November 26, 2014 Crusader Chronicles
November 26, 2014 Crusader Chronicles
Crusader Chronicles OSKALOOSA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 726 North E Street Oskaloosa, Iowa 52577 UPCOMING EVENTS Nov. 26 Nov. 27&28 Dec. 1 Dec. 1 Dec. 1 Dec. 1 Dec. 2 Dec. 2 Dec. 2 Dec. 2 Dec. 3 Dec. 4 Dec. 4 Dec. 4 Dec. 5 Dec. 5 Dec. 5 Dec. 6 Dec. 6 Dec. 8 Dec. 8 Dec. 9 Dec. 9 Dec. 9 1:15 dismissal, no Osky buses No School for Thanksgiving Clover Kids after school Spanish Club, 3:15-4:15 BB Practice, 3:20-4:50 girls, 4:50-6:20 boys GearHEDZ Gray, 3:15-5:00 Mrs. Hanthorn will be at OSCI Spanish Club, 3:15-4:15 BB Practice, 3:20-4:50 girls, 4:50-6:20 boys GearHEDZ Robotics Night, 7:00 p.m. 2:15 dismissal w/Osky buses BB Practice, 3:20-4:50 girls, 4:50-6:20 boys Geography Bee in 4th-8th Grade Classrooms GearHEDZ Gray, 3:15-5:00 Christmas Cookie decorating Classroom Geography Bees for 4th-8th GearHEDZ Robotics Spirit Day (Orange Day) Willing Workers Christmas Bake Sale Robotics Competition Spanish Club, 3:15-4:15 BB Practice, 3:20-4:50 boys, 4:50-6:20 girls Girls & Boys BB Games at Twin Cedars, 4:00 Spanish Club, 3:15-4:15 Advancement Committee mailing Do your holiday baking the easy way!! At the Oskaloosa Christian School Bake Sale! Next Saturday-December 6, 2014 from 8:00 a.m. – Noon. A large variety of Christmas goodies will be for sale, including our popular decorated cookies. Come and enjoy free coffee while you shop. Invite your friends and family! We rejoice with Mrs. Anne Van Engen, our Jr. High Teacher Aide, and her family, for the birth of Elijah Bradley Van Engen, who was born on Saturday, November 22 at 12:04 p.m. He was 10 lbs., 0.5 oz. and 22 inches long. Mrs. Van Engen’s husband, Pastor Josh, and her sons, Josiah and Isaiah, were all excited to welcome her and Elijah home. Congratulations and God’s blessings to your family! “And now we thank you, our God, and praise your glorious name.” (1 Chronicles 29:13, English Standard Version) Our Geography Bee will be held next week Thursday and Friday for classroom levels in 4th-8th Grades. The top ten winners from December 4 and 5 will then compete on December 17. The school champion will have the opportunity to qualify for the state level geography bee by completing and doing well on a written test. Students can practice by following this link: November 26, 2014 641-672-2174 REMINDERS •The Dutch Peppermints are selling fast! The price is $2 per box, 6 boxes for $11, or a whole show box (24 boxes) for $44. Stop in the school office or contact any 8th grader to purchase. •PLEASE mark Wednesday, December 10 on your calendar to pick up PartyTime orders after school. It is important that orders be picked up promptly, as some items are frozen. If this time does not work for you, please arrange for someone else to pick up your order. THANKS to all families who participated in this fund-raiser! •A reminder to families who live outside the Oskaloosa School District: Your mileage reimbursement forms are due soon. Please bring them to your residing school district by December 1. Extra forms are available in our school office if needed. •Last Friday’s Fall Music Program will be broadcast on MCG local channel 12 at 4:00 p.m. on November 29, December 6, and December 13. It can also be viewed online at •Our next Papa Murphy’s Pizza Day is next Wednesday, December 3. Enjoy delicious, home-baked pizza while supporting our school! If you would like to purchase a DVD of last Friday’s Fall Music Program, please send $5 to the school office by NEXT Wednesday, December 3, so we can order a copy for you. Christmas cookie decorators needed! Please mark your calendars for Friday, December 5 to join us in decorating cookies for the Christmas bake sale. We will be decorating cookies in the school gym this year, beginning around 8:10 until we finish. All skill levels are welcome and needed. Child care will be provided. We will also need help in packaging in the evening. BUS SCHEDULE: Mark your calendars! •Wednesday, Dec. 3: 2:15 dismissal, with Osky buses •Wednesday, Dec. 10: No after-school buses •Wednesday, Dec. 17: 2:15 dismissal, with Osky buses •Tuesday, Dec. 22: No Osky buses all day •Wednesday, Dec. 23: Noon dismissal, No Osky buses all day 2014-2015 School Theme “The Beatitudes - I Will Live for God” “Blessed are those who act justly, who always do what is right.” -Ps. 106:3 November Faith Fact: I will admit my sin and not do it again. Truth Verse: “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Matthew 5:4 Bible Case File: David admits his sin. -2 Samuel 11:27-12:13 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! November 29 December 1 December 4 Half Birthdays: June 3 June 4 June 4 June 5 TRIP Darian Tremmel Emma Kelderman Blake Meinders Emma Veenstra Will Campbell Ian Fay Katie Spoelstra (Tuition Reduction Incentive Program) TRIP orders are due by Noon in the office on these dates: December 1, 8, 15 (last order before Christmas) Bonuses: Shutterfly @ 11% thru 12/1 Kwik Trip @ 9% thru 12/31 Bass Pro @ 13% thru 12/15 Pizza Ranch gift cards @ 7% rebate are now available in Cash & Carry, and can be used at any Pizza Ranch location. We will no longer be providing Pella Pizza Ranch gift certificates. All AVON orders $20 and above during the months of