Luck Is in the Detail
Luck Is in the Detail
Luck Is in the Detail Annual Report 2014 Key Facts and Figures Sales in millions EUR Casinos (Austria) Casinos (International) Lotteries 4 Online/VLT/ Sports Betting Group 2013 total 263.1 137.91 1,299.01 1,806.81 3,506.81 Gaming revenues 253.9 Ancillary revenues 1,805.21 9.2 1.6 2014 total 271.6 Gaming revenues 258.3 1,873.8 13.3 1.8 Ancillary revenues 139.1 1,337.5 1,875.6 3,623.8 Tax Payments in Austria in millions EUR Casinos (Austria) Lotteries Group 2013 96 434 530 2014 105 447 552 Employees2 Casinos (Austria)3 Casinos (International) Lotteries 4 Online/VLT Sportwetten5 2013 1,575 2,640 644 213 5,072 2014 1,670 2,004 647 218 4,539 Casinos (Austria) Casinos (International) Group 2013 2.36 5.98 8.34 2014 2.50 5.16 7.66 Casinos (Austria) Casinos (International) Group 2013 234 359 593 2014 235 323 558 Casinos (Austria) Casinos (International) Group 2013 1,968 4,105 6,073 2014 2,010 4,197 6,207 Group Casino Guests in millions Number of Gaming Tables Number of Slot Machines Sales from discontinued operations have been regrouped in the P&L position “Result from discontinued operations”. Full-time equivalents (FTEs), annual average. 3 Incl. Cuisino, CAST, CCB and CALL. 4 Incl. Lotaria Kombëtare/Albania. 5 Incl. RABCAT and WINWIN Slovakia (to 2013), incl. RABCAT (from 2014). 1 2 Luck Is in the Detail Casinos Austria’s casinos welcomed over 2.5 million guests in 2014. This figure is particularly gratifying, not least because it represents an increase of 6 percent compared to the previous year. We have, of course, included details of this and the many other positive developments in the past business year in this Annual Report. But we would also like to purposely show you some of the things that are quite simply de rigueur in our casinos – things that are taken so much for granted that they often go unnoticed. Yet if they were to be missing, it would be noticed immediately. I’m talking here, for example, about the excellent service we offer our guests, the culinary delights we serve in our casino restaurants and bars, or the gaming equipment we use to provide top class gaming – everything from casino chips to Roulette balls, playing cards and dice. To bring these – frequently small – things to the fore in this report, the people who work with them on a daily basis are depicted – by way of contrast – in miniature format. And not only through composite photos, but also quite literally – in the form of 3D figurines that are deliberately given center stage. Read on to see this entertaining perspective for yourself – and also discover some interesting details about those things that are quite simply a matter of course at Casinos Austria. Enjoy! Karl Stoss Karl Stoss 1 Mission Casinos Austria AG and its affiliates and subsidiary companies provide gaming and entertainment of the highest order. Integrity, years of experience and absolute respect for the particular socio-political responsibility that goes hand-in-hand with gaming guarantee the trust and confidence of our guests, customers, investors and, above all, the licensing authorities. Shared visions and innovativeness foster the development of the group and safeguard the workplaces of our employees, whose active participation and constructive input we both encourage and value. Corporate Profile Casinos Austria is a leading national and international gaming corporation that offers its guests fun gaming and entertainment in stylish settings. Responsibility towards each and every one of these guests is an integral part of our corporate culture. The company is founded on the principle of absolute integrity, and our commitment to this principle far exceeds the statutory requirements. These ethical and socio-political objectives can only be realized if Austria’s casinos continue to be managed by one single company. Casinos Austria places great importance on sponsoring and provides support and resources – both financial 2 and otherwise – to a wide range of projects and activities in many different sectors, including the arts, sports, social causes and tourism. Alongside loyalty, customer service excellence and social responsibility, our guiding principles also embrace a clear commitment to supporting and developing our employees. At Casinos Austria, the way we do business is defined by the socio-political objectives enshrined in the Austrian Gaming Act (Glücksspielgesetz). This includes, above all, protecting the economic well-being of our guests and recognizing that increased competition contradicts such protection. Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 Contents C2 54 1 54 56 59 61 66 70 72 76 79 84 89 Key Facts & Figures Luck Is in the Detail 2 Mission Corporate Profile 5 Foreword by the Management Board 7 2014 Financial Year Economic Update Revenues and Earnings Corporate Social Responsibility Responsible Gaming Sponsoring Employees Security Cuisine and Casino The Casino Gaming Experience Multifaceted Event Provider Outlook 92 2014 Financial Statements The Management Board 10 The Company 10 11 12 13 15 22 38 42 46 48 50 The Group Organization Supervisory Board Report Regulatory Framework Management Systems Casinos in Austria Casinos Austria International Austrian Lotteries win2day WINWIN – Video Lottery Terminals tipp3 92 94 96 97 Profit and Loss Statement Balance Sheet Consolidated Profit and Loss Statement Consolidated Balance Sheet 100 Our 3D Models C3 Imprint 3 The Casinos Austria Management Board (l. to r.) Karl Stoss, Bettina Glatz-Kremsner, Dietmar Hoscher 4 Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 Foreword by the Management Board Dear Reader, All the companies in the Casinos Austria and A ustrian Lotteries Group faced big challenges in the 2014 business year. But they overcame these challenges – not least through the strong commitment and dedication of our staff – and, in the process, achieved many positive results. Quite literally, in fact. Although the difficult economic situation that has been ongoing since the start of the euro crisis in 2011 only showed slow signs of improvement, the Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries Group succeeded in posting a new sales record in 2014. With total sales in excess of 3.62 billion euros, the group’s results show an increase of 3.3 percent year-on-year (2013: 3.51 billion euros). The positive trend was driven on the one hand by the classic Lotto, EuroMillions and Rubbellos scratch-off ticket lottery products as well as the WINWIN Video Lottery Terminals (VLT) outlets, which rewarded Austrian Lotteries with a 3.3 percent rise in annual sales to 3.15 billion euros. The 12 domestic casinos also reported positive results with a 6 percent increase in guest numbers and a 3.2 percent increase in revenues, generated in equal measure from rising gaming revenues and healthy growth at the Cuisino F&B subsidiary. tipp3 likewise had a very successful year, profiting in particular from the biggest event in the football calendar – the FIFA World Cup in Brazil – and the accompanying measures that were introduced to mark this event, such as the launch of the mobile version of the tipp3 sports betting products. 2014 was a very active and eventful year for Casinos Austria on many counts. With total investments in the double digit millions, the casinos in Bregenz, Velden, Salzburg and Vienna were refurbished and given a brand new look. The eight casino restaurants operated by Casinos Austria flourished under the new Cuisino gastro brand, while the launch of Double Roulette introduced a new variation of the game in which small bets have the chance to win up to 1,200 times the amount wagered. Our guests acknowledged all these measures and flocked in increasing numbers to the 12 Austrian casinos, which welcomed a total of 2,504,422 guests throughout the year. The final decision is still outstanding in the public call for tenders for the three new individual casino licenses for the Vienna “Southwest”, Vienna “Northeast” and “Lower Austria 2” locations. Casinos Austria submitted appeals against the three unsuccessful license awards on 24 July 2014 citing serious flaws of both a substantive and a formal nature. The decision of the responsible Federal Administrative Court is still outstanding. At Casinos Austria International (CAI), the consolidation program was successfully continued in 2014: guest numbers at its casinos rose, and a significant improvement was seen in its overall operating results. Increasing revenues at the casinos in Lower Saxony, Germany, meant that earnings here were well in the black. Grand Casino Brussels also posted improved results. In Hungary, a ban on gaming machines outside casinos led to a strong increase in revenues at the CAI Group’s casino in the border town of Sopron. To accommodate the rise in demand, Casino Sopron was relocated to larger premises. New projects are currently being launched in Macedonia and Georgia, while intensive negotiations are underway for potential new projects in Canada and Southeast Asia. The sale of one of the CAI Group’s two casinos in Australia, Casino Canberra, was successfully concluded on 31 December 2014. Following the unwarranted license withdrawal in Argentina, arbitration proceedings were launched at the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) in Washington, D.C. The legal basis for these proceedings is an investment protection agreement between Argentina and Austria. The Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries Group was once again one of the best customers at the Ministry of Finance in 2014, contributing a total of 552 million euros in taxes and duties. We likewise more than merited our reputation as a key player for the Austrian economy as a whole and as one of the country’s leading companies: the 12 casinos in Austria provide impetus to the region, contribute to value creation in far more than just revenue terms, and do so with a clear focus on sustainability. Casinos Austria’s extraordinary range of products and services also convinced the Leitbetriebe Institut, Austria’s Institute of Leading Companies, and not for the first time. Indeed, Casinos Austria is the only gaming company to have been successfully certified by this institute. The extensive and precisely 5 Foreword by the Management Board documented certification process focused in particular on sustainability and market positioning as well as on CSR, staff and general stakeholder orientation. The individual criteria were assessed in line with specific guidelines, similar to a credit rating or corporate assessment procedure. And while we are on the subject of certification, all responsible gaming and responsible advertising measures at Casinos Austria are managed through our responsible gaming management system. We had long sought a means of obtaining certification for our activities in this area, an objective we successfully achieved in February 2014 when our responsible gaming and advertising instruments were subjected to a rigorous audit by the Austrian Standards Institute using certification criteria developed by the European Casino Association (ECA). Casinos Austria was the first gaming company worldwide to have its responsible gaming management system certified according to ECA standards, thereby reinforcing and once again living up to our reputation as a pioneer in this field. We also successfully underwent a compliance audit in 2014, when the Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries Group became only the second large company in Austria to submit its compliance management system to a full audit in accordance with the IDW PS 980 international auditing standard issued by the independent Institute of Public Auditors (IDW) in Germany. The results of this audit confirm that Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries exceed all legal compliance requirements. Karl Stoss 6 It is part of our corporate culture to support projects and launch initiatives to help society. Projects to provide healthcare to the needy, support people with special needs or foster integration are particularly close to our heart – as are humanitarian and social projects. For example, we help the neunerhaus aid organization in Vienna provide medical and dental care to the homeless, we provide support to Caritas for its Haus Immanuel, which offers temporary shelter to homeless women and their children, we are proud partners of the MiA Migrantinnen Award, which recognizes efforts to integrate female migrants in Austria, and we launched the Austrian Inclusion Day to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities. In 2014, the Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries Group sponsored around 100 social projects, provided support for children and senior citizens and donated around 3 million euros in total to good causes. Our “Casino on Tour” mobile casinos were also in attendance at some 240 events in 2014 and raised a total of 82,000 euros for various charity and social projects. All proceeds raised at these mobile casino events are donated to good causes. Casinos Austria also had plenty to celebrate in 2014: Casino Baden and Casino Kitzbühel both celebrated their 80th anniversaries, while Casino Graz and Casino Velden marked their 30th and 25th anniversaries respectively. And there were, of course, also plenty of prizes to be won as well. The ever-popular Mega Million Jackpot was hit twice in 2014: in August in Casino Velden and in November in Casino Innsbruck. Bettina Glatz-Kremsner Dietmar Hoscher Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 The Management Board Chairman Karl Stoss 26 November 1956 After studying Business Administration at the University of Innsbruck, Karl Stoss lectured at the university’s Institute of Industry and Trade while completing his PhD. From 1984 he worked for an Austrian insurance company in Vorarlberg before becoming a Partner and Head of Division at MZSG Management Centre St. Gallen in Switzerland two years later. He moved to Vienna in 1996, where he initially worked as a consultant to the Österreichische Postsparkasse (Austrian Postal Savings Bank) before being appointed Deputy Chairman of the bank’s Managing Board. He served as a Board Member at Raiffeisen Zentralbank Öster reich AG from 2001 before joining the Managing Board of Generali Holding Vienna AG in 2004, where he was subsequently appointed Chairman in early 2005. In January 2007, he joined the Management Board of Casinos Austria AG, where he assumed the position of Chairman in May of the same year. Karl Stoss was appointed to the Management Board of Casinos Austria International Holding in May 2011 and moved to the latter’s Supervisory Board with effect from 12 December 2013. He has also been President of the Austrian Olympic Committee since October 2009. Director Bettina Glatz-Kremsner 30 September 1962 Bettina Glatz-Kremsner has a degree in Commercial Studies from Vienna University of Economics and Business. She began her professional career at Austrian Lotteries where she was appointed CEO of the Hungarian subsidiary Lotto Union. This joint venture with the Hungarian National Savings Bank was Austrian Lotteries’ first international endeavor and lasted until 1996. She was then appointed Assistant to the Management Board of Casinos Austria AG and Deputy Head of the Executive Secretariat & Controlling unit at Austrian Lotteries. From 2000 to 2003, she coordinated synergies between Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries and was subsequently appointed Head of the Synergies Division in both companies. She joined the Management Board of Austrian Lotteries in 2006 and has been Chief Financial Officer and a Member of the Management Board of Casinos Austria AG since 2010. Bettina Glatz-Kremsner was appointed to the Management Board of Casinos Austria International Holding in May 2011 and moved to the latter’s Supervisory Board with effect from 12 December 2013. She has been Honorary Consul for the Republic of Hungary in Vienna and Lower Austria since January 2013. Director Dietmar Hoscher 5 June 1962 After studying Economics at the University of Vienna, Dietmar Hoscher managed a research project on progressive consumption tax at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Analysis of Economic Policy Activities before being appointed economic advisor to the Öster reichische Nationalbank in 1987. Two years later, he became an economic policy advisor to the Austrian Parliament, serving in this capacity under Ministers of Finance Staribacher, Klima and Edlinger. He was recruited by Casinos Austria in 1998, initially as Head of Division and Authorized Company Representative. He became a Director of Österreichische Sportwetten GmbH (tipp3) in April 2000, where he was appointed Chairman of the Management Board in June 2008 and has been Chairman of the Supervisory Board since 2010. He became a Member of the Management Board of Casinos Austria AG in January 2007 and a Member of the Management Board of Casinos Austria International Holding in May 2011, moving to the latter’s Supervisory Board with effect from 12 December 2013. Dietmar Hoscher has been a Member of the Board of the European Casino Association (ECA) since September 2011, where he is responsible for CSR and Responsible Gaming and was appointed Vice President in February 2015. He also serves as a lay judge at the Supreme Cartel Court. 7 We treat everyone like a star at our casinos. We roll the red carpet out for each and every one of our guests and offer each and every one of them the highest possible level of service. From the friendly welcome at the reception desk through to the top quality gaming, culinary delights and entertaining events – the 1,670 members of staff in our casinos make sure that our guests can enjoy fun – and responsible – gaming. Ì Did you know that in 2014 we welcomed over 2.5 million guests to our casinos in Austria? The Company Group Casinos Austria and its affiliates and subsidiary companies offer gaming and entertainment of the highest order and is one of the few gaming groups in the world that is in a position to offer comprehensive and innovative solutions for all sectors of the gaming industry from a single source. Ownership structure and companies 1 Bankhaus Schelhammer & Schattera AG 5.3 % Medial Beteiligungs-GmbH 38.3 % (UNIQA, Vienna Insurance Group, Raiffeisen Gruppe, Bankhaus Schelhammer & Schattera AG) 3 Münze Österreich AG 33.2 % 4 Private Shareholders 23.2 % 1 4 2 2 3 Casinos Austria AG HQ: Vienna Österreichische Lotterien Gesellschaft m.b.H. HQ: Vienna 68 % 50 % hattera AG Entertainment Glücks- und Unter haltungsspiel Gesellschaft m.b.H. 50 % Casinos Austria International Holding GmbH HQ: Vienna Glücks- und Unterhaltungs spiel Betriebs gesellschaft m.b.H. HQ: Vienna win2day Ent wicklungs- und Betriebs gesellschaft m.b.H. 56 % 100 % 100 % 100 % HQ: Vienna Österreichische Sportwetten Gesellschaft m.b.H. HQ: Vienna HQ: Vienna as of 31.12.2014 10 Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 Organization The group’s individual areas of business are organized into separate Business Units which draw on the services provided by the Corporate Functions. Principal Department Administration & Organization Katharina Brunner Management Board Casinos Austria AG Karl Stoss Bettina Glatz-Kremsner Dietmar Hoscher Business Unit Casinos in Austria Marketing & Branding Division BU Management: Christian Schütz Andreas Cieslar Gaming Division Dieter Salzgeber Each business unit (BU) and each corporate function (CF) is assigned strategically to one or more member(s) of the Casinos Austria or Austrian Lotteries management boards. Operational management is handled by the respective executive and divisional management teams. Services that are required across the entire group are bundled into so-called corporate functions. These are also assigned strategically to one or more board member(s) and managed by one or more head(s) of division. Guest Relations Division Ernst Hubmann Security & Surveillance Division Dieter Salzgeber Casino Operations Casino Directors Corporate Functions Corporate Communications Extended CF Management: Martin Himmelbauer Information Technologies Extended CF Management: Erich Schuster Corporate Development Internal Audit Human Resources Extended CF Management: Peter Ulovec, Reinhard Summerer, Christian Schütz Extended CF Management: Erhard Peinthor Extended CF Management: Erich Valenta Public & European Affairs, CSR Finance & Group Controlling Extended CF Management: Wolfgang Sperl Services & Strategic Facility Management Extended CF Management: Oskar Berzsenyi, Nathan Bomze Legal Affairs Extended CF Management: Peter Erlacher Extended CF Management: Markus Eder Responsible Gaming, Advertising & Sponsoring Extended CF Management: Herbert Beck as of 31.12.2014 11 The Company Supervisory Board Report The Supervisory Board has performed the duties incumbent upon it pursuant to statutory provisions and the Articles of Association in its meetings. The Management Board has provided regular reports on business progress. The Casinos Austria AG financial statements and management report were audited by the independent auditor appointed at the Annual General Meeting on 27 March 2014, BDO Austria GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Steuerberatungsgesellschaft. The completed audit raised no grounds for objection. The independent auditor has therefore confirmed that the Casinos Austria AG annual financial statements and management report comply with statutory provisions. The Supervisory Board confirms that it concurs with the Management Board’s management report and the proposed distribution of profits and that it formally approves the annual financial statements of Casinos Austria AG, which are hereby adopted pursuant to Section 96 of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz). Furthermore, the Supervisory Board recommends that the aforementioned audit firm, BDO Austria GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Steuerberatungsgesellschaft, also be appointed as independent auditor for the 2015 fiscal year at the Annual General Meeting. The Supervisory Board Walter Rothensteiner (Chairman) Vienna, 25 March 2015 12 Supervisory Board (as of 31 December 2014) Walter Rothensteiner President, Director General (Chairman) Kurt Pribil Vice President, Director (1st Deputy Chairman) Johanna Stefan Vice President (2nd Deputy Chairwoman) Maria Theresia Bablik Vice President (3rd Deputy Chairwoman) State Commissioners Alfred Lejsek Alfred Katterl Johannes Pasquali Members of the Supervisory Board Hannes Bogner Friedrich Karrer Peter Mooslechner Gerald Neuber Thomas Polzer Josef Pröll Leonhard Romig Gerhard Starsich Delegated by the Central Works Council (CWC) Manfred Schönbauer (CWC Chairman) Reinhard Aichinger (from 1.10.2014) Thomas Bergmann Christian Holz Gerhard Hrubes (to 30.9.2014) Peter Löb Alexander Nachbaur Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 Regulatory Framework In Austria, the state holds a monopoly on games of chance, whereby the Austrian Gaming Act regulates what constitutes a game of chance. Gambling is, by its very nature, a leisure service, but also one that must come with a particularly strong sense of responsibility and a particular respect for the related risks to society. With gambling also comes the risk of gambling addiction, which can go as far as to threaten a person’s economic existence. Likewise, measures must be taken to effectively counter the penetration of organized crime – from gambling fraud to money laundering – into the gambling sector. Accordingly, from the health and regulatory perspectives, a liberalized gambling market would not be desirable – competition between providers would lead to an excessive expansion of gambling services, rendering measures like player bans or advertising restrictions almost unenforceable in practice. Despite these risks, a total ban on games of chance is conversely also not desirable from a political perspective, since it would simply result in the emergence of an illegal gambling market that cannot be controlled. An approach which imposes appropriate restrictions to prevent the undesirable side effects of gambling and monitors compliance with these restrictions is far more effective. Since legal, licensed gambling thus also has the task of suppressing illegal gambling, legal gambling must, correspondingly, also be promoted. These principles are in keeping with established case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ), which has in summary ruled in several findings (e.g. Schindler 1994, Gambelli 2003, Placanica 2007, Liga Portuguesa 2009, Engelmann 2010, Dickinger 2011, Hit Larix 2012) that the provision of games of chance is a service of a special nature and that national restrictions of this market – up to and including the establishment of a monopoly – are justified when they serve to limit the overall supply as well as to combat gambling addiction and crime. ECJ rulings also confirm that appropriate