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SVIBANJ/MAY 2008 www.dalcasa.com BROJ/EDITION 35 CIJENA 25 KN PRICE 5 € HRVATSKI MAGAZIN ZA NEKRETNINE / CROATIAN REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE REPORT SALONE DEL MOBILE 2008 NA OTOKU SA SILVIJOM FENDI ON THE ISLAND WITH SILVIA FENDI INTERVIEW PAOLO PININFARINA NAJBOLJI IZBOR NEKRETNINA THE BEST REAL ESTATE OFFER ISSN 1845-2086 9771845208005 Int roduct ory word Da je Milano glavni grad dizajna, već je otprije poznato, a ovogodišnja Fiera samo je učvrstila taj njegov status. Fascinantna Fuksasova arhitektonska konstrukcija ugostila je najprestižniji sajam dizajna u Europi i svijetu Salone del Mobile, na kojemu su se okupili svi oni koji u svijetu dizajna nešto znače. Broj izlagača i ponuđenih proizvoda bio je impresivan, te se na sajmu moglo vidjeti gotovo sve što se danas nudi. Vesele i žive boje i dalje su u trendu, uzorci iz prirode također, iako omiljeni cvjetni motiv gubi svoj status “must have“ uzorka. U trendu su lakirani materijali te prije svega detalji, koji ove godine preuzimaju vodeću ulogu u uređenju interijera. U našoj temi broja donosimo vam detaljan pregled proizvoda i nadolazećih trendova. Split se također može pohvaliti svojim sajmom. Iako po brojkama i popularnosti puno manji od milanskoga, prvi sajam nekretnina u Hrvatskoj, koji se održavao u sklopu Croatia Boat Showa, ispunio je svoja očekivanja. Svoje projekte i usluge predstavile su 23 tvrtke za izgradnju, investicije i prodaju nekretnina, te su posjetitelji imali priliku uživo pogledati makate svojih možda budućih domova. A vrata svoga doma otvorila nam je proslavljena svjetska modna dizajnerica Silvia Fendi. Njezina kuća za odmor na otočiću Ponzi, pokraj Napulja, prava je oaza mira i inspiracije. Daleko od gradske gužve, Silvia uživa sa svojom obitelji i prijateljima. Nadam se da ćete i vi uživati u našim stranicama. Čitajte nas i dalje i iznesite nam svoje prijedloge. It’s never been a secret that Milan is the capital of design, but this year’s Fiera further strengthened that status. Fuksas’ fascinating architectonic construction hosted the most prestigious design fair in Europe and the world, Salone del Mobile, which gathered just about everyone with any significance in the world of design. The number of exhibitors and displayed products was impressive, and the fair offered almost everything you can find on the today’s market. Bright and vivacious colours are still trendy, as are samples from nature, although the favourite floral motif is slightly losing its “must have” status. The really trendy things include varnished materials and most of all – details, which are taking over the key role in interior decorations this year. Our cover story brings you a thorough overview of products and upcoming trends. Split also has a fair to show off with. Although its numbers and popularity are significantly smaller than in Milan, the first real estate fair in Croatia, which took place within the Croatia Boat Show, fulfilled all expectations. Projects and services were presented by 23 companies that work in construction, investments and real estate sales, so the visitors had a chance to see models of their potential future homes in person. And as far as homes are concerned, renowned world fashion designer Silvia Fendi opened the doors of her home for us. Her vacation house on a small island called Ponzi, which is located near Naples, is a true oasis of peace and inspiration. Faraway from the city noise, Silvia goes there to enjoy her time with family and friends. I hope you’ll keep enjoying our pages. Keep reading and contact us with your suggestions. 9 IMPRESSUM Izdavač/Publisher: DAL’CASA d.o.o. Put Brodarice 6 21000 Split tel.: +385(0)21 332 725; +385(0)21 332 726 fax:+385(0)21 380 852 [email protected] Predsjednik uprave/Chairman of the Board: Jakša Mrčela [email protected] Glavna urednica/Editor-in-chief: dipl. ing. Ana Perišin [email protected] Uredništvo/Editorial staff: Nikola Čelan [email protected] Danijela Mandušić [email protected] Grafički urednik/Graphic editor: Vojan Koceić [email protected] Marketing i prodaja oglasa/Marketing and advertising: Maja Kalinić, dipl. oec. [email protected] Kontakt telefon: +385 (0)98 330 477 Ivana Radeljić Vrdoljak [email protected] Kontakt telefon: +385 (0)99 230 5973 Ivana Duplančić [email protected] Prijevod na engleski/English translation: Zoran Abaza Suradnici/Associates: Nataša Bodrožić, Kristina Fazinić, Martina Kocijan, Hajdi Mihanović, Ivan Mladina, Maja Nožina, Elija Vrsaljko, Aleksandar Vrtarić Distribucija/Distribution: Tisak d.d., Distripress, Tim Press, Slobodna Dalmacija, Glas Istre Fotografija na naslovnici/Cover photo: Zanotta ČASOPIS DALCASA JE LICENCNO IZDANJE, TE JE ZABRANJENO KOPIRANJE I PRENOŠENJE SADRŽAJA DALCASA IS LICENCED EDITION ANY COPYING OR DIFFUSION OF CONTENTS ARE PROHIBITED Tisak/Print: Tiskara Meić / Rotooffset Zagreb www.dalcasa.com 11 Sadržaj 9 UVODNA RIJEÈ / INTRODUCTORY WORD 14 TEMA BROJA / COVER STORY Detalji postaju nositelji stila / Details Becoming Key Factors of Style 26 AKTUALNO / EVENTS Dodijeljene nagrade najboljim arhitektima / Best Architects Receiving Awards 28 VIJESTI / NEWS 32 INTERVIEW Paolo Pininfarina: Mnogo je još izazova u atomobilskom dizajnu / There Are Many Still Challenges in Automotive Design 38 REPORT Prvi hrvatski sajam nekretnina u Splitu opravdao svoje postojanje / The First Croatian Property Show Justifies Its Presence 44 INFO Estetska policija – bez prolazne ocjene nema lokacijske dozvole / Aesthetic Police – No Location License without a Passing Grade 50 AVANTURA / ADVENTURE Ples bijelih kuæica na vulkanskom krateru u srcu Mediterana / Little White Houses Dancing on the Volcanic Crater in the Heart of the Mediterranean 58 GASTRO Negro de Anglona – neuobièajeno u službi klasiènoga / Negro de Anglona – The Unusual in the Service of Classic 12 Content 64 FINE STVARI / LUXURIES 68 DODIR UMJETNOSTI / TOUCH OF ART Poezija vizualnog / Poetry of Visual 76 AMBIJENT / AMBIENT Jedinstvena fuzija umjetnosti i suvremenog dizajna / Unique Fusion of Art and Modern Design 84 U DOMU KOD... / AT HOME WITH... Aristokratska boemština na malom otoku / Aristocratic Bohemianism on a Small Island 92 DOM SNOVA / DREAM HOME Modernizam na Rakovoj obratnici / Modernism in Tropic of Cancer 100 INTERIJERI / INTERIORS Dizajn životnog prostora u duhu znakova zodijaka / Living Space Design in the Spirit of Zodiac Signs 110 DIZAJN / DESIGN Tekstura u funkciji unutarnjeg dizajna / Texture in the Function of Interior Design 118 KULTNI KOMAD / A PIECE OF CULT Skulpturalni dizajn / Sculptural Design 124 DEKORACIJE / DECORATIONS Inspirirani prošlošæu / Inspired by Past 130 NEKRETNINE / REAL ESTATE 13 Tema broja Impozantna arhitektonska konstrukcija Massimiliana Fuksasa / Massimiliano Fuksas’ imposing architectonic construction 14 Ovogodišnja kolekcija Missoni Home oduševila je sve prisutne / This year collection of Missoni Home has thrilled all visitors Pišu: Danijela Mandušiæ i Ana Perišin Foto: www.cosmit.it SALONE DEL MOBILE 2008. Sofa za zaljubljene “Alcove” braće Bouroullec za Vitru / “Alcove” loveseat, designed by Bouroullec brothers for Vitra Detalji postaju nositelji stila Ovogodišnji Salone del Mobile nije donio veliki broj “šokantnih“ inovacija u svijetu dizajna interijera. Mnogo je bilo varijacija na prošlogodišnje uspješnice i proširenja postojećih kolekcija kroz nove boje i oblike. Osnovni trendovi također se nisu mijenjali, ali zato nam je ovogodišnji sajam usmjerio pozornost na detalje i finese te tako učinio naše životne prostore još zanimljivijima i ostavio nam mnogo mjesta za kreativnost i igru 15 Sat “Type” od bojanog drva, dizajn Dario Serio za tvrtku Progetti / “Type” wall watch made of painted wood, design Dario Serio for Progetti Redizajnirana verzija sjedalice “Moore” , Philippe Starck za Driade / Redesigned “Moore” armchair, Philippe Starck for Driade “Divina” Fabia Novembrea, Driade / Fabio Novembre’s “Divina”, Driade M ilanska Fiera, impozantna arhitektonska konstrukcija Massimiliana Fuksasa, koju je sam autor nazvao “katedralom 21. stoljeća”, i ove je godine pod svoje skute ugostila najprestižniji i najveći sajam dizajna u Europi, milanski Salone del Mobile. Mnoštvo profesionalaca iz svijeta dizajna i štovatelja ove vrste kreativnosti slilo se u talijansku metropolu kako bi vidjelo originalna rješenja najpoznatijih svjetskih dizajnera i dizajnerskih kuća, te doznalo što je ove godine trend u dizajniranja interijera. Svi koji su došli, a bilo je gotovo tristo tisuća posjetitelja, najprije su se morali naoružati detaljnim planom izlagačkih paviljona, strpljenjem i energijom, jer se u sklopu “milanske fjere” ove godine, na 230 tisuća četvornih metara, moglo vidjeti čak pet različitih sajmova i ukupno 2450 izlagača. Osim međunarodnog sajma namještaja, koji je ugostio najviše izlagača, pod istim krovom održavali su se još međunarodni sajam kuhinja Eurocucina, sajam kupaonica Eurobagno, SaloneUfficio - biennale uredskog namještaja, međunarodni sajam ukrasa i dodataka pri uređenju interijera, te Salone Satellite, izložba radova studenata dizajna iz različitih zemalja. Veličina je još uvijek važna Kao i svake godine, u svijetu u kojem je vizualni dojam izrazito važan, ako ne i presudan, izlagači na milanskom sajmu potrudili su se veličinom i originalnim uređenjem svojih štandova privući što više znatiželjnika. Da, veličina je opet važna. I ove godine primjetan je nastavak prošlogodišnjeg trenda predimenzionalnosti, kako samog predmeta ili dijelova namještaja, tako i cijelih interijerskih cjelina; dominiraju velike sofe (posebno se ističe ona braće Bouroullec za Vitru) i glomazne high-tech kuhinje, prostrane i čistih linija, gotovo sterilne. Cvjetni motivi, koji su se proteklih godina kao osnovna inspiracija vodećih svjetskih dizajnera provlačili kroz boje i teksture gotovo svih izložaka, dobivaju jednu čistiju, stiliziranu varijantu. Ove godine naglasak je na detalju iz prirode (list, leptir, stilizirane grane), mnogo decentnije i umjerenije nego prije. I dalje se mnogo pažnje posve“Volage”, Ph ilippe Starck za Cassinu / “Vol age”, Philippe Starck for Cas sina 16 Sofa “Heaven” Tokujina Yoshioke za Cassinu / Tokujin Yoshioka’s “Heaven” sofa for Cassina “Garden”, dizajn Lucci & Orlandini za Biasse / ”Garden” designed by Lucci & Orlandini for Biasse ćuje ekološkim i samoodrživim proizvodima, recikliranim materijalima i svemu što asocira na prirodu, ali je istodobno i čuva, a što se tiče boja, još uvijek su zastupljene sve žive boje. Ipak, ovogodišnji “must have” je svakako ljubičasta, čitava paleta purpurnih nijansi te boja tirkiza. Iako je zelena najavljivana kao boja godine, ipak nije bila glavna boja vodećih dizajnera. Dizajn vanjskog prostora Jedan od glavnih trendova u 2008. godini svakako je outdoor life. Particia Urquiola i Paola Navone predstavile su odlične kolekcije namještaja za vanjski prostor (Gervasoni, Emu...), a već tradicionalno posebno su se istaknuli Serralungini skulpturalni predmeti koji odlično pristaju u eksterijere, zatim glomazne vaze ergonomskih oblika Philippea Starcka te kolekcija stolica za vanjski prostor Claudija Bellinija. Posebno je zanimljivo promatrati kako detalji pri uređenju interijera pomalo preuzimaju vodeću ulogu, a ove godine u toj se ulozi posebno ističe prekrasan pleteni zidni sat Gomitolo, dizajnerske kuće Diamantini & Domeniconi, koji izgleda kao ukrasni jastuk s kazaljkama, a napravljen je od pamuka koji se može prati i mijenjati, pa je i jednostavan za održavanje. Satovi najrazličitijih oblika, maštoviti sagovi, zidni tapeti, ukrasni jastuci i ostali detalji postaju novi nositelji stila u dizajnu interijera. Od materijala su još uvijek (i nadamo se zauvijek) u trendu ekološki i reciklirani materijali, ali mnogo je i lakiranih dijelova namještaja koji, kad ih se vidi u jednoj od intenzivnih žarkih boja, neodoljivo podsjećaju na šezdesete godine. Također, mnogo je i kože, metala i industrijskih materijala, a ovogodišnji novi hit je keramika. Eurocucina je pomalo podbacila s novostima; i dalje se proizvode prostrane kuhinje raspoređene tako da imaju otok u središtu, boje su nijanse sive i crne, dok se svim proizvođačima može zamjeriti nefunkcionalnost jer rijetki su oni koji toliku kuhinju imaju gdje smjestiti. Na Eurobagnu je predstavljen prvi kupaonički ormarić od aluminija, tvrtke Agape, a na Salone Satellite predstavljeno je mnoštvo inovativnih studentskih dizajnerskih rješenja, tako da možemo odahnuti što se budućnosti dizajna interijera tiče. Nova imena Uz velika imena svjetskog dizajna koja su i ove godine svojim proizvodima dominirala Salonom (kao što su Philippe Stark, Konstantin Grcic, Patricia Urquiola, Tom Dixon, Karim Rashid i drugi), primijetili smo i 17 Salone del Mobile 2008. u brojkama: 47. nacionalno i 30. internacionalno izdanje 2450 izlagača 230.000 metara kvadratnih izložbenog prostora 270.000 posjetitelja 140 zemalja 5000 internacionalnih novinara Međunarodni sajam namještaja 22. izdanje 1426 izlagača iz 31 zemlje 157.000 kvadratnih metara Eurocucina – međunarodni sajam kuhinja 17. izdanje 141 izlagač iz 8 zemalja 34.000 metara kvadratnih izložbenog prostora SaloneUfficio- međunarodni biennale uredskog namještaja 14. izdanje 161 izlagač iz 12 različitih zemalja 20.000 metara kvadratnih izložbenog prostora. Međunarodni sajam kupaonica 2. izdanje 131 izlagač iz 5 zemalja 10.000 kvadrata izložbenog prostora SaloneSatellite- međunarodni sajam studenata dizajna 11. izdanje 570 dizajnera 22 međunarodne škole dizajna 220 studenata 3500 kvadratnih metara 18 nekoliko relativno novih imena koja su se zbog posebitosti njihovih radova često isticala. Jedan od njih je i mladi japanski dizajner Tokujin Yoshioka koji je ove godine radio za neke od najvećih dizajnerskih kuća, kao što su Cassina, Moroso i Kartell. Višegodišnji suradnik Isseya Miyakea osamostalio se i pokazao niz upečatljivih radova, među kojima je i prekrasna stolica Bouquet. Stolice su za potrebe izlaganja napravljene od papirnatih maramica, da budu još ljepše i udobnije, no to će biti izmijenjeno kada se počnu proizvoditi. Dodir umjetnosti Ovogodišnji Salone del Mobile zainteresirao je širu javnost, posebno umjetničke krugove, još jednim zanimljivim događanjem. Naime, običaj je da u Palazzo delle Cariatidi Sala Reale u vrijeme milanskog salona gostuje umjetnik svjetske slave. Ovaj je put bila riječ o Peteru Greenawayu, redatelju i slikaru, koji je predstavio neobičan i vrlo zanimljiv projekt kojim “oživljava” slavnu fresku Leonarda da Vincija “Posljednja večera“. Događaj se prvo trebao odvijati u Santa Maria delle Graziji, gdje se original te freske nalazi, no gradske su vlasti zaključile da to nije dobro za fresku pa je napravljena vjerna kopija koja je poslužila Greenawayu. Ovaj je umjetnik odlučio dostignućima moderne tehnologije rekonstruirati trenutak koji se odvija na fresci, odnosno Posljednju večeru. On slici dodaje treću dimenziju, zvuk i pokret, tako da se čini da se zbiva komešanje, likovi kao da oživljavaju i počinju međusobno razgovarati. “Via Lattea”, Mario Bellini, Meritalia , Em iola “Cilj je povezati 8000 godina umjetnosti i 112 godina filma, a smatram da bi Da Vinci, da živi danas, bio oduševljen ovim projektom. Vjerojatno bi i sam bio redatelj, a sigurno bi pozdravio upotrebu najnovijih dostignuća”, objasnio je razloge svog projekta ovaj veliki umjetnik. Zbog specifičnih uvjeta vezanih uz svjetlo i tamu, ovaj jedinstveni umjetnički događaj može se pratiti samo između 20 i 23 sata, a oni koji nisu stigli tijekom trajanja sajma, mogu ga otići pogledati do početka lipnja. Još jedan veliki talijanski umjetnik našao je inspiraciju u djelu Leonarda da Vincija. Po uzoru na Da Vincijev crtež “savršenog muškarca”, Michelangelo Pistoletto je postavio osam interaktivnih instalacija unutar sajma te tako ostvario komunikaciju s posjetiteljima na jedan zanimljiv i inventivan način. Ovogodišnji Salone del Mobile nije donio veliki broj “šokantnih“ inovacija u svijetu dizajna interijera. Mnogo je bilo varijacija na prošlogodišnje uspješnice i proširenja postojećih kolekcija kroz nove boje i oblike. Osnovni trendovi također se nisu mijenjali, ali zato nam je ovogodišnji sajam usmjerio pozornost na detalje i finese te tako učinio naše životne prostore još zanimljivijima i ostavio nam mnogo mjesta za kreativnost i igru. u Tema broja Pa vé, tricia rou T Urq Re u Kolekcija “Grey”, Paola Navone za Gervasoni / “Grey” collection, Paola Navone for Gervasoni Boja tirkiza je must have, “Universal Seating System”, Cappellini / The colour of turquoise is must have, “Universal Seating System”, Cappellini Kolekcija “Grass”, dizajn Cyclades, Normann Copenhagen / “Grass” collection, designed by Cyclades, Normann Copenhagen 19 Cover st ory Kuhinja “Flux”, Scavolini / “Flux” kitchen, Scavolini SALONE DEL MOBILE 2008. Details Becoming Key Factors of Style This year’s Salone del Mobile didn’t bring a large number of shocking innovations in the world of interior design. There were many variations of last year’s success stories and existing collections were interpreted through new colours and shapes. Primary trends have also remained unchanged, but this year’s fair directed our attention to details and finesses, thus making our living spaces even more interesting by leaving us plenty of room for creativity and playfulness Written by: Danijela Mandušiæ and Ana Perišin 20 Jastuci Karen Onell Karlstrom dizajnirani ekskluzivno za Pianciju / Cushions of Karen Onell Karlstrom, designed exclusively for Pianca Veliki kauč “Scacco” u ultramodernoj ljubičastoj boji, Seven / Big couch “Scacco” in ultramodern violet colour, Seven T he Milan Fiera, Massimiliano Fuksas’ imposing architectonic construction that the author himself called “the 21st century cathedral”, has once again hosted the most prestigious and comprehensive design fair in Europe, Salone del Mobile in Milan. Many professionals from the world of design, as well as admirers of this type of creativity, arrived into the Italian city to feast their eyes on original designer solutions by world’s most famous designers and designer brands, as well as to find out this year’s trends in the field of interior design. Everyone who came, and there were almost 300.000 visitors, had to arm themselves with a detailed plan of exhibit pavilions, as well as with plenty of patience and energy, because the Milan Fiera hosted five different fairs and 2450 exhibitors at over 230 thousand square metres of surface. Besides the international furniture fair that hosted the largest number of exhibitors, the same facility featured the international kitchen fair named Eurocuccina, the bathroom fair called Eurobagno, as well as SaloneUfficio – the biennale of office furniture, the international fair of decorations and accessories for interior decoration, and Salone Satellite, which is the exhibit of design students’ projects from different countries. Size still Matters Just like every year, in a world where visual impression is extremely important if not crucial, exhibitors at the Milan Fair made sure to use the size and original look of their booths to attract as many observers as possible. Yes, size matters once again. This year saw the continuation of last year’s trend of overly big dimensions when it comes to the objects themselves or parts of furniture, as well as the entire interior units; they are dom21 Cover st ory “Forever”, Linea Italia inated by large sofas (the one that especially stood out was the one that Bouroullec brothers designed for Vitra), as well as enormous high-tech kitchens, which are spacious and pure-lined almost to the point of sterility. Floral motifs, which served as basic inspiration for the leading world designers over the last few years, were found in colours and textures of almost all objects on display, but they came in a cleaner, stylised version. This year’s emphasis was put on details from nature (leaf, butterfly, stylised branches) in a much more subtle and moderate way than before. Plenty of attention is still given to ecological and self-maintainable products, as well as recycled materials and anything else that associates with nature while preserving it at the same time. As far as colours are concerned, all bright colours are still represented with this year’s “must have” title going to the colour Salone del Mobile 2008 in numbers: 47th national edition – 30th international edition Total participants: 2450 Exhibition area: 230.000 square metres International Furnishing Accessories Exhibition 22nd edition Exhibitors: 1426 (of whom 249 from 31 Countries) Exhibition area: 157.000 metres Eurocucina International Kitchen Furniture Exhibition 17th edition Exhibitors: 141 (of whom 23 from 8 Countries) Exhibition area: 34.000 square metres SaloneUfficio International Biennial Workspace Exhibition 14th edition Exhibitors: 161 (of whom 24 from 12 Countries) Exhibition space: 20.000 square metres. International Bathroom Furniture Exhibition 2nd edition Exhibitors: 131 (of whom 10 from 5 Countries) Net exhibition area: 10.000 square metres. SaloneSatellite 11th Young edition Taking part: 570 designers and 22 international design schools with 220 students Net exhibition area: 3500 square metres. 22 Prekrasna stolica “Bouquet”, Tokujin Yoshioka za Moroso / Beautiful “Bouquet” armchair, Tokujin Yoshioka for Moroso of purple (the entire palette of purple shades) and the colour of turquoise. Although green was predicted to be the colour of the year, leading designers made different choices for their main colour. Design of Outdoor Spaces One of the main trends of 2008 is certainly the outdoor life. Patricia Urquiola and Paola Navone presented excellent collections of outdoor furniture (Gervasoni, Emu…), while the traditional special mention goes to Serralunga’s sculptural objects that wonderfully agree with exteriors, as well as Philippe Starck’s gigantic vases in ergonomic shapes and Claudio Bellini’s collection of outdoor chairs. It is particularly interesting to observe how details are taking the leading role in the process of interior decoration, such as this year’s wonderful braided clock on the wall named Gomitolo by designer brand Diamantini & Domeniconi, which looks like a decoration cushion with clock pointers, and due to it being made of cotton, it can be washed and replaced and is rather simple to maintain. Clocks of various shapes, imaginative carpets, wallpapers, decorative cushions and other details are becoming key factors of style in the field of interior design. As far as materials go, that field is still (and hopefully, forever) dominated by ecological and recycled materials, but there are also plenty of lacquerd parts of furniture that, once they’re seen in one of those intensely bright colours, irresistibly remind you of the sixties. There is also plenty of leather, metal and industrial materials, while ceramics carries the title of this year’s hit. Eurocuccina slightly disappointed with novelties, as it is still dominated by spacious kitchens that have an island in the middle and that come in shades of grey and black, while all manufacture r s 23 Cover st ory Projekt kojim se “oživljava” slavna freska Leonarda da Vincija “Posljednja večera“ / The project that “revived” Leonardo da Vinci’s famous fresco – “The Last Supper” can find themselves guilty with lack of functionality because very few people have enough room to install one of these kitchens. Eurobagno presented the first bathroom cabinet made of aluminium, which was produced by firm Agape, while Salone Satellite presented many innovative designer solutions from students, so we can breathe a sigh of relief as far as design goes. Thanks to numerous talented and inspired generations to come, we are in for many lovely and original surprises from the world of interior design in the upcoming years. The New Names Along with all the big names of world design that once again dominated the showroom with their designer products (such as Philippe Starck, Konstantin Grcic, Patricia Urquiole, Tom Dixon, Karim Rashid and others), we also noticed several relatively new names that stood out due to the distinctive nature of their projects. One of those names is young Japanese designer Tokujin Yoshioka, and he worked for some of the biggest designer brands this year, such as Cassina, Moroso and Kartell. A long-time associate of Issey Miyake embarked on his own path and displayed several impressive projects, including the stunning Bouquet Chair. For this occasion, the chairs were made of paper handkerchiefs in order to be even more beautiful and comfortable, but that will change once they go into production. A Touch of Art This year’s Salone del Mobile intrigued the wider audience, especially the artistic circles, with yet another interesting event. It is custom for a world-famous artist to perform in Pallazzo delle Cariatidi during the Milan fair, and this time that honour went to Peter Greenaway, director and painter who presented 24 Štand Kartella uvijek je jedan od najimpresivnijih / Kartell’s stand is allways one of the most impressive ones a very unusual and interesting project that “revived” Leonardo da Vinci’s famous fresco – The Last Supper. The event was originally supposed to take place in Santa Maria delle Grazie, where the original of that fresco is kept, but the city authorities decided that the event might be harmful for the fresco itself, so Greenaway used a well-performed copy. This artist decided to use modern technological achievements to reconstruct the moment that takes place at the fresco, which is the last supper. He adds a third dimension to the painting, as sound and movement seem to suggest mingling, while characters appear as if they’ve been revived and start to talk to each other. “The goal was to connect 8000 years of art with 112 years of film, and I feel that Da Vinci would have loved this project if he were alive. He would probably have directed it himself, and I bet that he would welcome the use of the latest technological achievements”, this great artist explained the reasoning behind his project. Due to the specific circumstances regarding light and darkness, this unique artistic event can be seen only between 8 and 11 p.m., and those that haven’t seen it during the fair can catch it until early June. Another great Italian artist found his inspiration in the works of Leonardo da Vinci. Inspired by the Da Vinci’s drawing of “a perfect man”, Michelangelo Pistoletto assembled eight interactive installations within the fair to achieve communication with the visitors in an interesting and inventive way. This year’s Salone del Mobile didn’t bring a large number of shocking innovations in the world of interior design. There were many variations of last year’s success stories and existing collections were interpreted through new colours and shapes. Primary trends have also remained unchanged, but this year’s fair directed our attention to details and finesses, thus making our living spaces even more interesting by leaving us plenty of room for creativity and playfulness. 25 Akt ualno Zgrada Gimnazije i sportske dvorane u Koprivnici / The gymnasium and sports-hall building in Koprivnica Piše: Martina Kocijan Dodijeljene nagrade najboljim arhitektima Prigodom otvorenja Godišnje izložbe ostvarenja hrvatskih arhitekata 2007., u galeriji Gliptoteke HAZU, Udruženje hrvatskih arhitekata (UHA) proglasilo je dobitnike nagrada za najuspješnija arhitektonska ostvarenja u protekloj godini, te dodijelilo nagrade u četiri kategorije N akon godine dana stvaranja, običaj je dodijeliti nagrade onima koji su svoj rad doveli do savršenstva i u njemu pokazali maksimum znanja. Udruženje hrvatskih arhitekata (UHA) proglasilo je dobitnike nagrada za najuspješnija arhitektonska ostvarenja u 2007. godini i dodijelilo nagrade u četiri kategorije. Nagrada “Viktor Kovačić” za životno djelo dodijeljena je Luji Schwereru, arhitektu koji je u svom životu napravio brojne projekte, od kojih su mnogi nagrađeni. Stambeni tornjevi u Sigetu, domovi kulture u Jajcu i Čačku, turističko naselje “Monsena” pokraj Rovinja i Heruc u Zagrebu, samo su dio njegova životnog opusa. Vrijednim arhitektima piscima dodijeljene su nagrade “Neven Šegvić” za publicistički rad na području arhitekture, i to dr. Andreju Uchytilu za knjigu “Dubrovačke pouke arhitekta Nevena Šegvića” te grupi autora – Mrduljaš, Mimica, Rusan – za knjigu “Suvremena hrvatska arhitektura - testiranje stvarnosti”. Nagrada “Bernardo Bernardi”, za najuspješnije ostvarenje na području oblikovanja i unutrašnjeg uređenja, dodijeljena je Mariju 26 Beusanu za postav izložbe “Dalmatinska zagora, nepoznata zemlja”, dok je Ivan Galić osvojio “Dragu Galića”, nagradu za najuspješnije ostvarenje na području stambene arhitekture, za stambenu zgradu FN u Zagrebu. Između šest ostvarenih projekata, nagradu “Viktor Kovačić” za najuspješnije arhitektonsko djelo, dobila je zgrada Gimnazije i sportske dvorane u Koprivnici, djelo mladih arhitekata Lea Pelivana i Toma Pleića. Nagrađivani autori projekt škole u Koprivnici osmislili su na nov način, otvarajući unutrašnje prostore prema vanjskima istodobno dopuštajući da okolni pejsaž prodre u interijer. Na taj je način postignuta uzajamna recipročnost unutrašnjih i vanjskih prostora. Nakon uspješne 2007., ušli smo u novu godinu u kojoj će, sigurni smo, arhitekti razviti još uspješnije i inovativnije projekte te na taj način promicati cilj udruženja arhitekata – razvoj hrvatske arhitekture, urbanizma i kulture prostora. Zauzimanje za raznolik i kontinuirani razvoj hrvatske arhitekture je veliko i sve veće, jer arhitektonska struka utječe na sva područja ljudskog stvaralaštva. Stambena zgrada FN u Zagrebu / Residential building FN in Zagreb Najuspješnije ostvarenje na području stambene arhitekture / The most successful achievement in the field of residential architecture Event s Written by: Martina Kocijan Best Architects Receiving Awards During the opening of the Annual Exhibit of Accomplishments by Croatian Architects in 2007 in the Glyptotheque Gallery at the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, the Association of Croatian Architects declared the winners of awards for most successful architectonic achievements of last year, as well as presented awards in four categories A fter a full year of creating, it is custom to present awards to those who developed their work to the line of perfection and demonstrated maximum knowledge in the process. The Association of Croatian Architects has announced winners of awards for most successful architectonic achievements in 2007 and presented awards in four categories. The Viktor Kovačić Award for life’s work was awarded to Lujo Schwerer, an architect who performed numerous projects during his lifetime, many of which have been presented with awards. Residential towers in Siget, cultural facilities in Jajce and Čačak, tourist settlement “Monsena” near Rovinj and Heruc in Zagreb are just some of the things that stand out in his resume. Hard-working architectural writers were presented with the Neven Šegvić Award for publicist work in the field of architecture, and that award went to dr. Andrej Uchtyil for his book “Dubrovnik Lessons by Architect Neven Šegvić” and a group of authors – Mrduljaš, Mimica, Rusan – for their book “Contemporary Croatian Architecture – Testing the Reality”. The Bernardo Bernardi Award for the most successful accomplishment in the field of shaping and interior design went to Mario Beusan for his exhibit “Dalmatinska Zagora, the Unknown Land”, while Ivan Galić won the Drago Galić Award, which is presented for the most successful achievement in the field of residential architecture, for residential building FN in Zagreb. Among the six projects in contention, the Viktor Kovačić Award for most successful architectonic achievement went to the gymnasium and sports-hall building in Koprivnica, which was created by young architects Leo Pelivan and Tomo Pleić. The awarded authors designed their school project in Koprivnica in a whole new way, as they opened the indoor premises towards the outdoor space by simultaneously allowing the outside scenery to enter the interior. That achieved mutual reciprocity of the indoor and outdoor spaces. After a successful 2007, we have entered a new year in which, we are certain, architects are bound to develop even more successful and innovative projects that will further promote the architects’ association’s goal – developing Croatian architecture, urbanism and spatial culture. The number of people standing up for a diverse and continuous growth of Croatian architecture is big and will only get bigger, because the architectonic profession influences all areas of human creativity. 27 Vijest i Samoodrživi ekograd u Kini Dizajnerski prekidači Zaboravite dosadne bijele prekidače! Tvrtka Bticino, koja u sklopu Legrand Grupe sudjeluje na tržištu u 70 zemalja svijeta, napokon je stigla i u Hrvatsku, pa sad svi kontrolni uređaji u vašemu domu mogu biti modernog i inovativnog dizajna. Bilo da imate potrebu za kompletnim nadzorom kuće i njezina okoliša, ili samo jednostavnom sklopkom za upravljanje svjetlom, među 41 proizvodom u liniji pronaći ćete nešto za sebe. Proizvodi iz linije Legrand, osim originalnog dizajna, rađeni su vrhunskom tehnologijom te jednim dodirom omogućavaju kontrolu svjetla, zvuka, slike, temperature, sigurnosne mreže, a uza sve to izrađeni su tako da optimalno koriste energetske izvore. Designer Switches Forget those boring white switches! Company Bticino, which functions within the Legrand Group and is present at over 70 markets around the world, has finally arrived to Croatia, which enables you to make all the control devices in your home have a modern and innovative design. Whether you have the need to completely control the house and its immediate environment, or you just need a simple switch to direct the light, you will surely find something for yourself among 41 products in the series. These Legrand products, besides their original design, were made using top-notch technology and require just a single touch to provide control of light, sound, picture, temperature and safety net, along with being made in a manner that optimally uses energetic resources. Otvoren ovogodišnji natječaj za dizajn “Red dot” Otvoren je ovogodišnji najprestižniji natječaj u svijetu dizajna “Red dot - communication design 2008.”, prigodom kojeg stručni ocjenjivački sud bira najkvalitetnije i najinovativnije dizajnersko rješenje u svijetu. Ove godine je unutar natječaja otvorena i nova kategorija, ona za najbolju dizajnersku agenciju, gdje će se nagraditi agencije za kontinuirani značajan doprinos dizajnu. Natječaj je otvoren do 13. lipnja, a i ove se godine nadamo hrvatskim laureatima. 