TAG-Org - Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (Media Network)


TAG-Org - Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (Media Network)
TAG-Org Newsletter
The global organization for professional services and education
Issue 5
February / March 2013
Deputizing for His Majesty the King
Minister of Trade and Industry Inaugurates WTOArab Consultation Forum at TAG- Forum
Abu-Ghazaleh Announces Launch of TAGIPEDIA,
ASREN’s First 155 Megabit per Second Dedicated
Link, and TAGIUNI
Continued Fulfillment of a Vision: Talal AbuGhazaleh University Signs MoU with Bowling
Green State University
Abu-Ghazaleh Tackles ‘The Road to Success: IT for
IP’ at the Global IP Conference 2013
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TAG-Org Newsletter
Issue 5
February / March 2013
TAG-Org News
Abu-Ghazaleh Meets Hamdan Bin Mohammed e-University Chancellor, Discusses
TAG-Education News
TAGIUNI and UK’s inlingua Cheltenham Sign Cooperation Agreement
EPDF’s Jordan Economic Compact “MARSAD” Convenes
The Media Department
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Ibtisam Awadat
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TAG-Org Newsletter
Issue 5
February / March 2013
TAG-Org News
Deputizing for His Majesty the King
Minister of Trade and Industry Inaugurates WTO-Arab Consultation Forum at TAG- Forum
AMMAN - Under the Patronage of His Majesty
King Abdullah II bin Al Hussein, the World Trade
Organization (WTO)-Arab Consultation Forum
was inaugurated at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Forum.
The Forum was attended by HE Mr. Pascal Lamy,
Director-General of the WTO, HE Dr. Talal AbuGhazaleh, EPDF’s chairman and member of
the WTO Expert Panel for Defining the Future
of World Trade (WTO-EP) as well as a number
of Arab ministers and delegates, ambassadors,
representatives of diplomatic missions to the
Kingdom, representatives of economic bodies, businessmen and stakeholders. The Forum was
organized by the Economic Policy Development Forum (EPDF) and the opening session was
moderated by Vice-chairman of EPDF HE Dr. Jawad Anani.
Deputizing for the King, HE Mr. Hatem Halawani, Jordan’s Minister of Industry and Trade
inaugurated the Forum where he conveyed the greetings of the King and his wishes for the
Forum to succeed. His Excellency welcomed the ministers and delegates, and thanked Talal
Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Forum for their strenuous efforts in formulating economic and
development visions that are characterized by the professionalism and qualitative addition to
achieve comprehensive development.
He said that the deep transformations in the global
economy require all countries to work together to
comply with the multilateral trade system.
Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh Speech
Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh delivered a speech where he
congratulated the Jordanian people for opening
the present session of the Parliament. Dr. AbuGhazaleh also expressed his thanks and gratitude
to the King for his patronage of the Forum.
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TAG-Org Newsletter
Issue 5
February / March 2013
He welcomed the ministers, delegates, ambassadors, and media people saying:”We meet today
as concerned experts and stakeholders in a free and open discussion forum.”
Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh called upon the Palestinian delegation to open dialogue with Mr. Lamy to
finalize the procedures of Palestine accession to the WTO, expressing hopes that Sudan would
achieve the same.
Pascal Lamy Speech
In his speech, Mr. Lamy said: “These are challenging times for the
Arab region and for the world. We are still in the midst of a global
economic crisis, and the Arab world is seeing unprecedented
changes. In these turbulent times, strengthening the institutions
of global governance that are at our disposal - and which took so
many years and two World Wars to create - is as vital for trade as it
is for any other area of international policy making. Strengthening
the Arab world’s presence in these institutions - and anchoring
it firmly in the rule of international law - is equally critical to
assisting the Arab region in bridging these difficult times safely.
In obtaining the WTO’s seal of approval, the Arab world sends
a message of economic safety both to the world at large, and at
home. That seal must be fought for; that seal must be preserved.
Dr. Al Kuwari Speech
Qatar’s Minister of Culture, Arts and Heritage,
and head of the United Nations Conference on
Trade and Development (UNCTAD XIII) HE
Dr. Hamad Bin Abdulaziz Al-Kuwari delivered
a speech where he congratulated the Hashemite
Kingdom of Jordan for hosting the Forum, and
he commended Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge
Forum and Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University for
their work and efforts.
