Letter Summer 2016 - Bellevue School District
Letter Summer 2016 - Bellevue School District
August 2016 Welcome to Bellevue Big Picture School Home of the Panthers Volume 6, Issue 1 Greetings from Big Picture School, Important Dates Aug 18—Back to School Check-In Day 8:00-2:00 Aug 24—New Student Orientation 8:00-12:00 Aug 24—New Parent Meeting The 2016-2017 school year is fast approaching. Hopefully, you had a restful break and were able to spend quality time with family and friends. Big Picture staff members have been busy developing curriculum, receiving training, and preparing for the welcoming of our students into our school community. We are excited to launch Year 6 of Bellevue Big Picture and eager to begin building strong relationships with new students and families. Students are at the center of all that we do here at BP and we take our work with them very seriously. We truly value our partnerships with families and believe that by working together we can prepare all students for their post-secondary aspirations. We were excited to graduate our 2nd class of seniors last Spring and will share their college journey with you throughout the year. Sept 27- Middle School Curriculum Night In an effort to facilitate a smooth transition to school, we’re providing students and parents with as much information as possible. Please take time to share with your student the information included in this letter. Hopefully, it will help your child experience a successful transition to school. We’re looking forward to working with you and your child. Please encourage and facilitate your student’s participation in the New Student Orientation and Back-toSchool Day check-in activities, as they will assist your student in experiencing a smooth transition. Take some time to discuss the required summer reading assignment and ensure your student is prepared for the related classroom discussions, assignments and assessments to begin on September 1st in their Humanities classes. Please don’t hesitate to contact me should you have further questions. Enjoy the rest of the summer! Oct 4—Picture Retake Day Sincerely, 11:30-12:00 Sept 1- 1st Day of School Sept 5—Labor Day– No school Sept 9– Parent Principal Coffee– 8am Sept 22– High School Curriculum Night Bethany Spinler, Principal Inside this issue: New Student Orientation 1 New Parent Meeting 2 Back-to School Check-in 2 First Day, Lunch, Afterschool, Supplies 3 Technology, Transportation, Photos, Volunteer Opportunities 4 Internship, Skills 5 Staff Bios 6-8 Big Picture New Student Orientation Our 6th Grade Student Orientation will be on Wednesday, August 24, 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM, and is for all 6th grade students. All other NEW students are welcome to attend and can either join in with the 6th grade activities or meet with Bethany till 10:00 am. During this time, students will receive a copy of their schedules, tour the campus and their classrooms, meet some teacher advisors, participate in team building activities, learn about project-based learning and receive an overview of expectations for the school year. This is a time for students and staff to connect so parents are free to leave or to mingle with other parents. At 11:30 AM, new parents are invited for a short meeting in the cafeteria prior to picking up their students. NEW parents will receive school and PTSA information. This is a great opportunity to meet BP parents and to get last minute questions answered. PAGE 2 WE L C O ME T O B E L LE V U E B I G P I C T U R E S C HO O L V O LU M E 6 , I S S U E 1 Back-to-School Check-in We will also hand out metro passes to approved students, collect school fees, and take yearbook photos. All students can pick up a copy of their class schedule. From 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM on August 18th, parents or students may drop off completed and signed paperwork from the summer email/online, including the required health and registration forms for all students that were emailed last Spring. Please remember that students will not be allowed to come to school until we have the required immunization paperwork. If you can’t make it, please bring all paperwork the first day of school. Please see the back-toschool email and the check-in day agenda for specific time slots for each grade level. Check the email and our school website for all required forms. NEW to BP Parent Meeting At 11:30 AM on August 24th NEW parents are invited to a New Parent Meeting. Come learn about new updates at the school, meet some BP staff, get your questions answered, etc. We’ll finish around 12:00 PM, just in time to pick up your students from new student orientation. Unable to Attend Orientation and Check-in Day If you and your child are unable to attend New Student Orientation and Back-to-School Check-in, please let me know. We would like to set up a time prior to the first day of school to show your student around campus and explain the schedule. All immunization forms need to