advertising and some expansion of the legal supply is required to combat illegal operators. The Austrian Gaming Act (Glücksspielgesetz) stipulates that the state can award one license for lotteries (including electronic lotteries), 15 casino licenses and three Poker salon licenses nationwide. Electronic lotteries include online gaming and video lottery terminals. Particularly noteworthy in this context is that Poker is expressly defined as a game of chance in the demonstrative list of games of chance included in Section 1 (2) of the Austrian Gaming Act. The provision rescinded by the Constitutional Court (Verfassungsgerichtshof) that the right to operate a Poker salon casino for live Poker table games without a banker can be established through the issue of a license by the Ministry of Finance has now been replaced by a provision whereby three licenses for such Poker salons are to be issued in future (Section 22, Austrian Gaming Act). These Poker salons can each only be operated at one location (no branch locations). A transition clause is provided for commercial Poker establishments operated under a trading license which was valid on 31 December 2012. Pursuant to this transition clause, these establishments can continue to be operated until 31 December 2016 (Section 60 (33), Austrian Gaming Act. In addition, the nine individual federal states (Länder) in Austria have the option to issue their own licenses for the operation of gaming machines (“Länderausspielungen”). Each individual federal state has the right to issue a maximum of three such licenses, whereby the total number of gaming machines in each federal state is restricted by the respective state law. 13 The Company Stricter rules for online casinos The European Commission (EC) has issued recommendations regarding the protection of consumers against losses, fraud and gambling addiction as a result of online gambling. Legislative power, above all the issue of licenses, should remain with the individual national states. Closer cooperation is, however, required in the battle against illegal online gaming operators. According to EC studies, some 13 billion euros in revenues are already being generated each year from online gambling in Europe. Ease of access to such services via computer, mobile phone or tablet makes consumer protection in this sector a particular challenge. In future, the European Commission would like to see compulsory registration with proof of user identity for all internet gambling sites. In the interests of responsible gaming and to protect players, users should be required to set themselves binding maximum betting limits during the registration process and should be provided with information on their wins and losses during play. Casinos Austria welcomes this fair competition initiative. The win2day online gaming platform operated by Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries already has a range of responsible gaming features in place that far exceed the EC proposals: registration and the definition of weekly limits are both compulsory for all users of the win2day site. User surveys indicate that this raises awareness of the need for security and significantly increases the fun factor for the harmless forms of gambling offered on the site. 14 Casino licenses in Austria Casinos Austria holds 12 of the casino licenses currently issued pursuant to the provisions of the Austrian Gaming Act and operates these casinos in the following locations: Baden, Bad Gastein (from 1 January 2016 in Zell am See), Bregenz, Graz, Innsbruck, Kitzbühel, Kleinwalsertal, Linz, Salzburg, Seefeld, Velden and Vienna. As a consequence of the 2010 amendments to the Austrian Gaming Act, the Federal Minister of Finance now has the possibility to issue three further casino licenses in addition to the existing 12 casino licenses upon completion of a public, transparent and non-discriminatory call for tenders. The call for tenders for these three individual licenses (for the Vienna “Southwest”, Vienna “Northeast” and “Lower Austria 2” locations) was launched on 26 November 2012. The deadline for the submission of bids was 10 June 2013. Casinos Austria participated in this call for tenders and duly submitted corresponding bids, but these bids were rejected. Casinos Austria formally submitted appeals against the three negative decisions on 24 July 2014, citing serious flaws of both a substantive and a formal nature. The decision of the responsible Federal Administrative Court is still outstanding. Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 Management Systems Casinos Austria’s quality awareness is reflected both in our service excellence and in our compliance with the strict regulatory and responsible gaming directives that apply to the licensed gaming industry. Compliance and comprehensive management systems serve here as effective tools in our quest for continuous improvement. Casinos Austria is synonymous with highest quality gaming. This reputation is founded on our absolute commitment to quality awareness – a commitment that is shared by the members of our management board and by our staff and is reflected both in our service excellence and in our compliance with the strict regulatory and responsible gaming provisions that apply to the licensed gaming industry. Absolute responsibility towards each and every player, towards society and towards the licensing authorities is an integral part of our corporate culture. With our strict Code of Conduct, the company and its staff pledge to conduct business in an ethical, legal and socially responsible manner. A joint process framework based on the new ISO 27001 standard has been defined for all our existing management systems. In addition to the joint process elements, this framework also covers the specific elements of each individual management system. The strategic decision to integrate our quality management and data protection management systems was implemented in 2014. As a result, both these management systems could be jointly audited for the first time in this reporting year. The successful re-certification audit was carried out in July 2014 by the Swiss Association for Quality and Management Systems (SQS). This joint process framework is a prerequisite for the integration of further management system certification audits in the medium term and, thus, for reducing certification times and efforts and for increasing efficiency. The integration of our quality and data protection management systems into this framework has already cut the number of audit days by 70 percent, thereby reducing both our audit costs and the resources required in the audit process. Certified quality management Casinos Austria’s guests appreciate our high quality service, our professional handling of the games and the responsible, personal service they encounter in all our casinos. Our quality management system has been certified to the EN ISO 9001:2008 standard since 2011 and is audited each year by independent, external auditors. In 2014, the ISO certificate for our quality management system was re-issued without reservation, effectively confirming once again our leading reputation as a reputable casino operator. Awareness and total respect for quality and compliance is extremely important at Casinos Austria, a fact that was emphasized anew by the external SQS auditors. This serves as clear confirmation that our daily efforts and approach to quality and compliance requirements in our casino operations and at our headquarters in Vienna conform to the highest international standards. The new external auditors also confirmed the excellent quality of the service provided by all our staff, their professional handling of the games on offer, their adherence to all defined work processes and their extraordinary efforts to continually improve the already very high level of quality found at Casinos Austria. 15 The Company Data protection Our rigorous identity checks for casino guests and transparency in prize transactions make it far easier for the authorities to rule out criminal activity. All security procedures in our domestic casinos far exceed the typical levels of control found in the gaming industry. These procedures include entrance identity checks, the monitoring of all cash transactions and the provision of target group specific staff training. Data security and conformity with data protection provisions is accorded highest priority in the planning and development of any software programs. This ensures, for example, that data can only be accessed on a need-to-know basis by authorized members of staff. Casinos Austria has been certified under the G oodPriv@cy standard since February 2010. The GoodPriv@cy seal of approval for data protection confirms our systematic adherence to data protection and information security guidelines and regulations in all areas of our business and provides us with a means of objectively documenting and effectively communicating our data protection measures and activities to our guests, customers, business partners, the authorities and the general public. Mandatory annual G oodPriv@cy re-certification audits, such as the one successfully carried out in July 2014, serve as a guarantee of continuity. 16 Information security The security organization and the security measures implemented by Casinos Austria are operated in accordance with the ISO 27001 information security management standard, the internationally recognized standard for operational security in all business processes. This guarantees that all business processes relevant to information security are subjected to a regular improvement cycle. Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 Anti-corruption compliance Casinos Austria takes the prevention of corruption very seriously. We orient ourselves on the IDW PS 980 auditing standard for all our anti-corruption activities. Issued by the Institute of Public Auditors (IDW) in Germany, this international standard defines the elements that a compliance management system must contain in order to be considered appropriate. It helps compliance officers to identify areas where formal arrangements may be required and outlines how any such associated arrangements may be established and justified. Under the PS 980 standard, a risk analysis could, for example, be used to identify those areas of business or business units for which a compliance measure is required and those where no such measures are necessary. The stricter statutory anti-corruption provisions recently introduced in Austria have been met at Casinos Austria, for example by the introduction of a new directive applicable to the entire Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries Group. Three compliance officers certified to the ÖNORM standard set by the Austrian Standards Institute manage and enforce compliance to the legislative provisions and to the internal rules that are obligatory for all our staff. An anti-corruption officer has also been appointed. The design of our Compliance Management System (CMS) was successfully audited in April 2013 by independent, external auditors. The effectiveness of this system was subsequently verified in a performance audit conducted in spring 2014. Combatting money laundering and the financing of terrorism Casinos Austria uses an ISAE 3000 (International Standard on Assurance Engagements) approved management system in the prevention of money laundering and criminal activities and continually assesses any money laundering risks. We use a range of measures to demonstrably and systematically enforce the “know your customer” principle required by the Austrian Gaming Act (Glücksspielgesetz) and the Austrian Banking Act (Bankenwesengesetz). Our established security structures and the ISO 27001 compliant security measures in place for our central computer center guarantee adherence to the applicable security regulations for the operation of data storage systems. All relevant statutory provisions in the Austrian Gaming Act and the Austrian Banking Act are categorized and assigned into risk groups at regular intervals. These risk groups are then subjected to a series of internal tests and subsequently plotted on a risk and risk maturity map. All business processes are documented to ensure full transparency for our management team and our anti-money laundering officer. In addition, our internal monitoring and control system ensures that the statutory provisions are reviewed at regular intervals and, where necessary, incorporated into our business processes. These procedures and the management and measurement criteria defined in accordance with the ISAE 3000 standard ensure that the combatting of money laundering is consciously recognized and accepted as a management task. An important aspect in this regard is the regular updating of the group-wide process map and related guidelines. These updates are carried out at least once a year. 17 The Company Risk and opportunity management Casinos Austria has had comprehensive strategic risk and opportunity management procedures in place since 2009. The permanent overview of key strategic corporate risks and opportunities and timely introduction of corresponding measures support decisions to promote our continued existence and corporate growth. These standardized procedures allow us to capitalize better on new business opportunities and consciously manage the associated risks. In addition to meeting the provisions of the Austrian Company Law Amendment Act 2008 (Unternehmensrechtsänderungsgesetz), this creates added value when it comes to the potential development of new opportunities. Unified risk and opportunity categories have been established for all companies and divisions in the group. Through their participation in this group-wide process, the risks and opportunities for the group become the targeted concern of all managers. Our risk and opportunity management system allows us to manage the risks relating to product security and quality, player protection, the protection of minors and the reliability of our gaming operations in a controlled manner. At the same time, it also allows us to make increased use of associated opportunities to optimize product quality and customer satisfaction. Our risk and opportunity management reporting procedures were comprehensively revised in the 2014 reporting year. Optimized use of the available software functions now provides risk owners with valuable additional information. The reports were streamlined to focus more specifically on the needs of their recipients. 18 Internal control system An internal control system (ICS) that is regularly monitored by our internal auditors ensures the conformity and cost effectiveness of procedures with regard to asset security and compliance with corporate principles. As an integral part of the ICS, the controlling system ensures consistency in corporate planning and reporting and thus supports continued development in line with the PDCA (plan-do-check-act) cycle. Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 Process management Centralized process management supports effective cooperation across the corporate group. Establishing greater transparency with regard to processes and responsibilities minimizes inefficiencies. A total of 20 members of staff are now certified process managers. The process management tool is used to constantly update the group’s operational and organizational model, a copy of which is available to staff via the intranet. Process optimization activities serve as a means of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of our corporate processes. Responsible gaming management system All responsible gaming and responsible advertising measures at Casinos Austria are managed through our responsible gaming management system. Casinos Austria had long sought a possibility to obtain certification for its responsible gaming activities and achieved this objective in February 2014 when the Austrian Standards Institute defined relevant criteria that could be used to audit and certify such a responsible gaming management system. These criteria are based, in turn, on the responsible gaming principles established by the European Casino Association (ECA). The certification process involved an intensive audit of several areas of activity, namely staff training in responsible gaming, information for casino guests, access controls, advertising and marketing, alcohol sales, stakeholder involvement and researching/raising awareness of risk factors in the development of new gaming products. Casinos Austria is the first gaming company worldwide to have its responsible gaming management system certified, thereby reinforcing and once again living up to our reputation as a pioneer in this field. 19 It’s always full house at our tournaments. Poker stars from all around the globe travel to Austria each year to take part in the Casinos Austria Poker Tour. In 2014, they came straight from Las Vegas to Casino Baden to battle it out at the 25th European Poker Championship. Reason enough for Casinos Austria to also include Las Vegas Hit Open Face Chinese Pineapple Poker at this prestigious event. But there’s also plenty of other Poker action besides the major tournaments at Austria’s 12 casinos. Our local Poker managers organize plenty of events throughout the year – far more in fact than the year has days. Ì Did you know that a Poker card is dealt up to 250 times and is made of plastic? The Company Casinos in Austria The 12 casinos in Austria are a true experience for all the senses. A wide variety of games and diverse range of tourism options ensure a visit to one of our casinos is always one to remember. In 2014, we had four major anniversaries to celebrate: 80 years of Casino Baden, 80 years of Casino Kitzbühel, 30 years of Casino Graz and 25 years of Casino Velden. In 2014, our casinos in Austria focused on making sure they are fit for the future and are now even more attractive than ever. Recent renovations and refurbishments were successfully completed and continued, and our casinos were given a more contemporary look – both inside and out. Some of our casinos might already have celebrated their 25th, 30th or even 80th anniversaries, but they are all still state-of-the-art and perfectly equipped and prepared for the future. The choice of games on offer in Austria’s casinos is of an international standard and is constantly updated. Innovative new products are frequently added to the gaming mix, thus retaining its permanent attraction. Thrills and excitement await at the Roulette, Blackjack and Poker tables or our cutting edge gaming machines. 22 Highest quality service is a matter of course, and totally reputable and transparent gaming is an absolute priority. Ensuring these promises are kept is the responsibility, not least, of our highly trained staff. First-time visitors to our casinos also have the chance to learn all about the individual games on offer: our charming croupiers are always on hand to explain and demonstrate the rules in person, giving everyone the chance to happily enjoy the fun of our world of gaming. But the gaming experience is just one of the competences of our casinos: they are also cultural meeting places and host a broad range of events – from literary readings, art exhibitions, cabaret shows and concerts to society events like balls and festivals. And with first class cuisine to round it all off, the result is a true, all-round experience. Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 Casino Baden Profile In Casino Baden, the glamor of the Belle Époque era remains alive to this day. The impressive building on the edge of the town’s spa gardens is home to one of the largest and most attractive casinos in Europe – and to an expansive congress and event center. While its exterior is still resplendent in the classic style of a bygone age, its interior boasts a cutting-edge, contemporary gaming area. Baden’s casino has always been a meeting place for celebrities and an impressive venue for spectacular events – from drama award ceremonies to the annual Miss Austria beauty pageant. 2014 was an anniversary year in Baden: 80 years of Casino Baden are synonymous with 80 years of perfect guest service. The casino celebrated its anniversary with a huge party on 26 April in the company of countless celebrity guests. Over its long history, Casino Baden’s perfect combination of gaming, events and cuisine has been the secret of its success. And that’s precisely why it has always been the meeting place for society in the area to the south of Vienna and a leading tourist operation in the region. The venue was once again host to a huge range of events in 2014. With its own in-house event company, Congress Casino Baden (CCB), the casino counts as one of the top event centers in Lower Austria. Its new gastronomy team launched a cooperation with Austrian TV chefs Andi & Alex in 2014, thereby adding new spice to the casino’s ever-popular “Dinner & Casino” package. The popular TV stars treated casino guests to a very special, live culinary experience, answering questions and giving cooking tips – all with a liberal sprinkle of their own, inimitable brand of humor. Every year, Casino Baden closes the carnival season on Shrove Monday with its very own Casino Redoute, a masked costume ball that never ceases to amaze – and is quite probably the most spectacular and colorful of all the events it hosts. 2014 was also an anniversary year for the European Poker Championship, which was held for the 25th time in Casino Baden. 23 The Company Casino Bad Gastein Profile The small tourist casino in Bad Gastein is located in the elegant Grand Hotel de l’Europe. A seasonal operation, the casino is open daily from 7 pm from the end of December to the middle of April and from the beginning of July to mid-September. It is set in the heart of the picturesque spa town’s Belle Époque town center, surrounded by a stunning natural landscape, and is the key meeting place and social hub in the region. With charity events like its “Mountain Casino” promotion in cooperation with the Gastein mountain railway and its traditional “Open Day”, Casino Bad Gastein raised more than 2,500 euros for the Gastein Mountain Rescue Society and the Clown Doctors in 2014. In addition to the international caliber gaming facilities on offer in the casino, guests can also enjoy a drink in the elegant casino bar or relax in its Smokey Joe’s Bar smoking lounge. Exquisite dining options are available at numerous partner restaurants in the near vicinity, including the renowned Ginger n’Gin restaurant and club located directly below the casino. 24 Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 Casino Bregenz Profile Set in a modern building directly on the shores of Lake Constance, architecturally and functionally embedded in the festival and convention center, floating stage and adjacent Hotel Mercure ensemble, Casino Bregenz is one of the most popular leisure destinations in this festival city. Elegance and glamor are the order of the day at this cosmopolitan venue, which successfully combines international caliber gaming, quality entertainment, award-winning cuisine, “in” events and great promotions under one roof – directly at the place where three countries – Austria, Germany and Switzerland – meet. Casino Bregenz was extensively remodeled in 2014, with all construction and refurbishment work completed without closing the venue. Guests continued to enjoy the gaming facilities without disruption and are now profiting from the results. With all work completed in just under six months, the new facilities were officially opened on 19 September 2014. The new, floodlit façade and extended dining and bar areas are the real eye-catchers. The FALSTAFF Lounge, which is located over the casual Jackpot Casino and directly adjoins the casino restaurant, now has a floor space of 460 square meters. The redesigned Casino Bar, where guests can sink into comfortable lounge sofas and enjoy the view of the lake through a 20-meter panorama window, lies in the heart of the casino. It links the main gaming room, the slots gaming room and the Poker area in the Arik Brauer room with the expansive new, 360-square-meter Casino Lounge. The additions reflect modern trends and address the needs of contemporary guests, allowing the casino to meet guest demands even more impressively. With over 316,000 guests each year, Casino Bregenz is a real crowd-puller and a leading tourist venue in the region. One of the highlights of the year in the casino’s event calendar was the 10th anniversary of the Lebens.ART exhibition. To mark the occasion, a special exhibition catalog was produced and the artists and guests were all presented with a booklet of pictures from previous exhibitions. At the series of events organized for the “Casino Fall” promotion, the top prize up for grabs in the main draw was a brand new Mini Cooper. 