- DalCasa
- DalCasa
TRAVANJ/APRIL 2008 www.dalcasa.com HRVATSKI MAGAZIN ZA NEKRETNINE / CROATIAN REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE U DOMU KOD PIERREA CARDINA AT HOME WITH PIERRE CARDIN POSLOVNI INTERIJERI OFFICE INTERIORS ARHITEKT U NAUTIČKIM VODAMA MARKO MURTIĆ ARCHITECT IN A NAUTICAL WORLD NAJBOLJI IZBOR NEKRETNINA THE BEST REAL ESTATE OFFER ISSN 1845-2086 9771845208005 Int roduct ory word Pred vama je novi i prošireni broj magazina DalCasa, sa 180 “proljetnih“ stranica. Mnogo smo radili, putovali te se selili... tako da vam sada zanimljive informacije pripremamo u novim uredima, koji su ujedno bili povod za našu temu broja. Koliko je bitan izgled poslovnog prostora, uvjerili smo se i sami, jer reakcije naših klijenata i poslovnih suradnika su više nego pozitivne. Bez obzira kojom se djelatnošću neka tvrtka bavi, izgled poslovnog interijera je važan čimbenik u stvaranju njezina pozitivnog imidža, jer privlačno i moderno osmišljen poslovni prostor na svakog posjetitelja (poslovnog partnera, klijenta...) ostavlja dojam profesionalnosti, učinkovitosti i povjerenja. U našoj temi broja pronaći ćete mnoštvo korisnih savjeta i ideja koji će vam pomoći pri kreiranju pozitivnog poslovnog ambijenta. Vrata svog doma otvorio nam je proslavljeni svjetski dizajner Pierre Cardin. Zaobljeni, mjehuričasti dvorac iz snova s pogledon na Azurnu obalu, ne viđa se baš svaki dan. Arhitekt Antti Lovag osmislio je vilu koja, kako kaže Cardin, u potpunosti odgovara njegovoj osobnosti. Ako se početkom travnja, od 5. do 13., nađete u Splitu, nikako ne smijete propustiti Croatia Property Show, koji se ove godine prvi put održava u sklopu Croatia Boat Showa. Kao generalni pokrovitelj sajma, ugostit ćemo vas na našem izložbenom prostoru od 150 kvadrata. Ne propustite svoju priliku za ulaganje i kupnju nekretnine, svi ste dobrodošli, i vidimo se u Splitu! You’re faced with the new and expanded issue of DalCasa Magazine, with 180 “spring” pages. We’ve been working really hard, as well as travelling and moving our headquarters… so now we’re preparing these interesting pieces of information in our new offices, which also served as motivation for this month’s cover story. This situation has confirmed the importance of how some company’s office spaces look, as we’ve received very positive reactions from our clients and business associates. Regardless of the field of work of any company, the way their business interiors look has a very important role when it comes to creating a positive image, because a modern office space with an attractive design leaves the impression of professionalism, efficiency and trust on all visitors (business partners, clients…). Our cover story provides you with many useful advices and ideas that will help you create a positive business ambience. We’ve also been allowed to look inside the home of famous world designer Pierre Cardin. A bended, bubble-like dream castle that overlooks the French Riviera is not something you get to see every day. Architect Antti Lovag came up with the villa that, according to Cardin, completely agrees with his personality. If you happen to be in Split from April 5th to April 13th, make sure not to miss the Croatia Property Show, which takes place within the Croatia Boat Show for the first time this year. As the general sponsor of that event, we will welcome you to our exhibit space that will take up 150 square metres. Don’t miss the opportunity to invest and buy some real estates. You are all welcome to come, so we will see you in Split! 11 IMPRESSUM Izdavač/Publisher: DAL’CASA d.o.o. Put Brodarice 6 21000 Split tel.: +385(0)21 332 725; +385(0)21 332 726 fax:+385(0)21 380 852 [email protected] Predsjednik uprave/Chairman of the Board: Jakša Mrčela [email protected] Izvršni direktor/Executive director: mr.sc. Tea Franić [email protected] Ured Velika Britanija/UK office: DAL’CASA Ltd Suite 50 151 Brook Road London NW2 7DW tel.: +447906877467 Direktor/CEO: Goran Križanec [email protected] Glavna urednica/Editor-in-chief: dipl. ing. Ana Perišin [email protected] Izvršni urednik/Assistant-editor-in-chief: Nikola Čelan [email protected] Grafički urednik/Graphic editor: Vojan Koceić [email protected] Marketing i prodaja oglasa/Marketing and advertising: Maja Kalinić, dipl. oec. [email protected] Kontakt telefon: +385 (0)98 330 477 Ivana Radeljić Vrdoljak [email protected] Kontakt telefon: +385 (0)99 230 5973 Ivana Duplančić [email protected] Prijevod na engleski/English translation: Zoran Abaza Suradnici/Associates: Nataša Bodrožić, Kristina Fazinić, Martina Kocijan, Danijela Mandušić, Hajdi Mihanović, Ivan Mladina, Mary Novosel, Maja Nožina, Elija Vrsaljko, Aleksandar Vrtarić Distribucija/Distribution: Tisak d.d., Distripress, Tim Press, Slobodna Dalmacija, Glas Istre ČASOPIS DAL’CASA JE LICENCNO IZDANJE, TE JE ZABRANJENO KOPIRANJE I PRENOŠENJE SADRŽAJA DAL’CASA IS LICENCED EDITION ANY COPYING OR DIFFUSION OF CONTENTS ARE PROHIBITED Tisak/Print: Tiskara Meić / Rotooffset Zagreb www.dalcasa.com 13 Sadržaj 9 UVODNA RIJEÈ / INTRODUCTORY WORD 16 TEMA BROJA / COVER STORY Dizajn poslovnih interijera - ogledalo suvremene tvrtke / Office Interior Design - The Mirror of a Modern Company? 28 INTERVIEW Marko Murtiæ: Arhitekt u nautièkim vodama / Architect in a Nautical World 34 INFO Proglašena Kuæa godine / Announced House of the Year 38 INVESTICIJE / INVESTMENTS Prvi poslovni toranj u Splitu / The First Business Tower in Split 42 VIJESTI / NEWS 46 INVESTICIJE / INVESTMENTS Rajski vrtovi nadomak Splita / Paradise Gardens J ust Outside of Split 52 AVANTURA / ADVENTURE Graz - savršen spoj tradicijske i moderne arhitekture / Graz - The Perfect Combination of Traditional and Modern Architecture 62 GASTRO Lobby - mjesto po mjeri metropole / Lobby - A Place Designed for the Metropolis 14 Content 68 FINE STVARI / LUXURIES 72 DODIR UMJETNOSTI / TOUCH OF ART Kristina Lenard: Dvije strane slike / Two Sides of a Picture 78 AMBIJENT / AMBIENT Muang Kulaypan: Hotel o kojem se neprestano raspravlja / A Hotel that Provokes Countless Discussions 86 DOM SNOVA / DREAM HOME U domu kod Pierrea Cardina / At home with Pierre Cardin 96 INTERIJERI / INTERIORS Kuhinje - mali savjeti za velike rezultate / Kitchens - Small Advice for Major Results Biljkama uljepšajte dom / Adorn Your Home with Plants 114 TREND Nova japanska mudrost: otkrijte wabi-sabi / The new Japanese wisdom: discover wabi-sabi 122 KULTNI KOMAD / A PIECE OF CULT Dobri kuæni duh / The Good Ghost in Your Home 128 DEKORACIJE / DECORATIONS Dobro nam došlo proljeæe! / Greetings to Spring! 134 NEKRETNINE / REAL ESTATE 15 Velike radne površine i “open space” koncept odlike su suvremenog ureda / Big working surfaces and “open space” concept characterize modern office Tema broja Dizajn poslovnih interijera ogledalo suvremene tvrtke “Čim klijenti vide naš poslovni prostor, očekuju velike stvari od nas. Dakle, prostor nam je prijatelj”, kaže John Ludwig, osnivač marketinške agencije PUSH Piše: Danijela Mandušiæ B ez obzira na vrstu djelatnosti kojom se neka tvrtka bavi, važan čimbenik u stvaranju njezina pozitivnog imidža u očima javnosti jest upravo izgled poslovnog prostora. Osim opremanja ureda ergonomski oblikovanim namještajem koji utječe na zdravlje i produktivnost zaposlenika, vlasnici tvrtki i menadžeri sve veću pozornost posvećuju i vizualnom identitetu uredskog interijera, jer u modernom poslovnom svijetu on postaje svojevrsna “vizitka” same kompanije. Svaka 16 Foto: Božidar Vukièeviæ tvrtka ili agencija pri stvaranju pozitivnog i atraktivnog imidža u javnosti posebnu pažnju posvećuje dizajniranju vlastita poslovnog prostora jer privlačan i moderno osmišljen poslovni prostor na svakog posjetitelja (poslovnog partnera, klijenta...) ostavlja dojam profesionalnosti i učinkovitosti. No, kvalitetno uređenje poslovnog prostora danas je vrlo složen zadatak. Suvremeni dizajn poslovnih interijera, osim što veliku pozornost pridaje vizualnom identitetu, također sve više “brine” o zaposleni- Poslovni toranj – centar modernog poslovanja Prisutan je sve veći trend u poslovnom svijetu, pa tako i u Hrvatskoj, da se poslovni korisnici sele iz neadekvatnih, starih i skučenih prostora, kao što su preuređeni stanovi i slično, u moderne poslovne zgrade unutar poslovnih zona. Prednosti takvih prostora su neupitne jer korisnik može prostor prilagoditi vlastitim potrebama, na raspolaganju mu je cjelovita usluga održavanja prostora, osigurana parkirališna mjesta, a posebna se pozornost posvećuje relaksaciji zaposlenika, pa tako mnogi imaju posebno dizajnirane prostore za opuštanje, rekreaciju ili sport. Zbog sve većih zahtjeva tržišta, u Hrvatskoj je primjetan trend gradnje suvremenih poslovnih tornjeva. Tako su u Zagrebu, pored već postojećih, niknuli i novi poslovni tornjevi (popularni “Sky office”), a i u Splitu DalCasa Grupa kreće s izgradnjom prvoga poslovnog tornja u Splitu, na predjelu Pazdigrad, koji će imati čak i helidrom na vrhu. Kod uređenja poslovnog prostora, odnosno ureda, treba voditi brigu o više čimbenika. Ponajprije, o tome koliko će zaposlenika boraviti u uredu, koja je njihova dob te koje su njihove svakodnevne aktivnosti. Vrlo je bitno pronaći balans između funkcionalnog i vizualnog Dašak boje ulijeva toplinu / A touch of colour Minimalizam sa zanimljivim detaljima / Minimalism with interesting details cima, pa se tako nastoji stvoriti optimalno okruženje koje je istodobno estetski privlačno, funkcionalno i poticajno za individualni i grupni rad. identiteta, a kod samog dizajna pažnju treba obratiti na cjelokupni koncept materijala, boja, rasvjete, ergonomskog namještaja te mnogih drugih detalja. Isti se pomno i pažljivo biraju, ovisno o vrsti djelatnosti koja će se u uredu obavljati. Prije svega potrebno je pažljivo definirati potrebe korisnika i proučiti poslovne procese određene tvrtke. Postoji nekoliko osnovnih principa na temelju kojih se može optimalno organizirati prostor. Na prvo mjesto uvijek dolazi funkcionalnost, odnosno strateška organizacija prostora. Stil uređenja treba prilagoditi djelatnosti tvrtke Sukladno željama i mogućnostima klijenata, vrlo je bitno da dizajn ureda, baš poput uspješno obavljenog poslovnog projekta, zadovoljava sve aspekte zadanih normi te da odiše osobnošću pojedine tvrtke. Iako je bitno da se dizajn jednog ureda razlikuje od dizajna drugog, ono što bi trebalo biti zajedničko svim poslovnim interijerima jest poboljšanje kvalitete rada i boravka u njima, a također i njihov pozitivan utjecaj na cjelokupni imidž tvrtke. Postoji nekoliko osnovnih stilova dizajna poslovnih interijera, no svaki dobro dizajniran ured teži svojevrsnoj originalnosti i prilagođen je potrebama korisnika. Rapidnim napretkom tehnologije, i dizajn ureda postaje sve više cyber-office, minimalistički opremljen ured s mnogo najmodernijih tehnoloških pomagala. To je tzv. tehnološki stil opremanja. On zahtijeva samo hla17 Fluidan i optimalno osvijetlen prostor / Fluid space with optimal lightning Zanimljiva dizajnerska rješenja / Interesting designer solutions Multifunkcionalni uredi / Multifunctional offices Strateška organizacija prostora / Strategic space organization dne, neutralne (ne)boje, poput bijele, sive i crne, a sličan pristup ima i op art koji preferira crno-bijeli svijet. Za razliku od njih, pop art i postmodernistički stil u interijer unose radost jarkih boja. Postmodernistički stil obiluje energičnim bojama koje djelatnike potiču na kreativnost i produktivnost, dok jednostavnost, te bijela, crna i siva boja ne postoje za njega. Crvena, žuta, plava, zelena, ljubičasta, narančasta i ostale jarke boje stvaraju zanimljive i inovativne prostore u kojima je naglasak na oblicima i detaljima. Budući da ovaj maštoviti stil ne poznaje čvrsta pravila koja treba slijediti, unutar njega se kombiniraju najrazličitiji elementi, što svakom pojedincu omogućava osmišljavanje vlastita stila. Postmodernistički stil nije opterećen čvrstim pravilima te se u njemu mogu kombinirati razne forme i oblici, a do izražaja dolazi vlastita kreativnost svakog pojedinca. Stoga je takav stil prikladan upravo za uređenje arhitektonskih, dizajnerskih i umjetničkih ureda. Oblikovanje prostora u jednom od klasičnih stilova znači nanošenje većinom tamnijih i toplih boja te antikni masivni namještaj i umjetničke slike. Klasični stil je kombinacija stilskog namještaja od, najčešće, tamnijeg drveta, poput orahovine i elegantnih dekora, te se preporučuje tvrtkama koje grade imidž otmjene tradicionalnosti. Globalnim stilom vladaju zemljane boje – od narančaste do tamnosmeđe – uz dodatak intenzivnih nijansi zelene, plave i žute te svojevrstan eklektizam s etno detaljima. Optimalno osvjetljenje i ugodna temperatura radnog prostora također su vrlo važni. Potrebno je da prostor ima minimalno tri izvora svjetlosti: ambijentalni (stropna i zidna rasvjeta), prirodni (prozori, staklene stijenke) te onaj na radnome stolu. Za dobru suradnju, visoku produktivnost i timski rad, izrazito je važno da radni prostor ima svojevrsnu fluidnost, odnosno protočnost prostora i slobodnu cirkulaciju ljudi. Kako poslovni procesi postaju sve dinamičniji, primjećuje se tendencija stvaranja otvorenih prostora (koncept “open space“) koji omogućava nesmetanu komunikaciju, ali opet uz određenu privatnost gdje je to potrebno, koja se postiže mobilnim pregradama ili montažnim pregradnim zidovima. Inspiration office – poslovni interijer budućnosti Inspirativno radno okruženje je vrlo bitno, posebno ljudima mlađe generacije. Oni zahtijevaju zabavno, otvoreno radno mjesto, personalizirani dizajn u postmodernističkom stilu te tehnološki izrazito naprednu radnu okolinu. Veliki broj stručnjaka iz područja dizajna interijera istražuje i nastoji predvidjeti kako će izgledati prostori budućnosti. Iako su njihova mišljenja različita, svi se slažu da Odlike suvremenog ureda • Optimalan balans između funkcionalnosti i estetike • Ergonomski oblikovan namještaj • Strateška organizacija prostora • Optimalno osvjetljenje i ugodna temperatura radnog prostora • Fluidnost prostora – koncept “open space” • Multifunkcionalan namještaj • ”Smart-office” - tehnološki napredno opremljen ured • Inspirativno radno okruženje • Dodatni sadržaji za opuštanje i relaksaciju zaposlenika 18 Tema broja Optimalan balans između funkcionalnosti i estetike - poslovna rješenja iz tvtke Černelić / Optimal balance between functionality and aesthetics-business solutions from Černelić company će razvoj tehnologije odigrati veliku ulogu kako u promjeni svakodnevnih aktivnosti (virtualna mobilnost, brži prijenos informacija), tako i u izgledu stambenih i poslovnih prostora. Minimalizam (jednostavnost, čiste linije, otvoreni prostori) i multifunkcionalni komadi namještaja sve se više spominju kao idealno rješenje za užurbani način života, čiji je imperativ boravak u prostoru koji se lako održava, fleksibilan je i olakšava komunikaciju među suradnicima. Primjeri inovativno dizajniranih poslovnih interijera u svijetu su De Lage Lagen u Milanu, NCR u Škotskoj ili Orange u Haagu, UK Nationwide, Swindon u Belfastu i mnogi drugi. Primjetno je da se u najsuvremenije dizajniranje prostora najčešće upuštaju tvrtke kojima je neka vrsta dizajna i osnovna djelatnost tvrtke: marketinške agencije, arhitektonski, dizajnerski i umjetnički uredi, ali i sve ostale tvrtke koje izrazito drže do svog identiteta u javnosti i do svojih zaposlenika. Funkcionalan i lijepo uređen poslovni prostor danas je preduvjet za snažan tržišni identitet, optimalno funkcioniranje poslovnih procesa i zadovoljstvo zaposlenika. Budući da se i u Hrvatskoj sve više pažnje posvećuje dizajnu i funkcionalnosti poslovnog prostora, mnogo je kvalitetnih poslovnih interijera, a i sve više tvrtki specijaliziranih za uređenje istih (kao što je u Hrvatskoj vodeći Černelić d.o.o.). Na primjer, uredi velikih korporacija, kao što su Podravka, Imago, Adris grupa, agencija Publicis, realizirani su uz vrlo usku interakciju sa samim korisnicima, koji su dali svoje primjedbe i sugestije. Na taj način je postignuta maksimalna funkcionalnost, a i korisnici su zadovoljniji. Tako, primjerice, Vipnetov poslovni kompleks otvoren 2006., tzv. inteligentna zgrada, pruža najbolje moguće radne uvjete za Vipnetove zaposlenike. Uz najmoderniju opremu i standarde, zaposlenici imaju i brojne dodatne sadržaje: restorane, vrtić za djecu, fitness, bazen, saune i masaže. Poslovni interijer sve više postaje važno marketinško oruđe jer predstavlja “ogledalo“ tvrtke i vrlo često se upravo na temelju njega doživljava čitava tvrtka. Poznata je činjenica da izgled poslovnog prostora mnogo govori ne samo o zaposlenicima koji u njemu borave, nego i o kompaniji u cjelini. Stoga, želite li na potencijalne klijente ostaviti dojam kreativnosti, učinkovitosti i profesionalnosti, od velikog je značenja ako vas u tim nastojanjima podržava i izgled vašeg ureda. 19 Zadovoljstvo u uredu ČERNELIĆ Rješenja za poslovne interijere 20 Černelić d.o.o. www.cernelic.hr Rijeka, Kumičićeva 22 T: 051 403 150 Kontakt: 091 4814 441 E: [email protected] Split, Put Supavla 1 T: 021 380 822 Kontakt: 091 4814 443 E: [email protected] Zagreb, Vlaška 39 T: +385 1 4814 448 E: [email protected] Decentan i prozračan središnji dio / Pure and translucent central part Poslovni prostor DalCase u skladu sa svjetskim trendovima DalCasa Grupa je za svoje urede odabrala treći kat poslovne zgrade koja se nastavlja na TC Joker u splitskom predjelu Brodarica. Moderna ostakljena građevina je s tri strane orijentirana na glavne prilaze trgovačkom centru i samim time omogućava tvrtki otvorenu komunikaciju sa svijetom, što je u skladu s njezinom poslovnom filozofijom. Ulaz u urede je centralno postavljen te je time napravljena i osnovna podjela prostora na dva dijela, što i obilježava samu djelatnost tvrtke: podjela na marketing i redakciju magazina DalCasa, te investicijski i graditeljski dio tvrtke. Taj središnji dio je čist i prozračan prostor kojim dominira masivni prijamni pult crne boje s logom tvrtke. Minimalizam te jednostavnost materijala i boja ostavljaju dojam otvorenosti i fluidnosti prostora. Sjajne porculanske pločice izvanstandardnih dimenzija postavljene su u cijelom prijamnom holu, a umetanjem crnih staklenih ploča istih dimenzija te crnih lakiranih LCD televizora na zidovima, stvoren je zanimljiv kontrast. Dašak umjetnosti unose crno-bijele umjetničke fotografije Rina Efendića sa splitskim motivima postavljene na zidovima hodnika. Uredi su vrlo čistog i funkcionalnog dizajna, prilagođeni osnovnim potrebama zaposlenika tvrtke, ali ujedno ostavljaju mjesta individualnim prilagodbama i izražavanju osobnosti svakog zaposlenika. Također su u minimalističkom, crno-bijelom stilu sa sitnim “obojenim” detaljima, poput crvenih vješalica u obliku stabala, koji prostoru daju toplinu. Osim osam ureda te glavnog, prijamnog hola, poslovni prostor DalCasa Grupe se sastoji još od dvorane za prijam klijenata, prezentacijske dvorane, sanitarnih čvorova i prostorije za odmor zaposlenika. Minimalizam dizajna decentno je obogaćen kultnim dizajnerskim komadima namještaja (kao što su Van der Rohova “Barcelona“, prepoznatljiva lampa Arco iz 1962. dizajnerskog dvojca Achillea i Piera Giacoma Castiglionija te Tulip chair iz 50-ih godina prošlog stoljeća koju je dizajnirao Eero Saarinen), naravno sve u crno-bijelim kombinacijama te u skladu s ostalim namještajem. Arhitektica ovog prostora Vanessa Bilbija rekla nam je da su se pri dizajniranju ovog poslovnog prostora vodili izrekom “Od minimuma se postiže maksimum”, te tako stvorili vizualno privlačan prostor koji je u funkciji njegovim korisnicima, a koji istodobno odiše stilom i suvremenošću. Zanimljiva dizajnerska rješenja / Interesting design solutions Lampa Arco dominira prostorom / Arco lamp dominates the space 21 Cover st ory Inovativno i svježe rješenje dizajna poslovnog interijera marketinške agencije Imago osmislila je tvrtka AAG / Fresh and innovative office design solution in the Imago marketing agency designed by AAG company Office Interior Design The Mirror of a Modern Company “As soon as clients see our office premises, they expect great things from us. Therefore, our office is our friend”, says John Ludwig, founder of marketing agency PUSH Written by: Danijela Mandušiæ 22 Photo: Božidar Vukièeviæ Soba za sastanke u Adris Grupi / Meeting room in Adris Group Originalna konferencijska dvorana u Podravci / Original conference room in Podravka R egardless of the field of work a company is involved in, an important factor in the creation of its positive image in the eyes of the public is precisely the way its office spaces look. Besides furnishing the offices with ergonomically shaped furniture that affects the health and productivity of the employees, company owners and managers are paying more and more attention to the visual identity of the office interior, because that becomes the company’s “visit card” of sorts in the modern business world. While attempting to create a positive and attractive image in the public, every company or agency pays special attention to the process of designing their own office spaces, because an attractive and modern-designed office space leaves the impression of professionalism and efficiency on every visitor (business partner, client…). However, decorating business premises in a quality way is a very complicated assignment. Contemporary design of business interiors, besides paying a great deal of attention to the visual identity, also manages to “care” about the employees more and more, which is reflected in attempts to try and create an optimal environment that is simultaneously aesthetically appealing, functional and motivating for individual and group work. Business Tower – The Centre of Modern Business Processes We are witnessing an increasing trend in the business world, as well as in Croatia, of business users moving from inadequate, old and narrow spaces, such as remodelled apartments and similar facilities, into modern business buildings within business zones. The advantages of such zones cannot be questioned as the user can adjust the premises to his needs, has the entire maintenance service at his disposal, parking spaces are ensured, and special attention is given to relaxation of employees, so many premises have specially designed rooms for relaxation, recreation or sports. Due to the market’s increasing demands, Croatia is witnessing a trend of constructing modern business towers. 23 Cover st ory Mnogo dnevne svjetlosti i fluidan prostor povećavaju produktivnost zaposlenika / Fluid space and lot of daily light raises the productivity of employers Alongside the existing towers, Zagreb recently received new business facilities (like the popular “Sky Office”), while DalCasa Group in Split begins with the construction of the first business tower in Split in the settlement called Pazdigrad, and it will even feature a heliport on its top. While decorating an office or a business space, several factors need to be taken into account. First of all, one should pay attention on how many employees will stay in the office, as well as on their age and everyday activities. It is very important to find the balance between the functional and visual identity, while design itself should pay attention on the overall concept of materials, colours, lighting, ergonomic furniture and other details. Those elements are carefully chosen, depending on the type of work that will be performed in the office. Prior to everything, it is necessary to carefully define the users’ needs and study the company’s business processes. There are several basic principles that can serve as basis of optimal space organization. Functionality always comes first, or you might call it strategic organization of space. Decoration Style Must Be Adapted to the Company’s Field of Work In line with the wishes and possibilities of clients, it is very important that the office design, just like any other suc24 cessfully performed project, satisfies all the aspects of assigned norms and that it radiates the personality of a specific company. Although it is always important that different office designs don’t look identical, the things that all business interiors should share is the improvement of quality of work and time spending in them, as well as them having a positive influence on the company’s overall image. There are several primary styles of office interior design, but every competently designed office strives towards originality and is adjusted to the users’ needs. Due to the rapid progress of technology, an office design is increasingly starting to look like cyber-ofCharacteristic of a Contemporary Office • Optimal balance between functionality and aesthetics • Ergonomically shaped furniture • Strategic organization of space • Optimal lighting and pleasant temperature of the office • Space fluidity – “open space” concept • Multifunctional furniture • “Smart Office” – an office with advanced technology • An inspirational working environment • Extra-features for the employees’ relaxation and comfort Pregrade omogućavaju privatnost i unose živost u ured / Assembled partition walls give privacy and bring life into the office fice, an office furnished in a minimalist way with plenty of top-modern technology utensils. This is the so-called technological style of decoration. It thrives on cold, neutral (non)colours like white, grey and black, and it shares a similar approach to op art that prefers the black and white world. Unlike them, pop art and the post-modern style bring the joy of bright colours into the interior. Post-modern style has plenty of energetic colours that encourage the employees to be creative and productive, while it has basically never heard of simplicity, or the colours of white, black and grey. Red, yellow, blue, green, purple, orange and other bright colours create interesting and innovative spaces that put emphasis on shapes and details. Due to the fact that this imaginative style doesn’t have any firm ground rules that must be followed, the most diverse elements are combined within it, which gives the option of coming up with their own style to every single individual. The post-modern style is not inhibited with firm rules and it allows combinations of various forms and shapes, allowing every individual’s creativity to truly shine through. That is why this style is ideal for decoration of architectonic, designer or art offices. Designing and decorating space in one of the classic styles stands for introducing mainly darker and warm colours, as well as antique massive furniture and art paintings. Classic style is a combination of stylish furniture from mostly dark wood, such as walnut wood, with elegant decors, and is recommended for companies that are trying to convey the image of classy traditionalism. Global style is dominated by “earth” colours – from orange to dark-brown – with the addition of intense shades of green, blue and yellow, and it often features a type of eclecticism with ethno details. Optimal lighting and pleasant temperature of a workplace are also very important. It is necessary for every office to have three sources of light: ambiental (ceiling and wall lights), natural (windows, glass surfaces) and the source on the desk. In order to achieve good cooperation, high productivity and teamwork, it is extremely important to impose fluidity, the free flow of space and free circulation of people in the office space. Due to the business processes becoming more and more dynamic, it is not hard to notice a tendency to create open spaces (the “open space” concept) that enables uninhibited communication, but still with a certain dose of privacy where it’s called for, which is achieved with mobile partitions or assembled partition walls. Inspiration Office – Business Interior of the Future An inspirational working environment is very important, especially for younger-generation people. They demand a fun, open workplace, as well as personalized design 25 Cover st ory Tulip chairs u dvorani za prijam klijenata / Tulip chairs in the meeting room that brushes on postmodernism and a technologically advanced working surrounding. A large number of experts from the field of interior design are exploring and trying to predict the way future offices will look like. Although their opinions differ, they all agree that technology growth will play a huge part in the change of everyday activities (virtual mobility, quicker flow of information), as well as in the change of the way residential and office premises will look like. Minimalism (simplicity, pure lines, open spaces) and multi-functional pieces of furniture are increasingly mentioned as ideal solutions for this speedy lifestyle, which puts emphasis on staying in a space that is easily maintained, flexible and makes communication between co-workers easier. Examples of innovatively designed office interiors in the world are De Lage Lagen in Milan, NCR in Scotland, Orange in Hague, UK Nationwide, Swindon in Belfast and many others. It is noticeable that the most modern manners of office design are predominantly tackled by companies that perform some type of design as their primary field of work: marketing agencies, architectonic, designer and art offices, but also all other companies that deeply care about their public identity and the welfare of their employees. A functional and nicely decorated office space is now prerequisite for a strong market identity, optimal functioning of business processes and the satisfaction of employees. Due to the fact that more and more attention is dedi26 Detalji su bitni / Details are important cated to design and functionality of office spaces in Croatia, there are many quality office interiors out there, as well as a larger number of companies that are specialized in this field of work (Černelić d.o.o. is the leading one in Croatia). For example, offices of large corporations like Podravka, Imago, Adris Group and agency Publicis have been decorated in close interaction with users themselves, as they were more than happy to give their ideas and suggestions. That helped in achieving maximum functionality, and the users are happier as well. Vipnet’s business complex, which was opened in 2006 as the so-called intelligent building, offers best possible working conditions for all their employees. Alongside the most modern equipment and standards, employees also have other additional features: restaurants, kindergarten for children, fitness, swimming pool, saunas and massages. Business interiors are increasingly becoming an important marketing tool because they represent “the mirror” of the company, and very often carry the reflection of the entire firm. It is well known that the appearance of an office will speak volumes not only on the employees that spend time there, but also on the company as a whole. Therefore, if you want to enchant your clients with the impression of creativity, efficiency and professionalism, it is highly significant that the way your office looks supports you in those efforts. DalCasin “Inspiration office” / DalCasa’s “Inspiration office” DalCasa Office Premises Agreeing with World Trends DalCasa Group has located its offices at the third floor of the business building that serves as extension to shopping centre Joker in Brodarica, Split. The modern glassed building has three sides that are oriented towards the main entrances of the shopping centre, thus enabling the company to openly communicate with the world, which is in line with its business philosophy. Entrance to the offices is centrally positioned and creates the basic division of the premises into two parts, which is identical to the company’s field of work: division to the marketing and DalCasa Magazine’s editorial staff on one side, and the part of the company that deals with investments and construction on the other side. That central part is a pure and translucent space that is dominated by a massive black reception desk featuring a company logo. Minimalism and simplicity of materials and colours leave the impression of openness and space fluidity. Shiny porcelain tiles of extraordinary dimensions are positioned all over the reception hall, and an interesting contrast has been created by slipping in some black glass tiles of the same dimensions, as well as black varnished LCD television sets on the walls. The breath of art is delivered by black and white art photos by Rino Efendić, which feature various Split motifs positioned on the hallway’s walls. Offices are characterized by a pure and functional design. They are adjusted to the basic needs of the company’s employees, but they also leave room for individual adjustments and offer every employee an option of expressing his/her personality. They also come in minimalist, black and white style with tiny “coloured” details, such as tree-shaped red hangers that give special warmth to the premises. Besides the eight offices and the main reception hall, DalCasa Group’s business premises also feature a room for meetings with clients, as well as a presentation hall, sanitary facilities and a room for relaxation of the workers. The design minimalism is subtly enriched with famous designer pieces of furniture (such as Van der Roh’s “Barcelona”, the recognizable “Arco” lamp from 1962 by Achille and Piero Giacomo Castiglioni, and the Tulip Chair from the 1950s by Eero Saarinen), and it doesn’t have to be said that their black and white combinations agree with the rest of the furniture. Vanessa Bilbija, the architect of these premises, told us that she used the saying “achieve maximum from the minimum” while designing these offices, which led to the creation of a visually attractive space that is functional to its users, but which simultaneously radiates style and modernity. 