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KOLOVOZ/AUGUST 2007 www.dalcasa.com HRVATSKI MAGAZIN ZA NEKRETNINE / CROATIAN REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE MILIJARDE EURA U HRVATSKOME TURIZMU BROJ/EDITION XXVI CIJENA 25 KN PRICE 5 € /BILLIONS OF EUROS IN CROATIAN TOURISM DOM S POTPISOM /A SIGNATURE HOME POVRATAK ZIDNIH TAPETA /WALLPAPERS’ COMEBACK NAJBOLJI IZBOR NEKRETNINA /THE BEST REAL ESTATE OFFER ISSN 1845-2086 9771845208005 SHOWROOM SPLIT POLJUDSKO ŠETALIŠTE bb Int roduct ory word Uvodna rijec Da je Hrvatska hit turističko odredište, govori se svuda po svijetu, a to su prepoznali i strani i domaći investitori koji svakodnevno predstavljaju nove megaprojekte koji bi mogli promijeniti cjelokupnu sliku hrvatske turističke ponude. Brojke koje se spominju su vrtoglave, a objekti sve veći, moderniji i s više zvjezdica. Prema podacima Ministarstva mora, turizma, prometa i razvitka, čak 4,5 milijardi eura bit će uloženo do 2010. godine. Za vas smo izdvojili najznačajnije projekte, od Istre do Dubrovnika, koji su tek najavljeni ili su u realizaciji, te smo od njihovih nositelja pokušali dobiti odgovore na pitanja je li Hrvatska doista turistički eldorado i koliko bi, prema njihovim procjenama, ova obećavajuća faza razvoja mogla potrajati. A da je Hrvatska jedno veliko gradilište, dokazuje nam i nedavno predstavljeni projekt atraktivne stambeno-poslovne zgrade Centra “Agatić” u samom središtu Rijeke. Investitori Zoran Maržić i Željko Kerum uložit će oko 7,5 milijuna eura, a zanimljivo arhitektonsko rješenje potpisuje studio Randić-Turato. Rustikalni namještaj je ponovno popularan, a to je prepoznao mladi dizajner Martin Bukvić. U svome studiju za uređenje interijera Rusticamoderna već nekoliko godina izrađuje ručno rađene unikatne komade namještaja, “shabby chic” izgleda. Više nego ikada, popularne su i zidne tapete. Uz dobro odabran uzorak, idealno su rješenje kada treba oživiti neku prostoriju ili joj vizualno promijeniti dimenzije. Također, vodimo vas u Nacionalni park Krka, na grčki otok Mykonos, u malu krčmicu “Skalinadu” u Voloskom... Javite nam koja vam je destinacija najljepša i... čitajte nas i dalje. The word is spreading out in the entire world that Croatia is a hit among tourist destinations, and that very fact has also been recognized by foreign and local investors who are constantly presenting new mega-projects, which could go a long way in changing the overall image of Croatian tourism offering. The rumoured figures are astounding, and the objects are getting bigger, more modern and have more stars in their category. According to information by the Ministry of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development, as much as 4,5 billion euros will be invested until 2010. We selected the most significant projects for you, all the way from Istria to Dubrovnik, which have just been announced or are in the process of realization, and we asked those who are in charge of them if Croatia is truly picture-perfect for tourism, as well as how long do they estimate this promising development phase to last. And that Croatia is one big construction site, it is proven by the recently presented project of the attractive residential and business building “Agatić Centre” in the very centre of Rijeka. Investors Zoran Maržić and Željko Kerum will invest about 7,5 million euros, and the interesting architectonic solution is credited to studio “Randić-Turato”. Rustic furniture is popular again, and young architect Martin Bukvić has recognized that. In his studio for interior decoration “Rusticamoderna”, he has been crafting hand-made unique pieces of furniture for several years, and they carry a “shabby chic” look. Wallpapers are also popular again, and more than ever. With the rightfully chosen pattern, they are the ideal solution when you need to bring life into a room or visually change its dimensions. We’re also taking you to National Park Krka, the Greek island of Mykonos, a little tavern called “Skalinada” in Volosko… Keep checking back to inform us on which of those destinations did you like best… and keep reading us. Ana Perišin 9 Sadržaj 9 UVODNA RIJEÈ / INTRODUCTORY WORD 14 TEMA BROJA / COVER STORY Sve više zvjezdica na turistièkom nebu / More and More Stars at the Tourist Sky 24 REPORT Slavljenje arhitekture / The Celebration of Architecture 28 VIJESTI / NEWS 30 INVESTICIJE / INVESTMENTS Luksuz u središtu Rijeke / Luxury in the Centre of Rijeka 34 SAVJETI / ADVICES Dobrodošli u carstvo poreza / Welcome to the Taxes Kingdom 38 SAVJETI / ADVICES Pametni dom - dodirom do savršenstva i sigurnosti / A Smart Home – One Touch Away from Perfection and Safety 44 VIJESTI / NEWS 46 AVANTURA / ADVENTURE 12 Nacionalni park Krka – zadivljujuæi vodeni spektar / National Park Krka – the Enchanting Water Spectrum Content s 54 GASTRO Kontradikcija opuštenog ambijenta i “visoke” gastronomije / A Contradiction of Relaxed Ambience and “High” Gastronomy 60 FINE STVARI / LUXURIES 64 DODIR UMJETNOSTI / TOUCH OF ART Amerièki san hrvatskoga fotografa / Croatian Photographer’s American Dream 70 INTERIJERI / INTERIORS Mykonos za one koji žele više / Mykonos for Those Who Want More 76 DOM SNOVA / DREAM HOME Bijela svjetlost / Bijela toplina / White Light / White Heat 82 INTERIJERI / INTERIORS Provansa na hrvatski naèin / Provence with a Croatian Twist Veliki povratak zidnih tapeta / Wallpapers’ Big Comeback 94 KULTNI KOMAD / A PIECE OF CULT Skulptura za sjedenje / The Sitting Sculpture 98 DEKORACIJE / DECORATIONS Vesela igra linija / Happily Playing with Lines 104 NEKRETNINE / REAL ESTATE 13 Tema broja VELIKI INVESTITORI NATJEČU SE U VISINI ULAGANJA U TURIZAM Sve više zvjezdica na turistièkom nebu Glavni su ulagači velike tvrtke koje projektima pristupaju s dugoročnom strategijom i očekivanjima koja se ne iscrpljuju u broju noćenja u tekućoj sezoni. Brojke koje se spominju sve su vrtoglavije, objekti sve veći, moderniji i više kategorizirani I Piše: Tanja Jadrešiæ Foto: arhiva DalCase za nas su godine u kojima su se turističke investicije u Hrvatsku brojile tek kroz tijesne novoizgrađene apartmane, stvorene marom malih privatnih investitora koji su rijetko vodili računa o istinskim potrebama razvoja hrvatskog turizma i očuvanja obalnog pojasa od devastacije u obliku sitnog “grickanja”. Nekoliko posljednjih godina glavni su ulagači u hrvatski turizam velike 14 domaće i strane tvrtke koje svojim projektima pristupaju promišljeno, s dugoročnom strategijom i očekivanjima koja se ne iscrpljuju u broju noćenja u tekućoj sezoni. Brojke koje se spominju sve su vrtoglavije, objekti sve veći, moderniji i više kategorizirani: prošla je godina bila rekordna po iznosu investicija u turizam, a procjena je WTTC-a, Britanskoga savjeta za putovanja i turizam, da Punta Scala - najočekivaniji je projekt FalkensteinerMichaeler grupe na zadarskome području / Punta Skala - the most anticipated project by the FalkensteinerMichaeler Group in Zadar area bi u ovoj godini za kapitalne investicije u turizam trebalo biti utrošeno više od 6,5 milijardi kuna, odnosno više od 10 posto svih ulaganja u Hrvatskoj. Makroekonomisti i drugi stručnjaci u gospodarstvu imali bi štošta reći na ovakav “sva jaja u jednoj košarici” pristup, odnosno udio u ukupnim investicijama, udio u BDP-u, te udio od čak 40 posto u izvoznoj bilanci države, ali dok se neke druge grane gospodarstva ne dignu na razinu turizma, veliki novac će se i dalje slijevati u ovu propulzivnu djelatnost. Točnije, čak 4,5 milijardi eura do 2010. godine, prema podacima Ministarstva mora, turizma, prometa i razvitka. Sav taj novac morat će naći prikladne kanale i, što je važnije, prostor na kojemu će se pretočiti u realizirani projekt, a pritom će se državne i lokalne institucije sve češće i ozbiljnije morati hvatati ukoštac s prijetnjom megadevastacija velikih parcela. No, pojačana kontrola u segmentu prostornog planiranja, koliko je nužna, toliko je ponekad i pogubna u smislu razvoja novih projekata, jer strpljenje velikog kapitala nije toliko rastezljivo koliko rastezljive, nedosljedne, nelogične i kontradiktorne u Hrvatskoj mogu biti procedure koje prethode realizaciji. Punta Scala Investitor: FalkensteinerMichaeler grupa Lokacija: poluotok Punta Skala (kraj Petrčana) Vrijednost ulaganja: cca 220 milijuna € Karakteristike: Resort s dva hotela, aparthotelom, apartmanima i vilama visoke kategorije, potpuno urbanizirana i “samoodrživa” zona s vlastitim shoppingcentrima, restoranima, sportskim centrima, na jednoj od najatraktivnijih i prometno najzahvalnijih lokacija na Jadranu, u blizini četiri nacionalna parka Tako se mogu dogoditi i skandali poput onoga na Hvaru, gdje su strani investitori uložili u autohtone vile Male Rudine na temelju izdanih dozvola koje su poslije – postale nevažeće. Ipak, ni ovakvi slučajevi generalno ne obeshrabruju velike turističke kompanije koje iz godine u godinu najavljuju sve veće i skuplje projekte. Među njima smo izdvojili najznačajnije, od Istre do Dubrovnika, koji su tek najavljeni ili su u realizaciji, te smo od njihovih nositelja pokušali dobiti odgovore na pitanja je li Hrvatska doista turistički eldorado i koliko bi, prema njihovim procjenama, ova obećavajuća faza razvoja mogla trajati. Najviše je investicija velikih razmjera već tradicionalno u 15 Turska grupacija Rixos prihvatila se obnove hotela Libertas u Dubrovniku / The Rixos Group from Turkey has taken up the renovation of the Libertas Hotel Hotel Libertas Investitor: Rixos grupacija Lokacija: Dubrovnik Vrijednost ulaganja: 50 milijuna € Karakteristike: Obnovljeni hotel s pet zvjezdica u završnoj fazi izgradnje (pred otvaranjem), s ranijom dobrom reputacijom; 315 soba i apartmana te niz wellness sadržaja u uvali iz koje se šetnjom dolazi do glavne dubrovačke atrakcije, Staroga grada Jack Nicklaus dizajnirat će teren za golf s 18 rupa / Jack Nicklaus will design golf course with 18 holes Porto Mariccio Investitor: AB Maris d.o.o. Lokacija: Barbariga, uvala Marić Vrijednost ulaganja: cca 200 milijuna € Karakteristike: Luksuzni hotel, vile, marina s 350 vezova te teren za golf s 18 rupa, koji će dizajnirati slavni projektant Jack Nicklaus. Nakon završetka, resortom bi trebao upravljati lanac Kempinski 16 Istri, a projekt o kojemu se posljednjih mjeseci (čak i godina) najviše govori jest onaj pod nazivom Brijuni Rivijera, koji obuhvaća čak 23 kilometra obale, odnosno 609 hektara zemljišta nasuprot brijunskoga otočja. O Brijuni Rivijeri se dugo govori, ali dosad su napravljene samo pripremne radnje, a tek se očekuje raspisivanje natječaja za odabir investitora na pojedinim lokacijama. Ipak, procjenjuje se da je cijeli projekt financijski vrijedan gotovo milijardu eura. Direktor poduzeća Brijuni Rivijera d.o.o. Veljko Ostojić tvrdi da ovakvoga tipa ulaganja, tzv. greenfield investicije, u Hrvatskoj do sada nije ni bilo, a da su investitori mahom orijentirani na restrukturiranje postojećih objekata u smislu podizanja kvalitete (područje u kojemu također ima još puno posla, op.a.). – Veliki se projekti tek sada planiraju i mislim da oni trebaju Hrvatskoj prije svega kao impuls za promjenu turističkog imidža koji je bio zasnovan na masovnom turizmu razine dvije i pol zvjezdice. Novi resorti razine četiri i pet zvjezdica mijenjat će tu sliku, a neće narušiti osnovne turističke vrijednosti Hrvatske – navodi Ostojić, uz uvjerenje da se Hrvatskoj ni s ovom razinom interesa investitora neće dogoditi preizgrađenost. Kao rak-ranu za velike investitore, dakako, prepoznaje birokratizaciju u prostornom planiranju i ishodovanju potrebnih dozvola. – Čekati nekoliko godina da se “papirnato” riješi priprema projekta za koji imaju interes i lokalna uprava i država, tjera u očaj svakog razumnog investitora – tvrdi Ostojić, dodajući kako od institucija, osim rješavanja ovog pitanja, očekuje i pomoć, odnosno poticaj investitorima, bilo financijsku, bilo kroz ulogu u pripremi projekata. Osnovni je pritom preduvjet za daljnji razvoj, naglašava, definiranje turizma kao državnog prioriteta. Tvrtka Maistra d.d., članica Adris grupe, svoje je područje djelovanja ograničila uglavnom na Rovinj i Vrsar. Tvrtka je u Rovinju najavila projekt koji će objediniti dosad već rekonsturirane objekte i neke sasvim nove u jedinstvenu zonu Monte Mulini, a sav će hotelski i apartmanski smještaj imati minimalno četiri zvjezdice. Posebno su zanimljivi projekti ekskluzivnih hotela Monte Mulini i Lone, kategorije pet zvjezdica, uz koje će se u novoj zoni naći i mnoštvo popratnih sadržaja jednako visoke kvalitete. U Maistri procjenjuju da će u razdoblju od 2005. do 2009. godine u razvojne projekte uložiti gotovo tri milijarde kuna, a samo u ovoj godini budžet za investicije iznosi oko 650 milijuna kuna, te su izračunali da bi se povrat sredstava mogao dogoditi u sljedećih šest do devet godina. Pritom je posebno zanimljiva proaktivna poslovna strategija spram cijele destinacije koju je Maistra, za razliku od nekih sličnih kompanija, već usvojila i primijenila. Direktor poduzeća Kristian Šustar naglašava: – Polazimo od činjenice da je destinacija ključna sastavnica turističkog proizvoda Maistre te ima ulogu funkcionalne i marketinške platforme na kojoj se gradi cjelokupna turistička ponuda. Stoga mi preuzimamo ulogu proaktivnog djelovanja prema svim drugim ključnim partnerima radi stvaranja zajedničkog proizvoda destinacije koja će živjeti cijelu godinu. U ovome pristupu, odnosno tranziciji temeljnog razmišljanja i turističke strategije, Šustar vidi i budućnost hrvatskog turizma. – U interesu nam je imati jasan institucionalni okvir za poslovanje, koji će omogućiti pravnu sigurnost i podršku institucija. No, ključno je promijeniti prevladavajuće jednodimenzionalne koncepcije razvoja koje se temelje na samo jednom elementu, bio on ekonomski, tehnološki, ekološki ili estetski. U tom će kontekstu Maistra biti jedan od predvodnika – drži Šustar. Na zadarskome području, najočekivaniji je projekt FalkensteinerMichaeler grupe, tvrtke poznate po uspješnoj rekonstrukciji hotela Borik. Njihovo turističko naselje Punta Scala, smješteno na poluotoku nedaleko od Zadra, također nastaje na prostoru gdje je i prije bilo turističko (apartmansko) naselje, a ulaganje od ukupno 220 milijuna eura donijet će kapacitet od 2500 visokokategoriziranih smještajnih jedinica, uz dva luksuzna hotela (s četiri i pet zvjezdica), jedan aparthotel te niz apartmana i vila, Hotel Marjan Investitor: Neva Kerum d.o.o. Lokacija: Split Vrijednost ulaganja: cca 120 milijuna € Karakteristike: Obnova nekadašnje perjanice splitskog turizma prema projektu Jerka Rošina nije previše napredovala otkako je hotel kupljen, zahvaljujući ponajviše administrativnim problemima. Vlasnik tvrdi da bi, uz dobivanje svih dozvola, projekt luksuznog hotela s pet zvjezdica u središtu grada mogao biti gotov u roku 15 mjeseci, kada bi bio otvoren pod franšizom lanca Park Plaza 17 Monte Mulini, Belvedere... Investitor: Maistra d.d. Lokacija: Rovinj i Vrsar Vrijednost ulaganja: cca 400 milijuna € Karakteristike: Niz investicija u obnovu postojećih i izgradnju novih turističkih kapaciteta, s naglaskom na visoku kategoriju smještaja, ali i cjelokupne turističke ponude – u središtu interesa razvoj kompletne destinacije, ne samo objekata također s visokom kategorijom smještaja, ali i niz sportskih sadržaja, uglavnom vezanih uz morske aktivnosti. Zadarsko je područje uprava tvrtke, na čelu s Otmarom Michaelerom, prepoznala kao najpropulzivnije budući da je okruženo s četiri nacionalna parka, tri parka prirode, arhipelagom od stotina otoka i otočića, uz blizinu grada s golemim kulturnim i povijesnim naslijeđem, izvrsnu prometnu povezanost... – Zadar je ključna točka za tvrtku, a Punta Scala će učiniti zadarsku regiju prepoznatljivom turističkom destinacijom – naglašava Otmar Michaeler, predsjednik Uprave tvrtke. U tvrtki su se oboružali strpljenjem shvaćajući da je za ovakav obujam investicije potrebno i vrijeme, pa i ono koje se računa u “nepredviđene situacije”, ali, bez obzira na povremene zastoje, očekuju izvanredne rezultate hrvatskog turizma, to više što FalkensteinerMichaeler ulaže i u hotel Punat na Krku. U Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji događa se u posljednjih godinu-dvije također boom najava ili realizacija velikih ulagačkih projekata, od obalnih do otočnih lokacija. Dubrovnik je, pak, jedino istinsko svjetsko hit-odredište koje samo za sebe ima više luksuznih turističkih kapaciteta negoli cijeli ostatak “turističke” Hrvatske. Uz manje privatne investitore, na kvaliteti smještaja najviše je napravila grupacija Jadranski luksuzni hoteli Gorana Štroka koja je, međutim, i sama nekoliko puta iskusila probleme neusklađenosti regulative s planovima investitora, posljednji put s nedavno otvorenim visokokategornikom, hotelom Belvedere. Turska grupacija Rixos, koja je svoje turističke kapacite- 18 te, osim u domovini Turskoj, izgradila i u Austriji, Ukrajini i Kazahstanu, prihvatila se pak obnove hotela Libertas, nekadašnjega simbola turističkog Dubrovnika, koji se, s kategorijom pet zvjezdica, upravo ovih dana otvara. Iznos ulaganja u ovaj projekt je oko 50 milijuna eura, što se u tvrtki procjenjuje kao investicija srednje veličine. No, u Rixosu najavljuju kako je ovo tek početak investicijskog ciklusa u Hrvatskoj, kako kažu, zemlji za turizam visoke, elitne kategorije. Slično kao uprava Maistre, uprava Rixosa vidi daljnji razvoj destinacije kroz suradnju institucija i investitora, no primjećuju značajne pozitivne pomake u uvjetima rada od 2004., kad su kao tvrtka došli na tržište, do danas. Čini se kako je daljnji uspon turizma u Hrvatskoj neizbježan – novac koji se sve više i brže slijeva u investicije plastičan je dokaz da optimisti nisu samo državni dužnosnici, nego i ozbiljni investitori koji itekako osiguravaju svoja kapitalna ulaganja. Samo je pitanje vremena kada će se realizacija elitnih turističkih kapaciteta reflektirati i u tzv. izvanpansionskoj ponudi, odnosno življenju cijele hrvatske strane Jadrana kao jedne velike elitne destinacije koja će svuda nuditi puno više od mora, sunca, plastičnih igračaka i smrznutih liganja. S druge strane, nikome, pa ni investitorima, ne bi trebalo biti u interesu stvarati turističke “rezervate” koji će biti dovoljni sami sebi. Pametnom i sveobuhvatnom strategijom, veliki bi se turistički projekti morali trajno reflektirati i na mnoštvu pratećih djelatnosti. Brijuni Rivijera Investitor: Brijuni Rivijera d.o.o. Lokacija: obala Istre nasuprot brijunskom otočju Vrijednost ulaganja: cca 1 milijarda € Karakteristike: Privlačenje više velikih privatnih ulagača preko međunarodnih natječaja, megaprojekt na lokaciji koja je ostala nerazvijena zbog rezidencijalnog statusa Brijuna Cover st ory Hotel Marjan LARGE INVESTORS ARE COMPETING IN THE AMOUNTS OF TOURISM INVESTMENTS More and More Stars at the Tourist Sky The main investors are large companies, which approach projects with long-term strategies and expectations that don’t get exhausted about the number of overnight stays in the current season. The rumoured numbers are getting more and more astounding; the objects are getting larger, more modern and higher in terms of category. Written by: Tanja Jadrešiæ L Photo: DalCasa archive ong gone are the years when Croatian tourism investments consisted of narrow, newly built apartments, built by small private investors who rarely cared about the true needs of Croatian tourism’s development and the preservation of the coastal area from devastation, which usually occurred in the form of “tiny nibbles”. For the last several years, main investments in Croatian tourism came from large local and foreign companies, which approach their projects with plenty of analysis, a long-term strategy and expectations that don’t get exhausted about the number of overnight stays in the current season. The rumoured numbers are getting more and more astounding; the objects are getting larger, more modern and higher in terms of catego- Hotel Marjan Investor: Neva Kerum d.o.o. Location: Split Investment Value: cca 120 million euros Characteristics: Renovation of the one-time flagship of tourism in Split, projected by Jerko Rošin; there hasn’t been much progress since the hotel was bought, mostly due to administrative issues. The owner claims that, when all licenses are issued, the project of this luxurious five-star hotel in the city centre could be finished within 15 months, and it would be opened under the franchise of the Park Plaza Chain. 19 Cover st ory Projekt ekskluzivnog hotela Lone tvrtke Maistra d.d. / The Maistra d.d. Company’s Project of the Exclusive Lone Hotel Unutrašnjost hotela Rixos Libertas / Inside of the Rixos Libertas hotel Hotel Libertas Investor: Rixos Group Location: Dubrovnik Investment Value: 50 million euros Characteristics: Renovated five-star hotel in the final phase of construction (close to the opening), with previous good reputation; 315 rooms and apartments, as well as wellness features in the bay that is one simple stroll away from the main attraction in Dubrovnik, the Old Town ry: last year set a new record in terms of tourism investments, and the WTTC (World Travel and Tourism Council) estimated that this year should see over 6,5 billion kunas of capital invested in tourism, which would amount to about 10% of all Croatia’s investments. Macroeconomists and other economy experts would have plenty to say about this “all eggs in one basket” approach, which includes a portion of overall investments, a portion of the Gross Domestic Product and about 40% of the country’s export balance sheet, but until some other branches of economy reach the level of tourism, the big money will continue to pour into this propulsive business. To be more accurate, that big money means as much as 4,5 billion euros until 2010, according to the Ministry of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development. All that money will have to find appropriate channels, and even more important, find the land on which it will transform into realized projects, while the government and local institutions will have to tackle the threat of mega-devastations of large parcels more often and in a more serious way. However, the increased control in the 20 segment of physical planning, as necessary as it is, can sometimes be fatal in terms of developing new projects, because the large capital’s patience is not quite as flexible to match the level of flexibility, inconsistency, contradiction and utter lack of logic that sometimes appear in Croatia prior to realizing large projects. That can result in scandals such as the one in Hvar, where foreign investors placed their money into autochthon villas Male Rudine on the basis of issued licenses – which would become invalid shortly after. Still, not even events like this can generally discourage large tourism companies, which announce larger and larger projects every year. Among those projects, we selected several of the most significant ones from Istria to Dubrovnik, which have just been announced or are under progress, and we asked those in charge of them whether Croatia is truly pictureperfect for tourism, and how long do they predict this promising development phase to last. Most of these large investments traditionally take place in Istria, and the project that encourages most rumours for the last several months (even years) is the one called Brijuni Riviera, which encompasses as much as 23 kilometres of coastal area, or 609 hectares of land just across the islands of Brijuni. There’s been much talk of Brijuni Riviera, but only preparation works have been finished by now, and that will be followed by the announcement of contest to select the investors on individual locations. However, it is estimated that the whole project is worth almost a billion euros. Veljko Ostojić, the General Man- Cover st ory ager of the Brijuni Riviera d.o.o. Company, claims that this type of investment, the so-called “greenfield” investment, has never before appeared in Croatia, and that the investors are all oriented on restructuring the existing objects in terms of increasing their quality (and there is a lot of work to be done there). - Large projects are only in the phase of planning and I think that Croatia needs them primarily as an impulse to change its tourism image, which used to be founded on mass tourism of 2.5-star level. The new resorts, which will have four of five stars, will do a lot to change that image, without hurting Croatia’s basic tourism values – Ostojić says, with confidence that, even with this high level of the investors’ interest, Croatia won’t have to deal with over-construction. Naturally, he feels that the weak spot for all large investors lies in too much bureaucracy in physical planning and issuing licenses. – To wait for several years for the project “paperwork” to get resolved, even if the project is of interest to the local authorities and the Government, is pure torture for any reasonable investor – Ostojić claims, adding that he expects the institutions to deal with this issue, as well as to help and encourage investors, be it financially or in any other way, in preparation of the project. The basic condition of further development, he emphasizes, is to define tourism as this country’s priority. The Maistra d.d. Company, a member of the Adris Group, has limited its area of business mostly to Rovinj and Vrsar. The company has announced a project in Monte Mulini, Belvedere… Investor: Maistra d.d. Location: Rovinj and Vrsar Investment Value: cca 400 million euros Characteristics: A string of investments into the renovation of existing objects and construction of new tourism capacities, with emphasis on the high accommodation category, but also the overall offering for tourists – the centre of interest will be developing the entire destination, not just the objects Rovinj that will unite some already reconstructed objects with some completely new ones, and that will create the unique Monte Mulini Zone, while all the accommodation in hotels and apartments will feature minimally four stars. Special attention should go to exclusive hotels Monte Mulini and Lone, both boasting with five stars, which will be accompanied by plenty of entertainment features of equal quality in this zone. The people in Maistra estimate that they will invest nearly three billion kunas into development projects in the period from 2005 to 2009, and merely this year’s investment budget climbs up to 650 million kunas, and they calculated that those funds should turn into profit within the next six to nine years. What’s really interesting about this story is the proactive business strategy towards this whole destination that Maistra has, unlike some similar companies, already acknowledged and applied. The company’s General Manager Kristian Šustar points out: - Our starting point is the fact that destination is the crucial link of Maistra’s tourism product, as it has the role of the functional and marketing platform on which the entire tourism offer is built. Therefore, we are 21 Projekt Brijuni Rivijera obuhvaća čak 23 kilometra obale, odnosno 609 hektara zemljišta nasuprot brijunskoga otočja / The project Brijuni Riviera encompasses 23 kilometres of coastal area, or 609 hectares of land just across the islands of Brijuni Veljko Ostojić, direktor poduzeća Brijuni Rivijera d.o.o / The General Manager of the Brijuni Riviera d.o.o. Company, Veljko Ostojić Brijuni Riviera Investor: Brijuni Riviera d.o.o. Location: the Istrian coast, just across the islands of Brijuni Investment Value: cca 1 billion euros Characteristics: Attracting many large private investors through an international contest, a mega-project at a location that has remained undeveloped due to the residential status of Brijuni 22 taking over the role of proactive initiators towards all other key partners in order to create a joint destination product that will be alive for the entirety of the year. Within this approach, which includes the transition of the basic way of thinking and the tourism strategy, is where Šustar sees the future of Croatian tourism. – It’s in our best interest to have a clear institutional base for business, which will bring legal safety and support of the institutions. However, it’s crucial that we change the dominating one-dimensional concepts of development, which are based on one sole element, regardless of whether it’s economic, technological, ecological or aesthetical. Maistra will be one of the leaders on that context – Šustar says. As far as the Zadar area, the most anticipated project is the one by the FalkensteinerMichaeler Group, which is remembered for its successful reconstruction of the Borik Hotel. Their tourism settlement Punta Scala, which is located at a peninsula near Zadar, will also be built at an area that used to be occupied by a tourism (apartment) settlement, and the investment of 220 million euros will result in accommodation capacity of 2500 highcategory accommodation units, including two luxurious hotels (four and five stars), one apart-hotel and a string of apartments and villas, which also have a high accommodation category, as well as a number of sport features, mostly connected with sea activities. The Zadar area has been recognized by the company management, led by Nestrpljivo se čeka obnova hotela Marjan prema arhitektu Jerku Rošinu / There Is Much Anticipation for the Renovation of the Marjan Hotel, Designed by Architect Jerko Rošin Porto Mariccio Investor: AB Maris d.o.o. Location: Barbariga, Marić Bay Investment Value: cca 200 million euros Characteristics: Luxurious hotel, villas, marina with 350 moorings, golf course with 18 holes, which will be designed by famous designer Jack Nicklaus. After it’s finalized, the resort should be managed by the Kempinski Chain. Otmar Michaeler, as the most propulsive area because it is surrounded by four national parks, three parks of nature, an archipelago of hundreds of larger and smaller islands, along with the nearness of the city that has a huge cultural and historical heritage and excellent traffic connections… - Zadar is the crucial point for the company, and Punta Scala will make this region a recognizable destination for tourists – says Otmar Michaeler, the company’s Chairman of the Board. The people in the company have a lot of patience because they realize that this sort of investment requires a lot of time, including the one that is predicted for “unplanned situations”, but regardless of occasional bumps in the road, they anticipate great results from Croatian tourism, especially given the fact that FalkensteinerMichaeler has invested into the Punat Hotel in Krk. The Split-Dalmatia County has also witnessed a “boom” of announcements or large investor projects over the last year or two, for both the coastal and island locations. Dubrovnik, on the other hand, is the only true world-hit destination, which has more luxurious tourism capacities by itself than the remainder of “tourism” Croatia combined. Along with smaller private investors, the accommodation quality is mostly the result of efforts by the Luxurious Hotels of the Adriatic Group by Goran Štrok, which has also experienced several problems regarding bad coordination between regulations and investors’ plans, most recently with the recently opened Belvedere Hotel, which also has a high category. The Rixos Group from Turkey, which has built its tourism capacities in its native country, Austria, Ukraine and Kazakhstan, has taken up the renovation of the Libertas Hotel, which is a one-time symbol of tourism in Dubrovnik, and which has a scheduled grand opening in this very period, boasting a five-star category. The investing figure for this project rounds up at about 50 million euros, which is a mid-sized investment for this company. However, people in Rixos say that this is just the beginning of the investment cycle in Croatia, which they view as a country for tourism of high, elite category. Much like Maistra’s management, the Rixos management anticipates further development of the destination through close cooperation of institutions and investors, but they do notice significant positive changes in business conditions since 2004, when their company joined this market. It seems as if the further rise of Croatian tourism is inevitable – the money, which pours into investments at an increasing rate, is plastic evidence that it’s not just government officials who are optimistic, but that’s also shared by serious investors who go a long way in ensuring their capital investments. It’s only a matter