AnnuAl RepoRt - Burlingame Community Education Foundation
AnnuAl RepoRt - Burlingame Community Education Foundation
Burlingame Community for Education Foundation 201 1 - 201 2 Annual Report How Do Burlingame Schools Achieve Excellence? Better Schools Make a Better Community! Dear BCE Supporters, n to its unique game is special. In additio No doubt about it, Burlin tication, and n charm, bay area sophis combination of small tow strong schools se knit community values premier location, our clo cation. and exceptional public edu Burlingame Schools' Rank in California* the top 10% game School laboration with the Burlin For over 30 years, in col s have been a based fundraising effort District, BCE’s privately cational excelintaining our district’s edu critical component in ma futures and not d on our children’s bright lence, keeping us focuse thank you for your state funding. We truly the gloom and doom of rlingame public estment in all of our Bu continued generous inv s, and commus, teachers, administrator school students. As parent successes that our tinue to celebrate all the con we s, ter por sup y nit achieve into the and those that they will children experience now 912 884 2008 2012 BCE Celebrates BSD’s Commitment to Exceptional Teaching Small teacher to student ratios in grades K-3 BSD K-3 Average class size 2011/12 future. Nearby districts’ Average class size 2011/12 22.5 30+ Best regards, Jennifer Slaboda BCE President Research demonstrates that students who are assigned to smaller classes in grades K–3 do better in every way that can be measured: they score higher on tests, receive better grades, and exhibit improved attendance. ( Great school districts are supported by strong foundations. Average District API Scores Have Increased Over Last Five Years photo credit: Shawn McNamara About Burlingame Community Education Foundation Burlingame Community for Education Foundation (BCE), a volunteer driven, non-profit 501(c)3 fundraising organization, bridges the gap between state funding and the needs of the Burlingame School District (BSD), which educates approximately 3,000 K-8 students. BCE raises money for initiatives that impact district children every school day and ensures educational excellence for every child throughout the district. reading and curriculum specialists one full time district science specialist for 2012/13 nineteen number of district wide specialists seven subject areas the specialists cover * Reading * Science * Physical Education * Response to Intervention * Speech * Psychology * Resource Exceptional Teachers 50 BSD Teachers attended a summer leadership institute on 21st century skills, Enrichment, and Response to Intervention (RTI) 100% of teachers will receive concentrated common core standards** training Burlingame teachers are at the top of their field. They strive to improve their teaching skills by incorporating new concepts. Superintendent MacIsaac believes that coaching teachers is one of the best ways to improve day-to-day academic performance. Innovative Curriculum offerings Elementary School Spanish Immersion programs in Burlingame 1 out of five in san mateo county Uno de los Cinco 1,200 number of world languages taught at Burlingame Intermediate School (Bis) three spanish mandarin tres italian tre number of students Who receive music instruction (band and choir, grades 3-8) *Based on APi scores **The common core is a nationally derived standard that the state of California has elected to adopt by 2014 With a varied and extensive background in public education, Dr. MacIsaac has served as a teacher and principal in the elementary and secondary levels. Prior to joining the Burlingame School District, she served as Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services in the Castro Valley Unified School District, and the Director of Curriculum and Instruction in the Lafayette School District. Dr. MacIsaac and her husband, Patrick, have three grown children. BCE promotes community support of our K-8 schools by: • encouraging local business financial support • facilitating corporate matching • harnessing valuable volunteer experience 80% 1. Why did you choose BSD? • parent donations It just felt right. I was drawn to Burlingame because it values education and active parent involvement. It also has strong leadership from the Board of Trustees who understand and prioritize education, enrichment programs, and fiscal management. 20% • Employer Matching Programs • business sponsors • grandparents • community donors 2. What are the keys to the future success of BSD? “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” -Albert Einstein Ultimately, success will continue to be driven by instilling in students the 21st century skills they will need to utilize in all their bright futures. These skills are the foundation of our new, nationally based common core curriculum which includes not only best in class content, but critical thinking, analytics, adaptability and information synthesis expertise. The top ten jobs in 2012 didn’t even exist in 2007. Our students will need to be able to adapt; to take information, synthesize and problem solve. 3. What is your vision for this district? Donations to BCE through employer matching programs increased by in 2011-12 I want to position our students to compete globally and dream big. Excellent instruction drives this and test scores and rankings are simply the by-product. Education funding cuts have forced many public school districts throughout California to eliminate enrichment programs. Your BCE donations keep these programs alive in Burlingame schools, because our community values the benefits they provide: Music Grows Self Esteem Through music study, students learn the value of sustained effort and the rewards of hard work. Collaborative music study at school teaches teamwork and discipline. It provides children with a new means of self-expression and builds confidence. Credentialed Physical Education Program Teaches Teamwork Credentialed PE specialists teach our children teamwork, problem solving on the playground, risk-taking, and the importance of healthy choices. Studies show that physical activity helps children concentrate on academics. Credentialed specialists ensure a balanced program for our students. 