27 Interview MARKO MURTIÆ Arhitekt u nautièkim vodama Poznati arhitekt Marko Murtić upustio se prije nekoliko godina u pomalo neobičan posao - dizajniranje luksuznih jedrilica. No, to je samo na prvi pogled neobično jer svatko tko iole poznaje Murtića zna da je on veliki zaljubljenik u more i jedrenje, da sudjeluje i u mnogim regatama, a u listopadu 2007. njegov tim na maxi krstašu AAG Big One odnio je pobjedu na poznatoj splitskoj Mrduji. Njegova linija jedrilica, AAG Murtic Yachts, proizvodi linije 52, 56, 62 i 72, svi u dvije varijante: Sport i Performance, a postali su i izvoznici na inozemno tržište Razgovarala: Ivana Bioèina 28 Foto: Mario Periša / MAPE K ada ste počeli s projektom izrade jedrilice, htjeli ste napraviti jedrilicu koja će u svijetu brodova biti isto što i Aston Martin u svijetu automobila. Otvorili ste tvrtku AAG Nautika, okupili zanimljiv tim i krenuli u ambiciozan pothvat gradnje supermodernih i luksuznih jedrilica Murtic Yacht. Kako se rodila i razvijala ta ideja? Ideja se rodila jednostavno, s obzirom da sam odmalena vezan uz jedrenje i more. Kada smo kao tvrtka dovoljno sazreli i shvatili da možemo ići u neku veću investiciju, odlučili smo krenuti u projekt izrade brenda vezanog uz jedrenje. Sudjelovao sam na izgradnji drvenog broda prije dvadesetak godina, tako da sam imao neko iskustvo i osjećaj što je to brodogradnja, kakav je to proces. U liniji postoje Murtic 52, 56, 62 i 72, svi u dvije varijante: Sport i Performance. Namjeravate li proširivati liniju i koliko je brodova do sada napravljeno? Ova je linija nama zapravo vizija brodova koje radimo. Međutim, od svih tih brodova samo je pedesetdvojka u proizvodnji. Inače smo do sada napravili sedam brodova koji su potpuno drugog karaktera, dvije regatne jedrilice i pet brodova koji su također regatni, ali manji. Kako je konkurentno tržište prihvatilo prvu hrvatsku jahtu? To nije prva hrvatska jahta, ima puno hrvatskih jahti, ali sve što smo do sada napravili išlo je u inozemstvo. Sam proces plasiranja potpuno je otvoren što se tiče međunarodnog tržišta, nema problema s plasmanom. Jedrilica za regate AAG BIg One / AAG Big One regatta’s sailing boat GP 42 iz AAG Nautike / GP 42 made in AAG Nautika Interview AAG Nautika je nastala zapravo kao podgrupa AAG Dizajn Centra koji je prošle godine proslavio dvadesetu obljetnicu postojanja. Danas je AAG Dizajn Centar sinonim za kvalitetu i stil, raspolaže vlastitom suvremeno opremljenom tvornicom namještaja i ekskluzivni je zastupnik tridesetak najuglednijih proizvođača autorskog produkt-dizajna. Kada usporedite svoje početke 1987. i danas, koliko se promijenilo stanje u uređenju interijera i produkt-dizajnu u Hrvatskoj? Definitivno se vidi velika razlika. Najviše je za to zaslužan internacionalizam koji je sve više prisutan, tako da se više ne vidi neka veća razlika između komercijalnih interijera u inozemstvu i kod nas. No ono što nedostaje jest inovativnost, jer je većina interijera zapravo copy paste. To je nešto što je vezano i uz odnos investitora i arhitekata. Mislim da su kod nas investitori u fazi kada razmišljaju tako da treba napraviti ono što je već viđeno, a možda i ne shvaćaju mogućnosti inovacije. A to utječe na arhitekta. Problem neslaganja s investitorima oko koncepta i rada nije rijedak kod dizajnera i arhitekata. Kakva su vaša iskustva što se toga tiče? To je potpuno normalno. Investitor je osoba, pravna ili privatna, koja svoj novac ulaže u neki projekt. Ima viziju zašto ulaže u neki projekt i što od njega želi. Logično je da mora postojati utjecaj investitora na arhitekta. Najbolja simbioza je kada dođe do povjerenja te investitor prepusti arhitektu da na temelju idejnog plana razradi projekt. 29 Interview Stan na Ribnjaku - nagrada “Bernardo Bernardi” za najuspješnije ostvarenje na području oblikovanja i unutrašnjeg uređenja / The apartment in Ribnjak - award “Bernardo Bernardi” for the best accomplishment in the field of interior decoration Vaša tvrtka se razlikuje od drugih i po pristupu klijentima, koji je u Hrvatskoj nov i neuobičajen. Klijent, naime, ne dolazi u AAG Dizajn Centar po gotov proizvod, nego naručuje onaj koji će najbolje pristajati njegovu prostoru. Kupac razradi problematiku s dizajnerom ili arhitektom, a on mu ponudi rješenje. Zašto je u Hrvatskoj takav individualan pristup klijentu još uvijek nepoznanica? Ne bi trebao biti nepoznanica, ali kod nas u Centru je taj pristup uobičajen jer mi nikada nismo ni bili prodavači namještaja, nego smo uvijek ponajprije bili arhitekti. Tako da kod nas ljudi dolaze po savjet ili po projekt. Osim toga, zastupamo nekoliko desetaka stranih tvrtki, te zastupamo samo onaj dizajn koji se uklapa u naš koncept, dizajn bezvremenskog karaktera koji se može uklopiti u bilo koji tip interijera, a da ima svoj identitet. Udruženje hrvatskih arhitekata dodijelilo vam je 2003. godine nagradu ˝Bernardo Bernardi˝ za najuspješnije ostvarenje na području oblikovanja i unutrašnjeg uređenja za adaptaciju prostranog stana na Ribnjaku. Što je, po vašemu mišljenju, najvažnije kod uređenja nekog interijera i primjenjujete li aktualne trendove pri oblikovanju? Ja sam arhitekt, nisam čisti dizajner interijera, pa drukčije sagledavam prostor, naime sagledavam ga arhitektonski, njegove funkcionalne mogućnosti, mogućnosti povezivanja, protoka prostora, te dajem novu dimenziju svakom prostoru u koji ulazim. Važna mi je ne samo dekoracija elementima, nego i ukupna promjena funkcionalnosti. To je i ono što me privlači kod interijera, mogu30 ćnost da se arhitektonski djeluje. Što se tiče trendova, u Centru se ne povodimo direktno, nego osluškujemo što se događa. Živimo u ovom vremenu, ali težimo rukopisu koji nije direktno podložan tome. AAG Dizajn Centar je poznat po modernističkom uređenju interijera, a u posljednjih nekoliko godina postali ste najtraženiji projektanti i dizajneri poslovnih prostora vodećih hrvatskih kompanija. Koja je razlika u pristupu uređenju interijera privatnog stana i poslovnog prostora? Je li vam možda nešto od toga dvoje ipak draže? Razlika je povelika. Kod uređenja interijera poslovnog prostora najbitnije je istaknuti branding kompanije i da sam prostor utječe na vizualni identitet, a ne samo grafički dio. Vizija kompanije kroz arhitekturu i interijer mora biti sastavni dio vizualnog identiteta. Kod privatnih kuća je potpuno druga stvar, najbitnije je kako klijent želi živjeti u tom prostoru. Ne misli se samo na estetiku, nego na način života. Hoće li mi uređenje stana ili poslovnog prostora biti draže, ovisi najviše o klijentu. Ako je klijent takav da s njim uživaš u radu, onda mi je jednako drago raditi nešto malo ili veliko. I za kraj, koji su vam planovi za budućnost? Za sada ništa ne mijenjamo, bavimo se arhitekturom i drugi dio je ovaj koji se odnosi na nautiku, i ustrajat ćemo u razvoju brenda. Obično se ciklusi novih ideja događaju svakih nekoliko godina, a sada smo u fazi razvoja nautičkog segmenta. A arhitektura je uvijek aktualna. MARKO MURTIÆ Architect in a Nautical World Famous architect Marko Murtić embarked on an unusual line of business several years ago – designing luxurious sailboats. However, that is unusual only to those who don’t know Murtić because he is a great lover of sailing and the sea, he participates in numerous boat races, and his team on maxi-cruiser AAG Big One won the famous Split Mrduja in October 2007. His boat line, AAG Murtic Yachts, produces lines 52, 56, 62 and 72, and they all come in two options: Sport and Performance, which are also distributed into foreign markets W Interviewed by: Ivana Bioèina hen you started doing sailboat projects, you wanted to build a sailboat that will serve as the Aston Martin of the boat world. You opened your firm AAG Nautika, gathered an interesting team and embarked on this ambitious challenge of building super-modern and luxurious sailboats Murtic Yacht. How did this idea come about and develop? The idea came about fairly simply, considering the fact that I have been connected with sailing and the sea Photo: Mario Periša / MAPE since I was little. When we matured enough as a firm and realized that we can now tackle a larger investment we decided to start the project of producing a sailboat brand. I participated in the process of constructing a wooden boat some twenty years ago, so I had the sense of experience when it came to ship construction and all that the process involves. Your lines include Murtic 52, 56, 62 and 72, and all of them come in two options: Sport and Performance. Do you have 31 Interijer marketinške agencije Imago / The interior of marketing agency “Imago” Podravkin poslovni interijer / Office interior of Podravka Interview any intention of broadening the line and how many boats have you produced so far? This line is actually a vision of boats we’re producing. However, only the 52 line is actually in production. We have built seven boats so far that have a completely different character: two racing sailboats and five boats that also race, but are smaller. That is completely normal. An investor is a person, legal or private, that invests money into a project. He has a vision of the project he invests in and knows what he wants. It is logical for the investor to affect the architect. The best symbiosis occurs when mutual trust is born and the investors give freedom to the architect regarding the process of transforming the idea into a project. How has the competitive market accepted the first Croatian yacht? That is not the first Croatian yacht, there are many Croatian yachts, but everything we have built so far has been ordered from abroad. The very process of distributing is completely open when it comes to the international market, and there are no problems whatsoever. Your firm differs from others in regards to how you approach your clients, which is not very usual in Croatia. The client doesn’t come to AAG Design Centre to pick up a finished product, but they order the one they feel will suit his space the best. The buyer analyses the situation with the designer or architect, as they offer him the solution. Why does Croatia still lack this individual approach towards clients? It shouldn’t be lacking, but our Centre has always operated that way because we never considered ourselves furniture salesmen – we have always primarily been architects. People come to see us for advice or to start a project. Besides, we represent several dozen foreign firms, and we only represent the design that fits into our concept of timeless character that can adapt to any type of interior without losing its identity. AAG Nautika started as a subgroup to AAG Design Centre that celebrated its twentieth birthday last year. AAG Design Centre is now synonymous to quality and style, as it has its own modern furniture factory and is the exclusive representative of about thirty of the most prestigious manufacturers of author product-design. When you compare your beginnings in 1987 with the present, how different is the state of the field of interior decoration and productdesign in Croatia? You can definitely see a big difference. Most credit goes to the now-present internationalism, as you can’t see a huge difference between foreign and our commercial interiors. One thing that is lacking is innovativeness, because most of the interiors are actually copy paste. That has a lot to do with the relationship between an investor and an architect. I think our investors are going through a phase where they feel they should decide on something that has already been seen, and they might just not understand the power of innovation. And that greatly affects the architect. The problem of disagreeing with investors about the concept of work is not rare when it comes to designers and architects. What are your experiences in that department? 32 Association of Croatian Architects awarded you with the “Bernardo Bernardi” award in 2003 for the best accomplishment in the field of interior decoration for the adaptation of a spacious apartment in Ribnjak. According to you, what is the most important thing while decorating an interior and do you use current trends in that process? I am an architect rather than a pure interior designer, so I have a different view regarding space – I observe it architectonically, analyse its functional possibilities and options of connection and flow of space, and I provide a new dimension to every space I enter. I care about more than just decorating with elements, as that should also include the change in functionality. That is the thing that attracts me in interiors – the possibility of being an architect. As far as trends are concerned, we don’t follow them blindly in Tim AAG BIg Onea redovito osvaja regate / The team of AAG Big Ones wins reggats regularly the Centre, but we do keep are eyes open as to what’s going on. We are living in this time, but we’re trying to create something that transcends it. AAG Design Centre is known for its modern way of decorating interiors, and you have recently become the most sought-after projectors and designers of office premises of leading Croatian companies. What is the difference in your approach to working on the interior of a private apartment and an office space? Do you prefer one of those two options? There is quite a difference. While working on an office space, it is important to point out the company’s branding and achieve the positive effect on its visual identity, instead of merely worrying about the graphic part. The vision of the company through architecture and the interior must be the integral part of the visual identity. Private homes are a completely different thing, as it only matters how the client wants to live in that space. You also pay attention to the lifestyle, instead of just aesthetics. As far as preferring working on an apartment or an office space, that really depends on the client. If the client allows you to enjoy the process, then I don’t care whether I’m working on something big or small. Murtic 52 Murtic 52 And finally, what are your plans for the future? No changes will be made right now – we are doing architecture and the nautical part, and we will try to further develop our brand. Cycles of new ideas usually occur once every few years, and we are now in the phase of developing the nautical segment of work. And architecture is always current. 33 Info Proglašena Kuæa godine Internetski portal World architecture news svake godine skupi na jednome mjestu najljepše kuće svijeta, a sve s ciljem da bi poticao izvrsnost u arhitekturi. Među šest najboljih ove godine su se našli i hrvatski arhitekti sa svojom kućom “J2” I Piše: Ana Perišin nternetski portal World architecture news (WAN) izabrao je pobjednika prestižne nagrade “Kuća godine” za 2007. godinu – kuću “J”, južnoafričkog arhitekta Kevina Fellinghama. Nagrada je osmišljena kako bi poticala izvrsnost u arhitektonskoj struci, a ocjenjivački sud koji o njoj odlučuje sastavljen je redom od poznatih svjetskih arhitekata i stručnjaka: Richard Coleman, Juli34 an Honer, Pierre d’Avoine, Yuili Toh i Christina Seilern. Žiri je izabrao najbolje od pristiglih radova iz cijeloga svijeta, od Australije do Poljske, prvo njih 25 za širi izbor, pa šest za uži te, na koncu, i pobjednika. Kriteriji su bili originalnost, inovativnost, oblikovanje i prostorne kvalitete, održivost, okruženje u kojem se kuće nalaze te objašnjenja samih autora. Pobjednička kuća “J” Kevina Fellinghama / The award-winning “J House” of Kevin Fellingham Zanimljivo je da je pobjednička kuća “J” prvi završeni projekt Kevina Fellinghama, s obzirom da je svoj studio “Kevin Fellingham Architecture” osnovao tek 2006. godine. Možda je ključ uspjeha bio u arhitektovoj posebnoj emocionalnoj involviranosti jer je nagrađena kuća dizajnirana za njegove roditelje. Lokacija kuće je osnova njezina dizajna. Smještena je na rubu Simonstowna, između arhitektonski zaštićenog dijela i zaštićene zone nacionalnog parka Table Mountain, na granici prirode i kulture, planine i mora. Upravo je granica to što joj daje svrhu, tvoreći istodobno i utočište i potpunu izloženost prirodi. “Ova je kuća (House “J”) potaknula najviše rasprava i bilo ju je najteže razumjeti. Nakon svakog proučavanja, otkrivali bismo kvalitetnije i kvalitetnije karakteristike”, izjavio je žiri. Korištenje autohtonih materijala te potpuna iskorištenost predivnog pogleda koji se pruža iz većine prostorija išli su u prilog nagrađenog projekta. Osim nagrade portala WAN, mladi arhitekt je dobio i nagradu “Merit Award” južnoafričkog instituta arhitekture, kao i “Award of Commendation” instituta Cape. I hrvatski athitekti među finalistima Među šest finalista našla se i kuća hrvatskog arhitektonskog studija 3LHD-a, široj javnosti poznatog po projektiranju splitske Rive. To je obiteljska kuća, pod nazivom “J2”, za bračni par s djecom, smještena u zagrebačkoj podsljemenskoj zoni, a sam žiri je priznao da je projekt potaknuo mnogo rasprava. Pohvale su stizale za fluidnost i neformalnost koncepta plana tlorisa te za umjerene materijale koji su korišteni, dok joj je zamjeran previše industrijalni stil za obiteljsku kuću. Ostali finalisti su: Salt Point House, Thomas Phifer and Partners, New York, SAD; The Long House, Keith Williams Architects, London, Velika Britanija; Acrylic House, Takeshi Hosaka Architects, Japan, i Home/office, Marià Castelló Arquitecte, Formentera Island, Španjolska. 35 Info Kuća “J2”, 3LHD / House “J2”, 3LHD Announced House of the Year Internet portal World Architecture News gathers the most wonderful houses in the world every year with the goal of encouraging excellence in the field of architecture. Among this year’s six finalists, there was also a group of Croatian architects with their “J2” house I Written by: Ana Perišin nternet portal World Architecture News (WAN) has chosen the winner of the prestigious “House of the Year” award for 2007 – it is the “J House” by SouthAfrican architect Kevin Fellingham. The award was designed in order to encourage excellence in the field of architecture, with the jury of judges being assembled from the world’s most respected architects and experts: Richard Coleman, Julian Honer, Pierre d’Avoine, Yuili Toh and Christina Seilern. The jury picked out the best among many projects from all over the world, from Australia to Poland – originally there were 25 picks in a wider selection, then the six finalists, and then finally the winner. The criteria were based on originality, innovativeness, quality of shaping and spatial characteristics, as well as durability, the house’s environment and the authors’ explanations. It is very interesting that the award-winning “J House” was the very first completed project for Kevin Fellingham, considering the fact that he started his “Kevin Fellingham Architecture” studio in 2006. Perhaps the key of his success can be found in the architect’s special emotional involvement to this house, as it was designed for his parents. The basis of the house’s design is its location. It is situated on the edge of Simonstown, between the architectonically protected section and the protected zone of national park Table Mountain, right on the border of nature and culture, mountain and the sea. It is precisely that border that gives it purpose, as it simultaneously creates a sanctuary and complete submission to nature. 36 “This house (J House) has encouraged the largest number of discussions and was the hardest one to comprehend. After every round of observation, we would discover characteristics with more and more quality”, the jury stated. The usage of autochthon materials and complete utilization of a sensational view that is available in the majority of rooms certainly increased the chances of this project. Besides the WAN Portal Award, the young architect also received the Merit Award from the South-African Architecture Institute, as well as the Award of Commendation from the Cape Institute. Croatian Architects Also Through to the Final Among the six finalists in this contest, there was also a house by Croatian architectonic studio 3LHD, which became familiar to a broader circle of people through their work on the renovation of Riva in Split. It is a family house called “J2”, designed for a married couple with children in the sub-Sljeme zone in Zagreb, and the jury admitted that the project encouraged many discussions among them. Credits were given for fluidity and non-formality of the plan’s concept, as well as for usage of moderate materials, while some points were deducted for the overly industrial style for a family home. Other finalists were: Salt Point House by Thomas Phifer and Partners, New York, USA; The Long House by Keith Williams Architects, London, Great Britain; Acrylic House by Takeshi Hosaka Architects, Japan; and finally, Home/ Office by Maria Castello Arquitecte, Formentera Island, Spain. Home/Office, Maria Castelló Arquitecte Info Long House, Keith Williams Architects 37 Prvi poslovni toranj u Splitu Toranj će se graditi na površini od 2750 četvornih metara, bit će specifičnog elipsastog oblika, a sastojat će se od prizemlja i osam katova, s ravnim krovom i podzemnom garažom sa 70 parkirališnih mjesta, te helidromom na vrhu Piše: Danijela Mandušiæ 38 Za arhitektonsko oblikovanje građevine zaslužna je Jugana Petrović / The architectonic shape of the building is the work of Jugana Petrović U poslovnom svijetu je zamjetan trend potražnje za suvremenim poslovnim zonama s optimalno projektiranim i dizajniranim poslovnim prostorima koji su istodobno vizualno privlačni te funkcionalni i ugodni za boravak i rad. Da bi odgovorila na moderne zahtjeve tržišta poslovnih nekretnina u Hrvatskoj, investicijska tvrtka DalCasa se odlučila za projekt izgradnje prvog poslovnog tornja u Splitu, i to na predjelu Pazdigrad, u jugoistočnom dijelu grada, nedaleko od mora. Oblik elipse s transparentnim staklenim površinama Projektiranju prvoga poslovnog tornja u Splitu i Dalmaciji, pristupilo se zbog sve veće potrebe za stvaranjem svojevrsne poslovne zone, odnosno dinamičnog i modernog poslovnog okruženja. Pritom se mnogo pažnje pridavalo smještaju samog tornja u urbanističko okruženje te mediteransko podneblje. Lokacija, dizajn i specifikacija ove građevine zadovoljit će i najveće zahtjeve lokalnih i međunarodnih korporacija. Sam toranj, koji se gradi na površini od 2750 četvornih metara, bit će vrlo specifičnog elipsastog oblika, a sastojat će se od prizemlja i osam katova, s ravnim krovom i podzemnom garažom sa 70 parkirališnih mjesta, te helidromom na vrhu tornja. Arhitektonsko oblikovanje građevine, za koje je zaslužna arhitektica Jugana Petrović, temelji se na autorskoj viziji oblikovanja prostora, vizualnoj privlačnosti i doživljaju iz vozila u pokretu s Jadranske magistrale, koja se nalazi u neposrednoj blizini, Invest icije kao i doživljaju pješaka. Jednostavan elipsasti volumen s transparentnim staklenim površinama te panoramskim liftom, jedinstveni je vizualni doživljaj kako iznutra, tako i izvana. Panoramski lift i helidrom na vrhu tornja U prizemlju tornja bit će ekskluzivni klub na gotovo tisuću četvornih metara. Prvi kat je rezerviran za luksuzni restoran s japanskom i talijanskom kuhinjom, a velik njegov dio zauzimat će predivna poluotvorena terasa s pogledom na more i otoke za lagani ručak i opuštanje tijekom radnog dana. Od drugog do osmog kata nalazit će se moderni poslovni prostori s ostakljenim stijenkama, a poveznica između katova bit će panoramski lift. Prizemlje će također imati pogled na more zbog prirodnog pada terena i blizine mora. S obzirom da se radi o poslovnom tornju vrhunske funkcionalnosti, na njegovu će se vrhu nalaziti helidrom, što je također novost u Splitu. Unutarnjem dizajnu prostora također će se posvetiti posebna pažnja, i to tako da korespondira sa suvremenom i neobičnom arhitekturom tornja. Katovi zgrade, zahvaljujući svojim dimenzijama, omogućuju dizajn idealnog poslovnog prostora u skladu s visokim zahtjevima modernih korporacija, a ujedno ostavljaju mjesta za moguće prilagodbe prema željama određene tvrtke u budućnosti. U kombinaciji s impresivnim predvorjem, DCG poslovni toranj bit će idealna simbioza isplativosti, vrhunske kvalitete i dizajna, čime je neusporediv s bilo kojim projektom u Dalmaciji, a i šire. 39 Invest ment s The First Business Tower in Split The tower will be built on a 2750 square metre surface and will have a specific elliptical figure, while consisting of the ground floor and eight upper floors, as well as a flat roof and a subterranean garage with 70 parking spaces and a heliport on the top Written by: Danijela Mandušić 40 T he business world has a noticeable trend of searching for contemporary business zones with optimally projected and designed business premises, which are simultaneously visually attractive, functional and pleasant to stay and work in. In order to respond to the modern demands of the Croatian real estate market, investment firm DalCasa has decided to start the project of building the first business tower in Split, in the southeastern part of the city called Pazdigrad, which is very close to the sea. An Elliptical Figure with Transparent Glass Surfaces The task of projecting the first business tower in Split and Dalmatia was taken on due to the increasing need of creating a prototype of a business zone, or a dynamic and modern business environment. During that process, lots of attention was given to the location of the tower itself into an urban environment with a Mediterranean flavour. Location, design and specification of this building will satisfy even the biggest demands of local and international corporations. The tower itself, being built on a 2750 square metre surface, will feature a very specific elliptical figure, and will consist of the ground floor and eight upper floors, as well as a flat roof and a subterranean garage with 70 parking spaces and a heliport on the top. The architectonic shape of the building, which is the work of architect Jugana Petrović, is based on the author’s vision of shaping space, achieving visual attractiveness and an experience from a moving vehicle on the Adriatic Highway, which is very near the tower, as well as the experience of a pedestrian. Simple elliptical volume with transparent glass surfaces and a panoramic elevator is a unique visual experience from both the inside and the outside. Panoramic Elevator and Heliport on the Top of the Tower The tower’s ground floor will feature an exclusive club that will take up almost one thousand square metres. The first floor is reserved for a luxurious restaurant with Japanese and Italian cuisine, and a large part of it will be in the shape of a wonderful semi-open terrace with a view over the sea and the islands, which will be perfect for a light lunch and some relaxation during the workday. The area between the second and the eighth floor will feature modern business premises with glass surfaces, while the panoramic elevator will connect all the floors. The ground floor will also overlook the sea due to the natural slope of the turf and the nearness of the sea. Considering the fact that we’re talking about a business tower of supreme functionality, its top will feature a heliport, which is also a novelty for Split. The interior design of the tower will also receive plenty of attention, as it will try to correspond to the tower’s modern and unusual architecture. The floors of the building, due to their dimensions, have enabled the design of an ideal set of business premises in harmony with high demands of modern corporations, while also leaving room for possible readjustments, should any of the companies wish to enforce them in the future. In combination with the impressive lobby, business tower DCG will be the ideal symbiosis of profitability, top quality and design, which means that it cannot be compared to any project in Dalmatia and beyond. Impresivno predvorje / Impressive lobby Helidrom na vrhu zgrade / A heliport on the top of the building U prizemlju tornja bit će ekskluzivni klub na gotovo tisuću četvornih metara / he tower’s ground floor will feature an exclusive club that will take up almost one thousand square metres 41 Vijest i Arhitektonski “duh” nad starom prugom Diesel dizajnira interijere Modna kuća Diesel, u suradnji sa Zucchi Group, jednim od najvećih svjetskih proizvođača i distributera tekstilnih proizvoda za dom, počinje dizajnirati interijere. Tema koncepta se vrti oko kombinacije rock’n’roll i ležernog stila življenja koji sadrži prepoznatljivi Dieselov stil i stav. “Uspješno življenje iz Diesela” će i u dizajnu interijera prenijeti srž i vrijednost branda, okarakterizirati ga inovativnim dizajnom, te ironičnim i vintage prizivom, kombiniranim s ultramodernim i duhovitim detaljima. Novu kolekciju dizajnirao je kreativni tim Diesela predvođen direktorom Wilbertom Dasom, a bit će službeno predstavljena u travnju 2008. u Milanu, na Međunarodnom sajmu namještaja. Diesel Designs Interiors Fashion brand Diesel, in cooperation with Zucchi Group, one of the world’s biggest manufacturers and distributors of home textile products, is starting to design interiors. The theme of the concept revolves around the combination of rock’n’roll and a casual lifestyle that is found in Diesel’s recognizable style and attitude. “Successful living from Diesel” will use interior designs to transmit the brand’s essence and value, as well as enrich it with innovative design and ironic and vintage throwbacks combined with ultramodern and humorous details. The new collection was designed by Diesel’s creative team led by director Wilbert Das, and it will be officially presented at the International Furniture Fair in Milan in April 2008. Natječaj dizajna za internetsku generaciju Electrolux poziva studente industrijskog dizajna iz cijelog svijeta da dizajniraju “kućanske uređaje za internetsku generaciju”. Ovogodišnji zadatak natječaja usmjeren je na brendovski osviještene, zaposlene mlade stručnjake u dobi između 25 i 35 godina koji brinu o zaštiti okoliša, upoznati su s tehnologijom i online komunikacijom. Prijedlozi moraju odražavati temeljne interese internetske generacije: prilagodljivost, praktičnost, uštedu vremena i materijala, personaliziranost, kreativnost, tehnologiju i održivost. Prijave za ovogodišnji natječaj su do 30. svibnja. 42 Arhitekt Neil Denari projektirao je suvremenu, transparentnu zgradu pokraj stare željezničke linije High Line u samom središtu New Yorka. Napuštena pruga pretvorena je u linearni gradski park, a projektirajući zgradu nad njom, Denari se “poigrao” kosim fasadama, što budućim stanarima pruža zanimljive i neobične kutove gledanja na grad. Cijela građevina izgrađena je od stakla koje je stavljeno u glomazne željezne okvire, a čak se i u dizajniranju interijera mnogo koristilo staklo, tako da prozračna građevina kao da lebdi nad starom gradskom prugom. Architectonic “Ghost” Above the Old Railway Architect Neil Denari projected a modern, transparent building next to the old railroad High Line in the very centre of New York. The abandoned railway was turned into a linear city park, and while projecting the building above it, Denari “toyed” with oblique facades, which provides some interesting and unusual angles of observing the city for any future tenants. The whole building was made of glass that was placed within gigantic steel frames, and glass was also often used in the process of designing interiors, so this ethereal building leaves the impression of flowing above the old city railway. A Design Contest for the Internet Generation Electrolux invites industrial design students from all over the world to design “household appliances for the Internet generation”. This year’s assignment is aimed at brand-aware, busy young experts of age 25-35 that care about the environment, are familiar with technology and online communication. Suggestions must express basic interests of the Internet generation: adjustability, practicality, time and material preservation, personality, creativity, technology and durability. Applications for this year’s contest can be sent until May 30th. Toranj Pixel u Dubaiju Inspiriran zaigranim mjehurićima u čaši šampanjca, James Law dizajnirao je toranj 21. stoljeća na samoj obali mora u Dubaiju. Fasadni otvori dizajnirani su tako da, osim vizualnog dojma, stvaraju i veću zaštitu od sunca na južnom dijelu, a na sjevernom otvaraju pogled prema moru. Toranj ima 18 katova, a opremljen je najmodernijom tehnologijom, pa tako stanari mogu preko svojih mobilnih uređaja kontrolirati stan kad nisu u njemu, pa čak i daljinski upravljati kamerama postavljenima u stanu. Savršen spoj modernog dizajna, tehnologije i funkcionalnosti. Za vrhunske trendsetere! Pixel Tower in Dubai Pripremila / Edited by: Danijela Mandušiæ Inspired with playful bubbles in a champagne glass, James Law designed a 21st-century tower on the very coast of Dubai. Façade openings are designed in a way that, besides the visual impression, they increase the level of sun protection on the southern part, while opening the view towards the sea at the northern side. The tower has 18 floors and is equipped with the most modern technology, so tenants can use their mobile devices to control the apartment when they’re not in it, even using remote controls to operate the cameras in the apartment. A perfect combination of modern design, technology and functionality. For top-notch trendsetters only! Najveći i najviši most na svijetu Još jedno čudo arhitekture u Dubaiju! Dug 1,7 kilometara, visine do 205 metara, novi most dizajnirala je tvrtka Fxfowle International i zasigurno će postati novi “landmark” Dubaija. Svojim dizajnom evocira valove pješčanih dina nadomak grada, a arhitekti su njegovom strukturom željeli simbolički predočiti mjesečeve mijene, ali i uklopiti ga u okolnu arhitekturu, posebno novu zgradu Opere koja se nalazi u neposrednoj blizini. Most uvijek simbolizira spajanje, a arhitekti su ovim mostom željeli posebno naglasiti stapanje starog i novog, tradicijskih vrijednosti i budućih stremljenja, kako u arhitekturi, tako i u životu. News Hrvatska tvrtka gradi poslovni centar u Moskvi Studio BF, u suradnji s IGH-om, osvojio je prvu nagradu na pozivnom natječaju za poslovni centar Grupe Most u Moskvi. Riječ je o poslovnom centru veličine 200 tisuća četvornih metara, a obuhvaća korporacijsko središte Grupe Most, šoping-zonu i hotele. Projekt je sastavni dio novog ekograda od 300.000 stanovnika, koji se nalazi u jugoistočnom dijelu Moskve, a izradila ga je grupa Maxwan iz Rotterdama. A Croatian Company Building a Business Centre in Moscow Studio BF, in cooperation with IGH, has won the top prize at the invitational contest for the Most Group business centre in Moscow. This will be a business centre that will take up 200 thousand square metres, and will include the Most Group corporation centre, a shopping zone and hotels. The project is the integral part of the new eco-city with 300.000 people located in the southeastern part of Moscow, and it was constructed by Maxwan Group from Rotterdam. The Biggest and Tallest Bridge in the World Another architectural miracle in Dubai! 