BCE`s 2013-2014 Annual Report
BCE`s 2013-2014 Annual Report
We are BCE. Together we build better Burlingame schools. BCE’s 2013-2014 grant helps Burlingame School District fund: SMALL K-3 CLASS SIZE While space constraints are a real issue in our district, funding for teacher salaries helps maintain 22.5 average students in the younger grades. Smaller classes support differentiation and strengthen relationships between students and teachers. IMPROVED INSTRUCTIONAL RATIO IN GRADES 4-5 Highly trained, part-time instructional classroom aides assist with differentiated learning and reduce the feel of larger class sizes in 4th and 5th grades. OUR MISSION Burlingame Community for Education Foundation (BCE) helps Burlingame School District (BSD) sustain and enhance an exceptional public education for all K-8 students. Working together with parents, the school district, and community, we provide BSD with financial resources to create a rich and inspiring education for our children beyond what is possible with public funds. BCE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public benefit corporation. Thank you to our generous donors and volunteers who made possible this year’s record-breaking $1,536,000 grant to Burlingame School District. Every dollar counted. California places 45th in the nation in education funding per student, so Burlingame’s high-performing public schools do not happen by accident. Quite the opposite. This achievement takes a tremendous amount of commitment from teachers, district leaders, families, and community members. I feel so fortunate that our school district — our community’s children — can rely on flexible funding from BCE Foundation to help create a rich and inspiring education for all kindergarten through 8th grade students. Special thanks to our talented team of 200+ volunteers who dedicate so much time to keep our mission-driven foundation running strong. In gratitude, Emily Beach BCE Foundation President (2013-2015) Photo: Michael Hildreth PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Professional development in Common Core curriculum, research-based teaching strategies, and technology enrich student experience while attracting and retaining the best teachers. SCIENCE AND MATH COACHES Two credentialed, K-8 math and science enrichment coaches help staff teach new curriculum standards and provide subject expertise across all schools. District Science Coach Brennan Brockbank also teaches a new STEM class at BIS this year. PERFORMING ARTS EDUCATION Studies suggest strong music education improves verbal fluency, behavior regulation, working memory, and standardized test scores. BSD’s comprehensive K-8 choral and instrumental music program and middle school drama program make learning fun. CREDENTIALED PHYSICAL EDUCATION INSTRUCTION Exercise, play, and movement help children learn. Credentialed physical education instructors also teach our children lifelong lessons in teamwork, character building, and healthy choices. LIBRARY AND MEDIA SERVICES Our district’s credentialed librarian helps BIS students integrate research with today’s technology, while library aides in elementary schools nurture strong literacy habits and lifelong learning. When a community believes in the value of strong public schools, we are powerful. TOGETHER We raised a record-breaking $1,536,000 grant, the largest in BCE’s thirty-four year history. We impact over 3,300 students in Burlingame School District. We give our district the flexible funds it needs to provide our children with the educational experience they deserve. To read a copy of BCE’s grant letter, please visit our website. 2013 / 2014 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Emily Beach BIS Site Director Melissa Macko Secretary Deborah Leon Franklin Site Director Jen Liebhaber Treasurer Jennifer Lin Lincoln Site Director Cathy Guglielmi VP Business Development Sarah Wiley McKinley Site Director Richard Moran VP Events Audrey Tse Treanor Roosevelt Site Director Erika Kelly VP Marketing Katie Storey Washington Site Director Kathy Turner VP Scholars Circle Florence Wong STAFF Executive Director Andrea Capozzoli Administrative Assistant Felicia Ng VP Site Directors Kelly Tillman ADVISORY BOARD DINNER DANCE & AUCTION Event Chair Fabiola Price Sponsorship Chair Katie Ward READ-A-THON Event Chair Kristin Moran SPIRIT RUN Event Chair Amy Lennane Sponsorship Chair Sarah Cheyette Lorne Abramson Nirmala Bandrapalli Sandra Barrolaza Leah Bennis Nina Berkovits Shelley Blockhus Lisa Borgeson Jessica Brantuk Christopher Buckley Jeanette Calandra Hildur Carlen Erica Carmel Carman Chan Dori Chan Lynette Chandra Alice Chang Julie Cheng Sophia Chiang Byung Choung Kelly Chow Nikki Chung Mina Cima Perissa Clark Katyana Cook Penny Crespo Deva Dalporto Jeanne Davis Leonora Di Mauro Alex DiCesare Kelly Duncan Tina Dur Adam Durfee David Eligator Enlaces Team Eveyln Falasco Lisa Flagg Amy Flanzer Marni Fligel Beth Francesconi Alex Galanter Jennifer Chung Gillette Matt Giorgio Barbara Gooch Liz Goodrow Christina Habelt Jacqueline Cooke Haggarty Maura Pratt Hagmueller Abbie Higashi Karen Hirschmann Debbie Hirth Isako Hoshino Michelle Hurin Ruben Hurin Jennifer Inouye Mike Jarrett Sherri Jarrett Claudia Jenkins Jennifer Johnson Amy Johnstone Kellie Kemp Gretchen Kindberg Daniella Kriner Kathleen Larkin Janet Lavine Gregg Lavine Elisa Lee Eric Lennane David Levitt Pam Lorence Susan Matteucci Kimarie Matthews Melissa McGuire Wendy McArdle Mendoza Lara McDonald Shawn McNamara Nancy Miller Ian Milne Amy Mishra Stacy Nawrocki Karen Nichols Jeannie Parker Erika Pianim Eugene Podkaminer Corrie Punter Michele Redalen Monique Redmond Katie Riggs Kimberly Rosales Lisa Rose Betsy Rosen Darci Rosenblum Julie Rossman Debra Ruben Diane Russell Paula Irwin Sachdev Melinda Saunders Gaird Schlesinger Kristen Schwager Linda Shaffer Jennifer Slaboda Anne Marie Soler Margherita Soule Isabelle Spano Sandy Sullivan Tom Treanor Allyson Trevor Carla Ventura Kendra Wehmeyer Julie Wilson Linda Wolin Glen Wong Jim Wunderlich Additional thanks to our countless event volunteers who contributed to the record-breaking success of the BCE Spirit Run, Read-a-thon, and Dinner Dance & Auction. Together we make a n enormous impact. YOUR GENEROUS BCE DONATIONS DO EVEN MORE SUPERINTENDENT DR. MAGGIE MACISAAC believes the most precious resource she has with our children is TIME. Giving teachers resources to provide excellent instruction is among her highest priorities and enables her to attract and retain excellent teachers who bring out the best in our children. BCE Foundation’s flexible funding helps our district to make the most of this essential time. Each year, BCE’s grant supports the highest priority needs as determined by our district leaders with community input. The implementation of Common Core State Standards currently dominates the landscape of California public education. Burlingame School District’s strategic adoption of new teaching methods, professional coaching, rigorous professional development training with teacher collaboration time, and commitment to keep class sizes as low as possible help prepare our teachers for this task. In addition, performing arts, library services, and credentialed physical education instruction provide physical, mental, and social skills that enrich our students and ultimately improve student academic performance. than help BSD fund important programs like music, physical education, library, science and math coaches, and classroom instructional aides. BCE Foundation’s grant strengthens every aspect of our school district because our educators have more resources to leverage when creating the best possible education for our students. BCE’s $1.536 million injection of flexible funds into BSD’s 2014-15 budget enables our district’s experts to direct both public and private funds where they make the biggest impact. The more money we raise, the more BSD can do for Burlingame’s children. RECENT TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT HIGHLIGHTS IN BURLINGAME SCHOOL DISTRICT: The Reading & Writing Project summer institute founded and directed by Professor Lucy Calkins of Columbia University Teaching College 2014 / 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Emily Beach VP Site Directors Kelly Tillman President-Elect Angela Dubovsky BIS Site Director Kelly August Duncan Secretary Deborah Leon Franklin Site Director Jen Liebhaber Treasurer Linda Shaffer Lincoln Site Director Cathy Guglielmi VP Business Development Sarah Wiley McKinley Site Director Richard Moran VP Events Audrey Tse Treanor Roosevelt Site Director Kristen Schwager VP Marketing Sari McConnell Washington Site Director Delyn Simons VP Scholars Circle Lara McDonald STAFF Director of Operations Martin Jorgensen Administrative Assistant Felicia Ng ADVISORY BOARD DINNER DANCE & AUCTION Event Chair Fabiola Price Auction Chair Lisa Kershner Sponsorship Chair Alison Powell READ-A-THON Event Chair Kristin Moran SPIRIT RUN Event Chair Amy Lennane Sponsorship Chair Sarah Cheyette West Ed Training on Literacy for all BIS teachers SWUN Math Lesson Design to excel in new Common Core math standards, plus on-site monthly coaching and collaboration for teachers with Swun Math Team Two in-house teaching coaches and curriculum experts: Susan Anderson, BSD Math Coach and Brennan Brockbank, BSD Science Coach SCIENCE COACH MATH COACH Brennan Brockbank Susan Anderson Lorne Abramson Christine Ardito Nicole Armstrong Nirmala Bandrapalli Sandra Barrolaza Joe Benaglia Nina Berkovits Lisa Borgeson Hildur Carlen Erica Carmel Alison Caron Carman Chan Dori Chan Alice Chang JoWei Chang Huiling Chen Julie Cheng Sophia Chiang Byung Choung Kelly Chow Nikki Chung Mina Cima Anna Clevenger Elsa Contreras Eileen Conway Katyana Cook Jacqueline Cooke Haggarty Burlingame’s music program is one of the longest continually running elementary music programs in California. 