27% Library/Media Services Encourage Independent Thinking Library and media services improve our children’s research skills and encourage them to explore their own interests. Credentialed librarians and media aides develop literacy programs that foster independent thinking, celebrate exploratory reading, and support the classroom curriculum. Science Specialist Fosters Exploration Hands-on science fosters creativity, curiosity, and an appreciation for our expansive world. Science teaches children to ask questions, observe closely, look for evidence, and construct fact-based conclusions. Our credentialed district science coach makes teaching and learning science fun. Drama Develops Imagination The drama program for intermediate school students inspires creativity and develops confidence. Theater productions ignite imagination and teach lifelong lessons about responsibility, commitment, and the power of individuality. BCE enables Burlingame students to reach their full potential. Our 2011-12 grant supported: Class Size Preservation Music Credentialed Physical Education Program Library/Media Services Science Specialist BIS Drama Program Teacher Professional Development Amount raised for district wide science specialist in one night at bce’s dinner dance/ auction for 2012/13 year $593,000 $257,000 $828,000 FY 2011/12 Dinner dance Net Income Amount raised by BCE over last 5 years Number of district educators BCE Helped fund ten Total $850,000 $1,059,000 FY 2010/11* Annual Giving Campaign net income $4.6m+ $150k Net Income (FY 2009-2012) FY 2009/10 Highlights $233,000 Total $1,292,000 state funding: Five years ago vs. today Total $261,000 $1,089,000 *FY 10-11 includes income from the joint PTA-BCE “Game On” emergency campaign. Total $7,588 $557 $8,145 FY 2008/09 (Five years ago) $6,246 FY 2012/13 (Projected) Grant to BSD (FY 2009-2012) $825,000 FY 2009/10 $25,000 $1,300,000 FY 2010/11* $1,000,000 FY 2011/12 Campaign grant to bsd Federal/State/Local funds Increase (Decrease) to reserves** ($8,000) $89,000 $1,200 Net $347,600 $261,000 Expenses Net $71,500 $70,300 Gross Total $6,974 Difference: Parcel Tax $1,171 The amazing news! The not-so-great news: BCE’s grant helps make up the difference created by diminishing government support and is key to driving excellent schools. Your donations to BCE directly impact students and every dollar counts. Public funding is at an all-time low. In fact, five years ago, BSD received $1,171 more per student in public funds. How can YOU make a difference? Dinner Dance & Auction Read-A-Thon $728 **BCE follows best practice by maintaining reserves of at least 1.5x operating expenses. This provides continuity for budget planning purposes. FY 2012 Revenue Breakdown for Key Fundraisers $86,600 Numbers Shown Per Student • Give meaningfully as every dollar counts! • Volunteer your time, talents and/or leadership • Attend or support our annual events • Increase your donation by inquiring if your employer offers a matching program • Spread the word to others • Advocate for education funding reform • Become a lead donor (>$2,500) and help us dream big Please remember! • Your donation is tax deductible • Employer matching can double or triple your impact Thank you to all of our generous donors who help make Burlingame Schools excellent! Please accept our apologies for any omissions or mistakes. Annual Giving Campaign Contributors 2011-2012 Thank you to all those who generously contributed to BCE’s Annual Campaign and Fund-a-Need with a monetary donation. Honors circle | $10k+ Cristos and Elizabeth Goodrow Andrew Haskell and Florence Wong Fred and JoAnn Hawley Eric and Lisa Kreft Steve and Melissa Macko Nicholas and Erika Pianim Marc and Betsy Rosen Douglas Ross and Sue Runyan Founders Circle | $7,500 to $9,999 Noah and Lorraine Cohen John and Katie Storey David and Kelly Tillman Benefactors | $4,000 to $7,499 Eric and Jennifer Amdursky Anonymous Brian and Jenifer Beswick Adam Broadway and Effy Tumewa Michael Brownrigg and Margaret Burchell Jeff and Ellie Byrd Jack and Jeanette Calandra James and Jennifer Callahan Conrad and Hildur Carlen Christopher and Alexandra DiCesare Philip Dur and Tina Clarke Dur Rick and Jill Fair Jon and Christine Gilmour Scott and Stacey Hawley Kenneth and Pamela Heller Robert and Deborah Hirth Hoefer Family Foundation David Hyman and Michele Goller William Karlon and Ann Lee-Karlon Thomas and Tammy Kiely William Knowles and Deborah Martin Stephen and Kimarie Matthews Rory and Olive O’Driscoll Dave and Jane Pine Ken and Kim Pitzer Matthew and Lori Potter Jeff Reed and Elisa Lee Michael Ross and Kate Phillips Andrew and Debra Ruben Paul and Jenese Sieben John Tam and Lana Lee Patrick Twohy and Meg Snowden Lindsay and Andrea Van Voorhis Lawrence Viola and Bridget Storm Jonathan and Maarit Visbal Patrons | $2,500 to $3,999 Lorne Abramson and Elana Lieberman Mark Asbury and Eileen Kim Duff and Emily Beach Jonathan and Alice Berry Warner Biddle and Jennifer Fazio Richard and Malea Bonk Tony and America Brown James and Tory Cacciato Sherman and Dori Chan J. Michael Chaple and Hildy Schell-Chaple Jamie and Katherine Cheng Yu-Wayne Chu and Florence Wu Donald and Perissa Clark The Coskey Family Jon Cosovich and Kerry Fitzpatrick Paul Cousineau and Christine Thorsteinson Travis and Alexa Culwell Jayanta Debnath and Runi Chattopadhyay James and Suzanne Denney Scott and Amy Dohemann Frank and Birgit Dommen The Donato Family Ron and Davina Drabkin Kevin and Stefanie Egan Ryan and Christie Fleming Andy and Marni Fligel Chuck Fontana and Jennifer Johnson Jeremy Gordon and Jean Phatthanaphuti David Greene and Beatrice Burke Mark and Laura Gschwind Joe and Cathy Guglielmi Peter and Judy Gum Konrad and Christina Habelt Doug and Debbie Heffernan Sean Howley and Stephanie Colbert-Howley Brian and Laura Huff Sam and Lynn Israelit David and Sue Istock Rod Johnson and Kerry Jameison Doug and Rebecca Judd Justin and Alexandra Kromelow Gregory and Rose Land Roch and Jennifer LeBlanc Craig and Kristy LeGrande Reid and Jen Liebhaber Gregory and Serene Lim Frank and Heather Loeffler Neill and Kathi Masterson Bill and Jessica McCarthy Blake and Sari McConnell David McNinch and Gisela Paulsen Ian Milne and Krista McCutcheon George and Barbara Moore Anthony and Gail Mosse Paul Nelson and Cathleen Pearson Craig and Karen Nichols Ken and Jennie Nielsen Bo Parker and Karen Kearney Niteen Patkar and Amita Jain Phil and Sheeva Peters Cary Platkin and Leslie McKnew Ernest and Maria Ribera Chester Rice and Paola Lancellotti Alex Rowland and Lisa Becerra Blair and Amy Sanford Eric and Lauren Schlezinger Rich Schoustra and Holly Rogers Sandeep and Benu Shroff Kevin and Jennifer Slaboda Hunter and Lisa Smith Douglas Solomon and Lauri Pasch William St. Lawrence and Kristen Pierce Jim and Loretta Stephenson David and Jennifer Sullivan Edward Supplee and Diane Russell Dan Sutherlin and Malinda Pauly Vitas and Julia Viskanta Phil Wang and Deborah Leon Ted Wang and Jessica Kimura Karl and Sarah Wiley Steven and Diane Williams Perry Wu and Sandra Sullivan Jim Wunderlich and Catherine Wright Scholars | $1,500 to $2,499 James Aggen and Andrea Gailunas Anonymous Jack and Jean Baker Michael and Gretchen Barber Jeffrey Bashaw and Melanie Seidner Bob and Meg Bear Sinhad and Medina Begic John and Lisa Borgeson Jeffrey and Michal Braker Thomas and Jennifer Bruno Rudolf Buntic and Melissa Burke Burlingame Mothers’ Club Joe and Carol Byrne Dennis and Julie Carlson Andrea Pirzkall Carol Christopher and Lisa Chai Daniel Chen and Deborah Quinn-Chen Ho Wai Cheung and Hui Lin Peter Cimmet and Mary Lyon Cimmet Chris and Anna Clevenger Bill and Karen Crandall Cameron Daly and Jill Soley Roy and Sarah Douglass Jeffrey and Mary Eliason David Eligator and