Nacrt plana podele društva
Nacrt plana podele društva
DVOJEZIČNI DOKUMENT – VERZIJA NA SRPSKOM I ENGLESKOM JEZIKU BILINGUAL DOCUMET – SERBIAN AND ENGLISH VERSIONS “KAVIM-JEDISTVO”DOO NADZORNI ODBOR Br.11/3 Vranje, dana 30.03..2012.god. KAVIM-JEDINSTVO DOO SUPERVISORY BOARD Number: 11/3 Place and date: Vranje, March 30th 2012 Na osnovu člana 489, 491.i 492.i dr. Zakona o privrednim društvima i na osnovu člana 85. Osnivačkog akta “Kavim-Jedinstvo”DOO, Vranje, Nadzorni odbor društva je dana 30.03.2012. usvojio sledeći Acting in accordance with Articles 489, 491 and 492 etc. of the Companies Law, and also based on Article 85 of the Foundation Deed of “Kavim-Jedinstvo” DOO, Vranje, the Supervisory Board has adopted the following Draft Plan as of March 30th 2012 N A CR T PLANA PODELE DRUŠTVA D RAFT PLAN OF COMPANY’S SEPARATION I OSNOVNE ODREDBE I BASIC PROVISIONS Član 1. Nacrtomplana podele regulišu se sva pitanja u postupku statusne promene Izdvajanja uz osnivanje privrednog društva, u skladu sa odredbama Zakona o privrednim društvima, odredbama osnivačkih akata kao i odredbama ovog Plana podele, i to: Article 1. The Draft Plan of Company’s separation regulates all of the issues arising from the status change of spin-off demerger accompanied by a formation of a new company, all in accordance with provisions of the Companies Law, as well as provisions of foundations deeds and provisions of this Draft Plan, as follows: 1.Predmet statusne promene 2.cilj i uslovi statusne promene 3.osnovni kapital Društva 4.imovina Društva 5.poslovno ime Društva nastalog odvajanjem 6.dan obračuna izdvajanja 7.registrovani osnovnikapital 8.obaveštenje 9.srazmera zamena udela 10.postupak zamene udela 11.registracija 12.postupak izdvajanja 13.pravne posledice 14.prava i obaveze članova 15.nesaglasni članovi društva 16.prava poverilaca 17.zabrane 18.upis prava svojine na nepokretnostima 19.zaposleni 20.organi društava 21.zastupanje društva nastalog odvajanjem 22.posebna prava 23.završne odredbe 1. subject of status change 2. objecitve and terns of status change 3. share capital of the Company 4. Company assets 5. business name of the spun-off Company 6. accounting date of spin-off 7. recorded shares capital 8. information 9. substitution of share 10. procedure of substituting share 11. registration 12. procedure of spin-off 13. legal consequences 14. rights and duties of Company members 15. opposing members of the Company 16. creditors’ rights 17. waivers 18. recording lien on real estate 19. employees 20. Companies’ organs 21. representation of spun-off Company 22. special rights 23. final provisions II PREDMET STATUSNE PODELE II SUBJECT OF STATUS CHANGE Član 2. Predmet ove statusne promene je izdvajanje dela imovine Društva prenosioca koje nastavlјa sa obavlјanjem delatnosti i prenos dela imovine i obaveza na društvo sticaoca koje se osniva tom imovinom, radi sprovođenja statusne promene Izdvajanja uz osnivanje privrednog društva “KAVIM-JEDINSTVO”DOO Vranje, Pariske Komune br.1. MB07105380; PIB 100406001, šifra delatnosti: 4931- grаdski i prigrаdski kоpnеni prеvоz putnikа (u dalјem tekstu „društvo prenosilac“),koje nastavlјa da postoji. (udalјemtekstu: Izdvajanje uz osnivanje). Izdvajanjem uz osnivanje osniva se novo društvo, i to: „Kavim-Jedinstvo 017“ DOO sa sedištem u Vranju, ul.Pariske Komune br. 1, (udalјemtekstu: Društvo sticalac). Izdvajanjem uz osnivanje Društvo prenosilac prenosi prava i obaveze određene ovim planom na Društvo sticaoca, uklјučujući i deo osnovnog kapitala, na način predviđen ovim ugovorom. Član3. Radi sprovođenja statusne promene Izdvajanja uz osnivanje privrednog društva, Društvo prenosilac priprema sledeća akta i dokumenta: -Odluku o sprovođenju statusne promene Izdvajanja uz osnivanje privrednog društva, Nacrt plana podele, deobni bilans, predlog odluke o izmeni osnivačkog akta društva prenosioca, predlog osnivačkog akta društva sticaoca, sačinjava spisak članova društva-postoji samo jedan član, sačinjava spisak zaposlenih u društvu prenosioca čiji se radni odnos nastavlјa u društvu sticaoca; -Društvo prenosilac, overava odobreni Plan podele kod nadležnog suda, objavlјuje Plan podele na svom sajtu i sajtu APR-u, pisanim obaveštenjem lično obaveštva svakog poverioca sa preko 2.000.000,00dinara potraživanja od društva i registruje statusnu promenu Izdvajanja uz osnivanje privrednog društva u APR-u. Član4. Društvo koje sprovodi statusnu promenu konstatuje: -da izveštaj revizora iz članač.3. i izveštaj direktora iz člana tač.4. Zakona, nisu potrebni jer se jedini član društva koje vrši statusnu promenu saglasio da se ti izveštaji ne sačinjavaju. -Da u skladu sa članom 491. st.5. Zakona o privrednim društvima, ovaj Plan ne podleže reviziji od strane Revizora na osnovu saglasnosti jedinog člana društva da se revizija ne vrši. Article 2. The subject of this status change is the spin-off of a part of the property of the Assignor Company which continues operation and the assignment of one part of the assets and liabilities to the Assignee Company, which is created with the received assets therein, in order to conduct the status change of spin-off with the setting up of the Company “KAVIM-JEDINSTVO”DOO Vranje, Pariske Komune br.1. Reg.No.07105380; Tax ID No.100406001, code of activity: 4931- transportation