1,7 kilometres long and up to 205 metres high, this new bridge was designed by company Fxfowle International and it is bound to become Dubai’s new landmark. Its design evokes waves of sand dunes near the city, and its structure was created by the architects in order to symbolically present the changes of the moon, but they also intended to adjust it to the surrounding architecture, particularly the new Opera building nearby. A bridge always symbolizes connection, and architects wanted to use this bridge to emphasize the blending of old and new, traditional values and future ambitions, in both architecture and life. 45 Invest icije Rajski vrtovi nadomak Splita Rajski vrtovi, kako je ovo naselje dobilo ime zbog svoje estetske privlačnosti s daškom hedonizma, kao i izrazite funkcionalnosti i sigurnosti, namijenjeno je obiteljima koje posebno cijene privatnost, tišinu dalmatinske prirode te miran i siguran obiteljski život. Vile je projektirao osječki arhitekt Oliver Grigić, jedan od najcjenjenijih hrvatskih arhitekata, posebice poznat po svom osebujnom i suvremenom projektiranju obiteljskih vila Piše: Danijela Mandušiæ 46 Posebnu ekskluzivnost lokaciji daje prekrasan panoramski pogled na Split i srednjodalmatinske otoke / What’s particularly exclusive about this location is a wonderful panoramic view over Split and the mid-Dalmatian islands Naselje se sastoji od 48 moderno dizajniranih kamenih vila jednokatnica / The settlement consists of 48 one-storey stone villas designed in a modern way U samom središtu Dalmacije, na netaknutom dijelu Kaštelanskog zaljeva, između Splita i Trogira, gradi se luksuzno naselje obiteljskih vila zatvorenog tipa, prvo takve vrste u Hrvatskoj. U svijetu je već godinama prisutan trend migracije ljudi iz velikih zagađenih gradskih središta na periferiju, u potrazi za mirom i odmorom od sve brže i napornije poslovne svakodnevice. Potrebu za takvim, mirnim obiteljskim okruženjem, prepoznali su u investicijskoj tvrtki DalCasa Grupa te pokrenuli projekt obiteljskih vila koje će zadovoljiti i najzahtjevnije kupce, one kojima su kvaliteta života te miran i udoban odmor od posla na prvome mjestu. Pionirski projekt urbanih vila zatvorenog tipa u Hrvatskoj Rajski vrtovi, kako je to naselje dobilo ime zbog svoje estetske privlačnosti s daškom hedonizma, kao i izrazite funkcionalnosti i sigurnosti, namijenjeno je obiteljima koje posebno cijene privatnost, tišinu dalmatinske prirode te miran i siguran obiteljski život. Naselje je smješteno na 37.000 četvornih metara površine, između pitomih padina Kozjaka i Kaštelanskog zaljeva, okruženo netaknutnom prirodom te udaljeno samo 2000 metara od mora. Nadomak je nekoliko urbanih središta i u neposrednoj blizini pratećih sadržaja, kao što su vrtić, crkva i pošta. Posebnu ekskluzivnost lokaciji daje prekrasan panoramski pogled na Split i srednjodalmatinske otoke Šoltu, Brač, Hvar i Vis. Lokacija je odlično povezana s gradovima Trogirom i Splitom, a u skoroj budućnosti, prije dovršenja urbanih vila, udaljenost do Splita bit će neznatna zahvaljujući izgradnji brze prometnice kojom će se do Splita stizati 47 Svaka kuća ima pomno dizajniranu okućnicu i bazen / Each house has a carefully designed courtyard and swimming pool za 10 minuta, a do Trogira za samo pet minuta. Također se vrlo jednostavno i brzo stiže do ulaska na autocestu Split-Zagreb, a u Kaštelima se nalazi i međunarodna zračna luka Split, kao i novoizgrađena marina Kaštela s 420 vezova i pratećim sadržajima. Luksuzno stambeno naselje Rajski vrtovi bit će organizirano po principu zatvorenog tipa, što je apsolutna novost na tržištu luksuznih nekretnina u Hrvatskoj. Kompletno će biti ograđeno kamenim zidom, a na samom ulazu nalazit će se upravna zgrada u kojoj će se voditi briga o cijelom naselju te će tako budući stanari imati potpunu privatnost i sigurnost. U upravnoj zgradi bit će služba za održavanje i čuvanje naselja, i ona će biti pod stalnim videonadzorom. Osim toga, imat će i dodatne sadržaje, kao što su praonica, restoran i ugostiteljski objekt. Savršen sklad moderne arhitekture i mediteranskog podneblja Naselje se sastoji od 48 moderno dizajniranih kamenih vila jednokatnica, od kojih svaka ima pomno dizajniranu okućnicu i bazen. Vile je projektirao osječki arhitekt Oliver Grigić, jedan od najcjenjenijih hrvatskih arhitekata, posebice poznat po svom osebujnom i suvremenom projektiranju obiteljskih vila. Grigić pri projektiranju izrazitu pozornost pridaje skladu arhitekture i prirode koja je okružuje, iskorištavajući pritom na najbolji mogući način klimatske i hortikulturne osobitosti podneblja, a također posebnu pozornost posvećuje kvaliteti življenja i udobnosti budućih stanara, pa je i ove vile projektirao po vlastitu životnom i profesionalnom kredu. Poznata je njegova obiteljska Villa Primošten (o kojoj smo već pisali u našemu magazinu) zbog koje je nominiran za nagradu “Drago Galić” za najuspješnije ostvarenje na području stambene arhitekture u 2005., te dobio nekoliko priznanja struke. Imajući na umu da na blagoj dalmatinskoj klimi ljudi mnogo slobodnog vremena provode na otvo48 Vile je projektirao osječki arhitekt Oliver Grigić / The villas were projected by architect Oliver Grigić renome, posebnu pozornost je posvetio funkcionalnom i privlačnom izgledu okućnice, s mnogo terasa, prostora za druženje i neizostavnim bazenom. Tri tipa vila s okućnicom i bazenom Vile će se sastojati od prizemlja i jednog kata, a projektirane su u tri osnovna tipa. Najvažniju razliku među njima čini njihova prostranost pa će tako najveći broj vila imati oko 200 četvornih metara, nešto manji broj njih 160 m², a najmanji broj bit će onih najluksuznijih ukupne stambene površine od čak 250 četvornih metara, koje će biti smještene na rubovima samog naselja, što će im omogućavati dodatnu privatnost. Bit će izgrađene od najkvalitetnijih građevnih materijala i opremljene vrhunskom dizajnerskom opremom za unutarnje uređenje, dok će, zahvaljujući blago kaskadno položenom tlu, svaka vila imati pogled na more. Unutarnje uređenje će varirati ovisno o velični vile, a posebna pažnja će se pridavati otvorenosti prostora s malo zidova i mnogo staklenih stijenki koje gledaju na vrt s bazenom i more. Svaka vila će biti opremljena alarmima i suvremenim videonadzorom koji će se moći kontrolirati preko interneta, solarnim grijanjem te pametnim sustavom zaključavanja. Okoliš će biti dizajniran u mediteranskom stilu, s mnogo mirisnog dalmatinskog bilja i prostorima za druženje, a ipak će svaki posjed imati vlastitu privatnost jer će svaka vila biti okružena kamenim zidom. Prostor Rudina, na kojem će se graditi ovo naselje, do sada je bio zapušten i nedovoljno iskorišten. Ovim projektom gradnje luksuznog naselja odgovorit će se potrebama suvremenih poslovnih ljudi koji, nakon napornog radnog dana, zaslužuju kvalitetan odmor daleko od gradske vreve, u svom djeliću raja, estetski vrlo privlačnom, udobnom i savršeno sigurnom za njih i njihove obitelji. Invest ment s Written by: Danijela Mandušić Paradise Gardens Just Outside of Split Paradise Gardens, which is the name of this settlement due to its aesthetical attractiveness with a breath of hedonism, as well as its extreme functionality and safety, was designed for families that have a special dose of appreciation for privacy, quiet Dalmatian nature and a peaceful and safe family life. The villas were projected by architect Oliver Grigić from Osijek, as he is one of the most respected Croatian architects known for his distinctive and modern projecting of family villas A t the very centre of Dalmatia, on the preserved section of Kaštela Bay between Split and Trogir, we find a luxurious settlement of enclosed family villas being built, which marks the first settlement of such type in Croatia. For many years now, the rest of the world has witnessed a trend of people migrating from large polluted city centres to the suburbs, as they are trying to find peace and relaxation from their increasingly fast and tiring everyday jobs. The need for that type of a peaceful family environment was recognized in investment firm “DalCasa Group”, as they started a project of family villas that would satisfy even the most demanding buyers who are primarily concerned with quality of life and nice relaxation from their work. A Pioneering Project of Enclosed Urban Villas in Croatia Paradise Gardens, which is the name of this settlement due to its aesthetical attractiveness with a breath of he- donism, as well as its extreme functionality and safety, was designed for families that have a special dose of appreciation for privacy, quiet Dalmatian nature and a peaceful and safe family life. The settlement is located on 37.000 square metres of surface, between the mild Kozjak slopes and Kaštela Bay, surrounded by preserved nature and just 2000 metres away from the sea. It is near several urban centres and important accompanying facilities, such as a kindergarten, church and post office. What’s particularly exclusive about this location is a wonderful panoramic view over Split and the mid-Dalmatian islands Šolta, Brač, Hvar and Vis. The location is excellently connected to Trogir and Split, and in the very near future, even prior to the completion of the villas, Split will become even much closer due to the construction of a fast highway that will reduce the distance to only 10 minutes, while Trogir will be only five minutes away. Access to Highway Split-Zagreb is also very 49 Okoliš će biti dizajniran u mediteranskom stilu, s mnogo mirisnog dalmatinskog bilja / The surroundings will be designed in complete Mediterranean style, with plenty of aromatic Dalmatian plants fast and simple, while Kaštela also features the International Split Airport and the newly built Kaštela Marina with 420 moorings and accompanying facilities. Luxurious residential settlement Paradise Gardens will be organized in an enclosed principle, which is an absolute novelty on the market of luxurious real estates in Croatia. It will be completely fenced with a stonewall, and the very entrance will feature an administration building that will control the entire settlement, thus ensuring complete privacy and safety for all the tenants. The administration building will provide services for maintenance and settlement safety, and it will be under constant video-supervision. In addition to that, it will provide some other facilities, such as the laundry room, restaurant and catering objects. Perfect Harmony of Modern Architecture and Mediterranean Climate The settlement consists of 48 one-storey stone villas designed in a modern way, with each of them having a carefully designed courtyard and swimming pool. The villas were projected by architect Oliver Grigić from Osijek, as he is one of the most respected Croatian architects known for his distinctive and modern projecting of family villas. While going through the projecting process, Grigić pays special attention to the harmony of architecture and the surrounding nature, while also taking advantage of the climate and horticultural conditions of the area. He also pays special attention to the future tenants’ life quality and level of comfort, and that is why he also projected these villas according to his personal and professional credo. His family Villa Primošten is well renowned (we already covered it in our magazine), and it got him nominated for the Drago Galić Award in the category for most successful achievement in the field of residential architecture in 2005, as well as winning him several other professional awards. Keeping in mind that the mild Dalmatian climate allows people to spend a lot of time out- doors, he paid special attention to the functionality and beauty of the courtyard, with plenty of terraces, social areas and the unavoidable swimming pool. Three Types of Villas with Courtyards and Swimming Pools The villas will consist of the ground floor and the upper floor, and they were projected into three separate groups. Their spaciousness is what makes the difference, as the largest number of villas will have 200 square metres, a slightly smaller number will take up 160 m2, while the smallest number will have the most luxurious residential size of 250 square metres. Those biggest villas will be positioned on the very outskirts of the settlement, which will provide them with additional privacy. They will be constructed by using top-quality construction materials and furnished with the best designer equipment for interior decoration and, thanks to the slightly cascade position of the ground, every villa will have a wonderful view over the sea. Interior decoration will vary depending on the villa size, while special attention will be provided to opening up the space by using very few walls and plenty of glass surfaces that overlook the garden, the swimming pool and the sea. Every villa will be equipped with alarms and a modern video-supervision that will be controllable over the Internet, and there will also be solar heating and an intelligent locking system. The surroundings will be designed in complete Mediterranean style, with plenty of aromatic Dalmatian plants and social areas, but every property will still have its dose of privacy due to the surrounding stonewalls. This settlement will be built in a small town called Rudine, which has previously been neglected and very underutilised. This project of constructing a luxurious settlement will provide an answer to the needs of modern businessmen that, after a long workday, deserve a quality relaxation away from the busy city, in their little slices of heaven that are aesthetically very attractive, comfortable and perfectly safe for them and their families. 51 Avant ura GRAZ - savršen spoj tradicijske i moderne arhitekture 52 Graz je zaista nedovoljno istražena ljepotica koja nam je “nadohvat ruke”, i osim samog šopinga, uvijek možete pogledati i neku suvremenu izložbu ili instalaciju u svemirskom Kunsthouseu, ili se, pak, samo diviti toj fascinantnoj građevini iznutra i izvana Piše: Danijela Mandušiæ Foto: www.graztourism.at O sim što je tradicionalna meka za šopingholičare, Graz je i grad kulture, umjetnosti i moderne arhitekture. Smješten na raskrižju nekoliko velikih europskih kultura – talijanske, slavenske, mađarske i germanske – Graz je uzeo ono najbolje od svake od njih. Sa svojih gotovo 250.000 stanovnika, Graz je drugi austrijski grad po veličini i prilično se razlikuje od, prema njemu golemoga, glavnoga grada Austrije. Nema velikih dvoraca, carskih parkova i muzeja – svih onih bečkih svjedoka velike monarhije. Ulice su manje, lako dostupne bez ikakvog prijevoznog sredstva i šarmantne upravo zbog malih specijaliziranih prodavaonica sa starinskim nazivima i mnogobrojnih galerija. Sam koncept grada, s obveznim šopingom i neobveznom šetnjom, ispijanjem kave i obrokom u nekom od lounge restorana ili kušanjem fine štajerske kuhinje i poznatih bijelih vina, vožnjom biciklom ili samo ležanjem na travi, čine ga zaista opuštajućim. Murinsel - umjetni otok na Muri, zapravo željezna amfiteatarska konstrukcija koja povezuje dvije obale rijeke i dva dijela grada / Murinsel - an artificial island on Mura, or to be more precise, an iron amphitheatre construction that connects the two river coasts and the two city part Europski grad kulture 2003. Sveučilišni grad, grad kulture i moderne arhitekture, “štajerski Gradec” je glavni grad savezne pokrajine Štajerske. Smješten je u predalpskom prostoru, na sjevernom rubu Gradečkog polja (Grazer Feld), a rijeka Mura koja teče kroz grad daje mu dodir mirnoće i spokoja. Graz je 2003., prvi u Austriji, dobio laskavu titulu Europskoga grada kulture i tada je izgrađeno nekoliko kapitalnih objekata u službi suvremene umjetnosti i kulture, pravih “ljepotica” moderne arhitekture koje su zauvijek promijenile vizure grada, dokazale kako stara i nova arhitektura mogu postojati u vizualnoj simbiozi, te ucrtale ovaj grad u “must see” odredišta sviju koji cijene suvremenu umjetnost i arhitekturu. Već pri prvom susretu s Grazom jasno je da ovaj grad mnogo ulaže u modernu arhitekturu. Zračna luka (rad austrijskih arhitekata Riegler.Riewe i Pittino&Ortner) i glavna željeznička postaja (Zechner&Zechner) doživjele su u posljednjem desetljeću arhitektonski “makeover”. Ulazeći u samo gradsko središte, na desnoj obali Mure, nekada neugledna industrijska četvrt doživjela je potpunu preobrazbu. Sada je to multikulturni šareni krajobraz ispunjen malim lounge barovima i restoranima koji nude kuhinje iz svih krajeva svijeta, galerijama suvremene umjetnosti i mnoštvom mladih ljudi koji dolaze iz raznih krajeva svijeta. No, apsolutna kraljica ovoga dijela grada, i razlog zbog kojeg mnogi dolaze ovamo, jest Kunsthouse (Muzej suvremene umjetnosti), nadrealno 53 Avant ura biomorfno zdanje popularno nazvano “friendly alien”, koje svojom masivnošću i neobičnim oblikom potpuno dominira tim dijelom grada, danju reflektirajući na svom uvijenom tijelu okolne, arhitektonski posve drukčije građevine, a noću postajući jedinstvena svjetlosna instalacija. Friendly alien i Murin pužić Tvorci ove “izvanzemaljske” građevine su britanski arhitekti Peter Cook i Colin Fournier koji su pokraj Iron house iz 19. stoljeća napravili pravo čudo moderne arhitekture. Ova glomazna gradska instalacija počiva na staklenoj bazi i zato se doima kao da je bestežinska. BIX fasada se sastoji od 1066 različito oblikovanih staklenih ploča ispod kojih su svjetla koja noću šalju tekstovne i videoporuke na drugu stranu Mure ili, možda, u svemir. Ispod te svjetlucave kože nalazi se 2000 četvornih metara funkcionalnog izložbenog prostora na dvije etaže, restoran, “travelator” u suženom središnjem dijelu te platforma za panoramsko promatranje na vrhu. Još jedna građevina u tom dijelu grada plijeni pozornost. Izgrađen 2003., kao i Kunsthouse, Murinsel, u doslovnom prijevodu “otok na Muri” ili od milja “Murin pužić”, druga je važna atrakcija modernoga Graza. To je umjetni otok na Muri, zapravo željezna amfiteatarska konstrukcija koja povezuje dvije obale rijeke i dva dijela grada. Autor 54 Muzej suvremene umjetnosti poznat i kao “friendly alien”/ Contemporary Art Museum also known as “friendly alien” je Amerikanac Vito Acconci i njezina prvotna namjena nije bila da ostane u Grazu, ali je stanovnicima toliko prirasla srcu da su je odlučili ostaviti da vječno lebdi nad Murom. Kako i neće kad sad mogu ispijati kavu nasred rijeke i uživati u koncertima i predstavama na otvorenoj pozornici školjkastog oblika. Osim tih dviju građevina, u povodu obilježavanja Graza kao kulturne prijestolnice Europe 2003., izgrađen je još i Dječji muzej te velika Helmut List hala koja predstavlja simbiozu umjetnosti i tehnologije. Arhitekt Markus Pernthaler prenamijenio je bivšu industrijsku halu u veliku dvoranu za različita kulturna događanja. Napravljena je od stakla na željeznoj konstrukciji i može primiti više od tisuću uzvanika, a da bi bila savršeno akustična, u projektiranju mu je pomogao skladatelj Nikolaus Harnoncourt. Savršen spoj tradicije i avangarde Od “čuda” suvremene arhitekture, treba još spomenuti i botaničke vrtove koji su izgrađeni 1995. i do danas su poznati kao najoptimalnije rješenje za savršenu difuziju svjetla i stvaranje sasvim druge klime za egzotične biljke sa svih strana svijeta koje se mogu razgledati u njima. To duguju lagano nakrivljenim opnama od akrilnog stakla koje zanimljivo izgledaju i iznutra i izvana. No, Graz nije meka samo za ljubitelje suvremene arhi- Avant ura Kameno stepenište koje vodi do Shlossberga / Stone staircase thats leeds to Shlossberg Stakleni lift unutar Schlossberga / Glass lift inside of Schlossberg tekture, zapravo ovaj grad je pravi dokaz kako avangardna i tradicionalna arhitektura mogu savršeno funkcionirati jedna pokraj druge. S umjetnog otoka pruža se pogled na stari gradski toranj sa satom i legendarni dvorac Schlossberg na brdu usred grada, zbog kojih je uži centar Graza od 1999. pod zaštitom UNESCO-a. Dvorac Schlossberg čuva grad već više od tisuću godina, a po njemu je Graz dobio i ime. Naime, Gradec je slavenska riječ koja doslovno znači “mali dvorac”, no Schlossberg je s godinama izrastao u multifunkcionalni prostor unutar kojega su konferencijski prostori (Dom im Berg) te velika otvorena pozornica u bivšim ćelijama dvorca, a na samom vrhu brda su lounge restoran i šetnice kroz park. Do vrha vodi uspinjača izgrađena još davne 1896., a danas je to stakleni lift s panoramskim pogledom na grad. Da bi užitak u panorami bio potpun, tu je i zvonik iz 16. stoljeća, s čijeg vrha puca pogled na cijeli grad, a u svojoj utrobi krije stare austrijske grbove i najteže zvono u Austriji. Graz opravdano nosi naziv “grad kulture“. U koje god doba godine se zateknete u njemu, ima nekoliko velikih kulturnih događanja od kojih je većina postala svojevrsni “trademark” pa tako ljubitelji svih umjetnosti mogu uživati u kulturnoj ponudi. Od velikih festivala, u travnju je festival austrijske filmske industrije Diagonale, u svibnju festival elektroničke glazbe i umjetnosti, a ljeto je rezer- virano za festival klasične glazbe na otvorenom, veliki međunarodni jazz festival, festival suvremene umjetnosti “Steirischer herbst“, a na ulicama grada ulični umjetnici izvode svoje performanse za sve generacije. Graz je i domaćin poznatoga biennala arhitekture i medija ARTIMAGE, koji prezentira i potiče moderna stremljenja u arhitekturi, novim medijima i kulturnoj teoriji kroz interaktivne i interdisciplinarne prezentacije. Graz je zaista nedovoljno istražena ljepotica koja nam se nalazi nadohvat ruke, i osim samog šopinga, tamo možete uvijek pogledati i neku suvremenu izložbu ili instalaciju u svemirskom Kunsthouseu ili se samo diviti toj fascinantnoj građevini iznutra i izvana. Proljeće je definitivno najbolje vrijeme za posjet Grazu, ne samo zbog mnoštva festivala i bogate kulturne ponude nego i zbog mirisne procvjetale prirode koja se nalazi nadohvat ruke, na brdu Schlossberg, u samom centru ili u velikom gradskom parku kod Opere. Zaustaviti se na kavi nasred Mure prelazeći s jedne obale na drugu kroz utrobu velikog arhitektonskog puža, obići grad biciklom (koji je sveprisutno prijevozno sredstvo) ili samo sjediti uz lagani ručak u centru i pritom uživati u prvoklasnim bijelim vinima i multikulturnoj vrevi, sve su to razlozi zbog kojih je Graz postao jedno od najpoželjnijih odredišta u ovom dijelu Europe za vikend-izlet te blizak i aktivan odmor od svakodnevice ljudima svih generacija. 55 Obojana kuća Johanna Mayera / Peinted house by Johann Mayer Advent ure Škola klavira / Piano school Graz - The Perfect Combination of Traditional and Modern Architecture Graz is truly an under-explored beauty that is located “within our reach”, and besides shopping itself, you can always have a look at some contemporary exhibit or installation in the space-like Kunsthouse, or just admire that fascinating building from the inside and the outside Written by: Danijela Mandušiæ Pogled na grad s Mure / View on the city from Mura 56 Photo: www.graztourism.at Noćno šarenilo / Colorful nights Hauptplatz B esides being a traditional Mecca for shoppingholics, Graz is also a city of culture, art and modern architecture. It is located at the crossroads of several large European cultures – Italian, Slavic, Hungarian and German – and it has taken the very best out of every one of them. With the population of almost 250.000 people, Graz is the second biggest Austrian city, but still a far cry behind the comparatively massive Austrian capital. There are no enormous castles, imperial parks and museums – all those Vienna witnesses of a once great monarchy. The streets are smaller and easily accessible even without any means of transportation, with that special charm that comes precisely due to small specialized shops with archaic names and numerous galleries. The very concept of the city, with obligatory shopping and casual strolling, having coffee and eating a meal in one of the lounge restaurants or taking up the fine Styria cuisine with famous white wine, as well as riding a bicycle or just laying on the grass, defines it as a very relaxing city. European City of Culture 2003 A university city, a city of culture and modern architec- Dvorac Schlossberg / Schlossberg castle ture, “the Styrian Town” is the capital of federal region Styria. It is located in the pre-Alpine area, on the northern edge of the Grazer Field, while the flowing of river Mura through its centre provides a peaceful and sombre note. In 2003, Graz became the first Austrian city to receive the flattering title of the European City of Culture. This is when several capital objects in the service of contemporary art and culture were built, and these true beauties of modern architecture permanently changed the way the city looks, while also proving that archaic and new architecture can co-exist in visual symbiosis, which really placed this city among the “must see” destinations for everyone that appreciates modern art and architecture. Even as you come to Graz for the very first time, it becomes obvious that this city invests a lot into modern architecture. The airport (designed by Austrian architects Riegler. Riewe and Pittino&Ortner) and the main train station (Zechner&Zechner) have received an architectonic “makeover” over the last decade. While crossing the right coast of Mura and entering the city centre, you will see that the once plain-looking industrial neighbourhood has been completely transformed. It is now a multi-cultural, multi-coloured scenery filled with Toranj sa satom / The Clock Tower Graz živi na ulici / Graz lives on the street 57 Muzej noću postaje jedinstvena svjetlosna instalacija / During the night museum becomes a unique lighting installation little lounge bars and restaurants that offer cuisine specialties from all over the world, as well as numerous modern-art galleries and a pile of young people that come from all over the world. However, the absolute queen of this part of the city, and the reason why so many people come here, is the Kunsthouse (Museum of Modern Arts), which is a surreal bio-morph unit often called “The Friendly Alien”, as it uses its massive and unusual shape to completely dominate that section of the city. During the day, it uses its curved figure to reflect the surrounding, architectonically completely different buildings, and during the night it becomes a unique lighting installation. Friendly Alien and Mura’s Little Snail The creators of this “alien” building are British architects Peter Cook and Colin Fournier, who created a true miracle of modern architecture next to the 19th-century Iron House. This gigantic city installation has a base made of glass, which is why it appears to have no gravity. The BIX 58 façade consists of 1066 differently shaped glass plates, under which we find lights that send textual and videomessages to the other side of Mura during the night, or maybe even all the way to space. Below that shiny cover, we find 2000 square metres of functional exhibit space on two levels, as well as a restaurant, “a travelator” in the narrowed central part, and a platform for the panoramic view on the top. There is another building in that part of the city that attracts plenty of attention. Built in 2003 just like the Kunsthouse, Murinsel, which literally means “island on Mura” and which is commonly called “Mura’s little snail”, is the second important attraction of modern Graz. It is actually an artificial island on Mura, or to be more precise, an iron amphitheatre construction that connects the two river coasts and the two city parts. The author is Vito Acconci from America, and it wasn’t originally planned for this construction to permanently stay in Graz. However, the people in this city really grew to love it, so they decided Advent ure Pogled na Schlossberg / A view to Schlossberg Stara uspinjača / Old cable railway to leave it to eternally flow above Mura. And that was a pretty obvious choice, as they now can have a cup of coffee in the middle of the river while enjoying concerts and shows on an open shell-shaped stage. Besides those two buildings, the occasion of celebrating Graz as the European cultural capital in 2003 also brought the construction of the Children’s Museum, as well as the large Helmut List Hall that presents the symbiosis of art and technology. Architect Markus Pernthaler redefined the former industrial hall into a large arena for various cultural events. It is made of glass on a steel construction and can take up over a thousand guests, and in order to achieve the perfect level of acoustic qualities, the process of projecting it also included composer Nikolaus Harnoncourt. From “the wonders” of modern architecture, we must also include botanical gardens that were built in 1995, and are still known as the most optimal solution for perfect light diffusion and creation of an entirely differ59 Autor “otoka na Muri” je Amerikanac Vito Acconci / The author of the “island on Mura” is Vito Acconci from America ent climate for exotic plants from all over the world that can be enjoyed. This is achieved by using slightly oblique membranes made of acrylic glass, which creates an interesting sight from both inside and outside. The Perfect Combination of Tradition and the Avant-garde However, Graz is more than a Mecca for lovers of modern architecture. In fact, this city truly proves that avantgarde and traditional architecture can perfectly co-exist next to one another. The artificial island provides a view over the old city tower with a clock, as well as the legendary Schlossberg castle on the hill in the middle of the city, and these are the reasons behind the Graz centre becoming a UNESCO-protected area in 1999. Schlossberg has been guarding the city for over a thousand years, and Graz even received its name after it. Graz stands for “little castle” in Slavic, and Schlossberg has eventually grown to become a multi-functional space containing conference halls (Dom im Berg) and a large open stage in the former prison cells of the castle, while the very top of the hill features a lounge restaurant and walking areas through the park. You can reach the top by using a cable railway that was built back in 1896, but now it is a glass elevator with a panoramic view over the city. In order to make the panoramic pleasure complete, there is also a 16th-century bell tower with a top that places the entire city to the palm of your hand, while its interior hides archaic Austrian state symbols and the heaviest bell in Austria. Graz proudly carries the “city of culture” title. Regardless of the time of the year of your visit, you will get an opportunity to enjoy several large cultural events that have grown to become a trademark of sorts, so that lovers of all types of art can enjoy the cultural offering. From the line of large festivals, April offers the festival of the Austrian film industry called Diagonale, May has the festival of electronic music and art, while the summer is reserved for the classical music festival in the open, as well as an international jazz festival and the festival of contemporary art called “Steirischer Herbst”. Throughout all these happenings, the city streets are filled with street artists doing their performances for all generations. Graz is also a host of the famous biennale of architecture and media called ARTIMAGE, which presents and encourages modern initiatives in architecture, new forms of media and cultural theory through numerous interactive and interdisciplinary presentations. Graz is truly an under-explored beauty that is located “within our reach, and besides shopping itself, you can always have a look at some contemporary exhibit or installation in the space-like Kunsthouse, or just admire that fascinating building from the inside and the outside. Springtime is definitely the right period to visit Graz, not just due to the numerous festivals and the rich cultural offering, but also because of the wonderful aroma of blooming nature that is practically right there for all visitors, whether at Schlossberg Hill, the very centre or the large city park next to the Opera. Having a cup of coffee in the middle of Mura while relocating yourself from one coast to the other through the inside of a large architectonic snail, touring through the city with a bicycle (which is an omnipresent means of transport here), or just sitting and having a light lunch while enjoying the first-class white wine and the multi-cultural rush – all these reasons transformed Graz into one of the most desirable destinations for weekend trips in this part of Europe, which provides a close and active break from the everyday rhythm to people of all generations. 