Chatter 17 2013 - Corpus Christi
Chatter 17 2013 - Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi Chatter 13-21 Widford Street, Glenroy, 3046 Telephone: 9306 3062 Fax: 9306 2227 Email: [email protected] Thursday 10th October 2013, Chatter No. 17 Thursday 10th2013 Dear Families and Friends,Chatter No. 17 Welcome back to Term Four. A busy time lays ahead with Reconciliation and Eucharist, Excursions, Year 6 Transition, Foundation – 2 Literacy Testing, 2014 Foundation Orientation, Swimming, Carols, Year 6 Graduation and general day to day learning. Wishing everyone a successful and enjoyable term. Good luck. SCHOOL PRODUCTION. Thanks to all children, families and staff for all your support and participation in our wonderful school production Special thanks to Miss Simone Sky for her creative leadership. Fantastic! Dear Miss Sky and all Corpus Christi family We were highly impressed with the last night performance. We thoroughly enjoyed the show. I could see, people sitting around us also enjoying. The whole performance made us so curious, thinking that what comes next and after next.... I think Miss Sky deserve a lot for making this performance so interesting and vibrant. I am sure many parents like us felt proud that their sons and daughters are going to this school and having this exposure. What a relevant theme for the present context; where children are growing with so many challenges ahead. We highly appreciate your immense efforts and hard work for making this program so successful. Well done!!! Thank you so much. Warm regards Jamuna Parajuli ( Jeeban's mum) CROSSING SUPERVISOR MELBOURNE AVE Welcome to Vicki our new Melbourne Crossing Supervisor. We wish Vicki all the best and all our support in this important role. FAMILY MATHS NIGHT Families are invited to attend our annual Family Maths night this Wednesday 16th October commencing at 7.00pm. All welcome! 2013 YEAR 3 AND 5 NAPLAN In May this year children in Year 3 and 5 completed the Australia wide NAPLAN assessments. Children's results have been delivered to school this week and will be distributed on Monday 14th October. If you wish to discuss your child’s NAPLAN outcomes please make a time with your child's classroom teacher or myself. Thank you. TERM FOUR EVENTS Friday 11th October 10.00am Beginning of Term Mass Wednesday 16th October Family Mass Night Thursday 17th October 9.00am Parents Association Thursday 24th October 9am Parish School Education Board Meeting Tuesday 29th October 7.00pm 2014 Foundation (Prep) Information Evening Monday 4th November School CLOSED Tuesday 5th November Melbourne Cup Holiday Wednesday 6th, 13th 20th November Foundation Orientation Sessions Tuesday 12th November 7.00pm Sacrament of Penance at Corpus Christi Church Sunday 24th November First Eucharist 10am at Cor pus Chr isti Church Tuesday 3rd– Thursday 5th December Friday 6th December SWIMMING 2014 PLANNING DAY—SCHOOL CLOSURE Monday 9th December Christmas Carols evening Tuesday 10th– Thursday 12th December SWIMMING Tuesday 17th December Year 6 Graduation Thursday 19th December End of Year (Children) 2014 FOUNDATION INFORMATION EVENING AND ORIENTATION PROGRAM An information evening for parents with children commencing Foundation (Prep) in the Year 2014 will be held on Tuesday 29th October at 7.00pm ORIENTATION Wednesday 6th, 13th 20th November Foundation Orientation Sessions 9.30-10.50am or 2.00-3.20pm Children attend all three sessions TERM FOUR SUN HATS With the onset of warmer weather it is a timely reminder that Corpus Christi School Sun Hats must be worn throughout Term Four when the children are at play and lunch, sport and involved in outside activities. Children without the correct sunhat will be required to remain under the shade area of the Library Covered Way and the Double Storey building. Corpus Christi Sun hats are available from the Parents’ Association Uniform Shop. Please ensure all hats are clearly labelled. Children are also encouraged to apply sunscreen and are permitted to wear sunglasses for outdoor activities, play and lunch times. Thank you for your ongoing support WORKING WITH CHILDRENS CHECK REGISTER UPDATE We are in the process of updating our Working With Children Check Register as the first batch of WWCC Cards issued have or are approaching their expiry date and may need to be renewed. To assist us upgrade our WWCC Register we request parents present their WWCC Card to the School Office to ensure we have a copy of the current WWCC Card. Also WWCC Cards are required to be displayed in the Visitors Pass when you sign in when working in the school (eg Canteen, Classroom Etc). If unsure please see Mr Lucardie. Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated. CORPUS CHRISTI PARISH SCHOOL EDUCATION BOARD TERM THREE Meeting on Thursday 24th October 2013 at 9.00am. ALL Parents are invited to join with interested parents to : Support the Catholic ethos of Corpus Christi Primary School Support the Parish Priest, Principal and Staff of Corpus Christi Primary School Provide a discussion forum for current educational issues Annually set school fees Provide feedback on school management issues. Items for Agenda need to be presented to Mr Lucardie prior to the meeting to be able to be discussed. Items raised on the day will be agenda itemed for following meeting. Thank you for your cooperation. If you would like me to voice any concerns or constructive feedback on your behalf, I would be very happy to put it on the agenda for discussion at the next Board meeting. Alternatively you are warmly welcome to attend the meeting yourself. Please email me with anything you’d like discussed at the Board meeting at [email protected] Rachel Keenan “NO SHOW-LET US KNOW!” Following discussions at our recent School Education Board meeting and in light of recent reports in the media of attempted child abductions we are looking to trial new practices to ensure the safety of all children, especially those children who walk or ride to school without adult supervision. If your child is absent from school we are now requesting you inform our school of their non-attendance by 9.00am on the day of absence using the following methods Email Child’s name and class to: [email protected] Text Child’s Name and Class to School Mobile OR 0499 856 243 OR Contact School Office 9306 3062 / 9306 3322 If your child is listed as walking or riding to school without adult supervision we will contact families to ensure that children are still at home. Thank you for your continued support and assistance 2014 INTENTIONS A note requesting your families Intentions (Returning, Not Returning, Unsure) for the 2014 school year was sent home at the end of July. If your circumstances have changed please notify the Office as soon as possible as Class Planning for 2014 will begin shortly. PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION The Parents’ Association plays an important role in providing social, fundraising and recreational activities for our school. Without the Parents’ Association annual contribution to our budget, an increase in school fees could result to cover the financial shortfall. Thank you to our wonderful Parents’ Association for your tireless efforts. Much appreciated. The next General meeting of our Corpus Christi Parents’ Association will take place on Thursday 17th October commencing at 9.00am, Agenda: Planning social and fundraising activities for 2013. Hope to see new and familiar faces at the next meeting. Thank you. PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION UNIFORM SHOP The Parents’ Association Uniform Shop will be open Wednesdays (8.45am-9.15am) and Fridays(3.15.45pm). Located near Atrium Entrance from the Big Yard. Please ensure your child is in correct uniform at all times. If your child is out of uniform a note explaining the reason would be appreciated. Please ensure ALL items of clothing and personal belongings are clearly labelled. LOST PROPERTY Please check if your child has lost an item of uniform as it maybe in our Lost Property Container located in the Atrium. Also please check to make sure children have their own tops/jumpers as