November and December will qualify for a drawing of a special basket of skin care products. CHRISTMAS IS COMING! I know it is hard to believe, but there are only 3 more order dates until Christmas. Please be thinking about that as you plan your holiday ordering – We really don’t want to be placing all orders during the week of December 15! If you have any questions about our TRIP program, please contact Rachel Yang at 295-1813. Next week we will be celebrating the GearHEDZ Robotics program at Oskaloosa Christian! •Robotics Night will be held next Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. A presentation of the Robotics program, from all teams, will be given for anyone who is interested in learning more. •On next Friday, December 5, we will celebrate GearHEDZ Robotics Spirit Day. We encourage all students to wear orangecolored clothing in support of the team’s competition on December 6. They will also be giving presentations to various grade levels during the day. A BIG thanks to all the coaches and helpers who have been working with our three robotics teams this year, and to Vickie Van Donselaar for being our coordinator! KISS FM Radio Station 101.5 recently recorded Thanksgiving statements by a dozen Oskaloosa Christian School students. Listen to the station at 8:00-9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., or 7:00-8:00 p.m. on the 26th through the 28th, and you could hear your little darling spout-out his or her reasons for thanksgiving! I, Dr. Bob, am pleased to report that the offering for the Thanksgiving Program was $1,514.70! Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! Praise Him all creatures -- here, below! Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts! Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! Amen! The offering will support the music fund of Oskaloosa Christian School! HOT LUNCH MENU Dec. 1-5 MON: Hamburger/Cheeseburger on WG bun, Fries, Baked Beans, Peaches TUES: Chicken Soup, Carrots w/peanut butter, Mandarin Oranges, Cinnamon Roll WED: Tuna Noodle Casserole, Broccoli w/cheese sauce, Apple Slices, Roll THURS: Spaghetti w/meat sauce, Green Beans, Pineapple, French Bread FRI: Chicken Wrap w/cheese on WG tortilla, Lettuce, Tater Tots, Apple Slices (milk included with every meal) PARENTS are invited to join us for our annual Christmas chapel and dinner on Friday, Dec. 12! A Christmas chapel will be held at 11:00 (monthly chapel presented by 7th grade), followed by a delicious dinner prepared by Carol and Linda. A freewill offering will be collected to cover the cost of the meal. We will be sitting by families again this year. Due to the large number of people who attend our Christmas dinner, we request that the students of each family have only 2 guests. Since we are planning a special day for grandparents to visit in April, the Christmas Dinner is a time reserved for parents only. However, if parents are not able to come, we encourage grandparents or another guest to join us instead. We also realize there may be special circumstances to allow for additional guests, which can be approved by the classroom teachers. To make your reservations, do not call the school kitchen, but call or e-mail the teacher of your oldest child. Make plans now to join us! Enjoy these Thanksgiving Thoughts from some of our 3rd graders! “This Thanksgiving season, I am thankful for the Bible. I am also thankful for a roof over my head. This Thanksgiving I am blessed with God and my relationship with him. Along with God I am thankful for Jesus dying on the cross to get me to heaven. Another thing I am thankful for is cousins, aunts, uncles, moms, dads, grandmas and grandpas, and so on and so forth. Then again I am thankful for food, water and enough money to buy those things.” -Kimber Van Engelenhoven “This Thanksgiving season, I am thankful for Jesus because he died on the cross for us. If he didn’t do that for me, I would not be here right now. But he did so I can live life and praise him and have fun with my family.” - Karic Stout “This Thanksgiving season, I am thankful for Jesus dying for our sins. Of course I’m thankful for my family, especially my friends, and my mom and dad because they are really supportive. I’m thankful for food and water. Another thing I’m thankful for is shelter, and school so I can learn. I’m thankful for all the seasons, clothes, and church, and there are many more.” -Amari Trujillo “This Thanksgiving season I am thankful for God’s Holy Bible. I’m also grateful for friends to keep me happy in my life. Oh then, now my favorite, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the one I love. Also food and shelter so I can be safe. Finally, my favorite people in my life to warm and comfort me.” -Sophia Boonstra “This Thanksgiving I am thankful for all of the animals. Also I am thankful for my family including my brother and sister. Next I am blessed with a warm house, terrific school, and friendly church. Finally, I am thankful for Jesus.” – Lexie Bryan THE DOCTOR IS IN I didn’t want you to be surprised by a personnel change at Oskaloosa Christian; hence, the reason for this blurb of the newsletter. With the departure of an elementary student three weeks ago, 1-to-1 Associate Aimee Higgins was without an assignment. Aimee was being