April 2015 - United American Insurance Company
April 2015 - United American Insurance Company
April 2015 The news and ideas magazine for the Independent Agents of United American and First United American Life Insurance Companies DIRECTOR OF MARKETING Christie Gibson CONTENT SUPERVISOR Kaley Lockaby EDITORS Roberta Boyd King Gay Falkowski GRAPHIC DESIGNER John Begg EMAIL [email protected] to update information for Summit or to submit news for the Editor’s page. HOME OFFICE 972-529-5085 FIRST UA 315-451-2544 AGENT SERVICE CENTER 800-925-7355 or email [email protected] WEBSITES unitedamerican.com unitedamerican.com/logon firstunitedamerican.com firstunitedamerican.com/office ATTN: ALL FIRST UA AGENTS Great News! First United American’s N E W! Supply Order Form is now automated. The online form enables you to submit orders electronically on UAOnline. This automated process replaces email, fax, and call-in orders. Once registered with UAOnline, just click on the ‘Automated Supply Order Form’ link and place your order. Please contact the Home Office at 315-451-2544 with questions. CODE OF BUSINESS CONDUCT & ETHICS Torchmark and its affiliates are committed to maintaining a business atmosphere and working environment based on honesty, fair dealing, and sound business ethics. Please review The Torchmark Corporation Code of Business Conduct and Ethics by logging into the UA/First UA Agent websites and clicking the ‘Code of Business Conduct and Ethics’ link on the right side of the page. This Code of Conduct expresses the standards of integrity and business conduct that all Company directors, officers, employees, and independent contractors must uphold and follow. The Code is provided to help you understand what the Company expects of you and should be read carefully. ATTN: ALL UA AGENTS As previously communicated, UA is pleased to announce the addition of our UA Partners Optional Noninsurance Discount Medical Program to the iGO e-App®. For UA Medicare Supplement policyholders, UA Partners includes “Automatic” Claims Filing® (ACF). With ACF we receive Medicare claims filing paperwork electronically and are able to process the benefit check for the healthcare provider, often before the policyholder receives the Medicare Summary Notice. Published regularly by United American and First United American Life Insurance Companies for the dissemination of information to their Agents. Prior permission must be obtained from the Home Office for reproduction or other use of material herein. 2 Agents using the e-App will now see the ‘Optional Products/Service’ page for the UA Partners Optional Noninsurance Discount Medical Program when entering their cases (in states where available). It only takes one click of the mouse to add UA Partners to your customer’s case. As always, Agency Service is available for any questions, but should you have additional questions or comments contact e-App Director Dave Oliver at 352-212-7223. or [email protected]. April 2O15 FULL THROTTLE ATTN: CA, IL, IN, KS, LA, MD, MN, OR, TN, TX, AND VT AGENTS As recently communicated, we are pleased to announce the approval of UA’s Juvenile Whole Life product in California, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas, and Vermont. This product enables you to offer added protection to your customers age 0 to 18. Benefits range from $1,000 to $25,000, and the Terminal Illness Accelerated Death Benefit is added at no additional premium, where state approved. Log on to the Agent website to download the Marketplace Bulletin for training; check the Life Approval Chart for ABR1 availability; and go to the Compliance Sheet to download sales materials, rates, and required forms. ATTN: VIRGINIA AGENTS As communicated earlier, we are pleased to announce the approval of UA’s Final Expense Whole Life product in Virginia. This product enables you to offer added protection to your customers age 50 and above, though age limits