The Qatari Minister emphasized the necessity to intensify the mechanisms and initiatives
to enhance the Arab environment trade, including the support of investment as a means to
intensify such trade, enquiring about the method to better prepare ourselves to face the future
explaining that UNCTAD is an important means to benefit from the available events and bodies
pointing out that it should be a bridge between Geneva-adopted speech and the discussions in
New York on the global issues.
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TAG-Org Newsletter
Issue 5
February / March 2013
At the Multi-stakeholder Internet Governance in the Arab World
Abu-Ghazaleh Announces Launch of TAGIPEDIA, ASREN’s First 155 Megabit per
Second Dedicated Link, and TAGIUNI
DUBAI - HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman of Talal
Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) delivered a
keynote speech at the opening high level roundtable of
the Multi-stakeholder Internet Governance in the Arab
World meeting in Dubai.
The meeting is hosted by the Telecom Regulatory
Authority of UAE, as part of the Arab IGF Open
Consultations, and in partnership with RIPE NCC, the
Regional Internet Registry for Europe and the Middle
In his speech, HE Abu-Ghazaleh urged the Internet
Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
(ICANN) to speed up the process of Multi-lingualization
of the Internet in order to hedge against fragmentation.
“In my capacity then as Co-chair of the UNICTTF, I
organized and chaired the first IGF forum and called
on the UN Secretary General to establish an IGF
Committee and started the IFG Forum process. My objective then was the “What” more than the
“Who” in that process. I urge that we call for focus on what governance rather than by who. I am
now involved, on the part of private sector, in the “Post 2015 Consultations” i.e. after the sunset on
the MDGs. ICANN needs to play a role in that future agenda.”
Moreover, and as a member of the WTO panel of experts for shaping the future of trade, Abu-Ghazaleh
requested that an “Internet Economy Agreement” be negotiated to facilitate e-commerce and to cater
for trade in e-products (knowledge products).
At the same time, he stressed that Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) protection on the Internet needs
to be revisited such that we can see, in the virtual world, disciplines similar to the excellent UDRP
system for domain names protection.
Meanwhile, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh made three significant announcements of pioneering initiatives. “On
March 7, 2013 TAG-Org will launch TAGIPEDIA, a Digital Arabic Encyclopedia with half a million
authenticated articles – double the free entry articles on WIKIPEDIA! By the end of the year we
expect to pass the one million mark making Arabic language content No.6 on the Internet, instead of
24 currently on WIKIPEDIA.”
The second initiative to be implemented by the Arab States Research and Education Network
(ASREN), a non-profit, GmbH, formed under the honorary chairmanship of the Secretary General
of the League of Arab States (LAS) and chaired by HE Abu-Ghazaleh jointly with the EU, and in
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TAG-Org Newsletter
Issue 5
February / March 2013
collaboration with a number of Arab national research and education networks (NRENs), including
UAE, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Algeria, Tunis, and Sudan. “As the world is investing in cross-border 10-100 gigabits per second dedicated links to connect
universities, research centers, and hospitals at the regional and international levels, ASREN is to
establish a pan-Arab e-Infrastructure dedicated for research and education, provide networking
services and applications, support the advancement of inter-Arab research and education, and promote
cooperation with the world at large.”
According to HE Abu-Ghazaleh, ASREN will establish its first 155 megabit per second dedicated
link, provide EU termination and peering at its router in the UK to Arab NREN international links,
facilitate access to world-class scientific resources, and support the development of advanced networks
and services across the Arab region. ASREN is also maintaining close relations with the US Internet 2
to help facilitate links and access to variety of advanced US scientific resources and services.
The third initiative is Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University (TAGIUNI.com) that was created to embrace
the online revolution with the strong belief that world-class education is a human right and should be
available to anyone around the globe.
“This can only be achieved by partnering, rather than competing, with internationally acclaimed
universities to bring their knowledge over the cyberspace to those who cannot afford it otherwise.
Therefore, TAGIUNI has formed several partnership agreements with world leading universities.”
