- DalCasa


- DalCasa
savjeti za gradnju
Advice on Construction
The highest Croatian Skyscrapers
ured u vašem domu
0 11 0 8
An Office in Your Home
9 77 18 4 5 20 80 05
ISSN 1845-2086
Hrvatski magazin za nekretnine / CroAtian real estate magazine
ory word
Rješavanje stambenog pitanja jedno je od važnijih životnih situacija, koja sa sobom
donosi niz dvojbi i nedoumica, nezaobilaznih na tom dugom i ponekad mukotrpnom
putu. Kupiti stan ili graditi kuću? Uzeti profesionalca ili lokalnog “meštra“? Što je sve
potrebno od dozvola? Sve su to pitanja s kojima ćete se susresti i na koja ćete tražiti
odgovor. Ako se odlučite za gradnju svog doma, obvezno pročitajte ovomjesečnu
temu broja. Donosimo vam niz korisnih savjeta u vezi s potrebnom papirologijom i
samom gradnjom.
A da je graditeljstvo postalo jedna od najunosnijih djelatnosti, vidimo i iz naše rubrike
Investicije. Predstavljamo vam deset nebodera koji se tek trebaju početi graditi, a koji
će, nakon što budu gotovi, u potpunosti promijeniti vizuru hrvatske metropole i konačno je, barem što se tiče visine, izdignuti iz prosječnosti i provincijalnosti.
Također, donosimo vam pregled prvih pet nagrađenih radova pristiglih na natječaj za
izgled novoga putničkog terminala Zračne luke Zagreb. U žestokoj konkurenciji doista
nije bilo važno tko će pobijediti budući da je od početka bilo jasno kako će nova
Zračna luka izgledati spektakularno.
U rubrici Interijeri pronaći ćete savjete kako urediti velike kuhinje a da ne izgledaju
hladno i prazno.
Oni koji posao nose kući, neka ne propuste naše prijedloge za uređenje kućnog ureda. U lijepom i dobro organiziranom prostoru, bit ćete mnogo produktivniji... i, naravno, sretniji.
Taking care of your housing situation is one of the more important things you will
have to deal with in life, and it brings a lot of doubts and second thoughts, which
are unavoidable at that long and sometimes torturous road. Buying an apartment or
building a house? Hiring a professional or a local “handyman”? Which licenses must
be obtained before you start building? All these questions are guaranteed to come
across and you will find yourself desperately looking for an answer. If you decide to
go ahead with building your home, make sure you read this month’s cover story. We
bring you a lot of useful tips concerning the required paperwork and the very process of construction.
And if you want a confirmation that construction is one of the most profitable business fields, look no further than our Investments section. We present the ten skyscrapers that haven’t even been started yet, but once they are completed, they are
guaranteed to radically change the view of the Croatian capital and finally, at least
as far as height is concerned, ascend it above the average level of provincialism.
We also bring you the overview of the five top-awarded projects in the design contest for the new passenger terminal at the Zagreb Airport. The competition was so
fierce that the question of the winner was somewhat irrelevant, as it was clear from
the start that
the new airport would look spectacular.
Our section
Interiors contains advice on how to decorate large
kitchens and avoid turning them into cold and empty
parts of your home.
Those of you who bring your work to your home will
not want to miss our suggestions on how to decorate
your home office. If you spend time in a lovely and
well-organized space, you will be a lot more productive...
and, naturally, a lot happier.
DAL’CASA d.o.o.
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21000 Split
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Predsjednik uprave/Chairman of the Board:
Jakša Mrčela
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Glavna urednica/Editor-in-chief:
dipl. ing. Ana Perišin
[email protected]
Grafički urednik/Graphic editor:
Vojan Koceić
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Marketing i prodaja oglasa/Marketing and advertising:
Maja Kalinić, dipl. oec.
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Kontakt telefon: +385 (0)98 330 477
Ivana Radeljić Vrdoljak
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Kontakt telefon: +385 (0)99 230 5973
Ivana Duplančić
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Prijevod na engleski/English translation:
Zoran Abaza
Nataša Bodrožić, Lovorka Buterin, Nikola Čelan, Hajdi
Mihanović, Ivan Mladina, Martina Kocijan, Domagoj
Tomić, Aleksandar Vrtarić
Tisak d.d., Distripress, Tim Press, Slobodna Dalmacija,
Glas Istre
Fotografija na naslovnici/Cover photo:
Tiskara Meić / Rotooffset
Copyright © Colefax and Fowler 2008.
Izgradnja doma – korak bliže ostvarenju sna / Building
a Home – One Step Closer to Fulfilling Your Dream
Nova zračna luka ipak po hrvatskom projektu /
A Croatian Project Chosen for the New Airport After All
Deset nebodera koji će promijeniti vizuru Zagreba /
Ten Skyscrapers to Change the View of Zagreb
Ambienta – malenim koracima naprijed /
Ambienta – One Step at a Time
London – grad koji otvara vidike /
London – A City to Expand Your Horizons
Dizajnerski genij u srcu Balkana / Designer Genius
in the Heart of the Balkans
Privatna mitologija Pauline Jazvić / Private Mythology
of Paulina Jazvić
Elegantni raj u naručju povijesti / The Elegant
Paradise with a Touch of History
Moderna oaza s Nothing Hilla / A Modern Oasis
from Notting Hill
Dom kao savršena radna okolina / Home as the Perfect Work Environment
Velika kuhinja čini velike snove stvarnima / Large
Kitchens Make Big Dreams Come True
Balkoni i terase – idealna mjesta za odmor i
opuštanje od stresa / Balconies and Terraces Ideal Places for Rest and Relaxation from Stress
Dizajnerska šala u industriji optimizma / A Designer
Prank in the Industry of Optimism
Neobična kombinacija praznine i svjetla / Unusual
Combination of Emptiness and Light
Povratak korijenima / Back to the Roots
Tema broja
Vlastiti stambeni prostor je svačiji san /
Own living space is a dream for all
Izgradnja doma - korak
bliže ostvarenju sna
Na što bi sve laik, graditelj početnik, trebao obratiti pozornost prije pristupanja gradnji vlastita doma? Donosimo kratak pregled novosti u Zakonu o gradnji te nekoliko sugestija vezanih
uz odabir materijala, izvođača radova i druge bitne stavke za gradnju
Piše: Nikola Čelan
rije bilo kakve izgradnje potrebno je da investitor
pribavi sve potrebne dozvole. Zakon o gradnji,
osim stavki vezanih uz pribavljanje dozvola, definira propise vezane uz mehaničku otpornost i
stabilnost objekta, zaštitu od požara, higijenu, zdravlje i
zaštitu okoliša, sigurnost u korištenju, zaštitu od buke, uštedu energije i toplinsku zaštitu, nesmetan pristup i kretanje
u građevini, tehnička svojstva građevnih proizvoda, tehničke propise te, na koncu, tehničko dopuštenje.
Foto: Arhiva DalCase
Pribavljanje dozvola
U poglavlju građenja građevine, Zakon se na početku
bavi dozvolama i tu se imaju na umu dvije glavne kategorije: građevinska dozvola i tijela nadležna za izdavanje, tijela graditeljstva, te još i načelna dozvola koja se
odnosi na složenije građevine. Prema načelnoj dozvoli,
naknadno se izdaju građevinske dozvole za određene
elemente tih građevina. Koliko je važno u startu povesti
računa o dozvolama, najbolje govori činjenica kako je
Graditi sam ili angažirati stručnjaka? /
Build alone or hire a professional?
kazna za neishođenje potrebnih dozvola radikalna, a to
je rušenje. Rušenje se provodi ako se gradi na mjestu i na
način da se takva gradnja ne može uskladiti s uvjetima
prostornog plana (pri čemu je ponajprije riječ o gabaritima građevine). Ruši se i kod gradnje bez građevinske
dozvole, osim kad je u postupku njezino ishođenje.
Što bi, dakle, bila građevinska dozvola? Građevinskom
dozvolom se utvrđuje da je glavni, odnosno idejni projekt, izrađen u skladu s propisanim i utvrđenim uvjetima
koje mora ispunjavati građevina na određenoj lokaciji i
da su ispunjeni uvjeti iz Zakona o gradnji. Glavni projekt
je prilog i sastavni dio građevinske dozvole, što na projektu mora biti naznačeno i ovjereno potpisom službenika i pečatom tijela koje je tu dozvolu izdalo.
Sam zahtjev za građevinsku dozvolu podnosi investitor.
Njoj se prilaže dokaz o pravu građenja na određenoj
nekretnini, zatim detalji glavnog projekta te potvrda o
nostrifikaciji (usklađenosti s prostornim planom). Postupak je detaljno opisan u Zakonu o gradnji. Ako su ispunjeni uvjeti propisani ovim Zakonom, tijelo graditeljstva
dužno je izdati građevinsku dozvolu u roku od 30 dana
od dana primitka urednog zahtjeva. Iznimno, kad je
posrijedi građevina za koju građevinsku dozvolu izdaje
Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prostornog uređenja, ona se
izdaje u roku od 60 dana od dana primitka urednog za-
Dobar projekt je jako bitan / Good project is very important
htjeva. Najbolje je na vrijeme pribaviti sve dozvole, ne
tijekom same gradnje, jer se kazna naplaćuje bez obzira
na eventualnu prijavu. Referent koji na kraju treba izdati dozvolu u sklopu postupka izdavanja izlazi na teren i
određuje pripadajuću kaznu. Također je to potrebno
pravodobno obaviti zbog priključka struje. Po zakonu,
HEP ne može dati priključak bez valjane dozvole.
Cijena građevinske dozvole ovisi o stupnju opremljenosti parcele, tj. pristupa do parcele. Cijena se razlikuje u
ovisnosti o tome ima li na cesti javne rasvjete, je li pristup
asfaltiran, ima li kanalizacije. Nadalje, ona ovisi o lokaciji
gdje se gradi i o gabaritima objekta. Cijene priključka,
pak, ovise o lokalnim distributerima, dakle, nema jedinstvene tarife za teritorij cijele države.
Bitno je napomenuti kako novi Zakon o prostornom uređenju i gradnji donosi smanjenje broja dozvola potrebnih za građenje i uporabu građevina. Zakon je stupio
na snagu prošle godine, a njime su povezana upravna
područja prostornog uređenja i gradnje u jedinstven sustav. Tako se u Zakonu navode brojne korisne zakonodavne intervencije. Primjerice, za građenje stambenog
objekta površine do 400 četvornih metara i zgrade za
obavljanje poljoprivrednih djelatnosti površine do 600
kvadrata, umjesto lokacijske i građevinske dozvole, od
trenutka implementacije novog zakona potrebno je
Tema broja
Kazna za neishođenje potrebnih dozvola je
radikalna / The penalty for failing to obtain
necessary licenses is radical
samo rješenje o uvjetima građenja. U vezi s građevnim
sporom, Zakon kaže kako susjedi mogu zaustaviti gradnju, ali plaćaju odštetu ako izgube spor. Novim se zakonom, nadalje, decentralizira izdavanje dozvola. Od 1.
siječnja 2008., dozvole, umjesto ureda državne uprave,
izdaju upravna tijela velikih gradova i gradova sjedišta
županija, svaki na svom području, a na preostalom području županijska upravna tijela.
Praktični savjeti – općenito
Nakon informiranja o papirologiji i ostvarivanja svih potrebnih zakonskih preduvjeta, pristupamo samoj gradnji.
No prije gradnje stručnjaci skreću pažnju na jedan bitan
element u procesu, gestu, preciznije, a to bi bilo planiranje. Pod parolom “planovi su ništa, planiranje je sve“
želi se reći kako je primarni plan gradnje podložan izmjenama tijekom samog procesa. Planiranje, međutim,
osigurava utvrđivanje tijeka, protoka informacija između
svih subjekata i faza gradnje. Pritom je u startu važno
odrediti hoće li se angažirati izvođača radova ili će se
zasukati rukave i prionuti na posao oslanjajući se na vlastita sredstva, znanje i snalažljivost.
Ako se odlučimo na takav način gradnje, treba poraditi
na usklađivanju rada i politike radnika različitih tvrtki, jer
u dosta slučajeva dolazi do “efekta ping-pong loptice“
kod pogrešaka i promašaja u projektu.
Za početak je potrebno poznavanje osnovnih materijala
u građenju i njihovih karakteristika kod spajanja s drugim
materijalima, primjerice cigle s knaufom i slično.
Kad jedan izvođač počne s radom, nastoji završiti posao kako bi mogao ići na drugi, međutim kod gradnje
treba znati da određene radnje, poput postavljanja
vodoinstalacije, grijanja/hlađenja i strujnih radova, trebaju teći zajedno. Ako te radnje nisu usklađene, dolazi
do naknadnih radova, tj. rušenja, oslabljivanja zidova.
Primjerice, to se događa u slučaju plasiranja rupe za
vodoinstalaciju od 3 cm u pregradnu ciglu od 7-8 cm
do pola dužine. Taj zid tada postaje značajno oslabljen,
pogotovo ako instrument malo pobjegne, što se često
dogodi, pa se probije još jedna pregrada. Neadekvatnu
ciglu smo u ovom slučaju sami odabrali, kao laici.
Što se tiče izolacije kuće i usklađivanja estriha (izolacija
poda stiroporom i glazurom), postavljanja prozora, fasade i obrade dijelova oko prozora, i tu se može ponuditi
nekoliko instant savjeta. Po nekim proračunima, za naše
podneblje postoji idealan omjer stiropora i svih ostalih pratećih materijala, koji iznosi 5 cm kod vrijednosti stiropora.
Kod fasade je bitno da se odaberu materijali renomiranih proizvođača te da se radnik pridržava normi prigodom miješanja i nanošenja koje je postavio proizvođač.
Bitan detalj kod dovršenja fasade jest obrada dijela oko
prozora. Naime, kako bismo dobili izolaciju kao na fa-
sadi, potrebno je stiroporom doći do okvira prozora, jer
inače dobivamo dio bez izolacije. Tako se na tim mjestima javljaju gubici, a poslije i gljivice oko prozora kao
rezultat prodora vlage.
Kad smo kod prozora, trebalo bi razmišljati i o ljetnim danima i komarcima te predvidjeti i prozorske mreže. Njih
je u varijanti prozora s roletom bolje postaviti prije (danas postoje i opcije gdje se u paketu nabavljaju roleta
i mreža za komarce), umjesto naknadno. Najbolje ih je
postaviti izvana ako ne ostane mjesta između vodilice
rolete i prozora.
Kod postavljanja estriha, posebno treba paziti na podnu
konstrukciju. Potrebno je znati koje će se vrste podnih
obloga koristiti jer su njihove debljine različite (debljina
parketa je 14 ili 21 mm, keramike 10-14 mm). Zatim treba
uračunati i ljepila/mase čija se debljine kreću od 1 do 3
mm. Prije svega je to bitno zbog prijelaza s pločica na
parket kako ne bi došlo do razlike od 5 do 10 mm.
Kod ugradnje vrata, pak, treba paziti na ispravno određene visine postavljanja. U protivnome može doći do
prodiranja kiše u prostor. U još težem slučaju, trebat će
preskakati prag pri svakom ulasku.
Angažman izvođača – sve u jednome
U suprotnom slučaju, korak s kojim počinje i završava
svaka gradnja sastoji se od angažiranja tijela, tj. tvrtke
koja će se pobrinuti za realizaciju zamišljenoga.
Tvrtke poput Wienerbergera ne samo da nude inovacije na području građenja, adekvatnih materijala, nego
su sklone ponuditi i savjetodavnu pomoć, asistenciju na
području gradnje. Materijali poput opeke Porotherm
kod Wienerbergera proširuju se na osmišljene stropne sustave, sve do kompletnih sustava izgradnje (kuće Porotherm), a sve u svrhu uštede energije, podizanja kvalitete
življenja i zaštite kućnog budžeta. Wienerbergerov “Vodič za gradnju“ nudi osmišljen sustav pomoći kod gradnje, počevši od organizacije gradilišta, iskopa, zidarskih
radova, a posebnost svoje ponude zaokružuje i ponudom materijala za sve pojedine segmente gradnje, poput primjerice TERCA programa klinker opeke, koji podrazumijeva vrlo tvrd materijal, podjednako izdržljiv na
fizička i kemijska opterećenja, a primjenjiv podjednako
na faze gradnje od konstrukcijskih sustava višeslojnih
vanjskih zidova, nosivih zidova, međuslojeva toplinske
izolacije, fasadnu opeku te podne površine.
Možemo zaključiti kako je proces izgradnje kuće, doma
i građevine bilo koje druge namjene poput pristupanja
prašumi papira, institucija i propisa, za koje je iluzorno
vjerovati kako se mogu makar ovlašno dotaknuti jednim
novinskim člankom. Ono što je potrebno sugerirati na
kraju jest činjenica kako je za početak gradnje, kao i
svake druge aktivnosti u informacijskoj eri, osim ispravnog odabira institucionalnog partnera, najbolje konzultirati adrese i priručnike kojih u nas ima dovoljno. Osim
spomenutih Wienerbergerovih stranica, tu su još i specijalizirani sajtovi poput gradimo.hr te različiti forumi na
kojima je moguće dobiti odgovore na konkretna pitanja vezana uz gradnju te rješenja problema s kojima se
susrećemo u samom procesu. No, najvažnije je krenuti,
tržište građevnih usluga je i u nas već dosegnulo stupanj
zrelosti potreban za lagodnu i bezbrižnu realizaciju, oživotvorenje sna o izgradnji vlastita doma.
Opeke Porotherm iz Wienerbergera / Porotherm brick
from Wienerberger
Za početak je potrebno poznavanje
osnovnih materijala u građenju /
For starters, it is important to know basic
construction materials
Cover st
Building a Home - One Step
Closer to Fulfilling Your Dream
What are the things a completely inexperienced person should pay attention to before starting
to build his home? We bring you a quick overview of things that have been added to the Law
on Construction, as well as several suggestions concerning the choice of material, construction
performers and other important things in the process of building a home
Written by: Nikola Čelan
Before starting the construction process, it is the investor’s
responsibility to obtain all the necessary licenses. Besides
the items that describe that process, the Law on Construction also defines regulations concerning mechanical resistibility and stability, fire protection, hygiene, environmental health and protection, usage safety, noise
regulation, energy preservation, heat protection, unbothered access and movement in the building, technical
Photo: DalCasa archive
characteristics of construction products, technical regulations, and, finally, the technical permission.
Obtaining the Licenses
In the chapter that deals with the process of constructing
the building, the Law touches on the topic of licenses,
and it distinguishes two categories: construction licenses
and departments that are authorized to issue them – con-
struction departments, and it also explains
the process of issuing principal licenses
that are required for more complex buildings. According to the principal license,
construction licenses for certain elements
of those buildings are being issued subsequently. If we want to stress the
importance of dealing with licenses right at the beginning of the
process, we merely must mention the fact that the penalty for failing to obtain necessary licenses is radical, and that
is – demolition. It is enforced if the
manner of construction cannot
be coordinated with the existing
physical plan (this especially relates to the building’s size). The penalty for starting to build without the
construction license is also
demolition, except in
cases when the obtaining process is already underway.
So what exactly is a construction license? It establishes
that the main designed project agrees with all the listed
and confirmed conditions that a building on a certain location must fulfil, and it also confirms that all conditions
from the Law on Construction have been honoured. The
main project is attached to the construction license and
it makes for its integral part, which requires a specified
and certified signature from an official person on the project, as well as a stamp from the governing body that
issued that license.
The request for a construction license is applied by the
investor. It features evidence that the real estate in question has every right to be built, as well as main project
details and the nostrification certificate (which confirms
that the project agrees with the physical plan). The following stages of the procedure are also carefully described in the Law on Construction. If all conditions of this
law are fulfilled, the construction department must issue
the construction license within 30 days from the date
they received the appropriate request. In specific cases
when the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Physical Planning issues that license, the process is expended
to 60 days from the day the appropriate request was
applied. Practical wisdom says that the best thing to do
is obtain all licenses immediately, rather than during the
construction process, because the penalty is charged
regardless of the application. The clerk that eventually
issues the license must visit the construction site and determines the appropriate penalty. Another reason why
it is best to obtain the license immediately is electricity connection. According to the law, HEP (the Croatian national electricity company) mustn’t approve the
connection without the appropriate license.
The price of the construction license depends on how
the parcel is equipped and if it has quality access. The
price also depends on whether the access road features public lighting, whether it is asphalted and whether it
has sewerage. It further depends on the construction location and the object’s size. The connection prices depend on local distributors, as the entire country doesn’t
have an equal price rate.
It is important to point out that the new
Law on Physical Planning and Construction
reduces the number of required licenses that
allow you to construct and use a building. The
Law came into power last year, and it connects
administrative departments of physical planning
and construction into one single system. The Law states
numerous useful legislative interventions. For example,
ever since the law has been implemented, the acts of
building a residential object under 400 square metres
and an agricultural object under 600 square metres
don’t require location and construction licenses, but
merely a certificate that confirms the fulfilled construction conditions. As far as construction disputes go, the Law
states that neighbours can put the construction process
on hold, but they have to pay damages if they lose the
process. The new law also puts an end to centralized
license issuing. Ever since January 1st 2008, the licenses
are not issued by the offices of central government, but
rather by administrative departments of large cities and
county centres, or by the counties’ governing bodies.
Practical Advice – General Description
After getting informed on all the paperwork and fulfilling the necessary legal prerequisites, it is time to begin
the process of construction. But before you do that,
experts advise you not to forget a very important element in this process, and that is planning. Under the
parole “plans are nothing, planning is everything”,
they point out that the primary construction plan can
be submitted to change during the process itself. Planning, however, ensures the correct flow of information
between all subjects and phases of construction. With
that being said, one of the main choices you have to
make is decide between construction performers or the process of rolling those
sleeves yourself
and starting
Trud se u konačnici uvijek isplati /
Effort is worthwhile at the end
the construction based on your own means, knowledge and adaptability.
For those who decide to embrace this construction method, it is important to coordinate the work and policies
of workers from different companies, because it is not
unusual to witness “the ping-pong effect” that leads to
mistakes and miscalculations in the project.
For starters, it is crucial to become acquainted with basic construction materials and their characteristics when
they’re combined with different materials, like combining
bricks with knauf etc.
When one constructor begins his work, his goal is to wrap
it up so he could move to his next job, but the construction process demands certain parts of the work, such as
plumbing installation, heating/cooling and electricity
installation, must be performed simultaneously. If those
jobs aren’t coordinated, additional work will be required,
such as demolition and wall relieving. For example, this is
known to happen when placing a 3-cm plumbing hole
into a 7-8-cm partition brick till the half of its length. That
wall is bound to become a lot less strong, especially if the
instrument isn’t absolutely precise and it breaks another
partition, which is also known to happen. The inadequate
brick was chosen by us, construction beginners.
As far as house isolation and coordinating floor screed
(floor isolation with Styrofoam and glazing), installing the
windows, facades and processing parts around the windows, we can also offer several pieces of instant advice.
According to some calculations, our area requires the
ideal ratio of Styrofoam and all accompanying materials, which comes at around 5 centimetres of Styrofoam
When dealing with the facade, it is important to choose
materials from established manufacturers, and the workers must obey the manufacturers’ norms when mixing
and applying the materials. Processing the parts around
the windows is an important element of the facade construction. In order to achieve the same type of isolation
like on the facade, it is necessary to reach the window
frames with Styrofoam, because the other option is having a section without any isolation. Those sections cause
significant losses, as that is followed by the appearance
of mould around the windows, courtesy of increased moisture.
Speaking of windows, we recommend anticipating summer days and mosquitoes with window nettings. When
combined with window shutters, it is preferable to put
them on first (you can also find options where shutters
and mosquito nettings are sold as a package), instead
of doing it subsequently. The best option is putting them
on the outside, unless there is some extra-room between
the shutter slide and the window.
While installing the floor screed, you must take the
construction of the floor into special consideration. It
is imperative to be familiar with different types of floor
covers, because their diameter is not identical (parquets’ diameters range from 14 to 21 millimetres, 10-14 millimetres for ceramics). That doesn’t include the glue/
mass, as that is usually 1 to 3 millimetres thick. That is
primarily important to prevent a difference of 5 to 10
millimetres at the part where tiles end and parquet begins. While putting the door up, pay special attention
to the correct installing height, or you might cause rain
flooding into your home. Even worse, you might find yourself hopping over the doorstep every time you enter
the house.
Hiring the Constructor – All the Pieces of the Puzzle
If that is not the case, then every construction starts and
finishes with the act of hiring a company that will fulfil
the designed plan. Companies like Wienerberger offer
innovations in the fields of construction and adequate
materials, but they also offer some useful advice and
assistance in the construction process. Wienerberger expands materials like Porotherm brick to designed ceiling
systems, and it leads all the way to complete construc-
tion systems (Porotherm houses) with the purpose of saving energy, raising the quality of life and protecting the
home budget. Wienerberger’s “Construction Guide” offers a designed system of construction assistance, starting with the way you organize the site, perform excavation and bricklaying, while the special touch is provided
to their offer by supplying materials for all construction
segments, such as the TERCA programme for clinker
bricks that assume very hard material, which is equally
resistant to physical and chemical aggravation, while
being just as applicable in all segments like construction systems of multi-layered outside walls, bearing walls,
intermediate layers of heat isolation, facade bricks and
the area under the surface.
We can conclude that the process of building a home,
house or building slightly resembles a jungle of legal
acts, institutions and regulations that cannot possibly
be covered by one single magazine article. We can
only suggest that the start of the construction process,
like any other activity in the computerized era, greatly
depends on choosing the right institutional partner, so
we advise you to consult some of many addresses and
manuals that exist in our area. Besides the abovementioned Wienerberger site, you can also visit specialized
sites like gradimo.hr, or some of the various forums that
can provide you with answers to specific questions related to construction and problems we encounter in that
field. But the most important thing is getting started, and
it must be said that our construction market has already
reached that point of maturity that guarantees smooth
and care-free realization of the dream of building your
own home.
Prvo mjesto - rad hrvatskih arhitekata Branka Kincla i
Velimira Nediharta / First place - project by Croatian
architects Branko Kincl and Velimir Nedihart
Nova zraèna luka ipak
po hrvatskom projektu
Iako je na natječaj pristiglo 17 radova velikih arhitektonskih timova, izabrano je zanimljivo rješenje hrvatskih arhitekata Branka Kincla i Velimira Nediharta, kojima je na projektu pomogao
Institut građevinarstva Hrvatske. Predstavljamo vam prvih pet nagrađenim radova, jer ipak su
odlučivale samo nijanse
Piše: Domagaj Tomić
eđunarodni arhitektonski natječaj za izgled
novog putničkog terminala Zračne luke Zagreb, koji je završio s prvim danom listopada
ove godine, okupio je neka od najuglednijih imena svjetske arhitekture i zasigurno najrenomiranija
imena hrvatske arhitekture. U tako žestokoj konkurenciji
doista nije bilo važno tko će pobijediti budući da je od
početka bilo jasno kako će nova Zračna luka izgledati
DalCasa prva iznosi zašto je ocjenjivački sud odabrao hrvatski dvojac, odnosno gdje su ostali nagrađeni radovi,
po mišljenju žirija, pogriješili.
Ocjenjivački sud, u kojem su osim predstavnika Zračne
luke (direktor Boško Matković) sjedila i zvučna imena, po-
Kincl i Nedihart su u svom radu predvidjeli dva terminala, jedan za
domaći i jedan za inozemni promet / Kincl and Nedihart planned
for two terminals in their project; one for domestic and the other
for international flights
put švedskog arhitekta Gedmunda Stokkea ili predsjednika Međunarodne unije arhitekata Gaetana Siewa, naposljetku je među 17 pristiglih radova tajnim glasovanjem
odabrao rad hrvatskih arhitekata Branka Kincla i Velimira Nediharta. Hrvatski dvojac, kojem je na projektu pomogao Institut građevinarstva Hrvatske, iza sebe je tako
ostavio Zahu Hadid (peta nagrada), japanskog arhitekta
Shigera Bana (druga nagrada), engleskog arhitekta Normana Fostera (treća nagrada) i Andrewa Yeomana iz
studija Tower 151 (četvrta nagrada).
Predsjednik žirija Jerko Rošin u jednoj od svojih izjava medijima rekao je kako su željeli odabrati rad koji će jamčiti
da će nova Zračna luka Zagreb biti jedinstvena i originalna, a da pritom zadovolji sve potrebe putnika.
– Vodili smo računa i o adaptibilnosti projekta, odnosno
mogućnostima daljnjeg proširenja, ali i o energetskoj isplativosti. Dakako, i predloženi izbor građevinskih materijala
i ponuđeni komercijalni prostori na budućem terminalu
su također utjecali na našu odluku. Kada smo uzeli presjek svih kriterija, na kraju smo se odlučili za projekt Kincla
i Nediharta – rekao je Rošin i dodao kako su odlučivale
nijanse, pa možda nisu ni izabrali najbolji projekt.
Novi terminal Zračne luke Zagreb, koja se danas, podsjetimo, nalazi na prostoru koji spada pod ingerenciju
Grada Velika Gorica, a ne Grada Zagreba, prostirat
će se na 70 tisuća četvornih metara. Bit će izgrađen na
svjeroistočnoj strani u odnosu na pistu, dakle na prostoru sadašnje vojne zračne baze, gdje su danas smješteni vojni borbeni avioni, helikopteri, transportni avioni te
Vladin zrakoplov. Stari terminal bi se upotrebljavao za
niskobudžetne letove.
Dva terminala
Kincl i Nedihart su u svom radu predvidjeli dva terminala,
jedan za domaći i jedan za inozemni promet. Prepoznatljiva isprepletena čelična konstrukcija mosta Bundek, koji
bi IGH trebao graditi u Zagrebu, bila im je inspiracija. Terminal će imati i 12 zračnih mostova preko kojih bi putnici
ulazili u avione, a u sredini bi bio zračni most za ulazak
u airbus A380, najveći zrakoplov današnjice. Nedihart,
jedan od autora, u više svojih izjava je istaknuo kako su
njegov kolega i on posebnu pozornost posvetili energetskoj učinkovitosti zgrade, čije će fotosenzitivne ćelije moći
generirati značajne količine energije, koja će se dodatno
štedjeti ventiliranim pročeljima i fasadama. Autori su zamislili i da se s površine aerodroma i krovova terminala
sakuplja kišnica, čime se planira dobiti dovoljna količina
vode za godišnje napuniti pet ukrasnih jezera.
Treće mjesto - rad engleskog arhitekta Normana Fostera /­
Third place - work of English architect Norman Foster
Nova Zračna luka Zagreb bi bila povezana s obilaznicom
Velike Gorice, a kako se u Zagrebu planira i izgradnja
metroa, tada bi se i preko njega dolazilo do aerodroma.
Planira se i izgradnja hotela koji bi se nalazio preko puta
nove zgrade Zračne luke. Kako stručnjaci procjenjuju da
bi za pripremu projekta trebala jedna godina, a gradnja bi trajala dvije godine, pretpostavlja se da bi 2012.
godine Hrvatska mogla dobiti pravu Zračnu luku, koja
će moći primiti 10 milijuna putnika, dok današnja može
samo dva milijuna. Cijena projekta Kincla i Nediharta je
veća od 200 milijuna eura, a kako se planiraju i preinake, vjerojatno će biti i skuplji.
Japanski arhitekt Ban Shigeru, koji je osvojio drugu nagradu, svoju viziju aerodroma temelji na drvetu, argumentirajući takav prijedlog činjenicom da je 36 posto
područja Hrvatske pokriveno šumama. Njegov rad donosi iznimno naglašenu arhitekturu sa snažnim simbolizmom, no žiri je samu realizaciju takvog projekta u Hrvatskoj te njegovu cijenu stavio pod upitnik. Također mu je
zamjerio nekvalitetan protok putnika.