of passengers in city and suburban lines (hereinafter: the Assignor), which continues to exist (hereinafter: spin-off demerger). By performing the spin-off demerger, a new Company is formed, namely “Kavim-Jedinstvo 017“ DOO with the registered head office in Vranje, at Pariske Komune 1, (hereinafter: The Assignee). By performing the spin-off demerger, the Assignor transfers the rights and obligations as defined by this plan to the Assignee, including the part of the shares capital, in the manner specified by the Agreement therein. Article3. In order to perform the status change of spin-off demerger, the Assignor undertakes to prepare the following deeds and documents: -Decision on performing the status change of spin-off demerger of the Company, Draft Plan of Company separation, the separation balance sheet, draft decision on amendments to the foundation deed of the Assignor, a draft foundation deed of the Assignee, a list of members of the Company-there is only one member, a list of employees of the Assignor Company whose employment will be continued in the Assignee Company; -The Assignor must verify the approved Plan of Separation with the court in charge, and must also publish the Plan of Separation at their website and website of the Business Registers Agency, and also communicate written information to all and any creditors owed more than RSD 2,000,000.00 by the Company, registering the status change of spin-off demerger with the Business Registers Agency. Article4. The Company performing the status change therein herewith concludes: -that the report by the auditor from Article 491, Item 1, Point 3 and the general manager’s report from Article 491, Item1, Point 4 of the Law are not necessary, given the fact that the only member of the Company undergoing the status change has agreed not to have these reports compiled. -that pursuant to Article 491, Item 5 of the Companies Law, this Plan is not subject to audit by the Auditor, since the sole member of the Company has agreed not to require the audit to be performed. III. OBJECTIVE AND TERMS OF THE STATUS CHANGE III. CILJ I USLOVI STATUSNE PROMENE Član 5 Cilj statusne promene: -povećanje ekonomičnost poslovanja. Društvo će to ostvariti racionalizacijom broja zaposlenih i umanjenjem fiskalnih obaveza za porez na imovinu drugo, koji prelaze na novo društvo sticaoca. -poboljšanje efikasnosti društva koje nastavlja da radi. Usmeravanjem planskih aktivnosti na osnovnu delatnost uz bolje korišćenje svih raspoložovih potencijala, voznog parka i zaposlenih. -Zaštita osnovne delatnosti prevoz u drumskom saobraćaju. Trajno opredeljenje da se društvo bavi delatnošću prevoza putnika uz bolju organizaciju potpunij koncetracija sredstava društva. Article 5 Objectives of the status change are: -to increase the economical efficiency of operation, which the Company will achieve by rational readjustment of the number of employees and reducing fiscal obligations for property tax, which will be transferred to the Assignee. -Improving the efficiency of the Company that continues the operation, by redirecting the planned activities of operation, making a better use of all the available resources, the fleet and the employees. -protecting the basic activity of road transportation of passengers, with a permanent commitment of the Company to deal in the transportation of passengers, and also with a better organisation of activities and a more focused utilisation of the Company resources. -expansion of the activities of the Company founder in Serbia, by converting the share of the owner of the Assignor to the share in the Assignee, in the 1: 1 ratio. -proširenje delatnosti osnivača u Srbiji. Konverzijom udela, vlasnika društva prenosioca za udele u društvo sticaoca u srazmeri 1: 1. Uslovi pod kojima se vrši statusna promena su redovni i uobičajeni. Društvo nastavlja da posluje redovno angažovanjem svih vozila sa zaposlenima kojima nije preuzet ugovor o radu od strane društva sticaoca. The terms under which the status change is performed are regular and typical. The Company continues its regular operation, deploying all of the vehicles and the employees whose employment contract has not been taken over by the Assignee. IV. IV. OSNOVNI KAPITAL DRUŠTVA Član6. (1) Osnovni capital Društva prenosioca upisan u registru kod Registra privrednih subjekata iznosi: • Novčani kapital - 4.824.125,4600 EUR, (2) Osnovni capital Društva prenosioca biće podelјen posle izdvajanja uz osnivanje tako da iznosi: - u Društvu prenosiocu: • Novčani kapital - 469.513.288,02RSD odnosno __________,00 EUR, • Nenovčani kapital __________,00 RSD odnosno __________,00 EUR; Osnovni kapital Društva prenosioca čini udeo jedinog člana od 100%. - u Društvu sticaocu nastalom osnivanjem: • Novčani kapital-293.576.354,35RSD odnosno ________,__ EUR, •Nenovčani kapital - ____________RSD odnosno _________,__ EUR; Osnovni kapital Društva sticaoca čini udeo jedinog člana SHARES CAPITAL OF THE COMPANY Article6. (1) The shares capital of the Assignor, as recorded in the Companies Register amounts to: • cash capital - EUR 4,824,125.4600, (2) The shares capital of the Assignor will be divided after the spin-off demerger, so that it amounts to: - in the Assignor: • cash capital - RSD 469,513,288.02, equalling EUR __________.00, • non-cash capital RSD __________.00 , equalling EUR __________.00; The shares capital of the Company was made of the 100% share of the sole member of the Company. - in the founded Assignee: • cash capital – RSD 293,576,354.35, equalling EUR ________.