RUJAN / SEPTEMBER 2008 BROJ/EDITION 38 CIJENA 25 KN PRICE 5 € Hrvatski magazin za nekretnine / CroAtian real estate magazine PLUTAJUĆE KUĆE FLOATING HOUSES U DOMU KOD DIANE VON FUSTENBERG AT HOME WITH DIANE VON FUSTENBERG zELENA SVJEŽINA GREEN FRESHNESS NAJBOLji IZBOR NEKRETNina THE BEST REAL ESTATE OFFER Int roduct ory word Dragi naši čitatelji, Dugo toplo ljeto i godišnji odmori su za nama, te iako temperature još ne jenjavaju, mi smo vam, nakon velikog ljetnog dvobroja, pripremili novo izdanje, u kojem i dalje ostajemo vezani uz more i vodu, no ovaj put na jedan ekološki način. Naime, za temu broja odabrali smo kuće na vodi, odnosno plutajuće kuće, jedan od trendova stanovanja u svijetu, što na prvi pogled djeluje pomalo neobično ili barem neuobičajeno, no takva vrsta stanovanja pruža istinsku ležernost i život u neposrednom kontaktu s prirodom. U današnjem svijetu ubrzanog ritma, neopterećen način života i stanovanje daleko od gradske vreve i zagađenosti velikih urbanih središta sve su poželjniji suvremenom čovjeku, pa tako i zanimanje za kuće na vodi iz godine u godinu sve više raste. Trend stanovanja na vodi krenuo je u Nizozemskoj, dijelom i iz potrebe jer se veliki dio te zemlje nalazi ispod razine mora te mjesta za gradnju na “suhom” ima sve manje. No, plutajuće kuće počele su se proizvoditi diljem svijeta jer njihov komfor ničim ne zaostaje za standarnim stanovanjem, a usto su izrazito ekološki prihvatljive, a često i samoodržive. U sklopu života na vodi predstavili smo i veliki projekt belgijskog arhitekta Vincenta Callebauta, koji je projektirao čitave samodostatne plutajuće gradove, te time nudi rješenje za ekološke probleme koje izazivaju globalno zatopljenje i klimatske promjene. Ti gradovi budućnosti trebali bi sami proizvoditi više energije nego što bi je mogli potrošiti, a mi vam donosimo njegovu viziju plutajućih gradova. Osim ekoloških tema, predstavljamo vam i dva europska primjera kako se neatraktivan i zapušten prostor bivše tvornice, kao što je to slučaj u Italiji, ili bivšeg rudnika u Belgiji, može pretvoriti u iznimno atraktivne turističke sadržaje, kao što su luksuzni dizajnerski hotel ili pak moderan restoran i bar s pogledom na jezero. Nadamo se da će se takav trend prenijeti i na Hrvatsku. Ovomjesečno izdanje završavamo s prijedlozima dekoracija vašeg životnog prostora u svježim zelenim tonovima, te time zaokružujemo prirodi i ekologiji usmjeren, 38. po redu, naš rujanski broj. Our beloved readers, The long hot summer and the vacation season have come and gone, and although the temperatures are still very high, the time has come for us to follow up our big summer double edition with a new issue, in which we are still dealing with sea and water, but this time within an ecological context. The cover story of this edition are houses on water or floating houses, which are one of the world’s residential trends that may appear slightly peculiar or unusual, but they certainly provide true casualness and life in immediate contact with nature. In today’s world of accelerated rhythm, a relaxed way of life and a place of residence outside of the city noise and large polluted urban centres are becoming high priority for modern people, which results in a constant increase of interest for these houses on water. The trend of living on water started up in Holland, partly out of necessity because a large part of that country is situated below the sea level, and there is practically no more room for building houses on firm ground. However, floating houses are now rapidly appearing all over the world because their level of comfort is certainly no inferior to standard living, and they are also extremely ecologically acceptable and often self-sufficient. Staying with the topic of living on water, we also present a large project by Belgian architect Vincent Callebaut, as he projected entire self-sufficient floating cities, which offer the solution for ecological problems related to global warming and climate changes. Those cities of the future should produce more energy than they could spend, and we are introducing his vision of floating cities. Besides ecological topics, we also present two European examples of taking an unattractive and neglected ex-factory in Italy, or an ex-mine in Belgium, and transforming them into exceptionally attractive tourism facilities, such as a luxurious designer hotel or a modern bar-restaurant overlooking a lake. We can only hope that Croatia will start looking up to such a trend. We also bring you stories and photos from the Danish capital of design – Copenhagen, as well as from Paris and the American residence of fashion designer Diane von Fustenberg, who resides in a marvellous castle in Connecticut. We complete this month’s edition with suggestions on how to decorate your living space in fresh green tones, which rounds up our September edition, the 38th issue of our magazine that is heavily oriented towards nature and ecology. impressum Izdavač/Publisher: DAL’CASA d.o.o. Put Brodarice 6 21000 Split tel.: +385(0)21 332 725; +385(0)21 332 726 fax:+385(0)21 380 852 [email protected] Predsjednik uprave/Chairman of the Board: Jakša Mrčela [email protected] Glavna urednica/Editor-in-chief: dipl. ing. Ana Perišin [email protected] Uredništvo/Editorial staff: Nikola Čelan [email protected] Danijela Mandušić [email protected] Grafički urednik/Graphic editor: Vojan Koceić [email protected] Marketing i prodaja oglasa/Marketing and advertising: Maja Kalinić, dipl. oec. [email protected] Kontakt telefon: +385 (0)98 330 477 Ivana Radeljić Vrdoljak [email protected] Kontakt telefon: +385 (0)99 230 5973 Ivana Duplančić [email protected] Prijevod na engleski/English translation: Zoran Abaza Suradnici/Associates: Nataša Bodrožić, Lovorka Buterin, Martina Kocijan, Hajdi Mihanović, Ivan Mladina, Maja Nožina, Aleksandar Vrtarić Distribucija/Distribution: Tisak d.d., Distripress, Tim Press, Slobodna Dalmacija, Glas Istre Fotografija na naslovnici/Cover photo: Carbon Hotel / ČASOPIS DALCASA JE LICENCNO IZDANJE, TE JE ZABRANJENO KOPIRANJE I PRENOŠENJE SADRŽAJA DALCASA IS LICENCED EDITION ANY COPYING OR DIFFUSION OF CONTENTS ARE PROHIBITED Tisak/Print: Tiskara Meić / Rotooffset Zagreb Sadržaj 9 UVODNA RIJEČ / INTRODUCTORY WORD 14 TEMA BROJA / COVER STORY Plutajuće kuće originalna i ekološki osviještena budućnost stanovanja / Floating Houses – Original and Ecologically Conscious Residential Future 24 AKTUALNO / EVENTS Ekopolis, grad koji moe spasiti svijet / Ecopolis, the city that can save the world 30 VIJESTI / NEWS 34 IN MEMORIAM Odlazak vizionara / The Departure of a Visionary 38 info Pametni pristup “pametnom“ konceptu / A Smart Approach to a “Smart” Concept 42 AVANTURA / ADVENTURE Divan je, divan je Kopenhagen / Such a Wonderful City of Copenhagen 52 GASTRO Ljepota prošlosti pretvorena u suvremenu igru volumenima / Past Beauty Transformed into a Modern Game of Volumes 58 FINE STVARI / LUXURIES 12 Content 62 DODIR UMJETNOSTI / TOUCH OF ART Vanja Popek: Prozori prema unutra / Windows Towards the Inside 70 AMBIJENT / AMBIENT Ugljik u vrhunskom dizajnu / Carbon in Top-Level Design 78 U DOMU KOD... / AT HOME WITH... Diane von Fustenberg: Stari dvorac u šumi za odmor i inspiraciju / An Old Castle in the Forest for Rest and Inspiration 86 DOM SNOVA / DREAM HOME Stvaranje umjetnikova gnijezda / Creating an Artist’s Nest 94 INTERIJERI / INTERIORS Dnevna soba – središte životnog prostora / Living Room – The Centre of a Living Space Parketi elegancija koja traje godinama / Parquet Floors – Elegance that Lasts for Years 108 KULTNI KOMAD / a PIECE OF CULT Najbolji prijatelj među namještajem / Best Friend among Furniture 114 DEKORACIJE / DECORATIONS Zelena svježina / Green Freshness 120 NEKRETNINE / REAL ESTATE 13 Tema broja Plutajuća kuća dizajnerske tvrtke Water studio sama proizvodi vlastitu energiju i ničim ne narušava okoliš / Floating house by designer firm Water Studio produces its own energy and does nothing to hurt the environment Plutajuæe kuæe originalna i ekološki osviještena buduænost stanovanja Jeste li ikad pomislili kako bi bilo imati kuću na vodi? Kakav bi osjećaj bio da vam je mjesto stalnog stanovanja plutajuća kuća te da je, kad vam dosadi okoliš i pogled s prozora, samo odvežete i premjestite na neko zanimljivije mjesto? Nizozemski arhitekti su, za one koji žele živjeti na originalan i ekološki prihvatljiv način, dizajnirali suvremene kuće na vodi, takozvane plutajuće kuće Piše: Danijela Mandušić 14 Foto: Arhiva DalCase Neke plutajuće kuće imaju čak i vlastite vrtove / Some floating houses even have their own gardens Najviše kuća na vodi u Nizozemskoj Nizozemska je poznata po tome što veliki broj njezinih stanovnika živi u kućama na vodi. Zemlje za gradnju novih kuća tamo više jednostavno nema, a, prema nekim procjenama, u idućih dvadesetak godina nedostajat će oko pola milijuna novih stanova, koji se danas više nemaju gdje graditi. Građene od drva i aluminija, ove kuće su izrazito lagane te prilagođene svakoj vodenoj površini, a međusobno su povezane pontonskim mostovima te Interijer kuća komforom ne odudara ni po čemu od kuća građenih na kopnu / Interior comfort are no different from the houses built on land D o ideje kuća na vodi došli su nizozemski arhitekti zbog izrazitog zanimanja ljudi za ovaj alternativni način stanovanja, a također i zbog potrebe uzrokovane samim položajem Nizozemske, koja je, kao što joj i samo ime kaže, dijelom smještena ispod vodene površine te ima brojne mirne vodene rukavce koji kao da su stvoreni za život na vodi. Uskoro je ovaj originalan i ekološki način stanovanja postao hit diljem svijeta. Stoljećima se Nizozemska, a i mnoga područja u svijetu, bore protiv poplava i podizanja razine morske površine. Kao posljedica globalnog zatopljenja, razina mora se u 20. stoljeću povisila za 20 centimetara, a predviđa se da će se do kraja 21. stoljeća podići za dodatnih 60 centimetara. Zato su se nizozemske graditeljske tvrtke dosjetile kako na vrijeme reagirati na globalni porast vodene površine, te dizajnirale prikladne, a ipak savršeno udobne, lagane i definitivno nekonvencionalne – kuće na vodi. Foto / Photo: Waterstudio.NL Photo: Pieter Kers 15 Tema broja mogu biti locirane do 100 metara od kopna. Koliko je zanimanje za ovaj alternativni način stanovanja, dovoljno govori činjenica da nizozemska graditeljska tvrtka Ooms Bouwmaatschappij, pionirska u dizajniranju plutajućih kuća, gradi pet tisuća ovakvih objekata. Cijena plutajućih kuća, ovisno o veličini i opremljenosti, kreće se između 180 i 500 tisuća američkih dolara, a većina ih je već unaprijed rezervirana. “Oduvijek se narod borio protiv vode, ali filozofija življenja se promijenila, shvatili smo da voda nije naš neprijatelj te da se ne trebamo boriti protiv nje, nego je upotrijebiti“, riječi su Van der Woerdta, direktora tvrtke Ooms Bouwmaatschappij. Ploveći toranj Nizozemski arhitekti bili su prisiljeni naći rješenje kako graditi u uvjetima gdje zemlje više nema, a poplave neprestano prijete. Već se rade projekti gradnje čitavih naselja na vodi, a prvo “plutajuće naselje“ trebalo bi zaživjeti do 2010. godine na periferiji Amsterdama, u izvedbi nizozem16 Luksuzna plutajuća vila Helmi, rad arhitektonskog dvojca Karla Ristolainena i Tima Urala / Luxurious floating Villa Helmi, created by architects Kari Ristolainen and Timo Urala ske tvrtke Water studio. Filozofija ove tvrtke specijalizirane za plutajuće objekte jest čist i jednostavan dizajn te prilagodljivost svakom pojedinom klijentu. Njihov potpis nosi i jedno od definitivno najzanimljivijih plutajućih zdanja – veličanstveni plutajući toranj koji je, sa svojih 25 katova, uronjen u vodu samo šest metara, što mu dopušta konstrukcija od iznimno laganih materijala – aluminija i stakla, a osim što pluta, on se i rotira za jedan stupanj svake minute, što je zaista veličanstveno! No, nisu ploveće kuće novi trend stanovanja samo u Nizozemskoj. Zanimanje za ovakvu vrstu gradnje postoji u cijelom svijetu. Poznato je da u Dubaiju ima mnogo plovećih objekata, a i lokalne američke vlasti su nakon uragana Katrina posjetile Nizozemsku kako bi usvojile tamošnja iskustva gradnje objekata na vodi. Osim u SAD-u, gdje već postoje naselja na vodi u marinama kao što je to u Seattleu, česta su takva naselja i po čitavoj Kanadi zbog mnogobrojnih jezera. Njemačka tvrtka Floating homes iz Hamburga svojim je inovativnim, udobnim i izrazito vizualno dopadljivim plutajućim kuća- Suvremen unutarnji dizajn / Modern interior design Villa Helmi ma arhitekta Forstera Trabitzscha osvojila brojne nagrade za dizajn. A cijene kuća kreću se od nekoliko desetaka tisuća eura do vrtoglavih milijunskih iznosa za luksuzne plutajuće vile, koje svojom veličinom i komforom ne odudaraju ni po čemu od kuća građenih na kopnu. Kao, primjerice, luksuzna plutajuća vila Helmi, rad arhitektonskog dvojca Karla Ristolainena i Tima Urala, koja odiše luksuzom u svakom detalju, bilo da je riječ o arhitekturi, suvremenom unutarnjem dizajnu ili tehnološkoj opremljenosti i izvanrednoj izolaciji. Osim toga, vila Helmi, kao i ostale plutajuće kuće dizajnerske tvrtke Marina Housing, sama proizvodi vlastitu energiju i ničim ne narušava okoliš. Dizajnerske plutajuće kuće Čak su i poznati arhitekti krenuli u dizajniranje zanimljivih, a ponekad i začudnih, plutajućih zdanja. Najviše zanimanja izazvala je plutajuća kućica valjkastog oblika ruskog arhitekta Vladimira Plotkina. Ova simpatična kućica mrežastih zidova osmišljena je za jednu osobu, a unatoč tome što izgleda maleno, u sebi sadrži spavaonicu, kupaonicu te terasu na kojoj se može roštiljati i sunčati. Tko ne bi volio provesti ljeto plutajući rijekom na svom malenom domu i uživajući u okolini? Nizozemski profesor Frits Schoute još je detaljnije razvio ideju života na vodi. Naime, on radi na dizajniranju velikih platformi koje bi omogućile gradnju čitavih plutajućih naselja usred oceana, zaštićenih od valova i morskih struja. “Trenutačno osmišljavamo sustave velikih brana koje bi takve plutajuće gradove sasvim zaštitile od morskih strujanja te tako učinile ugodnim život na vodi usred ocea17 Plutajuća kuća arhitekta Forstera Trabitzscha osvojila je brojne nagrade za dizajn / Floating house designed by architect Forster Trabitzsch won numerous design awards Inovativno, udobno i vizualno dopadljivo / Innovative, comfortable and visually stunning na“, kaže Schoute, koji smatra da će ljudi već do 2020. početi živjeti i raditi na postavljanju ovakvih platformi u oceanima te da će kompletni gradovi postojati i savršeno funkcionirati do 2050. godine. Svijet će zaista u budućnosti izgledati znatno drugačije. Vizija budućnosti belgijskog arhitekta - samodostatni plutajući gradovi Još jedan stručnjak posvetio se istraživanju rješenja za stanovanje u budućnosti. Belgijski arhitekt Vincent Callebaut je osmislio projekt Lilypad – samodostatne plutajuće gradove koji bi pružili utočište pred rastućim morem i klimatskim promjenama u budućnosti. Inspiriran biomimikrijom amazonskog lopoča, Callebaut je osmislio Lilypad kao veliki ekopolis koji pluta svjetskim morima i nudi rješenje za ekološke probleme koje izaziva globalno zatopljenje: promjenu klime koja utječe na bioraznolikost, te nedostatak pitke vode i energije. Callebautov plutajući grad budućnosti proizvodio bi više energije nego što bi je potrošio zahvaljujući spretnom spoju energetske učinkovitosti: uz energiju vjetra, koristio bi solarnu, termalnu, osmoznu i fotovoltažnu energiju. Lilypad bi tako proizvodio kisik i reciklirao ugljikov dioksid. Prema predviđanjima međunarodne grupe koja se bavi klimom GIEC (Intergovernmental group on the evolution of the climate), razina mora bi se tijekom ovog stoljeća mogla podići za 20 do čak 90 cm. Stručnjaci predviđaju da će porast prosječne temperature za samo jedan Celzijev stupanj dovesti do porasta mora za čak jedan metar. U državama kao što su Vijetnam, Egipat, Bangladeš, Gvajana ili Bahami, najnaseljenija obalna mjesta bi mogla biti potopljena, a najplodnija tla uništena morskom vodom koja razara lokalne ekosustave. Drugim riječima, doći će u pitanje egzistencija više od 50 milijuna ljudi, a ovaj belgijski arhitekt nudi kvalitetno rješenje toga velikog problema. Sigurnost stanovanja na vodi Iako je novo rješenje stanovanja na vodenoj površini poprilično nekonvencionalno, kad je sigurnost stanovnika plutajućih kuća u pitanju, tu nema nikakvih kompromisa. Ove kuće dizajnirane su sa savršeno riješenom izolacijom od vjetra, vodenih strujanja, te s termalnom izolacijom. Smještene su na pontonima koji podnose sve temperature vode i zraka, od vrućeg Dubaija do hladnoća Skandinavije gdje se temperatura tijekom zimskog razdoblja spušta znatno ispod ništice. Također, interijeri ovih kuća tehnički i tehnološki suvremeno su opremljeni, te se po udobnosti stanovanja ni u čemu ne razlikuju od standardnih kuća, tako da stanovnici plutajućih kuća mogu bez brige uživati u svom originalnom plutajućem domu. Ovakva vrsta stanovanja pruža istinsku ležernost i život u neposrednom kontaktu s prirodom. U današnjem svijetu ubrzanog ritma, neopterećen način života i stanovanje daleko od gradske vreve i zagađenosti velikih urbanih središta sve su poželjniji suvremenom čovjeku, tako i zanimanje za kuće na vodi iz godine u godinu sve više raste diljem svijeta. Tko zna, možda ćemo uskoro i na našoj obali, jezerima i rijekama viđati male ekološke kuće koje, kao i njihovi stanovnici, žive u savršenoj simbiozi s prirodom. 18 U Finskoj postoje čitava plutajuća naselja, Reposaari je jedno od njih / In Finland there are whole floting settlements, Reposaari is one of them Cover st ory Floating Houses Original and Ecologically Conscious Residential Future Have you ever thought about having a house on water? How would you feel about having a floating house as your place of residence, which would enable you to simply untie the ropes and move it to a more interesting location once you get bored with your surrounding and the view from your window? Dutch architects designed contemporary houses on water, the so-called floating houses, for those who want to live in original and ecologically acceptable manner Written by: Danijela Mandušić Photo: DalCasa archive 19 Cover st ory Kuće na pontonima koji podnose sve temperature vode i zraka, od vrućeg Dubaija do hladnoća Skandinavije / Th houses are located on pontoons that can stand any temperature of water or air, from the hot Dubai to the freezing Scandinavia Interijer jedne od kuća / Interior in one of the houses Reposaari resort projekt je finske tvrtke Marina Housing / Reposaari resort is a project of Finish Marina Housing company D utch architects came up with the idea of building houses on water due to people’s intense interest for this alternative way of living, as well as due to the geographical position of Holland, which is located under the water surface and has numerous water channels that are tailor-made for living on water. This original and ecological way of living soon became a hit around the world. Holland and many other areas around the world have fought against floods and ever-rising water surface for many centuries. Global warming caused the level of water to rise 20 centimetres during the 20th century, and it is predicted that it will rise another 60 centimetres until the end of the 21st century. That’s why Dutch construction companies didn’t waste any time in trying to come 20 up with a reaction for the global rise of the water surface, so they ended up designing appropriate, yet perfectly comfortable, light and definitely unconventional – houses on water. The Majority of Floating Houses in Holland Holland is probably better known for having a large number of people living in houses on water than any other country in the world. The country simply has no more land to build new houses on, and according to some estimations, around half million new apartments will need to be built over the next twenty years, but there is nowhere else to build. Made of wood and aluminium, these houses are extremely light and adjusted to the water surface. They are mutually connected by pontoon bridges, which enables them to be located up to 100 metres from the land. As far the level of interest for this alternative way of living goes, let’s just mention that Dutch construction company Ooms Bouwmaatschappij, a pioneer in the business of designing floating houses, is currently building five thousand of these houses. The prices of floating houses vary between 180 and 500 thousand American dollars, depending on the size and level of furnishing, and it must be said that most of them have already been reserved. “The people have always fought against water, but the living philosophy has changed and now we understand that the water is not our enemy, so we should start using it instead of fighting it” – says Van der Woerdt, director of Ooms Bouwmaatschappij. Floating Tower Dutch architects were forced to find the solution for the problem of building in a country that has no more available land, while the floods represent a constant threat. Projects of entire settlements on water are already being made as we speak, and the first “floating settlement” should be opened by 2010 in the suburbs of Amsterdam, courtesy of Dutch firm Water Studio. The philosophy of this company, which exclusively specializes in floating objects, is offering a clean and simple design while still adjusting to every individual client. They also created one of the most fascinating floating build- ings in the world – the magnificent floating tower that features 25 floors and is immersed into water by only six metres, which is enabled by extremely light construction materials – aluminium and glass. Besides the fact that it floats, this tower also rotates itself for one degree every minute – truly majestic! However, floating houses are not considered trendy only in Holland, as the interest for this type of construction exists in the entire world. It is known that there are many floating objects in Dubai, while local American authorities also visited Holland to gain some information regarding building real estates on water in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. Besides the USA, which already features entire water settlements in marinas like the one in Seattle, these types of settlements are also fairly common in Canada due to their numerous lakes. German company Floating Homes from Hamburg won numerous design awards for their innovative, comfortable and visually stunning floating houses, which were designed by architect Forster Trabitzsch. The prices of these houses range from several dozens thousands of euros to groundbreaking million figures, as those luxurious floating villas have the size and level of comfort that are no different from the houses built on land. The perfect example is the luxurious floating Villa Helmi, created by architects Karl Ristolainen and Tim Ural, which simply screams luxury in every detail, whether 21 Plutajući terminal za kruzere / Floating cruise terminal Foto / Photo: Waterstudio.NL, Dutch Docklands I kompleksi apartmana mogu biti plutajući / The appartmant complexes can also be floating it’s architecture, modern interior design or the level of technology and extraordinary isolation. It also must be said that Villa Helmi, just like all other houses by designer firm Marina Housing, produces its own energy and does nothing to hurt the environment. Floating Designer Houses Even some famous architects embarked on a journey of designing interesting and sometimes wondrous floating buildings. Russian architect Vladimir Plotkin created a small cylindrical house that created a huge amount of interest. This likeable little house with reticular walls was designed for one person, and it includes a bedroom, bathroom and terrace with options of grilling and sunbathing despite its small dimensions. Who wouldn’t want to spend the summer floating around the river in their small home just enjoying the environment? Dutch professor Frits Schoute paid even more attention to details when dealing with the idea of living on water. He is working on designing large platforms that would enable entire floating settlements in the middle of the ocean, protected from the waves and sea currents. 22 Foto / Photo: Waterstudio.NL, BAM “At the moment, we are coming up with systems of large dams that would completely protect such floating cities from the sea currents, which would make life on the middle of the ocean very pleasant” – Schoute says, and he also feels that people will start building these ocean platforms by 2020, while complete cities will exist and perfectly function by 2050. The world of the future will truly look significantly different. Belgian Architect’s Vision for the Future – Self-Sufficient Floating Cities Another expert dedicated his work to finding a solution for living in the future. Belgian architect Vincent Callebaut came up with his Lilypad project – self-sufficient floating cities that would provide sanctuary in the wake of the rising sea and future climate changes. Inspired by the bio-mimicry of the Amazonian lily, Callebaut envisioned Lilypad as a large ecopolis that floats the world seas and offers solution for ecological problems caused by global warming: climate changes that result in affected biodiversity, lack of fresh water and energy. Callebaut’s floating city of the future would produce more Plutajući i rotirajući toranj u Dubaiju / Floating and rotating tower in Dubai Cover st ory Foto / Photo: Waterstudio.NL, Dutch Docklands energy than it spends thanks to a convenient combination of energetic efficiency: besides wind energy, it would also use solar, thermal, osmotic and photovoltaic energy. In that way, Lilypad would produce oxygen and recycle carbon dioxide. According to GIEC, which is an intergovernmental group on the evolution of the climate, the level of the sea could rise from 20 to 90 centimetres during the course of this century. Experts predict that the rise of the average temperature for only one degree Celsius will lead to the sea level rising for one metre. In countries like Vietnam, Egypt, Bangladesh, Guyana or Bahamas, that could mean devastating floods in the most inhabited coastal areas, while all fertile soil would be destroyed by seawater that tears local eco-systems apart. In other words, over 50 million people would have severe existential problems, and this Belgian architect offers a quality solution to that gigantic problem. The Safety Aspect of Living on Water Although the very idea of living on the water surface is fairly unconventional, there are no compromises when it comes to the safety of residents in these float- ing homes. These houses have perfect protection from the wind and sea currents, as well as adequate thermal isolation. They are located on pontoons that can stand any temperature of water or air, from the hot Dubai to the freezing Scandinavia, which is dominated by belowzero temperatures during the winter period. The interiors of these houses are also technically and technologically equipped in contemporary manner, which means that their level of comfort in no way differs from standard houses. All these aspects ensure that floating homes’ residents can enjoy their original floating houses without a single concern. This type of residence has the advantage of providing true casualness and life in firm contact with nature. In today’s world of accelerated rhythm, a modern man increasingly craves for a relaxed way of life away from the city noise and polluted urban centres. As a result, the level of interest for these houses on water keeps getting bigger year after year. Who knows, we just might start seeing small ecological houses on our coast, rivers and lakes, as their residents live the life of perfect symbiosis with nature. 