- DalCasa


- DalCasa
ISSN 1845-2086
ory word
Vrhunski dizajn je zavladao svijetom. Nove generacije odgajaju se u duhu lijepoga i krug poznavatelja i ljubitelja dobrog dizajna je iz dana u dan sve veći, a s njim i zahtjevi postavljeni proizvođačima.
Lijep i funkcionalan proizvod često nije dovoljan za uspjeh, bitno je ono “nešto” što će ga izdvojiti
iz mase, te korisniku učiniti neodoljivim... ime poznatog dizajnera. Prvi su to prepoznali proizvođači
proizvoda za široku uporabu, pozivajući relativno mlade, no sve inventivnije dizajnere da njihovim
kolekcijama udahnu “dodanu vrijednost”, koja će se ogledati ne samo kroz jedinstven izgled nego i
kroz marketinški potencijal. Dizajnersko je ime na proizvodu danas visokovrijedan alat u oglašavanju,
stvaranju dodatnog “hypea” oko proizvoda, kreiranju cijene i, konačno, prodaji.
Donosimo vam presjek imena i radova dizajnera koji vladaju svjetskom dizajnerskom scenom i uživaju status pravih zvijezda. Philippe Starck, Karim Rashid, Jasper Morrison, Ora-Ito... samo su neka od
imena čije proizvode želimo i kojima se divimo.
Dobrog dizajna i poznatih imena nije nedostajalo na izložbi “Skandinavski dizajn: više od mita”, koja
je otvorena u Muzeju za umjetnost i obrt. Neočekivano dubok uvid u samu filozofiju skandinavske
dizajnerske misli oduševio je posjetitelje.
Također, donosimo vam izvješće s Ambiente, međunarodnog sajma namještaja, unutarnjeg uređenja i prateće industrije, koja se tradicionalno svake godine održava na Zagrebačkom velesajmu.
Savjete kako pametno urediti dječju sobu i kupaonicu, potražite u našoj rubrici Interijeri, a u Dekoracijama ćete pronaći mnoštvo zanimljivih predmeta koji će razveseliti svakog korisnika.
Šaljite nam svoje prijedloge i čitajte nas i dalje.
Top design rules the world. New generations are being raised in the spirit of the beautiful, which makes
the circle of connoisseurs and lovers of good design bigger and bigger every day, and that results in
the increase of demands that lie ahead of manufacturers. A lovely and functional product is often
not enough to succeed, as it now takes that little “something” that separates it from the mass and
makes it irresistible to the user… like a name of a famous designer. The first people to recognize that
were manufacturers of widely used products, as they invited relatively young and increasingly inventive designers to bring the touch of “extra-value” to their collections, which would result not only in
their unique look, but also in their marketing potential. A designer’s name on a product is now a
highly valuable marketing tool in advertising, creating that added hype around the product,
creating the price and, finally, completing the sale.
We bring you a summary of the names and projects of designers who rule the world designer
scene and enjoy a status of true celebrities. Philippe Starck, Karim Rashid, Jasper Morrison,
Ora-Ito… are just some of the names whose products we want and who we admire.
Good design and famous names weren’t absent from the exhibit “Scandinavian Design:
More than a Myth”, which was opened in the Museum of Arts and Crafts. An unexpectedly deep insight into the very philosophy of Scandinavian designer thought has thrilled
all the visitors.
We also bring you a report from Ambienta, the International Fair of Furniture, Interior Decoration and Supporting Industry, which traditionally takes place at the Zagreb Fair every year. You
can find advice on how to intelligently decorate a children’s bedroom and your bathroom in
our “Interiors” section, while “Decorations” feature many fascinating objects that will cheer up
any user.
Keep sending us your suggestions and keep reading.
Celebrityji svjetskoga dizajna / The Celebrities of
World Design
Robert Sever: Klasièar u duši / A Lover
of Classics in His Soul
Poruke sa sjevera / Messages from the North
Splitski “Joker“ ne srami se svijeta / “Joker” from
Split Isn’t Ashamed Facing the World
Ambienta oduševila i ove godine / Another Triumphant Year for Ambienta
NP Plitvièka jezera - nezaboravna šetnja uz šum vodopada / NP Plitvice Lakes - An Unforgettable Stroll
Along the Sound of Waterfalls
Od predjela do clubbinga / From Appetizers to
Zlatan Vehaboviæ: Slikar iz nekog “novog filma” /
A Painter from “A Brand New Film”
Gotièka rapsodija u Maastrichtu / Gothic Rhapsody
in Maastricht
Dizajn kao stil života / Design as a Lifestyle
Kupaonice - funkcionalnost na prvom mjestu / Bathrooms - Functionality Comes First
Djeèje sobe - ureðujte zajedno! / Children’s Bedrooms Decorate Together!
Tronožna stolica iz danske radionice / The ThreeLegged Chair from the Danish Workshop
Dom u slikama / A Home Filled with Images
Tema broja
Marcel Wanders za Bisazzu / Marcel Wanders for Bisazza
Za interijer hotela Lute Suites u Nizozemskoj zaslužan je
Marcel Wanders / For interior of the Lute Suites in Netherlands is responsible Marcel Wanders
Celebrityji svjetskoga
Dizajnersko je ime na proizvodu visokovrijedan alat u oglašavanju, stvaranju dodatnog “hypea” oko proizvoda i prodaji. To je igra u kojoj nema gubitnika – proizvođači
dobivaju reputaciju elitnih, kupci dobivaju estetski trofej, a dizajneri slavu i širenje
baze obožavatelja
Napisala: Hela Biliæ
“Ho a “Hor
lam e” diza
p de
sign irana za
ed f
or M Mooo
Lampa Zeppelin za Flos /
Zeppelin lamp for Flos
enomen nije
od jučer: još
sredinom prošloga stoljeća
velika dizajnerska
imena, najpoznatija po oblikovanju
namještaja, ponekad su
posezala za igrom s nekim
drugim predmetima svakodnevne uporabe i davala
legitimitet i dodanu vrijednost
njihovim proizvođačima. Puno
su češće nego danas te igre
ostajale iznimka, i nisu se pretvarale u velike komercijalne
uspjehe. No, povijest dizajna je
u međuvremenu od njih učinila kultne komade, a njihovi autori su postali velikani i
uzor budućim generacijama.
Tako je, primjerice, bračni par
Charles i Ray Eames zaslužan
i za kreiranje dječjih igračaka,
dok je Arne Jacobsen, među
ostalim, oblikovao zvučnike, ali
i nakit za cijenjenu dansku kuću
Georg Jensen.
Pedesetak godina poslije jednu
od novih kolekcija nakita Georg
Jensen potpisuje Karim Rashid,
jedan od najproduktivnijih dizajnera današnjice. Okolnosti tržišta u pola
Marcel Wanders
stoljeća uvelike su se promijenile: dostupnost informacije
kroz masovne medije neusporedivo je veća, nove generacije se odgajaju u duhu lijepoga, krug poznavatelja i
ljubitelja dobroga dizajna, bez obzira na formalno obrazovanje ili profesionalno nagnuće, širi se geometrijskom
progresijom. Estetika i lijepo postali su obvezni pratilac
svakodnevice – posuda za šećer nije više samo predmet
za kojim ćete posegnuti kad pijete kavu, nego (po mogućnosti) i predmet divljenja, ili barem radosti u svakodnevnoj rutini. Jedinstveno oblikovan ručni sat više će
reći o svome vlasniku nego marka automobila koju vozi,
a kozmetički proizvodi kupuju se sve više zbog svojih neodoljivih pakiranja, a sve manje zbog (manje-više sličnog)
sadržaja. Vrhunski je dizajn, jednostavno, zavladao svijetom. Prvi su to prepoznali proizvođači proizvoda za široku
uporabu, pozivajući relativno mlade, no sve inventivnije dizajnere da njihovim kolekcijama udahnu “dodanu
vrijednost” koja će se ogledati ne samo kroz jedinstven
izgled nego i kroz marketinški potencijal. Dizajnersko je
ime na proizvodu danas visokovrijedan
alat u oglašavanju, stvaranju dodatnog
“hypea” oko proizvoda, kreiranju cijene
i konačno, prodaji.
To je igra u kojoj nema gubitnika – proizvođači dobivaju reputaciju
“elitnih” i ostvaruju odličan
profit unatoč visokim honorarima za rad
vrhunskih dizajnera, kupci dobivaju estetski trofej,
predmet s kojim
Trgovina Mandarina Duck koju je dizajnirao Wanders /
Mabdarina Duck store designed by Wanders
Wanders za Bisazzu / Wanders for Bisazza
ostvariti emocionalan odnos (a za njega marketinški
gurui ionako kažu da je najvažniji element u psihologiji prodaje), a dizajneri slavu i širenje baze obožavatelja.
Upravo na tom novom valu stasala je cijela generacija
vrhunskih dizajnera rođenih od sredine pedesetih godina
naovamo. Oni su, osim neospornog talenta i ingenioznosti, imali sreću stvarati u tako produktivnim vremenima
koja više nego ikada prepoznaju dizajn, a istodobno su
orijentirana na potrošnju više nego ikada: stvari se danas
ne kupuju da bi trajale nego da bi nas uveseljavale dok
nam – ne dosade.
Upravo je te kvalitete vremena prepoznao Karim Rashid.
Po vlastitim riječima, on koristi dizajn kako bi kroz njega
kao medij progovorio o duhu digitalnoga doba i nitko
mu ne može poreći da je duh vremena savršeno zarobio
u svojim zaigranim modelima, neopterećenima teškim
atributima poput “svevremenosti” ili “vječnosti”.
elemenata, poput početaka acid housea iz osamdesetih (i sam je bio DJ u mladosti). Nije stoga ni čudno da
je Rashid prvi izbor mnogih tvrtki koje žele udahnuti nov
život svojim proizvodima. Kao i većina njegovih kolega,
Rashid najčešće radi za industriju interijera, odnosno namještaja, a njegove su neodoljive svjetiljke za Flos, Artemide ili Foscarini postale predmetom obožavanja. No,
jednako se dobro snalazi dizajnirajući kutijice za parfeme Kenzo, Davidoff ili Issey Miyake, kreme YSL, satove za
Alessi ili mp3 playere za Sony... Iza njega su i modni uspjesi, poput kolekcije Hypermix za kuću Pia Myrvold, izradio
je seriju majica za Lacoste, modele sunčanih naočala za
švedskog proizvođača Sceye, obuću talijanskog proizvođača Fessura... Svestrani Egipćanin nastanjen u Kanadi,
koji je zanat učio u Milanu kod Gaetana Pescea i Ettorea
Sottsassa, jedan je od najuspješnijih u biznisu. Dovoljno je
pogledati nevjerojatno dugu listu njegovih klijenata.
Guru kozmetičke industrije
– Za mene ne postoji granica između “visokog” i “niskog”
dizajna; u dizajnu vidim samo zbroj elemenata koji je zajednički ljepši od samih dijelova – objasnit će ovaj luckasti guru, čija fluidna
estetika i korištenje umjetnih
vuku korijene
iz nekih
Wandersova piknik kolekcija
Čini se da je upravo Rashid utjelovljenje “poučka” Marcela Wandersa, još jednog velikana srednje generacije
dizajnera, koji kaže: – Dizajneri zapravo ne znaju ništa. Oni
se najprije moraju naučiti slušati da bi mogli nešto postići.
Zato mnogi dizajneri koji vide svoj rad kao “umjetnički”,
nikada ne uspiju, unatoč talentu. Njihov akademski pristup ne zanima nikoga osim njih samih i možda pokojeg
Sofa Jasper Marcela Wandersa za Moooi / Marcel Wanders sofa Jasper for Moooi
Ambalaža za OAO / Packing for OAO
Tema broja
Starckov Wedge Too, 2000. / Wedge Too,
2000 by Starck
Starck za Samsonite /
Starck for Samsonite
drugog dizajnera. Dobar
dizajner mora doprijeti do
mnogih ljudi.
Nizozemac Wanders, suvlasnik slavnog Moooija i
suosnivač studija Droog,
prošlogodišnji dobitnik Elle
Dekorova priznanja “Dizajner godine” i vlasnik niza
velikih međunarodnih nagrada, bez sumnje je pronašao dobitnu formulu za
dodir s “mnogima”. U samo
desetak godina, od nastanka njegove “Knotted
Chair” do danas, postao
je jedan od rodonačelnika
struke, a nakon dokazivanja u “užoj” profesiji kroz
rad za najpoznatije tvrtke,
kao što su Moroso, Flos,
B&B ili Kartell, počeo je
istraživati i neke nove oblike. Možda je najbizarniji
njegov rad na dizajniranju
testa za trudnoću jednog
nizozemskog proizvođača, ali
Wanders je napravio puno i
za Bisazzu kreirajući mozaike
i uzorke pločica, tvrtku HE za
koju je dizajnirao cijelu seriju
elektroničkih uređaja, dok
mu je Mandarina Duck
poklonila povjerenje ne
samo u dizajnu torbi nego
i uređenju njihove london-
ske trgovine. A
kako proizvođači sportske opreme također sve češće
posežu za uslugama slavnih dizajnera,
Marcel Wanders svoj je doprinos dao
Pumi. Rezultat je začudna piknik-kolekcija s cvjetnim
uzorkom koja uključuje sve – od šatora do kovčežića i lopti, za luksuz na livadi. To je zaigrana Wandersova strana.
Ona druga, ozbiljna, potpisuje neke od najodmjerenijih
djela, čistih linija, poput Container Tablea.
Palača Philippe Starck
S Puminim brandom poigrao se i najveći od najvećih
– Philippe Starck. Bez formalnog obrazovanja, Starck je
počeo svoju “subverzivnu” dizajnersku igru u sedamdesetima, dizajnirajući dva noćna kluba u Parizu. Samo koju
godinu poslije, tadašnji predsjednik Francuske Francois
Mitterand angažirao ga je da uredi njegov privatni “kutak” u predsjedničkoj Elizejskoj palači. No, bez obzira na
to je li njegov klijent predsjednik države ili otkačeni vlasnik diskoteke, Starck se uvijek jednako odnosio prema
svojem radu, kao prema igri iz koje je uvijek izlazilo novo
djelo, puno paradoksa i izazova. On je, sa svojom širinom
i pristupom, svojevrsni “duhovni otac” današnjeg svijeta
dizajna dostupnog i prepoznatljivog svima. Čak i potpuni
analfabeti znaju za njega, ili za njegov paučasti Juicy Salif za Alessi, ili za barem jedan od slavnih predmeta koje je
u svojih trideset godina karijere napravio. A lepeza je zaista široka: Starck potpisuje naočale Alain Mikli, tjesteninu
Panzani, ambalažu za maslinovo ulje Sea Colli, aktovke
Louis Vuitton, Samsoniteove kufere, umivaonike Duravit,
odjeću za Wolford, skutere Aprilia, ali i megajahte. Slično
kao Rashid, i Starck se kune u svoj duh proletera: – Pomalo se osjećam kao Robin Hood. Dizajniram jahtu od
300 milijuna dolara, a nakon toga kreiram dječju bočicu
Braća Bouroullec u svojemu uredu / Bouroullec brothers in their office
Primjećujete li razlike u percepciji vrhunskoga dizajna u
posljednjih desetak godina? Postaje li šire tržište brže svjesno vrijednosti dizajna, i ako je tako, koji su razlozi za ovu
- “Medijatizacija” dizajna se povećava. Sve više ljudi je zainteresirano. Ovaj trend završava u stvaranju zvijezda od
aktera na terenu. Dizajneri su prisutniji u medijima, a tome
je uzrok i generalni marketing koji se vrti oko dizajna i koji
ga percipira kao alat za proširenje tržišta. Ljudi iz marketinga poklanjaju veću pažnju objektima i pričaju priču o
njima. Zbog toga raste komunikacija dizajna. No, nismo
sigurni da je masovno tržište doista dodirnuto ovom evolucijom, koja u konačnici zanima ipak uži krug ljudi.
Mislite li da je danas dizajnersko ime jedan od ključnih faktora u uspjehu proizvoda?
- Ime je bitno za ranu komunikaciju. No, kad je projekt potpisan od poznatog imena loš, to ostaje loš projekt. Čak i
kada pronađe mjesto na tržištu na kraći rok, nema šanse
potrajati. Ljudi ga prestaju kupovati vrlo brzo. Ako vidite
novi projekt dizajnera koji vam se sviđa, možete imati pozitivnu predrasudu prema njemu, no zbog puno očekivanja
možete se i lako razočarati. Ime definitivno nije dovoljno.
Po kojim kriterijima odabirete na kojim ćete projektima
raditi (osim novca, naravno)? Kakvu inspiraciju tražite?
Volite li raznolikost u odabiru projekata?
- Želja je najvažnija. Novac nam nikada nije bio motivacija. Pokušavamo raditi projekte koji nam se sviđaju i sretni
smo što danas možemo birati.
koja će stajati dva dolara. Radim za bogate koji mogu
financirati moja istraživanja, a onda rezultate tih istraživanja primijenim na stvarima koje su namijenjene svima.
Želim učiniti svijet malo boljim za moje pleme – izgovara
“vječno dijete” u Starcku.
Morrisonov tramvaj
Elegantan i odmjeren u svojim kreacijama, engleski dizajner Jasper Morrison stekao je nedodirljiv status među
poznavateljima, ali nije se uzdigao do široko obožavane
“zvijezde” poput Marca Newsona ili Rashida. Umjesto
dizajna koji “viče”, Morrison je ljubitelj praktičnih i svevremenih formi (za sebe tvrdi da je dizajner koncepta,
a ne objekta) i po tome je istaknuta pojava u svojoj generaciji. Lansirala ga je Vitra, a prepoznali mnogi, pa je
nastavio surađujući s Cappellinijem, Alessijem i mnogim
drugim poznatim tvrtkama. No, i njegova je karijera obilježena pokojom eskapadom: tako ga je grad Hannover
angažirao za dizajn novoga gradskog tramvaja, a Samsung je nedavno predstavio model mobilnog telefona i
hladnjak s potpisom Jaspera Morrisona. Očito inspiriran
električnim uređajima, Morrison je svojedobno dizajnirao
i printer za Olivetti te cijelu kolekciju kućanskih uređaja
marke Rowenta.
Od cjedila do aviona
Unutrašnjost zrakoplova Falcon, putne torbe Samsonite,
tenisice Nike, Tefalova tava, fen Vidal Sassoon, posuda za led Dom Perignon, bicikl
Biomega, sunčane naočale Arpege Lanvin,
restorani, diskografska studija... Mali je dio
dugog popisa kreacija Marca Newsona,
australskoga genija i jednoga od najutjecajnijih ljudi današnjeg dizajna, koji se
školovao za skulptora i draguljara. Prve
Newsonove ideje u dizajnu namještaja prepoznali su Japanci iz tvrtke Idée
proizvevši njegov Black Hole Table, Orgone Lounge i druge radove. Od 1991.
u svom studiju u Parizu radi za Flos,
Cappellini i Moroso, no tek šest godina
kasnije otvara veliki studio u Londonu u
kojemu se potpuno posvećuje radu na
predmetima svakodnevne uporabe, što
ga je, tvrdi, oduvijek najviše i zanimalo.
Neka od njegovih najzapaženijih djela su
“obična” kućanska pomagala, nastala
za Alessi, Magis i Iittalu, a istodobno ga
veseli “čisti inženjering” kakav je dizajniranje aviosjedala. Prema vlastitim riječima,
samo 70 posto njegovih radova ugleda
svjetlost dana, a ostalo se kao loše odbacuje. Očito, neproduktivnost nije među Newsonovim problemima...
Ora-Itov duh tisućljeća
Ora-Ito je odigrao pravu igru s današnjim
vremenom: kao dijete digitalne
ere (rođen 1977.) shvatio je, u
zagušenju masovnim medijima, da je granica između
stvarnosti i mašte sve tanja i
nevidljivija i da se dobra lažna priča može prodati puno
bolje od loše istinite. Njegova
se priča sastojala u lažnom predstavljanju kao art direktora nekih od najjačih svjetskih brandova, u lansiranju lažnih
medijskih kampanja koje je plaćao sam
umjesto svojih slavnih “klijenata”. Ora-Ito je upotrijebio postulate industrije za svoje (ne)časne ciljeve. A kako
je imao i neosporan talent, Louis Vuitton i mnogi s čijim se
imenima poigrao nisu se naljutili i tužili ga, nego ga pozvali da svoje ideje pretvori u nešto stvarno. Rijetko je viđen
strelovitiji uspon u svijetu dizajna: današnji tridesetogodišnjak ima više posla negoli ga stiže napraviti, a dosad je,
među ostalim, kreirao jubilarnu bocu Heinekena, Swatchov sat, reklamne doze za vodu Perrier, Toyotin futuristički prodajni salon, Adidasov parfem, mobitel francuskog
proizvođača Sagema i cijelu seriju futurističkih kućanskih
uređaja za Gorenje koja je nedavno predstavljena. No,
možda je jedan od najzanimljivijih njegovih radova za
LG: tzv. home network prikazuje kućanstvo u potpunosti
opremljeno LG-jevim uređajima, no s tlocrtom koji vjerno
prikazuje logotip korejskoga proizvođača. Duh novog tisućljeća u dizajnu možda se doista najbolje čita u kreativnim postupcima ovog francuskog “enfant terriblea”...
Na koncu, ima i pravovjernih dizajnerskih zvijezda koje
nisu puno “šarale” po “banalnijim” oblicima dizajna.
Takva je, primjerice, proslavljena Španjolka (baskijskog
podrijetla) Patricia Urquiola, Morosova muza koja se,
osim dizajna interijera i dijelom arhitekture, rijetko upušta
u avanture. Njezin inteligentni, intimni i emocionalni dizajn je pod jakim utjecajem Talijana Achilea Castiglionea i Vica Magistretta, a garniture za sjedenje s njezinim
potpisom postale su predmet želje svih znalaca dobrog
Braća Ronan i Erwan Bouroullec, koju većina
njihovih suvremenika spominje kao “svježu krv” svjetskog dizajna, također su se
odlučila za čišći pristup i odabir rada
u industriji interijera. Tome je sigurno
Braća Bouroullec za Cappellini /
Bouroullec brothers
for Cappellini
Cappellini koji
ih je “posvojio”
još u devedesetima.
Cappellini, Vitra,
Kartell, Magis, Ligne Rossett, Issey Miyake...
mali su dio popisa njihovih
U ovu grupu uvjetno se može svrstati i Nijemac balkanskog(?) podrijetla Konstantin Grcic, koji se od ranih devedesetih afirmirao kroz rad na namještaju, objektima i
rasvjeti za Driade, Flos, Cappellini,
Iittalu... No, i njega sve češće “svrbe prsti”, pa je posljednjih godina potpisao
i dizajn za Krupsov toster,
Rosenthalovo posuđe,
kemijske olovke Lamy
ili mikrovalnu pećnicu Whirlpool.
A hoće li mikrovalna
pećnica, predmet s
kojim se svako jutro susrećete sneni i nervozni,
biti samo “mikrovalna” ili
element radosti u vašem životu, hoće li imati potpis
Grcica, Morrisona ili
anonimnog industrijskog
dizajnera iz pogona tvrtke,
na vama je. Sretna je
okolnost što to sada
možemo odabrati.
Ora-Ito kuhinja za Gorenje / Ora-Ito kitchen for Gorenje
Cover st
Karim Rashid dizajnirao je hotel Semiramis u Ateni /
Karim Rashid designed Semiramis hotel in Athens
The Celebrities of
World Design
A designer’s name on a product is a highly valuable marketing
tool that creates that extra-hype around the product as it is being sold. It is a game where there are no losers – manufacturers
receive an elite reputation, buyers receive an aesthetical trophy,
while the designers receive fame and an expansion of their fan
Written by: Hela Biliæ
his phenomenon didn’t
happen over
night: back in
the middle of the last century, famous designer
names, which were most renowned for designing
furniture, would sometimes start playing with some other
objects of everyday usage and give legitimacy and extra-value to their manufacturers. Those games would remain an exception a lot more often than today, when
they’re mostly turned into large commercial success
stories. However, the history of design has turned them
into cult pieces in the meantime, while their authors have
become famous designers and role models for future
generations. As an example, married couple Charles
and Ray Eames deserve credit for creating children’s
toys and Arne Jacobsen, among other things, designed
loudspeakers, but also jewellery for the respected Danish
house Georg Jensen.
About fifty years later, one of the new Georg Jensen jewellery collections is signed by Karim Rashid, one of the
most productive designers of our time. The situation on the
market has completely changed over the last fifty years:
the accessibility of information through the mass media
is so much bigger, new generations are being raised in
the culture of the beautiful, and the circle of connoisseurs
and admirers of good design has expanded with geometrical progression, regardless of their formal education of professional occupation. Aesthetics and the term
“beautiful” have become mandatory companions of our
every-day life – a sugar dish is no longer just an object
that you use when you drink coffee, but it’s rather also (if
possible) an object of admiration, or at least something
you’re happy about in your every-day routine. A uniquely shaped wristwatch will
speak louder about
its owner that the car
brand that
he’s driving, and
are increasingly
bought for their
packaging, and not
(more or less similar) substance. Top-notch
design, simply put, rules the world. The first people to recognize it were manufacturers of wide-usage products,
as they invited young and increasingly inventive designers to bring some “extra-value” to their collections, as
that would result not only in a unique look, but also in
improved marketing potential. A designer’s name on a
product is a highly valuable marketing tool that creates
that extra-hype around the product, which helps when
the product’s price is created and when it is sold.
It is a game where there are no losers – manufacturers
receive an elite reputation and achieve excellent profit
despite paying some high fees to top designers, buyers
receive an aesthetical trophy and an object with which
they can develop an emotional relationship (and according to marketing gurus, that’s the most important
element of sales psychology), while designers receive
fame and an expansion of their fan base. It’s precisely
that new wave that has resulted in a whole new generation of top designers that were born from the 1950s onwards. Besides their undisputable talent and
ingenious ability, they also had the good
fortune to create in such productive times
Tepih Postdizajn / Postdesign carpet
Rashid je dizajnirao i sunčane naočale za tvrtku Sceye
/ Rashid has designed
sunglasses for Sceye
Jasper Morrison
Cover st
Jasper Morrisonov tramvaj / Jasper
Morrison’s tram
that recognize design
more than ever before, while also being
towards consumption:
these days, things aren’t
bought so they could
last, but rather so they
could make us happy
until we - get bored with
Those precise qualities
of our time were recognized by Karim Rashid.
According to his own
words, he uses design
as a medium in order to
speak about the spirit
of the digital age, and
no one can deny that
he perfectly captured
the spirit of our time
in his playful models,
which are uninhibited
by heavy attributes like
“timelessness” or “eternity”.
The Guru of the Cosmetic Industry
- For me,
there is no such thing as a limit between
“high” and “low” design; I only recognize
design as a sum of elements that looks
better than the parts themselves – this wacky
guru explains,
and his fluid aesthetics and usage
of artificial materials draw recognizable roots from
some subculture
elements, such as the early days of
acid-house from the eighties (he
was a DJ in his youth). Therefore, it’s
hardly a surprise to see Rashid as
a first choice of many companies
that want to give a new breath of
life to their products. Like most of
his colleagues, Rashid predominantly works in the interior and
furniture industry, and he created
irresistible lamps for Flos, Artemide
and Foscarini, which have become
objects of adoration. However, he
is just as good when it comes to
designing little boxes for perfumes
Kenzo, Davidoff or Issey Miyake or
creams YSL, as well as wristwatches
for Alessi or mp3 players for Sony…
He has some fashion success in
his resume as well, such as the Hypermix collection for house Pia Myrvold; he also created a series
of t-shirts for Lacoste, sunglasses models for Swedish manufacturer Sceye,
footwear for Italian manufacturer Fessuro… This versatile Egyptian lives in
Canada, and he
learned his trade
in Milan with Gaetano Pesce and
Ettorre Sottsasso,
which resulted in
him being one
of the most successful people in
the business. All it
takes is glancing
at his incredibly
long list of clients.
Do you notice any differences in how top design has been perceived over
the last ten years? Is the widening market becoming more aware of the
value of design, and if so, which are the reasons for that tendency?
- The media influence on design keeps getting bigger. An increasing
number of people are interested. This trend results in creating stars out of
ones that take part in the game. Designers are becoming more present
in the media, and that is also caused by general marketing that revolves
around design and that perceives it as a tool for market expansion. The
marketing people are paying more attention to objects and are telling a
story about them. That’s what makes communication of design bigger.
However, we’re not sure that the mass-market is truly influenced by this evolution, which eventually finds it place only to a smaller circle of people.
Do you think that a designer’s name is one of the key elements in the success of the product?
- A name is important in terms of early communication. However, if the
product that was created by a famous designer is bad, nothing will change
that. Even if it finds its place on the market in the short term, there’s no
chance it will stay there. People will simply stop buying it very quickly. If
you see a new product by a designer you really like, you may have some
positive prejudices towards it, but you can also easily be disappointed due
to all those expectations. The name is definitely not enough.
Which are your criteria on choosing your projects (besides money, of
course)? What kind of inspiration are you looking for? Do you prefer diversity when choosing your projects?
- It’s all about the desire. Money was never a source of our motivation.
We’re trying to work on projects we like and we’re happy to be in a position where we can choose.
Wanders’s Picnic-Collection
It appears that precisely Rashid is pure embodiment of
a thesis by Marcel Wanders, who is another one of the
great mid-generation designers, as he says: - Designers
don’t really know anything. They first need to learn about
listening in order to achieve something. That’s why many
designers who see their work as something “artsy” never
make it, despite all their talent. Their academic approach
is of no interest to anybody but themselves, and maybe
a few other designers. A good designer has to be able to
reach many people.
Dutch designer Wanders, co-owner of the famous Mooi
and co-founder of the Droog Studio, as well as last year’s
winner of Elle Dekor’s “Designer of the Year” award and
owner of numerous big international recognitions, has
undoubtedly found the winning formula to “reach many
people”. In just about ten year since the creation of his
“Knotted Chair” until today, he has become one of the
leaders of the trade, and after proving himself in a more
“narrow” field by working for some of the most renowned
companies like Moroso, Flos, B&B or Kartell, he started exploring some different shapes as well. Perhaps the most
bizarre of his projects was designing a pregnancy test
for one of the Dutch manufacturers, but Wanders also
achieved a lot for Bisazza by creating mosaics and samples for their tiles, as well as designing a whole series of
electronic appliances for company HE, while Mandarina
Duck not only trusted him with designing their bags, but
also allowed him to decorate their store in London. And
being that sports-merchandise manufacturers also often
seek the services of famous designers, Marcel Wanders
gave his contributions to Puma. That resulted in an unusual picnic-collection with a floral sample, and it included
everything, from a tent to the little bags and balls, that
you need for luxury on a meadow. That is what Wanders’s
playful side is all about. The other side that is serious gets
credit for some of the steadiest pure-lined projects, such
as Container Table.
The Philippe Starck Palace
The Puma brand also received some treatment from the
greatest of them all – Philippe
Starck. Without any formal
education, Starck began
his “subversive” designer
game in the seventies
by designing two nightclubs in Paris. Just a
few years later, the
Francois Mitterand hired
him to decorate his private “corner”
within the presidential
Cover st
Palace. But regardless of whether his client is a president of
a country or a kooky
discotheque owner,
Starck has always
gone about his business the same way,
which is approaching
it like a game that always resulted in a new
piece of work that
is filled with paradoxes and challenges.
to his broadness
and approach, he
may be considered
a “spiritual father”
of the today’s world of design that is accessible and recognizable to everyone. Even those who are
completely ignorant know about him, or about his spider-like Juicy Salif for Alessi, or about at least some of the
famous objects he created during his thirty-year career.
And there is so much to choose from: Starck has his signature on Alain Mikli glasses, Panzani pasta, packaging for
Sea Colli olive oil, Louis Vutton briefcases, Samsonite luggage bags, Duravit washbasins, Wolford clothes, Aprilia
scooters, but also mega-yachts. Just like Rashid, Starck
also stands by his labour spirit: - I somewhat feel like Robin
Hood. I design a 300-million-dollar yacht, and after that I
create a children’s bottle that will cost two dollars. I work
for those who are rich enough to finance my researches,
and then I apply the results of those researches on things
Philippe Starck osmislio je interijer hotela Sanderson u
Londonu / Philippe Starck is the author of the Sanderson
hotel in London
that are aimed at everybody. I want to make the world
a slightly better place for my tribe – the “eternal child”
within Starck says.
Morrison’s Tramcar
Elegant and well-measured in his creations, English designer Jasper Morrison attained in getting an untouchable status among connoisseurs, but never succeeded
in reaching the widely beloved “star” like Marc Newson
or Rashid. Instead of a “screaming” design, Morrison is
a fan of practical and timeless forms (he claims to be a
designer of concepts, not objects) and that makes him
a distinguished figure in his generation. He was originally
launched by Vitra, only to be recognized by many others, which resulted in working with Cappellini, Alessi and
many other renowned companies. However, his career is
also marked by several escapades: for example, the City
of Hannover hired him to design their new city tramcar,
while Samsung recently presented a mobile-telephone
model and a refrigerator signed by Jasper Morrison.
Clearly inspired by electrical devices, Morrison once designed a printer for Olivetti, as well as an entire collection
of household appliances for Rowenta.