be returned prior to the first day of school. Other forms and fees may be taken care of the first day/week of school, if needed. There will be a second opportunity on October 4th for students to get their pictures taken. V O LU M E 6 , I S S U E 1 WE L C O ME T O B E L LE V U E B I G P I C T U R E S C HO O L PAGE 3 First Day of School The first day of school is often filled with excitement and a little anxiety, as students may be fearful of the unknown. Knowing this, a brief description of the September 1st first day of school follows. Students may report to the cafeteria between 7:45 AM and 8:15 AM to pick up their sched- ules. Some revisions may have occurred since the Back-toSchool Day. PTSA will welcome parents with coffee on the 1st day. After receiving their schedules, students report to their first period classes which begin at 8:20 AM for high school and 8:30 AM for middle school. For students desiring to purchase lunch at school the 1st Day they must have money in their online paypam account. High school students are dismissed at 3:20 though may stay until 3:50 for tutorial. Middle school students are dismissed at 3:30 or 4:00 if they choose to stay for tutorial. There will be NO activities after 4:00 PM the first week. Summer Reading By now, students should be completing their summer reading assignment. If your student has not obtained a copy of the required novel, please contact the school asap. The summer reading packet is due the first day of school. Copies of the reading packet are online. Lunch: Students may purchase lunch at school and have choices from the hot entrée of the day, pizza, caesar salad, hummus plates, etc. Milk and assorted beverages as well as a variety of snack options will also be available for purchase. Students will enter their code (student ID number) to pay for their meal. Checks or cash will be accepted for lunch or students can have money in their online account to purchase lunch. Lunch is 30 minutes in length. Students may eat in the cafeteria or approved courtyard areas. Only 10th-12th graders are able to leave campus for lunch. Supplies If you haven’t already done so, gather your school supplies for the upcoming year. The supply list is located on our website. It is strongly recommended high school students purchase a TI-83 Plus or TI-84 Plus graphing calculator. Some teachers have a limited number of calculators that After School After proceeding through their day, high school students are dismissed at 3:20 PM and middle school students at 3:30 PM. Students may report to one or more of their classes for tutorial from 3:20-3:50 PM (high school) or 3:30-4:00 PM (middle school) Teachers are in their classrooms ready and available to help individuals and/or small groups or teachers may also assign students to tutorial. Students attending tutorials are to report to the classrooms and students not attending tutorial are to depart for home. Clubs and after school activities, Club Jubilee, soccer, etc. begin after tutorial M,T,TH, and F. Club Jubilee is on campus until 5:00 pm each of those days. Extended tutorial will be available two days each week for an additional hour. After school activities and extended tutorial will not begin the 1st week of school. students may use in their classrooms during class only. They are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Students are responsible for the safe keeping of the school’s calculator. The fine to replace a damaged or lost calculator is $120. If you need assistance getting school supplies, please contact the main office. NEW School Schedule High School 8:20-3:20 M,T,Th, F 8:20-1:50– Wed Middle School 8:30-3:30 M,T,Th, F 8:30-2:00 –Wed PAGE 4 WE L C O ME T O B E L LE V U E B I G P I C T U R E S C HO O L Technology Students will be issued laptops during the 1st two weeks of school that they will take home with them and return to school daily. Students will need to ensure the laptop is charged prior to coming to school each day. Teachers use Bright Space and One Note as a learning management system to post assignments, homework calendars, and to communicate with students and parents. This is a password protected system that students can access from any computer. Students should back up their work on a USB drive and their One Drive. ASPEN is the official grade site for the district and has grade and attendance records. Students also have Office 365 accounts for school email and document storage. Students and parents are required to sign a technology usage agreement prior to receiving a laptop and students will also receive several days of instruction on the appropriate use of technology. The student/parent laptop handbook is located on our website with more details. V O LU M E 3 , I S S U E 1 Student Pictures Student pictures will be taken by Lifetouch on August 18th. A brochure is linked on our website with information about online ordering. Even if you choose not to purchase a picture package, all students must have their photos taken for our