of time when the realisation of these elite tourism capacities will reflect itself in the so-called out-of-pension offering, or reviving the entire Croatian side of the Adriatic as one grand elite destination, which will be offering a whole lot more than the sea, sun, plastic toys and frozen squids at all its locations. On the other hand, it’s in no one’s best interest, and that includes the investors, to create tourist “reservations”, which will end up serving nobody’s purpose but its own. By creating a smart and all-embracive strategy, large tourism projects should permanently reflect themselves on many accompanying branches of business. Punta Scala Investor: FalkensteinerMichaeler Group Location: peninsula Punta Skala (near Petrčani) Investment Value: cca 220 million euros Characteristics: Resort featuring two hotels, aparthotel, high-category apartments and villas, a completely urbanised and “self-maintainable” zone with its own shopping centres, restaurants, sport centres, at one of the most attractive and (traffic-wise) most rewarding locations on the Adriatic, near four national parks 23 Report Projekt rekonstrukcije i dogradnje Osnovne škole “Tituš Brezovački” u zagrebačkom naselju Špansko osvojio je nagradu “Viktor Kovačić” / The project of reconstructing and building extension to the “Tituš Brezovački” elementary school in Špansko won “Viktor Kovačić” first prize Piše: Ivan Mladina Foto: UHA Slavljenje arhitekture U Zagrebu je otvorena tradicionalna godišnja izložba ostvarenja hrvatskih arhitekata P očetkom srpnja u zagrebačkome Muzeju za umjetnost i obrt svečano je otvorena “Godišnja izložba ostvarenja hrvatskih arhitekata u 2006. godini”, u organizaciji Udruženja hrvatskih arhitekata. Ovogodišnje izdanje kultne izložbe, s tradicijom duljom od 30 godina, predstavilo je 128 ostvarenja hrvatskih arhitekata realiziranih u Hrvatskoj i svijetu tijekom protekle 2006. godine. Ostvarenja su postavljena prema kategorijama prijavljenih radova: obiteljske kuće, višestambene zgrade, stambeno-poslovne zgrade, poslovne i javne zgrade, rekonstrukcije i dogradnje, intervencije u javnom prostoru, interijeri i nakladništvo. Izložbu je svečano otvorio predsjednik Udruženja hrvatskih arhitekata Saša Randić proglasivši dobitnike nagrada UHA-e za najuspješnija arhitektonska ostvarenja u 2006. godini. Ovogodišnja konkurencija nominiranih arhitekata bila je iznimno jaka, s 24 Nagrađeno mini stambeno naselje u Gračanima / Awarded mini-residential settlement in Gračani Poslovna građevina Lumenart arhitekta Andrije Rusana nominirana je u kategoriji ”Viktor Kovačić” / The Lumenart business building by architect Andrija Rusan was nominated in the“Viktor Kovačić” category Dogradnja i rekonstrukcija obiteljske kuće, Kustošija, Zagreb, nominacija za nagradu “Drago Galić” / Upgrade and reconstruction of the family house, Kustošija, Zagreb,, nomination for the “Drago Galić” award mnogo poznatih imena i eksponiranih projekata. Među nominiranima, primjetan je i sve veći broj arhitekata mlađe generacije. Nagrada “Viktor Kovačić” za životno djelo, kao najveće priznanje za cjelokupni životni opus, ove godine je dodijeljena Bogdanu Budimirovu. Rođen 1928., aktivno se počeo baviti arhitekturom još kao student, u jeku poslijeratne obnove i u sam osvit industrijske prefabrikacije zgrada. Jedan je od pionira montažne gradnje i industrijskog dizajna u nas, a zahvaljujući uspješnoj međunarodnoj karijeri poznat je i u svijetu. Vlasnik je mnogih domaćih i inozemnih patenata u industrijskom dizajnu i proizvodnji namještaja, sklonost prema čemu ga je prije dvadesetak godina navela na prestanak aktivnog bavljenja arhitekturom. Arhitekti Vedran Pedišić i Emil Špirić ovogodišnji su laureati nagrade “Viktor Kovačić” za najuspješnije arhitektonsko ostvarenje. Njihov projekt rekonstrukcije i dogradnje Osnovne škole “Tituš Brezovački” u zagrebačkom naselju Špansko, impresionirao je ocjenjivački sud suverenim rješavanjem funkcionalnih zadataka te ostvarivanjem korisnih i ugodnih prostora, uz minimalno korištenje arhitektonske dramaturgije. Nagradu “Drago Galić” za najuspješnije ostvarenje na području stambene arhitekture, dobio je arhitekt Hrvoje Njirić za mini stambeno naselje u zagrebačkim Gračanima. Inovativnim pristupom projektnom zadatku, arhitekt Njirić je postigao pravi kvalitativni iskorak unutar stambene tipologije urbanih vila. U kategoriji najuspješnijeg ostvarenja na području oblikovanja i unutrašnjeg uređenja, nagrada “Bernardo Bernardi” dodijeljena je arhitektici Heleni Paver-Njirić za stalni postav Memorijalnog muzeja JUSP-a Jasenovac. Gotovo apstraktan rad naglašava osjećaje nasuprot razuma, pokazujući kako se ponekad neke stvari jednostavno ne mogu shvatiti, nego ih se samo može osjetiti. Dobitnik nagrade “Neven Šegvić” je arhitekt Vladimir Mattioni iz Zagreba, i to za ukupni publicistički, kritički i teorijski rad na području arhitekture i urbanizma. Educiran kao arhitekt, Mattioni je dragocjeni kulturni radnik i elokventni tumač hrvatske arhitektonske i urbanističke problematike, angažirani intelektualac koji se s jednakom suverenošću bavi raznim temama što se u najvećem dijelu presijecaju u fenomenu urbanosti uz senzibiliziranost prema društvenoj problematici i socijalno osjetljivim temama. 25 Report Nagrada “Viktor Kovačić” za životno djelo dodijeljena je Bogdanu Budimirovu / The “Viktor Kovačić” award for life’s work was awarded to Bogdan Budimirov The Celebration of Architecture A traditional annual exhibition of Croatian architects’ accomplishments was opened in Zagreb Written by: Ivan Mladina A Photo: UHA t the start of July, we witnessed the grand opening of “The Annual Exhibition of Croatian Architects’ Accomplishments in 2006” at the Museum for Arts and Crafts in Zagreb, organized by the Association of Croatian Architects. This year’s edition of the legendary exhibition, with a tradition that reaches over thirty years, presented 128 projects by Croatian architects that were realised in Croatia and all over the world during the course of 2006. The accomplishments were assembled according to categories of the registered works: family houses, multiresidential buildings, residential/business buildings, business and public buildings, reconstructions and annexes, public area interventions, interiors and publishing. The exhibition was formally opened by Saša Randić, the president of the Association of Croatian Architects, as he announced the winners of the Association awards for most successful architectonic accomplishments of 2006. This year’s competition of nominated architects was really strong, with many well-known names and talkedabout projects. Among the nominees, it was noticeable that that was an increasing number of architects of the young generation. The Viktor Kovačić Award for life’s work, as the highest 26 Čelični stolac Bogdana Budimirova / A steel chair by Bogdan Budimirov Nagrada “Bernardo Bernardi” dodijeljena je arhitektici Heleni Paver-Njirić za stalni postav Memorijalnog muzeja JUSP-a Jasenovac / he Bernardo Bernardi Award was given to architect Helena Paver-Njirić for her permanent exhibition on display at the JUSP Jasenovac Memorial Museum recognition for the overall collection of works in one’s life, was awarded to Bogdan Budimirov this year. Born in 1928, he actively began pursuing architecture as a student, in the midst of the after-war renovations and in the wake of industrial prefabrication of buildings. He was one of the pioneers of Croatia’s prefabricated construction and industrial design, and thanks to his successful international career, he is renowned all over the world. He is the owner of many local and foreign patents in the fields of industrial design and furniture manufacturing, and it’s his tendency towards these fields that has encouraged him to stop actively working in architecture. Architects Vedran Pedišić and Emil Špirić are this year’s winners of the Viktor Kovačić Award for the most successful architectonic accomplishment. Their project of reconstructing and building extension to the “Tituš Brezovački” elementary school in Špansko, which is a settlement in Zagreb, has impressed the jury with its convincing answers to functional assignments, as well as by creating useful and comfortable spaces, while keeping the architectonic dramaturgy to the minimum. The Drago Galić Award for the most successful accomplishment in the field of residential architecture was given to architect Hrvoje Njirić for his mini-residential settlement in Gračani, Zagreb. Using an innovative approach to the assigned project, architect Njirić has accomplished a true step forward in quality when it comes to the residential typology of urban villas. In the category of the most successful accomplishment in the field of formatting and interior decoration, the Bernardo Bernardi Award was given to architect Helena PaverNjirić for her permanent exhibition on display at the JUSP Jasenovac Memorial Museum. The almost abstract feeling of the project emphasises the battle of emotion and reason, as it shows that certain things are not to be comprehended by reason, but they can only be experienced as emotions instead. Rekonstrukcija i dogradnja poslovne zgrade Plinacro u Zagrebu, nominacija za nagradu “Bernardo Bernardi” / The winner of the Neven Šegvić Award is architect Vladimir Mattioni from Zagreb for his overall work as a publicist, critic and theoretician in the fields of architecture and urbanism. Educated as an architect, Mattioni is a precious contributor to culture and an eloquent interpreter of Croatian architectonic and urban issues, as well as an engaged intellectual who has very convincingly dealt with various topics that are generally intertwined in the phenomenon of urbanism, while having plenty of sensitivity towards social issues and delicate subjects of our society. 27 Vijest i Londonska retrospektiva Zahe Hadid Londonski Design Museum ugostio je krajem lipnja izložbu najproduktivnije arhitektice današnjice, britanske Iračanke Zahe Hadid, a izložba, koja obuhvaća sve njezine radove u Velikoj Britaniji, bit će otvorena sve do 25. studenoga. Ovo je jedan od najvećih projekata Muzeja dizajna ove vrste, obuhvaća dva kata galerijskog prostora, što dodatno govori o radoholičarskom pristupu Zahe Hadid. U međuvremenu, arhitektica trenutačno radi na urbanističkim planovima Singapura i Istanbula, zgradi opere u Kini, muzeju u Rimu, neboderu u Dubaiju... Atmosfera u Wallpaperu Jedan od najglasovitijih design magazina na svijetu Wallpaper, u svom kolovoskom broju, u grupi najzanimljivijih mladih arhitektonskih biroa na svijetu, predstavlja i zagrebački studio Atmosfera. Bernarda i Davor Silov, koji vode studio, bit će tako predstavljeni zajedno s kolegama iz New Yorka, Beča, Klagenfurta, Quimpera, Praga, Barcelone, Stockholma, Basela i Edinburgha, ponajviše zahvaljujući svom inspirativnom i nesputanom pristupu arhitekturi, koji podjednako obuhvaća i konkretne i utopijske projekte, poput nedavno promoviranog tzv. Zebodera, zanimljivog prostornog i urbanističkog iskoraka u budući Zagreb. Zaha Hadid’s London Retrospective Atmosfera in the Wallpaper At the end of June, the Design Museum in London hosted an exhibition of the most productive female architect of our time, British Iraqi Zaha Hadid, and this exhibition, which encompasses all her projects in Great Britain, will remain open all the way till the 25th of November. This is one of the largest projects of this type by the Design Museum, as it takes up two floors of gallery space, which should tell you plenty about the workaholic approach of Zaha Hadid. In the meantime, the architect is currently occupied with working on urban plans of Singapore and Istanbul, the opera building in China, the museum in Rome, a skyscraper in Dubai… Ljubav na prvi pogled Iz radionice dizajnera koji je zaslužan i za novi Mini, stigao je napokon i Fiat 500, novi ispeglani fićo koji je odmah postao ljubimac žena. Crte lica i dalje su umiljate i prepoznatljive, ali riječ je o potpuno novom i neusporedivo moćnijem malom automobilu nove generacije, u kojemu nauštrb veličine nisu žrtvovane ni udobnost ni vozačke performanse. Naravno, sve će to i koštati, u osnovnoj verziji više od 10.000 eura, ali čini nam se da će u izboru fiće odlučivati srce, a ne praktičnost ili dubina novčanika. 28 One of the most recognizable design magazines in the world, the Wallpaper, presents a group of the most interesting young architecture bureaus in the world in its August issue, including studio Atmosfera from Zagreb. Bernarda and Davor Silov, who are running the studio, will be presented alongside their colleagues from New York, Vienna, Klagenfurt, Quimper, Prague, Barcelona, Stockholm, Basel and Edinburgh, mostly thanks to their inspired and uninhibited approach to architecture, which equally encompasses realistic and utopian projects, such as the recently promoted so-called Zeboder, which is an interesting spatial and urban step forward into Zagreb of the future. Love at First Sight From the same designer workshop that takes credit for the new Mini, we finally welcome the arrival of Fiat 500, the new and polished fićo, which has instantly become a soft spot for women. The face lines are still graceful and recognizable, but we are talking about a completely new and incomparably more powerful little car of the new generation, where neither comfort nor driver’s performance is sacrificed on account of size. Naturally, it doesn’t come cheap, as the original version costs over 10 000 euros, but we have a feeling that choosing fićo will be a decision based on heart, not on practicality or wallet size. Novi i veći Pompidou Francuzi su napokon odlučili stati na kraj kulturnoj centralizaciji svoje države. Novi Pompidou centre, prema projektu Shigerua Bana i Jeana de Gastinesa, gradi se u Metzu, regionalnom prometnom raskrižju, te će biti jednako dostupan Francuzima i mnogim drugim Europljanima. Muzej će se prostirati na desetak tisuća četvornih metara, uz korištenje inovativnih materijala poput fiberglasa i teflona, a, prema najavama, trebao bi biti otvoren iduće godine, kada će posjetiteljima biti predstavljeno oko 58.000 najvećih djela moderne umjetnosti. Novi Pompidou će imati nove mogućnosti organizacije mnogih događanja te izlaganja djela koja zbog veličine nikada nisu mogla biti predstavljena u prostorima pariškoga starijeg brata. Svjetlosni suncokret Pripremila / Edited by: Tanja Jadrešiæ Pobjednici ICFF-ove nagrade za najboljega novog dizajnera, Emi Fujita i Shane Kohatsu, realizirali su Corona Solar Light, sustav vanjske rasvjete koji plijeni izgledom a’ la suncokret, ali i principom rasvjete koji počiva na solarnim ćelijama i LED diodama. Dodatna kvaliteta Corona Solar Lighta leži u činjenici da ga je moguće vrlo jednostavno pričvrstiti na bilo koju vodoravnu ili okomitu površinu, pa čak i položiti na bilo koje mjesto ili jednostavno “zabosti” u zemlju bez ikakvog posebnog napora. News The New and Larger Pompidou The French have finally decided to put an end to the cultural centralization of their country. The new Pompidou Centre, designed by Shigeru Ban and Jean de Gastines, is being built in Metz, a regional traffic intersection, and it will be just as accessible to the French as to many other Europeans. The museum will spread across about 10.000 square meters, and some of the more innovative materials, such as fibreglass and Teflon, will be used. According to announcements, it should be opened over the course of next year, and the visitors will be presented with about 58.000 of the greatest works of modern art. The new Pompidou will have new options of organising many events and presenting works that were unable to be presented, due to their size, within the walls of its older brother in Paris. Praško knjižnično čudo Jedan od najrevolucionarnijih novih arhitektonskih projekata u Češkoj svakako je praška knjižnica, čiji se završetak očekuje tek 2011. godine. No, s obzirom na samu ideju, nije čudno da će rad toliko trajati. Novi će se objekt prostirati na 40.000 četvornih metara, bit će neobične zaobljene forme i s primjenom novih metoda gradnje, okružen šumom i opremljen najmodernijim sustavima očuvanja, korištenja i selekcije knjižne građe. Projekt knjižnice, koji potpisuje studio Future Systems, s pravom se već drži jednim od istinskih projekata za treće tisućljeće, a kad bude završena, praška će knjižnica vjerojatno biti najmodernija na svijetu. Prague’s Miracle Library The Lighting Sunflower The winners of the ICFF Award for the best new designer, Emi Fujita and Shane Kohatsu, have presented us with the Corona Solar light, an outside lighting system that draws attention with its sunflower-like appearance, but also with a lighting principle that is based on solar cells and LED diodes. The extra-quality to the Corona Solar Light is presented in the fact that it is very possible to simply attach it to any horizontal or vertical surface, and even place it in any position or simply stab it into the ground without any great effort. One of the most revolutionary new architectural projects in the Czech Republic has to be the library in Prague, which is due to be finished as late as 2011. However, considering the idea itself, it’s no wonder that there is so much work to be done. The new object will spread across 40.000 square meters, will feature an unusual rounded form and will apply new methods of construction, as well as be surrounded by a forest and equipped with most modern systems of maintenance, usage and selection of library resources. This library project, designed by the Future Systems Studio, is rightfully considered to be one of the essential projects for the third millennium, and by the time it’s finished, Prague will probably have the most modern library in the world. 29 Invest icije Počeli radovi na atraktivnom stambeno-poslovnom “Centru Agatić” Luksuz u središtu Rijeke Svi su stanovi opremljeni automatskim otvaranjem i zatvaranjem prozora i zaštite od sunca, automatskom klimatizacijom grijanja, hlađenja i ventilacije za svaki stan posebno, centralnom kontrolom svjetala, videokontrolom pristupa ulaznog hola i garaže, te će svaki stan imati vlastito parkirališno mjesto i spremište Piše: Aurelija Vukušiæ 30 U “Centar Agatić” uložit će oko 7,5 milijuna eura / Into the “Agatić Centre” will be invested about 7,5 million euros D ok se Zagreb bori protiv Horvatinčićeve intervencije u prostor Cvjetnoga trga, Rijeka dobiva atraktivnu interpolaciju u središtu grada, uglovnicu između Agatićeve i Ulice Pavla Rittera Vitezovića, koja će svoje puno značenje dobiti preuređenjem velikoga dijela okolnih gradskih ulica. Prema najavama, Vitezovićeva ulica bi se trebala produžiti do Ulice žrtava fašizma i postati nova pješačka zona koja bi se preko Jelačićeva trga spajala s Ulicom Ante Starčevića i Korzom. Projekt luksuzne stambeno-poslovne zgrade radnog naziva “Centar Agatić” predstavljen je sredinom prošloga mjeseca u Rijeci, paralelno s početkom radova na objektu, odnosno rušenjem postojećeg objekta na toj lokaciji. Investitori, Zoran Maržić i Željko Kerum, u “Centar Agatić” uložit će oko 7,5 milijuna eura, zanimljivo arhitektonsko rješenje potpisuje studio Randić-Turato, a građevinske radove obavljat će tvrtka Strabag. Zgrada na pet etaža obuhvaća niz poslovnih (trgovačkih i uredskih) prostora koji će biti razmješteni u prizemlju te prva tri kata, prostranu podrumsku garažu za 20 vozila, dok su dvije posljednje etaže rezervirane za stambene prostore s vrhunskom opremom i ugrađenim inteligentnim sustavom stanovanja EIB. U 16 stanova, veličine od 30 do 140 četvornih metara, bit će ugrađene sanitarije Duravit Starck 3 i Hansgrohe, jacuzzi masažne kade, mozaik keramičke pločice Appiani, bambusov parket, podno grijanje u prostorijama pod pločicama (kupaonici, hodniku, kuhinji i blagovaonici), klizne staklene stijenke i unutrašnja vrata Tre-P&TrePiu, protuprovalna vrata Alias, automatski prozori Velux, videoparlafon, vatrodojava. Svi su stanovi opremljeni automatskim otvaranjem i zatvaranjem prozora i zaštite od sunca, automatskom klimatizacijom grijanja, hlađenja i ventilacije za svaki stan posebno, centralnom kontrolom svjetala, videokontrolom pristupa ulaznog hola i garaže, te će svaki stan imati vlastito parkirališno mjesto i spremište, a svim stanarima na raspolaganju je i vratar. Uglavnom ostakljena zgrada oplemenjena je i vrtom u njezinu središtu / The glass-dominated building is also ennobled with a garden in its centre Uglavnom ostakljena zgrada oplemenjena je i vrtom u njezinu središtu, a u planiranju se vodilo računa i o potrebama poslovnih korisnika, pa je, primjerice, za korisnike trgovina na prvoj etaži predviđen i teretni lift koji može podići i teretna vozila. Cijena četvornog metra stambenog prostora kretat će se od 2350 do 2600 eura, poslovnog od 2700, a trgovačkog od 4300 eura po četvornome metru, uvećano za PDV. Završetak radova na “Centru Agatić” očekuje se u proljeće iduće godine, a konačno puštanje u funkciju investitori su najavili točno 365 dana od prvih radova na rušenju objekta koji je dosad stajao na mjestu “Centra Agatić”. PAMETNE INSTALACIJE Sustav inteligentnih električnih instalacija EIB mijenja tradicionalne električne instalacije i pruža mogućnost da svoj životni prostor prilagođavamo sami sebi. Sustav EIB preuzima kontrolu nad svim funkcijama u stanu, obiteljskoj kući, uredu, hotelu i svakom drugom objektu namijenjenom za boravak ljudi. Tehničkih ograničenja nema u smislu obujma sustava ili zagušenja protoka informacija; ograničenja ovise jedino o kreativnosti projektanta i željama korisnika. Sustav EIB zatvorit će prozore kada počne kiša, spustit će rolete kada zapuše jak vjetar, regulirati temperaturu u domu, rasvjetu i ventilaciju, spriječit će poplavu, požar ili istjecanje plina, otvoriti ulaz u dvorište ili vrata garaže, signalizirati neovlašteni pristup, omogućiti korisniku da svim funkcijama upravlja iz fotelje daljinskim upravljačem ili notebookom, iz ureda telefonom ili preko interneta, iz auta mobitelom i javiti svaku promjenu korisniku preko elektroničkih uređaja. 31 Invest ment s Written by: Aurelija Vukušiæ Work Has Started on the Attractive Residential and Business “Agatić Centre” Luxury in the Centre of Rijeka All the apartments are equipped with automatic window opening and shutting, as well as sun protection, automatic air conditioning with heating, cooling and ventilation for every individual apartment, central lighting control, video-control of access to the entry hall and garage, and every apartment also has its own parking space and storage room W hile Zagreb is fighting against Horvatinčić’s intervention into the Floral Square area, Rijeka is about to gain an attractive interpolation in the centre of town; a corner feature between Agatić Street and Pavao Ritter Vitezović Street, which will receive its full meaning when the majority of the surrounding city streets are renovated. According to announcements, Vitezović Street should be prolonged to the Victims of Fascism Street and become a new pedestrian zone, which would be connected with the Ante Starčević Street and Korzo through Jelačić Square. The project of the luxurious residential and business building 32 with a working title “Agatić Centre” was presented in the middle of last month in Rijeka, simultaneously to the beginning of works on the object, or to be more precise, just as they were tearing down the existing object at that location. The investors, Zoran Maržić and Željko Kerum, will invest about 7,5 million euros into the “Agatić Centre”, the interesting architectural solution was presented by Randić-Turato Studio, and all the construction work will be preformed by a firm called Strabag. The five-storey building consists of a string of business (reserved for stores and offices) premises that will be assembled over the ground floor and the first three floors, as well as a spacious basement garage for 20 vehicles, while the last two floors are reserved for residential premises with top-notch equipment and installed intelligent EIB living system. The 16 apartments, with size varying between 30 and 140 square meters, will feature installed Duravit Starck 3 and Hansgrohe sanitary facilities, jacuzzi massage tubs, mosaic ceramic tiles Appiani, bamboo parquet, floor heating in the rooms that feature tiles (bathrooms, hallways, kitchens and dining rooms), sliding glass doors and inside Tre-P&Tre-Piu doors, anti-burglary Alias doors, automatic Velux windows, video-parlaphone and fire alarm. All the apartments are equipped with automatic window opening and shutting, as well as sun protection, automatic air conditioning with heating, cooling and ventilation for every individual apartment, central lighting control, video-control of access to the entry hall and garage; every apartment also has its own parking space and storage room, and every tenant will also have a doorman at their disposal. The glass-dominated building is also ennobled with a garden in its centre, and during the planning, special care was shown for the needs of business users, and the example of that is the fact that all the users of first-floor stores will have a freight elevator at their disposal, which can also lift large vehicles. The price of the square meter of residential space will fluctuate between 2350 and 2600 euros, 2700 euros for business spaces, and up to 4300 euros per square meter for spaces reserved for stores, and all that will be enhanced by VAT value. The finishing touches of “Agatić Centre” are expected in the spring of next year, and the releasing of the centre into function was announced by investors to take place exactly 365 days after the original works that saw the object, which was previously at the location of the “Agatić Centre”, being torn down. Arhitektonsko rješenje potpisuje studio Randić-Turato / The architectural solution was presented by Randić-Turato Studio SMART INSTALLATIONS The EIB system of intelligent electrical installations replaces traditional electrical installations and provides us the possibility to adapt our living spaces to ourselves. The EIB system takes over the control over all the functions in the apartment, family house, office, hotel and any other object aimed for people to spend time in. There are no technical limitations in terms of system volume or smothering the flow of information; the only limitations depend on the creativity of designers and wishes of the users. The EIB system will shut your windows when it starts raining, lower your shades when a strong wind comes along, regulate home temperature, lighting and ventilation, put an end to any threats of a flood, fire or gas leaking, open the entryway to the courtyard or the garage door, signalise unauthorised access, enable the user to control all functions from an armchair via remote control or notebook, the phone in the office, the Internet or the cell phone from the car, and will also signal any type of change to the user through electrical devices. Cijena četvornog metra stambenog prostora kretat će se od 2350 do 2600 eura / The price of the square meter of residential space will fluctuate between 2350 and 2600 euros 33 Savjet i KUPITI NEKRETNINU I PREŽIVJETI – VODIČ ZA POČETNIKE (4) Dobrodošli u carstvo poreza Fascikli će još neko vrijeme biti vaši dobri prijatelji jer sve što porezna uprava traži kako bi vam razrezala porez ili vas oslobodila istoga, morate potkrijepiti ovećom hrpom papira – od kupoprodajnog ugovora do dokaza za ste vjenčani/nevjenčani, imate/nemate djece, imate/ nemate nekretnina u vlasništvu... Velika je utjeha da je ovo doista zadnja “tura” papirologije koja vas očekuje Piše: Tanja Jadrešiæ Foto: Arhiva DalCase N apokon je i to gotovo. “Moja kućica – moja slobodica”, misli sretni novi vlasnik šetajući ponosno s vlasničkim listom i ključem svoje nekretnine, pozivajući sve prijatelje i poznanike da zavire u njegovo novo carstvo. No, nije gotovo dok caru ne date carevo, odnosno državi državno. A to je, naravno, porez, odnosno sve vrste poreza koje vas mogu snaći. Ako ste početnik u ulaganju u nekretnine, navjerojatnije nemate nikakve nekretnine u vlasništvu. U tom slučaju 34 imate se čemu veseliti jer vas država oslobađa velikoga dijela poreza na promet nekretnina. Taj porez generalno iznosi pet posto na procijenjenu cijenu nekretnine i plaća se na svaku kupljenu nekretninu, ali ako je u pitanju ona kojom rješavate stambeno pitanje sebi i svojoj obitelji, oslobođeni ste značajnoga dijela. Obvezno je pritom da je ta nekretnina u mjestu vašeg prebivališta. Ako je vaše kućanstvo jednočlano, 50 četvornih metara vaše nekretnine je neoporezivo, dok ćete na ostatak morati platiti pet posto poreza. Ako je kućanstvo (članovi uže obitelji koji će živjeti u stanu ili kući) dvočlano, oslobođeni ste poreza do 65 “kvadrata”, za tročlano kućanstvo oslobođenje je do 80, četveročlano do 90, a peteročlano do 100 četvornih metara. Jedini je uvjet, dakle, da nemate drugu nekretninu kojom možete riješiti stambeno pitanje (stare kuće izvan prebivališta, zemljišta i slično vam ne smetaju). Oslobođeni ste poreza na promet nekretnina i ako kupujete zemljište, i to do 600 četvornih metara i neovisno o broju članova kućanstva. I tu vrijedi uvjet da je zemljište u mjestu vašeg prebivališta i da je namijenjeno gradnji kuće kojom ćete riješiti svoje stambeno pitanje. No, evo i prve “kvake”: razmišljate li o prodaji nekretnine manje od pet godina nakon što ste je kupili, porezna uprava vas tretira kao nekoga tko nije kupio nekretninu da bi riješio stambeno pitanje, i bit ćete dužni, prigodom prodaje, platiti i porez na onaj preostali dio za koji ste bili oslobođeni, po tadašnjoj kupoprodajnoj cijeni ili cijeni koju je procijenila porezna uprava. Usto, ako ste svoju nekretninu odlučili prodati u manje od tri godine nakon kupnje, dužni ste platiti i porez na zaradu jer vas država procjenjuje kao nekoga tko je kupio nekretninu da bi njome dalje trgovao. A porez na zaradu iznosi 25 posto od razlike između cijene po kojoj ste kupili i cijene za koju ste nekretninu prodali. Tome dodajte još prirez (u svakom gradu ili općini drugi) i dobit ćete cifru koju ćete morati platiti. I tu je oslobođenje moguće: dokazom o tome da ste nekretninu koristili za stanovanje vas i vaše obitelji, ako nekretninu prodajete ili darujete bračnom drugu ili prvoj generaciji nasljednika (djeci), ili ako je razlog brze prodaje brakorazvodna parnica. Novogradnja može biti oporezovana na dva načina: porezom na promet (5%) ili porezom na dodanu vrijednost. Zato je kod stjecanja novogradnje bitno utvrditi je li nekretnina u sustavu PDV-a ili nije. To ovisi o tome je li izgrađena nakon 31. 12. 1997. ili prije, kupujemo li je od prodavatelja koji je u sustavu PDV-a, te ako je prodavatelj u sustavu PDV-a, je li u cijeni iskazan PDV ili nije. Naime, nekretnine izgrađene prije 31. 12. 