sometimes they can be mixed up. If a jumper, jacket or item has been taken home by mistake please return to Lost Property. PLEASE label all uniform Items to assist with returning to rightful owner. Thank you Information Night for Year 7 2014 students accepted to begin at Penola Catholic College will take place on Tuesday 15th October, 2013 at the Broadmeadows Campus (29 Gibson St Broadmeadows) in the Activity and Sports Hall commencing at 7.30pm .Extend After School Care ONLINE BOOKINGS: CALL OUR OFFICE: 1300 366 437 Welcome back to Term Four! We hope you all had a happy, safe and fun filled holiday break. The Extend team are ready for Term Four with lots of fun activities planned. Watch this space for regular updates. ONLINE BOOKINGS: STEPHEN LUCARDIE 2013 VICTORIAN PREMIERS’ READING CHALLENGE CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 136 STUDENTS WHO COMPLETED THE VICTORIAN PREMIERS’ READING CHALLENGE. WELL DONE! These students will receive their Certificates of Achievement from the Premier and their names will be online in the Honour Roll of The Age later this term. Justin Acosta Flores Talia Acosta Flores Geethma Dulanya Alvitigalage David Alyas Michael Alyas Daryl Vince Angeles Christian Antoniou-Terefe Rojiyan Arslan Chloe Au Ethan Au Rylan Au Daniel Badawi Helena Badawi Emma Baker Andreas Baldacchino Isabella Baldacchino Anthony Bhnam Antonia M. Brigante Rocco Brigante Mia Buljubasic Tom Buljubasic Christian Carino Georgia Carroll Minette B. Castillo Tomas Cerin Ashley D’Augello Heath Daz Seth De Bono Gladys Decena Kyara Delgama Lucas Di Benedetto Zach Di Biase Carol Dsouza Derik Du Chloe Du Melwin Edwin Louise Elizaga Medharsi P. Elvitigalage Naduni Yasodara Elvitigalage Ella Fabiani Sleesha Fernando Ireland Fletcher Anthony Giordano Hope Renee Greensmith 3/4MS 3/4MJ 5/6AJ 1/2JS 5/6AJ 5/6CJ 1/2JS 3/4MS 1/2MP 1/2SJ FCE 1/2MP 5/6AJ FCE 5/6 AJ 5/6CJ 5/6GB 1/2MP 3/4MJ 1/2MP 5/6CJ 1/2SJ FDD 5/6GB 1/2SJ 3/4MJ 5/6VA 5/6AJ 5/6GB FDD FDD 5/6CJ FCE 1/2SJ 3/4MS 1/2MP 5/6GB 3/4MJ 5/6VA 1/2SJ 5/6VA 3/4MS 1/2SJ FDD Senon Halihinga Liyanage Thamasha Halihinga Liyanage Seniru Dinil Haputhanthri Aleena Haque Liam Hardie Brayden Harrison Tamara Isho Tara Isho Timothy Isho Tristian Isho Masses Issa Tatiana Issa Ella James Thomas Jamieson Chanilka Jayakody Dihein C P Jayarathne Annie Jones Lily Jones Ananya Joshi Alexia Kalaitzis Christopher Kalaitzis Sarah Karadugoda Jasnoorpreet Kaur Saman Raj KC Emma Keenan Charlotte Kent Michael Kyriakidis Jordan Lauria Karen Le Nicola Mary Lewer William Sean Licup Wennie Jiawen Lin Amaya Liyanage Venuka Liyanage Elisha Katherine Macalalad Emmanuel Philip N. Macalalad Abin S. Maliekal Maher Mazloum Lucy McIntosh Sara Mifsud Gabriella Misho Dhanushi Munasinghe James Nader Thiran Nalawattage Marestella Louisa Natividad Christian Newton-Weeks Bionie Envy Nguyen Eric Nguyen Ian Nguyen Jessica Dan Nguyen Max Bao Nguyen Nhi Nguyen Phi Nguyen Phung Nguyen Anthony Nguyen-Juico Isabelle Nguyen-Juico Maanasa Nimish Dilky Ishara Padmaperuma Chloe Pallisco Luke Pallisco Jeeban Panta Dhyey Patel Matthew Pike Nora Pun Buddhima Ranasinghe Sajin Rodrigo Prayusha Sainju FCE 1/2SJ 5/6VA 1/2JS 5/6AJ 3/4MS FDD 3/4MS 1/2JS 1/2SJ 1/2MP FCE 3/4PS 5/6AJ 5/6GB FDD FDD 1/2SJ 5/6VA FCE 1/2MP 5/6GB 1/2MP 3/4MJ 1/2JS FCE 3/4MJ 3/4MS 1/2MP 1/2JS 3/4MS 1/2JS 1/2MP 3/4MJ 1/2SJ 3/4MS 5/6VA 3/4MJ 3/4MS 3/4MS 1/2MP 3/4MJ 3/4MJ 5/6GB 5/6AJ 5/6AJ 3/4MJ 3/4MS 3/4PS 5/6GB 3/4MS FDD 5/6CJ 3/4MJ 3/4MS 1/2JS 1/2JS 3/4MJ 1/2MP 5/6AJ 1/2SJ 1/2JS 5/6VA 1/2MP 5/6GB 3/4MJ 3/4PS Nicholas Sakellaridis Ann Maria Sarish Ronith Sarkar Vishnu Satish Leann Serna Luzclarita Shamon Savannah Shamon Tessa Shelly Jayan K.D. Shrestha Millie Shrestha Aldrin Sibi Neha Maria Sibi Angelique Stavrakis Sophie Stavrakis Sienna Stylianou Manav Girish Kumar Thakkar Meet Girish Thakkar Ken Tran Jacob Tuomy Joshua Tuomy Sahanma Ulugalatenne Miguel Joaquin Valiente Jason Yacoub Nathan Yacoub Alex Youseph 1/2SJ 1/2MP 1/2JS 5/6VA 3/4PS 5/6AJ 3/4PS FCE 3/4PS 5/6GB FCE 3/4PS 1/2MP 3/4MS FCE 1/2MP 1/2SJ 5/6VA FCE 1/2JS 3/4MS 3/4MS 3/4MJ 1/2JS 3/4MJ