The Arab Society for Intellectual Property (ASIP) Becomes a Jordanian National Society
MUNICH- The Arab Intellectual Property for Intellectual Property (ASIP)/ Munich announces
that it has submitted an application to the Jordanian Ministry of Culture to conduct the required
procedures based on which its registered branch at the Ministry was dissolved.
This decision was concluded due to the decision of the Arab Intellectual Property Mediation and
Arbitration Society (AIPMAS), which is registered at the Jordanian Ministry of Interior, to amend
its name to become the Arab Society for Intellectual Property that will resume the activity which
the branch completely practiced as a national Jordanian society.
As the legal requirements don’t permit the existence of two societies holding the same name; the
branch waivered its name for the purpose of establishing the national society under the same name
and as an amendment of the current one.
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TAG-Org Newsletter
Issue 5
February / March 2013
At the International Exhibition and Forum for Education 2013 (IEFE 2013) in Riyadh
Abu-Ghazaleh Tackles Transformative Education and Rejuvenation in the Arab World
RIYADH - The International Exhibition and Forum
for Education 2013 (IEFE 2013), the official annual
event of the Saudi Ministry of Education concluded at
Riyadh International Convention & Exhibition Center
with the participation of senior level decision makers,
key industry education providers and stakeholders
from around the world.
HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, Chairman of the Arab
Organization for quality assurance in Education
and President of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University
(TAGIUNI), the gateway to world-class education
tackled Transformative Education and Rejuvenation in
the Arab World during his keynote speech saying:” I
am speaking to you today not only as a dreamer for the
future of the Arab world, but also as a realist. And the
reality is we must acknowledge our shortcomings to
once again become thought leaders.”
“In a critical 2009 study, UNESCO reported that
higher education in the Arab world continually fails
to meet the needs of students, employers, and society
at large. Institutions in our region are overcrowded,
understaffed, and produce graduates with qualifications
that are not in sync with the labor market,” he added.
According to Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh education must be an
ongoing life experience.
According to Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh who is also Chairman
of the Arab States Research and Education Network,
the average government expenditure is much less than
1% of the total GDP on research and development
compared to 3-4% in the industrialized countries.
He said: “Four decades ago, I built Talal Abu-Ghazaleh
Organization with the aspiration to promote intellectual
property rights and contribute to the development of a
knowledge society in the Arab world. Our Organization
has successfully done brick and mortar education: Talal
Abu-Ghazaleh Graduate School of Business (TAGSB)
in Jordan was the first FIBAA-accredited MBA in the
Arab world. On September 25, 2011, TAGSB was
“One is generally not afforded the luxury to simply stop named “Best Educational Institute in Management in
learning, and stagnation of skills is no longer acceptable Asia” by the World Education Congress Asia Awards.
in the workplace. Technology is advancing so rapidly and now, with Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University, we are
that even the most skilled professionals must be trained intensifying the paradigm shift from bricks to clicks.”
in emerging software, hardware, methodologies, and
approaches,” he said.
“Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University is our endeavor to
democratize education, promote global citizenship,
He added:” Education, at its core, is an investment in and empower citizens who have been disenfranchised
human potential. Students want to see their investment by the technological revolution. The first university
in education translate into opportunity. If, when they to join our alliance was Canisius College, the premier
graduate, the positions offered to them is beneath their private university in Western New York,” he added.
skill set, their response will undoubtedly be negative.
This is why we see a lack of productivity or engagement. He concluded by inviting attendees to fifth annual
It is not a lack of will; it is a lack of opportunity. conference on “Quality Frameworks in Education”
Regrettably this can become a self-fulfilling and self- (www.aroqa.org), to be held in September 2013.
perpetuating scenario.”
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TAG-Org Newsletter
Issue 5
February / March 2013
Abu-Ghazaleh Tackles ‘The Road to Success: IT for IP’ at the Global IP Conference 2013
BANGALORE - HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh,
chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization
(TAG-Org) discussed ‘The Road to Success: IT
for IP’ at 5th International Intellectual Property
Rights Conference held under the theme ‘IPR,
the powerhouse of tomorrow’ and organized by
Kolkata-based IP firm, ITAG Business Solutions
Ltd. at The Lalit Ashok Hotel in Bangalore.