1997. nisu u sustavu PDV-a i njihova prodajna cijena ne sadrži PDV. Zašto je to bitno? Zato što nekretnina oporezovana PDV-om kupcu obvezniku PDV-a znači pravo na odbitak pretporeza i time ga realno stoji znatno manje. Ako se, pak, radi o nekretnini izgrađenoj nakon tog datuma, to još uvijek ne znači da je ista u sustavu PDV-a. Kada građanin prodaje stan na koji je platio PDV u trenutku kupnje, njegov će kupac platiti pet posto poreza na promet nekretnina jer se PDV obračunava samo jednom, kod kupnje novog stana. Zemljište i komunalno opremanje zemljišta nisu u sustavu PDV-a i na njega se plaća porez na promet nekretnina od pet posto. Evo još jedne iznimke: u slučaju da ste nekretninu kupili u području od posebne državne skrbi, oslobođeni ste od poreza na promet nekretnina ako vam je tamo prijavljeno prebivalište ili ako je nekretnina vezana uz obavljanje vašeg posla. U tom slučaju morate ostati vlasnikom nekretnine sljedećih deset godina, a ako je prodate prije toga roka, dužni ste platiti puni iznos poreza. U slučaju da ste vlasnik nekretnine postali zamjenom, oba su sudionika zamjene dužna platiti porez na promet nekretnina, a ako ste svoju nekretninu naslijedili po “prvoj liniji” nasljeđivanja, također niste dužni platiti porez. Brojne su i druge iznimke u poreznom zakonu, no one se, baš kao ni ovi primjeri, ne odnose izravno na kupoprodaju. Na kraju, fascikli će još neko vrijeme biti vaši dobri prijatelji jer sve ovo što porezna uprava traži kako bi vam razrezala porez ili vas, eventualno, oslobodila istoga, morate potkrijepiti ovećom hrpom papira – od kupoprodajnog ugovora do dokaza za ste vjenčani/nevjenčani, imate/nemate djece, imate/nemate nekretnina u vlasništvu... Velika je utjeha pritom ta da je ovo doista zadnja “tura” papirologije koja vas očekuje. Osim u slučaju da se odlučite kupiti još neku nekretninu i krenete ispočetka. A u tom slučaju – ne žalimo vas! 35 Advices PURCHASING A REAL ESTATE AND SURVIVING – A BEGINNER’S GUIDE (4) Welcome to the Taxes Kingdom Files will keep being your good friends for a while longer because everything the IRS requires to determine your taxes, or to liberate you from those same taxes, will have to be supported by you with a large pile of papers – from the ownership transfer certificate to proof that you are married/single, have/don’t have kids, own/don’t own any other real estates... The great comfort is that this is truly the last “round” of paperwork that awaits you Written by: Tanja Jadrešiæ A Photo: DalCasa archive nd it is finally a done deal. “My house – my freedom”, the happy new owner thinks while he’s proudly walking around with the ownership certificate and the key to his own real estate, inviting all his friends and acquaintances to take a peek into his new empire. However, it is not over until you give the emperor his possessions, or give the government its possessions. And naturally, those would be the taxes, and we mean all types of taxes that you can come across with. If you’re a beginner in the field of real estate investments, the likely scenario is that you don’t have any previous 36 real estate ownership. In that case, you have reason to be happy, because the government liberates you from a large part of the Real Estate Sales Tax. That tax generally comes at about 5% of the estimated price of the real estate, but if it’s the real estate that solves the residential issue for yourself and your family, you are liberated of paying a significant part of it. The condition that must be fulfilled is that the real estate must be located in your place of residence. If your household has one member, 50 square meters of your real estate are non-taxable, while you will have to pay 5% of taxes on the remainder. If your household (members of the immediate family who will live in the apartment or house) has two members, you are liberated of paying taxes for 65 m2; the liberation for a three-member household goes up to 80 m2, four-member household up to 90 m2, while the five-member household doesn’t have to pay taxes for 100 m2 of the real estate. Therefore, the only condition is that you don’t possess some other real estate that can take care of your residential issue (old houses outside of places of residence, parcels and similar things don’t count). You are also free of paying the Real Estate Sales Tax if you’re buying a parcel that is up to 600 m2 of size, regardless of how many members are featured in your household. The condition in power is also that the parcel is located in your place of residence and that its purpose is construction of the house that will solve your residential issue. But here is the first “catch”: if you’re thinking about selling that real estate less than five years after you bought it, the IRS treats you as someone who didn’t buy the real estate in order to solve the residential issue, and when the sale is preformed, you will be obligated to pay taxes on that determined part that was previously liberated, according to the then-valid buying price or the price that was estimated by the IRS. Also, if you decide to sell your real estate less than three years after buying it, you will be obligated to pay the Profit Tax, because the government treats you like someone who had bought the real estate with intent of further trading. And the Profit Tax comes at 25% of the difference between the price of buying the real estate and the price you achieved when you sold it. You can also count in the additional tax (which is different in every town or county), and there’s your figure to pay. Liberation is also possible in this case: if you prove that you really used the real estate for your and your family’s living purposes, if you’re selling or giving the real estate to your spouse or to the first generation of heirs (your children), or if the reason of the rapid selling is the divorce procedure. New buildings can be taxed in two ways: Sales Tax (5%) or Value Added Tax (VAT). That’s why, when purchasing the newly built real estate, it’s important to establish whether the real estate is in the VAT system or not. That depends on whether it was built after December 31st 1997 or prior to it, whether we buy it from the seller who’s in the VAT system, and if the seller is in the VAT system, whether the VAT makes for a part of the price or not. The fact is, real estates built prior to December 31st 1997 are not in the VAT system and their selling price doesn’t include the VAT. Why is that important? Because the VATtaxed real estate brings the right to deduct the tax prepayment to the buyer who’s paying for it, and ends up costing him significantly less. If we’re talking about a real estate built after the mentioned date, that still doesn’t mean that it fits the VAT system. When a citizen sells the apartment on which he paid the VAT at the buying period, its buyer will pay the 5% of the Real Estate Sales Tax, because the VAT is charged only once, while buying a new apartment. Parcels and public utilities at parcels are not in the VAT system, so you pay the 5% within the Real Estate Sales Tax. Here’s another exception: in case you bought your real estate in an area that is of special concern to the govern- Ako kupujete prvu nekretninu, imate se čemu veseliti jer vas država oslobađa velikoga dijela poreza na promet nekretnina / If you’re buying first real estate you have reason to be happy, because the government liberates you from a large part of the Real Estate Sales Tax ment, you are liberated of paying the Real Estate Sales Tax if that’s where your place of residence is, or if that real estate is connected to you performing your job. In that case, you must remain the owner of the real estate within the next ten years, and if you happen to sell it prior to that limit, you are obligated to pay the full amount of that tax. In case you’ve become the real estate’s owner by substitute, both participants in the substitute must pay the Real Estate Sales Tax, and if you inherited your real estate via “first line” of inheritance, you’re also free of paying the tax. There are many other exceptions in the tax laws, but just like these examples, they’re not connected directly to purchasing a real estate. So eventually, files will keep being your good friends for a while longer because everything the IRS requires to determine your taxes, or to liberate you from those same taxes, will have to be supported by you with a large pile of papers – from the ownership transfer certificate to proof that you are married/single, have/don’t have kids, own/don’t own any other real estates… The great comfort is that this is truly the last “round” of paperwork that awaits you. That is, unless you decide to buy another real estate and start the process all over again. And in that case – don’t expect any sympathy from us! 37 Info Pametni dom - dodirom do savršenstva i sigurnosti 38 Sustav Smartcom upravlja rasvjetom, roletama, klimom i grijanjem, protuprovalnim, protupožarnim i drugim sigurnosnim sustavima... a vlasnik je u mogućnosti vladati svim ovim radnjama i na daljinu Piše: Aleksandar Vrtariæ J este li ikada zamislili luksuzni stan u kojemu se gotovo svakom sitnicom može kontrolirati i upravljati tek dodirom prsta? Vjerujem i da ste više puta zamislili kako bi to bilo kada prigodom svakog odlaska na godišnji odmor ili kraći put ne biste morali brinuti je li s vašim stanom sve u redu. Udobnost, ugo- dno stanovanje, sigurnost i pojednostavljenje svakodnevnih kućnih radnji – uz inovativno i kreativno rješenje tvrtke Smartcom ćete dobiti cijeli paket! Vjerujem da su mnogi čuli za tzv. inteligentne računalne sustave, no “pametni dom” iz tvrtke Smartcom donosi nešto novo, nešto što je toliko jednostavno za upotrebu da ni najvećim informatičkim neznalicama rukovanje neće biti nikakav problem. Dakle, radi se o sustavu koji kombinira najnaprednije softverske, hardverske i komunikacijske tehnologije koje je moguće primijeniti u svakodnevnom životu kako bi se stvorilo idealno okružje te sigurno i ugodno stanovanje. Cijeli sustav temelji se na jednostavnom principu uporabe i u potpunosti je usklađen s “plug & play” mogućnostima kako bi ga svi korisnici s lakoćom naučili primjenjivati. Također, jednom instalirani “pametni” sustav nije potrebno naknadno programirati niti svakih desetak dana zvati servisera, jer se cijeli sustav u potpunosti prilagođava upravo vašim željama i potrebama, a na vama ostaje da samo pritisnete ekran osjetljiv na dodir ili tipku na mobilnom telefonu tipa Smartphone. Što sve može “pametni dom”? Bilo da se radi o jednostavnim ili naprednim radnjama, sustav Smartcom na monitoru centralne konzole prikazuje pregledne ikone koje reagiraju na dodir prsta. Od jednostavnijih radnji tu su regulacija i upravljanje rasvjetom, odnosno spuštanje i podizanje roleta, regulacija klime i grijanja, koje se može obavljati čak i s udaljene lokacije, pa prije povratka sa zimovanja više nećete morati ulaziti u hladan stan. Ikona “vikend program” prigodom odlaska na put će odlično zamijeniti susjede koje više nećete morati angažirati da provjeravaju je li sa stanom sve u redu. Naime, ovaj će program simulirati boravak u stanu – ujutro će se uredno podizati rolete, navečer će se paliti različita rasvjetna tijela i rolete će se spustiti, dok će radi maksimalne sigurnosti sustav Smartcom zatvoriti središnji dovod plina i vode. Kada je u pitanju upravljanje sustavom s udaljene lokacije, tu je i multimedijalna remote kontrola koja omogućava upravljanje sustavom iz drugoga grada, ureda, automobila, pa čak i s broda. One kojima je sigurnost na prvome mjestu svakako će oduševiti činjenica da ovaj pametni sustav obuhvaća i protuprovalni alarm koji jednosmjerno komunicira s ostalim sustavima u domu, što znači da pri detektiranju provale, protuprovalni sustav odmah obavještava sustave koji pale svjetla i spuštaju rolete te bira unaprijed zadani telefonski broj. Na sličan način funkcionira i sustav protiv požara. Senzori sustava protiv poplave detektirat će istjecanje vode i automatski će zatvoriti središnji dovodni ventil i o istoj nezgodi će odmah obavijestiti vlasnika na konzolu za daljinski nadzor, odnosno na telefon. Senzori pametnog sustava također će detektirati previsoku koncentraciju plina i isti će trenutak zatvoriti središnji ventil. Od ostalih mogućnosti svakako valja istaknuti kontrolu ulaska u stan, što znači da ćete pojedinim osobama moći dopustiti ili onemogućiti ulazak u stan u određenom vremenu. Naravno, tu je i mogućnost videonadzora koja zlata vrijedi kada je sigurnost djece u pitanju, no jednako tako je važna i kada je u pitanju sigurnost cijelog objekta. Provjeru stana moguće je vršiti i kada niste u stanu pomoću konzole za daljinski nadzor. Pametni hoteli Osim sustava “pametnih” stanova, tvrtka Smartcom razvila je i tehnološki napredan sustav “pametnog” hotela, koji hotelskom osoblju olakšava i omogućava individualni pristup svakom gostu, a činjenica je da se u hotelu svi vole osjećati ugodno uz maksimalnu dozu udobnosti. Pa što bi to mogao pružati jedan “pametni” hotel? Kako bi vam se svidjelo da vas pri ulasku u hotelski apartman Ovako izgleda najbolji televizor na svijetu. Individual Compose. Slika. Zvuk. Kompozicija. Ovaj jedinstveni tanki televizor sa HDTV prijemnikom možete dizajnirati po svojim željama i pridružiti mu 30 različitih audio sustava. Više na www.loewe.hr Plug&Play. Bednjanska 8. Zagreb. 01 4829 552 Product Design: Loewe Design/Phoenix Design RZ_208x92_Compose_hr.indd 1 30.03.2007 8:48:07 Uhr 39 Uz sustav “Pamentni dom” možete bezbrižno uživati u godišnjem odmoru / “Smart Home” system, you can peacefully enjoy your vacation dočeka ugodna i personalizirana dobrodošlica, popraćena uz predstavljanje grada i mjesta u kojem boravite te svim ljepotama i posebnostima vezanima uz isto mjesto, a temperatura u prostoriji je postavljena na razinu koja vama najviše odgovara? Uz sustav “pametnog” hotela dobiti ćete i mogućnost da birate filmove i glazbu po vlastitoj želji, a također ćete moći postići željeni ambijent u sobi pritiskom na osjetljivi ekran, odnosno odabirom jedne od ikona kao što su “romantika” ili “odmor na terasi”. Dakle, o odabiru ikone ovisi ambijent – rolete će se spustiti ili podići do određene rasvjete, svjetlost će biti jača ili prigušenija, a sve to popraćeno ugodnom i adekvatnom glazbom. Kako je brza i dobra usluga na prvome mjestu tijekom boravka u hotelu, željenu večeru uz odabrani aperitiv ili šampanjac moći ćete obaviti također jednostavnim dodirom osjetljivog ekrana. Osim jela i pića, u sobu se mogu naručiti i novine, knjige, cvijeće, cigarete ili pak obaviti rezervacija rent-a-cara. Pripadnice nježnijeg spola svakako bi razveselila činjenica da dodirom mogu naručiti i frizera, usluge masaže, manikure ili pedikure, dakle sva komunikacija s hotelskim osobljem je posve jednostavna i vrši se preko ekrana osjetljivog na dodir. Uz bežičnu tipkovnicu i plazma ekran, u hotelskom apartmanu može se provjeriti i osobna elektronička pošta, a s lakoćom se s digitalnih fotoaparata dragim osobama mogu poslati i nove fotografije. Jasno, za ugodan ambijent prije odlaska na spavanje i za nezaboravno buđenje, tu su i unaprijed podešene scene “spavanje” i “buđenje”, a na ekranu se nalaze i informacije o vanjskoj i unutarnjoj temperaturi. U “pametnim” hotelima, želje gostiju se instantno prenose osoblju, dok upravi i osoblju hotela sustav Smartcom donosi niz važnih informacija koje se tiču stanja cijelog hotela, a izravno s recepcije moguća je i promjena svih parametara. Dakle, nema sumnje da će se u “pametnom” hotelu svaki gost osjećati baš kao da je u svojoj kući, a uprava i osoblje će definitivno biti posebno ponosni nasmijanim i zadovoljnim gostima. 40 Sustav Pametni dom / Smart home system Info A Smart Home – One Touch Away from Perfection and Safety Smartcom System controls lighting, shades, air conditioning and heating, anti-theft, fire and other security systems… and the owner can operate all of these actions from a distant location Written by: Aleksandar Vrtariæ H ave you ever imagined a luxurious apartment in which almost every little thing can be controlled and handled by a mere touch of the finger? I also believe that you’ve often imagined what it would be like if you wouldn’t have to worry about your apartment every time you leave for a vacation or a short trip. Comfort, pleasant way of life, safety and simplification of every-day housework – this whole package comes with innovative and creative solutions of the “Smartcom” company. I believe many of you heard of the so-called intelligent computer systems, but Smartcom’s “smart home” brings something new, something that is so simple to handle that even those who know nothing about computers won’t have any problems in running this system. Anyway, we are talking about a system that combines the most advanced software, hardware and communication technologies that are potentially applicable in every-day life, in order to create the ideal surrounding and a safe, pleasant way of life. The whole system is based on the simple principle of usage and it is completely in harmony with the “plug & play” possibilities, so that every user can learn to handle it without problems. Also, the once-installed “smart” system doesn’t require re-programming, nor you’ll be needing to call the repairmen every ten days or so, because the whole system completely adjusts to your own wishes and needs, and all you have to do is press the screen that is sensitive on touch or the key on your Smartphone-type mobile phone. 41 Whether we’re talking about simple or advanced operations, the Smartcom system displays clear icons that react to the finger’s touch on its central console’s monitor. Among the more simple operations, we have regulation and managing the lighting, or lowering and raising the shutters, regulation of air-conditioning and heating that can be preformed even from a distant location, so you won’t have to enter a cold apartment again when you return from your winter vacation. The “weekend programme” icon will do a great job of replacing the neighbours when you leave for a trip, as you won’t have to persuade them to check up on your apartment anymore. That’s because this programme will simulate presence in the apartment – shutters will regularly be raised in the morning, various lighting objects will go on in the evening, followed by the lowering of shutters, while the Smartcom system will shut down central gas and water supplies for maximum safety. When we’re talking about 42 controlling the system from a distant location, we have the multimedia remote control that enables you to run the system from another town, office, car, even boat. Those who always put safety in first place will be thrilled by the fact that this smart system encompasses an antiburglary alarm, which communicates with other systems in the home in one direction, which means that when it detects a burglary, it immediately informs the systems that put the lights on and lower the shades, and it also dials the pre-determined phone number. The system for preventing a fire works in a similar way. Sensors of the antiflooding system will detect water leaking and automatically shut down the central supply valve, as well as inform the owner about that accident through a console for remote supervision, or by phone. The smart system’s sensors will also detect increased concentration of gas and will immediately shut down the central valve. As far as other options go, we simply must point out the Sustav “pametnog” hotela / “Smart” hotel system Info control of entrances into the apartment, which means that the system will be capable of allowing or preventing individual people from entering the apartment in a certain period. Naturally, there is also an option of videocontrol, which is pure gold when it comes to children’s safety, but it’s just as important when you think about the safety of the entire object. It’s also possible to supervise your apartment when you’re somewhere else, via your console for remote supervision. Smart Hotels Besides the system of “smart” apartments, the “Smartcom” company has also developed a technologically advanced system of a “smart” hotel, which simplifies and enables the hotel staff to have individual access to every guest, and it’s a fact that everyone wants to feel pleasant in a hotel, as well as have maximum safety. So what is it that you can find in a “smart” hotel? How would you like it if you were greeted with a pleasant, personalized welcome while you’re entering your hotel suite, accompanied by a presentation of the city or the place you’re staying at, featuring all the beauties and special things that are connected to that place, and the room temperature is set to your most-suited degree? The “smart” hotel system will also give you the option of choosing your favourite movies or music, and you will also be able to create the desired ambience in the room by pressing the sensitive screen, or by choosing one of the icons such as “romance” or “relaxing on the terrace”. Therefore, the ambience will adapt depending on which icon you choose – shutters will be lowered or raised to achieve a certain degree of lighting, the light will be brighter or more subtle, and it will all be accompanied by some pleasant and adequate music. Being that the priority of every hotel stay is fast and competent service, you will also be able to choose the preferred dinner, along with an aperitif or champagne, by simply touching the sensitive screen. Besides meals and drinks, you can also order newspapers, books, flowers, and cigarettes, or perform a rent-a-car order from your room. All the female visitors will certainly be thrilled about the fact that they’re one touch away from a hairdresser’s appointment, a massage, manicure or pedicure; simply put, all communication with the hotel staff is completely simple and preformed over a screen that is sensitive to touch. Besides the wireless keyboard and the plasma screen, you can also check your personal e-mails in the hotel suite, and you can also easily send some new photos to your loved ones via digital photo-cameras. Naturally, to secure a pleasant ambience before going to sleep and to have an unforgettable wake-up experience, there are pre-modified scenes “sleeping” and “waking up”, and you can also find information about indoor and outdoor temperature on the screen. In “smart” hotels, the guests’ wishes are instantly transmitted to the staff, while the hotel’s management and personnel will find the Smartcom system to be the source of many important pieces of information regarding the condition of the entire hotel, and they can also change all parameters directly from the reception. Therefore, there is no doubt that “smart” hotels will make every guest feel like he’s in his own house, while the management and the staff will surely be proud when they see the smiles on the guests’ faces. 43 ��������� � ������� ��������� ��������� �������� ���������� ��������� ��������� �������� ������ ��� �������� ��������� ��������� ��������� ��������� �������� ��������� ��������� ������� �������� Vijest i Neostvarena remek-djela arhitekture na okupu Sredinom prošloga mjeseca u Muzeju Mimara je predstavljena knjiga Tomislava Odaka Hrvatska arhitektura dvadesetog stoljeća – neostvareni projekti. Riječ je o djelu koje na drukčiji način ��������� ������������ predstavlja neke od najvećih ����������� �������� ������������ dosega u domaćoj arhitekturi, �������� jer upravo su ta djela ostala bez ����������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� ������� ����������������������������������������������� realizacije. – Neostvareni ostaju ����������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� beskompromisni i poetični pro������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������ jekti, koji sežu u onkraj ustaljenih ���������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� predodžbi svoga vremena pa su ������������������������������������� ���������� ��� ������������������������������������������������ zato utopijske naravi. Izgrađene ������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������ ������������������� ������������������������������������������������ arhitekture nam govore što je ������������������������� ����������������������� ������������������������������������������������� u neko doba bilo prihvatljivo ��������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� – ocijenio je Aleš Vodopivec va����������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������� žnost ovakvog zbornika. ��������������������������������������������������������������� UHA je pokrenula akciju obnove Doma kulture Komiža na Visu, arhitektu Ivi Vitiću najdraže kuće. Ovo je prvi put da se u Hrvatskoj pokreće javna donatorska akcija za revitalizaciju zapuštene zgrade poslijeratne suvremene arhitekture. Cilj akcije je prikupiti sredstva za temeljitu obnovu kuće u budući Kulturni centar “vo Vitić, u skladu s izvornom dokumentacijom objekta i njegovom prvotnom namjenom. Obnova bi trebala stajati oko milijun kuna, a akcija obnove će se odvijati donacijom 1000 kuna za 1000 piksela” preko web stranice http://www.uha.hr/vitic/. Iako je ponajprije namijenjena stručnoj javnosti, mogu joj se priključiti svi zainteresirani za obnovu Vitićeva Doma kulture. ��� The Gathering of Unaccomplished Architecture Masterpieces Dutch architectural star Rem Koolhaas did not make an appeaIn the middle of last month, the Mimara Museum witnessed a presentation of Tomislav Odak’s book Croatian Architecture of the Twentieth Century – Unaccomplished Projects. This is a book that presents a different light on some of the greatest accomplishments of our architecture, because those precise works have never been realised. – Unaccomplished projects remain uncompromising and poetical, as they reach the limits of established conceptions of their time, adding a dimension of utopia to the picture. The realised architecture tells us about what was acceptable in a certain period – Aleš Vodopivec talks about the importance of such collection. Arhitektura i moda u Grožnjanu Od 10. do 19. kolovoza u Grožnjanu će se održavati treći međunarodni simpozij o teoriji i dizajnu u digitalno doba Reality Chic. Ovaj put tema je Arhitektura i moda, a predavanja će održati Britanac Nigel Whiteley i Žarko Paić, dok je za praktični dio zadužen dvojac Penezić i Rogina, uz goste predavače Claudija Cetinu, Neneda Robana, Antonina Saggija i Sašu Begovića. Atraktivna središnja tema odabrana je kao povezivanje često suprotno shvaćenih pojmova – arhitektura kao trajan, stabilan, ozbiljan element, a moda kao trivijalnost i prolaznost, pokušat će se naći u zajedničkim točkama koje nameće potrošač u današnje vrijeme radikalnog individualizma. 44 Tisuću piksela za Vitića A Thousand Pixels for Vitić UHA has started an action to renovate the favourite house of architect Ivo Vitić, the Komiža Culture Dome on the island of Vis. This is the first time in Croatia that we can witness a public donor action to revive a neglected building of contemporary after-war architecture. The goal of the action is to collect the funds for a thorough renovation of the house into the future Ivo Vitić Culture Centre, in line with the original documentation of the object and its primary purpose. The expenses of the renovation should mount up to about a million kunas, and the renovation action will be preformed with a 1000 kunas for 1000 pixels donation, via the http://www.uha.hr/vitic/ website. Although it is mostly targeted towards the professional part of the public, anyone who is interested in the renovation of Vitić’s Culture Dome is more than welcome to join in. Architecture and Fashion in Grožnjan From the 10th to the 19th of August, Grožnjan will host the third international symposium on theory and design in the digital era called Reality Chic. The theme of this gathering is Architecture and Fashion, and the lectures will be held by Nigel Whiteley from Britain and Žarko Paić, while the practical features will be handled by the duo of Penezić and Rogina, alongside guest lecturers Claudio Cetina, Nenad Roban, Antonino Saggi and Saša Begović. The attractive central theme was chosen as a way of connecting two terms that are often put in contrast – architecture as a permanent, stable and serious element, and fashion as something marked by triviality and a short lifespan. These two terms will try to find some common ground that is imposed by the consumer in today’s era of radical individualism. 45 Avant ura Nacionalni park Krka zadivljujuæi vodeni spektar Rijeka Krka je pravi krški fenomen, koji se probija prema Jadranskome moru i u njega ulijeva kod Šibenika, a svojim tokom oblikuje brojna jezera, slapove i brzace 46 Nacionalni park Krka prepun je začuđujućih slika i nudi neponovljiv doživljaj / The National Park Krka is filled with miraculous images and offers a unique experience Piše: Isabella Mikulek O Foto: Turistièka zajednica i arhiva DalCase tkad je prošle godine u promet puštena autocesta Zagreb-Split, često se može vidjeti znatiželjne turiste koji se odmaraju uz cestu upravo prije ulaska u Šibenik, kod mjesta Skradina. Pogled ondje zadovoljava sve ukuse. Mir, tišina, vjetrić, predivna zelena boja rijeke Krke i tek poneka brodica koja se naizgled ne čini stvarnom, kao nacrtanom. Čudesno i primamljivo. No Nacionalni park Krka, koji obuhvaća područje uz rijeku Krku, prepun je začuđujućih slika i nudi neponovljiv doživljaj. Izvor rijeke Krke je pravo kraško vrelo, ali zanimljivo i jedinstveno po tome što se nalazi odmah ispod slapa Topoljski buk, koji stvara Krčić, pritoka rijeke Krke. Slap je visok 22 metra, zimi je nevjerojatno bučan, a ljeti bezvodan. A sama rijeka Krka je pravi krški fenomen, koji se probija prema Jadranskome moru i u njega ulijeva kod Šibenika, a svojim tokom oblikuje brojna jezera, slapove i brza- ce. Krka izvire tri kilometra sjeveroistočno od Knina i teče kroz živopisni kanjon dugačak 75 kilometara, te stvara zadivljujuće bučne slapove: Krčić, Risnjak, Miljacku, Roški slap (26 m) i znameniti Skradinski buk (Slapovi Krke, 46 m) koji je najveća sedrena barijeva u cijeloj Europi. (Sedra, ili travertin, bigar, vapneni mačak, vapnenac je istaložen iz vode koji stalno izgrađuje i podiže sedrene barijere ili pragove te stvara slapove). Donjim tokom rijeka Krka protječe kroz Prukljansko jezero, te utječe u devet kilometara dug Šibenski zaljev. U ovom parku, koji je proglašen nacionalnim parkom 1985. godine, posebno se ističu dva kulturno-povijesna spomenika: franjevački samostan na otoku Visovcu, s vrijednom knjižnicom, i pravoslavni manastir sv. Arhanđela u kojem se čuvaju vrijedne knjige, liturgijski rukopici, ikone i dijelovi crkvene odjeće. Osim njih, tu su i srednjovjekovne utvrde Trošenj i Nečven. U nizu slikovitih naselja 47 na području parka najzanimljiviji je gradić Skradin, koji je i zaštićen kao spomenik kulture. Nacionalni park prostire se na površini od 142,2 četvorna kilometra, a od toga 25,6 četvornih kilometara prekrivaju vodene površine. Devet kilometara nizvodno od Knina je 20 metara visoki slap Bilušić, a slijedi Brljan (15 m), Manojlovac (52 m) i Roški slap (256 m). Skradinski buk su slapovi na rijeci Krki čija voda se prelijeva u kaskadama preko sedrenih barijera. Najveći pad mjeri 45 metara! U njegovu se podnožju miješaju riječna i morska voda. Roški slap čini 12 prekrasnih slapova koji završavaju u prostranom Visovačkom jezeru koje je danas prošireno oko jedan kilometar širine. Obilje vode pogoduje rastu vegetacije, pa uz rijeku nalazimo oko 200 vrsta mediteranskih i submediteranskih biljaka. Ono što ovdje posebno mami jest zrak koji je ovdje čist i tvori egzotičnu mješavinu mirisa vegetacije i bistre vode. Kada su dani sunčani, nad Skradinskim bukom se često pojavi spektar duginih boja. No, najzanimljiviji mnogobrojnim turistima je Visovac, koji je smješten usred proširenja Krke, gdje je zelena voda rastvorila kršku visoravan iznjedrivši harmoničan spoj prirodne i povijesne baštine. Visovac je okružen brdovitim miljevačkim platoom i prelijepim rupskim poljem, čiju lje- 48 potu s mukom težaka sjedinjuju u centru modrine njegova jezera što prkose olujama povijesnih nedaća kroz vjekove. Ono od čega turistima zastaje dah jest neodoljiva, šarmantna hrid u obilju prirode koju su redovnici tijekom stoljeća marljivim radom pretvorili u otok pun stabala, šarenog cvijeća, voća, povrća. U dokumentima se prvi puta spominje u 14. stoljeću, kada je na njemu bio ermitorij. Oko 1445. franjevci su se nastanili na tom otoku, proširili ga dok su se bavili znanošću i odgojem, te izgradili crkvu i samostan 1576. godine, koja je preuređena u 18. stoljeću. Život u rijeci Krki je vrlo bogat. U rijeci obitava oko 18 vrsta riba, od kojih je čak 10 endema, a najveća atrakcija je mekousta pastrva, takozvani tercijalni relikt, što znači da ondje obitava već 70 milijuna godina. Brojnost ptica, pak, NP uvrštava u ornitološki najvrjednija područja Europe. Bez obzira što je NP zaštićena zona, u rijeci se može kupati, čak i unajmiti motorni čamac za vožnju uzvodno sve do Roškog slapa, kanjonskim koritom rijeke, koji će izmamiti uzdahe jer su visoki i do 200 metara, pa se čovjek najednom osjeti vrlo malen pod gorostasnom prirodom, pa sve do jezera Visovca i dalje do Roškog slapa. Ipak u parku je zabranjen lov i ribolov. Ovisno o mjesecu, posjeti variraju, pa tako i cijene ulaznica za NP Burnum, smješten nedaleko od Knina, bio je starorimski vojni logor / Burnum, situated near Knin was Old Roman military camp Krka. Individualne ulaznice za odrasle osobe su od 25 do 80 kuna, za djecu (od 7 do 14 godina) od 15 do 65 kuna. Veliki problem svim slapovima pričinjavaju hidroelektrane zbog kojih u sušnom dijelu godine pojedina slapišta presušuju, što ozbiljno oštećuje sedrene pregrade i njihov živi svijet. Istraživanja biljnog svijeta na Krki počinju još u 18. stoljeću. Tamo ćete zateći hrast crniku, bijeli grab, crni jasen i hrast medunac. Uz obale jezera obilna je močvarna vegetacija: trska, lopoč, lokvanj, sitinac i drugi. Od prisutne faune najzanimljivije su ribe, ptice, vodozemci i gmazovi. U okolnim mjestima Skradinu, Kninu i Primoštenu svaki putnik na proputovanju može pronaći adekvatan smještaj za sebe u apartmanima, sobama ili pansionima. Smještaj i restorane nude i manja mjesta Kistanje, Vrbnik, Čitluk i Mratovo. Šibenik i Vodice nalaze se 30-ak kilometara od NP-a Krka, dok su hoteli u samom parku smješteni u okolici i nude potpunu uslugu, od teniskih terena, restorana, konoba, kafića... Advent ure 49 Franjevački samostan na otoku Visovcu / The Franciscan monastery at the island of Visovac National Park Krka the Enchanting Water Spectrum The river of Krka is a rocky phenomenon, which runs through towards the Adriatic Sea and it flows into it near Šibenik, and its flow shapes many lakes, cascades and rapids Written by: Isabella Mikulek Photo: Tourist Board and DalCasa archive E ver since the Zagreb-Split Highway was opened last year, you could often see curious tourists resting at roadside right before entering Šibenik, at the town of Skradin. That sort of view will satisfy anyone’s preferences. Peace, quiet, little wind, the beautiful green colour of the river of Krka and just a few boats that don’t even seem real at first sight, but rather painted. It’s wonderful and inviting. However, the National Park Krka, which covers the area alongside the river of Krka, is filled with miraculous images and offers a unique experience. 