1 - Heritage Avon Lake
1 - Heritage Avon Lake
LOST CAT: b i n * urey/Wadc bfcfcy, fanafe ( " M G U A decbwsd, REWARD!! b i t WiTar i.03d area. Juj'Jd 9 * . &'! 933-4113 or 933-7661 Avon resident keeps unusual € 9- - - See Page 8 RUG. 3x12. tunij-braiied. wco', grEP/i/Vj;!* ifL-n, vn3i 7 n u l l ma'chinrj rurjj, goc-J csnfliiwi: IZDOia Cbl 337-5/51 ANDUTHt'KUIFtKt • , _ _ CHECK CHECK (UK (UK rUr.St rUr.St AND Till* WEEKS CLCL***ltlLDi! C L A S S I F I E D S IIN\ID£ N\ID£ T i l l * WEEKS 47th Year, No. 38 August 20,1997 600 E-mai thepress9bright.net Community Pulse ...And Opinion R.J.H. Sign here! EveryfewveAra, through the efforts of city councils of our communities, cliarter review commissions ire formed to take a look L\ updating the charter of tho city. This is the document that guides municipal governments in the way they run our communities. After tho charter review commission finishes their suggosted changes, they are forwaried to city council, who la turn puts them on the ballot for you to either cccept or reject. Some of tho recsut changes to area enmmunities nude possible by charter changes ;nclude full-time mayors for Avon nod /won Lak» and tho staggering of council terms, which allows Tor ail&rro council people to run for office at different times than ward council puoplB. The purpose of this movo was to moke sure you didn't lose all si-vtm council • members at iho same- timu. thereby disrupting tho community. This was 0 good move tliat has worltod well. Over the past couple of weeks I ve Continued on page 13 Avon • Avon Lake • Sheffield • Sheffield Lake By JoAnne rLasterda? AVON - "Multi-tenant commercial and r.ntertainment development including at least one building of greater tfian 70.000 squaro fact." So reads First Interstate Development Company's application for Planning Commission presentation scheduled far August 20. Mayor James Smith said, "I don't know a whole lot about it. I havon'l soon tho plans." What Smith did liko was the reputation of the company with options on 100 acres of land on the north sido of Detroit Road east of SR 83. "They have the financial backing and the wherewithal to do u firat-cluss development." Smith said. "Eventually somebody is K°inJ> ta build in i.hul ar**<i imt3 I'd iiku it lu bu somubody who is strong." Regarding re zoning Smith said OS percent of the area in question is iilrrndy zoned commcrclnl. Smith and Jim Piazza of Piazza Flora) Grronhuusti and n nitmibtir of tho I'lnnning CtjinmU*ion ftxpluinml (tint tho city lu*s an ordinance concerning supcrsizod store; that la, stores with over 55.000 squaro feet. Propertyfara superstore tn the city of Avon must be within ono-half mile of an interstate) interchange and must have access to an arterial road. Detroit Road. SR S3 «md SR 611 ore artcrinl roads. The property in question meets that criteria. No city con outlaw super stores, but they can restrict location to avoid traffic congestion lluoughout the city. Smith said. Piazza said he had been broached by a representative of Mitchell Schnciacr fur i'irs* Interstate Development Company to purchase a portion of his land at tho buck of tho greenhouse. No ijgiccmuDl has been rencuod- Piazza said thut thu plan itsttU is in Us infancy. Tlin sritonhousn is zonud for o«rlculruro. Adi«cBiit prt»p*rtl»« BIOHR Oouolt Continued on pago 13 Street Bights for Landings By Amy Glim AVON LAKE - At a special meeting Monday, council passed an ordinance which detorminod to procood with the street lighting project in Tlio UL-iditig-i subdivision. . Dospilo objoctions to the cost raised by curtain residents of the subdivision, council accepted thu report of the Assessment Equalization Board, ho rebort recommondod thai th« project continue. As a result, the city awarded a contract to Holub's Excavating to do tho trench work noodod to bfgin. In Other Business , . Somo coui-cll members raised concern ovor whether the city should got involved In tho negotiations between CEI and Local 270. "I don't really feu this is an appropriate item for counci to bo taking camp on." said council niombur Holly Kowalski. .According to Engineer Wado Murtz. Columbia Ca, will bo instalhng gus linos on tho treo Inwn on the south sid« of Redwood. . , . Kopf Construction has approochod tho city concerning tho possibility of a cap on the amount charged por acre for the Central Avon 1 .ake Drnmage 'rojrct. The issue will bo iiiMriMod at the n«xt Hi Oimniittni' miietiii^. O i t t mietiii^ Tho court rfnlo rrgwding lltn cily s Continued on page 13 ! e ,Sm.cschoc^e,,,oek PRESS photo - JoAnne Easterly. Avon Lake continues in quest for grant " ~ By Amy Ulnn AVON LAKE - The city is one step closur to learning whether it will receive un KDA grant to fund the Pin Oak Parkway extension. Mayor Vinco Urbin said last week that the city's presentation nn August B before N0ACA (Northoist Ohio Aroawide Coordinating Agency) at thu Ubrury wont woll. As (i result of thw |ir»»entation, NOACA has Qgrood to rocnmmenil Avon Lake for receipt of tho Economic Development Administration (KDA) grunt. "When I finished my presonliitiuii, my mouth wasn't oven shut fur1 fivn seconds find n bnard HICIHIKT ni.uii ii inutiun tti Hnpruvts," said '. Irljin. As pa.t of tin) process of applying lur . . ,-... tho SB00.000 grant, a municipality must havn Iho support and recommendation c' lhit area thu (yanl would apply to. i-JOnCA roprusonts five counties in tho review of all uppliuition* for federal funds, including Cuyuhogu. Ceaugu, Lake, La rain, and Medina counties. Tho grunt, which is given through tho Unltou Slates Uopartmonl of Commerce, would lund tho oxtonsion of Pin Ouk Purkwuy Stmut to Kouto S3. as woll ns tlie '.vator linos and snwor nocussary to do su. This would add un ndditiomil 214 acres of dine'opfihlo industrial and light industrial {irnperly tn thr situ. Tin! steps luinlini; up !o lhi» noint have Ijtiun ltitig'nv and invulvril. to Urbin. Tliri*i» yeiirs nmi. tlm engineering . nn i n , u ,r:nc. design HMlen and environmental envlronmonli studies wero completed. In 1904. the rozuning needed to complete the expansion was passed, changing tho urea from residential to light industrial. Tho next stop was to get support from aron organ I/a I ions and governmental agencies. Tho OEDP Chairman, tho Lornin County Chamber of Commerce, Loruin County Transit, Stato Representative John Bouder. State Sunutur Alfin Zaloski. nnd Congrcsannin Shorrod Brown wrote lutlors of support for Iho projoct. In April of this year, tho Pin Ouk Piirkwiiy extension wns runkod us a iiuiiibur one priority in tho Overall Kcunutnic Hevolopmcnt Plan by thw Luruin County Kconomic Devolopmoiit Continued on page 13 Food Mart Ail Meat Bologna is.1.79 Turkey Ham ...La Wisconsin Brick or - M * Muenster Cheese ia 1J99 Lo Fat-LoSalt ALPINE LACE Swiss Cheese Colden Rice Bananas AH Flavors SUNSHINE FARMS Fruit Drink RGESE. KIT KAT o r HERSHEY Candy Bars POPSICLE BRAND Fudgsides or Creamsicles R3gular, Diet or Cherry Seven-Up 12/1202 CAMS All Flavors Snapple All Varieties DAfJ DEE Potato Chips Eveiry Day of the Year! MILLBROOK Golden Honey AVON LAKE SHEFFIELD LAKE 137LearRd«U33-2718 4786 Lake Rd • 949-rpi31 IIn Ha " m1 1! HI EBHHJ Q mm 1 I BKMRHBffilB- WBKBSSEBBBBBI wwwwiinwiiHii Remember when? To the Editor: With the Avon Lake Marching Band Bason UDOn US nn,. a ba 5? Yi? * :_ ...i?___ . "^ mot"" of three, the marching band was a precision unit that did intricate moves. Not a line was cut of sirp n o r the least bit crooked. Every mamber marched, not walked, with steps high-reaching and Uawless. Harry worked many, many hours designing several new routines each year and it showed in the pride and satisfaction on everyone's faces, parents and students alike, at what was accomplished. Those bands were asked to play at the Cleveland Browns' halftime shows year after year and met with overwhelming applause. Not to take away from the accomplished symphonic and concert band director that Mr. Severns is. but marching is nothis expertise. I would bo there are numerous former marcbing band members who would be more than willing to give a helping hand and restore the pride felt by the entire communityforthe fantastic marching band Avon Lake could have once again. 1 havo heard hand member mothers say their Johnny or Marv can't possibly play and march at the iamo time; well. it's a shame those mothers have such low expectations of their child in thinking they are not capable. Just give L'iOm the chance and they will amazo you at •how stunning they can be. Letter signed but Name withheld by request and danced to the music of Cliff Crocker and enjoyed a demonstration by Inturaatiuntil Karate Centers (The Landings). This affair was sponsored by tho City of Avon lake with the volunteer efforts of tho following groups and individual*- Barbie Alves, American Leyioo post 211 (Mike Tarone, John Wedull. Don Hill. Pally Tollman). Avon Lake Press, Barry Brooks. Sally Urooks. Kern Catanuse, Pam Font. The Hearts (Melissa and Cassio Sinimelink. Heather Moody. Allison Maurer. Sara Killwae). Holy Spirit Youth Group Internationa! Karate Centers, Joyce ADA picnic a great success To thfi Editor On Sunday. Aug. io, the seventh annual Americans with Disabilities Act Picnic took place at Miller Road Park in Avon Lake. Approximately 170 Avon Lake residents and guests from Murray Ridge. Our Lady of iho Waysii1*. Lucy Idol and Walkin* & Wheehcs listened i, Ktwunis (Abo Liuberman, Tom Allison, Scott Coy. Jack Kinsncr), Oenis Lynch. Chris Quinlan. Dave Robertson, St. Joseph Youth Group {Stephanie Koebel. Ste-o Koebel, Shelly McKay. NaLalib KolowsU. Hope Miller. Mulairie Wood]. D;ui Walters and Cliris Woolen. V.V.A. 403. Donations of food and door prizes wore made by the fbllt-wing: Ace Hardware, Classic Iniago. David's Lock & Key Service, Emorald lJarrot Put Shop. Ceppelto's Pizza. Jim's Corner Cafe, Dennis Kinder, Lorain County Arts. I ovu & Laughter Card & Gift. Marge's Flowers & Gifts. Marty's Cycle Center. North COPS t Nautilus, Put's Pastries. Ridge Cleaners, Gertrude Robertson. Tho CaHv Store, Tom/Car Foods and Walkin' & Wheelics. The ADA Picnic Committee extends its heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated in this event. If you didn't iitiiku it to the picnic this year, make sure to join us next August. The ADA Picnic Committee Gary Fell, David Front. Cail Kotab. Kathy Lynch. Marilyn Robertson Thanks to Dr. Poyie To tho Editor: Earlier this year, parents of a number of Avon Lake ten through twelve yearcld girls talked about getting a travel fast pitch saftball team established that would give our daughters the opportunity to duvelop their skills and play in a highly competitive league. Our ide was great and our daughters were enthusiastic, but league and umpiring fees, as well a? uniform and equipment costs, made the team unlikely. One of tho parents happened to mention the Idea of the teum to his friend. Dr. Geoff Poyle. whose Chiropractic Concepts office is hi The Landings. Dr. Poyle asked how much it would take tn get the team off th<j vound. When he was told, he agreed to fund tho team, no strings attached. Our daughters, who called themselves tho Avon Lake Jr. Shoregals - Chiropractic Concepts team, played throughout Lorain and Medina County this past spring an-1 summer, thanks to Dr. Poyle. Thanks. Dr. Poyle. You made these past months memorable for our daughters and helped some of our city's future star athletes take tho next step up in then* development. You also gave our children a lesson in what it means to be c part of a local community * where one part of the community -helps another, without expecting anything in return. We appreciate your generosity on behalf of our 13 daugh'ers who w'M never forgot this past season. Tho parents of tho Avon Lako Jr. ShoroB»l» - Chiropractic Concepts Twira Ohio /Vteciical Croup Ohio Medical Group is pleased to announce thatDr. John M. Herberth has joined our group. DR. JOHN IS ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS ALL-RIDE per person per day most major insurance plans accepted Dr. Herberth is also taking appointments for back-to-school, camp, fall sports physicals and annual physicals. CALL NOW TO MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT 216-933-2322 or call the main office at 216-835-6123 32730 Walker Rd., Bldg. I, Avon Lake, Ohio 4-8PM Monday thru Thursday 6-10PM Friday Located off 1-90 & Rt. 83 in Avon at 33777 Chester Road Call: 937-6210 (Lorain) 236-6601 (Cleveland) received a gift certificate to usu at our fall book fair. computer software sale to earn free software for The two book fairs that W'jstview PTA sponsored We5lviuw. ITA helped equate the school yearbook. All brought 55,379 in books to WesMow School. Our the kids lovo Inokin/i tlirou^i this book. Thoy will realp bthday Book Club contributed over 46 new books to ly enjoy it when thoy aru in high school. Another area uio school library, hi May. PTA members helped with nhoro PTA helped cut was with the Student Council. the "Young Authors Celebration." Each child at We helped them with their poinseltia sale and donated Westviov wrote a book for this event. Abo, artwork money to help them purchase a popcorn maker. During from all tho studonts was hung in tho hallways at this homecoming, we made a float with tho other Avon thno and ice cream was provided as 3 special treat on Lake PTA» to sliuw school spirit. the livening of lbs big display. Another way that PTA We hald a fund-raiser in the fall. We sold Dutch Mill promoted reading was lo start up tho Junior Great Flower Bulbs. The nnney wo made from this lundmet miTMiriimirnrrf'?™"™"1"*1*"'py*ai Hooks program at Westview. This is a program where raiser along with money we made form Market Day. the Learwood Orientation. An orientation program -/ill kids voluntarily join u book discussion group for about MGP donation and money from other tvents enabled _ be held in the Learwood auditorium for all sovitith ten weeks. The students who decided to be in this proWestview PTA to fund different programs for the stu= graders on Aug. 22 at 9 a.m. The program will ii st gram enjoyed the experience. approximately one hour. Eighth graders who are ntw dents during tho school year. Then,' were six programs to Learwood should meet in the Learwood cofoterli In February. Westviaw students partlcipdtod in tho llml wo sponsored: Clenn Wallacu-Singer/songwriter from 10-11 o.m. Attendance at these orientation pro- Reflections program. This year there wero 9G entries focuses on respect: COSI-Focus on disabilities; Dr. grams Is optional. from Westview. This was 30 jnory entries than last Craig Woodson-instrument maker: The Hotfoot Duoyear. One of our >>ntrtes went on to compete at the state Musicians lell about this country's development; Rob School Calendars. The Avon Lake City Schools plan to mail their Annual Report/Activities Calendar to par- levul. The Classroom Gallury program was in full Sweetgall-Focus on walking for your health; Gary swing this year. PTA members worked with iho art Broddbont-Uoomerang man talks about choices. ents of all Avon Late students on Aug. 22. They regret teacher to present three different artists to each grade the delay in deliver)', but their printer has been caught Westviow PTA also used our profits to buy 5500 ia up in the UPS delivery system. Any community mem- 'eve] during Iho school year. books for tho Westview library in honor of Mrs. ber that would like a calendar may pick one up in the There were three community service projects that Simmons* retirement. Wo also bought a cart for the Superintendent's office anytime altar Aug. 22. •.ere done during the school year. PTA provided indoor recess games, a Green Machine carpet cleaner. Westview PTA Annual Report. This year Westviaw importunities for tho students to holp others by having science equipment and an Ellison Letter Machine with PTA had a membership of 17S people. This included a"'.ill food drive, adopting a family at Christmas time, dies. PTA monoy was also used to pay for buses used 100% participation from tn. teaching staff. Westview anJ. collecting items for the Cornerstone Pregnancy far field trips. student enrollment was down by 30 students from last Center. Another way we helped the community was This year we held two evening meetings so working year, but this did not affect the hoars put in by PTA boi-,', involved in the city-wide Block Parent proj'am. parents would have on opportunity to attend a PTA l volunteers. Westview PTA contributed over 2.200 vol- ThL; program provides safe places for children to g.. f meeting. Wo also sent a couple of our members to the unteer hours this school year to support the school and then is an emergency. Westview PTA also donated Spring District 7 Conference. Westviow PTA had a positively influence children's lives. This number is mont>' to Community Resources, The Peter Miller member who kept us aware cf the legislation that was up almost 9% from last year. Houst. MCP, After Prom. Friends of the Library and important to PTA. We also had a member who mado us There were over 42 parents who chaired many com- tho Academic Banquet at the Avon Lako High School. aware of the current curricUiim in the Avon Lako mittees In PTA. Parent involvement is always encour- We gat <? scholarships out in the amount of S25O each Schools. Our by-laws were updated to meet the state aged at Westview, so the more parents that we could to two g -qduating seniors who had attended Wostview and national guid^L'nes. We had a Student Council have Involved in our committees the better. Many of School i' oao time. representative come tu mouy of our meetings to update our volunteers helped with school pictures, vision and PTA had a welcome back lunch for the us on their activities. Also, at .tcme of our meetings, we hearing screening, and kindergarten registration. We nad a teacher representative come- and share informaalso like to make the students feel special, and our teachers i.x August. In December, there was u Staff tion with us. We now have a ITA bulletin board In the monthly birthday boards, holiday parties, and spirit Ccokio Wa.'fc at Westview. PTA members mado quite a days all are an exciting part of the school year. Many of variety of c.»okies for tho teachers and staff. We pro- office at school to keep the teachers informed of what goes on at thw PTA meetings. our room parents helped out by going on field trips vided many treats and surprises fu. the teachers and staff at W.-itviow School during Teacher/Staff I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyand supervising a game for Field Day. Appreciation Week. On Secretary's Day, Mrs. Carter one who made this school year a success. Since I am Westviow PTA oncourages reading all year long. We received o pla't and gift certificates !o go out lo dinner remaining in the position of president for another offered a Summer Reading Contest in which 1,615 and a movie. Wu want the teachers and stall at books were read. Each studont who participated Westview to l..'ow how much wo appreciate every- school year. I nm looking forward to working with the current PTA members again. Howover, I ain also hopthing they do to uurtuio our children's livtw. ing that ore parents decido to join our efforts to make Other events '.ha! Wiistview PTA held wero tho Westview School a great place for children! Candy Cano Shop for kids to purchase Christmas gifts. Alfred C. Standen Fun Fair and Fouth Crado Recognition. Wo also had a Laura Bellinger, Pt^sident Veterinarian drive to collect urcd gomes and books for the kids to Westview PTA • The common rounduse during indooi ^ijcess. The students also participatworm of nccoons, called ed in the Box Topi, for Education program where they collected Genera] Mills box lops ta earn cash. The stucan also infect man and dents earned over S '00 in this program. Wo also had a otbur animals although it i'j harmless to raccoons. It ings or other areas used by ' ,Get Your Au has been implicated in cases of serious eyo dis- humans and should not be "insurance Fr_ ease or central nervous adopted as pets. During August, the Medicine Shoppe "Participation in MDA fundroising is system disorders and can This message Is brought Pharmacy at 445 A-l Avcn 3elden , another way for us to demonstrate our cause death. Consequently; to you as a public service ; /Who Cares AsV Road, Avon Lake, will help children commitment to important health care contact with raccoons or from Alfred C Standen, aoH adults with neuromuscular disissues." explains Anderson. "This exposure to their feats D.V.M.. Avon Lake ^X;Alu^h About.;;^, eases by raising money for tho effort fits in with our ongoing focus on should be avoided. Wild Animal Clinic. 124 Miller Your Coverage As Muscular Dystrophy Association health-related products and tho hsalth raccoons should be discour(MDA). Thoso MDA contributions are Road, Avon Lako, OH of our patients." aged from inhabiting buildused for a variety of support programs, 44012. Phone:933-5297, MDA is a voluntary health agency from conducting research and providworking to defeat 40 neuromuscular ing medical care, to funding special diseases through programs of worldsummer camps fo.