courted by other employers during this time period, but she preferred staying at Oskaloosa Christian. As a more senior Associate, Aimee is able to “bump” a less senior employee, and, regrettably, through no “fault” of her own, Lorrie Hamilton will be replaced by Aimee, effective December 1, 2014. Lorrie has been the consummate professional during the period of time when this was a possible personnel move, and I want to thank her publicly for everything she has done to serve her student, other students, Ruth De Bruin, Lois Harris, and so many other OSCI staff members, including me. Would you please wish Lorrie well at the point of her departure from OSCI, and would you please pray for a smooth transition with Aimee and her new student? Thank you, and THANK YOU, LORRIE! Only 1 month of the calendar year remains for you to determine how your 2014 state tax dollars will be distributed? What do we mean by that? If you give a donation to the Legacy of Grace School Tuition Organization, you will receive a 65% state tax credit and federal deduction, and OSCI students who qualify will receive needs-based scholarship dollars. For instance, if you owe the State of Iowa $650 for 2014, and record a $1,000 donation to the LOG STO, you will owe the state $0. We can’t leave a single tax credit on the table, because we want the Iowa Legislature to see how important these funds are to families who have a desire for their children to receive a Christ-centered education, but who otherwise would not be able to afford such schooling. For more information on making a LOG STO contribution, please contact Joel Groenenboom (641-673-6913) or Dr. Bob (641-672-2174). Are you truly thankful on the eve of this Thanksgiving? Please click on the link to the following video, very appropriately shared by Sixth Grade Teacher Renee Van Kooten during staff devotions on Monday! The Principals of the area Christian schools are seeking input about the guidance services provided by Guidance Counselor Sheryl Hanthorn. The following link is available to give your input by December 5th. Thank you! ulCLy4KEUo_NJK1ZYZ95EQk/viewform STARTLING STATISTICS: “The life expectancy gap between the affluent and the poor and working class in the U.S. has reached 12 years. College-educated men can expect to live to age 80, while counterparts without a high-school diploma die by age 67. Women with a college degree have a life expectancy of nearly 84, while women without high school diplomas have a life expectancy of 73.” (SOURCE:, 2014) “The Font That Could Help Dyslexics Read Better” By Parvati Shallow CBS News November 11, 2014 What a privilege to be asked by Steve Boender to be one of his several guests at the Iowa FAMiLY Leader fundraising event featuring Dr. Ben Carson as speaker at the Airport Holiday Inn in Des Moines, Iowa on Saturday, November 22, 2014. Steve is a member of the IFL Board, providing godly leadership for this strong and influential organization, representing Oskaloosa and Iowa so very well. Note the lower-case i in “FAMiLY.” You and “I” must humble ourselves and work in concert as a family in the body of Christ. If you are interested in my summary of Dr. Carson’s message, “Freedom Is Not Free,” please visit my blogsite: William Penn University is partnering with Drake University’s South Central Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics (STEM) hub to bring a “Make-and-Take Night” to Penn’s campus. The goal of the night’s activities is for adults to inspire the younger generation of students through STEM activities. The Make-and-Take Night is not a family festival; it is a resource for teachers, home school parents, youth group leaders, and day care providers. Those who attend will walk away with examples and lessons they can share with the children and young adults with whom they have influence. The Make-and-Take Night is set for Tuesday, January 27, 2015 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. in the Pen Activity Center on teh William Penn University campus. Those interested in presenting or attending should visit scstemhub. or contact Professor Breanne Garrett ([email protected] or 641-673-1120). I accompanied the 8th graders for the annual 8th grade visitation day at Pella Christian High School on Tuesday, November 25, 2014. Parents may be interested in what the students experienced on that day. My summary of the orientation activities is accessible at my blogsite: http://drbobinc.wordpress. com/2014/11/25/eighth-grade-visitation-day-at-pella-christianiowa-high-school/. Patti and I have recently been seeing a steady flow of students who have wanted to check for fevers and go home with the flu. On Tuesday of this week, a kindergartener thought he was going to throw up, so he remained vigilant on the couch, with a small waste can at his side. At one point, he ventured into my office, where I was working at my desk. He asked, “What are you doing?” I said, “I’m trying to make the school an even better school.” Pretty good answer, I thought. Perplexed by my answer, he responded, “I thought you just cared for sick students.” I was a little slow on the uptake. Then it dawned on me. He thought I was a medical doctor (perhaps even a notion I had previously planted in his brain). I said, “I’m not a medical