50 The source of the river of Krka is a true rocky well, but what makes it interesting and unique is that it’s located right below a cascade called Topoljski Buk, which is created by Krčić, one of Krka’s confluents. The cascade is 22 metres high and it is incredibly noisy in the winter, while it runs dry in the summer. And the river of Krka itself is one rocky phenomenon, which runs through towards the Adriatic Sea and it flows into it near Šibenik, and its flow shapes many lakes, cascades and rapids. Krka emerges three kilometres northeast of Knin and it flows through a picturesque canyon that is 75 kilometres long, Advent ure Nacionalni park prostire se na površini od 142,2 četvorna kilometra, a od toga 25,6 četvornih kilometara prekrivaju vodene površine / The national park spreads across the surface of 142,2 square kilometres, and 25,6 square kilometres are covered in water surfaces creating some amazingly noisy cascades in the process: Krčić, Risnjak, Miljacka, Roški Slap (26m) and the renowned Skradinski Buk (the cascades of Krka, 46m), which is the largest travertine barrier in the whole of Europe. (Travertine or limestone is produced out of the water that keeps building and raising travertine barriers or boundaries, as well as creating cascades). The bottom flow of Krka flows through Prukljansko Lake, and runs into the Šibenik Gulf, which is nine kilometres long. This park has been proclaimed national in 1985, and it especially prides itself on two cultural and historical monuments: the Franciscan monastery at the island of Visovac, featuring a valuable library, and the Orthodox monastery of St. Archangel, where we can find valuable books, liturgical manuscripts, icons and portions of church clothes. Besides those, we can also visit medieval forts Trošenj and Nečven. Among many picturesque towns in the park’s area, the most interesting one is the little town of Skradin, which is also protected as a cultural monument. The national park spreads across the surface of 142,2 square kilometres, and 25,6 square kilometres are covered in water surfaces. Nine kilometres downstream of Knin, we can find a cascade called Bilušić that is 20 metres high, and it’s followed by Brljan (15m), Manojlovac (52m) and Roški Slap (25m). Skradinski Buk features cascades at the river of Krka where the water flows over across travertine barriers. The biggest fall reaches as much as 45 metres! Its bottom features a combination of river water and seawater. Roški Slap consists of 12 wonderful cascades that end up in the spacious Visovac Lake, which is expanded at about 1 kilometre of wideness these days. The large amount of water tends to increase the growth of vegetation, so we can find about 200 species of Me- diterranean and sub-Mediterranean plants by the river. What is especially alluring in this area is the clean air, which creates an exotic mix of vegetation aroma and pure water. During sunny days, Skradinski Buk is often overlapped by a spectrum of rainbow colours. However, most tourists find Visovac to be most interesting, as it is located in the middle of Krka expansion, where the green water opened up the rocky highland by providing a balanced combination of natural and historical heritage. Visovac is surrounded by the mountainous Miljevci Plateau and the wonderful Rupe Field, with its beauty united with the hard work of local labourers in the centre of its blue lake, as it defies the storms of historical troubles through the ages. What leaves the tourists really breathless is the irresistible, charming cliff in the abundance of nature, which has been turned into an island filled with trees, flowers of various colours, fruit and vegetables by the monks with their hard work through the centuries. It is originally mentioned in some 14th century documents, when it also featured a cloister. The Franciscans inhabited the island around 1445, and proceeded in expanding it while working in science and education. They also built a church and a monastery in 1576, and it was restored in the 18th century. Life in the river of Krka is very rich. The river features about 18 species of fish, and as much as 10 of them are endemic, while the biggest attraction is the Adriatic trout, the so-called tertiary relict, which means that it has inhabited this area for about 70 million years. And it’s the sheer number of bird species that places this national park into the most valuable ornithological areas in Europe. Regardless of the protected character of the national park, the river is open for swimming, and even for renting a motorboat and taking it upstream all the way 51 Advent ure Stara kovačnica / Old blacksmith work shop to Roški Slap along the canyon trough of the river, which is sure to make the tourists sighing because of its 200 metres of height that make a person feel very small in front of the gigantic nature, and then all the way to Visovac Lake and back to Roški Slap. However, the park doesn’t allow any hunting and fishing. Depending on the month, the visitation numbers do a lot of varying, as well as the ticket prices for National park Krka. Individual tickets for adults range between 25 and 80 kunas, and between 15 and 65 kunas for children (age 7-14). The big problem for all cascades is presented in the form of hydroelectric power plants, which cause certain cascade parts to go dry during the rain-deprived part of the year, and that seriously damages travertine barriers and all their living creatures. The research of the flora world at Krka began back in the 18th century. When going there, you’re bound to come across holm oaks, white hornbeams, black ash trees and downy oaks. The lakes’ coastal areas feature various swamp vegetation: reed, laurustine, water lily, soft rush etc. As far as the featured fauna, the majority of interest goes to fish, birds, amphibians and reptiles. In the surrounding towns like Skradin, Knin and Primošten, every traveller can, while passing through, find adequate accommodation for himself in apartments, rooms or pensions. Smaller towns like Kistanje, Vrbnik, Čitluk and Mratovo also offer accommodation and restaurants. Šibenik and Vodice are about 30 kilometres away from National Park Krka, while the hotels in the park itself are located nearby and offer complete service, including tennis courts, restaurants, taverns, coffee shops… Obilje vode pogoduje rastu vegetacije / The large amount of water tends to increase the growth of vegetation Mlinice / Mill house 53 Gast ro Skalinada je mjesto gdje se ljudi druže uz dobar zalogaj i čašu odličnog vina / Skalinada is a place where people hang out alongside a good meal and a glass of excellent wine 54 Kontradikcija opuštenog ambijenta i visoke gastronomije Tijekom boravka u Skalinadi opuštat ćete se uz urbane zvuke s prizvucima alternative, uz puno jazza, soula, bluesa, ali i rocka. U prostoru od 50 četvornih metara stvoren je ugođaj tople intime, s puno drva i toplih sunčanih boja, istodobno moderno i zanimljivo Piše: Isabella Mikulek S vaki grad, svako manje mjesto ili naselje u njemu, krije neka svoja lokalna okupljališta, mjesta na kojima se raspredaju razne priče i živi mladost. Takvo je i mjesto izvan centra Voloskog, nekada poznato po imenu “Buffet Skalinada”, danas šaljivog naziva “Mala krčma Skalinada”, ali uvijek omiljeno okupljalište mladih Opatijaca i Riječana, a sve češće i Zagrepčana, kojima je Volosko vrlo blizu. “Skalinada” je i danas sjecište lokalne rock scene. I sam vlasnik Aleksej Červar prijašnjih je godina s društvom pohodio “Buffet Skalinada”. Tada još nije znao da će u budućnosti preurediti lokal u kojem će se okupljati neka nova stara urbana populacija mladih ljudi i studenata. – Prijašnja vlasnica je otišla u mirovinu 2004. godine, a ja sam prostor otkupio i polako ga preuređivao. Iako sam po zanimanju inženjer računarstva, te sam dugo živio izvan Hrvatske, nakon povratka u staro Volosko, dijelom i zbog sentimentalnih razloga, a dijelom jer sam želio pokrenuti malo drukčiju gastronomiju u opatijskom kraju, otvorio sam lokal 2005. godine – rekao nam je Aleksej Červar, koji se te godine u gastronomiju “bacio” punim plućima. Kako je oduvijek uviđao nedostatak određene vrste gastronomske ponude u svom rodnom kraju, pun ideja prionuo je na posao ne bi li stvorio urbani lokal koji bi arhitektonski i socijalno bio integriran u ambijent starog Voloskog. Iako mlad i pun “modernih ideja”, nije zanemario gastronomsku tradiciju istarske i naročito opatijske regije, čemu, dapače, pridaje veliku važnost. – Tip lokala koji me inspirirao jesu talijanske enoteke ili španjolski tapas barovi. Dakle, mjesta na kojima se ljudi druže uz dobar zalogaj i čašu odličnog vina. Želja mi je potaknuti potrošnju kvalitetnih buteljiranih vina, koja bi morala postati dio svakodnevne konzumacije. Ona su nepošteno zapostavljena, što zbog nepotrebno visokih cijena, neznanja ili mistifikacije od strane ugostitelja i potrošača. Ambiciozni ugostitelj zato naglasak stavlja na hrvatska vina, posebice istarska. A “Skalinada” ima sjajnu vinsku ponudu, sve vrsna renomirana imena, poput Radovana, Cattunara, Coronice... 55 Gast ro Puno drva i toplih sunčanih boja / Lots of wood and warm sunny colours 56 U prostoru od 50 četvornih metara stvoren je ugođaj tople intime, s puno drva i toplih sunčanih boja, istodobno moderno i zanimljivo. Interijer je pomogao osmisliti poznati, sada već preminuli, opatijski arhitetkt Abel Šlosar. A za cjelokupno uređenje Červar je utrošio 400.000 kuna. Oni koji su prije zalazili u ovaj lokal sada ga ne prepoznaju. – Ostavili smo tek nekoliko komada originalnog namještaja za one koji su ovdje proveli veći dio svoje mladosti i sentimentalno su vezani uz ovo mjesto. Šanku je promijenjen položaj i presvučen je hrastovinom. Ostali stolovi i stolice, od kojih svaki “priča svoju priču”, izrađeni su ručno, u Sloveniji, od ruke Mirana Pešiča, kombiniranjem najkvalitetnijih drva – orahovine, hrastovine, trešnje, kruške i breze – kako bi postigao raznolikost tekstura i boja – s ponosom je istaknuo Červar, te dodao kako su na nekim mjestima na zidu skinuti dijelovi žbuke i opeke ne bi li se doprlo do originalnih kamenih zidova, a tu im se ukazao i stari dimni otvor s ognjišta kovačnice. “Skalinada” svoje goste ugošćuje i na vanjskoj terasi, veličine 30 četvornih metara, koja je smještena u debelom hladu starog divljeg kestena. I ondje se mogu kušati jela koja su osmislili vlasnik i glavna kuharica Srđana Jetvić. Vodila ih je jednostavna misao kako se na jelovniku trebaju naći jela spravljena od sezonskih svježih namirnica. Stil ove kuhinje je mediteranski, a u kuhinji nema drugog do maslinova ulja. – To je zapravo kombinacija morske hrane, raznog povrća s utjecajima građanske opatijske kuhinje i šire regije. Nudimo tako fritaju s paski, kao nešto vrlo specifično i lokalno. Paski na dijalektu znače “češnjakove madice” koje biljka izbacuje prije cvatnje, a na tržnicama ih se može naći samo u lipnju, nježne su arome i hrskave teksture. Naši gosti jako vole i divlje šparoge, na primjer manštre s hobotnicama i šparogama ili rižota. Zatim puževi koje služimo s palentom, paštafažol na brudet, slanutak s ribom, koji su recimo specijaliteti težačke kuhinje, osobito s otoka Visa – nije se zaustavljao gorljivi vlasnik, te nam nabrajao jela koja je kušao na svojim putovanjima Hrvatskom i uvrstio ih na jelovnik “Skalinade”. Silno je ponosan i na toplu salatu od hobotnice s bobom i kaparima, bakalar s mlijekom i krumpirom ili pak tripicama ili bijelim grahom. Neizostavan je i rižoto u kombinaciji sa sipom, tartufima, vrganjima i kozicama, a spektakularan je crveni rižoto s ciklom. A opet malo tko ostaje bez zazubica kada mu na stol stigne istarski pršut Mladena Dujmovića, ili malene kobasice i salame koje spravlja domaćinstvo u Munama na Ćićariji, ili pak ovčji sir iz Savičetine. Nitko se ne mora brinuti za cijene, one su pristupačne. Zanimljivo je da je ova mlada publika u “Skalinadi” i te kako upućena u dobra jela i vina. No nikako ne zaboravljaju svoj užurbani svijet pa im je u lokalu ponuđena i besplatna internetska veza. Tijekom boravka ondje ćete se opuštati uz urbane zvuke s prizvucima alternative, uz puno jazza, soula, bluesa, ali i rocka. U lokalu je zadržan domaći ambijent, rekli bismo, proširenog dnevnog boravka, a autor je htio postići dimenziju humora i začudnosti u istom trenu, pa je i sam lokal pomalo ironično i nazvao “mala krčma” te ga ukrasio simbolom razlistanog kupusa. – Upravo ta kontradikcija između opuštenog ambijenta i “visoke” gastronomije u nevjericu baca goste, ali ih mi odmah razoružamo našom ponudom – objašnjava vlasnik, kojeg zbog dugogodišnjeg članstva u Slow food organizaciji, vodi načelo lokalne ponude, s naglaskom na kvaliteti, uz izbjegavanje industrijskih proizvoda. Gast ro A Contradiction of Relaxed Ambience and “High” Gastronomy During your time in Skalinada, you will find yourself relaxing to urban sounds with hints of the alternative, with lots of jazz, soul, blues, but also rock. Within the 50 square meters of the tavern, an ambience of warm intimacy is created, with lots of wood and warm sunny colours, and it is modern and interesting at the same time Written by: Isabella Mikulek 57 Gast ro E very city, every smaller town or one of its settlements hides one of its own gathering places, where you go through all kinds of tales and live your youth. One of those places can be found just outside the centre of Volosko, once known by the name of “Buffet Skalinada”, and amusingly referred to as “Little Tavern Skalinada” these days, and it is still the favourite gathering place of young people from Opatija and Rijeka, but increasingly also from Zagreb, which is fairly close to Volosko. “Skalinada” remains the focal point of the local rock scene to this very day. Owner Aleksej Červar himself has frequented “Buffet Skalinada” with his friends over the years. At that time, he had no idea that he would eventually renovate the place, which would become the gathering place for the new/old urban population of young people and students. - The previous owner decided to retire in 2004, and I bought the place and slowly started to renovate it. Although I’m a computer engineer by profession and I spent a lot of time living out of Croatia, after returning to old Volosko for sentimental reasons, but also because I wanted to start a slightly different gastronomy in the region of Opatija, I opened the tavern in 2005 – Aleksej Červar told us, as he went full speed into the field of gastronomy that year. Being that he always realised the absence of a certain kind of gastronomic offering in his native area, he started to work on this project with a bunch of ideas in order to create an urban tavern, which would be integrated into the ambience of archaic Volosko in architectonic and social terms. Although young and full of “modern ideas”, he didn’t ignore the gastronomic tradition of Istria or par- 58 Buzara od dagnji / Stewed mussles ticularly Opatija; on the contrary, he finds great importance in those aspects. - The types of establishments that inspired me are Italian wine bars or Spanish “tapas” bars. Those are the places where people can just hang out alongside a good meal and a glass of excellent wine. It was my desire to encourage the consumption of quality-bottled wine, which should become a part of every-day consummation. Those types of wine are unfairly neglected, either because of unnecessarily high prices, ignorance or mystification by restaurant owners or the consumers. That’s why the ambitious tavern owner emphasizes the importance of Croatian wine, especially Istrian brands. And “Skalinada” has an excellent wine list filled with terrific renowned names, such as Radovan, Cattunaro, Coronica… Within the 50 square meters of the tavern, an ambience of warm intimacy is created, with lots of wood and warm sunny colours, and it is modern and interesting at the same time. The interior was co-designed by the famous, now deceased, architect from Opatija Abel Šlosar. And the overall expenses of the renovation cost Červar about 400.000 kunas. Those who previously frequented this establishment have a hard time recognizing it now. - We only left several pieces of original furniture for those who spent a large part of their youth in this place, and are sentimentally attached to it. The bar’s position was changed and it got covered in oak wood. The other tables and chairs, every one of which “tells its own story”, were hand-made in Slovenia by Miran Pešič, who combined various types of quality wood – walnut, oak, cher- Skalinada ima sjajnu vinsku ponudu / Skalinada has an excellent wine list ry, pear and birch – in order to achieve the diversity of textures and colours – Červar proudly pointed out, and then added that they removed mortar and brick parts at some sections of the walls in order to reach the original stone walls, and they also found an old funnel from the blacksmith’s fireplace. “Skalinada” also hosts its guests on the outside terrace, which takes up about 30 square meters and it is located in the deep shade of an old wild chestnut. You can also go there and taste those meals that were designed by the owner and head chef Srđana Jetvić. They were led by the simple idea that their menu should consist of meals that were made from season fresh groceries. The style of this cuisine is Mediterranean, and the kitchen acknowledges none other than olive oil. - It’s actually a combination of seafood, various vegetables and influences of bourgeois cuisine from Opatija and the outer region. Our offering includes “paska” scrambled eggs, as it’s something very specific and local. “Paska” stands for “garlic grafts” in our dialect, and they get ejected by the plant prior to blossoming, and they can only be found on markets in June, while having a gentle aroma and crispy texture. Our guests have great appetite for wild asparagus, and example of that is pasta with octopuses and asparagus or a risotto. Then we have snails that are served along with polenta, pasta and beans with fish stew, chickpea with fish, which would be the specialties of the common man’s cuisine, especially from the island of Vis – you just couldn’t stop the enthusiastic owner, as he was counting down the meals he had on his many travels across Croatia, only to place them at the “Skalinada” menu. He’s also mighty proud of his warm octopus salad with beans and caper, as well as codfish with milk and potatoes, or maybe tripe or white beans. You can’t leave out the risotto combined with cuttlefish, truffles, Boletus mushrooms and large shrimps, and the spot of being absolutely spectacular would go to red risotto with beet. Then again, not many people lose their appetites when they see Istrian prosciutto, courtesy of Mladen Dujmović, being served at their table, as well as some small sausages or salami, which are being provided by households from Mune, Ćićarija; there is also the sheep-milk cheese from Interijer je pomogao osmisliti poznati, sada već preminuli arhitetkt Abel Šlosar / The interior was co-designed by the famous, now deceased, architectAbel Šlosar Istarski pršut Mladena Dujmovića / Mladen Dujmović’s Istrian prosciutto Savičetina. Nobody has to be concerned with prices, as they are perfectly accessible. What’s interesting is that this young audience in “Skalinada” knows plenty about fine meals and wine. But they still can’t put their speedy outside worlds out of their minds, so they do have free Internet access at their disposal in the tavern. During your time here, you will find yourself relaxing alongside urban sounds with hints of the alternative, with plenty of jazz, soul, blues, but also rock. The tavern managed to keep the local ambience present, as it resembles to something close to an expanded living room, and the author wanted to achieve a dimension of humour and astonishment at the same time, so he was more than a little ironic when he called the establishment “little tavern” and decorated it with a symbol of peeled cabbage. - It’s precisely that contradiction of relaxed ambience and “high” gastronomy that brings suspicion onto the faces of our guests, but they are promptly disarmed by our offering – the owner explains, and due to his multiyear membership in the “Slow Food” organization, he is led by the principle of local offerings that puts emphasis on quality, while avoiding industrial products. 59 Fine st vari Buduænost u Armanijevoj izvedbi Svevremeni “liječnički” format ženske torbe, u manjoj verziji i lakiranoj srebrnoj boji, izišao je iz dizajnerske radionice Emporio Armani i nije za svakoga: Armanijeva torba idealna je za hrabre trendseterice koje se ne boje futurističkih detalja, a u kriznim situacijama može im koristiti i kao - zrcalo. Armanijeve torbe mogu se pronaći i u Zagrebu, u Ulici Frane Petrića. Titan vlada Berlonijem Berloni nas svake godine iznenadi novitetima u ponudi: program Fly predstavljen je na prošlome milanskom Saloneu, a uz poznate elegantne nijanse, u novim se verzijama dizajna pojavljuju i srebrna i zlatna kao završne boje, materijali poput titana i aluminija, kao i dosta cvjetnoga uzorka. Ultimativni dokaz kvalitete: baza novih sofa i fotelja iz prestižne Berlonijeve linije također se može izraditi od titana. Halo? Ovdje Porsche Ovakve su kolaboracije već viđene, ali rijetko s ovako raskošnim rezultatom: Porsche Design i francuski proizvođač mobitela Sagem stvorili su malo čudo dizajna s prvim mobitelom koji nosi prestižno ime Porsche P’9521. Aluminij i mineralno staklo su glavni materijali izrade, mobitel prepoznaje vlasnika prema otisku prsta, ekran modela se rotira za 180° i postaje ekran 3,2-megapikselne kamere, s mogućnošću korištenja kao mp3 player, uz tri zvučnika... Treba li dalje nabrajati? Ljepotan će biti u prodaji ove jeseni, ali samo na europskom tržištu. 60 Future Demonstrated by Armani The timeless “doctor” format of the woman’s purse, in a smaller version and featuring a varnished silver colour, has just emerged out of the “Emporio Armani” designer workshop, and it’s not for everyone: the Armani purse is ideal for those brave trendsetter ladies who are not afraid of futuristic details, and they can also use the purse as – a mirror in situations of crisis. The Armani purses can also be found in Zagreb, in Frane Petrić Street. Titanium Rules Berloni Berloni manages to surprise us every year by offering some novelties: the Fly Programme was presented at the last Salone in Milan, and along with recognisable elegant shades, the new design versions also feature silver and gold as the finishing colours, as well as materials like titanium and aluminium, and plenty of floral patterns. The ultimate proof of quality: The base of new sofas and armchairs from the prestigious Berloni line can also be made out of titanium. Hello? Porsche Speaking This is not the first time we’ve seen these types of collaborations, but rarely is the result so sumptuous: Porsche Design and French cell-phone manufacturer Sagem have created a little design miracle with the first cell-phone that carries the prestigious name of Porsche P’9521. Aluminium and mineral glass are the main materials that were used, the cell-phone recognises its owner via fingerprints, the model screen rotates itself for 180° and becomes a screen for a 3,2-mega-pixel camera, and it can also be used as an mp3 player that features three speakers… Do we need to keep going? This beauty is hitting the stores this fall, but exclusively on the European market. Folder za folder Nema kraja igrama s USB stickovima: dizajner Art Lebedev odlučio je foldere izbaciti na vidjelo osmislivši memory stick u poznatome obliku. Tako je rođen “Folderix”, idealan za one kojima je moderna tehnologija dovoljno strano tijelo da povremeno zaboravljaju namjenu “te čudne stvari na mom stolu”. Luxuries Folder for Folder There is just no end to playing with USB sticks: designer Art Lebedev has decided to bring folders into the spotlight by designing a memory stick in a familiar shape. That led to the birth of “Folderix”, which is ideal for those who find modern technology to be such a foreign object that they sometimes forget the purpose of “that weird thing on my desk”. Univerzalni toster Jedan od malih svakodnevnih kućnih pomagala s kojim se dizajneri nisu previše igrali jest toster. Toj je praksi stao na kraj George Watson, osmislivši keramički toster koji peče i zagrijava tost, a služi i kao fantastična metoda serviranja. Watson je za svoju inovaciju dobio i prvu nagradu na ovogodišnjem Macefu, tradicionalnoj izložbi kućnih potrepština, u konkurenciji od 5000 natjecatelja. The Universal Toaster One of the small everyday domestic helpers that weren’t overplayed with by designers is the toaster. George Watson sure put an end to that by designing a ceramic toaster that bakes and heats the bread up, and it is also used as a fantastic serving method. Watson received the top award for his innovation at this year’s Macef, the traditional exhibition of household appliances, in the competition of 5000 contestants. Posuðe na sigurnom Anna Lopez udahnula je novi život perilici posuđa odlučivši je smanjiti i tretirati kao modul s dvostrukom funkcijom u kućanstvu, koji više nije samo perilica nego, jednim dijelom, i spremište čistoga posuđa. Iskrenost nalaže priznanje kako se i konvencionalne perilice često koriste kao spremišta, ali modularno djelo Anne Lopez ipak je nešto drugo... The Dishes Are Safe Anna Lopez has given a breath of life to the dishwasher, as she decided to shrink it and treat it as a module with a double function in the household – it is no longer merely a dishwasher, it is partly also a repository for clean dishes. Now if we’re honest, conventional dishwashers are also often used as repositories, but this Anna Lopez’s modular object is something different… Pripremila / Edited by: Aurelija Vukušiæ 63 Četrdeset godina rada Jadrana Lazića na putujućoj humanitarnoj izložbi AMERIÈKI SAN hrvatskoga fotografa Mickey Rourke snimljen na Tahitiju / Mickey Rourke photographed on Tahiti 64 Dodir umjet nost i Piše: Aurelija Vukušiæ Čak 250 portreta najpoznatijih svjetskih lica, od hollywoodskih zvijezda do slavnih političara, okrunjenih glava ili sportaša, moći će se do kraja godine vidjeti na izložbama u Splitu, Rijeci, Trogiru, Rovinju i Zagrebu M alo je onih koji nikada nisu čuli za Jadrana Lazića, i to ne samo u Hrvatskoj. Nakon četrdeset godina karijere fotografa, od kojih je većina provedena “preko bare”, u hollywoodskoj tvornici snova, Jadrana Lazića, ne bez razloga, zovu jednim od najutjecajnijih Hrvata u svijetu. A svoj je ugled i status stekao pogledom kroz kameru, bez puno riječi, ali s puno uspješnih djela. Dio svojega fantastičnog fotografskog opusa Lazić je, slaveći četiri duga desetljeća postojanja na sceni na kojoj je samo mijena stalna, konačno odlučio podijeliti i s domaćom publikom. Izložba 250 Lazićevih portreta koji su nastajali tijekom čitave njegove karijere bit će tako, u organizaciji fotogalerije Lang iz Samobora, od 6. do 20. kolovoza u sklopu Splitskoga ljeta predstavljena publici njegova rodnoga grada, a zatim će je do kraja godine moći vidjeti i Zagrepčani, Riječani, Rovinjani i Trogirani. Johny Depp I to je možda najbolji i najsveobuhvatniji način da se u jednome dahu upozna jedna nesvakidašnja priča, u kojoj je, s jedne strane, uvijek bio zaigrani, hrabri i pomalo avanturistički raspoloženi splitski momak, dok su se, s druge strane, mijenjala lica, uvijek ona najpoznatija, najglamuroznija, ona za kojima je ludovao ili luduje čitav svijet. Za Lazića su ona bila modeli, a on je ostao – artist. Ne paparazzo (iako se nikada neće riješiti titule prvoga hrvatskoga paparazza), ne nasilnik, kako uvijek voli naglasiti – nastojao je i u vremenima kad fer igra više nije na cijeni ostati fer igrač, ne ulaziti u intimni prostor osobe bez dopuštenja, zvala se ona Robert de Niro ili Jodie Foster. S mnogima od svjetskih “celebrityja” Lazić je zahvaljujući svome poslu postao i prijatelj, ali mnogi su ga i razočarali. No, i to je dio američkog sna, onog istoga koji ga je osamdesetih godina prošloga stoljeća natjerao da se trajno preseli u Los Angeles i tamo osnuje vlastitu, danas iznimno uspješnu fotografsku agenciju. – Radeći u Hollywoodu, naučio sam jednu vrlo važnu stvar, da je, kad nešto doista jako želiš, sve moguće – govori ovaj fotograf koji svoje fotografije već godinama objavljuje u najpoznatijim svjetskim lifestyle magazinima, ali jednako tako surađuje i s domaćim izdanjima, ocjenjujući ih vrlo kvalitetnima u svjetskim razmjerima. 