Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time PRIESTLY ORDINATION OF FATHER BRIAN O'SHAUGHNESSY ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHEDRAL, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA JUNE 4, 2016 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 12, 2016 ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST PARISH 17 CHESTNUT STREET PEABODY, MA 01960 ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE PARISH 3 MARGIN ST. PEABODY, MA 01960 Two Parishes One Mission • To reach out to everyone with the joyful gospel of God’s saving love. • To form one another as disciples who encounter Jesus Christ deeply through word, sacrament and service. • To live as a Spirit filled, multicultural community of mercy, justice and compassion within the Catholic Church. Parish Staff Very Rev. John E. MacInnis, V.F. , Pastor Rev. Steven Clemence, Parochial Vicar Padre Paúl G.M. McManus, Parochial Vicar, Hispanic Ministry Deacon Leo Martin Deacon Chuck Hall Deacon Simon Valentin St. John the Baptist Mary Goyette Karen Hinton Dawn Alves Tracy Palen Kathleen Wilkinson Cynthia Arsenault Holly Zagaria Stacey Vasquez Aida Vargas Lucy Cortez St. Thomas the Apostle Business Manager Director of Religious Ed 1-5 Coordinator of Youth Ministry Parish Secretary Parish Secretary Music Ministry Music Ministry Music Ministry (Spanish) Spanish Religious Ed Spanish Religious Ed Dawn Alves Br. David Wiggin, CFX Regina Matthews Michael Beaulieu Renildo Paiva Lisa Ann Trainor Sheila Lynch Tracy Palen Pastoral Associate Coordinator of Youth Ministry Parish Accountant Music Ministry Music Ministry Music Ministry (Brazilian) Coordinator of Religious Ed Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant Parish Office: 978-531-0002 Parish Fax: 978-531-5199 Website: www.stjohnspeabody.com Parish Office: 978-531-0224 Parish Fax: 978-531-6517 Website: www.stthomaspeabody.org Maureen Kelleher Principal, St. John’s School St. John’s School: 978-531-0444 Parish Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am-12:00pm Kalley Moore Brooksby Village Pastoral Assoc. Brooksby Catholic Ministry: 978-536-7947 Parish Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:30am-3:30pm 2 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 12, 2016 An Update on the NeoCatechumenal Way Last April we offered a series of talks led by members of the NeoCatechumenal Way, the community to which Fr. Steven belongs, which he has wanted to share with us and which I am supporting with him. After eight weeks the talks concluded with a retreat on the Memorial Day weekend. Out of the talks and retreat emerges a group of people who decide to meet twice a week to read the Scriptures and to worship on Saturday evenings. In today's letter I want to explain further how the Way serves to deepen the baptismal faith and commitment of people and how the gatherings of the Way relate to the rest of our life and activity as parishes. The Catechism of the Catholic Church speaks of "a need for instruction after Baptism, but also for the necessary flowering of baptismal grace in personal growth." The Way was instituted to provide a program for this post-baptismal growth. How does the Way relate to our life as a parish? The Statutes of the Way approved by the Holy See underscore this. The Way should "seek to foster in its recipients a mature sense of belonging to the parish and to promote relations of profound communion and collaboration with all the faithful and with the other elements of the parish community (NIS, 6:3)" From reading these and other directives of the church it is clear that, like every group or community within a parish, a Way community always acts and works under the pastoral care of the pastor (NIS, 10:3) and in each small community the Way "nurtures people in community life...open to the life of the parish community and of the whole church (NIS 15:1)." I make this point because people sometimes worry that new groups or movements will become cliques that divide the parish. What the Church reminds us with such words is that we must constantly build each other up in a spirit of unity in our parishes and in our archdiocese. Concretely, how does the Way promote post-baptismal growth? Many people who attended the eight weeks of talks heard dramatic testimony of the team of the Way about how the proclamation of the death and resurrection of Jesus by catechists helped them find Christ, brining couples together whose marriages were coming apart and giving to individuals the grace to overcome great sufferings in their life. These witness talks were very moving and I think that many of us took away a deeper sense of the importance of the kerygma, the listening to God's Word as a word addressed to each one personally and as an event which shapes our lives. I am grateful to Fr. Steven and the team of the Way for all their time and dedication in providing these talks and the retreat for our community. From this experience a new small group has begun its life: 13 people from our parishes who will continue to meet once a week to read the Scriptures and share with one another what God's word says to them to help them grow in holiness. This group is not unlike many small groups that have formed in our parishes providing people with a sense of community by getting to know each other better and enjoying the freedom to seek and share faith in an environment of mutual care and trust. For this reason when this small community meets each week, we need to respect those relationships as we would any kind of support group. I myself belong to a group of priests who have met regularly for 35 years, sharing our lives and struggles with each other in a spirit of faith and confidentiality. Another component of the life of this small community will be a Mass celebrated on Saturday evenings. If you have ever participated in a Mass with a small group of people, perhaps in a home or small chapel, you may have been touched by the closeness you feel