Page 1 Mon Wed Thurs Fridays 7:10 AM at the St. Claire Hospital
Page 1 Mon Wed Thurs Fridays 7:10 AM at the St. Claire Hospital
Mon Wed Thurs Fridays 7:10 AM at the St. Claire Hospital Chapel Gathering BB 728: For all the saints Penitential Act: BB 1 & 5 Tuesdays 5:15 PM at Jesus Our Savior Church Saturdays 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM BB 930: Gloria Sundays 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM 1st Reading: Revelation 7:2-4, 9-14 Psalm 24 “Lord, this is the people that longs to see Your face.” 4th Wednesdays at the Chapel 6:00 PM - 6:00 AM PO Box 307 Morehead KY 40351 Phone: (606) 784-4392 4th Sundays 6:oo PM during the School Year Facsimile: (606) 783-0190 Email: [email protected] call (859) 576-6182 Monday to Friday 9:15 AM - 1:15 PM 2nd Reading: 1 John 3:1-3 BB 931: Alleluia Gospel: Matthew 5:1-12 Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00 PM Sunday Mass 10:00 AM Misa en Español 12:15 PM BB 583: Worthy is the Lamb BB 933: Holy BB 935: When we eat this bread BB 937: Amen BB 938: Lamb of God Masses of the Day 7:00 AM 7:00 PM Communion Hymn BB 32: Litany of the saints Sending Forth BB 622: Sing with all the saints in glory Rev. Noel F. Zamora Bill Buelterman Dan Connell Pastor Deacon Deacon [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Nancy Estes Susette Redwine Secretary/Bookkeeper [email protected] Coordinator [email protected] of Religious Education Darinda Marriner Director of Campus & Youth Ministries [email protected] Cindi Russell Teresa Roberts Music Ministry Maintenance [email protected] [email protected] 77 East Main Street Owingsville KY 40360 Sunday Mass 8:00 AM Vigil Mass 5:30 PM Aunty Entity got it wrong when she sang “We don’t need another hero” in the 1985 post-apocalyptic film Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome. Every generation needs a hero, someone whose selfless life and selfgiving death remind us that hope is never lost, that somehow the world continues to be a wilderness of sweets. But, our age is full of Aunty Entitys who dismiss heroes and saints. They question the motivations of the meritorious and unravel the hidden vices of the virtuous. They scorn the Faith of the saints as fanaticism and regard some of the greatest thinkers of yesterday to be no more than the dead theologians of today. Even the best seem mediocre to them; they claim that no one could be that good or holy, that canonizations are but the charades of the Pope and his cardinals. They do not realize that their cynicism leaves us with a poverty of heroes, a space where nothing can ever be sacred, where no one can ever dare to be special. Such a culture of cynicism leaves our children uninspired, robbed of any real role models to revere, doomed to idolize stars that have glitter and glamour but no soul or substance. This poverty of heroes eventually leads them to be disillusioned by false hopes of fame and empty promises of meaning. Eventually they beget the same cynicism that they were born into and end up looking down at everyone because there is no one left for them to look up to. But, in every age and to every generation, the Church insists that humanity is not so much damned as it is blessed, that “the cloud of witnesses” spoken of in the letter to the Hebrews (12:1) still surrounds and stirs us, that by God’s grace this world of sin still begets saints of Heaven. Aunty Entity might not think that we need another hero, but Mother Church believes that we do. The heroic holiness of the saints proves to us that what we believe can and must be lived, and when it is, it should be admired and followed. A previous generation of cynics once crucified a man who turned out to be God; their builders rejected the stone that became the cornerstone (cf. Acts 4:11). The saints still are dismissed by the world as dead, yet they are very much “alive for God in Christ Jesus” (Romans 6:11). To this day, the witness of their words and their works have the power to inspire our children, instill in them a reverence for the Holy, and impel them to search their souls and seek Him who alone can give rest to their