From Strainers to Airplanes
The inside of the Falcon airplane, Samsonite travel bags,
Nike tennis shoes, Tefal’s frying pan, Vidal Sassoon blowdryers, Dom Perignon ice dish, Biomega bicycle, Arpege
Lanvin sunglasses, restaurants, record studios… That is a
small section of a long list of creations by Marc Newson,
an Australian genius and one of the most influential people in today’s design, and it must be said that he educated himself to be a sculptor and jeweller. The first Newson’s
Patricia Urquiola miljenica je tvrtke Moroso. Na slici sofa Smock / Moroso’s
favorite designer Patricia Urquiola. On the photo is sofa Smock
Antibodi, Patricia
Urquiola za Moroso
/ Antibodi, Patricia
Urquiola for Moroso
ideas within the field of furniture design were recognized
by Japanese people from company Idee as they manufactured his Black Hole Table, Orgone Lounge and other
products. Since 1991, he has worked in his Paris studio
for Flos, Cappellini and Moroso, but it took him six years
to open a large studio in London where he completely
dedicated himself to products of everyday usage, and
he says that he was always primarily interested in that.
Some of his trademark projects are “regular” household
appliances that were created for Alessi, Magis and Iittala,
and he is also enthralled by “pure engineering”, such as
designing airplane seats. According to his own words,
only 70% of his products ever see the light of day, and the
others are rejected as unworthy. Clearly, lack of productivity isn’t among Newson’s problems…
Ora-Ito’s Spirit of the Millenium
Ora-Ito figured out the right game for our time: as a child
of the digital era (born in 1977), he realized that the strangle of the mass-media made the border between reality and imagination as thin and invisible as possible, so a
good false story has better potential that a bad true story.
His story consisted of falsely presenting himself as an art
director of some of the strongest world brands, as well as
launching false media campaigns that he paid by himself, instead of his famous “clients”. Ora-Ito used the postulates of the industry for his (non) honourable goals. And
being that you couldn’t deny his talent, Louis Vutton and
many others whose names were objects of these pranks
didn’t get upset and turn to lawsuits, but they rather invited him to turn his ideas into something real. Rarely has
there been a more meteoric rise in the world of design:
now a thirty-year old, he has much more work than time
on his hands, and so far he created, among other things,
the anniversary bottle of Heineken, Swatch wristwatch,
advertisement doses for Perrier water, Toyota’s futuristic
showroom, Adidas perfume, cell-phone for French manufacturer Sagem and a whole series of futuristic household
appliances for Gorenje, which has just recently been
presented. However, maybe one of his most interested
projects took place for LG: the so-called “home network”
displays a household completely equipped with LG appliances, but with a blueprint that clearly displays the Korean manufacturer’s logotype. The new millennium spirit
of design may just be at its most evident in the creative
actions of this French “enfant terrible”.
But finally, there are also some righteous designer stars
that haven’t done too much interfering in the more “banal” types of design. Such an example is famous Spanish
(of Baskian decent) designer Patricia Urquiola, Moroso’s
muse who, besides designing interiors and partly working
in architecture, rarely finds herself embracing adventures.
Her intelligent, intimate and emotional design is strongly
influenced by Italians Achile Castiglione and Vico Magistretto, and her seating ensembles have become an
object of desire for anyone with knowledge about good
Brothers Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec, who are considered by most of their contemporaries as the “fresh blood”
of world design, have also decided upon a purer approach and are choosing projects within the interior industry. Some of the credit for that certainly goes to Giulio
Cappellini, as he “adopted” them back in the nineties.
Cappellini, Vitra, Kartell, Magis, Ligne Rossett, Issey Miyake… are just some of the clients on their list.
This group could also include a Balkan-originating (?) German architect Konstantin Grcic, who found affirmation
back in the early nineties by working on furniture, objects
and lighting for Driade, Flos, Cappellini, Iittala… But he’s
also been getting that “itching feeling” lately, so over the
last few years, he also designed the Krups toaster, Rosenthal
dishes, Lamy pens or Whirlpool microwave oven.
And whether that microwave oven, an object that you
encounter every morning at your sleepiest and grumpiest, will just be a “microwave oven” or turn into an element of joy in your life, and whether it will be signed by
Grcic, Morrison or some anonymous industrial designer
from the company factory – that is up to you. The good
news is that we can now make that choice.
urađivali ste sa studijem za profesionalno uređenje
interijera Stil Interijerima. Kako je došlo do te suradnje i na koji ste način oblikovali interijer?
Stil Interijeri su pokrenuli projekt koji je zapravo još
uvijek u razradi te još nismo imali nikakve angažmane.
Ušao sam u taj projekt jer mi se svidjela ideja angažiranja
dizajnera ili umjetnika u uređenju privatnog ili poslovnog
prostora. Meni je to bilo zanimljivo i oni su me kontaktirali
znajući da sam radio na uređenju svog dućana i nekih
privatnih stanova. Pogotovo mi se svidjelo to što se oni
ne temelje samo na uređenju interijera, nego bi se htjeli
proširiti i na uređivanje nekih posebnih detalja, tipa dizajnerske stolice ili lampe, nekih komada koji se mogu lijepo
uklopiti u ambijent, a da se ne mora naručivati cijeli projekt koji bi osmislio dizajner. Volim raditi interijere i to mi je
tercijarna zanimacija. Imam toliko kreativnih ideja u glavi
da ih ne mogu sve izraziti kroz modu. Shvatio sam da u
svom stanu, kad god imam vremena, uvijek nešto radim.
Tako da mi je ova suradnja bila nešto potpuno prirodno.
Oni su fotografirali stvari koje sam već radio, moj dućan,
stan i još neke privatne stanove. Za sada mi još nisu došli s
nekom narudžbom, tako da je projekt još uvijek u počecima. A kada idem nešto raditi, uvijek prvo razgovaram s
osobom kojoj to radim i moram vidjeti koliko se može spojiti funkcionalnost s umjetničkom domenom. To je i kroz
moj dizajnerski rad najbitnija točka – spajanje industrijskog
dizajna s artističkim detaljima. Ali mora biti funkcionalno,
ne podnosim kada nešto nije funkcionalno.
“Koncept mi je nit vodilja. Bez obzira što radim, interijer ili modni dizajn, to je vizija koju moram zaokružiti”
u duši
Jedan od naših najpoznatijih modnih
dizajnera Rober Sever govori o suradnji
sa studijem za uređenje interijera, modnoj sceni u Hrvatskoj i neograničenosti u
svojoj kreativnosti
Razgovarala: Ivana Bioèina
Foto: Kristina Faziniæ i Hari Ðerð / www.stilinterijer.hr
Suradnja sa Stil Interijerima koji nude usluge dizajnera
interijera, ali i modnih kreatora i arhitekata, dobar je primjer interdisciplinarnosti koja danas vlada. Koliko je ona
bitna i na kojoj je razini u Hrvatskoj?
U modi se vrlo često događa da su dizajneri inspirirani arhitekturom, pogotovo oni koji rade minimalizam. Recimo,
Narciso Rodriguez je inspiriran arhitekturom, a Tom Ford je
baš završio arhitekturu tako da on primarno nije bio školovani modni dizajner. Tu, naravno, ima poveznica, ali za
svoj dizajn ne vidim u tome previše inspiracije. No danas
zaista ima puno tih spojeva, mješavine utjecaja i stvari.
Ako je netko dovoljno kreativan, onda ima kreativnosti
za različite forme i oblike. Pa i sam Michelangelo je bio
slikar, kipar, arhitekt i pjesnik. Iako ima i ljudi koji se stvarno
ograniče i žele biti dobri samo na jednom polju djelovanja. Mene to jako limitira kao osobu i kreativca, ne mogu
biti samo dizajner. Možda će me jednog dana zanimati
fotografija ili ću snimati filmove, nikad se ne zna. Jer ako
imaš kreativnost u srži, ne možeš se limitirati.
Na Milanskom trijenalu 2005. godine otvorena je izložba
Dressing Ourselves. Kustos Alessandro Guerriero pozvao
je osobe iz svijeta arhitekture, dizajna, glazbe i umjetnosti da daju svoje viđenje suvremene kulture i značenja
mode unutar nje. Kakvo je značenje mode unutar suvremene kulture?
Moda je zapravo danas prije svega biznis. Ljudi su apsolutno opsjednuti time kako će izgledati i vrlo im je bitno da
se izražavaju kroz svoj vizualni identitet. To više nije ni pita-
Proljeće/ljeto 2007. godine / Spring/summer 2007
Umjetnički duh osjeti se u svakom kutku / The artistic
spirit can be felt in every corner
nje trenda, ni pitanje vremena, to je jednostavno jedan medij
koji se jako proširio, pogotovo od devedesetih godina. Prije se
točno znalo što su bile dvadesete, tridesete ili pedesete. Cijelo
razdoblje se moglo zaokružiti u jednu tendenciju i jedan trend.
No posljednjih dvadesetak godina stalno se miješaju utjecaji.
Danas je moda na neki način odraz čovjekove individualnosti
i ništa drugo. Ne mislim da je moda nešto što se nužno nameće da bi netko izgledao na određen način, kao što se nametalo prije. Danas svatko ima pravo na svoj izbor. Moda je medij
kroz koji svaki individualac odašilje poruku o sebi. Ona je bitna,
ali nije najbitnija. Meni je apsurdno da jedna haljina bude in, a
druga out. Smiješno je da to izlazi iz usta jednog dizajnera, ali
je istina. Apsolutno je glupo da se sad nosi jedna vrsta cipela
i torbe. Ali ljudi to vole, imaju stalnu glad za nečim novim što
moda zapravo osigurava. Danas su društvo i život toliko ubrzani da je nužno da ima toliko puno revija, trendova i tendencija
u odijevanju. Moda je super ako se gleda kao biznis, no ako
se gleda općenito, zapravo nema smisla. Jer koji je smisao u
stalnom ponavljanju nečega što je već viđeno. S jedne strane,
moda je apsurdna, a, s druge strane, svi to volimo i želimo, što
je paradoks suvremenog života.
“U mom dizajnerskom radu najbitnija točka je spajanje
industrijskog dizajna s artističkim detaljima”
Na istoj izložbi su osobe iz svijeta arhitekture, dizajna, glazbe
i umjetnosti morale napraviti odijelo koje će biti odraz njih i
njihovih razmišljanja o modi. Kako bi Vaše odijelo izgledalo?
Dobre traperice, pamučna majica, vesta od kašmira, cipele i
dobar sat. Vrlo sam bazičan u svom odijevanju i više volim samozatajnu varijantu. Zapravo sam klasičar u duši, jer i kad pogledam modu, stvari koje me uvijek zadovoljavaju su Chanel
i Valentino. Valentino je nedavno proslavio četrdeset godina
rada i haljina koju je prikazivao prije četrdeset godina može se
jednako nositi i danas. Ima istu estetiku, što je poanta dobrog
dizajna. Isto kao i Chanel. Poanta u modi je da brand uvijek
bude prepoznatljiv, a klasika je postigla taj bezvremenski dizajn.
Kao što ste spomenuli, moda se u posljednje vrijeme temelji
na ponavljanju već viđenog. Je li po tome moda 21. stoljeća
zapravo pomoda?
Na neki način jest. To se može gledati s različitih perspektiva,
ali mislim da je poanta u tome da dizajneri serviraju nešto što
je njima zanimljivo u tom trenutku. Dizajneri sugeriraju trend koji
oni misle da je potreban i nužan za suvremenu ženu ili muškarca. Osobno ne shvaćam zašto se stalno vraćaju trendovi, jer
baza je uvijek ista, svi hoće hlače, suknju, majicu i sako. Samo
je neki detalj drukčiji. Nije mi jasno zašto ljudi ne naprave nešto
novo u odijevanju jer se već jako dugo nije dogodilo nešto
za što bi svi rekli da je to nešto novo. Čak i ako netko radi
futurizam, to se obično temelji na science fiction filmovima iz
sedamdesetih. Tako da ni taj futurizam opet nema nekakvog
smisla. Uvijek se citiraju stvari koje su bile nove i zanimljive prije.
Modna scena je u Hrvatskoj posljednjih nekoliko godina istinski zaživjela. Kakvi su bili Vaši počeci i kakvo je, po Vašemu
mišljenju, danas stanje na našoj modnoj sceni?
Kad sam krenuo s cijelom svojom dizajnerskom pričom, postojale su Ivana Popović i Keti Balog. One su bile pioniri. U to su
Bogatstvo boja odlika je svakog Severova uratka /
Every project by Sever features a richness of colours
vrijeme paralelno krenule i I-gle, a onda se pojavio Croa-Porter i sila nekih novih dizajnera koji su prije svega bili
image dizajneri, što je još uvijek problem u Hrvatskoj. Ako
ljudi nemaju gdje prodavati svoje kreacije, prodaju ih u
svojim sobama, što uopće ne podržava tu cijelu ideju o
modi kao biznisu. Meni je drago da postoje ljudi koji su
kreativni i uvijek govorim da će vrijeme pokazati tko je
doista dobar. Na kraju, moda i to što se događa kod nas
nije biznis, a to nekako ne podržava jedno drugo, jer ako
imaš reviju, moraš imati pozadinu iza sebe da bi mogao
i dalje proizvoditi kolekcije. A ja kolekcijom ne smatram
deset modela, nego barem trideset različitih izlaza. To je
normalna forma i standard. A ako to želiš kvalitetno izraditi i imati kvalitetne materijale, to puno košta. Nije to sport
za svakoga.
Koje biste naše dizajnere posebno izdvojili?
Definitivno najviše cijenim Ivanu Popović, koja ima svoju individualnost, pristup, razmišljanja i ne prati trendove.
Jako volim I-gle iz istih razloga. Od mlađih su mi bili vrlo zanimljivi Elfs jer su drukčiji. Da sam velika modna industrija,
definitivno bih uložio u njih i njihov dizajn. Ostali variraju od
sezone do sezone, ali uvijek gledam na iste stvari. Bitno
mi je da netko ima dobar koncept, dobar dizajn, da je
izrada izvrsna i da je komercijalno i nosivo.
Vaše su kolekcije uvijek popraćene zanimljivim i maštovitim konceptom. Koliko je važno konceptualiziranje ideje prije materijalizacije i oblikujete li ideju prije ili tijekom
razrade kolekcije?
Koncept mi je vrlo važan i uvijek imam neku priču u glavi
koja mora biti realizirana od početka do kraja. Koncept
mi je nit vodilja. Bez obzira što radim, interijer ili modni dizajn, to je vizija koju moram zaokružiti. Na temelju toga
onda izabirem i materijale koje ću koristiti i gdje ću prezentirati reviju, koja će muzika svirati, kakve će biti frizure,
kakav make up. Uvijek mora biti jedan zaokruženi moment u tvom životu i radu. Uvijek mora biti nešto što je
autentično i moje, jer kada se osvrnem za deset godina
i vidim da nešto nisam napravio kako sam zamislio i htio,
onda nema poante. Kad završim određenu kolekciju, već
tijekom izrade znam što ću raditi za sljedeću. To dođe kao
odgovor na ono što sam radio. Tako je kolekcija proljeće/
ljeto bila vrlo ženstvena i optimistična, kao jedna ljubavna
priča koja se možda dogodila ili možda nije, a kada smo
je završavali, bila je toliko bogata u svojim slojevima i detaljima da sam se zasitio. Tako da je nova kolekcija najprije trebala biti čisti minimalizam, no ja zapravo nisam minimalist u svom razmišljanju, ali na kraju sam je jako dobro
izbalansirao. Kolekcija ima malo boja, sve je jako tamno,
od jakih boja je samo narančasta kao poanta. Ideja se
nadovezala na prošlu kao jedna opozicija jer i dalje je
prisutna romantika, no sad je to jedna malo tamnija strana te moje Sever djevojke. Ideja mi je bila što bi Edith Piaf
nosila da je još uvijek živa. Ona je bila individualka i živjela
je vrlo nepristrano, ali u isto vrijeme imala je i mračan karakter. No ja ne volim premračno jer sam po prirodi vrlo
optimističan i pozitivan. Htio sam napraviti jednu bazu za
suvremenu Edith i kakva bi ona bila.
Koji su Vam planovi za budućnost?
Imamo dućan u Zagrebu i Zadru, što je vrlo dobro za početak. Sad ide nova kolekcija, s tim da ćemo pokušati od
sljedeće sezone prikazivati sezonu unaprijed, što nije baš
tendencija u Hrvatskoj. To je produkcijski malo zahtjevniji
zalogaj. Planiramo pokrenuti industrijski dizajn kako bismo
mogli raditi stvari u veličinama i da budu niže cijene. Paralelno s time namjeravam početkom godine ići na sajam mladih Who’s Next u Parizu, da vidim na koji način to
funkcionira. Ako budemo dovoljno zadovoljni i budemo
mislili da možemo konkurirati vanjskim tržištima, pokušat
ćemo se progurati i vani, korak po korak. Ne volim ništa
preko noći. To je jedino dobro i pametno što se može.
Želim napredovati u dizajnu jer me ne zadovoljava da
budem dizajner samo u Hrvatskoj. Želim se razvijati i vidjeti
gdje su mi granice, dokle mogu stići.
A Lover
of Classics
in His Soul
One of our most renowned fashion designers Robert Sever talks about his cooperation with an interior design studio,
the Croatian fashion scene and the lack
of boundaries in his creativity
Interviewed by: Ivana Bioèina
Photo: Kristina Faziniæ and Hari Ðerð / www.stilinterijer.hr
ou cooperated with the professional interior design studio “Stil Interijeri”. How did that cooperation come about and in which way did you design the interior?
“Stil Interijeri” started a project that is actually still in its starting phase, so we’re yet to take up any specific projects.
I entered that project because I liked the idea of hiring
a designer or an artist to decorate a private or business
space. I found that interesting and they contacted me
knowing that I worked on decorating my store and some
private apartments. I especially liked the fact that they
aren’t limited to merely decorating interiors, but are rather looking to expand to decorating some special details,
such as a designer chair or a lamp, which are pieces that
could nicely fit into a certain ambience without having
to order the entire project that would be shaped by a
designer. I like working on interiors and that is my tertiary
field of work. I have so many creative ideas in my head
that it’s not possible to express them all through fashion.
I realized that, whenever I have some spare time, I’m always working on something in my apartment. That’s why I
found this cooperation to be something perfectly natural.
They photographed some of the things I already worked
on, such as my store, my apartment and some other private apartments. They’re yet to come to me with some
specific order though, so this project is still at its beginning.
And when I am working on something, I always start by
talking to the person that ordered it and I have to see
how much room there is for combining functionality with
the artistic dimension. That’s the most important element
of my designer work – combining industrial design with
artistic details. But it must be functional, as I can’t stand
something not being functional.
“A concept is my guiding line. Regardless of what I
do, whether it’s an interior or a fashion design, it is a
vision that I must fulfil”
Working with “Stil Interijeri”, which is a firm that offers services of interior designers as well as fashion creators and
architects, is a good example of the interdisciplinary approach that is now dominant. How important is that approach and how present is it in Croatia?
It’s very common in fashion that designers are inspired by
architecture, especially if they’re practicing minimalism.
For example, Narciso Rodriguez is inspired by architecture,
and Tom Ford even graduated architecture and isn’t primarily educated to be a fashion designer. There are certainly some connections, but I don’t see too much inspiration there for my design. However, there are certainly
plenty of those combinations, mixtures of influences and
different things today. If somebody is creative enough,
then he has plenty of creativity for different forms and
shapes. Even Michelangelo himself was a painter, sculptor, architect and poet. Although, there are some people who really limit themselves and focus on being good
enough in only one field of work. I find that awfully limiting
as a person and as a creator, and I can’t be a designer
and nothing more. Maybe I’ll be interested in photography one day or I’ll be making movies, you never know.
Because if you have that creativity deep inside you, you
can’t force yourself to be limited.
At the Milan Triennale in 2005, we witnessed an exhibit
called “Dressing Ourselves”. Custodian Alessandro Guerriero invited people from the worlds of architecture, design,
music and art to contribute their opinions on modern culture and the significance of fashion within it. What is the
meaning of fashion within modern culture?
These days, fashion is primarily a business. People are absolutely obsessed with how they look and they find it very important to express themselves through their visual identity.
It is no longer a question of a trend or a time period, and
now it is simply a medium that has really expanded, especially since the nineties. In the old days, you could precisely point out what stood for the twenties, the thirties or
the fifties. You were able to round up an entire period into
one tendency and one trend. However, influences have
constantly been mixing over the last twenty years. Today’s
fashion is simply a reflection of a person’s individuality and
nothing more. I don’t feel that fashion is something that is
necessarily imposed upon us in order to make someone
look a certain way, as was the case before. Everyone
has the right to make choices today. Fashion is a medium
through which individuals send a message about themselves. It matters, but it’s not the be all and end all. I find
it absurd that one dress is “in” while the other one is “out”.
It’s ridiculous that a designer can say something like that,
but it’s the truth. It’s absolutely stupid that you’re only allowed to wear one type of shoes or purses. But people love
that and they have a constant hunger for something new,
which is what fashion really enables. Today’s society and
life have become so rapid that all those fashion shows,
trends and clothing tendencies are actually necessary.
Fashion rocks if it’s observed as a business, but if you generally look at it, it really has no sense. I mean, what is the
point of constantly repeating something that has already
been seen? In one way, fashion is absurd, and in another
way, we all want it and love it, which is really a paradox of
the modern life.
Modeli iz kolekcije Proljeće/ljeto 2007. / Models from
the Spring/summer 2007 collection
Žarke boje u kombinaciji s tradicionalnim materijalima
/ Bright colours combined with traditional materials
At that same exhibit, people from the worlds of architecture, design, music and art had to design a suit that would
serve as a reflection of them and their attitudes towards
fashion. What would your suit look like?
Good jeans, a cotton shirt, a cashmere sweater, shoes
and a good watch. I’m very basic when it comes to my
dressing and I prefer a low-key option. I’m actually just a
classical person because, even when I pay attention to
fashion, the things that always bring me satisfaction are
Chanel and Valentino. Valentino recently celebrated
forty years of his career and the dress he displayed forty
years ago is still wearable today. It has the same aesthetics, which is the goal of a good design. The same thing
goes for Chanel. The goal in fashion is to always make a
recognizable brand, and the classics have achieved that
timeless design.
As you already mentioned, fashion has lately been based
on repeating what was already seen. Does that make fashion of the 21st century somewhat trendy?
In a way, yes. It can be observed from different perspectives, but I think the point is that designers always serve
something they find interesting at that particular moment.
Designers suggest a trend they feel is necessary and essential for a modern woman or a man. I personally don’t
Robert Sever inspiraciju često pronalazi na putovanjima /
Robert Sever often finds his inspirations while travelling
understand the same old trends constantly returning,
because the base is always the same – everyone wants
some pants, skirt, shirt and a jacket. The only things that
are changing are some details. I don’t understand why
people don’t come up with something new when it
comes to clothes, because it’s really been a long time
since something happened that had everyone acknowledging as a novelty. Even if someone’s working on something futuristic, it is usually based on science-fiction movies from the seventies. That takes away all the meaning
from that futurism also. Things that used to be new and
interesting always end up being referred to.
Over the last few years, the Croatian fashion scene really
came to life. What can you say about your beginnings
and what is your opinion about the state of our fashion
Back when I started my whole designer story, the ones
already present were Ivana Popović and Keti Balog.
They were the pioneers. That same period saw the emergence of “I-gle”, which was followed by the arrival of
“Cro-a-Porter” and many other new designers that used
to be image designers, which is still a problem in Croatia.
If people don’t have a place where they can sell their
creations, they sell them in their bedrooms, which does
nothing to confirm this whole idea of fashion as a business. I’m glad that there are some creative people out
there and I always say that time will show who really has
that quality. When it comes to it, fashion and all the things
surrounding it here don’t really qualify as a business, and
those things don’t really support each other because, if
you’re doing a show, you must have that support behind
you that enables you to still keep producing collections.
And when I say collection, I don’t consider ten models to
be enough, as it takes at least thirty different exits. That’s
“The most important element of my designer work is
combining industrial design with artistic details”
the normal form and standard. And if you want to make
quality creations and have quality materials, that is going
to cost you a lot of money. This is not a sport for anyone.
Who would you single out among our designers?
I definitely have most respect for Ivana Popović, as she
has her individuality, approach, line of thought and
doesn’t follow trends. I really like “I-gle” for the same reasons. Among the younger groups, I find “Elfs” really interesting because they are different. If I were a large fashion industry, I would definitely be investing into them and
their design. The other designers go up and down from
season to season, but I always observe the same things.
It’s important to see that someone has a good concept,
good design, that the fabrication is excellent and that it’s
commercial and wearable.
Your collections are always accompanied by interesting
and imaginative concepts. How important is it to create
the concept of the idea before you materialize it and do
you shape the idea prior or during the collection’s creation?
Concept is very important to me and I always have a
story in my head that has to be accomplished from beginning to end. A concept is my guiding line. Regardless
of what I’m working on, whether it’s an interior or a fashion design, it is a vision that I must fulfil. That is the basis of
my choice of materials to be used, as well as of where I
will throw the fashion show, which music will be playing,
what will be done about hairstyles or makeup styles. At all
times, those things must result in a complete moment in one’s life and work.
It always has to be something that is authentic and mine, because when I
look back ten years from now and I see that I didn’t do something in the way
I imagined and wanted, then there’s no point. When I finish a certain collection, during that same process I already know what I’ll be doing the next time
around. It simply ends up being a reply to my previous project. That’s why the
spring/summer collection was so feminine and optimistic, like a love story that
might have happened or might have not, and when we went about finishing
it, it was so rich in all its layers and details that I was simply fed up. That resulted
in the plan to make the new collection purely minimalist, but I’m not really a
minimalist in my philosophy, so I ended up balancing it in a really good way.
The collection has very few colours, it’s all very dark, and orange is the only
strong colour that represents the focal point. The idea responded to the previous idea as an opposition because there was still a lot of romance, but now
I showed a slightly darker side of my Sever-girl. My idea revolved around the
things I thought Edith Piaf would wear if she were still alive. She was an individual and she lived a very uninhibited life, but she also had a dark character
at the same time. I don’t like things to be too dark because my nature is really
very optimistic and positive. I wanted to make a base for a contemporary
Edith and all the things that she would represent.
What are your plans for the future?
We have stores in Zagreb and Zadar, which is pretty good for starters. The
new collection is on its way, and I must point out that we will try to be a season ahead of schedule as of next season, which is not really a tendency in
Croatia. That is a slightly bigger challenge production-wise. We are planning
on starting on in industrial design in order to produce things in different sizes,
which would also make the prices lower. Along with that, I’m planning on going to the “Who’s Next” youth fair in the start of the year, just to see the way
in which it works. If we’re satisfied enough and we feel that we can compete
on foreign markets, we will try to break through abroad, one step at a time. I
don’t like to do anything overnight. It is the only decent and smart thing that
is possible. I want to make strides in the field of design because it doesn’t satisfy me to just be a designer in Croatia. I want to develop myself and find out
about my limits, see how far I could make it.
sa sjevera
Dizajn na “skandinavski način” već je pola
stoljeća sinonim za lakoću, skromnost, funkcionalnost i demokratičnost. Izložba “Skandinavski dizajn: više od mita” u zagrebačkome
Muzeju za umjetnost i obrt nudi neočekivano
dubok uvid u samu filozofiju skandinavske dizajnerske misli
Piše: Ivan Mladina
Foto: Muzej za umjetnost i obrt
ojam skandinavskog dizajna već je dugo vremena dio opće kulture, premda će većina površnih
promatrača uz pojam skandinavskog dizajna
odmah vezati riječ IKEA. Ipak, dizajn na “skandinavski način” seže znatno dalje u prošlost, i već je pola
stoljeća sinonim za lakoću, skromnost, funkcionalnost i
Izložba “Skandinavski dizajn: više od mita”, otvorena od
23. rujna do 18. studenoga u zagrebačkome Muzeju za
umjetnost i obrt, nudi neočekivano dubok uvid u samu
filozofiju skandinavske dizajnerske misli.
Ta je misao u posljednjih pedeset godina bila predmetom nebrojenih znanstvenih rasprava, informativnih
izložbi i marketinških kampanja. Nije slučajno da skandinavski dizajn danas uživa veće poštovanje i popularnost
nego ikad prije. Svoj prvi procvat doživljava ranih pedesetih godina, na krilima uspona demokratičnosti i općeg
optimizma. Veličanstveni rezultati toga prvog, “zlatnog
doba” skandinavskog dizajna, i danas su predmet proučavanja, inspiracije i divljenja svjetske dizajnerske zajednice. Nakon što je gotovo zamro tijekom postmoderniNokia 8310, dizajn Nokia
Design Team (Eero Miettinen),
2001. / Nokia 8310 by Nokia
Design Team (Eero
Miettinen), 2001
Tisak na tkanini - Poppy, dizajn Maia Isola (Finska), 1964. / Printed fabrics Poppy
by Maija Isola (Finland), 1964
Kaciga za zavarivanje sa štitnikom udisanja, Ergo
Nomidesign (David
Crafoord), 1999. /
Welding helmet
with breath protector by Ergo
(David Crafoord), 1999
Kamera Hasselblad 500C, dizajn Victor
Hasselblad design team (Švedska),
1957. / Camera Hasselblad 500C by
Victor Hasselblad design team
(Sweden), 1957
Čajnik za stjuardese, Ergo Nomidesign (Švedska), 1997. / Serving
pot for the flight cabin staff, Ergo
Nomidesign (Sweden), 1997
Stolica Panton, Verner Panton
(Danska), 1959-1960. / Panton
chair, Verner Panton (Denmark),
Stolica Pastil, Eero Aarnio (Finska), 1967. /
Chair Pastille, Eero Aarnio (Finland), 1967
ment u povijesti dizajna, ali isto tako razmatra mitove i
stereotipe koji su se nagomilali oko ove teme. Završni dio
izložbe, naslovljen “Stereotipa napretek”, predstavlja
niz predmeta koji parafraziraju elemente povezane sa
skandinavskim dizajnom i ustaljenom slikom o nordijskim
zemljama u svijetu.
Posjet ovoj izložbi iznimno je posebno i inspirativno iskustvo. Od općepoznatih proizvoda do rijetko viđenih
egzota, promatraču se u diskretnim i logičnim sekvencijama razotkrivaju sve čari oblika i topline misli s hladnoga
sjevera što govore neobično lako razumljivim jezikom.
Eksponata prožetih neodoljivom ljepotom, iskrenom nepretencioznošću i umirujućom praktičnošću, ovo je jedna od rijetkih izložbi čiju poruku svatko može protumačiti na način koji mu se čini ispravnim bez bojazni da će
pogriješiti. Ima li bolje
posvete demokraciji
i značenju
u suvremenom
Startni kabel za automobile, dizajn Hareide Designmill/Anders Hansen, Einar Hareide (Norveška),
2002. / Startcable for the car Startloop by Hareide
Designmill/Anders Hansen, Einar Hareide
(Norway), 2002
stičkih utopija 70-ih i 80-ih godina, skandinavski dizajn svoj
novi uspon doživljava početkom devedesetih, pod sve
jačim utjecajem nadolazeće globalizacije i revalorizacije praktičnih vrijednosti. Danas, upravo zbog kompatibilnosti svojih ideoloških postavki sa suvremenim svjetskim
društvenim kretanjima, skandinavski dizajn je jedan od
najvažnijih čimbenika globalnih dizajnerskih kretanja.
Uza sve veću globalizaciju, nacionalnost više nije prva
premisa. Postalo je prirodno razmatrati veće cjeline, na
primjer, nordijske zemlje u odnosu na globalnu zajednicu. Današnji su skandinavski dizajneri orijentirani prema
globalnome, istodobno crpeći snagu i inspiraciju iz svojih
lokalnih korijena.
Čuveni filozof Italo Calvino u svom je tekstu Šest prijedloga za sljedeće tisućljeće razmotrio neke od vrijednosti
koje će biti od velike važnosti za dizajnere u novom tisućljeću: lakoća, brzina, točnost, vidljivost, mnogostrukost
i dosljednost. Sama izložba je koncipirana na način grupiranja više od 200 eksponata koji najbolje epitomiziraju
svaku od navedenih vrijednosti.
Izložba potvrđuje da je skandinavski dizajn ključni ele-
Messages from
the North
Written by: Ivan Mladina
Photo: Museum of Arts and Crafts
For over half of century, the “Scandinavian way” of design has been synonymous for effortlessness, modesty,
functionality and democracy. The exhibit “Scandinavian
Design: More than a Myth” at the Museum of Arts and
Crafts in Zagreb offers an unusually deep insight into the
very philosophy of the Scandinavian designer thought
Posuđe Kilta/Teema, dizajn Kaj Franck
(Finska), 1945/53. / Tableware
Kilta/Teema by Kaj Franck (Finland),
ajn Kay Boje
Igračka, diz
y y Kay
51. / The to
(Danska), 19
nmark 1951
Bojesen (De
he term “Scandinavian design” has long been a part
of general knowledge, although most of the superficial
observers will attach the word IKEA the very minute you
mention Scandinavian design. However, the “Scandinavian way” of design reaches much further into the past,
and for over half of century, it has been synonymous for effortlessness, modesty, functionality and democracy.
