November 2013
November 2013
INSIDE November 2013 11816 Lackland Rd. St. Louis, MO 63146 “Indoff Provides Product and Services for Everything from Floor to Ceiling” President’s Prose by Jim Malkus & Steve Bloom CONTENT Page 2 Human Resources Page 3 New Faces Page 4 Recruiting Page 5 Partners of the Month Page 6 Finance & Accounting Page 7 Partner Success Story Page 8-9 Partner Meet & Greet Page 11 Operations Page 12 Spec-Rite Designs Spotlight Page 13 Marketing Page 14 Holiday Schedule & Allied Acquistion Page 15 Techie Talk Page 16 Anniversaries This is our annual “Guest Writer” edition, and we decided to place it in the “Thanksgiving” edition. I decided to go with Steve Bloom, and a slightly shortened version of his recent post. Steve has been with Indoff for over 19 years, and he has been our steady presence in Mexico for the majority of those years. With slight editing for length, here are Steve’s comments on Indoff and our roles. “By pure coincidence, during the month of October, I spoke with several older Partners with whom I have served over the past 19+ years. The realization that many were at the retirement age and that I was included in that group stunned me. While unforeseen occurrences such as traffic accidents and climate catastrophes happen that wake us up, the fact that each day passes with little noticeable change leaves us in a comfort zone that all things are the same yesterday as they will be tomorrow. Not true. Indoff seems to be the place where a merger of two opposing groups finds a way to share a common island. Much like politics both defines and divides humans into two distinct groups (only two choices), Indoff Partners and Indoff salaried people are divided, yet successfully share the island. I cannot speak for anyone other than myself, the common ground for Partners seems to be that we cannot stand punching a clock, or having anyone tell us what to do, where to go. The risk of course is running out of money. We are driven by the need for survival, and while many say the fruit will continue to grow and fall and Partners need only to bend over and pick it up, the trees are actually being tended by mostly unseen and quiet culturists who reside in corporate. This careful balance, free hardworking spirits, fishermen so to speak, working together with those who fuel up the ship, keep the barnacles off, cook the food and serve it is the common ground that keeps us together. There have been times when storms have ravaged all of us. The introduction of the internet and the subsequent consequence of spiraling cost cutting were met with corporate guided systems that kept us abreast and prepared for each change. A name change threw us back, some people use hyphenated last names to preserve the continuum of genealogy (AKA Storage Specialists) while those who came after didn’t have any reason to know the history and pass through the halls with barely a glance at the old logo in the Hall of Fame. What has remained consistent is that corporate manages the capital in an effective manner, which the Partners draw on and create value added – corporate with the intention of survival keeping the weapons sharp and clean; Partners with the free spirit of capitalism, hunting and killing, so that all will eat. Best wishes!” Steve always has a unique take on matters, but his points above are accurate. We work together because we need one another to reach our individual and common goals, and I believe we are blessed to be working with so many good people. With thanks for all that everyone does for Indoff throughout the year, I wish you all a safe, happy and blessed holiday season! INSIDE INSIDE Human Resources by Robin Migdal, Indoff VP Human Resources Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and your families. I wish each of you a safe and blessed upcoming holiday season and a happy, healthy 2014! Susan Fishman has graciously offered to co-write the following article (actually, she wrote the whole thing)! Susan has been with Indoff for 15 years in our Commercial Interiors Division. Thank you Susan! “Thanksgiving is my #1 favorite holiday! Not that I don’t count my blessings every day throughout the year, but it does remind me of how THANKFUL I am to have such a wonderful supportive family, great group of friends, and a career I enjoy with Indoff, voted the “#1 company to work for”. One thing I learned the past couple of years is the harder and smarter I work the more successful I can be. I’ll admit that last year I kind of sloughed off with my wedding plans and adjusting to a new lifestyle and yes, my income definitely reflected it. This year I became more proactive in keeping in my clients faces and joined a great networking group and guess what!!