restlessness. Aunty Entity still sings, “We don’t need another hero. We don’t need to know the way home.” And she and her followers continue to wander aimlessly in the ruins of a wilderness. But, we who have this wealth of saints know that we can use the example of our holy heroes as a compass that will help us find our way home to the Paradise once lost that with Christ is now regained. amdg, Your Father Noel Regular Offertory $3,475.11 Building Fund $1.00 2nd Collection for World Mission Sunday $75.00 Carpet Fund Pledged $9,100.00 Carpet Fund Received $8,400.00 To all who have made a Cursillo and those who wish to make a Cursillo: We will have an on . We will have Mass at 9:30 AM followed by a light brunch and sharing. Please bring food to share. Our plan is to have Mass and Ultreya on the first Saturday of the month. De colores! The Knights are open to all Catholic men 18 years and older. Meetings are on the 1st Monday of every month, starting at 6:00 PM. Knights of Columbus Meeting on November 2, 6:00-7:00 PM in the Glenmary Room. Gary Trent (606) 776-0420 Wes Hardin (606) 356-3467 Willie Anderson, Ella Bailey, David Castner, Donna Connell, Sophia Duff, Dick & Dena Ellington, Fred Ellington, Mary Ellen Helwig, Leo Howard (Missy Thompson’s uncle), Jim Maher, Katherine McLoney, Faye McManus, Sr. Kathleen Mulchrone, Robyn Richey-Oemisch (Joyce Marin’s sister), Rose Orlich, Marlene Padula, Tony Pence, Mattie Redwine, Marianna & Tammie Couri-Reed, Angela Roberts, Teresa Roberts, Kathie Schwab, Judy Semsch (Molly Carew’s sister), Judy Stafford, John Stokes, Gerald Stork (Joni Mraz’ father), Daisy Marie A. Tan (Evelyn Flanagan’s niece) Please call the parish office if you want to include a family member or friend on the prayer list, or if you want to have their names removed. Saturday, October 31 Romans 11:1-2, 11-12, 25-29 Psalm 94:12-18 Luke 14:1, 7-11 5:00 PM Vigil Mass Jeanette Haubrich Sunday, November 1: Solemnity of All Saints Revelation 7:2-4, 9-14 Psalm 24:1-6 1 John 3:1-3 Matthew 5:1-12 8:00 AM St. Julie Mass Fr. Mark D. Dreves 10:00 AM Mass James E. Clay 12:15 PM Spanish Mass For the Parish Monday, November 2: Commemoration of All Souls Wisdom 3:1-9 Psalm 23:1-6 Romans 6:3-9 John 6:37-40 7:00 PM Mass All the faithful departed Tuesday, November 3: St. Martin de Porres Romans 12:5-16 Psalm 131:1-3 Luke 14:15-24 5:15 PM Mass Bill Poage Wednesday, November 4: St. Charles Borromeo Romans 13:8-10 Psalm 112:1-2, 4-5, 9 Luke 14:25-33 7:10 AM Mass Joanne Czechlewski-Wallace Thursday, November 5 Romans 14:7-12 Psalm 27:1, 4, 13-14 Luke 15:1-10 7:10 AM Mass Dowling Family Friday, November 6 Romans 15:14-21 Psalm 98:1-4 Luke 16:1-8 7:10 AM Mass Richard Getty Saturday, November 7 Romans 16:3-9, 16, 22-27 Psalm 145:2-5, 10-11 Luke 16:9-15 9:30 AM Mass Johnie Glendening 5:00 PM Vigil Mass Jeff Porter October 12, 2015 Dear Parishioners of St. Julie Church: Sunday, November 8: 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 Kings 17:10-16 Psalm 146:7-10 Hebrews 9:24-28 Mark 12:38-44 8:00 AM St. Julie Mass Fr. Mark D. Dreves 10:00 AM Mass Patrick & Brigid Ibekwe 12:15 PM Spanish Mass For the Parish Congratulations on achieving your Bishop’s goal for the 2014 Diocesan Annual Appeal campaign. The generosity of your parish in prayers and sacrificial giving is a wonderful sign of the Holy Spirit among us. Enclosed please find [a check for $317.20 as] your share of the Bishop’s goal. May these proceeds benefit your parish and community in a special way. Monday, November 9: Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12 Psalm 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9 1 Corinthians 3:9-11, 16-17 John 2:13-22 7:10 AM Word & Communion Thank you again for your outstanding participation in the Annual Appeal. Those wishing to honor a loved one during the celebration of Mass—for the living or the deceased, or for prayerful remembrance of anniversaries, birthdays, and other special intentions—may call or visit the office. Peace and all good, + Most Rev. John Stowe, OFM Conv. Bishop of Lexington Masses are usually scheduled weeks in advance so if there is a particular