FROM THE PASTOR By the time you receive this, classes have
FROM THE PASTOR By the time you receive this, classes have
Rev. Mark Wildermuth, Pastor Jill Park, Secretary Rebecca Keck, Choir Director Shelley Grubb, Bell Choir Rebecca Keck, Organist Steve Conrad, Grounds Randy Peck, Custodian FROM THE PASTOR Well, I finally did it! I resisted the siren song and repeated communications from Verizon as long as I could, but for a number of reasons (mainly so I could receive video & better pictures of the grandkids!) I finally joined the smart phone movement. That’s nice….right on the cutting edge of technology! Now I can get 4G coverage anywhere I am, and can get connected to Big Ten news, NFL news, and others at a moment’s notice! I can also turn it off! Access anywhere, anytime. That’s a real selling point. But you know, we have this kind of access as well with God. A 4G connection in terms of faith and relationship:God, who blesses us and provides for us all the time; Grace, which comes as a free gift from God; Gratitude, which is our response to God and his grace in our lives; Generosity, which means that we give of ourselves (time, talent & resources) as a response to God to show our love and faithfulness. I invite you to spend some time thinking about your connection to God and how it is reflected in your sharing of your time, talent and resources. Think about it, pray about it, and consider if there might be more you wish to do to deepen your connection with God and the church! FROM THE COUNCIL Watch your mail in the next week or so as we will be sending you the proposed 2017 Estimate of Spending for Mission and Ministry. Please look it over carefully before discussing and voting on it at the Nov. 20 annual meeting. CHANGE YOUR CLOCKS Daylight Savings Time ends early on Sun. Nov. 6 so be sure to change your clocks Sat. Nov. 5 before going to bed. Move your clocks back and enjoy the extra hour of sleep! 1 November 2016 Faith Lutheran Church 170 Mansfield Ave. Mt. Vernon, OH 43050 Worship Sunday at 8:00 & 10:30 am Sunday School 9:15 am (740) 393-3666 (740) 393-2729 (fax) E-mail: [email protected] Website: Our Mission Is To Know And Share God’s Love ALL SAINTS On Sunday Nov. 6 we will celebrate All Saints Sunday as a way of giving thanks to God for all who have witnessed in our lives and in our congregational life as faithful disciples. We will remember in prayer members of the church who have joined the church triumphant since last All Saints Day. We will specifically remember Gloria Troy, Charles Bigler, Pat Schillinger, Glenn Spellman Jr., Bess Stauch, Jordon Pauley, Jack Stauch, Dot Salisbury, Kay Myers. REFORMATION SONNTAG POTLUCK There does not seem to be a German word for potluck. However, Reformation Sonntag is German for Reformation Sunday! The Women of Faith Lutheran invite you to a potluck meal Oct. 30th following the 10:30 service. Bring a couple of your favorite dishes. If it is German in origin, gut ! Following the meal will be a match of "Catechism Jeopardy " for everyone who is up for the challenge. Sources for the categories will be Biblical, geographical, historical, catechetical, liturgical and any other "…cal " that is Lutheran related. A sign-up sheet is posted on the FWELCA bulletin board in the narthex. If you write Martin Luther's initials, ML, by your name, you, and all in your party, will be entered into a door prize drawing. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the congregation will be held Sun. Nov. 20 following the 10:30 worship. Agenda will include elections and action on the proposed 2017 Estimate of Spending for Mission and Ministry. The proposed estimate is being mailed to you. All members are urged to attend and participate! COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING WORSHIP Join with other community Christians at Gay St. Methodist Church at 7 pm on Sun. Nov. 20 to give thanks and praise God. The offering at the service will benefit Winter Sanctuary, the local homeless shelter. CHRISTMAS WALK & CAROLING Join fellow Mt. Vernon folk for the festivities of the Annual Christmas Walk & parade downtown Nov. 27 from 1-5 pm, then gather at the Public Square at 5 pm for Caroling for Christ. IN MEMORIAM It is with sympathy expressed to Dick and the family, and in the sure and certain hope of eternal life, that I announce the death Fri. Oct. 7 of Kay Myers. Kay had fought her battles with cancer long, hard and faithfully, and is now at rest. She was 83 years old, and had been a member of Faith since 1990. During her time here, Kay served as greeter at 8:00 worship with Dick, and they often transported other members to church or to other events. A memorial service was held Weds. Oct. 12 at the church, Pastor Mark officiating. We pray for God’s grace to comfort and encourage Dick & the family. RED WAGON Sunday Nov. 6 will be our Red Wagon Sunday so bring your canned goods & paper products for Interchurch that day and we will collect them during the offering. EUCHRE Want to enjoy some great fellowship, food and fun? Join us Friday Nov. 18 from 6-9 pm for some euchre by the kitchen area. Bring a friend, and a snack or beverage to share. JESUS CALLING Join a group of fun & faithful ladies for lunch every first Monday of the month for food and faith sharing. We meet at Allison’s Finer Diner at noon Nov. 7 and we use the new book Jesus Always as our inspiration for our sharing time. The evening group meets the third Friday of each month at Allison’s, and will meet Nov. 18 at 6 pm for similar sharing. For more information, contact Mary Leigh. Come join us at whichever time meets your schedule or availability. OFFERING ENVELOPES Offering envelope booklets for each giving unit will be available on tables in the hallway beginning Sun. Nov. 20 through Dec. 11. 