__ , •non-cash capital - RSD ____________, equalling EUR _________.__; The shares capital of the Assignee is made of 100% share of the sole member of the Company. od 100%. V. COMPANY ASSETS V. IMOVINA DRUŠTVA Article7. By performing the spin-off demerger, the Assignor transfers to the Assignee certain assets, such as the right of ownership and other rights, including a part of the receivables, obligations and liabilities. Član7. Društvo prenosilac prenosi na Društvo sticaoca izdvajanjem određena imovinska dobra kao što je pravo svojine i druga stvarna prava, uklјučujući i deo potraživanja i obaveza, kao i terete koje ima. Društvo prenosilac prenosi na društvo sticaoca deo svoje imovine i obaveza sa stanjem na dan 31.12.2011 godine, uz zamenu udela društva prenosica za udele društva sticaoca. Društvo prenosilac nastavlјa da postoji pod istim imenom “KAVIM-JEDINSTVO” DOO Vranje. Član 8. Nakon registracije postupka Izdvajanja uz osnivanje kod registra za registraciju privrednih subjekata, društvo koje nastaje statusnom promenom posluje u skladu sa svojim osnivačkim aktom. U roku od 30 dana od dana upisa promene u Registar privrednih subjekata izvršiće se popis imovine društva prenosioca i društva sticaoca i sravnjenje tako utvrđenog stanja sa stanjem u poslovnim knjigama Društva prenosioca. VI. POSLOVNO IME DRUŠTVA NASTALOG ODVAJANJEM Član9. Puno poslovno ime Društva sticaoca glasi:društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću“KAVIM-JEDINSTVO 017” Vranje Skraćeno poslovno ime Društva sticaoca: “KAVIMJEDINSTVO 017” DOO Vranje. Član10. Sedište Društva sticaoca nalazi se na adresi Vranje, ul.Pariske komune br.1. Poslovni podaci i drugo, za društvo koje nastaje statusnom promenom pod poslovnim imenom “KAVIMJEDISTVO”DOO Vranje, uređuju se osnivačkim aktom. Član 11. Pretežna delatnost kojom će se društvo sticaoc baviti je promet i izdavanja sopstvanih nepokretnosti. Društvo može obavlјati i druge delatnosti, uklјučujući i spolјno trgovinsku delatnost, ako za to ispunjava uslove predviđene zakonom. The Assignor transfers onto the Assignee a part of its assets and liability as of 31st December 2011, substituting a share of the Assignor for shares of the Assignee. The Assignor continues to exist under the same name, “KAVIM-JEDINSTVO”DOO Vranje. Article8. After registering the spin-off demerger with the Business Register, the Company that is created in the process of the status change therein will start operation in accordance with its foundation deed. Within 30 days from the day of registration with the Companies Register, an inventory of property of the Assignor and the Assignee will be performed, synchronising the actual balance with the balance in the business books of the Assignor. VI. BUSINESSNAME OF THE COMPANY CREATED IN THE SPIN-OFF DEMERGER Article9. The full business name of the Assignee is: Društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću“KAVIMJEDINSTVO 017” Vranje The short business name of the Assignee is: “KAVIM-JEDINSTVO 017”DOO Vranje. Article10. The registered head office of the Assignee is at the following address: Vranje, Pariske komune 1. Business and other elements for the Company that is created in the status change therein, under the business name of “KAVIM-JEDISTVO” DOO Vranje, will be regulated by the foundation deed. Article 11. The predominant activity that the Assignee will deal in will be trade in and rental of its own real estate property. The Company can perform other activities, including foreign trade, provided it fulfils the legal requirements for this. VII. VII. DAN OBRAČUNA IZDVAJNJA Član12. ACCOUNTING DATE OF SPIN-OFF Article12. The accounting date of the spin of is 31st December 2011. Dan obračuna izdvajanja je 31.12.2011.godine. Član13. Od dana obračuna izdvajanja smatraće da Društvo sticaoc poslove preuzima za svoj račun. Član14. Deo imovine i obaveza Društva prenosioca, zaklјučno sa 31.12.2011 godine (dan obračuna izdvajanja) preuzima društvo koje nastaje statusnom promenom, po bilansima (finansijskim izveštajima) zaklјučenimna taj dan. Član15. Datum završetka označava datum na koji je transakcija (statusna promena) koja je predmet ovog Plana uredno upisana u registar za registraciju privrednih subjekata. VIII OBAVEŠTAVANJE O SPROVOĐENJUSTATUSNE PROMENE Član 16. Nacrt plana podele društvo prenosilac objavlјuje na svojoj internet stranici i dostavlјa registru privrednih subjekata radi objavlјivanja na internet stranici tog registra najkasnije mesec dana pre dana održavanja sednice skupštine na kojoj se donosi odluka o statusnoj promeni. Nacrt plana podele društva mora biti objavlјen i na internet stranici registra neprekidno najmanje 60 dana od dana održavanja sednice skupštine na kojoj je doneta odluka o statusnoj promeni, a pristuptim nacrtima biće omogućen svim zainteresovanim licima bez obaveze identifikacije ibeznaknade. Obaveštenje članovima društva o vremenu i mestu gde mogu izvršiti uvid u dokumente i akte nije obavezno. Objavlјivanjem nacrta plana podele smatra se da su i poverioci