2016 media kit - Provider Magazine


2016 media kit - Provider Magazine
The Nation’s
LargEST Long
Care Magazine
New! Marketing
Provider TV
LED Talks
our readers
industry leaders
who can impact
your bottom line!
Our readers are empowered to
make decisions.
Our readers represent every sector of the long term and
post-acute care community—they are the who’s who of
our field. More importantly, they make the decisions that
can help you achieve your crucial media goals.
Our readers keep issues and
pass them along.
With Provider, your investment isn’t a “one and done”
proposition. Because of industry-leading content, an issue
of Provider is saved and passed along to colleagues more
than other magazines in our category—and that means
repeated exposure to your critical communications.
Our readers prefer Provider
63.83% Provider
2.77% Long Term Living
(formerly Nursing Homes)
31.91% McKnight’s LongTerm Care News
1.49% Other
Our readers are
engaged through
quality subscriptions.
Issued monthly, Provider magazine doesn’t
superficially inflate its circulation through
purchased lists. When you reach Provider
readers, you can be assured they’re active
and interested and chose to receive the
outstanding content we provide.
Total Print
McKnight’s Long-Term 40,200
Care News
Long-Term Living
Information based on printed and sworn
publisher statements.
Readership Profile
37% Owner, Administrator,
Assistant Administrator
31% Executive Director,
Director, Manager,
14% DON, Nursing
Supervisor, Consulting
Pharmacist, Medical
Director, Geriatric Physician
18% Other LTC Professionals
“ Our ads in Provider have been the cornerstone of our advertising
plan since 1980.”
Jim Ingalls, Director of Sales, NTT DATA Long Term Care Solutions
quality content
Provider magazine offers the leading
content professionals demand.
Regular Topical Columns
Caregiving – Long term and
post-acute care professionals
present enlightening case studies
and how-to articles on an array
of topics designed to help the
business owner provide quality
care. A highly read feature,
presented monthly.
Legal Advisor – Written by
experienced attorneys, Legal
Advisor explores crucial issues that impact the long term and
post-acute care community. This regular feature helps the
professional operate within legal and regulatory guidelines.
Technology In Health Care – Subject matter for this
column includes electronic medical and health records, health
information exchange, HIT vendor selection, and remote
monitoring and sensor technology. Technology changes fast,
and this provides vital and current information.
Custom Marketing
What’s New What’s It Do
At the Annual AHCA/NCAL
Convention & Expo, Provider
magazine reporters will feature What’s
New What’s It Do in your booth! As a
sponsor of What’s New What’s It Do,
your company spokesperson will be
interviewed on camera and featured at
www.providermagazine.com. It’s your
opportunity to inform the long term
care and post-acute care market about
your new services and products.
Human Resources – Written by HR experts, this
column instructs readers on how to best address an
organization’s employee management—including
recruitment and retention, staff satisfaction assessment,
and employee monitoring.
Finance – Finance professionals talk dollars and cents
about a variety of topics, including mergers and acquisitions,
accounting practices, financing options, investment and
market analysis, and crucial financial indicators.
Management – Marketing and sales, lead generation,
public relations, disaster preparation, and management
issues are crucial to seniors housing and long term and postacute care managers and are presented in this instructive
and must-read column. Featured frequently.
Provider Magazine
Interview Lounge
Provider magazine Interview Lounge
is a unique opportunity to interact with
thought leaders during the annual Expo.
Sponsors are invited to join Provider in
the lounge during live interviews.
After convention, interviews are
available on demand at the Provider
magazine website and inserted in
subscriber e-blasts.
www.providermagazine.com | 202-842-4444 | [email protected]
how can provider work for you?
Let ProvideR put you in the driver’s seat!
In print and online—our content
helps drive our profession.
Provider magazine, published by AHCA/NCAL, is the nation’s
largest circulated publication in the long term and post-acute
care industry. Provider features in-depth articles, exclusive
industry research and enlightening case studies on a monthly
basis giving you 12 opportunities to market your product
or service. 89.6% of our readers rely on Provider to make
purchasing decisions on products/services for their facility.
Don’t miss your opportunity to be SEEN!
• Monthly Banner Advertising
• Advertisiers enjoy five companion-style banners
• Provider Breaking News E-Newsletter
• Marketplace
Say More with
Combined with print and
online advertising, digital
ads are a convienient way
to customize messages
and link target audiences
to additonal resoursces.