vary by plan. Benefits range from $1,000 to $25,000, and the Terminal Illness Accelerated Death Benefit (ABR1) is added at no additional premium to standard plan codes (FER/FES), where state approved. Log on to the Agent website to download the Marketplace Bulletin for training; check the Life Approval Chart for ABR1 availability; and go to the Compliance Sheet to download sales materials, rates, and required forms. AND THE WINNER IS … Congratulations to Agent Scott Schwartz, the February winner of the $250 gas card! INTEREST RATES SET The Lifestyle Annuity rate for April 2015, is 3.00 percent. Rates are reviewed and adjusted accordingly. The Deposit Fund Rider new business interest rate for 2015 is 3.00 percent. Charles Mankamyer Senior Vice President / General Agents THE POWER IS IN YOU! From 1980 to 2001, ‘Be all that you can be’, was the recruiting slogan for the United States Army. Now I’m not suggesting you join the Army or any other branch of the military, but I am suggesting that you adopt that same ‘give it all you’ve got’, ‘push it to the max’, ‘take it to the limit’ attitude in reference to your Agency and/or personal production. GROWTH THROUGH RECRUITING You must recruit to grow your Agency. But don’t think of recruiting as a ‘sometime’ activity; think of recruiting as an ‘all-thetime’ activity. Recruiting doesn’t have to take a formal approach like a webinar or live seminar, in which you highlight the value of becoming appointed with UA and/or First UA. Recruiting can take place anywhere at any time. You can recruit when you aren’t even aware of it, because whether you realize it or not, you recruit by the example you set. You recruit by the way you dress, by the kind of car you drive, by the organizations to which you belong, by the places you go for leisure activities, by the way you relate to others, etc. Everything you are and everything you do can be considered recruiting. (See this month’s center spread to learn how recruiting can make a difference for you.) goes a successful man or woman. I want to have that same success.”? If you’re not attracting the quality of people you want to attract, consider why not. TAKE A LESSON FROM EARL Earl Nightingale was an American self-help speaker and author, known as the ‘Dean of Personal Development’. This motivational pioneer wrote several books, one of which was ‘The Strangest Secret’. The concept of the book was simple … you become what you think about. He uses an example of sowing seeds in a field. The field doesn’t care what you plant in it. Plant poison seeds, you get poison plants; plant healthy seeds, you get healthy plants. Our minds work the same way. They don’t care what you think about. If you think negative thoughts, you get negative results. If you think positive thoughts, you get positive results. It couldn’t be any simpler, could it? You literally can alter your life by altering the way you think. And by altering the way you think about yourself and your goals, you alter the way others perceive you. The power to be successful is within each of you; you only need to believe it. When you radiate success to others, more and more success will come into your life … whether it’s superstar recruits or off-thecharts personal production. Kick your production into overdrive and go FULL THROTTLE. And don’t ever forget … THE POWER IS IN YOU! SUCCESS BREEDS SUCCESS It’s a well-known fact people are attracted to success … both to successful people and successful situations. Do you exhibit success? Do you attract the kind of potential recruits you want to attract? Do people look at you and say, “There Source: https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl# safe=active&q=Earl+Nightingale FULL THROTTLE April 2O15 3 WELCOME TO THE UA/FIRST UA SALES TEAM. WE’VE GOT THE FUEL TO POWER UP YOUR CAREER! UNITED AMERICAN Abeyta, Angelina Agharabi, Alireza Akinyele, Stanley Aldana, Daniel Alekman, Paul M. Aller, Vickie