- DalCasa


- DalCasa
ISSN 1845-2086
ory word
Uvodna rijec
“Čovječe, pazi da ne ideš malen ispod zvijezda...” riječi su Antuna Branka Šimića urezane u
pamćenje još od ranih školskih dana.
Bez imalo lažne skromnosti izjavljujem da se osjećam ponosnom što sam dio velikih. Ne misleći
pritom na prihod ostvaren u prošloj godini niti na broj prodanih oglasa, već na veličinu ljudi
koji me okružuju.
Gospođa Marija Goreta, prognanica i samohrana majka dvoje djece, posljednjih nekoliko
godina živjela je bespravno u prostorijama devastiranog hotela Central na splitskoj Pjaci, u
vrlo lošim životnim uvjetima. Odlukom suda morala se u svibnju ove godine iseliti, a zbog katastrofalne imovinske situacije dugoročno nije ni na koji način mogla riješiti pitanje krova nad
glavom. Stoga je tvrtka DalCasa, na čelu s direktorom Jakšom Mrčelom, pronašla najbolji
mogući način da pomogne obitelji, dajući gospođi Goreti na doživotno korištenje stan od 40
četvornih metara u kompleksu novogradnji na Duilovu.
Biti osjetljiv na tuđe probleme i pri tome se još involvirati, odlika je samo velikih. Osmijeh i iskreno
“hvala” u očima gospođe Marije nama su neprocjenjivi.
Vjerujući kako će i druge tvrtke prepoznati važnost ovakvog načina pomaganja i društvene
solidarnosti, pozivamo zainteresirane tvrtke da se uključe u akciju doniranjem nužnog namještaja i kućanskih uređaja obitelji Goreta.
A u rujanskom broju DalCase pronaći ćete mnoštvo zanimljivih i korisnih tema: kako je IKEA
postala najmoćniji brand na svijetu? Koje su kvalitete dobrog agenta za nekretnine, koji pod
izabrati, kako se osjećati ugodno u svojoj spavaćoj sobi, gdje jesti u Rijeci, gdje spavati kada ste
na Siciliji?... Odgovore na ta i još mnoga druga pitanja pripremila je za vas naša vrijedna ekipa.
Čitajte nas i dalje i javite nam svoje kritike, savjete i pohvale.
“Man, make sure you don’t walk small under the stars...” - these words by Croatian poet Antun
Branko Šimić have a way of sticking around since the early days of school.
Without any false modesty, I declare that I feel proud to be part of the greats. And when I say
that, I don’t mean the income that was achieved over the last year or the number of adverts
that were sold, but rather on the greatness of people that surround me.
Mrs. Marija Goreta, refugee and a single mother of two, has spent the last few years illegally
living inside the devastated hotel “Central” at the Split Piazza, surrounded by horrible living
conditions. Due to the court’s ruling, she had to move out of there in May, and her disastrous
money situation prevented her coming up with any long-term solutions for her housing issue.
That’s why the DalCasa Company, led by Chairman of the Board Jakša Mrčela, found the
best way of helping the family by giving Mrs. Goreta life-long usage of a 40-square-metre
apartment in a complex of new buildings in Duilovo. To be sensitive about someone else’s
problems and to then get involved, that is something that only great people do. The smile and
the sincere “thank you” in Mrs. Marija’s eyes is something we find invaluable.
Believing that other companies will also recognize the importance of this type of helping and
social solidarity, we invite all the interested companies to join the action and donate the necessary furniture and household appliances to the Goreta family.
And there are also plenty of interesting and useful topics in the September issue of DalCasa:
how did IKEA become the most powerful brand in the world? Which are the qualities that a
good real estate agent must possess, which floor do you choose, how do you feel comfortable in your bedroom, where do you eat in Rijeka, where do you sleep in Sicily?… Answers to
those and to many other questions have been prepared by our hard-working team.
Keep reading us and stay in touch with your critiques, advices and compliments.
Ana Perišin
Svakog prvog
na kioscima
IKEA – najmoæniji brand na svijetu / IKEA – The Most
Powerful Brand in the World
Stanovi za 126 obitelji / Apartments for 126 Families
Splitska oaza s dodirom luksuza /
The Split Oasis with a Touch of Luxury
Agent za nekretnine - obrazovanjem do uspjeha /
Real Estate Agent – Education Equals Success
Posljednji raj na Mediteranu /
The Last Mediterranean Paradise
Manipulacija kièa / Kitsch Manipulation
Arsen Pletenac: Harmonija prožimanja starog i novog /
The Harmony of Intertwining Old with New
Nièija zemlja izmeðu Europe i Afrike /
No Man’s Land Between Europe and Africa
Prièa morske pjene s pogledom na Grad /
A Sea-Spray Story Overlooking the City of Dubrovnik
Kava kao vjeèna inspiracija / Coffee as Eternal Inspiration
Spavaæa soba - praktièni savjeti za svaki stil /
The Bedroom – Practical Advices for Every Style
Podovi - èarolija pod nogama / Floors – Magic Under
Your Feet
50 godina jajaste sjedalice / 50 Years of the Egg Chair
Najbolje od prirode / The Best of Nature
Tema broja
Ikeina prodavaonica u Švedskoj / IKEA store in Sweden
IKEA - najmoæniji
brand na svijetu
Dvosjed Klippan s uzorkom koji će osvježiti svaki prostor /
Two seat sofa Klippan with the pattern that would refresh
every room
Piše: Tanja Jadrešiæ
O Ikei ćete uvijek čuti koliko novih artikala ima, koliko prodavaonica ima u svijetu, ali
nikada nećete čuti hvalisanje porastom profita u protekloj godini i drugim “antipatičnim” podacima koji bi kupca mogli odvratiti od njegova osobnog priloga rastu današnje
megakorporacije. Komunikacijska taktika strogo zabranjuje izgradnju imidža tvrtke na
financijskoj moći
etiri debeljuškasta modra slova na intenzivnoj
žutoj podlozi danas su širom svijeta ekvivalent
kvalitetnoga, simpatičnog i svima dostupnog
namještaja: Ikea je odabirom boja nepogrešivo švedska, no po svemu drugome već je odavno globalni megabrand.
Jedna od najuspješnijih američkih TV reklama za Ikeu
djelo je redatelja Spikea Jonzea, autora “uvrnutih” filmova “Adaptacija” i “Biti John Malkovich”. Reklama počinje kadrom u kojemu prelomljena samostojeća svjetiljka
stoji na rubu pločnika dok po njoj uporno pljušti kiša. U
pozadini se kroz prozor nazire vlasnik “ostavljene” svjetiljke koji se upravo divi novoj u dnevnome boravku. A
tada na scenu stupa čovjek koji nordijskim naglaskom
govori: “Žao vam je ove svjetiljke? To je zato što niste
normalni. Ova je svjetiljka stvar. Ona nema osjećaja. A
nova je puno bolja.”
Tako, jednostavno i jezgrovito, Ikea pobija stoljetni običaj ljudi da se vezuju uz svoj namještaj i prenose komode iz generacije u generaciju. Na filozofiji namještaja
kao potrošne robe, Ikea je stvorila svoj identitet i počela
ostvarivati osnovnu ideju svog osnivača Ingvara Kamprada. A ta je bila da ono što stvara proda što većem
broju ljudi. Namještaj mora biti kvalitetan, praktičan, inovativan, dizajniran tako da se svidi što većem broju ljudi i
financijski dostupan svima, od studenata do mladih bračnih parova s djecom, od radnika do umirovljenika. Ili,
Kampradovim riječima: “Stvoriti što bolji život za većinu
ljudi.” Reklo bi se, prava švedska socijalna osviještenost
udružena s puno trgovačkog duha.
Osnivač Ingvar Kamprad / Ikea founder Ingvar Kamprad
252 prodajna centra u 35 zemalja svijeta
više od 100.000 zaposlenih i kooperanata
1300 dobavljača u 53 zemlje
10.000 artikala u ponudi
35 industrijskih jedinica u 9 zemalja u kojima se proizvodi drveni namještaj
410 milijuna kupaca u 2005. godini
1 milijun kupaca posjećuje Ikeine centre u svijetu
svakoga dana
3,5 puta godišnje prosječni kupac posjećuje Ikeu
42 godine je prosječna dob kupca
60 posto kupaca su žene
Upakirani namještaj
Ikea je dobila ime po inicijalima svojega vlasnika Ingvara
Kamprada te imenima gradića i farme u južnoj Švedskoj
gdje je u kasnim četrdesetim godinama prošlog stoljeća
svoj biznis započeo kao sedamnaestogodišnjak, prodajući olovke i božićne čestitke u šupi obiteljskog imanja.
Pet godina poslije svoj je posao proširio i na namještaj,
a prva je prodavaonica sa slavnim imenom otvorena
1958. u Almhultu. No, nije vlasnik, nego jedan od njegovih prvih zaposlenika 1956. učinio Ikeu onim što danas
jest, zahvaljujući jednostavnom izumu: namještaju koji se
dostavlja u dijelovima i sastavlja kod kuće. Legenda kaže
da ga je na to natjerala nužda, pokušaj da preveze stol
u automobilu. Skinuvši noge stola, pakiranje stola u prtljažnik je postalo lako, a već iste godine Ikea je gotovo
sve svoje uratke počela pakirati u plosnate pakete koje
novi vlasnici sami sastavljaju i stvorila odani krug ljubitelja u domovini kojima se svidjela ideja da i sami “nešto”
naprave oko svog namještaja. Ikeina tehnologija “uradi
sam” jedna je od najjednostavnijih, prilagođena i onima koji nisu vični alatu. Možda i tu leži dio Ikeina šarma:
u vremenima visoke tehnologije, kada sve manje ljudi
stvara vlastitim rukama neki čvrst, opipljiv predmet, Ikea
je demokratično svima dala mogućnost stvaranja, igranja. Kamprad i njegovi ostali su vjerni tome konceptu od
osnutka do danas, a sve ono što je Ikeu učinilo onim što
je danas, njezin je vlasnik sakupio u djelu pod nazivom
“Ostavština trgovca namještajem”, koje je napisao još
1976. i koje je u međuvremenu preraslo u polufilozofski
manifest kompanije.
U njemu se krije još jedna posebnost Ikeina odnosa prema poslu, profitu, novcu. Kompanijina je politika vezana
uz brojeve vrlo čvrsta: o Ikei ćete uvijek čuti koliko novih
artikala ima, koliko je kataloga tiskano, koliko prodavaonica ima u svijetu, ali nikada nećete čuti hvalisanje brojkama iz financijskog izvješća, porastom profita u protekloj godini i svim drugim “antipatičnim” podacima koji bi
kupca mogli odvratiti od njegova osobnog priloga rastu današnje megakorporacije. Komunikacijska taktika
strogo zabranjuje izgradnju imidža tvrtke na financijskoj
moći i umjesto toga nalaže svojim glavnim ljudima da
govore o uspjesima vezanim uz proizvodnju, inovaciju,
usredotočujući pažnju javnosti na to da tvrtku vodi želja
da ugode kupcima, a ne dioničarima.
Forbesov prvak
No, dioničarima je vrlo dobro: vlasnički su okupljeni u
fundaciji INGKA te INGKA holdingu kao krovnoj tvrtki
Ikea grupe, koja je u razdoblju od rujna 2005. do kolovoza 2006. ostvarila promet od 17,3 milijarde eura. Tvrtka
je registrirana u Nizozemskoj, pa je cijela Ikea danas, de
facto, nizozemska, no članovi upravnog odbora i dalje
su dijelom članovi obitelji Kamprad.
I dok osnivač tvrtke već dvadesetak godina figurira kao
tihi savjetnik u pitanjima upravljanja, živi u Švicarskoj i vozi
se javnim prijevozom iako je s bogatstvom procijenjenim
na 32 milijarde prošle godine bio četvrti na Forbesovoj
listi najbogatijih ljudi na svijetu, Ikea i dalje raste. Nakon
osvajanja Europe, Australije, Sjedinjenih Država, Kanade i dijelova Azije, jedan od posljednjih palih bastiona
je i Kina. Do prije desetak godina mnogi bi se kladili da
Ikein koncept ne može uspjeti u Kini. Jedan od vodećih
svjetskih izvoznika, zemlja koja po nezamislivo povoljnim
cijenama proizvodi kopije apsolutno svega – od torbi
Louis Vuitton do umjetničkih slika – po logici stvari ne bi
trebala imati potrebu za uvoznim brandom koji cijenom
nipošto ne može konkurirati domaćoj proizvodnji. No,
pomodnost nove urbane Kine, željne zapadnih utjecaja
i s hrpom novoga kapitala, u kombinaciji s Ikeinom moći
prilagodbe, učinila je svoje. Od 1998., kad je u Šangaju
otvorena prva Ikeina prodavaonica, do 2004. godine
godišnji promet tvrtke u Kini se popeo na stotinjak milijuna eura. I dalje raste, zajedno s brojem novootvorenih prodavaonica. A dok ostale razvikane tvrtke vode
vječnu borbu s jeftinim kopijama svojih proizvoda, u Kini
je Ikea odlučila za borbu primijeniti oružje protivnika,
snizivši cijene svojih proizvoda za gotovo 50 posto čim
je primijetila kinesku tendenciju krađe ideja. Općenito,
Kuhinja Udden s tamnim elementima / Kitchen Udden
with dark elements
Krevet Himnes / Himnes bed
Ikei je posljednjih godina uspjelo sniziti svoje cijene na
svjetskome tržištu prosječno za 15 do 20 posto, što na
tržištu namještaja, s porastom cijena sirovina i transporta,
rijetko kome uspijeva. A kako svaka medalja ima dvije
strane, tu je cijenu umjesto kupca morao platiti netko
drugi, u ovome slučaju dobavljači širom svijeta (među
njima i nekoliko hrvatskih tvrtki) kojima se ne isplati izgubiti posao s velikom Ikeom i radije će poslovati na rubu
isplativosti. Kao i obično, veliki diktiraju uvjete.
Ekologija Ikee
No, Ikeini menadžeri inovativno su pristupili i rezanju nekih drugih troškova, pa je tako 2003. Ikea postala prva
europska tvrtka koja sirovinu i svoje proizvode prevozi u
željezničkim kompozicijama. Ikeini vlakovi mogu dnevno
prevesti ekvivalent od 60 tegljača, uz smanjenje emisije
ugljičnog dioksida od 70 posto, i nepoznatu, ali vrlo vjerojatno veliku uštedu na gorivu. Ikea je općenito jedna
od velikih svjetskih tvrtki koja je u svoju poslovnu filozofiju
davno ugradila jaku ekološku komponentu. S posebnom
se pažnjom pristupa drvu kao osnovnoj sirovini, a svaka
drvna građa koja se koristi mora zadovoljiti neke uvjete:
podrijetlo drveta mora biti poznato, mora biti proizvedeno u skladu s lokalnim zakonima zemlje iz koje dolazi,
drvo ne smije biti iz zaštićenih područja, netaknutih prirodnih šuma...
Još jedno veliko tržište, ono američko, davno je osvojeno. No, imidž koji Ikea uživa u SAD-u uvelike se razlikuje od onoga kako Ikeu doživljavaju Europljani. Dok su
na Starom kontinentu kupci većinom svjesni da u Ikei
za dobru cijenu dobivaju “konfekciju” prihvatljive kva-
Police Antonius / Antonius range
litete, Amerikanci u švedskom proizvođaču vide visokosofisticiranu europsku egzotiku po prihvatljivoj cijeni.
Šveđani, primjerice, nerado uređuju kompletan dom
po Ikeinu katalogu, držeći to manjkom vlastita ukusa
i svojevrsnim “fast-food” življenjem, dok je u pojedinim dijelovima SAD-a to gotovo stvar prestiža, a dom
uređen u Ikei smatra se vrlo šik. Stoga ni ne čudi da
je Ikeina prodaja u SAD-u druga u svijetu (jedino je u
Njemačkoj viša).
A kako je kod nas? Otvaranje Ikeina prodajnog centra još se iščekuje, iako bi se, prema nekim najavama,
švedski div trebao pojaviti “na ovim prostorima” – ali najvjerojatnije u Hrvatskoj – u sljedeće tri godine. U međuvremenu će, kao i dosad, rijeke ljudi iz sjevernoga dijela
Hrvatske hodočastiti put Graza, gdje ionako pola osoblja Ikee govori hrvatski i slovenski, a Dalmatinci i ostali
radije će brodom preko Jadrana, do Ancone. No, valja
očekivati da će se i kod nas, kao i u svim drugim zemljama u kojima se dugo očekivao dolazak ovog prodajnog centra, na otvorenju skupiti rekordan broj ljudi
– otvaranja u nekim zemljama, poput Saudijske Arabije,
pratili su čak i neredi tijekom kojih je morala intervenirati
i policija. Zahvaljujući relativnoj dostupnosti, popularnim
cijenama čak i za ovdašnje pojmove te mladalačkom
dizajnu, Ikea je postala opće mjesto uređenja interijera
u Hrvata, s očitom tendencijom da to još dugo vremena
i ostane.
Uostalom, kao i u ostatku svijeta. Ikea danas ima 259
prodavaonica u 35 zemalja svijeta, a ovogodišnji je katalog, s više od 191 milijun primjeraka, najtiskanija publikacija na svijetu. Popularnija od Biblije.
Prugasta sofa Ektorp Tullsta / Striped sofa Ektorp Tullsta
Cover st
IKEA - The Most Powerful
Brand in the World
Cover st
Written by: Tanja Jadrešiæ
Prva Ikeina prodavaonica otvorena 1959. u Älmhultu
/ The first IKEA store opened 1958 in Älmhult
When Ikea is the subject of conversation, you will always hear about the amount of
their new items, as well as about the number of their stores in the world, but you will
never hear the bragging about the increase of profits during the last year or other
“dislikeable” information that could turn the customer off from personally contributing
to the growth of today’s mega-corporation. The communication tactic strictly forbids
constructing the company’s image on the basis of financial power
hese days, four chubby dark-blue letters on an
intensive yellow surface are equivalent to highquality, likeable and very accessible furniture all
over the world: Ikea’s choice of colours may be
unmistakably Swedish, but every other possible aspect
has long made it a global mega-brand. One of the most
successful American TV adverts for Ikea was created by
director Spike Jonze, author of such “twisted” movies like
“Adaptation” and “Being John Malkovich”. The advert
starts with a frame in which a broken detached lamp
stands at the edge of sidewalk while the rain is constantly pouring. You can slowly recognize the owner of the
“forgotten” lamp in the background as he is admiring
the new one in his living room. And then another man
appears on the scene and says with a strong Nordic accent: “You’re feeling sorry for this lamp? That is because
you are not normal. This lamp is a thing. It has no feelings.
And the new one is vastly superior.”
And in such manner, simply and to the point, Ikea finishes
off people’s everlasting practice to become attached
to their furniture and to carry dressers over from one generation to the next. Based on the philosophy of furniture
as disposable goods, Ikea has created its identity and
started accomplishing the primary idea of its founder In-
gvar Kamprad. And that was to sell his creations to as
many people as possible. The furniture must be highquality, practical, innovative, designed so it appeals to
as many people as possible and financially accessible
to everyone, from students to young married couples
with children, as well as from workers to retired people.
Or as Kamprad said: “To create as good a life as pos-
259 stores in 35 countries of the world
more than 100.000 employees
1300 suppliers in 53 countries
10.000 items offered
35 industrial units in 9 countries where wooden furniture is manufactured
410 million visitors in 2005
1 million visitors at Ikea stores in the world every day
3,5 times a year does an average customer visit
42 years is the average age of the customer
60 percent of customers are women
Blagovaonica Jämsunda / Jämsunda dining roomset
sible for the majority of people.” You might call it true
Swedish social conscientiousness combined with a lot of
business spirit.
Packaged Furniture
Ikea received its name after the initials of its owner Ingvar
Kamprad, as well as the names of the little town and the
farm in southern Sweden where, during the late 1940s, he
started his business as a seventeen-year old, selling pencils and Christmas cards in the shed of his family estate.
He expanded his business to furniture five years later, and
the first store with the famous name was opened in 1958
in Almhult. But it wasn’t the owner who made Ikea what
it is today; it was rather one of his first employees in 1956,
thanks to a simple invention: furniture that is delivered in
parts and assembled at home. Legend says that it was
purely a stroke of necessity, as he attempted to deliver
a table by his car. By taking the legs off the table, packing that table into the trunk suddenly became very easy,
and it was during that same year that Ikea started to
pack all their products into flat packages that the new
owners were assembling by themselves, thus creating a
cult following in their country because people liked the
idea of doing some work on their new furniture themselves. Ikea’s “do it yourself” technology is one of the simplest, as it is also adjusted to those who aren’t very strong
with tools. Maybe that’s a part of Ikea’s charm: in these
times of high technology, when very few people actu-
ally create firm and tangible
objects with their own hands,
Ikea has democratically given
everyone a chance to create
and play around. Kamprad
and his associates have remained faithful to that concept from the beginning to
this day, and everything
that has made Ikea what it
is today was assembled by its
owner in a book called “Legacy of a Furniture Dealer”,
which he wrote back in 1976, and which has now been
turned into the company’s semi-philosophical manifesto. It reveals another special dimension of Ikea’s relationship towards business, profit and money. When it comes
to numbers, the company policy is very strict: you can
always hear about the amount of Ikea’s new items, or
the number of catalogues that have been printed, or
the stores that are spread all over the world, but you will
never hear the bragging about numbers from financial
reports, increased profits during the last year or other
“dislikeable” information that could turn the customer
off from personally contributing to the growth of today’s
mega-corporation. The communication tactic strictly
forbids constructing the company’s image on the basis
of financial power, instead instructing its chief executives
to speak about the successes in the fields of manufactur-
Naslonjač Karlstad / Karlstad sofa
ing and innovation, thus focusing the public’s attention
on the fact that the company is driven by the desire to
please its customers, and not its stockholders.
Forbes’s Champion
Naturally, the stockholders aren’t doing too shabby: the
ownership ones are gathered in the INGKA Foundation
and INGKA Holding as the top company of the Ikea
Group, which has performed transactions in the value
of 17,3 billion euros in the period from September 2005
to August 2006. The company is registered in Holland,
which really makes Ikea a Dutch company these
days, but it’s still the members of the Kamprad
family that are sitting in the Board of Directors of
the INGKA Foundation.
And while the company’s founder has been acting as a silent consultant when it comes to management for about twenty years, spending his
time in Switzerland and riding
the public transport despite being the
fourth richest
person in the
world on the
Forbes list with
about 32 billions
worth of wealth, Ikea
keeps growing and
growing. After con-
Stolica za ljuljanje Gunghult i polica za televizor Ånga /
Gunghult rocking chair and Ånga TV storage
quering Europe, Australia, the USA, Canada and parts
of Asia, one of the last fallen bastions turned out to be
China. Up until ten years ago, many would be willing to
bet that Ikea’s concept cannot succeed in China. One
of the world’s leading exporters, a country that, under
unimaginably accessible prices, produces copies of just
about anything – from Louis Vuitton bags to art paintings
– logically shouldn’t have any need to import a brand
that has no chance to compete with domestic production when it comes to prices. However, the trendiness of
the new urban China, which is craving for Western influences and has a stack load of capital, and combined
with Ikea’s ability to adjust, has accomplished the mission. Since 1998, when the first Ikea store was opened in
Shanghai, up until 2004, the company’s yearly business
in China has climbed up to about a hundred million euros. And it still keeps growing, along with the number of
recently opened stores. And while the other quasi-famous companies fight the eternal battle against their
products’ cheap knock-offs, Ikea has decided to fight
their opponents with their own weapons in China, and
they did it by lowering their prices for almost 50% as soon
as they noticed the Chinese tendency of stealing ideas.
Generally, Ikea has managed to lower their prices on the
world market for about 15 to 20 %, which is a feat that
is not easy to achieve on the furniture market thanks to
the rising prices of materials and transport. And being
that every coin has two sides, someone else had to pay
that price instead of the buyers, and it turned out to be
the suppliers across the world (several Croatian firms included) that are not willing to lose their business with the
great Ikea and will rather do their business on the verge
of profitability. As always, the mighty set the standards.
Ikea’s Ecology
However, Ikea’s managers have taken an innovative approach to cutting some other expenses, so in 2003 Ikea
became the first European company that transports its
materials and products via railroad compositions. Today
IKEA Rail company is closed but IKEA still transport the
same amount of goods on the train, reducing the emission of carbon dioxide as well as saving an unidentifiedbut-large amount of money on fuel.
Ikea is generally one of the great companies of the world
that has been bringing in a strong ecological dimension
into its business philosophy for a long time. Wood as the
primary material is being approached with special care,
and every type of wood that is used must satisfy certain
conditions: the background of the tree must be familiar, it
must be produced within local laws of its native country,
the wood mustn’t be from protected areas, untouched
natural forests…
Another large market, the American one, has been conquered for a long time. However, the image that Ikea has
in the States is much different from how Europeans see
Ikea. While the European buyers are mostly aware that
Ikea offers them products of acceptable quality under a
good price, Americans see the Swedish manufacturer as
high-sophisticated European exotics under an acceptable price. The Swedes, for instance, aren’t too keen on
decorating their entire home after Ikea’s catalogue, seeing it as lack of good taste and some sort of “fast-food”
living. On the contrary, doing that precise thing is almost
a matter of prestige in certain parts of America, and a
home decorated in Ikea is considered to be very “chic”.
Therefore, it’s not surprising that Ikea’s business in the USA
in second in the world (it’s higher only in Germany).
And what’s our situation? The opening of Ikea’s shopping
centre is still anticipated, although according to some,
the Swedish giant should appear “in this region” – but
most probably in Croatia – within the three years. In the
meantime, just like up until now, rivers of people from the
north of Croatia will go on a pilgrimage to Graz, where
half of Ikea’s staff speaks Croatian and Slovenian anyway, while people from Dalmatia and nearby will rather
take the boat across the Adriatic to Ancona. It should
be expected that when this grand opening does occur
in our country, it will bring a record number of people to
come, just like in other countries where the opening of
this shopping centre was long-awaited – the openings
in some countries, like Saudi Arabia, were accompanied by riots that caused the local police to intervene.
Thanks to relative accessibility, popular prices even for
our criteria and youthful design, Ikea has become a central point of interior decoration in Croatian homes, with
the pretty obvious tendency of remaining the same for
a long time.
And it’s the same in other parts of the world. Ikea currently has 259 stores in 35 countries of the world, and this
year’s catalogue, with over 191 million issues, is the most
printed publication in the world. More popular than the
Bible itself.
Faktum Sörbo, kuhinja iz
ovogodišnje kolekcije / Faktum
Sörbo, kitchen from this year range
Stol sa stijenkom na rasklapanje Moddus /
Drop-leaf table Moddus
Predstavljamo DalCasin projekt “Vrata Splita”
Stanovi za 126 obitelji
Kako je Split danas po cijeni kvadrata najskuplji grad u Hrvatskoj, i novi i stari stanovi u već
izgrađenim kvartovima često su cijenom nedostupni prosječnom građaninu. “Vrata Splita”
upravo su zbog toga izazvala golemo zanimanje: investitor najavljuje cijenu već od 1990
eura/m2 što je za novogradnju u Splitu gotovo nezamislivo
Piše: Tanja Jadrešiæ
posljednjih nekoliko godina DalCasa Grupa je
izrasla u respektabilnu tvrtku poznatu po investiranju u kvalitetne graditeljske projekte koji zadovoljavaju sve najviše standarde današnjega
stanovanja. Kompleks urbanih vila u elitnom zagrebačkom kvartu Gramača i projekt malih stambenih zgrada u splitskom Duilovu koji je u završnoj fazi unutarnjeg
uređenja, odnosno pred useljenjem, jamci su da je ova
tvrtka ozbiljan i pouzdan partner kupcima u pronalasku
svoga mjesta pod suncem.
Stoga ne čudi nezapamćen interes Splićana (i mnogih
drugih koji traže svoj životni prostor u tom gradu) za najavljenu novogradnju DalCase, velikoga stambenog kompleksa u splitskom naselju Brda. “Vrata Splita”, kako je
u međuvremenu nazvan ovaj projekt, posebno su zaintrigirala popularnom cijenom “kvadrata”, ali i najavom
Veličine stanova će varirati od oko 40 do 65 m² / The apartment
sizes will vary from 40 to 65 m2
Hortikulturno uređenje primijenit će se i na dijelu krovova /
Horticultural decoration will also be applied on the sections of the roofs and terraces
Investitor najavljuje cijenu već od
1990 eura za četvorni metar / The
investor announces the price of
1990 euros/m2
gradnje na jednoj od posljednjih urbanih lokacija koje
su infrastrukturno potpuno opremljene za kvalitetan obiteljski život, a istodobno pružaju puni komfor stanovanja
izvan najveće gradske gužve. Točna lokacija na kojoj je
smješteno gradilište “Vrata Splita”, na brežuljku koji sa
sjeverne strane gleda na Vranjic i sjevernu splitsku obalu,
a s južne na centralni dio Brda, pruža s obje strane brzu
i kvalitetnu prometnu povezanost i s centrom grada i sa
svim sadržajima u periferiji, a u krugu od 10 minuta hoda
nalaze se svi sadržaji važni za cjelovitu urbaniziranu zonu
- škola, dječji vrtić, veliki trgovački centri, tržnica... Poučeni iskustvima stanovanja u novim gradskim naseljima
gdje čak i osnovna infrastruktura, poput kanalizacije i
razvijenog elektroenergetskog sistema primjerenog količini potrošača, kasni i po nekoliko godina za gradnjom,
kupci su uvijek u potrazi za stambenim prostorom u kvartu koji odmah osigurava sve normalne uvjete za život.
No, kako je Split danas po cijeni kvadrata najskuplji grad
u Hrvatskoj (a i šire), i novi i stari stanovi u već izgrađenim
kvartovima često su cijenom nedostupni prosječnom hrvatskom građaninu. “Vrata Splita” upravo su zbog toga
izazvala golemo zanimanje pa su se predbilježbe potencijalnih kupaca primale i prije završetka arhitektonskoga
projekta. Naime, investitor najavljuje cijenu već od 1990
eura za četvorni metar, što je za novogradnju u Splitu
u posljednjih godinu-dvije bilo gotovo nezamislivo. Tako
popularna cijena odraz je činjenice da je na zemljištu
predviđenom za “Vrata Splita” dopušten visok stupanj
izgrađenosti pa će investicija u teren biti bolje “pokrivena” brojem izgrađenih stanova. Objekt obuhvaća čak
15 000 četvornih metara bruto razvijene površine te će
sadržavati 126 stambenih jedinica koje će se prostirati
u dva objekta, svaki sa po pet nadzemnih i dvije podzemne etaže. Potonje su rezervirane za parkirna mjesta
svih stanara.
Projekt, čiji je autor arhitekt Neno Mikulandra, krojen je
s posebnom pažnjom prema potrebama, mogućnostima i stambenim navikama najvećega dijela današnjih
Objekt obuhvaća 15 000 četvornih metara bruto razvijene površine /
The object covers up to 15 000 square metres of brutto-developed surface
obitelji pa će veličine stanova varirati od oko 40 m² do 65
m², odnosno većina će stanova biti jednosobna ili dvosobna s minimumom neiskorištenoga prostora. Osnovna
koncepcija stanova je prilagođena modernom stanovanju: prostore karakterizira povezanost dnevnoga boravka
s blagovaonicom i kuhinjom u jedan prostor za dnevno
boravljenje, dok je “spavaći dio” – spavaće sobe sa svojim kupaonicama – odvojen od dnevnog dijela stana.
Ovisno o poziciji u zgradi, stan može imati balkon ili loggiu,
a da bi se maksimalno iskoristila mogućnost povezivanja
stambenih prostora s okolišem i pružio komfor obiteljima
koje će živjeti u njima, prizemni stanovi imaju direktne izlaze u svoj vlastiti ograđeni vrt. Svi stanari do svojih će domova moći dolaziti panoramskim dizalima koja su izravno
povezana i s dvije podzemne garažne etaže, a uz okoliš,
hortikulturno uređenje primijenit će se i na dijelu krovova, odnosno terasa koje će time postati još jedno mjesto
ugodno za boravak na otvorenome. U smislu primjene
materijala, objekt “Vrata Splita” bit će prilagođen najsuvremenijim zahtjevima struke, uz solidnu gradnju, vrhunske izolacijske materijale, ugradnju kvalitetne opreme u
interijer i profesionalnu izvedbu koja će u svim dijelovima
pratiti najnovije, vrlo striktne hrvatske propise o gradnji.
Završetak izgradnje najavljen je proljeće 2009. godine.
DalCasine zgrade će biti položene na blagoj uzvisini
koja omogućava lijep pogled na more i planine koje
okružuju Split. U prilog tome ide i činjenica da je u neposrednoj blizini, u zaljevu ispod Brda, planirana izgradnja
pristaništa za megacruisere, dok će nešto zapadnije biti
smješten most koji bi spojio Split i Kaštela, a koji će zasigurno dijelom rasteretiti i okolne prometnice. Pritom je
važno spomenuti i najavu da će sjeverna prometnica
u blizini “Vrata Splita” u sljedećih godinu-dvije biti proširena na četiri prometna traka pa više neće biti gradsko
“usko grlo”.
Uz atraktivna “Vrata Splita”, najnoviji projekt DalCasa
Grupe predviđa izgradnju 30 tradicionalnih kamenih
vila namijenjenih obiteljima željnima mira i odmora od
urbane svakodnevice. Svaka od kuća bit će izgrađena
na parceli od 700-injak četvornih metara, s raskošnom
zelenom okućnicom, bazenom i parkirališnim mjestom,
dok će se sam objekt prostirati na oko 150 četvornih metara. Lokacija u Rudinama iznad Kaštela, s fantastičnim
pogledom na more, idealna je upravo za ovakvo stanovanje. Vile će se prostirati na čak 25.000 četvornih metara terena, što će svakome od budućih vlasnika pružiti
potpunu intimu i mir.
Ono što je zajedničko svim planovima DalCasa Grupe
jest kvalitetna izvedba s potpunom prilagodbom željama
kupaca, te umjerenost cijena koja svjedoči o želji investitora da se u profesionalnoj stanogradnji zadrži dugo, garantirajući imenom tvrtke visoku razinu usluge.