The eight-day conference steered by about 340
speakers from as many as 30 countries aimed at
creating an overall awareness among the policy
makers and attorneys in various industries in
In his keynote speech on January 25 on the IPR
& Challenges in Digital Technology era, Dr.
Abu-Ghazaleh introduced how a small company
in 1972 that started with only 10 employees
grew to become Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual
Property (AGIP), a global leader operating out
of 73 offices of its own with 900 staff and over
100 representative offices throughout the world
serving over 70,000 clients and stores 800,000
registered trademarks and patents in its data base.
“Still AGIP has more plans and if you wonder
how we did it? Well, like all other leading firms,
we are proud of the quality of our services, the
integrity of our staff and are very protective
of our brand. Our IP firm is managed as an IT
firm which provides IP services. Our ICT stateof-the-art digital programs, constantly being
developed, enable us to continue to provide
our clients with services that meet our clients’
continuous expectations for better services,” Dr.
Abu-Ghazaleh said.
Abu-Ghazaleh who was inducted to the IP Hall
of Fame in 2007 stated some milestones in the
professional course of AGIP’s operations which
received Middle East IP Firm of the Year Award
for the sixth year in a row by Managing IP
Magazine, TAG IP Dictionary was published in
2000 and the first IP news agency AGIP News
was established in 2003.
Abu-Ghazaleh who was recently selected to the
WTO panel of experts representing the global
stakeholders commissioned to review and address
challenges to future trade pointed out that AGIP is
planning to become an IP Knowledge Age Firm.
The January 23-30 Conference focused on the
Intellectual Property needs of large corporations
as well as small and medium-sized enterprises
and brought together leaders from the world of
business and finance to discuss the importance of
IP Rights as a driver for economic growth and
The event covered idea to asset encompassing
all relevant topics including valuation,
commercialization, technology transfer, litigation,
counterfeiting, analyzing the techno, legal and
commercial solution to all associated problems in
the field of Intellectual Property.
The event also tackled complex issues in simple
manner about patentability of business methods,
software and emerging field of technologies
green technologies, nanotechnologies and
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TAG-Org Newsletter
Issue 5
February / March 2013
Abu-Ghazaleh Meets Hamdan Bin Mohammed e-University Chancellor, Discusses
DUBAI - HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh,
President of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University
(TAGIUNI), the Smart University in the
Cloud, met with HE Dr. Mansoor Al Awar,
the Chancellor of Hamdan Bin Mohammed
e-University (HBMeU), one of the first
movers in e-learning in the Arab world and
the first accredited e-learning academic
institution by the UAE Ministry of Higher
Education and Scientific Research.
The meeting was attended by Prof. Nabil Baydoun, Assistant Chancellor for Learners and
Enterprise Development, Dr. Raed Awdeh, Assistant Chancellor, Knowledge and Technology
Development, Ms. Serine Nabil El Solhat, Assistant Chancellor for International Cooperation
and Ms. Gihan Tawfik, Business Development & Media Manager- the UAE.
During the meeting, HE Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh highly commended the University’s trend to
provide e-learning using the latest ICT techniques that can provide high-class education to
learners everywhere.
He also shared the latest development by TAGIUNI where students representing various
backgrounds from 20 countries joined programs provided by TAGIUNI partners including
Thunderbird School of Global Management, Canisius College, Marconi University, Bowling
Green State University, the British Council, the International Training and Development Group,
Open Thinking, inlingua Cheltenham, Genashtim Innovative Learning, Walden University,
University of Liverpool and Pearson-Edexcel in addition to others.
From his side, Dr. Al Awar gave a detailed overview on the establishment of the university
where it was crafted and inspired by the strategic directions of the government of Dubai, as
a response to the hopes and aspirations of people who needed modern education. He stressed
that e-learning is futuristic and can have a big impact on the socio-economic development of
the Arab world especially that it can play a catalytic role in alleviating illiteracy.
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TAG-Org Newsletter
Issue 5
February / March 2013
Jordan Radio and TV Corporation and TAG-Org Sign MoU
AMMAN - Jordan Radio and TV Corporation (JRTVC)
and Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org)
signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to
develop the technological services submitted by the
Corporation and enhance IT skills of its staff.