Margherita Soule Travis and Alicia Erdman Gregory and Catherine Everson Sam Faillace and Marie Marta-Faillace Arvin and May Kee Fong Gary Francesconi and Elizabeth Ward Francesconi Jonathan Freedman and Isabelle Rooney Lisa Friedman Todd and Michele Friedman Joshua and Alexandra Galanter Mike Ghezavat and Christine Wang Joshua Gratch and Kimberly McKellar Dan and Connie Gravagno Joshua Greenblatt and Amy Ulrich Bradley and Colette Greene Duncan and Amy Grenier John and Mandi Hahn Adam and Carmen Hall Robert and Heather Happ David Harris and Katherine Turner Michael and June Hee Michael and Abbie Higashi Scott and Brooke Hill Peter and Karen Hirschmann Philip and Bethany Hollrah Joseph and Rita Howard Stephen and Ida Hsu Hong Hua and Leslie Tong Kamran Husain and Ila Kriplani Atif Hussein and Priya Alagiri Inter-Burlingame Dad’s Club James and Julie Janc James and Darlene Jaworski George Johnson and Kari Roberts Ron and Amy Johnstone Scott and Linda Jones Kevin and Erika Kelly Phillip Kennedy and Lisa Winston Jay and Lisa Kershner Roy and Birgit Kiesling The Scott Kockos Family John and Filiz Kohli Edward Kwuan and Nikki Chung Helene Landry Rob and Jessica Lawson Fred and Karen Lawson David and Aviva Levine Huaixi Li and Haiyan Song Arthur and Brooke Lierman Tony and Jennifer Lin Steven and Courtney Love Daniel and Tam Madden Russ and Yelena Maslenko Kazumi and Jun Masubuchi Michael and Christina Mazza Evan McCulloch and Corrina Rosebrook John and Lara McDonald Gerard Mitchell and Fiona Reynolds Greg Mitchell and Byung Choung Perry Mizota and Jill Goldsmith Matt and Stacy Nawrocki Cesar and Laurie Orosco Tom and Marie Pang Hans Purkey and Vickie Tsui Leo and Monique Redmond Jim Roesing and Karen Kraut Mark and Kimberly Rosales Joachim Rudolph and Joanne Yun Frank and Linda Ryan Rodrigo Salas and Colleen Hallen-Salas Mike Sarimsakci and Lilianne Sarimsakci-Bader Aaron Sato and Kyong Yi Steve and Eileen Schefsky John Schulz and Barbara Eisenhauer Felix and Alexandra Shapiro Doug Sheehy and Kristin Jacobson Mark Silva and Darci Fletchall Garrett and Jenny Smith Kevin and Irina Smith James and Andrea Sobel Jonathan and Thuy Anh Sorof Joseph and Isabelle Spano Mark Spenner and Rachel Acheson Vlad Stavitskiy and Yelena Vilinskaya Dr. James Stavosky and Andrea Polites Ashley Stirrup and Jennifer Sharp Jeffrey and Dalia Stoddard Edward Suen Jonathan and Julia Tang Merijn Te Booij and Imre Freeve Philip Toy and Arlene Tom Calvin and Mimi Tran Michael and Allyson Trevor Chuck and Nana Wallace David Weinstein and Luba Abascal Vladimir Weinstein and Tatjana Sarvan-Weinstein Alastair and Robin Whittaker Brad and Julie Wilson John Witte and Katie Riggs Mitchell and Janice Wong Guy and Monica Yalif Alexander and Maria Yarmolinsky Kent and Elaine Yee Alexander Zehnder and Maria Carmen Sponsors | $750 to $1,499 Nicklas and Amy Akers Andrew Alfers and Andrea Gonzales-Alfers George Anders and Elizabeth Corcora Anonymous (8) Mark and Cynthia Arcenal Roberto Armijo and Yungting Liao Patrick Au-Yeung and Chen Hui-Ling Marcio and Lisa Avillez Francesca Aweeka Peter and Liane Badua Marcus and Renee Ballinger Miguel and Luisa Baltazar Mark and Sandra Barrolaza Michael and Susan Battat Spencer and Miki Behr John and Diane Bellizzi Joseph Benaglia and Lisa Decker Doug and Marci Benson Ron and Nina Berkovits Gibson Biddle and Kristen Hege Eric and Holli Bohren Jeff and Anna Bornstein Alfredo Botelho and Davina Menezes Lavor and Iglika Boyanova Peter and Elli Breslin Matthew Brocchini and Geetha Reddy Matthew and Denise Brown Burlingame Education Association Mark and Samantha Burri Tadhg and Bernadette Canniffe Bruce and Alison Caron David and Nancy Cate Marco and Diana Cavalieri Ted Celentino and Eilish Durkan Laurence and Teresa Chambers Justin and Alice Chang Bryce Chastain and Emily Brady Drew Chavinson and Ginger Roehrig Warren Chen and Maggie Huang Cary Chui and Tina Mark Geoff and Rachael Clarke Peter Coe and Nadjya Ghausi Paul and Jenny Coleman Edward and Julie Collantes Eric and Donna Colson Jennifer Colvin Steven Crooks and Helen Miranda Don and Paula Crosatto Agustin de la Calle and Lesley Stolz Jennifer Dempsey Chris and Terene Dickson Michael Dougherty and Kristin Bergman Ryan Dougherty and Annette Kwon Alan and Charlene Drummer David and Angela Dubovsky Paul and Robin Edmondson Steve and Wendy Ehrlich Dean and Yvette Fantham Andy and Evie Felton Kevin and Miki Flood Chadwick and Tania Forrest James and Darcy Forsell Gregory Frazer and Hilary Horn Gautam Ganguly and Margaret Burke Peter and Linda Gardner George and Amy Gavallos Thomas and Theresa Geraghty Thomas and Megan Germack Steve Gillette and Jennifer Chung Dan and April Glatt Thaddeus and Sarah Glavin Keith and Denise Good William and Tracey Gordon John Gouws and Kathleen Kane Timothy and Cheryl Graczewski Salvador and Claudia Guerrero Greg and Marianna Gurovich James and Jacqueline Haggarty Gerald and Susan Hamilton G.Q. Han Family Christopher Haroun and Christine Murad-Haroun John and Mary Hockridge Brody and Amy Hofmann Paul Hohenschuh and Dr. Marjorie Winkler David and Leslie Horenstein Zeligrag and Anita Hornung Mike Hroziencik and Patti Haverty Michele and Lisa Iacovone Orion and Simona Jankowski Michael and Sherri Jarrett Peter and Cheri Jaunich Brad and Claudia Jenkins Derek and Jill Johnson Simon Jones and Julia McMillian-Jones David Jones and Delyn Simons Jesse and Angela Juarez Yu-Hsin Kao and Hsi-Yu Lin James and Inna Kelly Chris and Anita Kennon Scott and Amy Jo Kim Junichi and Asako Kitagawa David Klein and Melissa Germaine Craig and Hayley Kleinman Frank and Robin Knifsend Navid and Nahid Knight Joseph and Diana Ko Ashim and Mallika Kohli David Kohn and Vibeke Brinck Suneil Koliwad and Leena Jadhav Robert Kotmel and Maja Nelson Chad and Sheila Krakow Evan and Shawna Krasts Kevin and Daniella Kriner Mark and Terry Kuperschmid Raymond and Kati Lai Eyeworks of San Mateo, Gary Lai & Sharon Ho Wade and Elizabeth Lai Lynn LaMark and Dina DiLoreto Jennifer Lamont Steven Lamont and Julie Pak Jason and Olga Lane Timothy and Adelpha Larkin Dermott and Kathleen Larkin Jay Leslie and Tanya Drake Jerome and Kerry Liu Sean Liu and Jian Zhang Yuqi Liu and Tong Hou Yaro I. Lola and Leda I. Aragon De Lola Tarun and Alpana Loomba Jobie and Dori Low Wei Lu and Weiwei Chen Doug and Heather Luftman Paul and Karen Lynch Matthew Machlis and Isako Hoshino Raymond and Susan Mah Fady and Karen Malik Kimathi Marangu and Andrea Pappajohn Juan Martinez and Linda Hall Clark and Eileen Maruyama Tom Masotto and Sandra Yie Todd Master and Kara Gardner Steven McCormick and Michele Popper Shawn McNamara and Vicki Ho Alberto and Norma Medina Jay Mellman and Martha Kokes Christopher Metzcus and Elizabeth Byrne Bryan and Amy Michael Thomas and Sabine Middlemass John and Nancy Miller Xiaoshan Min and Jian Yao Robert Munyon and Judith Fink Mark and Jennifer Musselman John Neer Johnny and Anh Ng Tyler and Ambyr Nielsen Jeff and Kathryn Nix Michael and Stacey Nolan Mark and Susan Noworolski