Bethan - Rexdale Alliance Church


Bethan - Rexdale Alliance Church
[email protected]
There’s something about church
By Tiere Sharma
A Thankful heart
By Parul Oh
By Linda Samulewicz
By Nick and Jen Hill
• Building relationships
• Strengthening community at RAC
Opportunities for service
There’s something about church
A Thankful Heart
Submitted by Tiere Sharma
Submitted by Parul Oh
During my recent pregnancy with our second daughter, I was diagnosed with
hyperemesis gravidarum, a condition characterized with severe, around-the-clock nausea
and vomiting.
I had this condition
progressed, I had something to look forward
during my first
to – attending church service at Rexdale.
pregnancy but it had
On Saturdays night, just before going to
not been diagnosed.
bed, I’d pray that I’d be well enough in the
This condition is rare
morning to go. Even though it took much
and generally unknown determination to get ready in the morning as I
since less than 2%
fought through the nausea and vomiting, most
of women suffer
Sundays I was able to attend service.
from it. However, it
I couldn’t worship in the sanctuary
recently gained global
awareness when it was
Something happens while at
reported that the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate
church … there is a special
Middleton, was diagnosed with it.
Symptomatically, as in my case, just
move of the Spirit that is
about anything could trigger a bout of
different than
uncontrollable vomiting – scents, a head
one’s quiet time
movement, brushing teeth, variances in
temperature, physical touch, many types
of food and drink (especially water), rapid
visual stimuli, to name but a few. Once the
(smells, temperature and the constant need
vomiting began, it would only stop for me
to be eating prevented me), but sat out in
when there was nothing left but bile and
the foyer. Amazingly soon after the service
blood. Everyday,
started, I would feel
simple tasks became
incredibly better!
extremely difficult to
The contrast of my
Even if you feel diminished
accomplish and since
physical well-being
of spirit, just the singing
most things were a
between, before
of the surrounding fellow
trigger, I was relegated
and during church
to bed to fight off the
service on Sunday
members of the body is
nausea and keep the
morning was such a
sometimes enough
vomiting at bay. Night
sharp contrast. Every
to lift your spirit
was no better than day,
Sunday, I knew it was
and characterized with
an answer to prayer
nausea and vomiting,
and a ministering
too. Because of this, it took an extraordinary
of the Holy Spirit that was different from
amount of effort just to get out of bed in the
my devotional time spent at home. Despite
feeling exhausted, nauseous and physically
When I wasn’t sleeping, I spent a fair
and spiritually diminished, once I stepped
amount of time praying as I felt I needed
into “church” – His House – I sensed the
ways to redeem this period of ‘lost time’ and
presence of the Holy Spirit through a
inactivity. Though I gained some spiritual
song sung, the Word spoken, a blessing
insight and comfort during these times of
pronounced, a prayer offered up which lifted
prayer, at times I still felt disheartened and
me up, encouraged my heart and found
refreshment. Perhaps this is one of the many
Most weeks I was housebound and had
reasons we are instructed in Hebrews 10:25 to
little social interaction. However, as the week “…not neglect our meeting together”.
Small Groups with childcare meet at RAC
Submitted by Nick and Jen Hill
We decided to lead a Lifegroup after talking to a number of
parents with small children who were having difficulty getting
connected in a life group due to the challenges of hosting with
kids or of having to pay for child care. After a lot of thought
and discussion between us and some friends, the idea of
having a Lifegroup at the church on a Friday night emerged.
This would enable those with younger kids to have a
common babysitter and would also allow for parents of kids
in Adrenaline or the Edge to meet at a time when their kids
were already at the church. It was so exciting when nearly 30
people signed up! We immediately became two life groups
with one group meeting earlier to accommodate the smaller
children and another group meeting later to coincide with the Youth group.
We are excited for the positive feedback we have received: parents are saying they
are really enjoying being able to come and connect with other families and that
their kids are so excited to come to “Friday church.” It has also been
encouraging to see our older children take some responsibility
in helping out with childcare and having a fun time in
doing so.
For us, it has been wonderful to get back into
a small group after a two-year hiatus and start
connecting again on a more regular basis with our
church family outside of weekend services.
“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”
I Thessalonians 5:18
“The less grateful we
fill the place that only God can.
are the more inclined
Even if we have all our desires met, until
we are to focus on
we reach a point where God is our focus, we
the things that we
will never truly be satisfied. We all long for
don’t yet have, that
certain things or wish that circumstances would
we want – usually
work out the way we wanted but are we really
created things.” As
thankful for all that God HAS given us? Can
I reflected on the
we truly be thankful in ALL circumstances,
Thanksgiving sermon knowing that God is with us through them
on gratefulness, this
all and has the best in mind for us? When our
phrase from Pastor
focus begins to shift from “us” to “Him”, a
Sunder resonated with me. The week prior
beautiful transformation takes place. Instead
to this, I had been struggling with an unmet
of striving for things we don’t have, we begin
desire, with something
to see the blessings that
I had been struggling
already exist in our lives
with for a while. I had
and gratitude begins
Unless God fills our cup,
not viewed my feelings
to flow naturally from
we will forever be longing
of disappointment
our hearts. The things
for the things we think will
to be linked with
we lack suddenly don’t
give us satisfaction, only to
thanklessness and yet
seem so significant
I felt something in my
anymore and cease
realize they don’t.
heart I couldn’t ignore.
trying to fill His place
I never viewed myself
in our lives and we
as being “thankless”, I always gave God thanks
experience true freedom.
for what I had or I thought I did. I guess I
I can’t say that I have reached that point but
didn’t realize that somewhere deep inside I
I’m on a journey and God is working to get me
also grumbled at what I didn’t have, at what I
there. How can I afford not be thankful to a
thought I needed.
