- DalCasa


- DalCasa
ISSN 1845-2086
ory word
Nakon jedanaest godina čekanja, Hrvatska konačno ima Zakon o posredovanju u prometu
nekretnina. Iako se tržište nekretnina iz godine u godinu sve više razvija i ostvaruje veliki profit,
sve donedavno je tzv. Etički kodeks bio jedini akt koji je regulirao tu djelatnost. Rezultat toga je
mnoštvo nestručnih agencija i agenata, “razbacivanja” provizijama te, blago rečeno, kaos na
tržištu nekretnina.
Prvi rezultati Zakona i reakcije struke tek se očekuju, ali on je veliki pozitivni pomak za tržište nekretnina i sve subjekte koji se žele dugoročno i ozbiljno baviti tom djelatnošću.
Predstavljamo vam Gorana Raku, novog predsjednika Udruženja hrvatskih arhitekata i dobitnika brojnih nagrada. Za DalCasu iznosi svoje viđenje arhitekture, planove za UHA-u te progovara o brojnim drugim temama.
Također, u novom broju DalCase pronaći ćete mnoštvo korisnih savjeta za odabir kreveta te
uređenje gostinske sobe. Da je crno-bijela kombinacija ovogodišnji hit, otkrili smo vam u rubrici
A za sam kraj ostavili smo ono najslađe... vodimo vas na Maldive, u Soneva Gili resort. Tropski
raj ostavio nas je bez daha. Izaberite jednu od četrdeset i pet vila na drvenim stupovima te se
prepustite uživanju u ove hladne zimske dane.
Trenutačna temperatura na Maldivima je oko 30 Celzijevih stupnjeva. Odabir je na vama.
After eleven years of waiting, Croatia finally has the Law on Mediation in Real Estate Business.
Although the real estate market keeps growing year after year and accomplishes great profit,
the so-called Ethical Code was the only act that regulated that field of work until recently.
That resulted in many incompetent agencies and agents, “throwing around” commissions and,
mildly put, chaos on the real estate market.
The first feedback on the Law and the profession’s reactions are still expected, but it represents
a big positive move for the real estate market and all the subjects that want to be involved in
this profession in a serious and long-term way.
We present you Goran Rako, new President of the Association of Croatian Architects and winner of numerous awards. He gives DalCasa his views on architecture, plans on UHA and talks
about numerous other topics.
This issue of DalCasa also has plenty of useful advice on choosing a bed and decorating a guest
room. The fact that the black & white combination is this year’s hit is revealed in the “Decorations” section.
The sweetest part is saved for last… we take you to the Maldives, to Soneva Gili Resort. This tropical heaven will leave you breathless. Choose one of the forty-five villas on wooden poles and
let yourself enjoy these cold winter days. Current temperature at t he Maldives is 30 degrees
Celsius. The choice is yours.
Svakog prvog
na kioscima
Zakon o posredovanju - kraj sive ekonomije na tržištu
nekretnina / Law on Mediation - The End of Grey
Economy on the Real Estate Market
Nogomet - najvažnija ili sporedna stvar u svijetu nekretnina? / Football – The Most Important or Secondary Thing in the World of Real Estates?
Goran Rako: Arhitekt kao advokat korisnika /
Architect as an Advocate of Users
Gradski projekt Stari plac – Ne znamo toèno što æemo,
ali znamo što neæemo / City Project Stari Plac – We
Don’t Really Know What to Do, but We Do Know
What Not to Do
Izletnièka oaza Slavonskog gorja / A Daytrip Oasis of
the Slavonia Mountains
Gotièki ugoðaj u centru Zagreba / Gothic Ambience in
the Centre of Zagreb
Sebastijan Draèiæ: Perspektive odsutnosti /
Perspectives of Absence
Soneva Gili - tropski raj nad morem /
Soneva Gili - Tropical Paradise above the Sea
Inovativne ideje za bolju buduænost / Innovative
Ideas for a Better Future
Kuæa kapetana Kirka / The House of Captain Kirk
Krevet – mjesto na kojem nastaju snovi / The Bed –
A Place Where Dreams Are Made
Umjetnost gostinske sobe / The Art of the Guestroom
Jedinstvo raskošne udobnosti i modernizma / The Combination of Sumptuous Comfort and Modernism
Crno-bijelo je hit / Black & White Is a Hit
Tema broja
Zakon o posredovanju kraj sive ekonomije na
tržištu nekretnina
Osim što su do 3. listopada 2007. posao posredovanja u prometu nekretnina obavljali nekvalitetno, mnogi posrednici izbjegavali su i plaćanje poreza, kako PDV-a, tako i poreza na
dobit i dohodak. Usvajanjem Zakona o posredovanju stvoren je pravni temelj za sigurno,
standardizirano trgovanje nekretninama, odnosno za posredovanje u prometu nekretnina, a mjerodavnim se tijelima omogućio djelotvoran nadzor tog poslovanja
Piše: Nikola Èelan
o trenutka u kojem je kaos u nekretninskim
poslovima ozakonjenjem postao svačijim problemom, nosilac “javne brige” za ovu društvenu boljku, više od desetljeća, bio je sektor
za trgovinu HGK, pri kojem djeluje Udruženje poslovanja nekretninama. Naime, Upravni odbor Hrvatske gospodarske komore donio je još 1998. godine Odluku o
osnivanju Udruženja poslovanja nekretninama. Njome
se željelo propisati pravila poslovanja agencija, odnosno artikulirati interese tvrtki koje se bave djelatnostima
vezanim uz tržište nekretnina. Prije svega tu je riječ o
poslovanju vlastitim nekretninama, iznajmljivanju vlastitih nekretnina, zatim agencijama za promet nekretnina
te, na koncu, upravljanju nekretninama.
Potrebe struke i Etički kodeks
“Ljudi iz Ministarstva gospodarstva su zajedno s nama
odradili velik posao. Zakon je napokon tu, nakon 11
godina čekanja”, kaže jedan od idejnih začetnika Zakona i predsjednik Udruženja Dubravko Ranilović iz zagrebačke tvrtke Kastel.
Koristeći se normativnim iskustvima zapadnih zemalja
koje imaju razvijeno tržište nekretninama, kao predigra
Odluci, davne 1997. godine, objavljene su Teze za budući Zakon o posredovanju u prometu nekretninama.
Teze su se temeljile na kanadskom i austrijskom modelu,
kao i na iskustvu i praksi tadašnjih hrvatskih posrednika
u prometu nekretninama.
Još jedan važan trenutak u povijesnoj podlozi Zakona
dogodio se na Trećem forumu hrvatskih posrednika
u prometu nekretninama, održanom 13. studenoga
1998. godine, kojemu je pristupilo više od 130 agencija
za promet nekretninama. Udruženje je izradilo i usvojilo
dokument nazvan Etički kodeks posrednika u prometu
nekretninama. Bio je to pokušaj da struka samu sebe
zaštiti od negativnosti koje su je nagrizale. Dubinu problema jasno oslikava i činjenica kako je Kodeks dugo
bio jedini akt koji je regulirao ovu djelatnost. Iako bez
zakonske snage, on je na jedini raspoloživ način utvrdio načela i pravila ponašanja posrednika u prometu
Kodeks je bio rezultat kolektivne želje da se “napravi razlika između agencija koje posao rade ozbiljno i profesionalno i u njemu vide svoju budućnost, od onih koji se
ovim poslom bave na crno, odnosno jedino radi brze
i lake zarade”. Kodeks (odnosno agencije koje su potpisale Kodeks) je, vidljivo je u objavi donositelja, dao
jasniji uvid u to koliko uopće ima ozbiljnih posrednika u
ovom trenutku na hrvatskom tržištu.
Brojne su potrebe struke tada predstavljene javnosti.
Komora ih poimenice navodi: traži se pravni temelj
za sigurno, standardizirano trgovanje nekretninama,
odnosno za posredovanje u prometu nekretnina, uz
djelotvoran nadzor nadležnih tijela toga poslovanja.
Kristaliziraju se negativnosti, poput nepoštene tržišne
utakmice, needuciranosti trgovaca nekretninama,
izbjegavanja plaćanja naknada državi, nezaštićenosti
Iz Nacrta Zakona o posredovanju u prometu nekretninama – predigre konačnom dokumentu:
“Zbog zanemarivo niskih troškova rada i neplaćanja poreza, neprofesionalne agencije u mogućnosti su privlačiti građane malom ili nikakvom
naknadom – provizijom, dok s druge strane neke
od njih posluju uz pozamašne naknade koje su
nerazmjerne vrijednosti posla... Činjenica da
se u pravilu radi o transakcijama koje uključuju promet velike novčane vrijednosti, a kojima
se, uz ostalo, rješavaju i egzistencijalna pitanja
pojedinaca, navodi na potrebu iznimna opreza i
kupaca i/ili prodavatelja, nedostatka dobrih poslovnih
običaja i kontrolnih mehanizama. Brojne nepravilnosti
prelijevaju se izvan uže shvaćene gospodarske djelatnosti prema drugim segmentima društva: od nelojalne
tržišne utakmice pa sve do pojave različitih oblika sive
ekonomije, kao što su rad na crno i neplaćanje zakonom utvrđenih javnih davanja.
Kao najsporniji moment, struka ističe određivanje i naplatu posredničke naknade. Posljedično, traži se definiranje i nadzor rada posrednika u prometu nekretnina
te kazne za postupanje suprotno odredbama Zakona.
Posredovanjem pri prodaji nekretnina ne bi se trebao
baviti nitko osim ovlaštenih posrednika, odnosno njihovih agenata s položenim stručnim ispitom.
Tema broja
Nacrt i Zakon - predigra i konačni oblik
Nakon dvije godine kontinuiranog lobiranja Udruženja
prema državnim tijelima, a s ciljem donošenja Zakona,
konačno je određeno da je nositelj predlagač tog zakona Ministarstvo gospodarstva, te je formirana ekspertna grupa za izradu Zakona. Članovi ekspertne grupe
bili su profesori s Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu: doc. dr. Siniša Petrović, prof. dr. Petar Klarić, dr. Igor
Gliha, doc. dr. Tatjana Josipović, a Teze su poslužile kao
stručna podloga za tekst Nacrta prijedloga Zakona o
posredovanju u prometu nekretninama. Izradu Nacrta
Zakona sufinancirali su HGK i Ministarstvo gospodarstva
Republike Hrvatske, a Udruženje je bilo konzultativno tijelo pravnim stručnjacima.
Nakon dugih peripetija, 10. svibnja 2006. godine Ministarstvo gospodarstva, rada i poduzetništva donosi Nacrt prijedloga Zakona o posredovanju u prometu nekretninama. Konkretizira se problem: “Činjenica da se u
pravilu radi o transakcijama koje uključuju promet velike
novčane vrijednosti, a kojima se, uz ostalo, rješavaju i
egzistencijalna pitanja pojedinaca, navodi na potrebu
iznimna opreza i osiguranja... Neke agencije za promet
nekretnina registrirane su kao trgovačka društva, neke
kao obrt, a neke su zapravo ‘dnevne sobe’ iz kojih se
obični građani bave posredovanjem u prometu nekretnina ostvarujući tako čistu dobit. Ne treba posebno isticati njihovu profesionalnost u pružanju usluga pri kupnji,
prodaji, zamjeni, najmu ili zakupu nekretnina. Posljedica
takva obavljanja djelatnosti najčešće je sudski spor.
Zbog zanemarivo niskih troškova rada i neplaćanja poreza, neprofesionalne agencije u mogućnosti su privlačiti građane malom ili nikakvom naknadom – provizijom,
dok s druge strane neke od njih posluju uz pozamašne
naknade koje su nerazmjerne vrijednosti posla... I dalje
se očekuje aktivna uloga Hrvatske gospodarske komore
u vezi s primjenom ovoga Zakona...”
Tema broja
Kupci su se, zbog sasvim proizvoljnih
iznosa provizija različitih agencija, često
znali susretati s cjenovnim oscilacijama
mjerenim u stotinama tisuća eura za isti
objekt / The buyers have often been
confronted with price amplitudes measured in hundreds of thousands of euros
for the same object
Najizravnije, konkretni učinci Zakona služit će prije svega
suzbijanju porezne evazije, povećanim prihodom državnog proračuna (očekuje se prikazivanje znatnije povećanog prihoda posrednika u prometu nekretnina).
Zatim se očekuju učinci u rasterećenju sudstva smanjivanjem broja potencijalno problematičnih transakcija,
koje najčešće završavaju sudskim sporovima. Još jedan
ključni cilj donošenja Zakona bit će u dodatnoj pravnoj
sigurnosti korisnika usluga posrednika u prometu nekretnina. Predlagatelj nalazi izloženima osobito strance
koji su, zbog nepoznavanja propisa, posebno izvrgnuti
riziku nesavjesnog rada posrednika. Ovakva pravna sigurnost postiže se uvođenjem obveznog osiguranja za
slučaj nanošenja štete strankama.
Kako to faktički izgleda od 3. listopada 2007.? Osiguranje od odgovornosti za štetu odrezano je u iznosima od
200.000 kuna po jednome štetnom događaju, odnosno
600.000 kuna za sve odštetne zahtjeve u jednoj osigu-
Dubravko Ranilović: “Mislim da će nakon donošenja Zakona tržišna utakmica biti puno kvalitetnija i da će svi subjekti imati ravnopravan
status na tržištu. Izradu Zakona je pokrenula
struka, odnosno posrednici, što znači da nam
nije nametnut i da ga danas ne bi bilo da nije
bilo aktivnosti struke.”
ravateljskoj godini. Obveznim je postao ugovor o osiguranju s ovlaštenim osiguravajućim društvom za slučaj
odgovornosti za štetu nastalu obavljanjem djelatnosti
Osniva se Registar društava i Imenik agenata za koje se
traži ugovor o radu na puno radno vrijeme. Registar se
vodi u HGK-u i internetom će biti dan na uvid javnosti.
Uvedena je obveza vođenja evidencije kod posredovanja. Zakon posebno regulira stručnu osposobljenost poslenika i položen stručni ispit. Ispit provodi također HGK.
Upravni nadzor dovodi se pod nadležnost Ministarstva,
a inspekcijski je dodijeljen Državnom inspektoratu.
Posebna zanimljivost u Zakonu je ograničavanje provizije za posredovanje na najviše 6 posto kupoprodajne
Činjenica da se u pravilu radi o transakcijama koje uključuju
promet velike novčane vrijednosti, a kojima se, uz ostalo,
rješavaju i egzistencijalna pitanja pojedinaca, navodi na potrebu iznimna opreza i osiguranja / The fact that these transactions regularly include large sums of money, and which also
resolve important existential issues of individuals, encourages
us to take special measures of caution and security
vrijednosti nekretnine. Naime, kupci su se, zbog sasvim
proizvoljnih iznosa provizija različitih agencija, često znali
susretati s cjenovnim oscilacijama mjerenim u stotinama
tisuća eura za isti objekt. Ova bi se odredba trebala pozitivno odraziti na suzbijanje trenda “razbacivanja” provizijama, što je bila svakodnevna praksa na dosadašnjemu neuređenom tržištu nekretnina.
U iščekivanju efekata
Reakcije struke na konačni izgled Zakona tek se očekuju. Financijski i statistički efekti također. Dubravko Ranilović napominje: “Nismo zadovoljni svime donesenim u
Zakonu jer je u procesu njegova donošenja bilo puno
vanjskih intervencija, ali je Zakon veliki pozitivni pomak
za tržište nekretnina i za sve subjekte koji se žele dugoročno i ozbiljno baviti ovom djelatnošću.” Međutim, naglašava: “Mislim da će nakon donošenja Zakona tržišna
utakmica biti puno kvalitetnija i da će svi subjekti imati
ravnopravan status na tržištu. Izradu Zakona je pokrenula struka, odnosno posrednici, što znači da nam nije
nametnut i da ga danas ne bi bilo da nije bilo aktivnosti
struke organizirane u Udruženje. Naravno da u konačnici očekujemo i povećanje prihoda, kako u vlastitoj, tako
i u drugim kvalitetnim tvrtkama.”
Kad se mogu očekivati pozitivni učinci Zakona? Odgovara Tomislav Gregurić iz međunarodnoga koncerna
King Sturge: “Prvi pozitivni efekti mogu se očekivati nakon što od posredništva nekretninama odustanu tvrtke ili
pojedinci koji nisu spremni na ispunjavanje normi koje je
zakon propisao. Nakon toga će tvrtke i građani, potencijalni nalogodavci, i sami uvidjeti prednosti angažiranja
Ono što je izvjesno jest da slijedi donošenje gomile potrebnih podzakonskih akata te usklađivanje: “Situaciju s
novim zakonom i neke u njemu istaknute uvjete možemo usporediti s uvjetima iz pravilnika za obavljanje djelatnosti građenja. Građevinske tvrtke uglavnom su čekale
posljednji trenutak za poduzimanje koraka za usklađenje. Slijedom toga za očekivati je da će mnogi posrednici nekretninama također čekati posljednje dane 18mjesečnog roka navedenog u zakonu, a očekujemo da
će mnogi i odustati.” Što se tiče eventualne izravne materijalne koristi posrednika, gospodin Gregurić precizira:
“Materijalna korist tvrtkama koje ispune uvjete i ostanu
na tržištu mogla bi proizići iz činjenice da će se eliminirati
nestručna i nelojalna konkurencija, koja ne samo što je
odnosila dio tržišta, nego je nestručnim poslovanjem štetila ugledu svih posrednika. Upravo je to najveća korist
posrednicima – ne strogo materijalna, nego povećanje
ugleda struke.”
Neposlušnima će se rješenjem Ministarstva zabraniti
obavljanje posredovanja u prometu nekretnina.
Konkretni učinci Zakona služit će prije svega
suzbijanju porezne evazije i povećanju prihoda
državnog proračuna / The most specific effects
of this law will have the role of fighting the tax
evasion and enlarging the government budget’s revenue
Cover st
Law on Mediation The End of Grey Economy
on the Real Estate Market
Written by: Nikola Èelan
Cover st
Besides the fact that the mediation job in real estate affairs was performed poorly until
October 3rd 2007, many mediators also avoided paying taxes, including VAT and Tax on
Profit and Income. Adopting the Law on Mediation has created the legal foundation for
safe, standardized real estate business, particularly the field of mediation in real estate
affairs, while the authorized government bodies are able to perform effective supervision of this field of business
ntil the moment when legalizing the chaos in real
estate affairs made it everyone’s problem, the
performer of “public care” for this social weak
point, for over a decade, was the trade sector
within the CCE, which includes the Real Estate Business
Association. The Board of Directors of the Croatian Chamber of Economics has brought the Verdict on Founding
the Real Estate Business Association way back in 1998. It
was created in order to regulate the ways the agencies
were meant to do business, as well as articulate interests
of those companies that were involved in the real estate
activities. That is primarily connected to the fields of dealing with your own real estates, leasing your own real estates, as well as real estate agencies and, finally, managing real estates.
The Needs of the Profession and the Ethical Code
“People from the Ministry of Economy have done a large
part of work along with us. The Law is finally here, after 11
years of anticipation”, says one of the founding fathers of
the Law and the President of the Association Dubravko
Ranilović from company Kastel from Zagreb.
By using normative experiences of Western countries that
have a very developed real estate market, as a prelude
to the Verdict back in 1997, the Thesis for the future Law
on Mediation in Real Estate business were adopted. The
Thesis was based on the Canadian and Austrian models, as well as on the experiences and practices of the
Croatian real estate mediators of that time.
Another important moment in the historical background
of the Law happened at the Third Forum of Croatian Mediators in Real Estate Business, which was held on November 13th 1998 with participation of over 130 real estate
agencies. The Association came up with and adopted a
document called the Ethical Code for Real Estate Mediators. It was the profession’s attempt to protect itself from
all the negativities that were on the attack. The depth
of the problem is further described by the fact that the
Code was the only act that regulated this field of business
for a long time. Although not a valid law, it established
the principles and ground rules for all the real estate mediators in the only available way.
The Code was the result of the collective desire to “make
the difference between agencies that were serious and
professional about the business they felt was their future,
and those that were illegal in this business, and were only
in it for the easy and quick profit”. The Code (meaning the
agencies that signed it) has, as is obvious in the initiator’s
statement, given a clear insight into the number of serious mediators on the Croatian market at that moment.
Predlagatelj nalazi izloženima osobito strance koji su, zbog nepoznavanja propisa, posebno izvrgnuti
riziku nesavjesnog rada posrednika / The initiator points out that foreign citizens have a particularly
high tendency to be exposed to the risk of irresponsible mediation, due to their lack of knowledge of
Croatian regulations
Many needs of the profession were then presented to the
public. The Chamber named them one at a time: to provide legal foundation for safe, standardized real estate
business, particularly the field of mediation in real estate
affairs, along with the effective supervision from authorized government bodies. All the negativities are being
pointed out, such as the unfair market game, the lack
of education from real estate agents, avoiding paying
the taxes to the government, lack of protection for the
buyers and/or the sellers, lack of good business habits
and control mechanisms. Numerous irregularities have
outgrown this particular field of economy and reached
other segments of society: from the lack of loyalty in the
market game to the appearance of various shapes of
the grey economy, like working without registration and
refusing to pay the predicted taxes to the government.
As the most dubious moment, the profession points out
the establishing and charging mediation fees. The consequence of that is the request to define and supervise
the actions of real estate mediators, as well as sanction
them for acting against the normative aspects of the
Law. Real estate mediating should only be reserved for
licensed mediators, or their agents with passed professional exams.
The Draft and the Law – Prelude and the Final Version
After two years of continuous lobbying by the Association towards the government bodies with the purpose of
adopting the Law, it has finally been decided that the
official initiator of this law would be the Ministry of economy, and an expert group was also formed to determine
From the Draft of the Law on Mediation in Real
Estate Business – prelude to the final document:
“Due to the extremely small work expenses
and the refusal to pay taxes, non-professional
agencies have the possibility to lure citizens by
demanding small or non-existant comissions,
while some of them perform business with vast
compensations that are disproportional to the
job value...
The fact that these transactions regularly include large sums of money, and which also resolve
important existential issues of individuals, encourages us to take special measures of caution
and security.”
the content of the Law. Members of that expert group
were professors from the Faculty of Law at Zagreb University: dr. Siniša Petrović, dr. Petar Klarić, dr. Igor Gliha,
dr. Tatjana Josipović, and it must be said that the Thesis
were used as professional background to the text of the
Draft of the Law of Mediating the Real Estate Business.
The making of the Law Draft was co-financed by the CCE
and the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Croatia,
while the Association served as the consulting body to
the legal experts.
After long hesitations, the Ministry of Economy, Labour
and Entrepreneurship delivered the Draft of the Law of
Mediation in Real Estate Business on May 10th 2006. The
Cover st
problem is defined: “The fact that these transactions regularly include large sums of money, and which also resolve important existential issues of individuals, encourages us to take special measures of caution and security…
Some real estate agencies are registered as companies,
some as small businesses, and some are actually “living
rooms” from which ordinary citizens deal with mediation
in the field of real estate business, and they accomplish
clean profit. It is not necessary to particularly point out
their professionalism while providing their services during
the processes of buying, selling, exchanging, performing
a leas or tenancy of real estates. The consequence of
performing their jobs in such fashion is usually court litigation. Due to the extremely small work expenses and the
refusal to pay taxes, non-professional agencies have the
possibility to lure citizens by demanding a small or non-existent commission, while some of them perform business
with vast compensations that are disproportional to the
Novim zakonom eliminirat će se nestručna
i nelojalna konkurencija, koja ne samo što
je odnosila dio tržišta, nego je nestručnim
poslovanjem štetila ugledu svih posrednika
/ A new law will eliminate all the unprofessional and disloyal competition, as they not
only occupied a portion of the market, but
also damaged the reputation of all mediators with their sloppy work
job value… The active role of the Croatian Chamber of
Economics regarding the application of this Law is still required…” Directly speaking, the most specific effects of
this law will have the role of fighting the tax evasion, enlarging the government budget’s revenue (it is expected
that the revenue regarding the real estate mediators will
be much higher). It is also anticipated that the court institutions will be unburdened due to the reduction of the
number of potentially problematic transactions, many of
which would end up in court. Another crucial intention
of the Law is to provide additional legal safety for the
citizens that are using the services of real estate mediators. The initiator points out that foreign citizens have a
particularly high tendency to be exposed to the risk of
irresponsible mediation, due to their lack of knowledge of
Croatian regulations. This type of legal security will be accomplished by introducing mandatory insurance for the
case of causing damages to the parties.
How does that work in practice since October 3rd 2007?
Insurance for damages amounts to 200.000 kunas per one
suffered damage, and 600.000 kunas for all the damage
demands in one insurance year. The insurance contract
with the authorized insurance company has become
mandatory, due to the possibility of suffered damages by
the actions of real estate mediators.
It is stated that the Registry of Companies and Directory
of Agents will be started, and agents will have to be registered as full-time employees. The Registry will be kept
at the CCE, and it will be available on Internet. It is also
stated that all the documentation for the process of mediating must be kept. The Law especially regulates professional competence of employees, as they are obligated
to pass the professional exam, which is also prepared by
CCE. The administration aspect is under the supervision
of the Ministry, while the inspection work is left to the Government Inspectorate.
One especially interesting aspect of the Law is limiting the
mediating commission to the maximum of 6 percent of
the real estate’s overall price value. This is emphasized
because the buyers have often been confronted with
price amplitudes measured in hundreds of thousands of
euros for the same object, due to the completely random
commission figures. This paragraph of the Law should
have a positive effect to fighting the trend of “throwing
around” commissions, which was the everyday practice
at the previously unsupervised real estate market.
Awaiting the Effects
Professional reactions to the final version of the Law are
still expected, as well as its financial and statistical effects.
Dubravko Ranilović points out: “We’re not entirely happy
with the Law because there were plenty of outside interventions during the process of its adoption, but the Law
is a largely positive move for the real estate market and
all the subjects that want to be involved in this profession
seriously and for a long time.” However, he points out: “I
feel that the market game will have much more quality after this Law is adopted, as all the subjects will have
equal treatment on the market. The process of adopting
this law was started by the profession of mediators, which
means that it wasn’t imposed to us and that it wouldn’t
have been here today without the activities of the profession, which is represented by the Association. Natural-
Dubravko Ranilović: “I feel that the market gamewill have much more quality after this Law
is adopted, as all the subjects will have equal
treatment on the market. The process of adopting this law was started by the profession of
mediators, which means that it wasn’t imposed
to us and that it wouldn’t have been here today
without the activities of the profession.”
ly, we do eventually expect our income to rise, in our own
and other quality firms.”
When can we expect some positive effects of the Law?
Tomislav Gregurić from the international group King
Sturge responds: “The first positive effects can be expected when certain companies or individuals give up
on real estate mediating because they are not ready to
fulfil all the conditions prescribed by the Law. After that
occurs, companies and citizens, our potential employers,
will clearly see the advantages of hiring a real estate mediator.”
One thing for certain is that the next step is adopting a
pile of necessary sub-legislative acts, as well as the process of coordination: “The situation with the new law and
some of its featured regulative aspects can be compared
with the rules from the regulation book in the construction
business. Construction companies have mostly waited for
the last moment to perform all the coordination actions.
In line with that, it is to be expected that many real estate
mediators will also wait for the last days of the prescribed
18-month deadline, and we anticipate many of them
giving up on this business as well.” As far as the possible
direct material benefit of the mediator, Mr. Gregurić explains: “Material benefit for the companies that fulfil the
conditions and remain on the market could be provided
by the fact that all the unprofessional and disloyal competition will be eliminated, as they not only occupied a
portion of the market, but also damaged the reputation
of all mediators with their sloppy work. That is precisely the
biggest benefit for mediators – not strictly material, but
the improvement of the profession’s reputation.”
The disobedient parties will receive a certificate from the
Ministry that officially bans them from performing real estate mediating.
Piše: Nikola Èelan
Nogomet - najvažnija ili
sporedna stvar u svijetu
Poznat je gospodarski potencijal nogometa i nemjerljiv je utjecaj kojim prelijeva materijalne vrijednosti iz strogo sportskih, menadžerskih i srodnih trgovinskih kanala u gospodarstva pojedinih sredina. Nakon pobjede hrvatske reprezentacije na Wembleyju suočeni smo sa slikovitom situacijom, u
kojoj događaji iz najpopularnijeg europskog sporta stvaraju efekte u gospodarstvima, u razmjerima
sukladnim razini predstave zbog koje se događaju – onima nacionalnima
edugo nakon pomora engleskih nada za nastup na Europskom prvenstvu u nogometu,
što ga je na Wembleyju režirao Slaven Bilić sa
svojim odabranicima, među tuzemnim prodavateljima nekretnina proširio se glas o naglom porastu
zanimanja ruske “slavenske braće” za kupnju kuća u Hrvatskoj, posebice u Dalmaciji. Je li riječ o fenomenu potaknutom darom hrvatskog nogometa ruskoj naciji, koji
je jednom sportskom pobjedom raspleo klupko plasmana po skupinama na neočekivan način i tako Ruse, “ni
krive ni dužne”, poslao na završnicu u Austriju i Švicarsku,
ili se, pak, radi tek o euforičnoj marketinškoj glasini bez
najjasnije nakane? Pretpostavimo relevantnost podataka objavljenih nedavno u jednim našim dnevnim novinama i pokušajmo ući u trag veličinama koje bi uvjetovale mogućnost takvog događaja, kvantnog impulsa
što iz sfere sporta i zabave uzrokuje naglo prelijevanje
velikih količina novca iz jednog džepa u drugi. U našoj
priči, iz ruskoga, recimo tako, “tajkunskoga” u hrvatski i
dalmatinski “takujinski”...
Bogata poslijetranzicijska Rusija stalna je i plodna “mušterija” hrvatskoga gospodarstva. Dijelom tome u prilog
govore činjenice o komparativnim prednostima našega uznapredovalog društvenog i političkog sustava u
odnosu na susjedne zemlje, koje, iako sličnog potencijala, iz raznoraznih razloga kaskaju za poprilično jasno
definiranom i plasiranom domaćom ponudom resursa
zanimljivih najelitnijim inozemnim kupcima, u ovom slučaju nekretnina. Ta čvrsta hrvatska platforma koja je do
sada privlačila ruske ulagače i potrošače, ovih je dana,
čini se, pronašla svoju emanaciju u sportskoj snazi i moralu Hrvata te dodatno, emotivno angažirala čitav jedan tržišni segment, utjelovljen u kupovnoj moći mitskih
razmjera ruskih tražitelja nekretnina.
Sportski događaj koji je u “dvadeset petom satu” iznenada skrenuo vodu na mlin već otpisane reprezentacije, u ovom je slučaju povod jednoj tržišnoj ekspanziji.
