The_Torch_December_2014_January 2015_Edition


The_Torch_December_2014_January 2015_Edition
The Torch
December 2014 – January 2015
Volume 5, Issue 3
The Unveiling
Won’t You Give?
Fasting & Sacrifice
Ministry At Work
Safe Nights
Relay For Life
Getting To Know
Children’s Corner
Contact Information
The Prayer Corner
Contact Information
Pastor’s Message
Greetings in the Divine Love that is found in none other than our Lord and
Savior Jesus the Christ! As we prepare to conclude another year under the grace of
God, I ask that you remember, retain, recollect and reminisce over the amazing and
the miraculous that has occurred in the life of our church this year.
Now that you have done that I ask that you prepare your hearts, your minds
and your souls to go even higher in 2015. Because “Together We Build” beloved,
now that our minds, our monies, our mission & our ministry is right. We are
anchored by “The Love Movement” which has saturated every aspects of our
ministry allowing us to walk in the mandate of the Nehemiah Movement.
Listen, “Then I told them about the gracious hand of my God upon me and
what the King had said to me. They replied, “Let us start rebuilding.” So they began
this good work.” Be reminded of what God has already done for us which is but a
small glimpse of what God will do. I pray that this Advent Season will prepare you for
what is to come for it is and will truly be incredible. Blessings!
Pastor Jason L. Robinson
Hand Me Another Brick!
19 But when Sanballat the
Horonite, Tobiah the Ammonite
official and Geshemthe Arab
heard about it, they mocked and
ridiculed us. “What is this you
are doing?” they asked. “Are you
rebelling against the king?”20 I
answered them by saying, “The
God of heaven will give us
success. We his servants will
start rebuilding, but as for you,
you have no share in Jerusalem
or any claim or historic right to
it.” (Nehemiah 2:19-20 – NIV)
Forgetting the Past
As we enter a New Year, it is time to forget the past and to look to the
future. God wants new things to spring up in our lives. We cannot
operate in newness living in the past. Philippians 3:13-14, declares “No,
dear brothers and sisters, I am still not all I should be, but I am focusing
all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking
forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach the end of the race and
receive the prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us up to
heaven.” (NLT)
A happy and blessed New Year awaits you!
The Torch
The Unveiling
Page 2
It is written in (1 Corinthians 2:9), “However, as it is written: "What no eye has seen, what no ear
has heard, and what no human mind has conceived -- the things God has prepared for those who love
him.” God is doing and preparing some great things at Brooks Church.
On November 2, 2014, Pastor Robinson and the Building Committee unveiled the long awaited
plans for the future Brooks campus expansion. Just prior to the presentation, we announced our five
month, divinely inspired partnership with Church Development Services (CDS), a Virginia Beach,
Virginia faith based development organization and introduced its CEO, Mr. Glen Trematore. Glen
provide an excellent summary of a feasibility study, including the floor plans, color renderings, and
estimates to the congregation. The excitement about what God has called us to do could be felt by all in
the house of the Lord.
Brooks is “Where the Worship, the
Word, and the Witness are Worth the Trip!”
We at Brooks know where there is partnership
there must be fellowship! We would like to
thank Glen Treamtore, CEO of CDS and his
son Gunnar for fellowshipping with us during
the unveiling service.
Based on the congregations
overwhelming positive response, we contacted
our conference leadership. On December 15,
2014, the Brooks building committee
presented our plans to the Washington East
District Committee on Church Location and
Building, and in what we already knew was
God’s will, they accepted our initial designs
and estimates. After a little over 120 days of
diligent work, fellowship, prayer and fasting,
God’s favor shines through. It is now time to
move into the next phases with boldness.
Nehemiah Movement
Now is the time for God’s people to show their faithfulness and for everyone to participate in the
Nehemiah Movement. Let us strive to give “first fruits” as described by Rev. Dr. Rodney Smothers at
the church anniversary, but also know that every contribution is worthy of praise! But let us not forget
that this movement is about our ministry and mission. As we continue to provide our time, talents and
treasures to minister and to others, the more we will see God move in the life of the church.
And so, as the people responded in Nehemiah 2:18 “Let us rise up and build. So they
strengthened their hands for the good work.” Together we will build. Let’s ready our shovels and
hardhats for the soon to come ground breaking and for the expansion of our ministry!