Written by: Tanja Jadrešiæ
We present DalCasa’s project “The Doors of Split”
Apartments for 126 Families
Being that Split is the most expensive city in Croatia today in terms of the price of a square
metre, the new and old apartments in the already constructed neighbourhoods often have
inaccessible prices for an average citizen. That’s precisely why “The Doors of Split” have
created such an enormous amount of interest: the investor announced the price of 1990
euros/m2, which is almost unimaginable for a new building in Split
ver the last few years, DalCasa Group has
developed into a respectable company
that is known for its investments into quality
construction projects that satisfy all highest
standards of today’s living. The complex of urban villas
in the elite Zagreb neighbourhood of Gramača, as well
as the project of small residential buildings in Duilovo in
Split, which is currently in the final stages of interior decoration and just ahead of the moving-in process, guarantee that this company is a serious and reliable partner
for buyers that are looking for their place under the Sun.
Therefore, it’s not surprising to see an unprecedented in-
terest of people of Split (and many others who are looking for their living space in that town) for the announced
new DalCasa’s building, which appears in the shape of
a large residential complex in the Split neighbourhood
of Brda. “The Doors of Split”, as this project has been
named in the meantime, are especially intriguing thanks
to their popular price of a square metre, but also by announcing their construction at one of the city’s final
urban locations that has a completely equipped infrastructure for a quality family life, while still providing full
comfort of living outside of the city’s biggest rush. The
exact location of the construction site for “The Doors of
Svi stanari do svojih će domova moći dolaziti panoramskim
dizalima /All the tenants will reach their homes with
panoramic elevators
Split” is the slope that overlooks Vranjic and the northern
coast of Split from its northern side, while its southern side
overlooks the central part of Brda. Both of those sides
provide fast and quality traffic connections to both the
city centre and all the facilities in the suburb, and all
those facilities that are important for a complete urban
zone – school, kindergarten, large shopping malls, market… - are located within 10 minutes of walking from the
Led by experiences of living in the city’s new settlements
where even the basic infrastructure, like sewerage and
the developed electricity system that is adequate to the
user’s needs, is still several years behind the construction work, the buyers are always looking for a residential
space in a neighbourhood that immediately provides
all the normal life conditions. However, being that Split
is currently the most expensive city in Croatia (and beyond) in terms of the price of a square metre, the new
and old apartments in the already constructed neighbourhoods often have inaccessible prices for an average citizen. That’s exactly why “The Doors of Split” have
created such an enormous amount of interest that led to
the potential buyers’ bookings to be received before the
architectonic project even got finished. That is because
the investor has announced the price of 1990 euros/m2,
which has been almost unimaginable for a new building in Split over the last year or two. This popular price
reflects the fact that the parcel that features “The Doors
of Split” has been allowed to be covered with construction projects to a high degree, which means that the
investment into the parcel will be much more “covered”
thanks to the sheer number of constructed apartments.
The object covers up to 15 000 square metres of bruttodeveloped surface and will feature 126 residential units
that will be spread across two objects, each featuring
five overground and two underground storeys. The latter
storeys are reserved for all tenants’ parking spaces.
The project, the author of which is architect Neno Mikulandra, has been designed with special attention towards the needs, possibilities and residential habits of
the largest number of today’s families, so the apartment
sizes will vary from 40 to 65 m2, and most of the apartments will have one or two bedrooms with the minimum
of wasted space. The basic apartments’ concept is adjusted to modern living: the spaces are characterized by
the connection of the living room with the dining room
and kitchen, all of which would create one space for
the daytime, while the “sleeping section” – bedrooms
with their bathrooms – would be separated from that
section. Depending on the position in the building, the
apartment can have either a balcony or a loggia, and
in order to achieve maximum advantage of the possibility of connecting residential units to the environment and to create comfort for the residing families, the
ground-floor apartments have direct exits into their own
private fenced gardens. All the tenants will reach their
Autor projekta je arhitekt Mikulandra / The author of
the project is architect Neno Mikulandra
homes with panoramic elevators that are also directly
connected to the two underground garage-storeys,
and along with the environment, horticultural decoration will also be applied on the sections of the roofs and
terraces, which will make them another pleasant place
to spend your time outdoors. As far as the applied materials go, “The Doors of Split” object will be adjusted
to the most modern demands of the profession, and
will feature solid construction work, top-notch isolation
materials, quality equipment built into the interiors and
professional performance that will completely obey the
latest, very strict Croatian construction regulations. The
end of the construction process is planned for the spring
of 2009.
DalCasa’s buildings will be placed on a mild slope that
provides a lovely view over the sea and the mountains
that surround Split. In addition to that, there are plans to
build a pier for mega-cruisers very near to the object, in
a small bay that is just below Brda, while slightly west of
that location there will soon be a bridge that will connect Split to Kaštela, and that will surely unburden the
surrounding roads. It’s also important to mention the announcement that the northern road near “The Doors of
Split” will soon be widened to four traffic lanes, which
would put an end to its “narrow throat of the city” reputation.
Along with the attractive “The Doors of Split”, DalCasa Group’s newest project predicts the construction
of 30 traditional stone villas that are aimed at families
that want some peace and rest from the urban everyday life. Each of the houses will be built on a parcel
of around 700 square metres, and will feature a green
courtyard, swimming pool and a parking space, while
the object itself will take up about 150 square metres. It
will be located in Rudine above Kaštela, and will feature
a fantastic view over the sea, which makes it ideal for
this type of living. The villas be built on 25 000 square metres of turf, which will enable each of the future owners
to have their complete intimacy and privacy.
What is common to all plans of The DalCasa Group is
quality performance with complete adjustment to the
buyers’ wishes, as well as moderate prices that testify
the investor’s desire to keep his name in the professional residential-building business for a long time, with
the company name that guarantees the high level of
Tekuća poljska zgrada
To što tako curi prema podnožju zapravo je vješta organska metalno-staklena konstrukcija koju je arhitekt Vicente Guallart namijenio
za poljski grad Wroclaw, jedan od kandidata za izložbu EXPO 2012.
Upravo ova, Guallartova zgrada u Wroclawu, trebala bi biti pravi
spomenik novome, futurističkom arhitektonskom i umjetničkom
konceptu koji EXPO slavi, u oštroj opreci s tradicionalnim građevinama koje bi je okruživale.
OMA gradi zgradu rekorderku
Meksikanci se pripremaju za rekord – gradnju najviše zgrade
Latinske Amerike. Ponos Meksika, nazvan Torre Bicentenario,
trebao bi biti izgrađen u prijestolnici Meksika 2010., na 200.
obljetnicu nezavisnosti te države, a osjetljiv posao povjeren je
slavnome studiju OMA Rema Koolhaasa. Projekt neobična izgleda imat će visinu od 300 metara, te će u njemu biti smješteni
poslovni, kongresni, muzejski, trgovački i ugostiteljski sadržaji.
OMA’s Constructing a Record
A Floating Polish Building
The fact that it leaks towards the base in such manner is actually a skilful organic metal-glass construction that was designed by architect
Vicente Guallart for the Polish city of Wroclaw, which is one of the candidates for the EXPO 2012 exhibition. This precise Guallart’s building in
Wroclaw should be a true monument to the new, futuristic, architectonic and artistic concept that is celebrated by EXPO, and that is in stark
contrast to the traditional buildings that would surround it.
Nebeski park
Sve je teže pratiti graditeljska i arhitektonska dostignuća koja se
događaju u najbogatijim zemljama Bliskog istoka, gdje financijska,
a samim time ni ikakva druga ograničenja, gotovo ne postoje. Ipak,
projekt Cloud (Oblak) još je u sferi projekta, a riječ je o resortu koji bi bio smješten
300 metara iznad(!) Dubaija. Libanonski
arhitekt Nadim Karam iz Ateljea Hapsitus
zamislio je kako bi golemu, 20.000 četvornih metara veliku konstrukciju na nebu
pridržavali jednako tako golemi, ali transparentni stupovi, što bi trebalo podsjećati
na oblak iz kojega pada kiša, dok bi Oblak
sadržavao jezero, parkove, mostove, terase,
poligone za nebeske sportove. Nemoguće? Nakon Palme, u Dubaiju gotovo ništa
nije nemoguće.
Mexicans are preparing for a record – constructing Latin
America’s highest building. The pride of Mexico, named Torre
Bicentenario, should be constructed in the Mexican capitol
by 2010, when the country is celebrating the 200th anniversary of its independence, and this delicate job was given to
Rem Koolhaas’s famous OMA Studio. This unusual-looking
project will feature 300 metres of height, and it will consist of
business and congress premises, as well as museums, stores
and restaurants.
A Park in the Sky
It’s getting harder and harder to keep record of all the construction
and architectonic achievements that are happening in the richest
countries of the Middle East, where there are practically no such
things as financial or any other limitations. However, project Cloud
is still only a project, and we’re talking about a resort that would be
located 300 metres above(!) Dubai. Lebanese architect Nadim Karam from the Hapsitus Atelier has imagined this enormous, 20.000
m2 large construction in the
sky being held up by just as
enormous, but transparent
pillars, which should be reminiscent of a raining cloud.
The Cloud would feature a
lake, parks, bridges, terraces
and training grounds for sky
sports. Impossible? After The
Palm, nothing seems impossible in Dubai.
Sagrada Familia u opasnosti
Uz rizik da nas se proglasi retrogradnim mrziteljima napretka, apeliramo zajedno s milijunima drugih da se promijeni trasa brze željeznice koja bi povezivala dva
najveća španjolska grada –
Madrid i Barcelonu. Naime,
tračnice buduće španjolske
prometne kucavice inženjeri bi trebali smjestiti u
podzemlje na tek četiri metra udaljenosti od Sagrade
Familije, najpoznatijeg djela slavnoga katalonskog
arhitekta Antonija Gaudija
i jedne od najposjećenijih
znamenitosti Barcelone,
pod zaštitom UNESCO-a.
Čini se da su se projektanti
željeznice posebno obrušili
na Gaudija jer je trasom ugrožena i njegova kuća Mila, ali i još neki
spomenici kulture u Barceloni.
Na dokovima Middlesbrougha
Pripremila / Edited by: Tanja Jadrešiæ
Ono što su nekoć bili neugledni dokovi engleskoga grada
Middlesbrougha, po projektu nagrađivanog arhitekta Willa
Alsopa bit će prostor najmodernijeg stanovanja na Otoku.
Razvojna studija nazvana Middlehaven obuhvaća 750 domova, uz poslovne prostore te prostore uslužnih djelatnosti – od
hotela do barova, a opisuje se kao kombinacija čuda moderne
arhitekture i visokih standarda u održivom stanovanju. Gradnja bi trebala početi već do kraja ove godine.
On the Docks
of Middlesbrough
What once used to be plain-looking docks in the English city of
Middlesbrough, according to a project by much-awarded architect Will Alsop, will now be turned into the most modern residential area in Britain. The development study called Middlehaven encompasses 750 homes, along with business premises
and facilities of the service industry – from hotels to bars, and
it is described as the combination of the modern architecture’s
miracle and high standards of maintainable residence. The
construction process could begin before the year is over.
Sagrada Familia
in Danger
Accepting the risk that we are declared retrograde haters of progress, we are asking,
along with millions of other people, for the
change of route of the fast railroad track that
would connect two largest Spanish cities
– Madrid and Barcelona. That’s because the
railways of this future Spanish traffic central point are designed to be placed underground, just four metres away from Sagrada
Familia, which is the most famous creation of
renowned Catalane architect Antonio Gaudio and one of Barcelona’s most visited sights,
and it is under UNESCO’s protection. It seems
that the railroad planners have a special grudge against Gaudio because the route puts his house Mila under jeopardy as well, and the
same goes for several other cultural monuments in Barcelona.
Zračna luka za hadž
Još jedan Koolhaasov projekt zaintrigirao je javnost: ideja nove
zračne luke u Jeddi u Saudijskoj Arabiji kreće se oko jednoga središnjeg događaja – hadža u Meku, koji na aerodrom u Jeddu svake
godine u isto vrijeme nanese i po dva milijuna muslimanskih hodočasnika. Za razliku od standardnih projekata aerodroma, gdje
se uvijek barata s pretpostavljenim brojem putnika jednoga dana,
obvezni kapaciteti za novi saudijski ponos otprve su poznati, što je
studiju OMA olakšalo zadatak. Rezultat je cirkularan, ornamentaran
aerodrom, s naglaskom na one koji dolaze, a ne odlaze, te “pomoćnim” dijelom koji će biti u funkciji samo tijekom hadža.
An Airport for the Pilgrimage
Another Koolhaas’s project has intrigued the public: an idea for a
new airport in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, that would be revolved around
one central event – the pilgrimage into Mecca, which attracts up
to two million Muslim pilgrims into the Jeddah Airport in the same
period of every year. Unlike the standard airport projects where
you’re always working with an assumed number of travellers per
day, mandatory capacities for this new Saudi pride are immediately known, which made OMA’s work a lot easier. This resulted in a
circular and ornamental airport, which emphasizes those who are
arriving instead of leaving, and which features an assistant section
that will be in function solely during the pilgrimage.
Stambeni projekt tvrtke “Virgula” na Pazdigradu izdvaja se kvalitetom i cijenom
Splitska oaza
s dodirom luksuza
Stanovi s kvadraturom od 70 do čak 150 četvornih metara, u kojima prostranost i udobnost
nisu žrtvovane radi “sobe više”, bit će opremljeni najkvalitetnijom opremom. Upravo su takvi
stanovi, raskošno opremljeni i veliki, danas na tržištu rijetkost
Piše: Tanja Jadrešiæ
asvim privatni, obiteljski razlozi natjerali su Antu
Madunića, pravnika s dugogodišnjom diplomatskom i gospodarskom karijerom, da uplovi i u
vode građevinskog poduzetništva. Dva puta konzul pri gospodarskoj upravi Ministarstva vanjskih poslova
– u Frankfurtu i Zürichu, konzultant za strana ulaganja u
Hrvatskoj (ponajprije na području turizma), u Njemačkoj
uspješni poduzetnik i hotelijer s iskustvom vođenja malog
obiteljskog hotela pokraj Münchena, a posljednje dvi-
je godine i vlasnik splitskoga hotela “Globo”, odlučio je
svojoj obitelji, nakon godina provedenih u inozemstvu,
napokon priuštiti stalan dom u domovini, u gradu u kojem je i odrastao. A kako je kao diplomat naučio cijeniti
vrijednost mirnih kvartova izvan glavne gradske vreve
(što se u Hrvatskoj tek sada “na mala vrata” pojavljuje
kao poželjan i kvalitetan model stanovanja), njegov prvi
izbor lokacije bio je jugoistočni, ne prenaseljeni dio grada iz kojeg se pruža najljepši pogled na splitski akvatorij.
Zemljište obuhvaća nešto manje od 3000 četvornih
metara i jedno je od najskupljih u gradu / The parcel
takes up just under 3000 square metres was one of
the most expensive ones in the city
Projekt šest malih atraktivnih
zgrada / The project of six
little attractive buildings
Stanari najviših katova moći će uživati u vlastitim raskošnim ozelenjenim terasama s pogledom na more / The
tenants on the highest floors will be able to enjoy their
own sumptuous green terraces overlooking the sea
Lokacija na samome rubu kvartova Žnjan i Pazdigrad,
u neposrednoj blizini hotela “Duilovo”, na brežuljku s
otvorenim pogledom k jugu i moru, bila je idealna za
Madunićev plan o mirnom obiteljskom življenju, iako je
zemljište koje obuhvaća nešto manje od 3000 četvornih metara, priznaje, bilo jedno od najskuplje plaćenih
u gradu, a cijela se investicija procjenjuje na oko 4,5 milijuna eura.
Prvotna ideja o gradnji urbane vile s nekoliko stanova za
svoje najbliže, prerasla je ubrzo u projekt šest malih atraktivnih zgrada od kojih će svaka imati tek tri ili četiri stana, a koji operativno vodi Madunićeva novoosnovana
tvrtka “Virgula” d.o.o. No, osnovni motiv gradnje ostao
je isti, a taj je – osigurati svojoj obitelji kvalitetno i luksuzno
– Na ovom prvom projektu ne radim prvenstveno radi
profita, nego da bih napravio kvalitetan i lijep životni
prostor u kojemu će se i moja obitelj i svi ostali stanari
dobro osjećati – naglašava Ante Madunić, otac troje
djece. Najstarije od njih, osamnaestogodišnja kći Marijana, odlikašica, odlučila je upisati Pravni fakultet, dok
se stariji sin Petar (inače uspješan tenisač) školuje u Školi
za hotelijersko-turistički menadžment. Oboje starije djece je, dakle, odlučilo krenuti očevim stopama i jednoga
dana nastaviti uspješan obiteljski posao. – Oboje su sa
mnom prošli cijelu diplomatsku karijeru i usvojili iskustva
života u stranim zemljama, različite vrijednosne sustave
i širinu pogleda, pa već sada vidim koliko ih je to oblikovalo kao ljude – kaže ponosni otac, čiji je najmlađi
sin Marko tek napunio devet mjeseci, no za njega otac
očekuje da će (iako je rođen u Münchenu) imati čvrste
korijene u Splitu.
Cijela obitelj Ante Madunića bila je, na jedan ili drugi
način, vezana uz graditeljstvo, ali slučaj je htio da se
ovaj pravnik tek sada okuša u svome prvom građevnom
pothvatu. Stoga je oko projekta okupio niz stručnjaka
s područja arhitekture i građevine. – Nisam stručnjak
za građevinu, ali znam prepoznati ljude koji kvalitetno
rade, i zato sam odabrao najbolje na tržištu kako bih bio
siguran u ishod. Sve su to ljudi s dugogodišnjim iskustvom
i velikim uspjesima. Primjerice, Vlado Sanader, vlasnik
tvrtke “Brodosplit Inžinjering”, čiji su mi konzalting i prijateljski savjeti u prvim koracima bili od neprocjenjive vrijednosti, a koji je napravio izvrstan posao na dogradnji
i adaptaciji hotela “Globo”, zatim Ante Drmić, moj prijatelj i nadzorni inženjer čija tvrtka ima trdesetogodišnje
iskustvo kao investitor i izvođač, te tvrtka “Šakić” d.o.o.
kao izvođač radova – ističe Madunić.
Najavljena cijena je od 2900 do 3000 eura po četvornome metru / Announced prices are from 2900 to
3000 euros per square metre
U tom duhu visoke kvalitete, projekt je osmislio jedan
od najcjenjenijih splitskih arhitekata – Neno Kezić, čiji
su radovi poznati po kvaliteti i inovativnome pristupu,
ali i poštovanju nekih sasvim specifičnih mediteranskih
zadatosti. Vile, čija je gradnja nedavno počela, upravo odražavaju taj mediteranski duh življenja: posebna
je pažnja posvećena otvorenim prostorima, pa će stanari najviših katova (svaka ima prizemlje i dva kata)
moći uživati u vlastitim raskošnim ozelenjenim terasama
s pogledom na more, na kojima će vjerojatno postojati i mogućnost gradnje bazena. Kezićev je naum bio
otvoriti pogled što više, pa će i ograde terasa na vrhu
zgrada i ograde balkona na ostalim katovima biti ostakljene. Usto, stanari u prizemlju imat će vlastite vrtove jer
je između kuća ostavljen “humani” prostor za kretanje,
s prilaznim putevima i vrhunski opremljenim garažama.
I interijeri su osmišljeni s posebnim poštovanjem kvalitete života: riječ je o stanovima s kvadraturom od 70
do čak 150 četvornih metara, no u kojima prostranost
i udobnost nisu žrtvovane radi “sobe više”, koji će biti
opremljeni najkvalitetnijom opremom – od prvoklasnog
parketa i podnoga grijanja, preko vrhunskih sanitarija
poznatih svjetskih brandova do bešumnih klima-uređaja
i kamina u većim stanovima. Upravo su takvi, raskošno
opremljeni i veliki stanovi danas na tržištu rijetkost jer se
građevinari mahom odlučuju na gradnju više malih stanova kako bi ostvarili bolji povrat uloženog.
No, zbog takve računice, za one koji od doma žele više
nije ostalo previše izbora. Prema riječima investitora, golemo zanimanje koje bilježi za stanove čija je gradnja
tek u početnoj fazi (useljenje se predviđa za jesen iduće
godine) potvrđuje da je učinio pravi posao gradeći za
one koji su u mogućnosti platiti više. – Ljudi žele svoje
stambeno pitanje riješiti jednom u životu, kupiti stan koji
će kvadraturom, uređenjem, lokacijom, opremom zadovoljiti sve njihove potrebe, a mnogi među njima koji
imaju novca da kupe najbolje, jednostavno nemaju
što kupiti. Isprva me i samog iznenadilo toliko zanimanje potencijalnih kupaca, no shvatio sam da, posebno
u Splitu, ta kategorija ljudi vrlo rijetko nailazi na projekt
koji bi obuhvatio sve njihove zahtjeve – tvrdi Ante Madu-
Stanari u prizemlju imat će vlastite vrtove / The groundfloor tenants will have their own gardens
nić. A upravo tu tezu, koja tvrdi da ljudi u Hrvatskoj imaju
novca za platiti kvalitetno, a koja je ovdje dobila punu
potvrdu, redovito zastupa i Dubravko Ranilović, vlasnik
agencije za nekretnine “Kastel” i predsjednik Ceha posrednika u prometu nekretninama pri HGK, čija tvrtka
ima i ekskluzivno pravo prodaje Madunićevih stanova
na Pazdigradu.
Kupce, čini se, ne odbija ni najavljena cijena od 2900 do
3000 eura po četvornome metru. Ta je cijena, objašnjava investitor, odraz kvalitete projekta ne samo u zamisli
nego i u realizaciji. – Zgrade koje gradimo po svim su
kriterijima vrhunske. Atraktivna lokacija, odabir materijala, kvaliteta arhitektonskog projekta i izvedbe interijera i
eksterijera, količina životnog prostora i intima malog susjedstva, prilazni putevi, puna infrastruktura, gradnja škole i vrtića u blizini, projekt čiji je osnovni uvjet za početak
radova bila “školski” dobivena građevinska dozvola...
sve su to razlozi koji povisuju cijenu, ali jamče najbolje za
kupca. A kupci, mahom moji poznanici iz svijeta poduzetništva, sporta (Madunić je svojedobno bio i vrhunski
sportaš, op.n.) i diplomacije već su prepoznali o čemu
se ovdje radi, jer je tek manji dio stanova ostao neprodan. Sudeći prema zanimanju, kupci su željni kvalitetnih
projekata – tvrdi Madunić, najavljujući nakon završetka
gradnje ovih šest vila i novi građevinski projekt vrlo blizu
postojećemu. Na njemu će “Virgula” ponovno primijeniti iskustva stečena ovdje, u potrazi za kvalitetom, a ne
brzim profitom.
No, “core business” ovoga poduzetnika je hotelijerstvo,
pa će se i u tom smislu dalje razvijati, kroz kupnju ili izgradnju novoga hotelskog objekta. – Popunjenost hotela
“Globo”, koja je na godišnjoj razini 90 posto, titula najuspješnijeg poduzetnika 2006. za moju tvrtku “Eurodom
trgovina” koja je vlasnik tog hotela, kao i dubinsko poznavanje stanja u hotelijerstvu, daju mi za pravo očekivati da bi i taj novi hotel bio jednako uspješan kao “Globo”, ako ne i uspješniji. Sa znanjem postojeće ponude u
Splitu te ulaganjima u kvalitetno i educirano osoblje, za
koje sam siguran da je najveća vrijednost dobrog turističkog posla, ne bojim se konkurencije – zaključuje Ante
Cijela se investicija procjenjuje na oko 4,5 milijuna
eura / The entire investment is estimated at about 4,5
million euros
The residential project of the “Virgula” company at Pazdigrad stands out on grounds of both
the quality and prices
The Split Oasis
with a Touch of Luxury
The apartments have their size varying from 70
to 150 square metres, in which spaciousness
and comfort were not sacrificed to “squeeze in
the extra-room”, and they will feature equipment
of the highest quality. It’s precisely apartments
such as these, luxuriously equipped and large,
that are a true rarity on today’s market
Ante Madunić
Written by: Tanja Jadrešiæ
ntirely private, family reasons have pushed Ante
Madunić, a lawyer with a multi-year career in diplomacy and economics, to sail into the waters of the
construction business. A two-time consul within the
business management of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – in
Frankfurt and Zurich, an adviser for foreign investments in
Croatia (especially in the field of tourism), a successful businessmen and hotelier in Germany with the experience of
running a small family hotel near Munich, and the owner of
the Globo Hotel in Split for the last two years – he has finally
decided, after all those years spent abroad, to afford a
permanent home in his country for his family, and in the
very town he grew up in. And because he learned to appreciate the value of peaceful neighbourhoods outside of
the city centre’s romp (which is just now starting to appear
“through the back door” as a desirable and top-quality
residential model in Croatia) as a diplomat, his first choice
for the location was the south-eastern, not-overcrowded
part of the city that provides a wonderful view across the
sea in front of Split. The location at the very edge of settlements Žnjan and Pazdigrad, very near hotel “Duilovo”, on
a slope with the open view over the south and the sea,
turned out to be ideal for Madunić’s plan of the peaceful
family life, although the parcel that takes up just under
3000 square metres was, he will admit, one of the most
expensive ones in the city. The entire investment is estimated at about 4,5 million euros.
The original idea of building an urban villa with several
apartments for his loved ones soon turned into a project
of six little attractive buildings, each of which will have
only three or four apartments. The project will be handled
by Madunić’s newly formed company “Virgula d.o.o.” .
However, the primary motivation for this construction has
remained the same, and that is – to ensure a quality, luxurious standard of life for his family.
- I’m not working on this project merely for profit, but rather to ensure a top-quality, lovely living space in which my
family and all other tenants will feel good – Ante Madunić,
father of three, points out. His oldest child, 18-year-old
daughter Marijana who is an excellent high-school student, has decided on going to Law School, while his
older son Petar (a successful tennis player, by the way)
is frequenting the School for Hotel-Tourism Management.
Therefore, both older kids have decided to follow into
their father’s footsteps and some day carry on with the
successful family business. – They both went through my
entire diplomacy career with me and have experienced
life in foreign countries, becoming familiar with different
value systems and developing broad views in the process, so I’m only starting to see how they grew as people
– the proud father says, and we must mention that his
youngest son Marko is only nine months old, and his after
expects him to fully establish his roots in Split (although he
was born in Munich).
The entire Ante Madunić’s family was, in one way or the
other, connected to the construction business, but it
turned out that this lawyer hasn’t tested himself in a construction project until now. Therefore, he has assembled a
string of experts in the fields of architecture and civil engineering for this project. – I am not a construction expert,
but I do know how to recognize people who are good at
what they do, and that’s why I chose the best ones on the
market so that the outcome wouldn’t be uncertain. All
these people have many years of experience and large
successes in their resumes. For example, there is Vlado
Sanader, who is the owner of the “Brodosplit Inžinjering”
company, whose consulting and friendly advice were invaluable to me when I just got started, and who also did
a great job while upgrading and adapting the “Globo”
hotel. Then there is Ante Drmić, my friend and supervisory engineer whose firm has thirty years of experience
at investing and performing, as well as the “Šakić d.o.o.”
company that performs the construction work.
Within that spirit of high quality, the project was designed
by one of the most appreciated architects from Split
– Neno Kezić, whose projects are well-known for their
quality and innovative approach, but also for respecting some of specific Mediterranean characteristics. The
villas, the construction of which has just started, express
that particular Mediterranean spirit of life: special attention was given to outdoor spaces, so the tenants on the
highest floors (each building has a ground floor and two
upper floors) will be able to enjoy their own sumptuous
green terraces overlooking the sea, and they will probably have the option of building their own swimming pools.
Kezić’s idea was to open up the view as much as possible, so the terrace fences on the highest floor, as well
as balcony fences on the other floors, will be made of
glass. In addition, the ground-floor tenants will have their
own gardens because there was a “human” space created for walking between the houses, and there are also
driveways and top-equipped garages. Interiors were also
designed with special care for the quality of life: we’re
talking about apartments that have between 70 and as
Projekt je osmislio jedan od najcjenjenijih splitskih
arhitekata – Neno Kezić / The project was designed
by one of the most appreciated architects from Split
– Neno Kezić
Posebna je pažnja posvećena otvorenim prostorima /
Special attention was given to outdoor spaces
many as 150 square metres, but in which spaciousness
and comfort were not sacrificed to “squeeze in the extraroom”, and which will feature equipment of the highest
quality – from first-class parquet and floor heating to topnotch sanitary facilities by famous world brands, as well
as soundless air-conditioners and fireplaces in the majority of apartments.
Precisely these types of apartments, luxuriously equipped
and large, are a true rarity on today’s market because
construction investors regularly opt for building a bigger
number of smaller apartments in order to achieve a better refund of their investment. However, that type of calculation is the reason why those who want more out of
their home don’t have a lot of choice. According to the
investor, there is an enormous amount of interest for these
apartments that are just at the beginning of the construction process (the moving-in process isn’t predicted before
next year’s fall), and that confirms that he made the right
choice by building for those who have the possibility to
pay more. – People want to solve their housing issue once
and for all, and that means buying an apartment that
will satisfy their needs with its size, decoration, location
and equipment. Many among them have the necessary
money to buy the best, but they simply don’t have anything to buy. At first, I was also surprised by such interest by
potential buyers, but then I realized that, and this goes especially for Split, this category of people very rarely finds
a project that would encompass all their demands – Ante
Madunić claims. And it’s that precise premise, which says
that people in Croatia have the money to pay for quality
goods, and which was fully confirmed in this case, that
is regularly advocated by Dubravko Ranilović, owner of
the “Kastel” real estate agency and president of the Real
Estate Business Association within the Croatian Chamber
of Economics. His company also has exclusive rights of
selling Madunić’s apartments at Pazdigrad.
It seems that the buyers aren’t too repulsed with announced prices that amount to 2900 to 3000 euros per
square metre. That price, the investor explains, is the reflection of the project’s quality, not only in design but also
in performance. – The buildings we’re constructing are
top-notch in every single criterion. Attractive location,
choice of materials, quality of the architectonic project
and performances in both the interior and exterior, the
amount of living space and the privacy of a smaller neighbourhood, driveways, full infrastructure, construction of a
nearby school and kindergarten, project that has routinely received its construction license to signal the start of
the performance… all these reasons make the price go
higher, but they also guarantee that the clients receive
the very best. And the clients, most of them my acquaintances from the worlds of business, sports (Madunić used
to be a top-class sportsman) or diplomacy, have already
recognized what this is all about, because only a small
number of apartments is still available. Judging by the interest, the buyers are craving for some quality projects
– Madunić claims, and he also announces a new construction project after these six villas are completed, and
it will be very similar to this one. That’s where “Virgula”
will apply some of the experiences they gained on this
project, and they will again search for quality, instead of
quick profit.
However, this businessman’s “core business” remains the
hotel business, so he will also keep developing in that direction through buying or building a new hotel object.
– The fulfilled capacity of hotel “Globo”, which is about
90% on the yearly basis, as well as the title of the most
successful entrepreneur of 2006 for my company “Eurodom Trade” that owns that hotel, and also the thorough
knowledge of the state of the hotel business that I possess,
have given me belief that this new hotel would be just
as successful as “Globo”, if not more successful. Knowing the present offering in Split and investing into quality
and educated staff, for which I’m sure is what holds the
biggest value of a good tourism deal, I’m not afraid of
competition – Ante Madunić concludes.
Agent za
nekretnine obrazovanjem
do uspjeha
Agent za posredovanje u prometu nekretninama mora ponajprije posjedovati određene sklonosti i osobine da bi
se uopće počeo baviti tom djelatnošću.
Posredovanje u prometu nekretninama
vrlo je složen i zahtjevan posao koji,
bez obzira na kvalitetu obrazovnog
programa, ne može obavljati bilo
tko. Barem ne uspješno i profesionalno
Piše: Aleksandar Vrtariæ
ažalost, sve donedavno je agenciju za promet
nekretninama mogao otvoriti i voditi doslovno
bilo tko jer djelatnost nije bila zakonski ispravno regulirana, no u srpnju ove godine, Vlada RH je napravila korak naprijed i iznijela novi prijedlog glede agencija za promet nekretnina. Po novom
zakonu, ovim će se poslom moći baviti pojedinci, obrtnici odnosno trgovci, jedino uz rješenje o ispunjavanju uvjeta za obavljanje toga posla, a koje će im izdati
Ministarstvo gospodarstva RH. Na osnovi takvih rješenja
Hrvatska gospodarska komora će ih upisati u Registar
posrednika u prometu nekretninama. Jasno, reguliranjem samog zakona dogodit će se i određeno profiliranje među agencijama, kojih trenutačno u Hrvatskoj
ima gotovo tisuću, no vrlo je malo onih koje poslove
obavljaju stručno i korektno, uza svu dozu profesionalnosti i maksimalnu uslužnost. Iako posrednici uglavnom
posluju po visokim europskim standardima, još uvijek je
mnogo i onih koji su daleko od tih standarda. Također,
valja istaknuti kako će novi zakon obavljanje poslovanja u posredovanju dopuštati samo agentima koji imaju najmanje srednju stručnu spremu i položen stručni
ispit, koji će također provoditi Gospodarska komora, te
jedan agent neće moći raditi za dvije agencije bez su-
glasnosti vlasnika istih. Dakle, obrazovanje će postati nužna opcija, a agent
za prodaju nekretnina će postati prava
Profil jednog agenta
Agent za posredovanje u prometu
nekretninama mora ponajprije posjedovati određene sklonosti i osobine da bi se uopće počeo baviti tom djelatnošću.