Nesvjesno je, stjecajem okolnosti, sposobnosti i očekivanja pojedinih institucija – nogometnih saveza, hrvatska
ambicija u osobi Slavena Bilića, šegrta i internacionalne
ikone engleskog nogometa (koji se, na nesreću Engleza,
zatekao na mjestu hrvatskog izbornika), opravdala pomno planiranu investiciju Rusa u svoju nacionalnu vrstu,
o čemu najbolje svjedoči angažiranje vjerojatno najisplativijega reprezentativnog trenera osrednjih reprezentacija, nizozemskog maga Guusa Hiddinka. Uzroci
se, međutim, isprepleću duboko u povijesnosti odnosa
dviju zemalja, od hrvatske neovisnosti mlakih i poslovno
dostojanstvenih, a od “te divne londonske noći” 21. 11.
2007. izrazito strastvenih.
“Slavenska priča” tradicionalno je uvijek bolje funkcionirala na “pravoslavnom kanalu”, pa su tako u moralnom smislu i faktičkom, činidbenom momentu, po
emocionalnom ključu i osjećaju bliskosti, zajedništva i
dužnosti, naši istočni susjedi uvijek značajno više profitirali od simbioze s velikim zaštitnikom. Preklapanje vječne
geopolitičke balkanske fiksacije većeg “oka u glavi” sa
stalnom, egzistencijalnom borbom za životni prostor, na
koji je pretplaćena vanjska politika istoku bližeg, manjeg
brata (ovdje se misli na “dominantno pravoslavne”, donedavno ujedinjene sljednice pokojne države s jasnim,
nešto trajnijim tragom samoupravnog socijalizma), činile
su čvrstu osovinu u kojoj Hrvatska, na “predziđu kršćanstva” (naravno, shvaćenog u užoj, neekumenskoj varijanti i vezanosti uza Svetu Stolicu), bez obostranog, recentnog kapitalističkog interesa, jednostavno nije imala
što tražiti.
Kao što u teoriji povijesne dinamike skrivene strasti ključaju dugo, u poklopljenim posudama, te izbijaju naglo,
potaknute jednim, najčešće neočekivanim, događajem, tako se i ovaj put pokazalo kako vidljiva strana hr-
vatsko-ruskih međunacionalnih odnosa u globalu ima
svoju drugu, blistaviju stranu. Kako se čini, čitavo vrijeme
postoji paralelna realnost koja je već pokrenula skretnicu
drugim kolosijekom i iznijela na vidjelo obilje plodova skrivenih izdanaka, što tu uspijevaju već neko vrijeme.
Još se ne može znati koliki je doseg ovog procvata trgovine nekretninama na relaciji s Rusima, navode se pojedinačne vrijednosti transakcija eksponencijalnih milijunima
eura. U svakom slučaju, pregršt je argumenata kojima
klijenti obrazlažu svoje ponašanje vezanih uz kulturološke
i prednosti Hrvatske nad drugim, sličnim tržištima (osim
spomenutih susjednih zemalja, tu se spominju Bugarska,
Turska i Albanija), kao i tehničke uvjete, poput masovnosti turizma ovih zemalja. Svim je tim argumentima
zajedničko da prikrivaju pravi razlog naglog povećanja
potražnje, onaj emocionalni i moralni plasman na sajam
egzaltirane strasti – Europsko nogometno prvenstvo.
Naravno, naivno bi bilo previdjeti još jedan ključni moment koji je rusku pažnju baš u ovom trenutku vezao uz
obale hrvatskog Jadrana: a to je status koji Hrvatska
trenutačno ima u odnosu na Europsku uniju. Rast cijena
nekretnina već je dugo osjetan na našem internom tržištu, a uračunava se u štetne efekte koje građani trpe od
skorog pridruživanja europskoj asocijaciji. Isto ono što će
ruskom ulagaču donijeti osjetnu kapitalnu dobit, jedan
je od eksplicitnijih načina na koji inozemna kupovna
moć udara hrvatskoga građanina po džepu i krovu nad
glavom. Ali to je već problem zakonodavstva i sustava
vrijednosti jednog društva i na tome su koplja već odavno polomljena. Stoga i primjer eksplozije ruske potražnje
za nekretninama, izazvane autonomnim, post festum i
sinkroniziranim nogometnim poletom, ponovno svjedoči
u prilog prevlasti individualnog talenta ili sposobnosti nekolicine nad činjenicom nezrelosti, tromosti i neiskustva
kolektiviteta, institucija društva i države, u ovom slučaju
male Hrvatske, još uvijek škropljene mutnom vodom nedavne tranzicije.
Written by: Nikola Čelan
Football – The Most Important
or Secondary Thing in the
World of Real Estates?
Football’s economic potential is well-known and there’s no denying the influence it uses to transfer
material values from strictly sports, managerial and similar trade channels into economies of certain
areas. After Croatian national team’s victory at Wembley, we are facing a specific situation in which
events from the most popular European sport create effects in the field of economy, within dimensions that are proportional to the levels of the causative performances – national dimensions
ot long after the death of English hopes of
performing at the European Football Championships, which was directed by Slaven Bilić
and his players at Wembley, local real-estate sellers started receiving information regarding the
sudden rise of interest from Russian “Slavic brothers”
for buying houses in Croatia, especially in Dalmatia.
Is this merely a phenomenon encouraged by Croatian football’s present to the people of Russia, with a
sports victory that has resolved the group’s qualifying
mess in an unexpected way and sent the Russians to
the Championships in Austria and Switzerland “with
no fault of their own”, or is it just a euphoric marketing rumour with unclear intentions? Let’s assume that
the information recently published in one of our daily
papers is relevant enough, and try to follow the traces of
these factors that would lead to the occurrence of such
events, a quantum impulse that causes the sphere of sport
and entertainment to suddenly transfer large amounts of
money from one pocket to the other. In our specific story,
from the pockets of Russian oligarchs to the Croatian and
Dalmatian wallets…
The wealthy post-transitional Russia is a constant and precious “customer” of Croatian economy. That is partly witnessed by facts of the comparative advantages of our
advanced social and political system when compared to
the neighbouring countries, which may have similar potential, but due to various reasons are struggling to catch
up with a pretty clearly defined and presented local offering of resources that interest the most elite foreign buyers,
and those resources are called real estates. That firm Croatian
platform, which has been known to attract Russian investors and
spenders, has now seemingly found its emanation in the sporting
strength and moral of the Croats, which has done even more to
emotionally engage an entire market segment that is embodied
in the mythical buying power of Russian real-estate searchers.
The sporting event that has suddenly turned the tide towards an
already-written-off national team in the “twenty-fifth hour” has
become the reason for a market expansion. Completely unintentionally, due to a set of circumstances, capabilities and expectations of certain institutions – football associations, the Croatian
ambition embodied by Slaven Bilić, a student and international
icon of English football (who happened to be the Croatian national coach, much to the English dismay), has justified the carefully
planned Russian investment into their national team, which is best
testified by the hiring of probably the most profitable nationalteam coach of mediocre national teams, the Dutch magician
Guus Hiddink. The real causes, however, are deeply intertwined
in the historical relations of the two countries, which have been
hesitant and business-wise dignified since the Croatian Independence, but have become extremely passionate since “that wonderful London night” of November 21st.
“The Slavic story” has always traditionally functioned better through the “Orthodox channel”, which meant that morally and factually, from an emotional standpoint and the sense of closeness,
unity and duty, our eastern neighbours have always had much
more use from the symbiosis with the great protector. The overlapping of the eternal geo-political Balkan fixation with the “big
eye” and the constant existential struggle for the life space, which
is the trademark of the smaller eastern brother’s foreign policy
(we’re talking about the “predominantly Orthodox, until-recently
united successors of the deceased country with a clear, somewhat more durable trace of autonomous socialism), have created
a stable connection in which Croatia, at the “rampart of Christianity” (understandably meant in a more narrow, non-ecumenical
option of our attachment to Vatican) and without the mutual recent capitalist interest, had
no business existing.
just like the theory of historical dynamics claims that hidden passions boil for a long time in
closed-up dishes, only to suddenly erupt encouraged by a single, usually unexpected event,
it was also demonstrated that the visible side
of the Croatian-Russian international relations
globally has another, more favourable dimension. It seems that this whole past period has
hidden a parallel reality that already changed
the direction of the path, only to finally reveal plenty of hidden fruits of labour that have
been succeeding for quite some time.
It’s still very much impossible to evaluate the
dimensions of this real-estate “boom” we’re
having with the Russians, as only values of individual transactions that are measured in millions of euros are revealed. One way or another, there are plenty of arguments that the
clients use to explain their behaviour regarding
the cultural advantages of Croatia over other
similar markets (besides the abovementioned
neighbouring countries, that also includes Bulgaria, Turkey and Albania), as well as technical conditions, like the mass characteristics of
tourism in these countries. All these arguments
have one thing in common – they’re covering
up the true reason for the sudden increase in
demand, which is the emotional and moral
qualification to the event of unparalleled passion – the European Football Championships.
Naturally, it would be naïve to overlook one
more crucial reason that directed the focal
point of Russian interest towards the coast of
Croatian Adriatic: the status Croatia currently has in relation to the European Union. The
growth of real-estate prices has long been
present on our internal market, and it is usually
mentioned as one of the negative effects that
our citizens owe to the soon-to-be integration
into this European association. The very same
thing that will bring substantial capital profit
to the Russian investor is one of the more explicit ways in which foreign buying power hits
a Croatian citizen over his pocket and a roof
over his head. However, that’s a problem that
is caused by the legislation and the system of
values in our society, and those battlefields
have been drawn a long time ago. That’s
why this example of the explosion of Russian
demand over our real estates, caused by the
autonomous, post festum synchronized football enthusiasm, again stands to witness the
domination of individual talent or the ability of
a small group over the confirmed immaturity,
sluggishness and inexperience of collective institutions of a society or a state, in this specific
case the small country of Croatia, which is still
marked by the dubious events of the recent
edavno ste izabrani za predsjednika Udruženja
hrvatskih arhitekata (UHA) za sljedeće dvije godine. Što možemo očekivati od vas u tom razdoblju?
UHA je nakon nekog razdoblja tranzicije našla svoj način
kako postojati i pomagati arhitektima. Stvari su trenutačno dosta dobro posložene. Nikad se ne zna što će sljedeći mjesec donijeti, ali posla će sigurno biti. Najvažnija
stvar u svemu je afirmacija hrvatske arhitekture. Na domaćem planu ćemo se, kao i u prošlom razdoblju, truditi
da se što više toga radi preko javnih natječaja, a afirmacija hrvatske arhitekture izvan granica Hrvatske uspijevala nam je i do sada. Primjer je ulazak u konkurenciju nagrada Mies van der Rohe, kad je Hrvatska, preko UHA-e,
ušla u taj sustav europskih nagrada još prije nego što će
ući u Europsku uniju. Isto tako je i Hrvatska komora arhitekata ušla u sustav komore Europske unije. Dakle, hrvatski
su arhitekti, preko komore i udruženja, već članovi odgovarajućih vijeća Europe. Sve to treba pratiti i financijski,
jer mi smo neprofitna udruga, što znači da se financiramo
preko donacija, sponzorstava, organiziranjem javnih natječaja i reklamiranjem kroz naše edicije, kakva je “Čovjek i prostor”, i slično.
“Imam osjećaj da arhitektura uvijek želi reći jedno
te isto – pozitivno svjedočiti o dobu u kojem živimo”
kao advokat
Goran Rako novi je predsjednik Udruženja hrvatskih arhitekata i dobitnik brojnih
strukovnih nagrada. Za DalCasu kompetentno progovara o svom stručnom
prerogativu i općim mjestima struke, te o
svom viđenju arhitekture kao fenomena
koji nadilazi trendove
Razgovarala: Ivana Bioèina
Foto: Kristina Faziniæ
Pobjednik ste nedavnog javnog urbanističko-arhitektonskog natječaja za Memorijalno spomen-obilježje Domovinskog rata Vodotoranj u Vukovaru. Što vama znači ta
pobjeda i kako se razvija projekt u cjelini?
Najstariji sam član Radionice arhitekture u tom poslu, pa
mi često pripadne više nego što zaslužujem. Kao timu, nevjerojatno nam je važna pobjeda na tom natječaju. Iako
imamo i drugih poslova, koji su po nekakvoj površini i trideset ili pedeset puta veći i iako je ovo jedan mali posao i
mala kuća, ona je nevjerojatno značajna i raduje nas. Taj
projekt je golemi izazov i nešto u čemu ne smijemo pogriješiti jer će i oči struke, a i ostalih, biti uprte u nas. Imamo
osjećaj velike odgovornosti, a i rado prihvaćamo izazove.
Izložba je bila u UHA-i prije nekoliko dana, a prije toga u
Vukovaru, i drago nam je da nije bilo disonantnih tonova
među arhitektima i kiparima, uključujući i vukovarsku gradonačelnicu i udruge branitelja. Mislim da će na koncu
svi oni biti zadovoljni.
Vaš projekt Antičkog muzeja Narona u Vidu pokraj Metkovića, za koji ste dobili nagradu “Vladimir Nazor“, bio
je specifičan po tome jer ste u natječajnom projektu
predložili sažimanje programa, a na kraju je taj kritički
prijedlog natječajni žiri i usvojio. To je bio rijedak primjer
autorskog stava i odgovornosti žirija. Zašto nemamo više
takvih primjera?
Netko mora skupiti hrabrosti da sam sebi gotovo oduzme
mogućnost pobjede, i to je veliki rizik. Činilo mi se da je
kuća od tisuću i dvjesto metara četvornih prevelika i oduzeo sam tristo kvadrata. I to je ispalo dobro. Kad se posložilo četrdesetak radova, jer je to bio veliki natječaj, članovi
ocjenjivačkog suda su shvatili da je za projekt bolje da je
manji. Dio prostora koji je trebao biti iznad zemlje prebacili smo ispod zemlje. Tako da ga nismo zapravo smanjili,
Centar Prebendarski vrtovi u Tkalčićevoj ulici u Zagrebu / Centar
Prebendarski vrtovi in
Tkalčićeva street in
prenijeli jedan
dio površine u podrum i tako smanjili
njegov volumen iznad
zemlje, a i dalje smo se bojali
hoće li biti prevelik. S druge strane, muzej treba biti malo veći od
drugih zgrada jer on nije obična kuća
u tom gradiću. Mora se istaknuti, ali opet
ne previše. A sada su već kuće oko muzeja
počele dizati katove, tako da uskoro to pitanje
neće biti ni važno.
Vaša metoda – da se ogoljenost arhitektonskog tijela
ostvari u potpunosti, dok prvotna ideja mora ostati u što
većoj mogućoj mjeri čitka – očituje se i na Muzeju Narona. A i uspješno ste u ruralni okoliš unijeli urbanu formu.
Kako to da mnogima to ne polazi za rukom?
Osim što sam objekt smanjio, ispresijecao sam ga stubištima, koja su tu da se njima čovjek penje kao po ulici ili
trgu, i time je kuća postala javnija nego što se to može za
nju očekivati. Vi se po njoj možete penjati i kad je ona zatvorena, i popnete li se gore na terasu, vidjet ćete unutra
postav muzeja, naravno ne onako kao da ste kupili kartu
i ušli unutra. Tako da se po tim terasama i stubištima ljudi
kreću, i isto tako imaju vrlo lijepi pogled na dolinu Neretve. Slomio sam objekt na dva kubusa, a zatim još sa stubištima dva puta, tako da sam od jedne kocke napravio
više malih elemenata. Što se tiče ogoljenosti ideja, mislim
da svatko projektira onako kakav je, inače nije dobro ako
se tako ne radi. Očito je da ove kuće odgovaraju mojemu karakteru i zato su one takve.
Iza vas je i zavidna međunarodna karijera; s kolegom Bojanom Radonićem osvojili ste prvu nagradu na natječaju
za Kongresni centar u japanskom gradu Nari, predstavili
ste svoj rad u Muzeju moderne umjetnosti u New Yorku,
Kopenhagenu, projektirali stambeno naselje Den Bosch
u Nizozemskoj, Muzej egipatske umjetnosti u Kairu... Kakva su vaša iskustva s projektiranjem u inozemstvu?
U inozemstvu sam posebice projektirao u vrijeme kada
sam radio s Bojanom. Tada smo napravili mnoge od svojih najdražih projekata i to je razdoblje zajedničkog rada,
koje je trajalo desetak godina, bilo izvanredno. Naučili
smo puno toga što danas naša Radionica primjenjuje,
a i mislim da smo baš tu ispekli školu. S druge strane, bili
smo premladi i za neke trikove, da ih tako nazovem, nismo znali. Služili smo se hoćeš-nećeš metodom, mi imamo
ideju, ako vam se sviđa, uzmite, ako ne, nije važno. Danas, s nekim godinama, postalo nam je jasnije da dobru
ideju moraš dobro i zapakirati, kao što je pakiraju oni koji
nemaju ideju. Inače, ona nekada može proći potpuno
nezapaženo. Ali, isto tako, nismo često baš imali ni sreće.
Recimo, kada smo dobili u prvom krugu prvu nagradu u
Nari, britanski arhitekt James Stirling, koji je bio na našoj
strani, do drugog kruga je umro. I uvjeren sam da nam je
baš on nedostajao da nam se dogodi nešto što je goto-
vo nezamislivo. Međutim, nakon toga je
ipak uslijedila izložba u New Yorku, u MoMA-i, što je za
nas tada bilo nevjerojatno iskustvo. Bio je rat, a mi smo
imali izložbu u New Yorku. Izgledalo je kao neki san. Nismo
u zemlji imali što projektirati, nije se ništa gradilo, i odjednom se pojavila ta nevjerojatna nagrada. Nakon svih
razočaranja koja su slijedila, i nakon svih muka, najvažnije
je bilo izdržati, i dalje raditi istim žarom, kao što Vukovaru
nije posvećeno ništa manje energije i ljubavi. Nakon toliko godina stvari se vrate, one koje su ti se učinile jednom
izgubljene, ne moraju biti izgubljene zauvijek.
Ako usporedite svoje početke sedamdesetih godina i
stanje na arhitektonskoj sceni danas, koje su glavne razlike, pozitivne i negativne?
To je već za jednu knjigu. U to doba je počela revizija
moderne arhitekture, revizija Le Corbusierova shvaćanja arhitekture i nastalo je jedno razdoblje postmoderne
arhitekture u koju se neki ljudi uletjeli s oduševljenjem.
Međutim, manja skupina ljudi je nije mogla prihvatiti,
kao ni ja. Tada radije nisam radio ništa nego da radim
arhitekturu kakva je bila tada moderna, ili kakva je bila
u trendu. I danas postoji trendy arhitektura, a tko uleti u
nju, za dvije-tri godine ima problema. Jer što kad prestane taj trend? Postoji arhitektura izvan trendova, koja
je stalna i trajna. Ona ne napreduje, uvijek je ista. Jer,
Kolosej u Rimu i Allianz Arena u Münchenu se, rekao bih,
ni po čemu ne razlikuju. To su potpuno isti zadaci, napraviti što bolji prostor u kojemu se što bolje mogu gledati
igre, tada gladijatorske, sada nogometne, ali razlika ne
postoji. Isto tako ne može nitko danas isprojektirati teatar bolji od Epidaurusa, nitko ne može napraviti slikovitije
mjesto od Machu Picchua ili Kineskog zida. Vječne stvari
su potpuno iste, rekao bih čak da tehnologija gotovo
ne igra nikakvu ulogu u arhitekturi. To je samo jedan njezin dio, a drugi je da morate govoriti iz svog vremena,
iz svog iskustva, i tada govorite staklom, čelikom, beto-
Antički muzej Narona u Vidu pokraj
Metkovića / Antique Museum Narona in
Vid near Metković
“Mi smo jedna prokleta struka koja nikad ne spava - mnogi
arhitekti žive svoju struku 24 sata dnevno. I oni pokušavaju preodgojiti investitore i sigurno im sugeriraju da rade kuće u interesu korisnika. Arhitekti su advokati korisnika”
nom. Koristite računala, naravno da imate klima uređaje
i takve stvari. Imam osjećaj da arhitektura uvijek želi reći
jedno te isto – pozitivno svjedočiti o dobu u kojem živimo,
kao i druge umjetnosti.
bilo koji. Nemoguće je da se ništa ne gradi, kao i da se
ispuni sve što netko poželi. Grad i investitori moraju naći
sredinu i graditi optimum, a taj optimum bi trebao biti u
interesu građana.
Vaš ured Radionica arhitekture prijavio je projekt na natječaj za preuređenje Cvjetnog trga u Zagrebu, nazvan
Cvjetni prolaz. Zanimljivo je da ste projektom predvidjeli
da će oko uređenja bloka biti suprotstavljenih mišljenja
jer ste predložili dvije varijante, sa i bez rušenja dviju
kuća koje gledaju na Cvjetni trg. Kako će, po vašemu
mišljenju, završiti cijela ta priča oko Cvjetnog trga?
Trebao bih govoriti kao autor tog projekta i kao predsjednik UHA-e, a to je malo nezgodno. Čak i za vrijeme dok
je Saša Randić bio predsjednik UHA-e, on je imao jedno
mišljenje o tom natječaju, a ja drugo. Međutim, to nam
nije smetalo da normalno razgovaramo i surađujemo.
Ne moraju se sva mišljenja uvijek poklapati. Dakle, meni
se čini da smo predvidjeli smanjenja i mislim da smo htjeli
biti pristojni. Nama je bila draža verzija bez rušenja kuće,
a i onda kad smo je rušili, izgradili smo jednu tipičnu donjogradsku kuću. Trg je toliko mali da ne podnosi nikakva pretjerivanja kako se ne bi upropastio Cvjetni trg.
Kao i u slučaju splitske Rive, bilo je previše žestine, teških
riječi, što je potpuno nepotrebno. Ako pogledate dvije
kuće na Cvjetnom trgu, onu u kojoj je kino Europa i onu
u kojoj je Oktogon, vidjet ćete da one izlaze iz svih proporcija toga trga, da su goleme. Kad bi se danas gradila kuća u kojoj je Oktogon, onolikih dimenzija i visine,
vjerojatno bismo ponovno imali uzbunu u gradu, a ovo
što se može napraviti unutar trga manje je od te kuće, ili
one u kojoj je kino Europa. A ta kuća je dovršena 1937.
godine, ona je gotovo nova. Naravno, investitor bi htio
što više, ali postoje neka pravila koja ga ograničavaju. I
tu se negdje trebamo naći, jer nemoguće je da se to ne
gradi, ne mislim sada konkretno na taj slučaj, nego na
U vezi s tim, nedavno je održan Drugi kongres hrvatskih
arhitekata na temu ODGOVOR-NOST. U kojoj mjeri arhitekti danas osjećaju odgovornost prema korisnicima arhitekture, kada znamo da se uglavnom ravnaju prema
kapitalu i željama investitora?
S jedne strane, oni ispunjavaju želje investitora, a, s druge,
oni se na svakom projektu lome s investitorima. Mi smo jedna prokleta struka koja nikad ne spava, mnogi arhitekti
žive svoju struku 24 sata dnevno. Pokušavaju preodgojiti
investitore i sigurno im sugeriraju da rade kuće u interesu
korisnika. Arhitekti su advokati korisnika. To mogu sigurno
tvrditi iz svoje perspektive jer sve ono što bi investitor želio,
često sam radio nešto suprotno i nisam imao problema
ako mu nisam smanjio profit. Njih zanima profit, a mene
zanima da kuća bude svima prihvatljiva, a posebice korisnicima jer je to njihova kuća.
Možete li izdvojiti neke arhitekte mlađe generacije koji se
ističu svojim radom?
Ima ih mnogo, Studio UP, Ivana Ergić, Roman Šilje, Krunoslav Ivanišin, i tako dalje, čitava ta generacija. Samo im
savjetujem da ne budu nestrpljivi, a to nije lako.
Koji su vam planovi za budućnost?
Koncentrirani smo na projekt Vukovar i njemu smo posvećeni u želji da ga što bolje napravimo. Inače mislim
da je nemoguće praviti planove u Hrvatskoj. No da ne
završim pesimistično, na razini cijele države ima puno
više posla nego što ga je bilo prije pet godina. Količina
posla se stalno povećava, ali svejedno ne možete ništa
Architect as
an Advocate
of Users
Goran Rako is the new president of the
Association of Croatian Architects and a
winner of numerous professional awards.
He offers DalCasa his competent views of
his professional prerogative and the profession’s general points, as well as his view on
architecture as a phenomenon that goes
beyond any trends
Interviewed by: Ivana Bioèina
Photo: Kristina Faziniæ
ou have recently been elected for a position of
President of the Association of Croatian Architects
(UHA) for the next two years. What can we expect
from you during that period?
After a certain period of transition, UHA has found a way
to exist and truly help architects. Things are very much in
their place at this moment. You never know what’s going
to happen next month, but work isn’t going to go anywhere. The most important thing within that context is the
affirmation of Croatian architecture. Within our borders,
we will do our best to get as much work done through
public contests as possible, just like during the last period of time, and as far as the international affirmation of
Croatian architecture goes, that part of the job was successful in the past as well. That is confirmed by the qualification for the competition of the Mies van der Rohe
Award, as UHA has introduced Croatia into that system
of European awards even prior to our integration into the
European Union. The same thing goes for the reception
of the Croatian Chamber of Architects into the European
Union’s chamber system. As you can see, Croatian architects are already members of various European institutions
through our association and chamber. All that requires a
certain financial effort as well, for we are a non-profitable
association, which means that we are financed by donations, sponsorships, public contests and through advertising in our editions, like “Man and Space” etc.
You are the winner of the recent public urbanism-
Dječji vrtić u Sesvetama / Kindergarten in Sesvete
“I have a feeling that architecture always wants to
make the same statement – to testify about our time
in a positive way”
architectonic contest for the Memorial Testament for
the War of Independence called Water-Tower in Vukovar. What does that victory mean to you and how is that
project generally developing?
I am the oldest member of the Workshop of Architecture
in that project, so I often receive more than I deserve. As
a team, a victory in that contest means the world to us.
Although we have other projects lined up, which are between thirty and fifty times bigger by surface than this one,
and although this is actually a small project and a small
house, we find it extremely significant and rewarding. This
project is an enormous challenge in which we cannot
afford any mistakes because the eyes of the profession,
as well as of everyone else, will be pointed towards us. It
gives us a sense of great responsibility, and we do like a
good challenge. UHA threw an exhibit several days ago,
as well as in Vukovar before that, and I’m happy to report
that there were no dissonant tones among architects or
sculptors, including the Mayor of Vukovar and the veteran associations. I believe that all those parties will end
up satisfied with the project.
Your project of the Antique Museum Narona in Vid near
Metković, for which you received the Vladimir Nazor
Award, was specific due to the fact that you proposed
the programme reduction in the contest application, and
the contest jury ended up accepting that critical proposal. That was a rare example of the author’s stand and the
jury’s responsibility. Why are those types of examples so
few and far between?
Somebody must collect the courage to almost take
away a victory option from himself, and that is quite a
risk. I felt that 1200 square metres was too much for that
house, so I ended up cutting off three hundred squares.
It turned out pretty well in the end. When about forty
applications lined up, because this was a big contest,
members of the jury figured out that it would be better
for the project if it were smaller. Part of the space that
should have been above the ground became subterranean. That means that we didn’t really reduce the
project, we just transferred a part of its surface into the
basement to reduce its volume above the ground, and
we still ended up being frightened about it being too
big. On the other hand, a museum should be somewhat
bigger than other buildings because it’s not just another
house in that small town. It has to distinguish itself, but
not too much. And now that the houses surrounding the
museum have started building annexes, that question
slowly ceases to matter.
Pobjednički rad - memorijalno spomen-obilježje
Domovinskog rata Vodotoranj u Vukovaru /
Winning project - memorial Testament for the
War of Independence called Water-Tower in
Your method – in which the stripped-down nature of the
architectonic body completely accomplishes itself, while
the original idea must remain as transparent as possible
– is demonstrated at Museum Narona as well. And you
were also successful in bringing in the urban form into a
rural environment. How is it that not many people can do
Besides reducing the size of the object, I also intertwined
it with staircases, which are positioned in a way that a
person can climb them as if he were on the street or a
square, and that move turned the house a lot more public then you could expect. You can climb it even if the
house is closed, and if you climb up to the terrace, you
will be able to see the museum’s display, although not as
well as if you bought the ticket and went inside. That keeps
the people moving along those terraces and staircases,
and they can also enjoy a very nice view over the valley
of Neretva. I broke the object into two cuboids, and then
two more times with the staircases, which means that I
created a group of smaller elements out of one cube. As
far as the stripped-down nature of my ideas goes, I think
that everyone projects himself in a way, because otherwise you will not succeed. It is obvious that these houses
suit my character and that is what makes them the way
they are.
You have an enviable international career to look back
on; you and your colleague Bojan Radonić won the first
prize at a contest for the Congress Centre in Nara in Japan, you presented your works in the Museum of Modern
Arts in New York, Copenhagen, you projected a residential settlement Den Bosch in Holland, as well as the Museum of Egyptian Art in Cairo… Tell us about your experiences with projecting abroad?
I projected a lot of things abroad especially during my
period of working with Bojan. We created many of our
favourite projects back then and that period of joint
work, which lasted about ten years, was extraordinary.
We learned a lot of things that our Workshop applies in
present projects, and I feel that we really learned our
trade during that period. On the other hand, we were
too young and we had no clue about some of the tricks,
if I may call it that. We went by the “take it or leave it”
method; we have an idea, if you want it, you can take
it, and if you don’t, it doesn’t matter. These days, after
years of experience, it became clear to us that you must
find a way to put a nice package around a good idea,
because those who don’t have the idea will still wrap it
up as nicely as possible. If you don’t, the idea can end
up completely unnoticed. However, there were also cases where we just weren’t lucky. For instance, when we
won the first prize in the first round in Nara, British architect
James Stirling, who was on our side, suddenly died before
the second round. And I’m convinced that he was the
one that would have led to something that was almost
unimaginable. However, after that we had the exhibit at
MoMA in New York, which was just an unbelievable experience for us at the time. The war was taking place,
and we were having an exhibit in New York. It looked just
like a dream. We couldn’t really project anything back
in our country, nothing was being built, and we suddenly received this superb honour. After all the disappointments that followed, after all the tortures, the most important thing to do was to hang on and keep working with
that same spark, just like Vukovar received no less love
and energy. After all these years, things have a way of
coming back, and what once seemed to be lost doesn’t
have to stay like that forever.
Dječji vrtić u Sesvetama / Kindergarten in Sesvete
“We are a cursed profession that never sleeps
– many architects live their job 24 hours a day.