- kids. Customers can wide research, comprehensive services, show their support for MDA by dropFAMILY VISION CARE and far-reaching professional and pubping bills or change into col let'.on canlic health education. The Association's CONTACT LENSES isters loeuted in the pharmacy or by programs are funded almost tmtiroly by purchasing MDA mobiles. TINTED individual privato contributors. Medicinu Shoppo Pharmacy o.vncr/ The Medicine Shoppo Pharmacy in DISPOSABLE pharmacist. Dili Anderson, will raise Avon Lake is part of the nation's largest ASTIGMATIC monoy as part of MDA's jerry Lewis system of franchised professional pharLabor Day Tnlelhon. In three years, macies, with more than 1,100 stores In Mudiclno Shoppo Pharmacies across (be U.S. tho country have raised more than 3750.000 for MDA. PET CARE I Medicine Shoppe raises funds for MDA DR. SCOTT H. SEIPEL DR. WENDY HALLIER OPTOMETRISTS (216) 9 3 3 - 8 3 0 0 EVENINGS AND SAT. AVAILABLE 32730 Walker Rd.. J AT THE LANDINGS AVON LAKE. OH 4 4 0 1 2 Sylvia Lavell penfoundH insurance • 39765 DETROIT ROAD AVON Read & Use Tho Classifieds Time Savers 934-5133 Email us at [email protected] or visit U! online atwww.bright.net/-thepress Established 19S1 * P.O. Box 300 • 158 Lear Road, Avon Lake, Ohio 44012 » Phono: 933-5100 * Fax: 933-7904 Richard J. Htmmtt, Jr, R-J. (Dick) lUmmcr, Sr, Amy Clnn Llnd» Iltmtntr B«b Kohltr Publisher Founder-1922-1W9 Nrurt Uilor AJtrrtving bUnagrr CirvuUlim Mmagtr Tho Press is a newspaper of General Grculalion in Lorsin County. Copyright t997O DEADLINES NEWS ITEMS: Thursday - 5 p.m. ADVERTISING: Friday - Noon CLASSIFIEDS: Monday •- 5 p.m. O r Send News Items, Classified*. Advertising and Articles to: Th« Pross, P.O. Box 300, Avon Lako. OH 44012 —^7y c r e it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate to prefer the latter." - Thomas Jefferson •Seeking successful or new businesses to advertise their product or services at our website •Over 6 million potential shoppers visit this site per month •Advertise locally or nationally CALL NOW 324-4348 or 288-3005 • Shopping • Drycleaning " Pet Walking V • " • • I P.O. Box Pickup Wait for Repairs Unpacking Call to Discuss rfw Possibilities! TRUDI KAKOS 216-930-2482 We run errands and o whole lot morel "i Hi I1Li si s j il L if! §1 t iBBHtMl By Mary Swindell SHEFFIELD LAKE - A little girl crymg outside her apartmeat August 13 axcitad noighborly concern and resulted in charges to her mother. People leaving a nearby suite ut the Boardwalk Apartments on Lake Road at about H:40 p.m. found the girl. 3. waoplng in ths hallway. The child appeared feverish and said the was hungry. Neighbors asked the child where her mother was- "Gone," she rapliei They saw the door to her apartment open and checked Inside, finding the gal's 18monlh-old brother asleep in nia crib, and no adult present. They called the police. Tho mother showed up shortly after 1 Q-m. She had beon at a local oar and said she thought a jabyaitter was coming over. The woman, 21. was charged vdUi two counts of child endangering. The children were given over to the care of their grandparents. Finders not keepers An officer on patrol spotted two tesnage boys at Lafayette Boulevard and Richelieu Avenue August 8 at about 11 pjn. They weren't out after curfew but bo stopped them anyway. The reason was that one was toting a machete. The boys. 16 end 17, said they had found tho hacker In the street. The officer took it to the station and tagged it for release to its owner in the event ho or she C^ITT" I t Mouthy and menacing A complaint of a lot of noise In a neighboring apartment brought police to a Lakeside 10 apartment the early evening hours of August 12. As they approached, they could hear Uio KKUKU of a loud argument. A building manager said ue Es* boon getting numerous complaints of beer par'les and obscene language in the suite. An SHEFFIELD LAKE POLICE BLOTTER 10-year-old man visiting the apartment wanted to fight him. the manager said. Officers found tho youth to be uncooperative and belligerent. Asked where he lived, he said ho didn't know. He was charged with obstructing official business and menacing. Wake-up call A Cayle Street woman awakened her stepson, 14. for work the morning of August 14. He refused to get out of bed and an argument ensuod. Finally be did get out of bed. but only, according to reports, to throw his step-mother against a wall. Sho signed a complaint of domestic violence against the youth. g A resident of the Boardwalk Apartments on Lake filed a complaint last week that a personal chock for $50 had been stolen from her mailbox. Smokes stolen The manager of the Speedway gas station on Lake reported that nine cartons of Newports and one carton of Marlborcs were pinched on August 10 or 11. The smokes were valued at S179. Gunfire fright Actual fjunfiro was reported on Tho Una Drivu August 12 ut about 1:15 p.m. A caller said he bad heard what sounded like a rifle shot. Police couldn't find any shooter, though. Vrooooiiunm The occupanti ot two cars, a white sporty type and a blue compact, were said to be dmgracing in the area of Sunset and Ivanboe Avenues the early afternoon r_; August 6. An officer found the cars and their occupants at Ivanhoe and Pasadena a few minutes later. The kids strenuously denied dragracing. The officer just as strenuously ativUud them not to drafirace in case they indeed had been doing so. Green hair day An upset Irving Park Boulevard resident hailed a pasiing cruiser on August 10 at about 7:40 p.m. saying be nad seen three males emerge from a nearby woods. Perhaps what alarmed the resident was that one of the guys had greon hair. Th* Avon Lak* BFG/Gaon Ratines Club will rw«t Friday. Aug. 22 al On Christ Winery, 32421 Wafcar Road In A w n Laks. We W4 haw a presentation by a number of trie original employee* from m« A w n Laka ExperirrwrflaJ SUBcn. They wiflto*i a o* some of » < r experiences and the happenings during the cays Of '46* FrUnds of (•dees axe welcome to etwnd. Ka-puwiut A Community Road woman complained List week that soinu neighbor kids wen; shouting at her dog with a UD gun. The offending weapon turned out to be a cup pistol Retirees Club to meet THE PRESS. . . Sponsors This Weeks COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE at the OLD FIRE HOUSE Saturday, August 23,1997 8:30 AM -1PM for appt. call 933-6164 Al (The Count) Whitney 233-8827 at The Lorain County Blood Bank. • Walk-Ins Welcome • Sign off A resident, spotting two kids spraypainting a city no-parking sign in their backyard on August 13, made for tho phone to report this to the cops. An officer recovered the sign, which bad been posted at Forestiawn Avenue anil Maiufiold Street LORAIN COUNTY BLOOD BANK ^ nliiitiiiimiiiiiiiniHitr fe^timiiumnmuumisfe SAVE A LIFE . . . . DONATE BLOOD Be the sponsor of our next WEEKLY Community Blood Drive. . . CALL. 322-570O L.C.B.B.. Marketing North Coast Shoreway Lanes 'Home of Free Open Bowling for Our League Bowlers" We Have A Fresh New Updated Look! WE NOW HAVE: . Cosmo Bowling (Fri. & Sat. Nights) • Automatic Scoring . Full Service Pro Shop • 24 Lanes of Bumper Bowling • Birthday Party Packages for Adults & Children . 3 FREE Games per Day for All Regular League Bowlers • Refreshments JOIN THE FUN OF BOWLING BY JOINING ONE OF OUR LEAGUES TODAY! The following leagues need you - Call To Join Today! MIXED Day Name Time 5:30P Sun Twiligbters Sun Sunday Nite Mixed' 8:15P Sun Party Animals ^ooP Mon Mon. Morning Mixed 9:00A Mon Hove A Ball *15A Tue Tuc. Classic Mix Dbl. (J:30P Sat Sat. Moonlight Cpls 9:00P LADIES Day Name Time Mon Monday Nite Rollers 6:30P Wed Wed. Nite Shorettcs 9:15P Thu Gad-A-Bouts-SIetpers 9:30A Thii Thu. Nite Shorettcs 9:15P SENIORS Day Nome Mon Club House 55 Thu Club 55 Plus Fri Friday Seniors 949-7101 4209 Ivanhoe Avenue, Sheffield Lake Time l:00P i:00P l:0OP IIIMU JUNIORS Registration Date 8-23-97 /124PM Day Namo Time Sat Bumpers- ages 3-5 10:30A Sat Bantams- ages 6-8 10:30A Sat Preps- ages 9-11 10;30A Sat Juniors-ages 12-14 l:00P Sat Seniors-ages 15-18 l:00P Committee admission to the show Is a $1 and will be held in the media center of the High School. Homecoming weekend will also feature a pet show. Children are invited to bring their pet and possibly win an award in a variety of categories such as: shortest ears, biggest feet or most original name. The Homecoming Committee has chosen the model to be featured in this year's "Cat's Moow" replica. It will be the Old Stone House located at Walker and Jaycox. the price b,is been set at S13 and will bti available at homecoming. Homecoming is the 27th to the 29th of September. Organizations who would like to get involved with lha parade should contact Pete Hird {9334737). Hird is also looking for people who own convertibles and would Ilka to drive a member of the Homecoming court in this year's parade. force. While at this point only 15 orgat» nizations havo signed up for th« parade UJ fby parade lime usually 60-70 organiza£ tions are represented), the committee w has already lined up a plethora of aclivF ities. According to Unda Johnson, Homecoming Committee Member, attendees can expect n entertainment from puppet shows to "'""»1 exhibits to musicians. The committee is still looking for a band to play on Saturday night "Something low-fcey. not too loud, they're going to be playing in a gym." said Johnson. Homecoming will also feature a quill ahow and offer the opportunity to win a maroon and gold quilt, with Avon Laka written repeatedly in gold loitering, by purchasing a $1 rafllo ticket. According to Sue Gorbick of the Homecoming leams the latest about this project from Joan Lowry and Larry Dompsoy of MediaOno. It may bacommon lo use the Internet in your business or to chat it up with friends, but did you know you can also use it to locate and buy a home? Carol Murphy Is [oined by Nadge Herccg of the Avon Lake Public Library on "Leading the Way Home" to exploro this home-finding toot. Lisa Burmeister welcomes Laura Greenwalt all the way from Nationwide Insurance la Columbus to talk about Medicare. To understand more about this confusing subject, be sure not to miss this interesting. Informative "Senior Social Connection." And tho Jammin' Productions Crew presents their latest ahow on channel 34 thU week. loin host Jonathan R. Leonard as he lours the Avon Lake E'ollco Department with Sgt. Ken Vaccaro. We always welcome your questions and comments hero at ALC-TV, and hitoly we've received a lot of positive feedback from our live call-in programs that aired whilo city council was on break. Tho special format of "Thought You'd Uko to Know. Page It" brought In 10 phono colls on our third and final program: wo were amazed and excited about such a great response! If you'd like to see Mayor Urhin host more shows liko this In tho future, please let us know at 033-7677. Thanks for watching, thanks for calling, and have a great week! Program line-up for Public Access Channel 34 and. Government Access Channel 12 for the week of Aug. 20-20. Public Access Channel 34 - lammin' with host Jonathan R. Leonard. 0 a-m./p.m., 12 a.m7p.m. - Senior Social Connection with host Lisa Burmeister, 7 a.m./p.m., 1 jaJp.m. - Leading the Way Homo with host Carol Murphy, 8 a.mVp.m.. 2 a,mJp.iru - WGOD with Reverend William D. Grant of the Lokeshore United Metbodist Church of Avon Lake. 9 a.mJp.m.. 3 a.m./p.m. - Let's Talk with host Bob Dolen. 10 a.mjp.m., 4 a.xaJpjn. - Miscellaneous programming, 11 a.m./p.m.. 5 a.m./p.m. (Notn: The Avon Lake United Church or Christ airs its services LIVE Sunday mornings at 10 u.m.) Government Access r>anni»l i z - Avon Lake City Council Aug. IB Work Session and Special Meeting. 7 amVp.m., 11 n-m./p.m., 3 ajnJpjn. ALC-TV Playback, This week on ALC-TV, Avon Lake City Council returns to Government Access Channel 12 with a work session and special meeting. Be sure to tune in to their first meeting back from summer retxss. On Public Access Channel 34. "Let's Talk" about the rebuild of Avon Lake's cable systom. Join Bob Bolon as he Have you been tracking the correlation between shuttle launches and major earthquakes? Do you havo combination locks on your food canisters, and keep those inside a locked refrigerator? Do you balance a beer bottle on top or the doorknob, as a warning device that someone is attempting to enter your apartment? tf «°t. then maybe you're safe from "beroming a Jerry." But you should sull be careful, for you never know when "they" might b e walching...follo wing... recording...your every move. In Copsplracv Theory. Mel Gibson embraces bis role as New York cab driver Jerry Fletcher, who checks and rechecks' everything. For ho knows that nothing is coincidental...it's all part of a plan designed by "them." Like an annoying faucet that can't be turned off, Jerry spouts off theory after theory to his back-seat audience. He gets so selfabsorbed in his uwn hyper-speed monologues, that in one scene, hn's slow to realize that his cab is empty with tho moter running. But when ho finds himself strapped in a vheelchair with his eyes taped open, battling tho effects of a delusioninducing drug, ha realizes that ono of his theories has hit home • but which ono? Julia Roberts wavers In her role as Alice Sutton, an attorney for the Justice Department, who spends her evenings by staying fit on home exercise equipment. Having onco been rescued from a mugging bv Jerry, she becomes a sounding-board for many of hit paranoid conjectures. Ho has pestered her so frequently, that tho security officers in the government building know him on a first-name basis. While passing through a metal detector after being reminded to remove his keys. Jerry ponders about the detector's effects upon his body, if they ore concerned about what it does to his keys. "Havo you ever been in a place where hope Is gone, and all that is left is patience?" These word), spoken so dispassionately by Dr. Jonas and played so effectively by Patrick Stewart, are a disheartening reminder that o doctor does not always havo honorable intentions. His sinister demeanor, accented by his savagely acarrod nose, is just plain creepy. Much of the action of director Richard Donner's film takes place on the streets of Manhattan. Anyono per- FRIDAYS FISH FRYSH foTHRE&IARQE? 1 f^fO'J^tiJ rTALIAJ* RESTAUmurr ft LOUHOE THE LAPtDOTQs 033-3*01 FREDAT NIGHTS AH Yon Can t^t • DAILY SPECIALS MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday- HOT WINGS Ask About Our Specials RIBS fit STEAK Ask About Our Specials PERCH, COD RIBS K STEAK OPEN DAILY MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 10 AM 3349? LAKE RD.> AVON LAKE 933-4007 •Good Food • Friendly Peop/o • Good Spirits Authentic Italian rood ON LAKE amau from 25 Pasd, VB*'pjdan « SHORT ON TIME? 35 Minute Lunch or We'll Buyl Aflediavtminthetom' agj|g Join U* For 'Grwnpy' Hour 3 • 6:30 pm Mon-fri (OMOWJ (rorr our Ftogd* MCIXJ • no pizza) |" \ 1 1 I ^^"AUGUSTKEATUKfc ~ ^ din«-ln onlj $ 6 . 0 0 O F F With Purchase of Two Dinners, i Will rhl* J J . Dine In only Moo. thru 7Iu«. *oJ Frl. « t M . b»lw» i;OO p.m. Not v*lU with Jny othw onw. — — • • — 2 7 8 2 8 Center Rldgc Rd. • Vfestlakc - 892-93OO WUXINDDlNNEBSPcOAUl FBI: Sleak & Shrimp Lasaana SAT: Roast Beef Chicken Parmesan Tato Salad SUN: Fried Chicken Wings 20< \ 32485 Lake Rd. 0 3 2 Avon Lake PATIO OPEN! 933-9730 sonally familiar with tbo heavily trafBekud canyons made of concrete and ylass will appreciate the erratic driving patterns and the confusion of lights that vio for attention. Douncr's uso of the constant cUmor gives tho viewer a real sense of tho city. Written by Brian Helgoland, tho script works well ia th° baaiis o f *«*>• soaed actors. Due to violence and mild profanity. CotispUucy Theory has an R rating. Although one tcrture scene may otfend some, I noted that none of the female seniors who pfippeied tho audience vacated their seals. In fact, they were grinning when the house lights canan on 130 minutes later. (On a • • • • • rating, this is a — M Far from tho lands of comic-book superheros, terrorism, and conspiracies, lies a small fishinc village in the Pacific northwest, wheru curly-haired Max. played by Vincent 3erry. eagerly awaits the-word that he c m go salmon fishing wilh his dad on thu Botany Bay. But wnen he discovers that his dad is really a whalur. Max is faced with a dilemma that never enters tho minds of most 10-year-olds. Although changing times ha^e made whaling illegal. Max's dad can't ignore the underground market rato for what meat at 5200 per pound. Not living high on. tho hog. one actually begin* lo sympathize wilh tho man. a* he and bis crew are simply trying to earn a living. Jesse, portrayed by a grown-up Jason James Richter. Is now a research assistant, hired on as summer help pboard the Noah, which can track whales 24 hours a day all over the continent. In Free WUly 3, The Rescue. Jesses first business at hand Is to send a highly sophisticated message through the chilly waters, letting Willy know that he has returned. In the time il takes for a whale to clear its blowhole, we learn that Willy and his new friend will be gracing a Japanese sushi bar without somo interference from Jesse and company. Filmed In British Columbia, the scenery calms and soothes the viewers soul. Throughout the movie, we listen to the song of the whales, which is beautifully defined as tho sound of the earth breathing. Despite thuir cumbersome clothing, thero is an enchanting scene IA this film, directed by Sam Pilisbury and written by John Malison, of the boys gliding smoothly underwater atop the kilter whales, until together they break through the water's surface with complete abandonment of life's woes ana concerns. Watching this interaction left me feeling elcted. yet with a pang of envy, despite the fact that the plot is predictable. AAcr all, it is family entertainment, and the pickings are slim for parents who ore trying to do right for their children. Due lo a barroom fight scene, mild profanity, and the use of spear guns. Free Witty 3 has a PC rating. Moel of tho plot's burden rests on young Max's shoulders, who wrestles with doing what is right, even if it hurts. A brief vinw of a whale giving birth draws this 00 minutp film to H'doso. [On a rating, this is a • " . ) Academic Notes Junior Matthew Tochek of Avon Lake has been named to tho Dean's List for the second semester at Qanoaictlne High School. Tochek runked 13th in his junior class wilh a 3.740 GPA. Avon LaU-'s BEST KEPT SECRET Jim's Cate /re an< ana Lounge C-.jaLfa3t • Lunch • Dinner Homemade Soups • Cliili DAILY SPECIALS • Carry-Out PriJay Pi.-ri Fry $&.8S- Lake Eric Perch Great Pcod <£* /i».-5/ Prices in Town! 933-9939 t' BBQ f BABYBACK 1 U !{ 3 I' i 1 OTIHT Moore & H P.rU^nRcrr rtin^t f! COMinogoo* RIBS! T jim>c«.i 1 I '•-.'I*;* ';'••'•'•* and Truck -tf MflDfffWfl£Vfflflfl/ITfJ U3T PRICE 524.220 - SAVE SSJ23 Stfe Pttct $20 J97 • Rtbits 12000 ^ML. ''• \-~~; O R >a / 13000 DOWN"! '94F - 150 XLT V-8 LOADED UJUI / CASh Cfl THABE | I».(K» fr«i n i n . ty m*rtJfrif tint ituwnttk lor tie»« M M A t*M U CAMPER SPECIAL 30,000 MILES ONLY $13,995 '94F - 150 CUSTOM ONLY 37,000 MILES US! PfUCE SI0.855. 3»H P.lct $17,797 - Rcbat* S1M0 READY FOR WORK OR PLAY IN S70CZ-BRAND NEVZ-mtRDWEH I Ult P.ict *2<.B40 • 5*1* VC43 $ I I 19,397#i M UUDC ItAMXM 11 t t CCJ-URtrr Nm rwaa -M BCRCTTA V4. Mca . . t » CtNTURT CP v*. S M •«7 DOOOC « 0 !•( »•>«* 11 SP«T ES V4. L M M 4.8% H 15*1 CM i «*«<•• •54 r j n n w « « . 1 ^3 IOWIC CAM c « t a APR FINANCING ON ALL MOUNTAINICRS t l IATUIW SL-J Prtei •»* BERETTA JB JX t l PABK AVt irvKOKM. o « « t l LESABRC M M -*", • « SABLE U * » . 1 « - * •9S SABLE 1 O"w. tl ODD "*rt UNC0LN.C0HT1NENTALS 9* TAUIU101 !•••••• V»K M^,995 ttOUNOMAMUl Red Carpet Lease. 24 mo.» 7 '3000 Oowin /CASHOBTRADE 5 f" •TOO Down CASH t; TUTt 1135-3700 1-800-380-4641 IP, M 6,995 ^ ^ Home Computer System The JML P200 System includes: 15" SVGA Low Rad 32 MB High Speed Monitor Memory Serial Mouse 23 Gig Hard Drive Microphone 24 Speed CD-ROM Windows 95/CD Fax Modem w/Voicc Lotus S ma rtsuite Internet Ready 2OO-Watt Stereo Speakers Surge Protector Color Printer 104 Key-Win95 Keyboard Helen Vaugh: has, perhaps, one or the most unusual pets in Avon. PRESS photo „ - JoAnne Easltrdsy Peacocks provide rural! touch *Set-up & training included. $ 2 2 1 5 . 0 0 JML offers a fuH One Year Warranty with the option of a Th rce Yea r Limited Wa rra n ty. D Call 9 3 3 - 2 4 1 1 and order yours today! COMPUTERS Personalized service for you! We are located at 515 Moore Rd. in Avon Lake SCARVELLI FLOORS SHOWROOM 6 TIMES LARGER!! 36775 DETROIT ROAD i Next to Helen's Kitchen. Across from Avon Fire Station. WALLCOVERINGS DISCOUNTS 50° OFF CARPET & FURNITURE CLEANING AVAILABLE Vaught said. According to Vaugh!. her nobby b somewhat break oven concerning AVON — "I'm co expert I just like expenses. Sha hires a man lo shear her thorn." was Holan Vaught's comment as sho proudly sLowcd oil her peacocks. sheep once a year. In payment he takes tho wool. Sho sells a lamb on occasion "Pokey" and "Cumby" were hatched 3 0 ast and also eggs. At a Eront-yard stand at from eg;* I " " ^ year by ono of her pea hens and weru hand fed as cliickjt. her 39220 Detroit Road home she sells On occasion Vauehl'a 10-year old vegetables. A littla strong box with a grandson Craig helps her wetcr and slot serves us an attendant when uhe is feed her menagoris, but the 25-year res- gone. She said if she everfiguredhow ident can's for iho animals and her much it costs her to maintain tho aniproperty herself. mals, she probably would getridt)f them as being too expensive. Raising fowl is a hobby and includes pbeasonU. ducks and chickens as woll Vaught sola her son helped her plant as tho pea. Sheep round out Vaught's 1000 tonuto plants. She doesn't plant turner rote any special tlad. just on early maturing variety onr! a later one. Born in Belgium to a Czechoslovakian mother and a Polish Among tho car horns sounding father. Vaught came to tho United Avon's development, lock.and listen for States at the ago of eight. As a chiM sho Avon's past—the characteristic screech lived in Lakowood but spent summers of peacocks and pheasants, the mornat her aunt and uncle's dairy farm ing call of the rooster, and roadside VPJetablo stands. "Once I lived in the country. I never wanted to live in tbo city again." By JoAnne Easterday EXPANDED SELECTION OF VINYL FLOORING •Tarkett •Col mar •Domco •Armstrong GUARAMTEED LOWEST PRICES ON PERGO ^ k FREE Doormats * One Per Customer 6,000 Yards of Carpet 8 Vinyl In Stock • Remnants • Carpet 8 Vinyl • Roll Balances Expires 8-31-97 Mori a Thu. 10-8 TUe,Wed,Frt.1(« Sat. 10-5 P a t h w a y s Preschool Announcing our Scholastic™ pre-kindergarten program. plus , „„, ,s Prewhool Plus1*1—our sxciting prc-Undergarten program for 4-and 5yciir-olds from Children's World Learning Centers." We offer an exciting, carefullyy researched preschool curriculum that provides your child with a solid Ibt^lalion for learning. In Pathways Preschool Plus, your 4- or S-ycur-old w:Jl be introduced to: • Pre-Reading Skills and Concepts • Prc-Math and Pre-Scicnce , FeotunngtheX • Socialization and Emotional Development '^.Scholastic forty v • Prc -Writing Childhood Wortehop' • Social Studies • Dramatic Play • Creative Art i After One Free Week!"! enrolling and p-iyinc * reparation fer, you y will tecctvt vour lint week free. Y mull prnent ihn h coupon at time of You enroll men i. For newly entolleii children only. Multiple or duplicate enrollment often u e mid. Offer subject ro available ijuct and ii not valid it un-iiie nrogrami operaied by Cliildren'i Wuild at elementary ichooli. Infant program not included. Offer expire* September 30, 1997, COUPON CODE:ADSUCKF97 r- Children* World LEARNING CENTERS. i Quality Child Car* • r F . i ( « l va.Klftd*rgart*n • Sihvsl-Ag* Pragrwn* 407 Lear-Nagle Rd. Avon Lake, OH 44012 (216) 933-2531 Learwood Square CI899 CMdfo'B VfaW U « n ^ , f>n < a , 3 . Inc. AH rights V I fc luu is Hi 1 1 I HI H1 Bran if 1 1m i is W I 8 ! SB m AVON LOCAL SCHOOLS L 11 IBM as m aaBesSeB See Iff BUS 1 9 . MRS. FHABOTTA HiUI faUtoOLi St. HAHVi* BUS #17 - MRS. TADDEO LEAVE STORAGE 7:OO 7.-O8 LAKELAND GARDEN 7ilO-FRENCH CREEK RESERVE.- QJion W(y L*Jw fUrt Dr WISTERIA 7-15- VIOLET CT. PE3UU1NKLE PRIMROSE ULAC 7t20-HOLLY LANE 7 J 0 EACEL CREEK SCWMV1S1ON; Ftkon C™t, E>^i C L D F -. E^k N « Orefc. Ivy UCM AVON EAST. HOLY TRINITY. AVON VILLAGE 8:00 - MILLS RD. - Stonay F&4}«tocut tumanuxl COUNTRY PLACE: Banwod CL. R*d C*k. H o t r o d . Sprucwood. Mia«C«rfi 8:20 . NAGEL RD. - MUb to Sd*Mrt( AVON RESERVE AT SUMMERHJLLJ FU Uh* Dr.. MaCud C M RCMTV* Way. Ulnarbrook Dr. RED TAIL GOLF DEVELOPMENT: R<vH S t . G*org« Dr.. St. Sharbd Q , i*. Mdron Dr. VUvnon Dr, EaSuood Dr.. St. Frtrcto Dr.. St. Fnndi Ct» 5prti»jfcrock Dr. DurJ Dr. Crown Cofany Dr. 8 J O • NAGEL • Scrwara <n D«tntt Rd. Cnc Jcnti*. WUb. Pku. Chwry. BtM. T-wry CO BUS # 1 2 - M R S . NAGS, H0Ol 0 ST MAJfl iOJ 6UHAM.A itl. MARY'S LEAVE STORAGE 7.-OO £ 0 3 CENTER RD. MItoMU I MILLS - CnCrrto««rt turnaround 7i W COWTHY PLACE . B w o u Cl. B-d v^k , ood CL. MUfa Ciwk Lan*. 7:30 JAYCOX . » & to H . t f h » ^ d ^ I W T C3KEK SUBDIVISION: SL M*too BW. L«twJ W« F»truay Eitttw: GfwnnWw Or Fairuay D7 J S SUMMERKIU. SUBDIVISION: SwrnmohlU Lan«. V, fl</ VWw L I D * Sprkiguak Q n k , F*U L M « Dr.. 'AhJ« Pine St. AVC:< CAST, rfoty -nuKnY & AVON VILLAGE' B.-O5CTNTEK RD. • DcOolt Rd.toW CENTER RD. - Drtre* Rd.toHUb nMUkk (Inc. Fornunriil 8 t l 5 CENTER RD. - MlSitoD«tntt uSWW SUBDIVISION; Wyndcmm Why. ! WYKDEMERE B U 4 WV W t r i j W Wh P Dr.. Lara* Owl i KENSINGTON PARK ESTATES: Kmknflnn. Bar****! Dr.. O w n Aim') Way [ St2S ARBOR ACRES: Fakan Crart Dr. t—« ot C*nl« Rd-» MRS. i. MAKVS 7 : 0 0 STONEY RIDGE - LongtoMUfa (te. Sou* Rlda* ft M U 4 4 MILLS • Ston>y RtdMtoCenter 7 i l O . CENTER • Mlflt let D«t>c4e - Wnt Skk onl^i One Arbor A) fAon) 7:20 - CENTER RD. NORTH TO 9O 70S • CENTER RD. T* KinOEL HD. WMI Skb I 7i3O-WYND£MERE SUBDIVISION: uy«fa™™ WW. E Win Braaftfawoorf VUv. WoUifcml UE^c WhMpert^s "*"•• AVON EAST. HOLY TRINITY. AVON VILLAGE 8.