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Won’t You Give?
The Torch
Mary, a virgin, was living in Galilee of
Nazareth and was engaged to be married to
Joseph, a Jewish carpenter. An angel visited her
and explained to her that she would conceive a
son by the power of the Holy Spirit. She would
carry and give birth to this child and she would
name him Jesus.
A Child Is Born In Bethlehem!
At first Mary was afraid and troubled by
the angel's words. Being a virgin, Mary
questioned the angel, "How will this be?" The
angel explained that the child would be God's
own Son and, therefore, "nothing is impossible
with God." Humbled and in awe, Mary believed
the angel of the Lord and rejoiced in God her
Being a good Jewish girl, surely Mary reflected on the prophecy in the garden when God in
told the serpent “And I will put enmity between you and the women, and between your offspring
and hers; he will crush your head and you will strike his heel.” Genesis 3:15. One can assume that
she may have pondered on the words found in Isaiah 7:14 foretelling this event, "Therefore the Lord
Himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call
him Immanuel."
As foretold to Mary by the angel, she miraculously became pregnant through the Holy Spirit.
Mary being engaged to be married to Joseph, she told Joseph she was pregnant. Joseph felt
disgraced. He knew the child was not his own. He knew Mary's apparent unfaithfulness would bring
a grave social stigma on Joseph, Mary and the child. Joseph not only had the right to end his
engagement with Mary, under Jewish law she could be put to death by stoning.
Joseph’s initial reaction was a human one that men and women alike could understand. He
was going to break the engagement. There was no need to wait for the DNA test. Joseph knew he
and Mary had not known one another! Joseph being a righteous man he did the appropriate thing,
he treated Mary with extreme kindness. He did not want to cause her further shame, so he decided
to act quietly. Proverbs 13:6 tells us that “Righteousness guards him whose way is blameless.”
God knew that Joseph was faced with a test. God will provide a way for His children to
endure and pass every test if we just believe. God sent an angel to Joseph in a dream to verify
Mary's story and reassure him that his marriage to her was God's will. The angel explained that the
child within Mary was conceived by the Holy Spirit, that his name would be Jesus and that he was
the foretold Messiah, God with us.
When Joseph woke from his dream, he obeyed God and took Mary home to be his wife, in
spite of the public humiliation he would face. God will turn humiliation into victory if we will only
humble ourselves and obey His will. Joseph’s humble and obedient spirit is the reason God called
him to be the earthly father to His Son, the Messiah.
As we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus, let’s remember the humbleness of
Mary and Joseph and their faithful willingness to obey and trust in God’s Word. Let us remember
the humble beginnings of Jesus. His being born in a stable. And, let us remember how Christ
humbly and willingly gave His life that we be saved. Let us humble ourselves and willingly give God
our hearts, minds, body and souls. What a wonderful gift to give in this season!
The Torch
Page 4
Forgiveness in the Bible is one of the greatest blessings
that God has given us. It is also one of the greatest
blessings we can give to others. We must forgive those
who wrong us, just as our Father has forgiven us. If we
all lived by the mantra “an eye for an eye and a tooth for
a tooth,” we would all be blind and toothless.
Often forgiveness isn’t easy. Emotional and physical
abuse hurt. Betrayal and lies destroy relationships. Yes,
we struggle with true forgiveness, but, we must
overcome the struggle and forgive.
We hurt ourselves more by not forgiving those who
offend us. We must simply forgive them and move on.
What complicates and often hinders us from forgiving is
wasting time on questions like: Do I have to forgive
those who never apologize? Yes. Do I have to maintain a
relationship when I forgive the offender? No. Do things
have to return to the way they were before the offense?
No. Can I forgive and not forget? No, that’s called
holding a grudge not forgiveness.
Forgiveness isn’t something we do
for others. We do it so we can get
well and move on.
What does forgiveness mean or constitute? According to Merriam Webster, forgive means to stop feeling
anger towards someone who has done something wrong and to stop blaming someone. Forgiveness
simply is the act of excusing a mistake or offense by someone (be it real or perceived). Very often people
do not mean to offend us. They are totally unware of the offense, but, we must forgive them regardless.