28 Kineski grad Dongtan, na trećem po veličini otoku u velikom estuariju rijeke Yangtze, blizu Šangaja, bit će prvi u potpunosti ekološki samoodrživ grad na svijetu. Prva faza gradnje trebala bi biti gotova već do izložbe Expo u Šangaju 2010. godine, a vizija projektanata iz britanske investicijske tvrtke Arup je graditi s niskom potrošnjom energetskih resursa da bi se što manje izbacivao ugljik u atmosferu. Svaki korak u projektu će biti izračunat i preveden u količinu ispuštanja ugljika u atmosferu, a projekt uključuje i urbani dizajn, arhitekturu naselja te način recikliranja otpada. Naime, planira se da samoodrživi grad pridonosi stvaranju vlastite energije recikliranjem otpada, te se time količina otpada želi svesti na minimum i upotrijebiti sve moguće prirodne energetske resurse. A Self-Maintainable Eco-City in China Chinese city Dongtan, located on the third biggest island in a large estuary of river Yangtze near Shanghai, is set to become the first completely ecological and self-maintainable city in the world. The first phase of the construction should be finished by the time of the Expo Exhibit in Shanghai in 2010, while designers from the British investment company Arup have a vision that includes building with a low level energetic resource consumption in order to release as little carbonate as possible into the atmosphere. This project also includes urban design, settlement architecture and a way of recycling waste. It is planned for this self-maintainable city to contribute to the creation of its own energy by means of recycling waste, which would reduce the level of waste to a minimum and use all possible natural energetic resources. The Opening of This Year’s “Red Dot” Design Contest This year’s edition of the most prestigious contest in the world of design – “Red Dot – Communication Design 2008” – has been officially opened, and it will feature a professional evaluation jury that will select the most innovative and accomplished designer solutions in the world. A new category is present starting with this year, and it will select the best designer agency that has made significant continuous contributions to design. The contest will be open till June 13th, and we are hoping to see some Croatians on the pedestal this year. News Pozdrav suncu i Morske orgulje na Eiffelov toranj 11. venecijanskom dobiva nadogradnju Za proslavu svoga 120. rođendana, Eiffelov toranj dobit će nadobijenalu arhitekture Hrvatska će se na 11. venecijanskom bijenalu arhitekture, od rujna do studenoga ove godine, predstaviti prezentacijom simultane projekcije prostora i života s već svjetski poznatim zadarskim Morskim orguljama i noćnom instalacijom Pozdrav suncu arhitekta Nikole Bašića. Ovogodišnja tema Bijenala je “Arhitektura koja nadilazi zgradu”, a Hrvatska je dobila i atraktivan prostor u najposjećenijem Arsenalu za prezentaciju svog projekta, gdje će se na 110 kvadrata na velikim ekranima danonoćno prikazivati projekcije projekta i uživo snimke iz Zadra. Greetings to the Sun and “Sea Organ” at the 11th Venice Biennale of Architecture From September to November of this year, Croatia will use the 11th Venice Biennale of Architecture to introduce a new presentation. We are talking about a simultaneous projection of space and life with the already world-famous “Sea Organ” from Zadar and a night installation called Greetings to the Sun from architect Nikola Bašić. The theme of this year’s Biennale is “Architecture that Surpasses the Building”, and it’s worth mentioning that Croatia received an attractive location at the most visited Arsenal to present its project, as over 110 square metres will feature big screens that will constantly display the images of the project and live footage from Zadar. Korenat Point Resort preobražava Dugi Rat Investicijska tvrtka Landmark Property Management i splitska tvrtka Projekt uvala d.o.o. pripremaju se za preobražaj 20 zapuštenih hektara nekadašnje tvornice ferolegura u Dugom Ratu u potpuno nove, turističke sadržaje. Planirani Korenat Point Resort sastojat će se od niza sadržaja, uključujući turističke apartmane i vile, hotel svjetske klase i međunarodne marke, marine s više od 300 vezova, prateće restorane, butike i sadržaje za slobodno vrijeme. Svi sadržaji bit će smješteni na novom hortikulturno uređenom terenu koji će godinama zapuštenu lokaciju uz samo more u Dugom Ratu preobraziti u još jedno atraktivno turističko odredište u Hrvatskoj. gradnju na trećoj, najvišoj etaži, kako bi ubuduće mogao primiti što više posjetitelja. Kada je Gustave Eiffel dizajnirao ovaj najpoznatiji svjetski toranj, predvidio je da će na njemu biti postavljeni mnogi uređaji za mjerenje snage vjetra i gravitacije, te ga je napravio tako da može podnijeti veću težinu od one koju nosi danas. Zato su arhitekti iz studija Serero projektirali elipsastu nadogradnju tornju ispod samog vrha, koja neće narušiti njegovu estetsku veličanstvenost, a ubuduće će se površina tog dijela tornja povećati s 280 na 580 četvornih metara te će tako biti mjesta za sve znatiželjnike koji žele uživati u jedinstvenoj panorami Pariza s vrha Eiffelova tornja. The Eiffel Tower Being Upgraded Within the celebration of its 120th birthday, the Eiffel Tower will be upgraded on its third level, which is the highest, in order to receive even more visitors in the future. When Gustave Eiffel designed the most famous tower in the world, he predicted the positioning of many devices that would be recording the strength of wind and gravity, so he built it in a shape that can withstand a larger amount of weight than it actually carries today. That’s why architects from Serero Studio projected an oval annexe below the very top, which will do nothing to harm its aesthetical magnificence, while the surface of that section will be enlarged from 280 to 580 square metres. That should provide more than enough room for all curious people that want to enjoy the unique panoramic view off the top of the Eiffel Tower. Korenat Point Resort to Transform Dugi Rat Investment firm Landmark Property Management and company Project Uvala d.o.o. from Split are preparing for a process that will transform 20 neglected hectares of the former factory of ferro-alley materials in Dugi Rat into a set of completely new facilities for tourism purposes. The planned Korenat Point Resort will feature a string of features, including tourist apartments and villas, a world-class internationalbranded hotel, a marina with over 300 moorings, as well as accompanying restaurants, boutiques and features for free time. All those facilities will be located on a newly decorated horticultural piece of land that will transform a long-neglected location by the sea in Dugi Rat into another attractive destination for tourists in Croatia. 31 PAOLO PININFARINA B rand Pininfarina je poznat daleko izvan specijaliziranih krugova automobilskog dizajna. Čuvena radionica za izradu karoserija koju je 1930. osnovao Battista “Pinin” Farina, stvorila je neke od najljepših automobilskih “skulptura” svih vremena. Ferrari, Maserati, Jaguar, Alfa Romeo, Lancia, Cadillac, Peugeot, Volvo, samo su neka od imena klijenata ove obiteljske tvrtke, golemog utjecaja na svjetske trendove automobilskog dizajna. Proteklih nekoliko desetljeća, Pininfarina se okreće i drugim područjima dizajna, od kojih je na našim prostorima vjerojatno najpoznatija luksuzna linija kuhinjske tehnike Gorenje Pininfarina. O filozofiji poslovanja toga legendarnog brenda, razgovarali smo s čovjekom koji stoji iza tržišnog uspjeha Pininfarinine ekspanzije na druga područja dizajna, zamjenikom predsjednika tvrtke Paolom Pininfarinom. Zašto su najljepši automobili obično dizajnirani u Italiji? Prije svega tu se osjeća utjecaj talijanskog naslijeđa, od arhitekture, preko kulture i umjetnosti. Zatim, tu je i tradicija talijanskih proizvođača, Ferrarija, Maseratija, Fiata, Lancie, Alfa Romea i drugih, te specijaliziranih carrozzieria. Svi ti elementi udruženi s talijanskom kreativnošću premise su uspjeha talijanskog dizajna. Što smatrate najvažnijim aspektom dobroga dizajna? Dobar dizajn je bitan, inovativan i trajan. Dugovječan, 32 Mnogo je još izazova u atomobilskom dizajnu Paolo Pininfarina nasljednik je velikog talijanskog brenda za dizajn automobila, a pod njegovim vodstvom tvrtka je proširila svoje dizajnerske djelatnosti na interijere i dizajn kućanskih pomagala te je kroz više od tristo projekata surađivala s najprestižnijim svjetskim tvrtkama kao što su Jacuzzi, Lange, Lavazza, Gancia, Motorola, Snaidero i 3M, na dizajniranju njihovih proizvoda Razgovarao: Ivan Mladina izdržljiv dizajn je najveća nagrada za investicije uložene u razvoj novog proizvoda. Smatrate li da je komercijalni uspjeh conditio sine qua non dobro dizajniranog proizvoda? Većina proizvoda dizajnira se da budu komercijalno uspješni, međutim može se dogoditi da ciljevi budu različiti. Ponekad postoji potreba za stvaranjem vrlo ekskluzivnih proizvoda čija je svrha da postanu ikone dizajna ili predmet istraživanja. Prema tome, dobar dizajn i komercijalni uspjeh nisu nerazlučivi. Kako biste opisali značenje pojedinca u današnjoj industriji dizajna? Dobra veza između industrijske kreativnosti i timskog rada daje pravu vrijednost projektu. Bitni proizvodi imaju jasnu i jaku osobnost, kao posljedicu individualnog doprinosa u kreativnoj fazi. Grupa Pininfarina je poznata po svojim izletima izvan izvornog područja djelovanja tvrtke. S obzirom da ste već desetljećima jedno od ključnih imena automobilskog dizajna, osjećate li da se u njemu više ne morate nikome dokazivati te da je vrijeme za nove izazove, ili je to proširenje djelovanja ekonomski utemeljeno? Istraživanje i razvoj aktivnosti izvan automobilske industrije proizlazi iz našeg interesa da istražimo i iskoristimo snažan Hlad njak iz Go renjo ve “ Crne kole kcije ”/R efrig erato r from Gore nje’s “Blac k co llect ion Interview Kolekcija “Morphosis” za Jacuzzi / Collection “Morphosis” for Jacuzzi Diza jn desig ambala n for že Gan za tvrt ku cia c omp Gancia any / Pa ckag e 33 Interview Gorenje Pininfarina - “Black Collection” potencijal dizajna Pininfarinina branda. U tom smislu se mogu složiti s novim izazovima koji su pred nama. S druge strane, smatram da bi bilo egoistično reći da više nemamo izazova u automobilskoj industriji. Naprotiv, automobilski dizajn prolazi kroz tranzicijsko razdoblje velike vitalnosti i vidimo mnoge izazove i na tom području. Kina i Indija, globalno zatopljenje, skupi energenti... Desetogodišnja perspektiva u automobilskoj industriji? Kako će ti čimbenici utjecati na automobilski dizajn? Smatram da je globalno zatopljenje najveći problem. U Pininfarini pripremamo odgovor s novim električnim vozilom koje razvijamo u suradnji s tvrtkom Bolloré, i koje ćemo prikazati u rujnu na pariškom salonu automobila. Pininfarina i Volvo su otvorili zajedničku tvornicu u Švedskoj koja proizvodi novi volvo C70. Je li ova inovativna suradnja ispunila očekivanja i koji su razvojni planovi za budućnost? Premješta li Pininfarina težište svojih interesa na područje “proizvodnje”? Partnerstvo s Volvom je uspješna i profitabilna operacija. U 2007. proizveli smo više od 20 tisuća vozila s 870 zaposlenih. Smatramo to dobrom referencijom za buduća partnerstva u automobilskom sektoru. Pininfarina je dizajnirao liniju kuhinjskih uređaja za Gorenje. Kako biste opisali tu suradnju i jeste li postigli željene ciljeve? Kolikim se izazovom to pokazalo? 34 Sektor bijele tehnike je definitivno usporediv s automobilskim sektorom jer oba dijele slične razvojne i proizvodne procese. Suradnja s Gorenjem je počela ranih devedesetih, a učvrstila se tržišnim plasiranjem prve linije 2000. godine, te druge linije 2005. godine. Obje linije su bile iznimno uspješne i može se reći da su oba partnera ostvarila zadane ciljeve. Gorenje je učvrstilo svoju poziciju u gornjem sloju tržišta s jasnim dizajnerskim identitetom, a Pininfarina je iskazao svoj potencijal u ovom sektoru, kao i povećao prisutnost svoga branda na istočnoeuropskom tržištu. Prema tome, riječ je o pravom primjeru obostrano uspješnog partnerstva. S kojim klijentom ste do sada imali najuzbudljiviju suradnju? Teško je odrediti jednu posebno. U proteklih dvadeset godina razvio sam više od 300 projekata za oko 100 različitih kompanija. Odabrao bih tri suradnje koje su se pokazale najdugovječnijima: Snaidero s kuhinjskim namještajem, Gorenje s kućanskim uređajima i Lavazza s aparatima za kavu. Hrvatski dizajneri, kao i dizajneri iz ostalih tranzicijskih zemalja, počinju bivati sve prisutniji u međunarodnom automobilskom dizajnu. Imate li Hrvate u svom timu? U našem timu djeluju dizajneri iz više zemalja, međutim zasad još nemamo ni jednog Hrvata. Paolo Pininfarina is the successor of a major Italian brand for car designs, and his leadership saw the company expand its designer activities to interiors and design of household appliances. The company has cooperated at over three hundred projects with some of the world’s most prestigious firms, such as Jacuzzi, Lange, Lavazza, Gancia, Motorola, Snaidero and 3M, in the process of designing their products Interviewed by: Ivan Mladina T he Pininfarina brand is well-known far beyond the specialized realm of automotive design. Legendary coachbuilder founded in 1930 by Battista “Pinin” Farina, has created some of the most beautiful automotive sculptures of all time. Ferrari, Maserati, Jaguar, Alfa Romeo, Lancia, Cadillac, Peugeot, Volvo, are just some of the clients of this family business with immense influence on global automotive design. Over the last decades, Pininfarina has started to turn to other design sectors, for instance with high-end kitchen appliance line Gorenje Pininfarina, probably the most well known Pininfarina venture in this part of Europe. About the business philosophy of this legendary brand, we spoke to the man responsible for the market success of Pininfarina’s expansion to other design sectors, Pininfarina Group Deputy Chairman, Paolo Pininfarina. In your opinion, why is it that the most beautiful cars are usually designed by Italians? First of all, the Italian heritage in terms of architecture, culture and artistic legacy. Then, the tradition of the Italian manufacturers (Ferrari, Maserati, Fiat, Lancia, Alfa Romeo, etc.) and the Italian “Carrozzieri”. All of this together with the Italian creative attitude are the premises for the success of Italian design. PAOLO PININFARINA There Are Still Many Challenges in Automotive Design What do you consider the most important aspects of good design? Good design is essential, innovative and durable. A durable, long lasting design is the best reward for the investments made in the development of the new products. Do you find commercial success to be a conditio sine qua non of a well-designed product? Most of the products are designed for commercial success, but it may happen that the objectives are different. Sometimes there is the wish to create very exclusive products that are intended to be design icons and/or research laboratories. So good design and commercial success are not indissoluble. How would you describe the significance of individual thought in today’s design industry? The best relationship between industrial creativity and team work gives value to the projects. Essential products have a clear and strong personality, consequent to an individual contribution in the creative phase. Pininfarina is known for its design ventures beyond the realm of automotive design. Being one of the most influential automotive designers for decades, is it because there is nothing left to prove in automotive design and you’re 35 Interview pursuing new challenges, or is it an economically-based decision? The exploration and the development of design activities outside of automotive is due to our wish to exploit the strong potential of Pininfarina design and brand. In this sense I agree on the new challenges in front of us. However I think that it would be a conceited behaviour to say that there is nothing left to prove in automotive design. On the contrary, automotive design is living a period of great vitality and change and there are many challenges in this sector too. China and India, global pollution, expensive fuel. The 10-year perspective in automotive industry? How do you feel these factors will affect automotive design? I believe that global pollution is the main issue. At Pininfarina, we are giving our response with the new Electric Vehicle that we are developing in joint-venture with Bolloré and that will be shown in September at the new Paris Motor Show. Pininfarina and Volvo have opened a joint-venture factory in Sweden for production of Volvo C70. How has this innovative sort of cooperation proved so far and what are the development plans for the future? Is Pininfarina shifting its interest to the “maker” level? The joint-venture with Volvo is a successful and profitable operation. In 2007 we have produced more than 20.000 units with 870 employees. We consider this as a good reference for future partnerships in the automotive sector. Pininfarina has designed kitchen appliances for Gorenje. 36 PF 36 Limited edition, Challenger Powerboat How can you describe this cooperation, and have you achieved desired goals? How much of a challenge has it proven to be? White goods are definitely collateral to the automotive sector, because they share similar development and manufacturing processes. The collaboration with Gorenje started in the early Nineties and it was consolidated with the launch of a first line in year 2000 and a second line in 2005. Both lines have been very successful and we can say that the goals have been achieved by both partners. Gorenje has established its position in the high end of the market with a clear design identity and Pininfarina has expressed its potential in this sector and has improved the presence of its brand in the Eastern Europe countries. So this is a real example of win-win relationship. What was your most exciting collaboration to-date? It’s hard to select one specific collaboration. Over the last 20 years I have developed more than 300 projects for about 100 different companies. I select three partnerships because they are the most durable: Snaidero in the kitchen furniture, Gorenje in the domestic appliances and Lavazza in the coffee machines. Croatian designers, as well as designers from other transition countries are starting to emerge in international automotive design. Do you have any Croatian designers on your team? Several international designers belong to our team but, at least for the moment, not one of them is Croatian. Keating hotel by Pininfarina, San Diego Kuhinja “Venus”, Snaidero / “Venus” kitchen, Snaidero 37 Report Prvi hrvatski sajam nekretnina održao se na splitskim Prokurativama / First Croatian Property Show took place on Prokurative square in Split PRVI HRVATSKI SAJAM NEKRETNINA U SPLITU OPRAVDAO SVOJE POSTOJANJE Prvi hrvatski sajam nekretnina pokazao je u prvom redu da postoji velika potreba za održavanjem ovakve manifestacije, koja će spojiti investitore i potencijalne kupce nekretnina u Hrvatskoj i šire te pridonijeti stvaranju i učvršćivanju novih standarda kvalitete u gradnji i investicijama Piše: Danijela Mandušiæ U z ovogodišnji jubilarni, deseti nautički sajam Croatia Boat Show, koji se ugodno smjestio u čitavoj splitskoj luci i tamo prezentirao sva najmodernija i najskupocjenija dostignuća u svijetu nautike od 5. do 13. travnja, održan je i prvi sajam nekretnina u Splitu i Hrvatskoj, Croatia Property Show, u organizaciji 38 Profectus grupe te pod glavnim pokroviteljstvom DalCasa grupe. S obzirom na ugled što ga je Croatia Boat Show stvorio u Hrvatskoj i svijetu, te s obzirom na privlačnost hrvatskog tržišta nekretnina, slobodno možemo ustvrditi da je Croatia Property Show bio uspješan već u svojemu premijernom izdanju. Iako pomalo u sjeni ve- likog i atraktivnog Boat Showa, sama ideja da se povežu ta dva sajma postavljanjem prvoga hrvatskog sajma nekretnina u veliki šator na splitskim Prokurativama kao logičan nastavak nautičke revije, osigurala je novom sajmu veliku posjećenost te visoku i kvalitetnu medijsku zastupljenost. Na prvom hrvatskom sajmu nekretnina predstavile su se ukupno 23 agencije za izgradnju, investicije i prodaju nekretnina, te je svaka od njih imala priliku na svom štandu predstaviti vlastite proizvode i usluge. Većina investicijskih tvrtki koje su se predstavile je iz Hrvatske, tako da su posjetitelji sajma dobili sveobuhvatnu i iscrpnu sliku trenutačnog stanja na tržištu nekretnina u Hrvatskoj, trendova u graditeljstvu, kao i smjernica razvoja tog tržišta u Hrvatskoj. Veliki dio graditeljskih projekata koji su se predstavili smješten je na obali, Jadran je definitivno atraktivna destinacija za ulaganje u nekretnine, a prikazani projekti pokazali su da je potražnja za luksuznim vilama i ekskluzivnim i kvalitetnim kućama za odmor izrazito visoka te je potpuno zamijenila rapidnu izgradnju apartmana kojoj smo bili svjedoci proteklih godina, a koja je nerijetko nagrđivala prekrasnu jadransku obalu. Luksuzna naselja urbanih vila – trend na hrvatskom tržištu nekretnina Na sajmu je predstavljeno čak sedam luksuznih mini naselja na Jadranu, od kojih treba posebno izdvojiti DalCasin projekt Rajski vrtovi na površini od oko 40.000 četvornih metara između Splita i Trogira, naselje luksuznih vila zatvorenog tipa s 48 vila, s pogledom na Split i srednjodalmatinske otoke. Svaka kuća bit će kamena jednokatnica s okućnicom, grijanim bazenom, videonadzorom, alarmom, solarnim grijanjem i pametnim sustavom zaključavanja, a njihov arhitekt Oliver Grigić posebnu pažnju pri dizajniranju posvetio je visokoj kvaliteti življenja. Po sličnoj filozofiji, ali s posebnim naglaskom na ekologiji i uređenju okoliša, pazinska tvrtka Promet-trans predstavila je projekt luksuznog naselja Aurora, od tri urbane vile uz more u Vinkuranu pokraj Pule. I ovdje je naglasak na luksuzu, stanovi su prostrani, oni u prizemlju imaju ograđene vrtove veličine od 20 do 80 četvornih metara, a stanovi na drugom katu su penthausi s fitnessom i jacuzzijem. Tvrtka Sunrise Properties iz Splita predstavila je projekt gradnje rezidencijalnog kompleksa Arion u Milni na Braču, sastavljenog također od luksuznih vila. Na parceli od četiri tisuće četvornih metara, trebalo bi niknuti šest luksuznih vila površine 300 četvornih metara stambenog prostora i s oko 500 kvadrata okućnice. U Stomorskoj na Šolti, splitski Sunrise Properties upravo ishođuje lokacijsku dozvolu za gradnju rezidencijalnog kompleksa Aporia, sa 16 dvojnih vila s bazenom, vrtom i garažom, te ekskluzivnu vilu Lythia sa šest luksuznih stanova uz samo more. Report Jerko Rošin, Luka Bebić i organizator sajma Vicenco Blagaić / Jerko Rošin, Luka Bebić and Vicenco Blagaić, fair organizer Štand Profectus grupe / Profectus group stand Autohtone kamene vile s bazenom i okućnicom Posebno je primjetan trend gradnje autohtonih dalmatinskih i istarskih kamenih vila, kao što to rade splitska tvrtka Peristil d.o.o., koja koristi najkvalitetniji brački kamen za izgradnju luksuznih vila, i zagrebačka tvrtka Kapital konzalting, koja je predstavila projekt naselja autohtonih istarskih kamenih vila, ali također s prostranim okućnica39 DalCasino mjesto za poslovne dogovore / DalCasa’s space for business conventions ma, bazenom i svim luksuznim pogodnostima današnjeg doba. Međunarodna investicijska tvrtka Investment Group Croatia i splitska agencija Broker predstavile su moderne vile duž dalmatinske obale, a posjetitelji sajma imali su prilike upoznati se s trendovima i cijenama na tržištima nekretnina susjednih nam Crne Gore i Slovenije, zahvaljujući agencijama Global Village Group iz Tivta i Inter Expo Group iz Ptuja. Osim luksuznih obiteljskih vila, predstavilo se i nekoliko poslovnih projekata, od kojih je najdojmljiviji bio DalCasin projekt prvog poslovnog tornja u Splitu, popraćen upečatljivom maketom elipsaste građevine pokraj koje su posjetitelji sajma najviše zastajali. Predstavljen je i najposjećeniji internetski oglasnik za nekretnine i turizam u Hrvatskoj, crozilla.com, čija baza podataka sadrži više od 12 tisuća nekretnina, te je zbog jednostavnog pretraživanja odličan internetski medij za oglašavanje. Na sajmu je sudjelovala i berlinska tvrtka FIM koja organizira sajmove nekretnina u Austriji i Njemačkoj, a svojim se urbanističkim rješenjima i budućim projektima predstavio i sam domaćin, Grad Split. Prvi hrvatski sajam nekretnina pokazao je u prvom redu da postoji velika potreba za održavanjem ovakve manifestacije, koja će spojiti investitore i potencijalne kupce 40 nekretnina u Hrvatskoj i šire te pridonijeti stvaranju i učvršćivanju novih standarda kvalitete u gradnji i investicijama. Ova manifestacija podiže tržište nekretnina u Hrvatskoj na jedan viši standard, “gdje više nije riječ o pukoj kupoprodaji, nego o inteligentnom ulaganju i održivom razvoju radi evaluacije prostora, što sukladnije s dugoročnim interesima stanovništva tog područja i cijele Hrvatske”, rekao je na otvaranju sajma predsjednik Uprave Profectus grupe, organizatora oba sajma, Vicenco Blagaić. Iako brojka od 50 tisuća posjetitelja ovogodišnjeg Boat Showa nije pravi pokazatelj broja posjetitelja sajma nekretnina, ipak je mnoštvo zainteresiranih investitora, kupaca ili samo znatiželjnika dokazalo opravdanost ovakve manifestacije u gradu u kojem je još prije 17 stoljeća car Dioklecijan uvidio investicijski potencijal te baš ovdje izgradio najljepšu carsku vikendicu, koja i danas živi kao osobito mjesto mediteranske i svjetske arhitekture i urbanizma. Sudeći po uspjehu nautičkog sajma, i Croatia Property Show, kao njegov logičan produžetak, posjeduje sve uvjete da u sljedećih nekoliko godina postane jedan od vodećih sajmova nekretnina na Sredozemlju i središnje mjesto za donošenje i provjeru važnih odluka u vezi s graditeljskim i razvojnim projektima na Mediteranu i u cijelom svijetu. Report Štand internet portala za nekretnine Crozilla / The stand of Crozilla, Web portal for Real estate THE FIRST CROATIAN PROPERTY SHOW JUSTIFIES ITS PRESENCE The first Croatian Property Show primarily showed that there is a great need for an event like this, as it connects investors and potential buyers of real estates in Croatia and beyond, as well as contributes to creating and establishing new quality standards in construction and investments A Written by: Danijela Mandušiæ long with this year’s tenth annual nautical fair Croatia Boat Show, which nicely settled all over the Split Harbour while presenting all the top-modern and most expensive accomplishments in the nautical world from April 5th to April 13th, we also witnessed the first real estate fair in Split and Croatia called Croatia Property Show, organized by Profectus Group and under the patronage of DalCasa Group. Considering the reputation Croatia Boat Show achieved in Croatia and the world, as well as considering the attractiveness of the Croatian real estate market, we can freely say that Croatia Property Show was 41 Report a success in its first edition. Although slightly overshadowed by the big and attractive Boat Show, the very idea of connecting these two events by placing the first Croatian real estate fair into a large tent at Prokurative in Split, as well as making it a logical continuation of the nautical show, seems to have ensured a large attendance number and a significant quality presence in the media for the new fair. The first Croatian real estate fair featured the overall number of 23 agencies for construction, investments and real estate sales, and each of those agencies had the opportunity to present their products and services at their own booth. Most of the presented investment companies came from Croatia, which provided the visitors with a comprehensive and thorough picture of the current condition of the Croatian real estate market, as well as some construction trends and developmental guidelines for that section of the Croatian market. Most of the presented construction projects are located on the coast, which confirms the Adriatic as the definitively attractive destination for real estate investments, while 42 Zanimljive DalCasine makete / Interesting DalCasa’s setup the projects on display showed that the demand for luxurious villas and exclusive quality vacation houses is extremely high and has completely replaced the rapid apartment construction we witnessed over the last period, and which often defaced the wonderful Adriatic coast. Luxurious Settlements of Urban Villas – A Trend on the Croatian Real Estate Market The fair presented as many as seven luxurious mini-settlements on the Adriatic, among which we must point out DalCasa’s project called Paradise Gardens, which covers the 40.000 square metres between Split and Trogir and is an enclosed settlement with 48 luxurious villas overlooking Split and the mid-Dalmatian islands. Every house will be a stone one-storey house with a courtyard, heated swimming pool, video-control, alarm, solar heating and intelligent locking system, while their architect Oliver Grigić paid special attention to the high quality of living during the designing process. Led by a similar philosophy, but with special attention Luksuzna naselja urbanih vila – trend na hrvatskom tržištu nekretnina / Luxurious settlements of urban villas – trend on the Croatian Real estate market given to ecology and environment maintenance, company Promet-Trans from Pazin presented the project of a luxurious settlement called Aurora, which consists of three urban villas by the sea in Vinkuran near Pula. Main emphasis was also put on luxury as apartments are very spacious, so those located at the ground floor have fenced gardens with sizes ranging from 20 to 80 square metres, while second-floor apartments come in the form of penthouses with fitness and jacuzzi. Sunrise Properties from Split presented a construction project for a residential complex named Arion in Milna on the island of Brač, which also consists of luxurious villas. Located on a 4000-m2 parcel, it should feature six luxurious villas with 300 square metres of residential surface and 500 courtyard squares. In Stomorska at the island of Šolta, Sunrise Properties from Split is currently in the process of asking for a location licence to build a residential complex called Aporia, which would consist of 16 dual villas with swimming pools, gardens and garages, as well as an exclusive Villa Lythia with six luxurious apartments right by the sea. Autochthon Stone Villas with a Swimming Pool and Courtyard It is easy to notice the trend of building autochthon Dalmatian and Istrian stone villas, such as the ones being built by firm Peristil d.o.o. from Split, which uses topquality stone from Brač to build their luxurious villas, as well as firm Kapital Konzalting from Zagreb that presented a project of settlements that consist of autochthon Istrian stone villas that also feature spacious courtyards, swimming pools and all other conveniences of today’s luxury. International investment firm Investment Group Croatia and agency Broker from Split have presented modern villas across Dalmatian coast, while the fair visitors also had the opportunity to get acquainted with trends and prices on real estate markets of the neighbouring Montenegro and Slovenia, thanks to agencies Global Village Group from Tivat and Inter Expo Group from Ptuj. Besides luxurious family villas, several business projects were also presented, the most impressive of which was DalCasa’s project of the first business tower in Split, which was accompanied by an impressive model of an oval building that attracted the attention of almost all visitors. We also witnessed the presentation of the most visited advertisement website on the Internet that concerns real estates and tourism in Croatia, crozilla.com, which has a database that contains over 12 thousand real estates and is an excellent advertisement media on the Internet due to its simple searching manner. Croatia Property Show also introduced firm FIM from Berlin, which organizes real estate fairs in Austria and Germany, and even the host, the City of Split, presented its own urban solutions and future projects. The first Croatian real estate fair primarily showed that there is a great need for an event like this, as it connects investors and potential buyers of real estates in Croatia and beyond, as well as contributes to creating and establishing new quality standards in construction and investments. This event increases the level of the Croatian real estate market, “as it is no longer merely about buying and selling, but rather about intelligent investing and maintainable development due to spatial evaluation, which must be in as much harmony as possible with the long-term interests of this area’s population and entire Croatia”, said President of Profectus Group, Vicenco Blagaić, at the fair opening, as his firm organized both events. Although the figure of 50 thousand visitors that came to see this year’s Boat Show is not the true indicator of how many people attended the real estate fair, it is fact that a large number of interested investors, buyers or merely observers has proven that this sort of event has its place in the same city that emperor Diocletian chose for the most beautiful imperial vacation house after realizing the investment potential of this area; the same area that still lives as a special location of Mediterranean and world’s architecture and urbanism. Judging by the success of the nautical fair, Croatia Property Show as its logical continuation also possesses all necessary elements to become one of the leading real estate fairs on the Mediterranean over the next several years, as well as a central location to make and verify important decisions regarding construction and developmental projects on the Mediterranean and in the whole world. 