wellness - DalCasa
wellness - DalCasa
OŽUJAK/MARCH 2008 www.dalcasa.com BROJ/EDITION 33 CIJENA 25 KN PRICE 5 € HRVATSKI MAGAZIN ZA NEKRETNINE / CROATIAN REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE SVE O STAMBENIM KREDITIMA ALL ABOUT HOUSING LOANS WELLNESS U VLASTITU DOMU WELLNESS IN YOUR HOME MINIMALIZAM MINIMALISM NAJBOLJI IZBOR NEKRETNINA THE BEST REAL ESTATE OFFER ISSN 1845-2086 9771845208005 Int roduct ory word Rješavanje stambenog pitanja samo po sebi je vrlo stresno, a kad k tome dodamo problem stambenog kredita i papirologiju koja ide uz njega, to može postati prava noćna mora. Depozit, valutna klauzula, anuitet, efektivna kamatna stopa... sve su to većini nepoznati pojmovi kad se prvi put diže stambeni kredit. U našoj temi broja donosimo vam pregled sve potrebne dukumentacije za dobivanje stambenog kredita, s objašnjenjem pojmova s kojima ćete se susresti i savjetima stručnjaka koji mogu biti od velike koristi. Put do kredita može biti mukotrpan, ali vlastiti stan ili kuća definitivno su vrijedni toga. Predstavljamo vam i zanimljiv projekt novoga poslovnog nebodera koji se počeo graditi u Zagrebu. Dva povezanja tornja na 22 kata, osmislio je arhitektonski studio AJF biro. Ekskluzivno i reprezentativno arhitektonsko zdanje malo koga će ostaviti ravnodušnim. A ravnodušnim vas neće ostaviti ni hotel Las Casas del Rey de Baeza u andaluziskoj Sevilli, koji je zadržao sve bitno iz tradicionalne arhitektonske baštine – stari kamen i ciglu, velike staklene površine, bukovo drvo i neutralni, nenametljivi kolorit posvuda... a s time nije izgubio na modernosti i ljepoti. Nadam se da će u njemu hrvatski hotelijeri pronaći inspiraciju, jer ideja je najbitnija, a ne koliko je novca uloženo. Donosimo vam i pregled novih trendova u uređenju interijera: što je in, a što out, koje su boje moderne ove godine, koji stil izabrati... To i još mnoštvo zanimljivih tema pronaći ćete na našim stranicama. Šaljite nam svoje prijedloge i kritike, jer vaše misljenje je najvažnije. Solving the residential issue can be very stressful by itself, but when you add that little problem called a housing loan and all the paperwork that goes with it, it has the potential to become a true nightmare. Deposit, currency clause, annuity, effective interest rate… the majority of us find those terms utterly mysterious when we’re asking for a housing loan for the first time. Our cover story brings you the overview of all the necessary documentation to receive a housing loan, as well as the explanation of every term you will encounter and advices from experts that can be very helpful. The road to the loan can be very trying, but your own house or apartment is definitely worth it. We also present you an interesting project of a new business tower that is being built in Zagreb. Two connected 22-floor towers were designed by architectonic studio AJF Bureau. This exclusive and representative architectonic unit will leave very few people feeling indifferent. Another thing that won’t leave you feeling indifferent is hotel Las Casas del Rey de Baeza in Seville, Andalusia, as it has kept all the important characteristics from traditional architectonic heritage – old stone and brick, big glass surfaces, beech wood and neutral, unassuming colours all over the place… without losing any of its modern-looking beauty. Let’s hope that provides some inspiration for Croatian hoteliers because it shows that it’s all about the idea, regardless of how much it costs. We also bring you an overview of new trends in interior decoration: what is in, what is out, which colours are chic this year, which style to choose… You can also find many other interesting topics on our pages. Keep sending us your suggestions and critiques, because your opinion is the most important thing. 11 Sadržaj 9 UVODNA RIJEÈ / INTRODUCTORY WORD 14 TEMA BROJA / COVER STORY Put do stambenog kredita - mala prepreka ili nemoguæa misija? / The way to a housing loan – small obsticale or impossible mission? 28 INTERVIEW Sandra Radniæ: Stambeni kredit treba planirati nekoliko godina unaprijed / Housing loans should be planned several years ahead 32 VIJESTI / NEWS 36 INVESTICIJE / INMESTMENTS “Sky Office” - neboder koji æe promijeniti vizuru grada / “Sky Office” - A Skyscraper to Change the City’s Appearance 42 INFO “Dašak Italije” na Braèu / “A Breath of Italy” in Braè 44 AVANTURA / ADVENTURE Osijek - srce Slavonije / Osijek - The Heart of Slavonia 52 GASTRO Suvremena kuhinja u vintage ambijentu / A Modern Kitchen in a Vintage Ambience 14 58 FINE STVARI / LUXURIES Content 62 DODIR UMJETNOSTI / TOUCH OF ART Ivan Fijoliæ: celuloidni mitovi i pali heroji / Celluloid Myths and Fallen Heroes 68 AMBIJENT / AMBIENT Baština u službi dizajna / Heritage in the Service of Design 76 DOM SNOVA / DREAM HOME Pogled na jezero / A View over the Lake 82 AKTUALNO / EVENTS Novi trendovi u ureðenju interijera / New trends in interior design 88 INTERIJERI / INTERIORS Wellness u vašem domu / Wellness in Your Home Minimalizam - prostor je ono što najviše vrijedi / Minimalism - Space Is the Most Valuable Thing 102 KULTNI KOMAD / A PIECE OF CULT Kultna “vreæa” / A Cult “Sack” 100 DEKORACIJE / DECORATIONS U boji srebra / In the Colour of Silver 114 NEKRETNINE / REAL ESTATE 15 Tema broja Put do stambenog kredita - mala prepreka ili nemoguæa misija? Ispunjenje uvjeta i odabir stambenog kredita noćna je mora gotovo svima. Ipak, odlučite li krenuti u ostvarivanje sna o svojim kvadratima, nužno je dobro se informirati o kreditima više banaka i provjeriti sve uvjete određenog modela kredita, jer ćete novac koji podignete vraćati još dugo, dugo godina Piše: Martina Kocijan 16 Foto: ZABA, Erste & Steiermärkische Bank i Arhiva DalCase Nakon što realizirate svoj stambeni kredit, banka postaje vlasnikom vašeg stana ili kuće / After you have realised your housing loan, the bank becomes the owner of your apartment or house Č ini se da je dobivanje stambenog kredita sve teža misija. Osim toga što većina nas nema novca, dodatna demotivacija je i hrpa birokratskih propisa i postupaka kojI nam dolaze poput nepremostivih prepreka. Koliko ćemo ih dobro preskakati, ovisi na kraju o nama samima. Treba se samo sjetiti da će nam, izborimo li se za povoljne uvjete kredita, dobiveni novac omogućiti kupnju novoga stana ili kuće iz snova. Sve prepreke tada postaju nevažnima. Dobra je vijest da je ponuda stambenih kredita u bankama najveća do sada. Bez obzira koliko dobra ili loša bila vaša kreditna sposobnost, banka će uspjeti pronaći vaš idealni model stambenog kredita. Stambeni krediti za kupnju stana, kuće, vikendice, stambeni krediti za kupnju građevinskog zemljišta, za izgradnju, nadogradnju ili adaptaciju nekretnina te stambeni krediti za mlade, pomorce i zaposlenike u stranim državama, samo su neki od modela stambenih kredita. Svaka banka ostvaruje pravo na naknadu za obradu kredita, a sama naknada ovisi o modelu kredita i o politici banke. Visina naknade banke kreće se između 1,5 i 3,5 posto iznosa kredita, dok se dodatni troškovi – poput bilježničkih, troškova procjene vrijednosti nekretnine, uknjižbe založnog prava na nekretninu i sl. – naplaćuju dodatno. Ne žuri li vam se s dizanjem kredita, možete i uštedjeti jer banke ponekad imaju pro- motivno razdoblje kada klijentima nude obradu kredita bez naknade. Osiguranje banke od neplaćanja Nakon što realizirate svoj stambeni kredit, banka postaje vlasnikom vašeg stana ili kuće. Isti postupak slijedi i ako ste samo odlučili dodatno urediti, obnoviti, rekonstruirati i nadograditi svoju nekretninu. Upis vlasništva samo je jedna od mjera osiguranja banaka da će svoj novac vratiti. Ostali instrumenti osiguranja mogu biti jamstvo vašeg sudužnika, potpisana izjava o zapljeni primanja svih sudionika u kreditu, jedna zajednička mjenica s mjeničnom izjavom, polica životnog i riziko osiguranja, polica osiguranja kredita, polica osiguranja nekretnine od vremenskih nepogoda, požara i slično. Budući da svi instrumenti osiguranja “koštaju”, treba ih promatrati kao elemente koji dodatno povećavaju konačnu cijenu kredita. Primjerice, ključni instrument osiguranja kod stambenih kredita jest hipoteka, čija vrijednost pokriva kredit u određenom omjeru. Što je omjer veći u korist vrijednosti nekretnine, kamatna stopa trebala bi biti niža jer je banka bolje osigurana. Isto je i s drugim instrumentima osiguranja. Ako banka traži depozit ili učešće, što je depozit viši, kamatna stopa trebala bi biti niža. Zahtijeva li banka policu životnog osiguranja, potrebno je i te troškove uračunati u konačnu 17 Živite li na području od posebne državne skrbi ili u brdsko-planinskom području, možete ostvariti mnogo povoljniju kamatnu stopu / If you live in an area of which is under special state welfare or in a mountaines area, you can achieve a much fabourable interest rate cijenu kredita. Kad analiziramo instrumente osiguranja u relaciji s rokom otplate, moramo biti svjesni da nas instrumenti osiguranja i njihovi troškovi prate tijekom cijelog razdoblja otplate kredita. Primjerice, plaćamo li policu životnog osiguranja, uplata police čeka nas svake godine. Isto je i s hipotekom. Nekretnina je njome opterećena do zadnjeg dana otplate kredita. Dokumentacija potrebna za dobivanje kredita Radite li u tvrtkama dioničkim društvima, državnim tvrtkama i tvrtkama registriranim kao društvima s ograničenom odgovornošću s više od 50 zaposlenika, spadate u sretnike. Barem što se tiče papirologije prigodom podizanja stambenih kredita. Radite li, pak, u tvrtkama s ograničenom odgovornošću, a manje vas je od 50 ili spadate pod okrilje privatnika, prihvatite da vam što se dokumentacije tiče, nema spasa. Popis obvezne dokumentacije potrebne za realizaciju gotovinskih kredita je podugačak, a banka uvijek može zatražiti još dodatnih “papira“. Potrebne su vam barem tri platne liste, PK 1 kartica za tekuću i prošlu godinu ovjerena od poslodavca i Porezne uprave, ugovor o radu, potvrda iz REGOS-a, BON 1, BON 2, izvod iz sudskog registra tvrtki, potvrda o plaćenom porezu, preslika osobne iskaznice s brojem JMBG-a, zahtjev za kredit, posljednja tri odreska od mirovine, vlasnički list nekretnine, kopija katastarskog plana, predugovor o kupnji nekretnine i troškovnici ako svoju nekretninu obnavljate ili nadograđujete. Dodatna dokumentacija koju banka može zatražiti obuhvaća izvadak iz zemljišne knjige za nekretninu koja se daje u zalog i nekretninu koja je predmet kreditiranja, dokaz o procijenjenoj vrijednosti nekretnine od ovlaštenog sudskog procjenitelja te elaborat o procijenjenoj nekretnini koja se daje u zalog, a koji sadrži i fotografije nekretnine od ovlaštenog sudskog vještaka. Posebne povlastice za klijente U Hypo Alpe-Adria banci, jednako kao i u Raiffeisen banci, prednost se daje vlastitim klijentima, odnosno osobama koje imaju otvoren žiro ili tekući račun u njihovoj banci preko kojih primaju mjesečna primanja. U Hypo banci popust ćete dobiti ako vaš poslodavac ima sklopljen ugovor s bankom o poslovnoj suradnji. Stambeni kredit u Privrednoj banci, pak, najpovoljnije dobivaju mladi. U Zagrebačkoj banci umjesto jamaca klijent, prema vlastitim sklonostima ili mogućnostima, izabire različite kombinacije kredita. Neke banke nude razne povlastice i popuste za pojedine klijente ili interesne skupine. Među osobama koje imaju popuste, na prvome mjestu su određeni zaposlenici banke, a sam popis zanimanja kojima se odobravaju posebni uvjeti može se dobiti u svim poslovnicama banaka. 18 Rokovi otplate kredita Rok otplate je vremensko razdoblje u kojem ste dužni ispuniti kreditne obveze i uz njega je izravno vezana visina kreditnog obroka. S povećavanjem roka otplate smanjuje se kreditna rata, što vam omogućuje uzimanje većeg iznosa kredita. S druge strane, duži rok otplate istodobno znači dužu kreditnu ovisnost te veću ukupnu svotu koju ćete platiti banci. Zato je nužno usporediti otplatne planove koji, osim broja i visine otplatnih rata, uključuju ukupan zbroj kamata i otplatnih kvota. Gotovinski krediti Tema broja Zagrebačka banka zauzima prvo mjesto na hrvatskom bankarskom tržištu što se tiče stambenog kreditiranja te zauzima 33,5 posto udjela / Zagrebačka bank takes first place in the Croatian bank market as far as housing loans are concerned and have a 33,5 percent of shares odobravaju se na razdoblje od tri do 30 godina. Rokovi otplate stambenih kredita razlikuju se ovisno o modelu stambenog kredita. Tražite li kredit za kupnju nekretnine, moguće je da vam odobren rok za otplatu stambenih kredita bude do 30 godina. Dakako, ovisno o vašoj starosnoj dobi. Ako ste, pak, zatražili stambeni kredit za renoviranje, obnovu ili nadogradnju nekretnine, rok za povrat stambenog kredita bit će znatno manji. Bilo bi dobro provjeriti i mogućnosti promjene roka otplate i prijevremene otplate dijela ili cijelog kredita u slučaju da iznenadno dobijete veliki novac i poželite vratiti kredit. Vrlo je važno usporediti naknade koje banke naplaćuju kod takvih operacija i, na kraju, pronaći kompromisno rješenje – optimalni iznos rate i prihvatljiv rok otplate. Razlike u kamatnim stopama Početkom 2007. kamatne stope na stambene kredite bile su niže u Hrvatskoj negoli u Austriji, Finskoj, Grčkoj, Italiji i Sloveniji. Kamatna stopa za podizanje stambenih kredita u sedam najvećih hrvatskih banaka kreće se od 5 do 6,95 posto godišnje. Najpovoljniji stambeni kredit mogli biste dobiti u Hypo Alpe-Adria i Volksbanci, zatim u Privrednoj i Erste banci, a ravnate li se prema kamati, najveća redovna kamatna stopa očekuje vas u Zagrebačkoj i Raiffeisen banci te u Hrvatskoj poštanskoj banci. Zagrebačka banka zauzima prvo mjesto na hrvatskom bankarskom tržištu što se tiče stambenog kreditiranja te zauzima 33,5 posto udjela. Stambeni krediti u Zabi lani su dosegnuli 14 milijardi kuna, od čega je plasirano 4,4 milijarde. PBZ je plasirao 2,5 milijardi kuna kredita, a najzastupljeniji su bili stambeni krediti u kunama. Volksbank je lani odobrio 36 posto veće iznose stambenih kredita nego u 2006. godini. Razlika između najskupljeg kredita u eurima koji trenutačno nudi Hypo banka, uz kamatu od 7,15 posto, i najjeftinijeg kredita u švicarskim francima koji nudi Volksbank, uz kamatu od 4,9 posto, iznosi oko 140 eura mjesečno na kredit od 100.000 eura. To je razlika koja donosi godišnju uštedu od čak 1680 eura. Usporedba kredita u francima i kunama pokazuje bitnu razliku – moguća je ušteda od 116 do 130 eura mjesečno. Naime, kamate na kunske stambene kredite lani su bile gotovo izjednačene s onima u eurima, a najpovoljnije nudi Privredna banka uz kamatu od 4,98 posto. Zagrebačka, Privredna i Raiffeisen banka nedavno su povećale kamatne stope na stambene kredite. Živite li na području od posebne državne skrbi ili u brdsko-planinskom području, možete ostvariti mnogo povoljniju kamatnu stopu, od dva do četiri posto. Također, kupujete li svoju nekretninu preko Agencije za poslovanje s nekretninama, možete dobiti nešto manje kamate. Na kraju, proučite li međunarodno financijsko tržište, možda vas utješi činjenica da Hrvatska ima najniže kamatne stope u usporedbi sa susjednim zemljama, kao što su Srbija, Crna Gora i Makedonija. Malo statistike Suhoparna, ali korisna statistika prati se i u stambenim 19 kreditima. Danas u Hrvatskoj gotovo petina parova s jednim i dvoje djece ima stambeni kredit, dok 27 posto kućanstava sa zaposlenima u javnom sektoru ima obvezu otplate stambenog kredita. Prema podacima Državnog zavoda za statistiku za 2006. godinu, 14 posto obitelji živi u privatnom vlasništvu s obvezom otplate stambenog kredita. U 2005. godini takvih je kućanstava bilo samo 8,7 posto. Hrvatska narodna banka zabilježila je u 2007. godini povećanje kreditnog zaduživanja kod banaka, i to od čak 58 posto. U prvih jedanaest mjeseci prošle godine iznos kredita koje su banke odobrile građanima porastao je za 24 milijarde kuna. Za gotovo trećinu toga povećanja “krivi“ su stambeni krediti, čiji je iznos povećan za 7,6 milijardi, na ukupno 44,2 milijarde kuna. Pitamo li se kako uopće izgraditi kuću ili kupiti stan nemamo li ušteđeni poveliki iznos novca, podizanje stambenih kredita u današnjem svijetu postaje normalna pojava. Ponuda nekretnina i dalje velika U prošloj je godini izgrađeno 25.000 stambenih jedinica, dok će ih u 2008. godini biti izgrađeno još 30.000, unatoč tome što je potražnja onih koji hitno trebaju krov nad glavom pala s 30 posto od ukupne potražnje na 10 posto. Na tržištu je veliki broj neprodanih stanova, i to zato što kamatne stope na stambene kredite rastu, dok istodobno rast standarda građana ne prati rast cijena nekretnina. Prosječan kupac kupuje stan od 50 četvornih metara jer zbog kupovne moći sa svojom plaćom ne može otplaćivati veću ratu kredita. Prema nekim podacima, stanovi su, posebno u Zagrebu, precijenjeni do 30 posto, a cijene od 2000 eura za četvorni metar stana koji se nalazi na rubnim dijelovima Zagreba, nerealne su. Važno je znati... Često vam nisu jasni mnogi pojmovi koje čujete od službenice na šalteru ili pročitate u ugovoru o kreditu. Naučite što znače ti važni pojmovi s kojima ćete se susretati odlučite li podići stambeni kredit. Depozit označava polog novca u banku ili neku drugu novčarsku instituciju, i 20 Danas u Hrvatskoj gotovo petina parova s jednim i dvoje djece ima stambeni kredit / Almost a fifth of couples with one or two children in Croatia today have a housing loan služi kao jamstvo banci za eventualni slučaj neuredne otplate kredita. Anuitet je mjesečni obrok otplate kredita i općenito se smatra da je primjenom anuiteta iznos koji se svaki mjesec plaća uvijek jednak. Kamatna stopa je “cijena” za posuđivanje tuđeg novca. Fiducij znači prijenos prava vlasništva nad nekretninom ili pokretninom u korist banke sve do konačne otplate kredita. Hipoteka je pravo zaloga u korist banke na nekretnini dužnika za otplatu kredita. Jamac je osoba koja preuzima obvezu vraćanja kredita banci u slučaju da dužnik to nije u mogućnosti. Sudužnik je osoba koja također ima obvezu preuzimanja plaćanja kredita u slučaju da dužnik i jamac nisu u mogućnosti te se smatra nešto “jačim” instrumentom osiguranja od jamca. Valutna klauzula je napomena koju banka unosi u ugovore kako bi zaštitila novčane obveze od promjena vrijednosti novca u razdoblju između nastanka novčane obveze i trenutka njezina dospijeća. Efektivna kamatna stopa (EKS) je kamata koja pokazuje stvarnu i konačnu cijenu kredita. Ona uključuje sve troškove kredita i u pravilu je manja kod kredita s dužim rokovima otplate jer se jednokratni troškovi kredita raspoređuju na veći broj razdoblja. Valutna klauzula Premda banke sve više nude čiste kunske kredite, većina kredita s dužim rokovima otplate ima valutnu klauzulu, što znači da se vrijednost ukupne kreditne svote i rate obračunava u eurima ili švicarskim francima, a sama rata plaća se u kunama. Poznato je da krediti vezani uz švicarski franak imaju najnižu kamatnu stopu, ali je rizik promjene tečaja najveći. Erste banka je, primjerice, prošle godine uvela posebnu liniju stambenih kredita za građane s niskom nominalnom godišnjom kamatnom stopom za kredite u švicarskim francima. Kod odabira valute kredita vrlo je važno znati može li se i pod kojim uvjetima promijeniti valuta kredita. Ako je kreditna rata u “švicarcima“ znatno niža od kreditne rate u eurima, treba prihvatiti kredit u švicarskoj valuti jer će uštede vjerojatno biti veće. Kod valutne klauzule važno je provjeriti i prema kojem tečaju - kupovnom, srednjem ili prodajnom – banka isplaćuje kunsku protuvrijednost. Kako to izgleda u praksi Ako je prosječni hrvatski građanin podignuo stambeni kredit od 100.000 eura na rok otplate od 20 godina i uz kamatnu stopu od 5 posto, u iduća dva desetljeća izdvajat će mjesečno oko 660 eura ili 4800 kuna. Točno? Naravno, ali u najboljem mogućem scenariju. Promjenu može donijeti promjenjiva kamatna stopa. Drugim riječima, u slučaju rasta kamatne stope na 6 posto, rata kredita tom će se prosječnom hrvatskom građaninu povećati na 716 eura ili 5200 kuna, a ako kamatna stopa skoči na 7 posto, jednu ratu kredita plaćat će 775 eura ili 5650 kuna. Dakle, rast kamatnih stopa od samo 2 posto povećava kreditnu ratu za čak 17,5 posto. Imate li hrabrosti, nastavite računati i doći ćete do zapanjujućih rezultata. Iz ove kratke analize proizlazi da u slučaju značajnijeg rasta kamatnih stopa velik dio građana više ne bi mogao otplaćivati kredite. A zamislite što bi se tek dogodilo kad bi uz rast kamatnih stopa došlo i do devalvacije kune. Tko štiti građane od promjene kreditnih uvjeta? U najboljem slučaju, štite nas Hrvatska narodna banka i naša matična banka. U najgoremu, sav teret je na našim leđima. Pitamo se upozoravaju li banke klijente prigodom odobravanja kredita na rizik od promjene kamatnih stopa i valutni rizik? Odgovor bi trebale imati sve hrvatske banke. Osobito stoga što same koriste drastične instrumente osiguranja kredita, koji su nužan uvjet za njihovo odobravanje. Banke hrvatskim građanima pozajmljuju novac gotovo bez rizika, no rizik za građane stalna je prijetnja. Preko prepreka do ostvarenja “nemoguće misije“ Da biste uopće ostvarili pravo na podizanje stambenog kredita, morate zadovoljiti nekoliko osnovnih preduvjeta: imati radni odnos sklopljen na neodređeno vrijeme, dovoljna mjesečna primanja kojima pokrivate osnovicu za život te ratu kredita, biti uredni u dosadašnjem povratu postojećih kredita te da po isteku roka otplate kredita ne budete stariji od 70 godina. Dočekati starost u podstanarstvu, roditeljskom domu ili u vlastitu domu – izbor je samo na vama jer put do stambenog kredita nije nimalo lak. Ipak, odlučite li krenuti u ostvarivanje sna, već danas morate razmišljati za budućnost. To znači, nužno je dobro se informirati o kreditima više banaka i provjeriti sve uvjete određenog modela kredita, jer ćete novac koji podignete vraćati još dugo, dugo godina. Stoga, uzmite sebi barem jedan dan za istraživanje. Dobra stara poslovica – zlu ne trebalo – nije izmišljena bez razloga. A kako biste svoju “nemoguću misiju“ ostvarili što prije, držimo vam palčeve: prijeđete li odlučni preko stotinu malih prepreka, doći ćete do vlastita doma. 21 Cover st ory The way to a housing loan small obsticale or impossible mission? Meeting the requirements and the choosing of a housing loan is a night mare for almost everyone. None the less, if you decide to fullfill your dream of square meteres, it is necessary to inform yourself about loans offered from several banks and check all requirements of each loan model, because the money you borrow, you will be paying back for many, many years Written by: Martina Kocijan Foto: ZABA, Erste & Steiermärkische Bank and DalCasa archive 22 Dokumentacije koju traži banka je dosta / Documentation requested by the bank is quite I t seems that the realisation of a housing loan is an ever more difficuilt mission. Other than this, the fact that the majority of us has no money, is an additional demotivating and the pile of beurocratic conditions and procedures come to us in the form of impossible obstacles. How well we will be able to overcome them, depends on our own selves in the end. We are only needed to remember that if we are able to secure ourselves a favourable loan, the gotten money will allow us the purchase of an apartment or house of our dreams. All obstacles then become un-important. The good news is that the offer of housing loans available at banks is the greatest up to date. Regardless of how good or bad your credit capability is, the bank will be able to find a way for your ideal model of a housing loan. Housing loans for the purpose of purchasing an apartment, house, weekend house, housing loans for the purpose of purchasing building lots, for building, for additions or adaptations of real estate as well as housing loans for young people, sailors and employees in foreign countries, are just some of the models offered for housing loans. Each bank acquires a right to a cash benefit for O uvjetima kreditiranja se treba dobro raspitati /Conditions for loans should be well researched/ the proccessing of the loan, and the benefit is dependent upon the model of the loan and upon the bank politics. The amount of the banks benefit revolves around 1,5 and 3,5 percent of the amount of the loan, while the additional expences - such as notary services, evaluation of real estate value, etc. – are charged additionally. If you are in no hurry to realise a loan, you are able to save as banks sometimes offer promotional periods when they offer their clients proccesing of a loan without cash benefits. Bank insurance against not paying After you have realised your housing loan, the bank becomes the owner of your apartment or house. The same procedure follows if you have decided to only additionally furnish, redue, reconstruct or add to your real estate. The entry of ownership is just one of the measure the bank takes to ensure it will return its money. Other terms of insurance can be the guarentee of your co-loan owner, signed declaration of salary consfication of all participants of the loan, a mutual bond with a bond declaration, life insurance policy, loan insurance policy, insurance 23 Cover st ory Na tržištu je veliki broj neprodanih stanova, i to zato što kamatne stope na stambene kredite rastu / There is a large amount of unsold apartments on the market, this is so because interest rates on housing loans are growing policy of real estate against whether conditions, fires and similar. Since all terms of insurance “cost“ they should be looked at as elements which additionally increase the final price of the loan. For example, the key term of insurance with housing loans is a mortgage, whose value covers the loan to a certain rate. As the rate is higher for the benefit of the real estate value, the interest rate should be lower because the bank is insured better. The same is true for other terms of insurance. If the bank recquires a deposit or participation, as the depost is higher, the interest rate should be lower. If the bank recquires a life insurance policy, it is necessary to include these expences in the final price of the loan. When we analyse the terms of insurance in relations to the payment date, we must be aware that the terms of insurance and their expences follow us throughout the pay back period of the loan. For example, if we are paying a life insurance policy, the payments await us each year. The same is true for mortgages. Real estate is over burdened with it until the last day of the loan repayment. Documentation required for the approval of a loan If you are employed in a company with share holders, state owned companies and companies registered as lts with more than 50 employees, you are considered amongst the lucky, at least, as far as paper work is concerned during the realisation of the housing loan. If you are in fact employed in a company with limited liability, and there are less than 50 employees or are employed by a private sector, you must be willing to accept that as far as the documentation part is concerned, there is no hope. The list of necessary documentation for the realisation of loans is quite long, and the bank may always ask for additional “papers“. You need at least three pay stubs, PK 1 cards for the current and prevoius year verified by your employer and tax office, working contract, certicicate issued by REGOS, BON 1, BON 2, statement issued by the court registary of companies, statement of payed taxes, copy of identification card, loan application, last three pension stubs, real estate ownership papers, copy of catastrial plan, preliminary agreement for real estate 24 Dobra je vijest da je ponuda stambenih kredita u bankama najveća do sada / The good news is that the offer of housing loans available at banks is the greatest up to date purchase and expendentures if you are renewing or adding to your real estate. Additional documentation which the bank may require encompasses the statement issued from the land registaries for the real estate that is being mortgaged and the real estate which is the subject of the loan, proof of evaluated value of the reat estate issued by an authorised court evaluator and an elaborte of the evaluation of real estate being mortgaged, which also contains photographs of the real estate from an authorised court expert. Special benifits for clients At Hypo Alpe-Adria bank, as well as in Raiffeisen bank, personal clients are given an advantage, in other words to people who have an account opened at their specific bank through which they receive their monthly salaries. If your employer has a stipulated contract with Hypo bank you will receive a discount. Housing loans at the Privredna bank, are most favourabaly given to young people. At the Zagrebačka bank instead of guarantors, the client in accordance with his own needs and possibilities, is able to choose different loan combinations. Some banks offer benefits and discounts for specific clients or interest groups. Amoung the people who are able to acquire a discount are certain employees of the bank, and a list of professions for which certain requirements are needed can be received in all banks. Payment of loan dates The date of repayment is a time period in which you are obligated to meet the terms of the loan and the height of the loan payment is directly tied to this. With the extension of the repayment date the loan payment is decreased, which allows for a possiblity of a larger loan sum. On the other hand, the longer the repayment date is extended for the longer the loan obligation is, therefore; the sum you will pay to the bank in the end is larger. This is why it is necessary to compare repayment plans which not only include the number and height of repayment dates but also the total amount of interest and repayment quotas. Cash loans are allowed for a period of three to thirty years. Repayment dates of housing loans differ depending of the model of the housing loan. If you are looking for a loan for the purchase of real estate, it is possible to receive a repayment date of the housing loan of up to 30 years. Of course, depending upon your age. If you have, indeed, requested a housing loan for renovations, renewing or adding to your real estate, the repayment date for the return of your housing loan will be much shorter. It would be wise to check the possibility of being able to change the repayment date and being able to repay the loan, in part or in whole, prior to the agreed to upon date in case you come into a large sum of money by surprise