ID cards as they are required for all students. A picture make-up/retake day will be on Oct 4th. Course Fees This year, all students taking art are required to pay an art fee if they choose to make digital prints or take home their work. Those students taking Spanish have the option to purchase a Spanish workbook. Please bring your checkbook or credit card to the Back-to-school Check-in Day. You will receive a copy of the fee list and your student’s schedule in order to make payment. Transportation Students eligible for ORCA metro cards will receive information from the BSD transportation department in the mail. Many of our students take the metro to school each day. Information on bus routes can be found online at the King County Metro site. Lockers There are only lockers at BP for PE. Students will be issued a school lock for the PE lockers. Students should not bring valuables to school. Students may carry their backpacks from class to class during the day. Volunteer Opportunities There are numerous volunteer opportunities at Big Picture. Volunteer Interest Forms are available at the school. Please complete the form and return to the main office indicating your area of interest. Leadership Opportunities: PTSA Committees– reflections, legislative, staff appreciation, newsletter/website, volun teer coordinator, nominating committee chair, etc. Office Support Opportunities: Assist 1st Day of School, Summer Mailings, Student Orientation Office Volunteer School Program Support Opportunities: Middle School College and Career Exploration– career and college guest speakers, information inter shadows Project-based Learning– guest speakers connecting academics to real-world work, project contributors ing with teachers views, job partner- High School Internship Program– career guest speakers, mock interviews, resume writing, informational interviews, host a job shadow or intern VIBES volunteers– classroom, 1:1 student support, tutorial support V O LU M E 3 , I S S U E 1 WE L C O ME T O B E L LE V U E B I G P I C T U R E S C HO O L PAGE 5 Internships For the first few weeks, all new high school students will be on campus full-time preparing for their internships in an internship prep class. Students will work to secure internship placement and once that has occurred will attend the internship on Thursdays. an What can you do this summer to prepare? Explore areas of interest– read about it, journal, visit a job site, ask questions Make a list of places in the Puget Sound area that involve this interest area– businesses, non-profits, schools, etc. Write out everyone you know in your network and their career area– relatives, friends of parents, parents’ co-workers, etc. Connect with someone in your interest area. Skills to Build this Summer Over the summer, have fun with your child while improving their executive functioning skills. For example, you could have your child choose a goal for each week this summer ranging from reading to exercise. Have them create a plan for accomplishing that goal and reflect on their progress at the end of the week. Work with your student to prioritize their household chores and manage their time to accomplish common tasks. Students can organize To DO lists, their closets, or the storage shed. If your child has siblings or plays often with others including team sports, emphasize positive collaborative group skills. After a sibling squabble, talk with your child about managing conflict and positive communication. Encourage students to volunteer in any capacity they can and to explore new ideas. Transitioning to middle/high school is difficult for many students. Giving them multiple opportunities to adapt to new situations while they are with the safety and support of your family will greatly assist them with the transition this Fall. We will focus on many of these areas here at school as a natural part of project-based learning includingTime management, organization, self-advocacy, goal-setting, working with others, taking initiative, good decisionmaking, typing, academics. PAGE 6 WE L C O ME T O B E L LE V U E B I G P I C T U R E S C HO O L V O LU M E 6 , I S S U E 1 Introducing Big Picture Staff Kaarina Aufranc– HS humanities advisor– Kaarina earned her Masters from SPU and holds a BA in English from Loyola Marymount University. Prior to entering the teaching profession, she was a digital media manager, casting director, and professional actress in film and network TV. Her goals are to create strong relationships with students, teachers, and parents, to incorporate technology into classes for enhanced student learning, and to assist students in exploring their passions and interests. Erica Bell– HS humanities advisor -Erica has taught LA and SS for many years in Oregon and Georgia. She has a BA from Portland State and a MA from Lewis and Clark College. She recently completed her trip back across the country and is thrilled to be back in the Pacific Northwest. Amy Buckingham– Spanish advisor– Amy has a MA in