…. yep, I am having a pretty OK year. Looking forward to 2014, I plan to continue doing what I am doing, plus I will be joining another networking group. I know there is lots of business out there and I realize the more people that know what I do and the product and services I provide, the better chance I have of finding new business or at least making new friends (and one can never have too many friends). “One thing I learned the past couple of years is the harder and smarter I work the more successful I can be.” I don’t plan to work forever and really look forward to eventually enjoying my ‘golden years’ of retirement filled with travel and time with my grandkids and husband but for now I will continue to sell as much as I can at the highest GP I can, keeping my clients happy and making as much money as I can both for myself and Indoff!” National Sales Meeting Information Our 2014 National Sales Meeting will be held at the Hyatt Regency St. Louis at the Arch on April 24 - 27, 2014 here in downtown St. Louis. Please mark these dates on your calendar!! Welcome to Indoff! Courtney Moessner Promotional Products Pekin, IL Joe Markley Business Products Portland, ME Paul Charron Business Products Joplin, MO Bill Doherty Commercial Interiors Maineville, OH Kevin Elphick Material Handling Bechtelsville, PA Jim Scott Recruiting Department Sourcer Not Pictured: Meghan McCarthy Recruiting Department Sourcer Steven Vining Material Handling Abita Springs, LA Rocke Warren Commercial Interiors Happy Valley, OR Duncan MacPherson Commercial Interiors Richmond, BC Mike Harvey Commercial Interiors Fort Collins, CO INSIDE Recruiting by Angela Suntrup & Marsha Olinghouse Welcome to the holiday season! I am thankful for all our wonderful Partners! The Partner class of 2013 has done a great job this year and I look forward to their success in 2014! Through the 3rd quarter the class of 2013 has sold over $2.2 million! Partner Referrals remain our # 1 hire source! I want to thank you all for submitting names and referrals! They do make a difference. Congrats to the tablet winner Jimmy Lile! - Angela Hello Indoffians! As the holidays approach us, I am so thankful for the opportunities I have had with Indoff over the past 18 years. It has been so much fun to see the development and sales growth at Indoff. I remember one of the first CI meetings that I attended, our CI group was presented a candy bar with a printed wrapper around it that read, “Thanks for the Million.” Now millions of dollars later we are so strong! As Sales Partners, we are treated with respect and awarded for our tireless efforts in the field. “I am thankful to Indoff for the ability to make my own business decisions, have flexible hours, sell to whomever I like, and the wonderful opportunities!” Indoff shows their respect to us by the great commission structure, by continually developing software, and the support staff to help our sales processes. We are offered trips to visit the Neocon showrooms, St. Louis National Sales Meetings, and wonderful awards trips such as Naples, FL this past May. Because of the referral program, we Indoff Partners can invite others in our field to see the opportunity of how green the grass is on our side of the fence. The Indoff recruiting efforts bring in the next generation of Indoffians. Now that I have hit my mid-fifties I look at how my next few chapters will read. I know we are supposed to have an exit strategy whether it is tomorrow or ten or more years from now. We have all worked hard on our book of business and with Indoff’s great mentor program or to switch over accounts to another Indoff Partner; I am able to make my own decision on whom I will pass the torch. I am thankful to Indoff for the ability to make my own business decisions, have flexible hours, sell to whomever I like, and the wonderful opportunities! - Marsha April 24th - 27th 2014 Downtown Hyatt Regency at the Arch We look forward to seeing you in April! Indoff Sales Partners of the Month Congratulations to our top Partners from each division! SEPTEMBER Material Handling: Darrin Wicks $289,250 Commercial Interiors: Frank Turco $280,164 Business Products: Al Weston $138,682 Promotional Products: Kristy Long $79,618 OCTOBER Material Handling: Duane Young $525,995 Commercial Interiors: Dana Miller $183, 213 Business Products: Al Weston $112,116 Promotional Products: Pam O’Rourke $69,488 INSIDE Finance & Accounting by Julie Frank & Georgine Golitko At this time of year when I think of the words ‘give thanks’, I can’t help but think about Thanksgiving. And, Thanksgiving says family to me. As a family we have begun to talk about the big day. Who is cooking? ….That would be me. What time will dinner be this year? …Earlier than usual due to a family member who suffered a stroke. Brining the turkey or not?......A note from Ina Garten, the Barefoot Contessa, who spoke in Pittsburgh last week……Not, just salt well the day before. But, I am also thankful for the other ‘families’ who are in my life. I am thankful for my family of office staffers. Carolyn & Sue are like sisters to me. We work through the trials and tribulations of projects, orders, quotes and installers each week. We also work through the trials and tribulations of life…..our parents, our siblings, our children, our volunteer commitments…..our lives. I am thankful for all of the support and open & honest communication. I am thankful for my Indoff family. Those at corporate who are only a call away. And, yes, sometimes those calls are made & taken after 5PM in any time zone or on the weekends. They lend support that I have not experienced at any other furniture dealership. Successes are celebrated regularly. Those things that could have gone better are learning experiences. Suggestions for change are discussed, evaluated & addressed. “This spirit of family is an amazing thing. It connects us all on so many levels, both business & personal.” I am thankful for my family of clients. I can honestly say that I enjoy working with so very many of