Aloian, Alina Alvarez, Leopoldo Arvizu, Rosie Astin, Carroll R. Bailey, Charles J. Ball, Gregg Balogh, Ernest M. Barber, Betty Beattie, Beverly Bell, Kandice C. Bennett, Susan W. Bentley, Albert L. Beville, John H. Bibbee, Richard L. Bishop, Dwight K. Bishop, John R. Blakely, Benjamin B. Bodden, Karen L. Booker, Derrick L. Bosnyak, Paul S. Bowman, Arthur T. Bracewell, James Bragg, Bonnie Brandenburger, Mark Brantley, Jaris K. Brass, Ernest H. III Braswell, Michael A. Briggs, Mark Briscoe, Manie E. Britnell, John Brown, Marian Browning, Mildred M. Brubaker, Ronald M. Bryant, Glenn Buno, Cynthia D. Burge, Richard L. Burkhead, Linda A. Butler, Mary Anne P. Campbell, Cynthia J. Campbell, Stephen D. Campbell, William H. Capetillo, Margarito Capron, Joabel Carter, Alafair Carter, Dennis Cazares, Louie D. Cebulak, Richard J. Cephas, Eunice Cetina, Michael J. Chamorro, Claudia Chapman, Debra Chapman, Eugene Charles, Jocelyn Charlton, Steve Chipi, Maria C. Ciolfi, Edward F. Claasen, Matthew J. Clark, Cheryl Clifford, James L. Coleman-Portell, Bi Bi Collins, Delbert G. Cook, Steve 4 Cordova, Ray Corriere, Alexander J. Cox, Mary K. Craig, Elaine Cross, Stephen A. Sr. Culpepper, Theresa Cyriacks, Gilbert Daniel, Rolando Sr. Dardanell, Dennis Davis, Joseph W. Davis, Clement Jr. Davis, Shane A. Day, David F. De Moraes, Aurelio R. Deaton, Edward V. Dee, William Dega, Brigett L. Delich, Daniel Demers, Ronald M. Denisi, Anthony P. Denorch, Christopher Dent, Todd R. Deweese, Daniel S. Dickerson, Vicki Dickson, Steven C. Dillon, Stephanie L. Dixon, Jimmy L. Dodd, Julianna Dodds, Trent A. Donahue, Donald C. Dorsett, Henry A. Douglas, Andrew J. Drinkard, Daniel M. Drinkard, Patricia Duffy, Carmen Dunnom, Rawanda Earnest, William Edmond, Timothy J. Edwards, Bryan J. Eller, Patricia J. Ellis, Donald A. Engledow, Zachary D. Enriquez, Pedro Evans, Wornique J. Farran, Michael Fasano, Diana Fedorchak, Edward J. Fernandez, Gregory F. Ferrell, Charlotte A. Fiedor, Jesse M. Flynn, Joseph Frazier, Shelton M. Fredericks, Donna M. Fritz, Bradley E. Furlow, Anthony Gallegos, Roy Gamble, James Garcia, Gilberto Garcia, Jose Gardner, Lewis Gary, Gilbert Gaujot, Claude E. Gervasini, Michael A. Gibson, Kimberly Giguere, Deahna Giller, Sandra Gilman, Justin Gilman, Robert Glenn, John A. Goldsmith, Sherri L. Gomez, Dee Gonzales, Joe Graham, Christopher C. Granstrand, Cecilia S. Granstrand, John J. Graves, Gary T. Green, William C. Greenwald, Robert L. Griffin, Christine F. Griffin, Roy Grosz, Lucille B. Guerrier, Marc Gunderson, Kathryn Guyse, Richard Hagevig, Alfred Hahn, Courtnee Hardy, Lloyd R. Harrell, Cheryl Harrelson-Warren, Wendy G. Harrison, Douglas S. Hartley, Camille Hartley, Jonathan Haught, Philip G. Heatherly, Thomas L. Heini, Daniel K. Helfenbein, Alvin Hellier, Edward G. Hendley, Donald T. Hernandez, Ronald Herrera, Juan Hicks, Randall F. Hill, Cheryl Hopper, Jennifer Horowitz, Burt Howell, Lee B. Huff, George R. Hunt, Alfred L. Hyden, Felicia Insure With Us Agency, Inc. Jacobs, Latoya Q. Jacobson, Jeffrey R. Japa, John Jarnagin, James E. Jaslow, Lane A. Juderjahn, Gerhard Kanars, Bonnie Katauskas, Ingrid Keeler, Susan Khaikin, Alexander Kleppe, Blake C. Ladner, Wayne A. Lage, Gary Lambert, Josh Lang, William E. Jr. Layson, Karen Lea, Patricia A. Leal, Luz M. Lee, Edward Lee, Robyn Lee, William A. Lema, German E. Leong, Pilar L. Lewis, Artis C. Lewis, Dawn M. Lieberman, Astrid Linsky, Thomas W. Little, Adelbert Locklear, Steve W. Loli, Simon Lor, Chonkav C. Lovett, John April 2O15 FULL THROTTLE Lowe, Jay T. Lucarelli, Shari Lukoski, Scott Lumley, William A. Lunyou, Wayne B. Lutz, Monty Lynch, Desiree MacFerrin, Suzanne T. Magnon, Sandra H. Maisano, Jerome A. Mann, Gurcharan S. Marendt, Gary L. Margolis, Tara Markuson, Jerald L. Marrow, Elizabeth Martinez, Ricardo Jr. Martinez-Agullo, Jose Masteller, Malcolm Matheson, Kenneth J. Mathews, Donald W. Mathison, Krishna Matoff, Richard McClish, Dianne