Teaching from Seattle University and a BA/MA in Spanish Literature and Language from WSU. She is dual certified in math and Spanish and taught Spanish in Colorado Springs prior to returning to Seattle. Andrew Connelly– MS LA/SS advisor– Andrew grew up in Spokane and graduated from Eastern Washington University. He previously taught at an International School in Korea and has led outdoor programs for teens, including a trip to Nepal. He enjoys coding and climbing in his free time. Rebecca Davis– MS LA advisor– Rebecca grew up in California and enjoys spending her free time with her son, reading great books, playing video games, and watching science fiction. Bailey Edgley– MS Science advisor– Bailey is a National Board Certified teacher with several years of teaching experience in the Tacoma School District. She holds an A.A in Graphic Arts, a B.S. in Botany from Oregon State University, and a Masters in Teaching from Evergreen State. She has studied at the University of Washington in the Physics Summer Institute and has completed a Fred Hutch Cancer Research Science Education Partnership. Kevin Eiene - Special education advisor - Kevin served as a BSD special education supervisor for several years prior to returning to the classroom here at BP last year. In his free time, he attends his son’s jazz concerts at Interlake and coaches football for Hazen High School. Allison Ferro– Special education advisor-Allison grew up in New Jersey and holds a BA in education. She taught in NJ for a few years prior to moving here to Washington. Jamie Ginter - Counselor -Jaime has worked at Interlake High School, Stevenson Elementary School, and Newport High School. Tony Granito - Instructional Technology Curriculum Leader– Tony worked as a 21st Century Learning/ Technology Integration Coach in Cleveland. Prior to that, he was an 4-6th grade math/science teacher for 9 years. He is a freelance web designer and holds a Maters degree in Curriculum and Instruction. Allyson Guy– HS PE advisor– Ally grew up on Bainbridge Island and graduated from Washington State University in 2013. While at WSU, she earned a Bachelors of Science Degree in Kinesiology and a Special Education Endorsement. She taught in Mukilteo last year. Outside of school, she enjoys bike riding, running, traveling, and cooking. Lance Haag– HS SS advisor– Lance joined BP after a move to Washington from Austin, Texas. Lance taught for six years in Austin and prior to that worked as a National Catastrophe Adjuster for State Farm Insurance. Lance enjoys hiking, taking fitness classes at South Bellevue Community Center, and skiing. V O LU M E 6 , I S S U E 1 WE L C O ME T O B E L LE V U E B I G P I C T U R E S C HO O L PAGE 7 BP Staff, cont. Karne Helgason– counselor– Karne holds a BA from the University of Wisconsin, She taught humanities for many years in Kenya, Moscow, and Everett prior to entering the field of counseling. Nona Henderson– Special education advisor– Nona is an experienced special education teacher. She grew up in Idaho and attended University of Idaho and University of Massachusetts. Outside of school, Nona enjoys working with horses. Jennifer Hutton– Spanish advisor– Jennifer holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Spanish from Hollins College and taught in San Jose, CA for 8 years prior to moving to Washington. Erica Iris– MS Art advisor– Erica was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, but didn’t stay long enough to get a great accent. After that, she spent most of her life in Connecticut. In 2013, she and her husband got an itch for adventure and moved across the country to the Pacific Northwest. She studied Art Education, Graphic Design, and Illustration at Central Connecticut State University. Most recently, she taught Art and Stage Craft at the R.J. Kinsella Magnet School of Performing Arts in Hartford, Connecticut. Art has always been her passion, and teaching her dream… come true. Lesley James– Research Technology Specialist– Lesley worked as a King County Librarian for several years and is excited to join our school in this new role, supporting research skills in our PbL curriculum. Bryn Jennings– Technology Assistant Becci Kerstetter– Special education advisor– Becci has a background in art and several years of experience working in special education classrooms. She recently completed her Special education teaching credential through SPU. Chris Kinkead– HS Science advisor-Chris holds a BA and MA from Western Governors University and is an avid soccer coach and player. Randy Largent– Para educator– Randy is a personal trainer in his free time and has a degree in Speech Language Pathology. Amanda MacLeod– HS Math advisor– Amanda has a science degree and loves mathematics. She has worked for REI teaching outdoor leadership classes. Natalie MacKnight– HS Spanish advisor– Natalie earned a Masters in Teaching and a Bachelor of Arts from WWU. Barb Mercier– Community partnership coordinator/Career specialist—Barb was the career specialist at Newport