Daniel O’Dwyer and Michele Kearney Sayuri Ohno Benedict Pang and Wai Ching Chow Christopher and Tracey Papazian Ben Patch and Tamara Romanek Mahesh Patki Peninsula Velo Jay and Ginger Penn Matthias Perczynski and Lynette Chandra Pascal-Louis Perez and Dalia Morali Perez Lynn Pescherine John and Tori Peterson Paul and Nancy Pierce Ty Po and Mimi Kwok Eugene Podkaminer and Erica Carmel Livio Pugliese and Carla Deykin Spencer and Corrie Punter Myla Puyat Roman and Lily Quisol John and Frieda Radzyminski John and Holli Rafferty Don Rath and Steve Lewan Jeff Reese and Maya Wahyudharma Lisa Rehman and Serina Beauparlant Bruce and Beth Resnick Jean-Louis Robadey and Melanie Janin Michael and Shannon Robinson Bob and Colaine Roepke Marco Romani and Teri Felix Ronald Roncal and Eve Saltman Emil Rusev and Petrnka Gidikova Rahul and Paula Sachdev David Sanderson and Kathryn Fisher Steven and Melinda Saunders Tom and Clara Schmidt Greg and Kristen Schwager John and Mechele Sheehan Ford Sibley and Cindy Berenstein-Sibley Jeffrey Silverman and Deanna Kroetz David Simson Sanjiv and Deepti Sinha Mark and Debbie Sodini Richard and Amy Spencer David and Janis Spivack Sean and Cathy Stannard-Stockton Adam and Denise Steinberger Jason and Kelly Stern Donald and Kathleen Steul Randall and Ellen Stross Danny and Ya-Chi Su Barry Sudbeck and Jennifer Hertz Jeff and Suzanne Tateosian Jorge and Michelle Taylor Jim Teh and Connie Kwong Shawn and Carol Thornton Tom and Audrey Tse Treanor Jay Trygstad and Teresa Hei Scott Tsunehara and Courtney Tong Andrew and Lori Urushima Norman Utigard and Elizabeth Hawley Andras Vasy and Sara Wong Bill and Tana Vaughn Manuel and Carla Ventura Joseph and Carmen Verrico Eugene and Faina Viner Tony Walker and Jennifer Inouye Kenneth and Carolyn Way Ken and Mary Weese Robert and Kendra Wehmeyer Michael Welliver and Kristina Karandy-Welliver Howard and Keely Wettan Conrad and Irina Wojciechowski Amy and Michael Wolfe Glen and Holly Wong Christopher and Leng Leng Wong Richard and Vivien Woo Marc and Sue Worrall Robert and Randi Wren Ray Yap and Elaine Chan Larry and Maria Yeager Brad Young and Kumu Puri Guang and Luyan Yu Paul and Eva Zei Yubao Zhang and Jie Wang Contributors | up to $749 Romulo and Nefretiri Abat Daniel Ackerman Josh Adam and Julie Fisher Ajaya Adhikari and Usha Bhattarai Adhikari Sylvestre and Cecil Agdipa Lawrence Agius Silvio Aguilar and Sarita Fordham-Aguilar Tyler Aguinaldo and Shiva Malek Aziz and Saima Ahmad Chetan and Deepika Ahuja Hamed Akhavein and Parissa Taghibagi Rajashekar and Jyotsna Akula Alaa and Amalabed Al Sabbah Mohamed and Saloua Alaoui Maria Alberto Oliveira Alcides and Joana Cristina Araujo Eliot and Kara Alfi Thomas and Florence Allen Joe and Matilda Alvarez Ivan and Elizabeth Alvaro Roberto and Elizabeth Alvaro Kim Alves Luis and Maria Alvira Robert and Barbara Anderson Anonymous (9) Elie and Annie Aoun Turan Apakay Rita Arnold Joel Aronowitz and Susan Orlikoff Simon Sebastian Arredondo and Noemi De Leon Ravil and Branka Arslan Veronica Arvizo George Atkinson Edmundo Aureus Donald and Claire Auslen James and Kimberly Auslen Rick Austin June and Socorro Austria James Avant and Lynne Ruppel Ivelin Avramov and Felicia Karbo Anthony and Kimberly Azzollini Pete and Nati Badua Julie Bailis Bruce and Lori Bainton Cedric and Dee Bainton Chris Baker and Maria Privado Antonio and Victoria Ballesteros Evelyn Ballesteros Sean and Carla Bardsley Neil and Mary Bardsley Shannon Bardsley Donna Barnett Steve and Sharon Barrese Julian and Heather Barrolaza Justin Batemon and Kacie Young Fred and Marcia Bauer Christine Bautista Doug Bayerd Ann Bazlimit David and Stephanie Beach Matias Beacon and Maria Alejandra Cudos Andrew Beebe and Jessica Barrows Beebe Richard Behr Kurt and Patricia Benner Eric and Caren Berger Peter and Patty Bergman Eric Berkovits Rafael and Eileen Bernabe Lynda Bettencourt Philip and Joanne Bianchi Judy Bianchi Jonathan and Fiona Birchall Philippe Bishop and Elisa Eiseman Paul and Kristi Bliss Keith and Leslie Blodgett Tom and Cyndy Bodenlos Scott Bollinger and Thu Nguyen Edip Borluca and Joy Martin-Spriggs Lance and Jeanne Bosschart Jeffrey and Regina Bosshard Bret and Sue Bottarini Betsy Bounds James Bounds and Kimberly Hill Jaime and Kendra Bowen Douglas and Sandra Bowlus Whitney and Erin Bradley David and Carolyn Brady Melvin Bramlette Eric and Elise Brand Michele Brazil Gary and Jolanda Breazeale Christoffer and Amanda Brodbaek Paul Broeker and Shirley Lee James Brogan and Teresa Boland David and Carole Brooks Amber Brosnan Ron and Andrea Brovelli Tricia Brovelli Jerry Brown Pat Bruun Chris and Rosie Buckley Rolando and Michelline Bueno Daniel and Kera Burdick James Bushneff and Kristina Silva Michael Butler and Susanne Martinsson Thomas and Tracy Cahill Bernard Camarao and Shelley Blockhus Brian and Renata Campion Sean and Olivia Canniffe Stephen Cannon and Shannon Casey-Cannon Gary Canonica and Julia Evans Mark Capella Jesse and Jean Capilitan Anthony and Teri Caprini Gustavo Cardenas and Maria-Victoria Pereira Robert and Jennifer Carlson Lynette Carok Joe and Jan Caron Michael and Frances Casazza Ed Castaneda Roberto and Veronica Castillo Yesenia Castro Augusto Castro and Ivanete Sepulvida Jeffrey and Sarah Catral Mynor and Ana Maria Chacon Michael and Cathy Chambers Stephen and Christine Chan Alex Chan and Lynn Arcenal-Chan Francis and Dona Chang Juili Chang Victoria Chang Barbara Chang Connie Chang Robert and Gina Chapman Tanuj and Ella Chatterjee Wei Hong Chen and Ying Ling Liang Rong Jun Chen and Feng Xue Guohui Chen and Gu (Gloria) Zheng Sing Lai Cheng and Majoe Tang David and Marina Cheng Jason and Emily Cheng Wesley and Winsie Cheng Cheung Family Roger Chew and Stacie Low Benjamin and Sarah Cheyette Andrew and Amelia Chick Annie Chin Richard Chiu and Susanna Chan Eunice Choi June Choi Alice Choi Ok Ja Choi Raymond Chow Raymond Quincy Chow and Kristine-Ann D. Beltran Michael and Michelle Chrisman Julie Karbo Christon Kenny Chu and Tracy Chen Eric Chu and Lilly Wong Stan Chudnovsky and Rimma Budnitskaya Margaret Church-Ish Greg and Mina Cima Elana Citrin John and Patricia Cockcroft Henry and Eileen Cohen Vincenzo and Franca Coletta Trevor and Frances Collins Sean Connolly and Hannah Klein Juan and Elsa Contreras Dan and Eileen Conway Gerald Cook Jackie Cooke Mark and Katina Cosenza Joe and Amy Costa Pat Costa Louise Craig Bill and Sheila Creeks Terry and Christina Crescenti Gina Crescenti Jay and Penny Crespo Bruce and Suzanne Crocker Jason Cruse Ismael Cruz and Maria Anguiano Brian and Elizabeth Curry Elizabeth Da Silva Frank Dal Porto and Erin Haggarty Patricia Dassios Annette Davis Juel and Leah De Leon Franklin and Bernadette De Mesa Jerry and Joanne Deal Debbie Dean James and Jacqueline Dean Rosemarie DelaCruz Peter and Natalie Delahunt Tracy and Bonnie Deleuw Terri Delfino Ignacio Demarco and Lorena Bensenor Jeff and Jenny DeMartini Richard C. and Lisa Gail Deming Mary Dempsey Carl and Debbie deQuant Louie Desimone Giuseppe Di Mauro and