They’re also trying to re-educate the investors and
are certainly persuading them to build houses in the
best interest of the users. Architects are the advocates of users”
If you compare your beginnings back in the seventies
with the condition of today’s architectonic scene, which
are the main differences, positive and negative?
That subject deserves an entire book. That was the period
of the revision of modern architecture, revision of Le Corbusier’s understanding of architecture and we witnessed
a period of post-modern architecture in which some
people just couldn’t wait to get into. However, a smaller
group of people couldn’t accept it, and I was one of
them. I spent that period rather doing nothing than doing
the type of architecture that was modern or trendy back
then. There is trendy architecture today as well, but if you
barge into it, you will find yourself in trouble in two or three
years. What will happen when the trend ceases to exist? There is an architecture that is above any trends, that
is constant and durable. It doesn’t make any progress,
it remains the same. For instance, the Coliseum in Rome
and the Allianz Arena in Munich are in no way different
according to me. Those are the completely identical assignments; to build as good a space for watching games
– back then it was gladiators, now it is football, but there
is no difference. The same goes for the fact that nobody
can project a better theatre than the Epidaurus, or create
a more picturesque location than Machu Picchu or the
Chinese Wall. Eternal things are completely same, and I
would even say that technology plays almost no part in
architecture. It is just one segment, while the other one is
that you must speak about your time, your experience,
and then you’ll use glass, steal or concrete. You will use
computers, and of course you have air-conditioners and
similar things. I have a feeling that architecture always
wants to make the same statement – to testify about our
time in a positive way, just like any other form of art.
Your office, Workshop of Architecture, has applied a
project to a contest for the redecoration of the Floral
Square in Zagreb, called the Floral Passage. It is interesting to mention that your project predicts opposed opinions about the decoration of the block because you suggested two options – with and without the demolition of
two houses that are facing the Floral Square. What will, in
your opinion, become of this story surrounding the Floral
I should comment on that as the author of the project
and the President of UHA, and that is a little awkward.
Even during the period of Saša Randić running UHA, he
had one opinion about that contest, and I had another.
However, that didn’t bother us from normally talking and
cooperating. Not all opinions have to match all the time.
Anyway, it seems to me that we predicted some reductions and I feel that we were trying to be polite. We preferred the version without the demolition, and even when
we had demolished, we still built a typical downtown
house. That square is so small that there is no room for
any exaggerations, as that would ruin the Floral Square.
Just like in the case of Riva in Split, there was too much
harshness, too many ugly words, which is completely un-
necessary. If you look at the two houses at Floral Square,
the one featuring cinema Europe and the other one featuring Oktogon, you will notice that they stand out from
all proportions of that square, that they are just enormous.
If you went about building a house like the one featuring Oktogon nowadays, with those dimensions and that
height, we would probably have another city rebel on
our hands, and the objects that can be made within the
square are smaller than that house, or the one featuring
cinema Europe. And that house was finished in 1937, so
it is practically new. Naturally, the investor would like to
achieve as much as possible, but there are some inhibiting rules. And that is where we must reach a compromise,
because cancelling the construction is not an option, and
I don’t just think that regarding this case, but really also
any other. It is impossible to not build anything, as well as
making all of someone’s wishes come true. The City and
the investors must find a middle and build an optimum,
which should work in favour of the citizens.
project. We are a cursed profession that never sleeps
– many architects live their job 24 hours a day. They are
trying to re-educate the investors and are certainly persuading them to build houses that are in the best interest
of the users. Architects are the advocates of users. I can
safely say that from my perspective because as soon as
the investor would make a proposal, I would often do
things the other way around and I never had any problems if I didn’t reduce the profit. They are all interested in
profit, but I am interested in making that house acceptable, especially for users since it will be their house.
In addition to that, the Second Congress of Croatian Architects was recently held, and the theme was ODGOVORNOST (“Responsibility”). How much responsibility do architects feel these days towards the users of architecture,
when it is obvious that they usually look towards capital
and the investors’ wishes?
On one hand, they fulfil the investors’ wishes, but on the
other hand, they really do struggle with investors on every
What are your plans for the future?
We are focused on project Vukovar and we are dedicated to it because we want to do as good a job as
possible. However, I feel that it is impossible to make any
plans in Croatia. But not to finish up on a pessimistic note,
there is a lot more work in the whole country than there
was five years ago. The amount of work keeps getting
bigger, but you can still not make any plans.
Could you point out some of the architects from the
younger generation that distinguish themselves with their
There are plenty of them: Studio UP, Ivana Ergić, Roman
Šilje, Krunoslav Ivanišin and so on, there is an entire generation. My only advice to them would be to keep their
patience, which is not easy.
fotografije, skice, dimenzije, opisi i cijene * više od 9.000 proizvoda * planer rasporeda namještaja * prodajna mjesta
Planirajte raspored
namjeðtaja u svom
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besplatnog online
ambient planer.
Izradite svoj plan,
spremite ga, ispiðite,
pa èak i naruèite online.
Pametna kuhinja u službi zdravlja
Integrirani, potpuno održiv koncept kuhinje za ograničene uvjete
budućnosti – bio bi najsažetiji opis uratka Alight Kitchen, studija
Altera Design, nagrađenog na natjecanju Incheon International
Design 2007. Mnoštvom pametnih rješenja i detalja korisniku se
olakšava pristup resursima uz istodobnu uštedu vremena za pripremu hrane, pranje posuđa, uštedu prostora za spremanje zastarjelih,
nereciklirajućih posuda... Kuhinja čak diktira konzumentu zdrave,
ekološke prehrambene navike, ograničavajući količinu hrane koju
je moguće spremiti u hladnjak na tri dana, pripremanjem samo gotove hrane u za to predviđenim metalnim posudama, i slično...
A Smart Kitchen
Looking After Your Health
An integrated, completely maintainable concept of a kitchen for limited circumstances of the future – that would be the most concise description of this project Alight Kitchen by Altera Design Studio, which
won the first award at the Incheon International Design Contest in
2007. Plenty of intelligent solutions and details allow the user to have
an easier access to resources, with the simultaneous preservation of
time planned for food preparing, dishwashing, preserving space to
store aging, non-recycling dishes… The kitchen even dictates healthy, ecological feeding habits to the user by limiting the amount of
food that is possible in the fridge over three days, preparing solely
finished food in metal dishes that are predicted for it, and so on…
Tehno-organičko čudo
u Hong Kongu
Trideset tisuća stanovnika po četvornome kilometru čini Hong
Kong jednim od najnaseljenijih teritorija svijeta. Stoga se projektom “Urban Jungle”, arhitektonskog studija Vincenta Callebauta, stvaranjem ekopolisa u gradskom središtu, želi “renaturalizirati” urbani krajolik, i to snažnim utiskivanjem prirodnoga u
ultrasuvremeno opremljen prostor srca Hong Konga. Novouređeni prostori zamišljeni su kao energetski samodovoljni i biološki raznoliki. Dapače, ideja je da grad korištenjem prirodnih resursa i procesa proizvede više energije negoli je u stanju potrošiti!
Arhitektonski air-condition
u islamskom simbolu
Hrpu kuboidnih struktura, izvana ukrašenu elementom iz
islamske umjetnosti, koji sprječava gomilanje topline u unutrašnjosti i tako ekonomizira energetskim potencijalom građevine u vrućim azijskim ljetima, dizajnirao je bombajski arhitekt
Sanjay Puri. Na 20 katova poslovne zgrade Synergy u Dubai
Business Bayu, ovaj je Indijac tako demonstrirao upotrebu tradicionalnog elementa na suvremen
način. Osim ugode tako zamišljene
klimatizacije, bez dodatnog utroška
energije, korisnici poslovnih prostora uživat će i u prednostima terase
koja je na raspolaganju njihovim
Architectonic AirCondition with an
Islamic Symbol
This bunch of cube-like structures
that are decorated with an Islamic
art element on the outside, which
results in preventing the piling up
of heat from within and economizes the building’s energetic
potential in hot Indian nights, was designed by architect Sanjay Puri from Bombay. Over the 20 floors of business building
Synergy at Dubai Business Bay, this Indian has demonstrated
the usage of a traditional element in a modern way. Besides
the nice feeling that this type of air-conditioning provides,
with any extra-spending of energy, users of business premises
will also enjoy the advantages of the terrace, which will be
available to their offices.
Techno-Organic Miracle in
Hong Kong
Thirty thousand people per square kilometre makes Hong Kong
one of the most inhabited territories of the world. That’s why the
“Urban Jungle” project, created by Vincent Callebaut’s architectonic studio and aiming at achieving an eco-oasis in the city centre, wants to “re-naturalize” the urban scenery by strongly enforcing natural elements into the ultra-modern area of the heart of
Hong Kong. The newly decorated areas are designed as energetically self-maintaining and biologically diverse. Even more so, the
idea is to enable the city to produce more energy by using natural
resources and processes than it could possibly spend.
Spomenik vjetru, svjetlu i sjeni
Newyorški Tower Verre,
arhitekta Jeana Nouvela,
propituje koliko i na kojemu mjestu zadani gabariti
i uvjeti okoliša diktiraju
izgled same građevine.
Izloženost udarima vjetra
koji zahtijevaju upotrebu
čelične konstrukcije ne
samo da je potaknula kreativni slijed u autora, nego
se i koristi izravno, u svrhu
opskrbe energijom. To se
postiglo vjetrenim turbinama smještenima na
vrhu tornja, kao i solarnim
ćelijama postavljenima
u skladu s drugim dominantnim građevnim elementom tornja – staklom,
čijom se upotrebom željelo dovesti i više svjetla na
gradske ulice.
A Monument to Wind, Light
and Shadow
Tower Verre in New York, by architect Jean Nouvel, is testing the
amount and position in which boundaries and conditions of the
environment dictate the very appearance of the building. Openness to wind blows, which demand the usage of a steel construction, has not only encouraged the creative instincts of the author,
but is also directly used with the purpose of supplying enough
energy. That was achieved via wind turbines that are positioned
at the top of the tower, along with solar cells that are positioned
in harmony with the other predominant construction element
of the tower – glass, which was used in order to bring more light
onto the city streets.
Pripremio / Edited by: Nikola Èelan
Gemmin novi salon u Zagrebu
Njemačka tvrtka Gemma
B&D predstavila je novouređeni ekskluzivni izložbenoprodajni salon bijele tehnike
u dosadašnjemu, proširenom prostoru u Boćarskom
domu u Zagrebu. Uz otvaranje, priređena je svečana večera za domaće i inozemne
poslovne partnere i prijatelje. Gemma B&D zastupnik
je vodećih svjetskih robnih
marki s područja bijele tehnike i malih kućanskih uređaja
– Faber, Franke, Liebherr, Siemens i Terraillon, kao i talijanske tvrtke
MBM. Salon je osmišljen na način da kupcu prikaže sve mogućnosti
pojedinog uređaja i time mu olakša izbor, a koncipiran je iz tri dijela:
samostojeći uređaji, ugradbeni uređaji i “aktivna kuhinja” u kojoj će
se povremeno održavati kulinarske prezentacije s degustacijama.
Boogertmanov južnoafrički
projekt za FIFA-u
Izgradnja nogometnog stadiona u Johannesburgu za Svjetsko nogometno prvenstvo 2010., koji bi trebao sjajiti u tipičnim afričkim
bojama, trenutačno je najveće svjetsko gradilište nekog sportskog
objekta u svijetu. Projekt Soccer City, arhitekata Boogertman Urban
Edge & Partners, dodijeljen je dvjema austrijskim tvrtkama – Rieder
Smart Elements i Valenta Metallbau, koje će u tu svrhu proizvesti
vlastiti, novi fasadni materijal. Riječ je o fibriC, ekološki prihvatljivijoj
varijanti od do sada upotrebljavanih fibra cementa ili aluminijskih
plahti. U izgradnji sudjeluje ukupno 3000 ljudi, a dovršenje objekta
je planirano u roku od 12 mjeseci, točnije za siječanj 2009.
Boogertman’s South-African
Project for FIFA
The construction of the football stadium in Johannesburg for the
2010 World Cup, which should shine in typical African colours, is
the largest construction site for a sports object in the world at the
moment. Project Soccer City, by architects from Boogertman Urban
Edge & Partners, has been trusted to two Austrian firms – Rieder
Smart Elements and Valenta Metallbau, which will use this opportunity to start producing their own new façade material. The material
in question in fibre C, which is an ecologically more acceptable option than previously used fibre cement or aluminium sheets. About
3000 people are working on the construction job, and the object is
due to be completed in 12 months, more precisely in January 2009.
Gemma’s New Salon in Zagreb
German company Gemma B&D has presented the newly
decorated, exclusive exhibit-retail salon of household
appliances in the previous, expanded space in the Bowling House in Zagreb. Along with the opening, a festive
dinner was organized for the local and foreign business
partners and friends. Gemma B&D currently represents
leading world brands in the field of household appliances
and small domestic products – Faber, Franke, Liebherr,
Siemens and Terraillon, as well as the Italian company
MBM. The salon was designed in a way that introduces
the customer with all the possibilities of individual appliances and
makes it a much easier choice, while its concept was divided into
three sections: detached appliances, built-in appliances and “active kitchen”, which will occasionally feature culinary presentations
with sampling.
Gradski projekt Stari plac –
Ne znamo toèno što æemo,
ali znamo što neæemo
Ideja poglavara je transparentna: GUP samo definira kapacitiranje prostora, ostalo
rješava natječaj, a to bi otprilike značilo da vlasti ograničavaju, konzervatori odobravaju, a arhitekti crtaju
Piše: Nikola Èelan
Foto: Arhiva DalCase
Stadion na Starom placu dotrajao je i neatraktivan / The Stari
Plac Stadium is worn-out and unattractive
skladu sa zdravom praksom izravne komunikacije, a s
ciljem izbjegavanja svih mogućih nesporazuma, urbanisti grada Splita, legitimirani prisutnošću gradonačelnika
Ivana Kureta, potrudili su se javnost upoznati sa smjernicama budućega Generalnog urbanističkog plana. To su učinili
u sazivu predstavnika medija, i to doslovnim izlaskom na teren
i obilaskom lokacija koje će tim planom biti obuhvaćene prije
svih ostalih. Unutar svih važnih parcela obuhvaćenih projekcijama urbanista, ključnom se nadaje ona na Starom placu, za
prigodu uređenja nazvanom “Gradskim projektom”.
Priča o Starom placu kroz povijest vodila je kroz raznorazne vizije
i ideje. Budući da se radi o strogom centru grada, prostoru poslovično osjetljivom na svoju namjenu, ni danas nije lako definirati što se u tom smislu očekuje od tako mišljenog centra grada.
Posebno jednog Splita gdje se želi i mora pomiriti funkcionalna
želja za statičnom napučenošću u vidu stambenih prostora sa
stalno prisutnom željom za mediteranskom živošću i (dinamičnim) javnim sadržajima.
Prostor Starog placa danas ne zadovoljava ni jednu od tih na-
mjena. Stadion na Starom placu dotrajao je,
neatraktivan svime (osim samom lokacijom)
i svima (osim malobrojnim pohoditeljima
sportskih zbivanja kakva su ragbi i bejzbol
te periodičnim korisnicima poput sezonskih
lunaparkova i opskurnih glazbenih događanja – ovlašno organiziranih koncerata i pučkih fešti, često ispod svakog kriterija urbane
kulture i granice dobrog ukusa). Prostor oko
stadiona podrazumijeva i kontaktnu zonu
oko Hrvatskog narodnog kazališta, za što je
teatar već uputio zahtjev za dodjelu 7000
metara četvornih u svrhu nove izgradnje za
vlastite potrebe. Prostor takve namjene i titulara već postoji, ali je rugoban i neprihvatljiv
za centar Splita kao dalmatinske metropole i globalno poželjne destinacije. Tržnica i
boćalište poželjni su vidovi ispunjavanja potreba građana, ali su u postojećoj izvedbi
“zatečenog stanja” također izvan svakog
estetskog, ali i funkcionalnog smisla.
Ideja poglavara je transparentna: GUP samo
definira kapacitiranje prostora, ostalo rješava
natječaj, a to bi otprilike značilo da vlasti ograničavaju, konzervatori odobravaju, a arhitekti
crtaju... GUP, dakle, opstoji samo kao izražaj
jedne želje – u tu svrhu planira se i osnivanje
Zavoda i Savjeta za prostorno planiranje pri
Poglavarstvu – u afirmativnom, konstruktivnom,
a definiranje “pravila igre” u negativnom, normativnom aspektu buduće izgradnje.
Kod ovog afirmativnog elementa Poglavarstvo će se voditi idejom javnog dobra, što
bi u slučaju Starog placa konkretno značilo
povezivanje silnica s očuvanjem i proširenjem svih postojećih kapaciteta i namjena.
Još konkretnije: želi se izići u susret kulturnim
potrebama teatra (s izmještanjem skladišnog prostora izvan centra), stvoriti, povezati i artikulirati više pješačkih zona, očuvati
javnu funkciju tržnice i raznih sportskih aktivnosti, sanirati stanovanje, uz rubove ulica
(Matoševe i Plinarske), s istodobnom zabranom stanogradnje u samom središtu zone,
te izgraditi podzemne i nadzemne sadržaje
poput garaža, poslovnih prostorija i sličnoga.
Ako u želje ubrojimo još i očuvanje ekološkog dobra kakva je jedinstvena vizura Marjana gledanog sa Starog placa, onda smo
dobili sasvim poželjnu alternativu postojećoj
golemoj zelenoj površini, u javne svrhe nedovoljno iskorištenog stadiona s okolišem slikovitijim za neko ruralno područje zaleđa nego
centar jednog urbanog mediteranskog bisera kakav bi Split trebao biti u svakom svom
S obzirom na činjenicu da su rokovi za provedbu svega ovog neodređeni (odgovorni
spominju okvire čitavog desetljeća), ostaje
nadati se da će dobar dio Splićana uspjeti
doživjeti i uživati rezultate plemenite nakane
trenutačne splitske izvršne vlasti.
City Project Stari Plac – We Don’t
Really Know What to Do, but We
Do Know What Not to Do
The administration’s idea is transparent: GUP strictly defines the capacities of the
space, while the rest will be resolved by contests, which would mean that the administration provides boundaries, curators approve, while architects take care of the
Written by: Nikola Èelan
or the purpose of the healthy practice of direct
communication, and with the goal of avoiding
all possible misunderstandings, the space planners of the City of Split, supported by the presence of mayor Ivan Kuret, have gone out of their way
to introduce the public with the guidelines of the future
General Urbanism Plan. They did that in the presence
of the representatives of the media, along with literally
stepping out to the turf and visiting those locations that
will be influenced by it more than the majority of others.
Photo: DalCasa archive
Within all the important parcels that are encompassed
by these urbanism projections, the crucial one appears
to be the one called Stari Plac, and it was titled “City
Project” specifically for this occasion.
The story of Stari Plac has taken us through various visions and ideas throughout the course of history. Due to
the fact that we’re talking about the strict city centre,
which is always extra-sensitive when it comes to its purpose, it’s still not easy to define the things we expect
from the city centre within that context. Particularly be-
cause Split is a city that demands reconciliation of a
functional desire for static presence of residential facilities with the ever-present ambition for Mediterranean
vivaciousness and (dynamic) public facilities.
As of today, Stari Plac satisfies none of those needs.
The Stari Plac Stadium is worn-out, unattractive with
everything (except the location itself) and to everyone (besides the rare frequenters of sports like rugby
and baseball, as well as periodical users like seasonal amusement parks and obscure musical events
– thoughtlessly organized concerts and “folksy” festivities, often below every criteria of urban culture and
good taste). The area around the stadium implies the
contact-zone around the Croatian National Theatre,
which has already issued a demand for 7000 square
metres that would be used for a building that would
satisfy its needs. The space of that purpose and title
already exists, but it is embarrassing and unacceptable
for the centre of Split as a Dalmatian capital with ambitions of becoming a globally desirable destination. The
market and the bowling house are perfectly acceptable means of fulfilling certain needs of the citizens, but
within the existing state of facts, they find themselves
outside of every aesthetical and functional sense.
The administration’s idea is transparent: GUP strictly
defines the capacities of the space, while the rest will
be resolved by contests, which would mean that the
administration provides boundaries, curators approve,
while architects take care of the drawing… That means
that GUP only exists as an expression of one ambition
– that is why there are plans to establish the Institution
and Council for Space Planning within the City Admin-
istration – for affirmative, constructive, and as a body
that defines “the rules of the game”, for negating and
normative aspects of the future construction.
This affirmative element means that the City Administration will be led by the idea of public good, which
would mean in this Stari Plac case that it is necessary
to connect the needs with the preservation and expansion of all existing capacities and purposes. To be
more specific: it aims to meet the cultural needs of the
theatre (with removing the storage space outside of
the centre), to create, connect and articulate more
pedestrian zones, to preserve the public function of
the market and various sports activities, to improve
the state of residential qualities along the verges of
Matoševa and Plinarska Street, while simultaneously
forbidding residential construction at the very centre
of the zone, and finally to build subterranean and standard facilities like garages, business premises etc. if we
also include the ambition of preserving the ecological
value of the unique view of Marjan observed from Stari
Plac, then we end up with a perfectly desirable alternative to the existing enormous green surface of an inadequately used stadium surrounded by what seems
more appropriate for a rural village environment than
for a centre of an urban Mediterranean pearl that Split
should be in all its segments.
Considering the fact that the deadlines for the fulfilment of all these ambitions are undetermined (those
in charge talk about an entire decade), we should be
hopeful that a larger part of the citizens of Split will live
to see and enjoy the results of the Split City Administration’s noble purposes.
Leptiri plavci / Lycaenid butterflies
Grad Ružica / Ružica Town
Piše: Aleksandar Vrtariæ
Foto: Branko Stiviæ, Vlatka Dumboviæ, Miro Mesiæ, Stjepan Gal - PP Papuk
Izletnièka oaza
Slavonskog gorja
Bogata priroda i čist planinski zrak uvijek jamče dobru zabavu i ugodno provedeno vrijeme.
Papuk je idealan za uživanje u planinarstvu i dugim šetnjama po tajnovitim šumama i uskim
planinskim stazama
lanina Papuk je smještena na sjevernoj i sjeverozapadnoj granici Požeške kotline i s istoimenim vrhom (953 metra) najveća je planina u
istočnoj Hrvatskoj, koja zajedno s Krndijom oblikuje jedinstvenu reljefno-pejsažnu cjelinu. Zahvaljujući
voćinskom plemiću Josipu Jankoviću, Papuk je prvi put
uređen u prvoj polovici 19. stoljeća. U mjestu Jankovcu
je 1895. godine osnovano i prvo planinarsko društvo, a
nakon uređenja smještajnih i rekreacijskih kapaciteta,
Papuk je postao vrlo atraktivna planinarska i izletničko-
rekreativna lokacija. S obzirom na bogat i raznovrstan
biljni i životinjski svijet, brojne grebene i uvale, planinske
potoke i izvore te ostatke kulturne baštine iz prahistorijskog razdoblja i srednjeg vijeka, Papuk je 23. travnja
1999. godine proglašen parkom prirode, a ove godine je službeno inauguriran i kao 31. geopark pod izravnim nadzorom UNESCO-a. Područje parka otvoreno
je za posjetitelje tijekom čitave godine, a svi ljubitelji
avantura i izleta mogu uživati u prirodnim ljepotama,
povijesnim građevinama i arheološkim nalazištima. Do
Vražji mlin / Devil’s Mill
parka je najlakše i najjednostavnije doći automobilom,
no moguće je doći i vlakom uz presjedanje na postaji
u Novoj Kapeli.
Park prirode Papuk odlikuje se visokim stupnjem očuvanosti još uvijek nedovoljno istražene prirode, no,
unatoč tome, svaki posjetitelj može uživati u njegovim
raskošnim ljepotama. U velikom šumskom bogatstvu
(oko 33.600 hektara) prevladavaju panonska bukva,
hrastovi kitnjak, medunac i cer, jasen, jela, klen i gorski
javor, dok na prisojnim stranama ima i breza te pitomog kestena. Floristički sustav Papuka zaista je raznolik
i raskošan – zabilježeno je nešto manje od 1500 biljnih
vrsta, od kojih valja izdvojiti rijetke i prekrasne ozimnice,
sase, autohtonu božikovinu, uskolisnu peruniku, šumsku
sirištaru i lovorasti likovac. Zahvaljujući karakterističnim
klimatskim, geomorfološkim i vegetacijskim svojstvima,
Park prirode Papuk je utočište i brojnim životinjskim vrstama pa se tu mogu sresti srne i jeleni, divlje svinje, lasice i kune zlatice, lisice i jazavci, a u nekim potocima još
uvijek se mogu susreti i vidre. Raskošne krošnje papu-
čkih šuma utočište su i brojnim vrstama ptica – po posljednjemu istraživanju poznate su ukupno 103 vrste, od
kojih se ističu uvijek raspjevane crnožute zlatne vuge i
slavuji te jedan od naših najljepših predatora – škanjac
mišar. U bistrim planinskim potocima obitava i strogo
zaštićeni potočni rak kojega se danas rijetko može vidjeti u našim vodama. Tu su i žabe te razni gmazovi i vodozemci, a sve ljubitelje mušičarskog ribolova svakako
će razveseliti činjenica da u brojnim potocima plivaju i
autohtone potočne pastrve koje se u gornjim tokovima
potoka prirodno mrijeste. Od ostalih ribljih vrsta tu su i
paklara te potočna mrena. Stražemanka, Dubočanka,
Karašica, Čađavica, Pakra i Kovačica svojim će ljepotama oduševiti svakog zaljubljenika u ribolov umjetnom
muhom, ali i svakoga tko se zna opustiti i uživati u netaknutoj prirodi.
Bogata priroda i čist planinski zrak uvijek jamče dobru
zabavu i ugodno provedeno vrijeme. Papuk je idealan
za uživanje u planinarstvu i dugim šetnjama po tajnovitim šumama i uskim planinskim stazama, no jednako
Brdski biciklizam /
Mountain cycling
Bogatstvo boja u Parku prirode
Papuk / The richness of colours
in the Nature Park Papuk
je atraktivno odredište i za one koji vole nešto aktivniju rekreaciju, poput skijanja po uređenim stazama na
Jankovcu, Nevoljašu i Zvečevu. Za one sklonije pravim
avanturama, na raspolaganju je spuštanje padobranom sa stijene ili litice, popularni paragliding. Stijena
za slobodno penjanje nalazi se u blizini mjesta Velika.
Izgrađena je od čvrstog kvarcita i visoka pedesetak
metara. Od ostalih aktivnosti svakako valja istaknuti
brdski biciklizam (svakog proljeća održava se poznati
biciklistički maraton “Papuk”), ali i mogućnost panoramskih letova laganim motornim zmajevima. Najpoznatija papučka rekreacijska središta su Jankovac,
Orahovačko jezero, Velika i Zvečevo, a izgrađeno je
i nekoliko turističko-planinarskih objekata među kojima
su planinarska kuća Trišnjica, planinarski domovi Lapjak
i Jankovac te termalno kupalište Toplice nedaleko od
Velike. Toplice su smještene uz sam potok Dubočanku,
a tri vanjska bazena pune se iz prirodnih termalnih izvora. U ljetnim mjesecima one nude savršenu relaksaciju.
Ako planirate posjetiti Papuk, izdvojite i malo vremena
za posjet srednjovjekovnim fortifikacijskim građevinama
na lokacijama Ružica grad, Kamengrad i Velički grad.
Na Papuku se također nude i organizirane radionice
za školsku djecu koje uključuju razne igre i animacije,
edukativne programe prilagođene različitim uzrastima.
Iako je zbog bogate i predivne prirode Papuk često
odredište domaćih i stranih izletnika i planinara, turizam
ovdje nije razvijen.
Naravno, ima to i svoje dobre strane jer na Papuku
uvijek vlada mir, s prevladavajućim dojmom prave prirode u kojoj civilizacija još uvijek nije ostavila negativnih tragova. Poželite li se nakratko odvojiti od gužve
i svakodnevnog stresa, Papuk je uvijek pravo mjesto,
bez obzira na godišnje doba. Ako je to moguće, prirodu na Papuku treba iskusiti u toplijim mjesecima jer
se tada šumski svijet prikazuje u svom najljepšem ruhu.
Zimi, kada je Papuk prekriven snijegom, skijanje i planinarenje mogu činiti idealne zimske praznike uz izravan
dodir, otkrivanje i doživljaj svih ljepota i znamenitosti
koje papučki krajolik krije.
Šišmiši / Bats
A Daytrip Oasis
of the Slavonia Mountains
The richness of nature and the clean mountain air always guarantee good fun and
having a pleasant time. Papuk is ideal for enjoying some hiking and long walks
along mysterious forests and narrow mountain paths
Written by: Aleksandar Vrtariæ
Photo: Branko Stiviæ, Vlatka Dumboviæ, Miro Mesiæ, Stjepan Gal - PP Papuk
Park šuma Jankovac /Park-forest Jankovac
Pogled s vrha Papuka / View from the top of Papuk
ountain Papuk is located at the north-northwestern border of Požega Valley, and its
953-metre top of the same name makes
it the largest mountain in Eastern Croatia,
which forms a unique relief-landscape unit along with
Krndija. Thanks to the Voćin aristocrat Josip Janković,
Papuk was originally embellished in early nineteenth
century. The first mountaineering organization was formed in Jankovac in 1895, and after establishing accommodation and recreational capacities, Papuk has
become a very attractive location for mountaineering,
day trips and recreation. Considering the rich and diverse plant and animal life, numerous ridges and bays,
mountain streams and water springs, as well as the remainders of the cultural heritage from the pre-historical
period and the Middle Ages, Papuk was declared a
nature park on April 23rd 1999, and this year marked
the official inauguration as the 31st geo-park under direct supervision of UNESCO. The park is open for visitors
throughout the year, and all lovers of adventures and
day trips can enjoy the natural beauties, historical buildings and archaeological sites. The easiest and simplest way to get to the park is by car, but there’s also
the possibility of taking the train and transferring at the
station in Nova Kapela.
Nature Park Papuk is characterized by a high degree
of preservation when it comes to the still-uncharted
nature, but despite that, any visitor can enjoy its sumptuous beauties. The overwhelming richness of forests
(around 33.600 hectares) is dominated by Panonian
beech, oak, lungwort and cerris, as well as ash, fir,
chub and maple, while its sunnier sections also reveal
birches and chestnuts. Papuk’s floristic system is truly diverse and sumptuous – slightly less than 1500 plant species have been noticed, and we simply must point out
the rare and beautiful winter aconites, English yews,
autochthon Christmas holly, willow gentian, spurge laurel and iris. Thanks to the specific climate, as well as
its geo-morphological and vegetation characteristics,
Nature Park Papuk serves as a sanctuary to countless
animal species, including deer, bucks, wild boars, ferrets, martens, foxes and badgers, and some of the streams still feature otters as well. Luxurious tree tops of the
Papuk forests are also home for plenty of bird species
– as many as 103 types were familiar during the last research, led by the always cheerful golden orioles and
nightingales, as well as one of our loveliest predators
– the sparrow hawk. The crystal-clear mountain streams
also feature the strictly protected brook crabs, which is
a very hard creature to find in our waters these days.