43 Piše: Aleksandar Vrtariæ Estetska policija bez prolazne ocjene nema lokacijske dozvole Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša, prostornog uređenja i graditeljstva, na čelu s ministricom Marinom Matulović-Dropulić, krajem prošle godine je krenulo s novim zadatkom – osnivanjem “Povjerenstva za ocjenu arhitektonske uspješnosti idejnog projekta”. Povjerenstvo će činiti članovi birani iz stručnih institucija te područja arhitekture i prostornog uređenja, a bit će uključeno u postupak izdavanja lokacijskih dozvola za sve objekte, odnosno stambene zgrade, javne ustanove, poslovne objekte, hotele i slično M noge gradove u Hrvatskoj već nekoliko godina muči isti problem – novoizgrađene stambene zgrade, poslovni objekti i građevine s javnom namjenom koji se urbanistički i estetski nikako ne uklapaju u okoliš. Slijedeći europske gradove koji već neko vrijeme imaju povjerenstva koja 44 brinu o izgledu novih urbanističkih rješenja, naše je Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša, prostornog uređenja i graditeljstva, na čelu s ministricom Marinom Matulović-Dropulić, krajem prošle godine krenulo s novim zadatkom – osnivanjem “Povjerenstva za lijepo”. Po odredbama novog zakona koji je bio najavljen još prije dvije go- Uspješnost pojedinih arhitektonskih objekata će u budućnosti ovisiti o ocjeni “Povjerenstva za lijepo” / The level of success of individual architectonic objects will now depend on the commission evaluation dine, u prvim mjesecima ove godine takva tijela Ministarstva osnovana su u nekoliko hrvatskih gradova, točnije u Zagrebu, Splitu, Osijeku, Šibeniku, Rijeci i Sisku, a pripreme za osnivanje stručnog povjerenstva aktualne su u još nekoliko gradova te se njihovo formiranje, u skladu sa zakonskim propisima i obvezama, očekuje u najkraćem roku. Što je zapravo “Povjerenstvo za lijepo”? Punog naziva “Povjerenstvo za ocjenu arhitektonske uspješnosti idejnog projekta”, to će se tijelo sastojati od članova biranih iz stručnih, odnosno javnih institucija, te osoba iz područja arhitekture i prostornog uređenja, a bit će uključeno u postupak izdavanja lokacijskih dozvola za sve objekte, odnosno stambene zgrade, javne ustanove, poslovne objekte, hotele i slično. Županijska će se, pak, povjerenstva orijentirati na velike smještajne objekte i prateće građevine ugostiteljsko-turističke namjene, a planirane u prostornim cjelinama koje obuhvaćaju više od 50.000 četvornih metara. Zadatak stručnih tijela temeljit će se na sprječavanju oblikovnih ekscesa, neumjesnih i ružnih građevina koje ne samo da narušavaju izgled naselja nego ujedno srozavaju izgled cijelih gradova. Tako će članovi povjerenstva zajednički donositi mišljenje o određenom idejnom projektu, odnosno skupu međusobno usklađenih nacrta i dokumenata kojima Info se definira izgled objekta, njegovih vanjskih gabarita te njegova pozicija na građevinskoj čestici, a takav idejni projekt, sukladno novom zakonu, ujedno je i sastavni dio lokacijske dozvole. Uspješnost pojedinih arhitektonskih objekata će u budućnosti ovisiti o ocjeni povjerenstva, što bi svakako trebalo smanjiti, možda čak i potpuno zaustaviti, izgradnju neuglednih i neprimjerenih objekata koji su do sada doslovce devastirali prostore u brojnim hrvatskim gradovima. Iako je zakonom predviđeno da povjerenstvo treba biti uključeno u izdavanje lokacijskih dozvola za sve objekte, njegovo mišljenje neće biti potrebno za izgradnju obiteljskih kuća do površine od 400 četvornih metara, za koje, po novom zakonu, nije potrebna lokacijska dozvola, nego rješenje o uvjetima gradnje. Osim toga, mišljenje povjerenstva neće biti obvezno za izdavanje lokacijskih dozvola za one projekte za koje je prethodno proveden natječaj. U tom slučaju imenovat će se povjerenstvo za provođenje natječaja. Po mišljenju mnogih, ova zakonska mjera je donesena prekasno, a loša strana novog zakona jest ta što isti nije primjenjiv na rješenja koja su ušla u fazu izdavanja prije 1. listopada prošle godine, kada je novi zakon stupio na snagu. Dakle, intervencija na već izgrađenim objektima neće biti, no za pozitivne promjene nikada nije kasno pa novi zakon svakako treba pozdraviti, a povjerenstva će bez sumnje imati mnogo posla jer u brojnim gradovi45 ma, posebice Zagrebu, Rijeci i Splitu, iz dana u dan niču nove građevine koje bi uz pravilan rad novoosnovanih stručnih tijela u budućnosti trebale biti ukras na visokoj razini arhitektonske kulture, a ne da nagrđuju urbanističke prostore. U kontrastu s kodeksom arhitektonske struke? Budući da se “povjerenstva za lijepo” sastoje od stručnih osoba, odnosno uglednih hrvatskih arhitekata, novi zakon je kod mnogih nezavisnih arhitekata donio i određeni otpor te nezadovoljstvo. Naime, kodeks arhitektonske struke kaže kako arhitektima nije dopušteno miješati se u rad svojih kolega, a vrlo je jasno da će ova povjerenstva upravo to činiti. Bez obzira što se radi o dobronamjernim kritikama i zajedničkom trudu da naši gradovi izgledaju ljepše, iz navedenog razloga, u stručnoj javnosti novi zakon nije najbolje prihvaćen jer se kolege arhitekti ne žele zamjerati struci, indirektno jedni drugima eventualnim negativnim ocjenama koje bi ih poslovno i privatno mogle dovesti u nezgodne situacije. No, ipak je mnogo više onih koji smatraju da je osnivanje “estetske policije” bilo prijeko potrebno, posebice na hrvatskom priobalju. Novim zakonom je Ministarstvo imalo namjeru potaknuti veće gradove i županije da nastoje stručno kontrolirati neuglednu gradnju, što je svakako pozitivno. Jasno da je u početku mnogima ovaj zakon donio svojevrsni revolt, no bez obzira na to, u budućnosti će “povjerenstva za lijepo” imati vrlo važnu ulogu u procesu izdavanja lokacijske dozvole, koja neće biti validna ako se nekretnina ne bude arhitektonski i estetski uklapala u urbanistički prostor. Kolege arhitekti će doista suditi o kvaliteti i dojmu međusobnih projekata, no koliko god neki prema tome imali negativno mišljenje, većina se ipak slaže da će se s vremenom na to svi priviknuti i da neće biti problema. Je li doista odzvonilo nakaradnoj i neumjesnoj gradnji, nekontroliranim arhitektonskim promašajima pojedinaca i hoće li ova povjerenstva stati na kraj kaosu koji godinama vlada u mnogim hrvatskim gradovima? To će vrijeme pokazati. No, jedno je sigurno – prvi korak je napravljen. Informacije iz prve ruke Iz ureda glasnogovornice Ministarstva zaštite okoliša, prostornog uređenja i graditeljstva Kate Gojević, stižu i neke korisne informacije. “Hrvatska je vrlo različita po svojoj konfiguraciji, baštini, tipologiji gradnje itd. Nije isto projektirati na obali i na kontinentu. Uspješan projekt mora voditi računa i o funkciji i estetici, a, naravno, i o prostoru u kojem će se graditi. Upravno tijelo koje izdaje dozvole za gradnju ne odlučuje o uspješnosti projekta. To je zadaća struke i upravo zato se osnivaju povjerenstva. Hrvatska ima stručnjake koji su se svojim radovima dokazali kao autoriteti. Smatramo da nije dobro rješenje da članovi povjerenstva budu osobe koje rade u upravi grada, odnosno županije. To je suprotno cilju zbog kojeg se povjerenstvo osniva. Zakonom je propisano da članovi povjerenstva trebaju biti birani iz redova predstavnika stručnih i javnih institucija te drugih osoba afirmiranih u području arhitekture i prostornog uređenja. Ministarstvo je time htjelo potaknuti gradove i županije da se u odlučivanje o važnijim i većim projektima koji bitno utječu na budući izgled prostora uključi što veći broj stručnjaka jer je to jamstvo iznalaženja najkvalitetnijih rješenja za prostor. Ministarstvo je zakonom propisalo za koje zahvate u prostoru treba mišljenje povjerenstva, što ne znači da se povjerenstvo ne može osnivati i za druge zahvate. U manjim gradovima i općinama u deset ili dvadeset godina ne izgradi se ni jedna škola ni hotel, što znači da takva općina ne treba imati stalno povjerenstvo za ocjenu arhitektonske uspješnosti. Međutim, valja očekivati da će općina ili manji grad koji brine o svom prostoru, ako se pojavi potreba za takvim zahvatom, osnovati ad hoc povjerenstvo. Isto vrijedi i za obiteljske kuće. Već kod prostornog plana koji donosi svaka općina i grad za svoje područje, može se dobro ciljanim odredbama pomoći i investitorima i struci.” Intervencija na već izgrađenim objektima neće biti, no za pozitivne promjene nikada nije kasno / There will be no interventions on completed objects, but it is never too late to make some positive changes 46 Info Written by: Aleksandar Vrtariæ Aesthetic Police No Location License without a Passing Grade Ministry of Environment Protection, Physical Planning and Construction, led by minister Marina Matulović-Dropulić, has taken on a new assignment at the end of last year – founding “Commission for Architectonic Success Evaluation of Projected Ideas”. This commission will consist of people from professional institutions and the fields of architecture and physical planning, and it will be included in the process of issuing location licenses for all objects, such as residential buildings, public facilities, business objects, hotels etc. 47 Info Mišljenje povjerenstva neće biti obvezno za one projekte za koje je prethodno proveden natječaj / The commission won’t be obligated to give an opinion for those projects that have previously been submitted to open contests A number of cities in Croatia have been having the same problem over the last several years – newly built residential buildings, business objects and public buildings that do not fit into their environment in terms of aesthetics or physical planning. Copying those European cities that have started commissions that look after the level of their construction projects, our Ministry of Environment Protection, Physical Planning and Construction, led by minister Marina Matulović-Dropulić, has taken on a new assignment at the end of last year – founding “The Beauty Commission”. In accordance to the new law that has already been announced two years ago, the first several months of this year saw such government bodies established in several Croatian cities, such as Zagreb, Split, Osijek, Šibenik, Rijeka and Sisak, and preparations for the founding of such professional commissions in several more cities are well-advanced, and are expected to be completed in a very short time. What Exactly Is “The Beauty Commission”? Fully titled “Commission for Architectonic Success Evaluation of Projected Ideas”, this body will consist of people from professional and public institutions and the fields of architecture and physical planning, and it will be included in the process of issuing location licenses for all objects, such as residential buildings, public facilities, business objects, hotels etc. The county commissions will focus on large accommodation objects and accompanying catering-tourism buildings that are planned on parcels that exceed the surface of 50.000 square metres. The mission of these expert bodies is to prevent shape excesses, inappropriate and ugly buildings that not only ruin the appearance of their settlement, but also bring down 48 Kako bi “Povjerenstvo za lijepo” ocijenilo ovu kuću? / What would “The beauty commmission” tell about this house? reputations of entire cities. The members of this commission will combine their forces to form an official opinion regarding certain projected ideas, or a collection of mutually agreeable blueprints and documents that define the object’s appearance, its outside dimensions and its position on the construction unit. Such projected idea is also, under the regulations of the new law, an integral part of the process of receiving a location license. The level of success of individual architectonic objects will now depend on the commission evaluation, which should certainly reduce and maybe even completely prevent the construction of bad-looking and inappropriate objects that have previously devastated areas in many Croatian cities. Although the law says that the commission has a say in the process of issuing location licenses for all objects, its opinion won’t be necessary for the construction of family houses that are not bigger than 400 square metres, as the new law states that these objects need certificates of construction conditions rather than location licenses. Besides, the commission won’t be obligated to give an opinion for those projects that have previously been submitted to open contests. In those cases, there must be a commission that supervises the process of the contest. Many people think that this legal regulation has arrived much too late, and the downside of this law is that it will not be applicable for certificates that have entered the issuing phase prior to October 1st of last year, which is when the new law was adopted. That means that there will be no interventions on completed objects, but it is never too late to make some positive changes, so this law should be welcomed. The commissions are bound to have a lot of work because numerous cities, especially Zagreb, Split and Rijeka, have been continu- ally struggling with new buildings that, with the assistance of newly found expert bodies, should now serve as highlevel improvements to the architectonic culture, instead of destroying their respective areas. In Contrast with the Architectonic Profession’s Code? Being that “beauty commissions” consist of highly professional experts, namely respected Croatian architects, the new law also brought a certain level of dissatisfaction with many independent architects. This is because the architectonic code states that architects are not allowed to interfere in their colleagues’ work, and it is crystal clear that these commissions will provoke these types of situations on constant basis. Regardless of the fact that we’re talking about good-intentioned criticism and joint effort to make our cities look better, the aforementioned reason caused the architectural public to receive the new law somewhat coldly, as colleagues don’t want to possibly bring each other into awkward personal and business situations by giving each other negative reports. However, the number of those who think that the establishment of “The Beauty Commission” was extremely needed, especially on the Croatian coast, is vastly superior. The Ministry used the new law to encourage larger cities and counties to increase control over inappropriate construction, which is certainly a positive move. It is understandable that this law delivered a certain level of resistance, but regardless of that, “beauty commissions” will have a very important role in the future when it comes to issuing location licenses, as they won’t be valid unless the real estate fits into the surrounding area architectonically and aesthetically. Architects will indeed evaluate the quality and impression of their colleagues’ projects, but regardless of several outbursts of negative opinion, most will agree that everyone will eventually adapt, which should eliminate all potential problems. Has the end really arrived for grotesque and inappropriate construction, uncontrolled architectonic failures led by individuals, and will these commissions finally put an end to the chaos that has ruled Croatian cities for many years now? Only time will tell. But one thing is for sure – the first step has been made. First-Hand Information The office of the spokesperson for Ministry of Environment Protection, Physical Planning and Construction, Kata Gojević, provided us with some useful information. “Croatia has very different parts when it comes to configuration, heritage, construction typology etc. Projecting on the coast or in continental parts is hardly the same thing. A successful project must pay attention to both the function and aesthetics, as well as to the area where construction takes place. The administration body that issues construction licenses does not decide on the project’s level of success. That job belongs to the profession, and that is why these commissions are founded. Croatia has experts whose work record proves their expertise. We feel that it is not right for commission members to be members of city or county administrations. That opposes the purpose of these commissions’ very existence. The law clearly states that commission members should be elected among members of professional public institutions, as well as among other people that have been relevant to the fields of architecture and physical planning. The Ministry wanted to use this to encourage cities and counties to include as many experts as possible to decision processes regarding large and important projects that will leave a mark on how the area looks, as that is the guarantee of finding the best possible solution. The ministry has determined which construction projects need the commission’s opinion, which doesn’t mean that it is impossible to establish commissions for other projects. Smaller cities and districts sometimes don’t build a single school or hotel in ten or twenty years, which means that this district doesn’t need a full-time commission for evaluation of architectonic level. However, it should be expected that a district or smaller town that adequately looks after its area, if the need occurs, would form an ad hoc commission. The same rule applies to family houses. The very stage of adopting the physical plan for a certain city or district should be performed in a competent manner in order to make the job of investors and the profession a lot easier.” Je li doista odzvonilo nakaradnoj i neumjesnoj gradnji? / Has the end really arrived for grotesque and inappropriate construction? 49 Panorama glavnog grada Santorinija, Thire / Panorama of Thira, the capital city of Santorini 50 Ples bijelih kuæica na vulkanskom krateru u srcu Mediterana S antorini, biser u kolajni grčkih otoka, nastao je uslijed vulkanske aktivnosti u prapovijesno doba. Naime, golema erupcija užarene lave i pepela koja je u kasnom brončanom dobu zadesila ovo područje, uzrokovala je nastanak ovog otočja, a kasnijim erupcijama nastajali su novi otoci i hridi, tako da je najmlađe kopno na Mediteranu, otočić Nea Kameni, izronilo iz mora tek prije šezdesetak godina, prigodom zadnje erupcije vulkana. Prvotni naziv ovog atraktivnog otoka bio je Strongyle (Okrugli), u antičko doba biva preimenovan u Kalliste (Najljepši), naziv koji uvelike dočarava njegove prirodne draži, a poslije je ime dobio po njegovoj zaštitnici, sv. Irini, i taj naziv zadržao se do danas. Atlantida – mit ili stvarnost Stručnjaci tvrde da je upravo na tome mjestu postojala jedna od najnaprednijih, ali i najzagonetnijih civilizacija prapovijesnog doba, slavna Atlantida, koju je oko 1500. godine prije Krista, prigodom jedne od silovitih vulkanskih erupcija, jednostavno progutalo more. Do danas se nije saznalo je li ona zaista postojala, ali slavni mit o Atlantidi živi u pisanoj riječi i znanstvenim istraživanjima od Platona do danas. No, krenimo od njegove geografske jedinstvenosti. Santorini se sastoji od tri otoka koji stvaraju prsten u čijem središtu se nalazi krater velikog vulkana prekriven morem, a njegovi strmi vrhovi stvaraju hridi visine čak do 400 metara iznad morske površine. Naselja malih zbijenih kućica u klasičnom grčkom bijelo-plavom koloritu nastala su na vrhu tih strmih uzvisina kako bi ondašnji stanovnici bili zaštićeni od gusara i neprijatelja. Tu se razvio glavni grad Fira (Thira), te manja mjesta Imerovili, Firastefani i Oia, s čijih se strmih uličica pruža nezaboravan pogled na ugasli krater, susjedne otoke i beskonačno more. To je centar i turistički dio otoka, dok unutrašnjost krije netaknuta sela u kojima kao da je vrijeme stalo, samo pokoji magarac lijeno puše na suncu i čeka gospodara kojem se nigdje ne žuri. Sjeverna strana otoka ima blaže padine, obiteljska odmarališta i mnoštvo prekrasnih pješčanih plaža. Santorini pršti od boja. Neobično vulkansko tamno tlo stvara kontrast bjelini slikovitih kućica, a najpoznatije plaže se zbog različitih boja pijeska nazivaju Crna, Crvena i Bijela plaža. Poznat je i po veličanstvenim zalascima sunca koji paletom toplih boja stvaraju kontrast plavetnilu mora i neba. Mediteran skriva mnoge prekrasne prizore, a jedan od njih je i otočje Santorini, smješteno u dubinama Egejskog mora, na razmeđu kontinenata Europe, Azije i Afrike, koje svojom tisućljetnom poviješću priča mnoge priče, a prirodnim ljepotama i mnogim posebitostima, te blagom klimom i savršenim plažama privlači posjetitelje iz cijelog svijeta Piše: Danijela Mandušiæ Foto: Arhiva DalCase Omiljeno odredište za zaljubljene Turizam se na Santoriniju počeo dosta kasno razvijati, tek prije tridesetak godina. Prvi turisti bili su avanturisti, ljudi koji su “već sve vidjeli” i bili željni novih odredišta, te ljudi koji su tražili smiraj i tišinu, kontakt s prirodom daleko od gradske vreve i suvremenog načina života. Upravo s razvojem turizma stanovnici su počeli mijenjati svoj dotadašnji način života koji se temeljio na poljoprivredi i pomorstvu, te počeli sve više ulagati u turizam. Danas Santorini godišnje posjeti oko milijun turista, što je prilično za otok površine 75 četvornih metara i sa 7500 stalnih stanovnika, a to je zato što svatko na ovom prekrasnom otočju može naći nešto za sebe. Osim što mami svojom jedinstvenom geolo51 Avant ura Naselja malih kućica u klasičnom grčkom bijelo-plavom koloritu nastala su na vrhu strmih uzvisina vulkana / Compact small houses in classic Greek white and blue colours were built on top of sharp volcano hills I novi turistički kompleksi imitiraju klasičnu grčku arhitekturu / Even the newest touristic complexes are imitating the classical Greek architecture škom formacijom, ovo otočje je omiljeno odredište za zaljubljene, pa mnogi parovi u ovome mediteranskom ambijentu odlučuju izmijeniti bračne zavjete ili provesti medeni mjesec. Kao i veći dio Grčke, Santorini ima nekoliko antičkih arheoloških lokacija koje su iznimno dobro očuvane jer su, poput Pompeja, bile stoljećima skrivene ispod debelih naslaga vulkanskog pepela. Najpoznatije su Akrotiri, koji otkriva ostatke prapovijesne There, drevni grčki grad Mesa Vouno, nekoliko bizantskih bazilika (Aghia Eirini, crkva u Panagiji) i srednjovjekovnih građevina u unutrašnjosti otoka. Jedna od prvih stvari koju posjetitelj može primijetiti jest da na otoku ima mnogo crkava. Ima ih ukupno 352, što je nevjerojatno za tako mali otok. Uzrok tome je što je na otoku bilo mnogo pomoraca koji su se zavjetovali da će, ako se sigurno vrate s putovanja, izgraditi crkvu. Postoji legenda o crkvi u Karteradosu koju je gradio jedan pomorac nakon povratka s dugog putovanja i kada mu je nestalo vode, upotrijebio je vino kao vezi52 vni materijal. Crkva je tako završena s vinom. Osim toga stanovnici su se bojali i čestih potresa i vulkanskih erupcija, pa su ih gradili kako bi udovoljili volji bogova. Sve crkve, kao uostalom i druge građevine, izgrađene su u kombinaciji plave i bijele boje. Bijelo simbolizira slobodu duha, a plavo more, ali i nebo koje je kuća bogova. Slikovita eklektična arhitektura Te male, bijele, natrpane kućice s malenim, obvezno plavim, prozorima i vratima, postale su svojevrstan “trademark” grčke arhitekture. Le Corbusier je pri svom posjetu Santoriniju, još dvadesetih godina prošlog stoljeća, bio potpuno fasciniran jedinstvenom, gotovo umjetničkom, kompozicijom i eklektičnom arhitekturom gradova. Estetski vrlo privlačne, takve kuće nastale su iz sasvim praktičnih razloga. Vulkansko tlo bilo je jedini gradivni materijal, kuće su bile napola ili sasvim ukopane u tlo da bi se zaštitile od jakih vjetrova i čestih podrhtavanja tla, s posebnim cilindričnim svodovima, malim prostorijama koje podsjećaju na brodske kabine Na Santoriniju ima mnogo crkava, čak 352/ There are lots of churches in Santorini Island, even 352 i obveznim spremnicima za vodu koji su nerijetko već bili dio susjedova trijema. Tek su bogati pomorci krajem 19. st. počeli graditi veće kuće u neoklasicističkom stilu koji je tada bio dominantan u Europi. Danas se pokušava održati autohtonost gradnje pa se čak i najnoviji turistički kompleksi grade kao imitacija nekadašnjih kuća, i, naravno, sve je u bijelo-plavoj, bojama koje su i na grčkoj zastavi. Iako mnogo drže do tradicije, na Santoriniju ne nedostaje suvremenih turističkih sadržaja, luksuznih hotela i vila s bazenima i veličanstvenim pogledom. Glavni grad Thira prepun je kavana s pogledom na arhipelag, malih restorana s ukusnom i laganom grčkom kuhinjom, te raznih suvenirnica i, naravno, vinarija koje nude veliki izbor domaćih vina od kojih je najbolja sorta slatki Vinsanto, koji se proizvodi u ograničenim količinama da ne bi izgubio na kvaliteti. Turistički kapaciteti popunjeni su gotovo cijele godine, a Santorini je odlično povezan i sa susjednim otocima od kojih svaki ima neku posebitost koju vrijedi vidjeti i doživjeti. Tako se turisti često idu sunčati na najbliži, nenaseljeni otok Thirassiu, Anafi i Sikonos su zaista mali otoci s netaknutom prirodom i mediteranskim štihom, a Ios je poznat po klubovima i zabavama, tamo mnogi mladi idu u cjelonoćne provode. Poznati Mykonos, mjesto elitnog i gay turizma, također je blizu, a do Krete treba putovati nekoliko sati. Sve ovo zaista je više nego dovoljno za posjet Santoriniju, jer ovo otočje nudi sadržajan i opušten odmor i pravi je raj za sva osjetila. Odlučite li se obići bogata arheološka nalazišta, kratere vulkana ili okolne otoke, ili pak želite samo ležati na jednoj od mnogobrojnih plaža i uživati u pogledu i blagoj mediteranskoj klimi, dobro ćete se provesti. Jedino treba izbjegavati najtoplije ljetne mjesece jer tada na Santoriniju temperature nerijetko prelaze 40°C, a i mnoštvo je turista. No, Santorini nudi doživljaj autentičnog Mediterana, to je otok i za opušten obiteljski odmor, ali i za romantične trenutke u dvoje i lude noćne zabave. A sam pogled na arhipelag i beskrajno more hrani osjetila i odmara tijelo i duh. 53 Advent ure Little White Houses Dancing on the Volcanic Crater in the Heart of the Mediterranean 54 Magarac je česta pojava na ulicama Santorinija / Donkey is a common appearance in the streets of Santorini Glavni grad Thira prepun je suvenirnica i vinarija s domaćim vinom / The capital of Thira is full of souvenir and wine shops with local wines The Mediterranean hides numerous wonderful sights, and one of them comes in the form of the Santorini Islands, which is located in the depths of the Aegean Sea, on the borderline of continents Europe, Asia and Africa. These islands use their thousand-year history to tell many stories, and their natural beauties and other special features, including the mild climate and perfect beaches, attract visitors from all over the world S Written by: Danijela Mandušiæ antorini, a pearl in the string of Greek islands, is a product of volcanic activity in the prehistoric era. The enormous eruption of incandescent lava and ashes that struck this area in the late Bronze Age created this archipelago, while later eruptions resulted in new islands and rocks, including the youngest piece of land in the Mediterranean, little island called Nea Kameni, which came out of water about sixty years ago during the volcano’s latest eruption. This attractive is- Photo: DalCasa archive land was originally called Strongyle (“Round-Shaped”), only to be renamed into Kalliste (“The Most Beautiful”) during the Classical Era, which is a name that truly suits its natural characteristics. It was later named after its protector St. Irene, and that name is still being used. Atlantis – Myth or Reality Experts claim that this precise place served as a location for one of the most advanced, but also most mysterious 55 Advent ure civilizations of the prehistoric era, the famous Atlantis, which was simply swallowed by the sea during one of the most powerful volcano eruptions at about 1500 BC. To this very day, it has not been confirmed whether Atlantis truly existed, but its famous myth lives on in writing and in scientific researches from Plato to our time. However, let’s start with the island’s geographic uniqueness. Santorini consists of three islands that create a ring centred by a big volcano crater covered with water, while its sharp peaks create rocks that climb up to 400 metres from the surface of the sea. Compact villages of small houses in classic Greek white and blue colours were built on top of these sharp hills in order to protect the villagers from pirates and enemies. That’s where we find the capitol Thira, as well as smaller villages Imerovili, Firastefani and Oia, which feature rapid alleys that provide an unforgettable view over the extinct crater, neighbouring islands and the endless sea. There is the centre and the tourist part of the island, while the inside parts reveal untouched villages where time stands still, with only a few donkeys lazily puffing in the sun while waiting for their masters that take their precious time. The island’s northern part has milder slopes, family vacation resorts and plenty of wonderful sand beaches. Santorini simply bursts with colours. The unusual volcanic dark ground creates a contrast to the whiteness of picturesque houses, while the most famous beaches are called Black, Red and White Beach due to different colours of the sand. It is also renowned for its sensational sunsets with a palette of warm colours that create a contrast to the blueness of the sea and the sky. Favourite Destination for Lovers Tourism in Santorini started to develop about thirty years 56 ago, which is rather late. First tourists were mostly adventurers, people that have “seen it all” and craved for new destinations, as well as people that just wanted some peace and quiet, a contact with nature away from the city rush and the modern way of life. The growth of tourism started to change the lifestyle of people on the island, as they started to abandon their previous orientation towards agriculture and sailing to invest more money into tourism. These days, Santorini is visited by about a million tourists a year, which is quite a lot for a 75-km2 island with the population of 7500 people, and the reason for that is because everyone can find something for themselves on this island. Except for its luring unique geology, these islands are a favourite destination for lovers, which leads to many couples exchanging their wedding vows or spending their honeymoon on this location. Just like the majority of Greece, Santorini also has several antique archaeological sites that are very preserved because they, just like the Pompeii, have been hidden under thick layers of volcanic ashes for many centuries. Acrotires are the most famous, as they reveal the remainders of the prehistoric Thira, the ancient Greek town Mesa Vouno, several Byzantine basilicas (Aghia Eirini, church in Panagia) and medieval buildings further within the island. One of the first things a visitor will notice about this island is the sheer amount of churches. There are 352 of them, which is incredible for such a small island. This is the result of the fact that there were many sailors from this island, and they vowed that they would build a church in case they returned safely from their voyages. There is a legend about the church in Karterados, which was built by a sailor after his return from a long voyage, and it says that the sailor used wine as binding material when he ran Panorama grada Oije / Panorama of the city of Oia out of water. This resulted in a church that was finished in wine. Besides that aspect, the villagers were often afraid of constant earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, so they built the churches in order to please their gods. All churches are built in white and blue combination, just like all the other buildings. White symbolizes the freedom of spirit, while blue symbolizes the sea, but also the sky that is thought of as the house for gods. Picturesque Eclectic Architecture These little white overcrowded houses, with small windows and doors that are always blue, have become a trademark of sorts for reek architecture. During his first visit to Santorini back in the 1920s, Le Corbusier was completely fascinated by the unique, almost artistic, composition and eclectic architecture of the cities. These houses are aesthetically very attractive, and they were built for very practical reasons. Volcanic ground was the only available construction material, while the houses were partly or almost completely buried into the ground due to protection from strong winds and constant earthquakes. They also featured special cylindrical arcs, small premises that are reminiscent of boat cabins, as well as the obligatory water tanks that would practically end up on the neighbour’s porch. During the late 19th century, rich sailors started to build larger houses in neo-classicist style, which dominated Europe at the time. However, even the newest tourism complexes are now being built as imitations of traditional houses as an attempt to preserve autochthon construction; naturally, they all come in white and blue colours, which are also featured on the Greek flag. Although the people here deeply care for their tradition, Santorini isn’t lacking in contemporary tourism features, such as luxurious hotels and villas with swimming pools and sensational views. Capital Thira is filled with coffee shops overlooking the archipelago, as well as small restaurants with delicious and light Greek cuisine, numerous souvenir shops and, naturally, wine shops that offer an excellent choice of local wines, the best of which is the sweet Vinsanto, and it is manufactured in limited amount in order to retain its quality. Tourism capacities are filled at almost all stages of the year, and Santorini is also excellently connected to the neighbouring islands, each of which has something unique to see and experience. Tourists often go sunbathing to the nearest, uninhabited island Thirassiu, while Anafi and Sikonos are tiny little islands with untouched nature and true Mediterranean ambience. On the contrary, Ios is famous for its clubs and forms of entertainment, as it is regularly frequented by youngsters who are looking for a night of fun. The famous Mykonos, reserved for elite and gay tourism, is also nearby, while Crete is several hours away. All these features are more than enough to make you visit Santorini, as this archipelago offers a relaxed vacation with many features in the form of true heaven for all senses. If you decide to visit rich archaeological sites, volcano craters or surrounding islands, or you just want to enjoy one of the numerous beaches with a great view and the mild Mediterranean climate, you are bound to have a wonderful time. The only thing to watch out for is arriving in the warmest summer months, as temperatures on Santorini often pass 40 C, and there is also a crowd of tourists at that stage. However, Santorini offers the authentic Mediterranean experience, as it is an island for a relaxed family vacation, romantic moments for two or crazy all-night parties. And the very view over the archipelago and the endless sea feeds the senses and relaxes both the body and the spirit. 57 Gast ro 58 Kako bi se postigla opuštenost, crni zidovi su osvijetljeni pozadinskim svjetlom, dok je svaki stol opskrbljen svojom vlastitom, intimnom rasvjetom / n order to achieve a relaxed atmosphere, black walls are illuminated with background lights, while every table features its own intimate lighting NEGRO DE ANGLONA neuobièajeno u slubi klasiènoga Smješten u palači iz sedamnaestog stoljeća u starom gradskom središtu Madrida, Negro de Anglona nudi uistinu jedinstvenu atmosferu i iskustvo boravka i konzumacije. Za izgled restorana zaslužan je Luis Galliussi, jedan od vodećih španjolskih arhitekata i dizajnera interijera Piše: Nikola Èelan 59 T 23-godišnji šef kuhinje Aitor Garcia / The 23-year-old main chef Aitor Garcia 60 rend uređivanja i prilagođavanja povijesnih objekata ugostiteljstvu i turizmu, posebno je zamjetan u španjolskom hotelijerstvu, o čemu smo već pisali nekoliko puta. O tome koliko ta praksa može biti oduševljavajuća u slučaju jednoga globalno poželjnog restorana, lijepo nam svjedoči primjer madridskog Negra de Anglone. Elegancija, stil, upotreba neočekivanih elemenata, osobine su koje nije lako uklopiti u konstrukciju klasično zamišljenog interijera, pogotovo kada je riječ o objektu starom četiristotinjak godina. Restoran Negro de Anglona nalazi se unutar Palače princa od Anglone, u starom gradskom središtu Madrida, južno od Calle Mayora. Restoran je smješten u podrumu palače i nudi uistinu jedinstvenu atmosferu i iskustvo boravka i konzumacije. Svoju posebnost on duguje činjenici koju njegovi vlasnici rado ističu: pažnja posvećena detalju u njemu “uzdignuta je na višu razinu“. Započet kao jedan od originalnih talijanskih restorana u Madridu, Negro de Anglona nedavno je nominiran za najbolji novi restoran u međunarodnom engleskom dizajnerskom magazinu Wallpaper. Za dizajn je zaslužan Luis Galliussi, jedan od vodećih španjolskih arhitekata i dizajnera interijera, opet imenovan “najboljim dizajnerom interijera godine“ u španjolskom magazinu Architectural Digest. Na zidove restorana Galliussi je postavio slike europskih imperijalnih palača, koje je blago osvijetlio, iluminirao. Čitavi gornji kat je izveden u starinskom izričaju, namještaj je također starinski, klasično dekoriran, a posebnost je i odabir monokromatike za stolove i stolice, koji se savršeno uklapa u ovakav opći “klasičarski“ stil restorana. Snažni dekorativni elementi, dakle, generalno su sredstvo za kojim je Galliussi posegnuo kod osmišljavanja sedam prostorija ovoga vrhunskog restorana. Sam ulaz svojim visokim stropom i starim zastorima namijenjen je izazivanju dojma ulaska u palaču kod posjetitelja. Međutim, već nakon prvih koraka Negro de Anglona otkriva se kao nevjerojatan labirint, sa svim svojstvima koja on može imati u kakvom zabavnom parku, samo što je on ovaj put namijenjen potpuno ugostiteljskoj djelatnosti. Zrcala su u njemu također upotrijebljena kako bi se ambijent obogatio dodatnom prostornošću, i to na donjem katu, u sobi dugoj 50 metara, a širokoj tek pet. Kako bi se postigla opuštenost, crni zidovi su osvijetljeni pozadinskim svjetlom, dok je svaki stol opskrbljen svojom vlastitom, intimnom rasvjetom. U restoranu, međutim, nije sve podređeno vintage ugođaju, tako primjerice bar, zatim i prostorije za toaletu, kao zasebne cjeline, sadrže potpuno suvremene elemente, čak s blagim dodirom pop-arta. Restoranska kuhinja, naglašavaju voditelji Negra Juan i Borja Infante (inače pripadnici druge generacije čuvene madridske ugostiteljske grupe), otvorena je do kasno u noć radi posjetitelja teatra, koji su time kao ciljana publika motivirani na dolazak u restoran. Nudi se spoj mediteranskog i orijentalnog jelovnika, dok je vinska karta popunjena sa šezdesetak vrsta španjolskih vina te posebno obogaćena ponudom šampanjaca i drugih desertnih vina. Specijalitet kuće su tzv. Aitorovi kroketi, nazvani tako po još jednoj restoranskoj atrakciji – 23-godišnjem šefu kuhinje Aitoru Garciji. Restoran Negro de Anglona nalazi se unutar Palače princa od Anglone, u starom gradskom središtu Madrida / Restaurant Negro de Anglona is located within the Palace of the Prince of Anglona in the old city centre of Madrid Gast ro 61 Gast ro Za dizajn je zaslužan Luis Galliussi, jedan od vodećih španjolskih arhitekata i dizajnera interijera / Design of the restaurant was created by Luis Galliussi, who is one of the leading Spanish architects and interior designers Written by: Nikola Èelan NEGRO DE ANGLONA The Unusual in the Service of Classic Located in a 17th century palace in the old city centre of Madrid, Negro de Anglona truly offers a unique atmosphere and dining experience. The restaurant’s look was created by Luis Galliussi, who is one of the leading Spanish architects and interior designers. T he trend of decorating and adapting historical objects in tourism and accommodation industry is especially noticeable in the Spanish hotel industry, which we wrote about several times already. The perfect example of how that practice can be enchanting and result in a globally desirable restaurant is presented in Negro de Anglona in Madrid. 