE BAC JAPONAIS. CROSSING THE RIVER. London 1874, I.L.N. Double hand colored sheet, center folded very good. Showing four Japanese ladies being drawn by 7 Ja- RareOrientalBooks.Com $19 panese men swimmers across the river. Pagoda background.RARE A grand broadside, executed by P.M. Lenoir, 15.5 x 21.75. $155 Book Number: 98100501 647 ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS. OUR ARTIST AT KIOTO, JAPAN. Drawn by Felix Regamy. London 1877, ILN. Single full sheet woodcut of Regamy and Charles Wirgin [our artist] as he draws a Japannese woman, a large crowd gathers & look at the strange foreigers, clean & solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION A fascinating look at two foreigners in Kyoto, as they draw one Japanese woman from among the throng of on looking & bewildered Japanese. . Wirgman sporting a cork pith helmet and Japanese Geta-shoes looks quite strange. * Superbly drawn and executed by Felix Regamy. $126 Book Number: 91033101 648 ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS. PROGRESS OF CIVILISATION IN JAPAN. London 1875, I.L.N. Single sheet, one hand colored engraving showing the Japanese wearing top hats nd suits, while others in Kimono look astonished. Framable, nicely done. ILLUSTRATED AFTER A PHOTOGRAPH BY FELICE BEATO Book Number: 90044901 649 ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS. SKETCHES IN JAPAN: BRITISH FLEET AT YOKOHAMA AND A PANORAMA OF THE CITY OF JEDDO [Old Tokyo]. London 1864. Double sheet, 2 hand colored engravings, with accompanying text, 28.5 x 40.5 cm. R A R E This excellent full sheet work show two different views, each the full width of the double sheet: 51.5 cm. The first is 16.3 cm. tall, the 2nd is 12.5 cm. tall. * The first shows a panoramic of two American flags flying over the U.S. Consulate at Yokohama along the quay, with several sloops at anchor in the bay, most of which are RareOrientalBooks.Com $94 English. * The second is a panoramic view of the great city of Jeddo [Tokyo]. * With accompanying articles below: SCENES IN JAPAN-THE CITY OF JEDDO AND THE BRITISH FLEET AT YOKOHAMA. The article discuss the British squadron held in readiness for the Shimonoseki affair, to assist Sir Rutherford Alcock. The woodcut is after a photograph by celebrated early photographer of Japan, Felice Beato. * A second article discusses the Taeping War in China. * This work is a woodcut done after a photography by Felice Beato, the celebrated photographer of early Japan. * ILLUSTRATED AFTER A PHOTOGRAPH BY FELICE BEATO Book Number: 90044902 650 ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS. SKETCHES IN JAPAN: BRITISH FLEET AT YOKOHAMA AND A PANORAMA OF THE CITY OF JEDDO [Old Tokyo]. London 1864, I.L.N. Double sheet, 2 woodcut engravings, with accompanying text, 28.5 x 40.5 cm. R A R E This excellent full sheet work show two different views, each the full width of the double sheet: 51.5 cm. The first is 16.3 cm. tall, the 2nd is 12.5 cm. tall. * The first shows a panoramic of two American flags flying over the U.S. Consulate at Yokohama along the quay, with several sloops at anchor in the bay, most of which are English. * The second is a panoramic view of the great city of Jeddo [Tokyo]. * With accompanying articles below: SCENES IN JAPAN-THE CITY OF JEDDO AND THE BRITISH FLEET AT YOKOHAMA. The article discuss the British squadron held in readiness for the Shimonoseki affair, to assist Sir Rutherford Alcock. The woodcut is after a photograph by celebrated early photographer of Japan, Felice Beato. * A second article discusses the Taeping War in China. * This work is a woodcut done after a photography by RareOrientalBooks.Com $248 Felice Beato, the celebrated photographer of early Japan. * $218 Book Number: 91031701 651 ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS. SKETCHES IN JAPAN: THE OLD AND THE NEW, OR CHANGE OF COSTUME IN JAPAN. And THE FIRST PAIR OF BOOTS. London 1873, I.L.N. Double hand colored sheet, 2 engravings of Japan, the other of The Surrender of Khiva. With article on the verso: "CHANGES IN JAPAN." S C A R C E The first Japanese etching shows a steeet scene, with 18 various Japanese in view, most in traditional Kimono, but 3 me men in modern western dress, another in a modern military or police uniform. The second shows 8 Japanese in a western style shoe shop, one has a Geta on his right foot, and tries a western boot of leather on his left foot, while two modern dressed Japanese look on, ohters in Kimono. Framable. $124 Book Number: 91114401 652 ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS. SKETCHES IN JAPAN: SCENE IN TEMPLE-STREET, NAGASAKI. [London 1874, I.L.N.]. Single sheet half of which shows a scene with four people: Rickshaw puller, passenger and two on lookers, very good, nice clean wood engraving,28.5 x 40.5 cm. This is an excellent half-page woodcut view of a Japanese woman in a rickshaw, pulled down th street, showing lots of old Japanese wooden buildings in the background. She is accompanied by a woman attendent who holds her Geta [sandals], while another woman walks behind. * The back side has a paragraph about this illustration. * $124 Book Number: 91033501 653 ILLUSTRATED NEWS. JAPANESE CURIOSITIES IN THE CRYSTAL PALACE London 1853, I.N. Single sheet, 10 hand colored etchings of various Japanese manufactures, very good, with surrounding text. Shows silk, scarfs, cap, coins, fancy bowl & compass. RareOrientalBooks.Com $75 Book Number: 23001601 654 ILLUSTRATIONS OF EARLY JAPAN. PREDICATORE GIAPONESE & NOZZE: Italian Hand-Colored Plates. [Roma n.d. ca 1800, Bernieri]. Two hand-colored copper etched plates, 14.5 x 20.5 cm., each board mounted, minor toning but nice, tav 82, 83, extracted from an unknown early Italian text. Two lovely views. The first shows a small pavilion with the great one presiding, while the masses listen and heed the the words. A Buddhist priest sits on a separate pedistal in the background. The people are nicely dressed in silk robes with title: Predicatore Giaponese. The second has the title: Nozze. It shows a circular pavilion with a Buddhist icon inside, while crowds of people gather to celebrate some Buddhist rite. A woman in the foreground burns some kind of holy text tablet, and what looks like a log funeral pyre is adjcent. Others participate in making music by beating large gongs or by playing other instruments. This is likely the sacred funeral rites for some great person. $49 NATIVE JAPANESE TEA-ROOM CULTURE RESTURANT Book Number: 41051701 655 IMABUN. IMABUN: Sukiyaki Resturant, Kanda, Tokyo. [Tokyo 1929, Kanda]. Color stiff wrs, ribbon tied, oblong format, 19 x 12.5 cm., profuse [45+] b. w. photos, Japanese text, charming book. FIRST & ONLY EDITION A lovely work, shows the various rooms at the famous Sukiyaki restaurant in Kanda [currently the bookselling section of Tokyo] from 1929. * The rooms are typical Japanese "Tea-Room" style, with Tatami or wooden floors, and all of the furniture found in a typical Japanese home-setting. * AN ECCLECTIC ART REFERENCE RESOURC RareOrientalBooks.Com $51 Book Number: 96158001 656 IMLAY, Marjo. comp. et al. LOTUS LEAVES: A Selection of Essays from Past Issues of the Society for Asian Art Newsletter. San Francisco [1988], S.F.A.S. Red stiff wrs., very good, 115p., profusely illustrated with b.w. photos, co-authors: M. Jackson, B. Peabody, 21 x 27 cm., bright, as new copy, very solid. FIRST & ONLY EDITION This highly useful work covers China, Japan, Korea, India, Islam, Southeast Asia, Lunar Calendar. Excellent anthology of scholarly writings on a host of art subjects: Chinese bronzes, lotus emblem, oracle bones, ceramics & pottery, Buddhist sculpture, Central Asian wall-paintings, I-hsing teapots, women painters,jade, bamboo carving calligraphy &c. Japan: prehistoric look at the Japanese, metal work, helmets & armour, Tale of Genji, Japanese woodblock prints, ceramics and lacquer, tea ware, Netsuke &c. Korea: shamanism, folkart Buddhist woodblock printed canon &c. India: ganesha, recent acquisitions, Indian miniatures, Tibetan Tanka &c. Southeast Asia: Buddhist & Hindu themes, Ban Chiang pottery, ceramics. Examples from the lunar calendar. Useful resource for any student or collector of Asian arts. STUNNING PAINTINGS OF ROOSTERS, FISH, FLOWERS, PLUM BLOSSOMS Book Number: 41045601 657 IMPERIAL [JAPANESE] MUSEUM. ed. GYOBUTSU JAKUCHU DOSHOKU SAI E SEI E: JAKUCHU'S ACCURATE DRAWINGS OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS. [Tokyo 1926, Imperial Museum]. Brocade silk covers, thread stitched spine, folio 34 x 48 cm., indigo-blue folding case/ Chitsu, bpme clasps, 6 color 24 b. w. plates, Japanese text, very good, top/bottom edges rubbed.FIRST & ONLY RARE EDITION COLLECTION OF FINE PAINTINGS OF NATURE BY ITO JAKUCHU. Ito Jakuchu [1716-1800] was an acclaimed and very famous painter in Japan. He specialized in roosters, which made him quite famous. RareOrientalBooks.Com $10 * Contains 6 tipped-in color plates showing roosters, birds, ducks, flowers, sea shells, fish. Then 24 b.w. plates show plum blossoms tree, parrots, rooster, plum flowers, birds in autumn, bird and passion fruit flowers, rooster and hen, peony, ducks, sea life [fish], Momiji [Japanese maple] and a host of others. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: P. Laurence: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.59-60. * $201 Book Number: 88077802 658 INDUSTRIAL JAPAN: A COLLECTION OF PAPERS BY SPECIALISTS. INDUSTRIAL JAPAN: A COLLECTION OF PAPERS BY SPECIALISTS ON VARIOUS BRANCHES OF INDUSTRY IN JAPAN. Tokyo 1929, World Engineering Congress Publications Committe tee. Brown cloth, very good, 584p., statistics, fold out charts, 2 large fold-out maps in pocket. S C A R C E This excellent anthology was prepared in celebration of the World Engineering Congress, which met in Japan in 1929. This work consists of the following articles: GENERAL SURVEY OF JAPANESE INDUSTRY by T. Kurahashi. CIVIL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN by K. Nakagawa. ARCHITECTURE IN JAPAN-PAST & PRESENT by H. Kishida. RAILWAYS IN JAPAN by M. Nawa. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE ELECTRIFICATION OF THE JAPANESE GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS by G. Masunaga. THE PRINCIPAL ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION SYSTEM IN JAPAN by M. Shibusawa. PRESENT STATE OF ELECTRICAL UNDERTAKINGS & INSTALLATIONS IN JAPAN by S. Mayehara. ON TELEGRAPH & TELEPHONE COMMNUNICATIONS IN JAPAN by S. Inada. Plus 18 other fascinating essays by leading exponents & scholars in the field. A useful reference and guide to Japan's expanding industrial might and prowess. Quite SCARCE. $117 Book Number: 21159901 659 INOUE, Hiroyuki. ed. JU SAI GA SHU: COLLECTION OF PICTURES Tokyo 1930, Ishiki Kappan-Sho. Pale green & gold silk boards purple, ribbon tied,58 b.w. illustrations of fine paintings, tall 27 x 37.5 cm., Japanese text, bright, clean and crisp copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Subjects include birds, ducks, cranes, bamboo, flowers and a few little dogs. Beautiful painted examples ! RareOrientalBooks.Com $99 PRINTED BY OTSUKA KOGEISHA JAPAN'S MOST SUPERP PUBLISHER Book Number: 22009901 660 INSTITUTE OF THE ORIENTAL CERAMICS. CATALOGUE OF THE ORIENTAL CERAMICS. [Chinese, Japanese & Korean Examples] Tokyo 1931-2, Ootsuka. Brown loose portfolios, 12 in all, 37 x 47 cm., each contains 6 tipped in photos on a mat [3 color & 3 b.w.], 71 of 72 in all, lacks 1, else complete, explanatory notes pasted inside front of each cover in English and Japanese. Each entry covers details of the piece, name, type of decoration, size, ownership, any unique points. * Covers JAPANESE: Nabeshima, Kokutani [old Kutani], Tebachi, Ninsei jar and bottle, Iga water vessel, Shuhei Ogata, blue & white portable stove, E-Seto ware, Karatsu ware, Inuyama ware, Karashihi &c. * KOREAN: Korai bottle & ewer, Li blue & red bottle & jar, Korai inlaid jar, Keiriyuzan ware &c. * CHINESE: Yu-li-hung, T'ang: green pillow, jar with bird head; Sung: engraved jar, pillow, celadon jar and lid, Ting-yao, ewer; Ming: San-ts'ai dish, blue and white, dish, Han: Chung jar, K'ang-hsi blue & white &c., plus many more of all categories illustrated. * Each photo is matted on a deckle edge stiff sheet, and numbered to match the explanatory notes. A fine set of unusual and rare ceramic works, nicely illustrated, with good descriptions. * This is a large and heavy set. Extra packing, insurance and postage will apply. * Book Number: 95204701 661 INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF JAPAN. FIFTH EXHIBITION OF BOOKS ON JAPAN. Tokyo 1982, Int. House Japan. Orange wrappers, very good, 123p., bibliography, index. Some titles also in Japanese. A useful English bibliographical work. A superb bibliographical source, covering general reference, psychology/philosophy, religion, society, foreign relations, RareOrientalBooks.Com $638 political science, good listings on economy and economics, law, education, language, science and technology, excellent references on art, including the performing arts and literature, architecture, history, description and travel, and fugitive materials. $32 Book Number: 90064602 662 INTERNATIONAL NETSUKE COLLECTOR'S SOCIETY. VOL. 03. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL NETSUKE COLLECTORS SOC. Honolulu 1975, INCS. Stiff color wrs., very clean, 31 color, 378 b.w. photos. Vol. 3,issues: #1, 2, 3 & 4, complete year. FIRST & ONLY EDITION A good reference for any serious collector, loaded with good articles on carvers, Netsuke, materials, techniques and the artists. Collector's news, auctions, meetings, people. $87 Book Number: 90065001 663 INTERNATIONAL NETSUKE COLLECTOR'S SOCIETY. VOL. 07. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL NETSUKE COLLECTOR'S SOC. Honolulu 1979, INCS. Stiff color wrs., very clean, 56p., 20 color, 108 b.w. photos. Vol. 7, #1. FIRST & ONLY EDITION $31 Book Number: 89048001 664 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON JAPANESE CERAMICS. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON JAPANESE CERAMICS. Seattle 1972, Seattle Art Museum. Stiff wrs.,very clean, 196 pages, 9 b.w. photos, 18 x 26 cm., solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION The symposium was attended by and papers delivered by many prominent scholars in the field. Edward J. Kidder, Soichi Narasaki, Louise Cort, John Figgess, Gakuji Hasebe, Daniel Rhodes, Johanna Becker, Yoshiko Kakudo, Oliver Impey, John Ayers, John Pope, Soame Jenyns, Lawrence Smith et al. With fascinating text of papers and discussion. A MOST EXCELLENT REFERENCE Book Number: 22063501 RareOrientalBooks.Com $10 665 IRONS, Neville J. FANS FROM IMPERIAL JAPAN. Hong Kong 1982, Kaisserichkunst. Red cloth, very good, 29.5 x 21.5 cm., oblong format, 169p., 41 color photos, dj., bibliography, chronology, Japanese glossary. FIRST & ONLY EDITION This is the first book this century to deal in depth with this important aspect of Japanese art. The history of the fan is an interesting chronicle and the author has described not only the development of the fan but a short history of Japan so that the fan can be studied against the badkground that originated it. Useful for both the scholar & collector to identify and date accurately the main types of Japanese fan. Nicely done, superb color photos. Color scans can be sent by email. $105 AN EXCELLENT RESOURCE FOR JAPANESE BUDDHIST WOODCUT PRINTS Book Number: 88101202 666 ISHIDA, Mosaku. et al. JAPANESE BUDDHIST PRINTS. Tokyo [1967], Kodansha. Black cloth,very clean, folio, dj., 95p., glossary, 32 color, 162 b .w. photo illustrations, co-authors:Un'ichi Hiratsuka,S. Kabutogi, Muneshige Narasaki et al, glossary,25.5 x 34.5 cm.,slipcase, bright solid copy. English "adapation" by Charles S. Terry. . This exceptionally valuable reference source is devoted to the early Buddhist woodcut prints. With a celebrity staff of writers, this is an important work. . With essays: the early his story of prints, printed illustrations in Buddhist prints, prints on fans and decorated paper, form, preservation & purpose of stamped and block-printed Buddha's. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: ARNTZEN 152 * A STUNNING LOOK A THE JAPANESE FEMALE NUDE IN PHOTOGRAPHS RareOrientalBooks.Com $34 Book Number: 22090401 667 ISHIGURO, Keisho. PORNOGRAPHY IN THE MEIJI ERA [1890-1910]. A Color Pictorial Reference Book on Erotic Japanese Photos. [Tokyo 1996, Photo Musee. Stiff pictorial wrs., 117p., 105 color & b.w. photos, Japanese text, bibliography which has a few English language listings, bright as new copy, ca. 15 x 20 cm. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION OBSCURE REFERENCE This highly unusual monograph is devoted to the Japanese female nude as found in early Meiji period photography. It is an amazing collection of very obscure, if not hitherto secret images not bought and sold openly on the market.These are clearly done to give a kind of erotic thrill to the viewer. Photographs of Asian nude women are exceptionally rare from this period, and are seldom found. The first part shows women in the raw with pubic area openly displayed, amounting to some 75 images. The second part shows women in various stages of undress, in the bath, at rest, at her toilet, musicans, all with breasts or partial nude exposed, about 30 images. Each image is dated and size noted, where or in which book it was published [if at all], many appear here for the first time from private collections. Also the photographer's name if known, and some history about each image, type of image with technical method used to make. An out-of-print and most obscure, useful reference for any collector of Japanese erotica or photography. EXCELLENT RESOURCE AND "HOW TO" DESIGN A JAPANESE GARDEN Book Number: 98025201 668 ISHIMOTO, Tatsuo. et al. JAPANESE GARDENS TODAY: HOW THE JAPANESE USE ROCKS, WATER, PLANTS. New York [1968], Crown. Rose cloth, very clean, 127p., 200+ b.w. photos of gardens, crisp copy,co-author Kiyoko Ishimoto very solid nice copy in likewise dust jacket. FIRST EDITION A very useful text by one of the most celebrated Japanese RareOrientalBooks.Com $155 garden scholars. . This work covers the most dramatic gardens in Japan, both public & private, with good photos & descriptions. The authors not only tell what has been & is being done, but also explain in full detail how it is accomplished in stone, trees, bamboo, water, rock, by bridges, iron &c. $7 A FASCINATING INSIGHT TO THE ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN Book Number: 86059401 669 ISHIMOTO, Tatsuo. et al. THE JAPANESE HOUSE: Its Interior & Exterior. New York [1963], Bonanza. Half red cloth over boards, dj., 8.75 x 11.25 inches, 118p., 208 b.w. photos, 17 b.w. photo illustrations, glossary, clean bright & solid copy. FIRST EDITION This text covers the basic elements of the Japanese house & all their variations, the art and use of flower arranging, Japanese gardens, etc. The simplicity & grace of the traditional home has inspired western architects for many years. This collection of notable homes displays the use of Shoji, Fusuma, Tatami and other uniquely Japanese materials. A very charming reference book. $7 Book Number: 84137901 670 ISHIMOTO, Tatsuo. THE ART OF THE JAPANESE GARDEN. New York [1960], Crown. Green boards, 128p., over 200 b.w. photos, very solid clean copy. FIRST EDITION An excellent reference for garden construction & esthetics. The author traveled across Japan, and photographed over 2000 family gardens. This work is a result of that trip. Covers a study of gardens, famous public gardens, what makes a Japanese garden? Ideas are changing, the new Japanese garden, within the main garden, center of interest, how to use screens & fences, small gardens, spaciousness et al... Book Number: 84137902 671 ISHIMOTO, Tatsuo. THE ART OF THE JAPANESE GARDEN. RareOrientalBooks.Com $5 New York [1961], Crown. Green boards, dj., 128p., over 200 b.w. photos, very clean solid copy. An excellent reference for garden construction & esthetics. The author traveled across Japan, and photographed over 2000 family gardens. This work is a result of that trip. Covers a study of gardens, famous public gardens, what makes a Japanese garden? Ideas are changing, the new Japanese garden, within the main garden, center of interest, how to use screens & fences, small gardens, spaciousness et al... KEY TEXT VOLUME ONLY TO JAPANESE ARCHITECTURE & GARDEN TEXT Book Number: 36052401 672 ITOH Chuta. comp. et al. NIHON BIJUTSU SHU-EI: KENCHIKU TEI-EN HEN: Complete work of JAPANESE ART: ARCHITECTURE & GARDEN. [Tokyo 1944, Nippon Bunka Chuoh Renmei]. Blue stiff wrs., very clean, sharp bright, solid, folio, 24.8 x 34 cm., 18 double folded leaves, Japanese text, 69 items in detail,text only no plates, as issued. RARE FIRST & ONLY EDITION *** *** *** . RARE WORLD WAR II JAPANESE IMPRINT ON ARCHITECTURE & GARDENS . . AN IMPORTANT ART REFERENCE BY JAPAN'S ART HISTORIANS . . COLLABORATION ON JAPANESE ARCHITECTURE & GARDENS . . This is a fascinating and unusual art reference issued during the war by Japan's most celebrated art historians and leading scholars. Obviously the by publication of this title, and by the impressive list of authors, compilers and editors who focused on artistic rather than militaristic subjects toward the end of the war, is a kind of 'proof' that not all Japanese were war mongering! . This work is meticulous list of 69 fine examples of Japan's architecture and gardens. . This RARE World War II, imprint, don�t in a Deluxe folio size leaves this cataloger with the distinct impression, that in spite of the war, Japan's art historian forge onward. Its remarkable to think, that while Japan was embroiled in an all-consuming war, these scholars had the where-with-all to produce a Deluxe work such as this. . This was issued as a 2 volume set: part 1: text, part 2: RareOrientalBooks.Com $5 photos. It was edited by: ADACHI Yasushi, NOMA Seiroku, HARADA Jiro, SEKINO Masaru, MORI Osamu, famous art historians of the period. The photos in part 2 were done by SATO Tatsuzo, this part is NOT present, this listing is for the text volume only. Sold "as is." . *** DELUXE FOLIO EDITION: This work was issued during the most trying of Japanese times, where power, printing presses, paper and bindrys were under Allied pressure with daily fire-bombing of Japanese factories. Fire storms raged in most Japanese cities and industry was destroyed daily. Regardless, this work saw the light of day. Its truly remarkable it could be created, printed, bound and published during such adverse times. . *** CONDITION: This work is in excellent condition, with the original glassine dust jacket [some minor edge wear]. The binding is exceptionally clean, as issued, with tiny bit of wear to the edges, else solid, firm copy of a RARE book. . *** REFERENCES: We can not find reference to this exact part in WorldCat however, we did find similar volumes in the same series: . WORLD CAT: Partial set found in Found:: Masterpieces of Japanese art = Nippon bijutsu shuyei, vol. Vol.1: Painting, 1944. . Vol.3: Sculpture and art crafts, 1948 . t=advanced&dblist=638 . *** Color scans of this & most other items are posted to our website. A PILGRIMAGE TO THE GREAT TEMPLE Book Number: 98071501 673 [ITOH, S.] HYOGO NOFU JI TEMPLE: GREAT BUDDHA AT NOFU TEMPLE. [Kobe 1891, Seikando]. A single sheet broadside, 3 folds, minor marginal tears [mended], very tiny bit of foxing, 44.5 x 34.5 cm., Japanese key, colophon, large panoramic view, else a clean and very solid example of an unusual item. RARE A grand panoramic view of the Great Buddha statue, temple & the temple grounds, with many Japanese pilgrims, a few foreigners visiting, and several Buddhist priests visiting and paying homage. . RareOrientalBooks.Com $87 In those days, all Japanese women wore the Kimono, as did the majority of Japanese men. The men also sported bowler hats while in the traditional Kimono. The "Suteishiyon" [station] was written in Katakana, showing the strong foreign or mostly English influence of the time. . It was a sign of modernity to use foreign, especially English words. * Kobe had a large foreign community involved in commerce, missionary activities & teaching. This bronze-casted Buddha was the largest in the Kansai area. The very gigantic Buddha is sitting on a very tall pedestal dwarfing all visitors. . The sheer size is evidence of the strong Buddhist faith in Japan during this time. . The borders of this bird's eye map are adorned with lotus flowers. The bay is seen in the lower right corner, with the mountains in the upper right corner. . A very nice and unusual graphic work, suitable for framing and display. Maps of this famous temple are scarce. . Nicely executed. This temple has vanished a long time ago ! A lovely piece of historic imagery. * A MAJOR CONTRIBUTION TO SHIBUI JAPANESE HOUSE DESIGN Book Number: 89048302 674 ITOH, Teiji. THE ELEGANT JAPANESE HOUSE: Traditional Sukiya Architecture. New York [1969], Weatherhill. Green cloth,very clean, 218p., glossary, index, tall folio, 20 color, 65 b.w. photos, 75 figures, solid copy. FIRST EDITION This work covers the elegance of Japanese homes and gardens, utilizing examples from private and public places. . The Sukiya style exemplified in the Kitamura residence, realization of the Sukiya style, origins, cultural coexistence, emancipation from the symbolism of status, Sakui or creative originality, Konomi or design according to individual taste. . The Mitate or discovery of new values, characteristics, techniques, materials and refinement of detail. Functional planning and colorful presentation, modern limitations & RareOrientalBooks.Com $51 trends. . Highlights of the Sukiya style, diagonal-line approach, concise composition, pivoting space, flexible interior. The garden and its place within the home area. With a list of outstanding Sukiya-style buildings. . A beautifully photographed work. . $31 A MAJOR CONTRIBUTION TO SHIBUI JAPANESE HOUSE DESIGN Book Number: 89048304 675 ITOH, Teiji. THE ELEGANT JAPANESE HOUSE: Traditional Sukiya Architecture. New York [1989], Weatherhill. Green cloth,very clean, 218p., glossary, index, tall folio, 20 color, 65 b.w. photos, 75 figures, folio 26.5 x 37 cm., photos by Yukio Futagawa, in nice dust jacket, solid copy, large size. This work covers the elegance of Japanese homes and gardens, utilizing examples from private and public places. . The Sukiya style exemplified in the Kitamura residence, realization of the Sukiya style, origins, cultural coexistence, emancipation from the symbolism of status, Sakui or creative originality, Konomi or design according to individual taste. . The Mitate or discovery of new values, characteristics, techniques, materials and refinement of detail. Functional planning and colorful presentation, modern limitations & trends. . Highlights of the Sukiya style, diagonal-line approach, concise composition, pivoting space, flexible interior. The garden and its place within the home area. With a list of outstanding Sukiya-style buildings. . A beautifully photographed work. . A FABULOUS RESOURCE FOR JAPANESE HOUSES & ENVIRONS RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 Book Number: 87079501 676 ITOH, Teiji. THE ESSENTIAL JAPANESE HOUSE, CRAFTSMANSHIP, FUNCTION, AND STYLE IN TOWN AND COUNTRY. Tokyo [1962], Weatherhill. Brown cloth, tall folio, 419p., 320 b.w. photos, index, glossary, photos by Yukio Futagawa, very good, clean, solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Sensitivity begins with 'Kiri' wood endpapers. This work is an outstanding example of the elegant sense of beauty, and regard for nature. Covering Kyoto area, the cradle of high tradition, Nara & Osaka, the consevative ideal. The Inland Sea of farmers, merchants and Samurai. Shikoku, island of storm influences and sea. Kykushu, the effects of Feudal isolation. Northern Honshu, the house adapted to farm industry. Areas around Tokyo, influence of Edo and the Shogunate and the Japan Alps, post towns & country inns. Along the sea of Japan, snow country, and the house as a defense against winter. Hida, the urban elegance and rural singularity. An excellent reference to all forms of Japanese housing design. A FABULOUS RESOURCE FOR JAPANESE HOUSES & ENVIRONS Book Number: 87079502 677 ITOH, Teiji. THE ESSENTIAL JAPANESE HOUSE, CRAFTSMANSHIP, FUNCTION, AND STYLE IN TOWN AND COUNTRY. Tokyo [1962], Weatherhill. Brown cloth, tall folio, 419p., 320, index,glossary photography by Yukio Futagawa very clean copy, dust jacket,a small blue stain inside lower edge of first few pages,photos/text unaffected.FIRST EDITION Sensitivity begins with 'Kiri' wood endpapers. This work is an outstanding example of the elegant sense of beauty, and regard for nature. Covering Kyoto area, the cradle of high tradition, Nara & Osaka, the consevative ideal. The Inland Sea of farmers, merchants and Samurai. Shikoku, island of storm influences and sea. Kykushu, the effects of Feudal isolation. Northern Honshu, the house adapted to farm indu- RareOrientalBooks.Com $155 stry. Areas around Tokyo, influence of Edo and the Shogunate and the Japan Alps, post towns & country inns. Along the sea of Japan, snow country, and the house as a defense against winter. Hida, the urban elegance and rural singularity. An excellent reference to all forms of Japanese housing design. $150 Book Number: 92045201 678 ITOH, Teiji. THE GARDENS OF JAPAN. [Tokyo 1984, Kodansha]. Brown cloth, very clean, dj., 228p., index, bibliography, 76 color, 217 b.w. photos, 46 illustrations, 2 maps, 22 x 30.5 cm., nicely done,solid copy in very nice clean dust jacket. FIRST EDITION A grand and beautiful color work, covering the splendid interpretations, stones, water, plants, a history of the Japanese garden, moss temple, confined now to fantasy, gardens at work. . Shinju-an: a Zen garden, garden of a village residence, a townhouse tea-ceremony. The modern Japanese garden, assimilation and growth. . Elements of design, materials of creation, gardens: a selection. . A very useful study. . A MAJOR CONTRIBUTION TO THE SUBJECT Book Number: 87042201 679 ITOH, Teiji. THE ROOTS OF JAPANESE ARCHITECTURE. New York [1963], Weathermark. Brown cloth, very good, tall folio, 207p., index, 128 b.w. photos, clean solid copy. RareOrientalBooks.Com $34 FIRST EDITION A handsome book shows how and why Japanese architecture came into being. . Attention to materials such as wood, stone and earth. The handling of space, sacred tree dominated sensitivity, the garden as a miniature universe,linking nature with architecture, pillar and the mat. . Dynamic space, Tea, Bamboo rhythms of the vertical plane, roof as symbol and superb commentaries. . With lucid introduction by Isamu Noguchi. Beautifully photographed by Yukio Futagawa, many fold-outs. *** This is a large folio size book: 25 x 34 cm., it is heavy, appropriate postage applies. *** $44 A MAJOR CONTRIBUTION TO THE SUBJECT Book Number: 87042202 680 ITOH, Teiji. THE ROOTS OF JAPANESE ARCHITECTURE. New York [1963], Weathermark. Brown cloth, very good, dj., tall folio, 207p., index, 128 b.w. photos,with some old damp stain to front & back covers in one corner,text a bit warped at top edge only, else, clean, sound,"as is." FIRST EDITION A handsome book shows how and why Japanese architecture came into being. . Attention to materials such as wood, stone and earth. The handling of space, sacred tree dominated sensitivity, the garden as a miniature universe,linking nature with architecture, pillar and the mat. . Dynamic space, Tea, Bamboo rhythms of the vertical plane, roof as symbol and superb commentaries. . With lucid introduction by Isamu Noguchi. Beautifully photographed by Yukio Futagawa, many fold-outs. *** This is a large folio size book: 25 x 34 cm., it is heavy, appropriate postage applies. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $29 AN EXCELLENT RESOURCE FOR SHIBUI DESIGN, COMPOSITION & FORM Book Number: 97025401 681 ITOH, Teiji. SPACE AND ILLUSION IN THE JAPANESE GARDEN. New York [1973], Weatherhill. Green cloth, very clean, 229p. list of gardens, appendix, 102 color & b.w. photos by S. Kunzunishi, translated by R. Friedrich & M. Shimamura, nice copy in dust jacket, solid. FIRST EDITION Once again, the celebrated author has delivered to us a marvelous look at just what it is that makes Japanese gardens & space so illusionary. . Covers the Shakkei garden, tree trunks and woods, posts, eaves, sky, stone lantern, window, and the birth of the courtyard garden. . Hidden retreats in the city which appear spacious but are in fact tiny, a distillation of Japanese Zen culture. . Three components of the courtyard garden, with its essence well documented. * SUPERB ! THE ZEN OF JAPANESE GARDEN BEAUTY ! *** Book Number: 89046001 682 ITOH, Teiji. TRADITIONAL DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE OF JAPAN. VOL.21. HEIBONSHA SURVEY OF JAPANESE ART. New York [1972], Weatherhill. Blue cloth,very clean, 152p., dj., 19 color, 141 b.w. photos, translated by Richard Gage, solid copy in nice dust jacket. FIRST EDITION This work covers the traditional house in the world of today with a carful and detail look at the Minka design method, development of special Minka characteristics, before the RareOrientalBooks.Com $22 Minka, shops and farmhouses of the Edo period. A useful art history for early dwellings through the Edo era. * $22 Book Number: 89046002 683 ITOH, Teiji. TRADITIONAL DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE OF JAPAN. VOL.21. HEIBONSHA SURVEY OF JAPANESE ART. New York [1974], Weatherhill. Blue cloth, very clean, 152p., dj., 19 color, 141 b.w. photos, translated by Richard Gage, nice dust jacket, solid copy. This work covers the traditional house in the world of today with a carful and detail look at the Minka design method, development of special Minka characteristics, before the Minka, shops and farmhouses of the Edo period. A useful art history for early dwellings through the Edo era. * $22 EXCELLENT REFERENCE ON ALL ITEMS OF JAPANESE FOLK-ART Book Number: 24063101 684 ITOH, Y. CONTEMPORARY FOLK CRAFTS OF JAPAN. [Tokyo 1950], Haga. White hand-made paper board covers, slip case, 216p., English introductory essay & list of plates,all other text in Japanese, 1 color, many b.w. photos, bright & clean copy. OBSCURE An excellent resource. Covers in great depth all aspects of Japanese folk ceramics, villages, Mashiko et al. Also bamboo baskets, Kasuri and other woven textiles, weaving, dyeing, lacquer, furniture, papermaking [Washi], and stencil fabric printing. RareOrientalBooks.Com $31 Book Number: 22016501 685 ITSUKUSHIMA SHINTO SHRINE. A GROUP OF 26 PHOTO POSTCARDS OF THE FAMOUS SHRINE. [Japan n.d. ca 1933]. A group of 26 photograhic post cards, 8 color, 18 semi colored or tinted cards, all very good, unused, showing the varous aspects of one of the most beautiful places in Japan, a lovely set, showing the architecture. Itsukushima Shinto Shrine is located on several islands, and brags that its Torii gate is the largest in all of Japan. The Torii stands in the sea, and appears to float on the water, erected during the reign of Empress Suiko [593-628], its dedicated to the three daughters of Susano-o-no-Mikoto. It is some 53 feet tall, with a 77-foot crossbar, the huge pjillars measure some 33 feet around at the bottom, and was made from camphor trees. The shrines long corridors extent into the sea giving it a most charming floating effect. Often Kabuki dance & classic stories are performed on these platforms. It is also one of Japan's most ancient Shinto Shrines. Tame deer roam the island and come to visitors who feed them. Located in Ondo Strait, in the Hiroshima Bay, of the Inland Sea. This shrine was worshiped by Taira Kiyomori, the great head of the Taira clan in the 12th century. From this shrine, a visitor can obtain the Shamoji charm, which is a sign of good luck. This set of wonderful view cards shows this shrine in all its glory, the Great Torii, the wonderful pavilions, gardens, famous stone lanters which follow the sea-side, the deer, lavish interior photos of the shrine and its symbols & icons. One reaches the shrine by "dragon" boats from the mainland, and there are some nice cards showing the festival of the "dragon boats" racing to the island. For good background and details on this shrine, see: M. Joya: THINGS JAPANESE for several entries. Color scans can be sent by email. A MOST OBSCURE ILLUSTRATED RESOURCE ON CH'AN TEAISM Book Number: 22025001 RareOrientalBooks.Com $29 686 IWATA, Kahei. HIGASHI YAMA CHA KAI ZU ROKU: TEA ASSOCIATION OF THE EASTERN MOUNTAINS. [A Treatise on Chinese & Japanese Tea-Ceremony] Kyoto 1908, Shu Chiku Do. Brown stitched wrappers, 4 volume set, complete, double-page leaves: 29+27+27+31, 39 double page illustrations, each sealed by the artist's chop in cinnabar, bound Chinese style, 11.5 x 19.5 cm., a bright copy. A most lovely Japanese reprint of what is clearly a Chinese text. The work is bound with silk thread, in the typical double hole-stitching technique found only in Chinese books, corners protected with blue silk cloth. A most lovely work ! An anthology of writings and paintings by members of the Association. This charming set covers the aesthetics & methods of how to establish the exterior and interior of a proper tea-room [Cha-shitus]. Great attention is devoted to the interior and its design, the kind of alcove [Tokunoma], the objects to be displayed include ancient Chinese bronze and ceramic vessels, the selection and admiration of hanging scrolls, tea pot, warmer and cups, flower-arrangements, furniture, incense & incense burners, delicacies to eat, exterior views of the tea-room. Volume one begins with the location of The Tea Association of the Eastern Mountains nestled in the vicinity of a Buddhist monastery and an offering to the Gods upon establishment of the new tea-room, interior views. Volume two: interior views, garden tea-ceremony, scroll appreciation and viewing. Volume 3: interior views, how to arrange the tea-room, vistas to the tea garden, vertical and horizontol scroll viewing & arrangement. Volume 4: overview of the Buddhist temple and monastery area, ancient bronze vessels, interiors: Tokunoma decoration, tea garden view, interior using scholar's rocks, sculpture, tea flower arrangements, garden entrance, outdoor tea-party. An exceptionally obscure & delightful resource. Ch'an or Chinese Zen Buddhism is the discipline that started the tea-ceremony in ancient China. The Japanese during their period of borrowing from the Asian mainland saw the importation of a multitude of Chinese & Korean arts. Buddhism was the main vehicle that brought in an uncountable amount of religious, cultural and artistic traditions. The tea-ceremony was imported in conjunction with its austere aesthetics, tea-room architecture, ceramics, appreciation and worship of ancient objects, art art works, paintings, gardens and scholar's items. Charming illustrations grace these pages, each done by a member of the association, along with his calligraphy, signature and red cinnabar chops [seals], most also have put their age. The majority were in their seventies or even older. A fine reference for any serious student of tea, tea-ceremony and scholar's items. A truly wonderful and obscure illustrated work. Very few surviving Chinese tea-ceremony books remain from earlier periods. Conained in a new indigo-blue Chitsu folding box, with clasps. Book Number: 25003801 687 IZZARD, Sebastian. JAPANESE PAINTINGS AND WORKS OF ART, KOREAN CERAMICS. Catalogue 2. [Including Netsuke, Japanese Ceramics] New York 1999, Izzard. Stiff pictorial wrs., 22 x 28 cm., A4 RareOrientalBooks.Com $2720 size, pristine, as new, 89p., bibliograohy, 62 color plates with descriptions of each. A most beautiful dealer's catalogue. Stunning photos and superb descriptions in much detail. $7 AN EXCELLENT REFERENCE ON JAPANESE COINS, WITH PRICE VALUES Book Number: 20021402 688 JACOBS, Norman. et al. JAPANESE COINAGE. A MONETARY HISTORY OF JAPAN. CATALOGUE OF THE COINS OF JAPAN, MODERN KOREA AND MANCHUKUO. New York [1972], Numismatic Review. White boards, very good, co-author Cornelius C. Vermeule III, with additional tippedin pamphlet "PRICE LIST JAPANESE COINAGE," 151p.,early coins through 1945, bright, clean copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Covering coins from 1591 to 1945. A solid reference with a profusion of b.w. photos, inscriptions, translations & readings to assist the collector to know what coin he has. Useful reference loaded with facts, valuable information and a key to values. Monetary history and catalogue of coinage of Japan, modern Korea & Manchukuo. Scholarly & comprehensive. With identification table of coin dates from A.D. 1870-1945. Book Number: 98017801 689 JACOBSEN, Robert D. THE ASIAN GALLERIES: Indian & Southeast Asian Art, Chinese, Japanese, Korean & Islamic Art. [Minneapolis 1982], Minneapolis Institute of Arts. Stiff wrs very good, large format, 21.5 x 28 cm., 111p., maps, chronology, about 150 color & b.w. photos, clean solid copy. . FIRST & ONLY EDITION A very nice catalog of the Asian collection, with a preface by Jacobsen, the curator of Asian art. Covers painting,stone & bronze sculpture, Buddhist art, bronzeware, Cambodian/ Khmer stone works, Thai ceramics & Buddhist images. Chinese RareOrientalBooks.Com $15 jade, ceramics, tomb items, ritual works, bronzes, Ming'chi, paintings, clothing, textiles, silks &c. Japanese wooden Buddha, early bronze and mirror, Haniwa, Kwannon, paintings, screens,Ukiyo-e paintings, scrolls, Kimono,woodblock prints. Korean ceramics, celadons, Buddha, bronzes. Islamic painted works, ceramics, Koran et al. Useful reference work. $5 THE SINGLE MOST COPIOUS AND IMPORTANT BIOGRAPHICAL WORK Book Number: 85050201 690 JAPAN BIOGRAPHICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA AND WHO'S WHO. JAPAN BIOGRAPHICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA AND WHO'S WHO. Tokyo [1958], Rengo. Simulated red leather, very good, 2124p appendix, glossary, chronology. A massive and comprehensive work in English, Japanese character names, with dates &c., large size 18 x 26 cm., 8 cm thick ! FIRST EDITION RARE ! A most exhaustive reference tool for all Japanese of any fame, beginning from the 8th century through 1957. Covers all Japanese Diet & cabinet members, 1885-1957, all Japanese envoys abroad, table of cabinets and cabinet ministers since the introduction of the Diet system, glossary cotaining tables of Japanese era names, Emperors, Shoguns, table of diplomatic representatives abroad, name index, chronolog, glossary, foreign service, list of people in "transition," with a list of foreigners also integrated into the large alphabetical list [and index] who had relations with Japan: ie diplomats, scholars, teacher, missionaries, intellectuals educator, and many others. By and large, the most comprehensive single authority for Japanese and people related to Japan. * The work had a very few editions covering just a few years, and is always a valuable and the most reliable reference source on the subject. Highly useful, all names in alphabetical order, well organized, with full English text. * THE SINGLE MOST COPIOUS AND IMPORTANT BIOGRAPHICAL WORK RareOrientalBooks.Com $187 Book Number: 85050203 691 JAPAN BIOGRAPHICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA AND WHO'S WHO. JAPAN BIOGRAPHICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA AND WHO'S WHO. Tokyo [1961], Rengo. Blue cloth, very good, 2195p.,appendix, glossary, chronology, large size 18 x 26 cm., 8 cm thick, wi with separate 25p. pamphlet 1961 supplement, dust jacket, in original slipcase, 2nd ed. A MOST SUBSTANTIAL REFERENCE WORK A most exhaustive reference tool for all Japanese of any fame, beginning from the 8th century through 1957. Covers all Japanese Diet & cabinet members, 1885-1957, all Japanese envoys abroad, table of cabinets and cabinet ministers since the introduction of the Diet system, glossary cotaining tables of Japanese era names, Emperors, Shoguns, table of diplomatic representatives abroad, name index, chronolog, glossary, foreign service, list of people in "transition," with a list of foreigners also integrated into the large alphabetical list [and index] who had relations with Japan: ie diplomats, scholars, teacher, missionaries, intellectuals educator, and many others. By and large, the most comprehensive single authority for Japanese and people related to Japan. * The work had a very few editions covering just a few years, and is always a valuable and the most reliable reference source on the subject. Highly useful, all names in alphabetical order, well organized, with full English text. * $235 Book Number: 98116001 692 JAPAN CULTURE INSTITUTE. A HUNDRED THINGS JAPANESE. [Tokyo 1975], Japan Culture Inst. White boards, very good,dj 208p., index, profusely illustrated with b.w. photos. A major reference to what makes Japan unique. Covering all things Japanese: food, clothing, customs, pastimes, social relationships, architecture, flower arrangement, swords, gardems, temples, festivals, new generation, art, prints, calligraphy, Buddhism, theatre, baseball, tea ceremony, the foreigner in Japan, Bonsai, music, dolls, Sumo, tattooes, public bath, Sushi, Obi, Kimono, New Years & so much more ! Written by the leading foreign scholars residing in Japan: D. Keene, E. Seidensticker, B. Frank, D. Richie, F. Gibney, journalists, experts &c. Covering some 61 foreigners in all, many who lived there reflect & comment on Things Japanese ! RareOrientalBooks.Com $61 GRAND REFERENCE ON JAPANESE PHOTOGRAPHY FROM BEGINNING-1946 Book Number: 87042302 693 JAPAN PHOTOGRAPHER'S ASSN. A CENTURY OF JAPANESE PHOTOGRAPHY. New York [1980], Pantheon. Black cloth, very clean, slipcase 39 color, 475 b.w. photos, 385p., introduction by John Dower oblong format, very clean solid copy. Issued by the Japan Photographers Assn., this comprehensive work covers the whole genre of photographic history in Japan from the dawn in 1845, period of enlightenment, commercial photography, records of war, art photography, epoch of development, the camera's eye, advertisements and propaganda, and records of WWII. * Also examples of the results of the atomic bombs. * With a lucid essay by John W. Dower: Ways of Seeing, Ways of Remembering: The Photography of Prewar Japan. *** An excellent reference for any student, collector or library. *** $37 Book Number: 97070901 694 JAPAN SILK. JAPAN SILK. [Kyoto ? n.d. c.1920's, Japan Textile Products Exporters' Assn. Stiff wrs., printed pamplet, [12p.], 7 color photos, clean, solid. A pamphlet covering the products made of silk. With a brief history of silk, how silk is created,hand-made silk products and methods of making, export of silk statistics. Useful. $24 Book Number: 96153302 695 JAPAN SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. ABOUT JAPAN. New York 1930, Japan Society. Stiff orange wrs., very good, 12p. Articles on gold embargo, Lindsay Russell, art of Japan authoritative statement, tourist traffic. MARCH issue. This is the voice of the society, its members, and of news about Japan, and Japanese-American relations, economics, trade, import/export, art, culture, history, commerical & financial cable news, politics, international relations between the two nations, economic conditions in Japan &c.Covers the crucial pre-World War II causes and behind the scene activities of both nations to avert war...Fascinating work. Book Number: 96153304 RareOrientalBooks.Com $29 696 JAPAN SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. ABOUT JAPAN. New York 1930, Japan Society. Stiff orange wrs., very good, 12. Articles on London Conferernce, intellectual contacts with China, Ambassadors view, Bond issues, pottery. JANUARY This is the voice of the society, its members, and of news about Japan, and Japanese-American relations, economics, trade, import/export, art, culture, history, commerical & financial cable news, politics, international relations between the two nations, economic conditions in Japan &c.Covers the crucial pre-World War II causes and behind the scene activities of both nations to avert war...Fascinating work. $29 Book Number: 88001201 697 JAPAN TIMES LTD. JAPANESE CRAFTS. Tokyo [1972], Japan Times.Yellow cloth, very good, dj.,111p. 16 color, 75 b.w. photos, clean solid copy in likewise dj. FIRST EDITION In an age of high technology, traditional crafts are getting more valuable & important for present day people. This work covers in detail Japanese doills, Kimono in terms of dyeing and weaving, bamboo works, Japanese swords & furniture, lacquere ware and pottery. It is also a list of current artisans and a well illustrated catalog of their works. Useful. Book Number: 21168801 698 JAPAN TRAVEL BUREAU. JAPANESE KABUKI DOLLS. A Suite of 8 Color Postcards in a Matching Folder. [Tokyo n.d. ca. 1930], Japan Travel Bureau. A suite of eight color post cards, each shows a different female doll, with English descriptive paragraph on the verso, very clean, nice set. UNSUAL SET A lovely group of Kabuki dolls. Begins with "Shirabyoshi" or a Kabuki dancer doll from feudal times. "Mitsumen Komori" or RareOrientalBooks.Com $9 "Three Masked Nursemaid." "Kamuro" representing the pathetic life lived by little girls. "Yaegaki Hime" story of princess Yaegaki. "Geisha" professional entertainer. "Cha-no-yu" or tea cult of Japan. "Fuji Musume" or Wistaria maiden. "Sambaso" or symbolic of the happiness of mankind. $56 Book Number: 85177401 699 JAPAN UKIYO-E SOCIETY. UKIYO-E ART. Individual Journal Numbers. Tokyo 1964.J.U.S. No. 7. Stiff wrs., very good, 26p., with a rticle by Suzuki Juzo:AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF UTAMARO'S ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, 37 b.w. photos, Japanese text. This journal was under the directorship of Muneshige Narazaki, edited by Shigeo Miyao, international editoral staff were J. Hillier, R. Paine, H. Stern, T. Volker, Dr. S. Takahashi president, C. Mitchell international editorial secretary et al. With fine and scholarly articles by leading exponents on all aspects of Ukiyo-e prints & E-hon [illustrated books] of the Edo & other periods. A useful reference tool for any collector or student. Good adverts are also part of this journal giving a variety of dealers & publishers. Also has news, book reviews, timely articles and controversial subjects addressed. $31 A SUPERB EXAMPLE OF EARLY TAISHO EROTIC PAINTING Book Number: 21004101 700 JAPANESE EROTIC PAINTING. AN EROTIC JAPANESE PAINTING ON SILK: SHOWS A BUDDHIST PRIEST MAKING LOVE TO A WOMAN, WITH FULLY ENGAGED PENIS. [Japan n.d. ca 1915]. A color silk painting, card mounted, likely extracted from an album, 30 x 20 cm., very clean, flawless, finely drawn & executed. This work shows the man, probably a priest, in common clothing with a shaven head. Thus disguised, he now makes love to his willing mate. She is in an elaborate Kimono with period coiffure, both of her legs are open and welcoming her lover, feet pointing skyward as he clutches one leg and she his back. Nicely executed, her face shows a flush of pink, he eyes closed in estacy ! Suitable for framing and display. UNUSUAL 1920'S EROTIC JAPANESE PHOTOGRAPHY RareOrientalBooks.Com $372 Book Number: 23003401 701 JAPANESE EROTIC PHOTOGRAPHS. AN ALBUM OF TEN JAPANESE PHOTOGRAPHS. [Japan n.d. ca 1920's]. Red silk accordion folding album, album size 11 x 15.5 cm., contains 10 b.w. photos ca 6.8 x 9 cm., very good, strong, clear images. UNUSUAL ! A nice group of very unusual Japanese erotic photographs. They show a nude Japanese woman displaying her private parts as well as in progress of making love and in various poses. A STUNNING SUITE OF 24 EROTIC COLOR WOODCUT MINIATURE PRINTS Book Number: 27048301 702 JAPANESE EROTIC WOODCUT ALBUM. EROTIC MINIATURE WOODCUT ALBUM WITH TWENTY-FOUR POLYCHROME PRINTS FROM THE 19TH CENTURY. [Japan n.d. ca.1830-1880'S]. Green brocade silk covers, all edges gilt, accordion folded, very clean, bright copy small nick to bottom edge, else excellent, contents bright, clean, 24 color woodcut erotic prints, ca. 12.5 x 9.3 cm., Chitsu. BY AND LARGE A MOST SUPERB EXAMPLE OF JAPANESE EROTIC ART . CONTENTS The album contains two miniature polychrome woodcut print series. Each print is well executed with excellent registry and color, care was taken to print them with the utmost quality and attention. This is not one of those quickly produced items lacking quality or refinement. Each print and series is a miniature work of erotic Ukiyo-e art. * The first series of prints are located on the verso or front pages of the album and consist of twelve prints. They show people from Edo period [1604-1868] and clearly from about 1840'S or so. Their hair style and Kimono fashion are of those times. The are done in the colors from that period, and appear to have oxidation commensurate with about 140 years or so ago, that would put their printing date at RareOrientalBooks.Com $187 around 1868. in the Meiji era. There is very little background text at all, but there are cartouches in several. Each print is clean and in excellent condition, flawless. * The second series found on the recto or back side of the album and consists of twelve prints in all. The first three have a most unique and stunning silver background, six with beige, and 3 with indigo or "Aizuri" backgrounds. Each print is uniform within a circular cartouche for the most part, and each print is exceptionally clean, without flaw. * They reflect people of the late Edo or early Meiji [1868-1912] period, printed about 1869-1870's. Number 2 shows a man with a huge phallus, his hand caressing her vagina. No. 3 shows the couple fully engaged in love making, she on top. No. 4 shows the man on top while she locks her arms around him in an erotic embrace. No. 5 is fascinating and rare. It shows a silken cord tied around his penis and she holds the cord so she can control its action. This sort of sexual "toy" is rarely shown in Japanese prints. No. 6 shows what appears to be a male Buddhist priest he is fully engaged in licking her vulva as she consumes his penis. * COMMENTARIES: It begins with a couple about to make love, he licks two fingers in readiness to insert his huge penis into her vulva, she says "Its embarrassing to become like this.." He says "Why ? I am entering...." She covers her mouth with here Kimono sleeve in shyness. She says: "Ready to put it in [her mouth] glug, glug..." He says "Its coming out to no end [of joy]." Numbers 7-12 show couples engaged in love-making again all with fascinating and very legible comments...."Hayaku soko...iku....