B. McCurry, Thomas A. McDaniel, Linda McDermott, James M. McGillvray, Terrence McIntyre, Randall McLain, Daryl G. McLain, Gordon E. McLaughlin, Angela L. McMackin, Kyle McPherson, Alfred McRoy, Melvin W. McWhite, Clinton Mealman, A. Raymond Medina, Jose A. Meldrum, John Merritt, Robert Miles, Troy W. Miller, David Miller, Lloyd S. Miller, Ruben Minor, Holly D. Mohr, John Moon, David Moore, Pamela A. Morrison, Tara L. Mortellaro, Louie R. Moss, Nina R. Mossucco, Anthony Moye, Evermont Mozley, Everett Mull, Eric Murphy, Robert E. Murray, Gregg A. Myers, Kimberly S. Naraine, Aubrey S. Nayak, Arjyendu A. Newton, Hugh P. Novak, Kenneth P. Ortiz, Gustavo Ortiz, Jonathan Ortiz, Rebecca M. Owens, Wendell E. Pankey, Howard Parrett, Mitchell F. Patania, Giovannino Pearce, David W. Pena, Christina Persons, James C. Pesqueira, Richard Petersen, Kenneth J. Pettway, Crystal T. Phillips, Allan Phillips, Robert A. Pino, Mercedes Purple, John J. Quartucci, Brian A. R. Palmer Insurance Consultant, Inc. Ramirez, Debra L. Rasul, Karim A. Ray, Michael A. Redd, Rosita Reidle, Julie Reiff, Deborah Reiff, Robert Rentz, Kenneth Repovz, Jerome J. Reynolds, James Richards, Catherine Richards, Mark W. Riedel, Susan B. Rivaldo, Fred A. Robateau, Bruce E. Robinson, Cathy Robinson, Keri Robinson, Sedrick Rodgers, Judiette Rogers, Danielle Romero, Jan F. Romero, Maria C. Rominger, Rickey W. Rosen, Alan M. Rosengarden, Jay Rosko, Dean J. Ross, Alan J. Sachleben, Thomas G. Santelman, Mark L. Santiago, Nelson Scalesse, Eileen M. Schafer, William C. Schepens, Phil Schulz, Dave T. Schwartz, Richard Scott, Michael A. Searing, Rachel Sebra, Paul V. Sedlak, Guy S. Serra, Mark C. Sexton, Matthew W. Sharda, Deepika Shatto, Caroline Shea, Stephen Shiffer, Joel A. Shin, Jin H. Simmons, Vern Simovich, Diane E. Smith, Donna R. Smith, Jonathan A. Smith, Kevin M. Smith, Steve R. Smith, Wilbert Smith, William Smythe, Ryan Snyder, Mark J. Solodkin, Jason M. Spasojevic, Igor Squier, Gary Stanton, Gary O. Stauffer, Lauren J. Steenson, Benny E. Steiner, Mark Steinman, Neil Stieben, Lee Stitt, David M. Tambolini, Martha Taylor, Daniel Taylor, David M. Taylor, Matthew Taylor, Shawn R. Tedder, Robert Teniente, Maria A. Terstegge, Willis H. Theal, Samuel Tibbetts, Ernest Tolbert, Diane Tomaka, Carolyn Trammell, Johnathan Treadwell, John R. Trice, John R. Trimble, Ken A. Tubbs, Ronald J. Tully, Lorraine Turner, Henry Urquhart, Mark Van Metre, Steven Vanscoyk, Gary G. Vidal, Orlando J. Vine, Janet I. Vining, Bob Vohra, Alka Walker, Deborah C. Walther, Tom Watson, Glenn E. Wear, Robert Wears, Rhonda K. Weaver, Greg Webb, Andre L. Wells, Josh West, Douglas M. White, Limor White, Richard A. White, Susan R. Wiedersum, Bryan F. Wiggins, Leitha J. Jr. Williams, Bernice Williams, Carla D. Williamson, Wendy Wilson, Stanley G. Woods, Jessica Z. Wright, Autumn Wright, Eugene C. Wynkoop, Julie Yeager, Leonard Zawicki, Leon Zellner, Michael E. Zinis, Michael S. FIRST UNITED AMERICAN Dendler, Morgan W. Dessel, William Dicesare, Patrick Gohel, Devendra C. Iaconangelo-Serradas, Maddalena Levett, Michael Mendelson, Susan Murtha, Eugene North Shore Life & Health Agency, Inc. Prescott, Alan R. Rasul, Karim A. Thompson, Nicole Weinmann, John A. JfuorsRtefeArrasls!k Want to see how far you can go and how fast you can get there? Start with referrals! Asking for referrals is one of the easiest, least costly, and best ways to speed up your production. So why do some Agents hesitate? According to an online article in Senior Market Sales, it stems from fear of rejection … the same reason some Agents hesitate to ask for the sale in the first place. To eliminate the fear, assure yourself you’ve done all you can to make yourself worthy of referrals. Here are three factors to consider: Likeability Added Value The customer likes you enough to buy from you, but do they like you enough to give you referrals? Maybe your customer needs a stronger connection