-07 . PARKVIEW DR. 8:10 - SCHWARTZ RD. - J->n*toM * turunuid 8:13 WOODMORE SUBDIVISION: Sprux CL. Kktory CL. Bvk Lwi«. FV4rwnor LAIM. S*ndy LMM - north erf y h u r a 8-15 SANDY LANE d Sh 8:22 WILLIAMS CT. BUS_»U-MHS.PLAS rUGll MJKKH.li Si". MAU LEAVESTORAGE7K» 7:10 NAGEL. D « K * to Awoo Rd. Dvtntt - CCMXV U MtoJavcn Rd. (!nc North StM SubiSvkknJ 7:25 iAYCOX RD. - Dafn* Rd.to5 f t « r t t Rd. One. E M J-yra. & K t D AVON CAST. HOLY TKINrrV. AVOW VILLAGE «:CS • LAKfLAND GAKDOI FRENCH CKZEX RCSERVEi Ohun Wiy. L»fc« Pow Di WISTERIA WAY 8:O5 VIOLET CT. PERIWINKLE PRIMROSE ULAC P^con CWn. E ^ i . C M OwmAmiv ...... Rkglasbwgw Rd. lo rftgh Sd>cal AVON EAST. HOC* TROTTY * AVON VILLAGE I ) 5 COLORADO RD. - DitiM Rd to MiOa t « NO DAY CARES S t l S DOOVTS ST. - W c o n m L»U«. L»W. DOOVY*S1 AVON EAST. HOLY TRINITY. A%1ON VILLAGE S:O2 CENTEU RD. - tChnUr <o TiwJkiJ SCHNEH^RCT. 8:10 CHESTER RD. - (C*nl« Rd-toMocrtJ MOOfX 8:20 SCHA7ER COUNTKYSSE SUBOfVISION: Hnvat. C & d AVON WOODS: Cantftru*od, SaraStwocd. Oakuood. Appkunol NORTH D O O W S MIRIAM 8:15 JULIA CARLEEN BUS »18 • MRS. WILLIAMS lEAVESTritAGE7:O5 STONEY " OGE RD. • H«h Sduol to Lena R4, both ttd^j fee M««dow d Lin* L «nd R 7:10 LONG RD. 7:IB CAST BD. 7 J 2 3 CAHOOT SUBDIVISION: C m b Wan. Anbtan CL, Ontv Dr., North&dd Ofck, Bdmor* CL. Stnp^ CKB*. SoOon CL. ChurchlB Dr. BrUk Q . SaenrtarUt CL 7:2S DETfcOrT • C » * Rd.toStowy R>4l* Rd.. Scuth Ski* One Csrtury LJUM, Hjyu, CmtanrJoO 7:15AMMR<L KENSO^GTON PA»?ESTAT£S: K^MMsKm. lacii 1 SC!KX>L *> ST. MAKVS LEAVE STORAGE 7;C5 7:0i3 DETROTT: CenUrtoJjryua* Cnc Stu^sMaurl ELIZABETH: 7:10 PUTH .tOSEPli NACEL - SdMarCtoCWr.crf Qiic Jcaiia. Bk>. U>H> Cbary Trin*/CtJ SCHWARTZ • N*jd to J*ycc« 7:15 PARKVIEW TTM8EHV1EW HEATHERWOaO JAYCOX - Schw/rutoHcatticrwood HIGH SCHOOL It ST. MARY'S" LEAVE STORAGE 7KW 7:05 KACEL: Mlb to Stt^mra RED TAD. GOLF DEVELOPMENT: CoM &L. SL Fnndt Dr.. Gdorga Dr.. St Ftaodi CL. St. Slurbd CL. SpringtnxA Dt. St. M w n Dr. Doral Dr.. VUarnoin Dr.. down Cokxy I>^ EMtwod AVON RESERVE AT SUMMER Httlt Fall Uk> Dr, MJLrf Cow. R o o v . Way. IMnurbvok Dr. TULLIS 7:10 MAPLE RIDGE SANDY LANtdoah ot Schwartz) WOODMORE SUBDIVtStON: Sprue* CL, H i d a y CL. B—ch LMW FVntnsravLaM. Swid^f L*r«(Ttortho(Srtwrtrj 7:15 SCHWARTZ - N*flrfto«*«t ttanarauod 7:2O WILLIAMS CT. AVON EAST • SL Mtry'i Latdtlwy AVON EAST. HOLY TTONTTY, AVON VILLAGE B:O2 CREEKVIEW SUBDIVISION: CndcvWw. MaplavWw. Cki 8:05LONG CASE • &«• T 8:15 CAMELOT SUSDfVtSlONt C*r«tx Uav. S u n k O M Arbtan Q . StaOon O , D o t * Dr. Chuthlll Dr, North&cklOrck. Brk^ CL. BckmH Cl.. S^ntartat CL 8:20 DETXOfTi C m to Skuwy RkJg* bcuh * M Wtc: Cmiury Larw. r l w n . CaMannal «i27 a u i t a i ST. MLS M 9 • MRS- •)• WnXlAMS AVON EAST. IKX.V TKJNITV. AVON VILLAGE flhOO JA1COX - M i l — i l l K> M i M U HtATMOWOOO wHrrerme nMBCMVrEW Bi2S JAYCOX - SiiwarU to D-UT* One. t M J^cv) KELLDt DRIVE 8 3 5 JAYCOX - North uf DctR* Rd. Out of Town Scboob L Schoofa LEAVE STORAGE 7K» 7:O5 COLORADO AVE. DrtWt R«ttoC«rWn B». Laura * LawmjTfw » Dtamorrf Ouli Dw C^H SCHAFER COUNTRYSIDE. Harvn* Dr 4 C-n*;«od 7tlOAVON WOODS. C n * " " ° « i S«fcs«od. OJo^od. COLC«ADO-D«STo BUS #5 MISS JOHNSON pp N.DOOWS MIRIAM JULIA CARLEEN SaSHUNTERS WOODS SUBWVtS»N: HUNTERS TRAIL MILLS - S u m W*»«toEa»l hm «it»Bid JAYCOX - MUh to m*k h»n •«*««) SrntR . K*to» « - * » ("-MM; tt*W. 731> HIGHLAND PARK SUBDIVISION: KarrknMt TrW. P * * m Piau. Trutton ( V « AVON EAST. HOLY TRMTY. AVON VILLAGE IUEGELSBERBER - Ccnttr ID Kanatatfcn KENSINGTON TDTANVCT. EDGEMEWE AVON EAST. HOLY TRWTTY. A W N VILLAGE nrtW 8:05 Demon- RD. • s m - * £ r J"J^ DETROTT RD. • C*»« to Tr^l« (bo* » « l - TradatoD««* R i One A«n Orio) J f N S « W U P « . O-rJWJ Dr. ThomlWd Dr.. D 8:25 RJDGELAND DR. BUS # 1 6 - MRS. TiT HOLYTWNrrY. AVON EAST. AVON Ui sVoO STONEY W»C£ DGE • WwJtoMllh 0 « .SSo^-h Rldft. k HUNTERS WOODS SUBDIVISION: tUrtm T n * Ikrti fflS-«JBOMSIOH, I RIB #6 - fecS CHESTER RD £lO 55?°COLOR IUGHLAND PARK SUBDIVISION, rU.r-mn T™1. ELIZABETH puni W. R«r. TrWry CL. J-rri*, WJb. Ch«mf t Spr«- CL. Hkicrv CL. B**h KELLER DR. STO 8:15 JULIAN ST. HALE ST. These BURGER KING 519 Avon BeldcnRd. Avon Lake irri.. Fall Lab* Dr. . IVtSlON. (R-dT-0 5L M-on BUL Following BUTTS/— 174 Lear Road Avon Lake 933-8686 HARTSEL'S AUTOMOTIVE I 49 Lf" 80 * 1 930-AUTO (2886) Avon LUKC B O B T L L E N INSURANCE AGENCY 33399 Walker Rd. Suite B 933-5223 S t KARATE ACADEMY GEYSER PRESSURE WASHING, INC. Exterior House Cleaning 933-7060 PIAZZA'S FLORAL GREENHOUSE 35638 Detroit Rd. Avon 937-5880 525 A Avon Lake Ru\ y BRUSNAHAN & STUART ATTORNEYS W D. " PINCLRA, ^ JOHN ATTORNEY930-2600 0 1 SW" " DAIRY QUEEN m in ii lis pi i1 1 ill MM; i ii I ii §11111 LEAHWOOD AM - EOS1 - MB. CBO5PTTCH STOPLOCtflON JATCOX ROAD 4 SIDNEY BROOK DR 5TCfeYBW>JKDR 4 CHESTNUT CT. GRECCHAH OR. 4 RELMOOO ELVD GREENEBLW DR. & BKQWOCO LANE GREENHKAR DR. & BRAMXM PL JATCOX ROAD 4 WIL1AK3URG DR S d n u s LEAHWOOO TtXE 722 7 23 72* 725 725 726 7J0 UAEKXXX) AM BU5 f 10 MtS. S O U P O U STOP LOCATION TBtf ;» 7« tiEL«XO,t fttOAOCO H i D * EEACHWCXD AW: REDUCOOBUD ftMfcCCOBLVD DELLWOCO ROADftDUEHELL A l t DURRELL A l t * TMBERLANE TOCOaATE It W t L E U O O O CT VANDWA8D DR * SHNSAKER DR SPINNAKER DRftARHXH HMD tWf lUCKET DR.ftCURES HMD WALKER ROADftAWH POUT ALE ScftobfcLEAIWOOO 710 712 713 713 717 717 ••20 722 726 LEASWOOO AM BUS * 4 MBS. G U O U W * STOP LOCATION TME 711 713 206/MWBLEDEN ROAD WOODSTOCK Art ft SLMEY LAM SLRHEY LANEftHEHlMArtN DR WOODSTOCK A l t ft CARRIAGE LAT€ ALCM BELDEHROADftGLEMltW OR AVON BELDEN ROADftREDWOOD BUD WOODSTOCK A l t ft BELLE ROAD LEWIS WE ft BELLE ROAD AlCM BELDEN ROAD 4 CCMIfTTa'CT 372 KJOH BELDEN ROAD 404 AU3N BELDEN ROAD WUJCT ROADftDANP-J3* LANE S d t LEAXWOOD ITAmVOOO AM - BUS f 7 • WES. PEAOIMAN STOP LOCATION DRUMMOND ORftELECTRIC BLVD. LAKE BOADftMAJVCLST OR 32571LAKEROAD 33098 LAKE ROAD 331*8 LAKE ROAD 311M LAKE ROAD RCSUOCO OR ft LAKE RQUt LAKE HMD ft PARKLAND DR LAKE ROU>ftMOQKEWOOO AVE ENGLEWOOD DRftLAKE ROAD LAKE ROADftWON POTT AYE LAKE ROADftVINEYARD ROAD LAKE ROAD k KARVEY PKWY 32334 LAKE ROAD LAKE ROAD 1> BECK ROAD SdmfcLEAKWOOO 7H 716 7 17 7 17 718 720 721 722 7Z3 725 7J0 TOE 7 1J 714 715 716 717 717 717 7171 LEARWOOO AM BUS I 15 MKS. FRASOLAX STOP LOCATION MX*£V.O00 AVE ftKALKER ROAD 164 WLLER ROAD KLLER ROADftELECTRIC 2LLD LAKE ROADftA'JCTOALE A'."E DLFF DRftREDWDfD ELVD AStf.1000 Oft. t REDMOCO BU.U EELMAR CR ft RHM-COO BUD CUTP5 CR ft ROMOOD BMi CRESTWOOD DR ft REDWOOD &.*! I72CttSr*CCOCR. S t t o o t LEU»"0OO 707 7W 710 710 710 711 712 720 LEAHUtJOO AM B W * IT KRS. U O H A M STOP LOCATION WE5HUND DRftLAKE RCAD HCHAfCI M. h LAKE RCAD LAKE ROADftaKLJ6U.5O;DR. fCHBLRY HLVD ft a«J6W!CK DR 5dnatLEABKXX> TIME 723 724 724 725 730 ST. JOSEPH/TROY/HtXY T K » T Y / S T . MAiVSAAKE B D « AM B L S ' I K L GROSPTiai STOPLOTUIGN LEAR ROAD t CREDtSDE DR HAfiETOOK L A tftTEASFL CT DCftUffSTTS DRftMAREMXK LA."£ DORCHESTER DRftWEDTOM.CO DH VAfBBOOK L A «ftHAMPTON CT MAHSROLK LA,1* *CA.««RDCE CR VMMH ROAD 4 MAflEIKX! A*£ ScboDfeTkUY BUS#1» LEAXWOOOAM.BUS (8-KRSKAVALAC STOPUXXnON BELMAK DH ft ELECmC BU.V RARKWOOD AV£ftELECTWCBLVD. WWOOD BLVD.ftQECTWC BLVD. ELECTnC B U D ft CLENVEW OR BEACHDAIE OR ft ELECTRIC BLW* ELECTRIC BLVD.ftFOREST MU. DR ElECTMC B U O ft BW MX OERHYLANEftELECTfBC BUO Ti4E 7IZ 714 714 7iS 7 17 71* 719 7 2! 723 725 jncox RC«UIftELCCTMC a v a SdmtLEAIHOOO STOPUX>TKM: WALKER ROAD 4 »C1BERRY LAW NA.fruaCET DR ft BWUCEPOnT CT AVCM POWT A l t 4 NA.VTUCKET CR 3 2 S » WALKER HOAD U1R0CKWOODDR STHNAKER DR 4 ARWXn ROAD SPIWAKER DR 4 WOOSTOCK ALT LECHAPTBON ROUGE SdfcTRY 740 T41 7U TO 746 747 7*3 7 SI ASMOODftREDUCCO S d n e t ST. JOSEPH 753 755 757 STOPLCCAnON GftOUE 5T 4 KDKMA.1 A'.E FOREST BUT) 4 OvtAOOK ROAD LMTOMAHMfcKDR LAKEWOOD DR * SOUTH PONT DR ELECTRIC BUT)ftMLU. A « W1LUAK5BLSGDR ft ELECnDC BLM) S d m t S T JOSEPH TIME 7JJ 7J7 7J8 739 739 740 744 JM BOS ST JOSmVTVOY/HOLrTnWTY/ST. MAlnr-.-tAJlf WOGE AM BUS n M*S. K A O M A N 5T0PLOCATXM BRTTANf«A PKWYftNOTTnaiAM DR TME 741 742 741 742 742 74J 74J 744 746 747 741 IV 755 CKZMftlM DRftBRANDON PL CPEENSOAR DRftOROIARD PAR DR BEV3MOOD LA.NEftORCHARD PAR OR JAKXK ROADftUlUAMSBUHG OR .W-itCX ROADftGAXE l A t JA-iTXK ROAD 4 DAKOTA RUN CHEENBR1AR ORftRtDWOOD BLMJ TIME 710 711 713 713 714 7!S 714 7.11 723 7J0 755 TIME 737 hormaiAH DRftBRAKxn PL LEARV0OD AM • BUM » - M i YHOHAS fTOP LOCATION JnyCON ROAOftRNEHU5T DR. JWCOX ROAOftLANDEKSKXD LAME COLNTRY C U B DR. ft FKSIONt DR. WEDCEUOOD DR. ft QtWL HOLLOW CR DOROOTERDR. ft WtDCPMXO DR 00ROC5TEn DRftHARBROOK LANE TEASEL CT ft MARBBCXK LANE 31K0KREB5ROAD m LEAR ROAD SdMokLEAIWOOO 7J2 733 736 73o 7J7 7J3 740 741 ^ • • O ^ V T l O Y g O U f TM»TY/ST. MAmrSAAXE BDCE 7 I* 721 722 722 712 723 723 726 TIME 732 sTorCY BROOK ORfta c s r w r CT 225 MVCOX ROAD *<%*kST JOSEPH BUSfl* W a U V O A^E 4 LA>i HC LAKE BOAD S EHLteWCK DR MH.BLW ELVD 4 EKLK^-iOt DR UD 317SaLAKE» 31904 LAKE ROAD 37160 LAKE HOAt 32J34LAKE3TAD L,WE ROAD 1 OCA C U i . Stfaafc ST. JOSETH „ . _ ELECTWC BUD 4 TAiRFILD BOJD ELECTKCBLiT). W)J£*I S^RA^SS&^ BUS * » ScfMkTBOY STJOS£nVTBOY/l*CtYJTOTIY/CT.MAmrWAJtE EDGE AMBUS* 10 MEL.DAVES . sroTLoexnoN __ LEEWARDCTftKGATTA DR REGATTADR4 KAOTWECT REGAn\ DR 4 COMMODORE CT P£O*1TA DR 4 TRADEfctfCS DR C O W « S CO.EftBRLfCWCy DR REDWCCOBLVD kJMSSCR Jf**JOTO BUM & D L W I U WE MWODHU.D 4 RCD*aX>BU.D SdratSTJOSEPtl „ RIDWOCO BUD. 4 FABTTELD ROAD LAKE KDGE/ST MASTS/HOLY TaMTYTOBC5 » H ST. JQ5EFH/T1OY/1IOLY TBPOTY^T. MAKYT/LAXE KDGE AM BUS #13MK.EBEESC STOPLOCATKW: COUnW CLLH DRftnRESTOrC DR ACACWCT4 XYXH. RCAD KUXEWOOD DR 4 QUAL HOLLOW CR C l QUAt HOLLOW CR V.EDCEWOOD DR & QUAl I CHOW CR TME 741 7.41 742 743 74J 745 746 746 7*8 T-41 750 750 753 755 JA>COX ROAD 4 L A ? « P W X O L A t ^AtTXK HOAD ft PINQHURST DR CQCW JA>CCK ROAD 4 STONEY BROOK DR IMJAtCCKROAD ELECTBC BLVD k FAY AlE EUCTOC B U D 4 ARHOtH flOAD SdaotSTJOSim nOY LAKE WDGE/5T MABTS/HOUT TBWTY TO BUS « » ST JOSEPH/niOY/HOLY TWOTY/ST. MA1Y>1AKE 8 S X E BUS(14.MKS.IUDDai STOPLoCAnon O 31940 UALKER ROAD WLKOl ROAD 4 nCESDE tANE I W d X E C H WtCWARD WY 4 LEEWAPD CT 8AY\TW CRftWJCWAPD WY THADEWNDb DR 4 U.tNWAftT WY BAWEW DH 4 TRADEWICS DR 317» «WDH KC5T1MND OH i BAYVEW DR TRATIVWOI DR l> \JJK. W l f l l DR ICK*. PtWT DH 4 STOW**** O W L » C FUKTE LR 4 BWKIY WY 3tM0W TIKE 7.26 729 7J0 730 7.31 7.33 7JZ 733 733 73« SthntSTJOSERl 75S ST JOSCM/nor/HOLY TRNmr/ST. MARTV LAKE ITOGE BUS # U MRS. F1UUOLAK STOPlOCmON TME K-XJh LAKE OfLDREXS CWTER 7,35 tEARROAD4GO)CC»ff(«, < E STH UtSTWHD DR 4 PORT COVE CR StAWARD WY 4 WtSTWfO DH ELECTWC BU.DftBECK BOAD 745 jo 7-n SdMgkTIOT LEMWDOD AM BUS #12 M L BREZSE STOP LOCATION YORX5T.ftMOORE ROAD MOORE ROADftKAREN OR. 214 MOORE ROM) M4MO0REROAD DEER RUN LANE L'AtBBCB ROAD WEBBER ROADftK K CHAPPEL LANE AVON BtLDEN ROADftBtLMOMT DR. ScteMfaLEAXWOOO TME 714 714 7 IS 71S 711 721 724 TX STU TME 735 736 73b JXATWN: 400 AMDN BELDEN HOAD 372A\CNBELDENROO COEfCTRYCTftttXH BELT«H ROAO BELLE MOADftAWW BELDEN ROAD BELLE BOADftLOWS MJt. RtDWOODBLM) ftWOGOSTOCKAkf 5UTCY LAMEftKRRMAN1 DR 32b52CAKRlAC£f>NE CARRMCE LANEftWOODSTOCK A l t LEABVOOO AM • BUS #14 - MS. KDOOI 731 7JB 740 741 TO 144 7«S 746 753 C A f O U t t LANE ft WOODSTOCK M l STOPLOCATWN TME AWN EELDFN ROADftGLLNVEW DR SdfcnoY 7« WALKER ROADftTREE3DE LANE WUKER ROADft BRDCEStC DR, WINDWARD WYftLEEVWRD CT. LEEWARD CT. ft REGATTA DR. REGATTA DRftMAWIWE CT REGATTA DRftTRADEWWDS DR. ftAYVXWDR &TRADEV.TNDSDR WESIWND PR. t BAYVEW DR TRADE1HNDS DRftLONG POHTE DR LONG PCfNTE DRftMEHDIAN CT. MMtbLEAWOOO L ST. JOSETH/nOYJtfOLY TTOCnr/IT. MAirS/LAKE IttDCE A M R ^ I I MKLKAbMLAC 706 7M 710 7.12 714 714 7.16 716 7 17 720 BUS#1» STOPLODaiOK S71 LEAR ROAD JiTM REBSIOUJ 31*60 KR£B5 ROAD * « I ZZAR«QAD AR« t U » 5 R Y LANEftMQKRY LANE t J S ? * " N E * SYCAMORE OR OOMY LANEftELECTRIC aJMD tUCTIOC OLVDftPOREST « i . OR. * * r f StSTJO TJO SttaotTtJY BUS« 19 755 J * S f l I MK3 "JOSntgMVfllOtYTRmrTYrtT.KAfY*V LAKE ODGt STOPLOCATIOn ELECTRIC BLIDftWOODSTOCK H.Z 3Z2ULAKEROAD n o t LAKE KOAD 32067 LAKE ROAO 7J* 735 736 735 748 ' " 0 1 * TBWTT/Sr. HAinrS/LAKE BSCE STOPLOCAJTOK TME 7.33 7 35 737 737 * * £ W K J 0 D AWftCW3TWOCO DH [ « p r e ROAD0 ftCHATHAM DR * S S ^ O * * CANTERBURY BOAD * O * E ROADftCHARLSETON M.Z »«OREBQADftY«IKsr. U347 LAKE ROAD - These Schedules Sponsored By The Following Businesses TOM-CAR POODS AVON MARINE 37570 French Creek Rd. Avon 934-OOW SCHUSTER'S KWIK SERVE 4264 E. Lake Rd. Sheffield Lake 949-8310 SKUGGEN INSURANCE AGENCY 36966 Detroit Rd. Avon 934-1603 THE PRESS ^ 933- 5 >00 453 Avon Belden Rd. Avon Lake 933-91|3 "OPF BUILDERS 420 Avon Belden Rd. Avon Lake 933-6908 JOE FIRMENT'S LUPE CHEVROLET PAINT & PAPER PLACE Walker Rd. Avon Lake 933-3111 5 Avon Lake OU7 Miller Rd. 933-5445^ Avon Lake NOVOTNY CATERING 143 U a r Road Avon Lake Avon Lake 933-5375 AVON LAKE PLUMBING • so Lear Ku. Avon Lake 933-)969 93*5158.! 3 JL$ S'te^ E flOU) I 3 3 W LAKE ROAD S H S S * 1 0 * GLEHVEW DR. SdMfcSTJOSEPH STOP LOCATION tkkwfc U X £ RDCZ/Sr KAKTS^OLY TBCOTY OtDEMiOCO DRftLEA'S WE CREZHIWXX) VH & KIMGCX3 EliT] KX KXXJCO SLID * Acawocx SLfiKEY I A"€ ftLWTOMAW DR >fWR ACE A.t CARRACt LAM; ft WJOO5TOCK A'.t CARWAGE LAfi£ ft MXi BELDEN RCW) tdkSOOO TO: BUS* 19 £ EDGEWOOD DR A LAKE ROAD 'SOBEVBOO DR * LAKE RQrtO LAKETOADftPARXUKDOR ttEMLAKERCW^ 1EDWOOO ^ M • BUS* J - MBS. THOMAS STOP LOCATION 33K8 LAKE ROAD 33144 ELECTraCEUD FWW1ACCO K.Z ft ELECTRJC OVD. U4MXD m o * ELECTRIC ? ^ D O £ W , t W DR * ELECTMCrnD AVCtt BELDEN BOADftCt7/INTRYCT 372 AlOi BELDEN ROAD 404 ALCn BODBi ROAD 412 A'AW BELDEN flOAD WALKEKflDADftMOCPcUf/X) AL* U4AU0nDELDDIR0AJ 716 AMX BELDEN ROA J 325«Btt>CMTr« U 7 AVON 9ELDEN RCAO - LA CHAPEECfC ROUGE 405 WON BOECi ROAD 37] AWJHEtUD£n ROAD AlCWBELDEH ROADftHJfTEB ROAD Si 31W0WALKDIPD ssss Ea>«XWTArOLE*T5 r«3«JONB£LD£NROAD . Stl MM BELDENROAD SWAWHBEtDfflRQAD r S f c f e S T JOSEPH TKO 5<Jm*STMASVS ISdmfcLAKERDGE JI2 LCfC POWTt DR LChG PCWIt DRftH B n i i m r o W S I W C DRftKKTCD uowtsnuroDR l*tSTU3O DRftSLWaOARO C f t * StAXOKD WVft «ETWffO0R " XOBAntWDR BAniEW DRftTHADWO5 M WY\1EW DR ft WfCMAiBWY ttTTOWARD WYftLEP4ARD CT M.NMABD WiY ft LOCKOUT CT \sdmkHOccnatim DR t ELHrnac a w ) TWDg^ORftecuaY^ TOI VUKEH*OA0 JAKOX BOADftODLN7BY CLUB DR COUKTRY CLUB DHftFB45IONE DR 7MOAJWOUNTDK JATOtt R » DftACACIA CT lAtDCEWXOftOUAt HOLLOW UtST *1DCZT*OCOftOUAL HOUCW EAST WDC£MOOO m ft DORCHLSTER DR W5MDCDWX0DR RKHLHST DRftLVCEHWCCO LA!« 571 J*KX« ROUD 33380 WiALKLR ROAD Scteok WISTVCW BOLWTYWYftBEACON CT LWIOIHKDCEHI rCUUDHftHREaTOfCDH TOR ft COUNTRY CLUB DR. OAD fCrSBRTWMAPKWY ~tPL&Kirnro{AHtn (PLftCREZ>«R1AR CR ARDRftORCHAPDFJWDR * 3 £ 5 59*° * WUMM5BLW; Dfl A ? S 3 5°*° a DAKOTA RLf -WOK ROADftUOOOnQD OR WK3H£5TBtVD. LEARROO SmtttALKERROAD TSTONE DRftWALKER ROAD :ST RAPHAEL EHEVttW - AM - BUV 7 - MUS.WPEAQMAN O W STOPLOCADOH 32441 LAKE RD WtYARD A W LAKE RCW) LAKE ROADftHAIT.tY PKWY 3TOTUKEB0AD JAWIK HOADftLAKE «OAD 33IOLAKEROAO ^ ^ 3ZIW LAKE ROAD 3£I LEAR RD CKU3REYS CDntR 407 LEAS RD CHUXINS VJCKI> DAY CARE OAXWOCOM* ttmOOKRDD i e L R C D « ft E u c i r a c a i S BOX FiOO ft D i C T W C a i o LAKC KOUiftCU.UAK) CM 2XJ0 LAKI ><UU> LAXI W W ) » «CE PAW( Cfl LAH£ »D*O * MAPLEOJ F DR Scteot UCEV1EW 5r tfllAEL/ST MU.-S AM . BOW J • - MBS U M S O t 'LOCATION ™«*» JIAKEKUD ~ SDRftELECTRIC BUD [ROADftELECTXCeUD MWLMtEBOAD JWV4S ISEMWRDWY VE5TVCW AM • BUS f IS • MKS. FIASOLAX DESCRIPTION 3311S LAKE ROAD 33114 LAKE ROAD LAKE ROADftW»0A.*O DR 332S& LAKE ROAD 1 » J ! LAKE ROAD M WtST S»«RC EH MLLU* «1*O ft UXT^QC GUD IMKtlniOD U.UMJI WW)ftKK OWM1LATC POt O WTTi. LAW * CK1H RUN LAfC KIBECJt IOU>ftUI3t RLK LATC HVtiAXtA CMftAfWOLH BOM> VrmAKOI CMftMtMMA»> VR stviuxm OR • w x x n i o c x AVC E U V X W AM BUS f t MSS KAVALAC STOPLOCATtOH ^ ^ LECHAPDCrtKXXZ AfOCXJR AMJ CANTERStRY KWIUCKET [ » A CLR» »W*0 iOARDCOVE iDRftLONG PONT CR DuaorncM CALUUTT IMTTTST O U I O I (3 «X«L.*« OKTIKILM BCW> O « J X U « S MUOD a X T U 407 LEAK HOAO MUAKRY LAfC ft ifcALfC/T CT MLLBtKKY LA.*C ft HOCFY L V « HC«KY LAfC ft 5 « » C * « CH ITS S-iCAMCRE CM WCtL OiAtH BRAWCn PLftOtCIMHAR CM NCfTTINGHAM DRftBRTOWtt P>C*Y 444 AVCN PONT AM A M » POKT « , tftERBCEPORT CT U1GLR5SHOA3 MJON PCWT AVEftVWLKER ROAD IJlUELtCTRICBUlD REDWOCD ELHJftBELMAH DR AVCH POMT A\,tftNANTUOET UK L2? nooouno CT DWtaJW LA?€ ft ROOCAOOOCTtOtTH CRCHAHD PAH DRftJAWDK IOU) ORQWO PAH DHftnmowoco LAM: CREEKRIAR DHftCROWS) PUR DK OCENER1AR DRftBRCHWnOD LANE CREUeHAR DRftREDSUXD BLVD STOtCY JWOOK DRftCREEMKAR DR S70WY BBOOK DRftOCST>UT CT STCTCT EBOOK DRft4A«XK RCW) fcOOTEW rWYftTRADEWlNDSDR I DRftTRADEW1ND5 OR >WYftBAYVEWDR )WY ft LEEWARD CT I CT.ftREGATTA OR WTTA DRftTRADEWCS DR IDOXM AM - R t S I 3 MBS CLOVa ^LOCATION m ROADftc u e s ROAD (KMSftljONGPatfEDR )WYftLEEWARD CT —• \ WtSTVffW AM ma * 17 MKS. KBDOtAM twmxxrr w i. BwDoioa CT AI.CM pvetr wt ft fwoiorr en EBsvm us STOP LOCATION EtlCTWC rJrt)ftWCYARD ROAO YOOER K i D » ELECTWC B U D PARSCN5 DftftELECTBC H I D ten _ __>K«f E HADftNORTH KJKTCK EKWOftCOI.CLArODR EBOADftFAYAVE B««(»J7HELAWI KLDEN HOAO ft U K B B W R O A D ^ »MQH » G H SCHOOL/OPCt DOOB bJOHTVOC SCHOOL r AM - B t S # 1 - KBS. CBOSFITCH PtocxnoN AVON LAW SCHOOL TKANSPOnttlON POUCT WAUUMODOTANCrS ZZajAYCOKROAD JAKQX ROADftREDWOOD B U D JAYCOX ROADftGABLE LAME NOtORY LAMEftSYCAMORE CM MCKORY LAMEftMLUWHY LAfC BRTTAWSAftNOTTWCHAH OR 3ZSIHUMX1H PLACE 383 JAVCOK ROAD JAUCOX ROADftWLUAMSBLRC DR JAKOX ROADftDAKOTA RUN JAICW ROADftwooonao DR UlJAnXKROAD JAYCOX ROADftELECTtCC BLW Sdwofc EJQEVXW tWTETOUPOi (KMDftUXKK) I r ^ O W IBLVDftBRUNSWICK DR tBRUN5MCXDR (DRftREGATTADR inftMAJffTVCCT I ORftCOMMODORE Cf lORftLEEVKRDCT )CTftNEWPORT CT )CT*SAJLORSCOV€ _ m I ( X DRftTRADEVWOS DR SOUTH I LAKE ROAD ^tASTVEW •KCTHCRAPE I WLE'OVPllMtJTRAPBPOHTATKUfHCMDED ••17THORADE W TRAM5POTTATKH PKMDED EXCDTJVi STUDENTS •WALKW DSTAfCE TO A BUS STOP NO MORE THAN 1/3 HLE • t f AT YOUR BUS STOP SWNUTES EARLY T X STOPS MAT BE O m K N T THAN A H . STOPS •BUS D n U D S MAY ASSIGN SEATS •CHANCE OF STOP TC4E snoewTS AND B J U W G PRWCFALS V*L re NOTFED REIWOOOAM.BUU 10-MRS S C A R m U DESCIUPTKM OODREM5 WKLD LEAR ROAD O*X3REfT5CEWTER LEAH ROAD CAIMWY BAPTIST CHUROI 1MMCMSLDENDOA0 AUOH BELDEW ROADftCLEM.IW DR BELLE ROADftMOi BELDEN ROAD BELU 3OAOftWOODSTOCK AYE BELLE ROAD * LOUS A.E •These Schedules Sponsored By The Fallowing Businesses CONVENIENT FOOD MART [ON HOME DECORATING TDeiroitRd. 934-4000 Y*SOLD FASfflONED HAMBURGERS BN LAKE SPARKLE MARKET ^ . L a k e Road [ Lain; M 93 <DINGS ANIMAL HOSPITAL ld R. Rowlcs vonBcIdcn p <* • 9 3 137 Lca» Rd.. Avon Lake 4786 Lake Rd., S heffield L-akc ABBE ROAD LUMBER PETER & CO. JEWELERS 933-2718 949-7631 375 Lenr Rd. Avon Lake 6140 Orchard Hill Lorain 185 Abbe Road Sheffield Lake 933-4871 ADULT CARE by SANDY 233-7659 REATY ONE / CAROL KRASIN 32713 Walker Rd. Avon Lake FAIRWEATHER ROOHNG (ResldcntiiU. Commercial, Industrial) 690 Moore Rd. Avon Lake 933-6195 SMITH'S COUNTRY COUNTER 37500 Colorado Ave. DETZEL'S GARAGE 934-5403 BILL THORNHILL STATE FARM 32094 Detroit Rd. Avon 215 Miller Rd. Avon Lake • t •' > . • 933-2720 - 'I? i11 i I 1, 1m m 1 ii ii i t By JoAnne Easterday 1 w5 w 1 i 'si* 1 m H ||| i 11 H§g m S mm sSB &Bt AVON - Industrial sized sewors wore put in along Chester and Moore Roads. Some residents think they are not bonefite-l by that improvement. One cqualiza' m board established to determine a • Ai amount for each land owner to pay agreed. Council did not accept that finding. Another board was estabIishud. The soccnij board disagreed with the first und set payment. Moore Road homeowner Uobbio Bruder said, "There is such a difference between the boards. If it had come back with, an estimate of cost between the two extremes," it would be more palalablo. Bruder said she and her husband expected to have to pay for the tap-in foe and pay to fifl in their perfectly functioning septic Link, but .'ho cost of the lines along her frontage are out of line. Hiudur said the sewer line dcesn't benefit her family because her property consists of leas than an acre. "Industry does not need our property for access. Developers will benefit. No one else would want to live there," Druder said. The property was originally zoned agriculture when Bruder purchased the land. It was changed to industrial after they built. Bruder is considering a court appeal. Larry Tracy, another Moore Road resident voiced complaint against his assessment. His complaint involved not only the two equalization boards but a thud assessment he recoived same time ago. "I can't be charged both ways." Tracy Continued from page 1 Interstate, sal! on the phone. "We would not bo looking for any form cf are zoned residential. Piazza said as a land owuer he is cer- 'ix abatement." He said that any tainly Interested in the development. -mpravements to Detroit Road or tho Concerning his position on Planning intersection ji SR 03 that would bo Commission and rczoning, his status is require*! for tho proposed development limited. Law Director Daniel Stringer Is would be at First Intcrslato's expense. looking into what options are open for There would bo no out-of-pockot Piazza's opinions. Piazza said he would expense for the city nor would it be tread lightly to avoid any hint of con- necessary for the cirv to float a bond. flict of interest. According to Schneider, in other Piazza pointed out the proposed cities such as W'Lloughby and Mentor road. Dawn, coming off Jaycox. This that gave tax abatements, a significant could afford another entrance to the portion of the proposed sites were already in reinvestment zones: that is, shopping area. the cities had the areas targeted and Piazza said the property has been on were eager to have the areas developed. the market for thirty years. Now it Schneider said he wished to forstall appears Avon has hit a growth streak. Mayor Smith said Schneider did not any negative rumors. "Our approach ask for tax abatement. "I would never has always been to install appropriate egreo to a tar: abatement for a commer- and necessary buffers for residential cial development. I would veto any tax areas.