The Agnus Dei - Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd
The Agnus Dei - Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd
The Agnus Dei Newsletter of the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd 720 S. Abe St., San Angelo, TX 76903 (325) 212-5087 (cell) or (325) 659-3800 (office) From the Rector Inside this issue: Blessing of the animals, Project Dignidad, Veteran’s Day, Sponsor Airmen at GAFB 2 November 2015 “And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, . . . encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” [Heb. 10:24-25] Dear Saints of God, Diocese of Northwest Texas Convention 3 Calendar, sidewalks completed 4 Worship Servers 5 Financials, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Courtyard Plan 6 CLERGY & STAFF: The Rt. Rev. Scott Mayer, Bishop The Rev. Celia Ellery, Rector Mrs. Candi Wolfe, Parish Secretary Dr. Charlene Bustos, Organist & Choirmaster Mrs. Marisa Dannheim, Pianist One of the great gifts of this congregation, as I mentioned at the retreat with Rev. Cook, is that you all are great encouragers. When one member of the congregation achieves something, all the members rejoice. Also, through discernment and love, you can see other people’s gifts and “provoke” each other to good deeds in Christ, as the author of the letter to the Hebrews reminds us. We have been working diligently on vision and mission for Good Shepherd, and the committee formed at the congregational retreat to work with me will present the Good Shepherd vision statement at our Nov. 8 Stewardship Dinner. I hope all of you can make it for that. It will be an evening of fun and fellowship, as well as a call to mission. The theme this year is “Growing and Going in Christ”; both our new Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and our Diocesan Bishop Scott Mayer have encouraged us with Jesus’ call to “go and make disciples of all nations.” GO is the key word. So our new vision statement revealed on Nov. 8 will reflect that call. As we grow in Christ, in the love and encouragement of our sisters and brothers in Christ, we will continue to look outward to new ways of taking the Good News of Christ to others outside our doors. It is an exciting time to be an Episcopalian! As Charlie reminded us, Jesus’ vision is guiding us. We hear it in the Gospel every Sunday, and we live it whenever we answer the needs of others. Let us continue in that good work! In Christ, Celia Annual Stewardship Dinner Please mark your calendars for our annual Stewardship Dinner on Sun., Nov. 8, at 6 p.m. There will be fun and fellowship for all ages, as well as a nice catered meal . The theme this year is “GROWING AND GOING IN CHRIST!” Please RSVP to Candi by email [email protected] or by phone (325) 212-5087. The Agnus Dei Page 2 Thanks to all who made our Visioning Weekend Oct. 9-10 A Sacred Time Together! SPECIAL THANKS TO THE REV. CHARLIE COOK FOR HIS GUIDANCE AND ENCOURAGEMENT. THANKS ALSO TO PAUL WOOTEN & CHRIS ELLERY FOR A DELICIOUS MEAL ON FRI. NIGHT, AND TO CANDI WOLFE FOR A WONDERFUL BREAKFAST ON SAT. BISHOP MAYER AND THE STANDING COMM. OF NORTHWEST TEXAS SAY THANKS FOR A JOB WELL DONE! BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS In honor of the Feast Day of St. Francis, Oct. 4, Good Shepherd held a Blessing of the Animals service outdoors on the lawn. The weather cooperated, so it was a fine day to celebrate God’s family. Thanks be to God for the gift of pets in our lives! (Pictured from left to right: Warren Taylor, John McLelland, Don Griffis, and Rev. Celia, with Don’s Enthusiastic Pup Brigade) THANKSGIVING FOOD FOR DIGNIDAD The holidays are fast approaching, and there are 40 turkeys at Project Dignidad ready to give out. Now all we need are the trimmings! We will need the following: ______________________ Cornbread Stuffing Mix Canned Fruit Canned Vegetables & Yams Instant Mashed Potatoes Gravy Packets Jiffy Cake & Biscuit Mixes Boxed Mac & Cheese Dried Pinto Beans & Rice _______________________ Please call 658-7885 for more information. MUCHAS GRACIAS! A collection basket is located in the Narthex. Project Dignidad is an ecumenical food pantry located at Nazareth Presbyterian Church at 313 W. Ave. N. We always need volunteers in this important ministry! Please come by and visit us. OPENING OUR HEARTS & HOMES The holidays are around the corner and many of our active duty military are away from home and without family. Good Shepherd has contacted Goodfellow AFB in hopes of sharing our personal Thanksgiving and Christmas family meals with a few of the airmen who will be staying in San Angelo. If you are interested in sharing your family holiday dinner with a military member, please let Candi Wolfe know. We hope to sponsor 4-5 people and some may need a ride to and from your home. Candi’s contact # is 325-212-5087, or 234-6263. Veterans’ Day is November 11th We would like to say “Thank You” to all those who have served and are serving our country. We keep you and your families in our prayers as you defend our freedom. November 2015 Page 3 Diocese of Northwest Texas Convention in Lubbock Oct. 15-17 Diocesan photo courtesy of Deacon Nancy Igo. See more photos on Facebook. This clergy photo was taken before the closing Eucharist at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Lubbock. Both the third