There are also various frogs, reptiles and amphibians,
while all the lovers of fly fishing will be cheered up by
Rozi Hort Art
the fact that numerous streams are also inhibited by autochthon brook trout, which goes through its natural process of spawning in the upper
parts of the streams. Stražemanka, Dubočanka,
Karašica, Čađavica, Pakra and Kovačica are
the biggest streams, and they will enchant all flyfishing lovers with their beauties, as well as affect
anyone who knows how to relax and enjoy the
unpolluted nature.
The richness of nature and the clean mountain air always guarantee good fun and having
a pleasant time. Papuk is ideal for enjoying
some hiking and long walks along mysterious
forests and narrow mountain paths, but it’s just
as attractive of a location for those who enjoy
a slightly more active recreation, such as skiing
on the maintained tracks at Jankovac, Nevoljaš
and Zvečevo. For those who get a rush from real
adventures, they can test themselves at parachuting from a rock or cliff – the ever-so-popular
paragliding. The free-climbing rock is located
near a town called Velika. It was constructed
out of firm quartzite and is about fifty metres
high. Among other activities, we must point out
mountain cycling (a famous cycling marathon
“Papuk” is held every spring), but there is also
the possibility of panoramic flights via motor kites. The most renowned recreational centres of
Papuk are Jankovac, Orahovica Lake, Velika
and Zvečevo, and several tourism-mountaineering objects were also built, including mountaineering homes Trišnjica, Lapjak and Jankovac,
as well as the thermal swim resort Toplice near
Velika. Toplice are positioned right next to stream Dubočanka, and three outdoor pools are
filled from natural thermal sources. During the
summer months, they truly offer the perfect type
of relaxation. If you’re planning on visiting Papuk, make sure you find some time for visiting
medieval fortification buildings in Ružica Grad,
Kamengrad and Velički Grad. Papuk also features organized workshops for school kids, which
include various games and animations, as well
as educational programmes designed for different age groups. Although its rich and wonderful
nature makes Papuk a frequent destination for
local and foreign day-trippers and hikers, tourism isn’t exactly blossoming. Naturally, that also
has some good sides, as Papuk is always filled
with peace and the predominant impression of
true nature, which has not yet been negatively
influenced by civilization. If you want to spend
some time getting away from the crowd and
everyday stress, Papuk is always the right choice, regardless of the season. If it is possible, one
should experience Papuk’s nature during the
warmer months, as that is when the forest world
displays itself in full force. In winter, when Papuk
is covered in snow, skiing and hiking can provide
the ideal winter holidays with direct contact, discovery and experience of all the beauties and
wonderful sights hidden in the Papuk area.
Cvijet iris / Iris flower
Jelanak / Stag beetle
Prostorom prevladava crna boja / The space is dominated by black colour
Za izgled restorana Hemingway zaslužan je Martin Pohl / The credit
for how restaurant Hemingway looks goes to Martin Pohl
Gotièki ugoðaj
u centru Zagreba
Pristup kuhinji u novootvorenom restoranu Hemingway temelji se na fuziji talijanskoga
tradicionalizma i francuske tehnologije kuhanja – svakoj se namirnici posvećuje potpuna
pažnja pri pripremi i obradi, a okusi ostaju na Mediteranu
Piše: Nina Boškoviæ
Foto: Kristina Faziniæ
akon dugogodišnjeg boravka na samom vrhu
noćnih klubova, Hemingway bar je krajem rujna ove godine otvorio svoj drugi restoran, u
preuređenom prostoru na Tuškancu. Točno na
jubilarnu petu godišnjicu postojanja, gosti su svjedočili
transformaciji i novom izgledu jednog od najpopularnijih zagrebačkih okupljališta, za koje je zaslužan arhitekt
i dizajner Martin Pohl, proglašen dizajnerom godine u
2004. godini.
Vrhunskim dizajnom interijera, u kojem prevladava crna
boja, posebno dominira i intrigira veliko rasvjetno tijelo
u prirodnoj veličini konja, čuveni Horse lamp dizajnera
Marcela Wandersa. Sva rasvjetna tijela su od proizvođača Moooi, a o kvaliteti i svjetskom ugledu spomenu-
Crni rezanci sa škampima i hrskavim povrćem
Za tijesto:
- 500 g glatkog brašna
- 4 jaja
- ½ žlice crnila od sipe
Za umak:
- 350 g očišćenih repova škampa
- 70 g tikvica
- 70 g mrkve
- 70 g cherry rajčica
- 1 češanj češnjaka
- 0,05 l bijelog vina
- sol
- papar
- bosiljak
Za košaru:
- 250 g ribanog parmezana (pravi parmezan)
- žlica sjemenki sezama
Za košaricu od parmezana:
Zagrijati teflonsku tavu i na nju ravnomjerno rasporediti
naribani parmezan, lagano posuti sjemenkama.
Kada se lagano zažuti, maknuti s vatre, pričekati da se
malo ohladi, izvrnuti na jednu zdjelicu i oblikovati ga u
obliku košarice.
Za tijesto:
U posudu staviti jaja, crnilo od sipe, zamiješati, dodati
brašno i mijesiti dok ne postane homogena masa. Kada je
sve dobro zamiješeno, zamotati u prozirnu foliju i pustiti da
se ohladi u hladnjaku par sati. Nakon toga razvaljati tijesto
na tanke listove i narezati na rezance.
Za umak:
Na vrućemu maslinovu ulju zapržiti škampe, dodati češnjak, politi s malo vina i kada vino ishlapi, dodati povrće
narezano na tanke listiće, ubaciti kuhanu tjesteninu, cherry rajčice, bosiljak, dobro promiješati i servirati u košarici.
tog brenda najbolje govore brojne svjetske nagrade,
a jedna takva stigla je za Moooi Paper candelier, rasvjetno tijelo koje je 2007. godine, u izboru svjetskog Elle
Decora, proglašeno najboljim. Ono također krasi bar
Poseban izazov arhitektu Pohlu bilo je uređenje kuhinje čija je svrha svojim kreacijama upotpuniti zamišljenu ideju restorana Hemingway. Prezentacija hrane te
okusi imaju korijene u kuhinji Marca Pierrea Whitea, koji
je višegodišnji uzor kuharu Denisu Zandomenigu, koji
je delicije svoga uzora maštovito ukomponirao u naše
podneblje i običaje. Pristup kuhinji u novootvorenom
restoranu Hemingway temelji se na fuziji talijanskoga
tradicionalizma i francuske tehnologije kuhanja – svakoj se namirnici posvećuje potpuna pažnja pri pripremi
i obradi, a okusi ostaju na Mediteranu. Naravno, sve
namirnice moraju biti svježe i, koliko god je to moguće,
domaćeg podrijetla. Posebna pažnja posvećuje se začinima koji ne smiju prevladavati okusima, nego dopustiti namirnici da što bolje dočara svoju aromu. Preferira
se kuhanje i začinjavanje s različitim vrhunskim maslinovim uljima. Svako jelo je splet različitih aroma koje imaju
ulogu naglasiti vrijednost glavne namirnice.
Denis Zandomenigo svoje je višegodišnje iskustvo ispekao po raznim restoranima diljem Italije, od kojih se više
njih diči s jednom ili dvije Micheline zvjezdice.
Hemingway bar daleko slovi kao najbolji bar kada su u
pitanju organizirani partyji i eventi, a glavni “krivac” što
je to tako je Marin Nekić, jer je osmislio cocktaile koji se
savršeno stapaju s ponudom hrane restorana. Naime,
radi se o novom pristupu cocktaila koji se rade sa svježim voćem i sa što manje vrsta pića.
Pretežno se služe za aperitiv (prije večere), a često ljudi nastavljaju s ispijanjem istih tijekom cijele večeri, pri
čemu potpuno zanemare vino!
Horse lamp Marcela Wandersa / Horse lamp designed by Marcel Wanders
Gothic Ambience in the
Centre of Zagreb
Veliki svijećnjaci dominiraju prostorom / Large
candlesticks dominate the space
Gostima je na raspolaganju velik izbor vina /
Guests have a large wine selection at their disposal
The approach to the cuisine at the newly opened restaurant Hemingway is based on a
fusion of Italian traditionalism and French cooking technology – every grocery is given
special attention during preparation and processing, while the flavour remains Mediterranean
Written by: Nina Boškoviæ
Photo: Kristina Faziniæ
fter its many-year reign at the very top of the
nightclub list, Hemingway Bar opened its second restaurant in late September of this year in
a redecorated space at Tuškanac. Precisely at
the fifth anniversary of its existence, the guests witnessed
a transformation and a new look of one of the most popular gathering places in Zagreb, and the credit goes to
architect and designer Martin Pohl, who was chosen as
the Designer of the Year in 2004.
The supreme interior design, which distinguishes itself with
plenty of black colour, is particularly dominated and intrigued by a large lighting object in a natural size of a
horse, the famous Horse Lamp by designer Marcel Wanders. All lighting objects are manufactured by Moooi,
and the quality and the world reputation of that brand is
best testified by numerous awards from all over the world;
one of which was awarded to the Moooi Paper Chandelier, the best lighting object of 2007, at least according
to Elle Décor. It also reveals itself in all its beauty at the
restaurant bar.
Netipičan interijer malo koga će ostaviti ravnodušnim /
The atypical interior will leave very few people indifferent
Black Noodles with Shrimp and Crunchy Vegetables
For dough:
500 g of smooth flour
4 eggs
½ spoon of cuttlefish’s black substance
For the sauce:
350 g of cleaned shrimp tails
70 g of zucchini
70 g of carrot
70 g of cherry tomatoes
1 clove of garlic
0,05 litres of white wine
For the basket:
250 g of grated parmesan (real parmesan)
1 spoon of sesame seeds
For the parmesan basket:
Heat up a Teflon pan and proportionally distribute grated parmesan on it, then gently cover it in seeds. Once it turns slightly yellow,
get it off of the fire, wait for it to cool down a bit, place it within a
small bowl and shape it as a basket.
For the dough:
Fill the bowl with the eggs, cuttlefish’s black substance, stir it up
and knead until it becomes a homogeneous mass. When it’s all
stirred up, wrap it in a see-through foil and let it cool down in a
fridge for several hours. After that, process the dough into thin
leaves and cut it into noodles.
For the sauce:
Fry some shrimp on hot olive oil, add some garlic, spill a little wine
into it and, when the wine vaporizes, add the vegetables that are
sliced into thin little pieces, put in the cooked pasta, cherry tomatoes and basil, stir it well and serve it in a basket.
Denis Zandomenigo odgovoran je za gastro ponudu
/ Denis Zandomenigo is
responsible for the gastrooffering
Architect Pohl was particularly challenged by the
process of decorating the kitchen, as its purpose
was to complete the designed idea of restaurant
Hemingway with its creations. Flavours and the food
presentation are rooted in the cuisine of Marc Pierre
White, who served as the role model to restaurant
chef Denis Zandomenigo for many years. Zandomenigo imaginatively adjusted his idol’s delicacies
into our environment and habits. The approach to
the cuisine at the newly opened restaurant Hemingway is based on a fusion of Italian traditionalism
and French cooking technology – every grocery
is given special attention during preparation and
processing, while the flavour remains Mediterranean. It’s a given that all groceries must be fresh and,
if in any way possible, of local descent. Special attention is given to spices as they mustn’t overpower
the other flavours, but merely enable the grocery
to bring the best out of its aroma. It’s preferred to
cook and spice things up with various superb olive
oils. Every meal is a combination of different aromas that have the role of emphasizing the value of
the main grocery.
Denis Zandomenigo has earned his multi-year experience at various restaurants across Italy, and the
majority of them boast at least one or two Michelle
Hemingway Bar has the reputation as being the
best when it comes to organized parties and
events, and the “man to blame” for that reputation is Marin Nekić, as he came up with cocktails
that perfectly blend with the food offering in the
restaurant. He applied a new approach to making
cocktails that includes fresh fruit and as little actual
beverage as possible.
They are predominantly served as aperitif (before
dinner), but it’s not uncommon for people to keep
sipping them all the way during the evening, often
completely ignoring the wine.
Fine st
C-Buggy dvosjed za
sve podloge
U skladu s vječno inovativnom filozofijom tvrtke,
Citroen je prije nešto više
od godine dana izišao u
javnost s novim adutom
– minimalističkim čudom
Stvoren kako bi vozača
doveo u izravan kontakt s elementima – kako
otvorenim prostorom nad sobom, tako i u blizak,
neposredan dodir s tlom – ovaj se supermali terenac dizajnom potpuno približio sferi znanstvenofantastičnoga. Kompaktan i zaobljen, istodobno
djeluje moćno, dinamično, ali i intimno, prijateljski, dovodeći vozača još jednom u prisan odnos
s vlastitom unutrašnjošću. Kako to samo Citroen
zna i može.
Dragulj u
srcu Nokije
Nokijina inovacija 8800 Sapphire Arte prodavat će se po cijeni od oko 1150 eura, a na tržište
izlazi početkom sljedeće godine.
U cijenu su, osim mobilnog telefona s
danas već standardnom opremom, USB
konekcijom i kamerom, uračunate dodatne
tehničke pogodnosti, poput stišavanja tona poziva
okretanjem uređaja prema dolje, aktivnim dodirnim površinama, kožnom presvlakom... Ipak, najekskluzivniji detalj ovoga mobilnog telefona jest pravi
dragi kamen, safir, po kojemu je model dobio ime.
Jahta po guštu kitera
Projekt 20-metarske jahte pokretane zmajem, popularnim kiteom,
rad je strastvene kiterice i jedriličarke, diplomantice industrijskog
dizajna Stefanie Krucke. Ova jahta
koristi prednosti konstantnijih i jačih
zračnih struja u većim visinama.
Površinu manju od tradicionalnog
jedra lakše razvija i pokreće već
slabiji povjetarac, a jahti ne treba
nikakav solidni balast, te je time
omogućeno jedrenje najplićim
morskim područjima... Inače, Kitano može primiti do osam osoba.
Citroen s C-Bugy
Off-Roader for All Surfaces
In harmony with the eternal innovative philosophy of the company, Citroen presented a new
ace up their sleeve a little more
than a year ago – a minimalist
miracle named C-Buggy. Created so it could bring the driver
into direct contact with the elements – both the open space
right up front, and the imminent
and approximate contact with
the ground – this super-small offroader carries a design that is
getting ever-closer to what we
call science fiction. Compact
and curved, it leaves a powerful and dynamic
impression, but also presents itself as intimate and
friendly, while again bringing the driver into close
relations with its own interior. Only Citroen knows
how to do this.
A Jewel in the Heart of Nokia
Nokia’s innovation under the name 8800 Sapphire
Arte will go on sale for around 1150 euros, and it is due
to appear on the market early next year. Besides the
mobile phone with what counts as standard equipment these days, including USB connection and a
camera, the price also includes some additional
technical conveniences, such as lowering the
tone of the call by facing the device to the
ground, active tangential surfaces,
leather covers… Still, the most
exclusive detail of this mobile
phone is one true jewel, a
sapphire, which provided the
name for this model
A Yacht for Kiters
A design for a 20-metre yacht steered by the ever-popular
kite is created by an industrial design graduate Stefanie
Krucke who is also very much into both kites and yachting.
This yacht uses the advantages of stronger and more
consistent air currents in bigger heights. A surface smaller
than a traditional sail is easily
developed and started by
even the slightest of winds,
while the yacht doesn’t
need any solid ballast, which
enables sailing over the shallowest sea surfaces. It’s also
worth mentioning that Kitano
can have up to eight people
on board.
Umivaonik i lavor
u jednom
Predmet koji ujedinjuje osobine
umivaonika i klasičnog lavora,
rad Jessice Nebel, potiče korisnika na ekonomičnu potrošnju
vode jer je prenosiv i tako omogućava višestruko korištenje
iste vode, naravno, kad je to
moguće. U moru dizajnerskih
unaprjeđenja svakodnevice,
svakako je zanimljiva inovacija
za ljubitelje ekološki prihvatljivih
Fonoteka Luja XVI.
Frederic Pinel, osim po smislu za humor, poznat je i po brojnim dizajnerskim inovacijama, poput upotrebe neuobičajenih boja,
materijala te tradicionalnih ideja na ultramoderan način. Iz
serije ormara za koje
kaže da uzor pronalazi u vremenu cara
Luja XVI. izdvojili smo
ovaj, nazvan Soprano. 480 CD-ova složenih abecedno u
luksuznoj izvedbi, s
integriranim audiosustavom, a sve skupa ne prelazi težinu
od 100 kg. Dovoljno
za vašu fonoteku?
Combination of a
Lavatory and a
An object that unites characteristics of a lavatory and a classic washbasin, designed by
Jessica Nebel, encourages the user to spend
water in a more economical way due to it
being portable, which enables us to use the
same water repeatedly when it is possible.
In a flood of designer novelties for everyday
life, this is certainly an interesting innovation
for lovers of ecologically acceptable products.
Louis XVIth Record Collection
Besides for his sense of humour, Frederic Pinel is
also renowned for numerous
designer innovations, including the usage of unusual colours, materials and traditional
ideas in an ultra-modern way.
From the series of closets that
he claims were inspired by the
era of emperor Louis XVIth, we
singled out this one under the
name Soprano. 480 CDs arranged alphabetically in one
luxurious performance, with
an integrated audio-system,
and weighing less than 100
kilograms. Is that enough for
your record collection?
Rastavi i ugrij
Danska dizajnerica Anna
Gotha osmislila je zanimljivu
i praktičnu alternativu tradicionalnim svakodnevnim
grijaćim rješenjima. Modulo
je moderan, dizajnom inovativan sustav modularnih blokova koji su, osim što ne zauzimaju velik stambeni prostor,
po potrebi odvojivi i prenosivi. Ideja je da se jezgre blokova zagrijavaju iz središnjeg
radijatora, i na tome za sada
ostaje budući da dizajnerica nije ponudila rješenje tehničke izvedbe.
Danish designer Anna Gotha
has come up with an interesting and practical alternative
to traditional everyday heating solutions. Modulo is a modern, design-wise innovative
system of modular blocks that
can be dismantled and transported when it’s necessary,
and they also don’t take up
a lot of residential space. The
idea is for the centres of blocks
to heat up from the central radiator, and that’s as far as the
idea goes so far because the
designer is yet to offer the solution of the technical performance.
Pripremio / Edited by: Nikola Èelan
Dismantle and Warm Up
“Interijeri na slikama Sebastijana Dračića prirodno obitavaju u duhovnom
kontekstu najboljeg prošlostoljetnog
zapadnjačkog slikarstva. Prostorom
caruje očuđeni tren svečane ukipljenosti…”
Piše: Nataša Bodrožiæ
ebastijan Dračić je još jedan od slikara mlađe
generacije čiji rad u posljednje vrijeme izaziva
pozornost. Njegov specifičan likovni izraz gradi
gotovo nepokretan, tihi kadar u kojemu je uhvaćena mistična atmosfera izazvana nečijim nedavnim
odlaskom ili nesigurnom prisutnošću. Njegova recentna izložba “Interijeri”, u galeriji “Vladimir Filakovac”
u Zagrebu, bila je dobar uvid upravo u ovaj segment
Dračićeva rada, njegovu preokupaciju unutarnjim
prostorima kao odrazom određenog stanja, mjestom
suptilnog komentara. “Prostorom caruje očuđeni tren
svečane ukipljenosti: čovjekov lik – uslijed njegove prolaznosti, privremenosti, trošnosti... – ne može pripadati
takvoj privilegiranoj situaciji.” Prostrta leopardova koža
na parketu, među golim zidovima pastelnih nijansi, ili
ljubičasti kauč u okružju vlažnih zidova i bijele svjetlosti
prozora, prizivaju neku neodređenu melankoliju, prizori su to na trenutke bliski dekorima velikog američkog
slikara Edwarda Hoppera. I dok Hopper prikazuje alijenaciju, izložene pojedince bez mogućnosti ostvarenja
izravnijega kontakta, Sebastijan Dračić ide još dalje,
prikazuje “jutro poslije”, kad čovjeka više nema, kad su
ostali još samo tragovi, perspektive odsutnosti.
Njegova druga, također nedavna izložba “8 x 8” , u
Galeriji zagrebačkog Studentskog centra, ponudila je
još kompleksniju priču. Na osam slika naziva koji se referiraju na povijesne ličnosti, imena poput “Ljubavni život
Napoleona”, “Društveni život Marije Terezije” ili “Starost
Ljubavni život Napoleona (ciklus 8 x 8) /
Napoleon’s Love Life
Društveni život Marije Terezije (ciklus 8 x 8) / Mary Theresa’s
Social Life
Sulejmana Veličanstvenog” – koje pritom prikazuju nešto sasvim drugo – Dračić se igra značenjima. Prizori
kojima nas izlaže reducirani su, pomalo nadrealni, katkad nabijeni simbolikom, od velike crvene sobe s jednom jedinom stolicom, psa na hladnom popločanom
podu, ili prazne, plave, netom napuštene dvorane za
ples. Pogledamo li bolje slike o kojima je riječ, “shvatit
ćemo da poveznice, ako i postoje, zapravo nisu bitne.
Povijesni junaci prestaju biti prepoznatljivi, autor se poigrava njihovim značenjem i našim znanjem, a slikarska
materija i slika sama preuzimaju glavnu ulogu. Osjećaj
neprikazanog okosnica je čitavog ciklusa. Izloženim
uljima na platnu zajednička je kombinacija lazurnih i
pastoznih nanosa te slikareva koncentriranost na motive, njihovu obradu i (re)prezentaciju. Sebastijan Dračić stvara cjeline od tekstura kojima pokazuje kako
odlično može zavarati oko, tromp l’oeil, realističnim
prikazom parketa ili starinskog, vapnom obojanog
zida. Može, ali i ne mora. Prateći na koji način svjetlost
ulazi u prostore, jasno se vidi da njegov cilj nije stvoriti
nešto što nalikuje stvarnosti. Svjetlo na svim radovima
predstavlja bitan element i obilježava ih specifičnim
atmosferama. Pojedine slike definira kao jasan, gotovo središnji motiv, koji kroz otvore ulazi u sliku i donosi
nagovještaj vanjskog prostora, simbole nade, novog i
Svojim radovima umjetnik postavlja na scenu jedan svijet enigme sastavljen od figura i predmeta koji se po-
dvrgavaju principima misterije. Upravo u ovoj točki rad
Sebastijana Dračića može se promatrati i kao svojevrsni nastavak tradicije metafizičkog slikarstva talijanskih
umjetnika s početka dvadesetog stoljeća, okupljenih
oko utemeljitelja te nove estetike, Giorgia De Chirica.
Nešto od njegove “uznemirujuće čudnosti” postoji i kod
Dračića, uz primjetno referiranje na suvremenost, makar u sitnim detaljima. Posebna težina i dezorijentiraći
prostor, poznato i blisko, istrgnuti iz njihova uobičajenoga konteksta postaju misteriozni, anksiozni...
“Mi danas jednako baštinimo i tradicionalnu umjetnost i
avangardu. Takva mogućnost različitih izvora i utjecaja
može samo potaknuti kreativnost, koja je oslobođena
ikakve programske ili ideološke ograničenosti. Tako da
mi (većina mojih bliskih kolega i prijatelja), koji pripadamo generaciji koja je odrastala u osamdesetima i devedesetima, uz umjetnost, imamo i videoigre, stripove,
TV serije, modne časopise, Ikeine kataloge, fotografiju,
kao mogućnosti koje su utjecale na naš estetski sud i
na neki način nas vizualno odgojile”, riječi su samog
O procesu stvaranja, Sebastijan Dračić još dodaje:
“Meni je teško reći otkud crpim ideje jer mi se često
dogodi da je ta jedna ‘završna’ ideja zapravo skup više
manjih spojenih u jednu, tijekom vremena. U mojemu
radu veliku ulogu imaju izvanumjetnički izvori. Kada radim neke veće cikluse, uvijek imam razrađen cijeli koncept. On je vrlo važan u mojemu radu, ideje koje mi
Majčinstvo Katarine Kotromanić (ciklus 8 x 8) / The Motherhood of Katarina Kotromanić
dolaze često razvijam sporo radeći na nekim drugim
projektima u isto vrijeme. Nisam sklon raditi na brzinu i
površno, stoga puštam da ideje sazriju i razvijaju se dok
ne budem zadovoljan i krenem u realizaciju. Ne vjerujem u brze rezultate i brza rješenja. Kada slikam, taj proces traje dugo. Neke slike sam radio i više od godinu
dana, volim ih ostavljati da stoje nedovršene tjednima
okrenute prema zidu ne slikajući i ne gledajući ih, zbog
toga što mi učestali rad na jednoj slici onemogućava objektivan pogled na nju. S odmakom od nekoliko
tjedana mogu biti puno realniji u procjeni kako dalje.
Nemam veliku produkciju slika, neki slikari uspijevaju
izbaciti desetke slika mjesečno, ja nikad nisam imao tu
potrebu. Svaka slika mi je jednako bitna. Unutar formata svaki centimentar tretiram jednako, bile to teksture
podova ili tapeta, mrtva priroda, životinje ili bilo što drugo. Odnosi predmeta, prostori, boje i teksture, sve to
koristim u stvaranju određene atmosfere na slici.”
Sebastijan Dračić je rođen u Zagrebu 1980. godine.
gdje završava Akademiju likovnih umjetnosti, a 2007.
upisuje poslijediplomski doktorski studij slikarstva. Dosad
je imao tri samostalne i više skupnih izložbi, a 2006. godine je dobio rektorovu nagradu na natječaju za Galeriju
rektorata Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
Smrt Petra Svačića (ciklus 8 x 8) / The Death
of Petar Svačić
Written by: Nataša Bodrožiæ
Sebastijan Draèiæ:
Perspectives of Absence
“Interiors on the paintings by Sebastijan Dračić naturally reside within the spiritual context of the finest Western paintings of the last century. The space is dominated by a
bewildered moment of festive stiffness…”
ebastijan Dračić is another one of those younger-generation painters whose work draws plenty
of attention lately. His specific artistic expression
builds a nearly immobile, quiet frame that captures a mystical atmosphere caused by someone’s
recent departure or uncertain presence. His recent
exhibit “Interiors” in the “Vladimir Filakovac” gallery in
Zagreb served as an excellent insight into this very segment of Dračić’s work – his preoccupation with interiors
as a reflection of a certain state, as well as a place of
subtle commentary. “The space is dominated by a bewildered moment of festive stiffness: the human figure
– in the midst of its transience, mortality, fragility…- cannot be a part of such a privileged situation.” Unveiled
leopard skin on the parquet, among the naked walls of
pastel shades, or a purple couch surrounded by damp
walls and the window’s white light, call upon a certain
unsure melancholy, and also momentarily recall the
decors of a great American painter Edward Hopper.
And while Hopper tries to convey alienation, exposed
individuals without the possibility of achieving direct
communication, Sebastijan Dračić takes things one
step further and conveys “the morning after”, which is
when the person has already left and all that is found
are just traces, perspectives of absence.
His other, also recent exhibit “8X8” in the Student Centre Gallery in Zagreb has offered a story that is even
more complex. With his eight paintings carrying names
that refer to historical personalities, such as “Napoleon’s Love Life”, “Mary Theresa’s Social Life” or “The
Touch of art
Bez naziva 7 (ciklus Interijeri) / No Name 7 (Interiors cycle )
Old Age of Suleiman the Magnificent” – which have a
completely different content than their names would
suggest – Dračić is playing with meanings. The scenes
he bestows upon us are reduced, somewhat surreal
and filled with symbolism, from a big red room with one
single chair, a dog on a cold paved floor, or an empty
blue ballroom that has just been abandoned. If we take
a closer look at the abovementioned paintings, “we
will realize that, even if certain connections really exist,
they are completely irrelevant. Historical heroes cease
being recognizable, the author plays around with their
meaning and our knowledge of them, while the painting substance and the painting itself take centre stage.
The sense of the untold is the backbone of the entire
cycle. The exhibited oil-on-canvas paintings share
a combination of azure and pastel coatings, as well
as the painter’s focus on motifs, their processing and
(re)presentation. Sebastijan Dračić creates units from
textures he uses to demonstrate the excellent ways to
deceive an eye, tromp l’oeil, with realistic versions of
parquets or an archaic wall covered in lime. He can,
but he doesn’t have to. While paying close attention
to the ways light enters the room, it becomes clear that
his goal is to create something that resembles reality.
All of his projects feature light as an important element
that creates distinctive ambiences. Light even defines
certain paintings as a clear, almost central motif that
enters the painting through various openings, only to
bring a glimpse of the outdoor space as a symbol of
hope, something new and different.”
The artist uses his works to set the scene for a world of
enigma assembled from figures and objects that submit to the principles of mystery. It’s precisely on this
point that we get to observe Sebastijan Dračić’s work
as a sort of continuation to the tradition of metaphysical painting by Italian artist from the early twentieth
century, which were gathered around the founder of
this new aesthetics, Giorgio De Chiric. Aspects of his
“disturbing oddity” can be found with Dračić as well,
along with noticeable referring to the contemporary,
if only in slight details. Special weight and disorienting
space, the familiar and the close, become mysterious
and anxious as they are ripped out from their usual
“These days, we consider traditional art and the avantgarde as equal parts of our heritage. That type of pos-
Starost Sulejmana Veličanstvenog (ciklus 8 x 8) /
The Old Age of Suleiman the Magnificent
Bez naziva 5 (ciklus interijeri) /
No Name 5 (interiors cycle )
Bez naziva 1 (ciklus Interijeri) /
No Name 1 (Interiors cycle )
sibility of different sources and influences can only
encourage creativity, which is free of any programmatic or ideological limitations. We (most of my close
colleagues and friends) who belong to the generation that grew up during the eighties and the nineties,
can accompany art with video-games, comic books,
TV shows, fashion magazines, IKEA catalogues, photographs, as all those possibilities have influenced our
aesthetical judgement and have visually shaped us in
a way”, the artist says.
Sebastian Dračić adds this about the process of creating: “It’s very difficult for me to explain where I find
my ideas because it often turns out that the one “final” idea is actually the combination of several smaller ideas combined into one during the period of time.
My work is heavily influenced by out-of-art sources.