3 middle school choirs Over 2300 students, grades K-5, sing weekly in chorus led by an accredited music teacher. 7 middle school bands 472 students receive weekly instrumental instruction, grades 4-5 98 students in BIS spring musical Penny Crespo Jeanne Davis Alex DiCesare Tina Dur Adam Durfee Cameryn Erickson Eveyln Falasco Katherine Fehervari Lisa Flagg Amy Flanzer Kristin Flenniken Marni Fligel Alex Galanter Matt Giorgio Barbara Gooch Rachel Goodrich Liz Goodrow Sonal Gopalla Marica Grskovic Judy Gum Christina Habelt Rachel Hall Karen Hirschmann Debbie Hirth Isako Hoshino Kylisa Howard Michelle Hurin Ruben Hurin Paula Irwin Sachdev Erica Jackson Mike Jarrett Sherri Jarrett Jill Johnson Amy Johnstone Erika Kelly Kellie Kemp Elizabeth Kendall Jay Kershner Euni Kown Daniella Kriner Molly Lamb Paola Lancellotti Kathleen Larkin Leanne Lash Gregg Lavine Elisa Lee David Levitt Heba Levitt Pam Lorence Liane Louie-Badua Chandra Lund Karen Lynch Melissa Macko Kimarie Matthews Wendy McArdle Mendoza Suzanne McGovern Melissa McGuire Amy Michael Nancy Miller Ian Milne Amy Mishra Cheryl Moran Wendy Moro Cheri Myers Stacy Nawrocki Denis Nepveu Jeannie Parker Erika Pianim Terese Piazza Fuss Gene Podkaminer Maura Pratt Magmueller Wendy Quivey Arvind Raghavan Monique Redmond Kate Reed Kimberly Rosales Betsy Rosen Darci Rosenblum Jenn Rowe Diane Russell Melinda Saunders Joanie Schlampp Gaird Schlesinger Kathryn Schmidt Sanchita Shetty Anne Marie Soler Margherita Soule Isabelle Spano Molly St. Clair Wendy Stephens Katie Storey Sandra Sullivan Amy Tovar Quynh Trinh Jen Vancini Lindsay VanVoorhis Carla Ventura Kira Vilanova Nina Wang Kendra Wehmeyer Julie Wilson Linda Wolin Eva Zei BCE Financials 2013 / 2014 was a record-breaking year! +7% Thank you, Donors! BCE CAMPAIGN GRANT TO BURLINGAME SCHOOL DISTRICT $1.536 Million $1.5M $1.3 Million Cristos & Elizabeth Goodrow Andrew Haskell & Florence Wong Steven & Melissa Macko Nicholas & Erika Pianim Dave & Kelly Tillman $1.0 Million $1.0M Raised by Dinner Dance Fund-a-Need* +21% Number of Scholars Circle Donors* +22% Business Sponsorships* +40% Net Profit from Events* #1 Non-Profit Fundraiser out of 700 on Silicon Valley Gives Day, May 6, 2014 +9% BSD Family Participation in Annual Campaign* *Growth vs. year ago $500K 0 FY 2012-2013 FY 2011-2012 FY 2013-2014 BCE REVENUE vs EXPENSES REVENUE Annual Giving Campaign FY 2013-2014 $ 900,000 $ 288,000 $ 497,000 $ 158,000 $ 1,841,000 1 Fund-A-Need Events Employer Matching Total Gross Income 2 3 ($ 294,000) $ 1,547,000 Less Expenses Total Net Revenue 4 Grant to BSD $ 1,536,000 FY 2012-2013 $ 915,000 $ 177,000 $ 353,000 $ 148,000 $ 1,593,000 ($ 251,000) $ 1,342,000 $ 1,300,000 1 Cash donations during annual Dinner Dance and Auction gala. 2 As a result of rounding, numbers in table do not total gross income. 3 We are proud to report an expense ratio that is less than 16% of gross revenue, which factors in all fundraising, staff, and event expenses including annual gala. 4 Difference between grant and net revenue due to carry over expenses or deposit to BCE reserves. FY 2013-2014 REVENUE BREAKDOWN BY KEY FUNDRAISERS DINNER DANCE & AUCTION $118K FUND-A-NEED BCE SPIRIT RUN $25K $58K GROSS $83K $488K GROSS $605K BCE READ-A-THON $2K $94K GROSS $96K EXPENSES NET Andrew Beebe & Jessica Barrows Beebe Ron & Nina Berkovits Kaushik & Sonali Bhaumik Gibson Biddle & Kristen Hege Christopher Bither & Maureen Murphy Scott Bollinger & Thu Nguyen The Brosnan Family SUPERINTENDENT $10,000+ Gregory & Kelly Chow Andrew Chan & Sandra Moy Noah & Lorraine Cohen Sherman & Dori Chan Rick & Jill Fair Justin & Alice Chang Scott & Stacey Hawley W. Bryce Chastain & Emily Brady Joseph & Heba Levitt Drew Chavinson & Ginger Roehrig Rory & Olive O'Driscoll Bobby Chen & Vivian Dang Robert & Jeannie Parker Andrew & Julie Cheng Jeff Reed & Elisa Lee Jamie & Katherine Cheng Marc & Betsy Rosen Yu-Wayne Chu & Florence Wu Douglas Ross & Sue Runyan The Coskey Family John & Katie Storey Steven Crooks & Helen Miranda Karl & Sarah Wiley Jim Cyb & Teresa Wall-Cyb Gabriel & Deva Dalporto PRINCIPAL $5,000 - $9,999 Jayanta Debnath & Runi Chattopadhyay Duff & Emily Beach Chris & Alex Di Cesare Brian & Jenifer Beswick Ron & Davina Drabkin Warner Biddle & Jennifer Fazio David & Angela Dubovsky Michael Brownrigg & Margaret Burchell Mike Dybbs & Betsy Kitchens James & Jennifer Callahan The Edmondson Family Conrad & Hildur Carlen David Eligator & Margherita Soule Mike Chaple & Hildy Schell-Chaple Dean & Yvette Fantham Bill & Karen Crandall John Ryan & Christie Fleming Zhi Hua Dai & Zhiwen Mao Andy & Marni Fligel Scott & Amy Dohemann Gary Francesconi & Elizabeth Ward Frank & Birgit Dommen Francesconi Philip Dur & Tina Clarke Dur Joshua & Alexandra Galanter Joe & Cathy Guglielmi Mike Ghezavat & Christine Wang Scott & Heather Hansma Jon & Christine Gilmour Jonathan & Katharine Herstein Warren & Rachel Goodrich Sean Howley & Stephanie Colbert-Howley Jeremy Gordon & Jean Phatthanaphuti William Karlon & Ann Lee-Karlon John Gouws & Kathleen Kane Evan & Shawna Krasts Richard & Hiba Graham Mikhail & Sabina Krivenko Joshua Gratch & Kimberly McKellar Tony & Jennifer Lin Peter & Judy Gum Paul & Susan Matteucci Konrad & Christina Habelt Stephen & Kimarie Matthews Mark & Felynn Haberecht Brad Mattick & Irena Zakrajsek James Haggarty & Jacqueline Cooke Bill & Jessica McCarthy Haggarty Blake & Sari McConnell Zev & Teri Handelman Evan McCulloch & Corrina Rosebrook David Harris & Kathy Turner Bill & Cheri Myers Michael & June Hee Philip & Sheeva Peters Robert & Deborah Hirth Matthew & Lori Potter Richard Ho & Kazue Ishihara Daniel & Fabiola Price Hong Hua & Leslie Tong Hans Purkey & Vickie Tsui Brian & Laura Huff Eric & Lauren Schlezinger Kamran Husain & Ila Kriplani Dave & Linda Shaffer Igushi Family Paul & Jenese Sieben Istock Family Foundation Eduard & Lilia Sirota Mike & Sherri Jarrett Dan Sutherlin & Malinda Pauly Jim & Darlene Jaworski John Tam & Lana Lee Derek & Jill Johnson The Viola Family George Johnson & Kari Roberts Anthony & Nina Wang Ron & Amy Johnstone Ted Wang & Jessica Kimura David Jones & Delyn Simons Vladimir Weinstein & Tatjana The Judd Family Sarvan-Weinstein Kevin & Erika Kelly Howard & Keeley Wettan Jonathan & Melissa Koomey Sherman & Shirley Lam SCHOLAR $2,500 - $4,999 Gregg & Janet Lavine Andrew Alfers & Andrea Gonzales-Alfers Rob & Jessica Lawson Eric & Jennifer Amdursky Byron Lee & Tracy Park Anonymous (5) Jeff & Kathy Lee Mark & Cynthia Arcenal Tony & Edith Leung Thank you to all those who generously contributed to BCE’s Annual Campaign and Fund-a-Need with a monetary donation. DONORS $1,000-$2,499 TRUSTEE $15,000+ Employer Matching Dollars* +63% BCE SCHOLARS CIRCLE 2013-2014 Donors who contribute $2500 or more receive Scholars Circle recognition. The number of BCE’s Scholars Circle donors grew 21% this past year. Scholars Circle donors are an inspiration to the Burlingame School District and our community, and we are grateful for your philanthropic spirit. Reid & Jen Liebhaber Art & Brooke Lierman Lincoln Elementary PTA Mingkun Luan Paul & Karen Lynch Matthew Machlis & Isako Hoshino Fady & Karen Malik Brian & Lauren Mathews John & Lara McDonald Christopher McGill & Camille Watson John & Melissa McGuire John & Terri McHenry Shawn McNamara & Vicki Ho David McNinch & Gisela Paulsen Ian Milne & Krista McCutcheon Perry Mizota & Jill Goldsmith Richard & Kristin Moran Sean Moran & Sheila Jambekar Clark Morrison & Rebecca Galler Matt & Stacy Nawrocki Paul Nelson & Cathleen Pearson Frank Nogueira & Ana Sousa Cesar & Laurie Orosco Bo Parker & Karen Kearney Todd & Laura Parker The Patkar/Jain Family Scott & Cheree Peterson Dave & Jane Pine Ken & Kim Pitzer Cary Platkin & Leslie McKnew Eugene Podkaminer & Erica Carmel Sonam Prakash & Vikram Rao Don Rath & Steve Lewan Chester Rice & Paola Lancellotti Jim Roesing & Karen Kraut Mark & Kimberly Rosales Andy & Debra Ruben Joachim Rudolph & Joanne Yun Aaron Sato & Kyong Yi Steve & Eileen Schefsky Tom & Clara Schmidt Greg Schneider & Teresa Pham Peter & Alexandra Schuman Shawn & Marne Silk Derek Sim & Xiaoyan Du Scott & Elizabeth Smith Mark & Debbie Sodini Dimitrios & Angela Sogas Jonathan & Thuy Anh Sorof Joseph & Isabelle Spano William St. Lawrence & Kristen Pierce Vlad Stavitskiy Jim & Loretta Stephenson Jeffrey & Jennifer Suffin Edward Supplee & Diane Russell David & Meredith Thacker Rudi Thun & Sonali Arurkar Calvin & Mimi Tran Tom & Audrey Tse Treanor Scott Tsunehara & Courtney Tong Patrick Twohy & Meg Snowden Lindsay & Andrea Van Voorhis Phillip Wang & Deborah Leon Adam & Katie Ward Hwami Choi & Dai Watanabe Robert & Kendra Wehmeyer Daniel Weinseimer & Tammy Albarran Cliff Wong & JoWei Chang Perry Wu & Sandra Sullivan Tyler Aguinaldo & Shiva Malek Nicklas & Amy Akers Altbaier Family Brian & Elizabeth Anderson Anonymous (15) Yungting Liao & Roberto Armijo Ross & Nicole Armstrong Ben Au & Mandy Kwong David Aufhauser & Darci Rosenblum Banks & Jennifer Baker Marcus & Renee Ballinger Baltazar Family Michael & Gretchen Barber Mark & Sandra Barrolaza Michael & Susan Battat Bob & Meg Bear Spencer & Karen (Miki) Behr Jeremy & Melissa Bender Jonathan & Alice Berry John & Lisa Borgeson: In Honor of Deborah Leon Bret & Sue Bottarini Iavor Boyanov & Iglika Boyanova David & Carolyn Brady Miro Brajenovic & Marica Grskovic Brian Brown & Mahesh Patki Thomas & Jennifer Bruno Burlingame Mothers' Club Mark & Samantha Burri Tadhg & Bernadette Canniffe Robert & Jennifer Carlson Dennis & Julie Carlson Daniel Carroll & Sade Otudeko-Carroll David & Nancy Cate Marco & Diana Cavalieri Laurence & Teresa Chambers Cliff Chang & Laura Medanich Jun Chen & Jingbo Xie Richard Chen & Aimee Kao Bernard Chen & Francesca Segre Ho Wai Cheung & Hui Lin Amitabh & Karuna Chibber Charles Chiparo & Laura Rupenian Jason & Jenny Chou The Cima Family & Broadway Sitters LLC Donald & Perissa Clark Geoff & Rachael Clarke Jon Cosovich & Kerry Fitzpatrick Paul Cousineau & Christine Thorsteinson Don & Paula Crosatto Travis & Alexa Culwell D. Cameron Daly & Jill Soley Jeff & Jenny DeMartini Greg & Sharon Dotson Ryan Dougherty & Annette Kwon Michael Dougherty & Kristin Bergman Roy & Sarah Douglass Adam & Su-Chuan Durfee Steve & Wendy Ehrlich Aimee Einstein Alexander & Rachel Emanuel Todd Enersen & Carman Chan Charles & Catherine Everett Greg & Cathy Everson Jonas & Karin Falck Jeffrey & Katherine Fehervari Andy & Evie Felton Dave & Emily Fisher Alexander & Lisa Flagg Douglas & Amy Flanzer Rob & Kristin Flenniken Chris & Jennifer Flores Arvin & May Kee Fong Brian & Gina Fornesi Tania Forrest Barrett & Aimee Foster Brent & Sara Fraser Gregory Frazer & Hilary Horn Todd & Michele Friedman Aslam & Frauke Galia Gautam Ganguly & Margaret Burke George & Ingrid Gauthier George & Amy Gavallos Alan & Jennifer George John Giere & Kim Koivisto Daniel Gong & Jaehee Lee Peter & Jun Gong Keith & Denise Good Bradley & Colette Greene Duncan & Amy Grenier Salvador & Claudia Guerrero David Hackos & Lauren Cony Shawn Hallum & Tina Ish Robert & Sarah Hamilton David & Teuila Hanson Mark & Jo Ann Hartley Junko & Makoto Haruta Daniel Herman & Georgina Vasiloudis Johan & Holly Hermansson Michael & Abbie Higashi Scott & Brooke Hill Peter & Karen Hirschmann Paul Hohenschuh & Marjorie Winkler Philip & Bethany Hollrah Jeff & Leslie Holzman Khin T. Htay & Wai Zin Mark & Katie Intrieri Steve & Michele Jackson The Jacob Family James & Julie Janc Peter Jew & Angela Tsai Jewish Community Endowment Fund Mike & Patti Jones Neal & Joelle Kaufman Sean & Natalie Kelley Phillip Kennedy & Lisa Winston Jay & Lisa Kershner Richard & Rebecca Kirchner Eric Klein & Jennifer Colvin Frank & Robin Knifsend William Knowles & Deborah Martin Joseph & Diana Ko The Kockos Family Ashim & Mallika Kohli Chad & Sheila Krakow Kevin & Daniella Kriner JP & Claudia Lachance Lynn LaMark & Dina DiLoreto LaMark Gabriel & Molly Lamb Vivian & Amanda Larkin David & Leanne Lash Jay Leslie & Tanya Drake Richard Leung & Priscilla Fong David & Liza Levitt Huaixi Li & Haiyan Song Robert & Selina Lim Jerome & Kerry Liu William & Martha Loftis Dario Lopez Jr. & Natasha Price-Lopez Todd Lowpensky & Cinda Bailey Doug & Heather Luftman Andrew & Monica Macmillan Daniel & Tam Madden Mah Family Charitable Foundation Shep & Sandra Maher The Mahrer Family Stan Mainzer & Alison Greenspan Matthew Mandel & Tia Kelly-Mandel Kimathi Marangu & Andrea Pappajohn Russ & Yelena Maslenko Kazumi & Jun Masubuchi Toshiko & Adelbert Matias Ted & Grace McMahon Andrea Metkus Bryan & Amy Michael Thomas & Sabine Middlemass Hunter & Elena Middleton Min Family Xavier Minakawa & Julie Mark Richard & Miki Ming Arnab & Amy Mishra Greg Mitchell & Byung Choung George & Barbara Moore Anthony & Gail Mosse Daniel & Kelly Mulready Mark & Jennifer Musselman Daniel Mytels & Michele Tatos Thank you, donors. Every dollar counted! David & Erin Newman Mike & Felicia Ng Johnny & Anh Ng Craig & Karen Nichols Ken & Jennie Nielsen Michael & Stacey Nolan Kevin & Alix O'Brien Daniel O'Dwyer & Michele Kearney David & Marie O'Toole Oliver & Christina Ongpin Todd Osinski & Andrea Harzstark Robert Joe & Debbie Ovadia Benjamin Patch & Tamara Romanek-Patch Peninsula Velo Jay & Ginger Penn Matthias Perczynski & Lynette Chandra Patrick Quinn & Kim Nguyen Roman & Lily Quisol The Rafferty Family Gary Rainville & Sandra Osumi Leo & Monique Redmond Michael & Kate Reed Bruce & Beth Resnick Brian Ring & Kate Von Sternberg-Ring Michael & Shannon Robinson Skip Roncal & Eve Saltman Francis & Linda Ryan Rahul & Paula Sachdev Yoko & Takeshi Saito The Saunders Family Jason & Georgia Sawyer Peter & Joanie Schlampp Greg & Kristen Schwager Minesh & Stephanie Shah Silicon Valley Community Foundation Jeffrey Silverman & Deanna Kroetz David & Lavinia Simson Michael Siu & Carmen Leung Judy Soley Douglas Solomon & Lauri Pasch James & Natalie Spaelti David & Janis Spivack Jim & Andrea Stavosky Adam & Denise Steinberger Linda Stoick Peter & Maria Stone Randall & Ellen Stross Danny & Ya-Chi Su Jung-Han Suh & Emily Wong-Suh David & Jennifer Sullivan Merijn Te Booij & Imre Freeve Peter Teng & Marzena Jurek Michael & Allyson Trevor Carl & Alice Trygstad Daniel & Geraldine Uharriet Andrew & Lori Urushima Robert & Irena Vaksman Gonzalo Valdes & Theresa DeMaria-Valdes Andras Vasy & Sara Wong Joseph & Carmen Verrico Eugene & Faina Viner Shafique & Amanda Virani Prasad & Marie Wagle Tony Walker & Jennifer Inouye Chuck & Nana Wallace Nigel Warren & Catherine Bishop Warren Kenneth & Carolyn Way Evan Weinshel & Caren Cioffi-Weinshel David Weinstein & Luba Abascal Michael Welliver & Kristina Karandy-Welliver Brad & Julie Wilson John Witte & Katie Riggs Jonathan & Linda Wolin Mitchell & Janice Wong Andrew Yang & Sophia Chiang Alexander & Maria Yarmolinsky Nelson Yee & Lina Leung Brad Young & Kumu Puri Paul & Eva Zei Jesse Zimmer & Jana Rubin DONORS UP TO $999 Dennis Acosta & Sandra Diodati Josh Adam & Julie Fisher Ajaya Adhikari & Usha Bhattarai Adhikari Ashu Agrawal Barbara Aguiar Silvio Aguilar & Sarita Fordham Aguilar Sorrel Ahlfeld David Ahlfeld Chetan & Deepika Ahuja Hamed Akhavein & Parissa Taghibagi Angelinca Alatorre Maria Alberto Steve & Julie Alexander Fareena Ali & Dipesh Parekh Robin Alimena Allen Alipio Thomas & Florence Allen Altankhuyag Altangerel & Alimaa Samdan Joe & Matilda Alvarez Roberto & Elizabeth Alvaro Kimberly Alves Amazon Smile Foundation Serghei & Elena Ambraci Kishan Amlani Ajay & Minal Amlani Amre Family Foundation Victor Ancheta & Brenda Paderanga-Ancheta Karen J. Andersen Robert & Barbara Anderson Justin & Rebecca Angelos Anonymous (44) Christine Ardito Raymond & Tina Armanino David & Kelsey Armstrong Greg Arnato George Arrospide Jorge Arrospide Ravil & Branka Arslan Veronica Arvizo Katherine Asimos George Atkinson Vladislav Atroshchenko Lotta Attenberg Adele Aureus June & Socorro Austria Dave Avalos James Avant & Lynne Ruppel Marcio & Lisa Avillez The Awoyinka Family J. Antonio & Belinda Ayar Bruno & Jenny Aziza Anthony & Kimberly Azzollini Peter & Liane Badua Pete & Nati Badua Swati Tole & Anil Bagri Patrick & Shannon Baker Jerold & Candis Baker Jaime Baker Lillian Ball Rene Baltodano & Ingrid Cortez Samuel & Nirmala Bandrapalli Jason Banks & Mika Sovak Nina Baratova Stephen & Karen Barbera Lorraine Baris James Barnes & Shiela Beltran Julian & Heather Barrolaza Frank & Kathy Bartaldo Justin Batemon & Kacie Young Ishsuren Battsooj & Khashbat Demberel John Bauer David & Stephanie Beach Matias & Alejandra Beacon Lara Beacon Elliot & Brandi Beaudoin Sinhad & Medina Begic Joseph & Cecilia Bella John & Diane Bellizzi Gregory Beloshapkin Olga Zhukovskaya Joseph Benaglia Abdelmajid & Leah Bennis Aleksey & Nina Berdyugin Peter & Patty Bergman Fred Beringer & Anne Malaval Francois & Ingrid Bernaudin Adna & Cindy Berryman Anders Bertelrud & Evelyn Lassman Bob & Kathy Bierman John Billesdon & Carol Gorden Philippe Bishop & Elisa Eiseman Daniel & Catherine Blackmore Alberto & Suzanne Bolanos David Bolger & Maria Martinez-Garcia Jayaprakasam Bolleddula & Sailaja Battula Justin & Chiharu Bolstad Richard & Malea Bonk Jeff & Anna Bornstein Lance & Jeanne Bosschart Jeffrey & Regina Bosshard Christine Botelho Eric Botelho Mary Jo Botelho Alfredo Botelho & Davina Menezes Carole Bothwell James