62 Elegance, style, usage of unexpected elements – these characteristics are not easily adaptable into a construction of a classically designed interior, especially when we’re talking about an object that is about 400 years old. Restaurant Negro de Anglona is located within the Palace of the Prince of Anglona in the old city centre of Madrid, just south of Calle Mayor. The restaurant is Na zidove restorana Galliussi je postavio slike europskih imperijalnih palača / Galliussi decorated the restaurant walls with pictures of European imperial palaces Soba duga 50 metara, a široka tek pet / The room 50 metres long and only 5 metres wide Restoran je smješten u podrumu palače i nudi uistinu jedinstvenu atmosferu / The restaurant is placed in the basement of the palace and it truly offers a unique atmosphere placed in the basement of the palace and it truly offers a unique atmosphere and dining experience. It owes its distinctiveness to a fact that its owners like to pint out: attention to detail is truly “taken to another level”. Created as one of the original Italian restaurants in Madrid, Negro de Anglona was recently nominated for best new restaurant by international English design magazine Wallpaper. Its design was created by Luis Galliussi, who is one of the leading Spanish architects and interior designers, and it’s worth mentioning that he was named “interior designer of the year” by Spanish magazine Architectural Digest. Galliussi decorated the restaurant walls with pictures of European imperial palaces that he slightly illuminated. The entire upper floor was designed in archaic manner, as was the classically decorated furniture, while a special dimension is added in the presence of the monochrome theme for tables and chairs, which perfectly agrees with the “classic” style of the restaurant. Powerful decorative elements therefore served as general tools that Galliussi used to design seven rooms of this supreme restaurant. The very entrance has a purpose of provoking the impression of entering into a palace with its high ceil- ing and old curtains. However, even the first few steps reveal Negro de Anglona as an incredible labyrinth with all the features of an amusement park, except for the fact that its sole purpose is to be a restaurant. The mirrors were also used to add extra-space to the ambience, particularly in a downstairs room that is 50 metres long and 5 metres wide. In order to achieve a relaxed atmosphere, black walls are illuminated with background lights, while every table features its own intimate lighting. However, this restaurant doesn’t exclusively aim for a vintage vibe, as the bar and toilet rooms are individual units with contemporary elements that even slightly touch upon pop art. The restaurant kitchen, as is emphasized by managers Negra Juan and Borja Infante (members of the second generation of the famous Madrid restaurant group), is open to the early morning hours due to the theatre audience, which are therefore targeted to dine at this restaurant. A combination of Mediterranean and Oriental menu is on offer, while the wine card is filled with about sixty Spanish wines, champagne and other dessert wines. The specialty of the house is the so-called “Aitor’s Croquettes”, which were called after another restaurant attraction – the 23-year-old main chef Aitor Garcia. 63 Fine st vari Bambus u telekomunikacijama Chute je plod nakane dizajnera Michaela Lauta da svakodnevnu uporabu telekomunikacijskih ureðaja uèini opuštenijom i toplijom. Postigao je to zamjenom uobièajenih materijala plastike i metala bambusovim drvom – i u njemu proizveo potpuno funkcionalan mobilni telefon. Bambus je odabran kao najbrže rastuæa biljka na planetu i samim time najobnovljiviji resurs, kojim se želi zamijeniti ekološki neprihvatljive sintetièke materijale. Bamboo in Telecommunications Chute was created by designer Michael Laut in order to make the everyday usage of telecommunication devices more relaxed and warmer. He achieved that by replacing the usual plastic and metal materials with bamboo wood – using it to manufacture a completely functional mobile phone. Bamboo was chosen as the fastest-growing plant on the planet, which automatically means it’s the most renewable resource, and it is used to replace the ecologically unacceptable synthetic materials. Èvrsto, a nježno U pet centimetara promjera, nježno je dizajniran ovaj Philippijev solidni džepni sat. Èvrstoæu duguje upotrebi nehrðajuæeg èelika, dok istodobno zadržava korisnièki prisan odnos s vlasnikom u svom kožnom kuæištu koji se otvara patentom. Oku ugodna naranèasta boja daje mu posebnu patinu i èini ga nedvojbeno poželjnim. Za svaki džep… Odmor u rakovoj ljusci Danski dizajneri Oluf Lund i Eva Paarmann, nadahnuti skeletom jastoga, proizveli su istoimeni komad namještaja buduænosti. Lobster je iznimno udobna i kvalitetna stolica, koja, osim svojim oblikom, èvrstoæu i solidnost jamèi i uporabom najboljih materijala danskih proizvoðaèa. Pridodamo li tome još kromirani èelièni stalak ispod drvene konstrukcije, onda možemo biti sigurni u èvrstu ljušturu pod stražnjicom. 64 Firm, yet Gentle This Philippi’s solid pocket watch was gently designed within a five-centimetre diameter. It owes its firmness to the usage of non-corrosive steel, while simultaneously keeping a tight relation with its owner through its leather box that opens with a zipper. The eye-pleasing orange colour provides it with a special flavour that makes it undeniably attractive. For every pocket… Relaxing in a Crab Shell Danish designers Oluf Lund and Eva Paarmann, inspired by a lobster skeleton, have produced a piece of furniture of the future with the same name. Lobster is an extremely comfortable chair of high quality, and it doesn’t just guarantee its firmness and reliability with its shape, but also through usage of finest Danish materials. If we also mention the chromeplated steel rail underneath the wooden construction, then we can be sure that we have a strong shell to sit on. Origami sjedalica skulptura Mladi švedski dizajnerski trojac, okupljen pod znakovitim imenom Form us with love (Oblikujte nas s ljubavlju), zaslužan je za dizajn ove nesvakidašnje sjedalice. Osnovna inspiracija bila je poznata japanska tehnika savijanja papira - origami. Ideja da rade sa svjetlom i sjenom rezultirala je ovom prekrasnom sjedalicom skulpturom. Iako izgleda krhka kao origami, izraðena je od lakiranog aluminija s mekanom unutarnjom podstavom. Konceptualna high-tech kuhinja Kuhinja Porsche Design Kitchen nedavna je dobitnica „dizajnerskog Oscara“, nagrade Industrie Foruma u Hannoveru. Ova high-tech kuhinja izvedena je u potpunosti u aluminiju. Od posebnosti koje su zadivile ocjenjivaèki sud, izdvajaju se moguænost otvaranja elemenata laganim dodirom i bez ruèki, integrirani audio i videosustav te pripadajuæa višenamjenska rasvjeta. Malo, moæno, mobilno Zaèudna Boseova praksa proizvodnje moænih audioureðaja u malim, kompaktnim kuæištima, ovaj je put rezultirala baš takvim sistemom zvuènika za PC i laptop, a uz dodatak 3,5-milimetarskog audiokonektora, i za svaki drugi prenosivi player. Posebnost ovog seta zvuènika, osim mobilnosti i praktiènosti, jest i upotreba naprednih tehnologija koje omoguæuju snažan ugoðaj niskih frekvencija i uz potpuni izostanak bas modula. 66 The Origami ChairSculpture Young Swedish designer threesome, gathered under the significant name “Form Us with Love”, takes the credit for the design of this extraordinary chair. Their basic inspiration was famous Japanese technique of bending paper – origami. The idea to work with light and shadow resulted in this wonderful chair-sculpture. Although it looks as fragile as origami, it was made of varnished aluminium with soft inner coating. A Conceptual High-Tech Kitchen Porsche Design Kitchen is the recent “designer Oscar” winner, which is presented as the Industrie Forum Award in Hannover. This high-tech kitchen is completely made in aluminium. Out of some special characteristics that impressed the evaluation jury, we must point out the possibility of opening the elements with a slight touch and without any handles, as well as an integrated audio and video system with accompanying multifunctional lighting. Small, Powerful, Mobile The wondrous Bose practice of producing powerful audio-devices in small, compact boxes has once again resulted in such a system of sound-speakers for PCs and laptops, and with the addition of a 3,5-milimetre audio-connector, it can be used for any other portable player. The specialty of this set of speakers, besides its mobility and practicality, is the usage of advanced technologies that enable a powerful surrounding of low frequencies, completely devoid of any bass modules. Pripremio / Edited by: Nikola Èelan Luxuries Dodir umjet nost i Indijsko jutro / India morning 68 Poslijepodne /Afternoon ANDREA MUSA: Poezija vizualnog Andrea Musa umjetnica je koja se, osim po specifičnom likovnom izrazu, izdvaja i po svome osebujnom životopisu; osim slikarske diplome, ima i onu Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu. Sudjelovala je u brojnim međunarodnim projektima i grupnim izložbama. Bila je jedna od četvero umjetnika, slikara, koji su predstavljali Hrvatsku na Biennalu suvremene umjetnosti u Firenci 2003. godine Piše: Nataša Bodrožiæ 69 Dodir umjet nost i P oezija dolazi u bojama, kao kosa, nebo, stol. Slova, riječi, stihovi kao gradivni elementi pjesme, linije, boje, plohe kao sastavni dijelovi slike, možda se mogu ispremiješati, ispremetati, zamijeniti jedni za druge, bez kontrole, bez unaprijed očekivanih rezultata. Slaganjem stihova s bojama, uplivom boja u riječ, iza zatvorenih kapaka, nastaju nove slike, obojene riječi, sinestezije, objašnjenja su suvišna. Pjesnik je slikar riječima, slikar je pjesnik vizualnog. Otprilike odavde može krenuti priča o radu mlade splitske umjetnice Andree Muse, koja je ostala vjerna upravo slikarstvu, tome tradicionalnom umjetničkom mediju, u njemu još uvijek nalazeći inspiraciju i izazov, jezikom apstrakcije izražavajući ono što se smjestilo duboko u uglove njezine (pod)svijesti, tko zna kad i tko zna gdje. Golemi imaginarij zajedničke doživljajnosti, sve slike svi70 Noć / The night jeta i njihova individualna, sasvim osobna interpretacija, dobile su svoje mjesto u nekima od okvira koje je postavila ova slikarica. Andrea Musa diplomirala je slikarstvo na Assenza Art Academy u švicarskom Baselu te od tada izlaže u zemlji i inozemstvu. Osnovne linije njezina interesa jesu bavljenje fenomenom boje, formama svjetlosti, proučavanje likovnih vrijednosti svjetla i tame, nove mogućnosti kolorističkih pejzaža... “Poetska naracija Andree Muse energiju crpi iz prirode koju slikarica definira kao stalnu promjenu, kao vječnu inspiraciju, kao svojevrsnu utjehu.” Slikarstvo slobodnog poteza, simplificiranih pačetvorinastih površina vibrantnih boja složenih u dinamične kompozicijske sklopove – što u konačnici pred promatrača stavlja djelo izrazito osjetilnih kvaliteta optimistične vedrine, rezultat su vrlo smirene i promišljene likovne gradnje kojom se služi umjetnica, te metodičnosti podučene teorijskim spoznajama o boji i svjetlu. Sama umjetnica svoj rad predstavlja u četiri tematska ciklusa, pri čemu samu temu ne treba shvaćati u uskom smislu. “Doživljaj boje između tame i svjetlosti”, “Pejzaži”, “Forme svjetlosti” i “Između dana i noći”, poetične su i formalne odrednice slikarskog propitivanja Andree Muse. Ono što im je zajedničko jest autoričin apstraktni izraz, iako ona sama zna dodati da za nju te slike zapravo nisu nimalo apstraktne i da se itekako referiraju ili nastaju inspirirane stvarnim. “Zauzeti danas poziciju apstraktnog mišljenja, samo se na prvi pogled može činiti kao ulazak u već potrošeno polje rada. Ipak, u slučaju da se umjetnik odluči ne opterećivati konvencionalnom i odavno ‘preraslom’ podjelom na apstraktno i figurativno u slikarstvu, oslobodit će mu se prostor za nove ek- “Praznici na jugu Dva tjedna ekstaze (…) A more stalno preda mnom Otvoreno, ogromno, i pusto Gospodo: pojeo sam jednu pticu, plavo perje i sve.” Irving Layton sperimente i likovna istraživanja.” Negdje na tom tragu nastaje i rad Andree Muse. “Shvatila sam da mi je priroda sama, a kroz nju i odnosi različitih atmosfera i odnosa boje s tamom i svjetlošću, uvijek bila istinska potreba. U prirodi, odnosno pejzažu, tražila sam boju, učila zakonitosti, prepoznavala jednostavnost i složenost istodobno. Nekad se to manifestiralo u figurativnim slikama, poslije sam raščlanjivala tu istu prirodu/pejzaž na pojedine elemente i bavila se samo strukturom, ili samo dramatikom, izvorima, i takva su se istraživanja onda manifestirala apstraktnim slikama, koje meni nisu nimalo apstraktne... Katkad su to samo fragmenti objektivne stvarnosti, a katkad cjelina prikazana kroz određenu atmosferu, određeni osjećaj preoblikovan mojom percepcijom i doživljajem.” Andrea Musa umjetnica je koja se, osim po specifičnom likovnom izrazu, izdvaja i po svome osebujnom životopisu; osim slikarske diplome ima i onu Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu. Sudjelovala je u brojnim međunarodnim projektima i grupnim izložbama. Bila je jedna od četvero umjetnika, slikara, koji su predstavljali Hrvatsku na Biennalu suvremene umjetnosti u Firenci 2003. godine. Dobitnica je niza priznanja i nagrada za svoj umjetnički rad: prve nagrade za dizajn plakata “Hypo-jazz festival Split 2000.”, plakete Hrvatskog olimpijskog odbora (u organizaciji Međunarodnog olimpijskog odbora), odnosno prve nagrade za slikarstvo i grafiku 2004. Godine 2006. predstavlja Republiku Hrvatsku u Ujedinjenim narodima u New Yorku, u sklopu projekta “Connecting people, connecting cultures”. Članica je Hrvatskog društva likovnih umjetnika te jedna od osnivača međunarodne umjetničke grupe “Connecting-Art”. Živi i radi u Splitu. Sumrak / Sunset Svitanje / Before the dawn 71 Touch of art Skrivena zemlja / Hidden land ANDREA MUSA: The Poetry of Visual Andrea Musa is an artist who, besides for her specific artistic expression, also stands out for her distinctive resume; apart from her degree in painting, she is also a graduated lawyer from Split. She took part in numerous international projects and group exhibits. She was one of four artists or painters that presented Croatia at the Biennale of Modern Arts in Florence in 2003. P Written by: Nataša Bodrožiæ oetry comes in colours, like hair, sky, table. Letters, words, verses are constructive elements of a poem, while lines, colours, surfaces are integral elements of a painting; maybe they can be combined, mixed, replaced for one another without control or predetermined results. Combining verses with colours, penetrating colours into words behind closed shutters is how new pictures come about, featuring coloured words 72 and no redundant explanations. A poet is a painter of words; a painter is a poet of visual. That is where we can start talking about the work of a young Split artist Andrea Musa, who stayed true to painting as a traditional artistic medium in which she can still find inspiration and challenges, using the language of abstraction to express what found its place in the deep corners of her (sub)consciousness, who knows when and Sunčano poslijepodne u arboretumu Opeka / Sunny afternoon in the Opeka arboretum who knows where. The huge imaginary surface of combined experiences, all the images of the world and their individual, very personal interpretations, have found its place in some of the frames created by this artist. Andrea Musa graduated painting at the Assenza Art Academy in Basel, Switzerland, and has been displaying her pieces of work in our country and abroad ever since. The primary lines of her interest include dealing with the phenomenon of colour, forms of light, analysing artistic values of light and darkness, new possibilities of coloured sceneries… “Andrea Musa’s poetic narration draws energy from the natural world that is defined by the artist as a place of constant change, eternal inspiration, a comfort of sorts.” Painting in free moves, simplified parallelogram surfaces of vibrant colours that are organized into dynamic compositions – that eventually puts the observer in front of a creation of extreme sensory qualities and a large amount of optimistic brightness, which is the result of a very calm and pre-analysed artistic process that the artist uses. That process can be described as very methodical, but is based on theoretic knowledge of colour and light. The artist herself presents her work in four thematic cycles, although the theme itself shouldn’t be taken to literally. “Experience of Colour between Dark and Light”, “Sceneries”, “Forms of Light” and “Between Day and Night” are poetic and formal determiners of An- Kasno poslijepodne na otoku / Late afternoon on the island “Holidays in the south Two weeks of ecstasy (…) While the sea is always in front of me Open, enormous, and deserted Gentlemen: I ate a bird, blue feathers and all.” Irving Layton drea Musa’s artistic curiosity. All those aspects share the artist’s abstract expression, although she often points out that those paintings aren’t abstract to her at all, as they are inspired by very real things and events. “To take up a career of an abstract artist these days only seemingly looks as if you’re entering into a very exhausted field of work. However, in case the artist decides not to pay attention to the conventional and very outdated division of abstract and figurative painting, he will realize that it opens new spaces for experiments and artistic researches.” Andrea Musa and her body of work can certainly relate to that theory. “I realized that nature itself, as well as the relations of dif73 Primitivni dijalog / Promitive dialogue Dijalozi / Dialogues ferent atmospheres and relations of colour with dark and light, have always been something I really needed. In nature, or in sceneries, is where I learned about colour, natural laws, as well as recognized simplicity and complexness at the same time. It used to be manifested in figurative paintings, but then I started to divide that same nature/sceneries into certain elements while dealing exclusively with structure, dramatics or sources, which resulted in those researches manifesting themselves in abstract paintings, which are not abstract to me at all… Sometimes they are just fragments of objective reality, and sometimes they are a unit that is displayed through a certain atmosphere or feelings that have been redefined by my perception or experience.” Andrea Musa is an artist who, besides for her specific artistic expression, also stands out for her distinctive resume; 74 besides her painting degree, she is also a graduated lawyer from Split. She took part in numerous international projects and group exhibits. She was one of the four artists or painters to represent Croatia at the Biennale of Modern Arts in Florence in 2003. She has won numerous recognitions and awards for her artistic work: top award for designing a poster for “Hypo-Jazz Festival Split 2000”, awards by the Croatian Olympic Committee (in organization of the International Olympic Committee), as well as first prizes for painting and graphics in 2004. In 2006, she represented Republic of Croatia at United Nations in New York, within the project called “Connecting People, Connecting Cultures”. She is a member of the Croatian Association of Artists, as well as one of the founders of an international artistic group called “Connecting-Art”. She lives and works in Split. Ambijent Originalne staklene skulpture vatrenocrvene boje i neobičnih oblika radovi su slavnoga rumunjskog umjetnika Ioana Nemtoija / Original glass sculptures with bright-red colours and unusual shapes are works of famous Romanian artist Ioan Nemtoi 76 THE LEVANTE PARLIAMENT HOTEL Jedinstvena fuzija umjetnosti i suvremenog dizajna Smješten u samom središtu Beča, u blizini Parlamenta i Gradske vijećnice, The Levante Parliament Hotel nastao je detaljnim preuređenjem modernističke građevine iz 1908. u Bauhaus stilu, podsjećajući nas kako je Beč oduvijek prijestolnica arhitekture i stila. No, unutar modernističke građevine, pomoću tima arhitekata, dizajnera i umjetnika, smjestio se postmodernistički, sasvim nekonvencionalan i originalan hotel K Piše: Danijela Mandušiæ Foto: www.designhotels.com ao jedna od europskih prijestolnica bogate kulture i tradicije, Beč je u svjetskim razmjerima odavno postao omiljeno turističko odredište. To duguje ponajviše mnogobrojnim kulturno-povijesnim spomenicima iz doba Austro-Ugarskoga Carstva, te raznolikoj kulturnoj ponudi i epitetu glazbene prijestolnice, u kojoj su, među ostalima, živjeli i stvarali poznati glazbenici kao što su Beethoven ili Mozart. U gradskom središtu (Innenstadt) nalazi se veličanstvena katedrala sv. Stjepana te brojni spomenici uvršteni na listu svjetske kulturne baštine. U neposrednoj blizini su i Bečka gradska opera (Wiener Staatsoper), te ulica Kärntner, najfrekventnija pješačka zona Austrije, s poznatim hotelima, kavanama i slastičarnicama, kao i znamenita ulica Ring koja kao prsten okružuje središte grada. Od 1980. godine u Beču se razvila živahna noćna scena s ugostiteljskim četvrtima, umjetničkim galerijama, noćnim klubovima, jazz barovima i priredbama svake vrste. Beč tijekom cijele godine posjećuju mnogobrojni turisti, poslovni ljudi i prolaznici, pa je zbog toga raznovrsna i bogata ponuda hotela iz dana u dan sve veća, a jedan od najinovativnijih hotela otvorenih u posljednje vrijeme je i The Levante Parliament Hotel, u samom gradskom središtu. Smješten u blizini Parlamenta i Gradske vijećnice, samo nekoliko minuta od čuvene katedrale sv. Stjepana, hotel Levante je nastao detaljnim preuređenjem modernističke građevine iz 1908. u Bauhaus stilu, podsjećajući nas kako je Beč oduvijek prijestolnica arhitekture i stila. No, unutar modernističke građevine, pomoću tima arhitekata, dizajnera i umjetnika, smjestio se postmodernistički, sasvim nekonvencionalan i originalan hotel. Osnovni koncept bio im je čist prozračan prostor bez previše ukrasa, implementirana moderna tehnološka dostignuća, funkcionalnost i komfor, a inspiraciju za dizajn su pronašli u četiri glavna elementa. Tako prirodni materijali poput drva i kamena simboliziraju zemlju, prostrane sobe stropova visokih čak 3,3 metra, veliko predvorje i mnogo prostora za vanjski boravak simbol su zraka, ravne i čiste linije simboliziraju vodu, a koncept vatre i živosti, kao i 77 Ambijent umjetnički dojam, unijele su originalne staklene skulpture vatrenocrvene boje i neobičnih oblika. Hotel galerija Riječ je o radovima slavnoga rumunjskog umjetnika Ioana Nemtoija, koji je sav svoj život posvetio dizajniranju stakla, posjeduje umjetničku radionicu u svojoj domovini i nekoliko galerija u cijelom svijetu, a njegove maštovite i zaigrane staklene statue dominiraju interijerima i eksterijerima u hotelu Levante, koji tako funcionira i kao veliki galerijski prostor. Interijer restorana u potpunosti je posvećen Nemtoijevim staklenim kompozicijama, a veliki stakleni bar s valjkastim crvenim konstrukcijama također je njegov dizajn. U baru i restoranu prevladavaju pastelne boje i tamno drvo, koji stvaraju potpuni kontrast i još više ističu velike i razigrane crvene staklene volumene. Prostor predvorja i recepcije hotela također funkcioniraju kao galerija Nemtoijevih rukotvorina, u posebno izrađenim nišama nalaze se staklene statue čudesnih oblika, a sve u vatrenim nijansama crvene i narančaste. I u vanjskom prostoru bara, u unutrašnjem dvorištu hotela, njegova višemetarska moderna kompozicija, također u crvenoj boji, zauzima središnje mjesto. Osim njegovih umjetničkih radova, šećući sobama i ho78 Hotel je smješten u samom središtu Beča / The hotel is Located in the very centre of Vienna dnicima ovog jedinstvenog hotela, njegovi gosti nehotice prisustvuju još jednoj umjetničkoj izložbi. Riječ je o kolekciji od 420 crno-bijelih fotografija bečkog umjetnika Curta Themessela, koje su raspoređene u gotovo svim prostorijama hotela, a prikazuju figure balerina iz Bečke gradske opere. Nedefinirane granice između galerijskog prostora i konvencionalnog hotela, odnosno pretvaranje javnog prostora u galeriju, rezultirale su tako jedinstvenom fuzijom umjetnosti i funkcionalnog prostora suvremenog dizajna. Time je The Levante Hotel postao hotel galerija, jedini takav u svijetu. Ostale smjernice pri dizajniranju ovoga hotela bile su čista i moderna kompozicija, uporaba prirodnih materijala (drvo i kamen) u kombinaciji sa staklenim površinama, a imperativ je bio udobnost gostiju. Pri izradi kamenih ploha u hodnicima i restoranu, koristila se posebna tehnologija tzv. pjeskarenja, kako bi se postigla zanimljiva, blago hrapava površina. Svaka od 74 sobe opremljena je velikim udobnim krevetom, crnim modernim namještajem, klimatizacijom, flat televizorima i internetom, a posebnu draž sobama daje staklena stijenka koja odvaja spavaću sobu od kupaonice, kao i tuš-kabina od prozirnog stakla s podnom plohom od mramora, što ostavlja dojam prozračnosti i suvreme- Veliki stakleni bar s valjkastim crvenim konstrukcijama također je Nemtoijev dizajn / The large glass bar with cylindrical red constructions is also design of Nemtoi nog dizajna. Gosti također mogu uživati u mnogim dodatnim sadržajima kao što su bogato opremljen fitness centar, sauna ili masaža. Prijestolnica stila Iako je gostima otvoren tek sredinom 2006. godine, ovaj jedinstveni hotel omiljena je bečka destinacija ljudi koji preferiraju smještaj sa stilom i osjećajem za moderni dizajn i umjetnost iz cijeloga svijeta. Način na koji je modernistička građevina u središtu Beča s početka prošlog stoljeća preuređena u suvremeno dizajniran i moderan hotel 21. stoljeća, oduševljava stručnjake i laike diljem svijeta. Beč je tada bio prijestolnica aristokracije i stila, a ovim hotelom dokazuje da je to ostao do danas, i iako su se vremena i stremljenja u arhitekturi i dizajnu promijenila, ovom izvanrednom fuzijom stilova uz decentan i upečatljiv dodir umjetnosti dokazuje da kvaliteta i stil nikad ne izlaze iz mode. Upravo zato i mnogi Bečani dolaze ovamo i ponosno dovode svoje goste na lagani ručak u prekrasnom ambijentu, ili samo svrate na užitak u kavi ili aperitivu u oazi mira u središtu velikoga grada. Jer znaju Bečani što je bečka škola, a hotel Levante Parliament stilom i udobnošću savršeno odgovara njihovoj “plavoj krvi”. Prostor predvorja funkcionira kao galerija Nemtoijevih rukotvorina / The hotel’s lobby serve as a gallery for Nemtoi’s handmade creations 79 THE LEVANTE PARLIAMENT HOTEL Unique Fusion of Art and Modern Design Located in the very centre of Vienna, near the Parliament and City Hall buildings, The Levante Parliament Hotel was created by redecorating a modernistic 1908 building in great detail and in “Bauhaus” style, which reminded us that Vienna has always been the capital of architecture and style. However, within this modernistic building, a team of architects, designers and artists has created a post-modernistic, entirely unconventional and original hotel Written by: Danijela Mandušiæ Photo: www.designhotels.com 80 A s one of Europe’s capitals of rich culture and tradition, Vienna has long been a worldknown favourite destination for tourists. That is primarily the result of numerous cultural-historical monuments from the era of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, as well as the diverse cultural offering and the reputation of a musical capital, which served as home for such famous musicians like Beethoven and Mozart. The city centre (“Innenstadt”) features the magnificent St. Stephen Cathedral and numerous monuments that are present on the lists of world’s cultural heritage. That same area features the Vienna City Opera (“Wiener Staatsoper”), Karntner Street, which is the most frequent pedestrian zone in Austria with famous hotels, coffee bars and pastry shops, and the famous Ring Street that surrounds the city centre like a gigantic ring. Since 1980, Vienna also features a vivacious night scene with restaurant neighbourhoods, art galleries, nightclubs, jazz bars and all kinds of events. Throughout the course of a year, Vienna is visited by numerous tourists, businessmen and passengers, which demands the daily increase of the diverse and rich offering of hotels. One of the most innovative hotels that have recently been opened is The Levante Parliament Hotel in the very city centre. Located near the Parliament and City Hall buildings, just a few minutes from the famous St. Stephen Cathedral, Levante Hotel was created by redecorating a modernistic 1908 building in great detail and in “Bauhaus” style, which reminded us that Vienna has always been the capital of architecture and style. However, within this modernistic building, a team of architects, designers and artists has created a post-modernistic, entirely unconventional and original hotel. Their basic concept was to create a pure and ethereal space without too many decorations, as well as with implemented modern technological achievements, functionality and comfort, while they drew inspiration for the design from four main elements. Natural materials, such as wood and stone, symbolize the earth; spacious rooms with 3,3-metre high ceilings, a large lobby and plenty of outdoor spaces symbolize the air; straight and pure lines symbolize the water, while the concept of passion and fire, much like the artistic impression, was created by original glass sculptures with bright-red colours and unusual shapes. Svaka od 74 sobe opremljena je klimatizacijom, flat televizorima i internetom / Each of the 74 rooms features air conditioning, flat TV sets and Internet Posebnu draž sobama daje staklena stijenka koja odvaja spavaću sobu od kupaonice / A special dimension is provided by a glass surface that separates the bedroom from a bathroom Hotel-Gallery We are talking about the works of famous Romanian artist Ioan Nemtoi, who has dedicated his entire life to designing glass. He owns an art workshop in his native country as well as several galleries throughout the world, and his imaginative and playful glass statues dominate interiors and exteriors at Levante Hotel, which thus also functions as a large gallery space. The restaurant interior is completely dedicated to Nemtoi’s glass compositions, and it’s worth mentioning that he also designed the large glass bar with cylindrical red constructions. Bar and restaurant are dominated by pastel colours and dark wood, which create complete contrast and further emphasize the large and playful red-glass volumes. The hotel’s lobby and reception also serve as a gallery for Nemtoi’s hand-made creations, 81 Čista i moderna kompozicija / Pure and modern composition Imperativ je bio udobnost gostiju / The main imperative was always to make the guests feel comfortable 82 as glass statues with miraculous shapes can be found in exclusively designed recesses, and they all come in fiery shades of orange and red. His multi-metre modern composition, also in red colour, takes centre stage in the outdoor section of the bar, which is located in the inside part of the hotel’s courtyard. Besides his works of art, visitors of this unique hotel can witness another artistic exhibit while walking through the rooms and hallways. We’re talking about a collection of 420 black and white photos by Vienna artist Curt Themessel, as they can be found in almost all sections of the hotel, and they display the figures of ballet dancers from the Vienna City Opera. Non-defined boundaries between what is a gallery and a conventional hotel, or the process of turning a public facility into a gallery, have resulted in this unique fusion of art and a functional space with a modern design. That makes Levante Hotel a hotel-gallery, which doesn’t exist anywhere else in the world. Through the process of designing this hotel, some other guidelines included pure and modern composition, usage of natural materials (wood and stone) in combination with glass surfaces, while the main imperative was always to make the guests feel comfortable. While making stone surfaces in hallways and the restaurant, a special technique called “sand blasting” was used in order to achieve an interesting, slightly rough surface. Each of the 74 rooms features a big comfortable bed, modern black furniture, air conditioning, flat TV sets and Internet, while a special dimension is provided by a glass surface that separates the bedroom from a bathroom, as well as a shower-bath with transparent glass and a marble floor, which achieves the impression of etherealness and contemporary design. The guests can also use many other additional facilities such as a well-equipped fitness centre, sauna or massage. The Capital of Style Although it has only been open for guests since mid2006, this unique hotel is a favourite Vienna destination for everyone who prefers accommodation with style and a sense of modern design and art from all over the world. The manner in which a modernistic building in the centre of Vienna from the beginning of the last century was remodelled into a freshly designed, modern 21st-century hotel attracts praises from experts and casual observers from all over the world. Vienna used to be the capital of aristocracy and style, and this hotel proves that nothing has really changed and, although times and leanings in architecture and design have changed, this