Whenever I work on a bigger cycle, I always have the
entire concept in my mind. It is very important in my
work, as I often slowly develop ideas by working on
some other projects simultaneously. I don’t have the
tendency to work quickly and superficially, so I allow
my ideas to grow and develop until I’m perfectly satisfied and ready to pursue them. I don’t believe in quick
solutions and quick answers. Whenever I paint, that
process lasts a long time. I’ve worked for over a year
on some paintings, as I like to leave them unfinished for
weeks to face the wall without working on them or even
looking at them, because frequent work on a painting
makes it impossible for me to objectively judge it. With
a buffer period of a few weeks, I can be much more
realistic in terms of how to continue. I don’t have a large
production of paintings; some painters have the need
to produce dozens of paintings per month, but I never
had that need. Every painting is just as important to me.
Within that format, I treat every centimetre in a same
way, whether it shows textures of floors or carpets, still
life, animals or anything else. Relations among objects,
spaces, colours and textures – I use all of that to create
a certain atmosphere within a painting.”
Sebastijan Dračić was born in 1980 in Zagreb, where he
graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts, and he entered the post-graduate PhD programme in painting in
2007. He has held three individual and numerous group
exhibits up until now, and he won the rector’s prize in
the contest of the Rectory Gallery of Zagreb University
in 2006.
Atmosfera u resortu u cjelini je opuštena, mirna i
harmonična / The resort’s overall atmosphere is very
relaxed, peaceful and harmonic
Vile, restoran i bar izgrađeni su u suglasju s okolišem, korištenjem prirodnih materijala / Villas, restaurant and
bar are constructed in harmony with the environment, through usage of natural materials
Soneva Gili - tropski raj
nad morem
“Inteligentni luksuz” vila na stupovima uspjela je nakana tvoraca da se posjetitelja neprestano podsjeća na vodeno okružje. U Sonevi je gost naprosto “utopljen”
u bistroj, tropskoj morskoj vodi
Piše: Nikola Èelan
ako na prvi pogled manje prikladno za zimsko razdoblje, upravo suprotno prevladavajućem trendu zimovališne ponude, predstavljamo vam jednu daleku,
egzotičnu tropsku turističku varijantu. Vodimo vas na
privatni tropski otok Lankanfushi, jedan od 19 koraljnih
grebena koji se protežu na više od 800 kilometara u Indijskom oceanu, a sam otok je jedan od 1190 njih što čine
otočje Maldiva.
Četrdeset i pet vila na drvenim stupovima smješteno je
uz otočje koraljnoga grebena North Male, 20 minuta brodom od Malea, glavnoga grada Maldiva. Vile su podijeljene po tipu ponude i raspoloživoj površini u tri cjeline:
29 njih spadaju u Soneva Gili Villa Suites, osam u Soneva
Gili Residences, a sedam u tzv. Soneva Gili Crusoe. Sve
zajedno čine hotelski resort poznat pod imenom Soneva
Gili & Six Senses Spa. Riječ je o prvom potpuno “vode-
Foto: www.designhotels.com
nom” resortu na Maldivima, s luksuznim apartmanima
na međusobnoj udaljenosti od najmanje 20 metara, koji
su s otokom povezani trima hidroavionima što prelijeću
plitku i blještavu lagunu.
Sonevina filozofija zasniva se na ideji tzv. inteligentnog
luksuza. Osim standardnih gabarita Villa Suites i Residences, za najzahtjevnije goste u okviru resorta na raspolaganju je sedam privatnošću iznimnih bungalova, orijentiranih otvorenome moru – tzv. Crusoe Residences, kojima
je prilaz omogućen jedino privatnim plovilima. Ideja sadrži i ekološku komponentu, pa su tako vile, restoran i
bar izgrađeni u suglasju s okolišem, korištenjem prirodnih
materijala i trupaca iz obnovljivih šumskih resursa.
Vjerojatno najuzbudljivije, a što izdvaja Sonevu od drugih tropskih odredišta, jest uspjela nakana tvoraca da
se posjetitelja neprestano podsjeća na vodeno okružje.
Mnoštvo prozora i otvora omogućuju
posjetiteljima san uz zvukove otvorenog
mora / Numerous windows and openings enable the visitors to sleep along
the sounds of open sea
Namještaj i stolovi uglavnom su ručne izrade / Furniture and tables
are mostly hand-processed
U Sonevi je gost naprosto “utopljen” u bistroj, tropskoj
morskoj vodi. Osim nepregledne oceanske površine i
glavnog, tridesetmetarskoga plivačkog bazena, to se
postiže posebnim elementima u krovištima, terasama,
krovnim terasama, čak uz pažljivo smještanje konceptualnih “rupa” u glomaznim podovima vila. Pažljivo pozicioniranom izgradnjom omogućena je stalna komunikacija s prirodnim vodenim ambijentom.
Estetika interijera je u rustikalnom chic-stilu, tradicionalna, s namještajem i stolovima uglavnom ručne izrade.
Mnoštvo prozora i otvora omogućuju posjetiteljima san
uz zvukove udaranja valova o obale grebena, dok ležaljke u cabana stilu na terasama nude atraktivnu alternativu spavanju u zatvorenome. Svaki apartman je klimatiziran, sadrži veliki dnevni boravak s kaučevima, stolovima
za šah, minibar, kvadrofonijski hi-fi sistem ukomponiran
s televizorom, satelitskim prijamnikom i VCD uređajem
unutar kabineta ručne izrade. Kupaonice su prostrane, s
odvojenim tuševima kojima se prilazi otvorenim koridorima, kroz vodene vrtove, a unikatna posebnost su kade i
jacuzziji ukomponirani u ambijent na najrazličitijim mjestima, najčešće na otvorenom prostoru. Stube iz njih vode
izravno k moru, prema zasebnim, privatnim kupalištima.
Prehrana je također prilagođena općem ambijentu:
obroci se nude u privatnim aranžmanima unutar apartmana, vrtnim prostorima (na otvorenome) te u restoranu Gourmet Cellar, gdje se posebna pozornost posvećuje ponudi vrhunskih vina. Tu je ambijent podređen
prije svega jedinstvenom doživljaju romantične večere
na mjesečini. Osim toga, gostima je na raspolaganju
čak i pontonski brod na kojem se može večerati u pokretu – ploveći lagunom pod zvijezdama. Večerati se
može i na pješčanoj plaži te uživati na pikniku na pustom
Uza sve egzotične elemente, resort ne zaostaje ponudom svakodnevnih potrepština, poput telefonskih, internetskih i fax usluga, prodavaonica, zrakoplovnog
terminala, knjižnice (s video i glazbenom CD-tekom)
i dvorane za sastanke. Ljekarna i liječnička ordinacija
smještene su na obližnjem otoku.
Atmosfera u resortu u cjelini je opuštena, a mir i harmonija osjete se odmah nakon izlaska s broda.
Nezaobilazan element Soneve nagrađivan je centar
Six Senses Spa. Obogaćen staklenim podnim površinama i masažnim stolovima prilagođenima opet ugodnom “vodenom” iskustvu, pravu posebnost u ponudi
ima u masaži maldivskim pijeskom. Škola ronjenja PADI
nudi dodatno iskustvo otočnog podmorja kroz školu
ronjenja te ponudu raznih vodenih sportova, poput
ronjenja, windsurfinga, jedrenja, kajaka, te drugih, kao
što su tenis, stolni tenis, odbojka ili badminton, jogging
i biciklizam...
Poželite li provesti svoj zimski odmor na ovoj fascinantnoj
tropskoj lokaciji, trebate izdvojiti za dnevnu rezervaciju
od 700 do 1200 eura, ovisno o tome koju kategoriju i broj
kreveta trebate. Booking se vrši za jednokrevetne, dvokrevetne i trokrevetne opcije, a cijena je aktualna za trenutačno, za našu geografsku širinu zimsko, razdoblje.
Nakana je tvoraca da se posjetitelja neprestano podsjeća
na vodeno okružje / The intention of creators is to constantly
remind the visitorof the environment dominated by water
U Sonevi je gost naprosto “utopljen” u bistroj, tropskoj
morskoj vodi / A guest in Soneva is simply “drowned” in
clear, tropical seawater
Soneva Gili - tropical
paradise above the sea
“Intelligent luxury” of villas on stilts has led to success when it comes to constantly reminding the visitor of the environment dominated by water. A guest in
Soneva is simply “drowned” in clear, tropical seawater
Written by: Nikola Èelan
Photo: www.designhotels.com
Soneva Gili je prvi potpuno “vodeni” resort na Maldivima /
Soneva Gili is the first resort on the Maldives that is completely dominated by water
lthough it may originally appear less appropriate for this winter period, or even just the
opposite from the predominant trend of offers
for winter vacations, we present you with a
vacation option that is distant, exotic and tropical. We
take you to the private tropical island of Lankanfushi,
one of 19 atolls that spread across over 800 kilometres
in the Indian Ocean, while the island itself is one 1190
units that create the Maldive Islands.
Forty-five villas on wooden stilts are located along the
islands of atoll North Male, 20 minutes away by boat
from Male, the capital of Maldives. The villas are divided according to the type of offering and available
surface into three groups: 29 of them comprise the
Soneva Gili Villa Suites, eight of them are called Soneva
Gili Residences, while seven of them comprise the socalled Soneva Gili Crusoe. All of them together create
the hotel resort that goes by the name of Soneva Gili
& Six Senses Spa. That is the first resort on the Maldives
that is completely dominated by water, and it features
luxurious apartments at least 20 metres away from one
another. They are connected to the island by three hydroplanes that fly over the shallow and shiny lagoon.
Soneva’s philosophy is based on the idea of the socalled intelligent luxury. Besides the standard Villa Suites
and Residences facilities, the most demanding guests
within the resort can have access to seven extraordinarily private bungalows, which are oriented towards
the open sea – the so-called Crusoe Residences, which
are only reachable by private vessels. The idea also
has an ecological dimension, as the villas, restaurant
and bar are constructed in harmony with the environment, through usage of natural materials and logs from
renewable forest resources.
The probably most exciting aspect, one that separates
Soneva from other tropical destinations, is the successful intention of creators to constantly remind the visitor of the environment dominated by water. A guest in
Soneva is simply “drowned” in clear, tropical seawater. Besides the endless ocean surface and the central
thirty-metre swimming pool, this is also accomplished
by special elements in roof surfaces, terraces, roof terraces, even by carefully placing conceptual “holes” in
the villas’ enormous floors. This carefully positioned type
of construction has enabled constant communication
with the natural ambience of water.
Soneva omogućava stalnu komunikaciju s prirodnim vodenim okolišem / Soneva
enables constant communication with the natural ambience of water
The interiors’ aesthetics features rustic chic-style, with
plenty of tradition and mostly hand-processed furniture and tables. Numerous windows and openings enable the visitors to sleep along the sounds of waves
crashing against the atoll’s coast, while cabana-style
deckchairs on terraces offer an attractive alternative
to sleeping indoors. Every apartment has air conditioning, as well as a large living room with couches, chess
tables, mini-bar, quadraphonic hi-fi system that goes
with the TV, satellite dish and a VCD device within a
hand-processed cabinet. Bathrooms are spacious and
feature separate showers that are reachable via open
corridors through water gardens, while their uniqueness
is assured by bathtubs and jacuzzis that are positioned
in various places of the ambience, but predominantly
outdoors. They have stairs that directly lead towards
the sea, and it goes without saying that the beaches
are individual and private.
The food is also adjusted to the general ambience:
meals are offered in private arrangements within apartments, outdoor garden spaces and restaurant Gourmet Cellar, where special attention goes to sensational
wines on offer. Its ambience is mostly dominated by the
unique experience of a romantic dinner in the moonlight. Besides that, guests also have a pontoon boat at
their disposal, which can lead to the moveable dinner
experience – while floating along the lagoon under the
stars. It is also possible to have dinner on a sand beach
or enjoy a picnic on a desert island.
Along with all these exotic elements, the resort makes
sure that you have all those everyday necessities at
your disposal, such as telephone, Internet and fax services, stores, airport terminal, library (with plenty of video
and musical footage on CDs) and a conference hall.
The pharmacy and the doctor’s office are located on
a nearby island. The resort’s overall atmosphere is very
relaxed, and you can feel the peace and harmony the
minute you step off the boat.
When you talk about Soneva, you simply must mention
the Six Senses Spa Centre. Ennobled with glass floor surfaces and massage tables that are again adjusted to
the pleasant “water” experience, it especially prides
itself with the option of the Maldive-sand massage.
Diving school PADI offers the extra-experience of the
island’s underworld through a diving school and plenty
of other water sports, such as diving, windsurfing, sailing, kayaks, as well as other sports like tennis, table tennis, volleyball or badminton, jogging and cycling…
If you want to spend your winter vacation in this fascinating tropical location, it will cost you 700-1200 euros a day,
depending on the category and the number of beds you
choose. Booking is available for options with one, two or
three beds, and these prices stand for this present period,
which is winter in our geographic latitude.
Apartmani su povezani s otokom trima hidroavionima /
Apartments are connected to the island by
three hydroplanes
Hrana se poslužuje na otvorenim vrtnim prostorima /
Meals are offered also in outdoor garden spaces
45 vila na drvenim stupovima smješteno je po otocima koraljnog grebena North Male / Forty-five villas on wooden
stilts are located along the islands of atoll North Malethree hydroplanes
Maldivi su idealni i za ljubitelje sporta / Maldives are
perfect for sport lovers
Istovremeno daleka, egzotična i tropska varijanta
odmora / A vacation option that is distant, exotic and
Finalisti / The finalists
Piše: Martina Kocijan
Inovativne ideje
za bolju buduænost
Mladi dizajneri i studenti dizajna iz cijeloga svijeta sudjelovali su, po peti put, na prestižnom natjecanju Design Lab, u organizaciji Elektroluxa, vodećega svjetskog prozvođača
kućanskih uređaja. Zadatak koji je pokušalo riješiti više od stotinu dizajnera nije bio lagan.
U finale je ušlo samo osmero natjecatelja, čije bi inovativne ideje za kućanske uređaje
budućnosti mogle zaživjeti u sljedećih deset godina
esign Lab je godišnje dizajnersko natjecanje
na kojem je glavni zadatak osmisliti inovativne
kućanske uređaje. Pokrenuo ga je Electrolux,
jedan od svjetskih lidera u inovativnoj pripremi
hrane i čišćenju u kućanstvu, kako bi ohrabrio studente
da pokrenu svoje kreativne potencijale i oblikuju kućanske aparate koji bi se mogli primjenjivati u budućnosti. Do
sada se dizajnerski laboratorij, utemeljen 2003. godine,
održao u velikim svjetskim gradovima Budimpešti, New
Yorku, Stockholmu i Barceloni, a ove godine u Parizu, prema mnogima, najromantičnijem gradu na svijetu.
Design Lab 2007. osvojila E-perilica
Electroluxov Design Lab 2007. osvojio je mađarski student
dizajna sa svojim izumom E-perilica rublja. Levente Szabo s mađarskog Sveučilišta umjetnosti i dizajna stručni je
Design Lab 2007. osvojio je mađarski student dizajna sa
svojim izumom E-perilica rublja / Design Lab 2007 won a
Hungarian design student with his invention for a washing machine called E-Wash
Drugu nagradu osvojila je Francuskinja Laura Pandelle s izumom Pebble / The second prize was won by
French designer Laura Pandelle, with Pebble
žiri osvojio kompaktnom perilicom za pranje rublja koja,
umjesto deterdženta, upotrebljava bobice voćke sapuna. U Indiji i Nepalu ljudi stoljećima upotrebljavaju komadiće sapuna kako bi očistili odjeću. Szabo je shvatio da
kilogram komadića sapuna, inače nježnog za odjeću i
pogodnog za alergičare, prosječnoj osobi može trajati
godinu dana te povezao drevno znanje i visoku tehnologiju. Početna točka bio mu je efekt onečišćenja kod
pranja, prozvodnje, pakiranja i transporta deterdženta.
Tražio je supstanciju koja može zamijeniti deterdžent i pronašao prirodnu biljku koja se uzgaja i ne šteti prirodi. Osim
ekološkog načina pranja, E-perilica rješava i problem veličine stroja za pranje rublja. Puno je tanji pa stane u manji
stan, a istodobno pere hrpu rublja.
Glavni konkurenti
Drugu nagradu osvojila je Francuskinja Laura Pandelle s
izumom Pebble – prijenosnim, solarnim štednjakom koji
za energetski učinkovito kuhanje koristi solarne ćelije u
spreju i indukcijsko grijanje. Pebble je prijenosni objekt koji
ne zaglavljuje u kuhinji, nego se može smjestiti bilo gdje.
Fascinantnog je dizajna, uzbudljive tehnologije, koja bi
uskoro mogla postati sveprisutna i korisna za upotrebu.
Prednost mu je i sigurnost. Vlasnik ga bez ikakvog straha
može ostaviti da kuha sam i za to vrijeme raditi nešto drugo, što pruža nevjerojatni osjećaj oslobođenja. Go Fresh
je izum Kineza He Cheng Feia, koji je osvojio treće mjesto
Design Laba. Fei je izumio hladnjak čije pregrade u obliku
pčelinjeg saća čuvaju svaka svoju vrstu namirnica na posebnoj temperaturi, što u konačnici dovodi do očuvanja
energije. Saće se mogu i odvojiti, primjerice za potrebe
piknika. Njegov izum je trodimenzionalni, prijenosni objekt
koji se može obići, namirnice čuva na idealnoj temperaturi, a može poslužiti i kao pregrada između prostorija.
Još neke impresivne ideje
Kanta koja ubrzava raspadanje organskog otpada, izum
studenta iz Tajlanda; iz Brazila tuš koji koristi izmaglicu mikroskopskih kapljica vode i samo dvije litre vode za pet
minuta, perilica sudoper koja mrlje odstranjuje vodom
oslobođenom plinova, izumljena u Njemačkoj, južnokorejski izum – čistač zraka na solarni pogon, te izum američke
studentice – posude za razgradnju plastičnih vrećica u
kompost za sadnju cvijeća, pet je nevjerojatnih inovacija.
Mladi genijalci iz cijeloga svijeta i ove su godine dokazali
da budućnost dolazi s njima.
Dodatna motivacija - 5000 eura
Prva nagrada, 5000 eura i šestomjesečna školarina za
Globalni dizajnerski centar Electrolux grupe, dodatna
je motivacija za svakog natjecatelja. Tijekom godina,
tisuće je studenata sudjelovalo u natjecanju potaknuto
ništa manje motivirajućim međunarodnim radionicama
i uzbudljivim novinarskim konferencijama na kojima se,
kao mladi inovatori, predstavljaju širokoj javnosti. Svi radovi su i izloženi u Parizu, a moći će ih vidjeti i stanovnici
drugih svjetskih gradova.
Kako sudjelovati
Prvo i osnovno jest da svatko tko želi sudjelovati na Design
Labu, mora biti dizajner, a ako uz tu važnu komponentu
ima još pregršt neostvarenih vlastitih ideja, za sudjelovanje je potrebno samo ispuniti formular koji se nalazi na
stranicama glavnog pokretača natjecanja – Electroluxa.
Nakon što se prijavi, kandidata čeka najveći zadatak.
Svoj izum mora predstaviti kao pismeno-ilustrirano rješenje nekog kućanskog uređaja budućnosti, poštujući mali
niz smjernica. Najvažniji su dizajn i inovativnost, te mogućnost korištenja uređaja u ne tako dalekoj budućnosti.
Uređaj mora omogućavati jednostavniji život, biti štedljiv,
pokrivati želje i potrebe kupaca, a, dakako, i odgovarati
suvremenom načinu života. Najvažnije od svega je okrenuti se budućnosti, pridonijeti pozitivnim rješenjima koja
će nam svima pojednostavniti i olakšati život.
Zašto smišljati štedljive uređaje
Klimatske promjene godinama su najveći izazov znanstvenicima, zagovarateljima očuvanja okoliša i običnim
proučavateljima. Ljudi su istodobno fascinirani i prestrašeni nepovoljnim promjenama koje nam slijede, stoga
pokušavaju sve što je moguće ne bi li ih zaustavili. Zbog
toga je i ovogodišnji zadatak, stavljen pred dizajnere,
bio osmisliti eko-prijateljske, štedljive kućanske proizvode.
Kućanski uređaji troše oko 20 posto energije kućanstva.
Misija dizajnera je osmisliti aparate koji će se prilagoditi
okolišu, biti komercijalno dostupni i omogućiti ljudima život u harmoniji s prirodom.
Gdje naći inspiraciju
Najbolje je, tvrde upućeni, krenuti od vlastita doma, zaviriti u kuhinju, kupaonicu, smočnicu ili neku drugu prostoriju i razmisliti koji kućanski uređaj može najviše “živcirati”.
Možda pomogne za dobivanje neke lude ideje. Inače,
u kućama kupaca i potrošača, svaki proizvod ima svoju
priču nastanka i razvoj. Netko ga je morao osmisliti i izumiti. Kupcu je, pak, najvažnije da uređaj koji kupi bude
od neke koristi i ne komplicira mu život. Ako ima i neke
dodatne sposobnosti, recimo zvučno oglašavanje kada
je rublje oprano i osušeno, potencijalni bi kupac bio i
više nego zadovoljan. Najzadovoljniji bi, s druge strane,
bio kada bi se to rublje i samo ispeglalo i složilo na police ormara. Možda već sutra neki nadobudni izumitelj,
nakon što se prijavi na Design Lab, osmisli baš takav kućanski aparat.
Dijelite strast prema dizajnu, inovaciji i okolišu
Design Lab natječaj je čiji je cilj otići što dalje od poznate primjene i postojećih izuma te osmisliti nešto potpuno
novo. Njegovi su tvorci, vođeni strašću prema dizajnu,
inovaciji i čistom okolišu, uvjereni da kreativnost mladih
ljudi ponekad može podosta uzdrmati svijet. Omoguće
li da bar jedna od tisuće pametnih ideja stigne do potrošača, svi smo zasigurno na dobitku. Zato je prvi korak
upravo poticanje mladih genijalaca da sudjeluju u kreiranju budućnosti i osmisle proizvode, ekološki i komercijalno podložne, koji će nam omogućiti život u harmoniji
s okolinom.
Written by: Martina Kocijan
Design Lab 2007
Innovative Ideas
for a Better Future
Young designers and design students from all over the world have participated in the prestigious
fifth annual Design Lab contest, which is organized by Elektrolux, one of the world’s leading
manufacturers of household appliances. The assignment that stood in front of over hundred
designers was everything but easy. Only eight contestants entered the final, and their innovative
ideas for household appliances of the future could come to life in the next ten years
esign Lab is an annual designer contest with the
main assignment asking for designs of innovative household appliances. It was started by Elektrolux, one of the world leaders when it comes
to innovative preparation of food and cleaning the
household, for the sole purpose of encouraging students
to use their creative potentials and shape household appliances that could be utilized in the future. This designer
laboratory, which was founded in 2003, has so far been
held in large world cities like Budapest, New York, Stockholm and Barcelona, while this year’s site turned out to
be Paris, considered by many as the most romantic city
in the world.
Design Lab 2007 Won by E-Wash
Elektrolux Design Lab 2007 was won by a Hungarian design student with his invention for a washing machine
called E-Wash. Levente Szabo from the Hungarian Faculty of Art and Design has won over the evaluation jury
with his compact washing machine that, instead of a detergent, uses berries of the soap fruit. People in India and
Nepal have been using slices of soap for centuries in order to clean their clothes. Szabo realized that a kilogram
of soap, which is gentle for clothes and convenient for
those suffering from allergies, could last up to a year to an
average person, so he connected ancient knowledge
with high technology. His starting point was the pollution
effect that occurs during the processes of washing, manufacturing, packing and transporting detergents. He was looking for
a substance that could replace detergent and found a natural plant that is being grown and does nothing to harm nature.
Besides the ecological way of washing, E-Wash also solves the
problem of the washing machine’s size. It is a lot smaller and
it can fit into a smaller apartment, while simultaneously taking
care of a pile of laundry.
Go Fresh je izum Kineza He Cheng Feia, koji je osvojio treće mjesto / Go Fresh was invented by Chinese
designer He Cheng Fei, who won third place
Pure Washer - Tatjana Voronova
Main Competitors
The second prize was won by French designer Laura Pandelle,
with Pebble – portable, solar stove that achieves energetically
efficient cooking by using solar cells in a spray and induction
heating. Pebble is a portable object that doesn’t get stuck in
the kitchen, but can rather be positioned just about anywhere.
Its design is fascinating, its technology exciting, as it could soon
become omnipresent and useful for usage. One of its advantages is also its safety. The owner doesn’t have to fear leaving
it to do all of the cooking by itself and doing something else,
which provides an incredible sense of liberation. Go Fresh was invented by Chinese designer He Cheng Fei, who won third place
at Design Lab. Fei invented a fridge with partitions shaped like
honeycombs that preserve each type of groceries at their own
individual temperature, which eventually leads to preservation
of energy. Honeycombs can also be separated if you want to
go for a picnic, for example. His invention is a three-dimensional,
portable object that doesn’t get in the way, keeps the groceries
in an ideal temperature, and can also be used as a dividing line
between two rooms.
Some Other Impressive Ideas
A can that speeds up the disintegration of organic waste, invented by a student from Thailand; from Brazil, we witnessed a
shower that uses haze of microscopic drops of water and only
two litres of water for five minutes; dishwasher-sink that removes
stains with gas-free water, invented in Germany; a South-Korean
invention – an air purifier running on solar power; an invention by
an American student – dishes for disintegration of plastic bags
into a compost for planting flowers. These five presented innovations are truly amazing. Young geniuses from all over the world
have taken this year to once again demonstrate that they’re
bringing the future with them.
Additional Motivation – 5000 Euros
First prize, 5000 euros and a six-month scholarship for the Global
Designer Centre by the Elektrolux Group are excellent additional
motivation for each of the competitors. Throughout the years,
thousands of students participated in this contest encouraged
by nothing less than motivating international workshops and exciting press conferences where they were presented to the general public as young designers. All of the works are on display in
Paris, and they will be accessible to people from other cities of
the world too.
How to Participate
The first and basic rule is that anyone who wants to participate at
the Design Lab must be a designer, and if that important premise
is accompanied with plenty of unrealised ideas that belong to
them, all it takes to enter the contest is filling up the application form that can be found on the website of the main initiator
of the contest – Elektrolux. After the process of application, the
candidate faces the biggest task. He must present his invention
Circompo - Thanat Tengamnuay
as a written-illustrated solution for a household appliance
of the future, while respecting a whole little string of guiding lines. The most important conditions are design and
innovativeness, as well as the possibility of usage in the
not-so-distant future. The device has to enable a simpler
life, be economical, cover the wishes and needs of customers, as well as being suitable for a modern way of life.
The most important aspect is being oriented towards the
future, contributing to positive solutions that will make our
lives simpler and easier.
Why Bother Coming Up with Economical Appliances
Climate changes have been the greatest challenge for
scientists, advocates of environment preservation and
ordinary observers for years now. People have simultaneously been fascinated and terrified by troublesome
changes that are coming our way, which forces them to
attempt everything possible in order to stop them. That’s
why this year’s assignment for designers was to design
eco-friendly, economical household appliances. Household appliances spend around 20 percent of a household’s energy. The designers’ mission is to come up with
appliances that will adjust to the environment, be commercially available, and make it possible for people to
live in harmony with nature.
Where to Look for Inspiration
People who know better claim that the best thing to do
is start with your own home, take a peek into the kitchen,
bathroom, pantry or some other room, and figure out
which household appliance has the biggest “annoy-
Return pot - Ying-Hao Juan
ance” potential. That might just help you get a wild idea.
It is common fact that every product has its production
and development stories in a buyer or user’s house. Someone had to design or invent every single one of them.
What the buyer really cares about is that the appliance
turns out to be useful without complicating one’s life. If it
has some additional abilities, like a sound alarm when the
laundry is washed and dried, a potential buyer would be
even more than satisfied. Naturally, nothing would make
the buyer happier than for it to iron and fold that laundry
to the closet shelves by itself. Who knows, maybe tomorrow some pretentious inventor, following his appearance
at the Design Lab, will come up with a product that does
just that.
Share the Passion towards Design, Innovation and the
Design Lab is a contest with a goal to go as far as possible from familiar usage and existing inventions towards
coming up with something completely new. Its creators,
led by the passion towards design, innovation and a
pure environment, are convinced that young people’s
creativity can sometimes truly shake up the world. If
they make it possible for just one idea out of a thousand
smart ones to find its way to the consumer, then it surely
is everybody’s gain. That is why the first step comprises of
encouraging young geniuses to participate in the process of creating the future and designing products, which
are ecologically and commercially suitable, and which
will provide us with a life that is in harmony with the environment.
Dom snova
Kuća izvana tek daje naslutiti svu kompleksnost koju kriju njezine
tri etaže / The outside of the house only begins to convey the
sheer complexness within its three storeys
Kuæa kapetana Kirka
Kuća T-Bone je samouvjeren, napredan i beskompromisan habitat jasnoga izričaja i
iznimnih prostornih senzacija koje nikog ne ostavljaju ravnodušnim. Dijalog između
prirode i kuće, unutrašnjosti i vanjskog prostora, prostora i stanovnika prisutan je i
nezaobilazan u svakom trenutku
Piše: Ivan Mladina
uropska stambena arhitektura je posljednjih godina suočena s novim velikim izazovom – smanjenjem emisije štetnih tvari za okoliš. Zakonski
regulirana i poreznim olakšicama potpomognuta
potreba za ekološki prihvatljivim kućama, među arhite-
Foto: David Franck Photographie
ktima je stvorila sasvim nov pristup promišljanju prostora,
čineći novo veliko poglavlje u dugoj i bogatoj povijesti
stambene arhitekture.
Mlada njemačka arhitektonska praksa COAST, koju
čine Zlatko Antolovic i Alexander Wendlik, svojom ku-
Glavna zvijezda je klijentov klasični Porsche 911 targa /
Client’s classic Porsche 911 Targa is a main star
ćom T-Bone u pitoresknom ruralnom kraju doline Rems,
stvara izvrstan primjer nove, ekološki osviještene vrste
stambe ne arhitekture.
Smještena u otvorenom krajoliku i okružena voćnjacima,
smirenog, monolitnog T-oblikovanja, nastalog kao rezultat interakcije unutarnjih i vanjskih prostora, kuća izvana
tek daje naslutiti svu kompleksnost koju kriju njezine tri
Napeta veza između introvertnih, ekstrovertnih i poluotvorenih prostora prožima cijelu strukturu. Dva uočljiva volumena stvaraju prostore različitih odnosa prema
okolišu, čineći uzbudljive prostorne sekvencije u koje su
uklopljeni elementi projektnog programa za mladu četveročlanu obitelj.