to the altar and to the action of the Eucharist. We have done this many times with small groups in what we call 'a teaching Mass." Once they are organized and a schedule is set, these Saturday evening Masses will be open to anyone who wishes to attend. This too is made clear in the Statutes: the Eucharistic celebrations on Saturday evening "are part of the Sunday liturgical pastoral work of the parish and are open also to other faithful (NIS, 13:4)." I will write to you more about these in the next few months in case you may wish to attend this Mass. In the future we may be offering this series of talks again and as always these will be free for anyone who wishes to come, be they regular church goers or those who are estranged or feeling lost. For now it is important to allow this first community to grow and be given time to bear fruit. Please pray for those who are "walking the Way." Speaking of ways to grow in God's grace, let's all remember our mission: "to reach out to everyone with the joyful gospel of God's saving love." The talks and the formation of a Way community are one of many opportunities we have brought to you. If you are seeking other ways to deepen your faith and love for the Lord, please keep in mind another program we are offering again in the next few months. The ACTS program has made a difference in personal lives and in the life of our parishes. In some respects, these retreats may be more accessible to people and so it has been possible for several dozen of our parishioners to participate in them. There is a TEEN ACTS on July 28-31, a WOMEN'S ACTS on Sept. 22-25, and a MEN'S ACTS on Oct. 20-23. With these too, however, we need to help people to follow through by deepening relationships built on the Word of God, the Sunday Eucharist and service to others. I urge you to take advantage of every grace that God extends to you to get to know him better and to experience a change in your life: a conversion from sin and darkness to blessing and light in the Lord Jesus. God bless. Fr. John 3 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 12, 2016 Actualización sobre el Camino Neocatecumenal En abril pasado ofrecimos una serie de charlas dirigidas por miembros del Camino Neocatecumenal, la comunidad a la que el Padre Steven pertenece y que ha querido compartir con nosotros. Después de ocho semanas las conversaciones concluyeron con un retiro el fin de semana del Memorial Day. Después de las conversaciones y el retiro emerge un grupo de personas que deciden reunirse dos veces por semana para leer las Escrituras y adorar el sábado por la noche. Cuando las personas que participaron acordaron en que quieren seguir y el pastor lo aprueba, el grupo reconoce que ahora "ha nacido una nueva comunidad." ¿Qué es esta nueva comunidad y cómo se encuentran y cómo se relacionan con el resto de nuestra vida y actividad como parroquias? El Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica habla de "una necesidad de instrucción después del bautismo, sino también el florecimiento necesario de la gracia bautismal en el crecimiento personal." El Camino fue instituido para proporcionar un programa de este crecimiento post-bautismal. ¿De qué manera se relacionan con la vida como una parroquia? Los Estatutos aprobados por la Santa Sede rigen el Camino, que quede claro eso. Ellos nos enseñan que el Camino debe "tratar de fomentar en sus destinatarios un maduro sentido de pertenencia a la parroquia para promover las relaciones de profunda comunión y colaboración con todos los fieles y con los otros elementos de la comunidad parroquial (NIS, 6: 3 ) "Leyendo estas y otras directivas de la iglesia, está claro que, como cualquier grupo o comunidad dentro de una parroquia, la comunidad Camino siempre actúa y trabaja bajo el cuidado pastoral de los pastores (NIS, 10: 3) y en cada pequeña comunidad Camino "nutre a las personas en la vida comunitaria ... abiertos a la vida de la comunidad parroquial y de toda la iglesia (NIS 15: 1)." Digo esto con claridad, porque la gente a veces se preocupa de que nuevos grupos o movimientos sean camarillas que dividen a la parroquia. Lo que la Iglesia nos recuerda con estas palabras es que debemos construir constantemente unos a otros en un espíritu de unidad en nuestras parroquias y en nuestra arquidiócesis Concretamente, ¿cómo el Camino promueve el crecimiento post-bautismal? Muchas personas que asistieron a las ocho semanas de conversaciones escucharon dramáticos testimonios del equipo Camino de cómo el anuncio de la muerte y resurrección de Jesús por los catequistas les ayudó a encontrar a Cristo, procurando juntar a las parejas cuyos matrimonios fueron desarticulados y dando a las personas la gracia para superar grandes sufrimientos en su vida. Presenciar estas conversaciones era muy emocionante y creo que muchos de nosotros se llevaron un sentido más profundo de la importancia del kerigma, la escucha de la Palabra de Dios como una palabra dirigida a cada uno personalmente y como un acontecimiento que da forma a nuestras vidas. Agradezco al Padre Steven y al equipo del Camino por todo su tiempo y dedicación en la prestación de estas conversaciones y el retiro para nuestra comunidad A partir de esta experiencia, esta nueva comunidad pequeña ha comenzado su vida, un grupo de 13 personas de nuestras parroquias que continuarán reuniéndose una vez a la semana para leer las Escrituras y compartir con los demás lo que la palabra de Dios les dice a ellos para ayudarles a crecer en santidad. Este grupo no es a diferente de muchos pequeños grupos que se han formado en nuestras parroquias, proporcionando a las personas con un sentido de comunidad al llegar a conocerse mejor y disfrutar de la libertad de buscar y compartir la fe en un ambiente de cuidado mutuo la confianza. Por esta razón, cuando esta pequeña comunidad se reúna cada semana, tenemos que respetar esas relaciones como lo haríamos con cualquier tipo de grupo de apoyo. Yo mismo pertenezco a un grupo de sacerdotes