65 66 Tric ula Pa Retrospektivna izložba na kojoj se predstavlja 40 godina nečijeg rada, posebno ako je taj rad podložan “prolaznosti” materijala, kako su to ponekad fotografije, zahtijeva i izniman trud u prikupljanju i selekciji. Tako će se u Splitu, Zagrebu, Rijeci, Rovinju i Trogiru moći vidjeti stari hollywoodski glamur, portreti s crvenih tepiha, kraljevski dvorovi, državnici, sportaši, na fotografijama koje su nastajale u Splitu, Parizu, Los Angelesu, Iraku... Tako atraktivan i kod nas rijetko viđen postav zasigurno neće privući samo ljubitelje fotografije, nego i desetke znatiželjnika koje će inspirirati pogled na njihove idole u običnim ili neobičnim situacijama. Ono po čemu je retrospektivna izložba Jadrana Lazića također posebna jest njezin humanitarni karakter: naime, sav prihod od dobrotvorne večere i aukcije fotografija koja će se održati nakon posljednje izložbe u Zagrebu, namijenjen je Odjelu za fizikalnu terapiju za djecu u splitskoj bolnici. – Kad sam od prijatelja dr. Tinka Roje doznao i vidio da ti ljudi rade na 30 četvornih metara, nisam mogao vjerovati. To me dirnulo i zbog toga sam bio spreman na brojne organizacijske muke koje su uslijedile, jer nije bilo lako pribaviti cijeli opus, koji je nastajao gotovo 40 godina – kaže Jadran Lazić. Sav taj trud autoru će se vratiti kroz dodatno učvršćivanje zvjezdanog statusa, koji je u Hrvatskoj ionako nedodirljiv, a svima ostalima služit će kao putokaz kako svaki san valja barem pokušati dosanjati do kraja. A dok Hrvati budu uživali u pogledu na prvu ligu svjetskih faca u Lazićevoj interpretaciji, on će svoju kameru odložiti do jeseni, uživajući, kao i svake godine, u čarobnom hvarskom ljetu, još jednom od njegovih, sasvim intimnih snova. key Jack Nicholson Touch of art Jadran Lazić s Jodie Foster na početku karijere u Parizu / Jadran Lazić and Jodie Foster at the beginning of his career in Paris Forty years of Jadran Lazić’s work at a travelling charity exhibition Croatian Photographer’s AMERICAN DREAM As many as 250 portraits of the world’s most famous faces, from Hollywood stars to famous politicians, crowned heads or sportspeople, will be on display until the end of the year at exhibitions in Split, Rijeka, Trogir, Rovinj and Zagreb T here are very few people who have never heard of Jadran Lazić, and not just in Croatia. After forty years of his career as a photographer, most of which were spent on the other side of the ocean, in Hollywood’s factory of dreams, Jadran Lazić is rightfully referred to as one of the most influential Croatians in the world. He has gained his reputation and status by looking through a camera, without many words, but with many successful pieces of work. Lazić has finally decided, by celebrating four long decades of presence on a scene where everything is always changing, to share a portion of his fantastic overall photographic work with Croatia’s audience. The exhibition of 250 Lazić’s portraits, which have been taken throughout his entire career, will be presented, in the organisation of Lang photo-gallery from Samobor, to his hometown audience from August Written by: Aurelija Vukušiæ Sophia Loren 67 Touch of art Harrison Ford 68 6th to August 20th within the Split Summer, and then it will be on display for people of Zagreb, Rijeka, Rovinj and Trogir until the end of the year. That might just be the best and the most embracive way to be introduced to this unusual story in just one take; a story that featured this playful, brave and somewhat adventurewilling young fellow from Split on one side, while the other side featured the ever-changing string of faces, always the most famous and glamorous ones, which were or still are the object of hysteria in the entire world. For Lazić, they were nothing more than models, while he has always remained – an artist. Not a paparazzo (although he will never lose the title of the first Croatian paparazzo), not a bully, as he likes to point out – he has always done his best, even at these times when fair play doesn’t really lead anywhere, to remain a fair player and not to invade someone’s personal space without their permission, even if that someone is Robert de Niro or Jodie Foster. Thanks to his work, Lazić has befriended many world celebrities, but many of them have disappointed him as well. That’s all part of the American dream, though, the same dream that made him permanently move to Los Angeles in the 1980s and start his own, these days very successful, photo-agency. – By working in Hollywood, I learned a very important thing, and that is that when you really want something, anything is possible – says this photographer who has been publishing his photos in the most famous lifestyle magazines of the world for years, but has also been working with some Croatia’s editions, and he insists that they have very good quality even in international terms. A retrospective exhibition that is supposed to present 40 years of someone’s work, especially if that work is subject to the “passage of time” of material, as it sometimes happens to photos, demands a tremendous effort in the process of assembling and selecting that work. Therefore, Split, Zagreb, Rijeka, Rovinj and Trogir will be able to take a glance at old Hollywood glamour, portraits from red carpets, royal palaces, statesmen and famous athletes, as they were photographed in Split, Paris, Los Angeles, Iraq… Such an attractive display that doesn’t visit this area all that often will surely not only draw lovers of photographic art, but also dozens of curious folks who will be inspired by looking at their idols in ordinary or not-so-ordinary situations. One more thing that makes this Jadran Lazić’s retrospective so special is its charity character: as it happens, all the proceeds from the charity dinner and the auction of photographs, which will take place after the final exhibition in Zagreb, will be given to the Department of Physical Therapy for Children in the hospital in Split. – When I found out from my friend dr. Tinko Roje and saw with my own eyes that these people do their job within 30 square meters, I couldn’t believe it. That touched me and made me prepared for numerous organization troubles that followed, because it wasn’t easy to get hold of my overall work, which was created in the period of 40 years – Jadran Lazić says. All that author’s effort will be rewarded by further establishing his star status, which is untouchable in Croatia anyway, and it will serve as an indicator to all the others that every dream should be taken to its limits. And while Croatians are enjoying their view at the A-list of world celebrities in Lazić’s interpretation, he will put his camera away till autumn, and will enjoy himself, just like every year, in the magical summer of Hvar, which is another of his preciously intimate dreams. Sean Penn Meryl Streep 69 Mramor, drvo, čelik, kamen, pijesak, konop, pamuk... materijali su karakteristični za Mykonos / Marble, wood, steel, stone, sand, rope, cotton… are the characteristic materials for Mykonos Piše: Aurelija Vukušiæ Interijeri Hotel Belvedere jedan je od najluksuznijih predstavnika tzv. cikladske arhitekture Mykonos za one koji ele više Hotel je nastao na temeljima nekadašnjega privatnog imanja čiji je “highlight” svakako golemo dvorište, a bogomdani smještaj Belvederea na nadmorskoj visini s koje puca pogled na grad i more donio mu je dah prestiža. Belvedere zapravo izgleda kao da je stalni fotoset nekog ekskluzivnog modnog editorijala 70 P oput mlađega brata – zloglasne španjolske Ibize, grčki otok Mykonos, jedan od sjevernih Ciklada, krajem prošlog stoljeća postao je najpoznatiji po razuzdanim ljetnim zabavama koje su podjednako privlačile i heteroseksualce i gay “party animals”. Okružen rajskim plažama i oplemenjen savršenom grčkom arhitekturom “bijelo na bijelo s modrom podlogom” – kao da ga je dizajnirao Calvin Klein – Mykonos je bio nezaobilazno odredište trendsetera željnih slobodne ljubavi i još slobodnije zabave. A onda su neki mudri ljudi s otoka shvatili da im takva reputacija više zatvara vrata nego što ih otvara i polako se upustili u “rebranding” Mykonosa. Alkoholu, drogi i technu suprotstavili su chill-out, uživanje u moru, suncu i dobroj hrani, nastojeći ponovno uspostaviti izgubljenu ravnotežu i vratiti dio izgubljenoga turističkog potencijala. U sobama prevladava bijela boja / White colour dominates in the rooms Svaka soba hotela, osim nekoliko najmanjih, ima svoj balkon ili terasu / Every room in the hotel, except for the few smallest ones, has its own balcony or a terrace Jedan od rezultata takvog ponovnog promišljanja Mykonosa kao destinacije jest i hotel Belvedere, sa svojih pet zvjezdica perjanica ovdašnjeg turizma i raj za umorne oči putnika. Nastao je na temeljima nekadašnjega bogatog privatnog imanja čiji je highlight svakako golemo dvorište, a bogomdani smještaj Belvederea na nadmorskoj visini s koje puca pogled na grad i more sa stalnim plavo-bijelim motivima, donio mu je dah prestiža. Sa zasluženim članstvom u “Small Luxury hotels of the world”, Belvedere zapravo izgleda kao da je stalni fotoset nekog ekskluzivnog modnog editorijala. Mramor, drvo, čelik, kamen, pijesak, konop, pamuk... materijali su karakteristični za vjetroviti i sunčani otok, a korišteni su u izobilju i u interijeru i eksterijeru hotela. Svaka od 39 soba i šest apartmana, raspoređenih u šest zgrada koje okružuju veličanstveni bazen nepravilnog oblika i svježi mediteranski vrt, drukčije je dizajnirana, ali osnovni cikladski elementi i (ne)boje svima su zajednički. Svaka soba hotela, osim nekoliko najmanjih, ima svoj balkon ili terasu, lijep pogled na raskošno dvorište ili još ljepši na gradić i morsko plavetnilo. Sve su sobe opremljene na način kako to zahtijeva visoka kategorija (bežični telefon koji se može koristiti bilo gdje u hotelu, voice-mail, klimatizacijski uređaji, satelitski programi LCD TV, DVD, brzi i bežični pristup internetu), a svim je gostima na raspolaganju i luksuzno opremljena fitness dvorana (koja svojom teatralnom rasvjetom i drugim neočekivanim detaljima mami na boravak i one koji nisu ljubitelji vježbanja), jacuzzi, sauna, masaže i razni organski aromaterapijski tretmani, biblioteka i fonoteka, “internet point”... Braća Nikolas i Tasos Ioannidis upravljaju Belvedereom od 1995. godine, a hotel je 2003., i ponovno dvije godine kasnije, doživio temeljitu preobrazbu u skladu s proklamiranim novim smjerom turizma Mykonosa. Od 2003. vrlo važan dio hotela čini i restoran-sushi bar Matsuhisa, jedan od najslavnijih lanaca japanskih restorana Nobu, nazvanih tako po legendarnom chefu Nobuyukiju Matsuhisi, koji je osmislio dotad nezamislivi spoj japanske i peruanske kuhinje. Posebnost Nobua u Belvedereu jest 71 Interijeri Belvedere izgleda kao da je stalni fotoset nekog ekskluzivnog modnog editorijala / Belvedere looks as a constant photoset of some exclusive fashion editorial Bogomdani smještaj Belvederea na nadmorskoj visini s koje puca pogled na grad i more / The Godgiven location of Belvedere at the altitude that overlooks the city and the sea što je jedini na svijetu na otvorenome, baš kao i većina ostaloga života hotela, ali zbog toga restoran radi samo od sredine lipnja do kraja rujna. A uz jedinstvenu hranu majstora Nobua, tu je i pripadajući raskošni vinski podrum s više od 5000 boca i malom vinskom bibliotekom. Ovdje se vodeći grčki vinari svake godine okupljaju kako bi predstavili svoja najbolja vina, a sve ostalo vrijeme na raspolaganju je gostima hotela (i ne samo njima) za kušanje, posjete i učenje o enologiji. Interijeru vinoteke pristupilo se također vrlo ozbiljno, a za njezin izgled zaslužan je dizajner Agelos Agelopulos. Sva ova ekskluziva može se dobiti po prilično ekskluzivnim cijenama: izvan sezone, najskromnija soba u ho- 72 telu (a te su veličine od 17 do 20 četvornih metara) stoji nešto više od 100 eura, dok najskuplji i najluksuzniji apartmani u visokoj sezoni zapadaju i do 560 eura na dan. Ono što treba znati svaki putnik koji želi odsjesti u Belvedereu jest da je ovo “outdoor” hotel, hotel u kojemu se najbolje i najkvalitetnije uživa – vani. Svi zatvoreni prostori ovdje su u drugom planu, a vizure otoka, bjelina grčke arhitekture i raskoš vrtova, u kombinaciji sa slavnim Nobuovim koktelima, poput Lychee Martinija ili Saketinija (na bazi sakea), vrhunskih šampanjaca, svježih sokova i ukusnih zalogaja, nešto su u čemu valja uživati tijekom boravka u Belvedereu. Uostalom, i samo ime hotela sugerira upravo lijep pogled... 39 soba i šest apartmana raspoređeni su u šest zgrada koje okružuju veličanstveni bazen nepravilnog oblika i svježi mediteranski vrt / 39 rooms and six apartments, located in six buildings that surround the magnificent, irregularly shaped swimming pool and a fresh Mediterranean garden Interiors Written by: Aurelija Vukušiæ The Belvedere Hotel is one of the most luxurious representatives of the so-called cyclade architecture Mykonos for Those Who Want More The hotel was built on the foundations of the one-time private estate, which is certainly highlighted by the enormous backyard, and the God-given location of Belvedere at the altitude that overlooks the city and the sea has brought it the aura of prestige. Belvedere actually looks as a constant photoset of some exclusive fashion editorial J ust like its younger brother – the infamous Spanish Ibiza, the Greek island of Mykonos, one of the northern Cyclades, has become very well known at the end of the last century for its riotous summer parties, which were just as attractive to both the heterosexual and gay “party animals”. Surrounded by heavenly beaches and ennobled with perfect Greek architecture “white on white with a blue surface” – as if it were designed by Calvin Klein – Mykonos was an unavoidable destination for trendsetters craving for free love and even freer partying. And that was when some of the island’s wise people realized that such reputation actually closes more doors than it opens for them, and have slowly started the process of “rebranding” Mykonos. Alcohol, drugs and techno were countered with chill-out, enjoyment in the sea, the sun and good food, while trying to re-establish the lost balance and bring back some of the missing tourist potential. One of the results of such reconsideration of Mykonos as a destination is the Belvedere Hotel, which is 73 U Belvedereu je sve podređeno uživanju / Everything in “Belvedere” serves the purpose of enjoyment Mnoštvo zanimljivih detalja / Lots of interesting details the flagship of local tourism and heaven for the weary eyes of the travellers with its five stars. It was built on the foundations of the one-time rich private estate, which is certainly highlighted by the enormous backyard, and the God-given location of Belvedere at the altitude that overlooks the city and the sea, with constant blue and white motifs, has brought it the aura of prestige. Boasting a deserved membership in the “Small Luxury Hotels of the World”, Belvedere actually looks as a constant photoset of some exclusive fashion editorial. Marble, wood, steel, stone, sand, rope, cotton… are the characteristic materials for this windy and sunny island, and they are much used in both the interior and the exterior of the hotel. Each of the 39 rooms and six apartments, located in six buildings that surround the magnificent, irregularly shaped swimming pool and a fresh Mediterranean garden, are designed in a different manner, but they all share the basic Cyclade elements and (non) colours. 74 Every room in the hotel, except for the few smallest ones, has its own balcony or a terrace, a lovely view over the sumptuous backyard or an even lovelier view over the little town and the blue sea. All these rooms are equipped in a manner that is demanded by the high category (wireless telephone that can be used anywhere in the hotel, voice-mail, air conditioning, satellite programmes LCD TV, DVD, quick and wireless access to Internet), and all the guests also have a luxuriously equipped fitness gym at their disposal (which features theatrical lighting and other unexpected details that lure even those people who don’t like working out into spending time here), as well as a jacuzzi, sauna, massages and various organic aromatherapy treatments, library, record library, “internet point”… Brothers Nikolas and Tasos Ioannidis have been running Belvedere since 1995, and the hotel has went through a thorough transformation in 2003, and then again two years later, in line with the proclaimed new direction Interiors U Belvedereu se najbolje opušta u vanjskim prostorima / The best way to relax in “Belvedere” is to spend time outdoors Braća Nikolas i Tasos Ioannidis upravljaju Belvedereom od 1995. godine / Brothers Nikolas and Tasos Ioannidis have been running Belvedere since 1995 of tourism in Mykonos. Since 2003, one of the very important parts of the hotel is the Matsuhisa restaurant/ sushi bar, by one of the most famous chains of Japanese restaurants Nobu, named after a legendary chef Nobuyuki Matsuhisa who came up with a previously unimaginable combination of Japanese and Peruvian cuisine. What’s special about Nobu in Belvedere is that it’s the only one in the world located outdoors, just like most of the hotel’s other components, but that means that the restaurant is limited to working from mid-June to late September. And along with the unique food of master Nobu, we also find an accompanying sumptuous wine cellar, featuring over 5000 bottles and a small wine library. This is where all the leading Greek wine producers assemble every year to present their finest wines, and during all this time the hotel’s guests (and not just them) are free to taste, visit and learn about wine production. The interior of the wine library has also been approached in a very serious manner, and all the credit for its appearance goes to designer Agelos Agelopulos. All these exclusive features are accessible under some pretty exclusive prices: outside of the season, the most modest room in the hotel (in the range of 17-20 square metres) costs a little over 100 euros, while the most expensive and luxurious apartments cost up to 560 euros a day during the high season. What every traveller who wants to go to Belvedere needs to know is that this is an outdoor hotel, in which you can have the best, most satisfying time while – outside. All the indoor spaces play second fiddle here, while the sights of the island, the whiteness of the Greek architecture and the richness of the gardens, combined with famous Nobu’s cocktails such as Lychea Martini or Saketini (based on sake), top-notch champagnes, fresh juices and tasty snacks, are something to truly enjoy while staying at Belvedere. And what’s more, the very name of the hotel suggests a lovely view… 75 Kroz bjelinu u prostoru naše se oko fokusira na siluetu, na forme / Our eye focuses on the silhouette and forms in the whiteness of space 76 Naglaske u bjelini daju srebrni svijećnjaci / Emphasizing points in the whiteness are provided by silver candlesticks Dom snova Bijela svjetlost / Bijela toplina Unošenjem životne priče u svaki element prostora, Loredana Bahorić sa svojim idiosinkrastičnim stilom, za koji jedino vrijedi pravilo da se nikada ne ponavlja, jedinstvena je pojava na sceni unutarnjeg uređenja Piše: Ivan Mladina U Foto: Hari Ðerð / www.stilinterijer.hr ređenje interijera uvijek je tehnički, estetski i financijski izazov. Statistike pokazuju da je manje od pet posto ljudi zadovoljno uređenjem vlastita životnog prostora. Kako su tehničke mogućnosti odabira elemenata, optimizacije i individualizacije prostora svakim danom sve veće, usporedo s njima posljednjih godina i svijest o angažiranju profesionalaca u uređenju prostora postaje sve izraženija. Stil interijer je renomirana hrvatska tvrtka za uređenje interijera. Na hrvatskom tržištu su jedinstveni zbog potpune ponude usluga, u rasponu od projektiranja do samog izvođenja interijera, od stambenih do javnih prostora. Tijesno surađuju s uglednim hrvatskim dizajnerima i arhitektima, te su u stanju ispuniti praktički svaku klijentovu želju. Loredana Bahorić, Lupino, Ivana Popović, Robert Sever, Anđa Marić, neka su od poznatih imena modne scene koja ekskluzivno surađuju sa Stil interijerom u kreiranju jedinstvenih prostora za život s potpisom. Loredana Bahorić, čuvena hrvatska modna dizajnerica, u suradnji sa Stil interijerom prenijela je svoj talent i na 77 Bjelina oplemenjuje prostor, daje mu dušu, kristalnu čistoću i ima gotovo meditativni karakter / The whiteness ennobles the room, provides it with soul, crystal clearness and almost meditative character Mnoštvo zanimljivih detalja / Plenty of interesting details unutarnje uređenje. Jedan je od pionira shabby chic stila u nas, kojeg karakterizira neformalnost, pragmatičnost i patina vremena. Oštećenja na namještaju, izlizana boja kroz koju se nazire tekstura materijala, namjerni su element ovog stila, dajući mu velike količine šarma i topline. Svojim istančanim smislom za odnose boje i forme, Loredana Bahorić svoje interijere lagano nijansira – bijela, boja slonovače, krem i boja šampanjca nježno se prelijevaju jedna u drugu, oplemenjujući prostor te vizualno naglašavajući same forme elemenata. Rezultat su prostori kristalne čistoće i gotovo meditativnog karaktera. Uz spomenuti spektar svijetlih nijansi, ponekad se pojavljuju i nježne nijanse zelene i plave, boja koje dokazano imaju opuštajući učinak. Jedna od prednosti zajedničke boje elemenata je i ta da omogućuje kombiniranje različitih stilova u istom prostoru. Loredana Bahorić to iznimno uspješno koristi spajajući u istom kadru antiktnu komodu s prozirnim linijama Starckova Louis Ghost stolca. Poseban izgled namještaja u shabby chic tehnici rezultat je posebne tehnike brušenja i skidanja starih slojeva boje i laka s namještaja, te 78 naknadnog bojenja u odabrani ton. Upravo ta ljepota nesavršenosti, uz igru formama, daje interijerima Loredane Bahorić osebujan karakter, uz osjećaj reprezentativnosti i jake osobnosti. Naglaske u nježnoj bjelini prostora postiže srebrnim svijećnjacima i instalacijama od finih metala. Njezin zaštitni znak su i pregrade od organdija, koje nježno raspršuju svjetlost, te mnoštvo zrcala izbrušenih bijelih okvira, na kojima se često zlatnom bojom ispisan zna naći i koji citat nekog velikog mislioca. Kako sama dizajnerica kaže, u svaki element interijera koji uređuje nastoji utkati priču vlasnika. Uz dokazanu originalnost i individualnost svakog interijera, gotovo nevjerojatno zvuči činjenica da su elementi toga stila svakome možda nadohvat ruke u vlastitu domu ili trgovini rabljenim stvarima. Unošenjem životne priče u svaki element prostora, Loredana Bahorić sa svojim idiosinkrastičnim stilom, za koji jedino vrijedi pravilo da se nikada ne ponavlja, jedinstvena je pojava na sceni unutarnjeg uređenja. Njezini interijeri su prava poslastica za ekstravagantne individualce neopterećene stiliziranom i sterilnom konfekcijom, za ležerne ljude koji vole uživati u životu kakav uistinu jest, i ne boje se to pokazati drugima. Dream home White Light / White Heat By bringing one’s life story into every element of the room, Loredana Bahorić and her idiosyncratic style, with its only rule that demands no repetition, represent something unique on the interior design scene Written by: Ivan Mladina Photo: Hari Ðerð / www.stilinterijer.hr 79 Dream home Patina vremena osjeća se u svakom kutku / The flavour of time is present in every corner I nterior design is always a technical, aesthetic and financial challenge. Statistics show that less than 5% of people are happy with how their living space is decorated. Being that the technical possibilities in choosing the elements, as well as optimising and individualising the space, are getting bigger by each day, that has been accompanied over the last few years by the increase of awareness about hiring professional help when decorating your living space. Style Interior is a renowned Croatian company for interior design. Their uniqueness at the Croatian market is the result of their total package of services, which range from projecting to performing the work itself in the interior, as well as from residential to public spaces. They are closely working with some respectable Croatian designers and architects, and are basically capable of making any of their clients’ wishes come true. Loredana Bahorić, Lupino, Ivana Popović, Robert Sever and Anđa Marić are just some of the well-known 80 U svaki element interijera utkana je priča vlasnika / Every element of the interior features the owner’s story names of the fashion scene that are exclusively working with Style Interior in designing unique living spaces with a signature. Loredana Bahorić, famous Croatian fashion designer, has used her cooperation with Style Interior to impose her talent to the field of interior design as well. She is one of the pioneers of Croatian shabby chic style, which is characterized by informality, pragmatism and the flavour of time. Damaged furniture and worn-out paint that barely covers the textures of the material are some of the intended elements of this style, providing it with large amounts of charm and warmth. Using her refined sense of relations between colour and form, Loredana Bahorić “dresses” her interiors into light shades – white, ivory colour, cream and champagne colour gently overflow one into the other, simultaneously ennobling the room and visually emphasizing the very forms of the elements. That results in spaces of crystal clearness and nearly meditative character. Zajednička boja elemenata omogućuje kombiniranje različitih stilova u istom prostoru / Elements sharing the colours enables combinations of various styles in the same room Along with the above-mentioned spectrum of lighter shades, we do sometimes witness the occurrence of gentle shades of green and blue, as it is proven that those colours have a calming effect. One of the advantages of the elements sharing the same colours is that it enables combinations of different styles in the same room. Loredana Bahorić is extremely successful in using that by filling the same frame with an antique dresser and see-through lines of Starck’s Louis Ghost chair. The furniture’s special look in the shabby chic technique is the result of a special sanding technique and the taking down of old layers of paint and varnish from the furniture, as well as re-painting it in the chosen tone. It’s precisely that beauty of imperfection, along with all the playing with the form, that gives Loredana Bahorić’s interiors their peculiar character, as well as a representative feeling and strong personality. Emphasizing points in this gentle whiteness of space are achieved by silver candlesticks and installations Citat Oscara Wildea ispisan na zrcalu / Oscar Wilde’s quatation written on the mirror made out of fine metal. Her trademarks also include organdie compartments that scatter the light in a very gentle way, as well as using lots of mirrors with sanded white frames, where you can often find a gold-painted quote from a great philosopher. According to the designer herself, she always tries to bring in the owner’s story into every element of the interior. Along with the proven originality and individuality of every interior, it’s almost surreal to say that this style’s elements might just be within everyone’s reach in their own home or the second-hand shop. By bringing one’s life story into every element of the room, Loredana Bahorić and her idiosyncratic style, with its only rule that demands no repetition, represent something unique on the interior design scene. Her interiors are true delicacy for all extravagant individuals who are uninhibited by the stylised and sterile confection, and for all the easygoing people who like to enjoy life for what it really is, and are not afraid to show it to other people. 81 Interijeri Studio Rusticamoderna vraća domove u bolju prošlost Provansa na hrvatski nacin Dizajner namještaja Martin Bukvić posvetio se radu na rustikalnom masivnom namještaju te u suradnji s članovima obitelji, vrhunskim stolarima i drvodjelcima izrađuje sve što maštovitim klijentima može pasti na pamet, dodajući modernome stanovanju prijeko potrebnu toplinu Piše: Tanja Jadrešiæ H i-tech kultura zavladala je domovima: visoki sjaj laka, hladni inoks, sve nijanse sive s naglascima u jarkim i neprirodnim bojama, najnovija tehnološka dostignuća u kućanskim uređajima i opremi, staklo, nevidljiva rasvjeta... Ono što je nekad bilo toplo obiteljsko gnijezdo, sve se češće pretvara u ledeni izlog, koji govori samo o stanju tekućeg računa vlasnika, i galeriju dizajnerskih “komada” pokraj kojih se stanari ne usuđuju ni proći u strahu da ih ne bi oštetili. Naravno, o ukusima ne vrijedi raspravljati i mnogi se ljudi ugodno osjećaju upravo u ovakvim prostorima, čistih i modernih linija. No kao kontrast tome trendu, sve je više onih koji su se odlučili barem kod kuće podsjećati na neka bolja vremena, u kojima se radilo da bi se živjelo (a ne obrnuto), u kojima je bilo vremena za obiteljski doručak, pogled kroz prozor, igru s djecom... Rustikalni je namještaj ponovno popularan, više nego ikada, a uz one koji svojim tradicionalnim starim (renoviranim) kućama žele podariti adekvatan interijer, sve je više ljudi koji i u stanovima u novogradnji žele imati dah toplije prošlosti – zidane kuhinjske nape, prozor u cvijeću ili svježem začinskom bilju u lončićima, namještaj od punoga drveta 82 obojen živim bojama, pa, zašto ne, i karirane stolnjake. Interijer je to koji priziva Mediteran, Provansu, Toskanu, u kojemu i usred grada možete naslutiti miris svježe pečenoga kruha ili poljskoga cvijeća. I dok se u ostatku Europe ovakav namještaj bez prestanka proizvodi desetljećima (i stoljećima), a specijalizirani i luksuzni časopisi za uređenje promoviraju upravo ovakav stil života, kod nas se rijetki odlučuju baviti time. Jedan od rijetkih koji je prepoznao nove-stare trendove je mladi Martin Bukvić, koji u svome studiju za uređenje interijera Rusticamoderna već nekoliko godina pogađa želje zaljubljenika u rustikalni namještaj. Ljubav je počela, kaže Martin, još u djetinjstvu. – Još kao klinac provodio sam puno vremena u djedovoj stolarskoj radionici u Slavoniji i tu sam stekao ljubav prema drvetu – objašnjava Martin, kojemu je rad u drvetu očito u obitelji. Naime, i njegov ujak se petnaestak godina bavio istim zanatom u Švicarskoj, a posao u Hrvatskoj njegove stolarije Guberac počeo je s Martinom, dok se drvo, domaći masiv, nabavlja u Slavoniji, ponovno kod jednoga od rođaka. Martinov zagrebački ured je mjesto rađanja budućega namještaja: tu se nalazi s klijentima, zajednički stvaraju i I samo jedan dobro odabrani rustikalni komad savršeno nadopunjava i najmodernije prostore / Even one well-chosen rustic piece will do a perfect job of completing even the most modern space dorađuju ideje, a zatim se one izrađuju u stolariji njegova ujaka. Proizvodnja je ručni rad, zahtjevna i prilično spora, ali rezultat vrijedi i malo pričekati. Bojenje, patiniranje i onaj završni “touch” ponovno preuzima Martin. – Za postizanje ovog “shabby chic” izgleda, bojenje i obrada se vrše u pet faza, a način obrade istraživali smo pola godine dok nismo došli do izgleda koji smo tražili. Sada imamo vrlo vjeran izgled, a najviše me veseli kad me netko pita gdje sam nabavio tako stari ormar – govori ovaj dizajner, ne ulazeći u detalje svoje poslovne tajne kako zapravo dolazi do izvanrednog izgleda namještaja Rusticamoderne. Namještaj se izrađuje prema želji kupca, po mjeri i u bilo kojoj od nevjerojatnih 300 boja. A kako su kupci ovakvoga tipa namještaja redom vrlo stilski osviješteni, mnogi od njih žele i neke posebne detalje. I tu im je Rusticamoderna izišla u susret. – Budući da vodimo računa da sve bude ručni rad i da svaki komad bude unikatan, počeo sam surađivati s jednim dečkom koji se bavi rezbarenjem drveta. Čovjek čini čuda s komadom drveta, čekićem i dlijetom – s ponosom ističe Martin Bukvić. 83 Namještaj se izrađuje prema želji kupca, po mjeri i u bilo kojoj od 300 boja / The furniture is manufactured according to the buyers’ wishes, it is custom-made and it is available in any of 300 colours Većina klijenata dolazi u studio s prilično jasnom idejom o tome što želi. Zanimanje je veliko, kaže vlasnik tvrtke, i bez pretjeranog oglašavanja, na bazi “usmene predaje”, a najčešći su naručitelji ljudi s juga koji žive u velikom gradu i žele prenijeti dašak Mediterana u svoje interijere, ali, dakako, i vlasnici kamenih kuća u Istri i Dalmaciji kojima ambijent nalaže poštovanje tradicionalnih zadanosti interijera. Najčešće se traže spavaće sobe, kuhinje i blagovaonice. Rusticamoderna funkcionira i kao savjetodavno mjesto jer klijenti najčešće žele provjeriti hoće li se njihova ideja ili boja koju imaju na umu dobro uklopiti u interijer, a traže pomoć i pri izboru dekora koji bi pratili ovakvo uređenje. No, za većinu stvari koje izlaze iz ove maštovite radionice nema straha: po jedan dobro odabrani rustikalni komad savršeno nadopunjava i najmodernije prostore i daje im tako potrebnu dozu prisnosti i topline, tvrdi Martin Bukvić. A te male kućne životne radosti nisu pretjerano skupe, s obzirom na to da je riječ o ručnome radu i masivnom drvetu. Primjerice, masivni stol s ladicom (koji bi vrlo lako mogao nadživjeti i vašu djecu i postati pravi antikni komad) stoji oko 6000 kuna, što je gotovo upola jeftinije od sličnog namještaja koji se izrađuje vani. Rad ovoga mladog i ambicioznog dizajnera prepoznala je i tvrtka Exportdrvo te ga je izložila na salonu namještaja u Parizu, domovini ovoga stila. Što se pak Martina Bukvića tiče, on će i dalje ostati vjeran svojoj ideji: – Ne mogu zamisliti da radim išta drugo. Zaljubljen sam u Dalmaciju, Mediteran, Provansu, obožavam boje, biljke, glazbu i namještaj koji ima dušu, toplih i vedrih boja, koji kod ljudi izaziva osmijeh. 