Wishes Can Happen Wish-A-Thon Kids Helping Kids—Jackson`s


Wishes Can Happen Wish-A-Thon Kids Helping Kids—Jackson`s
Summer 2014
Kids Helping Kids—Jackson’s Spring Fling
Wishes Can Happen has
been blessed over the years
by having so much support
from Stark and surrounding
counties. We are touched
by the thoughtfulness of so
many, especially when it
comes to “kids helping kids.”
A group of Jackson High
School seniors volunteered
at the Mix 94.1/News-Talk
1480 WHBC Wish-A-Thon.
Their enthusiasm was contagious and so was their
empathy for our wish kids.
With tears in their eyes, they
said they wanted to do
Thank You to
Jackson High
School Freshman
Mentor Program
Jillian Paulhardt
Taylor Hallworth
Hannah Ruth
Kate Regas
True to their promise, these young ladies organized a
“Spring Fling” dance at Jackson that was attended by over
400 happy students dancing for wishes resulting in a very
generous donation!
Girls—all we can say is,
Inside this issue:
We’re Done with Cancer
Magical Disney Moments
Give the Very Best
A Heart Fit for a King
Picture Perfect Evan,
Paiten and Katherine
We Make Memories
Picture Worth 1,000
Wishes Can Happen Wish-A-Thon
The 2013 Wish-A-Thon sponsored by Mix 94.1 and News-Talk 1480 WHBC was the
biggest success to date! Nearly $140,000 was raised to continue putting smiles on the
faces of wish kids in our area.
This year we head back to Thursday’s Plaza for another 36-hour broadcast August 14
into August 15th. The broadcast begins at 6 a.m. on Thursday morning and runs nonstop through 6 p.m. on Friday. Children and young adults who have been granted a
wish by Wishes Can Happen are featured throughout the broadcast, sharing the details
of their special wish. Area residents are asked to collect from family, friends, coworkers and neighbors and bring their contributions to the event. Local businesses
lend their support by making donations and/or supplying refreshments for volunteers.
Listeners can also bid for auction items online during the event. Start collecting your
loose change and plan now to make your contribution on behalf of your family, neighborhood or business live on the air!
Won’t you please tune in to this year’s Wish-A-Thon to hear about the joy that Wishes
Can Happen brings? Keep your radio dial set on News-Talk 1480 WHBC and Mix 94.1
for details on this year’s Wish-A-Thon! Please put the enclosed magnet front and
center in a special place to remind you of this important event! The phone number will be active during Wish-A-Thon hours beginning at 6 a.m. on August 14th.
Visit us online at www.wishescanhappen.org or facebook.com/wishescanhappen to learn more about the Wish-A-Thon!
“We’re Done with Cancer!”
In our last newsletter we told you
beloved son. They were talk-
about teenager Ben’s special request
ing about how great the trip
to share his wish with best friend
was, then she simply said,
Adam, who supported him through his
“You know what this means,
battle with cancer.
don’t you?” . . .
Ben just wanted
And then,
to lie on the beach and eat all day.
“We’re done with cancer.”
We surprised the two boys with an all
inclusive 7 night stay in one of the
home, the family received the
Dominican Republic’s finest resorts
best news yet—Ben is truly
where they could do whatever it was
cancer free.
their hearts desired and eat all their
stomachs could hold!
Sometimes in this life, words
On the long flight home, Ben’s mom
this is one of those times—
was sharing a quiet moment with her
this picture says it all.
just get in the way. We think
Ben and Adam click their glasses to
many more good times!
Magical Disney Moments and Special Sea World Kisses
8th grade
Gabi loved
with each
and every
one of the
while at
in beautiful
We’ve all been a
recipient of puppy
dog kisses, but
who among us has
ever received a
wet kiss from one
of the world’s
most mysterious
and intelligent
animals? Gabi
When You Care Enough to Give the Very Best
Gabi excels at all things. A standout on
the basketball court and in the classroom,
Gabi knows just what to do to get it done
right the first time. Assisting with many
of the details of her wish was exactly what
the doctor ordered while undergoing treatments for a brain tumor.
Gabi carefully packed for her California
trip, even bringing along her huge collection
of souvenir pins from all the places she has
ever visited. She spent a lot of time researching each attraction so she’d spend
Page 2
her time wisely. And she added to her special pin collection at every opportunity.
After her perfect wish trip, she took the
time to send us a very special card telling
us, “You’re the best.” It was very touching
to receive such a heartfelt card from Gabi.
You see, Gabi embodies the reason that we
DO OUR BEST. Because she is WORTH
OUR BEST. Don’t you agree? Aren’t each
and every one of our wish children worth
everything we can do to make their special
wish just perfect?