The exhibit “Scandinavian Design: More than a Myth”, running from September 23rd to November 18th at the Museum
of Arts and Crafts in Zagreb, offers an unusually deep insight into the very philosophy of the Scandinavian designer
Over the last fifty years, that thought has been the subject
of numerous scientific discussions, informative exhibits and
marketing campaigns. It’s no accident that Scandinavian
design now enjoys a larger amount of respect and popularity than ever before. It experienced its first period of blossoming in the early 1950s, on the wings of the rise of democracy
and general optimism. The magnificent results of that original “golden era” of Scandinavian design are still the subject of studying, inspiration and admiration by the designer
community of the world. After it nearly disappeared during
the postmodern utopias of the 70s and the 80s, Scandinavian design started its rise again in the early 90s under the increasing influence of the up-and-coming globalisation and
revalorisation of practical values. Today’s Scandinavian design is one of the most important factors of global designer
events precisely because of the compatibility of its ideological foundations with the contemporary social happenings
in the world.
Alongside the ever-increasing globalisation, nationality is no
longer the most important premise. It has become natural
to observe larger units, and Nordic countries opposed to the
global community make for an excellent choice. Today’s
Scandinavian designers are oriented towards the global,
but draw their strength and inspiration from their local roots
at the same time.
In his text Six Suggestions for the Next Millennium, famous philosopher Italo Calvino has looked into some of the values
that will be of great importance for the designers of the new
millennium: effortlessness, quickness, accuracy, visibility, multiplicity and consistency. The exhibit itself has the concept
of putting over 200 items into groups that do the best job of
epitomising each of the abovementioned values.
The exhibit confirms that Scandinavian design stands as a
crucial element in the history of design, but it also looks into
myths and stereotypes that have piled up around this subject. The final part of the exhibit, titled “Plenty of Stereotypes”,
is represented by a string of objects that paraphrase the elements connected to the Scandinavian design and the preconceived picture the world has of the Nordic countries.
Visiting this exhibit is a very special and inspirational experience. From generally familiar products to rarely seen exotics,
the observer develops discrete and logical sequences that
reveal all the enchantments of the thoughts from the cold
north, as their shapes and warmth speak in a language that
is unusually easy to understand. The items are filled with irresistible beauty, sincere lack of pretentiousness and calming
practicality, as this is one of the rare exhibits with a message
that can be interpreted by anyone in any way, without fear
that they will go wrong. Is there any better way to pay homage to democracy and the significance of the individual in
modern society?
Oglasni materijali, dizajn Hördur Ágústsson, 1955-60. /
Advertising design by Hördur Ágústsson, 1955-60
Sofa Flying Carpet, dizajn Ilkka Suppanen (Finska), 1998. /
Sofa Flying Carpet by Ilkka Suppanen (Finland), 1998
Telefon Ericofon, Gösta Thames,
Švedska, 1953. / Telephone Ericofon by
Gösta Thames (Sweden), 1953
Spa u Indijskom oceanu
Jedno od najljepših podmorja na svijetu, ono oko otočja Maldivi, dobilo je novu i poboljšanu verziju prvoga svjetskog podvodnog spa
centra. Za redizajn je zaslužan arhitekt Richard Hywel Evans, čovjek
koji je projektirao i prvi “bezugljični” hotel na svijetu, a vjerojatno
najljepši wellness na svijetu dio je luksuznoga hotelskoga resorta
Huvafen Fushi. Podvodni spa je zamišljen kao niz prizora koji se po
želji gosta mogu mijenjati: sve je pomično – od poda do stropova koji
mogu otkrivati više ili manje ljepota Indijskog oceana. A opuštanje je
u ovome tirkiznom carstvu – zajamčeno.
Novi hram nogometa
Camp Nou, kultni stadion kultnoga nogometnog kluba Barcelone, dobiva novo lice po izboru glasovitog arhitektonskog
studija Foster&Partners. “Samo mijena stalna jest”, mogla bi se
nazvati maštovita adaptacija postojećeg stadiona, u kojem će
ulogu vanjske fasade preuzeti tisuće polikarbonatnih i staklenih
panela u bojama kluba, te će se fasada, matrica boja i refleksija
stalno mijenjati, a cijela površina fasade moći će se koristiti i kao
divovski display. Novi izgled stadiona dio je proslave 50. obljetnice njegova postojanja.
The New Shrine of Football
A Spa in the Indian Ocean
One of the most beautiful underwater areas in the world, the one
around the Maldives, has witnessed a new and improved version of the
first underwater spa centre in the world. The redesign was preformed
by architect Richard Hywel Evans, who also projected the first “noncarbon” hotel in the world, and probably the most beautiful wellness
in the world belongs to the luxurious hotel resort Huvafen Fushi. The
underwater spa is created as a string of images that can be changed
in accordance to the guests’ wishes: everything is mobile – from the
floors to the ceilings, which can reveal a bigger or a smaller portion of
the Indian Ocean’s beauties. And relaxation in this turquoise empire is
– guaranteed.
Malezijski Blizanci
Kratica PGCC krije ime Penang Global City
Center, a riječ je o projektu arhitekata iz
studija Asymptote koji tako zamišljaju
novi poslovni centar malezijskoga grada
Penanga. Otočna metropola trebala bi dobiti suvremenu arhitektonsku os koja se,
tvrde njezini autori, oslanja na prirodno
okruženje – u neposrednoj blizini je prirodni rezervat Penang Hill koji bi se, prema
projektu, trebao reflektirati u iskrivljenim
zrcalnim strukturama tornjeva. No, istodobno, djelo je i posveta bogatoj malezijskoj
Camp Nou, the legendary stadium of the legendary Football
Club Barcelona, is about to receive a makeover preformed by
renowned architectonic studio Foster&Partners. “The only
thing that’s constant is the change itself”, is what you could
call this imaginative adaptation of the existing stadium where
the role of the outside façade will be taken by thousands of
polycarbonate and glass panels in the club’s colours, which
will result in the façade, matrix of colours and the reflection
constantly changing, and the whole surface of the façade will
be able to be used as a gigantic display. The stadium’s new
look is a part of the celebrations due to its 50th anniversary.
The Malaysian Twins
PGCC stands for Penang Global City
Centre, and it reveals a project by
architects from studio Asymptote,
who are about to create a new business centre of the Malaysian city
Penang. The island’s capital should
receive a contemporary architectonic axis that will, according to the
authors, rely on the natural environment – a natural reservation Penang
Hill is located nearby, and the project
is made so that it reflects itself in the
distorted mirror structures of the
towers. But at the same time, this is
also homage to the rich Malaysian
San Francisca
San Francisco se priprema na obaranje rekorda: natječaj za novi tranzitni
centar iznjedrio je tri projekta u užem
izboru, a sva tri uključuju i izgradnju
najvišega poslovnog tornja u gradu, koji bi sa svojim komercijalnim,
stambenim i poslovnim sadržajima
financirao ostatak projekta. Osim tih
standardnih sadržaja, u bazi zgrade
nalazit će se željeznički kolodvor koji
će udomiti buduću ultrabrzu željeznicu. Svim projektima (Rogers Stirk Harbour&Partners, Skidmore Owings&Merrill i Pelli Clarke Pelli) zajednička
je visina tornja od preko 300 metara!
Apeiron bez granica
Pripremila / Edited by: Aurelija Vukušiæ
Dubai, igralište arhitekata sa svojim otvorenim budžetima za
najatraktivnije projekte na svijetu, trebao bi dobiti svoj Apeiron
s pogledom na Arapski zaljev. A kako “apeiron” na grčkome znači vječnost, tako bi vječno trajalo i opisivanje što sve sadrži ova
megastruktura zamišljena kao ultimativni umjetni vodeni park
prirode. Spomenimo samo privatne plaže, vrtove, bazene, pristanište za brodove, hotel, helidrom, umjetničku galeriju… Dio
strukture proteže se i u podmorje, a, vjerovali ili ne, građevina bi
zahvaljujući jakome suncu trebala proizvoditi dvije trećine energije potrebne za svoje održavanje.
Apeiron Without Limits
Dubai, the playground for architects with their open budgets
for the most attractive projects in the world, should receive
its Apeiron with an open view over the Arabic Gulf. And being that “apeiron” stands for “eternity” in Greek, that’s how
much time it would take to describe all the features within this
mega-structure that is designed as an ultimate artificial water
park of nature. Let’s just mention private beaches, gardens,
swimming pools, a dock berth for ships, hotel, heliport, art
gallery… A part of the structure also reaches the underwater
area, and believe it or not, the building itself should, thanks to
the strong sunlight, produce two thirds of the energy that‘s
necessary for its maintenance.
San Francisco’s Record
San Francisco is about to break a record: the
contest for the new transit centre gave birth
to three projects in contention, and all three
feature the construction of the highest business tower in the city, which would finance
the remainder of the project with its commercial, residential and business features. Besides
those standard features, the building base
will boast a train station, which will be home
for the future ultra-fast railroad. All these
projects (Rogers Stirk Harbour&Partners,
Skidmore Owings&Merrill and Pelli Clarke Pelli) share the tower
height of over 300 metres.
Otvoren Veluxov natječaj
Od prošloga mjeseca svi zainteresirani studenti arhitekture i njihovi profesori mogu se prijaviti na međunarodni Veluxov natječaj
“Light of Tomorrow”, koji se koncentrira na temu dnevne svjetlosti
u arhitekturi. – Naša vizija je unaprijediti dnevno svjetlo, svjež zrak
i kvalitetu života. Nagradom se želi potaknuti
studente arhitekture da
ispitaju temu sunčeve
svjetlosti kako bi stvorili dublje razumijevanje ovog važnog izvora
svjetlosti i energije. Sve
projekte ocjenjuje žiri
sastavljen od priznatih
arhitekata, koji predstavljaju različite poglede
na arhitekturu i dnevno
svjetlo, kao i različita
zemljopisna podneblja
– izjavila je Jasna Jelinek
iz tvrtke Velux Hrvatska.
The Opening of the Velux
Ever since last month, all the interested architecture students and
their professors can register to the international Velux contest
called “Light of Tomorrow”, which focuses on the subject of daylight in architecture. - Our vision is to improve the daylight, fresh
air and the quality of life. This award wants to encourage architecture students to ponder over the subject of sunlight in order to
create a deeper understanding of this essential source of light and
energy. All the projects will be evaluated by a jury that consists of
respected architects, who represent different views on architecture and the daylight, as well as different geographical areas – says
Jasna Jelinek from company Velux Croatia.
Splitski “Joker“
ne srami se svijeta
Nedavno otvoreneni trgovački centar u vlasništvu splitskog poduzetnika Željka Keruma,
vrijedan 70 milijuna eura, prvi je projekt koji
se realizira na temelju novog Generalnog urbanističkog plana koji je Split dobio u prosincu
2005. godine
Piše: Mary Novosel
nje je golemo, tako da postoji i pozamašna lista čekanja.
Vlasnik nema namjeru prodavati poslovne prostore u sastavu trgovačkog centra, koji su trenutačno u najmu po
cijeni od 12 do 35 eura po četvornome metru. Centar
je nastao dijelom privatnog ulaganja gospodina Keruma
(60 posto), a dijelom ulaganja poslovnog partnera Immorent leasing iz grupe Erste banke (40 posto). Nadamo se
plitska Brodarica, u sklopu koje je otvoren trgovački
centar “Joker“, postala je nedavno nezaobilazno
odredište tisuća posjetitelja željnih konzumiranja
svih usluga koje ovaj projekt – na 54 tisuće četvornih metara i vrijedan oko 70 milijuna eura – može pružiti.
Uz stotinjak prodavaonica, ugostiteljskih objekata, supermarket, kino, ljetni bazen i zimsko klizalište, centar “Joker“
– koji je dobio ime po inicijalima Joška, sina vlasnika Željka
Keruma – otvorio je nova radna mjesta i posve novu viziju
Splita kao grada sve povoljnijeg za ulaganja, trgovinu i
Najstariji trgovački centar u Europi „Sukiennenice“ nalazi se u poljskom Krakowu koji ima „Rynek
Glowny“, najveći trg u Europi (200x200 m). Centar posluje više od 700 godina, a sadašnji izgled
datira iz davne 1555. godine
Prvi po GUP-u nakon 22 godine
Samo otvorenje mnoge je ostavilo bez daha. Centar ima
četiri kata koja okružuju golemu galeriju sa staklenom kupolom na vrhu. Na najvišoj etaži, do koje se može doći dizalom i stubištem, nalaze se restoran i zimsko klizalište. Čitav kompleks je dobro osvijetljen, klimatiziran i ozvučen.
– Svi poslovni prostori, njih stotinu, iznajmljeni su, zanima-
da će uloženo biti isplaćeno za desetak godina jer će
prihodi od najma pokriti rate kredita – rekla je Danijela
Špalj, asistentica vlasnika, dodajući kako u budućnosti ne
planiraju veće radove osim na proširenju parkirališta (trenutačno 380 mjesta) koje bi se realiziralo traženjem zakupa zemljišta od Grada zapadno od centra.
Glavni projektant ing. Zoran Jaramaz napominje kako je
trgovački centar “Joker“ prvi projekt koji se realizira na
temelju novoga Generalnog urbanističkog plana, koji je
Split dobio 2005. godine, a prema kojem je na mjestu nekadašnjih pogona “Jugoplastike“ predviđena poslovna
Nova struktura kretanja gradom
Na otvorenju prvoga prodajnog centra u Splitu, bio je i Vladin savjetnik za urbanizam ing. Jerko Rošin, koji je pozdravio inicijativu i pohvalio rad kolege ing. Jamaraza.
– Prostor je reprezentativan, rađen funkcionalno i potpuno
je hrvatski proizvod, u njega je uložen splitski kapital, a to je
više nego pohvalno. Predviđam da će se sada promijeniti i
sama struktura kretanja jer će se težište seliti prema sjeveru
pa će doći do pravilnije raspodjele prometa unutar grada. Iako će s vremenom zanimanje malo pasti, predviđam
da će ostati jedna fina preraspodjela koju je do sada na
sjevernom dijelu poluotoka onemogućavalo brodogradilište.
Za razliku od svojih splitskih kolega, arhitekt Nenad Fabijanić
ne dijeli preveliko oduševljenje novim zdanjem u gradu.
- “Joker“ je prilično blizu centra, što neizbježno mora dovesti do gušće prometne koncentracije, a koliko sam upoznat, mogao bi nastati i problem s parkiralištem, pogotovo
početkom blagdana kada će naglo porasti “šoping-groznica“. Takvi centri obično žrtvuju svoje prvotne proporcije
na račun što veće “kubature“ pa se često mogu zateći
građevine s puno suvišnih kvadrata koje onda treba nekako osmisliti. Najbolje je centre ovakve namjene graditi
izvan grada jer je tako lakše ostvariti prvotnu zamisao, postići komociju i veliko parkiralište koje se u ovim slučajevima
mora imati – kaže ing. Fabijanić, duhovito nadopunjujući
svoj komentar rečenicom: “Nemoguće je staviti debelu
nogu u malu cipelu.“
Glavni projektant je ing. Zoran Jaramaz / The main
designer of the project is engineer Zoran Jaramaz
- Na početku smo zatekli tri velike proizvodne hale “socijalističkog“ tipa nasuprot kojih je brodogradilište. S obzirom
da su bile dobro očuvane, maksimalno smo ih iskoristili. Srušili smo dio dvorišta i tako dobili prostor za halu centra koji
je danas na sjecištu triju ulica. Postavili smo nove temelje
te iskopali garažu, koliko su nam to okolnosti dopuštale.
Glavne radove je obavila tvrtka “Svod“ s kooperantima, a
nekad je znalo biti i do 500 radnika na terenu. Kada je pri
kraju radova postavljena i staklena fasada, “Joker“ je napokon postao centar koji se neće posramiti svijeta – kazuje
Jaramaz, dodajući kako je ovaj polivalentni centar među
najvećima u Dalmaciji. Sa svojih 140.000 četvornih metara, titula najvećeg u Hrvatskoj, pripala je Tower Centru u
Boom centara donosi bogat izbor i oštru konkurenciju
Usporedimo li “Joker” s ostalim većim centrima u Hrvatskoj, kao što su:
- Tower centar u Rijeci, sa 140.000 četvornih metara,
1100 zaposlenih, u vrijednosti 150 milijuna eura, 2150
parkirališnih mjesta, sedam nadzemnih katova, poslovnim tornjem od 15 katova,
- City Center One iz Zagreba, u vrijednosti 100 milijuna
eura, 61.000 četvornih metara, 1700 parkirališnih mjesta, 1200 zaposlenih, 85 prodavaonica, kafića, restorana,
- King Kross iz Zagreba, u vrijednosti 150 milijuna eura,
150 četvornih metara, 1800 parkirališnih mjesta, 1000
zaposlenih, 95 prodavaonica, kafića, restorana,
- Avenue Mall iz Zagreba, u vrijednosti 70 milijuna eura,
79.000 četvornih metara 800 zaposlenih, 750 parkirališnih mjesta, 130 prodavaonica, kafića, restorana,
onda splitski poslovno-trgovački centar spada među
srednje veće centre, u kategoriji sa City centrom Varaždin, City galerijom u Zadru i Shopping City Zagreb
centrom. Sadržajno je bogatiji od većine centara, koji
pretežno nude “klasični tretman“ u obliku prodavaonica, kafića i restorana.
Ova slika mogla bi se uskoro mijenjati jer je do sredine
svibnja ove godine Ministarstvu gospodarstva, rada i
poduzetništva podneseno 116 zahtjeva, a od toga je
izdano 88 suglasnosti za gradnju trgovačkih centara,
površine veće od 3000 metara četvornih.
Written by: Mary Novosel
“Joker” from Split Isn’t
Ashamed Facing the World
The recently opened shopping centre, owned by Split businessman Željko Kerum and worth
70 million euros, is the first completed project that is based on the new General Urban Plan
that Split received in December of 2005
rodarica in Split, featuring the just-opened shopping centre “Joker”, has recently become an
unavoidable destination for thousands of visitors
that wish to consume all the services provided
by this project, which spreads across 54 000 square
metres and has cost about 70 million euros. Along with
around a hundred stores, restaurant objects, a supermarket, cinema, swimming pool for the summer and ice
rink for the winter, the “Joker” centre – which received
its name after the initials of Joško, owner Željko Kerum’s
son – also opened many new job positions and a completely new vision of Split as a city that is getting more
rewarding for investments, trading and shopping.
The First in Accordance to GUP After 22 Years
The opening itself left many visitors breathless. The centre has four floors that surround an enormous gallery
with a glass cupola at the top. The highest floor, which
is reachable via an elevator and the staircase, features
a restaurant and the winter ice rink. The entire complex
Iznajmljeni su svi poslovni prostori /All of the business
premises have been rented
Prvo splitsko multipleks kino / First mulitpleks cinema
in Split
Centar ima četiri kata koja okružuju golemu galeriju sa
staklenom kupolom na vrhu / The centre has four floors
that surround an enormous gallery with a glass cupola
at the top
has excellent lighting, air conditioning and sound qualities.
- All of the business premises, about a hundred of them,
have been rented and the interest is huge, even to
the point that there is a large waiting list. The owner
has no intention of selling the business premises within
the shopping centre, as they are currently rented at
a price of 12-35 euros per square metre. The centre
came about partly due to Mr. Kerum’s private investment (60 percent) and partly due to the investment by
business partner Immorent Leasing from the Erste Bank
Group (40 percent). We’re hoping that the investments
will pay off within the next ten years as the renting
payments we receive will cover the credit instalments
– says owner’s assistant Danijela Špalj, adding that no
larger work is planned in the foreseeable future apart
from widening the parking lot (currently featuring 380
spaces), which could be accomplished by asking the
City to rent their land just west of the centre.
Engineer Zoran Jaramaz, the main designer of the
project, points out that the shopping centre “Joker” is
the first project that is based on the new General Urban
Plan that was adopted in Split in 2005, and which predicted a business zone in a location that was previously
held by “Jugoplastika” factories.
- In the beginning, we found three large manufacturing
“Sukiennenice”, which is the oldest shopping centre
in Europe, is located in Krakow in Poland where we
also find “Rynek Glowny”, the largest square in Europe (200x200 m). The centre has been in business
for over 700 years, and the way it looks today dates
back to 1555
hall-rooms of the “socialist” type that stood opposite
to the shipyard. Considering they were in pretty good
shape, we took maximum advantage of them. We demolished a part of the yard, which resulted in a space
for the centre’s gallery that now stands at the intersection of three streets. We set the new foundations and
started digging the garage, as much as we were allowed to by the circumstances. The main portion of
the work was preformed by the “Svod” firm with their
subcontractors, and there were sometimes as many as
500 workers in the location. When the glass façade was
assembled near the end of the works, “Joker” finally
became a centre that is not ashamed facing the world
– Jaramaz says, adding that this multi-functional centre
is among the biggest in Dalmatia. The title of the biggest in Croatia, with its 140.000 square metres, belongs
to the Tower Centre in Rijeka.
“Joker” zapošljava oko 1000 ljudi / “Joker” employes
about 1000 people
ble, which often results in buildings with many redundant
square metres that need to find their purpose. It’s best
to build these types of centres out of the city because
it is then easier to accomplish the original idea, as well
as achieve the comfort and the large parking lot, which
is essential for these projects – says architect Fabijanić,
completing his commentary with an amusing sentence:
“It’s not possible to put a fat foot into a small shoe.”
The Centres’ Boom Brings a Variety of
Options and Stiff Competition
The New Structure of Movement in the City
At the opening of the first shopping centre in Split, we
found engineer Jerko Rošin, the Government’s urbanism
advisor, and he greeted this initiative and praised the
work of his colleague, engineer Jaramaz.
- The space is representative, created in functional manner and is a completely Croatian product with funds
from Split invested in it, which is more than praiseworthy.
I predict the change in the movement structure itself
because this will result in the removal of the focal point
towards the north, which will lead in the more balanced
distribution of traffic within the city. Although interest is
bound to drop over time, I predict that this will result in a
nice and permanent re-distribution in the northern part
of the peninsula that was made impossible by the shipyard up until now.
Unlike his Split colleagues, architect Nenad Fabijanić
isn’t overly enthused about the city’s new facility.
- “Joker” is pretty near the centre, which is bound to lead
to a more intense concentration of traffic, and as far as I
know, we could witness some problems with the parking
lot, especially close to the holidays when the “shopping
fever” suddenly increases. Such centres usually sacrifice
their original proportions for as big a “cubature” as possi-
If we compare “Joker” to the other larger centres
in Croatia, such as:
- Tower Centre in Rijeka, with 140.000 square metres, 1100 employees, with 150 million euros of value, 2150 parking spaces, seven overground floors,
a fifteen-floor business tower,
- City Centre One in Zagreb, with 100 million euros of value, 61.000 square metres, 1700 parking
spaces, 1200 employees, 85 stores, coffee shops,
- King Cross in Zagreb, with 150 million euros of value, 150 square metres, 1800 parking spaces, 1000
employees, 95 stores, coffee shops, restaurants,
- Avenue Mall in Zagreb, with 70 million euros of
value, 79.000 square metres, 800 employees, 750
parking spaces, 130 stores, coffee shops, restaurants, cinema halls,
then we can place the business-shopping centre
in Split in the mid-large group of centres, along
with City Centre Varaždin, City Gallery in Zadar
and Shopping City Zagreb Centre. It has a larger
variety of features than the majority of centres,
which predominantly offer the “classical treatment” of stores, coffee shops and restaurants.
This picture could soon receive some changes because, since this year’s May, the Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship has received
116 requests, and 88 of them were answered in
confirmative manner for constructing shopping
centres larger than 3000 square metres.
Ambienta oduševila
i ove godine
Piše: Nina Boškoviæ
Foto: Kristina Faziniæ
Ovogodišnja Ambienta potvrdila je status vodećeg sajma namještaja, unutarnjeg uređenja
i prateće industrije na ovim prostorima. Osim
dizajnerima, proizvođačima i poslovnim ljudima, sajam je posebno zanimljiv krajnjim kupcima, kao nepresušan izvor inspiracije za vlastite
Alto Trade
eđunarodni sajam namještaja, unutarnjeg uređenja i prateće industrije Ambienta i ove se
godine pokazao vrlo utjecajnim okupljalištem
svih relevantnih subjekata iz drvoprerađivačke
industrije i industrije namještaja u ovom dijelu Europe, koji
su ponudili sve najbolje što u ovom trenutku nude potrošačima. Susret proizvođača, stručnjaka, dizajnera, znanstvenika, poslovnih ljudi i krajnjih potrošača, kao takav sve više
postaje i značajan marketinški čimbenik razvoja domaće
drvne industrije i industrije namještaja.
Na Ambienti je ove godine sudjelovalo 718 izlagača, od
toga 336 domaćih, a ostali iz 26 zemalja svijeta. Na više od
48.000 četvornih metara izložbenog prostora prikazani su
najnoviji proizvodi, usluge i tehnologije u drvoprerađivačkoj
industriji, i to u šest tematskih cjelina (Namještaj za stanovanje, Kuhinje i kupaonice, Uredski namještaj i namještaj za
opremanje objekata, Proizvodi za unutarnje i vanjsko uređenje, Strojevi i alati za drvnu industriju te Repromaterijal za
drvnu industriju namještaja), a primjetno je kako iz godine u
godinu domaći proizvođači sve više prate svjetske trendove, no kako i dalje pate od “boljke” jeftinog i serijski proizvedenog namještaja.
No, ove su godine ponovno odskočili mladi hrvatski dizajneri koji su kupcima ponudili moderan i atraktivan dizajn te
individualan pristup.
Najviše zanimanja posjetitelja izazvao je ipak štand slovenske tvrtke Kolpa San, koja je izložila ovosezonske novitete
– isprintane kade i tuš-kabine s fotografijom vlasnika s posebnim osvjetljenjem. Gaberit prodaja privukla je sve modelom Balena 600, tuš-WC sjedalom koje jedino u Europi nudi
različite funkcije: tuširanje, sušenje toplim zrakom, pročišćavanje zraka. Za intimnu njegu žena, predstavljen je i Lady tuš
s daljinskim upravljačem za podešavanje željenih funkcija!
Madraci Hespo osvježeni su novim tkaninama koje su prirodno funkcionalne, tj. bez dodavanja kemijskih aditiva postižu antibakterijska, antistresna, revitalizirajuća i aromaterapijska svojstva.
Tvrtka Inkea, prošlogodišnji dobitnik Zlatne plakete sajma, i
ove je godine predložila minimalizam i jednostavan crnobijelo-sivi namještaj za mlade urbane ljude koji cijene dizajn
i inovacije.
Veliko zanimanje svake godine izaziva i kuhinjski program, a
posjetitelji su se posebno zaustavljali na štandovima tvrtke
Duplić&Duplić, koja je i ove sezone ponudila vrlo atraktivne
kuhinje. Ovisno o željama kupaca, one stoje od 5000 do
50.000 kuna, a projektiraju se prema željama i potrebama
kupaca, pa je svaka unikatna!
Rustica Moderna oduševila je sve one koji vole autentičnost
i namještaj koji je ugodan za oko i dušu, dok je B.A.M.T. trgovina iz Zagreba predstavila Ambient planer – online program za planiranje namještaja u 2D. Program je besplatan
za korištenje i vrlo jednostavan, poziva se s www.ambient.hr
i nužan je pri planiranju rasporeda namještaja u prostoru.
Drvni cluster sjevernozapadne Hrvatske na oko 100 četvornih metara izložio je kompletno opremljen stan za
mlade ljude koji prvi put imaju prigodu urediti svoj životni prostor, a namještaj je izrađen u dvije linije – jedna od
iverala, druga od furnira i masiva – a karakteristike su im
jednostavnost i funkcionalnost.
Nizozemska tvrtka Četiri ribe privukla je pozornost namještajem i ukrasima od tikovine, dok je štand tvrtke Alto trade, koja je na tržištu prisutna već deset godina, okupila
sve zaljubljenike u dekorativne tkanine za namještaj, zavjese, zastornice i sjedeće garniture s mogućnošću odabira vrlo modernog i atraktivnog tekstila.
Ambienta se i ove godine, kao sajam, s nizom stručnih i
popratnih događanja te značajnim posjetom, pokazala
važnom za razvoj kulture stanovanja uopće, jer je osim
izlagača namještaja okupila i veliki broj izlagača proizvoda za uređenje interijera i proizvođača pratećih industrija.
Prema istraživanjima mišljenja domaćih izlagača, Ambienta je poprimila karakter najznačajnijega godišnjeg
događaja u Hrvatskoj za drvoprerađivačku i industriju
namještaja, i kao takva postiže sve veći uspjeh iz godine
u godinu. Osim toga, ona je posebno zanimljiva krajnjim
kupcima, jer osim što su u prigodi vidjeti sve najbolje od
noviteta, trendova i smjerova u proizvodnji i ponudi namještaja što im se trenutačno nudi na domaćem tržištu,
ona im je i nepresušno vrelo inspiracije za vlastite maštovite kreacije. Time se Ambienta pokazala i kao sve važniji
promotor razvoja kulture stanovanja uopće.
Projekt “Drvo je prvo”
Hrvatska gospodarska komora, u suradnji s Hrvatskim šumama i Ministarstvom poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodnoga gospodarstva, pokrenula je na
Ambienti edukacijsko-promotivnu kampanju pod
nazivom “Drvo je prvo”, kojoj je cilj povećanje
uporabe drvne mase, odnosno utjecaj na svijest
potrošača o kvaliteti i prednostima drva i drvnih
Naime, zbog male potrošnje drva po stanovniku
u Hrvatskoj, koja je do sedam puta manja nego
u, primjerice, Austriji ili Finskoj, raznim komunikacijskim kanalima, kako su najavili iz HGK, pokušat će
se izmijeniti navike hrvatskih potrošača i potaknuti
veća uporaba drva u graditeljstvu. Rezultati istraživanja koje je provela Agencija Gfk pokazali su
kako Hrvati i dalje više preferiraju strane brandove
namještaja, a isto se potvrđuje i statističkim rezultatima prodaje jer je gotovo 60 posto namještaja iz
uvoza. S druge strane, ispitanici su potvrdili da im
je najvažnija kvaliteta i funkcionalnost, ali imaju i
vrlo pozitivne asocijacije na riječ “drvo”, odnosno
suglasni su da to znači nešto kvalitetno, dok je riječ
“hrast” sinonim hrvatskog namještaja.
Ispitanici smatraju da bi domaći proizvođači trebali poboljšati dizajn i učiniti namještaj modernijim
i atraktivnijim, a sugerira se i agilniji marketing.
Rustica Moderna
Another Triumphant
Year for Ambienta
Written by: Nina Boškoviæ
Photo: Kristina Faziniæ
This year’s Ambienta has confirmed the status of the leading fair of furniture, interior
decoration and supporting industry in this area. Besides to designers, manufacturers and
businessmen, this fair particularly appeals to utmost buyers as a never-ending source of
inspiration for their own creations.
nternational fair of furniture, interior decoration and
supporting industry Ambienta has taken another year
to demonstrate itself as a very influential gathering
point for all relevant subjects from the lumber industry
and furniture industry of this part of Europe, as they offered the best they have to the customers. The meeting
of manufacturers, experts, designers, scientists, businessmen and utmost buyers thus becomes a more significant
marketing factor for the development of our lumber and
furniture industries.
As many as 718 exhibitors participated at this year’s Ambienta, 336 of which came from our country, while the
others came from 26 different world countries. More than
48.000 square metres of exhibit-space hosted the newest products, services and technologies in the lumber industry that were divided into six thematic units (Furniture
for Living, Kitchens and Bathrooms, Office Furniture and
Furniture for Equipping Objects, Products for Interior and
Exterior Decoration, Machines and Tools for the Lumber
Industry, and Repromaterials for the Lumber Industry of
Furniture), and as the years go by, it is noticeable that local manufacturers are paying more and more attention
to the world trends, but their weak spot is still the cheap
and serially manufactured furniture.
However, this year saw another standout performance
by young Croatian designers who offered their customers
a modern and attractive design, as well as an individual
The visitors showed most interest to the booth of Slovenian firm Kolpa San, which exhibited this year’s novelties
– printed bathtubs and shower-tubs with the photograph
of the owner and special lighting.
Gaberit Sales attracted everyone with the Balena 600
model, which is a shower-toilet seat that offers more functions than any other in Europe: showering, drying with
warm air, and air purification. And for the ladies and their
nursing care, there was the presentation of Lady Shower
with remote control that enables you to choose between
various functions!
Hespo mattresses are refreshed with new fabrics that are
The “Wood Comes First” Project
The Croatian Chamber of Economics, working with
Croatian Forests and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, started an educational-promotional campaign at Ambienta called
“Wood Comes First”, which will attempt to increase the usage of wood masses, as well as increase
the people’s awareness regarding the quality and
advantages of wood and wooden products.
Due to the small consumption of wood per person
in Croatia, which is up to seven times smaller than
in Austria or Finland, the people at the CCE have
announced that they will use various communication channels to try to change the habits of Croatian consumers, as well as encourage a larger usage of wood in the construction business. The results
of the research done by the GFK Agency show
that Croatians still prefer foreign brands of furniture, and that same fact is confirmed by statistical
purchasing results, as almost 60 percent of the furniture has been imported. On the other hand, the
examinees confirmed that they most care about
quality and functionality, but they also have very
positive associations on the word “wood”, as they
agreed that it stands for something with quality,
while the word “oak” is synonymous to Croatian
The examinees feel that the local manufacturers
should improve their design and make their furniture more modern and attractive, and a more
agile manner of marketing is also considered to be
naturally functional, which means that it doesn’t take any
chemical substances to achieve anti-bacteria, anti-stress,
revitalizing and aroma-therapeutic characteristics.