Leonora Chianello Alan Dias and Ramile Brito Eduardo Diaz and Dora Romero Douglas Diehl and Renee Halsing Alejandro and Ena Dimas Paul and Lita Dimech Raquel Dimech Anthony and Lana Dimech Rex Dimoff and Jane Nakamura-Dimoff Mark Dirsa John and Kristin Dokoza Nikolay Dolginskiy and Elena Samorukova Terry and Niki Donnelly Kurt Dotson and Emily Ma-Dotson Greg and Sharon Dotson Michael and Deborah Dougherty Josie Douglas Michael Dower Brett Dyer and Jennifer Strus Eastern West Virginia Community Foundation McMillan Family Fund John and Patricia Eaton Christine Eberle Michael Eby and Nisha Rathore Ross and Gloria Edwards Vladimir Egorov and Gillian Kosharke Michael and Kate Ehrhardt Monica Elizarraraz Lois Erasmy Samer Erekat and Sheeva Zarandian Ernesto Escobar Jhonny Escorcia and Angelica De Los Reyes Gayle Etienne William Evans and Elizabeth Levine Mark Ezersky and Elaine Date John and Caryn Fairlie William Farac and Lydia Nonni Robert Farac and Elisa Lowy David and Maria Farber Maria Fay Daniel and Sandra Feder Susan Feist David Feldman Jose and Nancy Ferman Brian and Ruby Ann Fernandez Jaime Fink John and Nancy Finney John Fish and Catharina Min Alexander and Lisa Flagg Jennifer Flatt Larry Fleming Brandy Fleming Stuart and Ellen Fligel Scott and Sarah Fligel Frank Flood Warren and Greesy Flores Gregory and Cezanne Flowers Don and Christina Flowers Bradley Floyd and Madeline Floyd Ross and Meri Flug Glenn Fong and Ann Chen Romeo and Mary Fong Brian and Gina Fornesi Jen Fox Michael and Sigrun Franco Gus and Helen Franco Rebeca Frazer Ian and Cheryl Frelin Bayne and Christine French Al and Diane Friedman Goldie Friedman Neil Friedman Stephen Frost Michael and Lin-Chih Fu Akihisa and Kayoko Fukuda Lai Kong Fung and Ying Ying Li Robert and Kathy Furr Larry and Maureen Gardner George and Ingrid Gauthier Peter Gavallos Jeff Gebhart and Michelle Riley Todd and Karen Gemmer John Giere and Kim Koivisto Joe and Julie Gilmartin Rebecca Girard Florence Glatt Kevin Glavin and Valerie Long Rita Gleason Robert Glickman and Tina Ashamalla Gerry Goeser The Goldberg Family Susan Goldsmith David and Lisa Goldstein Sylvia Gonzales Steven and Carrie Gonzalez Gary Goodman and Bradley Matteoni Kristine Gordon Kazuyuki and Yoko Goto Mary Granados Michael Grant and Holly Allen Michael and Mai C. Graser Curtis and Jenna Greenfield Kevin and Candi Griffin Richard Gross Jerry Guerigay and Mary Ann Dayag Michael and Lory Guerra Juan and Christina Guerra Dan and Gabriela Guerrero Claudia Guerrero Jorge Guzman and Anahi Pacheco Gary and Linda Gwin Haydar and Ali Haba Shawn Hallum and Tina Ish Judy Hamaguchi Tim Hamaguchi Adele Hamaguchi Runyu Han and Huifen Chen Sean Hank and Erin Hagler Ann Haskell Gary and Suzanne Haslam William and Vickie Hatfield Kirk and Francisca Hawkins Craig and Paige Hedges Sigrid Heidenreich Mirtha Helt Judy Henander Pauraic Hennebry and Kasey Delfino Frank Hennelly and Suzi Stefanac Benjamin Herbert and Kristina Copplin Gabriela Hernandez Gabriel and Monica Hernandez Pablo and Cheryl Herrera Jeffrey and Louisa Hilbert Craig and Yi-Hui Hill Louise Hill Ron Hillman and Christine Botelho Winona Hiserote Ivan and Annamay Ho Keith and Danica Hodge Robert and Vaisioa Holcomb Jim Holmes Jacqui Holmes David and Sonya Hong Hoyman Hong and Tram Nguyen Gigi Horton Mark and Ilka Hosking William and Esther Hou Robert and Joan Howell Brooke Howell Benjamin and Vicky Hsia Claude Huang and Chieh Wong Sherry Hubanks Martin Huerta and Barbara Mumby Alan Huey and Jacqueline Chan Barry and Judy Huff Michael Hui and Sandy Wong Jeannette Hull Matt and Angie Hullfish Ruben and Michelle Hurin Roger Huwe and Marion Schossee-Huwe John and Soo Hwang Hector Ibarra and Floridalma Aguilar Galilea Ibarra Michael and Mellany Idio June Inouye Harumitsu and Michiko Inouye Vlad and Paula Iojica Bradley and Marcela Irby Herbert Ishii and Ping Zeng Toru and Naomi Iwai Steve and Michele Jackson Jerry Jacob and Jemly Matthew Andrew Janisch and Lauren Guttentag Hana Jansen Cliff and Jennifer Java Jian Jiang and Li He Ling Marvin and Kenia Joachin Eric Jobs Andrea Johnson Shawn Johnson Reed Johnson Todd Johnson Aaron Johnson Michael and Patricia Jones Marc Jones and Sharon Reichow Michael and Noelle Jue Eric Jue Estelle Jue Billy and Mary Jung Norm and Jacqueline Kallan Sven Kaludzinski and Colleen Craig Shig and Aiko Kamine Utku and Ilknur Kandemire Rhonda Kaneshige Jong Seok and Miran Kang Ramantha and Sumadevi Kanneluru Nana Karandy Dena Peponis Karbo Rasue Karimov and Sevinj Karimova Steven and Catherine Kassel Jay and Sue Kaufman Frances Kawaguchi and Ryan Windsor Shirley Keeler Ann Keighran Anna Kellener Sean and Natalie Kelley Ed and Kathy Kelloff Heather Kennedy Michael Kennedy Donald and Brooke Kent Alex and Jamie Kent Stuart Kershner William and Lucy Kilbridge Yung Kim Walter and Aiko Kimura Steve King Jonathan King and Michele Moreci Tim and Sarah Kingsbury Charles and Rosa King Amy Kingsley Gus and Tiffany Kiniris Elizabeth Kinsella Kevin Kone Emmanuel and Dorris Koutantos Zoran and Sanja Kovacevic Jo Ann Kozloski Aivars and Linda Krasts Sara Krish Mikhail and Sabina Krivenko Denise Muxlow Kuester Chris and Kasia Kujat David and Jennifer Kulin Robert and Laurie Kum Sharon Kusano Kenneth and Jadine Kuwahara Linco and Lanny Kwuan Patty Kwuan Laura and Marily Kwuan Linda La Guardia The LaBonte Family JP and Claudia LaChance Santosh and Sunita Lamichhane Pam Lampkin Vivian and Amanda Larkin Kitisak Larlarb and Kali Taylor Stella Lau Gregg and Janet Lavine Eric Law John Lazaro and Maria Rosario Lazaro Khoi and Lynne Le Jerry and Angela Lee Mikyung Lee Dr. James Lee and Rita Tay Luke Lee Yip and Sandra Lee Mary Lee Alex Shu-Jen Lee and Sophie Chen Randall and Magi Lee Kerrie Lee Connie Lee Robert and Amy Lee Jayne Lee Magi Lee Moo-Yeal Lee and Ji-Youn Kang Nancy Lee Jun Kyu Lee and Hyun Jung Jung Jeff and Suzanne Lehr Vanessa Lehr Bin and Angela Lei Manuel and Cleo Lemus Eric and Amy Lennane Richard Leung and Priscilla Fong Richard Leung Simon Leung and Wonica Siu Ron and Suzin Levine Micha and Dalit Lewis Lenny and Astor Li Andy Li and Julie Liang Cong Li Joe Li and Xiaofang Yang Lingming Liang Jeff and Michelle Lim Robert and Selina Lim Sally Lim Becky Lin Diane Lindgren Gordon Ling and Oi-Wai Lam Yolanda Yan Liu Amy Locke William and Martha Loftis Julio and Judy Lopez Antonio Lopez and Erika Medrano Jeremy and Mary Lord Patrick and Larissa Lorian Michael and Davia Love Donna Lowe Todd Lowpensky and Cinda Bailey Alex and Sharon Lubarsky Norm Lubeck Larry and Heather Lustig Jerry and Helen Lustig Daniel and Karen Lyons Julie Lythgoe Alex Madera Efrem Mah and Vivian Woo The Mahrer Family Peter Majewski Ellen Makofsky Danie and Jean Malashock Catherine Maley Michelle Mandeville Sabrina Mandl Connie Mangona Pavel Markov and Svetlana Markova Billie Jean Marks Roland and Maureen Marshall Karen Marshall Dave and Roben Martin Editha Martin Axel Martinez Lupe Martinez Karla Martinez-Sanchez Ron and Marci Martinucci John and Mary Martos Kazuo Maruoka