61 Gast ro Lobby - mjesto po mjeri metropole “Lobby, Food&Mood” novi je zagrebački restoran, smješten u predvorju poslovnog tornja Eurotower. Njegovo ime mnogima zvuči kao mjesto “za višu klasu”, no on je poput pravog kameleona, jednako prilagodljiv studentima, poslovnjacima i radnicima. Potpuno ostakljen tunel-prolaz ispod kojeg se nalazi japanski vrt, mnoge će, već pri ulasku u restoran, ostaviti bez daha 62 Ostakljeni tunel-prolaz odvaja kafić od restorana / Completely glassed tunnel-passage divides coffee shop and restaurant Piše: : Martina Kocijan O tvorenje restorana Lobby stiglo je poput okrepljujućeg napitka. Iznenadno i šarmantno, smjestio se u novom srcu zagrebačkog businessa – zoni poslovnih banaka, diplomatskih predstavništava, velikih tvrtki i prestižnih fakulteta. Prostor u kojem se nalazi višeetažan je i polivalentan, što znači da Lobby nije samo restoran nego i kafić, dnevna blagovaonica te kongresna dvorana. Tim tvrtke Sonabilis, koji stoji iza projekta, svoja je iskustva više od desetljeća stjecao u vodećim zagrebačkim i španjolskim hotelima, restoranima i kavanama. Španjolska riječ “sonabilis” u prijevodu na hrvatski znači “zvučan“, kojom se može okarakterizirati i sam Lobby, podjednako zvučnog imena. Trojica osnivača Sonabilisa nositelji su svih ideja, nastojanja, truda, pregovora i kompromisa projekta, na koji imaju zašto biti ponosni. Ambijent Lobby je ugostiteljska oaza smještena u predvorju poslovnog tornja. U retro stilu 21. stoljeća savršeno se isprepleće s modernim elementima, poput stotina svjetlosnih kvadrata optočenih staklom i 300 četvornih metara vanjskih terasa. Prostor čine četiri odvojene i samostalne cjeline koje istodobno nude transparentnost, povezanost i izoliranost dijelova restorana: kafić, idealan za dnevnu kavu, dvije odvojene zone za jelo te galerija. Dok kafić od jednog restorana odvaja ostakljen tunel-prolaz, od drugog ga restorana odvaja posebno dizajnirana drvena pregrada. Razigrani bar, središnje mjesto prostora, zanimljiv je zbog posebno izrađenih reljefa u mediapan pločama. Restoran a la carte, idealan za doručak, ručak ili veče- ru, dodatno ukrašava mali japanski vrt sa živim biljkama, ograđen staklenim pločama. Stube, uz koje vam pogled pada na monumentalnu baroknu fresku, vode do gornje blagovaonice, koja se po danu pretvara u pravu menzu, dok se uvečer ona zatvara i blagavaonica postaje mjesto idealno za romantičnu večeru uz sjaj obojenih žarulja. Poseban šarm restoranu daje upravo njegova multifunkcionalnost: u jednom prostoru isprepleću se toplo osvijetljena dnevna blagovaonica, a la carte restoran s japanskim vrtom te ugodna kavana i bar. Prostor se prilagođava dnevnim casual namjenama, intimnim domjencima, VIP svečanostima, konferencijama, eventima te brunch, afterwork ili cocktail partyjima. Baš poput pravog kameleona. Ideja potekla od akademskog kipara Fascinantan interijer Lobbyja izvorna je ideja Nedjeljka Mikaca, akademskog kipara, koji iza sebe već ima nekoliko uspješnih projekata. Sam Mikac nam je, dok smo sjedili za stolom u kafiću restorana, promatrali fresku i tri golema lustera izrađena od 75 zavijenih cijevi, odao vlastitu viziju projekta: “Dizajnersko ishodište pronašao sam u likovnosti i unutarnjoj kreaciji i u restoranu stvorio dozu igre. Najdraži dio Lobbyja mi je tunel, koji istodobno služi kao vjetrobran, ali i skulptura, te daje dodatnu vrijednost restoranu. On je jedna od atrakcija i horizontalna protuteža visokom stropu.” Prostor je prilagođen dnevnoj varijanti, dok se uvečer pale podna svjetla i stvaraju romantičnu atmosferu. Materijali koji prevladavaju u uređenju restorana posve su jednostavni. “Drvo, poliester, 63 Gast ro pleksiglas i metal fasciniraju me više od nekih skupocjenih varijanti, zato što i najjednostavniji materijali mogu izgledati dobro”, pojašnjava razlog upotrebe “običnih” materijala. Poput mnogih posjetitelja, uvjerili smo se da umjetnik doista zna o čemu govori. Upravo spoj tih materijala prostoru daje dodatnu notu topline i šarma. Restoran idealan za evente U prosincu 2007. restoran je otvoren prvim velikim eventom s 800 uzvanika, čime je počela njegova uspješna event organizacija. Konferencijska dvorana i sala restorana idealni su prostori su za različite evente, dok su za druženja predviđeni svi dijelovi Lobbyja, također i tijekom druženja poslije posla uz živu glazbu. Djelatnici restorana s lakoćom organiziraju najrazličitije vrste domjenaka, promocija, prezentacija, mini kongresa, pa čak i velikih evenata, pa tako prostor restorana lako postaje kulisom za raznolika događanja. Pozivate li na svoju prezentaciju više od 80 uzvanika, na raspolaganju vam je i odvojena, polivalentna konferencijska dvorana. Odnedavno u Lobbyju možete uživati u jazz večerima, koje se četvrtkom organiziraju za sve ljubitelje glazbe tog žanra. Njoki od komorača / Gnocchi with fennel Lungić u umaku od suhih šljiva / Pork loin with dry plums souce Kozice u umaku od limete / Scrimps in limes souce Marinirana hobotnica / Marinaded octopus 64 Vrhunsko ugostiteljstvo i ‘CRO zalogaji’ Kao što svaki vrhunski restoran nastoji angažirati vrsnog kuhara, tako se i Lobby može pohvaliti kuharom A kategorije. Poljak Robert Slezak kuhar je svjetskoga glasa koji uz dva kuhara s iskustvom u najboljim zagrebačkim restoranima svakodnevno dizajnira a la carte i dnevne ponude raznolikih jela te primamljive “CRO zalogaje”. Slavonski čvarci, marinirana hobotnica, pržene slavonske kobasice, ličke pole, kozice i pohani istarski sir samo su dio bogate ponude s iznenađujuće povoljnim cijenama. Lobby svakodnevno nudi i ukusne doručke, originalan finger food te sve vrste toplih i hladnih napitaka, odličnu rakiju i poznata vina. Iznimno ljubazno osoblje i mašta bez kraja iz kuhinjskih odaja, pokazat će vam koliko se cijeni i prenosi Food&Mood atmosfera. Svoj dan u Lobbyju možete započeti uz ukusne crosendviče ili tople savijače, zatim nastaviti zdravom marendom i ručkom u restoranu a la carte kušajući hranu u kombinaciji hrvatske, poljske, mediteranske i ine vrhunske kulinarske tradicije. Mjesto u koje se rado navraća Restoran “Lobby, Food&Mood“, čiji vanjski dio čini oko 300 m² terasa, sve više postaje jedinstvena točka na zagrebačkoj ugostiteljskoj karti. Prednja terasa, koja će uskoro biti i službeno otvorena, nalazi se ispred kavane i usmjerena je na prometnicu pred glavnim ulazom u lokal, dok je druga terasa izoliranija i smještena iznad prostora na galeriji. Radno vrijeme restorana je od 8 do 24 sata, od ponedjeljka do subote. Dolazite li automobilom, parking vam je do 18 sati dostupan u javnoj garaži, dok u garaži Eurotowera, kao posjetitelji restorana, možete parkirati besplatno od 18 do 24 sata. Dan za danom, Lobby sve više postaje lokal u koji se rado navraća. Uz ostakljeni tunel-prolaz u kojem se nalazi japanski vrt, tri izolirana i istodobno povezana prostora u kojem možete popiti kavu ili ručati, dugačkim modernim lusterima i korisnim restoranom menzom, mami sve više zaljubljenika u moderna i funkcionalna zdanja. Fascinantan interijer na višu dimenziju podiže vrhunska kulinarska usluga, osoblje koje zna kako se prilagoditi gostima i lagana glazba, koja savršeno smiruje nakon napornog radnog dana. Poseban šarm restoranu daje njegova multifunkcionalnost / Special charm of the restaurant gives it multifunctionality Gast ro Written by: Martina Kocijan Lobby - A Place Designed for the Metropolis “Lobby, Food&Mood” is a new restaurant in Zagreb, located in the lobby of business tower Eurotower. His name may sound to many like a destination for “the higher class”, but it functions like a true chameleon that is just as adaptable to students, businessmen and regular workers. Completely glassed tunnel-passage, under which we find a Japanese garden, will leave many feeling breathless right at the entrance T he opening of restaurant Lobby arrived like a refreshing beverage. Suddenly and charmingly, it located itself in the new heart of Zagreb business – a zone of business banks, diplomacy representatives, large companies and prestigious universities. The space it occupies has more than one level and it is multifunctional, which means that Lobby is not just a restaurant, but also a coffee shop, daytime dining room and a congress hall. The team from firm Sonabilis, which stands behind the project, has been gathering experience for over a decade in leading hotels, restaurants and coffee shops in Zagreb and Spain. Spanish word “sonabilis” stands for “vocal” in English, and that word can be used to describe the equally vocal Lobby name. The three Sonabilis founders came up with all the ideas, effort, hard work, negotiations and compromises of this project, and they have plenty to be proud of. Ambience Lobby is a catering oasis located in the lobby of a business tower. Its 21st century retro style perfectly intertwines itself with modern elements, such as hundreds of shiny squares covered in glass or the 300 square metres of outside terraces. The facility consists of four separate and in65 Razigrani lusteri od pleksiglasa u kafeu / Playful pendants made of plexiglas in bar dependent units that simultaneously offer transparency, connection and isolation between restaurant sections: the coffee shop, ideal for a daytime cup of coffee, the two separated eating zones and a gallery. While the coffee shop is divided from one of the restaurants by a glassed tunnel-passage, the second restaurant is separated by a specially designed wooden partition. The playful bar, which is the central part of the space, is interesting because of its custom-made reliefs in media-pan plates. Restaurant a la carte, ideal for breakfast, lunch or dinner, is additionally embellished by a small Japanese garden with living plants, which is divided by glass plates. The stairs, which open the view to the monumental baroque fresco, lead to the upstairs dining room, which turns into a real canteen during the day, but shuts down in the night and becomes a perfect place for a romantic dinner with the glow of coloured light bulbs. The restaurant’s special charm originates from its multi-functionality: one of the rooms combines a warmly illuminated daytime dining room, a la carte restaurant with a Japanese garden, and a pleasant coffee shop with a bar. The facility is adapted for casual daytime purposes, intimate banquets, VIP festivities, conferences, events and brunch, afterwork or cocktail parties. Just like a true chameleon. The Idea of an Academic Sculptor Lobby’s fascinating interior is an original idea by Nedjeljko Mikac, academic sculptor who already has sev66 eral successful projects in his resume. Mikac himself gave away his vision of this project while we were sitting in the restaurant’s coffee shop and observing the fresco and three gigantic chandeliers made from 75 bended pipes: I”I found the designer source in the artistic side and inner creation, as it was my goal to create a playful dose in the restaurant. My favourite part of Lobby is the tunnel, which simultaneously serves as a windshield and a sculpture, which brings extra-value to the restaurant. It is one of the attractions, as well as a horizontal counterbalance to the high ceiling.” The facility is adapted to the daytime option, while the evening signals the turning-on of the floor lights, which creates a romantic atmosphere. Materials dominating the interior decoration are very simple. “Wood, polyester, Plexiglas and metal fascinate me more then some expensive options, because even the simplest of materials can look good”, he explains why “ordinary” materials were used. Like numerous visitors, we clearly saw that the artist knows what he’s talking about. It is that precise combination of materials that provides an extra-note of warmth and charm. An Ideal Restaurant for Events In December 2007, the restaurant was opened with a first major event for 800 guests, which paved way for its successful organization of events. Conference hall and the restaurant’s central room are ideal spaces for such events, while all other parts of Lobby are meant for so- Bar s reljefom od mediapan ploča / Bar with custom-made reliefs in media-pan plate Gast ro Monumentalna barokna freska dominira najvećim zidom / The monumental baroque fresco dominates allong the biggest wall cializing, including after work alongside some live music. Restaurant employees effortlessly organize various types of banquets, promotions, presentations, mini-congresses, and even large events, as the restaurant easily becomes the background for various events. If you’re inviting over 80 people to your presentation, you will also have a separated, multi-functional conference hall at your disposal. As of late, you can also visit Lobby to enjoy Jazz nights, which are organized every Thursday for all lovers of that genre. Superb Service and “CRO Bites” Just like every great restaurant tries to hire a great chef, Lobby can also brag about having an A-class chef. Robert Slezak from Poland is a world-class chef that, alongside two cooks with experience in finest Zagreb restaurants, spends every day designing a la carte and daytime offers of various meals, including “CRO bites”. Slavonian cracklings, marinated octopus, fried Slavonian sausages, poles from Lika, large shrimp and bread-crumbed Istrian cheese are just part of the rich offering with surprisingly low prices. Lobby also offers delicious breakfasts every day, as well as original finger food and all types of warm and cold beverages, excellent brandy and famous wines. Extremely friendly staff and endless imagination from the kitchen headquarters will demonstrate the amount of appreciation for the Food&Mood atmosphere. You can start your day at Lobby with delicious Cro-sandwiches or warm strudels, then carry on with a healthy snack and lunch in a la carte restaurant by sampling combinations of Croatian, Polish, Mediterranean and other top-notch culinary traditions. A Place that you’re happy to visit Restaurant “Lobby, Food&Mood”, with 300 m2 of outdoor terraces, is increasingly becoming a unique stop on the restaurant map in Zagreb. The front terrace, which will soon be officially opened, is situated in front of the coffee shop and directed at the road in front of the main restaurant entrance, while the second terrace is more isolated and located above the gallery premises. The restaurant is open from 8 to 24, Monday to Saturday. If you’re arriving by car, you can park it in the public garage until 6pm, while the restaurant visitors can park it free of charge in the Eurotower garage from 6pm till midnight. With every passing day, Lobby is increasingly becoming a facility that you’re happy to visit. With a glassed tunnel-passage that features a Japanese garden, three isolated and simultaneously connected spaces where you can some lunch or coffee, long modern chandeliers and a useful restaurant-canteen; it attracts an increasing number of lovers into modern and functional units. The fascinating interior is raised to a higher level by superb culinary service, the staff that knows how to adapt to customers, and some light music that perfectly relaxes a person after a hard-working day. 67 Fine st vari Resice u dnevnoj sobi Elegantni luster Fringe black iz asortimana Moooi, dizajn Edwarda van Vileta, naèinjen je od crnoga pamuènog materijala impregniranog PVC-om te ukrašen sitnim resicama koje mu daju profinjenost. Promjera je 70 cm i odlièno æe pristajati kao “vrckav” detalj u tradicionalno dizajniranim dnevnim i poslovnim prostorima. Možete ga naæi, kao i veæi dio asortimana Moooi, u Rasvjeti Ribariæ. Pauk koji mami uzdahe Iz Alfine tvornice ponovno izlazi remek-djelo – prelijepi 8C Spider. Ekskluzivni dvosjed mješavina je svega najboljeg što trenutaèno nudi talijanska autoindustrija. Nastao je u Alfinu odjelu za dizajn Centro Stile, koristi 450 KS snažan Ferrarijev V8 motor, a zajedno s modelima Quattroporte i GranTurismo proizvodit æe se u Maseratijevim pogonima u Modeni. Produkcijska izvedba kabrioleta, koji je u konceptnom obliku uzdahe izmamio još na Pebble Beach Concourse d’Elegance u Montereyu 2005. godine, proizvest æe se u samo 500 primjeraka po cijeni od oko 180 tisuæa eura. Tatungov voip phone jednostavno lijep Za ovaj telefon vrijedi “manje je više“. Jednostavan dizajn èistih linija, a mnoštvo moguænosti (bluetooth, wireless, touch pad design) uèinili su ovaj voip phone jednim od najpoželjnijih. Za one koji žele biti jedinstveni, ovaj telefon može mijenjati maske, ali one osnovne karakteristike – minimalistièki dizajn i jednostavno korištenje - ostaju iste. 68 Little Fringes in the Living Room Elegant chandelier Fringe Black from the Moooi assortment, designed by Edward van Vilet, was made of black cotton impregnated with PVC and decorated with small fringes that provide its sophistication. It has a 70-cm diameter and will wonderfully serve as a “quirky” detail in traditionally designed living and business premises. You can find it, as is the case with most of the Moooi assortment, at Ribariæ Lighting. A Spider to Die For Another masterpiece has found its way out of the Alfa factory – the beautiful 8C Spider. This exclusive two-seater is the mixture of all the finest features of current Italian car industry. Built in Alfa’s design department Centro Stile, it uses a strong Ferrari’s V8 engine with 450 HP and, along with models Quattroporte and GranTurismo, it will be produced in Maserati factories in Modena. The convertible’s production performance, which drew admiration back at the Pebble Beach Concourse d’Elegance in Monterrey in 2005 with its concept form, will be manufactured in merely 500 pieces, and the price will revolve around 150 thousand euros. Tatung’s Voip Phone - Simply Beautiful This phone can be described with “less is more”. A simple design with pure lines and lots of possibilities (bluetooth, wireless, touch pad design) have transformed this voip phone into one of the most desirable pieces out there. For those who wish to be unique, this phone can also change masks, but those basic characteristics – minimalist design and simple handling – remain the same. Luxuries Nojeva koža u rukama Ova prekrasna torba dio je accessories ponude Huga Bossa za proljeæe-ljeto 2008. Elegantna, a ipak prostrana ruèna torba od nojeve kože, zadovoljit æe potrebu za lijepim i funkcionalnim modnim dodatkom svake moderne poslovne žene. Ako vam se ne sviða bijela, ova torba dolazi još u bež i èokoladno smeðoj boji. Ostrich Skin in Your Hands This wonderful bag is part of the accessories offer by Hugo Boss for spring and summer of 2008. Elegant, but still spacious handbag made from ostrich skin will satisfy every modern businesswoman’s need for a lovely and functional fashion accessory. If you got a problem with white, this bag can also be purchased in beige and chocolate brown. Vrhunski užitak u jastogu Supreme Pleasure in a Lobster Norwegian designer Eirin Stoen was inspired by the ocean when he designed this elegant fork and crusher pliers for lobster dining. This utensil, besides being beautiful, is also excellently adjusted in the ergonomic sense, which is one of the more important characteristics of good design. Enjoy! “Gody” for the Warm Summer Nights “Gody” za tople ljetne noæi Hrvatska je bogatija za još jedan proizvod iz domaæe radionice. Tvrtka “Tangar”, inaèe poznata po vrlo kvalitetnim slastièarskim proizvodima, predstavila je liniju prvih hrvatskih sirupa za koktele pod nazivom “Gody”. Osim vrlo dobrog okusa (i to od prirodnih sastojaka), “Gody” se može pohvaliti izrazito atraktivnom ambalažom, za èiji dizajn je zaslužan mladi splitski dizajner Damir Morpurgo. Vanilija, èokolada, blue curacao, grenadine, malina, jagoda, karamel, kokos, lješnjak i badem su okusi... Na vama je odabir. 70 Croatia has received another homemade product. Company “Tangar”, otherwise known for its quality pastry products, has presented a line of Croatia’s first cocktail syrups called “Gody”. Besides the fact that it tastes great (with natural products), “Gody” can brag with its extremely attractive packaging, which was designed by young designer Damir Morpurgo from Split. Vanilla, chocolate, blue curacao, grenadines, raspberry, strawberry, caramel, coconut, hazelnut and almond are the flavours… You make the choice. Pripremila / Edited by: Danijela Mandušiæ Norveški dizajner Eirin Støen bio je inspiriran oceanom kada je dizajnirao ovu elegantnu vilicu i drobilicu kliješta za blagovanje jastoga. Pribor, osim što je zaista lijep, i odlièno je ergonomski prilagoðen rukovanju, što je jedna od najbitnijih odlika dobrog dizajna. U slast! Fotografska mimikrija u zelenilu / Photgraphic mimicry in the greenery 72 Dodir umjet nost i Manipulacija fotografijom koja briše granice između stvarnosti i fikcije / Photographic manipulation that clears the limits between reality and fiction Piše: Nataša Bodrožiæ Kristina Lenard: Dvije strane slike “U dijalektičkom odnosu između stvarnog i slike, već je odavno prevladala slika i nametnula svoju logiku. Slika nije zanimljiva po svojoj ulozi odraza, po reprezentativnoj formi, nego kad počinje kontaminirati stvarno i modelirati ga, kad se prilagođuje stvarnosti da bi je bolje izobličila, kad istančano preuređuje stvarno sebi u korist” iz predgovora Branke Benčić J oš otkad je konceptualna umjetnost krajem šezdesetih i sedamdesetih ukinula tradicionalnu hijerarhiju lijepih umjetnosti utemeljenu na primatu određenih medija umjetničkog izražavanja, prije svega na slikarstvu i kiparstvu, vizualni koncepti dobili su prednost u odnosu na umjetničke objekte. Umjetnici su komunicirali kroz njima najpogodnije materijale i medije, bez obzira na njihov status. Ideje, procesi i iskustvo postali su važniji od finalnog produkta. Fotografija je tada ostala jedina pogodna da bude obješena na zid galerije, jedino se ona, kao dokumentacija najraznovrsnijih umjetničkih projekata, mogla prodati, kolekcionirati. Međutim, mnogi su umjetnici počeli koristiti i samu fotografiju u proširenom smislu, ne kao medij per se, nego kao sredstvo za promi- šljanje značenja, sredstvo vlastita angažiranja u domeni masovne kulture, njihove preokupacije hibridnim praksama i dominacijom medijske slike. Kristina Lenard, rođena 1975. godine, umjetnica je koja živi u Zagrebu i bavi se uglavnom fotografijom. Završila je Akademiju likovnih umjetnosti, a zatim nekoliko puta boravila na studijskim usavršavanjima te rezidencijalnim umjetničkim programima u Poljskoj, Švedskoj, Austriji, Japanu. Upravo njezin rad jedan je od najzanimljivijih među onima koji problematiziraju fotografiju danas, ne ograničavajući se samo na pitanje prirode medija. Lenard se bavi reprezentacijama stvarnosti i njezinim otuđivanjem namjernom manipulacijom u procesu stvaranja fotografije, nerijetko zamagljujući granice između fikcije i zbilje. 73 Jedna od zapaženijih izložbi na kojoj se mogao dobiti prilično dobar uvid u ono što zanima Kristinu Lenard u okviru njezine umjetničke prakse, bila je ona pomalo sugestivnog naziva “Copycat” iz 2005. godine. Tada je, u suradnji sa švedskim kolegom Michaelom Johanssonom, razvila zanimljiv koncept sparivanja različitih isječaka realnosti, fragmenata odvojenih geografskih prostora u jedinstveni fotografski prizor, pri čemu su ti dijelovi bili povezani istim motivom. Poput igre, dvoje umjetnika jedno su drugome postavljali zadatke: jedno opisom ili slikom predstavlja neki nađeni predmet ili situaciju, drugo mora u određenom roku pronaći sličan predmet ili situaciju u vlastitoj neposrednoj okolini. Rezultat su bili fantastični sklopovi, photoshopom stopljene zbilje, iluzionistički prikazi, nove “realnosti” koje, s druge strane, potencijalno otkrivaju, denunciraju “golem prostor laži koji omogućuju medijske tehnologije”. I na sljedećoj izložbi u zagrebačkoj galeriji “Karas”, Kristina Lenard pomalo je sugerirala da je doživljajni svijet samo iluzija. Unutar čistih bijelih geometrijskih objekata smjestila je uzorke prirode, umnažajući ih u beskonačnost zrcaljenjem na plohama. Varka se ponavljala i na fotografijama kojima je predstavila dva potpuno različita pejzaža: japanski vrt brižno uređen do i najsitnije travke i potpuno zapušteni vrt u kojemu priroda samu sebe održava, bez ikakve prisutnosti čovjeka. No, umjetnica u oba pejzaža donosi objekte, malene poliedre obložene zrcalima koji se potpuno stapaju s pejzažom. Fotografija donosi njihovu mimikriju u zelenilu. U posljednje vrijeme, Kristinu Lenard najviše se pamti po njezinim začudnim dvostrukim portretima, ljudskim likovima smještenima u prazninu bijelog prostora, koja briše sve referencije i potencira mističnost, zagonetnost samih prikaza. Ovi portreti, zajedno s fotografijama pomno aranžiranih prostora, mrtve prirode, činili su postav izložbe “Fotosinteza” u velikogoričkoj galeriji “Galženica” prošle jeseni. Postupak vizualne manipulacije i ovdje čini okosnicu autoričina djelovanja, predstavljajući izazov opažajnoj moći promatrača. Sam naslov izložbe, “Fotosinteza”, sugerira ujedno i postupak 74 kojim se služi umjetnica u svom radu, proces sintetiziranja, spajanja. Naime, izloženi portreti dječaka, djevojke, mladića, starca, nisu stvarni, radi se o hibridnim licima realnih osoba, koja ne postoje u zbilji, nego su nastala spajanjem dviju istih polovica lica (dviju lijevih i dviju desnih), kompjutorskom konstrukcijom uz pomoć photoshopa. “Manipulacija se temelji na poznatoj činjenici da polovice ljudskog tijela nisu jednake, što je najočitije i najdojmljivije upravo na licu.” S druge strane, za fotografije mrtve prirode, umjetnica se služi oprečnom metodom: “Objekte postavljam u prostor i fotografiram ih, a prizor je ovdje manipuliran već mojim postavom tako da izgleda nestvarno.” Sam susret, suočenje s radovima Kristine Lenard, kod promatrača redovito izaziva snažnu reakciju, uglavnom povezanu s poljuljanom razinom očekivanja, s izmaknutim okvirima doživljajnosti, određenim stupnjem nelagode. Teoretičar umjetnosti Klaudio Štefančić ovako opisuje susret s njezinim radovima: “Nelagoda koju osjećam pred Lenardičinim fotografijama posljedica je iznevjeravanja, korigiranja, čak i parodiranja pravila umjetničkog oponašanja. Primjerice, na razini prikazanih motiva: portreti, ipak, ne prikazuju stvarne ljude, iako to, na prvi pogled, tako izgleda. Na razini medija: fotografiji se više ne može vjerovati, budući da prikazuje ono što ne postoji, iako se na prvi pogled tako ne čini. Da stvar bude gora, čak i kada prikazuje stvarnost, recimo mrtvu prirodu s cvijećem i voćem ili eksterijer metro stanice – ne služeći se digitalnim trikovima kao u slučaju portreta – fotografija se predstavlja kao simulacija, kao banalna kompjutorska operacija.” Kristina Lenard specifična je osobnost na domaćoj umjetničkoj sceni, čiji se radovi doimlju kao da im je ishodište negdje drugdje, te u lokalnim okvirima funkcioniraju kao upliv drugačijeg, pomalo stranog. Njezina umjetnička praksa zasnovana na tehnološkim pomagalima uspostavlja komunikaciju u širim okvirima pozivajući se na univerzalno. Umjetnica razvija svojevrsnu strategiju otpora prikazujući forme koje su istodobno izraz njezine ličnosti i objektivnih okolnosti koje je okružuju. Kristina Lenard: Two Sides of a Picture “In a dialectic relationship between reality and picture, the picture has prevailed and imposed its sense of logic a long time ago. The picture isn’t interesting because of its reflection role or representative form, but rather when it begins to contaminate and shape reality, when it adjusts to reality in order to do a better job of disfiguring it, when it subtly rearranges reality for its own use.” From the foreword by Branka Benčić E ver since the late 1960s and 1970s, when conceptual art ended the traditional hierarchy of fine arts based on the domination of certain mediums of artistic expression, primarily painting and sculpturing, visual concepts gained an advantage over artistic objects. Artists started communicating through materials and mediums they found most convenient, regardless of their status. Ideas, processes and experience became more important than the final product. Photography remained the only medium convenient enough to end up on gallery walls; it remained the only form of documentation for the most diverse artistic projects that had the potential to be sold or collected. However, many artists started using photography itself in the extended sense, not as a medium per se, but as means of analysing meanings, means of their own engagement in the field of mass culture, their own preoccupation with hybrid practices and the domination of a media image. Kristina Lenard, born in 1975, is an artist that lives in Zagreb and that mostly works in photography. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts, after which she spent several periods of professional training and residential artistic programmes in Poland, Sweden, Austria and Japan. Her work is one of the most interesting examples of today’s analysis of photography that doesn’t limit itself to the question of media nature. Lenard deals with representations of reality and its alienation through purposeful manipulation in the process of photographic creation, while very often blurring the clear limits between fiction and reality. One of the more distinctive exhibits that offered a fairly good insight into the things that interest Kristina Lenard within her artistic practice was the fairly suggestively named “Copycat” from 2005. That’s when, in cooperation with Swedish colleague Michael Johansson, she developed an interesting concept of pairing up different bits and pieces of reality, fragments of separated geographical areas into a unique photographic sight, while making sure that those bits and pieces are connected with a same motif. Like a game, the two artists were setting up assignments for one another: one used a description or picture to present a certain situation or newly found object, while the other one must find a similar object or situation in their own immediate environment within a certain period of time. This resulted in fantastic contexts of a reality assimilated with Photoshop, as well as in illusionist displays and new “realities” that, on the other hand, potentially discover and denounce “a huge space of lies that are caused by media technologies”. At the following exhibit at gallery “Karas” in Zagreb, Kristina Lenard again slightly suggested that the experientia l world is 75 Touch of art Eksterijer metroa nakon Kristinine umjetničke intervencije / Metro exterier after Kristina’s art intervention merely an illusion. She positioned samples of nature within pure white geometrical objects, endlessly multiplying them with mirror images on the sheets. The trick was repeated on photographs where she presented two completely different sceneries: a Japanese garden carefully maintained to the slightest piece of grass and a completely neglected garden in which nature maintains itself, without any human presence. However, the artist brings in objects into both sceneries, and those are little polyhedrons that completely blend into the scenery while being covered in mirrors. The photo brings their mimicry in the greenery. Kristina Lenard has lately been most noticed for her peculiar double portraits, which display human characters positioned into the emptiness of white spaces that erase all references and emphasize mystique and enigma of what’s on display. These portraits, along with photos of carefully arranged still-life spaces, comprised the display of the “Photosynthesis” exhibit in gallery “Galženica” in Velika Gorica last fall. The procedure of visual manipulation again forms a backbone of the author’s work, as it presents a challenge to the observing power of the audience. The very title of the exhibit “Photosynthesis” also suggests the procedure that the artist uses in her work, which is the process of synthesizing and connecting. The exposed portraits of boys, girls, young men, old men are not real; we’re talking about hybrid faces of real people that don’t exist in real life, but have rather been created by combining two same halves of faces (two left ones, two right ones) by computer construction with the assistance of Photoshop. “Manipulation is based on the familiar fact that halves of the human body are not the same, 76 which becomes most obvious and impressive on the human face.” On the other hand, the artist uses an opposite method to take pictures of still life: “I put objects in the space and I take pictures, and the scene is already manipulated by the way I arranged it, so it still looks surreal.” The very encounter or confrontation with the works of Kristina Lenard regularly provokes a very strong reaction of the observer, which is usually connected to the staggered level of anticipation, the removed sense of adventure, as well as a certain degree of discomfort. Art theoretician Klaudio Štefančić describes an encounter with her works in this manner: “The discomfort I feel in front of her works comes from the disobedience, redefining, even parodying the rules of artistic expression. For example, on the level of displayed motifs: portraits do not display real people, although it may originally appear so. On the level of mediums: a photograph cannot be trusted anymore, although it originally doesn’t appear so. To make matters worse, even when she is portraying reality, like still life with flowers and fruit or an exterior of a metro station – without using any digital tricks like the ones in her portraits – the photograph turns out to be a simulation, a banal computer operation.” Kristina Lenard is a specific personality on the local art scene, as her works always seem to originate from somewhere else, functioning in local circumstances like an appearance of something different and slightly foreign. Her artistic practice based on technological utensils creates a broader type of communication by evoking something universal. The artist develops a type of a resistance strategy by displaying forms that simultaneously represent her personality and the objective circumstances that surround her. Ambijent Hotel Muang Kulaypan spoj je zen forme te japanskog i stila južnog Sijama / Muang Kulaypan Hotel combines Zen form with Japanese and South-Siam styles 78 MUANG KULAYPAN Hotel o kojem se neprestano raspravlja Država u koju treba otputovati: Tajland. Otok koji treba posjetiti: Koh Samui. Hotel u kojem treba odsjesti: Muang Kulaypan Piše: Martina Kocijan P Foto: www.designhotels.com itate li se kako hotelijeri egzotičnih zemalja privlače goste, jedan od odgovora je: hotel Muang Kulaypan. To tajlandsko zdanje, dizajnerski zanimljivo i fascinantno, začuđuje time što istodobno privlači i odbija goste. Oni koje oduševi, vraćaju mu se ponovno, dok oni koje iznenadi njegova pojačana egzotika, na forumima ostavljaju poruku “nikako ne odsjedajte”. Hotel Muang Kulaypan jedinstvenog je arhitektonskog stila – spoj je zen forme te japanskog i stila južnog Sijama. Zemlja nasmijanih ljudi Tajland, država jugoistočne Azije smještena u samom srcu Indokine, danas je uz