Company Inkea, the last year’s winner of the fair’s Golden
Plaque, has once again opted for minimalism and simple
black-white-grey furniture for young urban people that
appreciate design and innovations.
The kitchen programme also draws plenty of attention
every year, and visitors particularly made sure to stop by
the Duplić&Duplić booths, as that company presented
some very attractive kitchens this year. Depending on
the customers’ wishes, they cost from 5000 to 50.000
kunas, and are designed according to the wishes and
needs of the buyers, which makes every one of them
Rustica Moderna improved the mood of everyone who
likes authentic furniture that is easy on the eye and the
soul, while store B.A.M.T. from Zagreb presented the
“Ambient” planner – an online programme for planning
furniture in 2D format. The programme can be used for
free and it is very simple, it can be found at www.ambient.hr and is necessary while planning the arrangement
of your furniture within a room.
The wood cluster of the Northwestern Croatia has taken
up about 100 square metres to reveal a completely furnished apartment for young people who have their first
chance to decorate a living space. The furniture was
made in two lines – one out of plywood, and the other
out of veneer and massive wood – and its characteristics
are simplicity and functionality.
Dutch firm Four Fishes has drawn attention with their furniture and teak decorations, while booth-company Alto
Trade, which has been present on the market for ten
years, gathered everyone who loves decorative fabrics
for furniture, curtains, shutters and seating ensembles with
the possibility of choosing very modern and attractive
Ambienta as a fair has taken another year, with a string of
specialized and accompanying events and a significant
attendance, to demonstrate its importance for the overall
culture of living, because not only has it assembled the
exhibitors of furniture, but there was also a large number
of exhibitors of products for interior decoration, as well as
manufacturers of supporting industries. According to the
opinions of local exhibitors, Ambienta has established itself as the most significant annual event in Croatia for the
lumbering and furniture industries, and as such, it accomplishes more and more success as the years go by. Besides
that, it is also especially interesting to utmost buyers, because besides the fact that it offers them a chance to see
the best novelties, trends and directions in the production
and offering of furniture on our market at the moment, it
also serves as a never-ending source of inspiration for their
own imaginative creations. Those are the reasons Ambienta has proven itself as an increasingly important development promoter of the overall culture of living.
Foto: Marijo Bandiæ / HTZ
Plitvička jezera su najpoznatiji hrvatski nacionalni park, na popisu svjetske baštine UNESCO-a / Plitvice
Lakes are the most famous Croatian national park, and are a part of the UNESCO List of World Heritage
NP Plitvièka jezera nezaboravna šetnja uz šum
Bilo da vas u ovaj goranski kraj dovede želja za delicijama ili šetnja po svježem zraku uz šum
velebnih vodopada, u parku ćete moći i planinariti, voziti se električnim brodom i vlakom, skijati, veslati…
Piše: Patricia Müller
Foto: HTZ, NP Plitvièka jezera i Arhiva DalCase
Jesensko radno vrijeme NP-a je od 8 do 18 sati / The National Park’s
autumn working hours are from 8 am to 6 pm
litvička su jezera još 1979. godine uvrštena na popis svjetske baštine UNESCO-a, i to među prvima
u svijetu. Prema IUCN-u, koji definira osam kategorija zaštite prirodnih područja, Plitvička jezera
pripadaju drugoj kategoriji – nacionalnih parkova, što
označava zaštićeno područje pod upravom, poglavito
radi zaštite ekosustava i rekreacije. Od osam nacionalnih parkova u Hrvatskoj, Plitvička jezera su najposjećenija, i to ne bez razloga!
Nalaze se u zaleđu Velebita (60 km zračne udaljenosti
od mora), na granici kontinentalnog i maritimnog oborinskog režima, na nadmorskoj visini od 418 do 1279 metara. Dio su dinarskoga krškog područja, koje karakterizira karbonatna geološka podloga, brojne krške forme,
rijetke pojave površinskih tokova, te brojne pukotine.
Obilje vode i stvaranje jezera u takvom kraju iznimna su
i dragocjena pojava.
Od ukupne površine Nacionalnog parka, travnjaci (livade i pašnjaci) prostiru se na površini od 6957 hektara.
Park je i u pogledu bogatstva i raznolikosti flore viših biljaka svojevrstan fenomen. Na relativno maloj površini
parka zabilježeno je 1267 biljnih vrsta, svrstanih u 112
Ipak, važno je istaknuti da će, ako se proces širenja travnjaka ne zaustavi, doći do osiromašenja biljnim vrstama,
a to znači da će se izmijeniti izgled krajolika. Moglo bi
doći i do nestanka nekih predstavnika faune (leptir plavac) koji su svoj životni ciklus vezali uz pojedine biljke.
Kad je riječ o životinjskom svijetu NP-a, prva asocijacija
je njegov zaštitni znak, a to je medvjed. No, bogatstvo
faune ovog nacionalnog parka mnogo je veće i vrjednije od njezina najatraktivnijeg predstavnika. Česti stanovnici jezera su i dvije vrste rakova: riječni i potočni rak.
Zasluženu pozornost dobila je i skupina leptira čiji se broj
poznatih vrsta, prema istraživanjima, popeo do 321, od
čega 76 vrsta danjih, a 245 vrsta noćnih leptira.
Potočna pastrva jedan od prastanovnika ovih jezera, a
danas je značajno potisnuta alohtonim populacijama
klena i crvenperke. Osim navedenih, samo u jezeru Kozjak dokazano je postojanje još najmanje četiriju vrsta
riba. Vodozemci su, s oko dvanaest vrsta, dosta brojna
skupina kralješnjaka u parku, dok su gmazovi zastupljeni
s relativno malim brojem vrsta jer duge zime i debeli snježni pokrivač smanjuju brojnost ove skupine kralješnjaka.
Fauna ptica sa do sada zabilježenih 157 vrsta je na trećemu mjestu po broju vrsta među nacionalnim parkovima u Hrvatskoj. Posebno zanimljiva vrsta je vodenkos,
inače rijetka ptica, ovisna o staništima čistih vodotoka.
Na ovim područjima uočeno je više od 50 vrsta sisavaca:
puhovi, rovke, voluharice, jež, kuna zlatica, kuna bjelica,
divlja svinja i dr. Najnovijim je istraživanjima utvrđeno 20
vrsta šišmiša, koji žive u raznim staništima, rupama i pećinama, pod korom drveća, u dupljama. Posebno zanimanje često je za populacije vukova, srna, jelena, divlje
mačke, risa, vidre i, naravno, smeđeg medvjeda kao
krune plitvičkog životinjskog carstva.
Danas je sasvim normalno da se krug prijatelja ili obitelj
uputi na jednodnevni izlet u Nacionalni park Plitvička
jezera, ali početak razvoja turističkih putovanja na Plitvička jezera vezan je uz kraj 19. st. i aktivnosti Društva
za zaštitu i poljepšavanje Plitvičkih jezera u Hrvatskoj,
osnovanog 1893. godine u Zagrebu, na inicijativu prof.
dr. Gustava Janečeka. Društvo čiji su članovi bili redom
pripadnici tadašnjeg znanstvenog i kulturnog kruga
prvo je značajnije krenulo u formiranje turističke ponude
i započelo rad na polju motiviranja dolaska posjetitelja
na Plitvička jezera. U svojim pravilima Društvo prvi put
u plitvički prostor uvodi planski pristup izgradnji turističke
infrastrukture u želji da se ona prikažu što većem broju
U razdoblju od 1894. do 1896. godine Društvo gradi hotel
sa 28 soba u stilu krajiških čardaka ponad jezera Kozjak,
Park obiluje bogatom faunom / The park is filled with
rich fauna
Prizori koji ostaju u sjećanju / Images that remain in
your memory
a za vožnju po Kozjaku nabavlja dvije lađe. Uređuju se
staze, putovi i odmorišta, postavljaju putokazi i natpisi,
klupe i svjetiljke. Društvo izrađuje i distribuira plakate o Plitvičkim jezerima, a u domaće i strane tiskovine uvrštava
članke o njima. Brojne staze i putovi unutar prvobitnog
sustava obilaska jezera prozvani su po članovima bečke carske obitelji, od kojih su mnogi, kao nadvojvoda
Josip, car Franjo I. i carica Karolina Augusta, kraljevne
Štefanija i Doroteja, posjetili Plitvička jezera, pa tako nastaju Dorotejin put kanjonom Donjih jezera, Štefanijin put
obalom jezera Kozjak, Štefanijin otok na jezeru Kozjak,
Prinčev put uz Veliku Poljanu do jezera Kozjak te Veliki
brod, odnosno pristanište na Kozjaku.
Bioklimatske prilike na Plitvicama tijekom godine kreću
se u granicama od hladnog do ugodnog. Hladno je od
početka studenoga do sredine ožujka, svježe od sredine
ožujka do sredine svibnja i od sredine rujna do kraja listopada, dok je u najtoplijem dijelu godine ugodno.
Stanovništvo ovog kraja se u prošlosti većinom bavilo stočarstvom, poljodjeljstvom, mlinarenjem i iskorištavanjem
šume. To je uvelike određivalo način njihove prehrane i
spravljanja jela. Hrana se čuvala na ognjištu u zemljanim
loncima, tzv. rukačama. Kruh, kao osnovna namirnica,
pravio se većinom od kukuruza, a isprva se pekao samo
Rozi Hort Art
prekriven pepelom i žarom na ognjištu. Uz kruh, pripremala se i palenta, a nije se moglo ni bez mlijeka, kiselog
ili slatkog. Stanovništvo se bavilo lovom divljači (poslastica su bili puhovi) i skupljanjem šumskih plodova. U šumi
su se također vrlo često brale gljive: smrčci, bukovače,
pečurke. Začuđujuće rijetko, s obzirom na blizinu jezera,
stanovnici su se bavili ribolovom. Većinom su pecali pastrvu u potocima Plitvica, Sartuk i Jasenica.
I danas je dio toga starog ugođaja na raspolaganju
posjetiteljima, kroz bogatu gastronomsku ponudu NP-a.
Putnici u prolazu ovdje mogu kupiti neke od tradicionalnih specijaliteta, dok će gurmani uživati u specijalitetima i prigodnom ambijentu restorana Ličke kuće. Unutar
kompleksa parka smještena su još dva restorana – Borje i
Poljana, te mnogi objekti za okrjepu i odmor gostiju.
Jesensko radno vrijeme NP-a je od 8 do 18 sati. A onima
koji žele ostati i dulje od jednog dana, na raspolaganju
su hoteli Jezero, Plitvice, Bellevue i Grabovac. Važan
element ukupne smještajne ponude parka je i kamp Korana, smješten na platou ponad kanjona rijeke Korane.
Bilo da vas u ovaj goranski kraj dovede želja za delicijama ili šetnja po svježem zraku uz šum velebnih vodopada, u parku ćete moći i planinariti, voziti se električnim
brodom i vlakom, skijati, veslati…
Written by: Patricia Müller
Glavnu atrakciju ovog parka, jedinstvenog u svijetu, čini 16 malih
jezera međusobno povezanih slapovima / The main attraction
of this park, which is unique in the world, consists of 16 small lakes
that are mutually connected with waterfalls
Photo: HTZ, NP Plitvièka jezera and DalCasa archive
NP Plitvice Lakes An Unforgettable Stroll Along
the Sound of Waterfalls
Whether you’re brought to this mountainous area by the desire for some delicacies or for
a stroll in the fresh air along the sound of colossal waterfalls, the park will give you an
opportunity to do some hiking, riding in an electric boat and train, skiing, rowing…
litvice Lakes were included into the UNESCO List
of World Heritage back in 1979, among the first
in the world. According to IUCN, which define
the eight categories of protecting natural areas, Plitvice Lakes belong to the second category – national park, which stands for a protected area with a
management, primarily due to the protection of the
eco-system and recreation. Out of the eight national
parks in Croatia, Plitvice Lakes are the most visited, and
not without good reason! They are located at the bot-
tom of Velebit (60 km of air distance from the sea), on
the borderline of the continental and the marine rainfall
regime, as the altitude ranges from 418 to 1279 metres.
They are a part of the Dinara karst area, which is characterized by carbonate geological surfaces, many karst
forms, rear appearances by over-ground water and numerous cracks. An abundance of water and creation
of lakes are an exceptional and precious emergence
in an area like this.
Out of the entire surface of the National Park, grass sur-
Park je i u pogledu bogatstva i raznolikosti flore svojevrstan fenomen / The park is also a sort of a phenomenon
when it comes to the richness and diversity of the flora
faces (meadows and pastures) spread across 6957 hectares. The park is also a sort of a phenomenon when it
comes to the richness and diversity of the flora of higher
plants. Across the relatively small surface of the park, you
can find 1267 plant species, divided into 112 groups.
We still must point out that, unless the process of expanding grass surfaces comes to an end, many plant species may cease existing, which means that the way the
scenery looks would change. Some of the fauna representatives could also disappear (lycaenid butterfly), as
their life cycle is attached to certain plants.
When it comes to the animal world of the National Park,
the first thing that comes to mind is its trademark, and
that is the bear. However, the richness of this national
park’s fauna is much greater and more valuable than
merely its most attractive representative. Two types of
crabs are also common inhabitants of the lake: river
crab and stream crab. A lot of deserved attention also
goes to the group of butterflies, as researches say that
the number of their familiar species has climbed up to
321, 76 of which come out during the day, and 245 during the night.
The rainbow trout is one of the ancient inhabitants of
these lakes, and now it is significantly pushed back by
allochthonous populations of chubs and rudds. Besides
the aforementioned species, it’s been proven that just
Lake Kozjak features at least four more fish species. Amphibians are, with about twelve species, a pretty well represented group of vertebrates in the park, while reptiles
are represented by a relatively small number of species
because the long winters and lots of snow reduce the
presence of this group of vertebrates.
The fauna of birds, with 157 species that have been registered so far, climbs up to third place in the number
of species in national parks in Croatia. The especially
interesting representative is the water blackbird, which
is a pretty rare bird that is dependent on clear-water
habitats. Over 50 groups of mammals have been noticed in this area: dormouse, shrew, vole, hedgehog,
pine marten, beech marten, wild boar etc. The newest
researches confirmed that about 20 types of bats live in
various habitats, such as holes and caves, or under the
tree bark or in pits. Special interest is often reserved for
the populations of wolves, deer, bucks, wild cats, lynxes,
otters, and naturally, the brown bear as the crown of the
animal empire in Plitvice.
It’s perfectly normal these days for a group of friends
or a family to head for a one-day picnic to the Plitvice
Lakes National Park, but the beginning of developing
tourism options at Plitvice Lakes came near the end of
the 19th century thanks to activities by the Association
for Protecting and Embellishing the Plitvice Lakes in Croatia, which was founded in 1893 in Zagreb at the initiative of prof. Dr. Gustav Janeček. The Association, with
members that primarily belonged to the scientific and
cultural circle of that era, was the first to make significant steps towards forming a tourism offering, as they
started working at motivating the visitors to come to Plitvice Lakes. Within their rules, the Association was the
first to introduce planned approach towards building
the tourism infrastructure, all with the purpose of drawing as many visitors as possible.
In the period between 1894 and 1896, the Association
built a 28-room hotel similar to borderline blockhouses
beneath Lake Kozjak, and two boats were acquired for
riding around Kozjak. Pathways, routes and resting points were organized, while signposts, signboards, benches and lamps were placed. The Association made
and distributed posters about Plitvice Lakes, and also
inserted articles about them in local and foreign newspapers. Numerous pathways and routes within the original system of the tour around the lakes were named
after the members of the imperial family in Vienna, and
many of them, like Archduke Joseph, Emperor Frank I.,
Empress Carolina Augusta and princesses Stephanie
and Dorothea, have visited Plitvice Lakes. That was the
origin of Dorothea’s Path alongside the canyon of the
Lower Lakes, Stephanie’s Path along the coast of Lake
Kozjak, Stephanie’s Island at Lake Kozjak, Prince’s Path
alongside Velika Poljana up until Lake Kozjak, and Veliki
Brod (“Big Ship”), which is a birth at Kozjak.
Bio-climactic circumstances at Plitvice range from cold
Foto: Marijo Bandiæ / HTZ
Bioklimatske prilike na Plitvicama tijekom godine kreću
se u granicama od hladnog do ugodnog / Bio-climactic circumstances at Plitvice range from cold to
pleasant during the year
to pleasant during the year. It’s cold from early November to mid-March, fresh from mid-March to mid-May
and from mid-September to late October, and it’s merely pleasant during the warmest part of the year. This
area’s population used to make ends meet thanks to
cattle breeding, agriculture, flour milling and forest exploitation. That very much determined the way they fed
themselves and prepared their meals. The food was saved in clay pots (the natives called them “rukaca”) near
the fireplace. Bread, as the primary ingredient, was mostly made from corn, and it was originally baked merely
covered in ashes and ember at the fireplace. Along with
bread, polenta was also prepared, and you also had to
have milk, whether it was sweet or sour. The people mostly went game hunting (dormice were a delicacy) and
they collected wild berries. Mushrooms were also picked
in the forest: morels, beech sticks and field mushrooms.
Considering the near-by lakes, it’s surprising how rarely
the locals went fishing. They mostly went fishing for trout
in streams Plitvica, Sartuk and Jasenica.
There is still a part of that old ambience that is available
Foto: Juraj Kopaè / HTZ
Popularnosti Parka pridonosi i uporaba specijalnih vozila za prijevoz posjetitelja /
The park’s popularity is also credited to the usage of
special vehicles for transporting visitors
to today’s visitors through the rich gastronomic offering
of the National Park. The passengers, who are just passing by, can buy some of the traditional specialities, while the ones with acquired taste can enjoy the specialities and the appropriate ambience of restaurant Lička
Kuća (“Lika House”). There are two more restaurants located within the complex of the park – Borje and Poljana, as well as many objects for the visitors’ refreshment
and rest.
The National Park’s autumn working hours are from 8
am to 6 pm. And for those who want to spend more
than one day here, you have hotels Jezero, Plitvice,
Bellevue and Grabovac at your disposal. One more important element of the park’s accommodation offering
is camp Korana, which is located on the plateau beneath river Korana’s canyon. Whether you’re brought to
this mountainous area by the desire for some delicacies
or for a stroll in the fresh air along the sound of colossal
waterfalls, the park will give you the opportunity to do
some hiking, riding in an electric boat or train, skiing,
Od predjela do clubbinga
Ono što je od početka bila orijentacija ovoga prestižnoga zagrebačkog lokala jest njegov
demokratičan pristup: nije ovo mjesto na kojem će jedino moći uživati eksperimentatori
i elita, nego i svi ostali željni dobrog obroka s kvalitetnim sastojcima, s odličnom i školovanom uslugom, umjerenim cijenama, a u vrhunski uređenom ambijentu koji jednako
dobro priziva uživanje u hrani i dobru zabavu
Piše: Hela Biliæ
Foto: Kristina Faziniæ
lobetrotteri dobra ukusa već odavno znaju
da je na svjetskoj gastronomskoj sceni posljednjih godina, hit kuhinja japansko-peruanskoga chefa Nobua Matsuhise koji je proslavio fusion Istoka i Zapada “u loncu”, spajajući na vješt
i maštovit način dotad (činilo se) nespojivo. “Nobu” je
danas sinonim za lanac vrhunskih fusion restorana na
najpoželjnijim svjetskim destinacijama – od New Yorka
do Los Angelesa, od Tokija do Melbournea – koji nude
malo drukčiji, reklo bi se, holistički pristup hrani.
A poznavatelji domaće gastroscene ovakva su kulinarska nagnuća prepoznali u meniju klub-restorana Plato
u zagrebačkom Kaptol centru. Plato se u samo pola
godine od otvaranja prometnuo u novu meku za tan-
koćutna nepca, a njegov meni već je opravdano opjevan u mnogim gastro kritikama. No, ono što je od početka bila orijentacija prestižnoga zagrebačkog lokala
jest njegov demokratičan pristup: nije ovo mjesto na
kojem će jedino moći uživati eksperimentatori, nego i
svi ostali željni dobrog obroka s kvalitetnim sastojcima, s
odličnom i školovanom uslugom – što je, nažalost, tako
rijetka pojava i u tendencioznim hrvatskim restoranima
– umjerenim cijenama, a u nadasve vrhunski uređenom
ambijentu koji jednako dobro priziva uživanje u hrani i
dobru zabavu.
Interijer s veličanstvenom terasom koja gleda na gornjogradske prežuljke, prvi je adut Platoa: raskošni, ali
neopterećujući, iznimno udoban i prozračan prostor u
Vrhunski uređen interijer / Supremely decorated interior
svijetlim tonovima doista dobro funkcionira i kao mjesto brzoga poslovnog ručka, i kao odabir sadržajnog
večernjeg izlaska. Uostalom, takav je i odabir menadžmenta lokala, koji Plato vidi u konceptu “dining and
clubbing”, sve popularnijem kod nas. Priča o “diningu”
doista je prilagođena i zahtjevnijim gostima i onima koji
više cijene konvencionalniji jelovnik. Tako u jesenskoj
ponudi Platoa, predstavljenoj početkom prošloga mjeseca, ravnopravno stoluju tuna tataki, proljetne rolice
sa slatko-kiselim umakom, piletina na štapiću s kikirikijem, pačja prsa s miso umakom, razni wokovi, ali i janjeći kotleti, tatarski biftek, neke zanimljive talijanske paste
i steak sa slanim krumpirom. A kako se meni prilagodio
prevladavajućem ukusu zagrebačke publike, ne forsirajući snobizam i ne nasilno “preodgajajući” ljubitelje
dobre hrane, tako je i raspon cijena prilagođen najvećem dijelu potencijalnih gostiju, pri čemu se posebno
cilja na mlađe zaposlene ljude kojima je, osim večere,
često na pameti i ono “poslije” večere. Cijene su u Platou doista fer, s predjelima i malim toplim jelima čija
cijena ne prelazi pedesetak kuna, dok za najskuplje
jelo na meniju nećete morati izdvojiti više od stotinjak
kuna. Biti “nježan” na džepu, ali zanimljiv i konkurentan
Flosova Zeppelin lampa upotpunjuje prostor / The
Zeppelin lamp by Flos completes the room
u ponudi, Platoov je recept koji od otvaranja donosi
odlične rezultate.
Na koncu, element “clubbinga” od jeseni je obogaćen
izvrsnim novim programom. Srijeda, kao jedan od “gluhih” dana u tjednu za zabavnu ponudu metropole, inauguriran je u Platou kao “Wednesday Live Clubbing”. Svake srijede od 24. listopada u Platou uživo nastupaju naša
najpoznatija estradna imena, uz živu svirku na klaviru i gitari. Program je, prema riječima voditelja klub-restorana,
zamišljen kao nekoliko setova, u početku laganijih pa sve
bržih, kako bi gosti mogli uz večeru, svijeće i razgovor poslušati poznate hitove stranih i domaćih izvodača i uživati
u atmosferi kluba. U Platou tako tijekom jeseni i zime srijedom možete naletjeti na nastupe Natali Dizdar, Divasica,
Jacquesa Houdeka i Ivane Kindl, Massima, Vanne, Tonija
Cetinskog... Uz ovaj novitet, Plato će svake subote ugostiti i svojevrsni after party televizijskog showa “Ples sa zvijezdama”, uz gostovanje ekipe plesača, a tijekom ovoga
mjeseca najavljena je i “grčka večer” uz grčku glazbu,
dodatna ponuda u meniju i mnoštvo drugih zanimljivih
detalja. Valja očekivati da je sve ovo samo početak jednoga divnog prijateljstva između zahtjevne zagrebačke
publike i ozbiljnog i ambicioznog zagrebačkog lokala.
Iznimno udoban i prozračan prostor u svijetlim tonovima / An
extremely comfortable and ethereal light-toned space
From Appetizers to Clubbing
The one thing that always served as the orientation of this prestigious Zagreb establishment is its democratic approach: this is not exclusively the place for lovers of experiments or for the elite, but also for everyone else that wants a good meal with quality ingredients, excellent and educated service, moderate prices and a supremely decorated
ambience that equally stands for enjoying the food and having a good time
Written by: Hela Biliæ
Photo: Kristina Faziniæ
lobetrotters with good taste have long been
aware that, over the last few years, the new
hit on the gastronomic scene of the world has
been the cuisine of Japanese-Peruvian chef
Nobu Matsuhisa, who became famous due to his “pot
fusion” of the East and the West that combined what appeared to be incompatible in a skilful and imaginative
way. “Nobu” now stands as synonymous for a chain of
top-notch fusion restaurants at the most desirable destinations of the world – from New York to Los Angeles, from
Tokyo to Melbourne – which offer a slightly different, one
could even say holistic, approach to food.
And as far as the followers of the local gastro-scene, they
recognized these types of culinary leanings in the menu
of club-restaurant Plato at the Kaptol Centre in Zagreb. In
merely half a year since it opened, Plato has established
itself as the new “mecca” for delicate palates with menu,
that has already been rightfully worshiped in many gastro-critics. However, the one thing that always served as
the orientation of this prestigious Zagreb establishment is
its democratic approach: this is not exclusively the place
for lovers of experiments, but also for everyone else that
wants a good meal with quality ingredients, excellent
and educated service – which is, unfortunately, such a
rare feature in tendentious Croatian restaurants – moderate prices and a supremely decorated ambience that
Prevladava bijela boja / The white colour is dominant
Cijene u Platou su umjerene / Prices at
Plato are moderate
equally stands for enjoying the food and having a good
The interior, featuring a magnificent terrace that overlooks the upper-town hills, is the first ace up Plato’s
sleeve: both luxurious and unburdening, this extremely
comfortable and ethereal light-toned space truly works
equally well as a place for a quick business lunch and as
a choice for an eventful evening out. After all, that was
a conscious choice of the restaurant’s management, as
they see Plato within the “dining and clubbing” concept
that’s gaining more and more popularity in our country.
The “dining” part is truly equally adjusted to the more
demanding customers and to the ones who rather appreciate a more conventional menu. The Plato autumn
menu, presented at the beginning of last month, equally features tataki tunas, little spring rolls with sweet-sour
gravy, chicken on a stick with peanuts, duck breast with
miso sauce, various woks, but also lamb chops, beef
tartar, some interesting Italian pastas and steak with
salty potatoes. And along with the fact that the menu
is adjusted to the dominant tendencies of the Zagreb
audience, without feeling the need to impose snobbery
and forcefully “re-educate” the lovers of good food,
the range of prices is also adjusted to the largest section
of potential customers, and the special target group is
younger busy people who, besides dinner, often have
what’s coming “after” dinner on their minds. The prices
at Plato are really fair, featuring appetizers and smaller
warm meals that cost up to fifty kunas, while the most
expensive meal on the menu won’t release you of more
Jelovnik je osmislio Stephano Macchi /
The menu was designed by Stephano
than about hundred kunas. Being “gentle” on the pocket, but also being interesting and competitive in its offering, is the Plato recipe that has excellent results ever
since the opening.
And finally, the “clubbing” element has been improved
with an excellent new entertainment programme since
autumn began. Wednesday, as usually one of the “deaf”
days of the week when it comes to the capital’s partying options, has been introduced as the night of Plato’s
“Wednesday Night Clubbing”. Every Wednesday since
October 24th, Plato is set to host our most famous singers as they perform alongside live music with pianos and
guitars. According to the club-restaurant’s manager,
the programme is designed as several sets that evolve
from slower to faster, so that the guests could enjoy their
dinner, candlelight and conversation and still listen to
famous hits from foreign and local performers, as well
as enjoy the atmosphere of the club. During this autumn
and winter, Plato will be the host for performances by
Natali Dizdar, Divas, Jacques Houdek, Ivana Kindl, Massimo, Vanna, Toni Cetinski… Alongside this novelty, Plato
will spend every Saturday hosting an after-party for a TV
show “Dancing with the Stars” with the dancing teams
present, and it’s been announced that this month will
be the start of the “Greek nights” with Greek music, extra-options in the menu and many other interesting details. It should be expected that this is just the beginning
of a wonderful friendship between the demanding Zagreb audience and this serious and ambitious Zagreb
Fine st
Omegin gospodar
Robustan, racionalan i hrabar, baš kakav mora
biti na ruci pravog muškarca, kultni sat iz Omege zove se Speedmaster i ima brojne funkcije, jednako potrebne poslovnim ljudima i
avanturistima, a i povijest s kojom se Omega jedina može pohvaliti – kao službeni sat
NASA-e, jedini je bio na Mjesecu. Pa, iako
možda nije Sanaderova “klasa”, ovaj sat
će puno toga objasniti o vama, posebno
pripadnicama ljepšega spola koje trebaju
donijeti brze zaključke.
Stolica za tinejdžere
Pokoja noga previše, obično-neobičan izgled i evo stolice za ljuljanje za
21. stoljeće, s jednako neobičnim imenom Ku-dir-ka. Iz radionice Contraforma dolazi ova tako jednostavna ideja
(ali netko je se ipak trebao sjetiti prvi).
Princip je očit: očekujete običnu stabilnu stolicu, ali noge “viška” vam dopuštaju i nagib... Idealno za tinejdžere u školskim klupama.
Omega’s Master
of Speed
Robust, rational and courageous,
which is exactly how it should look on
a hand of a real man, the legendary
watch from Omega is called Speedmaster and it has numerous functions,
which are just as necessary to businessmen and adventure lovers, and it also
carries a history that only Omega can
boast with – as the official NASA watch, it’s the
only one that has been on the Moon. So even
though it’s not exactly in Sanader’s league, this
watch will explain an awful lot about you, especially to ladies that need to draw some fast
A Chair for Teenagers
A leg or two too many, the ordinary/bizarre
look, and you got yourself a
rocking chair for the 21st century, carrying an equally unusual name Ku-dir-ka. An idea
this simple comes from the
Contraform workshop (but
somebody had to come up
with it first). It’s an obvious
principle: you expect an
ordinary stable chair, but
thanks to those extra-legs,
you can also do some tilting… Ideal for teenagers
sitting in school.
Ponosni na mp3
Bilo bi krajnje nepravedno nazvati BeoSound
6 običnim – mp3 playerom. U eri kad
svaka šuša proizvodi mp3 playere,
Bang&Olufsenova uzdanica jednostavno mora ponijeti neku laskaviju
titulu. Zbog fantastičnog dizajna, inovativnih performansi, materijala izrade – poliranog nehrđajućeg čelika,
stakla otpornog na udarce, gume...
BeoSound 6 jedna je od onih tehnikalija koju nema smisla držati u torbi ili džepu. Pokažite što imate!
Proud of Mp3
It would be extremely unfair to say that BeoSound
6 is an ordinary – mp3 player. In an era when any
oaf can produce an mp3 player, Bang&Olufsen’s
product simply must carry a more flattering title.
Due to its fantastic design, innovative performances,
production material – polished stainless steel, glass
resistant to blows, rubber… BeoSound 6 is one
of those technical devices that don’t deserve
to be held within a purse or a pocket. Show
them what you got!
“Steam” - estetika gole
Zadržavanje energije u njezinoj
esencijalnoj formi bila je ideja
dizajnerice Rikke Hagen kad
je kreirala svoju stolnu svjetiljku
“Steam”. Osnovni oblik svjetiljke je
zadržan, ali pročišćen od svih nepotrebnih detalja, dok je ono što osposobljava
svjetiljku za rad, a inače se na sve načine
pokušava prikriti – kabel – ovdje sastavni dio
dizajna. Obojen u hrabru tirkiznu boju, proviruje ispod sivkaste prozirne baze i ostavlja
promatrača u iznenađenju. Svjetiljku proizvodi Holmegaard Glassworks, tvrtka s dugogodišnjom tradicijom u ručnom puhanju
Gastrogurui iz Liebherra
Hladnjaci su nam sve
veći i veći (a u skladu s
time i opseg struka). No,
ovo Liebherrovo čudo
stvoreno je za “fajnšmekere”, a ne ljubitelje junk
fooda. Gotovo četvrtina je posvećena vinu
– s više temperaturnih
zona, uz ostakljena vrata i drvene police koje
su jedini pristojan način
držanja dobre kapljice.
No, i ostatak hladnjaka
pruža vrhunski estetski i
kvalitativni doživljaj – od
inoks obloge do ledomata, od LED rasvjete
do BioFresh odjeljka koji jamči očuvanje namirnica tri puta dulje od do sada uvriježenog.
Woofy u borbi protiv kabela
Woofy je vaš najnoviji (možda i najdraži?)
kućni ljubimac, tvrde u danskoj tvrtki Normann koja proizvodi ovo neobično kućno pomagalo. Ne morate ga hraniti,
šetati ili maziti, samo ponekad obrisati prašinu s njega, a on vam zauzvrat pomaže skrivajući jednu od
najmržih pojava u modernom domu
– klupko kabela. Pa recite da pas nije
čovjekov najbolji prijatelj...
“Steam” - Aesthetics of Pure
Maintaining energy in its essential form was the designer
Rikka Hagen’s idea when she created her table lamp
“Steam”. The primary shape of the lamp wasn’t changed,
but it got purified from all the unnecessary details, while
the thing that enables the lamp to work and is usually being hidden in every possible way – the cable – makes for
an integral part of the design. Coloured in bold turquoise,
it glimpses underneath the greyish see-through base
and it leaves the observer in the state of surprise. The
lamps are manufactured by Holmegaard Glassworks, a
company with many years of tradition in manual glass
Gastro-Gurus from Liebherr
Our refrigerators keep getting bigger and bigger
(which has the same effect
on our waistlines). However,
this miracle by Liebherr is
created for “mods”, not
some “junk food” lovers. Almost a quarter of it is dedicated to wine – featuring
several temperature zones,
with glass doors and wooden shelves that are the only
decent way to keep a
good bottle of wine. But still,
the rest of the fridge also
provides a superb aesthetical and qualitative experience – from inox coverings
to the ice machine, from
LOD lighting to BioFresh departments that guarantee
conservation of your groceries to last three times as
long as up until now.