Norman Foster je, pak, krov terminala zamislio kao komade razlomljenog stakla. Njegova ideja je temeljena
na simulaciji i transformaciji postojećeg jedinstvenog prirodnog okoliša u atraktivnu strukturu i kreaciju impresivnog prostora pod krovovima terminala. Iako se na prvi
pogled njegova konstrukcija doima zahtjevnom, žiri je
procijenio kako on ima dobru kombinaciju dolaznih i odlaznih terminala. Iako Foster ima projekt i s optimalnom
solarnom zaštitom, nedostaje mu, smatraju u ocjenjivačkom sudu, detaljniji strukturni model, a smatra se da će
imati problema i s lošim protokom putnika.
Andrew Yeoman iz zagrebačkog arhitektonskog studija
Tower 151 inspiraciju je našao u kamenu. Njegov projekt
ima naprednu i zahtjevnu strukturu, no na nekim mjestima zgrada ima četiri razine, što može biti komplicirano
za putnike.
Strukturni projekt je zanimljiv i grafički jako čist, a žiri smatra da je napravljen vrlo profesionalno pa će dati dobar
temelj za strukturnu analizu u završnom projektu, odnosno u projektu Kincla i Nediharta.
Jednom od najvećih favorita, Zahi Hadid, koja je osvojila tek pet mjesto, ocjenjivački sud je zamjerio lošu protočnost aerodroma i preveliku cijenu gradnje. Iako su
njezine konceptualne ideje provedene do kraja te je i
centralno područje terminala dobro riješeno, žiriju je zasmetalo to što s prometnog aspekta postoji previše smjerova. Također autorica nije uzela u obzir i schengenski
režim. Iako su sam koncept nazvali kreativnim, smatraju
da bi moglo biti problema s kompliciranom konstrukcijom i cijenom projekta.
Drugo mjesto - rješenje japanskog arhitekta Shigera Bana /
Second place - work of Japanese architect Ban Shigeru
A Croatian
Project Chosen
for the New
Airport After All
Although the contest was answered by 17 projects from great architectonic teams, an interesting
solution by Croatian architects Branko Kincl and Velimir Nedihart, assisted by the Civil Engineering Institute of Croatia, ended up being chosen. We present you the top five projects of the
contest, because it was only details that made the difference
Written by: Domagaj Tomić
he international architectonic contest to determine the look of the new passenger terminal of the
Zagreb Airport, which was wrapped up at the beginning of this year’s October, gathered some of
the most prominent names in world architecture and
certainly the most significant names in Croatian architecture. When the competition is so fierce, it really
doesn’t matter who is going to win because it was clear from the start that the new airport was going to look
DalCasa is the first to explain why the evaluation jury
chose the Croatian duo, and what the other award-
winning projects did wrong, at least in the opinion of
the jury.
The evaluation jury, which featured a representative
from the Zagreb Airport (manager Boško Matković), but
also some household names like Swedish architect Gedmund Stokke and president of the International Union
of Architects Gaetano Siew, used the method of secret
voting to finally choose the project by Croatian architects Branko Kincl and Velimir Nedihart in the competition of 17 entered projects. The Croatian duo, which
was assisted by the Civil Engineering Institute of Croatia,
managed to defeat Zaha Hadid (fifth place), Japanese
Četvrto mjesto - Andrew Yeoman iz studija Tower 151 /
Fourth place - Andrew Yeoman from Studio Tower 151
architect Ban Shigeru (second place), English architect
Norman Foster (third place), and Andrew Yeoman from
Studio Tower 151 (fourth place).
The jury president Jerko Rošin explained to the media
that they wanted to choose a project that could guarantee that the new Zagreb Airport was going to be
unique and original, while still satisfying all of the passengers’ needs.
“We considered the issue of project adaptability and
the possibilities of further expansion, and we were also
interested in how efficient this project was going to be
in terms of energy. Naturally, the suggested choice of
construction materials and the offered commercial premises at the future terminal also affected our decision.
When we looked at the overview of all our criteria, we
ended up choosing Kincl and Nedihart’s project”, Rošin
said and added that it all came down to details, which is
why they maybe didn’t even choose the best project.
The new terminal of the Zagreb Airport, which we remind
you is located in the area under the jurisdiction of town
Velika Gorica, instead of the City of Zagreb, will spread
across 70 thousand square metres. It will be built northeast of the runway, in the area that is now occupied by a
military air base, which features military combat planes,
choppers, transport planes and the Government airplane. The old terminal is planned to be used for low-budget flights.
Two Terminals
Kincl and Nedihart planned for two terminals in their project; one for domestic and the other for international flights. They were inspired by the recognizably intertwined
steel construction of bridge Bundek, which IGH is about
to start building in Zagreb. The terminal will also have
12 airlifts that the passengers can use to get themselves
onboard, and the airlift to Airbus A380, the largest airplane of today, would be positioned right in the middle.
Nedihart, one of the authors, repeatedly pointed out
that he and his colleague paid special attention to the
building’s energy efficiency, and they have installed
photosensitive power cells to generate significant amounts of energy, which would be additionally preserved
by ventilated facades. The authors also came up with
the idea of collecting rainwater from the airport surface
and terminal roofs, which would collect enough water
to fill up five decorative lakes per year.
The new Zagreb Airport would be connected to the Velika Gorica roundabout road, and due to the fact that
Zagreb should receive a metro in the near future, that
would also be another way to reach the airport. Constructing a hotel opposite the new airport building is also
in the plans. As the experts are predicting that it takes
about one year to prepare this project, and two more
to go through with the construction project, it is fair to
say that Croatia could receive an actual airport in 2012;
one that could accommodate about 10 million passengers, while the present one can only handle about two
million. Kincl and Nedihart’s project is worth more than
200 million Euros, and it will likely turn out even more expensive as certain adjustments are planned.
Japanese architect Ban Shigeru, who finished in second
place at this contest, based his airport vision on a tree,
with his argument being that about 36 percent of Croatia is covered in forest. His work delivered extremely
Peto mjesto - Zaha Hadid / Fifth place - Zaha Hadid
emphasized architecture with a strong sense of symbolism, but the jury questioned the possibility of achieving
such a project in Croatia, as well as its price. They also
criticized the poor fluidity of passengers that his project
would cause.
Norman Foster, on the other hand, designed the terminal roof as pieces of broken glass. His idea was based on
simulation and transformation of the existing unique natural environment into the attractive structure and creation of an impressive space under the terminal roofs.
Although his construction originally appears to be quite
demanding, the jury pointed out that it featured a good
combination of arrival and exit terminals. Foster’s project also featured optimal solar protection, but the jury
felt that a more detailed structural model was required,
and they also predicted poor fluidity of passengers.
Andrew Yeoman from the Zagreb architectonic studio
Tower 151 found inspiration in the concept of stone. His
project showed advanced and demanding structural
elements, but the building would feature four levels in
some places, which might be slightly complicated for
passengers. The structural project was interesting and
graphically very clean, and the jury felt it was created
with the utmost professionalism, so it has a very good
chance of being used as good foundation for structural
analysis of the final project, which was created by Kincl
and Nedihart.
One of the biggest favourites, Zaha Hadid, managed to
win only fifth place, and the evaluation jury criticized the
airport’s poor fluidity and excessive construction costs.
Although her conceptual ideas were fully developed
and the issue of the terminal’s central section was excellently solved, the jury didn’t like the fact that too many
directions were present from the traffic standpoint. The
author also didn’t take the Schengen regime into consideration. Although the concept was hailed as creative,
the jury felt that the complicated construction and the
project expenses could be a problem.
Piše: Domagaj Tomić
Sky Office
Deset nebodera koji æe
promijeniti vizuru Zagreba
Predstavljamo deset nebodera koji se tek trebaju početi graditi, a koji će, nakon što budu
gotovi, u potpunosti promijeniti vizuru hrvatske metropole i konačno je, barem što se tiče
visine, izdignuti iz prosječnosti i provincijalnosti
omalo kultna Cibona (93 metra) i Zagrepčanka (95 metara) te noviji Eurotower (96 metara),
najviši su objekti u Zagrebu već duži niz godina.
U sljedećih nekoliko godina ti bi građevinski pothvati trebali postati pravi patuljci za projekte koji slijede,
a kojima će Zagreb doista dosegnuti nebeske visine.
Visina: 50 katova – 207 metara
Investitor: Fonem nekretnine
Lokacija: Zagrebačka avenija
Početak gradnje: 2009. godine
Cijena: oko 100 milijuna eura
Splitska tvrtka Fonem nekretnine planira sljedeće godine početi gradnju najvišeg nebodera u Hrvatskoj, koji
je već dobio naziv Zagreb Gate. Riječ je o neboderu
koji će prijeći, za ovaj dio Europe futurističkih, 200 metara, odnosno sa svojih 50 katova dosegnut će čak 207
metara. “Splitski” toranj smjestit će se na Zagrebačkoj
aveniji, točnije na križanju te ulice s Gospodskom ulicom. Zagrebačko Poglavarstvo je već raspisalo javni
anketni urbanističko-arhitektonski natječaj. Direktor Fonem nekretnina Josip Komar, koji je inspiraciju za ovaj
projekt pronašao na ulicama Dubaija, tom je prigodom
objasnio kako će toranj do 20 kata biti hotel od četiri
zvjezdice, s čak 250 soba. Od 20. do 49. kata smjestit će
se poslovni prostori, dok bi na vrhu nebodera mogao
biti vidikovac s restoranom i helidrom. Pod neboderom
će biti i pet podzemnih etaža, od kojih će najveći dio
otpasti na podzemnu garažu.
Visina: 48 katova – 174 metra i 38 katova – 161 metar
Investitor: Institut građevinarstva Hrvatske
Lokacija: Rakušinova ulica, uz Slavonsku aveniju
Početak gradnje: ne prije 2011. godine
Cijena: nepoznata
Ispred sadašnje upravne zgrade Instituta građevinarstva
Hrvatske u Rakušinovoj ulici, predsjednik Uprave toga
građevinskog carstva Jure Radić planira izgraditi dva
tornja, visine 174 i 161 metar. Na natječaju završenom
krajem ljeta pobjedu je odnio arhitektonski studio Arhitektura tholos projektiranje, odnosno rad arhitekata Diane Špirić, Dinke Pavelić, Damira Vrkljana i Otta Barića.
Barićevi arhitekti zamislili su u parterima nebodera urediti trg sa zelenilom, a u samim tornjevima na tri do četiri
mjesta nekoliko katova spojit će se u unutarnje vrtove.
Pobjednički rad predviđa na vrhovima nebodera urediti
vrtove s vidikovcem, a ukupna nadzemna površina iznosit će 82.534 četvorna metra, dok će pod zemljom biti
pet podzemnih etaža s 973 parkirališna mjesta.
Iako Radić medijima nije puno želio govoriti o novom
sjedištu svoga IGH, najavio je kako će za gradnju IGH
Centra tražiti partnere u sljedeće dvije godine. Tek kada
pronađu adekvatne i kvalitetne suradnike, znat će se,
kaže Radić, i sama cijena projekta.
Poslovni centar SAVICA
Visina: 45 katova
Investitor: Konzum?
Lokacija: Avenija Marina Držića
Početak gradnje: nepoznat
Cijena: nepoznata
Od čak 160 tisuća četvornih metara budućega poslovnog centra Savica, čak 72 tisuće kvadrata je predviđeno za stanovanje. Tvrtka CPA izradila je program za javni
anketni urbanističko-arhitektonski natječaj, a sudeći po
njezinoj dokumentaciji, investitor je Konzum. Prizemlje i
prva etaža su rezervirani za 28,5 tisuća četvornih metara maloprodajnih prostora, a čak 18,5 tisuća kvadrata otpada na “retail” maloprodaju u kojoj će se nuditi
odjeća i obuća poznatih brandova po sniženim cijenama. Podsjetimo, takvi trgovački centri se obično grade
izvan samoga grada kako ne bi bili nelojalna konkurencija trgovinama s istom robom u gradskom središtu. To
bi trebao biti prvi retail u Zagrebu. Zanimljivo je da će
posjetitelji i stanari, osim u dvije podzemne etaže, moći
parkirati na etažama iznad trgovačkog centra. Između
nadzemnih garaža i stanova smjestit će se kat sa spa i
wellness uslugama.
Zagreb Gate
South East Gate Tower
Visina: 40 katova – 160 metara
Investitor: Rok Štuglin, Autoservis Savska (Pro-grad)
Lokacija: križanje Zagrebačke avenije i Savske ceste
Početak gradnje: nepoznat
Cijena: nepoznata
Objekt u potpunosti obložen staklom, kada je projektiran, bio je najviši neboder u Zagrebu, pa i Hrvatskoj,
no ubrzo su ga pretekli IGH i Fonem nekretnine. Autori
pobjedničkog rada, od 27 pristiglih radova, su Urbane
tehnike, odnosno arhitekti Hrvoje Bakran, Dražen Plevka i Zdravko Krasić. Kao i kod Zagreb Gatea, i ovdje
se na posljednjem katu planira restoran s vidikovcem,
a arhitekti su na svakom katu predvidjeli dva poslovna
prostora. Osim ureda, u neboderu će se naći mjesta i
za apartmane prilagođene menadžerima. Investitor je
službeno Rok Štuglin, vlasnik Autoservisa Savska, no iza
njega, navodno, stoji Ivan Čalić iz tvrtke Pro-grad.
Visina: 39 katova
Investitor: Verdispar, CCS Ulaganja i Pragmatika
Lokacija: Remetinec rotor zapad
Početak gradnje: 2009. godine
Cijena: 180 milijuna eura
Na prostoru od gotovo 58 tisuća hektara uz Savski nasip, dakle od nikad dovršene Sveučilišne bolnice do Željezničkog mosta uz Kajzericu, tvrtke Pragmatika, CCS
Ulaganja i Verdispar planiraju graditi čak 19 nebodera.
Prema arhitektonskom planu Urbanih tehnika, 18 nebodera će biti visoko od 14 do 19 katova, a onaj najviši će
imati 39 katova. Kako doznajemo, bit će riječ o luksuznoj
četvrti, a ideja arhitekata i investitora je napraviti novi
centar Zagreba, koji će biti smješten uz Savu, rijeku kojoj hrvatska metropola nikada nije dopustila da postane
dio grada.
IGH Centar / IGH Centre
Sky Office
Visina: 35 katova
Investitor: Zagrebački holding
Lokacija: Novi Zagreb, Podbrežje
Početak gradnje: proljeće 2009. godine
Cijena: 300 milijuna eura (cijeli projekt)
Uz više od dvije tisuće “Bandićevih stanova”, koji se nakon završetka naselja Sopnice Jelkovec u Sesvetama
namjeravaju početi graditi u Novom Zagrebu, tu bi trebao niknuti i poslovni toranj od 35 katova. Urbanistički
plan uređenja radi tvrtka Log urbis, a iako je Zagrebački
holding investitor naselja, još nije poznato tko će zagrebačkoj gradskoj tvrtki biti partner u izgradnji tornja. Prema posljednim informacijama, Zg holding će vjerojatno
privatnoj tvrtki prepustiti izgradnju nebodera. Podsjetimo, cijena “Bandićevih stanova” u Sopnici Jelkovec
iznosi 1295 eura po kvadratu, a u Podbrežju bi trebali biti
nešto skuplji.
Visina: 30 katova
Investitor: Poslovni centar Donji grad
Lokacija: križanje Zagrebačke avenije i Selske ceste
Početak gradnje: nepoznat
Cijena: nepoznata
Tlocrt nebodera će imati oblik trapeza, a zbog potresa
kojima je Zagreb sklon, neobični neboder će se graditi najsuvremenijom konstruktivnom tehnikom diagrida.
Kompletnu težinu nebodera će nositi njegovi obodi. Na
urbanističko-arhitektonskom natječaju, koji je raspisala
tvrtka Poslovni centar Donji grad, prvu nagradu je odnio
studio 3LHD.
Pobjednički studio zamislio je oko samog nebodera još
desetak zgrada od maksimalno devet etaža. U prizemlju
zgrada smjestili bi se trgovački sadržaji, na prvom katu
poslovni prostori, dok će se stanovi nalaziti na katovima
iznad. Na najvišoj etaži bit će vidikovac.
Crni monolit / Black Monolith
Visina: 30 katova – 110 metara
Investitor: Zagreb Montaža i Dalekovod
Lokacija: Zagrebačka avenija
Početak gradnje: 2008. godina
Cijena: 100 milijuna eura
Iako su “blizanci” u početku bili zamišljeni na 22 kata,
prema posljednim informacijama tornjevi će dosegnuti i
30 katova, što znači da će prijeći 100 metara. Epileptični tornjevi su međusobno spojeni povezanim dijelom od
drugog do četrnaestog kata. Tako su položeni da osiguravaju pristup dnevnog svjetla, svaka etaža nebodera,
čija će fasada biti od stakla, djeljiva je na četiri radne
jedinice koje se mogu organizirati kao pojedinačni uredi
i kao otvoreni prostori, “sky vrtovi” za zaposlenike. Jedan
toranj će pripasti Dalekovodu, a jedan Zagreb Montaži.
Visina: 30 katova
Investitor: MD profil
Lokacija: Žitnjak
Početak gradnje: nepoznat
Cijena: nepoznata
Na maloj čestici od samo devet tisuća kvadrata, zagrebačka Skupština u proljeće ove godine omogućila je
tvrtki MD profil, vlasnika Darka Mandarića, gradnju čak
30 nadzemnih etaža, što je ukupno 63 tisuće četvornih
metara bruto površine. Grad Zagreb je na tom i okolnom zemljištu namjeravao graditi gradske stanove, no
kako nije uspio otkupiti sve parcele, odustao je. Još nisu
poznati detalji oko izgleda, cijene i početka gradnje tornja.
South East Gate Tower
Visina: 26 katova – 106 metara
Investitor: autor rada 3LHD
Lokacija: kod Domovinskog mosta
Početak gradnje: nepoznat
Cijena: nepoznata
Riječ je o studiji novoga jugoistočnog ulaza u Zagreb, u
kojoj dominira poslovni toranj od 26 katova, visine 106
metara. Kako je riječ o lokaciji (Radnička cesta) na kojoj
se posljednih godina intenzivno gradi (Domovinski most,
pročistač otpadnih voda…), toranj bi trebao biti glavna
figura na tom ulazu u grad. Parcela će se popuniti objektima namijenjenima trgovačkim, ugostiteljskim i poslovnim sadržajima, dok će se okolica, kao i niske zgrade,
prilagoditi sportsko-rekreacijskoj namjeni koja se planira
u neposrednoj blizini. Studio 3LHD je toranj zamislio tako
da njegova vertikalna os transformira kristalični oblik te
stvori zanimljive i raznolike prostore u samoj zgradi, dok
će nepravilni raspored prozora na pročelju odražavati
svjetla automobila koji će prelaziti preko mosta stvarajući promjenjive slike na rijeci Savi.
Manhattan na Laništu / Manhattan at Lanište
Written by: Domagaj Tomić
Ten Skyscrapers to Change
the View of Zagreb
We present the ten skyscrapers that are about to go under construction, and after they’re
completed, they will radically change the view of the Croatian capital and finally, at least as far
as height is concerned, ascend it above the average level of provincialism.
he somewhat legendary Cibona (93 metres) and
Zagrepčanka (95 metres), along with the more recent Eurotower (96 metres), have been the highest
objects in Zagreb for a lot of years now. Over the
next several years, those construction triumphs should
become true midgets in comparison to the upcoming
projects, which will really lead Zagreb towards the sky.
Zagreb Gate
Height: 50 floors – 207 metres
Investor: Fonem Real Estate
Location: Zagreb Avenue
Construction start: 2009
Price: Around 100 million Euros
Company Fonem Real Estate from Split is planning on
starting the construction process of the highest skyscraper in Croatia next year, and the project has already been
named Zagreb Gate. This skyscraper will break the 20032
metre barrier, which is futuristic for this part of Europe,
as its fifty floors will reach up as high as 207 metres. The
“Split” tower will be situated at Zagreb Avenue, at the
crossing of that street with Gospodska Street. The Zagreb
City Hall has already announced the public urban-architectonic contest. Chairman of Fonem Real Estate, Josip
Komar, who found the inspiration for this project at the
streets of Dubai, explained that the tower will serve as a
four-star hotel until the twentieth floor, and it will feature
250 rooms. The space between the 20th and 49th floor
will be taken up by office premises, while the top of the
skyscraper might feature a belvedere with a restaurant
and heliport. Five subterranean levels will be built below
the tower, and most of that space will be used up by a
garage with parking spaces.
IGH Centre
Height: 48 floors – 174 metres and 38 floors – 161 metres
Investor: Civil Engineering Institute of Croatia (IGH)
Location: Rakušin Street, along Slavonia Avenue
Construction start: not before 2011
Price: Unknown
In front of today’s central headquarters of the Civil Engineering Institute of Croatia at Rakušin Street, the chairman
of that construction-business empire Jure Radić plans to
build two towers, which will be 174 metres and 161 metres high. The contest ended in late summer, and it was
won by architectonic studio Architecture Tholos Projecting, while the project was created by architects Diana
Špirić, Dinka Pavelić, Damir Vrkljan and Otto Barić. Barić’s
architects envisioned a square with plenty of green surfaces in front of the towers, while several floors in the towers themselves would connect to create interior gardens.
The winning team of architects also plans to decorate
the tower peaks with belvedere gardens. The overall
above-ground surface would amount to 82.534 square
metres, while five subterranean levels would provide 973
parking spaces. Although Radić refused to share a lot of
info with the media about the new IGH headquarters, he
did point out that he will look for partners in this project
over the next two years. Only after they find adequate
and quality partners, Radić says, the price of this project
will be known.
Business Centre SAVICA
Height: 45 floors
Investor: Konzum?
Location: Marin Držić Avenue
Construction start: Unknown
Price: Unknown
Out of the astounding 160 thousand square metres of the
future business centre SAVICA, as many as 72 thousand
m2 are planned to have a residential function. Company CPA created a programme for a public urbanarchitectonic contest, and judging by the documentation, Konzum is the company investing in this project. The
ground floor and first floor are booked to host 28,5 thousand square metres of retail spaces, and 18,5 thousand
m2 will be taken up by retail stores that will offer clothes
and footwear from famous brands at lowered prices. We
remind you that these types of shopping centres usually
appear outside of the city in order to avoid being disloyal competition to stores with the same goods in the city
centre. This business centre should host the very first retail
in Zagreb. It is also interesting that visitors and tenants,
besides the two subterranean levels, will be able to use
parking spaces above the shopping centre. A floor with
spa and wellness programmes will be featured between
the residential floors and the aboveground garages.
Black Monolith
Height: 40 floors – 160 metres
Investor: Rok Štuglin, Autoservice Savska (Pro-Grad)
Location: Crossing of the Zagreb Avenue and Sava Street
Construction start: Unknown
Price: Unknown
This completely glass-covered project was the highest skyscraper in Zagreb and Croatia when its projected version
first came out, but it was soon beaten by IGH and Fonem
Real Estate. Among the 27 entered projects, the contest
was won by architects Hrvoje Bakran, Dražen Plevka and
Zdravko Krasić. Just like with Zagreb Gate, this project also
features a restaurant with a belvedere on the top floor,
and architects planned out two office spaces on each
floor of the building. Besides for offices, this skyscraper will
also feature apartments adjusted to the needs of managers. The official investor is Rok Štuglin, the owner of Autoservice Savska, but it has been rumoured that he is supported by Ivan Čalić from company Pro-Grad.
Manhattan at Lanište
Height: 39 floors
Investor: Verdispar, CCS Investments and Pragmatika
Location: Remetinac, western rotor
Construction start: 2009
Price: 180 million Euros
At almost 58 thousand hectares along the bank of Sava,
from the unfinished University Hospital until the Railway
Bridge near Kajzerica, companies Pragmatika, CCS Investments and Verdispar have come to an agreement
to build as many as 19 skyscrapers. According to the
architectonic plan by Urban Techniques, 18 skyscrapers
will feature 14 to 19 floors, while the highest one will raise
the bar to 39 floors. We found out that a luxurious neighbourhood will appear in this area, as the architects and
investors are planning to build the new centre of Zagreb
alongside river Sava, which was never previously allowed
to become a part of the Croatian capital.
Height: 35 floors
Investor: Zagreb Holding
Location: New Zagreb, Podbrežje
Construction start: spring of 2009
Price: 300 million Euros (the entire project)
Alongside over two thousand “Bandić apartments”,
which are planned to be built in New Zagreb after the
completion of settlement Sopnice Jelkovec in Sesvete, a
business tower with 35 floors is planned to be constructed.
The physical project is created by company Log Urbis,
and although Zagreb Holding is the investor of the settlement, it is still unfamiliar as to who is going to be their partner in the construction of this tower. According to the latest information, Zagreb Holding will probably release the
Neboder 123 / Skyscraper 123
rights to this tower’s construction to a private firm. Let’s
remember, the price of “Bandić apartments” in Sopnice
Jelkovec is 1295 Euros per square metre, but they should
be slightly more expensive in Podbrežje.
Skyscraper 123
Height: 30 floors
Investor: Business Centre Donji Grad
Location: The crossing of Zagreb Avenue and Selska Street
Construction start: unknown
Price: Unknown
This skyscraper’s blueprint will be shaped like a trapezoid,
and because of the earthquakes that are known to appear in Zagreb, this unusual skyscraper will be built with the
top-modern construction technique called diagrid. The
tower’s complete weight will be supported by its margins.
The urban-architectonic contest, which was organized
by company Business Centre Donji Grad, was won by Studio 3LHD. The winning studio also plans to build ten other
buildings around the tower, none of which would have
more than nine floors. The ground floor would feature
stores, the first floor would be taken up by office spaces,
while all the higher floors would be filled with apartments.
The highest floor would feature a belvedere.
Sky Office
Height: 30 floors – 110 metres
Investor: Zagreb Montaža and Dalekovod
Location: Zagreb Avenue
Construction start: 2008
Price: 100 million Euros
Although the first version of “the twins” planned 22
floors, the last leaks of information say that these towers will reach as many as 30 floors, which means they
will break the 100-metre barrier. These epileptic towers are mutually connected with the attached section between the second and the fourteenth floor.
They are positioned in such manner that they ensure
plenty of daytime light, and every floor of these glassfacade skyscrapers can be divided into four work
units that can be organized as individual offices and
open spaces, “sky gardens” for employers. One tower
will belong to Dalekovod, and the second one to Zagreb Montaža.
Height: 30 floors
Investor: MD Profile
Location: Žitnjak
Construction start: unknown
Price: Unknown
On a small parcel that takes up merely nine thousand
square metres, the Zagreb City Council has given
permission to company MD Profile, owned by Darko
Mandarić, to build a tower with 30 aboveground
floors, which climb up to about 63 thousand square
metres of overall surface. The City of Zagreb originally planned to build city apartments on that and the
neighbouring parcel, but due to the fact that they
couldn’t purchase all the parcels, they backed out.
Details surrounding the look, price or construction start
for this tower still remain unknown.
South East Gate Tower
Height: 26 floors – 106 metres
Investor: Project author 3LHD
Location: Near the Homeland Bridge
Construction start: Unknown
Price: Unknown
This is a project of a new southeast entrance into Zagreb, which is dominated by a 26-floor business tower
that is planned to rise up to 106 metres. Being that it’s
supposed to be built on a location (Radnička Street)
that has seen a lot of construction action over the last
few years (Homeland Bridge, wastewater purifier...),
the tower should serve the purpose of being the head
figure at that city entrance. The parcel will be filled
with stores, restaurants and business objects, while the
surrounding, including the lower buildings, will be adjusted to sport-recreational purposes that are planned
in the immediate environment. Studio 3LHD created
the project of this tower that sees its vertical axis transform into crystal shapes, which create various interesting spaces within the building, while the irregular
arrangement of windows on the facade will reflect
the lights of cars crossing over the bridge, which will
create deceiving images on the river of Sava.
Crni monolit / Black Monolith
Manhattan na Laništu / Manhattan at Lanište
South East Gate Tower
Petrokov i u Splitu
Izložbeno-prodajni salon tvrtke Petrokov, svečano je otvoren 25.
rujna u Splitu, u industrijskoj zoni Dugopolje. Tvrtka Petrokov bavi
se prodajom opreme za centralno grijanje i vodovod, plinske i sanitarne opreme te sustava za klimatizaciju, a u njihovim salonima
nude se proizvodi vrhunskih svjetskih tvrtki, kao što su Vaillant,
Giersch, Rotex, Herz, Grohe i drugi. Svečano otvaranje bilo je obogaćeno koncertom klape Cambi, a mnogobrojni uzvanici odmah
su krenuli u razgledavanje prostranoga dvoetažnog salona.
Zdravi ponos Bilbaa
Zgrada baskijske zdravstvene uprave u Bilbau dizajnirana
je po uzoru na radove iz epohe kubizma. Sustav staklenih
površina postavljenih međusobno pod nepravilnim kutovima namijenjen je ponajprije stvaranju ugođaja u unutrašnjosti. Vizura grada u takvim uvjetima dinamična je i služi
postizanju nečega što autori nazivaju “urbanom vitalnošću“ interijera. Zgrada će biti otvorena ove jeseni.
The Healthy Pride of Bilbao
The Petrokov showroom and store in Split was opened with
much fanfare on September 25th, and it is located in industrial
zone Dugopolje. Company Petrokov sells equipment for central
heating, plumbing, gas installations, sanitary facilities and airconditioning systems, while their showrooms also present products by top-class world companies like Vaillant, Giersch, Rotex,
Herz, Grohe and others. The grand opening featured a concert
by vocal group Cambi, while numerous visitors wasted no time in
starting to explore the spacious two-storey showroom.
Namještaj Interstuhl u novom
filmu Jamesa Bonda
James Bond nešto je više od filmskog lika. U posljednjih pola
stoljeća, zahvaljujući pomno stvaranom
imidžu, tajni agent u službi Njezina Veličanstva postao je simbol dobrog ukusa i stila.
U novom filmu Zrno utjehe, u prostorijama
tajne službe kojima kroči Daniel Craig, možete vidjeti asortiman stolaca Silver tvrtke
Interstuhl, koju u Hrvatskoj ekskluzivno zastupa Stipić Interart. Pojava Interstuhlova
asortimana u filmu o Jamesu Bondu potvrđuje da se radi o prestižnom i kvalitetnom
brandu. Ugled kakav ima Interstuhl, razlog
je što njihove proizvode možete pronaći i u
katalogu Stipić Interarta.
Interstuhl Furniture in the New
James Bond Movie
James Bond is more than just a movie character. Thanks to the
carefully created image over the last half of century, the secret
agent in the service of Her Majesty has become a symbol of
good taste and style. In the new movie Quantum of Solace, as
Daniel Craig walks across the Agency premises, you’re able to
see the Silver chair assortment by company Interstuhl, which
is exclusively represented in Croatia by Stipić
Interart. The appearance of the Interstuhl
assortment in a James
Bond movie confirms
the quality and prestige of this brand.
Interstuhl’s exceptional
reputation is the reason their products are
available in the Stipić
Interart catalogue.
Pripremio / Edited by: Nikola Čelan
Petrokov Coming to Split
The Baskian Health Administration building in Bilbao carries the design patterns created in the era of cubism. The
system of glass surfaces that meet under irregular angles
was primarily created with the purpose of creating a pleasant interior atmosphere. In such conditions, the view of the
city is dynamic and contributes to something the authors
like to call “urban vitality” of the interior. The building is
scheduled to be opened this autumn.
Festival vina i kulinarstva
u Zagrebu
Treći međunarodni festival vina i kulinarstva VINO.COM 2008.
održat će se 28. i 29. studenoga u zagrebačkom hotelu The
Regent Esplanade. Ovogodišnja će se priredba održati na površini od oko 2000 četvornih metara, a okupit će više od 200
izlagača, proizvođača i trgovaca, i to vina, pršuta, sira, ulja,
kulena, slatkih delicija i drugih proizvoda iz Europske unije i
zemalja našeg okruženja. Ostali dijelovi svijeta bit će zastupljeni preko uvoznika. Festival je u cijelosti posvećen kulturi
stola, vina i hrani, kao nezaobilaznom dijelu gospodarstva i
hrvatske turističke ponude. Preporuka – obvezno posjetiti.