Meksiko, Južnoafričku Republiku i Australiju najposjećenije daleko odredište u svijetu, jednako omiljeno među Europljanima, Amerikancima i Australcima. Struktura posjetitelja je šarolika, od “backpackera” do jet-seta, jer je i sama ponuda prilagođena baš svačijem džepu. U Tajlandu se svi mogu provesti dobro, od studenata s nekoliko bahta u džepu do bogatih Rusa, koji nakon nekoliko dana odlaze iz Dubrovnika jer nemaju gdje potrošiti novac. U doba naše zime Tajland je omiljeno odredište i svakako zemlja koju treba doživjeti, okusiti i upoznati. Većina turista vraća mu se ubrzo nakon prvog posjeta. Jedan od razloga je što od sjevera do juga ta “zemlja nasmijanih ljudi”, u svojoj dužini od 3000 kilometara, nudi bezbroj primamljivih sadržaja. Hramovi, palače i slične turističke atrakcije mogu se posjetiti jednom, dvaput, ali u Tajland se posjetitelji vraćaju zbog hotela, plaža, ronjenja i provoda. Upućeni tvrde da se u tom dijelu kugle zemaljske može spoznati pravi hedonizam. Otok Koh Samui Na egzotičan otok Koh Samui, u Sijamskom zaljevu, stiže se avionom iz Bangkoka, glavnoga tajlandskoga grada. Budući da Koh Samui ne može prihvatiti velike avione međunarodnih letova, nikada nije uspio razviti vrhunsku turističku ponudu. Stoga ne čudi da ga mnogi nazivaju oazom jeftinih hotela. Još jedan od načina dolaska do otoka jest vlakom ili autobusom od Hualamphonga, postaje u Bangkoku, do Surat Thanija. Otamo je potrebno oko dva sata vožnje trajektom do odredišta. Ipak, dokaz da na otoku nema samo jeftinih hotela, pravi je biser – hotel Muang Kulaypan. Muang Kulaypan Muang Kulaypan je hotel na dva kata bez predvorja. Arhitekt M.L. Archava Varavana osmislio je hotel koji neće imati predvorje, no taj je nedostatak nadoknadio intrigantnim prostorijama za druže79 Ambijent 80 Za izgled hotela zaslužan je arhitekt M.L. Archava Varavana / Hotel was designed by M.L. Archava Varavana Moderno uređena kupaonica / Modern style bathroom nje koje pružaju pogled na sjeverni dio rajski primamljive plaže Chewing. Sve sobe, ukupno njih četrdeset i dvije, imaju balkone i batikom prekrivene krevete, od kojih su neki na podignutoj platformi u japanskom stilu. Uređene su u komfornom thai stilu, čistih i jednostavnih linija, u pastelnim bojama ili bijeloj. Interijeri prostorija su jednostavni, a sjajne pločice u kupaonicama spadaju među ekstravagantnije detalje. Iako bismo na prvi pogled pomislili da je zbog daleke lokacije izoliran od suvremenih pomagala, hotel iznenađuje opremom u sobama. Satelitski TV, kućno kino, telefon, mini bar i privatni sef samo su neke od pogodnosti. Svaka soba je klimatizirana kako bi turisti što lakše podnosili tropsku klimu. Kupaonice imaju kvalitetan inventar, a kreveti su dizajnirani mješavinom azijske kulture s modernim dizajnom. Posebnost soba je u njihovim specijalno dekoriranim detaljima, ornamentima kreveta i skulpturama životinja postavljenim uz njih. Postoje VIP sobe, sobe za mladence te luksuzne sobe na višoj i standardnoj razini, a svaka od njih je posebno uređena. Dodatne atrakcije hotela Bazen opremljen kupaonicom s tuševima, mini teretana, privatno parkiralište, recepcija koja radi 24 sata na dan, posluga u sobu, mogućnost čuvanja djece, knjižnica, čistionica rublja, rent-a-car, pošta, spa i fitness centar te gift shop svim gostima omogućuju neprestano hedonističko uživanje. Veliki središnji tropski vrt odiše carskom atmosferom, dok su terase i šetnice ukrašene skulpturama i bonsai drvećem. Jedna od najvećih atrakcija hotela je njegova terasa, nazvana prema drevnom javanskom gradu iz kojeg potječe priča o kraljevskoj ljubavi princa Inaoa i princeze Budsabe. Cjelokupan dizajn hotela inspiriran je upravo tom narodnom pričom. Tako je kreiran jedinstven arhitektonski stil koji spaja zen forme sa stilom južnog Sijama i njihov način života. Tajlandski krovovi toliko su niski da morate sagnuti glavu kako biste ušli u kuću. Na krovu hotela nalaze se skulpture sedmero slatke djece koja u rukama drže svete predmete – savršen simbol za nevinost, jednostavnost i uživanje. Jednostavan interijer u kojem prevladava bijela boja / Simple interior dominated by white colour Plaža Chaweng Plaža koja neodoljivo podsjeća na plažu iz filma “Žal“ odijeljena je od gužve i vreve turista i idealna za kratku šetnju do niza barova, kafića i restorana. Od hotela Muang Kulaypana udaljena je samo 100 metara, što omogućuje nezaboravan pogled s balkona. Uz plažu rastu prastara stabla kokosa koja čuvaju autentičnost lokacije. Otok Koh Samui dug je 247 kilometara i posve je prekriven sličnim pješčanim plažama. Svojim gostima, vlasnici hotela nude nesmetano kupanje i sunčanje na plaži iz najljepših snova. Za sve one koji vole spavati u hladu, tu su i ergonomske ležaljke na kojima se mogu opustiti i uživati u zvucima tropskog otoka. Mjesta za izlazak Budsaba je specijalan restoran u kojem možete jesti u jednom od 14 privatnih tajlandskih tradicionalnih drvenih koliba – salasa. Panyee bar je pokraj bazena i još je jedno odlično mjesto za izlazak u sklopu hotela. U restoranima možete uživati u tajlandskoj, kineskoj i vegetarijanskoj hrani, dok vam u pozadini svira tipična tajlandska glazba. Kritike i pohvale Mišljenja posjetitelja o ovom egzotičnom hotelu začuđujuće su suprotna. Za neke je preskup, zapušten, pa čak i prljav, s lošom poslugom, a za druge sadržajan, hotel s iznimno ljubaznim i prijateljskim osobljem, najbolji hotel u kojem su odsjeli. Ipak, nakon kratkog rezimea, hotel s četiri zvjezdice i podugačkim popisom zanimljivih usluga u kojima svatko može pronaći nešto za sebe, zavrjeđuje da ga se spomene, a ako vam to dopuštaju vrijeme i financije, i posjeti. Vjerujemo da će vas, prije svega, oduševiti njegov suvremeni i “seksi dizajn“, koji odlično pristaje uz toplu i gostoljubivu tajlandsku uslugu. Tražite li jednostavnost, mir i egzotiku u jednom, ovaj moderan hotel smješten na predivnom i divljem otoku Koh Samui primamljiv je izbor. Činjenica da se o njemu i dalje neprestano raspravlja, daje mu još jednu notu egzotike i neotkrivenog šarma. 81 Ambient Veliki središnji tropski vrt odiše carskom atmosferom / The big central tropical garden radiates imperial vibes MUANG KULAYPAN A Hotel that Provokes Countless Discussions The country to travel to: Thailand. The island to visit: Koh Samui. The hotel to stay at: Muang Kulaypan Written by: Martina Kocijan 82 Photo: www.designhotels.com Skulpture životinja uz krevet / Animal sculptures positioned next to bed Mješavina azijske kulture i modernog dizajna / A mixture of Asian culture and modern design I n case you’re wondering about how hotel managers in exotic countries attract visitors, one of the answers is: Muang Kulaypan Hotel. This Thai facility with an interesting and fascinating design, surprises by simultaneously attracting and rejecting guests. Those that are enchanted by it make sure to come again, while those that are surprised by its increased exotics leave “do not stay here!” messages on various forums. Muang Kulaypan Hotel has a unique architectonic style – it combines Zen form with Japanese and South-Siam styles. A Country of Smiling People Thailand, a country of southeastern Asia that is located at the very heart of Indochina, is now the most visited faraway destination in the world (along with Mexico, South Africa and Australia), just as adored by Europeans, Americans and Australians. The structure of visitors is very diverse, from backpackers to the jet set, as the offering itself is also adjusted to everyone’s pocket. Everyone can have a good time in Thailand, from students with very little money to the rich Russians, who leave Dubrovnik after a few days because they can’t find anything to spend their money on. Thailand is a preferred destination during European winter and certainly a country that you should experience, taste and get to know. One of the reasons is the fact that this is “a country of smiling people” from north to south, in all its 3000 kilometres, and it offers numerous tempting features. Temples, palaces and similar tourist attractions can be visited once or even twice, but tourists come back to Thailand mainly for hotels, beaches, scuba diving and generally having a good time. Inside sources claim that this is the one corner of the world that offers true hedonism. Ornamentirani kreveti / Ornamented beds Island Koh Samui The exotic island Koh Samui in the Siam Gulf is accessible by airplane from Bangkok, the capital of Thailand. Due to the fact that Koh Samui cannot take up large airplanes that travel internationally, it never quite succeeded in developing a top-level tourist offering. It is therefore no surprise to learn that it is called the oasis of cheap hotels. An alternative way of getting to the island is taking a train or bus from Hualamphong, a station in Bangkok, to Surat Thani. Once you get there, you take a two-hour trip with a ferryboat to your destination. However, in order to prove that all hotels on the island aren’t cheap, one must only look at a true pearl – Muang Kulaypan Hotel. Muang Kulaypan Muang Kulaypan is a two-storey hotel without a lobby. Architect M.L. Archava Varavana has designed a hotel that may not have a lobby, but that makes up for it with intriguing sunken meeting area that provide a view over the northern part of the heavenly beach Chewing. All forty-two rooms have balconies and batik-covered beds, some of which are placed on an elevated platform in Japanese style. The rooms are decorated in comfortable Thai style with pure and simple lines, in colours of pastel or white. The interiors are fairly simple, with shiny tiles in bathrooms being among the more extravagant details. Although you could originally think that the faraway location means it is deprived of modern equipment, this hotel might just surprise you in that regard. Satellite TV, home cinema, telephone, mini bar and a private vault are just some of many conveniences you will find. Every room has air conditioning, which enables the tourists to have an easier time with tropical conditions. Bathrooms 83 Sve sobe imaju balkone i batikom prekrivene krevete / All forty-two rooms have balconies and batik-covered beds Sobe su uređene u komfornom thai stilu, čistih i jednostavnih linija / The rooms are decorated in comfortable Thai style with pure and simple lines are equipped with quality inventory, while the beds are designed with a mixture of Asian culture and modern design. The extraordinary thing about the rooms lies in their specially decorated details, such as bed ornaments and little animal sculptures that are positioned next to them. There are also VIP rooms, as well as rooms for newlyweds and luxurious rooms on standard and higher level, and each of them has its own special decoration. The Hotel’s Extra-Attractions A swimming pool equipped with bathrooms with showers, a mini-gym, private parking lot, a reception that works 24 hours a day, room service, baby-sitting options, library, laundry room, rent-a-car, post office, spa&fitness centre and a gift shop – all these features enable the guests too have a continuous hedonistic experience. The big central tropical garden radiates imperial vibes, while the terraces and walking areas feature plenty of sculptures 84 and bonsai trees. One of the hotel’s largest attractions is its terrace, named after an ancient Javanese town that gave birth to the story of Prince Inao and Princess Budsaba’s royal love. The hotel’s overall design is inspired with that old local story. That created a unique architectonic style that combines Zen forms with the style of southern Siam, including their way of life. Thai roofs are so low that you have to bend your head in order to enter the house. The roof of the hotel features sculptures of seven sweet children holding sacred objects in their hands – a perfect symbol of innocence, simplicity and enjoyment. Beach Chaweng A beach that irresistibly recalls the one from the movie “Beach” is separated from the crowd and noise provided by the tourists, which makes it ideal for a short walk to the string of bars, coffee shops and restaurants. It is only 100 metres from Muang Kulaypan Hotel, which makes for an Hotel nema predsoblje, ali ima zanimljive prostorije za druženje / The hotel has no lobby but has interesting meeting area unforgettable view from the balcony. The beach gives home to archaic coconut trees that preserve the location’s authenticity. Island Koh Samui is 247 kilometres long and completely covered in similar sand beaches. The hotel owners offer their guests uninhibited swimming and sunbathing on their dream beach. For those who like to sleep in the shade, there are plenty of ergonomic deck chairs to relax on while enjoying the sounds of a tropical island. Going-Out Spots Budsaba is a special restaurant that offers the experience of eating in one of 14 private traditional Thai wooden cottages – salases. Panyee Bar is right next to the pool and is another excellent going-out spot within the hotel. The restaurants offer Thai, Chinese and vegetarian food, while the background is filled with sounds of typical Thai music. Ambient Critiques and Compliments The visitors’ opinions of this exotic hotel and surprisingly conflicting. Some find it too expensive, neglected, even filthy and with bad service, while others will say that the hotel is filled with features and has an incredibly kind and friendly staff, which makes it the best hotel they ever stayed in. However, after a short resume, this four-star hotel with a long list of interesting offers that everyone can latch onto deserves to be mentioned, and if it agrees with your time and finances, deserves to be visited. We believe that you will be primarily thrilled with its modern and sexy design that wonderfully suits the warm and hospitable Thai service. If you’re looking for simplicity, peace and exotics all in once, this modern hotel, which is located on a wonderful and wild island Koh Samui, is a very tempting choice. The fact that it provokes so many discussions on constant basis gives it another dose of exotics and undiscovered charm. 85 Dom snova Pierre Cardin jedan je od najpoznatijih svjetskih dizajnera / Pierre Cardin is one of the world’s most famous fashion designer 86 U domu kod Pierrea Cardina S pogledom na Azurnu obalu, negdje između neba i mora, smjestila se zaista iznimna kuća, čiji izgled potpuno odgovara osobnosti vlasnika, francuskog dizajnera Pierrea Cardina. Projekt je završen prije 20 godina uz pomoć jednog od njegovih prijatelja, arhitekta Anttija Lovaga Piše: Nataša Bodrožiæ M alo se ljudi može pohvaliti da živi u kući svojih snova. Francuski dizajner Pierre Cardin jedan je od sretnika koji je slobodno, bez ograničavanja mašte i uz pomoć mađarskog arhitekta Anttija Lovaga, dao oblik svome snu. Dobio je Bubble palace, zaobljeni, mjehuričasti dvorac iz snova, s pogledom na Azurnu obalu. Prije više od dvadeset godina, Cardin je poželio kupiti kuću na moru, u Francuskoj, ali istražujući, bio je zgrožen Foto: www.photoslimited.com šumom neinventivnih, kockastih vila načičkanih duž obale. Tražio je za sebe nešto posebno, nešto što bi odgovaralo njegovoj zahtjevnoj osobnosti, istančanom ukusu jer, na kraju krajeva, mjesto gdje netko živi puno govori i o samom stanovniku. Želio je arhitektonski ekvivalent svojim avangardnim kreacijama u modi. Sasvim slučajno se našao na mjestu gdje je Antti Lovag završavao svoj projekt, mjehuričastu kuću za nekog industrijalca. Vidjevši gotovo dovršeni objekt, Cardin je odmah znao 87 Dom snova 88 Nadahnut islamskom i ruskom arhitekturom, krivulje, zaobljeni oblici i kupole redovito su se pojavljivali u radu Anttija Lovaga / Inspired by Islamic and Russian architecture, Antti Lovag’s work always featured plenty of curves, rounded shapes and cupolas da je našao ono što je tražio: jednim dijelom kuću, drugim – halucinaciju. Igrom sudbine, dobio je upravo tu, nestvarnu građevinu u koju se na prvi pogled zaljubio. Pierre Cardin je kao modni dizajner poznat po geometrijskim oblicima i motivima koji često ignoriraju oblik ženskog tijela. Tako je 1954. predstavio svoju čuvenu haljinu “Bubble” koja je stajala kao objekt za sebe. Njegova unisex moda bila je često eksperimentalna i ne previše praktična. U modnom prostoru uvijek su ga zanimali neobičnost, asimetrični krojevi, nekonvencionalne kombinacije. Bio je prvi zapadni dizajner koji je postavio modnu reviju u komunističkoj Kini još 1979. godine. Nije se bojao riskirati. Vjerojatno je upravo istu zaigranost i sklonost eksperimentiranju prepoznao i kod arhitekta Lovaga koji je svojim mjehuričastim projektom nastojao zaobići tradicionalnu arhitekturu u korist suvremenog dizajna. Skandinavski korijeni Anttija Lovaga utjecali su na njegove prioritete kao arhitekta, a oni se mogu svesti na primat funkcionalnosti. U isto vrijeme, njegova neobična obiteljska loza i razni dijelovi svijeta kao dekor njegova odrastanja ostavili su traga, utjecali su na njegov senzibilitet i estetski sud. Spajao je funkcionalnost s estetikom; nadahnut islamskom i ruskom arhitekturom, krivulje, zaobljeni oblici i kupole redovito su se pojavljivali u njegovu radu. “Želio sam da se forme kreću”, znao je govoriti. “Graditi za vječnost, zapravo je udar, agresija na samo vrijeme. Počeo sam razmišljati o improviziranim građevinama sklepanim u odnosu na mjesto na kojima se nalaze, prilagođenim potrebama i željama pojedinca i njegovoj viziji idealnog doma.” Na vulkanskom, stjenovitom brdu, serija sfernih oblika boje zemlje, prekrivenih ovalnim, konveksnim prozorima, naslanja se na reljef i stapa s krajolikom. Djelomično spilja, djelomično svemirska letjelica, Bubble palace prostire se nad azurnim morem, na jugoistoku Francuske, u mjestu Théoule-sur-Meru. Na samom prilazu mondenom, razvikanom Cannesu, Cardin je pronašao svoju oazu mira. S druge strane prozora i vrata, koje arhitekt Lovag uspoređuje s očima koje gledaju različite perspektive, na nekoliko razina, tri zaobljena bazena ponavljaju temu kruga. Zaobljene forme i kupole čine prevladavajući oblik vanjske arhitekture kojima je Lovag uspio zarobiti prostor. Unutrašnjost kuće je također u potpunosti ispresijecana krivuljama: zidovi, kreveti, kade, fotelje, kao da plutaju u oblim prostorima u kojima boja igra važnu ulogu. “Nema ništa depresivnije od bijelih zidova”, riječi su samog arhitekta. Osvjetljenje je dizajnirano tako da se boje mijenjaju u odnosu na doba dana. Svako otvaranje, vrata, prozori, osmišljeno je Zaobljene forme i kupole čine prevladavajući oblik vanjske arhitekture kojima je Lovag uspio zarobiti prostor / Rounded forms and cupolas dominate the outside architecture, as Lovag used them to capture space 89 Bubble palace prostire se nad azurnim morem, na jugoistoku Francuske, u mjestu Théoule-sur-Meru / Bubble Palace spreads across the blue sea in southeastern France, in a little town called Theoule-sur-Meru tako da dopušta pristup sunčeve svjetlosti dok god je ima, od izlaska do zalaska sunca. Organska arhitektura, prožimanje s okolinom, negiranje oštrih i pravih kuteva u korist spiralnih, zaobljenih, simulirajući oblike same prirode, čine ovu mjehuričastu stambenu iluziju mjestom harmonije, mira, opuštanja, spokoja. Velika željezna kapija, simulacija paukove mreže, uvodi nas u taj suptilni svijet, dostupan odabranima. Slijed kupola umjesto krova, cilindrični unutarnji prolazi i zmijoliki rukohvati stubišta koji se penju slijedeći liniju zida, oslikavaju spiralu života. Igra svjetla i sjene na zidovima na kojima se miješaju boje dana, stvaraju magiju mjesta. Svjetlost koja dolazi iz različitih otvora i stapa se u jedno, apsorbira osjećaj udaljenosti, stvarajući dojam intimnosti u svom tom prostoru. U tisuću i dvjesto četvornih metara sadržana su dva dnevna boravka i osam spavaonica s pripadajućim im kupaonicama u kojima se nalaze kade jajolikih oblika. Tu su još ured, knjižnica, konferencijska dvorana, kino, i to sve bez ijednog pravokutnika. Svi prozori i vrata opo90 našaju glavnu, zaobljenu liniju. Divovski prozor u glavnoj dnevnoj sobi nudi panoramski pogled na veličanstveni pejsaž i mediteransku vegetaciju. Vrt je zasađen i održavan paralelno s gradnjom same kuće. Obavija je kao nježni biljni pokrov neodvojivo srastao s njom, a koji se i iznutra doimlje kao njezin najprirodniji nastavak. Malo dalje vidi se more sa svojim zaljevima i beskrajem obzora. “Krug je moj simbol”, riječi su Pierrea Cardina. “Sfera predstavlja stvaranje svijeta i majčinu utrobu.” Istodobno organična i manična, ova veličanstvena građevina podsjeća na umjetnost Niki de St. Phalle i Louise Bourgeois. “Bubbles, dvorac iz snova” završen je u potpunosti 1990. godine, a aukcijska kuća Sotheby’s još je prije njegovu vrijednost procijenila na pet milijuna (francuskih) franaka. Ova živa skulptura, zasebno umjetničko djelo, u početku je izazivala sumnju u određenim krugovima. Nazivali su je “ludnicom visoke klase”, dok se danas smatra povijesnim spomenikom. Dream home Jedna od soba / One of the rooms At Home with Pierre Cardin Overlooking the French Riviera, somewhere between the sky and the sea, we find a truly exceptional house with a look that completely matches the personality of its owner, French designer Pierre Cardin. The project was completed 20 years ago with the help of one of his friends, architect Antti Lovag V Written by: Nataša Bodrožić ery few people are lucky enough to be living in the house of their dreams. French designer Pierre Cardin is one of those lucky people that has freely, without any limits in his imagination and with the help of Hungarian architect Antti Lovag, achieved complete fulfilment of his dream. That resul- Photo: www.photoslimited.com ted in Bubble Palace, an oval, bubble-like dream castle overlooking the French Riviera. Over twenty years ago, Cardin started thinking about buying a house on the French coast, but when he started looking around, he found himself aghast with a line of uninventive, square villas that were aligned 91 Na samom prilazu mondenom, razvikanom Cannesu, Cardin je pronašao svoju oazu mira / Just outside of the trendy, fashionable Cannes, Cardin has found his oasis of peace along the coast. He was looking for something special, something that would suit his demanding personality and subtle taste, as it is often said that you can say a lot about every individual just by looking at the place he lives in. He wanted an architectonic equivalent to his avant-garde fashion creations. It was purely accidental that he found himself on a location where Antti Lovag was finishing up his project, a bubble-like house for an industrial businessman. When he saw the project in its finishing stages, Cardin immediately knew that he found what he was looking for: something between a house and a hallucination. And by a simple twist of fate, he got his hands on that precise surreal building that enchanted him at first sight. As a fashion designer, Pierre Cardin is known for geometrical shapes and motifs that often ignore the female figure. In 1954, he presented his infamous “Bubble” dress that stood as a completely independent object. His unisex fashion was often experimental and not very practical. When it came to fashion, he was always more interested in unusual, asymmetrical cuts and unconventional combinations. He was the first Western designer that organised a fashion show in communist China back in 1979. He wasn’t afraid of taking 92 chances. It is very likely that he recognized that same playfulness and love for experiments when he looked at architect Lovag’s work, as he was trying to avoid traditional architecture in favour of modern design with his bubble-like project. Antti Lovag’s Scandinavian roots influenced his architectonic priorities, which can be described as a primacy of functionality. At the same time, his unusual family lineage and various parts of the world as a section of his growing-up process have also left plenty of traces on his sensibility and aesthetic judgement. He combined functionality with aesthetics; inspired by Islamic and Russian architecture, his work always featured plenty of curves, rounded shapes and cupolas. “I wanted to create moveable forms”, he used to say. “Building something for eternity is actually an attack and an aggression against time itself. I started thinking about improvised buildings shaped according to their locations, adjusted to the needs and desires of an individual and his vision of an ideal home.” On a rocky volcanic hill, a series of earth-coloured spheres leans against the relief and blends with the scenery, covered in oval and convex windows. Halfway between a cave and a space shuttle, Bubble Pala- Dream home Vrt je zasađen i održavan paralelno s gradnjom same kuće / The garden was started simultaneously as the house was being built 93 “Nema ništa depresivnije od bijelih zidova”, riječi su Anttija Lovaga / “There is nothing more depressive than white walls”, says Anttib Lovag Svi prozori i vrata oponašaju glavnu, zaobljenu liniju / All the doors and windows imitate the main rounded line 94 ce spreads across the blue sea in southeastern France, in a little town called Theoule-sur-Meru. Just outside of the trendy, fashionable Cannes, Cardin has found his oasis of peace. On the other side of the windows and doors, which architect Lovag compares to eyes that observe different perspectives, three rounded pools on several levels repeat the theme of a circle. Rounded forms and cupolas dominate the outside architecture, as Lovag used them to capture space. The interior of the house is also completely intertwined with curves: walls, beds, tubs, armchairs seem to float in round premises that are crucially determined by colour. “There is nothing more depressive than white walls”, the architect himself says. The lighting is designed in such fashion that the colours actually change depending on the time of the day. All openings, doors and windows are conceived in such manner that they allow access to sunlight at all times, from sunrise to sunset. Organic architecture, intertwining with the environment, denying sharp and straight angles in favour of spiral and rounded ones that simulate the shapes of nature itself – all these elements make this bubble-like residential illusion a place of harmony, peace, relaxation and calmness. The large iron gates that simulate a spider web introduce us to this subtle world that is only accessible to the carefully chosen people. A string of cupolas replacing a roof, cylindrical interior passages and snake-like stairway fences climb along the lines of the walls, thus portraying a spiral of life. The interaction of light and shadow on the walls that present a mixture of daylight colours create the true magic of this place. The light that comes from different openings and then becomes one absorbs the sense of distance, creating the impression of intimacy in this entire space. The 1200 square metres feature two living rooms and eight bedrooms with the accompanying bathrooms, which present lovely egg-like bathtubs. There was also plenty of room for an office, library, conference hall and a cinema, and there isn’t a rectangle in sight. All the doors and windows imitate the main rounded line. The gigantic window in the main living room offers a panoramic view over the magnificent scenery and Mediterranean vegetation. The garden was started simultaneously as the house was being built. It is now wrapped around it like a gentle plant that has become inseparable, and which gives the impression of a natural extension from the inside as well. And if you look a little further, you can enjoy the sea with all its bays and endless horizons. “A circle is my symbol”, Pierre Cardin said. “A sphere represents the creation of the world and the mother’s womb.” Simultaneously organic and manic, this magnificent building is reminiscent of Niki de St.Phalle and Louise Bourgeouis. “Bubbles, the dream castle” was completely finished in 1990, and auction house Sotheby’s has already estimated its worth to five million (French) franks. This living sculpture, a work of art on its own merits, has originally attracted plenty of doubt in certain circles. They were calling it “a high-class asylum”, but it is now considered a historical monument. Dream home “Bubbles, dvorac iz snova” završen je u potpunosti 1990. godine, a aukcijska kuća Sotheby’s još je prije njegovu vrijednost procijenila na pet milijuna (francuskih) franaka / “Bubbles, the dream castle” was completely finished in 1990, and auction house Sotheby’s has already estimated its worth to five million (French) franks 95 Moderni interijeri / www.moderniinterijeri.hr Piše: Aleksandar Vrtariæ Kuhinje - mali savjeti za velike rezultate O ukusima se, naravno, ne raspravlja, ali jedno je sigurno – svaka bi kuhinja trebala biti praktična i prilagođena raspoloživom prostoru, upotpunjena detaljima koji će joj dati “dušu”. Ujediniti svu ljepotu i raskoš, sigurnost i toplinu dobre stare tradicije s bitnim pravilima ergonomije i funkcionalnosti, ne mora biti teško – potrebno je tek malo truda da bi se došlo do optimalnih rezultata B ez obzira na stil i ukus, kuhinje čine okosnicu svakog doma, simbolički se povezuju s harmonijom i blagostanjem koju donosi okupljanje obitelji i dragih prijatelja, zdravljem te ugodom i užitkom. I u dalekoj su prošlosti prostorije u kojima se obitelj okupljala za vrijeme jela bile, uz ležajeve za spavanje, najvažniji dio doma. Danas nije nimalo drukčije jer topao ambijent koji sa sobom donose mirisi tek pripremljenih obroka, uživanje u ugodnim zalogajima uz razgovor s dragim osobama okupljenima za stolom, zaista ništa ne može zamijeniti. Sofisticirani električni uređaji, dizajnerski namještaj ili pak obnovljeni stari kuhinjski elementi? O ukusima se, naravno, ne raspravlja, ali jedno je sigurno – svaka bi kuhinja trebala biti praktična i prilagođena raspoloživom prostoru, upotpunjena detaljima koji će joj dati “dušu”. Ujediniti svu ljepotu i raskoš, sigurnost i toplinu dobre stare tradicije s bitnim pravilima ergonomije i funkcionalnosti, ne mora 96 biti teško – potrebno je tek malo truda da bi se došlo do optimalnih rezultata. Žene će se uvijek složiti oko jedne stvari, a ta je da kuhinja nikada nije dovoljno velika, što je apsolutna istina, no činjenica je i da je većina kuhinja “osuđena” na relativno malu površinu. Bila kuhinja manja ili veća, nužno je neke stvari “staviti na papir” i odrediti što je od elemenata, električnih uređaja i ostalih sitnica zaista potrebno u kuhinji, što nedostaje, koji detalji bi mogli kuhinju učiniti još funkcionalnijom te istodobno i vizualno atraktivnijom. Kuhinje po mjeri Iako se danas u većini bolje opskrbljenih prodavaonica namještaja mogu pronaći modeli u najrazličitijim dimenzijama, to ne znači da treba po svaku cijenu odabrati neki model. Svakako je dobro ako se poklope idealne mjere s onim što čovjek želi, no kuhinje izrađene po unaprijed Ikea / www.ikea.com Interijeri Kuhinjski elementi moraju biti pristupačni, a sve što se nalazi u njima i na njima mora biti lako dohvatljivo / Kitchen elements must be accessible, and whatever is positioned on them or in them must be easily reachable određenim mjerama su definitivno bolji izbor. Zašto? Bilo bi lijepo kad bi se prostor mogao birati prema kuhinjama, no u praksi je situacija obrnuta, pa kuhinju valja birati prema raspoloživom prostoru i, naravno – prema vlastitim potrebama. Većina kuhinja na tržištu izrađena je po nekim uvaženim standardima, no standardi ne misle uvijek na ljude koji su, primjerice, viši ili niži od većine. Kuhinjski elementi moraju biti pristupačni, a sve što se nalazi u njima i na njima mora biti lako dohvatljivo. Kad su u pitanju manji prostori, kuhinje po mjeri će osigurati da svaki slobodni centimetar bude iskorišten na optimalan način. Dodatna prednost kuhinja rađenih po mjeri jest ta što je moguće unaprijed odrediti namjenu svakog elementa koji će poslije biti postavljen na odgovarajuće, odnosno idealno mjesto – tako se lako rješava problem nepotrebnog šetanja tijekom kuhanja. Raspored elemenata može izgledati kao nemoguća misija, no papir i olovka će biti od velike pomoći. Kuhinjski elementi raspoređeni u obliku slova “L“ su vjerojatno najpopularnije rješenje, posebice u manjim i srednje velikim prostorima, jer takav način postavljanja pruža mogućnost funkcionalnog odvajanja radne plohe od elemenata namijenjenih skladištenju namirnica. Raspolažete li, pak, većim prostorom, onda se možete poigrati neformalnim rasporedom i slobodnostojećim elementima, a posebno atraktivno će izgledati raspored 97 Interiors Berloni / www.berloni.com Kuhinja nikada nije dovoljno velika / No kitchen is ever large enough “U” oblika koji dopušta postavljanje uvijek lijepih kuhinjskih otoka, koji, osim toga što izgledaju vrlo lijepo i sofisticirano, omogućavaju slobodno kretanje i uporabu velikih radnih površina. Ono što je također važno jest da kod odabira kuhinjskog namještaja trebaju sudjelovati svi ukućani, no o rasporedu elemenata bi svakako trebala odlučiti osoba koja najviše vremena provodi za štednjakom. Radne plohe Gotovo jednako važne kao i kuhinjski elementi jesu radne plohe koje bi se izgledom trebale uklopiti u ostatak namještaja. No, potrebno je imati na umu da one moraju biti otporne na mnogo toga, od oštrica noževa i visokih temperatura do mrlja koje ostavljaju neki prehrambeni proizvodi. Na tržištu se mogu pronaći radne plohe od različitih materijala, kao što su inoks, prirodno drvo, plohe od kompozitnih materijala, a plohe se mogu obložiti keramičkim pločicama, brušenim kamenom, granitom... Radne plohe od nehrđajućeg čelika vrlo su popularne, posebice kod modernih kuhinja. Taj je materijal vrlo zahvalan jer se lako održava, donosi sklad i gasi pretjerano “žive” boje, otporan je i postojan, a izgleda izrazito atraktivno. Potpuna suprotnost vizualno hladnom inoksu jest drvo koje je zbog svoje ljepote i topline već stoljećima izvan svake konkurencije. Pravilno obrađena i lakirana drvena radna ploha trajat će dugi niz godina, a svakoj kuhinji će podariti bogat, ali i prirodan ugođaj. Kamen je također vrlo popularan materijal jer se jednako dobro uklapa i u tradicionalne, klasične kuhinje, i u moderno uređen kuhinjski prostor. Mramor i granit su oduvijek bili oličenje otmjenosti, statusnog simbola i bogatstva, a radne plohe od tih materijala su vrlo otporne. Keramičke pločice sva- kako izgledaju lijepo, razbijaju monotoniju i donose živost, no nisu baš najbolji izbor za praktičare i one koji mnogo kuhaju jer nisu pretjerano otporne na udarce i na jaču abraziju. Iverali (medijapan), pak, najpovoljnija su rješenja, i unatoč relativno niskim cijenama, radne plohe od iverala se proizvode u najrazličitijim uzorcima, stoga se idealno mogu uklopiti u većinu stilova. Radne plohe od iverala mogu oponašati mramor, granit, prirodno drvo, mogu biti prošarane kontrastnim linijama, jednobojne, zahvalne su kad je u pitanju održavanje, no valja znati da ovakve radne plohe nisu imune na noževe i slična kuhinjska pomagala. Ipak, velika im je prednost ta što se lako mogu zamijeniti uz minimalni trošak. U duhu tradicije Prirodni materijali su uvijek jednako privlačni, bez obzira na trend koji trenutačno vlada jer moda se mijenja, a prirodno nikada ne izlazi iz mode. Želite li potpuno preurediti svoju kuhinju ili pak tek planirate urediti svoj novi stambeni prostor, svakako razmislite o tradicionalnom uređenju kuhinje. Elementi od prirodnog drveta su dugovječni, ovisno o dizajnu oni mogu izgledati uistinu predivno, a mnogi će se složiti da toplinu godova koji ukrašavaju površinu elemenata ni jedan drugi materijal ne može zamijeniti. Tradicionalne kuhinje mogu se obogatiti seljačkim podovima, daskama od dimljene hrastovine, popularne terakote, stolom od masovnog drveta i detaljima koji u urbano naselje donose dašak naših predaka. Ipak, koji god stil odabrali, nemojte zaboraviti na ono osnovno – vaša kuhinja mora biti dovoljno prostrana, funkcionalna i praktična, ispunjena toplim i ugodnim ambijentom. 