The MoU was signed by JRTVC Director General
Ramadan Al Rawashdeh and HE Dr. Talal AbuGhazaleh, chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh
Organization (TAG-Org).
In accordance with the MoU, a joint cooperation task
force will be established to implement an array of
services mainly in the field of e-solutions as TAGOrg Web Development Department will develop the For his part, Rawashdeh expressed the Corporation’s
website of the Corporation http://www.jrtv.gov.jo) in appreciation for TAG-Org’s support and commended
its efforts in providing its services and programs all
English and Arabic.)
around the world which indicates the capacity of the
TAG-Org will design the website in conformity with successful Arab professional organization in access
the Corporation’s colors and policies and will develop to globalism. He also commended the interactive role
the central news system consisting of news, photos, of TAG-Org represented by launching projects and
events, videos, MP3 files among others in addition initiatives that contribute to boosting economic and
to the search engine within the news, advertisements, social development.
polls, archive and a copy of the website on mobiles
HE Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh expressed his satisfaction for
(news, search and main pages).
the cooperation with one of the professional national
In the field of training and qualifying courses, the institutions in the country which is considered our
MoU stated the organization of training courses media outlet that carries out its role in serving the
for the Corporation’s staff in 2013 according to state and citizens stressing that it’s an organization for
the training scheme of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh for all the Jordanians as it adopts the Jordanian interests
Professional Training/Amman Office, Abu-Ghazaleh and broadcast them in the finest image.
Knowledge Society, Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Translation,
He added “our cooperation with JRTV Corporation
Distribution and Publishing.
is the literal proof of partnership between the public
From another side, the JRTVC will provide TAG- and private sectors and it’s within our corporate
Org with the specialized courses to be held by the social responsibility towards the society and country”
organization for more promotion inside and outside pointing out that the partnership that unites Talal Abuthe Kingdom in addition to recognize the training Ghazaleh Organization and the German Jordanian
center at the Corporation to become an accredited University has resulted in the establishment of
center for Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Cambridge IT Skills Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Graduate School of Business
certificate exams while providing the Corporation Administration (TAGSB) five years ago and proved
that it’s a success story for the two public and private
with the accredited training curriculum.
In the meantime, the JRTVC will be committed,
through the MoU, to refer to TAG-Org in its websites, HE Abu-Ghazaleh called for upgrading the
to cover the Organization’s news, events and to host performance of the media outlets to cope with all the
its experts in programs and meeting conducted by the development in the ICT field mainly in the media
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TAG-Org Newsletter
Issue 5
February / March 2013
In a lecture entitled “Jordan Customs and the WTO” hosted by TAG-Forum
Sarayreh Addresses Expectations and Challenges Facing Jordan Customs
AMMAN - Jordan Customs Department (JCD)
Director General Ghaleb Sarayreh lectured on
“Jordan Customs and the WTO” at Talal AbuGhazaleh Knowledge Forum (TAG-Forum)
in which he addressed the expectations and
challenges facing the Department and highlighted
the achievements made in the past two years.
The lecture, organized by the Policy Development
Forum (PDF) and moderated by HE Dr.
Mohammad Abu Hammour, was attended by a host
of high profile officials in the presence of HE Dr.
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh along with representatives of
Combating smuggling weapons in all its forms
government and non-government entitles in the
(conventional, chemical dual-use, nuclear among
others), combating money laundering and serious
Sarayreh stressed at the beginning of his lecture cross-border smuggling of people.
on the mission of the Customs Department which
seeks to provide distinct custom services that keep
pace with rapid global developments, and meet
the requirements of comprehensive sustainable
development by seeking a balance between
customs controls and facilitation of trade, and to
continue building the institutional capacities of
the customs.
Sarayreh stressed that Jordan Customs Department
earlier realized that its role is no longer limited to
the collection of customs duties, but extends to
all aspects of economic and social life in addition
to economic and social and national security.
According to Sarayreh, the size of revenues in
2012 amounted to JD 1509.7 million compared
to JD1344 million in 2011.