** Tho company "intends to coma abatement," Smith said. He explained up with a buffer plan for all tho reslthat a commercial development follows donH ol tho proper and highest lovul the density of population growth. nppropriute to the situation." He said that because of tho depth of Schneider would like a development in the area because there are people who the properties and distances Cram the proposed sites and because of somo would frequent tho businesses. A commercial development is different from woods, those residents along Dwtroil an Industrial development such as Ronil may have l«ss addtlud buffur Manco in that Industry can locate any- material. Those homes ulong Dmlur where In tho United States. In order to Rood, old SR 03. may requini more of fi make our local area more enticing to get buffer, Schnoidtir auiil. Country Hoirs Antique Shop is that tax revenue, abatement for indusowned by Jack Taylor Smith and others try may be necessary. who own tho 100 acres. Rita Nugte. the Mitchell Schneider. President of rlrst manager of the shop said she was And Opinion— Continued from page 1 heard some talk about a group in Avon Lafca trying to put together a petition to place two issues on the ballot. One would be a charter change, anil Uio '* other would not. This past Sunday C morning I had the opportunity to see £•: first-hand exactly what changes worn 5 l^l^tlieshadacardtabiesot KT up in front or Diana's restaurant, asking ^ citizens to sign potitf ons. Their suggestPed charter change would remove me & Mayor as the individual who currently r ' council meetings and I? replace mm »»»" '«» ** , i,»ri»« h Council. CurrenUy tho Avon Lake CLy |-Charter clearly Indicates that the Mayor % r i S l preside ovor Avon Lake Council This issue, whilo somewhat controversial, hasn't set well with « " » « [ Avon Lake-s long time residents, lock for it to bo a hot topic of conversation in the upcoming council nt-largo races. Reminder to Avon LaU "buiinnw* Tho Avon Lake Chamber of Commerce and the Avon Lake Business Association urge their members to attend tho public meeting on tho-proposed sign ordinance to be held at the Avon Lake library August 27. Dr John Herberth. a woll-known Avon Lake physician, has rucently teESi * • OMn Medica Croup. Dr Herborth's offices aro still located In The Landings, and he's now accepting ""witrfal" the namo changes In area • Because curb cuts and grass seeding had not bean completed despite agreeable weather and in spile of onyineor Mike Brumhall's recommendation to accept, council voted not to accept improvements to the Fiolds subdivision. Councilman Tod Graczyk asked. "Why did wo spend 6 week3 on an ordinance that says if the work is not complete, we don't accept agreements? ~ Council President Ed Krystowski abstained boo. vutlng. He explained unaware of any development plans. Mayor Smith said there may be strain on tho community as a rrault of this proposed development but tho dovoloper, in Smith's opinion, is a good one who will "make ft as palatable as possible." Tho properties along Detroit are contingent with tho property already zoned commercial; therefore, rezoning may not bo considered spot zoning. The commercial property already consists of 100 acres ana may not even require the rezoning and purchase of homes on Do troll. Sally Glenn lives cast of the greenhouse. Her comments concerning tho proposed development were. "Wo hate to soe the rurainsss of Avon disappear. We do not need any more shopping centers around here. Wo can go to tho Pramnnnclo or to lha Elyrin Mall. You rutva small businesses in town ULa Smith's and By-Rjlu. Thoy have a right to exist. We're residential. That tiikua away the residential valuo of our property. Tho only way wo hava any value is to go commercial totally. Thoro will b» increased traffic on [jftrolt KxMid. It's alruady difficult to got in and out of. Tho safuty forces will mmlrn brafint; up. Criniw will incroutit (Jlenn *uid shw wasn't tixi iinprosscil with Schneider's other shopping areas. "They're just bio concrete parking lots. Nut much aosetnlcs. "Peoplo moved out here for tho greenery. I' m a person who likes to see farmers' crops grow. I Just don't like It (the proposed development)." Learning Unlimited West "Finding The Fun in Learning" Diagnostic Testing • trtfvidunl lns&uct»n ReaSng • Basic SUis • M figa • SAT -ACT Prep- Study Sfetts •Speed Rearing • Perxrtal Computer Training 26915WcstwoodRd. Westlake Oltar 8 li«ff...the now C p T i T a c o R«£urant located in Tho Landings b loW9 l h o a r l fW n* fi"odalso ™ vhoar ' formar%Cleveland ? *** " 8 wo "I Al Bubba Baker can bo found at in Avon every Friday and bis fabulous rib and Utuy f chicken dinners that ho had contracted with a local firm to upgriidu the sewer pipe sizo train 8 to 10 inchus to accommodate adjucont Krystowski property. Tho 558,000 was duo when tho improvements were approved. Krystuwski said that the amount hud already been paid to avoid onv sunsu of impropriety. Ho wanted it to bo known1 ha was accruing no inturust by couuU. holding up thy acceptance. That intorest would havu amounted to 57.20 per day according to Krystowski. Tho improvements or lack thereof rested on their own merits • At the special sossion of council on Thursday, S.E. Johnson Company was authorized to install a 16 inch water main under Interstate 90 and SR 83. Continued from page 1 Committee, This; coupled with a proapplication approval by the Department of Commerce, allowed the city to ;o ahead with the application process, which lead Urbln to NOACA. In his presentation brjfora NOACA. Urbin said. "I feel any time any munlcpality in our region has the opportuniy to provide some fobs, we should all 'ull together and support that effort Imployees come from anywhere. This reject would boost the imago of all ofj ortheast Ohio." Urbln said that In the time that he has wen mayor, almost five years, he has lad to turn down approximate^ 25 ;ompanles when they wcra looking to raovu to the dry. This, he said, could "lave boon proventod had tho extension jofln completed. In addition. Urbln cUed other reasons or the necessity of tho completion. "Extending tho road fiooi it* prosonl terminus will tuloviala safety concerns of accessibility. Further, a portion o' this land will have rail and transi iKXf>3s...l would suggest that with th •39 or 1.5O0 robs at the Lorain Fun '>»nt. %%d' nil should bo loaLJnu out to, •uch othor in Nor I bens tern Ohio," h laid. Urbin said that by bringing moro ndustry into tho city, rt*sidonts can rontlnue to onjoy tho typo of tax base [hot thoy are used to. "If we wont the! next generation to enjoy the same kind" zt tax base that we enjoy today, then we need to get that done—The residents ]verwhehn)ngly said that thoy want us o continue to bring in now industry ind continue that tax base,1* he said. According to Urbln. on November 8, 1034 4,208 peoplo voted for continuation of ;ho project, and 1.761 people voted against 1L Urbln said that because of the unount of land involved in tho extonilon. tho city could not offer to pay for it. Tho cost Is expected to he S3 million. Avon Lake compotes against projects in all of Ohio and parts of Indiana for the grant. Tho next stop is to finish noffitiations with omployors who aie looking lo movo to Pin Oak Parkway. Once that Is finished this weak, the application rocoss will bo comploto. occordlng to irbin. Word should como this i l l concerning whether the city has boon awarded the grant E B street lights collection office ut City Hall i it to RTTA (Regional Income Tax riivl This movo was mado oarnE«mts summer and 'x oxpoctodI to• sovo i^Avon Lake tax payers dt least 550.000 a Eyear. If I understand the petition gather p i n correctlv. they want to rop«wl court- In other business 808-1732 ;"••' wmu» ino ladies woro very pt thTpmsentations. I did f«nfcy ««J (%giomewhat misleading. They s u i t e d issue of having the said. The original assessment Involved 58.000; tho amount assessed from the second equalization board involved S22.OOO. "I will have to take further action," Tracy said. DR. KATHLEEN FLEMING OPTOMETRY K.H O R I CKZOV I O X N • MV C t «(CaI>*» • HI* ••••• ) 33398 Walker Road Suite B Avon Lake WB otvt y » lha protaiemj follow-up art wo otlention you need, lo bt o wcarful untadlemwarer. Disposable • Tbted • Gas Permeable • Exfenrfed Wear • Astigmatism proposea w - - . - - ^ - ^ i f | o n t R o n Andolsor. smd. I n n a U y going to como _F thc 933-32 M ' *< < I J 3 3 < V) ui cc Q. ,j 1 . ' JT^ UJ 2812 West Erie Avenue (just west of Route 58) LORAin •»->«U7 ^ 245-5822 ' Specializing in Hungarian-Style Chicken F&prikash with Homemade Dumplings Every Wednesday & Sunday TRY OUR BREADED PORK CHOPS - Served Every Day LAKE ERIE PERCH DINNERS - Every Friday ALL DINNERS INCLUDE: Homemade Soup, Potatoes, and Choice of Side Dish FRESH SPECIALS EVERY DAY HOURS: Tuesday thru Sunday 7AM to 8 PM Closed Monday SHEFFIELD ILLAGE JAMES DAY PARK East River Road & Colorado Avenue (Rt. 611) FREE Admission ':•>>>. p.m. at the Community Health Partner, Comprehensive Cancer Center. D.er 35.000 men dio each year from prostate cancer. The good news is that nine out SENIOR SOCIAL of ten men who find out in time live another five years. Call 233-lfl'/G to regCONNECTION ister fur this lff« lest. Home Health Aide New* Do you or Hy LiiJ Burmtistcr does someone you know need a attic extra help around the housof A homo hualth aide can bulp with bathing, In the last udition. I talked briafly shaving, laundry, meal pruparation and about savings and investmer's such us a wide variety of other personal care certificates of deposit and mutual funds. Today. I'd liVa to shaxu with you needs if you am home bound due loan illness or disability, a home health aido information about the different types of can make a world of difForoncu. If you mutual funds available. Basically, there live in Sheffield Village. Sheffield Lake are over 4.500 different mutual funds or Avon, your Lornin County General and that means there's ono that's just right for you. if you choose! And no. Health District can help with their I'm not going to talk about all 4,500 of Home Maker/Home Health Aide thorn. Program. For more information, tall 244-3416. . . w. Money Market Funds are taxable It's The Traveling Avon Lakers! No, funds invested in short term advenRosella and the gang ara not taking tho tures like certificates of deposit and show on the road! Instead they're taxTreasury bills. They usually have no ing the bus tot he roads. II you like to potential capital gain and are very safe trove!, they have some excellent trips Tax Free Money Market Funds invest planned just for you. On Saturday, Aug. only in short term municipal notes end bonds for moderate to high tax tree 23, take on evening dinner cruise on the income. This too. is very safe. Sandusky Bay. The bus will leave Municipal Bond Funds nffer income Blesor Field at 5 p.m. to tako you to that is ireo of federal taxes and occaSandusky, Ohio. From thero you'll sionally, it is also free of state taxes. board the cruise line to enjoy a deliThese funds are moderately safe and cious dinner, dancing and an incredible offer a slight potential for capital gains. sunsut all for only S50 per person. Income Funds and Balanced Funds Then, if you still cannot get enough of both invest In stocks and bonds, howtho water and maybe a small part of you ever, income funds invest with high to play a few games of chance, current income as the objective. wants then you definitely need to make reserWhereas balanced funds have a low vations now for the Niagara Falls potential for capital gains and a moder- Casino Trip on Thursday. Sept. 18 and ate to high potential for current income. Crowth Funds invest in established- Friday. Sopt. 10. It's an overnight trip that includes your hotel costs, * iterstock with very low income, but appreciation in value. And lastly. Aggressive tainmeal and those brealhtakins Falls, all for just S149 per person. If either of Growth Funds go for the big payback. these trips sound great or maybe both, They invest in tho stock of companies that arc either just starting out or are call Rosalia Baldwin at 033-8883. slowing down. Very high growth f otenSenior Dance News: Since the tial but vnry. very risky. monthly Senior Dances at th? Sheffield Lake Community Center have wwn disTo learn moro about stocks, bonds, continued, many of you have been siimutual funds and other types of saving ing ma whero can you go to kick up and investment plans, make time to vour heels and onjoy the music you talk with your banker or aak to be love best. Gel ready, because tho biggest referred to a reputable financial plan- senior dance of them all is coming to ner. town on Thursday, SepL 18 from 7 p.m. Free Health Screenings for Men and to 10 p.m when Doc McDonald and his Women: Attention women! Doctor Big Bond roll Into UeLuca's Place in the Frcmio Voreas of Community Health Park. Tickets ore only $5 and can be Partners will bo providing a free Breast purchased from Rosalia Baldwin and Cancer Screening on Wednesday, Aug. tho Lively Avon Lakers. Call 033-8883 27 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at tho for tickets today. This event Is sponCommunity Health Partners Compro- sored by Media One and the American bensive Cancer Center in Larain. Movie Classics Channel. Almost 45.000 women die each year as Speaking of the Lively Avou Lakers: a result o; breast cancer. Don't bo a part Their next meeting will be Wednesday, of those deadly statistics! If vour health Aug. 20 at tho Avon Lake Library begininsurance does not cover this type of ning at noon. Lunch will be ham and test, hore is a perfect opportunity io bo examined for free. To register, please potato wliid and other picnic theme goodies. A representative of the call 233-1070. Ctevoland Dallct will bo on hand to disAnd men...don't think you've been cuss set design and costuming. forgotten! If you are 50 years of ago or Guaranteed to be interesting and inforolder, you can tako advantage of a freo mative. Lunch is 56 and as usual, reserprostate screening exam and blood vations ari) a must. And if you don't work by Dr. Stephen Leslie on know that phono number by now...933Wednesday, Aug. 27 from 1 p.m. to 4 88Q3! PARADE STARTS AT 10:00 A.M. (Brookeide High School to lower Jomco Day Park) FESTIVAL IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING Continuous Fun All Day Long, Including: RONALD MCDONALD MEET & GREET and MAGIC SHOW (to t w s f i t Ronuld McDonald House) Antique fall festival set . Sunflower Tho Clown Kenny Keenon D J . Swoet Adelinoo Boot Scoot 'n Saloon Dancers Petting Zoo Frederick The Amazing FOOD GAMES RIDES Face Painting French Creek Naiuro Naturalists Show Coumry living and antique bfl festival wit be held Saturday. Sept. 6 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.. and Sunday. Sept 7 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. in ma French Creek District shops In Avon (south of I90) along RL 254, Rt C11. Stoney Ridge Rd. and east ol fit. 03. ^oUow ffie scarecrows and cornstalks to m« ant>OJe and craft nwta. There will be entertainment, Isod. Keystone Kops, sidewalk tola) and flea mark»ts. Cafl 934-0119 or 9375204 (evontnga)torInformation. Auditions for singers sot Choral Spectrum (twrntrty OberUn Community Chamber Singers) invttos singers to audition tor Utnnati vacancies in Itw 24-membor ensemble. Basses espedaJty needed this y e i . Classical music, madrigals, folk songs, weal Jazz and creative programming «rc hallmark* of Choral Spectrum. Sngere com* from three counties to rattearse Monday evenings and perform In 3-0 concerts per year. Call Musk: Director Carol longiworth at the New Union Centertortne Arts (440) 774.5070, Of (440) 774-2228. Workshop players hold auditions Singers' Club holds auditions Workshop Players are pleased to announce auditions tor the second show ol our gala 50th season, "Cotton Patch Gospel,* by Russ Troy* and Tom Key, with music by Harry Chaptn. Director Wade Hubbard and Musical Director Bev Spetty need tour men and bur woman of any age. Also neoded are a guitar player and a banjo plnyor, or two. Please como wid a prepared pieco and dressed to mow. Auditions will be held at tho theater, located on Middle Rrfgo Road In Amherst between Rts. 2 pnd 53, on Sunday. Aug. 24 from 2-5 p.m. Production dates are Nov. 0-23. For further Intormatton please call tho director at 968-B768. The Singers' Club of Cleveland wifl hold auditions tor new members on the morning of Saturday, Aug. 23 and the evening of Tuesday. Aug. 28. Other audition times may be scheduled on requeat The Club Istooninglor qualified male voices In a» sections: Tenor I, Tenor II, Baritone and Bass. Audtttonors slould have choral «p«rtence and an abiiry to sight read. Auditions are by appointment only. For morn Information or to schedule an audition, please call Ron Bailey at 216^329-9412 (days) or 216/365-458! (evenings) or the Slngirs" Club answering servtai at 2iey556-4405 f-fi By Matt Detzler homes to be flooded. Some members of council wore concerned that some projects should not now to stop Avon homes from have been approved by the planning na became an hiquiry about the commission and therefore Ihov wanto? that builders have lo jio to have a say in the approval' process. «"t)ugh loCobtain permits. Council President. Ed Kryslowski. made it clear that he was not cuncurned . ? ! **** i t y CoLjicil Work Session new August 13. council began with a about the quality of people on the commission, but "perhaps two heads are plan to modify the grado elevation for better than one." future building silos. This was in hopes o dealing with run off water that pudWhen Law Director. Daniel P. dles and causes tho basements of some Stringer, chocked tho Civil Code for Krystowslu proposed that the council sbould inquire into whether or not the current law should stay in the books, considering that is not being fallowed. what was to be examined in a prelimiNo matter what tho new law does, nary proposal, ho found over thirteen areas. Howevur, according to Gar council members slill expressed a desire to become more involved in the Downing, Consulting Engineer fur planning commissiQn's process. "When Avon, these ureas are in Tact rot examsomeono asks us how could we let ined. Developers who attended the some house get built and we don't mooting also agreed that tho prelimiknow what their talking about, we look nary proposal has simply evolved to like fools." said council member only incorporate the concept of the proShirley Doss, who went on to say "We posed construction. Tests and nie&sunjinonts are not dune until thofinalpro- have a right to bo a part of (the planning commission's! process." posal. PIC'S HOMEGROWN PICKS •Tomatoes -Beans-Zucchini -Peaches •Melons 'Peppers (sweet & hot) •Many Other Fruits & Vegetables Pickering South of 1-90 (Exit 153) 1/4 mfle east Of RLB3 "Over 60 years vegetable growing experience ' 9-7 Everyday 35669 DETROIT ROAD AVON 937-5155 1997 Dodge Neon Coupes Fro Fro tt v*«ej v*«ej a**, a** at at custm^s sJemrtc mwman man, pcv« pcv«ttorra ttorra tw*wfcratei,AM.TM jweu, 1997 Mercury Villager g GSs /-A F f C l f l f Jtf M r W ^ M - « - ^ _ 4 m~l i Mf I i • ' i t i II ••* • • « • - • - - - - • * . M wrTxtow defroac. 7 poMrger saatrg. ccv-w drm'i i«(, d r i w ( r«at A 1997 Dodge Intrepids *97 Mercuiy Marquis' Extended Special Pianos Only S45. on every Grand Marquis GS or LS in Stock Stor« lMm» In A PH*»' & You K««p T t * K*V , _, Full Tteiw L>*-ln Aiundant 1997 Dodge Ram Pickups 1997 Mercury Mountaineers Most car-like ride of any sport-utility vehicle Lease for $199 a month roc*. STEAL OPADEAl!. Don't Miss it! New 1997 Dodge Dakota Club Cab 4x4 SLTs • 71*leaden in Vance* and Spider vein tT*atm*nt sine* i97o t • Utilizing tfje neunta'td tea*; [xtinful trvatmetm available 97 Lincoln Town Car Sedans Center _ 4 „. CAN month Callfor Free Consultation $3000 $ NEWIOCATIONINLORAMN SAVINGS ^ MAYFIELD \XLLAGE: 442-0064 MIDDLEBURG IITS.: 234-5000 ivww.VeinHealth.com V1SAACCETTED ; V':v ^Mercury'®V.-I^-A 140 EAST BRIDGE ST; n- m 11 Attention League Bowlers sat! i1 in p H9T r.'.V;'--."'.^'.' r ,'.v. 1 - ' • £•' i i 1 is now taking sign ups for vv fall bowling. Limited space available Openings for leagues, teams & single bowlers | Senior leagues welcome. \ Day Care Groups & Field Trips Welcome Contact us for available openings 27229 Wolf Rd ••871-0911 In Bay Village Square Nature Center will present a Nalurahst Show, as well as Mark Fundak's rides and vonding booths, Andy Anderson doing a recycling program. Mr. and Mrs Sheffield Village will bo announced, a pio-in-lhe-fcice ovonl for your favoi-ilo cop or ulectud official, nolico and fire lug-af-war. face iiaintlng and a cake spin me also planned. Plan to altend this community event, sounds like fun. For additional information, / ifL'/iis /or this column call 934-1715. mav be sent to 701 Kenilworth Ave.. For your convenience, Lorain Count/ Sheffield Lake. OH 44054-1232 or call will bo providing a shuttle sei919~2736. You can also fax me at this Transit vice from Brooksido High School to the number or send e-mail to park for those who are unable to parkfihkasjuno.com. If you want the inforclose. Sounds like a good timo. Hope to mation to appear in this column, send it to me rather than 'The Press." All see you there. Hope Lutheran Church. Preschool information must be received by noon on the Thbsday, eight days prior to the open house at the church, located at ,.ext edition. 4729 Oster Road, will take place fiom 6:30 to 8 p.m. OD Aug. 20. You can ShuIHeld Village Festival. ThU Aug. enroll your children, ages 3 to 5. at this 23 event is open to the public following time for the new school year starting the parado from Brooluidtt High School Sept. 16. There are still openings in tha to the lower portion of James Day Park, morning or afternoon classes bold on Colorado Avo. and East River Rd. The parade will start at 10 a.m. and fin- Tuesday-Thursday. The school is headed by Tainara Honderahot. who is comish at the park, starting the festivities. pleting a bachelor's degree from Activities at the event will Include an Ashland University. Ms. Hendenhot appearance of Ronald McDonald pro* will be assisted by teacher's aide Debra sealing a magic show and meeting and Hess who has gained experience for the greeting Iho attendees allowing pictures job in the Sheffield/Sheffield Like to be taken with him. Other events at School System. the festival include: a coloring contest For further information or answers to for kids, a performance of the Sweet questions you may have, call Karen Adelines singing group. Western Une Dance Group, an additional magic Maiers at 949-2000. show by Frederick the Amazing, the V/ell. 'til next week from the little Boot. Scootia' Saloon dancers. D.J. Kenny Keenan. along with the LJorain house on Kenilworth. have a great one! County Oloodmoblle. The French Creek Crystal Springs Ballroom . •&:£! Crystal Springs 31478 Bagley Road North Ridgeville, OH 44039 Phone:216-748-3200 Are you looking for an affordable facility to hold any, events? Exfitr* the Cirictvit" abi\ird a Till! Snip. O & 13 Jny , -"•"-"T-V 'A^S-'M'L'-I B- ** *" m i > i v '"fwnjtien coll * Graduations * Receptions * Corporate Events * Prom * Special Dinners * Surprise Parties * Clambakes * Steakroast * Beach Parties * Outdoor Lakeside Weddings • 500 people capacity • Easy access to M80 and 1-80 • Beautiful deck overlooking a crystal clear lake with panoramic view • Use our cateier OR hire your own • Valet parking • All dates are available Hot Summer Perennials "Trellises' and FREE CLEMATIS VINE Herbs with purchase BUY THREE, GET ONE FREE of POLY CONCEPT TRELLIS (excludes Mums) >X?ATER GARDENING Get Your Feet Wet At Discount Prices. 20% Off • 4$ mil. Black liner up to 20 ft. wide - the best way ro create your own unique shape ' Self contained water falls and cedar ponds - jim plug in and enjoy. MUUI.CAR DISCOUNT Drive two or more cars in your family? Drive straight to BIRD BATHS $10 OFF any Bird Bath priced $30.00 or more Nationwide®. If yo./r* a two-car family, Nationwide can JOVO you money on your auto imumnce. Additional premium dacounh are available to thoie who qualify. Call u% today. BOMMER INSURANCE AGENCY 2219 Wisteria Way. Avon. Ohio NATIONWIDE n o / / r - - . ^ INSURANCE 9 3 4 - 4 5 1 0 35638 Detroit Road, Avon 9 3 7 " 5 8 8 0 CLOSED LABOR DAY WEEKEND • \ IOURS: M-F 9-6; Sit. <M; Sun. 1 (M " ^ " ^ " "«*«* IMtf h . r K , Cw— f^ i: (!l SHEFFIELD LAKE: 5348 LAKE ROAD" TEL (216) 949-7553 Then with us. —'. « « « Block needs tax prepares. VVe employ more than 50.000 tax preparcn nationwide andare always looking for more. We offer comprehensive, step-by-step training and class times to fit your schedule. In a matter of weeks, you'll be ready to begin earning money as; a tax preparer. Our training g$ results: we hire many of our t graduates* Sign up now! for us --=^--sra = % Black Velvet come and join us... *.i 00 MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBiill ( v r Pitcher... $3.5O Mugs... $ i . o o Hot Dogs... 5O£ Tuesday WINGS NITE Wetfnesflay LADIES NITE 10: to 1JUW -Steamed MusselsThursday & Friday FORD H ! T E = H&R BLOC1 Tacos Margaritas **Hchers Pot more information, can 1-800-TAX-2000 or vail our web silo at www.hrblock.com/tax $1.00 $2.00 $6.00 $ 1 .OO Off Any AppotUors 10:P.M. to 1 =A,M. i tecfimedia [Laptop Intel Pentium 150 Mhz ARTSTOWN NEXT TO AVON LAKE THEATRE 33485 Lake Road, Avon Lake HOURS: Mon.