Posredovanje u prometu nekretninama vrlo je složen i
zahtjevan posao, pa bez obzira na kvalitetu obrazovnog programa, ovaj posao ne može obavljati bilo
tko, barem ne uspješno i profesionalno. Osoba koja
će u budućnosti postati ozbiljan agent mora biti ponajprije komunikativna i susretljiva osoba, sklona stranim jezicima, timskom radu i suradnji, te mora dobro
poznavati barem lokalno područje. Nadalje, agent
mora biti ozbiljna i odgovorna osoba koja će s lakoćom komunicirati s kupcima i prodavateljima, no istodobno i nenametljiva, pouzdana i, što je vrlo bitno,
uvjerljiva. Posao nije nimalo lagan jer agenti moraju
uvijek biti raspoloživi i nasmiješeni, dok želje kupaca i
prodavatelja nekretnine moraju uvijek biti na prvome
Agent za nekretnine mora uvijek biti
raspoložen i nasmiješen / Real estate
agent always have to be in a good
mood and have smiles on their faces
mjestu. Poslove treba obavljati agilno i odgovorno, a
ugovorene pojedinosti prigodom kupoprodaje moraju
biti ispunjene u najkraćem roku. Jasno, o velikom dijelu
brinu i pravnici, no agent je taj koji se mora pobrinuti da
sve protekne u najboljem redu u zadanom vremenu.
Osoba koja obavlja poslove u prometu nekretninama
mora biti znatiželjna i uvijek spremna na nove izazove i
na obrazovanje, odnosno usavršavanje tijekom čitave
karijere. Također, agent mora klijentima uvijek govoriti
istinu i upozoriti na sve postojeće probleme. Iako većina agenata posreduje u prodajama stambenih kuća
i stanova, malo je onih koji su se specijalizirali za prodaju određenih tipova nekretnina, primjerice poslovnih
prostora ili zemljišta. Svako područje iziskuje specifično
znanje, stoga je nužno da agent dobro poznaje teren
na kojemu radi i da zna svaku sitnicu vezanu uz pojedinu lokaciju – od blizine raznih ustanova do organizacije
javnog prijevoza i blizine medicinskih centara. Naravno, informatička pismenost i dobro poznavanje rada
na računalu su svakako važan preduvjet, s obzirom da
se brojni kontakti i kratke prezentacije prostora često
ostvaruju upravo preko računala.
Kako i gdje se obrazovati?
Oni koji se već godinama bave ovim poslom reći će
kako nijedna škola i tečaj ne mogu zamijeniti deset
godina iskustva i rada na terenu, što je djelomično
točno, no velika je razlika između domaćih agenata
koji su samoinicijativno pokrenuli svoju djelatnost i onih
koji su prije toga prošli odgovarajuću pripremu, odnosno kvalitetnu edukaciju. Postoje stvari koje su urođene i koje se ne mogu naučiti, no postoje stvari koje bi
svaki agent morao znati, a to je moguće jedino pravilnim i organiziranim obrazovanjem. U mnogim stranim
zemljama, škole i tečajevi za agente koji posreduju u
prometu nekretninama postoje već dugi niz godina, a
nakon završetka obrazovanja agenti postaju osobe s
profesionalnim zanimanjem. Na svu sreću, danas je to
moguće i u Hrvatskoj, i to u nekoliko gradova, odnosno
nekoliko ustanova koje organizirano školuju osobe koje
se žele baviti ovim poslom. Programi za osposobljavanje agenata obično traju oko tri mjeseca, a jedna
od najuspješnijih i najpouzdanijih privatnih obrazovnih
ustanova jest splitsko Suvremeno učilište koje među
ostalim programima nudi i program za osposobljavanje agenata. Tečaj traje tri i pol mjeseca, a zasnovan
je na predavanju koje provode ugledni predavači prateći najnovije trendove iz područja nekretnina. Tečaj
se provodi u multimedijalnim učionicama opremljenim
modernim računalima, a program uključuje obrazova-
Po novom zakonu, nekretnine će moći prodavati pojedinci, obrtnici odnosno trgovci, jedino uz rješenje o
ispunjavanju uvjeta za obavljanje toga posla / New law will allow performing this negotiating job only to those
agents who have graduated from high school at least, and who have passed the professional exam that is
given by the Chamber of Economics
nje vezano uz osnove gradnje i građevinske standarde,
upoznavanje s poreznim i ostalim zakonima, organiziranje kupoprodaje te rad s klijentima. Dokaz uspjeha
i profesionalne edukacije su i 800 zadovoljnih agenata koji su uspješno završili tečaj na ovom učilištu. Osim
splitskoga Suvremenog učilišta, svakako valja istaknuti
i zagrebačko Pučko otvoreno učilište koje nudi sličan
program, ali u trajanju od dva mjeseca. Nužno je napomenuti i da se završeni tečajevi upisuju u radnu knjižicu,
a odobrilo ih je Ministarstvo znanosti, kulture i športa RH.
Uvjeti za upis na tečajeve su završena srednja škola,
dok je od dokumenata potrebno priložiti svjedodžbu,
rodni list, domovnicu i malu fotografiju. Cijene tečajeva
su vrlo pristupačne – ovisno o ustanovi iznose između
3000 i 5000 kuna, što doista nije puno s obzirom da se
radi o zanimanju koje se upisuje u radnu knjižicu. Predavanja održava i sama Hrvatska gospodarska komora, i
to u Zagrebu, a po potrebi i u ostalim županijskim komorama. Naravno, za one koji se ozbiljno namjeravaju
baviti ovim poslom i žele maksimalno obrazovanje, na
raspolaganju su i škole u drugim zemljama, no to ima i
svoju cijenu. S obzirom na novi zakon, poslove u prometu nekretninama moći će obavljati samo osobe s potrebnim obrazovanjem i stručnim ispitom, stoga hrabro
upišite tečaj i postanite profesionalni agent – svakako
će se isplatiti.
Written by: Aleksandar Vrtariæ
Agent mora biti ozbiljna i odgovorna osoba koja će s
lakoćom komunicirati s kupcima i prodavateljima /
The agent must be a serious and responsible person that
will easily communicate with buyers and sellers
REAL ESTATE AGENT Education Equals Success
An agent that negotiates real estate deals must possess certain tendencies and characteristics to begin with in order to even start working in this business. Negotiating real estate
deals is a very complex and demanding job that, regardless of the quality of the training
programme, can’t be done by just anybody. At least not successfully and professionally
n unfortunate fact is that up until recently, literally anybody could have opened and led a real
estate agency because this business branch
was not properly legally regulated, but since
July of this year, the Croatian Government has made a
step in the right direction and came up with a new preposition regarding real estate agencies. According to the
new law, performing this job will be allowed only to businessmen or traders who have a certificate that proves
that they’re fulfilling the conditions necessary for this profession, and that will be issued to them by the Croatian
Ministry of Economics. Based on these certificates, the
Croatian Chamber of Economics will put their names into
the Register of Real Estate Negotiators. Naturally, merely
by regulating the law itself, certain order will be restored
among these agencies that currently mount up to about
a thousand in Croatia, but there are very few of those
that handle their business expertly and properly, with all
the professionalism and maximum complaisance that it
requires. Although negotiators mainly do business in line
with the high European standards, there are still plenty of
those who are far away from these standards. Also, we
must point out that this new law will allow performing this
negotiating job only to those agents who have gradu-
Osoba koja će u budućnosti postati ozbiljan agent mora biti ponajprije komunikativna i susretljiva / The person that
plans on becoming a serious agent must, first of all, be a communicative and sociables
ated from high school at least, and who have passed
the professional exam that is given by the Chamber of
Economics; also, one agent won’t be allowed to work for
two agencies at the same time without an agreement
between their owners. That implies that education will
become a necessity, and being a real estate agency will
become a true profession.
An Agent’s Profile
An agent that negotiates real estate deals must possess
certain tendencies and characteristics to begin with in
order to even start working in this business. Negotiating
real estate deals is a very complex and demanding job
that, regardless of the quality of the training programme,
can’t be done by just about anybody, at least successfully and professionally. The person that plans on becoming a serious agent must, first of all, be a communicative
and sociable person, with good knowledge of foreign
languages, team work and cooperation, and must be
very familiar with at least the local area. Furthermore,
the agent must be a serious and responsible person that
will easily communicate with buyers and sellers, but at
the same time be unassuming, reliable and, very importantly, convincing. This is not an easy job because the
agents always have to be in a good mood and have
smiles on their faces, while the wishes of the real estate’s
sellers and buyers must always come first. Business deals
should be performed with agility and responsibility, and
the agreed-upon details should be fulfilled in the shortest amount of time possible. Naturally, a large part of the
work is preformed by lawyers, but the agent is that person
who makes sure that everything goes according to plan
within an agreed period of time. A person that performs
these real estate jobs must be curious and always willing
to take on new challenges and education, because you
must strive for perfection throughout your entire career.
An agent also must always tell his clients the truth and
warn them about all existing problems. Although most of
the agents negotiate purchases of residential houses and
apartments, there aren’t many of those who specialize
themselves in selling certain types of real estate, such as
business premises or parcels. Every area requires specific
expertise, and it is therefore necessary for the agent to
be very familiar with his turf and to have knowledge of
every tiny thing attached to a certain location – from the
proximity of various establishments to organizing public
transport and the proximity of medical centres. Naturally,
computer literacy and knowing your way around a computer are certainly important conditions to fulfil, considering that numerous contacts and real estate’s short presentations are often preformed over computers.
Educating Yourself – How and Where?
Those who have been in this business for years will tell you
that no school degree or completed course can replace
ten years of experience and working on the turf, which is
Informatička pismenost i dobro poznavanje rada na računalu su važan
preduvjet, s obzirom da se brojni kontakti i kratke prezentacije prostora često ostvaruju preko računala / Computer literacy and knowing your way around a computer are certainly important conditions to fulfil, considering that numerous contacts
and real estate’s short presentations are often preformed over computer
partly true, but there is a big difference between those local agents who have taken the initiative to start their own
business by themselves and those who have, prior to that,
went through the adequate preparation and quality education. There are things that are inborn and can’t be
learned, but there are also things that every agent should
know, and that are possible only if you apply yourself to
proper and organized education. Many foreign countries have featured schools and courses for real estate
agents for a large number of years, and these people
became professionals in this field after completing that
education. Fortunately, that is now also possible in several Croatian cities that feature institutions with organized
education for those who want to become involved in this
business. The agents’ training programmes usually last
about three months, and one of the most successful and
reliable private educational institutions is the Contemporary Education Centre in Split that, among many other
programmes, also features a training programme for real
estate agents. The course is held over three and a half
months, and it is based on the lectures that are provided by respected teachers that follow the newest trends
from the real estate business. The course is being held in
multi-media classrooms that are equipped with modern
computers, and the programme includes learning about
the basis of civil engineering and construction standards,
becoming familiar with tax laws and other laws, as well
as learning how to organize ownership transfers and work
with clients. The proof of success and the education’s
professionalism lies within 800 satisfied agents who have
successfully completed this centre’s course. Besides the
Contemporary Education Centre in Split, we must also
certainly point out the Open University in Zagreb, which
offers a similar programme that lasts merely two months.
It must be mentioned that all these completed courses
will be registered into your work certificate, and they
have been approved by the Ministry of Science, Culture
and Sports. The required conditions for these courses are
completed high-school education, while the required
documents include school reports, birth certificate,
nationality certificate and a small photograph. These
courses’ prices are very accessible – depending on the
institution, they come between 3000 and 5000 kunas,
and that’s really not that much when you consider that
these occupations are registered into your work certificate. The lectures are also held at the Croatian Chamber of Economics in Zagreb, as well as in other county
centres if necessary. Naturally, for those who have a
serious intention of getting into this business and want
maximum education, there are schools in other countries that are available, but that also has its own price.
Considering the new law, real estate deals will have to
be preformed by those people that possess necessary
education and have passed the professional exam, so
bravely plunge into this course and become a professional agent – it is bound to be worth it.
Zaklopatica - poznata po vrhunskim konobama koje
su obvezna meta stranih nautičara / Zaklopatica - renowned for its fantastic taverns, which are a true “must
see” for all foreign sailors
Posljednji raj na Mediteranu
Otok Lastovo je idealno mjesto za miran odmor, daleko od velike turističke vreve. Na
tom otoku umočenom u plavetnilo jadranske pučine i optočenom nizom srebrnih otočića, uživa se u tisućljetnoj kulturi i vrhunskoj gastronomskoj ponudi
Piše: Patricia Müller
Foto: TZ Dubrovačko-neretvanske županije
Spaljivanje Poklada / Burning up of carnival
Pokladna povorka / Carnival’s corrtege
Poznati dimnjaci Lastova /
Famous chimneys of Lastovo
itomi zeleni otok Lastovo zaštitni je znak odmora
u društvu s netaknutom prirodom. Na tom otoku umočenom u plavetnilo jadranske pučine i
optočenom nizom srebrnih otočića, uživa se u
tisućljetnoj kulturi i vrhunskoj gastronomskoj ponudi. Još
su helenski državnici, rimski senatori i austrijski carevi pili
maslinovo ulje s Lastova. Za one koji život znaju živjeti punim plućima, kojima ne smeta zvuk tišine, ovaj otok je
idealno mjesto za odmor.
Arhipelag Lastovo čini 46 otoka i grebena, ukupne površine 56,2 četvorna kilometra. Nalazi se južno od otoka
Korčule i 60 nautičkih milja od rta Gargano s talijanske
strane Jadrana. Glavni otok Lastovo površine je 46,9 četvornih kilometara i četrnaesti je otok po veličini u Jadranskome moru.
Uz Mljet, Lastovo je najšumovitiji hrvatski otok, koji posjeduje sve karakteristike mediteranskog podneblja. Ovdje
su zime vlažne, a ljeta sušna, duga i topla. Lastovo je
jedan od deset rajskih vrtova Sredozemlja koji se nalazi
na popisu Svjetske naklade za prirodu (WWF).
Već je sredinom 10. stoljeća bizantski car Konstantin
VII. Porfirogenet spominjao Lastovo, iako se prve važne
napomene o ovom otoku vežu uz događanja u 1000.
godini. Kao što je opisao Ivan Đakon (Johannes Diaconus) u svojemu djelu “Chronicon Venetum”, venecijski
dužd Pietro Orseolo II. je tijekom svojeg upada u Dalmaciju uništio utvrdu i grad na Lastovu kao odmazdu za
pljačkaške napade na venecijske trgovce. Time je htio
zaštititi slobodan prolaz u Mediteran. U iduća dva i pol
stoljeća Lastovo je palo u zaborav. Stanovnici su se posvetili poljoprivredi i stočarstvu zanemarivši svoju pomorsku tradiciju. Sredinom 13. stoljeća (1252.-1254.) Lastovo
se samovoljno priključilo Dubrovačkoj Republici nakon
što je ona obećala stanovnicima da će moći zadržati
svoje tradicionalne običaje. Tijekom 16. stoljeća Lastovo
je odolijevalo Turcima, do 18. stoljeća i ulcinjskim gusarima, ali i Francuzima, vojskovođi Napoleonu, te bečkoj
vojsci i, na kraju, talijanskoj. Talijanska okupacija Lastova
1918. bila je posljedica tajnoga Londonskog ugovora,
potpisanog 1915. između Italije i Antante. Prema Rapalskom ugovoru iz 1920., Kraljevina Italija je sebi pripojila
Lastovo i uključila ga u zadarsko okružje. Za talijansku
vlast nad Lastovom bilo je značajno gušenje narodnog
identiteta, porast broja stanovništva, ubrzana gradnja
i poboljšanje životnog standarda. Talijanska vlast nad
otokom je završila 1943. kapitulacijom Italije.
Danas otok Lastovo još zovu i carskim otokom, kako su
ga nekada zvali Rimljani, zbog brojnih polja, bujnih šuma,
prekrasnog vijenca otočića i hridi koje ga okružuju, te bezbrojnih skrovitih uvala i obilja morske ribe. Kako Lastovo
pripada najjužnijoj otočnoj skupini u južnoj Dalmaciji, zbog
svoje udaljenosti djeluje pomalo osamljeno. Dugačak je
10 kilometara i širok tek 5,8 kilometara. Glavno mjesto na
otoku je Lastovo koje se smjestilo na uzvisini podalje od
mora, a odlikuju ga brojne kamene kuće.
Zbog svoje netaknute prirode, čistog okoliša i impresivnog podmorja, ovaj je otok odlukom Sabora RH 2006.
proglašen – Parkom prirode. Prema posljednjem popisu
stanovništva iz 2001., na otoku živi 835 Lastovljana, od
čega samo mjesto Lastovo broji 451 stanovnika. No, broj
koji se stalno ponavlja i za koji je otok vezan jest broj:
46. Toliko Lastovo, naime, ima nastanjenih otočića, na
njemu je 46 crkvica (kapelica), a i toliko uzvisina ili brežuljaka i jednako toliko ravničarskih dolova (obrađenih
polja s maslinama, voćem i vinovom lozom). Svojim isturenim položajem na Jadranu i brojnim uvalama, otok je
vrlo atraktivan nautičarima, a ronioci zasigurno imaju što
razgledati u okolnom podmorju. Lastovo obiluje brojnim
ribljim vrstama, školjkama i rakovima, a jastog je jedan
od najomiljenijih specijaliteta, posebno turistima. Osim
toga turistima je dragocjena informacija da se odmaraju daleko od industrijske civilizacije, u okružju tradicionalne mediteranske arhitekture. A koga ne bi oduševilo
kristalno čisto more, mir i spokoj netaknute prirode?
Ipak, turizam se na otoku jače počeo razvijati tek nakon
proglašenja nezavisnosti Republike Hrvatske 1991. godine. Razlog tome je jugoslavenski vojni režim koji je zabranjivavo pristup strancima, te je zajedno s otokom Visom
bio “zabranjeno voće” za strane turiste.
Danas mnogi od njih već znaju za tradicionalnu svečanost u veljači, na Pokladni utorak, koji domaći zovu Lastovski poklad. Tada se s obližnjeg brijega Pokladareve
Grže prema moru, na 300 m dugom konopu, spušta lutka
uz istodobne eksplozije petardi obješenih na noge Pokladu. Prije samog spaljivanja lutke, pokladari i maškare
obilaze kuće utjecajnijih ljudi gdje im pjevaju: Eviva nam
kumpanija, poša nam je alavija. U kolovozu mnogi posjećuju i jazz festival. Zabava za mlade svodi se na nekoliko
simpatičnih kafića i jedan diskoklub, tako da je ponuda
otoka više usmjerena obitelji, zaljubljenim parovima, a
zbog blagih zima i starijoj životnoj dobi. Ljeti se nude tečajevi ronjenja, fish-piknik izleti na obližnje otoke, ribolov,
trecking planinarenje, razgled otoka na biciklima.
Mjesto Lastovo je najveće i jedno od najljepših starih naselja na Jadranu. Cijelo naselje je zaštićeni kulturni spomenik zbog svoje jedinstvene renesansne arhitekture i
Turistička zona otoka smještena je
na Pasaduru / The tourist zone of
the iskland is located in Pasadur
Panorama Lastova / Panorama of
amfiteatarskog načina gradnje. Mjesto je skriveno od
pogleda s mora i nalazi se u unutrašnjosti, što je dokaz o
burnoj prošlosti i gusarskoj aktivnosti.
Odmah ispod mjesta Lastova je Lučica, mala uvala u
kojoj su stare kamene ribarske kućice i vezovi za brodice. Iz Lastova putevi vode do Skrivene Luke na jugu otoka, koja je zbog svoga oblika idealna za nautičare.
Ta velika uvala zaštićena je sa svih strana od mora i vjetra, te skriva mir i tišinu i predivnu prirodu, idealna je za
odmor, kupanje i istraživanje bogatog podmorja. Tu je i
najstariji austrougarski svjetionik na Jadranu, koji se uzdiže na visokoj strmoj litici i svojim svjetlom sigurno navodi
Zaklopatica je još jedna prirodna uvala vrijedna spomena, tri kilometra prije Lastova. Dobila je ime po otočiću
koji zatvara uvalu. Danas je Zaklopatica poznata po vrhunskim konobama koja su obvezna meta stranih nautičara kada uplovljavaju u hrvatske vode. Južno od otoka
je arhipelag Lastovnjaci, satkan od 46 otočića, a još južnije su Vrhovnjaci, skup škoja i hridi vulkanske aktivnosti
što okomito izranjaju iz velikih dubina. Na nekim od tih
otočića su pješčane uvale idealne za piknik i kupanje.
Trajektna luka je u Ublima, malom obalnom mjestu koje
je udaljeno od Lastova 10 kilometara. U blizini Ublija je
turistička zona otoka smještena na Pasaduru, odnosno
uski prolaz preko kojeg prolazi mali most koji veže Lastovo s drugim otokom – Prežbom. Do Lastova se može iz
Splita autom s velikim i udobnim brodom Jadrolinije koji
plovi svaki dan. Putovanje traje oko pet sati. Katamaran
je brži oblik prijevoza za pješake, a put traje oko 2,5 sata.
U ljetnim mjesecima postoji izravna veza s Italijom dva
put tjedno katamaranom. Do Splita se može doći avionom, željeznicom, brodom ili autocestom.
S jedne i druge strane mosta u turističkoj zoni smještena
je većina privatnog smještaja na otoku, a tu je i jedini
hotel Solitudo te ronilački klub i nekoliko restorana. Hotel
Solitudo je jedinstven primjer sklada arhitekture i prirode.
Izvrsno uklopljen u gustoj borovoj šumi na samom moru s
vezovima za jahte. Hotel je izgrađen osamdesetih godina prošloga stoljeća i ima dugu i bogatu povijest bavljenja turizmom na otoku. Nedavno je kompletno uređen
i sada nudi prekrasne sobe i apartmane s balkonima
koji gledaju na more. Bujna borova šuma i kristalno čisto
more daju posebnu draž ovome mjestu, koje svakako
zaslužuje da bude posjećeno. Lastovo je, doista, posljedni raj na Mediteranu.
The Last Mediterranean Paradise
The island of Lastovo is ideal place for peaceful relaxation, far away from touristic
crowd. On this island dipped into the blueness of the Adriatic Sea and decanted with
a string of little silver islands, you can enjoy a culture that goes back a thousand
years, as well as an amazing gastronomic offering
Written by: Patricia Müller
Photo: Dubrovnik-Neretva County Tourist Board
Odmah ispod mjesta Lastova je mjesto Lučica, mala uvala u kojoj su stare kamene ribarske
kućice i vezovi za brodice / Right below the town of Lastovo, there is a place called Lučica,
little bay with archaic stone fishermen houses and boat moorings
he tame green island of Lastovo is the trademark
of a vacation accompanied by untouched nature. On this island dipped into the blueness of the
Adriatic Sea and decanted with a string of little
silver islands, you can enjoy a culture that goes back
a thousand years, as well as an amazing gastronomic
offering. Even old Hellenic statesmen, Roman senators
and Austrian emperors have used Lastovo’s olive oil. For
those who are capable of living life to the fullest and
who are not afraid of the sound of silence, this island is
the ideal place for a vacation.
Archipelago Lastovo is comprised of 46 islands and ridges, and they take up 56,2 square kilometres of overall
surface. It is located south of the island of Korčula and
about 60 nautical miles from Cape Gargano on the Italian side of the Adriatic. The main island Lastovo has 46,9
square kilometres of surface and it is the fourteenth largest island in the Adriatic Sea.
Along with Mljet, Lastovo is the most forested Croatian
island, and it owns all the standard characteristics of the
Mediterranean area. The local winters are rainy, and
the summers are dry, long and warm. Lastovo is one of
the ten “paradise” gardens of the Mediterranean that
make up the list of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).
It was as early as mid-tenth century that Byzantine Emperor Constantine VII. Porfirogenet mentioned Lastovo,
although the first major references of this island were
connected to the events of the year 1000. As described
by Ivan Đakon (Johannes Diaconus) in his book “Chronicon Venetum”, the Venetian doge Pietro Orseolo II. has,
during his attack on Dalmatia, destroyed Lastovo’s town
and fortress as means of revenge for the pirate attacks
on Venetians merchants. He did that to protect his free
passage into the Mediterranean. Over the next two and
a half centuries, Lastovo has fallen into the background.
The residents have dedicated themselves to agriculture and cattle breeding, ignoring their nautical tradition
along the way. In the middle of the thirteenth century (1252-1254), Lastovo has volunteered to join the Dubrovnik Republic after its residents were promised to be
able to hold on to their traditional customs. During the
16th century, Lastovo resisted the Turkish attacks, and
by the eighteenth century, they had to deal with the
pirates from Ulcinj, the French with their leader Napoleon, the Austrian army and, eventually, the Italians as
well. The Italian occupation of Lastovo was the result of
the secret London Pact, signed by Italy and Antanta in
1915. According to the Treaty of Rapallo from 1920, the
Italian Kingdom annexed Lastovo and included it into
their Zadar Region. The Italian control of Lastovo was
characterized by a significant amount of suffocating
the national identity, as well as the increased population number, rapid construction and improved standard
of living. The Italian control over Lastovo ended in 1943
when Italy capitulated.
These days, the island of Lastovo is also referred to as
“the imperial island”, as the Romans called it in the old
days because of numerous fields, sumptuous forests, a
beautiful wreath of little islands and cliffs that surround
it, and numerous hidden lagoons and an abundance
of sea fish. Because Lastovo belongs to the most-south
island group in southern Dalmatia, its distance gives it a
certain lonesome dimension. The island is 10 kilometres
long and just 5,8 kilometres wide. The largest little town
on the island is Lastovo, located on a hill away from the
sea, and it is marked by numerous stone houses.
Because of its untouched nature, clean environment
and impressive underwater life, this island was declared a park of nature by the Croatian Parliament in 2006.
According to the last population census in 2001, there
are 835 people living on the island, 451 of which live in
the town of Lastovo. However, the number that keeps
repeating itself when it comes to this island is: 46. That’s
how many inhabited islands there are in Lastovo, and
there are also 46 little churches (chapels), as well as hills
or slopes and lowland valleys (farm fields with olives, fruit and wine grapes). With its advanced position on the
Adriatic and its numerous bays, the island is very attractive to nautical people, and the divers have an awful
lot to look at in the surrounding underwater world. Lastovo is swarming with numerous fish species, shellfish and
crabs, and the lobster is one of the main local specialties, especially to tourists. Besides that, tourists are most
drawn to the fact that they are relaxing far away from
industrial civilization, surrounded by traditional Mediterranean architecture. And who wouldn’t be thrilled by
the crystal-clear sea, as well as the peace and quiet of
untouched nature?
Still, it wasn’t till the Republic of Croatia declared its
independence in 1991 that the island’s tourism really
Kamene kuće u Lastovu / Stone houses in Lastovo
Crkve na Lastovu / Churces in Lastovo
started to flourish. That is because the Yugoslav military regime forbade foreigners from coming to this island,
which made it “forbidden fruit” for foreign tourists along
with the island of Vis. These days, many of them already
know about the traditional festivity in February, the Carnival Tuesday, which is called the Lastovo Carnival by
locals. That’s when you’ll find a dummy being lowered
on a 300-metre rope from the near-by hill Pokladareve
Grže towards the sea, with simultaneous explosions from
firecrackers that are attached to its legs. Before the very
process of burning the dummy, masked people and
carnival participants visit homes of the more influential
people on the island and sing local songs and chants.
Come August, many also visit the local jazz festival. Entertainment for young people is limited to several likeable
coffee shops and one disco-club, so the island’s offering
is much more aimed towards families, couples in love
and, due to mild winters, elderly people. In the summer
you can test yourself in diving courses, fish-picnic trips
to near-by islands, fishing, “trecking” mountain climbing,
as well as sightseeing the island on bicycles. The town of
Lastovo is the largest and it’s one of the most beautiful
older settlements on the Adriatic. The whole settlement
is a protected cultural monument due to its unique renaissance architecture and amphitheatric way of constructing. The town can’t be seen from the sea as it is located inland, which is further proof of the turbulent past
and pirate activity.
Right below the town of Lastovo, there is a place called Lučica, little bay with archaic stone fishermen houses and boat moorings. When you leave the town of
Lastovo, you can head to Skrivena Luka (“hidden port”)
on the south of the island, which has an ideal shape for
nautical people. This large bay is protected from the sea
and the wind from all sides, and it features hidden peace, quiet and wonderful nature, which makes it ideal
for resting, swimming and exploring the rich underwater
world. That’s where you can also find the oldest AustroHungarian lighthouse on the Adriatic, as it ascends on a
tall steep cliff and guides all ships to safety with its light.
Zaklopatica is another natural bay worth mentioning,
and it’s located three kilometres ahead of Lastovo. It received its name after a little island that closes in on the
bay. These days, Zaklopatica is renowned for its fantastic
taverns, which are a true “must see” for all foreign sailors
as they enter Croatian waters. South of the island, you
can find an archipelago called Lastovnjaci, comprised
of 46 little islands, and you will find Vrhovnjaci as you go
even further south, and that’s a group of ridges and tiny
islands that vertically rise from the deep sea and that
have some volcanic activity. Some of those tiny islands
feature sand beaches that are just ideal for picnics and
The ferryboat harbour is located in Ubli, which is a small
coastal place about 10 kilometres from Lastovo. Near
Ubli, you can find the island’s tourist zone located in Pasadur, as well as a narrow passage that features a small
bridge that connects Lastovo to another island – Prežba.
Lastovo can be reached from Split, bringing your car in
tow, with a large and comfortable “Jadrolinija” ship that
is active every day. The travel takes up about five hours. A catamaran represents faster means of transport
for people without cars, as the trip lasts merely 2,5 hours.
During the summer months, there is a direct connection
to Italy that is provided by a catamaran that travels two
times a week. Split can be reached by plane, railroad,
ship or highway.
Most of the island’s private accommodation is located
in the tourist zone on both sides of the bridge, and that’s
where you can find the “Solitudo” hotel (only one on the
island), as well as the divers’ club and several restaurants.
Hotel “Solitudo” is a unique example of harmony between architecture and nature. It is wonderfully adjusted to
the thick pine forest at the very coast with some yacht
moorings. The hotel was built in the 1980s and it has a
long, rich history of carrying the island’s tourism industry.
It has recently been completely redecorated and it now
features wonderful rooms and apartments with balconies
that overlook the sea. A sumptuous pine forest and the
crystal-clear sea give special charm to this place, and
they certainly deserve a visit from everybody. Lastovo is
truly the last Mediterranean paradise.
Manipulacija kièa
Kuhinja u Tower R&B-u je spoj međunarodnih
kuhinja. Na jelovniku možete birati između
kineskih, meksičkih, indijskih, talijanskih specijaliteta, ali i klasičnih jela iz našeg podneblja
Atraktivni separei i fotelje u imitaciji
kravlje, zmijske i krokodilske kože /Attractive booths and armchairs that
imitate cow, snake and crocodile
Piše: Patricia Müller Piše: Roberto Stepiæ
rije nekoliko mjeseci u Rijeci je otvoren Tower centar, jedan od najvećih trgovačkih centara u Europi.
Na petom katu toga objekta, koji će uskoro dobiti i
10-ak multiplex kino i konferencijskih dvorana, smjestio se oku vrlo zanimljiv ugostiteljski lokal – Tower restaurant&bar koji će osim svoga kičastoga izgleda, koji hvale
mlađi naraštaji, zadovoljiti i ponudom na jelovniku.
– Tower centar je definitivno promijenio navike shoppinga
za ljude iz ovih krajeva i dijelova Hrvatske koji gravitiraju Rijeci. Ovdje su prisutni svi najveći trgovački brandovi i svatko
će naći nešto za sebe i bez problema ostajući cijeli dan u
Centru, od golemoga supermarketa preko raznih prodavaonica odjeće, obuće, zatim ugostiteljskih objekata do,
uskoro, kina na “našem” katu. Na vrijeme smo prepoznali
dobru investiciju te s ovim i prije otvorenim self service i fastfood restoranom Food city uokvirili ugostiteljsku ponudu na
petom katu – rekao nam je izvršni direktor Marin Brajković.
Vlasnik Tower R&B-a, riječki je poduzetnik Zoran Maržić, koji
već otprije dobro poznaje Studio Randić-Turato, pa je arhitekte angažirao i za ovaj projekt. Ovaj ugledni dizajnerski
dvojac, koji je dobio brojne nagrade svoje struke, ponovno
je odradio sjajan posao, kojim su zadovoljni i vlasnik i gosti.
Ovdje je riječ o svojevrsnoj manipulaciji kiča, kombinaciji
raznih boja i dezena.
– Želja nam je bila napraviti restoran drukčijeg koncepta
od naviknutog na ovim područjima, a opet primjerenog
podneblju i prostoru trgovačkog centra. Upravo tom različitošću dizajna interijera, gosti mogu osjetiti razliku od
“klasičnih” lokala. Opet, nismo izmišljali toplu vodu, jer je
ovakav “moderni kič” ili “trash” trend izvan granica naše
zemlje. Vodili smo se i mišlju da osim dizajna interijera lokal
mora pratiti i odgovarajuća ponuda hrane i pića – kazao
nam je Maržić, te dodao kako su gosti vrlo zadovoljni egzotičnim izborom hrane na njihovu jelovniku.
Kuhinja je zapravo spoj međunarodnih kuhinja. Na jelovniku možete birati između kineskih, meksičkih, indijskih, talijanskih specijaliteta, ali i klasičnih jela iz našeg podneblja.
Bez obzira jeste li zaljubljenik u meksičke tacose, fajite i burritose ili pak više preferirate razne salate, piletinu u slatkom
umaku, tjesteninu od riže s brancinom, možda ipak razne
vrste bifteka i ramsteka u raznim umacima, razna jela s ribom ili slastice, ovdje ćete naći sigurno nešto za svoje nepce. Svakako treba naglasiti da će sladokusci, poglavito
oni koji obožavaju sladoled, doći na svoje.
Naime, Tower R&B priprema svoj sladoled, a gosti ga mogu
birati sami kroz staklenu vitrinu slastičarnice, te ga doslovno
uzimati s vitrina gdje u pozadini slastičarka upravo radi sladoled.
– Za sladoled koristimo najkvalitetnije baze talijanske tvornice Mec3, a zaista imamo velik izbor okusa – pohvalio se
Brajković, te nam rekao kako je jelovnik u restoranu osmislio
Boris Urem, direktor ugostiteljstva u njihovoj grupaciji, koji
ima glavnu riječ u kuhinji i koji svoje bogato iskustvo stečeno dugogodišnjim radom u našoj zemlji i izvan nje prenosi
na svoje suradnike.