["Hurry right there, I'm coming" and the like. There is lots of Chirishi [toilet paper strewn around, indicating lots of love-making and love juices freely flowing. This is a common symbol and theme found in erotic Japanese prints. * RARITY: The work is RARE ! During our tenure of over forty years, we have seldom found such a lovely collection in complete and marvelous condition. There are a number of very unique and unusual views found in this remarkable erotic album. series. The work was clearly kept in the best of condition by some meticulous Japanese collector. Because the album consists of two distinct groups of similar period prints, we can only assume it to be the property of a discreet collector from that period. The album matches that period of old silk and paper. * THE GENRE OF JAPANESE EROTICA: This kind of book was banned from being published by the Tokugawa, Meiji and Taisho governments. Erotic woodblock prints and Shumpon [erotic woodcut books] were drawn, carved, printed and published "underground." People took their chances when doing this sort of work and the punishment was imprisonment and severe. All publishers had to submit their proposed publications to the government for the Kiwame or censor's seal of approval, which was then carved into the block as visual proof of sanction. The fact is that all Japanese erotic works completely lack official approval. Given this fact, it is not surprising that the RareOrientalBooks.Com artists never signed their real name, but commonly didn't sign at all. If ever signed it was always some ironic or cynical "studio name" was used, adding to the excitement of the contents. Regardless of any lack of meaningful signature, for most art historians and students of Japanese woodblock art, it is not that difficult to make an "educated guess" as to the actual artist's name by stylistic analysis. Usually this was a giveaway ! Many famous Ukiyo-e artists disliked being controlled by the government so they continued to produce erotic drawings for publication regardless of the law as a means to supplement their meager income. One can also assume the subject sold well and made all concerned extra and easy money ! * CONDITION/BINDING: The album is contained in an indigo-blue Chitsu or cloth folding case with ivory clasps, blank cover title slip, and there is some old fading to the Chitsu cloth. The overall size is 18 x 23.5 cm. * The green brocade-silk covered album is stunningly clean and bright. There is a small nick to the lower edge, its minor and does not encroach into the pages. The paper of the album are very heavy, bright, clean and white, with no foxing whatsoever. The 24 miniature woodcut prints are held in place by black paper mounting corners so they can be removed at will and are not laid down, Each print is exceptionally clean and bright, excellent color and registry. A couple have been mended in the past to restore a few tiny old worm holes, now solid, these are of minimal impact and barely noticeable. As is our habit, we are being over critical. *** Book Number: 22016601 703 JAPANESE GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS. GROUP OF 12 COLOR POSTCARDS IN ORIGINAL PICTORIAL FOLDER. [Tokyo n.d. ca. 1933, Board of Tourist Industry]. In period folders, with 12 original unused pictorial postcards, very RareOrientalBooks.Com $2910 good, each photographed by Toyo Okamoto. Likely issued to passengers aboard Japanese tourist trains, verso captions. A nice group of ephemera, consists of a two folders, each with six color postcards, English captions: CHERRY BLOSSOMS AT HEIAN SHRINE, KYOTO; GARDEN OF SANBOIN TEMPLE NEAR KYOTO; ITSUKUSHIMA SHRINE, MIYAJIMA; MT. FUJI IN SPRING TIME; NAGOYA CASTLE; YOMEIMON GATE AT TOSHOGU SHRINE, NIKKO. The 2nd. folder also has six cards with captions: A DANCING GIRL OF KYOTO; A JAPANESE DANCE-DRAMA; BRIDE & BRIDEGROOM AT THE WEDDING FEAST; DISPLAY AT THE BOYS' FESTIVAL; GIRLS' DOLL FESTIVAL; HOSTESS AND GUESTS AT TEA CEREMONY. Each card has an English caption, and is skillfully photographed in full color. A NICE GROUP OF EARLY IMAGES OF JAPAN, CULTURE & CUSTOMS Book Number: 90065401 704 JAPANESE HAND-COLORED ALBUMEN LARGE SIZE CARTE D'VISITE. JAPANESE PHOTOGRAPHS, A NICE GROUP OF 15 CARD MOUNTED CARTE D'VISITE EXAMPLES, SOME HAND-COLORED. Japan, n.d. c.1880's. Stiff card mounted, 16.5 x 10.5 cm. photo size ca. 14 x 9 cm., albumen types, all but 2 are hand colored, gilt edges, very clean, sharp, strong images, a bit of fading, a fascinating group of early examples. R A R E A nice group of early photographs [ca. 1873], showing various occupations. The photographs show subjects: * 1. Three Samurai warriors: two in full battle dress, another horse mounted. * 2. Three Geishas playing instruments: Shamisen, Tsutsumi and large drum. * 3. Three women spinning silk thread. * 4. Woman at the large wooden weaving loom. * 5. Itinerant basket monger with his shoulder pole and large number of baskets. * 6. Two men in tall Geta [sandals]; one holds a red umbrella, the other is in rice-straw rain coat. 7. Two coolies carrying a woman in a palanquin. * 8. An old woman itinerant broom and fan monger. * 9. Two women reading books by the Hibachi. * 10. A woman poses for the camera. * 11. Yoshiwara house of prostitution, showing the girls on the second floor balcony, with gas street light. Commonly called "Nectarine 9." * 12. Typical Japanese roadside inn. * 13. Shinbashi [Tokyo] train station ca. 1873. RareOrientalBooks.Com $32 * 14. Tokyo, bridge to the Imperial Palace, moat, name in lower right corner: "Tokei Siro." * While there are no dates shown, there are two photos with numbers in the lower corner, from referencing and association, we have determined that the approximate date of the group is 1873. * Excellent portraits and occupations, a fascinating set. * $950 Book Number: 22080901 705 JAPANESE KOKESHI DOLLS. JAPANESE KOKESHI DOLLS: A Group of Five Dolls. [Japan n.d. ca. 1955]. A group of five paper Kokeshi dolls, each a different face and colored Kimono ca. 3.5 x 9 cm., each has a tiny wooden Kokeshi doll-toothpick inserted in a paper sleeve on the back side, with lovely wooden doll face. This is truly a charming set. Each paper doll is nicely clad in a colorful Kimono, and has a small wooden doll on her back as if it were a tiny child being carried Japanese style. Each wooden doll has a tiny face, with large eyes, pink lips and black hair, with decorations on each. This was clearly designed to be given to guests at parties for piercing or eating Hors-doeuvres. A very sweet & charming group ! SUPERB SET OF HAND-DRAWN COLOR FISH, FLOWERS AND BIRDS RareOrientalBooks.Com $31 Book Number: 32008601 706 JAPANESE NATURAL HISTORY HAND-PAINT 3 VOLUME SET. a. KAI SEN GYO RUI HYAKUSHU: COLLECTION OF ONE HUNDRED RIVER . AND SEA FISH. Japan n.d. ca.1840-50. Tan stiff stitched wrs., very good, bright set of 3 volumes, hand-painted, each page with a full page color painted illustrations of a named flower, bird and fish, 18 x 25 cm. ORIGINAL HAND-PAINTED ART BOOKS. OBSCURE This is a lovely set of books, beautifully and skillfully hand-drawn and painted in full color. An unusual set of Japanese natural history color drawings. The titles of the three volume set are: 1. KAI SEN GYO RUI HYAKUSHU: COLLECTION OF ONE HUNDRED . FISHES FROM RIVER AND SEA. . 2. SO KA HYAKUSHU: COLLECTION OF ONE HUNDRED FLOWERS AND . GRASSES. . 3. CHO KEI RUI HYAKUSHU: COLLECTION OF ONE HUNDRED BIRDS. *** CONTENTS: Each volume contains 25 double-folded leaves with paintings on both sides, for a total of 50 color paintings per volume, 150 in all. * TITLE: While the Japanese title reflects the common usage of the word "Hyaku" [One Hundred] this was not meant to be take literally, but rather to indicate a "large number" of painting examples. Many Japanese books use this often. * UNIFORM SET: Each volume is uniformly bound with the same covers and same paper pages, in the same size. * CONDITION: There are no major "condition" issues. Each volume is fairly clean, there is some minor soil or dustiness to the white paper title slips. A minor bit of wear to the exterior edges of the covers. By and large quite nice. The contents are essentially without flaw, no worming or stains. Two inside RareOrientalBooks.Com end papers have wrinkles but are mostly flat now. ******** UNSIGNED ARTIST'S WORK These books were not signed by the artist anywhere. The title labels are written in both Japanese and English. The volume on birds has a tiny bird drawing on the label, and the volume on flowers has a small cherry blossom sketch in pink, the volume on fish has no drawing on its label. Each drawing page has the Katakana Japanese name written in either the upper right or left margin. *** LATE EDO PERIOD PAINTING A lovely example of late Edo period meticulous art work, not a "copy book" nor a "sample book" commonly done by students of Japanese painting, but obviously executed by a very skilled and experienced hand. The work has faithfully recorded for posterity what the artist perceived as his world of flowers, grass, fish and birds. *********** Book Number: 98041401 707 JAPANESE PHOTOGRAPHS: GROUP OF FIVE. JAPANESE PHOTOGRAPHS: A GROUP OF FIVE ALBUMEN HAND-COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS. [Japan ca. 1880's].A nice group of five hand-colored albumen photographs, each is 13.5 x 21.5 cm., mounted on a stiff card 18 x 27.5 cm., clear sharp images, good pastel color, usual bright red, else nicely done, very good examples. RARE This is a nice group of early original albumen photographs. . The photographic images are: . 1. Two Kimono clad Japanese girls, one stands with a Shamisen in her hand, the other seated on a Zabuton [cushion] preparing to play the Koto. She fits the ivory pluckers on her fingers. They both wear winter Kimono, with several layers visible, with fine coiffeur. Te #57 is in the lower corner. . 2. Two seated Japanese women wearing Kimono before a small painted screen of Mt. Fuji. The both are engaged in spinning. They both cover their hair with a small striped cloth. . 3. Two Kimono clad women, one stands, the other seated on a Western chair. Both are properly posed in winter Kimono for the photographer. One holds a spray of chrysanthemums. . 4. A standing Japanese girl, clad in a winter Kimono enjoys a garden scene. She holds an oil-skin umbrella and a sprig of flowers. She must be a Maiko [Geisha in training], or a Geisha, as she wears very tall "Pokkuri," a type of "Geta" sandal shoes, [wooden shoes of a tall height, mostly black lacquered, with red thongs], stunningly posed ! . 5. A studio posed winter scene. Shows a Japanese girl in a heavy winter Kimono, she wears a large white silk scarf over her head & shoulders. The holds a partially opened oil-skin RareOrientalBooks.Com $2501 umbrella, with snow on her Kimono & "Geta." A classic pose ! *** A nice group showing Japanese feminism and costume at its best. *** REFERENCES: The following are some useful bibliographies to consult for more information on this album and Japanese early photography in general: * BENNETT, Terry. EARLY JAPANESE IMAGES . BENNETT, Terry. OLD JAPANESE PHOTOGRAPHS: COLLECTORS' DATA GUIDE. * H. Bayou; FELICE BEATO ET L'ECOLE DE YOKOHAMA. JAPANISCHE PHOTOGRAPHIE 1860-1929. * H. Cortazzi: JAPAN CAUGHT IN TIME. * [Feliz Beato/R. von Stillfried]: ONCE UPON A TIME: Visions of Old Japan from the Photos of Beato and Stillfried & the Words of Pierre Loti. * Claudia G. Philipp et al: FELICE BEATO IN JAPAN: Photographien zum Ende der Feudalzeit 1863-1873. * C. Worswick: JAPAN PHOTOPGRAPHS 1854-1905. * Philipp March & Claudia Delank: THE ADVENTURE OF JAPANESE PHOTOGRAPHY 1860-1890. * LA LEGGENDA DI UN IMPERO: Felice Beato e la scuola fotogarfica di Yokohama alla scoperta del Giappone 1860/1900 for more useful details, valuable images and information. *** A SURPRISING AND FASCINATING PIECE OF REAL PHOTO EROTICA Book Number: 98091801 708 JAPANESE PORNOGRAPHIC PHOTO ALBUM. AN ALBUM WITH 33 B.W. EROTIC JAPANESE PHOTOGRAPHS: A Collection From About the 1920's-1950's. [Japan n.d. ca. 1920-1950's]. Green accordion Japanese album 11 x 16 cm., very good, silk covers, contains 33 b.w. photos of various sizes, all erotic in nature, clean, sharp images, no fading or blur, nicely mounted with corners. OBSCURE WORK A fascinating and exotic collection of six separate groups of various pornographic black & white photographs. *** MADE TO SELL TO THE AMERICAN OCCUPATION FORCE IN JAPAN ? These strange and rather unusual photos could possibly be the production of 'starving Japanese" during the very early years of the American occupation of Japan, beginning 1945. . There seems to be an overt 'appeal' to the sale of these to some interested GI's who had lots of money compared to the RareOrientalBooks.Com $500 very 'starving' and 'poor' average Japanese just after the humiliating end of World War II. While this is a 'theory' it is one good possible solution to what they are and who they may have been sold to. If indeed they were made for sale the buyers would surely not be Japanese, they were simply too poor for such 'luxuries." In those days for a pack of American cigarettes, or a pair of PX nylons, Japanese girls would do anything for a GI ! *** THE PORNOGRAPHIC IMAGES: The first group of six images are 6.5 x 9 cm., and show a couple engaged in various positions & views of Love-making. . These seem to be the newest in the album, possibly from the 1940-50's. . The next group of four are 5 x 4 cm., and are clearly from an earlier period, perhaps 1920-1930. They again show a couple in various love-making activities. . The third group contains 19 photographs, likely from the early 1930's according to the old-fashioned Ofuro [Japanese bath], all are about 7.5 x 5.5 cm., except for the last which is 9.5 x 6.5 cm. These are unusual in that each of the 15 have a small inset showing the genitals in a very close-up image, the other 4 don�t. These again show a very active couple in unusual views of various love-making positions. The couple are either fully nude, or partially clothed in Kimono. . Of the last group of 3 two are clearly of the same girl, another much earlier. The first appears to be ca. 1920's, while the last two show a girl with a hair style of immediate post war, i.e. 1946-1953 era. *** BANNED PHOTOGRAPHY: . By law, Japan banned any pornographic photographs from being developed, printed or distributed with any hint of visible pubic hair. Publication of such photographs in books or magazines have been illegal since the 1930's, until about 8 years ago. I has been illegal for photo shops to process or print such items. Saying this, there has always been a small but discreet market for such photographs, books and prints in Japan, transactions conducted under the table or exchanged among trusted friends. * AMERICAN OCCUPATION OF JAPAN SOUVENIR ? . This work seems to be one that was possibly sold to American GI occupation forces in the early period. U.S. forces stationed in Japan from 1945 onwards were "rich" in Japanese eyes, and the ingenious Japanese dreamed up all sorts of ways of making money from this resource. We have no idea of the provenance, but this seems to match that idea as well as that early period. It a very unusual and early group of strange photographs. * PORNOGRAPHIC PHOTO COLLECTION: This is a very erotic group of pornographic photographs, album mounted with gold corners. The personal collection of a closet collector. The close-up inserts showing the sex RareOrientalBooks.Com organs while fully engaged in the act of love-making are unusual, very rare and an seldom found. One unusual photo shows the man inserting a light-bulb into his lover's vulva. *** BIZZARE PHOTOS: Some show oral sex, a few strange positions, bath scenes, strange use of a "hot dog" &c. Most show nude, or semi nude couples, some with the woman in Kimono, on Tatami mats and much more. . A lively set of unusual and hitherto banned erotic black & white photographs. This collection was clearly something passed around by private collector's "clubs" or discreet individuals. The penalty for possession of such materials during this period of time in both Japan & America was severe. . An unusual collection, seldom found, and never offered on the open market for sale. * QUITE R A R E ! *** A FINE LOOK AT MEIJI JAPANESE WOMEN Book Number: 21001701 709 JAPANESE WOMEN PHOTOGRAPHS. AN ALBUM OF 11 HAND-COLORED ALBUMEN PHOTOGRAPHS OF JAPANESE WOMEN, MEIJI PERIOD WORK, EARLY 19TH CENTURY. [Japan n.d. ca 1880's]. Hand-made Washi paper cover accordion folding album, 11 images, mounted with old corners, each 9 x 14 cm., hand-colored pastel colors, albumen types, clear & strong images, little fading, superbly posed. R A R E The photographs are of high quality, skillfully composed, the photographer is unknown, likely the work of Kimbei or his school. The portraits are posed, some in a studio, others in Japanese homes. True to the times in which these girls and ladies lived, during the Meiji [1868-1912], they all wear the stunning and traditional elaborate Kimono, with matching coiffeurs, with hair pins and other accessories. The Kimono reflect the season, some show winter type, with heavy over wear, others for warmer seasons. Images are: Three Japanese girls and a rickshaw puller: two ride-one with umbrella, the other stands nearby. A Japanese woman wears an elaborate Kimono & sits on Tatami mats, holding a "Tama" or thread ball. Young girl stands with umbrella. Four women have tea & cakes around the Hibachi, a Tansu in the RareOrientalBooks.Com $551 background, as they sit on Tatami. * Three women pose: two stand, one sits. Four women sit on the studio floor and pose, rice bowls sit on a tray nearby, with a small square Hibachi, one holds a fan. Two girls pose, one holds her large Kasuri textile Kimono sleeve on her lap, they wear Tabi [socks] and pose. Five women pose pose: two stand, three sit on the floor, Tansu & small square Hibachi with a tray of tea cups. A woman stands by a foreign type table with a potted plant & table cloth, while holding a folded black umbrella. Three women sit on the floor two hold fans, three other fans sit on the floor, adjacent to them is a small shrine or Mikoshi, they all sit on Zabuton pillows, one smokes a long pipe [Kiseru]. Two women pose one stands, the other sits. * By and large, an excellent and most exquisite view of period Japanese women, their life style, costume and manners. What is additionally wonderful about these delicate photographs are the expressions on the women's faces. Some show a stoic or "inscrutable look," others reveal a bewildered look as they are posing for the difficult to understand camera and photographer. All reflect an earlier period of Japanese innocence, and awe in the unusual use of the latest mode of "high technology", while posing. A nice lot ! Photographs of this high quality and fascinating subject matter are SCARCE. * $500 NICE PHOTOS OF "OCCUPIED JAPAN" INCLUDING NUDE WOMEN Book Number: 96078001 710 JAPANESE WOMEN. CUSTOMS OF JAPAN: 12 PHOTOS OF JAPANESE WOMEN Together With: 12 Other Photos of Japanese Children & Customs. [Japan n.d. ca.1946]. A single black sheet, with 24 mounted b.w. photographs, each 5.5 x 8 cm., 12 each on two sides, minor fading spots. Likely done for the American occupation, all are clean clear images, solid not faded. Unusual ! Side 1 consists of 12 photographs depicting Japanese women at flower arrangement, playing the Koto, makeup, Geisha, a bride, at the sea shore, and 4 nude photos of Japanese women in the hot spring bath. . The verso shows 12 photos of Japanese folk customs and of children's celebrations, festivals, snow costumes & New Years decorations in shops & related. * PHOTOGRAPHS SHOWING THE BEAUTY & CHARM OF JAPANESE WOMANHOOD Book Number: 98071201 711 JAPANESE WOMEN. RareOrientalBooks.Com $100 JAPANESE WOMEN: A COLLECTION OF FORTY-SIX HAND COLORED, COLLOTYPE & OTHER COLOR PHOTO POSTCARDS. [Japan n.d. ca. 1890-1910?]. Blue accordion folding album, 13 x 19 cm.,very good, some with used stamps others not,many delicately hand-colored, standard postcard size 14 x 19 cm., nicely done, 46 images, a full album, 13. 5 x 19.5 cm. RARE! This eclectic collection shows the breath & width of Japanese girls & women's activities, costume and customs. * Showing Japanese girls and women elaborately Kimono clad, performing their daily activities and chores. . The art of flower arrangement, coquettishly posing for the camera, riding in a Jinrikshaw, Japanese tea ceremony, carrying a baby [doll], eating supper, playing Koto music and dancing, at her morning toilet, posing in the garden, reading a letter, smoking her Kiseru pipe, farm girls, maids, games: "speak no, hear no and say no evil." . A lovely collection of stunning early photographs, showing the life, customs and life style of the Japanese woman, nostalgic views. . A wonderful collection showing Japanese feminine beauty, her activities, coiffeur Kimono, using her umbrella and more. . A very lovely example and period album. *** A LOVELY PERIOD WORK WITH A WIDE VARIETY OF COLOR EXAMPLES Book Number: 24044601 712 JAPANESE WOMEN: AN ALBUM OF CHARMING POSTCARDS. JAPANESE WOMEN: AN ALBUM WITH 100 CHARMING POSTCARDS SHOWING THE JAPANESE WOMAN IN HER KIMONO, AND HER LIFE STYLE. Japan n.d. ca 1900-1920's. A green cloth photo album, faded green leaves, 23 x 39 cm., very good, contains 100 cards in all: 71 hand-colored, 15 color, 14 b.w., cards, mounted in slits provide. A very nice period collection. S C A R C E A stunning and beautiful collection of postcards, mostly unused, lovely hand colored photographs from about 1900-1910, with four from the 1920's-30's. The album begins with a group of four Japanese women and a young girl, under a wisteria garden, another shows a woman dishing up a bowl of rice, then a lovely young girl plyaing the Koto; other views show flower arrangement, New Years Kimono, winter scenes with women holding a large umbrellaand with a hood for head protection and another shows two girls reading a RareOrientalBooks.Com $355 book; a girl sewing, holding a baby, riding a Jinrikshaw, in the garden, more of girls reading books, doing household chores, playing the Shamisen, poses for New Years, cleaning house, making dinner and changing her Kimono, with friends and hair dressing. This album shows the Japanese woman at her daily chores, wearing her finest Kimono for New Years or other celebrations, Zen arts of flower and tea, cute poses, dressed up to visit friends, riding the ricksha, playing music, eating, dancing and just about everything in her life as a daughter, sister, mother, and wife. The black and white photos show similar poses, 4-5 appear to be 1920's movie stars most in Kimono, one in a Western style dress. These beautiful photo postcards show Japanese women at their best wearing stunning and elaborate Kimono, with their traditional coiffeur, holding an umbrella, wearing Geta [sandals]. Some are studio posed, others taken in a live setting. A good insight to period Japanese women and their costume and traditions. By and large a comprehensive look at Japanese womanhood, a comprehensive and remarkable collection. Color scans can be sent by email. $1241 AN EXCELLENT JAPANESE PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMEN REFERENCE BOOK Book Number: 98070901 713 JAPANISCHE PHOTOGRAPHIE 1860-1929. JAPANISCHE PHOTOGRAPHIE 1860-1929. [Berlin 1993,] Argon. White boards, very good, 103p., 70 b w photos, list of photos and descriptions, German text, by Ryuichu, Kaneko, Christoph Schwarz & Gereon Sievernich, very clean like new copy. OBSCURE REFERENCE FIRST & ONLY EDITION This is a major photograph reference work, covering photos from 1857 through 1928, with a focus on the 1880's period. . With a very useful biographical section, covering 17 of Japan's most famous & productive photographers. . Including portraits, scenery, studio work, artistic & historical photographs. . A poignant look at old Japan, in photographs, before the wave of modernization swept through. . A useful early Japanese photo resource for any student, dealer or collector. . Nicely done. Book Number: 26006701 714 JENKINS, Donald. et al. HANDBOOK OF THE ASIAN COLLECTION. Portland [1981], Portland Art Assn. Stiff pictorial wrs., 20 x 24 cm., very good, as new, co-authors Mary Priester & D. Tenchkoff, 64p., 44 b. w. photos, covering 61 fine items in much detail. PRESENTATION COPY SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR RareOrientalBooks.Com $34 A lovely catalogue, covering both Chinese and Japanese arts. Essays: China: a background, ceramics, sculpture, painting, decorative arts and furniture. Japan: a background, screens,scroll painting, ceramics, woodcut prints and lacquere ware. Nicely done, each item well described and presented with details in figure drawings. Useful source. $9 Book Number: 88052301 715 JENKINS, Donald. et al. MASTERWORKS IN WOOD: CHINA AND JAPAN. Portland [1976], Portland Art Museum. Stiff brown wrs., very good, 136p., 92 b. w. illustrations and photos, 2 maps, co-author Robin Scribnick, 23 x 28 cm., clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION A loan exhibition of superb sculptures, many of which are exhibited for the first time. Covering burial figures, Chinese & Japanese Buddhist sculpture, Shinto, masks, and later Japanese sculpture and decorative arts. A useful reference. $7 Book Number: 88052302 716 JENKINS, Donald. et al. MASTERWORKS IN WOOD: CHINA AND JAPAN. Portland [1976], Portland Art Museum. Stiff brown wrs., very good, 136p., 92 b.w. illustrations & photos, 2 maps, Co-author Robin Scribnick, former owner's name rubber-stamped,else very good, clean solid copy, 23 x 28 cm. FIRST & ONLY ED. A loan exhibition of superb sculptures, many of which are exhibited for the first time. Covering burial figures, Chinese & Japanese Buddhist sculpture, Shinto, masks, and later Japanese sculpture and decorative arts. A useful reference. ONE OF JENYNS RAREIST WORKS ON CERAMICS RareOrientalBooks.Com $5 Book Number: 84289301 717 JENYNS, Soame. JAPANESE PORCELAIN. London [1965], Faber. Green cloth, very good, index, with a copious bibliography, 351p. + 120 b.w. plates, 263 in all,4 color plates, fold out kiln map, copious appendices, clean & solid copy. FIRST BRITISH EDITION An important reference work, covering export trade and its influence on the Japanese porcelain kilns, Imari and other Arita kilns. Imari and other Arita Wares, early blue & white wares, Sakaida Kakiemon and the first enamelled procelain, the Kutani wares of Kaga, related kilns. Also porcelain of Nabeshima, Hirado and some less important factories. Chinese porcelains made for the Japanese market & the work of Japanese studio potters in the Chinese tradition. With a table of year periods, and appendice: Extracts from 18th century French sale catalogues. Engelbert Kaempfer on DutchJapanese relations in the 17th century. List of Kutani potters. Examples of Chinese export porcelain in Japanese Collections. * ONE OF JENYNS RAREIST WORKS ON CERAMICS Book Number: 84289302 718 JENYNS, Soame. JAPANESE PORCELAIN. New York [1965], Faber. Green cloth, very good, index, 120 color & b.w. photos, appendices, bibliography, kiln map,354p map. Scholarly & comprehensive, 16 x 25.5 cm.,dust jacket in mylar protector, clean solid. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION An important reference work, covering export trade and its influence on the Japanese porcelain kilns, Imari and other Arita kilns. Imari and other Arita Wares, early blue & white wares, Sakaida Kakiemon and the first enamelled procelain, the Kutani wares of Kaga, related kilns. Also porcelain of RareOrientalBooks.Com $19 Nabeshima, Hirado and some less important factories. Chinese porcelains made for the Japanese market & the work of Japanese studio potters in the Chinese tradition. With a table of year periods, and appendice: Extracts from 18th century French sale catalogues. Engelbert Kaempfer on DutchJapanese relations in the 17th century. List of Kutani potters. Examples of Chinese export porcelain in Japanese Collections. * $19 ONE OF JENYNS RAREIST WORKS ON CERAMICS Book Number: 84289304 719 JENYNS, Soame. JAPANESE PORCELAIN. London [1979], Faber. Yellow cloth, dj., very good, index, a copious bibliography, 351p. + 120 b.w. plates, 263 in all 4 color plates, fold out kiln map, copious appendices, very clean solid copy. An important reference work, covering export trade and its influence on the Japanese porcelain kilns, Imari and other Arita kilns. Imari and other Arita Wares, early blue & white wares, Sakaida Kakiemon and the first enamelled procelain, the Kutani wares of Kaga, related kilns. Also porcelain of Nabeshima, Hirado and some less important factories. Chinese porcelains made for the Japanese market & the work of Japanese studio potters in the Chinese tradition. With a table of year periods, and appendice: Extracts from 18th century French sale catalogues. Engelbert Kaempfer on DutchJapanese relations in the 17th century. List of Kutani potters. Examples of Chinese export porcelain in Japanese Collections. * Book Number: 86095501 720 JENYNS, Soame. JAPANESE POTTERY. London [1971], Faber. Red cloth, 380p., very good, 1 foldout map, 4 color plates, 120 b.w. photos, bibliography, dust jacket, index, very clean, solid copy. FIRST EDITION An independent study based on the author's own research, this work is a rediscovery of the wares & is free of jargon & irrelevancies. It is his best work, with a light touch. Comprehensive in nature, it begins at the first appearance RareOrientalBooks.Com $19 of Tomb wares & follows all the dynasties & all forms of work. Old kiln sites, pottery, Cha-no-yu ware, Korean works, Yamashiro, minor potteries & kilns are covered, with profuse illustrations & examples. Important reference book. CHINA'S MOST FAMOUS CELEBRATED BOOK ON PAINTING TECHNIQUE Book Number: 41027901 721 JIE ZI YUAN HUA ZHUANG HUA [NIAO PU]: MUSTARD SEED GARDEN. CHIEH TZU YUAN HUA CHUAN: MUSTARD SEED GARDEN MANUAL OF PAINTING [1679-1701]. [In Japanese Title: Kaishen Ga Den] [China 1754]. Blue stitched wrs., 16 volumes, profuse color & b.w. woodcut illustrations, ca. 16.3 x 25.5 cm., 10 vols. stitched, 4 vols. not stitched, double folded leaves, very clean bright set, title slip on vol. 1 only. R A R E 1 China's most famous painting manual, JIE ZI YUAN HUA ZHUANG HUA NIAO PU: MUSTARD SEED GARDEN. * Compiled by Chen Yin-po. Artists: Wang An-chieh, Wang Mi-ts' ao & Wang Ssu-chih. This is the most important book on the art of Chinese painting. Originally published in 1679-1818, was basically a set of several numbered "books" within, each devoted to a different topic. This edition was nicely color woodblock printed with soft, delicate pastels. * The work begins with: Book of the Six Principles, standards and the rules of painting: The Six Canons, Six Essentials, Three Faults, Twelve Things to Avoid, Three Classes, divisions of schools &c., notes on the preparation of colors and materials. * Book of trees, leafs, foliage, rocks, brush strokes, painting mountain peaks, mountain landscapes. Human figures, animals, birds included in landscapes, houses and structures, city walls, towers, pagodas, bridges and waterfalls, drawings by square & rule, furniture and furnishings. * Book of bamboo, discussion of the fundamentals of bamboo and examples. * Book of plum, with a testimonial for. * Book of chrysanthemum, fundamentals of painting. * Book of grasses, insects & flowering plants, fundamentals of. Examples of insect paintings, grasses, herbaceous RareOrientalBooks.Com $31 plants. * Book of feathers, fur & flowering plants. Essay upon the use of mineral blue, green, vermilion, deep vermilion, gold paste, cock yellow, white, rouge red, soot black, indigo, rattan yellow, umber, mixing colors and the use of ink, applying alum on silk and on colors. * This work is printed on double folded woodblock printed leaves, each stitched at the spine with silk thread. By and large all in very good condition. For a valuable account of this with much detail see: Mai-Mai Sze: THE TAO OF PAINTING: A Study of the Ritual Disposition of Chinese Painting, a translation of the Chieh Tzu Yuan Hua Chuan, or Mustard Seed Garden Manual of Painting. This gives the exact contents of each book as well as color examples, bibliographic data &c. * It is quite difficult to find this work in its complete state, as most have been separated, many illustration extracted and framed separately. A major contribution to the study of Chinese painting, landscape, flower, rocks, figures and the inspiration for the Japanese to begin color woodblock printing for their Ukiyo-e period. This work has been used by students since 1679 as a lesson and guidebook on the art of Chinese brush painting and is still now in use some 300 years later. * Known as the most important classic on Chinese painting and China's single most valuable work on the subject. A MOST BEAUTIFUL WORK ! ** BIBLIOGRAPHY: K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE & CHINESE BOOKS. p.406-410 for more notes & details. * Y. Yonezawa et al.; JAPANESE PAINTING IN THE LITERATI STYLE, p.170-190. * Mai-Mai Sze: THE TAO OF PAINTING: A Study of the Ritual Disposition of Chinese Painting, a translation of the Chieh Tzu Yuan Hua Chuan, or Mustard Seed Garden Manual of Painting. * S. Edgren: CHINESE RARE BOOKS IN AMERICAN COLLECTIONS p.118 no. 37. * J. Hillier: THE JAPANESE PICTURE BOOK: A Selection from the Ravicz Collection, p.17, plate 3. * RAWSON, Jessica. ed. et al.: THE BRITISH MUSEUM BOOK OF CHINESE ART.: page 124. * A PILLOW BOOK WITH 17 LOVELY EROTIC VIEWS FOR NEWLYWEDS RareOrientalBooks.Com $15550 Book Number: 23013301 722 [JIN, TAKU SAN-JIN]. [preface by]. HANA NO SATO: THE YOSHIWARA or TOWN OF PROSTITUTION. [A Pillow Book for Japanese With One Rare Print of a N.p. ca 1870, n.p. Blue cloth covers,accordion folded, title slip, all edge silver gilt, 11 x 15.5 cm., covers bit faded, contents clean, 17 color erotic woodcut illustrations, a miniature album, complete as issued. AN OBSCURE EDITION This like other erotic albums of the time were not sanctioned by the Shogun, nor were they authorized for publication with the "censor's seal." These books were printed and published secretly, issued in small numbers and either sold or distributed discreetly. * "Shun-pon" or erotic books were used as gifts to couples on their wedding night, commonly called "Pillow Books" or "Makura Zoshiki." A euphuism for licentious books enjoyed across all spectrum of Japanese society, commonly bought, sold or traded on the "black" market. Because they were officially "banned" by the Shogunate, artists, wood block carvers and printers risked severe punishment if caught, these books were driven "underground" but nevertheless thrived during the Edo and Meiji periods, right down to the Taisho and Showa times. * The preface was written by Jin Taku San-jin, and is undated. The author's and writers of the text were often famous artists or poets who assumed "studio" names of a political nature to openly challenge and taunt the Shogunate. * This example consists of twelve double-page color illustrations 22 x 15.5 cm. and five single page color erotic images which are ca. 9.5 x 13 cm. The subjects are: Title page illustration number: ** Double-page illustrations: 1. Couple under the Futon engaged in love-making. 