que se han reunido regularmente durante 35 años, compartiendo nuestras vidas y las luchas entre sí con espíritu de fe y confidencialidad Otro componente de la vida de esta pequeña comunidad será una misa celebrada el sábado por la noche. Si alguna vez ha participado en una misa con un pequeño grupo de personas, tal vez en un hogar o pequeña capilla, puede haber sido tocado por la cercanía que siente al altar y a la acción de la Eucaristía. Hemos hecho esto muchas veces con pequeños grupos en lo que llamamos 'una misa enseñanza. "Una vez que se organizan un horario establecido, estas misas de sábado por la tarde estarán abiertas a cualquier persona que desee asistir. Esto también se pone de manifiesto en los estatutos: las celebraciones eucarísticas en la noche del sábado "son parte del trabajo pastoral de la liturgia dominical de la parroquia y están abiertas también a otros fieles (NIS, 13: 4)." yo le escribiré más sobre esto en los próximos meses en caso de que desee asistir a esta misa. En el futuro podríamos estar ofreciendo este ciclo de charlas de nuevo y como siempre serán gratis para cualquier persona que quiera venir, ya sean los que van regularmente a la iglesia los que se han alejado o se sienten perdidos. Por ahora es importante permitir que esta primera comunidad crezca y darle un tiempo para que dar frutos. Por favor oren por aquellos que están "caminando el Camino". ¡Y busca por tu camino! Hablando de formas de crecer en la gracia de Dios, vamos todos a recordar nuestra misión: "llegar a todo el mundo con el Evangelio gozoso del amor salvador de Dios." Las conversaciones y la formación de la comunidad de Camino no son sino una de las muchas oportunidades que hemos traído a usted. Si usted está buscando otras maneras de profundizar su fe y amor por el Señor, por favor, tenga en cuenta otro programa que estaremos ofreciendo de nuevo en los próximos meses. El programa ACTS ha hecho una diferencia en la vida personal y en la vida de nuestras parroquias. En algunos aspectos, estos retiros pueden ser más accesibles a las personas por lo que ha sido posible para varias docenas de nuestros feligreses participar en ellos. Hay un ACTOS para ADOLECENTES los días del 28-31 de julio: Un ACTOS para MUJERES los días 22-25 de septiembre, y un ACTOS para HOMBRES en Oct. 20-23. Con estos también, sin embargo, tenemos que ayudar a la gente a seguir a través de la profundización de relaciones basadas en la Palabra de Dios, la Eucaristía dominical y servicio a los demás. Yo insto a tomar ventaja de todas las gracias que Dios extiende a usted para llegar a conocerlo mejor y experimentar un cambio en su vida: una conversión del pecado y de la oscuridad a la luz y bendición en el Señor Jesús. Dios bendiga. Padre John 4 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 12, 2016 Uma atualização sobre o Caminho Neocatecumenal Em abril passado nós oferecemos uma série de conversações lideradas por membros do Caminho Neocatecumenal, a comunidade à qual Fr. Steven pertence, que ele queria compartilhar com a gente e que estou apoiando com ele. Após oito semanas as negociações foram concluídas com um retiro no fim de semana do Memorial Day. Fora das conversações e do retiro emergeu um grupo de pessoas que decidiram reunir duas vezes por semana para ler as Escrituras e adorar a Deus nas noites de sábado. Na carta de hoje eu quero explicar melhor como o Caminho serve para aprofundar a fé batismal e o comprometimento das pessoas e como as reuniões do Caminho relacionam com o resto da nossa vida e atividade como paróquias. O Catecismo da Igreja Católica fala de "uma necessidade para a instrução após o Batismo, mas também para o desabrochar necessário da graça batismal no crescimento pessoal." O Caminho foi instituído para fornecer um programa para este crescimento pós-baptismal. Como é que o Caminho se relaciona com nossa vida como uma paróquia? Os Estatutos do Caminho aprovados pela Santa Sé destacam isso. O Caminho deve "buscar fomentar nos seus destinatários uma sensação madura de pertença à freguesia e promover relações de profunda comunhão e colaboração com todos os fiéis e com os outros elementos da comunidade paroquial (NEI, 6: 3)" a partir da leitura estas e outras directivas da igreja, é claro que, como qualquer grupo ou comunidade dentro de uma paróquia, uma comunidade Way atua sempre e funciona sob o cuidado pastoral do pastor (NIS, 10: 3) e em cada comunidade pequena o Caminho "nutre as pessoas na vida comunitária ... abertos para a vida da comunidade paroquial e de toda a igreja (NIS 15: 1) ". Faço este ponto, porque às vezes as pessoas se preocupam que novos grupos ou movimentos se tornarão grupos que dividem a paróquia. O que a Igreja recorda-nos com essas palavras é que devemos constantemente edificar uns aos outros num espírito de unidade em nossas paróquias e nas nossas arquidioceses. Concretamente, como é que o Caminho promove o crescimento pós-baptismal? Muitas pessoas que assistiram às oito semanas de conversações ouviram o depoimento dramático da equipe do Caminho sobre como o anúncio da morte e ressurreição de Jesus pelos catequistas os ajudou a encontrar a Cristo, trazendo casais juntos cujos casamentos foram desmoronando e dando às pessoas a graça para superar grandes sofrimentos em sua vida. Estas conversações testemunhas foram muito emocionantes e eu acho que muitos de nós tiramos um sentido mais profundo da importância do querigma, a escuta da Palavra de Deus como uma palavra dirigida a cada um pessoalmente e como um evento que molda nossas vidas. Sou grato ao Padre Steven e da equipe do caminho para todo o seu tempo e dedicação no fornecimento dessas conversações e o retiro para a nossa comunidade. A partir desta experiência um novo pequeno grupo começou a sua vida: 13 pessoas de nossas paróquias que continuarão a reunir uma vez por semana para ler as Escrituras e compartilhar uns com os outros o que a palavra de Deus diz a eles para ajudá-los a crescer em santidade. Este grupo não é ao