U kupnju i uređenje lokala utrošeno je
1,2 milijuna eura / It was invested about
1,2 million euros into the purchasing
and decorating the restaurant
Raznovrsna hrana bogatog kolorita /
Various meals filled with rich colours
Neki gosti, osupnuti uređenjem lokala, čiji izgled ne
mogu obuhvatiti u samo jednom pogledu, mišljenja su
da ovdje caruju previsoke cijene usluge, ali oni odvažni
razuvjerit će se, jer su cijene umjerene, čak i preniske za
ovaj tip restorana.
Osim izgleda lokala, goste iznenadi i njegova površina od
245 četvornih metara plus još 90 kvadrata netipične terase u Centru koja se nalazi uz prolaz šetača, kupaca.
– U kupnju i uređenje lokala utrošeno je 1,2 milijuna eura,
što nije mala investicija, ali nije se štedjelo i sada imamo
rezultat. Recimo, stolovi, stolice, fotelje, separei, drveni
ormari i slično izrađeni su po narudžbi po projektu Randić-Turato, a sve od različitih vrsta kvalitetnog drva, kože
i inoksa. A naravno da je i opremanje slastičarnice bilo
zahtjevno jer je opremljena najmodernijim strojevima za
proizvodnju sladoleda – ističe vlasnik Maržić.
Iako je teško izdvojiti najljepši dio lokala, ističe se dio
sa separeima uz veliku staklenu stijenku, s čijeg se povišenog mjesta mogu vidjeti otoci Kvarnerskog zaljeva
i grad Rijeka, što će oduševiti i naizbirljivijega gosta. A
gosti ovog restorana su moderna i urbana populacija
srednjih godina, no ima tu i brojnih poslovnih ljudi i često
stranaca koji se nađu u Centru. Tko god da se ovdje
zatekne, uživat će uz glazbu lounge tipa. A naši sugovornici potvrđuju da će nakon otvorenja kinodvorana
i dolaska mlađe populacije glazba u večernjim satima
biti bliža tim godinama.
Ambijent lokala uvelike se promijeni u večernjim satima
kada se osvjetljenje velikih lustera zamrači, te primat
preuzmu projektori na videozidovima prikazujući razne
vizualne efekte. Vlasnik se ne libi primiti i poneku sugestiju gostiju koji žele idejama pomoći za što bolju atmosferu.
Ovaj stil modernog kiča, spoj je starog i novog. Tako s
otvorenih techno stropova s vidljivim cijevima ventilacije
vise barokni kičasti lusteri. Prostor dodatno obogaćuju
projektori i videozidovi te disko-kugle i laseri. Crne mozaik pločice na podu, ljubičaste i crno-sive tapete na zidovima slastičarnice, odnosno kuhinje, privlače pažnju,
kao i zlatni okviri, atraktivni separei i fotelje u imitaciji kravlje, zmijske i krokodilske kože. Sve to ovom prostoru daje
dimenziju nečeg novog i apsolutno drukčijeg.
The cuisine of Tower R&B is a combination of international cuisines. Therefore,
the menu offers you a choice between Chinese, Mexican, Indian and Italian specialties, but also features some classic meals from our area
everal months ago, Rijeka witnessed the opening of the Tower Centre, which is one of the largest shopping centres in Europe. At the fifth floor
of that object, which is soon to boast about ten
multiplex cinemas and conference halls, we find a restaurant object that is very interesting to the eye – the
Tower Restaurant&Bar that will, besides its “kitsch” appearance that is praised by the younger generations,
also satisfy everyone with its menu offering.
- Tower Centre has definitely changed shopping habits
for people from this area and parts of Croatia that gravitate towards Rijeka. All the largest commercial brands
are present here and everybody will find something for
themselves, while having no problems with spending the
entire day at the Centre, starting with a huge supermarket all the way to various stores for clothes and footwear,
as well as restaurant objects and, in a little while, cinemas at “our” floor. We have recognised a good investment in time and, combined with this and the alreadyopened self-service and fast-food restaurant Food City,
Written by: Patricia Müller
Photo: Roberto Stepiæ
we have rounded up the restaurant service on the fifth
floor – says Executive Manager Marin Brajković.
The owner of Tower R&B is Zoran Maržić, a businessman
from Rijeka who was already familiar with Studio RandićTurato, so he hired those architects for this project as well.
This respectable designer duo, many times awarded by
their peers, has once again done a wonderful job, much
to the satisfaction of both the owner and the guests.
What we’re talking about here is a certain degree of
kitsch manipulation, as well as a combination of various
colours and patterns.
- It was our ambition to come up with a restaurant that
has a different concept than what we’re used to see
in this area, but also to make sure that it’s adequate
to the atmosphere and the space of a shopping centre. It’s precisely that difference in interior design that
separates this place from other “classic” establishments
in the guests’ eyes. Then again, we made no attempts
to invent hot water, because this “modern kitsch” or
“trash” is very trendy outside of our country’s borders.
Na meniju
ima za svakog
ponešto / The
menu has a little
something for
We also made sure that, besides the interior design, the
restaurant features an adequate offering of food and
beverages – Maržić tells us, adding that the guests are
mighty pleased with the exotic choice of food on their
The cuisine is actually a combination of international cuisines. Therefore, the menu offers you a choice between
Chinese, Mexican, Indian and Italian specialties, but
also features some classic meals from our area. Regardless of whether you’re a lover of Mexican tacos, fajitas
or burritos, or whether you prefer various salads, chicken
in sweet sauce, rice pasta with sea bass, or maybe different types of beefsteaks and ramsteaks in different
sauces, or even different fishmeals or delicacies, you
are bound to find something that suits your preferences
here. It must be pointed out that lovers of sweets, and
especially those who adore ice cream, will feel right
at home. That’s because Tower R&B makes its own ice
cream, and the guests can choose it themselves through
a glass showcase of the pastry shop, as well as literally
scoop it up from the showcase, while the confectioner
prepares the ice cream in the background.
- We use top-quality bases from Italian factory Mec3
for our ice cream, and we certainly have a large selection of flavours – Brajković brags, and also says that the
restaurant’s menu was created by Boris Urem, Director
of Catering in their group, who is running things in their
kitchen and has an awful lot of experience, acquired
by years of working in our country and outside of it, to
pass to his associates. Some guests, shocked by how the
bar has been decorated because they can’t absorb its
look with a single gaze, have an opinion that the service
prices are much too high in this establishment, but those
who are brave will be proven wrong because the prices
are actually quite moderate, if not too low, for this type
of restaurant.
Besides how the restaurant looks, the guests are also
surprised by its surface of 245 square metres, plus 90
square metres of an atypical terrace in the Centre,
which is located right next to the aisle filled with customers. – We invested about 1,2 million euros into the
purchasing and decorating the bar, which is no small
feat, but we weren’t holding back and now we have
a result. For example, tables, chairs, armchairs, booths,
wooden closets and similar things were custom-made
under the project of Randić-Turato, and they were using various types of quality wood, leather and inox.
And preparing the pastry shop was certainly pretty demanding too, for it is equipped with the most modern
machines for production of ice cream – owner Maržić
points out.
Although it’s difficult to single out the most beautiful section of the establishment, the section with booths along
a large glass surface really stands out, as it is located
at an elevated position that overlooks the islands of the
Kvarner Gulf and the city of Rijeka, which is bound to
thrill even the most demanding customer. And this restaurant’s guests are mostly a modern and urban middleaged population, but we can also find many businessmen and many foreigners who find themselves at the
Centre. Whoever it is that winds up being here, they’re
sure to enjoy themselves along the sounds of lounge
music. And the people we talked to confirmed that,
after the cinema theatres are opened and a younger
population arrives, the music at the evening hour will be
much closer to that age group.
The bar’s ambience is very much changed in the
evening as the light, produced by large chandeliers,
very much gets reduced, and the room is then suddenly
dominated by projectors at video-walls that display various visual effects. The owner is also not above listening
to some of the guests’ suggestions as they try to pinch in
with ideas to create an even better atmosphere.
This modern kitsch style features a combination of the
old and the new. Along those lines, we can find open
techno ceilings with visible ventilation pipes and hanging chandeliers of kitsch baroque. The room is extra-enriched by projectors and video-walls, as well as discobowls and lasers. The black mosaic tiles on the floor and
purple and black/grey wallpapers on the walls of both
the pastry shop and the kitchen are among the things
that are sure to draw plenty attention, as are some golden frames, attractive booths and armchairs that imitate
cow, snake and crocodile leather. All these features
give this space a dimension of something that is brand
new and absolutely different.
Fine st
Džepno bogatstvo
zvano Gresso
Posebno afričko drvo, staro 200 godina, i čisto
zlato gradivni su elementi luksuznoga mobilnog
telefona Gresso iz serije Avantagarde. Izrada je
ručna, ekran je izrađen od safirnoga stakla, tipkovnica presvučena slojem titana, čak i vijci
su zlatni, a “zvijer” je opremljena operativnim
sustavom Gresso, napravljenim na temelju
standarda Windows Mobile 6. Cijena se kreće između pet i sedam tisuća eura. Tresu vam
se ruke pri pomisli da biste mogli ležerno nekoga
nazivati s ovakvoga džepnog bogatstva? Znači
da niste ciljani kupac, baš kao ni 99 posto današnjega čovječanstva.
A Pocket Fortune
Called Gresso
A special 200-year-old African tree and
pure gold are integral elements to a luxurious Gresso cell-phone from the “Avantagarde” series. It is hand-made, the screen
is made from sapphire glass, the keyboard is
covered with a titanium layer, even the bolts
are golden, and “the beast” is equipped with
a Gresso operative system, which was made
on the basis of the Windows Mobile 6 standard.
The price moves around in the range between
5.000 and 7.000 euros. Are your hands shaking
at the very thought of casually calling somebody
with this pocket fortune? If they are, that means
that you’re not within the targeted group of buyers,
just like about 99% of today’s population.
Mini for Picnickers
Mini za izletnike
Najnovije osvježenje iz BMW-ova pogona zove se
Mini Clubman, a na britanskom tržištu pojavit će
se krajem godine.
Još malo više retro
nego ostatak obitelji, inspiraciju je pronašao u modelima
iz 60-ih – Traveller,
Countryman i Clubman Estate, čija
imena dovoljno govore o namjeni; više
prostora u prtljažniku, ugodniji prostor
za putnike, inovativno otvaranje vrata stvari su koje će
voljeti praktični zaljubljenici u vječni
model. Clubman, kao ni starija Mini braća, neće biti
među najjeftinijim malim automobilima na tržištu.
Podloga za nomadskog miša
Napravicu koju je osmislila tvrtka Belkin zavoljet će svi nespretni kompjutoraši nomadi: miš koji
podnosi izlijevanje tekućina (pa i
vrele kave) prikladno se, zajedno
s drugim “gadgetima” bez kojih
se ne može, poput USB sticka i
“starinske” kemijske olovke, sprema u – podlogu za miša! Sve je
uvijek pri ruci i sigurno od gubljenja i oštećivanja.
The newest breath of fresh air that emerged from the
BMW factory is called Mini Clubman, and it is set to
appear on the British market by the end of the year.
Even a little more retro than the remainder of the
family, it has found
its inspiration in the
60s models – Traveller, Countryman and
Clubman Estate, and
they all have names
that reveal their purpose; more room in
the trunk, more comfort for the passengers and an innovative way of opening
doors are some of
the things that will enchant practical lovers
of the eternal model.
The Clubman, much
like the older Mini brothers, will not exactly be among
the cheapest small cars on the market.
Padding for a
Nomad Mouse
This little device that was designed
by the “Belkin” company will be loved
by all the clumsy computer freaks / nomads: a mouse that can withstand outpouring
of liquids (even hot coffee) is conveniently, along
with other essential gadgets like the USB stick and
an “archaic” ballpoint pen, tucked away into – a
mouse pad. Everything is right next to you at all times
and it’s safe from being lost or damaged.
Nožiæ investicija
Među “finim stvarima” džepni je
nožić čest gost, što bi valjda
trebalo značiti da ljudi s puno
novca često žive uzbudljiv
život koji uključuje puno boravaka vani, kampiranja i susretanja s
“elementima”. Pa, ma koliko to bilo
neobično, evo još jednoga s potpisom Victorinoxa. Serija se zove
Victorija, kolekcija, napravljena u
povodu 120. obljetnice tvrtke, ograničena je na 120 komada i najekskluzivniji
je nožić ikad proizveden. Oštrice su dijamantno rezbarene, drška prekrivena s
800 dijamanata, a metal presvučen platinom ili zlatom. Cijena: do 130.000 “švicaraca”. Samo za najzagriženije kolekcionare.
Do oraha
sa stilom
Najseksi orašar na svijetu, kako ga tituliraju
ljubitelji dobroga dizajna, jednostavan je
valjkasti predmet od
aluminija s elipsastim
prorezom koji ga razdvaja na dva dijela.
Orah savršeno pristaje
u bilo koju polovicu,
orašar se sastavi, zarotira i voila! – ukusna
jezgra je oslobođena.
Malo umjetničko djelo
s uporabnom vrijednošću potpisuje dizajner Christopher Kuh.
Stalna veza
s kišobranom
Ako ste od onih koji mrze kopati po
hrpi mokrih kišobrana u stalcima kafića i restorana u potrazi za vlastitim
zaštitnikom od kiše, Hironao Tsuboi je
osmislio kišobran od kojega se nećete
morati odvajati. Obdaren laganim, ali
izgledom robusnim stalkom od aluminija
presvučenog plastikom, samostojeći kišobran japanskog dizajnera dobrodošlo je
A Pocket Knife as
an Investment
Pocket knives can often be found in our “Luxuries” section, which would indicate that people
with plenty of money often live an exciting life
that includes lots of outdoor activities, camping and facing “the elements”. Well, as unusual
as that sounds, here’s another one carrying the
“Victorinox” signature. The name of the series is
Victoria, and it is a collection designed to celebrate the 120th anniversary of the company.
It is limited to 120 pieces and it is the most exclusive pocket knife ever produced. The blades
diamond-engraved; the handle is covered with
800 diamonds, while the metal is covered with platinum
or gold. Price: up to 130.000 “Swiss babies”. Only for the
most fanatical collectors.
the Nut
with Style
The sexiest nutcracker
in the world, as it is referred to by lovers of
fine design, is a simple cylindrical object
made of aluminium,
and it features an oval
slash that separates its
two parts. The nut perfectly fits into any of the two halves, and the nutcracker is assembled, rotated and voila! – the tasty
centre is available. This little work of art with plenty
of utility is signed by designer Christopher Kuh.
Constant Connection with
the Umbrella
If you’re one of those people who hate scrapping
through a bunch of wet umbrellas in racks placed in
coffee shops and restaurants while you’re looking for
your own rain-protector, Hironao Tsuboi came up with
an umbrella that won’t have to leave your side. Featuring a light, but robust-looking aluminium rack covered
with plastic, this self-standing umbrella by this Japanese
designer is a much-welcomed refreshment.
Pripremila / Edited by: Aurelija Vukušiæ
Harmonija prožimanja
starog i novog
Pretežito rustikalni ambijenti, boje zemlje, drva, neba, crvenkasta, smeđa,
pastelne, tragovi prirode u ritmu svakodnevice, brižno uklopljeni detalji – sve
je to sadržano u dekorima istarskog umjetnika Arsena Pletenca
Piše: Nataša Bodrožiæ Foto: Danilo Balaban
Dodir umjet
Tapas bar u Rijeci / Tapas bar in Rijeka
ovjesničar umjetnosti, dekorativni slikar i dizajner
interijera, školovan u Rijeci i Londonu, u istarskom
gradu Pazinu otvorio je obrt za umjetničko stvaralaštvo “Heritage” te svojim intervencijama oplemenjuje prostore starih vila, crkava, ali i drugih stambenih objekata čiji vlasnici žele jedan drukčiji ambijent, u
kojemu će se osjećati ugodno i posebno. Prakticirajući
pomalo zaboravljene tehnike, poput slikanja murala i al
fresco slikanja, u prošlosti možda više prisutne u sakralnoj
umjetnosti, stvara nesvakidašnja okružja, produhovljujući
prostore svakodnevnog življenja.
S Arsenom Pletencem razgovarali smo o njegovu radu,
Istri i ambijentima koje stvara.
Diplomirali ste povijest umjetnosti i slikarstvo na Odjelu
likovne kulture Filozofskog fakulteta u Rijeci pa otišli u
London na usavršavanje, odnosno studij dekorativnog
slikarstva. Što je, zapravo, dekorativno slikarstvo i što ono
sve obuhvaća?
Najkraće rečeno, dekorativno slikarstvo je primijenjeno
slikarstvo. Dekorativno slikarstvo bavi se sličnim pitanjima
i problemima kojima se susrećemo i u štafelajnom slikarstvu, samo što kod dekorativnog slikarstva obično radimo
na stotinama puta većim površinama. Druga važna razlika je u definitivnom smještaju oslikane površine u odnosu
na ostale likovne i ne samo likovne elemente nekog prostora. Postoji čitav niz dekorativnih slikarskih tehnika koje
nam, zahvaljujući pravom izboru kistova i ostalog alata,
kao i korištenjem posebnih materijala, omogućavaju jednostavnije postizanje potrebnog efekta na tim velikim
površinama. Nerijetko postoje posebni zahtjevi, kao što
je otpornost na atmosferalije, ili kakvi drugi koje također
treba ispuniti. Tijekom mojega londonskog školovanja detaljno smo obradili provjerene tehnike, poput raznih načina postizanja savršenih imitacija različitih vrsta mramora i
drva, zatim pozlaćivanje, vrste patiniranja, kao i mnoge
druge tradicionalne i suvremene tehnike. Devetnaesto
stoljeće smatra se zlatnim dobom dekorativnog slikarstva, no, po mojemu mišljenju, i danas može biti tako. Suvremena tehnologija pruža niz novih, divnih mogućnosti,
a potreba ljudi da se razlikuju i istaknu, zajedno s bumom
izgradnje i fenomenalnom informiranošću, pruža izvanredne mogućnosti da kombinirajući sve potrebno nastaju
visoko vrijedni radovi.
Dekorativno slikarstvo je, dakle, plemeniti zanat za koji se
radi umom, srcem i rukom.
Radite kao dizajner unutrašnjeg uređenja i dekorativni slikar. Prema prikazima radova na vašemu službenom siteu
(www.arsenpletenac.com), čini se da uglavnom stvarate
rustikalne ambijente. Odražava li to vaš interes, odnosno
senzibilitet, ili je u vezi s narudžbama koje dobivate?
Na to najviše utječu narudžbe koje dobivam. Prve narudžbe koje sam dobivao bile su na rustikalnim objektima
i crkvama, a tako je, uglavnom, i danas. U svakom pojedinom projektu pokušavao sam naći ono što bi rezultiralo ležernim prostorom, a nerijetko je put do toga bio
oslanjanje na stil okoline. Istra, posebno središnja, prilično
pošteđena neprivlačnih novogradnji, puna je prelijepih
primjera, uzoraka, kombinacija, i logično mi je služiti se
njima. Ta me je činjenica dovela do toga da sam se u
potrazi za takvim izgledom sve više vraćao na originalne
tehnike jer se pokazalo nepotrebnim imitirati ono što se
može napraviti “zapravo”. Ipak, radio sam i na više od nekoliko suvremenih objekata, s vrlo suvremenim formama
i načinima promišljanja interijera i eksterijera, na kojima
se vidi kako dekorativno slikarstvo ni slučajno nije nešto
što se treba povezivati jedino sa starinskim ili rustikalnim.
U takvim prostorima, s posebnim zadovoljstvom koristimo
tradicionalne tehnike bez želje da evociramo bilo koje
drugo vrijeme osim današnjega, i to, usudio bih se reći, s
odličnim rezultatima.
Dodir umjet
Restoran Dani u Umagu / The restaurant Dani in Umag
Bavite se slikanjem murala i al fresco slikanjem te iluzionističkim slikarstvom. Koliko je zanimanje za revitaliziranjem tih pomalo zaboravljenih tehnika i tko su naručitelji
takvih specifičnih zahvata?
Zanimanje za revitaliziranjem se definitivno budi i postaje
sve veće. Najviše zbog toga što je želja za lijepo uređenim, ugodnim, jedinstvenim, osobnim i zanimljivim prostorima sve veća. Osim toga, znanja o tome da određeni dojmovi iziskuju određene tehnike i da se ne mogu
postići uobičajenim dosadašnjim tehnikama, materijalima ni “savršenim” suvremenim bojama, iz dana u dan
su sve veća. Posebna snaga korištenja takvih tehnika i
prirodnih materijala jest da su provjerene kroz stoljeća
i za njih znamo da s godinama ne gube na kvaliteti,
nego, upravo suprotno, dobivaju “patinu“ te korištenjem i starenjem izgledaju sve ljepše. Odličan primjer
za to su nova pročelja koja radimo s provjerenim starim recepturama, kako za žbuku tako i za boju. Obično
tada za bojenje koristimo pigmente lokalne zemlje, ali i
druge zemljane pigmente, što nam osigurava trajnost i
“sretno“ starenje takvog pročelja
Slikanje murala također je nešto što određeni ambijenti
traže. Jer jednostavno, kad vidite prekrasan svod ili zid,
na primjer, u lovranskoj ili korčulanskoj staroj vili, šteta je
ne oslikati ga i na taj način višestruko pridonijeti kvaliteti
prostora, dati mu dimenziju, značenje i sjaj koji zaslužuje.
Danas živite u poetičnom srcu Istre, u blizini Pazina, u kojem se nalazi i sjedište vašeg “obrta za umjetničko stvaralaštvo” imena “Heritage”. U samom nazivu sadržana
je referencija, tj. riječ baština, naslijeđe. Koliko vam je
ono važno i koliko utječe na vaš cjelokupni rad?
Izabrao sam to ime zbog toga što želim pridonijeti očuvanju naše baštine i volio bih da moji radovi budu nešto
što će budući naraštaji željeti sačuvati. Mislim da je nemoguće izraziti se u potpunosti u suvremenosti ako se ne
oslonimo na naše naslijeđe. Razlog zbog kojeg se obrt
zove “Heritage”, a ne “Baština”, jest i taj što je to ujedno
i ime najdraže ruže moje obitelji i meni.
S druge strane, studirali ste u Londonu, gradu sinonimu
urbanosti, kontrakultura, street styleova u modi i umjetnosti. Je li London utjecao na vas i gdje je, eventualno,
taj “clash” na relaciji Pazin-London, budući da su oba
ova okruženja morala, barem djelomično, utjecati na
vas kao umjetnika?
Naravno da je život u Londonu uvelike utjecao na mene
kao umjetnika. Mislim da je nemoguće živjeti u Londonu
a da se to ne dogodi. Susreti sa svjetskim slikarskim zvijezdama, kao i s mnogim drugim zanimljivim ljudima, bezbrojne vrhunske izložbe, fenomenalan izbor periodike
i literature, susret “uživo” s vrhunskim postignućima dekorativnog slikarstva, samo je nešto od onoga čega se
ovako na brzinu mogu sjetiti. Utjecaje, također, ne treba
tražiti samo među onima umjetničkima, jer život tamo,
sam po sebi, značajno je utjecao na mene i oblikovao
me u umjetnika i čovjeka kakav sam danas. S druge
strane, središnja Istra, sa svojom izraženom ruralnošću,
ali i odličnim vezama sa svijetom, nije nužno kontrast
Londonu, samo je prostor vrlo posebnog karaktera, a
ta me promjena samo oplemenila. Želja i odluka da
poslije Londona dođemo živjeti u Istru, bila je potpuno
romantične prirode, a ispostavilo se da je upravo Istra
bila najplodnije tlo u Hrvatskoj za moj posao.
Budući da je u posljednjih desetak godina Istra postala vrlo privlačan prostor za kupnju nekretnina, moglo
bi se reći da je pitanje prestiža imati kuću u Istri, posebice u unutrašnjosti. Jeste li primijetili da taj trend
utječe na promjenu izgleda područja? Ima li uopće
utjecaja, jer čini se da se baš u srcu Istre poštuje ambijent i gradi u dosluhu s prirodnim okruženjem. Čini
se da i vaš rad pogoduje takvom promišljanju istarskog ambijenta?
U središnjoj Istri se već tada osjećao suptilniji pristup
svemu tome i sve sam manje trebao objašnjavati
što je to što ja zapravo radim. Veliki je broj građana
Hrvatske i stranaca koji su svojim vrlo ukusnim preuređivanjem, gotovo po pravilu u skladu s okolinom,
pokazali odličan primjer i ohrabrili domaće ljude da nastave tim putem. Izvanredno je kako su stanovnici Istre
reagirali na to. U vrlo kratkom razdoblju dobra rješenja
se prihvaćaju i naširoko koriste. Takva klima meni olakšava posao. Naručitelji su od početka redovito s velikim
povjerenjem i puni entuzijazma meni ostavljali otvorene
ruke i uživali u rezultatima, i to ne samo u Istri, nego u
cijeloj Hrvatskoj.
Postoje li trendovi u unutrašnjem uređenju danas? Koliko
postoji volja ljudi kod nas da prepuste stručnjaku uređenje svog intimnog prostora?
Kao u svemu, tako i ovdje postoje trendovi. Koliko god
sam svjestan istih, osobni pristup pri radu mi je najvažniji.
Način na koji ja prilazim uređenju nekog prostora, uvijek
je u dogovoru i potpunoj suradnji s naručiteljima. Pokušavam naručiteljima pomoći u rafiniranju njihova ukusa.
Moje dizajniranje nije nikada po sistemu “ključ u ruke”,
pri čemu naručitelj na kraju dođe pred potpuno uređen
prostor. Više volim sugerirati, da se napravi bolji umjesto
lošijeg izbora, da se sve zaokruži, uskladi, ujednači, da
upozorim na to u kojem bi smjeru trebalo krenuti, koje su
dobre strane koje treba istaknuti, a koje manje dobre pa
ih treba negirati. Na taj način naručitelji ni ne prepuštaju
drugome da uredi njihov intimni prostor, nego je to rezultat našega zajedničkog truda.
The Harmony of
Intertwining Old with New
The overall-rustic ambiences, colours of earth, wood, sky, reddish, brown, and
pastel; traces of nature in the rhythm of everyday life, carefully adjusted details
– all of that is found in the decors of Istrian artist Arsen Pletenac
Fasada u Kanfanaru / Facade in Kanfanar
Touch of art
Written by: Nataša Bodrožiæ Photo: Danilo Balaban
rt historian, decorative painter and interior designer, educated in Rijeka and London, he has
started a business for artistic creativity “Heritage”, and has used his interventions to ennoble the spaces of archaic villas, churches, but also other
residential objects with owners that simply want a different ambience, in which they could feel comfortable
and special. Practicing slightly forgotten techniques,
such as mural painting and “al fresco” painting, which
were maybe more present in the sacral art of the past,
he creates unusual surroundings and adds spirituality to
everyday-life spaces.
We talked to Arsen Pletenac about his work, Istria and
the ambiences he creates.
You graduated art history and painting at the Art Department of the Faculty of Philosophy in Rijeka, and then
went to London for specialization and studying decorative painting. What is, precisely, decorative painting and
what does it encompass?
Long story short, decorative painting is applied painting.
Decorative painting deals with similar issues and problems that you also encounter in easel painting, but the
difference is that decorative painting works with hundreds-of-times larger surfaces. The second main difference is in the definitive location of the painted surface
in relation to other painting and non-painting elements
of a certain space. There is a whole string of decorative-painting techniques that, thanks to the right choice
of brushes and other tools, as well as usage of special
materials, allows us to achieve the necessary effect on
these large surfaces in an easier way. There are very
often some special demands that we must meet, such
as resisting the atmospherics or something like that. During my education process in London, we have gone
through many indorsed techniques in great detail, such
as various ways of achieving perfect imitations of different types of marble and wood, as well as the process
of gilding, types of coating, and many other traditional
and contemporary techniques. The nineteenth century is considered to be the golden age of decorative
painting, but in my opinion, this period can contribute
just as much. Modern technology gives us so many new,
Lapidarij u Novigradu / Lapidarium in Novigrad
wonderful options, and the people’s need to make
themselves different and distinguished, along with the
construction boom and a phenomenal level of acquiring information, provides us with terrific opportunities to
achieve works of very high value by combining all these
Therefore, decorative painting is a noble craft that is
preformed with the mind, heart and hands.
You’re working as an interior designer and decorative
painter. According to the displayed gallery at your official website (www.arsenpletenac.com), it seems that
you mostly create rustic ambiences. Does that reflect
your interest and sensibility, or is it more connected to
the orders you receive?
It is mostly influenced by the orders I receive. The first orders I ever got were on rustic objects and churches, and
it is predominantly like that today as well. In every individual project, I have always attempted to find something that would result in a casual space, and more often than not, the way to achieve that was to rely on the
style of the surrounding. Istria, especially its central part,
is pretty exempt from unattractive new buildings, and is
filled with wonderful examples, samples and combinations, so it’s only logical to use them. That fact led me
to the conclusion that, while I was searching for such an
image, I was more and more returning to original techniques, because it was unnecessary to imitate something that could be accomplished “for real”. Still, I have
worked on more than several modern objects, with very
contemporary forms and ways of designing the interior
and exterior, which clearly show that decorative painting is certainly not something that is bound to be connected with the archaic or the rustic. When working in
such spaces, we take special satisfaction in using traditional techniques without the desire to evoke any other
time besides the present, and we do an excellent job,
if I may add.
You also do some mural painting and “al fresco” painting, as well as illusionist painting. How big is the interest
to revive those slightly forgotten techniques and who orders such specific projects?
The interest for reviving those things is definitely awakening and is getting bigger and bigger. Mostly because the
desire for nicely decorated, pleasant, unique, personal
and interesting spaces is getting bigger as well. Besides,
knowledge of the fact that certain impressions require
certain techniques, and that they can’t be achieved
with previous ordinary techniques, materials or “perfect”
modern colours, is also getting bigger by the day. The
special strength of using these techniques and natural
materials is that they have been tested over the course
of centuries and we positively know that they don’t lose
its quality over the years; on the contrary, they receive a
whole new dimension, and growing old and being used
makes them even more beautiful. An excellent example is provided in the new facades we make with these
tested old recipes, for both the mortar and the paint.
That’s when we usually use pigments of local earth for
painting, but also other “earth” pigments, which enable
us to achieve durability and a “happy” aging process
for such a façade.
Mural painting is also something that certain ambiences
simply ask for. Simply put, when you see a beautiful arc
or wall in an old villa in, for example, Lovran or Korčula,
it’s a pity not to paint because it multiplies the quality of
the space, and gives it the dimension, significance and
flair it deserves.
Fasada u Funtani / Facade in Funtana
Detalj iz restorana Deni / Detail from Deni restaurant
You live in the poetic heart of Istria these days, just outside of Pazin, where you also have the headquarters of
your “business for artistic creativity” you named “Heritage”. That very name contains a reference because it
implies preserving one’s heritage and legacy. How important is that to you and how much does it affect your
overall work?
I chose that name because I want to contribute to our
heritage being preserved, and I would also love for my
works to become something that future generations
would want to preserve. I think it’s impossible to completely express yourself in this contemporary world if we
don’t use our heritage as the starting point. The reason
the company’s called “Heritage”, instead of “Legacy”,
is because it’s also the name of my favourite rose, as
well as my family’s.
On the other hand, you graduated in London, which is
a city that is synonymous to urban life, counterculture
and “street style” in fashion and art. Has London had any
effect on you and is there maybe a Pazin-London contrast in there, because both of those environments must
have, at least slightly, influenced you as an artist?
It’s natural that my period in London influenced me as
an artist. I don’t think it’s possible to live in London and
prevent that from happening. Meetings with the painting stars of the world, as well as with many other interesting people, countless top-class exhibits, a phenomenal choice of periodics and literature, coming “face
to face” with the great accomplishments of decorative
paintings – all this is just something that I can recall in
this quick manner. I also think that influences shouldn’t
be looked just among the art elements, because just living in that city has certainly had a tremendous amount
of effect on me and has shaped me into an artist and
a person I am today. On the other hand, central Istria
and its emphasised rural dimension, but also its excellent
connections to the world, are not necessarily in contrast
to London; it’s just an area with very special character,
and that change did nothing but ennoble me. My wish
and decision to come and live in Istria after London was
a completely romantic one, and it turned out that Istria
was the most fertile ground Croatia had to offer for my
line of business.
Being that, over the last ten years or so, Istria has become a very attractive area to purchase a real estate,
much to the point that it’s now a matter of prestige to
have a house in Istria, especially at its centre. Have you
noticed that trend having any effect on some changes
in the area’s appearance? Is there any effect at all, because it seems that the ambience of central Istria is respected and the construction is always in harmony with
the natural environment. Do you think that your work
also contributes to that way of thinking in the Istrian ambience?
At that time, you could already feel a more subtle approach in central Istria, and I didn’t have to do much explaining about what it was I was doing. There are many
Croatian citizens and foreigners who have used their
very tasteful redecorating, almost always in line with
the environment, to demonstrate an excellent example
and to encourage the locals to keep going down that
road. It’s fantastic how Istrian people have responded
Rozi Hort Art
to that. Over a very short period of time, good solutions
have been accepted and are now heavily used. That
sort of surrounding makes my job a lot easier. From the
very start, the clients have believed me and have given me enormous freedom with lots of enthusiasm, and
have ended up enjoying the results, not only in Istria, but
also in the whole of Croatia.
Are there any trends in today’s interior design? How
much are our people willing to just leave their intimate
space’s decoration in the hands of a professional?
Much like in everything else, there are certain trends. As
much as I’m aware of them, the personal approach to
a project is what’s important to me. The way I approach
a certain decorating project is to arrange everything
with the clients and fully cooperate with them. I’m trying
to help my clients in the process of refining their taste.