High School for nine years and prior to that, a Program Manager at Boeing. She was a member of the advisory planning team for the Big Picture School and has been on the BP staff since the school opened. Anna Morin-HS LA/SS advisor– Anna began her teaching career several years ago at The Center School in Seattle. She worked as a high school humanities teacher, and also taught literary journal and music theory. She founded and coached a co-ed recreational soccer team and initiated an after school girls group. After having her two children, Anna worked as a birth doula for three years. She re-entered teaching last year at Hamilton Middle School in Seattle and quickly realized that her passion was for working in small, student-centered schools. She holds a Bachelor of Arts from University of Oregon and a Master in Teaching degree from Seattle University. We’re excited to have her join us at BP this Fall. Drew Oliver– MS PS/health advisor– Drew has taught at Newport High School in the past and currently serves as their Head Football Coach. Charmee Park– MS Math advisor– Charmee was born and raised in New Jersey. She has a BA from Rutgers University and recently earned a MA in Special education. She has taught middle school math for many years and is excited about her move to Washington. PAGE 8 WE L C O ME T O B E L LE V U E B I G P I C T U R E S C HO O L BP Staff, cont. Karen Penewell - Office Manager - Karen worked as Office Manager at Eastgate for one year and 11 years at RMS/HS. Prior to that, she served on the BSD School Board. She and her husband enjoy riding motorcycles and have welcomed a new addition to their family–dog, Willie. Kevin Roberts– HS Math advisor—Kevin has spent the last few years teaching abroad, most recently at an International School in Brazil. He is excited to return home to Washington. Amy Robertson– HS/MS Art advisor-Amy has worked as an art instructor in the Bellevue School District for many years. She taught a wide variety of art courses at Newport High School, Eastgate Elementary and Puesta del Sol. She has BFA from Boise State and a BS in Environmental Studies from Northland College. She is a National Board Certified Teacher. Lori Snoozy– Paraeducator– Lori worked as a paraeducator at Eastgate several years before joining the BP staff. Paul Spatafore– MS humanities advisor– Paul has a Masters in Educational Leadership from Northeastern Illinois University and Bachelor’s Degree in History from Illinois State University. He taught for eleven years at Shepard Middle School in Deerfield, Illinois which is a suburb of Chicago. He taught 6th and 8th grade LA/SS and advisory. Paul has served as team lead and coached track, cross country, and ping pong at his previous school. In his free time, Paul enjoys playing sports, hiking, traveling and listening to live music. Clinton Stellfox-HS Science advisor– Clinton holds a Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry from UW and a Master of Arts in Teaching from WGU. He has worked as the Science on Wheels Coordinator for the Pacific Science Center for the last seven years, teaching hands-on science lessons across the entire Pacific Northwest. In addition, he has also worked as an educator or Digitalis Education Solutions, which is a planetarium manufacturer. Outside of school, Clinton enjoys sports and airplanes. Christina Strigenz– Attendance specialist– Christina is the proud mother of 2 children, one of whom was a member of our 1st graduating class in June 2015. Rebecca Thornton– Registrar– Rebecca has been an active volunteer in the district and keeps busy with her children. Michelle Turner– MS LA advisor– Michelle grew up in Cleveland, OH and earned her BA from Bowling Green State University. She taught English in Seoul, South Korea and returned to the states to earn her teaching credential from Cleveland State. She has travelled to more than 30 countries and enjoys long distance running, yoga, her two cockatiels, and spending time with her friends. Michelle taught previously in Federal Way. Brooke Weber– MS LA advisor– Brooke is a graduate of WWU and has taught in El Salvador and an International School in Denver. She loves project-based learning and is excited to return to Washington. Eileen Wilcox– MS Math advisor– Eileen has a MA in Teaching from Northwest University, MBA from Loyola College, and BA in Economics from Rutgers. Prior to entering the teaching field, she served as a para-educator, financial analyst, and regional sales manager. Eileen grew up in New Jersey and enjoys triathlons and camping with her family. BELLEVUE BIG PICTURE SCHOOL 14844 SE 22nd Street Bellevue, WA 98007 Phone: 425-456-7800 Email: [email protected] Enjoy the Rest of Summer! See you Soon!
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Letter - Bellevue School District
complete the form and return to the main office indicating your area of interest.
Leadership Opportunities:
PTSA Committees– reflections, legislative, staff appreciation, newsletter/website, volun