Woofy Battling Cables
Woofy is your newest (maybe even favourite?) pet, according to the Danish company Normann that produces
this unusu- al house appliance. You don’t have to feed
it, walk it or cuddle with it; merely dust it
once in a while and it will show its appreciation by helping you hide one of the most
hated appearances in a modern home
– a bunch of cables. And some people
say that a dog
is not a man’s best
Pripremila / Edited by: Aurelija Vukušiæ
“Broj 12”, dječak koji pada s igračkom autobusom/
“Number 12”, boy thet falls with bus toy
Slikar iz nekog “novog filma”
“Slikarstvo Zlatana Vehabovića nije film, ne odvija se u vremenu, ne sadrži zvuk,
nema priču – ono prije sadrži neku neodređenu atmosferu koja upućuje na nešto
što može biti priča.”
Piše: Nataša Bodrožiæ
latan Vehabović mladi je slikar, rođen 1982. godine, trenutačno postdiplomant zagrebačke Akademije likovnih umjetnosti, dobitnik brojnih uglednih nagrada, umjetnik kojega je kritika ocijenila
jednim od najzanimljivijih slikara u posljednjih nekoliko
godina. Prepoznatljiv je po svojim platnima velikih dimenzija na kojima je uvijek prisutan ljudski lik. Na njima
prikazuje motive djetinjstva, na neki način pomaknute,
neobične prizore koji pomalo evociraju sjećanje na san
ili su dio neke velike, univerzalne priče, golemog arhiva
djelomično zaboravljenih slika, malo stvarnih, malo nestvarnih. Narativnost i neprijeteća, ali impresivna monumentalnost kompozicija, epičnost koja se provlači kroz
prizore i priziva nastavak priče, upečatljivost i snaga
Vehabovićevih slika, učinili su ga jednim od najperspektivnijih mladih umjetnika, čije vrijeme tek dolazi.
“Htio sam da slike budu prožete različitim sjećanjima.
Ako su postale vizualno atraktivne, to nije stoga što prikazuju neko određeno mjesto, neki konkretni krajolik.
Dok ih gledam, evociram slike u pokretu, kao u nekom
filmu: taj pokret je pokret koji dolazi iz sjećanja i može
se najbolje opisati idejom Jorgea Luisa Borgesa da sva
umjetnost stremi glazbi. One istodobno prikazuju, pričaju, apstrahiraju, prizivajući različite elemente iz povijesti
umjetnosti i stvarnosti.”
Njegova velika platna sastavljena su od nekoliko manjih, iz jednostavnog razloga što želi raditi na velikim
površinama, a u njegov je atelje, u zagrebačkoj Mesničkoj ulici, koji dijeli s još nekoliko kolega, nemoguće
“Broj 9”, prva slika ciklusa “Sjever” / “Number 9”, first painthing od the “North” cycle
unijeti platno velikog formata. Jedan od prepoznatljivih elemenata koji tvore izvorni Vehabovićev stil jest i
pješčana podloga platna koja mu daje taktilne kvalitete. Kreativni impuls, riječima samog umjetnika, dolazi
iz igre.
Uz brojne grupne izložbe na kojima je sudjelovao, Zlatan
Vehabović predstavio se domaćoj javnosti i samostalno, na dvije izložbe ključne za sagledavanje njegova
rada u cjelini. Radi se o izložbama “6 kilometara” u Galeriji SC-a u Zagrebu 2006., te “Sjever” u velikogoričkoj
galeriji “Galženica” prošloga proljeća. Već u okviru “6
kilometara”, predstavljen je cjelovit, tematski i tehnički
zaokružen ciklus. Riječima samog umjetnika, platna su
nastanjena figurama postavljenim u određene odnose, a mogle su se povezati sa slikama svakodnevice ili,
pak, arhivom slika iz povijesti umjetnosti. U novijem ciklusu slika “Sjever”, izazov umjetniku, kako sam navodi,
bio je daljnje “pokretanje unutarnjeg svijeta” promatrača odabirom motiva i protagonista uz opetovanu
želju za pokretanjem lavine individualnih filmova.
“Prvi slikar sadržava već u sebi sve slikare koji će se pojaviti nakon njega”, riječi su Lovre Artukovića, jednog
od najcjenjenijih suvremenih slikara, te “ovisi o posebnom isječku vremena i o slikarevoj sposobnosti što
će se materijalizirati u slici.” Čini se da je Vehabović,
sa svojih dvadeset i pet godina, već stekao svijest o
slikarstvu kao sebi imanentnom svojstvu, nečemu što
oduvijek posjeduje te ga, stoga, bez prestanka razvija
i transformira u jedinstveni, samo njemu svojstven izraz.
Hrvatska je suvremena umjetnička scena još uvijek pri-
lično izolirana pa je doseg Vehabovićeva djela, kao
i mnogih drugih njegovih kolega umjetnika, ograničen, kako geografski, tako i prema stupnju do kojeg
ga javnost uopće može percipirati, s obzirom na status
koji umjetnost, pogotovo ona suvremena, ima ovdje i
S druge strane, Vehabović je jedan od onih umjetnika
čiji su radovi idealni za kolekcionarske zbirke i čiji rad,
vjerojatno sasvim nesvjesno, prati svjetske umjetničke
trendove. On radi u tradicionalnome mediju – slikarstvu, a njegovo slikarstvo ne može se lako usporediti s
nečim već viđenim, autentično je i odiše svježinom, mistikom, koliko i suverenim vladanjem tehnikom. “Ono je
poetično i, u najboljoj tradiciji popularne glazbe, eskapistično.”
Kada govorimo o svjetskim trendovima, još otkada je
početkom 2005. godine kontroverzni britanski kolekcionar i mecena suvremene umjetnosti Charles Saatchi, u
svojoj londonskoj galeriji, najavio novi postav i pod egidom “Trijumf slikarstva” izložio “najvažnije predstavnike
europskog slikarstva današnjice”, polemike i kustoske
postavke sličnog tipa ne izlaze iz mode. “Novo figurativno slikarstvo” je konstantno na cijeni.
Taj je trend prisutan i kod nas. Naime, osim nekoliko
velikih izložbi koje su tematizirale “slikarstvo sada”, pokušavajući radovima umjetnika različitih generacija
dokazati njegovu vitalnost, slikarstvo nisu zaobilazile ni
najvrjednije nagrade za mlade umjetnike koje se dodjeljuju kod nas. Zlatan Vehabović tako je 2005. dobio nagradu Hrvatske gospodarske komore, a 2006. nagradu
Slika “Moj dom je nigdje bez tebe” / Painting “My home is Nowehere without you”
Akademije likovnih umjetnosti za najuspješniji diplomski
rad. Iste je godine dobio i prvu nagradu na natječaju
Erste banke (Novi fragmenti 3), a 2007. drugu nagradu
na natječaju za najbolje mlade umjetnike srednje i jugoistočne Europe uglednog austrijskog muzeja Essl.
Sakupljanje umjetničkih djela kao poslovni potez, razvijanje svijesti velikih tvrtki o stvaranju pozitivnog imidža
posredstvom suvremene umjetnosti, trend je prisutan
više od dvadeset godina na zapadu, a kod nas postoji u tragovima. Erste banka jedna je od prvih tvrtki
u Hrvatskoj koja je usvojila takav način razmišljanja i
osim publiciteta koji dobiva organiziranjem izložbi nagrađenih radova, njezini radni prostori oplemenjeni su
umjetničkim radovima, koji zasigurno ne prolaze neprimijećeno te nailaze na uvažavanje zaposlenika, dijela
javnosti i poslovnih partnera. Tu je još, svakako, i tvrtka “Filip Trade”, čiji vlasnik Tomislav Kličko posjeduje
jednu od najvećih i najcjenjenijih kolekcija hrvatske
suvremene umjetnosti, koja je više puta bila izlagana.
Taj poduzenik i zaljubljenik u suvremenu umjetnost iskoristio je trenutak slabije potražnje za djelima suvremenih autora te povoljno kupio recentne radove jer je njihovu vrijednost prepoznao prije ostalih i tako pridonio
kvaliteti svoje zbirke. Kličkova zbirka nije pohranjena u
depoima, već se nalazi u novoj zgradi “Filip Tradea”
na zagrebačkoj Savici, te čini dio djelatnog okruženja,
dekor poslovnog prostora tvrtke koja, upravo iz razloga “umjetničke osviještenosti svoga vlasnika”, kod nas
predstavlja svojevrsni sinonim prestiža.
Zlatan Vehabović u kratkom je vremenu iskočio kao
jedna od najzanimljivijih autorskih ličnosti mlađe generacije slikara i njegovo ime zasigurno treba zapamtiti, budući da je njegove radove ionako teško zaboraviti.
“Broj 11” / “Number 11”
A Painter from
“A Brand New Film”
“Zlatan Vehabović’s painting isn’t a movie, it doesn’t take place within a period of time, it doesn’t contain sound or possess a story – it rather features a somewhat ambiguous atmosphere
that hints at something that could be a story.”
Written by: Nataša Bodrožiæ
latan Vehabović is a young painter born in 1982
who is currently a post-graduate at the Academy
of Fine Arts in Zagreb, and he has won numerous
prestigious awards while also being portrayed
by the critics as one of the most interesting painters to
emerge over the last several years. He is recognizable
for his large-sized canvases that always feature a human figure. He displays motifs of childhood, somewhat
removed, unusual images that slightly evoke memories
of a dream or are a part of a bigger universal story,
a huge archive of partly forgotten images, which are
sometimes real and sometimes false. The narrative
aspect and the non-threatening, but still impressive
grandeur of the compositions, the epic strength that
wriggles through the images and calls upon the continuation of the story, as well as the sheer distinction
and power of Vehabović’s paintings, have made him
one of the most promising young artists, whose time is
yet to arrive.
“I wanted to have the paintings dyed in different memories. If they ended up being visually attractive, it’s not
because they display a certain location or a specific
“Broj 10”, djeca koja se igraju među spomenicima / “Number 10”, children playing between monuments
landscape. While I look at them, I evoke moving images, just like in some movie: that movement comes
from the memories and can best be described with an
idea by Jorge Luis Borges that all shapes of art aspire
towards music. They simultaneously display, talk and
abstract, while recalling different elements from art history and reality.”
His large canvases consist of several smaller ones, simply because he wants to work on big surfaces, and it’s
impossible to bring in a large-sized canvas to his atelier, which he shares with several other colleagues in
Mesnička Street in Zagreb. One of the recognizable
elements that create the original Vehabović’s style is
also the sand surface of the canvas, as that delivers
the tactile quality to it. Creative impulse, in words of the
artist himself, comes from playing around.
Along with the numerous collective exhibits in which
he has participated, Zlatan Vehabović also presented
himself to the local public in solo manner by throwing
two exhibits that are crucial for the overall evaluation
of his work. Those are the “6 Kilometres” exhibit at the
Student Centre Gallery in Zagreb in 2006, and “North”
at the “Galženica” gallery in Velika Gorica last spring.
Already within “6 Kilometres”, he presented his complete thematically and technically rounded cycle. In
the words of the artist himself, the canvases were inhabited with figures that are positioned in certain relations, and they could be connected with the every-day
images or with the archive of images from the history of
art. In his newer painting cycle called “North”, the artist was challenged, as he says himself, by further “turning the observer’s inner world into motion” by choosing
the motifs and protagonists with the repeated desire to
start the avalanche of individual films.
“True painter already encompasses in himself all those
painters that will come after him”, said Lovro Artuković,
one of the most appreciated contemporary painters,
and he also said that “what materializes within a painting depends on that special clip of time as much as on
the painter’s ability.” It seems that Vehabović, at his
age of 25, has already gained awareness on painting
as a characteristic that is immanent to him, as something that he has always possessed and something that
he constantly develops and transforms into this unique
expression that could only belong to him. The Croatian contemporary art scene is still very much isolated,
which makes the reach of Vehabović’s work, as well as
many of his other art colleagues, to be pretty limited
both geographically and regarding the degree of the
public taking notice of him, and that is connected with
the status that art, especially contemporary art, has
right here and now.
On the other hand, Vehabović is one of those artists with
works that are ideal for collectors and who, probably
completely unconsciously, follows the artistic trends of
the world. He works in a traditional medium – painting,
yet his painting can hardly be compared with something you’ve seen before, as it is authentic and filled
“Broj 8”, posljednja slika ciklusa “6 kilometara” / “Number 8”, last painting from the “6 kilometers” cycle
with freshness, mystique, as well as a firm stranglehold
on technique. “It is poetic and, in the best tradition of
popular music, filled with escapism.”
When we’re talking about the trends of the world,
ever since early 2005, when controversial British collector and patron of contemporary art Charles Saatchi announced a new display in his London gallery
and exhibited “the most important representors of
today’s European painting” under the “Triumph of
Painting” slogan, discussions and custodian exhibits of
similar style bring nothing but success. “New figurative
painting” is constantly respected.
That trend is present at our scene as well. Therefore,
besides several large exhibits that had the “today’s
painting” theme and that tried to prove its vitality
by displaying paintings by artists from different generations, some of our most valuable awards for young
artists also couldn’t find their way to avoid painting.
Zlatan Vehabović won the 2005 award by the Croatian Chamber of Economics, as well as the 2006 award
by the Academy of Fine Arts for his graduation thesis.
That same year also brought him the first prize at the
Erste Bank’s contest (New Fragments 3), and he received the second prize at the contest for best young
artists from Central and Southeastern Europe from the
respected Austrian museum Essl in 2007.
Collecting works of art as a business move and large
companies developing awareness on creating a positive image by using contemporary art – that is a trend
that has existed for over twenty years in the West, and
there are barely any traces of it in our country. Erste Bank
is one of the first companies in Croatia that accepted
that way of thinking and, besides the publicity they receive by organizing exhibits featuring awarded pieces
of work, their company chambers are ennobled with
works of art, and that definitely doesn’t go by unnoticed
and is widely appreciated by employees, sections of the
public and their business partners. We also must mention
“Filip Trade”, as its owner Tomislav Kličko possesses one of
the biggest and most respected collections of Croatian
contemporary art, which has been exhibited on numerous occasions. This businessman and lover of contemporary art has taken advantage of a period where the
demand for works of contemporary authors was rather
weak to buy many recent works at a good price, all due
to him recognizing their value before anyone else, and
now the quality of his collection is much higher. Kličko’s
collection isn’t stored in depots, but it is located in the
new “Filip Trade” building at Savica in Zagreb, where it
makes for a part of the working environment as a décor
in the business spaces of the firm that, because of the
“artistic awareness of its owner”, is now synonymous to
prestige in this area.
Zlatan Vehabović needed little time to establish himself
as one of the most interesting authors and personalities
of the younger generation of painters, and his name is
definitely one to remember, but then again, his works
are quite difficult to forget anyway.
Hotel Kruisheren sretan je spoj drevne povijesti i modernog luksuza
Gotièka rapsodija
u Maastrichtu
Vanjski se izgled nekadašnje crkve i samostana morao poštovati, no to nije spriječilo arhitekta Henka Vosa i dizajnera Inga Maurera da se poigraju s interpretacijom originala. Tako je Maurer zaslužan za svjetlosne instalacije koje dodatno
naglašavaju ljepotu građevina. Posebno je to vidljivo u radu na atriju koji, zahvaljujući Maurerovu geniju, izgleda kao “filmski” spoj visokobudžetnog SF-a i
gotičkog horora
Ostakljeno dizalo povezuje prostor crkve i samostana /
The church and the monastery are connected by a
glass elevator
Svjetlosne instalacije dodatno pojačavaju dojam mističnosti i naglašavaju ljepotu gotičke zgrade
/ Lighting installations that further
increase the mystical impression
and emphasize the beauty of the
gothic building
Piše: Helena Pajiæ
Ingo Maurer zaslužan je za kompletne svjetlosne instalacije /
Ingo Maurer gets the credit
for complete lighting
Foto: Luc Boegly; www.designhotels.com
a prvi pogled, filmska obitelj Addams mogla
bi se, na proputovanju kroz Maastricht, ovdje
sasvim dobro snaći: elegantno gotičko zdanje
– nekadašnja crkva i samostan iz 15. stoljeća
– svojom dostojanstvenom arhitekturom ulijeva strahopoštovanje, možda i malo nelagode. No, dojam traje
vrlo kratko, tek dok se ne zaviri iza ove fantastične povijesne kulise pretvorene u ekskluzivnu turističku adresu.
Hotel Kruisheren doista je nesvakidašnji spoj prošlosti i
sadašnjosti, a protutežu gotici čini hipermoderna unutrašnjost koju ispunjava najbolji dizajn sadašnjice. Ma-
hom nizozemski, naravno, jer ipak je riječ o jednome od
najboljih nizozemskih hotela.
Maastricht je poznat po svojim povijesnim spomenicima, kulturnim znamenitostima, inovativnoj arhitekturi
i dizajnu. Sretan spoj svega toga dogodio se u središtu grada, na pitoresknome trgu Kommelplein, gdje
je smješten kompleks zgrada, nekada sakralni objekt
koji je početkom dvadesetog stoljeća bio na rubu raspadanja. Nakon obnove, zgrade crkve i samostana
koristio je Nacionalni poljoprivredni institut, a onda su
početkom osamdesetih ponovno napuštene i prepu-
Henk Vos zaslužan je za potpuno individualiziran izgled svake sobe i apartmana /
Henk Vos also deserves the praise for the completely individualized look of every
room and apartment
Originalni samostanski vitraj u kojemu mogu uživati samo gosti u sobi 209 /
Protutežu gotici čini hipermoderna unutrašnjost / The gothic aspect is counterbalanced by the hypermodern interior
štene zaboravu. Camille Oostwegel ime je organizacije koja je početkom dvijetisućitih konačno spasila ovo
veličanstveno zdanje. Specijalizirana za renoviranje
povijesnih zgrada, zaklada-tvrtka ima u vlasništvu brojne dvorce i druge spomenike, odreda pretvorene u luksuzne hotele, a upravo je takva namjena zamišljena i
za maastrišku zaboravljenu ljepoticu. Vanjski se izgled
morao poštovati do kraja, no to nije spriječilo arhitekta
Henka Vosa i dizajnera Inga Maurera da se poigraju
s interpretacijom originala. Tako je Maurer zaslužan za
kompletne svjetlosne instalacije, koje dodatno pojačavaju dojam mističnosti i naglašavaju ljepotu gotičke
zgrade (posebno je to vidljivo u radu na atriju koji, zahvaljujući Maurerovu geniju, izgleda kao “filmski” spoj
visokobudžetnog SF-a i gotičkog horora). Njemački dizajner potpisuje i sam ulaz u predvorje koje je pretvorio
u svojevrsni tunel iznutra obložen bakrom, te rasvjetu
nekadašnje kapelice koja predstavlja zajedničke prostore hotela.
Za opsežan plan renoviranja i unutrašnjeg uređenja
bila je zadužena tvrtka “Satijn plus architects”, a većinu kreativnog rada odradio je Henk Vos: uz postojeću crkvenu te s njom povezanu zgradu samostana,
dograđen je i aneks kojim se dobio dodatan prostor
hotela. Većina od šezdeset raskošno uređenih soba i
apartmana smještena je u samostanskoj zgradi, dok
je bivša crkva s aneksom preuzela ulogu recepcije,
konferencijske dvorane, čitaonice, boutiquea i bara.
Ostakljeno dizalo povezuje prostor crkve i samostana, a veličanstveni atrij i pripadajući vrt ekstenzija su
unutrašnjih prostora kojima dominiraju dostojanstveni
holovi s karakterističnim stropovima i velikim staklenim
površinama. Jedan takav interijer u mezaninu udomio
je i izvrsni restoran u kojemu se jednako uživa u hrani
kao i u ambijentu i pogledu na pitoreskni centar Maastrichta, a tamo gdje je nekada davno bio crkveni
zbor, sada je luksuzna vinoteka s golemim ostakljenim
“sefom” za vina, u kojoj se redovito priređuju i vinske
zakuske s nekoliko slijedova.
Henk Vos zaslužan je za potpuno individualiziran izgled
svake sobe i apartmana hotela Kruisheren: ono što
najviše oduševljava goste jest ponovno sudar (u najboljem smislu te riječi) starog i novog, očuvanje originalnih zidova i stropnih freski iz 15. stoljeća, uz moderne
aplikacije poput staklenih stijenki, suvremene umjetnosti, svježe palete boja i dizajnerskih komada namještaja
(koje, među ostalim, potpisuju Le Corbusier, Philippe
Starck, Marc Newson, Marcel Wanders, Ray i Charles
Eames, Rietveld i Piet-Hein Eek) koji ipak ne odvlače
pažnju s bitnoga, a to je ovdje definitivno baština. No,
na top-listi prioriteta koje hotel mora zadovoljiti svakome bi gostu pri vrhu bila udobnost. U Kruisherenu se nije
štedjelo na ugodi – svaka je soba opremljena jacuzzi
masažnom kadom i tušem, velikim garderobnim prostorom, najudobnijim krevetima, brzom internetskom
vezom, flat screen TV-om s DVD uređajem i nizom standardnih usluga za hotel visoke kategorije. A oni kojim
nisu dovoljne standardne raskoši hotela Kruisheren,
mogu rezervirati sobu 209, zapravo apartman koji osim
prostranosti nudi i dodatni luksuz – ostakljeni zid u boji,
odnosno originalni samostanski vitraj u kojemu mogu
uživati samo gosti u 209.
Sav taj luksuz ima i svoju cijenu: u hotelu Kruisheren odsjeda se po prosječnoj cijeni od 250-300 eura po noćenju, ali to neće spriječiti tragaoce za estetskim užicima
da sebi priušte jedno doista nesvakidašnje iskustvo.
Hotel obiluje dizajnerskim komadima namještaja, kao što je
narančasta “Heart Cone Chair” Vernera Pantona /
The hotel is filled with designer pieces of furniture, such as the orange “Heart Cone Chair” by Verner Panton
Svaka soba je drugačijeg izgleda / Every room is
Očuvani su originalni zidovi i stropne freske iz 15. stoljeća
/ Original walls and ceiling frescoes from the 15th century
are saved
Recepcija / The reception
Hotel Kruisheren Is a Successful Combination of Ancient History and Modern Luxury
Gothic Rhapsody
in Maastricht
The outside look of what used to be a church and a monastery had to be respected, but
that didn’t stop architect Henk Vos and designer Ingo Maurer from toying with the interpretation of the original. In that sense, Maurer gets the credit for lighting installations that
further emphasize the beauty of the buildings. That is particularly evident in the work done
on the atrium that, thanks to Maurer’s genius, looks like a “movie” combination of a highbudget SF and a gothic horror
Written by: Helena Pajiæ
Photo: Luc Boegly; www.designhotels.com
Edrina spiralna sofa Tatlin pronašla je svoje mjesto u predsoblju / Edra’s spiral sofa Tatlin has found place in the loby
t first glance, the Addams family from the movies could fit right in while passing through Maastricht: an elegant gothic establishment – what
used to be a church and a monastery in the
15th century – leaves you standing in awe with its dignified architecture, and you might also feel a small pinch
of discomfort. But that impression doesn’t last very long,
as it goes away the minute you look behind the fantastic historical image that’s been turned into an exclusive
address for tourists. Hotel Kruisheren is truly an extraordinary combination of past and present, and the gothic
aspect is counterbalanced by the hypermodern interior
that is blessed with the finest design of today. And it is exclusively Dutch, naturally, because we are talking about
one of the finest Dutch hotels.
Maastricht is renowned for its historical monuments,
cultural sights, innovative architecture and design. All
those things are happily matched in the town centre,
at the picturesque Kommelplein Square, where we find
the complex of buildings that used to be a sacral object, and that was standing on the verge of decay in
the early 20th century. After the renovation, the church
and monastery buildings were used by the National Agriculture Institute, and then they were slowly re-aban-
doned and about to be forgotten in the early eighties. Camille Oostwegel is the name of the organization
that finally saved this magnificent building in the early
2000s. Specialized in renovating historical buildings,
this company-foundation owns numerous castles and
other monuments that were mostly turned into luxurious
hotels, and that was exactly what awaited this forgotten beauty of Maastricht. The outside look had to be
respected to the fullest, but that didn’t stop architect
Henk Vos and designer Ingo Maurer from toying with
the interpretation of the original. In that sense, Maurer
gets the credit for complete lighting installations that
further increase the mystical impression and emphasize
the beauty of the gothic building (that is particularly
evident in the work done on the atrium that, thanks to
Maurer’s genius, looks like a “movie” combination of a
high-budget SF and a gothic horror). German designer
also has his signature on the lobby entrance, which he
turned into a type of a tunnel that is covered in copper
from within, as well as on the lighting in what used to be
a chapel, and that now represents the joint spaces of
the hotel.
The detailed plan for renovation and interior decoration
was handled by company “Satijn Plus Architects”, and
Svaka je soba opremljena jacuzzi
masažnom kadom i tušem / Every
room is equipped with a jacuzzimassage bathtub and shower
Većina od šezdeset raskošno uređenih soba i
apartmana smještena je u samostanskoj zgradi /
The majority of the sixty luxuriously decorated rooms
and apartments are located in the monastery
most of the creative work was preformed by Henk Vos: along with the existent
buildings of a church and a monastery that are connected, he also gained some
more space for the hotel by adding an annex. The majority of the sixty luxuriously decorated rooms and apartments are located in the monastery building,
while the ex-church and the annex have the roles of reception, conference hall,
library, boutique and bar. The church and the monastery are connected by a
glass elevator, and the magnificent atrium and the accompanying garden serve
as extensions of indoor rooms that are dominated by dignified halls with characteristic ceilings and large glass surfaces. One such interior at the mezzanine
hosts a marvellous restaurant where you spend as much time enjoying the food as
the ambience and the view over the picturesque centre of Maastricht, while the
place that once hosted the church choir now reveals a luxurious wine cellar with
a gigantic glass “vault” for the wine, and that’s where wine parties with several
sequences are regularly held.
Henk Vos also deserves the praise for the completely individualized look of every
room and apartment at the Kruisheren Hotel: the thing that does the best job of
enchanting the guests is again a collision (in the best sense of that word) of the
old and the new, such as the preservation of original walls and ceiling frescoes
from the 15th century that are combined with some modern applications like
glass surfaces, contemporary art, a fresh palette of colours and designer pieces
of furniture (which, among others, include Le Corbusier, Philippe Starck, Marc
Newson, Marcel Wanders, Ray and Charles Eames, Rietveld and Piet-Hein Eek),
which don’t remove the attention from what really matters, and that is definitely
the heritage of this place. However, every guest would always put comfort at
the top of the priority list that every hotel must fulfil. Nobody thought about saving some money when it comes to the comfort at Kruisheren – every room is
equipped with a jacuzzi-massage bathtub and shower, large wardrobe space,
most comfortable beds, fast Internet connection, flat-screen TVs with DVD players and a string of other standard services for a high-category hotel. And those
who aren’t happy with the standard luxuries of the Kruisheren Hotel can reserve
room 209, which is actually a suite that offers some extra-luxury next to all the
space – a glass wall in colours, or an original “stained glass” from the monastery
that is reserved only for guests of room 209.
All that luxury has a price: a night at the Kruisheren Hotel usually costs about 250300 euros, but that won’t stop searchers for aesthetic pleasures from affording
themselves a truly extraordinary experience.
Dom snova
Iznad blagovaoničkog stola tvrtke Zanotta svjetluca luster
Caboche koji su dizajnirale Patricia Urquiola i Eliana Gerotto
za Foscarini / Above the dining table by Zanotta glitters Caboche chandelier designed by Patricia Urquiola and Eliana
Gerotto for Foscarini
“Sekundarni” dnevni boravak koji je moguće odvojiti od glavnog boravka pomicanjem zanimljivo riješenih
pregradnih stijena / “Secondary” living room, which is represented by a space that can be separated from
the main living room by moving the interestingly designed barrier surfaces
Dizajn kao stil života
Ovaj stan odlikuje dobro promišljen koncept i entuzijazam klijenata da ga opreme
vodeći se ponajprije estetskim kriterijima, a tek onda onim financijskima
Piše: Ivan Mladina
tan koji ovaj put predstavljamo pripada relativno
novoj kategoriji suvremenog unutarnjeg uređenja
hrvatskih stambenih prostora. Danas više nego ikad
prije, sve veći broj imućnih, dizajnerski osviještenih
klijenata ima hrabrosti, duha i intelektualne snage upustiti se, zajedno s projektantima, u nova istraživanja suvremenog stanovanja. Površine oko 150 četvornih metara,
u suvremenoj urbanoj vili na zagrebačkim obroncima,
ovaj stan odlikuje dobro promišljen koncept i entuzijazam
klijenata da ga se opremi vodeći se ponajprije estetskim
kriterijima, a tek onda onim financijskima.
Foto: Kristina Faziniæ
Arhitektica Vlatka Čizmić vješto je protumačila mogućnosti koje su pružali zadani gabariti stana, te optimalno
diferencirala pojedine zone stana u odnosu na njihovu
orijentaciju. Tako su spavaće sobe svoje mjesto našle u
istočnom dijelu stana, dok je prostor za dnevni boravak
smješten u zapadni dio, s kojeg se otvaraju i visokokvalitetne vizure. Potencijalno rizičan gubitak prostora i smanjenje fleksibilnosti zbog dugačkog hodnika, projektantica je
elegantno izbjegla duhovito oformivši glavnu biblioteku,
dok sam hodnik nedvosmisleno upućuje na prostranost i
dubinu stana. Stube u hodniku proširenih su gazišta zbog
Duravitova kada u kupaonici /
Duravito bathtub in the bathroom
Detalj iz spavaće sobe / Detail from the
Minimalistički uređena spavaća soba / Minimalistic
decorated bedroom
ugodnijeg penjanja, te su opremljene sustavom podne
Obloga poda izvedena je od hrastovih dasaka velikog
formata 200x15 cm, bajcanih u smeđi ton, čija umirujuća toplina hrastove teksture posebno dolazi do izražaja u
prostoru dnevnog boravka.
Reprezentativno dimenzioniran, dnevni boravak je određen kroz tri osnovne cjeline – priprave hrane, blagovanja i
odmaranja. Posebno je zanimljivo rješenje “sekundarnog”
dnevnog boravka, prostora koji je moguće odvojiti od
glavnog boravka pomicanjem zanimljivo riješenih pregradnih stijena. Od dodatnih sadržaja svakako valja izdvojiti
ukusno uređenu malu kupaonicu sa saunom.
Kuhinja Varenna izvedena je s radnim plohama od inoksa
i multifunkcionalnim otokom koji nudi domišljato rješenje
neformalnog konzumiranja obroka na barskim stolicama
marke Rexite. Terasa što se prostire cijelom frontom boravka funkcionira kao njegov logičan nastavak, obložena
je egzotičnom južnoameričkom vrstom ipe, posebno velike tvrdoće i otpornosti na vlagu. Od unutarnjeg prostora
odvojena je samo golemom kliznom staklenom stijenom,
otvarajući pogled na okolne krošnje i vedute grada. Zaštita od sunca je pritom nenametljivo riješena pomičnim
Ono što, međutim, ovaj stan posebno odvaja od ostalih
jest neobično velika koncentracija pravih ikona industrijskog dizajna na jednome mjestu. Gotovo svaki komad koji
nije rađen po mjeri nosi potpis nekog od prominentnih autora modernog dizajna, dok su neki predmeti isprva prepoznatljivi čak i laicima. Za iznimno atraktivnu rasvjetu brinu se lampe Glo Ball u tri veličine, koje je za Flos dizajnirao
Jasper Morisson, dok iznad blagovaoničkog stola svjetluca
fantastičan luster Caboche tvrtke Foscarini. Spomenuvši
blagovaonički stol, riječ je o golemom stolu tvrtke Zanotta
s osam stolaca Wire Chair, kultnom uratku Harryja Bertoie
iz 1948. godine. Dnevnim boravkom dominiraju dva Chaise Loungea legendarnog Le Corbusiera, začinjena foteljom Eileen Gray, stolićem Charles&Ray Eamesa te sagom
Paule Lenti. Uz još nekoliko pomno odabranih komada,
za opuštajući ugođaj brinu se i dva mlada stabla masline,
postavljena u ovalne vaze od poliranog inoksa.
Popis dizajnerskih poslastica nastavlja se gotovo unedogled – neizbježni Phillipe Starck prisutan je u rasponu od
wenge furnirom obložene Duravitove kade u kupaonici
do Juicy Salifa diskretno postavljenog u kuhinji, dok Antonio Citterio potpisuje iznimno minimalistički osmišljena vrata prema prostranoj garderobi uz glavnu spavaću sobu.
Izvanredan sklad koji je arhitektica postigla kombinirajući
sve te elemente, povremeno ih moderirajući dobro promišljenim zahvatima u sjajno bijelim ili wenge furniranom
mediapanu, pokazuju istinsko poznavanje modernog dizajna i pravila njegove kompozicije. Rezultat velikog stvaralačkog truda je ovaj jedinstveni habitat, u kojem je moguće u potpunosti uživati u svim mjerilima.