-Fri. Noon-8; Sat. & Sun. Noon-5 BT ONLY t's Not Too Late To Register At Ages 3 and Up LABOR RATES $30 In-Store $ STARTING AT 299.00 - NtTE-LAOIES NITE ENTERTAINMENT- D J Tap * Ballet * Jazz UPGRADES Most Upgrades And Repairs In ONE Day SAT CUSTOM BUILT Systems & Networks 32 Meg Rom 2.1 Clg Hard Drive 16 SP CD ROM 56K Internal Modem 4 Meg 3D Video 3D Speakers Windows 95 Installed a Included 4 Microsoft TlUes Included 15* Tectimedla Monitor Included One Year On Site Warranty Registation Sat., Aug. 23 9-12AM Registration Fee $5 per Family 2>ancc Append, SAaed & /fcccedd&tied. Available at Gompeiilioe Priced- Come Dance With Us 690 Avon Belden Rd. Avon Lake, OH 44012 wilh hint. « ^ g w- AVON LAKE M ON LAKE - A car going by with its radio blaring proniptud: a Mull Avenue man and his friend to yo outside to investigale on August 12 shortly after ! MU IS U - c The men. both la. found two other UJ "ff-'fi standing in front of Uie houso One £ of the strangers was whistling and c;irned some kind of object. The resident asked why he was whistling and what he had in his hand I like to whistle." replied the stranger. By way of reply to the second part of the question, he sprayed both 19-yearolds in the face wilh Mace. At this point, three more youths appeared from around the back of the houso. But when the mother of the resident 10-vear-old came out of the house all five jumped into what was described us a black Acura with a powerful radio and sped off. F °-fnth de c. Vered ^ par.tin*> s h a I - ""'ore fc. 30th Street Cleveland. That's our set, ne said. All were described as white and in their late teens or early 20s. One man. about fiv0 feet eight inches tall, was described as a skinhead. Another, about six feet two. was wearing a black stocking cap, according to reports. Amazed at arrest A « officer on patrol pursued u ;9<J7 I-ord Explorer into Avon after it clocked 50 mph m a 35-mph zone on his cruisers radar August 1!. The officer first sputtod the Explorer zipping along Abbe flelden Road at about 10:20 p.m. and pulled in behind Jt. Ihe car crossed the railroad tracks and continued into Avon where it pulled into a driveway. There, the malo driver and female passenger got out and exchanged places. When the officer pulled into the driveway, th« woman was sitting behind POLICE BLOTTER the wheel. But it was the passenger lie was more interested in since he had seen the seat exchange Trie officer asked the man for his driver's license He didn't have one. Nor he did have one until, a computer check revealed. Ins driving privileges had been suspended. At thu Avon Lake Police station both were booked, he for having no operator s license, and she for wrongful entrusting which is Ihe legal lingo for knowingly Jutting an unlicensed person drive your car. At this, the woman. 41. of Avon LaLi-. expressed amazement. "I also k't my son drive and Im has no driving privileges. Are you -mini; to arrest me for that?" she said. The man. 31. of Avon Lake, also was cited fur having an open container of alcohol m u motor vehicle after a smirch of the car turned up tin open can of beer wedged in between the center console and the passenger-side seat. He admitted they were his. At tin* station, the nun refused to be fingurprintf.'d ami w.is escorted *<i a cull. After a while, the man revealed his n.'.il name and Social Security number. A computer check revealed he was not wauled on anything under his real name or his alias. Hut the man. 20. was charged with driving under suspension ami falsification. His companion was found not wanted and was released. Anim«]? A Parkview Avenue man, upset after buying a defective; vacuum machine. was burned up when a representative of a collection agency turned up at his house August 13 and called him "an animal." The man said that he and his wife weru contacted by a vacuum cleaner company last year and told they had won a free oirpet sliampoo. The cauple agreed to the free rug wash, and soon company reps were at their house wilh a vacuum cleaner. The salesmen gave the cauple a pilch for the machine and they decided lo buy one for about SI.200. They never did get their carpet cleaned. Wilhin a month, the vacuum cleaner developed problems until it finally wouldn't even start. Tho man sa*d he tried irj take the matter up with the vacuum cleaner company with no success. So after he niid paid S-IUO on the machine he stopped sending in his payments. Tho company turned the unpaid balance over to a collection agency which, the man complained, harassed him with phnne calls and messages on his answering machine. The last str-w. he told police, was when a collector stopped by his house, threatened a lawsuit over the unpaid balance and called him "an animal."* An officer phoned the collection agency and advised thorn of the complaint. The figgrivated customer said that if he is sued, at least he'll have his day in court to tell of the vacuum cleaner that won't vacuum. No night light An Elyria man with a knack ic- creative nomenclature found himself in a oit of hot water in ri^cenl days. .,.At. 1 9 B G N l 3 3 a n w a s pulled over on Walker Road August 13 al about 'MS a.m for not having a light illuminatini; tho license plates. The driver, who was with a WOIIMII passenger, gave the officer a name and a Social Aucuritv number, but no driver's license. The man said hu was from Oklahoma and didn't have his license v ^f^ &- CHICKEN DINNERS >y Al BUBBA Baker (former Cleveland Browns Star) WJNCH BUFFET? Can Eat; WEDNESDAY LADIES NIGHT Complimentary Drinks for the Ladies Sponsored by Crown Auto Body and Goomba Nick's Pizza The HICKORY INN ,,:•;; P h o n e 21^,937.5301^ V';:•;• :. / v " vh'ttp://wwwr.nied!bWave;cbih '"-< . '' ^V;, •/•'•'.-' ; •••.'•.•-;:"• • . V A v . 1 . > r !• ^"-'!•••'." * ' ' : . -!-'»\.\"\ •:r''-':i"-'7\'"i'i''}\ "Where There Are No 'jtrariijero... Jiii>t Friendo You H.nen't Mel Yep" 33552 Defroit Road, Avon (corner of Icnr-Nnglo & Defroif) By Jim Petruzzi 1si IN If IJi n 1 j! i If 11 Hi1 u f9 E _ N LAKE - School starts August 26. Getting ready .. - the start of a new school year, the Board of Education has reduced pay-to-play sports fees, added new buses and released the school schedules. "I know this is something wo promised tc do with the levy passage." said Chair Terry Ryan, commenting on reduced pay-to-play fees. It will cost a high school student S50 per sport, down from SI00. and a mid'J!e school student S15 par sport, reduced from 530. Tho maximum total has duo-eased from S300 per student to S100, and the maximum fees per family will be S250. Ryan said the board is not comfortable yet with completely rescinding the fees. T h i s brings (the fees) back to where it was before the last financial crisis," said Daniel Ross, School's Superintendent Board member Miko Monlno said the board had committed to reducing fees to what they were two years ago, before the crisis. Also, Board member Dave UpDegraff pointed out all money raised by athletics goes into the athletics fund. Pay-to-play generates approximately 530,000 according to Mary Ann Nowax, Treasurer. Starting and ending times for the schools are less staggered this year thanks to the addition of school buses. The High School will begin at 7:45 a.m., eliding at 2:52 p Jn. Learwood will also start at 7:45 a.tn.. but end at 2:45 p.m. Troy will run from J a.m. to 2:25 p.m.. and St. Jou's from 6:05 a.m. to 2:20 p.m. Kindergarten lakes place from B:40 a.m. to 11:25 a.m. and again biitiveon 12:25 p.m. and 3:lp p.m. All four elementary schools start at 8:40 a.m. and end at 3:10 p.m. "1 know a lot of people are glad these [eleniL'ntaryJ schools aru an the same schedule," said Ross. "1 think the addition 'Jthee buses has made that a possibility." Two buses were purchased last year and five more over the summer. Director of Facilities Dave Monos said the buses cost approximately 5350,000. most of whfch is reimbursed by the state. He said the district paid 520,000 extra for a higher standard of quality, including more powerful engines. Ho said Ihe districts practice of more powerful engines has resulted in very few maintenance problems over the years. To complement the updated bus fleet, a concrete floor complete with grease^ trap was Installed in the bus garage. According to Monos. the clay and gravel floor created a moist environment which caused premature rusting to the vehicles, especially to exhaust systems. Tho estimate to replace the floor with concrete was 592.000. but Monos saved approximately S40.00O. "We did quite a bit of work ourselves.' Monos said, continuirig that Mechanic Rob Grachanin. Assistant Mechanic Rob Forster and the mainto- reelection to too Board of Education. • August 12 was the first board met ing to officially include new Sup*.- • intundent Daniel Ross, though he h..; participated behind the scenes for thrt • months. "Everybody is extremely gr cious and very cordial." Ross said ofti coming to Avon Lake. • The board approved an sgruomuj with the Musical Arts Association t*f Cleveland for the 1937-98 school year. At a cost not to exceed S270, basud on the rumber of students in the district (approximately 3.000), the agreement allowi students to purchase tickeis for 51 p e r c e n t • The board accepted donations valued at 513.075. From Mrs. Graci* Horensky, Avon Lake, an Apply Macintosh computer, Epson and Imagewriter II printers were donated. From the Redwood PTA were donated Three Apple Macintosh computers, a rug and In other business director's chair, 24 ceiling fans for • Board member Miko Kearns classrooms, a portable telephone and o announced that he will not run for display sign lor outside of Redwood Elementary School. nance crew grated the garage and laid the initial gravel. "Wo bought the concrete and tho slonu," Mono.* said, "and Kondera did tho concrute work." Kenilera Construction Co., Avon Lake, poured tho concrete for 522.400. Tho company also loaned equipment to tho school lor the initial preparation. Monos said contractors have gtmeruliy been up front with him, and he added Kendura Construction did an excellent job pouring the concrete floor. The board also approved a 55,830 emergency sewor repair before tho school year starts claiming a clear and eminent danger. Tho clay sanitary sower line connecting the High School to tho main sower collapsed, allowing fumes to enter thB building. Kendera Construction was contracted to replace tho sewer line. "X INDOOR SIDEWALK SALE! ...LOdML BARGAINS My WELCOME WAGON Water plant expansion considered By Jim Petruzzi Also, United Survey, Cleveland, has bc.Ji contracted to smote-test comAVON LAKE — Future expansion to bined storm-sewers at the Eos; end of tho Utilities Department is in tho near Lafco Road, and u few connucting future. The Board of Ut' lies decided n six outs. The Utilitius dtlniirtmunt usuiilplan is needed and win be requesting ly smofctMcsts by Itsolf. but bvin^ » ongfneor* to submit nualificnt.'ons. large sewer, equipinonl niH-<l<id to perAfter the last major expansion in l\Tfl8, form the job would cost S3.UOU a n d and subsequent Improvements, the would LHJ usod once. Kniopper said. Ho plant has an average dally capacity of pointed out total cost by United Survey producing 22 million gallons of drink- will be around 53.9OO. ing water per day (gpd). Any residents who have (lawn spouts Utilities Director John Kniepper said connected to the combined sewer could Engineering firm Montgomery Watson face a 51.000 Tine. informed him the highest quantity pumped this summer was 20.9 million In other business gpd. Kniepper said that is not the aver9 The board will contact the city's ago, end that the fall and winter months finance cotnmiUeo to "pursue borrowing bring lower numbers. However, he S500.000 from the Ohio Water believe* ft it time to look at increasing Development Commission for repairs capacity. and improvement of a digester at the "We're going to need -an expansion. Waste Water Treatment Plant. Kniopper them Is no doubt about that." Kniepper said tho amount is too small to sell bonds for, selling of bonds would not said. Ho added that it generally takes two be cost effective. • Tho project to separate tho comyears to decided what Is needed, a year bined sowers on Delwood. In wood and and a half to engineer tho oxpansiun and another year and a half tor con- Bel Aim Roads is anticipated to start in struction. Ho estimates It will take about a month. Mistakunly deposited in tho Water Construction fund. 51.5 milabout five years for completion. Ho also lion was transferred to the appropriate estlmatos the initial engineering to cost Sewer Construction Fund earlier this approximately 540.000. yuar. Over the four years in the fund. Continuing a recent improvement, tho initial amount had earned S1B7.000 approximately 900 conventional wator in interest, which the board transferred motors hove beon replaced with meters to the appropriate fund on Aug. 18. that can be road using radio signals. The boora accepted a bid by Badger • Board Member Ray Vorisitk has Motor to purchase 1.535 additional decided not to run for reuluction to tho meters at a lotol coat of 5247.628. Board. basket is loaded with useful grits, information and cards you can redeem for more gifts at. local busi'.asses who'd l i e to say "Hi.* My col is a friendly vsil to help you vrth tips for aS your rxfcda. Now parunt? Movud? _93Qr2600_. • • • • PROBATE„ Wills / Trust* Estate Planning Estate Admini»Iration Guardianships Om^TTours: 9:00 - 5:00 Monday thru Friday Evening and Weekend Appointments Available Moucl Truins & Supplies I IN AVON CALL: WANDA M. T1EHHAN 933-8428 H14 Centertfd.,Avon I BUY 937-9£OO OLD la tlK"M frctlmill , mlUr a o t t h .r t w Brccsc, Owner Read & Use The Classifieds I NOW \ LIONEL Physical & Occupational Therapy Team Rehabilitation Is Our Goal tli fs worTt hu rta JiiL w lliling ho»pi1at cetti of «naugh 1o mot* onyon* *icfc. 5uf *>'h o Major from Matio.'WKJ**, yo*/H But m«d<d CWWOQB you con dapand ontoW p you eov«r fho»« riling eoitv For mo*» information, coll UJ lodtjf Hand in hand. our rehabilitation team shares your goal of returning home 1996 & 1997 "Perfect" Stato Survey Physical Therapy - 7 days a week Outpatient Services, Private Roorts PTt OTt Respiratory and Speech Therapies --n A*«n Lak*, OM* 44012 Otfkat 935-4377 1.000-933-0394 NATIONWIDE INSURANCE l\ s TRAINS 933-5602 LARRY VAN DER OORD CRIMINAL ^DEFENSE. • Felonies • Misdemeanors • DUI / Tr-ffic • Appeals * Sell * Trade Lionel N 11(3 K-Linc RAJLKi >AD V I D E O S NANCY HOOKS ATTORNEYS AT LAW 158 -A Lear Road Avon Lake, Ohio 44012 Buy IN AVQNJAKE CALU BRUSNAHAN & STUARTKiclurJ I*. Stuart «.-»*« 75% OFF 690 Avon Bddcn Rd. (Rt. 33} Avon Lake (easy access from I-90J 933-3253 • 1-800-367-OO18 ,• .vr',' - « « ; • ; •••• ; • ; •;••> ;•; •!> ; c *S- M BRADLEY ROAD NURSING HOME "Our Family Home -P Your Private Room " John T. O'Neill, LNHA, Administrator 605 Bradley Road • Bay Village 871-3474 tflfc Prices Good Wed., Aug. 20, 1997 thru Tues., Aug. 26, 1997 W« lUtqrvB Th* Bighl To limit Quanlifi** And Corraci Typas-'aphiiai Error: QUALITY MEATS 4 5 3 AVON 6ELOEN ROAD, AVON LAKE Certified Angus Beef Sirloin Tip Roasts Certified Angus Beef Sirloin Tip Steaks Tom-Cor F t w i Pork Sausage 99 Datsyfictd - For Chop Suey Pork Cubes Datsyfield AH Pork City Chicken Boiell Shtli Bil-Mor Turkey Breast $-3^69 lb. Macaroni Salad lb. Walnut Cr««k Longhorn Cheese Nicklcs Enrich* 3 Lb. Bowl White Bread Touch o£ Butter liquid Detergent >^ Spaghetti ^ Sauce 50«. 5 ^ . 4 9 28 ox. p.p.53.9? Z Glad Mott's Sunboost Jell-o Puddings S-f 99 Sandwich Bags Juice Drink Garlic Bread Ken-L-Ration Kibbles 'N Bits Root B«*r/Bfnck Ch«rry/ Craom Soda 6/4 oi. JO. Cole's Party Treat Ice Cream Sandwilches IBC Pop . C.F. Surgtr Whipping Cream Spaghetti All Voristies Coca-Cola Gr««n Seedless Dairymen's 2%, 1%, Skim .CfMfl Peppers l Short Cul Carrots PAPA JOE S PIES LARQC SEIECTION of CREAM AN<J FRUIT PIES !N Alt Sizes 6 " - 8 " A«d 1 0 " Ice Cream Bars $-S" 99 fff ,ffi, 7^ }IM H 3Sf HTEL Jfl M H, a 1-90 at Detroit, Route 254, Sheffield o- V-6 Engino Auto O.O. Trans. Air Conditioning - Power Windows • Powor Locks • Powor Drivers Scat • demote Entry Contro! - Fold Down Rear Seats - Air Filtration System LOW Mustang Probe Contour Taurus n Aerostar I I Windstar " Explorer Econoline CAR CREDIT HOTLINE - rat*j»r;; CALL NOW!!-24 HRS TOLL FREE 1-888-288-6795 : 1 AST - EASY - FREE BANKRLPTa! - REPO! - BAD CREDIT! 1997 F-Series XLT 4 x 2 $2250 249 275 $2774 Down Pnymant 1B< month Paymont Socurlty Dopo»lt Dug at Inception. Plus Tax £r Tltli 1997 RANGER XLT 4 x 2 S 2 0 0 0 Down Paytttont 99 125 S2224 1>t month Payntsnt Security Dapoait Du« m\ Incapllon, Piu« T«* 1997 EXPLORER 4x4 $2975 299 32S $3599 Down P»ym«n» 1 " * nionth Pnyntaiil S«curlly Deposit F?u« at Incaptlon, Plua Tsa It Tltio Special Financing Available on the following vehicles IN STOCK Sport Utility Vehicles IN * STOCK Trucks Luxury Cars Mini Vans Sports Cars GREAT SELECTIQW SUN. MON. TUE. WED. THURS. FRI. SAT. NO PROBLEMS IN STOCK IN STOCK IN STOCK 11 A M -4 PM 9 A M - 6 PM 9 A M - 8 PM 9 A M - 8 PM 9 A M - 9 PM 9 A M - 8 PM AM - 6 PM C L E U C L M W i l ** , ? I . ~ M ,„ _ ,n, in. in, j , • • -.I . I . in • ! i i •• ii Y' ~^: mi HI HI m in in II II llf TIT Vff 11 GUST 20,1997 • • 1(^!I iMlmml l 1 S Wm MIt 1 ! i litS i1 £ gn 9% 1 mPHc sBSls&SBBBBffl 1 usffimfi 1 1 jffjfjJISfljggjg 1 WsMBSBm For your reading entertainment. I've complied tho top ten reasons why you should favor watching the Cardinals, Eagles, and Shoremen this year over tho National Football League. Here they are: 10. Thoir autographs aro easier to get. 9. The drive home is shorter. 8. When one of them fumbles, you won't have to think about what a wasto of money he was. 7. You won't be seeing Niko swooshes In your sleep. 0. It's easier to got a good scat. 5. You won't havo to endure tho "Ickoy Shufflo". the "Electric Slido," or any of the other obnoxious NFL touchdown dances. 4. The cheerleaders. 3. The band. 2. The hot chocolate and nachos. And the number one reason is... 1. The Browns aro gone!! Ace runners t Several local marathoners turned in excellent performances at last weekend's National City Olympic Distance Race, which consisted of E 1.5K swim. a 22.5M bike, and a 10K run. David Messonheimer of Avon Lake finished first in boys 10-19 with a time of 2:02:06-9. while fellow Avon Laker Kim Weaver finished third overall, first in the 35-39 ago group wilh a tirno of 2:13:10. Good got fin' - Carl lUllor ol Avon shot an U4 ui last week's Championship Association tournament at The Legtnds of Massillon G.C HUIer's score was good for outright thirteenth place. ALHS catcher named AU-Star Zac Janicek. a sophomore catcher at Avcn Lake High School, was named to the Lako Erio AAU AU-Star baseball team which played last Friday night at Thunnon Munson Stadium in Canton. A member of the Cleveland Metros, Janicek, 15. was one of two catchers on the team of 15-10 year old all-stars. He also played center field this season for the Metros. Brookslde US. golf action The Brooksido Cardinals finished in a tin for sixteenth place in Ihe prep golf season oponor at tho Lorain Admiral King Invitational at Lorain Counlry Club. Brooksido scored a team total of 372, which indudod tho low four rounds of Kyle Leonard. 60, Robbie Camp. 89, Aaron Kurczi, 38. and Mike Hanoy. 99. Other scores indudod Matt Ledyard, 100. and Dan Maynard. 120. Aqua Marine Women's Goir Results of the weekly Aqua Marine Woraon's Golf outing ore as follows (1 pt. bogey, 2 pts. par. 3 pts. birdie]: [CLASS A) - 1. Rachol Stondon. 18 pts.. 2. Mildred Bales/Kay Big. 1G p(3.; (CLASS B) - 1. Bonnie Machovina/ Marion Botten. 11 pts., 2. Mary Ann Tildon, 10 pts.: (CLASS C) - 1. Ellio Shulsky, 9 pts., 2. D. Rakar/EUa Frame, 7 pts. Golf outing Tho St. Joseph/Nazarcth/St. Thoroso Acadomios Alumnoo Association will sponsor their 3rd annual golf outing on Sat., Aug. 23 at Swoetbrior G.C. Cost Es $60, which includes 18 holes (scramble), cart, lunch, jinner and prizes. Call (210) 251-6788 for moro info. Before the sun rose, both Sweetbriar Golf Course owner Bucky Kopf (left) and general manager Joe Lombardi (right) were ready for their 109-hole consecutive play fund raiser for National Junior Goil. Photo by Joann Kopt After hours of continuous golf Bucky Kopf walks off the last hole with a nod of approval to those who donated to the event. Avon Lake H.S. star heads to Mount Union By Jason T. Stahl AVON LAKE - Ohhh. how lucky trw Purple Raiders axe. Karen Robbins could have picked just about any school she wanted to. but she chose to pursue her academic and athletic career at Mount Union College in Alliance. And the Purplo Raiders are now grinning ear-to-ear. Why? Becauso Robbins was a threeycar lotterwinner in basketball at Avon High School and was a first team A1I- Lorain County Conference, first team All-County, and Special Mention AllDistrict selection at Ihe conclusion of her senior year. She also led the Eagles in scoring her junior and senior years and was solectod Player of th" Year this past season. Mount Union. Robbtns saui. was the school for her. "I thought they had the be*t camp and a great facility," Robbins said. "Plus, it was close enough for my paronts to go out and soo some games." As any basketball player knows, college ball is a lot different than high school ball. Robbins has had a busy summer getting ready for the tough transition. "I've been playing a lot of basketball, doing a lot of conditioning, and participating in open gvm sessions at Mount Union." she said. . The differences Robbins will have to adjust to are bstor and more well-conContinued on next page Golf marathon raises funds for junior golf By Jason T. Stahl AVON LAKE - If there was over a fun way to raise funds for a good cause, the Sweetbriar Coif and Pro Shop has it nailed down. Far the second straight year. Sweetbriar golf professional Joo Lombardi and owner Bucky Kopf played over 100 holes of golf to benefit local and national golf programs. Last yr,ar, the pair played 101 holes. This yew. they managed to got 109 holes in. completing thorn in only sloven hours. Play began at 0:30 a.m. on Monday, August 11 and ended the same day at 5 p.m. "It was a blast," said Lombard!. "Wo USS Swim Team Registration for tho fall session of Avon Lako USS Swim Team will be hdd on Saturday, September 0 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and Thursday September 11 from 5:30 p.m. lo 7 p.m. in tho Pool Lobby of the Aquamarine Health Club. 210 Miller Road. Avon L«ko. Interested swimmers should bo ublo to swim ono longth of the pool to join iho louio. ALST registration too is S25 per family, non-rofundablo. A parent mooting will bo hold ut Aquamarine on Thursday. September 11 ut 7 p.m. If you h-ivo interested swimmers or havo questions, please cnll Cindy Pulliam. 033-7007. or Annullu Roth. 933-637G. AL Girls'Fastpltch Softball Tryouts for Avon Ijito girls' 11-12year-old and 13-14-yuar-oId travel fastpitch softball teams for spring and summor 1998 will bo hold on Saturday, Soptombor 0 and Saturday, September 13 2-4 p.m. ot the Avon Lako High School softball field. Both teams will went a little sore the next day. but it was a small price to pay in order to help Junior golf." Several factors contributed to the speed with which Lombardi and Kopf were able to finish the first 27 holes in two hours and the rest in nine. "Wo trotted to our balls once in awhile, and Ihe carts were juiced up to go faster." Lombardi said. "Also, when wo got lo our ball, wo hit it. We didn't bather to practice swing or lino up the shot or anything liko that." Tho restricted p re-shot preparation did wnstlors far bath Lombardl's and Kopfs golf game as Joe never made more than a fivo in scoring a total of seven under whilo Bucky (a 25-handi- capper) averaged 83 strokes per eighteen biles. "You get Into such a rhythm," said Lombardi. "You'ro not thinking; you're fust hitting the ball. I hit a lot of greens, but didn't make a lot of putts."This year's event will raise $5,030 once all tho pledges are collected. Half of tho total raised will stay at Sweetbriar to help upgrade its junior golf program. "Our junior golf program is so successful becauso the kids start in it at 7years-old end koop coming back," Lorabardt oxplained. "And tho parents believe In the program becauso they keep enrolling their kids." play in the I-orain-M<i<Iini Girls* Mot Stovo League. The 11-12-yeor-oId team Is open lo Avon Lake girls who will bo 12 years or ago or younger on August 1, 199H. Tho 13-U-yeur-old loam is open to Avon Lake girls who will bo 14 years old or younger on August 1.1998. Girls may sign up lo try out on either of tho two dates by calling Lynn Medders ut 9J3-00U0. ' Gladys Flynn. Class B: Low gross, low net, low putts, and Play of thu Day. Sharon Blair. ClussC: Law gross anu low not. Anno Huber: Low putts. Nan Goroy and Anno Huben Play of tho Day. Haiti! Hoover nnd Anno Huber. Avon Lake Women's Golf League Tho Avon Lako Women's Golf League reports the following results Tor August Class AA: Low gross. Joanne Wainscot!. Bernico Stumphauzor. and Susan McCllntock; Low not. Joanne Wainscot and Bernicu Stumphauznr; Low putts. Bert Kostohryz. Elaine Johnson Joanne Wuinscoll. «nd Dornicoi Stumphnuzor: Play of tho Day. Joanne Wumscott. C 35 £ U v v B'°ss. I " " "«'• nnd Plnv nt lt of Iho Day. Barb Bayer; Low putts. 