George Master Mark Mathias Dennis and Gwendolyn Matsu Alice McCarty Julie Ungerman McCraw Mr. McCrory Paul and Shawna McDermott Bill and Pat McDonald Deborah McGarry Mary McGinness Patrick and Claire McGuane Quinn McKenna and Mary Eaves Steven and Heather McLaughlin Kevin and Mary-Helen McMahon Brian and Caitlin McManus Paul and Stephanie McMaster Thomas Mellman and Janet Hasegawa Denny and Sonja Melo The Melo Family Mauricio Mendez and Felicia Stacker Eric Mertl and Susan Bowie Michael and Adriana Mesaros Andrea Metkus and Linda Stoick Bernadette Meyer Alma Meza Jim and Barbara Millett Carl Millward and Lisa Tai Steven and Sue Milwee Saad and Jennifer Mir Hugo and Susan Miranda Naheed Misfeldt Donald Mitchell and Yan Ma Daniel and Catherine Mitsunaga Gary and Eva Monisteri Donald Montalvo and Lisa Velez-Montalvo Mr. and Mrs. Michael Monte Shelley Moon Elizabeth Anne Moore Rene Morales Francisco Morales and Fabiola Sandoval Richard and Kristin Moran Mike and Margaret Morearty Anthony and Cheryl Mori Kevin Morse Selcuk and Nirgul Morsumbul Safwat Morsy and Shadia Soliman Mark Mosquera Michael and Corine Muegge Kieran and Finola Muldowney Patrick Mulford Ed and Akiko Nagai Ramesh Nagarajan and Sudha Viswanathan Mohammad and Gemma Naghipour Perla Narag Marvin and Tarissa Navas Jennifer Friedman Nee Eric and Angie Negherbon Jerry Nelson and Barbara Maley Saranee Newman Jonathan and June Ng Ralph Ng and Yuen Oi Tai Michael and Felicia Ng Danny and Clara Ng Lancy Ng May Ngai Dennis Ngai Dean Nguyen and Maries Magdadaro Dominic and Anna Nolan Jeff and Stacy Novitzky Nell Novitzky Christopher O’Connor and Helen Raschke Kevin and Sandra O’Connor Grace O’Connor Patrick and Alexis O’Flaherty Gary and Stacy O’Grady Elisa Odabashian and Ash McNeely James Ogle III and Janeah Ogle Eunju Oh Charles Olson and Karen Senffner Konrad Olszewski and Julia Ostanina-Olszewski Werner and Hazel Ordonez William Orts and Merkna Chee Joe and Debbie Ovadia Manolette and Dhemy Padilla Howard and Colleen Page Colleen Page Bob and Laura Palacio Diane Palacio Fernando and Joeann Pardilla Minseok Park and Kumi Lee David and Holly Parry Rajesh and Jaishree Patel Bernardo and Rebeca Patino Karen Pearlman and Paula Skinner Zhonghua Pei and Minghua Sun Mia Perachiotti-Germack Lynne Pereira and Melinda Piper Cesar Perez Don and Cindy Perillat Peter and Margaret Perrosan Geni Persin Scott and Cheree Peterson Veronica Philibosian Nick and Yota Philipopoulos Ena Philipopoulos Rhea Phillips Tuong Phung and Amy Thach Russell and Martha Pitzer Ralph Podesta Don and Elaine Pope Vincent and Anita Powers Doy and Carol Prater Aide Prieta Robert and Donna Maria Puzon Marc and Carolyn Quilici David and Van Ton-Quinlivan Jack Qura and Beatriz Solari Etimefi and Tisiloa Raass Gary Rainville and Sandra Osumi Nicholas and Patty Rally Diana Ramirez Pat Rando Aibing Rao and Hongyan Meng Matthew and Dana Raphaelson Davood Rashidi and Jasmin Schwarz Rita Rathburn Shakeel Razib Luis Rea and Trudy Letson Aaron and Michele Redalen Ric and Jolene Reed Kristin Reed Brendan Regan Mary Regan Richard and Helen Regan Rommel and Marissa Ringor Armando and Dolores Rios Ann Ritter Mike and Sue Riviello Steve and Heather Roberts Denise Roberts Cynthia Robinson and Cara Pellegrini Matthew and Kristen Robinson John and Rebecca Robison Armando Robledo and Summer Barnett Janet Roepke Jose Rojas and Juana Hernandez Nora Romero Jose Rondon Vallejo and Martha Garcia Vazquez Sean and Nicola Rosellini Martin and Rollie Rosen Molla Rosenberg Marlene Rotblatt Ali Roufegarinejad and Nahal Salmasi Marian Rouse Robert and Ricki Rouse Oliver and Sheila Roxas Angelo and Lindley Rubero Debbie Ruizcka Carolyn Runyan Gennaro and Michelle Ruocco George Ryan and Danielle LeGear John and Lynn Ryan James and Katherine Ryan Gino and Anna Saccuman Pezhman and Anahita Safavi Takayuki and Tomoko Sakurai Jero and Marilou Saldajeno Alexei Saltanov and Tatiana Chekasina Rick and Marian Salzer Josefina R. San Diego Paul and Geraldine San Sebastian Fabiola Sandoval Dennis and Lisette Santos Igor and Julia Sarkisov Jay and Elizabeth Sarwar Masao and Chikako Sasayama Cindy Savage Jim Savage Anne Schaefer-Salinas Stephen and Julianne Schenone Patricia Schirmer Gaird and Maryse Schlesinger Ira and Sandra Schlezinger David Schmidt Peter and Alexandra Schuman Richard and Sheila Schuman Susan Seki Melissa Selcher Talia Serefiddin Richard Serran San Martin and Jennifer Serran Denise Severi Minesh Shah Binghong Shan and Ying Cui John and Dawn Shanley Bob and Deidre Shaw Marcus and Jamie Shen Matthew Shevach Ethan and Ruth Shevach Jong and You-Jung Shin Ravi Shinh Konstantin and Natalya Shpak Robert Sieben James MacGregor, Silicon Valley San Jose Business Journal Naomi Silk Gabriel and Melissa Silva Gregory Silveria and Catherine LaSasso Helen Silveria Scott Simpson and Tatia Kusumoto Amandeep Singh and Arshdeep Shinh Harbans and Lalita Singh Aleksey Sinitskiy and Alina Sintskaya Elliot Skillings and Julie Graham Kevin Smith and Carolyn Johnson Jaime Smith Mary Smith Jeremy Smith Kobert and Michelle Smith Judith Sobolik Bryan and Anne Marie Soler Patrick and Laura Somers David Song Natalie Soohoo Jesse Soriano Wayne and Amy Sosnick Bryan and Pamela Spaulding Waldemar and Aneta Stachniuk Zake Stahl and Kimlou Conigliaro-Stahl Nahla Stephan Thomas Stevenin and Kristen Werneke-Stevenin Daniel and RoWanda Stewart William and Jill Straub Daniel Stroud and Cristina Dorr Tracy and Jennifer Strub Don and Lorraine Strub Jim and Jackie Suarez Paulette Sudano Jung Suh and Emily Wong-Suh Sally Supplee Dina Sverdlov Tibor and Prabha Szaboky Stanley and Janie Sze Peter Szetu and Jessica Liu Susan Tabrizi-Mojaver Takashi and Eriko Takeuchi Albert and Debbie Tam Mineko Tanaka Rey and Lourdes Tancinco Hong Tao and Xian Yun Fei Barbara Tauskey John and Linda Taylor James Taylor Richard Terrones and Carol Yasuda-Terrones Daniel and Ingrid Texidor David and Meredith Thacker Alice Tharp Roger and Tamara Thomas Lauren Tinetti Yuri Tolmasoff Gordon and Sharrie Tom Jose Torres Maria Torres Anthony and Christine Toti Paul and Ann Treanor Bill and Nattie Trevor Larisa Troitskaya Lan Truong Chihche Tsai and Shinhui Cho Carolyn Tschetter Patrick and Tanis Tubach Jonathan and Angie Turri Linda Turri Ty Family Joan Ungerman Steve Ungerman Robert and Irena Vaksman Gonzalo Valdes and Theresa DeMaria-Valdes Mark and Michelle Van Ryswyk Michael and Ashley Vanderley Todd Varland and Amy Welch Pete and Jennifer Varma Eduardo Vegafria Manito Velasco and Arlene Vincente-Velasco Manuel and Dionicia Velasco Armichael and Deanna Viduya M. Viduya Viduya Family Virginia Vince Larisa Vitenko Clare Wadbrook Betty Jo Wade Prasad and Marie Wagle Shelly Walsh George Wang and Yi Li Judith Wangelin Kam Kin and Sissy Wat George and Maria Waters Karen Webb Mark and Sylvia Weiler Daniel Weinseimer and Tammy Albarran Brett and Alison Weinstein Dottie Wells Yun Weng and Huahong Xiao Nick and Michelle White Don and Vanessa Whittaker Brian and Andrea Whitten Roland and Jitka