them. A partner new to Indoff once asked me how I achieved my sales volume. I told them one key is repeat business….not always having to look for every order. Orders coming to you regularly are a wonderful thing. Knowing which client who lives out of state & likes Starbucks extra-hot, vanilla lattes is a wonderful thing. Knowing about their business needs, how to help them achieve their goals, making their projects seamless and knowing a bit about their families is a wonderful thing. This spirit of family is an amazing thing. It connects us all on so many levels, both business & personal. This is what I am thankful for at any time of year. Listen to what people have to say, respect each other, provide great service, provide great products, thank your clients for their business and hopefully they will send more business your way. If 2014 brings me what 2013 has already brought me, I would be thankful indeed. Jeff Mishkin Helps RK Stratman Save & Make Money! RK Stratman, Inc. has undergone a lighting retrofit as part of its plans to be more energy efficient. This project will save the company more than $50,000 in energy costs annually and has earned RK Stratman a $40,000 incentive from Ameren Missouri’s ActOnEnergy® BizSavers® program. All three of RK Stratman’s buildings in Wentzville had the interior lighting replaced by a newer, more energy-efficient lighting technology. “We also installed energy efficient exterior lighting to further reduce our company’s energy usage,” said Dennis Ray, maintenance and facilities leader at RK Stratman. Ray worked closely with lighting contractor, Indoff, Inc., to identify the best solution for the facilities. “Indoff Sales Partner, Jeff Mishkin, was very helpful in suggesting the best lighting technologies for our needs,” said Ray. “The majority of our project consisted of replacing inefficient metal halide and T12 fixtures with a more efficient T8 or T5 fixtures.” “We’re very proud of this project,” said Jeff Mishkin. “Not only did we help RK Stratman dramatically reduce their annual electric costs, but we also helped them offset their upfront capital investment with the cash incentive from Ameren Missouri’s ActOnEnergy BizSavers program. And the employees that work in the buildings are thrilled with the improved light quality!” All Ameren Missouri commercial and industrial electric customers are eligible for energy efficiency incentives through the ActOnEnergy BizSavers program. The incentives are issued in the form of a check or as a bill credit. Each customer is eligible for up to $1 million in incentives each year. Ameren Missouri presents a $39,773 incentive check to RK Stratman Left to right: Shirley Dahlberg, Lighting agent with Gateway Marketing Solutions, Jeffrey Mishkin, Sales Partner with Indoff, Inc., Larry Braley, Controller/Finance Team Leader with RK Stratman, Chris Cormack, Production & Process Improvement Team Give Thanks! Learn about your fellow Partners and what they are thankful for! 1. What is one career goal you accomplished in 2013? I joined and became active with a great networking group 2. What are you most thankful for in 2013? My awesome family and friends 3. If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? Take my entire family on a fun-filled vacation, making memories for us all that will last forever. 2nd thing- buy a house on the beach big enough to have lots of friends and family come and stay with us! 4. How long have you been in the business? Almost 27 years (I started when I was 12) Susan Fishman Sardell 5. What is one thing you are most proud of? Commercial Interiors My children. We had some tough times along the road while they were growing up, but Woodland Hills, CA they all found their way to successful, happy, responsible adults. 6. What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod? Tough one. I listen to my songlist on Pandora at my desk and before bed and get so happy when so many random songs pop up. Some of the artists on my list are Jimmy Buffet, Streisand, Alan Jackson, Coldplay, Rod Stewart, Michael Bolton, Plain White Ts, Simon & Garfunkel Beatles & Jason Mraz - for some reason and no clue why, but when the song "Brown Eyed Girl" plays I know something good is gonna happen. 7. What made you decide to join Indoff? It took 2 years from the first time Indoff contacted me. I was happy where I was and our 'family' at work (hey, Dana was with me:) Then when my old dealer was bought out, the new guys started to make changes I didn't like and I wasn't so happy any more - Indoff sounded like a great idea so Dana and I flew out to St. Louis together and that was 16 years ago! 8. What do you enjoy most about working at Indoff? Flexibility of my time. I spent the last two days with my grandkids for Halloween, I even snuck in some alone time at the beach between costume parades at their schools. That doesn't mean I wasn't working, it just meant I was able to work the way that best fits my lifestyle. Today is Saturday so I am working and catching up on what I didn't get to while I was out of town. 9. If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? Superwoman 10. What is something most people don't know about you? I have 4 kids, Matt is 38, Adam, Jason and Nicole are 34 (TRIPLETS) and 3 grandsons, Jack is 9, Ari is 5 and Joey is 4 and my doggie Bella 1. What is one career goal you accomplished in 2013? I’m still hoping to land a nationwide account that I have been working on for 3 months 2. If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be? The Masters Golf tournament 3. What are you most thankful for in 2013? My continued beautiful marriage to my lovely bride Kathy Tom Groves, Business Products, Evansville, IN Give Thanks! Learn about your fellow Partners and what they are thankful for! Tom Groves, continued. 