Dream home
Wire Chair Harryja Bertoie iz 1948. / Wire Chair
made by Harry Bertoa in 1948
Stube u hodniku proširenih su
gazišta zbog ugodnijeg penjanja /
The hallway stairs were broadened
due to the comfort of climbing
Design as a Lifestyle
This apartment is characterized by a well-conceived concept and the clients’ enthusiasm to furnish it while being motivated by aesthetical criteria first, and financial
criteria second
Written by: Ivan Mladina
he apartment we’re presenting this time belongs
to the relatively new category of Croatian residential spaces with an interior that was decorated in
modern manner. Today more than ever before,
more and more wealthy, design-wise conscious clients
have the courage, spirit and intellectual strength to
embark into new researches of modern living, aided
by their designers.
Taking up about 150 square metres inside a modern
urban villa on the hills of Zagreb, this apartment is characterized by a well-designed concept and the clients’
enthusiasm to furnish it while being motivated by aesthetical criteria first, and financial criteria second.
Architect Vlatka Čizmić skilfully interpreted the possibilities within the apartment’s existent limitations, and
she optimally differentiated the apartment’s individual
zones according to their orientation. That’s why the
bedrooms ended up being located in the eastern part
of the apartment, while the living-room space found its
place in the western section, which made way for some
high-quality views. A potentially risky loss of space and
Photo: Kristina Faziniæ
the reduction of flexibility due to the lengthy hallway
were elegantly avoided by the designer as she amusingly formed the main library room, while the hallway
itself undeniably points out the apartment’s spaciousness and depth. The hallway stairs were broadened
due to the comfort of climbing them, and they were
also equipped with a floor-lighting system.
The covering of the floor was preformed with oak-tree
boards with large 200x15-cm measures, and they were
coloured in a brown tone that caused the soothing
warmth of the oak’s texture to really fill up the livingroom space.
Representatively measured, the living room was defined through three basic units – food preparation, dining and relaxing. There is also a very interesting solution
for a “secondary” living room, which is represented by
a space that can be separated from the main living
room by moving the interestingly designed barrier surfaces. As far as any extra-features go, we must point
out a very tastefully decorated little bathroom with a
Dream home
Kuhinja Varenna izvedena je s radnim plohama od inoksa i multifunkcionalnim otokom /
The Varenna kitchen was preformed with working surfaces made of inox and a multi-functional island
The Varenna kitchen was preformed with working surfaces made of inox and a multi-functional island that
offers an imaginative solution of informally having a
meal on some barstools made by Rexita. The terrace
that spreads itself alongside the living room functions
as its logical extension, and features an exotic SouthAmerican type of floor covering that is extra-hard and
very resilient to moisture. The only thing that separates
it from the indoor premises is a gigantic sliding glass surface, which reveals the view of surrounding trees and
sceneries of the city. Protection from the sun is unpretentiously handled with some movable curtains.
However, what really separates this apartment from
so many others is an extraordinarily large concentration of true industrial-design icons in one place. Almost
every piece that wasn’t custom-made carries a signature of one of the prominent authors of modern design,
while some of the objects can be instantly recognized
even by laics. Credit for the extremely attractive lighting goes to Glo Ball lamps in three sizes, which were
designed by Jasper Morrisson for Flos, while we also find
the fantastic Caboche chandelier by the company Foscarini glittering above the dining table. While we’re
mentioning the dining table, it must be pointed out that
Obloga poda izvedena je od hrastovih dasaka velikog formata 200x15 cm /
The covering of the floor was preformed with oak-tree boards with large
200x15 cm measures
Dnevnim boravkom dominiraju dva Chaise Loungea
legendarnog Le Corbusiera / The living room is dominated by two Chaise Lounge pieces from legendary
Le Corbusier
it’s a huge table by Zanotta surrounded by eight Wire
Chair pieces, which were famously made by Harry Bertoi in 1948. The living room is dominated by two Chaise
Lounge pieces from legendary Le Corbusier, spiced up
by an Eileen Gray armchair, a coffee table by Charles
and Ray Eames, and a carpet by Paula Lenti. Along
with several other carefully chosen pieces, the relaxing
ambience must also be credited to two young olive
trees that were placed inside a couple of oval vases
made of polished inox.
A list of designer delicacies continues as if there’s no
tomorrow – the unavoidable Phillipe Starck is present-
ed in the bathroom by a wenge-veneered Duravito
bathtub, as well as by a discretely positioned Juicy Salif
in the kitchen. Meanwhile, Antonio Citterio is the author of the minimalist doorway ahead of the spacious
wardrobe alongside the main bedroom. The sensational grace that the architect accomplished by combining all these elements, occasionally completing them
with well-conceived moves in shiny-white or wengeveneered MDF boards, demonstrate true knowledge
of modern design and the rules of its composition. The
result of this creative effort is this unique habitat, which
can be enjoyed according to any criteria.
Drvene kade hit su u posljednje vrijeme. Proizvodi ih talijanska tvrtka Agape, a može
ih se pronaći u riječkom salonu H2O dizajn / Wooden bathtubs have been a hit
lately. They are manufactured by Italian company Agape,
and they can be found in the “H2O Design” showroom in Rijeka
Kupaonice - funkcionalnost
na prvom mjestu
Stil je ono što će vašu kupaonicu učiniti posebnom, no koliko god trendovi napredovali, kod adaptiranja i projektiranja nove kupaonice, nemojte zaboraviti na
ono osnovno, a to je da vaša kupaonica mora biti funkcionalna i, bez obzira na
veličinu, dovoljno prostrana, te praktična
Piše: Aleksandar Vrtariæ
Ultramoderan stakleni umivaonik tvrtke Antonio Lupi /
Ultra-modern glass washbasin from company Antonio
Antonio Lupi
Odabir sanitarija ovisi o vlastitu ukusu / Choice of
sanitary facilities depends on your own taste
Antonio Lupi
ako je osnovna svrha svake kupaonice njezina funkcionalnost, vizualni dio je jednako važan. Bez obzira radi
li se o većoj ili manjoj kupaonici, taj prostor uvijek može
pratiti stil koji dominira u stanu ili kući. Kada je uređenje
u pitanju, svi nastoje napraviti nešto originalno, posebno i
lijepo, pa stoga ni kupaonice ne treba zapostaviti. Pažljivim odabirom sanitarija, keramičkih pločica, vodootpornog laminata ili čak drveta, te izborom detalja, kupaonicu ćete učiniti vrlo ugodnim prostorom u kojemu ćete se
ugodno opustiti na kraju napornoga radnog dana. Tradicionalni, antikni ili moderni stil – prije uređivanja treba sve
pažljivo isplanirati, od krupnih stvari do najsitnijih detalja
jer čak i najmanje pogreške prigodom adaptacije ili uređivanja nove kupaonice poslije se teško ispravljaju.
Sanitarije i funkcionalnost
Kad su obiteljske kuće i stanovi u pitanju, vrlo je važno
obratiti pažnju na to da je kupaonica zajednički prostor
i da se njome jednako koriste svi članovi obitelji, a to,
naravno, treba prilagoditi rapoloživom prostoru. Odabir
sanitarija ovisi o vlastitu ukusu, no s obzirom da više od
50 posto kućanstava raspolaže s relativno malim kupaonicama koje su rijetko veće od pet četvornih metara,
Nužno je svaki element postaviti na idealno
mjesto tako da kupaonički prostor bude dovoljno prostran i optimalno iskorišten /
It’s necessary to place every element into
the ideal place in order to make the bathroom space large enough and optimally
Antonio Lupi
nužno je svaki element postaviti na idealno mjesto tako
da kupaonički prostor bude dovoljno prostran i optimalno iskorišten.
Dakako, velike kupaonice imaju i dodatne prednosti jer
se u njih može ugraditi kada većih dimenzija, kozmetički
stol pa čak i sauna. Danas se na tržištu mogu pronaći najrazličitiji sanitarni elementi – od praktičnih kutnih umivaonika i kutnih tuš-kada s ugrađenim masažerima do praktičnih konzolnih polica. Ako niste zadovoljni izgledom svoje
kupaonice i planirate potpunu adaptaciju, pažljivo izmjerite prostor, pogledajte gdje se nalaze vrata i prozor (ako
uopće postoji) te na kojim bi mjestima bilo najbolje postaviti sanitarije a da ostane dovoljno mjesta za kupaonički
namještaj i perilicu za rublje. Sanitarne elemente možete
pregraditi parapetnim zidovima te ih tako vizualno odvojiti, dok prostor na pregradi do visine stropa možete iskoristiti za postavljanje polica. Kod adaptacija i projektiranja
kupaonica svakako obratite pažnju na djecu – nastojte
odabrati pod koji nije previše klizav, odaberite nižu kadu
u koju će dijete samo moći ući, izbjegavajte kupaonički
namještaj s oštrim kutevima i nabavite minijaturne stube
koje su vrlo praktične za djecu, a lako se mogu pospremiti
i odložiti kada se ne koriste.
Viva Ceramica
Materijali i namještaj
Za oblaganje kupaoničkih podova i zidova najčešće se
koristi keramika, no danas su dostupni različiti materijali,
poput laminatnih i PVC obloga, obloga od smole i kvarcita, imitacija kamena i obloga od egzotičnog drveta.
Kad su u pitanju funkcionalnost i jednostavno održavanje, keramika je definitivno najbolji i najsigurniji izbor,
ali uz pravilno održavanje čak će i materijali od drveta
trajati duži niz godina. Istina, kao i svaka druga prostorija, i kupaonica može biti odraz vlastita stila i ukusa, pa
su tako na raspolaganju umjetnički dizajnirani mozaici,
drvene kade ili skupocjene sanitarije od prvoklasnog
inoksa. Prednost svakako dajte onim materijalima koji
se lakše održavaju. Kod odabira namještaja, osim praktičnosti i dizajna, treba dobro pripaziti na sam materijal
od kojeg je namještaj izrađen jer isti mora biti otporan na
vlagu. Jednako vrijedi i za sva rasvjetna tijela jer veća
količina vlage u zraku može izazvati kratki spoj. Kupaonički namještaj valja prilagoditi prostoru, a tu vrijedi vrlo
jednostavno pravilo: za manju kupaonicu najbolje će
odgovarati namještaj manjih dimenzija, i obrnuto.
Detaljima do savršenstva
Baš kao i svaki drugi prostor, da bi izgledala potpuno,
svaka kupaonica traži detalje koji će je učiniti ljepšom,
bogatijom i toplijom. Ukrase u kupaonici valja prilagoditi stilu koji u njoj prevladava. Iskoristite maštu i kreativnost kod odabira tepiha, zavjesa i ukrasa, poigrajte se
s rasporedom rasvjetnih tijela, izradom vlastita mozaika,
pa čak i oslikavanjem prozora ili pregradnih zidova, te
poklonite svojoj kupaonici dozu originalnosti. Uz biljke,
svaki je interijer ljepši jer u četiri zida one donose dašak
prirode, no s kupaonicama valja pripaziti. Naime, isparavanja i kemikalije iz kupki i gelova za tuširanje štete
biljkama, stoga je nužna dobro riješena ventilacija. Ako
vaša kupaonica ima prozor, biljke će svakako uspijevati bolje, no ako nema prirodne rasvjete, pomoći će
vam posebne žarulje koje imitiraju sunčevu svjetlost.
Od biljaka svakako odaberite sobni bršljan, razne vrste
filadendrona i paprati, a dobro uspijevaju i popularni
Koralji kao dekoracija. Paola Lenti za Vivu Ceramicu /
Corals as a decoration. Paola Lmeti for Viva Ceramica
Drvo u kupaonici. Zašto ne? / Wood in the bathroom.
Why not?
Nedavno predstavljen tuš tvrtke Grohe / Recently
presented shower by company Grohe
Antonio Lupi
Kupaonica može biti odraz vlastita stila
i ukusa / Bathroom can also be a statement about your own style and taste
Bathrooms - Functionality
Comes First
The style is what will make your bathroom truly special, but regardless of the
progressing trends, you shouldn’t forget the most important thing while you’re
adapting and projecting a new bathroom, which is that is has to be functional
and, regardless of the size, spacious enough, as well as practical
Written by: Aleksandar Vrtariæ
lthough the main purpose of every bathroom
is its functionality, the visual side of things is just
as important. Regardless of whether we’re talking about a bigger or smaller bathroom, that
room can always keep up with the dominating style in
the flat or house. When it comes to decorating, everyone tries to accomplish something original, special and
beautiful, so there’s no reason to ignore the bathrooms
either. By carefully choosing the sanitary facilities, ceramic tiles, waterproof laminate or even wood, and by
the choice of details, you can turn a bathroom into a
very comfortable room where you can truly relax at
the end of a hardworking day. Traditional, antique or
modern style – you must carefully plan everything prior
to decorating, from the large things to the smallest details, because even the smallest mistakes in the process
of adaptation or decoration of a new bathroom are
very difficult to correct later on.
Sanitary Facilities and Functionality
When it comes to family houses and apartments, it’s
very important to pay attention to the fact that a bathroom is a room that is equally used by all the members
of the family, and that, naturally, has to be adjusted to
the available space. The sanitary facilities you choose
depend on your own taste, but knowing that over 50%
of households have relatively small bathrooms at their
disposal, often not larger than five square metres, it’s
necessary to place every element into the ideal place
in order to make the bathroom space large enough
and optimally utilized.
Of course, large bathrooms have many extra-advantages because you can build in a bathtub of bigger
dimensions, as well as a cosmetic table or even a sauna. You can find the most diverse sanitary elements on
the market today – from practical corner washbasins
and corner shower-tubs with built-in massagers to prac-
H20 design
Plastični umivaonik tvrtke Agape /
Plastic washbasin by company Agape
H20 design
Svaka kupaonica traži detalje koji će je učiniti
ljepšom, bogatijom i toplijom / Every bathroom craves for some details that will add
some beauty, richness and warmth
tical cantilever shelves. If you’re not happy with how
your bathroom looks and you’re planning on a complete adaptation, make sure to carefully take all the
necessary measures, look at the location of doors and
windows (if there are any) and decide which places
would be the best for sanitary facilities, while still leaving enough room for bathroom furniture and the washing machine. Sanitary elements can be partitioned
by using parapet walls that would visually separate
them, while the spot on the partition up to the ceiling
level can be used for assembling some shelves. While
adapting and projecting the bathroom, make sure to
pay attention to children – try choosing the floor that is
not too slippery, pick a lower bathtub so the children
can get into it by themselves, avoid bathroom furniture
with sharp angles and get some miniature stairs that
are very practical for children, but can also easily be
removed and stored when they’re not used.
Materials and Furniture
Ceramics is predominantly used for covering bathroom
floors and walls, but many other different materials are
also available these days, such as laminate or PVC
coverings, coverings made of resin or quartz, imitations of stone and coverings from exotic wood. When
it comes to functionality and simple maintenance,
ceramics is definitely the best and the safest choice,
but if you take care of it the right way, even wooden
materials will last for a number of years. It’s true that,
just like every other room, the bathroom can also be
a statement about your own style and taste, so there
are various artistically designed mosaics available, as
well as wooden bathtubs or expensive sanitary facilities
made of first-class inox. Make sure to give advantage
to those materials that are easier to maintain. While
you’re choosing your furniture, besides its practicality
and design, you should be very careful about the material used to make that furniture because it has to be
resistant to moisture. The same goes for all the lighting
objects because the higher degree of moisture in the
air can cause a short circuit. Bathroom furniture has to
be adapted to the space, and there’s one simple rule
for that: a smaller bathroom is compatible to smallersized furniture, and vice versa.
Details Lead to Perfection
Just like any other room, in order to make it look complete, every bathroom craves for some details that will
add some beauty, richness and warmth. The bathroom decorations must be adjusted to the style that
dominates it. Use your imagination and creativity while
choosing the rugs, curtains and decorations, and also
play around with the arrangement of lighting objects;
you can also make your own mosaic, or even paint the
windows or partition walls, which would provide your
bathroom with a dose of originality. Plants make any
interior more beautiful because they bring the breath
of nature inside the four walls, but you must be careful
while using them for bathrooms. That is because the
evaporation and the chemicals from the hot baths and
shower gels are harmful for plants, which means you’ll
need some quality ventilation. If your bathroom has a
window, the plants will certainly succeed more easily,
but if there’s no natural light, some special light bulbs
that imitate the sunlight will come in handy. Make sure
you choose plants like indoor ivy, different types of philodendrons and fern, and you’ll also find success with
the popular bamboo.
Dječja soba za male ljubitelje Japana / A children’s
bedroom for little Japan fans
Djeèje sobe ureðujte zajedno!
Uređivanje dječje sobe može biti vrlo zabavno, ali pri tome nikako ne treba zaboraviti na samu djecu jer ona svakako moraju sudjelovati u odabiru namještaja, boja na zidovima, zavjesa
Piše: Aleksandar Vrtariæ
vaki prostor ima svoju namjenu i odiše vlastitim
identitetom, a svakome od nas potreban je dio
prostora koji ćemo urediti po svojim željama. Dječje sobe su prostorije kojima dominiraju nevinost,
radost i zaigranost, a s odrastanjem djece mijenjat će
Foto: Vibel i Berloni
se i ambijent u njihovim prostorijama. Uređivanje dječje
sobe može biti vrlo zabavno, ali pri tome nikako ne treba zaboraviti na samu djecu jer ona svakako moraju
sudjelovati u odabiru namještaja, boja na zidovima,
zavjesa itd. Kako je to prostorija u kojoj će djeca provo-
Prostor ispod kreveta će odlično poslužiti za pospremanje igrački / The space under the bed would be ideal
for storing up toys
Treba obratiti pažnju na želje mališana kako bi se
u svom kutku osjećali lijepo, ugodno i sigurno / You
should pay attention to the wishes of your little ones so
they can feel good, comfortable and safe
diti najviše vremena, treba obratiti pažnju na želje mališana kako bi se u svom kutku osjećali lijepo, ugodno i
sigurno. Stoga ne zanemarite njihove zahtjeve i potrudite se pronaći zajednički izbor, no istodobno pripazite
da svaki dio namještaja bude svrhovit i praktičan. Sudjelovanjem u uređivanju dječje sobe ne samo da možete ugodno provoditi vrijeme sa svojim mališanima,
nego ćete ih naučiti izražavanju vlastite kreativnosti i
stvaranju smisla za estetiku, a ako će istu sobu dijeliti
dvoje ili više djece, ne zanemarite želje nijednog djeteta i dopustite im da svi jednako sudjeluju.
Organizacija i namještaj
Prije samog uređivanja dječje sobe morate najprije
obratiti pažnju na ono najvažnije, a to je praktičnost.
Od samog namještaja do boja na zidovima, sve mora
biti prilagođeno djeci, odnosno njihovu uzrastu. Namještaj mora biti stabilan i bez naglašenih kuteva. Pripazite
na visinu polica u ormarima i odaberite elemente koji
će imati dovoljno prostora i nikako nemojte zaboravi-
ti da će sve one igračke morati pronaći svoje mjesto.
Prostor ispod kreveta će odlično poslužiti za pospremanje igrački – potrebno je samo nabaviti neke lijepe kutije i naučiti djecu da nakon svake igre stvari pospreme
tamo gdje im je mjesto. Kod odabira madraca, nikako
nemojte štedjeti jer nekvalitetan madrac može imati loš utjecaj na dječju kralježnicu. U razdoblju između
treće godine i prvih školskih dana, dječja soba mora
imati dovoljno prostora za igru pa ni u kom slučaju nemojte zatrpati prostoriju viškom namještaja. Iskoristite
prostor na zidu za razne police, a centar sobe ostavite što slobodnijim. Osim prostora za igranje, građenje i
slaganje, uredite i dio za kreativno izražavanje. Danas
se po vrlo povoljnim cijenama mogu nabaviti dječji
kreveti s malim pisaćim stolovima za kojima se djeca
mogu igrati bojama ili plastelinom. Kod odabira zidnih
boja, uzmite u obzir da će djeca često pošarati zidove
i zaprljati ih rukama, stoga je pametnije odabrati zidne
boje koje su otporne na vodu jer ćete ih po potrebi
lako moći očistiti vlažnom krpom. No, osim tih stvari o
Jednostavno i praktično / Simple and functional
Berlonijeva dječja soba Vega / Berloni’s children
bedroom Vega
Krevet s prostorom za učenje ispod najbolji su za
uštedu prostora / A bed with the studying space
underneath is the best way to economize space
Živahne boje najbolji su izbor za dječju sobu /
Lively colours are best choise
kojima brinu stariji, ne zaboravite na maštu i spustite se
na dječju razinu. Odaberite živahne boje, zavjese s vedrim uzorcima, vesele pokrivače i namještaj koji djeluje
toplo i ugodno. Ako će istu sobu dijeliti dvoje djece,
poigrajte se s vizualnim dijeljenjem prostora. Primjerice,
zid na dijelu namijenjenom dječaku možete obojiti u
lijepu nijansu plave boje i za njega odabrati prigodan
namještaj, dok dio namijenjen djevojčici možete odvojiti toplom ružičastom bojom. Budući da se ove boje lijepo slažu, cijela prostorija će izgledati lijepo i ugodno,
a svaki od mališana će imati osjećaj svog dijela. Naravno, jednako je važno da ostavite i djeci priliku da
izraze svoju kreativnost, pažljivo ih slušajte i nemojte se
začuditi ako vas iznenade svojim ukusom, jer, iako su
mali, često znaju imati i više ukusa od starijih.
S odrastanjem se mijenja i izgled sobe
Od najranijih dana pa sve do doba adolescencije,
uzrast djece je ono što određuje izgled njihove sobe.
U razdoblju do prvih školskih dana, sve se svodi na igru,
skakanje i ostale nestašluke, no polaskom u školu djeca
postaju zrelija pa će polako svoj mali pisaći stol pože-
ljeti zamijeniti stolom za računalo, a lutkice i autiće će
zamijeniti posteri omiljenih zvijezda i police s najdražim
CD-ima. Iz godine u godinu, vaša će djeca postajati
sve zrelija, a na vama je da se tome prilagodite. Kako
odrastaju, razvija se njihov identitet, a samim tim i njihov ukus, koji morate poštovati. Na vama će uvijek
ostati da brinete o tome je li namještaj u sobi dovoljno
funkcionalan, no nikako nemojte zaboraviti na činjenicu da svi mi trebamo svoj dio, u kojemu se osjećamo
najsigurnije i najugodnije. Za djecu, njihova soba je kutak njihove intime, stoga im nastojte ugoditi koliko god
možete i dopustite im da se u svoja četiri zida osjećaju
lijepo. Oni su mali ljudi kojima je, baš kao i odraslima, jednako važno da izraze svoju osobnost i da njihova soba
nosi njihov “pečat”. Jasno, to ne znači da ćete na svaki
zahtjev morati odgovarati kupnjom novog maještaja i
kompletnom adaptacijom, no sitne promjene, kao što
su mijenjanje rasporeda i zidnih boja, svakako će pomoći. Bez obzira jesu li u vrtiću ili su krenuli u srednju
školu, omogućite im da sudjeluju u uređivanju i, nemojte zaboraviti, samo uz dogovor će i djeca i roditelji biti
Namještaj mora biti stabilan i bez naglašenih kuteva /
The furniture must be stable and without any sharp angles
Written by: Aleksandar Vrtariæ
Photo: Vibel and Berloni
Children’s Bedrooms Decorate Together!
Decorating a children’s bedroom can be a lot of fun, but you shouldn’t forget
about the children themselves in the process because they certainly must participate in choosing the furniture, wall paint, curtains
very room has its purpose and its own identity,
and each of us needs a space that we’ll decorate according to our wishes. Children’s bedrooms are rooms that are dominated by innocence, joy and playfulness, and with the kids growing
up, the ambience in their rooms will also keep changing. Decorating a children’s bedroom can be a lot of
fun, but you shouldn’t forget about the children themselves in the process because they certainly must par-
ticipate in choosing the furniture, wall paint, curtains
etc. Being that this is the room where the children will
spend most of their time, you should pay attention to
the wishes of your little ones so they can feel good,
comfortable and safe in their corner. Therefore, don’t
ignore their demands and do your best to find common
ground, while also making sure that every piece of the
furniture is purposeful and practical. Not only can you
spend some quality time with your little ones while tak-
Francuski proizvođač Vibel ima najveći izbor
tematski dizajniranih dječjih soba / French
manufacturer Vibel has the biggest selection of
thematically designed children’s bedrooms
ing part in decorating their bedroom, but you will also
teach them how to express their creativity and develop their sense of aesthetics, and if the same room is to
be shared by two or more children, do not ignore what
any of the children want and allow them to equally
participate in the process.
Organization and Furniture
Before you start the very process of decorating the
children’s bedroom, you must pay attention to the
most important thing, and that is practicality. From the
furniture itself to the paint on the walls, everything has
to be adjusted to children and their age. The furniture
must be stable and without any sharp angles. Pay attention to the height of the closet shelves and choose
those elements that will have enough room, and do not
forget that all those toys will have to find their place.
The space under the bed would be ideal for storing up
toys – all you have to do is get some nice boxes and
teach the kids about putting their things into their place
after they’re finished with them. While choosing the mattresses, don’t even think about saving money because
a low-quality mattress can have a bad influence on the
child’s spine. In the period between the age of 3 and
the first days in school, it’s crucial for the children’s bedroom to have enough room for playing, so make sure
not to suffocate the room with too much furniture. Use
up the space on the walls for various shelves, but leave
the centre of the room as vacant as possible. Besides
the space for playing, building and folding, arrange a little section for creative expressing. These days, you don’t
have to pay a lot of money to buy children’s beds with
little desks where the children can play with colours or
plasticine. While choosing the wall paint, take into consideration that the children will often doodle something
all over the walls and get them dirty with their hands, so
it would be smart to choose the wall paint that is resistant to water, so that you can easily clean the walls with
a wet mop if necessary. But besides those things that
have to be arranged by the adults, don’t forget about
using your imagination and lower yourself to the level
of your children. Pick lively colours, curtains with bright
samples, happy-looking blankets and furniture that has
a warm, comfortable effect. If the same room is to be
shared by two children, engage yourself in the game of
visually splitting up the room. For example, you can take
Sve igračke moraju imati svoje mjesto / All toys should
have own place
the wall in the boy’s part of the room and paint it in a
nice shade of blue, while also picking out some furniture
that would go along with it, and the warm colour of pink
would be ideal to separate the section that belongs to
the girl. Being that these colours actually complement
each other, the entire room will look nice and cosy, and
each of the kids will have a feeling that a part of the
room belongs to them. Naturally, it’s just as important to
give your children a chance to express their creativity,
so listen to them carefully and don’t be surprised if they
demonstrate a lot of good taste, because their age often doesn’t stop them from having better taste then
the grown-ups.
Growing Up Changes the Way the Room Looks
Since the earliest days to the period of adolescence, the
children’s age is what determines the way their room will
look. In the period up until their first days in school, it’s all
about playing, jumping and other naughty things, but
as they start going to school, the children will become
more mature and they will slowly want to trade their little
desk for a desk with a computer, and their little dolls and
cars will be replaced by posters of their beloved celebri-
ties and shelves with their favourite CDs. As the years go
by, your children will become more and more mature,
and it’s up to you to make the necessary adjustments.
As they grow up, their identity is developing as well and
that will bring certain changes to their taste, and you
must respect that. It’s up to you to assure that all the furniture in the room is functional enough, but don’t forget
the fact that we all need our little section where we feel
as secure and comfortable as possible. Children think
of their rooms as their intimate corners, so try humouring
them as much as possible and allow them to feel good
within their four walls. They are little people who need
to express their personality as much as the adults do, so
make sure their room reflects who they are. Naturally,
this doesn’t mean that you will answer every demand
by buying new furniture and completely adapting the
room, but certain small changes, such as changing the
arrangement or the wall paint, can certainly do a lot
of good. Regardless of whether they’re going to kindergarten or high school, make them a part of the decorating process and don’t forget – only coming to an
agreement will make both the children and the parents
ni komad
Piše: Nataša Bodrožiæ
Foto: S�ren Larsen
Proizvodnja je bila nadahnuta idejom da stolica
može stajati sama za sebe, bez potrebe da bude
dio kompleta namještaja /The production was inspired with an idea that a chair can stand all by itself,
without the need to make it a part of a furniture
Hans Wegner: Three legged shell chair (1963.)
Tronožna stolica
iz danske radionice
“Moramo voditi računa da sve ne bude smrtno ozbiljno. Moramo se igrati, ali se
igrati moramo ozbiljno.”
Hans Wegner
ans Wegner, još jedan od danskih dizajnera koji jalno najuspješnija, samo su neki od modela koji su zorni
je svojim radom uvelike pridonio “mitu danskog pokazatelji Wegnerova inzistiranja na čistoj formi, jasnoj
dizajna”, jednom je prigodom rekao: “Mnogi svrsi te majstorskom umijeću, što je, zapravo, i osnova
su me stranci pitali kako stvaramo danski stil. dobrog dizajna.
Odgovorio sam im da se radi više o kontinuiranom pro- Prava ljepota Wegnerova genija mora se sagledati i u
cesu pročišćavanja, u mom slučaju i pojednostavljiva- svjetlu suradnje s vodećim izrađivačem namještaja Jonja, da bih sveo konstrukciju na najjednostavnije mogu- hannesom Hansenom. Stav s kojim je Hansen prihvaćao
će elemente, a to su četiri noge, sjedište i kombinirana ideje mladih, inovativnih dizajnera predstavljala je sagornja prečka s osloncem za ruke.” Svojom sklonošću vršenu kombinaciju između dizajnera i obrtnika. Njihoprema korištenju prirodnih materijala i dubinskim razumi- va suradnja trajala je godinama, a od 1941. pa sve do
jevanjem potrebe da namještaj bude funkcionalan ko- 1966. godine redovito su predstavljali zajednički rad na
liko i lijep, Wegner je danski dizajn sredine dvadesetog izložbi umjetničke stolarije.
stoljeća uzdigao do međunarodne popularnosti. Naj- Rezultat suradnje Wegner-Hansen ujedno je i osebujna
poznatiji je po svojoj “Okrugloj stolici”, koja je odigrala “Stolica u obliku školjke na tri noge”, nastala 1963., čiji je
ulogu povijesnog dekora u čuvenoj televizijskoj debati ti- oblik zahtijevao savijanje drva u tri smjera te je u počejekom američkih predsjedničkih izbora, između Johna F. tku njezina proizvodnja bila ograničena. Proizvodnja je
Kennedyja i Richarda Nixona 1961. godine. Tu je stolicu bila nadahnuta idejom da stolica može stajati sama za
još i prije, 1950. godine, ugledni časopis “Interiors” pro- sebe, bez potrebe da bude dio kompleta namještaja.
glasio najljepšom stolicom na svijetu, lansiravši Wegnera Devedesete godine prošlog stou međunarodnu orbitu i nagovještavajući mu profitabil- ljeća, s povratkom individualino međunarodno tržište.
zmu, donijele su i sve veće
Svoju karijeru Wegner je započeo kao stolar 1931. go- zanimanje za specifičnidine, da bi poslije upisao školu umjetnosti i zanata u je dizajnerske komade,
Kopenhagenu, a zatim arhitektonski fakultet. U poče- poput Wegnerove stotku je radio kao dizajner u arhitektonskom uredu Arnea lice na tri noge koja je
Jocobsena i Erika Mollera, a već 1943. godine otvara lansirana ponovno
vlastiti ured. Još od njegovih prvih radova, kao što je 1997., uz značajno
elegantna stolica iz 1937., dizajnirana za
Muzej smanjenje troškodekorativnih umjetnosti, prisutan je Weva proizvodnje.
gnerov karakterističan pristup ogoljavaOriginalnost i
nja starog tipa stolice i njezina oslobađanja od nepotrebnih vanjskih dodataka, da
bi je predstavio u vlastitoj, čistoj konstrukciji.
Njegov rad pripada minimalističkoj školi, uz neizbježno očuvanje funkcionalnosti.
Wegner je dizajnirao više od pet stotina stolica,
od kojih su mnoge završile kao muzejski primjerci. Stolica “Peacock/Paun”, nadahnuta
klasičnom sjedalicom Windsor, stolica na raGodine 1999. tronožna stolica je
sklapanje koja se mogla objesiti na zid, zatim
dobila najveću moguću ocjenu
višenamjenska stolica “Valet/Sluga”, koja je
na testu danskog Tehnološkog
zamišljena kao ekonomičan predmet
instituta / The chair received the
za sjedenje, a ujedno i skladištenje
highest possible evaluation mark
različitih dijelova odjeće, stolica
at a test-programme of Danish
“Ox/Vol” s rogovima ili bez njih, stoIstitute of Technology in 1999
lica “Wishbone” ili “Y” kao komerci-
Hans Wegner u svom studiju / Hans Wegner in his studio
niža cijena doveli su do njezine ponovne afirmacije. Na
službenim stranicama proizvođača Carl Hansen & Son,
navodi se kuriozitet da je jedan od originalnih primjeraka
te stolice iz šezdesetih prodan na dražbi aukcijske kuće
Christie’s u Londonu za 104.000 danskih kruna, 1999. godine, dok je nova stolica, u isto vrijeme, u danskim dućanima stajala trinaest puta manje.