We must learn to forgive the small offenses and mistakes. It is important that we not blow up minor
things into major issues and resentments. Let it go! We must learn to forgive without demanding
restitution, punishment and an apology. Getting even is not forgiveness, it is getting even. True
forgiveness means we are not going to seek vengeance or restitution for an offense by taking things into
our own hands. “Vengeance is mine saith the Lord.” (Romans 12:19, NIV).
We must release feelings of anger, hatred, and resentment. This can be the hardest part of forgiveness for
most people. Guess what? Releasing and letting go is the first step in forgiveness. Allowing hurt to linger,
will consume you and make you into a miserable and bitter person. Thus, you actually bring more pain on
yourself than the offender did. Although anger is a natural human emotion. The Bible tells us: “In your
anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold
(Ephesians 4:26).”
So, while we have the right to be angry when we are wronged, we should not allow that anger to lead to
sin, bitterness and grudges. As we enter a New Year, it’s time to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and
move forward with our lives with true forgiveness. If we allow anger to linger, then we invite Satan’s ways
into our lives. This leads to misery and corruption. Let it go! Move on! Pray to God for healing and
God forgives us for our sins and so we must forgive others. We have been graciously forgiven by God. If we
do not extend that same forgiveness to others, then we are hypocrites and are undeserving of God’s
Matthew 6:14-15 NIV – “For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also
forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”
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The Torch
Fasting & Sacrifice
Brooks United Methodists Church: The
Kingdom Agenda * Phase IV
Joel 2: 12-13
*Even now,* declares the Lord, *return to me
with all your heart, with fasting and weeping
and mourning.* Rend your heart and not your
garments. Return to the Lord your God, for he
is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger
and abounding in love, and he relents from
sending calamity.*
Worship Times
Worship Experiences:
January 1 – 31, 2015
Sunday Worship at
10:00 a.m.
Sunday’s at 9:45
a.m., Kids In Divine
Study (KIDS)
Wednesday’s – Bible
Study at 7:00 p.m.
1st Sunday’s - Adult
Sunday School 8:45 a.m.
Fasting is defined as to voluntarily abstain
from and go without as to observe a holy
F * Faithful
A * Attitude
S * Sacrifice
T * Temporal
Financial Fasting – praying and
spending time in God’s Word.
As we prepare "Build Together" in 2015 in
the month of January as a church family we
will fast for 31 days! There will be three
different FAST so that all with prayerful and
faithful participate.
Brooks Church
Food Fasting – praying and
being fed by the Word of God.
Finances - you are to spend no money
beyond what you need for bills, gas and so
on. (That means no eating out, fast food,
shopping or otherwise just the essentials).
Our Vision
Food - you are to only eat once a day and
you can only drink water (flavored water is
Technology - you can only use it for work.
(That means no texting; no face book, no
T.V, etc.)
“Where the
Worship, the
Word and the
Witness are
Worth the Trip.”
Technology Fasting – praying,
listening and watching God move.
We seek to
Empower and
disciples for
Jesus Christ.
The Torch
& New
At Members
Page 6
Willing Workers Ministry
The Brooks Willing Workers Ministry
is a committed ministry that is ready to serve
whenever and wherever there is a need in the
church. We are a ministry focused on meeting
the needs of the church.
Willingly Working For Christ!
Following are the members of the
Willing Workers: Shirley Bourne, Peggy
Brooks, Ysedria Brooks, Edwardine
Commodore, Carolyn Gray, Valerie Hampton,
Brindle Hutchins, Dianette Johnson, Ellen Johnson, Brenda Mackall, Pamela Mackall,
Cheryl Massey, Emmanuel Massey, Clarice Parran, Diane Parran, Lucille Reynolds,
Laverne Steward, Lawaun Titus, Harriet White and Sharon White.
Our ministry has grown over the past year, we are very proud of this achievement. Some of
the work we do includes the beautification of the church such as placing flowers and
draperies in the sanctuary and fellowship hall. Our most important work is to plan and
ensure the success of the annual church anniversary celebrations.
Submitted by: Dianette Johnson
“Women On The Move For Christ”
United Methodist
We would like to thank everyone who had an
opportunity to attend the Women's Day Program.
Associate Pastor Margo Gross from Greater Mount
Zion Church served as the guest speaker. Her message
was truly inspirational and the program was a
very successful event.
Upcoming events and dates: We would love
for you to join us!