Izlazak u zgradu
Ekaterinburg, treći po redu ruski grad na rubu Sibira, sa
svojih 1,3 milijuna stanovnika, trenutačno je najintrigantnije središte investicija u toj zemlji. Rusko-francusko-britanska kolaboracija, predvođena građevnim koncernom
RMJM, zabavljena je izgradnjom “visećih vrtova“, projektom mješovite namjene s uključenih 46.000 četvornih
metara stambenih i turističko-ugostiteljskih sadržaja, uz
prvi svjetski zatvoreni vertikalni park, smješten u samom
središtu zgrade. Park bi omogućio uživanje u prirodnom
ambijentu i tijekom ekstremnih klimatskih uvjeta u gradu
i regiji.
Stepping Out into the Building
Festival of Wine and Culinary
Arts in Zagreb
The third International Festival of Wine and Culinary Arts,
VINO.COM 2008, will be held on November 28th and 29th at
the Regent Esplanade Hotel in Zagreb. This year’s manifestation will take place at over 2000 square metres, and will gather over 200 exhibitors, manufacturers and sellers of wine,
prosciutto, cheese, oil, Kulen sausages, sweet delicacies and
other products from the European Union and other countries
in our area, while the rest of the world will be represented by
importers. The festival is completely dedicated to the cultures of table, wine and food, which is an integral part of the
economy and Croatian tourism offering. We firmly advise you
not to miss this event.
Trebotić u tekstilu
Poznati splitski likovni umjetnik Matko
Trebotić osmislio je svoju prvu kolekciju
tepiha. Riječ je o tepisima ručne izrade
dimenzija 2,80 x 2,20 m od čiste runske
vune i limitirane tiraže. Proizvodnju preuzimaju pogoni zabočke “Regeneracije“,
dok će se prva prezentacija ove zanimljive invencije čuvenog slikara dogoditi na
zagrebačkoj “Ambijenti 2008.“.
Yekaterinburg, the third largest Russian city on the edge
of Siberia with the population of 1.3 million people, is
currently the most intriguing investment centre in the
country. The Russian/French/British collaboration, led by
the RMJM construction group, is currently occupied with
the process of building “hanging gardens”, which is a
project of multiple purposes that includes 46 000 square
metres of residential and tourism/restaurant facilities.
It also includes the world’s first enclosed vertical park,
which is situated at the very centre of the building. The
park would provide a chance to enjoy the natural ambience even during extreme climate conditions that often
appear in the city and the region.
Trebotić in Textile
Famous Split artist Matko Trebotić came up
with his very first collection of carpets.
These are hand-made carpets with dimensions of 2,80 x 2,20 metres, made
of merino wool and featured in
very limited production. They
are manufactured by “Regeneration” in Zabok, while the
first presentation of this
interesting invention
from the famous
painter will take
place at “Ambienta 2008” in Zagreb.
Piše: Nina Bošković Foto: Kristina Fazinić
Alto Trade
Ambienta - malenim
koracima naprijed
Da prate svjetske trendove u dizajnu namještaja, novitetima opreme i materijala,
pokazali su brojni domaći izlagači
a jubilarnom 35. međunarodnom sajmu namještaja, unutarnjeg uređenja i prateće industrije Ambienta, ove su godine predstavljena
čak 744 izlagača, među kojima je bilo njih 383
iz 31 strane zemlje. Svoje najnovije proizvode, usluge i
tehnologije, na oko 51.500 četvornih metara, izlagale
su i tvrtke iz Indije, Malezije, Finske, SAD-a, Velike Britanije, Turske, Švedske, Švicarske. Ambienta je obuhvaćala
šest tematskih cjelina: Namještaj za stanovanje, Kuhinje i
kupaonice, Uredski namještaj i namještaj za opremanje
objekata, Proizvodi i oprema za unutarnje uređenje, Repromaterijali za industriju namještaja te Strojevi i alati za
drvnu industriju.
I ove je godine pozornost posjetitelja ponajviše privukao
projekt “Drvo je prvo“ Hrvatske gospodarske komore, Ministarstva šumarstva i Hrvatskih šuma, koji je svoj izložbeni
prostor pretvorio u “Šumu Striborovu“, odavajući na taj
način počast hrvatskoj književnici Ivani Brlić-Mažuranić i
njezinoj istoimenoj priči.
Da prate svjetske trendove u dizajnu namještaja, u novitetima opreme i materijala, pokazali su i brojni domaći
izlagači. Prošlogodišnji dobitnik srebrne plakete PPS Galeković predstavio je proizvode od vrhunskoga, prirodnog
i ekološkog materijala, od kojih stvara topao ugođaj u
prostorima za stanovanje. Novost su masivni podovi Rex
koje karakteriziraju veće dimenzije, a nakon postavljanja
se mogu lakirati ili nauljiti. Pažnju posjetitelja su izazvali i
termo podovi jer procesom termo tretiranja drvo postaje
otpornije na vlagu i štetočine, a njegova boja poprima
tamnije nijanse, kao i decking proizvodi od drva koji se
također obrađuju ovom inovativnom finskom tehnologijom, a mogu se upotrebljavati u sasvim novim prostorima,
poput terasa, vrtova te prostora oko bazena.
Na Ambienti je ove godine Eduro predstavio dva nova
proizvoda i uveo nove ekološke, prirodne materijale u krute i
predodređene materijale za proizvodnju namještaja.
Ispune za klizna vrata Kamenglas su punjene prirodnim materijalima, pijeskom, šljunkom ili drobljenim mramorima, proizveli
su ih u suradnji s domaćim inovatorom – tvrtkom Dizajn Šafarić s Krka, a rezultat je materijal odličnih vizualnih, topliskih i
zvučnih svojstava. Drugi Edurov hit na sajmu bio je lamelirano
staklo “Četiri godišnja doba“, odnosno sigurnosno staklo idealno za pregradne stijenke te za klizna vrata ormara, za kupce koji traže unikatni dizajn i materijale. Prigodno godišnjem
dobu, na sajmu je izloženo staklo u čiju je sredinu ubačeno
jesensko lišće jakog kolorita. Prednost postupka nove tehnologije hladnog lameliranja stakla jest u tome što svi organski
materijali zarobljeni u sredini stakla zadržavaju svoju ljepotu i
oblik. Postupkom toplog lameliranja organska tvar gubi svoj
izgled te je upravo zbog toga i osmišljena nova tehnologija
hladnog lameliranja.
Tvrtka Textum, prošlogodišnji dobitnik nagrade za najuspješniji
nastup na Ambienti, i ove je godine privukla pozornost brojnih posjetitelja svojim novitetima, a među njima se svakako
izdvaja Ecopiedra, proizvodi načinjeni od osnovnih sastojaka
prirodnih stijena, iz kojih su izbačeni elementi koji reagiraju s
prirodnim agensima a proizvode soli ili opasne reakcije, čime
se na taj način postiže nenadmašna kvaliteta. Posebna tehnika se temelji na odabiru elemenata prirodnih stijena i njihove
rekonstrukcije u kalupima.
Muški dio posjetitelja puno zanimanja je pokazao za dizajnerske hladnjake i vinske vitrine na izložbenom prostoru tvrtke Gemma, te kolekciju Hydra ABC Interijera. Posebnost ove linije
keramičke kupaoničke opreme jest savršena finoća linija koje
prate siluetu tijela, poput modela samostojećih lavaboa Miss
od materijala Icetek.
Kraljevski ugođaj
Pozornost posjetiteljica zaokupilo je nekoliko izložbenih prostora domaćih tvrtki. Alto je prezentirao namještaj i dekorativne
detalje po uzoru na kraljevski ugođaj engleskih dvorova. Puno
drvo kombinirano s trstikom, uzorci krokodilske kože, detalji
ukrašeni kristalima Swarovski i sve to u smeđim i crnim tonovima, oduševili su ljubitelje elegancije.
Meblo Trade se svake godine predstavi moderno dizajniranim namještajem visoke kvalitete koji prati svjetske trendove
te pratećim programom za uređenje interijera – dekorativnim
tkaninama, zavjesama, tapetama. Jedna od zanimljivosti na
sajmu svakako je bila linija garnitura Delta Salotti s dekorativnim printom, poput stihova, slika, logotipova..., a posebno
mjesto posvećeno je talijanskom brandu Selva i njihovim novim linijama Fontana i Riviera, koje na poseban način interpretiraju prošlost u sadašnjosti. Kao i uvijek, pažnju je izazvao i
program Jogi za zdravo spavanje, dekorativni tekstil te tapete
svjetskih dizajnera Dedar, Sahco Hesslein, Kinnasand i Zimmer
Posjet maštovitom svijetu dekoracija prestižnog branda Joop,
za svaku je ženu vjerojatno bilo ispunjenje snova. Izvanredni
dekorativni materijali za gardine i zavjese, namještaj i odgovarajući tepisi unose glamur u svaki dom. Fini detalji zasluženo
nose naziv luksuzni zbog jacquard motiva, izvezenih detalja ili
motiva koji kao da su izrezbareni. Korištene su i bogate mješavine tkanina sa chenillom, satenom ili organdijem.
Kolekcija Mystic desingned by Lili Panjtar, tvrtke Odeja design,
oduševila je sve ljubitelje veselog kolorita i satena na posteljini,
plahtama, prekrivačima i ukrasnim jastucima, te na trenutak
odvela u bajkoviti svijet “1001 noći“.
Written by: Nina Bošković Photo: Kristina Fazinić
Odeja - kolekcija Mystic / Odeja - Mystic collection
Ambienta One Step at
a Time
Numerous Croatian exhibitors clearly demonstrated that they are in touch with world
trends in furniture design, as well as with
novelties in equipment and materials
he 35th annual international fair of furniture, interior
decoration and accompanying industries Ambienta presented as many as 744 exhibitors this year,
and 383 of them came from 31 foreign countries.
At around 51.500 square metres of surface, the newest
products, services and technologies were presented by
companies from India, Malaysia, Finland, USA, Great Britain, Turkey, Sweden, Switzerland and others. Ambienta
consisted of six programmatic units: Residential Furniture,
Kitchens and Bathrooms, Office Furniture and Furniture for
Object Furnishing, Interior decoration Products and Equipment, Repromaterials for Furniture Industry, and Tools and
Machinery for Wood Industry.
The visitors’ attention was again very attracted to project
“Wood Comes First” by the Croatian Chamber of Economics, Ministry of Forestry and Croatian Forests, which
transformed their exhibit stand into the “Stribor Forest”,
honouring Croatian writer Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić in the
process by paying homage to her story.
Numerous Croatian exhibitors clearly demonstrated that
they are in touch with world trends in furniture design, as
well as with novelties in equipment and materials. Last
year’s silver-plaque winner PPS Galeković presented
products made of top-quality, natural and ecological
material, which creates warm ambience in residential
spaces. A new appearance came in the form of massive Rex floors that are noticeably oversized, and they are
usually varnished or oiled up after the installing process.
The visitors were also drawn to thermo-floors, because
thermo-processing causes wood to become more resilient to moisture and vermin, while its colour receives a
darker shade. The same thing happens to decking wood
products that are also processed with this innovative
Finnish technology, and can now be used in completely
new places, such as terraces, gardens and the swimming-pool area.
This year’s Ambienta witnessed two new Eduro products,
and the same company also introduced new ecological
and natural materials into the stiff and predetermined furniture materials. Completions for Kamenglas sliding doors
are filled with natural materials, such as sand, gravel or
crushed marble, and they were produced in cooperation with a local investor Šafarić Design from Krk, which resulted in a material with excellent visual, heat and sound
characteristics. Eduro hit another “jackpot” at this fair with
laminated glass called “Four Seasons of the Year”, which
is basically a safety glass ideal for partition surfaces and
sliding closet doors, and buyers who are looking for unique
design and materials were certainly interested. Appropriately in terms of the season of the year, they presented
glass filled with strong-coloured autumn leaves at this fair.
The new technology of cold glass laminating has the advantage of keeping all the organic materials trapped in
the middle of the glass, which retains their beauty and
shape. When the process of warm laminating is enforced,
the organic substances lose their shape, which led to
the introduction of cold laminating. Company Textum,
last year’s winner of the award for the most successful
performance at Ambienta, again attracted many visitors to their stand with numerous novelties, the standout
of which is certainly Ecopiedra, products made of basic
substances of natural rocks that eliminate any elements
that react with natural agents to produce salt or dangerous reactions, which led to second-to-none quality. This
special technique is based on the choice of natural-rock
elements and their reconstruction in various moulds. The
male visitors were immediately attracted to designer refrigerators and wine shelves at the Gemma stand, as well
as to a collection of Hydra ABC Interiors. This series of ceramic bathroom equipment is special due to the perfectly refined figure that follows the body silhouette, which is
exemplified in models of detached Miss washbasins from
material Icetek.
The Royal Treatment
Female visitors, however, were most attracted to several
exhibit stands of Croatian companies. Alto presented furniture and decorative details that recall the royal ambience of English castles. Full wood combined with reed,
samples of crocodile leather, details embellished by
Swarowski crystals with predominant brown and black
tones delighted all lovers of elegance.
Meblo Trade appears every year with modern-designed
furniture of the highest quality, which stays in touch with
all world trends, and they also presented an interior-decoration programme – decorative fabrics, curtains, wallpapers... One of the more interesting things to appear
at this fair was certainly the Delta Salotti ensemble series
with decorative printing of things like lyrics, pictures, logotypes..., and special mention goes to Italian brand Selva
and their new lines Fontana and Riviera, which have their
own way of interpreting past in the present. As always,
there was a lot of fuss about the Jogi programme for
healthy sleeping, as well as about decorative textile and
world-designer wallpapers Dedar, Sahco Hesslein, Kinnasand and Zimmer Rohde.
A visit to the imaginative world of decorations by prestigious brand Joop probably fulfilled every woman’s fantasy at this fair. Exceptional decorative materials for curtains,
furniture and accompanying carpets bring glamour into
every home. Delicate details are deservedly called luxurious because of jacquard motifs, embroidered details or
different motifs that appear to be carved. Rich mixtures
of fabrics with chenille, satin or organdie were also used.
Collection Mystic, designed by Lili Panjtar from Odeja Design, enchanted everyone that is a fan of happy colours,
satin on bed sheets, bed linen, blankets and decorative
pillows, and it succeeded to briefly take us on a trip to the
fairytale world of “1001 Nights”.
Alto Trade
Prošlogodišnji dobitnik srebrne plakete PPS Galeković /
Last year’s silver-plaque winner PPS Galeković
Skulptura Salvadora Dalija na obali rijeke Temze / A Salvador Dali
sculpture on the banks of the River Thames
Buckinghamska palača / Buckingham Palace
London - grad koji
otvara vidike
Proučavajući London, glavni grad jedne od najmoćnijih europskih zemalja, naišla sam na ­mnoštvo
opisa mjesta pod kojima stoji: “obvezno posjetiti“. Putujete li i vi u taj višemilijunski grad, ne zaboravite da u moru građevina i mjesta koji će vas “opkoliti“, pronađete one u kojima ćete doista
Piše: Martina Kocijan
a pitanje odakle tolika oduševljenost Londonom, mnogi će odgovoriti da je jedan od razloga što se u njemu osjeća različitost. Što je to
različito u gradu u kojem svakodnevno radi,
uči, zabavlja se i diše više od 7,5 milijuna stanovnika?
Istražimo. Osim što je kulturno, ekonomsko i obrazovno
središte Europe i svijeta, London se, uz Pariz, New York
i Tokio, smatra jednim od najvećih svjetskih prometnih
i trgovačkih centara. Već je u 12. stoljeću opisan kao
nemirno mjesto puno aktivnosti i grad pun glumaca, lakrdijaša, pjevačica, vidara, bludnica, proročica, lihvara,
noćnih tipova, mađioničara, mimičara, prosjaka i odrpanaca. Paralelno s razvojem kulturnog života, grad razvija bankovni sustav, danas jedan od najvećih u svijetu.
Londonski bankovni sustav je počeo funkcionirati kao
skup privatnih banaka s londonskim Cityjem u središtu.
Zahvaljujući trgovcima, koji su u grad dolazili kako bi
izravnavali račune, London je postao najznačajnije financijsko središte svijeta. Danas nije nimalo drugačije.
Po svojoj funkciji i socijalnoj strukturi, London je podije-
Foto: Visitlondonimages / britainonview
ljen u tri dijela: stara jezgra City, zapadni dio West End i
istočni dio East End. City čini njegovu povijesnu, tradicionalnu jezgru s trgovačko-bankarskom funkcijom. U njemu se nalaze osiguravajuće kompanije, banke i jedna
od najvećih burzi na svijetu. Danju taj dio grada vrvi od
gužve poslovnih ljudi. East End je industrijski dio grada u
kojemu su skladišta i dokovi, i iako je to poznati radni dio
Londona, nekad četvrt siromaštva i bijede, danas se sve
više pretvara u poslovni.
Najbolje iz gradske ponude
Big Ben, veliki sat u samom središtu Londona, njegova
je glavna znamenitost, a slijede ga Buckinghamska i
Westminsterska palača, vrtuljak London Eye, Povijesni
muzej i Londonski most ispod kojeg prolazi rijeka Temza.
Westminsterska palača je sjedište dvaju parlamentarnih
domova: House of Lords i House of Commons. Jedna
od najljepših građevina na sjevernoj obali rijeke Temze
ima više od 1100 soba, 100 stubišta i gotovo pet kilometara hodnika. Pravo ime najpoznatijega svjetskog sata,
Vanjska terasa puba u Docklandsu / Courtyard of
a pub in Docklands area
Harrods, jedna od najpoznatijih svjetskih
robnih kuća / Harrods, one of the world’s
most famous department stores
Užurbana slika ulice Oxford / Busy scene
on Oxford Street
smještenog unutar jednog tornja Britanskog parlamenta, zapravo je Veliki westminsterski sat, dok je Big Ben
ime najvećeg zvona u samom tornju. Izgrađena prije
više od 300 godina, Buckinghamska palača je dom kraljice Elizabete i poznata turistička atrakcija, veličine gotovo 80.000 četvornih metara. Iza palače, u najvećem
privatnom vrtu u Londonu, Kraljica svakog ljeta održava svoje poznate domjenke. Budući da je pozivnicu za
domjenak malo teže nabaviti, brojni turisti dolaze ispred
ulaznih vrata kako bi pogledali glavnu atrakciju palače – izmjenu kraljevske straže. Westminster Abbey još je
jedna građevina koju vrijedi posjetiti. U toj su gotičkoj
katedrali okrunjeni gotovo svi engleski kraljevi i kraljice,
a u obližnjim kriptama mnogi od njih su i pokopani. St.
Paul’s Cathedral anglikanska je katedrala i sjedište londonskog biskupa, a po veličini je druga najveća crkva
na svijetu, odmah iza Sv. Petra u Vatikanu. Kupola joj je
visoka čak 108 metara, a pri uspinjanju na vrh, s kojeg se
vidi cijeli grad, nalaze se tri galerije: Whispering, Stone i
Golden. Tower of London je srednjovjekovna tvrđava i
mjesto na kojem kraljičine dragulje čuvaju Yeomen War44
ders ili Beefeaters, čuvari koji su ime dobili po mesnim
odrescima jer su bili jedni od rijetkih ljudi koji su ih u prošlosti smjeli jesti. London Tower je ipak mnogo poznatiji
kao bivši zatvor, mučilište i pogubilište za slavne zatvorenike. U njemu su pogubljeni engleski kralj Henrik VI. i
njegove supruge Margareta te sestre Ana i Jane Boleyn.
Zanimljivost toga dvorca su i gavrani, koji ga nastanjuju
već stoljećima. Prema legendi, napuste li gavrani toranj,
Englesko kraljevstvo će propasti.
Od Londonskog oka do Tower mosta
Toranj visok 135 metara u samom središtu Londona, British
Airways London Eye, atrakcija je koja se teško propušta.
Najveći svjetski vrtuljak sastoji se od 32 kapsule iz kojih vam
pogled seže na gotovo 40 kilometara grada. Nakon što
je izgrađen za proslavu novog tisućljeća, vrtuljak je brzo
postao jednim od glavnih gradskih simbola. Ako nakon
London Eyea nastavite dalje uz obalu Temze, doći ćete
do Tower Bridgea, najpoznatijega gradskog mosta. Kada
s Towera gledate na desnu obalu rijeke, primijetit ćete
mnoštvo suvremenih nebodera – poznati londonski City.
Pogled s Tower mosta / View from Tower Bridge
Grb s križem svetog Jurja / Coat of arms featuring
the cross of St. George
Eksterijer hotela Ritz u Piccadillyju / Exterior of the Ritz
Hotel in Piccadilly
Volite li životinje, pravi izbor je County Hall, bivši dom Velikog londonskog sabora. U toj golemoj građevini danas
se smjestio Londonski akvarij s više od 350 različitih vodenih vrsta iz svih dijelova svijeta. U sklopu County Halla
nalazi se i muzej Dali Universe u kojem se može razgledati više od 500 umjetničkih djela. Jedno od najpoznatijih
djela koje taj muzej ima jest Spellbound, slika koja je još
davne 1945. godine ukrašavala set na kojem su snimani
poznati Hitchcockovi trileri. Privlači li vas kazalište, navratite u Theatre Museum na Russell Streetu gdje ćete otkriti
eksponate i demonstracije “dasaka koje život znače”,
od kazališne šminke i kostima do glume. Tura kroz Royal
Opera House uvest će vas u tajni svijet života jedne od
najpoznatijih međunarodnih umjetničkih kuća. Dečki će
zasigurno željeti posjetiti bar jedan od londonskih stadiona, poput Wembleyja, Emiratesa i Stamford Bridgea, koji
će im bar nakratko približiti sportske čari.
Ne zaboravite prošetati
Piccadilly Circus i Trafalgar Square dva su najpoznatija londonska trga. Trafalgar je najveći londonski trg i
na njemu se nalaze četiri muzeja: Nacionalna galerija,
British Museum, Tate i muzej voštanih figura Madame Tussaud. Obilježje Trafalgar trga su i četiri lavlje statue na
kojima se turisti vole fotografirali za uspomenu. Piccadilly
Circus, poznat po fontani s kipom Erosa i brojnim neonskim svjetlima, jedno je od glavnih cestovnih čvorišta u
gradu, gdje započinju West End, City of Westminster te
Regent Street. Samo ime dobio je po piccadillu, popularnoj vrsti ovratnika koju su šivali tamošnji krojači, i circusu, latinskoj riječi za otvoreni prostor. Piccadilly je i odlična polazišna točka za šoping u obližnje ulice Regent,
Oxford ili Bond, ali i za noćni provod prema Leicester
Squareu, prepunom odličnih klubova i pubova. Ispred
Tatea, muzeja moderne umjetnosti, prostire se predivno
šetalište uz Temzu gdje se turisti vole odmoriti, ali samo
nakratko jer će u blizini brzo uočiti The Globe, rekonstruirano kazalište “zaljubljenog Shakespearea”. Ne počne
li padati kiša, tipična za londonsko područje, predivan
je osjećaj prošetati se i nekim od mnogobrojnih parkova
i vrtova, poput Hydea i Regent’s Parka. Za sve koji žele
javno izreći svoje mišljenje, idealno mjesto je Hyde park, u
kojem Londončani bez straha kritiziraju pojedince i državu
jer znaju da zbog toga neće biti kažnjeni.
Šoping života
U Londonu ćete, odlučite li se ući u Oxford Street, kupujući doslovce zaglaviti. Jedna od najvećih ulica na svijetu
duga je čak tri kilometra i ima više od 300 prodavaonica. Oxford Streetu se u šopingomaniji pridružuju Regent
Street i Bond Street, ulica s ekskluzivnim trgovinama. Tu su
i trgovine velikih britanskih lanaca robnih kuća, poput 100
godina starog Selfridgesa, Debenhamsa, Johna Lewisa
ili House of Fraser. Oxford Street je poznata i po božićnoj
tradiciji. Svake godine, sredinom studenoga, jedna slavna
osoba pali njezina božićna svjetla. Do sada su to učinili
Richard Branson, Spice Girls, Enrique Iglesias i mnogi drugi.
Posljednji na popisu, no ne i najmanje važan, trgovački je
centar Harrods, sinonim za luksuzni šoping, koji na više od
80 tisuća četvornih metara nudi sedam etaža za šoping iz
snova. “Omnia Omnibus Ubique - Sve za svakoga, posvuda“, Harrodsov je slogan koji ga najbolje opisuje.
Tower most / Tower Bridge
London Eye
Savršeno opuštanje
London će oduševiti i ljubitelje piva. U njemu možete pronaći čak pet tisuća pubova! Nakon cjelodnevnog razgledavanja grada, savršeno opuštanje upravo su ta mala,
neodoljiva mjesta i rijetki su oni koji mogu odoljeti crnom
Guinnessu i gomili nasmiješenih ljudi, s kojima se nakon
nekoliko piva lako sporazumijeva na svim jezicima svijeta.
Nakon puba i večere zanimljivo je posjetiti neki od noćnih klubova u kojima je atmosfera zaista posebna. Kultni
klubovi Ministry of Sound i Notting Hill Arts Club nude za
svakoga ponešto, a uz pubove i klubove, na usluzi je i oko
11.000 restorana i kafića.
Kako do popusta
Želite li ostvariti besplatan ulaz u najbolje londonske turističke atrakcije, nabavite karticu London pass. Platit ćete
je između 38 i 120 funti, ovisno o tome želite li koristiti i javni prijevoz. Njome ostvarujete pravo na besplatan ulaz u
Tower of London, katedralu sv. Pavla, londonski Zoo, vožnju Temzom, razgledavanje Stamford Bridgea, u neka
kina i mnoga druga mjesta, a također dobivate popuste
u restoranima i trgovinama.
Posjetiti ili ne posjetiti
Radite li listu gradova i država koje “obvezno“ morate posjetiti, a dvoumite se u vezi s Londonom, dobro proučite
sve njegove mane i prednosti. U njemu ćete susresti ljude svih nacija, rasa i vjera, čuti više stotina različitih jezika,
uočiti i doživjeti nove, drugačije stvari, građevine i stilove.
Osjetit ćete što znači biti građanin modernog svijeta. S
druge strane, pripremite se da ćete u Londonu i trošiti i
potrošiti. Životni standard mnogo je viši nego u nas, stoga
su i cijene posve drugačije od onih na koje smo navikli.
Primjerice, za jedno će vam piće trebati svota koju biste
u Hrvatskoj potrošili na rundu za troje ljudi. Ipak, sam put
može vas doći znatno manje rezervirate li kartu na nekom
od niskotarifnih letova, danas odlično povezanih s hrvatskim zračnim lukama. Na kraju, imate li prilike birati, za
sebe uvijek birajte najbolje – grad koji će vam zasigurno
dati više nego što mislite, a najvažnije od svega, London
će vam otvoriti vidike.
Pogled na zgradu Parlamenta preko rijeke Temze / View of the Houses
of Parliament across the River Thames
London - A City to
Expand Your Horizons
By analyzing London, the capital of one of the most powerful European countries, we noticed
that a lot of locations in the city supposedly fall into the “must visit” category. If you’re about
to travel to that multimillion city, don’t forget to find the sights you will really enjoy among the
sea of buildings and locations that will surround you
Written by: Martina Kocijan
f you start asking people about the source of their enthusiasm for London, many of them will answer that
one of the main reasons is the sense of difference you
can feel in that city. So what is so different about the
city that features 7,5 million people working, studying,
having fun and breathing day after day? Besides being the cultural, economical and educational centre of
Europe and the world, London is considered to be one
of the world’s biggest traffic and merchandise centres,
along with Paris, New York and Tokyo. Even back in the
12th century, it was described as a restless and active
town filled with actors, jesters, singers, healers, promiscuous women, psychics, loan sharks, night characters,
magicians, mimics, beggars and bums. As its cultural life
began to develop, the city also started developing its
banking system, which is now one of the biggest in the
world. The London banking system started functioning
as a collection of private banks that were located in the
City of London. Thanks to merchandise sellers who came
to London to straighten their bills, London became the
most important financial centre in the world. Today’s
situation is absolutely no different.
Photo: Visitlondonimages / britainonview
If we look at its function and social structure, London
is divided into three sections: the old centre City, West
End and East End. City is London’s historic and traditional centre with the trade-banking function. It hosts the
majority of insurance companies, banks and one of the
largest stock markets in the world. During the daytime,
that part of the city is filled with an enormous amount
of business people. East End is the industrial part of the
city that features warehouses and docks, and although
it used to be known as the labouring part of London
that had its share of poverty and misery, it is now going
through the process of becoming a business centre.
The Best the City Has to Offer
Big Ben, an enormous clock in the centre of London,
is the most attractive sight, but it is closely followed by
Buckingham Palace, Westminster Palace, Ferris wheel
London Eye, History Museum and London Bridge that
rises above river Themes. Westminster Palace is the
headquarters of the two Parliament houses: House of
Lords and House of Commons. One of the most beautiful buildings on the northern shore of Themes has over
Pogled na rijeku Temzu koja vijuga kroz grad / Looking
down on the River Thames meandering through the city
of London
1100 rooms, 100 staircases and almost five kilometres of
hallway surface. The actual name of the world’s most
famous clock, located within one of the British Parliament towers, is really The Great Clock of Westminster,
while Big Ben is the name of the tower’s largest bell. Built
over 300 years ago, Buckingham Palace is Queen Elizabeth’s home and one of London’s most famous attractions, which spreads across almost 80.000 square metres.
Behind the palace, in London’s largest private garden,
the Queen holds her famous receptions every summer.
It might be a little difficult to get an invitation to that
reception, so the next best thing might be to come in
front of the entrance and watch the palace’s main attraction – the changing of the royal guard. Westminster
Abbey is another building worth visiting. That Gothic
cathedral is where almost all English kings and queens
were crowned, and many of them were also buried in
the nearby crypts. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the Anglican
cathedral that serves as the headquarters to the Bishop
of London, and it’s also the second largest church in
the world, right behind St. Paul’s Cathedral in Vatican.
Its cupola is an astounding 108 metres high, and while
you’re climbing to the top, which reveals the view of
the entire city, you will also find three galleries: Whispering, Stone and Golden. Tower of London is a medieval
fortress where the Queen’s jewellery is guarded by Yeo-
men Warders or Beefeaters, which were named after the
beef stakes they were allowed to eat in the past, when
most people were forbidden to do so. However, London
Tower is much more famous for being a former prison,
and a place where famous prisoners were tortured and
executed. Among the people executed in this establishment, let’s just mention English King Henry VI., his wife
Margaret, and sisters Anne and Jane Boleyn. That castle
is also famous for ravens, as they’ve been living there for
centuries. The legend says that if the ravens ever leave
that tower, the English Kingdom will crumble.
From London Eye to Tower Bridge
A 135-metre-high tower in the very centre of London, the
British Airways London Eye, is an attraction you shouldn’t
afford to miss. The world’s largest Ferries wheel consists
of 32 capsules that reveal the view of almost 40 kilometres of the city. After being built for the new millennium
celebration, the Ferris wheel quickly became one of
the city’s trademarks. If you pass London Eye and keep
walking along Themes, you will reach Tower Bridge, the
most important bridge in the city. When you find yourself
there and you look towards the right side of the river,
you will notice quite a few modern skyscrapers – the
world-famous City of London.
If you’re an animal lover, County Hall is the place to go.
That enormous building, which used to host the Greater
London Council, is now home to the London Aquarium
with more than 350 different water species from all parts
of the world. County Hall also features museum Dali Universe, which displays over 500 works of art. One of the
most renowned paintings in this museum is Spellbound,
which decorated the set of famous Hitchcock thrillers
back in 1945. If you’re attracted to theatre, stop by Theatre Museum at Russell Street and discover items and
demonstrations from the theatre business, from makeup
and costumes to acting performances. A tour through
the Royal Opera House will introduce you to the secret
world of one of the most famous international art houses. The guys will definitely want to visit at least one of
London’s stadiums like Wembley, Emirates or Stamford
Bridge, which could remind them of sports pleasures for
a little while.