and wish to return your loan. It is very important to compare benefits that banks charge for such operations and in the end, find some sort of comprimise – optimal amount of payments and an acceptable repayment date. The differences in interest rates At the beginning of 2007 interest rates for housing loans were lower in Croatia than in Austria, Finland, Greece, Italy and Slovenia. Interest rates for taking out a housing loan in seven of Croatias largest banks were around 5 to 6,95 percent per year. The most favourable housing loans could be taken out at Hypo Alep-Adria and Volksbank, as well as Privedna and Erste bank, and if you base your decision upon interest, the highest interest rate is at Zagrebačka and Reiffeisen bank as well as the Croatian Postal bank. Zagrebačka bank takes first place in the Croatian bank market as far as housing loans are concerned and have a 33,5 percent of shares. Housing loans at the Zagrebačka bank have reached an amount of 14 billion kunas last year, of which 4,4 billion have been marketed. PBZ has marketed 2,5 billion kunas in loans, and the ones most represented are the housing loans in kunas. Volksbank has approved 36 percent larger sums in housing loans last year than in 2006. The difference between the most expensive loan in euros which is curretly being offered by Hypo bank, with a interest rate of 7,15 percent, and the least expencive loan in Swiss franks which is being offered by Volksbank, with an interest rate of 4,9 percent, amounts to about 140 euros per month for a loan of 100.000 euros. This is a difference that brings about a annual savings of 1680 euros. The comparison of loans in franks and kunas shows us the difference – a possible savings of 116 up to 130 euros per month. In fact, interest on housing loans in kunas were almost made equal with the ones in euros, last year, and the most favourable is being offered by Privredna bank at an interest rate of 4,98 percent. Zagrebačka, Privredna and Reiffeisen bank have recently increased their interest rates on housing loans. If you live in an area of which is under special state welfare or in a mountaines area, you can achieve a much fabourable interest rate, from two to four percent. Also, if you are purchasing your real estate via an agency, you may be able to achieve somewhate lower interest rates. In the end, if you take the time to study the international financial market, perhaps you will be comforted by the fact that Croatia has the lowest interest rates in comparison to neighbouring countries, such as Srbia. Monte Negro and Macedonia. Some satistics Vague but useful statistics are being followed in housing loans. Almost a fifth of couples with one or two children in Croatia today have a housing loan, while 27 percent of households whose members are employed in the public sector have an obligation of a loan repayment. According to information revieved by the State instituion for statistics for 2006, 14 percent of families live in privetly owned spaces with an obligation of a loan repayment. In 2005 there were only 8,7 percent of such households. The Croatian national bank in 2007 has recorded an increase in loan obligations with banks up to 58 percent. In the first eleven months of last year the amount of loans which banks were approving to citizens has increased for 24 billion kunas. Almost a third of this increase is to be “blamed” by housing loans, whose amount has been increased by 7,6 billion, on a total amount of 44,2 billion kunas. We ask ourselves how to even begin building a house or purchase an apartment if we do not have a 25 Cover st ory large sum of money saved, taking out housing loans has become something normal in todays world. Offer of real estate still large Last year there were 25.000 residential units built, while there will be 30.000 more built in 2008, inspite of the fact that the demand of the ones who are in need of a roof over their head had dropped from 30 percent from total demand to 10 percent. There is a large amount of un- sold apartments on the market, this is so because interest rates on housing loans are growing. While at the same time the living standard of citizens is not following the growth of real estate prices. The average buyer purchasese an apartment of 50 sqare meteres becasuse of buying capability he cannot afford a larger loan repayment rate with his salary. According to some statistics, apartments are, especially in Zagreb, over rated up to 30 percent, and prices such as 2000 eurs for a square meter of an apartment which is located on the edge sides of Zagreb are unrealistic. It is important to know... Many terms that you hear from the bank employee or that you read in the loan ageement are often unclear. Learn the meaning of these important terms which you will be coming across if you decide to take out a housing loan. Deposit, states the amount of money in the bank or any other financial institution, and serves as collatorale to the bank in case of any irregularities in loan payments. Annuity is the monthly rate of loan payment and in general is considered that by the implementaion of annui- 26 ties the amount that is being payed each month be the same. Interest rate is the “price” you pay for borrowing someone elses money. Lat. Pactum fiduciae, means the transfer of ownership rights over real estate or movables in benefit of the bank until the final payment is made. Mortgage is the right owned by the bank to take over the loan users real estate for the usage of the loan repayment. Guarantor is a person who takes over the obligation of repaying the loan in case the user is not able to do so. Co-user is the person who also has the obligation to return the loan to the bank in case the user and guarantor are not able to do so and is considered a somewhat stronger instrument of insurance than the guarantor. The currency clause is a reminder which the bank is implementing in agreements as to protect financial obligations from money value changes in the period between the commencement of the financial obligation and moment of its maturity. The effective interest rate (EKS) is the interest which shows the actual and final price of the loan. It includes all expences of the loan and in the most part is lesser with loans of a longer repayment date because one time payment expences of the loan are spread over a longer time period. Currency clause Even though banks are offering ever more so, clean loans in kunas, most loans with longer repayment dates have a currency clause, which means that the value of the total loan amount and interest is calculated in euros or Swiss franks, and the interest rate itself is payed in kunas. It is commonly known that loans tied to the Swiss frank have the lowest interest rate, but the risk of a change in currency exchange rate is greater. Erste bank has for example, last year introduced a special line of housing loans for citizens obtainble in Swiss franks. When choosing the currency of the loan it is very important to know if and under which conditions can the currecy of the loan change. If the loan rate in Swiss currency is much less than the interest rate in euros, a loan in the Swiss currency should be accepted because the savings will be greater. It is important to check the currency rate – buying, middle, or selling – the bank makes payments in. How does it look in practice If the average Croatian citizen has taken out a loan in the amount of 100.000 euros for a repayment date of 20 years and with a 5 percent interest rate, he will for the following two decades pay a monthly rate of about 60 euros or 4800 kunas. Correct? Of course, in the best scenario possible. Change may be brought upon by a change in the interest rate up to 6 percent, the payment rate will for the average Croatian citizen increase to 716 euros or 5200 kunas, and if the interest rate is to increase to a rate of 7 percent, one payment rate will be payed 775 euros or 5650 kunas. So, the increase of interes rates of only 2 percent increasees the loan rate for as much as 17,5 percent. Do you have the courage, continue to calculate and you will come to extounishing results. From this short analaysis it is obvious that in case of a specific increase in interest rates a vast majority of citizens would no longer be able to pay off their loans. Imagine whate would happen if the increase in interest rates would be followed by the devalvuation of the kuna. Who protects citizens from changes of loan terms? In the best case, the Croatioan national bank and our savings bank take care of our interests. In the worst case, all the burden is on our own backs. We ask ourselves, do banks warn clients during the loan approval about the risks involved in case a change takes place in interest rates and the currency risk? The answer should be made available by all Croatian banks. Especially because they use drastic intruments for securing loans themselves, which are a necessary obligation for their approval. Banks lend money to croatian citiens almost without risk, nonetheless, risks for citizens are a constant threat. Over the obstacle to the realisation of an “impossible mission” In order for you to even acquire the right to be able to take out a housing loan, you must fulfill several general pre conditions: must have full time employment, sufficient monthly funds to be able to meet life expences as well as the payment rate, have no bad credit history, and must not reach the age of 70 by the time the loan rate is expired. To age in a rented apartment, your parents home or your own home – is the choice solely dependent upon you because the way to a housing loan is not the least bit easy. Nonetheless, if you decide to make your dreams come ture, you must start thinking about the future today. This means, it is necessary to inform yourself well about loans offered from several banks and check all requirements of a certain model of a loan, because the money you borrow, you will be paying back for many, many years. Therefore, allow yourself at least one day for invesitgation. A good old wives tale says – evil needs nothing – was not invented for no reason. For you to make real your “impossbile mission”, we keep are fingers crossed: if you overcome a hundred small obstacles, you will come to own your own home. 27 Interview SANDRA RADNIÆ Stambeni kredit treba planirati i do nekoliko godina unaprijed O stambenim kreditima, savjetima za građane, umreženosti banaka i drugim “bankarskim“ temama, razgovarali smo sa Sandrom Radnić, zamjenicom direktora Sektora građanstva Erste banke Piše: Martina Kocijan Foto: Kristina Faziniæ 28 K oliko je prosječnomu Hrvatu, prema Vašoj procjeni, danas moguće dobiti povoljan i isplativ stambeni kredit? Općenito govoreći, stambeni krediti su zbog svoje specifične namjene, te činjenice da su manje rizični od ostalih kredita, znatno povoljniji od ostalih vrsta kredita koje banke nude. Kod stambenih kredita također treba uzeti u obzir i činjenicu da se plaćene kamate po stambenom kreditu mogu iskoristiti kao porezne olakšice, na temelju kojih građani ostvaruju pravo na povrat poreza. Tako, primjerice, građanin s prosječnom plaćom, na maksimalni iznos poreznih olakšica ostvarenih na temelju plaćenih kamata na stambeni kredit, može ostvariti povrat poreza do nekoliko tisuća kuna, što indirektno smanjuje trošak stambenog kredita koji ima u korištenju. Trenutačne kamatne stope na stambene kredite Erste banke su među najpovoljnijima na tržištu. Što savjetujete građanima, osobito onima koji rade u privatnim tvrtkama, da poduzmu već danas kako bi za neko vrijeme mogli ostvariti povoljan stambeni kredit? Ulaganje u stambeni prostor je dugoročna investicija, koja se planira i nekoliko godina unaprijed, pri čemu posebno treba uzeti u obzir način financiranja kupnje stambenog prostora. Ono na što klijenti posebno trebaju obratiti pozornost jest visina stambenog kredita te rok otplate, koji u kombinaciji trebaju osigurati optimalan iznos mjesečne otplate kako bi kredit vratili u što kraćem roku, ali istodobno osigurali dovoljno raspoloživih sredstava za ostale troškove života. Kako bi građani izbjegli previsoka zaduženja na temelju stambenog kredita, preporučljivo je da u svrhu kupnje stambenog prostora osiguraju barem dio vlastitih sredstava kojima bi financirali kupnju. Vlastita sredstva mogu se jednostavno osigurati i štednjom. U Erste banci postoje fleksibilni modeli aktivne štednje koji klijentima omogućuju da štede na način da na isti račun oročenja uplaćuju iznose kada i koliko žele, te da nakon isteka oročenja, osim redovne kamate, ostvare i dodatan bonus na iznos ukupno obračunate kamate koji ovisi o duljini trajanja oročenja. U prvih jedanaest mjeseci prošle godine, iznos kredita koje su banke odobrile građanima porastao je za 24 milijarde kuna. Za gotovo trećinu toga povećanja, “krivi“ su stambeni krediti čiji je iznos povećan za 7,6 milijardi kuna, na ukupno 44,2 milijarde. Koliko se vi osjećate “krivima“ za navedene podatke? Koliki je vaš dio kolača? Erste banka je u jedanaest mjeseci prošle godine plasirala 3,8 milijardi kuna kredita građanima, od čega jednu milijardu čine odobreni stambeni krediti građanima. Postoje li neki novi uvjeti u dobivanju stambenih kredita? Koji načini otplate su građanima na raspolaganju? Način otplate kredita ovisi o modelu stambenog kredita koji je klijent odabrao. Stambeni krediti se otplaćuju u anuitetima. Kod stambenih kredita s ostatkom vrijednosti klijent bira iznos kredita koji otplaćuje postupno u anuitetima i ostatak vrijednosti kredita koji otplaćuje jednokratno po dospijeću. Osim toga, klijent kod ove vrste kredita ima mogućnost dodatnih uplata, u svrhu djelomičnog smanjenja glavnice tijekom otplate, na način da se za sve iznose koji prelaze visinu dvaju mjesečnih obroka do- datno smanjuje glavnica kredita u otplati, bez plaćanja naknade i dolaska klijenta u banku. Koji su uvjeti osiguranja naplate kredita, tj. na koji se sve način banka može osigurati da će korisnik vraćati kredit? Može li jedan od načina osiguranja biti polica životnog osiguranja? U svrhu osiguranja naplate kredita banka može uzeti Izjavu o zapljeni primanja, kojom se osigurava redovita naplata mjesečnih anuiteta izravno s plaće korisnika kredita. Osim toga, instrumenti osiguranja kredita mogu biti jamac ili polica životnog osiguranja, depozit koji se može isplatiti i iz iznosa odobrenog kredita te hipoteka na nekretninu. Kako funkcionira umreženost banaka? Banke članice Hrvatskog registra obveza po kreditima međusobno razmjenjuju podatke o korisnicima kredita ako klijenti za to daju svoj pristanak. HROK omogućuje bankama bolji uvid u kreditnu opterećenost klijenata i urednost u podmirivanju preuzetih obveza, a samim time omogućuje objektivnu i bolju procjenu kreditne sposobnosti klijenta te kvalitetnije savjetovanje i kreiranje proizvoda i modela otplate prema njihovim mogućnostima. HROK također daje mogućnost klijentima da provjere stanje i urednost otplate svih svojih kreditnih obveza na jednome mjestu te da, u slučaju eventualnih pogrešaka, reagiraju kod banaka kod kojih imaju kreditna zaduženja. Koliko je, prema Vašemu mišljenju, važan dobar glas banke (preko medija i od usta do usta “malih“ građana) da bi banka mogla uspješno poslovati, a zatim i omogućiti bolje uvjete za dobivanje stambenih kredita? Kako Vaša banka radi i planira raditi na vlastitu imidžu? Kvaliteta proizvoda i usluga te kvalitetan odnos s klijentom temelji su poslovanja Erste banke, koji smo gradili prethodnih godina i nastavit ćemo u budućnosti. Savjetodavni pristup i međusobno povjerenje osnova su dugoročno uspješne poslovne suradnje, koju naši klijenti prepoznaju i cijene. Zadovoljan klijent koji preporučuje banku potvrđuje kvalitetu koja se temelji na osobnom iskustvu i vjerodostojan je izvor informacija za druge klijente, te je kao takav iznimno bitan za dugoročan uspjeh poslovanja banke. Rezultat našeg uspješnog poslovanja i odnosa s klijentima je i prestižna nagrada Zlatna kuna za najbolju banku u Hrvatskoj, koju smo dobili dvije godine zaredom, 2005. i 2006. godine. 29 SANDRA RADNIÆ Housing loans should be planned several years ahead We talked to Sandra Radinić, vice-president of Erste bank, sector for citizens, regarding housing loans, advice for citizens , banks network coverage, and other “banking“ themes Written by: Martina Kocijan Photo: Kristina Faziniæ H ow possible is it, in your opinion, for the average Croatian to recieve a favourable and worthwhile housing loan? Speaking broadly, housing loans are, because of their specific purpose and the fact that they are less risical than other types of loans, much more favourable than other types of loans which banks offer. When looking at housing loans, we must take under consideration the fact that the interest rates that are payed per housing loan may be used as tax right offs, on the basis of which citizens acquire a right to a tax refund. So, for example, a citizen with an average salary, on the maximum amount of tax right-offs, acquired on the basis of payed interest on the housing loan, may receive a tax refund up to several thousand kunas, which indirectly decreases the expence of the housing loan in use. The current interest rates for housing loans are amongst the most favourable on the market. What do you advise citizens, especially those who are employed in private companies, to undertake today to be able to achieve a favourable housing loan in the future ? Investing in a housing loan is a long term investment, which requires planning several years ahead, of which special attention must me given to the way of financing the purchase of a housing space. That to which client must give extra attention to, is the amount of the housing loan and the rates of payment, which in combination should secure an optimal monthly amount of available funds used to pay of the montly rates so as to assure a 30 repayment of the loan in the shortest time span possible but also secure enouge available funds for the rest of lifes expences. To help citizens avoid depentures that are to great on the basis of a housing loan, it is recommended to secure at least a portion of personal funds for the purchase of a housing space. Personal funds can simply be secured by savings. Erste bank offers flexible models of active savings which offers clients to save in such a way as to pay amount to the same account when and how much they wish, and following the expiration of the deposit, besides the regular interest, acquire an additonal bonus on the total calculated amount of interest which is dependable on the duration of the investment. In the first eleven months of last year, the amount of loans which banks were offering citizens has risen for 24 billion kunas. Almost a third of this went to housing loans, which total amount has been increased for 7,6 billion kunas, on a total of 44,2 billion. How “guilty“ do you feel for the stated facts? How big is your piece of the pie? Erste bank has in eleven months of the last year, placed 3,8 billion kunas for loans amongst citizens, of which one billion make up approved housing loans for citizens. Are there any new conditions that exist for being able to receive a housing loan? Which conditions for repayment are available to citizens? The way in which a loan may be repaid is dependent on the model of housing loan the client has choosen. Housing loans are repayd in annuities. As far as housing loans Interview with a left over value, the client chooses the amount of the loan which he than repays gradually in annuities and the left over value of the loan which he repays on a one time basis per maturity. Other than this, the client has the possiblility, with this type of loan, of additional payments, in the purpose of partially decreasing the principal capital during repayments, in such a way that for each amount that exceeds the amount of two monthly payments additionally decreases the principal capital of the loan in repayment, without charges and without having to come to the bank personally. What are the conditions for insuring the collection of the loan, in other words, in which ways can the bank insure itself to make sure the user will return the loan? Can a way of insurance be a life insurance policy? For the purpose of insuring the collection of the loan, the bank can take a declaration of salary confiscation, which insures a regular collection of monthly annuities directly from the loan users salary. Other than this, intruments for insuring loans may be guarantors or life insurance policies, deposits which may be payed from the amount of the verified loan as well as realestate mortgages. How does network banking funciton? Banks which are members of the Croation register of obligations per loan, mutually share information on loan users if clients give their consent to this. HROK enables banks a better insight into the credit status of cli- ents and their ability to settle their credit obligations, which in turn offers an objective and better evaluation of credit capability of clients and offers a better quality of advisment and creates a product and model of repayment according to the clients possibilities. HROK also offers clients the possibility of checking the balance and regularity of repayments of all their credit obligations at one place, and to, in an eventual mistake, react towards the bank in which they have the loan obligation. How important is it, in your opinion, to a have a good reputation (through media and mouth to mouth from “small“ citizens) in able to function succesfully and then be able to assure better conditions for receiving housing loans? How does your bank work and how does it plan to improve its own image? Quality of products and services as well as a quality relationship towards our clients is the basis of conduct at Erste bank, which we have built over the previous years and will continue to do so in the future. An advising approach and mutual trust are the basis of a long term succesful business relationship which are clients recognize and appreciate. A satisfied client who will recommed our bank confirms the quality which is based on personal experience and is a valid source of information for other clients, and is as such extremely vital for the long term success of a bank. The result of our successful business dealings and relationships with clients is a prestigious award: the Golden kuna for best bank in Croatia, which we have won two years in a row, in 2005 and in 2006. 31 Vijest i Toranj - prijatelj pješaka “Arhitektura odgovorna prema okolišu” koncept je koji se aktualizira u svijetu opterećenom ekološkim problemima. U modernoj pariškoj četvrti La Defense, arhitekti Roberta A.M. Sterna izgradit će, za osiguravajuću tvrtku Aviva, 35-katnicu s posebnim obzirom prema pješačkoj orijentaciji čitavog područja. U praksi, kako to obično biva sa spomenutim načelom, to će značiti maksimalnu uporabu obnovljivih izvora energije kod napajanja, ventilacije i osvjetljenja čitavog nebodera. Velika jezera usred grada Chicaški Aqua tower bit će zanimljiv prije svega zbog terasa koje u vertikalnoj topografiji objekta rezultiraju fluidnom formom, istodobno pružajući stanarima dojam iznimno bliskog kontakta s otvorenim prostorom. U promjeni plana njihova rasporeda prema vrhu tornja ostvaruje se “vodenasti” dojam koji također nije slučajan – on, naime, priziva konture Velikih jezera u neposrednom susjedstvu Chicaga. Odatle i specifična, “skulpturalna” vrijednost čitave zgrade. Great Lakes in the Middle of the City Aqua Tower in Chicago will be primarily interesting for its terraces that result in a fluid form due to the object’s vertical topography, while also providing the tenants with an impression of extremely close contact with the open space. The change of plan that is presented as we get closer to the top of the tower accomplishes a “waterish” impression that is no coincidence – it brings to mind the shapes of the Great Lakes located right outside of Chicago. That’s what creates the specific, “sculptural” value of the entire building. Tower - A Friend of Pedestrians “Architecture responsible towards the environment” is a concept that is becoming more and more current in a world dealing with ecological problems. In the modern Paris neighbourhood La Defense, Robert A.M. Stern’s architects will construct a 35-floor building for the insurance company called Aviva, and the facility will show special consideration to the pedestrian orientation of the entire area. As it usually happens with the aforementioned principle, that usually stands for maximum usage of renewable sources of energy in the processes of power supply, ventilation and lighting the entire tower. Veluxov natječaj za studente arhitekture Tvrtka Velux, jedan od vodećih europskih i svjetskih građevinskih poduzetnika s područja krovnih prozora i svega što se tiče dnevne svjetlosti u interijerima, raspisala je i za ovu godinu međunarodni natječaj za studente arhitekture. Od 2004. godine, u suradnji s Europskim udruženjem za obrazovanje u arhitekturi (EAAE) i Međunarodnim društvom arhitekata (UIA), nagrada se svake druge godine dodjeljuje za projekte vezane uz dnevnu svjetlost i prirodne izvore kod rasvjete kućanstava. Ove godine zadana je tema “Sutrašnje svjetlo”, a rok za prijavu je 8. ožujka. 32 Velux’s Contest for Architecture Students A company called Velux, which is one of the leading European and world’s construction operators in the field of roof windows and anything concerning interior daylight, has once again announced an international contest for architecture students. Since 2004, in cooperation with the European Association of Architectural Education (EAAE) and Union of International Architects (UIA), the award has been presented every other year for projects that are connected to daylight and natural sources in household lighting. The assignment theme for this year is “Tomorrow’s Light”, and applications are received till March 8th. Arhitektura u službi katarze Nedavno izgrađena Kuća žalosti u Mexico Cityju lijep je primjer nečega što se naziva “emocionalnom arhitekturom”. S ciljem stvaranja duševnog stanja za specifičnu namjenu, ova je građevina zamišljena kao prolazak posjetitelja kroz iskustvo mraka ulaznog tunela te izlazak na granitnu prostoriju visokog stropa, s posebnim, prirodnim osvjetljenjem iz dvorišta. Posebno je uočljiv izostanak namještaja, osim klupe postavljene uza zid prostorije. Apstraktnu skulpturu u središtu dvorane napravio je, kao jedinu prisutnu dekoraciju, umjetnik Saul Kaminer. News “Zemlja i gušti” u Žminju Od 11. do 13. travnja ove godine u Žminju će se održati 2. sajam nekretnina i gastronomije “Zemlja i gušti”. Sajam je namijenjen predstavljanju agencija za promet nekretnina, obrtnika i poduzetnika iz građevinskih te svih ostalih djelatnosti vezanih uz gradnju i opremanje interijera i eksterijera te financijskih ustanova. Ove godine posebna će se pozornost posvetiti ugostiteljima i proizvođačima tradicionalnih prehrambenih proizvoda, za koje organizator priprema posebnu ponudu uvjeta prezentacije. Architecture in the Function of Catharsis Pripremio / Edited by: Nikola Èelan The recently built Mourning House in Mexico City is a lovely example of something that we call “emotional architecture”. With the goal of creating a spiritual state for a specific purpose, the building was designed as the visitors’ passage through the experience of the entrance tunnel’s darkness, followed by the exit to a high-ceiling room with special, natural light breaking through from the backyard. The absence of any sort of furniture is particularly noticeable, besides a bench that is positioned next to the room’s wall. The only present decoration is an abstract sculpture in the centre of the hall, and it was created by artist Saul Kaminer. “Land and Pleasures” in Žminj From April 11th to April 13th of this year, Žminj will present the second Fair of Real Estates and Gastronomy called “Land and Pleasures”. The fair’s purpose is to present real estate agencies and businesspeople from the construction industry and all other fields that are connected to building and furnishing interiors and exteriors, as well as financial establishments. This year, special attention will be given to caterers and manufacturers of traditional food products for which the organisers prepared a special offer of the presentation conditions. Liebeskindov ples u Singapuru Liebeskind’sDance in Singapore Singapurski Keppel Bay, poznat po istoimenoj, povijesno znamenitoj luci, uskoro će dobiti arhitektonski pečat u obliku novog stambenog kompleksa. Reflections at Keppel Bay, poznatog autora Daniela Liebeskinda, sastoji se od šest nebodera i 11 stambenih blokova s vilama, koji se protežu na više od 750 metara obale. Tornjevi sadrže od 24 do 41 kata, a vile od šest do osam. Neobično savijanje konstrukcije otvara pogled na horizont i na ukusno i funkcionalno uređeno područje u podnožju zgrada. Singapore’s Keppel Bay, known for its historically renowned port of the same name, will soon receive an architectonic benchmark in the form of a new residential complex. Reflections at Keppel Bay, created by famous author Daniel Liebeskind, consists of six skyscrapers and 11 residential blocks with villas, and they take up over 750 metres of the shore area. The towers have 24 to 41 floors, while the villas consist of six to eight floors. The unusual bending of the construction opens the view over the horizon and the tastefully and functionally decorated area below the buildings. 