remarkable fusion of styles with a subtle and distinctive touch of art proves that quality and style never go out of fashion. That is why many citizens of Vienna proudly come here and bring their guests for a light lunch in this wonderful ambience, or maybe just stop by to enjoy a cup of coffee or an aperitif in an oasis of peace in the very centre of a big city. Vienna people know their classy background, and Levante Parliament Hotel perfectly agrees with their “blue blood” with its style and comfort. U domu kod... Ponza, malo ribarsko mjesto na Pontijskim otocima, gdje je Silvia Fendi kupila jednu od napolitanskih kuća u samoj luci i uredila je po svom ukusu / Ponza, small fishermen village on Pontia Islands, where Silvia Fendi bought one of the Naples-style houses in the very harbour and decorated it according to her own preferences www.inside-photo.com 84 KUĆA ZA ODMOR SILVIJE FENDI Aristokratska boemština na malom otoku Nasljednica velike modne kuće Fendi i autorica čuvene torbice Baguette, upravo na otoku Ponzi, u svojoj baroknoj kući, crpi inspiraciju za nadolazeće modne kolekcije, a nerijetko su joj gosti poznati ljudi iz svijeta mode, kao što su Karl Lagerfeld ili Valentino Piše: Danijela Mandušiæ Foto: Guliver Image/Inside/I.SNITT N edaleko od Rima, u dubinama Tirenskog mora nalazi se Pontijski arhipelag, maleno otočje koje kao da je izronilo iz nekih prošlih vremena. Trajektom iz Napulja ili hidrogliserom iz Anzia, za manje od sata stiže se iz vreve užurbanog Rima u glavnu luku Pontijskih otoka, Ponzu, i kroči u jedan sasvim drukčiji svijet. Ovo malo ribarsko naselje nastalo je još u doba velikog Rimskog Carstva, u 3. st. prije Krista, a zbog njegove zanimljive prošlosti, nazivali su ga i “otok zatvora”. Naime, ovdje su se još u vrijeme Rimskog Carstva dovodili izopćeni pojedinci u izolaciju, pa je tako Augustova prpošna kći Julia, zbog sumljivog morala, ovdje provela više od deset godina, a ta funkcija otoka zadržala se sve do 20. stoljeća, kada je u vrijeme fašizma tamo bilo protjerano više od osamsto “politički nepodobnih”. Otok se najviše izgradio u 18. stoljeću, u vrijeme vladavine Ferdinanda IV., a danas je to pitoma mediteranska oaza mira i omiljeno vikend-odredište mnogih Rimljana i Napolitanaca željnih opuštanja. Upravo ovo mjestašce za odmor i bijeg, odabrala je i izdanica svjetski poznate modne obitelji Fendi, Silvia, koja je u Ponzi kupila jednu od napolitanskih kuća u samoj luci i uredila je po svom ukusu. “Svi iz Rima idu na Capri ili Sardiniju, ali tamo je za mene Silvia s kćerkom u obilasku Pontijskih otoka / Silvia and her doughter in a round trip of Pontia Islands prevelika gužva. Ovdje je turizam tek u začetku, ovo je još uvijek poprilično divlje mjesto”, kaže Silvia Fendi, koja ovdje provodi svaki slobodni trenutak s mužem Alessandrom Lucianom i njihovo četvero djece. Nasljednica velike modne kuće Fendi i autorica čuvene torbice Baguette, upravo na ovom otoku, u svojoj baroknoj kući, crpi inspiraciju za nadolazeće modne kolekcije, a nerijetko su joj gosti poznati ljudi iz svijeta mode, kao što su Karl Lagerfeld ili Valentino. Skladna mješavina talijanskog i orijentalnog stila Njezina majka Anna pomogla joj je odabrati i dekorirati kuću. Iako nije velika, smjelom rekonstrukcijom i pažljivom dekoracijom dobile su funkcionalan i moderan prostor, a da pritom nisu narušile vanjski izgled kuće. Prvo su se odlučile na rušenje pregradnih zidova unutar kuće kako bi dobile što više prostora i svjetla. Tako je središnji dio interijera pretvoren u prozračni dnevni boravak, a da bi se ublažila visina stropa, napravljen je mezanin sa starinskom željeznom ogradom, u koji se smjestila knjižnica. Silvia je također sačuvala i restaurirala visoke francuske prozore, tipične za baroknu gradnju, a budući da svi prozori gledaju na more, dobila je otvoren pogled na prekrasnu panoramu luke. Namještaj u dnevnom boravku, kao i u 85 U domu kod... Silvijina domaćica u Ponzi, Maria, vrsna je kuharica tradicionalnih južnotalijanskih specijaliteta / Silvia’s housekeeper in Ponza, Maria, is a fabulous cook of traditional South-Italian specialties Kaskadna terasa pruža prekrasan pogled na luku i kao stvorena je za ugodna druženja s prijateljima, večere i proslave na otvorenom / The terrace has a cascade structure, which provides a glorious view over the harbour and, perfect for comfortable evenings with friends, dinners and outdoor parties 86 Nastanak nove kolekcije / The creation of the new collection Čuvena Fendi Baquette torbica / The famous Fendi Baguette purse cijeloj kući, mješavina je talijanskog antikvitetnog namještaja s indijskim detaljima i modernim elementima. Ono što daje poseban, starinski štih ovoj kući jesu antikne sicilijanske keramičke pločice koje je Silvijina majka posebno birala i koje se nalaze u gotovo svakoj prostoriji. Starinske pločice su višebojne i s različitim motivima; u ulaznom prostoru i dnevnom boravku postavljene su svijetle s cvjetnim motivima, dok su za terasu odabrane bijelo-plave pločice i morski motivi. Kuhinja je također sva obložena pločicama, kako se to radilo prije u Italiji, te iako je opremljena najmodernijom tehnikom, zbog pločica djeluje rustikalno. Sicilijanska keramika, ali i mnoštvo antikviteta i umjetničkih detalja još više naglašavaju dojam aristokratske boemštine. Kuća ima tri jednostavno uređene sobe u orijentalnom stilu smještene na prvoj etaži, a na vrhu kuće je prostrana terasa na kojoj Fendijevi provode najviše vremena. Terasa za užitak i gozbe s prijateljima Terasa je kaskadna i zbog položaja pruža prekrasan pogled na luku i okolne otoke, pa Silvia kaže da ima dojam kao da je na brodu. Ukrašena je bodljikavim meksičkim kaktusima u maštovitim keramičkim posudama, sicilijanskim pločicama s bijelo-plavim uzorcima i mnogo sjedalica za opuštanje, kao stvorena za ugodna druženja s prijateljima, večere i proslave na otvorenom. Silvijina domaćica u Ponzi, Maria, vrsna je kuharica tradicionalnih južnotalijanskih specijaliteta. Prije je radila kao kuharica u poznatom lokalnom restoranu Acqua Pazza, a njezini veličanstveni obroci sastavljeni od lokalnih delicija (kao, primjerice, polpete od bakalara, sušene rajčice u maslinovu ulju ili juha od leće) oduševljavaju mnogobrojne Silvijine goste. Tijekom ljetnih mjeseci ovo je Silvijin dom, tu se odmara od stresova i crpi energiju, a njezina djeca uživaju u ljetnim radostima. Vrlo često iznenade je nepozvani gosti, a to je prilika za još jednu proslavu ili za jednodnevni izlet brodicom. Fendijevi često idu u istraživanje otočja koje skriva mnoge podvodne špilje i zanimljive litice, a posebno se po ljepoti ističe nenaseljeni otok Palmarola. Silvijina kuća za odmor na Ponzi primjer je kako se od starinske kuće može dobiti moderan i funkcionalan prostor a da se pritom ne naruši njezin vanjski izgled. Silvia je također izrazito pazila na detalje pri uređenju interijera te je zadržala mnogo tradicionalnih južnotalijanskih dijelova namještaja, a orijentalnim detaljima dala je dizajnu interijera svojevrsnu svježinu i originalnost. Ipak, kako i doliči jednoj napolitanskoj kući, prevladava mediteranski štih, a njezini imperativi pri uređenju nisu bili skupoća i luksuz, već relaksacija i, prije svega, udobnost. 87 Središnji dio interijera pretvoren je u prozračni dnevni boravak / Central part of the interior transformed into an ethereal living room 88 At home wit h... Orijentalna gostinska soba s predmetima iz Maroka i Saudijske Arabije / The oriental friend’s bedroom with objects from Marocco and Saodia Arabia Dječja soba / Children’s bedroom SILVIA FENDI’S VACATION HOUSE Aristocratic Bohemianism on a Small Island The successor of the large fashion brand Fendi and author of the famous Baguette purse uses her baroque-style house on island Ponza to draw inspiration for the upcoming fashion collections, and she often finds herself hosting well-known people from the fashion world, such as Karl Lagerfeld or Valentino N Written by: Danijela Mandušiæ ot far away from Rome, in the depths of the Tyrrhenian Sea is where we find the Pontian Archipelago, a small group of islands that looks as if it appeared out of some ancient times. A ferryboat from Naples or a powerboat from Anzi will get you from the rush of overcrowded Rome to Ponza, the main harbour of the Pontian Islands, in less than an hour, and then you’ll find yourself in an entirely different world. This small fishermen village was built during the great Roman Photo: Guliver Image/Inside/I.SNITT Empire in the 3rd century BC, and its interesting past has earned it the title of “the prison island”. Back in the days of the Roman Empire, this is where excommunicated individuals were brought into isolation, including August’s sumptuous daughter Julia, who spent over ten years on the island due to her questionable moral qualities. This island kept that function up until the twentieth century when fascists excommunicated over 800 “politically incorrect” individuals. The island most flourished during 89 ... Udobna dnevna soba s orijentalnim detaljima / Cozy living room with oriental details Iako je kuhinja opremljena najmodernijom tehnikom, zbog južno-talijanskih pločica djeluje rustikalno / Despite the presence of top-modern equipmentin kitchen, with South-Italian tiles it looks archaic the era of Ferdinand the Fourth in the 18th century, and nowadays it presents itself as a mild Mediterranean oasis of peace and a favourite weekend destination for many citizens of Rome and Naples that are craving for some relaxation. Successor of the world-famous fashion Brand Fendi, Silvia, also chose this precise location to get away from it all and relax, as she bought one of the Naples-style houses in the very harbour of Ponza and decorated it according to her own preferences. “Everyone leaves Rome for Capri or Sardinia, but those places are too crowded for me. Tourism is in its earliest stages here and this is still a pretty wild place”, Silvia Fendi says, and she spends every free moment here with her husband Alessandro Luciano and their four children. Successor of the large fashion brand Fendi and author of the famous Baguette purse uses her baroque-style house on this very island to draw inspiration for the upcoming fashion collections, and she often finds herself hosting wellknown people from the fashion world, such as Karl Lagerfeld or Valentino. Harmonious Mixture of Italian and Oriental Style Her mother Anna helped her in the process of choos90 ing and decorating the house. Even though it’s not a large house, a courageous reconstruction and careful decoration resulted in a functional and modern facility without harming the house’s exterior look. They first decided to demolish bulkhead walls inside the house in order to have more room and light. That transformed the central part of the interior into an ethereal living room, while in order to reduce the height of the ceiling, they decided to build a mezzanine with an archaic iron fence that hosted the library. Silvia also kept and restored high French windows that are typical of Baroque architecture, and due to the fact that all windows overlook the sea, she received an open panoramic view over the wonderful harbour. The furniture in the living room, just like in the entire house, is a mixture of Italian antique furniture with Indian details and modern elements. The thing that truly provides a special, archaic dimension to this house are antique Sicilian ceramic tiles that Silvia’s mother carefully chose and that are visible in practically every room. Archaic tiles have different colours and motifs; the entrance room and the living room feature bright tiles with floral motifs, while the terrace At home wit h... Sicilijanske pločice krase i zidove / Sicilian tiles decorating even the walls received white-blue tiles with motifs of the sea. The kitchen is also covered in tiles because that is the way it used to be in Italy, and its tiles give it an archaic look despite the presence of top-modern equipment. Sicilian ceramics, as well as numerous antique and artistic details further emphasize the impression of aristocratic bohemianism. The house has three simply decorated rooms in Oriental fashion that are located on the first floor, while the top of the house features a spacious terrace that the Fendi family spends most of its time on. A Terrace for Pleasure and Feasts with Friends The terrace has a cascade structure, which provides a glorious view over the harbour and the neighbouring islands, and Silvia says that it gives her the impression of being on a boat. It is decorated in spiky Mexican cactuses in imaginative ceramic pots, and there are also Sicilian tiles with white-blue samples and plenty of seats that are perfect for comfortable evenings with friends, dinners and outdoor parties. Silvia’s housekeeper in Ponza, Maria, is a fabulous cook of traditional South-Italian specialties. She used to work as a chef in a well-known restaurant Aqua Pazza, and her magnifi- cent meals with local flavours (cod mince meat, dried tomatoes in olive oil, lentil soup…) bring nothing but joy to many Silvia’s guests. This is Silvia’s home during the summer months, as she recuperates from all the stress and draws back some energy, while her children enjoy all those little summer pleasures. She is often surprised by some uninvited guests, but that is only a cause for another party or a daytrip on a boat. The Fendis often go exploring the islands that feature numerous underwater caves and interesting cliffs, while special mention must be reserved for the beauty of the uninhabited island Palmarola. Silvia’s vacation house in Ponza is a perfect example of turning an archaic house into a modern and functional facility without harming its exterior look. Silvia paid special attention to interior details and kept many traditional South-Italian parts of the furniture, while added Oriental details provided some freshness and originality to the interior design. However, as it should be when it comes to a Naples-style house, Mediterranean aspects are dominant, and the focus of decoration imperatives wasn’t placed on the expensive price and luxury, but rather on relaxation and, primarily, the feeling of comfort. 91 Dom snova Prostrana blagovaonica sa staklenom stijenkom umjesto zida / Wide dinning room with a glass wall Modernizam na Rakovoj obratnici Kuća Taanah Sak priča zanimljivu priču, istodobno čvrstu i zanesenjački nostalgičnu, sjedinjujući zrelost oblikovanja s mladalačkom opuštenošću načina korištenja, pridajući nova značenja davnim, dobrim motivima Piše: Ivan Mladina i Danijela Mandušiæ 92 Foto: Paul Czitrom O bično se drži da arhitekt dozrijeva tek oko svoje 50. godine. U pravilu je to vrijeme kad arhitekt sublimira svu svoju tehničku ekspertizu i kreativne potencijale, vrijeme kad stvara najdorečenija i najzapaženija djela. Iznimka koja potvrđuje to pravilo upravo je meksički arhitekt Gerardo Broissin. Rođen 1975. godine, već je ostvario zapažene rezultate na međunarodnoj arhitektonskoj sceni. Okušao se u projektiranju različitih zdanja, od poslovnih zgrada i kulturnih ustanova do noćnih klubova i elitnih rezidencija. Osim toga, predaje arhitekturu i dizajn na fakultetu, dobio je nekoliko nagrada struke, a 2007. Architectural Record ga je proglasio jednim od 10 arhitekata koji najviše obećavaju na svijetu. Njegov uspjeh krije se u originalnosti i rušenju tradicionalnih osnova arhitekture, a većinu svojih radova Broissin je za sada temeljio u svom rodnom gradu, impresivnom Mexico Cityju, jer, kako sam kaže, “izazov je kršiti osnove tradicionalne arhitekture i tako nadahnuti nove generacije arhitekata u Meksiku“. Zbog bogate i vrlo raznolike povijesti te raznih arhitektonskih utjecaja, Mexico City je danas jedan od najza- Dom snova Iluzija “šupljeg volumena” igrom čeličnih stupova i greda / Illusion of “Hollow Volume” provided by Steel Poles and Joists 93 nimljivijih gradova na svijetu. Na ruševinama astečkoga glavnoga grada, 1521. ga je osnovao španjolski osvajač Hernán Cortés te je tako Mexico City postao glavni grad Nove Španjolske i prvi, odnosno najstariji, grad takozvanog Novog svijeta. Danas je impozantno urbano središte od oko 20 milijuna stanovnika, u kojem možemo pratiti arhitektonski razvoj od neobaroka i belle arta, preko kolonijalnih građevina koje okružuju najuže središte grada, do prekrasnih art nouveau i art deco kuća smještenih u elitnim gradskim četvrtima. Početkom 21. stoljeća UNESCO je proglasio Mexico City “gradom palača”, a u najnovije vrijeme pojavljuje se niz mladih, nadahnutih arhitekata koji svojim radom nastoje izmijeniti vizure grada i učiniti taj megalopolis privlačnim i ugodnim mjestom za život. Poluotvoreni južni dio kuće / Semi-opened southern section of the house Glavna spavaća soba / The main bedroom Tanaah Sak – jezikom starih Maya “Bijela kuća” Jedan od njih je Gerardo Broissin, a njegova kuća Taanah Sak prikazuje svu raskoš talenta mladog arhitekta i suvereno vladanje tehničkim vještinama potrebnim za stvaranje dobre arhitekture. Zamišljena kao životni prostor tekstilnog mogula, kuća Taanah Sak već svojom vanjštinom pokazuje kako nije riječ samo o još jednoj rezidenciji bogataša. Dominantno bijela boja kuće (“Taanah Sak” na mayanskom jeziku znači “Bijela kuća”), naglašava kompleksnost njezina oblikovanja, što svojim finim prostornim lomovima i filigranskom preciznošću izvedbe čak uspijeva prikriti činjenicu da je prizemlje potpuno autistično spram svoje okoline. Nedvojben proizvod društvenih prilika, potencijalan problem komuniciranja kuće s urbanim kontekstom pružio je arhitektu mogućnost stvaranja novog, paralelnog svijeta unutar perimetra vanjskoga zida. Rezultat je prostor koji svojom introvertnom, kontemplativnom atmosferom evocira prisjećanja na eksperimente Tadaa Anda s prostorima koji bogatstvo svoje slojevitosti otkrivaju samo svojim korisnicima, svojevrsnom privilegiranom, unutarnjem krugu. Originalna arhitektonska rješenja Rahla, amorfno strukturirana koncepcija prizemlja opušteno i duhovito miješa motive, spajajući lounge bar s garažom, garažu s vrtom, vrt sa stubištem, stubište s lounge barom i tako dalje u krug, u nekoj vrsti beskrajnog povratnog sprega. Odmah pri ulasku u “Bijelu kuću” goste dočekuje prvo od mnogih iznenađenja jer je glavni ulaz ujedno i zanimljiva svjetlosna instalacija. Pod i unutarnje stubište izrađeni su od difuznoga bijelog stakla ispod kojeg se nalaze svjetlosne stijenke koje reflektiraju bijelu i prozirnu svjetlost. Ulazni prostor usmjeren je prema poluotvorenom južnom dijelu kuće, koje se sastoji od prostranog prostora za zabave u retro stilu, kojim dominira veliki šank. Tu je još jedno zanimljivo Broissonovo rješenje. Naime, unutarnji bazen, koji se nalazi odmah pokraj šanka, opremljen je automatskim pokrivalom od pleksiglasa koji se noću jednostavno pretvara u plesni podij te tako omogućava jedinstven užitak plesa iznad vodene površine. Danju se taj prostor otvara prema vrtu pomoću prozirnih vrata od brušenog stakla te tako omogućuje savršenu simbiozu eksterijera i interijera. 94 Dom snova Glavni ulaz ujedno je zanimljiva svjetlosna instalacija / The main entrance also serves as an interesting light installation Iluzija “šupljeg volumena” igrom čeličnih stupova i greda I dok je nivo prizemlja u eksterijeru asketski, gotovo utilitarno interpretiran horizontalom plohe terase što lebdi tik nad tratinom, na katu se stvari naglo mijenjaju. Snažan rez u tkivu kuće koji stvara ostakljeni strop stubišta ekspresivne plastike, spušta se do samog poda prve etaže, gdje ga dočekuje mirno vodeno zrcalo plitkog bazena. Autor naglašava ovaj tematski sraz diskretnim stvaranjem iluzije “šupljeg volumena”, ograđujući ga strukturom čeličnih stupova i greda. Stubišni zid namjerno visinski diferencira i izbacuje ga izvan gabarita kuće, usmjeravajući naglasak prema samom stubištu koje time postaje integralni dio likovne sekvencije. Cijeli sklop upotpunjava skulpturnom gestom na vodi, čija je općenita pozicija u prostornom kontekstu terase diskretan hommage fantazmagoričnim prizorima starog majstora Luisa Barragana, Broissinova sunarodnjaka. Paralela s Barraganom ovdje se, međutim, prilagođava zahtjevima i mogućnostima suvremenosti, jer skulpturalni sklop eksterijera ostvaruje snažnu povezanost s događanjima u interijeru. Blaga zakošenja interijerskog naglaska u prostranom dnevnom boravku, minuciozno detaljirano stubište i visoka kvaliteta materijala u potpunosti razotkrivaju uzbuđenje života u ovom prostoru. Motivi uspjeli u nižim etažama preneseni su i na gornju etažu, intimnu zonu volumenski definiranu s dva izmaknuta kubusa različitih visina, presječena cezurom stubišta. Objedinjenog, beskompromisnog eksterijerskog izričaja, prava podjela prostora odvija se u interijeru, gdje se prostorne sekvencije nižu zidovima parapetima, pridajući osjećaj svojevrsnoga zajedničkog prostora za odmor. Mrežaste vanjske stijenke koje se izmjenjuju sa savršeno glatkim bijelim zidovima dodatno pojačavaju posebnost i daju svojevrstan karakter samoj građevini, a da bi istaknuo čistoću koncepta “Bijele kuće”, Broisson izlaže na vidjelo sve materijale, zidovi i čelični elementi su u potpunosti izloženi. Kuća Taanah Sak priča zanimljivu priču, istodobno čvrstu i zanesenjački nostalgičnu, sjedinjujući zrelost oblikovanja s mladalačkom opuštenošću načina korištenja, pridajući nova značenja davnim, dobrim motivima. Uvijek ostavljajući barem jedno pitanje neodgovorenim i barem jedan motiv još neotkrivenim, čarobna je kutija puna skrivenih čuda. 95 Dream home Unutarnji bazen pokraj šanka opremljen je automatskim pokrivalom od pleksiglasa koje se noću pretvara u plesni podij / The inside swimming pool in front of the bar, features an automatic Plexiglas cover that turns into a dance floor at night Prostor za zabavu u retro stilu kojim dominira veliki šank / Retrostyle entertainment space that is dominated by a large bar Taanah Sak na jeziku starih Maya doslovno znači “Bijela kuća” / Taanah Sak in a language of the anciant Maya’s means “The white house” 96 Dream home Mrežaste vanjske stijenke koje se izmjenjuju sa savršeno glatkim bijelim zidovima dodatno pojačavaju posebnost i daju svojevrstan karakter samoj građevini / Reticular outdoor surfaces that are combined with perfectly smooth white walls point out the special character of the house Modernism in Tropic of Cancer House Taanah Sak tells an interesting story that is simultaneously firm and enthusiastically nostalgic by combining the maturity of shaping with the youthful looseness of utilization, which gives new meanings to good ancient motifs I Written by: Ivan Mladina and Danijela Mandušiæ Photo: Paul Czitrom t is widely regarded that an architect completely matures around the age of 50. That is usually the period when an architect peaks with his technical expertise and creative potentials, and is bound to create his most accomplished and acknowledged works. The exception that confirms that rule comes in the form of Mexican architect Gerardo Broissin. Born in 1975, he already accomplished some praised results on the international architectonic scene. He has taken on projecting different facilities, such as office buildings, cultural establishments, nightclubs and elite residences. At the same time, he teaches architecture and design in a university. He has received several important professional awards, while Architectural Record proclaimed him to be one of 10 most promising architects in the world in 2007. His success is the result of originality and disregard for the traditional basics of architecture, and most of his works are located in his hometown, the impressive Mexico City, because the architect says that “it is challenging to break down the very basics of traditional architecture while also inspiring new generations of architects in Mexico”. 97 Dva izmaknuta kubusa različitih visina / Two sidestepped cubes of different height Due to its rich and very diverse history and various architectonic influences, Mexico City is one of the most interesting cities in the world today. It was built in 1521 on the ruins of the Aztec capitol by Spanish conqueror Hernan Cortes, which made Mexico City the capitol of New Spain and the oldest city of the so-called New World. These days, it is an impressive urban centre with over 20 million people, and it allows us to follow the architectonic evolution from neo-baroque and belle art, through colonial buildings that surround the very centre of the city, to wonderful art nouveau and art deco houses in elite city neighbourhoods. At the start of the 21st century, UNESCO proclaimed Mexico City to be “the city of palaces”, and we have lately witnessed the emergence of plenty young, inspired architects that use their work to try to change the city appearance while making that megalopolis an attractive and pleasant place to live in. Tanaah Sak – “White House” in the Language of the Ancient Maya One of those architects is Gerardo Broissin, and his house Taanah Sak displays the richness of this youngster’s talent, as well as his superb set of technical skills that are necessary in the process of creating good architecture. Imagined as the living space of a textile mogul, the very exterior of Taanah Sak shows that this is not just another typical rich man’s residence. The predominant white colour of the house (“Taanah Sak” stands for “White House” in the Maya language) emphasizes the complexity of its shaping, as its subtle spatial breakage and extreme precision of performance manage to cover up the fact that its ground floor is completely autistic towards its surrounding. The house is the unquestionable product of the social situation, but the potential problem of its communication with the urban context has given the architect an opportunity to create a new, parallel world within the boundaries of the outside walls. This resulted in a space that uses its introverted, contemplative atmosphere to evoke memories of Tadao Ando’s experiments with facilities that reveal 98 Originalna arhitektonska rješenja / Original architectonic solutions the richness of their complexity to nobody else but their users, which creates a privileged inner circle of sorts. Original Architectonic Solutions The fragile, amorphously structured concept of the ground floor mixes up motifs in a relaxed and humorous way, as it combines the lounge bar to garage, garage to garden, garden to the staircase, staircase to the lounge bar and further into the circle, which creates some sort of an endless reversible stream. At the very entrance into the “White House”, guests are faced with the first of many surprises, as the main entrance also serves as an interesting light installation. The floor and the inside staircase are made of diffused white glass, under which we find light surfaces that reflect white and transparent light. The entranceway is directed towards the semi-open southern section of the house, which consists of the spacious retro-style entertainment space that is dominated by a large bar. That’s where we can find another one of Broissin’s interesting solutions. The inside swimming pool, which is placed right next to the bar, features an automatic Plexiglas cover that turns into a dance floor at night, which enables the unique pleasure of dancing above the water surface. During the day, that section opens Dream home Prostorne sekvencije nižu se zidovima parapetima, pridajući osjećaj svojevrsnoga zajedničkog prostora za odmor / Spatial sequences of parapet walls provide a sense of a joint relaxation area up towards the garden through transparent doors made of cut glass, which provides the perfect symbiosis of exterior and interior. Illusion of “Hollow Volume” Provided by Steel Poles and Joists While the ground-floor level in the exterior is ascetic, with an almost utilitarian-like interpretation of the terrace’s horizontal side that floats right above the lawn, things suddenly change as we get upstairs. A strong cut into the house’s tissue, which creates a glassed ceiling to the expressive plastic staircase, lowers itself to the floor of the first storey, where it is welcomed by the peaceful water mirror of a shallow pool. The author emphasizes this thematic confrontation by discretely creating an illusion of “hollow volume”, by fencing it with a structure of steel poles and joists. He explicitly differentiates the height of the staircase wall by throwing it outside of the house boundaries, which puts further emphasis to the staircase itself that is now an integral part of the artistic sequence. This whole combination is completed by the sculptural gesture on the water, the position of which in the spatial context of the terrace serves as a discrete homage to fantasy scenes of old master Luis Barragan, Broissin’s compatriot. The parallel to Barragan, however, has to adjust to contemporary demands and possibilities, because the exterior’s sculptural dimension establishes a strong connection to the interior. Mild bevels of the interior emphasis in the spatial living room, a meticulously detailed staircase and the high quality of materials completely reveal the excitement of living in a space like this. Motifs that were successful downstairs are copied on the upper floor, which is an intimate zone with a volume that is defined with two sidestepped cubes of different height, intercepted by a staircase. Featuring a united, uncompromising exterior expression, the true division of space takes place in the interior, where spatial sequences of parapet walls provide a sense of a joint relaxation area. Reticular outdoor surfaces that are combined with perfectly smooth white walls point out the special character of the house, and in order to emphasize the purity of the “White House” concept, Broissin puts all the materials on display, including wall and steel elements. House Taanah Sak tells an interesting story that is simultaneously firm and enthusiastically nostalgic by combining the maturity of shaping with the youthful looseness of utilization, which gives new meanings to good ancient motifs. Constantly leaving at least one question unanswered and one motif undiscovered, this magical box is full of hidden miracles. 99 Interijeri Lav / Leo Piše: Danijela Mandušiæ U H U D U A R O T S O R P DIZAJN IVOTNOG K Piše: Danijela Mandušiæ Dekoriranje životnog prostora govori mnogo o nama, i iako je svatko od nas jedinstvena osoba i ne postoje dva ista interijera, ipak pripadamo nekom zodijačkom znaku, a to nam daje određeni senzibilitet prema nekom stilu, boji ili dezenu 100 Foto: Arhiva DalCase oliko pripadnost nekom zodijačkom znaku utječe na odabir i dekoriranje našeg životnog prostora? Određuje li zaista položaj zvijezda u našim natalnim kartama čak i kulturu življenja i stil uređenja prostora u kojem provodimo najviše vremena? Teško je reći, ali primjetno je da pripadnici istih znakova odabiru slična rješenja, ili barem boje i detalje, pri uređivanju životnog prostora. Tako ćete teško naći Djevicu il Jarca okružene neredom i živim bojama, dok ako uđete u stan uređen u postmodernističkom stilu i prepun artističkih detalja, znat ćete da vas je ugostio maštoviti Vodenjak ili umjetnička Vaga. Isto tako Ovnovi ili Lavovi zabljesnut će vas intenzivnim bojama i upečatljivim dekoracijama, dok kod tipičnog Raka ili Ribe prevladavaju pastelne nijanse. Dekoriranje životnog prostora govori mnogo o nama, i iako je svatko od nas jedinstvena osoba i ne postoje dva ista interijera, ipak pripadamo nekom zodijačkom znaku, a to nam daje određeni senzibilitet prema nekom stilu, boji ili dezenu. Pa krenimo redom. Ovan - vatreni osvaja• prostora Pod vladavinom vatrenog Marsa, pripadnici ovog zodijačkog znaka vole sve što je vatreno i eksplozivno. Zato je dominantna boja u njihovim domovima crvena, a namještaj i materijali su moderni, kvalitetni i čistih linija. Prigodom uređenja svog doma Ovnovi ne pridaju veliku pozornost sitnim detaljima i prevelikim razmišljanjima, njihovi imperativi su funkcionalnost, moderan dizajn i minimalizam. Važno im je da ima mnogo otvorenog prostora i da su predmeti i namještaj multifunkcionalni. Naravno, svi ti uporabni predmeti moraju biti najsuvremenija tehnološka dostignuća, a ako i ima ukrasnih predmeta, onda je to velika slika koja dominira prostorom ili metalni predmeti čistog, suvremenog dizajna. Stil Ovna je minimalizam, a boja definitivno crvena. Bik - društveni tradicionalist Poznat kao najveći hedonist zodijaka, Bik se voli okružiti mnoštvom lijepih stvari i udobnim namještajem. Ljubitelj tradicije, uvijek bi radije odabrao kuću nego stan za svoj životni prostor. Mnogo vremena provodi kod kuće tako da mu je iznimno važno da sve bude savršeno ugodno i lijepo. Bikovi su nerijetko i odlični kuhari te rado primaju goste i priređuju velike gozbe, tako da su kuhinja i blagovaonica središnji dio njihovih životnih prostora. Kuhinja je uvijek prostrana i opremljena najmodernijim kućanskim uređajima, stol u blagovaonici velik i masivan, a dnevni boravak udoban i mekan s mnoštvom jastuka i u pastelnim tonovima. Oni vole i prirodu iz koje crpe inspiraciju za dekoriranje, a često im je kuća puna biljaka ili imaju pomno dekoriran vrt u kojem uživaju s prijateljima. Njihov stil je tradicionalizam, a boje su pastelne. Blizanci šareni dom komunikacije Blizanci obožavaju promjene, a to se odražava i na njihov životni prostor pa stalno premještaju namještaj ili reorganiziraju police. Dinamični su i znatiželjni pa su u njihovu domu uvijek zastupljena sva moguća sredstva komunikacije – računalo s web-kamerom, telefon s najnovijim funkcijama i televizori u gotovo svim prostorijima stana, koje su uglavnom povezane jedna s drugom bez suvišnih zidova i pregrada. Mnogo češće žive u zgradama i u urbanim središtima jer vole biti okruženi ljudima, a za svoj stan uglavnom biraju multifunkcionalne predmete koji se jednostavno premještaju i žive boje. Stan tipičnog Blizanca ponekad djeluje neuredno, ali to je uglavnom zbog mnoštva predmeta i šarenila kojim se okružuje, a u stanu uvijek posebno mjesto zauzimaju knjige koje vrlo pomno skuplja. Stil Blizanca je pop art, a boje intenzivne i žive. Rak - vje•na klasika Rakovi vole “svijati gnijezda”. Od svih znakova zodijaka, oni najviše cijene tradicionalne vrijednosti i miran obiteljski dom. Ukrasni predmeti od sentimentalne vrijednosti, porculan koji je u obitelji već generacijama i obiteljski portreti, detalji su koji krase životni prostor Rakova. Uglavnom žive u kućama koje su naslijedili od roditelja, zajedno s namještajem koji je klasičan i u toplim tonovima. Romantični Rakovi dekoriraju svoj prostor uz mnoštvo ukrasnih svijeća, porculanskih predmeta i svježeg cvijeća. U domu tipičnog Raka moguće je osjetiti duh čarobnih prošlih vremena, a svaki detalj je uspomena na neki trenutak ili osobu koje se Rak želi sjećati. Njegov stil uređenja interijera je klasičan, a boje su nježne i svijetle. Lav - luksuz i životinjski uzorci Lavovi ništa ne prepuštaju slučaju. Njihove domove nerijetko uređuju profesionalni arhitekti i dizajneri, a krase ih 101 Interijeri Vodenjak / Aquarius raskoš i namještaj s potpisom. Lavovi vole biti u središtu pozornosti i okruženi luksuzom, pa će tako i njihov dom blistati i izazivati divljenje. Raskošni lusteri, masivno drvo, zlatni i zemljani tonovi te skupocjeni sagovi, predmeti su koji dominiraju njihovim domovima. Također, vole prostrane kuće s okućnicama i bazenom koje blješte glamurom i luksuzom. Nerijetko će posegnuti i za životinjskom uzorcima i ukrasnim predmetima iz Afrike. Njihov stil je globalni stil, a boja zlatna. Djevica - maksimum iz minimuma