54.1% New Visitor
45.9% Returning
In Person Events
• IGNITE: It Starts with a Spark
• LED Talks: Lead, Engage, Discover
Launch on Provider TV. Curated by Provider
magazine, the LED Talks are provactive,
inspirational, and sometimes disruptive.
Providermagazine.com brings in new
business prospects each month and has
an audience that comes back every month.
www.providermagazine.com | 202-842-4444 | [email protected]
new opportunities
Hard wired? The challenges
behind HIT Adoption in
Today’s Skilled Nursing
In its next installment of IGNITE,
Provider magazine will plug in to
the best minds in HIT pioneering
and determine not only the key
inhibitors to adoption, but what can be done to spark broader implementation. Sponsor this event as Provider publisher Greg Crist will
interview AHCA experts and a distinguished panel of HIT luminaries.
Curated by Provider magazine, Talks are aimed at bringing topics and
ideas that are provocative, inspirational, and sometimes dispruptive.
As explained by moderator Greg Crist, who is Provider’s publisher and
AHCA’s Senior Vice President of Public Affairs, the goal of this event is to
help people break out of “group think.” Sponsor this insightful series.
Video Advertising Online
Video advertising helps you
connect with new audiences by
telling a compelling story about
your business or product. Want to
reach more online? Complement
your advertising campaign with
a 15-second video message. Each
month Provider features interviews
with industry leaders, owners, and
experts with a message for our
readers on Provider TV. Stand
out with your video!
“ …if you want to reach key decision makers in the Long
Term Care marketplace, there is no better magazine to do it
in. Provider’s reach to these professionals helps us reinforce
our key marketing initiatives throughout the year. No matter
what part of the country you are in, the one constant you will
find is Provider magazine in the local nursing home.
Shawn Scott, SVP Corporate Sales, Medline Industries
www.providermagazine.com | 202-842-4444 | [email protected]
more opportunities
Greater opportunities for a greater
return on your advertising investment.
More than ever, your advertising dollars need to go further and work harder.
That’s why we offer additional opportunities to reach, inform, and motivate the
decision makers and buyers who propel your organization.
Giving Residents a Voice in Their Care Makes All the Difference
abaqis quality management system tells staff what they don’t know
By Linda Patton
anor Court is a highly rated
50-bed skilled nursing facility
with attentive staff to meet
each resident’s individual needs. Manor
Court is part of a comprehensive senior
community called Liberty Village of
Peoria. The community offers Bounce
Back Rehabilitation, AJ’s Fitness Center,
Garden Court Alzheimer’s and dementia
care, Estates Retirement Apartments, and
Hawthorne Inn Assisted Living.
Manor Court is staffed by 24-hour
licensed nursing professionals who
monitor each resident’s medical, mental
and emotional needs and are dedicated
to providing an exceptional quality of life
to every resident. We maintain excellent
resident to staff ratios of about 10 to 1
that enable us to provide more personal,
resident-centered care.
Manor Court has been awarded a 4-star
overall rating by The Centers for Medicare
and Medicaid Services (CMS), which places
it among the better 60–80% of nursing
homes in Illinois. We also received 4 stars
for health inspections, quality measures
and nursing staffing for RNs only.
To underscore our attention to
providing the highest quality of care,
we’re proud to report that actual patients
and family members of our facilities have
rated Manor Court 5 out of 5 stars on the
local Nursing-Homes.com website.
The state of Illinois is gradually moving
to the new Quality Indicator Survey (QIS),
which is based on more resident input and
is intended to be more consistent and less
subjective compared to the traditional
state survey. QIS encourages providers
of skilled nursing facilities to interview
residents and family members and solicit
feedback about their satisfaction with the
care they are receiving.
they were available.
Manor Court, based in Peoria, Ill., is a
highly rated skilled nursing facility
that is one of only four nursing centers
to receive the 2014 Embracing Quality
Award from Providigm in the three
areas of Customer Satisfaction,
Prevention of Hospital Readmissions
and Deficiency-Free Survey.
Given this more person-centered
survey approach, our nursing facility
did not have a comprehensive quality
assurance system that measured our
quality of care or identified residents’
needs as in-depth or as quickly as we
would like. While we received good
scores from past surveys, we needed help
in specific areas such as quality of life and
resident choices.
We also needed a way to help us
track and monitor our readmissions
back to the hospitals. With avoidable
readmissions a major focus of our
hospital partners, we needed to do a
better job of reducing our rates.
About two years ago, our support
services team learned about a new
patient-centered quality management
system called abaqis® from Medline, our
medical supply company.