Wegnerova tronožna stolica originalni je komad namještaja koji je lako zamisliti u sklopu minimalističkog interijera nekog modernog doma. Može stajati sama, kao
individualni komad namještaja, ili u kompletu s još nekoliko istovrsnih komada raspoređenih oko okruglog stola,
primjerice. Iako stoji na tri noge, ova je stolica iznimno
stabilna i čvrsta, a 1999. je dobila najveću moguću ocjenu na testu danskog Tehnološkog instituta. “Stolica ne
može imati naličje”, jednom je prigodom rekao Wegner,
“ona mora biti lijepa iz svih uglova iz kojih se gleda.” Tronožna stolica u obliku školjke upravo je takva, nepretenciozna, nenametljiva i lijepa u svojoj jednostavnosti iza
koje se krije studiozni dizajn.
Posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća, Wegner je nastavio s
dizajniranjem stolica, ali se posvetio i dizajnu svjetla.
Tako je, u suradnji s kćerkom, 1976. godine kreirao
lampu “Pole”. Kao istinski majstor, često je znao isticati da još uvijek ne postoji idealna stolica. Izraditi dobru
stolicu, zadatak je koji nikada nije zaista završen. Uvijek
postoje novi izazovi, iako je funkcija sjedenja, zapravo,
ostala nepromijenjena već tisućama godina.
Vrhunac Wegnerove slave i popularnosti njegova dizajna bile su pedesete i šezdesete godine dvadesetog stoljeća, a primjerci njegova namještaja, posebice stolica,
mogu se naći u kolekcijama najprestižnijh muzeja širom
svijeta. Londonsko Kraljevsko društvo umjetnosti dodijelilo mu je prestižnu nagradu počasnoga kraljevskog industrijskog dizajnera 1959. godine.
Hans Wegner bio je jedan od najinovativnijih i najproduktivnijih danskih dizajnera. Njegov je rad spoj iznimnog
majstorstva i promišljanja modernog življenja, a njegovo
ime simbol danskog dizajna sredine dvadesetog stoljeća i alternativne moderne estetike. U tijeku iznimno
dugog radnog vijeka, dizajnirao je neke od najmaštovitijih modela stolica koje su obilježile
stoljeće. Od očiju javnosti povukao se tek
pred kraj života. Umro je početkom ove
godine, u devedeset i trećoj godini.
Iako stoji na tri noge, Wegnerova stolica
je iznimno stabilna i čvrsta / Although it
stands on three legs, Wegner’s chair is
very stable and firm
A piece of cult
Written by: Nataša Bodrožiæ Photo: S�ren Larsen
Hans Wegner: Three-Legged Shell Chair (1963)
The Three-Legged Chair
from the Danish Workshop
“We must make sure not to make everything deadly serious. We must play around,
but do so in a serious way.“
Hans Wegner
ans Wegner, another one of those Danish designers who used his work to largely contribute
to the “Danish design myth”, once said: “Many
foreign people have asked me how we create Danish style. I answered that it’s more a continuing
purification process, combined with simplification in my
case, that reduces the construction to the most simplistic
elements possible, and those are the four legs, the seat
and the combined upper bar with arm support.” With
his tendency for using natural materials and his deep understanding of the need to make furniture as functional
as it is beautiful, Wegner propelled Danish design of the
mid-20th century up to international popularity. His most
famous contribution is his “Round Chair”, which played
a role of a historical décor in the famous TV debate between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon in 1961, during
the American presidential elections. Even prior to that,
the prestigious “Interiors” magazine proclaimed it the
most beautiful chair in the world in 1950, which launched
Wegner into the international orbit by hinting his success
at the profitable international market.
He began his career as a carpenter in 1931, only to eventually attend an arts&crafts school in Copenhagen, followed by the Faculty of Architecture. He originally worked
as a designer in the architectonic office of Arne Jacobsen
and Erik Moller, but he opened his own office in 1943. Ever
since his first pieces of work, such as the elegant chair
from 1937 that was designed for the Museum of Deco-
A piece of cult
Wegnerova tronožna stolica originalni je komad namještaja koji je lako zamisliti
u sklopu minimalističkog interijera / Wegner’s three-legged chair is an original
piece of furniture that is easily imaginable within a minimalist interior
rative Arts, there was always the presence of Wegner’s
characteristic approach of showing the bare structure of
an archaic type of a chair by liberating it from any unnecessary accessories, only to present it in its own pure
construction. His work belongs to the minimalist school,
along with the unavoidable preservation of functionality.
Wegner designed over five hundred chairs, many of which
have found their place as museum items. The “Peacock”
chair, inspired by the classic “Windsor” chair, is a folding
chair that could be hung against the wall; then there is
the multi-functional “Valet” chair, which was designed as
an economical seating object, but also a storage for different parts of clothes; the “Ox” chair with or without its
horns; “Wishbone” or “Y” chair as the most commercially
successful of the bunch – these are just some of the models that clearly show that Wegner insisted on pure form,
clear purpose and top-notch skill, and isn’t that what
good design is all about?
The true beauty of Wegner’s genius also has to be perceived within his cooperation with leading furniture manufacturer Johannes Hansen. Hansen’s approach to accept the ideas of young, innovative designers led to a
perfect combination of a designer and a manufacturer.
Their cooperation lasted for many years, from 1941 all the
way to 1966, and they consistently displayed their joint
products at artistic joinery exhibits.
The Wegner – Hansen cooperation also resulted in a peculiar “Three- Legged Shell Chair” created in 1963, with a
shape that demanded the bending of the wood in three
directions, so its production was originally quite limited.
The production was inspired with an idea that a chair can
stand all by itself, without the need to make it a part of
a furniture ensemble. The 1990s and their return to individualism have brought increased interest for the more
specific designer pieces, such as Wegner’s three-legged
chair that was re-launched in 1997, with the production
expenses significantly reduced. Its originality and lower
price led to its reaffirmation. At the official website of its
manufacturer Carl Hansen & Son, you can find a curious piece of data that one of the original chairs from the
1960s was sold for 104 000 Danish crowns at the Christies
auction in London in 1999, while the new chair cost thirteen times less at that same time in Danish stores.
Wegner’s three-legged chair is an original piece of furniture that is easily imaginable within a minimalist interior
of a modern home. It can stand by itself as an individual piece of furniture, or it can be a part of an ensemble along with several other similar pieces that are, for
instance, arranged around a round table. Although it
stands on three legs, this chair is very stable and firm, and
it received the highest possible evaluation mark at a testprogramme of the Danish Institute of Technology in 1999.
“A chair cannot have its ugly side”, Wegner once said, “it
has to be equally gorgeous from all possible angles.” The
“Three-Legged Shell Chair” is precisely like that – unpretentious, unassuming and beautiful in its simplicity that is a
result of some studious designing.
For the last several decades, Wegner continued designing
chairs, but he also dedicated himself to designing lighting
objects. For example, in cooperation with his daughter,
he created the “Pole” lamp in 1976. As a true master at
what he did, he often pointed out that there is no such
thing as an ideal chair. To make a good chair is always a
task that is never truly completed. There are always some
new challenges, although the function of sitting has really
remained unchanged for thousands of years now. The
peak of Wegner’s fame and his design’s popularity came
in the 1950s and 60s, and pieces of his furniture, especially
chairs, can be found in collections of the most prestigious
museums around the world. The Royal Association of Arts
in London awarded him a prestigious title of an honorary
royal industrial designer in 1959.
Hans Wegner was one of the most innovative and productive Danish designers. His work is a combination of
exceptional skill and analysis of modern living, while his
name stands as a symbol of mid-twentieth-century Danish design and alternative modern aesthetics. During his
extremely lengthy career, he has designed some of the
most imaginative chair models that have truly marked
the century. He only retired from the public eye during
the last decade of his life. He died at the beginning of this
year, at the age of 93.
LIZZIE ALLEN, www.lizzieallen.co.uk
“Čuvari koji se izmjenjuju ispred Buckinghamske palače” naziv je zidnih tapeta koje će uveseliti svaki prostor /
“Changing guards at Buckingham palace” is the name of the wallpapers that will bring joy into every room is the
name of the wallpapers that will bring joy into every room
B&B ITALIA, www.bebitalia.it
Jastuci Couples, dizajn Marcel Wanders /
Cushions Couples, Design Marcel Wanders
Na zidnim tapetama, sofama, tanjurima, prekrivačima i gotovo svim uporabnim predmetima, sve
češće možemo vidjeti najrazličitije motive iz svakodnevnog života, stripa i crtića. Jednobojni, reklo
bi se i dosadni, predmeti zamijenjeni su živopisnim
i veselim printevima, grafikama i ilustracijama, koji
će svakom predmetu dati notu humora i razveseliti korisnika.
Zidne tepete su pravi hit i ima ih u gotovo svim motivima. Samo jedan obogaćen zid osvježit će cijeli
Prepustite se mašti, izaberite najdraži motiv i ispričajte nam svoju priču.
Wallpapers, sofas, plates, blankets and almost all
objects of regular usage increasingly feature the
most various motifs from everyday life, comic strips
and cartoons. Single-coloured, one could even say
boring, objects have been replaced with vivacious
and happy-looking prints, graphics and illustrations,
which will provide any object with a note of humour
and bring good spirits to the user.
Wallpapers are a true hit and they come in practically all kinds of motifs.
Only one enhanced wall will freshen up the entire
Let your imagination get the best of you, choose
your favourite motif and tell us your story.
MARIMEKKO / www.marimekko.fi
Poslužavnik iz kolekcije Muksunhylly, priča ispričana
od Vuokko Eskolin-Nurmesniemi / A tray
with from the Muksunhylly collection, story telling by
Vuokko Eskolin-Nurmesniemi
MARIMEKKO / www.marimekko.fi
Crno-bijeli svijet na čašama Aarre / Black and
white world on the Aarre cups
MOROSO, www.moroso.it
Art Interijeri, Trg Hrv. brat. zajednice, Split
Pripremila / Edited by: Ana Perišin
Dom u slikama
A Home Filled with Images
Klupa “Charpoy”, dizajn Nipa Doshi Jonathan Levien /
“Charpoy” bench, designed by Nipa Doshi Jonathan Levien
MOROSO, www.moroso.it / Art Interijeri, Trg Hrv. brat. zajednice, Split
Sofa “Fjord” s prepoznatljivim Moroso uzorkom dizajnerice Patricije Urquiole / Sofa “Fjord” with a recognizable
Moroso sample by designer Patricia Urquiola
ka z
www Quilt
KO / Holm /
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DOM za reza with a p
Dask g board
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alon ra ape
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lošku open u
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DOM povrć les on
Svje vegeta
a-ca nzel /
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RPET ajn Call by Call
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Tepih et “Scre
salon kekse / r cookie
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Nam za kavu ups and
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Vese y-looking
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MAR ki uzorak ple with
Mok okki sem
LIZZIE ALLEN, www.lizzieallen.co.uk
Ručno tiskane zidne tapete pod nazivom “Jazz u Centralnom parku”
dizajnerice Lizzie Allen/ Hand printed wallpapers called “Jazz in Central
Park” made by designer Lizzie Allen
” carpet
epihu “Monkey”/
na t
ARABIA FINLAND, www.arabia.fi
Priroda kao inspiracija za tanjur
iz kolekcije Paratiisi / Nature as
inspiration for a plate from the
Paratiisi collection
Jastuk Unessa /
Unessa cushion
MARIMEKKO / www.marimekko.fi
Presvlaka za poplun Unessa, dizajn Jenni Tuominen, pobjednica Marimekkova natječaja “Design, Meet the User!” / Quilt cover Unessa, designed by
Jenni Tuominen, winner of the Marimekki contest “Design, Meet the User!”
T / www.a-ca
DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA
Krave na crno-bijeloj kolekciji posuđa / Cows featured on
a black-white collection of dishes
KARTELL, www.kartell.it
Mademoiselle sjedalica,
Philippe Starck u suradnji
s Moschinom / Mademoiselle Chair, Philippe Starck
working with Moschino
karta Hrvatske
map of Croatia
ZAGREB glavni grad / capital
BRAÈ 114 str.
DUBROVNIK 116 str.
FAŽANA 122 str.
IVANIÆ GRAD 123 str.
KAŠTEL 124 str.
KRK 126 str.
LOŠINJ 131 str.
PAG 133 str.
PRIMOŠTEN 134 str.
RAB 135 str.
ROVINJ 140 str.
posebna ponuda
special offer
Hotel Stari grad
str. 118
SAMOBOR 141 str.
SOLIN 143 str.
SPLIT 144 str.
SKRADIN 149 str.
SRIMA 148 str.
TISNO 149 str.
TRIBUNJ 150 str.
UMAG 151str.
VODICE 152 str.
ZAGREB 153 str.
Real est
Prodaje se konoba u Povljima, malome mjestu smještenom u dubokoj uvali nedaleko od istočne punte Brača. Konoba
je napravljena u starodalmatinskom stilu (stolovi i klupe od punog hrasta te zidovi u bračkom kamenu). Unutrašnji
dio konobe ima 66 m2, te se sastoji od kuhinje, šanka, spreme, dva WC-a i salona. Kapacitet konobe je 80 sjedećih
mjesta. Konoba se nalazi na samoj rivi te postoji koncesija za stolove na rivi od 60 m2. Mogućnost kupnje na kredit.
There is a tavern on sale in Povlji, which is a small town located in a deep bay not far from the eastern point of Brač. The
tavern was made in archaic Dalmatian style (tables and benches from full oak and walls in Brač stone). The tavern’s interior
has 66 m2 of surface, and it consists of the kitchen, bar, storage room, two bathrooms and saloon. Capacity of the tavern
is 80 seats. The tavern is located at the main promenade itself and concession was issued for 60 m2 of tables at the main
promenade. There is an option of purchasing on credit.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 582 426, +385 (0)91 210 8566, +385 (0)91 271 2006
Na otoku Braču, u uvali Splitska, nalazi se zemljište površine od 450 m2 do 1020 m2 na kojem se grade atraktivne vile.
Površine vila su od 110 m2 do 220 m2 i građene su u mediteranskom stilu. Pri gradnji su korišteni vrhunski materijali, a
vile će biti opremljene s podnim grijanjem, klima-uređajima, dizajnerskim kupaonicama, vrhunskim kuhinjama, zidnim
ormarima i neizravnom rasvjetom prostorija. Ispred vila je planirana izgradnja bazena, a okućnica će biti kultivirana.
Završetak radova je planiran za rujan 2008.
At a bay called Splitska on the island of Brač, we find a parcel with 450 m2 to 1020 m2 of surface where attractive villas
are being built. The villas’ surfaces range from 110 m2 to 220 m2 and they are constructed in Mediterranean fashion.
Top-quality materials were used during the construction process, and the villas will be equipped with floor heating, air
conditioning, designer bathrooms, top-notch kitchens, wall closets and non-direct room lighting. There are plans to
build a swimming pool in front of the villas, while the courtyard will be cultivated. The construction is planned to end
in September of 2008.
Cijena / Price: 350.000 € - 695.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 455 330
U Dubrovniku, 70-ak metara od lapadske obale, prodaje se obiteljska kuća. Kuća je okružena uređenim vrtovima
koji su zasađeni voćkama, cvijećem i palmama. Površina okućnice je 733 m2, a kuće 141 m2. Prizemlje ima četiri
prostorije s kupaonicom i WC-om, a na katu su galerija, tri sobe, kupaonica, WC i balkon. U suterenu kuće su
ljetna kuhinja, ostava i gustirna koja služi za zalijevanje vrta. Cijelo prizemlje je okruženo terasom. Kuća je puna
svjetlosti sa svih strana i ime prekrasan pogled na zaljev i grušku luku. Postoji mogućnost izgradnje bazena ili
proširenja stambenog prostora.
There is a family house for sale in Dubrovnik, about 70 metres from the coast in Lapad. The house is surrounded with
maintained gardens that feature fruit trees, flowers and palm trees. The courtyard’s surface is 733 m2, while the house
takes up 141 m2. The ground floor has four rooms with bathroom and toilet, while the upper floor features a gallery,
three bedrooms, bathroom, toilet and balcony. The house basement reveals a summer kitchen, pantry and water well for
watering the garden. The entire ground floor is surrounded by a terrace. The house is filled with light from all sides and it
has a wonderful view over the bay and the harbour in Gruž. There is an option of building a swimming pool or expanding
the residential surface.
Cijena / Price: 850.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 320 974, +385 (0)51 320 702, +385 (0)51 320 708
Na području Konavala, u pitoresknom selu Ljuta, prodaju se dvije kamene vile. Prva vila ima površinu 482 m2 i smještena
je na parceli površine 2424 m2, dok je stambena površina druge vile 488 m2, a površina parcela na kojoj leže je 2365 m2.
Vile su smještene u mirnom okruženju i sastoje se od dviju etaža: prizemlja i jednog kata. Prizemlje ima prostrani dnevni
boravak, kuhinju i blagovaonicu, ljetnu kuhinju, toalet, ured, ostavu, podrum, terasu i garažu, dok se na katu nalaze četiri
sobe i apartman s dvije garderobe i spremište. Dvorište je uređeno u mediteranskom stilu s pažljivo uređenim stazama i
prostorom za bazen koji nudi i saunu, fitness i dvije terase s prekrasnim pogledom na Konavle.
In the picturesque village of Ljuta in the Konavle area, there are two stone villas on sale. The first villa takes up 482 m2
of surface and it is located on a parcel that has 2424 m2 of surface, while the residential surface of the second villa
is 488 m2 on a 2365 m2 parcel. The villas are located within a peaceful environment and they consist of two storeys:
ground floor and upper floor. The ground floor features a spacious living room, as well as a kitchen, dining room, summer kitchen, toilet, office, pantry, basement, terrace and garage, while the upper floor consists of four bedrooms and
an apartment with two wardrobes and a storage room. The courtyard is decorated in Mediterranean style with carefully
maintained tracks, as well as a swimming-pool space that also offers a sauna, fitness and two terraces with a wonderful
view over Konavle.
Cijena / Price: 2.500.000 € svaka / each
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)20 437 046
U samom središtu povijesnog Dubrovnika smješten je hotel Stari grad. U prošlosti je hotel pripadao obitelji Drašković,
dok je danas spomenik kulture pod zaštitom Grada. Hotel ima osam dvokrevetnih ili jednokrevetnih soba te predivnu
terasu s pogledom na obližnji otok Lokrum i gradić Cavtat. Uređen je u antiknom stilu.
Hotel Stari Grad is located in the very centre of historic Dubrovnik. The hotel used to belong to the Drašković family, but now
it is a cultural monument protected by the City of Dubrovnik. The hotel has eight two-bed or one-bed rooms and a wonderful
terrace overlooking the neighbouring island Lokrum and a little town called Cavtat. It is furnished in antique style.
Cijena / Price: 3.300.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)20 437 046
Vrhunski uređen interijer / Supremely decorated interior
275,00 kn
Flosova Zeppelin lampa upotpunjuje prostor / The
Zeppelin lamp by Flos completes the room
Od predjela do clubbinga
Ono što je od početka bila orijentacija ovoga prestižnoga zagrebačkog lokala jest njegov
demokratičan pristup: nije ovo mjesto na kojem će jedino moći uživati eksperimentatori
i elita, nego i svi ostali željni dobrog obroka s kvalitetnim sastojcima, s odličnom i školovanom uslugom, umjerenim cijenama, a u vrhunski uređenom ambijentu koji jednako
dobro priziva uživanje u hrani i dobru zabavu
Piše: Hela Biliæ
Foto: Kristina Faziniæ
lobetrotteri dobra ukusa već odavno znaju
da je na svjetskoj gastronomskoj sceni posljednjih godina, hit kuhinja japansko-peruanskoga chefa Nobua Matsuhise koji je proslavio fusion Istoka i Zapada “u loncu”, spajajući na vješt
i maštovit način dotad (činilo se) nespojivo. “Nobu” je
danas sinonim za lanac vrhunskih fusion restorana na
najpoželjnijim svjetskim destinacijama – od New Yorka
do Los Angelesa, od Tokija do Melbournea – koji nude
malo drukčiji, reklo bi se, holistički pristup hrani.
A poznavatelji domaće gastroscene ovakva su kulinarska nagnuća prepoznali u meniju klub-restorana Plato
u zagrebačkom Kaptol centru. Plato se u samo pola
godine od otvaranja prometnuo u novu meku za tan-
koćutna nepca, a francuski chef Stephano Macchi, koji
je postavio prvi, proljetno-ljetni meni Platoa, već je opravdano opjevan u mnogim gastrokritikama. No, ono što
je od početka bila orijentacija prestižnoga zagrebačkog
lokala jest njegov demokratičan pristup: nije ovo mjesto
na kojem će jedino moći uživati eksperimentatori, nego
i svi ostali željni dobrog obroka s kvalitetnim sastojcima,
s odličnom i školovanom uslugom – što je, nažalost, tako
rijetka pojava i u tendencioznim hrvatskim restoranima
– umjerenim cijenama, a u nadasve vrhunski uređenom
ambijentu koji jednako dobro priziva uživanje u hrani i
dobru zabavu.
Interijer s veličanstvenom terasom koja gleda na gornjogradske prežuljke, prvi je adut Platoa: raskošni, ali
neopterećujući, iznimno udoban i prozračan prostor u
svijetlim tonovima doista dobro funkcionira i kao mjesto
brzoga poslovnog ručka, i kao odabir sadržajnog večernjeg izlaska. Uostalom, takav je i odabir menadžmenta
lokala, koji Plato vidi u konceptu “dining and clubbing”,
sve popularnijem kod nas. Priča o “diningu” doista je prilagođena i zahtjevnijim gostima i onima koji više cijene
konvencionalniji jelovnik. Tako u jesenskoj ponudi Platoa,
predstavljenoj početkom prošloga mjeseca, ravnopravno stoluju tuna tataki, proljetne rolice sa slatko-kiselim
umakom, piletina na štapiću s kikirikijem, pačja prsa s
miso umakom, razni wokovi, ali i janjeći kotleti, tatarski
biftek, neke zanimljive talijanske paste i steak sa slanim
krumpirom. A kako se meni prilagodio prevladavajućem
ukusu zagrebačke publike, ne forsirajući snobizam i ne
nasilno “preodgajajući” ljubitelje dobre hrane, tako je i
raspon cijena prilagođen najvećem dijelu potencijalnih
gostiju, pri čemu se posebno cilja na mlađe zaposlene
ljude kojima je, osim večere, često na pameti i ono “poslije” večere. Cijene su u Platou doista fer, s predjelima
i malim toplim jelima čija cijena ne prelazi pedesetak
kuna, dok za najskuplje jelo na meniju nećete morati izdvojiti više od stotinjak kuna. Biti “nježan” na džepu, ali
zanimljiv i konkurentan u ponudi, Platoov je recept koji
od otvaranja donosi odlične rezultate.
Na koncu, element “clubbinga” od jeseni je obogaćen
izvrsnim novim programom. Srijeda, kao jedan od “gluhih” dana u tjednu za zabavnu ponudu metropole, inauguriran je u Platou kao “Wednesday Live Clubbing”. Svake srijede od 24. listopada u Platou uživo nastupaju naša
najpoznatija estradna imena, uz živu svirku na klaviru i gitari. Program je, prema riječima voditelja klub-restorana,
zamišljen kao nekoliko setova, u početku laganijih pa sve
bržih, kako bi gosti mogli uz večeru, svijeće i razgovor poslušati poznate hitove stranih i domaćih izvodača i uživati
u atmosferi kluba. U Platou tako tijekom jeseni i zime srijedom možete naletjeti na nastupe Natali Dizdar, Divasica,
Jacquesa Houdeka i Ivane Kindl, Massima, Vanne, Tonija
Cetinskog... Uz ovaj novitet, Plato će svake subote ugostiti i svojevrsni after party televizijskog showa “Ples sa zvijezdama”, uz gostovanje ekipe plesača, a tijekom ovoga
mjeseca najavljena je i “grčka večer” uz grčku glazbu,
dodatna ponuda u meniju i mnoštvo drugih zanimljivih
detalja. Valja očekivati da je sve ovo samo početak jednoga divnog prijateljstva između zahtjevne zagrebačke
publike i ozbiljnog i ambicioznog zagrebačkog lokala.
lno uređenje
za profesiona do te surasa studijem
a. Kako je
urađivali ste
Dječja soba za male ljubitelje Japana / A children’s
interijera Stil ste način oblikovali
vo još
koji je zapra
bedroom for little Japan fans
dnje i na koji pokrenuli projekt
ve angažman ja
Stil Interijeri još nismo imali nikak
la ideja anga
di te
uvijek u razra projekt jer mi se svidje tnog ili poslovnog
u taj
Ušao sam
u uređenju
me konta
ili umjetnika zanimljivo i oni su
i nekih
Meni je to
na uređenju svidjelo to što se oni
sam radio
mi se
znajući da
nego bi se
lja, tipa dizaj
samo na
bnih deta
nekih pose
mogu lijepo
ne temelje
da koji se
proširiti i na ili lampe, nekih koma naručivati cijeli proe
nerske stolic ijent, a da se ne mora i interijere i to mi
ner. Volim
uklopiti u
ideja u glavi
osmislio dizaj
jekt koji bi
modu. Shva
izraziti kroz
k nešto radim
ena, uvije
mogu sve
da ih ne
imam vrem
uno prirodno.
, kad god
nešto potp
svom stanu ova suradnja bila
, moj duća
sam već radio još nisu došli s
Tako da mi
li stvari koje
k u počeOni su
privatne stano je projekt još uvije
varam s
stan i još neke
uvijek prvo
može sponekom naru idem nešto raditi,
ti koliko se
cima. A kada to radim i moram vidje enom. To je i kroz
tničkom dom nje industrijskog
osobom kojoj
lnost s umje
a – spaja
jiti funkciona i rad najbitnija točk
mora biti
moj dizajnersk ičkim detaljima. Ali
dizajna s artistkada nešto nije funkc
ne podnosim
, ina što radim
ja. Bez obzir
m zaomi je nit vodil je vizija koju mora
terijer ili mod
e dizajnera
nude uslug
priijerima koji
, dobar je
sa Stil Inter
o je ona
kreatora i
s vlada. Kolik
ali i modnih
osti koja dana?
i u Hrvatskoj dizajneri inspirirani armjer interd
kojoj je razin
đa da su
bitna i na
alizam. Recim je
često doga
U mod
oni koji
om, a Tom
, pogotovo
iran arhitektur
nije bio škoiguez je inspir da on primarno
znica, ali za
Narciso Rodr
ima pove
. No
ni dizajner.
iše inspiracije aja i stvari.
lovani mod vidim u tome prev
va, mješavine
svoj dizajn
puno tih spoje tivan, onda ima
je bio
zaista ima
Ako je netko e i oblike. Pa i sam i ljudi koji se stvarno
vaza različite
pjesnik. Iako jednom polju djelo
, arhitekt i
, ne mogu
i samo na
slikar, kipar
i žele biti dobra kao osobu i kreativca zanimati
to jako limitir a će me jednog dana Jer ako
nja. Mene
dizajner. Moždfilmove, nikad se ne
biti samo
ili ću snim
možeš se
st u srži, ne
dječje sobe može biti vrlo zabavno, ali pri tome nikako ne treba zaa
rena je
tijih modnih
. godine otvo riero pozv
na samu djecu jer ona svakako moraju sudjelovati u odabiru namještah najpozna
trijenalu 2005
andro Guer i umjetnoJedan od naši Sever govori o suradnji
Na Milanskomelves. Kustos Aless
ja, boja na zidovima, zavjesa
na, glazbe
moDressing Ours ta arhitekture, dizaj e kulture i značenja
dizajnera Rob uređenje interijera,
iz svije
je suvremen mode unutar suvre
je osobe
Piše: Aleksandar Vrtariæ Foto: Vibel i Berloni
j i neo
sti da daju nje. Kakvo je znač
u Hrvatsko
dnoj sceni
su apsolumode unuta
biznis. Ljudi vaki prostor ima svoju namjenu i odiše vlastitim se i ambijent u njihovim prostorijama. Uređivanje dječje
svojoj krea
prije svega i vrlo im je bitno da
mene kultu
vo danas
ni pita- a svakome od nas potreban je dio sobe može biti vrlo zabavno, ali pri tome nikako ne treModa je zaprai time kako će izgle
Ivana Bioèin
To više nije
prostora koji ćemo urediti po svojim željama. Dje- ba zaboraviti na samu djecu jer ona svakako moraju
lni identitet.
tno opsjednut
kroz svoj vizua
Hari Ðerð /
čje sobe su prostorije kojima dominiraju nevinost, sudjelovati u odabiru namještaja, boja na zidovima,
na Faziniæ i
se izražavaju
Foto: Kristi
radost i zaigranost, a s odrastanjem djece mijenjat će zavjesa itd. Kako je to prostorija u kojoj će djeca provo-
Djeèje sobe ureðujte zajedno!
u duši
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275,00 kn
ISSN 1845-2086
ISSN 1845-2086
ISSN 1845-2086
ISSN 1845-2086
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ISSN 1845-2086
U novoizgrađenom apartmanskom kompleksu u Dubrovniku prodaje se stan u potkrovlju. Ukupna stambena površina
stana bez balkona i terase iznosi 140 m2 i sastoji se od tri sobe (jedne velike spavaće sobe i dvije manje koje dijele zajedničku kupaonicu), otvorenog prostora s kuhinjom, dnevnog boravka s blagovaonicom koji ujedno predstavlja srce
apartmana s izlazom na terasu. S terase se pruža predivan pogled na more, borovu šumu i dubrovački most. Velika
spavaća soba ima balkon koji isto tako ima zadivljujući pogled kao i terasa. Stan je moderno namješten s vrhunski
kvalitetnim materijalima te ima centralno grijanje, klimatizaciju i SAT/TV. Stanu također pripada jedno parkirališno
mjesto ispred zgrade.
We find a loft apartment for sale in a newly built apartment complex in Dubrovnik. The apartment’s overall residential surface, without the balcony and the terrace, takes up 140 m2 and it consists of three rooms (one large bedroom and two smaller
ones that share a joint bathroom), an open space with the kitchen, and living room with the dining room that represent the
heart of the apartment with the exit to the terrace. The terrace itself provides a wonderful view over the sea, the pine-tree
forest and the Dubrovnik Bridge. The large bedroom features a balcony that also provides an impressive view, just like the
terrace. The apartment is furnished in modern manner with materials of superb quality, as it possesses central heating, air
conditioning and SAT/TV. The apartment also receives one parking space in front of the building.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on request
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)20 437 046
U Fažani, na samoj rivi, prodaje se kuća stara više od 100 godina. Ove godine kuća je adaptirana i pretvorena u
luksuzan hotel s devet dvokrevetnih soba. Sve sobe su moderno opremljene, što znači da je svaka soba klimatizirana, a gostima su na raspolaganju u svakoj sobi mini-bar, sef, telefon, LCD televizor s digitalnim prijemom zemaljskih i satelitskih programa. Kupaonice imaju hidromasažne tuš-kabine u kojima se može relaksirati uz muziku. Cijeli
je hotel bežično umrežen i spojen na brzi ADSL internet tako da ćete se u bilo kojem dijelu hotela, ali i na stolovima
smještenim uz more, moći služiti internetom i notebookom.
There is a house for sale at the very promenade in Fažana, and it is over a hundred years old. The house was adapted this
year and turned into a luxurious hotel with nine two-bed rooms. All the rooms are equipped in a modern way, which means
that every room has an air conditioner, and the guests have plenty of things at their disposal in all the rooms, including a
mini-bar, vault, telephone, LCD TV with digital transmission of earth and satellite programmes. The bathrooms have hydromassage shower tubs where you can relax next to some music. The entire hotel has wireless service and is connected to fast
ADSL Internet, so you can use Internet and the notebook in any part of the hotel, including the tables located near the sea.
Cijena / Price: 3.500.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 617 6677, +385 (0) 98 296 839
Ivanić Grad
U Ivanić Gradu, nedaleko Zagreba, prodaje se nedovršena troetažna kuća. Kuća je pogodna za stanovanje, ali i
kao višenamjenski poslovni objekt za ugostiteljsko-turističku djelatnost. Smještena je na prekrasnoj parceli površine
600 m2, okružena stablima lipe, uz samo jezero. Početak gradnje kuće je bio 1981., a nadograđena je 2000.
In Ivanić Grad, near Zagreb, there is an unfinished three-storey house on sale. The house can serve a residential purpose,
but also as a multi-optional restaurant-tourism facility. It is located on a beautiful 600 m2 parcel, surrounded by lime trees
and very near a lake. The house was originally started in 1981, and was upgraded in 2000.
Cijena / Price: 185.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 3094 007, +385 (0)99 3094 007, +385 (0)91 3094 007
Prodaje se obiteljska kuća s prekrasnim vrtom i velikom uređenom okućnicom na kraju naselja, u mirnom mjestu u
Istri, pokraj Buja. Kuća je luksuzno uređena i opremljena te ima površinu 300 m2. Na kraju parcele površine 4000 m2
nalazi se i poslovni prostor površine 550 m2 te ima još i dovoljno prostora za izgradnju teniskih terena i bazena. Ovo
je zadnja kuća u građevinskoj zoni te prevladava mir i zelenilo.
There is a family house with a beautiful garden and a large maintained courtyard on sale, and it’s located on the outskirts of a peaceful settlement near Buje in Istria. The house is luxuriously decorated and furnished, and it has 300 m2
of surface. At the very end of the parcel, which takes up 4000 m2, we find a facility for business premises with 550 m2
of surface, and there is also plenty more room to build tennis courts and swimming pools. This is the final house in this
construction zone, and is therefore characterized by peace and greenery.