1997 Homecoming 5K North Coast Nautilus will bo sponsorIng a 5K run ut this year's Homecoming Festival. The run will tuko place on Sunday, September 26. Registration will bn at 7:30 a.m. The raco will begin at 8:30 a.m. ut tho Municipal Pool parking lot and will continue through tho streets and paths of Avon Lake. Parts of tho course uffei » breathtaking view of Lako L'rio. Tho finish line will bo at Iho Avon Lako Memorial Stadium after nompletinc ono lap around (he track. Awards will bo given, prizes will be rafflud off. nnd T-shirts will bo givon to the firs' 100 paid entries. For moro inforiii ition contact Rick Cadwoll at North Coast Nautilus at 933-8075. 1997 Avon Senior League Diamond Backs J s /2f1er Duffy> i O n ^ ^ S o x " < Lett t 0 r '9 h ') First row ' ^ B r i l^ ^ Na 9V- Second row: Angie Gordo^ Ian ^ ! ™ ? ^ > ' SchteWier. Third row: Coach Dan Kathleen Donalaccio. Ton! Sidock, Elizabeth Minnich. U l ? 0 ld t u r e d : N i n a Dilik !Lavolle. ^ Coach ^JO3Donataccio. **- N 0 t p i CCoach - « « " Schil4ns Pal Williams. .S. star heads to (Left to right) Front row: perick Stapinski. Scott Ronyak, Jason Delisio. Second row: Michael Schatschneider, Josh Basen. Erik Gorman. John Graf. Third row: Jeff Bailey, Nick Duesler. Jason Kodysz, Dustin Widener. Fourth row: Scorekeeper Jeff Gorman, Manager Tom Widener. Not pictured: Tim Vazdos, Coach Kurt Schatschneider, Coach Russ Duesier, Scorekeeper Kathi Schalschneider Team Mom Debbie Widener. Contributed photo /instates " Legal Notice Legal Notice Notice To Bidders Nobody's Perfect. ContinmnJ from previous page ditioned players. 20-minuto halves instead of quarters, and a 30-sccontl shot dock. She may have to wait, though, before she con become it fullfledged starter. T m hoping lo slart at the wing position." she said. "But right now I sao myself coming off the bench because there are a lot of Vids coming bacV." Academically. Bobbins plays un pursuing a sports 'management major with a psychology minor. During her --»:inmcrs. she plans on continuing her Job as a ball girl for (ho Cleveland Rockers, which she landed after writing a letter to them, explaining why working for them would be important to her. Who knows? If all goes well, maybe she 11 be scoring points for them some day! bull —I b* n u t n d bytfwDvpirtmwit ot Hnanc« d th« Ctf d Stwfvlct U i a JltornOf K»J, 609 Hjm» Ro-d. ShetUM LJ**, Otwo uiU 1) OO * m , Fndly, AuguM 39.1997 *1 -+*ch Una tfwy w4 ba pubfely apwiwJ trxS m d kr 9m loOnMig *ic««* My «qu>pT»o( »o4d u o: t9al FORD RANGER WitlFTBR10A6OU*3S373 I9S4 FORD RANGER V!N#111BR1UA*"DUC3a484 5EADOO liTw<ut mole) UlSC. DIKES COMPUTER (Goitfil^) Swul Nwnbw 7*1*5 COMPUTER MOK1TOR (CGA] S«n*l M^ntie* UC9O9O780B PRINTER (Pvuionc 1BS0) S«ial Hunbor PI 1B0CO2 COPIER CXwuiJ S»f*J PJJT*>W0600B57—-MINIMUM BID tSOOOO™ FIRE NOZZLES AND FITTIf4G3 TERRA COITA FU3WER POT MONITOR [GoU*t*il a [T*ui W I U U E OASOUNE PUMPS OMOUNCPUUP » . 1 g*r. » d d n t l •!-* o( SHEFFIELD LAKE CrTY COUNOL 1 Ai-,. ClEfJK OF COUNCIL David W. McClenahan 7SJ A A.OO Do'deo Rd A.on Lj«Jt 933-7044 Cleveland 236-3588 Karen Robbins DO YOU WANT TO CONVERT YOUR BASEMENT TO A FAMILY ROOM? -Satisfaction Guaranteed! FREE Consultation & Brochure Call Us YOUR The Job Is Dene Kght The fat ft™?* smart start TO A BACHELOR'S DEGREE LCCC studenti know Lorain County Community College it •> g'e^t pl^ce to begin a bachelor'! degree. Transfer to Ohio's public : August 22nd. universities-<n liberal om. Grandstand 6:00 p.m. science* and pre-prok-siionol programs. And you'll SJve Ohio State Tractor Pull money, because LCCC tuition is low. Credits transfer and Plus Semi "Big Rigs" admission is guaranteed. Make a smart start and »ve thousands by calling 1-./ You just get more 99 5-LCCC Enroll Now. Classes Begin September 15. Lorain County Community College Real Education. Real Jobt. A Real Future. S&& You At Tfto Fair - r j ; Saturday '•'August 23rd, County Tractof PiJ 8:30 * j n . Skid StMf Rodoo 3:00 pjn. Combtne Oertry 7 JO p.m. Moio-Cross Races 10:00 a m D«mo Derby 6.00 p.m. A 8 JO pjn. Make your check payable l o : Lorain Co. Fair P O Box 15, Wellington, OH 44090 Ploale enclose a stamped, selt-addwssed envelope. Office Hours: 10 a.m. - 5 pm. starting July 31 (Closed Sun. Aug. 3 & 10) . 216-647-2781 f Asthma support group meets The Lorain Counly Asthma Support Group o monihiy mooting wilt bo held or, Wednasday. 2 Aug. 27 ol 7 pjn. ai Lorain County Community College In the CoJJego Onlor Building. Rocm CC 228. Follow me signs. All asthmatics, ipeir Eamillos and Friends a/3 encouraged to attend. Come shard your expertences vWth other asthmatics and aiiergy auffer- ore. This is a very informal mooting. Fuel Ireo Co Join i n . For more Information wrtte the Loraln County Asthma Support Group at 1033 Wellfloot Graflon. OH 44044 Of call 775-1651 in Obettln. B47-2234 In Wellington, 965-3648 in Uxtan. 3236933 In Gratlcn. 861-3953 In Cleveland. Ask fcr CoJleen al Ext. 252. GiRACS&iLB M i-crnr to new homeSlS huycrs itt ==5-? Wbodfietdtestates!~& f : Avcn Lake's Girls' Senior Division World Series Champs. {Lett to right) Front row: Erin Murphy. Kelly Means. Kristin Blakeslee. Cassie Soidoritsch, Danielle Fabiy, Laumn Miceli. Second row: AssiUmt Coach Jay Griesser, Cofloen Hendrtx, Assiiiiant Coach Tom Miceli, Katrira Solderitsch, Cathleen BaJas. Leigh Miller, Melanie Griesser, Katie Zembrycki, Coach Kent Garrand, and Katie Garrurd. Not pictumd: Assistant Coach AJ Sotderilsch. Tho 19S'7 Sheffield-Sheffield Lake Mustang Division World Series Champs, the Rockies. {Lett to right) Front row; Ray Williams. Danny Forror. Mark Grtle, BraM Baker, and Billy Chapman. Second row: Mike Wise. Steve Wright. Steve Mtglets. Kenny Campbell. Steve Grife. Zach Baker, and Mike Lake. Third row: Assistnt Coach Homer Chapman. Head Coach Bill Chapman, Assitant Coach Cat Baker. Slider steps out with seniors Ten years ago tho Activity Stiffs from eight area loug-Ierm health caio fucililies decided to form a committee to organize a duicu uppropriotoly Ullud, "Seniors Sleppin' Out." Littlo aid they know that thin diuictt vould become an unnuj'l evunt. Over thu years, friendships devnlopcd nnd now the cumin ittee look-t forward to the itvenl an much as Ihct residents of the health tare facilities. Tho cofiuiiiMc'f (ICLIIILMI tu com- DISCOVER OUR WORRY-FREE PATIO D O O R THAT HELPS PAY FOR ITSELF. ? Sticky track? Flimsy lock? Our door espcru will show you how railly you can replace your troublesome old palio doer with a qujlity Andcficr.* gliding or hinged patio door. The rciiilu? Wcatiier light comfort, smooth memnrute this year's event with a spuciiil guL*3t. Tim decision was unanimous tu invito tliu Cleveland Imli;ins Masco). Slider. Tho lunth iinnujil "Suniors Stuppfn' Out." u Jyn'jnic gnl.i affair will take placo un V/cdiiosdny, Aug. 20 from 7-9 p.m. at St. Udislas Parish Hall. 23-15 Dassett Kuad, Wustlake fur 200 rosidunts of urea nursing homes. Tho seniors rnngo in ago from 70 to 104 years young. Like any other social function, tho residents plan thair day before the evening evont with trips to the benuly/barbar shop, receivo manicures. operation and additional security — plus big energy savings u> select their attire, und finaliza'details. Facility employees add Iho finishing touches, Triinsportation ranRc; from caring family/staff cars to facility vans, ambulettos. •ir.A dinuffrur drivon Hmoustnes. As a memnnto of Iho evening nach resident receives a framed Polaroid photo of themselves. Several facilities also lapo the evunt to bo shown throughout the ynnr for reminiscing. Residents also rucoivc corsages or boutunnieruj. Thi) facilities and companies involved are: Hradloy Road Nursing Homo. Hay Village; Good Samaritan Skillod Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Avon: Ilavbonirie Ilealthcara. WcstlaLe: Manor Our. North Olmstcd; Tho Oukridgu Home. Westlako; Olnwted Manor, North Olmaiod: Tho Renaissance, Olmsted Township: Tho Welsh Homo, Rocky River: und Uonald Martens Ambulance. If you hnvo any questions or need further assistance please contact Barb Barllomo. 835-3737. 327-4019 or 9370201. help offset replacement cost! (Andersen's HighPerformance'™ insulating glass is 35 percent more efTiciem thap ordinary double-pane jjiss in winter. 41 percent more efficient in summer.) CALL OH VISIT US TODAY! AJ1 And«iw ExcfUenie™ Jeiler lecariom ut mJrfxnJtnJc uvmcJ ind o}<eriicil. COESI'OG 04D LUIVIBER pO. and HOME CENTER /with tho Helpful-, ESTATE PLANNING VI Wills • Trusts • Guardianships Living Wills • Durable Power of Attorney • Survivorship Deeds 934-6543 M"W* ^ y Avon. Ohio i • • I5 I By Amy Ginn a mm 1 i HI §1 HE sfttslPsSmis AVON LAKE - In response to com. munis made by candiSatos for cily SSS?*? las l , ,. wee ^ "sue of The fliESS. Mayor Viuco Ufbin issued soveral statements last weak. Responding to claims that tho city was overspending, made by former counci hnen KarT Zuber and Ed Mitchell. Urbin said that tho city is oxperioncins the "best financial years il ever has hi its history." Urbin emphasized the need for council to bo prudent but progressive in its spending if the city U to continue to move forward. According to Urbin, e t the start of his tenure nearly five years ago, tho city would have faced a S350.000 deficit if something was not done quickly. Within two and a hclf months, thanks to a one-half percent income tax -^crease and a tightening of the belt ut City Hall, the city erased the deficit. According to Urbin, the use of city employees rather than outside firms to secure government grants, changes in the handlir3 of cleaning and maintenance of city offices, reduction of staff a! tin Building Department, and tho switch to RITA have saved the city thousands of dollars. hi the past fivo years, said Ufbin. there have been "more sower separa- tion projects, rnoru slrcot re-pavuig projects, upgrades in city equipment and vehicles, park land purchases for the first time in many, many years, und park improvements." Also in (he Umo sinno 1992. tho city has managed to save 53-5 million in reserves, just in case tho nuud »risos. "Wo have gona from a city that was facing a 5350,000 dofirit to a city that has set aside money to toko caro of operations," said Urbin. Urbin said that the current council has worked together to became "doers" rather than "talkers." They have, said Urbin, tried to put money away before spending it. An example is the Justice Center project. According to the mayor, tho city has placed $1.2 million in a reserve account. "I've said that if we've gol the resources, lot's get the job dono now," ho said. Besides, said Urbin. ulitmately it is tho voters who will have to decide whether thoy want the Recreation Center. "It's tho people who live hore that are going to make that decision. Not the mayor, not iho city council, hut the people who live here, as it should be," ho said. The bottom line, according lo Urbin, is that, "the city is doing more with loss...l find it hard to believe thai any of these candidates have s problem with any of the capital improvements.** Chorus Icoks back and ahead How runny singing groups can say Christmas programs? Rehearsals toko they performed for over 42,000 peoplo place each Sunday evening from 7:15 to at one timo? Tho Avon Lake Men's H:45 at tho Avon Lake United Church of Chorus experienced that accomplishChrist on Electric Blvd.. just west of RL ment this summer at a Cleveland 83. Men singers, mark the date of Sept. Indians opening ceremony. They are 7, Sunday evening, when director Rick now beginning to think about their Fortnoy will gladly welcome you Into "normal" season of rehearsing and harmony with tho rest of the men. preparing far tho various programs on No* 1 mont Information! Contact tho their scbedula. chorus president. Davo Shopard. at 933-OltiU. ; Why not plan to join them ns preparations taka place for their foil and \ RESERVE YOUR 1997 HOMECOMING BOOTH The Avon Lake Homecoming Commiltee has announced that the dalei for thi* year's fclivol ore September 27 & 28. Booth hours will bo Saturday 11:30 AM unlil 5:00 PM and Sunday 10:00 AM unlil 3:00 PM. Our f«ej, per booth, Ihis year oru; Non-Profit Organization 520, Homecraftar S40, BusirKrM/Food Concessionaire S60. Tc r-ierve your booth lend thit Form to KATHY EHRET, 32643 BELLE RD., AVON LAKE, OH 4^012. Information and confirming your reservation, booiri location, and parking wilt b« mailed to you. If you have any questions, pleaie feel fre« l o contact Sue at 9333808 or Kalhy at 933-9055. -Ml Reservation! rruit be in by Sept. 6!h. 1 AVON" LAKE 'HOMECOMING 'BOOTH FORM [ Conlad person . . Zip, jCity t Phorw number I I Type of Ac1i*:ty _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ .! L-^«—•-*•-•*-«"*""-«*" ( '"^" i «*" w """"""""*™™™" Entry subjed fo approval of Homecoming Steering CommiHec. *$& AVON LAKE HOMECOMING "REVISITED" Parade September 27, 1997 The Homecyjrrung Parade will jtart at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, September 27, 1997. Everyone is i/wited to participate, organiiatioro, groups, or IrxCviduah. Entries can be groups swolluno, vehicles, and exJravaganlr/ decorated Roots. Your imagination tt >our fimh. "AVON LAKE HOMECOM1HC PARADE ENTRY FORM *" Type of entry , . No. of vehldec j Contact penon I |AJdreu_ " " " ^ «^^ ^^m ^^m ^^m MM ^ ^ • • • mtm * f 5ALE! $1835 200 MMX AMD K6 System • AMD K6200 with MMX • Intel 430O VX PnP Bios - 32 MB EDO RAM 60ns • 512 Pipeline Burst Cache • 3.1 Gig Enhanced IDE HD • 3 5 ' 1.44 MB Floppy Drive • 1 MB Video - 16 X CD ROM IDE Drive • 3D Wavet=»ble Sound Card • IB0 Watt Speakers • MS Windows 95 CD • Encyclopedia Software • 33.6 Fax/Data/Votce Modem • 15'Monitor FREE DELIVERY & INSTALLATION FREE TECHNICAL SUPPORT August 20th thru August 29th Teachers, Parents a Childcare Providers 20-40% Discounts on all Tradebooks, Teachers Resources, and Educational Materials We offer a large selection of Paperbacks Hardcover Books, and Big Books for preschool age ? S u g h young adults from all major publishers NOW AVAILABLE ^ -Connections' Ohio Proficiency Test Materials CD-I (Compact Disc Interactive) 37303 Harvest Dr., Avon •$> Behind the Avon Public Library ^ (800)989-0275 HOURS . Addreis "BACK-TO"5CHOOL a.k.a the little bookworm company (440) 934-BOOK n a Sun. We Specialize in designing systems that meet YOUR needs and budget! Call us and compare. MORTH COAST COMPUTERS 930-5117 YOUR COMPLETE COMPUTER SOURCE For School a n d Fun PC Sales Repairs Upgrades Software 525 Avon Belden Rd North Coast Computers | Next to Burger King ^ M ^ M ^ M MM wmm MM MM M H ^ * » • • • i m i i! m m m ( I Kon Wright, spokesman for the Ohio Department of Lfflc noise from Route 2 following tfao construcUon or nobe walb A i not^pTcS to be a problem. Ta ensure tut it1» ™» ? £ P ^ ? 2 J ^ b plans to conduct studios measuring n o i ? e l o v o l s i i t ^ . f kkiehway i e h w a y bufore n d after he w a l l s . If bufore aand after the the construction construction o off tthe walls. If g L M la Q: If ODOT builds barriers along Route 2 between Routes 83 and Oil, Uiat will have corrected the traffic noise far those II .'ing close to the highway, but won't thai just bounce or reflect the noise into Avon Lake and central Avon to homes several miles away that presently can't hear the traffic? — Bob SchaiHck, Avon Lake Ra increaso,, said 3h h doparunont d t iis preparedd to add™* the problem. Tho walls, which ow 3 g h t tho scheduled to So erected L. 10U9. deflect noiso no back to the road. In areas where re l areas experiencing i mate thcro are problems with oulsiclo noise J ^ a a w special materials are i£cd so that the noiso is absorbed rather l&an deflected As Wnght stated bowovcr. MWe do not feel that that will bo a problem. . H M THIS AD SPONSORED BY THESE COMMUNITY MINDED BUSINESS MEN & WOMEN "THE WORKS" HAIR & NAIL STUDIO Locatad la Tba Loading* Pbooa 933-36CS Compliments of DR. MARK D. GOULD - PODIATRIST 327M WiILff Rd. Aroo LaLa. Ohio , BUTTERFLY HUBER'S POWER CHRISTIAN EQUIPMENT INC BOOKS & GIFTS P l 890 Anm-Baldan RJ. (RL S3) 'JUtXtoSluoo'i) Araa t i U ybaat- 933-7073 3AU3 DMniUICd Araa S34-1U3 I looda-Tarro-Eclio-1 lutgnnu SISSONS FLOWERS, CARDS & GIFTS MO AiOO Otldea Rd. Arao Laka, Ohio Pboo» 003-32SJ DALE'S TV The Ticket to Happiness TVi VV« ({MCtillM la l i C & VOt's U««J M I u » ! 7S3 Araa Iteldca Rd. ef RR timcLi) Araa B33-iU1 tad un(!«ifd by SXM on tw ttraiB cf mof avtr> poOUn mis Ov^uQnout ffit vcrtj ict tbt Mctra lyttMti, powtrful mint trtn^orlng H U M traa ill vtBu a! Bittotrtqr mt of Uu ilt|. SiiU«itk*Jfj tslthlng bftMA p«te»n> and nah hour. Buy iflUtnSf tptw)toMdt tt>Boa. TteM nttng Awq n n H dfK BoroujWjfM ibon. |Mt htl bom tiluuit tuam ind bUrlnj hofoj i n inceauiaui ol this 'otfer wortT M* unflff Bwr hd. BRUSNAHAN & STUART Attarasp •! Uw Rd (I16JB3O-26OO JOE FIRMENTS LUPE CHEVROLET TRUCK AND GEO GOOD SAMARITAN NURSING HOME 6O7 Millw Ro*i Araa Lii«. Ohio 32900 Umtnit RJ. Araa.Ohlu Phooa 03743)1 PAINT 4 PAPER PLACE BURMQSTBt-BUSai FAMHJ fUNERAL OIAPQS Rd. Attui L i l * . Ohio Pttoiw 931-3111 31000 Dttroit RiL Avon ISSAvoaBaldflti Araa LtJ». Ohio P t a M 933-3203 AtmflprictcfifcM. LANDINGS ANIMAL HOSPITAL CONVENIENT FOOD MART Or. Dcmld R. Rowta SIB A*oa Bald* a Avon Llia, Ohio PbaM 913-2144 AnmLala «MLiitRA Slwin*Ld Lai* DEANGEUS RESTAURANT* LOUNGE JUvCw pAMf, DG0 liUski u34a r t q m t tnd CM M t attoptacn of wMcfa m> fc*o iwl tin drtintd. God If tnii Pew. TOM'S COUNTRY PLACE/CATERING Wif t i h ; in codwioo mi etna* wtm pttct tad IttppotM Pbotu M3-4M7 3430 S I O M ? Rldp Rd. Avon Phooa 934-4SU twettop * ba: t«vM ef »of THU CHILDREN'S CENTER AVON LAKE PRINTING 331 Lur Rood Avon lak* Pbos* B33-S1M 'UvlpJng Youoj Qddrtrt LMrn* . Obk) Pl>OOo B33-3M0 AVONLAKE DAIRY QUEEN RAY'S AUTO & TRUCK SERVICE 13T30 W*JWRo«d CfiMf ft NovalUas for Ail Ocaulou. Opra Yaw FtuxM KU-Z300 »TM1 C .IN»»I w HARTSEL-S AUTOMOTIVE CaatpUu Aulo Repair Ktp« Auto C n C*at«r OJO-AUTO 149 LMT R d . Anon U l * SKUGGEN INSURANCE AGENCY tHi 3«9<MS DtlTDlt Rit Airoa Phooa U 4 1 U ] i GREAT LAKES GYMNASTICS DETZEL'S GARAGE 3*21» Colorado A T , . 2ZOOU P I M Oak Parkway Aron LsXa, Oblo Pboiw 931-U74 BAY VILLAGE NAPA AUTO PARTS CO. B & L IRRIGATION. INC FIRST CHURCH OF CHRST SdEHTiaT FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH G«M M UUMdft.Am Ut-ttM B F « * M * M % d tw a n * . T X » HOLY SPIRTT CHURCH CHR1OT EVAHOEUCAL LJJTHERAH CHURCH AVONUNOED UETHOOtST CHURCH m n Cant W. * « • 8>*4Oi lanur H>* JWi R ButAai SatUBia HOLY TRINrTY ROMAN CATHOUC CHURCH O THE PRESS 1 Sfl U t r RdJPXI- Ekn 3CO Avon L*ij, Oblo Pfaoa* S33-S100 -Wadimday U a i W d d Wh SPARKLE MARKET 33479 LaUKrt Avon I*fca,OhIo Wal L*r KOM) M AroodaJ* A r o n U U . Oil 44012 ^ B O I YOU LAKE5IOE ORST1AN FEULOWSHP 61? Moan Rd. A n a Lai*.O(Uio Pbooa S31-2534 AVON LAKE NAPA AUTO PARTS W«aiwB D r i . . IU)ta. S71-Tt9J B71-33A2 AVON LAKE ALLEN HEATING & COOLING BAWT TERESA CATHOUC CHURCH D7UO raMjm StfJpa.&a l ST.BArtMBAS' EPISCOPAL CHURCH m Mm PMt« «w fkat Bq Vfcft Sn% S-wr i n u 1 K » . a SHEFRELDLAKE OATHT THOMAS THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCH m H A CHURCH OF OOO. SHEFFIELD THE CHURCH LOVE IS BULDINQ a m » f CHURCH ON THE RSE Dno •aMatl JTOJh JMJI ric*r Ceaauai S m o 1W i s KaSdd«irSdcd ST. JOSEPH CATHOUC CHURCH AVON LAKE 430 p * Sal tOOut. igooia. U09p> Sui% 73D i *tta.IML Md r « t a TaaiUB m H AVON LAKE BAPTIST CHURCH r«t»nt uco ( CHRISTIAN HERtTAOC ASSEMBLY OF OOO Si»tf«r Ewnn Mrtap 100 pa "WLLJE73CMLAKEBHEEZZ CWJBCM OF THE BRtTHREN kU Nnt, ««nw*r. 730 p a ST. CLEMENT OF ORCHIO MACEDOMA ORTHOOOX CHURCH n.MM tOIUMhn wrmtahft.Loi.rMu •XS CHURCH OF CHRI3T (*• at uaxn OETHESOAOH-THE-IWY LUTHERAN CHURCH FWST BAPTBT CHURCH Com« el UM BTMM M Qknn hMM CALVARV BUTTST CMUHCH tm i 1100 u . lUmg Wtrt^j AVON LAKE UNTTED CHURCH O? CHRIST X901DKKBM.IS.lZ4t AVON CHURCH OF OOO H 03 Smlirktn WRnfaj I I OOia I LAKE SHORE LMTTED I AVON ST.UARYcftfw IMMCULATE CONCEPTION T IfcaMMA n t »* Wonba t t u /MM. O B UCC O F SHEFFIELD LAKE HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH Su«»r i*w»p • IJJ t II CO l a * St, Sffori 145 I - Un]*7130 p a Quc* Ca1[71f)in-3B1 Fn (1)0171030 IhrtMr F«n*f 7«j«r'j K M ? 00 H • FREEDOM CHAPEL Am, OH MOtt. f H I M « H 0ia;'CTOSSWHX-»fc IHIFU S A BM SWr I MA* BAY VILLAGE NEW HAVEN BAPTI3T BAYUNrTEt METHOOtST CHURCH ng.aM U > 11100 SiMq Warriw S m m , >X0 100 Owrt TIUWIJ. ; oD <*»** BAY PRESarTERIAN ACMMCMnddMa O>»* "tUai 1 CoaMa Ah. B* M g i S •1 i -1 '-'4' 11111m m 11m VM I )<>-I-Yourself or WVli Do The Planting • Top soil • Stakes • Delivery BSss m Hi 934-5188 NEHUSTINCINHIKUV FREE* E DELIVERY Minimum Purchase of Four 2" Caliber Trees or Larger 'within 1U mile limit Not valid with any other discounts or oficrv Offer expire, September 15. l'J'J7 MATTHEW J. BRADY BRADV FINANCIAL SKRVICKS (216) 621-56S0 (800)680-0429 / Insurance Planning / DusitK-.i I'Linm::.; S Investment Strategies / lisUtc Ar-ihsi. Persunjlized Financial Scr\piccs tor Businesses and Individuals ® MassMutual The Blue Chip Compj.i) "* Member - Avon Lake/Avon Clumber uf Commcrut: Wallpapa Largest Selection in Area DOUBLE ROLL . DOUBLE ROLL t > BORDERS f Se.oo 4 v 4S6 N. Abbe Road T;ri Ar.Lo 'r-'-Pt-1"-'. 365-9485 '•Gcxxl rates Ixickcd bv KXJLlNeigl|x scnicc ntikc State l-L unique EILEEN REIGERT 702 Avon Bclden Rd (So. of Siuson:-. PWf AvonLako.OH440i (216)933-6215 (216)310-8577 /.lie ii vi'itt '"•'Vl>h"r- 1-90 to Exit 611 1/2 mile south of Detroit R o a d J | Ask About Guaranteed Low Prices HOURS: 8-4:30 Mon.-Fri., 10-4:30 Sat. Evenings &: Sundays by Appointment 2980 Stoney Ridge Road, Avon *~. By JoAnne Easterday AVON LAKE — North Coast Nautilus is sponsoring a 5 kilometer (3.1 mile) raco in conjunction with tho Avon Lako homecoming festival. Tho race is schedulod for Sunday. September 28 at 8:30 am. and will begin at the munici- "This is a fun uvoril," Cadwoll omphasizud. "The race- is upon to all ijgus and ubiliiiL-s—firsl-liini! racers and well us strung competitors." Thuru is a 512 pro «nlry fuu or a S15 entry fee the iiioriiitig of tho racu. Application forms aro iivfiilublo at various points in the city or can hu pickud up at North Coast in Tho Landings Shopping Center. In addition, Cadwoll can answer quest ions at 933-B075. gorios—under t'J yuars of i>£i!. 20-20. 30-34. utc. Wdlkurs as well as runners are encouraged to participate, although they won't bo eligible for trophies. Since North Coast has sponsored triathulon events in tho past. Cadwull is huping to trade on their reputation to ut;ract accomplished regional athletes as woll as local participants. Cadwell hopes this will be successful enough to become an annual event. pal pool parkins tot. wind through the city and end with a lap around the high school stadium truck. According to Rick Cadwull uf North Coast Nautilus, trophies and prizes will bo awarded about 10 a.m. Competing divisions will bo sut up along agu cate- WE KEEP i 1/1 to Lorain County YA Fixed Routes ADA Service Dial-ARide COUMTY TRANSIT 011 1^00-225-7703 or 949-2525 BRAND NEW 1997 MAZDA PROTEGE LX S Air Conditioning Powf WWwi * Power Dec tc.ki * C'WW • Pavers • Plantings BKUND NSW 1997 • Concrete TOYOTA COROliAS B3ZAND 10% Down Cash or Trade \ • Frame-In • Additions • Custom FOR FREE ESTIMATE Outdoor Woodworking 9 3 0 - 5 2 2 2 or 933-0670 KzDA 34 Mont* O « M End le«« UROND NEW 1098 MIATAS TOYOTA 1/2 Ton 4x4s *6 Mons> L*<1« 1CX Cowl Cnn or Trio ^ entistry BRAND NEW 1997 MAZDA 626 LX Sedans A* Cc**itc*ing o ^ Dow i Cortrol • Tn w t - Michael Kearns, D.D.5. Glenn Kuemerle, D.D.S. Convenient Hours Evening or Saturday New Patients Arc Always Welcome BRAND NEW 1997 TOYOTA RAV 4 33398 Walker Rd.