4. If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? I would spend the rest of my life helping people, mostly strangers. 5. How long have you been in the business? 24 years 6. What is one thing you are most proud of? Business wise, winning the John Temple award. 7. What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod? That's what friends are for. 8. What made you decide to join Indoff? John Vasquez and John Vasquez 9. What do you enjoy most about working at Indoff? The freedom. 10. If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? Play the piano as well as my older brother. Darrell helped give the newsletter a little dose of humor! Check it out! 1. What is one career goal you accomplished in 2013? The goal of making less money this year than any year over the last 10 years. Now my goal for "2014" is to gain 50lbs! 2. If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? It depends on the size of the lottery. If it is a really small amount of winnings I would ask God to forgive me for gambling and donate the entire amount to charity. If it is a large sum of money I would pay my tithes and thank God for the blessing! Darrell Reed Business Products Harvest, AL 3. How long have you been in the business? I have been a successful office supply salesperson for 3 years...I have been in the business for about 27 years! 4. What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod? I'm sexy and I know it! 5. If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose? That's a tough one! It would be hard to decide between my three favorite fictional characters, Superman, Bill Moser & Bruce Morton! 6. What made you decide to join Indoff? The judge that required me to get set up in a work release program! 7. What do you enjoy most about working at Indoff? My wonderful, compassionate, loving, funny co-workers at the Indoff Huntsville, Alabama office. 8. If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? Sell office supplies! Jiggy Harper Shiloh Meet the newest additions to the family! Available now! • Our dedicated team is always available to help • Dave Bolduc Senior Vice President 978-460-7403 [email protected] Jen Trapuzzano Inside Sales Coordinator 978-763-7048 [email protected] Kristin Crandall Customer Service Rep 978-567-5267 [email protected] INSIDE Operations by Pam Hake, Indoff VP Operations Hello out there! I know that you get the various corporate viewpoints in our newsletter articles 6 times a year. It is good every once in a while to step back and get more of a Partner perspective. I know how I believe most Indoff Partners feel about being a part of the Indoff family; but it is also nice to document that with thoughts from a Partner. Here is how Clegg Johnson, Material Handling Partner in North Carolina, addressed our theme of “Giving Thanks & Looking Forward”. I'm sure we can all agree that we have much to be thankful for; especially as we enter the last two months of the year with Thanksgiving and Christmas approaching. There are many things that I find myself being grateful for everyday. My wife and I just moved into a new home with heat and A/C, while I see others on the news that sleep in cardboard boxes. We never go hungry and have two dogs that greet us with love and kisses at the end of each day. In February, Memrie and I will celebrate 21 years of a loving and caring marriage, while we see others that struggle and give up after only a few. All of the men and women of our past, present, and future armed forces, police, rescue and fire personnel, and their families for their service and sacrifice. Two guys named John and their creation of Indoff. The wonderful support team at corporate, they are the back bone of our success. My customers and vendors and the valuable relationships we share. Obviously, I could go on and on, but I know that I'm preaching to the choir...'cause if you’re part of Indoff, then more than likely, you're thankful for a lot of the same things...because that's what makes us so unique, we care. “I'm sure we can all agree that we have much to be thankful for; especially as we enter the last two months of the year with the holidays approaching.” Looking forward, I have a positive outlook for 2014. I've built relationships with some new vendors that I'm sure will reward us both. I'm adding new ideas and products to my arsenal, so I can spread wider and be more valuable to my customers. We have the NSM in five months where we are able to bond with new Partners, grow with existing, and give thanks in person to the crew behind the scenes who make our job easier and handle the dirty work. That reminds me of one more thing to be thankful for. Take an opportunity to say "hi" and shake the hands of your garbage and recycle crew. They perform a task that most of us would never want to do and if they all decided to take a month off, I can guarantee we’d be willing to pay them the big bucks to come back. By the way...I'm thankful for you