Gotička katedrala Westminster Abbey / Gothic
cathedral Westminster Abbey
Admiralty Arch
Don’t Forget to Take a Walk
Piccadilly Circus and Trafalgar Square are the two most
famous squares in London. Trafalgar is London’s biggest
square that features four museums: National Gallery,
British Museum, Tate, and Madame Tussauds wax museum. Trafalgar Square also reveals four lion statues where
tourists like to take pictures of themselves as a memory.
Piccadilly Circus, renowned for the fountain with the
Eros statue and numerous neon lights, is one of the city’s
main traffic areas, as it marks the beginning of West End,
City of Westminster and Regent Street. It was named after piccadill, which was a popular type of a neck collar
that the local tailors used to make, and circus, which is a
Latin word for open space. Piccadilly is also an excellent
starting point for going shopping into the nearby Regent,
Oxford or Bond Street, but also for a night out towards
Leicester Street, which is filled with excellent clubs and
pubs. In front of Tate, museum of modern art, we find
a wonderful walking area where tourists like to rest and
relax, but only for a short while because they’re about to
spot The Globe, reconstructed theatre of Shakespeare
in love. If it doesn’t start raining, which is typical of London, you can a have a wonderful experience of walking
through some of the numerous parks and gardens, such
as Hyde and Regent’s Park. And if you’re one of those
people who like to speak their mind in public, Hyde Park
is the place to go, because that’s where the people of
London freely criticize individuals and the Government
without fear of being punished for it.
Shopping of a Lifetime
If you decide to enter Oxford Street, you will literally find
yourself stuck in the shopping process. One of the largest
streets in the world is three kilometres long and has over
300 stores. This shopping-mania doesn’t only include Oxford Street, as Regent Street and Bond Street also offer
exclusive stores. This is where you can find some of the
great British department stores, such as the 100-year-old
Selfridges, Debenhams, John Lewis or House of Fraser.
Oxford Street is also known for its Christmas tradition.
Every year, in the middle of November, one famous person is chosen to turn on the Christmas lights. So far, that
honour bestowed upon Richard Branson, Spice Girls, Enrique Iglesias and many others. And last, but not least,
Dickens Inn, bivša pivovara iz 18. stoljeća / The Dickens Inn,
former brewery dating back to the 18th century
British Library
Putokazi / Signpost marking
you will also find yourself in front of the Harrods shopping
centre, which is synonymous for luxurious shopping as it
spreads across 80 thousand square metres over seven
storeys. “Omnia Omnibus Ubique – Everything for Everyone, Everywhere” is Harrods’ slogan that does a great
job of describing it.
The Perfect Way to Relax
London is also a place to go if you’re a beer lover, as
it offers about five thousand pubs. After spending the
day sightseeing, those small, irresistible establishments
can provide perfect relaxation, and it is very difficult to
resist the lure of black Guinness and a bunch of smiling
faces, especially as communicating with them in any
language of the world won’t be a problem after a few
beers. After visiting the pub and having dinner, it might
be interesting to visit some of the nightclubs that offer a
really special type of atmosphere. Legendary clubs like
Ministry of Sound and Notting Hill Arts Club offer something for everybody, and alongside pubs and clubs, you
can also choose between 11.000 restaurants and coffee houses.
Getting a Discount
If you want to acquire free entrance to the most attractive sights in London, you should purchase the London
Pass card, which costs between 38 and 120 pounds,
depending on whether you’re intending to use public
transportation. It gives you a free pass into Tower of Lon-
don, St. Paul’s Cathedral, London Zoo, as well as a ride
on the Themes, a tour through Stamford Bridge, free entrance to some cinemas and many other places, and
it also enables you to get a discount in restaurants and
To Visit or Not to Visit
If you’re making a list of cities and countries you simply
must visit, and you’re having second thoughts about
London, make sure to carefully analyze all of its flaws
and advantages. London offers you a chance to encounter people of all nations, races and religions, hear
hundreds of different languages, see and experience
new and different things, buildings and styles. You will
feel what it truly means to be a citizen of the modern
world. On the other hand, prepare yourself for the fact
that you will spend a lot of money in London. Their life
standard is much higher than ours, which means that
the prices are slightly different to those we’re accustomed to. For example, just one drink will cost you the
same amount of money you would spend in Croatia
on a round for three people. Still, the flight itself can be
less expensive if you manage to book yourself on one
of those “low cost” flights, which are excellently connected to Croatian airports nowadays. In the end, if you
have a choice to make, choose what’s best for yourself
– a city that is guaranteed to give you more than you
expect, and most importantly, London will definitely expand your horizons.
Majik je prvi design-in restoran u Beogradu / Majik is
the first design-in restaurant in Belgrade
Naziv restorana sadrži i inicijale
autorskog dvojca Maje i Karima /
The name of the restaurant features initials of designers, both Maja
and Karim
Dizajnerski genij
u srcu Balkana
Optimizam, vedrina i prisnost, riječi su kojima se može opisati rezultat zajedničkog nastojanja
lokalnog i globalnog znanja i iskustva koji su se udružili na projektu restorana Majik, dizajnerskog i gastro iskoraka od svjetskog značenja u samoj gradskoj jezgri Beograda
Piše: Nikola Čelan
ovi koncept u Beogradu “funky fusion food“,
promoviran je početkom ove godine na otvaranju restorana Majik, u samoj gradskoj jezgri. Međutim, nove vrijednosti kojima je ovaj
objekt počastio srpsku metropolu prelijevaju se daleko
izvan granica njegova multinamjenskoga prehrambeno-zabavnog profila. Osim što funkcionira kao klasičan
dnevni caffe, noćni klub te kao opremljen i atraktivan
restoran s osobljem i ponudom s iskustvom najboljih
svjetskih destinacija, zbog angažmana jednog vrhunskog imena svjetskog dizajna, Majik smješta Beograd
na mapu relevantnih mjesta stručnog i konzumerskog
zbivanja od općeg značenja.
Foto: www.majikcafe.com
“Da Vinci 21. stoljeća“, “novi Phillipe Starck“, epiteti
su kojima se Karim Rashid časti u globalnom stručnom
tisku. Rashid je rođen u Kairu, a osim egipatskoga, napola je i engleskog podrijetla. Do sada je ostvario oko
2500 dizajnerskih intervencija, a među najpoznatijim klijentima su mu Alessi, Umbra, Prada, Coca-Cola i brojni drugi svjetski brandovi. U dizajnu interijera najveća
ostvarenja su mu restorani Morimoto u Philadelphiji te
nagrađivani hotel Semiramis u Ateni. Zadnjih godina
Rashid je na vrhuncu svoje karijere, budući da je većinu
nagrada, monografija i doktorata s područja dizajna
interijera i industrijskog dizajna ostvario upravo od 2005.
do danas. Odrastao i odgojen u Kanadi, trenutačno
Za Majikov jelovnik kažu kako je “živ“ / They say
the Majik menu is “alive”
živi i stvara na periferiji New Yorka, u mirnom ruralnom
Sama priča o Majiku proteže se u 2004. godinu, kad
je Karim Rashid održao svoju izložbu u Beogradu. Projekt restorana nastao je u suradnji s Majom Vidaković,
predstavnicom domaćeg kadra, dizajnericom s američkom diplomom i praksom uređenja brojnih lokalnih
klubova u Beogradu. Sam naziv restorana, osim što u
sebi podrazumijeva igru riječi (čita se kao Magic), sadrži i inicijale Maje i Karima kao dodatan autorski pečat
izvedbenog dvojca. Optimizam, vedrina i prisnost, riječi
su kojima Maja opisuje rezultat zajedničkog nastojanja
lokalnog i globalnog znanja i iskustva koji su se udružili
na ovome mjestu. Za svoju ulogu u nastanku restorana,
ona kaže kako je bila pretežito korektivna u odnosu na
Rashidov genij, koji je samo trebalo svesti na gabarite
lokalne ponude materijala, mentaliteta i s njime u vezi
funkcionalnošću objekta.
Kao prvi design-in restoran u Beogradu, Majik se promovira u remek-djelo avangardne umjetnosti, čije su
glavne značajke fuzija jednostavnosti i kompleksnosti,
igra linija i boja, osvjetljenje u snažnim, pozitivnim bojama izrazito vedrog tona. Moderna umjetnost i visoki
stil zajednički su nazivnik svim intervencijama kojima je
Rashid obogatio gastronomsku i ugostiteljsku ponudu
Beograda, a posebno se ističe dizajnerska pažnja posvećena svakom detalju, koji u Majiku predstavljaju po
jedno malo umjetničko djelo. Posebnost restorana svakako je činjenica kako je kuhinja odvojena od gostinskog prostora staklenom pregradom, što je promotorima dopustilo da restoranu trenutačno pridruže epitet
ugostiteljskog prostora “bez tajni“. “Visoki stil od ljetne
bašte do kuhinje“, moto je kojim promotori opisuju nakanu u vizualnim i gastrosadržajima restorana, a ovi potonji se temelje na specijalitetima istočnjačke kuhinje, s
jedne, i one mediteranske, s druge strane. Malik se voli
pohvaliti i izborom najkvalitetnijih vina sa svih kontinenata te bogatim izborom poslastica, a posebna pažnja
u izvantradicionalnom repertoaru posvećuje se fresh &
fantasy koktelima. Inače su među koktelima najpopularniji klasični mojito, dok je drugi po redu exotic passion. Svi se odreda temelje na prirodnim aromama.
Za Majikov jelovnik još kažu kako je “živ“, što hoće reći
kako se prilagođava željama gosta. Podrazumijeva oko
50 vrsta jela, u mesnom se preporuča biftek ili pak bijelo meso, dok riblji jelovnik predvode brancin i originalni
tuna steak. Vino se, pak, poslužuje na čaše od 2,5 dl.
Kao obilježje radova s potpisom Karima Rashida inače
se navodi pastelni kolorit, sasvim u suprotnosti s predrasudom o hladnoći modernog dizajna, a dodatni element koji upotpunjuje njegov autorski izričaj u Majiku
još je dinamična i udobna ugostiteljska oprema, a ponajviše se efekta u tom smislu postiglo rasvjetom koja
je u Majiku u bliskoj komunikaciji s ovim elementima.
Još jedna sadržajna intervencija jest i postojanje DJ pulta u restoranu, koji, osim što otvara restoranu dodatnu
dimenziju prostora za cjelovečernju zabavu i provod,
sugerira još i strast i opredijeljenost samog dizajnera, jer
Rashid je, poznato je, pored karijere svjetski poznatog i
priznatog imena industrijskog dizajna, još i ugledan DJ
metropola u kojima radi i živi.
Written by: Nikola Čelan
Photo: www.majikcafe.com
Optimism, cheerfulness and intimacy – these are the words that
can describe the result of a joint attempt by local and global
knowledge and experience that joined forces on the project of
restaurant Majik, which signaled a world-caliber designer and
gastronomic step forward in the very centre of Belgrade
Kroz prozore neobičnih oblika može se naslutiti carstvo ljepote koje se krije iza njih / Through the
incommon shapes windows you can flair a kingdom of a beauty that stands behind
he new concept in Belgrade, “funky fusion food”,
was promoted at the start of this year with the
opening of restaurant Majik in the very centre of
the city. However, the new values this object brings
to the capital of Serbia easily transcend the boundaries
of its multifunctional restaurant/entertainment profile.
Besides functioning as a classic daytime coffee bar, a
nightclub and an attractively furnished restaurant with
the staff and offering of the finest destinations in the
world, the fact that a top figure of world design was
hired places Majik and Belgrade to the map of relevant
and generally important locations of the consumer’s
“Da Vinci of the 21st century” or “the new Philippe
Starck” are some of the terms that are used in the
world’s professional press to describe Karim Rashid. He
was born in Cairo and carries both the Egyptian and
English descent. He takes credit for about 2500 designer interventions up until now, and some of his most
famous clients include Alessi, Umbra, Prada, CocaCola and other world brands. As far as interior design
is concerned, his greatest accomplishments include
Morimoto restaurants in Philadelphia and the award56
winning Semiramis Hotel in Athens. Over the course of
the last several years, Rashid has really hit the peak of
his career, as he has won the majority of his awards,
monographs and PHD degrees in the fields of interior
design and industrial design between 2005 and today.
Born and raised in Canada, he currently lives and creates in the suburbs of New York, within a peaceful rural
The genesis of the Majik story goes back to 2004, which is
when Karim Rashid held an exhibit in Belgrade. The restaurant project was created in cooperation with Maja
Vidaković, a local designer with an American diploma
and the practice of decorating numerous clubs in Belgrade. The very name of the restaurant, besides featuring a nice twist with words (it is pronounced identically
to Magic), also features initials of both Maja and Karim
as the additional stamp for the performance of the pair
of authors. Optimism, cheerfulness and intimacy – these
are the words that Maja uses to describe the result of local and global knowledge and experience that joined
forces in this location. She states that her role in the creation of the restaurant was mostly corrective in terms of
Rashid’s genius, as she just had to adjust it to the con-
Kuhinja je odvojena od gostinskog prostora samo
staklenom pregradom / The kitchen and the dining
space are divided by a glass surface
text of the local material offering, local mentality and
the object’s functionality.
As the first design-in restaurant in Belgrade, Majik is promoted as the masterpiece of avant-garde art, which is
highlighted by the fusion of simplicity and complexity, interactions of lines and colours, and strong and positive
lighting colours that reflect explicitly bright tones. Modern art and high style are the common denominator to
all interventions Rashid preformed to improve Belgrade’s
gastronomic and restaurant offering, and we must especially point out the amount of designer attention that was
given to every detail in Majik, as each of them represents
a small work of art. The restaurant also stands out thanks
to the fact that the kitchen and the dining space are divided by a glass surface, which urged the promoters to
claim that this was “a restaurant with no secrets”. They
also use the motto “High style from the summer garden
to the kitchen” to describe the intent in the restaurant’s
visual and gastronomic offering, and the latter is based
on specialties from both the Eastern and the Mediterranean cuisine. Majik also likes to brag with the fact that it
features the finest selection of wines from every continent
and a rich list of desserts, while special attention was giv-
en to fresh & fantasy cocktails. The most popular cocktail
is the classic mojito, followed by exotic passion, and they
are all based on natural aromas.
They say the Majik menu is still “alive”, which implies that
the guests can put their own twist to it. It features about
50 different meals; the meat dishes are highlighted by
beefsteaks and white meat, while the fish menu includes
bass and original tuna steak. The wine is served in 2,5decilitre glasses.
Karim Rashid’s works are usually highlighted by usage
of pastel colours, which is completely opposite to the
prejudices of the cold nature of modern design, and his
author expressions in Majik were further completed by
the dynamic and comfortable restaurant equipment,
which is highlighted by the lighting that achieves close
communication to these elements. Another meaningful
intervention appears in the form of a DJ counter, which
not only adds a dimension of an all-night party location
to the restaurant, but also suggests the passion and preferences of the designer himself, because it is well known
that Rashid, in addition to being a world-famous icon
in industrial design, also works as a respected DJ in the
capitals he resides in.
Fine st
Mobilna vatra
kao dekor
Ognjište koje se kreće za stanarom, gdje i kad on hoće?! Tvrtka
Ecosmart lansirala je liniju “samostojećih“ kamina Designer
Range, koja omogućuje postojanje otvorenog plamena bez
posebne instalacije ili dodatnih
graditeljskih zahvata u stambeni prostor. S dizajnerskom,
dekorativnom vrijednošću, kao
ravnopravni komadi namještaja,
posebno je namijenjena ambijentima u kojima je taj prostor
Zidni sat mezimac
Zidni sat koji je moguće “oblačiti“ u
pleteninu različitih boja, ovisno o raspoloženju ili stilskom okružju, a po
potrebi i skinuti sa zida te postaviti
na bilo koje mjesto unutar doma,
nazvan je Gomitolo, a dizajnirao
ga je autorski dvojac Carlo i Benedetta Tamborini. Meke linije i
izvanserijske dimenzije (dostupan
je u promjerima od 50 i 90 cm)
čine ga posebno atraktivnom intervencijom u kućanstvu. Proizvođač je
talijanski Diamantini i Domeniconi.
u hladnjaku
Memo je popularna serija posuđa,
proizvođača ASA-e, opremljenog
vlastitom, potpuno funkcionalnom podlogom za zabilješke. Tako
se na boci mlijeka ili pak vrčevima
za cijeđene sokova nalazi prostor
predviđen za ručno bilježenje
oznaka o trajnosti, sadržaju i bilo
kojih drugih informacija. Ova
jednostavna i korisna inovacija
posebno je zanimljiva domaćim
korisnicima, budući da je se može
nabaviti u hrvatskim centrima
Mobile Fire
as Decoration
A fireplace that follows the owner,
wherever and whenever is necessary? Company Ecosmart launched
a series of “detached” Designer
Range fireplaces, which enable
the existence of open flame without any additional installations
or construction performances in
the residential space. Carrying a
strong designer and decorative
value that completely equals other
furniture pieces, these fireplaces
are especially aimed for ambiences
with limited space.
The Favourite
Wall Clock
A wall clock that can be dressed in
knitwear of various colours, depending on the mood and the style of
the environment, is called Gomitolo
and was designed by Carlo and Benedette Tamborini. It can be positioned anywhere in a home, while its
soft lines and outstanding dimensions (it is available in diameters of 50
and 90 cm) turn it into a particularly
attractive intervention in a household. It
is manufactured by Diamantini and Domeniconi from Italy.
A Notepad
in the Fridge
Memo is a popular series of
dishes, manufactured by ASA,
which is accompanied by its own
functional surface for writing
notes. Therefore, you can take a
bottle of milk or some jugs with
freshly squeezed juice, and you
will find a surface where you can
write notes on expiration dates,
structure, or any other information. This simple and useful
innovation will especially interest
our local users, as it is available
in Croatian “Lesnine” centres.
Fine st
Reflektirajući dragulj
u spavaćoj sobi
Jewellery tree je predivan, jednostavan i
ukusno dizajniran stalak za nakit, oblika
stabla. Dizajnerica Louise Christ je u suradnji s tvrtkom Menu za njega nagrađena
prestižnom nagradom Red Dot Design
za ovu godinu, a u izvedbi se poslužila
brušenim aluminijem. Stalak je tako istodobno dekorativan, lagan, ali i čvrst, kako bi
ispunio svoju funkciju pridržavanja prstenja,
ogrlica i sličnog nakita.
Reflective Jewellery
in the Bedroom
Jewellery Tree is a wonderful, simple and tastefully designed jewellery stand that is shaped like a
tree. Designer Louise Christ, in cooperation with
company Menu, received this year’s prestigious
Red Dot Design Award for this stand, which is
made of polished aluminium. The stand is simultaneously decorative, light, but also firm, as it
needs to fulfil its function of holding rings, necklaces and similar jewellery.
Really Cool Chess
Philippijev Yap chess unosi u ovu
popularnu stratešku igru dah
dizajnerskog užitka. Čelične
figure izvedene su vizualno
minimalistički i zamišljene
su da stvaraju dodatni
“cool“ ugođaj igračima.
Ploča s figurama zamišljena je tako da, bez obzira
na stilsko jedinstvo, ne stvara
zabunu među figurama te da oku
bude zanimljiva i onda kad se ne igra.
za svaki kutak
Focal-JMlab jedna je od vodećih
francuskih tvrtki za proizvodnju vrhunske audioopreme.
Elegantan dizajn minijaturnog
sustava zvučnika originalnog
dizajna s pripadajućim sub wooferom, nakon uspjele edicije
Diamond Black, ove se godine
predstavlja u još naprednijoj varijanti – Diamond White. Glavni
cilj u izvedbi ove linije jest integracija, pa ih je tako moguće
jednostavno instalirati svuda,
na stalak, pod, zid, čak i na
for Every Corner
Focal-JMlab is one of the leading French
companies for manufacturing top-quality audio equipment. The elegant design
of an originally designed miniature
sound-speaker system, which is accompanied by a sub-woofer, has
followed up the successful Diamond Black edition with an
even more advanced Diamond
White option. The main goal
in this edition’s performance
is integration, as they can be
installed just about anywhere
– from a stalk to the floor, wall, or
even the ceiling.
Pripremio / Edited by: Nikola Čelan
Sasvim cool šah
Philippi’s Yap Chess introduces a breath
of designer pleasure into this popular
strategic game. The steel figures are characterized by visual minimalism, which has
the purpose of creating an additionally
cool environment for the players.
Regardless of the stylistic
unity, the chessboard was
designed to avoid creating confusion among
figures, but also to
keep itself interesting
to the human eye even
after the game is over.
Bez naziva / Unnamed
Privatna mitologija
Pauline Jazviæ
“U svakom vizualnom djelu, vidljivost je rezultat nejasnog rada ruke. Ta vidljivost putuje kroz
tijelo, od oka prema ruci, te ulazi u pogled. Tamo, u daljini prapočetaka, prethodi li oko ruci ili
obrnuto? Radi li se o ručnom alatu ili mentalnom alatu? Alat proizlazi iz radnje, radnja proizlazi
iz potrebe. U arhaičnoj crnoj komori, slike se formiraju i artikuliraju jedne s drugima. Govore
šutljiv jezik, poput pokreta ruke”
Bernard Noël
Piše: Nataša Bodrožić
kademska slikarica Paulina Jazvić u posljednjih
desetak godina vješto balansira između medija
slikarstva i (prostorne) instalacije, uz stalnu prisutnost u modnom dizajnu, u kojemu je napravila
svoje prve profesionalne korake. Rođena je 1973. u Zagrebu, diplomirala je dizajn odjeće i tekstila na Tekstilnotehnološkom fakultetu 1995., a grafiku na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti 2001. godine, u klasi profesora Miroslava
“Mala prodavaonica užasa”, izložba iz 2002. godine u
Galeriji Matice hrvatske, na neki je način poslužila kao
uvod u umjetnički svijet Pauline Jazvić, odškrinuvši poklopac njezine “tajne kutije” iz koje su izišli deseci malih predmeta, lutaka, jastučića, slika, kutijica, raznobojnih papirića, mnoštvo stvarčica koje čine imaginarij jedne “odrasle
djevojčice”, ali i ozbiljne umjetnice koja kritički promišlja
vlastitu realnost. Koristeći pritom jezik kojim lako odašilje
poruke i široj publici, umjetnica gradi svoj nadasve pre-
Bez naziva / Unnamed
Dodir umjet
poznatljiv izraz. U njezinim instalacijama, sastavljenim od
različitih materijala, nađenih i napravljenih predmeta, dominira sakupljački element. Predmeti iz svakodnevice su
autorskom intervencijom prebačeni u domenu umjetnosti, stvarajući novu atmosferu i dobivajući nova značenja.
Instalacija je prekrila zidove galerije, a objekti su visjeli i sa
stropa, govoreći o hipermaterijalnoj stvarnosti suvremenog čovjeka, nudeći ironijski odmak, ali i poziv posjetitelju
da uđe u taj zaigrani, pomalo mistični svijet rastavljenih
lutaka, paketića u bojama, te se izgubi u sitnim detaljima
koji kao da skrivaju neki veliki odgovor.
Iste je godine Paulina Jazvić nominirana za Nagradu “Radoslav Putar”, jedno od najprestižnijih priznanja za suvremenu vizualnu umjetnost, pri čemu se predstavila radom
“Pinky Room”, još jednom instalacijom u kojoj predmeti
vise sa stropa gotovo nadrealno lebdeći u zraku, iza ružičastog paravana, stvarajući konstelacije slične sjećanju
na san ili gotovo nematerijalne sjene prošlosti.
Na izložbi u galeriji “Galženica” iduće godine, Paulina je
potopila svoju “Malu prodavaonicu užasa”, svakodnevne poruke, niz osobnih stvari, na neki način izlažući “svoju prošlost potisnutu u podsvijest, uspomene uronjene u
vodu”. Sve pluta u vodom ispunjenim vrećama za građevinski otpad: djetetove igračke, vrpce za kosu, termometar, cipele…
Konceptualno-vizualizirani niz sakupljačkih izložbi, Paulina Jazvić zaokružila je početkom prošle godine u Studiju
“Josip Račić” u Zagrebu, novom prostornom instalacijom
koju je nazvala “Little Menu”. U bijelom galerijskom prostoru umjetnica je postavila stol za osam uzvanika s bijelim
stolnjakom, na kojem je bilo osam tanjura i nekoliko zdjela s različitim sadržajima. Bijela košulja s čavlima uredno
je složena i poslužena uz vino. Delikatna pojavnost bijele
čipke leži na bijelom tanjuru stvarajući tek primjetnu igru
svjetla i sjene, na neki način aktualizirajući prazninu. Jedna cigareta leži na tanjuru do. Viljuška i nož postavljeni su
sa svake strane. Lutke plivaju u vodi posluženoj kao juha,
a rezanci od lutaka Barbie i ribarskog konca ponuđeni
su kao glavno jelo. Riječima Željka Marciuša u katalogu
izložbe, Paulina Jazvić svojim sakupljačkim nagonom i
promjenom konteksta upotrebnih predmeta, odnosno
serviranjem hladnih i neobičnih, zapravo čak, morbidnonadrealnih jela, plete svoje relacijske priče koje propitkuju
vrlo ironično, ako ne i cinično, njezine uloge u svakodnevnom životu: žene, majke, umjetnice, predavačice na fakultetu, odnosno njezine odnose prema djetetu, muškarcima, ženama, majčinstvu, tradiciji, slikarstvu i umjetnosti,
robnim markama i cigaretama, iz čega se može izvesti niz
drugih odnosa i struktura tranzicijskog društva koje se ne
pokušava promijeniti – u njemu valja preživjeti.
Slike predstavljaju drugi, jednako važan segment rada
Pauline Jazvić. Njezino slikarstvo moguće je povezati s
dva pojma: impulsom i imaginacijom. Kako kaže Ivana
Školnik kada opisuje njezin rad, “sve viđeno i doživljeno
ona upija da bi prinudila svoju umjetnost na djelovanje.
I crtežom, koji je najčešće diskurzivan (karikaturalan, pa
čak i ironičan), i bojom svoja saznanja i osjećanja osvjetljava na primjeren način. Autoričin sustav simbola nije
manje važan od odabira njezinih boja. Jer znakovi, od
onih jedva vidljivih kurzivnih do velikih i impresivnih gesta,
jesu jednakovrijedan medij njezina razumijevanja i tumačenja svijeta.”
Ove se godine dvjema reprezentativnim izložbama, u
galeriji “Karas” te izložbenom prostoru Porezne uprave,
Nosila je 37... / She wore 37...
Paulina Jazvić predstavila kao samosvjesna slikarica koja
proširuje granice medija slike stvarajući vrlo osoban, višeslojan likovni govor. Intimne poruke, gotovo dnevnički zapisi, verbalni tragovi svakodnevice, preneseni na platna
velikih dimenzija, utopljeni u nanose boje te crtež koji se
pojavljuje kao nejasna aluzija, gotovo podsvjesni impuls,
upečatljivi su detalji raspoređeni u cjelinu kompozicije. Naslovi djela poput “Ti čuvaš me od familije”, “Neću heavy
metal”, “Oko moje glave” ili “Čovjek u nestajanju” još jednom podcrtavaju relacijsku komponentu, pozivajući promatrača na dijalog, potičući imaginaciju, ocrtavajući konture nove priče bez jasnog početka i kraja. Paulina Jazvić
tako postiže “otvorenost djela”, te nudi “izvjesne naznake
privatne mitologije koje dopuštaju, štoviše, i potiču odčitavanja širokog asocijativnog spektra” (Darko Glavan).
Odlučno protiv svake konvencije u formalno-likovnom i
tehnološkom aspektu, Paulinino slikarstvo nastaje u potpunoj, gotovo anarhoidnoj slobodi, stvarano gotovo jedino po načelu slobodnih asocijacija, uključujući tu često i
automatizam likovnog zapisa te upotrebu različitih materijala, kolaža, tkanine, stare čipke.
Paulina Jazvić se najprije potvrdila kao dizajnerica odjeće i tekstila. Od studentskih se dana proslavila modnim
revijama na Fashion newsu i Smirnoff International Fashion Awardu u Zagrebu i Dublinu, modnim revijama u
Mariboru i na 31. zagrebačkom salonu, te Fashion Newsu
u Opatiji, gdje je izlagala djela izrazite likovnosti na rubu
umjetničkih instalacija. Danas je profesorica na Tekstilnotehnološkom fakultetu u Zagrebu, ali i aktivna sudionica
suvremene umjetničke scene.
Bez naziva / Unnamed
Touch of art
Written by: Nataša Bodrožić
Private Mythology
of Paulina Jazviæ
“In every visual piece of work, visibility stands as the result of the hand’s vague actions. That
visibility travels through the body, from the eye towards the hand, and enters the vision area.
But in the distance of ancient beginnings, does the eye precede the hand or is it the other way
around? Are we talking about manual or mental tools? Tools are the result of actions, while
actions are caused by needs. In an archaic black chamber, pictures are formed and articulated
with each other. They speak a silent language, similar to a hand movement”
Bernard Noel
cademic painter Paulina Jazvić has been skilfully balancing between painting and (spatial)
installation for the last ten years, and she has
also been a constant presence in fashion design, which is where she started her professional career.
She was born in Zagreb in 1973, she graduated in clothes
and textile design at the Faculty of Textile and Technology in 1995, and she also graduated in graphics at the
Academy of Fine Arts in 2001, in the class of professor Miroslav Šutej.
“Little Store of Horror”, a 2002 exhibit organized at Matica Hrvatska, has served as an introduction to the artistic
world of Paulina Jazvić by removing the cover from her
“secret box” that revealed dozens of little objects, dolls,
cushions, pictures, little boxes, papers of different colours,
and many other things that create an imaginary world
of “a grown-up little girl” who is also a serious artist that
critically analyzes her own reality. By using the language
that easily delivers messages to broader circles of the audience, the artist continues to build her very recognizable
style. Her installations, which consist of different materials
and objects that were either found or created by the
artist, are dominated by the element of collection. The
author makes an intervention that transfers various everyday objects into the field of art, while creating a new
atmosphere and receiving new meanings. The installa65
Kravice / Little cows
I cant wait
Bez naziva / Unnamed
Bez naziva / Unnamed
tion covered the gallery walls and objects were hanging from the ceiling as they spoke of the modern man’s
hyper-material reality, but the performance also offered
a touch of irony while inviting the visitor into this playful,
slightly mystical world of dismantled dolls and coloured little packages, provoking him to lose himself in tiny details
that seem to know all the big answers.
In that same year, Paulina Jazvić was nominated for the
Radoslav Putar Award, which is one of the most prestigious awards for contemporary visual art. That was the result of her project “Pinky Room”, which is another installation that features objects hanging from the ceiling while
floating on air in almost surreal fashion. They hide behind
a pink partition as they create constellations that resemble a dream or almost immaterial shadows of the past.
At the exhibit in gallery “Galženica” the following year,
Paulina sank her “Little Store of Horror”, as well as some
everyday messages, a pile of her personal things, which
displayed “her past that is pushed into subconscious, her
memories immersed into water”. Everything ended up
floating in water filled with construction-waste bags: children toys, hair ribbons, thermometer, shoes...