doctor. I have a degree called the Doctor of Philosophy.” Undeterred, he said, “Well, if you ever leave the school, please move over to the clinic, because I live right across the street, and could just walk over to see you then when I’m sick.” What I had there was a failure to communicate. Out of the mouth of babes come the most enjoyable comments. “Oh give thanks to the Lord , for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!” (1 Chronicles 16:34, English Standard Version) At this Thanksgiving season, I am grateful for the opportunity to be the Principal of Oskaloosa Christian School, specifically, and, generally, an educator in God’s Kingdom. I am sure you have heard me proclaim that I am the fifth generation teacher, and my daughter Molly is the sixth generation instructor in our family. Often, teachers must wait many years to learn of their impact on students, parents, and teachers. I had just such a moment on this past Saturday night. I was attending an event with 900 other people in Des Moines. I moved to Des Moines in 1992 to serve as Principal of Urbandale High School. A former UHS parent walked up to me. I’ve stayed in touch with her and her husband over the years, especially since I love both of them, their daughter, and son; and this couple lives in my same neighborhood. She knew I was in Oskaloosa now. She told me that I would have to “quit moving around” professionally, because wherever I eventually landed, a portion of her estate would be gifted to that school. I was dumbfounded. What does a man say at that moment. I wanted to cry. For once, I was fairly speechless, but God gave me the words. I HUMBLY expressed by sincere appreciation for such a magnanimous gesture and reinforced my high regard for her and her husband, who was standing there with her. I don’t tell this story to be a braggart. I share it as an example of God’s faithfulness, Who works in and through each one of us. God brought this incredible moment to me as a reminder that I must be diligent in following Him wholeheartedly, preserving my testimony to my dying breath. At the end of our lives, we should all want to hear the Lord Jesus Christ say to us, “Well done, good and faithful servant! Well done! Now, go and inherit the joy of My eternal Kingdom!” Praising God at the Fall Music Program! What an amazing Thanksgiving event on Friday, November 21st! I can see why everyone raved about the program in advance of the performances. OSCI Board Member B.J. Boender said a person asked him after the production whether I truly meant what I said about this being THE most Christ-centered program I had ever seen. Some people mistake my enthusiasm as being a bit over-the-top, but I meant every word of that statement. This is my 15th year in Christian education, and I was absolutely astounded by the beauty of the program. I am so glad that I skipped the hall of fame induction of my high school football coach in favor of this incredible experience! The concert brought forth a true team effort! Vocal Director Megan Boender had the fifth through eighth graders prepped well for Scripture-saturated lyrics; she was right that all of the music naturally related to the school's Beatitudes theme. The jazz bands and concert bands, under the direction of Angie Dawson, were superb; a grandmother near me leaned over during a break in the band numbers and said, "I have heard some high school bands which are not as good." Exactly right. And the Elementary students sang, moved, and signed better than any I have ever seen. Their enthusiasm was literally palpable, and I was treated to a "mini-concert" myself, sitting so closely to Grades K-4 Music Teacher Cheryl Groenebom, whose angelic voice was the perfect accompaniment to the program; I know you are envious. How awesome to see the gym filled with beaming parents and grandparents; I understand why you are proud of your kids and grandkids. I certainly appreciated everyones' help in racking chairs and equipment after the production. I so appreciated the teachers' and associates' extra service to the school by supervising their students and accompanying everyone onstage! I do not take their efforts for granted. Don Houk did a great job with all of the moving parts of the sound! We thank the Mahaska Communications Group (MCG) for loaning their excellent equipment to us, and we thank Denise Vermeer, who taped the program for later MCG viewing! I was thrilled to see Tanya accompanying the junior high choir on the piano -- AND all of the teachers onstage colorfully adorned with the chapel groups for the closing theme song. Junior High Teacher Renee Van Kooten played "wedding planner" to the nth degree, getting people out of rooms, into rooms, into the gym, and out of the gym with great efficiency. The program was a perfect length, in my humble opinion; I've seen music concerts which drone on and on and on, only frustrating everyone in the audience, perhaps even, sometimes, the performers. The body of Christ was definitely working well on Friday night! All of the parts brought renown to the Lord Jesus Christ. To Him be all praise and honor and glory! On the heels of this marvelous program, I pray you experience MUCH JOY during this Thanksgiving break!
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