35 Invest icije 36 “Sky Office” - neboder koji æe promijeniti vizuru grada Ekskluzivno i reprezentativno arhitektonsko zdanje od 22 kata projekt je AJF biroa. Sastojat će se od dvaju tornjeva, koji će, iako povezani, funkcionirati individualno Piše: Aleksandar Vrtariæ N a križanju Ljubljanske avenije i Zagrebačke ulice u zagrebačom naselju Rudeš, tvrtke Dalekovod i Zagreb Montaža će u suradnji izgraditi urbani, luksuzni neboder koji bi trebao biti novi zagrebački “landmark”. Na urbanističko-arhitektonskom natječaju investitori su odabrali rad Ante Anina, Krešimira Radnića i Ante Lozice iz arhitektonskog biroa AJF Projekt. Moderan projekt je tako pravi nastavak konsolidacije Lubljanske avenije kao poslovno-trgovačke zone. Dvostruki poslovni toranj na 22 nadzemne etaže bit će izgrađen u obliku staklenih leća, a arhitektura ukupne površine od 68.000 četvornih metara raspolagat će s 30.000 četvornih metara poslovnog prostora. Glavni investitori koristit će većinu prostora, dok će trećina raspoloživog prostora biti ponuđena u najam. Neboderi će biti međusobno povezani, i to od 37 Invest icije trećega do šesnaestoga kata, dok će podzemni dio činiti četiri međusobno povezane etaže s ukupno 600 + 200 parkirališnih mjesta. Na vrhu dijela koji spaja ove blizance nalazit će se i restoran te poseban prostor za VIP uzvanike, a za opuštanje zaposlenika izgradit će se i posebni “nebeski vrtovi” koji će biti upotpunjeni atraktivnim malim bazenima. Ekskluzivno i reprezentativno arhitektonsko zdanje sastojat će se od dvaju tornjeva, koji će, iako povezani, funkcionirati individualno – prostorna organizacija i tehnička oprema neće ovisiti o susjednom tornju. Neboder će imati ulaz iz Zagrebačke avenije, a bit će okružen dodatnim parkirališnim mjestima i zelenilom. U prizemnom dijelu dvostrukog tornja nalazit će se restorani, banke, male prodavaonice i kafići. Visoka, moderna arhitektura s otvorenom staklenom fasadom ne samo da će biti atraktivna izvana, nego će i unutrašnjost nebodera biti obogaćena i projektirana po visokim standardima. Za primjer, dovoljno je istaknuti ugodnu termodinamiku, za koju će biti zaslu- 38 žna kombinacija “klima stropova” za grijanje i hlađenje i napojnog zraka koji izvire ispred fasade. Tu su i brojne tehničko-mehaničke prednosti koje se tiču pouzdanosti i sigurnosti samoga nebodera. Iako je ispočetka završetak gradnje tornja “Sky Office” bio planiran za kraj 2008. godine, rok je, zbog niza složenosti, pomaknut na siječanj 2009. godine. Također, obuhvat građevne čestice je povećan s 5700 na 7800 četvornih metara, a promijenjen je i prvotni plan koji je predviđao izgradnju triju podzemnih garaža – naknadno je odlučeno da će se izgraditi još jedna koja će osigurati dodatnih dvjestotinjak parkirališnih mjesta. Ukupna investicija je također porasla, tako će od planiranih 55 milijuna, nakon završetka iznositi više od 70 milijuna eura. S obzirom da se radi o pravom gradskom projektu i kontroliranoj gradnji, Ljubljanska avenija i grad Zagreb će bez sumnje uskoro dobiti jednu od najljepših modernih zgrada u okolici, pa ovakve projekte svakako valja pozdraviti jer, doista, novi “Sky Office” na slikama izgleda prekrasno. Invest ment s “Sky Office” - A Skyscrape to Change the City’s Appearance 40 The exclusive and representative architectonic unit with 22 floors is a project by AJF Bureau. It will consist of two towers that will, although connected, function individually Written by: Aleksandar Vrtariæ O n the crossroads of Ljubljana Avenue and Zagreb Street in the Zagreb neighbourhood of Rudeš, companies Dalekovod and Zagreb Montaža will work together to build an urban, luxurious skyscraper that should represent the new landmark of Zagreb. After the necessary architectonic contest, investors chose a project by Ante Anin, Krešimir Radnić and Ante Lozica from the architectonic bureau AJF Project. The modern project truly continues the process of consolidating Ljubljana Avenue as an office-trade zone. The double business tower with 22 aboveground levels will be built in the shape of glass lenses, while the overall 68.000 square metres of architecture will provide about 30.000 square metres of office premises. The main investors will use the majority of those premises, but about a third of them will be offered for lease. The skyscrapers will be mutually connected from the third to the sixteenth floor, while the underground section will provide four mutually connected storeys with 600 + 200 parking spaces. The top of the section that connects these twins will feature a restaurant and a special section for VIP visitors, while the employees will be able to relax in the special “sky gardens” that will feature attractive little swimming pools. The exclusive and representative architectonic unit will consist of two towers that will, although connected, function individually – spatial organization and technical equipment will not rely on the neighbouring tower. The skyscraper will have an entrance from Zagreb Avenue, and it will be surrounded with additional parking spaces and plenty of greenery. The ground-floor level of the double tower will feature restaurants, banks, small stores and coffee shops. Tall, modern architecture with the open glass façade will not only look attractive from the outside, but its inside will also be embellished and projected in high standards. For example, we should point out the pleasant thermodynamics, which is the result of combining the “air-condition ceilings” for heating and cooling with air supplies that come from in front of the façade. There are also numerous technical and mechanical advantages that concern the issues of reliability and safety of the skyscraper. Although the construction works were originally planned to be finished by the end of 2008, a string of complications have moved the deadline to January 2009. Also, the dimensions of the construction area have been enlarged from 5700 m2 to 7800 square metres, and the original plan to build three subterranean garages has also been altered – it was additionally decided that another garage would be built, as that will ensure about 200 additional garage spaces. The amount of the overall investment has also grown from the planned 55 million to more than 70 million euros. Considering the fact that we’re talking about a true city project will controlled construction, Ljubljana Avenue and the City of Zagreb will undoubtedly receive one of the most beautiful modern buildings in the area, so everyone should definitely welcome these types of projects, as the new “Sky Office” truly looks marvellous in photos. 41 Info ZG Mobili “Dašak Italije” na Braèu Osim zbog bogatog asortimana, iskustvo posjeta Carrarinu salonu nadasve je ugodno, zbog ukusnog uređenja te orijentiranosti na šumoviti okoliš i prirodnu, sunčanu svjetlost K Piše: Nikola Èelan ao odgovor na razvitak, novu gradnju i povećanje investicijskog interesa za dalmatinsku regiju, pogotovo otoke, odnedavno se po opremu za interijere i kućansku opremu s Brača više ne treba putovati u Split. U Supetru je tvrtka Carrara, na površini od oko 400 četvornih metara, otvorila svoj prodajni centar, a taj bi događaj podjednako trebao pogodovati kupcima zainteresiranima za najrazličitije prodajne asortimane i cjenovne razrede. Tako se u Carrarinu prodajnom prostoru danas može kupiti luksuzna oprema i namještaj 42 najprobranijih proizvođača, podjednako kao i nešto pristupačniji artikli, programi za opremanje apartmana. Ipak, naglasak je unutar Carrarine ponude na tvrtkama poput talijanskih ZG Mobili, G&V Ursella i Tonnin, zbog čije je nešto veće zastupljenosti direktorica Zorana Kuščević sklona reći kako tvrtka donosi “dašak Italije” na lokalno tržište. Pritom se pod lokalnim tržištem, u Carrarinu slučaju, smatra područje od Čiova do Makarske, odakle se do sada javljalo ponajviše zainteresiranih kupaca. Iako gospodarska zona nad Supetrom, u kojoj se nalazi prodajni prostor, još uvijek nije u potpunosti kultivirana, potrebno je naglasiti kako je posjet Carrarinu objektu nadasve ugodan ponajprije zbog ukusnog uređenja te orijentiranosti na šumoviti okoliš i prirodnu, sunčevu svjetlost, čijem su efektu u prvom redu podređene velike prozorske površine. Sve to skupa pridonosi i stjecanju autentičnog dojma o artiklima u prodaji te viziji njihova uklapanja u dom kupca – i nakon što je kupnja ostvarena. Opremanje interijera nije jedina djelatnost kojom se Carrara bavi. Od malog prodavača građevinskih materijala u Nerežišćima, preko opreme interijera, tvrtka se razgranala te danas raspolaže i dodatnim maloprodajnim prostorom specijaliziranim za kućansku opremu. Na nešto manjoj kvadraturi, također u Supetru, može se kupiti bijela tehnika, sanitarije, mali kućanski uređaji, RTV tehnika, rasvjetna i grijaća tijela, akustika te dodatne, praktične grupe proizvoda, poput alata i, primjerice, parketa. Info “A Breath of Italy” in Braè Besides the rich assortment, a visit to the Carrara Showroom is very pleasant experience, primarily because the tasteful decoration and the orientation towards the forested environment and the natural sunlight Piše: Nikola Èelan A s an answer to the development, new construction projects and the increase of the investment interest in Dalmatia, and especially its islands, the need to travel from Brač to Split if you want to purchase some interior equipment and household appliances has now ceased to exist. A company called Carrara has opened its shopping centre in Supetar, and it takes up about 400 square metres. That happening should be just as convenient for buyers that are interested in the most diverse product assortments and price classes. Carrara’s shopping facility offers luxurious equipment and furniture from the most elite manufacturers, but it also offers more accessible products and programmes for apartment furnishing. However, the emphasis of Carrara’s offer lies on Italian companies like ZG Mobili, G&V Ursella and Tonnin, which is the reason director Zorana Kuščević often says that her firm brings “a breath of Italy” to the local market. Carrara’s idea of a local market assumes the area from Čiovo to Makarska, as most of the interested buyers come from that area. Although the economical zone above Supetar, which is where the shopping centre is located, still isn’t completely cultivated, it is necessary to point out that a visit to the Carrara Showroom is very pleasant primarily because of a tasteful decoration style and the orientation towards the forested environment and natural sunlight, which is the reason that explains large window surfaces. All these aspects contribute to the authentic impression of the products on offer and the vision of how they’ll fit into the buyers’ homes – even after the shopping was completed. Providing interior equipment is not the only field of work for Carrara. From small sellers of construction materials in Nerežišće, through interior furnishing, the company has teed off and now also owns an additional retail space that is reserved for household appliances. It is also located in Supetar and the size isn’t quite as big, but that’s where you can also purchase larger and smaller household appliances, sanitary equipment, RTV technical devices, lighting and heating devices, acoustics and additional practical products, such as tools and parquets. ZG Mobili Grohe 43 44 Foto: Milan Babić Osijek je smješten u podunavskoj ravnici, na desnoj obali rijeke Drave / Osijek is located in the sub-Danube area, on the right coast of river Drava Avant ura Foto: Damir Fabijanić Osijek - srce Slavonije Naizgled miran i pomalo tajanstven, poput pravog džentlmena, čeka da vam otkrije svoje pravo lice i osvoji srce – zauvijek. Takav je grad Osijek Piše: Mary Novosel Foto: Arhiv TZ grada Osijeka 45 Avant ura Trg Sv. Trojstva u Tvrđi / Square of St. Trinity in Tvrđa U gradu je uvijek veselo i puno raznovrsnih događanja / the City is always vivacius and filled with various events “Ja Osijek volim već i po imenu samom“ Dragutin Tadijanović P rva asocijacija na Slavoniju mnogima je šeretski zakrivljen šešir, fina i “meka“ šljivovica, dobar zalogaj domaćeg kruha, sira i kulena uz krčkanje fiš paprikaša i čobanca. I dok slasno za kraj uživate u makovnjači, pogled luta nepreglednim žitnim poljima, a u uhu titra tamburica. Lijepa priča u kojoj svatko, bar na čas, postaje poznati Vitez slavonske ravni, pravedni i hrabri junak iz romana Marije Jurić Zagorke. Oni, pak, koji su kušali “našu nizinu“ uvijek se mudro nasmiješe na te romantične pretpostavke jer znaju da će većina onog što će posjetitelji otkriti u njihovu kraju, dugo ostati u sjećanju. Takav je i grad Osijek, srce Slavonije. Naizgled miran i pomalo tajanstven, poput pravog džentlmena, čeka da vam otkrije svoje pravo lice i osvoji srce – zauvijek. Dobio ime po “oseki” Osijek je smješten u podunavskoj ravnici, na desnoj obali rijeke Drave, malo dalje od ušća u Dunav. S više od 115 tisuća stanovnika te bogatom gospodarskom i kulturnom jezgrom, taj grad je danas sjedište Osječko-baranjske županije i cijele istočne Hrvatske. Ime Osijek poteklo je još iz 46 srednjeg vijeka, a značilo je mjesto “oseke“ – tamo gdje je povišeno, suho i ugodno za stanište ljudi, koji su taj teritorij prepoznali još prije 800 godina te je ubrzo na tome mjestu iznikao grad koji je od samih početaka plijenio svojom posebnošću i bogatom kulturom. Tijekom osmanske vladavine Osijek je prvi put postao i svjetski poznat po drvenome mostu, “svjetskom čudu“ dugom osam kilometara, koji je izradilo 25 tisuća ljudi, a protezao se preko Drave i baranjskih močvara, od Osijeka do Darde. Početkom 18. stoljeća u Osijeku je otvorena latinska gimnazija, prva tiskara te teološki i filozofski studiji iz čijih njedara su poslije stasali naš veliki pjesnik Dobriša Cesarić te nobelovci Vladimir Prelog i Lavoslav Ružička. Godine 1866. izgrađena je namjenski projektirana kazališna zgrada, najstarija u unutrašnjoj Hrvatskoj. Projektirao ju je Karlo Klausner, s odlikama historicizma i dodatnim elementima maurske arhitekture. Stalni ansambl HNK u Osijeku računa svoje postojanje od 7. prosinca 1907. godine. Do sredine 19. stoljeća Osijek je bio najveći i najrazvijeniji grad u Hrvatskoj, a sada je na visokome četvrtome mjestu. Foto: Sergio Gobbo Avant ura Osijek je grad koji živi tijekom čitave godine i bogato je turističko središte / Osijek is a city that lives throughout the year and is a rich destination for tourist Foto: Dalibor Nedela Povijesna i turistička riznica Iako je grad pretrpio znatne gospodarske i kulturne gubitke u Domovinskom ratu, mnogo je povijesnih dragocjenosti ostalo sačuvano dajući veliki prilog hrvatskoj kulturnoj baštini, čime je Osijek postao i ostao prava povijesna riznica. Njegova barokna Tvrđa jedno je od najatraktivnijih zdanja cijele Slavonije. Do danas su sačuvani dijelovi prvoga i osmoga bastiona s dijelom bedema koji ih povezuje i Vodenim vratima, lijepe plemićke i građanske zgrade, crkva sv. Mihovila s vrijednim inventarom i opremom, franjevački samostan i druga značajna zdanja koja pričaju o prošlim vremenima i čuvaju brojne priče i legende o vječnom “nepokorenom gradu“ Osijeku. Inače, grad se dijeli na Gornji, Donji i Novi grad. Gornji grad ističu stari sakralni, kulturno-povijesni spomenici, kapucinski samostan, neogotička crkva sv. Petra i Pavla, kapela sv. Ane, klasicistička palača Županije, zgrada kazališta te Gospodarske komore. U Donjem gradu je niz kasnobaroknih građanskih kuća, a u Novom gradu niz secesijskih i kasnobaroknih zgrada, poput vrijednog dvorca obitelji Pejačević (18. st.) u Retfali te crkve Uzvišenja sv. Križa s mauzolejom grofova Pejačević. U obilasku grada svakako valja posjetiti i novouređeni grijani glavni gradski trg – Trg Ante Starčevića i Trg sv. Roka, te prošetati uz Dravu, poznatom “promenadom“, najdužom riječnom šetnicom u cijeloj Hrvatskoj. Riječna luka na Dravi, a posebice Zimska luka s brojnim brodicama, svojim romantičnim ugođajem privlači brojne kupače, šetače, joggere, skejtere... Oduvijek su Osječani živjeli s Dravom; pecali, plivali i “piciginali“ na Želji, Pampasu i osječkoj Copacabani. Mnogi kažu da niste ni bili u Osijeku ako niste prošetali njihovim zoološkim vrtom, visećim pješačkim mostom za Baranju (prema lijevoj obali Drave i kupalištu Copacabana ili zoološkom vrtu), Gradskim parkom Petra Krešimira IV., Parkom kralja Tomislava, oba s početka 20. stoljeća, zaštićenim hortikulturnim spomenicima. Osijek je danas zeleni grad, sa 80 kilometara alejnih drvoreda, 24 zelena gradska prostora, od kojih 19 ima status parka, na ukupnoj površini od 394.000 četvornih metara. Osijek je grad koji živi tijekom čitave godine i bogato je turističko središte. Osim povijesnih znamenitosti, oni malo nemirnijeg duha tijekom godine mogu u neposrednoj blizini grada ići u lov ili ribolov na rijeci Dravi i njezinim rukavcima. Lov u Kopačkom ritu (Baranja) poznat je i izvan Hrvatske. Gastronomska ponuda više je nego raznolika, a smještaj u hotelima povoljan. U gradu se održavaju mnoge priredbe tijekom cijele godine. Ističu se Festival hrvatske tamburaške glazbe (u svibnju) na kojemu sudjeluju tamburaški orkestri iz cijele Hrvatske, zatim Osječke ljetne noći (tijekom lipnja, srpnja i kolovoza) – niz kulturno-zabavnih priredaba na otvorenom uz neizostavne slavonske specijalitete i poznato osječko pivo – eseker. Grad Osijek je, prema riječima njegovih stanovnika, stvoren za dobro raspoloženje i ugodan život. Tko god želi provjeriti, dobrodošao je, ali za povratak kući ne jamče jer je virus, kažu, snažan i pobuđuje prilično jaku želju za ostajanjem. 47 Katedrala Sv. Petra i Pavla / Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul Foto: Milan Babić Osijek - The Heart of Slavonia Seemingly peaceful and slightly mysterious, it behaves like a true gentleman as it waits to demonstrate his true colours right before conquering your heart for good. The same goes for the City of Osijek Written by: Mary Novosel 48 Photo: Archive of city of Osijek Spomenik palima u Domovinskom ratu i spomenik Dobriše Cesarića / Monument to fallen Heroes of the War for independence - statue of Dobriša Cesarić M any people originally associate Slavonia with a jokingly twisted hat, nice and “soft” plum brandy, a good piece of local bread, cheese and pork sausage to go along with the boiling fish stew. And while you’re relishing your poppy-seed cake in the end, you find yourself glancing across vast grain fields, while your ear enjoys the sounds of a tamburitza. A lovely story in which everyone, just for a moment, becomes the famous Knight of the Slavonian Lowlands, the righteous and brave hero from one of the novels by Marija Jurić Zagorka. Those people that have sampled “our lowlands” always produce a wise smirk at those romantic assumptions, for they know that any visitor will remember all these things for a long time. The same goes for the City of Osijek, the capital of Slavonia. Seemingly peaceful and slightly mysterious, it behaves like a true gentleman as it waits to demonstrate his true colours right before conquering your heart for good. Received Its Name After “The Ebb Tide” Osijek is located in the sub-Danube area, on the right coast of river Drava, a little further off the mouth of Danube. With more than 115 thousand people and a rich economical and cultural dimension, the city is the centre of the Osijek-Baranja County and the entire Eastern Cro- Advent ure atia. The name Osijek originates from the Middle Ages, and it stands for “the ebb tide” (“oseka”) – a place that is dry, elevated and pleasant for inhabitation, and people recognized those qualities about this territory 800 years ago, which signalled the birth of the city that always drew attention with its special characteristics and rich culture. During the Ottoman occupation, Osijek became world-famous for its wooden bridge, “a world wonder” that is eight kilometres long and has been constructed by 25 thousand people, and that spread itself across Drava and the Baranja swamps, from Osijek to Darda. In the early 18th century, Osijek witnessed the opening of a Latin Gymnasium, as well as the first printing office and University of Theology and Philosophy, which eventually gave birth to our great poet Dobriša Cesarić and Nobel Prize winners Vladimir Prelog and Lavoslav Ružička. The year 1866 saw the opening of the first planned theatre building, which is the oldest in the whole inside of Croatia. It was designed by Karlo Klausner, and it is characterized by a touch of historicism and some additional elements of Arabesque architecture. The Osijek Theatre has its regular ensemble since December 7th 1907. Up until the middle of the 19th century, Osijek was the biggest and most developed city in Croatia, and now it occupies the high fourth position. 49 Advent ure Osijek je četvrti grad po veličini u Hrvatskoj / Osijek occupies the high fourth position in Croatia Historical and Tourism Treasure Although the city has suffered through significant economical and cultural losses in the War of Independence, many historical commodities remained intact and continue to largely contribute to the Croatian cultural heritage, which makes Osijek a true historical treasure. Its baroque fortress Tvrđa is one of the most attractive sights in whole of Slavonia. To this day, sections of the first and eighth bulwark have been preserved, along with a part of the rampart that connects them. Also preserved are the Water Gates, a lovely aristocratic civil building, the Church of Saint Michael with the valuable inventory and equipment, the Franciscan monastery and many other significant buildings that witness stories of past times and preserve legends of the eternal “unconquered city” that is Osijek. The city is divided into Upper Town, Lower Town and New Town. Upper Town is characterized by old sacral, cultural-historical monuments, a Capuchin monastery, a neo-gothic Church of Saint Peter and Paul, the Chapel of Saint Anne, the classicist County Palace, theatre building and the Economy Chamber. The Lower Town features a string of late-baroque civil houses, while the New Town consists of a string of art-deco and late-baroque buildings, such as the valuable Pejačević Castle (18th century) in Retfala and the Church of Saint Cross Exaltation with the mausoleum of counts Pejačević. While touring the city, do pay attention to the newly decorated main city square – Ante Starčević Square and Saint Rocco Square, and you also must take a walk alongside Drava, as there is a famous promenade that is the longest walking area along a river in Croatia. The river port on Drava, and especially the Winter Port with numerous little boats, has a romantic atmosphere that draws numerous swimmers, walkers, joggers, skaters… The people of Osijek have always lived with Drava; they used it for fishing, swimming and playing ball at Želja, Pampas and the Osijek Copacabana. Many will say that you haven’t even been in Osijek unless you took a walk across their zoo, the hanging pedestrian bridge for Baranja (towards the left coast of Drava and the Copacabana beach or the zoo), City Park of Peter Krešimir the Fourth, Park of King Tomislav (both of which were built in the early 20th century) or numerous protected horticultural monuments. These days, Osijek is a city of greenery with 80 kilometres of alley avenues, 24 green city spaces (19 of which have “I love Osijek for its name alone” Dragutin Tadijanović the park status), at the overall surface of 394.000 square metres. Osijek is a city that lives throughout the year and is a rich destination for tourists. Besides the historical sights, the slightly more restless people have an opportunity to go hunting near the city, as well as fishing on river Drava and its outskirts. Hunting at Kopački Rit (Baranja) is famous even outside of Croatian borders. The gastronomic offer is more than diverse, and the accommodation in local hotels is not too expensive. There are numerous shows being held in the city throughout the year. The ones sticking out are Festival of Croatian Tamburitza Music (in May) with tamburitza orchestras from all across Croatia, the Osijek Summer Nights (from June to August) – a string of cultural and entertainment shows that are held outdoors with the unavoidable Slavonian specialties and the famous Osijek beer – “eseker”. According to the people that live here, the City of Osijek is perfect for achieving good mood and a pleasant life. Anyone who wants to test that claim is more than welcome, but there is no guarantee you will be returning home, as they say the virus that encourages the desire to stay here is pretty strong. 51 Gast ro Suvremena kuhinja u vintage ambijentu Sepia je restoran koji priziva nostalgiju, ali i slavi trenutak sadašnjosti. Industrijska arhitektura i dah prošlosti bila je idealna baza za slaganje ostalih elemenata, u tom istom duhu, istodobno vodeći računa o toplini i privlačnosti, komoditetu suvremenoga korisnika Piše: Nataša Bodrožiæ Foto: Doug Snower and Lara Kastner 52 C hicago, grad vjetra i vertikala, betona i stakla, urbana košnica koja pulsira hektičkim ritmom, ima i svoju mirniju, harmoničnu stranu. Jedan od puteva koji vodi k njoj počinje drvenim ulazom, na adresi 123 N. Jefferson Street u Fulton River Districtu. Tamo je locirana Sepia, ekskluzivni restoran smješten u prostorima stare tiskare. Suvremena američka kuhinja u vintage ambijentu, s prizvucima francuske rustike i rafinmana, opisuje mjesto koje promišlja tradiciju s modernim odmakom. “Uvijek sam vjerovao da se ne može ići naprijed bez pogleda u prošlost“, riječi su Emmanuela Nonyja, vlasnika Sepije, kojemu je ideja o otvorenju vlastita restorana ostvarenje dječačkih snova, još iz vremena kada je živio na selu u južnoj Francuskoj i s roditeljima uživao u svježini i punoći okusa tradicionalne francuske kuhinje. Na svom profesionalnom putu, od Lycée Hotelier du Touquet, gdje je usvajao kulinarska znanja i vještine, do vodećih pozicija u restoranskome menadžmentu lanca hotela Hyat International, Nony je implementirao nove standarde i postavljao kriterije u sferi elitnog ugostiteljstva. Park Hyat Tokio hotel, u kojemu je, primjerice, smješten i dio radnje filma “Lost in Translation“ Sofije Coppole, kao i niz ostalih hotela i restorana kojima je rukovodio, sinonim su ekskluzivnih ambijenata koji nude najvišu razinu usluga i gastronomskih senzacija. Sepia je restoran koji priziva nostalgiju, ali i slavi trenutak sadašnjosti. Dizajnerski postupak site-specific, odnosno promišljanje očuvanja postojeće strukture konzerviranjem pojedinih dijelova, poput zida od cigle i željeznih masivnih vrata nekadašnje tiskare, iznimno je pridonio originalnosti samog mjesta. Industrijska arhitektura i dah prošlosti bila je idealna baza za slaganje ostalih elemenata, u tom istom duhu, istodobno vodeći računa o toplini i privlačnosti, komoditetu suvremenoga korisnika. Otvoreni prostori i veliki prozori, pastelni i tamni tonovi drvenog antiknog namještaja i reinterpretiranih modernih klasika, toplo svjetlo koje se širi iz vintage art deco svjetiljki, stvaraju osjećaj ugode i jedinstvenu atmosferu. Širina otvorenog prostora ipak dopušta i intimnija specijalna rješenja – polukružne niše, u kojima najveći efekt stvara igra svjetlosti kroz mrežastu strukturu lustera organskih linija, nude posjetitelju sasvim privatni ambijent usred restorana. Organizirane oko okruglog stola uz baršunastu aluzivnost zidova, liniju kruga koja se prekida i dopušta djelomičnu komunikaciju s ostalim prostornim segmentima, zanimljivo su rješenje kojim se postižu i dinamički efekti. Središnja blagovaonica definirana je redom postavljenih klupa nad kojima se uzdižu antička zrcala, dok svjetlost mekano pada na površinu stolova iz neobičnih tubularnih lustera. Knollove Stephens lounge stolice presvučene su novim tekstilima kako bi se naglasio retro element, a one s potpisom Ettorea Sottsassa osvježene modernim presvlakama. Ukupan efekt nenametljivog eklekticizma ostavlja dojam promišljenog dizajnerskog angažmana. Originalni zid od cigle lajtmotiv je koji se proteže kroz prostor. Prelijepa antikna komoda s voćem i cvijećem te staklenkama koje prizivaju domaći, rustikalni ugođaj i toplinu doma, jedan je od onih elemenata, dizajnerskih poteza u kojima je sadržana filozofija Sepije. Smisao Palačinke / Pancaces Sepia nudi reinterpretirane koktelske klasike / Sepia offers reinterpreted cocktail classics Krila od raže s povrćem / Skate wings with vegetables Hobotnica / Octopus 53 Kulinarski virtuoz Kendal Duque / Culinary virtuoso Kendall Duque za detalj i posebna pažnja njihova uklapanja u ukupan dekor, vidljivi su posvuda. Bar od bijelog mramora i orahova drveta, opremljen starinskim posudama i zdjelama, još jednom uspostavlja vezu s minulim vremenima. Ujedno je točka odvajanja restoranskog loungea od glavne blagovaonice u kojoj se nalaze dva velika, zajednička stola postavljena nasuprot zidu s vinskim bocama te mali stolovi postavljeni u dva reda. Čokoladnosmeđi i zagasito crvenkasti tonovi donose toplinu i boju, suprotstavljeni oštrim, razigranim linijama svjetla koje dopire iz lustera. Staro teretno dizalo dominira sjevernim zidom, uspostavljajući, još jednom, kontinuitet s industrijskom poviješću samoga zdanja. Otmjenost Sepije, njezina sofisticirana rustikalnost i nenametljiva ljepota, promišljanje je dizajnerskog tima Gary Lee Partners iz Chicaga. Pažljivo kombinirajući suprotstavljene elemente, drvo i mramor, staro i novo, dizajneri su uspjeli stvoriti auru nepretenciozne elegancije koja se savršeno nadovezuje na gastronomsku ponudu restorana, inventivnu američku kuhinju kulinarskog virtuoza, šefa Kendala Duquea. Njegov menu, otmjeni moderni grill, prilagođen današnjim ukusima i životnim stilovima, ujedno je odraz njegova životnog stava. Svoj kulinarski stil opisuje riječima: “Spontanost, na trenutke, 54 Ulaz u Sepiju / Entrance in Sepia ali uvijek produhovljena, oplemenjena čistim, jednostavnim, direktnim okusima. Jednostavno, ali opet, elegantno.“ Uz jasan gastronomski statement, Sepia nudi i ekstenzivan izbor vina, ponudu od nekih osam stotina boca, izloženih na policama uz jedan od zidova blagovaonice. Lista koktela nadovezuje se na priču iz prošlosti, prizivajući zlatno doba koktela nudeći vintage, klasične kombinacije i reinterpretirane koktelske klasike. Čak je i led u Sepiji pojedinačno tretiran; poseban aparat izbacuje ga u većim komadima kako bi se usporilo njegovo topljenje i produžilo vrijeme uživanja u ispijanju koktela. Suvremeni dizajn restorana širom svijeta, čini se, sve manje i manje vodi računa o lokalnom kontekstu, posebno u gradovima. Sepia i u tom smislu nudi sasvim suprotnu priču. Svojim izgledom i namjerom nadovezuje se na duh originalnog mjesta koje u njezinu slučaju ima vlastitu osobnost i povijest. Sepia je točka susreta u kojoj se prošlost i sadašnjost isprepleću, bez agresivnih sudara. Dobar je primjer promišljanja jednog od vodećih britanskih tumača moderne kulture, Stephena Bayleyja, koji kaže: “Dobar, odnosno promišljen dizajn je onaj koji u sebi sadrži 98 posto zdravog razuma i dva posto misteriozne komponente koju možemo nazvati umjetnošću ili estetikom.