23 Akt ualno Ekopolisi ispred Kraljevine Monako / Ecopolis’ in front of Principality of Monaco Ekopolis, grad koji moe spasiti svijet Glavna misija novog projekta belgijskog arhitekta Vincenta Callebauta, “gradovi vodeni ljiljani“, spas je za sve one koji bi mogli ostati bez svojih domova. Kaotična budućnost nam je neizbježna, o njoj razglabamo već desetljećima, a sada smo krenuli i korak dalje – stvaramo projekte koji bi nam u skoroj budućnosti mogli itekako pomoći. Callebautove arhitektonske zamisli jedne su od njih Piše: Martina Kocijan 24 Foto: VINCENT CALLEBAUT ARCHITECTURES / V eć i djeca u vrtićima znaju da smo svjedoci brojnih klimatskih promjena. Najnovija znanstvena istraživanja pokazuju da će se do kraja 21. stoljeća, dakle negdje oko 2090-ih, razina mora uzdići na znantno višu razinu od sadašnje. Posljedice za stanovnike područja koje će potopiti more, poput Vijetnama, Egipta, Bangladeša ili Bahama, ali i megagradova, poput Londona, New Yorka, Tokija i Venecije, bit će strašne. Predviđa se da će nakon takvog jednog potapanja, čak 250 milijuna stanovnika ostati bez svojih domova. Barem prema najcrnjim predviđanjima. Prvo pravilo ekogradova je da u njemu nema cesta i automobila / The first rule of eco-cities is that there are no roads or cars Rješenje, i to ekološko, nadomak ruke Jedno od rješenja mogućeg problema velikih razmjera zamislio je nagrađivani arhitekt Vincent Callebaut. Zamislite golemi grad koji bi plutao svjetskim morima, a unutar njega vi, vaša obitelj, djeca, prijatelji i još 50.000 sugrađana. Vodeni gradovi izgledali bi poput ljiljana, cvijeta koji asocira na slobodno plutanje vodama, a nose ga morske struje. Tako bi plutali i Vincentovi gradovi. Lilypade ili ljiljane osmislio je tako da svojom konstrukcijom odgovaraju na četiri izazova čovječanstvu: pitanje klime, bioraznolikosti, voda i zdravlja. Prvo pravilo ekogradova stoga je da u njemu nema cesta i automobila! Nadalje, cijele bi plutajuće površine bile prekrivene biljkama iz brojnih vrtova, umjetnim planinama te središnjim jezerima u kojima bi se skupljala i pročišćivala kišnica. Električnu energiju osiguravao bi niz obnovljivih izvora energije: solarni kolektori, turbine za vjetar i uređaj za prikupljanje energije iz morskih valova. Sama bit projekta je da gradovi proizvode više energije negoli je troše, zahvaljujući spretnom spoju energetske učinkovitosti. Uz energiju vjetra, svaki bi ljiljan koristio solarnu, termalnu, osmoznu i fotovoltažnu energiju, a u pogonu gradova bila bi i plimna elektrana, fitopročišćivači te biomasa. Lilypad bi na taj način proizvodio kisik, reciklirao ugljični dioksid i služio kao jedan od prvih svjetskih ekogradova koji se sam obnavlja. Ekološke građevine Vincent Callebaut belgijski je arhitekt s francuskom putovnicom koji je već tijekom studija pokazao darovitost u projektiranju. Godine 2001. osvojio je vrijednu arhitektonsku nagradu Napoleon Godecharle za svoj ekološki projekt – vodeni grad. Nagrađivan je u Belgiji, Južnoj Koreji i New Yorku, a u cijelom je svijetu poznat po svojim čudesnim futurističkim arhitektonskim iskoracima. Callebaut uspješno spaja dizajn i tehnologiju i tako stvara novi termin za svoja djela – ekološke građevine. Njegov način rada je kreiranje projekata koji su mješavina znanstvenog i kulturnog temelja nekog grada i države, a stvara ih kompjutorskim programima koji mu pomažu da prikaže apstrakcije nekog ekosustava. Njegovo je mišljenje da mladi dizajneri danas moraju pronalaziti alternativne strategije, biti fleksibilni kad rade s različitim strukturama, kreirati za budućnost, spajati nova znanja i implementirati ih u projekte te graditi za bolje sutra. Putujući od New Yorka do Hong Konga preko Bruxellesa i Pariza, on je arhitekt koji izrađuje prospektivne i ekološke projekte kojima potiče dijalog među ljudima i navodi nas da se zapitamo u kakvom to svijetu živimo te što možemo učiniti da bismo ga poboljšali. O svom najnovijem projektu 25 Pogled ispod mora na ekopolis / Submarine view to the ecopolis Noćni pogled na plutajući ekopolis / Night view of the floating Ecopolis Ekopolis je djelo belgijskog arhitekta Vincenta Callebauta / Ecopolis is project of Belgian architect Vincent Callebau Callebaut je rekao: “Mislim da je osmišljavanje načina za udomljavanje milijuna ljudi koji će zbog promjena u okolišu postati beskućnici, jedan od najvećih izazova 21. stoljeća.“ Taj je izazov prihvatio i ispunio, barem na papiru. Znanstvena fantastika ili...? Vincent Callebaut se do sada iskazao brojnim inovativnim projektima. Za zemlje poput Belgije, Islanda, Češke, Estonije, Švicarske, Irske, SAD-a, Libanona, Mauricijusa, Kanade, Norveške, Njemačke, Kine i Francuske osmislio je projekte o kojima se piše i govori. Futuristički projekt ekodizajna Hong Konga, ekonomični neboder – ekološki i gradski informativni centar za Mexico City, virtualno sjedište NATO-a u Belgiji, crveno rješenje za Prag... samo su neke od njegovih ideja. Jedan od najzanimljivijih projekata svakako je ekološki “antismog“ inovativni centar u Parizu. Pokriven i obložen s 250 kvadrata titanium-dioksida, centar je samoodrživa građevina koja se bori protiv smoga, ne zagađuje okoliš i reagira na svoje okruženje. Objekt se sastoji od dva dijela: horizontalnog dijela, “solarne suze“ i vertikalnog dijela, “tornja vjetrova“. Solarni paneli proizvode energiju za napajanje cijele zgrade, a oblog od titana služi kao katalizatorski sustav koji proči26 šćuje zrak. Zvuči kao znanstvena fantastika? Nadajmo se, samo privremeno. Ekoarhitektura – arhitektura budućnosti Što je zapravo ekoarhitektura? Prema nekim definicijama, to je arhitektura koja nastoji minimalizirati uporabu energije u svakoj fazi ciklusa životnog vijeka zgrade, uključujući eksploataciju i transport materijala, njihovo oblikovanje, sklapanje na objektu te vrijednost njihova recikliranja kada jednom zgrada bude srušena. Drugim riječima, ekoarhitektura je vrlo štedljiva i savjesna. Popis razloga njezina nastajanja sve je dulji i dulji, pa se zbog sve većih ekoloških problema, primjerice učinka staklenika i nestanka fosilnih goriva, razvija vrtloglavom brzinom. Arhitekti se okreću prirodnim snagama Zemlje, nude sve maštovitija rješenja i kreativnije projekte, a sve s ciljem ljudskog opstanka. Misli se na ravnotežu u prirodi i uštedu, a zamisli o kojima se piše, razgovara i na temelju kojih se stvara, sviđaju se sve većem broju građana. Svakome je bitno može li i kako uštedjeti nešto novca. A iako cijena izgradnje jednog “grada ljiljana“ još nije izračunata, tješimo se da u ladici postoji projekt koji je spreman da se izgradi već sutra. Eko gradovi proizvode više energije negoli je troše / Eco cites produce more energy than they consume Event s Ecopolis, the city that can save the world The main mission of “water-lily cities”, which is a new project by Belgian architect Vincent Callebaut, is to save all those people that might lose their homes in the very near future. The appearance of chaos in our future is inevitable and we’ve been discussing it for decades, but now we have taken a step forward – we are creating the projects that could tremendously help us when we need it. Callebaut’s architectonic ideas certainly qualify as those projects. Written by: Martina Kocijan E Photo: VINCENT CALLEBAUT ARCHITECTURES / ven kindergarten children are aware that we are witnessing numerous climate changes. The most recent scientific researches say that by the end of the 21st century, which means by the 2090s, the level of the sea will ascend to a much higher level than what we are witnessing today. Habitants of those areas that will be flooded by the sea, such as Vietnam, Egypt, Bangladesh or the Bahamas, as well as mega-cities like London, New York, Tokyo or Venice, are bound to suffer terrifying consequences. It is predicted that one of those 27 Event s Vodeni gradovi izgledali bi poput ljiljana, cvijeta koji asocira na slobodno plutanje vodama, a nose ga morske struje / These water cities would resemble lilies, which is a flower that is reminiscent of floating on water and is directed by sea currents floods will cause as many as 250 million people to lose their homes, at least according to the pessimistic version. Ecological Solution within Our Reach One of the solutions to this major problem was presented by honoured architect Vincent Callebaut. Try to imagine a gigantic city that floats the seas all over the world, and it features yourself, your family, children, friends and 50.000 other fellow citizens. These water cities would resemble lilies, which is a flower that is reminiscent of floating on water and is directed by sea currents. Vincent’s cities would float in a very similar way. These Lilypads were designed with a construction that provides an answer to four of mankind’s greatest challenges: climate, biodiversity, water and health. Therefore, the first rule of eco-cities prevents any roads or automobiles. Furthermore, the entire floating surfaces would be covered in plants from numerous gardens, as well as artificial mountains and central lakes that would collect and purify rainwater. A string of renewable sources of energy would provide electrical energy: solar accumulators, wind turbines and a device that generates energy from sea waves. The very purpose of this project is to make sure that the cities produce more energy than they consume, and that can be accomplished due to a very efficient combination of energy factors. Along with the wind energy, every lily would use solar, thermal, osmotic and photovoltaic energy, while 28 the cities would also feature a tidal power station, phytopurifiers and biomass. That would enable Lilypad cities to produce oxygen, recycle carbon dioxide and function as one of the world’s first renewable eco-cities. Ecological Buildings Vincent Callebaut is a Belgian architect with a French passport who has showed a great deal of designing talent even during his college years. In 2001, he won the valuable architectonic award Napoleon Godecharle for his ecological project – a water city. He has received awards in Belgium, South Korea and New York, while being recognizable in the whole world for his wondrous futuristic architectonic projects. Callebaut successfully combines design and technology, which helped him create a whole new term for his projects – ecological buildings. The focus of his work is to create projects that combine scientific and cultural foundations for a city or country, which are created by computer programmes that help him to present abstractions of an ecological system. He feels that young designers need to find alternative strategies and be flexible when it comes to working with different structures, as well as create for the future, use new forms of knowledge and implement them into projects that will provide a better future. Travelling from New York and Hong Kong to Brussels and Paris, he is an architect that creates prosperous and ecological projects that en- courage dialogue among people and make us try to improve the world we live in. Regarding his newest project, Callebaut said: “I feel that coming up with a way to solve the housing issue of millions of people that will become homeless due to the environmental changes is one of 21st century’s greatest challenges.” He took on that challenge and conquered it, at least on paper. Science Fiction or…? Vincent Callebaut has proven his worth with numerous innovative projects. He designed projects that created plenty of buzz and feedback in countries like Belgium, Iceland, Czech Republic, Estonia, Switzerland, Ireland, USA, Lebanon, Mauritius, Canada, Norway, Germany, China and France. Futuristic eco-design project Hong Kong, economical tower – ecological information centre for Mexico City, virtual NATO headquarters in Belgium, the red solution for Prague… are just some of his ideas. One of his most interesting projects is certainly the ecological “anti-smog” innovative centre in Paris. Covered and paved in 250 squares of titanium dioxide, the centre is a renewable building that fights smog, doesn’t pollute the environment and reacts to its immediate surrounding. The object consists of two sections: the horizontal “solar drop” and the vertical “wind tower”. Solar panels produce enough energy for the entire building, while the titanium cover has the purpose of a catalytic system that purifies the air. Sounds like science fiction? Let’s hope that it becomes realistic fairly soon. Eco-Architecture – Architecture of the Future What exactly is eco-architecture? According to some definitions, it is the type of architecture that attempts to minimize the usage of energy in every phase of a building’s lifespan, which includes exploitation and transport of materials, their shaping, installation on the object, and the value of their recycling once the building is demolished. In other words, eco-architecture is very economical and conscientious. The list of the reasons it ever occurred is getting longer and longer, so it is now developing in rapid speed due to the increasing ecological problems, such as the greenhouse effect and the disappearance of fossil fuels. Architects are turning to Earth’s natural powers, and they are presenting very imaginative solutions and creative projects with the purpose of saving the human race. Plenty of attention is paid to natural balance and preservation, and the ideas that are talked and written about, and which are the foundation to numerous projects, are appealing to an increasing number of citizens. Everybody cares about the possibility of saving some money. And although the price for a “lilypad city” is yet to be revealed, we can take comfort in the fact that we have a project that is prepared to be activated as soon as tomorrow. 29 Vijest i Umivaonici inspirirani Olimpijskim igrama Alples, vodeća slovenska tvrtka za proizvodnju namještaja, organizirao je kućni sajam u krugu svoje tvornice, na kojem su se mogli razgledati njihovi novi proizvodi, ali i upoznati se s načinom proizvodnje i obrade namještaja. Na sajmu su predstavljena tri nova programa: dječje sobe Planet, dnevne sobe Forma i program predsoblja Koda. Programi prate aktualne trendove izrade, moderne oblike, a posebno je zanimljiva inovativna ideja gumenih ručkica za namještaj u dječjim sobama kako bi se povećala sigurnost djeteta. Furniture with Rubber Handles for Children Safety Alples, leading Slovenian company for furniture manufacturing, has organized a home fair within the circle of their factory where you could take a close look at their new products, as well as introduce yourself with the way they manufacture and process furniture. The fair featured presentations of three new programmes; children bedrooms Planet, living rooms Forma and hallway programmes Koda. The programmes keep up with the newest manufacturing trends and modern figures, and there is a particularly innovative idea for little rubber handles in children bedrooms, which would increase the level of a child’s safety. Jedanaesti međunarodni bijenale arhitekture u Veneciji Pod ravnanjem Aarona Betskyja, 14. rujna u Veneciji počinje 11. međunarodni bijenale arhitekture. Ovogodišnja tema “arhitektura izvan građevina” stavlja fokus na moguće načine kako se arhitektura može odvojiti od samih građevina i uključiti u izravnu interakciju s ljudima, pa će ovogodišnji bijenale predstaviti site-specific instalacije, vizije i arhitektonske eksperimente koji žele pokazati kako se arhitektonskim dosjetkama i kreacijama naše suvremeno urbano okruženje može učiniti mnogo zanimljivijim i ljepšim. Zato je sasvim logičan odabir predstavljanja hrvatskih projekata Morske orgulje i Pozdrav suncu, koji su sasvim u skladu s ovogodišnjom tematikom. Osim naših arhitekata Penezića i Rogine, na Bijenalu će se predstaviti mnogi cijenjeni arhitekti i arhitektonska studija, kao što su Massimiliano Fuksas, Nigel Coates, Droog Design, Philippe Rah, Zaha Hadid i mnogi drugi. 30 Basins Inspired by the Olympic Games In cooperation with artist and designer Javier Mariscal, Spanish firm Roca created exclusive basins dedicated to the Olympic Games in Beijing. Their inside sections are decorated with images of Olympic sports, and the four basic shapes of Roca basins – square, oval, rectangular and circular – have been turned into a swimming pool, tennis court, cycling track and stadium. The basins’ illustrations carry that typical Mariscal style; they are humorous, fresh and minimalist, while their simplicity does a great job of invoking the essential message of every sport. The 11th International Architecture Biennale in Venice Under the guidance of Aaron Betsky, the 11th International Architecture Biennale will be opened in Venice on September 14th. This year’s theme – “architecture beyond building” – focuses on many different ways for architecture to separate itself from buildings themselves and get included in direct interaction with people. This year’s biennale will present site-specific installations, visions and architectonic experiments that aim to demonstrate that architectonic ideas and creations can make our modern urban environment a much more interesting and beautiful place. That’s why choosing Croatian projects Sea Organ and Hail to the Sun is a perfectly logical choice, as they completely agree with this year’s theme. Besides our architects Penezić and Rogina, the biennale will present numerous renowned architects and architectonic studios like Massimiliano Fuksas, Nigel Coates, Droog Design, Philippe Rah, Zaha Hadid and many others. Pripremila / Edited by: Danijela Mandušić Gumene ručke na namještaju za sigurnost djece U suradnji s umjetnikom i dizajnerom Javierom Mariscalom, španjolska tvrtka Roca kreirala je ekskluzivne umivaonike posebno za Olimpijske igre u Pekingu, čija je unutrašnjost oslikana olimpijskim sportovima. Tako su četiri osnovna oblika Rocinih umivaonika – četvrtasti, ovalni, pravokutni i okrugli – pretvorena u bazen, tenisko igralište, biciklističku stazu i stadion. Ilustracije umivaonika su u prepoznatljivom Mariscalovu stilu, humoristične, svježe i minimalističke, a svojom jednostavnošću najbolje prenose esencijalnu poruku svakog sporta. News Revitalizacija londonskog predjela Croydon Britanske graditeljske tvrtke Foster i partneri te Schroders i Stanhope, nakon dugotrajnog nastojanja, dobile su dozvolu londonskih gradskih vlasti za svoj projekt revitalizacije dijela gradske četvrti Croydon. Tako će dosad zapušteni dio Londona dobiti 500 novih stambenih jedinica, poslovne prostore, kazalište, kafiće i restorane, a sve će biti okruženo velikim parkom. Projekt pod nazivom Ruskin trg samo je početak revitalizacije kompletnog Croydona, koji će se od zapuštenog i neuglednog londonskog predjela pretvoriti u suvremeno opremljen i privlačan stambeni prostor. Revitalization of London Neighbourhood Croydon After a long persuading period, British construction companies Foster & Partners and Schroders & Stanhope received a license from the London city authorities to go ahead with their project of revitalizing a part of the city neighbourhood Croydon. That means that the previously neglected part of London will receive 500 new residential units, as well as office spaces, theatre, coffee shops and restaurants, all of which will be surrounded by a new park. The project will be called Ruskin Square, and it merely represents the beginning of entire Croyton’s revitalization, which will transform a neglected and plain-looking London neighbourhood into a fashionably equipped and attractive residential space. Arhitektonsko jedro u Panami Ovu prekrasnu građevinu koja svojom formom podsjeća na veliko jedro, osmislio je arhitekt Arias Serna Saravia, a gradi se u Panami i u svom “jedru” ugostit će Trump Ocean Club. Smještena na samoj obali, imat će 70 katova u kojima će se, osim luksuznih apartmana, nalaziti wellness spa, yacht klub, privatni bazeni, luksuzni restoran, kasino, poslovni centar i panoramski kafe na samom vrhu. Cijene ovih elitnih apartmana kreću se od 400 tisuća do vrtoglavih milijun američkih dolara, a projekt će biti dovršen 2010. godine. 32 Frank Gehry dizajnirao ovogodišnji paviljon Serpentine Čast da dizajnira paviljon ispred prestižne londonske galerije Serpentine ove je godine pripala čuvenom arhitektu Franku Gehryju. Mnogi najistaknutiji arhitekti, kao Zaha Hadid i Daniel Libeskind, imali su priliku osmisliti izgled čuvenog paviljona u kojem se svake godine od srpnja do listopada održavaju različiti kulturni programi. Frank Gehry svoj dizajn paviljona opisuje kao drvenu strukturu inspiriranu katapultom Leonarda da Vincija, koja se ponaša kao ulica koja se proteže od parka do paviljona. Osim drva, Gehry je koristio metalne detalje i staklo koji u kombinaciji s drvenom konstrukcijom daju zaista čudesnu skulpturu koja će idućih mjeseci ugostiti mnogobrojne koncerte i predstave, a nakon zatvaranja cijela se konstrukcija prodaje. Frank Gehry Designed this Year’s Serpentine Pavilion The honour of designing this year’s pavilion in front of the famous gallery Serpentine in London was given to famous architect Frank Gehry. Many renowned architects, such as Zaha Hadid and Daniel Libeskind, had the opportunity to come up with the look for this famous pavilion, which hosts various cultural programmes from July to October of every year. Frank Gehry describes his pavilion design as a wooden structure inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s catapult, which carries the role of a street from the park to the pavilion. Besides wood, Gehry also used metal details and glass, and their combinations with a wooden construction create a truly wondrous sculpture that will host numerous concerts and shows in the upcoming months. After the closing ceremony, the entire construction will be up for sale. Architectonic Sail in Panama This wonderful building with the form that resembles a large sail was designed by architect Arias Serna Saravia. It is being built in Panama and will host the Trump Ocean Club within its “sail”. Located on the very shore, the building will have 70 floors that will not only feature luxurious apartments, but will also reveal a wellness spa, yacht club, private swimming pools, luxurious restaurant, casino, business centre and panoramic coffee shop at the very top. Prices for these elite apartments vary from 400 thousand to the staggering million American dollars, and the project will be finished in 2010. In memoriam Andrea Pininfarina ispred Ferrarija P4/5 / Andrea Pininfarina in front of Ferrari P4/5 Odlazak vizionara Neočekivan i tragičan odlazak Andree Pininfarine bolan je udarac ne samo njegovoj kompaniji nego i automobilskoj industriji Piše: Ivan Mladina P očetkom kolovoza automobilistički i poslovni svijet je potresla vijest o tragičnoj smrti u automobilskoj nesreći Andree Pininfarine, bivšeg čelnika istoimene dizajnerske tvrtke, desetljećima vjerojatno najpoznatije i najutjecajnije u automobilskoj industriji. Sjajan menadžer iznimna utjecaja, za života nagrađivan brojnim priznanjima za značajne doprinose u razvoju obiteljske tvrtke i automobilskog dizajna uopće, otišao je na vrhuncu svoje stvaralačke snage, u 52. godini života. Unuk onivača tvrtke, legendarnog Battiste Pinin Farine, školovao se u Milanu kao inženjer. Stječući iskustvo, kroz godine je preuzimao sve značajnije poslove u tvrtki, da bi 1994. postao njezinim generalnim direktorom. Premda se ime Pininfarina već tradicionalno veže uz dizajn 34 Foto: Arhiva DalCase automobilskih veličina kao što su Ferrari i Maserati, Andrea Pininfarina je dodatno osnažio veze s renomiranim proizvođačima i investitorima, uvijek imajući na umu smjer razvoja kompanije u skladu s nadolazećim trendovima u automobilskoj industriji. Tako su posljednjih godina ostvarene brojne inovativne simbioze, poput zajedničkih proizvodnih pogona Pininfarine i Volva u Švedskoj, ili razvoja elektroautomobila sa specijalističkim francuskim proizvođačem Vincent Bollorè. Andrea Pininfarina je obnašao i značajne dužnosti u najvišim europskim i talijanskim organizacijama automobilističkih proizvođača, a za svoje poslovne zasluge primao je najviša odličja, među ostalima i orden francuske Legije časti. Ipak, emotivno možda najznačajnija je njegova uloga u stvaranju prave ikone suvremenog automobi- Skice Ferrarija P4/5 / The drawings of Ferrari P4/5 lizma, sada već legendarnog Ferrarija P4/5, poznatog i kao “zvijer iz Torina“. Nošen idejom da obnovi pomalo zapostavljenu tradiciju izrade skupocjenih, potpuno unikatnih automobila na temelju ionako skupocjenih automobila za poznatog naručitelja, Andrea Pininfarina je ponudio zamisao imućnim kolekcionarima automobila. Prihvatio ju je burzovni magnat James Glickenhaus, za tu svrhu kupivši posljednji, 399. Enzo Ferrari, superautomobil napravljen i imenovan u čast utemeljitelja te znamenite manufakture. Projekt koji je u konačnici stajao oko četiri milijuna dolara, izveden je u potpunoj tajnosti u proizvodnim pogonima Pininfarine, gdje je na osnovu Enza nadograđena potpuno nova karoserija. Čak ni u Ferrariju nisu znali za taj projekt, sve dok Andrea Pininfarina nije pozvao čelnika Ferrarija Lucu di Montezemola da dođe pogledati završen primjerak. Po Glickenhausovoj želji, inspiriran nezaboravnom Ferrarijevom “P” serijom natjecateljskih bolida s kraja šezdesetih godina, u rekordnom roku stvoren je sasvim nov automobil koji je u savršenom omjeru amalgamizirao motive prošlosti i suvremenosti. Ako je Enzo Ferrari izazvao udivljenje automobilističkog svijeta, Ferrari P4/5 izazvao je ništa manje od ekstatičkog šoka. U Ferrariju su bili toliko impresionirani da su dopustili da se na automobil stavi Ferrarijeva značka, te je time priznat kao punopravan član Ferrarijeve obitelji. Lakši i aerodinamičkije oblikovan od Enza, P4/5 ima bolje performanse od automobila od kojeg je nastao. Zadivljena svjetska javnost što ga je, prije nego je zauvijek nestao u tami kolekcionarskih garaža, uspjela tek nakratko vidjeti izloženog na autoshowu u Parizu i Pebble Beachu, još i danas govori o “zvijeri iz Torina“. Neočekivan i tragičan odlazak Andree Pininfarine bolan je udarac ne samo njegovoj kompaniji nego i automobilskoj industriji. Ostala su pitanja – što je sve ovaj vizionar još mogao dati, kolike su sjajne zamisli ostale neostvarene, koliko prekrasnih automobilskih kreacija nikada nećemo vidjeti? 35 In memoriam Andrea Pininfarina i James Glickenhaus The Departure of a Visionary The unexpected and tragic loss of Andrea Pininfarina is a painful blow not only to his company but to the automotive industry as a whole Written by: Ivan Mladina A Photo: DalCasa arhive t the beginning of August, automotive business world was shocked by a tragic death in a car accident of Andrea Pininfarina, former CEO of the Pininfarina Company, for decades arguably the most famous and the most influential design company in the automotive industry. A brilliant and exceptionally influential 51-year old manager, who received numerous awards and recognitions for contributing to the development of his family’s company as well as to the automotive design in general, left on the peak of his creative strength. 