One of the clear benefits of abaqis
is that it helps us prepare for the state
survey like no other system because it
nearly replicates the QIS survey. And
while Illinois still uses the traditional
survey, the current survey is adding
more elements of the QIS. Even more
importantly, abaqis has helped us change
our mindset so that we are adjusting
our activities to fit with our residents’
schedules rather than the other way
around. It helped us move away from
our rigid schedule, where everyone had
to get up at the same time, eat in the
same place, go to bed at the same time
and so on.
With abaqis, the staff interviews
residents on a regular basis to find out
what they like or don’t like about their
quality of life and choices provided to
them. These interviews give our staff
the opportunity to tell the residents in
person that they have flexibility in their
schedules. They can have breakfast
in bed rather than the dining room.
They can sleep until 9 or 10 rather than
getting up all together at 7.
This new flexible schedule makes our
staff think more about how these choices
impact our residents’ happiness and
less about how the choices affect their
job. This switch has made the staff more
sensitive to the needs of our residents.
As a result, our residents are happier
with their quality of life, and our staff is
better at what they do and more satisfied
with their jobs.
process gives everyone the bigger picture
of how our facility works beyond just
their specific areas.
We capture the information directly on
It’s not just management that conducts
a computer or sometimes on paper and
the interviews with the residents and their
then upload the information. abaqis is a
families. The entire staff from activities
web-based program that uses the same
aides, rehab aides, housekeeping, dietary,
calculations, thresholds and analysis as
medical records staff and CNAs are
QIS to quickly highlight our residents
in the process.
The interviews
Us Improve
at risk for a stage 2 citation. When the
help the staff learn directly from the
information from the resident and family
residents and their families what the
interviews is loaded in the program, abaqis
issues are and what they want changed –
creates a high level report that directs us to
and generally, these are simple requests
areas of concern – or triggers – that could
in which sometimes they had choices or
develop into more serious problems.
options all along, but they didn’t know
For instance, residents wanted more
weekend and evening activities, which
we offered, but we did a poor job of
communicating our schedule. We even
serve banana splits on some afternoons,
but many residents didn’t know it.
Now we talk more with our residents
in the morning to let them know what
activities are offered that day and publish
newsletters for families so they are more
aware of everything going on in the
facility so they can talk with their loved
ones about planning their activities.
The interviews are conducted quarterly,
and each time I add a new department
so our entire staff is engaged in the
process. Getting everyone involved with
the interviews shows our staff that all
departments in our facility have to mesh
together to improve quality and provide
well-rounded care for our residents. This
In our first state survey after using
abaqis, we were deficiency free – no
citations – which made us very proud.
What this tells me is that when surveyors
talked with our residents and their
families, if they had a problem, we had
already learned about it and had taken
care of it. This has really empowered
our staff. They feel they are involved in
the process and not just taking orders
from administration. Similarly, residents
also feel they are in control of their own
schedules and routines.
For the past nine months we have also
used the abaqis readmissions tracker to
help us better understand why some of
our residents are being readmitted to the
hospital within 30-days of discharge to
our facility.
We get a weekly report from abaqis that
helps us develop our rates and identifies
trends on why the readmissions may be
occurring. From January through April
our rate was 13 percent. Since preventing
avoidable readmissions is so important
to our local hospitals, our marketing
director takes the reports to the hospitals
to show them our low readmission rates
and to underscore what a good partner we
are in taking care of their patients when
they come to our facilities.
The reports tell us key data, such as
what day and time the patient left our
facility, what their initial diagnosis
was when they were admitted to our
facility and their diagnosis when they
were readmitted to the hospital, who
the on-call or primary care physician
was, who the nurse was, how many days
had lapsed from being admitted to our
facility, and the five areas that triggered
the readmission penalty.
If there is a readmission, this
information may help shed light on why
it occurred and identify what changes to
make so it does not occur in the future.
For instance, if the readmission occurred
on the weekend, which many do, it may
be because the on-call physician or the
weekend staff did not know the resident
very well and was not familiar with his/
her health tendencies.
In recognition of our quality
achievements, Providigm, the developers
of abaqis, presented us with the 2014
Embracing Quality Award for our
outstanding commitment to quality. We
were also one of only four nursing centers
that received awards in all three areas:
of Customer Satisfaction, Prevention of
Hospital Readmissions, and DeficiencyFree Survey.
About the Author
To increase resident engagement, Manor Court staff talks with its residents each
morning to let them know the activities being offered during the day and publishes
newsletters for families so they are more aware of everything going in the facility.