99 Uz tradicionalnu kuhinju odlično pristaje seljački pod / A village-like floor wonderfully agrees with a traditional kitchen Berloni / www.berloni.com Interiors Kitchens - Small Advice for Major Results Naturally, personal tastes are not open for discussion, but one thing is for sure – every kitchen should be practical and adjusted to the available space, fulfilled with details that will provide its “soul”. Uniting all the beauty and panache, safety and warmth of the good old tradition with important rules of ergonomics and functionality doesn’t have to be difficult – all it takes is a little effort in order to achieve optimal results R Written by: Aleksandar Vrtariæ egardless of style and taste, a kitchen represents the backbone of every home, as it is symbolically connected with harmony and blessings that appear when family and dear friends are gathered, as well as with feelings of good health, comfort and pleasure. Even way back in the old days, rooms that gathered families for meals were, along with rooms for sleeping, the most important sections of a home. That has certainly not changed these days because the warm ambience provided by aromas of freshly cooked meals and the experience of enjoying delicious bites 100 while talking to your loved ones at the table cannot be replaced by anything. Sophisticated electrical devices, designer furniture or renovated old kitchen elements? Naturally, personal tastes are not open for discussion, but one thing is for sure – every kitchen should be practical and adjusted to the available space, fulfilled with details that will provide its “soul”. Uniting all the beauty and panache, safety and warmth of the good old tradition with important rules of ergonomics and functionality doesn’t have to be difficult – all it takes is a little effort in order to achieve optimal results. Women will always agree on the Berloni / www.berloni.com Raspolažete li većim prostorom, onda se možete poigrati neformalnim rasporedom i slobodnostojećim elementima / If you have a bigger space at your disposal, you can experiment with an informal arrangement and detached elements 101 Ikea / www.ikea.com Radne plohe izgledom se trebaju uklopiti u ostatak namještaja / Look of work surfaces should fit into the rest of the furniture fact that no kitchen is ever large enough, which is the absolute truth, but the fact remain that most kitchens are “destined” to a relatively small surface. Whether the kitchen is somewhat bigger or smaller, it is necessary to put some things in written and determine which of the elements, electrical devices and other utensils are truly necessary in your kitchen, which ones are missing, and which details could simultaneously make your kitchen more functional and visually more attractive. Custom-Made Kitchens Although most well-equipped furniture stores now feature models in the most various dimensions, that doesn’t mean that you are obligated to pick one of those models. It is certainly a relief when you find ideal dimensions that perfectly respond to your needs, but custom-made kitchens definitely represent a better choice. Why? It would be convenient if you could choose your living space according to your kitchen, but things are always done in opposite order, so you must choose your kitchen according to the space available and – to your own needs. Most kitchens on the market were manufactured in line with some previously determined standards, but those standards don’t always pay attention to people that are, for example, taller or smaller than most. Kitchen elements must be accessible, and whatever is positioned on them or in them must be easily reachable. When it comes to smaller spaces, custom-made kitchens ensure that every available centimetre is utilized in an optimal way. The additional advantage of custommade kitchens is that it is possible to predetermine the purpose of every element that will eventually be positioned in its ideal place – that effortlessly takes care of the issue of having to unnecessarily walking around the kitchen during cooking. The arrangement of elements may appear to be mission impossible, but that’s where some paper and a pen will come in really handy. Kitchen elements lined up in the “L” shape are probably the most popular solution, especially in smaller and medium-sized spaces, because that particular arrangement offers the option of functionally separating the work surface from elements that have the purpose of storing up groceries. If you have a bigger space at your disposal, you can experiment with an informal arrangement and detached elements, while having in mind that the “U” arrangement will look especially attractive, as it allows the instalment of lovely kitchen islands that, besides having a pleasant and sophisticated look, provide the option of freely moving around the kitchen and using large work surfaces. Another important thing is to remember to include everyone living in the apartment in the process of choosing the kitchen furniture, but the arrangement of elements should be decided by the person that spends the biggest amount of time behind the stove. Work Surfaces Work surfaces are nearly just as important as kitchen elements, and they should feature a look that 102 will nicely fit into the rest of the furniture. However, you must keep in mind that they need to be resilient to many things, including knife blades, high temperatures and stains that are left by some food products. The market offers work surfaces from many different materials, including non-corrosive steel, natural wood and composite materials. Work surfaces can also be covered in ceramic tiles, grindstone, granite… Work surfaces made of non-corrosive steel are very popular, particularly when it comes to modern kitchens. That material is very grateful because it is easily maintainable, brings harmony and tones down overly vivacious colours, and it is also resilient and stable while looking very attractive. If you want the complete opposite to the visually cold non-corrosive steel, you should choose wood, which basically has had no competition for centuries due to its beauty and warmth. The properly processed and varnished wooden work surface will last for many years, while providing a rich and natural ambience to every kitchen. Stone is also a very popular material because it is equally convenient for traditional, classic or modern kitchen spaces. Marble and granite have always been the epitome of class, status symbol and wealth, and it must be said that work surfaces made of those materials are very resilient. Ceramic tiles certainly look nice enough, as they break the monotony and bring a lively vibration, but they don’t exactly represent the best choice for practical people and those who do a lot of cooking due to not being resilient enough to impact or to stronger abrasion. Plywood surfaces are pro- V R H U N S K A K U H I N J A bably the best choice, as they don’t cost much and are produced in very different samples, which helps when you’re trying to fit them into all kinds of styles. Plywood work surfaces can imitate marble, granite, natural wood, and they can be covered in contrasting lines or have only one colour. They are very rewarding when it comes to maintenance, but keep in mind that these surfaces are not immune to knives and similar kitchen utensils. However, their big plus is that they can easily be replaced at minimal expense. In the Spirit of Tradition Natural materials are always equally attractive, regardless of current trends because fashion might be changing, but natural things are always “in”. If you want to completely renovate your kitchen or you are just planning to decorate your new living space, make sure to consider the traditional manner of kitchen decoration. Natural-wood elements are very durable, and they can have a wonderful look depending on their design. Many people will agree that no other materials can beat the warmth of wood rings decorating the elements’ surfaces. Traditional kitchens can benefit from village-like floors, smoked-oak boards, popular terracotta, a mass-wood table and many other details that bring the spirit of our ancestors into the urban environment. However, regardless of your style, don’t forget the basic thing – your kitchen must have enough room, as well as be functional, practical and filled with a warm pleasant atmosphere. Z A V R H U N S K I U Ž I T A K 103 PRODAJNO MJESTO SPLIT DUBROVAČKA 10 Tel.: 021/544-022 - Fax:021/537-177 www.miodino.hr [email protected] PRODAJNO MJESTO DUGOPOLJE TOP INTERIJER Tel.: 021/839-709 - Fax:021/839-719 Interijeri Pravilnim odabirom boje, oblika i pozicije, biljke mogu potpuno preobraziti prostor / By rightfully choosing the colour, shape and position of the plants, any space can be truly transformed Biljkama uljepšajte dom Osim što uljepšavaju svaki prostor, biljke potiču produktivnost i pomažu u stvaranju ugodne i opuštajuće atmosfere, a odlične su i za pročišćenje zraka od toksina koje ispuštaju materijali u interijerima Piše: Elija Vrsaljko 104 Interijeri Treba imati na umu da život biljaka u potpunosti ovisi o njihovim vlasnicima / It should be kept in mind that the lifespan of plants depends completely on their owner N išta tako dobro ne uljepšava životni prostor kao biljke. Pravilnim odabirom boje, oblika i pozicije, one mogu potpuno preobraziti prostor. Međutim, to nije jedini razlog zbog kojeg su biljke poželjne u interijerima. Ispod njihove ljepote krije se mnogo više nego što se čini na prvi pogled. Biljke su dobre za ljude na mnogo načina. Njihovu iskonsku povezanost s čovjekom otkriva činjenica da ljudsko oko razlikuje čak 2000 nijansi zelene boje! One pomažu stvaranju ugodne i opuštajuće atmosfere. U radnom okruženju potiču produktivnost, zaposlenici se manje razbolijevaju i manje griješe, u blizini biljaka studenti bolje uče, a pacijenti u bolnicama se bolje osjećaju. Što sve biljke mogu Ali zašto je to tako? Razlozi su fizičke i psihološke prirode. Istražujući problem zagađenog zraka u zatvorenim prostorima, otkriveno je da su kućne biljke sposobne pročistiti zrak od toksičnih tvari (formaldehid, amonijak, nikotin, benzen) te povećati količinu negativnih iona u zraku. Tijekom svoga prirodnog procesa fotosinteze, biljke poboljšavaju kvalitetu zraka tako što filtriraju ugljični dioksid koji ljudi izdišu te različite zagađivače akumulirane u zatvorenim prostorima, a proizvode kisik koji je ljudima potreban za život. Materijali u interijerima su često takve kvalitete da u sebi sadrže razne otrove. Velike količine toksičnih tvari emitiraju se iz podnih obloga, sagova, plastike, namještaja, ljepila, boje, lakova, suvremenih građevinskih materijala, sintetičkih vlakana i mnogih drugih izvora. Moderne zgrade su konstruirane tako da spriječe gubitak toplinske energije iz zatvorenih prostora i onemoguće protok zraka pa, iako štede novac, zadržavaju toksine u svojoj unutrašnjosti. Interijeri mogu biti čak pet do sedam puta zagađeniji od eksterijera! Taj moderni fenomen je poznat pod nazivom “sindrom bolesnih zgrada“. Ljude s ovim sindro- mom muče uporan kašalj, iritacija, glavobolja, umor, vrtoglavica, alergijske kožne reakcije, slabost, astmatična iritacija, respiratorna infekcija, mučnina, otežana koncentracija, osjetljivost na mirise, suha koža, svrab… Čak 20 posto zaposlenika kaže da njihov rad ometaju simptomi ovog sindroma, a većina ih se osjeća bolje ubrzo nakon napuštanja zgrade. Simptomi vezani uz “sindrom bolesnih zgrada“ mogu biti smanjeni postavljanjem biljaka. Svojom sposobnošću upijanja toksičnih tvari, one smanjuju razinu umora, kašlja, glavobolje i iritacije očiju za 30 posto. Istina, sve biljke podjednako ne upijaju sve otrove, a nijedna, na žalost, ne upija dim cigarete, ali to čine dovoljno dobro da ih je nemoguće smatrati samo ukrasima. Stručnjaci savjetuju uzgajanje minimalno dviju kućnih biljaka na prostoru od 9 do 10 četvornih metara unutar životnog ili radnog prostora sa stropom visine od 2,5 do tri metra. U zgradama s manjkom dnevne svjetlosti i pogleda prema vanjskom svijetu, zeleni atrijumi su idealna alternativa prirodi. Kod planiranja rasporeda radnih prostorija u zgradi, ekološki svjestan arhitekt će postaviti biljke kao pregradu jer one imaju dvojaku funkciju za razliku od običnih zidova: odvajaju prostor i istodobno upijaju zvukove, smanjuju prašinu, vlaže zrak i obogaćuju prostor kisikom. Kako s biljkama Biljke u domu pružaju mogućnost hobija u zatvorenom prostoru. Ljudi uživaju baviti se njima, to im podiže raspoloženje, a kada one dobro uspijevaju, raste i samopouzdanje. Izbor kućnih biljaka je stvar svakog pojedinca. Neke se bolje uklapaju u tradicionalne stilove, a neke u moderne. No većina ih se uklapa u sve stilove uređenja interijera. Treba imati na umu da život biljaka u potpunosti ovisi o njihovim vlasnicima. Okruženje u kojem se nalaze je vrlo važno. Ne smije ih se staviti preblizu izvora 105 Interijeri Biljkama treba omogućiti dovoljno prirodnog svjetla / Plants should be provided with enough natural light Većina biljaka se uklapa u sve stilove uređenja interijera / The majority of plants will adapt to all decorating styles 106 topline ili na propuh, a ako ih se postavi u duboku sjenu ili se nedovoljno zalijevaju, sigurno će propasti. Sve kućne biljke su osjetljive na mraz. Temperatura zraka ne smije biti niža od 16°C, ali ni viša od 21°C. Mnoge su osjetljive na suh zrak u stambenim prostorima pa im treba povećati vlagu u zraku. Ako je moguće, biljkama treba omogućiti dovoljno prirodnog svjetla jer imaju vrlo individualne zahtjeve za svjetlošću. Iako ih je većina otporna na sve uvjete i količinu svjetla, nije ih dobro izložiti direktnom suncu. Za svaku biljku treba naći dobru kombinaciju svjetla i ventilacije jer to znatno utječe na njihovu sposobnost pročišćavanja zraka. Njihov rast poboljšavaju bijeli ili krem zidovi i strop održavajući svjetlo u slabo osvijetljenim prostorijama. Većina ih sporo raste, a za one koje brzo rastu, treba osigurati dovoljno prostora. Prave biljke se mogu zamijeniti umjetnima u unutarnjem uređenju, naročito ako vlasnik nije sklon bavljenju njima. Umjetne biljke mogu dekorirati prostor isto tako dobro kao i prave, međutim one ne mogu zamijeniti pozitivan učinak koji prave biljke imaju na ljudski organizam. Ako ništa drugo, činjenica da rastu i mijenjaju se, donosi komadić prirode u zatvoreni prostor, a to je nezamjenjivo. Kućne biljke i feng shui Biljke su jedan od najdjelotvornijih čimbenika korištenih u feng shui učenju. Njihova svrha u zatvorenom prostoru je generiranje dobrog chia, odnosno dobre energije. Zdravi cvjetovi privlače univerzalnu chi energiju i kisik te tako utječu na ljudsku vitalnost, dok njihovo neodržavanje može prouzročiti stagniranje energije i proizvesti negativan chi. Općenito, držanje biljaka u stambenom prostoru stvara pozitivne osjećaje kod ljudi pa tako unapređuje njihov imunološki sustav. Međutim, nisu sve vrste biljaka poželjne u zatvorenom prostoru po feng shui učenju. Tako su nepovoljne sve one s trnjem ili iglicama, kao što su kaktusi, te sa sabljastim, oštrim listovima poput palmi, jer takve biljke u prostor odašilju negativne vibracije i energiju prostora pretvaraju u agresivnu. Isto tako, bonsai zbog svoje minijaturnosti djeluje štetno na okolinu jer simbolizira sputanost prirode i rasta. Nepoželjne su još palma, agava, drvo života, dracena, Diffanbachia (zbog otrova u lišću) te biljke koje rastu prema dolje što simbolizira pad i nazadovanje. Nasuprot tome, one s mesnatim i zaobljenim listovima kao što je, primjerice, fikus “benjamin“ su poželjne u prostoru zbog toga što se životna energija kreće u krugovima pa je takvi listovi podupiru i jačaju. Po feng shui učenju, biljkama nije mjesto u spavaćoj sobi jer preko noći ispuštaju ugljični dioksid. Osim toga, predstavljaju rast i napredovanje u životu, pokret i izmjenu tvari, a to nije energija koju želimo u sobi za odmor. Isto tako, ne preporuča se čuvati suho cvijeće, koje je beživotno, mrtvo i bez energije. Jedina iznimka od toga pravila jest lavanda čiji blagotvorni miris djeluje opuštajuće. Biljke utječu na protok energije i svojim položajem u prostoru. Naime, u kutovima prostorije nakuplja se zaboravljena i neiskorištena energija, a njezin protok se potiče postavljanjem grmolikih i visokih biljaka. U dugačkim hodnicima, gdje je potrebno spriječiti prebrz protok energije, biljke se postavljaju na sredinu kako bi tu energiju usporile i učinile je korisnom. Interiors Biljke su jedan od najdjelotvornijih čimbenika korištenih u feng shui učenju / Plants are among the most effective factors that are used in Feng Shui studies Adorn Your Home with Plants Besides the fact that they embellish any space they’re in, plants encourage productivity and help create a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere, and they’re also excellent in clearing the air of all the toxic substances that are released by various interior materials Written by: Elija Vrsaljko 108 Stručnjaci savjetuju uzgajanje minimalno dviju kućnih biljaka na prostoru od 9 do 10 četvornih metara / Experts recommend the growing of at least two houseplants in 9-10 square metres N othing embellishes a living space as nicely as plants. By rightfully choosing the colour, shape and position of the plants, any space can be truly transformed. However, that is not the only reason that makes plants so welcomed in interiors. If we look deep beneath their good looks, we will find way more than we originally thought. Plants are good for people on many levels. Their tribal connection to people is revealed by the fact that the human eye can recognize up to 2000 shades of the colour of green. They will do wonders in helping to create a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere. They encourage productivity in a working environment, as employees don’t tend to get sick as often or make as many mistakes. When they’re close to some plants, students tend to improve their studying habits, while patients feel much better in their hospital stays. All the Things that Plants Can Do But why is that so? The reasons are both physical and psychological. When exploring the issue of polluted airways in interior spaces, it has been discovered that houseplants have the ability to clear the air of many toxic substances (formaldehyde, ammonia, nicotine, benzene), as well as increase the amount of negative ions in the air. During their natural process of photosynthesis, plants improve the air quality by filtrating carbon dioxide that people breath out, as well as many other polluted substances that get accumulated in indoor spaces, while simultaneously producing oxygen that people need in their life. Interior materials will often contain many different poisons. Large amounts of toxic substances are being produced by floor covers, carpets, plastic, furniture, glue, paint, varnish, modern construction materials, synthetic fibres and many other sources. Modern buildings are constructed in such manner that they prevent the loss of heat energy from indoor spaces and erase any flow of air, which may save a lot of money, but it also retains all the toxins in the interior. Interiors tend to be up to five to seven times more polluted than exteriors! That modern phenomenon is known as “syndrome of sick buil109 Biljke potiču produktivnost / Plants encourage productivity 110 dings”. People with this syndrome tend to cough a lot and be irritated, as well as have a headache, fatigue, dizziness, allergic skin reactions, anaemia, asthmatic irritation, respiratory infections, nausea, inability to concentrate, sensitivity to smells, dry skin, itchiness… Up to 20 percent of employees say that their work is disturbed by the symptoms of this syndrome, and most of them feel much better shortly after leaving the building. Symptoms attached to “the syndrome of sick buildings” can be reduced by placing the plants within the space. With their ability to absorb toxic substances, they reduce the level of fatigue, coughing, headache and eye irritation for up to 30 percent. Truth be told, not all plants have the same effect when it comes to absorbing toxins, and it is unfortunate that none of them can absorb the cigarette smoke, but they still do it well enough not to be considered mere decorations. Experts recommend the growing of at least two houseplants in 9-10 square metres of living or working space, with a 2,5-to-3-metre ceiling. In buildings that don’t have enough daylight and views of the outside world, green atriums are the ideal alternative to nature. While planning the position of working rooms in a building, an ecologically conscious architect will place plants as means of partition, because unlike regular walls, their function is doubled: they separate the space and absorb sounds at the same time, as well as remove dust, moisten the air and provide the space with oxygen. How to Treat Plants Houseplants provide an opportunity to have a hobby in the closed spaces of your home. People enjoy growing and nursing them, as it increases the level of their mood and their self-confidence, especially if the process is successful. The choice of houseplants is really up to every individual. Some of them adapt better to traditional styles, and some of them prefer modern surroundings. However, the majority of plants will adapt to all decorating styles. It should be kept in mind that the lifespan of plants depends completely on their owner. Their surrounding is also very important. They mustn’t be positioned near any heat sources or any draught, and if they are positioned in deep shadow or aren’t watered frequently enough, they are bound to die. All houseplants are also sensitive to frost. The air temperature shouldn’t be lower that 16 C or higher than 21 C. Many plants are sensitive to dry air in residential spaces, so the level of air moisture should be increased. If it’s possible, plants should be provided with enough natural light because they each have their own individual needs for light. Although most of them are resilient to all conditions and levels of light, it is never good to expose them to direct sunlight. Every plant requires a good combination of light and ventilation because it significantly affects their ability of clearing the air. Their growth is improved by white or cream walls and ceilings, as they retain light in low- lit rooms. Most plants take their time while growing, and for those that will grow rapidly, the owner must ensure plenty of space. Real plants can be replaced by artificial ones in interior decoration, especially if the owner doesn’t have the tendency to nurture them. Artificial plants can decorate space as well as the real ones, but they can’t replace the positive effect that real plants have on the human body. If nothing else, the fact that they’re growing and changing brings a slice of nature into the interior, which is irreplaceable. Houseplants and Feng Shui Plants are among the most effective factors that are used in Feng Shui studies. Their purpose in an interior is to generate good chi, which stands for positive energy. Healthy flowers attract universal chi energy and oxygen, thus affecting human vitality, while their lack of nurturing can lead to stagnation of energy and produce negative chi. In general, growing plants in your home creates positive feelings and improves the human immune system. However, not all types of plants are welcomed in an interior, at least according to Feng Shui. All the plants with thorns or needles, such as cactuses, are not welcomed, and neither are plants with sword-like, sharp leaves like palms, because those plants send negative vibrations and turn the space energy into aggression. Also, bonsai has a negative effect on its surrounding due to its lack of size, as it symbolizes limitations of nature and growth. Other plants on the “no-no” list are palm, agave, tree of life, Diffanbachia (due to poisonous leaves) and plants that grow downwards, as they symbolize fall and going backwards. On the contrary, plants with meaty and rounded leaves, such as “Benjamin”, are very much welcomed because the energy of life moves in circles, and these plants encourage and strengthen it. According to Feng Shui, plants have no place in bedrooms because they release carbon dioxide during the night. Besides, they represent growth and progress in life, as well as movement and substance exchange, and that is not the energy we want to have in our room for rest. Dry flowers are also not recommended as they have no life, are dead and without any energy. Lavender is the only exception to that rule because it has a very relaxing aroma. Plants also affect the flow of energy with their position within a room. The corners of every room hide forgotten an under-utilized energy, and its flow is encouraged by positioning bush-like and tall plants. Long hallways, which shouldn’t feature an overly rapid flow of energy, demand the plants to be positioned in the middle in order to slow that energy down and transform it into something useful. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������������������������� Rozi Hort Art ��������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� 111 Trend www.janechurchill.com Nova japanska mudrost: otkrijte wabi-sabi 114 “Otkrijte ljepotu u asimetriji i drugim manama ljudskog lica. Ljepota je tamo gdje je tražite!“ “Život je nesavršen i nedovršen, zato dopustite svojem životnom prostoru da odiše tim štihom“, poručuje vam wabisabi / “Life is imperfect and undone, so allow your living space to breathe with this vibe”, recommends wabi-sabi Piše: Martina Kocijan N itko nije savršen. Dobro, to smo već znali. No odnedavno ta spoznaja o nesavršenosti dolazi do sve većeg izražaja. Shvatite li da je savršenstvo ionako dosadno, a da je prava ljepota u nesavršenosti, svidjet će vam se wabi-sabi, novi, a istodobno i stari princip unutarnjeg uređenja, koji ima sve više poklonika diljem svijeta. Sasvim je wabi-sabi, na primjer, doći kući s posla nakon napornog dana i zanemariti neoprano posuđe od doručka. Samo ugasite svjetla, upalite svijeće i opustite se... Wabi-sabi mudrolija Okrenite se oko sebe i pogledajte zidove svoga stana ili kuće, parket, namještaj... zadovoljni? Ipak, u tom stanu ili kući živite vi, što znači da sve što ste u njemu stvorili nije za odbaciti. “Život je nesavršen i nedovršen, zato dopustite svojem životnom prostoru da odiše tim štihom“, poručuje vam wabi-sabi. Prema njemu, dom je prije svega mirno utočište gdje se nakon napornog dana odmaramo od užurbanog svijeta. Stoga, umjesto da gomilate trendy stilske predmete, skupocjeni namještaj (za koji ćete se ionako neprestano bojati da se ne uprlja, odere i okrhne) i slušate savjete raznoraznih “stručnjaka“, pretvorite svoj dom u mjesto gdje ćete jednostavno biti – ono što jeste. Poanta je u tome da za interijer svoga doma izradite nešto sami. Koliko god to nijekali, svi mi imamo umjetničkog dara, samo više ili manje razvijenog. Ohrabrite se i naslikajte sliku, složite mozaik od kamenčića s mora, uramite i objesite na zid fotografije koje ste sami snimili, sašijte presvlaku za kauč, napravite aranžman od živog ili suhog cvijeća, obojite sami nekoliko zidova. Inspirirajte se osobama i predmetima koje volite i okružite se vlastitim djelima. Zašto ne pokušati? Odakle je sve krenulo? Japanska umjetnost i filozofija odavno su poznati diljem svijeta. Jedinstvena i mistična, kakvom se na prvi pogled doima, japanska je mudrost osvojila zapadnjačku kulturu svojom produhovljenošću i harmoničnim pogledom na svijet i prirodu. Japanski stil oblikovanja i uređenja interijera pojava je koja obilježava cijeli jedan način života i razmišljanja, kojemu je umnogome pridonijela izoliranost Japana kao otoka i njegov samostalni kulturni razvoj. Japanska ideologija zen, razmišljanje je o dubljim pitanjima života i u suprotnosti je s izobiljem i blještavilom materijalizma, koji u zapadnom svijetu toliko dobro poznajemo. Povijest wabi-sabija U 15. stoljeću, kao odgovor na dotad dominantan kićeni stil uređenja interijera, pojavila se wabi-sabi, japanska umjetnost nesavršene ljepote. Koncept, 115 Poanta je u tome da za interijer svoga doma izradite nešto sami / The point being, is that you make something yourself for your home www.janechurchill.com Trend 116 jednostavan i životan, ubrzo je bio općeprihvaćen. Wabi-sabi blizak je zen-budizmu u duhovnoj komponenti pa je dom prije svega mjesto za opuštanje i meditaciju. Uči nas da zaboravimo potrebu za savršenstvom i usredotočimo se na ljepotu stvari takvih kakve jesu. Sad malo stručnije Wabi-sabi je orijentalan način sagledavanja estetike. Wabi, oblik savršene ljepote koja je uzrokovana nesavršenošću i asimetrijom, te sabi, nezaustavljiva vrsta ljepote koja dolazi s procesom starenja, poručuju da sve što postoji oko nas, pa čak i male nesavršene sitnice koje nam ponekad smetaju, mogu biti lijepe. Kako početi s uređivanjem Prije nego što počnete uređivati interijer svoga doma, savjetujemo vam da razmotrite sljedeće. Prvo, prostor u kojem živite trebao bi odražavati vaš karakter i temperament. Dakle, ako ste mirnija osoba, ne trebaju vam tone ukrasa, ukrasnih polica, šarenilo boja i sl. Vi trebate ambijent u kojem ćete se osjećati smireno i u kojem ćete se moći opustiti. Drugo, ponekad je dovoljan i mali, ali specifičan detalj, koji će ostaviti potpis osobe koja u prostoru živi... raspored elemenata, materijal, boje zidova, ambijentalna rasvjeta, zelenilo. Spoj funkcije i estetike, začinjen dozom individualizma, najbolje je rješenje za svaki interijer. Wabi-sabi praktični savjeti Wabi-sabi nudi mnogo praktičnih savjeta za uređenje doma. Dvoumite li se oko boje namještaja, najbolje rješenje je izabrati neobojeno i nelakirano pokućstvo. Savršeni u svojoj jednostavnosti jesu materijali drvo i cigla, idealni za parket i ukrasni zid. Keramičko posuđe, odlično za stvaranje osjećaja topline, po wabi-sabiju odlično će ukrasiti police, komodu ili regal. Dopustite da vas inspiriraju boje iz prirode. Izaberite tonove crvene terakote, pepeljastosive, od smeđe kremaste do čokoladne. Isprobajte sve nijanse zelene. Koristite svijeće za ambijentalno svjetlo. Smjestite tepih od špage ili krparu na goli pod. U dnevnoj sobi presvucite stari dvosjed zemljanim, bež ili bijelim vunenim, lanenim ili platnenim presvlakama. Omiljena slika na zidu, koju biste mogli napraviti i sami, obvezna je, a u opis “obvezno“ ulaze i svjetiljka od rižina papira te mnoštvo biljaka. Sezonski cvjetni aranžmani, koji će vam osvježiti prostor u kojem obitavate, vrhunac su wabi-sabija. Na kraju, samo je na vama hoćete li se usuditi eksperimentirati. Potrebno je samo malo hrabrosti, i promjena koju ćete osjetiti mogla bi vas oduševiti. Obiteljski wabi-sabi Imate li višebrojnu obitelj, svjesni ste da svaki vaš član, pa i onaj najmanji, stvara mikroambijent u skladu sa svojim potrebama. Prema filozofiji wabi-sabija, svaki bi član obitelji mogao urediti prostoriju u kojoj provodi najviše vremena. Djeca će, dopustite li im da, primjerice, zidove svoje sobe ukrase vlastitim radovima, uživati u svojoj “nesavršenosti“, a time će osobito razvijati svoju kreativnost i inicijativu. Wabi-sabi kao način života Tempo života sve je brži, što mnoge sve više mami k praktičnosti u svim segmentima života. Zbog toga je sve logičnije da jednostavnost ostavlja sve veći trag i u uređivanju interijera. Bez obzira jeste li odlučili namjestiti cijeli životni prostor ili želite promijeniti samo neke sitnice, a istodobno vas zbunjuje gomila savjeta i prijedloga iz raznih knjiga, časopisa i s web-stranica, promijenite perspektivu i potražite rješenje u sebi. Jednom kad shvatite kako želite živjeti i kojim stvarima želite biti okruženi, ništa vam neće biti neostvarivo. Wabi-sabi samo je jedan pozitivni stil koji predstavlja oslobođenje od materijalnog svijeta i pokazuje da možemo živjeti jednostavnije. Opisana mudrost, iako potekla od Japanaca, sama po sebi nije ništa. Zaživjet će tek ako postane više od izgovarane i lako zaboravljene fraze. A tu nastupamo mi i naša volja. I kao što bi rekli wabi-sabi ljubitelji interijera: “Ništa ne traje vječno, ništa nije dovršeno i ništa nije savršeno.“ Ugodna vam wabi-sabi pustolovina! 