contrário de muitos pequenos grupos que se formaram em nossas paróquias fornecendo as pessoas com um sentido de comunidade por conhecer melhor uns aos outros e desfrutar da liberdade de buscar e compartilhar a fé em um ambiente de cuidado e confiança mútuos. Por esta razão, quando esta pequena comunidade se reúne a cada semana, temos de respeitar essas relações como faríamos com qualquer tipo de grupo de apoio. Eu me pertenço a um grupo de sacerdotes que tenham cumprido regularmente por 35 anos, compartilhando nossas vidas e lutas uns com os outros em espírito de fé e confidencialidade. Outro componente da vida desta pequena comunidade será uma missa celebrada nas noites de sábado. Se você já participou de uma missa com um pequeno grupo de pessoas, talvez em uma casa ou em uma capela pequena, você pode ter sido tocado pela proximidade que sente ao altar e à ação da Eucaristia. Nós fizemos isso muitas vezes com pequenos grupos no que chamamos de 'uma missa de ensino. "Uma vez que eles são organizados e uma programação for definida, essas massas nas noites de sábado seram abertas a qualquer pessoa que deseje participar. Isso também está claro nos estatutos: as celebrações eucarísticas na noite de sábado "são parte do trabalho aos domingos da litúrgica pastoral da paróquia e estão abertas também a outros fiéis (NIS, 13: 4)." vou escrever-lhe mais sobre estes nos próximos meses em caso que deseja participar desta missa. No futuro, pode ser oferecendo esta série de palestras novamente e como sempre será gratuito para quem deseja vir, sejam eles frequentadores regulares da igreja ou aqueles que estão afastados ou sentindo perdidos. Por agora, é importante para permitir que esta primeira comunidade cresce e tem tempo para dar frutos. Por favor, orem para aqueles que estão "caminhando o Caminho". Falando de maneiras de crescer na graça de Deus, vamos todos lembrar a nossa missão: "para chegar a todos com o evangelho de alegria do amor salvífico de Deus." As palestras e a formação de uma comunidade do Caminho são uma das muitas oportunidades que trouxemos para você. Se você está procurando outras formas de aprofundar a sua fé e amor ao Senhor, por favor, mantenha em mente um outro programa que estamos oferecendo novamente nos próximos meses. O programa ACTS tem feito a diferença na vida pessoal de nossos paroquianos e na vida de nossas paróquias. Em alguns aspectos, estes retiros podem ser mais acessíveis para as pessoas e por isso tem sido possível para várias dezenas dos nossos paroquianos participarem nas mesmas. Há um TEEN ACTs em julho 28-31 para adolescentes, um WOMEN’S ACTs age em setembro 22-25 por mulheres, e um MEN’S ACTs por homens em outubro 20-23. Com estes também, no entanto, precisamos ajudar as pessoas a seguir por meio de aprofundar as relações construídas sobre a Palavra de Deus, a Eucaristia dominical e serviço aos outros. Exorto-vos a aproveitar todas as graças que Deus estende a você para conhecê-lo melhor e experimentar uma mudança em sua vida: a conversão do pecado e da escuridão para a bênção e luz no Senhor Jesus. Deus abençoe. Fr. John 5 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 12, 2016 St. John the Baptist Parish TUESDAY 6:45 AM JUNE 14, 2016 Souls of Purgatory WEDNESDAY 6:45AM JUNE 15, 2016 Personal Intention THURSDAY 6:45AM JUNE 16, 2016 Personal Intention THIS WEEK AT SAINT JOHN’S For details please call 978-531-0002 or visit our website at www.stjohnspeabody.com Sun. June 12 11:00am Coffee Hour 1:30pm Rain Gutter Regatta ~Memorial Gifts for the Eucharist~ Mon. June 13 5:00pm Rosary & Adoration If you wish to offer a memorial gift of Bread and Wine or Sacramental Candles, please call the parish secretary at 978-531-0002. Tues. June 14 6:00pm Novena to the Holy Face of Jesus ~ Rest in Peace ~ Wed. June 15 6:00pm Boy Scout Troop 119 Thurs. June 16 Please remember in your prayers the repose of the soul of Robert F. Thibodeau & Carol Eagar whose funeral Masses were celebrated in our parish. May they and all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace, Amen. College Scholarships Available 6:30pm G.O.D. Group Fri. June 17 12:00pm Community Lunch 7:00pm Spanish Mass 7:30pm Spanish Women’s Group Sat. June 18 7:30am Men’s Faith Sharing Grp Sun. June 19 11:00am Coffee Hour THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT Our parish has been given scholarship endowments for children of our parish. Each year at this time we invite parishioners who are in college or going to college in the fall to apply for a parish scholarship. One scholarship fund is for any parishioner attending college; the other fund is for a parishioner attending Boston College. Students who wish to apply must send a letter to Fr. John MacInnis, indicating their request and their involvement in the parish. Applications are due by June 24. June 5, 2016 Seminary $5,794.00 $2,103.00 June 7, 2015 Seminary $7,122.00 $1,515.00 Grand Annual just over $77,000 from 301 families. Our goal is $80,000. These funds go directly to the parish to offset expenses. Catholic Appeal $34,215 from 179 families. We are at 89% of our goal. Please join us for coffee in the Lower Church Hall on Sundays. (A er the 10 AM Mass ONLY) If you haven’t had the chance to give to our Parish Grand Annual and/or the Archdiocese Catholic Appeal it’s not too late. Please help us reach our goals. Thank you. We would like to thank Central Bakery in Peabody for dona ng all the pastries for our coffee hour every week. Please be sure to visit their bakery at 48 Walnut Street in Peabody. God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7) 6 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 12, 2016 St. Thomas the Apostle Parish Saturday 4:00PM June 11 Jane Kowalski + Jose Vargas + Jane M. King + Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 13 8:30AM Mass-Chapel June 14 6:15PM Girl Scout Troop 361–School Sunday 10:00AM June 12 Frank & Henrietta Bilewicz + June 15 Saturday 4:00PM June 18 Adelaide & Joseph Amaral + Alexander Milewski + June 16 6:30PM Girl Scout Troop 233–School 7:00PM Bible Study—S.L.C. 6:30PM Living Faith– S.L.C. June 17 8:30AM Mass-Chapel Saturday 4:00PM June 19 John F. Raposo + Doris M. Davis + WEEKLY GIVING This weekend, June 12, 2016 The First collection will be for the parish. The Second collection is for the Fr. Dan Sheehan Spiritual Life Center Liturgy Memorials The Altar wine & hosts have been donated for the month of June for the honor and glory of God in memory of Fr. Louis Bourgeois by Norma Johnson, the Candle Oil in memory of John Reposo from The Reposo family and the Sanctuary Lamp in memory of Irene O’Leary from Maureen O’Leary. June 5, 2016 Fuel & Utilities $4,935.00 $ 774.00 Next weekend the Single collection is for the parish. The Grand Annual has reached $35,450 from 142 families. Catholic Appeal $10,816 from 73 families. We are at 33% of our goal. Please save the following dates: June 16th—Living Faith June 25th—Brazilian Festival If you haven’t had the chance to give to our Parish Grand Annual and/or the Archdiocese Catholic Appeal it’s not too late. Please help us reach our goals. Thank you. St. Thomas Feast Day On Sunday Morning July 3rd we will celebrate the feast day of St. Thomas. Writings tell us that St. Thomas traveled all the way to India to share the Good News, How far will you go in your own faith life to share the Message of Jesus? Join us for refreshments and fellowship outside Mary's Chapel to celebrate our Apostle for whom our church is named after the 10AM Mass on Sunday, July 3rd. Thank you for your generous sacrifice. Thank you! A special thank you to everyone who served in both small and large capacities throughout the Easter Season and these last three weeks of Pentecost, The Most Holy Trinity and Christ the King! The St. Thomas Community has been extremely busy with the upkeep of Banners, flowers inside our liturgical space and outside on our grounds, and committed members of many committees! Everyone tells me "it's nothing, just a little effort and time which I have." But I agree with Blessed Mother Theresa who said. “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” Your love shows, and with gratitude I acknowledge your efforts! Dawn Alves Please remember the deceased of our Parish and those who were buried from St. Thomas Parish during the past weeks. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen 7 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 12, 2016 Parroquia de San Juan Bautista: BIENVENIDOS A NUESTRA COMUNIDAD HISPANA Y que todos: nos comprometamos, cada día, a ser más FAMILIA en JESÚS, Vivo y Resucitado. Para solicitar los Servicios Pastorales, en la Comunidad, por favor hablar, Con Padre Paúl G. M. McManus: de Viernes a Sábado, en Peabody Tel: 978-826-7522 o por correo electronico a [email protected] Jubileo de las Lágrimas Uno de los más especiales eventos del Año de la Misericordia fue el “Jubileo de las Lágrimas”, el cual está dedicado a todos aquellos que están de duelo. El Santo Padre Francisco habló en una ocasión de la amarga pena que se vive al perder a un ser querido. “La amargura de las lágrimas"….de todos aquellos que han visto a sus seres amados arrebatados de forma violenta; lágrimas de los abuelos, madres, padres, hijos; ojos que buscan con su mirada puesta en el atardecer y no logran ver con esperanza el amanecer de un nuevo día”. Esto trae a nuestra mente el sufrimiento de aquellos que han participado en la muerte de un niño no-nacido de un modo u otro; padres, abuelos, amigos…y todos los demás. Recordemos de manera especial, a aquellas madres que han experimentado el horror de ver a sus hijos serles “arrebatados de forma violenta” por el aborto. Para buscar medios de sanación pos-abortiva en www.AbortionForgiveness.com. Consejería en español Judy Keith, una psicóloga que habla español, está aquí por la tarde como voluntaria para hablar con cualquier persona o pareja que quiere consejería en español. Puede hablar de la depresión, la ansiedad, la muerte de alguien querido, la comunicación en pareja o de cualquier tema con el cual quiera ayuda. Para sacar una cita, por favor llámeme en 978-826-7541 y déjeme un mensaje y le devolveré la llamada lo más pronto que sea posible. Bautismos Tercer sabado del mes a las 4:00 p.m. Conferencia para padres y padrinos: Segundo sábado del mes en el Centro parroquial a las 12 p.m. Se puede conseguir el formulario en la oficina de la parroquia o después de la Misa vea a Diácono Simón Valentin. Grupo de Oración Los sábado a las 7 p.m. Matrimonios Por favor, hable con el Padre Paúl a los menos seis meses antes de la fecha escogida. Quinceañeras – Visitas Pastorales – Otros Servicios Por favor, hable con el Padre Paúl, o Diácono Simón Valentín La Santa Misa Los domingos a las 11:30 a.m. Los viernes a las 7 p.m. Confesiones Los viernes de las 6 hasta las 7 p.m. Jueves – Sábado por cita en la casa parroquial Llame al Padre Paúl 978-826-7541 Adoración de Santísimo Sacramento Los viernes de las 6 hasta las 7 p.m. Compra tu boleto de Padre Paúl o de María Madera 8 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 12, 2016 COMUNIDADE BRASILEIRA Padre Steven – Cell (978) 595 1008 – Email: [email protected] José Antônio – Cell (617) 605 6981 – email: [email protected] MISSA TODOS OS DOMINGOS ÀS 7PM CONFISSÕES – SEGUNDA-FEIRA DE 7:30 – 8:30PM OU MARCANDO HORÁRIO COM O PADRE. BATISMOS: TODO TERCEIRO DOMINGO DO MÊS NA MISSA DAS 7PM (OS BATISMOS DEVERÃO SER AGENDADOS 1 MÊS ANTES) CASAMENTOS – CONTACTAR COM O PADRE NO MÍNIMO 6 MESES ANTES DA DATA PRETENDIDA INFORMAÇÃO PASTORAL GRUPO DE ORAÇÃO TODA SEGUNDA FEIRA ÀS 7:30PM (Renildo – 978-210-1567) DIZIMO: ENTRAR EM CONTATO COM CRISTIANO OU RITA -978-424-1354 / 978-855-8208 PASTORAL FAMILIAR Reunião todo terceiro sábado do mês às 7pm Resumo da Catequese do Papa – 6/4/2016 O Papa Francisco fala de amor na catequese da Audiência Geral de hoje. O amor que Jesus Cristo fez visível realizando a “misericórdia de Deus” anunciada ao longo do Antigo