84 Interiors Studio Rusticamoderna brings back the better past to our homes Provence with a Croatian Twist Furniture designer Martin Bukvić has dedicated himself to working on rustic and massive furniture, and in cooperation with some members of his family and some top-notch joiners and carpenters, he makes everything that imaginative clients can think of, adding some much-needed warmth to modern style of living Written by: Tanja Jadrešiæ H i-tech culture is dominating our homes: the high gloss of the varnish, the cold inox, all possible shades of grey emphasized by bright and unnatural colours, the latest technological innovations in household appliances and equipment, the glass, the invisible lighting… What used to be a warm family nest is now increasingly turning into an icy showcase, which does nothing but reflect the status of the owner’s bank account, and a gallery of designer “pieces” that scare the tenants so much that they don’t even dare to walk by them in fear of doing some damage. Of course, preferences are not up for discussion, and many people feel comfortable in these types of spaces, featuring pure and modern lines. But in contrast to that trend, there are more and more people who have decided to reminisce of some better times at their homes; times when you worked so that you could live (not the other way around), when you had plenty of time to have a family breakfast, to gaze through the window, play with the kids… Rustic furniture is popular again and more than ever, and along with the people who want to achieve an adequate interior for their traditional old (renovated) houses, more and more people want to have a breath of the warmer past in their apartments in new buildings – built-in cooker hoods in the kitchen, windows filled with flowers or fresh flavour plants in little pots, full-wooden furniture painted in bright colours, and yes, even a checked tablecloth. It’s an interior that brings the Mediterranean, Provence, Tuscany to mind, an interior in which you can smell the fresh-baked bread or wild flowers in the middle of the city. And while this type of furniture has been constantly manufactured for decades (even centuries) in other types of Europe, and the specialized and luxurious decoration magazines promote this precise style of life, we find very few local people in this type of busi- 85 Svaki komad iz Rusticemoderne je unikatan / Every piece made in Rusticamoderna is unique ness. One of the rare individuals who recognised these new/old trends is young Martin Bukvić, who has been using his interior decoration studio Rusticamoderna for several years to fulfil the wishes of those in love in rustic furniture. This love affair has started, according to Martin, way back in childhood. – Back when I was a kid, I used to spend a lot of time in my grandfather’s joinery workshop in Slavonia, and that’s where I fell in love with wood – Martin explains, and it’s obvious that working with wood runs in his family. As a matter of fact, his uncle has also been involved in this trade for about fifteen years in Switzerland, and he has started his business in Croatia by opening a joinery workshop called Guberac together with Martin, while the wood, the local massive, is purchased in Slavonia, again from one of their relatives. Martin’s office in Zagreb is where this furniture is actually being “born”: this is where he meets his clients, they join their forces to create and finish up the ideas, and then the furniture is being built in his uncle’s joinery shop. The 86 Rustikalni je namještaj ponovno popularan, više nego ikada / Rustic furniture is popular again and more than ever furniture is handmade, and the process is demanding and rather slow, but the result is worth some waiting. Painting, coating and that final “touch” are again dealt with by Martin. – To achieve this “shabby chic” look, the painting and the finishing treatments are preformed in five phases, and we were searching for the proper form of these treatments for six months in order to achieve the look we wanted. Now we have a very credible look, and what makes me really happy is when someone asks me about my very old closet – this designer says, not going into details of his business secret of achieving such an extraordinary look for the Rusticamoderna furniture. The furniture is manufactured according to the buyers’ wishes, it is custom-made and it is available in any of the amazing 300 colours. And being that the buyers of this type of furniture usually have a great sense of style, many of them want to add some special details. Well, Rusticamoderna makes that possible for them as well. – Being that we make sure that all the furniture is hand- Posebna pažnja posvećuje se detaljima / Special care is dedicated to the details made and that every piece has to be unique, I’ve started working with this fellow who performs woodcarving. The man can do wonders with a piece of wood, a hammer and a chisel – Martin Bukvić proudly points out. Most of the clients come to the studio with a pretty clear vision regarding their wishes. There is a lot of interest, according to the company’s owner, even without too much advertising, simply based on “the word on the street”, and the majority of the clients are people from the south who live in larger cities and want to achieve a breath of the Mediterranean in their interiors; but naturally, there are also owners of stone houses in Istria and Dalmatia, where the ambiance demands honouring the traditional types of interior. Most of the demands go to bedrooms, kitchens and dining rooms. Rusticamoderna also functions as an advisory place, as the clients often want to make sure that some of the ideas or colours they had in mind will fit into their interior, and they also ask help with choosing the ornaments that go with this type of decoration. However, you don’t have to worry Interiors about the things coming out of this imaginative workshop: one well-chosen rustic piece will do a perfect job of completing even the most modern of spaces and give it a much-needed dose of intimacy and warmth, according to Martin Bukvić. And those small domestic joys of life don’t cost all that much, considering the fact that we’re dealing with handmade products and massive wood. For example, a massive table with a drawer (which could easily outlive your children and become a true antique piece) costs around 6000 kunas, which is about half as expensive as similar furniture that is made in other countries. The work of this young and ambitious designer was recognized by a company called Exportdrvo, which exposed it at the furniture exhibition in Paris, the native land of this style. As far as Martin Bukvić is concerned, he will remain true to his idea: - I can’t imagine doing anything else. I’m in love with Dalmatia, the Mediterranean, Provence; I love colours, plants, music and furniture with a soul, as well as warm and bright colours, which put smiles on people’s faces. 87 Interijeri VELIKI POVRATAK zidnih tapeta www.harlequin.uk.com 88 www.janechurchill.com Tapete su gotovo idealno rješenje kada treba oživiti neku prostoriju koja “pati” od nedostatka svjetlosti, no jednako će osvježavajuće djelovati i u dnevnom boravku, posebice ako se odabere neki moderan uzorak www.janechurchill.com Piše: Aleksandar Vrtariæ I ako su krajem osamdesetih godina naglo izgubile na popularnosti, tapete su danas opet u modi. No, mnogi ne znaju da su slične zidne obloge od palmina lišća, trske i papira koristili čak i stari Rimljani da bi ukrasili prostor u kojem su boravili. Danas se tapete izrađuju od najrazličitijih baznih materijala – drvo i piljevina, tekstil, velur, metal, plastika, koža, papir i svila, a sama struktura i boja tih obloga imaju veliku ulogu kod uređenja i dekoriranja prostora. Reljefne tapete mogu biti jako lijepe i imati veliku ulogu kada vizualno treba poravnati neravne zidove, no jednako tako su zanimljive obloge od vinila koje će pomladiti i razveseliti svaku prostoriju, te joj istodobno dati i sav potreban stil. Igranje s optikom može biti itekako zanimljivo, pa prije odabira samog uzorka svakako razmislite kakav efekt i dojam želite postići u određenoj prostoriji jer, za razliku od zidne boje, tapete prostoriji mogu dati jednu potpuno drukčiju dimenziju. Ljudsko oko naprije reagira na estetiku i dojam koji dominira u nekoj prostoriji, a vrlo ga je lako zavarati lijepom i pravilno odabranom kombinacijom boja. Tapete su gotovo idealno rješenje kada treba oživiti neku prostoriju koja “pati” od nedostatka svjetlosti, no jedna- 89 www.trestintas.com ko će osvježavajuće djelovati i u dnevnom boravku, posebice ako se odabere neki moderan uzorak. Ako neka prostorija nije dovoljno duga, tapetama se vrlo lako može vizualno produžiti – dovoljno je samo odabrati neki lijepi prugasti uzorak, dok se previsoki prostori mogu smanjiti uporabom horizontalnih uzoraka. Svijetle i vedre tapete učinit će male prostorije ili garsonijere većima i prostranijima te ugasiti dojam skučenosti, dok se u većim prostorima može kombinirati sa snažnim bojama i jakim kontrastima. S obzirom da su tapete pravi hit već nekoliko sezona, pravo je vrijeme da odaberete svoj savršeni uzorak i svojim prostorijama poklonite dašak stila, modernog i otmjenog ambijenta. Ekološke tapete od prirodnih materijala U ekološki koncipiranim i uređenim nekretninama se rijetko koriste tapete od umjetnih materijala. No, danas kao alternativa klasičnim tapetama postoje i one izrađene od prirodnih materijala, točnije od pamuka, biljnih vlakana i minerala. Takve tapete imaju i neke bitne prednosti, primjerice imaju odlične karakteristike kada je u pitanju difuznost vodene pare u prostoru, a osim toga sitna mehanička oštećenja se s lakoćom mogu reparirati, teško su zapaljive, dok je boja tapeta postojana i trajna. Zahvaljujući pamuku, ovakve tapete imaju odlične izolacijske karakteristike, kako toplinske, tako i zvučne. Stoga, ako ste ljubitelji orijentalnog stila u kojemu prevladava drveni namještaj ili tek volite uživati u prirodnim materijalima, svakako uzmite u obzir tapete od prirodnih materijala. 90 Prije postavljanja tapeta Ne sumnjam da će mnoge osvojiti prekrasni i moderni uzorci na tapetama, no valja znati da tapete ipak nisu namijenjene svim prostorima. Ako se nosite s problemom vlage u stanu, onda tapete neće biti dobar izbor. Naime, tapete ne vole vlagu i nakon kratkog vremena će se odlijepiti na spojevima, a poslije će doći do otpadanja cijele tapete pa prije postavljanja razmislite o trajnom rješenju problema. Odgovarajuće gipsane ploče svakako mogu pomoći, pa prije postavljanja tapeta pripremite zidove i potražite uzročnika vlage u stanu. S obzirom da loše podnose vlagu, tapete nisu primjerene kod dekoriranja kupaonica. Najbolje će prianjati za potpuno ravne površine na kojima će i najljepše izgledati. Prije odabiranja uzorka dobro razmotrite koji dojam želite postići i što želite igranjem s optikom istaknuti, a što prikriti, pa nemojte ni slučajno tapete s velikim uzorcima stavljati na neravne zidove jer će oni tada izgledati još neravnije. Podloga za tapete mora biti dobro pripremljena, bez vidljivih izbočina i mehaničkih oštećenja na zidovima, pa ako ne možete sami, svakako se obratite stručnjaku. Motive i uzorke birajte pažljivo jer je ponovno skidanje i postavljanje tapeta prilično zahtjevan posao, stoga dobro pogledajte pojedine prostorije i razmislite što točno želite. Kada odlučite, biranje tapeta i uživanje u “obučenim” zidovima će biti veliko zadovoljstvo, ne samo za vas nego i za sve koji budu boravili u novouređenoj prostoriji. www.harlequin.uk.com Interiors WALLPAPERS’ Big Comeback 91 Wallpapers are almost the ideal solution when you need to bring life into a room that “suffers” from lack of light, but they will also have a refreshing effect in the living room, especially if you choose a modern pattern Written by: Aleksandar Vrtariæ A www.harlequin.uk.com 92 lthough it has suddenly lost its popularity in the late eighties, the wallpaper is back on the trendy side these days. However, many are unaware that similar wall covering, made from palm leaves, cane and paper, was used even by the ancient Romans to decorate the spaces they lived in. Wallpapers today are made out of the most various base materials – wood and sawdust, textile, fleece, metal, plastic, leather, paper and silk, and the very structure and colour of these coverings have a big role in the process of decorating and furnishing a space. Relief wallpaper can look very lovely and have a large role when you need to balance uneven walls, but what’s just as interesting is wallpaper made of vinyl, which is bound to rejuvenate and cheer up every room, while also giving it the all-too-necessary style. Playing with optics can be very interesting, so before you go ahead choosing the pattern itself, make sure that you’ve considered the effect and impression that you want to achieve in a certain room because, unlike the wall paint, wallpaper can provide a whole other dimension to the room. The human eye is trained to immediately react to aesthetics and the impression that dominates a certain room, and it can very easily be fooled with a nice, correctly chosen combination of colours. Wallpapers are almost the ideal solution when you need to bring life into a room that “suffers” from lack of light, but they will also have a refreshing effect in the living room, especially if you choose a modern pattern. If a certain room isn’t long enough, wallpapers do a great job of visually prolonging it – all it takes is choosing a nice striped pattern, while spaces that appear to be too high can be lowered by using horizontal patterns. Luminous and bright wallpapers will result in smaller rooms or bachelor pads appearing larger and more spacious, and the feeling of narrowness will go away, while the right choice for larger rooms is combining strong colours and powerful contrasts. Considering the fact that wallpapers have been a true hit for several seasons now, it’s high time for you to choose your perfect pattern and to enrich your rooms with a breath of style, as well as modern and classy ambience. Ecological Wallpapers from Natural Materials You will rarely find an ecologically conceptualised and decorated real estate that features wallpapers made from artificial materials. These days, however, as the alternative to classical wallpapers, you can also find those made from natural materials, such as cotton, herbal fibres and minerals. That kind of wallpaper has some major advantages; for example, it has excel- Interiors www.harlequin.uk.com lent characteristics when it comes to diffusing steam in a room. Also, any smaller mechanical impairment can easily be repaired; it’s pretty non-flammable, while the colour of this type of wallpaper is stable and here to stay. Thanks to cotton, these types of wallpapers have tremendous isolation characteristics, regarding both the heat and the noise. Therefore, if you’re a fan of the oriental style, which is dominated by wooden furniture, or if you just happen to enjoy natural materials, make sure you purchase wallpapers that are made from natural materials. Prior to Hanging the Wallpaper There is no doubt that many of you will be won over by the wonderful and modern patterns on wallpapers, but you should know that wallpapers are not convenient for every type of space. If you have a moisture problem in your apartment, then wallpapers are not the way to go. The reason is that wallpapers don’t go along with moisture and, after a short while, they will come off at the corners, and after that the entire wallpaper is bound to come off, so make sure you think about the permanent solution to the problem before you find yourself starting the process. Some adequate plaster boards might just do the trick, so before you start hanging the wallpapers, do the preparation work on the walls and find the cause of moisture in the apartment. Considering their low tolerance for moisture, wallpapers are not recommendable for decoration of the bathroom. They are most suited for completely flat surfaces, and that’s where they also look their best. Before choosing the pattern, make sure to consider the impression you want to achieve and what you want to point out with optical games, as well as what you want to hide, so don’t you dare putting wallpapers with large patterns on uneven walls, because that will only increase that impression of unevenness. The surface has to be well prepared for the wallpapers, with no visible bumps or mechanical impairments on the walls, so if that’s too much work for you, make sure you call upon an expert. Motifs and patterns must be chosen very carefully because the taking down and the re-hanging makes for some very demanding work, so take a good look at individual rooms and think about your exact wishes. When you decide, choosing the wallpapers and enjoying the “dressed up” walls will be a lot of fun, not just for you, but for everyone who spends some time in the newly decorated room. 93 Piše: Nataša Bodrožiæ Kult ni komad PIERRE PAULIN: Tongue chair (1967.) Skulptura za sjedenje P “Sjedalica bi trebala biti više od stroge funkcionalnosti. Trebala bi djelovati prijateljski, zabavno i biti puna boje.” Pierre Paulin ierre Paulin je jedan od najznačajnijih francuskih dizajnera sredine dvadesetog stoljeća, koji je nedavno proslavio osamdeseti rođendan i šezdesetu obljetnicu rada. Povijest je zadužio svojim inovativnim rješenjima, posebno u dizajnu namještaja (autor je modernih klasika, poput sjedalica Ribbon, Orange Sli- 94 ce, Tongue, Butterfly i Mashroom), ali i u području produkt dizajna (tvorac je prvoga minijaturnog električnog brijača za tvrtku “Tefal”, putnoga glačala za “Calor” i brojnih drugih predmeta svakodnevne upotrebe). Njegovo ime vezuje se i uz uređenje dijelova muzeja Louvre u Parizu (krilo Denon), ali i Elisejske palače, predsjedničkih odaja Georgesa Pompidoua te kreiranje namještaja za ured francuskog predsjednika Francoisa Mitteranda 1983. godine. Nonšalantna elegancija – elegancija oko koje se ne treba posebno truditi, koja se doima urođenom, prirodnom, ali i pomalo drskom – osobina je koja se, nekako, poslovično pripisuje Francuzima. Upravo takva, neobvezna elegancija i ekspresivnost, zaobljeni, meki oblici i samouranjajuće, fluidne linije, karakteristike su jednog od najpoznatijih Paulinovih komada, legendarne sjedalice “Tongue”. Sam naziv sjedalice automatski asocira na jezik (tongue – engl. jezik), kao uostalom i njezin izgled. Forma ljudskog jezika u pokretu (jezik kao organ), ali i simbolika ljudske komunikacije sadržana je u sjedalici izrađenoj predrevolucionarne 1967., te je možemo označiti simbolom i prethodnicom novog doba koje je počelo 1968. godine, nakon koje svijet više nije bio isti. Sjedalica i njezin razvoj u uskoj su vezi s kontekstom u kojemu nastaje, s promjenama u području arhitekture i tehnologije te ujedno odražava promjenjive potrebe i preokupacije društva, ali i odnose u njemu. Iako je, kroz povijest, funkcija sjedenja ostala načelno nepromijenjena, svaki položaj pri sjedenju sadrži i određeni stupanj društvenog značenja. Sjedalica “Tongue” postavljena je tako da “leži” izravno na podu dopuštajući korisniku da se u njoj osjeća opušteno, neinhibirano, zauzimajući neformalan, poluležeći položaj. Pobuna mladih protiv starih, zahtjevi za promjenom zastarjelih vrijednosti, koje nisu bile u skladu s tehnološkim i širim promjenama koje su zahvatile društvo, godina 1968. i studentski nemiri koji će uslijediti, sve su to elementi koji su možda nadahnuli i Pierrea Paulina da simbolički “isplazi” jezik, dizajnirajući sjedalicu za novo vrijeme. Ukratko, svojim inovativnim stvaralaštvom anticipirao je društvene promjene kroz životne stilove koje je i sam ohrabrivao. Pierre Paulin rođen je 1927. godine u Parizu. Studirao je kiparstvo i u to vrijeme malo se znalo o produkt dizajnu. U Francuskoj nisu postojale škole ni odgovarajuće ustanove u kojima se on podučavao, niti su proizvođači pokazivali bilo kakvo zanimanje za takvu vrstu aktivnosti pa je Paulin bio jedan od pionira u tom području. Godine 1952. počinje raditi za tvrtku “Thonet”, otkriva nove materijale te počinje eksperimentirati po uzoru na američke dizajnere Charlesa i Ray Eames, Eera Saarinena i Harryja Bertoiu. Godina 1958. ključna je za njegov razvoj jer se tada priključuje Artifort Design grupi, sa sjedištem u Maastrichtu, gdje dobiva mogućnost za realizaciju svoje skulpturalne vizije namještaja, preradikalne za Pariz onoga doba. U svojoj težnji k jednostavnosti i odbijanju bilo kakvih lirskih efekata, Paulin svoje dizajnerske komade samo označava brojevima. U razdoblju koje je uslijedilo, Pierre Paulin za Artifort razvija svoje najpoznatije modele sjedalica, među kojima i Model br. 577, poznatiji kao sjedalica “Tongue”. Njegove vizije lijepih predmeta za “obične ljude” uskoro su pronašle put do široke avangardne publike izazivajući pravu malu revoluciju. U isto vrijeme skulpturalne i strogo funkcionalne, njegove sjedalice pomno su dizajnirane forme koje pronalaze način da postave tijelo u savršenu harmoniju. Vizionar i čovjek budućnosti, Paulin je stvorio poetične dizajnerske oblike koji su bili daleko ispred svoga vremena te su aktualni i danas. Šezdesete i sedamdesete godine su razdoblje velikih uspjeha i priznanja Paulinova djela. Krajem 1960-ih počinje suradnju s talentiranim i inventivnim obrtnicima iz nove radionice “Le Mobilier National” te dobiva važne narudžbe od francuske vlade za uređenje najreprezentativnijih javnih prostora, poput predsjedničke palače ili muzeja Louvre. Neosporno je da su ovakve prestižne narudžbe i zahtjevi pridonijeli statusu i prestižu samog autora, a njegov dizajnerski rad uopće dopustio je javnosti da otkrije ugodu modernog življenja. Sjedalica “Tongue” je u stalnom postavu Muzeja za modernu umjetnost u New Yorku (MoMA) te muzejima u Beču, Parizu i Melbourneu. Sinusoidnih linija, zaobljenih formi i zaigrano apstraktna, ova stolica odraz je eksperimentalnog razdoblja kraja šezdesetih i primjer Paulinove želje da neprestano izaziva parametre ergonomije. Autor “skulptura za sjedenje”, kako neki nazivaju njegove osebujne sjedalice, dobitnik je brojnih priznanja i nagrada, a njegov dizajn opisuje se kao bezvremenski i nadasve progresivan. Uvijek iznova, Paulinov dizajn potvrđuje se kao istinsko umjetničko djelo. Iako je danas osamdesetogodišnjak s respektabilnom karijerom iza sebe, Pierre Paulin je još aktivan kao dizajner novih produkata za vrhunske labele širom svijeta. 95 Written by: Nataša Bodrožiæ Kult ni komad Pierre Paulin: Tongue Chair (1967.) The Sitting Sculpture P “A chair should present more than strict functionality. It should have a friendly effect, be fun and full of colour.” Pierre Paulin ierre Paulin is one of the most significant French designers of mid-twentieth century, and he has recently celebrated his eightieth birthday and sixtieth anniversary of his career. He has left his mark in history with his innovative solutions, especially in furniture design (he is the author of some modern classics, including chairs Ribbon, Orange Slice, Tongue, Butterfly and Mushroom), but also in the field of product design (he is the creator of the first miniature electric shaver for the “Tefal” company, travelling iron for “Calor” and many other objects of everyday use). His name is attached to the decoration of parts of the Louvre Museum in Paris (the Denon Wing), but also the Elysee Palace, the presidential chambers of Georges Pompidou, as well as creating the furniture for the office of French president Francois Mitterand in 1983. Nonchalant elegance – the type of elegance that doesn’t require much work, that appears to be inborn, natural, but also a bit presumptuous – that is a quality 96 that is, in a way, generally attached to French people. Precisely such casual elegance and expressiveness, rounded, soft shapes and self-diving, fluid lines characterize one of Paulin’s most famous pieces – the legendary “Tongue” chair. The very name of the chair immediately brings the tongue organ to mind, as does its appearance. The form of the organ of human tongue in motion, but also the symbolism of human communication is contained in this chair that was built in the pre-revolutionary 1967, so we can call it the symbol and predecessor of the new era that started in 1968, after which the world was not the same again. The chair and its evolution are closely connected to the context in which it emerged, regarding the changes in the fields of architecture and technology, and it also expresses the changeable needs and preoccupations of society, as well as its relations. Although the very function of sitting has remained generally un- changed through the course of history, every sitting position has a certain degree of social meaning. The “Tongue” chair is positioned in such way that it “lies” directly on the floor and makes the user feel relaxed, uninhibited, while taking up an informal and semi-horizontal position. The younger people’s rebellion against older people, demands for changing the ancient values that were not in proportion with the technological and general changes that came across society, the year of 1968 and the student riots about to follow – all these elements may have inspired Pierre Paulin to symbolically “stick out” his tongue, by designing a chair for the new era. To put it briefly, he used his innovative creativity to anticipate those social changes through the lifestyles he encouraged himself. Pierre Paulin was born in 1927 in Paris. He was a sculpture student in a period where there was very little mention of product design. France had no schools or adequate establishments in which it would be taught, and the manufacturers were showing no interest for such type of activity, so Paulin was one of the pioneers in this field. In 1952, he started working for the “Thonet” company, discovered new materials and began experimenting, looking up to American designers Charles and Ray Eames, Eer Saarinen and Harry Bertoia. The year of 1958 is crucial for his development, as he finds himself joining the Artifort Design Group with headquarters in Maastricht, where he receives an opportunity to accomplish his sculptural visions of furniture, which were too radical for Paris of that time. Aiming towards simplicity and rejection of any lyrical effects, Paulin simply marks his designer pieces with numbers. In the following period, Pierre Paulin developed some of his most recognizable chair models for Artifort, including Model No 577, better known as the “Tongue” chair. His visions of lovely objects for “ordinary people” soon found the way to the broad avant-garde audience, stirring up a true little revolution in the process. Sculptural and strictly functional in the same time, his chairs feature carefully designed forms that find the way to position the body in perfect harmony. A visionary and a man of the future, Paulin created poetic designer shapes that were far ahead of their time, and that remain current to this very day. The sixties and seventies were years of great success and recognition for Paulin and his work. At the end of the 1960s, he started working with some talented and inventive craftsmen from a new workshop called “Le Mobilier National” and received some high-profile orders from the French Government to decorate some of the most representative public facilities, such as the presidential palace or the Louvre Museum. It’s undisputable that these prestigious orders and demands have contributed to the status and prestige of the owner himself, and his overall designer work has allowed the public to discover the comfort of modern living. The “Tongue” chair is on constant display at the Museum of Modern Arts (MoMA) in New York, as well as in museums in Vienna, Paris and Melbourne. Featuring sinuous lines, rounded forms and a playful sense of abstractness, this chair is an expression of the experimental period of the late sixties, as well as an example of Pierre Paulin Paulin’s desire to constantly challenge the parameters of ergonomics. The author of “the sitting sculptures”, as some people describe his chairs, is a winner of numerous recognitions and awards, and his design is described as timeless and absolutely progressive. Over and over again, Paulin’s design is being confirmed as a true work of art. Although he is an eighty-year-old man today with a respectable career in his resume, Pierre Paulin is still active as a designer of new products for top-quality labels across the world. 97 Dekoracije DESIGNERS GUILD, www.designersguild.com Uz kompatibilne boje, linije na naslonjaču i karirani uzorak na zastorima i tabureu odlična su kombinacija / Assuming that the colours are compatible, lines on the armchair and checked patterns on curtains and the ottoman are an excellent combination 98 Vesela igra linijama Happily Playing with Lines MISSONI HOME, www.m issonihome.it Pouf Wichita veličine 50x 50x50 cm / Pouf Wichita, size 50x50x 50 cm Prugice na čaši iz kolekcije Origo, dizajn Alfredo Häberli / Stripes on a glass from the Origo collection, designed by Alfredo Haberli Pripremila / Edited by: Ana Perišin IITTALA, www.iittala.com MODUS, Tkalčićeva 48, Zagreb Lines are a strong and smart tool in the field of interior decoration. Although their history goes back thousands of years, a pattern enriched with lines is always fresh and never goes out of fashion. Possibilities for playing with lines are endless. It doesn’t matter whether you’re using them only for details that will draw attention or as an architectonic solution that visually changes the room dimensions, lines will provide a special and likeable “touch” for every room. If you want your room to look higher, you should use vertical lines. To achieve the impression of spaciousness, horizontal lines are the way to go. While combining them with other patterns, you should always pay attention to compatibility of colours. Lines do a great job of matching checked and floral patterns, assuming that the colours were carefully chosen. IKEA, www.ikea.com Prekrivač za poplun “Ethel”, dizajn Erika Pekkari / Quilt blanket Ethel, designed by Erika Pekkari Linije su snažno i pametno oruđe u dekoriranju prostora. Iako im povijest seže tisućama godina unatrag, uzorak obogaćen linijama uvijek je svjež i nikad ne izlazi iz mode. Mogućnosti za igru linijama su beskonačne. Bez obzira koristite li ih samo na detaljima koji će privlačiti pažnju ili kao arhitektonsko rješenje kojim vizualno mijenjate dimenzije prostorije, linije će svakom prostoru dati osobit i dopadljiv štih. Želite li da vam prostorija izgleda viša, koristite vertikalne pruge. Za dojam prostornosti, horizontalne linije su najbolji izbor. Kod kombiniranja s drugim uzorcima pripazite na kompatibilnost boja. Linije se odlično slažu s kariranim i cvjetnim uzorkom ako su boje pažljivo odabrane. 99 MISSONI HOME, www.missonihome.it Otirač Wyoming / The Wyoming mat MARIMEKKO / www.marimekko.fi Rekiretki prekrivač za poplun i jastuk, dizajn Vuokko Eskolin-Nurmesniemi / A Rekiretki blanket for quilts and pillows, design Vuokko Eskolin-Nurmesniemi , d.o.o., salon CASA DOMA Namještaj /A je bo ije dv prugama u Košara od pruća s rs lou co o tw in t baske striped brushwood Sofa STURM Sofa /klupa o UND PLA /ben d S ch in poliure TIC / ww tana w.stu poly uret k han ojoj se rmundp n e, w ith it aslon o lastic.co s ba t ck o vara po m pen ing a potrebi / cco rding ly 100 A.U MAISON, www.aumaison.dk Vesela igra prugica i točkica na jastucima iz kolekcije Euphoria / A happy game by stripes and dots at pillows from the Euphoria DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA, www.doma.hr Uz prugice jelo će biti slađe / Every meal tastes better with little stripes Decorat ions MARIMEKKO / www.marimekko.fi Poslužavnik Salsa / Tray Salsa CAPPELLINI, www.cappellini.it “Dugina” stolica, dizajn Patrick Norguet / The “Rainbow” chair, designed by Patrick Norguet DESIGNERS GUILD, www.designersguild.com Prugice na dvosjedu, cvjetovi na zidu / Stripes on the two-seater, flowers on the wall IITTALA, www.iittala.com, MODUS, Tkalčićeva 48, Zagreb Prugice u pastelnim bojama, kolekcija Origo / Pastel-coloured stripes from the Origo collection 101 Dekoracije GARDEN TRADING - 00 44 845 608 4448 / www.gardentrading.co.uk Set za čaj, dizajn Lisa Stickley / A tea set, designed by Lisa Stickley TRES TINTAS BCN, www.trestintas.com Uz vertikalne linije na zidu, prostorija će izgledati viša. Zidne tapete iz kolekcije Déjà Vu / Wallpepers from Déjà Vu collection / By using vertical lines on the walls, the room will appear higher. Wallpapers from the Déjà Vu collection 102 DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA Podmetač u veselim proljetnim bojama / A coaster in happy spring colours Decorat ions D Set p OMA N am osuđ a Pu ještaj d nch . / The o.o., salo n Pun ch s CASA et o f dis hes lon CASA štaj d.o.o., sa DOMA Namje pankama / Prugice i na ja with flip-flops Stripes go even A.U MAISON, www.aumaison.dk Jastuci iz kolekcije Euphoria / Pillows from the Euphoria collection l.se be o lm / n rel no high oma . w o t t w e o , w om nd LER re R fa a B u MÖ tab h so ig ELL fa i H R o NO So me Ro The DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA Prugaste kutije različitih veličina za najdraže sitnice / Different-sized striped boxes for your favourite little things 103 Nekret nine karta Hrvatske map of Croatia TUHELJSKE TOPLICE ZAGREB glavni grad / capital UMAG KAŠTEL NOVIGRAD KAŠTELIR POREČ OPATIJA KRK CRIKVENICA NOVI VINODOLSKI MEDULIN RAB ZADAR TRIBUNJ PIROVAC ŠIBENIK BRODARICA PRIMOŠTEN TROGIR SPLIT HVAR VIS KORČULA DUBROVNIK 104 Nekret nine Nekret nine sadraj/contents BRODARICA 106 str. CRIKVENICA 107 str. DUBROVNIK 108 str. HVAR 113 str. KAŠTEL 114 str. KAŠTELIR 115 str. KORÈULA 117 str. KRK 118 str. MEDULIN 119 str. NOVIGRAD 120 str. OPATIJA 121 str. posebna ponuda special offer Villa Kleopatra str. 146 OPATIJSKA RIVIJERA 122 str. PIROVAC 126 str. POREÈ 127 str. PRIMOŠTEN 135 str. RAB 137 str. SPLIT 142 str. ŠIBENIK 143 str. TROGIR 145 str. TUHELJSKE TOPLICE 147 str. UMAG 148 str. VINODOLSKA RIVIJERA 153 str. VIS 154 str. ZADAR 156 str. ZAGREB 157 str. Real est ate 105 Nekret nine Brodarica U Brodarici, malom priobalnom mjestu smještenom 3 km južno od Šibenika, gradi se apartmanski objekt na tri etaže s ukupno devet apartmana. Objekt je smješten na izuzetno atraktivnoj lukaciji, svega 30 m od mora. Predmet prodaje je apartman površine 46 m2, smješten na prvom katu. Apartman je orijentiran JZ, a sastoji se od: dvije spavaće sobe, kuhinje s dnevnim boravkom, kupaonice i lođe s koje se pruža otvoreni pogled na more i susjedni otok Krapanj. U cijenu apartmana uključeno je i parking mjesto. Apartmani se prodaju po sistemu ključ u ruke, a planirani datum useljenja je 31.12.2007. g. In Brodarica, a small coastal town that is three kilometres south of Šibenik, there is a three-storey apartment object under construction that features nine apartments. The object is situated at an extremely attractive location, only 30 meters from the sea. The object of this sale is an apartment with 46 m2 of surface, and it’s on the first floor. The apartment faces the southwest, and it consists of: two bedrooms, kitchen with the living room, bathroom and loggia, which overlooks the open sea and the neighbouring island of Krapanj. The price of the apartment also includes a parking space. Apartments are sold on the “keys directly into hands” system, and the planned date for moving in is this year’s December 31st. Cijena / Price: 114.