društva obavešteni o statusnoj promeni. Article13. From the day that is taken as the accounting date of the spin-off, the Assignee will be operating for its own account. Article14. One part of the assets and liabilities of the Assignor, as of 321st December 2011 (the accounting date of the spin-off) will be taken by the Company created in the status change, based on the balances (financial reports) concluded as per this date. Article15. The completion date is the date on which the transaction (status change) that is the subject of this Plan has been duly registered with the Companies Register. VIII INFORMATION CONCERNING THE PERFORMANCE OF THE STATUS CHANGE Article 16. The Assignor will publish the Draft Plan of the Separation, supplying the same Plan to the Business Register, so that it can be published on the Register's web pages not later than a month prior to holding the meeting of the company assembly wherein the decision of the status change is to be made. Draft Plan of the Company separation must be published on the web pages of the Companies Register for at least 60 days in a continuation, starting from the day of the assembly meeting wherein the corresponding decision on the status change was passed, while at the same time all and any interested parties will be allowed access to the draft documents free of charge and with no obligation to provide identification. It is not mandatory to supply the information to the members of the Company regarding the time and the place where they can review the documents related to the status change. It will be considered that the creditors of the Company have been informed about the status change with the publication of the draft Plan of separation.. IX. IX. POSTUPAK ZAMENE UDELA Član 17. Član društva stiče udeo u društvu srazmerno nominalnoj vrednosti uloga. U skladu sa оvim plаnоm, izvršiće se zamena vlasništva nad udelom društva prenosioca za vlasništvo u društvo sticaoca, tako da će član Društva prenosioca steći jednak udeo, dodelom na osnovu svog učešća u kapitalu društva sticaoca. Član 18. Skupština Društva koje vrši statusnu promenu na SUBSTITUTION OF SHARE Article 17. A member of the Company gains a share in the Company in proportion with the nominal value of the investment. Acting in accordance with this Plan, ownership over one part of the Assignor will be substituted for the part ownership in the Assignee, so that the member of the Assignor will gain an equal share in the capital of the Assignee, based on the participation share. Article 18. The Assembly of the Company performing the status change will hold a meeting to approve the Draft Plan of separation and in the same meeting the Assembly will sednici na kojoj se odlučuje o odobrenju Nacrta ovog plana podele, usvojiće i Odluka o smanjenju osnovnog kapitala. Društvo prenosioc podneće prijavu Agencijiza privredne registre radiupisa smanjenja osnovnog kapitala Društva prenosioca. Član 19. Društvo prenosilac prenosi imovinu na društvo sticaoca u iznosu od 285.282.556.60 dinara (specifikacija imovine sa opisom nalazi se u prilogu plana) i obaveze u ukupnom iznosu od 5.001.017,08 dinara. Nakon sprovedenog postupka izdvajanja, osnovni kapital (nominalna vrednost) Društva sticaoca iznosi ukupno 285.282.556.60 dinara koji čini jedan udeo, obzirom da je društvo jednočlano. Član20. Član Društva koje prenosi deo imovine i obaveza izdvajanjem, ostvaruje pravo na udeo u Društvu sticaoca u srazmeri iz ovog plana bez prava na novčanu naknadu. Član21. Društvo prenosilac u skladu sa knjigovodstvenom procenom vrednosti kapitala i u skladu sa odredbama Zakona o privrednim društvima na dan obračuna izdvajanja, vrši zamenu udela Društva koje prenosi deo imovine, za udele Društva sticaoca vršina sledeći način: -deo udela Društva prenosioca ukupne nominalne vrednosti od 285.282.556.60 dinara zameniće se za isti udeo Društva sticaoca, iste nominalne vrednosti, u odnosu 1:1, tako da se članu Društva koje prenosi deo imovine za deo (1) udela tog Društva, dodeli jedan (1) deo udela Društva sticaoca; Nakon što Skupština akcionara Društava u postupku izdvajanja donese odluku kojom odobrava ovaj Plan i APR donese Rešenje o registraciji Izdvajanja uz osnivanje privrednog društva “KAVIM-JEDINSTVO 017”DOO iz Vranja izvrši će se zamena udela. approve Decision regulating the decrease of shares capital. The Assignor will submit an application to the Business Registers Agency, demanding the reduction of the shares capital of the Assignor to be duly recorded. Article 19. The Assignor transfers the assets to the Assignee in the amount of RSD 285,282,556.60 (a specification and description of the assets is enclosed with this Plan) as well as liabilities in the total amount of RSD 5,001,017.08. After completing the spin-off demerger, the shares capital (its nominal value) of the Assignee will amount to a total of RSD 285,282,556.60, all of which represents a single stock, since the Company includes a single member. Article20. The member of the Company that assigned a part of assets and liabilities through the spin-off demerger, gains the right to a share in the Assignee Company, which is proportional to the scheme presented in this Plan and does not include any financial compensation. Article21. Based on the accounting evaluation