Klijentova želja je bio “život u vrtu”. Otjelovljenje te želje je
dnevni boravak potpuno otvoren prema vanjskom prostoru, sa staklenim stijenkama u punoj visini. Smjer uzorka opločenja tamnosmeđim sjajnim kamenom vizualno
Dom snova
Kupaonica / The bathroom
naglašava povezanost s vanjskim prostorima, dok rafinirano oblikovanje kožom presvučenih vrata ugrađenog
regala podaje mekoću vertikalnim elementima oblikovanja prostora boravka. Viseći kamin svojom ovalnom,
zagonetnom formom brine se za dobro odmjerenu dozu
futurističkog nadrealizma, a osjećaju potpune intimnosti
pridonose zavjese koje se lako mogu razvući preko svih
ostakljenih površina u potpunosti isključujući vanjski svijet.
Zavjese su prisutne i u garaži, koja se tako samo uvjetno
može nazvati. Mnogo više od običnog “spremišta za automobil”, zamišljena je kao pozornica na kojoj je glavna
zvijezda klijentov klasični Porsche 911 targa – kraljevski
tretman dostojan ikone automobilizma.
T-forma zgrade omogućila je da prostori boravka i garaže budu u potpunosti oslobođeni stupova, ostvarujući
time gotovo savršeno simetričan raspored i jasnu tematsku uravnoteženost između ekstrovertnih reprezentativnih prostora i skrivenih utilitarnih sadržaja prizemlja.
Suteren bi se najlakše mogao opisati kao “kutija” usađena u tlo. Teren u blagom nagibu prema jugu omogućuje upuštenom vrtu da se neprimjetno uklopi u zelene
voćnjake. Prostor suterena zauzimaju čitaonica, kuhinja
i blagovaonica.
Kuhinja kapetana Kirka je hommage autora kultnoj seriji
“Star Trek”. Funkcionalno organizirana, vrlo čistih linija,
orijentirana je prema zelenilu vrta. Kuhinjski “otok” oblikovan je kao futuristički “zapovjedni most” svemirskog
broda Enterprise iz serije. Samonosivi stol za blagovanje svojim oblikovanjem i longitudinalnim usmjerenjem
dodatno naglašava tematsku oblikovnu povezanost i
pravi je primjer uspjele homogenosti kontinuiteta prostora. Motiv staklenih stijenki u punoj visini prostora prenesen iz prizemlja, u suterenu omogućuje visoku razinu
prirodnog osvjetljenja, dok fasada postaje dio interijera
poput zidova obloženih drvetom, čineći T-formu jasno
Intimni sadržaji su na introvertno oblikovanom katu. Stubište i kupaonice s malom saunom zenitalno su osvijetljeni
s krova. Prozori spavaonica iznutra djeluju kao okviri slike
krajolika, dok se njihovo postojanje izvana može potpuno prikriti pomicanjem u fasadi skrivenih kliznih brisoleja.
Kupaonice su jasno i oštro oblikovane maštovitom i hrabrom upotrebom velikih poteza toplih drvenih obloga
u dijalogu sa sjajnim, tamnim tonovima mozaik pločica. Bjelina sanitarne opreme i tajanstvenost zenitalnog
osvjetljenja s bijelog, zakošenog stropa daju jaku dozu
dinamike i prozračnosti tvoreći gotovo apstraktan, vrlo
intiman prostor.
Grijanje kuće riješeno je suvremenim sustavom geotermalne dizalice topline s vertikalnom povratnom spregom. Pojednostavljeno govoreći, riječ je o sustavu koji
koristi konstantnu temperaturu podzemnog spremnika
zraka da bi zimi uz blago dogrijavanje postigao dovoljnu
toplinu stambenog prostora, dok ljeti tu istu masu zraka
koristi za prirodno hlađenje. Građevine tako koncipiranog sustava grijanja i hlađenja troše čak i do 70 posto
manje energije od istovjetnih građevina s konvencionalnim grijanjem i hlađenjem.
Kuća T-Bone je samouvjeren, napredan i beskompromisan habitat jasnoga izričaja i iznimnih prostornih senzacija koje nikog ne ostavljaju ravnodušnim. Dijalog između
prirode i kuće, unutrašnjosti i vanjskog prostora, prostora
i stanovnika prisutan je i nezaobilazan u svakom trenutku. Suverenom i nenametljivom upotrebom novih, ekološki savjesnih tehnologija, pravi je dokaz da svjedočimo
pojavi sasvim nove stambene arhitekture.
Dream home
Klijentova želja je bio “život u vrtu” / The client’s desire wase “life in the garden”
The House
of Captain Kirk
T-Bone House is a self-assured, advanced and uncompromising habitat of clear intentions and exceptional spatial sensations that do everything but leave you indifferent.
The dialogue between nature and the house, its interior and the outdoor space, the
location and the people that live there, is present and unavoidable at all times
Written by: Ivan Mladina
Photo: David Franck Photographie
Dream home
uropean residential architecture has been confronted with a new big challenge over the last
several years – reducing the emission of harmful
substances for the environment. Legally regulated and encouraged with tax deductions, the need
for ecologically more acceptable houses has created
a completely new approach to space planning among
architects, as well as opened a whole new big chapter
in the long and rich history of residential architecture.
Young German architectonic practice COAST, featuring
Zlatko Antolovic and Alexander Wendlik, has used its TBone House in the picturesque rural area of Rems Valley
to create an excellent example of the new, ecologically
aware residential architecture.
Located within an open landscape and surrounded
by orchards, characterized by a calm and monolithic
T-shape that occurred as a result of an interaction between indoors and outdoors, the outside of the house
only begins to convey the sheer complexness within its
three storeys. The intense connection between introverted, extroverted and semi-open spaces spreads through
the entire structure. Two noticeable volumes create
spaces that treat the environment very differently, as
they comprise exciting spatial sequences that feature
elements of the design programme for a young family
of four.
The client’s desire could best be described under the
phrase “life in the garden”. The embodiment of that desire is the living room, which is completely open towards
the outdoor space with full-sized glass surfaces. The di-
rection of the sample that is paved with dark-brown shiny
stone visually emphasizes the bond with outdoor spaces,
while the sophisticated shape of the built-in shelf’s leather-covered doors adds softness to vertical elements that
define the living room. The hanging fireplace and its
oval, mysterious form provide a well-measured dose of
futuristic surrealism, while the sense of complete intimacy is created by curtains that can easily cover all glass
surfaces and completely shut out the outside world. The
curtains are also present in the garage, if you can really
call it that. Much more than the usual “storage space
for a car”, the garage is designed as a stage that features the client’s classic Porsche 911 Targa as its main star
– the royal treatment that the icon among cars truly deserves.
The building’s T-form enables the living room and the garage to be completely free of any poles, which accomplishes an almost perfectly symmetrical arrangement
and a clear theme balance between extroverted representative premises and the hidden serviceable area at
the ground floor.
The best way to describe the basement level is to call it
“a box” planted into the ground. The turf is slightly tilted
towards south, which enables the garden to discretely fit
into the green orchards. The basement level features the
reading room, kitchen and dining room.
The Kitchen of Captain Kirk represents the authors’ homage to the legendary “Star Trek” TV show. Functionally
organized and featuring very pure lines, it is oriented towards the greenery of the garden. The kitchen’s “island”
Dnevni boravak potpuno je otvoren prema vanjskom prostoru, sa staklenim
stijenkama u punoj visini / The living room is completely open towards the outdoor space with full-sized glass surfaces
Kuhinja kapetana Kirka je hommage autora kultnoj seriji
“Star Trek” / The Kitchen of Captain Kirk represents the
authors’ homage to the legendary “Star Trek” TV show
Kuhinja je funkcionalno organizirana / The kitchen is
functionally organized
is shaped as a futuristic “command bridge” from the
show’s Enterprise space ship. The self-portable dining table further emphasizes the thematically shaped connection with its shape and longitudinal direction, thus representing the true example of successfully homogenous
continuity of space. The motif of full-sized glass surfaces,
which was copied from the ground floor, enables the
basement to be blessed with a high level of natural light,
while the façade becomes a part of the interior just like
wood-covered walls, making the T-form clearly visible in
the process.
Intimate premises can be found on an introvert-like floor.
The staircase and the bathrooms with a small sauna are
illuminated from the roof in zenith-like fashion. The bedrooms’ windows have a way of leaving the impression
of landscape paintings’ frames when observed from
the inside, while its existence can be completely hidden
from the outside by moving hidden sliding surfaces in the
façade. The bathrooms are clearly and sharply shaped
with imaginative and brave usage of big chunks of warm
wooden covers, which are in dialogue with dark captivating tones of mosaic tiles. The whiteness of the sanitary
equipment and the mysteriousness of the zenith-like light-
ing from the white, sloped ceiling create a strong dose
of dynamics and etherealness within an almost abstract,
very intimate space.
The heating issue was solved with a modern system of
geothermal heat lifter with vertical reflective bracing.
Plainly speaking, that is a system that uses constant temperature of the subterranean air tank, which results in
mild heating that creates enough warmth in the residential space during the winter, while that same mass of air
is used for natural cooling in the summer. Buildings that
possess this type of heating-cooling systems spend up to
70 percent less energy than the identical buildings with
conventional heating and cooling.
T-Bone House is a self-assured, advanced and uncompromising habitat of clear intentions and exceptional
spatial sensations that do everything but leave you indifferent. The dialogue between nature and the house,
its interior and the outdoor space, the location and the
people that live there, is present and unavoidable at
all times. The comprehensive and unassuming usage of
new, ecologically aware technologies supremely proves
that we are witnessing the appearance of completely
new residential architecture.
Krevet je centar svake spavaće sobe, a njegova kvaliteta ima
izravan utjecaj na naše raspoloženje i zdravstveno stanje / The
bed is the centre of each bedroom, and its quality has direct
influence on our mood and our health condition
Krevet - mjesto na
kojem nastaju snovi
Kod kupnje novog kreveta, pažnju treba obratiti na njegovu kvalitetu, odnosno
kvalitetu podnice, okvira i samog ležaja, s obzirom da u njemu provodimo trećinu života
Piše: Aleksandar Vrtariæ
Prema feng shui, prirodni materijali kao što je drvo najbolji
su izbor / According the feng shui natural materials, such as
wood, are the best choise
d najranije povijesti, kada su naši preci skupljali mahovinu da bi mjesto na kojemu će
prenoćiti učinili toplijim i udobnijim, pa do
današnjih najmodernijih dizajnerskih i ortopedskih ležajeva, namjena svakog kreveta je ostala ista
– opuštanje mišića te omogućavanje tijelu da se odmori
u što prirodnijem, fiziološki ispravnom položaju. Bez obzira na ukuse i stilove, kreveti su mjesto gdje provodimo
trećinu svoga života, mjesto gdje se opuštamo nakon
napornog radnog dana, “punimo” baterije i mjesto
gdje svoju intimu dijelimo s voljenim osobama. Krevet
je centar svake spavaće sobe, a njegova kvaliteta ima
izravan utjecaj na naše raspoloženje i zdravstveno stanje. Postoji li išta gore od toga da se čovjek ujutro probudi nezadovoljan, s glavoboljom i “ukočenim” leđima?
Na krevetima nikako ne treba štedjeti, a osim na izgled
i dizajn, kod kupnje novog kreveta veliku pažnju treba
obratiti na njegovu kvalitetu, odnosno kvalitetu podnice, okvira i samog ležaja.
Što je dobar krevet?
Promatrano s fiziološkog i anatomskog aspekta, dobar
krevet je onaj koji će omogućiti mišićima da se opuste,
a to zahtijeva dobru podlogu. Ležaj ne smije biti ulegnut i nipošto ne smije savijati tijelo na sredini. Jeftiniji
ležajevi će poslužiti za goste, odnosno za povremenu
uporabu, no za spavaću sobu treba odabrati madrace
koji će poslužiti desetak godina. Svaki renomiran i pouzdan proizvođač svojim kupcima nudi mogućnost da
vide unutrašnjost ležaja, pa se tako jasno može vidjeti koliko su kvalitetne opruge i ostali materijal u ležaju,
je li isti izrađen od antialergijskih materijala, a neki pro-
Ležaj ne smije biti ulegnut i nipošto ne smije savijati tijelo na sredini / A bed shouldn’t be dented, and it most certainly shouldn’t bend the body over its middle
izvođači uz svoje proizvode nude i bezuvjetno jamstvo.
Prema drevnoj i trenutačno vrlo popularnoj vještini feng
shui, krevete s metalnim dijelovima valja izbjegavati jer
ubrzavaju “chi” energiju i time loše utječu na kvalitetu
sna. Prirodni materijali, dakle drveni okviri i podnice te
ležajevi izrađeni od pamuka, lateksa, kokosovih i vunenih vlakana, prema toj kineskoj vještini, bolji su izbor. U
posljednje su vrijeme vrlo popularni i “futon” ležajevi koji
u Japanu imaju dugu tradiciju. Takvi se ležajevi danas
postavljaju na atraktivne okvire od egzotičnog drveta,
sastoje se od više slojeva pamuka, lako se mogu prozračiti, a istodobno su iznimno udobni. Ipak, sve ovisi o
vlastitu ukusu – hoće li okvir biti od metala ili od drveta, manje je bitno. Puno je važnije da proizvođač jamči
kvalitetu jer najkvalitetniji madrac ne vrijedi ništa ako se
postavi na lošu podlogu.
Vodeni kreveti - samo atraktivni ili...
Prvi put ih je spomenuo Mark Twain u tekstu objavljenom u “New York Timesu” davne 1871. godine, a prvi
vodeni krevet kreirao je Charles Hall 1968. godine. Otada su vodeni kreveti postali popularni po cijelom svijetu.
Oličenje su luksuza, atraktivni su, zabavni, a oni koji ih
nisu imali prilike isprobati, vječno maštaju o njima. No,
kad su vodeni kreveti u pitanju, mnogi imaju podvojena
mišljenja – dok jedni tvrde da spavanje na vodi nikako
ne može biti zdravo, drugi iznose neke vrlo zanimljive činjenice. Primjerice, vodeni kreveti su praktički sterilni jer
ne skupljaju prašinu, grinje i bakterije, stoga su iznimno
pogodni za osobe sklone alergijama. Osim toga, voda
u ležaju se idealno prilagođava ljudskom tijelu stvarajući tako idealnu podlogu te potpuno opuštanje mišića.
Kralježnica i mišići oko nje oslobođeni su svakog pritiska,
pa je spavanje na vodenom krevetu pravi užitak, posebice zbog toga što je voda u njima zagrijana na 30
stupnjeva. Vodena jezgra kreveta svakako ima dobar
utjecaj na kralježnicu i ugodan san, pa je i stoga vodeni
krevet uvijek dobar izbor. S druge strane, nevezano uz
feng shui i vjerovanja o protoku energije, vodeni kreveti
definitivno imaju i svoje loše strane. Da bi se napunio jedan vodeni krevet, potreban je gotovo kubik vode, dakle 1000 litara ili u kilogramima, skupa s okvirom, više od
jedne tone. Da bi se vodeni krevet premjestio, potrebno
je ispustiti svu vodu, rastaviti okvir pa sve ispočetka. Osim
velike mase, grijanje vodenih kreveta nije nimalo jeftino,
no bez obzira na sve – onima koji to sebi mogu priuštiti,
vodeni kreveti će svakako biti idealno mjesto za ugodan
san i idealnu relaksaciju.
Spojiti estetiku s kvalitetom
Volite li rustikalni stil ili radije naginjete modernom dizajnerskom namještaju? Volite prirodne materijale i pomalo egzotični ambijent? Skloni ste minimalističkom ili toplijem stilu? O ukusima se ne raspravlja, stoga prilagodite
krevet ostatku namještaja i ambijentu koji dominira u
spavaćoj ili dječjoj sobi. Na raspolaganju imate gotovo sve vrste kreveta koji će se uklopiti u svaki ambijent
– od egzotičnih podnica izrađenih od masivnog drveta,
onih koji naginju tradicionalnom japanskom stilu pa sve
do mesinganih okvira koji su za mnoge sam vrh estetike.
Odabir je na vama, no uzmite u obzir činjenicu da je
krevet mjesto na kojemu ćete obnavljati svoju energiju i
ujutro se iz njega dizati svježi, odmorni i puni elana, stoga odaberite ono najkvalitetnije. Imate li dosta mjesta u
spavaćoj sobi, dobre uvjete i dovoljno znatiželje – svakako razmislite o vodenom krevetu.
The Bed - A Place
Where Dreams Are Made
While buying a new bed, you should pay plenty of attention to its quality, which
means the quality of the floor board, the frame and the bearing itself, especially
considering the fact that we spend one third of our life in it
Written by: Aleksandar Vrtariæ
ince the earliest days of history, back when our ancestors collected moss in order to make the place
where they would spend the night as warm and
comfortable as possible, all the way up to today’s
most modern designer and orthopaedic beds, the purpose of each bed remained the same – to relax muscles
and enable the body to rest in a position that is as natural and physiologically correct as possible. Regardless of
personal tastes and styles, a bed is a place where we
spend one third of our life, a place where we relax after
a difficult workday, “recharge” our batteries and share
our intimacy with our loved ones. The bed is the centre of
each bedroom, and its quality has direct influence on our
mood and our health condition. Is there anything worse
than a person waking up being miserable in the morning, carrying a headache and a stiff back? Beds are not
something you should be saving money on, and besides
its look and design, you should pay plenty of attention to
the quality of the new bed you’re buying, which means
the quality of the floor board, the frame and the bearing
What Is a Good Bed?
Observed from the physiological and anatomical aspect,
a good bed enables our muscles to relax, which asks for
a good surface. A quality bed shouldn’t be dented, and
it most certainly shouldn’t bend the body over its middle.
Cheaper beds will do just fine for guests and for irregular
usage, but your bedroom requires the choice of mattresses that will last for about ten years. Any established
and reliable manufacturer will offer its buyers the option
of looking at the inside of the bed, and that’s where you
can clearly check the quality of the springs and other materials, as well as whether those materials are anti-allergic,
and it must be said that some manufacturers also offer
a non-conditional guarantee. According to the ancient
and currently very popular practice called feng shui, beds
with metal parts should be avoided because they speed
up the “chi” energy, which has bad effect to the quality
of our sleep. Natural materials, which stands for wooden
frames and floor boards, as well as bearings made of cotton, latex, coconut or wool fibres, make a much better
choice, according to this Chinese practice. Lately, we’re
witnessing the sudden rise of popularity of “futon” beds,
which have a long tradition in Japan. Those types of beds
are positioned on attractive frames from exotic wood,
they consist of several layers of cotton, and they can easily get aired out while also being extremely comfortable.
Still, it all depends on personal taste – whether the frame
is made out of metal or wood is really less important. It’s
much more important that the manufacturer guarantees
quality because a top-quality mattress means nothing if
it’s positioned on a bad surface.
Waterbeds – Merely an Attraction or…
They were first mentioned by Mark Twain in a text published in “New York Times” way back in 1871, while the
first waterbed was created by Charles Hall in 1968. Since
then, waterbeds have become a hit all over the world.
They are an epitome of luxury, as they are attractive, fun,
and a never-ending source of fantasizing for those who
haven’t tested them yet. However, when it comes to
waterbeds, opinions are very much divided – while some
claim that sleeping on water cannot be healthy, others
point out some very interesting facts. For example, waterbeds are practically sterile because they don’t attract
dust, maggots or bacteria, which makes them extremely
convenient for those suffering from allergies. Besides that,
water in the bed ideally adjusts to the human body, thus
creating the ideal surface that relaxes muscles to the
maximum. The spine and the muscles around it are liberated from any type of pressure, which makes a sleeping
experience on a waterbed a true pleasure, especially
because the water inside is heated to a temperature
of 30 degrees. The bed’s water nucleus certainly has a
good influence on the spine and the quality of sleep,
which means that a waterbed is a good choice. On the
other hand, without getting into feng shui and the beliefs
regarding the flow of energy, waterbeds definitely have
their minuses. In order to fill a waterbed, it takes almost a
cubic of water, which stands for 1000 litres or, if
you add up the frame, over a tone of weight.
In order to remove the waterbed, you will have
to release all the water, dissemble the frame
and then start the work from the beginning.
Besides its enormous mass, heating a waterbed will cost you some money, but regardless
of those aspects – for those who can afford it,
waterbeds guarantee an ideal place for pleasant dreams and ideal relaxation.
Combining Aesthetics with Quality
Do you like rustic style or are you leaning towards modern designer furniture? Are you a
fan of natural materials and a somewhat exotic
ambience? Do you prefer minimalist or warmer
styles? Tastes are not open for discussion; therefore, adjust your bed to the remainder of your
furniture and the predominant ambience in
yours or your children’s bedroom. You have
almost all types of beds at your disposal, and
they are adjustable to all types of ambiences
– from exotic floor boards made out of massive
wood, those that lean towards the traditional
Japanese style, all the way to brass frames that
are considered by many to be the very peak
of aesthetics. The choice is yours, but take into
consideration that the bed is a place where
you will renew your energy and wake up in the
morning feeling fresh, rested and full of spunk,
so choose what you feel has the most quality.
And if you have enough space in your bedroom, good conditions and enough curiosity
– do consider installing a waterbed.
Za ljubitelje jednostavnosti Moltenijev model Wave je odličan izbor /
For simplicity lovers Molteni’s Wave model is great choice
Gost treba imati zrcalo u sobi kako bi se mogao urediti prije
izlaska iz nje / The guest should have a mirror in the room in order
to fix up before leaving it
Kauč na razvlačenje / The convertible couch
Umjetnost gostinske sobe
U slučaju da raspolažemo posebnom sobom za goste, njezinu uređenju treba
pristupiti pažljivo jer ona utječe na dojam koji naši gosti stječu o nama. Evo
nekoliko prijedloga kako gostinsku sobu urediti planski i sa stilom
Piše: Elija Vrsaljko
vi ponekad moramo ugostiti rodbinu ili prijatelje,
te je uvijek izazov i iskušenje za domaćina goste
smjestiti da se osjećaju ugodno, istodobno im
osiguravajući prostor intimnosti. Neovisno o kvadraturi stana kojim raspolažemo, s malo dobre volje i
prilagodbe situaciji možemo se iskazati kao dobri domaćini.
Luksuz ili privremeni smještaj?
Kad nam netko dođe prespavati, obično mu namijenimo kauč u dnevnom boravku. Rijetki od nas imaju
posebnu sobu samo za goste. Imati gostinsku sobu čini
se kao luksuz, ali ne mora biti tako. Ako postoji prostorija viška u stanu, bilo da smo se uselili u novi stan ili se
netko iselio iz postojećega, možemo je urediti tako da
Foto: Arhiva DalCase
nam svakodnevno služi za jednu svrhu, a da je istodobno u svakom trenu možemo ponuditi kao privremeni
smještaj dragome gostu. U takvoj prostoriji svaki komad
namještaja treba imati dvostruku funkciju. Kauč na razvlačenje u radnoj sobi u trenu postaje krevet, a gornja
ploha niskih ormara prostor za odlaganje stvari. Prednost prostorije koja se svakodnevno koristi a koja će
poslužiti kao gostinska je u tome što će ona, vjerojatno,
biti uredna kad gosti stignu.
U slučaju da ipak možemo imati jednu sobu samo za
goste, njezinu uređenju treba pristupiti pažljivo jer ona
utječe na dojam koji naši gosti stječu o nama. Zato je
treba urediti planski i u određenom stilu koji će odražavati osobnost domaćina. Dapače, gostinsku sobu možemo urediti u potpuno drukčijem stilu od ostatka kuće
Neukusno je u gostinskoj sobi držati
fotografije obitelji, suvenire ili druge
osobne stvari / It’s tacky to use the
guestroom for family photos, souvenirs or other personal
Gostinsku sobu možemo urediti u potpuno drukčijem stilu od ostatka
kuće / Guestroom can be decorated in completely different style than
the remainder of the house
i pritom se dobro zabaviti. Prisjetimo se nekih interijera u
kojima smo boravili i u kojima smo se ugodno osjećali,
možda nekog romantičnog hotela, i pokušajmo dočarati istu takvu atmosferu u svojoj gostinskoj sobi. Pri odabiru boje za zidove možemo također eksperimentirati
te izabrati boju koju smo oduvijek htjeli probati, ali se
nismo usudili. Veličina ove sobe nije bitna, ona ne mora
biti velika da bi bila ugodna. Ona ne mora imati ni spektakularan pogled s prozora, dapače, mnoge fantastične gostinske sobe su u podrumu ili potkrovlju.
Gost na prvome mjestu
Ako ne znamo kako opremiti gostinsku sobu kako bi se
naš gost u njoj dobro osjećao, trebamo jednostavno
zamisliti što bi nama trebalo da smo na njegovu mjestu. Ono što svakome treba jest prostor za odlaganje
prtljage. Idealno bi bilo imati garderobni ormar u sobi,
a najmanje što gostu treba ponuditi jest jedna prazna
ploha na koju može staviti kovčeg. Najgora verzija je
osuditi gosta na preskakanje otvorenog kovčega po
podu i stalno saginjanje kako bi dohvatio stvari.
Svatko tko ide u goste voli imati u svojoj sobi kutak u
koji se može povući i baviti svojim aktivnostima. Zato je
u ovoj sobi dobro postaviti televizor, fotelju ili stolicu za
čitanje, mali radni stol za pisanje, pa čak i hladnjak s
pićem. Tako će gosti imati vremena i prostora za sebe,
a neće imati dojam da se nameću domaćinu.
S druge strane, neukusno je i nametljivo u gostinskoj sobi
držati fotografije obitelji, suvenire ili druge osobne stvari
jer to daje poruku da se ulazi u tuđi osobni prostor.
Najveća obveza koju imamo prema svojim gostima
jest da im spavanje učinimo udobnim. Bez obzira kakvu
smo im vrstu ležaja namijenili, on ne smije biti kratak.
Gosta možemo uvrijediti ako mu damo staru i istrošenu
posteljinu, ona mora biti nova i po mogućnosti atraktivna (što ne znači nužno da mora biti skupa). Dopušteno je goste razmaziti posteljinom od perja, koja nije
savršena, ali je osjećaj kraljevski. Na krevetu treba biti
dovoljno jastuka za naslon, a kraj uzglavlja noćni ormarić s lampom za čitanje. Zavjese trebaju biti tamne
i guste kako bi osigurale miran san. Gost treba imati
zrcalo u sobi kako bi se mogao urediti prije izlaska iz
nje. Ako imate kućne ljubimce, držite ih podalje od gostinske sobe.
Domaćinski “plusevi”
Galantan domaćin će u gostinskoj sobi ostaviti mali
dar dobrodošlice. To može biti čokoladica na jastuku,
košara s voćem ili paket sa sitnicama (sapunići, kremice) koje bi gostu mogle zatrebati. Svijeće ili osvježivače
zraka s jakim mirisom je bolje izbjegavati jer će možda
zasmetati. Bolje je ostaviti vazu sa svježim cvijećem. Na
noćnom ormariću se može ostaviti časopis, TV vodič,
vodič kroz grad, neka dobra knjigu te čaša vode i budilica, pod uvjetom da budilica nije navijena. U slučaju
da gost mora prošetati do kupaonice, u sobi treba biti
kućni ogrtač i par papuča.
A prije nego što gosti stignu, treba dobro pregledati gostinsku sobu kako bi se provjerilo ima li kakvih nedostataka, posebice ako se ona inače ne koristi. Dobro je ispitati
udobnost ležaja i kvalitetu rasvjete te također druge detalje – na primjer, na što pogled pada gledajući s kreveta ili s radnog stola (možda negdje ima još prašine) te u
tom smislu ukloniti sve što bi moglo smetati.
The Art of the Guestroom
In case we have a separate room just for guests at our disposal, its decoration
should be approached carefully because it will affect our guests’ opinion of us.
We bring you several suggestions on decorating your guestroom with plenty of
planning and style
Written by: Elija Vrsaljko Photo: DalCasa archive
Galantan domaćin će u gostinskoj
sobi ostaviti mali dar dobrodošlice /
A classy host will always leave a small
welcoming present in the guestroom
Na krevetu treba biti dovoljno jastuka za naslon, a kraj uzglavlja noćni ormarić s lampom za čitanje / The bed
should be equipped with enough pillows for head support, while the nightstand should have a lamp near the head
ometimes we all find ourselves having to accommodate family or friends in our homes, and any
host is bound to feel challenged and tested when
it comes to making the guests feel comfortable by
providing them with their intimate space. Regardless of
the size of our apartment, a small dose of good will and
an ability to adjust to the situation will give us a chance to
prove ourselves as good hosts.
Luxury or Temporary Accommodation?
When somebody comes over to spend the night at
our place, we usually just prepare the couch in the living room. Very few of us have a separate room just for
guests at our disposal. Having a guestroom appears to
be a luxury, but that doesn’t necessarily have to be the
case. If there is a spare room in the apartment, either
because we just moved into the new place or because
someone moved out to provide us with an extra-room,
we can decorate it in a way that it will serve one purpose
in everyday life, but we can also offer it as temporary accommodation to a dear guest at any given time. Every
piece of furniture in such room must have two functions.
The convertible couch in the study will become a bed
in no time, while the closets’ upper surfaces will turn into
storage space for luggage. The advantage of the room
that is used in everyday life, and is eventually turn into a
guestroom, is that it is likely to be neat and tidy when the
guests arrive.
In case we do have a separate room just for guests at our
disposal, its decoration should be approached carefully
because it will affect our guests’ opinion of us. That’s why
it should be decorated with plenty of planning and in a
certain style that will reflect the host’s personality. As a
matter of fact, the guestroom can be decorated in completely different style than the remainder of the house,
which could be a lot of fun. We can remember some
interiors we stayed in that made us feel comfortable,
maybe a romantic hotel from the past, and then try to
bring in that same atmosphere in our guestroom. When
we choose the colour of the wall paint, we can also experiment and choose the colour we always wanted to
try, but never quite had the courage. The size of this room
is not an issue, as it doesn’t have to be large in order to be
pleasant. It doesn’t even have to provide a spectacular
view from the window; on the contrary, plenty of fantastic guestrooms were positioned in a basement or a loft.
The Guest Comes First
If we have a hard time decorating the guestroom in a
way that will make our guests feel comfortable in it, we
should simply imagine what would make us feel good
in their position. The one thing everyone needs is some
storage space for luggage. The ideal option would be
to have the wardrobe closet in the room, but the very
least your guest should receive is an empty surface for
a suitcase. The worst thing to do would be to make your
guest constantly jump over an open suitcase on the floor
or constantly having to bend in order to reach it.
Anyone who is staying in someone else’s house likes to
have a corner in his room where he can kick back and
enjoy their activities. That’s why this room is very convenient for a TV set, armchair or reading chair, small writing
desk or even a fridge with beverages. In that way, the
guests will have more time and place for themselves,
without forcing them to feel like they’re imposing themselves on the host.