“ Originalni zid od cigle lajtmotiv je koji se proteže kroz prostor / The original brick wall is a leitmotif that spreads across the space Gast ro 55 Gast ro Čokoladnosmeđi i zagasito crvenkasti tonovi donose toplinu / Chocolate-brown and discretely red tones bring a sense of warmth A Modern Kitchen in a Vintage Ambience Sepia is a restaurant that brings nostalgia to mind, but it also celebrates the present moment. Industrial architecture and the breath of the past created an ideal base for all the other elements in that same spirit, while also paying attention to the warmth and attraction, comfort of the modern consumer C Written by: Nataša Bodrožiæ hicago, the city of winds and verticals, concrete and glass, an urban hive that pulsates in hectic rhythm, also has a more peaceful and harmonized side. One of the roads that lead there begins with a wooden entrance on address 123 N. Jefferson Street in Fulton River District. That is the location of Sepia, an exclusive restaurant placed within an old printing office. Modern American cuisine in vintage ambience, with touches of French rusticity and subtlety, describes a place that calls upon tradition with a modern twist. “I have always believed that there is no going forward without looking back”, said Emmanuel Nony, owner of Sepia, who had a boyhood dream come true when he opened his own restaurant, as he once lived with his parents in a small village in southern France and enjoyed the freshness and fullness of tastes in traditional French cuisine. On his professional journey from Lycee Hotelier du Touquet, where he adopted culinary knowledge and skills, to leading positions in the restaurant management of the Hyatt International, Nony implemented new standards and set the criteria in the 56 Photo: Doug Snower and Lara Kastner sphere of elite catering. Hotel Park Hyatt Tokyo, which hosted a part of the plot in Sofia Coppola’s movie “Lost in Translation”, just like a string of other hotels and restaurants he managed, are synonymous to exclusive atmospheres that offer the highest level of services and gastronomic sensations. Sepia is a restaurant that brings nostalgia to mind, but it also celebrates the present moment. Designer procedure site-specific, or the analysis of preservation of the existing structure by conserving individual parts, like a brick wall or the massive iron doors of the ex-printing office, have brought an enormous contribution to the originality of the place. Industrial architecture and the breath of the past created an ideal base for all the other elements in that same spirit, while also paying attention to the warmth and attraction, comfort of the modern consumer. Open spaces and large windows, pastel and dark shades of antique wooden furniture and reinterpreted modern classics, the warm light that radiates from vintage art-deco lamps – all these elements create a sense of comfort and a unique atmosphere. The wideness of the open space still allows the more Sačuvana su željezna masivna vrata nekadašnje tiskare / Massive iron doors of the ex-printing office was conservated intimate spatial solutions – semi-circular recesses, in which the biggest effect is created by a game of light through a reticular structure of chandeliers with organic lines, offer the visitors an entirely private ambience in the middle of the restaurant. Organized around a round table alongside the velvet allusiveness of the walls, the circle line breaks off and allows partial communication with other spatial segments, which achieves some pretty dynamic effects. The central dining room is defined by a line of positioned benches that have antique mirrors ascending above them, while the light softly falls on the tables’ surfaces from unusual tubular chandeliers. Knoll’s Stephens Lounge chairs are covered with new textiles in order to emphasize the retro dimension, while the chairs signed by Ettorre Sottsasso are refreshed with modern covers. The overall effect of unassuming eclecticism leaves the impression of analysed designer engagement. The original brick wall is a leitmotif that spreads across the space. The beautiful antique dresser with fruit, flowers and glass jars that call upon the local, rustic ambience and the warmth of home is one of those elements and designer moves that contain Sepia’s philosophy. The sense for details and special care for the manner of fitting them into the overall décor are visible in many different aspects. A bar made of white marble and walnut wood, equipped with archaic bowls and dishes, once again reconnects the space with past times. That bar also serves as a separation point between the restaurant lounge and the main dining room that features two large joint tables positioned against the wall with wine bottles, as well as two lines of smaller tables. Chocolate-brown and discretely red tones bring a sense of warmth and colour, as they oppose the sharp, playful lines of light that emanate from the chandeliers. The old cargo elevator dominates the northern wall, once again establishing connection to the industrial history of the building. Bar od bijelog mramora i orahova drveta / A bar made of white marble and walnut wood Sepia’s class, its sophisticated rusticity and unassuming beauty, have been created by a designer team from Gary Lee Partners from Chicago. By carefully combining opposed elements, wood and marble, the old and the new, designers have managed to create an aura of unpretentious elegance that perfectly attaches itself to the restaurant’s gastronomic offer, which is dominated by the inventive American cuisine of culinary virtuoso, chief Kendall Duque. His menu, the fancy modern grill that is adjusted to the tastes and lifestyles of today, also reflects his own life attitude. He describes his culinary style with words: “Momentary spontaneity, but always of a spiritual kind, ennobled with clean, simple, direct tastes. Simple, but elegant.” Along with a clear gastronomic statement, Sepia also offers an extensive choice of wines, as the offer counts up to eight hundred bottles that are on display on one of the dining room’s walls. The cocktail list again visits the stories from the past, as it calls upon the golden age of cocktails by offering vintage, classic combinations and reinterpreted cocktail classics. Even the ice is equally treated in Sepia; there is a special machine that ejects it in bigger cubes in order to slow down the process of it melting and to prolong the period of enjoying a cocktail. Contemporary design of restaurants across the world seemingly pays less and less attention to the local context, particularly in cities. Sepia offers something completely different in that regard. Its look and purpose complete the spirit of the original location that, in this case, has its own personality and history. Sepia is an encounter point where past and present collide without any aggressive patches. It serves as a good example of what one of the leading interpreters of modern culture, Stephen Bayley, once said: “Good and appropriate design contains 98 percent of common sense and two percent of a mysterious component that we can call art or aesthetics.” 57 Fine st vari Izmasiraj i izloži Vita je naziv ovog masažera kojemu je osnovna preporuka èinjenica da ga se ne treba spremati u ormar nakon uporabe. Vrijednost ove spravice ne iscrpljuje se jedino kroz njezinu masažnu funkciju, nego je zbog dojmljivog dizajna Vita pogodna i kao ukrasni predmet, i to za cijenu od samo 26 eura. Massage and Display Vita is the name of this massage device that mainly prides itself with the fact that you don’t have to worry about storing it into the closet once you’ve finished using it. The value of this little device doesn’t exhaust itself merely through its massage function, but due to its impressive design, Vita also works as a decoration object, for only 26 euros. A Beach in a House Floor pillows Livingstones are made from 100%-pure clean wool and are filled with anti-allergic, polysillicone fibre. They are manufactured by Smarindesign from Nice, and as the name (and the picture) suggests, they provide the unique experience of throwing yourself chest-first onto enormous natural boulders. Naturally, there are no risks of injury f or both parents and children. Plaža u kuæi Podni jastuci Livingstones proizvedeni su od 100 posto èiste vune i napunjeni antialergijskom polisilikonskom fibrom. Proizvoðaè je Smarindesign iz Nice, a kako sam naziv (i slika) govori, osiguravaju jedinstveno iskustvo bacanja prsimice na glomazne prirodne oblutke. Bez straha od ozljede, naravno, kako za roditelje, tako i za djecu. Taj sjajni predmet želje Montblanc je tvrtka poznata po dugogodišnjoj uspješnoj proizvodnji sredstava za pisanje. Danas je ta tvrtka razvila proizvodni asortiman te je, meðu ostalim, na tržište pustila i ovaj ekskluzivni sportski sat od nehrðajuæeg èelika. Snijegom prekriveni vrh Mont Blanca simbolizira visoku kvalitetu proizvoda, a sam dizajn oznaka je iznimnosti proizvoda tvrtke, koji su tijekom prošlog stoljeæa èesto postajali kultnima. 58 That Shiny Object of Desire Montblanc is a company known for its long-term successful production of writing items. That company has now developed a manufacturing assortment that, among other things, features this exclusive sports watch made of non-corrosive steel. The snowy peak of Mont Blanc represents the high quality of the product, while the design stands for the excellence of the company’s products, which have often become legendary during the last century. Luxuries U pet varijanti boja proizvodi se stilski radioureðaj Dolmen. Napravljen od aluminija i drva, s velikim potenciometrima, taktilno je izrazito pogodan za noæne ormariæe jer pruža moguænost nasumiènog posezanja rukom u zamraèenoj prostoriji. Od funkcija raspolaže najbitnijim – AM/FM tunerom i osnovnim treble/bass postavkama zvuka. Gigabajti toèkica Što je toliko posebno i zanimljivo u ideji spremanja USB flash drivea u formu domina? Upravo èinjenica da ona ispunjava toèno odreðenu funkciju. Domino pen drive dizajnera Marcosa Bredera u svakoj toèkici nosi informaciju o zauzetoj memoriji. Dakle: toèkica – gigabajt, pa se vi ravnajte... Raditi i uživati u - kugli Globus, rad nizozemskog dizajnera Michiela van der Kleya, multifunkcionalni je mobilni ured oblika rasklopive kugle, od kojeg jedna polovica služi kao sjedeæi dio, a druga kao stolna, radna površina. Osim što je izrazito udoban i prilagodljiv, Globus ima i ugraðene kotaèiæe koje je moguæe fiksirati te je dostupan u mnogim tonovima i uzorcima. Koristan kad je otvoren, Globus je umjetnièki zanimljiv i zatvoren, kao instalacija. 60 Simple and “Tactile” The stylish radio-device Dolmen comes in five different colours. It is made of aluminium and wood, features a large number of potentiometers, and has great tactile value for nightstands because it provides the option of randomly reaching out with your hand in a dark room. The most important functions are there – AM/FM tuner and the basic treble bass sound postulates. Gigabytes of Dots What is so special and interesting in the idea of storing a USB Flash Drive into the form of a domino? Precisely the fact that it fulfills a strictly determined function. Domino Pen Drive by designer Marcos Breder carries an information of an occupied memory in every one of its dots. One dot equals one gigabyte, so you do the math… Working and Enjoying in a - Ball The Globe, a project of Dutch designer Michiel van der Kley, is a multifunctional mobile office shaped like a foldaway ball, with one half serving as a seating section and the other half serving like a table-like working surface. Besides its extraordinary comfort and adjustibility, The Globe also features little builtin wheels that can also be immobilized, and we must mention that it is available in different tones and samples. Useful when it’s open, The Globe is artistically interesting and closed down as an installation. Pripremio / Edited by: Nikola Èelan Jednostavan i “opipljiv” IVAN FIJOLIÆ: celuloidni mitovi i pali heroji DE N “Ne želim raditi umjetnost koja nije jasna, ne želim da umjetnost živi za uzak krug ljudi, nastojim vizualnim jezikom komunicirati s ljudima kojima umjetnost nije poznata…” Piše: Nataša Bodrožiæ U prevladavajućem okružju konzumerizma, medijskih slika, instant-kulturnih proizvoda i rutinskih zadovoljstava, povremeno se javljaju otpori, stvarni i poetski, pokušaji i načini prilagođavanja individualnim potrebama, senzibilitetu i željama pojedinca. Izokretanjem dominantnih značenja, njihovim prisvajanjem i reinterpretacijom, takva se djela suprotstavljaju onima koje zastupa blok moći sa svojim ideološkim djelovanjem. To je tek jedan od mogućih okvira za tumačenje umjetničkog postupka 62 Ivana Fijolića, kipara po obrazovanju, autora slavnog mostarskog spomenika Bruceu Leeju. Ivan Fijolić, rođen 1976. godine, jedan je od najprominentnijih mladih hrvatskih suvremenih umjetnika. Pripadnik je generacije koja se na samom početku novog stoljeća okrenula potrošačkoj svakodnevici i u do tada zaštićeno polje visoke umjetničke kulture intenzivno počela unositi elemente popularne kulture, “trash” estetike i kiča. Teško je izdvojiti Fijolićev dominantni interes, no trenutačno se njegov umjetnički rad kreće graničnim područjem INRI, SHOW OFF KRELAC između slike i objekta/skulpture, odnosno područjem na kojem se isprepleću različiti kulturalni znakovi, uglavnom s područja popularnog filma i stripa. Fijolić počinje izlagati još 1998. godine, sa svojim radovima prisutan je u zemlji i inozemstvu, a 2001. dobiva Rektorovu nagradu kao jedan od najzapaženijih mladih talenata. Diplomirao je na zagrebačkoj Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti, dobitnik je nagrade Akademije za najbolji diplomski rad 2004., te od tada suvereno gradi svoj prepoznatljivi umjetnički izraz. U početku propitujući konvencije i dosege dotadašnje kiparske produkcije, malo pomalo, Fijolić definira novi smjer kretanja u kiparstvu kod nas. Fijolićev raniji rad “12 autoportreta”, iz 2003. godine, već daje naslutiti radikalan odmak od tradicije, odnosno konvencionalne kiparske produkcije, pri čemu je u središte postavljen interes umjetnika za komunikacijski, tj. interakcijski aspekt samog djela. U isto vrijeme, do krajnjih granica, relativizira kiparenje kao modelaciju, kao proizvodnju forme. Dvanaest identičnih skulptura autorove glave odljevenih u bijeli porculan postavljene su na pod. Glave imaju otvore iz kojih raste cvijeće. Usputne nadrealističke aluzije, igra, humorna nota, ali i jasna umjetnička namjera, ono je što je izdvojilo Fijolića kao originalnog autora, spremnog na promišljanje i eksperiment. Izložbe “Lajtmotivi” u galeriji Galženica te “Blockbusters” u studiju “Josip Račić” u Zagrebu, obje iz 2006. godine, reprezentativne su u smislu recentnijih preokupacija umjetnika, odajući već prepoznatljiv izraz koji lako komunicira i izvan galerijskog prostora, dostupan je i shvatljiv široj, ne nužno umjetnički obrazovanoj ili takozvanoj osviještenoj publici. Dvoznačnost samog naziva izložbe “Lajtmotivi” upućuje na prisutnost neke osnovne teme, sveprisutnoga motiva (svakodnevne pojavnosti, zbilje), ali i same svjetlosti kao formalnog elementa umjetničkog rada. Elemente popkulture i pop-arta (Marilyn Monroe, Hitler, muha, banana) umjetnik je prikazao crtežom koristeći plastificirano drvo kao materijal. Zatim je po njemu načinio rupice koje se na nekim mjestima povezuju čineći liniju, dobivši time reljefnu površinu aktivirajući na njoj igru svjetla i sjene. Na dnevnom svjetlu kutije su bijele, a crtež taman, dok navečer kroz rupice prodire treperavo svjetlo. Ovim radovima umjetnik upozorava na dva lica stvarnosti, višeznačnost svakodnevnih poruka, pojava u kojima se nerijetko odražavaju i odnosi moći. “Izdvojeni vizualni znak smješten u muzejski prostor, stvaralačkom intervencijom poprima posve novo obilježje - uzdignut je na razinu umjetničkog. ”Heroji i superheroji na neki način čine elementarnu ikonografiju Ivana Fijolića. Njegovi radovi potenciraju auru junaka i slijede metodologiju poparta. Izložba “Blockbusters” dobar je primjer za to. Društvo više nije prostor međuljudskih odnosa, nego mjesto razmjene, čistog protoka robe i njezina predstavljanja. Superman, Rambo ili Tarzan, spasitelji svijeta od njega samoga, ikone i dječji uzori, kod Fijolića dobivaju i dodatne konotacije. Medijska slika kao simbol napuštanja spiritualnosti 63 OFF SHO W LEE , BR UC E 64 i celuloidni superjunaci u svojoj veličanstvenoj plošnosti, osnovica su za promišljanje ovakvog umjetničkog postupka. Međutim, ipak je jedan Fijolićev junak odigrao izrazito značajnu ulogu u nedavnoj prošlosti ovih prostora. Mostarski Bruce Lee, hiperrealistična skulptura najvećega kung-fu majstora svih vremena, napravljen od lijevane bronce, od Fijolića je naručila građanska inicijativa “Urbani pokret Mostar” kako bi postavljen u javni prostor odigrao ulogu deideologiziranog spomenika. Bruce Lee je trebao biti kontrapunkt “separatističkoj politici spomenika” koje su promovirale različite nacionalističke grupe na područjima bivše Jugoslavije i kao takav simbolički predstavljati univerzalnog junaka, utjelovljenje “općeg dobra” u nacionalno podijeljenom Mostaru. Brončana skulptura Brucea Leeja pritom je i polirana, što, i u formalnom smislu, itekako odskače od klasičnog pogleda na skulpturu na ovim prostorima. Nažalost, nedugo nakon postavljanja, spomenik je oštećen, ironično je doživio sudbinu “palog borca” te je uskoro uklonjen. Trenutačno je u skladištu i kažu da čeka neke bolje dane. Bruce Lee i ostala plejada Fijolićevih heroja predstavljena je nekoliko puta i u inozemstvu. U sklopu izložbe “Heroes in Transition” u Nottinghamu 2007., zastupljen je u postavu koji je uvelike odražavao “stanje stvari” u domaćoj umjetnosti, i to ističući ovog umjetnika kao jedan od njezinih najreprezentativnijih subjekata. Trenutačno su mu radovi izloženi u Berlinu, u završnici prvog ciklusa projekta “Linienstrasse 113”. Osim u Mostaru, Ivan Fijolić autor je još nekoliko javnih radova, u Vrsaru (Park skulptura) i Zlinu (Češka). Do sada je imao više od deset samostalnih te veliki broj grupnih izložbi, kod nas i u inozemstvu. Živi i radi u Zagrebu. IVAN FIJOLIÆ: Celluloid Myths and Fallen Heroes Written by: Nataša Bodrožić AUTOPORTRET / SELF-PORTRAIT “I don’t want to create art that is unclear or that my art lives for a narrow circle of people; I’m trying to use a visual language to communicate with people that aren’t too familiar with art…” 65 66 MARILYN BANANA I n a dominant environment of consumerism, media images, instant-cultural products and routine pleasures, we occasionally witness resistance, actual and poetic, which attempt to adjust to individual needs, sensibility and wishes of individuals. By twisting dominant meanings, as well as adopting and reinterpreting them, those actions oppose those elements that represent the block of power with their ideological action. This is just one of the possible frames that can be used to interpret the artistic career of Ivan Fijolić, educated sculptor and author of the famous Bruce Lee statue in Mostar. Ivan Fijolić, born in 1976, is one of the most prominent young Croatian modern artists. He is a member of a generation that turned to everyday consumption at the start of this century by intensively introducing elements of pop culture, “trash” aesthetics and kitsch into the then-protected field of high artistic culture. It is difficult to point out Fijolić’s dominant interest, but his current artistic focus moves on the borderline between paintings and objects/sculptures, which is an area that is intertwined by different cultural symbols, mostly from the fields of popular film and comic books. Fijolić began throwing exhibits back in 1998. His works are present in Croatia and abroad, and he received the Rector’s Award in 2001 as one of the brightest young talents. H e graduated from the Acade m y of Fine Arts in Zagreb, won t h e Academy’s Award for best graduation thesis in 2004, and has since confidently built his recognizable artistic expression. He started by questioning conventions and limits of the previous sculpturing production, but little by little, Fijolić is starting to define a new direction that our sculpturing is embarking on. Fijolić’s early piece “12 Self Portraits” from 2003 has already given us a suggestion of a radical separation from tradition or conventional sculpturing production, as he puts all the focus on the artist’s interest of communication and interaction aspects of the piece. At the same time, he goes a long way in trivializing sculpturing as a modulation or the manufacturing of form. Twelve identical sculptures of the author’s head decanted in white porcelain were positioned on the floor. The heads have openings, and flowers are growing out of them. The casual surrealistic allusions, the game, the humour note, but also a very clear artistic intention, are the things that introduced Fijolić as an original author that is prepared to ponder and experiment. The “Leitmotifs” exhibits at Galženica Gallery, as well as “Blockbusters” in Josip Račić Studio in Zagreb, both from 2006, are representative in the sense of the artist’s more recent preoccupations, as they introduce the already-recognizable expression that also easily communicates outside of galleries, and is accessible and understandable to a broader, not necessarily artistically educated or “aware” audience. The ambiguity of the exhibit’s title RIO LOBO “Leitmotifs” points out to the presence of a basic theme, an omnipresent motif (everyday existence, reality), but also light itself as a formal element of artistic work. Elements of pop-culture and pop-art (Marilyn Monroe, Hitler, a fly, a banana) were drawn by the artist as he used plastified wood for material. Then he drilled little holes all over it, in a way that they sometimes create a line and make for a relief surface that demonstrates the interaction between light and shadow. During daylight, the boxes are white and the drawing is dark, while those little holes release a blinking light during nights. This is the artist’s way of warning us of the two faces of reality, multiple meanings of everyday messages, as well as situations that often reflect the balance of power. “A separated visual sign positioned inside a museum receives a whole new meaning when creatively processed – it is elevated to an artistic level.” You could say that heroes and superheroes represent the elementary iconography for Ivan Fijolić. His pieces of work encourage a hero’s aura and follow the methodology of pop art. The “Blockbusters” exhibit is a good example of that claim. Society is no longer the space for people having relations, but simply a place for trade, pure flow of goods and its representation. Superman, Rambo or Tarzan, saviours of the world from the world itself, icons and role models for children, gain some additional connotations with Fijolić. The media images as a symbol of abandoning spirituality and celluloid superheroes in their majestic flatness are the basis of this type of artistic work. However, one of Fijolić’s heroes did play a significant role in the recent history of this area. Bruce Lee from Mostar, a hyper-realistic sculpture of the greatest kungfu master ever, was made from decanted bronze and ordered from Fijolić by a civil initiative called “Urban Movement Mostar”, as they wanted to put a monument without an ideology into public space. Bruce Lee should have been a counterpoint to “a separatist policy of monuments” that was promoted by different nationalist groups in the countries of ex-Yugoslavia. It should have symbolically presented a universal hero, the embodiment of “public good” in a nationally divided Mostar. Bruce Lee’s bronze sculpture was also polished, which formally very much disagrees with the classic view of sculpturing in our country. Unfortunately, not long after it was presented, the monument was damaged, as it ironically lived through the fate of “a fallen hero”, and it was shortly removed. It momentarily sits in some warehouse and, as they say, it is waiting for better days. Bruce Lee and the rest of Fijolić’s heroic ensemble were also repeatedly presented abroad. Within an exhibit called “Heroes in Transition” in Nottingham in 2007, it was featured within a display that very much reflected “the state of matters” in local art, which further promoted this artist as one of its most representative subjects. His pieces are currently on display in Berlin, in the final stages of the first round of project “Linienstrasse 113”. Besides in Mostar, Ivan Fijolić is an author of several other public statues, for example in Vrsar (Park of Sculptures) and Zlin (in Czech Republic). Until now, he has had over ten solo exhibits and countless group exhibits, in Croatia and abroad. He lives and works in Zagreb. 67 Ambijent 68 Posude za cvijeće su po svim strukturnim elementima / Flowerpots are all across the structural elements LAS CASAS DEL REY DE BAEZA Baština u slubi dizajna Kao i u većini slučajeva kad se želi prostor učiniti atraktivnim na način da on uspijeva “prodati” neku nacionalnu, kulturološku, tradicionalnu priču, vrijednost i doživljaj, tako se i vlasnik/izvođač, tvrtka Hospes Hotels and Moments, u Sevilli opredijelio za spajanje prošlosti sa sadašnjošću, izvornoga sa suvremenim... Piše: Nikola Èelan Foto: www.designhotels.com 69 A ndaluzijska prijestonica Sevilla središte je regije u kojoj su se u povijesti najprisnije dodirivale dvije različite kulturne matrice – i u kojoj su one iznašle način sretnog suživota na obostranu korist. Arapska komponenta, koja se tu čvrsto primila na europsko tlo, premostila je, stoljećima unatrag, procjep koji je značio protok ljudi, ideja i talenata s afričkoga kontinenta. Svojim je položajem, podjednakom orijentiranošću na Mediteran, Gibraltar te Atlantik, živopisna, mistična Andaluzija oduvijek bila ta prirodna, nezaobilazna “kontrolna točka” kojom su ovi resursi prodirali na Stari kontinent (s još starijega, doduše, ali to je za našu priču već manje bitno). Bujanje multikulturalnog života u Sevilli tijekom 16. i 17. stoljeća urodilo je potrebom za javnim, institucionaliziranim smještajem novopridošlih “nekršćanskih” skupina (pretežito arapskih) i u tu svrhu organizirano su se poče- 70 Hotel je smješten u povijesnoj gradskoj jezgri Seville / Hotel is ocated in the historical city centre of Seville li graditi specifični objekti. U stanju su bili primiti od 100 do 500 duša, uglavnom nižega socijalnog statusa, a pri izgradnji se već vodilo računa o javnoj potrebi higijene i svake druge sigurnosti zajednice, ali i ljudi što u njima žive, od opasnosti i izazova kojima je ovaj socijalni boom mogao lako uroditi. U najnovije vrijeme ovaj je povijesno-arhitektonski fenomen ispravno shvaćen od struke kao jedinstven turistički i ugostiteljski potencijal grada i regije te se na pojavu ideje o mogućnosti preuređenja takve jedne građevine u hotel promptno reagiralo – hotel Las Casas del Rey de Baeza u Sevilli slikovit je i popularan produkt takvoga suvremenog promišljanja. Kao i u većini slučajeva kada se želi prostor učiniti atraktivnim na način da on uspijeva “prodati” neku nacionalnu, kulturološku, tradicionalnu priču, vrijednost i doživljaj, tako se i vlasnik/izvođač, tvrtka Hospes Hotels and Moments, u Sevilli opredijelio za spajanje prošlosti sa sadašnjošću, izvornoga sa suvremenim... Sam hotel tako i svoje ime vuče iz davnog trinaestog stoljeća, kad je kralj Ferdinand III. “Svetac” u znak zahvale za ratnu pomoć u obrani grada kralju Baeze dodijelio kuće (Las Casas) u Sevilli. Naravno, od tog su vremena kuće rasle, nadograđivale se, prvo kako bi pristajale kraljevskom veličanstvu, a poslije i kako bi uspjele primiti brojne (arapske) obitelji. Smješten u povijesnoj gradskoj jezgri Seville, hotel zadržava sve bitno iz tamošnje tradicionalne arhitektonske baštine, dakle očuvani stari kamen i ciglu, velike staklene površine, bukovo drvo i neutralni, nenametljivi kolorit posvuda. Rustikalnost i minimalizam zaokružuju generalni dojam hotelskog interijera, a kompozicija je fragmentirana disciplinirano, gusto plasiranim posudama za cvijeće po svim strukturnim elementima. Svaka soba u hotelu dizajnirana je individualno, tako da se u opremi, osim spomenutih obilježja, izbjegla bilo kakva prepoznatljiva matrica, ponavljanje. Rasvjeta u hotelu maksimalno je prilagođena otvorenome, sunčevoj svjetlosti iz atrija i prirodnim izvorima, što sve rezultira dodatnom intimnošću unutarnjeg prostora. Kod uređenja interijera, galerija, pogotovo atrija (koji su još jedno obilježje seviljskog arhitektonskog idioma) naglašen je utjecaj i korištenje tradicionalnih lokalnih brandova od kojih mnogi nose epitet nacionalne baštine. Susjedni, slični objekt nacionalnog značenja Corral del Conde, primjerice, referencija je koju se konzultiralo pri uređenju. Također se na sličan način u atrije uvodilo i drvo iz toledske bolnice Tavera, iz 19. stoljeća, kako bi se sačuvala njegova povijesna vrijednost. Zbog takvih intervencija, hotel Las Casas del Rey de Baeza nosi dodatnu poruku profinjenosti, ukusa, uza sav opuštajući komfor kao osnovnu svoju karakteristiku. Namještaj u sobama temelji se na indonezijskim drvenim krevetima s prevladavajućom bojom čokolade, drvetom koje na vratnicama kreveta podražava dizajn prozorskih elemenata. Osim toga kreveti su napravljeni velikima u startu, htjelo se time postići efekt “potonuća” u njega, kao predah od strastvenog i živog iskustva provođenja vremena u Andaluziji. U smještajnoj ponudi hotela je 36 soba i pet apartmana. Svaka soba je opremljena panoramskim TV-om i pripadajućom opremom poput DVD-a, ADSL interneta i drugih tehničkih i uslužnih pogodnosti. Unatoč mogućnosti kupanja u prostranom bazenu, masaži u spa centru Bodyna, osvježenje i užitak mogu se potražiti u restoranu a la carte Senzone, u čijoj je ponudi naglasak na regionalnim specijalitetima. Osoblje dizajnerskog tima Hospes Hotels and Moments u slučaju hotela Las Casas del Rey de Baeza osmislilo je autentičan turistički i ugostiteljski sadržaj koji bi posjetitelju trebao pružiti neposredno iskustvo ove južne španjolske pokrajine, regije u kojoj je preklapanje različitih kulturnih krugova urodilo umjetničkim i civilizacijskim identitetom, novim, koliko i starim. U svakom slučaju vječno mladim iskustvom jedne same po sebi privlačne lokacije. Ambient Posebna pažnja posvećena je detaljima / Special attention was pay to the details Prostrani bazen na terasi / Huge pool on the terrace 71 Ambient Rustikalnost i minimalizam zaokružuju generalni dojam hotelskog interijera / Rusticity and minimalism round up the general impression of the hotel’s interior LAS CASAS DEL REY DE BAEZA Heritage in