Djevice su poznate kao najpedantniji znak zodijaka, pa će tako i njihov životni prostor odisati urednošću i biti vrlo detaljno posložen. Iako ne živi u velikom prostoru, dom Djevice doimat će se prostrano, jer Djevica iz minimuma izvlači maksimum. Kutne garniture, fotelje na razvlačenje, stolovi na rasklapanje i dominantna bijela jednostavno otvaraju prostor i pridonose osjećaju čistoće. Osim toga, Djevice pri dekoriranju svog doma rijetko koriste umjetne materijale, a zemljani tonovi, biljke i slike iz prirode dominiraju prostorom. Njihov dom je uređen po principima feng shuia, a zavjese i sagovi decentni su i neupadljivi. Njihov stil je globalni stil, a boje zemljane. Vaga - harmonija životnog prostora S vladaricom Venerom, Vage su izrazito vizualni tipovi i osjetljive su na sve što je lijepo i harmonično. Tako i njihov životni prostor odiše skladom i ukusom u dekoriranju. Bitno im je da se sjedeća garnitura po boji i teksturi slaže sa sagom, te da su raskošne zavjese u istom stilu, a svaki kutak 102 u domu Vage ispunjen je pomno odabranim umjetničkim predmetima, od kojih su neke i same izradile. No, to nikad nisu predmeti koji bi zapanjili ili iskakali iz cjelokupnog uređenja prostora, sve je uvijek decentno i usklađeno. Njihov imperativ je ljepota i sklad, s osjećajem za umjetnost. Stil Vage je artistički, a boje komplementarne i ugodne oku. Škorpion - dom misterioznog zavodnika Njihov životni moto je misterija, pa i životni prostor Škorpiona odiše svojevrsnom tajnovitošću, ali s vrlo smjelim bojama i detaljima. Predsoblje je poput labirinta, prepuno maski iz Afrike, slonovače i slika moćnih životinja, salon je prostran, četverosjed je intenzivne ljubičaste boje, ukrasni jastuci satenski, slika na zidu golema i baršunasta... Nerijetko pripadnici ovoga horoskopskog znaka ukrašavaju svoj dom ekstravagantnim izborom predmeta koji često ostavljaju dojam kaosa u prostoru. Krzno i koža, žarke boje u kombinaciji s crnom, pokoji smjeli akt na zidu, izražavaju sve samo ne uobičajeno i osrednje uređen stambeni prostor. Posebnu pažnju posvećuju uređenju spavaće sobe jer oni su vječni zavodnici, a kuhinja i blagovaonica obično su zanemareni dio stana Škorpiona. Njegov stil uređenja je postmodernistički, a boje zagasite, plava, ljubičasta, crvena i, naravno, crna. Strijelac - ljubitelj otvorenih prostora Komunikativni i slobodoljubivi Strijelci ne podnose ograničenja bilo kakve vrste, pa tako ni kod uređenja svoga životnog prostora. Vole da im je dom prostran i da je sve u njemu masivno i impresivno. Na zidovima su golema zrcala, lusteri su masivni, lukovi neizbježni, fotelje široke, a bilijar ovdje nije ništa čudno. S obzirom da je riječ o najvećim zodijačkim putnicima, njihov životni prostor često odiše duhom zemalja i kultura koje su posjetili i koje su ih fascinirale. Tako veliki plemenski bubanj ili velika statua Bude može dominirati dnevnim prostorom, a u blagovaonici iznad stola visjeti preparirana egzotična životinja. Rijetko im je dom ispunjen biljkama jer oni su uvijek spremni otići na putovanje, a boje koje dominiraju prostorom Strijelca su žuta, narančasta i crvena. Strijelac spava u najvećem mogućem krevetu, njegov stil dekoriranja je eklektični, globalni stil, a boje tople. Jarac - klasi• na elegancija Dom tipičnog Jarca odiše high class namještajem. Svojom konzervativnom prirodom Jarac okreće glavu od najnovijih materijala koje mu nudi tržište. Mnogo hrastovine, smeđih kožnih stolaca, predmeta od mesinga te pomno odabranih čaša za vino, pravi su izbor jednoga tradicionalnog i odmjerenog Jarca. Ako to sebi mogu priuštiti, Jarci žive u velikim kućama na golemim, strogo čuvanim posjedima u elitnim djelovima grada. Vrlo im je bitna svjetlost i prostranost koja ostavlja dojam luksuza. Jarac ne voli mnogo detalja, u njegovu domu bit će svega nekoliko, ali izrazito rijetkih i skupocjenih ukrasnih predmeta. Radna soba je prostor u kojem ti radoholičari provode najviše vremena pa je ona ogledalo njegova statusa, obično ispunjena rijetkim knjigama i sva u drvu. U cijelom zodijaku, Jarac najviše drži do tradicionalnih vrijednosti, pa se i pri uređenju svoga životnog prostora drži tog principa. Njegov stil je, dakle, tradicionalan, a boje crna, bijela i boja drva. Vodenjak - maštoviti ekscentrik Ovo je ekscentrik zodijaka i njegov životni prostor svojom originalnošću i maštovitim rješenjima najbolje reflektira njegovu prirodu. Energična i slobodoljubiva priroda Vodenjaka ne dopušta da ikakav predmet ograničava njegov životni prostor, pa u njihovim domovima ima malo namještaja i vlada jedan “open-space” koncept. Osim estetici, Vodenjaci posebnu pozornost posvećuju i velikoj funkcionalnosti te kvaliteti življenja. U njihovu je domu moguće naići na simpatično usklađene starije komade namještaja s najnovijim dostignućima tehnike, mnoštvo knjiga i časopisa te raznovrsne detalje koji se na prvi pogled uopće ne mogu kombinirati. Ali maštoviti Vodenjak uvijek ima neko simpatično rješenje. Po istom principu kombinira i boje. Stil uređenja kojem se Vodenjak najčešće priklanja jest postmodernistički, a u skladu s tim njegov životni prostor je ispunjen živim bojama. Ribe - oaza iz bajke Ulazak u dom tipične Ribe nalikuje na prolazak kroz zrcalo i ulaz u svijet bajke. Ribe dekoracijom životnog prosto- ra uvijek pokušavaju evocirati djetinjstvo, a nerijetko odabiru tematiku iz neke bajke kao lajtmotiv. Praktičnost, funkcionalnost i ugradbeni ormari oduševit će tipičnog pripadnika ovoga znaka. Ribe se obožavaju kretati u prostoru pa je stoga pravi izbor za uređenje njihova doma minimalizam. One mnogo veću pažnju posvećuju detaljima nego na osnove. Sklad pastelnih boja i mekanih oblika namještaja umiruju osjetljivu prirodu romantičnih Riba. Kolekcija finih vina i pribor za bridž, romantični čajnici i jastučići, brušeni kristal, svila i čipka, jednako kao i velika kupaonica tirkiznih boja, sve u ovom domu mora imati prizvuk topline i udobnosti. 103 Interiors Rak / Cancer s is h each of u g u o h lt a , d t us an lumes abou o v s k a e p s space of our living do belong Decoration o identical interiors, we tw as s ing th ch su no unique and there are to a certain zodiac sign, and that provides us with a certain sensibility towards a specific style, colour or design Written by: Danijela Mandušiæ 104 Photo: DalCasa archive H ow much does our attachment with a certain zodiac sign affect our choices in the process of decorating our living space? Does the alignment of stars in our natal cards really determine our culture of living and the decoration style of a space where we spend the majority of our time? It is hard to say, but it is noticeable that members of the same zodiac signs do choose similar solutions, which at least relates to colours and details, while decorating their homes. That means that you will have a hard time finding a Virgo or a Capricorn that are surrounded by a mess or lively colours, while entering a post-modernistic apartment filled with artistic details can only mean that you were hosted by an imaginative Aquarius or an artistic Libra. Aries or Leos will flash you with intense colours and distinctive decorations, while a typical Cancer or Pisces prefer pastel shades. Decoration of our living space speaks volumes about us and, although each of us is unique and there are no such things as two identical interiors, we do belong to a certain zodiac sign, and that provides us with a certain sensibility towards a specific style, colour or design. So let’s go through them one by one. Aries - The Ardent Conqueror of Space Ruled by the ardent Mars, love everything that can and explosive. That is why by red colour, while their members of this zodiac sign be qualified as passionate their homes are dominated furniture and materials are modern, quality and feature pure lines. While decorating their homes, Aries members don’t pay much attention to tiny details or great analysis – their imperatives are functionality, modern design and minimalism. They care about having plenty of open spaces and making sure that all of their objects and furniture are multifunctional. Naturally, all these utensils have to be the most modern technological inventions, while any decorative objects would probably include a large painting that dominates the room or metal objects with pure, contemporary design. Aries prefers minimalism and the colour of red. Taurus A Sociable Traditionalist Known as the biggest hedonist among zodiac members, a Taurus likes to surround himself with loads of beautiful things and comfortable furniture. Being a lover of tradition, he would always choose a house over an apartment for his living space. He spends lots of his time at home, so it is really important that everything is perfectly pleasant and lovely. Taurus members are often great cooks as well, so they like to welcome guests and throw large feasts, which means that the kitchen and dining room are their homes’ focal points. The kitchen is always spacious and equipped with the newest household appliances, the dining-room table is large and massive, while the living room is comfortable and soft with plenty of pillows in pastel colours. They also like na105 ture and draw inspiration from it, so their houses are often filled with plants or feature a carefully decorated garden that is enjoyed in with friends. Their style is traditionalism, while their colours are pastel. Gemini - A Communication Home with Many Colours Gemini love changes and that also reflects on their living spaces, as they are constantly moving their furniture around or rearranging their shelves. They are dynamic and curious people, which means that their homes always feature all possible communication appliances – a web-cam computer, telephone with the newest functions and TV sets in almost all rooms of the apartment, which are mostly connected to one another without numerous walls and partitions. They often live in buildings and urban centres because they like to be surrounded by people, and they usually choose multifunctional objects that are easily relocated and have vivacious colours for their apartments. A typical Gemini apartment will sometimes seem messy, but that’s mostly due to a huge number of objects and colours you’re surrounded by. A special place in their apartments always belongs to a collection of books. Gemini-preferred style is pop art, while the colours are intense and vivacious. Cancer - Eternal Classics Cancer members like the process of “nesting”. Out of all zodiac members, they hold traditional values and a quiet family home in the highest regard. Decoration objects with sentimental value, porcelain that has been in the family for generations and family portraits – those are the details you will find in a home of a Cancer. They mostly live in houses they inherited from their parents, along with classic furniture in warm tones. Romantic Cancer members decorate their home with numerous candles, porcelain objects and fresh flowers. A typical Cancer home enables you to feel the spirit of magical past times, while every detail serves as a memory of some moment or person that lives in their memory. Their interior decoration style is classic, while the colours are gentle and bright. 106 Leo - Luxury and Animal Samples Leo members take nothing for granted. Their homes are often decorated by professional architects and designers, and are characterized by luxury and designer furniture. Leo members like to be at the centre of attention and surrounded by luxurious things, so their homes are sure to shine and draw admiration. Sumptuous chandeliers, massive wood, golden and earth tones and expensive carpets are some of the things that dominate their homes. They also like spacious houses with courtyards and swimming pools, as that is bound to signal the presence of glamour and luxury. They will often reach for animal samples and decoration objects from Africa. Their style is global, while the main colour is gold. Virgo - Achieving Maximum from Minimum Virgo members are known as the most meticulous among zodiac members, so their homes are bound to radiate tidiness and detailed arrangements. Although a Virgo usually doesn’t live in a large home, it will still seem spacious enough because a Virgo draws maximum from minimum. Corner ensembles, folding chairs and tables, and the dominant white colour simply open the space up and contribute to the sense of purity. Besides, a Virgo will rarely use artificial materials while decorating a home, so their spaces are dominated by earth tones, plants and pictures of nature. Their homes are decorated under the principles of feng shui, while carpets and curtains always leave a subtle and unassuming impression. Their style is global, while their colours have earth tones. Libra - Harmony of the Living Space With Venice as its ruler, the Libra sign usually stands for extremely visual individuals who are sensitive to all things Interiors with beauty and harmony. That is why their homes are bound to be filled with harmony and good decoration taste. It is important to them that their sitting ensembles have matching colours and textures with the carpet, that their sumptuous curtains share the same style, and it must be said that every corner of a Libra home is filled with carefully chosen object of art, some of which were made by their owners themselves. However, those objects never tend to astound or distinguish themselves from the overall decoration style, as everything must always be subtle and coordinated. Their imperatives are beauty and harmony with a good sense of art. A Libra has an artistic style, while the colours are complementary and pleasant to look at. Scorpio - Home of a Mysterious Seducer Their life motto is mystery, which means that their homes must also send some of that mystery vibe, but that is being achieved by using very courageous colours and details. The hallway resembles a labyrinth with all the African masks, ivory bones and images of powerful animals; their living room is spacious, the large couch has an intensely purple colour, decoration cushions are made of satin, a painting on the wall is huge and made of velvet… Members of this zodiac sign will often decorate their homes with extravagant objects that often leave the impression of chaos in a room. Fur and leather, bright colours combined with the colour of black, several courageous images on the wall – all these things express nothing like an ordinary, averagely decorated residential space. Scorpio members pay lots of attention to the way their bedrooms are decorated, as they are eternal seducers, while the kitchen and dining room are usually the neglected sections of the apartment. Their decoration styles are post-modernistic, while the dominating colours are dusky – blue, purple, red and, naturally, black. Sagittarius - The Lover of Open Spaces Communicative and freedom-craving Sagittarius members can’t put up with any sorts of limitations, which includes the manner in which their homes are decorated. They like to have their homes spacious with plenty of massive and impressive features. The walls feature gigantic 107 Capricorn - Classic Elegance A typical Capricorn home is all about high-class furniture. Due to their conservative nature, a Capricorn will turn his head away from the newest materials that are offered by the market. Plenty of oak, brown leather chairs, brass objects and carefully chosen wine glasses are the true choices of a traditional, moderate Capricorn. If they can afford it, Capricorn members live large houses on huge, well-controlled estates in elite city areas. They care a great deal about light and spaciousness that leaves the impression of luxury. A Capricorn doesn’t care for too many details, as his home will feature only several decoration objects, but they are bound to be extremely rare and expensive. The study is the room that is most frequented by these workaholics, so it becomes a mirror image of their status and is usually filled with rare books and has plenty of wood. Out of all Zodiac members, a Capricorn cares about traditional values the most, and he sticks by that principle while decorating his home as well. That means that his style is traditional, while dominating colours are black, white and the colour of wood. Aquarius - The Imaginative ccentric This is the eccentric among zodiac members and his living space reflects his nature with its originality and imaginative solutions. Aquarius’ energetic and freedomloving nature won’t allow any objects to limit his home, so they are characterized by very little furniture and an “open space” concept. Besides aesthetics, Aquarius members pay special attention to the high level of functionality and the quality of life. Their homes often feature older pieces of furniture that are coordinated with the newest technological features in a likeable way, as well as loads of books and magazines and all kinds of other details that would seemingly have no chance of agreeing with one another. However, the imaginative Aquarius always finds a cute solution. He combines colours by that same principle. An Aquarius will mostly turn towards a post-modernistic style of decoration, and as the result of that, his home is filled with vivacious colours. Pisces - A Fairytale Oasis mirrors, the chandeliers are massive, arches are unavoidable, armchairs are very broad, and it is no surprise to run into a pool table. Considering the fact that we’re talking about the biggest travellers among zodiac members, their homes often radiate the spirits of countries and cultures they previously visited and were fascinated by. That is why their living rooms are sometimes dominated by big tribal drums or a large Buddha statue, while you will often find a stuffed exotic animal hanging above the table. Their homes are rarely filled with plants because they’re always on the lookout for their next journey, while the dominating colours are yellow, orange and red. A Sagittarius sleeps in a largest possible bed, his decorating style is eclectic and global, while the colours are warm. Entering a typical Pisces home very much resembles passing through a mirror and entering a fairytale world. Pisces will always try to evoke their childhood memories with their home decorations, while fairytale themes are often chosen as leitmotifs. Practicality, functionality and built-in closets will enchant any typical member of this sign. Pisces love to move within space, which results in the appearance of minimalism as the right choice for the decoration of their homes. They pay much greater attention to details then the basics. The harmony of pastel colours and soft furniture shapes calm the Pisces’ delicate and romantic nature. A collection of fine wine and a bridge set, romantic teapots and cushions, processed crystal, silk and laces, as well as a large bathroom in turquoise colours – all aspects of this home must result in warmth and comfort. 109 Kućne biljke unose slojevitost u dom / Houseplants bring complex layers into your homes www.holmegaard.com Tekstura u funkciji unutarnjeg dizajna Piše: Elija Vrsaljko 110 Foto: Arhiva DalCase Dodajte prostoriji teksturu Zato ako vam se čini da je soba dosadna i monotona, pogledajte nedostaje li vam u njoj upravo teksture. S njezinim dodatkom prostorija će živnuti i dobiti dimenziju. Kod primjene teksture u unutarnjem dizajnu važno je znati da tekstura određenog predmeta utječe na to koliko teško on izgleda. Grube teksture čine predmet teškim, dok ga one glatke čine laganim. Po pravilu, predmeti koji isijavaju više svjetlosti izgledaju www.holmegaard.com S am pojam tekstura ponajprije se odnosi na površinu nekog predmeta, na to je li ona tvrda, mekana, gruba ili glatka. Međutim, doživljaj teksture je isto tako i vizualan. Kad ugledamo neki predmet, naš mozak se prisjeća svih onih trenutaka kad smo takav predmet dirali i šalje poruku kakav je na dodir. Zato tekstura određuje izgleda li on tvrdo ili mekano te samim tim kakav dojam takvi predmeti, odnosno čitav prostor u kojem se nalaze, ostavljaju na nas. To saznanje možemo iskoristiti da prostoru damo jednu novu dimenziju, a umjetnički dizajn učiniti mnogo bogatijim. Lijepo dizajnirana soba je ona koja u sebi sadrži pažljiv odabir i kombinaciju raznih tekstura. Kao što ne bismo svoj dom namjestili samo stolicama, tako isto treba upotrijebiti više raznih tekstura da bi se u određenom prostoru postigao vizualni balans. Ako pogledamo oko sebe, vidjet ćemo da tekstura postoji svuda u prirodi. Drvo, kamenje, listovi, cvjetovi, trava, pijesak... sve ima svoju teksturu koja pridonosi našem doživljaju prirode. Kada naučimo primjećivati razne teksture oko sebe i način na koji su one složene, moći ćemo to saznanje primijeniti u određenom prostoru. Od naše sposobnosti da ih kombiniramo ovisi hoće li i naš interijer biti jednako tako harmoničan kao što je svijet prirode. Trendovi za 2008. godinu sugeriraju bogatu upotrebu teksture u unutarnjem dizajnu. U doba plastike i vinila te laminata, stakla, metala i čelika, koji su bez karaktera, postajemo nastalgični za grubim drvom brvnare i istrošenim podovima naših predaka. U određenom trenutku je nedostatak teksture postao znak blagostanja. Najluksuznije tkanine su glatke, sofe su presvučene sjajnim materijalima bez teksture, a drveni namještaj ima glatku sjajnu glazuru. Kada to usporedimo s bogatom teksturom prirodnog drva, koje prostoru daje toplinu i dimenziju, vidimo razliku. To je isto kao da uspoređujemo sliku na platnu i običan poster pod staklom u metalnom okviru. Upravo iz tog razloga dolazi do opčinjenosti starim namještajem, a ljudi uređuju svoje domove koristeći prirodne materijale koji su bogati teksturom. Dizajn Trendovi za 2008. godinu sugeriraju bogatu upotrebu teksture u unutarnjem dizajnu / The 2008 trends suggest rich usage of texture in interior design www.janechurchill.com Tekstura je jedan od elemenata dizajna na koji se često zaboravlja iako svi predmeti koje nalazimo u interijeru imaju neku svoju teksturu. Dizajnerima interijera to je snažno oružje u postizanju dimenzije na suptilan način 111 www.fritzhansen.com www.janechurchill.com Predmeti na kojima se sjedi trebali bi biti ugodni na dodir / Object for sitting should have a pleasant feel Čupavi tepih unijet će teksturu u prostoriju / Fluffy rug will bring texure into the room lakšima od onih koji isijavaju malo ili ništa svjetlosti. Zato nas tekstura nekog predmeta može i zavarati pa drveni pod izgleda teži od mramornoga iako je u stvarnosti obrnuto. Imajući to na umu, moguće je postići ravnotežu između velikih i malih predmeta upotrebom lakše ili teže teksture. Na mnogo načina je moguće svoj dom oplemeniti teksturom. Umjesto žaluzina, na prozore se stave zavjese, a na podove čupavi vuneni tepisi; kućne biljke također unose slojevitost u vaše domove. Ako niste sigurni odakle početi, pogledajte primjere iz nešto starijih stilova koji su bili bogati teksturom. Važno je obratiti pažnju na svaki predmet u sobi. Ljudima je najbliža i najviše se susreću s teksturom boje; je li ona matirana, polumatirana ili sjajna? Ako se niste odlučili kakva će biti tekstura ostalih predmeta u sobi, nemojte birati još ni onu boje. Za postizanje vitalnosti i raznovrsnosti u sobi, naročito u monotonoj šemi boja, bitna je varijacija teksture. U 112 prostoriji u kojoj prevladava jedna boja, upotreba kontrasta daje dojam da u prostoriji ima više boja. Suprotnosti se privlače Miješanje tekstura je obvezno ako želimo dobro uređen interijer. Dobro poznata izreka da se suprotnosti privlače vrijedi i ovdje. Visoki sjaj se odlično kombinira s grubim drvom. Luksuzni, mekani sagovi izgledaju odlično na drvenom ili kamenom podu. Takvih kombinacija ima bezbroj. Jednako važno je staviti pravu teksturu na pravo mjesto. Predmeti na kojima se sjedi trebali bi biti ugodni na dodir isto kao i sve ostalo s čime smo u doticaju, primjerice pod, presvlake na foteljama, sagovi. Ona je također bitan element dizajna i na onim dijelovima interijera koje nikad ne dotičemo kao što je strop. Zato drugi put, kada budete planirali neki projekt u unutarnjem dizajnu, proučite sve teksture u sobi. Kombinirajte ih razne da biste dobili lijepo uređen prostor. Visoki sjaj se odlično kombinira s grubim drvom / High gloss wonderfully agrees with rough wood www.fritzhansen.com Design Texture in the Function of Interior Design Texture is one of those design elements that often gets overlooked, even though all objects we encounter within an interior have their own texture. Interior designers use it as a strong weapon for achieving dimension in a subtle way Written by: Elija Vrsaljko Photo: DalCasa archive 113 www.janechurchill.com T 114 he very term “texture” mostly stands for the surface of some object, whether it is hard, soft, rough or smooth. However, the manner in which we experience texture is also visual. When we see an object, our brain remembers all the moments we spent touching such object and sends us a message regarding the feel of that object. That is why texture determines whether it looks hard or soft, as well as having a major influence on the impression we receive from those objects and the entire space they’re situated in. We can use that information to add a whole new dimension to the interior, as well as to significantly increase the level of artistic design. A nicely designed room features a carefully chosen combination of various textures. Just like we wouldn’t furnish our home exclusively with chairs, we also shouldn’t hesitate to use a number of different textures to achieve visual balance inside a room. If we look around us, we will notice that texture is present in every aspect of nature. Wood, stones, leaves, flowers, grass, sand… they all have individual textures that contribute to the way we perceive nature. When we learn to notice different textures that surround us and recognize the manner in which they’ve been arranged, we will be able to use that knowledge within a certain interior. Our ability to combine those textures determines whether our interior will feature the same amount of harmony as the natural world. The 2008 trends suggest rich usage of texture in interior design. In the current age of plastics and vinyl, as well as laminate, glass, metal, steel and other materials with non-existent character, we become nostalgic for rough logwood and worn-out floors of our ancestors. The lack of texture eventually became a sign of prosperity. The most luxurious fabrics are smooth, sofas are covered with glossy materials with no texture, while wooden furniture often comes with a smooth shiny glaze. When we compare that to the rich texture of natural wood that provides warmth and dimension to a room, we see a major difference. It is identical to comparing a painting on a canvas to a regular poster under metal-framed glass. Those aspects lead to fascination with old furniture, which results in people furnishing their homes using natural materials with rich texture. Add Texture to a Room So if you feel like your room is boring and monotonous, make sure to check if it lacks texture. Its addition will provide vivaciousness and dimension to a room. While applying texture in the field of interior design, it is important to know that the texture of a certain object determines whether that object is per- Design Lijepo dizajnirana soba je ona koja u sebi sadrži pažljiv odabir i kombinaciju raznih tekstura / A nicely designed room features a carefully chosen combination of various textures www.zanotta.it 115 www.marksandspencer.com www.zanotta.it Design Drveni pod izgleda teži od mramornoga iako je u stvarnosti obrnuto / A wooden floor, although that is not the case ceived as heavy or light. Rough textures make objects heavier, while smooth textures make them lighter. The rule states that objects that radiate more light appear lighter than those that radiate little or no light. That is why some objects’ textures can be deceiving – for example, a wooden floor appears to be heavier than a marble floor, although that is not the case. Having that in mind, it is possible to achieve the balance between large and small objects by using lighter or heavier textures. There are plenty of ways to ennoble your home with texture. Instead of shutters, it is advisable to put curtains on windows, while it might be a good idea to cover the floors with fluffy woollen rugs; houseplants can also bring complex layers into your homes. If you are not sure where to start, check out some of the more traditional styles that had more than enough texture. It is important to pay attention to every object in the room. People are generally most familiar with the texture of colour, as that is the one they usually encounter; is it mated, semi-mated or shiny? If you haven’t decided on the textures of other objects in the room, postpone the choosing of the texture of colour. To achieve vital116 ity and diversity in a room, especially within a monotonous scheme of colours, it is important to have texture variation. Using contrasts in a room that is dominated by just one colour gives the impression that there are other colours in the room as well. Opposites Attract Combining textures is obligatory if you want to create a nicely decorated interior. That well-known phrase about opposites attracting is valid in this case as well. High gloss wonderfully agrees with rough wood. Luxurious, soft rugs will look beautiful on a wooden or stone floor. You can make any number of these combinations, but it is just as important to put the right texture into the right place. Object for sitting should have a pleasant feel just like anything else we’re in contact with, such as the floor, armchair covers or carpets. Texture is also an important design element on those interior parts we never touch, such as the ceiling. So the next time you’re planning an interior design project, make sure to analyse all the textures in a room. Make various combinations in order to end up with a nicely decorated space. www.zanotta.it www.zanotta.it Miješanje tekstura je obvezno ako želimo dobro uređen interijer / Combining textures is obligatory if you want to create a nicely decorated interior Luksuzni, mekani sagovi izgledaju odlično na drvenom ili kamenom podu / Luxurious, soft rugs will look beautiful on a wooden or stone floor 117 Kućne biljke unose slojevitost u dom / Houseplants bring complex layers into your homes www.holmegaard.com Tekstura u funkciji unutarnjeg dizajna Piše: Elija Vrsaljko 110 Foto: Arhiva DalCase Dodajte prostoriji teksturu Zato ako vam se čini da je soba dosadna i monotona, pogledajte nedostaje li vam u njoj upravo teksture. S njezinim dodatkom prostorija će živnuti i dobiti dimenziju. Kod primjene teksture u unutarnjem dizajnu važno je znati da tekstura određenog predmeta utječe na to koliko teško on izgleda. Grube teksture čine predmet teškim, dok ga one glatke čine laganim. Po pravilu, predmeti koji isijavaju više svjetlosti izgledaju www.holmegaard.com S am pojam tekstura ponajprije se odnosi na površinu nekog predmeta, na to je li ona tvrda, mekana, gruba ili glatka. Međutim, doživljaj teksture je isto tako i vizualan. Kad ugledamo neki predmet, naš mozak se prisjeća svih onih trenutaka kad smo takav predmet dirali i šalje poruku kakav je na dodir. Zato tekstura određuje izgleda li on tvrdo ili mekano te samim tim kakav dojam takvi predmeti, odnosno čitav prostor u kojem se nalaze, ostavljaju na nas. To saznanje možemo iskoristiti da prostoru damo jednu novu dimenziju, a umjetnički dizajn učiniti mnogo bogatijim. Lijepo dizajnirana soba je ona koja u sebi sadrži pažljiv odabir i kombinaciju raznih tekstura. Kao što ne bismo svoj dom namjestili samo stolicama, tako isto treba upotrijebiti više raznih tekstura da bi se u određenom prostoru postigao vizualni balans. Ako pogledamo oko sebe, vidjet ćemo da tekstura postoji svuda u prirodi. Drvo, kamenje, listovi, cvjetovi, trava, pijesak... sve ima svoju teksturu koja pridonosi našem doživljaju prirode. Kada naučimo primjećivati razne teksture oko sebe i način na koji su one složene, moći ćemo to saznanje primijeniti u određenom prostoru. Od naše sposobnosti da ih kombiniramo ovisi hoće li i naš interijer biti jednako tako harmoničan kao što je svijet prirode. Trendovi za 2008. godinu sugeriraju bogatu upotrebu teksture u unutarnjem dizajnu. U doba plastike i vinila te laminata, stakla, metala i čelika, koji su bez karaktera, postajemo nastalgični za grubim drvom brvnare i istrošenim podovima naših predaka. U određenom trenutku je nedostatak teksture postao znak blagostanja. Najluksuznije tkanine su glatke, sofe su presvučene sjajnim materijalima bez teksture, a drveni namještaj ima glatku sjajnu glazuru. Kada to usporedimo s bogatom teksturom prirodnog drva, koje prostoru daje toplinu i dimenziju, vidimo razliku. To je isto kao da uspoređujemo sliku na platnu i običan poster pod staklom u metalnom okviru. Upravo iz tog razloga dolazi do opčinjenosti starim namještajem, a ljudi uređuju svoje domove koristeći prirodne materijale koji su bogati teksturom. Dizajn Trendovi za 2008. godinu sugeriraju bogatu upotrebu teksture u unutarnjem dizajnu / The 2008 trends suggest rich usage of texture in interior design www.janechurchill.com Tekstura je jedan od elemenata dizajna na koji se često zaboravlja iako svi predmeti koje nalazimo u interijeru imaju neku svoju teksturu. Dizajnerima interijera to je snažno oružje u postizanju dimenzije na suptilan način 111 www.fritzhansen.com www.janechurchill.com Predmeti na kojima se sjedi trebali bi biti ugodni na dodir / Object for sitting should have a pleasant feel Čupavi tepih unijet će teksturu u prostoriju / Fluffy rug will bring texure into the room lakšima od onih koji isijavaju malo ili ništa svjetlosti. Zato nas tekstura nekog predmeta može i zavarati pa drveni pod izgleda teži od mramornoga iako je u stvarnosti obrnuto. Imajući to na umu, moguće je postići ravnotežu između velikih i malih predmeta upotrebom lakše ili teže teksture. Na mnogo načina je moguće svoj dom oplemeniti teksturom. Umjesto žaluzina, na prozore se stave zavjese, a na podove čupavi vuneni tepisi; kućne biljke također unose slojevitost u vaše domove. Ako niste sigurni odakle početi, pogledajte primjere iz nešto starijih stilova koji su bili bogati teksturom. Važno je obratiti pažnju na svaki predmet u sobi. Ljudima je najbliža i najviše se susreću s teksturom boje; je li ona matirana, polumatirana ili sjajna? Ako se niste odlučili kakva će biti tekstura ostalih predmeta u sobi, nemojte birati još ni onu boje. Za postizanje vitalnosti i raznovrsnosti u sobi, naročito u monotonoj šemi boja, bitna je varijacija teksture. U 112 prostoriji u kojoj prevladava jedna boja, upotreba kontrasta daje dojam da u prostoriji ima više boja. Suprotnosti se privlače Miješanje tekstura je obvezno ako želimo dobro uređen interijer. Dobro poznata izreka da se suprotnosti privlače vrijedi i ovdje. Visoki sjaj se odlično kombinira s grubim drvom. Luksuzni, mekani sagovi izgledaju odlično na drvenom ili kamenom podu. Takvih kombinacija ima bezbroj. Jednako važno je staviti pravu teksturu na pravo mjesto. Predmeti na kojima se sjedi trebali bi biti ugodni na dodir isto kao i sve ostalo s čime smo u doticaju, primjerice pod, presvlake na foteljama, sagovi. Ona je također bitan element dizajna i na onim dijelovima interijera koje nikad ne dotičemo kao što je strop. Zato drugi put, kada budete planirali neki projekt u unutarnjem dizajnu, proučite sve teksture u sobi. Kombinirajte ih razne da biste dobili lijepo uređen prostor. Visoki sjaj se odlično