of the capital value and the provisions of the Companies Law as applied as of the accounting date of the spin-off, the Assignor performs the substitution of the part held in the Assignor, for the part that will be held in the Assignee, in the following way: -the part of the share in the Assignor, in the total nominal value of RSD 285,282,556.60, will be substituted for the same share of the Assignee, having an equal nominal value, in the 1:1 ratio, so that the member of the Company assigning a part of the assets representing one (1) part of the share in this Company, is granted one (1) part of the share in the Assignee; The substitution of the shares will be done after the shareholders assembly of the Companies involved in the spin-off demerger makes a decision approving this Plan and after the Business Registers Agency makes a decision on registration of the spin-off demerger and setting up the “KAVIM-JEDINSTVO 017”DOO company from Vranje. X REGISTRATION OF SHARE X. REGISTRACIJE UDELA Član22. Odluka o zameni udela Društva prenosioca za udeo Društva sticaoca, proizvodi pravno dejstvo od dana registracij statusne promene izdvajanja kod Agencije za privredne registre. Article22. The decision to substitute the share of the Assignor for a share of the Assignee will take legal effect from the day of registering the status change of spin-off with the Business Registers Agency. Registration of the status change cannot be performed Registracija statusne promene ne moze se vršiti pre isteka roka od 30 dana od dana stupanja na snagu plana podele. Član23. Udeo Društva koje vrši statusnu promenu, izdvaja se idodelјuje društvu sticaoca u skladu sa odredbama ovog Plana. prior to expiry of the 30 days’ deadline after the Plan of separation has taken effect. Article23. The share of the Company performing the status change will be taken out and assigned to the Assignee, in accordance with the provisions of this Plan. XI XI PROCEDURE OF SPIN-OFF POSTUPAK IZDVAJANJA Član 24. Ovim Planom se konstatuje da je director društva koje vrši statusnu promenu, sačinio pisani izveštaj sa objašnjenjem Plana podele društva izdvajanjem uz osnivanje, u skladu sa Zakonom o privrednim društvima koji nije sastavni deo statusne promene. Article 24. This Plan establishes that the general manager of the Company undergoing the status change has compiled a written report containing an explanation of the Plan for separation of the Company through the spin-off demerger, all in accordance with the Companies Law, that does not represent an integral part of the status change thereof. Član 25. Nacrt ovog Plana dostavlјen je APR i objavlјen je u skladu sa Zakonom kojim se uređuje registracija privrednih subjekata i to 30. Dana pre dana određenog za održavanje skupština akcionara društva. Article 25. A copy of this draft Plan has been submitted to the Business Registers Agency and has been published in accordance with the Law that regulates the registration of businesses, 30 days from the date of holding the meeting of the shareholders assembly of the Company. Član 26. Ovim Planom se konstatuje da je Društva koje prenosi deo imovine u prostorijama svog sedišta omogućila članovima, najkasnije 30 dana pre dana održavanja skupštine društva koja treba da odluči o izdvajanja, uvid u isprave i to: Article 26. This Plan establishes that the Company assigning a part of its assets has enabled the members of the Company, within at least 30 days from the day of holding the assembly meeting to make the decision regarding the spin off, to visit the head office of the Company and review the relevant documents, as follows: •draft plan of separation in the performing the status change of spin –off demerger •decision to amend the foundation deed of the Assignor •proposal of the foundation deed of the Assignee •report by the general manager of the company performing the spin-off demerger •proposal concerning substitution of share •written statement by President of Supervisory Board of the Company performing the status change, confirming the fulfilment of mandatory direct information to known creditors owed more than RSD 2,000,000.00 by the Company, all in accordance with Article 497 of the Law. •nacrtplana podele u postupku statusne promene izdvajanja •odluku o izmeni osnivačkog akta idruštva prenosioca •predlog osnivačkog akta idruštva sticaoca •izveštaj direktora društava koje sprovodi izdvajanje •predlog odluke o zameni udela •pismenu izjavu predsednika nadzornog odbora društva koje vrši statusnu promenu o tome da je izvršena obaveza upućivanja ličnog obaveštenja poveriocima koji su poznati, a čije potraživanje iznosi najmanje 2.000.000,00 dinara u smislu člana 497. Zakona. XII PRAVNE POSLEDICE IZDVAJANJA XII LEGAL CONSEQUENCES OF SPIN-OFF Član 27. Konstatuje se da registracijom izdvajanja nastupaju pravne posledice utvrđene odredbama člana 505. Zakona o privrednim društvima i to: Article 27. It is hereby concluded that with the registration of the spinoff demerger, the legal consequences prescribed by Article 505 of the Companies Law will take full effect, as follows: 1)deo imovine i obaveza društva prenosioca prelaze na 1) a part of assets and liabilities of the Assignor will be društvo sticaoca, u skladu sa Planom podele društva; 2) član društva prenosioca