25 The Company Casino Graz Profile Casino Graz is a typical city casino – with a catchment area that extends well into the surrounding region and as far as neighboring Slovenia. Business travelers, wine enthusiasts touring the South Styrian wine trail and city-break visitors drawn by one of the many festivals in the Styrian capital all flock to the popular casino in equal numbers for an exciting evening at the tables. Great gaming, fine dining and superb entertainment have been the three main pillars of success at Casino Graz for over 30 years. On 25 October 2014, the casino celebrated its 30th anniversary with a gala event for 1,700 guests. As a leading attraction in the region, the casino is a meeting place for old and young alike, for gaming enthusiasts and for those who enjoy the finer things in life. The casino’s restaurant is run by the leading Styrian caterer, Revita, and counts as one of the top 25 dining venues in Styria. Pleasure and enjoyment is the name of the game at Casino Graz, where countless attractive culinary and cultural events are organized to complement its core business. A concept that pays, as the figures clearly confirm. Since it opened 30 years ago, some 5 million guests have visited the casino, where a team of over 100 staff is on hand to ensure that everyone enjoys their visit. The casino is also particularly proud of its Piano Bar, where legendary Graz pianist Michel Nikolov entertains guests five nights a week with his stirring performances. 26 Casino Graz also had plenty of other entertainment on offer in the reporting year: over 100 Casino Comedy Club shows alone were held there in 2014. These shows featured a host of renowned comedians, many of whom were making their debut performances on the Styrian stage. Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 Casino Innsbruck Profile Casino Innsbruck’s elegant glass architecture lends the popular casino in the center of Innsbruck its own particular flair. Its prime location in the heart of the Tyrolean Alps adds to the charm and makes Casino Innsbruck a very special place indeed. But the casino is not just the venue of choice for Roulette and Blackjack fans from Austria, Italy, Germany and Switzerland, its event calendar is also full to the brim – making it a firm fixture in the city’s culture scene. In true keeping with its vision and approach, Casino Innsbruck clearly demonstrated its multi-faceted talents in 2014. Over 20,000 guests flocked to the casino throughout the year to take advantage of its diverse and colorful portfolio of events. 29 November 2014 was definitely a highlight of the year on the gaming floor – that was the day when a lucky slot player hit the Mega Million Jackpot in Innsbruck’s casino and took home over 1 million euros. Innovative gaming tournaments like the Casino InnsbruckClassic Gaming Triathlon captured the imagination of many regular guests. Likewise, the regular Blackjack tournaments, with a guaranteed prize of 5,000 euros, proved highly popular with punters. The casino has been handling its own catering through the Casinos Austria Cuisino subsidiary since 2014. The entire catering team works tirelessly to ensure that the menus are always perfect and to cater for the many popular tastings and events organized in the casino. Casino Innsbruck is well-known for its charity initiatives and was proud to be able to present a large check to the Tyrolean Branch of the Austrian Cancer Support Society’s “Pink Ribbon” Organization for the proceeds raised at several well-attended events. The popular German singer Claudia Jung took to the stage in Casino Innsbruck during the Lions Victoria Ladies Club’s summer festival, where all money raised was donated to helping seriously ill children. The third series of the popular “Witnesses of our Times” (Zeitzeugen) interviews held in Casino I nnsbruck in cooperation with the ORF Tyrol TV station and the Tiroler Tageszeitung daily newspaper culminated in early November with the presentation of the book on the series. Alpine legend Wolfgang Nairz, businessman and actor Arthur Thöni, journalist and actor Ernst Grissemann, former zoo director Helmut Pechlaner and sculptor and artist Jos Pirkner all took to the stage to share interesting insights into their lives with the audience. 27 The Company Casino Kitzbühel Profile At first glance, you wouldn’t initially expect to find a modern casino behind this building’s colorful Tyrolean façade with its traditional “Lüfterlmale rei“ wall paintings. But the casino in this chic and legendary Alpine resort offers just that and plays an important role as the place in Kitzbühel for socializing and for lively nightlife. Casino Kitzbühel celebrated its 80th anniversary on 29 November 2014. Under the motto “80 Years”, the casino invited its many regular guests to come along and celebrate the event. To mark the occasion, all members of staff – and many of the guests – dressed up in 1930s style clothing. And, needless to say, the numerous celebrities and friends of the casino at the party really did celebrate in style. Casino Kitzbühel’s guests welcome the small but beautiful atmosphere in this popular venue, which offers everything the discerning guest could want. The diverse gaming facilities are spread over two separate, welcoming levels, while the elegant restaurant, which has been run by Casinos Austria’s new Cuisino subsidiary since 2014, well-stocked wine cellar, tasteful bar and cozy bistro all contribute to making a visit to the casino in Kitzbühel a night to remember. If you like to try something out of the ordinary, then “Streif Roulette” is the game for you. Named after the legendary downhill ski course, this variation of Roulette was developed specially for Casino Kitzbühel and can only be played here. Casino guests and ski stars alike were all enthralled by this new game at its premier in January 2014. For many tourist visitors to the region, a night at Casino Kitzbühel is a “must-do” in their vacation schedule; for local guests, the casino is a valued and popular meeting place. 28 Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 Casino Kleinwalsertal Profile Its unique location in a geographical enclave that is easily reachable from Allgäu in Germany, but is almost inaccessible from Austria, makes Casino Kleinwalsertal a favorite destination for German guests. Indeed, when it was opened back in 1972, the gaming currency at the casino was the German Mark and not the Austrian Schilling. Nowadays, the modern venue is a main tourist attraction in this popular skiing and hiking region. A successful combination of casino, restaurant, club and event facilities makes Casino Kleinwalsertal a popular meeting place. Its clientele includes both regular punters and leisure guests as well as first-time casino-goers. In 2014, the casino placed increased focus on the latter: a whole range of promotions – from ski passes to guest tickets – were introduced to offer newcomers the chance to see what’s on offer at the casino for themselves. They were also offered guided tours of the venue, charming introductory gaming lessons and invitations to parties and events at the casino. Casino Kleinwalsertal thoroughly enjoys its role as a host – for small and large scale events alike. Its Cuisino event room can be booked for all events and adapted to meet individual customer needs. Its Tanzbar club is the ideal place to dance the night away after a fun evening at the casino. And the culinary delights on offer in its award-winning Cuisino restaurant really do cater to every taste. The casino’s gaming area offers a choice of Roulette, Blackjack and Poker tables as well as a selection of 70 slot and gaming machines. During the daily Slots Happy Hour from 4 pm to 6 pm, Casino Kleinwalsertal serves its afternoon guests a range of attractive snacks and drinks. 29 The Company Casino Linz Profile Its central location on the Linzer Landstraße, Austria’s busiest shopping street outside Vienna, a nd close proximity to many of the city’s hotels, theaters, concert halls and art galleries (like the newly built “Linz House of Music”) are just two of the many plus points for this modern city casino. The interior design of this popular venue is really something special with its fascinating color and lighting effects beautifully complemented by a colorful mosaic-like window frieze by the Austrian artist Hans Staudacher. Casino Linz asserted itself very well in a difficult and increasingly competitive market in 2014. Its philosophy of catering equally both to regular punters and to leisure and event guests, and thus positioning itself not simply as a gaming venue but as a meeting place for Linz society, once again proved its worth. In 2014, the casino placed a particular emphasis on gaming-related events and on new – and very successful – group offers. The numerous different events organized in both the gaming room and the Casineum function room communicated the message to guests that there’s “always something going on” at Casino Linz. A highlight in 2014 was the Miss Upper Austria beauty pageant, which was held at the casino for the first time. The winner was also subsequently crowned Miss Austria in Casino Baden and went on to represent Austria at the Miss World Contest in London. Casino Linz is an ideal venue for sports championship parties and the annual general meetings of sports organizations and associations. Its Schnapsen (an Austrian variation of the Sixty-Six card game), chess and Tarock tournaments are just as popular among guests as its classic casino game tournaments. The casino was particularly proud to announce that a record 412 players signed up for its aptly named annual Dreikönigstarock tournament on 6 January 2014 (also known as “Three Kings Day”). Last, but by no means least, Poker also featured strongly on the program in Casino Linz throughout the year. From 17 to 21 September, it served as the fifth stop 30 on the annual Casinos Austria Poker Tour (CAPT). The sophisticated ambiance in Casino Linz, which boasts a dedicated tournament Poker area, and the perfect organization of the event provided for a highly successful week of Poker. Some of the best-known comedians on the Austrian comedy circuit took to the stage in Casineum Linz in 2014. The culinary highlight of the year was a superb gourmet evening with celebrity chef Helmut Österreicher in the casino restaurant. Casino Linz has also been a sponsor of the Linz-based cult football team LASK since 2014. Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 Casino Salzburg Profile Casino Salzburg is located in the majestic Klessheim Palace, providing its guests with fun and entertainment in the breathtaking setting of a regal baroque building created by Johann Fischer von Erlach. The generous interior design provides plenty of space, while the juxtaposition of baroque elegance and modern gaming give the casino a very special flair. An international caliber gaming mix provides gaming fun and entertainment all year round. A total of 280 square meters with a capacity for up to 580 people are available for events at Casino Salzburg. Spread over four spacious salons and the exclusive Rondeau, the casino is the ideal setting for banquets, cocktail parties and receptions. Casino Salzburg is a reliable partner for sporting events like the Salzburg Golf Festival or the Casinos Austria Integration Football World Championship. The kick-off event for the latter in the unique and regal ambiance of Klessheim Palace has now become a major gala event with a huge guest list and plenty of beautiful young “Misses”: the draw for the 2014 tournament was held namely in Casino Salzburg during the Miss Integration 2014 beauty pageant. Casino Salzburg is also a popular location for press conferences. In November 2014, for example, FC Red Bull Salzburg booked the venue to announce details of its upcoming matches to the media. The beautiful baroque palace gardens surrounding Casino Salzburg also served in 2014 as the venue for the 2nd Grödiger Nox’n Teufel Krampuslauf, a local fun run featuring St. Nicholas’ devilish companion, who is referred to in German as Krampus. 31 The Company Casino Seefeld Profile Seefeld lies at the heart of the Inn valley plateau and is a paradise for downhill skiers, cross-country ski enthusiasts and horse-drawn coaching fans in the winter months and an Eldorado for golfers in the summer. A visit to the town’s casino is the perfect end to a day of outdoor fun – and with its prime location in the heart of Seefeld’s pedestrian zone, the casino is the ideal meeting place for groups of friends congregating from the various hotspots around town. Seefeld is the host venue for numerous sporting events, conferences and congresses with several thousand participants and delegates. With around 8,000 guest beds in the town and surrounding area and the corresponding conference infrastructure, the town and region are the perfect location for a successful event. With its cozy, rustic ambiance, Casino Seefeld is a popular leisure destination especially for German and Italian visitors. As its name suggests, the casino’s L’Osteria Italiana restaurant serves a superb choice of specialties from Bella Italia. The recently revamped Cocktail Club Centrale located directly in the casino is the ideal spot to relax over an expertly prepared cocktail and enjoy the lounge-like atmosphere. 32 Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 Casino Velden Profile Life in Velden is pulsating and vibrant in the summer months. The casino terrace with its superb view over Lake Wörth is one of the best places around to sit back and soak up the Carinthian flair and enjoy the Mediterranean atmosphere of the lakeside promenade on a summer evening. With its colorful event program, the casino constantly remains a focal point in the Lake Wörth region’s nightlife scene. Casino Velden celebrated its 25th anniversary on 3 May 2014. To mark the occasion, the casino was given a comprehensive facelift. Its exterior façade was completely replaced, and augmented with a new wave-like canopy roof. With its newly refurbished meeting zone, the casino opens up to the spacious square in front of the building and provides the newly-created “star mile” in Velden with an impressive stage. During the anniversary celebrations, a spectacular fantasy world was created here with the Bal du Cirque Fantastique. The ball was the highlight of the 2014 summer season and enchanted stars and regular guests alike: some 2,000 guests danced the night away in Casino Velden in the manège. In 2014, Casino Velden once again became the meeting place for Harley-Davidson fans. During the European Bike Tour, thousands of Harley-Davidson riders rode through the streets of Velden, and the casino organized a custom bike show that really was in a class of its own. The impressively revamped touring models created a real buzz and proved a constant source of amazement. Casino Velden has also made a name for itself as a Poker destination. When the Casinos Austria Poker Tour (CAPT) made its stop on the shores of Lake Wörth in July, the organization, setting and timing couldn’t have been better. Many of the 500 international players had travelled directly to the tournament in Velden from the World Series of Poker extravaganza in Las Vegas. With prize money of 1.2 million euros on the table, the excitement and atmosphere in the casino’s gaming rooms was quite simply amazing. 33 The Company Casino Wien Profile Casino Wien is a classic club casino in the traditional sense and style. Located in the Palais Esterházy, a 15th century baroque palace, the popular casino is situated directly on the Kärntner Straße, one of the most elegant shopping streets in Vienna. Gaming is spread over three floors, and most of the gaming rooms are adorned with works by contemporary artists, providing a charming modern contrast to the bygone structure. Particularly impressive is the elegant Fuchs Salon, which was designed by the artist Ernst Fuchs and his two sons. National and international guests alike clearly value the superb all-round offer they enjoy at Casino Wien. The increased focus on attracting international tourists to Vienna in recent years has brought growing numbers of visitors from former Soviet Union countries, the Arab states and Asia to the country’s capital. International guests in particular appreciate the diverse gaming mix, the highly professional handling of the games, the service excellence and the special ambiance on offer at Casino Wien. In 2014, the casino’s portfolio was augmented by a new gastronomy section. The new Cuisino restaurant in Casino Wien opened in November 2014 after only five months of construction. Two luxurious salons – one red and one gray – now offer guests an exclusive culinary experience. 34 Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 Casino Directors in Austria as of 31.12.2014 Casino Baden Edmund Gollubits Casino Bad Gastein Wolfgang Haubenwaller Casino Bregenz Bernhard Moosbrugger Casino Graz Andreas Sauseng Casino Innsbruck Hannes Huter Casino Kitzbühel Paul Vogel Casino Kleinwalsertal Bernhard Moosbrugger Casino Linz Josef Kneifl Casino Salzburg Wolfgang Haubenwaller Casino Seefeld Robert Frießer Casino Velden Othmar Resch Casino Wien Reinhard Deiring Casino locations in Austria CASINO BADEN CASINO INNSBRUCK CASINO SALZBURG Kaiser-Franz-Ring 1 2500 Baden Tel.: +43 /2252/ 444 96 E-mail: [email protected] Salurner Straße 15 6020 Innsbruck Tel.: +43 /512/ 58 70 40 E-mail: [email protected] Schloss Klessheim 5071 Wals-Siezenheim Tel.: +43 /662/ 85 44 55 E-mail: [email protected] CONGRESS CASINO BADEN CASINO KITZBÜHEL CASINO SEEFELD Tel.: +43 /2252/ 445 40-501 E-mail: [email protected] Hinterstadt 24 6370 Kitzbühel Tel.: +43 /5356/ 623 00 E-mail: [email protected] Bahnhofstraße 124 6100 Seefeld Tel.: +43 /5212/ 23 40 E-mail: [email protected] CASINO KLEINWALSERTAL CASINO VELDEN Walserstraße 31 6991 Riezlern Tel.: +43 /5517/ 50 23 E-mail: [email protected] Am Corso 17 9220 Velden Tel.: +43 /4274/ 20 64 E-mail: [email protected] CASINO LINZ CASINO WIEN Rainerstraße 2–4 4020 Linz Hotel Schillerpark Tel.: +43 /732/ 65 44 87 E-mail: [email protected] Kärntner Straße 41 1010 Vienna Palais Esterházy Tel.: +43 /1/ 512 48 36 E-mail: [email protected] CASINO BAD GASTEIN Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Straße 14 5640 Bad Gastein Grand Hotel de l’Europe Tel.: +43 /6434/ 24 65 E-mail: [email protected] CASINO BREGENZ Platz der Wiener Symphoniker 3 6900 Bregenz Tel.: +43 /5574/ 45 127 E-mail: [email protected] CASINO GRAZ Landhausgasse 10 8010 Graz Tel.: +43 /316/ 83 25 78 E-mail: [email protected] 35 Curtains up at the 12 Austrian casinos From gala balls, art exhibitions and cabaret shows to wine tastings and literary presentations – there are events and functions on the program every day in all 12 casinos across Austria. Creativity plays just as big a role here as local flair – be it in the Tyrolean Alps, downtown Vienna or on the shores of Lake Wörth. Perfect organization and personal service make every event – from Baden to Bregenz – a unique and very special occasion. Casino Velden enthralled its guests in 2014 with its Bal du Cirque Fantastique. This spectacular event was also recognized with the CREOS Create Carinthia Marketing award. Ì Did you know that in 2014 around 2,000 events were held in our casinos? Das Unternehmen Casinos Austria International The consolidation program at Casinos Austria International produced some initial successes in 2014: guest numbers rose, and the business situation at its existing operations was stabilized. Casinos Austria International (CAI) is known the world over for its innovative entertainment concepts in the casino and gaming sector. Together with its subsidiaries, Casinos Austria International Holding GmbH (CAIH) forms an international gaming group and is widely recognized as a reliable partner, particularly in the casino management business. CAIH holds stakes in a range of companies which operate casinos, gaming machines, video lottery terminals (VLTs) and gastronomy units. CAIH is the holding company in 38 the sub-group of the Casinos Austria Group which is largely responsible for our international business activities. In this capacity, CAIH exclusively exercises holding functions and is responsible for international operations management and supporting functions like strategy and group development, investment planning and financing, budgeting, treasury, mergers and acquisitions, legal affairs, licensing and investor and public relations. Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 CAIH’s strategy focusses on the development, implementation and operation of gaming and casino projects. These projects are realized in cooperation with local investors, with CAIH handling operative activities under management contracts and making limited investments in the projects. Since it was founded in 1977, this Casinos Austria Group subsidiary has realized over 300 casino and gaming projects in more than 35 countries and on board 90 cruise ships. In 2014, CAIH and its partners operated 33 casinos in 11 countries and on board 6 luxury cruise ships. Together these casinos offered some 300 gaming tables and 4,200 gaming machines and employed a total of 2,000 staff. Consolidated revenues at these operations rose slightly compared to the previous year to 139.1 million euros. Casinos Austria International publishes financial reports in the Oesterreichische Kontrollbank’s (OEKB) Issuer Information Centre. The 2014 financial report will be available for download at the end of April 2015 at 2014 at a glance Changes were effected to the executive and supervisory boards at Casinos Austria International Holding GmbH from December 2013. The former executive directors, Karl Stoss, Bettina Glatz-Kremsner and Dietmar Hoscher moved to the CAIH supervisory board, while executive management was transferred to Alexander Tucek and Christoph Zurucker-Burda. The consolidation program at Casinos Austria International produced some initial successes in 2014: guest numbers rose, and the business situation at its existing operations was stabilized. The economic climate in much of the area in which the CAI Group operates was again dominated in the first six months of 2014 by the national debt crisis in Europe. Nonetheless, cautious economic growth, a continued expansive monetary policy by the European Central Bank (ECB), decreasing unemployment figures and an accompanying growth in consumer spending power all contributed to bringing about a strengthened demand for casino products in the group’s own core markets. A slight upturn in the world economy could be seen in the second six months of 2014, whereby economic expansion gradually strengthened above all in the advanced economies. In contrast, the economic sanctions against Russia and expected counter-sanctions served to a certain extent as a negative factor for growth in Europe. 39 The Company In the second six months of the 2014 reporting year, the CAI Group reported a continued stabilization in the business situation at its existing operations both in terms of revenues and costs. A revenue plus was reported for the casinos in Lower Saxony, Germany. In Hungary, a total ban on slot machines outside licensed casinos led to a significant increase in revenues for the CAI Group’s casino in the border town of Sopron. To accommodate the increased demand, Casino Sopron was relocated to new, larger premises. In contrast, the CAI Group’s operations in Switzerland posted a drop in revenues in the first six months of the year as a result of the strong Swiss franc. In Denmark, the CAI Group acquired a 50 percent stake in Casino Marienlyst A/S in Helsingør in May. In C anada, a weak start to the year caused by the weather was followed by a strong second half-year for the Great Blue Heron Charity Casino in Ontario. The Corinthian Club Casino in Glasgow, United Kingdom, was closed with effect from the end of September 2014. The CAI Group successfully concluded the sale of Casino Canberra, one of its two casinos in Australia, on 31 December 2014. The sale represented an important step towards financial consolidation. In parallel to this sale, the CAI Group is currently conducting intensive negotiations regarding several new projects in Southeast Asia. Following the withdrawal of the license to operate games of chance and lottery games in the Argentinian province of Salta in summer 2013, an arbitration process was launched in November 2014 at the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) in Washington, D.C. The legal basis for this process is the breach of the investment protection agreement between Argentina and Austria. In October 2014, Casinos Austria International Holding GmbH issued a swap offer for its 2010-2017 corporate bond. 40 Outlook for 2015 In December 2014, the CAI Group began operating 60 VLTs in Macedonia in cooperation with its local partner in the country. This number is to be extended to a total of 1,500 VLTs by the end of 2015. Online gaming operations in Macedonia will also be launched at the start of 2015. The opening of a casino in Batumi, Georgia, with 12 gaming tables and around 100 gaming machines is planned for June 2015. The Executive Board is optimistic that the rise in profitability at CAIH’s existing operations will continue, that the group will be able to successfully drive new projects forward with strong partners and that it will move on from a consolidation phase to return to a path of growth. The management team is currently in negotiations for numerous promising new projects. Service, quality, integrity, responsibility and respect for local traditions are the cornerstones of CAIH’s success, with priority given to ensuring that each individual product is optimized to best meet the needs of its respective local market. Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 41 The Company Austrian Lotteries Following on from its excellent results in the previous year, Austrian Lotteries raised its sales figures once again in 2014 – this time by 3.34 percent to an all-time high of 3.15 billion euros. This strong performance can be attributed to increased sales for almost all its lottery ticket and scratch-off card products as well as the rise in revenues at the WINWIN VLT outlets. Keeping its products up-to-date and attractive for customers has always been a priority at Austrian Lotteries. With its new TeamTipp (“team numbers”) and Anteilsschein (“share ticket”) options, a new design for its television broadcasts and many exciting new Rubbellosscratch-off and Brieflos break-open ticket products with additional chances of winning, 2014 was a year packed full of lottery innovations. The company again posted an increase in total sales for the year, which lay in 2014 at 3.15 billion euros, a rise of 3.34 percent compared to 2013. A gratifying increase in sales was achieved for the EuroMillions lottery with a plus of 5.42 percent yearon-year, a result which can be attributed to the fact that there were three more rollover “Superpots” in 2014 than in 2013. Indeed, when the last “Superpot” rolled over for sixth time in October, it even reached the cap of 190 million euros. The introduction of the Anteils schein option for EuroMillions also drove sales up. The Lotto “6 aus 45” lottery generated a plus of 2.35 percent compared to 2013, boosted by a series of rollover jackpots towards the end of the year, price changes in July and the impetus obtained from the introduction of the TeamTipp and Anteilsschein options. Sales of the Joker and Zahlenlotto lottery products lay slightly above the figures for the previous year. The introduction of a Quicktipp (“lucky dip”) option for the ToiToiToi lottery also brought a positive effect, with sales up by 2.13 percent for this game. Sales of Rubbellos scratch-off tickets were up by 6.99 percent compared to 2013, due in part to the extremely successful launch of several new tickets – in particular, “Super Gold” and “Ein Leben lang Plus”. The upward sales trend at WINWIN continued its positive course, with the VLT outlets posting an increase in total sales of 15.19 percent year-on-year. 42 2.39 billion euros in total prize money paid out The balance sheet of winners at Austrian Lotteries was particularly impressive in 2014: a total of 2.39 billion euros in prize money was paid out to customers. Likewise, there were a total of 268 “big winners” in 2014, i.e. customers who won at least 100,000 euros in an Austrian Lotteries game. Of these big winners, 76 won with the classic Lotto product (including 61 who picked all six correct numbers, 52 of whom won more than a million), 31 with EuroMillions (two of whom won more than a million), 92 with the Joker add-on game, 23 with ToiToiToi (a numbers lottery), 18 with the Klassenlotterie class lottery (one of whom won more than a million), nine with Brieflos, six with the Toto/Torwette football pool, five with Bingo, three with Rubbellos and two with the Zahlenlotto numbers lottery, while a further three were win2day users. A total of 61 customers throughout the year picked all six correct numbers for Lotto “6 aus 45”; for 52 of them their six correct numbers were worth more than a million euros – a new annual record for Lotto millionaires (the previous record of 50 had been set in 2012). The highlights of the year were two five-time rollover jackpots; four players shared a prize of around 9.5 million euros in July, while two customers shared 9.9 million euros at the end of the reporting year. TeamTipp and Anteilsschein Austrian Lotteries opened a new chapter in A ustrian lottery gaming in 2014 with its new TeamTipp and Anteilsschein options. By purchasing a TeamTipp (literally “team numbers”) for Lotto, EuroMillions or Toto, up to ten people have been able to play and (potentially) win together with the same numbers since 14 July 2014. Each member of the team receives an individual ticket and can thus claim their win independently of the other members. This relegates questions like “Who should keep the team ticket?” or “How will the winnings be split?” to history and does away with any fears that the winnings might ultimately not be shared. Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 The Lotto or EuroMillions Anteilsschein (literally “share ticket”), which has been available since 20 October 2014, allows customers to participate in draws at a low cost with a number of lines and thus significantly increase their chances of winning. The customer purchases a so-called “chance”, i.e. one or more shares in a particular number of already played lines, and participates in any applicable win from precisely these shares. Three different “chances” are available for both Lotto “6 aus 45” and EuroMillions, each of which differs in the number of lines and number of total shares – and thus also in its price. The lines in each “chance” are picked by a random number generator based on the Lotto or EuroMillions systems. Customers who wish to make use of this option can do so either via the special lottery ticket or simply by indicating their choice to the sales assistant at the point of sale. The Anteilsschein option can also be played on win2day. 1.2 billion euros for sport Sports sponsorship is a social mandate that Austrian Lotteries has proudly embraced since 1986: over the past 28 years, the company has paid a total of almost 1.23 billion euros into the Besondere Bundes-Sportförderung (special federal sports fund). Through the sports funding provisions established in the Austrian Gaming Act (Glücksspielgesetz), Austrian Lotteries makes a crucial contribution to the financing of sports in Austria. Amateur sports, which play a very important role in society, profit in particular from this solidarity model. With the Amendment to the Austrian Gaming Act (Glücks spielgesetz-Novelle 2008) which came into force on 19 July 2010, and beginning with the 2011 calendar year, the Austrian Federal Government sets aside an annual sum of 80 million euros from the taxes and fees paid by the license holder pursuant to Section 14 of the A ustrian Gaming Act for the funding of sports. From 2013 onwards, this amount increases each year in line with the extent to which the federal gaming taxes and fees paid by the license holder pursuant to Section 14 of the Austrian Gaming Act rose in the previous year compared to the year before last. 447.02 million euros in tax payments Austrian Lotteries made total tax payments amounting to 447.02 million euros in the reporting year; this includes gaming-related, income and other taxes, fees and duties. Since it was founded in 1986, the company has paid more than 9.82 billion euros in taxes to the Republic of Austria. The 434.40 million euros paid in gaming taxes and duties in 2014 are made up of the license fee of 252.20 million euros, gaming taxes of 175.77 million euros and the value added tax on VLT revenues of 6.40 million euros. 43 The Company New design for points of sale The exterior signage at lottery points of sale – the illuminated and non-illuminated bars – indicates to customers where lottery products can be purchased. Visible from some distance, these signs are now being replaced: a new design and new, energy-saving LED technology give the bulbs a longer lifespan and thus extend maintenance intervals. The new signs were produced in 2014, during which period the Austrian Lotteries external sales representatives processed orders from points of sale. The rollout was commenced in fall 2014 and will continue through 2015. Priority was given in the rollout to new points of sale with Micro-Terminals, which did not already have signage in place. Existing signs will also be successively replaced with the new signs. International activities The Russisch Österreichische Lotterien Holding Gesellschaft m.b.H. was founded in November 2008 as a joint venture between Österreichische Lotterien Gesellschaft m.b.H., VPB Beteiligungs Gesellschaft m.b.H. and KEBA AG. The company holds a 100 percent stake in OOO Ural Loto, which is headquartered in the autonomous Russian Republic of Bashkortostan and manages lottery operations in that country. A new Federal Lottery Act, which was passed at short notice at the end of December 2013, forced Ural Loto to prematurely discontinue the draws for its Lotto “6 out of 40” and Joker products as well as the sales of its scratch-off and break-open instant lottery tickets with effect from 30 June 2014 – despite more than six years of successful operations and a new sales record in the first six months of 2014, and despite the fact that its license was valid until mid-2018. The dissolution of the company was begun in the fourth quarter of 2014 and, as a result of the conditions imposed by Russian law, is expected to continue into the first quarter of 2016. 44 With its comprehensive know-how and expertise, Austrian Lotteries had established a very successful lottery company in Bashkortostan and thus demonstrated that it is indeed possible to set up and run a lottery operation even in countries where the conditions are challenging. Ural Loto had a sales network of 1,520 points of sale and generated total sales in excess of 3.3 billion roubles (80.6 million euros) between September 2009 and June 2014. The total “social tax” paid by Ural Loto over that period – more than 8 million euros – was used in accordance with the law to finance welfare projects and measures and for charitable purposes. The Albanisch Österreichische Lotterien Holding Gesellschaft m.b.H. was founded in September 2012 and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Österreichische Lotterien Gesellschaft m.b.H. The company holds a 100 percent stake in Lotaria Kombëtare Sh.p.k., which is headquartered in Tirana hat and manages lottery operations in Albania. Lotaria Kombëtare’s first product – the Loto “6 nga 39” (Lotto “6 out of 39”) national lottery – was launched on 8 April 2013. It was followed later that year by three scratch-off ticket games – “Super Cash”, “Arka e thesarit” and the seasonal “Surprizat e festave”. These instant lotteries are very popular with consumers and have proved to be an excellent product for the Albanian market. In 2014, a second weekly draw was introduced for Loto “6 nga 39” and the new Fito Fito numbers lottery was launched. The gaming systems were adapted accordingly to accommodate this second draw and the new lottery. Fito Fito is drawn daily with a fixed main prize. It is targeted at the more economical price segment and thus attracts a broader audience than its Loto counterpart. The successful range of scratch-off instant lotteries was expanded by four products in 2014: “Simbolet e Fatit” (“Lucky Symbols”) in March, “Një Det I Artë” (“Ocean Gold”) in May, “Shesh-Besh” (“Backgammon”) in September and the reissue of “Suprizat e Festave” (“Festive Surprise”) in November. Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 Austrian Lotteries Total sales in 2014 FACTS & FIGURES 2014 BY PRODUCT in millions EUR Sales 3,150.98 Product Lotto “6 aus 45” Total tax payments 447.02 Toto of which gaming-related taxes and duties 434.40 Torwette Sports funding 80.00 Income from ordinary activities (POA) 50.86 Annual income 35.88 Retained earnings 40.00 Number Employees (FTE ) * 532 Total distribution network 5,162 Points of sale (complete product range) 4,094 “Quick” points of sale (complete product range, play slip/ticket games only as “Quicktipp” option) Sales outlets * Full-time equivalents Bingo EuroMillions* ToiToiToi Zahlenlotto 1-90 5 Change compared to previous year 586,376,137.78 +2.35 % 8,066,998.95 -10.80 % 993,903.70 +2.13 % 10,069,672.30 -1.13 % 339,981,892.80 +5.42 % 18,765,344.00 +2.13 % 4,055,973.00 +1.28 % Joker 182,932,051.69 +0.72 % Rubbellos 127,730,969.00 +6.99 % 22,988,735.00 -7.78 % 31,345,806.00 -3.19 % 1,179,383,695.59 -1.52 % Brieflos Klassenlotterie win2day and Keno win2day Poker 1,063 Sales 2014 in EUR ** WINWIN Total * including share amount ** Rake only 3,325,708.60 -16.32 % 634,958,113.97 +15.19 % 3,150,975,002.38 +3.34 % 45 The Company win2day Computer, tablet or smartphone – win2day is the premier address for games of chance on the internet. The gaming site offers a range of classic Austrian Lotteries lottery products, sports betting as well as electronic lotteries in the form of its Casino Games, Poker Room, Bingo Room and Games Room games. Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries operate the win2day online gaming site via a joint subsidiary company. win2day Entwicklungs- und Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. is a subsidiary of Entertainment Glücks- und Unterhaltungsspiel Gesellschaft m.b.H., in which Austrian Lotteries and Casinos Austria each hold a 50 percent stake. Its purpose of business is the development and operation of electronic lotteries, which are offered via the win2day site. win2day Entwicklungs- und Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. has held an 80 percent share in the Vienna-based games developer Rabcat Computer Graphics GmbH since June 2010. Sales of electronic lottery products (including Poker rake) on win2day were down by 1.6 percent in 2014 compared to the previous year. This decrease is attributed above all to the strong competition in the online gaming sector, consumer spending caution in the first six months of the year and the general Europe-wide downturn in the Poker sector. Electronic lotteries The electronic lottery products on win2day are games which are embedded in a multi-channel platform with an integrated virtual wallet function for participation in games of chance via the internet. Pursuant to Section 12a of the Austrian Gaming Act (Glücksspielgesetz), electronic lotteries are draws in which the player participates directly via electronic media. The win/lose decision for electronic lotteries is calculated centrally. Österreichische Lotterien Ges.m.b.H. holds the license to operate electronic lotteries pursuant to Section 12a of the Austrian Gaming Act. The games offered in the win2day Poker Room, Bingo Room, Casino Games section and Games Room are electronic lotteries. Keno is offered in accordance with Section 12b of the Austrian Gaming Act, but is offered exclusively via the internet on win2day. As with all their products and services, the protection of minors and the protection of players against excessive gambling are also a priority for Austrian L otteries and Casinos Austria on the win2day platform. 46 New games in 2014 A range of new games were added to the win2day portfolio in 2014. In the Casino Games section, these included the “African Dream”, “Candy Pop”, “Robbie Rich Bonus”, “Fruit Stars” and “Lucky Dolphin” slot games, “Joker Lady” video poker game and “Double Roulette”, a new variation of Roulette. The “Frozen Diamonds” mini-game was integrated into the Bingo Room, while “Fruit Stars”, "Frozen Diamonds” and “Jacks or Better” were added to the mobile games portfolio. These mobile games can be played directly via win2day on mobile devices and are optimized for the two leading mobile operating systems (iOS and Android). The Poker Room on win2day In the Austria-only Poker Room on win2day, players can try their luck at the virtual Poker tables in the popular Texas Hold’em and Omaha variants of the game. All the tables in the Poker room are “Austriaonly” tables. In other words, the opponents at the tables are all players from Austria. Games are played with 52 cards (= one deck) which are provided by the central computer. The cards are also shuffled and dealt randomly by a central software application. In spring and fall 2014, additional prizes included a VW Golf worth 20,000 euros and an extra 10,000 euros in prize monies. Regular tournaments with attractive prizes also feature on the program. The Bingo Room on win2day Draws are carried out at one-minute intervals in the Bingo Room. Players can play up to a maximum of 30 tickets per game and can choose between tickets with either 75 or 90 numbers. The cost of a Bingo ticket ranges from 0 to 25 euro cents depending on the game. Various special promotions were held to mark different occasions throughout the year like Easter, spring, the start of fall or Christmas. These included guaranteed prize games, extended happy hours (with half-price tickets), free games, picture bingo and entertaining chat games. Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 Sports betting on win2day Sports betting in cooperation with tipp3 was added to the win2day portfolio in 2013. Sports betting transactions are handled using the player’s existing win2day wallet (Depot). This ensures that sports betting customers are also guaranteed the full benefits of the responsible gaming and player protection measures in place on the win2day site. Three types of sports bets are offered on the w in2day site. The classic sports bet is targeted at players who have a strong interest in sport and like to bet on future sporting events. With this option, players can select from a predefined set of possible outcomes. In contrast, players who opt for the live bet option wager on events that are currently underway. win2day’s third sports betting option, the Quicktipp (“quick bet”) with a 25 percent odds bonus, offers players a simple, straightforward introduction to the world of sports betting. With just one click, they can place a bet on the top teams in the European leagues. The odds bonus adds to the package to produce very attractive total odds. win2day on social media An active exchange of information with users is carried out via the win2day Facebook page. On this page, win2day responds to questions about the games on its site and asks users for their feedback and opinions. The information received is then fed into the product development process. News about what’s going on at w in2day is also posted, and various prize games are held on Facebook. At the end of 2014, the win2day Facebook page had around 21,000 friends. The win2day Twitter feed is also increasingly gaining in popularity. At the end of 2014, win2day had around 1,200 Twitter followers, who – like their Facebook counterparts – are supplied with regular information and news relating to win2day and receive answers to their questions and inquiries. New advertising campaign win2day launched its new TV and internet advertising campaign on 8 September 2014. Directed by Oscar prize winner Stefan Ruzowitzky, the first of the new adverts was filmed in Vienna’s stately Palais Liechtenstein. The communication concept behind the advert centers on the core message “Gaming on win2day: relax and enjoy the fun”. The advert charmingly combines old-style Austrian flair with the modern gaming experience. Empress Elisabeth, affectionately known throughout the land as Sisi, radiates joie de vivre in the leading role and takes some time out from her regal duties for a spot of amusement on the win2day site. The advert clearly demonstrates that pride in its Austrian roots is also a cornerstone of the win2day brand identity. 47 The Company WINWIN – Video Lottery Terminals Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries offer a unique combination of café, bar and gaming via a joint subsidiary at WINWIN outlets across Austria. WINWIN is synonymous with gaming and entertainment at the highest level. The WINWIN outlets are meeting places for fun- loving, entertainment-minded people who enjoy a good night out. They offer guests aged 18 or over the opportunity to try their luck on cutting edge video lottery terminals (VLTs) in a stylish setting, with good value bistro cuisine, well-trained staff and regular live music events and entertainment programs. Glücks- und Unterhaltungsspiel Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. is a subsidiary of Entertainment Glücks- und Unterhaltungsspiel Gesellschaft m.b.H., a joint venture between Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries in which each holds a 50 percent share. Its purpose of business is the operation of video lottery terminals, which are offered in Austria under the WINWIN brand. Österreichische Lotterien Gesellschaft m.b.H. holds the concession for VLTs pursuant to Section 12a of the Austrian Gaming Act (Glücksspielgesetz). In the W INWIN VLT outlets context, Austrian L otteries supplies in particular the technical know-how, while C asinos Austria is responsible for the operative concept. 2014 was an extremely successful year for WINWIN: sales for the year were up by about 15.2 percent to 634.96 million euros. Video Lottery Terminals are optically similar to the classic slot machines found in casinos, but differ in their gaming mechanism. While each slot machine calculates its win/lose decisions independently via a random generator, this decision is calculated for VLTs by a central random generator – based on predetermined odds and payout rates. The games on VLTs constitute electronic lotteries. As an Austrian Lotteries sales partner, the company offers electronic lotteries in the form of VLTs in the name and on behalf of Austrian Lotteries under the WINWIN brand. Electronic lotteries are defined in Section 12a of the Austrian Gaming Act as draws in which the player participates directly via electronic media. 48 Each WINWIN outlet is an attractive and important addition to the local and regional leisure and tourism amenities on offer in its host location. With each outlet, WINWIN also generates qualified jobs and offers a responsible, legal alternative to low-bet slot machines, border casinos and illegal gambling facilities. Preparations for the introduction of player cards and connection to the Federal Computing Center Since 1 January 2015, a maximum of 50 terminals are permissible at each WINWIN outlet, and a gaming area access system is obligatory by law. Likewise, each individual VLT must now be connected to the Austrian Federal Computing Center. These changes required extensive alterations and gaming infrastructure measures in all existing WINWIN outlets, work on which commenced in August 2014. In concrete terms, the gastronomy area must now be physically separated from the gaming area, guests are required to complete a registration process when they enter an outlet, a new player card has been introduced, each terminal must be connected to the Federal Computing Center and adaptations had to be made to the gaming system and the terminals. WINWIN guests were informed about the changes – in particular the introduction of the mandatory player card – in October 2014. Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 WINWIN locations in 2014 • • • • • • • • • • • • • Mayrhofen Lienz Ebreichsdorf Schärding Zell am See Bruck/Leitha Steyr Wels Landeck Vöcklabruck Kufstein Krems Salzburg Tyrol21.05.2004 Tyrol14.08.2004 Lower Austria04.09.2004 Upper Austria21.04.2005 Salzburg23.03.2006 Lower Austria29.06.2006 Upper Austria06.06.2007 Upper Austria27.09.2007 Tyrol23.04.2008 Upper Austria29.10.2008 Tyrol14.05.2009 Lower Austria30.03.2011 Salzburg24.05.2012 49 The Company tipp3 For Austria’s leading sports betting provider, the FIFA World Cup in Brazil was the strongest revenue-generating event in its 2014 betting program. With its new mobile application and digital tippBox, tipp3 realized two further innovative betting projects. Österreichische Sportwetten Gesellschaft m.b.H. was founded in April 2000 and began its gaming operations on 24 August 2001. The company is a subsidiary of Entertainment Glücks- und Unterhaltungsspiel Gesellschaft m.b.H. (56 percent), Mediaprint Zeitungsund Zeitschriftenverlag GmbH & Co. KG (26 percent) and Bundesländerverlage Beteiligungsgesellschaft m.b.H. (18 percent). Casinos Austria AG and Austrian Lotteries each hold a 50 percent share in Entertainment Glücks- und Unterhaltungsspiel Gesellschaft m.b.H. A readily accessible, always up-to-date betting information service is available in the shareholders’ 50 print media; the daily newspapers can use this service to strengthen their customer loyalty. In Austria, up to ten cumulated sports bets on a fixed odds basis do not fall under the state gambling monopoly. Licenses for sports betting of this kind are issued under the provisions established by law in the country’s individual federal states. Österreichische Sportwetten Gesellschaft m.b.H. holds licenses from all nine federal states to provide such sports betting services. tipp3 bets can only be placed – both in sales outlets and via the internet – by persons aged 18 or over. Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 Introduction of a mobile version In response to the growing customer trend towards mobile applications, tipp3 introduced a mobile version of its betting service in the run-up to the 2014 FIFA World Cup. The mobile version is easy to use and features a clear and characteristic design. User numbers confirm the success of this approach – around 30 percent of tipp3’s online customers are already using the mobile version. 2014 FIFA World Cup The 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil was the strongest event of the reporting year for tipp3 in betting revenue terms. The attractive kick-off times for sports betting customers, strong interest in matches featuring the German national team and the balanced mix of wins by the favorites and surprise results all contributed to making this a very successful event both for the numerous new customers and for the bookmakers. At the next major international football event – the UEFA EURO 2016 in France – the Austrian national team will hopefully also being playing. This was just one of the reasons why tipp3 extended its sponsoring agreement with the Austrian Football Association and its advertising cooperation with the team’s successful trainer Marcel Koller. Digital tipp3 betting with the tippBox With its digital tippBox, tipp3 launched a new generation of betting devices in its sales outlets. The tippBox is easy to use, provides safe and reliable transactions and offers many advantages. Users select and place their bets on a touchscreen, collect their printout and hand it to the tobacconist to pay and receive their customary betting slip. The first ten tippBox devices were installed in Vienna at the end of November 2014. Up to 300 devices are expected to be installed nationwide by March 2015. The new devices save time both for the sales outlets and for customers, who also profit at the same time from the accustomed high quality and security of tipp3 transactions. Sports betting license in Germany The tender process for the award of the German bookmaker license was still not concluded at the end of 2014. The Ministry of Internal Affairs in Hessen did, however, make a preliminary announcement to the following effect: after thorough examination and evaluation by the licensing board, the application submitted by Deutsche Sportwetten GmbH (a joint venture between Deutsche Telekom and Österreic hische Sportwetten GmbH/tipp3) for a sports betting license has been ranked 11th of the approximately 150 applications received. The licensing board intends in a further step to issue a license to the 20 best ranked applicants, and thus also to Deutsche Sportwetten GmbH. The process has unfortunately been further delayed by legal petitions submitted by the lower ranked bidders. Better Game Solutions (BGS) BGS is the solution provider for sports betting products in the Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries Group. At the same time, BGS is also the brand with which Österreichische Sportwetten GmbH targets institutional customers. BGS offers modern, failsafe systems and comprehensive consulting services in the design, marketing and operation of gaming and betting products to gaming and betting providers and other companies who wish to enter the sports betting market. 51 Shaken or stirred – we offer the perfect mix An evening in one of our casinos is an evening full of variety, entertainment and great gaming fun. A perfect mix that also continues in our casino bars and casino lounges. From Austrian wines and international cocktails to alcohol-free drinks, we know what modern-day customers like – and offer the right drink for every taste. Ì Did you know that guests in our casino bars and casino restaurants can choose from a selection of 188 drinks? 2014 Financial Year Economic Update Austria’s economy was unable to pick up speed in 2014 as originally forecast. While the signs at the beginning of the year still indicated recovery, growth came de facto to a standstill in the second half of the year. Gross domestic product (GDP) grew only by 0.4 percent compared to 2013. This was largely due among other things to subdued end-user demand in key European customer markets like Italy and Germany. The conflict between Russia and the Ukraine also left its mark on the foreign trade balance. Real growth in exports slowed overall in 2014 to 1.2 percent. Economists predict similar cautious economic growth in Austria for 2015 (forecasted GDP growth: 0.5 percent). 54 Against the background of this difficult economic situation, business confidence increasingly dampened over the course of the reporting year. This was reflected, in turn, in a comparatively low readiness to invest by the corporate sector. Private consumer spending did, however, have a stabilizing effect on the economy: despite only moderate growth in household income, consumer spending not only maintained its previous year’s level, it also grew to a slight extent. Consumers spent proportionally more on education and training and on recreation and leisure activities (travel, entertainment, and the arts), while increasingly deferring, or at least delaying, purchasing decisions for durable goods. Savings once again lay at a very low level: private households set aside only 6.3 percent of their disposable income for savings. The general rise in prices noticeably subsided in Austria in 2014: the average inflation rate dropped from 2 percent in the previous year to 1.7 percent. Food, services and rent prices numbered among the key price drivers in the reporting year, while the trend in fuel prices helped to slow inflation. The negative trend in the Austrian labor market continued, as had already been evident in previous years in the form of continuously rising unemployment figures. The Eurostat unemployment rate for Austria rose in the reporting year to 5 percent and is forecast to grow to 5.3 percent in 2015. The reasons for this are the constantly growing supply of labor, in particular job-seekers without Austrian citizenship, and the subdued economic momentum. Domestic tourism can look back on a good year in 2014, albeit not as strong a year as 2013. The total number of overnight stays lay at 131.9 million, a slight decrease of 0.6 percent compared to the record level reported in the previous year. The main reason for this was an almost 8 percent drop in Russian tourist visitors, a further consequence of the conflict between Russia and the Ukraine (sanctions, travel bans and the Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 falling rouble). Clear differences between the east and the west of the country could also be seen in the reporting year in the comparison of overnight stays in the individual federal states: Vienna (+6.4 percent), Lower Austria (+2.9 percent) and Burgenland (+2.1 percent) all reported a rise in overnight stays, while corresponding figures were down in Vorarlberg (-3.8 percent) and Tyrol (-1.7 percent). In absolute terms, Tyrol remains, however, by far the undisputed favorite destination for tourist visitors to Austria. From a global perspective, the hoped-for upturn failed to materialize in 2014. Global economic growth remained at the previous year’s level of 3.3 percent. On a regional level, very different trends could, however, be observed. While economic recovery in North America, for example, continued to stabilize, Japan slipped once again into recession in the second half of the reporting year. In Europe, the combination of political unrest in Ukraine and weak industrial output in the major economies contributed in particular to the sentiment of gloom. There were, however, also some positive signs, above all the economic upswing in the EU’s crisis-riddenperipheral Member States. On aggregate, economic output in the 28 EU Member States rose in the reporting year by 1.3 percent. The emerging market countries once again lost momentum in 2014. More specifically, economic growth in the emerging and developing countries weakened from 4.7 percent in the previous year to 4.4 percent in 2014. The falling prices on the international commodities markets contributed significantly to this drop, with the effects felt here most severely in the Latin American countries. Brazil, the largest economy in this region, was, for instance, confronted with economic stagnation in 2014. In contrast, growth in Asia remained comparatively robust, not least as a consequence of strong growth in GDP in China (+7.4 percent). From a l onger-term perspective, economic growth does, however, also appear to be slowing here, a trend which current forecasts suggest will continue in the coming years. Indeed, forecasters predict that growth in China will already fall below the 7 percent mark in 2015. 55 2014 Financial Year Revenues and Earnings Results were gratifyingly positive at our 12 domestic casinos in 2014: C asinos Austria posted a 6 percent increase in guest numbers and a 3.2 percent increase in revenues, generated in equal measure from rising gaming revenues and a healthy plus at the Cuisino food and beverage subsidiary. 2014 was a very active and eventful year for Casinos Austria on many counts. With total investments in the double digit millions, the company refurbished its casinos in Bregenz, Velden, Salzburg and Vienna, giving each of them a brand new look that caters to the demands of contemporary leisure guests. The eight casino restaurants operated by Casinos Austria flourished under the new Cuisino food and beverage (F&B) brand, and the launch of Double Roulette introduced a new variation of the game in which small bets have the chance to win up to 1,200 times the amount bet. Guests acknowledged all these measures and flocked in increasing numbers to the 12 Austrian casinos, which welcomed a total of 2,504,422 guests in 2014, a rise of 6 percent year-on-year. Revenues were up by 3.2 percent to 271.6 million euros, generated in equal measure from rising gaming revenues and a healthy plus at the Cuisino F&B subsidiary. Revenues 2014 Casino Revenues in EUR Bregenz 60,968,397 Wien 49,678,044 Linz 24,885,142 Innsbruck 23,870,709 Salzburg 22,061,330 Baden 20,508,397 Velden 18,589,572 Seefeld 13,412,015 Graz 12,360,863 Kitzbühel 7,045,635 Kleinwalsertal 3,683,129 Bad Gastein 1,280,874 Total 258,344,107 Guests 2014 Casino National Guests International Guests Total Wien 184,861 286,555 471,416 Bregenz 184,478 163,196 347,674 Linz 144,215 173,326 317,541 Baden 101,514 215,305 316,819 Graz 228,227 25,714 253,941 Velden 129,679 70,494 200,173 Innsbruck 158,841 41,243 200,084 Salzburg 106,345 72,582 178,927 Seefeld 38,325 69,176 107,501 Kitzbühel 30,397 24,540 54,937 3,731 37,062 40,793 Kleinwalsertal Bad Gastein Total 56 7,298 7,318 14,616 1,317,911 1,186,511 2,504,422 Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 The new façade at Casino Bregenz Total investments in the double digit millions Casinos Austria invests extensively in its 12 casinos every year to ensure they always keep pace with the latest trends and remain attractive gaming and entertainment destinations. This applies both to the gaming mix and staff training as well as to the physical buildings. Preference is given to domestic suppliers in the commissioning of goods and services. In this way, Casinos Austria strengthens the domestic economy and the competitive standing of Austria. In 2014, comprehensive renovation, refurbishment and construction work was carried out in our casinos in Bregenz, Velden and Vienna. Casino Salzburg also launched the planning permission phase for its planned refurbishment. With construction work completed in just under six months, the new facilities and new Casino Lounge at Casino Bregenz were officially opened in September 2014. The venue has been given a completely new façade on the side of the building facing the lake as well as a new summer lounge overlooking the festival square. In the first phase of construction, Casinos Austria has invested over 4 million euros in its highest revenue generating casino, where the gaming facilities in the casual Jackpot Casino have been expanded to provide an additional 200 square meters of floor space and the Casino Lounge features an additional 250 square meters of relaxation space. The new, floodlit façade is a real eye-catcher – and is the first project of its kind to have been realized worldwide by the contractor, Zumtobel Lighting. The façade is illuminated using cutting-edge LED technology: each of the 6,500 LED spots can be individually regulated. A further focus was placed on expanding the venue’s F&B facilities. The FALSTAFF Casino Velden shines in a new light Lounge, which is located over the Jackpot Casino and directly adjoins the casino restaurant, now has a floor space of 460 square meters. The redesigned Casino Bar, where guests can sink into comfortable lounge sofas and enjoy the view of the lake through a 20-meter panorama window, lies in the heart of the casino. It links the main gaming room, the slots gaming room and the Poker area in the Arik Brauer room with the new, 360-square-meter Casino Lounge. All these additions reflect modern trends and cater perfectly to the needs of contemporary guests. With over 316,000 guests each year, Casino Bregenz is a real crowd-puller and a leading tourist venue in the region. The innovative concept was realized by Rudolf T roppmair and Albrecht Prokop at Innsbruck-based architects ArtArch 23. Over 35 companies and more than 185 craftsmen were involved in the project, with all construction and refurbishment work completed without closing the venue. Work will continue in a second construction phase in 2015 with the installation of sun shades in the Cloud Lounge on the summer terrace, thereby completing the overall F&B construction concept. A conservatory directly adjoining the Cloud Lounge will be added to the existing FALSTAFF casino restaurant to provide a further 50 seats. By the end of the second construction phase, the newly constructed façade will encase the entire building in a homogeneous lighting concept. 57 2014 Financial Year The new Cuisino restaurant in Casino Wien In Casino Velden, all that remains of the old look is the imposing water feature. The complete exterior façade has been replaced and a new wave-like canopy roof added. The new construction harmonizes perfectly with the “shared space” project realized by the local authorities in Velden, the federal state of Carinthia and Casinos Austria in the area in front of the casino. The project provided the town’s tourist center with a new relaxation zone where people can linger and enjoy a stroll. The wave-like canopy roof bathes the square in front of the casino in new light using modern LED technology. The reconstruction work at Casino Velden began in m id-September 2013. The new-look façade was officially inaugurated on 3 May 2014 during the casino’s 25th anniversary celebrations. Casino Wien was also extensively adapted in 2014. To accommodate the venue’s new F&B facilities, the second floor of the casino had to be completely redesigned. Vienna-based architect Michael Manzenreiter was commissioned to develop an upmarket restaurant in the casino. Inspired by the red elevator in Wes Anderson’s film Grand Budapest Hotel, the new restaurant offers two separate dining rooms – a red and a gray salon. An international clientele increasingly demands a combination of upscale dining and excellent gaming in a special setting. With its impressive new restaurant, Casino Wien now clearly more than meets this demand. Safe emergency routes, barrier-free access, employee protection and fire safety are the keywords for the planned renovations at Casino Salzburg. Public buildings in Austria must provide barrier-free access from 1 January 2016. To provide such access, Casino Salzburg 58 intends to install two elevators. Current plans foresee the installation of these elevators in two towers. These towers will be built at the rear of the palace and will thus be almost “invisible” to guests. Renovating the baroque Klessheim Palace, which is home to Casino Salzburg, is a challenging endeavor as the listed building is subject to strict conservation rules. Casinos Austria certified as leading company According to the widely accepted definition, a leading company is an enterprise which does not focus on shortterm profit but on long-term, sustainable corporate success and, as such, demonstrates a particularly high level of responsibility to society. Casinos Austria is such a leading company. The 12 casinos in Austria provide impetus to the region, contribute to value creation in far more than just revenue terms, and do so with a clear focus on sustainability. Casinos Austria’s extraordinary range of products and services also convinced the Leitbetriebe Institut, Austria’s Institute of Leading Companies, and not for the first time. On 21 July 2014, Casinos Austria was certified as a Leading company by this institute. The extensive and precisely documented certification process focused in particular on sustainability, market positioning, corporate social responsibility, staff and general stakeholder orientation. The individual criteria were assessed in line with specific guidelines, similar to a credit rating or corporate assessment procedure. C asinos Austria is the only gaming company to have been successfully certified by the Leitbetriebe Institut. Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 Corporate Social Responsibility At Casinos Austria, sustainability means accepting and demonstrating responsibility to society, to the environment and to our staff as well as managing the company to economic success. Casinos Austria is fully aware of the responsibility that comes with its particular position and with the sensitivity of the services it offers – and is willing to act accordingly. At a time when the company is affected by the national and international debate surrounding the organization of the gaming industry, it seems particularly important to set a clear example in terms of corporate social responsibility (CSR). As a good corporate citizen, Casinos Austria increasingly seeks to cooperate and enter into open dialogue with its stakeholders. Traditional CSR issues, such as long-term respect for the environment and the workforce, acknowledgement and acceptance of responsibility to society, the promotion of cultural diversity and the specific issues associated with the gaming business, such as money laundering, player protection and responsible gaming, are all attracting increased public and media interest. Society rightly expects a gambling company like C asinos Austria to set itself particularly strict standards of conduct in this regard. Accordingly, Casinos Austria was one of the first gaming companies worldwide to implement a systematic CSR management structure that reports directly to the management board. This structure has subsequently been continually reinforced and expanded over the years. The company has been reporting publicly on its CSR activities for the last eight years and documents its CSR practices in its regular CSR reports. For Casinos Austria, sustainability also means actively supporting different projects and causes in all sectors of society. Through our extensive sponsoring activities and our commitment to and partnerships with numerous organizations, we support and fund many sporting initiatives and good causes. We are also one of the most important and dedicated sponsors of culture and the arts in Austria. There are many sides to sustainability – both in society and in our own clear commitment to it. CSR is a matter for the entire Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries Group. Our employees assume responsibility in their daily work and actions. The joint CSR Report published by Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries in fall 2014 not only demonstrates how they actively embrace and practice this responsibility, it also documents our goal: our corporate behavior and actions should ultimately serve the good of all Austrians. To establish a network with other companies who demonstrate a similar commitment to their social responsibility, Casinos Austria became a member of respACT, Austria’s most important CSR promoter, in 2008. The group joined the United Nations Global Compact in January 2011 and Transparency International (Austrian Chapter) in February of the same year. Casinos Austria is a proactive contributor to all these organizations. In this regard, a meeting was arranged in October 2014 between Casinos Austria’s Director Dietmar Hoscher and the Executive Director of UN Global Compact Georg Kell. At this meeting, they discussed the future development of the UN Global Compact, and a copy of the group’s latest CSR Report was handed over. The Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries Group was – and indeed still is – actively involved in the development of Austrian and international CSR standards, for example the “Strategic Guidelines for the Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR Guidelines)” produced by the Austrian Standards Institute and the ISO 26000 “Social Responsibility” Standard. 59 2014 Financial Year Since it is important for genuine CSR in an organization to involve as many members of staff as possible in such projects, or at least keep them informed about what is going on, an ever-increasing focus has been placed in recent years on facilitating such involvement. In 2014, an internal CSR forum was established in the Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries Group. Representatives of the different Business Units and Corporate Functions now meet once a month in this forum to discuss CSR issues and initiate CSR projects. The minutes and documents produced at these meetings are published on the group intranet, where they can be accessed and commented on by all members of staff. In 2014, the cooking for a good cause initiative that was launched back in 2010 was repeated on almost 60 a monthly basis. The staff from across the Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries Group who participate in this initiative come together to cook a meal for people in need, initially at the Gruft homeless shelter in Vienna and more recently at the city’s ‘s Häferl, a meeting place and reintegration center for former convicts. The Casinos Austria Group is an important and successful flagship enterprise for the Austrian economy as a whole. Sustainability and responsibility in our daily business and in our ongoing cooperation and work with society are central pillars of our corporate success. Ensuring that they remain so in the future is a challenge that we both welcome and embrace. In 2015, Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries will publish a joint CSR Communication on Progress (COP). Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 Responsible Gaming Casinos Austria has been an international pioneer in the responsible gaming field for many years. With the successful certification of our responsible gaming management system in February 2014, our commitment to player protection and responsible gaming was once again clearly confirmed. A visit to a casino should provide gambling fun in a pleasant setting and should be an exciting leisure experience. Indeed, most people gamble responsibly and within their means. Gambling can, however, in certain circumstances, become a problem for some people. Casinos Austria is fully aware of and acknowledges this fact. As a casino operator and provider of games of chance, our guest policy makes a decisive contribution to minimizing the undesired effects of gambling; this is also our regulatory mandate. Responsible gaming is also fundamental to business in our affiliated companies Austrian L otteries, Casinos Austria International, win2day, WINWIN and tipp3. The group’s Corporate Function Responsible Gaming, Advertising & Sponsoring develops and implements the corresponding strategies and measures to protect our players and customers. The most important instruments here include educating and informing people about the risks of gambling, the use of responsible advertising and sponsoring strategies, the provision of self-monitoring options for players and customers and the availability of appropriate exclusion options on the part of the company. Extensive networking with external institutions like universities and research institutes and the growing number of studies published in recent years establish the basis for effective measures to prevent gambling addiction. Equally important here are cooperation activities with counseling and treatment facilities, which help to identify those products with the strongest links to the potential emergence of a gambling addiction problem. This information is, in turn, instrumental in efforts to prevent at-risk gamblers from drifting into addiction. For Casinos Austria, perfect customer service extends beyond the actual visit to a casino. The high level of player protection that sets the company apart and guarantees fun gaming without a bitter aftertaste starts the moment a guest registers with us in the casino lobby. Recognizing the early warning signs is a fundamental aspect here. We therefore provide our employees with regular and thorough training to ensure they are able to recognize the tell-tale signs in a guest’s gaming behavior. This training is organized in cooperation with renowned counseling centers and treatment facilities. Section 25 (3) of the Austrian Gaming Act (Glücks spielgesetz) stipulates that only specially trained staff may talk to players about a potential gambling problem. The staff who do so at Casinos Austria all have sound knowledge of gambling addiction and are highly aware of the sensitivity of their work. The number of staff trained to handle such situations grows each year, and they are all required to attend a corresponding refresher course and/or take new courses in relevant subjects every year. Our interdisciplinary training measures teach staff about gambling addiction problems, diagnostics, prevention and the basic treatment options available. In addition to the statutory requirements, our training also addresses legal, social and psychological aspects. The high standard of training provided to our staff plays a significant role in the identification of any telltale signs in a person’s gaming behavior. Our technical security facilities and measures make a further essential contribution and begin right at the entrance to our casinos with our strict entry check procedures. Permanent monitoring of gaming behavior also requires the continual gathering of data. If the number of visits, frequency of money exchange transactions or the amounts involved raise cause for concern, a credit report is obtained and a meeting held between the guest and a member of the casino staff. As intended by the related provisions in the Austrian Gaming Act, these meetings result in most cases in a reduction in visit frequency and in the level of amounts bet. If this should prove not to be the case, a further meeting is held with the guest to discuss the potential need for restrictive measures such as an entry ban or restriction in the number of permitted visits in a given period. 61 2014 Financial Year Staff from all our casinos once again participated with great interest in the responsible gaming training courses that were provided in 2014. The group’s responsible gaming experts provided in-depth information on the latest gambling addiction research findings, while local counseling and treatment facilities came to the casinos to give presentations. This provided our casino staff with an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the services provided by these facilities, gain a comprehensive overview of the diagnosis and treatment of gambling addiction and obtain concrete insights into the work of such counseling or treatment facilities. Certified responsible gaming All responsible gaming and responsible advertising measures at Casinos Austria are managed through our responsible gaming management system. We had always sought a possibility to obtain certification for our responsible gaming activities and finally achieved this objective in February 2014. To obtain this certification, our responsible gaming and responsible advertising instruments were subjected to an intensive audit by the Austrian Standards Institute using the certification criteria developed by the European Casino Association (ECA). The certification process involved an intensive audit of several different areas of activity, namely staff training in responsible gaming, information for casino guests, access controls, advertising and marketing, alcohol sales, stakeholder involvement and researching/ raising awareness of risk factors in the development of new gaming products. Casinos Austria is the first gaming company worldwide to have its responsible gaming management system certified according to ECA standards, thereby reinforcing and once again living up to our reputation as a pioneer in this field. 62 Free telephone hotline: 0800 202 304 When it comes in particular to the delicate topic of responsible gaming and player protection, a provider of gambling products and services must be easily reachable and offer its customers professional information, help and solutions. A uniform responsible gaming telephone hotline for all questions relating to responsible gaming and player protection is in place for all companies in the group. The hotline is free of charge in Austria and can be reached on the following number: 0800 202 304. Dedicated responsible gaming website provides comprehensive information The information provided on the dedicated responsible gaming website – – is prepared with the end-user in mind and offers clear and simple access to relevant content relating to this topic. A strong emphasis has been placed on the site on the visual representation of ten recommendations for responsible gaming. In addition to these recommendations for a riskfree approach to gambling, the site’s home page provides information on how to contact the free nationwide hotline as well as direct links to an anonymous self-test and to counseling centers in Austria which offer professional advice and treatment for gambling addicts and their relatives. The website also includes information on the risks of gambling, the legal situation and gambling addiction as well as key contact details. The information is rounded off with details of the odds and the probabilities of winning for the individual games and products offered by the companies in the Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries Group. Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 Responsible advertising Casinos Austria has always voluntarily based its advertising activities on high ethical standards. An 11-point “Code of Conduct Responsible Advertising” ensures that all our advertising and sales activities adhere to the highest ethical standards and, in particular, are not targeted at any vulnerable groups who might be at risk of developing a gambling problem. Full adherence to the Code of Conduct Responsible Advertising is ensured by mandatory procedures, which are applicable across all companies in the group. All advertising activities are checked for adherence to the code and individually approved by the Corporate Function Responsible Gaming, Advertising & Sponsoring prior to commission and implementation. 1th Responsible Gaming Academy with experts 1 from around the globe The annual Responsible Gaming Academy was held for the 11th time on 22 May 2014 in Vienna. Launched and hosted by Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries, the event once again brought together top responsible gaming experts from around the globe in Studio 44 and attracted a record 240 delegates. Herbert Beck, Head of the Corporate Function Responsible Gaming, Advertising & Sponsoring, welcomed the delegates, who this year included members of staff from the companies in the Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries Group, representatives of government ministries as well as employees from renowned gambling addiction counseling centers and treatment facilities. This training and further education measure was launched back in 2004 to provide training to our staff and, above all, to facilitate dialog and knowledge sharing with national and international experts. In the meantime, the Responsible Gaming Academy has gone on to become the most important conference of its kind in Austria. At the 2014 academy, a panel of internationally renowned speakers once again accepted the invitation to present and discuss current topics in the responsible gaming field. Prof. Dr. Jeffrey L. Derevensky from McGill University in Canada reported on the frequently underestimated addictive potential of social media games for youth. Prof. Dr. Per Binde from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden provided key insights into gambling advertising. Dr. Tobias Hayer from the University of Bremen in Germany talked about risk potential in sports betting. Prof. Dr. Herwig Scholz from the Competence Center for Behavioral Dependence and Self-Efficacy in Treffen, Austria, and Doris Malischnig, Head of the Prevention Department at the Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries Group, described “Innovative Training and Competence Development Concepts”, the modular training course for specially trained responsible gaming staff held in fall 2014. Prof. Dr. Neven Ricijaš from the University of Zagreb reported on youth gambling in Croatia, and D r. Doris Kohl, long-time Head of the Responsible Gaming Department at the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance and now a Judge at the Federal Administrative Court in Vienna, provided an overview of the regulatory framework for gambling in Austria. Friedrich Stickler, Deputy Chairman of Austrian Lotteries and President of the European Lottery Association, focused in his opening address on the lack of coherence in the regulation of gambling, noting: “There is a great imbalance between very heavily regulated, legal, licensed operators on the one side and a huge market of illegal operators on the other, who can go about their business virtually unimpeded. There is an urgent need for action here.” With over 1,800 delegates and more than 50 high- caliber speakers to date, the RGA is an important component of the comprehensive responsible gaming concept in place at Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries. 63 There can sometimes be many sides and faces to luck. An international gaming mix is offered as a matter of course in our c asinos. And that wouldn’t be complete without those red dice so often seen bouncing across the table in Hollywood movies. Whatever your preference – Seven Eleven or Sic Bo – our croupiers are all highly trained – and more than happy to provide a spontaneous, entertaining introduction to the rules of the game. Ì Did you know that all the dice in a set are replaced if one of them lands on the floor? 2014 Financial Year (from l. to r.): Karin Bergmann (Director of the Burgtheater in Vienna), Karl Stoss (Chairman of Casinos Austria) Sponsoring Sponsoring is an integral part of social responsibility. At Casinos Austria, diversity and sustainability take priority in our sponsoring activities. Under the motto “Good for Austria”, the group supports institutions and initiatives working in the interests of Austria and the Austrian population. The focus of sponsoring at Casinos Austria lies on commitment to and engagement in social projects, the promotion of the arts, culture and tourism and the support of sporting activities. Social responsibility through sponsoring is an active part of our corporate culture, and we support a diverse range of institutions, activities and initiatives – from leading theaters, museums or opera festivals to integration football world championships and dance workshops for both able-bodied and disabled people. In addition to the actual sponsoring partnership, all these institutions, activities and initiatives also have something else very important in 66 common with Casinos Austria: the all-round experience as a central element of entertainment. Sponsoring at Casinos Austria is not only diverse, it is also sustainable and long-term – as demonstrated, for example, by our many, long-standing cooperation partnerships. We have been supporting the Wiener Festwochen arts festival in Vienna, for instance, for 47 years. Our partnership with the Bregenz Festival has been in place for 35 years, and we have sponsored the Casino Grand Prix, Austria’s largest and most lucrative show jumping tournament, for the past 27 years. Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 Stage setting at the Bregenz Festival in 2014 Bregenz Festival Long-term, reliable sponsoring partners are particularly important in the arts and culture sector. Large, extravagant events like the Bregenz Festival need sponsors for whom supporting the arts has been part of their own corporate culture for many years. With the coming 2015 season, the partnership between Casinos Austria and the Bregenz Festival will be entering its 35th year. That represents over three decades of internationally acclaimed performances like Porgy & Bess, Nabucco, Carmen, A Masked Ball, Aida or the 2014 production of Mozart’s The Magic Flute on the floating stage on Lake Constance. Wiener Festwochen Casinos Austria has literally grown up alongside a very special arts project: the Wiener Festwochen arts festival in Vienna. Over a six-week period in May and June each year, artistic diversity is the name of the game in the Austrian capital. This successful, long-standing partnership has been in place now for 47 years. (from l. to r.): Emmanuel Tjeknavorian (Winner of the 2014 Rising Star Award), Dietmar Hoscher (Director of Casinos Austria) Burgtheater and Akademietheater On the 13th of each month, patrons in Vienna can enjoy theater performances at a very special price. With the sponsoring initiative “Every 13th in the 13th row for just 13 euros”, the number 13 becomes a lucky number for theater-goers as well. The partnership with the Burgtheater has been in place since the 2006/2007 season, while the partnership with the Akademietheater was launched in 2012. Rising Star Award Our sponsoring activities don’t, however, just focus on nurturing existing values – we also initiate and support new projects. Under the motto “Working together for the stars of the future”, the Casinos Austria Rising Star Award (CARSA) for promising young musicians was presented in 2014 for the second time in cooperation with mdw, the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. The aim of the 10,000 euro award, which is directed at mdw students, is to provide young artists with the start-up capital to embark on a professional music career. The high-caliber jury led by Wiener Festwochen Director Markus Hinterhäuser awarded the CARSA 2014 to the 19-year-old violin virtuoso Emmanuel Tjeknavorian. 67 2014 Financial Year Casinos Austria Integration Football World Cup Casinos Austria Integration Football World Cup The Casinos Austria Integration Football World Cup is an amateur five-a-side football tournament and an active example of how integration and harmonious teamwork function in sport. This cooperation with the Sport spricht alle Sprachen (“Sport Speaks all Languages”) association has been in place since 2011, and the 2014 edition of the cross-border tournament series proved as popular as ever. Around 1,800 amateur footballers, the majority of whom have a migration background, take part in the tournament every year. Each team plays for its country of origin. In 2014, the Casinos Austria Integration World Cup was won by Bosnia and Herzegovina. 68 Eva Menasse, winner of the 2014 Alpha Prize for Literature Alpha Prize for Literature The Alpha Prize for Literature was presented for the fifth time in November 2014. This year it was Eva Menasse who won the favor of the judges with her book Quasikristalle (“Quasicrystals”). The 10,000 euro prize was initiated by Casinos Austria and is awarded each year to a talented, up-and-coming author. The Alpha jury is chaired by author and child psychologist Paulus Hochgatterer. The Casinos Austria “Casino on Tour” mobile charity casino tables continue to raise money for good causes every year. In 2014, a total of around 82,000 euros was raised for charity at these mobile casino tables at 237 events across Austria. Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 Selected Casinos Austria Group sponsorship projects •2nd Austrian Inclusion Day • Aktion “Leben mit Krebs“ (“Living with Cancer” initiative) • ALC – Austria’s Leading Companies • Alpha Prize for Literature • Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Austria (Workers’ Samaritan Federation) • Austrian Mountain Rescue Service • Austrian National Library • Austrian Red Cross • Bregenz Festival • Burgtheater in Vienna • Caritas Vienna – House Immanuel for Mothers and Children in Need • Casino Grand Prix • Casinos Austria Integration Football World Cup • Dancers Against Cancer (association for the care of cancer patients) • Danube Island Festival in Vienna • European Forum Alpbach • European Forum Wachau • Fête Impériale – Spanish Riding School Summer Ball • Hospiz Österreich (Austrian counseling and competence center for hospice and palliative care) • ImPulsTanz Festival – DanceAbility Workshops • Joanneum Universal Museum– Annual Membership Card • Klassik in den Alpen (Classical Music in the Alps) – Elina Garanca in Kitzbühel • Kunsthistorisches Museum (Museum of Art History in Vienna) – Annual Membership Card • Lebenshilfe Niederösterreich (counseling and aid organization in Lower Austria) • Licht ins Dunkel (Light into Darkness charity) • Museum of Natural History in Vienna – Annual Membership Card • Nestroy – Vienna Theater Award • Neunerhaus (homeless shelter in Vienna) • Österreichische Wachkomagesellschaft (society for the care of coma patients in Austria) • Red Nose Gala – Anniversary Event in Volkstheater Vienna • Schönbrunn Zoo in Vienna • Simultania (Award for Disabled Artists) – Art Calendar • Sollenau meets Grafenegg – Two Sponsoring Projects Come Together • Technisches Museum Wien (Vienna Museum of Technology) • Vereinigte Bühnen Wien (theater company in Vienna) • Vienna State Opera • Volkshilfe (public aid organization) • Volkstheater (theater in Vienna) • Wiener Festwochen (arts festival in Vienna • Wiener Hilfswerk (public aid organization in Vienna) • Wiener Kabarettfestival (cabaret festival in Vienna) • Wiener Stadthalle (event center in Vienna) • WWF Austria 69 2014 Financial Year Employees An investment in its employees is an investment in the success of a company. In 2014, the focus at Casinos Austria lay on management development. Our corporate volunteering program was also successfully continued. As a leading international casino and gaming company, Casinos Austria is an attractive employer. We offer international career opportunities, provide excellent staff education and training opportunities and run programs to maintain and promote staff health. Guest service assumes top priority at Casinos Austria, and we are fully aware that highest quality guest service can only be achieved with top quality employees. Our employees have to be flexible, mobile and dedicated to their work – both day and night. We provide them with the corresponding facilities and support. Casinos Austria places particular importance on providing its staff with excellent training and on developing valuable know-how within the company. The advantages of in-house expertise are particularly relevant in specialist areas like the gaming industry. Casinos Austria has a highly-qualified team of internal trainers in place who have been sharing their expertise with their colleagues in our casino operations since 2011. These experts provide in-house training, for example, in regulatory topics like responsible gaming, information security, data protection and the prevention of money laundering. Our “advising program” to help integrate junior croupiers into the company and provide them with advice, support and encouragement was also successfully continued in the reporting year. In this staff development instrument, one person (the advisor) supports the development of another person (the advisee). Casinos Austria has advisors in place at all its casinos, each of whom supports a maximum of three new colleagues for a maximum duration of 12 months. 70 Further key activities in our staff development program in the reporting year included personality development training courses on the topics “My Role as Brand Ambassador” and “Intercultural Awareness”. We also began a comprehensive leadership workshop program for all managers, especially those who had been appointed to a leadership position within the last few years. Aimed at improving professionalism in our leadership and staff management practices, the three modules in the program – “My Leadership Role”, “Managing Teams” and “Organization” – are designed to establish a shared understanding of leadership culture in the Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries Group. To increase the effectiveness of our local level management, the Balanced Scorecard was updated, and ten workshops were organized to train those members of staff who work with this tool. Based on the results and the feedback from the 140 participants in these workshops, the tool was adapted both in terms of c ontent and usability. In 2014, Casinos Austria employed a total of 4,539 staff worldwide. Of these, 1,670 were employed in our casinos in Austria (including at headquarters in Vienna and in our Cuisino, CAST, CCB and CALL subsidiaries). Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 Diversity and equal opportunities Workshops were held in all Business Units in the Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries Group to define targets and measures to ensure equal opportunities and a gender balance. One of the topics discussed here was how to deploy women with qualifications equal to those of their male counterparts in male-dominated areas and help them to advance their careers by providing special training and further education measures. Excellence in recruiting and personnel marketing An applicant management tool was developed in the Recruiting and Personnel Marketing unit to increase the quality and efficiency of the recruiting process and raise the professionalism of the company’s public image. This also includes an increased presence on social media and links to social media channels. Casinos Austria received a “Silver Seal of Approval” in Career magazine’s survey of Best Recruiters. Corporate volunteering – a day for a social project In April 2013, the group launched a corporate volunteering program for all employees in Austria under the motto: “Good for Austria”. Corporate volunteering is an internationally recognized term: companies that engage in corporate volunteering support and encourage their employees to volunteer in their local communities. At Casinos Austria, each employee is allowed to spend one working day a year doing voluntary work for a good cause. The focus here lies on people – e.g. volunteering to spend a day with the elderly, with handicapped people, with children in need or the less fortunate in society or by putting one’s practical skills to good use. In this program, the Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries Group works with some of our long-standing partners like Caritas, the Hilfswerk public aid organization, the Lebenshilfe counselling and aid organization, the Soma social markets, the Wiener Tafel association for social transfer and the Austrian Red Cross. These organizations frequently need support for events and trips or help, for example, with renovation projects. A total of 165 employees volunteered to spend a day working for a good cause in 2014. Several teams also used the opportunity to do something together to help others. “Don’t gamble with your health” campaign A company-wide working group was established back in 2013 to evaluate psychological stress in the workplace. This group worked with external occupational psychologists to establish a uniform evaluation procedure. After an initial pilot phase in the first and second quarters of 2014, the evaluations were carried out throughout the company in fall 2014. The analysis of the results and consultation on the next steps will be carried out in the first six months of 2015. Our programs to maintain and improve staff health are based on three pillars: diet/nutrition, exercise and mental health. We also offer permanent healthcare facilities and advice to our staff through occupational physicians. In addition to optimal consideration of health aspects in the workplace, staff can also arrange, for example, to have a preventive medical check-up with these physicians. 