-Suite 'TV Avon Lake, Ohio 44012 if ft Four Door • 4416 Limited Edition Automatic Trant • A r ConGmomng • A U . I M S t w t ) M \ * f ft P j M Fender F l * M « Center Cof 1 BRAND NEW 1997 fit** MAZDA SE5 1/2 TON PICKUP * ^ . ^ BRAND NEW 1997 IToyota T100 Club cab 4x4 SR5 I ^ Take The Risk Out Of High-Risk Coverage. r1 We all have to pay for our mistakes, but if thai mistake is a traffic ticket or an accident, it could classify you as high-risk. Up until now, you'd have had to go to an unknown insurance agency for coverage and then pay exorbitant premiums That's just not right. Grange Guardian allows your Independent Grange Agent to provide you with a competitively priced plan that's bucked by a company whose naineyuu've knownanUIruMC(, furyirars. AfMT (400 >«tut« =rr: PER » • » " • * • MO. 1MMDo-" $5000 In SAVINGS im LAST was IN LOW PRICE ^ \14PEASrBRftCESr,::^ ;V:v:{::Rt'20;*^RIA;v,::-;::" 933-4486 ELYRIA LORAIN ^233:50i35 BOB ALLEN INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. 33399 Walker Rd.. Avon ULc 9 3 3 - 5 2 2 3 -I By Amy Ginn Laura Andrews says she never gets anv iianLVwork done at work - she's too intemstod'in plaving. And while ihis may echo tlie tone of corporate America on Friday, it Is all in a day's work for Andrews. That ts because as the owner of "Laura's Learning Treohouso" in Avon, she can1! bear to sit behind a desk when there are so many more excited things to do in iho next room. "I'll come in here and sit down at the desk...and 111 hear them |thn children! doine something out there and I want to get involved " said Andrews. This year marks the tenth anniversary of the opening of Laura's Learning Treuhotm... T«n vears ago. Andrews was working in the Child 'Carr Center at Loraia Cauntv Community College A friend of hers was building an office space in Avon and was looking for tenants. The time seemed right to open her own center. "I decided, okay. I'll open my own center.'" sho said. Laura's Learning Treehousa was born. In the beginning, there were six kids at the center, which offers not only day care for children ages three lo 12, but pre-school as well. Since that time however, her business has grown steadily, and she now has 37 children enrolled. "It took len years to grow this large." sho said. According to Andrews, the growth caino mostly in the way of word-of-mouth recommendations. She grow up in Avon and knows many people in the community. She said sho often becomes good friends with parents of the children enrolled at the center, hi fact. Iwo years ago when sho had emergency knee surgery, parents volunteered to help with grocery shopping, cooking, and transportation. -Probably 99 percent of my parents that come in here. I've become friendi with...They would call and check on in» and mako sure I was okay." said Andrews. The growth of a business, of course, does not come with a few little mishaps along ih« way howevor. particularly when ono is doing business GRAND Tunica MS Casinos PERSONAL TRAVEL CORPORATION 588 Moore Road - Avon Lake, OH with children. Andrews said ono of her funniest memories is of an incident in which a young bov's shoes became muddy after he played outside. When he caino in, Andrews said slut washed them off. and then put them in the oven on low heat to dry them off. Shortly thereafter, ono of her teachers broiled fish for luncli, no! knowing the shoes were in (he oven. "We. smelted this rubber burning, and I said. 'Oh my Cod, what axe you doing?'" The broiler was turned off, but u little loo lute - the shews had melted. Andrews said she was nfrnid the mother of tho boy would be angry, but oddly, she was not. "She just thought it was the funniest thing. We talked about it for years. I'vo nuvur, never put another pair of shoes in Ihe oven," she said. And things have gone smoothly ever since. Andrews said the satisfaction of the parents comes as a result of the education and amusement of the children. To keep the children interested and stimulated, there is a different "theme" which is addressed each week. Far example, last week tho theme was tho circus. The older students made costumes and put on a circus for tha younger children, who learned about thu circus all week. Andrews credits much of her success with the children to the staff she employs - two full-time teachers and two part-time. "I have an excellent staff," sho said. Also, lo keep ubrcast of new information in the child caro busiasss. she attends in-service meetings of the I-orain County Association ior !he Education of Young Children. "Wo try lo work together as groups. We do for the kids."'sho said. Andrews said she offers open enrollment, meaning that thcru is no time during ihe year which registration Ln confined to Anyone interested in finding out more information about <liiy care or pro-school et L-uuru's burning TrochoLuy can call 034-5437. In ih.i iiuuintiimi. Ijiuru Andrews will cufllinuo jilnylnfi - iind touching • nil at tho *.ime time. "I would watch kids for nothing, especially 1 ih« kids thai kwji coining back. Wu'vw it'cuiiM. (Montis." ah» said. I:-.; Tgnnirig • Toiim Exercises^ Botfy Wlraps SEW SERVICES 'MASSOTHERAPY • PARAFFIN TREATMENTS •WAXINGS -FAO*LS ' LADY REUIitHG TON JEWZIRY Sine* m i always managed by the game person. Wa are dependable and we are insured and bonded. Your house. Your car. Your business. You. Allstate Insurance Company 3 7 4 0 0 CokmvM Ave. Avon, Ohio 4 4 0 1 1 / Computer Diagnostics / E-Check Repairs /Brakes /Shocks / Engirw Trammiuion Repair DR. BILL 1300MooroRd, Avon / Car Wash & Detailing • Importe ' full Lin* of Plush Anitruth 1 fullAuoTtmtnt of Gift IsUiu All nujor crcdic cards accepted (216) 934-0077 ITII | i i f Let Sue D'Andrea show X(?tf the way hc-me! Purchase or Refinance Investment Properties Non-Owner o t f u p e d Bridge Loans New Construction 1.03ns 2O3K & Convendonal Rerub Loans 21S-3M-U43, a t 239 •OO-3SV-7M2, «Jrt. 2St Hav« your loan approved Before you buy - w t r i a PAL Loan. irfln >. • FrM E*timatM • ft** ConculUUona H&JAUTO& TRUCK REPAIR ^ 32730 Willwi Ro»4 T h e Lindinp* A«on Lair Your home or office 'a 933-2066 871-O506 Pre-School School-Age rullflc FSrt-Tlmc , • Year Round AMBEKrLAZA 37VX) Colorado Aw. Koutd Gt1» Avon W-"; Children,'. 933-7010 245-6513 c«*«.) Call for thorough, consistent quality. "Helping Your Children To learn As They Grow" Special family Hates ^teaching from thi ptti Serving Our Communities Since 1973 WE ARE THE RESIDENTIAL CLEANING SERVICE Laura's Learning Treehouse Mapass Howe %GiflSh Bnnlt B$tn faJi Cnri t Hmul Cra 1 J5 933-5500 Santo Tsws Laun Andrews, center. Is happiest when surrounded by kids. PRESS photo - Linda Hemmer <£> REAlfSTATEiyiORTGAGECORP. "Your Partners In Lending" COMPLETE MECHANICAL REPAIRS CHRISTIAN Books & Gifts BIBLES • COOKS • MUSIC • VIDEOS • TOYS • CARDS TEE'S • SWEATS • CHURCH SUPPLIES PRECIOUS MOMENTS & MORE « , 690 Avon Belden |Rt. 83) Avon take • NCC OSUWI 933-7073 f Sumiatr I sptehlt & f f M We Do E" Chock Repairs *i Z ••: ? 2 By Mary Swindell 8 AVON - Imagine driving along an Interstate highway at the allowable speod limit in tho middle of tho night You switch on your left turn signal so you can pass a slower-moving car, and. as you pass the car, your headlights pick up a car ahead of you in the pass* ing lane. So far. so good. Then you get closer lo the car up ahead. All of a suddan. no good. That car Lj parked there. Police received numerous phone calls on August 12 at around 1:30 a.m. of a car stopped In the passing lana of I90 westbound west of Rto. 83. Officers quickly spotted the car, a 1901 Lincoln, and its driver on foot at COUNSELORS AT LAW •FREE CONSULTATIONS 4 AVON POLICE BLOTTER Under suspicion A suspected drunk driver on 90 proved to be only under tho influence of medication, this on August 11. A motorist called ihe station from her PERSONAL INJURY MEDICAL MALPRACTICE WORKERS' COMPENSATION WRONGFUL DEATH TRAFFIC VIOLATION/DM DOMESTIC RELATIONS PROBATE WILLS & TRUSTS REAL ESTATE LAW CORPORATION LAW 110 Moore Road Avon Lake. Ohio 4-1012 656 Main Street Vermilion. Ohio -M089 INTEGRITY are pleased to announce the addition of Attorney Lisa A. Fleger to the Probate Department of our law firm. For Wills, Trusts and Estate Planning needs, contact Lisa A. Fleger SMITH AND SMITH COUNSELORS AT LAW $ t- • Ball* boosted Six women runted five baskets of An**Avon officer picked up the trail go I frails ut the West Pine Coif Kango on and begun following the car bul was August 10 and instead of driving them unable lo catch up to it before it had out on the links, put them in their car crossed tho county line "-nto Uestlake and drove off with them, this according and exited at Crocker Road. to an employee who saw tho whole Weslloko Police advised tho Avon thing. officer to pull tho air over, which he Avon Lake Police stopped tho did an Uotroit Road just west oi women's car on Walker Road and hpld Crocker. , . The driver wasn't drunk, though, a them for Avon Police. Thxeo of tho turned out that he had been taking women were brought to tho station hut medication winch accounted for his were released alter tho course declined unsteady hand at tho wheel. The driver to prosecute Presumably the balls were following him was his son who ogruuti returned. to lake the man to his Cleveland home. Tho car was loft at the K-Mart to bo Mailboxes mauled Four Kinzcl Road householders pickud up later. awoke the morning of August 9 to find their mailboxes and posts damaged. Toppled tree A North Doovys Street woman voiced An officer cleared Sandy Lane of a her displeasure over finding her mailfallen tree which was blocking Ihe box torn from its r.osl and ditched in a roadway on August 12 at about 3 a.m. nearby field on August 10. At least two people called tho station about the treo. Ho hauled it to thy side Family reunion of tho road for city streets crows to pick A G-year-oId boy was accidentally left up the next morning. behind after a family outing in Schwartz Park the afternoon of August 10. An officer stood by with Iho child to Animal alley await his parents who immediately Alter a Colorado Avenue resident turned around and drove back for the complained oi a raccoon punching in youngest member. his garbage can ihe morning of August 12. an officer dropped by to shod tho Dike fright critter off. Several drivers complained of an A member of another animal species man riding an adult tricycle in similarly likes to snack out of her elderly and out of trafffic on Route 83 Aug. 9. garhani* 'cans, a Garden Drive woman causing consternation among those on complained on August 11 after spotting four wheels. a neighbor's pooch in hor cans for tho An officer found tho man and his fourth time. Tho mooching pooch was triko on the Route 611 overpass and back In his own yard when an officer advised him to stick to the side streets. stopped by. A golden retriever who lives on -2228 JOB SEEKERS PARTY SERVING THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 FUN-FOOD-DOOR PRIZES SEEKING CARING, DEDICATED PEOPLE GREAT JOB OPPORTUNITIES 149 Lear Road 930-AUTO (2886) Major or Minor Repairs Foreign or Domestic THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1997 1 liOO AJML TO 7:00 PJVL ACCEPTINC APPLICATIONS FOR: Nursing - RN, LPN, Nursing A s r t u n t , Hospitality Aide Activities, Dietary, Housekeeping, Laundry, Maintenance, Clerical Attendance Bonus-Scholarship Program Flexible Schedule-Continuing Education and So Much More NAPA AutoCare BRAKES • TUNE-UPS • EXHAUST • TIRES m A PARTY YOU WONT WANT TO MISS! CHANGE SPECIAL jRnd Your Keys For A Change With Kendall! I Get A FREE* One For All Finder -• Up to 5 quarts of oil Complete chassis lubrication New oil filter APPOINTMENT PREFERRED I When You Get A j Kendall Oil Change! j ONLY f S M «Df» to detate. © Kendall MOTOR OIL Good Samaritan Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 32900 Detroit Road Avon, Ohio 44011 IN THE PROTECTION NEW H S E ft VICE I _. B fl Aft B H H " Moving Made Easier MAKE YOUR RESERVATION TODAY-LOCAL AND NATIONWIDE •* •» f+j*ip.\ww • ; P. 5 the 154 milepost. An Elyria man was charged with DulThB car was towed. Gerald M. Smith Timothy T. Smith Kenneth P. Frankcl Daniel G. Wightman Geoffrey R. Stmih James J. Smith Richard D. McClure Leslie A. Gentile Lisa A. Fleger Ridgohnd Drive and likus to chase joggers prompted a complaint in recent days. Thtj complaint was delivered to tho doy's owner. cellphone at about 4:30 p.m.. :rjjportwfc that sliu was following a possible drum, dfivor on Rio. B3. The air. which WJS being followed by anothur car. headed onto 1-90 euslbound driving erratically • I 11H I; U I B . mmfin -1 i •*! - - i 11 i s m The Best Check Out These Snfferes? Ra^es and Rebates BIG VALUE RIG SAVING In Used Cars Vehicle Cavalier Lumina Monte Carlo '1977 low mil. 89 Buicfc Skylark 88 Chrysler Fifth Aw* 86 Owvy Mont* Carlo IS SS Owr* Ctttbrtty Euro. 4 Or. 92PorrU«G«i«iPrk4Or. .2977 13377 '3377 -3977 '4377 2!2WlSS^4Of; *4977 94 C M Metro 2 Dr. M977 91 Mercury Marquis .5977 192 Olds Delta 88 Royal* *s»77 1 92 Pontiac Grand Am SC «S977 93 Chevy Cavalier »S777 94 Fotd Tempo 2 Dr. «7477 94 Chevy Cavalier 4 Dr. «7877 9fi Chevy Corsica * 3 T 7 95 Ch«vy Lumlna ^977 95 Chevy Cavalier 2Or. *9777 95 ford Taurm SE 4 Dr. '1 t.7T7 ^ , * OMitrmdm Rjr, VJI *119 mo. '115mo 114 mou • « mo .154mo. '139 mo. *139 mo. 15S mo. *159 mo. '17fi mo. ^77 , „ „ . i194„„, *190 mo. -22a mo. ^^7977 96 O>«vy S-10 Oxmnlon J5 Owvy KaWf 4 Ot. Om. 95 Ford F350 Dually 195 GMC Suburban '210 mo. m*tum*m, w * . 0—1 «•— M0.977 '19,877 *20,877 '22.877 $2500 Discount From Sticker Price S1500 Rebate fTotal of $4000 off) Free Complete Bin & Shelf Pkg. OR Total Cargo Protection Pkg. No Installation Charge 1 3/4 ton or 1 ton Vans 1994 POIUTIAC SUIUBIRD 1 84 Mercury Cougar »3977 l 90 Dodge Spirit 4Or. 5977 92 Dodge Dynasty '6477 M Ch«y CmUtr Ct Coupt 2 te *6997 94 Ford Escort I X 4 Dr. >«997 94 Chevy Cavalier 2Dr. *7Vrt 96 Chtvy Corsica U *8977 94 Geo Prlxm LSI 4 Dr. *9977 95 Pontlw Grand Am* •— *9977 95 Chwy C««ll«r LS 4 Or. '10.477 96 Chevy 8«nrtU Coupe M1.377 95 Dodge Intrepid 4 Dr. '12.477 94 Honda Prelude '14,477 95 ttulek Riviera '18^77 144 •158 •144 •169 •172 EXT. "IS" 4 DR. mo. mo. mo. mo. mo. M» » ' » * • • ' •194 mo. •198 mo. Recelvr MB.977 In (Jau of rrh 2 DR. I T • 9lon»ymi«*»"« lOnSakS' 2.9% indue*! 1«M ••>»<• TVacker )r. Hartftop 87 G20 Conversion Van *6977 90 Ford F1S0 XLT *8977 92 Chevy G20 Conv. Van "B977 93 O o d g * Caravan '8977 93 Chevy C10 W/T M0.477 95 Chtwy $-10 Wck^p4«4'11,677 96 Dodge Dakota '11,977 94 Olds Slhouette *12.977 q^ O M W 3/4 too 5llv«r»doM4,977 i4Ch«Yi'2W«ert.Cab '15.697 95 C ivy C1W» Pkkup '16,977 fc 2.9% >. r- L. EXT. CABi Auwmjlic. A*. Ml. Ciunr, Pwt l » » i I. i H l m U l l W CO Kim. f*i>1 **<** DOCK mtfqrrf CMd l*mt k U U I^ U » AVON LAKE 500 2.9% or s 750 2.9% or s 750 L1 • I 1 • I ' PLUS... " I4I I j * Se* Store for DvtaiH '275 mo. s A T T E N T I O N : Business Owners Of Any Size Company Joe Firmenfs Special Cargo Van Plan Includes:; 1989 FORD 12 PASS. ECtWOUNE VAS I 87 Full Size B l u e r 4 * 4 '*977 I 91 Ford Aero«tar XLT -6977 95 Ceo TratMar Cenvwrt. '8777 91 Ford Astra Ext. AWD '9977 91 Ford Bronco Full SUe *9977 or Metro Camaro Trackers Blazers S-10 Pickup Venture Conversions 2.9% or $2000 8877 . It S h ?J!?L.?^ t y 2.9% 2.9% or s 1500 2.9% or $500 2.9% or •1250 2.9% or $ 2500 2.9% or s 1500 2.9% or $ 1250 2.9% or Prizm TOW_CHEVY LUMINA $ Rate or Rebate •207 mo. CKul talk A* t-.(. 4 DR. 19JCrBLA2ER L T . C4 4 DR. I B M Cloth IntdKK. Auio. Air. Till. 225 mo. ON SALE FOR EHfl «J*»M c u m ti~t™~< - for 5AVC OV£R J3200 7RCM i/ST rK* Includn 11*00 Rtt $23,499 •PtHt Irwludn 1)MX> R#b*l* TLil T^ TETJ-fnTO * & " $26,223 •fik* lotlud« 11S00 I U I U M 1 I* * i1 H B S9SS THE REALTY ONE MARKETING SYSTEM O www.perfecthome.com t i l REAJ-T^ONE MARKETING~S*STEM WAKEFIELQS CORNER B334199 Voice U o i 23 Years Experience Million Dollar Club WATCH KJH COMING ATTFHCTTOrVSr AVON LUCE: HOT #2855. Gracious home. country atmosphsre! Situated on 7 acres, featuring 3 bsdrooms, formal dining, spacious living room wilh fireplace, 16x26 family room, screened porch. S337.500. CALL BETTY WAKEFIELD. 833-61S5. AVON LAKE! HOT "7048. Well maintained one owner homo situated on a spacious I C Features 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, full bailsment with rec room, newly sided. $111,900. Can BETTY WAKEFIELD for mom dotiilto. 833-8195. -i?i$T Honys Loansrj *"—") ' fUrlT 'JHW/ WHrtl_*C* r » < » . T — I'Kil n.Ht M.1tK>Hu».k.M >, , ; v > u AVON LAKEI HOT "7473- This 3 bedroom bricfc ranch features country kitchen. 2 fireplaces, finished rec room. 2 car garage. S112.900.CaH BETTY WAKEFIELO, 833-6105. SHEFFIELD LAKB HOT #3311. A must seel Beaut fully maintained one owner home features 4 bdrm. family room, formal dining. Florida room. Situaiod on a 125x135 lot. S153.500. Call BETTY WAKEFIELD. 8336185. Therotsa dlffervnco In RoaJ Estate Servtco JIM & CAROL JUDGE 933-6550 SHEFFIELD LAKEI MOT 16051. NEW LISTING! Wonderfully finished newgr COLONIAL. 3 bdrm.. 2.5 baths, formal dining, finished bsmt $154.900. KODGERS. 03341B5. AVON t / X B HOT #NEW. Brick icrv^i - outstanding location on 107x200' lot 3 bedrms, Ztt baths, 3 finished rms. in bsntL in-La* sta. or office with 4 addrOonal rms. 3 car an*d garage. S229.900. JUU & CAROL JUDGE, 833-6660. I In SHEFFIELD LAKEI HOT * 68S3. LAKEFHONT1A Lfe-Umo best buy! lncred.No Oppor. tuniry for the knowledgeable buyer who sees tang terml 2 year okJ home on * . acre property! B/eokwall & boat rampi 3 5 baffist Over 3.000 sq. ft. w/Iinijhed basementl 3 car garagel S395.000I KOOOERS. B3M185. AVON LAKE: HOT #6641. Warm A homey Qroenpointn 2 story cedar homo. Florida rm. overlooking parfc-Uuj yard. skJo entry gar., love' ly neutral decor. 4 betrms. 2Vi baths, open ' - - " - .titWJJOO. JUDGES. I KEN & LOIS KOOOER Your Reartor Couple Avon Lake Office "Your Satisfaction is Our Business' Over 405 Families Graciously Served AVON LAKH REDUCED I HOT #2834. Remarkably caredtor3 bedroom, with i2-«25* Family room PLUS an \Y*3Z Rec. room! tuft baiamemi Newer windows. A/C. tiding & Ctocort Now 4124.500. KODGERS. 033-0185. AVON LAKE! HOT #2620. 2700 sq. f t Colonial in sought after "Woodlands"! Large deck overlooks Y» acre tot on cul-de-aacl Side entry garagal First Boor Den ,'5th bedroom) and laundry! S219.900I KOOGERS. 93M1B5. SHEFFIELD VILLAGE! HOT «5B44. NEW LISTING! incredible S month old cototui on up«cal* cu*-<J^«*c1 O W N ( trarulairsd. must Brtll Rato opportunity to buy a now home *itnS2L "2?- h **S | « Of buiWing! 5182.900. KOOGERS. 833-8196. RAY ANDERSON Realtor Graduate Senior Appraiser Notary 933-6195 SHEFFIELD VILLAGE: HOT «363fl Great commercial location. 334 acrt lot Comer of Lake Brettze and Colorado. Great spot for mini mas, restaurant, storage units, etc. 477 toot frontage on Cokvaob. St 10.000. Cat RAY ANDERSON. 933-0100. 1-000-074-6140. AVON LAKEI HOT #6840. Doad end street! Near Crty Park! Creek plus woods border ihts property offering mpertor privacy! 3 Bdrm, 2 fufl baths + lamiry roonl S12SI.000I KOOGEHS, B33-01S6. Camp Care for the bereaved Camp Cars, a day lor tamltw who are adjusting to the death of a special person, will be held Saturday. Sept. 13 from 9 a.m. to 330 p.m. at the French Creek Nature Center, 530 Colorado Avenue in Sheffield Village. Children ages 5 through 16 and their pa/en,!*; or a supportive adult B19 Invited to ait-nd ihJa apodal day of *Co3ri* Immedlaia U kx tlruciurtO lAttt^menU and detoired Insurance ckiino. JO. V/snrworth 1-600-3063SB2. ALL CHCDIT ACCEPTED 111 & 2nd mortagm. ca*n out VA. mortgages. OeOe coroclktabon. mvoiIor-commsrcUi. coftslruction. f/l c y buyouts, land contracts. Five ortieus lorvmg ad cd Ctuo. Knnlucky, and Indian IUS0635) Uid*ml Hanonai Uoncan* Dane.. Inc. •Tt O rOOa80fl DayUn Area !-€00-607-5085 CaaJi Hatr1! Wflpi«f>BS« morgaon. i n r u w n and busmeu note*. Scco 19S4 higneii prlcos paid. Frto • stimjloi. promoi prolo*iional s«rv<c*.Colonial Financial l-aO09692 10 Homes For Sole ." AFFORDABLE HOME LOANS SHEFFIELD LAKE BY OWNER OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-* BaaidJuOy Pomodeled 3 B«<troom iJancn on Dead End Streot OveriooWng Go9 Course AaWnq S91.1Q0. 2O5 Erl«vfrw. 943-2JW. THE WESTLAKE; CONOOUINIUU. onu bedroom, ono bain. oWvj area, lull kiichfln M'liland, llrsl lloor S7B.9OO 236-9922. WAIT! PLEASE DON'T THROW THAT OLD TUSE-TYPE RADIO OUT-1 NEED THE PARTS! t Or. I am IIM it lor you Can Ncal 933-5S68. WAYNE COUNTY; Century home. 5acres. 4OO-2OA, famroon^ walk-m pantry, barn m/snop & i l a l l i . Phn Only. Price r«ducW. asktrtn 1I95.0CO (4191846-3339 WESTLAKE: DboJroom rarch, 1-1/2 baihs. 2 car attached garage. linlinoa baiement W/WSFP, Ujrdnanjom. lairuly room, ccverad paw. 43OV. 5162^00 B71-126S. :.'20 Lots arid Acreage AVON LAKE HALF DUPLEX, 3 RmJ/uorn. t 5 Butfi*. EaM" Kitcfwn. D«img Hoom. Boon Srmtvro, taiyt Att^crwd Doutla Garage. Yard tAiinlunanca Fuiniat«jd- 2-YBnr Lease Hoiiujslon In Lafe Summor; J725 0OWO P.O. BOX 287, Avon L»ke.OM 4*012. AVON LAKE 3 BEDROOM MOUSE W/ATTACMEO GARAGE. Nice Yard, AJ Apctonces. Enc**tflnr Location r*O PETS. J7Z5/MO CaJl (216H96-Z2M or 933-6426. AVON LAKE 3 BEDROOM HOUSE. jesQVO * Security Deposit; Hetero n a n . NO PET5 &49-5toO5 AVON LAKE; 3 BflOrwn. 1 t/2 Baffis, Central A#. Woodturner. One monm Secunly. S11 DdMontn, A*aJaMo Secwmbitr 1. 933^9733 AVON TWO BEDROOM, 1-1/2 BATH TOWNHOUSE, HemoCeied. Now Carpel. New Ca&ineli: THE WORKStl Pool. Tartnl» Court*. V/orkoul Hoom in DEVONSHIRE MEADOWS D o w to 1-5O. SW3.MO. FAJRVIEW PAHK; 1 beoroom apartrn«ms. FuPy carpeted, aa etectnc appliances. n-*at & water ir>clutied. C u w . quwt. nopota. H25-mo. 333-1&41KELLTS ISLAND LAKE COURT COTTAGE Corrpitfe+y Furmima 2 Bedroom Rarcn, Sieecs T. C/A. Spocucuiar View, $850 00 W(UUy or J16O Per D*y. CaU (419) 626-8166 or (419) 746g6Bg LAKEWOOD- 9 ROOUS UP. APPL5. No pat/non-smoking. rjaraga. sec Pep. Ca« 521-1443. LARGE CANOPY TENTS For Ram Periect fir Vixr Outdot? Party! 2 tAa* 720 0-3f lor* 2War Country Counter 934-S403 N.R:OGEVILLE 3 BEOROOU. I70O/MO • Sm»nry • Utilities HO PETS- CaB 327^293 or 037-6562. NEW 1 BEDROOM; PRIVACY. Ubety Room. Paw. No Pea. J475 * EiiCl949S6S2 OFHCES AVAILABLE 2-4 ROOM SUITES Lake Road. Avon Laiui So Carolina waterfront 5al«. BaauaFAMILY HOME lijiy *ood«e). oock aoprovwi porcal a/long troriUg* on ip*cucuiar MOHTGAGECOHP. 833-3178 50.000 acre recmaoo't iw« m So. Avon Lak*. OWo CarofanonaxttoIB nc*t cnampMXV MAOKLUHOY SHEFFIELD LAKE. Beaubtut nowh tno got ccursa Fan. boat, gofjraar •U-7100 remodeied 3DH home, NO PETS. round m ou lanussc ctmtW Pav« l-eOO-147-0071 inmedUie occupancy available. road*, um i*»». mucti monj' Fm*ncS775>Montn. 349-7711. i m avfcCjbto. Call TLE BOO-704•Pr»-OuaUty HM fnm 31M•ComHiM FMA/V ,:55;OIf ice Space V Loan* SOUTH CAROLINA WATERf flOHT •:;1;/?-For1 Rent C\V: SALE: BaauhtuMy woodm]. dock •CtMlli Prototam UMTW anirovod pe'^ol Klonrj tronuga on *Hafln«nc« u«ctacUar 50.000 acm rocraarJon p IBU* m bo. Cdroitu-mit to 10 noi« ALTEN REALTY Lomnt crumcxorarnf) oort courw! E<«n. boat, •Second Uortuga* PRBSENTS gall i*ar round In our (an la site S««wi offioB* wrtri lar^* 'Uotx'm Hoim Loan* cumjte' PJVVJ rrjdds. u/a urnj, mucn AVON 3 BEOBOOM CONOO. 1-1-2 mom Flnanong avarf. C*I rww 1- room, orw nr*!rao<n, largo fjartmy lot turn. 1 C*fGar«o»; JI01.000 6200 Laar flMQlm Road. As.jng BOO-704-31S4 trWJtti S1/W0 per rnoran Call Han Allan Btokmr Ktnnalrt H. A l i t n . inc. AVON UkKE BT OWNER FnjfH J2"».88O n a 0«i«*Opnwnl |-U0)365-««O or 1 •600-300-4507. OPCN SUNDAY. 3-5 on Lafca Murray Sacunry gal*, paved AVON LAKE INDIVIDUAL OFFICES 37 LANDJHO3 WAT roadi. underground utilities, FRCU 1H1.O0. snare rwwty ran3 8*droom Townfioua* CootW. launcrmj rarno Save b g t t J Detoro ovRiefi butung wilh oma: profes3 »«m. Flnlttiwt BtMmnt. •Ort « corroWed Eioaanl ««leo »«rAb;r«C«Conl8n»ncoRoom S30DnUUM Eml Unrt, S1OI3Oa U3rt 80% !m»nang 1-600-796-8742. 