At the start of last year, Paulina Jazvić completed this
conceptual-visualizing string of collector exhibits in Josip
Račić Studio in Zagreb by creating a new spatial installation she called “Little Menu”. The artist filled the white gal66
lery space with a table for eight, and it featured a white
tablecloth, eight plates and several dishes with different
things in them. A white shirt with nails was folded and
casually served with wine. The delicate appearance of
white lace on a white plate creates a barely noticeable
interaction of light and shadow, which deals with the issue of emptiness in a way. One cigarette can be found
on the plate next to it, with fork and knife on each side
of it. Dolls are swimming in water that is served like soup,
with noodles made of Barbie dolls and fishermen fibre
symbolizing the main course. According to Željko Marciuš
in the exhibit’s catalogue, Paulina Jazvić uses her collector instincts and the process of changing the objects’
contexts, which is achieved by serving cold and unusual,
even morbidly surreal meals, to braid together her relation stories that question certain everyday-life roles in a
very ironic and cynical way: those are the roles of wife,
mother, artist, university teacher, as well as her relationships with children, men, women, motherhood, tradition,
painting, art, fashion brands and cigarettes. All these elements can be used to explain various other relations and
structures of a transitional society that is not attempted to
be changed – it just has to be survived.
Paintings present a second, but equally important aspect
of Paulina Jezvić’s work. Her painting can be connected
with two terms: impulse and imagination. According to
Slika za gospođu / A portrait for the lady
Ivana Školnik in an analysis of her work, “she absorbs everything she sees and experiences in order to force her
art into action. She uses drawings, which are usually discursive (cartoonish, even ironic), and paintings to reflect
her discoveries and feelings in appropriate manner. The
author’s system of symbols is not any less important than
her choice of colour. Because those symbols, from barely
visible cursive ones to large and impressive gestures, are
an equally valuable medium of her understandings and
interpretations of the world.”
With her two this year’s representative exhibits, which were
organized at “Karas” gallery and the IRS exhibit room,
Paulina Jazvić presented herself as a self-confident painter who transcends the medium boundaries by creating a
very personal, multi-layered art style. Intimate notes that
resemble a diary, verbal traces of the everyday life that
are conveyed on a large-sized canvas and drowned in
drapes of paint, as well as drawings that appear in the
form of obscure allusions and near-subconscious impulses – all these things are distinctive details that create a
composition unit. Titles like “You Guard Me from Family”,
No Heavy Metal”, “Eye in My Head” or “A Disappearing
Man” again emphasize the relation component, as they
challenge the observer into dialogue, encourage imagination and draw outlines of a new story with no clear
beginning or end. Paulina Jazvić does it to “open up her
work” as she offers “certain hints of a private mythology
that allows, even encourages interpretations of a broad
spectre of associations” (Darko Glavan).
Fiercely fighting against any type of convention in formal,
artistic or technological aspects, Paulina’s paintings are
created in an environment of anarchic freedom, which
follows the sole principle of free associations that include
the automatism of a work of art, as well as the usage of
different materials like collage, fabric and old lace.
Paulina Jazvić originally established herself as a designer
of clothes and textile. During her college days, she became renowned for fashion shows at Fashion News and
the Smirnoff International Fashion Award in Zagreb and
Dublin, as well as for fashion shows in Maribor, at the 31st
salon in Zagreb, and the Fashion News in Opatija, which is
where she displayed extremely artistic pieces of work that
were on the verge of being identified as artistic installations. These days, she works as a professor at the Faculty
of Textile and Technology in Zagreb, but she is also a very
active participant on the contemporary art scene.
Pogled na utvrdu iz vremena normanske vladavine /
A view of the medieval fortress from the time of
Norman rule
Plaža uređena s ukusom i stilom / The beach decorated
with plenty of taste and style
Falconara Charming House & Resort
Elegantni raj
u naruèju povijesti
Arhitektonsku cjelinu Falconare čine dva prostorno i “vremenski“ odvojena objekta, koji su,
kako preuređenjem jednoga, tako i izgradnjom drugoga, u iznimnom ambijentalnom kontekstu
zadržali unificiranu estetsku vrijednost
Piše: Nikola Čelan
kategoriji “romantičnih hotela“, Falconara
Charming House & Resort je poseban biser već
samim svojim položajem – u srcu Mediterana,
na Siciliji, lokalitetu zvanom Marina di Butera,
na pola puta između gradova Agrigenta i Raguse.
Osnovne karakteristike toga maloga hotelskog resorta
jesu izrazita orijentacija na plažu i ambijent koji djeluje
gotovo nestvarno. Plaža je malena, ali uređena s ukusom i stilom. Raspored ležaljki, suncobrana, mjesta za
kupače je fiksiran i u skladu s gabaritima i prirodnim
okružjem. Zaljev u kojemu su plaža i resort također je
malen, pitoreskan, a povijesno je vezan uz istoimenu
obrambenu utvrdu iz vremena normanske vladavine u
srednjem vijeku. Intrigantan objekt namijenjen kao po-
Foto: www.designhotels.com
sebna atrakcija posjetiteljima, može se reći, integralan
je element hotelske ponude, budući da stvara osnovu
za ambijentalnost čitavog područja u kojemu je hotel
smješten. U dohvatu posjetiteljima su brojni vrijedni kulturni lokaliteti: Valle dei templi u Agrigentu, zatim po
mozaicima poznata Villa del Casale u Piazzi Armerini,
po keramici Caltagirone, dok se od baroknih bisera
spominju još i Ragusa Ibla, Modica i Scicli.
Četiri zvjezdice krase resort, sastavljen od dvaju odvojenih objekata, među kojima je glavni Club house, novogradnja s recepcijom, predvorjem, glavninom soba
te centrom zdravlja, ljepote i opuštanja s turskom kupelji, dvjema masažnim sobama te prostorijama za fitness
i opuštanje. Plaža je od ovog objekta udaljena samo
Predvorje hotela / Hotel’s lobby
dvjestotinjak metara. Što se soba tiče, Falconara ih ima
65, od kojih je 50 “običnih“ dvokrevetnih, 11 u apartmanskom smještaju i četiri deluxe apartmana. Sobe su
raspoređene unutar spomenutog Club housea i drugog
objekta resorta, preuređene depandanse same utvrde, smještene tik uz more i nazvane La fattoria. Tu je 25
soba, a svaka je nazvana imenom pojedinog vlasnika
utvrde. Fantastičan pogled iz gotovo svake prostorije
hotela, od izvanredne restoranske vizure utvrde, do pogleda na more iz svake od soba smještenih u prizemlju i
na katovima objekata, možda je najsnažnija preporuka
za boravak u Falconari. Što se tiče konzumacije, ona je,
osim restorana, predviđena još u plažnom objektu, na
terasi te u baru uz bazen.
Arhitektonsku cjelinu resorta, dakle, čine dva prostorno
i “vremenski“ odvojena objekta. Međutim, zbog promišljenih intervencija kod izgradnje jednoga, novijega, te
preuređenja drugoga, povijesnog objekta, Falconara
je zadržala unificiranu estetsku vrijednost unutar dviju
različitih arhitektonskih i kontekstualnih jedinica. Falconara je mjesto gdje su dizajneri kod uređenja hotelskog
prostora bili prisiljeni pomiriti prirodu i povijest s umjetnošću. Jednostavnost i ogoljenost materijala sredstvo
su kojim se željelo očuvati taj izričaj mediteranske prirodnosti i povijesnosti. Dominantna je upotreba kamena i drva, sve od predvorja do soba. Podne matrice
se temelje na terakoti i šljunku, a sve skupa je strogo
u službi odražavanja i očuvanja autentične sicilijanske
atmosfere. Mediteranski ugođaj prisutan je disciplinirano, u svakom elementu, od boje do konstrukcije, u
eksterijerima uz intenzivnu uporabu autohtonog raslinja. No koliko su arhitekti Antonio Vitale i B. Castrense
uspješno ostavili vanjštinu resorta netaknutom, savršeno ekološki prikladnom, toliko je dvojac dizajnera interijera, Roberto i Antonia Chiaramonte Bordonaro, unutrašnjost zahvatio modernim elementima s naglaskom
na udobnosti i prostranosti, sasvim suprotno intimističkom, komornom i minimalističkom izričaju koji Falconara odaje izvana. Ravna linija tako je u izravnoj komunikaciji s mediteranskim konstrukcijskim elementima,
poput lukova, zatim brojnim skulpturnim instalacijama,
antiknim namještajem, a kao stilsko sredstvo uklopljena
je u te elemente s funkcijom otvaranja, širenja cjelokupnog unutarnjeg prostora. Pogotovo je to primjetno
u predvorju, koji je ovakvim pristupom dobio najviše.
Apartmani su, pak, počašćeni individualnim tretmanom, s ponekim zajedničkim obilježjem, poput “ruralnih“ drvenih stropnih konstrukcija ili spomenutih antiknih
kreveta i sobne opreme, dok su u cjelini u potpunosti
zadržali moderni štih. Na trenutke čak progresivan u koloritu i geometriji. Zajednički nazivnik uređenja cjeline
interijera zasigurno bi bila elegancija, u kombinaciji s
udobnošću i intimom.
Posebnost Falconare, osim samih fizičkih osobina, arhitektonskih i drugih estetskih kvaliteta te uvjeta smještaja,
zasigurno je smještaj na osami. Najbliže prodavaonice
nalaze se u gradskom naselju udaljenom 11 kilometara
od resorta, a u tu je svrhu moguće iznajmiti automobil.
Osim svih pogodnosti za okrjepu i uživanje, resort posjeduje i rekreacijske pogone kao što su teniski teren i bazen, koji se kombiniraju s ipak najvažnijom, dominantnom
(ne)aktivnošću zbog koje se dolazi u ovaj zabačeni raj
na Siciliji – sunčanje na plaži s magičnim ugođajem.
Okoliš je ostao netaknut / Environment
remained intact
Falconara Charming House & Resort
The Elegant Paradise
with a Touch of History
Mediteranski ugođaj je prisutan u svakom elementu, od
boje do konstrukcije / The Mediterranean is present in
every element, from colour to construction
Written by: Nikola Čelan
Photo: www.designhotels.com
The Falconara architectonic unit consists of
two spatially and “chronologically” separated
objects, one of which was renovated and the
other one was just built, and they managed to
retain their unified aesthetical value in a context of exceptional ambience
n a category of “romantic hotels”, Falconara Charming House & Resort is a special type of treasure due
to its location – it is situated in the heart of the Mediterranean, at a location called Marina di Butera on
the island of Sicily, halfway between towns Agrigento
and Ragusa. The basic characteristics of this small hotel
resort are extreme orientation towards the beach and a
slightly surreal ambience. The beach is quite small, but
decorated with plenty of taste and style. Deckchairs,
sun umbrellas and spots for swimmers have predetermined positions that are in harmony with the location
size and the natural environment. The bay that features
the beach and the resort is also quite small and picturesque, while also being historically connected to the
medieval fortress from the period when the Normans
ruled this island. The intriguing object that is offered as a
Dominantna je upotreba kamena i drva /
Stone and wood were predominantly used
special attraction for visitors is, in a way, an integral element of the hotel offering because it creates the basis
for the specific ambience of this entire area. Visitors can
also find numerous other cultural locations: Valle dei
Templi in Agrigento, Villa del Casale in Piazza Armerina
known for its mosaics, Caltagirone known for its ceramics, along with some other baroque pearls like Ragusa
Ibla, Modica and Scicli.
This is a four-star resort, and it consists of two separated
objects; the main one is Club House, which is a new
building featuring a reception desk, lobby, majority of
rooms, and a centre for health, beauty and relaxation
with Turkish baths, two massage rooms and fitness and
relaxation rooms. The beach is merely 200 metres away
from this object. Falconara offers 65 rooms, 50 of which
are “regular” rooms with two beds, and there are also
11 suits and four deluxe suits. The rooms are divided between the previously mentioned Club House and the
resort’s other object called La Fattoria, which is a renovated annexe of the fortress itself, located right next
to the sea. This establishment features 25 rooms, and
each of them carries the name of some of the fortress’
owners. Every room of the hotel offers an incredible
view, from the amazing restaurant view of the fortress,
to each of the rooms on the ground floor and upper
floors revealing incredible views of the sea, and this just
might be the strongest recommendation to visit Falconara. As far as wining and dining, you can go to the
Dizajneri su kod uređenja hotelskog prostora pomirili prirodu i povijest s umjetnošću / While decorating, designers combined nature and history with art
restaurant, the beach object, the terrace or the bar
next to the swimming pool.
We already mentioned that the resort’s architectonic unit consists of two spatially and “chronologically”
separated objects. However, because the processes
of building the new object and renovating the historical object were very carefully planned, Falconara
managed to retain the unified aesthetical value within
the two different architectonic and contextual units.
Falconara is a place where designers were forced to
combine nature and history with art. The simplicity and
bareness of materials were used in order to preserve
that atmosphere of Mediterranean nature and history.
Stone and wood were predominantly used, all the way
from the lobby to the rooms. Floor patterns were based
on terracotta and gravel, which is again in the service
of preserving that authentic Sicilian atmosphere. The
Mediterranean vibe has a disciplined sense of presence in every element, from colour to construction,
and it is accompanied by usage of authentic plants in
the exterior. But regardless of how architects Antonio
Vitale and B. Castrense managed to keep the resort’s
outdoor sections untouched and ecologically perfectly acceptable, the pair of interior designers, Roberto
and Antonia Chiaramonte, submitted the interior to a
number of modern elements with emphasis on comfort and spaciousness, completely in contrast to the intimate, subtle and minimalist vibration that Falconara
Prostrana soba / Spacious room
creates on the outside. The straight line is in direct communication with Mediterranean construction elements,
such as arches, numerous sculptural installations and
antique furniture, and it is used as a stylistic statement
that completes those elements with the purpose of
opening and increasing the sense of size of the entire
interior space. This method is particularly noticeable in
the lobby, which most benefited from it. The suites received individual treatments, but they do touch some
common ground, like “rural” wooden ceiling constructions or the abovementioned antique beds and room
furniture, while still retaining that modern look, which
is sometimes even progressive in terms of colours and
geometry. The entire process of this hotel’s interior decoration can be described as elegant, in combination
with comfort and intimacy.
Besides for its physical, architectonic and other aesthetical qualities combined with the accommodation
conditions, Falconara is also special for its isolated location. The nearest shops can be found in towns that
are 11 kilometres from the resort, and you can easily
reach it by renting a car. In addition to everything the
hotel offers for relaxation and pleasure, you can also
find recreational facilities like tennis courts and swimming pools, which are combined with the most important and dominant (in)activity that causes people to
come to this isolated Sicilian paradise – sunbathing on
a magical beach.
Cijeli prostor stana podijeljen je u manje prostore, čime je dobiveno na
prostranosti i intimnosti / The entire apartment was divided into smaller
sections, which resulted in a higher level of spaciousness and intimacy
Dom snova
Moderna oaza
s Nothing Hilla
Sjećate li se kuće u kojoj su se (za)ljubili Julia Roberts i Hugh Grant u filmu “Vjerujem u ljubav“?
Oaza s Nothing Hilla koju vam predstavljamo predivna je kuća viktorijanskog stila i podsjeća baš
na kuću iz poznate ljubavne priče. Stanarima koji u njoj žive ona je pravi bedem sigurnosti i ljubavi isprepleten modernim stilom
Piše: Martina Kocijan
rvi zahtjev koji je dizajnersko-arhitektonski studio Found Associates dobio od vlasnika kuće u
Nothing Hillu bio je napraviti otvoren dizajnerski
prostor isprepleten s intimnim prostorima. Svjetski
poznati dizajneri i arhitekti prionuli su projektiranju i di-
zajniranju te stvorili jedan poseban londonski dom. Sam
izgled kuće tipičan je za gradsko središte Londona. Bijela kuća, brojni prozori, dva kata i treći s otvorenom terasom. Još jedna tipičnost ove engleske kuće je i u tome
što je izgrađena u nizu, pokraj drugih izvana sličnih kuća
Drveni zid knjižnice / Atimber library wall
koje su spojene bočnim stranama zidova. Prednji ulaz je
rezerviran samo za jednog stanara i često je od drugih
kuća u nizu odijeljen malim zidićem u kojem je posađeno cvijeće.
Cijeli prostor stana podijeljen je u manje prostore, čime
je dobiveno na prostranosti i intimnosti. Pomična drvena
vrata, postavljena između prizemlja i podruma, moćna
su vertikalna veza između dviju razina stana. Podnice od
crnog hrasta u prizemlju i podrumu savršeno se uklapaju s tamno obojenim vanjskim podom prizemne terase
i suterenskim vrtom. Kupaonica, obložena kamenom,
povezana je sa sobom za presvlačenje na prvom katu
stubama obloženim kamenom. Središnji blok kupaonice
organizira drugi kat u kabinet i gostinsku sobu, s drvenim
zidom knjižnice koji se proteže cijelom lijevom stranom
i povezuje dva dijela kata, dok prikrivena klizna vrata
daju mogućnost da se prostor razdvoji. Glavni apartman se sastoji od spavaće sobe, svlačionice i dodatne
sobe. Na trećem katu su svi pregradni zidovi uklonjeni
te je na taj način stvorena jedna velika otvorena dječja
soba pod krovom s nagibom. Polukat razina za pohranu
i igru prostorno odjeljuje područje za dječaka i djevojčicu, s otvorenim prostorom ispod kupaonice. U kuću
su uvedena i pametna rješenja 21. stoljeća. Tako se sve
prostorije griju podnim grijanjem, što uvelike olakšava
zagrijavanje cijeloga stana.
Planski postavljena rasvjeta cijelom unutarnjem prostoru daje najbolje moguće svjetlo. Monumentalan luster
u stubištu sastoji se od mnoštva malih svjetiljki i služi kao
dodatna dekoracija prostoru. U stanu se nalazi i nekoliko
fotografija gejši i skulptura Bude, što mu daje dozu egzotičnosti. Sam interijer dizajniran je minimalistički, što odgovara modernoj arhitekturi i raspodjeli prostorija unutar
stana. Kompleknost uređenja vidi se u postavljenim zidovima, koji se savršeno isprepleću s otvorenim prostorima i malom galerijom na vrhu stubišta, koja povezuje
više prostorije. Sam interijer stana je uređen u crno-bijeloj
kombinaciji i ostavlja dojam uglađenosti i profinjenosti.
Studio koji razumije svoje klijente
Found Associates je dizajnersko-arhitektonski studio koji
je prije više od 10 godina osnovao Richard Found. Found je čovjek za kojega kažu da istinski razumije proizvodnju prepoznatljivog eksterijera i interijera za neke od
vrhunskih svjetskih brandova. U posljednjih deset godina,
nagrađivani tim arhitekata i dizajnera Found Associates
Kupaonica / Bathroom
dosljedno je dodavao vrijednosti i ljepotu okruženjima
u maloprodaji. Svoje koncepte oblikuju brzo i prema
željama luksuznih portfelja, poput Virgin Atlantica, Bulthaupa, Selfridgesa, M&C Saatchija, Harveya Nicholsa
i Harrodsa. Spremnošću da u kratkom roku projektiraju inovacije te rentabilnošću, u kratkom su roku privukli
pažnju tvrtki prijevoznika kao što su Hobbs, Carphone
skladišta, Clarks, Jigsaw i Kurt Gajgerov. Radeći na tim
projektima, studio je ubrzo uvidio priliku za ulazak u međunarodni posao. Danas, nakon deset godina rada,
Found Associates ne slavi samo desetu obljetnicu tvrtke nego i vrijednost svojih projekata. Anya Hindmarch,
dizajnerica luksuznih torbi i cipela, njihov je najnoviji
klijent. Nakon što je razvijen globalni koncept za trgovine u Pekingu, Moskvi, Tokiju i Kuvajtu, na rujanskom
tjednu mode otkriven je i novi maloprodajni koncept za
Hindmarch’s ulični admiralski brod. Uz seksi crno-staklenu frontu u obliku zrcala i modernim nostalgija interijerom, Found je stvorio prostor koji je u potpunosti u skladu s Hindmarch imidžem. “Pozadina koja čini da naše
torbe i cipele izgledaju vruće, vrlo je važan izraz vrijednosti našeg branda”, rekla je Anya Hindmarch. “Studio
Found odlično je dizajnirao pozadinu koja nadopunjuje
Skulptura Bude /
Buddha sculpture
naše proizvode. Naš su naputak za rad shvatili savršeno
i zbog toga su bili nevjerojatno efikasni. Najvažnije od
svega, oni su shvatili bit projekta!” Studio Found Associates ponosan je na svoju fleksibilnost, univerzalni dizajn
usluga koje nudi i mogućnost da iz samog koncepta
dizajna svom klijentu ponudi finalni projekt. Želite li stići
do vrha, prvi korak je jasno razumijevanje ciljeva svakog pojedinog klijenta, moto je kojeg se pridržava ova
ugledna tvrtka. Najvažnije od svega, ona u tome i uspijeva.
Dom iz snova
Dom uređen za obitelj iz Nothing Hilla spoj je modernog
dizajna i arhitekture tipične za zlatno doba kraljice Viktorije. Izvana, prenosi poruku tradicije i autohtonosti, a
kada zavirimo u njegov interijer, odiše suvremenošću i
minimalizmom, stilom sve popularnijim u današnje doba.
Iako nas od njega dijeli nekoliko sati vožnje, vremenska
zona i više od 1500 kilometara, po svojim karakteristikama moderan londonski dom s poznatog Nothing brda,
umnogome je sličan domovima koje susrećemo u Hrvatskoj. U isto vrijeme, spoj je dvaju različitih stilova u kojima
se mnogi pronalaze – tradicija i modernost u jednom.
Izgled kuće tipičan je za gradsko središte Londona / The house looks like a typical
residential object in the centre of London
Fotografija gejši daje dozu egzotičnosti / Geisha
photo provides a certain touch of exotics
Dream home
Written by: Martina Kocijan
A Modern Oasis from Notting Hill
Do you remember the house where Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant fell in love in the movie “Notting Hill”? This Notting Hill oasis we’re presenting is a wonderful Victorian house that has great
resemblance to the house from the famous love story. People that live here perceive it as a true
fortress of safety and love with plenty of modern style
he first demand that was given to designer-architectonic studio Found Associates by the owner of the
Notting Hill house was to create an open designer
facility with plenty of intimate spaces. World-famous designers and architects went ahead with the designing
process, and what they came up with was a very special
London home. The house looks like a typical residential
object in the centre of London – a white house, numerous
windows, two floors and the third one with an open terrace. Another typical thing about this English house is that
it is a part of a string of similarly looking houses, which are
connected with the side sections of their walls. The front
entrance is reserved for just one tenant, and it is often
divided from the other houses in this string by a small wall
with some flowers.
The entire apartment was divided into smaller sections,
which resulted in a higher level of spaciousness and intimacy. The sliding wooden doors, positioned between
the ground floor and the basement, establish a powerful
vertical connection between the two levels. The blackoak plank flooring to the ground floor and the basement
perfectly matches the dark-stained external decking to
the ground-floor terrace and the basement garden. A
stone-paved bathroom is connected to the changing
room on the first floor by a staircase, which is also paved
in stone. The central bathroom block organizes the second floor into a study and a guestroom, with a timber library wall along the full length of the left-hand party wall
connecting the two spaces, while the concealed sliding
door gives the option to separate the spaces. The master suite consists of the bedroom, changing room and
en-suite. All the partition walls on the third floor were removed, which created a large open children bedroom
under the pitched roof. A central mezzanine level for storage and play divides the space into a boy area and a
girl area, with an open bathroom area underneath. The
house was also introduced to some intelligent solutions
characteristic of the 21st century. For example, all rooms
have floor heating, which makes the process of keeping
the entire apartment warm a lot easier.
The carefully planned lighting arrangement provides
plenty of light for the entire interior. The monumental stairway chandelier consists of many small lamps and serves
a decorative purpose as well. The apartment features
several geisha photos and a Buddha sculpture, which
provides a certain touch of exotics. The interior itself was
designed in minimalist manner, which perfectly agrees
with the modern architecture and room arrangement in
Dream home
this apartment. The complex decoration of this apartment is
most evident in the facility walls, which perfectly complete
the open spaces and a little gallery at the top of the staircase, which connects several rooms. The apartment interior is dominated by a black-white combination that leaves
the impression of class and sophistication.
A Studio that Understands Their Clients
Found Associates is a designer-architectonic studio that
was started by Richard Found about ten years ago. Found
is a man with a reputation for truly understanding how to
produce recognizable exteriors and interiors for some of
the world’s top brands. Over the last ten years, Found Associates’ award-winning team of architects and designers
have consistently added value and beauty to retail environments. Their concepts are created swiftly and according to wishes of luxurious portfolios, such as Virgin Atlantic,
Bulthaup, Selfridges, M&C Saatchi, Harvey Nichols and
Harrods. Their ability to project innovations in the shortest
of deadlines, combined with their cost-effectiveness, has
also attracted attention of high-street multiples including
Hobbs, Carphone Warehouse, Clarks, Jigsaw and Kurt
Gajgerov. After working on those projects, the studio was
soon presented with the opportunity to cross international
borders. Nowadays, after ten years of providing services,
Found Associates celebrates their tenth anniversary as well
as the value of their projects. Anya Hindmarch, designer
of luxurious handbags and shoes, is their most recent client. After developing a global concept for stores in Beijing,
Moscow, Tokyo and Kuwait, the September fashion week
revealed a brand new retail concept for Hindmarch’s
Bond Street flagship. With a sexy black-glass mirrored front
and a modern-nostalgia interior, Found has created a
space that is completely in tune with the Hindmarch image. “A backdrop that makes the bags and shoes look
hot is a very important expression of our brand values”,
says Anya Hindmarch. “Found were great because they
designed a backdrop that complements the products.
They understood the brief perfectly and were incredibly
efficient and on-the-ball. And most importantly, they understood the very essence of our project!” Studio Found
Associates is proud of providing a flexible and universal
design of services that offer the possibility of presenting
their clients with the final project from the very concept of
the design. If you want to make it to the top, the first step
is to truly understand the goals of every single client, and
this prestigious company swears by that motto. And most
importantly, they are very successful.
Monumentalan luster u stubištu služi kao dodatna dekoracija prostoru / The monumental stairway chandelier and serves a decorative purpose as well
Sam interijer dizajniran je minimalistički / The interior
itself is designed in minimalist manner
A Dream Home
A home that was decorated for the Notting Hill family is a
combination of a modern design and architecture that
was typical for Queen Victoria’s golden period. From the
outside, it appears to spread the message of tradition and
independence, but when we throw our attention to the interior, it reveals contemporary minimalism, which is becoming more and more popular these days. Although we are
several hours of driving away from it, as well as one time
zone and over 1500 kilometres, a modern London home
from Notting Hill has very similar characteristics to the homes
we encounter in Croatia. At the same time, it represents a
combination of two different styles that many can identify
with – traditional and modern wrapped into one.
Dom kao savršena
radna okolina
Ako je kućni ured lijepo i pomno organiziran, obveze vezane uz posao će se obavljati brže i
kvalitetnije. U svom prostoru kod kuće svaka osoba može obveze prilagoditi svojim navikama,
što daje veću slobodu, pa i prilagodljivost. Kreiranje kućnog ureda ne iziskuje neki veći trošak,
sve može biti gotovo za dan ili dva, a može biti itekako zabavno
Piše: Aleksandar Vrtarić
Foto: IKEA
Kućni ured može se u potpunosti prilagoditi ostatku
prostora / Home office can be completely adjusted to
the rest of the apartment
anas je vrlo teško naći moderne ljude koji svoj
posao nakon završetka radnog vremena ne
nose kući, bili to pravnici, arhitekti, agenti ili,
pak, književnici... Upravo zbog samih metoda
rada, fleksibilnog radnog vremena, pa i razvoja tehnologije, sve je više onih koji su jednostavno prisiljeni
barem dio svoga posla obavljati u vlastitu domu. Rad
kod kuće, dakako, ima neke loše strane – oduzima
dragocjeno vrijeme i trenutke
koje bi mnogi radije proveli s najdražima ili, pak,
opuštajući se uz omiljeni
hobi, no činjenica je i da
rad kod kuće može biti
itekako koristan, produktivan i ugodan. Dom
je mjesto u kojemu
se svi osjećaju najugodnije i najsigurnije,
pa shodno tome dom
postaje i mjesto inspiracije, mjesto gdje se
često rađaju vrijedne
ideje i optimalna rješenja, a ako je kućni ured lijepo i
pomno organiziran, obveze vezane uz posao će se
obavljati bolje, brže i kvalitetnije. Ono najbolje je to što
u svom prostoru svaka osoba može obveze prilagoditi
svojim navikama, obiteljskim obvezama, što daje veću
slobodu, pa i prilagodljivost. Kreiranje kućnog ureda ne
iziskuje neki veći trošak, sve može biti gotovo za dan ili
dva, a može biti itekako zabavno.
Prvi korak – odabrati pravo mjesto
Bilo da se radi o samačkoj garsonijeri ili pak prostranom
stanu u kojem živi peteročlana obitelj, svaki kućni ured
bi trebao biti postavljen na pravo mjesto. Pravila koja se
tiču rasvjete ili pak vještine feng shui mogu biti od pomoći, no najvažnije od svega su vlastite navike i navike
ukućana koji dijele stambeni prostor. Netko nadahnuće pronalazi u tamnijim, tišim dijelovima stana, netko se
najugodnije osjeća u uređenom podrumu, dok netko
ne može zamisliti rad u prostoriji koja nije bogata prirodnim svjetlom. Neki bolje rade kada su okruženi društvom,
dok su neki najproduktivniji kada su osamljeni. Dakle,
jedino pravilo kojega se treba pridržavati jest ono da
treba odabrati mjesto koje pojedincu najviše odgova83
Kućni ured treba biti praktičan, funkcionalan i uvijek
uredan / Home off­ice should be practical, functional and always tidy
ra. Dakako, ako stambeni prostor dijeli više osoba, valja
imati obzira i prema ostalim ukućanima kako im mali
kućni ured ne bi smetao. Kućni ured bez telefona i brze
internetske veze je mnogima nezamisliv, no kabelima se
ne treba previše opterećivati – uređaji za bežični internet su vrlo povoljni i na jednostavan način će omogućiti korištenje telefona i interneta u svakom dijelu stana
ili kuće. Problem nedostatka utičnica se također može
brzo i bezbolno riješiti korištenjem tzv. kanalice kojom se
nove utičnice postavljaju na željena mjesta.
Opremanje ureda
Kada je mjesto odabrano, pozornost treba obratiti na
elemente koji će tvoriti mali ured. Mjesto na kojemu
je ured pozicioniran je vrlo važno, no jednako je važno da kućni ured bude praktičan, funkcionalan i uvijek
uredan. To znači da treba odabrati onaj uredski stol na
kojemu će svaka sitnica biti lako i brzo dostupna. Stol
mora biti kompaktan, no ipak dovoljno velik kako bi se
bez problema mogli pohraniti razni dokumenti, poslovne knjige i slično. Naravno, ako to prostor dopušta, za
spremanje raznih spisa idealno rješenje bit će namjenski
ormari s debelim konzolama u koje se dokumentacija
može posložiti po odgovarajućem redoslijedu. Osjećaj
neudobnosti može dovesti do velikih problema, pa pažnju treba obratiti i na stolicu. Ona mora biti anatomska
i kvalitetna jer nekada će za obavljanje poslovnih obveza biti dovoljno i pola sata, no nekad će trebati “potegnuti” i više od osam sati pa valja imati na umu da je
stolica zadnja stvar na kojoj treba štedjeti. Kako znati
koja je stolica prava? Sve iole kvalitetne stolice imaju
naslon koji je zakrivljen prema unutra kako bi podupirao kralježnicu, a pomiče se kod naginjanja. Također,
naslon bi trebao biti dovoljno širok s isto tako udobnim
naslonima za ruke i glavu.
Stolica mora biti anatomska i kvalitetna /
Chair has to be anatomic and quality
Kućni ured u svakom stilu
Dakako da kućni ured ne mora biti jednoličan i običan.