36 Grandson of the company’s founder, legendary Battista “Pinin” Farina, he graduated from Polytechnic of Turin as a mechanical engineer. Gaining experience, over the years he assumed more important positions in the company’s hierarchy, becoming it’s CEO in 1994. Although the Pininfarina brand is traditionally associated with automotive valuables the likes of Ferrari and Maserati, Andrea Pininfarina strengthened the ties with reknowned manufacturers and investors, always bearing in mind the direction of the company’s heading respective to upcoming trends in the automotive industry. As a result, numerous innovative cooperations were created, such as the joint-venture factory with Volvo in Sweden, or the development of electric powered automobiles with the french specialist Vincent Bollorè. Andrea Pininfarina was also a prominent figure in most important organizations of Italian and European automotive manufacturers, and for his achievements was awarded highest decorations, among others the French Legion of Honor. Emotively though, maybe his most important role was the one in conception of a true automotive icon of modern era, the already legendary Ferrari P4/5, also reffered to as “The Beast of Turin”. Wanting to re-create a somewhat forgotten tradition of creating one-off, completely unique creations based on the already exclusive and expensive automobiles, Andrea Pininfarina sent the feelers to rich car collectors. The idea was embraced by stock-magnate James Glickenhaus, buying for that purpose the last, 399th Enzo Ferrari, a supercar made and named to honor the founder of the famous manufacturer. The project which cost about 4 million dollars total, was conducted in top secrecy in Pininfarina production plant, where a whole new body was assembled on the Enzo’s base. Not even in Ferrari did they know about the project until Pininfarina called upon Ferrari’s boss Luca di Montezemolo to come and see the completed car. Inspired by the unforgettable late-sixties Ferrari P-Series racing cars on Glickenhaus’ request, a whole new car was built in record time, a car that perfectly blended the past and the present. If automotive world was impressed by the Enzo Ferrari, the Ferrari P4/5 caused nothing less than an extatic shock. So impressed were in Ferrari that they let the car be badged as a Ferrari, therefore becoming a unique member of the Ferrari family. Lighter and aerodinamically more efficient than the Enzo, the P4/5 gives even better performance than the car it was derived from. Before it disappeared forever in the dark of the collectors’ garages, the awestruck public was only briefly able to take a glimpse of it on Paris and Pebble Beach motorshows, and yet it is a car still very spoken about. The unexpected and tragic loss of Andrea Pininfarina is a painful blow not only to his company but to the automotive industry as a whole. The questions linger what could this visionary still have given, how many of his brilliant ideas were left unrealized, how many beautiful automotive creations we shall never see? Maserati Quattroporte Maserati Birdcage 75th 37 Info Videoportafonski sustav / Video door entry system Pametni pristup “pametnom” konceptu Tvrtke koje se bave “pametnim” instalacijama u svom poslovanju vode se načelima izazvanima promjenama stila života i stvaranjem novih potreba u opremanju domova i malih komercijalnih ureda K Piše: Nikola Čelan oncept “pametne kuće“ zapravo se svodi na ideju “pametne elektroinstalacije“. Elektrotehnička struka će taj koncept preciznije opisati kao energetski ni nužno pasivnu ni aktivnu kuću, iako se tim načinom jednim dijelom može aktivno gospodariti nad energijom potrebnom za rasvjetu upotrebljava38 Foto: Legrand jući dodatne senzore pokreta. Stoga bi se uvijek trebao koristiti izraz “pametna elektroinstalacija“. U konačnici je ona kod nekih slučajeva barem za nijansu drukčija od standardne klasične elektroinstalacije. Konkretnije, u “pametnom“ konceptu uvijek je riječ o automatiziranom upravljanju osvjetljenjem, roletama, rolo-zastorima, Sklopka kao dekorativni detalj / Switch as a decorative detail Multimedijska priključnica / Multimedia socket ventilacijom, zatim detekciji plinova, poplave, regulaciji grijanja i hlađenja, kontroli ulaza (portafon), videonadzoru objekta, protupožarnim, protuprovalnim i A/V sustavima, kontroli vodenih prskalica. Dodatna praktična prednost u užem shvaćanju “pametnog“ koncepta jest upravljanje, koje se, osim klasičnim infracrvenim daljinskim upravljanjem, može vršiti još i mobitelom, čak i preko interneta. No, budući da se ni u kom slučaju ne radi o tek jednoj novoj suvremenoj igrački, predviđenoj jedino povećanju stupnja udobnosti i komfora, treba istaknuti kako glavni razlog i funkcija koncepta “pametnih“ objekata (instalacija) jest optimizacija i kontrola potrošnje (električne) energije, a uz to je vezana ponajprije ušteda na rasvjeti. Tako se, u ovisnosti o tipu i funkciji pojedinih objekata (ovisno o tome radi li se o uredu, školi, bolnici ili hotelu) može govoriti o uštedama i do 35 posto. Drugi, ne manje važan, kriterij za implementaciju ovih proizvoda u sustav modernog življenja jest ekološka komponenta. Okoliš postaje sve važnija činjenica u građevinarstvu, pogotovo u HQE (high quality engineering) građevinarstvu, gdje je postao ravnopravnim selekcijskim kriterijem kod projektanata i projektnih menadžera. Zbog toga tvrtke s ambicijom djelovanja unutar traženih standarda (primjerice europski industrijski standard ISO 14 001) rade i na unaprjeđivanju svoje ponude u kategorijama ekološkog dizajna, ekoloških deklaracija te ekoloških rješenja. U prvom slučaju, kod ekološkog dizajna, traži se minimiziranje utjecaja proizvoda na okoliš. U drugom slučaju, zahtijeva se prezentacija, pružanje potpunog uvida u načine i intenzitet takvog utjecaja (tzv. PEP – “product environmental profile“ podaci). Kod ekoloških rješenja traže se prijedlozi metoda i tehnologija koje smanjuju energetske zahtjeve objekata. Sve skupa trebalo bi pridonijeti općem povećanju stupnja kvalitete življenja, uvažavajući, osim ekološkog segmenta, još i kriterij sigurnosti, udobnosti, ekonomičnosti (uštede) te, na koncu, ne manje važno, i komunikacije i zabave. Na domaćem tržištu prisutni su subjekti poput, primjerice, tvrtke “Legrand“, sa sistematskim i ažurnim iskustvom u prodaji “pametne“ opreme. Takve se tvrtke u svom poslovanju vode načelima izazvanima promjenama stila života i stvaranjem novih potreba u opremanju domova i malih komercijalnih ureda. Tako su ponuđena rješenja za nove zgrade i renovacije, među ostalima, ona koja se mogu primijeniti za vrijeme gradnje i nakon nje, bez razmišljanja o načinu ožičenja. Od tehnologija, klijentima su na raspolaganju bus, radio, infrared tehnologije upravljanja te tzv. power line communications, odnosno komunikacija preko ugrađenog standardnog ožičenja. Osim toga u pogodnosti instalacije ovih tehnologija ubraja se i jedinstvena metoda programiranja, a u ponudi je nekoliko cjelovitih proizvodnih linija. Na koncu treba spomenuti ono što proizvođači i trgovci opreme za “pametne“ kuće rado ističu, a u što njihovi marketinški stručnjaci danas ulažu maksimalne promidžbene napore, a to je osvješćivanje tržišta o potrebi estetizirane proizvodnje, odnosno potrebi postojanja prihvatljivih dizajnerskih rješenja i načinima na koje ih današnji uvjeti življenja čine nezaobilaznima, nezanemarivima. Estetski kriterij, dakle, potrebno je pridružiti svim spomenutima i postaviti ga ravnopravno uz kvalitete koje suvremeni proizvod danas mora posjedovati. 39 Info Scenario kontroler / Scenario controller A Smart Approach to a “Smart” Concept Companies that deal with “smart” installations are led by principles caused by lifestyle changes and new created needs in furnishing homes and small commercial offices A Written by: Nikola Čelan “smart home” concept is actually defined by the idea of “smart electrical installations”. Electrical engineers will precisely describe that concept as a house that is not necessarily passive or active as far as energy goes, although it does use additional movement sensors to partly enable active management over the energy that is used for lighting. Therefore, we should remember to always use the term “smart electrical installations”. In some cases, the final 40 Photo: Legrand result is at least slightly different than standard classic electrical installations. To be more specific, the “smart” concept always involves automatic control over lighting, shutters, roll-curtains, ventilation, gas detection, flooding, heating and cooling regulation, entrance control (speaker-phone), video-control over the object, anti-fire, anti-burglary and A/V systems, and water sprinklers. The additional practical advantage of the “smart” concept lies in the fact that, besides using classic infrared remote controllers, you can control the system by using a cellphone or even the Internet. However, because this isn’t just another contemporary toy that is solely designed to increase the level of comfort and luxury, we must point out that the main reason and function of the concept of “smart” objects (installations) is to have optimal control over electricity consumption, primarily with the purpose of preserving energy with regards to lighting. Depending on the type and function of specific objects (whether we’re talking about an office, school, hospital or hotel), we can save up as much as 35 percent of energy. The second, and just as important, criterion to implement these products into a modern-living system is the ecological component. The environment is becoming an increasingly important factor in civil engineering, especially in HQE (high quality engineering) construction, where it stands as an equal selective criterion as far as designers and project managers are concerned. That is the reason why companies with the ambition of doing business within the demanded standards (for example, the European industrial standard ISO 14 001) are working on advancing their offerings in categories of ecological design, ecological declarations and ecological solutions. With regards to the first category of ecological design, it is obligatory to minimize the effect the product has on the environment. The second category demands presentation and providing complete insight into the ways and intensity of such effect (the so-called PEP – “product environmental profile” information). Ecological solutions relate to suggesting methods and technologies that would reduce the object’s energy demands. All these elements should be combined to increase the general level of living quality by not only dealing with the ecological element, but also meeting the criteria of safety, comfort, preservation, and just as importantly, communication and fun. Our market is dominated by subjects such as, for example, company “Legrand” and its systematic and immediate experience in the field of selling “smart” equipment. Such companies run their business based on principles caused by lifestyle changes and new created needs in furnishing homes and small commercial offices. They offer solutions for new buildings and renovations that can, among other things, be applied during and after construction without worrying about the manner of wiring. As far as technologies go, their clients have access to buses, radios, infrared control technologies and the so-called power line communications, which operate by using standard built-in wiring. Another advantage of using these technology installations is the unique programming method, while the offering also includes several complete product lines. And finally we must mention what manufacturers and sellers of this “smart home” equipment always point out, and their marketing experts use all their advertising skills to promote, and that is the need to inform the market of the need of aesthetical production, which stands for acceptable designer solutions and the ways to make them unavoidable and impossible to ignore in today’s way of life. Therefore, it is necessary to place the aesthetical criterion alongside all other aforementioned elements, as it is a quality that a contemporary product simply must possess. Sklopka na dodir / Touch-control switch Programabilni termostat u boji wenge drva / Programmable heating selector switch, wenge coloured Bešumna sklopka / Silent switch 41 Avant ura Divan je, divan je Kopenhagen! Danska prijestolnica Kopenhagen često se opisuje kao najživlja i najdinamičnija od svih skandinavskih metropola. No, ona nije tek grad bogat muzejima, kazalištima i galerijama te centar modernog danskog dizajna, nego i važno ishodište alternativne kulture i suvremenih ekoloških tendencija. Na svakom koraku se osjeća atmosfera individualizma i tolerancije, a hodajući njegovima šarmantnim lučkim uličicama, uvidjet ćete sve bogatstvo njegove liberalne multikulturalnosti Piše: Danijela Mandušić K openhagen, što na danskom jeziku znači “luka trgovaca”, dobio je naziv po utvrdi oko koje je nastao današnji grad. “Luka trgovaca” gospodari vratima Baltičkog mora, pa stoga taj grad nazivaju sjevernim Istanbulom. Kopenhagen je danas najveća danska luka, s brodskim vezama sa Švedskom, Norveškom, Njemačkom, Poljskom i Velikom Britanijom. Na otoku Amageru nalazi se jedna od najvećih europ42 Foto: skih i najveća skandinavska zračna luka – međunarodni aerodrom Kastrup. Otok Sjaelland spojen je s kopnom nizom mostova preko kojih vode željezničke i cestovne veze Kopenhagena s ostatkom Danske i Europe. Grad je smješten na najvećemu danskom otoku Sjaellandu, broji nešto više od milijun stanovnika i iznimno je bogat raznim turističkim zanimljivostima. Kopenhagen nije arhitektonski grandiozan poput Londona ili Pariza, ali Živopisna lučka četvrt Nyhavn / The vivacious Nyhavn harbour Mnoštvo starih jedrenjaka / Plenty of old sailing boats, je urbanistički sjajno dorađen i njegov najstariji dio svojim tijesno zbijenim kućicama, živo obojenih fasada, odiše posebnim ugođajem i neodoljivim šarmom prošlih vremena. Noviji dijelovi ističu se svojim širokim bulevarima te prekrasnim javnim parkovima i pomno njegovanim vrtovima. Najpoznatiji je park Tivoli koji se smjestio u srcu grada, odmah pokraj Glavnog kolodvora. Park je otvoren 1843. godine, a obuhvaća lunapark i šetališta, te stvara ležeran ambijent koji daje ton čitavom gradu. Posebno je lijep noću, kada se bezbrojne svjetiljke odražavaju u vodama fontana stvarajući bajkovit ugođaj. Naiđete li na živopisnu lučku četvrt Nyhavn, prepunu starih jedrenjaka, prošetate ulicom Strøget, dva kilometra dugačkim rajem za pješake i šopingholičare, ili pak svratite u neki od popularnih barova kako bi popili Carlsberg ili alkoholno piće aromatičnog okusa Akvavit, osjetit ćete šarm ove danske princeze te susretljivost i kozmopolitski duh njezinih stanovnika. Vrlo je zanimljiv i Njuhavn, prepun šarenih kafića, restorana i u intenzivne boje obojenih starih, ali održavanih kuća. Ovdje može početi vožnja turističkim brodićem po kanalima, koja je jedan od turistima najprivlačnijih, najlakših i najjednostavnijih načina da se upoznaju sa znamenitostima Kopenhagena. Kip male sirene – simbol Kopenhagena Kip male sirene, koji je ujedno i simbol grada, dao je napraviti Carl Jacobsen 1913. godine, i od tada ova Andersenova djevojčica iz bajke sjedi na grebenu na ulazu u luku i bdije nad danskom metropolom. Pivovara Carlsberg je druga od “must see“ kopenhaških zname- nitosti. Sam obilazak traje oko sat vremena, pri čemu vas stručni vodič upoznaje s poviješću te slavne pivovare, a Carlsberg ima svoj vlastiti muzej i najveću zbirku neotvorenih piva na svijetu – više od 15 tisuća vrsta. Sam centar Raadhuspladsen napučen je turistima iz cijeloga svijeta, a na njemu dominiraju veliki spomenik Hansa Christiana Andersena i Gradska vijećnica. Kopenhagen je prepun zelenila, na svakom uglu se nalaze veliki parkovi. Rosenborg, Botanički vrt, Frederiksberg All Valbyparken, samo su neki od najpoznatijih. Iako se prije nekoliko godina napravila najsuvremenija mreža metroa koja brzo i jednostavno povezuje sve gradske četvrti, grad je ipak najbolje obići pješice ili jednim od mnogobrojnih bicikala koji možete iznajmiti na ulici jednostavnim ubacivanjem novčića u automat, a koji imaju svoje zasebne, pomno uređene staze po cijelom gradu, dužine više od tisuću kilometara. A kad ogladnite, čeka vas još ugodnih iznenađenja. Kombinirajući povratak korijenima, u izboru namirnica i odanom poštovanju njihova sezonskog odabira s modernim kulinarskim tehnikama, skandinavska je, i općenito nordijska, gastronomija u posljednjem desetljeću doživjela pravi uzlet. I dok je nekada sjever Europe svoj turistički imidž gradio uglavnom na spoju bajkovitih pejsaža i vrhunske arhitekture i dizajna, zadnjih se godina sve češće spominje i u uglednim gastrovodičima. U jednom od najpoznatijih, onom Michelinovu, Kopenhagen se, u posljednjem izdanju za 2007. godinu, ponosno ističe s čak devet zvjezdica, jednakim brojem kao i respektabilna kulinarska odredišta poput Rima i Barcelone. Posebno mjesto među njima zauzima, s 43 Stare zgrade / Old buildings dvije prestižne zvjezdice ovjenčana, Noma, svojevrsni hram nordijske gastronomije, čije je ime kratica od “nordisk mad” što u prijevodu znači “nordijsko jelo”. U ugodnom, očekivano skandinavski minimalističkom, ambijentu s pogledom na jednu od najljepših veduta Kopenhagena, pitoresknu luku Nyhavn, vaše će nepce zasigurno uživati u susretu s islandskim bakalarom, janjetinom s Grenlanda ili rakovima uhvaćenim u moru oko Farskih Otoka, ali i začinskim biljkama svježe ubranim u nekom od brojnih kopenhaških parkova. Unatoč visokim cijenama, na mjesto se u Nomi čeka tjednima, a čips od žute cikle, emulzija od oslića i raži, pjenica od kamenica, dimljena prepeličja jaja i sladoled od šećerne repe sa želatinom od mlaćenice – samo su neke od delicija u kojima možete uživati tijekom ručka od sedam slijedova. Danski dizajn – sofisticiran i kvalitetan No, mnogi posjetitelji ove sjevernoeuropske kraljevine dolaze tu, osim zbog uživanja u razgledavanju znemenitosti i u ukusnim sjevernjačkim zalogajima, i zbog nadaleko poznatoga danskog dizajna, čija se sofisticiranost i posebnost mogu vidjeti u najsitnijim detaljima na svakom koraku, a mnogobrojne trgovine nude kako uporabne, tako i ukrasne predmete jer dizajn je ovdje tradicionalna djelatnost i dio kulture. Definicije i opisi “danskog dizajna“ već desetljećima zaokupljaju pozornost svjetske dizajnerske javnosti, i mnogi su se članci i knjige napisali o njemu, no osnovni razlog zbog kojeg je danski dizajn toliko privlačan i jednostavno ne izlazi iz mode leži u nje44 govoj jednostavnosti, izrazito kvalitetnim materijalima i funcionalnosti predmeta. Jørn Utzon, dizajner vjerojatno najpoznatije građevine na svijetu, Opera House u Sydneyu, dizajnirao je jednu od najvećih trgovina dizajnerskim namještajem u Kopenhagenu, Paustian, gdje se može naći veliki izbor tipičnog danskog, izrazito kvalitetnog namještaja i ukrasnih predmeta. Također u četvrti Østerbro smjestio se salon još jednoga velikog danskog branda, Normann Copenhagen. Njihova je filozofija “manje je više“, na svjetskom su se tržištu dizajna pojavili 1999. poznatom lampom Norm69 i od tada svojim suvremenim i jednostavnim dizajnom kreiraju trendove. Ovdje imaju salon na 1700 četvornih metara s velikim ulaznim prostorom u kojem je izložba najnovijih radova i trendova u svijetu dizajna, te je ovo prvo odredište svih zaljubljenika u dizajn. Potrebno je još spomenuti The House of VIPP, Casa Shop, Illums Bolighus, Royal Copenhagen i Holmegaard, koji nude najsuvremeniji danski i svjetski dizajn, a u četvrti Nørrebro mnogo je antikvarijata i prodavaonica u kojima možete naići na rijetke primjerke produkt-dizajna 20. stoljeća, tako da je ovo prava meka za istinske kolekcionare, koji izrazito cijene rad danskih dizajnera kao što su Arne Jacobsen, Hans J. Wegner, Kaare Klint i Poul Henningsen. U svibnju svake godine održava se i najveći strukovni događaj u tom dijelu Europe, Copenhagen Architecture and Design Days, koji privlači dizajnere i zaljubljenike u dizajn iz cijeloga svijeta i u tri intenzivna dana pokaže nove smjernice u arhitekturi i dizajnu. Palača Christiansborg na Slotsholmenu / Christiansborg Palace on Slotsholmen Avant ura Glavni ulaz u park Tivoli / Main entrance in Tivoli Park Arhitektura budućnosti Kad je o arhitekturi riječ, Kopenhagen zaista ima što pokazati. Ugostio je on u svoje skute nekoliko građevina velikih danskih arhitekata, ali i mnoge svjetske arhitektonske zvijezde. Već spomenuti slavni Danac Arne Jacobsen ostavio je budućim naraštajima prvi neboder u Kopenhagenu, Radisson SAS Royal Hotel, izgrađen davne 1960. s izrazitim smislom za najsitniji detalj, i u spomen na njega tu se nalazi čuvena soba 606, s originalnim namještajem koji je on dizajnirao, a na vrhu hotela nalazi se restoran Alberto K, također sav opremljen Jacobsenovim dizajnom iz šezdesetih. Još nekoliko građevina u Kopenhagenu nosi njegov potpis, kao zgrada Danske nacionalne banke ili Restoran Jacobsen zbog kojeg su njegovu slavnu sjedalicu Swan (labud) dali izraditi u varijanti visokoga, barskog stolca. Posljednjih godina mnogo je velikih svjetskih arhitekata koji svojim suvremenim kreacijama uljepšavaju Kopenhagen. Tako je Amerikanac Daniel Liebeskind izgradio suvremeni danski Židovski muzej 2004., a Norman Foster projektirao zanimljivu “Slonovu kuću“ na ulazu u kopenhaški Zoo, koja je upravo otvorena. Veliki francuski arhitekt Jean Nouvel, ovogodišnji dobitnik Pritzkerove nagrade, dizajnirao je koncertnu dvoranu za National Broadcasting Company, čije se otvorenje planira za proljeće 2009. I, napokon, velika i prezaposlena Zaha Hadid također je ostavila svoj trag na mapi danske metropole, nadodavši veličanstveno novo krilo Muzeju umjetnosti 2005. No, pravi biser u arhitekturi Kopenhagena izgradili su ipak Danci, studio Schmidt, nadogradivši Kraljevsku knjižnicu iz 19. stoljeća. Nova građevina nalazi se ponad samog mora i u svojoj staklenoj i granitnoj strukturi reflektira morsku površinu, a u svojoj unutrašnjosti ugošćuje koncerte i velike happeninge, te je zbog karakterističnih volumena i igre svjetlom i morskom površinom prozvana “Crni dijamant“. Najugodniji grad za život na svijetu Sve ovo što smo spomenuli zaista svrstava Kopenhagen u sam vrh svjetskih urbanih prijestolnica, pa nije ni čudno što je u posljednjem izdanju uglednoga međunarodnog magazina Monocle, Kopenhagen izabran za najbolji grad za život u svijetu. Nakon što je bio na drugome mjestu 2007. godine, Kopenhagen je sada na čelu Monocleove prominentne liste najboljih gradova u svijetu. Njegova aktivna uloga u zaštiti okoliša, kao i specifično kulinarstvo, samo su neki od čimbenika koji su donijeli pobjedu glavnom gradu Danske. Pri izboru se uzimaju u obzir i drugi parametri, kao što su kulturni život, poslovna klima, međunarodne transportne veze, komunikacije, razina kriminala, arhitektura, kultura i dizajn, a Kopenhagenu je dodijeljena prva nagrada upravo zbog uspješne kombinacije dobrih ideja, dugoročnog planiranja i samoodrživih oblika razvoja koji su doveli do toga da je Kopenhagen od neugledne i prljave luke postao najpoželjniji grad za život na svijetu i primjer ostalim urbanim središtima kako očuvati vlastitu tradiciju a istodobno grabiti u budućnost velikim koracima. 45 Vožnja kanalom kao jedna od turističkih ponuda / Canal tour as one of the tourist attractions Knjižnica znana i kao “Crni dijamant“ / Library known as “Black Diamond” Kopenhagen je izabran za najbolji grad za život u svijetu / Copenhagen was chosen as a the world’s most liveable city 46 Palača Amalienborg / Amalienborg Palace Advent ure Such a Wonderful City of Copenhagen Danish capital Copenhagen is often described as the most vivacious and dynamical Scandinavian capital. However, it is more than merely a city filled with museums, theatres and galleries or the centre of modern Danish design, as it also represents an important centre of alternative culture and contemporary ecological tendencies. You can feel the atmosphere of individualism and tolerance at every step, and taking a walk through its charming harbour alleys will provide you with the experience of its rich liberal multiculturalism. Written by: Danijela Mandušić C openhagen, which stands for “merchants’ harbour” in Danish, was originally named after a fortress that served as the genesis of the city as we know it today. “The Merchants’ Harbour” rules the entrance into the Baltic Sea, which earned Copenhagen the title of “Northern Istanbul”. Copenhagen is the biggest harbour in Denmark with ship connections to Sweden, Norway, Germany, Poland and Great Britain. Island Amager reveals one of the largest European and the largest Scandinavian airport – international airport Kastrup. Island Sjaelland is connected to the land by numerous bridges that feature railroad and car connec- Photo: tions between Copenhagen and the rest of Denmark and Europe. The city is situated on Sjaelland, which is the largest Danish island, and has slightly over a million residents while also being extremely rich with visiting sights for tourists. Copenhagen may not be architectonically magnificent like London or Paris, but it is characterized by a marvellous urbanism structure, and its oldest section with tightly scattered houses of brightly coloured facades radiates a special atmosphere and irresistible charm of past times. The modern sections of the city distinguish themselves with broad boulevards and wonderful public parks, as 47 Advent ure Restoran Jacobsen / Jacobsen restaurant Danski dizajn - stolice “Gubi” / Danish design - “Gubi” chair 48 well as carefully maintained gardens. The most famous park in the city is called Tivoli and is situated in the centre of the city, right next to the Central Station. The park was built in 1843, and it features an amusement park and numerous walking areas, which create a casual atmosphere that characterizes the entire city. It provides an exceptional experience at night when numerous lamps create a reflection in fountains, which makes for a magnificent ambience. If you stop by the vivacious harbour neighbourhood Nyhavn that is filled with old sailing boats, or take a stroll down Stroget Street that offers a two-kilometre heaven for pedestrians and shopping addicts, or you happen to visit one of the city’s popular bars to buy yourself a Carlsberg or aroma-flavoured alcoholic Aquavit, you will be able to feel the charm of this Danish princess, as well as the hospitality and cosmopolitan spirit of its residents. You will also be fascinated by Njuhavn, which offers plenty of various coffee shops, restaurants and intensively coloured houses that may be old, but are faultlessly maintained. This is where you can take a ride on one of the tourist boats and visit the city’s various canals, which is the easiest and the most attractive way to introduce yourself to Copenhagen and its numerous sights. Statue of Little Mermaid – The Symbol of Copenhagen The Little Mermaid statue, which is also the symbol of this city, was designed by Carl Jacobsen in 1913, and Anderson’s little fairytale girl has been sitting on the reef at the harbour entrance and watching over the Danish capital ever since. The Carlsberg beer factory is another “must see” in Copenhagen’s offer. The tour itself lasts about an hour as the guide introduces you to the history of this famous beer factory, and it must be said that Carlsberg has its own museum and the world’s largest collection of unopened beers – more than 15 thousand different types. The central part called Readhuspladsen is stacked with tourists from all over the world, and is dominated by a large statue of Hans Christian Andersen and the City Hall. Copenhagen is filled with green surfaces, with a large park seemingly behind every corner: Rosenborg, Botanical Garden and Frederiksberg All Valbyparken are some of the most famous. Although a top-modern subway network was built several years ago that connects the city’s neighbourhoods in quick and simple fashion, we still advise you to go through the city by foot or ride one of the numerous bicycles that can be rented by simply putting a coin in one of the machines. The city prides itself on over a thousand kilometres of carefully maintained cycle lanes that can be found all over Copenhagen. And once you get hungry, you are in for more pleasant surprises. By combining a return to the roots in terms of grocery selection and loyally honouring their seasonal choices with modern culinary techniques, Scandinavian and Nordic gastronomy has fulfilled its full potential over the last decade. The north of Europe used to build its tourism image on a combination of fairytale sceneries and top-notch architecture and design, but honorary mentions in prestigious gastronomic guides have been added to that over the last several years. Michelin’s gastronomic guide, which is one of the most Kopenhagen je odličan za šopimg / Copenhagen is great town for shopping famous representatives of that field, didn’t hesitate to award nine stars to Copenhagen in its last edition of 2007, which equals such culinary destinations as Rome and Barcelona. Special attention must be given to Noma, which received two stars and represents a temple of Nordic gastronomy. Its name stands for “nordisk mad”, which means “Nordic food”. It offers a lovely, typically Scandinavian minimalist ambience with a view over Nyhavn, which is a picturesque harbour that stands as one of the most beautiful sights in Copenhagen, and that offers further stimulation for your palates to enjoy the experience of a codfish from Iceland, lamb from Grenland or crabs from the sea around the Faeroe Islands, as well as some of the fresh plants from one of Copenhagen’s gardens that serve as excellent spices. Despite large prices, it takes weeks to book a meal at Noma, and some of its delicacies include yellow-beet chips, hake and rye emulsion, oyster mousse, smoked quail eggs and sugar-beet ice-cream with jelly – all this can be enjoyed during a seven-course lunch. Danish Design – Sophistication and Quality However, besides enjoying the sightseeing and trying tasty northern dishes, many visitors come to this northEuropean kingdom to experience the renowned Danish design, which offers sophistication and quality that is obvious in numerous details wherever you turn. Numerous stores offer functional and decorative objects because design is a traditional economic branch and a part of the Danish culture. Definitions and descriptions of “Danish design” have been occupying the attention of world designer public for decades. Many articles and books have been written on this subject, and the basic reasons why Danish design is so attractive and refuses to go out of style are its astonishing simplicity, top-quality materials and the functionality of the products. Jorn Utzon, the author of the Opera House in Sydney, which is probably the most famous building in the world, has designed one of the biggest stores of designer furniture in Copenhagen. It is called Paustian, and you go there to choose from an enormous offer of typically Danish furniture and decorative objects of superb quality. Another large Danish brand located its showroom in a neighbourhood called Osterbro, and its name is Normann Copenhagen. They respect the “less is more” philosophy, and they appeared on the international scene in 1999 with the Norm69 lamp. Ever since then, they use their contemporary and simple design to set trends on the world scene, and they have a 1700-m2 showroom with a large entrance