Bounds & Kimberly Hill Marion & Betsy Bounds Luay & Tamara Bouri Nick Bovis & Connie Morris Kendra Bowen Douglas & Sandra Bowlus Troy & Ashley Bradford Jonathan & Roxanne Brady Emily Brady Jeffrey & Michal Braker Joseph & Jessica Brantuk Gregory Brauer & Chloe Chao Gary & Jolanda Breazeale Terence & Linda Brennan Ralph & Amy Brenner Peter & Elli Breslin Stuart Brickman & Rachael Dominguez Daniel & Patricia Britt Adam Broadway Matthew Brocchini & Geetha Reddy Evan Brock & Jennifer Saiers Broeker Lee Family Niall & Amber Brosnan Ron & Andrea Brovelli Tricia Brovelli Tony & America Brown William & Deborah Brown Vernon & Phatira Bruce Robert Bruening & Nancy Fraser Lisa Brugato Kay Bruno Niles & Carol Bruno Michael & Mary Jean Bruno Chris & Rosie Buckley Rolando & Michelline Bueno M. Bujidmaa Daniel & Kera Burdick Ron & Jacky Burks Burlingame Soccer Club Aragon Burlingham Bob & Mary Anne Burlinson Greg Burns & Nicole Culver Edward Burrows David & Star Burruto Phillip Burt & Wendy Fung Burt Kathy Butler Claro & Edith Cabuniag Jaquelin Caine Ralph & Becky Cairl Scott & Kristie Cairns Andrew & Phan Callejo Bernard Camarao & Shelley Blockhus Charles & Laura Cammarata Brian & Renata Campion Kelly & Jane Campion Carney Campion Mark & Jodi Campion Eyad & Rania Canavati Qiong June Cao Mark Capella Andrea Capozzoli Caprini Family Gustavo Cardenas & Maria-Victoria Pereira Randi Carney Bruce & Alison Caron Kevin & Jana Carrington Claudette Carroll Cristina Casacuberta Dominic Casazza & Christi Holmes Babara Case Augusto Castro & Ivanete Sepulvida Phil & Liz Caulfield Christopher & Janice Cayabyab Ted Celentino Jr. & Eilish Durkan Raul Ernesto Cerna & Ana Lorena Aviles Cerna Mynor & Ana Maria Chacon Christopher & Lisa Chai Subhasish Chakrabortty & Soma Chaudhury Lisa Chamberlain Stephen Chan & Reiko Osaki Stephen & Christine Chan Frank Chang PiYu Chang Connie Chang Dominic Chang & Lena Tan-Chang Elizabeth Chang Stephanie Chang Wei-Chou Chang & Siu-Wen Ynam Tanuj & Hope Kavoosi-Chatterjee Angel Chavez & Norma Benitez Edward Chavez & Alma Barrows Mel & Kaye Chavinson Daniel Chen & Deborah Quinn-Chen Yingtze Chen Paul & Sophia Chen Cheng Chen & Xiaoyan Deng Warren Chen & Maggie Huang Jodi Chen Sing Lai Cheng & Majoe Tang John & Jennifer Cheng Bailey Cheng Mercedes Cheng Michelle Cheng Roger Chew & Stacie Low Benjamin & Sarah Cheyette Sergio Chi & Rosa Arrese Eugene Chiang & Inn Yuk Shalini Chibber Cindy Chin Lisa Ching Richard Chiu & Susanna Chan Derek Chiu Jonathan Chiu Hyunjoo & Seung Won Choi Silas Chong & Cindy Moy Kendall & Angela Chong Ann Chong Annie Chong Chris Chong & Heidi Wasser Chong Kristi Chong Kevin & Helen Christian Stan Chudnovsky & Rimma Budnitskaya Sow Fun Chung R. Ciferri & N. Lomangino Peter Cimmet & Mary Lyon Cimmet Carl & Marguerite Cioffi Charles Cioffi Paul & Karen Cioffi Miro Cizin & Kathryn Schmidt Brian & Jennifer Clack Gregory Clark & Sherry Kriechbaum Chris & Anna Clevenger Peter Coe & Nadjya Ghausi Henry & Eileen Cohen Paul & Jenny Coleman Edward & Julie Collantes Suzanne Collins Fred & Katherine Colvin Bob & Susan Comartin Rob & Sara Conant Dave Conner Sean Connolly & Hannah Klein Pietro & Elizabeth Consavari Juan Carlos & Elsa Contreras Dan & Eileen Conway Gerald Cook Jim & Daraka Cook Ira Coplas Nancy Cordill Please accept our apologies for any omissions or mistakes. Mark & Katina Cosenza Daniel & Jennifer Cray Bill & Sheila Creeks Terry & Christina Crescenti Gina Crescenti Jay & Penny Crespo Bruce & Suzanne Crocker Paul & Joy Cruz Shannon Cully Brian & Elizabeth Curry Charlotte Custino Paul Czyzewski Allen & Laura D'Ambra Brian Daher Mara Rottjer & Emilio Daireaux Frank Dal Porto & Erin Haggarty Daniel & Ruth Daly Johnny & June Dang Diane Dargan Tess Darvin Christo & Olga Daskalakis Michael & Bella Datangel Jeffrey & Mandy Daudel Roger & Annette Davis Jason & Jeanne Davis Leland & Katherine Davis Jennifer Davis April De Leon Franklin & Mari Bernadette De Mesa Bartholomew & Joanne Deal Sanderson & Lorna Dean James & Jacqueline Dean Al & Janelle Del Rosso Karl & Rochelle Dela Cruz Peter & Natalie Delahunt Peter & Angeline Delaurentis Kasey Delfino Robb Delos Cindy DeMartini Michael Dempsey Mary Dempsey Christopher & Karen Derossett David Devisser Jason Devoss & Camillan Huang-Devoss Giuseppe Di Mauro & Leonora Chianello Alan Dias & Ramile Brito Eduardo Diaz & Dora Romero David Diaz & Emely Arevalos Christian Diaz Elias & Silvia Diaz Victoria Dickson Douglas Diehl & Renee Halsing Armand Dijamco Armando & Alice Dijamco Anthony & Lana Dimech Rex Dimoff & Jane Nakamura-Dimoff Nancy DiToro Patrick & Annette Doherty Agnes Doherty John & Kristin Dokoza Victor & Deborah Dollosso Bradley & Beth Dominik Karri Donahue The Donato Family Jeff & Summer Doss Kurt Dotson & Emily Ma-Dotson Josie Douglas Steven & Kerry Drake Harry & Linda Draneas Nick & Allison Duggan Gavin & Kelly Duncan James Dyas & Michelle Brillon Alexander & Toby Dybbs Brett Dyer John & Patricia Eaton Jason & Eliza Edelman Ross & Gloria Edwards Vladimir Egorov & Gillian Kosharke Michael & Kate Ehrhardt Erik & Kerri Einertson Dave & Phoebe Einertson Nadar Elayan & Mariam Abu Damouos Karen Emin Robert Eng & Carol Chen Charles & Mary Enriquez Steve Epstein Lois Erasmy Shinbazar Erdem & Bolormaa Mishigish Sameh & Amneh Erekat Samer Erekat & Sheeva Zarandian Rick & Leslie Escobar Judith Esmay Rodrigo & Patricia Espinosa Esmeralda Estrada Alice Eubank William Evans & Elizabeth Levine John & Caryn Fairlie Richard & Evelyn Falasco Angela Fang David & Maria Farber Shakeel & Janelle Farooque Amit Fatnani & Amita Berry Tim Federle Susan Feist Daniel & Brittany Feitelberg Phillip & Donna Feitelberg Betty Felix Jason & Nathalie Fellner Carolina Fernandez Henry Figueroa Jaime & Judith Fink John & Nancy Finney John Fish & Catharina Min Tim & Sue Fisher Edward Flank Jerry & Sally Flanzer Tiffany & Jonathan Flesher Stuart & Ellen Fligel Scott & Sarah Fligel Kevin & Miki Flood Warren & Greesy Flores Tony Flores James Flores & Shari Pagano Andrea Flores Arlene Floresca Genedine Floresca & Carolyn Henke Gregory & Cezanne Flowers Stephanie Fong Barbara Forrest James & Darcy Forsell Garrett & Erin Frakes Amalia Franco Judy Frank Jonathan Freedman & Isabelle Rooney Ian & Cheryl Frelin Lisa Friedman Doug Friedman & Pam Baker Jennifer Friedman Nee Morihiko & Takako Fuji Christian & Jennifer Fullecido Anders Fung & Margaret Ng Tan Wai Fung & Jian Ting Feng Robert & Kathy Furr Florian & Amalia Gloria Gaa Jose & Fe Gabriel Tony & Erica Gaddi Juan & Renee Gala Whitney Galindo Jorge Gallegos & Lucia Rodriguez Maximilian & Judith Galvez Odondoo Ganbold & Tuul Shiner Mark & Jeannie Ganim Wen Gao Feng Gao Margaret Garcia John & Catriona Gardiner Peter & Linda Gardner Peter Gavallos Jeff Gebhart & Michelle Riley Gavin & Sumon Geminder Todd & Karen Gemmer Thomas & Theresa Geraghty Tom & Megan Germack Terry Germack John Gherini & Anna Brady Desmond & Keri Gill Dirk & Nicole Gilliard Tom & Olga Gilmartin Girl Scout Troop #31640 William & Rahat Glass-Hussain Kevin & Valerie Glavin Thaddeus & Sarah Glavin Sue Glick Michael & Stacy Glynn David & Lisa Goldstein David Goldstein & Angela Ingel Gabriel & Karina Gomez Darlene Gong Jose Luis Gonzalez & Faviola Liset Adalberto Gonzalez & Mercedes Vasquez Margarita Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. Gooch Gopalan Mohanaraman & Swathi Guda Bill & Tracey Gordon Lance & Patricia Gordon Eric Gorshen & Jeanette Barraco Minesh Govenji Punit Govenji Timothy & Cheryl Graczewski Lois Grandi Michael Grant & Holly Allen Connie Gravagno Jackie Grey Nick & Kristen Grijalva Brian & Amy Grogan Yi Gu Zhoughui Guan & Haichun Xie Michael & Lory Guerra Joseph & Barbara Guglielmi Qian & Elizabeth Guo Greg & Marianna Gurovich Terry Gutsch Jason & Anne Hable Maysam & Zaydoon Haddadin Gary Hagmueller & Maura Pratt Hagmueller John & Mandi Hahn Gary & Rachel Hall Christian & Anya Hall Jung Ho Han & Wonson Jon Runyu Han & Huifen Chen Tess Hand-Bender Irv & Gail Handelman Dean & Lisa Hansen Happ Family Reynold & Michele Harbin Christopher Haroun & Christine Murad-Haroun Newfel & Imene Harrat Ananda Joy Hart Barry & Ann Haskell Kirk & Francisca Hawkins Kirk Hawkins Grant & Maree Hay Errol & Cherie Hay Hiroshi Roy & Misuzu Hayama Andrew & Heather Hayes Ganapati & Prathibha Hegde Kelly Helthall Frank Hennelly & Suzi Stefanac Rocio Hermoza Susan Hermoza Pablo & Cheryl Herrera James & Nataliya Herro Jeffrey Hilbert Louise Hill Pamela Hill Alyce Hill Ivan & Annamay Ho John & Mary Hockridge Keith & Danica Hodge Hoefer Family Foundation Hugh Hogan & Sandra Gardiner Robert & Vaisioa Holcomb Jean Holzman Diane Hong Hoyman Hong & Tram Nguyen S. Ping Hong Sylvia Hong Thomas Hong David & Leslie Horenstein Jean Horton Mark & Ilka Hosking Ken Hott Joe & Rita Howard Chris & Kylisa Howard Shane Howard & Sarah Dean Robert & Joan Howell Mike Hroziencik & Patti Haverty Stephen & Ida Hsu Wilfred Huang & Nancy Tran Rui Huang & Jing Yang Thomas & Maria Hudson Alan Huey & Jacqueline Chan Joslyn Huey Michael Hui & Sandy Wong Tze Keung Hui & Run Hong Wu Jeannette Hull