too! - Clegg Well, Clegg handled that very well and I don’t have a lot to add, other than to second what Clegg had to say. We all have a lot to be thankful for. Here at corporate we are thankful to have Partners out there selling so that we have a reason to be here administrating the back office functions. We try very hard to give you as many tools as possible to assist you in your Indoff business. All we ask is that you pay attention to our posts and the tools we give you. For example, with the BP Group, we know that sales have fallen off in that industry overall. We are attempting to give you tools to add lines to your mix, like Janitoral and Breakroom Supplies. All we ask is that you explore those tools and give them a shot. I think you will be thankful that you did. As we move forward towards 2014, let’s go out there and make the most of our opportunities! November Vendor Spotlight! Spec-Rite Designs is a global distributor, fabricator and designer of phenolic furnishings. Based in St. Louis, MO, Spec-Rite Designs has more than two decades of experience designing, fabricating and manufacturing solid phenolic products. Our solid phenolic panels are non-porous and non-microbial, prohibiting the growth of bacteria, microbes, and mold. The panels are also GREENGUARD certified and can contribute to LEED certification. We offer a 15 year warranty and our guarantee that our solid phenolic panels will never warp or delaminate because the phenolic panels are water, impact, scratch, and even graffiti resistant. Our complete line of phenolic furnishings include: lockers, cabinets, furniture, wall lining, partitions, and laboratory and work surfaces. We wanted to inform you specifically about our Gecko Wall Systems. Gecko Z™ is a clip and rail system that features individually demountable panels and easy panel engagement. Gecko XF™ is an exposed fastener system that features the most rigid mounting system and square drive screws for enhanced security. The two new product lines round out the Gecko Wall Systems™ family of products offered by Spec-Rite Designs, the exclusive U.S. distributor and fabricator of Gecko Wall Systems™ products. Spec-Rite Designs will now offer Gecko PRO™, Gecko DL™, Gecko Z™ and Gecko XF™. Gecko Wall Systems™ are fabricated with Spec-Rite Designs’ solid phenolic panels and are non-porous, non-microbial solid phenolic wall panels are GREENGUARD™ certified and help prevent the growth of bacteria, making them ideal for healthcare, wellness centers, and public transportation facilities nationwide. Learn more about Gecko Wall Systems™ Products by going to or contacting Scott Minnette at Phone: 314-633-4905 or [email protected]. INSIDE Marketing by Jacque Etherton & JoAnne Adrian Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough. - Oprah Winfrey It is easy to get caught up in the day to day grind. However, it is important, to take time to reflect and be grateful for everything you have, instead of focusing on what we want to accomplish or attain next. I am thankful for all of the wonderful Indoff Partners and fellow corporate staff that make my job so enjoyable! Indoff Partner, JoAnne Adrian was kind enough to take time to address this newsletters theme of “Giving Thanks and Looking Forward”. Check out what she has to say below. November has always been the month where I reflect on where the year has taken me and where I want to be next year! This year has presented some challenges and heartbreaks. Sadly, I lost my best friend to cancer. This made me more aware of my own mortality. So as I sit and ponder about what I am most thankful for, I realize that I am most thankful for the life I was given! What an amazing ride it has been! I have been blessed with love and friendships that some people never find. I have experienced the opportunity to own my own businesses, and to be employed by an open-minded company who gives me the freedom to work at my own pace. I live in a country where I am free to express my opinions and enjoy freedom every day! I have been blessed with the most wonderful children and grandchildren in the world! “So as I sit and ponder about what I am most thankful for, I realize that I am most thankful for the life I was given!” Funny how we take so much of this for granted! I look at what I have accomplished these past ten months and know that if I give a little more, try a little harder and add a little more tenacity to everything I do, that next year will be even better! Where do I want to be in 2014? What will my priorities be? Well, an old boss always used to say that to succeed you need to plan the work then work the plan. It is easy to get sidetracked, but if you keep focused, even thirty years later, I find that this theory still works. So my goal for 2014 is to plan better and work the plan. Every day. To wake up every day with a positive attitude and to be thankful for the life I was given. To live life to the fullest. Every day. To show my love and appreciation to those I care about. To always remember that we can only live for the moment; so we better make every moment count!! - JoAnne Lakeside’s Vision Statement: Indoff Holiday Schedule Our Vision is to create an agile organization that has a “can do” attitude, and that is easy and enjoyable to do business with. • Customer Focused • Continuous Improvement • Information Driven • Cooperative Atmosphere Indoff