P a s t o r ` s P e n
P a s t o r ` s P e n
Volume 2, Issue 1 February 2011 Pastor’s Pen “Getting into Spiritual Shape” „Tis the season to get into shape! With the turn of a New Year comes the promise of resolutions and changes to our lives. One resolution that continues to top the list every year is for people to get into shape. We are inundated with products that promise to reduce waistlines and take off pounds. Health clubs offer special promotions and discounts at this time of year to entice us to join. Diet pills and supplements have become a multi-billion dollar industry. Where ever we seem to turn we are enticed with products and services to help us shed pounds and build strength. I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E : Session Notes/Finance/ Notices M e m o r y J o g g e r s f o r F e b r u a r y The Twenty Seventh Preaching Preaching Preaching Rev. Dave Thompson Rev. Dave Thompson Rev. Dave Thompson Preaching Gifts of Women Key Elder Key Elder Key Elder The Sixth The Thirteenth The Twentieth John Stewart Michelle Reed Royal Johnson speaker Greeters Greeters Greeters Key Elder John & Marie Reamy Jenice Fugere Kay Doss Head Usher Greeters Tom & Ruth DrumEd & Alta Dakolios Bob & Norma Thiesen mond Betty Nesmith Head Usher Bob & Cathy Culbert- Head Usher Jerry Koch son Jeannie Hekkel Liturgist Liturgist Liturgist JoAnn Jones Don Reed Erin Pehl Children’s Sermon Children’s Sermon Children’s Sermon Pastor Dave Pastor Dave Care Board Care Board Care Board Chuck Leggate Phyllis Brown Jody Lafko Van Driver Van Driver Van Driver Chuck Leggate Don Harr Communion Greg Weins Deb Weins Russ Kline Janet Kline Jenice Fugere Pastor Dave Kate Mitchell Ann Chase Ginger Green Anna Mae Dyce Head Usher Kay Jones Liturgist Carol Harr Children’s Sermon Pastor Dave Care Board Jody Mercer Wallace Van Driver Don Harr Substitute Greeters: Substitute Ushers: Ann Chase Kay Doss Tom & Ruth Drummond Ruth Ewen Bob & Linda Fedric Ginger Green Jeannie Hekkel Tom & Ginny Helmer Biff Hogue Midge Jarrett Walt & Priscilla Laird Bob & Barbara Muir Ralph Myhre Betty Nesmith June Pierce John & Marie Reamy Charlie Reed Jerry Swanson Lucille Weisbeck Bill Woolston Marge Myhra Barbara Rice Earl & Sharon Henderson Ray & Jean Noble JoAnn Jones Anna Mae Dyce Kay Doss Tom & Ginny Heimer Biff Hogue Bob & Barbara Muir Ray & Jean Noble Diane Noddings Charlie Reed Barbara Reed George Schuman Charlene Surwill Bill Woolston Pat Clark Barbara Rice Earl & Sharon Henderson Anna Mae Dyce Ginger Green Don Reed Over the next four weeks you will be hearing more about exercise. God desires that we live a healthy and full life. We might concentrate on getting into physical shape, but what about our spiritual shape? In the coming month, I will be preaching a sermon series titled, “Getting into Spiritual Shape: Walking with God.” I will be using passages from the Bible that will help us learn more about 2 how we can strengthen and tone our spiritual muscles. Birthdays/Health Hints/ Church and Society 3 Presbyterian Women/ Notices 4 Mission Committee/ Exciting News 5 Calendar/Youth News 6 Developing a strong spiritual core and building spiritual muscle will help us when things don‟t always go our way. We live in a world of disappointments and disease, sickness and stress. By having a spirit that is strong, we will be able to stand firm when those unexpected obstacles come our way. The outline for my sermon series is: January 30-- Building a Strong Body: You will learn of the great power that lives within us through the Holy Spirit. I will be using 2 Corinthians 12: 1-10 as a base Memory Joggers 8 for this sermon. February 6-- Building a Strong Mind: For this sermon I will be using Jesus‟ timeless words about worry and anxiety from his Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 6: 25-34. February 13-- Building a Healthy Heart: In this sermon I will be talking about living free of the past and developing a heart of love and compassion. I will be using Ephesians 4: 17-32 as a base for this sermon. February 20-- Building a Strong Immune System: In this sermon I will be talking about the wonderful power of prayer that is available to us. I look forward to worshipping with you in the coming weeks and working together to strengthen our spiritual muscles. May the Lord continue to bless you and your families! Dinners of Eight 7 In Christ, Pastor Dave V o l u m e V o l u m e 2 , I ss u e 1 P a g e Mon—Fri 8:30 am— 4 pm 406-252-3434 FAX (406) 248-3965 [email protected] www.fpcbillings.org Adult Sunday School @ 9:15am Worship @ 10:30am Brunch to follow with Regeneration @ 11:45am STAFF Pastor: Rev. Dave Thompson Church Secretary/ Bookkeeper: Jeanne Thompson-Raney Maintenance Supervisor: Craig Berens Music Director: Denise Finn Chancel Choir Director: Melodi Drake Assoc. Pastor Emeritus: Dr. Milous Repka Choir Accompanist: At its meeting on January 11, the session was asked to consider the question, “What does the Holy Spirit seem to be doing/saying in and through the congregation?” that had been posed by the Presbytery. The elders answered the question by stating that there is more optimism, joy, and hope at First Presbyterian. Members are becoming more involved by volunteering in activities. The finance committee announced that pledges for 2011 total $261,685.It was voted to have an 8:00 A.M. service on Easter Sunday. The next presbytery meeting will be held at St. Andrew’s church on February 28-March 1. The session voted to have Greta Murray continue as the commissioner representing our church at the Presbytery level. A request was approved to allow the congregation to participate project called Blankets in Action project. Members may purchase a blanket to give to impoverished countries. Royal Johnson, Carlene Taubert and Greta were thanked for their service on the session. New session members will be elected at the Congregation meeting on January 23 and installed on January 30. Their first meeting will be on February 8. SESSION Clerk of Session Sun Spencer Marlene Mon 252-5027 Class of 2012 Sharon Brady Jenice Fugere Kay Jones Chuck Leggate 655-9046 252-9641 652-3185 896-0686 Treasurer’s Report 2011 January YTD Income $ 40,556 $ 40,556 Expense $ 23,415 23,415 Net $17,141 $ 17,141 2011 Per Capita = $43.00/member We are encouraging our members to pay their per capita payment for the year. Thanks! P a g e 10:00 Staff Meeting 10:30 Worship 11:45Class Regeneration of 2014 6:30 Men’s Study 7:00 Deacons Meeting Valentine’s Day David Culbertson Happy655-7826 656-3168 21 652-6374 6:30 Men’s Bible Study 656-8163 President’s Day 28 6:30 Men’s Bible Study 10:00 PW 6:00 Youth Group 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 127 9th 182 16th 140 23rd 192 30th 176 2010 January Average 110 2011 January Average 164 tion Meeting Our prayers continue for the following families who recently lost family 8 9 9:30 PW Board 10 11 12 members: 9:30 Women’s Bible Study 5:00 Confirmation 11:00 Fellowship ForStaff Steve and Sue Bentley upon of their son Matthew. Matt, 10:00 Meeting 6:00 Youth Groupthe death Committee 7:00 Session 7:00died Choir in Rehearsal who wasMeeting 34 years old, Gillette, Wyoming, on January 13 and his funeral was held at the First Presbyterian Church in Gillette on January 18. 16 PW Circles 17 9:30 Women’s Study 5:00 Confirmation 10:00 Meeting Youthupon Group the death of ForStaff Bobby and Linda6:00 Fedric 1:00 Property Committee 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 19 18 Newsletter Submission great-grandson, Deadline! their Cannon. Cannon died at Children’s Hospital in Little Rock, Arkansas, on 23months old. His funeral 24 22January 23. He was 4 was held in25Louisiana on Youth Ski Retreat 9:00 BSF Leaders 10:30 Mission Com9:00 Morning Prayer January 26. mittee Leaves after 9:30 Women’s Bible Study 5:00 Confirmation 10:00 Staff Meeting 6:00 Youth 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 7 school Dinners of Eight February is fast approaching. We had a great time with the kickoff in January. It was a good way to start. Thanks to everyone who attended to make it a success. There have been a few changes in the schedule for this year. We now have two months to plan our activity and we are off during the summer. Were excited to get together to enjoy each other’s company. The host(s) (name is in bold print) picks a couple of dates during the subject Month that is convenient for you and call your guests. If you only have six or seven on your list or anyone is unable to come on the dates you select, fill in the spaces with new faces not involved in dinners of eight. If you find that you cannot host, give someone in the congregation a call and see if they can do it. Let your guests know when and where to come and what side dish or beverage to bring if any. This is a very flexible program. Any activities to accompany or follow your dinner are up to you. Even the dinner format can be modified to a brunch or whatever creative ideas you come up with including eating If there are any questions that you see on the lists, etc., please notify Pat Hastings immediately at 696-0281 2nd RiverStone Health Hospice asks you to consider joining our team as a hospice volTue with patients,Wed Thu reading, assisting Fri with Sat unteer. Sitting visiting, running errands, fundraisers, helping in the office or with our bereavement program are but a few 2 1 the ways to help support 3 4 Please call 247-3313 5 of those living with terminal illness. 