My way of designing is never the “here’s the key, see
you tomorrow” system, at the end of which the client
returns to see a fully decorated space. I prefer to suggest, help my clients make the right choice instead of
the wrong one, make the whole project more rounded,
harmonized, balanced, as well as warn them about
the right direction, about the good sides that should be
pointed out and the not-so-good sides that should be
covered. In that way, the clients don’t even let anyone
else decorate their intimate space, and instead contribute to making it a joint project.
Tvorci su tijekom restauracije starih kućica sačuvali sva obilježja ovdašnje pučke arhitekture, snažno
obojene arapskim utjecajima / The creators have maintained all the characteristics of the local architecture during the process of these houses’ restoration, and it is strongly painted in Arabic influences
Jedna od rijetkih europskih nedirnutih oaza / One of
the rare untouched European oases
Svaki je od bungalova uređen drukčije / Each of the
bungalows is differently decorated
Santa Teresa - netipičan hotel na najvećemu sicilijanskome otoku
Nièija zemlja izmeðu
Europe i Afrike
Otok Pantelleria bliži je afričkom negoli europskom kontinentu, a u sredini otoka, u dolini Monastero, četrdeset hektara zaposjelo
je raskošno rustikalno imanje Santa Teresa
Resort, s golemim vinogradom i 18 prekrasno obnovljenih tradicionalnih ribarskih i
seljačkih kuća namijenjenih ekskluzivnom
Piše: Aurelija Vukušiæ Foto: www.designhotels.com
anašnji je turizam, jednom riječju, bijeg: bijeg
od svakodnevice, gradskog ritma, obveza,
drugih ljudi sličnih nama, a možda pomalo i
bijeg od nas samih. No bijeg koji završi u pretrpanom ljetovalištu gdje su ljudi jednako, ako ne i više,
nervozni jer su nagurani na nepoznatom terenu na kojemu se u kratkom vremenu moraju(!) opustiti i odmoriti,
i nije neki bijeg.
Zato je otok Pantelleria odredište za prave bjegunce:
na osamdeset i tri četvorna kilometra prostire se jedna
od rijetkih europskih nedirnutih oaza. Vulkanski je to
otok na samome jugu Italije koji regionalno pripada Siciliji, i najveći je od svih sicilijanskih otoka. No, on nema
U Santa Teresi nećete naći komade namještaja s
dizajnerskim potpisom / You won’t find any pieces of
designer furniture in Santa Teresa
ništa od onih negativnih obilježja koja se u kolektivnoj
svijesti vežu uz najjužniju talijansku regiju (zaboravite na
krvnu osvetu i mafiju), osim fantastične prirode okružene nepreglednim i, što je još važnije, ne prenapučenim
plažama. Tamno vulkansko tlo čini fantastičan kontrast
modrini mora i prelijepoj divljoj vegetaciji čiji je jedini
vrtlar – majka priroda. Do Pantellerije, čiji je naziv talijanska izvedenica arapske riječi “kći vjetra“, dolazi se
relativno jednostavno – zrakoplovom ili brodom, dok
na otoku ordiniraju shuttleovi i taksi službe koje putnike
voze tamo gdje treba.
A u sredini otoka, u dolini Monastero, četrdeset hektara zaposjelo je raskošno rustikalno imanje Santa Teresa
Resort, s golemim vinogradom kojim dominira sorta cabernet te nepreglednim stablima maslina, namijenjeno
onima koji se ne boje mira, tišine i susreta sa samima
sobom. Romantičari i ljubitelji povratka u bolju prošlost
ovdje će doći na svoje. Santa Teresa namijenila je gostima osamnaest prekrasno obnovljenih tradicionalnih
ribarskih i seljačkih kuća koje stanovnici otoka nazivaju “dammusi“, nepravilno u četiri grupice raštrkanih po
imanju, ali dovoljno udaljenih jedne od drugih da bi
gostima sačuvale privatnost. Tvorci ovoga neobičnog
ljetovališta sačuvali su tijekom restauracije starih kućica sva obilježja ovdašnje pučke arhitekture, snažno
obojene arapskim utjecajima – jer obala Afrike je samo
70 kilometara zračne linije udaljena od Pantellerije pa
je otok zapravo bliže Africi nego Europi.
Bez poznatih dizajnera
U Santa Teresi nećete naći komade namještaja s dizajnerskim potpisom: iako je svaka od kućica uređena
luksuzno, s ukusom i vrlo komforno, čak se i raspored
prostorija promišljao u skladu s nekadašnjim. No, interijer “dammusija“ idealno se uklopio s mjestom gdje
se nalazite: prozračni prostori bez puno mračnih i zatvorenih kutaka, karakteristični lukovi svoda, prirodni
materijali interijera, skladne boje, puno drva, detalji od
Svaka od kućica uređena je luksuzno, s ukusom i vrlo
komforno / Each of the houses is luxuriously decorated, with great taste and comfort
kovanoga željeza... sve je to dio vremeplova koji vas
vraća u neka mirnija, jednostavnija vremena. Svaki je
od bungalova uređen drukčije, a većina ih je za dvije
do četiri osobe te se razlikuju po kategorijama. Osnovna je, i nešto manja, “Comfort“, ona srednje klase
“Superior“, a najbolja “Excellent“. Potonjim kućicama
na raspolaganju je i privatni bazen, dok ostali mogu
uživati u nekoliko bazena koji su predviđeni za korisnike
više bungalova. Svaka je kućica opremljena standardnim sadržajima: kupaonicom, mini kuhinjom, klimatizacijskim uređajem, minibarom, telefonskom linijom i TV
prijamnikom, a uz recepciju i 24-satnu uslugu, gostima
je na raspolaganju i igraonica za djecu, zgrade za nepušače, usluga pranja rublja, faks... Ovisno o sezoni te
o tome za koju opciju bungalova se odlučite, noćenje
s doručkom može stajati od 165 do 280 eura (dok opcije punog ili polupansiona ne postoje). No, glavni adut
Pantellerije ipak nije boravak u zatvorenome prostoru
(uostalom, i klima je ovdje vrlo nalik onoj na susjednom
sjeveru afričkog kontinenta), nego uživanje u prirodi.
Stoga će rijetko tko ostati uz bazen. Gosti radije odabiru kupanje na nekoj od skrivenih plaža udaljenih tek koji
kilometar, vožnju biciklom, minigolf, izlete brodom do
mnogobrojnih podmorskih pećina, kušanje vina, blatnu
kupku ili posjet jednome od najpoznatijih arheoloških
nalazišta u regiji. Pantelleria je jedino veće mjesto na
otoku i udaljeno je desetak kilometara od Santa Terese,
no poklonici ludih noćnih provoda ni tamo neće naći
sadržaje po svome ukusu. Ovo je mjesto za meditaciju,
odmor i povratak iskonu. A jedna od iskonskih stvari na
ovome egzotičnom otoku svakako je i hrana, idealni
mediteranski spoj svježe ribe i maslinova ulja, kouskousa karakterističnoga za afričko sredozemno podneblje
te opojnih arapskih slatkiša. Nešto od toga servira se u
Arapskome vrtu u mjestašcu Siba, zajedničkom prostoru za sve bungalove, gdje je u predvečerje lijepo i popiti čašu ovdašnjega vina s pogledom na nepregledne
vinorodne brežuljke.
Santa Teresa - An Atypical Hotel on the Largest Sicilian Island
No Man’s Land Between
Europe and Africa
Island Pantelleria is closer to the African continent than it is to Europe, and in valley Monastero, right in the centre of the island, forty
hectares were taken up by a sumptuous rustic estate called Santa Teresa Resort, with an
enormous vineyard and 18 wonderfully renovated, traditional fishermen’s and village houses that were designed for exclusive tourism
Written by: Aurelija Vukušiæ
Photo: www.designhotels.com
oday’s tourism is, in a single word, an escape: escape from the every-day life, from the city rhythm,
obligations, other people who are similar to us, and
maybe also an escape from ourselves. However,
an escape that ends up in an overcrowded summer resort where people are just as nervous, if not more, because they’ve been stacked up in unfamiliar territory
and they have a short period of time in which they must
(!) relax and unwind, is not really much of an escape.
That’s why the island of Pantelleria is the destination for
true fugitives: one of the rare untouched European oases, and it spreads across 83 square kilometres. This is a
volcanic island at the very south of Italy that regionally
belongs to Sicily, and it’s the largest Sicilian island. Mind
jedna od rijetkih europskih
nedirnutih oaza
Pogled na nepregledne vinorodne brežuljke / View to the vast slopes filled
with vineyards
Pantelleria je jedino veće mjesto na otoku i udaljeno je desetak kilometara od
Santa Terese / Pantelleria is the only larger place on the island and it is about ten
kilometres away from Santa Teresa
you, it features none of those negative things that are
generally attached to this region at the very south of Italy (forget about blood vengeance and the Mafia), besides the fantastic nature surrounded by spacious, and
even more importantly, non-overcrowded beaches.
The dark volcanic soil makes for a fantastic contrast opposed to the blueness of the sea and the wonderful wild
vegetation, with only one gardener – Mother Nature.
Pantelleria, with a name that is the Italian version of the
Arabic word “daughter of the wind”, can be reached
relatively easily – via airplane or a boat, while there are
shuttles and taxi-services operating on the island to take
the visitors to their chosen destinations.
And in the valley of Monastero, right in the centre of the
island, forty hectares were taken up by a sumptuous rustic estate called Santa Teresa Resort, with an enormous
vineyard that is dominated by the cabernet species and
an uncountable amount of olive trees, aimed at those
who aren’t afraid of peace, quiet and a confrontation
with themselves. Romantics and lovers of the return to
the better past will truly enjoy this place. Santa Teresa
has delighted the guests with eighteen wonderfully ren-
ovated, traditional fishermen’s and village houses that
the locals call “dammusi”, and they are irregularly scattered across the estate in four little groups, but are still
far enough from one another to preserve the guests’
privacy. The creators of this unusual summer resort have
maintained all the characteristics of the local architecture during the process of these houses’ restoration, and
it is strongly painted in Arabic influences – that’s because the African coast is merely 70 kilometres of airline
away from Pantelleria, which makes the island closer to
Africa than to Europe.
Without famous designers
You won’t find any pieces of designer furniture in Santa
Teresa: although each of the houses is luxuriously decorated, with great taste and comfort, even the position of
the rooms was worked out in harmony with how it used
to be. However, the interior of the “dammusi” ideally fits
in with the location: airy spaces with practically no dark
and closed corners, characteristic arches, natural materials in the interior, coherent colours, plenty of wood,
details made from wrought iron… it’s all part of a time-
Potonjim kućicama na raspolaganju je i privatni bazen / The latter houses
have a private swimming pool at their disposal
Noćenje s doručkom stoji od 165 do 280 eura / An overnight
stay with breakfast will cost you from 165 to 280 euro
machine that brings you back to simpler, more peaceful
times. Each of the bungalows is differently decorated,
and most of them were designed for 2-4 people and are
placed in different categories. The primary category,
which is slightly lower, is called “Comfort”; the mid-class
one is called “Superior”, while the finest one is “Excellent”. The latter houses have a private swimming pool
at their disposal, while the other guests can enjoy several swimming pools that are predicted for users of more
than one bungalow. Each of the little houses features
standard equipment: bathroom, mini-kitchen, air conditioning, mini-bar, telephone and TV set, and besides the
reception and the 24-hour service, the guests can also
use the playroom for children, buildings for non-smokers,
the laundry service, a fax machine… Depending on the
season and the bungalow option you decide upon, an
overnight stay with breakfast will cost you from 165 to 280
euros (options for a full pension or semi-pension are not
available). However, Pantelleria’s main luring point is not
spending your time indoors (besides, the local climate
very much resembles the one at the neighbouring north
of the African continent), but rather enjoying what nature
has to offer. Therefore, not many visitors will opt to spend
their time by the swimming pool. The guests will rather
choose taking a swim at one of the hidden beaches that
is only a couple of kilometres away, or maybe going for
a bicycle ride, playing some mini-golf, taking a boat trip
to one of the many underwater caves, trying yourself in
some wine sampling, taking a mud bath or visiting one
of the most famous archaeological sites in the region.
Pantelleria is the only larger place on the island and it is
Prozračni prostori bez puno mračnih i zatvorenih kutaka / Airy spaces with practically no dark and closed
about ten kilometres away from Santa Teresa, but those
who came for wild night parties will not exactly find what
they’re looking for. This is a place for meditation, resting
and returning to your inner roots. And one of the things
that brings you back to your inner roots on this exotic island is certainly the food, which is an ideal Mediterranean combination of fresh fish and olive oil, as well as
“kouskous” that is characteristic for the area of the African Mediterranean and some luscious Arabic sweets.
Some of those treats are served up in the African Garden
in a little place called Siba, which is a joint location for all
the bungalows, and where you will love spending your
early evenings with a glass of local wine and gazing at
the vast slopes filled with vineyards.
Dom snova
Instalaciju pod nazivom “Prinčipesa” napravila je vlasnica Jelica / Installations called “Prinčipesa”
made by the owner Jelica
S terase se pruža predivan pogled na cijeli Dubrovnik /
The terrace provides a wonderful view of the entire city
of Dubrovnik
Prièa morske pjene
s pogledom na Grad
Odmah na ulazu se vidi kako je riječ o stanu u kojemu se pazilo na svaki detalj. Vlasnici Jelica Kmetović i Pavo Hercigonja, uz pomoć arhitektice Dunje Janjić stvorili su
dom inspiriran morem u kojem se ubrzo osjećate kao u umjetničkoj galeriji
Piše: Anita Vodopivec
Foto: Kristina Faziniæ
idjevši prvi put stan u više od sto godina staroj
kamenoj kući na dubrovačkim Pločama, Jelica
Kmetović je znala da se od njega da napraviti
lijepi stan za nju i njezina supruga Pavu Hercigonju. Nakon godinu dana preuređivanja po njihovoj ideji
i uz pomoć arhitektice Dunje Janjić, stotinjak četvornih
metara stana dobilo je sasvim novi izgled, a vlasnica kaže
kako još ni nakon četiri godine od preseljenja nije uređen
do kraja.
Odmah na ulazu se vidi kako je riječ o stanu u kojemu se
pazilo na svaki detalj. Tako su na ulaznim vratima stakla s
reljefnim pločicama na kojima su brodići i ispisana slova
na različite načine koja čine vlasnikovo ime. Jeličinu ideju o originalnim ulaznim vratima, u djelo je proveo dizaj-
ner Nino Čučković. S ulaznih vrata bijelim porculanskim
pločicama ulazi se u svojevrsnu galeriju koju je napravio prijetelj Pavo Đivanović, a vlasnici su je nazvali Vojin
kutić. Tu su preko cijelog sjevernog zida stana napravljene niše u kojima su izložene drage stvari – od kompleta
unikatnih čaša do amfora i školjaka koje je Pavo izronio
u mladosti, a koje mu mnogo znače. Ipak, središnje mjesto galerije zauzimaju slike obiteljskog prijatelja i Jeličina omiljenog slikara Voje Radoičića, a glavna je ona
“Pasal je Pavušin vapor”, koju je Pavo od supruge dobio
za rođendan. S galerijom je u jednom prostoru spojena
kuhinja i blagovaonica, a stoljetni zid s voltom ga dijeli
od dnevne sobe.
Bijela kuhinja rađena po mjeri, mala ali funkcionalna,
Stoljetni zid s voltom / The hundred-year-old wall
with a volt
Blagovaonicom dominira stol od murano stakla. Iznad
njega je postavljen luster – skulptura Dandelion dizajnera Richarda Huttona / The dining room is dominated by
a table made from “murano” glass. There is a chandelier-sculpture Dandelion by designer Richard Hutton
above the table
stigla je iz Milana, a radna ploha joj je od keroka,
materijala koji je iznimno otporan i jednostavan za
održavanje. Od ostatka stana kuhinja je odijeljena
šankom od satiniranog stakla. Pod blagovaonice i
dnevnog boravka je od egzotičnog parketa, a njegova tamna boja i zid od kamena kontrast su bijelim
zidovima i namještaju. Blagovaonicom, iz koje se kroz
velika vrata ide na terasu, dominira stol za blagovanje od murano stakla. Stol i stolice u prošlom stanu
su bile plave, no za novi dom su promijenili “dres” u
bijelo. Iznad stola je postavljen luster – skulptura Dandelion dizajnera Richarda Huttona.
– Nikad ne kupujem zato što moram, nego tek kad
osjetim da je neki dio namještaja ili rasvjete stvoren
za naš stan. Tako je bilo i s lusterom za blagovaonicu. Tri godine sam tražila dok nisam naišla na ono
što sam htjela – kaže vlasnica, koja svoga supruga
na povratku sa svakog putovanja iznenadi nečim
novim. Jednom prigodom to je bila slika dubrovačke umjetnice Iris Lobaš koja je našla svoje mjesto
na zidu u dnevnoj sobi. Kako se s prozora u dnevnoj
sobi vidi Stari grad, Pavo je poželio imati njegove
konture u izvedbi spomenute umjetnice i u svom
domu. Uz slike koje nalikuju na puzzle i bijelu kožnu
garnituru koja se po potrebi može pretvoriti u krevet, odlično se uklopila i dizajnerska podna svjetiljka
Pri uređenju stana itekako se pazilo na svaki detalj,
pa tako i na rasvjetu. Navečer stanom dominiraju
plavičasti tonovi. Svaki detalj, pa i malene niše u stoljetnom kamenu, ima odgovarajuću rasvjetu, a za
postavljanje rasvjetnih tijela zaslužan je Lukša Jakobušić koji već poznaje ukus vlasnika.
Svoje mjesto u stanu, koji je Jelica nazvala “priča
morske pjene”, imaju i slike Vaska Lipovca, a tu su se
našle i njezine instalacije. Ona koju je napravila od
venecijanske maske, svoje haljine i cipela iz Milana
koje je samo jednom odjenula nalazi se u dnevnoj
sobi, a nazvala ju je “Prinčipesa”.
Kako je cijeli stan protočan, sva vanjska vrata su u
staklu, pa tako i ona jedina unutrašnja koja vode od
dnevnog boravka u sobu i kupaonicu, koja su također od satiniranog stakla kako bi zaklonila pogled iz
dnevnih u noćne odaje. Sobom dominira bijeli krevet prekriven ručno rađenom posteljinom koja je dar
Jeličine prijateljice, a dobila ju je na “partyju za lancune” koji je bio jedan od prvih u novom stanu. Zanimljive zavjese koje kriju zidni ormar, čija vrata još nisu
gotova, Jeličin su rad.
– Nama dan nikako ne može početi loše jer nam se iz
postelje pogled kroz jedan prozor pruža na Grad, a s
drugoga na Lokrum. Pa tko može pokraj takve ljepote biti loše raspoložen?! – riječi su vlasnice, čiji prozor
iz kupaonice također gleda na more.
Kako je cijeli stan inspiriran morem, tako je i iznad kuhinje “balatura” koja je zamišljena kao Pavin “komandni most”. A kako su vlasnici druželjubivi, nerijetko se
kod njih održavaju zabave i večere na kojima su rado
viđeni gosti i brojni poznati Dubrovčani. Ljeti se takve
večere i feštanja iz stana prebace na veliku terasu
koja se prostire na dvije etaže, a koja je ujedno i predvorje stana.
Dream home
Uz slike koje nalikuju na puzzle i bijelu kožnu garnituru
odlično se uklopila i dizajnerska podna svjetiljka Arco /
Along with some puzzle-looking paintings and a white
leather ensemble, a designer floor lamp Arco has also
wonderfully adjusted to the ambience
A Sea-Spray Story Overlooking
the City of Dubrovnik
The minute you enter, it becomes obvious that this is an apartment where every
littledetail was really thought out. Owners Jelica Kmetović and Pave Hercigonja, with some help from architect Dunja
Janjić, have created a sea-inspired home
that immediatly makes you feel like you’re visiting an art gallery
Written by: Anita Vodopivec
Photo: Kristina Faziniæ
hen she first saw her apartment in a hundredyear-old stone house in Ploče in Dubrovnik, Jelica Kmetović knew that it had the potential of
becoming a lovely apartment for her and her
husband Pavo Hercigonja. After spending an entire year
redecorating it according to their own ideas, along with
the help from architect Dunja Janjić, the 100 square metres
of the apartment have received a whole new look, and
the owner said that it’s still not finished, even if they moved
into it four years ago.
The minute you enter, you can see that this is an apartment
where every little detail was really thought out. An example
of that is the glass with relief tiles on the front door, which
features little boats and various inscriptions that stand for
the owner’s name. Jelica’s idea for an original front door
Dream home
Pod blagovaonice i dnevnog boravka je od egzotičnog parketa, a njegova tamna boja i zid od kamena
kontrast su bijelim zidovima i namještaju / The floor in
the dining and living room is made from exotic parquet, while its dark colour and the stone wall are contrast
to white walls and furniture
was accomplished by designer Nino Čučković. Once
you enter, white porcelain tiles will lead you to a gallery
of sorts, which was created by friend Pavo Đivanović,
and the owners named it Pavo’s Little Corner. That’s
where you will find recesses built all over the north wall
of the apartment, and they feature some things that
bring back fond memories – from a set of unique glasses
to amphoras and shells that Pavo dug out from the sea
in his younger days, and that mean a great deal to him.
Still, the central part of the gallery belongs to paintings
by a family friend and Jelica’s favourite painter Vojo
Radoičić, with the main one being “Pavuša’s Ship Has
Sailed” that Jelica gave to her husband for his birthday.
The gallery has a space that connects it to the kitchen
and the dining room, while the hundred-year-old wall
with a volt separates it from the living room.
The custom-made white kitchen is small but functional;
it was delivered from Milan, and the working surface is
made of kerock, which is an extremely resilient material
that is easy to maintain. The kitchen is separated from
the remainder of the apartment by a satin-glass bar.
The floor in the dining room and living room is made
Središnje mjesto galerije zauzimaju slike obiteljskog
prijatelja i Jeličina omiljenog slikara Voje Radoičića / the central part of the gallery belongs to
paintings by a family friend and Jelica’s favourite
painter Vojo Radoičić
from exotic parquet, while its dark colour and the stone
wall are contrast to white walls and furniture. The dining room, which features a grand exit to the terrace,
is dominated by a dining table made from “murano”
glass. The previous apartment’s table and chairs were
blue, so this new home saw that choice turn to white.
There is a chandelier-sculpture Dandelion by designer
Richard Hutton above the table.
- I never buy something purely because I have to, but
rather when I feel that a certain piece of furniture or
some lighting objects were made for our apartment.
That’s what happened to the chandelier in our dining
room. I’ve been searching for three years until I finally
found what I wanted – the owner says, and she always
makes sure to surprise her husband with a little something when she returns from her trips. On one occasion,
that was a painting by artist Iris Lobaš from Dubrovnik,
which found its place on the living-room wall. Being that
you can see the old part of Dubrovnik from the livingroom window, Pavo wished to have its outline, made
by this artist, in his home. Along with some puzzle-looking paintings and a white leather ensemble that can
Bijela kuhinja rađena po mjeri, mala ali funkcionalna,
stigla je iz Milana / The custom-made white kitchen is
small but functional; it was delivered from Milan
Sobom dominira bijeli krevet prekriven ručno rađenom posteljinom koja je dar Jeličine prijateljice / The
bedroom is dominated by a white bed that is covered with hand-made linen, which was given to Jelica
as a present by her friend
be turned into a bed, a designer floor lamp Arco has
also wonderfully adjusted to the ambience.
Every detail was taken into account while decorating
this apartment, and that includes the lighting. In the
evening, the apartment is dominated by bluish tones.
Every little detail, including the small recesses in the
hundred-year-old stone, has agreeable lighting, and
setting those lighting objects was the job for Lukša
Jakobušić, who is already familiar with the owners’
Paintings by Vasko Lipovac also have their place in this
apartment, which is often referred to by Jelica as “a
sea-spray story”, as do some of her own installations.
One of those works, which was made from a Venetian
mask, her dress and some shoes from Milan that she
wore only once, is located in the living room, and it
goes by the name “Prinčipesa”.
Being that the entire apartment has a certain flow to
it, all the outside doors are covered in glass, including
the only indoor ones that lead from the living room to
the bedroom and bathroom, and they are also made
from satin glass in order to hide the view from the day-
time to nighttime quarters. The bedroom is dominated
by a white bed that is covered with hand-made linen,
which was given to Jelica as a present by her friend
at “the bed-sheets party “, which was one of the first
events in the new apartment. Interesting curtains that
hide the wall closet, the doors of which are not finished
yet, were made by Jelica herself.
- Our day cannot start on a bad note because the
view from our bed overlooks Dubrovnik through one
window, and Lokrum through the other window. Who
could stay in a bad mood next to such beauty?! – the
owner says, and it should be noted that her bathroom
window also overlooks the sea.
Along with the fact that the whole apartment is inspired
by the sea, there is a terrace above the kitchen that
was designed as Pavo’s “command bridge”. And being
that the owners are very sociable people, their place
is often the venue for parties and dinners that feature
some well-known names from Dubrovnik as guests. In
the summer, those dinners and parties are transferred
from the apartment to a large two-storey terrace, which
also serves as the apartment’s lobby.
Prepoznatljive Nespressove kapsule /
Well known Nespresso’s capsules
Atraktivni natječaj za mlade dizajnere iz cijeloga svijeta
Kava kao vjeèna inspiracija
Nespressov natječaj, drugi po redu, na najvišoj je svjetskoj razini, o čemu svjedoči i sastav ocjenjivačkoga suda: glavna urednica magazina Interi Gilda Bojardi,
Alberto Alessi te dizajneri Giulio Cappellini, Mattali Crasset, Alfredo Häberli, Ineke
Hans, Patrick Norguet i Konstantin Grcic
Piše: Aurelija Vukušiæ
Foto: www.nespresso.com
ma li boljega načina za promoviranje proizvoda od
vezivanja uz nešto tako ekskluzivno i oku ugodno
kao što je vrhunski dizajn? Za tu su se taktiku prije dvije godine odlučili u Nestleu kada su na tržištu željeli
ojačati poziciju svoga proizvoda, espresso kave i pripadajućih aparata s nepogrešivim imenom Nespresso
i dizajnom po kojemu je ta tvrtka već godinama poznata. Godine 2005. raspisan je prvi natječaj za mlade
dizajnere, odnosno studente dizajna koji će se u svojim
radovima baviti produkt-dizajnom sa zajedničkim nazivnikom – kavom. Projekti 24 finalista prvoga natječaja, nazvanog “Coffeeunplugged”, odnosno najbolji,
krajnje inovativni i svježi rezultati toga natječaja, mogli
su se razgledati na prošlogodišnjemu sajmu “Maison&-
Objet” u Parizu, na “Elle Woonhuis” u Amsterdamu te
izložbi “Kunst 06” u Zürichu.
Formula je očito upalila jer su se dvije godine poslije
menadžeri ponovno odlučili za isto: Nespresso natječaj
2007. otvoren je u ožujku ove godine i traje sve do sredine listopada. Drugo izdanje nosi i novo ime “Coffeeluxury”, a uz nezaobilazni opojni napitak kao lajtmotiv, ovaj je put ključna riječ “luksuz”. U natječaju se od
mladih studenata i postdiplomanata dizajna očekuje
da istraže gdje je dimenzija luksuza u jednoj naizgled
tako svakodnevnoj stvari kao što je šalica dobre kave i
da taj luksuz u svojim radovima iskažu na što zanimljiviji
način. Ili, kako to kažu u pozivu na natječaj: “Istražuje se luksuz kao stanje uma, stav, neprestana potraga
za izvrsnošću i ultimativnom ljepotom jednostavnosti.
Natječaj potiče studente najboljih svjetskih dizajnerskih
škola da se oslobode tehničkih i industrijskih zadanosti
i na taj način sasvim izraze kreativnost kroz korištenje
kave, aparata za kavu ili pomagala u pripremanju ili
ispijanju kave kao fokalnih točaka istraživanja.” Nespressov ocjenjivački sud posebno je naglasio pitanje
dizajna kao sredstva kojim se postiže praktičnost s luksuznom dimenzijom, u kojoj korisnici mogu svakodnevno
uživati, bila ona jednostavnost, efikasnost ili perfekcija,
a projekti mladih dizajnera trebali bi, prema uputama
suda, naglašavati i reakcije naših čula na luksuz.
Da je riječ doista o događanju na najvišoj svjetskoj razini, svjedoči i sastav ocjenjivačkoga suda: o radovima
će odlučivati glavna urednica magazina Interi Gilda
Bojardi, Alberto Alessi te dizajneri Giulio Cappellini,
Mattali Crasset, Alfredo Häberli, Ineke Hans, Patrick
Norguet i Konstantin Grcic. Nagrade su također vrlo
primamljive, a ukupan iznos predviđen za tri najbolja
dizajnera je 26.000 eura. Usto, Nespresso će “svoje” dizajnere promovirati i na brojnim sajmovima, a posebno
na milanskome u proljeće iduće godine.
Drugo izdanje nosi i novo ime “Coffeeluxury”,
ove godine ključna riječ je “luksuz” / The second edition boasts a new name “Coffeeluxury”,
the key word this year is “luxury”
Prošlogodišnji pobjednik: Nespresso card, Simone Spalvieri i Valentina
Del Ciotto / Last year winner: Nespresso card, Simone Spalvieri and
Valentina Del Ciotto
Nespresso natječaj 2007. otvoren je u ožujku
ove godine i traje sve do sredine listopada /
Nespresso’s contest for 2007 was opened in this
year’s March and will go on till mid-October
Na prvom natječaju nagradu Special mention osvojio je Jet Scholte s radom “Playful leftovers” /
Jet Scholte won the Special Mention Award at the
very first contest with his “Playful Leftovers” project
An Attractive Contest for Young Designers from All Over the World
Coffee as Eternal Inspiration
Nespresso’s contest, the second in a row, is at
the highest world-class level, which is clearly
demonstrated by the names in the expert jury:
chief editor of “Interi “ magazine Gilda Bojardi,
Alberto Alessi and designers Giulio Cappellini,
Mattali Crasset, Alfredo Haberli, Ineke Hans,
Patrick Norguet and Konstantin Grcic
Written by: Aurelija Vukušiæ
Photo: www.nespresso.com
s there any better way to promote a product than to
attach it to something so exclusive and pleasant to
the eye as top-notch design? Two years ago, that was
the tactic they chose at Nestle when they wanted to
strengthen the position of their product on the market;
the product being espresso coffee and accompanying
products with the unmistakable name Nespresso and
with the type of design that has been that company’s
trademark for years. In 2005, the first contest was announced for young designers, or design students who
would test themselves in the field of product-design by
using one common denominator – coffee. The projects
by the 24 finalists of the first contest that was called “Cof-
feeunplugged”, or the best, most innovative and fresh
results of that contest, were put on display at the last
year’s “Maison&Objet” fair in Paris, the “Elle Woonhuis”
in Amsterdam and the “Kunst 06” exhibition in Zurich. The
formula obviously worked because the managers have
decided to do the same thing two years later: Nespresso’s contest for 2007 was opened in this year’s March and
will go on till mid-October. The second edition boasts a
new name “Coffeeluxury”, and along with the unavoidable luscious beverage as the leitmotif, the key word this
time is “luxury”. This contest asks the young students and
design post-graduates to explore the dimension of luxury
within one thing that is seemingly so ordinary as a cup of
good coffee, and to point out that luxury in their works
as interestingly as they can. Or as the invitation to the
contest states: “The research theme is luxury as a state
of mind, an attitude, constant search for excellence and
the ultimate beauty of simplicity. The contest encourages students from the best design schools in the world
to free themselves from all technical and industrial limitations and to express their creativity in that way through
usage of coffee, coffee makers or any tools in preparing
or drinking coffee as the focal points of their research”.
Nespresso’s expert jury has particularly emphasized the
issue of design as means to achieve practicality with a
luxurious dimension that the users can constantly enjoy,
whether it reflects simplicity, efficiency or perfection. The
young designers’ projects should, according to the jury’s
instructions, also point out how our senses react to luxury.
The fact that this is truly an event at the highest worldclass level is demonstrated by the names in the expert
jury: the works will be judged by chief editor of “Interi”
magazine Gilda Bojardi, Alberto Alessi and designers
Giulio Cappellini, Mattali Crasset, Alfredo Haberli, Ineke
Hans, Patrick Norguet and Konstantin Grcic. The awards
are also very alluring, and the overall prize money that is
predicted for the top three designers is 26.000 euros. Besides that, Nespresso will promote “their” designers during
numerous fairs, particularly at the one in Milan during next
year’s spring.
Ovako izgleda najbolji
televizor na svijetu.
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Plug&Play. Bednjanska 8. Zagreb. 01 4829 552
Product Design: Loewe Design/Phoenix Design
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30.03.2007 8:48:07 Uhr
Najvažnije je pravilno odabrati krevet budući da u njemu provedemo
jednu trećinu svog života / The most important thing is to choose the
proper bed because that is where we spend one third of our life
SPAVAÆA SOBA praktièni savjeti za svaki stil
Guste zavjese koje se navuku preko noći osiguravaju miran san / Thick curtains
that are drawn overnight are said to assure you of peaceful sleeping
Bez obzira koji stil odabrali za spavaću sobu,
morate obratiti pozornost na njezinu praktičnost. Spavaća soba bi trebala biti oaza mira
i opuštanja, te bi suvišne detalje trebalo izbjegavati
Piše: Elija Vrsaljko
pavaća soba, čuvarica intime, obično je posljednja na ljestvici prioriteta pri (pre)uređenju doma.
Potpuno pogrešno, jer nema ništa gore od buđenja u neorganiziranoj i natrpanoj sobi. Iako je
to soba koju ne pokazujemo gostima i koja čuva naše
najveće tajne, ona zaslužuje da je napravimo onim što
ona zapravo jest – oaza mira i opuštanja. Zapravo, pri
planiranju i uređenju ove prostorije možemo pustiti mašti
na volju, ionako je skrivena od pogleda. Ona stilski ne
mora pratiti ostatak stana, a budući da je tako intimna,
neka bude cjelina za sebe.