Jeffrey Hung & Christina Ouyang Hurin Family Pablo & Lidia Hurin Adrian & Inna Hurin Richard Hurst Roger Huwe & Marion Schossee-Huwe David Hyman & Michele Goller Ernestina Ibarra Hector Ibarra & Flori Aguilar Hilda Ibarra Michael & Mellany Idio Dan & Magdeleine Idzal Benjamine III & Kristel Genove Harumitsu & Michiko Inouye Vlad & Paula Iojica Anthony & Cirina Ippolito Javier Irisarri & Simone Figueroa Giorgio & Maria Irving Herbert Ishii & Ping Zeng Erica Jackson Mukesh Jain & Puja Agrawal Jamal Jafer Ali & Jahufar Nisha Anil & Lois Jambekar Siu Jang Rob & Lisa Janosky Rhonda Jeffrey Brad & Claudia Jenkins Todd Jenks & Lily Tsao Mingsen Jiang & Salina Cheng Patrick Jimenez & Veronica Ramirez Ida Jimenez Marvin & Kenia Joachin Sylvia Johnson Simon Jones & Julia McMillian-Jones Jeff & Elisa Jones Coco Jones Gregory & Kimberley Jordan Xavier Jude & Rachel Aloycius Billy & Mary Jung Mark Jusino & Tiffany Totah Norm & Jacqueline Kallan Sven Kaludzinski & Colleen Craig Ilknur & Utku Kandemir John Kane & Mary Malloy Jong Seok Kang & Miran Kang Byung Kang & Jung Lee Rajagopalan Kannan & Usha Narayanan Judith Kantrow Yu-Hsin Kao & Hsi-Yu Lin Serge & Alma Karanov Robert & Marni Karel Joseph Karp Anand Kumar Katakam & Bhargavi Kothuri The Kaufman Family Frances Kawaguchi Tony & Sylvia Keenan Heather McLean The Kelloff Family James & Inna Kelly Trish Kelly Susan Kelly Alson & Kellie Kemp Heather Kennedy Kenneth & Cathleen Kennedy Edward & Alanna Kennedy Michael Kennedy Alex & Jamie Kent Raymond & Cynthia Kepner Sytana Khloth & Nicole Chin Roy & Birgit Kiesling William & Lucy Kilbridge Alex & Kim Kilgo Joe & Minhi Kim Myeong Mo & Okran Kim Karl & Gretchen Kindberg Tim & Sarah Kingsbury Gus & Tiffany Kiniris Glen & Melissa Kirk Michio & Takako Kitamura Craig & Hayley Kleinman JT & Penelope Klepp Mary Knick Navid & Nahid Knight Shea & Kendra Knight M. Ryan & Stacy Knisley William & Sara Knox Ellen Knox David & Marjorie Kobe Aleksei Koika & Olena Yevtushenko Satoshi & Tomoko Kojima Suneil Koliwad & Leena Jadhav Michael & Julia Kon Jeremy & Kimi Kong Rob Kotmel & Maja Nelson Zoran & Sanja Kovacevic Aleksey Kovalenko & Anna Yentar Dave & Pamela Kracke Cassandre Krantz Aivars & Linda Krasts Justin & Alexandra Kromelow Stephen Ku Denise Muxlow Kuester Chris & Kasia Kujat David & Jennifer Kulin Satish Sucheendra Kumar & Aishwarya Sundararajan Junko & Junji Kuramoto Sharon Kusano Kenneth & Jadine Kuwahara Teang Kuy Albert Kwok & Betty Wu Nikki Kwuan Todd & Mara Kyger Linda La Guardia Neal La Guardia Ray & Jeanmarie LaBonte William & Emily Lacina Dax LaGuardia Eyeworks of San Mateo, Gary Lai & Sharon Ho Ray & Kati Lai Wade & Elizabeth Lai Andy (Hoi) Lai & Titlee Wong Dominic Lai & Agnes Yiu Eric & Jennifer Lai Johnathan Lai Anil & Preeti Lal David & Tina Lam Andrew Lam & Wynetta Lee Santosh & Sunita Lamichhane Kai-hua Lan & Tsui-chun Hsieh Jolene Lariosa Tim & Adelpha Larkin Dermott & Kathleen Larkin Gabe & Rose Larkin Kitisak Larlarb & Kali Taylor Robert & Laurie Latin King Lau & Elizabeth Sin Kit Lau Phillip Law & Lily Fong Law David Law & Betty Tsui Christian & Jude Lawrence Helen Lawson Khoi & Lynne Le Albert Le Lynda Le Sam Le Tai Le Victor Le David & Melissa Leach Daniel & Kathy Lederman Steven Lee & Alina Chen Song & Hee Jung Lee Tom & Helen Lee Randall & Magi Lee Sungha & Yonghoon Lee Robert & Connie Lee Kenneth Lee & Kit Lau Thomas & Elizabeth Lee Hsin Lee & Shuan-Wen Chen Min Euk Lee & Sun Buchanan Errica Lee LaToya Lee Michael Lee Ray & Mimi Lee William & Karen Lee Lillian Lee-Quon Quynh & Andrew Legos Timo & Annika Lehes Jeff & Suzanne Lehr Yu & Angela Lei Mark & Magali Leialoha Linda Leiby Eric & Amy Lennane Grant Leong & Ida Francisco Terri Leu David & Aviva Levine Todd Levine & Susan Ghnaim Ron & Suzin Levine Dalit & Micha Lewis Andy Li & Julie Liang Bonnie & Justin Li Vincent & Cara Licavoli Lara Lighthouse Jeff & Michelle Lim Edward & Mary Lim Wei Lin & Xiao Jin Tian Xiuyi Lin Becky Lin Todd Lindstrom & Kathy Naito Lindstrom Terris Linenbach & Pamela Yee Milton Liu & Chanhung Lee Shouchun Liu & Lijun Leng Joseph Liu & Maggie Huang Yabo Liu & Xiaoyan Zhang Kevin & Goldie Liu Michael & Flynn Livingston D. Ward & Lynda Locke Frank & Heather Loeffler Stuart & Portland Logan Yaro I. Lola & Leda I. Aragon De Lola David & Jean Lombardi Remington Loo Tarun & Alpana Loomba Abel & Karla Lopez Yair Lopez Ontiveros & Gloria Yutan Jeremy & Mary Lord Paul & Pam Lorence Patrick Lorian Larissa Lorian Rodica & Niki Lorian Marc & Pamela Losito Gretchen Lott Michael & Lena Louie Jobie & Dori Low Wanli Lu & Judy He Lawrence & Brandy Lu Norm Lubeck Nathaniel Luders & Sara Scott Miquel Lunaparra & Karla Cahue Richard & Chandra Lund Larry & Heather Lustig Cuong & Helen Ly Daniel & Karen Lyons Anson & Shirley Ma Paolo Macabenta & Anne Marie Jazmin Julie MacArthur Michael & Anita Machlis Keith Mackenzie & Terri Maccan Carmelita Magtira Efrem Mah & Vivian Woo Virda Mah Raymond & Susan Mah Brendon Mahoney & Jillian Ross John Maierhofer & Jennifer Dearmond Piotr Majewski Kam Chiu Man & Carmen To Charin & Somjit Mankong Gerard Manning & Marie O'Farrell Michael & Nelana Manzano Javed Maqsood & Sharmeen Ahmed Herbert & Jenice Mariano Ingrid Marino Jennifer Mark See Ping & Yerk Mark Jeffrey Mark & Cathy Bu Nick & Lisa Markus Myra Marquez Karen Marshall Juan Martinez & Linda Hall Paula Maruri Clark & Eileen Maruyama Mel & Carol Marx Todd Master & Kara Gardner Anoop Mathew & Vineetha Zachariah George & Anne Mathew Mark Mathias Tom & Laura McClure Ben Mccormick & Maria Angelone Bill & Pat McDonald Mark & Anne McGinty Jesse & Anastasia McGlenon Patrick & Claire McGuane Pinckney & Marsha McIlwain Steve & Heather McLaughlin Bob & Tia McMillan Matthew & Jennifer Mcneely Richard & Nancy Mead Barry & Luciana Meinerth Thomas Mellman & Janet Hasegawa Eduardo Mendieta & Cindy Iglesias Joe Mendoza & Wendy McArdle Mr. & Mrs. M. Mesaros Richard Messner & Tess Chen Christopher Metzcus & Elizabeth Byrne Phylicia Meyer Ingrid Meyer Leslie Meyerovich Thi-Sau Migone Chris & Hillary Milks John & Nancy Miller Barbara Miller Saad & Jennifer Mir Hugo & Susan Miranda Donald Mitchell & Yan Ma William & Rebecca Mitchell Robert & Angela Molina Reb & Jill Monaco Theran Monaco & Shannon Ridgeway Gary & Eva Monisteri Joe Moniz & Tera Langmade William Moore & Raffaella Briante Elizabeth Moore Fred & Juanita Moraga Dominique Moraga Mark & Cheryl Moran Philip & Barbara Moran Mike & Margaret Morearty Tomohisa & Yufuko Mori Steve & Wendy Moro Vladislav Morozov & Marina Kravtsova Bryan & Lindsay Morris Miguel Moscoso & Wakako Takahashi Irene Motoviloff Erick Mott & Andra Norris Kieran & Finola Muldowney Carol Muller Shauna Mullins Peter & Margaret Munzig Alan Murakami & Wendy Sodetani James Murphy Sheila Musselman Karthik Muthukumar & Tharini Agnimuthu Mohammad & Gemma Naghipour Sonal Chopra Gopalla & Periyaven Naiken Gopalla Carol Naito Randall & Shirlene Nakano Rich & Renee Navarro Eric & Angie Negherbon Betty Negrini Jerry Nelson & Barbara Maley Michael & Nicky Nelson Don & Sora Lei Newman Brett Newman & Marta Silva David Newman Katie Newsom Robert & Joanne Newsom Ralph Ng & Yuen Oi Tai Danny & Clara Ng Charles Ng & Gloria Lee Ling Nor Ng Larry & Grace Ngai Binh Nguyen & Quynh Trinh Dean Nguyen & Maria Magdadaro James Nickas Peter & Julie Nikolaieff Ralph & Ashley Nissler Kevin & Valeri Noonan Jeff & Marissa North Donald & Nell Novitzky Stacy Novitzky Christopher O'Connor & Helen Raschke Gary & Stacy O'Grady Paul & Colette O'leary Keith & Marie O'Shea Obaby! Designs - Nichole Cook Nilihl Ojha Don & Susan Olechowski Charles Olson & Karen Senffner Les Ong Timothy Ong Angeles & Maria Orea Federico Orsi & Robin Vielmader-Orsi Erick & Liarya Ortiz Gregory & Candace Osborn Nathan & Emily Osborn Peter Osborn Manolette & Dhemy Padilla Howard & Colleen Page Bob & Laura Palacio Diego Palacio Nieve & Carol Palacio Benedict Pang & Wai Ching Chow Joseph Lambert & Andrea Panlilio Spiros, Marri & Georgia Papadakis Christopher & Tracey Papazian John & Victoria Paredes Dennis & Helen Park David & Holly Parry Scott & Mary Pastorino Hetal Patel Bhavini Patel Nirali & Vipul Patel Bernardo & Rebeca Patino Andrew & Melissa Patrick Matthew Pavao Mia Perachiotti-Germack Vanessa Pereda Neil Peretz & Thao Le Dean & Laurel Peters Bernalei Peterson The Pham Family William Phillips & J. Jill Hopkins Syd & Karla Phillips Ryan & Mona Pine Lisa Pineda Russell & Martha Pitzer Michael & Kimberly Pizzolon Ty Po & Mimi Kwok Donald & Elaine Pope Vladislav Powerman & Maria Antipina Vincent & Anita Powers Nina Pozdnyakova Deepak & Rimple Prashar Doy & Carol Prater Kongsak & Supana Pugasap Spencer & Corrie Punter Anderson & Maria Purcina Myla Puyat Robert & Donna Puzon Marc & Carolyn Quilici Robert Quilici & Jaquelin Caine Jonathan Quilo & Khanh Nguyen John & Frieda Radzyminski Arvind Raghavan & Sanchita Shetty David & Carole Rainville Jagdev Ram & Ramitpal Virdee Mirella Ramirez Diana Ramirez Pat Rando Aibing Rao & Hongyan Meng Ilkhom Rashidov & Dilbarkhon Madzhidova Geri Rayca Redalen Family Timothy & Caroline