space that features exhibits of latest projects and trends in the world of design. If you are a design lover, this is the place to visit. Other brands that need to be mentioned are The House of VIPP, Casa Shop, Illums Bolighus, Royal Copenhagen and Holmegaard. All these brands offer the most contemporary design you can find in Denmark or the world, while the Norrebro neighbourhood offers plenty of antique shops and stores that offer rare examples of product-design of the 20th century, which makes it a true “mecca” for collectors that admire designers like Arne Jacobsen, Hans J. Wagner, Kaare Klint and Poul Henningsen. Every year in May, the largest professional event in that part of Europe takes place here. It is called Copenhagen Architecture and Design Days, and it attracts designers and design lovers from all over the world while also demonstrating new directions in architecture and design over the course of three intense days. Architecture of the Future When we talk about architecture, Copenhagen truly has a lot to offer. It features several buildings from famous Danish architects, but some of the biggest architecture stars of the world also left their mark here. The previously mentioned famous Danish architect Arne Jacobsen built 49 Nova danska arhitekura / New Danish architecture Stambena zgrada VM Husene / VM Husene, residental building Novo krilo Muzeja umjetnosti dizajnirala je Zaha Hadid / New wing to the art museum designed by Zaha Hadid Copenhagen’s first skyscraper, Radisson SAS Royal Hotel, back in 1960. The building is characterized by meticulous attention to every detail, and it features the famous Room 606 with the author’s own designed furniture. The top of the hotel reveals restaurant Alberto K, which also boasts Jacobsen’s original furniture from the 1960s. Several other buildings in Copenhagen were designed by this legend, such as the Danish National Bank or Jacobsen Restaurant, which transformed his famous Swan Chair into a high bar stool. Over the last several years, a large number of famous world’s architects came up with their modern creations to further embellish the beauty of Copenhagen. For example, Daniel Liebeskind from America built the modern Danish Jewish Museum in 2004, while Norman Foster projected the fascinating “Elephant’s House”, which has just been opened at the entrance of the Copenhagen Zoo. Great French architect Jean Nouvel, this year’s winner of the Pricker Award, designed a concert hall for the National Broadcasting Company that is due to open in the spring of 2009. And finally, the great workaholic Zaha Hadid also left her mark on the map of the Danish capital by annexing a magnificent new wing to the art museum in 2005. However, the true pearl of Copenhagen’s architecture was built by Danish people themselves, and that is Studio Schmidt that served as the annex to the 19th-century Royal Library. The new building is located right above the sea, while also reflecting the sea surface in its glass and granite structure. It has the purpose of hosting concerts and large happenings, and it carries the “Black Diamond” title due to its characteristic volumes and the way it plays with light and sea surfaces. The Most Pleasant City for Living in the World All these features we just mentioned place Copenhagen into the very top of world’s urban capitals, so it is no wonder that the latest edition of renowned international magazine Monocle chose Copenhagen as the city that provides the best way of life in the world. After coming up second in 2007, Copenhagen now occupies the top spot in Monocle’s prestigious list of the world most liveable city. Its active role in the ecological movement and its specific culinary characteristics are just some of the factors that brought victory to the capital of Denmark. This contest also pays attention to factors like cultural life, business situation, international transport connections, communications, level of crime, architecture, culture and design, and Copenhagen won it mainly due to a successful combination of good ideas, long-term planning and self-maintainable forms of development, which transformed Copenhagen from a plain filthy harbour to the most desirable city in the world. Not to mention the fact that it now serves as an example to other urban centres that want to hold on to their tradition and step into the future at the same time. 51 Gast ro 52 Bar i restoran Acquadulza Ljepota prošlosti pretvorena u suvremenu igru volumenima Talijanski arhitekt Simone Micheli preobrazio je prostor prijašnje tvornice ljepila pokraj jezera Maggiore u idiličnoj planinskoj pokrajini Lombardiji, na sjeveru Italije, u prekrasan, sofisticiran bar i restoran s pogledom na mirnu refleksiju planina u jezeru - za savršen užitak svim osjetilima Piše: Danijela Mandušić Foto: Jurgen Eheim I me restorana i bara je Acquadulza, što doslovno znači “čista, izvorska voda“, a Micheli je pri projektiranju i dizajnu pazio i na najsitnije detalje, koji sklopljeni u cjelinu čine začuđujuće kombinacije naizgled nespojivih boja, materijala i oblika, što je rezultiralo doista zanimljivim suvremenim interijerom. Na čak 250 četvornih metara, u čijoj se nutrini nekada proizvodilo ljepilo, sada se nalazi nekoliko prostora koji su povezani prozirnim staklenim vratima, pa zbog toga vizualno izgleda kao 53 da je riječ o jednom velikom prostoru za užitak u gastrodelicijama i dobrim talijanskim vinima. Cijeli interijer karakterizira simbioza dvaju potpuno oprečnih identiteta – onog tradicionalnog, kojeg impliciraju reljefni kameni zidovi i kameni pod, te onog sasvim suvremenog kroz Michelijeve zelene konstrukcije i velika zrcala koja dodatno vizualno povećavaju prostor. Pri ulasku u bar, prva stvar koja upada u oči jest masivni drveni kompaktni šank obojen u crno i lakiran, sa završnim detaljima od čelika i velikim nišama sa strana u kojima su izložena razna vina. Stolovi i sjedalice također su crni, sa srebrnim i sivim detaljima, a kontrast im daju bijeli kameni zidovi i raznobojna svjetla zanimljivog, četvrtastog dizajna. Sjedalice potpisuje dizajnerica Sedie Friuli de Fonsarig, a napravljene su od specijalne ekokože. U restoranu je slična kompozicija, samo što u njemu umjesto crne dominiraju intenzivne boje, plava i kivi zelena. Uzimajući renesansne svodove kao inspiraciju, Micheli radi četvrtaste rupe u stropovima te boji njihovu unutrašnjost u crno. U cijelom interijeru Acquadulze pojavljuju se specifični četvrtasti motivi sa zaobljenim kutovima, koji su vrlo česti u Michelijevu radu te su s vremenom postali njegov svojevrstan potpis. Igra materijalima, oblicima, motivima i svjetlom / A game with materials, shapes, motifs and lighting 54 Zanimljiva kupaonica Arhitekt Micheli je posebnu pozornost posvetio dizajnu kupaonica koje se nalaze između bara i restorana, a do njih vode velika, također staklena, vrata s motivom koze, kojih ima mnogo u tim planinskim krajevima, te ju je zato Micheli odabrao kao lajtmotiv svoje dizajnerske kompozicije. Unutar kupaonice također su staklena vrata na kojima su natpisi u dijalektu, “bek” i “cavra”, koji odjeljuju muške od ženskih kupaonica. U unutrašnjosti kupaonica također se ponavlja motiv koze, i to na kupaoničkim pločicama, strop i zidovi su u nijansi sive, a vrata od svakog pojedinačnog WC-a opet su od crnog lakiranog drva. I ovdje je prisutna svojevrsna igra svjetlom, koje na stropu i u zrakama osvjetljava prostor. Sam arhitekt opisuje bar i restoran Acquadulza riječima: “Ovo je priča o ljepoti koja želi povezati sadržaje i okuse tradicije sa sadašnjošću ispunjenom volumenima kako bi fascinirala i uključila svoje posjetitelje u cijelo iskustvo. Radi se o originalnoj, leksičkoj operaciji koja vrlo snažno naglašava svoju istinu. Tu se krije cjelina znakova koja nagovještava postojeću dimenziju, ali je naglašena kontrastima u materijalima i osvjetljenju koji se sanjaju, vole i za kojima se žudi. Ovaj projekt nalazi svoje konceptualno ishodište u sadržajima jezera i planina, ali ubrzo sve to pretvara u potpuno drukčiji sadržaj, u mjesto gdje je moguće susresti se i proživjeti razna iskustva sa skrivenom sviješću o onome što se upravo događa.” I zaista, svakome tko se jednom zatekne u ovom prostoru, zauvijek će u sjećanju ostati Michelijeva suvremena i začuđujuća igra kontrastima starog i novog te kontrastima boja, igra materijalima, oblicima, motivima i svjetlom, a sve to u idiličnom ambijentu jezera okruženog planinama. Sam arhitekt kaže da ga je za rad baš na tome mjestu inspirirala njegova supruga koja je pokraj jezera Maggiore provela svoje djetinjstvo, a na svakom, pa i najsitnijem detalju interijera vidljivo je koliko je arhitekt uživao dizajnirajući ga. Gast ro Zrcala su važni dekorativni detalji u interijeru Simonea Michelija / The mirrors are are important decorative detail in the interior of Simone Micheli Acquadulza Bar and Restaurant Past Beauty Transformed into a Modern Game of Volumes Italian architect Simone Micheli transformed what used to be the premises of a glue factory nearby Lake Maggiore, in the idyllic mountain region Lombardy at the north of Italy, into a wonderfully sophisticated bar and restaurant that overlook the peaceful mountain reflection in the lake to provide perfect pleasure for all our senses Written by: Danijela Mandušić Photo: Jurgen Eheim 55 Gast ro Restoran se prostire na 250 četvornih metara / The restaurant is spread over 250 square metars T he name of this restaurant/bar is Acquadulza, which literally stands for pure spring water. During the process of projecting and designing the facility, Micheli paid attention to the smallest of details that form a unit of wondrous combinations with seemingly incompatible colours, materials and shapes, which resulted in a truly interesting contemporary interior. Over 250 square metres, which used to provide the premises for a glue factory, now feature several rooms connected with transparent glass doors that create a visual of one large space that serves the purpose of enjoying gastronomic delicacies and fine Italian wine. The entire interior is characterized by the symbiosis of two entirely opposite identities: the traditional one that is implied by earth-toned stone walls and floors, and the completely modern one that is reflected through Micheli’s green constructions and large mirrors, which visually make the facility appear even bigger. The first thing that “catches your eye” while entering the 56 bar is a massive compact wooden bar that is varnished and painted in black, while also featuring finishing details made of steel and large recesses on the side that expose various types of wine. Tables and chairs are also black with silver and grey details, while the contrast is provided by white stone walls and lighting of various colours and interesting square-shaped design. Designer Sedie Friuli de Fonsarig created the chairs, which were made of special eco-leather. Inspired by renaissance ceilings, Micheli drilled square holes in the ceilings and painted them black on the inside. The entire Acquadulze interior is marked by specific square motifs with rounded angles, which are very common in Micheli’s projects and have become his trademark over the course of time. Interesting Bathroom Architect Micheli paid special attention to the way bathrooms were designed. They are situated between the bar and the restaurant, and are introduced by large Iz restorana se pruža predivan pogled na jezero / Beautiful lake view from the restaurant glass doors with a goat motif, as they are very common in this area and that’s why Micheli chose them as the leitmotif of his designer composition. The bathrooms’ interiors also feature glass doors with dialect signs “bek” and “cavra”, which separate male and female bathrooms. The bathrooms’ interiors are also filled with goat motifs that appear on bathroom tiles, while the ceiling and the walls are presented in the shade of grey, and doors of every individual toilet come in black varnished wood. This room also features a peculiar type of playing with lights, as they are located on the ceiling and use their rays to illuminate the space. This is what the architect himself has to say about bar/ restaurant Acquadulza: “A story of beauty that wants to link the contents and the tastes of the tradition to a volumetric present, in order to fascinate and involve the human visitors. It deals with an antimimetic lexical operation that asserts its truth with strength. It deals with the whole of signs that talks with the existent, the sense of whom is emphasized by desired, dreamed and loved contrasts of materials and lights. It deals with a project that takes a conceptual start-off from the contents of the lake and of the mountains and then it turns into an “other” expression, a place where it is possible to meet and to live experiences with the unaware consciousness of being part of the present.” Without a shadow of a doubt, anybody that ever comes into this interior is bound to forever remember Micheli’s contemporary and wondrous game of old and new contrasts, as well as contrasts and games with colours, materials, shapes, motifs and lighting, which all take place in an idyllic ambience of a lake surrounded by mountains. The architect himself says that he found the inspiration to work in this location in the fact that his wife spent her childhood alongside Lake Maggiore, and even the tiniest of details make it perfectly clear that the architect loved every minute of designing this interior. 57 Fine st vari Da podaci ne ishlape Industrija USB uređaja odavno je postala pravi mali teatar digitalnih tehnologija. S Wine stoperom po cijeni od pedesetak eura, osim što ćete moći pohraniti dragocjeni gigabajt-dva podataka u flash memoriju, sasvim ćete dobro obogatiti i svoj kuhinjski arsenal oruđa. Pa uzdravlje, uz čašicu dobrog vina i 2.0 standard (digitalnog) protoka. Informatika s najtoplijom emocijom Kristali Swarovski čine zbirku različitih, fantastičnih površina prijenosnih računala branda Ego. Andy Davis ukrasio je kristalima laptope presvučene talijanskom kožom, postigavši zapanjujuće efekte. Najtoplija preporuka za korisnike sa živcem za ekstravagantno i začudno. Dizajn ravno iz pakla Dizajnerski predmet može biti i običan otvarač za boce. Brand Alessi je prošle godine proizveo ručno dekoriranog “Vraga“ dimenzija 21 cm visine i 6 cm u promjeru. Dizajn ovoga solidnoga, kromiranog vražićka potpisuje Alessandro Mendini, a kupcima je ponuđen u posebnom poklon-pakiranju. 58 Keeping the Information Intact The USB device industry has long become a true little theatre of digital technologies. This Wine stopper that costs about fifty euros will not only store up your precious one or two gigabytes of information into the flash memory, but will also do a perfectly good job of expanding your arsenal of kitchen utensils. So cheers, with a glass of good wine and the 2.0 standard of (digital) flow of information. Computers with the Warmest Emotion Swarowski crystals create a collection of varied, fantastic laptop surfaces by Ego brand. Andy Davis used the crystals to embellish laptops covered in Italian leather, and it led to astounding results. We sincerely recommend this to all users with the sense of extravagant and wondrous. A Design Straight from Hell Even an ordinary bottle opener can become a designer object. Brand Alessi produced a hand-decorated “Devil” last year, which is 21 cm high and has a 6-cm diameter. This solid, chromed little devil is designed by Alessandro Mendini, and it is available for buyers in special gift-wrapping. Anatomski lijepo Alexander McQueen, jedan od vodećih svjetskih modnih dizajnera, pokrenuo je 2006. godine, zajedno sa Samsoniteom, liniju modnih proizvoda Black Label. Konačno je javnosti ova kolekcija predstavljena 2007. na Pittiju, međunarodnom sajmu muške odjeće u Firenci. Futuristički i doslovno anatomski, ova kolekcija kovčega kao model uzela je elemente ljudskog tijela, poput prsnog koša. S terena za golf na ulicu Kako bi izgledalo električnim automobilom s jednog terena za golf izići na ulicu? Punjenje MyCara traje šest do osam sati, a maksimalna brzina je 64 km/h. Bit će predstavljen na londonskom Autoshowu, a proizvođači vjeruju kako će on uskoro zavladati gradskim ulicama. Tome u prilog ide i mnogima prihvatljiva cijena od 9000 funti. Sharapova dizajnerica Ruska ljepotica Maria Sharapova, kao prva službena ambasadorica branda Sony Ericss on, netom prije ovogodišnjeg Wimbledona lansirala je svoju glamuroznu proizvodnu liniju ove tvrtke elektroničkih uređaja. Sama tenisačica rado ističe svoj model T303 kao idealan izbor za mobilnu komunikaciju i slušanje glazbe za vrijeme, kao i prije i poslije treninga. A on je tek dio obuhvatne kolekcije koja odiše stilom i modnim senzibilitetom. 60 Anatomically Beautiful In 2006, one of the world’s leading fashion designers Alexander McQueen and Samsonite started a new series of fashion products called Black Label. This collection was finally presented to the public in 2007 at Pitti, which is an international fair of male clothing in Florence. Futuristic and literally anatomic – this suitcase collection has used elements of the human body as a model, such as the chest section. From the Golf Course to the Street How would you feel about taking an electrical car from a golf course and driving it to the street? It takes about six to eight hours to recharge MyCar, which can achieve maximum speed of 64km/h. It is about to be presented on the London Autoshow, and manufacturers believe that it will become a hit on the city streets. That hope is also based on its accessible price of 9000 pounds. Designer Sharapova Russian beauty Maria Sharapova, the first official ambassador of the Sony Ericsson brand, launched her glamorous series of products from this company of electrical products right before this year’s Wimbledon. The tennis player herself likes to point out her T303 model as the ideal option for mobile communication and music listening before, during and after tennis practice. And that device is just a part of an encompassing collection that distinguishes itself with style and fashion sensibility. Pripremio / Edited by: Nikola Čelan Luxuries Prozor 6 / Window 6 Dodir umjet nost i 62 Prozor 5 / Window 5 Vanja Popek: Prozori prema unutra “U svojemu radu, koristeći slikarstvo kao medij, uvijek stremim novim izazovima, putem nailazim na nove probleme, nalazim im nova rješenja. Slikarstvo je još uvijek itekako aktualno i još uvijek postoji puno stvari koje još nisu učinjene, i bez obzira na suvremene umjetničke izričaje koji posežu za novim medijima. Kist i platno među osnovnim su alatima kojima se umjetnici služe i služit će se i u budućnosti” Vanja Popek Piše: Nataša Bodrožić V anja Popek, umjetnica je koja riječima, ali i svojim radom opovrgava pomalo trendovsku priču o “kraju slikarstva”. Neka generalna zabrinutost za opstanak tradicionalnog slikarstva u medijskom okružju (prijetećih) digitalnih, pokretnih, virtualnih slika, prisutna je već neko vrijeme, iako se neprestano javljaju otpori, svježa promišljanja i repozicio- Foto: niranja novih generacija slikara koji se iznimno dobro hvataju u koštac s izazovima nove, izmijenjene stvarnosti. Polemika o smrti slikarstva vodi se, uglavnom, sa sviješću da ona nema izvjesnog ishoda, nego samo manje ili više uvjerljive zastupnike obiju strana. Za to vrijeme, u globalnim okvirima, slikarstvo ne samo da još uvijek nalazi svoje poklonike, nego duboko uzbuđuje, 63 Dodir umjet nost i Prozor 11 / Window 11 Prozor 10 / Window 10 otvara nova poglavlja rasprave o umjetnosti uopće, generirajući čak i medijske skandale. Najbolji je primjer za to prošlogodišnji događaj u Fondaciji Yvon Lambert u Avignonu, kada je tijekom izložbe slavnog slikara Cya Twombleyja, jedna uzbuđena dama silinu svoga oduševljenja pretočila u direktni poljubac, ostavivši crveni trag ruža na bjelini slikarskog platna. Događaj koji je uzbudio Francusku otvorio je brojna pitanja o recepciji i ulozi umjetničkog djela danas, relacijama između umjetnosti i publike, ali i onima između umjetnosti i masovnih medija. Slikarski rukopis i senzibilitet umjetnice Vanje Popek po64 jedini kritičari povezuju s nekima od svjetski priznatih slikara, ne izravnim citiranjem, nego više naslanjanjem na vrlo prepoznatljive, specifične slikarske poetike, poput Klinea, Dubuffeta, Fautriera, Kleea, ali i Cya Twombleyja, čije je djelo poslužilo kao nadahnuće i direktna inspiracija za intervenciju oduševljene štovateljice iz spomenute avignonske priče. Na pitanje, jednom prigodom, jesu li i do koje mjere njezini radovi dopadljivi publici, Vanja Popek je, ističući važnost komunikativnosti svoga rada, kazala: “Nadam da se moje slike dopadaju publici, ali to ipak ne znači da ih ja iz toga razloga i s tom primisli stvaram. Slikar stvara iz vrlo inti- mnih razloga, stvara primarno za sebe samoga, iz razloga i motiva koji su osobne i stručne prirode. Javni život slike također je važan dio cijelog procesa, a o uspješnosti tog dijela može ovisiti i ukupno umjetnikovo stvaralaštvo. Ipak, mislim da bi svaki pokušaj smišljene dopadljivosti bio osuđen na propast upravo zbog krive motivacije.” Slikarstvo Vanje Popek upečatljiv je primjer gestualnog izraza s osloncem u lirskoj apstrakciji i apstraktnom ekspresionizmu. Ono što je već na prvi pogled uočljivo jest optimizam i vedrina kojom odiše. Ono je spontano, intuitivno i iskreno, s jedne strane ekspresivno i kaotično, a s druge gotovo meditativno, kako kaže povjesničarka umjetnosti Branka Benčić u predgovoru prošlogodišnjoj izložbi “Prozori” u Multimedijalnom centru Luka u Puli. Kompozicije ne predstavljaju neposrednu perceptivnu sliku, nego grupu asocijativnih vizualnih elemenata koji proizlaze iz opažanja i vizualnog iskustva, a djelo postaje slobodno povezivanje, sklop vizualne imaginacije. Umjetnost je ta koja se obraća ljudskoj senzibilnosti, koja ne predstavlja ono što je vidljivo, već čini da nešto postane vidljivo. Benčić slikarstvo Vanje Popek opisuje kao tjelesnu gestu koja stvara neku vrstu psihograma koji dramatično ili lirsko stanje pretvara u likovni trag, gdje je ploha splet bez središta, shvaćena kao polje zbivanja, a prostorna organizacija slike sugerira njezino izlijevanje u prostor, preko granica platna. Kritičari ističu da snaga autorskog izraza Vanje Popek leži u svojevrsnoj monumentalnosti djela, koketiranju s minimalnim spektrom boja od kojih se nerijetko samo djelo sastoji, od ne-boja s moćnim akcentima jarkih punktova. Likovna kritičarka Iva Körbler posebno ističe autoričin rafiniran osjećaj za boju koju promišlja u odnosu s gestom, materijom i kompozicijom. Prepoznatljivost rada Vanje Popek čini i afirmacija slojeva materije na slici. “Njezino slikarstvo obilježavaju bogato reljefne površine, na kojoj supostoje različiti slojevi i grumeni boje, črčkarije, pustoš bjeline u središtu kompozicije, akcent boje na rubovima… Vanja Popek naknadno ugrebava poteze i apstraktne (gotovo) grafizme u gusti sloj napola osušene boje, vuče crtice i poteze, temeljito preslikava papir, gazu i karton.” Slobodno, neopterećeno, bez ikakvih blokada u slikanju, Vanja Popek stvara osebujan slikarski izraz prožet oslobađanjem impulsa, igrom, uz iznimno precizno promišljanje kompozicije i cjeline djela. Njezino slikarstvo, slažu se mnogi, donosi potrebno osvježenje i inovativnu epizodu u kontekstu suvremene hrvatske likovne produkcije. Vanja Popek rođena je 1976. godine u Zagrebu. Školu primijenjenih umjetnosti i dizajna završila je u Puli 1995., iste godine upisuje Akademiju likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu, na kojoj diplomira 2000. godine u klasi Miroslava Šuteja. Pohađala je Guttenbergov institut za grafiku u Meinzu, a sudjelovala je na brojnim skupnim i samostalnim izložbama i kolonijama. Samostalno je izlagala u Puli, Zagrebu i Poreču, a skupno u Zagrebu, Puli, Meinzu, Medulinu, Splitu i Rovinju. Prozor 5 - fragment / Window 5 - fragment Prozor 7 / Window 7 Prozor 5 - fragment / Window 5 - fragment 65 Touch of art Vanja Popek Vanja Popek: Windows Towards the Inside “By using painting as a medium in my work, I always strive towards new challenges and find solutions for new problems that I encounter along the way. Painting is still extremely current and there are still so many things waiting to be done, regardless of contemporary artistic expressions that reach for new ways of communication. Paintbrush and canvas are among primary tools that artists use and will keep using in the future” Vanja Popek Written by: Nataša Bodrožić 66 Photo: V anja Popek is an artist who uses her words and her work to put an end to a slightly trendy story of “the end of painting”. A general sense of concern for the survival of traditional painting in the media environment of (threatening) digital, mobile and virtual pictures has been present for quite some time, although we are constantly witnessing various resistances, fresh initiatives and repositioning of new generations of painters that are successfully tackling the challenges of new, modified reality. The discussion about the death of painting is primarily opened with the awareness that the outcome is fairly uncertain, as it just features more or less convincing advocates of both theses. At the same time, global painting doesn’t just succeed in still finding some new fans, but it still manages to deeply enthral and open new chapters of discussion in the context of art as a whole, while also finding a way to generate a few media scandals. The best example is last year’s event at Yvon Lambert Foundation in Avignon, when one excited lady appeared in the middle of famous painter Cy Twombley’s exhibit and expressed her adoration by directly kissing the piece of art that caught her eye, which resulted in a trace of red lipstick on the whiteness of the painting canvas. That turn of events encouraged discussions all over France regarding the reception and the role of today’s works of art, as well as regarding the relations between art and the audience, and between art and the mass media. There are critics who are finding traces of some world-famous painters’ styles in artist Vanja Popek’s painting style and sensibility; not in the form of direct copying, but rather as finding inspiration in very recognizable and specific painting poetics of people like Kline, Dubuffet, Fautrier, Klee or Cy Twombley, who we just mentioned as the author of the piece that served as direct inspiration for the intervention of an enchanted fan from the Avignon story. When she was asked whether her works were accessible to the audience and to what extent, Vanja Popek emphasized the importance of her work being communicative. “I hope the audience likes my paintings, but that still doesn’t mean that it’s my primary motivation. A painter creates for very intimate reasons, primarily for himself/herself, with reasons and motivations that are both private and professional. A painting’s public life is also an important part of the whole process, as it can truly affect the entire career of an artist. However, I feel that any attempt of premeditated likeability would be doomed from the start because that type of motivation just isn’t right.” Vanja Popek’s paintings are a distinctive example of gesture-type expression supported by lyrical abstraction and abstract expressionism. The things that can be noticed right from the start Prozor 16 - fragment / Window 16 - fragment Prozor 5 - fragment / Window 5 - fragment Prozor 6 - fragment / Window 6 - fragment 67 Crvena 1 / Red 1 Prozor 5 - fragment / Window 5 - fragment Crvena 2 / Red 2 are the optimism and good spirits that just radiate from the paintings. They are spontaneous, intuitive and honest, expressive and chaotic at one hand, while also being almost meditative on the other, at least according to art historian Branka Benčić in the foreword of last year’s exhibit “Windows” in Multimedia Centre Luka in Pula. The compositions don’t represent an immediate perceptive image, but rather stand out as a group of associative visual elements that originate from the observing process and visual experience, while the painting transforms into free integration and a constitution of visual imagination. Art speaks to human sensibility, which doesn’t represent things that are visible, but rather causes something to become visible. Benčić describes Vanja Popek’s work as a physical gesture that creates some sort of a psychogram, which transforms a dramatic or lyrical state into an artistic trace where the painting surface is nothing more than a tissue without a centre with the role of a scene of the event, while the painting’s spatial organization suggests that it pours out over the canvas and into the room. Critics point out that the strength of Vanja Popek’s expression as an author lies in the monumental dimension of her paintings, which flirt with the minimal spectre of colours that include non-colours with powerful accents of glaring spots. Art critic Iva Korbler particularly emphasizes the author’s refined sense of colour, which is tightly related to gesture, substance and composition. 