date on which you want the Mass Intention, please make the request well ahead of time. The suggested stipend for each Mass is $5.00. OCTOBER 31 | SATURDAY Confessions, 4:00 PM Mass, 5:00 PM NOVEMBER 1 | SUNDAY ALL SAINTS DAY Daylight Savings Time: Fall Back St. Julie Mass, 8:00 AM Mass, 10:00 AM Religious Education, 11:00 AM Mass in Spanish, 12:15 PM Confirmation Class, 5:30 PM NOVEMBER 2 | MONDAY ALL SOULS DAY Knights of Columbus Meeting, 6:00 PM-7:00 PM (Glenmary Room) Mass, 7:00 PM (JOS) Mass, 7:10 AM (St. Claire Hospital Chapel) Newman Center Bible Study, 5:00 PM Hope Pregnancy Care Center Annual Banquet, 5:00 PM Word & Communion, 7:10 AM (St. Claire Hospital Chapel) Newman Center Meal, 6:00 PM followed by Ceramics NOVEMBER 11 | WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 6 | FRIDAY Word & Communion, 7:10 AM (St. Claire Hospital Chapel) Mass, 7:10 AM (St. Claire Hospital Chapel) NOVEMBER 12 | THURSDAY NOVEMBER 7 | SATURDAY Cursillo Mass, 9:30 AM followed by Ultreya Baptism in Spanish, 11:00 AM: Alexis Guadalupe Moreno-Estrada Confessions, 4:00 PM Mass, 5:00 PM Dcn. Connell preaching Word & Communion, 7:10 AM (St. Claire Hospital Chapel) Newman Center Bible Study, 5:00 PM NOVEMBER 13 | FRIDAY Word & Communion, 7:10 AM (St. Claire Hospital Chapel) NOVEMBER 3 | TUESDAY Mass, 5:15 PM Newman Center Meal, 6:00 PM (Montgomery House) NOVEMBER 4 | WEDNESDAY Mass, 7:10 AM (St. Claire Hospital Chapel) Frenchburg Mass, 12:00 NN (Frenchburg Prayer Room) MINISTERS NOVEMBER 10 | TUESDAY NOVEMBER 5 | THURSDAY October 31 5:00 NOVEMBER 8 | SUNDAY NOVEMBER 14 | SATURDAY St. Julie Mass, 8:00 AM Mass, 10:00 AM Dcn. Connell preaching Religious Education, 11:00 AM Mass in Spanish, 12:15 PM NOVEMBER 9 | MONDAY Word & Communion, 7:10 AM (St. Claire Hospital Chapel) November 1 10:00 AM Confessions, 4:00 PM Mass, 5:00 PM NOVEMBER 15 | SUNDAY St. Julie Mass, 8:00 AM Mass, 10:00 AM Religious Education, 11:00 AM Mass in Spanish, 12:15 PM Confirmation Class, 5:30 PM November 7 5:00 PM November 8 10:00 AM Altar Servers Trad Egleston Molly Melahn Chloe Mace Peter Melahn Mia Carver Trey Menard Zach Menard Lectors Mark Curtis Pam Hammonds Bill Riley Mark Curtis Tom Carew Bill Riley Usher Dave Beutler Shaun Thacker Dave Beutler Shaun Thacker Greeter Carol Beutler Kate Thacker Carol Beutler Kate Thacker Deveney Redwine Angela McGuire Bill Riley Emma Marriner Nadine Melahn Mary Dowling Molly Carew Bill Mains Mike Menard Sr. Juanelle Extraordinary Nadine Melahn Ministers of Larry Mathis Holy Communion Launder Church Linens for November: Sr. Jeanne Frances Cleves, SND Nov. 8 All Classes meet Middle School Youth Group Nov. 15 All Classes meet Confirmation Class, 5:30 PM Nov. 22 All Classes meet Middle School Youth Group Reconciliation: Grades 3 & 4 Nov. 29 NO CLASSES Thanksgiving Break God’s Pantry Food Bank is hosting an inaugural Chili Wars to benefit the new Morehead Regional Distribution Center. Chili Wars will be held on Saturday, Nov. 7 with doors opening at 6:30 PM. JOS will be participating as a booth providing chili. If you would like to help, contact Michelle Hardin at (606) 776-6812 or email [email protected] or call Carolyn Poage at (606) 356-9613 or email [email protected]. Tickets are $25 for each person or $400 to sponsor a table for eight people. Registration forms are available in the Church foyer. Individual tickets can also be purchased at Citizens’ Bank or Kentucky Bank. All proceeds from this event benefit the Morehead Regional Distribution Center. This is a terrific opportunity for the community to show support for the new Morehead Regional Distribution Center which is expected to bring 450,000 more meals to hungry kids, families, and seniors in our area. The Advisory Council for Adult Education (ACAE) is seeking the community’s help in collecting new books for Storybook Christmas. The goal of the ACAE is to ensure that disadvantaged kids in Rowan County have access to books in their homes. There is a basket in the Church foyer for books in support of Rowan Co. Storybook Christmas. Please bring in your new books by Nov. 29. If you wish to make a tax deductible monetary