Moderan stil uređenja spavaćih soba je potpuno lišen
suvišnih stvari koje bi nam mogle remetiti odmor. Bez
obzira koji stil odabrali za spavaću sobu, morate obratiti pozornost na njezinu praktičnost. Bilo bi idealno da
ona služi samo za odmor i ništa više, ali to uglavnom nije
slučaj. Zato pri planiranju i uređenju treba uzeti u obzir
njezinu namjenu i veličinu.
Najvažnije je pravilno odabrati krevet budući da u njemu provedemo jednu trećinu svog života. Ne radi se toliko o samom okviru kreveta koliko o podnici i madracu.
Svatko tko se bar jednom probudio slomljen zbog spa-
vanja na neprimjerenome madracu zna koliko vrijedi
kvalitetan ležaj. Pri tome treba voditi računa da najtvrđi
madrac nije nužno i najbolji te se rukovoditi vlastitim potrebama i obvezno probati prije kupnje. Najbolji izbor je
svakako madrac od prirodnih materijala. Podnice mogu
biti odvojene, što je naročito praktično ako je jedan od
partnera puno teži ili nemirno spava.
Okvir kreveta može izražavati stil vlasnika, bio on s uzglavljem ili bez njega, tako, primjerice, željezni okvir pridonosi romantičnom ugođaju. Bitno je da je veličina kreveta prilagođena veličini prostorije, da se oko kreveta
može slobodno kretati te da je uzglavlje uza zid. Prostor
ispod kreveta se može iskoristiti kao spremište, bez obzira
radi li se o krevetu sa stranicama ili onom na nogama.
Iskoristite taj prostor za pohranjivanje posteljine i odjeće.
Zgodno je imati kutije na kotačićima koje možemo pospremiti ispod kreveta jer su praktične kod održavanja
čistoće, a mogu se nabaviti u svim bolje opskrbljenim
prodavaonicama. Ako nemate dovoljno prostora oko
kreveta, noćni ormarići se lako mogu zamijeniti policom
iznad kreveta. U slučaju da dio za spavanje nije odvojen
od ostatka stana, krevet nije nužno potrebno skrivati od
pogleda. Prekriven atraktivnom posteljinom i zanimljivim jastucima, on može postati središnja točka vašeg
Za one koji imaju dovoljno mjesta ispred kreveta, mogućnosti koje ono pruža za izražavanje vlastita stila zaslužuju
posebnu pažnju. Naime, tu se može postaviti televizor,
naslonjač, sanduk za odjeću, stilski stolić s dvije stolice,
dvosjed (idealno u kombinaciji sa stolnom lampom), pisaći stol, polica za knjige... Prostor ispred kreveta je idealno
Dobro organizirani ormar zlata vrijedi /
Good organized wardrobe worth a million
Za ukupan dojam, treba pažljivo odabrati boju za
zidove / For the overall impression, you should carefully
choose which wall paint to use
mjesto za neobičan komad namještaja s “karakterom”.
Na primjer, za “vintage look” postavite stolicu od kovanog željeza ukrašenu jastučićem u stilu s ostatkom sobe.
Boljka svih spavaćih soba je, naravno, garderoba. Osim
onih sretnika koji imaju posebnu prostoriju za odjeću, svi
ostali moraju ukomponirati ormar u raspored svoje spavaće sobe. Bio on mali ili veliki, ugradbeni ili samostojeći,
klizni, kutni, on mora sakriti sve, od posteljine do garderobe. To nije uvijek lako, naročito ako je spavaća soba
mala. Ako je ikako moguće, pri gradnji stana ili preuređenju treba isplanirati ugradbene ormare koji štede prostor.
Natrpane ormare treba dobro organizirati radi bolje preglednosti odjeće. Tako police i ladice pregradite na pretince u kojima odvojeno stoje čarape, kravate, remeni,
itd. Dobro je imati rasvjetu unutar ormara, a pomaže i ako
ormar postavite nasuprot prirodnog izvora svjetlosti kako
biste bolje “kopali” po njemu. Zasebna ladičarka koja se
stilski poklapa s ostatkom sobe dobro će doći, a njezina
gornja površina može služiti kao toaletni stolić.
Ako volite čitati u krevetu, pokraj glavne rasvjete trebate
postaviti i sekundarnu koja je nadohvat ruke, osim ako
ne želite ustajati da biste ugasili svjetlo nakon što ste se
opustili uz omiljenu knjigu. Isto tako, ako imate partnera
koji nije toliki ljubitelj knjige, osigurajte da to svjetlo bude
pravilno dozirano i dobro usmjereno.
Zanimljivo je da zrcala, koja se nekako nagonski nameću u spavaćoj sobi, a često prekrivaju cijelu prednju
površinu ormara, ne preporučuju pobornici feng shui
principa uređenja doma i bioenergetičari. Oni tumače,
svaki na svoj način, da zrcala ometaju miran san, a ako
baš moraju biti u spavaćoj sobi, treba ih postaviti tako
da ne odražavaju lik osobe dok spava. Isto tako nije preporučljivo imati računalo u spavaćoj sobi, a ako ste ipak
odlučili tamo postaviti svoj radni kutak, treba ga prekriti
tijekom spavanja, isto kao i zrcalo. Ovo je svakako nešto
o čemu vrijedi razmisliti.
Za ukupan dojam, treba pažljivo odabrati boju za zidove i pritom imati na umu djelovanje boja na ljudsko
raspoloženje, budući da se radi o sobi za odmor. Primjerice, u crvenoj spavaćoj sobi ćete se teško smiriti, dok,
naprotiv, plava boja djeluje umirujuće. Moderan dizajn
koristi neutralne boje pri uređenju spavaće sobe, a življe
boje samo u detaljima. Tako se na neutralnoj boji zidova
idealno ističu vaše omiljene slike moderne umjetnosti.
Oni s plićim džepom modernu umjetnost mogu zamijeniti crno-bijelim fotografijama ili jednostavno obojiti zid
iznad kreveta nekom jačom bojom.
Kako biste postigli atmosferu opuštanja, okružite se stvarima koje vas podsjećaju na ugodne trenutke, fotografijama, predmetima s putovanja, knjigama... Posteljina,
tepisi i zavjese neka budu od prirodnih materijala i neka
naglašavaju željeni stil uređenja. Guste zavjese koje se
navuku preko noći osiguravaju miran san. Za veći izgled
prostorije bolje je imati tepih u jednom komadu.
Za one koji imaju dovoljno mjesta u spavaćoj sobi, mogućnosti za ostvarivanje sobe iz snova / za snove ne prestaju
ovdje. Televizor (plazma kao alternativa za mali prostor),
biblioteka, radni kutak, udobna fotelja za čitanje uz prozor, pa čak i mali hladnjak s hladnim pićima, stvorit će
dojam prave male oaze za odmor i bijeg od svakodnevice. Tada vam možda neće biti krivo ako vam neki gost
greškom zaluta u spavaću sobu i otkrije vašu intimu.
Neutralnom bojom zidova istaknut ćemo omiljene slike moderne umjetnosti / With neutral walls colour we will emphasize favourite contemporary artwork
THE BEDROOM Practical Advices for Every Style
Regardless of the style you choose for your bedroom, you must pay attention to its practicality. The bedroom should be an oasis of peace and relaxation, so all redundant details
should be avoided
Written by: Elija Vrsaljko
he bedroom, the guard of your intimacy, usually
comes last at the priority scale when it comes to
(re)decorating your home. That approach is completely wrong, for there is nothing worse than waking up in a disorganised, overloaded bedroom. Although
this is the room that our guests don’t get to see and that
keeps our biggest secrets, it deserves to be arranged for
what it really is – an oasis of peace and relaxation. Actually, we can pretty much let our imagination run wild
while planning and decorating this room, as it is hidden
from every view. When it comes to style, it doesn’t have
to be in harmony with the remainder of the apartment,
and being that it’s so intimate, it should represent a separate unit.
The modern style of the bedrooms’ decoration is completely deprived of any redundant things that could get
in the way of our relaxation. Regardless of the style you
choose for your bedroom, you must pay attention to its
practicality. It would be ideal if it served for relaxation
and nothing more, but that’s mostly not the case. That’s
why you have to take its purpose and size into account
when you begin the planning and the decorating.
The most important thing is to choose the proper bed because that is where we spend one third of our life. It’s not
so much the frame of the bed that matters; what is more
important is the flooring and the mattress. Anyone who’s
ever woken up completely broken because of sleeping
on an inappropriate mattress knows just how valuable a
quality place to sleep really is. While doing the purchasing, you must take into account that the hardest mattress
is not necessarily the best, so you should orientate yourself by your own needs and you should definitely give it
a try before purchasing. A mattress from natural materials is certainly the best choice. Floorings can be separated, which is particularly practical if one of the partners
is much heavier or a restless sleeper.
The frame of the bed can express the owner’s style,
whether it has a head or not; for example, an iron frame
contributes to achieving a romantic mood. What’s im-
Plava boja djeluje umirujuće / Blue
colour has an opposite effect
portant is that the size of the bed is adjusted to the size of
the room, that you can move freely around the bed and
that the head of the bed is right by the wall. The space
under the bed can be used as storage, regardless of
whether the bed has surfaces on its sides or it has legs.
You should use that space for storing your sheets and
clothes. It’s very handy to have one of those boxes with
wheels that can be put under the bed because they’re
practical while tidying up, and they can be purchased
in every well-equipped store. If you don’t have enough
room around the bed, night cupboards can easily be replaced by some shelves over the bed. And in case that
the sleeping section is not separated from the rest of the
apartment, you don’t necessarily have to hide the bed
from everyone’s prying eyes. When it’s covered with attractive linen and interesting pillows, it can become a
central point of your home.
For those who have plenty of room in front of their bed,
the possibilities that come up to express your own style
warrant special attention. That’s because you can fill that
space with a TV set, an armchair, a chest box for clothes,
a stylish coffee table with two chairs, a love seat (ideal in
combination with a desk lamp), a desk, a bookshelf… The
space in front of the bed is an ideal place for an unusual
piece of furniture with “character”. For instance, if you
want to achieve a “vintage look”, you should set a chair
made of wrought iron that is decorated with a cushion
that matches the remainder of the room in style.
The nuisance of all bedrooms is, naturally, the wardrobe.
Besides those lucky people who have a special room for
their clothes, all the rest of us must fit a large closet into our
bedroom’s formation. Whether it’s a small closet or a big
one, built-in or detached, sliding or corner, it has to hide
everything, from linen to the wardrobe. That’s not always
an easy assignment, especially if we’re dealing with a
smaller bedroom. If it’s in any way possible while building
or redecorating the apartment, you should plan out builtin closets that save up a lot of room. Overloaded closets
should be well organized due to achieving a better over-
view over your clothes. Therefore, build your shelves and
drawers into separate lockers so that you can keep apart
your socks, ties, belts etc. It’s good to have lighting inside
your closet, and it also helps to position your closet opposite a natural source of light, so that you have an easier
job “digging” all over it. A separate drawer, which stylishly
gets along with the rest of the room, is bound to come in
handy, and its upper surface can serve as a toilet table.
If you like to read in bed, than you will have to get, besides the main light, a secondary light that is well within
your reach, unless you want to get up to turn off the light
after relaxing alongside your favourite book. On that
same note, if you have a partner who’s not exactly a
book lover, make sure that the secondary light is appropriately dosed and well-directed.
It’s interesting that mirrors, which are instinctively placed in
the bedroom and they often cover up the entire front surface of the closet, are not recommended by defenders
of the “feng shui” principle of home decoration, and the
bio-energy experts aren’t crazy about it either. They explain, each in their own way, that mirrors disturb peaceful
sleep, and if they simply must be found in the bedroom,
they should be positioned in such manner that they don’t
reflect the person while they’re sleeping. It’s also not recommendable to have a computer in the bedroom, and
if you have decided to put your little working corner in
there, it should be covered during sleeping along with
the mirror. This is certainly something that’s worth thinking
For the overall impression, you should carefully choose
which wall paint to use, and that’s where you should be
familiar with the effects that certain colours have on the
human mood, being that this is your relaxation room. For
example, you’ll have a hard time settling down in a red
bedroom, while the blue colour has an opposite effect
and it’s very soothing. Modern design uses neutral colours
while decorating your bedroom, and the bright colours
are limited to pointing out some details. In that way, the
neutral colours on your walls will do a great job of pointing out your favourite contemporary artwork. Those with
not-so-deep pockets can replace contemporary art with
some black-white photos or simply paint the wall above
your bed in a brighter colour.
To achieve the complete relaxation atmosphere, make
sure you surround yourself with things that remind you of
some good times – photographs, mementos from various
travels, books… Linen, carpets and curtains should be
made out of natural materials and should emphasize the
desired decoration style. Thick curtains that are drawn
overnight are said to assure you of peaceful sleeping.
And if you want to make the room look a bit larger, you’ll
want to have a one-piece carpet.
For those who have plenty of space in their bedroom,
the possibilities to achieve the bedroom of your dreams
/ for your dreams don’t stop there. A TV set (plasma as
an alternative for smaller space), library, working corner,
a comfortable armchair for reading alongside the window, even a little refrigerator with some cold beverages
- all this will create the impression of a true little oasis for
relaxation and getting away from the every-day life. In
that case, maybe you won’t mind if one of your guests
happens to wander into your bedroom and reveals your
Ako volite čitati u krevetu, pokraj glavne rasvjete
trebate postaviti i sekundarnu koja je nadohvat ruke
/ If you like to read in bed, than you will have to get,
besides the main light, a secondary light that is well
within your reach
Posteljina, tepisi i zavjese neka budu od prirodnih materijala i neka naglašavaju željeni stil uređenja / Linen,
carpets and curtains should be made out of natural
materials and should emphasize the desired decoration style
Designers Guild
Podovi èarolija pod nogama
Uz Veluxove prozore odlično se uklopio pod od
svijetlog američkog oraha / A floor made of bright
American nutwood has wonderfully fit in next to
Velux windows
Keramika, laminatni, drveni, vinilni ili “sportski”
podovi – svi oni imaju svoje estetske i mehaničke prednosti i nedostatke, stoga prigodom
adaptacije ili postavljanja novog poda treba
paziti na odabir kako bi prostorija zablistala u
punom sjaju
Piše: Aleksandar Vrtariæ
ez obzira o kojem se materijalu radilo, lijep pod
sa sobom nosi mnogo toga – od estetike i izolacijskih svojstava do onog raskošnog ugođaja
i nevjerojatne topline, naročito kada se radi o
starim drvenim podovima koji govore o prijašnjim vlasnicima nekretnine, a istodobno su idealna podloga
za najmoderniji namještaj. Keramika, laminatni podovi,
drveni podovi, vinilni ili “sportski” podovi – svi oni imaju
svoje estetske i mehaničke prednosti i nedostatke, stoga
prigodom adaptacije ili postavljanja novog poda treba
obratiti pozornost na to da odabir bude ispravan kako
bi prostorija zablistala u punom sjaju. O kojem god se
materijalu radilo, pod mora imati sljedeće karakteristike
– što bolja zvučna i toplinska izolacija, praktičnost kad
su u pitanju higijena i održavanje, te, naravno, estetika.
Ipak je pod podloga za svaki komad namještaja koji se
nalazi u prostoriji, stoga mora biti odabran s puno pažnje
i ukusa. Ako planirate stari drveni pod zamijeniti novim,
svakako razmislite što ćete dobiti, a što izgubiti takvim
pothvatom jer činjenica da se nekretnine s drvenim podovima puno brže prodaju od onih s laminatnim i keramičkim podovima, nikako nije zanemariva.
Koji materijal odabrati?
Dakle, materijala je zaista puno na tržištu i svi imaju neka
svojstva zbog kojih su atraktivni. Tako, primjerice, podovi od keramičkih pločica su trajni i lako se održavaju te
su zbog toga vrlo dobar izbor za velike dnevne sobe. I
estetski gledano, keramički su podovi na vrlo visokoj razini – ispravno postavljena keramika ostavlja dojam sime-
S drvenim podovima je sve jednostavnije jer se
uklapaju s gotovo svim stilovima i sa svim vrstama
namještaja / Everything is simpler with wooden
floors because they fit in with almost every style
and all types of furniture
Podovi od keramičkih pločica su trajni i lako se održavaju te su zbog toga vrlo dobar izbor za velike dnevne
sobe / Floors made from ceramic tiles are durable and
easy to maintain, and that makes them a very good
choice for large living rooms
trije koja se automatski povezuje sa savršenstvom. No,
keramika ima i jedan veliki nedostatak, a taj je vrlo jak
prijenos zvuka zbog čega nije pogodna za gornje etaže. Danas su gotovo najpopularniji laminatni podovi koji
se mogu nabaviti po vrlo povoljnim cijenama, a osim
toga se vrlo lako postavljaju i idealno su rješenje za brze
adapacije. S obzirom da su ovakvi podovi “plivajućeg”
tipa, pružaju vrlo dobru toplinsku i zvučnu izolaciju zbog
čega su pogodni za sve prostorije. Laminatni podovi se
lako održavaju, a ovisno o kvaliteti i proizvođaču, laminatne obloge su itekako otporne na mehanička oštećenja – od ogrebotina i žara, pa čak i od vode. Laminatni
podovi su mješavina fine drvene piljevine, raznih smola i
ljepila, formaldehida te ostalih sastojaka koji mogu imati
štetan učinak na zdravlje čovjeka, te je to njihov osnovni
nedostatak. Pomalo zaboravljeni, linoleumski podovi se
opet vraćaju u modu i izgledaju ljepše i modernije nego
ikad. Mnogi linoleumske podove smatraju lošim i “jeftinim” izborom, no oni mogu biti itekako lijepi i prikladni.
Pod nazivom “linoleum” su se godinama prodavali loši
i nekvalitetni materijali koji su bili neadekvatne inačice
pravog linoleuma i vjerojatno zbog toga danas mnogi
zaziru od ovakvih podova. Pravi linoleum se proizvodi
oksidiranjem lanena ulja koje se miješa s prirodnim smolama i plutenim brašnom da bi se nanijelo na juteno tkanje. Zbog svojih antialergijskih i antibakterijskih svojstava,
linoleum ima povoljno djelovanje na ljudsko zdravlje pa
je odličan izbor za sve koji pate od raznih alergija. Linoleumski podovi se lako održavaju, a danas se mogu nabaviti u doista impresivnim dekorima, a premazivanjem
zaštitnom emulzijom linoleumski pod će izgledati prekrasno.
Drveni podovi kao nepogrešiv izbor
Drvo ima posebnu moć i činjenica je da ni jedan materijal ne ostavlja tako pozitivan, ugodan i topao dojam. Drveni podovi nose posebnu čaroliju, bez obzira
jesu li stari stotinu godina i već desetak puta izbrušeni
i iznova lakirani, ili još uvijek blistaju u svojim svježim prirodnim tonovima. Drveni podovi pričaju priče, govore
o vlasnicima prostorija, a sobama daju karakter i osobnost. Od termoizolacijskih do estetskih osobina, drvo je
uvijek dobar izbor za svaku prostoriju, a ako je pravilno
postavljeno, može se koristiti i u uređivanju kupaonica.
Na raspolaganju su prekrasni “seljački” podovi, popularni brodski podovi od različitih materijala, poput smreke
ili jelovine, parketi od domaćih i egzotičnih vrsta drveta, razne plutene obloge i obloge od iznimno otpornih i
masivnih vrsta kao što su mahagonij, padouk, curupay,
jatoba i brojne druge. Bez obzira na koju se vrstu drveta
odlučili, godovi na daskama će uvijek izgledati toplo i
ugodno, no istodobno neobično bogato i profinjeno.
Ako se pravilno održava i njeguje, drvo je vječno, a obogaćeno lijepim i stilski odabranim sagom, svaki će drveni
pod izgledati neodoljivo atraktivno. Mnogi kažu kako je
jedina mana drvenih podova tamnjenje koje izaziva direktna i indirektna sunčeva svjetlost, no tamniji pod ima
posebne čari. S drvenim podovima je sve nekako jednostavnije jer se uklapaju s gotovo svim stilovima i sa svim
vrstama namještaja – od tradicionalnog do najmodernijeg dizajnerskog namještaja. Stoga, s drvenim podom
nikako nećete pogriješiti!
Seljački pod od dimljenog hrasta / A village-type floor made of smoked oaktree
Floors - Magic Under Your Feet
Ceramics, laminated, wooden, vinyl or “sporty” floors – they all have their aesthetical and mechanical advantages and shortcomings, so you must make careful choices while adapting or
setting up a new floor, and therefore allow the room to fully shine and flourish
Written by: Aleksandar Vrtariæ
egardless of the material in question, a lovely
floor brings a lot to the table – from aesthetics
and isolation characteristics to that glamorous
ambience and incredible warmth, especially if
we’re talking about old wooden floors that speak of the
previous owners of the real estate, and are also the ideal surface for the most modern furniture. Ceramics, lami-
nated floors, wooden floors, vinyl or “sporty” floors – they
all have their aesthetical and mechanical advantages
and shortcomings, so you must make careful choices
while adapting or setting up a new floor, and therefore
allow the room to fully shine and flourish. Whichever material is used, the floor must have the following characteristics – maximum sound and heat isolation, practical-
Ako je pravilno postavljen, drveni pod može se
postavititi i u kupaonici / If it’s competently installed,
wooden flor can also be used bathrooms
Terakota u prostoru za blagovanje / Terracota in the
dining-room area
ity when it comes to hygiene and maintenance, as well
as, naturally, aesthetics. After all, the floor is the surface
for every piece of furniture in the room, so it must be
chosen with plenty of care and taste. If you’re planning
to replace an older wooden floor with a new one, make
sure to fully consider the pros and cons of that venture, because it’s common fact that real estates with
wooden floors are much easier to sell than the ones with
laminated or ceramic floors, and that is something that
can’t be ignored.
Which Material Do You Choose?
There are truly lots of materials on the market and they
all have certain characteristics that make them attractive. For example, floors made from ceramic tiles are
durable and easy to maintain, and that makes them a
very good choice for large living rooms. Aesthetically
speaking, ceramic floors also have a very high level
– the properly attached ceramics leave the impression
of symmetry that is automatically connected to perfection. However, ceramics have a major shortcoming, and
that is a very strong transmission of sound, which makes
them fairly inconvenient for upper floors. What’s really
popular these days are laminated floors, which can be
purchased under very accessible prices, and are very
easy to install and represent an ideal solution for fast adaptations. Considering the fact that these types of floors
have a “floating” vibe, they provide very good heat
and sound isolation, which makes them convenient for
basically every room. Laminated floors are maintained
rather easily, and depending on the quality and the
manufacturer, laminated surfaces are very resilient towards mechanical damages – from scratches to flame,
and even water. Laminated floors are a mixture of fine
wooden sawdust, various resins and types of glue, as
well as formaldehydes and other components that can
have harmful consequences for the person’s health,
and that is their primary flaw. Slightly forgotten, linoleum
floors are becoming trendy again, and are looking more
beautiful and modern than ever. Many people consider
Drvo je uvijek dobar izbor za svaku
prostoriju / Wood is good choice for
every room
linoleum floors to be a bad and “cheap” choice, but
they can also very much be lovely and appropriate.
For years and years, various bad, low-quality materials
were being sold under the “linoleum” name, but they
were merely inadequate versions of true linoleum, and
that’s probably the reason why many people still stay
away from these types of floors. True linoleum is manufactured by oxidization of linseed oil, which is mixed
with natural resins and cork flour, and then applied to
june cloth. Because of its anti-allergy and anti-bacteria characteristics, linoleum has a favourable effect on
the human health, and is an excellent choice for those
who suffer from various allergies. Linoleum floors are
easily maintained, and these days, they can be purchased in very impressive decors, while some coating
with protective emulsion will give a truly wonderful look
to any linoleum floor.
Wooden Floors as an Unmistakable Choice
Wood has a special power and it’s widely known that
no other material leaves such a positive, pleasant and
warm impression. Wooden floors carry special magic,
regardless of whether they’re a hundred years old and
have been grinded and re-varnished about a dozen of
times, or they’re still glowing in their fresh and natural
tones. Wooden floors tell stories, speak of the rooms’
owners, and provide character and personality to any
room. With all its thermo-isolation and aesthetical characteristics, wood is always a good choice for any room,
and if it’s competently installed, it can also be used for
decorating a bathroom. You can find wonderful “village” floors, popular ship floors from various materials,
such as juniper or fir wood, as well as parquets from local and exotic types of wood, various cork surfaces and
surfaces made from extremely resilient and massive species like mahogany, padouk, curupay, jatoba and many
others. Regardless of the type of wood you choose, rings
on those boards will always provide warmth and comfort, but also an unusually rich and sophisticated feeling.
If it’s maintained and nurtured in the right way, wood
can last forever, and when it’s enriched with a beautiful and stylish carpet, any wooden floor will simply be
irresistible in its attraction. People say that the only flaw
of wooden floors is their eventual darkening, which is
caused by direct or indirect sunlight, but a darker floor
has its special charm. In a way, everything is simpler with
wooden floors because they fit in with almost every style
and all types of furniture – from traditional to the most
modern designer furniture. Therefore, a wooden floor
simply eliminates any possibility of a mistake!
Nanna Ditzel: EGG CHAIR, 1957.
jajaste sjedalice
“Ne želim da me uspoređuju s kolegama moje generacije.
Zanimaju me i inspiriraju novi dizajneri i umjetnici”
Nanna Ditzel
Piše: Nataša Bodrožiæ
danskog dizajna namještaja,
svoje karijere, četrdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća, pa
sve do nedavne smrti 2005. godine, s istom
je predanošću i znatiželjom pristupala dizajniranju namještaja, tekstila i nakita, uz gorljivost i strast koja je ostala
utkana u njezin rad. Njezino stupanje na dizajnersku scenu
poklopilo se sa “zlatnim dobom danskog dizajna”, kada
su joj kolege dizajneri bili Arne Jacobsen, Verner Panton i
drugi velikani skandinavskog dizajna, ali je sama bila zaokupljena pogledom u budućnost, novim stvaralačkim impulsima mlađih generacija. Tako ju je zadnjih godina više
inspirirao fascinantni art-filmaš Peter Grenaway ili dizajner
Gaetano Pesce nego što se oslanjala na temelje koje su
postavili njezini slavni sunarodnjaci.
Nanna Ditzel ulazi u pretežito muški svijet dizajna namještaja u prvim postratnim godinama. Njezino ime i danas
se vezuje uz dizajn jarkih boja i elegantan, ženstveni izraz
u radu s tekstilom, izradi nakita i namještaja.
Nakon Drugoga svjetskog rata došlo je do velikih promjena koje su zahvatile sva područja života. Goruća potreba za ekonomičnim kućanstvom kao novim životnim
okružjem, izazvala je pravi bum u dizajnu i proizvodnji. Završeno je poglavlje do u detalje razrađenih kućanstava
predratnog doba, koja su zamijenile neformalnost i prilagodljivost kao osnovne odrednice novog dizajna. Novi
materijali i tehnologije, uglavnom razvijeni tijekom rata,
pridonijeli su svojevrsnoj liberalizaciji dizajna, odmaku od
tradicije, dopuštajući apstrakciju i skulpturalnu estetiku,
kao i niže cijene za masovno proizvedene predmete.
U takvim okolnostima, Nanna Ditzel počinje svoj dizajnerski uspon, nakon završenog studija industrijskog dizajna
na Kraljevskoj akademiji lijepih umjetnosti u Kopenhage-
nu. Izlagala je još kao studentica, njezin talent odmah
je prepoznat, radovi nagrađivani, a već 1946., tek što je
diplomirala, zajedno sa svojim kolegom, poslije i suprugom, Jorgenom Ditzelom osniva vlastiti dizajnerski studio
u danskoj prijestolnici. Vizija koju su Ditzelovi dijelili bila
je dizajnerska estetika utemeljena na kreiranju udobnih
okoliša u kojima je ugodno živjeti, ali bez unaprijed određenih pravila, bez zadanosti, uvijek ostavljajući prostora
za inovaciju. Izazov su im bili novi materijali i tehnike koje
su istraživali, eksperimentirali s njima i stvarali nove, nadahnute oblike. Kao mnogi dizajneri toga doba, Ditzelovi su
radili na proizvodnji višenamjenskog namještaja koji bi bio
ekonomično rješenje za uređenje malog stana, u skladu s
potrebama onoga doba.
Nannina inspiracija nikada nije dolazila iz već postojećih
oblika namještaja ili tekstila, već iz trenutačnog opažanja.
Nadahnuti ju je mogla fotografija, motiv iz prirode ili detalj urbanog pejzaža, a zatim bi uslijedila dubinska analiza
koja je sadržavala začetak nove ideje. Nanna Ditzel je radila za vodeće dizajnerske tvrtke, a neki od njezinih radova već su tijekom njezina života dosegnuli status klasika
(Hallingdal, dizajniran za tvrtku “Kvadrat”, primjerice).
Jedan od poznatijih komada Nanne Ditzel zasigurno je
“Egg chair”, dizajnirana 1957. godine u suradnji s Jorgenom Ditzelom. Zaobljena sjedalica koja priziva oblik jajeta ili čahure, koja slobodno “lebdi” u zraku pričvršćena
tek na samostojeći okvir od nehrđajućeg čelika ili visi sa
stropa, izrađena je u najboljoj maniri skandinavskog organskog dizajna. I oblik i struktura, pleter od vrbova šiblja,
evociraju svojevrstan “ženski princip” prizivajući rođenje,
prirodu, sklonište, toplinu i nježnost. Iako je lansirana prije
pedesetak godina, ova sjedalica odiše svježinom, jednostavnošću i lakoćom koje joj daju auru bezvremenosti te
je i danas čine jednako privlačnom. Sjedalica za sanjara,
ali i biznismena na pauzi koji eskapistički traži petominutni povratak prirodi, sigurnu čahuru u kojoj se može vratiti
sebi, brižno je dizajniran objekt pun simbolike. Sjedalica se
često koristi u interijerima, čineći dio dekora funky kućanstva ili, pak, rafinirane trgovine, ali je savršena i za prosto-
ni komad
re terase ili vrta. Danas je proizvodi tvrtka “Pierantonio Bonacina” i
dostupna je u obje varijante, kao samostojeći ili viseći objekt, u potonjoj varijanti uglavnom prikladna za maštovite eksterijere.
“Egg chair” dobar je primjer dizajnerskog otpora impersonalnosti
masovne proizvodnje jer, uz karakteristike kvalitetnog dizajna, sadrži snažan autorski pečat. Nanna Ditzel unijela je svježinu u prostore
svakodnevnog življenja, ponovno uspostavivši vezu između prirode
i arhitekture, ali ih ujedno postavljajući u diskretan konflikt koji, u slučaju sjedalice “Egg”, u prostoru svakodnevice stvara novu dinamiku. I ovaj dizajnerski komad svjedoči o prioritetima dizajnerice i
o tomu koliko je njezine osobnosti zadržano u njoj. “Egg chair”, na
neki način, nudi pojedincu malo drukčiji osjećaj, odmak od standardnog sjedenja, pružajući mu ugodu, dojam zaštićenosti, barem
dok se lagano njiše, smješten u udobnu, meku jezgru njezinih ovalnih oblika.
Nekoliko godina nakon smrti supruga, krajem šezdesetih, Nanna
Ditzel se seli u London i osniva međunarodnu kuću namještaja “Interspace” s Kurtom Heideom. Ideja je bila stvoriti showroom i mjesto susreta međunarodnih dizajnera. U idućem razdoblju, Nanna je
izrazito aktivna na međunarodnoj dizajnerskoj sceni, radi za vodeće proizvođače: izrađuje nakit za tvrtku “Georg Jansen”, tkanine za
“Kvadrat”, namještaj za “Fredericiu”. Izlaže širom svijeta, ima samostalne izložbe u Amsterdamu, Berlinu, New Yorku, Beču, Londonu,
Milanu... Dobitnica je brojnih međunarodnih priznanja, od kojih je
vrlo važno ono japansko za “Klupu za dvoje” (Fredericia). Izabrana
je za počasnoga kraljevskog dizajnera u Londonu 1996., a 1998.
godine je dobila nagradu za životno djelo od države Danske.
Nanna Ditzel, po mnogima neokrunjena kraljica danskog dizajna,
za sobom je ostavila gotovo klasična djela modernog dizajna te
zauvijek obilježila dansku kulturu.
Nanna Ditzel: EGG CHAIR, 1957
Years of the
Egg Chair
“I don’t want to be compared to the colleagues of my
generation. I am interested in and inspired by new designers and artists”
Nanna Ditzel
Written by: Nataša Bodrožiæ
ince the beginning of her career in the 1940s up
until her recent death in 2005, Nanna Ditzel, the
first lady of Danish furniture design, has always approached designing furniture, textile and jewellery
with the same dedication and curiosity, along with the
eagerness and the passion that has remained characteristic of her work. Her arrival to the designer scene coincided with the “golden age of Danish design”, when her
colleagues were fellow designers Arne Jacobsen, Verner
Panton and other Scandinavian designer greats, but she
was always preoccupied with looking into the future,
towards new creative impulses of younger generations.
Therefore, she was more inspired during her final years by
the fascinating art-filmmaker Peter Grenaway or designer Gaetano Pesce than she turned to inspiration in the
foundations built by her famous compatriots.
Nanna Ditzel arrived into the predominantly male world
of furniture design during the immediate post-war years.
Her name is still attached to bright-coloured design and
an elegant, feminine expression while working with textile, making jewellery and furniture.
After World War 2, many changes occurred that have affected all areas of life. The burning need for an economical household as the new living space created a real
“boom” in design and manufacturing. This marked the
end of the chapter that featured overly detailed households of the pre-war era, which have now been replaced
by informality and adjustability as the primary determinants of the new design. New materials and technologies, mostly developed during the war, have contributed
to a certain liberalization of design, stepping aside from
tradition and allowing abstraction and sculptural aesthetics, as well as lower prices for mass-produced objects.
In those circumstances, Nanna Ditzel began her designer
career after finishing her industrial design studies at the
Royal Academy of Fine Art in Copenhagen. She exhibited her work during her study days and her talent was
immediately recognized as her works received awards,
and fresh off her graduation in 1946, along with her colleague Jorgen Ditzel who would become her husband,
she started her own designer studio in the Danish capital.