Linda Patton is the administrator of
Manor Court, a skilled nursing facility in
Peoria, Ill. She began her career in longterm care at the age of 14 as a dishwasher
and worked her way up to CNA, medical
records, social service, payroll and finally
as an administrator, a position she has held
since 1993. Linda has bachelor’s degree in
Health Care Administration. 
©2014 Medline Industries, Inc. All rights reserved. abaqis is a registered trademark of Providigm, LLC. Medline is a registered trademark of Medline Industries, Inc.
Looking for a
Advertorials – With an advertorial, you
control your own content, message, and look.
It’s more than an advertisement. It’s your
opportunity to explain, in detail, the benefits
of your product or service, or to share an
innovation or company research.
Our experienced
consultants can help.
Whether planning for a
few targeted issues or
developing a campaign
to run throughout the
year, our experienced
and dedicated Provider
Sales Consultants can
tailor a plan to suit
virtually any budget—
including yours.
Sponsored Columns – For organizations operating in a niche market, supporting a column is an ideal way to reach specialized groups. With six regular columns
(see pg. 3) you can target the professionals that can positively influence your bottom
line. Columns are also posted online, and all advertisers receive a full-page advertisement appearing with the column and company recognition on the column itself.
Sponsor Supplements – Quality, Finance, and
Technology—they’re just a few of the topics covered in
annual supplements to Provider magazine and online.
Supplements offer a unique way for your organization
to be part of key research or industry innovations.
Provider & AHCA/NCAL Print & Electronic
Newsletters – Reach more than 13,000 members
Your next successful
media plan awaits.
Contact a Provider
Consultant, and let’s
get started today!
Potential PaRtneRs neeD you to connect
Potential RefeRRal PaRtneRs neeD
you to connect the Dots
of the American Health Care Association and National
Center for Assisted Living each month by advertising in
AHCA Notes, the association’s official newsletter. Or if
assisted living or continuing care retirement communities are your
target, NCAL Focus can carry your message to over 3,000 members.
Jason Stevens
October 2014 My InnerView 1
[email protected]
Banner advertising is also available in the Provider and AHCA/NCAL’s electronic
newsletters, sent out weekly with breaking news and important information.
140w x 400h banners with live links can be included
in enewsletters each week.
• Capitol Connection 8,000 subscribers
• NCAL Connection 4,000 subscribers
• Provider News Alert 15,000 subscribers
www.providermagazine.com | 202-842-4444 | [email protected]
editorial calendar 2016
Cover Story
The Latest in Aging Research
Focus on Caregiving
Technology in Health Care
Buyer’s Market
Cover Story
Marketing Today
Feature Sponsorship Opportunity
Design Innovations
Focus on Caregiving
Human Resources
Bonus Distribution
AHCA/NCAL Quality Summit
Technology Issue
Cover Story
Nursing Centers of the Future
Special Feature Software Suppliers Guide
Focus on Caregiving
Technology in Health Care
Bonus Distribution
AHCA/NCAL Independent Owner
Leadership Conference
AMDA Annual Conference
Cover Story
Managing Cultural Diversity
Feature Sponsorship Opportunity
The Latest Business Mergers
Focus on Caregiving
Human Resources
Bonus Distribution
ACHCA 50th Annual Convocation
& Exposition
AANAC Conference
Cover Story
Medicare Managed Cared
Feature Sponsorship Opportunity
What’s Up With Medical Marijuana?
Focus on Caregiving
Legal Advisor
Human Resources
Bonus Distribution
AHCA/NCAL Spring Multifacility
CEO & Senior Executive Leaders
Conference; AHCA/NCAL
Congressional Briefing
Cover Story
The Fight Against Antipsychotics
Feature Sponsorship Opportunities
The Top 50 Largest Nursing Facility
The Top 40 Largest Assisted Living
Focus on Caregiving
Legal Advisor
Bonus Distribution
NADONA Convention
NAHCA Annual Conference
Cover Story
Tracking New Payment Models
Feature Sponsorship Opportunity
Design Innovations
Focus on Caregiving
Technology in Health Care
Buyer’s Market
Cover Story
The Obama Years
Feature Sponsorship Opportunity
Mental Health Challenges
Focus on Caregiving
Buyer’s Market
Preconvention Issue
Cover Story
Revolution in Business Management
Feature Sponsorship Opportunity
Finance Supplement
Special Features
Convention Seminars Preview
Focus on Caregiving
Technology in Health Care
Bonus Distribution
NIC Conference
Convention Issue
Cover Story
The Short-Stay Experience
Special Features
AHCA/NCAL Special Award Winners
List of Exhibitors
AHCA/NCAL National Quality Award
Focus on Caregiving
Human Resources
Bonus Distribution
AHCA/NCAL 67th Annual
Convention & Expo
Cover Story
The Business of Dying
Feature Sponsorship Opportunity
Design Innovations
Focus on Caregiving
Legal Advisor
Buyer’s Market
Bonus Distribution
AHCA/NCAL Spring Multifacility
CEO & Senior Executive Leaders
Cover Story
Assisted Living: Family Life
Feature Sponsorship Opportunity
CMS Has First-Year Rehospitalization
Focus on Caregiving
BONUS Distribution is included where Provider magazine is
distributed at numerous association events. Participation subject to change.