Wiley John and Maxine Willey Chris Willey Jessica Sobolik Willey Marcus and Takako Williams Kenneth and Sharon Wills Dina Wills Mark Wilson Toby Wohlmuth Jonathan and Linda Wolin Carol Wolin Hal and Joan Wolin Howard Wong and Fei Xu Vincent Wong Darleen Wong Jo Wong Wallance Woo Mary Worrall Trent and Anne Wright Zita Wu Yvon Wu Tony and Mila Wuestefeld Erwin and Barbara Wyr Yu Xu and Lehong Hu Ko and Kyoko Yamamoto Andrew Yang and Sophia Chiang Wenchang Yan and Liping Gu J.H. Yang Mirna Yao Rocque and Christine Yballa Jerry and Terry Yee Nelson Yee and Lina Leung Steven and May Yeh Mehmet and Soniye Yilmaz Marilee Yoshifuji Michael and Ratana Yoshifuji Lawrence and Cynthia Young Ronald and Jene Young Elizabeth Yu Tim Yuen and Teresa Chang Lorna Louie Yung Nancy Zammuto Eric Zankman and Pamela Kaufman Ron and Pam Zaragoza Jim Zerkle and Rio Phair Jason Zhang and Jane Liao Joe Zheng and Helena Jin Xiaoti Zhou and Jing Yuan Dina Zuger Veronica Zuger Dinner Dance/ Auction Supporters 2012 Thank you to the individuals and businesses who supported our 2012 Dinner Dance/Auction. A Perfect Day Spa Accel Gymnastics Acro Sports AF Sedan & Limo Service Benny Aguilar Nicklas Akers All Fired Up Alligator Art Studio Alpha Omega Winery Jennifer Amdursky Amici’s Pizza Andaz San Diego Aperto Restaurant Aqua Adventures Waterpark Art Attack Studio Arthur Murray Dance Studio Asian Art Museum Ask Artistic Destination George Atkinson Marcio and Lisa Avillez Bruce and Lori Bainton Jennifer Baker Nirmala Bandrapalli Mark and Sandra Barrolaza Bay Area Electric Railroad Association Bay City Bike Rentals and Tours Bay Watch Restaurant Duff and Emily Beach Beach Blanket Babylon Helena Becerra Nelson Becerra and Darcie Harper Jessica Beebe Being Yoga Bel Mateo Bowl Belmont Iceland Marci Benson Kristin Bergman Berkeley Repertory Theater Ron and Nina Berkovits Brian and Jenifer Beswick Bohannan Foundation Teresa Boland Books Inc. Lisa Borgeson Ralph and Amy Brenner Broadway by the Bay Amber Brosnan Deborah Brown Tom and Jennifer Bruno Buck’s of Woodside Buckley Educational Group Buddy Club (Randall Museum) Burlingame Education Association Burlingame Historical Society Burlingame Optical City of Burlingame Department of Parks & Recreation Burlingame Scottish Rite Bodies Butler for Hire Joseph Sciascia Caffé Roma Jack Calandra Calistoga Inn Restaurant and Brewery James and Jennifer Callahan Camp Galileo Bernadette Canniffe Dennis and Julie Carlson Shannon Casey Champion Summer Camp Sherman and Dori Chan Charles M. Schulz Museum & Research Center Jamie and Katherine Cheng Children’s Discovery Museum of San Jose Children’s Fairyland Children’s Musical Theater Nikki Chung Cinnabar City Lights Theater Company Don and Perissa Clark Geoffrey and Rachael Clarke Classic Kids Photography Coastside Photography Noah and Lorraine Cohen Paul Coleman Trevor and Frances Collins ColorPrint Donna Colson Contemporary Jewish Museum Matthew and Anne Cosenza Larry and Kay Coskey Paul Cousineau and Christine Thorsteinson Crepevine Crocker Art Museum CrossFit Burlingame Agustin de la Calle and Lesley Stolz De Young Museum SF Jerry and JoAnn Deal Malea DeNatale-Bonk Jim and Suzy Denney Derma Solutions The Skin Spa Designworks Destination Science Alex Di Cesare Doerr Studios Frank and Birgit Dommen Judy Donovan Sarah Douglass Ron and Davina Drabkin Dream Dinners Dreiling Terrones Architecture Inc., Construction Management Division Phil Dur and Tina Clarke Edventure More Camp Edmo/ Camp EdTech Electronic Arts Elements Landscape, Inc. Embassy Suites Lake Tahoe Hotel and Ski Resort Eric Brand Furniture Euro Nail Spa Gregory and Cathy Everson Eyelevel (Enopi) Mark Ezersky and Elaine Date Rick and Jill Fair Caryn Fairlie Fairmont Sonoma Mission Inn and Spa David and Maria Farber Maria Farber Craig Fawcett Sandra Feder Sara Feinberg Filoli Fish Market Restaurant Kathryn Fisher Kerry Fitzpatrick Lisa and Alex Flagg Darci Fletchall Andy and Marni Fligel Chuck Fontana and Jennifer Johnson Tania Forrest Darcy Forsell Beth Francesconi Franklin Elementary School Nancy Fraser Fregosi Flowers Fun-Faar Andrea Gailunas Juan and Renee Gala Alexandra Galanter Genesis Photography Joe and Julie Gilmartin Girard Winery Give Me Five Rahat Glass-Hussain Yuri Goda GoKart Racing Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District Cristos and Liz Goodrow Jean Gordon Kathleen Goss Gray’s Paint David Greene and Beatrice Burke Kelly Greer Alma Grossman Mark and Laura Gschwind Florence Guesdon Cathy Guglielmi Judy Gum Gymboree Christina Habelt Habelt’s Auto Service James and Jacqueline Haggarty Sue Hamilton Erin Hansen Chris Haroun and Christine Murad-Haroun Scott and Jana Harvey Kirk and Francisca Hawkins Scott and Stacey Hawley Jennifer Hayden Hearst Castle and National Geographic Theater Teresa Hei Jessica Herrin Michael and Abbie Higashi Jeffrey Hilbert and Danica Barron Hillbarn Theater Hobee’s California Restaurants Mary Hockridge Isako Hoshino Ilka Hosking Alan Huey and Jacqueline Chan Brian Huff and Laura Dox Hyatt Hotels and Resorts David Hyman and Michelle Goller iFly SF Bay In-N-Out Burgers Infineon Raceway inSite Design David and Sue Istock Leena Jadhav Orion and Simona Jankowski Brad and Claudia Jenkins Simon Jones and Julia McMillian-Jones Joshua Ets-Hokin Photography Junior Gym Kathy’s Kreative Kakes Michele Kearney Keller Williams Ed and Kathy Kelloff Erika Kelly Heather Kennedy Kern’s Fine Jewelry Jay and Lisa Kershner Tom and Tammy Kiely Sarah Kingsbury Gene Kinney Kim Koivisto Suneil Koliwad and Leena Jadhav Eric and Lisa Kreft Kristin Dokoza Photography Kumon of Burlingame Jadine Kuwahara La Residence Country Inn Claudia Lachance Gregory and Rose Land Tim and Adelpha Larkin Dermott and Kathleen Larkin Laser Quest Leanne Lash Gregg and Janet Lavine Rob and Jessica Lawson Le Reve Salon Learning with Lindsay Ann Lee-Karlon Legoland Craig and Kristy LeGrande Jay Leslie and Tanya Drake Julie Liang Tony and Jennifer Lin Lincoln Elementary School Lindsay Wildlife Museum Jerome and Kerry Liu Tiffany Liu Amy Locke Pamela Lorence Lou Himenes Steven and Courtney Love Todd Lowpensky and Cinda Bailey Doug and Heather Luftman Lawrence and Heather Lustig Steve and Melissa Macko Tam Madden Kerry Mahrer Fady and Karen Malik Marin Theatre Company Marina’s Sewing and Fashion Design School Marine Science Institute Mary Nobriga Skin Care Steve and Kimarie Matthews Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca Blake and Sari McConnell John and Lara McDonald McKinley Elementary School Shawn McNamara and Vicki Ho Norma Medina Jean-Louis Robadey and Melanie Janin Joe Mendoza and Wendy McArdle Millbrae Dance Academy Nancy Miller Mistral Restaurant & Bar Perry Mizota Mollie Stone’s Moonraker Mountain Play Association Music at Kohl Mansion Richard and Renee Navarro Matt and Stacy Nawrocki Paul Nelson and Cathleen Pearson Nothing But Hoops Kevin and Alix O’Brien Oakland East Bay Symphony Oil Stop, Inc. Old Faithful Geyser of California Nvard Orchanian Laurie Orosco Robin Orsi Sandra Osumi