before he’s willing to open up. If he isn’t receptive to referrals at the pointof-sale, work further to develop your overall relationship. Call him every so often — not to talk business — but just to make him feel good. Send him a birthday card. Let him know about local events in which he might be interested. Work at creating a strong bond. Your customer must realize how you add value to his life before he can trust you to add value to the lives of his family members, friends, or acquaintances. Did you help him make the best possible decision when he bought his policy? Did you make him aware of the new life policies we offer? Did you emphasize the Company's one-on-one Agent service and its superior financial stability ratings? Did you explain the e-Service Center? Make sure he recognizes the value of doing business with you. Trust Trust is critical to forming and maintaining a strong connection with your customer, which allows you to better understand his needs and better meet those needs. To trust you, your customer must feel confident you’ll do the right thing for him and for anyone he might refer to you. With some customers these three factors are solidified almost immediately; with others you have to work at it. But when likeability, trust, and added value combine, ASK FOR REFERRALS!! They can take you as far as you want to go. Source: https://www.seniormarketsales.com/go/sms/blogs/sales-tips-fromsuccessful-people/sales-tip-29-3-factors-that-make-you-referral-worthy/ FULL THROTTLE April 2O15 5 edia Social M s? to succes k c a r t t s n? the fa productio r to get on u y o d y a d e n r pa ou e? Are y our Agency and ex ing you access to l t t o r h t l l y iv y to go fu edal to the metal in ster and easier by g ia Social Media, d a e r u o ing v ing fa Are y your p rs, Network e recruit y to put d . d s a a it e ewspape m u r n r s l u c a o a e h r c y y e lo e g r iv d A s an spect chnolo ys to find y bulletin ruit! Te es of pro a c it m e w n r u u s s n u e m e o r r h m f T ume in co ber o ou with n ited num print ads y , e m s li r id n a v u o in r n a tc., p rs/sem emails, e , webina line. n g to I d in e d k n e in L r bottom ts/s t as well u s s o li u y j t t n k s e r o g o o gA elp b s can w purchasin men to h er Agent al touch o h n t o w o s t d r e e n e p a e s. M men l etimes th producer talented p o t t h as loca But som x c e u s n , r y u ay it o n find y iduals m commu iv r d u o in y e help you s in e ith h . Th events w ogethers er. Reac f -t f t o e g n a e at social c c r me st y you r of Com you or ju pportunit o o t g t x in e Chambe it n c ex ding g for the y be stan a m r a t be lookin s per r next su y. out. You lick' awa 'c d r a o b a key s ts/Email s i L g n i s Purcha LinkedIn mith Jane S Agent et rst Stre 111 Fi , NY 10000 rk New Yo 5555 555 555.com 4-4444 erican 555-44 @unitedam ith jane.sm senting Repre an.com americ irstunited www.f com erican. nitedam es www.u mpani iliate Co ion Aff rporat ark Co Torchm rs s/Semina r a n i b e W t ith you a w s d r a c ed them! business e f n o o h t s a g t goin pas en you’re re to kee h w w o n Make su ver k . You ne s e im t ll a ulletins B y t i n u Comm ing Network s Print Ad ds Digital A 6 April 2O15 FULL THROTTLE FULL THROTTLE April 2O15 7 Are you and your prospects reading the same signs? LIMRA partnered with a consulting firm to dig into why so many people — an estimated 18.7 million —say they value life insurance but wind up not purchasing any. Ineffective communication popped up as the primary suspect. According to LIMRA, sales people often use language that is confusing, too technical, or too ‘jargony’. Because potential customers are put off by the language disconnect, they postpone or completely abandon the purchasing process. The study, ‘Get Real Already — Authenticating Industry Language’, concluded a dramatic shift in language may be required to take advantage of these lost sales