corporate will be closed the following days during the Holiday Season: Model #8162 Thursday, November 28th - Happy Thanksgiving Friday, November 29th - Day after Thanksgiving Tuesday, December 24th - Closing at 1:00pm Introducing the Plus Power Tug Hitch Lock Our latest “Continuous Improvement” venture was to redesign the hitch system on our Plus Power Tug with your safety concerns in mind. The new design now includes a “Hitch Lock” which ensures that towed carts will not become disconnected while being pulled by the Tug. Wednesday December 25th - Merry Christmas For more information on the Plus Power Tug, call: Lesley Buelow - Sales & Marketing Ph: 800-558-8565 ext: 6473 Email: [email protected] Wednesday, January 1, 2014 - Happy New Year Happy Holidays! & As many of you have heard by now, Indoff has acquired Allied Appliance Company, a national appliance sales company, based in St. Louis, MO. Allied has served the lodging, multi-family, new construction, and hospitality industries throughout the United States since 1990. Allied sells Package Terminal Air Conditioners (PTAC), Through-the-Wall (TTW), built in, and Window Mount air conditioning units. In addition, they sell commercial laundry equipment and appliances from major brands such as Whirlpool, Amana, Frigidaire, and General Electric. You can learn more about Allied at At the National Sales Meeting in April, we will offer information and training for Partners interested in these products. During Friday’s vendor show there will be a booth so you can meet with some of Allied’s personnel and discuss the opportunity further. This acquisition will allow us to provide our customers with a wider range of products and services, and the Allied organization will have access to our technology, financial strength and similar customer base. “We think this is a natural fit,” says Ted Haines, President of Allied. “We are looking forward to growing our sales through our association with Indoff.” As we move forward, we will provide you with more information on how to access the products mentioned above. Thank you for all that you do. INSIDE Techie Talk by Shawn & Colin Faulkingham, IT Systems “Just wanted to give a big thanks to the IT dept. They have helped me out of a jam twice this week and made my job less stressful. It is so great to have the technical support we need to do our jobs to the fullest. Not to mention they are quick and prompt when helping and they aren't outsourced. Thanks again because I can't do my job without you all.” -Partner “Just to let our amazing tech dept know, customer used the new Supplies Direct site, for the first time yesterday. When I delivered this AM, he could not say enough about the site. Loved the search & how pictures come up. Was able to find exactly what he needed.” -Partner “Two clients have gotten their ORDERS crossed. One client completed order online and it showed ANOTHER CLIENTS NAME and Address. Then the OTHER CLIENT, just called and said there were a “BUNCH OF ITEMS ON HER ORDER THAT SHE DIDN’T ORDER”—and turns out they were ordered by the other client - SO# 7078486 – we are manually resolving the confusion between the two clients. Dear IT DEPT. PLEASE RESOLVE before this gets worse!” - Partner These are just a few of the many emails we receive privately and publicly in regards to IT support and Confluence. There are many things we can catch before anyone else does, but there are a few things that slip through the cracks. Are we perfect? No, but we try our best to resolve the issues that you have as quickly as possible. We also do our best to listen to your suggestions, criticisms, and requests for Confluence and all related systems and we then try to implement new features and fix small bugs that we find. “We understand that the less you have to deal with technology, the more time you can spend doing what you do best!” We understand that the less you have to deal with technology, the more time you can spend doing what you do best! If there is any way that we can help, please let us know. We truly appreciate any feedback we can get as that makes us better at our ability to keep you up and running! We in the IT Group Thank You for allowing us to help you. It is important as we move forward into the future that we keep our communication open. Do not hesitate to contact us with issues, suggestions, kudos or criticisms. This allows us to grow as a group, family and company, and to assist you in an efficient and professional way! And a quick FYI...we are training Courtney Brazell in Partner Support to help handle more technical issues. She has been training with me and David over the last couple of months and we will continue to train her into the future. Courtney has done a great job, and is someone else you can contact if you have technology related issues as well. And keep those emails coming and Happy Holidays!!! Nerds at Large - Shawn, Colin, David and Courtney Happy Anniversary Partners! Congratulations to the following Partners who are celebrating their employment anniversaries with Indoff! Jim Bass Material Handling 20 years - December 1st Denny Peterson Commercial Interiors & Business Products 15 years - December 1st Aimee Klein Commercial Interiors 10 years - November 17th Sandy Linhart Business Products 10 years - November 17th ‘Tis the Season... Give Your Customers a Little Something to Remember You By!