The vision the Ditzels shared featured designer aesthetics
based on creating comfortable environments that were
Nanna Ditzel
A piece of cult
always pleasant to live in, but with no pre-determined
rules or limitations, and always leaving room for innovation. They were challenged by new materials and techniques that they researched, experimented with and created new, inspired shapes. Like many designers of that
era, the Ditzels worked on producing multi-functional furniture, which would be an economical solution for decorating a smaller apartment, in proportion with the needs
of that era.
Nanna never looked for inspiration in the already existent
shapes of furniture or textile, but rather from momentary
perception. She would get inspired by a photograph,
motif from the nature or a detail from the urban environment, and that would set the stage for thorough analysis,
which contained the start of the new idea. Nanna Ditzel worked for some of the leading designer companies,
and some of her works have reached classic status during her lifetime as well (for instance, there is Hallingdal,
which was designed for the company “Square”).
One of the more famous Nanna Ditzel’s pieces must be
the “Egg Chair”, designed in 1957 with Jorgen Ditzel. It is a
rounded chair that calls upon a shape of an egg or a cocoon, which freely “flows” through the air while attached
only to a detached frame from non-corrosive steel, or it
can also hang from a ceiling. It was made as the finest
product of Scandinavian organic design. Both the shape
and the structure, a wattle made from osier twigs, evoke
a certain “female principle” by capturing the essence of
birth, nature, shelter, warmth and delicacy. Although it
was launched about fifty years ago, this chair still radiates freshness, simplicity and effortlessness that provide
her with a timeless aura, and make it just as attractive
now as it was then. A chair for a dreamer, but also for a
businessman who’s taking a break to look for an escapist
five-minute return to nature where he can return to himself inside a safe cocoon, is a carefully designed object
filled with symbolism. The chair is often used in interiors,
becoming a part of the “funky” household décor, as well
as in refined stores, but it’s also perfect for a terrace or
garden. These days, it is produced by the “Pierantonio
Bonacina” company, and it can be purchased in both
its versions, as a detached or a hanging object, and we
should add that the latter version is very appropriate for
imaginative exteriors.
The “Egg Chair” is an excellent example of designer’s resistance to impersonal mass production because, along
with its characteristics of quality design work, it also features a strong author’s signature. Nanna Ditzel has added
freshness into the every-day living spaces, re-establishing
the connection between nature and architecture, but
also putting them in a state of discrete conflict that, at
least when it comes to the “Egg Chair”, creates a new
type of dynamics in the every-day surrounding. This designer piece also does a great job of testifying about the
designer’s priorities and about how much personality she
poured in it. The “Egg Chair”, in a way, offers a slightly
different feeling to an individual, a setback from the
standard way of sitting, while giving him comfort, sense
of protection, at least while he’s smoothly swinging, as
he is seated into the comfortable, soft nucleus of its oval
In the late sixties, several years after her husband passed
away, Nanna Ditzel moved to London and started an international furniture house “Interspace” with Kurt Heide.
The general idea was to create a “showroom” and a
place where international designers can interact. During
the following period, Nanna has remained extremely active on the international design scene, and has worked
for leading manufacturers: making jewellery for company
“Georg Jansen”, fabrics for “Square”, furniture for “Fredericia”. She has thrown exhibitions all over the world, had
solo-exhibitions in Amsterdam, Berlin, New York, Vienna,
London, Milan… She has received numerous international awards, and the one that truly matters would be the
Japanese one for “Bench for Two” (Fredericia). She was
chosen to become an Honorary Royal Designer in London in 1996, and she received a Lifetime Achievement
Award from Denmark in 1998.
Nanna Ditzel, seen by many as the uncrowned queen of
Danish design, has left behind practically classic pieces
of work in the field of modern design, and she has permanently marked all of Danish culture.
BERLONI, www.berloni.com
Osječka 9, 21000 Split
Kuhinja rustikalnog stila Athena, dizajn Luciano Grugni /
Country style kitchen Athen, design Luciano Grugni
Pripremila / Edited by: Ana Perišin
Najbolje od prirode
Drvo se koristi za izradu namještaja od samih početaka civilizacije, uspješno odolijevajući naletima modernih materijala koji mu pariraju cijenom
i mogućnostima obrade.
Izvanredne mehaničke mogućnosti, odlična izolacijska svojstva i prirodan izgled koji se može
uklopiti u svaki stil... samo su neke od dobrih karakteristika drveta. Kad se k tome doda još i činjenica da s godinama drveni namještaj dobiva na
ljepoti, izbor je logičan. Ormar od hrastova drva
za rustikalni stil, ultramoderan stol od tikovine, korpe od pruća za romantični ugođaj... što god izaberete, nećete pogriješiti jer drvo nikad ne prestaje biti u trendu.
Wood has been used for the production of furniture
since the very beginnings of civilization, succesfully
resisting various modern materials that can match
its prices and processing possibilities. Extraordinary
mechanical possibilities, excellent isolation characteristics and natural appearance that can easily fit
into any style… are just a little part of what’s good
about wood. When you add the fact that wooden
furniture gets better witg age, the choice is fairly
logical. An oak-tree closet for rustic style, an ultramodern teakwood table, brushwood baskets for a
romantic atmosphere… anything you choose, you
will not make a mistake, for wood never stops being
Podmetači od bambusa /
A coaster made of bamboo
DOMA Namještaj d.o.o.,
salon CASA
t je
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cine e bratsk alom, u ith meta
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, ww ri, Trg Hr binaciji combine
nter vo u kom ht wood
Art I
/ Brig
t d
Svije antiran
zag ant am
DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA
Komplet čaša u zanimljivom stalku od pruča / A set of glasses
in an interesting brushwood rack
EKOBO, www.ekobo.org
Posude od bambusa u raznim
bojama / Bamboo dishes in different colours
DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA
“Dragi, desert je u štednjaku” - drvena ploča za
poruke / “Honey, dessert is in the stove” - a wooden
message board
.ekob stoj boji /
EKOB Plato u ru y
k Pla
DOMA Namještaj d.o.o.,
salon CASA,
Košare od pruća / Brushwood baskets
/ ww
he Mo ned
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s pred io Hasuike& Milan, de
Sistem m sajmu, d d at last y e&Co
Ha ik
milan stem pres
LANDO, www.landosrl.com
Naslonjač iz kolekcije Gingerbread,
dizajn Paola Navone / Armchair from the
Gingerbread collection, design Paola Navone
AGAPE, www.agapedesign.it
H2O DESIGN, www.h2odesign.hr, Ružićeva ulica 1, Rijeka
Inovativnost i dizajn najbolje opisuju kupaoničke elemente od svijetlog hrasta, dizajn Benedini Associati /
Innovation and design are best to describe bright-oak bathroom elements, designed by Benedini Associat
DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA
Posuda za umake / A gravy dish
BENE, bene.com
Stolica Rondo, jednostavni dizajn i fino obrađeno drvo / The Rondo
Chair, with a simple design and
nicely processed wood
VITRA, www.vitra.com
Limitirano izdanje skulpture / dječje igračke, dizajn iz 1945. Charles i
Ray Eames / Limited edition of the sculpture/ children’s toy, designed by Charles and Ray Eames in 1945
lli / A
, www io Guidare d by
CASA ć, dizajn M able, desig
it stoli
Cross Crossit cof uidarelli
New za novin E, www.
er ra , dizajn T edese.s
ck, d
esign rbjorn A
Torbjo nderss
rn An
derss /
DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA
Košare za cvijeće osvježit će svaki prostor /
Flower baskets will lighten up any room
EKOBO, www.ekobo.org
Bambus kao inspiracija, posuda Solo
u boji limuna
/ Bamboo as
an inspiration,
a Solo dish in the
lemon colour
IITTALA, www.iittala.com
MODUS, Tkalčićeva 48, Zagreb
Drveni pladanj inspiriran Alvar Aaltovim valovima /
A wooden trencher inspired by
Alvar Aalt’s waves
Stolica za ljuljanje
Neo country, dizajn
Ineke Hans / Rocking
chair Neo
DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA
Košare Sauna napravljene od bambusa /
Sauna baskets made from bamboo
karta Hrvatske
map of Croatia
ZAGREB glavni grad / capital
BRAÈ 112 str.
BRODARICA 113 str.
DUBROVNIK 116 str.
KAŠTEL 119 str.
KAŠTELIR 121 str.
KORÈULA 123 str.
KRAPANJ 124 str.
KRK 126 str.
MAKARSKA 127 str.
OPRTALJ 129 str.
128 str.
posebna ponuda
special offer
Ville Konavle
str. 146
OREBIÆ 130 str.
POREÈ 133 str.
PRIMOŠTEN 136 str.
PRVIÆ 138 str.
RAB 139 str.
ROVINJ 142 str.
SOLIN 143 str.
SPLIT 146 str.
ŠIBENIK 147 str.
TRIBUNJ 149 str.
UMAG 150 str.
VODNJAN 153 str.
ZADAR 155 str.
ZAGREB 156 str.
Real est
U Brodarici, malom priobalnom mjestu 3 km južno od Šibenika, gradi se apartmanski objekt na tri etaže s ukupno
devet apartmana. Objekt je smješten na izuzetno atraktivnoj lukaciji, svega 30 m od mora. Predmet prodaje je apartman površine 47 m2, smješten na prvom katu. Apartman je orijentiran JZ, a sastoji se od: dvije spavaće sobe, kuhinje
s dnevnim boravkom, kupaonice i lođe s koje se pruža otvoreni pogled na more i susjedni otok Krapanj. U cijenu
apartmana uključeno je i parking mjesto. Apartmani se prodaju po sistemu ključ u ruke, a planirani datum useljenja
je 31.12. 2007. g.
In Brodarica, a small coastal town that is three kilometres south of Šibenik, there is a three-storey apartment object under
construction that features nine apartments. The object is situated at an extremely attractive location, only 30 meters from
the sea. The object of this sale is an apartment with 47 m2 of surface, and it’s on the first floor. The apartment faces the
southwest, and it consists of: two bedrooms, kitchen with the living room, bathroom and loggia, which overlooks the open
sea and the neighbouring island of Krapanj. The price of the apartment also includes a parking space. Apartments are
sold on the “keys directly into hands” system, and the planned date for moving in is this year’s December 31st.
Cijena / Price: 117.500 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 254 5962
U malome mjestu na sjeverozapodnoj strani otoka Brača nalazi se mini hotel - pansion. Površina pansiona je 600 m2
i smješten je na zemljištu od 1120 m2. Sastoji se od četiri etaže. U prizemlju se nalazi luksuzno uređen stan površine
90 m2 koji ima tri spavaće sobe, dnevni boravak s blagovaonicom i kuhinju. Pansion ima dvije terase, od 40 i 60 m2,
kafić površine 30 m2 na prvom katu, te 15 soba od kojih neke imaju i mini kuhinje. U potkrovlju se nalaze novouređene četiri sobe s kupaonicama i balkonima. Oko pansiona je uređena okućnica na kojoj se nalazi i ljetna kuhinja.
Objekt je od mora i prekrasnih plaža udaljen samo 50 metara i ima otvoren pogled na more. Pansion je kompletno
renoviran te posjeduje parkirališna mjesta za 15-ak automobila.
In a small settlement on the northern side of island Brač there is small hotel-pension. Surface of pension is 600 m2 and
it is settled on the plot of land of 1120 m2. Pension comprises four storeys. In the ground floor there is luxury arranged
apartment surface of 90 m2 with three bedrooms, lounge with dining room and a kitchen. Pension has two terraces surface
of 40 and 60 m2, coffee room of 30 m2 on the first floor and 15 rooms (some of them has small kitchen). In a loft there
are four newly arranged rooms with bathrooms and balconies. Around the pension is cultivated courtyard with summer
kitchen. Distance from the sea and beautiful beaches is 50 meters and pension has open sea view. Pension is completely
renovated and it has parking places for 15 cars.
Cijena / Price: 1.100.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 631 725
U Crikvenici se prodaje prekrsano novosagrađena troetažna luksuzna vila ukupne stambene površine 400 m2. Vila
ima bazen, garažu te ljetnu kuhinju u vrtu površine 12 m2 i udaljena je od mora 700 metara. U suterenu je uređena
konoba s krušnom peći i velikim drvenim stolom. Vila ima ukupno sedam soba, četiri kupaonice i tri kuhinje. Na svakoj etaži su narkrivene terase s pogledom na more. Smještena je na izuzetno mirnoj lokaciji i okružena je zelenilom.
Prodaje se kompletno namještena.
We find a wonderful, newly built, three-storey luxurious villa on sale in Crikvenica, with the overall residential surface of
400 m2. The villa has a swimming pool, garage and a summer kitchen in the garden that takes up 12 m2, and it is 700
meters from the sea. The basement features a decorated tavern with an oven and a large wooden table. The villa has as
much as seven rooms, four bathrooms and three kitchens. Every storey features a covered terrace with the view over the
sea. It is located at an extremely peaceful location and surrounded by greenery. It is on sale as completely furnished.
Cijena / Price: 1.200.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 617 6677
Dom snova
275,00 kn
S terase se pruža predivan pogled na cijeli Dubrovnik /
The terrace provides a wonderful view of the entire city
of Dubrovnik
Prièa morske pjene
s pogledom na Grad
Odmah na ulazu se vidi kako je riječ o stanu u kojemu se pazilo na svaki detalj. Vlasnici Jelica Kmetović i Pavo Hercigonja, uz pomoć arhitektice Dunje Janjić stvorili su
dom inspiriran morem u kojem se ubrzo osjećate kao u umjetničkoj galeriji
Piše: Anita Vodopivec
Instalaciju pod nazivom “Prinčipesa” napravila je vlasnica Jelica / Installations called “Prinčipesa”
made by the owner Jelica
a koje su
a - renowpo vrhunskim
/ Zaklopatic
a - poznata
ih nautičara are a true “must see”
meta stran
gn sailors
taverns, whic
for all forei
ned for its
Foto: Kristina Faziniæ
idjevši prvi put stan u više od sto godina staroj
kamenoj kući na dubrovačkim Pločama, Jelica
Kmetović je znala da se od njega da napraviti
lijepi stan za nju i njezina supruga Pavu Hercigonju. Nakon godinu dana preuređivanja po njihovoj ideji
i uz pomoć arhitektice Dunje Janjić, stotinjak četvornih
metara stana dobilo je sasvim novi izgled, a vlasnica kaže
kako još ni nakon četiri godine od preseljenja nije uređen
do kraja.
Odmah na ulazu se vidi kako je riječ o stanu u kojemu se
pazilo na svaki detalj. Tako su na ulaznim vratima stakla s
reljefnim pločicama na kojima su brodići i ispisana slova
na različite načine koja čine vlasnikovo ime. Jeličinu ideju o originalnim ulaznim vratima, u djelo je proveo dizaj-
Tema broja
ner Nino Čučković. S ulaznih vrata bijelim porculanskim
pločicama ulazi se u svojevrsnu galeriju koju je napravio prijetelj Pavo Đivanović, a vlasnici su je nazvali Vojin
kutić. Tu su preko cijelog sjevernog zida stana napravljene niše u kojima su izložene drage stvari – od kompleta
unikatnih čaša do amfora i školjaka koje je Pavo izronio
u mladosti, a koje mu mnogo znače. Ipak, središnje mjesto galerije zauzimaju slike obiteljskog prijatelja i Jeličina omiljenog slikara Voje Radoičića, a glavna je ona
“Pasal je Pavušin vapor”, koju je Pavo od supruge dobio
za rođendan. S galerijom je u jednom prostoru spojena
kuhinja i blagovaonica, a stoljetni zid s voltom ga dijeli
od dnevne sobe.
Bijela kuhinja rađena po mjeri, mala ali funkcionalna,
Ikeina prodavaonica u Švedskoj / IKEA store in Sweden
tičke vreve.
od velike turis srebrnih otočior, daleko
miran odm
čenom nizo
mjesto za
pučine i opto ponudi
je idealno
Otok Lastovo čenom u plavetnilo
nskoj gast
kulturi i vrhu
tom otoku
u tisućljetnoj
ća, uživa se
raj na Me
ia Mülle
Piše: Patric
anske župa
Foto: TZ Dubr
IKEA - najmoæniji
brand na svijetu
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275,00 kn
ISSN 1845-2086
ISSN 1845-2086
ISSN 1845-2086
ISSN 1845-2086
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ISSN 1845-2086
Na području Konavala, u pitoresknom selu Ljuta, prodaju se dvije kamena vile. Prva vila ima površinu 482 m2 i smještena je na parceli površine 2424 m2, dok je stambena površina druge vile 488 m2, a površina parcela na kojoj leži
vila je 2365 m2. Vile su smještene u mirnom okruženju i sastoje se od dviju etaža: prizemlja i jednog kata. Prizemlje ima
prostrani dnevni boravak, kuhinju i blagovaonicu, ljetnu kuhinju, toalet, ured, ostavu, podrum, terasu i garažu, dok se
na katu nalaze četiri sobe i apartman s dvije garderobe i spremište. Dvorište je uređeno u mediteranskom stilu s pažljivo
uređenim stazama i prostorom za bazen koji nudi i saunu, fitness i dvije terase s prekrasnim pogledom na Konavle.
In the picturesque village of Ljuta in the Konavle area, there are two stone villas on sale. The first villa takes up 482 m2
of surface and it is located on a parcel that has 2424 m2 of surface, while the residential surface of the second villa
is 488 m2 on a 2365 m2 parcel. The villas are located within a peaceful environment and they consist of two storeys:
ground floor and upper floor. The ground floor features a spacious living room, as well as a kitchen, dining room, summer kitchen, toilet, office, pantry, basement, terrace and garage, while the upper floor consists of four bedrooms and
an apartment with two wardrobes and a storage room. The courtyard is decorated in Mediterranean style with carefully
maintained tracks, as well as a swimming-pool space that also offers a sauna, fitness and two terraces with a wonderful
view over Konavle.
Cijena / Price: 2.500.000 € svaka / each
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)20 437 046
Na predivnoj lokaciji, 17 km od Dubrovnika, prodaju se hotel i restoran. Hotel se sastoji od pet luksuznih apartmana s terasama, prostranog dvorišta, garaža, kafića, restorana, jacuzzija, bazena i igrališta za odbojku. S terasa se pruža prekrasan
panoramski pogled na Konavosko polje i more. Svaka soba je opremljena s klimom, modernom kupaonicom, SAT/TV-om,
telefonom i internetom. Cijeli hotel je uređen u modernom stilu s antiknim detaljima. Restoran ima kapacitet za 200 osoba,
natkrivenu i ljetnu terasu. Hotel je smješten u prekrasnom prirodnom okruženju koje osigurava mir i privatnost.
At a wonderful location, just 17 km away from Dubrovnik, we find a hotel and a restaurant for sale. The hotel consists of
five luxurious apartments with terraces, a spacious courtyard, garages, coffee shop, restaurant, jacuzzi, swimming pool
and a volleyball court. The terraces provide a magnificent panoramic view over the Konavle Field and the sea. Every
room features air conditioning, modern bathroom, SAT/TV, telephone and Internet. The entire hotel is decorated in very
modern fashion with plenty of antique details. The restaurant has room for 200 people, and it features a covered summer terrace. The hotel is located within a wonderful natural environment that provides plenty of peace and privacy.
Cijena / Price: 2.500.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)20 437 046
Prodaje se obiteljska kuća s prekrasnim vrtom i velikom uređenom okućnicom na kraju naselja, u mirnom mjestu u
Istri, pokraj Buja. Kuća je luksuzno uređena i opremljena te ima površinu 300 m2. Na kraju parcele površine 4000 m2
nalazi se i poslovni prostor površine 550 m2 te ima još i dovoljno prostora za izgradnju teniskih terena i bazena. Ovo
je zadnja kuća u građevinskoj zoni te prevladava mir i zelenilo.
There is a family house with a beautiful garden and a large maintained courtyard on sale, and it’s located on the outskirts of a peaceful settlement near Buje in Istria. The house is luxuriously decorated and furnished, and it has 300 m2
of surface. At the very end of the parcel, which takes up 4000 m2, we find a facility for business premises with 550 m2
of surface, and there is also plenty more room to build tennis courts and swimming pools. This is the final house in this
construction zone, and is therefore characterized by peace and greenery.
Cijena / Price: 1.100.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 6176 677, +385 (0)98 296 839, +385 (0)52 721 001
Na udaljenosti cca 9 km od Poreča i mora, nalazi se malo istarsko mjesto Kaštelir u kojem se prodaje prekrasna samostojeća luksuzna vila. Vila je izgrađena u tradicionalnom istarskom stilu (fasada i brojni detalji su od kamena) na zemljištu površine 796 m2. Vila obuhvaća 130 m2 stambene površine, podijeljene na suteren, prizemlje i prvi kat. Suteren je
uređen kao apartman tipa studio (jedna prostorija s kupaonicom i kuhinjom) koji ima izlaz direktno na bazen i prostrani
travnjak s navodnjavanjem. Prizemlje se sastoji od: dnevnog boravka s kaminom, blagovaonice, kuhinje, ostave, toaleta
i natkrivene terase. Na prvom katu se nalaze: tri spavaće sobe, kupaonica i manja natkrivena terasa. Ova izuzetno kvalitetno izgrađena vila (centralno grijanje, klima...) ima otvoreni pogled na more, te je idealna za odmor.
At about 9 kilometres from Poreč and from the sea, we find a small Istrian village of Kaštelir, and that’s where a wonderful,
luxurious detached villa is for sale. The villa was built in traditional Istrian style (the façade and plenty of details are made of
stone) on a parcel that spreads across 796 m2 of surface. The villa covers 130 m2 of residential surface, which encompasses
the basement, ground floor and the first floor. The basement level is arranged as an apartment-type studio (one room with
a bathroom and a kitchen) with a direct exit to the swimming pool and a spacious lawn with a watering system. The ground
floor consists of: living room with a fireplace, dining room, kitchen, pantry, toilet and a covered terrace. The first floor features
three bedrooms, bathroom and a smaller covered terrace. This villa was constructed in an extremely quality manner (central
heating, air-conditioning…), and it has an open view over the sea, which makes it ideal for a vacation.
Cijena / Price: 270.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 433 801, +385 (0)98 411 430
U Kašteliru, malom mjestu 10 km udaljenom od Poreča, prodaje se novoizgrađena, troetažna kamena vila s bazenom.
Vila je izgrađena u tradicionalnom istarskom stilu, obuhvaća 140 m2 površine i cca 800 m2 okućnice. Svaka etaža ima
izlaz na natkrivenu terasu, dok se iz prostorija u suterenu izlazi na dvorište s bazenom. Vila je podignuta na blagoj uzvisini s koje se pruža prekrasan pogled na more. Pri gradnji su korišteni visokokvalitetni materijali. Na prostranoj okućnici
nalaze se kaskadni vrtovi i travnjak s automatskim navodnjavanjem.
In Kaštelir, a small settlement 10 kilometres away from Poreč, a newly-built stone villa on three floor is on sale. The villa was
built in traditional Istrian style, covers 140 m2 of residential surface and a courtyard of about 800 m2. Every floor has an exit
to the covered terrace, while the basement rooms have an exit to the backyard featuring a swimming pool. The villa was built
on a mild slope, which provides a beautiful view over the sea. Materials of very high quality were used in the construction
process. On the spacious courtyard features cascade gardens and a lawn with automatic irrigation.
Cijena / Price: 315.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 433 542, +385 (0)91 202 4993
U mjestu Korčuli, na istočnoj strani istoimenog otoka, prodaje se stara kamena kuća na četiri etaže, ukupne stambene
površine 200 m2. Kuća je u samom središtu mjesta, a sastoji se od prizemlja, dva kata i potkrovlja s terasom koja ima
prekrasan pogled na Orebić, poluotok Pelješac i marinu. Između etaža su drveni podovi i potrebno je kompletno renoviranje kuće. Udaljena je 120 metara od mora te je idealna za bavljenje turizmom ili za odmor u ljetnim mjesecima,
dok je prizemlje pogodno za poslovni prostor.
In the town of Korčula, which is located on the eastern side of the island of the same name, we find an old stone house
for sale, featuring four storeys and 200 m2 of residential surface. The house is located in the very centre and it consists
of the ground floor, two floors and a loft, which features a terrace that wonderfully overlooks Orebić, the peninsula
Pelješac and the marina. There are wooden floors in between the storeys and the house is in need of complete renovation. It is 120 meters from the sea, and it is ideal for tourism work or for a vacation in those summer months, while
the ground floor works very well as a business premise.
Cijena / Price: 350.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 360 260
Na Krapnju, najmanjemu, najnižemu i najnaseljenijem otoku, nalazi se predivna renovirana kamena kuća površine 200 m2.
Kuća, koja se sastoji od četiri etaže, nalazi se uz samu rivu, te ima nesmetan pogled na malu ribarsku luku i prvo naselje
na kopnu, od kojeg je otok udaljen samo 300 m.U prizemlju su caffe-bar, dok se na višim etažama nalazi šest luksuzno
uređenih i kompletno opremljenih apartmana. Otok Krapanj poznat je po tradicionalnom izlovu i preradi spužava, dobro
je povezan s kopnom te je prava oaza za opuštanje i odmor.
On Krapanj, the lowest, the smallest and less inhabited island, there are marvellous renovated stone house of 200 m2. The
four storey house is located close to the waterfront and has open view of the small fisherman port and a setlement on the
coast only 200 metres away of the island. On the ground floor there is a coffee bar, and on the storeys there are six luxury
renovated and entirely furnished apartments. Island Krapanj famous by its traditional sponge craft has a good connection to
the coast and is a real oasis for relaxation and rest.
Cijena / Price: 550.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)22 219 286, +385 (0)91 899 8327
U samom centru Malinske na otoku Krku smještene su dvije novoizgrađene zgrade. U svakoj zgradi se nalaze samo četiri
apartmana površina od 49 do 102 m2 na tri etaže. Apartmani u prizemlju, veličine 102 m2, s tri sobe i dnevnim boravkom,
imaju uređenu okućnicu površine 200 m2 s automatskim navodnjavanjem, popločanom terasom i dva parkirna mjesta.
Zgrade odlikuje vrhunska kvaliteta izgradnje (alu-stolarija s griljama, demit fasada, prvoklasna keramika i sanitarije, klasičan parket, opremljene kupaonice, podno grijanje i klimatizacija).
There are two newly built buildings in the centre of Malinska at the island of Krk. Each building features only four apartments
that take up three storeys and range from 49 to 102 m2. The ground-floor apartments have 102 m2 of surface, consist of
three bedrooms and a living room, and also have a decorated 200 m2 courtyard with automatic watering, tiled terrace and
two parking spaces. The buildings were constructed with utmost quality (“alu” joinery with archaic shutters, “demit” facade,
first-class ceramics and sanitary facilities, classic parquet, equipped bathrooms, floor heating and air conditioning).
Cijena / Price: 2600 - 2800 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 547 4709
U istočnom dijelu Makarske, na predjelu Dugiš, prodaju se stanovi u dvijema stambenim zgradama. U prvoj zgradi,
čija je orijentacija jugozapad-istok, nalazi se 30 stanova, dok se u drugoj zgradi, orijentacije J-S, nalazi 45 stanova.
Na raspolaganju je ostalo osam stanova površina 51, 70, 74 i 80 m2. Zgrada ima podzemnu garažu (30 mjesta) s
mogućnošću izravnog ulaska u stambeni dio, uz daljinsko otvaranje. Nalaze se u blizini škole i neposrednoj blizini
centra grada, 200 do 500 m od mora. Pri opremanju i gradnji korišteni su visokokvalitetni materijali. Zgrade imaju
prekrasan pogled na Makarsko primorje te Brački kanal.
In a settlement Dugiš in the eastern part of Makarska, two residential buildings feature apartments for sale. The first building, oriented in the southwest-east direction, consists of 30 apartments, while the second building has 45 apartments
and a south-north orientation. Eight apartments have remained available, and their surface is 51, 70, 74 and 80 m2.
The building has an underground garage (30 parking spaces) with the possibility of direct entrance into the residential
section, along with remote-control opening. The location is near a school and very near the town centre, as well as 200
to 500 metres from the sea. Materials of the highest quality were used during construction and furnishing. The buildings
have a wonderful view over the Makarska coast and the Brač Gulf.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)99 474 7817, +385 (0)91 596 0075
Opatijska rivijera
U blizini Opatije, na strmim padinama Lovrana, prodaje se dvoetažna vila s potkrovljem ukupne stambene površine
630 m2. Vila sadrži četiri velika apartmana u suterenu, stan u prizemlju te šest moderno uređenih soba na prvom i
drugom katu. Oko vile je prekrasno uređena okućnica površine 1722 m2, u kojoj je smješten bazen, velika ljetna terasa s grillom i veliko parkiralište. Vila je izgrađena na mirnoj lokaciji, s koje se pruža prekrasan pogled na more. Uz
centralno grijanje, postoji i solarna instalacija, a cijela vila je klimatizirana. Nekretnina je izgrađena 2003. godine, a
zbog veličine i lokacije idealna je za turizam ili za kliniku.
Very near Opatija, on the sharp slopes of Lovran, we find a two-storey villa with a loft, at about 630 m2 of residential
surface. The villa features four large apartments at basement level, an apartment on the ground floor, and six rooms
on the first and second floors that are decorated in modern fashion. The villa is surrounded by a wonderfully decorated
courtyard with 1722 m2 of surface, which features a swimming pool, large summer terrace with a grill and a large
parking lot. The villa was built at a peaceful location, which provides a wonderful view over the sea. Along with central
heating, there is also solar installation, and the entire villa is air-conditioned. The real estate was built in 2003, and
thanks to its size and location, it is ideal for tourism or for a clinic.
Cijena / Price: 1.700.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 705 764
U sjeverozapadnoj Istri, na visokom brežuljku iznad doline Mirne, u starom dijelu mjesta Oprtalj, prodaje se prekrasna
kamena kuća. Kuća je kompletno renovirana i restaurirana, stilski je uređena te su drvenarija i stolarija u cijelosti
promijenjene. Kuhinja je uređena u starom istarskom stilu, a unutarnji zidovi su kameni i fugirani. Kuća ima konobu s
kaminom iz koje se izlazi u vrt i terasu s prekrasnim pogledom. Terasa i vrt su ograđeni te postoji mogućnost izgradnje
bazena u vrtu. Na terasi je priprema za saunu i tuš.
At the northeast of Istria, in an older part of a town called Oprtalj on a high slope above the valley of Mirna, there is
a beautiful stone house on sale. The house is completely renovated and restored, as well as stylishly decorated, and
the joinery and woodwork have been completely replaced. The kitchen is decorated in the archaic Istrian style, and the
inside walls are fuged and made of stone. The house has a pantry with a fireplace and with an exit to the garden and
terrace with a wonderful view. Terrace and garden are fenced and there is a possibility to build a swimming pool in the
garden. The terrace is prepared for a sauna and shower.
Cijena / Price: 225.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 721 001, +385 (0)91 617 6677, +385 (0)98 296 839
U slikovitom gradiću u podnožju Sv. Ilije, u Orebiću, prodaje se stara kamena kuća u samom centru mjesta. Kuća ima
površinu 1050 m2, a površina okućnice je 1200 m2 i od mora je udaljena svega 30 metara. Posjeduje lokacijsku dozvolu za renoviranje u hotel smještajnog kapaciteta 40-50 ležajeva. Prema projektu je planirano: suteren s podrumom
i ostavama; prizemlje s hodnikom, recepcijom, uredima, spremištem, ostavom, bezenom od 25 m2, osam toaleta, dva
tuša, dvije garderobe, kuhinjom i restoranom; prvi kat s 10 soba s kupaonicama i dva dnevna boravka; drugi kat sa
sedam soba s kupaonicama i dnevnim boravkom te treći kat s tri sobe i kupaonicama i dnevnim boravkom.
In a picturesque little town at the foothill of St. Ilija in Orebić, there is an old stone house on sale at the town’s very
centre. The house takes up about 1050 m2, while the courtyard has the surface of 1200 m2 and it is only 30 metres
from the sea. It possesses a location licence to be renovated into a hotel, with between 40-50 beds in capacity. The
project has the following things planned: the underground level with a basement and pantries; the ground floor with
a hallway, reception, offices, storage room, pantry, 25 m2 swimming pool, eight toilets, two showers, two wardrobes,
kitchen and restaurant; the first floor would feature 10 bedrooms with bathrooms and two living rooms; the second
floor would feature seven bedrooms with bathrooms and a living room, while the third floor has three bedrooms with
bathrooms and a living room.
Cijena / Price: 1.580.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 360 260
U Baderni, malom mjestu nedaleko Poreča, nalazi se novoizgrađeno naselje Astarea. Astarea je jedinstveno humano
naselje u kojem kvadrat stambene površine pokriva kvadrat zelenila. Kvalitetni dvosobni stanovi s uređenim okolišem te
blizina svega najboljeg što Istra može ponuditi idealni su za one koji žele doživjeti obje Istre u punom sjaju.
In Baderna, small town near Poreč, there is new residential settlement named Astarea. The Astarea residential settlement is a unique human project of housing estate constructed by the principle of the “square foot of living space per
square foot of greenery’’.The high quality apartments with a marvellous landscape all around as well as the vicinity of
all the best things that Istria can offer, are perfect accommodation for those who want to live to see both Istria’s in their
full brigtness.
Cijena / Price: 1354,66 - 2171,55 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 619 351
Pet kilometara od Vodnjana, na parceli od cca 30.000 m2, gradi se ukupno 25 vila u dvije faze. U prvoj fazi projekta
gradi se 13 vila od kojih će jedna biti tzv. club-house gdje će se nalaziti mini fitness centar, trgovina, caffe-bar, ured
sa službom održavanja, dok će se u drugoj fazi izgraditi preostalih 12 vila. Projekt je osmišljen u obliku dva prstena
oko kojeg se nalaze vile, dok se u sredini svakog prstena nalaze dva teniska igrališta. Vile se nalaze na individualnim
parcelama koje variraju od 550 m2 do 750 m2. Svaka vila obuhvaća cca 160 m2 stambene površine, a sastoje se od
četiri spavaće sobe i dvije kupaonice, te većina ima pogled na more i Brijunsko otočje. Građene su u tradicionalnom
istarskom kamenu (u cijelosti izvana), te svaka vila ima svoj bazen, ogradu od kamena, vrata na daljinsko upravljanje,
vrt s navodnjavanjem itd.