God who came down to save me when I was in
Then it dawned on me: what if I received
total darkness? How can I not be grateful for the
what I desired? What if that need/desire in my
love that He shows me each day? How can I not
life was met? What would I want next? Would I be thankful to a God who knows what is best
really be satisfied? Unless God fills our cup, we
for me and loves me enough to sometimes say
will forever be longing for the things we think
no? Whether circumstances work out the way
will give us satisfaction, only to realize that they we want or turn out differently, we can always
be thankful that we have a God that loves us
Like a mirage, we long for something to
and has His best in mind for us. Isn’t that
satisfy us only to realize that it doesn’t really
enough to be thankful?
B e t h an k f u l
A Thankful Prayer Submitted by Linda Samulewicz
Lord - it’s me again.
Thank you that when I reached out both arms while falling down
on cement only one was broken.
Thank you that I got the operation needed and ongoing pain relief.
Thank you that it was my right arm and I’m left-handed.
Thank you that I have osteopenia and not osteoporosis.
Thank you for the hug and flowers from my dear sister Gail, I will forever
remember her gently sliding her right arm around my waist and laying her head
against my chest.
Thank you for the sweet recovery nurse who listened to my plans to have my
sister with Down’s Syndrome home for Thanksgiving before I fell down. Out of
all the people I met at the hospital over the two day stay, this nurse was the only
person I’d shared about Gail. She then told me she has a 16 year old daughter with
Down’s Syndrome. I know you put the words in my mouth to help this mother
along her journey. Thank you for the loving help from my Christian friends with
their prayers, calls, visits, rides and meals.
Thank you for being my Saviour and always being by my side through all the
turmoils of my life.
You go before me – You know what is ahead of me and I have no fear for I
know You love me more than I can imagine. It’s such a comfort to know I can get
through anything with you, Lord. Amen.
Service – Your Church Needs You!
Rexdale Alliance Church has many
ministries - some of them you have
heard or read about, but others which
you may not be aware of.
Beyond the Saturday night and Sunday
morning services, if you have ever
dropped by the church, it is a veritable
beehive of activity – ranging from family
ministries to outreach ministries. While
most of us are happy to attend service
for 1 1/2 hours a week, have you ever
wondered what we do with the other
166 1/2 hours? Imagine what we could
accomplish if every single member of the
congregation donated 1 hour per week,
52 weeks of the year - that would be
60,000 plus hours (in individual terms
that works out to 1500 work weeks or 28
years) - of serving the Lord...Wow!
While we all have work commitments
in varying degrees – have you ever
wondered if, out of a your week
comprised of 168 hours (approximately
112 of those hours being awake) –what
time could I spare to provide Service to
further His Kingdom? If you have time,
then there are many areas you could
help out in. Most people who volunteer
at Rexdale will say that you get far more
out of serving than the limited amount of
time you commit.
Through the generous sponsorship of local businesses
in our RAC community, RACreporter is able to function as a
self-sustaining communications tool.
Here’s a short list of ministries that need immediate assistance that you may want to consider.
• Family Ministries (help either at the 9 am and 11 am service)
Contact Solange Werners ([email protected])
• Youth Volunteers (three times a month as a Youth leader for Jr or Sr high school
Contact Solange Werners ([email protected])
• Youth Drop-In Volunteers
Contact Stetson Ford ([email protected])
• Quizzing coaches (primarily female leaders)
Contact Brian Holt - ([email protected])
• Video recording and live streaming for 9am service
Contact - Wayne Deering ([email protected])
• Audio help - all services
Contact - Wayne Deering ([email protected])
• Worship ministry - drummer
Contact Alan Wiseman [email protected]
• Administration – Women Ministries
Contact Cheryl Guinness – [email protected]
• Mentors - Moms Arise
Contact Candice Pascal van Alphen – [email protected]
• ESL helpers for Tandridge Connections
Contact Kiruba Samuels - [email protected]
of all business generated by this
sponsorship (above) will be donated to the youth ministries of RAC.
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H and Contracting Inc.
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I would love more information about using my
gifts to help with
Tear off this form and
place it in the offering
First name (Please print)
Fill in ministry you are interested in
plate or drop it off at
the Welcome Desk.
Last name
Email address
Phone / Cell
of your pre-taxed meal total will be donated to
Neighbourhood Connections ministries. Tell us you attend RAC.
Question I have
Have you enjoyed the series The Whole Story?
We have just completed a compelling seven (7) week Sermon Series that started with the Book of Genesis and ended with the Book
of Revelation.
Sermon 1 - “Creation” - Pastor Sunder Krishnan
Sermon 2 - “The Fall” - Pastor Sunder Krishnan
Sermon 3 - “Israel” - Pastor Sunder Krishnan
Sermon 4 - “Jesus” - Pastor Sunder Krishnan
Sermon 5 - “The Church” - Pastor Marc Gagnon
Sermon 6 - “The Final Judgement” - Pastor Sam Aragones
Sermon 7 - “The New Creation” - Pastor Sunder Krishnan
In this issue of the RACreporter, there are articles on giving thanks, Life Groups (related to the series) and service. For some
congregants, the series led to a first experience being part of a Life Group. For others, words of inspiration or
enlightment may have been taken from one or a number of the sermons.
For all of us, we should be considering how we can use what we have
learned in our Walk of Faith - for example how do we be faithful at
home, with our friends, in our workplace? Are we going to continue
being a member of the Life Group - building fellowship and becoming
more accountable to one another? There are lots of questions to ask
ourselves in our quiet time of reflection.
The editorial staff of the RACreporter would like to hear from you and to
share your stories with the readers to help us continue to build the RAC
community. Send your story or ideas to [email protected].
Be blessed!
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