Reeth Lisa Rehman & Serina Beauparlant Sharon Reichow Xiuying Ren Badri Rengarajan & Avanti Ambekar Steve Revesz & Sharyn Kraiman Roberto Ricardo Gonzalez & Odmara Barreto Chang Ann Ritter Jean-Louis Robadey & Melanie Janin Steve & Heather Roberts John Robison Brian & Adele Roche Daniel & Lisa Rodriguez Stan & Jan Roehrig Jose Rojas & Juana Hernandez Marco Romani & Teri Felix Josephine Romani Hector Romero Joselin & Martha Rondon Romer Rosales & Zdenka Hashkova Sean & Nicola Rosellini Martin & Rollie Rosen Joel & Kate Rosenquist Valerie Ross Ron & Linda Rossen Matthew Rossen & Jorden Bell Joshua & Julie Rossman Mataa Rottyer Enrique Rottyer Justin & Jennifer Rowe Mary Rowe Alex Rowland & Lisa Becerra Oliver & Sheila Roxas William & Elaine Ruben Alex & Andrea Rudolf Shekina Rudoy Wilfrido & Maritza Ruiz Gennaro & Michelle Ruocco Emil Rusev & Petranka Gidikova Phil & Diana Ruud Debbie Ruzicka George Ryan & Danielle LeGear James & Katherine Ryan Ryan Construction Tucker & Jennifer Sabo Gino & Anna Saccuman Takayuki & Tomoko Sakurai Marta Salazar Andrej Sali Heidi Moss Alexei Saltanov & Tatiana Chekasina Rickie P. Salzer & Marian Meade-Salzer Jeffrey & Tara Samuels Linda Samuels B. Sanchez Mario & Kira Sanchez Miguel Sanchez & Carolina Godoy David Sanderson & Kathryn Fisher Scott Sandler & Kelly Greer Alonzo & Julia Sandoval Caleb Sandoval Manuel & Rosa Sandoval Natalia Sanpedre Dennis & Lisette Santos Igor & Julia Sarkisov Jeff & Jen Sarre Masao & Chikako Sasayama Kieron Saunders & Ann-Sofi Garman Cindy Savage Donavin & Mauricia Savella John & Darice Scarborough Stephen & Julianne Schenone Gaird & Maryse Schlesinger Joseph & Julie Schlosser Pamela Scholz Kurt Schroeder & Yvonne Shen Richard & Sheila Schuman David Sciacero & Stephanie West Greg & Jennifer Scopazzi John & Sandra Scopazzi Joseph & Emilie Scovill Michael & Liz Scully Susan Seki Benjamin Selcow & Heather Peddie Umit Sener & Gul Celen-Sener Sephora USA, Inc. Richard Serran San Martin & Jennifer Serran Gabriel Sevilla & Rosanne Atencio William Sexton Felix & Alexandra Shapiro Abha & Bhanu Sharma Jennifer Sharp Bob & Deidre Shaw John & Mechele Sheehan Doug Sheehy & Kristin Jacobson Evan & Evelyn Shen Mark Sherwood & Joan Chen Matthew Shevach & Amy Everett Azzam & Shaza Shibli Bassam & Ofelia Shihadeh Young Jun Shim & Ok Nam Cho Jong-Wook & You-Jung Shin Shinnick Family Ki & Dawn Siadatan Roman Sian Ford Sibley & Cindy Berenstein-Sibley Dylan & Nazish Siddiqui Aviva Siegel Mark Silva & Darci Fletchall Jorge Silva & Claudia Orencio Hofmann Thank you, donors. Every dollar counted! Susan Simon Karen Simon John & Catherine Simonetti Karen Simons John & Janet Simpkinson Roman Sin & Elsa Nij Amandeep Singh & Arshdeep Shinh Rajeev & Aruna Singhal Sanjiv & Deepti Sinha Aleksey Sinitskiy & Alina Sintskaya Santhi Sista Julia Siu Thomas Skillings & Julie Graham Kevin & Jennifer Slaboda Timothy & Jaime Smith D. Hunter & Lisa Smith Geoffrey & Kimberly Smith Lana Smith Scott & Lisa Smith Larry & Denise Smurthwaite Dr. Bruce Snyder Tracy Snyder Jessica Sobolik Sang Won Song Dmitry Soustin & Inna Khamutovskaya Bryan & Pamela Spaulding Mark Spenner & Rachel Acheson Bobby Sponge Felicia Stacker Zake Stahl & Kimlou Conigliaro-Stahl Sean & Cathy Stannard-Stockton Robert & Marian Stein David Steinberger Fran Steinberger Stepping Stones Jason & Kelly Stern Donald & Kathleen Steul Judy Stewart Ashley Stirrup Jim & Jackie Stokes William & Jill Straub Matthew & Harumi Stuart-Box Douglas & Linda Studebaker James & Jackie Suarez Barry Sudbeck & Jennifer Hertz Carole Suffin Shehnaaz Suliman Colin & Lori Sullivan Tom & Margaret Supple Suzuki Family Peter Szetu & Jessica Liu Jamie Taguines Worth Jason & Olivia Tam Debbie & Albert Tam Wilfred Tamon Yuta Tanaka & Faith Bonitz James & Armie Tancinco Lisa Tandoc Jonathan & Julia Tang David & Lori Tapia Philip Tapia & Jazziel Marasigan Igor & Alla Tarasenko Jim Tay & Sara Huang Alice Tay Doris Tay Jim Teh & Connie Kwong Ivan & Orsolya Teodorovic Michael & Kaho Terry Terry Long Raymond & Kimberly Testa Daniel & Ingrid Texidor Jeffrey & Stephanie Thompson Jonard & Aesel Timbol Alison Ting Laurie Todd Gordon & Sharrie Tom Austin Tomaney & Sophia Kuo Geoffrey & Honeylette Tomcik Fidel & Teresa Toribio Julian & Jackie Torres Anthony & Cristine Toti Philip Toy & Arlene Tom Teang Kuy & Quang Tran John Treanor Ansa Treanor Jay Trygstad & Teresa Hei Chihche Tsai & Shinhui Cho Patty Tsai Francis Tse Hao Tung Hao Tung & Laurie Jue Jonathan & Angie Turri The Ty Family Nathan & Kiana Underwood Steve Ungerman Joan Ungerman Julie Ungerman McCraw Parul Upadhyaya David & Wendi Upchurch John & Jane Upp Ligia Urtecho Marian Urushima Jean Urushima Catherine Valdez Matthew & Kristin Valente Jonah Van Zandt & Nadine Stocklin The Varah Family Todd Varland & Amy Welch Dorothea Vasiloudis Ever Vasquez & Alba Yutan Bill & Tana Vaughn Gabriel Vazquez & Alma Meza Vlad & Svetlana Veksler Manito Velasco & Arlene Vincente-Velasco Armichael & Deenna Viduya Aida Bim Viduya Adrian Vilchez Jr. David & Joanne Vina Brian & Judy Vina Vitas & Julia Viskanta Jose Vital Jamie Vital Jocelyn Vivar Michael & Stacey Vogel Vivian Vong Wei Vongsavanh & Sabrina Vonsavanh Tsuyoshi (Tony) & Keiko Wada C.L. & Betty Jo Wade Gregory & Roseate Wagner Joe Wagner Edward & Yvonne Wagner Teresa Ann Walker Tyler & Liddy Walseth Jonathan Wan & Flora Lee Brett Wander & Alyssa Brodeur George Wang & Yi Li DeSheng Wang & Susan Tom Tony Wang & Yueer Bai Tianxin Wang & Qun Liu Judith Wangelin Mark Waqanivavalagi & Rita Mathewsell Tarim Wasim George & Maria Waters Bryan & Jessica Watson David & Emily Weinshel Marilyn Weinshel Michael Weinstein Daniel & Jennifer Weisman Ian Wendt & Na-Ri Oh Yun Weng & Huahong Xiao Nola Wenzel Andy & Stacy Weyer Nick & Michelle White Carol Wilcox Ben & Alissa Wilkinson Christopher Willey Maura Wilson Michael & Malizza Witherspoon Jeremy & Amy Wolf Elizabeth Wolf Michel & Amy Wolfe Brian & Kim Wong Yuet Sing Wong & Ya Lan Wu Richard & Ruby Wong Vincent Wong & Cecilia Chin Jo Wong Willis Wong Dick & Nira Wong Melissa Wong Christopher & Leng Leng Wong Josh & Yvonne Wong Howard Wong & Fei Xu Collin & Hee Yeon Woo Stacey Woodford Marc & Sue Worrall Trent & Anne Wright Donald Wright & Arielle Piastunovich Erich & Candice Wright Winnie Wu Alan Wu Tony & Mila Wuestefeld Hu Xiaori & Wen Li Feng Xue Lourdes Yabut Guy & Monica Yalif Daiki & Yuka Yamaguchi Ko & Kyoko Yamamoto Noboru Yamawaki & Aoyagi Mao Tomoki & Yoko Yanagisawa Hua Yang & Chen Jiang Ray Yap & Elaine Chan Ellen Yap Yuko & Shingo Yatsui Andy Yau & Fiona Tsang Don Ye John & Susan Yeager Daryl & Tracy Yeakle Venkateswarlu Yenugula & Soujanya Bellamkonda Edward Yeow & Wendy Yim Lawrence & Cynthia Young Lorin Young & Liza Chang Young & Son Hardwood Floors Brad & Joyce Young Guang & Luyan Yu Halden Yu & Jullin Kwok Alan Yuen & Mark Hurwitz Margie Zamora Eric Zankman & Pamela Kaufmann Aleksandr Zeltser & Yelena Glezer Jason Zeng & Catherine Weng Jian Wei Zhang & Mickie Duan Yama & Natasha Zohdi Deanna Zolezzi Cyrus Family Veronika Zuger Jessica Zuniga IN-KIND INDIVIDUAL DONORS Please accept our apologies for any omissions or mistakes. DINNER DANCE AND AUCTION PATRONS Andrew Alfers and Andrea Gonzales-Alfers Chad and Lauren Altbaier Jennifer Amdursky Brian and Frances Anderson Brian and Elizabeth Anderson Christine Ardito David and Kelsey Armstrong Ross and Nicole Armstrong Tina Ashamalla David Aufhauser and Darci Rosenblum Marcio Avillez Cinda Bailey Jennifer Baker Nirmala Bandrapalli Lauren Barranti Mark and Sandra Barrolaza Duff and Emily Beach Nelson Becerra and Darcie Harper Spencer Behr Joe Benaglia Melissa Bender Ron and Nina Berkovits Catherine Blackmore Richard and Audrey Bojack Sue Bottarini Miro Brajenovic and Marica Grskovic Brennan Brockbank and Jeff Walstrom Carla Brosnan Tom and Jennifer Bruno James and Jennifer Callahan Andrea Capozzoli Conrad and Hildur Carlen Dennis and Julie Carlson Bruce and Alison Caron Dan and Sade Carroll Paul Catalli Carman Chan Sherman and Dori Chan Justin and Alice Chang Drew Chavinson and Ginger Roehrig Richard Chen and Aimee Kao Bernard Chen and Francesca Segre Sophia Chiang Charles Chiparo and Laura Rupenian Greg and Kelly Chow Jennifer Chung Miro Cizin and Kathryn Schmidt Bridget Clark Don and Perissa Clark Geoffrey and Rachael Clarke Anna Clevenger Donna Colson Rob and Sara Conant James and Katyana Cook Larry and Kay Coskey Bill and Karen Crandall Maria Curran Jim Cyb and Teresa Wall-Cyb Emilio and Mara Daireaux Gabriel and Deva Dalporto Cam Daly and Jill Soley Jason and Jeanne Davis Jeff and Jenny DeMartini Chris and Alex Di Cesare Annette Doherty John and Kristin Dokoza Michele Domenici-Pina Frank and Birgit Dommen Mariam Dorian Greg and Sharon Dotson Ron and Davina Drabkin Steven Drake David and Angela Dubovsky HIGH VALUE AUCTION DONORS Kelly Duncan Thank you to the supporters whose Phillip Dur and Tina Clarke Dur in-kind donations generated more Julie Eastman than $2,500 at BCE’s annual auction. Mary Eaves Jason and Liza Edelman All Natural Stone Erik Einertson Tom and