postaje član društva sticaoca, tako što se njegovi udeli, zamenjuju udelima u društvu sticaocu, u skladu sa planom podele; 3) zaposleni u društvu prenosiocu koji su planom podele raspoređeni u društvo sticaoca nastavlјaju da rade u tom društvu u skladu sa propisima o radu; 4) druge posledice u skladu sa zakonom. Izuzetno od stava 1. tačka 1) ovog člana, u pogledu stvari i prava čiji je prenos uslovlјen upisom u javne knjige, odnosno pribavlјanjem određenih saglasnosti ili odobrenja, prenoste imovine na društvo sticaoca vrši se tim upisom na osnovu plana podele, odnosno pribavlјanjem tih saglasnosti ili odobrenja. Izuzetno od stava 1. tačka 2) istava 3. tačka 3) ovog člana, solidarna odnosno supsidijarna odgovornos društva sticaoca neće postojati u pogledu potraživanja za koje je poverilac u skladu sa odredbama člana 509. Ovog zakona ostvario pravo na odgovarajuću zaštitu. XIII transferred onto the Assignee, all in accordance with the Plan of the separation of the Company; 2) the member of the Assignor will become member of the Assignee, by substituting its share in the Assignor for a share in Assignee, in accordance with the Plan thereof; 3) employees in the Assignor that have been allocated to the Assignee in accordance with the Plan, will continue their employment in the new company, in accordance with the labour regulations; 4) other consequences prescribed by the law. Excluded from item 1., point 1) of this Article, regarding the material items and rights the transfer of which is subject to proper registration in the public registers, i.e. which can only be performed based on the provision of certain authorisations or approvals, the transfer of this kind of property to the will be in the form of the proper registration thereof, based on the Plan of separation, i.e. based on the obtained approvals and authorisations. Excluded from item 1. point 2) and item 3. point 3) of this Article, there will be no joint or subsidiary responsibility of the Assignee, concerning any claims that a creditor makes rightfully and based on the granted protection, in accordance with the provisions of Article 509. of this Law. PRAVA I OBAVEZE ČLANA DRUŠTVA XIII Član28. Zamenom udela Društva prenosioca udelima Društva sticaoca ne menja se vlasnička struktura kapitala. član 29. Konstatuje se da članDruštva koji prenosi deo imovine, nije imao posebna prava po osnovu svog udela. Uvažavajući pravo srazmernosti, članDruštva koji prenosi deo imovine, a koji postaje član Društva sticaoca sa odgovarajućim udelom, ima prava i dužnosti u skladu sa Zakonom, osnivačkim aktom Društva sticaoca. Član30. Član Društva koje prenosideo imovine stiče pravo da učestvuje u dobiti društva sticaoca počevod 31.12.2011. godine, kao dana obračuna izdvajanja. XIV RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE COMPANY MEMBERS Article28. The substitution of a share of Assignor with a share in the Assignee will not change the ownership structure of the capital. Article 29. It is herewith established that the member of the Company that transfers a part of the assets was not granted any special rights based on this share. Respecting the principle of proportion, the member of the Company transferring a part of assets and thus becoming a member of the Assignee with a corresponding share, has been given the rights and duties in accordance with the Law and the foundation deed of the Assignee. Article30. The member of the Company transferring a part of assets gains the right to a share in the profit of the Assignee, starting from 31st December 2011, as the date taken as the accounting date of the spin-off. NESAGLASNIČLANOVI Član31. Nasaglasnih članova društva nema obzirom da postoji samo jedan član-jednočlano društvo,koji se saglasio da se sprovede statusna promena izdvajanja uz osnivanje jednog novog društva na koje će preneti deo svoje imovine i obaveza. XIV OPPOSING MEMBERS Article31. There are no opposing members of the Company, given the fact that there is only one member of the Company, who has consented to the status change of spin-off demerger, with setting up a new company that will receive a part of the member’s assets and liabilities. XV PRAVA POVERILACA Član32. Poverioci subjekata koji prenosi deo imovine čije je potraživanje nastalo pre registracije statusne promene u skladu sa zakonom o registracijii koji smatraju da će statusna promena u kojoj učestvuje njegov dužnik ugroziti namirenje njihovog potraživanja, mogu, u roku od 30 dana od dana objavlјivanja obaveštenja iz člana 495. zakona od strane njihovog dužnika, zahtevati dobijanje odgovarajuće zaštite. Zaštita poverilaca u smislu stava 1. Ovog člana može se obezbediti se na sledeći način: 1) davanjem obezbeđenja u vidu zaloge, jemstva i slično; 2) izmenama uslova ugovora po osnovu kog je nastalo potraživanje ili raskidom tog ugovora; 3) odvojenim upravlјanjem imovinom društva prenosioca do namirenja potraživanja; 4) preduzimanjem drugih radnji i mera koje obezbeđuju poveriocu položaj koji nije lošiji u odnosu na položaj koji je imao pre sprovođenja statusne promene. Član33. Poverilacdruštva prenosioca, odnosno društva sticaoca ima pravo da zaštitu iz predhodnog člana zahteva od svog dužnika ili od društva sticaoca, odnosno društva prenosioca samo ako je finansijska situacija društava