Sarayreh revealed that Jordan’s ranking according
to the International competitiveness has advanced
to 46 amongst 144 countries up from the 55
ranking amongst 142 countries in 2012 and 2011
“The Customs’ work has been upgraded in all
countries from levying charges and taxes to
protecting national economic interests (supporting
local industry), and to the protection of society
and the environment (from smuggling drugs,
weapons and other harmful substances), and
then to achieving economic development (trade
facilitation), to playing a greater security role Sarayreh concluded by saying: “Jordan Customs
against threats to all of supply chain,” he added. has become the focus of attention from the
customs in the region and beyond and now we
While concerning the challenges facing the host now many delegations of these countries
Department, Sarayreh said that the Customs is one who are interested in getting more from our
of the departments that changes tasks constantly pioneering experience in the field of technology
due to the nature of the change in international and other developments. As requested by many
and regional circumstances, and perhaps the most customs administrations in these countries, we
significant of those are the security challenges provided them with a number of our experts,
generated by the waves of international terrorism, systems and programs to disseminate the
which introduced the Customs Department to Jordanian experience.”
new regulations that were unknown, such as:
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TAG-Org Newsletter
Issue 5
February / March 2013
TAG-Education News
TAGIUNI and UK’s inlingua Cheltenham Sign Cooperation Agreement
AMMAN - Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University (TAGIUNI), Democratizing World-Class
Education, and UK’s inlingua Cheltenham, a private international language school with global
outreach signed a cooperation agreement to provide students with various online language
According to the agreement, TAGIUNI will be an independent representative to promote and
offer a selected number of inlingua Cheltenham Online programs and certificates through
different online methods with special focus on languages.
inlingua Cheltenham offers a wide variety of courses for all ages and types of language learners.
inlingua Cheltenham offers General and Intensive English, Business and Professional English,
Specialized English courses and numerous Vocational programs.
Mr. Salah Abu-Osbeh, Chair of the TAGIUNI Executive Committee said:” TAGIUNI is
proud to cooperate with one of the leading educational institutions in the United Kingdom
in providing online language courses. inlingua Cheltenham was recently inspected by the
Independent Schools Inspectorate and was awarded Grade 1 in all sections of the inspection.
Grade 1 means ‘Exceeds Expectations” and it is the highest achievable grade.”
This latest agreement follows the success of other partnerships with world class educational
institutions such as Italy’s Marconi University, Genashtim, and Pearson VUE in addition to
Meanwhile, inlingua Cheltenham Principal Mr. David Arrowsmith said: “This is great
opportunity for inlingua to be involved with such a prestigious institution as TAGIUNI, I fully
support the agreement between us and I foresee this educational collaboration developing over
the forthcoming years so that TAGIUNI and inlingua Cheltenham will become recognized
as two excellent organisations offering first class educational courses and experiences for all
students we have the privilege to educate.”
TAGIUNI has embarked on a mission to partner with major global universities to provide
students with the best education making it the Gateway to World-Class Education.
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TAG-Org Newsletter
Issue 5
February / March 2013
Continued Fulfillment of a Vision: Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University Signs MoU with
Bowling Green State University
AMMAN - Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University
(TAGIUNI), the gateway to world-class
education, and Bowling Green State University
(BGSU), one of the top public universities in
the United States, signed a memorandum of
understanding to secure and develop mutual
interests in higher education.
As TAGIUNI’s third US-based university
partnership, signing with BGSU fulfills the
vision of TAGIUNI President HE Dr. Talal
Abu-Ghazaleh to provide access to worldclass education for everyone, everywhere.
According to the MoU, the two universities will develop joint academic programs and offer a
variety of BGSU’s online undergraduate and graduate programs through TAGIUNI’s network
and online gateway.
HE Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh and BGSU Dean of the College of Technology Dr. Faris A. Malhas
signed the agreement.
HE Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh said: “At TAGIUNI, our philosophy is that we always start yesterday
in order to be ahead of the curve. Having Bowling Green State University join us is both a
great pleasure and an indication that we are on the right track in shaping the future of higher
Meanwhile, Dr. Malhas said: “We are really proud to partner with TAGIUNI in various fields
and we believe that we share the same vision and aspiration for a better future. Together,
we will immediately work on presenting one of the first online PhD programs for students
around the globe. We want to reach not only students, but executives and managers of various
The signing is yet another defining moment for Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University’s continuing
success and is indicative of its soaring international recognition.