the Service of Design Like in the majority of cases when a facility is being presented as attractive so that it can “sell” a national, cultural and traditional story, value or experience, the owner and performer of the renovation work, company Hospes Hotels and Moments, has decided to use Seville to combine past and present, primal and contemporary… Written by: Nikola Èelan 72 Photo: www.designhotels.com A ndalusian capital Seville is the centre of a region in which two different cultural backgrounds have constantly intertwined throughout history – only to finally find a way for a happy coexistence that does a lot of good for both sides. The Arabian component, which has firmly attached itself to the European ground, has conquered the centuries-long gap that stood for the overflow of people, ideas and talents from the African continent. With its position that is equally oriented towards the Mediterranean, Gibraltar and the Atlantic, picturesque and mystical Andalusia has always served as that natural, unavoidable “control point” that received these resources to Europe. The development of multicultural life in Seville during the 16th and 17th century has created the need for public, institutionalised accommodation of newly arrived, “non-Christian” groups (predominantly Arabic), which signalled the organized beginning of constructing specific objects for that purpose. These objects could accommodate from 100 to 500 people, mostly of lower social statuses, and the process of construction already paid a lot of attention to matters of hygiene and all other safety matters of both the community and the people that lived in these objects, as there were many potential dangers and challenges that could have been created by this social boom. This historical-architectonic phenomenon has lately been rightfully treated by the profession as a unique tourist and catering potential for the city and the region, so the idea of a possible transformation of such a building into a hotel provoked an immediate reaction – hotel Las Casas del Rey de Baeza in Seville is a powerful and popular product of such a contemporary way of thinking. Like in the majority of cases when a facility is being presented as attractive so that it can “sell” a national, cultural and traditional story, value or experience, the owner and performer of the renovation work, company Hospes Hotels and Moments, has decided to use Seville to combine past and present, primal and contemporary… The hotel’s name originates from way back in the thirteenth century when King “Saint” Ferdinand the Third awarded some houses (Las Casas) in Seville to King Baeza in appreciation for the war help during the town siege. Naturally, those houses have grown and been annexed since those days, originally to be worthy of the royal majesty, and afterwards to accommodate numerous (Arabian) families. Located in the historical city centre of Seville, the hotel retains all the important features of the traditional local architectonic Rasvjeta u hotelu maksimalno je prilagođena otvorenome / The hotel lighting is completely adjusted to the open spaces Neutralni i nenametljivi kolorit je posvuda / Neutral and unassuming colours are everywhere Svaka soba u hotelu dizajnirana je individualno / Each room in the hotel has been individually designed 73 Ambient 74 Namještaj u sobama temelji se na indonezijskim drvenim krevetima s prevladavajućom bojom čokolade / The furniture in the bedrooms is based on Indonesian wooden beds with the predominant colour of chocolate heritage: preserved old stone and bricks, big glass surfaces, beech wood and the domination of neutral, unassuming colours. Rusticity and minimalism round up the general impression of the hotel’s interior, while the composition has been fragmented in a disciplined way with closely positioned flowerpots all across the structural elements. Each room in the hotel has been individually designed, which means that, besides the aforementioned characteristics, there are no noticeable patterns or repetitions in the hotel. The hotel lighting is completely adjusted to the open spaces, natural sources and the sunlight from the atrium, which further emphasizes the interior’s intimacy. When we observe the decoration of the interior, galleries, and especially the atrium (which represents another characteristic of the Seville architectonic identity), we notice the emphasized influence and utilization of traditional local brands, many of which pride themselves with the reputation of national heritage. The neighbouring Corral del Conde, which is a similar object of national importance, is an example of a reference that has been consulted during the decoration process. Another example of this style of work is the constant usage of wood from the Tavera Hospital in Toledo in the hotel atrium; the wood comes from the 19th century and adds plenty of historical value. Because of these types of interventions, Las Casas del Rey de Baeza brings an Ambient extra-dose of sophistication and taste, along with all the relaxing comfort as its primary feature. The furniture in the bedrooms is based on Indonesian wooden beds with the predominant colour of chocolate and with frames that evoke the design of window elements. The beds have been designed as large right from the start, as that accomplishes the effect of “drowning” into them after the passionate and vibrant experience of spending time in Andalusia. The hotel’s accommodation offers 36 rooms and five suites. Each room features panoramic TV and all the additional equipment, such as DVD, ADSL Internet, and other technical and catering conveniences. Despite the option of swimming in a spacious pool or having a massage at the Bodyna Spa Centre, you can search for relaxation and pleasure at restaurant a la carte Senzone, with an offering that focuses on regional specialties. The design team at Hospes Hotels and Moments has used Las Casas del Rey de Baeza to come up with an authentic tourist and catering complex that is supposed to provide the visitors with an immediate experience of spending time in this region of southern Spain, which hosts many overlapping different cultural circles that result in a specific artistic and civilization identity, which is equally old and new. One thing is for sure – it is an eternally youthful experience of a location of utmost attraction. 75 Piše: Ivan Mladina Foto: Tomaž Gregoric Pogled na jezero Novi aneks stvara zaobljenu bazu oko ove kuće na Bledu - svojevrsni jastuk oko stare vile, mimikrično stopljen s okolišem B led. Snolika dolina u sjeverozapadnoj Sloveniji kojom dominira glacijalno jezero, savršeno je mjesto za odmor od agresivnog ritma suvremenog života. Dramatične vizure vrhunaca Triglava kao pozadina fantazmagoričnom samostanu na otočiću posred jezera, silueta dvorca na vrhu okomite klisure što se odražava na mirnoj površini vode, raskošne šume te iznimno široka ponuda turističkih sadržaja, od Bleda su stvorili nezaboravno turističko odredište. Na sreću, inteligentnim planiranjem i gospodarenjem prostorom, krajolik nije platio cijenu proporcionalnu stoljetnom zanimanju turista za odmor na Bledu. U tome romantičnom okružju, na zapadnoj strani jezera, 76 smjestila se vila iz 19. stoljeća. I vila i okoliš su podlijegali strogim pravilima zaštite, te je klijentova želja za proširenjem bila veliki izazov za arhitekte. Nekoliko arhitekata je dalo svoje prijedloge, a odabran je prijedlog poznatoga slovenskog projektantskog biroa OFIS. Glavni zadatak je bio inkorporirati aneks od 700 četvornih metara istodobno poštujući ograničavajuće okolnosti nametnute oblikovanju vile i krajolika. Arhitekti su odgovorili stvaranjem novih prostora ispod prizemlja. Novi aneks stvara zaobljenu bazu oko kuće - svojevrsni jastuk oko stare vile, mimikrično stopljen s okolišem. Skrivanje velikog aneksa besprijekorno je provedeno tako da se, gledano s druge strane jezera, on ne može primijetiti. Pro- Dom snova Drvo je osnovni materijal / Wood is main material stor aneksa u potpunosti je ostakljen ne bi li se iskoristio neprocjenjiv pogled na jezero. Cijeli prostor organiziran je u nivoima prema vanjskom krajoliku, s visinskim promjenama od pedesetak centimetara, prateći tako prirodne konture terena i sinkronizirajući prostorne sekvencije interijera s kamuflažnim karakterom eksterijera. Krov aneksa preuzima funkciju terase i vrta na katu, gdje su smještene prostorije za djecu. Novi aneks je preuzeo funkciju glavnog prostora za boravak, s kuhinjom, blagovaonicom, prostorom za gledanje televizije, glazbenom slušaonicom s kaminom, te knjižnicom s prostorom za rad kao dominantnim sadržajima. Servisne prostorije, poput garderoba, glavne kuhinje i gostinske kupaonice, postavljene su u prostoru podruma stare vile, gdje je smještena i garaža s radionicom. Korpus vile time je postao intimni prostor za odmor s prostorijama za djecu na prvoj etaži te prostorom za roditelje na vrhu. Glavna poveznica starog i novog svakako je spektakularni troetažni hall kojim dominira zakrivljeno stubište, dok vizura jezera što se nazire ispod njega vodi prema novim prostorima dnevnog boravka. Zakrivljeno stubište definira odnose, povezuje staro i novo, i ima ulogu glavne komunikacijske jezgre kuće. Ipak, element koji ovu intervenciju čini uistinu posebnom, raskošna je i beskompromisna upotreba obloga drvom. Osim što daje vrlo potrebnu dozu intimnosti i topline golemom otvorenom i ostakljenom prostoru aneksa, veliki potezi otvaraju mogućnost vizualne manipulacije prostornim silama već samim pomakom u teksturi ili načinu postavljanja drvenih dasaka. U ovom slučaju drvom obloženi pod i strop nose svoje horizontalne napone lutajući meandrima tlocrta aneksa poput kakve pikselizirane izohipse, katkad se prenoseći na zidove, a katkad izbijajući u vanjski prostor. Maestralno obloženi trodimenzionalni zavoji glavnog stubišta pravi su tour de force zanatske umješnosti, koja je bila potrebna prigodom stvaranja ovog prostora. Upotreba diskretnih materijala komplementarnih drvetu pokazuje odmjerenost arhitekata pri osmišljavanju atmosferičnosti prostora. Minimalistički high-tech pristup nenametljivim oblikovanjem deriviranim iz euklidske geometrije, kao da se nenametljivo povlači u pozadinu pred veličanstvenom vizurom što se uvlači u veliki, mekani prostor obgrljen toplinom drvene teksture. Svaki sjajno oblikovan prostor ima svoj karakter, u kojem je ono nenaglašeno jednako važno kao i ono naglašeno, a upravo u tome leži sva čar ove bledske ljepotice. Prostor je u potpunosti ostakljen ne bi li se iskoristio neprocjenjiv pogled na jezero / The place has been completely covered in glass in order to take advantage of the priceless view over the lake 77 Zakrivljeno stubište definira odnose, povezuje staro i novo, i ima ulogu glavne komunikacijske jezgre kuće / The curved staircase defines relations, connects old and new, and carries the role of the house’s main communication unit 78 Dream home A View over the Lake The new annex creates a rounded base around this house in Bled – a type of a pillow around the old villa, blended with the environment in mimicking fashion Written by: Ivan Mladina Photo: Tomaž Gregoric Kuhinja / Kitchen B led. A dreamy valley in northeastern Slovenia, dominated by a glacial lake, is the perfect location for a vacation from the aggressive rhythm of the everyday life. Dramatic sights of Triglav peaks as a background to a mirage-like monastery on a little island in the middle of the lake, a silhouette of a castle on the top of a vertical cliff that reflects itself on the water’s peaceful surface, sumptuous forests and an extremely broad offer of tourism features – all these elements have defined Bled as an unforgettable destination for tourists. Fortunately, intelligent planning and quality space management meant that the environment hasn’t paid the price that is proportional to the century-long fascination of tourists with a vacation in Bled. This romantic environment on the western side of the lake is home to a villa from the nineteenth century. Both the villa and the environment have been submitted to strict protection rules, which made the client’s ambition for annexing a big challenge to the architects. Several architects pinched in with their suggestions, but the 79 Kupaonica / Bathroom solution of the famous Slovenian architectonic bureau OFIS was chosen. The main assignment was to incorporate a 700 squaremetre annex while simultaneously respecting the boundaries set by the relation between the villa and the environment. The architects responded to this issue by creating new premises below the ground floor. The new annex creates a rounded base around the house – a type of a pillow around the old villa, blended with the environment in mimicking fashion. The job of hiding the large annex was preformed faultlessly, as it cannot even be noticed when looking from the other side. The annex has been completely covered in glass in order to take advantage of the priceless view over the lake. The whole facility was organized in levels towards the outdoor space with height changes of about fifty centimetres, while also following the natural contours of the turf and synchronising the interior’s spatial sequences with the camouflaged character of the exterior. The annex’s roof takes over the functions of a terrace and a floor garden that features the space for children. The new annex took over the function of the main living area with plenty of dominating features, such as the kitchen, dining room, room for watching TV, room for music listening with a fireplace, as well as a library with a working space. Service rooms, such as the wardrobes, main kitchen and guest bathroom, were positioned in the old villa’s basement, as well as the garage with a workshop. That enabled the villa’s corpus to become an intimate space for relaxation with rooms for children on the first floor, and a space for parents on the top. The main connection between the old and the new is certainly a spectacular three-storey hall that is domi- 80 nated by a curved staircase, while the sight of the lake that can be seen under it introduces the new living room area. The curved staircase defines relations, connects old and new, and carries the role of the house’s main communication unit. However, the one element that truly makes this intervention special is the luxurious usage of wood covering that left no place for any compromises. Besides providing a very necessary dose of intimacy and warmth to a huge open annex covered in glass, those big moves also open the possibility of visual manipulation with spatial processes just by making a slight shift in textures or by positioning wooden boards in a certain way. In this case, a floor and a ceiling covered in wood carry their horizontal strains by wandering the meanders of the annex blueprint like a pixelized contour line, sometimes reflecting the walls and sometimes breaking through to the outdoors. The masterfully covered three-dimensional curves of the main staircase are the true tour de force of craftsmanship, which was very necessary in the process of creating this facility. The usage of discrete materials that complement wood show the architects had plenty of steadiness while coming up with the space’s atmosphere. Minimalist high-tech approach with unassuming work that is derived from Euclidian geometry leaves the impression of quietly withdrawing into the background when faced with a magnificent sight that enters the big, soft space embraced by the warmth of the wooden textures. Every marvellously designed space has its own character that puts equal importance to what is and isn’t emphasized, and that is precisely what reveals all the magic of this belle in Bled. Predivan pogled puža se iz svakog kuta / Beautiful view from every corner Velika garderoba / Huge wardrobe Dream home Preuređenje vile iz 19. stoljeća bio je veliki izazov arhitektima / Extention of the nineteenth century villa was great chalange to the architects 81 www.grahambrown.com Metal je vrlo popularan pa se koristi za sjenila na lampama, u zidnim tapetima... / Metal is very popular so it is used as shades on lamps, in wall carpets… Novi trendovi u ureðenju interijera 82 Crno-bijela kombinacija je i dalje popularna, ali uz obvezan dodatak neke jarke boje / Black-white comibation is still very popular, but with the absolute obligation to add some lively color Akt ualno Piše: Elija Vrsaljko Mislili ste da se trendovi odnose samo na modnu industriju? Oni su i te kako prisutni i u uređenju doma. Pročitajte što nam dizajneri najavljuju kao “must have” ove godine i odaberite svoje favorite B iti u trendu je želja svakog modernog čovjeka koji želi ići ukorak s vremenom. Trendove nam nameću dizajneri, a do njih dolaze tako da osluškuju “bilo“ potrošača, njihove potrebe i navike, te prate opće tendencije kretanja i razvoja društva. Trendovi se protežu kroz sve sfere našeg života, od hrane koju jedemo, odjeće koju nosimo do prostora u kojem živimo. Budući da se s godinama mijenjaju, donosimo vam glavne odrednice uređenja interijera u 2008. godini – koje će se boje, oblici i materijali najviše koristiti. Ekološki dizajn Ekološki dizajn je najbitnija odrednica unutarnjeg uređenja u 2008. godini. Taj je trend prisutan već neko vrijeme u dizajnu, tako da se i ne može zvati trendom, a neće nestati dok god postoji opasnost od globalnog zatopljenja. Novina je što ekološki proizvodi postaju stilski dopadljivi. Godina 2008. donosi rast upotrebe prirodnih materijala te proizvoda od postojanog, prepravljenog ili recikliranog materijala organskog podrijetla, bez kemikalija i pestici- da. Zbog porasta cijene energije, kućanstva sve više biraju proizvode koji im omogućavaju njezinu uštedu. Ekološki dizajn je nekada bio dosadan i ružan, ali to više nije slučaj. Dizajneri su se udružili u promicanju ekopokreta i podizanju razine svijesti kod kupaca, pa su ove proizvode učinili elegantnima i lijepima te cijenom pristupačnima. Stručnjaci nas upozoravaju da sama etiketa “eco-friendly“ može zavarati kupca te da treba poznavati cijeli proces nastanka nekog proizvoda, od podrijetla do završne obrade, da bi se on mogao nazvati ekološkim. Dizajneri ističu da nije sve u materijalima koliko u zauzimanju stava da se postane odgovoran prema okolini. Oni potiču kupce da vrate proizvod kada im više ne treba da bi se mogao preraditi u novi proizvod, pristup koji bi sve više proizvođača moglo slijediti. Više boja Boje su živahnije negoli prošle godine, a naglašavaju osobnost, glamur življenja i rastuću svijest za potrebom zaštite okoliša. Ima više plave, zelene, crvene i žute, a u trendu je 83 www.ekobo.org Ekološki proizvodi postaju stilski dopadljivi i jako moderni / The ecological products are becoming stylistically pleasing and very modern kombinacija sa srebrnom. Zelena postaje nova neutralna boja, a predstavlja zaštitnicu ekopokreta. Tzv. go green trend nameće da sve mora biti zeleno, kuće, automobili, namještaj. Zelena dolazi u svim tonovima, a kombinira se sa plavom, što zatvorenom prostoru daje osjećaj života na otvorenom. Crvena se koristi u toplim nijansama, a boja pijeska i topla smeđa sugeriraju okretanje prirodi i ekologiji. Plava se kombinira s blijedožutom ili zelenom. Crno-bijela kombinacija je i dalje popularna, ali uz obvezan dodatak neke jarke boje kao što je pink, žuta, narančasta ili jarkozelena. Ako želite preurediti kuhinju, neka to bude u boji voća, primjerice, kivi-zelena, limun-žuta ili dinja-narančasta. Kao što zelena boja zamjenjuje neutralnu, siva zamjenjuje crnu; mnogi dizajneri sve više koriste sivu umjesto crne, bilo da je primjenjuju samostalno ili kao potporu nekoj drugoj boji. Zbogom minimalizmu i tematskim stilovima Ova godina donosi kraj tematskim stilovima u uređenju interijera, više nije moderno urediti dom po određenoj temi ili ugođaju. Slavi se tzv. ekletički izgled, stil spajanja naizgled nespojivog namještaja i dekorativnih predmeta, mješavina dizajnerskih stilova, a sve u duhu približavanja različitih kultura na globalnoj razini. Minimalizam je polako odumirao godinama, a kraj mu se nazirao u 2007. godini. Minimalizam i bež ustupaju mjesto bojama, teksturama i slojevima. Sve je veliko, velike lampe, velika zrcala... Kontrasti čine razliku, a grafički uzorci su posvuda, baš kao i u prošloj godini. Ovaj trend se nastavlja, ali u mekšoj verziji - uzorci su suptilniji. Ove godine na velika vrata ulazi, ili, bolje re- 84 čeno, vratio se, barok! Dizajneri su napravili veliki pomak prema oživljavanju ere baroka u unutarnjem uređenju. Multifunkcionalnost Sobe općenito postaju multifunkcionalne, bilo da ljudi smanjuju životni prostor ili se žele više družiti skupa, tako da dnevne sobe i kuhinje istodobno postaju i sobe za društvene igre, obiteljsko okupljanje, radne sobe... To je trend koji u 2008. godini potiče više kreativnosti u osmišljavanju prostora. Samim tim i namještaj postaje multifunkcionalan, više nije dovoljno da je lijep, nego i da služi. Sve je to posljedica okretanja funkcionalnosti kao primarnoj odrednici modernog stila života, bez kaosa, u kojem je sve praktično i organizirano. Trend skupljanja stvari je prošao, novi trend je raščišćavanje istih, tako da se treba riješiti svega suvišnog. Povratak jednostavnosti života i životu na otvorenom Dizajneri su za ovu godinu predvidjeli povratak zanimanja za zanate i vještine, umjetnost izrade predmeta u kućnoj radinosti, domaću hranu i obiteljske aktivnosti. Predmeti kućne izrade stvaraju osjećaj ugode i prisnosti u domu, stabilnosti i sigurnosti. Ljudi se sve više okreću životu na otvorenom, tako da je trend uređivanja vanjskih kuhinja i bazena u porastu. Luksuz se cijeni Ovo je godina luksuza i elegancije u namještaju i dodacima. Koža je apsolutni favorit, ona ulazi u sve sfere uređenja interijera, ali postaje više “ženstvena“ te se kombinira s retro izgledom. Tko ne voli puno kožu, može je koristiti u detaljima, primjerice za ručkice na ladicama. Metal je vrlo popularan pa se koristi za sjenila na lampama, u zidnim tapetima... Staro pokućstvo, novi izgled Ove godine ima mnogo redizajniranog starog namještaja, kao što su pletene fotelje ili drvene stolice u modernom hi-tech izdanju od poliranog kroma. Dizajneri uzimaju stare stvari i daju im moderan izgled. “X“ je nova fora – i na kraju, ako ovog proljeća želite preurediti svoj dom ili namještate novi, a želite biti u trendu, svakako morate imate barem jedan predmet dizajniran u obliku slova “X“. Event s www.marimekko.fi Tzv. go green trend nameće da sve mora biti zeleno, kuće, automobili, namještaj / The so called go green trend puts upon that everything must be green, houses, automobiles, furniture NEW TRENDS in interior design You thought that trends were only related to the fashion industry? They are ever most present in home decorating as well. Read on and find out what the designers are announcing as a ”must have“ this year and choose your favourite T Written by: Elija Vrsaljko o be trendy is the desire of each and every modern man who wishes to be in step with the times. Trends are put upon us by designers, who come up with them by listening to the pulse of consumers, their needs and habits, and follow common tendencies of movement and growth of society. Trends are spread throughout all spheres of our lives, from the foods we eat, clothes we wear to the spaces we live in. Consider- ing that they change with time, we bring you the main determinants for interior design in 2008 – which colors , shapes and materials most to be used. Ecological design An ecological design is the most important determinant for interior design in 2008. This trend has been present in interior design for some time, so as such, can not be 85 Slavi se tzv. ekletički izgled, stil spajanja naizgled nespojivog namještaja i dekorativnih predmeta / The so called, electical look is now being celebrated, the style of combining, at first glance, un-combinable furniture with decorative products www.zanotta.it Event s referred to as a trend, and will not disappear as long as there is a danger of global warming present. The news being that the ecological products are becoming stylistically pleasing. The year 2008 brings a growth in the use of natural materials as well as products from perserved, used or recycled materials of organic origin, without chemicals or pesticides. Due to the rise of the cost of energy, households are more inclined to choose a product that will allow them to make energy savings. An ecological design was once boring and ugly, but this is no longer the case. Designers have joined together in the promotion of the eco-movement and in raising the level of counciseness of the consumers, so they have created these products to be elegant and beautiful and affordable in price. Experts worn us that the label 86 “eco-friendly“ may fool the consumer and that knowledge of the entire process of how a product is manufactured is necessary, from its origin to the final treatment, to be able to call a product ecological. Designers point out that it is not all due to materials as much it is in the iniciative to take a stand to become ecologicaly aware. They encourage consumers to return a product when it is no longer needed so it can be processed into a new product, an approach which more manufacturers should follow. More color Colors are more lively than last year, and emphisize ones character, the glamour of living and the ever rising counsisness for the need to protect the environment. Event s www.bebitalia.it Svakako morate imati barem jedan predmet dizajniran u obliku slova “X“ / You simply must have as least one product designed in the shape of the letter “X“ There are more blues, greens and yellows, and trendy is the combination with silver. Greens are becoming the new neutral color and represent the protector of the eco-movement. The so called go green trend puts upon that everything must be green, houses, automobiles, furniture. Green comes in all shades, and is combined with blue, which gives a closed in space the feel of life in the outdoors. Red is used in warm shades, and the color of sand and warm browns suggest the movement towards nature and ecology. Blue is combined with pale yellow or green. Black-white comibation is still very popular, but with the absolute obligation to add some lively color such as pink, yellow, orange or dark green. If you wish to redue your kitchen, make it in colors of fruit, for example, kiwi-green, lemon-yellow or cantalope-orange. As green is substituting neutral, grey is substituting black; many designers are using grey rather than black, whether it is used individually or as a addition to some other color. Goodbye to minimalism and theme styles This year is bringing an end to theme styles in interior design, it is no longer modern to decorate your home according to a certain theme or feeling. The so called, electical look is now being celebrated, the style of combining, at first glance, un-combinable furniture with decorative products, a mixture of designer styles, and all in the spirit of bringing closer different cultures at a global level. Minimalism has been slowly dieing off for years, and its end was visable in 2007. Minimilasm and beige are making way for colors, textures and layers. Everything is large, large lamps, large mirrors…Contrasts make the difference, and graphic samples are present everywhere, exactly as in last year. This trend is being continued, but in a softer version – samples are more subtle. Barok is making a great come back this year! Designers have made a great move towards the revival of the era of barok in interior design. Multifunctionality Rooms in general are becoming multi-functional, regardless of, if people are decreasing their living space or if they wish to spend more time together, so that living rooms and kitchens are becoming areas for social games, family gatherings, working areas…This is a trend which stimulates more creativity in the furnishing of a space in 2008. This alone makes the furniture multi-functional, it is no longer enough to be pretty, but must be functional. All this is a result of moving towards functionality as a primary determinant of a modern life style, without chaos, in which everything is practical and organized. The trend of collecting things is over, the new trend is the cleaning up of the same, so everything that is needless must be gotten rid of. The return to the simplicity of life and life in the outdoors Designers have predicted a come back in interest for vocational skills, the art of craftmanship of home made products, homemade food and family activities. Home made products create a feeling of pleasure and presence in the home, stability and security. People are ever more so turning towards life in the open, so that the trend of furnishing out door kitchens and pools are in the increase. Luxory is appreciated This is the year for luxory and elegance in furniture and accesorries. Leather is an absolute favorite, it is made present in all spheres of interior design, but is becoming more “feminen“ and is combined with a retro look. People who do not like to much leather, can use it in details, such as handles for drawers. Metal is very popular so it is used as shades on lamps, in wall carpets… Old furniture, new look This year offers a large amount of redisigned old furniture, such as knitted couches or wooden chairs in a modern high-tech edition of polished crome. Designers are taking old things and giving them a modern look. “X“ is the new trick - and in the end, if you wish to redue your home or furnish a new one, this spring, and wish to be trendy, you simply must have as least one product designed in the shape of the letter “X“. 