opportunities. The study focused on the millions of ‘stuck shoppers’ for life insurance, asking them how and where they got stuck in the sales process. All these shoppers believe in the value of coverage and say they want it, but failed to convert from prospect to buyer. The group was not limited to young, single, unmarried individuals. Many were married, had families, and moderate income levels. The major hurdle was what researchers termed a lack of authentic communication. Authentic communication is more than just using everyday language and laymen's terms. It also includes relatable visuals and attainable goals. They uncovered six critical elements: Easy to understand Positive Credible Language that we use everyday Messages that are warm and comforting Down to earth Relevant Memorable Images that feel realistic Communication that says the company understands them, and who they are. Sources of information that are trustworthy Communication that is interesting When customers and prospects are able to see a company’s products as being relatable to their own lives, they’re much more likely to take an interest in them and make a purchase. Source: http://www.benefitspro.com/2015/02/06/is-industry-jargon-killing-sales 8 April 2O15 FULL THROTTLE Viva Los Cabos! #UAConvention2016 The amazing Hyatt Ziva Los Cabos is full of energy and excitement, but there’s even more to experience a short distance away: San Jose’s Estuary and Bird Sanctuary Baja Outback Tours Five minutes from downtown San Jose is a peaceful area filled with 200 species of exotic birds such as egrets, herons, and brown pelicans. Rent a kayak to experience this estuary, home to many native and migratory birds. Sunrise and sunset are the most scenic times to visit and admission is free. Experienced guides show you a secret side of Baja beyond your imagination. They take you places you would not discover on your own, point out things an untrained eye could miss, or simply coach you to do something you have never done before. Cabo Real Golf Club Cabo Dolphins – Zona Hotelera San Jose del Cabo There are few experiences in life that compare to swimming with dolphins, so make sure to place a visit to Cabo Dolphins at the top of your ‘to-do’ list. Conveniently located dolphin centers in San Jose del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas help you experience the magic you only feel by swimming with dolphins. Home to two PGA Senior Slams and a host of other prestigious golf tournaments, the 7,037 yard course was designed by Robert Trent Jones II. Its three, spectacular, ocean-front holes put Cabo Real on the golf world map in 1996 when whales put on a spectacular show yards offshore during the Senior Slam golf tournament. Long considered the favorite of many pros, the Cabo Real course is a must during your visit and is only a short drive from the resort. Sources: http://www.gogobot.com/hyatt-ziva-los-cabossan-jose-del-cabo-hotel--nearby--attractions; http://www. mytravelguide.com/attractions/profile-79728505-Mexico_San_ Jose_Del_Cabo_San_Joses_Estuary_and_Bird_Sanctuary.html; http://www.caboreal.com/Cabo_Real/Golf.html; http://www. loscabosguide.com/bajaoutback/; http://www.cabo-adventures. com/tours/dolphins?gclid=CPyG0d7TpcQCFahZ7AodhS4AuQ; http://www.chupacabrasportfishing.com/page2/index.html Marina Puerto Los Cabos Sportfishing The marina at Puerto Los Cabos is the gateway to the Sea of Cortez and the world’s finest sportfishing grounds. It will provide you with the most memorable big-game fishing experiences of your lifetime. FULL THROTTLE April 2O15 9 Through March 2015, these top producing Agencies and Agents have the highest net combined annualized premium. They qualify to attend the annual Convention based on Company production and retention requirements. 