kombinira s grubim drvom / High gloss wonderfully agrees with rough wood www.fritzhansen.com Design Texture in the Function of Interior Design Texture is one of those design elements that often gets overlooked, even though all objects we encounter within an interior have their own texture. Interior designers use it as a strong weapon for achieving dimension in a subtle way Written by: Elija Vrsaljko Photo: DalCasa archive 113 www.janechurchill.com T 114 he very term “texture” mostly stands for the surface of some object, whether it is hard, soft, rough or smooth. However, the manner in which we experience texture is also visual. When we see an object, our brain remembers all the moments we spent touching such object and sends us a message regarding the feel of that object. That is why texture determines whether it looks hard or soft, as well as having a major influence on the impression we receive from those objects and the entire space they’re situated in. We can use that information to add a whole new dimension to the interior, as well as to significantly increase the level of artistic design. A nicely designed room features a carefully chosen combination of various textures. Just like we wouldn’t furnish our home exclusively with chairs, we also shouldn’t hesitate to use a number of different textures to achieve visual balance inside a room. If we look around us, we will notice that texture is present in every aspect of nature. Wood, stones, leaves, flowers, grass, sand… they all have individual textures that contribute to the way we perceive nature. When we learn to notice different textures that surround us and recognize the manner in which they’ve been arranged, we will be able to use that knowledge within a certain interior. Our ability to combine those textures determines whether our interior will feature the same amount of harmony as the natural world. The 2008 trends suggest rich usage of texture in interior design. In the current age of plastics and vinyl, as well as laminate, glass, metal, steel and other materials with non-existent character, we become nostalgic for rough logwood and worn-out floors of our ancestors. The lack of texture eventually became a sign of prosperity. The most luxurious fabrics are smooth, sofas are covered with glossy materials with no texture, while wooden furniture often comes with a smooth shiny glaze. When we compare that to the rich texture of natural wood that provides warmth and dimension to a room, we see a major difference. It is identical to comparing a painting on a canvas to a regular poster under metal-framed glass. Those aspects lead to fascination with old furniture, which results in people furnishing their homes using natural materials with rich texture. Add Texture to a Room So if you feel like your room is boring and monotonous, make sure to check if it lacks texture. Its addition will provide vivaciousness and dimension to a room. While applying texture in the field of interior design, it is important to know that the texture of a certain object determines whether that object is per- Design Lijepo dizajnirana soba je ona koja u sebi sadrži pažljiv odabir i kombinaciju raznih tekstura / A nicely designed room features a carefully chosen combination of various textures www.zanotta.it 115 www.marksandspencer.com www.zanotta.it Design Drveni pod izgleda teži od mramornoga iako je u stvarnosti obrnuto / A wooden floor, although that is not the case ceived as heavy or light. Rough textures make objects heavier, while smooth textures make them lighter. The rule states that objects that radiate more light appear lighter than those that radiate little or no light. That is why some objects’ textures can be deceiving – for example, a wooden floor appears to be heavier than a marble floor, although that is not the case. Having that in mind, it is possible to achieve the balance between large and small objects by using lighter or heavier textures. There are plenty of ways to ennoble your home with texture. Instead of shutters, it is advisable to put curtains on windows, while it might be a good idea to cover the floors with fluffy woollen rugs; houseplants can also bring complex layers into your homes. If you are not sure where to start, check out some of the more traditional styles that had more than enough texture. It is important to pay attention to every object in the room. People are generally most familiar with the texture of colour, as that is the one they usually encounter; is it mated, semi-mated or shiny? If you haven’t decided on the textures of other objects in the room, postpone the choosing of the texture of colour. To achieve vital116 ity and diversity in a room, especially within a monotonous scheme of colours, it is important to have texture variation. Using contrasts in a room that is dominated by just one colour gives the impression that there are other colours in the room as well. Opposites Attract Combining textures is obligatory if you want to create a nicely decorated interior. That well-known phrase about opposites attracting is valid in this case as well. High gloss wonderfully agrees with rough wood. Luxurious, soft rugs will look beautiful on a wooden or stone floor. You can make any number of these combinations, but it is just as important to put the right texture into the right place. Object for sitting should have a pleasant feel just like anything else we’re in contact with, such as the floor, armchair covers or carpets. Texture is also an important design element on those interior parts we never touch, such as the ceiling. So the next time you’re planning an interior design project, make sure to analyse all the textures in a room. Make various combinations in order to end up with a nicely decorated space. www.zanotta.it www.zanotta.it Miješanje tekstura je obvezno ako želimo dobro uređen interijer / Combining textures is obligatory if you want to create a nicely decorated interior Luksuzni, mekani sagovi izgledaju odlično na drvenom ili kamenom podu / Luxurious, soft rugs will look beautiful on a wooden or stone floor 117 Kult ni komad ISAMU NOGUCHI: SOFA FREEFORM (1946.) Skulpturalni dizajn “Sve je skulptura. Bilo koji materijal, bilo koju ideju bez zapreke realiziranu u prostoru, smatram skulpturom.” Isamu Noguchi Piše: Nataša Bodrožiæ 118 Foto: Vitra, Shop and Café, The Noguchi Museum, NY, Elizabeth Felicella I samu Noguchi (1904.-1988.), skulptor i dizajner američko-japanskog podrijetla, govorio je da kroz svoj rad tumači, “prevodi Istok Zapadu”. Noguchijev dizajn prirodan je nastavak skulpture, koja je bila u središtu njegova zanimanja najveći dio života. Školovao se u Japanu, Americi, Francuskoj – u Parizu je proveo neko vrijeme asistirajući kiparu Constantinu Brancusiju, a ondje je drugovao i s Albertom Giacomettijem. Čak i danas, kada su njegovi dizajnerski komadi dosegnuli kultni status, a njegov namještaj označen ikoničkim, Noguchi se ponajprije smatra kiparom. Rođen je u Los Angelesu 1904. godine. Majka mu je bila američka spisateljica i učiteljica irskoga podrijetla, a otac japanski pjesnik. Kulturalni jaz između njegovih roditelja, koji su se razišli nedugo nakon njegova rođenja, udaljenost Istoka i Zapada, razlike između dviju povijesti umjetnosti, ali i misli, bit će mu izazov i nadahnuće čitavog života. Isamu Noguchi je različitim metodama i medijima umjetničkog izražavanja pokušavao spoznati, sagledati i promijeniti svoje prirodno okruženje. Njegovi vrtovi i fontane naglašavali su prirodnu ljepotu iz koje su nastali, njegove velike apstraktne skulpture od kamena u isto su vrijeme monumentalne i osobne. Živio je u uvjerenju da preko kiparstva i ahitekture pojedinac lakše može spoznati borbu s prirodom. Tijekom jednoga dužeg boravka u japanskom gradu Kyotu, Noguchi prvi put otkriva zen vrtove koji će utjecati na njegovo shvaćanje skulpture kao načina oblikovanja samog prostora, što će se poslije reflektirati i na njegov angažman u sferi dizajna. Svoju umjetničku zrelost dosegnuo je tridesetih godina prošlog stoljeća u New Yorku, kroz projekte koji spajaju umjetnost i dizajn. Često je naglašavao da suvremena skulptura ima premalo veze sa svakodnevnim životom i upotrebnošću, i najvažniji mu je projekt u tom razdoblju bio prevladavanje te neravnoteže. Noguchijev pojam “skulpture prostora” prvi put je realiziran u scenskom dizajnu, koji je ostvario za poznatu američku koreografkinju Marthu Graham. Razvio je upotrebu skulpturalnih elemenata u konstrukciji okoliša pokreta i aktivnosti. U idućih trideset godina, dizajnirao je tridesetak scenografija za plesne projekte uglednih američkih umjetnika, poput Ruth Page ili Merce Cunningham, u New Yorku, gradu u kojem su se tada počela događati izrazito uzbudljiva eksperimentiranja u sferi plesa i pokreta, što će poslije rezultirati afirmacijom postmodernog plesa i umjetnika oko Judson Dance Theatera. Njegova scenografija spajala je formalni minimalizam i moment arhaičnosti. Proširujući klasičnu definiciju skulpture, Noguchi je uspje- šno premošćivao jaz između lijepih i primijenjenih umjetnosti. Skulpturalni idiom koji se provlačio njegovim dizajnom vrlo je upečatljiv na jednom od njegovih najglasovitijih komada, sofi “Freeform” iz 1946. godine. Sredina četrdesetih godina i nije bilo razdoblje koje je odlikovao vizionarski dizajn, i upravo ova sofa, po mišljenju mnogih, razbija opći dojam sivila tog vremena. Inspiriran prirodom, njegov visoko apstraktni i skulpturalni dizajn namještaja često je izražavao samu bit prirodnog krajolika. S o f a “Freeform” intruzija je organskih oblika u svakodnevni životni prostor. Doimlje se poput radikalno uvećane skulpture od plosnatih, zaobljenih riječnih oblutaka. Njezine glatke, zaobljene linije i otvorena forma čini ju pogodnom za smještanje više ljudi odjednom, površina joj je čvrsta i zategnuta, a drži se jednim od ključnih Noguchijevih dizajnerskih radova. Sofa uglavnom dolazi u kompletu s istovrsnim otomanom, koji je nadopunjava i prati poput satelita, ponavljajući njezinu organsku formu, dinamične linije, ali u isto vrijeme stvarajući dojam Isamu Noguchi 119 Skulptura pod nazivom “Crvena kocka” iz 1968. smještena u New Yorku / Sculpture called “Red Cube” made in 1968 and located in New York nježnosti, ugode i udobnosti. Otoman se uklapa i ulazi u zaobljenu formu sofe, tako da funkcionira kao oslonac za noge, sjedalo ili čak preuzima ulogu stolića. Niske, zaobljene nožice sofe i otomana izrađene su od bukovine, a dolaze u različitim nijansama. Boje u kojima se proizvode uvijek odgovaraju bojama prirode, tkanine su blijedih i pastelnih, neagresivnih tonova. Dizajnirana 1946. godine, sofa “Freeform” je u proizvodnju puštena nekoliko godina kasnije, u limitiranoj seriji. Danas je proizvodi njemačka “Vitra”. Noguchijev skulpturalni stil imao je trajan utjecaj na cjelokupan jezik organskog dizajna koji je nastupio pedesetih godina dvadesetog stoljeća. Kao kipara, Isamu Noguchija zanimali su ne samo materijali i oblici nego i prostorni učinak rada i, naposlijetku, dizajniranje samog prostora. Njegova je namjera bila umjetnosti dodati značenja, ispuniti je praktičnom i socijalnom komponentom. Želio je stvarati djela “na za120 dovoljstvo sviju”. Odatle i kovanica “skulpturalni dizajn”, koja se redovito dodaje uz ime ovoga svestranog umjetnika. Noguchijeva želja i strast za isprepletanjem svakodnevice i umjetnosti, vidljive su i u njegovim brojnim nacrtima igrališta, vrtova i urbanih prostora. Njegove su ideje realizirane širom svijeta, često u suradnji s uglednim arhitektima onoga vremena. Radovi Isamu Noguchija i danas se nalaze u gradovima poput New Yorka, Tokija, Pariza, Bologne, Detroita, Jeruzalema, Sapporoa… Njegova karijera, koja je trajala više od šezdeset godina, ispreplela se s radom nekih od najvećih imena dvadesetog stoljeća. Osamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća, u posljednjem desetljeću života, Isamu Noguchi realizirao je veliki broj javnih projekata te osnovao vlastiti muzej na Long Islandu, u New Yorku, gdje je i danas izložena bogata kolekcija njegovih radova. Trgovina i kafić bar u Noguchijevu muzeju u New Yorku / Shop and Cafe in Noguchi musem in New York ISAMU NOGUCHI: SOFA FREEFORM (1946) Sculptural Design “Everything is a sculpture. Any material, any idea that that has been successfully realized in space is what I consider a sculpture.” Isamu Noguchi Written by: Nataša Bodrožiæ Photo: Vitra, Shop and Café, The Noguchi Museum, NY, Elizabeth Felicella 121 A piece of cult Sofa Freeform dizajnirana je 1946. godine / Freeform sofa was designed in 1946 I samu Noguchi (1904-1988), sculptor and designer of American-Japanese descent, always used to say that his work “translated The East to The West”. Noguchi’s design is a natural continuation of a sculpture, which was his central focus during the vast majority of his life. He went through his education process in Japan, America, France – he spent some time in Paris as an assistant of sculptor Constantin Brancusi, and he 122 spent a lot of time with Alberto Giacometti in this period as well. Even today, when his designer pieces have a cult following and his furniture is deemed as iconic, Noguchi primarily considers himself a sculptor. He was born in Los Angeles in 1904. His mother was an American writer and Irish-born teacher, while his father was a Japanese poet. That cultural gap between his parents, who split up shortly after he was born, as well Sofa uglavnom dolazi u kompletu s istovrsnim otomanom / The sofa usually features an accompanying ottoman as the distance between The East and The West, between their art histories and trains of thought, have served as a challenge and an inspiration throughout his life. Isamu Noguchi used different methods and mediums of artistic expression to try to define, observe and change his natural surrounding. His gardens and fountains emphasized the natural beauty they originated from; his large abstract stone sculptures were simultaneously monumental and personal. He lived his life believing that an individual can use sculpturing and architecture to come to terms to his struggle with nature in an easier way. During one of his longer stays in Japanese city Kyoto, Noguchi first discovered Zen gardens that will affect his understanding of sculpture as a way of shaping space itself, which would eventually reflect his career in the field of design. He reached his artistic maturity in the 1930s in New York through projects that combined art and design. He often pointed out that modern sculpturing doesn’t connect nearly enough with everyday life and utilization, and he set his focus to bringing in some balance into that field during that period. Noguchi’s term “sculpture of space” was originally created in the field of stage design, as he worked for a famous American choreographer Martha Graham. He developed the usage of sculptural elements in construction of an environment filled with movement and activity. During the next thirty years, he designed about thirty stage projects for dance performances by prestigious American artists, such as Ruth Page or Merca Cunningham. All these things happened in New York, which is a city that witnessed some extremely exciting experiments in the fields of dance and movement at the time, and that would soon result in the affirmation of post-modernistic dance and a group of artists surrounding the Judson Dance Theatre. His stage creations combined formal minimalism and a moment of archaism. By broadening the classic definition of sculpture, Noguchi successfully conquered the gap between aesthetical and applied forms of art. That sculptural idiom that was visible in his design is very distinctive on one of his most prestigious pieces, sofa “Freeform” from 1946. The middle of the 1940s wasn’t exactly a period bursting with visionary design, and many people feel that this particular sofa is responsible for breaking up the overall impression of mediocrity of that era. Inspired by nature, his highly abstract and sculptural furniture design often expressed the very essence of natural scenery. Sofa “Freeform” is an intrusion of or- g a n i c forms into the everyday living space. It leaves the impression of a radically enlarged sculpture made of flat, rounded river pebbles. Its smooth, rounded lines and open form make it convenient for than one person sitting on it. Its surface is firm and tight, and it is regarded as one of Noguchi’s crucial design projects. The sofa usually features an accompanying ottoman that fulfils it and follows it like a satellite, as it repeats its organic form, dynamic lines and also creates the impression of delicacy, cosiness and comfort. The ottoman adapts and enters the sofa’s rounded form, and it can function as a place to put your feet up, a seat or even a coffee table. The sofa’s and the ottoman’s low, bended little legs are made of beech wood, and they can be purchased in different shades. The colours in which they’re manufactured always agree with the colours of nature, while the fabrics have pale and nonaggressive tones. Designed in 1946, sofa “Freeform” was put on the market several years later in a limited series. Nowadays, it is being manufactured by “Vitra” from Germany. Noguchi’s sculptural style had a lasting effect on the overall language of organic design that dominated the 1950s. As a sculptor, Isamu Noguchi was not only interested in materials and shapes, but also in the spatial effect of his projects and, finally, in the process of designing space itself. His intention was to add some significance to art, while also filling it with a practical and social dimension. He wanted to create pieces of art that would “serve to everyone’s satisfaction”. That’s where the phrase “sculptural design” comes from, and it hasn’t left this diverse artist’s side ever since. Noguchi’s desire and passion for intertwining everyday life and art can be seen in his many blueprints of playgrounds, gardens and urban spaces. His ideas have been realized throughout the world, often in cooperation with the great architects of that time. Isamu Noguchi’s works can now be seen in cities like New York, Tokyo, Paris, Bologna, Detroit, Jerusalem, Sapporo… His career, that spanned over sixty years, has intertwined with the works of some of the greatest name of the twentieth century. During the 1980s, which was the last decade of his life, Isamu Noguchi achieved a large number of public projects and founded his own museum in Long Island, New York, where a large collection of his projects is on display to this very day. 123 Dekoracije 124 TIVOLI AUDIO / www.tivoliaudio.com Plug&Play, Bednjanska 8, Zagreb Tivoli Music System osvojio je svijet / Tivoli Music System has captivated the world Ako ste ljubitelj ludih šezdesetih i sedamdesetih, vaš stil je svakako retro. Predmeti inspirirani prošlošću probudit će u vama sjećanja na dobra stara vremena, a retro stil izrazito je trendy. Poseban efekt stvorit ćete kombiniranjem modernog i retro dizajna, tako će radio, toster ili aparat za kavu “starinskog izgleda” odlično pristajati uz kuhinju čistih i jednostavnih minimalističkih linija. Sat, kutija ili prekrivač retro dizajna stvorit će ugodnu i toplu atmosferu te dom prožet emocijama. www.gardentrading.co.uk 00 44 845 608 4448 Posuda za punč / Punch container Pripremila / Edited by: Ana Perišin Inspirirani prošlošcu Inspired by Past If you are a lover of the crazy sixties and seventies, your style is certainly retro. Objects inspired by past will make you reminisce about the good old days, and it must be said that the retro style is extremely trendy. You will create special effect by combining modern and retro design, so a radio, toaster or a coffee machine with “an archaic look” will wonderfully agree with a kitchen of pure and simple minimalist lines. A clock, box, blanket or any other retro-designed detail will create a pleasant and warm atmosphere while filling your home with emotions. DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA, www.doma.hr Zidni sat starinskog izgleda / Wall watch with ancient look FRITZ HANSEN, www.fritzhansen.com Dizajnerski klasik “Egg stolica” Arnea Jacobsena jako je moderna i danas / Arne Jacibsen design classic “Egg chair” is very modern even today 125 Dekoracije 126 DEVON&DEVON / www.devon-devon.com Za prave ljubitelje retro dizajna, kada u crvenoj boji / For real retro design lovers, red bath tube Metalna posuda za šećer / Metal sugar bin STRAWBERRY FOOL, www.strawberryfool.co.uk STRAWBERRY FOOL, www.strawberryfool.co.uk Stalak za boce / Bottle holder DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA, www.doma.hr Kožne kutije različitih veličina / Leather boxes of various sizes DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA, www.doma.hr Suho lišće u pozadini zidnog sata / Dry leaves in the back of the clock on the wall www.gardentrading.co.uk, 00 44 845 608 4448 Lonac s cvjetnim uzorkom priziva nostalgiju / Pot with floral pattern evoke nostalgia DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA, www.doma.hr Kutija za čaše, baš kao iz bakine kuhinje / Bottle box, just like in the granny kitchen ILLY, www.illy.com Aparat za kavu, dizajn Luca Trazzi / Coffee maker, design Luca Trazzi 127 Decorat ions rading.co rdent .uk .ga w w w Termometar / Thermometer www.gardentrading.co.uk, 00 44 845 608 4448 Set za čaj inspiriran starim vremenima, dizajn Stickley / A tea set, inspired by old times 128 art.com www.cuisin CUISINART, / Metal sični toster Metalni kla r e st classic toa Decorat ions IKEA, www.ikea.com Kutije u raznim bojama / Boxes in various colours w.tivoliaudio.com TIVOLI AUDIO / ww model Moder Three / Three DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA, www.doma.hr Košare od pruća / Brushwood baskets ća vije ., ec o.o anj j d. alijev n šta z ca za mje Na tica tering a MA kan DO alna wer w t Me etal flo /M DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA, www.doma.hr Cjedilo u krem boji / A stainer in cream colour IKEA Prekriv ač “Un , www.ikea.c ni Virka o ” / Thro m w “Unn i Virka” 129 Nekret nine karta Hrvatske map of Croatia ZAGREB glavni grad / capital DUGO SELO ČAZMA POREČ PEROJ LIŽNJAN CRES KRK VINKURAN MEDULIN RAB VINJERAC BRODARICA PRIMOŠTEN SEVID TROGIR SPLIT MAKARSKA PODGORA KORČULA DUBROVNIK 130 Nekret nine Nekret nine sadraj/contents BRODARICA 132 str. CRES 133 str. ÈIOVO 134 str. DUBROVNIK 137 str. KORÈULA 138 str. KRK 141 str. LINJAN 142 str. MAKARSKA 144 str. MEDULIN 146 str. posebna ponuda special offer Peroj str. 147 PEROJ 147 str. PODGORA 149 str. POREÈ 150 str. PRIMOŠTEN 155 str. RAB 156 str. RUDIÆI 158 str. SEVID 159 str. SPLIT 161 str. TROGIR 167 str. VINKURAN 169 str. VINJERAC 170 str. ZAGREB 171 str. Real est ate 131 Nekret nine Brodarica Prodaje se novoizgrađena vila Lungomare u Brodarici, četiri kilometra od Šibenika, na građevnoj parceli od oko 700 m², udaljena samo 60 metara od mora, s prekrasnim pogledom na otok Krapanj. Ulaz na autocestu udaljen je samo 10 km, a benzinska crpka, hoteli, restorani i svi ostali turistički sadržaji su u neposrednoj blizini. Vila je dizajnirana u mediteranskom stilu sa suvremenim detaljima, sastoji se od šest apartmana koji površinom variraju od 75 do 95 m², a svaki od njih ima terasu i pogled na more (osim dvaju prizemnih koji imaju vrt). Unutrašnje uređenje je podložno promjenama budućeg vlasnika, a svi apartmani će biti opremljeni blindo ulaznim vratima, klimatizacijom, najkvalitetnijim talijanskim pločicama, drvenim podovima, barom u kuhinji i parkirališnim mjestom koje je uključeno u cijenu. Posebno ističemo penthouse apartman na vrhu vile, s golemim dnevnim prostorom u potkrovnoj galeriji. A newly built villa Lungomare is on sale in Brodarica, which is just four kilometres from Šibenik. The villa is located on a 700 m2 construction parcel just 60 metres from the sea, and it features a stunning view over island Krapanj. The entrance to the highway is just 10 km away, while the gas station, hotels, restaurants and all other tourism facilities are located nearby. The villa was designed in Mediterranean style with contemporary details, and it consists of six apartments with sizes between 75 and 95 m2 that all feature a terrace and a view over the sea (except for two groundfloor apartments that have a garden). Future owners can change the style of interior decoration, but all the apartments will feature armoured entrance doors, air conditioning, top-quality Italian tiles, wooden floors, kitchen bar and a parking space that is included in the price. We particularly point out a penthouse apartment at the top of the villa, which features an enormous living room in the loft gallery. Cijena / Price: 157.000 € - 199.500 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385(0)91 254 5962 132 Nekret nine Cres Novoizgrađena zgrada ukupne površine 780 m2 sastoji se od 12 apartmana opremljenih klima-uređajima i visokom tehnologijom. Podrum površine 180 m2 može se prenamijeniti u ugostiteljski objekt. Zgrada je okružena zelenom okućnicom od 900 m2 s mogućnošću izgradnje bazena i parkiralištem za maksimalno 20 vozila. Zgrada posjeduje potpunu dokumentaciju (lokacijska dozvola, vlasnički list, građevinska dozvola, uporabna dozvola). A newly built apartment building with 780 m2 of surface consists of 12 apartments equipped with air-conditioners and high technology. A 180 m2 basement can be used as a restaurant object. The building is surrounded by a 900 m2 green courtyard with an option of building a swimming pool, as well as a parking lot for as many as 20 vehicles. The building possesses all necessary documents (location licence, ownership certificate, construction licence, usage licence). Cijena / Price: 1.500.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 2914 337, +385 (0)98 208 367 * www.crozilla.com ID 175 Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more 133 Nekret nine Čazma Prodaje se prekrasno imanje s kućom u okolici Čazme, 60 km od Zagreba. Imanje se nalazi usred guste šume, lovišta, i od najbliže kuće je udaljeno pet kilometara. Zemljište, uključujući i jezero s fotografije, površine je 12.326 m2, a sama kuća ima oko 350 m2. Papiri su uredni, 1/1. U okolici su ucrtane biciklističke i planinarske staze. Kuća je izgrađena 1967. godine. Sada se koristi za odmor, dok je nekada bila motel. Na katu je devet soba sa dva ili tri kreveta, dok su u prizemlju dnevni boravak, kuhinja, blagovaonica i jedna soba. Svaka prostorija ima svoj kamin na drva, tako da ih je u kući ukupno 11. Uz kuću se kao prateći objekt nalazi i velika drvena sjenica od 45 m2 s vodom, strujom i rasvjetom, te kućica za spremanje drva. There is a beautiful estate with a house for sale near Čazma, which is 60 kilometres from Zagreb. The estate is located in the middle of a thick forest and a hunting area, five kilometres away from the nearest house. The parcel, including the photograph lake, takes up 12.326 m2, while the house itself takes up 350 m2. The papers are all accounted for, 1/1. There are many cycling and hiking tracks being introduced nearby. The house was built in 1967. It is now used as a vacation house, while it previously used to be a motel. The upper floor features nine rooms with two or three beds, while the ground floor consists of the living room, kitchen, dining room and one bedroom. Every room has its own fireplace with wood, which makes the overall number of 11. The house is accompanied by a large 45 m2 wooden arbour with water, electricity and lighting, as well as a small house for wood storage. Cijena / Price: 450.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 376 8859, +385 (0)91 376 8854 134 Nekret nine Čiovo Prodaju se predivni apartmani na otoku Čiovu, s romantičnim pogledom (jugozapad) na more i otoke. Veličine su od 40 do 85 m², a svaki apartman ima vlastito parkirno mjesto, ostavu u podrumu te slobodno korištenje 90 m² velikog bazena. Wonderful apartments are on sale at the island of Čiovo, and they provide a romantic southwestern view over the sea and the islands. Their size ranges from 40 m2 to 85 m2, and it must be said that every apartment has its own parking space and pantry in the basement, as well as free usage of a 90 m2 swimming pool. Cijena / Price: 1900 €/m² Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 385 049 135 Nekret nine Čiovo Prodaje se lijepa i prostrana obiteljska kuća u Slatinama, na otoku Čiovu kod Trogira. Ima 100 m² stambenog prostora na dvije etaže, a okružena je lijepo uređenim terasama i vrtovima. Na posjedu su još i velika garaža, ljetnja kuhinja u bijelom kamenu te vinski podrum. Iz kuće se pruža predivan pogled na more i okolne otoke, a vlasnik kuće je arhitekt, tako da je profesionalno i ukusno dizajnirao prostor. There is a lovely, spacious family house for sale in Slatine, which is a small town on the island of Čiovo near Trogir. It takes up 100 m2 of residential surface that is divided into two storeys, and it is surrounded by nicely decorated terraces and gardens. The property also features a large garage, a summer kitchen made of white stone, and a wine cellar. The house provides a marvellous view over the sea and the surrounding islands, and it’s fair to mention that the owner of the house is an architect, which guarantees the professionalism and good taste of the house’s design. Cijena / Price: 375.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 385 049 136 Nekret nine Dubrovnik Prodaje se ekskluzivna vila u Dubrovniku, u prvom redu do mora, na mirnoj lokaciji, s prirodnim bazenom u stijenama. Vila ima 380 m2 unutrašnjeg prostora i 1000 m2 okućnice. Sastoji se od tri spavaće sobe, tri kupaonice, kuhinje, dnevne sobe, blagovaonice, jacuzzija, saune, te ima tri prostrane terase s prekrasnim pogledom na otvoreno more i otoke. Vila je kompletno namještena i opremljena.Također ima i tri dodatna apartmana, garažu, vrt, te parkiralište za pet do šest vozila. Svaki apartman se sastoji od kuhinje, sobe i kupaonice. There is an exclusive villa on sale in Dubrovnik, and it is first in line to the sea, on a peaceful location and with a natural pool in the rocks. The villa has 380 m2 of interior space and 1000 m2 of the courtyard. It consists of three bedrooms, three bathrooms, kitchen, living room, dining room, Jacuzzi, sauna, and it also features three spacious terraces with a wonderful view over the open sea and the islands. The villa is completely furnished and equipped. It also has three additional apartments, garage, garden, and a parking lot with five or six spaces. Every apartment features a kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. Cijena / Price: 6.000.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: 385 (0)21 314 037, +385 (0)91 932 4568 137 Nekret nine Korčula Jedinstvena i rijetka prilika prodaje građevinskog zemljišta, na samom žalu jedne od najatraktivnijih uvala na južnoj strani otoka Korčule, u mjestu Prižbi. Zemljište se pruža preko 50 metara dužinom uz sam žal, te se na njemu nalazi stara kamena kuća površine 41 m² s koje se pruža prekrasan pogled na obližnje škoje i otok Lastovo. Površina zemljišta je 1042 m², relativno pravokutnog oblika (u prosjeku 17x60 m) s privatnim putem/ulazom na posjed s glavne ceste. Zemljište je u građevinskoj zoni i posjeduje svu potrebnu infrastrukturu (struja, voda, telefon itd.) i uvjete za gradnju. There is a unique and rare opportunity of a construction parcel for sale, and it is located at the very ground of one of the most attractive beaches of Prižba at the southern side of the island of Korčula. The parcel spreads across 50 metres of length along the beach itself, and it features an old stone house with 41 m2 of surface that provides a wonderful view over the neighbouring islands, in particular the island of Lastovo. The parcel takes up 1042 m2 and has a relatively rectangular shape (17x60 metres in average) with a private road/entrance to the estate from the main road. The parcel is located in the construction zone and possesses all necessary infrastructure (electricity, water, phone etc.) and construction licences. Cijena / Price: 300 €/m2 Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)99 191 0074 138 Nekret nine Samo 275 kn 12 brojeva ZAŠTO SE PRETPLATITI NA DALCASU? ��������������������������� �������������������� ���������������������������������� � � ��� � � ��� � � ��� � ��� ����� � � � � � ������������������������������� ������������������������������������ ��������� ����������������������������������������������� ���������������������������� ���������������� ������������ ������������������������ ������ �������������� ������� ���������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ������ ������ ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������������� 139 Nekret nine ��������������� ������������� Samo 275 12 brojeva �������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� 140 www.dalcasa.com HRVATSKI MAGAZIN ZA NEKRETNINE / CROATIAN REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE BROJ/EDITION 35 CIJENA 25 KN PRICE 5 € � � ��� � � ��� � � ��� � ��� ����� � � � � � SVIBANJ/MAY 2008 REPORT SALONE DEL MOBILE 2008 NA OTOKU SA SILVIJOM FENDI ON THE ISLAND WITH SILVIA FENDI INTERVIEW PAOLO PININFARINA NAJBOLJI IZBOR NEKRETNINA THE BEST REAL ESTATE OFFER ISSN 1845-2086 9771845208005 ��������������� ������������� ����������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������� ������� ��������������� ����������� Nekret nine Krk U Malinskoj na otoku Krku, u ponudi je nova luksuzna kuća s devet stambenih jedinica. Apartmani su veličine 63 m2, 66 m2, 95 m2 te imaju dvije ili tri spavaće sobe. Građeni su od najkvalitetnijih materijala: konstrukcija je od blokopeke, demit fasada, keramika A klase, PVC stolarija, granit na stubištu i inoks ograde, masivni parket; klimatizirana je svaka prostorija, svi apartmani imaju protuprovalna vrata, parlafon, spremišta u podrumu 16-25 m2 i parkirno mjesto, a apartmani u prizemlju imaju i pripadajući vrt. Kuća se nalazi na atraktivnoj lokaciji, kao stvorenoj za odmor i relaksaciju, okružena je zelenilom, bez prometa, 30 m udaljena od prekrasne šljunčane plaže sa šetnicom i borovima. Cijene apartmana određene su za svaki apartman posebno, ovisno o etaži, veličini apartmana, površini vrta i podruma. A new luxurious house with nine residential units is up for grabs in Malinska on the island of Krk. The apartments’ sizes are 63 m2, 66 m2 and 95 m2, and they come with two or three bedrooms. They are built from top-quality materials: the construction consists of block bricks, demit façade, A-class ceramics, PVC joinery, granite staircase and fences from noncorrosive steel, as well as massive parquet. Every room has air conditioning, all apartments have anti-burglary doors, a speaker, basement storage rooms that take up 16-25 m2 and a parking space, while ground-floor apartments possess an accompanying garden. The house is placed on an attractive location that is picture-perfect for rest and relaxation, as it surrounded by greenery and has virtually no traffic around it, and it is worth mentioning that a wonderful pebbly beach with a walking area and pine trees is only 30 metres away. Apartment prices are individual for every apartment, depending on the floor, size of the apartment, size of the garden and basement. Cijena / Price: 292.000 € - 356.