2. Couple love-making partially unclothed. 3. Couple about to make love, the man licks his fingers to wet the vulva, she spread her legs exposing her genitals in readiness. RareOrientalBooks.Com 4. Couple making love he is nearly nude. 5. Couple after making love, she is before the mirror grooming herself, nude from the hips up, exposing her vulva. 6. Couple fully engaged in making love on a mat, with lots of Chirishi" [a kind of toilet paper] spread about, as evidence of ample love juices. 7. Couple making love, she is on top in an unusual position. 8. Couple making love from the rear. 9. Couple making love while she rests on the Goh board. 10. Couple making love he mounts her from the top. 11. Couple engaged in love making, he inserts his penis, she clings to him. 12. Newlyweds engaged in love-making, she wears the typical bride's veil. ** Begin single-page smaller illustrations: 12. Typical Meiji period man with moustache masturbating his lover, his huge penis at the ready as she caresses it. 13. Older couple making love from the rear. 14. Couple enjoying the pleasures of fondling her vulva, his huge penis at the ready. 15. A sleeping woman nearly nude under the mosquito net is being visited by her lover. 16. A couple prepared to engage in love-making, both are red-faced and ready to start, with their genitals exposed. 17. RARE print of a foreigner engaged in making love with a Japanese woman, the surrounding text states: "Anata wo suki...saa watashi mo iki soo...." [I love you, I am ready to have orgasm." The foreigner's words are stated in Japanese: " Watakushi mo oikimasu" meaning "I am also ready to have orgasm." * WHY IS THIS EROTIC ALBUM DIFFERENT FROM MOST OTHERS ? What makes this album exceptionally unusual and RARE is the Romanized and Katana characters used for the "Seiyo jin" or Westerner's words. That is to say, either the foreigner could speak Japanese, or the author elected to simply use Japanese to indicate the foreigner's willingness to enjoy the pleasures of a Japanese woman and learned enough Japanese to indicate his eagerness to concert with a Japanese woman. In any case being written in Katakana also indicates these are foreign words, or at least Japanese words spoken by a foreigner which accents the whole print. All Japanese could understand the dialogue, and surely some foreigners could learn the words and sentence essential to a successful night out on the town with Japanese prostitutes in the Yoshiwara. The foreigner's Japanese is expressed in quite a polite form, indicating at least he has learned proper Japanese during his sojourn in Japan. * This is one of the rarest of all erotic prints of the Meiji period, actually showing a Westerner engaging in sexual pleasures with a Japanese woman. The woman wears a typical high-neck Victorian dress, and still has on one sock. Her coiffeur is Japanese and she has simply pulled up her dress, revealing a red undergarment, suggestive of an "erotic nature." The illustration is replete with foreign curtains and they both lay on a foreign soft. Clearly the message was that some houses of prostitution were well outfitted with Western settings to give an extra level of "comfort" to foreigners. Few if many exist showing foreigners in the RareOrientalBooks.Com Yoshiwara with Japanese women. * The work is a typical "pillow book" but with the addition of five other erotic prints, including the exceptionally RARE print of a foreigner. While the occurrence of foreigners and Japanese women making love were common-place in the mid-late 19th century Japan, woodblock color prints illustrating and documenting this pleasure are clearly obscure and scarce, few if any exist. * "Chirishi" was a kind of hand-made Washi paper tissue commonly used in the toilet. It's presence in the bedroom as depicted in erotic prints indicate a profusion of love-making when thrown about the bedroom indicated evidence of love juices. Its presence is both symbolic and practical. * Each erotic print commonly had a dialogue of the exchanges between the man and woman, erotic words and sentences to encourage or compliment the other, filled the backgrounds of most prints. This album contains a large number of these dialogues and are quite readable if not memorable, telling him "what a large penis" he has, while he tells her what a "strong vagina she has" &c... * The Japanese were extremely "natural" and open about love-making, there was little stigma as found in Western countries during the same period. Therefore the genre of erotic books were less carnal and more concerned with the natural aspect of love-making in an openly erotic manner. Their healthy if not erotic aptitudes were the norm and acceptable throughout all of Japanese society until the end of World War II, when prostitution was still acceptable, but continued under the guise of not being officially sanctioned. * CONDITION: The work is remarkably clean internally, with some minor repair to the hinges, covers are mildly sunned. * The size of the album is important. That is to say, it was small, discreet and of the size that could be easily kept in the Kimono sleeve and carried to a waiting lover's room. * Book Number: 93008202 723 JISL, Lumir. SWORDS OF THE SAMURAI: The Splendours of Japanese Sword Furniture. [Prague 1967, Artia]. Pictorial boards, 58+60p., very clean, RareOrientalBooks.Com $2040 bibliography, glossary, 60 pages color & b.w. photo plates, solid nice copy, English text. FIRST & ONLY EDITION A very good source, covering the cult of the sword, parts of the Japanese sword, materials, techniques, status of the swordsmiths, themes. Famous sword masters & schools. Diagram of the Wakizashi sword, nicely illustrated. * $32 Book Number: 24005201 724 JOHNES, Raymond. JAPANESE ART. London [1964], Spring. Brown cloth, large size 24 x 27 cm., minor damp stain to dj. and bit of front cover, contents are clean, 39p. text, 39 full page color plates, map. A very good survey of the background to Japanese arts: sculpture [Buddhist and others], painting, metalwork: bronzes, arms, lacquer, textitles, ceramics, Japanese woodblock prints, with notes on the plates. Useful work. $3 Book Number: 25006501 725 JOHNSGARD, Paul. et al. DRAGONS AND UNICORNS A NATURAL HISTORY. New York St. [1982], Martin's. Buff cloth over boards, dust jacket, former owner's embossed stamp, else as new copy, bright and clean, 162p., bibliography, glossary, text illustrations. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION A MAGNIFICIENT CATALOG ON JAPANESE ART WORKS Book Number: 95048602 726 JOLY, Henri L. et al. JAPANESE ART & HANDICRAFT. An Illustrated Record of the Loan Exhibition Held in Aid of the British Red Cross in Rutland [1976], Tuttle. Red cloth,very clean, dj., 213p., 42 color, 1119 b.w. plates, foreword by Jack Hillier, an exact reprint of London 1916 edition of 175 copies, small folio, a very solid copy in excellent dustjacket. FIRST REPRINT ED SUBTITLE: cont. October-November 1915. Co-author Kumasaku Tomita. This excellent and most rare catalog covered a total of 2415 individual or sets of objects, illustrating a large portion of them. Covers paintings, prints, drawings, sculpt- RareOrientalBooks.Com $2 ure, lacquer, Inro, Netsuke, and about 65% devoted to metalwork such as sword fittings, armourer's work, bronze & metal work, varia, pipes, pipe cases, pouches, pottery, enamels, and a host of o ther small arts. H. Joly died during the 1920 's and was probably the greatest European authority on Japanese sword mounts of his time. Useful design reference. $190 THE MOST VALUABLE STANDARD JAPANEWE REFERENCE SOURCE ! Book Number: 85139701 727 JOLY, Henri L. LEGEND IN JAPANESE ART: Description of Historical Episodes Legendary Characters, Folk-Lore Myths, Religious Symbolism, London 1908, Lane. Red decorated cloth, 16 color, 700 b.w. plates, bibliography, Japanese character index,all edge gilt clean & solid copy, gold stamped titles. RARE FIRST EDITION A detailed iconography, one of the first ever compiled on Japan and still considered the best reference work. Devoted to explanations of decorations on Netsuke, Inro, Tsuba and other sword furniture, sculpture, prints, illustrated books, paintings, etc. Illustrates pieces from the Behrens, Trower, Gilbertson, Saltarel, Kawada, Brockhaus, Tomkinson, Collie, Hawkshaw, Naunton and Victoria & Albert Collections, et al. An indispensable reference work for collectors and students. H. Joly died during the 1920's and was probably the greatest European authority on Japanese sword mounts of his time. * By and large one of the most important Japanese art reference books of the 20th century. THE MOST VALUABLE STANDARD JAPANEWE REFERENCE SOURCE ! Book Number: 85139702 RareOrientalBooks.Com $600 728 JOLY, Henri L. LEGEND IN JAPANESE ART: Description of Historical Episodes Legendary Characters, Folk-Lore Myths, Religious Symbolism, London [1908], Kegan. New red cloth, 700 b.w. plates & illustrations, bibliography, Japanese index, very good, 16 color plates in facsimile, a bit of pencil marginalia, very solid as is. FIRST EDITION A detailed iconography, one of the first ever compiled on Japan and still considered the best reference work. Devoted to explanations of decorations on Netsuke, Inro, Tsuba and other sword furniture, sculpture, prints, illustrated books, paintings, etc. Illustrates pieces from the Behrens, Trower, Gilbertson, Saltarel, Kawada, Brockhaus, Tomkinson, Collie, Hawkshaw, Naunton and Victoria & Albert Collections, et al. An indispensable reference work for collectors and students. H. Joly died during the 1920's and was probably the greatest European authority on Japanese sword mounts of his time. * By and large one of the most important Japanese art reference books of the 20th century. $600 THE MOST VALUABLE STANDARD JAPANEWE REFERENCE SOURCE ! Book Number: 85139703 729 JOLY, Henri L. LEGEND IN JAPANESE ART: Description of Historical Episodes Legendary Characters, Folk-Lore Myths, Religious Symbolism, London [1908], Kegan. Red cloth, 16 color, 700 b.w. plates & illustrations, bibliography, Japanese index, very good, new cloth, original covers layed down, all edge gilt, minor corner wear, else a clean solid copy. FIRST EDITION A detailed iconography, one of the first ever compiled on Japan and still considered the best reference work. Devoted to explanations of decorations on Netsuke, Inro, Tsuba and other sword furniture, sculpture, prints, illustrated books, paintings, etc. Illustrates pieces from the Behrens, Trower, Gilbertson, Saltarel, Kawada, Brockhaus, Tomkinson, Collie, Hawkshaw, Naunton and Victoria & Albert Collections, et al. An indispensable reference work for collectors and students. H. Joly died during the 1920's and was probably the greatest European authority on Japanese sword mounts of his time. * By and large one of the most important Japanese art reference books of the 20th century. RareOrientalBooks.Com $570 THE MOST VALUABLE STANDARD JAPANEWE REFERENCE SOURCE ! Book Number: 85139704 730 JOLY, Henri L. LEGEND IN JAPANESE ART: Description of Historical Episodes Legendary Characters, Folk-Lore Myths, Religious Symbolism, London [1908], Kegan. Red cloth, 16 color, 700 b.w. plates & illustrations, bibliography, Japanese index, very good, 2 vol. set, rebound in 2 parts, preserving the original front covers, all edge gilt, else clean solid. FIRST EDITION A detailed iconography, one of the first ever compiled on Japan and still considered the best reference work. Devoted to explanations of decorations on Netsuke, Inro, Tsuba and other sword furniture, sculpture, prints, illustrated books, paintings, etc. Illustrates pieces from the Behrens, Trower, Gilbertson, Saltarel, Kawada, Brockhaus, Tomkinson, Collie, Hawkshaw, Naunton and Victoria & Albert Collections, et al. An indispensable reference work for collectors and students. H. Joly died during the 1920's and was probably the greatest European authority on Japanese sword mounts of his time. * By and large one of the most important Japanese art reference books of the 20th century. THE MOST VALUABLE STANDARD JAPANEWE REFERENCE SOURCE ! Book Number: 85139705 731 JOLY, Henri L. LEGEND IN JAPANESE ART: Description of Historical Episodes Legendary Characters, Folk-Lore Myths, Religious Symbolism, London 1908, Lane. Red decorated cloth, 16 color, 700 b.w. plates, bibliography, Japanese character index,all edge gilt clean solid copy. FIRST EDITION A detailed iconography, one of the first ever compiled on Japan and still considered the best reference work. Devoted to explanations of decorations on Netsuke, Inro, Tsuba and RareOrientalBooks.Com $570 other sword furniture, sculpture, prints, illustrated books, paintings, etc. Illustrates pieces from the Behrens, Trower, Gilbertson, Saltarel, Kawada, Brockhaus, Tomkinson, Collie, Hawkshaw, Naunton and Victoria & Albert Collections, et al. An indispensable reference work for collectors and students. H. Joly died during the 1920's and was probably the greatest European authority on Japanese sword mounts of his time. * By and large one of the most important Japanese art reference books of the 20th century. $570 THE MOST VALUABLE STANDARD JAPANEWE REFERENCE SOURCE ! Book Number: 85139706 732 JOLY, Henri L. LEGEND IN JAPANESE ART: Description of Historical Episodes Legendary Characters, Folk-Lore Myths, Religious Symbolism, Rutland [1967], Tuttle. Red cloth, 16 color, 700 b.w. plates & illustrations, bibliography, Japanese index,very good, dj. large size, thick volume 21 x 29 cm., very clean solid copy. FIRST REPRINT OF TE 1908 EDITION A detailed iconography, one of the first ever compiled on Japan and still considered the best reference work. Devoted to explanations of decorations on Netsuke, Inro, Tsuba and other sword furniture, sculpture, prints, illustrated books, paintings, etc. Illustrates pieces from the Behrens, Trower, Gilbertson, Saltarel, Kawada, Brockhaus, Tomkinson, Collie, Hawkshaw, Naunton and Victoria & Albert Collections, et al. An indispensable reference work for collectors and students. H. Joly died during the 1920's and was probably the greatest European authority on Japanese sword mounts of his time. * By and large one of the most important Japanese art reference books of the 20th century. THE MOST VALUABLE STANDARD JAPANEWE REFERENCE SOURCE ! RareOrientalBooks.Com $126 Book Number: 85139701 733 JOLY, Henri L. LEGEND IN JAPANESE ART: Description of Historical Episodes Legendary Characters, Folk-Lore Myths, Religious Symbolism, Rutland [1979], Tuttle. Orange cloth, 16 color, 700 b.w. plates & illustrations, bibliography, Japanese index, dj., very good, large size, thick volume 21 x 29 cm., clean solid copy. FIRST REPRINT OF THE 1908 EDITION A detailed iconography, one of the first ever compiled on Japan and still considered the best reference work. Devoted to explanations of decorations on Netsuke, Inro, Tsuba and other sword furniture, sculpture, prints, illustrated books, paintings, etc. Illustrates pieces from the Behrens, Trower, Gilbertson, Saltarel, Kawada, Brockhaus, Tomkinson, Collie, Hawkshaw, Naunton and Victoria & Albert Collections, et al. An indispensable reference work for collectors and students. H. Joly died during the 1920's and was probably the greatest European authority on Japanese sword mounts of his time. * By and large one of the most important Japanese art reference books of the 20th century. AN EXCELLENT TSUBA REFERENCE RESOURCE Book Number: 86071502 734 JOLY, Henri L. SHOSANKENSHU: List of Names, Kakihan Collected from Sword-Mounts. London 1985, Holland. Brown cloth, very good, unpaginated 7.5 x 10 inches, 1 inch thick, index, 2,900 names of artists in both Japanese & Romaji, amended edition, dj, as new,clean and solid copy, with likewise dust jacket. Essentially a dictionary of names and Kakihan. * The FIRST EDITION of this was RARE and done around 1919. . This edition is also quite scarce now. A most useful and RareOrientalBooks.Com $65 valuable reference for any collector of Japanese swords guards [Tsuba] and sword furniture. . H. Joly died during the 1920 's and was probably the greatest European authority on Japanese sword mounts of his time. This is one of his most important works, which did not reach the public due to his untimely death. * This text is a vital addition to the library of the student of the Japanese sword and metal worker's art and is published for the first time as written in Joly's own hand, with out alteration of any form. * Loaded with excellent Japanese calligraphy and accurate line drawings of Kakihan. Interleaved with blank pages so the student may make his own notes. *** An essential reference for any student, dealer or scholar. *** $54 A FAMOUS CLASSIC & EARLY TREATISE ON THE SUBJECT Book Number: 89001603 735 JONAS, F.M. NETSUKE. Rutland [1960], Tuttle. Brown cloth,very clean, 10 color, 45 b.w. photo plates, illustrating about 250 individual items, index, list of Netsuke carvers, appendix, dj.,15 x 21.5 cm., solid copy, in nice dust jacket, corrected reprint of 1928. This is a famous study on both Netsuke and Inro was actually published in Japan by Thompson. . This work covers the epochs of sculpture in Japan, carving of masks, history of Netsuke. The subjects of Netsuke, historical, foreign, religious, deities, good and evil spirits, mythical animals, round of the months, poetry, proverbs & miscellaneous subjects. * This major resource has been considered the a classic and has been a valuable reference on Netsuke since 1928. * A FAMOUS CLASSIC & EARLY TREATISE ON THE SUBJECT RareOrientalBooks.Com $17 Book Number: 89001608 736 JONAS, F.M. NETSUKE. Rutland [1986], Tuttle. Brown cloth,very clean, 10 color, 45 b.w. photo plates, illustrating about 250 individual items, index,list of Netsuke carvers, appendix, dj.,reprint of 1928 edition,15 x 21.5 cm.,solid bright copy in nice dust jacket. This is a famous study on both Netsuke and Inro was actually published in Japan by Thompson. . This work covers the epochs of sculpture in Japan, carving of masks, history of Netsuke. The subjects of Netsuke, historical, foreign, religious, deities, good and evil spirits, mythical animals, round of the months, poetry, proverbs & miscellaneous subjects. * This major resource has been considered the a classic and has been a valuable reference on Netsuke since 1928. * $15 Book Number: 95265601 737 JONES, Stanleigh H. et al.,ed. RESEARCHES IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES ON JAPAN: Volume Two. Abstracts of Essays by Graduates of the East Asian Institute New York 1959, Columbia Univ. Blue stiff wrs., very good, 134p., bibliography. SUBTITLE: cont. Columbia University. Co-editor John E. Lane. Relations Between Japan and Korea in the Latter Half of the Fourteenth Century, Shiba Kokan and the Beginnings of Western Art in Japan, Early Industrialization in Japan: The Example of Saga-Han, The Iwakura Mission to the United States and Europe, 1871-1873, The Development of a Modern Army in Nineteenth Century Japan, A Study of Futabatei Shimei, 18641909, Japan and the Siberian Expedition, 1919-1920, The Tsinan Incident, 1928-1929, The Effects of Japanese Administration in Micronesia, The Kwantung Army and the Manchurian Incident, The Development of the Manchurian Iron and Steel Industry, and The Russo-Japanese Neutrality Pact of April, 1941. Reproduced for private distribution. Scholarly works. A RARE AND STUNNINGLY EARLY BEAUTIFUL BUDDHIST PRINT RareOrientalBooks.Com $61 Book Number: 29003601 738 [JORURI-JI TEMPLE.] AMIDA NYORAI HYAKU BUTSUZOU: ONE HUNDRED IMAGES OF AMIDA NYORAI: ONE HUNDRED IMAGES OF AMIDA NYORAI. [Nara ca. 1100 A.D., Joruri-ji Tempe]. A Single sheet 33.3 x 46.8 cm. [backing size], rebacked on hand-made Washi paper, print sheet size: 32.8 . x 45.6 cm., hand-printed woodblocks on thin mulberry Washi paper, stunning work! S C A R C E THIS AN EXCEPTIONALLY RARE AND EARLY WOODBLOCK PRINT * "Although printing had been practiced in Japan as early as the eighth century, the stamping or block printing of large numbers of Buddhist images did not gain prominence until the last half of the Heian period. The reception of images was believed to be an effective method of accumulating religious merit, and this stimulated the production of Buddhist prints-often rather crudely made-in vast numbers. The blocks or stamps most commonly used contained anywhere from a single image up to a dozen identical units; large full-sheet blocks, such as this one, seemed to have been used less frequently." [quoted from Rosenfield, see below] *** DETAILS OF OUR ITEM: Our item is printed on high fiber Washi paper, quite bright and still retaining its natural fiber color. There is some loss to the lower margin but very little loss to the printing. The upper left corner is gone and with it five images are gone. There is a minor bit of left margin loss but very little printing loss. The right margin is excellent. The print was acquired from the late Richard C. Rudolph of U.C.L.A., who had cut the print in half horizontally. The two parts are now back together and has been professionally rebacked on Washi paper, there is no loss where they are rejoined. The hand-made Washi paper on the right and left edges are a bit thicker than the rest of the paper, perhaps there was an effort on the part of the paper-maker to give strength to these edges. Our example is exceptional when compared to other known copies. * ILLUSTRATED IN ISHIDA: This excellent example illustrated in Ishida is owned by Joruri-ji Temple and has only 81 of 100 images, there was loss to the margins. [see reference below] *** PRINTING AS A DAILY DEVOTION: Ishida points out on p.30-31, discussing the Heian practice of worshipers printing a number of Buddhist images each day or month to fulfill a religious vow. Printing these images gave merit and virtue to the printer, thereby increasing their position in the Buddhist Sangha [community]. Temples encouraged the Sangha to print images as that aided in RareOrientalBooks.Com soliciting donations. "Donors were allowed to pay for the printing of Buddhist images to be placed inside of statues. This served the purpose of temple finance in much the same way as printed appeals for contributions. The images were never distributed to the people but were instead stored away in sculpted images." It seems little has changed in a thousand years, as Buddhist priests still seem to offer prints to donors even today. It is believed that the prints were discovered in the 1960's and given to donors who gave substantial sums of money for temple restoration. . Every morning as part of a daily regimen, women of the Imperial court would print Buddhist images using woodblocks on sheets of thin mulberry Washi paper as religious observance, much like saying prayers every morning. After an appropriate number of pages were printed, the sheets were rolled and tied in bundles and then inserted into the hollow interior of sculptures. * WOODBLOCK PRINTING TECHNIQUE: This print was printed from a single woodblock containing ten images in a row, with ten rows in all yielding some 100 images on a single sheet. See Baskett p.30 for additional details. Rosenfield supports the idea of a single block with 100 images carved on it. There is ample evidence to support both Ishida and Baskett's idea that the print was done by use of a single block containing 100 images stamped on a single sheet of Mulberry paper. * RARITY: The print is exceptionally RARE ! Only a few examples have been cited, published or illustrated. Apparently this image only came to light in the 1960's and very few came to public view, those few that were given to patrons eluded the usual scholars and their publications. It was not uncommon for patrons of Buddhist temples in Japan to covet and hold their gifts from the temple for several reasons. Namely, the need and desire to remain unknown to the general public for their donations, which were done for the right reasons, avoiding any public acknowledgement. Secondly, there are moral questions vis-�-vis accepting "compensation/gifts" from monks for donations. Above all, donors do not like others to know their private business and so the prints given in acknowledgement by monks commonly remains a private matter. * A QUOTE FROM JOHN ROSENFIELD: Per Rosenfield: "The Main Hall [Hondo] of Joruri-ji, a temple situated in the low mountains east of Nara, houses a notable group of nine statues of Buddha Amida. During restoration on the central image of this group some years ago, many sheets of woodblock prints, among the one shown here, were discovered inside the statue. The pages were printed with rows of small Amida figures, each seated in mediation. In this example one hundred images printed from a single block of wood are arranged in ten horizontal rows. * The example illustrated in Rosenfield shows some loss to the lower corner. *** CONDITION: The print was kept relatively safe inside a sculpture of RareOrientalBooks.Com Amida Buddha for some 900 years. During that time natural attrition rate to bugs or moisture has taken a toll on this kind of print. It is therefore natural to see some loss and other minor defects. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: * Rosenfield, John: JAPANESE ARTS OF THE HEIAN PERIOD: 794-1185: pages 74, illustration no. 29, text page 117. * Ishida, Mosaku et al: NIHON HANGA BIJUTSU ZENSHU, vol. I, plates 44, 45. * Ishida, Mosaku et al., English adaptation by Charles Terry: JAPANESE BUDDHIST PRINTS: pages 13-14, 19-23, 29-31, illustrated on p. 102 as number 39. * BASKET, Mary: FOOTPRINTS OF THE BUDDHA: Japanese Buddhist Prints from American and Japanese Collections. * MUSEE CERNUSCHI: ESTAMPS BOUDDHIQUES JAPONAISES: XIIe-XVIIIe Siecles: Les Precurseurs de l'Ukiyo-e. See item 81; introduction by Kikutake Junichi. * Tokuriki, Tomikichiro; TOYO KO HANGA [ORIENT OLDEST WOODBLOCK PRINTS FROM THE TOMIKICHIRO TOKURIKI COLLECTION]. Tokyo 1978. * Nara National Museum. TOKUBETSU TENRAN BUKKYO HANGA: SPECIAL EXHITIBION OF BUDDHIST WOODBLOCK PRINTS. July-August 1972. * $6205 Book Number: 95249201 739 JOURNAL FAR EASTERN FOLKLORE. FOLKLORE STUDIES. Tokyo 1958, Society of Divine World. Peach wrs., x-lib. copy very good, 294p., 2 maps, 6 b.w. photos, 2 color illustrations, 18 b. w. illustrations, English & German text, uncut. Various authors contribute to this very good study of Asian folklore. Articles include Ifugaw Weaving, Tayabas Tagalog Awit Fragments from Quezon Province, Hinduismus der Ngadha, Hauptzuge und Entwicklungswege der Uralischen Religion, Das Lied von Ma Wu Ko, Etymology Through Maps, Short Papers on Philippine Folk Lore and Life, Notes on Japanese Folk Art, On Munsterberg's book "The Folk Arts of Japan," Die Negrito Asians, Four Collections of Japanese Folktales, & Review of Reviews. Authors include F. Lambrecht, E.A. Manuel, P.Arndt, J. Trippner, & M. Eder. WITH 209 STUNNING JAPANESE HAND-MADE WASHI PAPER SAMPLES RareOrientalBooks.Com $80 Book Number: 84195601 740 JUGAKU, Bunsho. et al. TESUKI WASHI: HAND-MADE PAPERS [OF JAPAN]. With English Essay: JAPANESE WAY TO MAKE PAPER BY HAND. Tokyo 1969, Takeo Paper Co. Blue cloth chitsu,stitched brown Washi paper covers,208 fine full-page handmade paper samples designs by Shiko Munakata, 39.5 x 28 cm., fine copy, English & Japanese text. FIRST & ONLY LIMITED EDITION OF 1000 COPIES FIRST & ONLY LIMITED EDITION OF 1000 COPIES * A beautifully bound, and executed book, contains 69p. of Japanese text with a 14p. English essay: JAPANESE WAY TO MAKE PAPER BY HAND by Bunsho Jugaku, translated into English. The co-author was Yoshiten Takeo, who wrote the Japanese text. * A grand scale work, with a host of various and stunningly beautiful papers samples stitched in, all of which are full page size, most are deckle edge. The samples include colored, laid textured, heavy fiber, delicate lace, tissue, thick textured cover stock, indigo dyed, board, card, mosaic fiber, natural vegetal color dyed, multicolor fiber &c. Each sample is numbered and matches the English Japanese key, listing each of the 208 samples properly identified, with place made, name and use noted. * The large-size oblong album format makes this sample book a handsome record of many of the now extinct papers and paper-makers, truly a stunning set of superb examples. With English essay covering an historical survey, how they make paper by hand. Including the use of Cannabis sativia or hemp, [aka. marijuana], Gampi, Torinoko Kappa, Tame-zuki, Nagashi-zuki, and other named paper examples. * In the finest of condition, in its original and a bit rubbed cardboard box with paper label. * Jugaku has been one of just a couple of scholars who have devoted their lives to the study, recording and collecting of paper samples in information about Japanese papermakers. Their books are superb, beautifully bound and most always RareOrientalBooks.Com issued in a small numbered edition, with loads of fine samples. * SIGNED, DATED INSCRIBED PRESENTATION LIMITED TO 150 COPIES Book Number: 84209201 741 JUGAKU, Bunsho. KAMISUKI MURA TABI NIKKI: Record And Journals of Visits To Washi Hand-Made Paper-Making Villages of Japan. Kyoto 1943, Mukai. Brown raw silk, clam shell box [mended], minor box wear, 27p., 199 b. w. photos, 134 tipped in paper samples, Japanese text, 22 x 32 cm., bright, clean copy. FIRST & ONLY LIMITED EDITION 150 COPIES SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR A SUPERB AND STUNNING FIRST & ONLY EDITION 150 COPIES ONLY . Covers the handmade papers and paper-makes in the Kanto, Tohoku, Chubu, Chugoku, Shikoku and Kyushu areas. This work is the result of his travels and primary observations of the vanishing art as found in the papermaking villages. This work is a record of now "lost techniques" and his research of the old papermakers, and their hand methods of the ancient papermaking processes. * With village maps, 134 actual hand-made paper samples tipped in, plus some 199 b.w. photographs, including some of the author with papermakers. The whole work was printed on hand-made Washi papers, the box is also made of and covered with hand-made papers, as is the title slip. In all the art of the book, nicely bound in brown raw-silk, with a matching paper spine label. * This work contains a good number of photos taken by the author on his sojourn and pilgrimage to the paper-making villages in order to meet with the paper-makers, observe their techniques, collect samples and photograph them at their work. The maps indicate where and how to find these hitherto obscure villages. With copious geographic index and a list of all villages visited. * FIRST & ONLY LIMITED EDITION OF 150 NUMBERED COPIES, this one being a lovely presentation and nicely inscribed copy in the author's hand, signed and dated, and with his wife's name added "Shizuko." A fascinating work, made during World War II item. A lovely colophon is found inside the back cover. * Jugaku was the leading exponent and scholar on Washi or RareOrientalBooks.Com $2501 hand-made papers of Japan and authored a good number of fine works most all of which were limited and signed copies. AN EXCEPTIONALLY RARE ITEM ! * Color photos can be sent by email. $2200 WITH SERISAWA STENCIL PHOTOS Book Number: 84176201 742 JUGAKU, Bunsho. NIHON NO KAMI: HANDMADE PAPERS OF JAPAN. [Kyoto 1946, Yanagibara]. White wrs., 171p. 6 b.w. plates, very good, showing traditional process of papermaking, text in Japanese, hand made paper covers,15 x 21.5 cm.,very solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION A scarce resource published during the American occupation of Japan. * This lovely work covers Japanese hand-made papers, and is nicely illustrated with stencil images by Serisawa, some in color others in black and white. * JAPAN'S FOREMOST PAPERMAKING HISTORIAN'S NARRATIVE Book Number: 93080102 743 JUGAKU, Bunsho. PAPER-MAKING BY HAND IN JAPAN. Tokyo 1959, Meiji-Shobo. Vellum boards, small folio, 77p. English text, 43 b. w. photographs, 24 samples of handmade Washi specimens tipped in, colophon, clean bright copy, a clipping describing the book tipped-in. FIRST & ONLY EDITION A lovely work by Japan's leading exponent and scholar on RareOrientalBooks.Com $65 Japanese hand-made Washi paper. * Contents: historical survey; how Westerners came to know Japanese hand-made paper; How Japanese make paper by hand; paper-making by hand in present-day Japan; Some bibliographical notes. * Beautifully done ! * A PAIR OF LOVELY COLOR EARLY MEIJI PERIOD SHIN-HANGA PRINTS Book Number: 32064701 744 [KABURAGI, Kiyokata.] A PAIR OF MEIJI SHIN-HANGA BIJIN-GA. [A Pair Color Woodblock Prints of Meiji Period Beauties] [Tokyo ca. 1894-1909, Satoh]. A pair of very nice color wood block prints, no fading, strong images, prints, each is 21 x 30 cm., nicely executed, unsigned as issued, verso blank. OBSCURE PRINTS FIRST & ONLY EDITION A pair of very lovely and stunning Meiji period colored woodblock prints showing beautiful ladies. . FIRST & ONLY EDITION . *** THE PAIR: 1. The first print shows a Meiji era lady at her Kotatsu [table warmer] leaning on her left elbow as she reads a newspaper. She has the faintest hint of blue in her eyes, and red lips. Her right hand rests on the newspaper. A beautiful image, solid, clear, strong, with a hint of gauffrage in the Kimono design evident. The back has some nice swirls from the Baren, a tool to rub the back of prints against the ink-ladened woodblock. . *** RARITY: Kiyokata did very few Japanese prints other than those he did for newspaper illustrations. Per the references below, we believe these to be rather obscure works, not found or illustrated in the usual reference books of the period. . *** LOVELY MATHCING PAIR: The pair are lovely, and ready for display so they could face each other, which would be attractive, when properly matter in an elegant frame. RareOrientalBooks.Com $219 * THE ARTIST: KABURAGI Kiyokata [1878-1972]: He was best know as "Kiyokata" was a Japanese style painter born in Tokyo. In 1891, at an early age of 14 years old was apprenticed to Mizuno Toshikata, who in 1893 gave his student the name Kiyokata, Stephens also notes that Kiyokata began his artistic production in 1894, so in theory these prints could easily be from his earliest period. See Stephens, p.106 below. . Kiyokata studied Ukiyo-e with the most famous and celebrated Taiso Yoshitoshi and also Mizuno Toshikata. He was a "Member of the Art Committee of the Imperial Household" and of the "Japan Art Academy," in 1954 he received the "Order of Cultural Merit." . He specialized in Bijin-Ga [pictures of Beautiful Women] of the Meiji period. He was mostly know for his paintings, and did only a few prints, thus this pair are quite RARE ! He is well collected by world museums. For a more copious biography, see Roberts below. . *** Per Merritt [below]: "...Kiyokata who later became one of the major figures in 20th century Japanese style painting and the mentor of numerous Shin-Hanga artists, is also remembered for his early career as an illustrator." What she also notes, is that his color woodblock prints, were used d to illustrate newspapers i.e.: "Tokyo Nichinichi Shinbun" and also the "Yamato Shinbun" see page 22 below. . *** DATING THE PRINTS: She also notes: "Even though Kiyokata's illustrations made before 1910 were both aesthetic and popular successes, he turned his attention increasingly to painting for woodblock illustrations ..." see page 22 below. Therefore based on this we can now have some substantial evidence that this pair of prints were surely done prior to 1910. most likely done about 1909. . Per Merritt & Yamada "[Kiyokata] Began his career ca. 1901 with newspapers...His wife served as model for some of the scenes. Many illustrations printed by woodblock; single-sheet prints published by Satoh Shotaro in 1901." See below], p.50-51. . *** Per Brown and Goodall-Cristante: "Kiyokata produced late Ukiyo-e-style prints, Nihonga [Japanese style pictures] and a few Shin-hanga...A transitional figure he was also the teacher of such important Shin-hanga artists as Hasui and Ito Shinsui, Hashiguchi Goyo." See below, pp.20-21. . *** CONDITION: Clear background, at right edge a touch of some purple dots most likely some rub-off from an opposing print from the book in which this was removed from. No fading or damage to the print. A very small & minor amount of color bleed on the woman's left arm where the color bled to her arm. A very tiny bit of the same purple jus near her right ear. Else the RareOrientalBooks.Com print is in truly in excellent, collector's condition. The back is clean. . 2. The second print shows another lovely Meiji period woman at her toilet. She views herself in a mirror while holding another mirror in her left hand to reflect off the facing mirror. She sees the back of her neck and her coiffeur. Her lips pare red and he face and skin is flawless. There is a bit of reverse burnishing on her black Obi sash belt which is an attractive and very subtle feature. . CONDITION: The background is clear no fading, there is a touch of background color variation just above her hair and mirror. On her right forearm, left hand and back ground & right shoulder background there is a minor bit of oxidation which comes after about 100 years, which is normal as the paper and colors oxidize. Else this is a lovely print in excellent collector's condition. . *** HOW WE GRADE CONDITION: We tend to be overly meticulous in our assessment of condition of these and other prints, books, maps and items we list. Please see the scans posted to our site, or ask for higher quality photo images if there are any concerns. They are probably in better condition that we suggest, pointing every minute flaw possible ! . *** REFERENCES: ROBERTS, Laurance P.: A DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.63. * MERRITT, Helen; MODERN JAPANESE WOODBLOCK PRINTS: pp.22,54,61,95 and also the illustration on p 23: "Woman of Tsukiji." * MERRITT, Helen & Nanako Yamada: GUIDE TO MODERN JAPANESE WOODBLOCK PRINTS: 1900-1975: p.50 * BROWN, Kendall H. & Hollis Goodall-Cristante: SHIN-HANGA NEW PRINTS IN MODERN JAPAN: p.20-21. * STEPHENS, Amy R. THE NEW WAVE: Twentieth Century Japanese Prints From the R.O. Muller Collection: pp.106-108, plates 79-82. Please note that all of the illustrations show the figures looking to their right or over their right shoulder which was his trademark. The compositions are remarkably like our examples. * Google search: ri=hp&cp=18&gs_id=4&xhr=t&q=kaburagi+kiyokata&bav=on.2,or.r_ gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bpcl=39314241&biw=819&bih=470&wrapid=tljp13542 2181439000&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=9 ci3ULPqEcTKiwK3qYDYCw . Per the above link there are several prints which reflect the posture of our 2nd print, a woman looking over her right shoulder, which was a common trait of his. By and large a large number of his works are a woman looking RareOrientalBooks.Com to the right, which is exactly what our print subject is doing *** $546 A COMPREHENSIVE ART REFERENCE SOURCE BOOK Book Number: 92133202 745 KADOKAWA SHOTEN. ed. JAPAN: A PICTORIAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE ORIENTAL ARTS. New York [1969], Crown. Brown cloth, 4 vol. set,very clean, 356 color, 676 b.w. photos, 258+250+254+254 pp., 18.5 x 26 cm., bright, solid copy. COMPLETE 4 VOL SET. FIRST EDITION A comprehensive art reference, covering: Pre-historic-Nara periods 3rd B.C.-793 A.D. Early Heian-Kamakura 794-1333. . Muromachi-Early Edo 1334-1715. Late Edo-post war 1716-1968. . This work addresses the rich retrospective art historic past in terms of Buddhist art, sculpture, painting, ceramics, architecture, modern art & paintings, & virtually the whole spectrum of Japanese art works, graphic & three dimensional. * This is a 4 volume set, appropriate postage applies. * $26 Book Number: 84140702 746 KAEMMERER, Eric A. TRADES AND CRAFTS OF OLD JAPAN: Leaves from a Contemporary Album. Rutland [1961], Tuttle. Grey cloth, very good, 112p., 49 color & b.w. plates, contained in a cloth covered box, clean solid. FIRST EDITION This monograph covers the art and artwares created by the skilled craftsmen. Illustrated and covered are brush shop, screen dyeing, Shibori (cloth) dyeing, embroidery, dyer's shop, weaver, silk yarns, maker of silk cord, needlemaker, eating house, fishmonger, yeast maker, Somen (noodle) maker, pharmacist, carpenter, toolsmith, rush mat maker, bamboo and blind maker, paper making, trunk maker, cooper, fanmaker, umbrellas, lacquer shop and laquerers, bronze foundry, book shop & binder, armorer, saddlecloths, caps, tobacconist,Koto maker and a host of other fascinating subjects covered, 49 in all. RareOrientalBooks.Com $9 Book Number: 85014401 747 KAEMPFER, H.M. ed. THE FASCINATING WORLD OF THE JAPANESE ARTIST: A Collection of Essays on Japanese Art by Members of the S.J.A.C. The Hague 1978, S.J.A.C. Stiff wrs., 83p., 93 b.w. plates, very good, 18 x 24.5 cm. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION A series of essays: TALES OF THE WOODBLOCK TELL: Notes on Japanese Act or Prints of the Katsukawa School by H. R. W. KUHNE and R. KEYES. YOSHITOSHI AND JAPANESE PRINTS OF THE MEIJI ERA by C. Mitchell. KATSUKAWA SHUNEN, A LITTLE-KNOWN PRINT-MASTER by H. Kaempfer. H ISTORICAL ERAS IN UKIYO-E by R. Lane. COPIES OF SQUARE SURIMONO by R. Keyes and A TREASURE HUNT IN JAPAN, 1936 by Lilla S. Perry. Nicely done. $26 AN EXCELLENT TEXT ON VARIOUS KABUKI PLAYS IN JAPAN Book Number: 29026801 748 KAGAYAMA, Naozoh. KABUKI NO KATA: FORMS OF KABUKI. [Tokyo 1957, Sogensha]. Grey cloth over blue tye-died cloth, very clean copy, 18 x 26 cm., 240., Japanese text, 397 b. w. large photos + large number of smaller b. w. photos, color frontispiece. FIRST EDITION A comprehensive text, shows and discusses a wide variety of classic Kabuki plays. The profuse number of photos give this book an extra bonus, showing the lavish costumes, state, and actors at their craft. * Book Number: 96128501 749 KAGEYAMA, Haruki. et al. SHINTO ARTS OF JAPAN: Nature, Gods and Man in Japan. New York [1976], Japan Society. Stiff red wrs., very clean, 169p., glossary, bibliography, co-author Christine Kanda, over 70 color &,covering some 50 superb examples, solid nice copy. FIRST EDITION An excellent work, covers Kami & nature, Emperor, community, Suijaku. Also the varities of Shinto art: archaelogical material, sculpture, painting, Mishotai & Kakebotoke. With keen RareOrientalBooks.Com $14 descriptions of some 50 items. Also items from cults: Kasuga Hachiman, Sanno, Kumano, Zao Gongen, Kitano Tenjin, Ema and others. Highly useful, beautiful monograph. $20 Book Number: 94086101 750 KAGEYAMA, Haruki. ARTS OF SHINTO. Arts of Japan Series 4. Tokyo 1973, Weatherhill. Orange boards, very clean, index bibliography, glossary, translated by C. Guth, 24 color, 114 b.w. photos, 143p., solid copy in nice dust jacket. FIRST EDITION This excellent art reference covers the "Way of the Gods" or the art forms of Japan's native religion, and also of Buddhist art works, which are incorporated into native Shinto. . Highly influenced by Buddhist art forms, Shinto came to express art in both that of Buddhist & mysterious forms. . Highly ethereal in quality, it has its own special characteristics. Covering the varieties of Shinto art, shrine treasures, sculpture, paintings of Shinto deities, art of the Kasuga, Hachiman, Sanno & Kumano cults. . A very nicely done monograph. $10 Book Number: 94086102 751 KAGEYAMA, Haruki. ARTS OF SHINTO. Arts of Japan Series 4. Tokyo 1973, Weatherhill. Stiff wrs.,very clean, index, 143p. bibliography, glossary, translated by C. Guth, 24 color, 114 b.w. photos, solid copy. FIRST EDITION This excellent art reference covers the "Way of the Gods" or the art forms of Japan's native religion, and also of Buddhist art works, which are incorporated into native Shinto. . Highly influenced by Buddhist art forms, Shinto came to express art in both that of Buddhist & mysterious forms. . Highly ethereal in quality, it has its own special characteristics. Covering the varieties of Shinto art, shrine treasures, sculpture, paintings of Shinto deities, art of the Kasuga, Hachiman, Sanno & Kumano cults. . A very nicely done monograph. Book Number: 95092001 752 KAMAKURA MUSEUM. KAMAKURA MUSEUM. RareOrientalBooks.Com $10 [Kamakura c.1970 Kamakura]. Black pictorial wrappers, very clean, 24p., 11 b.w. photos, solid copy. Statues, portraits, bronzes, lacquers, &c. are depicted inthis catalogue. Includes a brief commentary relating to themyths and artifacts of the works in the museum. $19 WITH MANY HAND-MADE SAMPLES, LIMITED EDITION OF 250 COPIES Book Number: 84176301 753 KAMIMURA, Rokuro. ETCHU SAN SHI TE KAGAMI: HANDMADE PAPER OF ETCHIU AREA IN TOYOYAMA PREFECTURE [Japan]. Kyoto 1954, Washi Kenkyukai. Rose stitched stiff wrs., very good, folding box with paper label, ivory clasps, 44p. 3 maps, 2 b.w. illustrations, 60 tipped in paper samples, ca. 22 x 30 cm. FIRST & ONLY LIMITED EDITION OF 250 COPIES A beautiful work, nicely bound with hand-made paper covered boards, printed on double folded hand made papers, numbered samples, and large folding maps showing the paper-makers of the area. A bright flawless copy. The art of the book, paper & binding nicely done, Japanese text. Color scans can be sent by email. $400 EXCELLENT ARTICLES FROM THE JOURNAL OF ART STUDIES Book Number: 41020901 754 KAMIYA, Eiko. et al. A GIFT AND EMBROIDERED DOBUKU HANDED DOWN BY THE KIKKAWA FAMILY. With Two Other Essays: Seki Chiyo: DRAWINGS BY HOGAI Tokyo 1973, Bijutsu Kenkyu. Stiff buff wrs., Japanese text, English table of contents, color & b.w. photos, 21 x 30 cm., very good, with index to Nos. 281-286 May 1972-March 1973. this being no. 286, March 1973, clean copy. EARLY AMERICAN MISSIONARIES IN N. CALIFORNIA & JAPAN 1900 RareOrientalBooks.Com $43 Book Number: 32011501 755 [KAMMERER, Lena W.] A PHOTO ALBUM OF A JOURNEY TO SAN FRANCISCO, MARIN COUNTY, YOSEMETE AND MISSIONARY RESIDENCY AT USHIGOME, JAPAN. 1900-1904. Black cloth oblong photo album,ca 27.5 x 18.5 cm. contains 37 b.w., 1 color photos 38 in all,very clean, clear images, each with white script captions by Lena Kammerer from Superior, Nebraska, with caption dates. Ms. Lena W. Kammerer 15 Feb. 1875 - 8 Jan. 1957, is buried in Evergreen - Lawrence, Nebraska, and the statistics show her husband's name and other details. See reference below. * The album is nicely signed by Lena on the inside cover, along with "July 2, 1902. There are 2 photos per page except for the first and the last which are just one large photo. . From the photos and captions its easy to understand that Lena and her sisters and husband left Nebraska for San Francisco and a bit of touring prior to sailing on to Japan. . ARRIVAL AND TOUR OF CALIFORNIA: . The album documents a bit of their leisure time prior to departure for Japan while in Northern California, and then some memorable moments while on duty in Japan. . YOSEMITE: The work begins with a large b.w. photo of Lena and her group on horseback. "A party at Yosemite Valley, Cal. ready for a trip to Glacier Point 3257 ft. above valley. June 24, 1901." [8 x 12.5 cm.] . MARIN COUNTY: The next photo shows Lena and a companion at the "Summit at Mt. Temalpais" [Marin County, N. Calif.], with another of two men on a high cliff "Do you see yourself picking huckleberries." [size 9 x 9 cm.] . The next page shows two more photos "Large rock Mt. Temalpais Sept. 18, 1900" and "Overhanging Rock." [size ca 9 x 12 cm.] RareOrientalBooks.Com . The next page shows two photos with five people: 2 men, 3 women. Rev. Cordes and Rev. Althonse, along with initials for the others: "A.W.K.; L.W.K. [Lena !]; S.M.B. at Mt. Temalpais, Sept. 18, 1900. The other photo shows "A.M.K. & S.M.B." We now know which is Lena, and her photo. [size ca 9 x 12 cm.] * THE PARTY SAILS FOR JAPAN: . LIFE IN USHIGOME: . The party sailed off to Japan, the next photo pages show "Anna M. Kammerer [A.M.K. who's photo we now observe from above photo], "At Home, In Japan, Oct 10, 1900." "Our Ushigome Church, Tokio, Japan." Obviously, we see the group has taken residence in Japan, serving the Ushigome church. [size 9 x 9 cm.] . They spent four years in Tokyo doing missionary work at the Ushigome [Protestant] Church [in Japanese: Ushigome Haraikatamachi]. . OUT OF SEQUENCE: SAN FRANCISCO The next photos are out of date sequence: "Golden Gate Park, Frisco, Cal. Sept 20, 1900." Shows two photos. [size 9 x 9 cm.] . Opposite page shows "Lake, Island, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, Cal." [size 9 x 9 cm.] * JAPAN CONTINUED: . "New Years Gathering, Jan 3, 1901." "Our Asakura Home" and "A snap of two of my scholars." [size 9 x 9 cm.] . Opposite page: "S.S. picnic, Tokio" & "S.S. picnic, Japan, 1901." [size 9 x 9 cm.] . "Rice fields, and Mts. 1901, Tokio, Japan." and "Blooming cherry tree near Ushigome church, Japan." [size 9 x 9 cm.] . "Shinto Temple Gate, Tokio, Japan, 1901" and "Shinto temple." [size 9 x 9 cm.] . Street decoration for an Idol festival, 1901." and "Japan 1901." also "Street." [size 9 x 9 cm.] . "Buildings all belong to one man." and "1902." [size 9 x 9 cm.] . "S.S. Picnic Japan." and "Mist raning [sic for raining] fall Tokio, Japan." [size 9 x 9 cm.] . This photo shows Lena in a jinrikisha, with coolie puller. And "Mt. Ataga, Karuizawa Japan." [size 9 x 9 cm.] . "Idol gods along country roadside near Nikko, Japan." and "Village, large residence on the hill is for the Royal Family 1904" in color. [size 13.5 x 8.6 cm.] * RareOrientalBooks.Com OUT OF DATE SEQUENCE: SAN FRANCISCO & GOLDEN GATE: "Frisco, as we passed the Golden Gate." and "Sausalito from the ferry." [size 9 x 9 cm.] * HAWAII: "The Rio. That sank Feb. 15, 1901." and "The Wharf at Honolulu." [size 9 x 9 cm.] * The last is a large photo: "Oct. 15, 1904. Tokio, Japan." This shows nine people: 4 women & 5 men. There are no captions to identify the people but looking at an earlier photo with initials, its possible to know who they were. [18 x 12.5 cm.] *** We can surmise that Lena and her sisters and husband all went to Japan as missionaries and spent four years living at the Ushigome church. . During the summer swelter, like most Japanese of means and foreigners, these missionaries went to take up residence at Karuizawa. It was a cool mountain area, commonly use as an escape of the unbearable Tokyo sultry weather. **** The balance of the album has a series of clippings from a guide book on Egypt, Europe, and other places, perhaps relating to a return trip home ? ******* CONDITION: The photos are very clean, sharp images, no fading and no other defects. Each is laid down on black album pages, with important and informative white ink captions. * REFERENCES: We found a reference to Ms. Kammerer at: eryK.htm. * Color scans of this and most other items are posted to our website. $700 Book Number: 95264201 756 KANAYA HOTEL. KANAYA HOTEL, NIKKO, JAPAN. [Nikko ca.1890, Kanaya]. White pictorial wrappers, stitched spine, 15.5 x 11 cm., 24+[21]p., folding color illustration, 21 b.w. collotype photos, folding color pocket map, clean, solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION A very nice little book, with good photos of Yumoto Lake, Kegon Fall, Chuzenji Lake, Kirifuri Fall &c. Also describes Nikko & its neighborhood. Convenient pocket size guidebook. A MOST VALUABLE AND USEFUL COLOR ART REFERENCE RareOrientalBooks.Com $100 Book Number: 94114501 757 KANAZAWA, Hiroshi. JAPANESE INK PAINTING: Early Zen Masterpieces. Tokyo 1979, Kodansha. Red & grey boards, very clean, 210p., index, glossary, bibliography, chronology, 151 illustrations illustrated seals & signature index, solid copy in nice dust jacket. FIRST EDITION Translated & adapted by Barbara Ford. . This is an excellent scholarly monograph addressing the origins & scope, major themes and evolution of style, with essays on the painters, schools and conclusions. . Highly useful art history. * A STUNNING EXAMPLE ARTIST SIGNED & SEALED, 200 ONLY EDITION Book Number: 25053701 758 KASAMATSU, Shiro. YU ZORA NIPPORI SUWA JINJIA: EVENING SKY SUWA SHRINE. Tokyo 1932, Watanabe. A single sheet Oban color woodcut,very clean excellent example, artist signed and sealed in lower right corner, 26.5 x 38.6 cm., Japanese title, date in left margin. FIRST LIMITED EDITION OF 200 ONLY COPIES . ** ** ** . . "YU ZORA NIPPORI SUWA JINJA or " EVENING SKY SUWA SHRINE" . . THE FIRST & ONLY SMALL LIMITED EDITION OF 200 COPIES ONLY . . *** SUBJECT OF THIS PRINT: This stunning print shows the stone steps and Torii RareOrientalBooks.Com $34 [gateway] leading to the Shinto Shrine at dusk. . *** THE ARTIST SIGNED PRINT, SMALL EDTION OF 200 ONLY Signed at lower right, Shiro, red seal, "Shiro-in" his Hanko [chop/seal]. Left margin: the Japanese title, date Showa Shichi Nen Aki [Autumn Showa 7th year [1932]. Right margin shows copyright stamp of the publisher, Watanabe of Tokyo, using about 20 blocks, superimposed printings about 25, printed in an edition of 200 only. Per Blair below. This print has the 'sausage' seal of Watanabe, used 1929-1942. . *** . WHO WAS THE ARTIST KASAMATSU SHIRO: . Kasamatsu Shiro [1898-1991] was a painter & printmaker, he produced his first color woodblock print in 1919. He studied painting under Kaburagi Kiyochika. He is one of the very few contemporary printmakers to actually carve his own blocks and do his own printing. He specialized in landscape, portraits, with focus on Tokyo views. . He was a respected painter and woodblock artist, he is ranked among the ten very best of the Shin-hanga artists. His works were published by Watanabe up to the 1930's, and also used Unsodo, who had become and excellent woodblock book and print publisher. His blocks were lost during the Kanto earthquake of 1923. He later changed from Shin-hanga to the Sosaku style. Extracted from Roberts & Wikipedia below. *** REFERENCES: BLAIR, Dorothy.: MODERN JAPANESE PRINTS: From a Photographic Reproduction of 2 Catalogs of Modern Japanese Prints 1930 & 1936 Editions, #167, dated Showa 7th year, right margin copyright stamp of publisher Watanabe, blocks about 20, superimposed printins, about 25, FIRST & ONLY EDITION OF 200. Also a full page illustration in the 1936 catalog on p. ix. * ROBERTS, Laurance P.: A DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS: PAINTING, SCULPTURE, CERAMICS, PRINTS, LACQUER, p.70. * Helen Merritt and Nanako Yamada.: Guide to Modern Japanese Woodblock Prints: 1900-1975 * Helen Merritt.: Modern Japanese Woodblock Prints - The early years. * Oliver Statler.: Modern Japanese Prints: An Art Reborn * WATANABE, Shozaburo. comp.: CATALOGUE OF WOOD-CUT COLOR PRINTS BY CONTEMPORARY JAPANESE ARTISTS, P.28, k-5. * KASAMATSU SHIRO: *** Color scans of this and most other items are posted to our website. RareOrientalBooks.Com $818 ENGLISH INDEX TO THE MAIN TEXT Book Number: 27022201 759 [KATO, Junzo. comp.] INDEX ONLY FOR: GENDAI NIPPON HANGA TAIKEI: GREAT COLLECT OF MODERN WOODBLOCK COLOR PRINTS [SHIN-HANGA] A XEROX COPY OF OUR OWN COMPILED INDEX, 14 A4 pages, stapled very good. This index is a key to the