1 # JON AHLBUM The Ahlbum Group 2 # MIKE LEMAR Sunshine State Agency 6. SCOTT E. MEDNICK SHACKELFORD The Assurance Group, Inc. 8. PAUL T. SHELDON Paul Sheldon Insurance & Benefits Planning 9. TIM AHLBUM 10. RON CONCKLIN Secure Retirement Solutions, Inc. 1 6. FRED M. ULAYYET 7. RAY STEVENS 8. EDWARD A. CATRON 9. JON AHLBUM 10. JASON STEVENS 11. BRIAN GILBERT 24. SENIOR SERVICES OF 29. TROY C. WHITT 19. DONNA M. AHLBUM 20. AMERICAN EAGLE 25. RICHARD S. SCHWARTZ 30. KENNETH L. LEPAGE JR. 2 PAUL T. SHELDON GENERAL AGENTS 10 INSURANCE & FINANCIAL SVCS. 27. MATTHEW B. MORASKI # KERRY SACHS 4 TIM AHLBUM # 5 SCOTT J. SCHWARTZ 12. LISA ROSATI 13. DEVIN M. BARTA 14. CHRISTOPHER 17. DARRIN J. DIBISCEGLIE 22. JACKSON EDWARDS IV 28. AARON GORDON 18. CHRISTOPHER N. 23. GARY S. KEMPLER 29. SUSAN L. CHESTER GRAHAM, CLU 24. JORDAN VICKERS 30. JULIA G. LEMBCKE DAENZER 19. DEXTER R. SAYLOR 25. BEVERLY J. KINGSLEY 15. CATHERINE E. HATTON 20. JOSEPH A. JAFFE 26. RACHEL KAHN 16. EUGENE RANNEY 21. ROBERT HOLZMAN 27. TROY C. WHITT Through the month of March 2015, these top 10 General Agents and Writing Agents have the highest net combined annualized premium. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 26. CENTERSTONE Consolidated Insurance Group, Inc. 3 Whitt Insurance Agency Insurance Center of S. Florida 22. MARC G. ZUM TOBEL # Maisonet Insurance Agency NORTH AMERICA, INC. Quality First Insurance Agency, Inc. Ulayyet Insurance Agency # TIMOTHY T. RUSH 18. MARK B. GRAHAM 21. PAUL SWEENEY Insurance Protection Services 11. ROBERT M. WROBLEWSKI 16. FRED M. ULAYYET # 28. JOSEPH MAISONET CONSULTANTS, INC. 15. SCOTT J. SCHWARTZ 5 RAY STEVENS Stevens & Associates Insurance Agency, Inc. Secure Benefits Alliance AmeriLife 14. KERRY SACHS SOS Insurance Group # 23. JACOB M. MCGEOY Jack Schroeder & Associates, Inc. Senior Solutions Insurance Agency Rosenberg-Concklin, Inc. 4 17. SHAWN SCHROEDER 13. JOHN W. CLARK 7. EDWARD L. # WILLIAM J. BOROSAK JR. CATHERINE E. HATTON Secure Financial Group, LLC. Long Island Insurance Solutions 12. DEVIN M. BARTA Professional Insurance Systems of Florida 3 JON AHLBUM MIKE LEMAR WILLIAM J. BOROSAK JR. CATHERINE E. HATTON RAY STEVENS SCOTT E. MEDNICK EDWARD L. SHACKELFORD PAUL T. SHELDON TIM AHLBUM RON CONCKLIN April 2O15 FULL THROTTLE $1,000,449 $485,527 $392,428 $388,512 $349,328 $347,676 $253,426 $182,016 $181,176 $180,712 STARS OF THE MONTH WRITING AGENTS PACESETTERS CLUB PRESIDENT'S CLUB # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. TIMOTHY T. RUSH PAUL T. SHELDON KERRY SACHS TIM AHLBUM SCOTT J. SCHWARTZ FRED M. ULAYYET RAY STEVENS EDWARD A. CATRON JON AHLBUM JASON STEVENS $216,251 $182,016 $114,991 $114,798 $109,542 $108,487 $88,899 $88,682 $83,072 $80,291 GENERAL AGENTS LIFE 1. SHELDON H. REID 16. GEORGE J. LOEBIG 1. JON AHLBUM 16. FRED M. ULAYYET 2. GLEN A. DOERNBERG 17. DAVID ARLEIN 2. MIKE LEMAR 17. SHAWN SCHROEDER Doernberg Insurance Agency 3. RAY STEVENS Stevens & Associates Insurance Agency, Inc. 4. ENSURITY GROUP, INC. 5. OWEN E. METTS Metts Insurance Agency 6. KAYLEIGH A. OLIVER Affiliated Health Insurances of FL 7. LOREN A. OLGUIN Olguin Insurance Agency 8. FRED GITTENS Gittens Insurance Agency 9. LEE V. JERNIGAN Jernigan Insurance Agency 10. DANIEL W. SHEA Shea Insurance Agency 11. MICHAEL JOHNSON Johnson Insurance Agency 12. RONALD C. WOODLIEF Woodlief insurance Agency 13. BENEFIT PLANS OF AMERICA, INC. 14. JOHN W. CLARK Senior Solutions Insurance Agency 15. PATRICIA P. CAMPBELL Campbell Insurance Agency WRITING AGENTS HEALTH 1. BRYAN C. MCGHEE 2. GLEN A. DOERNBERG 3. ARLINE A. LOUX 4. OWEN E. METTS 5. GRACE J. EVANS 6. FITO MENARD 7. FRED GITTENS 8. VICTOR C. CABRERA 9. LEE V. JERNIGAN 10. DANIEL W. SHEA 11. MICHAEL JOHNSON 12. RONALD C. WOODLIEF 13. VINCENT ABBATIELLO 14. PATRICIA P. CAMPBELL 15. AUDREY SNOW Arlein Insurance Agency The Ahlbum Group Sunshine State Agency 18. TAIWANA HIXON 3. WILLIAM J. BOROSAK JR. 19. SHARON N. LEWIS 4. CATHERINE E. HATTON Hixon Insurance Agency Lewis Insurance Agency 20. NEAL STACY Stacy Insurance Agency 21. CATHERINE E. HATTON Long Island