The TAGIUNI Virtual Campus building will be host to a business forum, testing center, and
classrooms, in addition to housing TAGIUNI’s administrative offices.
The agreement with BGSU marks TAGIUNI’s latest partnership with an internationally
recognized education provider. TAGIUNI began securing partnerships in mid-2012 and has
since then signed agreements with Thunderbird School of Global Management, Canisius
College, Marconi University, the British Council, the International Training and Development
Group, Open Thinking, inlingua Cheltenham, E-Education Regional Company, Genashtim
Innovative Learning, and Pearson-Edexcel.
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TAG-Org Newsletter
Issue 5
February / March 2013
EPDF’s Jordan Economic Compact “MARSAD” Convenes
AMMAN - The Economic Policy Development Forum (EPDF) held its meeting for the Jordan
Economic Compact “MARSAD” after the finalization of its Head Office’s formation and of
the 23 taskforces that cover all the economic, development and services sectors.
The Forum’s Presidential Office and taskforces have been formed as follows:
The Executive Committee: Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh (President), Mr. Hamdi Al Tabba’ (VicePresident), Dr. Jawad Anani (Vice President), Mr. Hasan Abu Nimeh (Advisor), Dr. Khalid Al
Wazani (Secretary General) and Dr. Yaseen Al Khayyat (Coordinator).
Members of the Presidential Office are: Mr. Thabet Al Taher, Dr. Hisham Gharaybeh, Dr.
Mohammad Abu Hammour, Dr.Mohammad Al Halaiqah, Ms. Maha Al Khateeb, Ms. Reem
Badran, Mr.Nabil Talhouni, Dr. Ali Al Madadha, Mr. Faisal Al Shboul and Mr. Fadi Daoud.
Heads of Administrative Committees:
GDP: Dr. Jawad Hadid
Investment: Dr. Maan Nsour
Public-Private Partnership: Dr. Mai Al Taher
Unemployment: Mr. Samir Murad
Integrity and Transparency: Dr. Mohi El Din Touq
Energy: Dr. Ahmad Hyasat
Public Finance Policies: Dr. Mohammad Abu Hammour
Women Empowerment: Ms. Nadia Al Aloul
Minimum Wage: Dr. Hisham Gharaibeh
Law Enforcement: Dr. Arwa Al Mothaffar
Digital Literacy and communication: Engineer Basem Al Rousan
Rising Expenses: Mr. Fahmi Al Ktout
Basic Education: Dr. Ameen Mahmoud
Health: Dr. Ahmad Al Armouti
Higher Education and Scientific Research: Dr. Isam Za’balawi
Agriculture: Engineer Mahmoud Abu Ghanimeh
Environment: Dr. Yaseen Al Khayyat
Industry: Mr. Adnan Abul Raghib
Water Resources: Engineer Mohammad Al Najjar
Bilateral & Multilateral Trade Agreements: Dr. Mohammad Al Halaiqah
Media and Mass Communication: Ms. Reem Badran
Tourism: Ms. Maha Al Khateeb
Public Sector Governance: Mr. Fadi Daoud
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TAG-Org Newsletter
Issue 5
February / March 2013
News in brief
Facebook Specialist Speaks at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Forum
AMMAN - Ms. Elizabeth Linder, Facebook’s Politics & Government Specialist for the Europe,
Middle East & Africa region tackled intersection of Facebook and 21st-century governance at a special
seminar held at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Forum. AlSharifeh Noor Bint Ali, who has a strong
active social media presence thanked TAG-Forum for hosting the event saying:”I want to thank HE
Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh for hosting this event and for his support and also I want to thank Ms. Linder
for accepting this invitation.” Ms. Linder who delivered her third lecture for the day highlighted the
role of social media especially Facebook in creating a social trend that covers various aspects in the
society around the world. She also gave a briefing on how to better understand Facebook’s technology,
identify how Facebook fits in to the global demand for more transparency and openness in the public
sector, and examine societal trends that profoundly influence the ways in which the public interacts
with its leaders.