illustrations found in the 3 volume set, covering 834 color prints,in artist order. *** ! ! THIS IS THE INDEX ONLY, NOT THE 3 VOL. SET ! ! *** This index was not found in the original book. We compiled this to give full access to every work by each artist. A valuable assed to the book providing quick and easy access to each print. * The on-board index simply listed each work and its details with Romanized artist names. Our index supplements this and makes the book easier to use saving a lot of time flipping through to find a given print. In alphabetical order by artist name, along with each print title and page & volume number. Nicely done ! * Please see our entry for the three volume set: by Juzo Kato: GENDAI NIPPON HANGA TAIKEI: GREAT COLLECTION OF MODERN WOODBLOCK COLOR PRINTS [SHIN HANGA], or inquire directly with us to see if we have this major resource in stock. * THE MOST VALUABLE & COPIOUS SINGLE REFERENCE ON SHIN-HANGA Book Number: 84356601 760 [KATO, Junzo. comp.] KIN DAI NIPPON HANGA TAIKEI: GREAT COLLECTION OF MODERN JAPANESE WOODBLOCK COLOR PRINTS. [SHIN-HANGA] RareOrientalBooks.Com $36 [Tokyo 1975-76, Mainichi]. Folio, 3 vol. set, fine copy as new, purple cloth, with black cloth clam-shell boxes, in original cardboard cases, 278+13, 315+19, 257+17 pages,with English index. FIRST & ONLY SUPERB EDITION RARE ! *** *** *** . . FIRST & ONLY DELUXE FOLIO EDITION . . ILLUSTRATING PRINTS IN FULL ORIGINAL SIZE & COLOR . . A MOST SUPERB SHIN-HANGA REFERENCE . . AS NEW COPY-FLAWLESS . . Difficult to find, three large folio bookS, in superb like new condition with the matching clam-shall boxes. . The most superb and comprehensive reference ever done on Shin-Hanga. It contains a total of 834 fine color plates, most of which are full size and in true to the original color. Each volume has an English index, with artist name, title, dimensions, technique & date listed. The on-board index shows English or Romanized names of the artists and details of the print, the balance of text is in Japanese. . *** This substantial and major resource depicts the work of Japan's greatest Shin Hanga artists, listing hundreds of artists both foreign & Japanese. Including: Inoue, Bigot, Kobayashi, Ishii, Oda, Okamoto, Sakamoto, Goyo Hashiguchi, H. Yamamoto, Yoshida, Ito Shinsui, Kawase Hasui, S. Natori, Yumeiji Takehisa, Hasegawa, Maekawa, Onchi, Maeda and Sekino. Also Kitaoka, Mori, K. Saito, Munakata, Torii, Jacoulet, Torii Kotondo and many other artists yet to be discovered by the West. . *** An exceptionally important and valuable reference source book, illustrating the modern century of Japanese woodblock printing. An essential tool for any serious collector, student, reference library, museum and lover of Japanese prints. Seldom found on the market now, by and large the most important and useful of all references on Shin-hanga woodcut prints. . *** FIRST AND ONLY EDITION. Because this is the one and only edition, and has been long out-of print, it is always RARE and is extremely difficult to find. Highly coveted by collectors and dealers, it is now among the most difficult of Shin Hanga references to acquire. . It is the corner-stone of any Japanese print reference collection. It allows exact comparison with the original vs. a print in hand to be examined and scrutinized against an original found in the museum. The stunning "true-to-original" color & size makes this work important for comparing prints. Exact size is an important plus when considering purchase & making comparison of prints. . RareOrientalBooks.Com *** OUR ENGLISH TRANSLATED INDEX: We have taken considerable time to compile a new and comprehensive artist name index which was not found in the original. This new index gives the user rapid access to finding every print by artist name, making this book that much more useful. We will provide a copy of this index with the book. . *** CONDITION: Stunning copy, excellent condition, as issued, in original black cloth clam-shell Deluxe cases, in fine condition, as issued from the publisher. . *** This is a very large and heavy set. Appropriate extra packing, insurance and shipping charges apply. At our option we may ship by Federal Express. . *** THE MOST VALUABLE & COPIOUS SINGLE REFERENCE ON SHIN-HANGA Book Number: 84356602 761 [KATO, Junzo. comp.] KIN DAI NIPPON HANGA TAIKEI: GREAT COLLECTION OF MODERN JAPANESE WOODBLOCK COLOR PRINTS. [SHIN-HANGA] [Tokyo 1975-76, Mainichi]. Folio, 30 x 40.5 cm., 3 vol. set very good, purple cloth, with black cloth clam-shell boxes, 278+13, 315+19, 257+17 pages, with English index, profuse color plates. FIRST & ONLY SUPERB EDITION RARE ! *** *** *** . . FIRST & ONLY DELUXE FOLIO EDITION . . ILLUSTRATING PRINTS IN FULL ORIGINAL SIZE & COLOR . . A MOST SUPERB SHIN-HANGA REFERENCE . . AS NEW COPY-FLAWLESS . . Difficult to find, three large folio bookS, in superb like new condition with the matching clam-shall boxes. . The most superb and comprehensive reference ever done on Shin-Hanga. It contains a total of 834 fine color plates, RareOrientalBooks.Com $2275 most of which are full size and in true to the original color. Each volume has an English index, with artist name, title, dimensions, technique & date listed. The on-board index shows English or Romanized names of the artists and details of the print, the balance of text is in Japanese. . *** This substantial and major resource depicts the work of Japan's greatest Shin Hanga artists, listing hundreds of artists both foreign & Japanese. Including: Inoue, Bigot, Kobayashi, Ishii, Oda, Okamoto, Sakamoto, Goyo Hashiguchi, H. Yamamoto, Yoshida, Ito Shinsui, Kawase Hasui, S. Natori, Yumeiji Takehisa, Hasegawa, Maekawa, Onchi, Maeda and Sekino. Also Kitaoka, Mori, K. Saito, Munakata, Torii, Jacoulet, Torii Kotondo and many other artists yet to be discovered by the West. . *** An exceptionally important and valuable reference source book, illustrating the modern century of Japanese woodblock printing. An essential tool for any serious collector, student, reference library, museum and lover of Japanese prints. Seldom found on the market now, by and large the most important and useful of all references on Shin-hanga woodcut prints. . *** FIRST AND ONLY EDITION. Because this is the one and only edition, and has been long out-of print, it is always RARE and is extremely difficult to find. Highly coveted by collectors and dealers, it is now among the most difficult of Shin Hanga references to acquire. . It is the corner-stone of any Japanese print reference collection. It allows exact comparison with the original vs. a print in hand to be examined and scrutinized against an original found in the museum. The stunning "true-to-original" color & size makes this work important for comparing prints. Exact size is an important plus when considering purchase & making comparison of prints. . *** OUR ENGLISH TRANSLATED INDEX: We have taken considerable time to compile a new and comprehensive artist name index which was not found in the original. This new index gives the user rapid access to finding every print by artist name, making this book that much more useful. We will provide a copy of this index with the book. . *** CONDITION: Stunning copy, excellent condition, as issued, in original black cloth clam-shell Deluxe cases, in fine condition, as issued from the publisher. . *** This is a very large and heavy set. Appropriate extra packing, insurance and shipping charges apply. At our option we may ship by Federal Express. . RareOrientalBooks.Com *** $2254 Book Number: 84141301 762 KATOH, Lynn. JAPANESE CERAMICS. [Tokyo c.1960, n.p.]. Japanese stitched binding, 34p., color plates, very good, 16.5 x 24 cm., excellent reference work, clean solid copy. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION An excellent brief monograph, addressing many of the native Japanese kilns & pottery, ceramic types. A useful resource. Book Number: 27039801 763 KATSUYAMA, Shigetaro. [NO TITLE]. AN ALBUM OF JAPANESE WOMEM ENJOYING THE SEASONS OF THE YEAR IN CELEBRATION: JANUARY THROUGH SEPTEMBER. Tokyo 1892, Bijutsu Chakushokusha. Grass covered boards,with title slip blank, accordion folded, 9 color lithographs,very good, Japanese captions,12 x 17.5 cm. opens to 24 x 17.5 cm. an obscure example. AN OBSCURE WORK ! This lovely and charming work is a group of pastel-colored lithographs of activities for each of the first nine months of the year, with its associated celebration or seasonal activity. A typical Meiji period lithographed picture book in the native artistic tradition. * The illustrations are: * January: Shuttlecock for New Years celebrations * February; Plum tree blossom viewing * March: Gathering & picking flowers * April: Running after cherry blossoms * May: Wisteria flowers in Kameido RareOrientalBooks.Com $10 * June: Listening to music during the rainy season * July: Cooling off by the Sumida River * August: Oiso Beach * September: Taking a walk in the new snow * Each image occupies two pages, for a size of 21.5 x 13.5 overall including margins: 24 x 17.5 cm. Each is delicately colored in pastels. * Condition: The covers: are a kind of hand-made "grass-paper" with woven fibers laid down over the boards with a blank title slip. There are a few spots to the front and a larger pair on the back, otherwise clean. The images nine are clean, the last shows some minor surface soil and a mend to the center fold. * The artist, Katsuyiama Shigetaro was a well-known lithographer of the period, who did stunning and Deluxe sized graphics mostly of beautiful women during the Meiji period 1868-1912. * A MOST CHARMING NANGA STYLE ACCORDION FOLDING SET OF ALBUMS Book Number: 85003302 764 KAWABATA, Gyokusho. SHUGA HYAKU DAI: A HUNDRED SUBJECTS FOR LESSONS IN PAINTING. [Tokyo 1898, Yoshikawa]. Buff accordion folded boards, 4 of 5 volumes: covers-vols. 1-3 buff; vols.4-5 yellow covers a bit dusty, contents clean, solid, a small stain on 1 image, 48 color woodcuts on double pages, else clean solid. When complete, the whole work contains some 60 color woodcut illustrations done in the Shijo style. * Each volume has 12 double folded illustrations in color, the entire work was woodblock printed on hand-made Washi paper. It was issued in a single, FIRST & ONLY EDITION. * The work represents a tender approach to art, with delicate flowing brush lines in a minimalist-Zen way. He limits color which is a "distraction" and focuses on the use of Sumi [black ink] against white paper. He realizes his goal to transmit the shape and substance of his impression of RareOrientalBooks.Com $248 objects and people he perceives. The good-taste in which color is used to reflect the "true nature" is done in the most "Shibui" way, therefore giving the impression, that color is a luxury and to be used sparingly and only when necessary. Typical of Zen artists, this work refreshes and gives one's mind "space" to ingest the image with ease. * The subjects are typical Japanese and Chinese, devotion to a pair of eggplants, a Chinese sage, two sprigs of yet unopened fern [Warabi a delicacy], Mt. Fuji, two wheat grass heads, fanning the Hibachi-fire for tea, cherry blossoms, iris, a bird eating rice grains, a loquat, bamboo and a crane, a clump of ripe grapes, turtle [sign of longevity]. Kitsune or Fox God, birds, flowers, leaves, sleeping God, cherry blossom viewing with the moon, a stag, wisteria, Koi carp, honorable ancient pine tree, bird & Momiji [Japanese maple in autumn], a lobster, bamboo, morning glories, a blue-eyed Siamese cat, mouse, puffer fish, court Noble & wife, landscape at dusk &c... --- It does not get any better than this ! * Per Roberts below we summarize and quote: "Kawabata Gyokusho [1842-1913] was a Shijo painter, born in Kyoto to a family of lacquer artists. He first studied Maruyuama style with Nakajima Raisho. In 1866 he went to Tokyo to study Western style painting under Charles Wirgman. Not liking that style he soon return to the traditional Japanese style painting and became a leading figure in Tokyo art circles and in 1890 professor in charge of the painting division espousing the Shijo school style at the Tokyo School of Fine Arts. In 1909 he founded the Kawabata painting school, and had a good number of pupils who became well know. He was a member of the Nihon Bijutsu Kyokai and the Imperial Art Commission. Considered the last great representative of the Shijo school. In his later years the sought to combine Chinese, Japanese and Western elements into his paintings. His work is quite delicate, making use of Japanese techniques in a realistic manner. A most competent artist." Well collected by world museums and institutions. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: * C. Mitchell: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN: A Bibliography: p.492 * K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE AND CHNESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS: p.426 * L. Brown: BLOCK PRNTING AND BOOK ILLUSTRATION IN JAPAN: p.202. * L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS: p.71. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $369 Book Number: 92131701 765 KAWAHARA, Masahiko. THE CERAMIC ART OF OGATA KENZAN. [Tokyo 1985, Kodansha]. Grey boards,very clean, dj., 151p., index, glossary, map, 29 color, 112 b.w. photos, 411 figures glossary. Translated & adapted by R. Wilson,a pristine copy, nice, solid. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION Covers Kenzan and the tradition of Kyoto ceramics, the life of Ogata Kenzan, technique and style of Kenzan ware. Dated Kenzan ware and the Kenzan signature. A useful monograph. . $22 LIMITED NUMBERED EDITION OF 1000 COPIES Book Number: 20050901 766 [KAWAHARA, Masahiko]. IMARI WARE: BLUE-AND-WHITE LARGE DISHES. [Kyoto 1974], Kyoto Shoin. Blue cloth, large folio, 30.5 x 39.5 cm., board slipcase, very good, 266p., 224 color & b.w. photos, English & Japanese captions & list of plates. A LIMITED NUMBERED EDITION OF 1000 COPIES ONLY This excellent monograph shows a wide variety of examples in large format, close-up photography renders this a most useful reference to any collector or student. Many of the examples are photographed in full size, patterns clearly shown for ease of identification. A LIMITED NUMBERED EDITION OF 250 COPIES Book Number: 91092001 767 KAWAKAMI, Sumi. EZO GA SHIMA. RareOrientalBooks.Com $187 [Kawakami 1978]. Folding red board box, 7 hand-colored prints painted by Kawakami Fujitsu, this is copy #12, clean and solid copy. R A R E FIRST & ONLY NUMBERED EDITION A beautiful book, showing Ainu life style, Japanese text, excellent "art book," nicely illustrated. Showing an Ainu couple drinking Sake, hunting fish and birds, woman breast feeding, fish & deer, Ainu artifacts & astronomy. Nice work. * $126 A GRAND REFERERNCE ON OKINAWAN FOLK & OTHER ART CRAFTS Book Number: 97020402 768 KAWAKITA, Michiaki. et al. CRAFT TREASURES OF OKINAWA. London [1978], Serindia. Mustard cloth,very clean, 294p., dj index, chronology, 2 maps, 286 color & b.w. plates, notes on the plates, folio, translated by E. Kaneko, nice dj., very colid copy. FIRST ENGLISH EDITION Co-authors were S. Hokama, Y. Tokugawa, H. Arakawa, Y. Kamakura. This is a major contribution done under the auspices of the National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto. It cover the Okinawan history, handicrafts, ceramics, musical instruments and lacquer ware & textiles. Drawing upon the leading experts in the field in Japan, renders this an authoritative & reliable resource. Beautifully photographed in full color, superb examples are given of striking and precious art works from the rich and copious Okinawan islands. China & Southeast Asia were the inspiration for much of the Ryukyu native folk arts. All objects are photographed up-close, with true colors executed. A major reference on the subject. Color scans can be sent by email. Book Number: 22085901 769 KAWAKITA, Michiaki. GENDAI NIPPON BIJITSU ZEN SHU: MODERN JAPANESE ART COMPLETE COLLECTION. [Tokyo 1953, Toto Bunka. Stiff wrs., very good, small folio tall 16 x 26.5 cm., Japanese text, 20 tipped in color, 56 bw photos + same amount in the descriptive text area, vol.I:38p plates + 56p. text + small plates; vol. I: 76P +58p. ditto. A stunning reference covers paintings from Meiji [1868] through Showa 10 [1935]. With copious notes on each of the 348 fine examples. A useful resource for any collector of modern Japanese paintings. Shows a large number of important and RareOrientalBooks.Com $78 marvelous works. $49 Book Number: 22085902 770 KAWAKITA, Michiaki. GENDAI NIPPON BIJITSU ZEN SHU: MODERN JAPANESE ART COMPLETE COLLECTION. [Tokyo 1953, Toto Bunka. Ochre cloth,very good, vol. 1 of 2, tall 16 x 26.5 cm., Japanese text, 20 tipped in color, 56 bw photos + same amount in the descriptive text area, vol.I:38p plates + 56p. text + small plates, complete with 104 photos. A stunning reference covers paintings from Meiji [1868] through Showa 10 [1935]. With copious notes on each of the 348 fine examples. A useful resource for any collector of modern Japanese paintings. Shows a large number of important and marvelous works. $26 Book Number: 84142301 771 KAWAKITA, Michiaki. KOBAYASHI KOKEI 1883-1957. Rutland [1957], Tuttle. Stiff wrs., very good, 47 color & bw fold-out plates, bibliography, chronology, 11.4 x 16 cm., solid copy. FIRST EDITION Excellent biography and monograph on this excellent artist. * English translation by Roy Andrew Miller. Kodansha Library of Art No. 11. * $5 Book Number: 84142302 772 KAWAKITA, Michiaki. KOBAYASHI KOKEI 1883-1957. Rutland [1960], Tuttle. Gold cloth, very good, dj. 47 b.w. & color plates, some fold outs, chronology, bibliography, 11.4 x 16 cm., very clean solid copy. Excellent biography and monograph on this excellent artist. * English translation by Roy Andrew Miller. Kodansha Library of Art No. 11. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $12 Book Number: 32025301 773 [KAWAKITA, Michiaki.] MUNAKATA SHIKO HANGYO DAIHYO SAKU TEN: EXHIBITION OF TYPICAL WOODBLOCK PRINTS BY MUNAKATA SHIKO. [Tokyo 1965 Asahi Shimbun]. Stiff color pictorial wrs., very good, 62 b.w. photos, [48]p., Japanese text, 18 x 26 cm., 62 exhibition works listed. An obscure exhibition catalogue. FIRST & ONLY EDITION. An excellent catalogue of exhibition catalogue, shows many fine examples not found elsewhere. * Book Number: 36023801 774 [KAWANABE, Kyosai. or KAWANABE KYOSAI SCHOOL.] OTO HIME GYORETSU ZU: OTO HIME DAUGHTER OF THE SEA GOD'S PARADE. [Japan 1860], n.p. Large sheet, 96 x 1m 44cm., gouache,very clean work no worming or other condition issues, painted on 16 joined sheets of Washi paper to make one large sheet,fine water-color painting. THIS IS AN ORIGINAL PAINTED ART WORK . FROM ONE OF JAPAN'S OLDEST ORIGINS OF THE EMPEROR . . OTOHIME is a goddess in Japanese mythology and is featured in the Kojiki as well as Nihon Shoki. . . . TITLE OF THE PAINTING: RareOrientalBooks.Com $53 . . OTOHIME GYO RETSU ZU: . . PROCESSION OF OTOHIME, DAUGHTER OF THE SEA GOD . Per the Japanese text brushed on the verso upper left corner: "239 ban, [dated] Ansei 7th, Kanoe-Saru-doshi, 2 gatsu jojun [end of February], OTOHIME GYO RETSU ZU" . English: "#239, [dated] Ansei 7th, monkey zodiac year, end of Feb.: [1860] . . PAINTING TITLE PER VERSO: . 'THE FIGURE OF PRINCESS OTOHIME'S PROCESSION, THE DAUGHTER OF THE SEA GOD" . "Toyotama-hime" [Japanese for "Lady Bountiful Soul"], better known as Otohime, is a goddess in Japanese mythology and is featured in the Kojiki as well as Nihon Shoki. She is the beautiful daughter of Ryujin, the "God of the Sea." . *** A STUNNING ORIGINAL POLYCHROME GOUACHE PAINTING: . This stunning original color watercolor painting. It shows the lively procession of OTOHIME, and her hand maid, she is followed by a flag bearer, and umbrella bearer, a man with a pair of deer antlers, a man with a small red offering table with peaches, the Wind God and his thunder-drum, another flag bearer, and his helper, followed by two others, one holds a staff, the other an offering of golden egg. . The symbolic items of good fortune and wealth in terms of deer antlers, peaches and a golden egg represent mythological items also used in China to evoke good luck and fortune. *** THE PAINTING: . Per the Japanese brushed text on the verso, there is a number found, meaning this panel of several was part of a larger work, per the chronology found in Clark [see below]. . This panel of several paintings was part of a restoraton of Zojo-ji [temple] in Shiba. In 1859, KANO Toei & Kyosai "participates in a repair project at the Zojo-ji temple." See Clark. . Although Kyosai had officially left the Kano school in 1854, by participating in the restoration of Tokugawa's family temple in Shiba, he was showing loyalty to the Tokugawa family a good reason to volunteer his skills to the temple. It is also noteworthy that his mentor [Kano Toei] also participated in the restoration, and in all likelyhood Kyosai joined his master in a sign of respect and loyalty to him. . Based on this chronology, it is clear Kyosai was one of the painters who worked at Zojo-ji temple along with his mentor and master teacher, Kano Toei. It was not uncommon at this time for schools to volunteer teachers and students to do RareOrientalBooks.Com temple restoration, and art work, painting, replacing or enhancing paintings and large murals. . This item's date matches the restoration dates for the Zojo-ji temple, which began in 1859 and continued into 1860. . For the facts and reasons above, we strongly believe this s work was executed by Kyosai, as part of the temple restoration. This panel was unused, in the restoration, it may have been a precurrsor to the final painting which was used in the restoration project. It matches the scenes found in Zojo-ji temple restoration. The work is the exact style of others painted by Kyosai, and his genre. The characitures of the people in this painting reflect Kyosai's comman theme of his eccentric humor, expressing his love for creativity and the joy of painting. . Roberts [below] also points out that Kyosai "was marked by a wild, eccentric humor...caricatures of full of fantasy and invention..." It is entirely within Kyosai's bizarre character to undertake and devote himself to such a project as illustrating the famous myth about OTOHIME in more than 200 extra large-size paintings. . This restoration project could also have been a 'paying job' for Kyosai as at that time, he did not seem to be employed but in 1858 he began to design "Kyoga [crazy pictures]. It was in 1857 he married Okyo, the daughter of a Rimpa painter Suzuki Kiitsu, but Okyo died in 1859, and he remarried Tose, who died in 1860. . It highly possible and more than likely that being a Buddhist, Kyosai made [Buddhist] pennants by doing temple work in as way to placate his loss of his wife... . THE STORY OF OTOHIME, DAUGHTER OF THE SEA GOD: . Because this this work was part of the Zojo-ji temple restoration, it can not be considered a commercial painting, one that was casually drawn and put on the market for sale. This was part of a commissioned restoration, financed by some benefactor to the temple, and most likely supported by the Tokugawa family. . ONE OF JAPAN'S EARLIEST AND MOST FAMOUS MYTHS: . The story of OTOHIME, DAUGHTER OF THE SEA GODD is one of Japan's oldest and most famous myths, known to all Japanese. Treasured as one of the most important in the ancient pantheon, it is found in the earliest writing aboout the origin of Japan and the Emperor, in the KOJIKI and the NIHON SHOKI. .????????? This kind of larger paper illustrated story would take months to complete, by It would also take devotion to the subject and focus, with responsibity to produce a good number of paints daily. This was something Kyosai could and would do ! . *** THE ARTIST/PAINTER: This work is unsigned, which is expected as part of a larger RareOrientalBooks.Com series of paintings. If this was the work of Kyosai, it falls entirely within plausible dates during his period of work, produced when he was 29 years old. . The caricature in the faces and fluid bodies in motion are very reminiscent of his style, and exceptionally resemble his work. Because there is no signature, but because it is clearly painted in the "style" and "Kyosai School" we are therefore attributing it to KAWANABE Kyosai/Gyosai, or the "GYOSAI SCHOOL." The third point we believe it is Kyosai work is the subject of the painting. These kinds of drawings are also found in his Kyosai Gaden [see below]. set. . *** THE SUBJECT OF THE PAINTING: THE FAMOUS JAPANESE MYTH: . "Luminous Jewel". A Japanese goddess, the beautiful daughter of the sea-king Ryujin. She married Hoori and gave birth to a son after which she turned into a dragon (her father's original shape). She is also called Toyotama.T * The Legend of Toyotama Princess Otohime. [Source: A Goddess A Day]. . Toyotama-hime is the Japanese Goddess of dragons and the sea. She is the daughter of the sea King Ryujin. She lived under the sea until a young hunter named Hikohohodemi-noMikoto came to the bottom of the sea, looking for a fishing hook that belonged to his brother. He usually hunted in the mountains, and his brother Honosusori-no-Mikoto fished, but they had decided to exchange equipment for a day. Hikohohodemi-no-Mikoto lost his brother�s best fishing hook and went under the sea to find it. Toyotama-hime saw him and asked her father to help him in his quest. He found the hook, and also found love with Toyotama-hime and they were married. . After a few years, Hikohohodemi-no-Mikoto began to long for the world above the sea. He convinced Toyotama-hime to go with him. She was pregnant with his child and consented, so long as he would promise not to watch when she gave birth. He agreed and they returned to the surface. Hikohohodemi-noMikoto built a house for them to live in, and it was not long until the time of the birth came. At first, he waited patiently outside, but his curiosity got the better of him, and he peeked inside. He saw a huge black dragon holding a tiny baby. Toyotama-hime, who had changed into her alternate form of the dragon to give birth, was ashamed that her husband had seen her in that form, and she left him and the baby and returned to the sea. She sent her younger sister, Tamayori, to help raise the child. The baby, HikonagisaTakeugaya-Fukiaezu-no-Mikoto, grew up to marry his aunt Tamayori, and their son, Kamuyamato-lwarebiko-no-Mikoto, eventually became known as Jimmu-Tenno, the first Emperor of Japan. . She is said to have married the hunter Hoori and gave birth to a son, Ugayafukiaezu, who in turn produced Emperor Jimmu, the first Emperor of Japan. After giving birth, she turned into a dragon or a "Wani" and flew away. See: Nihon Jinmei Daijiten [Toyotama-hime]. Tokyo: RareOrientalBooks.Com Shogakukan. 