Dapače, on se u potpunosti može prilagoditi ostatku
prostora. Za manje stanove, odlično će rješenje biti
praktični pomični stol koji se s lakoćom može premjestiti
s jednog kraja sobe na drugi. Za one koji vole klasiku i
pomalo antikni ugođaj, svakako će dobar izbor biti cjelovite garniture od masivnog drva u koje se kućni ured
u potpunosti može sakriti kada se ne koristi. Prostraniji stambeni prostori omogućavaju i prostranije kućne
urede, pa ako ne manjka prostora, svakako je bolje
odabrati veće stolove s dodacima koji će pružiti i bolju
organizaciju. Stolice mogu biti kožne, klasičnog i ozbiljnijeg stila, no mogu biti i potpuno drukčije, obojane živim
bojama ili obogaćene nekim vedrim uzorcima. Za ljubitelje pravog opuštenog stila, anatomsku stolicu mogu
zamijeniti i “lopte“ koje, osim što izgledaju zgodno i dekorativno, osiguravaju pravilan položaj kralježnice. Koji
god stil dominirao, ipak se treba pridržavati jedne bitne
stvari – kabeli i žice se ne uklapaju ni u jedan stil pa ih
valja lijepo i uredno rasporediti i sakriti adekvatnim “pomagalima”. Na poslu se mnogi ne osjećaju najugodnije, a izbora često nema. Uz malo truda, kućni ured
može biti nešto posve drugo – radna okolina u kojoj se
osjećamo ugodno, a posao obavljamo s puno elana i
pozitivne energije.
Home as the Perfect
Work Environment
Written by: Aleksandar Vrtarić
Photo: IKEA
If your home office is nicely and carefully
organized, you will find yourself performing your work obligations with much
more quickness and quality. When
working in our own home, we can
all make a few adjustments that
agree with our own habits, which
results in much more freedom and
adjustability. Creating a home office doesn’t have to be expensive,
as you can have a lot of fun and still
get it done in just a day or two
Radni kutak / Working corner
hese days, it is very difficult to find modern people
who don’t take their work with them when they
go home, regardless of whether they’re lawyers,
architects, agents or writers... Those work methods, flexible working hours and the development of
technology are the main reasons why so many people are simply forced to do a portion of their job in
their own home. Working at your home, naturally, has
a downside as well – it takes away precious time and
moments we would like to spend with our loved ones
or relaxing with our favourite hobby, but the fact remains that working at home can be extremely useful, productive and pleasant. Everybody feels a lot of
comfort and security in their home, which means that
it often becomes a place of inspiration where valuable
ideas and optimal solutions quickly come to mind, and
if your home office is nicely and carefully organized,
you will find yourself performing your work obligations
with much more accuracy, quickness and quality. The
best thing about working at home is that you can arrange your obligations according to your habits and
family commitments, which results in much more freedom and adjustability. Creating a home office doesn’t
have to be expensive, as you can have a lot of fun and
still get it done in just a day or two.
First Step – Choosing the Right Place
Regardless of whether we’re talking about a bachelor pad or a spacious apartment with a family of five,
every home office needs to be positioned in just the
right place. You can use some rules regarding lighting
issues and feng shui techniques for help, but pay the
most attention to your habits and the habits of people
living there with you. Someone finds inspiration in darker and quieter sections of the apartment, someone
else loves nothing more than a furnished basement,
while somebody can’t imagine working in a room that
doesn’t feature an abundance of natural light. Some
people get more work done when they’re around
people, while others are more productive in a lonelier
environment. Therefore, the only rule is to choose the
place that the person in question is most comfortable
with. Naturally, if there are more people living in the
apartment, you must also make sure that your home
office doesn’t get into anybody’s way. A home office
without a telephone and fast Internet access doesn’t
make much sense, but don’t get too caught up in cables – wireless Internet devices are very accessible and
can effortlessly provide you with telephone and Internet connections in any part of the house or apartment.
If you don’t have enough outlets, you can easily fix that
by using the so-called hollow tile, which positions outlets anywhere you want.
Furnishing the Office
When the place is chosen, you should start paying attention to the elements that your little office consists
of. The location of the office is very important, but it
is equally important to make sure that your home off­
ice is practical, functional and always tidy. That means
that you should choose the type of an office desk that
provides fast and easy access to every little thing. A
Kožni registratori za dokumente / Leather magazine file
desk must be compact, but still large enough to effortlessly host various documents, business books and
similar things. Naturally, if the space allows you to do
so, your ideal solution for storing various files can be a
specifically purposed closet with thick brackets, which
you can use to fold your documents in appropriate order. The feeling of discomfort can lead to a lot of problems, so make sure you choose the right chair. It has to
be anatomic and quality, because even though you
will sometimes need only 30 minutes of work, at other
times that will turn into eight full hours of work, so keep
in mind that a chair is the last thing to save money on.
How do you recognize the right chair? Every chair with
enough quality features back support that is bended
inwards so that it supports the spine, and it also moves
when you start to lean. The back support should also
be wide enough with just as comfortable support for
your arms and head.
Home Offices in Different Styles
It goes without saying that a home office doesn’t have
to be plain and ordinary. In fact, it can be completely
adjusted to the rest of the apartment. If your apartment isn’t very big, you will make the right decision by
Drvene kutije za sitnice / Wooden boxes for writing materials
choosing a practical mobile desk that can easily be
transferred from one end of the room to another. For
those that love classics and slightly antique environments, we suggest entire ensembles made of massive
wood that can entirely hide the home office when it
isn’t used. Larger residential spaces also enable larger
home offices, so that’s when you can choose bigger
desks with plenty of accessories that will provide a
better sense of organization. You can choose leather
chairs with a classic and more serious style, but you can
also go in an entirely different direction by choosing
chairs with bright colours and wacky samples. For all
lovers of true laid-back style, anatomic chairs can be
replaced by “balls” that, besides having an attractive
and decorative look, also keep your spine in the right
position. Whichever style is dominant, keep one thing in
mind – cables and wires don’t look good in any style, so
make sure you do a good job of neatly arranging and
hiding them with different accessories. Work makes a
lot of people feel a little down, and our options are often limited. But with a little effort, a home office can
represent something entirely different – a work environment that makes us feel good as we do our job with
plenty of enthusiasm and positive energy.
Kuhinja Meg od prirodnog ariša talijanske tvrtke Cesar koju u
Hrvatskoj možete pronaći u Themeliji (www.themelia.hr) /­
Meg model made of natural larch from Italian company Cesar.
In Croatia you can find it in Themelia store (www.themelia.hr)
Velika kuhinja èini velike
snove stvarnima
Koliko god bila poželjna i atraktivna, velika kuhinja zahtijeva mnogo pažnje pri uređivanju i opremanju zbog svoje prostranosti, kako ne bi izgledala hladno i prazno. Pročitajte naše savjete i uz
nekoliko pravih poteza, udobnost i ugoda mogu se spojiti u jednu savršenu cjelinu
Piše: Aleksandar Vrtarić
velikoj i prostranoj kuhinji, svi sanjaju, o tome
da imaju dovoljno mjesta za luksuzne elemente i uređaje, ručno rađenu kuhinju po
narudžbi ili pak zidane elemente, dovoljno
prostora da se ukućani, pa i gosti, osjećaju udobno. No,
koliko god bila poželjna i atraktivna, velika kuhinja zahtijeva mnogo pažnje pri uređivanju i opremanju upravo
zbog svoje prostranosti, kako ne bi izgledala hladno i
prazno. Bez obzira na dostatnu količinu prostora, čak i
najveća kuhinja mora biti funkcionalna i praktična, pa
i ugodna i topla. Uz nekoliko pravih poteza, udobnost i
ugoda mogu se spojiti u jednu savršenu cjelinu...
Mjesta za sve
Sa skučenim kuhinjama je doista teško, premda i one
Foto: Arhiva DalCase
znaju izgledati lijepo. No, kako bi izgledala hrpa električnih uređaja i kolekcija posuđa u kuhinji od pet četvornih metara? S velikim kuhinjama je posve drukčije,
pa se one od prostorije kojoj je osnovna namjena da
se u njoj skuha i podijeli jelo, pretvara u posve drukčiji i
bogatiji prostor koji može postati jednako atraktivan kao
i dnevna soba. Koje su prednosti velikih kuhinja? Ponajprije, velika prednost jest sam kuhinjski namještaj – izbor
je velik, kuhinje po narudžbi se mogu izraditi kako bi na
najljepši način ispunile prostor, a ne treba poricati i kako
su sve luksuzne kuhinje ujedno i velike kuhinje. Dakle, na
izboru su najrazličitiji modeli, od kuhinja s nešto oštrijim i
hladnijim dizajnom pa do onih koje više odgovaraju nekakvom tradicionalnom ili klasičnom stilu. Za primjer, kod
primorskih kamenih kuća moguće je pozvati stručnjaka
koji će po vlastitim idejama izraditi zidanu kuhinju koja
će ujediniti plemenite prirodne materijale na posebno
atraktivan način. Sljedeća prednost velikog kuhinjskog
prostora jest sam razmještaj elemenata, pri čemu nema
granica, a sve se može prilagoditi osobnim željama. No,
pravilo je da veliki prostori zahtijevaju i masivniji namještaj, tako kod opremanja velike kuhinje ne treba birati
neku skromnu, manju garnituru. Naprotiv, veličinu prostora dodatno će naglasiti garnitura s velikim i prostranim
stolom te odgovarajućim kuhinjskim stolicama. Život je
bez elektronike danas nezamisliv, a u velikoj kuhinji svoje
mjesto mogu pronaći svi uređaji i sva potrebna pomagala, od perilice do tostera, električnog roštilja, miksera,
sokovnika, aparata za kavu itd. Važno je da ti uređaji budu pravilno razmješteni, postavljeni tako da uvijek
budu nadohvat ruke, ali da kod uobičajenih kuhinjskih
aktivnosti ipak ne smetaju. Za nekoliko zidnih polica će
se uvijek pronaći mjesta, a ponekad takve police nude
idealno rješenje.
Dodaci koji veliki prostor čine ugodnim
Kad je opremanje i uređivanje interijera u pitanju, svaki
stručnjak složit će se s tvrdnjom da je on puno atraktivniji
ako “priča priču“. Karakter svake pojedine prostorije čini
cjelinu posebnom, onu cjelinu koju nazivamo domom.
Kuhinja je što se toga tiče jedinstvena prostorija jer ima
onu čarobnu moć da spaja i ujedinjuje obitelj i prijatelje.
Ipak, velika i prazna kuhinja će na malo koga ostaviti
pozitivan dojam. Sitnice uvijek čine čuda pa to vrijedi i
kod velikih kuhinja koje nam pružaju još jednu prednost,
a ta je da im možemo dati upravo taj karakter koji mnogo znači. U velikoj kuhinji mjesta mogu pronaći razni suveniri, neke zgodne kolekcije koje se lijepo uklapaju u
stil kuhinje, biljke, pa čak i umjetnine koje će taj prostor
učiniti toplijim i ugodnijim. Naravno, kod uređivanja velikih kuhinja ne treba zaboraviti na boje jer one imaju vrlo
veliku ulogu u cjelokupnom ambijentu. Za velike kuhinje
su prikladniji mekaniji tonovi i toplije boje, no dobro je i
poigrati se s kontrastom kako bi se unijela poželjna doza
dinamike u veliki prostor. Jasno, boje zidova se moraju
lijepo nadovezati s kuhinjskim namještajem, a valja imati
na umu i da ih podloga na kojoj će biti postavljen treba isticati, a ne gasiti. I, za kraj, ne zaboravite da velika
kuhinja vrijedi jako puno pa joj kod uređivanja posvetite svu pažnju. Poigrajte se s maštom, pritom pazeći na
pravila ergonomije, i osigurajte sebi, svojim ukućanima i
prijateljima kuhinju u kojoj će dominirati topao i skladan
Berlonijev model Natura krajnje jednostavnih linija /
Berloni’s Natura model with very simple lines
Large Kitchens
Make Big
Dreams Come
Model Natura iz Berlonija /
Berloni’s Natura model
Narančasta kuhinja koju možete pronaći u Casi Nostri
(www.casanostra.hr) / Model in orange colour that
you can find in Casa Nostra (www.casanostra.hr)
As desirable and attractive as it may be, a
large kitchen demands a lot of attention while
decorating and furnishing it precisely because
of its spaciousness, so that it wouldn’t look
cold and empty. Read some of our advice and
with a few right moves, comfort and pleasure
can combine to create a perfect unit
Written by: Aleksandar Vrtarić
Photo: IKEA
verybody dreams of having a big and spacious
kitchen, as it assumes having enough room for luxurious elements and appliances, or having a custom-made hand-processed kitchen with built-in
elements that has enough room to make the owners and
the guests feel comfortable. But as desirable and attractive as it may be, a large kitchen demands a lot of attention while decorating and furnishing it precisely because
of its spaciousness, so that it wouldn’t look cold and empty. Regardless of the adequate amount of space, even
the biggest kitchen has to be functional and practical,
even pleasant and warm. With several right moves, comfort and pleasure can combine to create a perfect unit.
Enough Room for Everything
It’s really hard dealing with narrow kitchens, although
they can be made to look lovely as well. However, how is
a pile of electrical devices and dish collections supposed
to look in a five-square-metre kitchen? Large kitchens
make things totally different, as they transform a room
that has a main function of cooking and serving the meal
into a completely different and wealthier space that can
become just as attractive as the living room. What are the
advantages of large kitchens? First of all, kitchen furniture
itself is a big advantage – the choice is enormous, custom-made kitchens can fill up the space in finest manner
imaginable, and it’s not worth denying that all luxurious
kitchens happen to be somewhat larger. Therefore, you
can choose between models with vastly different characteristics, from kitchens with slightly sharper and colder
Kuhinja Carissa iz Lesnine / Lesnina’s Carissa model
Casa Nostrin model Reflax / Casa Nostra’s Reflex model
Model Mirabela iz Lesnine (www.lesnina.si) / Lesnina’s
Mirabela model (www.lesnina.si)
Kuhinja Pop iz Berlonija (www.berloni.it) / Pop kitchen from Berloni
Kuhinja iz salona Mio Dino (www.miodino.hr) /
Kitchen from Mio Dino (www.miodino.hr)
Kuhinja Horenzija od orahova drva, Lesnina / Horenzija
kitchen made of walnut, Lesnina
design to those that more resemble a traditional and
classic style. For example, owners of coastal stone houses
can call up an expert who will make a built-in kitchen according to his own ideas and make sure it unifies refined
natural materials in a particularly attractive way. Large
kitchen spaces also have the advantage of arranging
the elements in a way that has no boundaries, with everything being adjusted to personal preferences. However, the basic rule is that larger spaces demand more
massive furniture, so you shouldn’t furnish a large kitchen
with a humble, smaller ensemble. On the contrary, size of
the space will be further emphasized with an ensemble
that features a big and spacious table and the appropriate kitchen chairs. Life without electronics is unimaginable nowadays, and a larger kitchen can feature all the
devices and necessary appliances, from a dish washer to
the toaster, electrical grill, blender, juice squeezer, coffee
machine etc. It is important to appropriately rearrange
all these appliances, as they’re supposed to be available
within arm’s reach, but without standing in the way during the normal kitchen activities. Several wall shelves can
always be used, as they sometimes present the ideal solution.
Accessories to Make the Large Space more Comfortable
When we get to the subject of furnishing and decorating an interior, every expert will agree that it becomes
a lot more attractive if the interior in question is “telling a
story”. The character of every individual room makes
the unit special, and that unit is what we call a home.
In that sense, a kitchen can be somewhat unique because it has the magic power to connect and unite
family and friends. However, a big and empty kitchen
will not really impress anybody. It’s the little things that
always create miracles, so the same thing applies with
large kitchens that provide an additional advantage,
which is the possibility of having that all-important character. A large kitchen can feature all kinds of souvenirs,
some cute collections that fit into the style of the kitchen, some plants, even pieces of art that might make
the room warmer and cosier. Of course, the process of
decorating a large kitchen also involves colour choices
because that plays a big role in the entire ambience.
Large kitchens tend to adapt better to softer tones and
warmer colours, but we also recommend a little contrast that might introduce a sense of dynamics in the
large space. It goes without saying that wall colours
must agree with the kitchen furniture, and also keep in
mind that the surface should have the function of emphasizing it, rather than diminishing its importance. And
finally, remember that a large kitchen has great value,
so give it a lot of attention during the decorating process. Play around with your imagination, while keeping in
mind the rules of ergonomics, and reward yourself, your
family and friends with a kitchen that is dominated by a
warm and harmonious environment.
Kako urediti zlata vrijedne kvadrate
Balkoni i terase idealna mjesta za odmor
i opuštanje od stresa
Spadate li u ponosne vlasnike stana s balkonom ili terasom, smatrajte se doista sretnim. Svakog dana satima možete uživati u blagodatima sunca, povjetarca, ili samo pogledu na zgodnog
susjeda. Uredite li svoj balkon, ili terasu, i prilagodite ga svojim ukusima, s vremenom ćete
sve više vremena boraviti u tih nekoliko kvadrata “zraka”, idealnima za odmor i opuštanje od
svakodnevnog stresa
Piše: Martina Kocijan
Foto: GLOSTER, DESIGNERS GUILD, fischer mÖebel
ilijun je razloga zašto biste svoj balkon ponovno vratili u život. Izležavanje i pijuckanje
rashlađenih sokova u udobnoj fotelji tijekom
poslijepodneva, uz predivno cvijeće i maštovite ukrase, samo su neki od njih. Nisu bez razloga Englezi
smislili izreku da dobro uređen balkon zamjenjuje jednu
sobu stana, a dobro uređena terasa cijeli kat. Uz detalje
koji će vam biti ugodni oku i malo mašte, balkon može
postati vaša mala Azurna obala ili, primjerice, mini povrtnjak, egzotična prašuma ili elegantan prostor za odmor.
Prije uređenja razmislite o tome što vas opušta, veseli i
što vam nedostaje u stanu. Balkoni i terase mogu biti
idealno mjesto za viseću mrežu koju ste oduvijek željeli,
dvosjed ljuljačku za popodnevno drijemanje, pješčanik
za najmlađe ili oaza biljnog svijeta.
Stvorite svoj mirni kutak
Što vam zapravo treba na vašem balkonu? Prvo, udoban stolac i malo hlada. U potragu za stolcem prosurfaj-
te internetom, pronađite fotografije vizualno najatraktivnijih, a zatim posjetite nekoliko trgovačkih centara.
Namjeravate li u svom stolcu sjediti dugo godina, dobro
ga isprobajte. Hlad ćete osigurati tako što ćete napraviti
paravan od biljki penjačica s potporom od žica ili letvica. Time ćete dobiti i na privatnosti. Penjačice, primjerice razne vrste bršljana, ukrasnih loza ili biljku slak, posadite u žardinjere ovješene o balkonsku ogradu, a njihove
izdanke labavo pričvrstite duž potporne konstrukcije.
Tako ćete rast biljaka usmjeriti u željenom smjeru. Kao
paravan mogu poslužiti i razni rolo zastori koji se lako postavljaju i skidaju te su dostupni u najrazličitijim dezenima.
Pristupačnih su cijena, jednostavni za postavljanje i njima možete brzo promijeniti atmosferu svog balkona: od
elegancije do otkačenosti. Svoje stolce, fotelje ili klupice
možete upotpuniti jastucima svih oblika, boja i dizajna,
kao i različitim prostirkama. Sanjari li vaše dijete o igranju
u travi, stvorite na svom balkonu ili terasi mali park! Sve
što vam treba jest nekoliko metara umjetne trave ili tepi95
Osigurajte hladovinu na balkonu /
Make sure that you have shade
on the balcony
Svoje stolce ili klupice možete upotpuniti jastucima svih oblika, boja i
dizajna / Your chairs and benches
can be completed with cushions of
all shapes, colours and designs
son od umjetnog ili prirodnog materijala kao što je sisal.
Volite li drvo, izaberite drvene daščice te ih postavite na
balkon ili terasu. Osjećat ćete se kao na brodu.
Dobre ideje
Često nam u prostoru u kojem živimo nedostaje mjesta
za sve one neugledne, a potrebne sitnice kao što su metle, sredstva za čišćenje, krpe i predmeti koje nosimo na
more, pecanje, planinarenje… Kako nam one ne bi zauzimale vrijedan prostor, dobra je ideja nabaviti sanduk.
I to poveći. Potražite ga na tavanu, buvljaku ili u šopingcentru i uredite ga tako da vam služi za sjedenje. Pokrijte ga zgodnom presvlakom, nabacite jastuke, i voilà…
spojili ste korisno s ugodnim! Maštate li o egzotičnim
krajevima, uredite svoj balkon u stilu atraktivne, daleke
lokacije. Čempres visine oko 150 centimetara koji ćete
posaditi u veću posudu, grm lavande, teglice sa začinskim biljem ili bosiljak posađen u viseće posude stvorit
će šarm egzotike. Dodajte viseću ležaljku, uzmite knjigu,
zavalite se i uživajte. A bolja polovica neka vam donese
koktel koji će vas savršeno rashladiti. Bršljan je, primjerice, biljka koja će pridonijeti divljem “looku” vašeg balkona i stvoriti neuobičajen interijer. Ako je posađen u
dovoljno veliku posudu i ima dovoljno vode, preživljava
gotovo sve vremenske uvjete i tipove vlasnika. Bilo da
visi iz posude ili se penje uz ogradu, balkonu daje raščupan i pomalo divlji izgled. Kombinirate li uz takvu divljinu
ivančice i kućicu za ptičice, vaš će balkon postati pravi
mali šumski proplanak. Za sve romantičare, savjetujemo
nabavu ruža i željezne nosiljke, koje će približiti atmosferu engleskog perivoja. Volite li ipak više povrće i dosta
vam je odlaska na plac svakog jutra, razmislite o sadnji
povrća u teglicama. Odlično ako vas privlači zalijevanje i konstantna briga za plodove koje ćete poslije moći
Probudite kreativca u sebi
Probudite kreativca u sebi, počnite planirati, ispisivati i
iscrtavati temelje vašeg balkona ili terase. Pronađite dijete u sebi i potrudite se da vaš životni prostor zasja. Uz to
što ćete u njemu uživati svakog dana, sigurni smo da će
vam pozavidjeti većina prijatelja i poznanika. A možda
i zgodan susjed kojeg već dugo motrite svrati na kratko
opuštanje. Ako je vaš balkon malih dimenzija, razmislite
o sklopivom namještaju. Time ćete ostvariti niz prednosti.
Namještaj ćete moći sklopiti i preseliti kad god to poželite, a moći ćete ga koristiti i u stanu. Dobar izbor za uređenje balkona su i male, svjetski poznate biljčice – bonsaiji. Drvca u malome savršena su za balkone i terase
upravo zbog svojih mini dimenzija. Slične bonsaijima, po
svojoj veličini su i neke vrste bambusa te stabalca čili
papričice ili mini naranče. Na kraju, ne zaboravite na
rasvjetu. Dobro raspoređena rasvjeta s upečatljivim oblikom svjetiljki učinit će vaš balkon ili terasu još atraktivnijim. Isti učinak mogu imati i svjećice, kojih danas možete
pronaći u gotovo svim oblicima, veličinama i mirisima
kojih se sjetite. Balkon i terasa su kvadrati koje trebate
urediti tako da vam tu bude ugodno. Uživajte sami i uz
društvo ljudi koje volite i opustite se od lude svakodnevice. Nisu vam potrebni skupi wellness tretmani da biste se
opustili. Kao moderni i pametni ljudi, besplatan tretman
opuštanja stvorite u kvadratima koje već posjedujete.
Udoban stolac je najvažniji na balkonu /
Comfortable seating is most important on the balcony
Decorating Those Precious Square Metres
Balconies and Terraces Ideal Places for Rest and
Relaxation from Stress
If you are a proud owner of an apartment with a balcony or terrace, you should consider yourself
a very lucky person. Every day you can spend hours enjoying the sun, the breeze, or checking
out your good-looking neighbour. If you decorate your balcony or terrace and adjust it to your
personal preferences, you will find yourself spending more and more time within those several
square metres of “air”, which are so ideal for rest and relaxation from everyday stress
Written by: Martina Kocijan
Photo: GLOSTER, DESIGNERS GUILD, fischer mÖebel
Probudite kreativca u sebi /
Rediscover your creativity
here are a million reasons for you to bring back some
life into your balcony. Some of them include the
idea of laying around and sipping your cold soda
in a comfortable armchair during the afternoon,
with wonderful flowers and imaginative decorations everywhere around you. There is a reason English people
say that a well-decorated balcony has as much value
as an entire room in an apartment, while a well-decorated terrace can replace an entire floor. With several
eye-pleasing details and a little imagination, the balcony
can become your own little French Riviera, or maybe a
small vegetable garden, exotic rainforest or an elegant
relaxation space. Before you start decorating, make sure
you think about the things that relax you, make you feel
better and are currently missing in your apartment. Balconies and terraces can be ideal places for a hammock
you always wanted, as well as for a two-seat swing for
your afternoon nap, a sandbox for children or a botanical oasis.
Creating Your Quiet Space
What exactly do you need on your balcony? First of all,
you need a comfortable chair and some shade. As far as
chairs go, you should surf the Internet and try to find photos of visually most attractive ones, and them see if you
can find them at several shopping centres. If you’re planning on sitting in that chair for many years to come, make
sure you test its comfort level very thoroughly. Shade can
be ensured by using climbing plants supported with wire
or little boards, and they will also ensure you a great deal
of privacy. The best types of climbing plants are different
types of ivy, decorative grapevine leaves or bindweed,
and make sure you plant them in flowerpots that hang
from the balcony fence, while their outgrowths can be
loosely attached along the support construction. In that
way, you can determine the direction in which the plants
will grow. As far as cover goes, you can use various shutters that are easily assembled and disassembled, and are
accessible in all kinds of designs. Their prices are not very
high, they can easily be put together, and they can really
change the atmosphere on your balcony: from elegance
to wackiness. Your chairs, armchairs and little benches
can be completed with cushions of all shapes, colours
and designs, as well as with various other types of covers.
If your child is dreaming about playing in the grass, you
may as well create your own little park at your balcony or
terrace. All you need is several metres of artificial grass, or
a rug from artificial or natural materials like sisal. If you’re
a fan of wood, go ahead and pick small wooden boards
for your balcony or terrace. It will feel exactly like being
on a boat.
Klupa od tikovine /
Bench made of teak
Good Ideas
Our living spaces are often deprived of extra-space for
all those plain-looking, but very necessary little things like
brooms, cleansers, mops and objects for the beach, fishing or hiking... In order to make sure that they don’t take
up any of that valuable space, it would be a good idea
to acquire a larger trunk. Look for it in the attic, at the
flea market or in shopping centres, and position it in a
way that it can also serve as a place to sit on. Cover it up
with something attractive, throw some cushions on and
Za ljubitelje orijentalnog stila /
For whose who like oriental style
voila – you have done something that is both pleasant
and useful! If you fantasize about exotic areas, decorate your balcony in a way that resembles an attractive
faraway location. A 150-centimetre cypress in a bigger
pot, a lavender bush, little jars with spice plants or some
basil planted in hanging pots are bound to create that
exotic charm. Throw in a hanging deckchair, get yourself a book, get comfortable and enjoy yourself. Have
your better half bring you a nice cocktail that will cool
you down just the way you like it. For example, ivy is a
plant that will contribute to your balcony’s wild look and
create an extraordinary interior. If it is planted in a large
enough pot and has enough water, it can survive almost
all types of weather conditions and all types of owners.
Regardless of whether it sticks out from a pot or climbs
along the fence, it will provide the balcony with a scruffy
and slightly wild appearance. If you combine that wild
dimension with some daisies and a birdhouse, your balcony is bound to become a true little oasis filled with
greenery. For all you romantics, we advise you to acquire
some roses and iron sedan chairs, which will replicate the
atmosphere of traditional English parks. If you happen to
prefer some vegetables and you’re sick of going to the
market every day, think about growing some vegetables
in little jars. It is an excellent choice if you’re attracted to
watering things and constantly looking after those fruits
that will end up in your plate.
Rediscover Your Creativity
Rediscover your creativity, start planning, taking notes
Ormarić koji se uklopio u vanjski prostor /
Storage unit that fits in outdoor
and making sketches of your balcony or terrace. Reconnect with your inner child and make sure your living space
shines in a brand new light. Besides the fact that you can
enjoy it every day, we are positive that you will be envied
by most of your friends and acquaintances. And who
knows, maybe that good-looking neighbour you’ve had
your eye on will finally stop by for some relaxation. If your
balcony isn’t very spacious, you might want to consider
using folding furniture. That will work to your advantage in
numerous ways, as you will be able to fold your furniture
away and move it whenever you want, and you can also
use it inside the apartment. As far as balcony decorations
go, another good choice is presented in the form of small
world-famous plants – bonsai. These tiny trees are perfect
for balconies and terraces precisely for their miniature dimensions. Some types of bamboo, as well as chilli-pepper trees and mini-oranges, are similar to bonsai when
it comes to dimensions. And finally, don’t forget about
lighting. Well-arranged lighting objects with distinctive
lamp figures will make your balcony or terrace even more
attractive. Candles can have the same effect, and you
can find them in all possible shapes, sizes and aromas. A
balcony and a terrace are premises that you should decorate in a way that brings nothing but joy and comfort.
Enjoy them by yourself and in the company of the people you love, and take a break from the crazy everyday
routine. You don’t need expensive wellness treatments in
order to relax. As modern and smart people that you are,
you can create your own charge-free relaxation treatment within the square metres you already own.
Dizajnerska šala
u industriji
Šaljivi dizajn nadahnut je idejom psihološkog
bodrenja konzumenta, kao osmišljen i artikuliran
pristup produkciji zdravog duha i iskričave ideje
Piše: Nikola Čelan
Foto: Fred & Friends
otreba za dizajnom koji će, osim što ispunjava
svoju estetsku funkciju, još i provocirati, utjecati,
čak i mijenjati nas same u određenoj mjeri, mijenjajući naš prostor, vrijeme našeg dana, već je
urodila i specijaliziranim komercijalnim angažmanom. Riječ je o tome da se na internetu, tragajući za zanimljivim
dizajnerskim predmetima, danas mogu pronaći tvrtke
orijentirane u potpunosti na djelovanje u smjeru zabavnoga, duhovitoga i intrigantnoga. Jedna od takvih, koja
će uporabnost predmeta beskompromisno vezati uz ša100
ljivu poruku, energičan geg, te koja će ih čak ponekad
i pretpostaviti njegovoj funkciji, jest američki Fred and
Friends. “Šaljivi dizajn”, kako bismo mogli imenovati ovaj
fenomen, sad već izdvojen od ukupne oblikovne djelatnosti u zasebnu cjelinu, scenu, tržište, počeo je, dakle,
djelovati kao prepoznatljiv subjekt.
Asortiman Fred and Friendsa duhovitost generira na svim
razinama i svim metodama – funkcionalnom inverzijom,
vizualnom varkom, igrom riječi ili pak čistom iznenađujućom, smiješnom idejom i/ili izvedbom. Primjera je mno-
go, pa se tako u prvu skupinu mogu ubrojiti keramičko postolje za maslac u obliku
tosta ili led za piće u formi zubne proteze
(upotrijebljen u čaši vode, on djeluje posebno bizarno). Još jedan primjer je spužva za tuširanje
u obliku mikrofona, koja na iskričav način ismijava
raširenu navadu vokalnog muziciranja pri ovoj svakodnevnoj radnji. Ipak je vrhunac funkcionalne zamjene
ženska cipela s visokom potpeticom, lišena, ne bez doze
kriticizma naspram suvremene svakodnevice, bilo koje
druge svrhe do one za pridržavanje sobnih vrata.