AIPLA Establishes New Arabian Practice Subcommittee to Coordinate with ASIP
MONTREAL - As a result of follow-up and efforts exerted by Mr. Nabil Salamé Vice President/
Executive Director of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org), and Mr. William Boshnick the
Chair of the International and Foreign Law Committee (IFLC) at the American Intellectual Property
Law Association (AIPLA) Mr. Boshnick officially announced the establishment of the new Arabian
Practice Subcommittee. This Subcommittee of AIPLA will collaborate with the Arab Society of
Intellectual Property (ASIP) on all IP fields and in particular development of laws and legislations in
the Arab world. It will be chaired by Mr. Salamé, who will coordinate with ASIP in all Intellectual
Property (IP) issues of concern to the Arab region with AIPLA. Many positive responses were
immediately received from AIPLA members who welcomed the establishment of the Subcommittee.
ASIP & GCC Intellectual Property Training Center Enhance Cooperation
RIYADH - In their Endeavour to strengthen cooperation, the Arab Society for Intellectual Property
(ASIP) and the Intellectual Property Training Center of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of
the Gulf organized two specialized courses at the headquarters of the Council’s Secretariat General in
Riyadh. Trainees from the GCC member states took part in the first course, held February 16-19, 2013,
which tackled agreements and conventions’ management with special focus on Madrid Agreement
and Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs Agreement). ASIP’s lecturers Judge
Nehad Al Hosban and Mr. Maher Hamdan provided the participants with invaluable information from
legal aspects. Meanwhile, the second course, organized March 9-13, 2013, concentrated on principles
and basic concepts of Intellectual Property and delivered by ASIP’s Dr. Qais Mahafza.
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TAG-Org Newsletter
Issue 5
February / March 2013
TAGSB Students Win CFA Research Challenge
AMMAN - Talal Abu- Ghazaleh Graduate School of Business (TAGSB) Finance Major Students;
Ms. Faten Al Zoubi , Mr. Khaled Shakhshir, Ms. Tamara Madanat, and Mr. Ayman Sharawi won the
CFA Research Challenge which was held at the Four Seasons Hotel - Amman on March 11th, 2013.
The group was supervised by Dr. Bana Abuzayed, Assistant Professor of Banking and Finance at
TAGSB and mentored by Mr. Aram Rabadi the Senior Analysts at Al Arabi Investment Group. The
report was reviewed and scored by a group of external graders and the teams’ final presentation and
discussions were locally evaluated by high-profile panel of judges who are experts from top financial
institutions. TAGSB team gained the highest combined score on both of the written report and the
presentation which enabled them to win the first position over the local participating universities.
The winning team from TAGSB been elected to the regional competition where the winners of the
regional competitions advance to the global final.
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh International (TAGI) and Russell Bedford International form new
cooperation agreement
JEDDAH - HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, Chairman of the Global Provider of Professional Services
and Education Group, Talal Abu-Ghazaleh International (TAGI) and Mr. Geoff Goodyear, chairman
of global accounting and audit network Russell Bedford International, have announced the signing
of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between their two organisations. Updating their
existing cooperation agreement, this new commitment will further enhance both groups’ capabilities
in supporting international organisations, multilateral agencies, and national governments in their
respective markets, and in together pursuing major new business and tender opportunities worldwide.
The terms of the agreement also allow TAGI, which has 80 offices and a leading market presence
in the Asia and Africa, to leverage Russell Bedford’s 120 member and correspondent firms and 280
offices in its key markets in Europe, the Americas and Asia-Pacific.
TAG – Confucius Institute Celebrates Chinese New Year
AMMAN - Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Confucius Institute (TAG-Confucius), the official testing center
for China’s HSK examinations (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi), celebrated the Chinese New Year at the
premises of TAG – Confucius Institute in Amman, in the presence of HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh,
the Chinese Ambassador to Amman Mr. Yue Xiao Yong, Director of the Institute Mr. Tareq Hammad,
the Chinese Cultural attaché, Mr. Wang Yi Bawia, Mr. Mustafa Nasereddin executive director at
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization and the administrative and teaching faculty of the Institute. The
ceremony consisted of various Chinese cultural activities including artistic performances, songs,
musical instruments, painting, calligraphy, Chinese traditional costumes, a sport show of martial art
called (Taiji ) as well as an exciting session of Chinese cuisine in which a number of the students’
mothers participated.
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