2012. . Tamahime-no-mikoto is also the principal deity worshipped at the Tagata shrine in Komaki, Aichi, famous for its phallic cult worship. . *** WHO WAS KAWANABE GYOSAI/KYOSAI: [1831-1889] Kawanabe Kyosaiwas a Japanese artist, in the words of a critic, "an individualist and an independent, perhaps the last virtuoso in traditional Japanese painting". . Living through the Edo period to the Meiji period, Kyosai witnessed Japan transform itself from a feudal country into a modern state. Born at Koga, he was the son of a Samurai. His first aesthetic shock was at the age of nine when he picked up a human head apart from a corpse in the Kanda river. After working for a short time as a boy with Utagawa Kuniyoshi, he received his artistic training in the Kano school, but soon abandoned the formal traditions for the greater freedom of the popular school. During the political ferment which produced and followed the revolution of 1867, Kyosai attained a reputation as a caricaturist. His very long painting on Makimono" [scroll] The battle of the farts" may be seen as a caricature of this ferment. He was arrested three times and imprisoned by the authorities of the Shogunate. Soon after the assumption of effective power by the Emperor, a great congress of painters and men of letters was held at which Kyosai was present. He again expressed his opinion of the new movement in a caricature, which had a great popular success, but also brought him into the hands of the police this time of the opposite party. After this time, he changed his name from Kyo [crazy/wild] to any one of 19 other "GO" he used, however after the police jailed him, he avoided use of "Kyo" but returned back to it with three other "GO" that used the same character "Kyo" [crazy/ wild], such as #7 "Baiga Kyosha," #10 "Kyosai, #12 Kyosha Gaishi, #16 "Shosho Kyosai,"". . Kyosai is considered by many to be the greatest successor of Hokusai, as well as the first political caricaturist of Japan. His work mirrored his life in its wild and undisciplined nature, and occasionally reflected his love of drink. Although he did not possess Hokusai's dignity, power or reticence, he compensated with a fantastic exuberance, which always lent interest to his technically excellent draughtsmanship. . In addition to his caricatures, Kyosai painted a large number of pictures and sketches, often choosing subjects from the folklore of his country, N� drama, nature and religion, for example The Temptation of Shaka Niorai or The goddess Kwannon on a dragon [on kakejiku frame]. A fine collection of these works is preserved in the British Museum; and there are also good examples in the National Art Library at South Kensington and the Guimet Museum at Paris. The Kawanabe Kyosai Memorial Museum, Japan. *** . REFERENCE: . More on OTOHIME: RareOrientalBooks.Com * KAWANABE Gyosao/Kyosai: Is well collected by world museums . Kyosai Gadan [1887 4 vol. set]: In this work, he outlines and exhibits a wide variety of "styles" of painting. In this work there are several examples of this kind or school of painting. . Wikipedia stated about this book: "The most important work about Kyosai's art and life was written by himself: Kyosai Gadan, or "Kyosai's Treatise on Painting", half autobiography and half painting manual. . Many westerners came to visit Kyosai, and their memoirs about the artist are valuable. The two important ones, both rare, are: �mile �tienne Guimet, Promenades Japonaises, Paris, 1880 . Josiah Conder: "Paintings and Studies by Kawanabe Kyosai," Tokyo, 1911. Conder was a serious student of Japanese art; after some initial rejections, he was accepted as Kyosai's pupil, and accompanied him for ten years until the master's death. . Timothy Clark, Demon of painting: the art of Kawanabe Kyosai, p.186 chronology, and the drawing #21, p.58 is very similar to the pose found in our painting of OTOHIME [Toyotama-hime], both in pose, facial quality, hair style and the general perspective. * ROBERTS, Laurance P.: A DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS: PAINTING, SCULPTURE, CERAMICS, PRINTS, LACQUER, p.100, *** THE MOST MAGNIFICIENT SINGLE RESOURCE ON JAPANESE FALCONRY Book Number: 96026801 775 KAWANABE, Kyosai. EHON TAKA KAGAMI: THE ILLUSTRATED MIRROR OF HAWKS. PICTURES OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF HAWKS, WITH HAWKING SECRETS & SCENES. [Tokyo 1877-79, Nakamura]. Stitched yellow wrappers, title slips, very good, issued in two parts: part I: vols. 1-3; part II: vols. 1-2, profusely illustrated by woodcuts, the complete 5 vol. set, clean contents, new cloth Chitsu case. RareOrientalBooks.Com $2501 JAPAN'S PREMIER SINGLE RESOURCE ON FALCONRY: A major resource on Japanese falconry, the capture, taming & teaching of falcons, the grooming, feeding and culture of the bird of prey. Wonderful illustrations of falcons, the associated tools & equipment, stands, methods of warming in winter before the hunt, winter hunting, respect for. On the flushing to expose game birds to be hunted by the falcon, the kill, capture of the quarry. How to tether, hoods, master's gloves and other accoutrements, field work, breeding, bathing &c. * EDITION: FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This magnificent work was issued once in a single FIRST AND ONLY EDITION, and is complete in five volumes. The first series: 3 vols. were published in 1877, followed by the second series consisting of 2 volumes in 1879. Each volume has identifying title slips with: series 1: volumes jo, chu, ge in 3 parts]; series 2: the supplement jo, ge in 2 parts. * PRINTING TECHNIQUE: This marvelous work uses crushed mica as an integral part of the hand-made Washi paper. These tiny flecks of mica give a sparkle to the illustrations, and are especially effective on the feather portion of the falcons. Mica gives a realistic and "high-tech" touch to the wood-cut printing technique. Printed by hand. * Per Dr. Shigeru Oikawa, the eminent scholar on Kyosai, in a letter from him to us in 1998, he discusses the dates of the set. He states: "Takakagami was, I think, first published in 3 volumes with the title ...cover was blue or black. Then came the last 2 volumes ...this time the...color was yellow. The exact date is not known but the first edition in 3 volumes [first series in vols. 1,2,3,] could be 1860's and some examples of the full set in 5 volumes has the date of 1875. Kyosai had finished all of the drawings in 1860's but the publication seemed to be delayed..." In essence what he is saying that the first 3 volumes were published first, then later the balance of 2 volumes were published to make a full set of 5 volumes. We have never ever seen the first three in a separate group, in any color except yellow with dates of 1877, nor have we seen in our 45 years tenure any copies in blue/black. We have not found any reference books stating any information about any 1875 edition, we have only found the 1877-79 edition. One would assume that if such an earlier edition did exist bibliographers would have recorded this along with the current edition we now offer for sale. ***** * ABOUT THE ARTIST & AUTHOR KAWANABE KYOSAI: * Per N. Brown: BLOCK PRINTING AND BOOK ILLUSTRATION, p.196. Kawanabe Kyosai aka: Gyosai [1831-89] was a Kano painter, printmaker, illustrator, the son of a Samurai. Studied as a child under Utagawa Kuniyoshi, then in Tokyo under Maemura Towa, later under the most celebrated Kano Tohaku Chinshin who gave him the name Toiku at 19 years old. Loved drinking Sake, did some of his best work while under the influence, exhibited a the Vienna Intl. Exposition in 1873 & in Paris in 1883, where the West recognized his greatness. RareOrientalBooks.Com * Josiah Conder recognized his great talent & wrote a grand reference book on him: PAINTINGS AND STUDIES, Tokyo 1911. His famous KYOSAI GADEN, [L. Dawes p.92] was widely appreciated in Europe, it even had English captions for the foreign market! This was Kyosai's attempt to show the world a wide variety of ancient Japanese & Chinese painting styles; it is a magnificent set. Please inquire with us for to see if we have a copy for sale. * COLLATION & SPECIAL ILLUSTRATING TECHINIQUES: None of the above reference books list details of a full set which was issued complete in 5 volumes: 3 + 2 vols. supplement. The full list of the set titles appears in the back of vol. 5 where a catalogue of Kyosai's titles are listed by the publisher. This title was issued as a serial in 1877,the supplemental 2 volumes in 1879. * The collation of the set is: vol. 1,3,4,5, each have 10p.; vol. 2 has 11p. Every page is nicely illustrated, it contains some 111 illustrations in all. Most copies have mica-flecked paper that gives a sparkle and sheen to the bird's feathers. This technique is difficult to create and is exceptionally and RARE ! * THE VARIETY OF BIRDS USED: * The Siberian goshawk or [falcon] O-taka [in Japanese] has been considered the best variety for use in falconry in Japan since ancient times. The Chinese call these birds Lao Ying. * RARITY: Seldom found in the complete five volume state, in clean and collector's condition. This work is the most comprehensive single monograph devoted to Japanese falconry ever published in the 19th century or in prior periods. Gyosai's superb artistic skill and solid ability to capture the essence and feel of real and live Japanese falconry has yet to be surpassed in woodcut media. The application of mica dust is now a lost art, and never done. The work outlines the ancient methods and culture of the falcon. This work records the last of the ancient falconry methods of care, raising and training, again a lost art in Japan. Japanese E-hon [illustrated books] on this subject are SCARCE, and are seldom found if ever on the open market, or in auctions in a complete and excellent state. * This set is an historical monument, a corner-stone, the "Sui Generis" on the subject of falconry in Japan. A major treasure to any fancier of falconry or ornithology in Japan. The Siberian goshawk or [falcon] O-taka [in Japanese] has been considered the best variety for use in peregrine falconry in Japan. **** REFERENCES/BIBLIOGRAPHY: * N. Brown: BLOCK PRINTING AND BOOK ILLUSTRATION, p.196. * G. Schack: KYOSAIS FALKENJAGD, Hamburg, 1968. Harting: BIBLIOTHECA ACCIPITRARIA, 372. Thieme-Becker XXII, S 155. * RareOrientalBooks.Com L. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, 1972 pp.93, 183. * H. Kerlin: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS, #327, #327A ON P.816. * Douglas: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE PRINTED BOOKS & MSS IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM, London 1904, p.24, #16035.b.18. * Mitchell: ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA & MARUYAMA...Los Angeles, 1972, p.113. * Sorimachi: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS... IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY...#625, p.133 for a citation. * Briot, Alain: EHON TAKA KAGAMI article in Bulletin Association Franco-Japonaise numero 36, Avirl 1992 * EHON TAKA KAGAMI: vol. ix-2 article in Kyosai Memorial Museum 1985 * Kawanabe Kyosai: KYOSAI GADEN * ANIMA: special number: Aigles et autours" Heibonsha autumn 75 * Bugniot, J.M. CHASSE AU VOL EN EXTREME-ORIENT. An article in LA CHASSE AU VOL AU FIL DES TEMPS, issued by Musee International de la Chasse-Glen, France 1994. pp.187-192, 235-237. * T. Clark: DEMON OF PAINTING: The Art of Kawanabe Kyosai, * Riccar Museum: KAWANABE KYOSAI HANGA HANBON TEN: Exhibition of Kawanabe Kyosai's Woodblock Books, Tokyo 1987; this illustrates several pages from this work. * L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS p.100. * BUCKLAND, Rosina. et al. A JAPANESE MENAGERIE: Animal Pictures of Kawanabe Kyosai. * Josiah Conder: PAINTINGS AND STUDIES, Tokyo 1911. * THE MOST MAGNIFICIENT SINGLE RESOURCE ON JAPANESE FALCONRY RareOrientalBooks.Com $15686 Book Number: 96026802 776 KAWANABE, Kyosai. EHON TAKA KAGAMI: THE ILLUSTRATED MIRROR OF HAWKS. PICTURES OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF HAWKS, WITH HAWKING SECRETS & SCENES. [Tokyo 1877-79, Nakamura]. Stitched yellow wrappers, title slips, very good, issued in two parts: part I: vols. 1-3; part II: vols. 1-2, 111 woodcut illustrations, some doublepage, covers bit darkened, contents very good. FIRST EDITION JAPAN'S PREMIER SINGLE RESOURCE ON FALCONRY: A major resource on Japanese falconry, the capture, taming & teaching of falcons, the grooming, feeding and culture of the bird of prey. Wonderful illustrations of falcons, the associated tools & equipment, stands, methods of warming in winter before the hunt, winter hunting, respect for. On the flushing to expose game birds to be hunted by the falcon, the kill, capture of the quarry. How to tether, hoods, master's gloves and other accoutrements, field work, breeding, bathing &c. * EDITION: FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This magnificent work was issued once in a single FIRST AND ONLY EDITION, and is complete in five volumes. The first series: 3 vols. were published in 1877, followed by the second series consisting of 2 volumes in 1879. Each volume has identifying title slips with: series 1: volumes jo, chu, ge in 3 parts]; series 2: the supplement jo, ge in 2 parts. * PRINTING TECHNIQUE: This marvelous work uses crushed mica as an integral part of the hand-made Washi paper. These tiny flecks of mica give a sparkle to the illustrations, and are especially effective on the feather portion of the falcons. Mica gives a realistic and "high-tech" touch to the wood-cut printing technique. Printed by hand. * Per Dr. Shigeru Oikawa, the eminent scholar on Kyosai, in a letter from him to us in 1998, he discusses the dates of the set. He states: "Takakagami was, I think, first published in 3 volumes with the title ...cover was blue or black. Then came the last 2 volumes ...this time the...color was yellow. RareOrientalBooks.Com The exact date is not known but the first edition in 3 volumes [first series in vols. 1,2,3,] could be 1860's and some examples of the full set in 5 volumes has the date of 1875. Kyosai had finished all of the drawings in 1860's but the publication seemed to be delayed..." In essence what he is saying that the first 3 volumes were published first, then later the balance of 2 volumes were published to make a full set of 5 volumes. We have never ever seen the first three in a separate group, in any color except yellow with dates of 1877, nor have we seen in our 45 years tenure any copies in blue/black. We have not found any reference books stating any information about any 1875 edition, we have only found the 1877-79 edition. One would assume that if such an earlier edition did exist bibliographers would have recorded this along with the current edition we now offer for sale. ***** * ABOUT THE ARTIST & AUTHOR KAWANABE KYOSAI: * Per N. Brown: BLOCK PRINTING AND BOOK ILLUSTRATION, p.196. Kawanabe Kyosai aka: Gyosai [1831-89] was a Kano painter, printmaker, illustrator, the son of a Samurai. Studied as a child under Utagawa Kuniyoshi, then in Tokyo under Maemura Towa, later under the most celebrated Kano Tohaku Chinshin who gave him the name Toiku at 19 years old. Loved drinking Sake, did some of his best work while under the influence, exhibited a the Vienna Intl. Exposition in 1873 & in Paris in 1883, where the West recognized his greatness. * Josiah Conder recognized his great talent & wrote a grand reference book on him: PAINTINGS AND STUDIES, Tokyo 1911. His famous KYOSAI GADEN, [L. Dawes p.92] was widely appreciated in Europe, it even had English captions for the foreign market! This was Kyosai's attempt to show the world a wide variety of ancient Japanese & Chinese painting styles; it is a magnificent set. Please inquire with us for to see if we have a copy for sale. * COLLATION & SPECIAL ILLUSTRATING TECHINIQUES: None of the above reference books list details of a full set which was issued complete in 5 volumes: 3 + 2 vols. supplement. The full list of the set titles appears in the back of vol. 5 where a catalogue of Kyosai's titles are listed by the publisher. This title was issued as a serial in 1877,the supplemental 2 volumes in 1879. * The collation of the set is: vol. 1,3,4,5, each have 10p.; vol. 2 has 11p. Every page is nicely illustrated, it contains some 111 illustrations in all. Most copies have mica-flecked paper that gives a sparkle and sheen to the bird's feathers. This technique is difficult to create and is exceptionally and RARE ! * THE VARIETY OF BIRDS USED: * The Siberian goshawk or [falcon] O-taka [in Japanese] has been considered the best variety for use in falconry in Japan since ancient times. The Chinese call these birds Lao Ying. * RARITY: RareOrientalBooks.Com Seldom found in the complete five volume state, in clean and collector's condition. This work is the most comprehensive single monograph devoted to Japanese falconry ever published in the 19th century or in prior periods. Gyosai's superb artistic skill and solid ability to capture the essence and feel of real and live Japanese falconry has yet to be surpassed in woodcut media. The application of mica dust is now a lost art, and never done. The work outlines the ancient methods and culture of the falcon. This work records the last of the ancient falconry methods of care, raising and training, again a lost art in Japan. Japanese E-hon [illustrated books] on this subject are SCARCE, and are seldom found if ever on the open market, or in auctions in a complete and excellent state. * This set is an historical monument, a corner-stone, the "Sui Generis" on the subject of falconry in Japan. A major treasure to any fancier of falconry or ornithology in Japan. The Siberian goshawk or [falcon] O-taka [in Japanese] has been considered the best variety for use in peregrine falconry in Japan. **** REFERENCES/BIBLIOGRAPHY: * N. Brown: BLOCK PRINTING AND BOOK ILLUSTRATION, p.196. * G. Schack: KYOSAIS FALKENJAGD, Hamburg, 1968. Harting: BIBLIOTHECA ACCIPITRARIA, 372. Thieme-Becker XXII, S 155. * L. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, 1972 pp.93, 183. * H. Kerlin: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS, #327, #327A ON P.816. * Douglas: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE PRINTED BOOKS & MSS IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM, London 1904, p.24, #16035.b.18. * Mitchell: ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA & MARUYAMA...Los Angeles, 1972, p.113. * Sorimachi: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS... IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY...#625, p.133 for a citation. * Briot, Alain: EHON TAKA KAGAMI article in Bulletin Association Franco-Japonaise numero 36, Avirl 1992 * EHON TAKA KAGAMI: vol. ix-2 article in Kyosai Memorial Museum 1985 * Kawanabe Kyosai: KYOSAI GADEN * ANIMA: special number: Aigles et autours" Heibonsha autumn 75 * Bugniot, J.M. CHASSE AU VOL EN EXTREME-ORIENT. An article in LA CHASSE AU VOL AU FIL DES TEMPS, issued by Musee International de la Chasse-Glen, France 1994. pp.187-192, 235-237. * T. Clark: DEMON OF PAINTING: The Art of Kawanabe Kyosai, * RareOrientalBooks.Com Riccar Museum: KAWANABE KYOSAI HANGA HANBON TEN: Exhibition of Kawanabe Kyosai's Woodblock Books, Tokyo 1987; this illustrates several pages from this work. * L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS p.100. * BUCKLAND, Rosina. et al. A JAPANESE MENAGERIE: Animal Pictures of Kawanabe Kyosai. * Josiah Conder: PAINTINGS AND STUDIES, Tokyo 1911. * A ZANY PICTORIAL VIEW OF SEX ORGIES IN FULL COLOR ! Book Number: 22058301 777 [KAWANABE, Kyosai.] JAPANESE SEX ORGY SCROLL: A Color-Painted Hand-Scroll, Manuscript With Four Magnificient & Erotic Orgy Scenes. Japan n.d. ca 1900-10. Silk-brocade outer hand-scroll,painte in colors on paper, backed with cloth, carved ends, silkribbon tie with a bamboo clip, 23.5 x 240 cm. long, each painting is 50 x 19 cm, the paintings are 19 x 209 cm. RARE! This work consists of four very zany views. The first is a spring-time celebration and Hana-mi or the Cherry Blossom viewing festival time. It shows a curtained area within the blossoming cherry trees, and a small group of people who have had more than enough to drink. The men display pinkness in his face, as do the women. * It seems that the celebratory mood has changed to a sexual mood, as the blossom viewers become engaged in group sex play. * The first scene shows three men, four women each partially engaged with a different person, as the group shares the ecstasy of carnal joy. Partially clothed, they expose their genitals, make love, kiss and embrace each other in wild passion. * The second: shows a group of seven, six men ravish a woman while she submits in true bliss. * The third shows five women as they submit to making love to a single man. The man engages each woman by hand, foot & penis, as each is shown in an orgiastic state, pink and flush with joy. * The fourth and last shows a wayside tea shop for travelers. It was notorious that many of the girls working in such road-side shops were cooperative in the affections of strangers, or willing prostitutes. This great scene shows three men who have stopped for a tea and rest. The three tea-maids willingly avail themselves and spread open their Kimono revealing no under garments for the pleasure of the erect and excited men. Two couples engage in love making and fore-play on the Tatami-covered benches, the third young RareOrientalBooks.Com $15162 man, apparently quite drunk is the fire watch and sports the "Hi no yoshin" pouch, while he thumbs her anal orifice and making love to her. The lovely spring time scenery and season clearly noted by a hanging flag. *** Spring or Haru, also that character read as Shun relates to the awakening of the erotic feeling and name-sake of Shun-ga or "Pictures of Spring." * KAWANABE GYOSAI/KYOSAI 1831-89]: As usual, this erotic work is not exactly signed by the artist, such erotic works were banned by the Shogun and jail time was required for anyone caught painting, printing or publishing such 'banned works.' . The work is clearly done in Gyosai's firm, steady hand, and done in his style with flair, humor and zest. The whole work is a delight, and represents his unmistakable personal characteristics for fun and joy in painting.. He was a leading artist of zany subject matter and most skilled & celebrated painter of the period. * While this and most all other Shunga are unsigned, or the artist used a fake 'studio name, 'cataloguers are limited to artistic and stylistic analysis. This work is most likely by Kyosai, or his star pupil, Mano Kyotei who worked between ca. 1890-1910, and was well-known for his Kyosai fakes. * By and large a most fascinating work ! For related references, or other erotic Japanese works, please request our latest catalogue. We also try to maintain other original woodblock printed books by Kyosai, and references about him, please inquire with us. **** BIBLIOGRAPHY: Laurence Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.100. * T. Clark: demon of painting: The Art of Kawanabe Kyosai. * BUCKLAND, Rosina. et al. A JAPANESE MENAGERIE: Animal Pictures of Kawanabe Kyosai. * KYOSAI'S MOST FAMOUS COLOR WOODBLOCK TREATISE ON PAINTING Book Number: 85001802 778 KAWANABE, Kyosai. RareOrientalBooks.Com $5000 KYOSAI GADEN: GYOSAI'S ACCOUNT OF PAINTING: VARIOUS STYLES BY KYOSAI. [Tokyo 1887, Iwamoto]. Original stitched orange wrs., 4 vols some pages with English subtitles and explanations by Uryu Masakazu, covers: dusty, some old worming, bit scuffed, the contents clean, solid & complete, 17.5 x 25.5 cm. R A R E Profusely illustrated in color & Sumi, with examples of the various "schools" of Japanese painting, & well known artists both classic & contemporary. Includes instruction in the art & genealogies of painters, etc. Also an interesting portion illustrating various incidents of Kyosai's life. He was an exceptionally talented & versatile artist of the 19th century. Very nice copy, in floral design Chitsu, please inquire as we may have a different copy in stock. * KAWANABE KYOSAI: The Artist: Liberally quoted or paraphrased from Roberts: A Kano painter, printmaker, illustrator, son of a Samurai. Studied under the great Utagawa Kuniyoshi, then later under Maemura Towa and Kano Tohaku Chinshin, who gave him the name Toiku when he was 19. Lived and worked in the Hongo area of Edo [old Tokyo]. Said to have done some of his best work while under the influence of Sake. Exhibited in Vienna International Exhibition in 1873, and again in Paris in 1883. A distinguished painter, marked by a wild, eccentric humor, left many sketches of great dexterity and draftsmanship, and superb copies of other artist's work not as a form of fake or forgeries, but in tribute to their great talent and style. This book for example is a tribute to a grand number of other artists, their style, and to his own unique style of drawing. A marvelous artists and well collected by world museums, institutions and private collectors. His sense of humor is unmatched, and his ability to express his feelings in drawings was superb ! * This work shows a large variety of his works, Buddhist subjects, icons, Samurai, ordinary people, landscapes, animals, ghosts & goblins, Gods, demons, festivals, artists, Zen priests, fish, birds, animals, cats, dragons, warriors, Buddhist saints, Samurai, ghosts, monkeys, insects, women, men, horses, court officials, Chinese heroes and other folk-lore, Geisha, prostitutes, anatomical drawings, Dharma, and a host of others. * What makes this book highly unusual and unique is not only the large number of drawings, but the accompanying English text and captions telling of the style of different artists that Kyosai emulated. Few if any such resources exist from this time period in English that show the drawing and artistic styles of other Japanese [and a few Chinese] artists. The work is monumental, and shows the true sense of good humor Kyosai had. His light-hearted nature is reflected in his caring exposition of art styles. No other single work by Kyosai is so diverse. * COMPLETE WORK: The complete work consists of 4 volumes: Naihen 2 volumes first series: part a.: 39 sheets; part b: 40 sheets. Gaihen 2 volumes second series 2: part c: 36 sheets; part d: 36 sheets. Each "sheet" is a double-folded page. Nearly all of the RareOrientalBooks.Com pages are illustrated. Some are single images on a page, other pages have 2 or as many as 4 illustrations per page. The entire work was woodcut printed on hand-made Washi paper. * UNIQUE WORK WITH ENGLISH CAPTIONS: Josiah Conder [1852-1920], was a British subject, teacher in Japan taught at the Imperial College of Engineering in Tokyo from 1877 and an architect who designed numerous public buildings in Tokyo. Condor developed a keen interest in Japanese arts, and after a long period of petitioning, was finally accepted to study painting with the artist Kawanabe Kyosai. He was given the name Akihide by his teacher. His studies led to a number of publications, among them 'THE FLOWERS OF JAPAN; THE ART OF FLORAL ARRANGEMENT; THE HISTORY OF JAPANESE COSTUME; and LANDSCAPE GARDENING IN JAPAN. He also wrote a stunning book first western book on Kyosai: PAINTINGS AND STUDIES BY KAWANABE KYOSAI, published in Tokyo, 1911. This work reflected the respect and admiration he felt toward Kyosai's artistic and unique talent. In an another attempt to introduce Kyosai to the Western he wrote the English captions found in KYOSAI GADEN. It is perhaps the first book with substantial English captions published in Japan, giving foreigners excellent access to Japanese and Chinese painting styles done by Kyosai. * NOTE: We try to have original woodblock printed books by Kyosai and the associated references in stock, so please inquire to see which we have in stock today. **** BIBLIOGRAPHY: L. Dawes, CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS: p.92 * Josiah Conder: PAINTINGS AND STUDIES BY KAWANABE KYOSAI, published in Tokyo, 1911. * Toda, K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE AND CHNESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS: p.310 for more details. * Yone Noguchi: SPIRIT OF JAPANESE ART, 1915 for a detail biographical essay. * L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS: p.100 Also many Buddhist icons, demons, Gods and protectors. * H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS AND MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS: p.197-198, no. 476. * KSM [Kaiga] * [OIKAWA, Shigeru.] et al.: KYOSAI NO GIGA: KYOSAI'S CARICATURE PICTURES. * L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS p.100. * BUCKLAND, Rosina. et al. A JAPANESE MENAGERIE: Animal Pictures of Kawanabe Kyosai. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $3264 A MOST LOVELY & CHARMING COLOR WORK ON NATURE BY THE MASTER Book Number: 85132001 779 KAWANABE, Kyosai. KYOSAI RAKUGA: KYOSAI'S DRAWINGS FOR PLEASURE. [Tokyo 1881, Takeda]. Red silk spine, stiff wrs., 2 vols set title labels, very good, [36] double folded pages [18 per volume], 33 double page color woodblock prints, 14 x 21.5 cm very good, center gutter tight on some illustrations.R A R E Else a very good copy of an exceptionally RARE work. The contents consists of various subjects from nature i.e.: fish, birds, geese, monkeys, turtles, foxes, mice, rabbits, bats, crayfish, fish, crabs, lobsters, insects, flowers, bamboo, landscapes, scholar's rocks, persimmon, fruits, snake, mole &c. * This is one of Kyosai's more obscure works & perhaps one of his last books. Kyosai has been widely collected and appreciated in Japan, his works are quite scarce. * A charming and most delicate work, done in pastel-colors, woodblock printed on hand made thin tissue type paper. In volume 2, some center gutters are a bit stuck together, but this was common for books of this format, in an effort to keep them together, otherwise a solid & nice copy. The work was roughly color printed, each painting covers two pages with a center fold, and is signed in the block by the aritst. It is in remarkably very good condition given the fact that it was printed on such fine and thin paper. One or two small tears or defects, else clean, good registry an unsoiled, by and large a good example. Contained in a new blue cloth folding Chitsu case. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS p.100. * BUCKLAND, Rosina. et al. A JAPANESE MENAGERIE: Animal Pictures of Kawanabe Kyosai. * Josiah Conder: PAINTINGS AND STUDIES, Tokyo 1911. * T. Clark: DEMON OF PAINTING: The Art of Kawanabe Kyosai, Londdon [1993], British Museum: illustrated on p.144, plate #97. * H. Kerlen: CATALGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS AND MAPS...p.198, items #477 & 448. * J. Meech-Pekarik: THE WORLD OF THE MEIJI PRINT RareOrientalBooks.Com * L. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.93. * * Riccar Art Museum's: EXHIBITION OF KAWANABE KYOSAI'S PRINTS & ILLUSTRATED BOOKS FROM FUKTOMI TARO COLLECTION: p.36-38, illustrating 4 pages from this work, 2 are in full color. * A FINE EXAMPLE OF HASUI WORK Book Number: 98149101 780 KAWASE, Hasui. KOI NOBORI: BOY'S FESTIVAL AT TOYOHAMA, KANAGAWA PREFECTURE. [A Color Shin-hanga Woodblock Print] [Tokyo 1958, Watanabe]. An Oban print, very good, sheet size 27 x 39.5 cm., print size 24 x 36.5 cm.,artist pencil signed signature of Hasui & title in English at the bottom margin, margin Watanabe seal. *** *** *** . . This excellent work was singled out among a scant few by Watanabe in his KAWASE HASUI MOKUHAN GASHU book to be illustrated as a full color page example #489, on p.148. . Clearly Watanabe felt this print to be worthy of such a large scale illustration. . *** Nicely designed & executed, this work celebrates Boy's Day Festival [Tangu no seku] with the Koi No Bori flying in all its glory. . A charming and quaint view of traditional Japanese houses and a narrow alley-way with a blue sky raging ! Suitable for framing and display. . *** SMALL EDITION: This lovely woodblock print was likely done in a Limited Edition of 2-300 copies although not stated. . *** PENCIL TEXT AT BOTTOM MARGIN: "Boy's Festival at Toyohama, Kagawa pref. Hasui Kawase" is written in pencil in the lower margin. . *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $3400 Color scans of this & most other items are posted to our website. $391 Book Number: 28040201 781 KEENE, Donald. NO THE CLASSICAL THEATRE OF JAPAN. Tokyo [1970], Kodansha. Black cloth, very good, dj., folio, 16 x 37 cm., photos by H. Kaneko, 311p., index, bibliography list of Noh plays, 24 tipped-in color, 388 b.w. photos, former owner's name stamped, else bright copy, in slipcase. A SUPERB, NAIVE AND TENDER WORK OF CHARACTURES Book Number: 23004901 782 KEISAI, Kitao. KEISAI RYAKU GA SHIKI:SIMPLIFIED FORMS OF PAINTING BY KEISA [Alternate English Title: "METHODS OF CURSIVE DRAWING." Edo 1799, Suwahara. Stitched wrs., covers well rubbed, soiled, contents clean, solid, 31 double folded leaves [62p]., large size, ca. 18 x 26 cm., 62 pages of woodlbock colored illustrations, back cover there, its paper covering gone. A fascinating and unusual book. This is a famous book by a Kitao Masayoshi, aka by studio names: Kuwagata Keisai et al., [1764- 1824]. Per Lawrence and we summarize, he was a celebrated Ukiyo-e painter, printmaker and illustrator born in Suruga province. He was also the star pupil of Kitao Shigemasa, and worked until 1797 as an Ukiyo-e artist under the 'Go' or studio name of Kitao Masayoshi, designing numerous prints & and illustrating books. * In 1797, he became the official painter to the Daimyo of Tsuyama & was also given some training by Kano Eisen'in. He took his grandmother's name of Kuwagata and then began to work in the Kano school style. Eventually retired and became a lay monk. He is known for his subtle and tender lines, his prints of lowers done with delicacy. His work is charming, expressing innocence and with remarkable delicacy and softness. * The current work is a collection of his color drawings of mostly human figures with a sprinkling of a few animals. Hokusai was influenced by his unique style, which found its way into the his famous series title: HOKUSAI MANGA. These caricature are done with naive innocence, with a dash of fun RareOrientalBooks.Com $3 intended, and some irony. The work shows a great diversity in his ability to draw and perceive the Japanese people of the late 18th century. Delicately pastel colored, revealing his zest for life. A wide variety and large number of his quaint drawings are presented in this book. A delight to behold ! For a companion volume in the same style on animals, birds, fish, insects, please inquire for his CHOJU RYAKU GASHIKI. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: This famous work has been highly collected over the last 200 years by the most famous libraries and collectors worldwide. It is cited in most of the standard bibliographies. Most cite the date as 1795 however oar's clearly states the date as Kansei 11th year, or 1799. It is possible that some bibliographers are citing the preface date. Ours clearly has a dated colophon of the above year. There is some distinct confusion between the first edition & some later editions, which bear alternate titles: KEISAI RYAKUGA-SHIKI & JIMBUTSU RYAKUGA-SHIKI. See below for some evidence of this problem. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY REFERENCES: * C.H. Mitchell: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN, p.453. He wrongly cites Toda: 210, with a different title: JIMBUTSU RYAKUGA SHIKI. * H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS AND MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS, p.553-4, #1351. * 3. K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE AND CHINESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.215, but he cites an 1856 edition . being a reprint. * 3. L. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. p.99. item E.2514-1925 seems to be the same as the one cited in Toda, but inaccurately thinks this is volume 3 of a set. * 4. Louise Brown: BLOCK PRINTING & BOOK ILLUTRATION IN JAPAN cites on p.124 two separate entries for a book with this title: first states 1795 "Rare;" second cites what looks like a reprint: "...2 small volumes, not dated ca. 18091810 colors." * 5. L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.75 for more details. Due to the artist's several "studio names" used, there is a tendency to confusion as to his correct name. * KSM: 8-47-1 * KRAFT vol. 3, no. 556. * Corbin 399 with title: Keisai Ryakuga-shiki * Duret 179 * Haviland [xviii] 582, 97 quoting the wrong title: JIMBUTSU RYAKUGA-SHIKI, which is an entirely different book. * Hayashi 1557. According to him, some later issues bore RareOrientalBooks.Com the titles KEISAI RYAKUGA-SHIKI & JIMBUTSU RYAKUGA-SHIKI, * Hubert 39 * Javal [I] 97 * Odin 105, 106, 107 * L. Brown: p.124 *** Book Number: 32042601 783 KEISAI, Masayoshi. RYAKU GA EN: SIMPLE DRAWINGS BY KEISAI. [Edo 1808, Suharaya]. Orange stitched wrs., very good, minor cover soil, contents clean, 18 x 26 cm., 30 double-folded leaves = 60p. in all, 2 are text pages, 56 pages color woodblock printed illustrations.COMPLETE IN 1 VOL. FIRST EDITION A lovely book with a large number of color drawings and sketches. These lovely caricature drawings reflect the daily life of the Japanese engaged in all sorts of activities. Reminiscent of the Hokusai MANGA. Consisting of a large number of vivid and humorous sketches of Japanese life in the early 19th century. A delightful work ! Illustrated in tender pastel colors. * EDITION: This is the very rare and obscure true FIRST EDITION, published per the colophon in the back as Bunka 5th year [1808] edition. Except for Dawes [see below], all of the other references below list this title as the 1823 date, a posthumous edition. . There seems to be a bit of a controversy regarding the actual title. While the front cover clearly shows the title to be RYAKU GA EN, other bibliographers cite an alternate titles KEISAI RYAKU GA EN, et al. per below references. It is one in the same book, but the later 1823 edition may use a variant title, causing confusion. *** REFERENCES: * L. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS,p.100 cites this exact 1808 edition, see 2nd from top entry. * C. Mitchell: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN: A Bibliography: p.453, 2nd entry from the top, cites artist's name as RareOrientalBooks.Com $816 Kuwagata Keisai, an alternate "studio name" for Keisai. * K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE AND CHNESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS: p.215 with title Keisai Ryakuga-en, see illustrations on pl210-213. * Harley H. Bartlett & Hide Shohara: JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD-BLOCK PRINTING: p.174, exhibit 58,illustrated as figure 48. He does not cite any date. Our copy does not have the same illustration as figure 48, so we believe that Bartlett was citing the later edition of the book. * Hayashi 1654 * Javal [I] 145 with title Keisai Ryakuga * Odin 118 with title Keisai Ryakuga * Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS p.75 does solve this mystery by noting that one of Keisai's studio names is also Kitao Masayoshi, as per Chibbett. Keisai 1764-1824, was a pupil of Kitao Shigemasa a famous natural history painter of birds, flowers & animals. A skilful painter in the Kano style, who later retired to become a Buddhist monk. * NOT IN: H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS AND MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS *** $762 A FASCINATING STUDY OF JAPAN'S EARLY ART WORK Book Number: 84141701 784 KIDDER, J. Edward. THE BIRTH OF JAPANESE ART. London [1965] Allen. Buff cloth, 209p., bibliography, index, dj., maps, 99 color and b.w. plates, oversize, small folio, clean solid copy. The author, a recognized authority on early Japanese art, has in this book enabled the English-speaking reader to examine this rare material in the light of modern scholarship. The photographer Kenishi Ozawa, travelled extensively with the author throughout Japan to obtain a series of unrivalled photos to illustrate this book. Book Number: 87064901 785 KIDDER, J. Edward. EARLY BUDDHIST JAPAN. New York [1972], Prager. Blue cloth, very good, dj., 212p., index, 90 b. w. photos, 61 drawings, 6 maps, 1 table, very solid clean copy, in likewise dust jacket. FIRST EDITION Excellent archaelogical-art historic study. Covering early RareOrientalBooks.Com $9 Buddhism in Japan, coinage and the economy, Shinto ritual sites, ceramic wares, land allotment, city planning, administration, military headquarters and fortifications, palaces, temples, burial practices and the cult of relics, stone carvings and monuments. A scholarly work, excellent coverage. Also taking into account the architectural work of the time. $10 MAJOR RESOURCE ON JAPANESE ART REFERENCE Book Number: 87020201 786 KIDDER, J. Edward. JAPANESE TEMPLES: Sculpture, Painting, Gardens & Architecture. Tokyo [1964], Bijutsu Shuppan. Brown cloth, 554p., glossary bibliography, 2 maps, 14 color, 306 b.w. photos, 26 x 35 cm. tall folio, very clean solid copy. FIRST EDITION A superbly photographed detailed study showing each temple with its contents, external environment, and locating it on the map. This extraordinary work shows in great detail with the assistance of close-up photography the Buddhist images, their setting, artistic design, temple structure, surrounding gardens, stone work, paths, roofs, interior views, floors and adjacent objects. Overall, the most excellent source yet on these old and breath-taking holy places. A great work. MAJOR RESOURCE ON JAPANESE ART REFERENCE Book Number: 87020203 787 KIDDER, J. Edward. JAPANESE TEMPLES: Sculpture, Painting, Gardens & Architecture. Tokyo [1964,] Bijutsu Shuppan. Brown cloth, 554p.,glossary, bibliography, 2 maps, 14 color, 306 b. w. photos, 26 x 35 cm RareOrientalBooks.Com $31 small folio, very good, dark stain on back cover text NOT affected, contents clean, solid, tight. FIRST EDITION A superbly photographed detailed study showing each temple with its contents, external environment, and locating it on the map. This extraordinary work shows in great detail with the assistance of close-up photography the Buddhist images, their setting, artistic design, temple structure, surrounding gardens, stone work, paths, roofs, interior views, floors and adjacent objects. Overall, the most excellent source yet on these old and breath-taking holy places. A great work. $24 Book Number: 84142001 788 KIDDER, J. Edward. JAPAN BEFORE BUDDHISM. New York [1959], Praeger. Orange, index, bibliography, notes 108 color 7 b.w. plates, photos, line drawings & maps, dj. A scholarly archaeological study, artifacts well described, clean solid copy. FIRST EDITION $10 Book Number: 84141901 789 KIDDER, J. Edward. MASTERPIECES OF JAPANESE SCULPTURE. Tokyo [1961], Bijutsu. Buff cloth, very good, folio, 328p., bibliography, notes, appendices, 192 b.w. photographs. This work covers the period 552-1333 A.D., clean solid copy. An important art history & resource. FIRST EDITION This excellent scholarly work covers the prehistoric & protohistoric periods before 552 A.D., the Asuka, Hakuho, Nara, Heian and Kamakura periods. With focus on the stone age sculptures, animals heads, female figurines, bronze age settlement patterns, Korean contributions, early Buddhism in Japan the leadership of Prince Shotoku, chinese models supplanting Korean, building of Yakushiji. The Tempyo era, establisment of the capital at Nara on a Chinese plan, major temple construction, new materials & techniques emplotye. Konin & Jogan eras, the capital is moved to Kyoto, mergin of Buddhism with Shinto, new sects of Tendai and Shingon. The introduction of Zen from China, Unkei and his workshop, architectural decoration. A very careful and detailed study of the artistic themes throughout Japan's long tradition of art history.SCARCE RareOrientalBooks.Com $29 Book Number: 86124301 790 KINCAID, Mrs. Paul. [Viola]. JAPANESE GARDEN AND FLORAL ART. New York [1966], Hearthside. Grey cloth, 189p., index, 99 b.w. photos, glossary, very clean solid copy, in likewise dust jacket. FIRST EDITION This work covers both Japanese gardens and the art of flower arrangement, with an introduction to Japanese aesthetics, Bonkei, Bonseki, and Bonsai, with a useful commentary and advise on going to Japan.Also an excellent essay on Ikebana. $5 AN EXCELLENT GUIDE TO THE ZEN TEMPLE Book Number: 22016901 791 KINKAKU-JI TEMPLE. A SHORT HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE KINKAKU-JI. [Golden Pavillion] [Kyoto 1933]. A small folded pamphlet, 4p. English text, folds down to 8.5 x 15.5 cm., very good. The Kinkaku-ji temple or properly called Rokuon-ji temple belongs to the Zen Buddhist sect. It was a pleasure house of Saionji Kimitsugu. At the end of the 14th century, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu abdicate the Shogunate and retired to this place, and became a Buddhist Monk. This small but detailed work is an excellent guide to the temple & its surrounding beautiful gardens. With an historical background essay. A MAJOR REFERENCE TO "LIVING NETSUKE" CARVERS Book Number: 94002002 792 KINSEY, Miriam. CONTEMPORARY NETSUKE. RareOrientalBooks.Com $31 Rutland, [1983], Tuttle. Brown cloth, very clean, 108 color, 143 b.w. photos, dealer list, bibliography, glossary, index, close-up photo studies of 27 leading artists, slipcase, very very bright solid copy, in nice dust jacket. An authoritative guide to the Netsuke of today, tracing the historical background of the art, examining the current state, knowledge that every collector needs concerning the authenticity, workmanship and materials. . A wealth of information on the subjects, techniques, investment, reading of over 110 signatures, brief biographies of contemporary carvers, of Netsuke & Okimono. . Photo essay showing the creation of a Netsuke, numerous sketches picturing legendary themes. . Superb work on "Living Art of Netsuke." . Introduction by the late actor and collector, Hans Conried. * $51 A MAJOR REFERENCE TO "LIVING NETSUKE" CARVERS Book Number: 94002004 793 KINSEY, Miriam. CONTEMPORARY NETSUKE. Rutland, [1987], Tuttle. Brown cloth, as new, 108 color, 143 b.w. photos, dj., dealer list, bibliography, glossary, index, close-up studies of 27 leading artists, very clean & bright copy, like new, unused, slipcase,unclipped fine dj. An authoritative guide to the Netsuke of today, tracing the historical background of the art, examining the current state, knowledge that every collector needs concerning the authenticity, workmanship and materials. . A wealth of information on the subjects, techniques, investment, reading of over 110 signatures, brief biographies of contemporary carvers, of Netsuke & Okimono. . Photo essay showing the creation of a Netsuke, numerous sketches picturing legendary themes. . Superb work on "Living Art of Netsuke." . Introduction by the late actor and collector, Hans Conried. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $49 Book Number: 98148201 794 KIRBY, John B. Jr. FROM THE CASTLE TO TEAHOUSE: Japanese Architecture of the Momoyama Period. Rutland [1962], Tuttle. Black cloth, very good, 222p., index appendix or list of castles & temples, bibliography, 268 b w photos, clean solid copy. FIRST EDITION An excellent architectural resource, covers the castle, Shoin mansion, Sukiya tea house, paintings, gardens, gates. . It also covers in much details specific Momoyama style castles, their components: gates, buildings, gardens &c. Temple style and gardens, gates, structures and bridges. * A very nicely organized & well illustrated study. $20 LOVELY & QUITE EARLY COLOR PRINT OF SAN FRANCISCO JAPANESE Book Number: 24041301 795 KISEN CO. THE KISEN CO. SILK HOUSE DIRECT IMPORTER OF JAPANESE ART AND DRY GOODS. San Francisco n.d. ca. [1890], n.p. A single Japanese woodblock print, color printed by hand on hand-made Washi paper, 13.5 x 21.5 cm. very good, with unusual silver color, in the period frame and glazed 19.5 x 26 cm. UNUSUAL EPHEMERAL WORK A lovely and most obscure color example. This print shows two elaborately dressed silk Kimono-clad women. They both wear stunning and beautiful Kimono and Obi. They stand on a bridge with the full moon in the background, during the hot and sultry August Obon Festival season. A delicate willow bough graces the foreground, with a lantern-lit pleasure boat in river below. One girl holds a fan to ward off the mosquitos & heat. "The Kisen Co., Silk House Direct Importers of Japanese Art and Dry Goods San Francisco Cal." is at the lower right corner, with a dog's tail & rear foot barely showing. A great ephemeral piece representing early Japanese in San Francisco. Book Number: 84194701 796 KISHIDA, Hideto. RareOrientalBooks.Com $51 JAPANESE ARCHITECTURE. [Tokyo 1935] Board of Tourist Industry]. Stiff wrs., 128p., very good, color frontis, b.w. plates, covers bit dusty and soiled, contents clean. solid. FIRST EDITION Shrines, temples, dwellings, palaces, castles. Sound history from about 1870 & interesting views, by an expert devoted to simplicity, comfort and national expression. A useful work. $12 Book Number: 84194702 797 KISHIDA, Hideto. JAPANESE ARCHITECTURE. Tokyo [1940], Japan Travel Bureau. Stiff wrs.,very good,139p color frontis, many b.w. plates, very clean solid copy. Shrines, temples, dwellings, palaces, castles. Sound history from about 1870 & interesting views, by an expert devoted to simplicity, comfort and national expression. A useful work. $26 Book Number: 84194703 798 KISHIDA, Hideto. JAPANESE ARCHITECTURE. Tokyo [1948], Japan Travel Bureau. Stiff wrs., very good 139p., color frontis, b.w. plates, last page stamped with: "Printed in occupied Japan 1948" very clean solid copy. Shrines, temples, dwellings, palaces, castles. Sound history from about 1870 & interesting views, by an expert devoted to simplicity, comfort and national expression. A useful work. $10 Book Number: 84194705 799 KISHIDA, Hideto. JAPANESE ARCHITECTURE. Tokyo [1953], JTB. Blue cloth, very good, revised edition, 140p., 2 color, 100 b.w. photos, 9 plans, clean solid copy. Shrines, temples, dwellings, palaces, castles. Sound history from about 1870 & interesting views, by an expert devoted to simplicity, comfort and national expression. A useful work. A MOST UNUSUAL PHOTO ALBUM SHOWING THE CAPTURE & SADISM Book Number: 22085301 800 KITAI, Reiko. REIKO GACHO: THE CAPTURE AND SADISM OF REIKO. Tokyo 1952, Akebono Shobo. Silver boards, stitch-bound album 25.5 x 18 cm., 8 b. w. nude pictures of Reiko's capture and sadism. AUTHOR'S SIGNED, LIMITED NUMBERED EDITION 300 COPIES FIRST & ONLY EDITION SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR An unusual sadistic and erotic pictorial story. Shows the ambush and capture of Reiko. How her captures stripped her RareOrientalBooks.Com $7 naked, roped and bound her. She was then carried away to an undisclosed location. There she was tormented, beaten with a bamboo pole, legs spread apart and tied to a bamboo pole while she was forced to look at her miserable state in a mirror. Thrown on the snow naked she was kicked & beaten and tormented with a feather by another woman, and raped by bad and ugly men. * Color photos can be sent by email. $248 AN EXCELLENT MONOGRAPH ON ASIAN BAMBOO & THEIR ARTISTIC USE Book Number: 86059702 801 KITAO, Harumichi. FORMATION OF BAMBOO. Tokyo [1958], Shokokusha. Green cloth, very good, 131p., 132 b.w. photos, captions and text in both English and Japanese, very clean solid copy. FIRST EDITION An expository essay, this text covers the formation, growing state, customs, manners, garden, Sukiya, music instruments, tea ceremony, techniques and popular arts related to bamboo. This monography on Japan's oldest natural resource is directed to both the Japanese and English speaking peoples, with text in both Japanese & English. Fourteen varieties of bamboo used in application towards art and cultural activities covered. The refined manor in which the Japanese use this material is fascintating and is a lesson in good taste. RARE $26 Book Number: 86039401 802 KITAOJI, Rosanjin. CERAMIC ART OF KITAOJI ROSANJIN: Three American Collections. [Tokyo 1964 Benrido]. Stiff wrappers, 7.25 x 10.25 inches,93 pages,12 color, 85 b.w. photos, appendices, chronology, seal & signature index, with English text by Elise Grilli, very clean, solid copy. FIRST EDITION This catalogue covers the works in the collections of Alice Boney, Edwin Hewitt & Sidney Cardozo. These collections show the great variety and individual talent of his works fired at the Kita Kamakura and other kilns. He was a Tenkoku or calligraphic wood carving artist by profession, but turned to ceramics in his later years. His forms & designs are superbly executed and expertly applied. RareOrientalBooks.Com $54 A SUPERB & LARGE FORMAT REFERENCE WORK Book Number: 98040701 803 KLEIN, A. A CONNOISSEUR'S GUIDE TO JAPANESE CERAMICS. London [1984], Alpine. Blue cloth, 275p., small folio, dust jacket,18 x 32.5 cm.,275p., 40 color, 263 b.w. photos,index, maps, glossary, Japanese province list, marks, chronology, bibliography, clean solid copy, clean dj. FIRST EDITION A definitive work, comoprehensive in nature. Covers the prehistoric and medieval wares, earthen and stonewares. Also addressing the development of porcelains, to the Meiji period with focus on the period of modern studio ceramics. This is a valuable reference for any collector of Japanese ceramics. * Large format, stunning color plates, with substantial list of Japanese potters in Romanized letters, Japanese, with dates. Useful for reading the foot of ceramics. * A FIRST NUDE VIEW OF JAPAN'S [& KOREAN] TOP FASHION MODELS Book Number: 95800201 804 KNAPP, Curtis. CATWALK: FASHION MODELS OF JAPAN. Boston [1993], Tuttle Studio. White cloth,very clean, folio, 50 b.w. photographic plates + two more on the dust jacket, foreword by A.D. Coleman, solid in very nice dust jacket, a "like new" copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION This is the first book ever done with Japan's most famous fashion models, who have never posed nude before. . Told that it was "impossible" by the Japanese, the photographer worked several years to complete. Through RareOrientalBooks.Com $22 working hard, he was able to convince some 39 of the most beautiful models to pose nude for him. . Hitherto, Knapp was famous for photographing Warhol, Giorno, Burroughs, Lilly, Lichtenstein, Anderson, Eno and Bryne, he also worked regularly for GQ & Esquire magazines. . This highly sensitive work shows the exotic Asian charm that has captivated fashion designers & buyers from Milano and Paris to Tokyo. Having gained the confidence of the Japanese models, he used infrared film and captured stunning images like never before. . An essay on "self-exposure" from Japan ! . We have heard from a reliable source and model, that many of these young models are actually Koreans. *** Color scans of this and other books are posted to our website. . AN EARLY PRIMARY RESOURCE Book Number: 84054001 805 KNOX, Thomas W. ADVENTURES OF TWO YOUTHS IN A JOURNEY TO JAPAN AND CHINA. New York [1879], Harper. Red decorated cloth, very clean,map 421p., colored frontis, 337 b.w. illustrations, sharp tight copy, b.w. illustrations, bit of minor wear to spine head & tail, tiny bit corners, 16.5 x 23 cm. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION Covering the trip from the East coast to California, on the Pacific, incidents of a whaling voyage. Arrival in Japan, from Yokohama to Tokyo, the sights of the Eastern Capital or Yedo, Asakusa and Uyeno, visit to Tokyo's first National Fair, walks and talks in Tokyo. * JAPAN: Excursion to the Daibutsu and Enoshima, the sights, on the road to Fujiyama, the ascent, Hara-Kiri [Japanese suicide], Sumo wrestlers, theatrical entertainments, Japanese art, something about Japanese women, from Yokohama to Kobe & Osaka, and a trip down to Nagasaki. * CHINA: To Shanghai, voyage up the great river Yang-tse, Tai-Ping Revolution, from Shanghai to Pekin, to the Great Wall, Hong Kong and Canton, signts & scenes in Canton. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $56 Nice travel resource. *** guide and insight, and excellent early primary $94 AN EARLY PRIMARY RESOURCE Book Number: 84054003 806 KNOX, Thomas W. ADVENTURES OF TWO YOUTHS IN A JOURNEY TO JAPAN AND CHINA. New York 1881, Harper. Red decorated cloth, very good, map, colored frontis, 338 b. w. illustrations, 421p., map, very clean, crisp copy, right corner of p.293 torn, no text loss, else clean. S C A R C E Covering the trip from the East coast to California, on the Pacific, incidents of a whaling voyage. Arrival in Japan, from Yokohama to Tokyo, the sights of the Eastern Capital or Yedo, Asakusa and Uyeno, visit to Tokyo's first National Fair, walks and talks in Tokyo. * JAPAN: Excursion to the Daibutsu and Enoshima, the sights, on the road to Fujiyama, the ascent, Hara-Kiri [Japanese suicide], Sumo wrestlers, theatrical entertainments, Japanese art, something about Japanese women, from Yokohama to Kobe & Osaka, and a trip down to Nagasaki. * CHINA: To Shanghai, voyage up the great river Yang-tse, Tai-Ping Revolution, from Shanghai to Pekin, to the Great Wall, Hong Kong and Canton, signts & scenes in Canton. * Nice travel guide and insight, and excellent early primary resource. *** FASCINATING EARLY RESOURCE ON BUILDING RUSTIC TEA ROOMS RareOrientalBooks.Com $61 Book Number: 21160301 807 KOBAYASHI, Jokichi. SUKIYA KOH ZOH HOH: THE DESIGN & BUILDING OF TEA CEREMONY HOUSE & ROOMS. Osaka 1902, Hasegawa. Stitched blue wrappers, 5 volume set, complete, contents very good: vol. 3 & 5 have had the leading edges knawed off: vol 3 has minor intrusion into bit of the text, vol. 5 just the margin, 21+20+26+23+13 double folded leaves, with 89 lovely illustrations. . This work is entirely woodblock printed by hand on hand-made Washi paper, with Japanese text. . It begins with vol. 1 which discusses and illustrates various floor plans, profile views of the sides of the structure and roof. . Vol. 2 shows the interior, use of rustic and natural trees for vertical supports and on the important visually aesthetic places for proper internal decor. Also the use of bamboo screening within the window frames. . Vol. 3 depicts the construction and placement of built-in tables & shelves, Tokunoma, metal hooks for scrolls, out-door tea garden and tea room. . Vol. 4 shows more garden layout, placement of stones, various stone lanterns, rustic entrance gate, side lattice work and finish internal tea room shelves. . Volume 5 contains precise dimensions for the various construction of all parts of the projects, for carpenters and architects. *** A very unusual resource & can be applied to practical application, since the dimensions are in the pre-metric days, given in "Shaku & Tsun" which roughly corresponds to Western feet & inches. . An excellent, useful & valuable source for all tea ceremony & tea room lovers. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $476 Book Number: 93012201 808 KOBAYASHI, Takeshi. NARA BUDDHIST ART: TODAI-JI. VOL.5. HEIBONSHA SURVEY OF JAPANESE ART. New York [1975], Weatherhill. Blue cloth,very clean,43 color 117 b.w. photo plates, 5 b. w. illustrations, foldout color plate, 157p., bright, solid as new copy in nice dust jacket. FIRST EDITION Superb, scholarly art reference source. . Addressing Buddhism as a unifying force, Emperor Shomu & the Fujiwara. Establishment of Provincial Temples. Plans for constructing the Great Buddha. Kinsho-ji & the Shikongo Shin. . Great Buddha and the Todai-ji. Construction of the Great Buddha, Todai-ji and its buildings. Vicissitudes of the Great Buddha. Other Nara-period works at Todai-ji. . The Shaka and the Taho Buddha�s in the Kaidan-in. Mandala of the Nigatsudono Kannon Bosatsu. The Todai-ji & Nara schools of sculpture. . A valuable art history and resource. * A SUPERB JAPANESE DESIGN BOOK USED BY ARTISANS Book Number: 32032401 809 [KOBAYASHI, Yonezo.] MOYO MON CHO SHOSHIKI HINA-GATA : DESIGN BOOK OF DECORATIONS & FAMILY CRESTS FOR VARIOUS CRAFTS