Saturday, March 14, 2015 - Women's Tea
Saturday, April 25, 2015 - Community Dinner
Saturday, May 9, 2015 - Walk-A-Thon
Sunday, September 20, 2015 - Senior Appreciation Day
Sunday, October 18, 2015 - Women's Day
2014 United Methodist Women’s Day
“Shades of Pink”
Submitted by: Brooks United Methodist Women
Zara Evans, President
Page 7
Safe Nights & Relay For Life Support
Local Churches Unite To
Support Safe Nights
My desire to help others led me to attend the
Homeless Resource Day held on October 24, 2014
in the Calvert County Library. There I met Sue
Bilek, a representative from Safe Nights of Calvert
County. I explained my desire to help. I told her
we did not have the space to host at Brooks United
Methodist Church, but perhaps we could assist in
some way. Sue asked if I would be the contact
person from our church. I agreed and began to
recruit volunteers.
Safe Nights is a moveable homeless shelter that
provides a warm bed and three nutritious meals
within a safe environment to those in need. Brooks
United Methodist Church partnered with Solomons
United Methodist Church, Eastern United
Methodist Church, and St. Johns United Methodist
Church to host and provide meals for ten guests.
The guests were housed at the East-Johns Youth
Center in Lusby the week of November 30 thru
December 7.
With the financial support of the church and the
Brooks United Methodist Women, volunteers came
together to provide items needed for bedding,
cook and serve meals, monitor the guests
overnight, and clean the living space and
restrooms. It was a very rewarding experience to
share a meal and conversation with the guests and
other volunteers. The guests were very polite and
I would like to thank the following members for
their assistance in this program: Mrs. Margaret
Brooks, Mrs. Maxine Brown, Miss Brenda Butler,
Ms. Lisa Howard, Mrs. Brindle Hutchins, Ms. Gloria
Mason, Mrs. Iszetta Saunders-Johnson, Mrs.
Cozette Washington, and Mrs. Ephonia Wills.
The goal for next year is to increase the number of
Submitted by Pamela Mackall
The Torch
Brooks Miracle Workers
Raise money to support the American
Cancer Society.
What Is Relay?
Relay is not a race. It is an overnight community
fundraising walk. Teams of people camp out around
a track. Members of each team take turns walking
around the track. Food, games and activities
provide entertainment and build camaraderie. It's a
family-friendly environment for the entire
Because it’s a team event, individual participants
are not required to be there the entire time. But it's
so much fun, you'll find it hard to leave!
2014 Support – 2015 Planning!
This year our team was not able to reach our goal
of $3,000.00, but we were able to raise $2,654.00
for this worthy cause. We would like to take this
time to thank the church family and Pastor Jason L.
Robinson for their generous donations and support.
There are some exciting changes for Relay in 2015.
Relay will be on Saturday, June 13, from 2 pm-2am
at the Calvert County Fairgrounds. Registration is
free, but participants are encouraged to raise a
minimum of one hundred dollars. Visit for more
information or to register.
The 2015 kickoff party will be held Wednesday,
January 7, at 6:30pm at the Prince Frederick
Volunteer Rescue Squad. Join us for free food, fun,
information about our June Relay For Life event,
and great door prizes. All are welcome.
We will have a team again for the June 2015 Relay
For Life. Each team member is encouraged to raise
a minimum of one hundred dollars! Please support
us by being a member and making a donation.
Don't wait, start collecting your donations now.
See Pamela Mackall for details or suggestions.
The Torch
Relay For Life - Continue
Page 8
Why We Donate?
While the American Cancer Society is making progress toward
a world without cancer, only with your dedication and
fundraising efforts can we finish the fight against the disease.
With your help, we aren’t just fighting one type of cancer –
we’re fighting for every birthday threatened by every cancer in every community. Each person
who shares the Relay For Life experience can take pride in knowing that they are working to
create a world where this disease will no longer threaten our loved ones or rob anyone of
another birthday.