www.providermagazine.com | 202-842-4444 | [email protected]
print advertising rates
Issuance and Closing Dates
Special Position Rates
Provider is published monthly. Refer
to page 7 for closing deadlines. If new
material is not received by the closing
date, the latest ad of similar size and
color will be used.
The publisher reserves the right
to select ad locations unless the
advertiser pays a 10% premium on
space. Positions on pages 1 and 2
require a 6-page minimum contract.
General Advertising Rate Policy
Bleed Charges
Rates are determined by the total
space used within a 12-month period,
dating from the first insertion. Earned
frequency is determined by the total
number of insertions, not issues. Sizes
may be mixed. In schedules composed
of different size space units, a onethird page space is the minimum size that can be
combined with larger units to earn frequency rates.
There is no extra charge for bleeds.
Classified Advertising
Cover Net Rates
Cover charges are in addition to space and color costs.
Cover positions require a 6-page minimum contract
and a 90-day notice of cancellation.
Inside Front Cover $785
Inside Back Cover $595
Back Cover $965
The closing dates for insertion order
and copy to be sent can be found on
page 10 under “Closing Deadlines.”
Classifieds are $225 per column inch
with a minimum of one inch. Frequency discounts
are available. Classified ads are non-commissionable
and must be prepaid. No ads will be taken over the
telephone. Standard display ads placed in the classified
ad section are commissionable at the current rates.
december 2014
One Source, Countless Solutions
for Post-acute and Senior Care Providers
LeaderStat’s Executive Recruiters place
talented individuals in exciting career
opportunities at all levels.
Two-column format
Column width: 3 3/8”
Recent Placements
VP of Operations
Corporate CFO
Corporate VP of
Business Development
Director of Nursing
MDS Coordinator
(877) 699-7828
National AANAC Training-Partner
Are you working with a limited budget?
E-mail our Sales Team at
[email protected].
Can't get enough of
Provider ?
Follow us at:
The official blog of Provider magazine
Color Display Advertising Rates
December 2014 Provider 53
The following advertising annual net rates are effective for all advertisers on January 1, 2016.
2/3 Page
1/2 Page
1/3 Page
1/4 Page
1/6 Page
*Black and White rate reduction of $1,365 regardless of size
www.providermagazine.com | 202-842-4444 | [email protected]
online advertising rates/specifications
Banner Specifications
Marketplace Specifications
Banner ads will be formatted as companion ads/
roadblock ads. Please design all ads with the same
branding design to ensure that your message receives
the maximum visibility and maintains continuity
throughout the site.
Marketplace is an opportunity for advertisers to
say more. Similar to an advertorial, Marketplace
content will be located on the homepage, includes one
thumbnail image and up to 30 words inviting readers
to want to learn more. Readers have the option to
click to a sub page where they can read more about
your product/service offering.
All sizes below must be provided by each advertiser.
Title Maximum of 6 words
Abstract Maximum of 30 words
Expanded Description Roughly 250 words
Format Plain text only, no bullets, trademarks, etc.
Pencil 968px wide x 30px high
Pencil Dropdown 968px wide x 340px high
Right Zone 234px wide x 385px high
Bottom Zone 692px wide x 72px high
Top Zone 940px wide x 106px high
Format GIF, JPEG, PNG, Flash
* File size not to exceed 500KB.