Vizulna varka u šaljivom dizajnu na duhovit je način primijenjena kod USB flash drivea s drugim krajem u vjerno
podraženim pokidanim žicama, naravno, potpuno novog i tehnički ispravnog proizvoda. Zatim tu je vrhunski
geg s (minijaturnim) utopljenikom u rupici za odvod
u kadi, a iz kupaoničke ponude posebno je zbunjujuća podloga protiv posklizavanja u obliku kore od
banane. Cassettetote, torbica u obliku goleme
audiokasete, danas već spada u kategoriju
retro opreme glazbenih fanova mlađe
Igra riječi funkcionira u situaciji kad
fraza “peace of cake” (engleski izraz
za nešto vrlo jednostavno) dobije svoj doslovni ekvivalent u
kalupu za tortu oblika hippiejevskog
znaka mira (“peace“), zlatno jaje dobije ulogu faktičkog nositelja materijalne vrijednosti u obliku štedne
kasice, a ključevi su, sukladnom
engleskom jezičnom izvorniku
(“key“) doživjeli posebno detaljan tretman. “Monkey” je
tako ključ u izvedbi s majmunskom glavom, što ta
riječ u engleskome i doslovno znači, “keyring”
kao prsten za kačenje
ključeva dobio je izgled
pravog (vjenčanog) prstena,
a “earring” (naušnica) povezala
Kriticizam svakodnevice – štikla s podmetnutim djelovanjem / Everyday’s
criticism – purposely imputed hee
Hackit USB drive – riječ je o novom i potpuno tehnički
ispravnom proizvodu / Hackit USB drive – it comes to a
new and completely technically good produc
Peace of cake – hipi torta / Peace of cake –
a hippy cake
je gomilu značenja u jedinstven proizvod – privjesak za
ključeve oblika uha.
Iz dizajnerskih šala koje ne trebaju dodatnih objašnjenja
izdvojili bismo stalak za selotejp obličja smiješnog vježbača, kojemu ljepljiva traka izvire iz usta, ili pak vrhunsku
kritiku muškog pivskog trbuha u obliku remena za hlače.
On, osim što pridržava odjevni predmet da jednostavno
ne sklizne niz noge pivopije, kao jedinstveno rješenje na
svome kraju ima i otvarač za boce. Čaše koje pri naginjanju optičkom varkom obdaruju korisnika željenim oblikom
nosa ili kuhinjske rukavice koje će psećom čeljusti pridržati
vrući rub lonca, još su neki od plodova plemenite namjere dizajnera da nam osmijehom i veselim, zdravim duhom
u svakom trenutku obogate dan.
Fredovi proizvodi nabavljaju se kod nekoliko internetskih
Cassettetote – retro torba glazbenih
fanova / Cassettetote – retro bab for music fans
prodavača, ali tvrtka, nažalost, još nije sistematski proširila prodaju na teritorije izvan SAD-a. No zainteresirani se
uvijek mogu potruditi oko nabave, pogotovo je poticajna činjenica da ni jedan njihov proizvod ne prelazi cijenu
od 20 dolara. Općenito se dade zaključiti kako bi smjer
kojim su se zaputili Fred i prijatelji trebao i vjerojatno će
povući za sobom još specijaliziranih proizvođača s idejom
psihološkog bodrenja konzumenta, budući da će vremena koja dolaze zasigurno trebati osmišljen i artikuliran pristup produkciji zdravog duha i iskričave ideje. Je li riječ o
temeljima nove industrije optimizma i njezinu prodoru u
našu svakodnevicu? Ako je tako (a sudeći prema inicijalnoj ponudi ove industrije zasigurno jest), svakome će biti u
osobnom interesu, kao i interesu načetih zajednica kojih
smo dijelom, podržati je.
A Designer Prank
in the Industry
of Optimism
listi kade / Shower
Sigurnost u kupaonici – bananom protiv posklizavanja /
Bathroom safety – anti-slip banana
Funny design is inspired by the idea of psychological encouragement for the consumer, which is a premeditated and articulated approach to the production of
healthy spirit and sparkling ideas
Written by: Nikola Čelan
Photo: Fred & Friends
Poštujte naše nosove / Respect our noses
he need for the design that will, besides fulfilling its
aesthetical function, also provoke, influence and
practically change ourselves to a certain extent
by changing our space and the time of our day,
has already resulted in specialized commercial arrangements. If you search the Internet for interesting designer
objects, you can find companies that are completely
oriented to achieve something funny, humorous and intriguing. One of those companies, which always makes
sure to connect the object’s utilization value to a funny message or an energetic gimmick, and sometimes
even puts more emphasis on that aspect than on the
object’s function, is an American company called Fred
and Friends. “Funny design”, which is how we can name
this phenomenon, has now been completely separated
from the overall design scene into a special unit and
market that works as a very recognizable
Fred and Friends’ assortment generates humour by using all methods
on every level – functional inversion,
visual deception, clever wordplay or a
purely surprising and funny idea/
performance. There are
numerous examples,
and a typical one
first group
is a ceramic pedestal
shaped like a
toast, or ice cubes in the form of dental braces (which
have a particularly bizarre effect when placed in a glass
of water). Another example is a shower sponge shaped
like a microphone, which playfully makes fun of our favourite habit during this everyday activity. However, the
peak of functional substitution is a woman’s shoe with a
high heel that is, not without criticism towards the modern way of life, deprived of any function besides holding
the room doors open.
Visual deception in funny design was amusingly used
with a USB flash drive that featured faithfully simulated
torn wiring on the other end, when it is a given that the
product is completely new and technically correct.
This collection also includes a top-notch prank with
a (miniature) drowning man in a bathtub drain, while
the bathroom accessories are boasted with a confusing anti-slipping surface that is shaped like a banana
peel. Cassettetote, a purse shaped like a gigantic audiocassette, is already thought of as retro equipment for
younger music fans.
The wordplay scenario functions in a situation when the
phrase “peace of cake” (which is an English expression
for something very simple) receives its literal equivalent
in a cake mould shaped like a hippy sign for peace.
The golden egg becomes a factual bearer of material
values in the form of a moneybox, while keys have received a particularly detailed treatment. “Monkey” appears as a key with a monkey head, which is what it literally means in the English language, “keyring” as a ring
for attaching keys looks like a real (wedding) ring, while
“earring” combines a bunch of meanings into a unique
product – a key pendant shaped like an ear.
As far as designer pranks that require no additional ex-
Utopljenik u kadi kao vrhunski geg / Bathtub
drowning as a top sport
Beerbelly – pivopije na svome / Beerbelly
– jaunty beerguzzlers
planations go, allow us to mention a sellotape
stalk that is shaped like a funny exercise man
that has the tape coming out of his mouth. Then
there is also the excellent critique of a man’s
beer belly that comes in the form of a belt for
pants. Besides serving a purpose of preventing
the piece of clothes from simply sliding down the
beer drinker’s legs, it also features a bottle opener
as a unique solution on its end. Glasses that tilt to
provide an optical deception of a perfect nose
shape for the user, or a pair of kitchen mittens that
use a dog’s jaw to hold the hot end of the pot are just
some other fruits of labour by designers that have the
noble attention to fulfil our days with lots of smiles and a
happy, healthy spirit.
Fred’s products are accessible with several Internet retailers, but the company is yet to systematically expand
their distribution outside of USA. However, anybody interested can always find a way to supply themselves
with these products, especially as none of them crosses
the 20-dollar limit. The general conclusion is that the direction that Fred and Friends have embarked on should
result in several other specialized manufacturers
with the idea of psychological encouragement
for the consumers, particularly as the times to
come will demand a well-designed and articulated approach to the production of happy
spirits and sparkling ideas. Are we talking about the
basis for a new industry of optimism that is penetrating
into our everyday life? If that is the case (and judging by
the industry’s initial offer, it must be the case), supporting
this industry will be in the best interest of every individual
and each of the eroded communities we belong to.
Privjesci za
ključeve neiscrpni su izvor nadahnuća šaljivim dizajnerima /
Key-rings are funny designers’ unfailing source of inspiration
ni komad
Konstantin Grcic: Osorom, 2004.
Neobièna kombinacija
praznine i svjetla
“Potraga za pravim materijalom i tehnologijom uglavnom određuje projekt od samoga početka, često određujući sam proces dizajniranja. U slučaju Osoroma, sjedećeg elementa od dva metra, za četiri do šest osoba,
sve se dogodilo obrnuto. Komad je potpuno kompjutorski dizajniran, bez prethodnog razmatranja kako ili
od kojeg materijala bi mogao biti napravljen. Nisam ga
slučajno nazvao Osorom, naziv je to koji u sebi sadrži
ime klijenta, tvrtke Moroso, izgovoreno unatrag”
Konstantin Grcic
Piše: Nataša Bodrožić
Foto: www.moroso.it
edavno je u jednoj novootvorenoj zagrebačkoj hi-tech prodavaonici osvanuo zanimljiv komad namještaja koji privlači pozornost i gledan izvana, kroz staklo izloga.
Bijeli, kružni objekt, na prvi pogled nedefinirane funkcije, prozračne, gotovo čipkaste strukture, zapravo je
Osorom, zaobljeni element za sjedenje, njemačkog
dizajnera Konstantina Grcica. Cirkularni sustav za sjedenje neobična je konstrukcija, kombinacija prazni106
ne i svjetla. Napravljen je od otporne fiberglass smole, pa je pogodan za javne prostore i vanjske uvjete.
Prvotno zamišljen kao komad za prostrane javne površine, poslije je adaptiran kako bi odgovarao svakodnevnoj upotrebi u kućanstvu te je veličina prototipa znatno smanjena. Osorom je pomalo futuristički
komad namještaja, pri čemu se nameće kao minimalističko rješenje za one koji se ne boje inovacije i
eksperimentiraju s novim formama koje “pokrivaju”
ni komad
U Hrvatskoj se Osorom može kupiti u Art Interijerima u
Splitu, te Themeliji u Zagrebu / In Croatia you can buy
Osorom in Art Interijeri in Split and in Themelia in Zagreb
drevnu funkciju sjedenja. Grcicev Osorom je našao već
i širu primjenu, koristi se i kao stolić, a njegova elegancija
i skulpturalnost zasigurno će zaintrigirati sve one koji u
namještaju traže više.
Konstantin Grcic je rođen u Münchenu 1965. godine i
slovi za jednog od važnijih suvremenih njemačkih dizajnera. Poznata izdavačka kuća Phaidon Press iz Londona
objavila je 2005. monografiju o njegovu radu. Prošle ga
je godine prestižni magazin “Architektur und Wohnen”
proglasio A&W dizajnerom godine. Nakon studija u Dorsetu, upisao je poslijediplomski studij dizajna namještaja
na prestižnom Royal College of Art u Londonu, koji je
završio 1990. godine, te sljedeću godinu proveo radeći za studio Jaspera Morrisona. Uskoro se vraća u rodni
München gdje pokreće vlastiti posao. Od tada surađuje
s brojnim tvrtkama za proizvodnju namještaja i produkt
dizajn, uključujući Cappellini, Flos, Magis, Moroso, Krups
i nekolicinu drugih.
Studio Konstantin Grcic Industrial Design (KGID) osnovan
je 1991., a ured se od tada specijalizirao u brojnim područjima dizajna, od produkt dizajna do radova uže vezanih uz arhitekturu. Mnogi proizvodi iz Grciceva studija
dobili su prestižna priznanja, poput nagrade Compasso
d’Oro za poznatu lampu Mayday 2001., te se već danas nalaze u muzejima poput MoMA-e, Centra Georges
Pompidou i drugih. Jednom prigodom je svoj vlastiti dizajnerski stil opisao riječima: aktualan, dostupan, isplativ
i realističan.
Konstantin Grcic definira funkciju u humanim terminima,
kombinirajući formalnu strogost sa znatnom mentalnom
oštrinom i humorom. Svaki od njegovih radova nastao
je na podlozi pažljivog istraživanja povijesti dizajna i arhitekture te njegove vlastite strasti i zanimanja za nove
tehnologije i materijale. Iako ga često opisuju kao minimalista, Grcic radije za sebe i opis svog djela izabire
riječ „jednostavnost“. Svakom novom projektu pristupa
s analitičkom strogošću kako bi postigao preciznu formu, često oplemenjenu humornom notom, te vodeći
računa o tome kako će ljudi, korisnici, reagirati na gotov
U prvih desetak godina karijere, Grcic radi unutar racionalnog dizajnerskog jezika da bi nakon toga počeo eksperimentirati sa softverom za kompjutorski dizajn kako bi
stvorio što fluidnije forme. U jednom trenutku inzistira na
stvaranju namjerno “čudnih” oblika u novim materijalima,
na što je pristala i tvrtka Magis za koju je radio. Ovakva
sloboda stvaranja rezultirala je kolekcijom malih, plosnatih ravnina spojenih uglovima stvarajući trodimenzinalne
forme; nastao je komad Chair One.
Suradnja s tvrtkom Krup, tradicionalnim njemačkim brandom, rezultirala je drugačijim pristupom u skladu s povijesno definiranim imidžom koji Krup uživa. Umjesto da radikalno pristupi dizajnu praktičnih, svakodnevnih predmeta
iz kućanstva, odlučio se tek za blago redefiniranje, vodeći računa da eksperiment ne prevlada funkcionalnost,
da se ne izgubi smisao nauštrb dizajnerskog hira.
Studio Konstantin Grcic Industrial Design (KGID) proslavio se eksperimentom i konstruktivnom individualnošću.
Proizvode KGID-a odlikuje funkcionalnost, humor i inovativnost. Bilo da ovi predmeti zadivljuju ili iritiraju, Grcicev
dizajnerski potpis ne može proći nezamijećen. Kao uzore i
duhovne mentore navodi majstore poput Achillea Castiglionija i Ettorea Sottsassa.
Konstantin Grcic živi i radi u Münchenu, čita Hemingwaya, sluša “Beasty Boyse” i stvara predmete za ambijent budućnosti.
Konstantin Grcic: Osorom, 2004
Unusual Combination
of Emptiness and Light
“The search for the right material and technology mostly determines the project from the very
beginning, as it often directs the course of the design process. But in the case of Osorom, a twometre seating element for four to six people, the process was completely reversed. The piece
was completely designed by computer, without any previous decision regarding the material that
would be used. I didn’t name it Osorom by accident, as it contains the name of the client, company Moroso, pronounced backwards”
Written by: Nataša Bodrožić
Photo: www.moroso.it
Konstantin Grcic
Konstantin Grcic
A piece of cult
newly opened hi-tech store in Zagreb recently presented an interesting piece of furniture that even attracts attention when it is
observed from the outside, through the store
window. The white, circular object, with a seemingly
undefined function and an ethereal, almost lacy structure, is actually a rounded seating element called Osorom, designed by German author Konstantin Grcic. This
circular seating system is an unusual construction that
represents a combination of emptiness and light. It was
made of resilient fibreglass resin, which makes it convenient for public premises and outdoor conditions. Originally designed as a piece for spacious public premises,
it was eventually adapted in order to fit into an everyday household by having its prototype size significantly
reduced. Osorom is a slightly futuristic piece of furniture, while also leaving the impression of a minimalist
solution for those who aren’t afraid of innovation and
experiments with new forms that still “cover” the ancient seating function. Grcic’s Osorom has already been
redefined as it is being used as a coffee table, and its
Cijena Osoroma je oko 7000 kn / The
prize of Osorom is about 7000 kn
elegance and sculptural qualities are bound to intrigue
everyone who looks for something more in furniture.
Konstantin Grcic was born in Munich in 1965, and he
has a reputation of one of Germany’s more important
contemporary designers. Famous London publishing
company Phaidon Press released a monograph detailing his career in 2005, while prestigious magazine “Architektur und Wohnen” awarded him the title of A&W
Designer of the Year for 2007. After graduating in Dorset, he entered a postgraduate course in furniture design at the prestigious Royal College of Art in London,
which he completed in 1990, and he followed that up
by spending the next year working for Jasper Morrison’s
studio. He soon returned to his native Munich to start
his own business. Ever since, he has collaborated with
numerous companies for furniture manufacturing and
product design, including Cappellini, Flos, Magis, Moroso, Krups and several others.
Studio Konstantin Grcic Industrial Design (KGID) was
started in 1991, and has since specialized in a number
of design areas, from product design to projects that
Konstantinova kolekcija sjedalica “One” za Magis / Konstantin’s
“One”seating collection for Magis
are closer to the field of architecture. Numerous products from Grcic’s studio won a lot of prestigious awards, such as the 2001 Compasso d’Oro Award for his famous Mayday lamp, and have already made their way
into museums like MoMA, Georges Pompidou Centre
and others. He once described his designer style with
the following words: current, accessible, profitable and
Konstantin Grcic defines function in human terms by
combining formal sternness with a significant amount of
mental sharpness and humour. All of his projects were
based on careful researches of design and architecture history, as well as his own passion and interest for
new technologies and materials. Although often described as a minimalist, Grcic is more comfortable with the
word “simplicity” when analyzing his work. He approaches each new project with analytic sternness that leads to precise form, often ennobled with a humorous
note, but he also pays a great deal of attention to how
the users themselves will react to the finished product.
In the first ten years of his career, Grcic worked within a
rational designer language, but he then started experimenting with computer-design software in order to
accomplish forms that are more fluid. He started insisting on creating purposely “odd” figures in new mate-
rials, which was supported by the company he worked
for, Magis. This type of creative freedom resulted in a
collection of small flat surfaces with connected angles
that created three-dimensional forms; that was the origin of Chair One.
Cooperation with company Krup, traditional German
brand, resulted in a different approach that was much
more in harmony with the historically defined image of
Krup. Instead of radically approaching the process of
designing practical and everyday household appliances, he decided to slightly redefine them while making
sure that the experiment doesn’t outweigh the functional component, which would result in a designer whim
causing the product to lose sense.
Studio Konstantin Grcic Industrial Design (KGID) became famous for their experiments and constructive individuality. Their products are characterized by functionality, humour and innovativeness. Regardless of whether
you’re impressed or irritated by these objects, Grcic’s
designer work will always leave a strong impression. He
states artists like Achille Castiglioni and Ettore Sottsasso
as his role models and spiritual mentors.
Konstantin Grcic lives and works in Munich, reads Hemingway, listens to “Beastie Boys” and creates objects
for the ambience of the future.
IKEA, www.ikea.com
Kutije na kotačima za dobru organizaciju doma /
Trolley boxes for a good organization
Bleu Nature,
Luster Anuri od komadića drva / Anuri lustre
made of pieces of
Povratak korijenima
Back to the Roots
ritz. me /
w.z Earthy nd
z, w ćice es sta
pprita svje andl
zoe ak z
Sta hy fla
/ Soft wood seating
Sjedalica Soft wood
In a period when the furniture industry has so
many different materials and processing techniques to choose from, as a reaction to the
increasing level of commercialization, designers have accepted a trend that defies all other trends, and that is rough and unprocessed
wood. Their goal is to take the best that nature
has to offer and use it in the field of interior design. Regardless of the object in question, it is
guaranteed to bring warmth into your home.
Chairs, candlesticks, clocks, even lamps... every
object is uniquely special and fits into any style
you can imagine. Those who have a little more
creativity can even provide the finishing processing touches themselves.
Pripremila / Edited by: Ana Perišin
U vrijeme kada industrija namještaja obiluje raznovrsnim materijalima i metodama obrade,
kao reakcija na komercijalizaciju, dizajneri su
prihvatili trend koji prkosi svim trendovima, a to
je sirovo ili neobrađeno drvo. Cilj je uzeti najbolje
od prirode i prenijeti to u dizajn interijera. Bez obzira o kojem se predmetu radi, unijet će toplinu
u vaš dom. Sjedalice, svijećnjaci, satovi, pa čak
i lampe... svaki predmet za sebe je poseban i
uklopa se u svaki stil. Oni kreativniji sami se mogu
prepustiti završnoj obradi.
zoeppritz, www.zoeppritz.com
Sjedalica ili stol Earthy cube od neobrađenog drva / Earthy flame seating
or stool made of rough wood
FRITZ hANSEN, www.ikea.com
OS Studio, Prilaz Gjure Deželića 27, Zagreb
Barske stolice Serije 7 Arnea Jacobsena u kombinaciji s podom
od neobrađenog drva i stolom jednostavnih linija / Series 7
bar chairs, designed by Arne Jacobsen, in combination with a
floor made of rough wood and a simple line table
PROGETTI, www.progettishop.it, TOP
ART, Put Brodarice 6, Split
Zidni sat Postal box, dizajn Ilya Titov /
Postal box wall clock, design Ilya Titov
www.fro Chainsaw /
Sjedalic chair
štaj d
DOMA ma.hr
A set
www.d nje rublja /
Set za
re was
IITTALA, MODUS, Tkalčićeva 48,
Zagreb, www.iittala.com
Drveni podmetač, dizajn Aalvar Aalto /
Wooden plate, design Aalvar Aalto
Bleu Nature,
Lampe Maatsi različitih
veličina/ Maatsi lamps
in various sizes
zoeppritz, w
bench / Ea
e15, www.e15.com
Stolac Backenzahntm od europskog hrasta i stol Madam
Lillie od istog drva / Backenzahntm stool made od European oak and Madam Lillie table made of same wood
VITRA, www.vitra.com,
AAG CENTAR, Ilica 15, Zagreb,
Stolac Wiggle, dizajn Frank Gehry /
Wiggle stol, design rank Gehry
Bleu Nature,
Stolići Ujaraq /
Ujaraq tables
PROGETTI, www.progettishop.it, TOP
ART, Put Brodarice 6, Split
Zidni sat Cucu Home /
Cucu Home wall clock
SAGAFORM, www.sagaform.se
Posuda za šalice /
Mug coasters
lando, www.landosrl.it
Ormar iz Gingerbread kolekcije, dizajn Paola Navone /
Container from the Gingerbread collection, design Paola Navone
FRONT DESIGN, www.frontdesign.se
Klupa Soft wood / Soft wood bench
Nekretnine / Real estate
karta Hrvatske
map of Croatia
posebna ponuda
special offer
str. 134
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160 str.
161 str.
Prodaje se samostojeća prizemnica stambene površine 186 m2 u mjestu Bale, udaljenom 13 kilometara od Rovinja i
mora. Kuća ima tri spavaće sobe, dvije kupaonice, dnevni boravak, kuhinju, blagovaonicu, dvije terase, garažu, kotlovnicu i podrum. Kuća je kompletno namještena, ima centralno grijanje i klimatizaciju. Površina okućnice je 1000 m2.
A detached one-storey house is on sale in a town called Bale, 13 kilometres away from Rovinj and the sea. The house has
186 m2 of residential surface, and it consists of three bedrooms, two bathrooms, living room, kitchen, dining room, two
terraces, garage, boiler room and basement. It is completely furnished, and it possesses central heating and air conditioning. The courtyard takes up about 1000 m2.
Cijena / Price: 3.285.000 Kn / 450.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 433 801, +385 (0)98 411 430
Prodaje se prekrasan posjed iznad plaže Zlatni rat u Bolu, na fantastičnoj lokaciji s otvorenim pogledom na more, koji se
sastoji od nove kuće (ROH-BAU) površine 100 m2 s podrumom površine 30 m2, te velikog zemljišta od 2000 m2. Uređena je kompletna infrastruktura, prilaz autom, uredna dokumentacija, te postoji mogućnost kupnje dodatnog zemljišta,
cca 300-400 metara od plaže Zlatni rat, a na zemljištu između ovog posjeda i mora nije dozvoljena gradnja.
A beautiful estate above the beach of Zlatni rat in Bol is for sale, on a fantastic location with an open view of the sea,
which consists of a new house (ROH-BAU) surface area 100 m2 with a basement of 30 m2 and a huge land lot area of
2000 m2. The entire infrastructure is arranged, accessibility by car, all documentation in hand, and there is a possibility of
purchasing additional land, cca 300 - 400 meters from the beach of Zlatni rat, and on the land between this estate and
the sea, construction is not possible.
Cijena / Price: 900.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 343 105, +385 (0)95 909 0688
www.realestatecroatia.com ID 69184
Unesite broj u RealEstateCroatia ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in RealEstateCroatia ID search engine and find out more
Oko 11 km od Poreča i mora, prodaje se samostojeća kuća površine 125 m2 na zemljištu od 564 m2. U prizemlju su
ostava, wc, dnevna soba, blagovaonica, kuhinja i natkrivena terasa, dok su na prvom katu tri sobe, kupaonica i natkrivena terasa. Prva faza centralnoga grijanja je napravljena. Također, kuća posjeduje klimu, kamin u dnevnoj sobi, bazen.
Okoliš je lijepo uređen. Klijent sam po želji dovršava podove te kupaonicu (jedino to nije u cijeni).
About 11 kilometres from Poreč and the sea, we find a detached 125 m2 house for sale. It was built on a 564 m2 parcel,
and its ground floor features a pantry, toilet, living room, dining room, kitchen and covered terrace. The first floor consists
of three bedrooms, bathroom and covered terrace. The first phase of central heating has already been completed. The
house also possesses air conditioning, a fireplace in the living room, and a swimming pool. The environment is nicely
maintained, while the client can choose the manner in which to finish up the floors and bathroom (those are the only things
not included in the price).
Cijena / Price: 2.007.500 kn / 275.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 433 801, +385 (0)98 411 430
Ivanić Grad
Prodaje se obiteljska kuća od 180 m² u Ivanić Gradu na posjedu od 1516 m². Uz kuću se nalaze garaža i gospodarska zgrada. Nekretninu čine kuhinja i blagovaonica, dnevni boravak, spavaće sobe, kupaonica i ostava. Kat kuće
nije u potpunosti uređen. Također, kuća ima veliku natkrivenu terasu, centralno grijanje (postoji kotlovnica), klimu,
krušnu peć u dvorištu, te bujnu ukrasnu vegetaciju, koja uključuje i stabla banane. Pokraj kuće je prometnica, a izlaz
na autocestu je udaljen manje od pet minuta vožnje. U blizini su sportski i trgovački centar te škola. Postoji mogućnost
kupnje susjednog zemljišta. Dokumentacija je uredna. Mogućnost zamjene za stan.
A 180 m2 family house on a 1516 m2 estate in Ivanić Grad has been put up for sale. The house is accompanied by
a garage and an economy building. It consists of the kitchen, dining room, living room, bedrooms, bathroom and
pantry. One floor of the house is not completely decorated. The house has also a large covered terrace, central heating (there is a boiler room), air conditioning, a stove in the backyard, and very rich decorative vegetation, including
banana trees. There is a road right next to the house, and the highway exit is less than five minutes away by driving.
The house’s immediate environment also features a school, sporting facilities and a shopping centre. The option for
purchasing the neighbouring parcel is included. Documentation is complete and there is a possibility of exchanging it
for an apartment.
Cijena / Price: 100.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)99 331 3132
www.realestatecroatia.com ID 66878
Unesite broj u RealEstateCroatia ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in RealEstateCroatia ID search engine and find out more
Prodaje se jedinstvena vila građena u istarskom stilu u Kanfanaru, malome mjestu u Istri. Vila je savršeno mjesto za
bijeg od svakodnevnog stresa. Ima četiri sobe, tri kupaonice, blagavaonicu, kuhinju i dnevnu sobu. Ispred vile je predivan bazen za opuštanje i odmor.
For sale, an unique villa built in Istrian style. It is placed near Kanfanar, small place in Istria. Villa offers you a great
comfort and a wonderful retreat from the daily stress. House consists of 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, dining room, kitchen
and living room. In front of the villa there is beautiful pool for relax and enjoy.
Cijena / Price: 460.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385(0)21 314 037, +385(0)91 932 4568
Jedinstvena i rijetka prilika prodaje građevinskog zemljišta, na samom žalu jedne od najatraktivnijih uvala na južnoj strani
otoka Korčule, u mjestu Prižbi. Zemljište se pruža preko 50 metara dužinom uz sam žal, te se na njemu nalazi stara kamena kuća površine 41 m² s koje se pruža prekrasan pogled na obližnje škoje i otok Lastovo. Površina zemljišta je 1042 m²,
relativno pravokutnog oblika (u prosjeku 17 m x 60 m) s privatnim putem / ulazom na posjed s glavne ceste. Zemljište
se nalazi u građevinskoj zoni i posjeduje svu potrebnu infrastrukturu (struja, voda, telefon itd.) i uvjete za gradnju.
A rare and unique market opportunity of seaside beach property for sale, on one of the most attractive coastline of the
South side of the island Korcula – village Prizba. The property is positioned over 50 meters in length following the seashore
and sandy beach, where it finishes with the old stone house of 41m2 on the far south side from which it has a beautiful
view on a nearby islets and island of Lastovo. The property area is 1042 m² with a relatively squared shape (in average
cca 17 m x 60 m) with a private entry / road from the main street. The estate is located in a constructing area and has all
the infrastructure (electricity, water, telephone etc.) as well as all the conditions for the construction.
Cijena / Price: 300 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 847 363
U mjestu Malinskoj na otoku Krku prodaje se atraktivna samostojeća obiteljska kuća stambene površine 140 m2, s dva
trosobna apartmana od 60 m2, od kojih je jedan u prizemlju, a drugi na katu, te suterenom od 20 m2. Kuća je smještena na parceli veličine 571 m2, na kojoj je uređeno parkiralište za tri automobila, vrtna terasa od 30 m2 s grillom,
održavano zelenilo s travnjakom, palmama i mediteranskim grmljem ograđeno kamenim zidom i kovanom ogradom.
Kuća ima svu vlasničku i građevinsku dokumentaciju, uporabnu dozvolu i kategorizaciju za apartmane. Atraktivna
lokacija u središtu Malinske, u mirnoj ulici s puno zelenila, lijepim kućama i pogledom na more, 350 m od plaže.
An attractive self-standing family house with a residential surface area of 140 m2 in Malinska on the island of Krk is
for sale. It contains two three bedroom apartments of 60 m2, of which one is on the ground floor and the other on the
story, with a sub terrain of 20 m2. The house is located on a land lot area of 571 m2 which contains a parking space
for three cars, a garden terrace of 30 m2 with a barbeque, cultivated horticulture with lawn, palms and Mediterranean
herbs fenced with a stone wall and wrought iron fence. The house contains all the necessary ownership and building
permit documentations, user permit and apartment categorization. The location is attractive in the centre of Malinska,
in a quiet street with a lot of green surfaces, pretty houses and a view of the sea, 350 m from the beach.
Cijena / Price: 480.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 528 9096
Prodaje se nova kuća stambene površine 57 m2 u Malinskoj na otoku Krku. Udaljena je od mora samo 800 metara.
Kuća ima dvije spavaće sobe i jednu kupaonicu. Posebna pogodnost je blizina trgovine. Također, posjeduje satelitsku
TV, telefon, protuprovalna vrata i klima-uređaj.
A new house with 57 m2 of residential surface is on sale in Malinska on the island of Krk. It is merely 800 metres away
from the sea. The house has two bedrooms and one bathroom, while a store is very conveniently in the immediate
environment. The house also features satellite TV, telephone, anti-burglary doors and air conditioning.
Cijena / Price: 103.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 847 074
www.crozilla.com ID 51052
Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more
Prodaje se novoizgrađena kuća stambene površine 58 m2 u mjestu Soline na otoku Krku. Ima dvije spavaće sobe i
jednu kupaonicu. Smještena je u mirnom dijelu mjesta, u blizini plaže. Iznimno kvalitetno je građena. Također, posjeduje satelitsku TV, telefon, klima-uređaj te mjesta za parkiranje.
A newly built house is on sale in town Soline on the island of Krk. It has 58 m2 of residential surface, and it consists of
two bedrooms and one bathroom. It is located in the peaceful part of town, very near the beach. The construction work
was of the highest quality. It also possesses satellite TV, telephone, air conditioning and parking places.
Cijena / Price: 105.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 847 074
www.crozilla.com ID 51253
Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more
Prodaje se kuća stambene površine 80 m2 na zemljištu od 520 m2 u mjestu Njivicama, na sjeverozapadnoj strani
otoka Krka. Njivice su nekada bile malo ribarsko mjesto, a danas su jedan od najljepših turističkih odredišta na otoku.
Kuća se nalazi u blizini centra, plaže i trgovine, a posjeduje garažu i parking mjesto te lijepu terasu.
A house is on sale in a town called Njivice on the north-western side of the island of Krk. It has 80 m2 of residential
surface, and it stands on a 520 m2 parcel. Njivice used to be a small fishermen village, but it has transformed into one
of the most beautiful tourist destinations on the island. The house is located near the town centre, beach and store, and
it possesses a garage, a parking space, and a lovely terrace.