Testamento. Portanto, “um amor aberto a todos – ninguém excluído – aberto a todos sem exceção. Um amor puro, gratuito, absoluto. Um amor que alcança o seu ponto culminante no sacrifício da cruz”. Um amor que se “faz carne” e que Jesus “manifestou, realizou e comunicou sempre, em cada momento da sua vida terrena: encontrando as multidões, anunciando o Evangelho, curando os enfermos, aproximando-se dos últimos” e especialmente “perdoando os pecadores”. E todos nós temos necessidade desta misericórdia. Porque “somos todos pecadores”, diz o Papa, mas, ao mesmo tempo, “estamos todos perdoados, todos temos a oportunidade de receber esse perdão, que é a misericórdia de Deus”. Na cruz, “enquanto está prestes a morrer inocente por nós”, Cristo “apresenta à misericórdia do Pai o pecado do mundo, e com ele todos os nossos pecados. O pecado de todos, os meus pecados, os seus pecados, os vossos pecados. Ele os apresenta ali na cruz…”. E Ele ora ao Pai: “Perdoa-lhes, porque não sabem o que fazem”. “Nada e ninguém é excluído desta oração sacrifical de Jesus”, assegura o Papa Francisco. Somos nós que excluímos os outros: “Quantas vezes nós dizemos esse é pecador, aquele fez aquilo e julgamos os outros”. No entanto, “cada um de nós deveria perguntar-se: ‘Sim, aquele é um pecador, mas eu?’”. Então, “não precisamos temer as nossas misérias….”, comenta Francisco. “Não devemos temer as nossas misérias. Todo mundo tem a sua própria. O poder do amor do Crucificado não conhece obstáculos e nunca se esgota. E esta misericórdia – com certeza – apaga as nossas misérias”. Portanto, neste Ano Jubilar, conclui o Santo Padre, “pedimos a Deus a graça de experimentar o poder do Evangelho da misericórdia que transforma, que faz entrar no coração de Deus, que nos torna capazes de perdoar e olhar o mundo com mais bondade”. Porque “se aceitamos o Evangelho do Cristo crucificado, toda a nossa vida é moldada pela força do seu amor que renova”. IMPORTANTE: Durante os meses de Julho e Agosto, a MISSA sera celebrada SOMENTE as 11:30am. Ou sejá, NAO teremos a missa das 7pm. Em setembro voltaremos a ter a missa as 7pm. Data para o PRÓXIMO Batismo: 17 de Julho DATAS: FESTA JUNINA DA COMUNIDADE – 25 de Junho Precisamos de doações para festa. Favor contatar a Hinez -(617) 650-0549 - ou a Wanderleia - (978) 879-9465 9 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 12, 2016 PHOTOS OF THE ORDINATION OF FATHER BRIAN O'SHAUGHNESSY Opening Doors of Mercy for our Homeless Neighbors. Thanks to some of our parishioners you can find photos of Father Brian's ordination. For a video stream go on the internet https://www.diosav.org/livestream. Scroll to video labeled 'Rite of Ordination to the Priesthood 06.04.2016' “Whatever you did for the least of my brothers, you did for me.” (Mt. 25:40 ) Dear parish friends, Every Friday since January 8th, St. John's has opened our doors to feed and serve people who are homeless or otherwise marginalized in our community. It has been an incredible blessing of ministry to sit, talk, eat, and develop friendships each week with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Many volunteers have come forward to create a loving and caring environment, and all who come here to visit tell me they notice and feel the love from everyone. Truly it has been a most rewarding experience in such a short period of time, and the good Lord is smiling down upon all of our efforts indeed! (compliments of Ed Mendonca) There are also some photos of Father Brian's ordination from one of our parishioners on the News section on the website of St. John's (http://stjohnspeabody.com/latest-news/) and also a link to screen shots (http://stjohnspeabody.com/latest-news/deacon-brian-ordination/). (compliments of Larry Cohen) In addition to providing a full lunch each Friday, we distribute fresh fruit, refreshments, and packaged wholesome snacks for them to enjoy on the weekend. This is an important extension of our ministry as Peabody does not have a soup kitchen open and available on Saturdays or Sundays. As well, the continuous needs for daily grooming supplies and personal items are tremendous. If you would like to help, the following items (marked for Friday lunch program) may be dropped off during the week at St. John's Parish Center or St. Thomas Spiritual Life Center. Camp Carmelite - Summer Bible Camp Run by the Carmelite Sisters 5 Wheatland St. in Peabody July 25 - 29, 2016 and August 1-5, 2016 8:00AM to 1:00PM for children ages 4 years – 2nd Grade Bible Stories, Music, Games, Arts & Crafts & Snack Cost: $40.00 a day or $200.00 per week. Contact Sr. Kathy at 978-531-4733 or email @ [email protected] for a registration form. Space is limited. 1. Boxes of juice packs 2. Granola bars 3. Packages of peanut butter or cheese crackers 4. Yoohoo chocolate drink juice boxes and bottles of spring water 5. Small boxes of ready to eat chicken or tuna salad with crackers included 6. Breakfast bars 7. Pop tarts 8. Cans or bottles of Arizona (or other brand) lemon iced tea 9. Individual bottles of Gatorade 10. Individual packages of trail mix or cookies 11. New medium or large men's boxer briefs, boxers, or briefs only 12. White only crew socks, above the ankle 13. Gently used adult sneakers for men or women 14. New small or medium women's briefs 15. Any brand of deodorant, soap bars, shampoo, razors, shaving cream 16. Gently used baseball caps EDGE Registrations & High School Confirmation Update; We are in the process of restructuring and planning our fall schedules; please note that Registrations will be in the Mail by July 1. Thank you for your patience. Next Thursday, June 16th will be our last Living Faith program for the season. Join us as our Seminarian Denis Nakeeran speaks on behalf of the historical and current day Martyrs. What better way to end the year as we focus on how many lives ended on behalf of our faith! We are hoping to end the evening after a light meal with Taize' Prayer. Thank you for your generosity! If you have any questions, please contact Pat Adam at 978-335-2080. 