Cost Per Month
Print advertisers $2,500
Non-print advertisers $5,000
Provider TV
Length 15 secs
Format 3GPP audio/ video (.3gp)
Cost per Month $5,000
Image 150px wide x 150px high
Format JPEG
Cost per Month
Print advertisers $7,500
Non-print advertisers $10,000
← Pencil
← Top Zone
← Drop-down
← Right Zone
← Right Zone
Bottom Zone
← Marketplace Abstract
Bottom Zone
Provider TV
Expanded Description
www.providermagazine.com | 202-842-4444 | [email protected]
print advertising specifications
Magazine Offset Printing
Cancellation Policy
Provider will accept advertising materials for
reproduction as follows:
Provider Magazine | Attn: Sharon Purvis
1201 L Street, NW | Washington, DC 20005
Fax: 202-842-9806
Electronic Files: Provider is produced 100%
computer-to-plate according to SWOP standards.
All ads must be submitted in a PDF format using the
Adobe Acrobat Distiller job options settings required
for proper output. Please contact Shevona Johnson,
Production Manager, 202-898-6303 or
[email protected], for our Adobe
Distiller job settings.
Four-color ads must be CMYK only. Black-and-white
ads must be grayscale only. Please be sure your PDF
does not contain ICC, RGB, LAB, or Spot-based
colors. For optimal resolution, please ensure that
embedded 4-color graphics are at least 600 dpi. All
fonts must be embedded and crop marks included.
In addition, a high-resolution digital proof must be
provided with your ad.
All cancellations should be sent to:
Cancellations will not be accepted after the space
reservation deadlines as listed. Cancellations not
made in writing or within the cancellation period will
be charged to the advertiser at the full rate.
Any revised ad copy received after the art deadline
will be charged an extra $200.00. New art cannot be
accepted after blueline.
Closing Deadlines
Note: Artwork not received by (deadline) automatic
pick up a previous ad
Material Due
magenta, yellow, and black four-color process.
Binding: Saddle stitched. Some issues may be
Provider cannot guarantee an exact color match.
Provider is not responsible for color shifts due to
differences between the file and the proof.
Tone Reproduction: Continuous-tone color
files must be separated to CMYK using GCR or UCR
methods with a maximum density of 280 percent for
all links.
Number of Proofs: One comprehensive proof
and/or set of progressive proofs, complete with color
bars or match prints, chromalins, or color keys with
density patches are required for all material.
Rotation of Colors: Web-fed rotation is cyan,
perfect bound.
www.providermagazine.com | 202-842-4444 | [email protected]
print advertising specifications
Artwork Shipping Instructions
Send materials to:
Provider Magazine | Attn: Kate McCullough
1201 L Street, NW | Washington, DC 20005
[email protected]
If sending a CD, please send a printout of its contents
and a match proof (SWOP preferred) for color guarantee.
Full Page
If new material is not received by the closing date, the
latest ad of similar size and color will be used.
1/2 Page
Mechanical Requirements
Publication Trim Size: 8 1/8” x 10 7/8”
Note: Allow exactly 0.125 (1/8”) of bleed beyond
your trim size. All ad copy, including logos,
addresses, etc., must be 0.188 (3/16”) within
trim boundaries.
Space Unit
Width & Depth
Spread (non-bleed)
15 1/2” x 10”
Spread (bleed)
16 1/2” x 11 1/8”
2/3 Page
Full Page (non-bleed) 7” x 10”
Full Page (bleed)
8 3/8” x 11 1/8”
2/3 Page
4 1/2” x 9 1/2”
1/2 Page (horizontal)
7” x 4 3/4”
1/2 Page (island)
4 1/2” x 7 1/4”
1/2 Page (vertical)
3 3/8” x 9 1/2”
1/3 Page (square)
4 1/2” x 4 3/4”
1/3 Page (vertical)
2 1/8” x 9 1/2”
1/4 Page
3 3/8” x 4 3/4”
1/2 Page
1/3 Page
www.providermagazine.com | 202-842-4444 | [email protected]
print & online advertising order
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Issue Date 2016
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¨¡ July
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¨¡ September
¨¡ October
¨¡ November
¨¡ December
¨ Purchasing Guide
¨ Convention Program Book
Print Specifications
¨ Spread
¨ Full Page
¨ 2/3 Page
¨ 1/2 Page Horizontal
¨ 1/2 Page Vertical
¨ 1/2 Page Island
¨ 1/3 Page Square
¨ 1/3 Page Vertical
¨ 1/4 Page
¡ Banner
¡ Marketplace
¨ Classified
Columns x
Earned Frequency (please circle)
¡ Flash
Per Monthly Charge
1x 3x 6x 12x 18x 24x
Ad Per Monthly Charge
Special Instructions
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