koja učestvuju u statusnoj promen i takva da sprovođenje statusne promene ugrožava namirenje njegovog potraživanja pa je pružanje te zaštite neophodno radi obezbeđivanja položaja poverioca koji neće biti lošiji od položaja koji je imao pre sprovođenja statusne promene. Pravo da zahtevaj u zaštitu iz predhodnog člana nemaju: 1) poverioci čija potraživanja spadaju u prvi ili drugi isplatni redu smislu zakona kojim se uređuje stečaj; 2) poverioci čije je potraživanje obezbeđeno. XV CREDITORS’ RIGHTS Article32. Any creditors of the company transferring a part of its assets, whose credit claims were raised prior to the registration of the status change in accordance with the Registration Law and believing that the status change involving their debtor may endanger their credit receivables can demand that their credit be adequately secured, provided that any such demand is submitted not later than 30 days after the announcement of the status change thereof, in accordance with Article 495 of the Law. Protection of creditors in accordance with item 1 of this Article can be established by either: 1) securing the debt by providing a deposit, a lien or similar; 2) by changing the provisions of the corresponding loan contract or by terminating the loan contract thereof; 3) by separating the management of the assets of the Assignor until the debt in question has been settled; 4) by performing other actions aimed at securing the debt owed to creditors, in a manner that is not below the standard that was applied prior to the status change. Article33. A creditor of the Assignor and/or the Assignee is entitled to demand from the Assignor and/or the Assignee the protection described in the previous Article thereof, only if the financial situation of the company undergoing the status change is such that the execution of the status change therein will endanger the settlement of the debt in question, so that securing the protection is necessary in order to secure the position of the creditor that will not be below the standard of its position prior to the status change. The following parties are not entitled to protection defined in the previous Article: 1) any creditors whose claims belong to the first or second tier of payment, in accordance with the law that regulates bankruptcy procedure; 2) creditors with secured claims. XVI. ODGOVORNOST ZA ŠTETU XVI RESPONSIBILITY FOR LOSS Član 34. Članovi nadzornog odbora društva, koje učestvuje u statusnoj promeni solidarno su odgovorni članu tog društva za štetu prouzrokovanu namerno ili krajnjom nepažnjom prilikom pripreme isprovođenja statusne promene. Article 34. The members of the supervisory board of the Company undergoing the status change will bear joint responsibility for any loss that a member of the Company may suffer due to their acts of deliberate or gross negligence, during the preparation and execution of the status change thereof. Tužba za naknadu štete iz stava 1. ovog člana može biti podneta u roku od tri godine od dana objavlјivanja registracije statusne promene uskladu sa zakonom o registraciji. Poverioci koji ne budu zahtevali obezbeđenje ili namirenje potraživanja u roku iz člana 28. ovog Plana, A claim to compensate any damage from item 1 of this Article can be raised within a period of three years from the day of publishing the registration of the status change, in accordance with the law on registration. Any creditors who fail to request that they be provided with an adequate protection, or that their claim be settled within imaju pravo da u roku od šest meseci od dana objavlјivanja registracije izdvajanja, pisanim putem zahtevaju obezbeđenje nedospelih potraživanja ako učine verovatnim da se pripajanje mu ugrožava njihovo namirenje. the time frame defined in Article 28 of this Plan, can submit a written request within six months after the date of registration of spin-off, demanding that their receivables be duly secured, provided that they estimate that these may be endangered by the spin-off. Član 35. Poverioci koji imaju dovolјno obezbeđena potraživanja, kao I poverioci koji bi u stečaju imali pravo prvenstvenog namirenja nemaju prava iz člana 30. ovog Plana. Article 35. Creditors with sufficiently secured receivables, as well as creditors who have been granted priority in collecting debt in the event of bankruptcy, are not granted the rights from Article 30 of this Plan. XVII XVII ZABRANE PROHIBITIONS Član 36. Subjekat izdvajanja obavezuju se da će se uzdržati od preduzimanja bilo kojih aktivnosti koje bi mogle bitno uticati na finansijski ili poslovni status svakog društva u postupku izdvajanja, a posebno od aktivnosti promene osnovnog kapitala I drugih aktivnosti koje nisu u okviru uobičajenog poslovanja, počev od dana potpisivanja i overe ovog plana do dana donošenja rešenja Registra privrednih subjekata o izdvajanju. Article 36. The spun-off company undertakes not to engage in any activities that could significantly influence the financial and the /or business status of any of the companies involved in the spin off demerger procedure, which is especially the case with the activities concerning changes in the capital and other activities that lie outside the regular business operations of the Company, from the day of signing and verification of