A Heart Deserving of a King
Enjoying every moment of his senior
year, Logan never dreamed he would
come to a complete stop. Seemingly
healthy and energetic, this high
school senior was already preparing
for life after high school. Like his
classmates, he had his eye on the
future and had decided to attend the
University of Akron.
ease his wait including a “two in one”
laptop/tablet, along with the highest tech gaming systems and a flat
screen to play them on!
Logan received a heart transplant
earlier this year at the Cleveland
Clinic and is doing fine. Although he
could not physically attend his
senior prom, a special prom night
was held for Logan and his girlfriend
near the hospital where he was able
to Skype live with his friends.
A stomach ache in late January lead
to the shocking diagnosis of a
congenital heart defect necessitating
that Logan be placed on the waiting
list for a heart transplant.
And of course, Logan was crowned
Prom King. Follow Logan’s journey at
*Pray for Logan* on Facebook.
Wishes Can Happen gave Logan every
conceivable thing we could imagine to
He Reached for the Stars!
Evan was
thrilled to
hang a
star in the
Castle of
at Give
Kids the
Yet Another Two Thumbs Up!
Paiten is
with joy
details of
her wish!
“It’s My Heart and I’m Alive”
into open
We Make Memories
Lloyd at Give Kids the World
Memories are made in many places. Certainly many are made in the familiarity
of our own homes. But as a house is made of more than sticks and stones,
memories flood our minds and hearts from many sources. Can you close your
eyes and reflect on a happy memory? Can you perhaps see in your mind’s eye
that person, place or thing it is that evokes a cherished memory?
Long after the wish is done, we hear families sharing their precious memories
of “the wish.” A wish really is a dream your heart makes, isn't it? Wishes
Can Happen is so fortunate to be able to create these special memories for
so many.
Tune in to the Mix94.1 and News-Talk 1480 WHBC Wish-A-Thon on
August 14-15 to hear some pretty amazing memories made possible by YOU!
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Wishes Can Happen, Inc. is a non-profit organization,
chartered in the State of Ohio since 1982. We are
simply organized under the guidance of a Board of
Directors. Our sole purpose is to bring special joys
and memories to children and young adults facing life
threatening illnesses. Wishes Can Happen is entirely
donor supported and we rely solely on the compassion
and generosity of private donors and corporate
sponsors to fund our efforts.
All donations are gratefully accepted and are tax
deductible. You can donate securely via our website,
or send your check to us at the address below.
We are available to speak to you or your organization
if you would like to learn more about Wishes Can
Please contact us if you know of a child with a life
threatening illness who would benefit from our
1310 N. Main Street, North Canton, OH 44720
Cyndi Morrow
Founder and Executive Director
Dennis Kelley, President
Geoff Lewis, Vice President
Lisa Marshall, Secretary
Michael Shaheen, Treasurer
Erine Bodo
David Ferrell
Jeremy Foltz
Frank Forchione
Joe Joseph
Robert Lung
Thomas Preston
Lisa Reicosky
Heather West
Madelyn Sweeney
If they can
wish it—
we can make
it happen!
Community Relations Director/
(330) 966-0043
Please consider making us your chosen charity—www.wishescanhappen.org.
If you are a current or past supporter, we thank you!
Pictures Are Worth 1,000 Words—and More
Lee and Tammy Spencer know this for
sure. The owners of Lee Spencer Photography in North Canton make their
living capturing special memories
through the lenses of cameras.
We hope that the pictures highlighted
in this newsletter touch your heart and
help you to understand the importance
of what we at Wishes Can Happen do
every day. We grant that one special
wish to that one special child. And the
memory of that wish is forever saved in
a photograph. Sometimes, sadly, all
that is left are pictures. And the memories invoked by looking at each picture
are truly worth 1,000 words.
So many other individuals and businesses join Lee and Tammy in contributing
to our cause. Without their help, there
would be no pictures—there would be no
precious memories. While caught up in
the battle for your child’s life, fulfilling
a dream seems out of reach. Keeping
track of doctor’s appointments and
simply keeping their child alive consumes all of their time. Thanks to Lee
and Tammy and so many others, these
pictures of wonderful wishes can forever be etched on paper and in the
hearts of our wish families.
This is the fifth year that Lee and
Tammy have held an event called the
Wishes Can Happen Picture Party.
They work tirelessly each year and
sleep for about a solid weekend at the
conclusion to recover. “Woodstock 4
raised an astounding $15,000,
us to continue our mission of
wishes to local kids that are
saved in these priceless pic-
Be sure to visit our website and Facebook page often to learn of other
GROOVY fundraisers that really
FAROUT and COOL people are planning
for Wishes Can Happen! We’d love to
see you at our next event!
Don’t forget to
call in or visit us
during this
Wish-A-Thon at
Thursday’s Plaza
August 14-15.