68 Vanja Popek’s paintings are also recognizable for the affirmation of substance layers on the canvas. “Her work is characterized by rich earth surfaces, which coexist with different layers and paint nuggets, various doodles, desolated whiteness in the centre of the composition, accents of colour on the edges… Vanja Popek subsequently scratches in her moves and abstract (near) graphics into a thick layer of half-dry paint, as she draws dashes and moves while thoroughly mapping the paper, gauze and cardboard.” Free, uninhibited and without any obstacles in her painting process, Vanja Popek creates a peculiar painting style filled with liberated impulses, playfulness and extremely precise arrangement of composition. Her paintings leave the impression of wholesome units, and many agree that they bring a much-needed breath of fresh air and an innovative episode into the context of contemporary Croatian artistic production. Vanja Popek was born in Zagreb in 1976. She graduated from the School of Applied Arts and Design in Pula in 1995, when she entered the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. She graduated there in 2000 in Miroslav Šutej’s class. She attended the Guttenberg Institute for Graphics in Meinz, while also taking part in numerous group and solo exhibits and colonies. She organized solo exhibits in Pula, Zagreb and Poreč, while she participated in group exhibits n Zagreb, Pula, Meinz, Medulin, Split and Rovinj. Ambijent Restoran / The restaurant 70 Carbon Genk je uspješna kombinacija dizajna, luksuza i originalnosti / Carbon Genk represents a successful combination of design, luxury and originality Hotel je “gay friendly“ / The hotel is “gay friendly“ Hotel CARBON GENK Ugljik u vrhunskom dizajnu Za Carbon Genk “ugljik“ u nazivu ima višestruko značenje – podjednako želi podsjetiti na razvijenu industriju toga kraja u 19. stoljeću, kao i skrenuti pozornost na životnu, životvornu orijentaciju svoje ponude Piše: Nikola Čelan Foto: 71 Siva fasada priziva ambijent obližnjih rudnika ugljena / The grey façade is reminiscent of nearby coal mines Korišteni su materijali koji se temelje na ugljiku / Used materials are based on carbon B rojni su načini na koje potpuno neobični elementi iz prirode i društva postaju dizajnerski brandovi. Predmeti na rubu otpada tako su postajali ugostiteljskom opremom najpopularnijih hotela (meksički Basico), a referencije na gospodarstvo pojedinih zemalja i regija unutar koncepta uređenja turističkih i ugostiteljskih objekata, sve su učestalije. Carbon Genk je primjer kako se i neatraktivna i neugodna, opskurna gospodarska djelatnost, poput, primjerice, rudarstva, može artikulirati u iznimno atraktivnu turističku ponudu jedne zapadnoeuropske zemlje. Ugljik je šesti najčešći element u svemiru i istodobno najvažniji strukturni element u kemiji živog svijeta. U belgijskom Genku je otvoren hotel kod kojega “ugljik“ u nazivu ima višestruko značenje – podjednako želi podsjetiti na razvijenu industriju toga kraja u 19. stoljeću, kao i skrenuti pozornost na životnu, životvornu orijentaciju svoje ponude. U hotelu Carbon, u samom središtu flandrijske pokrajine Limburg, naime, sve je podređeno 72 Prostorija za sastanke / Meeting room pomlađivanju i opuštanju. Inače je sam grad proglašen najgostoljubivijim u Europi prema turističkoj komisiji SEA, a uz društveni čimbenik prisutne su i prirodne pogodnosti. Blizina šume posjetiteljima ovog hotela nudi mogućnosti umirujućih šetnji i opuštajućih vožnji biciklom. Siva fasada priziva ambijent obližnjih rudnika ugljena, dok je u čitavoj konstrukciji primjetna upotreba materijala temeljenih na ugljenu. Šezdeset soba Carbon Genka prostrane su i otvorene te je svaka opskrbljena iPodom, televizorom, DVD playerom i mini-barom. Činjenica da su sve sobe smještene na stražnjoj strani hotela govori o tome kako svaka ima pogled na terasu s vrtom na prvom katu. Sama terasa oaza je mira i tišine u gradskoj vrevi središta Genka. Još je šestotinjak metara rezervirano na krovu hotela za welness centar i saunu, s ponudom najrazličitijih usluga, poput biljnih kupki, hammam kupatila, kromoterapije, čak i tai chija, a na dodatnih 200 nalazi se još i južno orijentirana terasa. U Ambijent U hotelu prevladava siva boja / Grey colour dominates the hotel brojne hotelske sadržaje ubrajaju se još i kafić, restoran, vinski bar i tri prostorije za sastanke. Arhitektonski ured PCP i dizajner Peter Cornodeus razvili su podjednako zgradu kao i interijere, odabirući materijale koji se temelje na ugljiku i ujedno pet osnovnih elemenata u prirodi: drvo, vatru, zemlju, metal i vodu. Fasada komunicira sa staklenim zidom najnižeg kata još i prednjim dijelom u tamnosmeđoj cigli na kojoj se presijava sunčeva svjetlost. Dodatni efekt izvanjske vizure hotela stvara asimetrična podjela prozora na uvučene male kvadrate i tanke stršeće pravokutne sekcije. Unutrašnji zidovi nose visokokvalitetne slike i Arteove zidne tapete s rubovima koji kombiniraju mat i sjajne elemente u svrhu suptilnog kontrastiranja materijala i svjetla. Podovi su u švedskom dizajnu i dobro isijavaju toplinu i upijaju zvuk. U predvorju i sobama namještaj je specifičan ponajviše zbog odabira materijala: metalni stolovi, drvene sjedalice, razni improvizirani stolovi s kamenim fragmentima. Porcelanosa je dizajnirala kade tamnog sjaja i keramičke pločice, dok tuševi uključuju i Kreonovu LED rasvjetu. Upotreba neizravnog obojenog svjetla omogućena je radi lakše prilagodbe raspoloženju gosta. U ponudi hotela je a la carte doručak. Sve u svemu, Carbon Genk je uspješna kombinacija dizajna, luksuza i originalnosti, s visokom kvalitetom usluge na razini njegove četiri zvjezdice. Napomenimo da se uz hotel na oglasnim prostorima posebno ističe oznaka “gay friendly“. Općenito se u prehrambenoj ponudi hotela navodi a la carte jelovnik, no na neznatnoj su udaljenosti od hotela odlični restorani poput O gerosa, Ristorante Dantea ili Dionysosa, u kojima posjetitelji mogu nadomjestiti svoje gastronomsko iskustvo, budući da ono nije navedeno kao jedan od naglasaka ponude Carbon Genka. Općenito u ovom hotelu gost može očekivati udoban odmor u urbanom europskom ambijentu, pogotovo ako zna i može uživati u vrijednome modernom dizajnu kojim on obiluje. 73 Ambient Unutrašnji zidovi nose visokokvalitetne slike i Arteove zidne tapete / Interior walls have high-quality paints and wallpaper by Arte 74 Arhitektonski ured PCP i dizajner Peter Cornodeus razvili su podjednako zgradu kao i interijer / The architecture office PCP and designer Peter Cornodeus developed both the building and the interiors Ulaz i recepcija / The entrance and reception Hotel CARBON GENK Carbon in Top-Level Design 75 Ambient Svaka soba ima pogled na terasu s vrtom na prvom katu / Each room has a view over the first-floor terrace with a garden “Carbon” in the name of Carbon Genk has more than one meaning – it equally wants to remind everyone of the predominant industry in this area in the 19th century and draw attention to the life-giving, life-enhancing orientation of its offering Written by: Nikola Čelan Photo: U nusual elements from nature or society can become designer brands in many different ways. For example, objects on the verge of qualifying as waste have been transformed into equipment for some of the most popular hotels (Basico in Mexico), while it has become more and more frequent to make references to the economy of certain countries and regions within the decorating concept of tourism and accommodation objects. Carbon Genk is the perfect example of articulating an unattractive, unpleasant and obscure field of economy, such as mining, into an extremely attractive tourism offering of a country in Western Europe. Carbon is the sixth most common element in the universe and an integral building block in the chemistry of life. A Belgian city of Genk opened a hotel that carries the term “carbon” in its name for more than one reason – it equally wants to remind everyone of the predominant industry in this area in the 19th century and draw attention to the life-giving, life-enhancing orientation of its offering. Hotel Carbon, located in the very centre of the Flemish province of Limburg, is all about rejuvenation and relaxation. The city itself has been declared the most hospitable city in Europe according to the SEA tourism committee, which has been contributed by both social factors and natural conveniences. The near76 ness of the forest enables the visitors of this hotel to take calming walks and relaxing bicycle rides. The grey façade is a succinct reference to the mining fields, while the entire construction is dominated by usage of coal-based materials. Carbon Genk’s 60 rooms are very spacious and open, as well as equipped with iPods, TV sets, DVD players and mini-bars. The fact that all rooms are at the back of the hotel confirms that every room has a view over the first-floor terrace with a garden. The terrace itself is a true oasis of peace and quiet in the middle of Genk’s city rush. Another 600 metres on the hotel’s roof are reserved for a wellness centre and a sauna, which offer various services like herbal baths, “hammam” bathtubs, chromotherapy and even tai chi, while the additional 200 metres feature a south-oriented terrace. Among numerous other things, the hotel also features a café-bar, restaurant, wine bar and three conference rooms. The architecture office PCP and designer Peter Cornoedus developed both the building and the interiors, choosing materials based on carbon and the five basic elements: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. The façade also communicates to the bottom floor’s glass wall through a front section built in dark-brown brick, which excellently reflects sunlight. The hotel’s external appearance is even more emphasized by the asym- Kada i keramičke pločice su iz Porcelanose / The bathtubs and ceramic tiles are by Porcelanosa Šezdeset soba Carbon Genka prostrane su i otvorene / Carbon Genk’s 60 rooms are very spacious and open metrical division of windows into indented little squares and thin overhanging rectangular sections. Interior walls have high-quality paints and wallpaper by Arte, which alternate matt and gloss finishes for a subtle contrast of texture and light. The Swedish-designed floors allow light to play off surfaces as they both radiate warmth and absorb sound. Furniture in the lobby and the rooms is primarily specific for the choice of materials: metal tables, wooden chairs, and various improvised tables with stone fragments. Porcelanosa designed dark bathtubs and ceramic tiles, while the showers feature Kreon’s LED lighting. The usage of indirect coloured lights has the purpose of enabling the visitors to effortlessly adjust the light according to their mood. The hotel also offers a la carte breakfast. We can come to the conclusion U hodniku su tamni podovi / In the corridors are dark floors that Carbon Genk represents a successful combination of design, luxury and originality, with a high quality of service that is proportional to its four-star status. We must also mention that the hotel is promoted as “gay friendly”. The hotel’s general gastronomic offering states a la carte menu as its basic feature, but the hotel is located right next to wonderful restaurants like O Gerosa, Ristorante Dante or Dionysos, which is where the visitors can complete their gastronomic experience, due to the fact that Carbon Genk doesn’t put as much emphasis on that aspect of the offering. However, a guest at this hotel can expect a comfortable vacation within an urban European environment, especially if he can appreciate the exquisite modern design that this hotel takes great pride in. 77 Kućom dominira bijela boja, mnoštvo prozora i drvenih potpornih greda koje su namjerno ostavljene vidljivima te dodatno naglašene kontrastnom bojom / The house is dominated with a lot of white colour, plenty of windows and wooden support beams that have purposely been left in a visible spot, as well as plenty of contrasts in colour 78 U domu kod... U domu kod Diane von Furstenberg Stari dvorac u šumi za odmor i inspiraciju Prekrasno imanje iz 19. stoljeća u Connecticutu, Diane je kupila za svoj 27. rođendan jer je željela imati mirno utočište za sebe i svoju djecu. No, magično okruženje, ljepota prirode i mir koji je tamo pronašla učinili su da je Diane na svom imanju provodila svaki slobodni trenutak, a da njezina djeca, Alexander i Tatiana, odrastu u ambijentu ladanjskog imanja okruženog gustom šumom Piše: Danijela Mandušić D iane von Furstenberg, karizmatična modna dizajnerica, u modnom svijetu poznata je po chic, ali casual kreacijama. U modni biznis je krenula 1970. godine, a do današnjeg dana ostala je najpoznatija po wrap haljini iz 1973., koja je dobila statusni simbol u modi i do danas doživjela sve Foto: Guliver Image/Inside/I.SNITT moguće izvedbe mijenjajući boje i uzorke. Koliki je bio njezin utjecaj na žensku modu dizajniranjem spomenute haljine, koja pristaje svima, govori činjenica kako se originalna haljina iz 1973. nalazi u Muzeju Metropolitan kao dio izložbe najboljih modnih kreacija u povijesti. Ova posebna i snažna žena ima vrlo zanimljivu životnu 79 Diane von Furstenberg priču. Naime, odrasla je u Bruxellesu, a tijekom studija u Ženevi, kao vrlo mlada djevojka, upoznala je princa Egona von Furstenberga i, unatoč velikom pritisku i protivljenju njegove obitelji, vjenčala se s njim te tako dobila plemićku titulu. Brak je potrajao nepune četiri godine, a Diane i Egon su nakon razvoda postali najbolji prijatelji i on ju je bodrio u svim njezinim poslovnim pothvatima. Prekrasno imanje iz 19. stoljeća u Connecticutu kupila je za svoj 27. rođendan, nedugo nakon razvoda braka, jer je željela imati mirno utočište za sebe i svoju djecu. No, magično okruženje, ljepota prirode i mir koji je tamo pronašla učinili su da je Diane na svom imanju provodila svaki slobodni trenutak te često ugošćavala prijatelje, a da njezina djeca, Alexander i Tatiana, odrastu u ambijentu ladanjskog imanja okruženog gustom šumom. Veliki studio za kreativni rad Cloudwalk, kako je ime toga imanja, Diane je dobila u 80 vrlo zapuštenom stanju. Sastojalo se od glavne kuće, dviju manjih kuća za goste i divlje prirode koja ih je okruživala. No, Diane je odmah prionula pretvaranju starog imanja u oazu mira za opuštanje i kreativni rad. Od najveće prostorije u glavnoj kući stvorila je svijetli i inspirativni studio u kojem već godinama stvara nove modne kolekcije. Studio ima čak šest velikih okruglih prozora koji mu daju dovoljno svjetla, a dojmu svježine pridonosi i dominacija bijele boje. Jedan je zid u cijelosti prekriven policama knjiga, a veliki radni stol u središtu prostora, s mnoštvom papira i šarenih boja, odaje da je to mjesto stvaranja ideja za kolekcije. Glavna kuća je uređena tako da se i izvana i iznutra nastojao očuvati starinski štih aristokratskog ladanjskog imanja, s dominantnom bijelom bojom, mnoštvom prozora i drvenim potpornim gredama koje su namjerno ostavljene vidljivima te dodatno naglašene kontrastnom bojom. Ono što odudara od dekoriranja tradicionalne ladanjske kuće jesu zanimljivi i vješto uklopljeni detalji koje je Okoliš je Diane uredila u suradnji s dizajnerom vrtova Louisom Benachom / Diane decorated the surroundings with garden designer Louis Benach U domu kod... Brončana statua umjetnika Igora Mitoraja / Bronze statue by artist Igor Mitoraj Diane donijela s Balija, kao što su prekrasni krevet od šiblja, tropsko cvijeće i školjke. Iza kuće, tako da ne narušava prirodni ambijent, nalazi se prostrani bazen, okružen tropskim raslinjem, za relaksaciju i druženje na otvorenom. Vrt koji iznenađuje i opušta No, ono što zaista iznenađuje i oduševljava jest okoliš koji je Diane uredila u suradnji s dizajnerom vrtova Louisom Benachom. Nastojali su očuvati sve raslinje koje je tamo bilo a da ipak kultiviraju okoliš i učine ga mjestom na kojem će rado boraviti. Budući da su se na imanju prije uzgajale jabuke, Diane je posadila još sto stabala iste sorte kako bi očuvala tu tradiciju, a sačuvani su i stoljetni hrastovi koji cijelom imanju daju patinu starine i mira. Šetnja kroz lijehe ruža i borova otkriva čudesnu igru umjetnosti u prirodi. Naime, između stabala se nalazi velika statua Paula Bunnyanesquea koju je Diane kupila kao dar svojoj djeci. Osim nje, tu se još nalazi i red balijskih zastava koje Dianu podsjećaju na mnoga putovanja na Južni Pacifik, a na kraju tog reda nalazi se prekrasna brončana statua Egonova prijatelja, umjetnika Igora Mitoraja, koja prikazuje fragment portreta ženske glave, po uzoru na starorimske kipare. Nastavite li istraživati vrt, naići ćete i na statuu brončanog bika koji kao da čuva imanje, i još štošta drugog što krije ovaj veliki vrt. Cijelo imanje odiše nekom uzvišenošću i mirom, i jasno nam je zašto je Diane von Furstenberg odabrala baš ovo staro mjesto te ga pretvorila u utočište i mjesto inspiracije za sebe i svoju djecu. Aristokratskom ladanjskom zdanju je svojim kreativnim duhom i energijom udahnula nov život, a već više od trideset godina Cloudwalk je za nju, njezinu obitelj i prijatelje uvijek bio omiljeno mjesto za odmor i obiteljske proslave. Tako je obitelj Von Furstenberg obnovila život i ispisala još nekoliko stranica u debeloj knjizi povijesti ovoga višestoljetnog aristokratskog imanja u srcu šumovitog Connecticuta. 81 Prekrasni krevet od šiblja Diane je donijela s Balija / A wonderful brushwood bed Diane brought over from Bali 82 At home wit h... AT HOME WITH Diane von Furstenberg An Old Castle in the Forest for Rest and Inspiration Written by: Danijela Mandušić Photo: Guliver Image/Inside/I.SNITT 83 Diane bought this wonderful 19th century farm in Connecticut for her twenty-seventh birthday because she wanted a peaceful retreat for herself and her children. However, the magical environment, beauty of nature and the peace she found there made Diane spend every spare moment on her farm, while her children, Alexander and Tatiana, grew up in this countryside ambience that is surrounded by thick fores D Radni stol / Work desk iane von Furstenberg is a charismatic fashion designer known in the fashion world for her chic and casual creations. She entered the fashion business in 1970, and is still most famous for her 1973 wrap dress, which has achieved iconic status in fashion and experienced many versions with all types of colours and samples. The magnitude of that dress’ influence on female fashion is confirmed by the fact that the original 1973 dress is on display at Metropolitan Museum as part of the exhibit of greatest fashion creations in history. This special and strong woman has a very interesting life story to tell. She grew up in Brussels, and then met Prince Egon von Furstenberg as a very young girl during her studies in Geneva. She soon married him despite great and pressure and rejection from his family, which provided her with a ticket to aristocracy. The marriage lasted less than four years, but Diane and Egon remained best friends after their divorce and he encouraged her in all her business pursuits. She bought this wonderful 19th century estate in Connecticut for her twenty-seventh birthday, not long after her divorce, because she wanted a peaceful retreat for herself and her children. However, the magical environment, beauty of nature and the peace she found there made Diane spend every spare moment on her farm and host friends, while her children, Alexander and Tatiana, grew up in this countryside ambience that is surrounded by thick forest. A Large Studio for Creativity The farm’s name is Cloudwalk, and Diane found it in much neglected condition. It consisted of the main house, two smaller guesthouses and the surrounding wild nature. However, Diane immediately took it upon herself to turn this old farm into an oasis of peace for relaxation and creativity. She transformed the largest room in the house into an inspirational studio filled with light, which she has been using for years to create her new fashion collections. The studio has six large round windows that provide plenty of light, while the impression of freshness is enhanced by the predominant white colour. One wall is completely covered with bookshelves, while 84 Detalji s Balija / Details from Bali Kupaonica / The bathroom the large desk in the centre of the room is swamped with numerous papers and multi-coloured samples, which confirms that this is the place where collection ideas are born. The main house is decorated in such fashion that it attempts to hold onto the archaic ambience of a countryside aristocratic estate on both the outside and the inside, and it features a lot of white colour, plenty of windows and wooden support beams that have purposely been left in a visible spot, as well as plenty of contrasts in colour. The things that stand out from traditional decors of countryside houses are interesting and well-placed details that Diane brought over from Bali, such as a wonderful brushwood bed, tropical flowers and shells. A spacious swimming pool is located behind the house, where it doesn’t disrupt the natural ambience, and it is surrounded by tropical vegetation that ensures relaxation and outdoor socializing. A Surprising and Relaxing Garden However, the one thing that truly surprises and enchants is the environment Diane decorated with garden designer Louis Benach. They tried to keep all the previous types of vegetation, while still attempting to cultivate the environment and transforming it into a place where everyone will love to spend some time. Due to the fact that apples were previously grown on the farm, Diane planted another hundred apple trees in order to keep up with tradition, and she also kept ancient oak trees that provide the entire estate with the atmosphere of old times and peace. Taking a simple walk through a string of roses and pine trees discovers a magical touch of art in a natural environment. That is because there is a large Paul Bunnyanesque statue between all these trees, and Diane bought it as a present for her children. We can also find a line of Bali flags that remind Diane of her numerous trips to the South Pacific, while the end of that line presents a wonderful bronze statue by Egon’s friend, artist Igor Mitoraj. That statue displays a fragment of a female-head portrait, very similar to the style of sculptors in ancient Rome. If you keep exploring the garden, you will also find a statue of a bronze bull that appears to guard the entire estate, and this garden has plenty of other surprises too. The whole estate has a sense of grandeur and peace, and it is quite clear why Diane von Furstenberg chose this old place for a retreat and an inspirational place for herself and her children. She gave a breath of new life to this aristocratic countryside facility with her creative spirit and energy, and for over thirty years Cloudwalk has been a favourite place for vacations and family parties for herself, her family and friends. It helped the Von Furstenberg family to rebuild their life and write several more chapters in a large history book of this archaic aristocratic estate in the heart of forested Connecticut. 85 Stan od 300 četvornih metara u zapadnom dijelu Pariza / 300 square meters apartment in western Paris 86 Prostana dnevna soba / Spacious living room Dom snova Stvaranje umjetnikova gnijezda Zahtjev stavljen pred dizajnericu Pascale Benhamou, mladu, ali iskusnu u intervencijama u umjetnički intonirane prostore, bio je da svi ukrasi interijera budu u službi vlasnikovih vrijednih umjetničkih izložaka Piše: Nikola Čelan Foto: Pierre-Jean Vergé. 87 Kuhinja jednostavnih linija / Simple lines kitchen Vlasnik stana je strastveni sakupljač umjetnina / The owner is an avid art collector P ascale Benhamou otpočela je svoju dizajnersku karijeru 1986. godine u XO-u, gdje je radila s Gérardom Mialetom. Izrađivali su kreacije Philippea Starcka, Boba Wilsona, Shiroa Kuramate, Pierangela Caramije, Christophea Pilleta, Mathewa Hiltona i mnogih drugih. Godine 1990. prešla je u Lumen Center, gdje je otkrila još mnogo uzbudljivih dizajnerskih aktova, među kojima i preradbe Pierrea Charreaua. Pascale je 1993. godine počela raditi za Léone (ogranak kompanije Forbo), gdje je sudjelovala u stvaranju cijelog niza zbirki tapeta i prostirača. Godine 1999. odlučila je osnovati vlastitu agenciju za unutrašnji dizajn i dekoracije, PBD. Time je stekla mogućnost rada na raznim projektima: obnovi unutrašnjosti stanova, kuća, hotela, restorana. Tijekom proteklih nekoliko godina izradila je brojne privremene dekoracije u pariškom hotelu Plaza Athénée. Za ovaj stan od 300 četvornih metara u zapadnom dijelu Pariza, vlasnik – strastveni sakupljač umjetnina – zahtijevao je da svi ukrasi interijera budu u službi njegovih vrijed88 nih izložaka. Nije bilo lako postići da pozadina ne uđe u prvi plan, budući da su slike već bile dominantne, zbog eksplozije boja: žute, narančaste, crvene, zelene i modre. Stil je morao biti krajnje suzdržan, jednostavnih i čistih poteza, kako bi se uravnotežili vibrantni oblici i dijelovi slika, te od njih stvorio adekvatan prostor za život. Pascale Benhamou je stoga odlučila ukrasiti stan koristeći paletu boja, zasnovanih na nijansama sive, unoseći sav njihov sjaj kao navještaj bure ili povjetarca. Ona je lagano osvijetlila cijeli stan, iskoristivši pri tome značajke niza materijala: sivog laka bez sjaja, tkanine, metala, tvida i vune. Kuhinja je tonirana antracitno sivim lakom bez sjaja. Kuhinjski elementi od ulaštenog su čelika bez ručica, dok je radna ploča od grubog obojenog cementa Pietra Serena. Kuhinjske naprave Gagenau kombinirane su s napom s pomičnim staklom Rotrak. Dekorativnu funkciju preuzimaju i čajnici Kusmi Tea, dok Dornbrachtovi slavina i sudoper nadopunjuju generalni dojam kontinuiteta Dom snova U stanu prevladavaju nijanse sive boje / The apartment is dominated by nuances of grey u ovoj inače vrlo lijepo osvijetljenoj kuhinjskoj prostoriji. Od dizajnerskog namještaja tu su još i barske stolice Cappellini i svjetiljka Patricie Urquiole. Podne pločice su od sivo obojenog cementa dimenzija 1x1 metar. Kuhinjske ormariće dizajnirala je sama Pascale, dok je posebno zanimljiv kuhinjski element ovdje Corianova nevidljiva kredenca u bijelom. Glavna spavaća soba odiše također mirnim ugođajem s nešto progresivnijim pristupom. Namještaj u njoj dizajnirala je mahom opet sama Pascale. Lampe su Foscarinijeve, dok je stolicu “Smock” dizajnirala Patricia Urquiola za Moroso. Tapet od velura Julesa Filipa zamišljen je tako da se u blagom kontrastu odnosi prema mrežastim rimskim prekrivačima. Trecin krevet, naravno, dominira čitavom prostorijom, a kako sve skupa ne bi oskudijevalo brandom, čak su i kvake markirane firmom Univers de la Poignee. Zidovi glavne kupaonice i pod u sivom su kamenu Pietra Serena, koji se u matricama ponavlja na podovima raznih prostorija stana. Sjajnobijelo lakirani namještaj domi- Pascale Benhamou nira kupaonicom u maniri sličnoj onoj u kuhinji. Niklovane vodovodne slavine sa satenskim završetkom izrastaju iz sudopera isklesanog iz kamena. Druga kupaonica sadrži Dornbrachtov tuš, a sudoper je u bijelom kvarcu. Stolac je donesen iz Španjolske, dok ni ručnici nisu bez branda, a kod njih je riječ o Design et Bainu. Gostinska je soba opremljena prekrivačima Slabbinck, stolci Kartell izvedeni su u tamnom tonu, dok su posebnost u ovoj prostoriji lampe Philippea Starcka. Dnevnim boravkom, pak, dominira lampa Fontana Arte, poseban ugođaj stvaraju svijeće Zenadora, a stol za kavu Zeus izveden je u sirovom metalu. Morosova sofa dodiruje se s konzolom Shiroa Kuramata, a stolice dnevnog boravka su iz Cappelinijeve edicije Italia. Ured je obrađen u nešto manje obveznoj maniri. Tako je, primjerice, uredski stol u njemu, Gilles de Croix, kupljen na sajmu FIAC, dok je stolica nabavljena na sajmištu, koristeći se jedino zdravim vizualnim senzibilitetom i “na prvi pogled”. 89 Dream home Stolica “Smock” Patricie Urquiole zauzima centralno mjesto u sobi / “Smock” chair by Patricia Urquiola occupies central position in the bedroom 90 Gostinska soba / The guest room Namještaj u spavaćoj sobi dizajnirala je sama Pascale / Bedroom’s furniture is designed by Pascale herself Creating an Artist’s Nest Designer Pascale Benhamou, young but experienced in intervening with artistic interiors, was faced with the task of making all interior decorations serve as a showcase for the owner’s valuable artistic possessions Written by: Nikola Čelan Photo: Pierre-Jean Vergé. 