Jennifer Bruno David Eligator and Margherita Soule Burlingamer - Donna Colson Rodrigo and Patricia Espinosa Larry and Kay Coskey Charlie and Catherine Everett Elisabetta Fagioli Rick and Jill Fair Steve Gillette and Jennifer Chung Dean and Yvette Fantham H.D. Construction Maria Farber Michael and Abbie Higashi Sandra Feder inSite Design - Audrey Tse Teri Felix Italy in Style Travel - Leonora Di Mauro Jason and Nathalie Fellner Lisa Kershner Kerry Fitzpatrick Thomas and Tammy Kiely Alex and Lisa Flagg Steve and Melissa Macko Doug and Amy Flanzer Shawn McNamara and Vicki Ho Rob and Kristin Flenniken Renee Navarro Andy and Marni Fligel New England Lobster Co., Inc. Chris and Jennifer Flores Craig and Karen Nichols Tania Forrest Jeffrey Nix Melinda Franklin Robert and Jeannie Parker Brent and Sara Fraser Pizzeria Delfina Burlingame Douglas Friedman and Pam Baker Steve and Eileen Schefsky Mike Fuss and Terese Piazza Fuss Alex Shkolnikov Juan and Renee Gala Congresswoman Jackie Speier George and Ingrid Gauthier John Tam and Lana Lee George and Amy Gavallos Dave and Kelly Tillman Jeff Gebhart and Michelle Riley Tom Treanor and Audrey Tse Todd and Karen Gemmer Karl and Sarah Wiley John Gherini and Anna Brady Alex and Maria Yarmolinsky Chad and Lauren Altbaier Fabio and Ann Aversa Nirmala Bandrapalli Michael and Gretchen Barber Emily Beach Scott Bollinger and Thu Nguyen Brennan Brockbank Burlingame Mayor Michael Brownrigg Tom and Jennifer Bruno Justin and Alice Chang Huiling Chen Greg and Kelly Chow Eric and Donna Colson Rob Conant and Sara Ellis Conant James and Katyana Cook Matthew and Anne Cosenza Larry and Kay Coskey Gabe and Deva Dalporto Jeff and Jenny DeMartini Chris and Alex Di Cesare Leonora Di Mauro Mark Dirsa and Elizabeth Moore Ron and Davina Drabkin Mike Dybbs and Elizabeth Kitchens Elisabetta Fagioli Justin Fischer Steve Gillette and Jennifer Chung Tina Ish Hallum Michael and Abbie Higashi Senator Jerry Hill Peter and Karen Hirschmann Jeff and Leslie Holzman Mark and Katie Intrieri Jennifer Kappelhof Kevin and Erika Kelly Jay and Lisa Kershner Thomas and Tammy Kiely Sasha Kolesnikov Greg and Rose Land Fred and Karen Lawson Lara Lighthouse Todd Lowpensky and Cinda Bailey Steve and Melissa Macko The Malik Family Dave and Roben Martin Quinn McKenna and Mary Eaves Shawn McNamara and Vicki Ho Richard and Kristin Moran Richard and Renee Navarro The Nichols Family Jeffrey and Kathryn Nix Robert and Jeannie Parker Eugene Podkaminer and Erica Carmel Fabiola Price Mark and Kimberly Rosales Steve and Eileen Schefsky Greg and Jennifer Scopazzi Congresswoman Jackie Speier Wendy Stephens John Tam and Lana Lee Dave and Kelly Tillman Tom Treanor and Audrey Tse Tsai Family Patrick Twohy and Meg Snowden Amanda and Shafique Virani Nigel Warren and Catherine Bishop-Warren David Weinstein and Luba Abascal Karl and Sarah Wiley Rena Gilligan Jon and Christine Gilmour Adam and Stacy Glick Keith and Denise Good Warren and Rachel Goodrich Cristos and Liz Goodrow Jean Gordon Duncan and Amy Grenier Joe and Cathy Guglielmi Peter and Judy Gum Christina Habelt Felynn Haberecht Anne Hable David Hackos and Lauren F. Cony James anc Jacqueline Haggarty Gary and Maura Hagmueller Robert and Sarah Hamilton Zev and Teri Handelman Reynold and Michele Harbin David Harris and Katherine Turner Mark and JoAnn Hartley Andrew Haskell and Florence Wong Scott and Stacey Hawley Carol Hee Michael and June Hee Dan Herman and Georgina Vasiloudis Jonathan and Katie Herstein Michael and Abbie Higashi Debbie Hirth Rober and Vaisioa Holcomb Phil and Bethany Hollrah Brian and Laura Huff Kamran Husain and Ila Kriplani Katie Intrieri Steve and Michele Jackson Rob and Lisa Janosky Mike and Sherri Jarrett Rhonda Jeffrey Rebecca Judd Neal and Joelle Kaufman Sue Kaufman Michele Kearney Kevin and Erika Kelly Alson and Kellie Kemp John and Elizabeth Kendall Diana Kenneally Thomas and Tammy Kiely Alex and Kim Kilgo Elizabeth Kitchens Eric Klein and Jennifer Colvin JT and Penelope Klepp John Giere and Kim Koivisto Suneil Koliwad and Leena Jadhav Chad and Sheila Krakow Evan and Shawna Krasts Ray Kruck and Jennifer Vancini Jennifer Kulin Ray and Jeanmarie LaBonte Greg Land Tim and Adelpha Larkin Dermott and Kathleen Larkin Gregg and Janet Lavine Rob Lawson David and Melissa Leach Jaehee Lee Bryan Lee and Tracy Park Ann Lee-Karlon Todd LeVine Joseph and Heba Levitt Liza Levitt Marla Levy Dongxiu Li Wen Li Julie Liang Jennifer Liebhaber Brooke Lierman Kurt and Lara Lighthouse Tony and Jennifer Lin Martha Loftis Todd Lowpensky and Cinda Bailey Maggie and Patrick MacIsaac Steve and Melissa Macko Tam Madden Joann Mahaffey Shep and Sandra Maher Tahir Mahmood and Fouzia Shamsi Kimathi Marangu and Andrea Pappajohn Jun Masubuchi Steve and Kimarie Matthews Brad Mattick and Irena Zakrajsek Blake and Sari McConnell Ian Milne and Krista McCutcheon John and Lara McDonald Chris McGill and Camille Watson Bill and Cheri Myers Claire McGuane John and Melissa McGuire Jack and Terri McHenry Ted and Grace McMahon Shawn McNamara and Vicki Ho Chris and Hillary Milks Nancy Miller Susan Miranda Richard and Kristin Moran Sean Moran and Sheila Jambekar Clark Morrison and Rebecca Galler Gail Mosse Sandra Moy Daniel and Kelly Mulready Mark and Jennifer Musselman Richard and Renee Navarro Matt and Stacy Nawrocki David and Erin Newman Johnny and Anh Ng Felicia Ng Craig and Karen Nichols Ken and Jennie Nielsen Frank Nogueira and Ana Sousa Kevin and Alix O'Brien Olive O'Driscoll David and Marie O'Toole Cesar and Laurie Orosco Victoria and Madeline Ouye Debbie Ovadia Carol Palacio Jyoti and Reshma Palaniappan Robert and Jeannie Parker Andrew and Melissa Patrick Gisela Paulsen Matt and Tina Pavao Cathleen Pearson Jay and Ginger Penn Scott and Cheree Peterson Catherine Phillips Nicholas and Erika Pianim Ryan and Mona Pine Kimberly Pitzer Eugene Podkaminer and Erica Carmel Matt and Lori Potter Dan and Fabiola Price Corrie Punter Shane and Wendy Quivey John Radzyminski Gary Rainville Eric Ranta and Euni Kown Leo and Monique Redmond Jeff Reed and Elisa Lee Reed Michael and Kate Reed Timothy and Lina Reeth Sharon Reichow Chester Rice and Paola Lancellotti Jean-Louis Robadey and Melanie Janin Mark and Kimberly Rosales Corrina Rosebrook Melody Roset Justin and Jennifer Rowe Alex Rowland and Lisa Becerra Andy and Debra Ruben Anna Saccuman Rahul and Paula Sachdev Jeff and Tara Samuels Aaron Sato and Kyong Yi Jason and Georgia Sawyer Steve and Eileen Schefsky Peter and Joanie Schlampp Eric and Lauren Schlezinger Kurt Schroeder and Yvonne Shen Peter and Alexandra Schuman Greg and Kristen Schwager Dave and Linda Shaffer Fouzia Shamsi Mechele Sheehan Doug Sheehy and Kristin Jacobson Ford and Cindy Sibley Paul and Jenese Sieben Rajeev and Aruna Singhal Eduard and Lilia Sirota Jennifer Slaboda Beth Smith Geoffrey and Kimberly Smith Lisa Smith Debbie Sodini Dimitrios and Angela Sogas Bryan and Anne Marie Soler Susan Solinsky James Stavosky John and Katie Storey Barry Sudbeck and Jennifer Hertz Jennifer Sullivan Colin and Lori Sullivan Dan Sutherlin and Malinda Pauly Dan and Kristi Tallerico John Tam and Lana Lee Michele Tatos Kali Taylor Peter Teng Ingrid Texidor David and Meredith Thacker Rudi Thun and Sonali Arurkar Dave and Kelly Tillman Hong Hua and Leslie Tong Tom Treanor and Audrey Tse Treanor Jose and Elmy Trevejo Quynh Trinh David and Wendi Upchurch Andrew Urushima Jonah Van Zandt and Nadine Stocklin Jenny Varas Todd Varland and Amy Welch Brian and Judy Vina Shafique and Amanda Virani Julia Viskanta Roseate Wagner Phil Wang and Deborah Leon Nigel Warren and Catherine Bishop Warren Chris McGill and Camille Watson Ken and Carolyn Way Rob and Kendra Wehmeyer David Weinstein and Luba Abascal Howard and Keeley Wettan Andy and Stacy Weyer Nick and Michelle White Karl and Sarah Wiley Brad and Julie Wilson John Witte and Katie Riggs Theresa Wolowic Cliff Wong and JoWei Chang Perry Wu and Sandra Sullivan Ko and Kyoko Yamamoto Maria Yarmolinsky Kacie Young Rosalyn Yu Paul and Eva Zei Jesse Zimmer and Jana Rubin EVENT SPONSORS Thank you to our BCE business partners who supported BCE events with a cash sponsorship. SUPERINTENDENT $10,000+ Palo Alto Medical Foundation Mills Peninsula Division Putnam Dealer Group PRINCIPAL $5,000 - $9,999 Riggs Distributing, Inc. Wells Fargo Capital Finance Inc. SCHOLAR $2,500 - $4,999 Burlingamer Eye Level Learning Center Fiat of Burlingame Lorne Abramson and Elana Lieberman, ELM Advisors, LLC Putnam Chevrolet Cadillac Buick GMC Rotary Club of Burlingame SUPPORTING $1,250 - $2,499 All Natural Stone Burlingame Inc. Judy Meuschke, Alain Pinel Realtors of Burlingame Nino's Hardwood Floors United Health Credit Union CONTRIBUTING $750 - $1,249 Alain Pinel Realtors Sunnyvale Alisa Ruiz-Johnson, McGuire Real Estate Beals Martin, Inc. Books Inc. Boston Private Bank & Trust Company Burlingame Education Association DBA Dojo USA; Powerfilled, Inc Dr, Ricci Y-C Chan, D.M.D., Inc. Dreiling Terrones Architecture, Inc. InSite Design Kim L. Cooper, MD, PC Orbach Huff Suarez & Henderson LLP Wehmeyer Design