10 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 12, 2016 Faith Enrichment St. John the Baptist School Peabody 2016-2017 Enrollment Websites that are available for continuing Faith Enrichment We are now accepting applications for the 20162017 school year. Openings in 2 year old playgroup, 3 and 4 year old programs, Kindergarten and Grades 1 through 8. Extended care is available for all students, early morning drop off starting at 7:00am and after school care until 5:30pm. We welcome you to come and tour our wonderful school, please call to schedule an appointment. Please call the school office for more information (978) 5310444 ext 340 or e-mail: [email protected] Applications are also available on the school web site: www.stjohns-peabody.com wordonfire.org (Bishop Robert Baron) dynamiccatholic.com (Matthew Kelly) mycatholictube.com (Ascension Presents) reallifecatholic.com www.loyolapress.com Click on Our Catholic St. John the Baptist School 19 Chestnut Street Peabody, Ma 01960 www.stjohns-peabody.com Faith and sign up for a 3 minute retreat or other liturgical and daily prayerful opportunities! Bible app: Truth and Life Bible and Audio Bible app Will you sponsor a child? Saturday Morning Men’s Group All men are invited to a group that meets on Saturday mornings in the rectory basement at Saint John’s. We meet from 7:30 am to 8:30 am to read the scriptures and prayer. All are welcome! Enter the basement from the door in the back of the rectory. The rectory is the building to the left of St John’s church. Fr. John Every school year St. John School receives many requests for tuition assistance. This year there is a substantial increase in the need for tuition financial assistance. Many families want their children to have the Catholic education experience but the tuition expense is a financial burden and they struggle to keep their children in our school year to year. If you or someone you know would like to be a contributor to a Catholic school education for one of our deserving students, please contact the school office at (978) 531-0444. Ext. 336. Any amount donated toward tuition assistance is greatly appreciated. St. Thomas Children’s Closet We are looking for boys and girls clothing sizes 2 –16. The Closet is open Saturday’s from 1PM-4PM. Call the parish office with any questions 978-531-0224. Thank You St. John the Baptist School Thursday Playgroup for 2 Year Olds September 15, 2016 St. John School is beginning our popular Thursday morning playgroup. Children must be 2 years on or before September 1st to be eligible. This will be held every Thursday in the school from 9:0011:00a.m. A parent or guardian must stay with the child. The playgroup will run the entire school year at $10.00 per session. Each session will be limited. Sessions will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Snacks and a drink will be provided for your child. Please call Kathy at (978) 531-0444 ext. 340 or e-mail: [email protected] to sign up. 19 Chestnut Street, Peabody, MA – www.stjohns-peabody.com 11 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 12, 2016 St. John the Baptist Thrift Shop As always, thank you to our loyal volunteers and donors. Stop by to see our large selection of summer capris, shorts, tops and sundresses. We always have a special $1 rack and 50 cent bins. Great bargains to be found! Hours are Thursdays 9-12, Fridays and Saturdays 9-1. Don't forget Father's Day in June. Jane Harris, Manager By Dr. Scott Hahn Many Sins, Great Love Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle C) In this Sunday’s readings we are like the fallen king, David, and the woman who weeps at Jesus’ feet. Like David, the Lord has rescued us from sin and death, anointed us with His Spirit in baptism and in confirmation. He has made us heirs of His promise to the children of Israel. Youth Ministry Service Opportunities Many High School programs, and National Honor Societies require volunteer hours for students. Over the summer a students parish is a wonderful place to volunteer and earn easy hours. Consider calling either parish office for the following opportunities: And like David, and like the woman in the Gospel, we fall into sin. Our crimes may not be as grave as David’s (see 2 Samuel 11:1–26) or as “many” as that woman’s (see Luke 7:47). But we often squander the great gift of salvation we’ve been given. Often we fail to live up to the great calling of being sons and daughters of God. At St. Thomas (978-531-0224): • Love working outside; The Green Thumb Committee (Monday afternoons 3:30-6:30); various jobs helping mowing, weed wacking, leaf blowing, sweeping or planting. • Strong? Love retail? The Thrift Shop would love your help: Saturday mornings, 9-2AM inside with clothing, toys, and housewares, or outside in the garage with large household items such as furniture, or shelving. • Children's clothing only;The Children's Closet; Saturday's, 1:30-3:30PM; Folding, hanging, or sorting children's clothing. Love to cook/serve? Haven for Hunger Committee; First Friday of each month, (July 1st, August 5th, September 2nd). Either Prepare a Shepherd's Pie at home, or join us at the Haven to serve them! (4:30-6:30). The good news of today’s readings, the good news of Jesus Christ, is that we can return to God in the sacrament of confession. Each of us can repeat Paul’s wondrous words in this week’s Epistle: “The Son of God has loved me and given himself up for me.” Our faith will save us, as Jesus tells the woman today. Our faith that no matter how many our sins, or how serious, if we come to him in true sorrow and repentance we will hear his words of forgiveness. Like David. Like the woman in the Gospel this Sunday. We hear David’s heartfelt confession in the First Reading. The Psalmist, too, confesses his sins to God. And we hear our Lord’s tender words of mercy and pardon in the Gospel. By His word of healing and his promise of peace, He makes it