this Plan, to the day when the Businesses Register issues a decision on the spin-off. XVIII XVIII UPIS PRAVA SVOJINE NA NEPOKRETNOSTIMA Član 37. Društvo koje nastaje statusnom promenom je ovlašćeno da se, nakon donošenja rešenja Registra privrednih subjekata o izdvajanju, u skladu sa ovim Plan, upiše kao titular prava svojine, prava korišćenja ili bilo kojeg drugog stvarnog prava na nepokretnostima Društva prenosioca, u nadležnim javnim registrima nepokretnosti. Article 37. After the decision of the Businesses Register has been issued confirming the spin-off demerger performed in accordance with this Plan, the Company that is set up by the status change is authorised to be registered in the official real estate registers as the holder of the ownership rights, as well as the right of use and any other right concerning the real estate of the Assignor. XIX XIX EMPLOYEES ZAPOSLENI Član 38. Društvo koje nastaje statusnom promenom preuzima ugovore o radu 1 (jednog) zaposlenog koji je planom podele određen da pređe kod njega a koji je u radnom odnosu na neodređeno vreme kod Društva koje prenosi deo imovine u skladu sa Zakonom o radu i ovim nacrtom plana. Article 38. The Company that is formed in the status change will take over the employment contracts for 1 (one) employee who has been allocated to the new company – the Assignee, and who is currently permanently employed by the Assignor, based on the existing employment contract, all in accordance with the Labour Law and this draft Plan. XX XX RECORDING LIEN ON REAL ESTATE COMPANIES’ ORGANS ORGANI DRUŠTAVA Član 39. Direktoru I članovima Nadzornog odbora Društva koje prenosi deo imovine nastavlјaju da obavlјaju funkcije na koje su I zabrani, a Direktor I članovi Nadzornog odbora Društva sticaoca počinju da obavlјaju svoje funkcije od dana registracije statusne promene o izdvajanju kod Agencije za privredne registere. Article 39. The general manager and the members of the Supervisory Board of the Assignor Company will continue to perform their respective duties, while the general manager and the members of the Supervisory Board of the Assignee will start performing their respective duties as of the day when the status change of the spin off demerger is registered with the Business Registers Agency. The Assignee is organised as a two-tier management Društvo sticaoc organizovano je kao dvodomno: skupština, nadzorni odbor I direktordruštva. Delatnost skupštine Društva nastalog odvajanjem obavlјa ovlašćeni član društva. XXI. ZASTUPANJE DRUŠTVA NASTALOG ODVAJANJEM Član40. (1) Društvo nastalo odvajanjem u unutrašnjem I spolјnotrgovinskom prometu zastupa direktor sa ograničenim ovlašćenjima. (2) Za direktora Društva nastalog odvajanjem imenuje se: Nebojsa Radulovic, iz Vranja, ul. Ratka Mitrovica, br. 4 JMBG 2607972742022. XXII XXI. REPRESENTATION OF THE SPUN-OFF COMPANY Article40. (1) The spun-off Company will be represented in the national and international transactions by the general manager, having limited authorisations therein. (2) The following employee is herewith appointed as the general manager of the spun-off Company: Nebojsa Radulovic, from Vranje, living at Ratka Mitrovica 4 street, Personal ID No 2607972742022 . POSEBNA PRAVA Član41. Do dana donošenja rešenja o izdvajanju od strane Agencije za privredne registre, direktoru ili članu nadzornog odbora subjekata izdvajenja, ne konstituiše se bilo kakvo posebno pravo, putem ovog plana, osim prava sa kojima raspolažu na osnovu zakona i opštih akata. Član42. Prilog I sastavnideo Nacrta ovog Plana je Predlog odluke o izmenama I dopunama Osnivačkog akta društva prenosica I predlog Osnivačkog akta društva sticaoca. XXIII company, comprising the assembly, the supervisory board and the general manager of the Company. The authorised member of the Company will perform the function of the Company Assembly in the Assignee. ZAVRŠNE ODREDBE XXII SPECIAL RIGHTS Article41. Until the day when the spin-off demerger is registered based on a decision by the Business Registers Agency, the general manager and /or the member of the Supervisory Board of the spun-off company will not be granted any special rights by this Plan, except the rights granted based on the Law and the general acts. Article42. Enclosed with this Draft Plan as its integral part is the draft decision on the amendments and additions to the foundation deed of the Assignor Company, as well as a draft foundation deed of the Assignee. XXIII FINAL PROVISIONS Član43. Odluku o usvajanju Plana podele donosi Skupština Društva u postupku izdvajanja I potpisujuje ovlašćeno lica, pošto se dobije saglasnost Agencije za privatizaciju na postupak statusne promene. Article43. A draft decision to approve the Plan of Separation is made by the Company Assembly, within the spin-off procedure, and this decision is signed by and authorised person, following the approval of the status change by the Privatisation Agency. Član44. Ovaj Plan odvajanja može se menjati ili dopunjavati samo upisanom obliku. Article44. This Plan of separation can be amended or expanded only in writing Član 45. Plan podele stupa na snagu kada ga odobri skupština Article 45. The Plan of separation can take effect only after it has been approved by the Assembly of the company undergoing the status change.