On the other hand, it’s tacky and pretentious to use the
guestroom for family photos, souvenirs or other personal
items because that sends the message of invading someone else’s personal space.
The biggest obligation we have to our guests is making
their sleeping as comfortable as possible. Regardless of
the type of bed we planned, the one thing it cannot
be is too short. We can insult our guest if we provide him
with old and worn-out bed linen, as it has to be new and
preferably attractive (which doesn’t necessarily stand for
expensive). It is allowed to spoil the guests with feathered
linen, which may not be perfect, but it makes one feel
like royalty. The bed should be equipped with enough pillows for head support, while the nightstand should have
a lamp near the head of the bed for reading purposes.
The curtains should be dark and thick in order to assure
peaceful sleeping. It would be very practical to have a
coffee machine in this room, as that would prevent those
who wake up early from distracting everyone else by
moving around the kitchen. The guest should have a mirror in the room in order to fix up before leaving it. If you
have any pets, keep them away from the guestroom.
Hospitality “Pluses”
A classy host will always leave a small welcoming present
in the guestroom. It can be a candy bar on the pillow,
a fruit basket or a package of various little things (little
soaps or creams) that the guest might need. Candles
or strong air fresheners shouldn’t be used because they
might get in the way. It’s far better to leave a vase with
fresh flowers. The nightstand is a great place for a magazine, TV guide, city guide, good book, glass of water and
the alarm clock, but make sure the guest is the one that
turns it on or off. In case the guest must take a walk to the
bathroom, there should always be a robe and a pair of
slippers in the room.
And before the guests arrive, make sure you doublecheck the entire guestroom to make sure that any shortcomings are erased, especially if it’s not regularly used.
It’s always good to test the comfort of the bed and the
quality of lighting, as well as some other details – for example, the point of focus when looking from the bed or
the desk (there may be some more dust), so that you can
remove anything that might get in the way.
Gostu treba osigurati dovoljno
ručnika / Guest should have
enough towers
Posteljina mora biti nova / A bed-linen
shuold be new
Lounge Chair & Ottoman Charles & Ray Eames, 1956.
Jedinstvo raskošne
udobnosti i modernizma
Modelirana šperploča, vrlo običan, na prvi pogled bezličan materijal, bila je baza dizajnerskog promišljanja Eamesovih. Od nje je sve počelo i nastavilo se u sljedećih
trideset godina. Upravo šperploča čini osnovu ikone modernog namještaja, kultne
Lounge stolice
Piše: Nataša Bodrožiæ
Foto: www.vitra.com
Kultna Lounge stolica ušla je u povijest kao reprezentativno djelo
najpoznatijeg američkog dizajnerskog dvojca / Lounge chair
entered history as a representative piece of work by the most
famous American designing couple
ni komad
Originalna Lounge stolica bila je crna, u kombinaciji drva i kože /
The original Lounge Chair was black, featuring a combination of wood and leather
ogled na različite artefakte u povijesti dizajna
može nam otkriti dosta toga o vremenu u kojemu su nastali. Može nam reći i o vrijednostima
i interesima ljudi toga doba, o načinu kako su
upotrebljavali vještinu i tehnologiju kako bi riješili aktualne probleme, svjedočiti o prioritetima i zadaći dizajna.
Svako povijesno razdoblje nosi u sebi različite izazove i
nudi razne mogućnosti kreativcima. Primjerice, postratno razdoblje često je fokusirano na društvenu rekonstrukciju, a kasnije, u mirnim razdobljima, u središtu je industrijski rast kao rezultat povećane industrijske sposobnosti
koju stvara ratna proizvodnja. Stoga se prava pitanja
u procjeni kvalitetnog dizajna odnose na detektiranje
stvarnih fizičkih, društvenih i kulturnih potreba u određenom trenutku i promišljanje o tome kako dizajn može pridonijeti ispunjavanju tih potreba.
Tijekom Drugoga svjetskog rata, nakon završetka Cranbrook Academy of Arts u Michigenu, dizajnere Ray i
Charlesa Eamesa angažirala je američka mornarica za
dizajniranje i proizvodnju nosiljki i oluka od šperploče.
Tako su razvili novu metodu savijanja šperploče i pravljenja složenih krivulja. To iskustvo iz ratne industrije uskoro će primijeniti na postratni dizajn namještaja s vizijom
mijenjanja svijeta, zauvijek mijenjajući uvjete svakodnevnog življenja.
Charles i Ray Eames bili su bračni i dizajnerski par čija je
jedinstvena sinergija stvorila novi izgled postratnog ku-
ćanstva. Stvarali su moderan, sjajan, sofisticiran i jednostavan namještaj. I iznad svega – funkcionalan. Četrdesetih i pedesetih godina dvadesetog stoljeća, dogodila
se revolucija formi, javio se uzbudljiv vizualni jezik koji je
označio novo vrijeme i svjež početak, a pioniri toga gibanja bili su upravo Charles i Ray Eames. Kao najvažniji
predstavnici organskog dizajna, Eamesovi su pokazali
kako dobar dizajn zaista može poboljšati kvalitetu života
te povećati ukupno znanje o svijetu koji nas okružuje.
Modelirana šperploča, vrlo običan, na prvi pogled bezličan materijal, bila je baza dizajnerskog promišljanja
Eamesovih. Od nje je sve počelo i nastavilo se u sljedećih trideset godina. Ta jednostavna sirovina upravo čini
osnovu ikone modernog namještaja, kultne Lounge stolice, dizajnirane 1956., koja je ušla u povijest kao reprezentativno djelo najpoznatijeg američkog dizajnerskog
Zasnovana na prototipu koji je predstavljen u povodu
natječaja Muzeja moderne umjetnosti u New Yorku, na
izložbi “Organski dizajn u uređenju doma”, Lounge stolica je bila Eamesov dotad najkompleksniji uradak, barem što se tiče konstrukcije, a ujedno je označila ulazak
u proizvodnju za tržište luksuza. Cijena te stolice danas
se kreće oko 3300 američkih dolara, dok stariji primjerci
od ružina drveta, koji se više ne proizvode, na dražbama
dosežu cijenu i do 7000 dolara.
Originalna Lounge stolica bila je crna, u kombinaciji
Danas “Vitra” proizvodi Lounge stolicu i u svijetlim bojama, s bijelom kožom /
These days, “Vitra” also produces it in bright colours, with bright leather
drva i kože. Danas je “Vitra” proizvodi i u svijetlim bojama, s bijelom kožom, poliranim aluminijem i premazom
boje oraha kako bi se suvremena Lounge stolica dobro
uklopila i u interijere svijetlih tonova. Charles Eames htio
je da bude kombinacija krajnje udobnosti uz pomoć
kvalitetnih materijala, solidne konstrukcije, sve do njezinih najsitnijih detalja. Konačni rezultat je sjedalica koja
priziva ugodu, odmor, opuštanje, a sam Eames je htio
da pomalo podsjeća na mekanu, dobro korištenu bejzbolsku rukavicu u kojoj bi se svatko rado predao snu ili
slatkom sanjarenju.
Kada inače govorimo o stolici, često ne zamišljamo
puno više od komada drva ili plastike oblikovane tako
da stabilno stoji na četiri noge uključujući naslon. Ipak,
iako se samo sjedenje nije promijenilo tisućama godina,
ono na čemu sjedimo doživjelo je nevjerojatnu transformaciju kroz povijest. “Uspjeh” određene stolice oduvijek
je ovisio o kakvoći i opsegu veza, asocijacija koje stvara
ispunjavajući određenu potrebu. Na funkcionalnoj razini, stvaraju se fizičke i psihološke konekcije s obzirom na
individualno sjedenje, njezin oblik i materijal od kojega
je napravljena. Istodobno, ona neizostavno utjelovljuje
značenja i vrijednosti koje se povezuju s korisnikom na intelektualnoj, emocionalnoj, estetskoj, kulturalnoj, pa čak
i duhovnoj razini.
Lounge stolica ima čak i svoju pop-povijest. Prvi put je
predstavljena u jednoj sveameričkoj emisiji na televizijskoj postaji NBC (snimka je danas dostupna na You Tubeu!), a iz prosječnog američkog doma došla je i u visoko estetizirani svijet trip-hop glazbe, bivajući dio dekora
u spotu “Inertia creeps” grupe “Massive Attack”, čija je
mistična, zasićena glazba obilježila spiritualne i stvarne
prostore devedesetih godina prošloga stoljeća. Stara
više od pedeset godina, Lounge stolica i pripadajuća
joj sofa (otoman) i danas predstavlja opće mjesto, jedinstveni primjerak modernizma i rakošne udobnosti.
Spajajući imaginaciju i misao, umjetnost i znanost, Charles i Ray Eames stvorili su neke od najutjecajnijih komada
dizajna dvadesetog stoljeća, namještaj koji nikada ne
gubi auru koja ga čini posebnim, koji ostaje otmjen, svjež
i funkcionalan sve do danas.
Eamesovi se ubrajaju u najvažnije dizajnere prošloga
stoljeća. Njihova svestranost nije im dopuštala da se
zaustave na jednome mediju umjetničkog izražavanja.
Osim namještajem, tijekom svoje karijere, koja se protegla na nekoliko desetljeća, bavili su se filmom i fotografijom, dizajnom igračaka, organizirali su izložbe, pa čak
i sami izgradili vlastitu kuću. Velikani američkog dizajna
zauzimaju središnje mjesto na mapi najzaslužnijih i najinventivnijih dizajnera svih vremena.
A piece of cult
Lounge Chair & Ottoman Charles & Ray Eames, 1956
The Combination
of Sumptuous Comfort
and Modernism
Processed plywood, a very ordinary and somewhat faceless material at first glance,
served as the basis of the Eames’ design ideas. It led to the beginning of what turned
out to be a thirty-year run. It’s precisely plywood that serves as the base of this icon
of modern furniture, the famous Lounge Chair
Written by: Nataša Bodrožiæ
Photo: www.vitra.com
ooking at different artefacts from the history of design can go a long way as far as revealing things
about the time in which they were created. It can
speak volumes about the values and interests of
the people from that period, as well as about the ways
they used skill and technology in order to solve current
problems; a true testimony on the priorities and the task
of design. Every historical period offers different challenges and various possibilities to creative people. For
example, the post-war period is often focused on social
reconstruction, while peaceful periods place the focus
on industrial growth as the result of enlarged industrial
ability created by the war industry. Therefore, the true
questions regarding the evaluation of quality design
depend on detecting true physical, social and cultural
needs of a certain period, as well as trying to find ways
in which design can contribute to fulfil those needs.
During World War II, after they graduated from Cranbrook Academy of Arts in Michigan, designers Ray and
Charles Eames were hired by the US Navy to design and
produce plywood sedan chairs and troughs. That is how
they developed the new method of bending plywood
and making complex curves. It won’t be long before
they apply that experience from the war industry to
Widder hotel u Zürichu / Widder hotel in Zürich
post-war furniture design with the vision of changing the
world, and they forever changed the circumstances of
everyday life in the process.
Charles and Ray Eames were a married couple of designers, whose unique synergy created the new look of
a post-war household. They created furniture that was
modern, fabulous, sophisticated and simple, but above
everything – functional. The 1940s and 1950s signalled a
revolution of forms, as an exciting visual language occurred and announced a new era and a fresh start, and
the pioneers of this movement were precisely Charles
and Ray Eames. As the most important representatives
of organic design, the Eames couple demonstrated
that good design could truly improve the quality of life
and increase the overall knowledge of the world that
surrounds us.
Processed plywood, a very ordinary and somewhat
faceless material at first glance, served as the basis of
the Eames’ designing ideas. It led to the beginning of
what turned out to be a thirty-year run. It’s precisely that
simple material that serves as the base of this icon of
modern furniture, the famous Lounge Chair that was
designed in 1956, and that entered history as a representative piece of work by the most famous American
designing twosome.
Based on the prototype that was presented within a
contest by the Museum of Modern Arts in New York,
at an exhibit called “Organic Design in Home Decora-
Lounge stolice u predsoblju hotela Daniel u Grazu /
Lounge chair in the lobby od Daniel hotel in Graz
tion”, the Lounge Chair was the Eames’ most complex
project to date when it comes to construction, and it
also marked the entrance into the production for the
luxury market. This chair will cost you about 3300 US dollars these days, while the older rosewood items, which
are no longer manufactured, reach up to 7000 dollars
in auctions.
The original Lounge Chair was black, featuring a combination of wood and leather. These days, “Vitra” also
produces it in bright colours, with bright leather, polished
aluminium and a nut-coloured coating, which enables
the contemporary Lounge Chair to nicely adapt to
light-toned interiors. Charles Eames wanted it to stand
as a combination of utmost comfort helped by quality
materials, solid construction and all other tiny details. All
that resulted in a chair that defines comfort, resting, relaxation, while Eames himself wanted it to slightly bring
a soft, well-used baseball glove to mind, which would
lure everyone into going asleep or starting sweet daydreaming.
When we ordinarily talk about a chair, we often imagine merely a peace of wood or plastic that is shaped in
a way that would allow it to stand on four legs, including
the back, in a stable way. However, although the sitting process has not changed in thousands of years, the
things we sit on have faced amazing transformations
through the course of history. “Success” of a certain
chair has always depended on the quality and amount
A piece of cult
Cijena Lounge stolice danas se kreće oko
3300 američkih dolara / The price of the
Lounge chair today is about 3300 US dollars
of connections and associations it creates while fulfilling
a certain need. On a functional level, it creates physical and psychological connections considering the individual process of sitting, its shape and material. At the
same time, it unmistakeably embodies the meanings
and values that connect with the user on an intellectual, emotional, aesthetical, cultural, even spiritual level.
Lounge chair even has some of its own pop history. It
was originally presented in an all-American show at
TV station NBC (the footage is now even available on
Youtube!), while it found its way out of an average
American home into the highly aesthetical world of triphop music by being a prop in the “Inertia Creeps” video
by Massive Attack, which is a band whose mystical and
saturated music marked the spiritual and tangible spaces of the 1990s. At over fifty years old, Lounge Chair and
its accompanying sofa (ottoman) still represent a focal
point, as well as a unique example of modernism and
sumptuous art.
By combining imagination and thought, art and science, Charles and Ray Eames have created some of
the most influential pieces of designer furniture in the
twentieth century, as their furniture never loses its aura
that makes it special, stays classy, fresh and functional
to this very day.
The Eames couple are considered to be among the most
important designers of the previous century. Their diversity wouldn’t let them limit themselves to only one media
of artistic expression. Besides dealing with furniture, they
spent their several-decade career also being involved
in film, photography, toy design, as well as organized
exhibits and even built their own house. These greats of
American design take centre stage on the map of the
most deserving and inventive designers ever.
DESIGNERS GUILD, www.designersguild.com
Romantična posteljina cvjetnog uzorka iz kolekcije “Tullgarn Noir”, u kombinaciji s lampom zebra uzorka i cvjetnim zidnim tapetama / Romantic floral bedlinen from the “Tullgarn Noir” collection in a combination with a
zebra-sampled lamp and floral wallpapers
Crno-bijelo je hit
Black & White Is a Hit
MARIMEKKO / www.marimekko.fi
Poslužavnik inspiriran motivima iz prirode /
A tray inspired by nature motives
www.i a ljuljanje
Stolica Rocking
The combination of elegant black and white, as
presented all those years ago by the icon of style
Coco Chanel, has always been considered a classic, but the trends that appeared over the last few
years have confirmed a huge return by presenting
them as an absolute hit…
It is best to use black & white as a base that also
features a third colour. The choice of the third colour is a matter of personal taste, but it is a fact that
the black & white combination most agrees with
the colour of fuchsia, red and lime green. You need
to be careful when it comes to combining samples
and choosing details. The best way to go would
be to use playful samples with pure white or black
surfaces. Zebra-lines are also very modern, and it’s
easy to fit them into any style you want.
Pripremila / Edited by: Ana Perišin
Čajnik s crnim cvjetovima /
A teapot with black flowers
Kombinacija elegantne crne i bijele, kakvu je davno promovirala ikona stila Coco Chanel, uvijek
se smatrala klasičnom, ali trendovi predstavljeni
posljednjih nekoliko godina govore nam o velikom
povratku predstavljajući ih kako apsolutni hit.
Najbolje je crno-bijelu koristiti kao bazu na koju
ćemo dodati treću boju. Izbor treće boje je stvar
osobnog ukusa, ali činjenica je da se crno-bijela
kombinacija odlično slaže s bojom fuksije, te crvenom i limeta zelenom.
Treba biti oprezan kod kombiniranja uzoraka i izbora detalja. Najbolje se slažu razigrani uzorci s čistim
bijelim ili crnim plohama. Vrlo su moderne i zebraste
linije, koje se mogu uklopiti u svaki stil.
IKEA, www.ikea.com
Ultramoderna crno-bijela posteljina /
Ultra-modern black & white linen
DESIGNERS GUILD, www.designersguild.com
Tepih iz kolekcije Sanssouci u kombinaciji s prugastim naslonjačima Bellini /
A carpet from the Sanssouci collection combined with stripy Bellini armchairs
DESIGNERS GUILD, www.designersguild.com
Vječne prugice / Eternal stripes
FELICEROSSI / www.felicerossi.it
Trodijelna sjedalica S.3, dizajn Carlo Magnoli i Davide
Gelati / Three-part chair S.3, designed by Carlo
Magnoli and Davide Gelati
OM HOME, www.om-home.com
Veseli uzorak na jastuku /
A joyous sample on a pillow
IKEA, www.ikea.com
Hedda Blom, navlaka za poplun / Hedda Blom, quilt cover
DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA, www.doma.hr
Slamnate kutije raznih veličina / Different-sized straw boxes
DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA,
Vaze Black različitih veličina i oblika /
Vases Black in different sizes and shapes
IKEA, www.ikea.com
Posuda iz kolekcije Syntes Konst /
A dish from the Syntes Konst collection
A se
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, salo
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ljenke /
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CEL lla Belind a, bell-s
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A Na
DOM ASA, ww vazi /
salon i uzorak n
a vas
Cvjet ample on
IKEA, www.ikea.com
Jednostavno i razigrano. Odlična kombinacija uzorka te čistih crnih i bijelih ploha / Simple and playful. An excellent
combination of samples with pure black and white surfaces
karta Hrvatske
map of Croatia
ZAGREB glavni grad / capital
 
BANKOVCI 112 str.
BIOGRAD 113 str.
BRAÈ 114 str.
CAVTAT 115 str.
DUBROVNIK 116 str.
FAŽANA 122 str.
KRK 124 str.
LABIN 127 str.
LOŠINJ 129 str.
OPATIJA 130 str.
posebna ponuda
special offer
Labin, vila
str. 125
PAG 133 str.
POREÈ 134 str.
PRIMOŠTEN 137 str.
PULA 138 str.
ROGOZNICA 140 str.
SPLIT 142 str.
SRIMA 145 str.
ŠIBENIK 147 str.
TRIBUNJ 150 str.
TROGIR 152 str.
ZAGREB 155 str.
Real est
U Bankovcima kod Grožnjana se prodaju četiri novoizgrađene “stare“ kamene kuće. Izgrađene su do roh-bau faze, a
svaka kuća ima od 500 do 550 m2 okućnice i ukupno 114 m2 netto površine u dvije etaže (P+1). Gradnja je vrhunska.
Moguće su preinake po želji kupca u postupku dovršenja gradnje i izbor završnih obloga. Dovršenje obuhvaća sve završne radove, vanjski bazen cca 4x8 m, vanjsko uređenje, te parking s pergolom. Moguća je kupnja pojedinačnih kuća
ili sve zajedno.
Četvrta kuća još nije izgrađena i može se graditi prema željama kupca. Moguća je dopuna projekta izgradnjom garaže,
podzemne vinoteke ili konobe i drugih tipično istarskih “hedonističkih“ sadržaja.
In Bankovci, near Grožnjan there are four newly-built old stone houses. They are built till the roh-bau phase and each of
them has 500 - 550 m2 of infield and surface of 114 m2 netto in two storeys. The building is of peek quality. A settler’s intervention during finalizing process is possible as well as the choice of the covering. The finalizing process includes all the
final works, an external swimming pool cca 4x8 m, external arrangement and also parking and a balcony. The purchase
is possible both of individual objects and all-together.
The fourth house is not yet built and so can be with the respect of buyer’s wishes. Also the completion of the project is
possible by building a garage, underground wine cellar or by some other tipically Istrian “hedonist” facilities.
Cijena / Price: 330.000 € svaka / each
Kontakt telefon : +385 (0)91 617 66 77, +385 (0)98 296 839, +385 (0)52 721 001
U turističkome mjestu Biogradu (50 km sjeverno od Šibenika) prodaju se apartmani u novoizgrađenoj zgradi na tri
etaže. Na svakoj su etaži po dva apartmana, od kojih svaki obuhvaća 55,50 m2 stambene površine. Svi apartmani su
klimatizirani i imaju izlaz na natkrivene terase površine 10,60 m2. Svim apartmanima pripada parkirališno mjesto koje
je uključeno u cijenu, a također se u sklopu objekta nalaze vanjski tuševi i grill. Apartmani u prizemlju i na katu uređeni
su kao dvosobni, dok su oni u potkrovlju uređeni kao jednosobni. U gradnji su korišteni kvalitetni materijali, a izrada je
vrhunska. Na raspolaganju su ostali apartman na prvom katu i dva apartmana u potkrovlju. Apartman na prvom katu
je dvosoban i prodaje se nenamješten. U potkrovlju je jedan apartman namješten, dok se drugi prodaje nenamješten.
Svi apartmani imaju pogled na more.
In a tourism town called Biograd (50 km north of Šibenik), we find apartments for sale in a newly built three-storey
building. Each storey features two apartments, and every one of them takes up 55,50 m2 of residential surface. All the
apartments have air conditioning and feature an exit to covered terraces with 10,60 m2 of surface. One parking space for
all the apartments is included into the price, and the object also features outside showers and a grill. The apartments on
the ground floor and first floor have two bedrooms, while those in the loft have only one bedroom. Only materials of the
highest quality were used during the construction process, and the construction work is superb. One apartment on the first
floor and both of the loft apartments are still available. The first-floor apartment has two bedrooms and isn’t furnished.
One of the loft apartments is furnished, while the other one isn’t. All the apartments have the view over the sea.
Cijena / Price: 130.000 € (prvi kat / first floor), 134.000 € (potkrovlje, namješten / loft, furnished)
131.000 € (potkrovlje, nenamješten / loft, unfurnished)
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 254 5962
Na otoku Braču, u uvali Splitska, nalazi se zemljište površine od 450 m2 do 1020 m2 na kojem se grade atraktivne vile.
Površine vila su od 110 m2 do 220 m2 i građene su u mediteranskom stilu. Pri gradnji su korišteni vrhunski materijali, a
vile će biti opremljene s podnim grijanjem, klima-uređajima, dizajnerskim kupaonicama, vrhunskim kuhinjama, zidnim
ormarima i neizravnom rasvjetom prostorija. Ispred vila je planirana izgradnja bazena, a okućnica će biti kultivirana.
Završetak radova je planiran za rujan 2008.
At a bay called Splitska on the island of Brač, we find a parcel with 450 m2 to 1020 m2 of surface where attractive villas
are being built. The villas’ surfaces range from 110 m2 to 220 m2 and they are constructed in Mediterranean fashion.
Top-quality materials were used during the construction process, and the villas will be equipped with floor heating, air
conditioning, designer bathrooms, top-notch kitchens, wall closets and non-direct room lighting. There are plans to
build a swimming pool in front of the villas, while the courtyard will be cultivated. The construction is planned to end
in September of 2008.
Cijena / Price: 350.000 - 695.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 455 330
U Cavtatu se prodaje dvoetažni penthouse s predivnim pogledom na more. Površina je 230 m2, a podijeljen je u jedan
veliki stambeni prostor i dva studio-apartmana. Svi su prostori potpuno namješteni i opskrbljeni centralnim grijanjem.
In Cavtat, we find a two-storey penthouse on sale, and it boasts a wonderful view over the sea. It takes up 230 m2 of
surface, while being divided into one large residential space and two studio-apartments. All the units are completely
furnished and feature central heating.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)20 437 046
Prodajemo prekrasnu vilu na zapadnom ulazu u Stari grad površine 300 m2 koja je nekoć pripadala plemstvu Dubrovačke Republike, s pažljivo dekoriranim i renoviranim interijerom. Vila se sastoji od tri etaže s četiri sobe, dnevnim boravkom, prostranom blagovaonicom i dvjema kupaonicama (jedna s jacuzzijem). U prekrasno uređenoj okućnici, koja zauzima 250 m2, zasađenoj ružmarinom i palmama s fontanom, vila nudi privatnost i prostor za opuštanje. Vila predstavlja
odličan spoj modernog i antiknog stila s originalnim djelima hrvatskih slikara, poput Celestina Medovića.
A beautiful villa is on sale at the western entrance into the older part of town; its surface is 300 m2 and it used to belong
to the aristocracy of the Dubrovnik Republic, and it features a carefully decorated and renovated interior. The villa has
three storeys with four bedrooms, living room, spacious dining room and two bathrooms (one of them has a jacuzzi). A
wonderfully decorated courtyard spreads across 250 m2 and it is covered with rosemary and palms, and it also features
a fountain, offering some privacy and relaxation space. The villa represents an excellent combination of modern and
antique styles, as you can find original works of Croatian painters like Celestin Medović.
Cijena / Price: 3.500.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)20 437 046
275,00 kn
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Imanje obuhvaća dvije prekrasno restaurirane tradicionalne dalmatinske kamene kuće u selu Močićima u Konavlima, samo
pet minuta vožnje udaljenom od Dubrovnika. Kuće su okružene prirodom, imaju pogled na more i obližnju šumu. Prva je
kuća dvoetažna, s ulazom na prvi kat gdje je smještena kuhinja s blagovaonicom i pogledom na more kroz francuski prozor, dok drvene stepenice vode do prizemlja u kojem su spavaća soba s garderobom, luksuzno uređenom kupaonicom i
ostakljenim vratima koja vode do vrta. Druga je kuća samo nekoliko koraka udaljena, uz nešto manju kvadraturu. Ulazi se
također s prvoga kata, te je raspored prostorija vrlo sličan prvoj. Posebnost ove kuće je fantastična terasa s koje se pruža
pogled na sve četiri strane svijeta. Ukupna kvadratura imanja je 250 m2, a stambeni prostor obuhvaća 110 m2.
The estate consists of two wonderfully restored stone houses built in the finest Dalmatian tradition, and it is located in
the village of Močići in Konavle, just a five-minute drive from Dubrovnik. The houses are surrounded by nature and they
have a view over the sea and the neighbouring forest. The first house has two storeys, with the entrance located at the
first floor where we can find the kitchen with a dining room and a view over the sea through a “french” window, while
the wooden staircase leads to the ground floor featuring the bedroom with a wardrobe, luxuriously decorated bathroom
and glassy doorway that leads to the garden. The second house is just a few steps away, and its size is marginally
smaller. The entrance is also on the first floor, and the arrangement of rooms is very similar to the first house. What’s
special about this house is the fantastic terrace, which provides a view across all four sides of the world. The overall
size of the estate is 250 m2, and the residential surface covers 110 m2.
Cijena / Price: 400.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)20 437 046
U samom središtu povijesnog Dubrovnika smješten je hotel Stari grad. U prošlosti je hotel pripadao obitelji Drašković,
dok je danas spomenik kulture pod zaštitom Grada. Hotel ima osam dvokrevetnih ili jednokrevetnih soba te predivnu
terasu s pogledom na obližnji otok Lokrum i gradić Cavtat. Uređen je u antiknom stilu.
Hotel Stari Grad is located in the very centre of historic Dubrovnik. The hotel used to belong to the Drašković family, but now
it is a cultural monument protected by the City of Dubrovnik. The hotel has eight two-bed or one-bed rooms and a wonderful
terrace overlooking the neighbouring island Lokrum and a little town called Cavtat. It is furnished in antique style.
Cijena / Price: 3.300.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)20 437 046
U novoizgrađenom apartmanskom kompleksu u Dubrovniku prodaje se stan u potkrovlju. Ukupna stambena površina
stana bez balkona i terase iznosi 140 m2 i sastoji se od tri sobe (jedne velike spavaće sobe i dvije manje koje dijele zajedničku kupaonicu), otvorenog prostora s kuhinjom, dnevnog boravka s blagovaonicom koji ujedno predstavlja srce
apartmana s izlazom na terasu. S terase se pruža predivan pogled na more, borovu šumu i dubrovački most. Velika
spavaća soba ima balkon koji isto tako ima zadivljujući pogled kao i terasa. Stan je moderno namješten s vrhunski
kvalitetnim materijalima te ima centralno grijanje, klimatizaciju i SAT/TV. Stanu također pripada jedno parkirališno
mjesto ispred zgrade.
We find a loft apartment for sale in a newly built apartment complex in Dubrovnik. The apartment’s overall residential surface, without the balcony and the terrace, takes up 140 m2 and it consists of three rooms (one large bedroom and two smaller
ones that share a joint bathroom), an open space with the kitchen, and living room with the dining room that represent the
heart of the apartment with the exit to the terrace. The terrace itself provides a wonderful view over the sea, the pine-tree
forest and the Dubrovnik Bridge. The large bedroom features a balcony that also provides an impressive view, just like the
terrace. The apartment is furnished in modern manner with materials of superb quality, as it possesses central heating, air
conditioning and SAT/TV. The apartment also receives one parking space in front of the building.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on request
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)20 437 046
U Fažani, na samoj rivi, prodaje se kuća stara više od 100 godina. Ove godine kuća je adaptirana i pretvorena u
luksuzan hotel s devet dvokrevetnih ili jednokrevetnih soba. Sve sobe su moderno opremljene, što znači da je svaka
soba klimatizirana, a gostima su na raspolaganju u svakoj sobi mini-bar, sef, telefon, LCD televizor s digitalnim
prijemom zemaljskih i satelitskih programa. Kupaonice imaju hidromasažne tuš-kabine u kojima se može relaksirati
uz muziku. Cijeli je hotel bežično umrežen i spojen na brzi ADSL internet tako da ćete se u bilo kojem dijelu hotela,
ali i na stolovima smještenim uz more, moći služiti internetom i notebookom.
There is a house for sale at the very promenade in Fažana, and it is over a hundred years old. The house was adapted this
year and turned into a luxurious hotel with nine two or one bed rooms. All the rooms are equipped in a modern way, which
means that every room has an air conditioner, and the guests have plenty of things at their disposal in all the rooms, including
a mini-bar, vault, telephone, LCD TV with digital transmission of earth and satellite programmes. The bathrooms have hydromassage shower tubs where you can relax next to some music. The entire hotel has wireless service and is connected to fast
ADSL Internet, so you can use Internet and the notebook in any part of the hotel, including the tables located near the sea.