Cijena / Price: 1.100.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 6176 677, +385 (0)98 296 839, +385 (0)52 721 001
Na otoku Krku, u Malinskoj, prodaje se kuća primorske arhitekture s restoranom-konobom i dva četverosobna stana. Kuća
je samostojeća na dvije etaže, s velikim terasama s pogledom na more. Konoba ima vanjsku terasu površine 40 m2 s 80100 sjedaćih mjesta i salu površine 100 m2 s 44 sjedaća mjesta. Opremljena je modernom novom kuhinjom sa skladištem
površine 30 m2, toaletima, garderobom, kupaonicom za osoblje i grillom. Objekt ima centralno grijanje, plinske instalacije
za kuhinju restorana, pomoćnu zgradu sa spremištem, cisternom i grill terasom te pet parkirališnih mjesta. Kuća se nalazi
na mirnoj lokaciji, u okruženju obiteljskih kuća i maslinika.
In Malinska at the island of Krk, we find a house of coastal architecture for sale, and it features a restaurant-tavern and two
four-room apartments. The house has two storeys and is detached, boasting two terraces that overlook the sea. The tavern
has a 40 m2 outside terrace with 80-100 seats, as well as the 100 m2 indoor space with 44 seats. It is furnished with a modern
new kitchen featuring a 30 m2 storage room, toilets, wardrobe, bathroom for staff and the grill. The object has central heating, gas installations for the restaurant’s kitchen, as well as a second building with a storage room, cistern, grill terrace and
five parking spaces. The house is situated at a peaceful location, surrounded by family houses and olive groves.
Cijena / Price: 850.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 528 9096
U malome mjestu Vrbniku, smještenom na stijeni nad morem, prodaju se apartmani vrhunske izrade, s jedinstvenim
pogledom na more. Na prodaju su jednosobni, površine 51 m2, i dvosobni apartmani, površine od 82 i 108 m2, s
velikim terasama i parkirališnim mjestima. Ispred objekta je bazen površine oko 60 m2. Apartmani će biti useljivi u
svibnju 2008. godine.
In a small town called Vrbnik, which is located on a rock above the sea, we find supremely built apartments for sale, and
they provide a unique view over the sea. Apartments for sale include one-room (51 m2 of surface) and two-room (82 and
108 m2) apartments with large terraces and accompanying parking spaces. There is a 60 m2 swimming pool in front of
the object. The moving-in process for these apartments will begin in May of 2008.
Cijena / Price: 1900 €/m2 (dvosobni / two bedrooms); 2100 €/m2 (jednosobni / one bedroom)
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 372 238, +385 (0)51 372 260
U Malinskoj na otoku Krku prodaje se obiteljska kuća-imanje na zemljištu površine 2000 m2. Kuća se sastoji od dvije
etaže, prizemlja i kata, čija ukupna stambena površina iznosi 270 m2. Okućnica je kultivirana, ograđena je zidom i
kovanom ogradom te postoji mogućnost izgradnje bazena. Ispred kuće su natkriveno parkiralište, spremište za alat,
grill terasa te manja kućica od 60 m2 s garažom i autentičnom konobom sa starim ognjištem. Sve je opremljeno drvenom stolarijom, centralnim usisavačem, SAT/TV-om, senzorskom rasvjetom te centralnim plinskim grijanjem. Kuća
ima pogled na more, nalazi se oko jedan km od plaže, ima parkirališnih mjesta za 10 automobila te se prodaje kompletno opremljena s namještajem i aparatima.
There is a family house-estate on sale in Malinska on the island of Krk, and it stands on a parcel that takes up 2000 m2. The
house consists of two levels, the ground floor and the upper floor, with 270 m2 of overall residential surface. The courtyard is
cultivated, enclosed with a wall and a wrought-iron fence, and there is an option of constructing a swimming pool. In front of
the house, we find a covered parking lot, storage room for tools, grill terrace and a smaller 60 m2 house with a garage and
an authentic local pantry with an archaic fireplace. Everything is furnished with wooden joinery, central vacuuming system,
SAT/TV , sensor lighting and central heating on gas. The house overlooks the sea, while the beach is about 1 km away, and
there are 10 parking spaces. It is put on sale completely furnished, with all the furniture and appliances.
Cijena / Price: 1.500.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 528 9096
Na otoku Krku prodaje se novoizgrađena kuća čija stambena površina iznosi 98 m2. Kuća je građena u tradicionalnom stilu, u kamenu, te ima natkrivenu terasu, vanjski roštilj, bazen i uređenu okućnicu s automatskim navodnjavanjem. Pri uređenju i gradnji su korišteni prvoklasni materijali, kuća ima centralno grijanje i klimatizaciju. Nalazi se u
mirnom, ruralnom okruženju, dva kilometra od mora.
There is a newly built house on sale on the island of Krk, and its residential surface mounts up to 98 m2. The house was built
in traditional manner, which is stone, and it features a covered terrace, outside grill, swimming pool and a maintained courtyard with automatic flooding. First-class materials were used during the construction and decorating, and the house also has
central heating and air conditioning. It is located in a peaceful and rural environment, two kilometres from the sea.
Cijena / Price: 255.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 547 4709
Na jugozapadnoj strani otoka Lošinja, na uskoj prevlaci koja spaja otoke Cres i Lošinj, u Osoru, prodaje se stara kamena kuća. Kuća se sastoji od četiri etaže, a ukupna stambena površina je 210 m2. Na prvoj etaži su dnevna soba s
kaminom, blagovaonica, kuhinja, mala konoba i kupaonica. Druga etaža obuhvaća dvije sobe i lođu. Na trećoj etaži
su dvije sobe i balkon, a četvrta etaža je potkrovlje. Kuća se počela graditi oko 1500. god. i građena je od debelih
kamenih blokova. Kuća je u početku služila crkvenim časnicima za stanovanje, a poslije je pretvorena u biskupiju.
There is an old stone house for sale in Osor, which is located at the southwestern side of the island of Lošinj that features a land bridge that connects it to the island of Cres. It is a four-storey house, and the overall residential surface is
210 m2. The first storey features the living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen, small pantry and bathroom. The
second storey takes up two bedrooms and loggia. The third storey features two bedrooms and a balcony, while the
fourth one consists of the loft. The house was originally built around year 1500 and thick stone blocks were used in the
process. At first, its purpose was accommodation for church officials, only to eventually be turned into a bishopric.
Cijena / Price: 770.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 233 815, +385 (0)91 769 5650
Na otoku Pagu, u turističkom središtu Novalji, koje je poznato po predivnim plažama, prodaje se apartman. Apartman
ima površinu 30 m2 i smješten je u zgradi na četiri etaže. Udaljen je 250 m od mora, a s terase od oko 30 m2 pruža
se predivan pogled na more i okolicu.
In the tourism centre Novalja on the island of Pag, which is known for its wonderful beaches, there is an apartment for
sale. The apartment’s size is 30 m2 and it is located in a four-storey building. It is 250 metres from the sea, and the 30 m2
terrace provides a wonderful view over the sea and the local area.
Cijena / Price: 75.500 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 254 5962
U Primoštenu, jednom od najslikovitijih malih mjesta na Jadranu, s mnoštvom karakterističnih uličica u staroj jezgri na
brdovitom poluotočiću, prodaju se apartmani. Površina apartmana je od 41,5 m2 i smješteni su u apartmanskoj zgradi
na tri etaže s koje se pruža predivan pogled na cijeli Primošten. Apartmani su 250 m udaljeni od mora.
In Primošten, which is one of the most picturesque little towns at the Adriatic with numerous characteristic alleys in the
archaic centre on a mountainous peninsula, there are apartments for sale. The surface of the apartments is 41,5 m2,
and they are located in a three-storey apartment building, which provides a glorious view over the whole of Primošten.
The apartments are 250 metres from the sea.
Cijena / Price: 85.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 254 5962
U Barbatu, malom mjestu na otoku Rabu poznatom po čistome moru i pješčanim plažama, prodaje se vila s dva
dvoetažna stana svaki površine 135 m2 s pripadajućom okućnicom. Vila je smještena u novoizgrađenom elitnom
naselju urbanih vila, na udaljenosti 50 m od plaže s privatnim kolnim prilazom, kao i putem do mora. S vile se pruža
prekrasan pogled na more. Pri uređenju su korišteni najkvalitetniji materijali i suvremena tehnologija građenja, čime
je postignuta visoka kvaliteta izgrađenih objekata.
In Barbat, a small town on the island of Rab that is renowned for its crystal-clear sea and sand beaches, there is a
villa on sale with two two-storey apartments, each with 135 m2 of surface and an accompanying courtyard. The villa
is located in the newly built, elite settlement of urban villas, merely 50 meters away from the beach and with a private
driveway, as well as the path to the sea. The villa provides a glorious view over the sea. In the process of decoration,
only top-quality materials were used, as well as a modern construction technology, which guarantees the high quality
of constructed objects.
Cijena / Price: 180.000 € + PDV svaki / each
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 724 958
Na izuzetnoj lokaciji na otoku Rabu prodaje se prizemlje obiteljske vile, površine 184 m2, koje se sastoji od atraktivno
uređenog studio apartmana i dvosobnog stana. Vila ima i predivno uređenu okućnicu površine oko 500 m2. Postoji
mogućnost kupnje voćnjaka površine 600 m2. Ova iznimno kvalitetno izgrađena obiteljska vila, s otvorenim pogledom
na more, idealna je za odmor.
At an exceptional location at the island of Rab, a 184 m2 ground floor of the family villa is on sale, and it consists of an
attractively decorated studio-apartment and a two-room flat. The villa also has a wonderfully maintained courtyard with
about 500 m2 of surface. There is an option of purchasing a 600 m2 orchard. This family villa was built in extremely
quality fashion and it boasts with an open view over the sea, which makes it ideal for a vacation.
Cijena / Price: 300.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 724 958
Na otoku Rabu, na mirnoj lokaciji, prodaje se poslovno-stambeni objekt (pansion) površine oko 500 m2. Objekt je
okružen šumom crnike i nalazi se u blizini ACI-jeve marine, na okućnici površine 3200 m2. Sastoji se od tri etaže i
podruma. U prizemlju su restoran sa salom i terasom, na prvom i drugom katu je devet spavaćih soba s kupaonicama i terasama. U sklopu je i pomoćni stambeni objekt površine 65 m2. Cijeli objekt ima centralno i solarno grijanje.
Okućnica je ograđena i kultivirana.
At a peaceful location at the island of Rab, there is a business-residential object (room and board) of about 500 m2 of surface for sale. The object is surrounded by a holm-oak forest and is located near the ACI marina, on a 3200 m2 courtyard. It
consists of three storeys and a basement. The ground floor features a restaurant with saloon and terrace, while the first and
second floor reveal nine bedrooms with bathrooms and terraces. There is also an additional residential object with 65 m2 of
surface. The entire object has central and solar heating. The courtyard is fenced and cultivated.
Cijena / Price: 890.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 724 958
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U malom mjestu smještenom nedaleko od Rovinja, na zemljištu površine 1390 m2, podignuta je obiteljska kuća površine
413 m2. Kuća se sastoji od dvije etaže podijeljene na tri etažirana stana različitih površina. U prizemlju se nalazi stan
od 232,90 m2 koji se sastoji od: dviju natkrivenih terasa, ulaza s pretprostorom, hodnika, dviju spavaćih soba (jedna je
s garderobom), dnevnog boravka s kuhinjom i blagovaonicom, dviju kupaonica, toaleta, dva spremišta i konobe. Do
gornjeg kata, koji se sastoji od dva stana površina cca 90 m2, vode dva odvojena stubišta. Jedan stan sastoji se od: dviju
spavaćih soba, dnevnog boravka, kuhinje s blagovaonicom, hodnika, spremišta, kupaonice i natkrivene terase, dok se
drugi stan sastoji od: dviju spavaćih soba, dnevnog boravka s kuhinjom i blagovaonicom, kupaonice s pretprostorom,
hodnika, lođe i natkrivene terase. Cijeli posjed je kultiviran i ograđen kamenim zidom te ima dva ulaza. Na posjedu se
nalazi bazen, vrt (s vanjskim navodnjavanjem iz cisterne), maslinik i dvorište s osam parkirališnih mjesta.
In small settlement situated close to Rovinj on the land surface of 1.390 m2 there is family house of 413 m2 living area.
House comprises two floors divided on three storey apartments with different surfaces. In ground floor there is apartment of 232,90 m2 comprises two covered terraces, entrance with lobby, hallway, two bedrooms (one with wardrobe),
lounge with kitchen and dining room, two bathrooms, toilet, two storage rooms and a cellar. Two separated stairways
leads to the upper floor which is comprise two apartments of 90 m2. One apartment consists of two bedrooms, living
room, kitchen with dining room, hall, storage room, bathroom and covered terrace, while second apartment comprises
two bedrooms, lounge with kitchen and dining room, bathroom with hallway, hall, balcony and covered terrace. Whole
estate is cultivated, fenced with stone wall and it has two entrances. On the property there are pool, small garden (with
outdoor watering from tank), olive trees and courtyard with eight parking places.
Cijena / Price: 980.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 517 1932
U Samoboru, malom pitoresknom mjestu nedaleko od Zagreba, prodaje se u potpunosti renovirana kuća stambene površine
170 m2. Kuća ima tri etaže: prizemlje, kat i potkrovlje. U prizemlju je smješten apartman površine 30 m2. Okućnica ima površinu 658 m2. Grijanje je plinsko centralno. Kuća je smještana na uzvisini te ima prekrasan otvoren pogled na Samobor.
In a small picturesque town called Samobor not far from Zagreb, we find a completely renovated house for sale with
170 m2 of residential surface. The house has three storeys: ground floor, upper floor and loft. The ground floor features
a 30 m2 apartment. The courtyard takes up 658 m2. There is central gas heating. The house is located on a hill that
provides a wonderful open view over Samobor.
Cijena / Price: 340.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 560 6793, +385 (0)1 332 7102
U Solinu, mjestu nedaleko Splita, gradi se stambeni kompleks koji se sastoji od 11 kružno raspoređenih objekata. Zgrade
imaju po tri etaže sa po šest stanova različitih kvadratura, od 42, 56 i 69,5 m2, i mogu biti jednosobni, dvosobni i trosobni.
Svi stanovi su opremljeni s: brojilom za vodu i struju, pripremom za klima-uređaj, priključkom za telefon, TV instalacijama
(zemaljski i satelitski sustav), parlafonom, blindo vratima, PVC stolarijom i roletama, klasičnim parketom, prvoklasnom
keramikom i sanitarijama. Kompleks ima podzemne garaže, uređene prilazne ceste i zelene površine. Nalazi se nedaleko
osnovne škole, crkve, supermarketa i postaje gradskog autobusa, a useljenje je predviđeno za prosinac 2007. godine.
In Solin, a town nearby Split, there is a residential complex under construction that features 11 objects in circular formation.
The buildings have three storeys each with six different-sized apartments (42, 56 and 69,5 m2) that feature one, two or three
bedrooms. All apartments have meters for water and electricity, as well as air-conditioning preparation, telephone connection, TV installations (earth and satellite system), parlaphone, armoured doors, PVC joinery and window shutters, classic
parquet, first-class ceramics and sanitary facilities. The complex has underground garages, maintained driveways and green
surfaces. It is located near an elementary school, church, supermarket and the city bus, and the moving-in process is planned
for December of 2007.
Cijena / Price: 1550 - 1790 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 480 467
U malom mjestu nedaleko od Splita, na uzvisini s otvorenim pogledom na stobrečki zaljev, prodaje se urbana vila na
četiri etaže ukupne stambene površine 700 m2. Na prvoj etaži se nalazi podrum s pet garažnih mjesta. Prizemlje se sastoji od kotlovnice, vinoteke, prostorije za fitness, saune s garderobom i sanitarnog čvora s tuševima. Na prvom katu je
zatvoreni grijani bazen, ostava, kuhinja s blagovaonicom i terasom, dnevni boravak s kaminom, garderoba i sanitarni
čvor. Drugi kat sadrži četiri spavaće spbe, tri kupaonice i dvije garderobe te je svaka soba povezana s pripadajućom
terasom. Uređenju okoliša je posvećena velika pažnja. Uz standardne instalacije vila je opremljena podnim grijanjem,
centralnim usisavanjem, s dva sefa, videonadzorom i alarmom, a razvedene su telefonske i kompjuterske instalacije.
In a small town nearby Split, on a slope that clearly overlooks the Stobreč Gulf, there is a four-storey urban villa for sale,
at about 700 m2 of overall residential surface. The first storey features a basement with five garage places. The ground
floor consists of a boiler room, wine room, fitness room, sauna with wardrobe space, as well as sanitary facilities with
showers. The first floor features indoor heated swimming pool, pantry, kitchen with a dining room and terrace, living
room with a fireplace, wardrobe and sanitary facilities. The second floor consists of four bedrooms, three bathrooms
and two wardrobe spaces, and every room is connected with the accompanying terrace. Environment preservation was
also given great attention. Along with standard installations, the villa is equipped with floor heating, a central vacuuming system, indented telephone and computer installations, two vaults, video-supervision and alarm.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 452 875
Stanovi u izgradnji u urbanim vilama Split - Duilovo
Prodaju se stanovi u izgradnji u luksuzno uređenim vilama na izvrsnoj lokaciji u Duilovu.
Kompleks se sastoji od pet zgrada i u ponudi
ima 19 stanova različite kvadrature. Raspored vila je izuzetan s obzirom na prisutnost
zelenih površina. Svi stanovi su orijentirani
jug-sjever, a na raspolaganju su ostala još
četiri stana različitih kvadratura: 35,05 m2;
44,80 m2; 57,20 m2 i 66,10 m2.
Useljenje: studeni 2007.
Moving in: November 2007
Beautiful villas in Duilovo for sale on excellent location away from city traffic
and high density living. Community will have five buildings with 19 apartments available. Placement of villas are wonderful with green areas present.
All apartments are placed north-south and there are available only four
apartments on sale with different surfaces: 35,05 m2; 44,80 m2; 57,20 m2
and 66,10 m2.
New development in Duilovo, Split – apartments in urban villas
Na izvrsnoj lokaciji, samo šest kilometara od Skradina i obala Krke, nalazi se objekt na prodaju. Objekt je građen
30-ih godina prošlog stoljeća i imao je funkciju škole, te je potrebna adaptacija. Nalazi se na brdu poviše idiličnih
maslinika i vinograda, na zemljištu površine 1070 m2. Na parceli je moguće smjestiti i bazen većih dimenzija, kao
i parkiralište iza objekta. Površina objekta je 160 m2, te postoji mogućnost izgradnje još jedne etaže koja bi imala
površinu 80 m2. Do objekta vodi asfaltirani put, voda je odmah iza kuće, kao i strujni i telefonski priključak. Postoji
mogućnost povoljnog otkupa okolnih zemljišta (3000-5000 m2) koja su u građevinskoj zoni.
At an excellent location, just six kilometres from Skradin and the coast of Krka, we find an object for sale. The object was built
during the 1930s and it functioned as a school, which means that it needs some adaptation. It’s located on a hill above idyllic
olive groves and vineyards, on a parcel that spreads across 1070 m2 of surface. The parcel also leaves room for a large-sized
swimming pool, as well as for a parking lot behind the object. The object’s size is 160 m2, and there is an option of building
another floor that would have 80 m2 of surface. An asphalt road leads to the object, water is right behind the house, as well
as connection for electricity and telephone. There is an option of buying surrounding parcels (3000-5000 m2) at a good
price, and they are located within the construction zone.
Cijena / Price: 110.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 254 5962
U Srimi, malome slikovitom turističkom mjestu, koje je spojeno s Vodicama, prodaje se apartman. Površina apartmana je 40 m2 i nalazi se na odličnoj lokaciji, uz samo more (udaljenost od mora je 60-ak metara) i plaže. Apartman se
prodaje kompletno namješten.
There is an apartment for sale in Srima, which is a picturesque little tourism town connected to Vodice. The apartment’s surface is 40 m2 and it has a wonderful location, right next to the sea (about 60 metres away from the sea) and a beach. The
apartment on sale is completely furnished.
Cijena / Price: 90.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 254 5962
U Tisnom, prekrasnom dalmatinskom gradiću smještenom na mjestu gdje se otok Murter približio kopnu na samo 30ak metara, prodaje se kuća. Stambena površina kuće je 188 m2 i ima tri etaže, a površina parcele je 450 m2. Kuća
je smještena samo 150 metara od mora te ima pogled na more i stari dio mjesta.
There is a house for sale in Tisno, which is a beautiful little town in Dalmatia located in a spot where the island of Murter gets
only about 30 metres from the land. The house’s residential surface is 188 m2 and it has three storeys, while the parcel’s
surface is 450 m2. The house is just 150 metres from the sea and it overlooks the sea and the old part of the town.
Cijena / Price: 350.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 254 5962
Na mirnoj lokaciji iznad Tribunja, prodaje se troetažna obiteljska kuća. Ukupna stambena površina kuće je 225 m2. U
suterenu je podrum, a u prizemlju veliki dnevni boravak iz kojeg se izlazi na terasu, kuhinja, blagovaonica, kupaonica,
ostava i pretprostor. Na katu su hodnik, dvije spavaće sobe, kuhinja s blagovaonicom, kupaonica i dva balkona. Potkrovlje se sastoji od dva studio apartmana od kojih jedan ima terasu. Oko kuće je uređena okućnica površine 404 m2 s
grillom i parkiralištem. S terasa se pruža predivan otvoreni pogled na slikoviti arhipelag.
At a peaceful location above Tribunj, we find a three-storey family house for sale. The overall residential surface of the house
is 225 m2. The sub-level features a basement, while the ground floor offers a large living room with an exit to the terrace, as
well as the kitchen, dining room, bathroom, pantry room and hallway. The upper floor consists of a hallway, two bedrooms,
kitchen with a dining room, bathroom and two balconies. The loft features two studio apartments, one of which has a terrace.
A maintained 404 m2 courtyard with a grill and a parking lot is surrounding the house. The terraces provide an open view
over the picturesque archipelago.
Cijena / Price: 390.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)22 213 506, +385 (0)91 754 4313
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Samo nekoliko koraka od centra Umaga, u pitomom zelenom istarskom krajoliku, prodaju se tri urbane vile s ukupno 24 visokokvalitetna izgrađena i opremljena stana. Vile su udaljene 400 m od luke i šetnice uz more te 1,2 km
od plaže. Visina stropova u stanovima je 275 cm. Oko cijelog podruma se nalazi suhi rov kao dodatna izolacija.
Prednost ovih stanova: imaju etažno plinsko centralno grijanje, svaki stan sa svojim brojilom, pri gradnji i opremanju
su korišteni kvalitetni materijali (4-slojna vrhunska toplinska i zvučna međukatna i krovna izolacija, mitsubishi split
sistem klima-uređaji u svakoj prostoriji, protuprovalna blindo vrata, visokokvalitetna talijanska sobna vrata, talijanska
keramika i sanitarije, egzotični masivni parketi, svaki stan ima brojilo za potrošnju energenata, sva unutarnja i vanjska
stubišta, balkoni i okućnica izrađeni su od granita, instalacije: telefon, internet, SAT/TV...) Stanovi imaju prostrane
terase i lođe. Svakom stanu pripada jedno parking mjesto pored vile. Postoji mogućnost kupnje klasične garaže u
podrumu, svaka s daljinskim zatvaranjem. Prva vila je prodana i useljiva. U drugoj i trećoj vili ostalo je još nekoliko
stanova na raspolaganju. Skoro useljenje.
In the quiet, green Istrian landscape, just several steps away from the centre of Umag, there are three urban villas on sale,
featuring as many as 24 high-quality constructed and furnished apartments. The villas are 400 metres from the harbour and
the seaside promenade, and about 1,2 kilometres from the beach. The ceilings in the apartments are 275 cm high. There
is a dry trench surrounding the entire basement, and it serves as extra-isolation. These apartments have one advantage:
they have storey gas central heating – every apartment with its own meter. While constructing and furnishing the villas, only
materials of the highest quality were used (four-layered, top-notch heat and sound isolation between floors and on the roof,
“Mitsubishi Split” air-conditioning systems in every room, anti-burglary armoured doors, Italian high-quality doors for rooms,
Italian ceramics and sanitary facilities, exotic massive parquets, a meter to measure the usage of energy for every apartment,
granite-made indoor and outdoor staircases, balconies and courtyard, as well as instalations: telephone, internet and SAT/
TV…). Apartments have spacious terraces and loggias. Every apartment gets one parking space next to the villa. There is an
option of purchasing a classic garage in the basement, which would be remote-controlled. The first villa is sold out and it can
be moved into. In the second and third villa there are few apartments available. It can be moved in soon.
Cijena / Price: 1950-2100 €/ m²
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 751 087, +385 (0)98 486 100, +385 (0)99 253 5284
U malom mjestu Čista Velika, nedaleko od Vodica, prodaje se obiteljska kuća na dvije etaže. Površina kuće je 280 m2,
a parcela na kojoj je kuća zauzima površinu od 620 m2. U podrumu su dvije prostorije površine 30 m2. Na prizemnoj
etaži je stan s dvije spavaće sobe, jednom lođom, velikom kupaonicom od 13 m2, odvojenim WC-om i velikom terasom.
Na drugoj etaži su dva jednosobna stana, od kojih svaki ima površinu od oko 50 m2. Pokraj kuće je garaža. Udaljenost
od mora je 15 km.
There is a two-storey family house for sale in small settlement Čista Velika close to Vodice. The house has 280 m2 of
surface, and the parcel that features the house takes up 620 m2. The basement has two 30 m2 rooms, while the ground
floor features an apartment with two bedrooms, loggia, large 13 m2 bathroom, separated toilet and a large terrace.
The upper floor consists of two one-room apartments, each taking up 50 m2. There is a garage next to the house. The
sea is 15 km away.
Cijena / Price: 220.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)22 213 506, +385 (0)91 754 4313
U zapadnom dijelu, Zagreba, na obroncima Medvednice, nalaze se tri stambena objekta u kojima se prodaju stanovi
različitih kvadratura (od 50 do 160 m2) s lođama, terasom i zasebnim spremištem. Cijeli kompleks se odlikuje vrhunskom opremom u kombinaciji s kvalitetnom gradnjom. Svi stanovi imaju rolete na daljinsko upravljanje, protuprovalna vrata, videoportafon, parkete egzota, vimar-elektroničku infrastrukturu, etažno plinsko centralno grijanje, klimu,
satelitsku antenu i internet. Cijela parcela je ograđena, a na sjeveroistočnoj strani se nalaze natkrivena parkirališta.
Jugozapadna strana je uređena kao park s biranom hortikulturom. Ispred objekata se nalazi grijani bazen površine
12x6 m, sjenice s vrtnim garniturama, sunčalište s ležaljkama i suncobranima te dječje igralište. Objekti su smješteni
u blizini osnovne škole, vrtića, trgovačkih centara i tržnice. Useljenje je predviđeno za studeni 2007.
On the slopes of Medvednica in the western part of Zagreb, we find three residential objects that feature different-sized
apartments (from 50 to 160 m2) for sale, and they all have loggias, a terrace and an individual storage-room. The
entire complex prides itself on top-notch equipment, which is combined with quality construction. All apartments have
remote-controlled shutters, anti-burglary doors, video portaphone, “exota” parquets, vimar-electronic infrastructure,
storey central gas heating, air conditioning, satellite antenna and Internet access. The whole parcel is fenced, and the
northeast side features covered parking areas. The southeast section was decorated as a park with carefully chosen
horticulture. In front of the objects, we can find a heated swimming pool with 12x6 metres of surface, as well as arbours
with garden ensembles, a sunbathe-area with deckchairs and sunshades, and a playground for children. The objects
are located near a preliminary school, kindergarten, shopping malls and a market. The moving-in process is planned
for November 2007.
Cijena / Price: 2000 - 2200 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)01 363 4729, +385 (0)98 912 5454
U zapadnom dijelu grada Zagreba, u Vrapču, prodaju se stanovi u dva objekta na tri etaže. U ponudi su ostala još
samo četiri stana (po dva u svakom objektu). Stanovi su luksuzno opremljeni (prvoklasna keramika, hrastov parket,
vrhunska aluminijska stolarija, klima, protuprovalna vrata, videoportafon i dva prakirališna mjesta). Iz stanova se
pruža prekrasan pogled na cijeli grad. Objekti će biti okruženi zelenilom, a smješteni su u blizini škole, vrtića, doma
zdravlja i tržnice.
In Vrapče in the western part of Zagreb, apartments are on sale in two three-storey objects. Only four more apartments
are still available (two a piece in each of the objects). The apartments are luxuriously equipped (first-class ceramics,
oak parquet, top-notch aluminium joinery, air conditioning, anti-burglary doors, video port-phone and two parking
spaces). The apartments provide a wonderful view over the entire city. The objects will be surrounded by greenery, and
they are located near a school, kindergarten, medical centre and the marketplace.
Cijena / Price: 1700 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 301 3117, +385 (0)91 301 3117, +385 (0)99 22 22 228
nine- at the foot of Sljeme zone
Zagreb - Exclusive apartments in Šestine
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Zagreb - Ekskluzivni stanovi u
podsljemenskoj zoni - Šestine
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U zagrebačkom kvartu Maksimir, prodaju se dva stana u stambenoj zgradi. Zgrada se sastoji od tri etaže: prizemlja i dva kata.
Kvadratura prvog stana je 89,39 m2 i sastoji se od pretprostora, dnevnog boravka, kuhinje, blagovaonice, dvije sobe, WC-a,
kupaonice i balkona. Stanu pripada i parkirališno mjesto te kućni vrt površine 21,25 m2. Drugi stan ima površinu 137,51 m2,
a sastoji se od pretprostora, dnevnog boravka i blagovaonice, kuhinje, WC-a, degažmana, tri sobe, kupaonice i dva balkona.
Stan ima i parkirališno mjesto i kućni vrt od 15 m2. Uz stanove postoji mogućnost kupnje i garaže površine oko 21 m2. Stanovi
imaju posebna brojila za vodu.
Two apartments are for sale in a residential building in a Zagreb neighbourhood called Maksimir. It is a three-storey building:
ground floor and two upper floors. The first apartment’s size is 89,39 m2 and it consists of the hallway, living room, kitchen,
dining room, two bedrooms, toilet, bathroom and balcony. The apartment also gets a parking space and a 21,25 m2 house
garden. The second apartment takes up 137,51 m2 of surface, and it features the hallway, living room, dining room, kitchen,
toilet, lobby, three bedrooms, bathroom and two balconies. The apartment also has a parking space and a house garden with
15 m2 of surface. Along with buying the apartments, there is also an option of buying a 21 m2 garage. Apartments have individual water meters.
Cijena / Price: 205.597 € (89,39 m2), 316.273 € (137,51 m2)
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)99 2145 053
U podsljemenskoj zoni Zagreba, u Gračanima, u zgradi na tri etaže sa suterenom, prodaju se tri stana. U prizemlju i na
prvom katu prodaju se četverosobni stanovi, dok se u potkrovlju prodaje komforan trosobni penthouse. Svakom stanu
pripadaju dva parkirališna mjesta.
In Gračani, which is a sub-Sljeme zone of Zagreb, we find three apartments for sale within a three-storey building with
a basement. The ground floor and the first floor feature four-room apartments for sale, while the loft reveals a spacious
three-room penthouse that is looking for its buyer. Every apartment gets two parking spaces.
Cijena / Price: 2500 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 301 3117, +385 (0)91 301 3117, +385 (0)99 222 2228
U Zagrebu, u naselju Malešnici, prodaju se stanovi u stambenom objektu na četiri etaže (prizemlje i tri kata). Objekt se
sastoji od 19 stanova različitih kvadratura, koji imaju parkirno-garažno mjesto u podrumu zgrade. U zgradi je i lift koji
vodi direktno iz garaža do gornjih etaža gdje su stanovi. Useljenje je planirano za jesen 2008.
In a settlement called Malešnica in Zagreb, we find apartments for sale within a four-storey residential object (ground floor
and three upper floors). The object consists of 19 different-sized apartments, which have a parking-garage space in the
building’s basement. The building also features a lift that directly leads from the garages to the upper floors that feature
apartments. The moving-in process is planned for autumn of 2008.
Cijena / Price: 2000-2300 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 301 3117, +385 (0)91 301 3117, +385 (0)99 222 2228
U okolici Zagreba, u mjestu Novo Ćiče, prodaje se dvoetažna kuća stambene površine 260 m2. Kuća se sastoji od
dva četverosobna stana, svaki površine 130 m2. Svaki stan se sastoji od velikog dnevnog boravka, kuhinje, kupaonice,
ostave i tri sobe, te ima zasebni ulaz. Ispod kuće je radionica s kancelarijom i sanitarnim čvorom. Kuća je smještena
na prostranoj i uređenoj okućnici površine 1024 m2. Ima dvije garaže i vrt sa staklenikom.
In a town called Novo Ćiče near Zagreb, there is a two-storey house for sale and it has 260 m2 of residential surface.
The house consists of two four-storey apartments, each taking up 130 m2 of surface. Every apartment features a large
living room, kitchen, bathroom, pantry and three bedrooms, as well as an individual entryway. There is a workshop
with an office and sanitary facilities in front of the house. The house is located on a spacious and maintained 1024 m2
courtyard. It has two garages and a garden with a greenhouse.
Cijena / Price: 250.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 3094 007, +385 (0)99 3094 007, +385 (0)91 3094 007