91 Dream home Lampe Foscarini u sobi / Foscarini lamps in the bedroom P ascale Benhamou started her designer career in 1986 with XO, where she worked with Gerard Mialet to manufacture creations by Philippe Starck, Bob Wilson, Shiro Kuramata, Pierangelo Caramia, Christophe Pillet, Matthew Hilton and many others. She joined Lumen Center in 1990 and discovered many more exciting designs, including Pierre Charreau’s recreations. In 1993, Pascale began working for Leone (part of the Forbo company), where she helped develop a wide range of carpet and rug collections. In 1999, she decided to set up her own interior design and decoration agency, PBD. That has given her the chance to work on a variety of projects: renovating the interiors of apartments, houses, hotels and restaurants. Over the last several years, she has created numerous temporary decorations for the Plaza Athenee Hotel in Paris. For this 300 m2 apartment in western Paris, the owner, who is an avid art collector, wanted all of the apartment’s interior decorations to serve as a showcase for his valuable possessions. It was not easy to stop the background from overwhelming the entire space, as the paintings were 92 already forceful due to the explosion of various colours: yellow, orange, red, green and blue. The style had to be extremely restrained with simple and pure lines, so as to balance the paintings’ vibrant shapes and fragments, and blend them into an adequate living space. Therefore, Pascale Benhamou decided to decorate the apartment using a colour palette based on nuances of grey, incorporating all of their splendour as something that announces a violent wind or a gentle breeze. She set up indulging lighting to flow through the apartment, and took advantage of the features of several materials such as grey matt lacquer, flannel, metal, tweed and wool. The kitchen is covered in anthracite grey matt lacquer. Kitchen cabinets are made of brushed steel and have no handles, while the countertop comes in Pietra Serena rough reconstructed stone. The Gagenau kitchen appliances are combined with a Rotrak kitchen hood that features a retractable visor. Kusmi Tea teapots also have a decorative function, while Dornbracht’s tap and sink emphasize the general impression of continuity in this very nicely illuminated kitchen. As far as designer furniture Kupaonica / The bathroom Uredski stol Gilles de Croix, kupljen na sajmu FIAC / The Gilles de Croix desk was purchased at the FIAC trade show goes, we mustn’t forget Cappellini bar stools and Patricia Urquiola’s lamp. Floor tiles are made of reconstructed grey stone, and their dimensions are 1 metre x 1 metre. Pascale herself designed the kitchen cabinets, while another really interesting kitchen element is revealed in the form of Corian’s invisible credenza in white. The master bedroom also radiates a peaceful ambience, although it does feature a slightly more progressive approach. Its furniture was once again designed by Pascale herself. The room features Foscarini lamps, while the Smock Chair was designed by Patricia Urquiola for Moroso. Jules Filipo’s velour carpet was meant to provide a mild contrast towards the mesh Roman shades. Naturally, the Treca bed dominates the entire room, and just to make sure that every feature carries the name of a renowned brand, even the door handles were manufactured by Univers de la Poignee. The master bathroom’s walls and floor were made of Pietra Serena reconstructed grey stone, which can be found on floors of various rooms in the house. Custom-made furniture in shiny white lacquer dominates the bathroom in similar pattern to the way it dominates the kitchen. Nickel faucets with a satin finish are placed in a block-carved sink. The other bathroom features a Dornbracht shower and a white-quartz sink. The stool was brought over from Spain, while the towels also proudly carry the name of a famous brand – Design et Bain. The guestroom features Slabbinck blankets and darktoned Kartell stools, but the entire room is still dominated by Philippe Starck’s lamps. The living room, however, is dominated by the Fontana Arte lamp, while a special kind of ambience is provided by Zenadora candles. The Zeus coffee table was made of raw metal, while the Moroso sofa actually comes in contact with the Shiro Kuramata console. The living-room chairs, however, are part of Cappellini’s Italia series. The office was decorated in slightly more casual manner. For example, the Gilles de Croix desk was purchased at the FIAC trade show, while the chair was actually tracked down at a flea market, so the preferred approach in this room was to use a healthy visual sensibility and to go after things that appeal “at first sight”. 93 Interijeri Dnevna soba središte ivotnog prostora Slobodno se može reći da je dnevna soba najvažnija prostorija svakog stana ili kuće, pa uređivanje i opremanje mora biti pažljivo planirano, od rasporeda namještaja pa sve do onih najsitnijih detalja koji će sobi dati originalan i atraktivan karakter Piše: Aleksandar Vrtarić 94 Foto: Arhiva DalCasa Najvažnije je da dnevna soba bude u potpunosti usklađena sa stambenim navikama svih onih koji će je dijeliti / The most important thing is for the living room to be completely adjusted to the living habits of those that are going to share it K roz povijest, svaka se obitelj okupljala oko ognjišta – najtoplijeg i najugodnijeg mjesta u kući, da bi u moderna vremena tu ulogu preuzela dnevna soba, tj. dnevni boravak. Središte svakog stambenog prostora danas ujedinjuje mnoge funkcije pa je dnevna soba postala omiljena prostorija svih ukućana. U njoj se odmaramo, primamo goste, pripremamo zabave, čitamo omiljene časopise i knjige, gledamo televiziju, uživamo u vremenu provedenom s djecom, razgovorima s dragim prijateljima i kolegama s posla, a samu prostoriju opremamo upravo po pravilima funkcionalnih cjelina koje ovise o načinu života te navikama svakog pojedinca, odnosno obitelji. Slobodno se može reći da je dnevna soba najvažnija prostorija svakog stana ili kuće, pa uređivanje i opremanje mora biti pažljivo planirano, od rasporeda namještaja pa sve do onih najsitnijih detalja koji će sobi dati originalan i atraktivan karakter. Sobu ugode i sreće treba pažljivo stvarati, s ukusom i smislom za praktično i realno, a rezultat će biti prostorija u kojoj vlada čarolija sklada i ugode. njoj moraju osjećati ugodno. S većim brojem članova obitelji povećavaju se i potrebe te prohtjevi, što automatski zahtijeva i nove oblike uređenja, a to se postiže upravo dijeljenjem sobe na njezine funkcionalne cjeline. Tako u modernom dnevnom boravku svoje mjesto pronalaze i stereo i TV uređaji, računala, male knjižnice i dječje igraonice, kod manjih stanova u dnevnoj sobi se često može vidjeti i mala blagovaonica, tu je i neizostavni dio za relaksaciju i onaj za primanje gostiju. Uz pažljivu organizaciju i planiranje, dnevni boravak koji se sastoji od svih navedenih cjelina može izgledati itekako atraktivno – potrebno je tek pripaziti da se cjeline međusobno nadopunjuju i da se lijepo nadovezuju jedna Prostorija s tisuću namjena S obzirom da je dnevni boravak prostorija u kojoj se tijekom dana provodi najviše vremena, jasno je da se svi ukućani u 95 na drugu. Možda će vaš dnevni boravak biti minimalistički uređen, možda će njegov glavni dio biti golema plazma i bijesni surround uređaj ili će pak, ako to prostor nalaže, dnevni boravak biti integriran u kuhinju. Sve je dopušteno, a osobna kreativnost će prostoriji dati poseban karakter. Ipak, najvažnije je da ova soba bude u potpunosti usklađena sa stambenim navikama svih onih koji će je dijeliti, pa neke tradicionalne predodžbe koje se tiču uređivanja i opremanja dnevnih soba ponekad valja potpuno ignorirati i planirati po razumnim potrebama. Naravno, nekih osnovnih pravila se uvijek treba pridržavati, a ono glavno neka bude to da je dnevni boravak mjesto sreće – prostorija u kojoj ćete provoditi ugodne trenutke, bili sami sa sobom ili u društvu obitelji i najdražih prijatelja. / THEMELIA / THEMELIA / ART INTERIJERI 96 Uvijek dobro raspoloženje Iako je osnovno uređenje najvažnije i u naravi najsloženije, veliku pozornost valja posvetiti i detaljima koji će dnevnoj sobi dati dušu, a upravo su detalji su zaslužni za vedar i pozitivan dojam u svakom prostoru. Bez obzira kojem stilu naginjali i kojim namještajem opremili svoj dnevni boravak, nikako nemojte zaboraviti na dvije stvari koje u sobu donose život – svjetlost i biljke. Idealno bi bilo da je dnevni boravak obogaćen velikom staklenom stijenkom koja bi u svako doba dana osiguravala dovoljnu količinu prirodne svjetlosti, no nerijetko su prozori u dnevnim sobama premali ili je pak položaj nekretnine takav da svjetlosti nikada nema dovoljno. Rješenje su odgovarajuća umjetna rasvjeta postavljena na strateške pozicije i zrcala koja ne samo da će dodatno osvijetliti prostor nego će ga i vizualno učiniti većim i prostranijim. Biljke su tu da dnevnom boravku daju dašak prirodnog. One donose dinamiku i život, a bez dinamike i potrebne vedrine, dnevna soba ne može izgledati lijepo. Bez obzira bio dnevni boravak uređen u orijentalnom, minimalističkom, klasičnom ili high tech stilu, biljke su tu da začine prostoriju. Njima valja pratiti ostatak prostora i uvijek ih treba postaviti na ona mjesta koja vape za nečim živim, za blagim kontrastom koji će podići čitavu atmosferu u sobi. Za primjer, raskošna biljka u minimalistički opremljenoj sobi neće izgledati tako sjajno, no nekoliko bambusovih drvaca će biti pun pogodak, a minimalistički stil će biti dodatno naglašen. Jasno, ne smijemo zaboraviti i na posebno važan status zelene boje koja iako djeluje umirujuće, u kontrastu s drugim bojama može djelovati itekako vitalizirajuće i energično. Egzotični suveniri s dalekih putovanja, umjetničke fotografije ili, pak, prvi dječji crteži mogu biti jednako važni detalji, no uvijek treba pripaziti da budu postavljeni na pravo mjesto, a ako je dnevna soba pomno raspoređena na svoje funkcionalne cjeline, to zaista neće biti nimalo teško. Dapače, bit će vrlo zabavno. Idealno bi bilo da je dnevni boravak obogaćen velikom staklenom stijenkom koja bi u svako doba dana osiguravala dovoljnu količinu prirodne svjetlosti / Ideally, a living room should have a large glass surface that would ensure plenty of natural light during any time of the day Interiors Living Room - The Centre of a Living Space You can say that a living room is the most important room in any apartment or house, so the process of decorating and furnishing it must be very carefully planned, from the way the furniture is arranged to all those tiniest details that will provide the room with an original and attractive character Written by: Aleksandar Vrtarić Photo: DalCasa archive 97 Biljke dnevnom boravku daju dašak prirodnog / Plants bring the breath of nature into our living room T hroughout the course of ancient history, every family used to gather around a fireplace – the warmest and most pleasant section of the house, but that role has been taken up by the living room during these modern times. The centre of every residential unit now unifies numerous functions and the living room is the favourite room of everyone living within a certain household. The living room is where we relax, entertain our guests, organize parties, read our favourite magazines and books, watch TV, enjoy our time with children and talk to our dear friends and work colleagues, which makes it necessary to furnish the room itself according to the rules of functional units that depend on the lifestyle and habits of every individual or family. You can say that a living room is the most important room in any apartment or house, so the process of decorating and furnishing it must be very carefully planned, from the way the furniture is arranged to all those tiniest details that will provide the room with an original and attractive character. The room for happiness and comfort must be created very carefully, with plenty of taste and a sense of practicality and reality, which is bound to result in a room that is defined by the magic of harmony and comfort. The Room with a Thousand Purposes Considering the fact that the living room is where we spend most of the time during the day, it goes without saying that all residents must feel comfortable in that room. If we’re talking about a larger family, that automatically increases the needs and demands and asks 98 / A&A Interior Interiors Šareno i prozračno / Colorful and ethereally for new manners of decorating, which is achieved by dividing the room into its functional units. A modern living room features everything from stereo and TV equipment, computers, little libraries and playrooms for children, while smaller apartments often feature a small dining room within the confines of the living room. There is also the unavoidable relaxation section, as well as the part of the room where we entertain our guests. With careful organization and detailed planning, a living room that features all these sections can look truly attractive – you only have to make sure that those units mutually complete and nicely complement each other. Maybe your living room will be minimalist, maybe it will revolve around enormous plasma or a furious surround system, or it will be integrated into the kitchen if allowed by space organization. Everything is allowed, and personal creativity will add a special type of character to the room. However, the most important thing is for the room to be completely adjusted to the living habits of those that are going to share it, so it doesn’t hurt to sometimes completely ignore some traditional conceptions regarding the way living rooms are supposed to be furnished and decorated. You need to make a plan that suits your reasonable needs while still sticking to some of the basic rules, but the main premises is that the living room is a place of happiness – the one room where you will spend pleasant moments with yourself or with your family and closest friends. Keeping the Spirit Up Although the basic decorating concept is the most Veliku pozornost valja posvetiti i detaljima koji će dnevnoj sobi dati dušu / Pay attention to details that will give soul to the living room important thing, not to mention the fact that it is often the most complicated, it is necessary to pay attention to details that will provide soul to the living room, as they usually have a lot to do with the room leaving a bright and positive impression. Regardless of your preferred style or type of furniture, do not forget about two things that bring life into any room – light and plants. Ideally, a living room should have a large glass surface that would ensure plenty of natural light during any time of the day, but it often happens that living-room windows are too small, or the house location ensures that there is never enough light around. What is the solution? Adequate artificial lighting on strategically chosen positions is needed, as well as plenty of mirrors that will bring additional illumination and make the room visually bigger and more spacious. The role of the plants is to bring the breath of nature into our living room. They deliver dynamics and life, and without a sense of dynamics and cheerfulness, a living room will just not be good enough. Regardless of whether you choose oriental, minimalist, classic or high-tech style for your living room, the plants are there to spice it up in the right way. They are there to fill up any space vacancies and they should always be put in positions that need an extra-kick of life, which will provide a mild contrast that will lift the atmosphere in the entire room. For example, a luxurious and sumptuous plant will not look good in a minimalist room, but several bamboo trees will achieve maximum effect and bring further emphasis to the minimalist style. Naturally, we shouldn’t forget the extremely important status of the green colour that may be very soothing, but it can still be very vitalizing and energetic when put in contrast with the right colours. Exotic souvenirs from faraway journeys, artistic photos or the first children drawings can be equally important details, but you should always make sure to put them in the right position, which shouldn’t be too hard if the living room is divided into functional units. In fact, it should be a lot of fun. / AAG DIZAJN CENTAR 99 Interijeri Parketi Požgaj Četkani hrast / Brushed oak Parketi - elegancija koja traje godinama Osim što je odličan izolator, lijep parket podiže ambijent čitavog prostora jer mu daje eleganciju, posebnu estetiku i aristokratski dojam Piše: Aleksandar Vrtarić 100 Foto: Parketi Požgaj, PPS Galeković Parketi Požgaj Javor / Maple D ugogodišnja tradicija postavljanja parketa kako u stambenim prostorima, tako i u onim poslovnima, pa i u sportskim dvoranama, danas je s tehnološke strane dovedena do savršenstva – ako je kvalitetan parket postavljen i obrađen na pravi način, on pojedini prostor može krasiti dugi niz godina. Parketi su iznimno otporni, lako se održavaju, zbog čega automatski reduciraju alergije koje izaziva prašina, a s obzirom da se danas proizvode u najrazličitijim uzorcima od brojnih vrsta drveta, lako se uklapaju baš u svaki stil. Osim što je odličan izolator, lijep parket podiže ambijent čitavog prostora jer mu daje eleganciju, posebnu estetiku i aristokratski dojam. Iako se najčešće koriste za oblaganje podova unutrašnjih prostora, danas se na tržištu mogu pronaći i parketi namijenjeni vanjskoj uporabi – premazani su posebnim uljem koje Parketi Požgaj Jako popularni parketi od wenge drva / Very modern parquets made of wenge wood parket čini postojanim i otpornim na vremenske uvjete. Odabrati tip parketa, ne mora biti težak zadatak, potrebno je tek pratiti vlastiti ukus, ali i pustiti mašti na volju, a o tome koliko su parketi trajna i pametna investicija, sasvim dovoljno govori ona s kojom se svaki stručnjak slaže – parket se postavlja jednom u životu! Klasika i egzotika Nekada su bili prilično nedostupni, no danas ih ima u svakoj bolje opremljenoj prodavaonici. Parketi od iroka, doussieja, padouka, kempasa i bambusa danas su zaista pristupačni, a prodaju se po povoljnim cijenama. Parketi od bambusa sve su popularniji jer ih krasi neobičan sjaj, vrlo su otporni i čvrsti – i do 30 posto su čvršći od klasičnog hrastova parketa – a razlikuju se po teksturi, boji i tipu laka. Posebno atraktivni su oni koji se ručno 101 Parketi iz tvornice PPS Galeković / Parquets from PPS Galeković manufactory Grab / Hornbeam Trešnja / Cherry Jasen / Ash Jasen / Ash Doussie Hrast / Oak izdubljuju, no zbog izdignute površine lamelica nisu pogodni za prostorije u kojima se kreće u obući. No zato mogu biti itekako zgodno i originalno rješenje za, primjerice, spavaće sobe. Posebno obrađeni, bambusovi parketi se koriste i za oblaganje vanjskih površina, a mnogo je onih koji se njima koriste i za oblaganje donjih dijelova fasada. A što je s klasikom? Hrastov parket možda djeluje klasično i jednolično, no prednost mu je ta što djeluje neutralno pa je nezamjenjiv pri opremanju i preuređenju velikih prostorija, naročito onih u kojima će dominirati neki umjereniji stil. Tu je i tikovina, koja je kod nas najtraženiji materijal, a svakako valja spomenuti i pravo mediteransko zlato – maslinu. Jedna od najstarijih uzgajanih vrsta drveta daje posebno atraktivne parkete, koji se odlikuju visokom tvrdoćom. Iako prilično skupi, parketi od masline su definitivno najbolji izbor za adaptiranje starih kamenih kuća po jadranskoj i mediteranskoj obali, pa i za sve novoizgrađene arhetipske nekretnine. Drvo masline krase posebno lijepe teksture i visoke mehaničke kvalitete, pa bez obzira što se radi o skupljemu materijalu, maslinu svakako treba imati na umu jer ima iznimnu estetsku i kvalitativnu vrijednost. A što je u trendu? Kod opremanja modernih prostora trenutačno su u modi parketi većih dimenzija koji su pristupačni cijenama, a lijepo se uklapaju s moderno dizajniranim namještajem i najnovijom tehnikom. Jednostavni su, no istodobno 102 vrlo dekorativni i topli. Kao i oni od klasičnih lamelica, i ovi parketi se proizvode u različitim tonovima i od različitih vrsta drveta. A koji se modeli najviše prodaju i koji pružaju najbolji omjer uloženog i dobivenog, za magazin DalCasa kazala je gospođa Darinka Rajh iz tvrtke Parketi Požgaj: “Trenutačno su u modi parketi od masline, američkog oraha, doussieja, koji su zamijenili dosadašnji trend koji se očitovao u korištenju podne obloge od tamnijeg drva, naročito wengea. Tu činjenicu potkrepljuju i pokazatelji u samoj našoj prodaji gdje je, uz spomenute ‘in’ egzote svjetlijih boja, dosta tražen domaći hrast, ali uz specijalno obrađenu površinsku obradu – četkani, nauljeni, u porama lakirani sivim, bijelim ili po narudžbi drugim lakom. Najbolji omjer cijene i kvalitete pružaju parketi od bagrema, iroka, američke trešnje, koji svojom kvalitetom i estetskim izgledom, a pristupačnom cijenom, mogu zadovoljiti svakog prosječnog kupca.” Trend, klasika ili egzotika, svjetliji ili tamniji parketi, lamelice ili paneli – to je zaista manje važno jer svatko ima svoj ukus. Ono što je najvažnije jest da se radi o trajnom i zaista vrijednom ulogu, pa koliko god laminatni podovi mogu biti atraktivni, oni nikada neće zamijeniti kvalitetu i trajnost, pa i onu neobičnu toplinu i ljepotu pravog prirodnog parketa. A ako s godinama parket i izgubi onaj prvotni sjaj, potrebno je tek pozvati pravog majstora koji će ga pažljivo i stručno izbrusiti i oplemeniti novim slojem laka. Interiors Hrast / Oak Quinila Hrast / Oak Jasen / Ash Parquet Floors - Elegance that Lasts for Years Besides the fact that it fulfils the role of an excellent isolator, a lovely parquet raises the ambience of an entire room by providing it with elegance, special aesthetics and an aristocratic impression Written by: Aleksandar Vrtarić A long tradition of installing parquet floors in residential units, office spaces and sporting arenas has been technologically brought to perfection – if a quality parquet has been installed and processed in proper manner, it can embellish the facility in question for many years to come. Parquet floors are extremely resilient, very easily maintained due to the fact that they automatically reduce dust-related allergies, and considering the fact that they are now produced in all kinds of samples from many types of wood, they are effortlessly adjusted into every style. Photo: Parketi Požgaj, PPS Galeković Besides the fact that it fulfils the role of an excellent isolator, a lovely parquet raises the ambience of an entire room by providing it with elegance, special aesthetics and an aristocratic impression. Although they are mostly used for interior floors, today’s market also offers parquetry for outdoor spaces – they are covered in special type of oil that stabilizes the parquet and makes it more resilient to weather conditions. Choosing your parquet doesn’t have to be a difficult mission – you need to follow your taste and let your imagination do its job, and if you need any more convincing that parquet floors are a 103 Interiors Trenutačno su u modi parketi većih dimenzija / The current trend are the parquets in larger sizes permanent and smart investment, we will repeat a thesis that any expert will agree on – a parquet is installed only once in a lifetime! Classic and Exotic They used to be pretty inaccessible, but they can now be found in all high-quality stores. Iroko, doussie, padouk, kempas and bamboo parquets are really accessible these days, as they are sold for very reasonable prices. Bamboo parquet floors are getting more and more popular, and they are famous for their unusual glow that no other parquet type can successfully recreate. Bamboo parquets are very resilient and firm (up to 30% firmer than classic oak parquets), and they have specific texture, colour and type of varnish. They are particularly attractive if they are manually deepened, but due to the elevated positions of their small lamellas, they are not too convenient for rooms in which we tend to walk in our footwear. However, that doesn’t stop them from being the ideal and original solution for bedrooms. Specifically processed bamboo parquet floors are also used to cover outdoor surfaces, as well as often being used in lower parts of facades. And what about the classics? An oak parquet may appear to be classic and monotonous, but it has the advantage of leaving a neutral impression, which makes it irreplaceable when it comes to furnishing and adapting large rooms, especially those that are dominated by a slightly more moderate style. We also must mention teakwood, which is the most demanded material in our area, as well as the true Mediterranean gold – olivewood. One of the oldest types of processed wood is used for very attractive parquet floors with a high level of hardness. Although they are fairly expensive, olivewood parquets are definitely the best choice for adapting old stone houses along the Adriatic and Mediterranean coast, as well as for all newly built archetypal real estates. Olivewood is known for particularly nice textures and its high mechanical quality, so regardless of its ostensibly higher price, you should never write olivewood off because it has exceptional aesthetical value and a high level of quality. What Is Trendy? If you are decorating modern spaces, the current trend 105 106 Parketi su dekorativni i topli / The parquets are very decorative and cosy Ljepota je u nesavršenstvu / The beauty is in imperfection tells you to choose larger parquets that have accessible prices, but can still be nicely adjusted to modern furniture and brand-new technical equipment. They are fairly simple, but also very decorative and warm at the same time. Just like parquet floors with classic small lamellas, these parquets are also produced in different tones and from different types of wood. DalCasa asked Mrs. Darinka Rajh from Požgaj Parquets to tell us which parquets are most frequently sold, as well as to reveal us the type of parquet that offers the best ratio of invested money and received quality. This is what she said: “The current trend favours olivewood, American walnut and doussie parquets, as they have replaced a previous trend that dictated the usage of dark-toned flooring, particularly wenga. That fact is supported by our sale statistics, which reveal the frequent demand of abovementioned bright-coloured “in” exotics. They also reveal that local oak parquets are still quite wanted, especially if their surface is processed in particular manner – it needs to be brushed, oiled up, and have its pores varnished with grey, white or other pre-ordered varnish. The best ratio of price and quality is provided by parquets made of acacia, iroko and American cherry, as they have all the components that satisfy an average buyer – high level of quality, lovely aesthetical appearance and an accessible price”. Trend, classics or exotics, brighter or darker parquets, small lamellas or panels – these choices are not all that important because everyone has a specific taste. The most important thing is to keep in mind that this is a permanent and truly valuable investment, because no matter how attractive laminate floors may be, they can never replace the quality, durability, unusual warmth and beauty of true natural parquetry. And do we have to worry about our parquets eventually losing that original glow? Of course not, and even if that happens, all you have to do is call up a skilled repairman who will carefully and expertly grind it, as well as ennoble it with a new layer of varnish. 