117 Trend Dopustite da vas inspiriraju boje iz prirode / Allow yourself to be inspired by colors from nature The new Japanese wisdom: discover wabi-sabi “Discover the beauty of asymmetry and in other flaws of the human face. Beauty is where you look for it!” N Written by: Martina Kocijan obody is perfect. Ok, this is something that we have already known. However, this recent discovery of imperfection is beginning to come forth in a greater manner. If you come to an understanding that perfection is boring, and that true beauty lies in imperfection, you will like the idea of wabisabi, a new yet old principle of interior design, which is beginning to obtain an ever increasing number of admirers around the world. It is quite wabi-sabi, for example, to come home after a hard day at work and ignore the un-washed dishes left over from breakfast. ust turn off the lights, light some candles and relax... Wabi-sabi wisdom Turn around yourself and look at the walls of your apartment or house, parquet floors, furniture...satisfied? Sure118 ly, you are the one that lives in that apartment or house, which means that all that you have created is not to be disregarded. “Life is imperfect and undone, so allow your living space to breathe with this vibe”, recommends wabi-sabi. According to it, the home is first and foremost a quiet and safe haven where we relax following a hard day from the bustling world. Therefore, instead of piling trendy objects, high priced furniture (for which you will constantly be in fear of getting dirty, tearing or chipping) and listening to advice coming from numerous “experts”, turn your home into a place where you will just be – that which you are. The point being, is that you make something yourself for your home. As much as we deny it, we all possess an artistic side, developed to a lesser or greater degree. Encourage yourself and paint a picutre, put together a mosaic from sea stones, frame and hang photographs on the wall that you have shot yourself, make a covering for the couch, paint several walls by yourself. Inspire yourself with people or objects which you like and surround yourself with your own doings. Why not try? Where it all began? Japanese art and philosophy have been known throughout the world for some time. Unique and mystical, as seems at first, Japanese wisdom has captured the world with its spirituality and harmonic look to the world and nature. Japanese style of shape and interior design is a phenomenon which states an entire way of life and thought, which has been greatly contributied by the isolation of Japan as an island and its independent cultural growth. Japanese ideology zen, is the thinking involving deaper life questions and is in contrast to the glitter and abundance of materialism, which we know only to well in the western world. The history of wabi-sabi In the 15th century, as an answer to the dominant tacky style of interior design, wabi-sabi appeared, a Japanese art of imperfect beauty. The concept being simple and livable, it was soon widely accepted. Wabi-sabi is close to zen-budism in its spiritual component so the home is first and foremost a place to relax and meditate. It teaches us to forget the necessity for perfection and focus on the beauty of things as they are. And now a bit more technical Wabi-sabi is an oriental way of looking at estetics. Wabi, a shape of perfect beauty which is caused by imperfection and asymmetry, and sabi, an unstopable type of beauty which comes forth by the process of ageing, teaches that everything that exists around us, even the small imperfect little things which are sometimes annoying, can be beautiful. How to start with decorating Before you begin to start decorating the interior of your home, we advise you to look over the following. First, the space in which you live should reflect your character and temperment. In other words, if you are a calm person, you do not need a cluster of ornaments, shelves, a spector of colors, etc. You need an atmosphere in which you will feel calm and in which you will be able to relax. Second, sometimes a small but specific detail is all it takes to leave a signiture of the person who lives in the space... the arrangement of elements, material, color of 119 Trend walls, lighting atmosphere, plants. The fusion of function and estetics, spiced with a dose of individuality, is the best answer for each interior. Wabi-sabi practical advice Wabi-sabi offers many practical advice for home decorating. If you are indecisive in choosing the color of your furniture, the best answer is to choose something that has no color or polish. Perfect in its simplicity are materials such as wood or brick, ideal for parquet floors and decorative walls. Ceramic dishes, excellent for creating a feeling of warmth, according to wabi-sabi will be a great decor to shelves, commodes or chests. Allow yourself to be inspired by colors from nature. Choose color tones such as red terracote, ash greys, from browns of creame up to chocolate. Try all shades of green. Use light for atmosphere lighting. Place a carpet made of rope or rags onto a bare floor. In the living room, redo your old couch with earthly, beige or white wool, linen or canvas covers. A favorite painting on the wall, which you could do for yourself, is a must, and in the description of “must” lie candles made of rice paper as well as a numerous amount of plants. Seasonal floral arrangments, which will bring life to your living space, is the height of wabi-sabi. In the end, it is only up to you to decide to experiment. All it takes is a little bit of courage, and the change you will feel might well thrill you. Family wabi-sabi If you have a larger family, you are made aware that 120 Nesavršenstvo može biti i te kako lijepo / Unperfection could be very, very beautiful each of its members, even the smallest, creates a micro-climate in unison to its needs. According to the philosophy of wabi-sabi, each member of the family could decorate a space in which they spend most of their time. Children will, if allowed, for example, decorate the walls of their rooms with decors of their own making, enjoy in their “imperfection” and in doing so will develop their own creativity and iniciative. Wabi-sabi as a way of life Lifes pace is ever quicker, which bates many to practicality in all life segments. So it is ever more logical that simplicity is leaving a greater trail in interior design as well. Regardless of, if you have decided to decorate an entire living space or you wish to change just a few minor details, and at the same time are confused by a pile of advice and suggestions from various books, magazines and web-sites, change your perspective and look for the answers inside yourselves. Once you understand how you wish to live and by which things you wish to surround yourself, nothing will be impossilbe. Wabi-sabi is just one positive style which represents the freeing from a material world and shows us that we can live simpler. The described wisdom, even though of Japanese origin, by itself is nothing. It will come to life only if it becomes more than a spoken and easily forgotten phrase. And this is where we and our will power comes to play. And as wabi-sabi admirers would say: “Nothing lasts forever, nothing is done and nothing is perfect.” Wishing you an enjoyable wabi-sabi adventure! PHILIPPE STARCK: GHOST CHAIR Dobri kuæni duh “Arhitektura i dizajn imaju stvarni utjecaj na ljude, pomažu im da žive bolje” Starck Piše: Nataša Bodrožiæ Foto: Kartell, Jean-Baptiste Mondino Stolicu “Louis Ghost” proizvodi Kartell, a može je se kupiti u salonu namještaja “Mio Dino” / Louis Ghost chair is being produced in Kartell and you can buy it in “Mio Dino” furniture store (www.miodino.hr) 122 P hilippe Starck misli ozbiljno kad kaže da želi mijenjati svijet. Jedan od najutjecajnijih živućih francuskih dizajnera rođen je u Parizu 1949. godine. Demokratičan i subverzivan, Starck se ne fokusira na stvaranje provokativnih i skupocjenih ekskluzivnih komada. Umjesto toga, okosnicu njegova dizajna čine upotrebni predmeti prikladni za svako kućanstvo. Od najranijih godina fascinirao ga je svijet njegova oca, dizajnera letjelica, te je djetinjstvo proveo u blizini njegovih ploča s nacrtima, režući, lijepeći, sastavljajući i rastavljajući bicikle, motorkotače i slične predmete, već tada, na neki način, unoseći vlastite principe u taj proces, promišljajući i ponovno oblikujući svijet koji ga je okruživao. Sredinom šezdesetih Philippe Starck pohađa školu Nissim de Comondo u Parizu, a već 1968. osniva svoju prvu tvrtku. Sljedeće godine imenovan je art direktorom Studija Pierrea Cardina. Sedamdesetih se bavi unutrašnjim uređenjem pariških noćnih klubova, poput La main blue i Les baines-douches, trendovskih mjesta, sastajališta viđenijih Parižana. Godine 1979. osniva tvrtku “Starck product” i počinje se intenzivnije zanimati za arhitekturu. Uskoro zatim postaje jedno od vodećih imena francuskog dizajna. To svakako potvrđuje i poziv tadašnjega francuskog predsjednika Françoisa Mitterranda koji ga angažira za uređenje njegovih privatnih odaja u Elizejskoj palači 1982. godine. Jedan od njegovih antologijskih radova zasigurno je i unutrašnje uređenje Caféa Costes u Parizu iz 1984., inspirirano željezničkom stanicom u Budimpešti. Od tada intenzivno putuje te ga nalazimo na “privremenom radu” u Tokiju, Madridu, New Yorku, Hong Kongu, Mexicu... Philippe Starck možda je jedan od najpoznatijih i najproduktivnijih dizajnera današnjice. Njegova želja za transgresijom, izazovom, promjenom, estetskom i kulturalnom provokacijom učinila ga je sveprisutnim i nezaustavljivim u promišljanju i najsitnijih de- talja okruženja suvremenog čovjeka: od lampi i kvaka, satova i motorkotača, do četkica za zube i uređenja kupaonica. Starckov pristup dizajnu je subverzivan, inteligentan i nepredvidiv. Tijekom devedesetih godina prošlog stoljeća, intenzivno je počeo promišljati dugovječnost predmeta, implicirajući moralitet, iskrenost i objektivnost kao dijelove dizajnerskog procesa. Po njegovu mišljenju, osnovna uloga dizajnera jest stvarati višak “sreće” sa što manje novca. U tome je na neki način sadržana i davna želja američkih modernista Charlesa i Ray Eames, koji su svojim radom željeli učiniti svijet boljim. Dizajn Philippea Starcka je stiliziran, zaobljenih linija, organskih oblika; sklon je korištenju neobičnih kombinacija materijala (staklo i kamen, plastika i aluminij...). Taj je trend prisutan i u njegovu dizajnu namještaja. Starckov je namještaj često reinterpretacija ranijih dekorativnih stilova. Tradiciju spaja s modernim materijalima stvarajući začudna rješenja. Usprkos tomu što su materijal i oblik u kontradikciji, upravo takvi paradoksi čine njegov rad tako uzbudljivim. Kolekcija “Ghost” rafinirani je primjer sinergije mode i unutrašnjeg dizajna. Sastoji se od dijelova koji čine kombinaciju antikne i suvremene estetike te modnog trenda kristalnog nakita. Jedinstvene prozirne tvorevine doimlju se poput materijalizirane optičke iluzije. Set transparentnih stolova i stolica sadrži svjetlo gotovo kao svoje inherentno svojstvo, a ono, opet, naglašava njihovu čvrstoću i trajnost. Kolekcija “Ghost” je napravljena od prozirne plastike koja dopušta suptilnu refleksiju pa predmeti izgledaju pomalo nadrealno. Stolica “Ghost” dio je istoimene kolekcije. Inspirirana je baroknom sjedalicom u stilu Louisa XV. Unatoč njezinoj kristalnoj pojavnosti, “Ghost chair” je stabilna i izdrživa, otporna na različite vremenske uvjete. Gotovo dramatičan izgled te stolice donosi dašak elegancije i ironije 123 Stolicu “Louis Ghost” moguće je i personalizirati sa slikom na naslonu / Louis Ghost chair could be personalized with a picture on the back u različita stilska okruženja u kojima se nalazi, bilo da je smještena u privatnost doma ili u neki javni prostor. Bez obzira na okolinu, Starckova kolekcija “Ghost” pruža iznimno dojmljivu intruziju suvremenosti, čak futurizma, koji funkcioniraju u različitim ambijentima. Proizvodi je tvrtka Kartell, a izrađuje se u nekoliko različitih boja. Starckov kreativni genij i Kartellova tehnička i tehnološka vrsnoća kao potpora, rezultirali su još jednim kultnim predmetom. Philippe Starck, uglavnom autodidaktičan, u posljednja četiri desetljeća intenzivnog rada konstantno donosi specifičan umjetnički izraz kao reakciju na dominantno okružje postmodernizma: stil mu je jednostavan i čist, ali uvijek s odmakom. Svjetski ugled stekao je kao dizajner namještaja, produkt-dizajner, dizajner interijera, posebice vrhunskih svjetskih hotela, te arhitekt. Dizajnirao je značajan broj stambenih kuća te zgrada komercijalne namjene, a cijela jedna ulica u Parizu nosi njegov potpis - Rue Starck. Njegov rad je izložen u muzejima diljem svijeta: u Parizu, New Yorku, Londonu, Chicagu, Kyotu, Barceloni... Više puta mu je dodijeljena titula dizajnera godine, dobitnik je Grandprixa za industrijski dizajn, dizajnerskog Oscara i brojnih drugih priznanja. Dizajnirao je namještaj za Vi124 tru, Driade, Balerija, Disform, Casinu, Alessi, Idée... Godine 1986. postaje gost predavač na milanskoj akademiji Domus. “Harmonija i ekonomičnost nisu jedine riječi koje se vezuju uz Philippea Starcka; on je romantik koji sanja o tome da se između predmeta i ljudi koji ih posjeduju stvori emocionalna veza.” Starck, ime-brand, iza kojega stoji jedan od najtalentiranijih kreativaca našeg vremena, sinonim je rafiniranosti, ali i “demokratizacije ljepote”. Bez navođenja velikih uzora, pomalo anarhičan, nadasve romantičan, ovaj je Francuz transformirao drugu polovicu dvadesetog stoljeća prema vlastitoj viziji, stvorivši world according to Starck. A piece of cult PHILIPPE STARCK: GHOST CHAIR The Good Ghost in Your Home “Architecture and design have a genuine effect on people, as they help them have a better life” Starck Written by: Nataša Bodrožiæ Photo: Kartell, Jean-Baptiste Mondino Kolekcija “Ghost” je napravljena od prozirne plastike koja dopušta suptilnu refleksiju pa predmeti izgledaju pomalo nadrealno / The “Ghost” collection was made from see-through plastic that allows subtle reflection, so the objects have a slightly surreal look 125 Restoran Kong u Parizu / Kong restaurant in Paris A piece of cult P hilippe Starck means it when he says that he wants to change the world. One of the most influential living French designers, he was born in Paris in 1949. Democratic and subversive, Starck doesn’t focus on creating provocative and expensive exclusive pieces. Instead, the backbone of his design work consists of objects that can be used in every household. Ever since the early days, he was fascinated by the world of his father, an airplane designer, and he spent his childhood near his blueprint boards while doing a lot of cutting, pasting, dissembling and re-assembling various bicycles, motorcycles and similar objects. Even at that period, he already started to bring in his own principles into that whole process, while analysing and re-shaping the world that surrounded him. During the mid-sixties, Philippe Starck attended school Nissim de Comondo in Paris, and he started his first firm in 1968. The following year, he was named the art director of Studio Pierre Cardin. He spent the 1970s designing interiors for various nightclubs in Paris, such as La Main Blue and Les Baines-Douches, which were very trendy and frequented by the more respected Parisians. He started his firm “Starck Product” in 1979, as he was slowly taking a bigger interest in architecture. He didn’t need a lot of time to become one of the leading names of French design. That was certainly confirmed when then-French president Francois Mitterand invited him to decorate his private 126 headquarters at Elysee Palace in 1982. O n e of his first legendary pieces of work must b e the interior design for Café Costes in Paris in 1984, which was inspired by a train station in Budapest. He has since done a lot of intensive travelling, so we can find him on “temporary missions” in Tokyo, Madrid, New York, Hong Kong, Mexico… Philippe Starck might be one of the most famous and productive designers of our time. His desire for transgression, challenge, change, and aesthetical and cultural provocation has made him omnipresent and unstoppable when it comes to analysing the tiniest details that surround a modern person: from lamps and doorknobs, clocks and motorcycles, to tooth brushes and bathroom decorations. Starck’s approach to design is subversive, intelligent and unpredictable. During the 1990s, he intensively started to analyse the longevity of objects, while implying morality, honesty and objectivity as factors in the designer process. According to him, the main role of a designer is to create an extra-amount of “happiness” with as little money as possible. In a way, that principle accomplishes the ancient desire of American modernists Charles and Ray Eames, who wanted to use their work to make the world a better place. Philippe Starck’s design is filled with style and offers plenty of rounded lines and organic shapes; he also has the tendency to use unusual material combinations (glass and stone, plastic and aluminium…). That trend is also present in his furniture design. Starck’s furniture often tends to be a reinterpretation of previous decorative styles. He combines tradition with modern materials by creating peculiar solutions. Besides the fact that the materials are in contradiction with the shape, those types of paradoxes make his work even more exciting. The “Ghost” collection is a subtle example of a synergy between fashion and interior design. It consists of parts that create a combination of antique and contemporary aesthetics with the fashion trend of crystal jewellery. Unique transparent creations leave the impression of a materialized optical illusion. A set of transparent tables and chairs features light as its almost-inherent characteristic, which emphasizes the set’s firmness and durability. The “Ghost” collection was made from see-through plastic that allows subtle reflection, so the objects have a slightly surreal look. The Ghost Chair is a part of that same collection. It was inspired by a baroque chair from the period of Louis XV. Regardless of its crystal appearance, Ghost Chair is stable and resilient to all weather conditions. Its near-dramatic appearance brings a breath of elegance and irony into different style environments, whether we’re talking about the privacy of home or some public facility. Regardless of the environment, Starck’s “Ghost” collecti- on provides an extremely interesting intrusion of modern times, even futurism, which will function in different ambiences. It is manufactured by a company called Kartell, and it is being made in several different colours. Starck’s creative genius and Kartell’s technical and technological excellence as the support have created another legendary object. Philippe Starck, mostly autodidactic, has spent the past four decades of intensive work constantly bringing a specific artistic style as a reaction to the predominant surrounding of postmodernism: his style is simple and pure, but always with a detachment. He has created his worldwide reputation as a furniture designer, product-designer, interior designer, especially in world’s top-level hotels, and an architect. He has designed a significant number of residential houses and commercial buildings, and there is a street in Paris that is completely signed by him – Rue Starck. His work is exhibited in museums around the world: Paris, New York, London, Chicago, Kyoto, Barcelona… He has been repeatedly declared as the designer of the year, has won the Grand Prix in the field of industrial design, as well as a designer Oscar and many other awards. He has designed furniture for Vitra, Driade, Baleri, Disform, Casino, Alessa, Idee… In 1986, he became the guest professor at the Domus Academy in Milan. “Harmony and frugality are not the only words that can be connected to Philippe Starck; he is also a romantic that dreams of an emotional connection that will be created between people and objects in their possession.” Starck, name and brand, as well as one of the most talented and creative people of our time, is synonymous to subtlety, but also to “the democratisation of beauty”. Without any great role models, slightly anarchic and overly romantic, this Frenchman transformed the second half of the 20th century in accordance to his own vision, thus creating the world according to Starck. 127 Dekoracije DESIGNERS GUILD, www.designersguild.com Posteljina cvjetnog uzorka iz kolekcije “Mulberry walk” / Floral patern bed linen from “Mulberry walk” collection 128 Dobro nam došlo proljece! Greetings to Spring! HOGANAS KERAMIK, www.hoganaskeramik.com Spring is the time of awakening, translucence and flowers. Make sure you prepare yourself by refreshing your home with decorations in many happy colours, which will bring smiles to faces of those who live with you. This spring’s “must have” is the floral sample that can be combined with almost anything. Regardless of whether we’re talking about fabrics, plates or furniture… the room will flourish. Bring out the old vases from the dresser and fill them with some spring flowers… and let your home get that beautiful aroma. Pripremila / Edited by: Ana Perišin DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., Moderni ferali / Modern lanterns Proljeće je vrijeme buđenja, prozračnosti i cvijeća. Dočekajte ga spremni uz osvježeni dom dekoracijama šarenih i veselih boja, koje će izmamiti osmijeh vaših ukućana. Must have svakog proljeća je cvjetni uzorak koji dopušta kombiniranje s gotovo svime. Bez obzira bio on na tkaninama, tanjurima ili namještaju... prostorija će procvjetati. Izvadite stare vaze iz komode i napunite ih proljetnim cvijećem... i neka dom zamiriše. Posude različitih veličina u nježnim proljetnim bojama / Different-sized dishes in gentle springtime colours MARIMEKKO / www.marimekko.fi Cvijeće kao inspiracija na poslužavniku / Flowers as an inspiration on the trey DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA, www.doma.hr Plastična stolica u boji trave / A plastic chair in the colour of grass 129 Decorat Dekoracije ions 130 DESIGNERS GUILD, www.designersguild.com Napunite dom proljetnim cvijećem / Fill your home with spring flowers VIC EV E /A sat ni id li z MARIMEKKO / www.marimekko.fi Poslužavnik iz kolekcije “Stilla”, dizajn Björn Dahlström / A trey from the “Stilla” collection, design Björn Dahlström versa.com. com .vice w ;V ww , es A S e R cheerful wall clo ck IK Jastuk iz EA, www.ikea .com kolek A pillow from th cije “Hanna B lo e “Han na Blom mma” / ma” co llection Mlinac za papar / A pepper grinde DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., www.doma.hr ., o.o j d. .hr šta ma ls w mje .do Na ww ’s bo MA , w lat DO CASA / Sa u lat on sal za sa ce jeli Zd ARTIFORT, www.artifort.com Sjedalica “Orange Slice“, dizajn Pierre Paulin, 1960. godine / Chair “Orange Slice”, designed by Pierre Paulin in 1960 ., aj d.o.o Namješt im DOMA a či u ž rk prekriva lankets i n č ti n Roma ntic b / Roma bojama right colours in b 131 Decorat ions 132 DESIGNERS GUILD, www.designersguild.com Prugice u veselim bojama na posteljini iz kolekcije “Murano schiaparelli” / Stripes in cheerful colours on bad linen from “Murano schiaparelli” collection .o., irdmještaj d.o lađe / A b DOMA Na jm a n e ć lit se s e e st on ptice razv e younge Kućica za g joy to th n ri b to house w.marimekko.fi MARIMEKKO / ww e “Stilla” / Leaf posteljini iz kolekcij Stilizirani listovi na “Stilla” ion ct en from colle patterns on the lin Decorat ions ome.com ww.omh w / E ci / M O učni jastu OM H tirani pam on pillows n e m a rn O ted cott Ornamen .com ww.iitalla b IITTALA, w lčićeva 48, Zagre a jn Oivva Tk a , iz S MODU bird”, d w o b ainbow in a “R ulpture “R a c S / . Skulptura 2 7 9 Oivv Toikka, 1 gned by Bird”, desi a in 1972 Toikk rd.com olmegaa .h w nz / w w , ecilie Ma AARD Manz HOLME G cije “Simplicity”, C e ili c e C kolek tion by iz c a lle d o c su ” o P plicity m the “Sim A dish fro i rimekko.f www.ma Isola / / ija O a K M K E jn MARIM iku, diza n v ža u la sl o o Is ška na p n Maija Zelena kru pear on trey, desig n e Gre 133 Nekret nine karta Hrvatske map of Croatia ZAGREB glavni grad / capital DUGO SELO ČAZMA KLOŠTAR IVANIĆ GLAVINI ZAMBRATIJA NOVIGRAD POREČ CRIKVENICA KRK ROVINJ PULA LOŠINJ ROGOZNICA KAŠTELA TROGIR SPLIT BRAČ KORČULA DUBROVNIK 134 Nekret nine Nekret nine sadraj/contents BRAÈ 136 str. ÈAZMA 139 str. DUBROVNIK 140 str. GLAVINI 141 str. KAŠTELA 142 str. KLOŠTAR IVANIÆ 146 str. KORÈULA 147 str. posebna ponuda special offer Split str. 163 NOVIGRAD 151 str. POREÈ 153 str. PULA 157 str. ROVINJ 158 str. ROGOZNICA 159 str. SPLIT 160 str. TROGIR 164 str. ZAGREB 167 str. ZAMBRATIJA 177 str. Real est ate 135 Nekret nine Brač Prodaje se odlična vila “Salvation“, ukupne stambene površine 260 m2, smještena u drugom redu do mora. Vila posjeduje bazen, a okućnica je izrazito lijepo uređena. Za ljubitelje filmske industrije bit će zanimljiv podatak da je prvi susjed Steven Spielberg. The excellent Vila Salvador is on sale; its overall residential surface is 260 m2 and it is second in line to the sea. The villa features a swimming pool and the courtyard is very nicely maintained. For all the movie industry lovers, let’s just say that Steven Spielberg is the first neighbour. Cijena / Price: 1.800.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 231 911, +385 (0)98 385 049 136 Nekret nine Brač Prodaju se apartmani u stambenom objektu u Supetru na Braču. Apartmani su veličina 36, 52 i 55 m2. Objekt se nalazi u blizini hotelskog kompleksa u Supetru, atraktivnih gradskih plaža i brojnih sportskih terena. Udaljen je 15 minuta šetnje od središta mjesta i 200 metara od mora. Okružen je zelenim pojasom maslina i drugog mediteranskog bilja. U blizini objekta je gradska šetnica s brojnim ugostiteljskim objektima, zabavnim parkom i trgovinama. Stambeni objekt se nalazi na parceli površine 1043 m2. Apartments are sold within a residential object in Supetar at the island of Brač. The apartments’ sizes are 36,52 and 55 m2. The object can be found near a hotel complex in Supetar, as well as near attractive town beaches and numerous sports facilities. It is 15 minutes away from the town centre on foot, and 200 metres from the sea. It is surrounded by a green olive area, as well as by other Mediterranean plants. The object is also close to the town promenade with numerous restaurant objects, stores and an amusement park. The residential object is situated on a 1043 m2 parcel. Cijena / Price: od / from 1850 €/m2 Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 630 521, +385 (0)98 961 4548 137 Nekret nine Brač Prodaje se građevna parcela od 150.000 m2 na otoku Braču, prvi red do mora, zona T1/T2, sva infrastruktura raspoloživa. For sale building plot of 150.000 m2 on the island of Brač, first row to the sea, zone T1/T2, (tourist zone), all infrastructure available. Cijena / Price: 150 €/m2 Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 231 911, +385 (0)98 385 049 fotografije, skice, dimenzije, opisi i cijene * više od 9.000 proizvoda * planer rasporeda namještaja * prodajna mjesta Varaždin Koprivnica Virovitica Zagreb Ðakovo Umag Poreè Buzet Opatija Labin Žminj Rijeka Bakar Crikvenica Krk Osijek Požega Sl. Brod Pula Vinkovci ÐIRIMO MREÞU PARTNERA - PRODAJNIH MJESTA GDJE MOÞETE VIDJETI I KUPITI PRODAJNE PROGRAME PREDSTAVLJENE NA PORTALU ambient.hr www.ambient.hr NAMJEŠTAJ I BIJELA TEHNIKA ONLINE Zadar NAMJEŠTAJ Šibenik Split BIJELA TEHNIKA BIJELA TEHNIKA Makarska 1 . 138 Opuzen Dubrovnik ILES IDRIJA Nekret nine Čazma Prodaje se prekrasno imanje s kućom u okolici Čazme, 60 km od Zagreba. Imanje se nalazi usred guste šume, lovišta, i od najbliže kuće je udaljeno pet kilometara. Zemljište, uključujući i jezero s fotografije, površine je 12.326 m2, a sama kuća ima oko 350 m2. Papiri su uredni, 1/1. U okolici su ucrtane biciklističke i planinarske staze. Kuća je izgrađena 1967. godine. Sada se koristi za odmor, dok je nekada bila motel. Na katu je devet soba sa dva ili tri kreveta, dok su u prizemlju dnevni boravak, kuhinja, blagovaonica i jedna soba. Svaka prostorija ima svoj kamin na drva, tako da ih je u kući ukupno 11. Uz kuću se kao prateći objekt nalazi i velika drvena sjenica od 45 m2 s vodom, strujom i rasvjetom, te kućica za spremanje drva. There is a beautiful estate with a house for sale near Čazma, which is 60 kilometres from Zagreb. The estate is located in the middle of a thick forest and a hunting area, five kilometres away from the nearest house. The parcel, including the photograph lake, takes up 12.326 m2, while the house itself takes up 350 m2. The papers are all accounted for, 1/1. There are many cycling and hiking tracks being introduced nearby. The house was built in 1967. It is now used as a vacation house, while it previously used to be a motel. The upper floor features nine rooms with two or three beds, while the ground floor consists of the living room, kitchen, dining room and one bedroom. Every room has its own fireplace with wood, which makes the overall number of 11. The house is accompanied by a large 45 m2 wooden arbour with water, electricity and lighting, as well as a small house for wood storage. Cijena / Price: 450.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 376 8859, +385 (0)91 3768854 139 Nekret nine Dubrovnik Prodaje se ekskluzivna vila u Dubrovniku, u prvom redu do mora, na mirnoj lokaciji, s prirodnim bazenom u stijenama. Vila ima 380 m2 unutrašnjeg prostora i 1000 m2 okućnice. Sastoji se od tri spavaće sobe, tri kupaonice, kuhinje, dnevne sobe, blagovaonice, jacuzzija, saune, te ima tri prostrane terase s prekrasnim pogledom na otvoreno more i otoke. Vila je kompletno namještena i opremljena.Također ima i tri dodatna apartmana, garažu, vrt, te parkiralište za pet do šest vozila. Svaki apartman se sastoji od kuhinje, sobe i kupaonice. There is an exclusive villa on sale in Dubrovnik, and it is first in line to the sea, on a peaceful location and with a natural pool in the rocks. The villa has 380 m2 of interior space and 1000 m2 of the courtyard. It consists of three bedrooms, three bathrooms, kitchen, living room, dining room, Jacuzzi, sauna, and it also features three spacious terraces with a wonderful view over the open sea and the islands. The villa is completely furnished and equipped. It also has three additional apartments, garage, garden, and a parking lot with five or six spaces. Every apartment features a kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. Cijena / Price: 6.000.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)20 357 307, +385 (0)91 542 9393 140 Nekret nine Glavini Prodaje se imanje od 18.000 m2 uređenog zemljišta, s maslinama, smokvama i ostalim mediteranskim biljkama, te tri kuće, jedine u selu Glavini, u središnjoj Istri. Kuće su u dobrom stanju i parcijalno renovirane. Posjed je veliki potencijal za ekskluzivni mali resort ili vilu s pomoćnim objektima, posebno zbog lokacije zaštićene od pogleda, smještene na brijegu i okrenute prema jugu. Udaljenost od mora je oko 30 km. There is an 18.000 m2 estate with maintained land for sale, as it features olives, figs and other Mediterranean plants. It also features three houses, the only ones in the village of Glavini in central Istria. The houses are in good condition and are partially renovated. The property represent a large potential for an exclusive small resort or villa with additional objects, especially due to its location that is protected from curious eyes, located on the hill and oriented towards south. The sea is about 30 km away. Cijena / Price: 350.000 €, kompletno sređeno / completely renovated 750.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0) 52 812 515, +385 (0) 91 730 4379 141 Nekret nine Kaštela Prodaje se blok zgrada na rivi u Kaštel Starom, koji se sastoji od tri poslovne zgrade u visini prizemlja, dvije poslovne zgrade u visini prizemlja i potkrovlja, te stambene zgrade visine prizemlja, tri kata i potkrovlja u kojoj se nalazi devet stambenih jedinica ukupne površine 488 m2. Zgrada se nalazi u prvom redu do mora i pruža prekrasan pogled na Kaštelanski zaljev, otoke i grad Split. A block of buildings is on sale at the promenade in Kaštel Stari, and it consists of three office buildings at the groundfloor level, two office buildings with a ground floor and a loft, and a residential building with the ground floor, three floors and loft. The residential building features nine residential units with 488 m2 of overall surface. The building is first in line to the sea and provides a glorious view over the Kaštela Gulf, the islands and the City of Split. Cijena / Price: 1.350.