Cijena / Price: 225.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 847 074
www.crozilla.com ID 52280
Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more
Prodaje se novoizgrađena (2008.) dvojna kuća stambene površine 80 m2, na zemljištu veličine 250 m2. Kuća se nalazi
na mirnom području te je udaljena svega 2000 metara od plaže.
A newly built (2008) double house with 80 m2 of residential surface has been put up for sale. It stands on a 250 m2 parcel
in a peaceful area, merely 2000 metres from the beach.
Cijena / Price: 145.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 847 074
www.crozilla.com ID 50597
Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more
- Masivni parketi i podovi, debljine 10, 14 i 21 mm
- Nezavršeni, lakirani i uljeni
- Termo tretirani parketi
- Decking za postavljanje po vrtovima, terasama i oko bazena
Braće Radića 199a, 10410 Mraclin
tel: +385 (0)1 6268 460, fax: +385 (0)1 6268 260,
[email protected], www.pps-galekovic.hr
Prodaju se stanovi u modernim urbanim vilama u Dubrovačkoj ulici u Makarskoj, 800 metara zračne linije udaljenim
od mora. Vile se sastoje od prizemlja, prvog kata i potkrovlja. Šest je stambenih jedinica unutar svake vile. Svaki od
stanova ima jedinstveni ulaz. Stanovima u prizemlju pripada i dio zemljišta kao vrtna terasa. Dnevni boravci stanova
orijentirani su prema jugu, dok su spavaće sobe prema sjeverozapadu i sjeveroistoku. Vile su opremljene najnovijim
tehničkim instalacijama i opremom i, naravno, grade se od vrhunskih materijala. Površine stanova su od 44,27 m2
do 75,21 m2.
Apartments are on sale in modern urban villas located in Dubrovačka Street in Makarska, about 800 airline metres from
the sea. The villas consist of the ground floor, upper floor and the loft. Every villa features six residential units. Each of the
apartments has individual entrance, while ground-floor apartments also receive a part of the parcel in the form of garden
terraces. The apartments’ living rooms are oriented towards the south, while the bedrooms are turned towards northwest
and northeast. The villas are equipped with the newest technical installations and equipment, while also being built by
using top-quality materials. The apartments’ sizes range from 44,27 m2 to 75,21 m2.
Cijena / Price: 2800 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 678 142, +385 (0)98 173 1772
Prodaje se građevinsko zemljište veličine 3800 m2 s tri parcele u Centralnoj Istri.Također, zemljište posjeduje i tri lokacijske dozvole za gradnju kuća u istarskom stilu.
Construction land of 3800 m² with three parcels is for sale in Central Istra. Also, land has three location permits for building house in Istrian style.
Cijena / Price: : 1.898.000 Kn / 260.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: : +385 (0)52 433 801, +385(0)98 411 430
Prodaje se kamena kuća u nizu u starom mjestu na otoku Murteru. Smještena je između uskih uličica koje odišu prošlošću ribarskog mjesta. Kuća se sastoji od tri etaže i u potpunosti je renovirana. Stambeni prostor iznosi 90 m2, odnosno 30 m2 po svakoj etaži. U prizemlju su kuhinja, blagovaonica i jedna spavaća soba. Unutrašnjim stubištem dolazi
se na prvi kat koji čine dvije spavaće sobe, kupaonica i wc. Treći kat je namješten kao prostor za uživanje, tj. veliki
dnevni boravak i terasa s koje se pruža pogled na otvoreno more. Kako se radi o kamenim kućama i uskim ulicama,
parking se nalazi 100 m od kuće i on je zajednički za četiri objekta, s tim da svakoj kući pripadaju dva parkirališna
mjesta. Objekt ne zahtijeva nikakva daljnja ulaganja.
There is a stone house in the ancient area on the island of Murter for sale. It is located between narrow streets which
have the feel of history of a small fishing village. The house contains three stories and are entirely renovated. The
residential area amounts to 90 m2, or 30 m2 per each story. The ground floor contains a kitchen, dining room and one
bedroom. The inside stair case leases to the first floor which contain two bedrooms, a bathroom and toilette. The third
floor has been furnished as a space for enjoinment, in other works, a spacious living room and terrace from which a
view of the open sea is possible. As it is a stone house and the streets are narrow, the parking is located 100 m from
the house and it is shared with 4 other structures, each house has a right to two parking spaces. The structure does not
need any further investing.
Cijena / Price: 160.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 222 0976
U novoizgrađenom dijelu Novigrada, IMG gradi stambenu zgradu Vidal 3 s pet stanova različitih veličina (od 29 do
62 m2). Bazen veličine 10x5 m također se nalazi na parceli. Svakom stanu pripada jedno parkirališno mjesto. Kvaliteta
izgradnje i unutrašnjeg uređenja bit će iznad standarda, s najkvalitetnijim materijalima i opremom. Svi će stanovi imati
ugrađene klima-uređaje s klimatiziranjem dnevne sobe (grijanje i hlađenje). Podovi u dnevnim sobama bit će obloženi
parketima visoke kvalitete, kao i u spavaćim sobama, a u ostalim prostorijama keramičkim pločicama visoke kvalitete.
Kupcima je ostavljen alternativni izbor po želji (pločice u dnevnom boravku i sl).
IMG is building a residential building Vidal 3 in the recently built part of Novigrad, and the building consists of five different-sized apartments (from 29 to 62 m2). A 10x5 metre swimming pool can also be found on the parcel. Each apartment
receives one parking space. The quality of construction and interior decoration will be of the highest standard, with topquality materials and equipment. All apartments will have built-in air conditioners that work in the living room (heating and
cooling). Living-room floors will be covered in high-quality parquets, as well as the floors in the bedrooms, while every
other room will feature high-standard ceramic tiles. The buyers will have alternative options if they choose to make any
changes (tiles in the living room etc.).
Cijena / Price: od / from 2300 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 433 300, +385 (0)52 433 631, +385 (0)91 452 0170
Na jednoj od najatraktivnijih lokacija u Novigradu grade se stambeno-poslovne zgrade Nautica, s ukupno 24 stana različitih veličina (od 50 do 100 m2), te dva poslovna prostora. Svaka zgrada ima dva kata (Po+P+2) i u njoj su smješteni
jedan poslovni prostor u prizemlju te 12 stanova u prizemlju i na katovima. U podrumskoj etaži su spremišta za stanove.
Prizemlje građevine je uzdignuto od terena 115 cm. Za svladavanje visinske razlike između terena i razine prizemlja
projektirano je stubište i rampa za invalide. Stanovi će biti s jednom, dvije i tri spavaće sobe i imat će jednu ili više lođa
i terasu s pogledom na more. Svakom stanu uz spremište u podrumskoj etaži pripada i jedno parkirališno mjesto.
Residential-business buildings Nautica are built at one of the most attractive locations in Novigrad, and they feature 24
apartments of different sizes (50 to 100 m2) and two business premises. Each building has two floors (basement + ground
floor + 2 floors) that consist of one business premise on the ground floor and 12 apartments on the ground floor and
upper floors. The basement level reveals plenty of storage space for apartments. The building’s ground floor is ascended
115 cm from the ground level. In terms of getting past the height difference between the ground floor and the outside
ground, the architects designed a staircase and a ramp for disabled people. The apartments have between one and three
bedrooms, as well as one or several loggias and terraces overlooking the sea. Along with the storage space in the basement, each apartment also receives one parking space.
Cijena / Price: od / from 2460 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 433 300, +385 (0)52 433 631, +385 (0)91 452 0170
Prodaje se ekskluzivna vila stambene površine 550 m2 na 2400 m2 uređene okućnice, s vanjskim bazenom i pogledom
na cijeli Kvarner. Vila se nalazi na izuzetnoj lokaciji iznad Opatije. U suterenu kuće su taverna s vinskim podrumom,
sauna i vanjski kamin. Na katu su velika dnevna soba s terasom, velika kuhinja, radna soba, pet spavaćih soba i četiri
kupaonice. Vila ima i veliku dvostruku garažu, alarmni sustav i automatsko navodnjavanje.
An exclusive villa with 550 m2 of residential surface is on sale, and it is located on a maintained 2400 m2 courtyard with
a swimming pool and a view of the entire Kvarner. The house’s basement features a pantry with a wine cellar, sauna
and an outdoor fireplace. The upper floor consists of a large living room with terrace, big kitchen, office, five bedrooms
and four bathrooms. The villa also has a large double garage, alarm system and automatic flooding.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone:+385 (0)99 320 0001
www.crozilla.com ID 53749
Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more
Prodaju se stanovi u dvjema urbanim vilama koje se nalaze na samom ulazu u Opatiju, te su udaljeni svega nekoliko stotina metara od plaže. Svaka od urbanih vila ima po tri stambene jedinice; penthouse veličine 116 m2 te dva
dvoetažna stana od 118 i 105 m2. Svi su stanovi dvosobni i trosobni s velikim dnevnim boravkom i terasom s koje se
pruža panoramski pogled na Kvarner i otoke. Stanovi su kvalitetni i način gradnje odgovara svjetskim standardima
(tzv. Pametni stanovi). Orijentacija objekta je južna, okućnica je puna zelenila. Lokacija vila je izrazito mirna.
There are apartments for sale in two urban villas located at the entrance to Opatija, only few hundred meters away
from the beach. Each of the urban villa has three residential units; penthouse the size of 116 m2 and two two-level
apartment of 118 and 105 m2. All apartments are two or three bedroom apartments with large living room and terrace
with panoramic view of the Kvarner and islands. Apartments are high quality and construction method corresponds to
the world standards (so-called Smart apartments). Object orientation is south, garden is full of greenery. Location of
villas is extremely quiet.
Cijena / Price: 335.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone:+385 (0)99 320 0001
www.crozilla.com ID 48982
Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more
Prodaje se dvojna kuća na odličnoj poziciji, prvi red do mora, na samoj plaži na otoku Pašmanu, u mjestu Dobropoljana. Svaka od kuća nalazi se na parceli veličine 270 m2. Obje kuće imaju po dva dvosobna stana od 75 m2, i to
sa zasebnim ulazom. S terase i balkona pruža se predivan pogled na more. Postoji brodska veza sa Zadrom, preko
Ugljana, te s Bigradom. U cijenu je uključena i nova PVC stolarija s griljama.
A double house is on sale at an excellent location, first in line to the sea, on the very beach in town Dobropoljana on
the island of Pašman. Each of the houses stands on a 270 m2 parcel. Both houses feature a couple of two-room apartments with 75 m2 of surface and an individual entrance. The terrace and balcony provide a fantastic view over the sea.
The island is connected to Zadar by ship, through the island of Ugljan, as well as to Biograd. The price includes new
PVC joinery with shutters.
Cijena / Price: 300.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 711 499, +385 (0)91 233 1149
www.realestatecroatia.com ID 71393
Unesite broj u RealEstateCroatia ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in RealEstateCroatia ID search engine and find out more
Prodaju se apartmani u Peroju, mjestu u Istri udaljenom 12 km od Pule i 2 km od Fažane. Apartmani se nalaze u neposrednoj blizini morske obale, i iz njih se pruža predivan pogled na Nacionalni park Brijuni. Svaki apartman ima: protuprovalna vrata, sef, satelitsku antenu, klima-uređaj, etažno plinsko grijanje, bežični pristup internetu, vrhunsku talijansku
keramiku i hrastov parket. Stanovi u prizemlju imaju vlastiti vrt, a postoji zajednički prostor za roštilj. Svaki stan ima pripadajuće parkirališno mjesto, dok stanovi na drugom katu imaju po dva mjesta za parkiranje. Ostavljena je mogućnost
izgradnje bazena. Površine apartmana variraju od 108 m² do 187 m².
Apartments are on sale in Peroj, which is a small town in Istria about 12 km from Pula and 2 km from Fažana. They are
located right next to the coast, while also providing a wonderful view over National Park Brijuni. Each apartment features:
anti-burglary doors, vault, satellite dish, air conditioning, storey gas heating, wireless access to Internet, top-level Italian
ceramics and oak parquet. The ground-floor apartments have their own garden, while all apartments have a joint barbeque space. Each apartment receives an accompanying parking space, while second-floor apartments get two parking
spaces. There is an option of building a swimming pool. The apartments’ surfaces vary from 108 m2 to 187 m2.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)800 345 346
www.crozilla.com ID 37369
Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more
Prodaje se kuća na osami u brdu, oko 400 m od Magistrale, tako da ima dosta intime i privatnosti. Građena je od
ručno klesanog kamena starog 300 godina, s čvrstom betonskom konstrukcijom. Kuća ima u prizemlju dvosoban
komforan stan te odvojenu konobu s kaminom i kuhinjom u rustikalnom stilu. Iz prizemlja se izlazi u prekrasan vrt s
mediteranskim biljem. Na prvom katu je komforan trosoban stan uz koji je vezana terasa od 15 m² s pogledom na
more. Na uzdignutom platou iza kuće nalazi se bazen (grijanje, masaža). Cijela kuća je ograđena zidom od klesanog kamena i kovanom ogradom.
The house is located on a solatary hillside, cca 400 m from the main road, so that it contains enough peace and privacy. It is constructed of hand chiseled stone which is 300 years old, with a concrete cement construction. The house
has a comfortable two bedroom apartment on the ground floor, as well as a separate cellar with a fire place and
kitchen in the rustic style. From the ground floor entrance is gained into a beautiful garden with Mediterranean herbs.
On the first floor there is a comfortable three bedroom apartments with a terrace of cca 15 m2 and a sea view. On a
elevated plateau behind the house, there is a swimming pool (heating, massage). The entire house is enclosed with a
wall of chiseled stone and a wrought iron fence.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 260 792, +385 (0)98 411 775
www.crozilla.com ID 38540
Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more
Prodaje se četverosoban stan stambene površine 67,33 m² na prvom katu novoizgrađene zgrade dvokatnice. Sastoji
se od dnevnog boravka, tri spavaće sobe, kuhinje, kupaonice, balkona i ostave. Budućim stanarima na raspolaganju
je i mjesto za parkiranje. Stan je odmah useljiv.
A four-room apartment with 67,33 m2 of residential surface on the first floor of a newly built two-storey house has been
put up for sale. It consists of the living room, three bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, balcony and pantry. Future tenants
will also receive an accompanying parking space. The apartment can be moved into immediately.
Cijena / Price: 107.728 € (1600 €/m2)
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 464 0200
www.crozilla.com ID 51244
Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more
Prodaje se kuća stambene površine 125 m udaljena oko devet kilometara od Poreča. U prizemlju se nalazi dnevni boravak s kaminom, kuhinja, dnevna soba, toalet, spvaća soba, sprema i terasa. Na prvom katu su dvije sobe, kupaonica
i terasa s koje se pruža predivan pogled na more. Kuća posjeduje bazen, centralno grijanje i klimatizaciju.
For sale, semi detached house of 125 m2 cca 9 kilometres m from Poreč. Ground floor consists of living room with a fire
place, kitchen, dining room, toilette, bedroom, storage and terrace. First floor consists of 2 bedrooms, bathroom, terrace
with a beautiful sea view. The house also has pool, central heating (gas) and air condition.
Cijena / Price: 2.280.000 Kn / 312.500 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone:+385 (0)52 433 801, +385 (0)98 411 430
Prodaje se kuća na dvije površine 135 m2, smještena na 700 m2 lijepo uređene okućnice. Kuća je udaljena od Poreča
i mora oko devet kilometara. U prizemlju su kuhinja, kupaonica s tušem, blagovaonica, ostava i natkrivena terasa, dok
su na prvom katu tri sobe, kupaonica i balkon. Kuća ima i bazen te sustav za navodnjavanje.
A two-storey house with 135 m2 of surface has been put up for sale, and it stands on a nicely maintained 700 m2 parcel.
The house is about nine kilometres away from Poreč and the sea. The ground floor consists of the kitchen, bathroom with
a shower, dining room, pantry and covered terrace, while the first floor features three bedrooms, bathroom and balcony.
The house also has a swimming pool and a watering system.
Cijena / Price: 1.825.000 kn / 250.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 433 801, +385 (0)98 411 430
Prodaje se prekrasna vila koja se nalazi u samom masliniku, 500 metara udaljena od mora. Smještena je u malom
ribarskom mjestu Vabriga, 9 km udaljenom od Poreča i 5 km od Novigrada. Izgrađena je po novom konceptu koji
kombinira tradicionalnu mediteransku arhitekturu sa suvremenom kvalitetom gradnje i udobnosti. Opremljena je vratima i prozorima od mahagonija, najkvalitetnijom keramikom, uz suvremeni dizajn interijera. Kompleks se sastoji od
četiri vile u kojima se nalazi četiri-osam apartmana površine od 50 do 120 m2.
A wonderful villa, which is located in the midst of an olive grove about 500 metres from the sea, has been put up for
sale. It is located in a small fishermen village Vabriga, 9 km away from Poreč and 5 km away from Novigrad. It was built
under a new concept that combines traditional Mediterranean architecture with modern standards of construction quality
and comfort. It features mahogany doors and windows, as well as top-quality ceramics and a modern design interior. The
complex features four villas that reveal four to eight apartments, with their surfaces ranging from 50 to 120 m2.
Cijena / Price: 2700 - 3300 € / m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385(0)21 314 037, +385(0)91 932 4568
Prodaje se stan površine 75 m na drugom katu novoizgrađene zgrade u mjestu Banjolu na otoku Rabu. Sastoji se od
kuhinje, blagovaonice, dnevnog boravka, dvije spavaće sobe, kupaonice, spremišta i prostrane terase s koje se pruža
prekrasan pogled na more. Stan je od plaže udaljen samo dvije minute hoda i smješten je na mirnoj i jedinstvenoj
A 75 m2 apartment on the second floor of a newly built building is on sale, and it is located in town Banjol on the island
of Rab. The apartment consists of the kitchen, dining room, living room, two bedrooms, bathroom, storage room and
a spacious terrace that provides a stunning view over the sea. The apartment is merely two minutes away on foot from
the beach, and it is located on a peaceful and unique location.
Cijena / Price: 1.065.000 Kn / 150.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 724 958
Prodaju se stanovi u novoizgrađenoj zgradi površina 53,36 m² i 75,46 m2. Ista je smještena nedaleko gradske šetnice
uz more i Suhe punte, oaze mira, zelenila i ljepote. S terase svakog stana pruža se prekrasan pogled na more. Svakom
stanu pripadaju po dva mjesta za parkiranje.
Apartments are on sale in a new building, and their sizes are 53,36 m2 and 75,46 m2. The building is located near the
town promenade, very near the sea and Suha Punta, which is an oasis of peace, beauty and green surfaces. The terrace
of every apartment provides a beautiful view over the sea. Each apartment receives two parking spaces.
Cijena / Price: 13.135 Kn/m² / 1850 €/m²
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 724 958
U predivnoj i mirnoj uvali udaljenoj 8 km od Šibenske Rogoznice prodaje se vikend-kuća. Kuća je podignuta u prvom
redu do mora, na udaljenosti od 60 m i ima otvoreni pogled s obiju etaža (prizemlja i kata). U prizemlju je stan površine
62 m2 koji se sastoji od: dvije spavaće sobe, velikog dnevnog boravka, kuhinje, kupaonice i natkrivene terase površine 40 m2. Na katu su dva jednosobna apartmana (cca 30 m2) s terasama od 10 m2. Kuća je podignuta na zemljištu
površine 348 m2 na kojem se nalazi predivno uređen i održavan vrt s fontanom i grillom. Iza kuće je podignuta i jedna
novouređena kućica uređena kao zaseban gostinski apartman.
In beautiful and peacful bay, 8 km from Šibenkska Rogoznica there is a cottage. The cottage is built up in the first row to
the sea (60 m) and it has open sea view from both storeys (ground and first floor). In the ground floor there is apartment
of 62 m2 which comprises two bedrooms, large living room, kitchen and covered terrace surface of 40 m2. On the first
floor there are two one-bedroom apartments (approx. 30 m2) with terraces of 10 m2. The cottage is built up on the plot of
land of 348 m2 which has well cultivated garden with fountain and grill. Behind the cottage there is one newly built small
house arranged as separated guest apartment.
Cijena / Price: 340.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: Tel: +385 (0)91 222 0976
Prodaje se raskošna i moderna vila s bazenom, udaljena samo pet kilometara od Rovinja, stambene površine 470 m2
na okućnici od 1400 m2 (podijeljena na tri stambene jedinice). Vila je građena vrhunskim i kvalitetnim materijalima, s
centralnim plinskim grijanjem, klima-uređajima, alarmom, satelitskim sustavom, telefonom, šternom u vrtu i 10 parkirališnih mjesta.
A luxurious modern villa with a swimming pool has been put up for sale, and it is located merely five kilometres from Rovinj.
It has 470 m2 of residential surface, and it stands on a 1400 m2 courtyard (divided into three residential units). The villa was
built with top-quality materials, and it features central gas heating, air conditioning, alarm, satellite system, telephone, a well
in the garden, and 10 parking spaces.
Cijena / Price: 9.100.000 Kn /1.300.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 0(52) 812 515, +385 (0)99 213 3010
www.realestatecroatia.com ID 10377
Unesite broj u RealEstateCroatia ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in RealEstateCroatia ID search engine and find out more
Prodaje se prizemlje i prva etaža kuće ukupne površine 390 m2 sa 1000 m2 okućnice na kojoj se nalazi bazen za djecu.
Kuća je smještena na mirnoj lokaciji okružena zelenilom, a s terasa se pruža prekrasan pogled na Split i okolicu.
The ground floor and the first storey of a 390 m2 house have been put up for sale. The house is located on a 1000 m2
courtyard and it features a swimming pool for children. It is situated on a peaceful location with plenty of green surfaces,
while the terraces provide a glorious view over Split and the surrounding area.
Cijena / Price: 350.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)99 190 7433
Prodaju se stanovi u stambenom objektu na Brdima, na odličnoj lokaciji, samo 500 metara udaljenoj od osnovne
škole, dječjeg vrtića, trgovačkih centara Tommy i Kaufland te autobusne postaje. U izgradnji je 56 stanova u tri ulaza,
katnosti prizemlje, četiri kata i nadgrađe s komfornim dizalom u svakom od ulaza i osiguranim pristupom za invalide.
Kod projektiranja stanova posebna je pažnja posvećena funkcionalnosti stanova, odnosno praćenju želja suvremenih
obitelji. Stanovi su jednosobni, dvosobni i trosobni kvadrature od 37 do 85 m2. Odlikuje ih kvalitetna izvedba, prozračnost te otvoreni pogled s balkona ili terasa.
Apartments are on sale in a residential object at Brda. The location is truly excellent, as they are just 500 metres away
from an elementary school, kindergarten, shopping centres Kaufland and Tommy, and the bus station. Fifty-six apartments are under construction in three building entrances, and they are spread over the ground floor, four upper floors
and the annex. Each of the building entrances has a comfortable elevator and provides special access for handicapped people. In the process of apartment projection, special attention was given to their functionality, as the designers
wanted to meet the needs of a modern family. The apartments have one, two or three rooms, while their sizes range
from 37 to 85 m2. Their main characteristics are quality performance, plenty of fresh air and an open view from the
balconies and terraces.
Cijena / Price: 2000 € / m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 526 5251
Sveti Lovreč
Prodaje se prekrasna novoizgrađena kuća od 120 m2, građena u starom istarskom stilu. Kuća je smještena na 600 m2
uređene okućnice, a posjeduje vanjski i unutrašnji kamin, bazen, sjenicu, mjesta za parkiranje. Iz kuće se pruža prekrasan pogled na more. U potpunosti je namještena, grijanje je na klimu i glamox radijatore.
A wonderful newly built 120 m2 house has been put up for sale, and it was built in archaic Istrian style. The house is
located on a maintained 600 m2 courtyard, and it features an indoor and outdoor fireplace, swimming pool, gazebo,
and parking spaces. The house provides a stunning view over the sea. It is completely furnished, and it has air-conditioned heating and Glamox radiators.
Cijena / Price: 340.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)99 320 0001
www.crozilla.com ID 43122
Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more
U samom središtu Šibenika, u zgradi zaštićene kulturne baštine izgrađenoj u 12. stoljeću, na trećem katu, prodaje se
preuređeni stan stambene površine 90 m2. Stan ima tri spavaće sobe, dnevni boravak, kuhinju, kupaonicu i hodnik.
Godine 2007. stan je potpuno restauriran, te ima nove instalacije i izolaciju. Prigodom renoviranja pazilo se na detalje, tako da su pojedini zidovi obloženi kamenom, postavljena je kvalitetna keramika i stolarija. Stan ima prekrasan
pogled na more i šibensku katedralu.
In the very centre of Šibenik, on the third floor of a 12th-century building that is part of the protected cultural heritage,
we find a renovated apartment with 90 m2 of residential surface. The apartment features three bedrooms, living room,
kitchen, bathroom and hallway. It was completely restored in 2007, and it features new installations and isolation.
Details were very carefully handled during the renovation process, so certain walls were paved in stone, and quality
ceramics and joinery was installed. The apartment features a glorious view over the sea and the Šibenik Cathedral.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 222 0976
Prodaju se stanovi u zgradi od jedne podzemne i tri nadzemne etaže. Podzemna etaža je u manjem dijelu namijenjena
kao spremišni prostor, te u većem dijelu kao skladišni prostor za komercijalne potrebe. Pristup podrumskom skladišnom
prostoru je omogućen rampom na južnoj strani zgrade, dok se u spremišni prostor ulazi komunikacijom unutarnjeg
zajedničkog stubišta. Nadzemni dio se sastoji od prizemlja, prvog i drugog kata. Prizemlje je jednim dijelom iskorišteno za
poslovni prostor komercijalne namjene veličine 108,94 m2, dok su u drugom dijelu dvije stambene jedinice, od 69,23 m2
i 62,15 m2. Na prvom katu su stanovi od 69,23, 92,73 i 75,18 m2, dok su na drugom katu dva veća stana od 119,59
i 112,28 m2. Stanovima na drugom katu je pripojen i dio potkrovlja kao spremišni prostor u koji se ulazi preko otvora
u stropu. Ukupno, zgrada se sastoji od sedam stanova i jednog poslovnog prostora. Svi stanovi imaju bar jednu terasu
orijentiranu prema moru. Zgrada nije opremljena dimno-vodnim kanalima i nema dimnjake.
Apartments are on sale in a building with one subterranean and three aboveground levels. The subterranean level works
as a shed to a smaller extent, but its primary purpose is to serve as storage space for commercial needs. Access to the
basement storage is created by a ramp on the building’s southern end, while the shed is entered through the joint inside
staircase. The aboveground level consists of the ground floor and two upper floors. The ground floor is partly utilized for
a commercial office space with 108,94 m2 of surface, while the other section features two residential units, with 69,23 m2
and 62,15 m2 of surface. The first floor features apartments with sizes of 69,23 m2, 92,73 m2 and 75,18 m2, while the
second floor reveals two larger apartments, with 119,59 m2 and 112,28 m2 of surface. The second-floor apartments also
feature additional storage space in the form of the loft, which is accessible through the ceiling opening. The building has
an overall number of seven apartments and one office space. All apartments have at least one terrace that overlooks the
sea. The building doesn’t possess smoke passages or chimneys.
Cijena / Price: 1.123.750 Kn / 155.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 433 300, +385 (0)52 433 631, +385 (0)91 452 0170
Prodaje se 47 komfornih apartmana veličine od 105 m² do 128 m² u luksuznom apartmanskom naselju uz samu obalu
mora. Apartmani su dvosobni, s tim da je svakoj od soba pridružena kupaonica. Osim soba, dnevna soba s kuhinjom
tvrtke Miele i blagovaonicom također je ukusno namještena. Svaki apartman također ima i veliku namještenu terasu s
pogledom na more i talijanske Alpe.
There are 47 comfortable apartments on sale in a luxurious apartment complex right by the sea, and their surfaces vary
from 105 m2 to 128 m2. Each apartment has two bedrooms, and a bathroom comes with each of those rooms. In addition,
Miele’s living room with kitchen and dining room are also furnished in very classy manner. Each apartment also features
a large furnished terrace overlooking the sea and the Italian Alps.
Cijena / Price: 403.000 - 630.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 210 160, +385 (0)98 420 885, +385 (0)98 323 264,
+385 (0)52 433 801, +385 (0)98 411 430
Unesite broj u RealEstateCroatia ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in RealEstateCroatia ID search engine and find out more
Kod mjesta Vižinada u okolici Poreča, dvadesetak minuta vožnje od mora, na uzvisini s panoramskim pogledom, u istarskom selu okruženom vinogradima, maslinicima i očuvanom prirodom, uklopila se i ova stotinjak godina stara kuća. Prigodom adaptacije je do najsitnijih detalja sačuvana tipična istarska arhitektura i elementi gradnje, dok je nenametljivim
intervencijama u prostoru kuća prilagođena modernim potrebama i standardima. Tristotinjak četvornih metara prostora
proteže se na tri etaže, a sastoji se od dva odvojena stambena prostora sa zasebnim ulazima. Na pažljivo uređenoj
okućnici površine 1500 m2 nalaze se bunar, roštilj i bazen.
At Vižinada in the area of Poreč, a twenty minute ride from the sea, on a hillside contains a panoramic view, in a Istrian
village surrounded with vineyards, olive trees and untouched nature, this about one hundred year old house has fit in.
During adaptation , all of the small details have been kept intact to keep the feel of an old Istrian house with its typical
architecture, while with un-intrusive interventions in the space of the house, has been moderated to meet the needs and
necessities of modern standards. About 300 m2 of space stretch out onto three stories and is made up of two separate
residential areas with separate entrances. On a carefully cultivated courtyard of a area of 1500 m2 there is a water well,
barbeque, and pool.
Cijena / Price: 600.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 453 393, +385 (0)98 334 427
www.realestatecroatia.com ID 54907
Unesite broj u RealEstateCroatia ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in RealEstateCroatia ID search engine and find out more
Prodaje se novi dvoetažni stan s bazenom na prvom katu urbane vile u predjelu Sveti Duh u Zagrebu, ukupnog
prostora 251,86 m2, a od toga je za stanovanje 175,96 m2. Na prvoj etaži ovog prostranog stana su blagovaonica
i dnevni boravak, kuhinja, tri kupaonice, od kojih jedna ima i saunu, bazenski prostor, dvije sobe, dvije terase i vrt.
Na gornjoj etaži su još dvije spavaće sobe, kupaonica, praonica rublja, garaža i lođa. Opremljen je vrhunskom
opremom, posjeduje bazen, u sobama je hrastov parket velikih dimenzija, ima automatsku kontrolu grijanja/hlađenja,
svjetla i roleta, protuprovalni sustav – 8-zonski alarm u svim prostorijama, videonadzor, kontrola ulaza, metereološka
stanica, audiosustav, internet, a čak je i garaža s grijanjem, vodom i daljinskim otvaranjem vrata. Useljenje se planira
u srpnju 2008.
A new two-storey apartment with a swimming pool is on sale, and it is located on the first floor of an urban villa in Sveti
Duh, Zagreb. The overall surface of the space is 251,86 m2, while the living capacity is limited to 175,96 m2. The lower
floor of this spacious apartment consists of the dining room, living room, kitchen, three bathrooms, one of which has a
sauna, as well as a swimming-pool space, two rooms, two terraces and a garden. The upper floor reveals two more bedrooms, bathroom, laundry room, garage and a loggia. It is supremely furnished, possesses a swimming pool, while the
rooms feature grand-sized oak parquet, automatic heating/cooling system, automatically controlled lights and blinders,
an anti-burglary system, 8-zone alarm in every room, video supervision, entrance control, meteorological connection,
audio system and Internet, while even the garage features a heating system, water and remote-controlled door opening.
The moving-in process is planned for July of 2008.
Cijena / Price: 654.836 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 464 0100
www.crozilla.com ID 35648
Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more

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