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 254 5962 106 Nekret nine Crikvenica U Crikvenici se prodaje prekrasno novoizgrađena troetažna luksuzna vila ukupne stambene površine 400 m2. Vila ima bazen, garažu te ljetnu kuhinju u vrtu površine 12 m2 i udaljena je od mora 700 metara. U suterenu je uređena konoba s krušnom peći i velikim drvenim stolom. Vila ima ukupno sedam soba, četiri kupaonice i tri kuhinje. Na svakoj etaži su natkrivene terase s pogledom na more. Smještena je na izuzetno mirnoj lokaciji i okružena je zelenilom. Prodaje se kompletno namještena. We find a wonderful, newly built, three-storey luxurious villa on sale in Crikvenica, with the overall residential surface of 400 m2. The villa has a swimming pool, garage and a summer kitchen in the garden that takes up 12 m2, and it is 700 meters from the sea. The basement features a decorated tavern with an oven and a large wooden table. The villa has as much as seven rooms, four bathrooms and three kitchens. Every storey features a covered terrace with the view over the sea. It is located at an extremely peaceful location and surrounded by greenery. It is on sale as completely furnished. Cijena / Price: 1.200.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 6176 677, +385 (0)98 296 839, +385 (0)52 721 001 107 Nekret nine Dubrovnik Prodajemo prekrasnu vilu na zapadnom ulazu u Stari grad površine 300 m2 koja je nekoć pripadala plemstvu Dubrovačke Republike, s pažljivo dekoriranim i renoviranim interijerom. Vila se sastoji od tri etaže s četiri sobe, dnevnim boravkom, prostranom blagovaonicom i dvjema kupaonicama (jedna s jacuzzijem). U prekrasno uređenoj okućnici, koja zauzima 250 m2, zasađenoj ružmarinom i palmama s fontanom, vila nudi privatnost i prostor za opuštanje. Vila predstavlja odličan spoj modernog i antiknog stila s originalnim djelima hrvatskih slikara, poput Celestina Medovića. A beautiful villa is on sale at the western entrance into the older part of town; its surface is 300 m2 and it used to belong to the aristocracy of the Dubrovnik Republic, and it features a carefully decorated and renovated interior. The villa has three storeys with four bedrooms, living room, spacious dining room and two bathrooms (one of them has a jacuzzi). A wonderfully decorated courtyard spreads across 250 m2 and it is covered with rosemary and palms, and it also features a fountain, offering some privacy and relaxation space. The villa represents an excellent combination of modern and antique styles, as you can find original works of Croatian painters like Celestin Medović. Cijena / Price: 3.500.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)20 437 046 108 Nekret nine Dubrovnik Na Pilama, na zapadnom ulazu u stari Dubrovnik, prodaje se kamena vila ukupne stambene površine 266 m2. Vila se sastoji od dvije etaže, prizemlja i prvog kata, a okružuje je prekrasna okućnica. In Pile, which is located at the western entrance to archaic Dubrovnik, we find a stone villa that is for sale, and it spreads across 266 m2 of residential surface. The two-storey villa has the ground floor and the first floor, and it is surrounded by a wonderful courtyard. Cijena / Price: 2.100.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 360 260 111 Nekret nine Hvar Prodaje se kamena kuća u centru starog sela Pitve. Sastoji se od: prizemlja, prvog i drugog kata, s 400 m2 stambenog prostora, 140 m2 terasa i balkona i 10 m2 vrta. Parking je otprilike 30 m udaljen od nekretnine. Pitve su u centru Hvara i 1,5 km udaljene od obale. S gornjih etaža pruža se pogled na more i prekrasno seosko okruženje. For sale, a stone house in the center of an old village of Plitve. It consists of: ground floor, first and second floor, all covering 400 m2 of living area, 140 m2 of terraces and balconies, 10 m2 of the garden. The parking area is approximately 30 m away from the property. The village of Plitve is located in the center of Hvar, 1.5 km away from the coast. From the upper rooms and terraces there is a beautifull sea view, and a view to a surrounding countryside. Cijena / Price: 1.200.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 376 8859, +385 (0)1 376 8854 113 Nekret nine Kaštel Prodaje se obiteljska kuća s prekrasnim vrtom i velikom uređenom okućnicom na kraju naselja u mirnom mjestu u Istri, pokraj Buja. Kuća je luksuzno uređena i opremljena te ima površinu 300 m2. Na kraju parcele površine 4000 m2 nalazi se i poslovni prostor površine 550 m2 te ima još i dovoljno prostora za izgradnju teniskih terena i bazena. Ovo je zadnja kuća u građevinskoj zoni te prevladava mir i zelenilo. There is a family house with a beautiful garden and a large maintained courtyard on sale, and it’s located on the outskirts of a peaceful settlement near Buje in Istria. The house is luxuriously decorated and furnished, and it has 300 m2 of surface. At the very end of the parcel, which takes up 4000 m2, we find a facility for business premises with 550 m2 of surface, and there is also plenty more room to build tennis courts and swimming pools. This is the final house in this construction zone, and is therefore characterized by peace and greenery. Cijena / Price: 1.100.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 6176 677, +385 (0)98 296 839, +385 (0)52 721 001 114 Nekret nine Kaštelir U Kašteliru, malom mjestu 10 km udaljenom od Poreča, prodaje se novoizgrađena, troetažna kamena vila s bazenom. Vila je izgrađena u tradicionalnom istarskom stilu, obuhvaća 140 m2 površine i cca 800 m2 okućnice. Svaka etaža ima izlaz na natkrivenu terasu, dok se iz prostorija u suterenu izlazi na dvorište s bazenom. Vila je podignuta na blagoj uzvisini s koje se pruža prekrasan pogled na more. Pri gradnji su korišteni visoko kvalitetni materijali. Na prostranoj okućnici nalaze se kaskadni vrtovi i travnjak s automatskim navodnjavanjem. In Kaštelir, a small settlement 10 kilometres away from Poreč, a newly-built stone villa on three floor is on sale. The villa was built in traditional Istrian style, covers 140 m2 of residential surface and a courtyard of about 800 m2. Every floor has an exit to the covered terrace, while the basement rooms have an exit to the backyard featuring a swimming pool. The villa was built on a mild slope, which provides a beautiful view over the sea. Materials of very high quality were used in the construction process. On the spacious courtyard features cascade gardens and a lawn with automatic irrigation. Cijena / Price: 299.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 433 542, +385 (0)91 202 4993 115 Nekret nine Kaštelir Na udaljenosti cca 9 km od Poreča i mora, nalazi se malo istarsko mjesto Kaštelir u kojem se prodaje prekrasna samostojeća luksuzna vila. Vila je izgrađena u tradicionalnom istarskom stilu (fasada i brojni detalji su od kamena) na zemljištu površine 796 m2. Vila obuhvaća 130 m2 stambene površine, podijeljene na suteren, prizemlje i prvi kat. Suteren je uređen kao apartman tipa studio (jedna prostorija s kupaonicom i kuhinjom) koji ima izlaz direktno na bazen i prostrani travnjak s navodnjavanjem. Prizemlje se sastoji od: dnevnog boravka s kaminom, blagovaonice, kuhinje, ostave, toaleta i natkrivene terase. Na prvom katu se nalaze: tri spavaće sobe, kupaonica i manja natkrivena terasa. Ova izuzetno kvalitetno izgrađena vila (centralno grijanje, klima...) ima otvoreni pogled na more, te je idealna za odmor. At about 9 kilometres from Poreč and from the sea, we find a small Istrian village of Kaštelir, and that’s where a wonderful, luxurious detached villa is for sale. The villa was built in traditional Istrian style (the façade and plenty of details are made of stone) on a parcel that spreads across 796 m2 of surface. The villa covers 130 m2 of residential surface, which encompasses the basement, ground floor and the first floor. The basement level is arranged as an apartment-type studio (one room with a bathroom and a kitchen) with a direct exit to the swimming pool and a spacious lawn with a watering system. The ground floor consists of: living room with a fireplace, dining room, kitchen, pantry, toilet and a covered terrace. The first floor features three bedrooms, bathroom and a smaller covered terrace. This villa was constructed in an extremely quality manner (central heating, air-conditioning…), and it has an open view over the sea, which makes it ideal for a vacation. Cijena / Price: 290.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 433 801, +385 (0)98 411 430 116 Nekret nine Korčula U mjestu Korčuli, na istočnoj strani istoimenog otoka, prodaje se stara kamena kuća na četiri etaže, ukupne stambene površine 200 m2. Kuća je u samom središtu mjesta, a sastoji se od prizemlja, dva kata i potkrovlja s terasom koja ima prekrasan pogled na Orebić, poluotok Pelješac i marinu. Između etaža su drveni podovi i potrebno je kompletno renoviranje kuće. Udaljena je 120 metara od mora te je idealna za bavljenje turizmom ili za odmor u ljetnim mjesecima, dok je prizemlje pogodno za poslovni prostor. In the town of Korčula, which is located on the eastern side of the island of the same name, we find an old stone house for sale, featuring four storeys and 200 m2 of residential surface. The house is located in the very centre and it consists of the ground floor, two floors and a loft, which features a terrace that wonderfully overlooks Orebić, the peninsula Pelješac and the marina. There are wooden floors in between the storeys and the house is in need of complete renovation. It is 120 meters from the sea, and it is ideal for tourism work or for a vacation in those summer months, while the ground floor works very well as a business premise. Cijena / Price: 350.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 360 260 117 Nekret nine Krk Na otoku Krku, uz samo more, počela je izgradnja hotela visoke kategorije s pet objekata. Projektom je predviđeno da će objekti imati različitu namjenu, koja će osigurati potpunu udobnost i kvalitetan odmor svim gostima. Dva objekta će se sastojati od 51 apartmana površina od 60 do 70 m2, od kojih će većina imati pogled na more. Jedan od objekata predviđen je za zajedničku uporabu, a sastojat će se od: restorana, manjeg šoping-centra, cafe bara i velikog bazena na otvorenom s vlastitim cafe barom. Projektom je zamišljeno da bazen, smješten između dvaju apartmanskih objekata, tvori plavu lagunu, prostor koji pruža dovoljno privatnosti, udobnosti i mira za sve goste. Prostrano vanjsko parkiralište i svi ostali sadržaji trebali bi osigurati svim gostima i posjetiteljima svu potrebnu uslugu na jednome mjestu. Uz usluge dvaju servisa za čišćenja i sigurnosti objekta, na promociji ovog hotela angažirat će se lokalne putničke agencije, knjigovodstveni servisi, kao i različita sredstva oglašavanja kao: novine/časopisi, web-stranice, različite priredbe i sl. U budućnosti, investitori planiraju unaprijedit cijelo obalno područje uređenjem okolnih plaža i izgradnjom plutajuće marine sa servisom za vodene sportove. Planirani završetak radova predviđen je za kolovoz 2007. godine. On island Krk, near the sea, there is a top-notch hotel comprised of five facilities, under construction. Preliminary design predicted that each facility will have different purpose, which will enable guests to enjoy in comfort and restful holydays. Two facilities will comprise 51 apartments of 60 m2 to 70 m2, mostly with a view of the sea. One facility is planned for common purposes like restaurant, smaller shopping centre, coffee bar and large outdoor swimming pool with own coffee bar. The swimming pool will be situated between two apartment facilities, according to the design, thus making a blue lagoon; a space which ensures enough privacy, peacefulness and comfort for all guests. Spacious open parking place and all other amenities should ensure all needed service. Services of cleaning will be organised with assistance of two companies as well as the security of the hotel; at the hotel’s promotion local traveller agencies, bookkeeping services will be engaged as well various media like newspapers/magazines, web-sites, various show programs and so forth. In future, investors planned to improve entire coastal area, arrange beaches and build up floating marinas with water sports service. Completion of construction is planned for August 2007. Cijena / Price: 20.000.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 4819 292 118 Nekret nine Medulin Uz samo more u mirnom dijelu Medulina nalazi se novoizgrađena zgrada s apartmanima različitih kvadratura. Zgrada se sastoji od tri etaže, a apartmani su jednosobni, dvosobni i trosobni s terasama iz kojih se pruža prekrasan pogled na more. Svi apartmani su luksuzno opremljeni, cijeli objekt je pod videonadzorom te je predviđen i kućepazitelj. Pri opremanju i gradnji su korišteni najkvalitetniji materijali. Zgrada se nalazi dvije minute hoda od centra Medulina i 15 kilometara od Pule i aerodroma. Svakom apartmanu pripada jedno parkirališno mjesto. Oko zgrade je lijepo uređena okućnica. Close to the sea in very peaceful part of Medulin there is newly built apartment building with apartments of different surfaces. Building comprises three storeys and apartments have one, two or three bedrooms and terraces with a wonderful sea view. All apartments are luxury equipped, the whole object has a video control and the janitor is planned. Prime materials are used at the construction. Building is two minutes a foot far from the centre of Medulin and about 15 kilometres far from Pula and airport. Each apartment has one parking place. Around building is nicely arranged courtyard. Cijena / Price: 3500 - 3700 €/m2 Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385(0)21 332 726 119 Nekret nine Novigrad U Novigradu, u blizini mora, prodaju se dva moderno uređena apartmana. Apartmani su dvosobni površina od 49,13 i 60,19 m2. Manji apartman se sastoji od: dvije spavaće sobe, dnevnog boravka s kuhinjom i blagovaonicom, kupaonice, hodnika i terase. Veći apartman se sastoji od: dvije spavaće sobe, dnevnog boravka s kuhinjom i blagovaonicom, kupaonice, hodnika, ostave i dvije terase. Apartmani su klimatizirani i imaju pogled na more. Parkirališno mjesto je uključeno u cijenu. In Novigrad, close to the sea, there are two, modern decorated apartments for sale. This two bedroom apartments have surfaces of 49,13 and 60,19 m2. Smaller apartments comprises of two bedrooms, lounge with kitchen and dining room, bathroom, hallway and terrace. Larger apartments comprises of two bedrooms, lounge with kitchen and dining room, bathroom, hallway, closet and two terraces. Apartments have air condition and view to the sea. Price includes a parking lot. Cijena / Price: 94.000 € (49,13 m2); 114.500 € (60,19 m2) Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 376 8859, +385 (0)1 376 8854 regal MATRIX - Gorenje 120 Nekret nine Opatija U Opatiji, na izuzetnoj lokaciji, prodaje se vila okružena zelenilom i predivno uređenom okućnicom površine 800 m2. Vila se sastoji od dva dvosobna stana s dnevnim boravkom, svaki 100 m2 i dva studio apartmana površine 25 m2. Na prostranoj okućnici se nalaze dvije male vrtne kućice i dva natkrivena parkirališna mjesta. On a very exception location there is villa surrounded by green vegetation and beautiful arranged courtyard surface of 800 m2. Villa consists of two two-bedroom apartments with living room, each surface of 100 m2 and two studio apartments surfeces of 25 m2. On spacious courtyrd there are two small garden houses and two covered parking places. Cijena / Price: 1.500.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 320 974, +385 (0)51 320 702, +385 (0)51 320 708 121 Nekret nine Opatijska rivijera U blizini Opatije, na strmim padinama Lovrana, prodaje se dvoetažna vila s potkrovljem ukupne stambene površine 630 m2. Vila sadrži četiri velika apartmana u suterenu, stan u prizemlju te šest moderno uređenih soba na prvom i drugom katu. Oko vile je prekrasno uređena okućnica površine 1722 m2, u kojoj je smješten bazen, velika ljetna terasa s grillom i veliko parkiralište. Vila je izgrađena na mirnoj lokaciji, s koje se pruža prekrasan pogled na more. Uz centralno grijanje, postoji i solarna instalacija, a cijela vila je klimatizirana. Nekretnina je izgrađena 2003. godine, a zbog veličine i lokacije idealna je za turizam ili za kliniku. Very near Opatija, on the sharp slopes of Lovran, we find a two-storey villa with a loft, at about 630 m2 of residential surface. The villa features four large apartments at basement level, an apartment on the ground floor, and six rooms on the first and second floors that are decorated in modern fashion. The villa is surrounded by a wonderfully decorated courtyard with 1722 m2 of surface, which features a swimming pool, large summer terrace with a grill and a large parking lot. The villa was built at a peaceful location, which provides a wonderful view over the sea. Along with central heating, there is also solar installation, and the entire villa is air-conditioned. The real estate was built in 2003, and thanks to its size and location, it is ideal for tourism or for a clinic. Cijena / Price: 1.700.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 705 764 122 Nekret nine Opatijska rivijera Na Opatijskoj rivijeri prodaje se ekskluzivna vila na četiri etaže ukupne stambene površine 500 m2. Vila ima saunu i garaže te velike terase s prekrasnim pogledom na more, Opatiju i marinu. Udaljenost od plaže i mora je samo tristotinjak metara. There is an exclusive four-storey villa for sale at the Opatija Riviera, with 500 m2 of residential surface. The villa has a sauna, garages and large terraces, with a wonderful view over the sea, Opatija and the marina. The beaches and the sea are just about 300 meters away. Cijena / Price: 2.200.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 271 584 124 Nekret nine Opatijska rivijera Na predivnoj Opatijskoj rivijeri prodaje se luksuzno uređen apartman u novoizgrađenoj zgradi na četiri etaže. Apartman je smješten na drugom katu te ima površinu 78,5 m2, a sastoji se od dvije spavaće sobe, dnevnog boravka, kupaonice, kuhinje i natkrivene terase površine 22 m2 s koje se pruža prekrasan pogled na more. Oko zgrade je uređena okućnica s travnjakom i grillom. Apartmanu pripada jedno parkirališno mjesto. At the wonderful Opatija Riviera, we find a luxuriously decorated apartment on sale in the newly built, four-storey building. The apartment is located at the second floor and it covers 78,5 m2; it consists of two bedrooms, living room, bathroom, kitchen and a covered terrace of 22 m2 of surface, which provides a wonderful view over the sea. There is a decorated courtyard with a lawn and grill around the building. The apartment receives one parking space. Cijena / Price: 165.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 320 974, +385 (0)51 320 702, +385 (0)51 320 708 125 Nekret nine Pirovac U Pirovcu, prelijepom turističkom mjestu, smještenom 23 km sjeverno od Šibenika, prodaje se novoizgrađena i kompletno namještena prizemnica. Mjesto je idealno za odmor, a posebno je razvijen nautički turizam ponajviše zbog brojnih uvala u kojima se može uživati u netaknutoj prirodi. Kuća je podignuta na zemljištu površine 204 m2, dok stambeni prostor obuhvaća 60 m2. Sastoji se od: podruma, dvije spavaće sobe, kuhinje, dnevnog boravka, kupaonice i terase. Na lijepo uređenoj i održavanoj okućnici nalazi se vrt s kaminom i otvoreni parking prostor. Kuća je od mora i predivnih plaža udaljena 250 m. In Pirovac, which is a beautiful tourist town about 23 km north of Šibenik, we find a newly built, completely furnished one-storey house for sale. The location is ideal for a vacation, and nautical tourism is particularly strong because of numerous bays, where you can enjoy yourself in intact nature. The house was built on a parcel that covers 204 m2 of surface, while the residential surface takes up 60 m2. It consists of: the basement, two bedrooms, kitchen, living room, bathroom and terrace. At the nicely decorated and maintained courtyard, we find a garden with a fireplace and an open parking space. The house is about 250 meters away from the sea and the wonderful beaches. Cijena / Price: 140.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 254 5962 126 Nekret nine Poreč Pet kilometara od Vodnjana, na parceli od cca 30.000 m2, gradi se ukupno 25 vila u dvije faze. U prvoj fazi projekta gradi se 13 vila od kojih će jedna biti tzv. club-house gdje će se nalaziti mini fitness centar, trgovina, caffe-bar, ured sa službom održavanja, dok će se u drugoj fazi izgraditi preostalih 12 vila. Projekt je osmišljen u obliku dva prstena oko kojeg se nalaze vile, dok se u sredini svakog prstena nalaze dva teniska igrališta. Vile se nalaze na individualnim parcelama koje variraju od 550 m2 do 750 m2. Svaka vila obuhvaća cca 160 m2 stambene površine, a sastoje se od četiri spavaće sobe i dvije kupaonice, te većina ima pogled na more i Brijunsko otočje. Građene su u tradicionalnom istarskom kamenu (u cijelosti izvana), te svaka vila ima svoj bazen, ogradu od kamena, vrata na daljinsko upravljanje, vrt s navodnjavanjem itd. 25 villas are being built in two stages about 5 kilometres out of Vodnjani, at a parcel of about 30.000 square meters. The first stage of the project features the construction of 13 villas, one of which will be the so-called “Club-House” with a mini fitness centre, a store, a coffee bar, a maintenance services office, while the remaining twelve villas will follow in the second stage. The project was designed in a two-ring shape with villas surrounding it, while the middle of every rin” features two tennis courts. The villas are located on individual parcels, which vary from 550 m2 to 750 m2. Each villa takes up about 160 square meters of residential area, and it consists of four bedrooms and two bathrooms, and most of them overlook the sea and the Brijuni Islands. They are built in traditional Istrian stone (completely on the outside), and each villa has its own swimming pool, a stone fence, remote-controllable doors, a watering garden etc. Cijena / Price: od / from 330.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726 127 Nekret nine Poreč Na prekrasnoj lokaciji u Poreču, samo nekoliko stotina metara od mora, prodaje se prekrasna kuća s apartmanima. Kuća je izgrađena na parceli od 435 m2, a sastoji se od tri etaže s ukupno 300 m2 površine. U prizemlju su: garaža, ostava, prostor za centralno grijanje, toalet, konoba s otvorenim kaminom i dva apartmana. Jedan od apartmana sastoji se od kuhinje, sobe i kupaonice, dok drugi apartman u svom sastavu još ima i dnevni boravak. Na prvom katu je veliki trosoban stan (s dvije kupaonice, velikim dnevnim boravkom, kuhinjom i balkonima) i jedan apartman s dnevnim boravkom, kuhinjom, kupaonicom, sobom i balkonom. Na drugom katu su još dva apartmana, svaki s dnevnim boravkom, kuhinjom, dvije spavaće sobe, kupaonicom i balkonom. Okućnica je kompletno ograđena i lijepo uređena. At a beautiful location in Poreč, merely several hundred meters from the sea, we find a wonderful apartment house. It was built on a parcel of about 435 square meters and it consists of three storeys, with about 300 square meters of surface. The ground floor has a garage, pantry, central heating room, toilet, cellar with an open fireplace, and two apartments. One of the apartments has a kitchen, a bedroom and a bathroom, while the other one also has a living room. On the first floor we find a big three-room apartment (with two bathrooms, a large living room, a kitchen and balconies), as well as an apartment with a living room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and balcony. The second floor has two more apartments; each has a living room, kitchen, two bedrooms, bathroom and a balcony. The courtyard is completely fenced and nicely maintained. Cijena / Price: 750.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 433 801, +385 (0)98 411 430 128 Nekret nine Poreč Prodaje se predivna luksuzna vila u izgradnji stambene površine 210 m2, udaljena 12 km od Poreča. Vila se nalazi na zemljištu površine 5000 m2, a sastoji od prostranog prizemlja i prvog kata. Rustikalnim stilom gradnje savršeno se uklapa u okoliš, a bazen površine 60 m2 daje joj poseban šarm. Okućnicu čini predivan travnjak, a cijelo hortikulturno uređenje je potpuno u skladu sa stilom gradnje. There is a beautiful luxury villa under construction surface of 210 m2 for sale. Distance from the Poreč is 12 kilometres. Villa is settled on the plot of land of 5000 m2 and it consists of spacious ground floor and first floor. It is built up in rustic style and it is perfectly fits in environment and the pool surface of 60 m2 gives a special charm. The courtyard consists of beautiful lawn and the whole horticultural arrangement is in consistent with construction style. Cijena / Price: 490.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 427 206, +385 (0)98 438 479 �� ������� ������� �������� �� �������������� ������� �������� ��� ������ ������� ����� �� ����������� ����� �������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������� ��������� ��������� ���� ��� �� ������ ��� ��������� �� ������� ����� ��� ��������� ������ ��� ��� ��������� ��������������� ������������������������� ����������������������������� ���������������������� ���������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 129 Nekret nine Poreč Prekrasna vila s tri sobe i predivnim bazenom. Smještena je na rubnom djelu starog grada Sv. Lovreč, u kojem se nalazi sva potrebna infrastruktura. Samo nekoliko minuta šetnje do najbližih barova i trgovina. Grad Poreč je udaljen svega 20 minuta. Stambena površina vile je 162 m2, a smještena je na parceli od 750 m2. A beautiful three bedroom new stone house with the most stunning swimming pool on the edge of the old walled town of St.Lovreč, where there is a full range of facilities. Walking distance to bars and shops. The wonderful old Venetian town of Poreč is only 20 minutes away. Size of the villa is 162 m2, set on the plot of 750 m2. Cijena / Price: 290.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 433 542, +385 (0)91 202 4993 130 Nekret nine Poreč Prodaju se dvije kamene kuće izgrađene po izvanrednim standardima s bazenima ukupne stambene površine od 158 m2. Smještene su izvan centra Poreča na parceli površine 500 m2. Svaka kuća ima svoju garažu. For sale, two stone houses built by high standards, complete with pools, just outside the busy tourist resort of Poreč. The houses come with an integral garage. Each house is in its own grounds of 500 m2. Both houses have 158 m2 living area. Cijena / Price: 290.000 € / svaka / each Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 433 542, +385 (0)91 202 4993 131 Nekret nine Poreč U okolici Poreča, na okućnici površine 700 m2, prodaje se dvoetažna novoizgrađena kuća površine 135 m2. U prizemlju se nalazi nadstrešnica, predsoblje, kupaonica s tušem, kuhinja, dnevni boravak, blagovaonica, ostava i natkrivena terasa. Prvi kat se sastoji od tri sobe i kupaonice. Vila ima bazen, dvije klime i vrt s navodnjavanjem. Udaljenost od mora i od Poreča je 9 km. In the area near Poreč and built on a parcel of 700 m2, we find a two-storey newly built house for sale, with residential surface of 135 m2. The ground floor features a canopy, hallway, bathroom with a shower, kitchen, living room, dining room, pantry and a covered terrace. The first floor consists of three bedrooms and a bathroom. The villa has a swimming pool, two air-conditioners and a garden with a watering system. Both the sea and the city of Poreč are 9 km away. Cijena / Price: 250.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 433 801, +385 (0)98 411 430 132 Nekret nine Poreč Na udaljenosti 15 km od Poreča, na zemljištu od 13 000 m2, nalazi se novoizgrađena luksuzna vila stambene površine 300 m2. Vila se sastoji od tri etaže: prizemlja, prvog kata i potkrovlja. Ispred vile se nalazi natkrivena terasa, a oko vile je lijepo uređen okoliš s automatskim navodnjavanjem. Luksuznosti objekta pridonosi i veliki bazen smješten ispred vile. Vila je klimatizirana i ima telefon i SAT/TV. Pri uređenju su korišteni najkvalitetniji materijali. At the distance of 15 kilometres from Poreč on the plot of land of 13000 m2 there is newly built luxury villa living surface of 300 m2. Villa consists of three storeys: ground floor, first floor and a loft. In front of the villas there is covered terrace and around villa there is nicely arranged courtyard with automatic watering. The large pool in front of the villa contributes to the luxury of villa. Villa has air condition, phone and SAT/TV. Prime materials are used at the construction of the villa. Cijena / Price: 250.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)+385 (0)52 427 206, +385 (0)98 438 479 Rozi Hort Art 134 ��������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� �������������� ������������������ �������������������� ����������������������� �������������������������� ���������������������������������������� Nekret nine Primošten U jednoj od mnogobrojnih uvala, smještenoj nedaleko od Primoštena, u rujnu 2007. započet će izgradnja apartmanskog objekta na tri etaže, s kojih se pruža predivan pogled na more. Objekt se po projektu idealno uklapa u okruženje jer je dizajniran u prepoznatljivom dalmatinskom stilu (kamena fasada i grilje), a od mora je udaljen 100 m. Prizemlje se sastoji od dva jednosobna apartmana od 47,27 m2 i 36,72 m2, s pripadajućom terasom. Na prvom katu se nalazi apartman od 85,76 m2 koji se sastoji od: dvije spavaće sobe, dvije terase, kuhinje s dnevnim boravkom, hodnika i biblioteke. Apartman na drugom katu, u naravi predstavlja visoko potkrovlje, obuhvaća istu površinu i broj prostorija kao i apartman na prvom katu. Svi će apartmani biti opremljeni s: dvostrukim staklima na prozorima, blindo vratima, dizajnerskim pločicama, visoko kvalitetnim parketom, klima-uređajem (grijanje/hlađenje), kompletno opremljenom kupaonicom, te s jednim parkirališnim mjestom za manje apartmane, dok su za veće predviđena dva mjesta. In one of the numerous bays that are located near Primošten, September 2007 will mark the beginning of construction work on a three-storey apartment object, which will provide a wonderful view over the sea. According to the project, the object does a wonderful job of fitting in the environment, as it is designed in the recognizable Dalmatian style (stone façade and archaic shutters), and it’s 100 meters from the sea. The ground floor consists of two one-room apartments (47,27 and 36,72 m2 of surface) and an accompanying terrace. The first floor features an apartment with 85,76 m2 of surface, which consists of: two bedrooms, two terraces, kitchen with a living room, hallway and library. The second-floor apartment, basically functioning as a high loft, covers the same surface and the same number of rooms as the first-floor apartment. All the apartments have the following equipment: double-glass windows, armoured doors, designer tiles, high-quality parquet floor, air conditioning (heating/cooling), completely furnished bathroom, and one parking space for smaller apartments, while the bigger apartments assume two parking spaces. Cijena / Price: 73.000 - 170.