Cijena / Price: 2.800.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 617 6677, +385 (0)98 296 839
Na otoku Krku prodaje se novoizgrađena kuća čija stambena površina iznosi 98 m2. Kuća je građena u tradicionalnom stilu, u kamenu, te ima natkrivenu terasu, vanjski roštilj, bazen i uređenu okućnicu s automatskim navodnjavanjem. Pri uređenju i gradnji su korišteni prvoklasni materijali, kuća ima centralno grijanje i klimatizaciju. Nalazi se u
mirnom, ruralnom okruženju, dva kilometra od mora.
There is a newly built house on sale on the island of Krk, and its residential surface mounts up to 98 m2. The house was built
in traditional manner, which is stone, and it features a covered terrace, outside grill, swimming pool and a maintained courtyard with automatic flooding. First-class materials were used during the construction and decorating, and the house also has
central heating and air conditioning. It is located in a peaceful and rural environment, two kilometres from the sea.
Cijena / Price: 255.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 547 4709
Na otoku Krku, u Malinskoj, prodaje se kuća primorske arhitekture s restoranom-konobom i dva četverosobna stana. Kuća
je samostojeća na dvije etaže, s velikim terasama s pogledom na more. Konoba ima vanjsku terasu površine 40 m2 s 80100 sjedaćih mjesta i salu površine 100 m2 s 44 sjedaća mjesta. Opremljena je modernom novom kuhinjom sa skladištem
površine 30 m2, toaletima, garderobom, kupaonicom za osoblje i grillom. Objekt ima centralno grijanje, plinske instalacije
za kuhinju restorana, pomoćnu zgradu sa spremištem, cisternom i grill terasom te pet parkirališnih mjesta. Kuća se nalazi
na mirnoj lokaciji, u okruženju obiteljskih kuća i maslinika na parceli površine 1110 m2.
In Malinska at the island of Krk, we find a house of coastal architecture for sale, and it features a restaurant-tavern and two
four-room apartments. The house has two storeys and is detached, boasting two terraces that overlook the sea. The tavern
has a 40 m2 outside terrace with 80-100 seats, as well as the 100 m2 indoor space with 44 seats. It is furnished with a modern new kitchen featuring a 30 m2 storage room, toilets, wardrobe, bathroom for staff and the grill. The object has central
heating, gas installations for the restaurant’s kitchen, as well as a second building with a storage room, cistern, grill terrace
and five parking spaces. The house is situated at a peaceful location on the plot surface of 1110 m2, surrounded by family
houses and olive groves.
Cijena / Price: 850.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 528 9096
Na Krku se prodaje samostojeća kuća sa dva apartmana, prizemlje i kat, na parceli površine 509 m2. Apartmani
imaju cca 50 m2, jednu spavaću sobu, kupaonicu, kuhinju s blagovaonicom, dnevni boravak s velikom natkrivenom
terasom, parkiralište za dva vozila, garažu od 25 m2 i ozelenjenu i ograđenu okućnicu s grillom. Kuća je na atraktivnoj
lokaciji, 200 m udaljena od uređene plaže, a 600 m od centra. Ima uporabnu dozvolu.
There is a detached house with two apartments, on the ground floor and upper floor, on sale in Krk, and it is placed on a
509-m2 parcel. Apartments take up about 50 m2 each, and they feature one bedroom, bathroom, kitchen with dining room,
living room with a large covered terrace, two parking spaces, a 25 m2 garage and a fenced courtyard with a grill and plenty
of greenery. The location of the house is very attractive, 200 metres from a maintained beach, and about 600 metres from
the centre. The house has a usage license.
Cijena / Price: 330.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 547 4709
Prodaje se rezidencijalna vila u istarskom zaselku, s fantastičnim pogledom na more i brda. Labin je udaljen 4 km, a
turistički centar u Rapcu 8 km. Vila je izgrađena na mirnoj i pažljivo odabranoj lokaciji, zaštićenoj od vjetra.
There is a residential villa in a small Istrian village with a fantastic view over the sea and the hills. Labin is 4 km away,
while the ourism centre in Rabac in 8 km away. The villa is located on a peaceful, carefully chosen spot, which is protected from the wind.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 511 2879
Na uskoj prevlaci koja spaja otoke Cres i Lošinj, prodaje se stara kamena kuća. Smještena je u samoj povijesnoj jezgri
grada Osora. Kuća se sastoji od tri etaže površine 210 m2, tavana površine 72 m2 te dva balkona od 15 m2. Kuća je
građena na prijelazu iz 15. u 16. stoljeće i zidana je od debelih kamenih blokova. Na zidu dnevne sobe u prizemlju se
nalaze dvije freske s početka 19. stoljeća. U početku su u kući boravili crkveni vjerodostojnici da bi nakon toga kuća
bila stan osorskih biskupa. Kada se biskupija preselila, kuća dolazi u vlasništvo imućne osorske obitelji koja je kuću
prenamijenila u jednu od najpoznatijih konoba i prenoćišta na Jadranu. Kuća je posljednjih pola stoljeća u vlasništvu
prodavateljeve obitelji. Uz kuću se prodaje i sav pripadajući namještaj iz 19. i 20. stoljeća.
On a narrow land bridge that connects the islands of Cres and Lošinj, there is an old stone house for sale. It is located
right in the historical centre of the town of Osor. The house consists of three storeys with 210 m2 of surface, as well
as a 72 m2 attic and two 15 m2 balconies. The house was originally built in the late 15th/early 16th century, and thick
stone blocks were used during the process. On the wall of the ground-floor living room, we find two frescoes from
the early 19th century. In the beginning, church officials were residing in the house, and after that the house served
as an apartment of the Osor bishops. When the Bishopric moved, the house came into possession of a wealthy Osor
family, which redefined the house as one of the most famous taverns and hostels at the Adriatic. Over the last half of
the century, the house was owned by the seller’s family. The sale also includes all the accompanying furniture from the
19th and 20th century.
Cijena / Price: 770.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 233 815, +385 (0)91 769 5650
U Opatiji se prodaje luksuzno uređena vila ukupne površine 250 m2. Sastoji se od dva dvosobna stana površine 100 m2
te dva studio-apartmana od po 25 m2. Vili pripadaju i dva natkrivena parkirališna mjesta te okućnica površine 800 m2 s
dvije male vrtne kuće. S vile se pruža otvoreni pogled na more i Kvarnerski zaljev.
There is a luxuriously decorated villa on sale in Opatija, and its overall surface is 250 m2. It consists of two two-room
apartments with 100 m2 of surface each, as well as two studio-apartments that take up 25 m2 each. The villa also gets two
covered parking spaces and an 800 m2 courtyard with two small garden houses. The villa provides an open view over the
sea and the Kvarner Gulf.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 320 702, +385 (0)51 320708, +385 (0)51 320 974
Na ulazu u Opatiju prodaje se vila sa savršenim pogledom na Opatijsku rivijeru. Vila ima površinu od 472,75 m2, dok
je površina uređene okućnice, koja se s terasama spušta prema moru, 1550 m2. Unutrašnjost se sastoji od tri stana
koji mogu funkcionirati neovisno jedan o drugome, tj. svaki stan ima zaseban ulaz. U suterenu su garaže povezane s
gornjim etažama unutrašnjim stubama te vinski podrum. Cijeli objekt ima velike kružne terase.
Right as we enter Opatija, we find a villa for sale and it boasts the perfect view over the Opatija Riviera. The villa’s surface
is 472,75 m2, while the maintained courtyard, which steeps towards the sea along with the terraces, takes up 1550 m2.
The inside consists of three apartments that can function independently of one another, as they each have an individual
entrance. The basement level features garages that are connected with upper storeys by a set of inside stairs, and there
is also a wine cellar. The entire object has large circular terraces.
Cijena / Price: 1.800.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 705 764
Na otoku Pagu, u turističkom središtu Novalji, koje je poznato po predivnim plažama, prodaje se apartman. Apartman
ima površinu 30 m2 i smješten je u zgradi na četiri etaže. Udaljen je 250 m od mora, a s terase od oko 30 m2 pruža
se predivan pogled na more i okolicu.
In the tourism centre Novalja on the island of Pag, which is known for its wonderful beaches, there is an apartment for
sale. The apartment’s size is 30 m2 and it is located in a four-storey building. It is 250 metres from the sea, and the 30 m2
terrace provides a wonderful view over the sea and the local area.
Cijena / Price: 75.500 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 254 5962
Prodaju se dva objekta u blizini centra grada i plaže – obiteljska vila i pansion. Vila se sastoji od suterena od 80 m2, čiji
je prostor idealan za fitness prostoriju te saune ili kao vinski podrum, te dviju etaža površine 140 m2. Ispred vile je bazen
dimenzija 12x7 m, te otvoreni kamin u dvorištu. Unutrašnjost vile je luksuzno opremljena: centralno grijanje-plin, aluminijska vanjska stolarija, hrastovi parketi, kamin na svakoj etaži, klimatizirana u cijelosti, granitni podovi u dnevnim sobama,
hodnicima, kuhinjama i kupaonicama. Pansion se sastoji od četiri apartmana pojedinačne površine 50 m2 u prizemlju. Na
etaži je osam soba s kupaonicama i balkonima, te na drugoj etaži veliki peterosobni stan površine 260 m2, dnevna soba
površine 60 m2 i prekrasna velika terasa s pogledom na cijeli Kvarner. Pansion je također opremljen plinskim centralnim
grijanjem te je potpuno klimatiziran. Kućom dominiraju granitni podovi. U svakoj kući postoji dodatnih 60 m2 prostora u
potkrovlju. Dvorište nudi mogućnost parkiranja za 15 automobila, a površina cijele okućnice, koja ujedno i objedinjuje ove
dvije nekretnine, iznosi 3000 m2.
There are two objects on sale near the city centre and a beach – a family villa and a pansion. The villa consists of an
80 m2 basement level, which is ideal for a fitness room, sauna or a wine cellar, as well as two storeys with 140 m2 each.
In front of the villa, we find a 12x7 m swimming pool, as well as an open fireplace in the courtyard. The villa’s inside is
luxuriously equipped: central gas heating, aluminium joinery, oakwood parquets, one fireplace per floor, complete air
conditioning, granite floors in living rooms, hallways, kitchens and bathrooms. The pansion consists of 4 apartments, each
with 50 m2 of surface on the ground floor. The upper floor reveals 8 bedrooms with bathrooms and balconies, while there
is a five-room apartment on the second floor with 260 m2 of surface, as well as a 60 m2 living room and a wonderful large
terrace overlooking the entire Kvarner. The pansion is also equipped with gas central heating, and there is complete air
conditioning. The house is dominated by granite floors. Every house features additional 60 m2 in the loft. The courtyard
offers the option of parking up to 15 cars, while the entire courtyard, which also encompasses these two real estates, takes
up 3000 m2.
Cijena / Price: 3.800.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 705 7646
Prodaje se ekskluzivni rezidencijalni kompleks u Poreču, izgrađen kombinacijom modernih i tradicionalnih elemenata,
u neposrednoj blizini starog ribarskog naselja, samo 800 m udaljenog od mora, 9 km od Poreča i 5 km od Novigrada. Sastoji se od četiri luksuzna stana s 1-3 spavaće sobe, površine od 80 do 170 m2. Završni radovi visoke su
kvalitete i uključuju prozore i vrata od mahagonija, podove od vrhunskog drva i slično.
There is an exclusive residential complex on sale in Poreč, built with usage of modern and traditional elements right next
to the old fishermen settlement just 800 metres from the sea, 9 km from Poreč and 5 km from Novigrad. It consists of
4 luxurious apartments with 1-3 bedrooms and 80-170 m2 of surface. The finishing stages of the construction process
are of high quality and include mahagony windows and doors, as well as floors from top-notch wood etc.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 511 2879
U Primoštenu, jednom od najslikovitijih malih mjesta na Jadranu, s mnoštvom karakterističnih uličica u staroj jezgri na
brdovitom poluotočiću, prodaju se apartmani. Površina apartmana je od 41,5 m2 i smješteni su u apartmanskoj zgradi
na tri etaže s koje se pruža predivan pogled na cijeli Primošten. Apartmani su 250 m udaljeni od mora.
In Primošten, which is one of the most picturesque little towns at the Adriatic with numerous characteristic alleys in the
archaic centre on a mountainous peninsula, there are apartments for sale. The surface of the apartments is 41,5 m2,
and they are located in a three-storey apartment building, which provides a glorious view over the whole of Primošten.
The apartments are 250 metres from the sea.
Cijena / Price: 95.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 254 5962
U Puli se prodaje tradicionalna istarska kamena kuća, 30 metara udaljena od plaže. Sastoji se od dva stana s tri
spavaće sobe, kuhinjom s blagovaonicom / dnevnim boravkom, dvije spavaće sobe i terasom s izravnim pogledom
na more. Kuća je izgrađena od provjerenih, suvremenih materijala, u kombinaciji s elementima stare, tradicionalne
There is a traditional Istrian stone house on sale in Pula, and it is positioned 30 metres from the beach. It consists of
two apartments with three bedrooms, kitchen with dining room / living room, two bedrooms and a terrace that directly
overlooks the sea. The house was built from confirmed and contemporary materials, combined with elements of the
old, traditional construction.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 511 2879
Prodaje se renovirana vila u tradicionalnom austrougarskom stilu, na fantastičnoj lokaciji, udaljenoj 300 m od mora.
Okružena je botaničkim vrtom površine 1300 m2, s palminim stablima koja cvjetaju tijekom čitave godine i bazenom.
U sklopu vile na raspolaganju je također i dodatni manji objekt s dva stana. Vila se sastoji od prizemlja i prvog kata,
površine po 120 m2, te potkrovlja predviđenog za gostinsku prostoriju.
There is a renovated villa in traditional Austro-Hungarian style on sale, and it has a fantastic location about 300 metres from the sea. It is surrounded by a 1300 m2 botanic garden with palm trees, and the garden is filled with flowers
throughout the year. The villa also features a swimming pool, as well as an additional smaller object with two apartments. The villa consists of ground floor and the first floor, with 120 m2 of surface each, as well as a loft planned for
a guestroom.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 511 2879
U Rogoznici, 30-ak kilometara udaljenoj od Šibenika, na uzvisini s koje se pruža prekrasan pogled na more i otoke,
gradit će se dvije samostojeće zgrade s ukupno šest trosobnih stanova (apartmana) površine od 95 do 97 m2, uključujući i terase od 17 m2 do 20 m2. Svi apartmani imaju osigurano parkirališno mjesto u cijeni, a jedna od zgrada
uključuje i bazen. Početak gradnje je proljeće 2008. godine, a završetak radova planiran je za Novu godinu 2009.
Prilikom gradnje koristit će se najmoderniji i najkvalitetniji materijali.
In a town called Rogoznica, which is about 30 kilometres away from Šibenik, on a slope that provides a marvellous view over
the sea and the islands, they are planning the construction of two detached buildings with six three-room apartments with
95 - 97 m2 of surface, including the terraces ranging from 17 m2 to 20 m2. All the apartments are guaranteed one parking
space within the price, and one of the buildings also includes a swimming pool. The construction will begin in the spring of
2008, and the work is planned to be finished at New Years 2009. Only materials that are most modern and top-quality will
be used during the construction process.
Cijena / Price: 147.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 254 5962
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Prodaje se predivna villa Luxor, smještena na velikoj parceli prvi red do mora. Sastoji se od četiri kata ukupne stambene
površine 450 m2, u kojoj je smješteno 18 soba. Budućem vlasniku na raspolaganju su terase s pogledom na more, vrt
te plaže do kojih ga dijeli samo nekoliko koraka te, naravno, garaža.
The wonderful Villa Luxor is for sale, located on a large parcel right next to the sea. It consists of four floors with 450 m2
of overall residential surface, and there are 18 rooms inside the villa. The future owners will find terraces that overlook the
sea, the garden and beaches that are only a few steps away, as well as a garage.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 231 911
U Srimi, malome slikovitom turističkom mjestu, koje je spojeno s Vodicama, prodaje se apartman. Površina apartmana je 40 m2 i nalazi se na odličnoj lokaciji, uz samo more (udaljenost od mora je 60-ak metara) i plaže. Apartman se
prodaje kompletno namješten.
There is an apartment for sale in Srima, which is a picturesque little tourism town connected to Vodice. The apartment’s surface is 40 m2 and it has a wonderful location, right next to the sea (about 60 metres away from the sea) and a beach. The
apartment on sale is completely furnished.
Cijena / Price: 90.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 254 5962
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Prodaje se kamena kuća u staroj gradskoj jezgri, renovirana 1990. godine, ukupne stambene površine 250 m2. U prizemlju su caffe bar od 67 m2, koji trenutačno nije u funkciji, a poviše njega je stambeni prostor na tri etaže. Prva i druga
etaža su površine po 80 m2, a treća 100 m2. Objekt se nalazi u blizini buduće marine koja se planira izgraditi 2009.
godine. Kuću je moguće preurediti u mini hotel.
There is a stone house on sale in the old town centre with an overall residential surface of 250 m2, and it was renovated
in 1990. The ground floor features a 67 m2 café bar, which is currently out of function, and the upper space reveals
a three-storey residential space. The first and second storeys take up 80 m2 each, while the third storey has 100 m2 of
surface. The object is located near a soon-to-be marina that is planned for 2009. The house could be redefined as a
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 254 5962
Prodaje se kamena kuća “Dionis” u Šibeniku. Kuća je građena u originalnom dalmatinskom stilu, na tri kata, ukupne
površine 170 m2. Uz četiri sobe, tu su velika dvorana za zabave, sauna, fitness te lijep vinski podrum. Posebnu joj draž
daje bazen u dvorištu. Udaljenost od mora je oko 2000 m, a osim vrta i bazena, iz kuće se pruža fantastičan pogled na
more te zalaske sunca.
There is a stone house “Dionis” for sale in Šibenik. The house was built in an original Dalmatian style, with three floors
and 170 m2 of residential surface. Along with four rooms, we find a large entertainment hall, sauna, fitness, and a
lovely wine cellar. A special dimension is provided by a swimming pool in the courtyard. The sea is about 2000 metres
away, and besides the garden and the swimming pool, the house provides a fantastic view over the sea and wonderful
Cijena / Price: 440.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 231 911
Prodaje se obiteljska kuća s dvorom u Tribunju. Kuća ima površinu 140 m2 te se sastoji od dviju etaža: prizemlja i kata.
U prizemlju su kuhinja, blagovaonica s dnevnim boravkom i kupaonica. Na katu su tri spavaće sobe, kupaonica i dvije
terase s pogledom na more. Površina zemljišta je 315 m2.
There is a family house with a backyard for sale in Tribunj. The house has 140 m2 of surface and it consists of two levels:
ground floor and the upper floor. The ground floor features a kitchen, dining room with a living room, and a bathroom. The
upper floor reveals three bedrooms, bathroom and two terraces overlooking the sea. The parcel takes up 315 m2.
Cijena / Price: 280.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)22 213 506, +385 (0)91 754 4313
Na mirnoj lokaciji iznad Tribunja, prodaje se troetažna obiteljska kuća. Ukupna stambena površina kuće je 225 m2. U
suterenu je podrum, a u prizemlju veliki dnevni boravak iz kojeg se izlazi na terasu, kuhinja, blagovaonica, kupaonica,
ostava i pretprostor. Na katu su hodnik, dvije spavaće sobe, kuhinja s blagovaonicom, kupaonica i dva balkona. Potkrovlje se sastoji od dva studio apartmana od kojih jedan ima terasu. Oko kuće je uređena okućnica površine 404 m2 s
grillom i parkiralištem. S terasa se pruža predivan otvoreni pogled na slikoviti arhipelag.
At a peaceful location above Tribunj, we find a three-storey family house for sale. The overall residential surface of the house
is 225 m2. The sub-level features a basement, while the ground floor offers a large living room with an exit to the terrace, as
well as the kitchen, dining room, bathroom, pantry room and hallway. The upper floor consists of a hallway, two bedrooms,
kitchen with a dining room, bathroom and two balconies. The loft features two studio apartments, one of which has a terrace.
A maintained 404 m2 courtyard with a grill and a parking lot is surrounding the house. The terraces provide an open view
over the picturesque archipelago.
Cijena / Price: 390.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)22 213 506, +385 (0)91 754 4313
Prodaje se samostojeća obiteljska kuća u mjestu Seget Vranjici, na poluotoku. Kuća je izgrađena na parceli od 360 m², a
sastoji se od tri etaže. Od mora je udaljena oko 10 metara. Tlocrtna površina kuće iznosi oko 120 m². U kući je podrum
površine 30 m². Prizemlje se sastoji od hodnika, kuhinje, blagovaonice, prostranog dnevnog boravka, kupaonice, ostave i
pomoćne prostorije u kojoj su smješteni uređaji za centralno grijanje i perilica rublja. U prizemlju, s južne strane kuće, je i
terasa s koje se pruža otvoreni pogled na trogirski akvatorij. Na prvom katu su hodnik, četiri spavaonice i dvije kupaonice. Na
drugom katu su dvije prostorije koje se mogu koristiti prema potrebi. Kuća je luksuzno namještena i prodaje se s pripadajućim
namještajem. Uokolo kuće je uređen vrt s mediteranskim cvijećem i raslinjem. Vlasnički odnosi su regulirani. Kuća posjeduje
svu dokumentaciju potrebnu za prodaju.
There is a detached family house on sale in a town called Seget Vranjica on a peninsula. The house was built on a 360-m2
parcel, and it consists of three storeys. It is about ten metres from the sea. The house’s blueprint-surface is about 120 m2.
The house features a 30-m2 basement. The ground floor consists of the hallway, kitchen, dining room, spacious living room,
bathroom, pantry and an additional room featuring equipment for central heating and a washing machine. The ground floor,
from the southern end, also features a terrace that provides open view over the Trogir aquatorium. The first floor reveals a
hallway, four bedrooms and two bathrooms. The second floor features two rooms with easily adaptable usage. The house
is luxuriously furnished and is sold with the accompanying furniture. There is a well-maintained garden with Mediterranean
flowers and vegetation around the house. The ownership relations are regulated. The house owns all the necessary documentation to perform the sale.
Cijena / Price: 450.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 894 540, +385 (0)98 9177 257
Prodaje se obiteljska trokatnica, nedavno dovršena, na otoku Čiovu, ukupne stambene površine 150 m2. Uz šest soba, budućem vlasniku su na raspolaganju i vinski podrum, dvije velike terase, vrt i četiri parkirališna mjesta.
Kuća je udaljena od mora samo 100 metara.
There is a family three-storey house, which was recently finished, on sale at the island of Čiovo, and it takes up 150 m2
of residential surface. Along with six rooms, the future owner will find a wine cellar, two large terraces, garden and four
parking spaces. The house is merely 100 metres from the sea.
Cijena / Price: 340.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 231 911
U Zagrebu, u naselju Malešnici, prodaju se stanovi u stambenom objektu na četiri etaže (prizemlje i tri kata). Objekt se
sastoji od 19 stanova različitih kvadratura, koji imaju parkirno-garažno mjesto u podrumu zgrade. U zgradi je i lift koji
vodi direktno iz garaža do gornjih etaža gdje su stanovi. Useljenje je planirano za jesen 2008.
In a settlement called Malešnica in Zagreb, we find apartments for sale within a four-storey residential object (ground floor
and three upper floors). The object consists of 19 different-sized apartments, which have a parking-garage space in the
building’s basement. The building also features a lift that directly leads from the garages to the upper floors that feature
apartments. The moving-in process is planned for autumn of 2008.
Cijena / Price: 2000 - 2300 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 301 3117, +385 (0)91 301 3117, +385 (0)99 222 2228
U sjevernom dijelu grada Zagreba, na Sv. Duhu, prodaju se četiri stana opremljena luksuznim materijalima. Svi stanovi imaju
prekrasan pogled na zelenilo i grad te ne postoji mogućnost uskraćivanja istog. Kvadrature stanova su: 76,60 m2, 87,30 m2,
88,10 m2 i110,70 m2. Objekt nije smješten uz samu glavnu cestu, nego je lagano uvučen i time daje ponekad toliko potreban
mir i tišinu. Objekt se sastoji od suterena s vrtom, prizemlja, prvog kata i penthousea u potkrovlju. U objektu su također i dvije
garaže koje pripadaju najvećem stanu koji se nalazi na prvom katu i penthouseu, uz po jedno vanjsko parkirališno mjesto.
Ostali stanovi imaju po dva vanjska mjesta u ograđenom parkiralištu. Useljenje je predviđeno za proljeće 2008. godine.
In a northern part of the city of Zagreb called Sveti Duh, we find four apartments equipped with luxurious materials for
sale. All the apartments have a wonderful view over the greenery and the city, and the possibility of withholding that view
is non-existent. Surfaces of apartments are: 76,60 m2, 87,30m2, 88,10m2 and 110,70m2. The object is not located right
along the main road, but it is slightly withdrawn, which provides the so-necessary peace and quiet. The object consists of
the basement with the garden, ground floor, first floor and a penthouse in the loft. The object also features two garages
that belong to the largest apartment on the first floor and the penthouse, along with one more outside parking space
apiece. The other apartments each get two outside parking spaces in an enclosed parking lot. The moving-in process is
planned for the spring of 2008.
Cijena / Price: 2100 - 2300 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 301 3117, +385 (0)91 301 3117, +385 (0)99 222 2228
U Zagrebu se prodaju 4 stana kvalitetne gradnje i vrhunske opremljenosti u novoj višestambenoj zgradi na ekskluzivnoj lokaciji
u Gornjem gradu. Stanovi su površine 120 m², 136 m², 157 m² te 178 m², stanovi su 4,5-sobni i peterosobni, a svi imaju
garažu, parkirno mjesto, spremište i vrt.
There are four apartments in Zagreb, built in quality and with the peek equipment, within the new building on the exclusive
location of Gornji grad. The apartments’ surfaces are 120 m2, 136 m2, 157 m2 and 178 m2, they have 4,5 and 5 rooms
and each of them has the garage, a parking place, a cellar and a garden.
Cijena / Price: 4500 - 5000 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 309 8020, +385 (0)91 516 7147, +385 (0)91 309 020
Prodaju se tri stana, jedan dvosobni (dvoetažni) i dva četverosobna, kvalitetne gradnje i vrhunske opremljenosti na Bukovačkoj
cesti u novoj višestambenoj zgradi. Stanovi su površine 71 m2, 105 m2 i 154 m2, s 2 parkirna mjesta i podrumskim spremištem.
Useljenje je u proljeće 2008 g.
There are three apartments, one with two rooms (two-storey) and two with four rooms, built in quality and with the peek
equipment, within the new building in the Bukovačka street in Zagreb. The apartments’ surfaces are 71 m2, 105 m2 and
154 m2, with two parking places and the basement cellar. The moving-in process is planned for the spring 2008.
Cijena / Price: 125.000 €, 250.000 €, 400.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 309 8020, +385 (0)91 516 7147, +385 (0)91 309 020
nine- at the foot of Sljeme zone
Zagreb - Exclusive apartments in Šestine
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Zagreb - Ekskluzivni stanovi u
podsljemenskoj zoni - Šestine
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U Gračanima, podsljemenskoj zoni Zagreba, prodaju se novoizgrađene obiteljske kuće. Kuće imaju po 180 m2 i sastoje
se od dviju etaža: prizemlja i kata. U prizemlju kuće su smješteni veliki dnevni boravak s kuhinjom i blagovaonicom,
gostinskim toaletom i izlazom na terasu s vrtom, dok se na katu kuće nalaze tri spavaće sobe s kupaonicom. Svaka kuća
ima svoju garažu s podrumom i pogled na Mlinove, šestinsku crkvu i zelenilo.
In Gračani, which is a settlement located in the sub-Sljeme zone of Zagreb, we find newly built family houses for sale. The
houses each take up 180 m2 and they consist of two storeys: ground floor and the upper floor. The ground floor features a
large living room with a kitchen and a dining room, as well as a guest toilet and an entrance to the terrace with a garden,
while the upper floor reveals three bedrooms with a bathroom. Each house has its own garage with a basement, and it
also provides a view over Mlinove, a church in Šestine and the greenery.
Cijena / Price: 2000 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 301 3117, +385 (0)91 301 3117, +385 (0)99 222 2228
U podsljemenskoj zoni Zagreba, u Gračanima, u zgradi na tri etaže sa suterenom, prodaju se tri stana. U prizemlju i na
prvom katu prodaju se četverosobni stanovi, dok se u potkrovlju prodaje komforan trosobni penthouse. Svakom stanu
pripadaju dva parkirališna mjesta.
In Gračani, which is a sub-Sljeme zone of Zagreb, we find three apartments for sale within a three-storey building with
a basement. The ground floor and the first floor feature four-room apartments for sale, while the loft reveals a spacious
three-room penthouse that is looking for its buyer. Every apartment gets two parking spaces.
Cijena / Price: 2500 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 301 3117, +385 (0)91 301 3117, +385 (0)99 222 2228
U podsljemenskoj zoni, iznad Gajnica, gradi se vila sa stanovima na prodaju. Stanovi su različite kvadrature, od 60 m2
do 84 m2. Vila se sastoji od tri etaže i suterena. Zajedničke prostorije će biti trim-kabinet, sauna i drvarnica za svaki stan
posebno, te mali park u zelenilu iza same vile. Svi stanovi su kvalitetno opremljeni (protuprovalna vrata, PVC stolarija,
hrastov parket, keramika visoke kvalitete, ograde od inoksa, videoportafon, SAT/TV, telefoni, vlastita brojila, etažno
plinsko grijanje, hidromasažne tuš-kabine ili kade i visokokvalitetne sanitarije). Useljenje je planirano za veljaču 2008.
Svaki stan ima dva parkirališna mjesta.
There is a villa being built in the sub-Sljeme zone above Gajnice, and it features apartments for sale. Apartments have
different sizes that range from 60 m2 to 84 m2. The villa consists of three storeys and the basement level. Rooms that will
be shared will include a fitness room, sauna and storage in the basement for every individual apartment, as well as a
little park in the greenery behind the villa itself. All apartments are superbly equipped (anti-burglary door, PVC joinery,
oak parquet, high-quality ceramics, INOX fences, video port-phone, SAT/TV, telephones, individual meters, storey gas
heating, hydro-massage shower baths or regular bath tubs and high-quality sanitary facilities). The moving-in process
is planned for February 2008. Every apartment gets two parking spaces.
Cijena / Price: 1700 - 1800 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 301 3117, +385 (0)91 301 3117, +385 (0)99 22 22 228