12:00 PW Luncheon to register March training. You will make a difference in the lives of others. 5:00 Confirmation 9:30 Women’sfor Bibleour Study 6:30 Christian Educa- 6 9:15 Sunday School 7 Class of 2013 10:30 Worship with 6:30 Men’s Bible Study Heidi Duncan 252-2373 10:00 Worship Comm. communion Gary Lohnbakken 11:30 656-2046 Stephen Minis. 11:45 Regeneration Michelle Reed 252-5316 John Stewart 13 9:15 Sunday school 14 652-3637 15 27 9:15 Sunday school 10:30 Worship 11:45 Regeneration 1 out. Enjoy your dinners! JANUARY 2011 Doug Stuart 11:45 Regeneration 11:45 Sound booth training I ss u e Session Notes Office Hours: Carol Harr 20 9:15 Sunday Janet Klineschl. 10:30 Worship Bill Lorentz 2 , 2 26 Youth Ski Retreat @ White Sulphur Springs or [email protected] (be sure to title it Dinners of Eight). Please note any new names on the list. Dinners of Eight February/March schedule Drummond Dayton Reed Kline Tom Bob Don Russ Ruth Shari Michelle Janet 656-5977 256-3130 252-5316 652-6374 Morrow Brady Muir Brown Thompson Taubert Jones* Repka Woolston Carlene Kay Milous Bill Mark Parker JoAnn Sarah Peggy 698-2205 652-3185 238-0092 656-3908 Swanson Jerry Spring Bebe Mercer-Wallace Jody Myhre Ralph Leggate Chuck Colleen Judy Phyllis Biff 656-2046 869-9580 259-9114 Culbertson Hastings Croymans Wiens Cathy Pat Lohnbakken Gary Brown Bill Hogue Jim Stewart Solie Rivers Hammermeister John Bob Mary Lewis Susan Ann Beth Sharon Bob Marvin Dave Bob Mike Lorrane Greg Barbara Janet Vicki Jane Cindy Deb 652-3637 670-7567 259-9268 252-8963 *** Only if available. Ecclesiastes 9:7 “ Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy” 656-2292 655-9046 256-6099 256-0257 252-2562 656-8104 252-7898 656-4150 652-9172 896-0686 655-7826 656-0072 652-4428 652-1889 V o l u m e 2 , I ss u e 1 P a g e 6 V o l u m e Hey Kids— Check out the Youth News! Youth group continues on Wednesday evenings Youth groups for both middle school and high school youth continue every Wednesday beginning at 6:00 PM at the church. A meal is served each week with games and other activities provided. The middle school group is led by Pastor Dave and Tarryn Martin. This group meets from 6-7:30 PM. The high school group is led by Russ Klein and Heather McLean and they meet from 6-8 PM. Friends are always welcome and invited to join us. Thanks also to all who provide wonderful and delicious meals for the youth every week. Youth reach out to community on monthly basis Once a month, the youth group participates in a mission project to our community. On Wednesday, January 16 the youth traveled to the Family Service Center in downtown Billings to help sort and hang clothing at their Bargain Center. The director of the FSC was impress with how well the kids worked and how quickly they completed their tasks. The youth have also helped serve meals through the Salvation Army and packaged care packages for needy families at Christmas. Youth Ski Retreat coming February 25-27 All middle and high school youth are invited to the Yellowstone Presbytery’s ski retreat from February 25-27 at the Mizpah Christian Retreat Center near White Sulfur Springs. The theme for the weekend will be “Christ's Choices and My Character” and will feature Peter Cleary and Gillian Goodrich, both who are recent Whitworth University graduates. Transportation from the church will be provided. The retreat will include large group activities, small group time, free time, and recreation. Skiing and sledding will be offered as well at Showdown Mountain. If interested, please talk with Russ Klein or Pastor Dave. We would love to have you join us for this special weekend. Space is limited so sign up quickly! Summer mission trip planned for Seattle All middle school and high school youth are invited to join us as we make a difference in the lives of others this summer. We will travel to Seattle at the end of June for our summer mission trip. We will be working with several mission agencies, including the Union Gospel Mission, University Presbyterian Church, and Bread for the World. This will be a life changing trip that you won’t want to miss. We will also spend time at the Seattle Center, Space Needle, and Pike’s Place Market. For more information about this trip, please talk with Jody Ferestad or Pastor Dave. To help raise funds for this special trip, the youth invite those in the congregation to support their Travel Partner