107 Kult ni komad Piše: Nataša Bodrožić Puppyja možete kupiti u Themeliji (, a cijene su od 250 kn za najmanji pa do 1370 za najveći model / You can buy Puppy in Themelia (www.themelia. hr) and the prices are 250 kunas for the smallest till 1370 kunas for the biggest model Foto: Magis Eero Aarnio: PUPPY Najbolji prijatelj meðu namještajem K “Dizajn znači stalnu obnovu i rast” Eero Aarnio ad se spomene Finska, prve asocijacije su hladni sjever, daleki “čudni” jezik, pomalo misteriozni, egzotični ljudi, saonice koje vuku psi i Aki Kaurismaki. To je samo jedan od subjektivnih asocijativnih nizova koji počinje geografijom, a završava filmom, odnosno pop-kulturom kao globalnom poveznicom, za108 jedničkim okvirom, lajtmotivom današnjice. Govoreći, pak, o Finskoj, pop-izrazu i dizajnu, neizbježno pomislimo na Eera Aarnija, jednog od najpoznatijih Finaca uopće, dizajnera i zaigranog zanesenjaka vrlo ozbiljnih namjera, čovjeka koji je interijere dvadesetog stoljeća ispunio nezaboravnim primjercima namještaja. Dosljedan izričaju nas drži korak s vremenom. Posjedujući znatnu količinu društvene svijesti, shvatio je važnost istraživanja novih mogućnosti i upotrebe novih, manje štetnih materijala za proizvodnju namještaja. Sve više zamjenjuje fiberglas, potencijalno opasan materijal, posebice za one koji su izravno uključeni u njegovu proizvodnju, i odlučuje se za sigurnije vrste plastike. Plastika ostaje njegovo prvo nadahnuće iako je radio i s tradicionalnijim materijalima, poput drva i čelika. U novije vrijeme sve je više angažiran u proizvodnji namještaja za djecu i igračaka, što na neki način postaje savršen medij, u neku ruku i opravdanje, za izražavanje “vječnog djeteta u njemu”. “Oni ne laju, ne trgaju vam papuče niti zahtijevaju šetnje ili posjete veterinaru, ali možemo se kladiti da će vam natjerati osmijeh na lice (...) možda vam neće trčati po jutarnje novine, ali nemojte se iznenaditi ako se uhvatite da ga s vremena na vrijeme počešete ispod brade.” Tim riječima počinje reklamni tekst za jednu od novijih Aarniovih kreacija, takozvanu “pseću stolicu”, ili jednostavno – Puppy. Stolica Puppy je zapravo stilizirani plastični psić čiji je oblik reduciran do apstrakcije. Lansiran je 2005. godine i dio je dječje kolekcije koju Aarnio dizajnira za talijanskog proizvođača Magis. Primarna mu je namjena – dječja sjedalica, iako se proizvodi i u varijanti za odrasle (veličina XXL!). Stilski bliska Aarnijevoj stolici Pony iz 1973., dostupna je u bijeloj, zelenoj i narančastoj boji. Puppy je skulptura, igračka, vrtni ukras, mala stolica i “najbolji prijatelj” među namještajem! Eero Aarnio jedan je od najvažnijih dizajnera prošlog stoljeća, iako je i danas izrazito kreativan i aktualan, a njegova dostignuća dio su kolekcije svih važnijih svjetskih muzeja, od newyorške MoMA-e do londonskog muzeja Victoria i Albert, muzeja Vitra Design i brojnih drugih. Puppy se proizvodi u bijeloj, narančastoj i zelenoj boji / Puppy is produced in white, orange and green colour koji se danas označava kao pop-stil, šezdesetih godina dvadesetog stoljeća stvorio je neke od ikoničkih komada namještaja, od kojih su najpoznatiji stolice Ball, Pastile i Bubble. Ta tri egzemplarna primjerka Aarniova dizajna utjelovljenje su pop-kulture i duha vremena u kojemu su nastali, ali uz neke iznimke vezane uz ethos i osobnost njihova autora. Eero Aarnio rođen je 1932. godine u Helsinkiju. Studirao je na Institutu za industrijski dizajn i umjetnost, na kojem je diplomirao 1957., a već pet godina poslije imao je vlastiti dizajnerski studio i radio kao industrijski dizajner, s užim interesom za uređenje unutarnjih prostora. Tih šezdesetih godina počinje eksperimentirati s plastikom, veselim bojama i organskim oblicima, svjesno prekidajući s konvencijama tradicionalnog dizajna. Plastični materijali omogućili su mu slobodu oblikovanja i neograničenu igru bojama. Njegov senzibilitet pronašao je utjelovljenje u predmetima na granici funkcionalnosti i zabave; stvarao je granične, avangardne komade koji nikoga nisu ostavljali ravnodušnima. Inovativno oblikovanje Eera Aarnija, njegov namještaj iz “svemirskog doba”, plastika, uglačane površine i neobične forme, često su svoju upotrebu nalazili upravo u scenografiji kakvog svemirskog broda s velikih ekrana, iako su ga vrlo brzo prigrabili onodobni trendseteri. Za svoju stolicu Pastille, 1968. godine je dobio prestižnu nagradu American Industrial Design Award kao formalnu potvrdu struke i lagani ulazak u dizajnersku “dvoranu slavnih”. Popularnost uporabe plastike u dizajnu finskog namještaja trajala je od polovice šezdesetih do sredine sedamdesetih godina, a Eero Aarnio bio je predvodnik toga trenda. Prije njega, skandinavski dizajn bio je poznat po svojoj umjerenosti, racionalnosti, gotovo klasičnoj ljepoti i eleganciji. Aarnio je često citiran kada je govorio o tome kako dizajn znači stalnu obnovu i rast. Iako Aarniovi objekti datiraju iz pop-ere, on je sam mrzio “potrošačku etiku” i potrošnost kao prevladavajući duh šezdesetih i sedamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća. Upravo suprotno, Eero Aarnio propitivao je potencijal plastike kao novog materijala u isto vrijeme ostajući odan skandinavskoj tradiciji kvalitete i trajnosti, što je vidljivo i u njegovim novijim radovima. Iako je pomalo promijenio izričaj i posvetio se doslovnijem citiranju izvora nadahnuća za svoj dizajn, Eero Aarnio i da- 109 Foto: Marimekko Puppy će vam zasigurno natjerati osmijeh na lice / Puppy will surely make you smile 110 A piece of cult Written by: Nataša Bodrožić Photo: Magis Puppyji u raznim bojama na terasi jednog od najboljih singapurskih hotela “New Majestic” / Puppies in various colours on the teracce in one of the best Singapore’s hotel “New Majestic” Eero Aarnio: PUPPY Best Friend among Furniture “Design stands for constant renewal and growth” Eero Aarnio W hen somebody mentions Finland, the first associations are cold north, distant “peculiar” language, slightly mysterious and exotic people, sleighs pulled by dogs and Aki Kaurismaki. That is just one of the subjective association groups that begins with geography anad finishes with film, or pop-culture as the global connection, common ground and today’s leitmotif. When we talk about Finland’s pop-expression and design, the name of Eero Aarnio immediately comes to mind, as that is one of the most famous Finnish people in general. Aarnio is a designer and a playful enthusiast of very serious intentions, and he has filled the 20th-century interiors with some unforgettable pieces of furniture. Faithful to the expression known as pop-style, he created some of the most iconic pieces of furniture back in the 1960s, such as the renowned chairs Ball, Pastile and Bubble. Those three exemplary products of Aarnio’s designs are pure embodiment of pop-culture and the spirit of the time of their creation, but they do contain some exceptions regarding the ethos and personality of their author. Eero Aarnio was born in Helsinki in 1932. He graduated from the Institute of Industrial Design and Art in 1957, and only five years later he had his own design studio and worked as an industrial designer that specializes in interior decoration. During the 1960s, he started experimenting with plastic, bright colours and organic shapes, while intentionally detaching himself from the 111 Eerova Puppyja redizajnirao je i Marcel Wanders u dvima kolekcijama / Eero’s Puppy as Marcel Wanders’ redesign in two collections conventions of traditional design. Plastic materials enabled him freedom of creating new forms and unlimited colour options. His sensibility found fulfilment in objects that are somewhere between functionality and fun; he created borderline, avant-garde pieces that made an impact on just about everyone. Eero Aarnio’s innovative shapes, his “space age” furniture, plastic, ironed surfaces and extraordinary forms have often been used as part of a set of some spaceship from the big screen, although they were also rapidly accepted by the trendsetters of the time. His Pastille Chair won him the prestigious American Industrial Design Award in 1968, which symbolized the profession’s formal confirmation and his gradual arrival to the designer “hall of fame”. The usage of plastic in designing Finnish furniture was popular from the mid-sixties to the mid-1970s, and Eero Aarnio was the leader of that trend. Before he arrived to the scene, Scandinavian design was famous for its moderation, rationality, near-classic beauty and elegance. Aarnio was often quoted talking about how design stood for constant renewal and growth. Although Aarnio’s objects originate from the pop-era, he always hated the “consumption ethic” and lack of any durability as the predominant principle of the 1960s and 1970s. Quite to the contrary, Eero Aarnio explored the potential of plastic as the new material while also remaining loyal to the Scandinavian tradition of quality and durability, which can clearly be seen in his recent projects. Although he slightly changed his expression and focused on literally quoting the sources of inspiration for his design, Eero Aarnio is still keeping up with the changes caused by time. With the advantage of having plenty of social awareness, he realized the importance of analysing new options and using new, less harmful materials for furniture production. He has started to increasingly replace fibreglass, a potentially dangerous material for those directly involved in his production, with safer types of plastic. Plastic does remain his first source of inspiration, although he has worked with more traditional materials like wood and steel. He has lately been increasingly preoccupied with producing children furniture and toys, which has become a perfect medium and a justification for him to keep expressing “his inner child”. “They don’t bark, tear up your slippers or demand walks and visits to the vet, but we can bet that they will put a smile on your face… they may not run to fetch your morning papers, but don’t be surprised if you find yourself occasionally scratching it under the chin”. Those are the introductory words for one of Aarnio’s latest creations, the so-called “dog chair” or just – Puppy. Puppy Chair is actually a processed plastic puppy carrying a shape that has been reduced to the point of abstraction. It was launched in 2005 as part of a children collection designed by Aarnio for Italian brand Magis. Its primary purpose is to function as a chair for children, although it is produced for adults as well (size XXL!). Stylishly close to Aarnio’s Pony Chair from 1973, it is available in white, green and orange colour. Puppy is a sculpture, toy, garden decoration, small chair and your “best friend” among furniture! Eero Aarnio is one of the most important designers of the last century, although he remains to be extremely creative and active to this very day. His achievements are on display in numerous important museums of the world, such as MoMA in New York, Victoria and Albert in London, museum Vitra Design and many others. 113 Dekoracije jane churchill, Zelena boja trave na sjedalici te točkicama zidnog tapeta. Cvjetni jastuci kao dodatak odličan su izbor / Green grass colour on the seating and on wallpaper’s dots also. Floral pattern cushions as an accessorise are great choice 114 Decorat ions Zelena svježina Green freshness B&B ITALIA, AAG DESIGN CENTAR, Ilica 15, Zagreb, Kolekcija “Fat”, dizajn Patricia Urquiola / “Fat” collection, designed by Patricia Urquiola Prigodom uređenja nekog prostora posebnu pažnju treba posvetiti bojama koje će u njemu prevladavati. Svaka boja ima neke posebne karakteristike, a vrlo je bitno da one odgovaraju vama samima. Zelena boja je boja harmonije, mirnoće, zdravlja i svježine. Sve su njezine nijanse proizišle iz prirode pa je ona odlična boja za opuštajuću atmosferu. Inspiracija za kombiniranje zelenih nijansi ne bi trebala biti problem jer za zelenu se govori da potiče maštu i kreativnost. Pripremila / Edited by: Ana Perišin While decorating an interior, special attention must be given to the colours that will dominate it. Every colour has certain characteristics, and it is very important that you are comfortable with them. The green colour represents harmony, peace, health and freshness. All of its shades originate from nature, which makes it an excellent choice for relaxing atmosphere. Finding inspiration for combining green shades shouldn’t be a problem, as it is often said that the green colour encourages imaginationan and creativity. DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., Set za umake, kada se okupi društvo / Set of cups for sauce, when friends get together eros etc i l j e w.f s cv air , ww “Grid” h c rm njač Grid” a hion icerossi o l l e s F a /“ cus ni n Zele stukom pattern ja l nim ith flora w 115 DESIGNERS GUILD, A&A INTERIOR, Ilica 5,Zagreb, Bogatstvo uzoraka i tekstura za ljubitelje kiča / Richness of patterns and textures for the lovers of kitsch 116 IITTALA, MODUS, Tkalčićeva 48, Zagreb, Kolekcija posuđa “Primavera” / “Primavera” dishes collection Knoll studio, OS studio, Prilaz Gjure Deželića 23-27, Zagreb, Dizajnerski klasik “Bertoia Diamond” sjedalica / Design classic “Bertoia Diamond” chair KARTELL, MIO DINO, Dubrovačka 10, Split, Vaza-skulptura “Misses flower power”, dizajn Philippe Starck / A vase-sculpture “Misses flower power”, design Philippe Starck MARKS & SPENCER, Svijećnjak za ugodnu atmosferu / Candle holder for a cosy atmosphere 11, Zagreb R, Škorpikova JE RI TE IN IO D , STU DRIADE store r” rad / “Clove .com e d ria .d w dizajn Ron A ww ji, o b j no le r” u ze Stolica “Clove lour, design Ron Arad co n e re g chair in Decorat ions OFFECCT, INTER MOBIL OPREMA, Solinska 24, Veliko Polje, Stolić “Amazonas”, dizajn Eero Koivisto / “Amazonas” table, design Eero Koivisto 117 Dekoracije marimekko, Žarko zeleni zid za najhrabrije i posteljina s uzorcima inspiriranih prirodom / Glaringly green colour for the bravest ones and bed linen with pattern inspired by the nature OFFECCT, INTER MOBIL OPREMA, Solinska 24, Veliko Polje, Sjedalica “Palma” / “Palma” easy chair GUFRAM, Jedinica za sjedenje “Pratone / Velika livada” / “Pratone/Great Meadow” seating system 118 VITRA,, CENTAR, Ilica 15, Zagreb, Naslonjač “Polder”, dizajn Hella Jongerius / “Polder” sofa, design Hella Jongerius GUFRAM, er-cactus zelenoj boji / Hang u s ktu -ka Vješalica in a green colour EVA SOLO, Obučena boca / Dressed bottle KARTELL, MIO DINO, Dubrovačka 10, Split, Plastična stolica “Papyrus” / “Papyru s” plastic chair jonathan adler, Zelena kruška na jastucima / Green pear on a cushion marimekko, Šuma u kojoj se nećete izgubiti / Wood in which you could not be lost Decorat ions 119 Nekretnine / Real estate ZAGREB BUJE POREČ KRK CRIKVENICA RAB ŠIBENIK TROGIR SPLIT MAKARSKA karta Hrvatske 120 map of Croatia sadraj/contents BAŠANIJA BUJE CRIKVENICA JADRANOVO KAPRIJE KAŠTELA KRK MAKARSKA MARINA NOVIGRAD OMIŠ OMIŠKA RIVIJERA POREÈ RAB RABAC RUPOTINE SAMOBOR SAVUDRIJA SPLIT ŠIBENIK TAR TROGIR UMAG VRSAR ZAGREB 122 str. 123 str. 124 str. 126 str. 129 str. 130 str. 131 str. 133 str. 135 str. 137 str. 139 str. 140 str. 141 str. 144 str. 146 str. 147 str. 148 str. 149 str. 150 str. 152 str. 153 str. 154 str. 156 str. 158 str. 159 str. posebna ponuda special offer Umag str. 153 121 Nekret nine Bašanija Prodaje se prekrasna ekskluzivna kuća u Bašaniji, u prvom redu do mora. Kuća ima dvije etaže, prizemlje i kat ukupne površine 188 m2. Izuzetan pogled na more pruža se s velike terase. Kuću okružuje prekrasan park veličine 700 m2. Pokraj kuće je veliko parkiralište. Iznimno mirno mjesto u zelenilu i netaknutoj prirodi. Vlasnički list i svi ostali papiri su uredni. A wonderful exclusive house is on sale in Bašanija, and it is located first in line to the sea. It is a two-storey house (ground floor and upper floor), and its overall surface is 188 m2. The large terrace provides a magnificent view over the sea. A stunning 700 m2 park surrounds the house, while a parking lot is right next to the house. The location is extremely peaceful, and it features plenty of green surfaces and untouched nature. The ownership certificate and all the other paperwork are firmly in place. Cijena / Price: 1.500.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 617 66 77, +385 (0)98 296 839, +385 (0)52 721 001 122 Nekret nine Buje Prodaje se prekrasna adaptirana obiteljska kuća u najljepšem dijelu Buja u Istri. Kuća je ukupne površine oko 140 m2, a smještena je na okućnici od 500 m2. Travnjak je uređen i sve je puno zelenila, zasađene su palme, smokve, orah, maslina. S velike terase od 37 m2 pruža se lijep pogled na okolne brežuljke. Svi vlasnički papiri su uredni. Čisto je vlasništvo. A wonderful adapted family house is on sale in the most beautiful part of Buje, Istria. The house takes up 140 m2 of overall surface, and it is located on a 500 m2 courtyard. The lawn is maintained and the entire facility is filled with green surfaces, including palms, fig trees, walnut trees and olives. The large 37 m2 terrace provides a lovely view over the surrounding hills. All the ownership certificates are in order, so there are no open ownership issues. Cijena / Price: 230.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 617 66 77, +385 (0)98 296 839, +385 (0)52 721 001 123 Nekret nine Crikvenica Prodaje se novoizgrađena ekskluzivna vila s bazenom. Sastoji se od prizemlja i jednog kata, s ukupnom stambenom površinom od 265 m2 te okućnicom od 2000 m2. Interijer je luksuzno uređen (wellness, sauna, jacuzzi...). Također kuća posjeduje centralno grijanje, klimatizaciju i vlastito parkiralište. Lokacija je izrazito mirna te okružena nedirnutom prirodom s prekrasnim pogledom na more. A newly built exclusive villa with a swimming pool is up for sale. It consists of the ground floor and the upper floor, with 265 m2 of overall residential surface and a 2000 m2 courtyard. The interior is luxuriously decorated (wellness, sauna, Jacuzzi…). The house also possesses central heating, air conditioning and its own parking lot. The location is extremely peaceful and surrounded with untouched nature, as well as a wonderful view over the sea. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 781 575, +385 (0)51 784 013 124 Nekret nine Crikvenica Prodaje se obiteljska kuća u Crikvenici, stambene površine 220 m2. Smještena je na mirnoj lokaciji, u slijepoj ulici, te posjeduje veliku okućnicu s parkirališnim mjestima. Moguća je i nadogradnja. Kuća se sastoji od triju apartmana i potkrovlja. Svi dokumenti su uredni. A family house is on sale in Crikvenica, and its residential surface takes up 220 m2. It is located in a dead-end street at a peaceful location, while also possessing a large courtyard with parking spaces. Upgrading the house is an option. The house consists of three apartments and a loft. The entire documentation is valid. Cijena / Price: 270.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 590 9391 125 Nekret nine Jadranovo Prodaju se novoizgrađeni stanovi na prekrasnoj lokaciji, drugi red od mora. Građeni su vrlo kvalitetno te su bogato opremljeni (klimatizacija, masažne tuš-kabine, kvalitetna gres keramika, Sat-TV, električno podizanje roleta...). Za svaki stan su osigurana parkirališna mjesta. Newly built apartments are on sale at a wonderful location, second in line to the sea. The construction work was topquality and the furnishing is extremely rich (air conditioning, massage shower tubs, quality “gres” ceramics, satellite TV, electrical control of shutters…). Every apartment receives one parking space. Cijena / Price: : na upit / on inquiry Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 781 575, +385 (0)51 784 013 126 Nekret nine Samo 275 kn 12 brojeva ZAŠTO SE PRETPLATITI NA DALCASU? • 12 brojeva za SAMO 275 kn • BESPLATNA dostava • i NAJVAŽNIJE, nikad više nećete c r oat i a n r e a l e s tat e mag a z i n e propustiti primjerak vašeg omiljenog magazina za nekretnine PRETPLATA Da, želim se pretplatiti na 12 brojeva DalCase po cijeni od 275 kn IME I PREZIME / NAZIV TVRTKE MATIČNI BROJ (za tvrtke) ADRESA NAČIN PLAĆANJA TELEFON Pošaljite mi uplatnicu / predračun (za tvrtke) Prilažem kopiju o uplati općom uplatnicom E-MAIL POTPIS DalCasa d.o.o., žiroračun: 2491005-1120004343, svrha uplate: DALCASA pretplata OVO JE PRETPLATNIČKI KUPON ZA PRETPLATNIKE U REPUBLICI HRVATSKOJ 127 Nekret nine Samo 275 kn 12 brojeva ZAŠTO SE PRETPLATITI NA DALCASU? • 12 brojeva za SAMO 275 kn • BESPLATNA dostava • i NAJVAŽNIJE, nikad više nećete 128 c r oat i a n r e a l e s tat e mag a z i n e propustiti primjerak vašeg omiljenog magazina za nekretnine PRETPLATA Da, želim se pretplatiti na 12 brojeva DalCase po cijeni od 275 kn IME I PREZIME / NAZIV TVRTKE MATIČNI BROJ (za tvrtke) ADRESA NAČIN PLAĆANJA TELEFON Pošaljite mi uplatnicu / predračun (za tvrtke) Prilažem kopiju o uplati općom uplatnicom E-MAIL POTPIS DalCasa d.o.o., žiroračun: 2491005-1120004343, svrha uplate: DALCASA pretplata OVO JE PRETPLATNIČKI KUPON ZA PRETPLATNIKE U REPUBLICI HRVATSKOJ Nekret nine Kaprije Prodaje se kuća na odličnoj lokaciji na otoku Kapriju, u blizini središta mjesta. Kuća je novije gradnje, posjeduje vrt i terasu s roštiljem. Stambena površina kuće je 125 m2, a smještena je na parceli od 400 m2. Udaljenost od mora je samo 100 metara. S terase se pruža predivan pogled na more i samo mjesto. A house has been put up for sale at an excellent location on island Kaprije, very close to the town centre. The house was built relatively recently, and it possesses a garden and a terrace with a grill. The house’s residential surface is 125 m2, while the parcel takes up 400 m2. The sea, on the other hand, is only a hundred metres away. The terrace provides a glorious view over the sea and the town itself. Cijena / Price: 1.450.000 Kn; 200.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 254 5962 129 Nekret nine Kaštela Prodaje se kamena kuća na tri etaže, ukupne stambene površine 180 m2, na odličnoj lokaciji u samom centru Kaštel Kambelovca. U prizemlju su dva poslovna prostora, od 70 i 20 m2, koji se mogu objediniti u jedan. Na prvom i drugom katu je prostrani dvoetažni stan od 100 m2. Kuća je u odličnom stanju. S terase se pruža predivan pogled na more, Split te otok Čiovo. A three-storey stone house, with 180 m2 of overall residential surface, is on sale at an excellent location in the very centre of Kaštel Kambelovac. The ground floor features two office spaces, with sizes of 70 m2 and 20 m2, which can be united into one. The first and second floors feature a large two-storey apartment with 100 m2 of surface. The house is in excellent condition. The terrace provides a stunning view over the sea, Split and the island of Čiovo. Cijena / Price: 330.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 733 7223 130 Nekret nine Krk U mirnom dijelu otoka Krka, u blizini Malinske, prodaje se renovirana stara kamena kuća, okružena mediteranskim biljem. Na prekrasno uređenoj okućnici od 1200 m² nalaze se još kuća za goste i bazen. Stambena površina od 193 m² sadrži četiri odvojene jedinice uređene u primorskom stilu. A renovated old stone house is on sale near Malinska, which is located at a peaceful part of island Krk. The house, which is surrounded by marvellous Mediterranean plants, is situated on a wonderfully decorated 1200 m2 courtyard, and it also features a guesthouse and a swimming pool. The 193 m2 of residential surface contain four separate units, all of which are decorated in coastal fashion. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 858 405, +385 (0)98 610 955 ID 43745 * Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more 131 Nekret nine Krk Prodaje se prekrasna manja vila na jugozapadnoj strani otoka Krka, s otvorenim pogledom na more! Kuća je na dvije etaže, s 48 m² stambene površine i 165 m² uređene okućnice sa spremištem. Udaljena je samo 100 m od prekrasnih plaža! A wonderful smaller villa is up for sale on the southwestern side of the island of Krk, and it provides an open view over the sea. This is a two-storey house with 48 m2 of residential surface and 165 m2 of maintained courtyard, and it also features a storage room. The wonderful beaches are only 100 metres away. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 858 405, +385 (0)98 610 955 ID 46751 * Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more 132 Nekret nine Makarska Prodaje se motel na Makarskoj rivijeri od 460 m2, s prizemljem, prvim, drugim i trećim katom. Sobe su južno orijentirane, sve imaju balkone s pogledom na more. U prizemlju motela su lijepa terasa, restoran i parkirališna mjesta za deset automobila. Motel se nalazi u neposrednoj blizini mora i plaže. A 460 m2 motel is up for sale on the Makarska Riviera, and it consists of the ground floor and three upper floors. The rooms are oriented towards the south, and they all have balconies that are facing the sea. The motel’s ground floor reveals a lovely terrace, as well as a restaurant and a parking lot for ten automobiles. The motel is located very near the sea and the beach. Cijena / Price: 980.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 612 797, +385 (0)91 612 7971 ID 49432 * Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more 133 Nekret nine Makarska Prodaje se hotel na pet etaža u Makarskoj. Sastoji se od podruma, prizemlja, prvog, drugog i trećeg kata te potkrovlja. Bruto stambena površina iznosi 1057 m2. Hotel se nalazi na izvrsnoj lokaciji i ima uhodani posao s turističkim agencijama i turoperatorima. Kompletno je uređen i opremljen za turizam, rađen je kvalitetno i luksuzno. Posjeduje pristup i sobe za osobe s invaliditetom te dizalo. A five-storey hotel has been put up for sale in Makarska. It consists of the basement, ground floor, three upper floors and a loft. The hotel’s overall residential surface is 1057 m2. The hotel was built on an excellent location and has a well-organized business relationship with tourist agencies and tour operators. It is completely decorated and equipped for tourism, as there is plenty of luxury and quality. The hotel also possesses access and rooms built for handicapped people, as well as an elevator. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 612 797, +385 (0)91 612 7971 ID 49433 * Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more 134 Nekret nine Marina Prodaju se apartmani u Marini, udaljeni svega pet kilometara od prelijepog Trogira. U ponudi su jednosobni, dvosobni i trosobni apartmani. Svi imaju terasu, vrt ili balkon, ostavu i vlastito mjesto za parkiranje. Opremljeni su hrastovim parketom, klima-uređajima, protuprovalnim vratima, vrhunskom porculanskom keramikom te satelitskim uređajima. Okućnica i okoliš su izvedeni u bračkom kamenu. Udaljenost od plaže je samo deset metara. Apartments are on sale in Marina, which is just five kilometres away from beautiful Trogir. The offering includes oneroom, two-room and three-room apartments. They all have a terrace, garden or balcony, pantry and individual parking space. The accompanying equipment includes oak parquet, air conditioning, anti-burglary doors, top-notch porcelain ceramics and satellite equipment.The courtyard and the surrounding elements were made of Brač stone. The beach is only ten metres away from the apartments. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 314 037, +385 (0)91 932 45 68 135 Nekret nine Marina Nekoliko kilometara od Marine, na lijepoj lokaciji, prodaje se obiteljska vila okružena zelenilom, na predivno uređenoj parceli površine 980 m2. Vila stambene površine 120 m2 prostire se na dvije etaže te ima i podrum od 15 m2. U prizemlju je prostrani dnevni boravak s izlazom na terasu s koje se pruža jedinstven pogled na more. U lijevom dijelu prizemlja su kuhinja, kupaonica i jedna spavaća soba. U potkrovlju su dvije spavaće sobe, jedna s izlazom na balkon s pogledom na more. U dvorištu je posađeno mediteransko bilje. Ljetnikovac koji je u sklopu kamenog roštilja pruža u ljetnim mjesecima ugodan hlad. Prekrasan ambijent, mirna i ugodna atmosfera, prirodna plaža udaljena samo 120 m. Kuća sadrži i više parkirališnih mjesta. On a wonderfully decorated 980 m2 parcel at a lovely location several kilometres from Marina, we find a family villa that has been put up for sale. The villa is surrounded by green surfaces, and has 120 m2 of residential surface that spread across two levels and a 15 m2 basement. The ground floor features a spacious living room that leads to the terrace, which offers a unique view over the sea. The left section of the ground floor reveals a kitchen, bathroom and one bedroom. The loft features two bedrooms, one of which leads to a balcony that overlooks the sea. Mediterranean plants have been planted in the courtyard. This vacation house, which includes a stone grill, offers pleasant shade during warm summer months. The ambience is wonderful and the atmosphere is pleasant and peaceful, while a natural beach is only 120 metres away. The house also possesses several parking spaces. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)22 217 570 ID 43740 * Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more 136 Nekret nine Novigrad Na jednoj od najatraktivnijih lokacija u Novigradu grade se stambeno-poslovne zgrade Nautica, s ukupno 24 stana različitih veličina (od 50 do 100 m2), te dva poslovna prostora. Svaka zgrada ima dva kata (Po+P+2) i u njoj su smješteni jedan poslovni prostor u prizemlju te 12 stanova u prizemlju i na katovima. U podrumskoj etaži su spremišta za stanove. Prizemlje građevine je uzdignuto od terena 115 cm. Za svladavanje visinske razlike između terena i razine prizemlja projektirano je stubište i rampa za invalide.Stanovi će biti s jednom, dvije i tri spavaće sobe i imat će jednu ili više lođa i terasa s pogledom na more. Svakom stanu uz spremište u podrumskoj etaži pripada i jedno parkirališno mjesto. Residential-business buildings Nautica are built at one of the most attractive locations in Novigrad, and they feature 24 apartments of different sizes (50 to 100 m2) and two business premises. Each building has two floors (basement + ground floor + 2 floors) that consist of one business premise on the ground floor and 12 apartments on the ground floor and upper floors. The basement level reveals plenty of storage space for apartments. The building’s ground floor is ascended 115 cm from the ground level. In terms of getting past the height difference between the ground floor and the outside ground, the architects designed a staircase and a ramp for disabled people. The apartments have between one and three bedrooms, as well as one or several loggias and terraces overlooking the sea. Along with the storage space in the basement, each apartment also receives one parking space. Cijena / Price: od 2300 €/m2 Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385( 0)52 433 300, +385 (0)52 433 631, +385 (0)91 452 0170 137 Nekret nine Novigrad U novoizgrađenom dijelu Novigrada, IMG gradi stambenu zgradu Vidal 3 s pet stanova različitih veličina (od 29 do 62 m2). Bazen veličine 10x5 m također se nalazi na parceli. Svakom stanu pripada jedno parkirališno mjesto. Kvaliteta izgradnje i unutrašnjeg uređenja bit će iznad standarda, s najkvalitetnijim materijalima i opremom. Svi će stanovi imati ugrađene klima-uređaje s klimatiziranjem dnevne sobe (grijanje i hlađenje). Podovi u dnevnim sobama bit će obloženi parketima visoke kvalitete, kao i u spavaćim sobama, a u ostalim prostorijama keramičkim pločicama visoke kvalitete. Kupcima je ostavljen alternativni izbor po želji (pločice u dnevnom boravku i sl). IMG is building a residential building Vidal 3 in the recently built part of Novigrad, and the building consists of five different-sized apartments (from 29 to 62 m2). A 10x5 metre swimming pool can also be found on the parcel. Each apartment receives one parking space. The quality of construction and interior decoration will be of the highest standard, with topquality materials and equipment. All apartments will have built-in air conditioners that work in the living room (heating and cooling). Living-room floors will be covered in high-quality parquets, as well as the floors in the bedrooms, while every other room will feature high-standard ceramic tiles. The buyers will have alternative options if they choose to make any changes (tiles in the living room etc.). Cijena / Price: od 2300 €/m2 Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 433 300, +385 (0)52 433 631, +385 (0)91 452 0170 138 Nekret nine Omiš Prodaje se eko-naselje smješteno pet km od Omiša. Sastoji se od 5 kompletno obnovljenih kamenih kuća, 5 kaskada vrtova te dvije ruševine koje se mogu restaurirati, a sada su uklopljene u ambijent kao iskorišteni otvoreni prostor u kome se može boraviti. Obnovljene kuće su kompletno opremljene. Cijeli posjed je renoviran i uređen na način da se sačuva autentičnost starog dalmatinskog sela i omogući suvremeni životni komfor i sigurnost. The ecological village estate, located five kilometers from Omiš is on sale. It consists of 5 completely renovated stone houses, 5 cascade gardens and 2 ruins that can be restored (now integrated as the open usable space), all south oriented. Renovated houses are completely furnished. Renovation has been done in such a way to preserve the authenticity of old Dalmatian stone houses village outdoors, enabling a comfortable, safe living indoors. Cijena / Price: 1.410.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 898 0301 139 Nekret nine Omiška rivijera Prodaje se kuća na omiškoj rivijeri, nekoliko kilometara južno od Omiša. Nalazi se s donje strane Magistrale, a od mora je udaljena samo tri-četiri minute hoda. Ima prekrasan, otvoren pogled na more. Kuća se sastoji od prizemlja (garaža, studio apartman veličine 28 m2, radionica i vinski podrum), prvog kata (dva apartmana veličine 40 m2 i 45 m2), drugog kata (dva apartmana veličine 55 m2 i 24 m2) i visokog potkrovlja (prekrasan, luksuzan stan veličine 90 m2). Kuća je kompletno, moderno namještena, uključujući solarno i podno grijanje, ima termoizolaciju, a svaki apartman i stan imaju balkon (s otvorenim pogledom na more). Okućnica je prekrasno uređena, ima parkiralište (dijelom natkriveno za pet automobila. The house is up for sale. It is located on the Omis Riviera, a few kilometers south of Omis. The beach is just a few minutes walk away, and the open sea view is magnificent. The house consists of a ground, first, and second floor with loft. There are six apartments all together including the loft apartment which is 90 m2 of pure luxury. The house is modernly built and fully furnished including: solar heating, floor heating, and thermo-isolation. There are parking places for up to five cars, and a lovely courtyard with magnificent greenery surrounding the house. Cijena / Price: 900.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 756 658 ID 46512 140 Nekret nine Poreč Prodaje se samostojeća vila udaljena oko 16 kilometara od Poreča i mora. Prostire na dvije etaže, a stambena površina je 145 m2. Smještena je na okućnici od 600 m2. U prizemlju su dnevna soba s kaminom, kuhinja, kupaonica, soba, kotlovnica i natkrivena terasa. Na prvom katu su tri sobe, kupaonica, ostava i terasa. U kući je postavljena prva faza centralnog grijanja. Također posjeduje bazen, a iz kuće se pruža predivan pogled na more. A detached villa, located about 16 kilometres from Poreč and the sea, has been put up for sale. It consists of two levels, and its overall residential surface is 145 m2. It is situated on a 600 m2 courtyard. The ground floor features a living room with fireplace, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, boiler room and covered terrace. The first phase of central heating has also been introduced into the house. The house also possesses a swimming pool, and it provides a marvellous view over the sea. Cijena / Price: : 2.182.000 kn / 299.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 730 4379, +385 (0)52 812 515 ID 66660 141 Nekret nine 142 Nekret nine 143 Nekret nine Rab Na Rabu se prodaje novi luksuzni stan na ekskluzivnoj lokaciji, u blizini poslovnog centra, s jedinstvenim pogledom na more i staru gradsku jezgru. Stan se nalazi na prvom katu, sastoji se od kuhinje i dnevnog boravka, dvije spavaće sobe, dvije kupaonice, hodnika i lođe. Stanu pripada jedno parkirališno mjesto te spremište. Stan odlikuje najviša kvaliteta gradnje te jedinstvena i vrlo rijetka lokacija. A luxurious new apartment has been put up for sale at an exclusive location near a business centre, and it provides a unique view over the sea and the old town centre. The apartment is located on the first floor, and it features a kitchen, living room, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, hallway and loggia. The future owner will also receive one parking space and a storage room. The apartment is characterized by top-notch construction quality and a very unique and rare location. Cijena / Price: 1.080.400 Kn / 148.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 724 958, web: 144 Nekret nine Rab Prodaju se apartmani u prekrasnoj vili ukupne površine 326 m2, koja je udaljena od mora samo 100 m. Vila se sastoji od pet apartmana. Svaki apartman ima svoje parkirališno mjesto. Apartmani su opremljeni najkvalitetnijim materijalima. Nalaze se vrlo blizu grada Raba i useljivi su odmah. Apartments are on sale in a marvellous 326 m2 villa, which is located just 100 metres from the sea. The villa consists of five apartments, and each apartment has its own parking space. All apartments were built in top-quality materials. They are located very near town Rab and can be moved into immediately. Cijena / Price: 205.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: 0800 345 346 ID 40528 * Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more 145 Nekret nine Rabac Prodaju se apartmani od 39,70 m2 do 76,45 m2 u novoizgrađenoj vili sa zajedničkim bazenom, koja posjeduje 2500 m2 zajedničke uređene okućnice. Apartmani su kompletno namješteni, svaki ima pripadajuće parkirališno mjesto te predivan, otvoren pogled na Kvarnerski zaljev. Apartments are on sale in a newly built villa with a joint swimming pool, and their surfaces vary from 39,70 m2 to 76,45 m2. The villa also possesses 2500 m2 of joint courtyard, which is very maintained. The apartments are completely furnished, as each of them receives the accompanying parking space and a beautiful, open view over the Kvarner Gulf. . Cijena / Price: 25.550 kn/m² (3500 €/m²) Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 855 555, +385 (0)52 855 555 146 ID 66662 Nekret nine Rupotine Prodaje se prizemlje i prva etaža kuće ukupne površine 390 m2 sa 1000 m2 okućnice na kojoj se nalazi bazen za djecu. Kuća je smještena na mirnoj lokaciji okružena zelenilom, a s terasa se pruža prekrasan pogled na Split i okolicu. The ground floor and the first storey of a 390 m2 house have been put up for sale. The house is located on a 1000 m2 courtyard and it features a swimming pool for children. It is situated on a peaceful location with plenty of green surfaces, while the terraces provide a glorious view over Split and the surrounding area. Cijena / Price: 350.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)99 190 7433 147 Nekret nine Samobor U Samoboru, kod samog izlaza na autocestu, prodaju se novoizgrađene kuće u nizu, a površina svake je 130 m2. Svaka kuća se sastoji od spavaćih soba, dnevnog boravka, dviju kupaonica, toaleta, kuhinje, terase, vrta te posjeduje parkirališno mjesto. Gradnja je vrlo kvalitetna, a dokumentacija je uredna i potpuna. A newly built line of houses is on sale in Samobor. They are located right next to the highway exit, and the surface of each house is 130 m2. Every house consists of bedrooms, living room, two bathrooms, toilet, kitchen, terrace, garden and one parking space. The construction work was preformed with high quality, while the documentation is valid and complete. Cijena / Price: 170.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 464 7288, +385 (0)99 212 1441 ID 43285 * Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more 148 Nekret nine Savudrija Prodaje se devet kamenih kuća u neposrednoj blizini mora u Savudriji, na lijepom istarskom poluotoku. Objekti su samo 80 metara udaljeni od mora te se iz njih pruža predivan pogled na Piranski zaljev. Ulazi u objekte su na južnoj strani parcele, a u podrumsku etažu se silazi unutarnjim stubištem. Veličine objekata su od 215 m2 do 280 m2, a u ponudi su samostojeći i vezani objekti tako da klijenti imaju mogućnost izbora veličine. Nine stone houses are up for sale right near the sea in Savudrija, which is a town on the wonderful Istrian peninsula. The objects are just 80 metres away from the sea and they provide a wonderful view over the Piran Gulf. The entrances to the objects are located on the parcel’s southern side, while the basement level has access through the entire staircase. The objects’ sizes range from 215 m2 to 280 m2, and the offer includes detached and attached objects, which means that the buyers can choose the size they want. Cijena / Price: 500.000 - 1.300.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 995 3835, +385 (0)91 881 1521, +385 (0)91 202 4993 149 Nekret nine Split Prodaju se stanovi u stambenom objektu na Brdima, na odličnoj lokaciji, samo 500 metara udaljenoj od osnovne škole, dječjeg vrtića, trgovačkih centara Tommy i Kaufland te autobusne postaje. U izgradnji je 56 stanova u tri ulaza, koji se sastoje od prizemlja, četiri kata i nadgradnje s komfornim dizalom u svakom od ulaza i osiguranim pristupom za invalide. Kod projektiranja stanova posebna je pažnja posvećena funkcionalnosti stanova, odnosno praćenju želja suvremenih obitelji. Stanovi su jednosobni, dvosobni i trosobni kvadrature od 37 do 85 m2. Odlikuje ih kvalitetna izvedba, prozračnost te otvoreni pogled s balkona ili terasa. Apartments are on sale in a residential object at Brda. The location is truly excellent, as they are just 500 metres away from an elementary school, kindergarten, shopping centres Kaufland and Tommy, and the bus station. Fifty-six apartments are under construction in three building entrances, and they are spread over the ground floor, four upper floors and the annex. Each of the building entrances has a comfortable elevator and provides special access for handicapped people. In the process of apartment projection, special attention was given to their functionality, as the designers wanted to meet the needs of a modern family. The apartments have one, two or three rooms, while their sizes range from 37 to 85 m2. Their main characteristics are quality performance, plenty of fresh air and an open view from the balconies and terraces. Cijena / Price: 2000 € / m2 Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)99 190 7433 150 Nekret nine Split Prodaju se ekskluzivni stanovi u izgradnji, u manjim objektima s tri stambene etaže na Pazdigradu, novom naselju u istočnom dijelu Splita. Odlikovat će se visokim standardom uređenja, s ugrađenim klima uređajem i protuprovalnim vratima te instalaterskom pripremom za “inteligentni stan”. Garaže s parkirnim mjestima smještene su unutar objekta. Svaki stan imat će balkon na jugu, stanovi na najnižoj etaži imat će vrt, a oni na zadnjoj etaži direktan izlaz na uređenu krovnu terasu s koje se, u vlastitoj intimi, pruža impresivan pogled na more i otoke te okruženje grada Splita. Useljenje je planirano za lipanj 2009. godine. Trosoban stan (120 m2) s krovnom terasom od 66 m2 i zelenim krovom od 44 m2, pogled na more, visoki standard uređenja, klimatizirano, protuprovalna vrata, priprema za “inteligentni stan”, unutarnje i/ili vanjsko parkirno mjesto. Exclusive apartments in construction are up for sale, in smaller objects with three floors in Pazdigrad, which is a new settlement in the eastern part of Split. Apartments will be furnished according to the highest standards, as they will feature air conditioning, anti-burglary doors and all the preparation for “the intelligent apartment”. Garages and parking places are placed inside of the object. Each apartment will have balcony on the southern side, while all ground-floor apartments will have gardens. The upper-floor apartments will have direct exit to decorated roof terrace, which will provide an intimate and impressive view over the sea, the islands and Split’s surroundings. The moving-in process is planned in June, 2009. Three-room apartment (120 m²) – features a roof terrace (66 m²), green roof (44 m²), view over the sea, high standard of decoration, air conditioning, anti-burglary doors, and preparation for “the intelligent apartment”. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 453 525 151 Nekret nine Šibenik U mirnome mjestu južno od grada Šibenika, prodaje se samostojeća kuća u prvom redu do mora, s vezom za brod. Kuća je moderno i kvalitetno uređena, ukupne korisne površine 95 m2, s garažom u suterenu objekta i ljetnom kuhinjom. Na katu su kuhinja s blagovaonicom i dnevnim boravkom, dvije spavaće sobe, kupaonica i natkrivena terasa od 25 m2. Postoji mogućnost uređenja krovišta kuće u stambenu površine gdje je već terasa od 25 m2 s prekrasnim pogledom na more. Kuća je smještena na parceli površine 310 m2. A detached house is on sale in a peaceful little town south from Šibenik. The house is located right next to the sea and has its own mooring for a boat. The house is furnished in modern and quality manner, its overall residential surface is 95 m2, and it features a garage in the basement and a summer kitchen. The upper floor features the kitchen with dining room and living room, as well as two bedrooms, bathroom and a 25 m2 covered terrace. There is the option of remodelling the house’s loft into residential surface, similar to the 25 m2 terrace with a wonderful view over the sea. The house is located on a 310 m2 parcel. Cijena / Price: 299.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)22 217 570 ID 42420 * Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more 152 Nekret nine Tar Prodaju se stanovi u zgradi od jedne podzemne i tri nadzemne etaže. Podzemna etaža je u manjem dijelu namijenjena kao spremišni prostor, te u većem dijelu kao skladišni prostor za komercijalne potrebe. Pristup podrumskom skladišnom prostoru je omogućen rampom na južnoj strani zgrade, dok se u spremišni prostor ulazi komunikacijom unutarnjeg zajedničkog stubišta. Nadzemni dio se sastoji od prizemlja, prvog i drugog kata. Prizemlje je jednim dijelom iskorišteno za poslovni prostor komercijalne namjene veličine 108,94 m2, dok su u drugom dijelu dvije stambene jedinice, od 69,23 m2 i 62,15 m2. Na prvom katu su stanovi od 69,23, 92,73 i 75,18 m2, dok su na drugom katu dva veća stana od 119,59 i 112,28 m2. Stanovima na drugom katu je pripojen i dio potkrovlja kao spremišni prostor u koji se ulazi preko otvora u stropu. Ukupno, zgrada se sastoji od sedam stanova i jednog poslovnog prostora. Svi stanovi imaju bar jednu terasu orijentiranu prema moru. Zgrada nije opremljena dimno-vodnim kanalima i nema dimnjake. Apartments are on sale in a building with one subterranean and three aboveground levels. The subterranean level works as a shed to a smaller extent, but its primary purpose is to serve as storage space for commercial needs. Access to the basement storage is created by a ramp on the building’s southern end, while the shed is entered through the joint inside staircase. The aboveground level consists of the ground floor and two upper floors. The ground floor is partly utilized for a commercial office space with 108,94 m2 of surface, while the other section features two residential units, with 69,23 m2 and 62,15 m2 of surface. The first floor features apartments with sizes of 69,23 m2, 92,73 m2 and 75,18 m2, while the second floor reveals two larger apartments, with 119,59 m2 and 112,28 m2 of surface. The second-floor apartments also feature additional storage space in the form of the loft, which is accessible through the ceiling opening. The building has an overall number of seven apartments and one office space. All apartments have at least one terrace that overlooks the sea. The building doesn’t possess smoke passages or chimneys. Cijena / Price: 1.123.750 Kn / 155.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 433 300, +385 (0)52 433 631, +385 (0)91 452 0170 153 Nekret nine Trogir Prodaje se vila od 400 m2 uz samu obalu mora i uređenu plažu, nedaleko od povijesnog grada Trogira, s prekrasnim pogledom na srednjodalmatinske otoke i čisto Jadransko more. Na prvom katu je komforan apartman s tri spavaće i velikom dnevnom sobom, koji može primiti maksimalno osam osoba. Sa 130 metara četvornih površine, te prostranom terasom od 25 kvadrata, podjednako je prikladan za odmor veće obitelji ili društva na zajedničkom odmoru. Na drugom i trećem katu su četiri dvosobna apartmana, cca 40 metara četvornih (identičnog rasporeda i opremljenosti), s natkrivenom terasom i pogledom prema jugu (20 m2). Jedna spavaća soba s bračnim krevetom, te dnevna soba s krevetom na izvlačenje, mogu pružiti smjestaj za maksimalno četiri osobe. Postoji mogućnost spajanja dvaju apartmana na istom katu u jedan četverosobni. U prizemlju samog objekta, na prostoru od oko 200 m2, u privatnoj atmosferi, gostima je na raspolaganju bazen (dimenzija 11x5,5m) s posebnim platoom za djecu. A 400 m2 villa has been put up for sale right by the coast on a maintained beach, not far from the historic town of Trogir. It features a marvellous view over the mid-Adriatic islands and the crystal-clear Adriatic Sea. The first floor reveals a spacious apartment with three bedrooms and a large living room, which can host up to eight people. With 130 square metres of surface and a spacious 25 m2 terrace, it is equally important for a large family’s vacation and for a large group of friends taking a joint vacation. The second and third floors feature four two-room apartments (about 40 m2, with identical arrangement and equipment) with a covered terrace that provides a great view towards the south (20 m2). The apartments feature one bedroom with a couples’ bed and a living room with a folding bed, which means they can accommodate up to four people. There is the option of combining two apartments on the same floor into one four-room apartment. The ground floor of the object reveals a 200 m2 space that provides a private atmosphere for all the guests. This is where they can use a swimming pool (11x5,5 metres) with a special plateau for children. Cijena / Price: 2.250.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 898 0301 155 Nekret nine Umag Prodaje se 47 komfornih apartmana veličine od 105 m² do 128 m² u luksuznom apartmanskom naselju uz samu obalu mora. Apartmani su dvosobni, s tim da je svakoj od soba pridružena kupaonica. Osim soba, dnevna soba s kuhinjom tvrtke Miele i blagovaonicom također su ukusno namještene. Svaki apartman također ima i veliku namještenu terasu s pogledom na more i talijanske Alpe. There are 47 comfortable apartments on sale in a luxurious apartment complex right by the sea, and their surfaces vary from 105 m2 to 128 m2. Each apartment has two bedrooms, and a bathroom comes with each of those rooms. In addition, Miele’s living room with kitchen and dining room are also furnished in very classy manner. Each apartment also features a large furnished terrace overlooking the sea and the Italian Alps. Cijena / Price: 403.000 - 630.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 210 160, +385 (0)98 420 885, +385 (0)98 323 264 156 Nekret nine Vrsar Prodaje se kuća udaljena od mora samo 300 m, s panoramskim pogledom na more. Smještena je u nizu u prvom redu do mora. Izgrađena je 1990. godine, a prodaje se kompletno namještena. U prizemlju su dva apartmana sa po dvije spavaće sobe, izlaz na terasu i vrt s roštiljem. Na prvom katu su dva apartmana sa po dvije spavaće sobe, dok je na trećem katu mansarda, dvoetažni apartman s dvije spavaće sobe, dvije dnevne sobe i dvije terase. U kući je centralno uljno grijanje, svi prostori su klimatizirani. Također, kuća posjeduje više mjesta za parkiranje. A house with a panoramic view over the sea has been put up for sale, and it is just 300 metres from the beach. It is located first in line to the sea. It was built in 1990, and is sold completely furnished. The ground floor features a couple of two-room apartments, as well as the exit to the terrace and a garden with a grill. The first floor reveals two more tworoom apartments, while the third floor features an attic, a two-storey apartment with two bedrooms, two living rooms and two terraces. The house has central oil heating, while all the rooms have air conditioning. The house also have several parking spaces. Cijena / Price: 1.190.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 441 383, +385 (0)91 513 5229 ID 54697 158 Nekret nine Zagreb Za kupce koji traže više od običnog stanovanja, prodaju se kvalitetni stanovi u manjoj urbanoj vili iznad Vrapča, s iznimnim pogledom na grad i Sljeme. Vila se sastoji od prizemlja, kata i potkrovlja, sadrži ukupno osam stanova od kojih su četiri još slobodna za prodaju. Ugrađena je oprema više klase: protuprovalna vrata, videoportafon, električni podizači roleta, aluminijske rolete, klima-uređaj, hrastov parket, španjolske pločice, PVC stolarija, ograda loggie, balkona i stubišta od inoksa, granitno stubište. Sprema gratis svakom kupcu stana. For buyers that are looking for more than just an ordinary place of residence, quality apartments are up for sale in a smaller urban villa above Vrapče that provides an extraordinary view over the city and Sljeme. The villa consists of the ground floor, upper floor and the loft, with the overall number of eight apartments, four of which are still available. Highclass equipment has been introduced: anti-burglary doors, video-speakerphone, electrical shutter operators, aluminium shutters, air conditioning, oak parquet, Spanish tiles, PVC joinery, non-corrosive-steel fences for loggias, balconies and staircases, and granite stairway. The buyer of every apartment receives a storage room for free. Cijena / Price: 138.625 € / 1840 €/m² Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 615 922 ID 30065 * Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more 159 Nekret nine Zagreb Uz rub Maksimirske šume, u miru i zelenilu, 2007. je izgrađena manja urbana vila s pet stanova. Svi stanovi su visoke klase, opremljeni kvalitetnom ugradnom opremom: videonadzor zgrade u boji, klima-uređaji, masažne tuš-kade s kabinama i masažne kade, geberit sanitarije, talijanske keramičke pločice, parket egzota od afričkog drva, PVC stolarija, aluminijske rolete s električnim podizačima, protuprovalna ulazna vrata, unutarnja stolarija (vrata) svjetlo drvo, centralno etažno plinsko grijanje, ograda od inoksa na stubištu i terasama, stubište obloženo mramorom. Zgrada je ograđena i okoliš je uređen, parkiranje je u prostoru koji se daljinski zatvara, izolirana je toplinskom izolacijom, stanovi su energetski štedljivi. Mjesto je odlično prometno povezano s Dubravom, Bukovcem, Maksimirom, Gračanima i gradom. A smaller urban villa with five apartments was built in 2007 just by the edge of the Maksimir forest, in a location filled with peace and green surfaces. These high-class apartments feature quality built-in equipment: coloured video supervision of the building, air conditioning, massage shower tubs with cabins and massage tubs, Geberit sanitary facilities, Italian ceramic tiles, exote parquets made of African wood, PVC joinery, aluminium shutters with electrical control, anti-burglary entrance doors, light-wood interior joinery (doors), central storey gas heating, non-corrosive-steel fences on the staircase and terraces, and a stairway covered in marble. The building is enclosed and the environment is maintained, while cars can be parked in a space controlled by remote control. The building has thermal isolation and the apartments are very economical energy-wise. The location has excellent traffic connections to Dubrava, Bukovac, Maksimir, Gračani and the city. Cijena / Price: 280.563 € / 2050 €/m² Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 615 922 ID 25850 * Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more 160 Nekret nine Zagreb Iznajmljuje se kuća na tri kata, stambene površine 450 m2 na iznimnoj lokaciji, u Bukovcu u Zagrebu. Smještena je na parceli od 2000 m2, te posjeduje sve potrebno za uživanje: bazen, saunu, teretanu, hidromasažnu kadu... Vrhunski je opremljena, s protuprovalnim vratima, alarmom, videonadzorom, klima-uređajima, ADSL-om, garažom za dva vozila te podrumom. Kuća je polunamještena. A three-floor house has been put up for rent in Bukovac, Zagreb. Its residential surface is 450 m2, and it is located on a 2000 m2 parcel at an excellent location. The house possesses everything a person needs for complete pleasure: swimming pool, sauna, gym, and hydro-massage tub… It is superbly furnished, as it features anti-burglary doors, alarm, video-supervision, air conditioning, ADSL, two-vehicle garage and a basement. The house is partly furnished. Cijena / Price: 4500 € mjesečno / monthly Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 464 7288 * ID 41936 Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more 161 Nekret nine Zagreb Prodaje se iznimno atraktivan stan u novogradnji, veličine 56,10 m2, u manjoj stambenoj zgradi (prizemlje, tri kata, potkrovlje) na kraju Ilice, prometno dobro povezan s terminalom Črnomerec. U neposrednoj blizini su tržnica Vrapče, ambulanta, škola, vrtić, autobusna postaja i postaja vlaka. Karakteriziraju ga solidna gradnja i oprema stanova više klase: PVC stolarija s roletama, klima-uređaj, sat. antena, et. centralno grijanje, protuprovalna vrata, hrastov parket, talijanske pločice, sanitarije renomiranih proizvođača, portafon. Najljepša posebnost ovog stana je prostrana terasa. An extremely attractive apartment has been put up for sale in a new building. Its size is 56,10 m2, and it is located in a smaller residential building (ground floor, three floors and loft) on the edge of Ilica, with excellent traffic connections to the Črnomerec terminal. The building is located near the Vrapče market, clinic, school, kindergarten, bus station and train station. The apartment is characterized by solid construction work and high-class equipment: PVC joinery with shutters, air conditioning, satellite antenna, storey central heating, anti-burglary doors, oak parquet, Italian tiles, sanitary facilities by renowned manufacturers and a speakerphone. The finest detail in this apartment is presented in the shape of a spacious terrace. Cijena / Price: 102.440 € / 1826 €/m² Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 615 922 ID 24502 * Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more 162
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