Your contributions are important because they support:
James 5:14-15 - “Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of
the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the
Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the
Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven.” New
International Version (NIV)
Page 9
Getting To Know Our Members
The Torch
Elveta Peterson was born, August 10, 1957 at Freedman’s Hospital
(currently known as Howard University Hospital) located in
Washington, D.C. Elveta’s hometown is Clinton, North Carolina
located in Sampson County. Elveta is the daughter of the late
Franklin Leroy and Elveta Faison Peterson. She has five siblings,
Thaddeus Douglass Peterson, Johnnie Leroy Peterson, Willard
Cornell Peterson, James Franklin Peterson and Lolita Maria
Elveta is currently divorced. She is the proud parent of one daughter,
LaVeta Maria McKinney and a step-son, Larry Cornelius McKinney
II. She is the grandmother of LaNaya Maria McKinney.
Elveta Peterson
Elveta’s favorite times of the year are fall and the Christmas holidays.
She loves cool weather especially when traveling down south. She
loves the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping, decorating,
baking, sitting by the fireside, and visiting with family and friends
during the holidays.
Her favorite hymn is “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot.” Her favorite gospel song is “No Greater Love” – Smokie Norful.
Favorite movies: The Best Man Holiday and Madea’s Family Reunion.
Elveta’s favorite foods are: Porterhouse steak, sweet potatoes, pinto beans, collard greens,
vegetarian chili, cornbread, pizza from New York, pancakes, decadent chocolate cake. She enjoys
Exercising, dancing, reading books, periodicals, and newspapers, computing, shopping, traveling abroad to experience
different cultures and sample the various culinary arts, quiet walks along the water, renovating and decorating homes in
her spare time.
If you ask Elveta what are some of her childhood memories she will tell you:
“My father spoiling me rotten.”
“My father’s Sunday dinners after church.”
“Being escorted by the Sheriff to my grandmother’s house upon entering Sampson County, North Carolina. (My
grandmother was very concerned about our well-being especially when traveling to the south at night. She would
always request that a Sheriff escort us to her house once crossing
the county line but failed to let us know of her request.)”
“Witnessing the Klu Klux Klan during the mid-1960s ride pass my grandmother’s house on horses and greeting
me with a warm smile and hello. (It was very clear to me that they knew my grandmother)”
“Attending family reunions in the south with about 600 relatives in attendance”
“Listening to my relatives share stories about my ancestors.”
Elveta has several philosophies on life and they are:
The way you treat people determines the fate of your destiny.
People that are close to God can see things that worldly people can’t.
You pay for every wrong thing you do before you die.
If you don’t work, you don’t eat.
Some of your relatives can be your worst enemies.
You can count the number of friends you have on one hand.
Elveta’s favorite bible verses are “Philippians 4:13, “I can do all this through him who gives me strength” and Romans
13:8, “Love Fulfills the Law. Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever
loves others has fulfilled the law. She considers the gift of the Holy Spirit and God’s Grace and Mercy as her best blessing
from God.
If you ask Elveta what attracted her to Brooks, she will tell you, “The serene environment, the warm personalities of the
people, the awesome Pastor, and the order of worship attracts me to Brooks. I love the country environment because it
reminds me of that of my hometown. The family ties within the church resemble that of my home church; you can attend
any church in Clinton, North Carolina and run into someone that is related to me. Our Pastor, Jason L. Robinson reminds
me of the Pastor of Lisbon Street Baptist Church located in Clinton, North Carolina, which I have fond memories of.”
The Torch
Contact Information
Page 10
Contact Information:
Brooks United Methodist Church
5550 Mackall Road
St.Leonard, Maryland20685
Telephone: 410-586-3972
Fax: 410-586-8117
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Brooks United Methodist
Church – Saint Leonard Maryland
Take a few moments and “visit” to
“see” what’s going on at
Brooks Church.
Brooks invites you to join us in
worship online. Visit our
website Live Online Worship
page and receive a blessing!
Pray in this Season for Love, Peace and Joy!
Lord, we pray for brotherly and sisterly love in
this season. We pray for peace throughout the
world. Jesus we need you like never before.
Where there is hopelessness plant hope. Where
there is hate allow love to spring up. Where
there is unrest pour out your joy and peace!
Lord, as we enter a New Year, we pray for our
young men and women. Place a hedge of
protection around them. Amen.
If you would like to provide a prayer for the next edition of The Torch please see Lisa Howard.
Visit our Facebook page to stay
abreast of upcoming events and
to view our photo gallery.
If you need to contact Pastor
Robinson, he can be reached
at (410) 586-3792 or
[email protected]