Fundraiser. For every dollar donated toward the trip, the group is able to travel 1 mile. We are hoping to raise $2,000 through this fundraiser, the distance to travel to Seattle and back home to Billings. For those who support the mission trip through the Travel Partner fundraiser, a special banquet will be served upon our return. Watch for the Travel Partner display that is on display in the gallery. Mon Tue 1 9:30 Women’s Bible Study 10:00 Staff Meeting 6 9:15 Sunday School 2 12:00 PW Luncheon 5:00 Confirmation 6:00 Youth Group 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 3 10 11:00 Fellowship Committee 13 9:15 Sunday school 10:30 Worship 11:45 Regeneration 14 16 PW Circles 17 6:30 Men’s Study 7:00 Deacons Meeting Happy Valentine’s Day 15 9:30 Women’s Study 10:00 Staff Meeting 1:00 Property Committee 20 9:15 Sunday schl. 21 22 6:30 Men’s Bible Study 9:00 Morning Prayer 9:30 Women’s Bible Study President’s Day 10:00 Staff Meeting 28 6:30 Men’s Bible Study 10:00 PW Fri 1 P a g e 3 This month’s message is a reminder from the APHA that 2011 B i National r t h dPublic a y sHealth Week will be observed from April 4-11. The theme for this year, coming out of the annual Meeting of the APHA is “Safety is No Accident: Live Injury Free.” Having health insurance is a must, but we ourselves must take steps to ensure safety and prevent injuries. Montana is Birthdays 12due Paul Crellin Curtis PatteeYou know about that— known for its high record of fatalities and injuries to automobile accidents, many of them alcohol related. we1 readLeslene it in theCassel paper every day, 6th DUI, 8th DUI, 13 etc. Bill Letson What you may not be aware of is that weLorrie older folks Rimpe may well be at risk for car2 accidents because we have problems with dizziness from medication, approaching heart attack or stroke, Kerry Gruizenga Alexander Repka old age, reaction to22pain, Robert Thiesen etc. severe pain, muscle weakness or sleepiness can affect one’s ability to drive safely and is certainly a distraction to driving 3 Dizziness, Ryan Johnson Dani Repka Susan Schwidde attention. Also,Rudolf such symptoms could well be leading up to aValentines stroke or a Day! heart attack. Take responsibility for your own safety and that 4 Erving 14 Happy 23 Bill Lorentz or4others around you—Do not drive when you are not fully aware and capable of driving safely. Don‟t try to diagnose Nicholas Wiens Jody Mercer-Wallace 24 Jacob Bone yourself or drive yourself to a medical facility. You could have a heart attack, lose consciousness, or just hurt too much to 5 Virgil Knutson Halle Lynn Spring Don Jorgenson give full attention to driving. Call 911 for an ambulance if a relative or friend is not right there available to take you!!! 6 Monica Parker 15 Michael Repka 25 Susan Stewart Now! It is better to have a false alarm than not to follow up on such symptoms. And certainly it is safer for you ( and othMary Wempner 16yourself Bill Brown 27feel Jason ers around you) if you take responsibility for by not driving when you do not well.Pattee I wish you health in body, 8 Carol Harr 16 Jim Wempner Dolores mind, and spirit. Jane Myhre 9 Shirley Harr 17 Carl Johnson Reinhart Caitlin McRae 21 Eleanor Ball 28 Helen 10 Earl Henderson Nichole Ferestad Weber Chuck Leggate Amanda Lauwers 29 Ruth Health Hints: If you noticed, we are now writing “Health Hints” rather than Nurses Notes. We no longer have nurses “on staff” at First Pres. (Any RNs or LPNs willing to replace us just need to drop a word in our ears to have the “job”.) However, we can still take blood pressures without giving a lot of “free medical advice,” help direct you to various types of service you request (listed in the ASK book available through the Council on Aging), and pass on to your information about keeping oneself healthy (usually obtained from published sources such as the American Public Health Association, Mayo Clinic, Harvard Women’s Health Watch, etc. This month’s message is a reminder from the APHA that 2011 National Public Health Week will be observed from April 4-11. The theme for this year, coming out of the annual Meeting of the APHA is “Safety is No Accident: Live Injury Free.” Having health insurance is a must, but we ourselves must take steps to ensure safety and prevent injuries. Montana is known for its high record of fatalities and injuries due to automobile accidents, many of them alcohol related. You know about that—we read it in the paper every day, 6th DUI, 8th DUI, etc. What you may not be aware of is that we older folks may well be at risk for car accidents because we have problems with dizziness from medication, old age, reaction to pain, approaching heart attack or stroke, etc. Dizziness, severe pain, muscle weakness or sleepiness can affect one’s ability to drive safely and is certainly a distraction to driving attention. Also, such symptoms could well be leading up to a stroke or a heart attack. Take responsibility for your own safety and that or others around you—-Do not drive when you are not fully aware and capable of driving safely. Don‟t try to diagnose yourself or drive your- 4 Sat 5 5:00 Confirmation 6:00 Youth Group 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 11 12 18 19 Newsletter Submission Deadline! 