bishop of Northwest Texas (the Rt. Rev. Sam Hulsey, on right) and the fourth bishop (the Rt. Rev. Wallis Ohl, on left) joined the fifth bishop (the Rt. Rev. Scott Mayer, center) on this special day. Diocesan Convention is always like a family reunion, an especially joyful get-together in this wonderful diocese! Rev. Celia will be on vacation Mon., Nov. 23rd through Sun., Nov. 29. Fr. Bill Wright will officiate on November 29th. ● There will be no 5:30 p.m. Adult Bible Study on Monday, Nov. 23rd. ● There will be no choir practice or service on Wednesday, Nov. 25th. The church offices will be closed for Thanksgiving holidays on November 25th-27th. If you have an emergency, you can call Candi Wolfe on the church cellphone at 325-212-5087. November 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 ALL SAINTS’ DAY 2 10-12 Quilting at Emmanuel Adult Bible study 5:30 p.m. 3 4 5:30 p.m. Holy Eucharist 7 p.m. choir practice 5 6 Rector’s Day off 7 9 10-12 Quilting at Emmanuel Adult Bible study 5:30 p.m. 10 11 5:30 p.m. Holy Eucharist 7 p.m. choir practice 12 13 14 15 Holy Eucharist-10:45 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. 16 10-12 Quilting at Emmanuel Adult Bible study 5:30 17 18 5:30 p.m. Holy Eucharist 7 p.m. choir practice 19 20 Rector’s Day off 21 22 Holy Eucharist-10:45 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. 23 24 25 Office closed for holiday. 26 27 Office closed for holiday. 28 Holy Eucharist-- 10:45 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. 8 Holy Eucharist-- 10:45 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Stewardship Dinner 10-12 Quilting at Emmanuel 6:30 Vestry mtg. NO BIBLE STUDY Rev. Celia on vacation thru Nov. 29th. 29 1 ADVENT Holy Eucharist-- 10:45 a.m. Fr. Bill Wright officiating. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. (No Adult SS) 30 10-12 Quilting at Emmanuel Adult Bible study 5:30 The sidewalks, yard, and flowerbeds look wonderful. We are thankful to have them done. Again, thanks to everyone who helped get this started and finished! Rector’s Day off Happy Thanksgiving A NEW DRIVEWAY AND PARKING LOT IS IN THE WORKS! Now that we have most of the inside of the church remodeled for worship, fellowship, and administration, we are able to start working on the bigger projects. Seidel Inc. has been contacted to completely tear out all of the old driveway and parking lot behind the church, repave, seal and stripe. In addition, another designated handicap parking space will be designated on Ave. D. This is a big expense for the church, but a necessary one, as it has been deferred maintenance for some time, is a safety issue, and is also affecting the foundation on the north side. We aren’t sure when this work will begin, but we hope to get on the schedule soon. Susan & Chuck Lewis Chris & Celia Ellery Coffee Hosts Marisa Charlene Bill & Donna Scherz Candi Wolfe Candi Wolfe Paul Wooten Linda Doss Fran Gregg Hope Garza Paul Wooten Prissy Griffis Linda Dosss 1st Advent Christ the King Sunday Charlene Chris & Celia Ellery Brad Dannheim & Chuck Lewis Paul Wooten Brenda Peters Brad Dannheim Fr. Bill Wright Nov. 29 Nov. 22 Priscilla Nicholson Candi Wolfe 25 PENTECOST Nov. 15 Charlene Susan & Chuck Lewis Dennis & Sara Coyan Marisa Chuck Lewis Candi Wolfe Chris Ellery Candi Wolfe Chase Holland Bill Scherz Kay Holland Dave Kerry Susan Lewis 3rd Sunday of Advent 2nd Sunday of Advent Kay Holland Dec. 13 Dec. 6 Clergy: Presiding Bishop, Michael; Bishop, Scott; Rector, Celia Government officials: President, Barack; Governor, Greg; Mayor, Dwain Deployed military: Vidal Garza, Roland Allen, Jr., Michael Coyne Prayer List: Jenna Ryan, Devin Ryan, Sylvia Baldwin, Jo Stinebaugh, Anita Dannheim, Harry Carlson, David Weaver, Eleanor Pulver, Nancy Rew, Merrissa Follman, Kakie Carter, Nicole, Carolyn Webster, Preston, Alayna Turney, Gretchen Luongo & family, Lucy & Rueben Montez, Erin Perkins, Emily Holland, Jill Ryan, Mary Helen Gonzales, Brenson Craddock RIP: Bob Pulver Charlene Billy & Hayden Craddock Robert Garza, Dave Kerry Ushers Marisa Natalie Craddock Don Griffis Epis. Reader & Chalice Bearer Organist/Pianist Jill Ryan Dave Kerry Jill Ryan 24 PENTECOST All Saint’s Day Don Griffis Nov. 8 Nov. 1 Altar Guild Charge Vestry-in- Notation Sunday +++ Financials September Income: $ 9,407.00 Expenses: $ 10,433.77 Birthdays: Shae Acuavera Nov. 3 Cassidy Doss Nov. 21 Anniversaries: Check out our website: Randy & Elizabeth (Ellery) Woods Nov. 9 Danny & Sterling Kelly Nov. 15 Have you seen the proposed courtyard plan in the Parish Hall? The plan has been drawn up by Mike Ryan, with the proposed stages for the courtyard, funded through memorials and thanksgiving donations. The area will be outside the parish hall door. We have already received the funds to purchase a large Chinese Pistache tree, 2 crepe myrtles, and some xeriscaping, donated in memory of Sallie Helms, Don Griffis’ sister, and Bonnie Holmes, Jill Ryan’s mom. The plans are displayed on the easel in the parish hall. Our hopes are to be able to have coffee, meetings, and special occasions in the courtyard when weather permits. It will be a wonderful addition to our beautiful building! Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd 720 S. Abe San Angelo, TX 76903 “Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus . . . “ (Phil. 2:5)