71 2014 Financial Year Security The protection of guests, gaming operations and sensitive data go hand-in-hand at Casinos Austria. State-of-the-art video technology – and staff who use it responsibly as a matter of course – are the keys to security and safety in our casinos. There are many aspects to safety and security at Casinos Austria, and we address and meet security demands both from a technical and an organizational perspective. The well-being of guests at our 12 casinos across Austria clearly assumes top priority. A total of 28 members of staff in these casinos are responsible for all aspects relating to safety and security. They are all highly trained and are provided with regular training and refresher courses. First aid courses are, for example, held each year in our casinos under the supervision of representatives of AUVA (the Austrian insurance association for occupational injuries). Emergency scenarios and procedures (e.g. fire drills) are also rehearsed at regular intervals. The security camera installations in our casino foyers and gaming areas are kept as unobtrusive as possible and convey a sense of security rather than an impression of omnipresent surveillance. The video technology serves to prevent criminal activities and thus to protect our guests, our staff and the company as a whole. Recordings made in our casinos are archived for up to 30 days in line with data protection commission provisions and guidelines. The reason for this 30-day archiving requirement is the time delay that occurs before credit card incidents become apparent. Our central surveillance system is the key component of the Casinos Austria security system. This video-based system is extremely flexible and can be operated both from a local control center in the casino as well as from a central security control center. Fire alarm systems, burglar and panic alarms as well as access control systems are all connected to the security control center. Numerous precautionary measures are in place to safeguard inventory and equipment, 72 including motion detectors and alarm systems to prevent attempts to manipulate gaming activities. The video systems must be realigned to all security relevant systems and installations following any alterations or refurbishments to the casino premises. In accordance with the official mandate issued by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance, 180 so-called internal system checks are carried out each year without prior notification of time and venue. The team in the Security & Surveillance Division is also responsible for facility engineering matters in the individual casinos. This includes not only the installation of adequate locks and entry systems but also the handling of service and maintenance visits by external security firms to work on intruder and fire alarm systems. They are also responsible for the safeguarding of product security for sensitive casino products like playing cards and chips. The ongoing modernization of technical components is a fundamental element of security policy at Casinos Austria and was continued throughout 2014. We also continued with the installation of modern recording devices at cash desks and in cash rooms, where high resolution digital recorders and IP cameras are in use. Detailed planning of the modification of the video systems in Graz and Seefeld was completed. Additional cameras were installed at those tables where cash chips were in use during the European Poker Championship in Baden. A cross-functional security committee is responsible for adherence to all relevant guidelines and procedures. This committee also ensures that security standards across the group are continually improved. Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 The Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries Group strives through its security policy to: • ensure that all games, products and associated business processes are managed correctly and with appropriate continuity; • provide each player and guest with an equal chance of winning and prevent games from being manipulated in any way; • establish appropriate measures and precautions to protect the lives and well-being of any players, guests or other customers while on company premises; • comply with all statutory legal and corporate provisions; • guarantee the availability, confidentiality and integrity of any material and immaterial assets and provide authorized users with access to these assets as required; • avoid, identify and/or rectify any loss or falsification of information, information systems and data storage media; • prevent any unauthorized use of this information and these information systems; • provide compulsory safety and security training for all staff and ensure that all staff also complete this training. 73 Superb dining is part of the experience in our casinos We are known far beyond our national borders for treating guests in our 12 casinos across Austria not only to top quality gaming but also to excellent cuisine. Regional, seasonal and organic – our casino restaurants source their ingredients from 126 Austrian producers. Our guests value and appreciate good food. In 2014, we served 87,000 “Dinner & Casino” tasting menus – thereby also offering our guests the ultimate taste experience. Ì Did you know that the casino restaurants across Austria use around 47,000 pieces of flatware? 2014 Financial Year (from l. to r.): Marcel J. Vanic, (Chef de Cuisine, Casino Velden), Karl Stoss (Chairman, Casinos Austria), Harry Mittermaier (Cuisino Manager, Casino Baden) Cuisine and Casino The new F&B brand Cuisino – 150 culinary events from wine and Champagne tastings through asparagus, cheese and smoked fish specials to roast goose – turned a visit to a casino into a culinary extravaganza in 2014. The 2014 business year was also an exciting and successful one for Casinos Austria from a culinary perspective. The absolute highlight of the year was the positioning of the new F&B brand Cuisino – Culinary Events by Casinos Austria. The cafés, bars, restaurants and lounges in our casinos in Baden, Bregenz, Innsbruck, Kleinwalsertal, Kitzbühel, Seefeld, Velden and Vienna all switched to the new Cuisino brand. As event caterer in Baden and Velden, Cuisino also caters annually to several thousand event guests. Cuisino offers highest quality cuisine and catering and, of course, perfect service. 76 Casino Bregenz boasts a brand new Bar & Cuisino Lounge. A completely new 64-seat restaurant was opened in Casino Wien offering upscale dining. A great location for a romantic dinner, for a celebration or for private or business functions. The Cuisino kitchen teams expertly prepare top quality Austrian produce and are committed to providing highest quality cuisine using regional, seasonal and organic ingredients. Fine produce from Austria is an absolute prerequisite and is transformed into exquisite culinary creations and served with first-class wines and beverages. Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 Celebrity chefs Andi & Alex created sublime “Dinner & Casino” menus Casinos Austria places a strong emphasis on regional specialties on its restaurant and bar menus. Wherever possible, our casino restaurants source their ingredients from local producers based near their respective casinos. In this way, we are also able to practice and respect our core corporate values – like sustainability and social responsibility – in our F&B operations and compliment this with a return to the qualities and values promoted by the “slow food” concept. Our casinos also cooperate with Bund Österreicher Gastlichkeit, the Austrian hospitality federation, an organization which promotes the Austrian art of cooking and Austrian culinary know-how. And we also demonstrate our social responsibility when it comes to products which do not originate from Austrian producers and opt here for the use of “Fairtrade” products wherever possible. The award-winning, top-quality restaurants in our casinos have been recognized by Gault Millau with a total of five toques: two in Velden and one each in Bregenz, Kleinwalsertal and Baden. Culinary packages Fine dining is but one element of the casino experience. Exciting gaming at the tables or slot machines is an equally important aspect of a night at the casino. So if you can combine the two – fine dining and great gaming – all the better. That’s why each of our casinos also offers a range of attractive culinary packages. These include our ever-popular “Dinner & Casino” package, which allows guests to combine a memorable dinner with a few thrilling hours at the gaming tables. For the price of 59 euros per person, guests receive an exquisite fourcourse tasting menu, with welcome chips to the value of 25 euros thrown in for good measure. In 2014, the popular Austrian celebrity chefs Andi & Alex created the “Dinner & Casino” menus in Casino Baden. Guests could also experience the entertaining pair’s culinary talents in person on four occasions when the duo cooked live at the casino. Gourmet events Gourmets had the choice of 150 different culinary events in our casinos in 2014. That’s enough to make anyone’s mouth water. The gourmet series began in March with smoked fish and smoked salmon. In May, it was the turn of the noble asparagus. In the summer, strawberries were served in all manner of delicious shapes and forms, while the fall menus followed tradition and featured pumpkin and goose. 77 2014 Financial Year (from l. to r.): Dietmar Hoscher, “Wine Queen” Tanja I., Goldene Traube winner Hans Tschida, Karl Stoss To mark the kick-off of the FIFA World Cup, Casino Baden invited representatives of politics, business and sport to an authentic Brazilian churrasco. It is now tradition for Casinos Austria to arrange a get-together with typical host-country dishes in Casino Baden to mark the kick-off of all major football events. On 19 November 2014, Studio 44 hosted the fourth Genuss Gipfel gourmet food summit to coincide with the launch of the Genuss Guide 2015 (“Gourmet Guide 2015”) and present the awards to the country’s best organic delicatessens. Gourmet awards Since Austrian cuisine, Austrian hospitality and Austrian wine culture are closely interwoven with the gourmet experience offered in our casinos, C asinos Austria has always been a strong promoter and advocate of these important pillars of “red-white-red” culture. Each year, the company sponsors the “ Goldene Traube” (“Golden Grape”) award for particularly good wines from the Burgenland region. In 2014, the sought-after award was presented to Hans Tschida f rom the Angerhof winery in Illmitz for his 2010 Trockenbeerenauslese Sämling 88. The most prestigious of Casinos Austria’s gourmet awards is the “Goldene Roulette Kugel” (“Golden Roulette Ball”). Awarded in cooperation with the Gault Millau restaurant bible, the Goldene Roulette Kugel recognizes the best of the best. Many well-known restaurants across the country have already proudly accepted this award, which was presented in 2014 to the Waldschänke restaurant in Grieskirchen in Upper Austria. 78 Awarding of the Goldene Roulette Kugel (from l. to r.): Karl Stoss, Elisabeth and Heinz Grabmer, Gault Millau Publisher Karl Hohenlohe The SALON Austria Wine Awards also tour selected casinos every year to showcase a selection of the best wines of each vintage. The wines are rated by an expert jury, and casino guests have the opportunity to taste them for themselves. Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 The Casino Gaming Experience Gaming is our core business. In 2014, we offered a particularly rich choice of gaming fun: some 900 tournaments – including the 25th European Poker Championship – brought sell-out gaming floors. As an innovative gaming company, Casinos Austria reacts with speed to customer trends and demands – a fact impressively demonstrated by the launch of our new Double Roulette game in 2014. If you are looking for diverse gaming entertainment, then Casinos Austria is the place for you: from table gaming or slot machines to international games or local trends, our casinos offer something for every taste. And with plenty of tournaments, events and promotions to choose from, there were also great, high-value prizes to be won once again in 2014. The classic casino table games – Roulette, Blackjack and Poker – still remain the most popular table games with our guests. But Easy Hold’em, Punto Banco, Easy Poker, Tropical Stud Poker, Red Dog and the Wheel of Fortune also have their fans and are thus also included in our gaming mix. Guests at our casinos can try their luck at a total of 235 gaming tables across Austria. The chance of winning big on the slots in our casinos is highest on our Mega Million Jackpot machines. The Mega Million Jackpot is Casinos Austria’s biggest progressive slot jackpot and links selected slot machines at all our casinos across the country. Wins of 1 million euros or more are possible with just a small bet. In 2014, the Mega Million Jackpot was hit twice – once in Casino Velden and once in Casino Innsbruck – with both lucky winners taking home a cash prize of over 1 million euros. The choice of slot machines is particularly large in our Jackpot Casinos, which are open from morning until night and where the dress code is casual. Our casinos across Austria offer a total of 2,010 slot machines. 40 different types of slots with more than 400 games provide for great variety. Slot machine gaming is extremely popular with our guests, a fact that is reflected in its 72.5 percent share of our gross gaming revenues. To provide these guests with continued variety, new games and game systems are increasingly being installed on existing machines. Innovative ideas With the introduction of Double Roulette, C asinos Austria once again demonstrated its innovative strength. The launch on 10 October 2014 marked the start of a Roulette experience with a new level of excitement and chances to win up to 1,200 times the amount bet. Casinos Austria celebrated the launch in Casino Baden and Casino Wien with a big party, to which – in keeping with Double Roulette – we invited many sets of twins. The introduction of Double Roulette has allowed us to attract new target groups, extend the range of games on offer in our casinos and considerably increase our Roulette revenues. There were also plenty of other creative ideas in 2014. Another new variation of Roulette was presented on 22 January 2014 in Casino Kitzbühel to mark the Hahnenkamm race weekend. The new “Streif Roulette” game enthralled casino guests and ski stars alike – offering everyone an opportunity to win at last on the legendary Streif with the world-famous downhill course now starring in a very special Roulette game. The change in rules for Easy Hold’em introduced at the end of March 2014 and the creation of a new bet option with attractive pay-out rates increased the popularity of this Poker game, which generated its best revenue results since its launch. The FIFA World Cup also found its place on our tables. From 10 June 2014 and throughout this mega event, the World Cup was literally the name of the game on our Roulette and Blackjack tables. Each number on the specially designed Roulette cloth was assigned to one of the participating nations, with host nation Brazil heading up the numbers field on zero. The five continents were also given their own fields. Similarly, the seven boxes on the Blackjack tables bore the names of the continents (including North and South America) and Brazil. 79 2014 Financial Year New variations of Blackjack have also been on offer in our casinos since the beginning of December 2014. Classic, Vegas and Party Blackjack now make this casino favorite even more attractive. In recent years, we have developed and increasingly introduced new “plug and play” American Roulette tables in our casinos. In 2014, we also developed a display system for single-croupier tables, which was launched in December. With the development of these new single-croupier plug-and-play tables, Casinos Austria once again set a new standard in casino gaming. All necessary cables and connections as well as the pedestal, lighting, screen and surveillance camera are already built in to these tables, which are ready to be plugged in, i.e. literally “plug and play”. The table is rolled into position, plugged in and is ready for play. These new tables will be available in our casinos from 2015. Each of our casinos has its own unique atmosphere, which is also reflected in its décor. Accordingly, the gaming tables should also fit with the look of the respective casino. In fall 2014, a customized American Roulette table in Alpine look – complete with wood veneer and polished brass – was produced and installed in Casino Seefeld. 80 Thanks to the innovative ideas from our Gaming Division and from individual members of staff in our casinos, ideas for new games can be quickly turned into reality at Casinos Austria, thus guaranteeing variety and high quality in our gaming mix. Thrilling tournaments More than 35,000 guests took part in some 900 tournaments in our casinos in the reporting year. Our tournament calendar features both table and slots events, which are organized and hosted by each individual casino to keep the gaming and tournament experience exciting. Tournaments for different games like Roulette, Blackjack and Easy Hold’em or the Baccarat World Championship in Casino Seefeld attract plenty of participants and interested spectators to our casinos. The Casinos Austria Poker Tour (CAPT) once again proved popular with Poker fans in 2014. The new tournament structure with a mixture of high and low buyins has firmly established itself in the casinos. Poker players from all around the globe travelled to Austria to participate in the six stops on the CAPT tour, where a total of almost 4 million euros in prize monies was up for grabs. The largest check – for over 113,000 euros – went to Artur Koren at the European Poker Championship in Casino Baden, a 25th anniversary event that was Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 Launch of the Streif Roulette game in Casino Kitzbühel with Casinos Austria Director Bettina Glatz-Kremsner (2nd from r.), Bernd Wollmann, Andreas Wagger, Nadja Schramm and Casino Director Paul Vogel (from l. to r.) also the final stop in the CAPT 2014 season. The ten tournament days in Casino Baden were a big event both at the tables and beyond. In addition to the tournament tables, up to 15 cash-game tables and a special room for high-rollers proved very popular. On 25 October 2014, Casinos Austria presented the Las Vegas hit game Open Face Chinese Pineapple Poker during the European Poker Championship. This new game is particularly popular among Poker aficionados. Poker is available in all variations in our casinos, and the Casinos Austria and win2day tournament calendars featured something for every taste: from weekly and monthly tournaments to Poker games for “newbies” and the Poker elite. The tried and trusted Poker cooperation with the group’s online gaming platform win2day was continued throughout 2014. Poker players could qualify online for tournaments in our casinos and thus also had the chance to turn a small stake into big prize money. To be able to continue offering prestigious national and international tournaments in the future, a casino operator has to constantly develop its Poker portfolio. Accordingly, Casinos Austria will continue in future to set trends and respond to customer demands to keep its portfolio exciting and attractive. Diverse promotions Our popular promotions – like “Lucky 13th ” and “Ladies Day” – also proved very successful in 2014. The 13th of every month is always a “Lucky Day” at Casinos Austria with lots of additional chances to win for our guests. On every “Friday the 13th ”, a 1,300 euro prize draw is held in all Austrian casinos. The “Lucky Number 13” thus also again encouraged plenty of people in 2014 to try their luck in our casinos. June was the only month of the year in which the 13th fell on a Friday: 10,216 guests came to our casinos that day, making it the busiest day of the year in terms of guest numbers. The success of this marketing strategy is also confirmed by the guest numbers for the twelve “13th” promotion days as a whole: some 94,000 guests visited a Casinos Austria casino on those days – 24.2 percent more than on comparable weekdays. Every Wednesday is “Ladies Day” at Casinos Austria. Guests on “Ladies Day” enjoy attractive welcome packages with lucky chips and entry tickets for draws for high-value daily and main prizes. Great packages were once again on offer in 2014 in cooperation with our partners – Columbus Travel, Turkish Airlines, Samsonite and Canon. In the January to April promotion period, for example, “Ladies Day” guests collected tickets for an exciting city break prize draw. 81 2014 Financial Year Croupier Christian Huf with beach volleyball trainers Teresa und Nadine Strauss at the presentation of the new Double Roulette game Our “Collect & Win” promotions naturally also proved particularly popular, with prizes including 23 brand new Fiat 500s and vacation money for life! The international “Day of Happiness” was celebrated in Casino Wien with an over-sized Roulette game on the city’s Kärntner Straße pedestrian shopping mile. Casinos Austria was awarded the “Etat-Maus” online marketing award by readers of Der Standard newspaper in February 2014 for our “With luck from 0 to 500” advertising campaign for our Fiat 500 promotion. ew advertising campaign, social media and N internet presence In September 2014, Casinos Austria launched its new “Moments of Luck and Happiness” advertising campaign. A visit to one of the 12 Austrian casinos offers far more than just luck at the gaming tables, it is a happy and uniquely entertaining experience for all the senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. The new advertising campaign conveys this message in an impressive manner. The company’s new marketing claim – which centers on “The experience” – further emphasizes this point. 82 This experience also continues on the Casinos Austria website – The website features a striking new graphic design and uses state-of-the-art parallax scrolling in which the contents of the website move at a different speed to the background images. The website design is in keeping with the new advertising campaign and provides the user with a more emotive introduction to the world of the casino. Casinos Austria has been successfully operating an online shop for the last 12 years. Accessible at, the shop can be used to purchase and print casino (gift) vouchers quickly and easily. In 2014, the shop was also optimized for use on mobile devices, and the voucher design was updated. The online shop has developed into a strong sales channel alongside direct sales in our casinos and is now an integral part of our sales strategy. The online Christmas advertising campaign for “Dinner & Casino” vouchers was particularly successful, and Casinos Austria was awarded the prestigious Bronze EFFIE Award in the “Services” category for this campaign. This successful campaign also helped to considerably raise revenues generated from our two online shops and Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 Double Roulette wheel In 2014, our online shop was granted the “Trusted Shops Seal of Approval” – the leading seal of approval for online shops in Europe – and the “Austrian E-Commerce Trust Mark” for the 11th year in succession. C asinos Austria also received the first Euro-Label “Mobile E-Commerce Trust Mark” in Austria – a clear confirmation of the high quality and integrity of our products. We were also very active again on social media and the internet in 2014. The Casinos Austria Facebook page now has over 60,000 friends. Add to these the friends on the individual casino pages, and the total rises to more than 101,000 friends. These loyal followers are invited to participate in numerous Facebook promotions, including special prize draws and photo competitions. Gaming mix comparison 2013-2014 as of 31 December 2014 Number of gaming tables/ slot machines Table games American Roulette Double Roulette 2013 2014 70 68 0 2 Blackjack 48 63 Blackjack X-change 14 7 3 2 French Roulette Tropical Poker 15 13 Poker 50 50 Easy Hold’em 22 16 Punto Banco 5 7 Other 7 7 234 235 1,968 2,010 Total table games Slot Machines 83 2014 Financial Year Multifaceted Event Provider The 12 casinos across Austria and our dedicated Studio 44 and Congress Casino Baden (CCB) event locations are the perfect venues for events of all kinds. Good music, arts and cultural events and fine dining make a visit to the casino an experience for all the senses. Our 12 Austrian casinos are not only famous for their fun gaming, they also offer a host of other experiences and are the perfect locations for events of all kinds. They are top culinary venues and meeting places for young and old alike. The extensive options that are available are clearly reflected in the 2,000+ events and functions hosted in or by our casinos each year. Two dedicated event venues – Congress Casino Baden (CCB) and Studio 44 in Vienna – round the portfolio off and make Casinos Austria one of the top event organizers in 84 the country. The combination of flexible room concept, state-of-the art technical equipment, perfect organization and personalized support make each and every event from Baden to Bregenz a unique experience. Casinos Austria’s events make our product and brands come alive for our guests and inimitably combine top class entertainment, cuisine and gaming. And they do so in the perfect setting as well – in the majestic ambiance of a historic city palais, in a bustling downtown location or even in a baroque palace. Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 The popular “Fashion and Style Show” in Casino Bregenz Highest quality, absolute professionalism and a flexible approach to meeting customer demands are a matter of course. With an increasing number of events to choose from in recent years, customer expectations have naturally also risen. Only really good events truly satisfy customer demands and trigger the desired enthusiasm among guests. Each of our casinos has its own special charm and has various function rooms available. From Casineum event room, award-winning restaurant or wine cellar – Austria’s casinos offer the right venue for every event. Curtains up at the 12 casinos The Cuisino F&B team at Casino Baden launched a cooperation in 2014 with Austrian celebrity chefs Andi & Alex for the ever-popular “Dinner & Casino” package. In addition to creating the “Dinner & Casino” menus, the duo treated casino guests to a live culinary experience on four occasions throughout the year, answering questions and giving cooking tips – all with a liberal sprinkle of their own, inimitable flavor of humor. Casino Bad Gastein invited skiers on 1 March 2014 to take a break from the slopes and drop in from noon to the restaurant at the top of the Stubnerkogel mountain, where the Roulette ball was being spun for a good cause. With its popular charity events like this “Casino on the Mountain” promotion in cooperation with the Gasteiner Bergbahnen cable car company and “Styria-Burgenland Wine Friends” initiator Roman Jungwirth its traditional “Open Day”, Casino Bad Gastein raised a total of over 2,500 euros for the Gasteiner mountain rescue service and the Clown Doctors charities in 2014. With a brand-new Mini Cooper as main prize, the “Casino Herbst” fall festival in Casino Bregenz included a range of chic large-scale events like the L’Oréal “Fashion and Style Show”. Local comedian Stefan Vögel caused hilarity with his “Half-time in the game of life” routine, while the Bradlberg Musig folk band and local dialect poet Otto Hoffer made sure everyone had fun at the Oktoberfest in the casino’s Arik Brauer Saal event room. The SALON Austria Wine Awards tour brought top local wines to the casino in September, while a gourmet “Game” evening in the FALSTAFF casino restaurant rounded off the fall event program. Casino Graz organized numerous wine events throughout the year, including the “Styria-Burgenland Wine Friends” tasting, which was hosted by the casino in 2014 for the 8th year. Charity events like the “Dinner in the Dark” evening also featured strongly on the calendar. On 5 January 2014, the casino invited guests to chill at its “501 – the coolest New Year celebration in the city” party, where one of the relaxed highlights of the night was a laid-back performance by Eurovision Song Contest winner Conchita Wurst. The casino also features a 180-square-meter Casineum function room for smaller events, like the regular Casino Comedy Club shows. 85 2014 Financial Year Miss Upper Austria beauty pageant in Casino Linz Die Fünf Moes in Casino Innsbruck The highlight of the 2014 event year at Casino Innsbruck was definitely the Die Fünf Moes show. Specially arranged for Casino Innsbruck by Marc Hess, over 1,000 enthralled guests have seen this fantastic show to date. With its cleverly and topically translated lyrics from the hit musical Five Guys Named Moe, swinging choreography and spectacular lighting effects, the show will continue to bring Broadway flair to the casino in 2015. Celebrities are frequent and welcome guests at Casino Kitzbühel. During the 2nd Kitzbühel Film Festival in August 2014, stars like Mario Adorf, Andrea L’Arronge, Hardy Krüger Jr., and many more all visited the popular casino in the legendary Alpine town. Over 40 events were held in the Casineum event room at Casino Kitzbühel throughout 2014. With its many high-profile events like the Casino Ball, the Media Ball, the Captain’s Ball, prize draws and high-roller tournaments, Casino Kleinwalsertal plays an important role in the region’s social calendar. It adds to and enhances the cultural events on offer in the area and is a popular meeting place for local residents and visitors to the Kleinwalsertal valley. The casino places primary importance on supporting regional commerce and works closely with local businesses from many different sectors. Casino Linz hosted the Miss Upper Austria Pageant for the first time in 2014. The evening began with an exclusive fashion show by Linz-based designer 86 Gottfried, in which former Miss Upper Austria winners modelled the star designer’s haute couture. 16 contestants from across Austria then took to the catwalk in the latest creations from leading designers. The beauty and fashion pageant was moderated with great charm by Austrian TV’s Dancing Star and Bingo presenter Dorian Steidl and his colleague Andreas Steppan with superb music in the style of the Rat Pack and songs by the inimitable Austrian star Missy May. Casino Salzburg is a popular networking event venue for all manner of different business and cultural networks, including the Junge Wirtschaft Salzburg network of young entrepreneurs or the Kunsthilfe Salz burg association for the promotion of talented young artists. During one such event, the young graffiti artist Soma (Tamara Volgger) staged the first exhibition of her work. Casino Seefeld is well-known in the Olympic skiing region for its high-quality events throughout the year. In 2014, one such event was held a week before the official opening of the annual Oktoberfest beer festival in Munich. Local associations and groups once again had the chance to demonstrate their prowess at the Casino Seefeld “Wiesn Challenge”. The event in the Alpine-look casino was opened with the traditional cry of “O’zapft is” (literally: “the barrel is tapped”). The event area was decorated in the traditional Bavarian colors of blue and white, and most of the guests wore the traditional Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 Bal du Cirque Fantastique in Casino Velden Huge Roulette game on the Kärntner Straße directly in front of Casino Wien dress of Lederhosen or Dirndl. At the “Wiesn Challenge”, 29 groups had to demonstrate their skills at “carrying beer” (in liter jugs, of course), “throwing casino chips”, “building houses of cards” and a slots tournament. A real highlight of the 2014 summer season was the “Bal du Cirque Fantastique” on 3 May in Casino Velden. The event enchanted stars and regular guests alike: some 2,000 party-goers danced the night away in the manège. And there was plenty of reason to party: the casino was celebrating its 25th anniversary in style. With the casino transformed for the occasion into a fantasy world full of glamour and glitter, guests on the night were transported into a world of magic, circus acts and shows. There was music for every taste: from live bands and fiery Cuban performers through rousing DJ sounds to a classic dance orchestra. Casinos Austria was awarded the CREOS Create Carinthia Marketing award for the best event of 2014 for the “Bal du Cirque Fantastique”. The jury announced its decision with the following words: “There are events with a theme, and there are events that become a major talking point. The latter wins gold!” To mark the international “Day of Happiness” on 20 March 2014, Casino Wien set up a huge Roulette game outside the casino and brought casino flair directly to Vienna’s streets. Prize games, mini tournaments, great prizes and exclusive gaming fun brought happy smiles to the faces of the many passers-by. From noon until early evening, passers-by could stand on their lucky number on the huge Roulette cloth and win instant prizes. The fun and excitement continued indoors in the evening with a special entertainment program, hourly prize draws, gaming lessons and mini tournaments in the casino from 7 pm. With live performances from Moonlight Breakfast and DJ Buzz, guests at Casino Wien were also treated to a presentation of the brand-new Cercle Wien Compilation Volume 3 album. One particularly interesting event series worth mentioning here is the Casinos Austria “Tourism Talks”. Our aim with this series is to promote dialog between the various stakeholders in the Austrian tourism sector. Two “Tourism Talks” events were held in 2014: a discussion on “Future scenarios for tourism – value added versus overnight stays” in Casino Bregenz in March, and a debate between tourism experts in Casino Baden in October on the difficulties in financing innovative tourism offers. At the 2014 edition of the “Culture Talks” series initiated by Casinos Austria, the topic of the debate was “Living for art, living from art”. The panel – Federal Minister for Art and Culture Josef Ostermayer, Burgtheater Director Karin Bergmann, author and child psychologist Paulus Hochgatterer, Rabenhof Theater Director Thomas Gratzer, composer Paul Hertel and musician Andy Baum – talked at length about the current situation facing Austrian artists and, in particular, copyright law, blank media tax and fair payment. 87 2014 Financial Year Spectacular opening of the Casino Redoute in Baden Congress Casino Baden (CCB) Congress Casino Baden offers a unique combination of top-class congress and event center and sparkling casino flair. In 2014, CCB hosted numerous high-caliber conferences and congresses. Traditional balls and dance functions, clubbing events, gala evenings, product presentations, concerts and performing arts shows guaranteed a rich and diverse program of events. In October, international Poker professionals from 36 countries traveled to Casino Baden for the European Poker Championship. The Casinos Austria Poker Tour (CAPT) also toured the country’s casinos and reached its dazzling conclusion in Casino Baden during this tournament. The annual Casino Redoute costume ball on Shrove Monday is always a sell-out at Congress Casino Baden. Rightly described as the craziest ball of the season, it never ceases to impress and amaze its enthusiastic audience. The 2014 New Year party in Casino Baden was celebrated under the motto “A Night in Italy”. The cast of the Ti amo musical – a real crowd-puller in Vienna’s Metropol theater – transported guests to romantic Italy with their impressive voices and songs. Also very popular are tasting events like the Genussfest gourmet festival, which was held in November. The event offered guests an opportunity to taste the gourmet produce on offer to their heart’s content. Studio 44 and Studio 44 Loft In 2014, Studio 44 celebrated its 20th anniversary. Over 300,000 event participants, 1,700 events in all business sectors and more than 1,000 stage performers and guests have all contributed to ensuring that Studio 44 has become a permanent fixture in the Viennese event scene. 88 Podium discussion at the “Trade Fair and Event Sector” live talk in Studio 44. Studio 44 is an event location that caters to every demand. Various rooms of different sizes can be perfectly combined and adapted to the individual demands of different events. The venue also scores with its cutting edge technology and customized customer service. A dedicated team of experts ensures each function is a superb, all-round experience. Everything is handled by a one-stop service team: from initial contact to successful conclusion. This approach is greatly appreciated by national and international clients alike. The venue is used to host all manner of business events, such as product presentations, symposia, awards ceremonies and gala dinners, as well as private and business functions like anniversary celebrations or company parties. The centerpiece of the Studio 44 venue is an illuminated stage, which can be used to change the mood to suit the event. In 2014, Studio 44 was booked by a range of regular clients like the Campaigning Bureau or National Instruments. It also welcomed a number of new clients like Sony with its Xperia Tour in March, OMV with its IGB Annual Event in June or the Novo Nordisk Pharma Pre-Congress Meeting in September. Charity events included the Harley-Davidson Charity Tour Closing Gala in September and the 15th anniversary of the Wiener Tafel association for social transfer, also in September. Studio 44 is also a popular venue for Christmas parties. Studio 44 has held the Austrian Ecolabel for Green Meetings/Green Events since 2012 and permanently strives to develop and extend its competence in this field, both in the advice it supplies to (potential) clients and in the services offered at the venue. Ten percent of the events held at Studio 44 in 2014 were so-called green events. Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 Outlook Casino Zell am See will open on 1 January 2016 in accordance with the official casino license award for Austria (“Regional Package”). In contrast to Casino Bad Gastein, the casino in Zell am See will be positioned as a year-round operation. Construction work began in the first quarter of 2015 and is expected to be completed in December of the same year (soft opening). The refurbishment and renovation work at Casino Bregenz will continue in 2015 in a second construction phase with the installation of sun shades in the Cloud Lounge on the summer terrace, thereby completing the overall F&B construction concept. A conservatory directly adjoining the Cloud Lounge will be added to the existing FALSTAFF casino restaurant to provide a further 50 seats. By the end of the second construction phase, the new façade will encase the entire building in a homogeneous lighting concept. Safe emergency routes, barrier-free access, employee protection and fire safety are the keywords for the planned renovations at Casino Salzburg. Public buildings in Austria must provide barrier-free access from 1 January 2016. To provide such access, Casino Salz burg intends to install two elevators. Current plans foresee the installation of these elevators in two towers. These towers will be built at the rear of the palace and will thus be almost “invisible” to guests. The renovations are planned for 2015. Our strategic internal program to increase efficiency will continue to be followed pursuant to our goal of improving our cost structures in the longer term. 89 One Roulette ball – double the excitement At the Roulette table it’s usually all about one ball and one number. But that was only until the launch of Double Roulette in 2014. In this variation of the classic casino table game, two rings of numbers spin in opposite directions in one Roulette wheel. The ball lands between the two rings and brings two winning numbers and a possible Double Roulette win of up to 1,200 times the amount bet. Ì Did you know that after the croupier has launched the Roulette ball, it spins around the wheel 13 times on average before landing on a number? 2014 Financial Statements Profit and Loss Statement for the period from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2014 for Casinos Austria AG 2014 EUR 2013 TEUR 1.Sales 258,344,106.65 253,931 2. Sales and gaming related taxes -70,212,933.48 -69,412 3. Sales after deduction of sales and gaming related taxes 188,131,173.17 184,519 4. Other operating income a) Income from the disposal of fixed assets excluding financial assets b) Income from the reversal of provisions c)Other 33,922.67 21 166,925.77 273 16,915,894.37 15,306 17,116,742.81 15,599 5. Personnel expenses a)Wages -7,311,925.15 -6,953 b)Salaries -80,222,782.06 -80,105 c) Expenses for severance payments and contributions to employee benefit funds -2,809,365.07 -2,551 d) Expenses for old-age pensions -13,595,977.47 -13,026 e) Social security costs and payroll-related taxes and contributions -22,503,826.27 -22,883 f) Other expenses for employee benefits -1,604,708.06 -1,514 -128,048,584.08 -127,032 -8,639,400.72 -8,665 6. Amortization of intangible and depreciation of tangible fixed assets 7. Other operating expenses a) Taxes, other than those included under income taxes b)Other 8. Operation result = subtotal of items 3 to 7 92 -218,096.49 -234 -59,429,300.75 -59,553 -59,647,397.24 -59,787 8,912,533.94 4,634 Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 2014 EUR 26,066,549.22 26,059,338.78 2013 TEUR 26,978 26,971 10. Income from other securities 160,824.63 198 11. Other interest income and similar income 109,413.17 139 9. Income from investments, thereof from affiliated companies 12. Income from the disposal of financial fixed assets and income from the write-up of financial fixed assets 385,213.65 862 -2,593,106.87 0.00 -2,593,106.87 -78,106 -10 -78,082 14. Interest and similar charges, thereof related to affiliated companies -12,458,442.72 -746,217.07 -9,314 0 15. Subtotal of items 9 to 14 (financial result) 11,670,451.08 -59,243 16. Result on ordinary activities 20,582,985.02 -54,609 17. Extraordinary expenses -7,443,295.28 0 18. Extraordinary result -7,443,295.28 0 19. Taxes on income 3,493,232.12 871 16,632,921.86 -53,738 0.00 59,800 13. Expenses from financial fixed assets, thereof depreciation of financial fixed assets (excl. affiliated companies) thereof expenses from affiliated companies 20.Net loss/profit 21. Reversal of profit reserves, other reserves (voluntary reserves) 22.Allocation to profit reserves, other reserves (voluntary reserves) 23.Annual income 24.Profit brought forward from the previous year 25.Balance sheet profit -13,700,000.00 0 2,932,921.86 6,062 98,469.19 37 3,031,391.05 6,098 93 2014 Financial Statements Balance Sheet as of 31 December 2014 for Casinos Austria AG ASSETS 31.12.2014 EUR 31.12.2013 TEUR 2,173,348.34 2,541 A. LONG-TERM ASSETS I. Intangible assets 1. Protective rights and similar rights 2. Advance payments 400,911.67 3 2,574,260.01 2,544 1. Property, coincident rights and buildings, including buildings on third party property, thereof value of land 25,801,557.54 10,589,579.00 18,217 7,025 2. Other equipment, fixtures, furniture and office equipment 21,851,309.43 21,066 3. Advance payments and construction in progress II. Tangible assets 9,133,034.03 1,485 56,785,901.00 40,768 522,912,601.72 522,913 III. Financial assets 1. Investments in affiliated companies 2. Other participations 3. Book-entry securities thereof in affiliated companies 4. Other loans 110,701.36 111 12,023,354.97 0.00 11,638 0 0.00 59 535,046,658.05 534,721 594,406,819.06 578,033 673,516.37 2,110 28,263,633.33 30,826 B. CURRENT ASSETS I. Receivables and other assets 1. Trade receivables 2. Receivables from affiliated companies 3. Other receivables and assets II. Cash at hand, bank deposits C. PREPAID EXPENSES TOTAL ASSETS 94 2,832,043.12 2,231 31,769,192.82 35,167 28,932,008.73 50,237 60,701,201.55 85,404 2,084,399.00 2,443 657,192,419.61 665,880 Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 31.12.2014 EUR 31.12.2013 TEUR 40,000,000.00 40,000 A. EQUITY I. Share capital II. Profit reserves 1. Legal reserves 2. Other reserves (voluntary reserves) III. Balance sheet profit, thereof profit brought forward 4,000,000.00 4,000 256,100,000.00 242,400 3,031,391.05 98,469.19 6,098 37 303,131,391.05 292,498 B. PROVISIONS 1. Provisions for severance payments 28,526,148.00 26,816 2. Provisions for pensions 19,587,114.00 16,304 3. Provisions for taxes 467,419.00 10,192 4. Other provisions 31,741,559.18 30,015 80,322,240.18 83,326 165,380,052.00 182,580 C. LIABILITIES 1. Liabilities to banks 2. Trade liabilities 3. Liabilities from affiliated companies 4. Other liabilities, thereof taxes thereof social security D. DEFERRED INCOME 5,836,742.62 6,216 48,132,712.92 50,429 51,766,838.50 17,948,974.04 3,294,593.61 48,165 16,928 2,952 271,116,346.04 287,390 2,622,442.34 2,666 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 657,192,419.61 665,880 Contingencies, thereof to affiliated companies 23,096,001.00 23,096,001.00 23,096 23,096 95 2014 Financial Statements Consolidated Profit And Loss Statement for the 2014 fiscal year for the Casinos Austria Group in TEUR 2013 adjusted Gaming revenues incl. ancillary revenues 3,623,754 3,506,805 Payouts of lottery winnings -2,426,061 -2,338,891 Gross gaming revenues incl. ancillary revenues 1,197,693 1,167,914 Gaming taxes and other taxes -561,504 -547,801 Net gaming revenues incl. ancillary revenues 636,189 620,113 52,538 52,640 -279,087 -279,919 -36,077 -36,108 -298,207 -298,416 6,028 6,543 Operating result before restructuring expenses and impairments 81,384 64,853 Restructuring expenses (personnel expenses) -9,179 -665 -51 -529 Other operating income Personnel expenses Depreciation and amortization Other operating expenses Income from at equity consolidated companies Restructuring expenses (material expenses) Expenses from onerous contracts -6,000 0 Impairments -3,292 -30,737 Operating result 62,862 32,922 Financial income 8,271 4,684 Income from the sale and liquidation of companies Financial expenses Expenses from the sale and liquidation of companies 34 4,283 -22,678 -24,564 -5,393 0 Financial result -19,766 -15,597 Profit/loss before income taxes 43,096 17,325 Income taxes -3,310 -9,585 Result from continuing operations 39,786 7,740 Result from discontinued operations 96 2014 1,937 -24,048 NET INCOME/LOSS 41,723 -16,308 Attributable to shareholders of parent company to non-controlling interests 22,316 19,407 -26,168 9,860 41,723 -16,308 Annual Report Casinos Austria 2014 Consolidated Balance Sheet as of 31 December 2014 for the Casinos Austria Group ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Receivables and other assets Other financial assets Assets held for sale 31.12.2014 in TEUR 31.12.2013 in TEUR 231,972 224,281 80,176 73,097 33,888 20,630 346,036 318,008 7,878 59,509 Short-term assets 353,914 377,517 216,671 220,623 245,350 246,336 Tangible assets Goodwill Other intangible assets 23,540 28,230 At equity consolidated companies 72,778 41,546 Deferred tax assets 21,417 18,403 Long-term financial assets 186,541 200,778 766,297 755,916 1,120,211 1,133,433 178,118 78,684 26,003 29,528 40,063 63,740 2,233 11,962 0 8,386 Long-term assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Financial liabilities Trade payables Provisions Income tax liabilities Debts held for sale Other short-term liabilities 278,435 243,820 Short-term debt 524,852 436,120 Financial liabilities 262,736 394,659 Provisions for employee entitlements 110,673 98,919 Deferred tax provisions 4,626 5,807 Other long-term provisions 16,915 11,388 Other long-term liabilities 4,670 4,897 399,620 515,670 40,000 40,000 Long-term debt Share capital Retained earnings and balance sheet profit 92,613 76,252 Reserve for actuarial gains/losses -27,235 -20,635 Reserve from hedge transactions -1,963 -1,967 Revaluation reserve for financial assets 55 0 Currency conversion reserve Equity - shareholders of parent company Non-controlling interests Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 10,980 8,779 114,450 102,429 81,289 79,214 195,739 181,643 1,120,211 1,133,433 97 Automatically more fun A visit to one of our casinos promises to be an exciting time in an exclusive ambiance and, of course, with plenty of chances to enjoy a bit of luck. In addition to the favorite table games Roulette, Blackjack and Poker, our slot machines are also especially popular with our guests. The Mega Million Jackpot is Austria’s biggest progressive slot jackpot and links slot machines across all 12 casinos in the country. When it is hit, it is immediately automatically reset to 1 million euros. The Mega Million Jackpot was hit twice in 2014: once in Casino Velden and once in Casino Innsbruck. Ì Did you know that the reels in a slot machine turn at an average speed of 3.6 km/h? Our 3D Models (from l. to r.): Hannes Markowitz, Roman Anzini-Körner, Dietmar Hoscher, Stefan Gollubits, Selina Hager, Bettina Glatz-Kremsner, Jasmin Arda, Karl Stoss, James Ferguson, Markus Thanner, Saskia Löb 100 Imprint Casinos Austria AG Rennweg 44 1038 Vienna, Austria Tel.: +43 (0) 1 53440-22321 E-Mail: [email protected] Producer Casinos Austria AG Corporate Communications Editors Martin Himmelbauer Martina Landsmann Alexandra Gräf Richard Emele Maria Schidl Graphics & Production schoeller corporate communications 1070 Vienna, Austria Photo Copyrights Casinos Austria photo archive, Austrian Lotteries photo archive, Casinos Austria International photo archive, tipp3 photo archive Achim Bieniek, Fotografie Kresser, Christian Jungwirth, Christian Husar, Heinz Holzknecht, Marcel A. Mayer, Danny Grimm, Peter C. Mayr (, Kanizaj Marija-M., Croce&WIR, Andreas Kolarik, Martin Raffeiner, Franziska Liepe, Martin Steinthaler, Christof Wagner, Thomas Steinlechner, Heinz Stephan Tesarek, Eventfoto-Wolfgang KunaszHerzig, Nikolai Krinner, Tina Herzl, Ludwig Schedl, Anja Koehler, Mike Ranz, Anton Temmel Luzia Ellert/image pages Print Wograndl-Druck GmbH 7210 Mattersburg, Austria Printed in accordance with the printing guidelines of the Austrian Eco-Label UW 924 Certifications and Awards RESPONSIBLE GAMING CERTIFIED