donation instead, please write checks to MSU Foundation/Storybook Christmas, MSU Adult Learning Center, 150 University Blvd., Box 1337, Morehead KY 40351. Monetary donations must be received by Nov. 23. Note that 100% of the funds will be used to purchase books. Our parish is again participating in the annual community Thanksgiving Basket drive for families in need. Full baskets or single items are requested. A comprehensive list of the types of food and sundries desired can be found in the Church foyer. If you choose to bring singular items, please tear a tab (or tabs) from the individual item listings so we can ensure adequate collection to make 10-15 full baskets. Your contributions can be dropped in the decorated box also located in the foyer. The deadline is Nov. 15. We will once again support Rowan County Christmas by helping provide at least 25 gifts for various age groups. Look for the “Giving Tree” in the Church Foyer in the coming weeks. Nov. 2 Emma Marriner Connie Wientjes Nov. 3 Madison Hardin Steve Simpson Nov. 4 Amanda Davis Dan Connell Nov. 6 Nicholas Duff God of all creation, hear the prayers of Your servants who recall the day of their birth. Bless them with Your presence and surround them with Your love that they may enjoy many happy years, ¿No estoy yo aquí? ¿No soy tu Madre? ¿No estás bajo mi sombra? Find us on Facebook: Morehead State Newman Center Email: [email protected] Nov. 3 Newman Center Meal by Fr. Noel & his parents at the Montgomery House, 6:00 PM Nov. 5 Bible Study, 5:00 PM Nov. 10 Newman Center Meal, 6:00 PM followed by Ceramics Nov. 12 Bible Study, 5:00 PM Nov. 17 Thanksgiving Dinner, 6:00 PM En el Evangelio de san Mateo se encuentra el sermón mas largo de Jesucristo. Abarca tres capítulos y contiene una serie de instrucciones para quienes desean ser sus discípulos. El famoso Sermón de la Montaña, es para Jesús y los cristianos lo que los Diez Mandamientos son para Moisés y los judíos. Jesús proclama la nueva Ley. La Ley de Israel se sintetiza en los Diez Mandamientos, mientras que la ley cristiana se resume en ocho bienaventuranzas. Estas bienaventuranzas son algo extrañas ya que unen cosas completamente opuestas a la felicidad, y las beatifica. Es decir, son cosas aparentemente contradictorias: “Dichosos los que lloran;” “felices los pobres;” “bendito tú cuando te calumnien por causa mía.” Jesús toma lo que la sociedad maldice y lo convierte en camino de bendición, porque nuestros caminos y pensamientos no son los de Dios. Dios ve mucho más de lo que podemos ver o imaginar. Por eso las bienaventuranzas son ocho y no diez, porque más que una ley para cumplir, las bienaventuranzas son la esperanza de un nuevo día. Son la promesa de un nuevo inicio para la humanidad, gracias a Dios. - Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM © JS Paluch Co. WANTED: Senior High and Middle School Youth and Campus Ministries Darinda Marriner Phone: (606) 776-2129; Email: [email protected] Follow us on Twitter: @JOSYOUTH Middle School Youth Group meets on Nov. 8 and Nov 22. to Mary Berglee for taking our recyclables to the Recycling Center; to Brian Buelterman and Rebecca Todd for providing the meal for our Newman Center; to Kate Thacker for doing Children’s Liturgy during the month of October; and On Thursday, Dec. 3, from 4PM - 7PM the Morehead and Rowan County Government is having their Annual City/County Christmas Dinner at the Carl Perkins Center. This dinner is to honor the citizens of Morehead and Rowan County. It is a tradition for our local churches to provide the desserts. to Fr. Noel’s parents, Manuel and Amelita Zamora, for the gift of a new parish dry seal with the JOS logo. If you would like to provide a dessert for this community tradition, please contact Nancy at the Parish Office. Our goal is to provide at least ten (10) desserts from our parish. to Stephanie Curtis for laundering the Church linens during the month of October; If you know of anyone who might have an interest in learning more about the Catholic faith, please invite them to attend our Sunday Adult Education class in the Glenmary Room after the 10:00 AM Mass .