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 630 521, +385 (0)91 529 1416, +385 (0)98 961 4548 142 Dom snova Nekret nine Samo 275,00 kn U domu kod Pierrea Cardina S pogledom na Azurnu obalu, negdje između neba i mora, smjestila se zaista iznimna kuća, čiji izgled potpuno odgovara osobnosti vlasnika, francuskog dizajnera Pierrea Cardina. Projekt je završen prije 20 godina uz pomoć jednog od njegovih prijatelja, arhitekta Anttija Lovaga Piše: Nataša Bodrožiæ M Pierre Cardin jedan je od najpoznatijih svjetskih dizajnera / Pierre Cardin is one of the world’s most famous fashion designer alo se ljudi može pohvaliti da živi u kući svojih snova. Francuski dizajner Pierre Cardin jedan je od sretnika koji je slobodno, bez ograničavanja mašte i uz pomoć mađarskog arhitekta Anttija Lovaga, dao oblik svome snu. Dobio je Bubble palace, zaobljeni, mjehuričasti dvorac iz snova, s pogledom na Azurnu obalu. Prije više od dvadeset godina, Cardin je poželio kupiti kuću na moru, u Francuskoj, ali istražujući, bio je zgrožen Foto: www.photoslimited.com 12 brojeva šumom neinventivnih, kockastih vila načičkanih duž obale. Tražio je za sebe nešto posebno, nešto što bi odgovaralo njegovoj zahtjevnoj osobnosti, istančanom ukusu jer, na kraju krajeva, mjesto gdje netko živi puno govori i o samom stanovniku. Želio je arhitektonski ekvivalent svojim avangardnim kreacijama u modi. Sasvim slučajno se našao na mjestu gdje je Antti Lovag završavao svoj projekt, mjehuričastu kuću za nekog industrijalca. Vidjevši gotovo dovršeni objekt, Cardin je odmah znao 50 51 ZAŠTO SE PRETPLATITI NA DALCASU? ��������������������������� �������������������� ���������������������������������� � � ��� � � ��� � � ��� � ��� ����� � � � � � ������������������������������� ������������������������������������ ��������� ����������������������������������������������� ������������������������������� ���������������� ������������ ������������������������ ������ �������������� ������� ��������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ������ ������ ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������������� 143 Nekret nine ��������������� ������������� Samo 275,00 kn 12 brojeva �������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� 144 www.dalcasa.com HRVATSKI MAGAZIN ZA NEKRETNINE / CROATIAN REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE U DOMU KOD PIERREA CARDINA BROJ/EDITION 34 CIJENA 25 KN PRICE 5 � � � ��� � � ��� � � ��� � ��� ����� � � � � � TRAVANJ/APRIL 2008 AT HOME WITH PIERRE CARDIN POSLOVNI INTERIJERI OFFICE INTERIORS ARHITEKT U NAUTIČKIM VODAMA MARKO MURTIĆ ARCHITECT IN A NAUTICAL WORLD NAJBOLJI IZBOR NEKRETNINA THE BEST REAL ESTATE OFFER ISSN 1845-2086 9771845208005 ��������������� ������������� ����������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������� ������� ��������������� ����������� Nekret nine Kaštela Prodaje se izvanredna građevna parcela površine 5000 m2, u M1 zoni, udaljena od mora samo dva kilometra. Sa zemljišta se pruža predivan pogled na cijeli Kaštelanski zaljev i otoke. There is a marvellous construction parcel with 5000 m2 of surface for sale in the M1 Zone, just two kilometres away from the sea. The parcel provides a wonderful view over the entire Kaštela Gulf and the islands. Cijena / Price: 100 €/m2 Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 231 911, +385 (0)98 385 049 145 Nekret nine Kloštar Ivanić Samo 40-ak km od Zagreba, na mirnom i skrovitom mjestu, okruženom šumom, nalazi se obiteljsko imanje na više od 90.000 m2 s obiteljskom kućom. Kuća ima dvije spavaće sobe, dvije kupaonice, kuhinju, dnevni boravak s panoramskim pogledom na jug. Imanje ima restoran sa svim pratećim objektima za 60 ljudi, jezero s čistom izvorskom i protočnom vodom. Imanje je potpuno izolirano i privatnost je zajamčena. Only 40 kilometres outside of Zagreb, on a peaceful and hidden location surrounded by forest, we find a family estate at over 90.000 m2 with a family house. The house has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, kitchen, and living room with panoramic view towards the south. The estate features a restaurant with all accompanying objects for 60 people, as well as a lake with pure wellspring and free-flowing water. The estate is completely isolated and your privacy is guaranteed. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 812 515, +385 (0)91 730 4379 146 Nekret nine Korčula Prodaje se dvoetažni stan od 100 m2 u starom dijelu Korčule, smješten u palači Ismaeli iz 15. stoljeća. Stan je kompletno renoviran 2007. godine (novi krov, zidovi, podovi) te se prodaje namješten. Korišten je talijanski namještaj, art cool klime, u svim sobama su plazma televizori... te sva potrebna tehnika (satelit, perilica posuđa, masažna kada). Također, budućim vlasnicima je na raspolaganju i lijepo osvijetljena terasa, idealna za šetnje, s pogledom na niže dvorište i stari grad. For sale a two-storey apartment in the old part of Korčula. It has 100 m2 of surface, and it is located in Ismaeli Palace from the 15th century. The apartment has been completely renovated in 2007 (new roof, walls, windows), and is put on sale completely furnished. It features Italian furniture, art-cool air conditioning, plasma TVs in every room… as well as all the necessary technical equipment (satellite dish, dishwasher, massage bathtub). The future owners also have a nicely “walk around” terrace with accent lighting at their disposal, as it is ideal for walks and offers the view over the lower yard and the old part of town. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquir y Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 505 0558 147 Nekret nine Lošinj Na uskoj prevlaci koja spaja otoke Cres i Lošinj, prodaje se stara kamena kuća. Smještena je u samoj povijesnoj jezgri grada Osora. Kuća se sastoji od tri etaže površine 210 m2, tavana površine 72 m2 te dva balkona od 15 m2. Kuća je građena na prijelazu iz 15. u 16. stoljeće i zidana je od debelih kamenih blokova. Na zidu dnevne sobe u prizemlju se nalaze dvije freske s početka 19. stoljeća. U početku su u kući boravili crkveni vjerodostojnici da bi nakon toga kuća bila stan osorskih biskupa. Kada se biskupija preselila, kuća dolazi u vlasništvo imućne osorske obitelji koja je kuću prenamijenila u jednu od najpoznatijih konoba i prenoćišta na Jadranu. Kuća je posljednjih pola stoljeća u vlasništvu prodavateljeve obitelji. Uz kuću se prodaje i sav pripadajući namještaj iz 19. i 20. stoljeća. On a narrow land bridge that connects the islands of Cres and Lošinj, there is an old stone house for sale. It is located right in the historical centre of the town of Osor. The house consists of three storeys with 210 m2 of surface, as well as a 72 m2 attic and two 15 m2 balconies. The house was originally built in the late 15th/early 16th century, and thick stone blocks were used during the process. On the wall of the ground-floor living room, we find two frescoes from the early 19th century. In the beginning, church officials were residing in the house, and after that the house served as an apartment of the Osor bishops. When the Bishopric moved, the house came into possession of a wealthy Osor family, which redefined the house as one of the most famous taverns and hostels at the Adriatic. Over the last half of the century, the house was owned by the seller’s family. The sale also includes all the accompanying furniture from the 19th and 20th century. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 233 815, +385 (0)91 769 5650 www.delfin-immo.hr 149 Nekret nine Novigrad Prodaju se stanovi u luksuznoj zgradi “Marina Quays“, samo nekoliko minuta od plaže i nove marine u Novigradu, a samo pet minuta šetnje do centra i velikog broja restorana, kafića i trgovina. Projekt se sastoji od 24 visoko kvalitetna stana s jednom, dvije ili tri spavaće sobe te poslovnim prostorima u prizemlju. Svaki stan u ponudi ima balkon s pogledom na more, parketom, podnim grijanjem u kupaonici, klimatizacijom s opcijom hlađenja i grijanja, parkirališno mjesto itd. U ponudi su i paketi namještaja i sitnog inventara. Apartments are on sale in a luxurious building called “Marina Quays”, just several minutes from the beach and a new marina in Novigrad, and just five minutes on foot away from the centre and a large number of restaurants, coffee shops and stores. The project consists of 24 high-quality apartments with one, two or three bedrooms and business spaces on the ground floor. Every apartment offers a balcony with a view over the sea, as well as parquet floors, floor heating in the bathroom, air conditioning with heating/cooling options, parking space etc.We also offer furniture and inventories packages. Cijena / Price: od/from 95.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: Croatiansun Istra: +385 52 842 357, Croatiansun UK: +44 161 439 3619 151 Nekret nine Poreč Na udaljenosti 16 km od Poreča i mora prodaje se samostojeća kamena vila s bazenom stambene površine 160 m2 na okućnici od cca 650 m2. Villa je raspoređena tako da se u prizemlju nalaze dvije sobe s kupaonicama i balkon, a na katu vile nalaze se blagovaonica, kuhinja, dnevni boravak, radna soba, kupaonica, spavaća soba i prostrana terasa. Nine kilometres outside of Poreč and the sea, there is a stone villa on sale, with swimming pool and 160 m2 of residential surface. It was built on 650 m2 courtyard. On the ground floor of the villa there are two bedrooms with bathrooms and balcony. On the first floor there are dining room, kitchen, living room, work room, bedroom and large terrace. Cijena / Price: 360.000 € Kontakt telefon: +385 (0)91 730 4379, +385 (0) 52 812 515 153 Nekret nine Poreč Prodaje se samostojeća vila stambene površine 150 m2 na okućnici od 600 m2, 16 kilometara udaljena od Poreča. Iz kuće se pruža predivan pogled na more. U prizemlju se nalaze kuhinja, blagovaonica, dnevni boravak, kupaonica, spavaća soba, natkrivena terasa i spremište. Na prvom katu su dvije spavaće sobe, kupaonica, teresa. Postavljene su klima i prva faza centralnoga grijanja. Kuća posjeduje i bazen. There is a detached villa with 150 m2 of residential surface for sale. It was built on a 600 m2 courtyard, and it is 16 kilometres away from Poreč. The house provides a glorious view over the sea. The ground floor features the kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom, bedroom, covered terrace and storage room. The first floor features two bedrooms, bathroom and terrace. Air conditioning and the first phase of central heating have been installed. The house also features a swimming pool. Cijena / Price: 380.000 € Kontakt telefon: +385 (0)91 730 4379, +385 (0) 52 812 515 154 Nekret nine Poreč Devet kilometara od Poreča, prodaje se novoizgrađena dvojna kuća stambene površine 123 m2 na dvije etaže. Na 375 m2 okućnice smješten je i bazen. U prizemlju su dnevni boravak, kuhinja, blagovaonica, toalet i terasa, dok su na prvom katu tri sobe, kupaonica, toalet i balkon. Iz kuće se pruža lijep pogled na more. Nine kilometres outside of Poreč, there is a newly built double house for sale, and it has 123 m2 of residential surface spread on two levels. The 375 m2 of the courtyard also features a swimming pool. The ground floor features the living room, kitchen, dining room, toilet and terrace, while the first floor consists of three bedrooms, bathroom, toilet and balcony. The house provides a lovely view over the sea. Cijena / Price: 360.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 730 4379, +385 (0) 52 812 515 155 Nekret nine Poreč Devet kilometara od Poreča, prodaje se novoizgrađena vila stambene površine 143 m2. Na okućnici od 600 m2 nalazi se i bazen. Kuća se sastoji od tri sobe, dnevnog boravka, kuhinje, dviju kupaonica, terase i garaže. Iz kuće se pruža prekrasan pogled na more. Nine kilometres outside of Poreč, there is a newly built villa on sale with 143 m2 of residential surface. The 600 m2 courtyard also features a swimming pool. The house consists of three bedrooms, living room, kitchen, two bathrooms, terrace and garage. The house provides a wonderful view over the sea. Cijena / Price: 525.000 € Kontakt telefon: +385 (0)91 730 4379, +385 (0) 52 812 515 R www.adriatic-group.com Kvintet�d.o.o. - UMAG, Trgovaèka�3,�tel.�052�463�620,�mob.�099�693�0118 Ciss�d.o.o. - POREÈ,Mate Vlašiæa�30,�tel.�052�432�135,�mob.�091 880�9874, Portun Immobilis�d.o.o.- ROVINJ,�Trg�na�kri�u�1,�tel.�052 840�456,�mob.�091�938�6003 Agencija�Kupola - ROVINJ, Carera�98/1, tel.�052 818�052,�mob.�091�519 0562 Maris�d.o.o. - PULA, Marijanijeva�11,�tel.�052 501�333,�mob.�099 620�0622 05vizija.net - PULA, Sv.�Teodora�2,�tel.�052�211�730,�mob.�098�170�7110 Sentia�Int.�d.o.o. - PULA,�Marsovo�polje�8�tel.�052 651�034,�mob.�091�333�2198 Agencija�Èinko - LABIN, Istarska�8,�tel.�052�857�226,�mob.�098�912�3597 Studio�Upi�Upi�d.o.o.- ZAGREB,�F.�Petriæa�5,�tel.�01�4812�851,�mob.�098�385�039.��Tra�imo�nove�èlanice -�agencije�za�promet�nekretninama�na�podruèju��Hrvatske.�Više�informacija�zatra�ite�na�e-mail [email protected] AG�2432�Bale,�okolica,�kamena kuæa,�150�m2,�ograðeno�dvorište 439�m2,�miran�ambijent,�10�km�od mora,�voda�struja,�200.000�€ Portun�Immobilis�tel.�052�840�456 156 AG�2253�Višnjan,�širi�centar,�vila,�u gradnji,�149�m2,�ograðena�okuænica: 885�m2,�atraktivan�polo�aj,�bazen, ognjište,�gara�a,�450.000�€ Ciss�d.o.o.�Tel.�052�432�135 Kamena�kuæa�u�središnjoj�Istri,��za rekonstrukciju,�250�m2�sa�okuænicom od�2000�m2,�mirna�lokacija,�pogled�na ruralni�ambijent,�180.000 € Sentia�Int�d.o.o.�Tel.�052�651�034 Nekret nine Pula Prodaje se stara vila u Puli, na mirnoj lokaciji, s pogledom na more. Sastoji se od prizemlja, kata i potkrovlja koje je površinom nešto manje od ostalih dviju etaža. Neto površina stambenog prostora iznosi 191 m2, a zajedno s okućnicom čini posjed od 330 m2. Odiše starinskom, gospodskom profinjenošću, posjedu je potrebna manja adaptacija. There is an old villa on sale in a peaceful location in Pula. The villa overlooks the sea, and it consists of the ground floor, upper floor, and the loft that has a slightly smaller surface than the previous two storeys. The netto surface of the residential space is 191 m2, and when we add the courtyard’s surface, the entire property takes up 330 m2. The property radiates an archaic, aristocratic sophistication, and it also needs smaller adaptation works. Cijena / Price: 260.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: SENTIA INT d.o.o. +385 (0)52 651 034; +385 (0)91 333 2193 157 Nekret nine Rovinj U Rovinju, na vrlo atraktivnom položaju, 200 m od mora i pet minuta od središta grada, prodaje se osam stanova (apartmana) površine od 57 do 74 m². Stanovi su vrhunsko uređeni i kompletno opremljeni. Svi apartmani imaju osigurano parkirališno mjesto u podzemnoj garaži, spremište i vrt u cijeni, a s terasa se može uživati u prekrasnom pogledu na more i povijesnu jezgru grada Rovinja. U gradnji su korišteni najsuvremeniji i najkvalitetniji materijali. In a very attractive position in Rovinj, just 200 metres from the sea and five minutes from the town centre, we find eight apartments for sale, and their size ranges from 57 to 74 m2. Apartments are superbly decorated and completely furnished. All apartments have an ensured parking space in the subterranean garage, a storage room and a garden included in the price, while the terraces enable you to enjoy a wonderful view over the sea and Rovinj’s historical centre. The construction work was performed while using materials of utmost quality and modernity. Cijena / Price: 2900 - 3400 €/m2 Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: PORTUN IMMOBILIS d.o.o. +385 (0)52 840 456; +385 (0)91 938 6003 158 ��������������������������� Nekret nine ����������������������� ����������������������������� �������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ������� ��� ������� ��� ������������ ������ ����� ��������� ���������� ����� ��� ������� ����������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� �������������������������� ��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ������������� ��� ���������� ��� ������� ���� ���������������������������������������� ������ ������ ����� ���� ������� ������������ ������ ����� ��� ������������ ����������� ��������������������� ���������������������� ����������������������� ������ ����� ������������ ��� ������ ������ ��� ��� ����������� �������� ����� ��� ����������� ������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ��������������������������� ����� ��� ���� ������������� ����� �������� ����� ��� ��� ��� ������� �������� ��������� ����������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ��������� ���� ���������� ����� ������ ��������������������������������������� ���� ������ ���� ���� ���� �������� �������� ������ ������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ������������������������������������� ����������������� ����������������������� ���������������������� ����������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ������������������ ����������������������� ���������������������������������� ���������������������� ������������������� �������������������� 159 Nekret nine Split Prodaje se trosoban stan od 94 m2 u zgradi dvokatnici na predjelu Pazdigrad. Stan je orijentiran jug-sjever, a posjeduje i vrt od 120 m2, dvije garaže od 28 i 21 m2, vlastito centralno grijanje. Također, tu su i dva sanitarna čvora te lođa. There is a three-room apartment on sale in a two-storey building in the Pazdigrad neighbourhood. The apartment takes up 94 m2, it has south-north orientation, and it also features a 120 m2 garden, two garages (28 and 21 m2) and its own central heating. It also features two sanitary junctions and a loggia. Cijena / Price: 430.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 360 544 160 Nekret nine Split Apartmani Rezidencija Split smješteni su uz luksuzni hotel kategorije pet zvjezdica, Le Méridien Lav, u Podstrani pokraj Splita. Svaki luksuzni apartman dolazi u ponudi s terasom s otvorenim pogledom na more, najkvalitetnijom tehnologijom, namještenom kupaonicom, ugradbenim ormarima, mediteranskim vrtom, parkirališnim mjestom, itd. U apartmanima se ističe stilska završna obrada s naglaskom na korištenje kvalitetnih materijala, koji uključuju puno drvo, kamen i keramiku. U ponudi su i paketi namještaja i sitnog inventara. Dakako, dodatna vrijednost apartmanima je i neposredna blizina hotela Le Méridien Lav i njegova wellness centra, teniskih terena, “Beach“ kluba, brojnih restorana, kao i vlastite marine! Apartments “Residence Split” are located next to the luxurious five-star hotel “Le Meridian Lav”, which is situated in Podstrana near Split. Every luxurious apartment offers a terrace with an open view over the sea, top-quality technology, furnished bathroom, built-in closets, Mediterranean gardens, a parking space etc. Apartments are particularly highlighted by stylish finishing processing stages, with emphasis on usage of quality materials like full wood, stone and ceramics. We also offer furniture and inventories packages. Naturally, the apartments’ worth is enlarged because of the immediate nearness of Le Meridian Lav Hotel, which features a wellness centre, tennis courts, a beach club, numerous restaurants and its own marinas! Cijena / Price: : od / from 180.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: Croatiansun Split: +385 21 315 602, Croatiansun Zagreb: +385 01 4898 010 , Croatiansun UK: +44 161 439 3619 161 Nekret nine Predbilježite se za svoju budućnost! � � � �� � � � ���� ������������ ������������������������ � ������� �������� ��� ���������� ������� �� ����� ������� ����������� ������ �������� �������� ����� ������������� �� ����������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������� ����� ������� ��� ���� ��������� ������ ��� ���������� ������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������� �� ���������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������� 162 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Nekret nine Split Ova prekrasna obiteljska vila izgrađena je 2005., u blizini mora, u jednom od najljepših i najprestižnijih dijelova Splita, na Mejama. Obiteljska vila pravo je arhitektonsko remek-djelo, nalazi se na 1562 m2 zemljišta te ima oko 1000 m2 stambenog prostora, isto toliko uređene okućnice te čak dva bazena, zatvoreni i vanjski. Vila ima četiri spavaće sobe (svaka s kupaonicom), gostinsku sobu, zatvoreni bazen, jacuzzi, dvije garaže, vinski podrum i prostor od 140 m2 u podrumu za pripremanje velikih slavlja. Opremljena je najsuvremenijom tehnologijom (videonadzor, air-condition, grijanje, automatsko zatvaranje ulaznih i garažnih vrata...). Built in 2005, this marvellous villa is located near the sea at Meje, which is one of the most beautiful and prestigious parts of Split. The family villa is a true architectonic masterpiece; it is located on a 1562 m2 parcel, it features about 1000 m2 of residential surface, about the same amount of maintained courtyard and two swimming pools – indoors and outdoors. The villa features 4 bedrooms (each with its own bathroom), guestroom, indoor swimming pool, Jacuzzi, 2 garages, wine cellar and a 140 m2 room for big celebration occasions. It is equipped with most contemporary technological utensils (video supervision, air conditioning, heating, automatic closing of entrance and garage doors…). Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0) 91 932 4568 163 Nekret nine Trogir U Trogiru se prodaje hotel na zemljištu površine 19.000 m2, u prvom redu do mora. Objekti u sklopu hotela su 90 posto dovršeni i raspolažu površinom od 5400 m2 korisnog prostora. Sadrže 22 ekskluzivna apartmana, restoran, tavernu, wellness-centar, zatvoreni bazen, veliki otvoreni bazen, fitness, kongresnu dvoranu, koncertnu dvoranu, vinoteku, garaže, terase itd. Lokacijska dozvola postoji za gradnju još većeg objekta na istom zemljištu te male lučice ispred. There is a hotel for sale in Trogir, and it stands on a parcel that occupies 19.000 m2 right by the sea. The objects within the hotel are 90% finished and they feature 5400 m2 of useful space. There are 22 exclusive apartments, restaurant, tavern, wellness-centre, indoor swimming pool, big outdoor swimming pool, fitness, conference hall, concert hall, wine cellar, garages, terraces etc. A location license has been granted for the construction of an even bigger object on the same parcel, as well as a small port in front of it. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 231 911 164 Nekret nine Trogir U blizini Trogira, uz samo more, prodaje se predivna višeetažna vila Kleopatra. U vili su smještena tri stana. Pri uređenju su korišteni samo najkvalitetniji materijali. Ispred vile je bazen i jaccuzi te uređena okućnica s mnoštvom cvijeća i palmi. Vila ima sobu za fitness, vlastiti vez za brodice te mnoštvo terasa. Just by the sea near Trogir, there is the wonderful multi-storey Villa Kleopatra for sale. The villa consists of three apartments. Only materials of the utmost quality were used during the process of construction. In front of the villa, we find a swimming pool and a jacuzzi, as well as a decorated courtyard with plenty of flowers and palm trees. The villa has a fitness room, its own boat mooring and plenty of terraces. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquir y Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 385 049 165 Nekret nine Trogir Prodaje se prekrasna vila na otoku Čiovu, u mjestu Okrugu Gornjem, nedavno potpuno obnovljena. Vila se sastoji od prizemlja i dva kata. U prizemlju ima 225 m2 stambenog prostora, 100 m2 terase, vrt, bazen te parking. Prvi kat ima 130 m2 stambenog prostora, 56 m2 terase, vrt i garažu, dok drugi kat ima 158 m2 stambenog prostora, 67 m2 terase i garažu. Sve terase i podovi popločani su granitom u raznim bojama i nijansama. Unutrašnjost je modernizirana, s podnim grijanjem koje koristi uljnu peć i solarnim grijanjem za toplu vodu na svim katovima; osim toga gornja dva kata su klimatizirana. A wonderful villa is on sale in Okrug Gornji on the island of Čiovo, and it has recently been completely renovated. The villa consists of the ground floor and two upper floors. The ground floor has 225 m2 of residential surface, 100 m2 of terrace surface, as well as a garden, swimming pool and parking. The first floor features 130 m2 of residential surface, 56 m2 of terrace surface, garden and garage, while the second floor takes up 158 m2 of residential surface, 67 m2 of terrace surface and a garage. All terraces and floors are paved in granite, which comes in different colours and shades. The interior is modernized with floor heating that uses an oil heater and with solar heating for hot water on all floors. The two upper floors have air conditioning. Cijena / Price: 1.650.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)22 213 506; +385 (0)91 754 43 13 166 Nekret nine Zagreb, Dugo Selo Prodaje se obiteljska kuća ukupne stambene površine 200 m2, u središtu Dugog Sela, pokraj Zagreba. Kuća, inače djelo poznatog arhitekta Kažimira Ostrogivića, potpuno je renovirana. Posjeduje centralno plinsko grijanje, četiri spavaće sobe i dnevni boravak, tri kupaonice, dvije kuhinje, blagovaonicu te dvije garaže i poseban stan od 60 m2 iznad garaža. Okućnica od 650 m2 je lijepo uređena. There is a family home with the overall residential surface of 200 m2 for sale in the centre of Dugo Selo, which is near Zagreb. The house, which was designed by famous architect Kažimir Ostrogivić, has been completely renovated. It features central gas heating, four bedrooms, living room, three bathrooms, two kitchens, dining room, two garages and separated 60 m2 apartment above the garages. The 650 m2 courtyard is nicely maintained. Cijena / Price: 330.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0) 52 812 515, +385 (0) 91 730 4379 167 Nekret nine Zagreb U urbanoj vili, neposredno uz zelenu zonu, prodaju se tri elitna novoizgrađena stana (površina svakog stana je 172 m2). Svaki stan se sastoji od četiri spavaće sobe i prostranog dnevnog boravaka s kaminom te terase s pogledom na zelenilo i šumu. Svakom stanu pripadaju još dva parkirališna mjesta, spremište od 18 m2 u podrumu, vlastita kotlovnica s centralnim sustavom grijanja i klimatizacije u svakoj prostoriji stana, također i sistem centralnog sakupljača prašine. Svi su stanovi etažirani i upisani u zemljišne knjige te je ishođena uporabna dozvola. Three elite newly built apartments (each taking up 172 m2) are on sale in an urban villa just outside of the green zone. The apartment consists of four bedrooms and a spacious living room with fireplace, and there is also a terrace that overlooks the greenery and forest. Each apartment also receives two parking spaces, an 18 m2 storage in the basement, a boiler room with the central heating system and air conditioning in all rooms, as well as a central dust vacuuming system. All apartments are enlisted into the registry books and have the necessary licenses. Cijena: “roh-bau” 470.000 €, kompletno uređen stan 520.000 € Price: “roh-bau” 470.000,00 €, completely decorated apartment 520,000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 63 63 636; +385 (0)1 63 63 637 169 Nekret nine Zagreb Prodaju se tri luksuzna stana u vili (površine 154 m , 135 m2 i 96,50 m2) koja se nalazi u mirnoj ulici obiteljskih kuća sjevernog dijela Zagreba, na rubu zelenog pojasa. Od centra grada udaljena je samo pet minuta automobilom. Cijeli je objekt izveden u skladu s najvišim standardima građenja i opremanja interijera: keramika, sanitarije, parketi. Svakom stanu pripadaju dva parkirališna mjesta i podrumske ostava cca 18 m2, a trim kabinet, sauna i solarij nalaze se u zajedničkim podrumskim prostorijama veličine 97 m2. Cijena ovisi o površini. 2 Three luxurious apartments are on sale in a villa (154 m2, 135 m2 and 96,50 m2 of surface) that is located in a peaceful street of family homes in the northern part of Zagreb, on the very edge of the green zone. It only takes a five-minute drive to get to the city centre. The whole object follows the highest construction and interior furnishing standards: ceramics, sanitary facilities, and parquets. Each apartment receives two parking spaces and an 18 m2 basement pantry, while the fitness room, sauna and solarium are found in the joint basement premises that take up 97 m2 of surface. The price depends on the size. Cijena: Prizemlje 154 m2 + vrt 250 m2 (460.000 €), prvi kat 135 m2 (415.000 €) i potkrovlje 96,50 m2 (300.000 €) Price: Ground floor 154 m2 + garden 250 m2 (460.000 €); first floor 135 m2 (415.000 €); the loft 96,50 m2 (300.000 €) Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 63 63 636; +385 (0)1 63 63 637 170 Nekret nine Zagreb Stambeno-poslovni objekti “Zaprudski otok“ smješteni su u Oreškovićevoj ulici u naselju Otok kod Novog Zagreba, nasuprot naselju Sloboština. Objekti su građeni u tri etape. U prvoj etapi izgrađena su dva objekta koja su u potpunosti useljena, dok su useljenja u četiri objekta izgrađena u drugoj etapi još u tijeku. U zadnjoj, trećoj etapi gradit će se još sedam objekata bruto površine 3900 m2, s ukupno 54 stana. Objekti se grade na klasičan način, s tradicionalnim materijalima, pročelja su “Demit“ fasada sa završnim vodootpornim premazima u raznim bojama. Stanovi su opremljeni vlastitim vodomjerima, plinskim etažnim grijanjem, talijanskom keramikom i sanitarijom prve klase, hrastovim parketom, PVC stolarijom (s pet komora) te protuprovalnim vratima. Residential-office objects “Island Zapruđe” are located in Orešković Street in Novi Zagreb, just opposite of settlement Sloboština. Objects are built in several stages. In the first stage are built two objects that are already completely full, while four objects are right in the middle of the moving-in process. The final third stage will see seven more objects being built with 3900 m2 of overall surface and 54 apartments. The objects are built in a classic way with traditional materials and “Demit” facades that feature waterproof coatings in various colours. Apartments are equipped with individual water meters, gas storey heating, Italian ceramics, first-class sanitary facilities, oak parquets, PVC joinery (with five chambers) and anti-burglary doors. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquir y Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385(0)1 5622 350, +385(0)91 3470 134 171 Nekret nine Zagreb Prodaju se stambeni objekti Horvatova, na području Novog Zagreba, u naselju Otok, nasuprot Sloboštine. Gradi se osam manjih stambenih objekata bruto površine 2743 m2, s ukupno 41 stanom veličine 33 m2 do 74 m2. Objekti se grade na klasičan način, s tradicionalnim materijalima. Stanovi su opremljeni vlastitim vodomjerima, plinskim etažnim grijanjem, talijanskom keramikom i sanitarijom prve klase, hrastovim parketom, PVC stolarijom (sa šest komora), izo-staklom s low-e zaštitom te protuprovalnim vratima. Predviđeni rok useljenja je jesen 2008. godine. Residential-office objects Horvatova are for sale, and they are located in a settlement called Otok just opposite of Sloboština in the Novi Zagreb area. Eight smaller residential objects are built; their gross surface is 2743 m2, and they feature the overall number of 41 apartments with sizes that range from 33 to 74 m2. The objects are built in a classic way with traditional materials. Apartments are equipped with their own water meters, storey gas heating, Italian ceramics and first-class sanitary facilities, as well as oak parquet, PVC joinery (with six chambers), isolation glass with low-e protection, and anti-burglary doors. The moving-in process is due to begin in autumn 2008. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquir y Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385(0)1 5622 350, +385(0)91 3702 605 173 Nekret nine Zagreb U Zagrebu, u podsljemenskoj zoni, na brežuljcima Markuševca, prodaje se četverosobni stan. Stan je dio urbane vile u sklopu elitnog naselja, ukupna mu je stambena površina 142,36 m2, a sastoji se od tri spavaće sobe, dnevnog boravka, kuhinje, blagovaonice, dviju kupaonica, toaleta i lođe. Vlasniku će pripasti i garaža te dva parkirališna mjesta. In the sub-Sljame zone of Zagreb, on the hills of Markuševac, we find a four-room apartment for sale. The apartment is a part of an urban villa within an elite settlement. Its overall residential surface is 142,36 m2, and it consists of three bedrooms, living room, kitchen, dining room, two bathrooms, toilet and loggia. The owner also receives a garage and two parking spaces. Cijena / Price: 320.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 23 26 03 174 Nekret nine Zagreb - Ekskluzivni stanovi u podsljemenskoj zoni - Šestine Zagreb - Exclusive apartments in Šestine - at the foot of Sljeme zone �� � � � � � � � ������ ��� ������ ������������������������������������������������������������������ �������������������������������������������������������������������� ������ ��������� �� ��������� ���� �������� ������ ��� ���� ������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������� ���� �������� ��� ����������� ���������� �� �������� �� ����� ������������� ���������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������� ����� ������ ������������ ���� �������� ���� ����������� ����� ���� �������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������������������������ ����������������������������������������������������� ������������������� ������������������������ �� ���������������������������� ���������������������� ����������������������������� �� ���������������������������������� ����������� �������� 175 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Nekret nine Zagreb U Gračanima se prodaje luksuzan stan ukupne površine 100 m2. Stan se nalazi u urbanoj vili s liftom i sastoji se od dnevnog boravka s blagovaonicom i kuhinjom od 40 m2, tri spavaće sobe, dvije kupaonice i lođe. Uz stan je na raspolaganju garaža s dva mjesta, ostava, uređeni vrt površine 450 m2 s bazenom, građenim roštiljem i sjenicom s WC-om i čajnom kuhinjom. There is a luxurious apartment for sale in Gračani, and it takes up 100 m2 of overall surface. The apartment is found in an urban villa with an elevator, and it consists of a living room with dining room and a 40 m2 kitchen, as well as of three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a loggia. The apartment also includes a garage with two spaces, pantry, maintained 450 m2 garden with a swimming pool, built-in grill and a bower with a bathroom and a tea kitchen. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 198 0307 176 Nekret nine Zambratija U novouređenoj kući, drugi red do mora, u uvali Zambratija između Umaga i Savudrije, prodaju se vrhunski uređeni apartmani. Apartmani su veličine od 42 m2 do 84 m2, kompletno su namješteni i opremljeni talijanskom keramikom, vrhunskom drvenom stolarijom te klima-uređajom. Svakom apartmanu pripada jedno parkirališno mjesto. Vlasnička dokumentacija je uredna, apartmani su etažirani i izdana je uporabna dozvola. In a newly furnished house, second row to the sea, in the Zambratija bay between Umag and Savudrija, highly furnished apartments are for sale. The apartments are 42 m2 to 84 m2 in size, completely furnished and equipped with Italian ceramics, high quality joinery and air conditioning. Each apartment posseses its own parking space. Ownership papers are all valid, apartments have been floor-splitted and the operating licence has been issued. Cijena / Price: 87.000 - 202.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 617 66 77, +385 (0)98 296 839, +385 (0) 52 721 001 177
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