possible for us to join Him at the banquet table of the Eucharist. At. St. John's(978-531-0002 The Thrift shop; Sorting, organizing and hanging clothing, housewares. We can’t be like the Pharisee in the Gospel. We should never disdain the sinner or doubt the Lord’s power to convert even the worst of sinners. Have all your volunteer hours done before school begins! Call us, we will put you in touch with those in charge! Come, follow in the footsteps of Christ who calls us to serve with love and compassion for those in need, Summer time is when extraordinary moments happen in everyday ordinary time. Instead, we should pledge today to better imitate that sinful woman. In gratitude for the debt we’ve been forgiven, let us promise to live by faith and for God alone. Like her, let us devote our lives to serving Him with great love. A service of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology www.SalvationHistory.com 12 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 12, 2016 Scripture for the week of June 12, 2016 12 SUN 2 Sm 12:7-10, 13/Gal 2:16, 19-21/Lk 7:368:3 or 7:36-50 13 Mon 1 Kgs 21:1-16/Mt 5:38-42 14 Tue 1 Kgs 21:17-29/Mt 5:43-48 15 Wed 2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14/Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 16 Thu Sir 48:1-14/Mt 6:7-15 17 Fri 2 Kgs 11:1-4, 9-18, 20/Mt 6:19-23 18 Sat 2 Chr 24:17-25/Mt 6:24-34 19 SUN Zec 12:10-11; 13:1/Gal 3:26-29/Lk 9:18-24 TEEN ACTS RETREAT Want a great weekend this summer, with other teens? We invite all teens (those who finished 9th grade and up) to join the ACTS retreat from Thursday, July 28 until Sunday, July 31. For details, see Fr. Steven or Fr. John or Dawn or Karen. Scholarships are available to help with the cost. NEW SCHEDULE FOR JUNE Weekend Masses June Saturday 4PM Weekday Masses Monday, Friday * 8:30AM St. Thomas the Apostle St. Thomas the Apostle (Confessions at 3:15PM) Sunday 8AM St. John the Baptist 10AM St. John the Baptist 10AM St. Thomas the Apostle 11:30AM (Spanish) St. John the Baptist 5PM St. John the Baptist 7PM (Brazilian) St. Thomas the Apostle Tues, Wed, Thurs, First Fri, First Sat. 6:45AM St. John the Baptist Other Fri & Sat ** 6:45AM St. John the Baptist * Moved in case of Funerals ** Moved in case of Funerals 13 Special Boston Archdiocesan Offer: Subscribe Today and SAVE 49%! Item Special Discount Rate Your Savings Discount 1 Year (49 issues) $19.95 $19.05 49% price! Guaranteed lowest The Pilot is an important voice in the public square that brings you the Catholic perspective on current events. Inspired by the vision of our publisher, Cardinal Seán O’Malley, The Pilot covers it all — from in-depth reporting on Pope Francis to the good works of Boston parishes. Each week, The Pilot brings you the stories of Boston Catholics who bring the Works of Mercy to life on a daily basis. • Feed the Hungry • Give drink to the Thirsty • Clothe the Naked • Shelter the Homeless • Visit the Sick • Visit the Imprisoned • Bury the Dead • Instruct the Ignorant • Counsel the Doubtful • Admonish Sinners • Bear Wrongs Patiently • Forgive Offences Willingly • Comfort the Afflicted • Pray for the Living & the Dead Proclaiming the present Holy Year of Mercy, Pope Francis said he wants to make it evident that the Church’s mission is to be a witness of compassion. “Let us not forget that God forgives and God forgives always,” Pope Francis said. “Let us never tire of asking for forgiveness.” We invite you to join the Pilot readership today for only $19.95. This limited-time offer saves you 49% off the regular subscription rate. 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Subscribe to Get the Catholic Perspective and be fully informed. Subscribe: 617-779-3792 For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Subscribe to GetCatholicTV.com Get the Catholic Perspective and be fully info Subscribe: 617-779 Saint Thomas the Apostle, Peabody, MA 1148 RS4587 SalemCollision.com The North Shore’s most popular address for maintenance-free retirement living. 101R Foster St., Peabody 978-573-0007 North Shore 1-800-630-0956 7638010 [email protected] A Health Plan for Seniors Full-Spychalski FUNERAL HOME 978-744-0254 The Catholic Cemetery Association Robert G. Spychalski - Type 3 Director 84 Washington Sq. E. | www.SalemFuneral.com O ur ministry includes assisting families before a death occurs. Call today for your free pre-planning kit including: our free booklet, money saving certificate, information on payment plans and specific information on our Malden, Salem and Lynn area Catholic Cemeteries. 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C la y C J u ly 1 0 t h t o J u ly 1 3 th o u r t C h a m p io n s h ip s N e w E n g l a n d Jr. H a rd C o u rt C A u g u st 1 4 h a m p io n s th to A u g u h ip s s t 1 7 th C e le s t e F r e y A c a d e m y M a n a g e r A le x H o w a rd H e a d C o a c h D a v e C o lb y J u n io r P r o g ra m Saturday, June 26 th, 2 –4 pm West Concord, MA 01742 ConcordPark.net CORY SILKEN GRIFFIN THUR ARTHUR D a n ie l Q u ic e n o T e n n is P r o fe s s io n a l F r a n c is c o M o n to y a | fm o n to y 9 7 8 -5 2 6 -8 a @ m a c te 9 0 0 e x t. 2 n n is .c o m 3 2 C e le s t e F r e y | c fre y @ m a c te n 9 7 8 -5 2 6 -8 n is .c o m 9 0 0 e x t. 3 68 Commonw 5 1 ealth Avenue | 978.369.4728 MAN MGOOD MIRIA 2010 D ir e c t o r Join us as we welcome Summer with delicious from the Jazz desserts and music C h Trio “String Swing.” r is C la y t o n Enjoy our lovely area, and tour outdoor garden T e n n i s our beautiful commun P r o fe s s io n ity. a l Kindly RSVP by June 23 SUMMER Chowder Ramp up Your Ga me •Ju n e 1 4 th to A u g u st 2 7 th •M o n d a y s - F r id a y s •1 :3 0 - 5 :3 0 p m •8 y e a r s a n d u p • Through a unique collaboration The with Cambridge Homes , a local assisted living residence and The Griffin Museum, come view remarkable and inspiring photography in a comfortable home-like setting. 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