2 HOLIDAY DEADLINE CHANGE Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, the deadline for the Nov. 27 bulletin is 10 am Tuesday Nov. 22. Your cooperation is appreciated. The church office is closed Nov. 24-26. THANKOFFERING JARS Thankoffering Sunday is November 20th. How many times have you heard someone say, "Thank God!" Thankoffering Sunday is a special day to give thanks and bring your Thankoffering Jars for the noisy offering collection. If you need a jar, you will find one on the table in the narthex hallway. LADIES, WILL YOU JOIN US? The women of Faith will be having a meeting November 16th @ noon in classroom 212 to discuss the possibility of having another Women's Retreat this year. WE NEED YOUR HELP IN MAKING THIS DECISION, and would really welcome all of your ideas. Please mark your calendars now and save the date. If you have any comments or questions please call Penny Daniels (740)397-4057. SPECIAL THANKS People of Faith Church: What a comfort to know our burden of grief was shared by you. Thank you for your prayers and support, and thank you for the prayer shawl. It is very much appreciated...The family of Doug Werner. Dear Faith Lutheran Church: I am currently battling breast cancer and before my recent surgery I received a lovely prayer shawl from Sally Berger. It has been such a blessing to me as I am recovering. Thank you so much for this wonderful outreach. The prayers are felt & appreciated…. Sincerely, Rachel Whitcomb MARY MARTHA CIRCLE Mary Martha Circle will meet Tues. Nov. 8 at 1 pm here at the church. Dan Werner will be the program leader & Karen Rohler the hostess. All ladies are invited. Come join us for good fellowship. WOMEN’S EVENING STUDY GROUP The Women’s Evening Study Group will meet Nov. 8, 5:30 pm, at Bob Evans Restaurant. Please bring a book you are reading to share. All women are invited to join us. Questions? Call Laurel Johnson, 740-427-3753. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOPPING LIST Small cars Combs ( 175) Clothespins Toothbrushes (need 100) Pens Metal spoons (need 50) Balls of all sizes Old T-shirts to make into jump ropes Snack size Ziploc bags AA batteries for flashlights (need 35) These are our greatest needs as we get ready for our Annual Packing Party on November 13th. Sign up today in the narthex. We thank you for your generous donations and ask you to consider picking up another item to help. If you would prefer to make a donation, please use the decorated shoe box on the organ. We look forward to touching the lives of over 300 children with the love of God and the Good News of Jesus Christ! Be a part of this mission!! Come join the fun of being an evangelist. JOIN US AT THE OCC PACKING PARTY Mark your calendars because November 13th will be here soon! Please come to the Packing Party and enjoy food, fun & fellowship with us. We will begin downstairs after late service to enjoy pizza. Afterwards, we will go upstairs to pack our special shoeboxes. Serving the Lord in this way, and giving to the children is a very fulfilling mission. These gifts will also be accompanied with lessons offered to learn about Jesus. Please join us at the party and plan to receive the Christmas Spirit! WOMEN AND GIRLS OF FAITH Remember that the Hannah Browning Fund has money to help you with a variety of needs. The Fund has given funds for college to preschool tuition costs, attendance at workshops or church gatherings, special needs for your work or school, driving lessons, piano lessons and so many other deserving pursuits. Put a note in the Hannah Browning box in the office letting us know your needs. Questions? Call Laurel Johnson 740-4273753 S.O.A.P. PROJECT Our S.O.A.P. project was completed on October 8. Twelve women from Faith, along with Sister Sally Burk, chairperson for Southern Ohio Synod WELCA anti-trafficking committee helped to label 1,000 bars in record time. Sister Sally shared stories of how the bars of soap have saved young women who have been trafficked and the process of delivering the soap. Along with the lunch and fellowship that followed, we also had time to do some soap packaging for Operation Christmas Child. Thanks, again, to Faith Endowment Fund for the financing of this project and to everyone who helped. POINSETTIA ORDER Forms for Christmas flowers are in this issue, along with the deadline of Sun. Nov. 27. Helps us add to the beauty of the sanctuary! NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS Katharine Johns, Susan Miglin Ryan Neuerer Marge Veith Caroline Pletcher, Kim Rardin Pam Gillett, Christine Yoe Ryan Tiell Zachary Ballengee Dave Keck Caroline & David Caldwell Kirsten Gleason Kellyn Caldwell Bobby Ambrose Erin (Mishey) Kerr Ed Hall Jason Ballengee, Walter Gunther, Dylan Pauley, Robert Melick 26 Austin Morris 29 Carolyn Jacquet, Will Pletcher 30 Aric Lust 2 6 9 10 12 14 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 1 11 14 24 27 28 29 30 NOVEMBER ANNIVERSARIES Peter & Beverly Bertoia Glenn & Lesley Fischer Scott & Penny Daniels Ray & Sharon Mooney Jim Harder & Sally Berger Andy & Jennifer Johns Dave & Becky Keck Dave & Kristina Caldwell DEVOTIONS The new quarter of our devotional books Portals of Prayer and Christ In Our Home are available in the rack inside the entrance door by the parking lot entrance. 3 PANTRY NEEDS Here is a list of food items needed for the food pantry at Interchurch: canned chicken, egg noodles, fruit juice, soups, tuna, and personal hygiene items. GIVING UPDATE As of the end of September, due to the shortfall in giving, 3 months of Pastor’s health coverage & pension benefits had not been paid, nor did we pay our promise to Interchurch or synod mission support. We also had @$4000+ in bills due. A special gift from Dot Salisbury’s family, a Temple Talk by Dan Werner, and good giving for Oct. 2 has caught us up on pension & health for Pastor, paid bills on hand, and caught us up with Interchurch. If giving remains strong in October, we hope to send some synod mission support at the end of the month. Generous, bold and extra giving now and throughout the end of the year will help us finish the year strong and hopefully start the new year with money in reserve. Trusting in God and responding to our gracious God, all things are possible! 4