23 24 9:00 BSF Leaders 5:00 Confirmation 6:00 Youth 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 10:30 Mission Committee CHURCH AND SOCIETY SCHEDULE FOR FEBRUARY FEBRUARY 6: Jay Kohn, KTVQ Assistant News Director and Co-Anchor, "Ethics in the Media.” Jay will discuss how and why news is selected to air including pending legislation related to religious issues. 6:30 Christian Education Meeting 5:00 Confirmation 6:00 Youth Group 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 27 9:15 Sunday school 10:30 Worship 11:45 Regeneration 8 Thu 9 9:30 PW Board 10:30 Worship 11:45 Regeneration 11:45 Sound booth training 7 Wed 6:30 Men’s Bible Study 9:30 Women’s Bible Study 10:00 Worship Comm. 10:00 Staff Meeting 11:30 Stephen Minis. 7:00 Session Meeting 10:30 Worship with communion 11:45 Regeneration I ss u e self to a medical facility. You could have a heart attack, lose consciousness, or just hurt too much to give full attention to driving. Call 911 for an ambulance if a relative or friend is not right there available to take you!!! Now! It is better to have a false alarm than not to follow up on such symptoms. And certainly it is safer for you (and others around you) if you take responsibility for yourself by not driving when you do not feel well. I wish you health in body, mind, and spirit. — Jane Myhre FEBRUARY 2011 Sun 2 , 25 Youth Ski Retreat Leaves after school 26 Youth Ski Retreat @ White Sulphur Springs FEBRUARY 13: Paul McLean, author of 'Reflections of God's Work,” TEAM Leader/ US Probation Officer, "A Criminal Justice Official's Walk with God.” Paul will explain how prisoners and ex-offenders are transformed into new creations through functional relationships grounded in Christ. Using the mentoring program TEAM, the acronym for Teach, Encourage, Assist, and Model a Christ centered life, Paul will also discuss how a devotional guide can make a difference in the lives of Christians and faith-seekers. FEBRUARY 20: Don Beal, Police Chaplain. Reverend Beal will discuss the roll of a police chaplain and provide examples of types of situations encountered when he was a Police Chaplain in Colorado. FEBRUARY 27: Arla Beal, Artist, "Antiquity Symbols and Early Christianity.” Arla will give the background of countries in Western Civilization development that contributed to symbols that Christians adopted. How the ancient world and their geometric symbols viewed Mary, wings of angels, the cross, and baptism will be included. Future Speakers: Robert Nolte, journalist assigned to Dr. Martin Luther King The Reverend Randy Hyvonen, Conference Minister, Montana-Northern Wyoming Conference, United Church of Christ. V o l u m e 2 , I ss u e 1 P a g e 4 V o l u m e 2 , I ss u e 1 WORSHIP COMMITTEE NEWS If you are part of the Worship Team (Usher, Liturgist, Communion Server, Greeter) please review your schedule or the one on the Worship bulletin board. It is located in the hallway outside the Fireside room. We all appreciate your faithful service to the church! SAVE THE DATES: Lenten Lunch and Learn Event: “Working Through Tough Times” Join us every Tuesday during Lent (March 15th until April 19th) from 12-1 PM in the fireside room for a lunch of Soup & bread including a devotional time with Pastor Dave. Come, bring your friends, church members or work mates--- for an opportunity to focus on the approach of Holy Week. Everyone Welcome! Pastor Dave will be leading a study titled, “Working Through Tough Times.” He will be using the book of Nehemiah from the Old Testament to help us find encouragement, joy, and hope during difficult situations. All are invited to join us for this special learning opportunity. Care Board is in need of new members. Duty is to deliver flowers to shut-ins every five or six weeks. Thanks very much. Jody Mercer Wallace Deborah Circle will continue to meet every Wednesday through March 23. We will continue with a study on the book of Revelation each Wednesday’s from 6 - 7 pm in the Church and Society Room. Any woman interested in the evening PW Circle, please call Carlene Taubert or Kerry Gruizenga. 