Insurance Solutions 22. ROBERT D. COLLINS 23. DAVID K. DANIELS David K. Daniels & Associates 24. PAUL W. PIERRE Pierre Insurance Agency Secure Financial Group, LLC. Long Island Insurance Solutions 5. SCOTT E. MEDNICK Professional Insurance Systems of Florida 6. RAY STEVENS Stevens & Associates Insurance Agency, Inc. 7. EDWARD L. SHACKELFORD The Assurance Group, Inc. 8. PAUL T. SHELDON Paul Sheldon Insurance & Benefits Planning 25. TYNESHA R. LEWIS 9. TIM AHLBUM 10. RON CONCKLIN 26. WILLIAM P. SCARCELLA 11. ROBERT M. WROBLEWSKI Lewis Insurance Agency Scarcella Insurance Agency 27. GREGORY WOHL Wohl Insurance Agency 28. RANDALL SCHNACK Schnack Financial Group, Inc. 29. MIKE STEVENS Farm & Ranch Healthcare, Inc. Rosenberg-Concklin, Inc. SOS Insurance Group 12. DEVIN M. BARTA 13. JOHN W. CLARK Senior Solutions Insurance Agency 14. KERRY SACHS Jack Schroeder & Associates, Inc. 18. MARK B. GRAHAM AmeriLife 19. DONNA M. AHLBUM 20. AMERICAN EAGLE CONSULTANTS, INC. 21. PAUL SWEENEY Quality First Insurance Agency, Inc. 22. MARC G. ZUM TOBEL Consolidated Insurance Group, Inc. 23. JACOB M. MCGEOY Secure Benefits Alliance 24. SENIOR SERVICES OF NORTH AMERICA, INC. 25. RICHARD S. SCHWARTZ Insurance Center of S. Florida 26. CENTERSTONE INSURANCE & FINANCIAL SVCS. 27. MATTHEW B. MORASKI 28. JOSEPH MAISONET Maisonet Insurance Agency Secure Retirement Solutions, Inc. 30. CHARLOTTE T. KOCIAN 15. SCOTT J. SCHWARTZ 16. DAVID ARLEIN 17. TAIWANA HIXON 18. SHARON N. LEWIS 19. EDWARD T. CODY 20. KEITH G. WHITE 21. SHELDON H. REID 22. BERTHA J. REED 23. LOREN A. OLGUIN 24. DOUGLAS H. MCELROY 25. ROGER A. GRADY JR. 26. PAUL W. PIERRE 27. TYNESHA R. LEWIS 28. DORA SOLIS 29. WILLIAM P. SCARCELLA 30. GREGORY WOHL 1. TIMOTHY T. RUSH 2. PAUL T. SHELDON 3. KERRY SACHS 4. TIM AHLBUM 5. SCOTT J. SCHWARTZ 6. FRED M. ULAYYET 7. RAY STEVENS 8. EDWARD A. CATRON 9. JON AHLBUM 10. JASON STEVENS 11. BRIAN GILBERT 12. LISA ROSATI 13. DEVIN M. BARTA 14. CHRISTOPHER DAENZER 15. CATHERINE E. HATTON Kocian Insurance Agency Ulayyet Insurance Agency Insurance Protection Services 29. TROY C. WHITT Whitt Insurance Agency 30. KENNETH L. LEPAGE JR. 16. EUGENE RANNEY 17. DARRIN J. DIBISCEGLIE 18. CHRISTOPHER N. GRAHAM, CLU 19. DEXTER R. SAYLOR 20. JOSEPH A. JAFFE 21. ROBERT HOLZMAN 22. JACKSON EDWARDS IV 23. GARY S. KEMPLER 24. JORDAN VICKERS 25. BEVERLY J. KINGSLEY 26. RACHEL KAHN 27. TROY C. WHITT 28. AARON GORDON 29. SUSAN L. CHESTER 30. JULIA G. LEMBCKE FULL THROTTLE April 2O15 11 CONVENTION FUN IN THE SAND it’s your JOURNEY LIFE ONLY HEALTH ONLY COMBINED $180,000 NAP $350,000 NAP $350,000 NAP JAN. $15,000 $29,167 $29,167 FEB. 30,000 58,333 58,333 MAR. 45,000 87,500 87,500 APR. 60,000 116,667 116,667 MAY 75,000 145,833 145,833 JUNE 90,000 175,000 175,000 JULY 105,000 204,167 204,167 AUG. 120,000 233,333 233,333 SEPT. 135,000 262,500 262,500 OCT. 150,000 291,667 291,667 NOV. 165,000 320,833 320,833 DEC. 180,000 350,000 350,000 MONTH WHAT YOU NEED TO QUALIFY IF YOU ARE A WRITING AGENT: WHAT YOU NEED TO QUALIFY IF YOU ARE A GENERAL AGENT: MONTH LIFE ONLY HEALTH ONLY COMBINED $100,000 NAP $150,000 NAP $150,000 NAP JAN. $8,333 $12,500 $12,500 FEB. 16,667 25,000 25,000 MAR. 25,000 37,500 37,500 APR. 33,333 50,000 50,000 MAY 41,667 62,500 62,500 JUNE 50,000 75,000 75,000 JULY 58,333 87,500 87,500 AUG. 66,667 100,000 100,000 SEPT. 75,000 112,500 112,500 OCT. 83,333 125,000 125,000 NOV. 91,667 137,500 137,500 DEC. 100,000 150,000 150,000 #UACONVENTION2016 Hyatt Ziva ✿ Los Cabos, Mexico ✿ juNE 22-25, 2016 Agents who contract after Feb. 1, are prorated for Convention qualification. For example, contract in March and the Agent life/health requirement is 10 months or $125,000 of combined NAP. Minimum NAP for an Agent who contracts in June is six months or $75,000 combined NAP. Agents must be contracted and produce at a six-month minimum production level to be eligible for Convention.
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