87 Nemojte zaboraviti i na svijeće koje će donijeti potrebnu romantiku / Don’t forget the candles to add a little extra-romance 88 Kada “Kaos”, dizajn Ludovica+Roberto Palomba za Kos / Bathtub “Kaos”, design Ludovica+Roberto Palomba for Kos Interijeri Zaobljena kada “Grande”, Kos / Circular bathtub “Grande”, Kos Wellness u vašem domu Wellness je životni stil, način održavanja njegovanog i mladolikog izgleda, zdravog tijela koje obiluje elanom i energijom, a uz malo truda i dobre volje, svoj stan možete pretvoriti u pravu wellness-oazu B Piše: Aleksandar Vrtariæ ez obzira na površinu i tip nekretnine, svaki dom je mjesto koje nam pruža bijeg od svakodnevnih poslovnih obveza, stresa i užurbanosti. Dom je mjesto gdje se čovjek može opustiti, napuniti svoje baterije i nahraniti tijelo novim elanom. Mnogima, nažalost, ostaje premalo vremena za posjećivanje wellness-centara pa je sve više onih koji se odlučuju na praktično rješenje, a to je stvaranje vlastita malog wellness-centra unutar svoja četiri zida. Wellness je životni stil, način održavanja njegovanog i mladolikog izgleda, zdravog tijela koje obiluje elanom i energijom, a uz malo truda i dobre volje, svoj stan možete pretvoriti u pravu wellness-oazu. Istina, već će obična topla kupka biti dovoljna da se tijelo opusti, no prenesete li u svoju kupaonicu dašak egzotične atmosfere, učinak će svakako biti intenzivniji. Koliko ćete daleko ići, ovisi samo o vašoj volji, željama, raspoloživom prostoru i, naravno, financijskoj situaciji. Eterična ulja i mirisni štapići, ugodan egzotični ambijent u kupaonici i kupke s laticama cvijeća i ljekovitim biljem? Barem to svatko sebi može priuštiti. No, ako imate dovoljno prostora, neki prazan kut koji nije imao nikakvu namjenu, zašto ne biste razmislili o ugradnji saune ili masažne kade? Jedinstveni užitak za duh i tijelo Eterična ulja imaju blagotvoran učinak na um i tijelo, a u terapijama za okrepljivanje organizma koriste se tisućama godina. No, prije eksperimentiranja s eteričnim uljima, magičnim kupkama i mirisnim štapićima, valja malo poraditi na ambijentu kupaonice. Potrebno je tek malo mašte. U kupaonicu unesite nekoliko predmeta koji će vas podsjećati na neko egzotično mjesto, na kojem vlada mirna i idilična atmosfera. Odaberite ručno rađene drvene ukrase iz dalekih zemalja, dekorativne 89 Kada “Grande”, Kos / Bathtub “Grande”, Kos Laufen, kolekcija Polomba / Laufen, Polomba collection Obična topla kupka može biti dovoljna da se tijelo opusti / An ordinary hot bath will be more than enough to relax your body tepihe od nekog prirodnog materijala, a za pravi ambijent žive prirode, ne zaboravite i na biljke, te odaberite one kojima ne smeta veća količina vlage. Možete se poigrati i s rasvjetom – prigušeno svjetlo u prirodnim tonovima dat će puni učinak, no nemojte zaboraviti i na svijeće koje će donijeti potrebnu romantiku. Kada je scenografija gotova, na red dolaze eterična ulja i okrepljujuće kupke. Izbor ulja ovisi o djelovanju koje želimo postići, tako u izboru imamo ulja za relaksaciju koja umiruju tijelo i opuštaju napete mišiće, kao što su ulja od vanilije, kamilice ili lavande. Za podizanje energije i revitalizaciju, koriste se eterična ulja anđelike, anisa ili cedra, dok ulja planinskog bora, eukaliptusa i borovih iglica imaju stimulirajući učinak na dišne putove. Kombinacija eteričnih ulja, hranjive i tople kupke obogaćene medom, vašoj će koži dati blistav sjaj, a dijelite li stambeni prostor s partnerom, upotpunite sve i zajedničkom masažom za maksimalni učinak. Ugodan i opuštajući ambijent ne treba ostati zatvoren u kupaonici – slobodno ga proširite i na ostatak prostora, pa će se uživanje i odmaranje nastaviti i u dnevnom boravku i spavaćoj sobi, a vi ćete se ujutro probuditi puni energije koja će ugodno iznenaditi sve oko vas. Sauna i jacuzzi u vlastitu domu – zašto ne? Odavno je poznato da saune imaju pozitivno djelovanje na imunološki sustav, da održavaju ljepotu i zdravlje kože istodobno je čineći mlađom, pospješuju prokrvljenost i metabolizam, te tijelo čiste od raznih toksina. Saune također imaju preventivno djelovanje kad su u pitanju reumatske bolesti i problemi sa zglobovima, pomažu kod 90 vječne borbe protiv celulita koji muči mnoge žene. Za optimalno djelovanje, stručnjaci preporučuju tri odlaska u saunu na tjedan, no poslovne obveze to mnogima ne dopuštaju pa je možda najbolje rješenje sauna u vlastitu domu. Radi li se o nepotrebnom luksuzu? Nipošto! Na tržištu se mogu pronaći najrazličitiji modeli montažnih sauna koje se lako mogu uklopiti u svaki prostor. Na raspolaganju su veći modeli za više osoba, sjedaći modeli koji zahtijevaju samo dva četvorna metra slobodnog prostora, a izrađuju se i modeli prema zadanim mjerama te kupci mogu birati vanjski izgled u raznim bojama. Cijene sauna ovise o tipu i veličini, a kreću se od 18.000 kuna za najmanje modele pa naviše. Priču o sedmorici braće iz Italije znaju mnogi, a njihov patent, jacuzzi kada, čije ugrađene mlaznice opuštaju i najumorniji organizam, danas je neizostavan dio cjelokupnoga relaksirajućeg tretmana. Jacuzzi masažne kade se lako mogu ugraditi u svaku kupaonicu, a i mlaznice se također lako postavljaju u klasične kade – jedini uvjet je da ona bude dovoljno velika. Terapijsko djelovanje hidromasaže je izvanredno, a u kombinaciji s četiri temeljna elementa koji čine pravi wellness (fizička i duševna aktivnost, osobna relaksacija i zdrava prehrana), masažna kada osigurat će vam brz odmor od svakodnevog stresa, lijepu i blistavu kožu te zavidan mišićni tonus. Koliko se wellness u vlastitu domu isplati, lako je izračunati – dovoljno je zbrojiti koliko ste u protekloj godini potrošili na wellness-tretmane. Ako se odlučite na wellness-projekt, budite sigurni da će se definitivno isplatiti jer zdravlje i ugodan život zaista nemaju cijenu, a osim novca, uštedjet ćete i na vremenu jer će se wellness-oaza nalaziti u vaša omiljena četiri zida. Interiors WELLNESS in Your Home Wellness is a lifestyle, a way to preserve a nurtured and youthful appearance, as well as a healthy body that has plenty of energy and enthusiasm, and with a little effort and good will, you can turn your apartment into a true wellness-oasis Written by: Aleksandar Vrtariæ Kada iz kolekcije “Geo”, Kos / Bathtub from the “Geo” collection, Kos 91 Zucchetti R egardless of the real estate’s size or type, every home is a place that provides us with an escape from everyday business commitments, stress and haste. A home is a place where you can relax, recharge your batteries and feed your body with brand new energy. Unfortunately, many among us don’t have nearly enough time to visit wellness-centres, but there is an increasing number of people who decide on the practical solution, which is to create your own wellnesscentre within your own four walls. Wellness is a lifestyle, a way to preserve a nurtured and youthful appearance, as well as a healthy body that has plenty of energy and enthusiasm, and with a little effort and good will, you can turn your apartment into a true wellness-oasis. To tell you the truth, an ordinary hot bath will be more than enough to relax your body, but if you bring in a breath of exotic atmosphere into your bathroom, the effect will become much more intense. The length that you will go to depends solely on your will, desire, available space and, naturally, financial situation. Essential oils and aroma sticks, pleasant exotic ambience in the bathroom and baths with flower petals and therapeutic plants? Everyone can afford that much. But if you have enough space, or an empty corner that had no previous purpose, why not consider building in a sauna or a massage tub? 92 Eterična ulja imaju blagotvoran učinak na um i tijelo / Essential oils have a positive effect on body and mind Unique Pleasure for Body and Spirit Essential oils have a positive effect on body and mind, and they have been used in therapies for body refreshment for thousands of years. But before you begin experimenting with essential oils, magical baths and aroma sticks, you should do some work on the bathroom’s ambience. All it takes is a little imagination. Bring in several objects into your bathroom that remind you of an exotic place with peaceful and idyllic atmosphere. Choose handmade wooden decorations from far-away countries, as well as decorative carpets from some natural material, and to make sure you don’t disregard the true ambience of living nature, don’t forget the plants, especially those that are OK with large amounts of humidity. You can also play with lighting – discrete lights in natural tones will bring full effect, and don’t forget the candles to add a little extra-romance. When the scene is set, start thinking about essential oils and refreshing baths. The choice of oil depends on the type of effect we want to accomplish: we have relaxation oils that calm the body and relax tense muscles, like oils made of vanilla, chamomile and lavender. To increase your energy and revitalize yourself, use essential oils made of angelica, anise or cedar, while oils with mountain pine, eucalyptus and pine needles have a stimulating effect on one’s respiratory passages. The combination of essential oils and nutritional and warm Bitan je ambijent kupaonice / Ambient in the bathroom is very important Atollo, Kos baths filled with honey will provide a glowing quality to your skin, and if you’re sharing your apartment with your partner, achieve maximum effect with a mutual massage. A pleasant and relaxing ambience doesn’t have to be exclusive to the bathroom – make sure to introduce it to the rest of the apartment so that you can enjoy and relax yourself in the living room or the bedroom, and that will result in you waking up full of energy and pleasantly surprising everyone around yourself in the morning. Sauna and Jacuzzi in Your Own Home – Why Not? It has long been known that saunas have a positive effect on the immune system, preserve the beauty and health of the skin by simultaneously making it seem younger, improve the blood flow and metabolism, and purify the body from all those toxic supplements. Saunas also have a preventive effect when it comes to rheumatic conditions and problems with joints, and they help a lot of women in their eternal struggle with cellulite. If you want optimal effect, experts recommend three visits to the sauna per week, but job obligations won’t allow that to the majority of people, so maybe the best solution is creating a sauna in your own home. Are we talking about unnecessary luxury? Of course not! The market offers many diverse models of built-in saunas that can easily be adjusted to any space. You can find larger models for more than one per- Interiors Ako imate dovoljno prostora, razmislite o ugradnji saune ili masažne kade / If you have enough space, consider about building in a sauna or a massage tub son, seating models with only two square metres of spare space, as well as custom-made models where buyers choose their look in different colours. Prices of these saunas depend on type and size, and they range from 18.000 kunas for the smallest models to higher prices. Everybody knows the story about seven brothers from Italy and their patent, the Jacuzzi tub with built-in faucets that relax the most worn-out organisms you can find, is now an unavoidable part of the overall relaxation treatment. Jacuzzi massage tubs can easily be adjusted to every bathroom, while faucets are also adjustable to classic tubs – the only condition is that the tub is large enough. The therapeutic effect of the hydro-massage is extraordinary, and when combined with four basic elements that create a true wellness (physical and spiritual activity, personal relaxation and healthy diet), the massage tub will ensure you with quick relaxation from everyday stress, a lovely and glowing skin, and an enviable muscle definition. It is easy to put down to paper the profitability of having your own wellness in your home – all it takes is adding all the figures you spent on wellness treatments during the last year. If you decide on embarking on a wellness-project, you can be certain that it will be worth the trouble as health and a pleasant lifestyle have no price, and besides the money, you will also save up a lot of time because the wellnessoasis will be located within your favourite four walls. 93 Interijeri Prostorije kojima dominira minimalistički pristup djeluju umirujuće / Rooms that are dominated by minimalism have a calming effect Minimalizam - prostor je ono što najviše vrijedi 94 Piše: Aleksandar Vrtariæ Kad su u pitanju interijeri, minimalizam se temelji na čistim linijama, glatkim i ravnim površinama, niskom namještaju, sa što manjim brojem elemenata u interijeru, i bojama koje se lijepo nadoponjuju, bez pretjeranoga kontrasta U mjetnički pokret nazvan minimalizam, trenutačno vrlo popularan trend u uređivanju stanova, ugostiteljskih objekata, poslovnih ureda, pa čak i okućnica, nastao je početkom šezdesetih godina prošloga stoljeća, a isprva se temeljio na stvaranju predmeta, slika i skulptura čija je vrijednost bila jedino estetske naravi. Danas se, pak, izraz minimalizam vezuje uz sve – od mode i glazbe, do vanjske i unutarnje arhitekture. Kad su u pitanju interijeri, minimalizam se temelji na čistim linijama, glatkim i ravnim površinama, niskom namještaju, sa što manjim brojem elemenata u interijeru, i bojama koje se lijepo nadoponjuju, bez pretjeranoga kontrasta. Minimalizam kao stil u uređenju interijera je vrlo zahvalan i praktičan jer se sve svodi na funkcionalnost, a i prednost mu je što se može kombinirati sa svim stilovima, od rustikalnog i klasičnog pa do orijentalnog ili modernog. Prostorije kojima dominira minimalistički pristup djeluju umirujuće jer nema suvišnih predmeta, koji pretjerano odvlače pozornost i time u prostoriju donose nemir i vizualni stres, a velika prednost kod minimalizma je i lako održavanje i čišćenje jer je broj elemenata sveden na minimum. Također, izdvaja se sam prostor kao najvažnija vrednota, što je posebno važno ako se radi o manjim stambenim, uredskim ili ugostiteljskim prostorima. U svakoj prostoriji i sa svakim stilom Bilo da se radi o spavaćoj sobi, dnevnom boravku, kuhinji ili kupaonici, minimalizam će uvijek ponuditi idealno rješenje svim praktičarima i onima koji se u svom domu ili uredu žele osjećati ugodno i nesputano. Minimalizam se lijepo uklapa sa svim stilovima i s najrazličitijim detaljima, a kod uređenja je jedino važno da se minimalizam koristi kao baza, dok se određene stilske smjernice mogu koristiti za dodatno naglašavanje prostora. Pogrešno je mišljenje da minimalistički pristup u uređenju interijera donosi hladan i pretjerano ujednačen dojam, naprotiv minimalistički interijeri mogu izgledati vrlo toplo, ugodno i harmonično. Primjerice, kod tako uređenog prostora svaki detalj dolazi do izražaja i naglašava se njegova ljepota, bila to unikatna svjetiljka, neki zidni ukras izrađen od egzotične vrste drveta, vrijedna umjetnina ili, pak, neka moderna prostirka. Isticanjem detalja, od kojih svaki ima svoje značenje i određenu vrijednost, prostor dobiva na ambijentu, djeluje profinjeno, elegantno i otmjeno. Upravo u tome leže sve čari minimalizma, jer se kombinacijom različitih detalja, čistim linijama i snažnim geometrijskim formama koje se međusobno nadovezuju, postižu savršeni efekti i prava raskoš iako prostor ne vrvi hrpom predmeta i elemenata. Boje imaju vrlo bitnu ulogu kod minimalizma i važno je izbjegavati presnažno kontriranje. Tri nijanse jednake boje lijepo će se nadopuniti, no jedan krivo obojeni zid može pokvariti cijeli harmonični ambijent. U minimalizmu se koriste svjetliji tonovi koji u prostoriju neće donijeti neželjenu dramatičnost, čime svi detalji ostaju istaknuti. Bijela boja će uvijek biti dobar izbor, no lijepo će izgledati i blagi tonovi vanilije i sličnih “mekanih” boja. Hoće li prostorom dominirati moderan stil ili klasika, to je zaista individualno, ali uporabom odgovarajućih stilskih detalja svaki prostor može izgledati unikatno i, što je najvažnije, prostrano. 95 Bez suvišnih detalja / Without expletive details 96 Minimalizam se lijepo uklapa sa svim stilovima i najrazličitijim detaljima / Minimalism nicely agrees with all styles and the most diverse of details Daleke zemlje kao inspiracija Japanski stil kod mnimalističkog uređenja je pravi primjer kako se drevna tradicija izvrsno uklapa u moderan stil i tehnologiju 21. stoljeća. Jednostavnost i prostranost glavne su odrednice japanskog stila – sjedeće garniture i kreveti su postavljeni vrlo nisko, prostorijama dominiraju blage boje i velika količina svjetlosti, a namještaj je izrađen od prirodnih materijala koji u prostoriju uvijek donose sklad i ugodnu atmosferu. Podovi u japanskom stilu prigušenih su boja, redovito ukrašeni “tatami” prostirkama koje su izvrstan, visoko atraktivan detalj. Odlučite li se za minimalistički pristup u uređenju, svakako razmislite o japanskom stilu – sve potrebno ćete lako pronaći u svakoj bolje opskrbljenoj prodavaonici namještaja, a s malo truda mogu se pronaći i vrlo zanimljivi detalji kao što su tradicionalne posude, zdjele i pribor za jelo, originalne lončarice, i slični predmeti koji će oplemeniti prostor u orijentalnom stilu. Svjetlost je izvor pozitivne energije, a kod japanskog stila ono uvijek dolazi iza sloja papira, što ostavlja prostora za kreativce koji će se rado poigrati i sami ukrasiti rasvjetna tijela ručno izrađenim lampionima. Jednostavno, s puno stila – japanska tradicija se lijepo nadopunjuje i sa svim izumima moderne tehnologije, a prirodni materijali donose toplinu, te prirodan i ugodan ambijent. Minimalizam stvara prostor – prostor stvara slobodu Zaista nije bitno o kakvom tipu nekretnine se radi i koja je njezina namjena, ono što je puno važnije jest dojam koji ona ostavlja, kako na osobe koje u njoj stalno borave, tako i na posjetitelje. Iako cijeli smisao minimalističkog uređenja do punog izražaja dolazi u većim stanovima i objektima, u garsonijerama je jednako važno vizualno proširiti malen prostor. Čista, pregledna i razumno opremljena prostorija, bez nepotrebnih, suvišnih stvari i eleme- Interijeri nata, osigurat će ugodan život, mjesto na kojemu se čovjek neće osjećati sputano i zatvoreno, nego zadovoljno i slobodno. Minimalizam je svakako pravo rješenje, a osim toliko potrebnog i vrijednog prostora, minimalizam osigurava i visoku dozu stila i originalnosti. Uz malo ukusa i pažnje, detalji zaista mogu činiti čuda! 97 Interiors Bijela boja je uvijek dobar izbor / White is always a good choice, Minimalism - Space Is the Most Valuable Thing 98 Za snažniji dojam koriste se slične “mekane” boje / For stronger impression you can use similar “soft” colours When it comes to interiors, minimalism is based on pure lines, smooth and straight surfaces, low furniture, with as small a number of elements in the interior as possible, and colours that nicely complement each other and don’t provide too much contrast Written by: Aleksandar Vrtariæ A n artistic movement called minimalism, which is currently very popular in the decoration of apartments, restaurant objects, business offices and even courtyards, was founded in the early 1960s, and it was originally based on creating objects, paintings and sculptures with value that is exclusively aesthetical. These days, the term “minimalism” is used everywhere – from fashion to music and to exterior and interior architecture. When it comes to interiors, minimalism is based on pure lines, smooth and straight surfaces, low furniture, with as small a number of elements in the interior as possible, and colours that nicely complement each other and don’t provide too much contrast. As a style in interior decoration, minimalism is very rewarding and practical because it boils things down to mere functionality, and one of its advantages also lies in the fact that it can be combined with different styles, from rustic and classical to oriental and modern. Rooms that are dominated by minimalism have a calming effect because there are no unnecessary objects that draw a lot of attention and bring distraction and visual stress into the room. Another big advantage of minimalism is that, due to the reduced number of elements, the maintenance and cleaning become much easier. It also separates the space itself as the most valuable thing, which is particularly important if we’re talking about smaller residential, office or restaurant premises. In Every Room and with Every Style Regardless of whether we’re talking about a bedroom, living room, kitchen or bathroom, minimalism will always offer an ideal solution to all practical people, as well as to those who want to feel pleasant and uninhibited in their home or office. Minimalism nicely agrees with all styles and the most diverse of details, and the only important thing to remember in the decoration process is that minimalism is used as a base, while certain style guidelines can be used to put extra-emphases on the space. It is incorrect to think that a minimalist approach to interior decoration creates a cold and overly balanced impression – on the contrary, minimalist interiors can look very warm, pleasant and harmonized. For example, a room decorated in such way sheds a new light on the beauty of every single object, whether it’s a unique lamp, some wall decoration from an exotic type of wood, a valuable piece of art, or maybe a modern type of bedding. Putting extra-attention on details, while remembering that each of them has its own meaning and certain value, creates a new ambience in every room, as well as adds sophistication, elegance and class. That is precisely what reveals all the magic of minimalism, as that combination of different details, pure lines and strong geometrical forms that mutually intertwine accomplishes perfect effect and true luxury, although the room doesn’t have a pile of objects or ele- 99 Interiors 100 Čiste i ravne linije odlika su minimalističkog stila / Pure and straight linec are characteristic of minimalistic style ments. Colours have a very important role in minimalism, as it is important to avoid any large contrasts. Three shades of the same colour will nicely complement each other, but if only one wall isn’t painted right, that can spoil the whole sense of harmony in a room. Minimalism usually features lighter tones that will not bring an overly strong sense of drama into the room, while the emphases on details will remain intact. White will always be a good choice, but so will the mild tones of vanilla and similar “soft” colours. Whether the room is dominated by a modern or classical style is really an individual choice, but using the proper stylish details can create a unique feel about every room, as well as that ever-important feeling of spaciousness. Faraway Countries as an Inspiration The Japanese version of minimalism is a true example of how you marvellously combine ancient tradition with modern style and 21st-century technology. Simplicity and broadness are the main characteristics of the Japanese style – seating ensembles and beds are positioned very low, the rooms are dominated by mild colours and an abundance of light, while the furniture is made of natural materials that always bring harmony and pleasant atmosphere into a room. Japanese floors usually come in restrained colours, and are regularly embellished with “tatami” covers that are an excellent, highly attractive detail. If you decide on a minimalist approach towards decoration, make sure to consider the Japanese style – you can find all the necessary elements in every decent furniture store, and it will only take a little effort to find some very interesting details like traditional pots, bowls and silverware, original pottery and similar objects that will further ennoble a room in Oriental style. Light is the source of positive energy, and the Japanese style assumes that it comes behind a layer of paper, which leaves plenty of room for creative folks that will have fun while creating hand-made lampshades. Simple, with lots of style – Japanese tradition nicely agrees with all the inventions of modern technology, while natural materials bring warmth and a natural, pleasant ambience. Minimalism Creates Space – Space Creates Freedom The type or the purpose of the real estate truly don’t matter nearly as much as the impression it leaves on the people that constantly spend time in it, as well as on its visitors. Although the whole point of minimalist decoration fully flourishes in bigger apartments and objects, it is equally important to visually broaden a small amount of space in bachelor pads. A clean, descriptive and reasonably furnished room, without any unnecessary, additional things and elements, will ensure a pleasant life in which a person will feel satisfied and liberated, instead of trapped and enclosed. Minimalism is certainly the right choice, and besides the necessary and valuable space, it also assures a high dose of style and originality. With a little good taste and attention, details can truly perform miracles. 101 Kult ni komad “Sacco” proizvodi tvrtka “Zanotta“ / “Sacco” is produced by company “Zanetta” 102 Piero Gatti, Cesare Paolini, Franco Teodoro: Sacco, 1968. KULTNA “VREÆA” Ove se godine slavi četrdeseta obljetnica jednog od najopuštenijih i “najdemokratičnijih” komada namještaja. “Sacco” je mekani, višenamjenski komad koji osvježava svaki interijer. Više nego što reflektira određeni životni stil, odraz je specifičnoga životnog stava Piše: Nataša Bodrožiæ Foto: www.zanotta.it K ultura sjedenja je povijesna konstanta, međutim, načini i “stilovi” sjedenja podložni su promjenama. Tijekom povijesti nije se uvijek sjedilo na isti način, pa tako ljudi iz srednjeg vijeka, primjerice, nisu sjedili jednako kao ljudi renesanse. Istok i Zapad imaju drukčije načine sjedenja, generacija pedesetih godina prošlog stoljeća nije sjedila isto kao ona iz sedamdesetih. Položaj tijela pri sjedenju pod utjecajem je društvenih promjena, socijalnih i ekonomskih čimbenika, te svih onih momenata koji općenito utječu na ljudski život. Sredina dvadesetog stoljeća, poslijeratna obnova i optimizam, brzi razvoj tehnologija, novi materijali, ekonomski boom SAD-a i njegova vodeća uloga u svim domenama potrošačke kulture, industrijskog dizajna i proizvodnje, dovelo je do promjena u promišljanju samog dizajna. Završila je era “klijenata“, probranih pripadnika viših slojeva kojima je jedino omogućen pristup dizajnu, ustupivši mjesto onoj potrošačkoj, te se počelo razmišljati o masovnoj proizvodnji. Dizajn je postao sveprisutan i “totalan”. Sive boje poratne prošlosti ustupile su mjesto jarkima: ružičasta, narančasta, plava i žuta pojavile su se na zidovima, podovima i namještaju. Stroge forme zamijenjene su onima, po mnogo čemu, “opuštenijima“. Dizajneri onoga vremena ozbiljno su shvatili potrebe novoga socijalnog okružja i prihvatili ulogu u gospodarskom rastu i društvenom napretku. Moderni dizajn, po njihovu mišljenju, trebao je biti besklasni, univerzalni stil, dostupan svim potrošačima. Postratni namještaj morao je biti fleksibilan, zauzimati manje prostora kako bi odgovarao izmijenjenim društvenim potrebama. Moralo se uzeti u obzir rastuću populaciju i smanjivanje veličine životnog prostora, stanovanja. U tom razdoblju, dizajn se razvija i u Europi. Italija se javlja kao jedna od vodećih dizajnerskih sila. Usporedo s velikim rastom industrije, novi dizajn se pojavio na tržištu. Podupirale su ga tada uspostavljene institucije poput milanskoga Trijenala koji je funkcionirao kao “showroom”, na kojemu su se redovito predstavljali talijanski dizajneri. Pokrenut je časopis “Domus“ kao mjesto razmjene ideja, diskusija, debata, u svakom je smislu bio poput foruma i uvelike utjecao na razvoj unutar same profesije. Talijanski dizajneri nerijetko su se dovodili u vezu s radi- 103 Kult ni komad kalnim, eksperimentalnim modernim dizajnom, što im je uvelike omogućilo postojanje sustava malih, obiteljskih obrta. Obrtnici, stolari, vješti proizvođači namještaja mogli su se lako prilagoditi proizvodnji modernog namještaja i odgovoriti potrebama maštovitih dizajnerskih vizija, bez visokih troškova. Upravo su ta sposobnost i adaptabilnost dovele do toga da se eksperimentiranje počelo shvaćati kao legitimni dizajnerski potez, da su se i najhrabrije ideje provodile u djelo, a modeli mijenjali velikom brzinom. Ukratko, sve je to vodilo k tomu da talijanski dizajn dobije, a poslije i opravda, reputaciju jednog od najboljih, ili barem najdinamičnijih na svijetu. Politički nemiri 1968. godine, studentski prosvjedi i radikalne promjene koje su zahvatile svijet, zasigurno su našle svoj odraz i u svakodnevnoj materijalnoj stvarnosti, predmetima iz neposrednog okruženja, pa i u namještaju. Jedan od najboljih primjera jest kultna “Vreća“, poznatija pod nazivom “Sacco“. Taj “bezoblični“ komad namještaja, kako mu samo ime kaže – vreća, ispunjena visokootpornim polistirenskim kuglicama tako da se može prilagoditi svakom tijelu, tj. položaju, samom svojom osnovom predstavlja radikalni odmak od prethodnih formi, čvrste strukture kao osnove. Kožnata vreća zapravo podsjeća na veliki jastuk ili poluispuhanu nogometnu loptu. Piero Gatti, Cesare Paolini i Franco Teodoro imena su tvoraca toga kultnog predmeta, koji se može čitati i kao metafora samog postmodernog sta- 104 “Sacco” je ispunjen visokootpornim polistirenskim kuglicama tako da se može prilagoditi svakom tijelu, tj. položaju / “Sacco” is filled with high-resistant little polystyrene balls so that it can adjust to any body or position, features va, postšezdesetosmaške generacije čiji se entuzijazam nekako ispuhao, u korist (blage) ironije. Timski rad trojice talijanskih dizajnera, šaljivaca ozbiljnih namjera i vizionara, urodio je jednim od najudobnijih minimalističkih komada namještaja, ikonom šezdesetih. “Sacco” je predmet koji se lako prenosi, zauzima malo mjesta, posjeduje maksimalnu fleksibilnost uz relativno niske troškove proizvodnje, te je vrlo brzo postao neizostavan detalj tinejdžerskih soba, dječjih kutaka i funky interijera. “Sacco“ se, naravno, još uvijek proizvodi i nedavno je proslavio svoj četrdeseti rođendan. Proizvodi ga tvrtka “Zanotta“ koja ga stavlja na pijedestal, poigravajući se etiketom “anomaličnog“ namještaja. Ova “sjedalica” predstavlja kraljicu neformalnog uređenja koja regrutira svoju publiku, štovatelje i obožavatelje među najširim društvenim slojevima. Po izgledu i funkciji, lako bismo je mogli odrediti najopuštenijim i najdemokratičnijim dijelom namještaja ikad. Neizostavan je eksponat u muzejima diljem svijeta. “Sacco” je mekani, višenamjenski komad koji osvježava svaki interijer. Više nego što reflektira određeni životni stil, odraz je specifičnoga životnog stava. “Bezoblična fotelja” Paolinija, Gattija i Teodora jedan je od najznačajnijih primjera dizajna koji je utjelovio cijelu jednu eru, “kontaminirajući“ konvencije svakodnevnog življenja svojom ležernom nonšalancijom. Piero Gatti, Cesare Paolini, Franco Teodoro: Sacco, 1968 A CULT “SACK” This year marks the fortieth anniversary of one of the most relaxed and “democratic” pieces of furniture. “Sacco” is a soft, multifunctional piece that freshens up every interior. Much more than reflecting a certain lifestyle, it is created by a specific attitude towards life T Written by: Nataša Bodrožiæ he culture of sitting has been constant throughout history, but the ways and “styles” of sitting have been known to change. People haven’t been sitting in the exact same way over the course of history; for example, people from the Middle Ages were sitting differently than people from the Renaissance. The East and the West have different ways of sitting, the 1950s generation was sitting differently than the 1970s generation. The position of the body during the process of sitting is under the influence of social changes, economical elements and all those moments that generally affect human life. Middle of the twentieth century, the after-war renovation and optimism, rapid growth of various technologies, new materials, USA’s economy boom and its leading role in all the fields of consumption culture, industrial design and manufacturing – all these elements have led to some changes in the way people think about design. Gone was the era of “clients”, chosen members of higher classes that had exclusive access to design; what appeared could be called the consumption era and mass production. Design became omnipresent and “total”. Grey colours of the after-war past have withdrawn in favour of strong colours: pink, orange, blue and yellow appeared on walls, floors and furniture. Strict forms were replaced by those far more “relaxed”. Designers of that time have seriously studied the needs of the new social environment and embraced their role in economical growth and social progress. According to them, modern design needed to be classless, universal and accessible to all consumers. Post-war furniture had to be flexible and had to take up less space in order to agree with changed social needs. They had to consider growing population numbers and reduced sizes of residential spaces. In this period, design became much more Photo: www.zanotta.it Dizajneri Piero Gatti, Cesare Paolini i Franco Teodoro / Designers Piero Gatti, Cesare Paolini and Franco Teodoro 105 A piece of cult “Sacco” se proizvodi u različitim bojama / “Sacco” is produced in various colours developed in Europe as well. Italy emerged as one of the leading designer forces. Simultaneously to major industry growth, new design appeared on the market. It was supported by then-founded institutions like the Milan Triennale that functioned as “a showroom”, which frequently presented the works of leading Italian designers. A magazine named “Domus” was started as a place for exchanging ideas, discussions, and debates – it very much resembled a forum and it largely influenced the growth of the profession itself. Italian designers were often connected with radical, experimental modern design, which was largely enabled by the existence of small family firms. Craftsmen, carpenters, skilful furniture manufacturers had the opportunity to easily adjust to the production of modern furniture and respond to the needs of imaginative designer visions, while expenses were kept to a minimum. 