25 villas are being built in two stages about 5 kilometres out of Vodnjan, at a parcel of about 30.000 square meters.
The first stage of the project features the construction of 13 villas, one of which will be the so-called “Club-House” with
a mini fitness centre, a store, a coffee bar, a maintenance services office, while the remaining twelve villas will follow in
the second stage. The project was designed in a two-ring shape with villas surrounding it, while the middle of every rin”
features two tennis courts. The villas are located on individual parcels, which vary from 550 m2 to 750 m2. Each villa takes
up about 160 square meters of residential area, and it consists of four bedrooms and two bathrooms, and most of them
overlook the sea and the Brijuni Islands. They are built in traditional Istrian stone (completely on the outside), and each
villa has its own swimming pool, a stone fence, remote-controllable doors, a watering garden etc.
Cijena / Price: od / from 330.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U okolici Poreča, na okućnici površine 700 m2, prodaje se dvoetažna novoizgrađena kuća površine 135 m2. U prizemlju
se nalazi nadstrešnica, predsoblje, kupaonica s tušem, kuhinja, dnevni boravak, blagovaonica, ostava i natkrivena terasa.
Prvi kat se sastoji od tri sobe i kupaonice. Vila ima bazen, dvije klime i vrt s navodnjavanjem. Udaljenost od mora i od
Poreča je 9 km.
In the area near Poreč and built on a parcel of 700 m2, we find a two-storey newly built house for sale, with residential
surface of 135 m2. The ground floor features a canopy, hallway, bathroom with a shower, kitchen, living room, dining
room, pantry and a covered terrace. The first floor consists of three bedrooms and a bathroom. The villa has a swimming
pool, two air-conditioners and a garden with a watering system. Both the sea and the city of Poreč are 9 km away.
Cijena / Price: 250.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 433 801, +385 (0)98 411 430
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U predivnoj uvali od centra Primoštena udaljenoj 1,5 km, podignuta je novoizgrađena, moderna apartmanska zgrada s četiri apartmana. Zgrada je smještena na blagoj uvisini s koje se pruža jedinstven pogled na more od kojeg je
udaljena svega 50 m. Na raspolaganju je ostao još jedan apartman smješten u prizemlju s vrtom površine 50 m2.
Apartman obuhvaća 42,30 m2 stambene površine, a sastoji se od jedne spavaće sobe, kuhinje, dnevnog boravka i
kupaonice. Svi apartmani imaju: prozore s duplim staklima, blindo vrata, dizajnerske pločice, hrastov parket, klimauređaj (grijanje/hlađenje), potpuno opremljenu kupaonicu i parking mjesto koje je uključeno u cijenu.
In a beautiful bay that is 1,5 kilometres away from the centre of Primošten, a newly built, modern apartment building
with four apartments was unveiled. The building is located on a mild slope, which provides a unique view over the sea
that is just 50 meters away. There is one more available apartment, and it is located on the ground floor with a garden
that spreads across 50 m2 of surface. The apartment takes up 42,30 m2 of residential surface, and it consists of one
bedroom, kitchen, living room and bathroom. All apartments have: double-glass windows, armoured doors, designer
tiles, oak wood parquet, air conditioning (heating/cooling), completely furnished bathroom and a parking space, which
is included in the price.
Cijena / Price: 90.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 254 5962
U jednoj od mnogobrojnih uvala, smještenoj nedaleko od Primoštena, u rujnu 2007. započet će izgradnja apartmanskog objekta na tri etaže, s kojih se pruža predivan pogled na more. Objekt se po projektu idealno uklapa u okruženje
jer je dizajniran u prepoznatljivom dalmatinskom stilu (kamena fasada i grilje), a od mora je udaljen 100 m. Prizemlje
se sastoji od dva jednosobna apartmana od 47,27 m2 i 36,72 m2, s pripadajućom terasom. Na prvom katu se nalazi
apartman od 85,76 m2 koji se sastoji od: dvije spavaće sobe, dvije terase, kuhinje s dnevnim boravkom, hodnika i
biblioteke. Apartman na drugom katu, u naravi predstavlja visoko potkrovlje, obuhvaća istu površinu i broj prostorija
kao i apartman na prvom katu. Svi će apartmani biti opremljeni s: dvostrukim staklima na prozorima, blindo vratima,
dizajnerskim pločicama, visoko kvalitetnim parketom, klima-uređajem (grijanje/hlađenje), kompletno opremljenom
kupaonicom, te s jednim parkirališnim mjestom za manje apartmane, dok su za veće predviđena dva mjesta.
In one of the numerous bays that are located near Primošten, September 2007 will mark the beginning of construction
work on a three-storey apartment object, which will provide a wonderful view over the sea. According to the project, the
object does a wonderful job of fitting in the environment, as it is designed in the recognizable Dalmatian style (stone
façade and archaic shutters), and it’s 100 meters from the sea. The ground floor consists of two one-room apartments
(47,27 and 36,72 m2 of surface) and an accompanying terrace. The first floor features an apartment with 85,76 m2 of
surface, which consists of: two bedrooms, two terraces, kitchen with a living room, hallway and library. The second-floor
apartment, basically functioning as a high loft, covers the same surface and the same number of rooms as the first-floor
apartment. All the apartments have the following equipment: double-glass windows, armoured doors, designer tiles,
high-quality parquet floor, air conditioning (heating/cooling), completely furnished bathroom, and one parking space
for smaller apartments, while the bigger apartments assume two parking spaces.
Cijena / Price: 73.000 - 170.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 254 5962
Na malom otoku Prviću u šibenskom arhipelagu, prodaje se dvoetažna kamena kuća u staroj gradskoj jezgri. Površina
kuće je 132 m2. U prizemlju je konoba površine 44 m2. Unutrašnjost kuće je potpuno obnovljena i klimatizirana. Na katu
je komforni apartman s jednom spavaćom sobom. U potkrovlju su dva manja studio apartmana. Balkon je sa stražnje
strane kuće. Udaljenost od mora je samo 30-ak metara.
On a small island of Prvić in Šibenik’s archipelago, there is a two storey stone house for sale in the old town centre. The surface of house is 132 m2 of residential surface. There is a 44 m2 pantry on the ground floor. The house’s interior is completely
renovated and air-conditioned. There is a very comfortable apartment with one bedroom on the upper floor. The attic features two smaller studio apartments. The balcony is located at the backside of the house. The sea is merely 30 metres away.
Cijena / Price: 249.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)22 213 506, +385 (0)91 754 4313
Planirajte raspored
namjeðtaja u svom
domu pomoãu
besplatnog online
ambient planer.
Izradite svoj plan,
spremite ga, ispiðite,
pa èak i naruèite online.
U elitnom dijelu Raba, u neposrednoj blizini centra i mora, prodaju se jedinstvene vile s luksuzno opremljenim apartmanima različitih površina, od 30 do 70 m2, s izdvojenim ostavama i prostranim terasama. Apartmani su moderno
opremljeni, a pri uređenju su korišteni vrhunski materijali. Ispred vila su veliki zajednički vanjski bazen, uređeni park s
igralištem za djecu te podzemna garaža. Iako su u neposrednom dodiru sa samim središtem otoka Raba, ove vile ujedno
odlikuje iznimno mirna lokacija.
In the elite part of Rab, very near to the centre and the sea, we find unique villas on sale, and they feature luxuriously
equipped apartments of various sizes (30-70 m2), detached pantries and spacious terraces. The apartments are furnished in
a very modern manner, and top-notch materials were used during decoration. In front of the villas, we find a large joint outdoor swimming pool, decorated park with a playground for children, as well as an underground garage. Although they are
very connected to the very centre of the island of Rab, these villas are also characterized by an extremely peaceful location.
Cijena / Price: 1970 - 2090 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 724 958
U Barbatu, malom mjestu na otoku Rabu poznatom po čistome moru i pješčanim plažama, prodaje se vila s dva
dvoetažna stana svaki površine 135 m2 s pripadajućom okućnicom. Vila je smještena u novoizgrađenom elitnom
naselju urbanih vila, na udaljenosti 50 m od plaže s privatnim kolnim prilazom, kao i putem do mora. S vile se pruža
prekrasan pogled na more. Pri uređenju su korišteni najkvalitetniji materijali i suvremena tehnologija građenja, čime
je postignuta visoka kvaliteta izgrađenih objekata.
In Barbat, a small town on the island of Rab that is renowned for its crystal-clear sea and sand beaches, there is a
villa on sale with two two-storey apartments, each with 135 m2 of surface and an accompanying courtyard. The villa
is located in the newly built, elite settlement of urban villas, merely 50 meters away from the beach and with a private
driveway, as well as the path to the sea. The villa provides a glorious view over the sea. In the process of decoration,
only top-quality materials were used, as well as a modern construction technology, which guarantees the high quality
of constructed objects.
Cijena / Price: 180.000 € + PDV svaki / each
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 724 958
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U malom mjestu smještenom nedaleko od Rovinja, na zemljištu površine 1390 m2 podignuta je obiteljska kuća površine
413 m2. Kuća se sastoji od dvije etaže podijeljene na tri etažirana stana različitih površina. U prizemlju se nalazi stan
od 232,90 m2 koji se sastoji od: dvije natkrivene terase, ulaza s pretprostorom, hodnika, dvije spavaće sobe (jedna je
s garderobom), dnevnog boravka s kuhinjom i blagovaonicom, dvije kupaonice, toaleta, dva spremišta i konobe. Do
gornjeg kata, koji se sastoji od dva stana površina cca 90 m2, vode dva odvojena stubišta. Jedan stan sastoji se od: dvije
spavaće sobe, dnevnog boravka, kuhinje s blagovaonicom, hodnika, spremišta, kupaonice i natkrivene terase, dok se
drugi stan sastoji od: dvije spavaće sobe, dnevnog boravka s kuhinjom i blagovaonicom, kupaonice s pretprostorom,
hodnika, lođe i natkrivene terase. Cijeli posjed je kultiviran i ograđen kamenim zidom te ima dva ulaza. Na posjedu se
nalazi bazen, vrt (s vanjskim navodnjavanjem iz cisterne), maslinik i dvorište s osam parkirališnih mjesta.
In small settlement situated close to Rovinj on the land surface of 1.390 m2 there is family house of 413 m2 living area.
House comprises two floors divided on three storey apartments with different surfaces. In ground floor there is apartment of 232,90 m2 comprises two covered terraces, entrance with lobby, hallway, two bedrooms (one with wardrobe),
lounge with kitchen and dining room, two bathrooms, toilet, two storage rooms and a cellar. Two separated stairways
leads to the upper floor which is comprise two apartments of 90 m2. One apartment consists of two bedrooms, living
room, kitchen with dining room, hall, storage room, bathroom and covered terrace, while second apartment comprises
two bedrooms, lounge with kitchen and dining room, bathroom with hallway, hall, balcony and covered terrace. Whole
estate is cultivated, fenced with stone wall and it has two entrances. On the property there are pool, small garden (with
outdoor watering from tank), olive trees and courtyard with eight parking places.
Cijena / Price: 980.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 517 1932
U Solinu, mjestu nedaleko Splita, gradi se stambeni kompleks koji se sastoji od 11 kružno raspoređenih objekata. Zgrade
imaju po tri etaže sa po šest stanova različitih kvadratura, od 42, 56 i 69,5 m2, i mogu biti jednosobni, dvosobni i trosobni.
Svi stanovi su opremljeni s: brojilom za vodu i struju, pripremom za klima uređaj, priključkom za telefon, TV instalacijama
(zemaljski i satelitski sustav), parlafonom, blindo vratima, PVC stolarijom i roletama, klasičnim parketom, prvoklasnom
keramikom i sanitarijama. Kompleks ima podzemne garaže, uređene prilazne ceste i zelene površine. Nalazi se nedaleko
osnovne škole, crkve, supermarketa i gradskog autobusa, a useljenje je predviđeno za prosinac 2007. godine.
In Solin, a town nearby Split, there is a residential complex under construction that features 11 objects in circular formation.
The buildings have three storeys each with six different-sized apartments (42, 56 and 69,5 m2) that feature one, two or three
bedrooms. All apartments have meters for water and electricity, as well as air-conditioning preparation, telephone connection, TV installations (earth and satellite system), parlaphone, armoured doors, PVC joinery and window shutters, classic
parquet, first-class ceramics and sanitary facilities. The complex has underground garages, maintained driveways and green
surfaces. It is located near an elementary school, church, supermarket and the city bus, and the moving-in process is planned
for December of 2007.
Cijena / Price: 1550 - 1790 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 480 467
U poslovnoj zoni Solina planira se izgradnja modernog poslovnog objekta za najam, površine 1972,61 m2. Prema projektu
objekt se sastoji od tri etaže: prizemlja, prvog kata, drugog kata i podruma. U podrumu se nalazi skladišni i parkirališni
prostor, te sanitarni čvor. U prizemlju se nalazi pet poslovnih prostora različitih površina od 30 do 74,20 m2 svaki sa
sanitarnim čvorom. Na prvom katu se također nalazi pet poslovnih prostora sa sanitarnim čvorovima, površina od 61,30
do 123,20 m2. Na drugom katu se nalaze još četiri poslovna prostora površina od 46,50 do 71 m2 (sa sanitarnim čvorom)
i terasa površine 187,80 m2. Cijeli objekt je pod videonadzorom, a sve etaže su povezane liftom i stubištem.
In business zone in Solin a construction of modern business object for rent is planned. Surface of the object is 1972,61 m2.
According to the project object comprises three storeys: ground floor, first floor, second floor and basement. Basement consists of storage room, parking places and sanitary block. In the ground floor there are five business premises
different surfaces from 30 to 74,20 m2, each having sanitary block. On the first floor there are also five business premises with sanitary blocks surfaces from 61,30 to 123,20 m2. Second floor comprises four business premises surfaces
from 46,50 to 71 m2 (with a sanitary block) and terrace surface of 187,80 m2. Whole object is under video control
and all storeys are connected with elevator and stairways.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 244 732; +385 (0)98 452 875
Stanovi u izgradnji u urbanim vilama u Splitu
- Duilovo
Prodaju se stanovi u izgradnji u luksuzno uređenim vilama na izvrsnoj lokaciji u
Duilovu. Kompleks se sastoji od pet zgrada i u ponudi ima 19 stanova različite
kvadrature. Raspored vila je izuzetan s obzirom na prisutnost zelenih površina. Svi
stanovi su orijentirani jug-sjever, a među ponuđenim kvadraturama su jednosobni
stanovi od 29 do 47m2, dvosobni od 51 do 72 m2 i trosobni od 84 m2. Formira
se interesna lista.
Beautiful villas in Duilovo for sale on excellent location away from city traffic and
high density living. Community will have five buildings with 19 apartments available. Placement of villas are wonderful with green areas present. All apartments
are placed north-south. We offer one bedroom apartments from 29 - 47 m2, two
bedroom apartments from 51 - 72 m2 and three bedroom apartments of 84 m2.
Interest list now forming.
New development in Duilovo, Split – apartments in urban villas
Put Supavla 1
21000 Split, CROATIA
T : +385(0)21 332 725
+385(0)21 332 726
F : +385(0)21 380 852
U malom mjestu nedaleko Splita, na uzvisini s otvorenim pogledom na stobrečki zaljev, prodaje se urbana vila na
četiri etaže ukupne stambene površine 700 m2. Na prvoj etaži se nalazi podrum s pet garažnih mjesta. Prizemlje se
sastoji od kotlovnice, vinoteke, prostorije za fitness, saune s garderobom i sanitarnog čvora s tuševima. Na prvom
katu je zatvoreni grijani bazen, ostava, kuhinja s blagovaonicom i terasom, dnevni boravak s kaminom, garderoba
i sanitarni čvor. Drugi kat sadrži četiri spavaće spbe, tri kupaonice i dvije garderobe te je svaka soba povezana s
pripadajućom terasom. Uređenju okoliša je posvećena velika pažnja. Uz standardne instalacije villa je opremljena
s podnim grijanjem, centralnim usisavanjem, s dva sefa, videonadzorom i alarmom, a razvedene su telefonske i kompjuterske instalacije.
In a small town nearby Split, on a slope that clearly overlooks the Stobreč Gulf, there is a four-storey urban villa for sale,
at about 700 m2 of overall residential surface. The first storey features a basement with five garage places. The ground
floor consists of a boiler room, wine room, fitness room, sauna with wardrobe space, as well as sanitary facilities with
showers. The first floor features indoor heated swimming pool, pantry, kitchen with a dining room and terrace, living
room with a fireplace, wardrobe and sanitary facilities. The second floor consists of four bedrooms, three bathrooms
and two wardrobe spaces, and every room is connected with the accompanying terrace. Environment preservation was
also given great attention. Along with standard installations, the villa is equipped with floor heating, a central vacuuming system, indented telephone and computer installations, two vaults, video-supervision and alarm.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 452 875
Prodaje se troetažna kamena kuća na šibenskoj rivi. Kuća se sastoji od prizemlja, kata i potkrovlja. U prizemlju se
nalazi soba, kuhinja, dnevni boravak, hodnik i dvije ostave. Na katu su smješteni soba, kuhinja, dnevni boravak, kupaonica i balkon dok se u potkrovlju nalazi soba s terasom površine 20 m2. Ukupna stambena površina je 165 m2.
Kuća je pod zaštitom te će fasada biti obnovljena od strane grada. S terasa i prozora se pruža otvoren pogled na rivu
i more. Potrebna je adaptacija kuće.
There is a three-storey stone house for sale on the main promenade in Šibenik. The house consists of the ground floor,
upper floor and loft. The ground floor features one room, kitchen, living room, hallway and two pantries. The upper
floor has one bedroom, kitchen, living room, bathroom and balcony, while the loft features a 20 m2 bedroom with a
terrace. The overall residential surface of the house mounts up to 165 m2. The house is under protection and the façade
will be renovated by the City Council. The terrace and the windows provide an open view over the promenade and the
sea. The house’s adaptation is necessary.
Cijena / Price: 260.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 360 260
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Petnaest kilometara od Šibenika, neposredno uz samo more, u malome ribarskome mjestu, nalazi se apartmanska zgrada u kojoj se prodaju apartmani površina od 24 do 60 m2, koji mogu biti studio apartmani, jednosobni i dvosobni. Pri
uređenju i gradnji su korišteni najkvalitetniji materijali (prvoklasni parketi i keramika, visokokvalitetna sanitarna oprema,
protuprovalna vrata, klima, interfon, SAT/TV, telefon). Apartmani imaju pogled na more.
Fifteen kilometres away from Šibenik and first in line to the coast, in a small fishermen town, we find an apartment building that offers apartments for sale. The apartments’ sizes vary from 24 to 60 m2, and they can be studio apartments,
one-room or two-room apartments. Materials of the highest quality were used during construction and decoration
(top-class parquets and ceramics, high-quality sanitary equipment, anti-burglary doors, air conditioning, interphone,
SAT/TV, telephone). The apartments are overlooking the sea.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)22 213 506, +385 (0)91 754 4313
Samo nekoliko koraka od centra Umaga, u pitomom zelenom istarskom krajoliku, prodaju se tri urbane vile s ukupno 24 visokokvalitetna izgrađena i opremljena stana. Vile su udaljene 400 m od luke i šetnice uz more te 1,2 km
od plaže. Visina stropova u stanovima je 275 cm. Oko cijelog podruma se nalazi suhi rov kao dodatna izolacija.
Prednost ovih stanova: imaju etažno plinsko centralno grijanje svaki stan sa svojim brojilom. Pri gradnji i opremanju
su korišteni kvalitetni materijali (4-slojna vrhunska toplinska i zvučna međukatna i krovna izolacija, mitsubishi split
sistem klima-uređaji u svakoj prostoriji, protuprovalna blindo vrata, visokokvalitetna talijanska sobna vrata, talijanska keramika i sanitarije, egzotični masivni parketi, svaki stan ima brojilo za potrošnju energenata, sva unutarnja i
vanjska stubišta, balkoni i okućnica izrađeni su od granita, instalacije: telefon, internet, SAT/TV...). Stanovi imaju
prostrane terase i lođe. Svakom stanu pripada jedno parking mjesto pored vile. Postoji mogućnost kupnje klasične
garaže u podrumu, svaka s daljinskim zatvaranjem. U prvoj vili na raspolaganju je ostao još jedan stan. Druga vila
je useljiva u rujnu (veći dio stanova je prodan), dok je treća vila useljiva do studenoga 2007. (dio stanova je na
In the quiet, green Istrian landscape, just several steps away from the centre of Umag, there are three urban villas on
sale, featuring as many as 24 high-quality constructed and furnished apartments. The villas are 400 metres from the
harbour and the seaside promenade, and about 1,2 kilometres from the beach. The ceilings in the apartments are
275 cm high. There is a dry trench surrounding the entire basement, and it serves as extra-isolation. These apartments
have one advantage: they have storey gas central heating – every apartment with its own meter. While constructing
and furnishing the villas, only materials of the highest quality were used (four-layered, top-notch heat and sound isolation between floors and on the roof, “Mitsubishi Split” air-conditioning systems in every room, anti-burglary armoured
doors, Italian high-quality doors for rooms, Italian ceramics and sanitary facilities, exotic massive parquets, a meter to
measure the usage of energy for every apartment, granite-made indoor and outdoor staircases, balconies and courtyard, as well as instalations: telephone, internet and SAT/TV…). Apartments have spacious terraces and loggias. Every
apartment gets one parking space next to the villa. There is an option of purchasing a classic garage in the basement,
which would be remote-controlled. The first villa has one more apartment available. The second villa can be moved into
in September (the large portion of apartments is taken), while the third villa becomes available for living in November
2007 (some of the apartments are still available).
Cijena / Price: 1950 - 2350 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 751 087, +385 (0)98 486 100, +385 (0)99 253 5284
U Zambrattiji, koja je poznata i kao oaza mira, gdje se uz cvrkut ptica možete opustiti i uživati, prodaje se vila na dvije
etaže, ukupne stambene površine 160 m2. Vila je smještena na zemljištu površine 1314 m2 koje se proteže sve do
mora, a izgradio ju je kao svoju ljetnu rezidenciju kapetan duge plovidbe iz poznate engleske obitelji Lloyd. Izgrađena
je u starom engleskom stilu po svim zakonima feng shuija. Ispred vile je prirodni park koji se proteže sve do pješčane
plaže i mora koji su na udaljenosti od 70-ak metara. Vila ima i svoj bunar sa živom vodom. Udaljena je od Trsta 50
km i 80 km od zračne luke Pula.
In Zambrattia, which is also known as a peaceful oasis where you can truly relax and enjoy yourself along with the twittering of birds, we find a two-storey villa for sale, spreading across 160 m2 of residential surface. The villa is located on
a parcel that surfaces across 1314 m2 and reaches all the way to the sea, and it was built, as his summer residence, by
a captain of an ocean-going service, who comes from a well-known English family Lloyd. It was built in archaic English
style, in harmony with all the laws of Feng Shui. There is a nature park in front of the villa, which spreads all the way
to the sand beach and the sea, which are only about 70 meters away. The villa also has its own well that contains live
water. Trieste is about 50 km away, and the Pula Airport is 80 km away.
Cijena / Price: 1.300.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 360 260
U mjestašcu Čabrunići u unutrašnjosti Istre prodaju se novoizgrađene kamene vile. Vile su izgrađene u tradicionalnom
istarskom stilu čije stambene površine iznose od 145 do 17 m2, a površina okućnica 550-600 m2. Vile imaju pogled
na more i udaljene su od Vodnjana 7 km, a od mora 13 km. Pri gradnji su korišteni visokokvalitetni materijali.
There are newly built stone villas on sale in the small town of Čabrunići in the centre of Istria. The villas were built in
traditional Istrian style, with residential surfaces ranging from 145 to 170 m2, and the courtyard surfaces take up 550600 m2. The villas are overlooking the sea and are 7 km away from Vodnjani and 13 km away from the sea. Materials
of the highest quality were used during construction.
Cijena / Price: 300.000 € (145 m2); 320.000 € (170 m2)
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 433 542, +385 (0)91 202 4993
U malom turističkom mjestu udaljenom svega nekoliko kilometara od Zadra, na vrlo atraktivnoj lokaciji prodaju se dvije
novoizgrađene apartmanske zgrade. U svakoj zgradi nalazi se po četiri jednosobna stana. Stanovi su površine 50 m2, a
sastoje se od sobe, kuhinje, dnevnog boravka s blagavaonicom i kupaonice. Svaki stan ima terasu i balkon, s kojih se
pruža prekrasan pogled na more i Virski most.
In a nice tourist settlement just a few kilometres away from Zadar, there are two newly built apartment buildings on sale at
a very attractive location. Each building features four one-bedroom apartments. The apartments take up 50 m2 of surface,
and they consist of one bedroom, kitchen, living room, dining room and bathroom. Every apartment has a terrace and a
balcony, which provide a wonderful view over the sea and the Vir Bridge.
Cijena / Price: 210.000 € (cijela zgrada / entire building), 110.000 € (dva stana / two apartments)
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 367 1001
Na predivnoj i iznimno mirnoj lokaciji s izvrsnim pristupom, okruženoj park šumom Orlovac, nalazi se zgrada s četiri
stana od kojih su dva na prodaju. Zgrada se sastoji od tri etaže i garaža koje se nalaze dijelom pod zemljom. Stan u
prizemlju ima površinu od 165 m2, spremište 8 m2 i dvorište – terasu površine 80 m2. Stanu pripada i garaža za dva
automobila površine 24 m2 i parkirališno mjesto u dvorištu. Drugi stan koji se prodaje nalazi se na katu, ima površinu
80 m2, spremište površine 8 m2, garažu za dva automobila površine 24 m2 i parkirališno mjesto u dvorištu. Zgrada ima
drvo-aluminij stolariju (unutarnja stolarija po izboru kupca iz kataloga), lift, klimu, plinsko etažno centralno grijanje,
grijano dvorište ispred zgrade za zaštitu od snijega i poledice, sanitarije i pločice vrhunske kvalitete te postoji mogućnost
vlastitog izbora. Također postoji mogućnost izmjena rasporeda unutrašnjih prostorija. Zgrada ima i zajednički sustav
zaštite (videonadzor), SAT/TV, te zadovoljava status ekokuće po pitanju toplinske izolacije i uštede energije. Planirani rok
završetka gradnje je u roku jedne godine.
On beautiful and very peaceful location with an excellent access, surrounded by park-forest Orlovac, there is development with four apartments. Two apartments are for sale. The development comprises three storeys and garage which is
partially under ground. Apartment in the ground floor has surface of 165 m2, storage room of 8 m2 and court-terrace surface of 80 m2. Garage for two cars surface of 24 m2 and parking place in court also belong to apartment. Other apartment
for sale is settled on the floor surface of 80 m2 and it has storage room of 8 m2, garage for two cars surface of 24 m2 and
parking place in court. Development has wood aluminum windows and doors (client can select indoor windows and doors
from a catalog), elevator, air condition, central heating on gas, for protection of snow and ice development has heating
courtyard, top quality sanitary and tiles (there is possibility to select it). There is also possibility to rearranged indoor area.
Development has shared security system (video monitoring), SAT/TV and it fulfils with standards of eco house (warming
isolation and saving energy). Completion of construction is planned within one year.
Cijena / Price: 3600 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 292 021
U zapadnom dijelu, Zagreba na obroncima Medvednice, nalaze se tri stambena objekta u kojima se prodaju stanovi
različitih kvadratura (od 50 do 160 m2) s lođama, terasom i zasebnim spremištem. Cijeli kompleks se odlikuje vrhunskom opremom u kombinaciji s kvalitetnom gradnjom. Svi stanovi imaju rolete na daljinsko upravljanje, protuprovalna vrata, video portafon, parkete egzota, vimar-elektroničku infrastrukturu, etažno plinsko centralno grijanje, klimu,
satelitsku antenu i internet. Cijela parcela je ograđena, a na sjevero istočnoj strani se nalaze natkrivena parkirališta.
Jugozapadna strana je uređena kao park s biranom hortikulturom. Ispred objekata se nalazi grijani bazen površine
12x6 m, sjenice s vrtnim garniturama, sunčalište s ležaljkama i suncobranima te dječje igralište. Objekti su smješteni
u blizini osnovne škole, vrtića, trgovačkih centara i tržnice. Useljenje je predviđeno za studeni 2007.
On the slopes of Medvednica in the western part of Zagreb, we find three residential objects that feature different-sized
apartments (from 50 to 160 m2) for sale, and they all have loggias, a terrace and an individual storage-room. The
entire complex prides itself on top-notch equipment, which is combined with quality construction. All apartments have
remote-controlled shutters, anti-burglary doors, video portaphone, “exota” parquets, vimar-electronic infrastructure,
storey central gas heating, air conditioning, satellite antenna and Internet access. The whole parcel is fenced, and the
northeast side features covered parking areas. The southeast section was decorated as a park with carefully chosen
horticulture. In front of the objects, we can find a heated swimming pool with 12x6 metres of surface, as well as arbours
with garden ensembles, a sunbathe-area with deckchairs and sunshades, and a playground for children. The objects
are located near a preliminary school, kindergarten, shopping malls and a market. The moving-in process is planned
for November 2007.
Cijena / Price: 2000 - 2200 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)01 363 4729, +385 (0)98 912 5454
nine- Exclusive apartments in Šestine
- at the foot of Sljeme zone
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Zagreb - Ekskluzivni stanoviNekret
podsljemenskoj zoni - Šestine
U Španskom, u zapadnom dijelu grada, nalazi se stambeno-poslovni kompleks od 9 zgrada (4-7 katova) s velikim liftovima, 756 stanova (26, 39, 58, 61 i 78 m2) gdje će cjelokupno parkiranje biti osigurano u podzemnim garažama u
dvije etaže s ukupno 594 parkirališna mjesta. Na -2 etaži su predviđena i parkirališta za osobe s invaliditetom. U sklopu
projekta su predviđeni i popratni sadržaji: trgovine, banke, poslovni prostori za kiosk, krojačnica, kemijska čistionica,
ljekarna, solarij, frizeraj, kafići, pizzeria, dvije osnovne škole i tri dječja vrtića. Atraktivnost ove lokacije je mirnoća kvarta, a ipak blizina brze prometnice – Ljubljanske avenije, koja spaja zapadni dio grada s centrom. Stanovi su opremljeni
protuprovalnim vratima, etažnim plinskim grijanjem, digitalnim termostatotom za grijenje, PVC stolarijom, hrastovim
parketom, prvoklasnom keramikom i sanitarijama... Kompleks je smješten uz potok Vrapčak te je također predviđen i
zeleni pojas sa sadržajima za mlađe i starije. Predviđeno useljenje: veljača 2008.
In the western part of town called Špansko, we find a residential-business complex featuring 9 buildings (4-7 floors) with
large elevators, 756 apartments (26, 39, 58, 61 and 78 m2), while the entire parking issue will be solved with two-storey underground garages, featuring 594 parking spaces. Some parking spaces for disabled people are planned at the
–2 storey. You can find many accompanying features within the project; stores, banks, business premises for a newsstand, tailor store, dry cleaner’s, pharmacy, solarium, hairdresser’s, coffee shops, pizzeria, two elementary schools and
three kindergartens. The added appeal to this location lies in the peaceful neighbourhood, and yet the fast highway is
very near – The Ljubljana Avenue, which connects the western part of the town with the centre. Apartments are furnished
with anti-burglary doors, storey gas heating, digital thermostat for heating, PVC joinery, oak-wooden parquet, top-class
ceramics and sanitary facilities… The complex is located next to the Vrapčak stream, and it has a green area predicted
with many features for both the younger and the older. Moving in will be possible in February, 2008.
Cijena / Price: 1660 - 1880 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 655 5641, +385 (0)98 9594 370, +385 (0)98 9826 988
U stambeno-poslovnoj zgradi u Dubravi, koja je smještena na prestižnoj lokaciji u istočnom dijelu grada nalazi se 125
stanova, poslovni prostori i 160 parkirališnih mjesta. Kvadrature stanova su 29, 37, 45, 68 i 89 m2, a u prizemlju su
predviđeni ekskluzivni poslovni prostori s različitim poslovnim sadržajima koji zaokružuju stambenu ponudu. Zgrada ima
osam nadzemnih etaža te tri podzemne na kojima će biti osigurano parkiranje. Stanovi imaju protuprovalna vrata, etažno
plinsko grijanje, PVC stolariju, hrastov parket, prvoklasnu keramiku i sanitarije, digitalni termostat za grijanje...Zgrada
ima neposredan pristup sa sjeverne i južne strane na javnoprometnu površinu, a u blizini su dvije osnovne škole i tri
dječja vrtića. Hortikulturno uređenje parcele je sastavni dio ovog projekta i čini projektnu cjelinu, a udio zelene površine
usklađen je s odredbama GUP-a i iznosi minimalno 20%. Predviđeno useljenje: svibanj 2008.
In a residential-business building in Dubrava, which is located at the prestigious location in the eastern part of town,
we find 125 apartments, business premises and 160 parking spaces. The apartments’ sizes are 29, 37, 45, 68 and
89 m2, and the ground floor is planned to feature exclusive business premises with various business contents, which
round up the residential offering. The building has eight over-ground floors and three underground floors, which are
planned to feature parking spaces. The apartments have anti-burglary doors, storey gas heating, PVC joinery, oak
parquet flooring, top-class ceramics and sanitary facilities, digital thermostat for heating… The building has immediate
access from the northern and southern side to the public traffic area, and there are also two elementary schools and
three kindergartens nearby. The horticultural decoration of the parcel is an integral part of this project and it makes it
a complete project unit, and the green surface’s share is adjusted to the regulations of the GUP physical plan and it
amounts to minimally 20%. The building will be ready for its first tenants in the May, 2008.
Cijena / Price: 1700 - 1800 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 655 5641, +385 (0)98 9594 370, +385 (0)98 9826 988