5 MISSION NEWS 2011 PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN The Presbyterian Women will have a luncheon on February 2 at 12 noon in Fellowship Hall. All women of the church are welcome to attend. During the month of February the women will have a book sale. Please visit the Children’s Library to purchase used books, CDs, audio books, and other items of interest. P a g e The final tally from the Christmas Joy Offering is in at $1,001.00---Thank You FPC! Also Thank You one and all who shared in the January 30th Meet & Eat: -Youth Group--wonderful lunch from your smiling faces in the kitchen. -The cookies for the Salvation army outreach van were certainly a hit too. -Our knitting/crocheting group are still hard at it too. -Backpacks for the African children will be in the mail very soon. -"Away From Home Kits" will make college students and soldiers alike smile at all the goodies. Any and all who would like to join the Mission Committee, please come the first Thursday of every month at 10:30 AM to the Adult Library. Submit any Meet & Eat ideas, future projects, etc. You are a loving, giving, spirit filled congregation, thank you!!! SOUND BOOTH TRAINING You and all your friends are invited to the premier event of the church season: Sound Booth Training (for beginners and intermediates). February 20th 11:30 AM, right after worship in the Sanctuary. Tell your committees, Bible studies, all your friends! We need volunteers to fill in every now and then for meetings, funerals, weddings, and worships services too. Thanks and see you ALL there... Women of Faith coming to Billings Billings is excited to once again host the Women of Faith conference at Metra Park on April 8-9. This is sure to be a great weekend for encouragement, laughter, friendship, hope, renewal, inspiration and music. Join featured speakers and musicians for this special event. For more information go to www.JoinOverTheTop.com February 16th is Interfaith Hospitality Network’s Annual Meeting Interfaith Hospitality Network’s Annual Meeting will be Wednesday, February 16th at 4:00 pm at Little Horn State Bank, 2209 Central Avenue. We welcome all IHN volunteers, donors, and host congregation members to attend. IHN will install new board members, elect board officers, and have a year end report for 2010. The meeting will last approximately an hour. Please call the IHN office if you have questions: 294-7432. Church Women United Church Women United will be meeting on February 4 at 1:00 PM at Wayman Chapel located at 402 South 25th Street. The program will be on Black History Month. All women are invited to attend. Welcome new elders and deacons At the annual meeting of the congregation that was held on Sunday, January 23 the following elders and deacons were elected to serve as church leaders. They were all elected to a three year term unless otherwise noted. They include: Elders: David Culbertson (1 year term), Carol Harr, Janet Kline, and Bill Lorentz. Deacons: Susan Stewart (1 year term), Mary Grabow, Judy Lohnbakken, and Diane Noddings. They were ordained and/or installed during worship on Sunday, June 30. Join us in welcoming these new leaders to our congregation. Check out our new and improved website! JoAnn Jones and Pastor Dave have been working to update our church’s website. You can now go there to see scheduled activities and meetings, view the most recent newsletter, submit a prayer request, and learn about what we believe as Presbyterians. Dave also has included several blogs for you to enjoy. The website is a continued work in progress, so if you have any suggestions for improvements please talk with either Dave or JoAnn. Our church’s web address is www.fpcbillings.org. We will soon be adding the capability of making financial contributions on-line through either a savings, checking, or credit card account. Check it out! Jamestown College Choir to perform on Monday, March 14 We are excited to be hosting the Jamestown College choir from Jamestown, North Dakota, during their spring break tour. They will be providing a free concert in our sanctuary on Monday, March 14 at 7:30 PM. We are looking for about 28 host families who would be willing to provide housing for two students each the evening of March 14. A sign up list is being kept in the church office. We encourage you to sign up as we show these students what a wonderful and caring congregation this is. Host families will not need to provide the evening meal, as the choir will be sharing a meal at the church prior to the concert.