106 Those precise characteristics of ability and adaptability have led to the view of experiments as legitimate designer moves, as even the most courageous ideas were taken all the way and models changed ever so quickly. Long story short, it all led to Italian design gaining, and then confirming, the reputation of one of the best, or at least most dynamical, design systems in the world. The 1968 political disturbances, student protests and radical changes that caught up with the world have certainly found their reflection in the everyday material reality, objects from the immediate environment, which includes furniture as well. One of the best examples of that is the cult “Sack”, more famous by the name “Sacco”. This “shapeless” piece of furniture – a sack even by name – filled with high-resistant little polystyrene balls so that it can adjust to any body or position, features the base that presents a radical change from previous forms, which had firm structure as their base. The leather sack actually reminds us of a large pillow or a semi-exhaled football. Piero Gatti, Cesare Paolini and Franco Teodoro created this cult object, which can also be interpreted as a metaphor of the post-modern attitude, as the enthusiasm of the post-68 generation slightly exhaled in favour of (mild) irony. The teamwork of three Italian designers, pranksters of serious intentions and visionaries, has created one of the most comfortable minimalist pieces of furniture, as well as one of the icons of the 1960s. “Sacco” is an object that is easily carried from one place to another, takes up very little room, possesses maximum flexibility and relatively low production expenses, as it very quickly became an unavoidable detail in teenagers’ rooms, children corners and funky interiors. Naturally, “Sacco” is still being manufactured, and it has just celebrated its fortieth birthday. It is produced by “Zanetta”, and they put it on a pedestal while also toying with the label of “anomalous” furniture. This “seat” presents the queen of informal decoration that recruits its audience, admirers and fans among the widest circles of society. Judging by its look and function, we could easily define it as the most relaxed and democratic piece of furniture ever. It is an unavoidable item in museums across the world. “Sacco” is a soft, multifunctional piece that freshens up every interior. Much more than reflecting a certain lifestyle, it is created by a specific attitude towards life. “The shapeless chair” by Paolini, Gatti and Teodoro is one of the most significant examples of design that embodied an entire era, while also “contaminating” conventions of everyday living with its casual nonchalance. 107 Dekoracije 108 EGIZIA, www.egizia.it Suradnja Paole Navone i Egizije urodila je serijom predivnih predmeta koji će malo koga ostaviti ravnodušnim. Na slici posuda “Chandi” / Cooperation between Paola Navone and Egizia produced a series of wonderful objects that will leave very few people feeling indifferent. The picture features the “Chandi” dish U boji srebra In the Colour of Silver ALESSI, www.alessi.com Posuda iz nove kolekcije “Mediterraneo” / A dish from the new “Mediterraneo” collection GEORG JENSEN, www.georgjensen.com Čajnik “Helena”, dizajn Helena Rohner / Teapot “Helena”, design Helena Rohner GEO Vaz RG JENS a E Vaz “Sakura N, www e “S .geo ” ,d aku ra”, izajn Hir rgjense desi o n gn H michi K .com o irom ichi nno / Kon no After the domination of gold, silver has returned into interiors with vengeance. The metal glow will bring in a breath of glamour and elegance into every home. They say the colour of silver has magical energy and that it delivers a calming and relaxing atmosphere. From tea kettles to chairs... look at our choices and choose your favourites. And make your home all shiny and new. Pripremila / Edited by: Ana Perišin Nakon vladavine zlata, srebro se vratilo u interijere u velikom stilu. Metalni sjaj unijet će dašak glamura i elegancije u svaki dom. Za srebrnu boju se kaže da ima magičnu energiju te da priziva smirenu i opuštajuću atmosferu. Od čajnika pa sve do sjedalica... pogledajte naš odabir te izaberite svoje favorite. I neka zasja i vaš dom. HELLER, www.helleronline.com Stol-skulptura “UltraCube” Franka Gehryja / Table-sculpture “UltraCube”, by Frank Gehry 109 Decorat ions IKEA, www.ikea.com Posude “Burken” ne trebate skrivati na manje vidljivo mjesto zbog svog zanimljivog izgleda, dizajn Ria Falk / Due to their appealing look, you don’t have to hide “Burken” dishes to a less visible spot, designed by Ria Falk 110 VIPP, www.vipp.dk Kante za smeće od nehrđajućeg čelika uz kuhinjske elemente od istog materijala / Garbage cans from non-corrosive steel with kitchen elements from the same material IKEA, www.ikea.com Lampa “Foto” od aluminija / Aluminijska lampa “Foto” / A “Foto” aluminium lamp ALESSI, www.alessi.com / MODUS, Tkalčićeva 48, Zagreb Plosnati držač ubrusa iz kolekcije “Cactus” / A Flat napkin holder from “Cactus”collection GE Jednost ORG JENSEN, w avnost p ww.geo rgjensen rije sveg Simplicit .c a, dizajn y come Søren G om s first, de eorg Je signed b nsen / y Søren Georg J ensen GEORG JENSEN, www.georgjensen.com Posude u obliku lista, dizajn Helle Damkjær / Bowls in a shape of leaf, designed by Helle Damkjær GEORG JENSEN, www.georgjensen.com Termoposuda od čelika i kroma, dizajn Sigvard Bernadotte / A thermo from steel and chrome, designed by Sigvard Bernadotte DRIADE, www.driade.com Starckova gospođica Lacy s cvjetnim uzorkom / Starck’s Miss Lacy with a floral sample IKE Me A, w Me taln ww ta e k .ike lb a ox utije .co es za m for sit litt nic le e thi / ng s 111 EGIZIA, www.egizia.it Poslužavnik sa setom za kavu inspiriran Dalekim istokom, iz kolekcije Ali Baba, dizajn Paola Navone / A tray with a coffee set inspired by the Far East, from the Ali Baba collection, designed by Paola Navone 112 .com IKEA, www.ikea ma “Aspvik” / či ta Ormarić s ko s “Aspvik” wheel A cabinet with Decorat ions Kultna lampa “Arco” iz 1962. / The cult “Arco” lamp from 1962 LUMENART, Veruda 60b, Pula, www.lumenart.net ALESSI, www.alessi.com MODUS, Tkalčićeva 48, Zagreb Posuda za voće “Cactus”, dizajn Marta Sansoni / Fruit basket “Cactus” IITTALA, www.alessi.com MODUS, Tkalčićeva 48, Zagreb Alvar Aaltovi valovi i u metalnoj varijanti / Alvar Aalt’s waves in the metal version ALESSI, www.alessi.com MODUS, Tkalčićeva 48, Zagreb Posuda za voće “Mediterraneo” / Fruit basket “Mediterraneo” STR A Kuh TO C i n Kitc ja “ UCINE ,w hen Evo “Ev lution ww.s t olu tion ”, diza ratoc jn M ucin ”, d e esig a n M rco G .com o arc o G rini / orin i 113 Nekret nine karta Hrvatske map of Croatia TUHELJSKE TOPLICE ZAGREB glavni grad / capital DUGO SELO BANKOVCI DRAGUĆ POREČ LABIN CRIKVENICA KRK GALIŽANA PULA LOŠINJ ZADAR TISNO ŠIBENIK ROGOZNICA TROGIR SEVID DRVENIK MALI SPLIT BRAČ MAKARSKA KORČULA 114 Nekret nine Nekret nine sadraj/contents BANKOVCI 116 str. BRAÈ 117 str. DRAGUÆ 119 str. DRVENIK MALI 120 str. DUGO SELO 121 str. GALIANA 122 str. KORÈULA 125 str. KRK 126 str. LABIN 127 str. LOŠINJ 129 str. MAKARSKA 130 str. posebna ponuda special offer Brač str. 118 POREÈ 131 str. PULA 132 str. ROGOZNICA 135 str. SEVID 138 str. SPLIT 139 str. ŠIBENIK 141 str. TISNO 146 str. TROGIR 147 str. TUHELJSKE TOPLICE ZADAR 152 str. ZAGREB 155 str. ZAMBRATIJA 160 str. 147 str Real est ate 115 Nekret nine Bankovci U Bankovcima kod Grožnjana se prodaju četiri novoizgrađene “stare“ kamene kuće. Izgrađene su do roh-bau faze, a svaka kuća ima od 500 do 550 m2 okućnice i ukupno 114 m2 neto površine u dvije etaže (P+1). Gradnja je vrhunska. Moguće su preinake po želji kupca u postupku dovršenja gradnje i izbor završnih obloga. Dovršenje obuhvaća sve završne radove, vanjski bazen cca 4x8 m, vanjsko uređenje, te parking s pergolom. Moguća je kupnja pojedinačnih kuća ili sve zajedno. Četvrta kuća još nije izgrađena i može se graditi prema željama kupca. Moguća je dopuna projekta izgradnjom garaže, podzemne vinoteke ili konobe i drugih tipično istarskih “hedonističkih“ sadržaja. In Bankovci, near Grožnjan there are four newly-built old stone houses. They are built till the roh-bau phase and each of them has 500 - 550 m2 of infield and surface of 114 m2 netto in two storeys. The building is of peek quality. A settler’s intervention during finalizing process is possible as well as the choice of the covering. The finalizing process includes all the final works, an external swimming pool cca 4x8 m, external arrangement and also parking and a balcony. The purchase is possible both of individual objects and all-together. The fourth house is not yet built and so can be with the respect of buyer’s wishes. Also the completion of the project is possible by building a garage, underground wine cellar or by some other tipically Istrian “hedonist” facilities. Cijena / Price: 330.000 € svaka / each Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 617 66 77, +385 (0)98 296 839, +385 (0)52 721 001 116 Nekret nine Brač Prodaje se konoba u Povljima, malome mjestu smještenom u dubokoj uvali nedaleko od istočne punte Brača. Konoba je napravljena u starodalmatinskom stilu (stolovi i klupe od punog hrasta te zidovi u bračkom kamenu). Unutrašnji dio konobe ima 66 m2, te se sastoji od kuhinje, šanka, spreme, dva WC-a i salona. Kapacitet konobe je 80 sjedećih mjesta. Konoba se nalazi na samoj rivi te postoji koncesija za stolove na rivi od 60 m2. Mogućnost kupnje na kredit. There is a tavern on sale in Povlji, which is a small town located in a deep bay not far from the eastern point of Brač. The tavern was made in archaic Dalmatian style (tables and benches from full oak and walls in Brač stone). The tavern’s interior has 66 m2 of surface, and it consists of the kitchen, bar, storage room, two bathrooms and saloon. Capacity of the tavern is 80 seats. The tavern is located at the main promenade itself and concession was issued for 60 m2 of tables at the main promenade. There is an option of purchasing on credit. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 582 426, +385 (0)91 210 8566, +385 (0)91 271 2006 117 Nekret nine Brač Na otoku Braču, u uvali Splitska, nalazi se zemljište površine od 450 m2 do 1020 m2 na kojem se grade atraktivne vile. Površine vila su od 110 m2 do 220 m2 i građene su u mediteranskom stilu. Pri gradnji su korišteni vrhunski materijali, a vile će biti opremljene s podnim grijanjem, klima-uređajima, dizajnerskim kupaonicama, vrhunskim kuhinjama, zidnim ormarima i neizravnom rasvjetom prostorija. Ispred vila je planirana izgradnja bazena, a okućnica će biti kultivirana. Završetak radova je planiran za rujan 2008. At a bay called Splitska on the island of Brač, we find a parcel with 450 m2 to 1020 m2 of surface where attractive villas are being built. The villas’ surfaces range from 110 m2 to 220 m2 and they are constructed in Mediterranean fashion. Top-quality materials were used during the construction process, and the villas will be equipped with floor heating, air conditioning, designer bathrooms, top-notch kitchens, wall closets and non-direct room lighting. There are plans to build a swimming pool in front of the villas, while the courtyard will be cultivated. The construction is planned to end in September of 2008. Cijena / Price: 350.000 - 695.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 455 330 118 Nekret nine Draguć Prodaje se veliko imanje na gotovo 18.000 m2, s tri objekta u dobrom stanju. Infrastruktura je napravljena. Pozicija je odlična, u blizini povijesnoga gradića Draguća; mikroklima je mediteranska. Na zemljištu su stabla smokve i maslina. Budući vlasnici imat će potpunu privatnost jer je zemljište zaštićeno od pogleda. Na zemljištu postoji mogućnost izgradnje elitnog turističkog objekta kao na slici. A large land lot is for sale of a total surface area of 18,000 m , with three facilities which are in good condition. Infrastucture has been made. Position is great, in short distance of the historical town of Draguć; the micro-climate is medditerranean. There are trees of figs and olives on the land lot. Future owners will have complete privacy because the lot is completely secured from unwanted looks. There is a possibilty to build an elite tourist facility on the lot, as seen in picture. Cijena / Price: 350.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 275 6072; +385 (0)91 730 4379 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������������������������� Rozi Hort Art ��������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� 119 Nekret nine Drvenik Mali Prodaje se dvoetažna kuća površine 212 m u centru Malog Drvenika (Trogir), sagrađena na zemljištu površine 1100 m2. Sastoji se od prizemlja i kata. U prizemlju su dnevni boravak s kuhinjom, četiri spavaće sobe, dvije kupaonice i terasa (40 m2). Na katu su dva dvosobna apartmana sa zasebnim ulazima. Svaki apartman ima po dva balkona. Kuća je potpuno obnovljena prije četiri godine, kompletno je uređena, te se nalazi u prvom redu uz more. 2 In the centre of Mali Drvenik (Trogir) there is two storeys house of 212 m2 for sale. The house is situated on the plot of land of 1100 m2. It comprises ground floor and first floor. In the ground floor there are living room with kitchen, four bedrooms, two bathrooms and terrace (40 m2). Two two-bedroom apartments with separated entry are located on the first floor. Each apartment has two balconies. House is completely renovated and arranged four years ago and it situated in the first row from the sea. Cijena / Price: 500.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 5397 012 120 Nekret nine Dugo Selo U Dugom Selu, pokraj Zagreba, prodaje se obiteljska kuća sa 450 m2 stambenog prostora, na zemljištu površine 2400 m2. Kuća ima pet spavaćih soba te, uza sve nužne prostorije, i sobu za fitness, konobu i kotlovnicu. U kući je korištena vrhunska stolarija, ručni rad. Vrt je besprijekorno održavan te će ujedno budućim vlasnicima pružiti potpunu privatnost. A family house of 450 m2, on a land lot of 2400 m2, in Dugo Selo, next to Zagreb, is for sale. The house features five bedrooms, along with all necessary rooms it possess a fitness room, celler and water boiler room. Throughout the house top quality joinery has been used, hand made. The garden has been kept impecabaly and will in turn offer the future owners complete privacy. Cijena / Price: 800.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 275 6072; +385 (0)91 730 4379 121 Nekret nine Galižana U mjestu udaljenom pet kilometara od Pule prodaju se vile s bazenima, u izgradnji, svaka na parceli od 600 m2, stambene površine 170 m2. Vile se sastoje od prizemlja i prvog kata. U prizemlju se nalaze kuhinja, blagovaonica, dnevni boravak, spavaća soba s kupaonicom i terasa s prekrasnim pogledom na more. Na prvom katu su dvije spavaće sobe od kojih svaka ima kupaonicu. Objekti će biti pod videonadzorom te je predviđen vrtlar i kućni majstor. In the settlement five kilometers away from Pula there is a development consisting of villas with swimming pools, each on the plot of land 600 m2 and each has a living space of 170 m2. Villas comprise of ground and first floor. On the ground floor there are kitchen, dinning room, lounge, bedroom with bathroom and terrace with wonderful sea view. On the first floor there are two bedrooms each having its own bathroom. Units will be eqipped by video-monitiring system and gardener and janitor are planned. Cijena / Price: 312.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 981 8484 122 Ambient ndalusian capital Seville is the centre of a region in which two different cultural backgrounds have constantly intertwined throughout history – only to finally find a way for a happy coexistence that does a lot of good for both sides. The Arabian component, which has firmly attached itself to the European ground, has conquered the centuries-long gap that stood for the overflow of people, ideas and talents from the African continent. With its position that is equally oriented towards the Mediterranean, Gibraltar and the Atlantic, picturesque and mystical Andalusia has always served as that natural, unavoidable “control point” that received these resources to Europe. The development of multicultural life in Seville during the 16th and 17th century has created the need for public, institutionalised accommodation of newly arrived, “non-Christian” groups (predominantly Arabic), which signalled the organized beginning of constructing specific objects for that purpose. These objects could accommodate from 100 to 500 people, mostly of lower social statuses, and the process of construction already paid a lot of attention to matters of hygiene and all other safety matters of both the community and the people that lived in these objects, as there were many potential dangers and challenges that could have been created by this social boom. This historical-architectonic phenomenon has lately been rightfully treated by the profession as a unique tourist and catering potential for the city and the region, so the idea of a possible transformation of such a building into a hotel provoked an immediate reaction – hotel Las Casas del Rey de Baeza in Seville is a powerful and popular product of such a contemporary way of thinking. Like in the majority of cases when a facility is being presented as attractive so that it can “sell” a national, cultural and traditional story, value or experience, the owner and performer of the renovation work, company Hospes Hotels and Moments, has decided to use Seville to combine past and present, primal and contemporary… The hotel’s name originates from way back in the thirteenth century when King “Saint” Ferdinand the Third awarded some houses (Las Casas) in Seville to King Baeza in appreciation for the war help during the town siege. Naturally, those houses have grown and been annexed since those days, originally to be worthy of the royal majesty, and afterwards to accommodate numerous (Arabian) families. Located in the historical city centre of Seville, the hotel retains all the important features of the traditional local architectonic LAS CASAS DEL REY DE BAEZA Like in the majority of cases when a facility is being presented as attractive so that it can “sell” a national, cultural and traditional story, value or experience, the owner and performer of the renovation work, company Hospes Hotels and Moments, has decided to use Seville to combine past and present, primal and contemporary… Photo: www.designhotels.com 70 Interiors Samo A Rustikalnost i minimalizam zaokružuju generalni dojam hotelskog interijera / Rusticity and minimalism round up the general impression of the hotel’s interior Heritage in the Service of Design Written by: Nikola Èelan Nekret nine Spomenik palima u Domovinskom ratu i spomenik Dobri Dobriše Cesarića / Monument to fallen Heroes of the War for independence - statue of Dobriša Cesarić is r / White dobar izbo d choice, je uvijek goo Bijela boja always a M any people originally associate Slavonia with a jokingly twisted hat, nice and “soft” plum brandy, a good piece of local bread, cheese and pork sausage to go along with the boiboi ling fish stew. And while you’re relishing your poppy-seed cake in the end, you find yourself glancing across vast grain fields, while your ear enjoys the sounds of a tambutambu ritza. A lovely story in which everyone, just for a moment, becomes the famous Knight of the Slavonian Lowlands, the righteous and brave hero from one of the novels by Marija Jurić Zagorka. Those people that have sampled “our lowlands” always produce a wise smirk at those roro mantic assumptions, for they know that any visitor will rere member all these things for a long time. The same goes for the City of Osijek, the capital of Slavonia. Seemingly peaceful and slightly mysterious, it behaves like a true gentleman as it waits to demonstrate his true colours right before conquering your heart for good. ce Is the m – Spa ing lis a im in M luable Th Most Va Received Its Name After “The Ebb Tide” Osijek is located in the sub-Danube area, on the right coast of river Drava, a little further off the mouth of DaDa nube. With more than 115 thousand people and a rich economical and cultural dimension, the city is the centre of the Osijek-Baranja County and the entire Eastern CroCro 275,00 kn Rasvjeta u hotelu maksimalno je prilagođena otvorenome / The hotel lighting is completely adjusted to the open spaces Neutralni i nenametljivi kolorit je posvuda / Neutral and unassuming colours are everywhere 12 brojeva Svaka soba u hotelu dizajnirana je individualno / Each room in the hotel has been individually designed 71 Advent ure atia. The name Osijek originates from the Middle Ages, and it stands for “the ebb tide” (“oseka”) – a place that is dry, elevated and pleasant for inhabitation, and people recognized those qualities about this territory 800 years ago, which signalled the birth of the city that always drew attention with its special characteristics and rich culture. During the Ottoman occupation, Osijek became world-famous for its wooden bridge, “a world wonder” that is eight kilometres long and has been constructed by 25 thousand people, and that spread itself across Drava and the Baranja swamps, from Osijek to Darda. In the early 18th century, Osijek witnessed the opening of a Latin Gymnasium, as well as the first printing office and University of Theology and Philosophy, which eventually gave birth to our great poet Dobriša Cesarić and Nobel Prize winners Vladimir Prelog and Lavoslav Ružička. The year 1866 saw the opening of the first planned theatre building, which is the oldest in the whole inside of Croatia. It was designed by Karlo Klausner, and it is characterized by a touch of historicism and some additional elements of Arabesque architecture. The Osijek Theatre has its regular ensemble since December 7th 1907. Up until the middle of the 19th century, Osijek was the biggest and most developed city in Croatia, and now it occupies the high fourth position. ZAŠTO SE PRETPLATITI NA DALCASU? ��������������������������� �������������������� ���������������������������������� ������������������������������� ������������������������������������ 47 96 � � ��� � � � � � � � � � � � ��� � � � �� � � � � � ��������� ����������������������������������������������� ������������������������������� ���������������� ������������ ������������������������ ������ �������������� ������� ��������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ������ ������ ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������������� 123 Nekret nine ��������������� ������������� Samo 275,00 kn 12 brojeva �������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� 124 www.dalcasa.com HRVATSKI MAGAZIN ZA NEKRETNINE / CROATIAN REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE BROJ/EDITION 33 CIJENA 25 KN PRICE 5 € � � ��� � � � � � � � � � � � ��� � � � �� � � � � � OŽUJAK/MARCH 2008 SVE O STAMBENIM KREDITIMA ALL ABOUT HOUSING LOANS WELLNESS U VLASTITOM DOMU WELLNESS IN YOUR HOME MINIMALIZAM MINIMALISM NAJBOLJI IZBOR NEKRETNINA THE BESTREAL ESTATE OFFER ISSN 1845-2086 9771845208005 ��������������� ������������� ����������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������� ������� ������������� ����������� Nekret nine Korčula U mjestu Korčuli, na istočnoj strani istoimenog otoka, prodaje se stara kamena kuća na četiri etaže, ukupne stambene površine 200 m2. Kuća je u samom središtu mjesta, a sastoji se od prizemlja, dva kata i potkrovlja s terasom koja ima prekrasan pogled na Orebić, poluotok Pelješac i marinu. Između etaža su drveni podovi i potrebno je kompletno renoviranje kuće. Udaljena je 120 metara od mora te je idealna za bavljenje turizmom ili za odmor u ljetnim mjesecima, dok je prizemlje pogodno za poslovni prostor. In the town of Korčula, which is located on the eastern side of the island of the same name, we find an old stone house for sale, featuring four storeys and 200 m2 of residential surface. The house is located in the very centre and it consists of the ground floor, two floors and a loft, which features a terrace that wonderfully overlooks Orebić, the peninsula Pelješac and the marina. There are wooden floors in between the storeys and the house is in need of complete renovation. It is 120 meters from the sea, and it is ideal for tourism work or for a vacation in those summer months, while the ground floor works very well as a business premise. Cijena / Price: 350.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 360 260 125 Nekret nine Krk U manjem turističkom mjestu, Malinskoj na otoku Krku, prodaje se atraktivna samostojeća obiteljska kuća stambene površine 140 m2, s dva trosobna apartmana od 60 m2 jedan u prizemlju i jedan na katu te suterenom od 20 m2. Kuća je smještena na parceli veličine 571 m2, 350 m udaljenoj od plaže, na kojoj je uređen parking za tri automobila, vrtna terasa površine 30 m2 s grillom, održavano zelenilo s travnjakom, palmama i mediteranskim grmljem, ograđeno kamenim zidom i kovanom ogradom. Kuća ima svu vlasničku i građevinsku dokumentaciju, uporabnu dozvolu i kategorizaciju za apartmane. In a smaller tourist town called Malinska on the island of Krk, we find an attractive detached family house for sale. Its residential surface is 140 m2, and it consists of two three-room apartments with 60 m2 of surface, one of which is on the ground floor and one on the upper floor, as well as of a 20 m2 basement. The house is located on a parcel that takes up 571 m2 and is 350 metres away from the beach, and the parcel features three parking spaces, a 30 metre garden terrace with a grill, maintained greenery with a lawn, palms and Mediterranean plants, as well as an enclosing stone wall and wrought-iron fence. The house has all the necessary ownership and construction documentation, as well as a usage licence and apartment categorisation. Cijena / Price: 490.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 547 4709 126 Nekret nine Labin Prodaje se rezidencijalna vila u istarskom zaselku, s fantastičnim pogledom na more i brda. Labin je udaljen 4 km, a turistički centar u Rapcu 8 km. Vila je izgrađena na mirnoj i pažljivo odabranoj lokaciji, zaštićenoj od vjetra. There is a residential villa in a small Istrian village with a fantastic view over the sea and the hills. Labin is 4 km away, while the ourism centre in Rabac in 8 km away. The villa is located on a peaceful, carefully chosen spot, which is protected from the wind. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 511 2879 127 Nekret nine ��������������������������� ����������������������� ����������������������������� �������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ������� ��� ������� ��� ������������ ������ ����� ��������� ���������� ����� ��� ������� ����������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� �������������������������� ��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ������������� ��� ���������� ��� ������� ���� ���������������������������������������� ������ ������ ����� ���� ������� ������������ ������ ����� ��� ������������ ����������� ��������������������� Useljenje: zima 2008. �������������������������� Cijena: od 2600 € / m��2 ������������������� ������ ����� ������������ ��� ������ ������ ��� ��� ����������� �������� ����� ��� ����������� ������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ��������������������������� ����� ��� ���� ������������� ����� �������� ����� ��� ��� ��� ������� �������� ��������� ����������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ��������� ���� ���������� ����� ������ ��������������������������������������� ���� ������ ���� ���� ���� �������� �������� ������ ������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ������������������������������������� ����������������� ����������������������� ���������������������� ����������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ���������������� ����������������������� ���������������������������������� 128 ���������������������� ������������������� �������������������� Nekret nine Lošinj Na uskoj prevlaci koja spaja otoke Cres i Lošinj, prodaje se stara kamena kuća. Smještena je u samoj povijesnoj jezgri grada Osora. Kuća se sastoji od tri etaže površine 210 m2, tavana površine 72 m2 te dva balkona od 15 m2. Kuća je građena na prijelazu iz 15. u 16. stoljeće i zidana je od debelih kamenih blokova. Na zidu dnevne sobe u prizemlju se nalaze dvije freske s početka 19. stoljeća. U početku su u kući boravili crkveni vjerodostojnici da bi nakon toga kuća bila stan osorskih biskupa. Kada se biskupija preselila, kuća dolazi u vlasništvo imućne osorske obitelji koja je kuću prenamijenila u jednu od najpoznatijih konoba i prenoćišta na Jadranu. Kuća je posljednjih pola stoljeća u vlasništvu prodavateljeve obitelji. Uz kuću se prodaje i sav pripadajući namještaj iz 19. i 20. stoljeća. On a narrow land bridge that connects the islands of Cres and Lošinj, there is an old stone house for sale. It is located right in the historical centre of the town of Osor. The house consists of three storeys with 210 m2 of surface, as well as a 72 m2 attic and two 15 m2 balconies. The house was originally built in the late 15th/early 16th century, and thick stone blocks were used during the process. On the wall of the ground-floor living room, we find two frescoes from the early 19th century. In the beginning, church officials were residing in the house, and after that the house served as an apartment of the Osor bishops. When the Bishopric moved, the house came into possession of a wealthy Osor family, which redefined the house as one of the most famous taverns and hostels at the Adriatic. Over the last half of the century, the house was owned by the seller’s family. The sale also includes all the accompanying furniture from the 19th and 20th century. Cijena / Price: 770.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 233 815, +385 (0)91 769 5650 www.delfin-immo.hr 129 Nekret nine Makarska Prodaju se ekskluzivni apartmani u vili u Makarskoj. Preostalo je još šest apartmana površina od 37 do 67 m2. Apartmani su vrhunski uređeni, s predivnim pogledom na more. Udaljenost od plaže je samo 40 metara. Exclusive apartments in a villa are for sale in Makarska. Six more apartments have been left over with a surface of 37 to 67 m2. The apartments are luxouriously furnished, and possess a beautiful view of the sea. Distance from the beach is only 40 meteres. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 730 4378; +385 (0)91 213-3010; +385 (0)9 812-515 130 Nekret nine Poreč Prodaje se predivna luksuzna vila u izgradnji, stambene površine 216 m2, na udaljenosti 15 km od Poreča, pokraj urbanističke zone. Vila se nalazi na zemljištu površine 4200 m2, a sastoji od prostranog prizemlja i prvog kata, gdje spadaju četiri spavaće sobe i tri kupaonice. Rustikalnim stilom gradnje savršeno se uklapa u okoliš, a bazen površine 62 m2 i jacuzzi daju joj poseban šarm. Okućnicu čini predivan travnjak, a cijelo hortikulturno uređenje je potpuno u skladu sa stilom gradnje. A beautiful luxiouros villa , still under construction, is on sale , with a residential surface of 216 m2, located at a 15km distance from Poreč, next to the urban zone. The villa is located on a land lot of 4200 m2, and is made up of a spacious ground floor and first floor, where there are four bedrooms and three bathrooms. With its rustical style of building it blends into the environment perfectly, and a special charm is created by the pool of 62 m2 and jacuzzi. A beautiful lawn surrounds the house, and the entire horticulture is in complete sync with the building style. Cijena / Price: 550.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 169 0882 131 Nekret nine Pula Nadomak središta Pule prodaje se Villa Arena s 20 stanova, na lokaciji s direktnim pogledom na amfiteatar. Orijentacija je istok-zapad. Stanovi su projektirani u nekoliko varijanti: osam dvosobnih i 12 trosobnih. Stanovi su raspoređeni na tri kata, uz podzemnu etažu. Uz 10 garaža u njoj, osigurano je i 10 nadzemnih mjesta. Oprema stanova je vrhunska. Close to the centre of Pula, we find a 20 apartment Villa Arena for sale, and it is positioned on a location that provides a direct view to the Amphitheater. It is oriented in the east-west manner. The apartments have been projected in several options: eight of them have two rooms, while there are twelve three-room apartments. The apartments are arranged over three floors, along with the underground level. Along with the 10 garages, there are also 10 aboveground spaces. The apartments are furnished in highest quality. Cijena / Price: 1500-1900 €/m2 Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 198 03 04 132 Nekret nine Pula U najelitnijem dijelu Pule, nadomak morske obale, u neposrednoj blizini gradske šetnice Lungomare, prodaje se reprezentativna Villa Laguna (u izgradnji). Stanovi su raspoređeni na tri kata i projektirani u nekoliko varijanti: dvosobni (14) i troiposobni i četverosobni dvoetažni (6), uz podzemnu parking-etažu. Oprema stana je vrhunska. In the most elite section of Pula, close to the coast and right next to the city’s promenade Lungomare, we find the representative Villa Laguna (in construction) for sale. The apartments have been positioned over three floors and projected in several options: two room apartments (14), 3,5 room and two-storey four-room apartments (6), along with the underground parking level. The apartments have been furnished in highest quality. Cijena / Price: 1750-2150 €/m2 Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 360 260, +385 (0)91 198 03 03 133 Nekret nine Pula U Puli se prodaje tradicionalna istarska kamena kuća, 30 metara udaljena od plaže. Sastoji se od dva stana s tri spavaće sobe, kuhinjom s blagovaonicom / dnevnim boravkom, dvije spavaće sobe i terasom s izravnim pogledom na more. Kuća je izgrađena od provjerenih, suvremenih materijala, u kombinaciji s elementima stare, tradicionalne izvedbe. There is a traditional Istrian stone house on sale in Pula, and it is positioned 30 metres from the beach. It consists of two apartments with three bedrooms, kitchen with dining room / living room, two bedrooms and a terrace that directly overlooks the sea. The house was built from confirmed and contemporary materials, combined with elements of the old, traditional construction. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 511 2879 �������� ���������������� �� �������������������� �� ���������������������������� ��������������������������� �� ��������������������������� ������������������������� �� �������������������������� ������������������ ���������� ��������������������� ��������������������� ���������������������� ��������������������� ��������������������� 134 Nekret nine Rogoznica Prodaje se projekt vile u mediteranskom stilu u Rogoznici, rad poznatog arhitekta, na tri etaže i cca 180 m2 na parceli od 800 m2. Vila se nalazi u centru mjesta, ali na mirnoj lokaciji. Već s prvog kata pruža se predivan pogled na more, Marinu Frapu i rogoznički zaljev. Udaljenost od mora je samo 100 m. Izgradnja vile je počela krajem prošle godine, a gradnja i kompletno uređenje okoliša će trajati oko godinu dana. Pri gradnji se koriste vrhunski materijali, autohtoni kamen, drvo, kvalitetni parket te talijanska keramika. Okoliš će biti hortikulturalno uređen. There is a project for a villa being sold in a mediterrenean style in Rogoznica, the work of a famous architect, on three stories and cca 180 m2 on a land lot of 800 m2. The villa is located in the centre of the town, in a quiet location. A beautiful view of the sea is offered already on the first floor, Marina Frape and the Rogoznica bay. Distance from the sea is only 100 m. The construction of the villa began at the end of last year, and the construction and completion of the entire area will last for about a year. Top quality materials are being used during construction, indigenous stone, wood, high quality parquet floors as well as Italian ceramics. The outdoors will be designed horticulturally. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 254 5962 135 Nekret nine Rogoznica Prodaje se kuća na tri etaže u centru Rogoznice s pogledom na stari dio mjesta. U prizemlju je jedan apartman (tri sobe, kupaonica, kuhinja + dnevni boravak). Na prvom katu su dva apartmana (jedna spavaća soba, kupaonica, kuhinja, dva balkona). Drugi kat ima jedan apartman (dvije spavaće sobe, kupaonica, kuhinja, dnevni boravak, tri balkona). Svi apartmani su površine od 75 m2 te imaju izvrstan pogled na more. Ukupna stambena površina objekta je 250 m2, a površina parcele na kojoj se objekt nalazi iznosi 230 m2. A three story house in the centre of Rogoznica, with a view of the old area is for sale. There is one apartment on the ground floor (three rooms, bathroom, kitchen + living room). On the first floor there are two apartments (one bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and two balconies). The second floor has one apartment (two bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, living room, three balconies). All of the apartments are 75 m2 and have an excellent sea view. The total living area of the facility is 250 m2, and the area of the land lot on which the facility is located amounts to 230 m2. Cijena / Price: 670 000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 254 5962 136 Nekret nine Sevid Prodaje se kuća u Sevidu, na potpunoj osami. Stambena površina iznosi 110 m2, a sama parcela ima 1000 m2. Kuća ima pristupni put, a ispred kuće su mul i prostor za izvlačenje broda na samu parcelu. Plaža je udaljena 100 m. Kuća koristi solarnu energiju. A house in Sevid is for sale, located in complete remoteness. Residential surface amounts to 110 m2, and the land lot itself is a surface of 1000 m2. The house has easy access, and there is a pier and area for placing a boat on the lot itself. The sea is distanced 100 m. The house uses solar energy. Cijena / Price: 700.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 898 0302 138 Nekret nine Split U neposrednoj blizini gradskog centra Split 3, sveučilišnog kampusa Visoka, velikih šoping-centara, sjedišta Splitske banke, bolnice Križine i nekoliko stotina metara od gradskih plaža Firule, Trstenik i Žnjan, prodaje se luksuzni sunčani stan, površine 107 m², u maloj zgradi u Getaldićevoj ulici. Stan je orijentacije sjever-jug i dvoetažni. Ima dnevni boravak od 34 m², tri spavaće sobe, kuhinju, veliku kupaonicu, garderobu i na jugu terasu od 14 m² te manji balkon za sušenje rublja i jedan sjeverni balkon. Lokacija je idealna za školsku djecu jer do obližnje škole mogu ići pješačkim ulicama. Blizina fakulteta je pogodna za studente. Stan je nedavno kompletno renoviran, klimatiziran, i odmah je useljiv. Moguća je i adaptacija u dva stana. In close proximity to the city centre Split 3, university campus Visoka, large shopping centres, main branch of the Split bank, Križine hospital and distanced at a few hundred metres from the city beaches Firule, Trstenik and Žnjan there is a luxiours, sun filled apartment for sale, surface of 107 m2, in a small building in Getaldićeva street. The apartment is oriented north-south and is a two story. It features a living room of 34 m2, three bedrooms, kitchen, large bathroom, wardrobe and a south terrace of 14m2 and a smaller balcony for laundry drying and one balcony on the north side. The location is ideal for school children because of walking distance of the local school. The proximity of the university is ideal for students. The apartment has been recently completely renovated, air conditioned and is available immeditately. Adaptations are possible in two apartments. Cijena / Price: 285.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 500 3117, +385 (0)98 677 654 139 Nekret nine �������������������������� ������������������������������ ������������������� ���������������������������� �������������������������� �������������������������� ������������������������� 140 ������������������������� Nekret nine Šibenik Prodaje se kamena kuća “Dionis” u Šibeniku. Kuća je građena u originalnom dalmatinskom stilu, na tri kata, ukupne površine 170 m2. Uz četiri sobe, tu su velika dvorana za zabave, sauna, fitness te lijep vinski podrum. Posebnu joj draž daje bazen u dvorištu. Udaljenost od mora je oko 2000 m, a osim vrta i bazena, iz kuće se pruža fantastičan pogled na more te zalaske sunca. There is a stone house “Dionis” for sale in Šibenik. The house was built in an original Dalmatian style, with three floors and 170 m2 of residential surface. Along with four rooms, we find a large entertainment hall, sauna, fitness, and a lovely wine cellar. A special dimension is provided by a swimming pool in the courtyard. The sea is about 2000 metres away, and besides the garden and the swimming pool, the house provides a fantastic view over the sea and wonderful sunsets. Cijena / Price: 440.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 231 911 141 Nekret nine Šibenik U Šibeniku se prodaje renovirana obiteljska kuća ukupne površine 180 m2, izgrađena 1900. godine. Kuća je klimatizirana, s unutarnjim kamenim stubištem te sa solarnim grijanjem za toplu vodu. Sastoji se od prizemlja, kata i potkrovlja. U prizemlju su dnevni boravak s blagavaonicom i kuhinjom, jedna spavaća soba i ljetna kuhinja s WC-om te dvor od 35 m2. Na katu su dnevni boravak s blagovaonicom i kuhinjom, spavaća soba, kupaonica i velika terasa. U potkrovlju su dnevni boravak s blagovaonicom, kuhinja, dvije spavaće sobe i kupaonica. There is a renovated family house for sale in Šibenik with 180 m2 of overall surface, and it was built in 1900. The house has air conditioning, as well as the inside stone staircase and solar heating for hot water. It consists of the ground floor, which features the living room with dining room and kitchen, and one bedroom. The ground floor also features a summer kitchen with a toilet, and a 35 m2 backyard. The upper floor reveals a living room with dining room and kitchen, as well as bedroom, bathroom and a large terrace. The loft features a living room with dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms and bathroom. Cijena / Price: 320.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)22 213 506, +385 (0)91 754 43 13 142 Nekret nine Šibenik U Šibeniku se prodaje moderno uređena vila s 350 m2 stambenog prostora, bazenom i teniskim terenom. Parcela je površine 20.000m2 i kompletno je uređena, a na raspolaganju je parking i garaža. Vila izvana izgleda kao dvorac, okružena je borovima, a udaljena je 2 km od centra Šibenika i 1 km od mora. There is a modern villa in Šibenik with the living space of 350 m2 of surface, a pool and a tennis court. A parcel is 20.000 m2 of surface and is completely decorated, with a parking place and a garage. From the outside villa looks like a castle, surrounded with the pine trees and only 2 km far from the Šibenik center and 1 km from the sea. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 314 037, +385 (0)91 932 45 68 fotografije, skice, dimenzije, opisi i cijene * više od 9.000 proizvoda * planer rasporeda namještaja * prodajna mjesta Varaždin Koprivnica Virovitica Zagreb Ðakovo Umag Poreè Buzet Opatija Labin Žminj Rijeka Bakar Crikvenica Krk Osijek Požega Sl. Brod Pula Vinkovci ÐIRIMO MREÞU PARTNERA - PRODAJNIH MJESTA GDJE MOÞETE VIDJETI I KUPITI PRODAJNE PROGRAME PREDSTAVLJENE NA PORTALU ambient.hr www.ambient.hr NAMJEŠTAJ I BIJELA TEHNIKA ONLINE Zadar NAMJEŠTAJ Šibenik Split BIJELA TEHNIKA BIJELA TEHNIKA Makarska 1 . Opuzen Dubrovnik ILES IDRIJA 143 Nekret nine Šibenik Prodaju se novoizgrađeni apartmani na Brodarici, udaljeni samo 30 metara od mora. Od ukupno devet stambenih jedinica, slobodna su još samo dva apartmana od 47 m2 (sa po dvije odvojene spavaće sobe s dnevnim boravkom i kuhinjom), oba na prvom katu. Iz apartmana se pruža predivan pogled na more. U opremi su protuprovalna vrata, aluminijska stolarija, inverter klimatizacijski uređaji, jedno parkirališno mjesto, talijanske pločice prve klase, inoks ograde... Lokacija zgrade predstavlja savršen spoj mira i blizine grada (4 km južno od Šibenika), dok su na dohvat ruke caffe bar i šljunčana plaža (udaljena cca 150 m), te u cijeloj Dalmaciji po morskim delicijama poznati restoran “Zlatna ribica”. Newly built apartments are for sale on Brodarica, distanced from the sea at only 30 metres. Of a total of nine residential units, there are only two more apartments of 47 m2 available (each featuring two seperate bedrooms with living room and kitchen), both on the first floor. A beautiful view is featured from the apartments. Included are security doors, aluminum joinery, air conditioning, one parking space, Italian ceramic tiles of the highest quality, fences made of inox… The location of the building offers the perfect combination of peace and city availability (4km south of Šibenik), while offering a caffe bar and pebble beach at a short distance away (distance of cca 150m), as well as the resteraunt “Zlatna ribica“ well known throughout of Dalmatia. Cijena / Price: 2500 €/m2 Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0) 91 254 5962 145 Nekret nine Tisno U Tisnome, srednjodalmatinskom gradiću, samo nekoliko metara od mora, gradi se ekskluzivni objekt s 11 jednosobnih apartmana s privatnim terasama. Zgrada se gradi po najvišim standardima, što uključuje najbolje arhitekte i najkvalitetnije materijale. Sa svake terase se pruža jedinstven pogled na more, a što objekt čini posebno zanimljivim jest njegova lokacija, prvi red do mora. Za svaki apartman u cijenu je uključeno i jedno mjesto za parkiranje. Završetak gradnje je predviđen za jesen ove godine, kada će apartmani biti potpuno spremni za useljenje.Veličine apartmana variraju od 34 m2 do 56 m2 (uključujući terase), a raspoređeni su na četiri etaže. Svaki apartman se sastoji od dnevnog boravka, kuhinje, kupaonice, spavaće sobe, hodnika, terase + parkirališno mjesto. In Tisno, a middle Dalmatian town, just a few meteres distanced from the sea, an exclusive facility is being built with eleven, one bedroom apartments with private terraces.The building is being built according to the highest standards, which includes the best architects and highest quality materials. Each terrace offers a unique sea view, and what makes the facility of special interest is its location, first row to the sea. Each apartment possesses its own parking space, which is included in the price. Completion of construction is predicted for the fall of this year, when the apartments will be completely ready for occupancy. The size of the apartments vary from 34 m2 to 56 m2 (including terraces), and are placed on four floors. Each apartment is made up of a living room, kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms, hallway, terrace + parking space. Cijena / Price: 3000 EUR/m2 Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0) 91 254 5962 146 Nekret nine Trogir Prodaje se prekrasna vila s bazenom na otoku Čiovu, udaljena od mora samo 25 metara. Stambena površina vile je 190 m2, a ukupna površina parcele 500 m2. Uz bazen od 26 m2, vila posjeduje vanjski jacuzzi s grijanjem za pet osoba te unutarnji jacuzzi za dvije osobe. U sanitarnim čvorovima je postavljeno podno grijanje, a vila je opremljena i videonadzorom A beautiful villa on the island of Čiovo is for sale, distance from sea, only 25 meters. The residential surface of the villa is 190 m2, and the total land lot surface area is 500 m2. With a pool of 26 m2, the villa features an outside jacuzzi with heating for five people along with an indoor jacuzzi for two people. Each of the bathroom areas are equipped with floor heating, and the villa is equipped with security cameras. Cijena / Price: 850.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 898 0302 147 Nekret nine Trogir U blizini Trogira, uz samo more, prodaje se predivna višeetažna vila Kleopatra. U vili su smještena tri stana. Pri uređenju su korišteni samo najkvalitetniji materijali. Ispred vile je bazen i jaccuzi te uređena okućnica s mnoštvom cvijeća i palmi. Vila ima sobu za fitness, vlastiti vez za brodice te mnoštvo terasa. Just by the sea near Trogir, there is the wonderful multi-storey Villa Kleopatra for sale. The villa consists of three apartments. Only materials of the utmost quality were used during the process of construction. In front of the villa, we find a swimming pool and a jacuzzi, as well as a decorated courtyard with plenty of flowers and palm trees. The villa has a fitness room, its own boat mooring and plenty of terraces. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquir y Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 385 049 149 Nekret nine Predbilježite se za svoju budućnost! � � � �� � � � ���� ������������ ������������������������ �������������� ���� ��������������� �������� ��� ���������� �������� ����� ������� ����������� ���������������������������� ������������� �� ����������� ��� ��� ���� ��������� ��������� ���� �� ���� ������ ������������ ��� ������ ��������� �� ������� ��� ����� ���������� ����������������������������������������������������� �� ����������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������� �� �� ������� ��� ���� �������� �� �� �������� ����������� �������� ��� ������������������������������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������������� �������������� 150 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Nekret nine Tuheljske toplice U malom selu nedaleko Tuheljskih toplica prodaje se dvoetažna kuća čija stambena površina iznosi 200 m2. Prizemlje se sastoji od kuhinje, ostave, prostranog dnevnog boravka površine 40 m2, dvije spavaće sobe, kupaonice i garaže. Na katu se nalazi pet soba i kupaonica. Kuća je smještena na parceli površine 980 m2. Oko kuće se nalazi održavana okućnica s cvijećem na kojoj je smještena pušnica i ljetna kuhinja s natkrivenim roštiljem. Kuća ima centralno plinsko grijanje, telefon, vodu, struju i kanalizciju. There is a two-storey house for sale in a small village near Tuheljske Toplice, with about 200 m2 of residential surface. The ground floor consists of the kitchen, pantry, spacious living room that takes up 40 m2, two bedrooms, bathroom and garage. The upper floor features five bedrooms and a bathroom. The house was built on a parcel with 980 m2 of surface. There is a maintained courtyard full of flowers around the house, and it features a smokehouse and a summer kitchen with a covered grill. The house has central gas heating, telephone, water, electricity and a sewage system. Cijena / Price: 180.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 376 8859, +385 (0)1 376 8854 151 Nekret nine Zadar U Zadru se prodaje pet luksuznih stanova u urbanoj dvokatnoj vili na području Borika, 150 metara udaljenoj od mora. Zgrada se nalazi na parceli površine 526 m2, a dio stanova je etažiran. Svakom stanu pripada parking ili garaža te spremište. Stanovi imaju klimu te etažno centralno grijanje. There are five luxurious apartments for sale in the Borik area in Zadar, and they can be found in an urban two-storey villa just 150 metres from the sea. The building was built on a 526 m2 parcel, and some of the apartments have been legally processed. Every apartment receives a parking space or garage, as well as a pantry. Apartments have air conditioning and storey central heating. Cijena / Price: 2500 €/m2 Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 360 260, +385 (0)91 198 03 03 152 Nekret nine Zadar U blizini Zadra prodaje se predivna i prostrana vila na tri etaže, s 266,60 m2 stambene površine. Vila se sastoji od četiriju apartmana koji imaju izlaz na prostrane terase s ukupno 145,20 m2 površine. U prizemlju su dva apartmana, jedan s dvije spavaće sobe od 91,40 m2 i drugi s jednom spavaćom sobom od 51,50 m2. Preko cijelog prvog kata i potkrovlja prostire se po jedan apartman s dvije spavaće sobe, površina 148,30 m2 (prvi kat) i 120,60 m2 (potkrovlje). U kvadraturu svih apartmana uključena je i površina terasa. Vile imaju predivan pogled na more. Cijeli posjed je uređen s velikom pažnjom, posebno vrt koji je zasađen mediteranskim kulturama. Prostrana okućnica podijeljena je na parkiralište (110 m2), dvorište i vrt (300 m2). In the vicinity of Zadar there is beautiful and spacious three storeys villas with 266,60 m2 living area. Villa consists of four apartments which have access on spacious terraces with total surface of 145,20 m2. In the ground floor there are two apartments, one with two bedrooms surface of 91,40 m2 and the second with one bedroom surface of 51,50 m2. On the first floor and on the loft there are two two-bedroom apartments surfaces of 148,30 and 120,60 m2 that extends over the entire storeys. The surface of all apartments includes surfaces of terraces. Villas have beautiful sea view. The whole estate is decorated with special care, especially the garden with Mediterranean plants. Spacious courtyard is divided on parking place of 110 m2, courtyard and a garden (300 m2). Cijena / Price: 1.200.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 376 8859, +385 (0)1 376 8854 153 Nekret nine Zagreb U Zagrebu se prodaje četverosobni stan površine 159 m2, u središtu grada, u blizini Trga bana Jelačića, s pogledom na Ilicu. Nalazi se na prvom katu i potrebno mu je renoviranje. Idealan je za poslovni prostor te pogodan i kao investicija. Stan ima dvije terase, lift i uknjižen je. There is a four-room apartment with 159 m2 of surface for sale in Zagreb, and it is located in the centre of the city, near the Ban Jelačić Square and overlooking Ilica. It is positioned on the first floor and will need some renovation work. It is ideal for business premises, and quite convenient as an investment. The apartment has two terraces, a lift, and it is entered into the records. Cijena / Price: 340.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 275 6072, +385 (0)91 730 4379 155 Nekret nine Zagreb U Gračanima se prodaje luksuzan stan ukupne površine 100 m2. Stan se nalazi u urbanoj vili s liftom i sastoji se od dnevnog boravka s blagovaonicom i kuhinjom od 40 m2, tri spavaće sobe, dvije kupaonice i lođe. Uz stan je na raspolaganju garaža s dva mjesta, ostava, uređeni vrt površine 450 m2 s bazenom, građenim roštiljem i sjenicom s WC-om i čajnom kuhinjom. There is a luxurious apartment for sale in Gračani, and it takes up 100 m2 of overall surface. The apartment is found in an urban villa with an elevator, and it consists of a living room with dining room and a 40 m2 kitchen, as well as of three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a loggia. The apartment also includes a garage with two spaces, pantry, maintained 450 m2 garden with a swimming pool, built-in grill and a bower with a bathroom and a tea kitchen. Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 198 0307 156 Nekret nine Zagreb Prodaju se tri stana, jedan dvosobni (dvoetažni) i dva četverosobna, kvalitetne gradnje i vrhunske opremljenosti na Bukovačkoj cesti u novoj višestambenoj zgradi. Stanovi su površine 71 m2, 105 m2 i 154 m2, s 2 parkirna mjesta i podrumskim spremištem. Useljenje je u proljeće 2008 g. There are three apartments, one with two rooms (two-storey) and two with four rooms, built in quality and with the peek equipment, within the new building in the Bukovačka street in Zagreb. The apartments’ surfaces are 71 m2, 105 m2 and 154 m2, with two parking places and the basement cellar. The moving-in process is planned for the spring 2008. Cijena / Price: 125.000 €, 250.000 €, 400.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 309 8020, +385 (0)91 516 7147, +385 (0)91 309 020 157 Nekret nine- at the foot of Sljeme zone Zagreb - Exclusive apartments in Šestine ������������������������������������������������������������������ �������������������������������������������������������������������� ������ ��������� �� ��������� ���� �������� ������ ��� ���� ������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������� ���� �������� ��� ����������� ���������� �� �������� �� ����� ������������� ���������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������ �������������������������������������������������������������������� ����� ������ ������������ ���� �������� ���� ����������� ����� ���� �������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������������������������ ����������������������������������������������������� ������������������� ������������������������ �� ���������������������������� ���������������������� ����������������������������� �� ��������������������������������� 158 ����������� �������� Zagreb - Ekskluzivni stanovi u Nekret nine podsljemenskoj zoni - Šestine �� � � � � � � � ������ ��� ������ ���������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������� �������������������������������������� 159 Nekret nine Zambratija U novouređenoj kući, drugi red do mora, u uvali Zambratija između Umaga i Savudrije, prodaju se vrhunski uređeni apartmani. Apartmani su veličine od 42 m2 do 84 m2, kompletno su namješteni i opremljeni talijanskom keramikom, vrhunskom drvenom stolarijom te klima-uređajom. Svakom apartmanu pripada jedno parkirališno mjesto. Vlasnička dokumentacija je uredna, apartmani su etažirani i izdana je uporabna dozvola. In a newly furnished house, second row to the sea, in the Zambratija bay between Umag and Savudrija, highly furnished apartments are for sale. The apartments are 42 m2 to 84 m2 in size, completely furnished and equipped with Italian ceramics, high quality joinery and air conditioning. Each apartment posseses its own parking space. Ownership papers are all valid, apartments have been floor-splitted and the operating licence has been issued. Cijena / Price: 87.000 - 202.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 617 66 77, +385 (0)98 296 839, +385 (0) 52 721 001 160