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 528 9096 141 Nekret nine Ližnjan Prodaju se apartmani u prekrasnoj novoizgrađenoj vili u Ližnjanu, u Istri, udaljeni jedan kilometar od budućeg golfterena s 27 rupa na Marleri. Apartmani su luksuzno opremljeni talijanskom keramikom, vrhunskom PVC stolarijom, klimatizacijom i parkirališnim mjestom u prostranom dvorištu vile. Svaki stan ima balkon, pogled na more i golfterene. Za prodaju su još ostali apartmani na prvom katu veličine 54 m², 59 m² i 91 m². Apartments are on sale in a beautiful newly built villa in Ližnjan, Istria, and they are just one kilometre away from the soon-to-be golf course with 27 holes at Marlera. Apartments are luxuriously furnished with Italian ceramics, top-notch PVC joinery, air conditioning and a parking space in the villa’s spacious courtyard. Every apartment has a balcony, view of the sea and golf courses. The remaining free apartments can be found on the first floor, and they take up 54 m2, 59 m2 and 91 m2. Cijena / Price: od / from 87.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 617 66 77, +385 (0)98 296 839, +385 (0)52 721 001 142 Nekret nine Makarska Stambena zgrada u istočnom dijelu Makarske - predio Dugiš, sastoji se od 45 stanova i okrenuta je jug-sjever, s čarobnim pogledom na Makarsko primorje te Brački kanal. Zgrada ima podzemnu garažu s mogućnošću izravnog ulaska u stambeni dio, uz otvaranje vrata daljinskim upravljačem. Nalazi se u blizini škole i centra grada, 200 do 500 m od mora. Stanovi su površine od 50 do 150 m2, iznadprosječno su opremljeni uz uporabu visokokvalitetne keramike, stolarije i PVC stolarije. Izvedba instalacija stambenih prostora najstrože je kontrolirana. A residential building in the eastern section of Makarska (settlement Dugiš) consists of 45 apartments and has a southnorth orientation, while also featuring a magical view over the Makarska Coast and the Brač Channel. The building has a subterranean garage with the option of directly entering the residential part, while the doors can be opened by a remote controller. It is located near a school and the centre of the town, from 200 to 500 metres from the sea. Sizes of the apartments range from 50 to 150 m2, and they are excellently furnished with usage of high-quality ceramics, joinery and PVC joinery. The performance on the apartments’ installations has been very carefully controlled. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)99 474 7817, +385 (0)91 596 0075 * www.crozilla.com ID 21203 Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more 144 Nekret nine Makarska Prodaju se stanovi u modernim urbanim vilama u Dubrovačkoj ulici u Makarskoj, 800 metara zračne linije udaljenim od mora. Vile se sastoje od prizemlja, prvog kata i potkrovlja. Šest je stambenih jedinica unutar svake vile. Svaki od stanova ima jedinstveni ulaz. Stanovima u prizemlju pripada i dio zemljišta kao vrtna terasa. Dnevni boravci stanova orijentirani su prema jugu, dok su spavaće sobe prema sjeverozapadu i sjeveroistoku. Vile su opremljene najnovijim tehničkim instalacijama i opremom i, naravno, grade se od vrhunskih materijala. Površine stanova su od 44,27 m2 do 75,21 m2. Apartments are on sale in modern urban villas located in Dubrovačka Street in Makarska, about 800 airline metres from the sea. The villas consist of the ground floor, upper floor and the loft. Every villa features six residential units. Each of the apartments has individual entrance, while ground-floor apartments also receive a part of the parcel in the form of garden terraces. The apartments’ living rooms are oriented towards the south, while the bedrooms are turned towards northwest and northeast. The villas are equipped with the newest technical installations and equipment, while also being built by using top-quality materials. The apartments’ sizes range from 44,27 m2 to 75,21 m2. Cijena / Price: 2800 €/m2 Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 678 142, +385 (0)98 173 1772 145 Nekret nine Medulin Prodaje se osam novih, suvremeno opremljenih bungalova u Medulinu, 60 metara od mora. Napravljeni su od izvornog istarskog rezanog kamena, a svaki bungalov se sastoji od dvije spavaće sobe, kupaonice, kuhinje s blagovaonicom, dnevnog boravka i ima vrt. Izvrsni su za turističko iznajmljivanje. Svaki bungalov ima površinu od 63 m² i nalazi se na zemljištu od 257 m². U Medulinu i bližoj okolici postoji mnogo kvalitetnih sportskih i rekreacijskih sadržaja za aktivan odmor, od kojih izdvajamo golf-teren s 28 rupa u obližnjem Ližnjanu. Eight new bungalows furnished in modern manner are on sale in Medulin, and they are located just 60 metres from the sea. They were built using traditional Istrian cut stone, and each bungalow consists of two bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen with dining room, living room and garden. They are excellent for the purpose of tourism subletting. Each bungalow has 63 m2 of surface and is located on a 257 m2 parcel. There are many quality sports and recreational facilities for an active vacation in Medulin and its surrounding, out of which we point out a 28-hole golf course in nearby Ližnjan. Cijena / Price: 285.750 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 314 037, +385 (0)91 932 4568 146 Nekret nine Peroj Prodaju se apartmani u Peroju, mjestu u Istri udaljenom 12 km od Pule i 2 km od Fažane. Apartmani se nalaze u neposrednoj blizini morske obale, i iz njih se pruža predivan pogled na Nacionalni park Brijuni. Svaki apartman ima: protuprovalna vrata, sef, satelitsku antenu, klima-uređaj, etažno plinsko grijanje, bežični pristup internetu, vrhunsku talijansku keramiku i hrastov parket. Stanovi u prizemlju imaju vlastiti vrt, a postoji zajednički prostor za roštilj. Svaki stan ima pripadajuće parkirališno mjesto, dok stanovi na drugom katu imaju po dva mjesta za parkiranje. Ostavljena je mogućnost izgradnje bazena. Površine apartmana variraju od 108 m² do 187 m². Apartments are on sale in Peroj, which is a small town in Istria about 12 km from Pula and 2 km from Fažana. They are located right next to the coast, while also providing a wonderful view over National Park Brijuni. Each apartment features: anti-burglary doors, vault, satellite dish, air conditioning, storey gas heating, wireless access to Internet, top-level Italian ceramics and oak parquet. The ground-floor apartments have their own garden, while all apartments have a joint barbeque space. Each apartment receives an accompanying parking space, while second-floor apartments get two parking spaces. There is an option of building a swimming pool. The apartments’ surfaces vary from 108 m2 to 187 m2. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)800 345 346 * www.crozilla.com ID 39036 Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more 147 Nekret nine Podgora U Podgori, na Makarskoj rivijeri, prodaje se novoizgrađena luksuzna vila Mozart, sa četiri zvjezdice i najvišim hotelskim standardima. Sastoji se od sedam apartmana (šest apartmana površine 75 m² i jednog apartmana površine 38 m²) koji su opremljeni najmodernijom tehnologijom, a svaki apartman ima i parkirališno mjesto s cjelodnevnim videonadzorom te prostranu terasu s pogledom na more i Biokovo. Uređenju interijera apartmana posvetila se posebna pažnja, svi su opremljeni posebno biranim namještajem, podovima u boji terakote, lijepo dizajniranim željeznim ogradama, a umjetnički dojam daje 50 slika akademskih slikara koje su raspoređene unutar vile. Treba naglasiti i vanjsko osvjetljenje vile i okolnog vrta koje noću stvara romantičan ugođaj. In Podgora, which is a town on Makarska Riviera, we find a newly built luxurious Villa Mozart for sale, and it features four stars and highest hotel standards. It consists of seven apartments (six 75 m2 apartments and one 38 m2 apartment) that feature top-modern technology, and each apartment also has a video-controlled parking space and a spacious terrace overlooking the sea and Biokovo. Special attention was given to interior decoration, as all apartments are furnished with carefully chosen furniture, terracotta-flavoured floors and nicely designed iron fences, while the artistic impression is achieved by 50 paintings of academic painters that are positioned across the villa. We should also emphasize the villa’s and the garden’s outdoor lighting, as it creates a romantic atmosphere at night. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 314 037, +385 (0)91 932 4568 149 Nekret nine Poreč Prodaje se obiteljska kuća u Poreču (naselje Finida) udaljena samo 15-ak minuta hoda od gradskoga središta, te 10-ak minuta hoda od mora. Sastoji se od šest luksuzno opremljenih stanova i garaže s 10 parkirališnih mjesta. Okućnica je hortikulturno uređena palmama, lavandom i travom. Objekt se prodaje u cjelini, a moguća je i prodaja pojedinačno po stanovima. Ima četiri stana veličine od 52 m² do 60 m² i dva stana po 140 m². Svi su stanovi kompletno opremljeni, imaju centralno grijanje i klima-uređaje. Objekt također posjeduje i automatsko navodnjavanje. A family house is on sale in Poreč (settlement Finida), and it is just 15 minutes away from the city centre and about 10 minutes away from the sea. It consists of six luxuriously equipped apartments and a garage with 10 parking spaces. The courtyard is decorated in horticultural manner with palms, lavender and grass. The object is put on sale as a unit, but there is an option of buying individual apartments. Four apartments have surfaces that range between 52 m2 and 60 m2, while two apartments take up 140 m2. All apartments are completely furnished, and they have central heating and air conditioning. The object also possesses automatic watering. Cijena / Price: ona upit / on inquiry Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 431 155, +385 (0)98 421 718 150 Nekret nine Poreč Na udaljenosti 16 km od Poreča i mora prodaje se samostojeća kamena vila s bazenom stambene površine 160 m2 na okućnici od cca 650 m2. Vila je raspoređena tako da se u prizemlju nalaze dvije sobe s kupaonicama i balkon, a na katu vile nalaze se blagovaonica, kuhinja, dnevni boravak, radna soba, kupaonica, spavaća soba i prostrana terasa. Nine kilometres outside of Poreč and the sea, there is a stone villa on sale, with swimming pool and 160 m2 of residential surface. It was built on 650 m2 courtyard. On the ground floor of the villa there are two bedrooms with bathrooms and balcony. On the first floor there are dining room, kitchen, living room, work room, bedroom and large terrace. Cijena / Price: 360.000 € Kontakt telefon: +385 (0)91 730 4379, +385 (0)52 812 515 151 Nekret nine Poreč Prodaje se samostojeća vila stambene površine 150 m na okućnici od 600 m2, 16 kilometara udaljena od Poreča. Iz kuće se pruža predivan pogled na more. U prizemlju se nalaze kuhinja, blagovaonica, dnevni boravak, kupaonica, spavaća soba, natkrivena terasa i spremište. Na prvom katu su dvije spavaće sobe, kupaonica i teresa. Postavljene su klima i prva faza centralnoga grijanja. Kuća posjeduje i bazen. 2 There is a detached villa with 150 m2 of residential surface for sale. It was built on a 600 m2 courtyard, and it is 16 kilometres away from Poreč. The house provides a glorious view over the sea. The ground floor features the kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom, bedroom, covered terrace and storage room. The first floor features two bedrooms, bathroom and terrace. Air conditioning and the first phase of central heating have been installed. The house also features a swimming pool. Cijena / Price: 380.000 € Kontakt telefon: +385 (0)91 730 4379, +385 (0)52 812 515 152 Nekret nine Poreč Devet kilometara od Poreča, prodaje se novoizgrađena vila stambene površine 143 m2. Na okućnici od 600 m2 nalazi se i bazen. Kuća se sastoji od tri sobe, dnevnog boravka, kuhinje, dviju kupaonica, terase i garaže. Iz kuće se pruža prekrasan pogled na more. Nine kilometres outside of Poreč, there is a newly built villa on sale with 143 m2 of residential surface. The 600 m2 courtyard also features a swimming pool. The house consists of three bedrooms, living room, kitchen, two bathrooms, terrace and garage. The house provides a wonderful view over the sea. Cijena / Price: 525.000 € Kontakt telefon: +385 (0)91 730 4379, +385 (0)52 812 515 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������������������������� Rozi Hort Art ��������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� 153 Nekret nine Poreč Devet kilometara od Poreča, prodaje se novoizgrađena dvojna kuća stambene površine 123 m2 na dvije etaže. Na 375 m2 okućnice smješten je i bazen. U prizemlju su dnevni boravak, kuhinja, blagovaonica, toalet i terasa, dok su na prvom katu tri sobe, kupaonica, toalet i balkon. Iz kuće se pruža lijep pogled na more. Nine kilometres outside of Poreč, there is a newly built double house for sale, and it has 123 m2 of residential surface spread on two levels. The 375 m2 of the courtyard also features a swimming pool. The ground floor features the living room, kitchen, dining room, toilet and terrace, while the first floor consists of three bedrooms, bathroom, toilet and balcony. The house provides a lovely view over the sea. Cijena / Price: 360.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 730 4379, +385 (0)52 812 515 154 Nekret nine Primošten U primoštenskom zaleđu, na brdu s kojeg se pruža prekrasan pogled na more i stari dio Primoštena, prodaje se građevinsko zemljište od 2400 m², s lokacijskom dozvolom za luksuznu vilu s bazenom. Zemljište se nalazi 35 km od aerodroma, 5 km od marine, 25 km od autoceste te samo 1 km od prekrasnih primoštenskih plaža. Po projektu, vila se sastoji od podruma, prizemlja i prvog kata, smještena je na osami, dok se ujedno zabava i vrhunski restorani nalaze na dohvat ruke. U podrumu objekta su garaža, kotlovnica i praonica rublja, dvije saune, ostava, WC i gusterna, a površina mu je 151,36 m². Prizemlje je površine 152,07 m², a čine ga: dnevni boravak, blagovaonica, kuhinja, spavaća soba, WC s tuš-kabinom, ulazni prostor, pretprostor i stubište. Na prvom katu su tri spavaće sobe, kupaonica, dva WC-a, galerija, prostorija za posteljinu, terasa i stubište. Ukupna stambena površina prvog kata je 131,49 m², a ukupna stambena površina cijelog objekta je 434,92 m². In the Primošten area, on a hill that provides a wonderful view over the sea and the old part of Primošten, we find a 2400 m2-construction parcel for sale, and it comes with a location licence for a luxurious villa with a swimming pool. The parcel is located 35 km from the airport, 5 km from the marina, 25 km from the highway and just 1 km from the beautiful beaches of Primošten. According to the project, the villa consists of the basement, ground floor and first floor, and is located on a peaceful place, but still fairly close to entertainment and top-quality restaurants. The object’s basement features a garage, boiler room, laundry room, two saunas, pantry, toilet and water tank, while its surface is 151,36 m2. The ground floor takes up 152,07 m2, and it consists of: living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom with a shower tub, entrance room, hallway and staircase. The first floor features three bedrooms, bathroom, two toilets, gallery, linen storage, terrace and a staircase. The overall residential surface of the first floor is 131,49 m2, while the entire object has 434,92 m2 of overall residential surface. Cijena / Price: 500.000 € - 1.500.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 254 5962 155 Nekret nine Rab Na Rabu se prodaje jedinstvena novouređena vila na dvije etaže s ograđenom, kultiviranom okućnicom, u blizini stare gradske jezgre. Stambena površina vile iznosi cca 255 m², a površina okućnice cca 400 m². Vila ima predivan pogled na more od kojeg je udaljena samo 30 m, a unutrašnjost vile čini sedam spavaćih soba s kupaonicama i terasama. There is a unique newly built two-storey villa on sale in Rab, and it features a fenced cultivated courtyard. It is located near the old city centre, and it has a residential surface of about 255 m2, while the courtyard takes up about 400 m2. The villa offers a wonderful view of the sea that is just 30 metres away, while the villa’s interior consists of seven bedrooms with bathrooms and terraces. Cijena / Price: 450.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385(0)51 724 958 www.kontoimmobilia.hr 156 Nekret nine Rab U Banjolu, malenome mjestu na otoku Rabu, poznatom po čistom moru i prekrasnim pješčanim uvalama, prodaje se novoizgrađena urbana vila s bazenom, na mirnoj lokaciji i s prekrasnom panoramom. Unutrašnjost vile se sastoji od tri stana površine 94 m², 115 m² i 124 m², s uređenom okućnicom, koju odlikuje obilje mediteranskog bilja. In Banjol, which is a small town on the island of Rab known for its clean sea and wonderful sand beaches, we find a newly built urban villa on a peaceful location for sale, and it features a swimming pool and a stunning panorama. The villa’s interior consists of three apartments with surfaces of 94 m2, 115 m2 and 124 m2, while the courtyard is very maintained and filled with Mediterranean plants. Cijena / Price: 3000 €/m² Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385(0)51 724 958 www.kontoimmobilia.hr 157 Nekret nine Rudići Na građevinskom zemljištu površine 11.500 m2, u selu Rudićima, u općini Tinjan, 15-ak km od Poreča, u unutrašnjosti Istre, u pripremi je izgradnja 10 kuća u autohtonom istarskom stilu, površine od 125 do 170 m2 na formiranim parcelama od 700 do 1200 m2. Svaka kuća bit će opremljena protuprovalnim vratima, kaminom, satelitskom TV, bazenom, garažom te velikom terasom i zelenom okućnicom. Lokacijske dozvole su ishođene. On an 11.500 m2 construction parcel in the village of Rudići at Tinjan County, which is located about 15 km from Poreč at the very inside of Istria, 10 houses in autochthon Istrian style are about to be built, each taking up from 125 to 170 m2 on formed parcels that range from 700 to 1200 m2. Each house will feature anti-burglary doors, fireplace, satellite TV, swimming pool, garage, large terrace and a green courtyard. Location licences are approved. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquir y Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 486 0677, +385 (0)1 486 0114 * www.crozilla.com ID 36951 Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more 158 Nekret nine Sevid Prodaje se kuća u Sevidu, na potpunoj osami. Stambena površina iznosi 110 m2, a sama parcela ima 1000 m2. Kuća ima pristupni put, a ispred kuće su mul i prostor za izvlačenje broda na samu parcelu. Plaža je udaljena 100 m. Kuća koristi solarnu energiju. A house in Sevid is for sale, located in complete remoteness. Residential surface amounts to 110 m2, and the land lot itself is a surface of 1000 m2. The house has easy access, and there is a pier and area for placing a boat on the lot itself. The sea is distanced 100 m. The house uses solar energy. Cijena / Price: 700.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 898 0301 159 Nekret nine Predbilježite se za svoju budućnost! � � � �� � � � ���� ������������ ������������������������ ������������� � ������� �������� ��� ���������� ������� �� ����� ������� ����������� ������ �������� �������� ����� �� ����������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������� ����� ������� ��� ���� ��������� ������ ��� ���������� ������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������� �� ���������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������� 160 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Nekret nine Split Prodaju se luksuzni stanovi od 73 do čak 167 m² u urbanim vilama na Pazdigradu. Kvalitetan način života pruža udobnost, raskoš i slobodu življenja, a upravo to omogućavaju ovi stanovi, u kojima je posebna pažnja posvećena otvorenim prostorima. Prema projektu arhitekta Nene Kezića, stanari u prizemlju imaju vlastite vrtove, a na zadnjoj etaži će moći uživati u zelenilom oplemenjenim terasama s pogledom na splitski arhipelag. Stanovi će biti opremljeni najkvalitetnijom opremom poznatih svjetskih tvrtki za uređenje interijera: kaminima, bešumnim klima-uređajima, podnim grijanjem itd. Radovi su u tijeku, a useljenje je planirano za rujan 2008. godine. Luxurious apartments with sizes ranging from 73 to 167 m2 are on sale in urban villas at Pazdigrad. A quality life assumes comfort, panache and the freedom of life, and that is precisely what is provided by these apartments, which give special attention to outdoor spaces. According to architect Neno Kezić’s project, the ground-floor tenants will have their own gardens, while those at the top level will be able to enjoy terraces filled with greenery that overlook the Split Archipelago. Apartments will be furnished with top-quality equipment from world’s famous interior decoration companies: fireplaces, soundless air-conditioners, floor heating etc. The construction work is currently in process, while tenants are planned to move in during September of 2008. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 111 6522 161 Nekret nine Split Prodaje se peterosoban stan u središtu Splita, u predjelu Dobri, stambene površine 143 m2. Stan je luksuzno renoviran i novouređen, nalazi se na prvom katu stambene zgrade, orijentiran istok-zapad. Osim pet soba, ima i dvije kupaonice te mali istočni balkon površine 3 m². U blizini je veliko javno parkiralište. Stan je prikladan za stanovanje, uredski prostor ili turističko iznajmljivanje. A five-room apartment is on sale in the centre of Split. It takes up 143 m2 and is located on the first floor of a residential building in a neighbourhood called Dobri. The apartment features the east-west orientation and is luxuriously renovated and decorated. Besides those five bedrooms, it also features two bathrooms and a small 3 m2 balcony on the eastside. A large public parking lot is nearby. The apartment can be used for living purposes, as well as for office purposes or tourism renting. Cijena / Price: 460.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 111 6555 fotografije, skice, dimenzije, opisi i cijene * više od 9.000 proizvoda * planer rasporeda namještaja * prodajna mjesta Varaždin Koprivnica Virovitica Zagreb Ðakovo Umag Poreè Buzet Opatija Labin Žminj Rijeka Bakar Crikvenica Krk Osijek Požega Sl. Brod Pula Vinkovci ÐIRIMO MREÞU PARTNERA - PRODAJNIH MJESTA GDJE MOÞETE VIDJETI I KUPITI PRODAJNE PROGRAME PREDSTAVLJENE NA PORTALU ambient.hr www.ambient.hr NAMJEŠTAJ I BIJELA TEHNIKA ONLINE Zadar NAMJEŠTAJ Šibenik Split BIJELA TEHNIKA BIJELA TEHNIKA Makarska 1 . 162 Opuzen Dubrovnik ILES IDRIJA Nekret nine Split Prodaje se trosoban stan od 94 m u zgradi dvokatnici na predjelu Pazdigrad. Stan je orijentiran jug-sjever, a posjeduje i vrt od 120 m2, dvije garaže od 28 i 21 m2, vlastito centralno grijanje. Također, tu su i dva sanitarna čvora te lođa. 2 There is a three-room apartment on sale in a two-storey building in the Pazdigrad neighbourhood. The apartment takes up 94 m2, it has south-north orientation, and it also features a 120 m2 garden, two garages (28 and 21 m2) and its own central heating. It also features two sanitary junctions and a loggia. Cijena / Price: 430.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 360 544 164 Nekret nine Split Ova prekrasna obiteljska vila izgrađena je 2005., u blizini mora, u jednom od najljepših i najprestižnijih dijelova Splita, na Mejama. Obiteljska vila pravo je arhitektonsko remek-djelo, nalazi se na 1562 m2 zemljišta te ima oko 1000 m2 stambenog prostora, isto toliko uređene okućnice te čak dva bazena, zatvoreni i vanjski. Vila ima četiri spavaće sobe (svaka s kupaonicom), gostinsku sobu, zatvoreni bazen, jacuzzi, dvije garaže, vinski podrum i prostor od 140 m2 u podrumu za pripremanje velikih slavlja. Opremljena je najsuvremenijom tehnologijom (videonadzor, air-condition, grijanje, automatsko zatvaranje ulaznih i garažnih vrata...). Built in 2005, this marvellous villa is located near the sea at Meje, which is one of the most beautiful and prestigious parts of Split. The family villa is a true architectonic masterpiece; it is located on a 1562 m2 parcel, it features about 1000 m2 of residential surface, about the same amount of maintained courtyard and two swimming pools – indoors and outdoors. The villa features 4 bedrooms (each with its own bathroom), guestroom, indoor swimming pool, Jacuzzi, 2 garages, wine cellar and a 140 m2 room for big celebration occasions. It is equipped with most contemporary technological utensils (video supervision, air conditioning, heating, automatic closing of entrance and garage doors…). Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 932 4568 165 Nekret nine Trogir Prodaje se prekrasna vila na otoku Čiovu, u mjestu Okrugu Gornjem, nedavno potpuno obnovljena. Vila se sastoji od prizemlja i dva kata. U prizemlju ima 225 m2 stambenog prostora, 100 m2 terase, vrt, bazen te parking. Prvi kat ima 130 m2 stambenog prostora, 56 m2 terase, vrt i garažu, dok drugi kat ima 158 m2 stambenog prostora, 67 m2 terase i garažu. Sve terase i podovi popločani su granitom u raznim bojama i nijansama. Unutrašnjost je modernizirana, s podnim grijanjem koje koristi uljnu peć i solarnim grijanjem za toplu vodu na svim katovima; osim toga gornja dva kata su klimatizirana. A wonderful villa is on sale in Okrug Gornji on the island of Čiovo, and it has recently been completely renovated. The villa consists of the ground floor and two upper floors. The ground floor has 225 m2 of residential surface, 100 m2 of terrace surface, as well as a garden, swimming pool and parking. The first floor features 130 m2 of residential surface, 56 m2 of terrace surface, garden and garage, while the second floor takes up 158 m2 of residential surface, 67 m2 of terrace surface and a garage. All terraces and floors are paved in granite, which comes in different colours and shades. The interior is modernized with floor heating that uses an oil heater and with solar heating for hot water on all floors. The two upper floors have air conditioning. Cijena / Price: 1.650.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)22 213 506, +385 (0)91 754 4313 167 Nekret nine Trogir U Trogiru se prodaje hotel na zemljištu površine 19.000 m2, u prvom redu do mora. Objekti u sklopu hotela su 90 posto dovršeni i raspolažu površinom od 5400 m2 korisnog prostora. Sadrže 22 ekskluzivna apartmana, restoran, tavernu, wellness-centar, zatvoreni bazen, veliki otvoreni bazen, fitness, kongresnu dvoranu, koncertnu dvoranu, vinoteku, garaže, terase itd. Lokacijska dozvola postoji za gradnju još većeg objekta na istom zemljištu te male lučice ispred. There is a hotel for sale in Trogir, and it stands on a parcel that occupies 19.000 m2 right by the sea. The objects within the hotel are 90% finished and they feature 5400 m2 of useful space. There are 22 exclusive apartments, restaurant, tavern, wellness-centre, indoor swimming pool, big outdoor swimming pool, fitness, conference hall, concert hall, wine cellar, garages, terraces etc. A location license has been granted for the construction of an even bigger object on the same parcel, as well as a small port in front of it. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 231 911 168 Nekret nine Vinkuran Na samom jugu istarskog poluotoka nalazi se Aurora – novo luksuzno naselje u zelenoj oazi, samo 500-injak metara udaljeno od mora. Aurora obuhvaća tri stambena objekta s ukupno sedam dvosobnih i 10 jednosobnih luksuznih stanova, površine od 42 do 143 m2. Svaki stan ima spremište, garažno i parkirališno mjesto natkriveno ozelenjenim nadstrešnicama, a stanovi u prizemlju imaju i privatne ograđene vrtove površine od 20 do 80 m2. Panoramska dizala povezivat će sve etaže, podovi će biti obloženi bračkim kamenom, prvoklasnom talijanskom keramikom i egzotičnim parketom, a stanovima će upravljati inteligentni sustavi. Useljenje prvih stanara očekuje se krajem 2008. godine. At the very south of the Istrian Peninsula, we find Aurora – a new luxurious settlement located in a green oasis just 500 metres from the sea. Aurora encompasses three residential objects with the overall amount of seven two-bedroom and ten one-bedroom luxurious apartments, the sizes of which range from 42 to 143 m2. Each apartment has a storage room, garage spot and parking space below greenery-filled canopies, while ground-floor apartments also have private fenced gardens with surfaces from 20 to 80 m2. Panoramic elevators will connect all storeys, the floors will be covered in Brač stone, first-class Italian ceramics and exotic parquets, while all apartments will be managed by intelligent systems. The first tenants are expected to move in near the end of 2008. Cijena / Price: 150.000 € - 450.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 619 356, +385 (0)98 758 504 169 Nekret nine Vinjerac Prodaje se prekrasna starinska kamena kuća u Vinjercu, pokraj Zadra, prvi red do mora. Vinjerac je pitoreskno ribarsko mjesto okruženo parkovima prirode, u blizini Masleničkog mosta i ulaza na autocestu Split-Zagreb, s prekrasnim pogledom na Velebit. Vinjerac je savršeno mjesto za potpuni odmor i bijeg od svakodnevice, te nema razvijen turizam. Kuća se sastoji od tri etaže od kojih svaka ima kuhinju s blagavaonicom te prostrani dnevni boravak, kupaonicu i toalet, a okružena je pitomom okućnicom. There is a wonderful archaic stone house for sale in Vinjerac, which is a small town near Zadar, and it is located first in line to the sea. Vinjerac is a picturesque fishermen town surrounded by natural parks, and it is near Maslenica Bridge and the entrance to the Split-Zagreb Highway, featuring a stunning view over the neighbouring mountain Velebit. Vinjerac is a perfect place for those that are looking for a complete vacation and a getaway from the everyday life, as its tourism is still pretty undeveloped. The house consists of three storeys, each of which has a kitchen with a dining room, a spacious living room, bathroom and toilet, while being surrounded by a lovely courtyard. Cijena / Price: 220.000 € Kontakt telefon: +385 (0)21 314 037, +385 (0)91 932 4568 170 Nekret nine Zagreb Naselje od 11 urbanih vila uz ulicu Sveti Duh potvrđuje da je moguće uživati u svim dobrobitima grada, a istodobno živjeti u mirnom i poticajnom stambenom okružju. Moderna arhitektura naselja u zelenoj oazi ponad grada omogućuje visoku kulturu stanovanja i pogled na metropolu. Naselje odlikuje najviša kvaliteta gradnje i ugrađenih elemenata: dizala u svim zgradama, dva parkinga za svaki stan, centralno etažno grijanje, egzotični parketi, klima, brisole, kabelska TV, internet, protuprovalna vrata... Veličine stanova su od 50 do 140 m². A settlement that consists of 11 urban villas along the Sveti Duh Street confirms that it is possible to enjoy all the advantages of a city while still living in a peaceful and encouraging residential environment. The settlement’s modern architecture in a green oasis above the city provides a high culture of life and a view over our capital. The settlement is characterized by highest quality of construction and built-in elements: elevators in all buildings, two parking spaces for each apartment, central storey heating, exotic parquets, air conditioning, cable TV, Internet, anti-burglary doors… The apartment sizes range from 50 to 140 m2. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)800 345 346 * www.crozilla.com ID 39032 Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more 171 Nekret nine Zagreb U Zagrebu, u podsljemenskoj zoni, na brežuljcima Markuševca, prodaje se četverosobni stan. Stan je dio urbane vile u sklopu elitnog naselja, ukupna mu je stambena površina 142,36 m2, a sastoji se od tri spavaće sobe, dnevnog boravka, kuhinje, blagovaonice, dviju kupaonica, toaleta i lođe. Vlasniku će pripasti i garaža te dva parkirališna mjesta. In the sub-Sljeme zone of Zagreb, on the hills of Markuševac, we find a four-room apartment for sale. The apartment is a part of an urban villa within an elite settlement. Its overall residential surface is 142,36 m2, and it consists of three bedrooms, living room, kitchen, dining room, two bathrooms, toilet and loggia. The owner also receives a garage and two parking spaces. Cijena / Price: 320.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 232 603 173 ��������������������������� Nekret nine ����������������������� ����������������������������� �������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������ ��������� ���������� ����� ��� ������� ��� ������ ����� �� ������������ ������� ��� �� ����������������������������������������� �������������������������� ������������������������������������������ ���� ����������� ��� ��� ������ ������� ��������� ��������� ��� ������� �������� �� �������� ����������������������������������������� ��� ������ �� ���������� �� ������ �������� ������ ������ ����� ���� ������� ������������ ������ ����� ��� ������������ ����������� ��������������������� ���������������������� ����������������������� ������ ����� ������������ ��� ������ ������ ��� ��� ����������� �������� ����� ��� ����������� ������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ����������� �������� ��� ���������� �� ������������ ����������� ������ ������� �� ������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������� ����� ��� ���� ������������� ����� �������� ����� ��� ��� ��� ������� �������� ��������� ����������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ��������� ���� ���������� ����� ������ ��������������������������������������� ���� ������ ���� ���� ���� �������� �������� ������ ������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ������������������������������������� ����������������� ����������������������� ���������������������� ����������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ������������������ 174 ����������������������� ���������������������������������� ���������������������� ������������������� �������������������� Nekret nine Zagreb, Dugo Selo Prodaje se obiteljska kuća ukupne stambene površine 200 m2, u središtu Dugog Sela, pokraj Zagreba. Kuća, inače djelo poznatog arhitekta Kažimira Ostrogovića, potpuno je renovirana. Posjeduje centralno plinsko grijanje, četiri spavaće sobe i dnevni boravak, tri kupaonice, dvije kuhinje, blagovaonicu te dvije garaže i poseban stan od 60 m2 iznad garaža. Okućnica od 650 m2 je lijepo uređena. There is a family home with the overall residential surface of 200 m2 for sale in the centre of Dugo Selo, which is near Zagreb. The house, which was designed by famous architect Kažimir Ostrogivić, has been completely renovated. It features central gas heating, four bedrooms, living room, three bathrooms, two kitchens, dining room, two garages and separated 60 m2 apartment above the garages. The 650 m2 courtyard is nicely maintained. Cijena / Price: 295.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 812 515, +385 (0)91 730 4379 175 Nekret nine Zagreb - Ekskluzivni stanovi u podsljemenskoj zoni - Šestine Zagreb - Exclusive apartments in Šestine - at the foot of Sljeme zone ����������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ �������������������������������������������������� ������������������� ���������������������� ������������������������ �� ������������������������������ �� �������������������� ����������������������������� �� ��������������������������������� ��� ����������������������� ����������� 176 �������� Nekret nine Zagreb - Ekskluzivni stanovi u podsljemenskoj zoni - Šestine Zagreb - Exclusive apartments in Šestine - at the foot of Sljeme zone � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� ��������������� ���������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 177
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