Order of Celebration and Praise - Community Church of Lambertville


Order of Celebration and Praise - Community Church of Lambertville
Adult Education Class:
Prayers with Pastor: Pastor Gregory
will be meeting in his office at 10:15
am for anyone who is wishing prayers
for the service and its message.
Dan Serlenga will be leading
the Adult Sunday School this week.
Minute for Mission: We welcome
Dan to talk to us about a valuable
and important ministry of this
church. Friday Night Hang, which he
as lead for a number of years, right
after Skating on Fridays. This the
most important outreach program
the church conducts with the Jr. and
Sr. High Youth in the Lambertville
area. This is a blessing to lead and
you will be blessed in helping Dan to
lead. Please see him and he will assist
you in making faith count in the lives
of our community youth.
The class will examine and explore
the History of the Presbyterian
Church. This will be happening
today at 9:00 am.
After Church Today:
Nov 11th -Adult Choir will be
rehearsing to sing in church on
Sunday Nov. 23rd. Additional
rehearsals will be Nov. 18th at 6:30
pm. Many voices are appreciated!
The 2015 Nominating Committee:
Nov. 20th-December Newsletter Items
Nov. 21 - Skating for the Youth
starts@ 6:00 pm. Please see Cooie
with questions or call the church
office. There will be no skating on
Friday Nov. 28th due to the
Thanksgiving Holiday.
The American’s Creed
I believe in the United States of America and our God, whose grace
sustains us. I believe in a government by the people, for the people,
who’s just powers are derived from the right of the governed.
A democracy, a Republic, of sovereign nation of sovereign states.
Established upon the principles of freedom, equality, justice and
humanity for which American Patriots have sacrificed their lives and
Therefore it is my solemn duty to love my country, support its
Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag and defend it
against all enemies.
Plan Ahead:
The 1st meeting of the Nominating
Committee for 2015 will happen
after church in the Pastor’s office.
Those elected from the congregation
for the 2015 slate of officers are:
Tucker Griffiths, Karen Armano
and Arlyce Mullen. They will be
joined by Elder and Deacon
Hymn Time:
"Trust and Obey"
John Sammis (1846-1919)
In 1886, Daniel Towner, director of the music department at Moody Bible
Institute, was leading the music for evangelist D. L. Moody's series of
meetings in Brockton, Massachusetts. A young man rose to give testimony,
saying "I am not quite sure, but I am going to trust and I am going to obey."
Mr. Towner jotted down this statement and sent it to his friend John Sammis,
a Presbyterian minister and later a teacher at Moody. John wrote today's hymn
based upon those words from that new believer.
Salvation is God's responsibility. Our responsibility is to trust in that salvation
and then to obey its truths. This hymn represents a balanced view of a
believer's trust in Christ's redemptive work, and it speaks of the resulting
desire to obey Him and do His will in our daily lives. Then, and only then, do
we experience real peace and joy.
The Community Church of Lambertville
If you are in need of pastoral care please call the church
609-397-0650 Tuesday through Friday.
Pastor Gregory is usually in the office from 8:30-2pm;
If it is after office hours please phone the
Elder on call for the month of November is:
Karen Thatcher- 609-397-8430
Celebrate 200 Years of Faith, Hope and Grace
For the Next 200 Years
November 9, 2014
10:30 AM
Veteran’s Day Sunday
Order of Celebration and Praise
Today’s Happenings:
Bless His Holy Name #55
How Great Thou Art #147 (vs 1,4)
Call to Worship: Praise Band
Fire of God
Passing of the Peace
Glory Be to the Father #813
Prayer of Welcome
Minute for Mission: Dan Serlenga-Friday Night Hang
Praise Band/Congregational Songs
Here I Am to Worship
My All in All
(See Insert)
In the Presence of the Lord
Prayer of Confession/Assurance of Pardon
Prayers of the People/The Lord’s Prayer
Special Music:
Krystal Bells: We Gather Together
Rededication of the American Flag
Offertory/Doxology # 815
Prayer of Dedication
Under the Authority of Christ the Savior
Hymn #571
Trust and Obey (vs. 1,3,5)
Scripture: Psalm 107: 1-8
Why is God Good?
Depart to Serve the Lord
Hymn #799
America the Beautiful
Blessings & Benediction
Welcome to the
Community Church!
A warm and sincere welcome to one and all!
It is a privilege to gather as God’s people to open
ourselves to the presence of God and to praise
God with loving hearts.
Participating in today’s service
7:30 pm Boy Scouts
6:30 am Men’s Bible Study @ Sneddon’s-Lambertville
6-8:00 pm Lambertville Ramblers in Gym
7:30 pm Praise Band
9:00 pm AA
Veteran’s Day Observed-Church Office Closed
Pat Buchanan
Grace Reading
7:00 pm Women’s Bible Study-Westminster House
Sue McCloughan
5:30 pm AA
Worship Assisting for November:
Elder Schedule
Nov. 9 Pat Buchanan
Nov. 16 Russ Topping
Nov. 23 Karen Thatcher
Nov. 30 Pat Durborow
Deacon Schedule
Nov. 9 Grace Reading
Nov. 16 Craig Reading
Nov. 23 Mark Dudick
Nov. 30 Gail Armitage
Greeting Schedule
Nov. 9 Sue McCloughan
Nov. 16 Debbie Crow
Nov. 23 Joan Yannarella
Nov. 30 Joe Feraco
10-11:30 LBL
9:00 am Sunday School for all ages
10:30 am Worship
Stewardship Sunday-Pledge Cards
About the Sermon:
It is almost reflexive on our part to say "God is Good". Why do we say that
and what qualifies the Lord to be called good? This is the same God who
gets the blame many times in the random acts of nature, or "acts of God", it
seemingly allows evil to flourish, and little kids get cancer. Given all the
stuff of this world, why do we call God Good and on what foundation do we
base our faith on? All very good questions.
A Message From the Deacons
Food Pantry Items Needed for the Month of November:
Black and Dried beans
Canned Peaches
Canned Corn
Canned Tomatoes (all except diced)
Cereal-Hot and Cold
Pancake Mix
Paper Towels
Here are some of the Deacon’s and their responsibilities: Gail ArmitageCaring Correspondent (sends cards/flowers)., Grace Reading-Treasurer.,
Carol Griffiths-Communion Coordinator and JoAnn Serlenga-Secretary.
As always, if anyone is in need of Deacon care-please let us know.
We’ll be glad to help out!
Stewardship and Finance:
The 2015 budget process will soon get underway. The assumptions
historically is that the church will need to meet a goal of
approximately $100,000.00 in plate offerings to balance its obligations.
Stewardship Sunday will be November 16th with pledge cards
provided. We would like to have all pledge cards back by Sunday
December 7th. May God bless you and may you take the needs
of your church in prayer this year.
The Lord’s Prayer:
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we
forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil;
For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever.

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