Debbie Ovadia Yasuhiro and Tomoko Oyama Oyoma Karate Pacific Athletic Club Peninsula Gymnastics Peninsula Jewish Community Center Peninsula Pet Resort Peninsula Swim School Lynn Pescherine Petrified Forest Nicholas and Erika Pianim Piazza Italia Cafe Pier 39 Limited Partnership Jane Pine Ken and Kim Pitzer Eugene Podkaminer and Erica Carmel Matt and Lori Potter Spencer and Corrie Punter Que SeRaw SeRaw Roman and Lily Quisol Holli Rafferty Michele Redalen Jeff Reed and Elisa Lee Sharon Reichow Anna Reinisch Reposturing Dynamics Chester Rice and Paola Lancellotti Michelle Riley Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Heather Roberts Ginger Roehrig Bob and Colaine Roepke Skip Roncal and Eve Saltman Roosevelt Elementary School Kimberly Rosales Kate Rosenquist Melody Roset Rosewood Sand Hill Doug Ross and Sue Runyan Mike Ross and Kate Phillips Round Pond Estate Alex Rowland and Lisa Becerra Diane Russell Safeway, Inc. Rodrigo and Colleen Salas Sam Malouf San Francisco Giants San Jose Giants San Mateo Gymnastics Amy Sanford Sarah Oliver Handbags Eric and Lauren Schlezinger John W. Schulz, DDS, Inc. Scott Harvey Wines Sea Bowl Seymour Marine Discovery Center Sibby’s Cupcakery Ford and Cindy Sibley Paul and Jenese Sieben Sierra Nevada Recreation Skin Utopia Kevin and Jennifer Slaboda Lisa Smith Bryan and Anne Marie Soler Susan Solinsky Solo Bambini South City Car Wash, Inc. Pamela Spaulding Jackie Speier Richard and Amy Spencer Russ and Corey Stanley Steelhead Brewing Company Stella Alpina Osteria Loretta Stephenson Steve and Kate’s Camp Todd Sitrin John and Katie Storey David and Jennifer Sullivan Sunset Publishing Corp. Dan Sutherlin and Malinda Pauly Sylvan Learning Center Parissa Taghibagi Talbot’s Toyland John Tam and Lana Lee Julia Tang Linda Taylor The Dailey Method The Marsh The Walt Disney Museum TheatreWorks Dave and Kelly Tillman Arlene Tom Tom’s Outdoor Furniture Leslie Tong Tom Treanor and Audrey Tse Trina Turk Trio Salon Francis and Felicity Tse Wendi Upchurch Irena Vaksman, DDS Lindsay and Andrea Van Voorhis Judy Vina Vintage Aircraft Company Vintner’s Collective Virgin America Jonathan and Maarit Visbal Vitas and Julia Viskanta Chuck and Nana Wallace Nigel Warren and Catherine Bishop Washington Elementary School Ken and Carolyn Way WeDriveU, Inc. Wehmeyer Design and Architects Sylvia and Mark Weiler Brad and Julie Wilson Winchester Mystery House Winter Lodge Jonathan and Linda Wolin Jim Wunderlich Maria Yeager Elaine Yee Jeff Yoder and Lisa Dyer Yoga at Change Yosemite Mountain Sugar Pine Railroad Ron and Pam Zaragoza Business Sponsors 2011-12 Thank you to our volunteer driven Board of Directors who generously give their time and skills as board members or committee members. 2012-13 BCE Board Members & Staff 2011-12 BCE Board Members & Staff Executive Board Executive Board President President Jennifer Slaboda Jennifer Slaboda President-Elect Executive Treasurer Emily Beach Jennifer Lin Executive Treasurer Secretary Jennifer Lin Andrea Gailunas Secretary VP Business Development Andrea Gailunas Jennifer Inouye VP Business Development VP Marketing Jennifer Inouye Laura Huff Co-VPs Marketing VP Information Management Laura Huff Katie Storey Bill Crandall Co-VPs Information Management Kay Coskey Christine Thorsteinson Bill Crandall Jim Wunderlich Co-VPs Lead Donors Brian Beswick Maja Nelson Controller Jennifer Chung Gillette Direct Mail Treasurer Claudia Jenkins Jennifer Chung Gillette Direct Mail Treasurer Claudia Jenkins Webmaster Chair Jim Wunderlich New Family Co-Chairs BIS Site Co-Chairs Liz Goodrow Melissa Macko Franklin Site Co-Chairs Jennifer Johnson Jennifer Liebhaber Kelly Tillman Lisa Becerra Kathleen Larkin Patrons $2,500+ Boston Private Bank & Trust Co. Burlingame Scottish Rite Bodies ELM Advisors, LLC McGuire Real Estate Mills-Peninsula Health Services Wells Fargo Capital Finance Inc. Erika Kelly Malinda Pauly Katie Riggs Florence Wong Contributors | up to $749 Tim Auran Realty Burlingame Optical Coldwell Banker, Alisa Ruiz-Johnson Clean Solar, Inc. Dannis Woliver Kelley A Runners’s Mind — T. Benton Enterprises, LLC Shinnyo-En Foundation Dr. Bruce J. Snyder, DMD, Inc. Controller Nina Berkovits Tina Clarke Dur Elisa Lee 2012 Spirit Run Title Sponsor | $20,000 Palo Alto Medical Foundation — Mills Peninsula Division Sponsors | $750+ Alain Pinel Realtors of Burlingame Alain Pinel Realtors of Sunnyvale Alain Pinel, Ellen Mazzoni Alain Pinel, Chris McGuire Alain Pinel Realtors, Judy Meuschke Alain Pinel, Alisa Ruiz-Johnson Broadway Pharmacy Burlingame Education Association City National Bank CiminoCare, Burlingame and Mills Estate Villas Colorprint EyeWorks of San Mateo Gold Medal Family Centers Johnson Construction Kelly Moore Paint Company, Inc. Recology Redwood Debris Box Services, Inc. Safeway, Inc. Timberline Tree Service Inc. TRG Architects, Inc. Trina Turk United Health Credit Union Emily Beach Brian Beswick New Family Co-Chairs Lincoln Site Co-Chairs Scholars | $1,500+ Eyelevel (Enopi) Dreiling Terrones Architecture, Inc. Nino’s Hardwood Floors Putnam Dealer Group Co-VPs Lead Donors Board of Directors Board of Directors Thank you to our BCE business sponsors who supported our organization in various ways, including participating in advertising programs, underwriting events, and charitable cash donations. | co-VPs Outreach Sandra Barrolaza Jeanette Calandra Kendra Wehmeyer McKinley Site Co-Chairs Roosevelt Site Co-Chairs Washington Site Co-Chairs Liz Goodrow Shawna Krasts Kathy Turner Committee Chairs Auction Business Solicitation Chair Julia Tang Burlingame Spirit Run Chair Amy Lennane Dinner Dance Chair Fabiola Price Graphic Design Chair Wendy Mendoza Online Auction Chair Stacy Nawrocki Nina Berkovits Tina Clarke Dur Elisa Lee Franklin Site Co-Chairs Jennifer Johnson Kelly Tillman Rachael Clarke Lincoln Site Co-Chairs Kimarie Matthews Katie Storey McKinley Site Co-Chairs Lisa Becerra Kathleen Larkin Kristen Pierce Slava Zamalin Roosevelt Site Co-Chairs Malinda Pauly Katie Riggs Washington Site Chair Bryan Soler Committee Chairs Auction Business Solicitation Chair Julia Tang Auction Chair Nicole Johnson Dinner Dance Chair Lisa Kershner Dinner Dance Sponsorship Chair Judy Gum Direct Mail Chair Kathy Symanski Graphic Design Chair Wendy Mendoza Read-A-Thon Chair Catherine Wright Staff Staff Executive Director Executive Director Andrea Capozzoli Administrative Assistant Felicia Ng Nicole Johnson Post Office Box 1 1 7730 Burlingame, California 9401 1 -7730 650.766.8969 | | [email protected] 2013 Important Dates January 14-20th: Read-A-Thon March 2nd: Dinner Dance/Auction June 30th: Annual Giving Campaign ends BCE thanks Colorprint for generously underwriting the annual report. We take pride in our Burlingame Schools! Franklin Elementary Lincoln Elementary McKinley Elementary Roosevelt Elementary Washington Elementary Burlingame Intermediate School Design donated by Janet Lavine Photography donated by Gregg Lavine Photography |
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