SPONSOR UP TO $750 A Runner's Mind - T. Benton Enterprises, LLC Accel Gymnastics All That Glitters Complete Solar Solution Dannis Woliver Kelly Equinox Fish Six Restaurant Corp - The Melt Five Little Monkeys Golazo, Inc. Got Vibes? Inc. Holtorf Medical Group J. Hilburn Men's Custom Clothes Jumpstart Service Corporation Legarza Sports New England Lobster Co. Inc. Ocean's Halo Seaweed Peninsula Health Care District Project Zen Rockin' Jump Safeway, Inc. Shinnyo-En Foundation Sport Clips The UPS Store #2354 Three Cities Assembly of God United States Tennis Association Vogt and Ellerhorst Orthodontics IN-KIND BUSINESS DONORS 21Fun Casino Party and Beverage 231 Ellsworth 31st Union A Runner's Mind Abbey Party Rentals Acro Sports Adler & Colvin AF Limo Alana's Cafe Alborzi Orthodontics All Natural Stone All That Glitters Alligator Art Studio Alpha Omega Winery American Girl, Inc. American Medical Response Amici's Pizza Anatomy Personal Training Studio Aperto Restaurant Aqua Nail Salon Argonaut Hotel Art Attack Studio Arthur Murray Dance Studio Artscapes Asian Art Museum AVR Realty, Inc. Ballet San Jose Bay City Bike Rentals and Tours Bay Watch Restaurant Beach Blanket Babylon Being Yoga Blue Line Pizza Bohannon Foundation Books Inc. Bronzini Dental Group Buck's of Woodside Buddy Club (Randall Museum) Burlingame Historical Society Burlingame Intermediate School (BIS) Burlingamer C2 Education California Academy of Sciences California's Great America Camp Me! Cardinal Education Celia's Restaurant Central County Fire Fighters Association Champion Summer Camp Charles M. Schulz Museum & Research Center Children's Musical Theater Chobani Yogurt Christian Huebner Interiors, Inc. City Lights City of Burlingame- Recreation Department Classic Kids Photography Clif Bar & Company Coastside Photography Colorprint Computer History Museum Contemporary Jewish Museum Costanoa Lodge and Camp Courtyard by Marriott Anaheim Courtyard by Marriott Washington Convention Center Crepevine Crocker Art Museum Cross Fit Crystal Glenn - Counseling for Creatives & Yoga Therapy Cuisine Style by Pamela Keith Curiodyssey DAVIDsTEA Dawdy Photography DBA Dojo USA; Powerfilled, Inc De Young Museum SF Dean's Produce Delfina Restaurant Group Designworks Dinnerbundle Disneyland Doerr Studios Dr. Phil Show Drazil Foods Dreamworks Animation Drybar Edventure More Camp Edmo/Camp EdTech Electronic Arts Equinox Fitness Eric Brand Furniture EuroSpa Eye Level Millbrae Learning Center of Millbrae Fairmont Hotels and Resorts Farmigo Filoli Fiori Fish Market Restaurant Five Little Monkeys Fontanello, Duffield & Otake, LLP Franklin Elementary School Galileo Learning Gallerie Citi Genesis Photography Gilroy Gardens Family Theme Park Give Me Five Program Glow Meetings and Events GoKart Racer Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District Golden State Warriors Basketball Gray's Paint Guittard Chocolate Company Gymtowne Gymnastics H. T. Grill H.D. Construction Habelt's Auto Service Halo Hearst Castle and National Geographic Theater Hillbarn Theater Hiller Aviation Museum Hilton Hotel - SFO Financial District Hilton Woodland Hills/Los Angeles Hobee's California Restaurants Hobnob Tours Holtorf Medical Group Hyatt Regency Sacramento Hyatt Regency San Francisco Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport In-N-Out Burger inSite Design - Audrey Tse Italy in Style Travel - Leonora Di Mauro John W. Schulz, DDS, Inc. Joshua Ets-Hokin Photography JumpstartMD JW Marriot Ihilani Resort and Spa Kathy's Kreative Kakes Kayak Connection Kern's Fine Jewelry Kimpton Hotels Kristin Andersen, CPA La Corneta La Petite Baleen La Sini Skincare Lara McDonald HR Consulting Laser Quest Le Reve Salon Learning with Lindsay Legarza Sports Lincoln Elementary School Lindsay Wildlife Museum Lulu Nail Spa LuluLemon Marin Theatre Company Marine Science Institute Marriott Hotel Torrance, CA Marriott International Marvelous Crossfit Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca McKinley Elementary School Micro Kickboard Mistral Restaurant & Bar Mollie Stones Monterey Bay Aquarium Naturally Organic Sleep Nature at Play New England Lobster Co., Inc. North Lake Tahoe Rental House Nothing Bundt Cakes Nothing But Hoops NYR Organic Oakland East Bay Symphony Oil Stop, Inc. Old Faithful Geyser of California One Market Restaurant Onyx Salon Pac-12 Enterprises Pajaro Dune Company Peninsula Family YMCA Peninsula Gymnastics Peninsula Swim School Pizza My Heart Pizzeria Delfina Burlingame Planet Granite Podesta Construction Inc. Precision Body Shop & Detail Pressed Juicery Project Zen Que SeRaw SeRaw QuesGen Systems, Inc., Michael Jarrett Race Sonoma Rachel's Cakes Ramon Fermin Guitar Studio Red and White Fleet San Francisco Cruises Red Chair Interiors Reposturing Dynamics Reviv Medical Spa & Laser Center Riggs Distributing, Inc. Ripley's Believe It or Not! Rockin' Jump Roosevelt Elementary School Rotary Service Fund of Burlingame RS Tennis Academy Sage Eldercare Solutions Sam Malouf San Francisco Bay Sailing San Francisco Youth Ballet Academy San Jose Giants Sanrio, Inc Sarah Oliver Handbags Schumacher Photography Scribble Me Happy Sea Bowl Seymour Marine Discovery Center Sharkey's Hair It Is Shutterfly Sibby's Cupcakery Solo Bambini Soul Cycle South City Car Wash, Inc. Sport Clips Stella Alpina Osteria Steve and Kate's Camp Sugar Bowl Summit Bicycles Sun Yorkos Enterprise (USA) Inc. Symphony Silicon Valley Talbot's Toyland TALK - Teaching & Assessing Language for Kids Tandoc Law, Corporation Tante Marie's Cooking school Tech Museum of Innovation Ten Toes Tennis Works The Cakery The Cashmere Sale of Burlingame The Claremont Hotel Club & Spa The Daily Journal The Little Gym of Millbrae The Lodge at Sonoma Renaissance The Studio Shop The Walt Disney Family Museum The Westin St. Francis Hotel TheatreWorks Silicon Valley Thirty-One Gifts LLC Topsy's Fun House Toto's Pizzeria and Restaurant Trader Joes, MIllbrae Trina Turk Burlingame Ubisoft, Inc. United States Tennis Association United Studios of Self Defense, Burlingame Urban Bistro The Vinyl Room Vintner's Collective Napa Valley Virgin America Washington Elementary School WeDriveU, Inc. Wehmeyer Design Weimax Wine and Spirits Whole Foods Market San Mateo Wilkinson Construction Winchester Mystery House Winter Lodge Wok Wiz Chinatown Tours Working Behind the Scenes Yoga at Change Yosemite Mountain Sugar Pine Railroad Young's Custom Cabinets Zola Acai MEASURE L LEADERSHIP DONORS The Measure L Campaign Team thanks the following leadership donors for helping BSD secure nearly $30 million in additional local funding over the next 14 years. Michael and Gretchen Barber Duff and Emily Beach Brian and Jenifer Bewsick Conrad and Hildur Carlen Sherman and Dori Chan Donna and Eric Colson Larry and Kay Coskey Paul Cousineau and Christine Thorsteinson Bill and Karen Crandall Ron and Davina Drabkin Rick and Jill Fair Joe and Cathy Guglielmi Andrew Haskell and Florence Wong Robert and Deborah Hirth Sean Howley and Stephanie Colbert-Howley Mark and Katie Intrieri Joseph and Heba Levitt Tony and Jennifer Lin Patrick and Maggie MacIsaac John and Lara McDonald Paul and Cathleen Pearson Dave and Jane Pine Jeff Reed and Elisa Lee Mark and Kimberly Rosales Marc and Betsy Rosen Blair and Amy Sanford Eric and Lauren Schlezinger John and Katie Storey Dave and Kelly Tillman Jonathon and Maarit Visbal Phil Wang and Deborah Leon Karl and Sarah Wiley Post Office Box 117730 Burlingame, California 94011-7730 650.766.8969 www.bcefoundation.org [email protected] /BCEFoundation /BCEFoundation Tax ID #94-2722072 /+BCEFoundationOrg /burlingame-community-for-education-bce-foundation Take the BCE Apple Toss Challenge at www.bcefoundation.org/appletoss 2015 Key Dates: However You Give, Give Meaningfully. April 18 “BCE Goes to Hollywood” Dinner Dance & Auction June 30 2014-2015 BCE Annual Campaign ends September 7 BCE Spirit Run Every dollar counts. Consider joining the BCE Scholars Circle. Your philanthropic donation of $2,500 or more benefits all K-8th grade Burlingame public school children including your own. Also... Employer Matching BCE raised $158,000 through corporate matching programs. Thanks for submitting your BCE donation to your employer matching program. We would like to sincerely thank each one of the employers for supporting Burlingame public schools. For a list of participating companies, please visit www.bcefoundation.org. Volunteer your time, talents, and leadership. Attend or support our annual events. Participate in your employer matching program. Spread the word. Make a gift of stock or securities. Advocate for education funding reform. Donate philanthropically on behalf of others. We are BCE. Together we build better Burlingame schools. Donate today at www.bcefoundation.org Together we build better Burlingame schools. BCE thanks Colorprint for generously donating the printing of our annual report. www.colorprint.com Design donated by Anna Clevenger Photography donated by Gregg Lavine and Penny Crespo
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