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 254 5962 135 Nekret nine Primošten U predivnoj uvali od centra Primoštena udaljenoj 1,5 km, podignuta je novoizgrađena, moderna apartmanska zgrada s četiri apartmana. Zgrada je smještena na blagoj uvisini s koje se pruža jedinstven pogled na more od kojeg je udaljena svega 50 m. Na raspolaganju je ostao još jedan apartman smješten u prizemlju s vrtom površine 50 m2. Apartman obuhvaća 42,30 m2 stambene površine, a sastoji se od jedne spavaće sobe, kuhinje, dnevnog boravka i kupaonice. Svi apartmani imaju: prozore s duplim staklima, blindo vrata, dizajnerske pločice, hrastov parket, klimauređaj (grijanje/hlađenje), potpuno opremljenu kupaonicu i parking mjesto koje je uključeno u cijenu. In a beautiful bay that is 1,5 kilometres away from the centre of Primošten, a newly built, modern apartment building with four apartments was unveiled. The building is located on a mild slope, which provides a unique view over the sea that is just 50 meters away. There is one more available apartment, and it is located on the ground floor with a garden that spreads across 50 m2 of surface. The apartment takes up 42,30 m2 of residential surface, and it consists of one bedroom, kitchen, living room and bathroom. All apartments have: double-glass windows, armoured doors, designer tiles, oak wood parquet, air conditioning (heating/cooling), completely furnished bathroom and a parking space, which is included in the price. Cijena / Price: 90.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 254 5962 136 Nekret nine Rab U Barbatu, malom mjestu na otoku Rabu poznatom po čistome moru i pješčanim plažama, prodaje se vila s dva dvoetažna stana svaki površine 135 m2 s pripadajućom okućnicom. Vila je smještena u novoizgrađenom elitnom naselju urbanih vila, na udaljenosti 50 m od plaže s privatnim kolnim prilazom, kao i putem do mora. S vile se pruža prekrasan pogled na more. Pri uređenju su korišteni najkvalitetniji materijali i suvremena tehnologija građenja, čime je postignuta visoka kvaliteta izgrađenih objekata. In Barbat, a small town on the island of Rab that is renowned for its crystal-clear sea and sand beaches, there is a villa on sale with two two-storey apartments, each with 135 m2 of surface and an accompanying courtyard. The villa is located in the newly built, elite settlement of urban villas, merely 50 meters away from the beach and with a private driveway, as well as the path to the sea. The villa provides a glorious view over the sea. In the process of decoration, only top-quality materials were used, as well as a modern construction technology, which guarantees the high quality of constructed objects. Cijena / Price: 180.000 € + PDV svaki / each Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 724 958 137 Nekret nine Rab U Rabu se prodaje ekskluzivna samostojeća dvoetažna kuća površine 170 m2. Kuća je okružena s prostranom okućnicom i nalazi se u prvom redu do mora, s vlastitom rivom za privez brodica. Iz kuće se pruža veličanstven pogled na more i prepoznatljiva četiri rapska zvonika starogradske jezgre. Ako želite pronaći mirno utočište za sebe i svoje najdraže, onda je ovo idealna prilika za ostvarenje vaših snova. We find an exclusive detached house for sale in Rab, with a surface of 170 m2. The house is surrounded by a large courtyard and is first in line to the coast, with its own promenade for boat mooring. The house provides a magnificent view over the sea and four recognisable church towers in Rab’s archaic town centre. If you’re looking for a quiet resort for you and your loved ones, then this is the ideal opportunity for your dreams to come true. Cijena / Price: 499.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 724 958 138 Nekret nine Rab U elitnom dijelu Raba, u neposrednoj blizini centra i mora, prodaju se jedinstvene vile s luksuzno opremljenim apartmanima različitih površina, od 30 d 70 m2, s izdvojenim ostavama i prostranim terasama. Apartmani su moderno opremljeni, a pri uređenju su korišteni vrhunski materijali. Ispred vila su veliki zajednički vanjski bazen, uređeni park s igralištem za djecu te podzemna garaža. Iako su u neposrednom dodiru sa samim središtem otoka Raba, ove vile ujedno odlikuje iznimno mirna lokacija. In the elite part of Rab, very near to the centre and the sea, we find unique villas on sale, and they feature luxuriously equipped apartments of various sizes (30-70 m2), detached pantries and spacious terraces. The apartments are furnished in a very modern manner, and top-notch materials were used during decoration. In front of the villas, we find a large joint outdoor swimming pool, decorated park with a playground for children, as well as an underground garage. Although they are very connected to the very centre of the island of Rab, these villas are also characterized by an extremely peaceful location. Cijena / Price: 1970 - 2090 €/m2 Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 724 958 140 Nekret nine Stanovi u izgradnji u urbanim vilama u Splitu - Duilovo ���� �� � � � � � �� � � ������� ������� � � � � � � � �� ��������� DUILO URBANE VILE DUILOVO Prodaju se stanovi u izgradnji u luksuzno uređenim vilama na izvrsnoj lokaciji u Duilovu. Kompleks se sastoji od pet zgrada i u ponudi ima 19 stanova različite kvadrature. Raspored vila je izuzetan s obzirom na prisutnost zelenih površina. Svi stanovi su orijentirani jug-sjever, a među ponuđenim kvadraturama su jednosobni stanovi od 29 do 47m2, dvosobni od 51do 72 m2 i trosobni od 84 m2. Formira se interesna lista. VILLAS IN DUILOVO Beautiful villas in Duilovo for sale on excellent location away from city traffic and high density living. Community will have five buildings with 19 apartments available. Placement of villas are wonderful with green areas present. All apartments are placed north-south. We offer one bedroom apartments from 29 - 47 m2, two bedroom apartments from 51 - 72 m2 and three bedroom apartments of 84 m2. Interest list now forming. New development in Duilovo, Split – apartments in urban villas Put Supavla 1 21000 Split, CROATIA T : +385(0)21 332 725 +385(0)21 332 726 F : +385(0)21 380 852 141 www.dalcasa.com Nekret nine Split U malom mjestu nedaleko Splita, na uzvisini s otvorenim pogledom na stobrečki zaljev, prodaje se urbana vila na četiri etaže ukupne stambene površine 700 m2. Na prvoj etaži se nalazi podrum s pet garažnih mjesta. Prizemlje se sastoji od kotlovnice, vinoteke, prostorije za fitness, saune s garderobom i sanitarnog čvora s tuševima. Na prvom katu je zatvoreni grijani bazen, ostava, kuhinja s blagovaonicom i terasom, dnevni boravak s kaminom, garderoba i sanitarni čvor. Drugi kat sadrži četiri spavaće spbe, tri kupaonice i dvije garderobe te je svaka soba povezana s pripadajućom terasom. Uređenju okoliša je posvećena velika pažnja. Uz standardne instalacije villa je opremljena s podnim grijanjem, centralnim usisavanjem, s dva sefa, video nadzorom i alarmom, a razvedene su telefonske i kompjuterske instalacije. In a small town nearby Split, on a slope that clearly overlooks the Stobreč Gulf, there is a four-storey urban villa for sale, at about 700 m2 of overall residential surface. The first storey features a basement with five garage places. The ground floor consists of a boiler room, wine room, fitness room, sauna with wardrobe space, as well as sanitary facilities with showers. The first floor features indoor heated swimming pool, pantry, kitchen with a dining room and terrace, living room with a fireplace, wardrobe and sanitary facilities. The second floor consists of four bedrooms, three bathrooms and two wardrobe spaces, and every room is connected with the accompanying terrace. Environment preservation was also given great attention. Along with standard installations, the villa is equipped with floor heating, a central vacuuming system, indented telephone and computer installations, two vaults, video-supervision and alarm. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 452 875 142 Nekret nine Šibenik Nedaleko od Šibenika nalazi se prekrasna i luksuzno uređena obiteljska kuća. Podignuta je na zemljišu površine 300 m2, koje je od mora i prve plaže udaljeno stotinjak metara. Kuća obuhvaća 120 m2 stambene površine podijeljene na dvije etaže. Sastoji se od velike kuhinje, blagovaonice s dnevnim boravkom, dvije kupaonice, dvije spavaće sobe i terase. Dio fasade obložen je ručno obrađenim kamenom, dok se u uređenom i popločanom dvorišnom prostoru nalazi i mali bazen. Not far from Šibenik there is beautiful and luxury family house. It is built on the plot of land of 300 m2. Distance from the sea and beach is only 100 meters. The house consists of 120 m2 living area divided on two storeys. It comprises living room, two bathrooms, two living rooms and a terrace. The part of the facade is covered with hand treated stone, while in arranged and causeway courtyard there is small pool. Cijena / Price: 235.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)22 312 073, +385 (0)98 9193 858 143 Nekret nine ��������������������������� ����������������������� ����������������������������� �������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ������� ��� ������� ��� ������������ ������ ����� ��������� ���������� ����� ��� ������� ����������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� �������������������������� ��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ������������� ��� ���������� ��� ������� ���� ���������������������������������������� ������ ������ ����� ���� ������� ������������ ������ ����� ��� ������������ ����������� ��������������������� �������������������������� ��������������������� ������ ����� ������������ ��� ������ ������ ��� ��� ����������� �������� ����� ��� ����������� ������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ��������������������������� ����� ��� ���� ������������� ����� �������� ����� ��� ��� ��� ������� �������� ��������� ����������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ��������� ���� ���������� ����� ������ ��������������������������������������� ���� ������ ���� ���� ���� �������� �������� ������ ������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ������������������������������������� ����������������� ����������������������� ���������������������� ����������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ���������������� ����������������������� ���������������������������������� 144 ���������������������� ������������������� �������������������� Nekret nine Trogir Na mirnoj lokaciji u blizini Trogira prodaje se predivna vila Pliva u izgradnji. Vila ima dvije etaže, čija ukupna stambena površina zauzima 140 m2. U prizemlju se nalazi veliki dnevni boravak, kuhinja, blagovaonica, spavaća soba, kupaonica i velika terasa s jacuzzijem. Na katu su dnevni boravak, kuhinja, blagovaonica, dvije spavaće sobe, kupaonica i velika terasa s prekrasnim pogledom na more. Ispred vile su tri parkirališna mjesta te uređena okućnica s palmama i cvijećem. Vila se nalazi u prvom redu do mora. Rok završetka radova je rujan 2007. At a peaceful location near Trogir, there is the wonderful Villa Pliva under construction and it is for sale. The villa has two storeys and features 140 m2 of overall residential surface. The ground floor consists of a large living room, kitchen, dining room, two bedrooms, bathroom and a large terrace with a jacuzzi. The upper floor features the living room, kitchen, dining room, two bedrooms, bathroom and a large terrace with a wonderful view over the sea. There are three parking spaces in front of the villa, as well as a decorated courtyard with palm trees and flowers. The villa is first in line to the coast. The construction process is due to be finished in September of 2007. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquir y Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 385 049 145 Nekret nine Trogir U blizini Trogira, uz samo more, prodaje se predivna višeetažna vila Kleopatra. U vili su smještena tri stana. Pri uređenju su korišteni samo najkvalitetniji materijali. Ispred vile je bazen i jaccuzi te uređena okućnica s mnoštvom cvijeća i palmi. Vila ima sobu za fitness, vlastiti vez za brodice te mnoštvo terasa. Just by the sea near Trogir, there is the wonderful multi-storey Villa Kleopatra for sale. The villa consists of three apartments. Only materials of the utmost quality were used during the process of construction. In front of the villa, we find a swimming pool and a jacuzzi, as well as a decorated courtyard with plenty of flowers and palm trees. The villa has a fitness room, its own boat mooring and plenty of terraces. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquir y Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 385 049 146 Nekret nine Tuheljske toplice U malom selu nedaleko Tuheljskih toplica prodaje se dvoetažna kuća čija stambena površina iznosi 200 m2. Prizemlje se sastoji od kuhinje, ostave, prostranog dnevnog boravka površine 40 m2, dvije spavaće sobe, kupaonice i garaže. Na katu se nalazi pet soba i kupaonica. Kuća je smještena na parceli površine 980 m2. Oko kuće se nalazi održavana okućnica s cvijećem na kojoj je smještena pušnica i ljetna kuhinja s natkrivenim roštiljem. Kuća ima centralno plinsko grijanje, telefon, vodu, struju i kanalizciju. There is a two-storey house for sale in a small village near Tuheljske Toplice, with about 200 m2 of residential surface. The ground floor consists of the kitchen, pantry, spacious living room that takes up 40 m2, two bedrooms, bathroom and garage. The upper floor features five bedrooms and a bathroom. The house was built on a parcel with 980 m2 of surface. There is a maintained courtyard full of flowers around the house, and it features a smokehouse and a summer kitchen with a covered grill. The house has central gas heating, telephone, water, electricity and a sewage system. Cijena / Price: 185.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 376 8859, +385 (0)1 376 8854 147 Nekret nine Umag Prodajemo još 19 sunčanih i prostranih stanova s balkonima u moderno dizajniranom kompleksu zgrada. Budući stanari će također imati ekskluzivno pravo krovne terase s bazenom i otvorenim pogledom. For sale, 19 bright and airy apartments and penthouses with private balconies, in a modern and stilish complex. Residents also have exclusive use of a private rooftop, swimming pool and roof terrace with open views. Cijena / Price: od / from 148.941 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726 148 Nekret nine Umag Samo nekoliko koraka od centra Umaga u pitomom zelenom istarskom krajoliku prodaju se tri urbane vile s ukupno 24 visokokvalitetna izgrađena i opremljena stana. Vile su udaljene 400 m od luke i šetnice uz more te 1,2 km od plaže. Visina stropova u stanovima je 275 cm. Oko cijelog podruma se nalazi suhi rov kao dodatna izolacija. Pri gradnji i opremanju su korišteni kvalitetni materijali (4-slojna vrhunska toplinska i zvučna međukatna i krovna izolacija, mitsubishi split sistem klima-uređaji u svakoj prostoriji, protuprovalna blindo vrata, visokokvalitetna sobna vrata, talijanska keramika i sanitarije, egzotični masivni parketi, svaki stan ima brojilo za potrošnju energenata, sva unutarnja i vanjska stepeništa, balkoni i okućnica izrađeni su od granita, telefon, internet...). Stanovi imaju prostrane terase i lođe. Svakom stanu pripada jedno parking mjesto pored vile. Postoji mogućnost kupnje klasične garaže u podrumu, svaka s daljinskim zatvaranjem. U prvoj vili na raspolaganju je ostao još jedan stan. Druga vila je useljiva u rujnu (veći dio stanova je prodan), dok je treća vila useljiva do studenog 2007. (dio stanova je na raspolaganju). In the quiet, green Istrian landscape, just several steps away from the centre of Umag, there are three urban villas on sale, featuring as many as 24 high-quality constructed and furnished apartments. The villas are 400 metres from the harbour and the seaside promenade, and about 1,2 kilometres from the beach. The ceilings in the apartments are 275 cm high. There is a dry trench surrounding the entire basement, and it serves as extra-isolation. While constructing and furnishing the villas, only materials of the highest quality were used (four-layered, top-notch heat and sound isolation between floors and on the roof, “Mitsubishi Split” air-conditioning systems in every room, anti-burglary armoured doors, high-quality doors for rooms, Italian ceramics and sanitary facilities, exotic massive parquets, a meter to measure the usage of energy for every apartment, granite-made indoor and outdoor staircases, balconies and courtyard, as well as telephone, internet…). Apartments have spacious terraces and loggias. Every apartment gets one parking space next to the villa. There is an option of purchasing a classic garage in the basement, which would be remote-controlled. The first villa has one more apartment available. The second villa can be moved into in September (the large portion of apartments is taken), while the third villa becomes available for living in November 2007 (some of the apartments are still available). Cijena / Price: 2350 €/m2 Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 751 087, +385 (0)98 486 100, +385 (0)99 253 5284 149 Nekret nine Umag U Zambrattiji, koja je poznata i kao oaza mira, gdje se uz cvrkut ptica možete opustiti i uživati, prodaje se vila na dvije etaže, ukupne stambene površine 160 m2. Vila je smještena na zemljištu površine 1314 m2 koje se proteže sve do mora, a izgradio ju je kao svoju ljetnu rezidenciju kapetan duge plovidbe iz poznate engleske obitelji Lloyd. Izgrađena je u starom engleskom stilu po svim zakonima feng shuija. Ispred vile je prirodni park koji se proteže sve do pješčane plaže i mora koji su na udaljenosti od 70-ak metara. Vila ima i svoj bunar sa živom vodom. Udaljena je od Trsta 50 km i 80 km od zračne luke Pula. In Zambrattia, which is also known as a peaceful oasis where you can truly relax and enjoy yourself along with the twittering of birds, we find a two-storey villa for sale, spreading across 160 m2 of residential surface. The villa is located on a parcel that surfaces across 1314 m2 and reaches all the way to the sea, and it was built, as his summer residence, by a captain of an ocean-going service, who comes from a well-known English family Lloyd. It was built in archaic English style, in harmony with all the laws of Feng Shui. There is a nature park in front of the villa, which spreads all the way to the sand beach and the sea, which are only about 70 meters away. The villa also has its own well that contains live water. Trieste is about 50 km away, and the Pula Airport is 80 km away. Cijena / Price: 1.300.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 360 260 150 Nekret nine Umag U predivnome malom mjestu u blizini Umaga nalazi se novoizgrađena stambena zgrada na tri etaže. Zgrada je smještena uz samo more, u mirnom okruženju. Stanovi su različitih kvadratura, a na raspolaganju su ostala još samo četiri stana. Svi stanovi imaju SAT/TV, telefon, klimu i parkirališno mjesto. Zgrada posjeduje i podzemnu garažu. Iz stanova se pruža prekrasan pogled na more i okolnu obalu. In beautiful small settlement close to Umag there is newly built apartment house on three storeys. The building is settled close to sea in a peaceful environment. Apartments have different surfaces and there are still available four apartments. All apartments have SAT/TV, phone, air condition and parking place. Building has also underground garage. Apartments have wonderful sea view and view on nearby cost. Cijena / Price: 2500 €/m2 Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726 151 Nekret nine Vinodolska rivijera U malome mjestu Smokvici, šarmantnom već po samom imenu, smjestila se vila Sunce. Lijepa priroda, ekološki u potpunosti sačuvan okoliš i čisto more glavne su značajke ovoga mjesta, koje se nalazi na 10 minuta od Novog Vinodolskog i 10 minuta od Senja. Raznovrsne priredbe, koncerti i sportski događaji, ali i noćni život vas očekuje u nedalekoj Crikvenici. Sama vila se sastoji od osam apartmana različite stambene površine – od 43 do 56 m2. Iz svih se apartmana pruža veličanstven pogled na more i otok Krk, a pozicija vile – prvi red do mora – omogućava vam nesmetano uživanje u romantičnim zalascima sunca na plaži Vrilo koja se nalazi na udaljenosti od dvije minute. Svaki apartman dobiva i svoje pripadajuće parkirališno mjesto. In a beautiful small town called Smokvica, which is charming by its very name that translates to “a small fig”, lies Villa Sunce (Sun Villa). Stunning country side, a completely ecologically preserved environment and a crystal clear sea are the main characteristics of the town, which is about 10 minutes away from both Novi Vinodolski and Senj. Numerous concerts, performances and sporting events, as well as a varied nightlife await you in nearby Crikvenica. The villa itself features eight individual apartments of varied size, from 43 to 56 m2. All apartments offer a magnificent view of the sea as well as the island of Krk, and the villa’s position - first in line to the coast - enables guests to enjoy romantic sunsets at Vrilo beach, which is located just a two minute walk away. Every apartment also comes with an accompanying parking space. Cijena / Price: 84.000 - 110.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 254 1132, +385 (0)99 620 2020 153 Nekret nine Vis U malom otočnom selu u unutrašnjosti otoka Visa nalazi se imanje površine 4722 m2, na kojem se nalaze tri objekta. Na imanju su renovirana dvokatnica, izdvojen objekt uređen kao ljetna kuhinja i jedan objekt izgrađen u suhozidu koji se može koristiti u različite svrhe. Pri uređenju fasade kuće korišten je kamen nekadašnje ruševine koja se nalazila na ovome mjestu. Kuća ima 140 m2 stambene površine, a podijeljena je na dva dijela. U jednom dijelu su dva apartmana za goste, dok se u drugom dijelu nalazi dvoetažan dvosoban stan. Ispred i iza kuće su prostrane terase idealne za odmor i opuštanje u ovoj oazi mira. Iza kuće je i bunar. Do imanja vodi privatan put koji se spaja na seosku cestu. In a small village in the inland of island Vis there is a property of 4,772 m2, with three objects. There is a renovated two storey house, one separated object arranged as a summer kitchen and yet one object built in dry stone wall pattern, which can be used for various purposes. For renovation of the front of the house the stone from prior old ruin that stood there was used. The house has 140 m2 of living space and is divided in two parts. One part comprises of two apartments for guests while the second part comprises of two floors apartment with two bedrooms. Spacious terraces are in front and at the rear of the house, ideal for a rest and relaxation in this peaceful oasis. At the rear of the house there is a well. A private road from the property is running to the village road. Cijena / Price: 485.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 376 8859, +385 (0)1 376 8854 154 Nekret nine Zadar U blizini Zadra nalazi se predivna i prostrana vila na tri etaže, s 266,60 m2 stambene površine. Vila se sastoji od četiriju apartmana koji imaju izlaz na prostrane terase s ukupno 145,20 m2 površine. U prizemlju su dva apartmana, jedan s dvije spavaće sobe od 91,40 m2 i drugi s jednom spavaćom sobom od 51,50 m2. Preko cijelog prvog kata i potkrovlja prostire se po jedan apartman s dvije spavaće sobe, površina 148,30 m2 (prvi kat) i 120,60 m2 (potkrovlje). U kvadraturu svih apartmana uključena je i površina terasa. Vile imaju predivan pogled na more. Cijeli posjed je uređen s velikom pažnjom, posebno vrt koji je zasađen mediteranskim kulturama. Prostrana okućnica podijeljena je na parkiralište (110 m2), dvorište i vrt (300 m2). In the vicinity of Zadar there is beautiful and spacious three storeys villas with 266,60 m2 living area. Villa consists of four apartments which have access on spacious terraces with total surface of 145,20 m2. In the ground floor there are two apartments, one with two bedrooms surface of 91,40 m2 and the second with one bedroom surface of 51,50 m2. On the first floor and on the loft there are two two-bedroom apartments surfaces of 148,30 and 120,60 m2 that extends over the entire storeys. The surface of all apartments includes surfaces of terraces. Villas have beautiful sea view. The whole estate is decorated with special care, especially the garden with Mediterranean plants. Spacious courtyard is divided on parking place of 110 m2, courtyard and a garden (300 m2). Cijena / Price: 1.200.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 376 8859, +385 (0)1 376 8854 156 Nekret nine Zagreb U mini stambenom naselju u Gračanima, smještenom nedaleko od centra grada Zagreba, prodaju se stanovi u moderno dizajniranim vilama koje su profinjeno stopljene u prirodno okruženje podsljemenskog krajolika. Stanovi imaju posebne ulaze, originalan raspored, boravke visine 310 cm, zelene vrtne terase, garaže s izravnim ulazom u stan... Vile imaju zajedničke vrtove i dječje igralište što otvara mogućnost druženja sa susjedima. Urbanistički i arhitektonski koncept ovih kuća je unikatan, moderan i vrhunski izveden te je upravo zbog toga i sam projekt dobio 1. nagradu za najuspješnije ostvarenje na području stambene arhitekture (Udruženje hrvatskih arhitekata, srpanj 2007.). Stanovi su za prodaju i najam. In the mini-residential settlement in Gračani, which is located near the centre of Zagreb, apartments are on sale in moderndesigned villas, which are subtly “blended” into the natural environment of sub-Sljeme landscape. Apartments have individual entries, original formation, living rooms have heights 310 cm, green garden terraces, garages with direct entryways into the apartments… The villas have joint gardens and playgrounds for children, which opens the option of socializing with neighbours. Urban and architectonic concept of these houses is unique, modern and performed in the highest quality, and that’s exactly what earned this project the first award for the most successful accomplishment in the field of residential architecture (Association of Croatian Architects, July 2007). Apartments are for sale and for rent. Cijena / Price: 2400 €/m2 Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)99 495 9501 157 Zagreb Nekret nine- Exclusive apartments in Šestine - at the foot of Sljeme zone � � � � � � � � � ������ ��� ������ ��� ������������� ����������� ������� �������� ����� �������� ����� ��� ����������� �������� �� ��������� ��������������� �������� ��� ���� ������ ������������������������������������������������������������������ ����������� ���������� ������� ��� ������������ ������� ���������� ���� �������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������� ����� �������� ������������� ���� ���������� ����������� ���� �������� ����� ������ ������������ ���� �������� ���� ����������� ����� ���� ���� ����� �������� �� ������ ����� ��������� ���� ������ ���������� ���� �������� ����� ����� ����������� ���� ���� ����������� ����� �������� �������� ���� ���������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������� ������������������������ �� ���������������������������� �� ��������������� �� �������������������������� ���������������������� ����������������������������� �� ��������������������������������� �� �������������������� �� ������������������������������ 158 Zagreb - Ekskluzivni stanoviNekret u nine podsljemenskoj zoni - Šestine ������������������������������������ ��������������������� ���������������������� ��������������������� �������� ����������������������� ��������������������������������� 159 Nekret nine Zagreb U Španskom, u zapadnom dijelu grada, nalazi se stambeno-poslovni kompleks od 9 zgrada (4-7 katova) s velikim liftovima, 756 stanova (26, 39, 58, 61 i 78 m2) gdje će cjelokupno parkiranje biti osigurano u podzemnim garažama u dvije etaže s ukupno 594 parkirališna mjesta. Na -2 etaži su predviđena i parkirališta za osobe s invaliditetom. U sklopu projekta su predviđeni i popratni sadržaji: trgovine, banke, poslovni prostori za kiosk, krojačnica, kemijska čistionica, ljekarna, solarij, frizeraj, kafići, pizzeria, dvije osnovne škole i tri dječja vrtića. Atraktivnost ove lokacije je mirnoća kvarta, a ipak blizina brze prometnice – Ljubljanske avenije, koja spaja zapadni dio grada s centrom. Stanovi su opremljeni protuprovalnim vratima, etažnim plinskim grijanjem, digitalnim termostatotom za grijenje, PVC stolarijom, hrastovim parketom, prvoklasnom keramikom i sanitarijama... Kompleks je smješten uz potok Vrapčak te je također predviđen i zeleni pojas sa sadržajima za mlađe i starije. Predviđeno useljenje: veljača 2008. In the western part of town called Špansko, we find a residential-business complex featuring 9 buildings (4-7 floors) with large elevators, 756 apartments (26, 39, 58, 61 and 78 m2), while the entire parking issue will be solved with two-storey underground garages, featuring 594 parking spaces. Some parking spaces for disabled people are planned at the –2 storey. You can find many accompanying features within the project; stores, banks, business premises for a newsstand, tailor store, dry cleaner’s, pharmacy, solarium, hairdresser’s, coffee shops, pizzeria, two elementary schools and three kindergartens. The added appeal to this location lies in the peaceful neighbourhood, and yet the fast highway is very near – The Ljubljana Avenue, which connects the western part of the town with the centre. Apartments are furnished with anti-burglary doors, storey gas heating, digital thermostat for heating, PVC joinery, oak-wooden parquet, top-class ceramics and sanitary facilities… The complex is located next to the Vrapčak stream, and it has a green area predicted with many features for both the younger and the older. Moving in will be possible in February, 2008. Cijena / Price: 1660 - 1880 €/m2 Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 655 5641, +385 (0)98 9594 370, +385 (0)98 9826 988 160 Nekret nine Zagreb U stambeno-poslovnoj zgradi u Dubravi, koja je smještena na prestižnoj lokaciji u istočnom dijelu grada nalazi se 125 stanova, poslovni prostori i 160 parkirališnih mjesta. Kvadrature stanova su 29, 37, 45, 68 i 89 m2, a u prizemlju su predviđeni ekskluzivni poslovni prostori s različitim poslovnim sadržajima koji zaokružuju stambenu ponudu. Zgrada ima osam nadzemnih etaža te tri podzemne na kojima će biti osigurano parkiranje. Stanovi imaju protuprovalna vrata, etažno plinsko grijanje, PVC stolariju, hrastov parket, prvoklasnu keramiku i sanitarije, digitalni termostat za grijanje...Zgrada ima neposredan pristup sa sjeverne i južne strane na javnoprometnu površinu, a u blizini su dvije osnovne škole i tri dječja vrtića. Hortikulturno uređenje parcele je sastavni dio ovog projekta i čini projektnu cjelinu, a udio zelene površine usklađen je s odredbama GUP-a i iznosi minimalno 20%. Predviđeno useljenje: veljača 2008. In a residential-business building in Dubrava, which is located at the prestigious location in the eastern part of town, we find 125 apartments, business premises and 160 parking spaces. The apartments’ sizes are 29, 37, 45, 68 and 89 m2, and the ground floor is planned to feature exclusive business premises with various business contents, which round up the residential offering. The building has eight over-ground floors and three underground floors, which are planned to feature parking spaces. The apartments have anti-burglary doors, storey gas heating, PVC joinery, oak parquet flooring, top-class ceramics and sanitary facilities, digital thermostat for heating… The building has immediate access from the northern and southern side to the public traffic area, and there are also two elementary schools and three kindergartens nearby. The horticultural decoration of the parcel is an integral part of this project and it makes it a complete project unit, and the green surface’s share is adjusted to the regulations of the GUP physical plan and it amounts to minimally 20%. The building will be ready for its first tenants in the February, 2008. Cijena / Price: 1700 - 1800 €/m2 Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 655 5641, +385 (0)98 9594 370, +385 (0)98 9826 988 161