92JO 133-flJti. AVOMLAKEBT CITY CEHTEH COUPtEX; Down•-;, -25 Mobile Homes • OWHCfl-SAVtHGSIt town Lonun. RaaaonacM rent UtilLkOOna'i COTOO, t t l Floor Flarcn. 2 IUM paid. FrM portung Various M a < >ForSa\tt '- ,•""•/ & AnsTMd spacM. tO.BCO KJ ft. 400 B^Jroom. t-l/2 Gain. OA, U Conaeon.Sm.000 Dy •an. 500 l a t 1190 W ft. Can aJI Cw arranoBd n «ut lanant UnfmrtTUd B33-C344 3 ana*. 1421 «nfL (2010 «q,fL and AVON LAKE. OPEN SWOAY; 4 2150 i q f l . irww can M comomed to l * D " EHtMrnn*. 2 1/3 Baffi CciorMl. uy»S«« pro«ida4i60tq.R.> Sunroom S M O M J * Kjtfwo, STMOS 'Reflnanonoy'Equtry Laant Pnona?4*-411>. C«'tf«n. Na«r School! A Pool. •Comp^iove R u n JtW.500 JCd J * m H OrcW. B33Ttepo • lor Sai* INOIVIOUAL OFFICES AVAILABLE InavfcJual oKco% tor r v n from 133 AVON/BHlFFIELO AREA: *Qlt & up Jiartog a! S200>Tnontri, C^aciou* 1810 Sq Ft C 0 M 0 , 2 C*J» an indWtduU pun tor tvttphone Ovdiooni, ? 0*11. Jtcutlt. C«» •nd lacrttaruti uipport Mrrtces. Flr»plac«. Florida floom. Private Corr*«n«rtfr ucaMd tn Lakawood. on DwO. z Car AOacfMd Oarag*. S1200 D*cwt A w u M EncuOvi Caraer for rMioana ol Bay VOage. W«MUargam Mom«»*'Thousand* ol *-"•. Rocky Rivwr. Avon, and ad tn* Qo*arnmanl lof»clo»«d and MOVING AVON LAKE] HOT #2722. i'RICE REDUCED SHEf-HlELD VILLAGE! HOT H3133. AGAIN! From this home /ou can enjoy a REOUCED! REDUCED! Large 1.43 acre weB *knocK^four^ocks-ofP view e! the Cleveland grcomed lot Convenlenl location, comer 01 skyffns and of tho Lakel Guaranteed no erojtjon. ever! Cai ustorfull details) Wonderful 3 CokxaCo and Lake Bteeie Rd. Three bedroom ranch, fun basement 10x30 Florida room with Bdrm, 2 bam home wilh flrat floor M8RI Large year around stove. Appliances stay, r^ewer back yard! S319,g00. KODQims, B33-01B6 Andersen windows, newor roof, E*tra large 25x25 garage. Storage shed. Ldrge lawn AVON LAKE: HOT 17480. 2 3 bedroom. 2 full batn RANCHi Forrrul dining i-ooml Over 3 QO0 comet with < year old riding mower. Reduced to $122,500. Call RAY ANDERSON, 0334195 sq. f t wfth Incredibly finished basement w/3rd. or 1400-074-A149. ful) bath, office and 4O'*14* iec. rooml Nower home at $2O4.BO0l KOOGERS, B33-d1«. WAKEMANI HOT «NEV.'. $11,000 This 3 bodroom mobfie home would suit your needs! Features a spacious i*ving room. 2 covered patios, appliances included. #870102, BETTY WAKEFtELO.033-fl1M. • Marketing SyMbnidart jvorkfor.; you, cdlj U?e Avon Lake' Office at". NEW AVON LAKE HOME' 3 E3EDHOOU3. 2 0ATH3. MASTER OEDaOO SUITE, OAK CABINETS. CAS HEAT1NO. A/C. S119,500. TRADE UAKK HOME 933-4141. NO.RIDOEV1LLI:; Easl.io* split H.tasemenL Larg« f R WV/UFt'. lot. AC Funced yard. Lull ol uorogu. appliancas. $t2U.Q0O 3^7LOflAIN INDUSTRIAL PARK B16&-34S-3392. InduiMd vie* 2-50 acrus. WJ seU or NOHTH RIDCEVILLE. roll fines butki la tut. T*o 6.000 v i n. ipacos Nvw fxxno, firusrwd this wceK 1700 no« avDiioUa. Located adjacent to sq It. rancn. ZBH. 10tl ceiling in gtejt Ford Wotw Co oft a u r a * * * t u . boroom, den & baft 2. S1S5&00- tr33iwoen .It*.2/90, Lor4ln, Ohio 9570tofaopCi"itrTwrJ. Corrtact Denny DoMarcc. CoUwdl O*n For Tho Prlco Ol HenDngi ButfcJ Bonfcar Lei Drooa Haaffy (210) 323your home now, mlirioui ifia ieca dooriDayment bonks demand OFFICE OH BUSINESS SPACE 10 Co"X*«o corwlruction 4 pwmanert ram. City Ceniar Comple*. financing it qualified. OflOeroge Dowrttaum Lorsn A aro*i - Lo«or Homo AHunoB. 1 ^00-343-2834 IwwH 300. t.403 !X*t 2.60O «q 0. PH1ME ROCKY RIVER LOCA I1ON ThaC fk«r )00 tq Tl Ruaionobla ImnuuAtls 4 twdroom all tnct n«rU. utiliWipaid. Rxine 244-4117. cokYUdi on Vaffy. Mow-In cfOmon. \ Security system. 1374,900. Appointmenl crJy. 350-514?. WSti naariy 4,00O hcurm n cur n/*nl(yy. w« ru>« nura home* li»loatoru * Dun vy f*i Mtnlit company Mi Oruo. Pdt up The RMly Ona Horn* Book o> u l our 24hour Ho0Jr+ U eOCMBI-2349tornlonuilion on my DrtJOerty advtUos plannod to help them express and team about loss. The cost Is $5 p«' family. Advanced registration is required by Sept. 1. Please coll Kris Austin. Community Hoalth Partners Hospice of St. Joseph at 96O-49S0. or Beverly PNol. BuKh Family Funeral Chapels Bereavement Care at 1-800 252-8724. ouKlaud ire* montnt Cov«fnm«ci lianong Lovknodown CuttorMICJIJ iif*»j^i t-Bm>-33a^ogoji 13PO BAT RAMCH> OPEN S*m. 1-S. 31301 TUTTLE D R D-rm^bdrm. 2 bain, nvw lut all ecf. 871-O?17 UuiKI <t<3>it aimum nom* lor M i l m o M y Th L ••iTuiv«a Ouikling progra/n oll«ri bwow rnarkal corwlructian Dnanc^g and no mwrmi and no payment* for 0 months on Lancfwst rnatirtaJ*. approvwd labor and *rte praparauoa Caato«lr«« 1 -esa-HOUE-OUi «H. 00? lormor* ntanrntion. BY OWNER, 9natri«ld LIMA Brlcfc/CMar Front SpM-Lavoi. 4Uft. 1 f ? (lam*, bnck tlrspiiKa. gas hut, Central air, 9 ym oU. roof? yrs. oU. vinyl wlndowt. nownr drivamav. DaMrrwnl. M*M«b«il coud. i <Joc(Xa(«ig. W 0 0 i | 4 0 wumow cownnrji. Wnat, mnHMncn «H! •'JnrHWcapmg with n> OUT OF THE AREA? CALL f OR FREE PUBLICATION 1-800-753-3643 y-Sunday 24 Hours A O e / '35 Vacation Property ^V^-For'Sal;]' •ntSWEY AREA' CONOO LAKEvtEW-W/ APPLIANCES, FULLYFURNISMED Carpet, Florida floom H1.000-WMAT A DEALI Cat! for Information PHONE FOR APPT: «49-73S7 t«O4n4tit OPEN SUNOAY3: TPU-jPti "OISNEY AREA' CARLISLE ryr. viciuridn colonial New Condo-IBfVJSA mwir Mao, borders mum parka 3L J e l d * Community Dunmonl. rjoch*. *loma* barn, id «t</.BOO 1-210-774-3737 BROCHURE 1-aor>«JSa\. F.MR VIEW PARK. 31040 Ool A UUIVU.UWW tAmtMntrn'm ROB1NHOOO. I *n>? WOT1 u u . .1 fcrSrEa^ •pin. Now hrtc . .. .._^_ l o c c . i l u t reio.7TSwJ carpating, ilio.no door*. Fartcnij land»enp»d backyard. 2 car aiuctcnad Call 73-4-d«j JUST REDUCED! AVON FOR SALE BY OWNER re Lot LAKE WOOD FOR LEAS£ Btaueful t.75O s q f i orfce on m« groundtoo/tn the center ol Lakewood. Suitable and adoptaC) as a contral office locationtoryour torn Coail Onto Cuune**. iFumaned and readytoroccupancy. Iroudea prrvai» office* and conremncs room. Wei maintained GuikDng. Must M e to c p t o 2t0-22t-4:!00. MULTI-flOOM Of FrClI SPACE; 1st and 2nd tW t u r n «> pro'eMlonal building >ocaled W/UI7 Fairview Park. 356-?3Ba. PROFESSIONAL CTTICE AvwUbW Jan 1 u. idealtormedki.1 Of W e * of. not. locaDMi Midway Maf arm In EKra 445 Onswoid A t or* 3. Cafl 334-7SS2or 871-7490 (flerfom. 63 Share Hpuse/ MALE P-OOUMATE to inure 2 room Fiocky twi apt. W u m USOTrno . 1/2 uM. ceiage. oreal dealt 333-4400. y « »p o i e o e s (tt Few AvXaDiel Booking: Summer Weeks 1900 2000. CantorMort Iniormanon, 933-5172. COTTAGE-Mart) lenead walortront, 3QO. near iilands. Cedar Point. Doacne* Auy -Sapt 97*oa, Dock 'vail. (216) 33t-Oi5a leave mesCatlinourg Area New 3(tOM vacation nome hoi tub. fireplace, decks, lake access .spectacular mountain Special raitn'rom «145 ;z2- 11 MlMlmmm•fa RHSZS m nw ess I 1 Uli |mm I ii 1 i Kji 1 Era a S gE 11 i mi J ifiSHHSHCSESKSHS! 1 1m i I K59^aBB9BaBHflflH91 I HIBBi WIU Train You!!! S i t i n g wage $5JO M2kTO*4ek International Manufacture SBaswinoad "—Make. OH 44145 u l * ? - 0 0 0 "w - ° 0 0 MONTHLY ffT a* PtT, F O T F R E E Info WrIW: DIRECTOR 1373 Coney Island Ave. S i * . 427 Brooklyn. HYT1230 l i a WEEKLY Mailing Company , Lasers bom Home. Many Positions Available. Easy, No Experience ; Needed. F r w Info. Cad American ,' P u t t t t f w at 1-000-420-3026 EXT. 3300.24 Hra. '.AOMIN ASST, Fortune 500 Co. Skill wbvet $400/**. Part-time. Temp lo perm. FREE OutDac* Omar !<x 21 JiH -' 734-4821. - AG£ UNE tS SEEKING RELIABLE. '. PROFESSIONAL CHA'S (J7.2O an -*our)«nd fiomemaker*' 16.20 an l.Bourt Mun haw a car. AJ srtfts. J; ACCCUWTS RECEIVABLE CLERK K f c r i w U k j e prop0(ty manager. Fun K;ttnw*DanaIitS. D ul l l**** incluje: CCoRipiata accounting or tenant skmauOt, posting dapotds & receipts K M & , OL d a w entry, banking & fMspondlng io tenant inquinei. i ' W M o w t 05 A Excel e£?erlenc« imOmt URl Propurty Management O a fcnowledge hetpfii. Send j . n e w n e kx W M t m y Managenw4 fc Co, 24850 Center Ridge fid.. aa.Weaa»to,OH44i/s. FULL AND PART-TIME "FOR PKESCHCOL AND SCHOOL A M AMERICAN TRANSPORT. PROGRAMS. Send^SSi™d Fnnd|i C n o < W I HtooUrglor SaUry Htt>ry K* P . O S J ? t30 £C* Wow Tot Nee t-<as^6*^T DENTAL RECEPTIONIST/ Dflvufs Tronm-Su^M linus Lnw ««3 ASSISTANT Is booming* Lots ol n W s l Ncnli Immedidtu fLrt GEHERAJ, OFFICE SucUonat 4 O THI Studsnb w« IcorTtol Lskewood Insurance Agency Good pay and benefits. Exoeriencv Need COL7 We can tictp. (iOO-52?Naltonoi Insuntrm comp«ny stMk* preferred. Fatrvwur Park oroa. CoH 9SG8. www.uartMtatw com. EOE. parl-bme daims processor and Office 333-4063 or sondresumeto: person. Insurance background a EARN MONEY Reading BwiTF P.O.0CM 450883 must. Work 3-4 days per week, norSSO.OOO/YrlncomaPotaniiaLDtta.is. f a > O mally during school hours. M.75 per 1 (OOP) 513-4343 EJttY-aiB3. Driver hour. For rmmadtaw consideniuan ELECTHICIAN. Solid Co. Owner/Operators call (216)221-2SCU & lax rtnumo lo UnDrnployod w/Cort Skffl levsl; % 15(216)221-0220. Flee! Operators S17/rir. Eicopllortol opii'ty. Regional Carrier n l Shorttieul Sh Macksrule SUTIlng Oroup Oflntai/vUion o'ani, FHEE Cavs da t " Uor* or* trucks to HtniO« Htn Racorbad let) ocenngs: lactatl 779-5296. Lots ot 'Ha Toucfi'FrvIght Toucfi'FIh We offer offer: ESTABLISHED CLEAN1NQ Government Jobs. r*jw Wring m your •Fuel Surcnaida Paid COMPANY teeJung fun •ndpen-l me *rua- Ji 6,000-tea.OOO. Cafi 1-600*AH title* itle* Paid workers. Wwoa)u> araa. Eoenirgs. 0 8 3 0 8 1 a »«1. J-400 lor current •All Permits P«M S6.5uVrv. Send resume lo P O l b lodaml.. icQLnty. * &rtaie " •Ho Company TrucJta gty »ao4QQ12 Bay Vifopo.OH 44140. *WUeaga CuarvntMS HAIRDRESSER. BUSY SHOP EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT, Fortunu *No HoidbSCJiOr Escrow 500 Co SWll»W(:}eoaxk. Outgo* iq Hourty Wages. Will Update: *Home Wwkaodi Ouer•nt»ad personality nneded. FREE ccrabm C*3 Larry today at BOO-2OO-CU0E pimiel Kay 252-4114. Hank) ivw Taioug rweds irotnotea Uoru-frt.brn.-Spm. individuals lo enter our Iralning EXECUTIVE SECfiETARY, Forturo Get The Detail* prog-am. Call 1-600-831-1300 for 500 Co. EkJ level: J775/wk. Earn ta» Hl-Cuba Eipreas comttstct information. No*r taking pay. Paid hoOOsy*. FREE General ORIVER ownat ooerators S BO srrpfyiioac'ed . _ P/ TRANSPOHTINO Ongma KAattl JJ 734-*a3T. Cait: V-flaa-3g7-4a37. scnool ago ctaWren 2-4 hrs. da*/. EXPERIENCED SERVER lor bur, Cail25i-zi»4t>efwn9~4 Wesfbke Omar. Tarn. -3pm. HOME TYPISTS. Driver-More expenoncB means moro PC ut*rs needod. **SAOQ income 835-5031. money with our now pay scale and potonilal. Cafl loco's 13-4J43 E « FACTORY WORKER. WH ifhj CO. new grads g»* intJon roimOursomenlJ &21K1 Unemployed ar/csrt Skill level Can Gjirtoy Tranaporuuiort Servces jeoo/wk. Job securty. Employee now. 1-000087-9311. HOME TYPIST Ctiscounti. FREE C a n laCkeM Dnvor-rttw pay raoe. Now CenOvy252-40*7. PC users needed. Cfeus condosi Up b Jtcents rrme. PJ-ts.COO ireome potenOaJ FIREFIGHTER; No experience w«h pay toreipenenca. Higher coml^fl t-000-513-4343 ponsauonto*GO'StoolCalAm Ker- rxicecury. All Iraintng and travel &dB2sar provided at our aipense. Must be in rwmonai. 688-«CALAnK EOE. good physical concHnn and have Driver up to jsam. IO st»n plus up 2 ° 1 w ^ l » » w Red Roo< Inn b fagh school Optoma age 17-30. Cart; •ooklnr, fa-M h u t o m ^ hardworking to S700/week onortatwn pay) Great l-aOO-5a2-1384torlocalir«ervWw. _ r w a * n » and assigned, «J convenFiKBed Drivers WsrtacB Earn up to tional Keel CvOs welcome, Ooyd S34/miie 0 7 Ire'gritllrter Bros. eoo-S43-aa23 EOEconvenOorHilsl YoTvo nevar aUMd DHJVEHSl Company Onvera op » 40 us belorol Cnaiuot. M e 1-600-X3cents. OnnnarVOperators 80-1/2 TO07. cams. Must have 1 year OTR and be FOUNTAINBLEAU PARTY Z3*. Catt tiEAHTLAND EXPRESS lUUEOIATt'. HIHE: Psrt-umefluiiCENTER AT t-aoo-441-<9S3 ^__^ orrm. Bn hoine botora the kids, or Oovm»-Aro you trnsd ol long Moun " makeBasurrmerk36.Caltf33-Z714. low pay? Room has a — ' " Servers: EnwrMnca Pntanwi lneipenenc«il Free COL training *pn^nired Dy oompany'guararaeea •^^••rwt^om UJMHMrHOM, JoD H qualilled'based Out ol your Avon Lake OR C«0 ttXTVT. are«i-S5OO-S7.W weekly 'BeneftU Friendly Toys A cats has knmsdUUe W W i g s m your area. Number one H pec*»ge't-a0G-455-46e2. Ihen dial TOO pwty pun: Toys. gms. Ovtstmes. " « " • 5 « « " - Free catalog snd LAW CLERK POSITION AVAItA O U I FOR A / O N LAKE FIRM; **°maon 1-eoo-«8a-«75. or Thlnl-Yaar Lew Student PniENOLY TOYS * OIFTS HAS econ«l Prarei red. FtoNHM Hours, r e w a r d COL w/HajMat A rnnlnwn t yaer ™**J»op»«y«g, in your area. Resume to Kralg Brusnahan, racen OTR eswr^nca C*>Dave ££I*?Jj? n- ^ !*"> ?•"• Toys. Sruenihan 4 Stuart, 15»-A Leer LHa at BOO-937-O*3i EOfc Qftt, Q«sBnas. Home Decor. F^W " U l o g A Momtatky) 1-flOCMBaHA, A>cr* Lake. OH 44012. | «sOjmpv^nOi LAWN MAINTENANCE; EiperlExpantfng Ostbed 4 FRONT DESK RECEFTIONtSTT'Ad encad Cut not nectssary. Pay negoCotnp pay A mrie« Firm. Skill level: |82OrwH. Meet t W C*T7»-8X.iQ leave message. 0 SSifKl^ P* ^**- F n M lining. LEGAL ftECRETARV. Ski! level: up to 1-30 per rr*ie. t5n m S7»0/wk. Ful-Bme T*rn> B perm. 252^4 U?"* " " ***" **** weeUy pay. insurance lumtshod, FREEImfcsns[scfc«BJ1734-4iai 40 IK. Ajwoned tractors. COL ' A ' FULL TIME HELP WANTED surbng UOHT ASSEMBLY a PACK1NO. w/rmitnmt reqUred. Ilecerx Qrmdt rnmeoaOy. WB Iran. Part-dme. 0fO>t w«(ODm«f Cal Landair Trarapor. Inc. tn person The Ar*m Con. 19347 BOO-788-7337 U J T i and H N income pottmtlal. l Nurilnfi Assistant Want lo work where you're appreciated i — • — ?*™n freeMwiis "Employer-Paid Retirement Plan •Experience Pay 'Career Ladder Progrsm e i s . Quality Homa T i m f rrNo handling-poucy J T R d Premier Realty 33 »89 Lake H.J., Avon Lake 1-800-974-515S httpy'/www.loriiincounty.coni/carolnmriihy/ WHY PA Y RENT WHEN X&ll CAN OWN YOVR OJVN HOME? 1335 Lnkcwood 258 Vineyard 271 South I'-jint 33803 Klccuic Lakewnod Colonial w/garage $68,700 Avon Lake Ranch w/garage $82^500 Avon U k e Redecorated Bungalow $83,000 Avon Lakr Ranch style condo S63.700 START S M A L L TO BUILD EQUITY! YOU M A Y B E PAYING MORE FOR RENT THAN IT W O U L D COST FOR A MORTGAGE WITH TODAY'S LOW INTEREST RATES. CALL TODAY FOR DETAILS! NEtt' USTISG - $109,500 213 BROOKFIELD, AVON LAKE Three bedroom bungalow *ith hardwood floors, divided fiul'licd basemcM, fenced yard and immediate oempancy U available for YOU! Sec UiU hr.nie TODAY hy calling CAROL MUHPIIY. t»t*tt«llttt«lt»MtS LOOKING FOR YOVR NEXT HOME? CtLL TODAY TO SEE: 35217 Nikki Ave. N®lf;rtJT 32071 Ukt! Road I I Lake Road il:61B CarrLige Lane •2627 Carriage Lane Avon Like Avon I.JkAvon I^ikc Avon Lake ' STATE-TESTED NURSINQ ASSISTANT CHtLOCARE PROVIDCftS •Eerly Childhood T e a c h e r s . Assta. *Nanrrya and SKtors •FuB and Pan-Tkna FUwDoi * Home most weekends * Yaar-nuid ndM " U i i n u n toudl loe«rlng Departm * 401« f*J» pnn««»i Tecfmlc«IAjo«H * UO1IS A B^nemoeria, 1VS7 IVXHJWW cere r e t w t e m • muM ' Avon Lake Wgrt School - «nt Uucn More* Cad Erin, 91441 to ' 17S Avon Balden Road Cantnal F CLJUSJV '•• ZL Avon Lake COL-A PROCESSOR nOENEHAl. REOUIREatEHTS; ™ 1. CUzen of the UrMed States SXOO/HH Dfive rs-Tnompson Emergency 2. SU motm after ongjnel FreigM Systems now rwing owner West side scnoot dtuna seeks per"oWtnanl. a l employees srtal operators We need urpo-wani, son » B M M In proa«Mig medcal i wBrsn a twenty atr m«e radus and Oantal claims lor up to 13 pck-up wen cap. 3 & 5 Km dock levM trucks. It you 0am own a truck, w e l schools. «ghry Ofganwd. prolwheogetyou n o t truck, H r w c t t g sanal mdMdual needea For Imme- t J . Acopy o( the appficanTi valid available OAC. TEFS oilers the data considermBon col (216) SH. OMo Dttver-s ucenae and a hmh loaoMng benartts. -Compemtv* mfle 22t-2S0O W l a i tasurna lo (216) RvrnaTOploma shai bo pretenHd pay; "Paid to«i; *No starl-up !•«. 221-0200. I ; * tie Municipal engneer prtor to 'Fuel cards; 'Paid muttl-toads. a Mackenzie Staffing Group „ Irw day ol employmenL •Pakl empty rnles: *»grvon Bonus; Rocordedtobopenings: *PKnty ol work. Ptooaa eel 1-B0O{2t61 S2O-5777 If.;, CtNERAUHFOfUIATION: B1I-C6T5. X, A copy ol trietot)doscnpDon sfiaO CLEANERS; R«identiaJ dearmtt Drivers . Now htrmg experienced a needad. Transportallon requCed. % n Asaabas at ctty hall at the Urne Cal Karwn 061-3027. >w«penerced dnverst EiceiMnt pay •^ olappicafloa & complete Benefits Assigned CLEANING: Hastdeniit* homes. equipment, tuition feirnourwment. pBctOor«rnayboot*irtyJ Looking lor dependable. m.»tuie retention nevntrve. nder pnnrums g nonnal Duemosa txwrj ai the help. Tran- ."xtaaon mqunNJ. G-xx3 Skill Tranuiortation: 1-600-800• A m Late Muniopal Striding. ISO pay Partb»M. IteiJbiu noun. AaVy 0B70 (eoe-mfl) wnBelden Road. Avon Laka. OH St i*06B C e r W Rjdgn Rd. N K £ . / " W J W W M . on August 20. 1997. DRIVERS/ROLL-OFF * •SPtaOons must be mado on mo ena. THANSFER.TRAILER DRIVERS ^•Ppfcaflon torm provklod by me CMC MACHINIST, trmovnlfr* Co. Needed lor (tipandmg CkuntKnoj . Awjn U k o CNH Service unemployed w/carl Skill level: Based waste hauNrg comparry Ctass MmMsHon. Appocsuons mall be SOOD/wK. InnoviHvo CO. A or B COL niquired. top Dsy. home w u n e dtothe recepoomst at the DentalMsun ptana. FREE General evenings and weekends. FAX Work * w n Lake Municipal Buidtnj not Cinema ncfcettl 2S2-4J47. Hatoty k> RAH WASTE DISPOSAL; • W Van 4.00P JJ. on Wednesday. COUNTER ATTENDANT NEEDED (JIB) 4S1-4909 Septoba I9(p FOR W E E K D A Y S : 11AU-1PM Dr.verWTrectorTrMtr AND/OR 11AM-4PM. APPLY IN Girt the M e * you noed and PERSON: SUBWAY. 375 LEAR t * « p i f o i i h o DO2M documurt Gal iHvne weekM ROAD. AVON LAKE. *••accempany me applkaiaon to DedKalal. MW Shorl Haul "" CUSTOMER REP i ™ l r • rmnlmum et sU montla ol available. Stable Industry ' * £ * * MKary servtoe. Oualirymg * Year OTR experience. : " 5 " i r w w « n shaflraoervofivw Formal on metobtranng program in Dunngun Motor Camera j f ^ o n a l ports,« mey racehn a a rygfHxuWe career. Salarytbonus. 50O-5C6ag • f ™ D )cofli o( sevonty peronrc II expense account 4 benefits. Poten*£t*tt of cennc&Oon end DD2 M tial earning so ti.OOOrwk. II you Drivers: Compeny dnvers/owneropa ,•"5*1aocompany ma sppncauon, have a ftair lor public contact, a SSOO-StOOO sign on bonus! Van, • I * * * i h u not be awarded at a professional appearance a entoy V* flaSwa dtKScaiod single* or Mams. p::/ latefdaw. looUrfrt. can Suaan al 340-6243 or No e<pertence7 No pniiem. Tramtng atndnMUme » 1148 EucM Ave. iv ajtal*t. OutUers TrarnporL 1-000<411. Oevlend. 44115. 7B2.1BI9. * * * « y dotar( J20.00) luno leo Is Due lo new contract*. TKANS- ^ f * * K I when mo appOcabon U CUSTOMER SERVICE REP ft GENSERVrCE. INC.. Coehocuon. Ohio .ff?E«l. The Ung lea m a t be In ERAL O F n c e WORK. Pan-nme. wfl M htnrg eddttional solo and laem i L j * w m of a money order. Fleilbia Hours. JB/Tw. Mr. Rcoter drtwrs. 7 " * f i oroartmed check poyaWe P V ^ n g . WtwOofcc B92-OO0J. FLATDEO OIVtSlON |./, <to* » CMy of Avon Lake. HegionaJ and long tlaut ~r3TST0atER SERVICE REP VANDTVtSION Medic Drug. Cai Manager tor an applicant should Oedfcated Rum Details. gB-gSOO. tod of basic Moel Runs dropmook ttwtng. land OfJJ-RESTAURANT lo» Ui average 000 mies )' 1 " X ) conslructton D«vs only. Mon.-FrL WesBake. Cook Sotoa/Teams Walcome - anrfmamnmaBcj. The a OtiH PrW>- CaO 835-9310 Says or REFRIGERATED DIVISION should be at*»tol o t a * 734.5g4Bgvena. DMKaktd runstoWaal Coast atand w f l e n Insiruawns DENTAL A3SISTANT Return Loads lo Columbus. ! hBr ff - onatyzo and mierprel $8 -Jt2Vhr North Ctmsled Ama. Youngstown. Pmsburg V|«JOP«car(t should be able 35-45 hrs A A . Potential benefits. Can Lumpers Paid i L ? * ™ ' ' Imtnjments, propan 770-8730 UnHmHBt) Miles y operate lend survaytng Teams Only _ DRIVER wT|en( practice proper salary Lake modal air rkto eqJpment wttn 1 NOT GETTINa THE MILES OR ***- commurwcaia SBieiUte communication. PAY YOU WANT7 * y . trough tpeocti and All dupatch mikM paid t. Leader mrruins » and prepare and mdntaln Fuel Safety. Pertormance E3onu9 2 Average 1.BS0 mliesytnp. "curwo documentation. Hoarih. Life OWaWity Insuryioo 3. Top line equtomert. netiremont Pbin Eiportenced DrtwonvOwner commensumta Paid Holiday/Vacations operators REQUIREMENTS Covenant Transport 23 years of aga 1-800-441-4 }»4 Good Driving lecord AVON LAKE IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY "AVOHLAKF 5? gjbcdjHjftii inultjJevel $155,700 •I bedroom colonial $168,650 3 bedroom colonial $176,350 •I bedroom contemporary $180,000 X bedroom colonial $199,988 CAROL MURPHY i s m neighborhood professional with tfia national credentials to assist yoorintfmdital needs, first tima buyers or luxury home dreamers or anywhere in between, let CAROL MURPHY.. .LMD WE WAY HOME! Ji I guess you can say I put my sole Into my work." The Avon Lake Smythe Cramer Co. wishes to congratulate our Sales & listing Leaden & Achiever's Oub MembersforJuiy A s a better Hunxrs a.-kJ Cu-iicn* wist u w x u t ; . it'i my j(>> u> ihe homing market. AnJ my privilege to put &U In edge (.> work fur yw. So if you'ie looking tu bu) or idl i hunie-of lour* ioi who ii-cili roc! fKathy K/ecger 650GM BEAUTIFUL HOUE ftESTLED en iL-scs 7 tan ol w a s Sadavj to Awn Couty Out 2fd UTI m W M I tar. 2 WBFP, 2 a i sa gar. 2 car « L Sir •iVjft. 3675 5q p o 1+43,900 Uanja Ginnl MW&M. KREEGER E67BU. CCKTEUPCfiAHY COLONIAL Opert vC VV^Wt'J row c<ao. 3 ^rj* t*ScoT^ en a 5 *>.•** vte «ir> jarar?*. neusal decor. Uif»7« a m » fciOiCO «m waters bujw i r s r r You're the T of my busuiess *781W. IMPECCABLE RANCH h guel rttsttcthooA N m v bidwn catmau and bamrocn torn. Udjt Don! nus tfis cfomwr, JE6.9CO. Valeifc A. Waddafl. 93M733. t-a3O-5BH2O7. u t O57H. 871776. EXQUISITE TAKOTAS" cofcnjl wffi 1H fiocrrasterJ J « . 3 bedroonj. plus bcrxa ran t * U Ecer cewnngs. mrooOwJ'« en a cU-oa-iac. N«w prca WWjXtt Lrta Hoflrn, 933.3m K9CC6 VYOOOED HOMESITE 4 y o n *onj tei Hint trimmed Ircrl 2 Uorf (amdy r-om we» Iwm Utircaui • Thi rw«« 1 KATHY SATULLO E79.9QO Lcr»ra Kaio. 933-3731 Home Office "I Speak Real Estate" 933-4977 W7H01 GREAT CFFCE COfOO bca»cl n A w i U u Protaiicnai Suiting on ttBer R t CurrMfy utup as Or.'s. ofBca. Frert t tack door. U w U d paricng tvkbtUa. $6I^0a BJ Spam. CBS- B991000,304500. : & W RTVEH DOW «gi 52»70 U ax>d tM •tlCRJaLM Ajfrg hdscu cr OMC lamty r«m«t Pirk four »np<r « tmU min nrjnca H M «l«cinc wattr ft hoiang tar*. Why m at S2O.00O71 BarO UMr.KS-3731 Hillside Location - AVOD in a scduiicd. hej»Jy 2+ ten: piopertT v<ith 2 crtcki. CirtivJtir« fiOTie fcjtu(tt» great room, w bath, cenual vjcuum. 1144,500 BfiBSI I VACATION CONOOl Ga W Siftlutt,! Ef^cy p u n d nna n Tn T MOcon lumr»d unt cvtfiockng tni Hittovi PncM 10 jtli at $84,500! Setttrwa balconj I c aarm tummtr , 933-3733. *S<«»r Spacious Ranch Avon Lake Splendid one-owner borne tuck* up to wood*. Huge crui luom with fircplaor, flortii ruutn ami central au. IIJ9.900 Dcliciously Delightful Amhcrit B2554T. AUHERSTcOHTZUt'QtWt. 3-5 C*tfy lancbcapad. Ltrpi tatHn M. Formal dnng room, tamly loom. WBl-'P, 2 ear eW. caragt. Jt».00a Jc*ma Dtriaa 2BMI27.333-373. enar NEW usma uga 4 t*n»n ss MA cotoriat I d Boor o * \ IntrW b«*<m«rt grM Ian* tcapirq. c/t(t dacoreng. dtck crt cf rK* «ftd Utfwn. mtal atM do you "*<1? B34J00 LnJi rtorao. 933-3733. A Jnmjuc creation ol ami comfort on over in acre lot. Juit bbulous. 118-1,900 733M7 AfFO«OABL£ LME/HONT poul opan leer CMTI a ? , «fc,v t a r w ^ W c«cnom. 2.1 ban i w d - i * * . not gas h M l e -«f r reom P-M WBFP S nOcul S2J0.C0Q. B*!) UU< 3333731 Rustic Ouna * ShcfficU Lake Si^erb tsxsc edei cmianible bnoj c-3wj, lefti and T*u!wJ tnhno. A kx o( fcir 1I14.SOO • • 8 S In EARLY CHILDHOOO. tiv Mom Pint t*d A QPH cmn Mot Nursing LPN Parl-Tlma A PflN AJIStilfta Opp .pportuniuas now •,.•«»•* , o Join ,j«n our dyruvnte nursing taam. Th 212-toad sklliad nursing This fsclltty Is commlttad lo maintaining a positive work stivironmartL « you U k * prlda In your clinical akliti. a poaaass laadarshlp, moOvalkjnarsnd good communteatlon ablliuas, com* Join ow taatn of caring prolmlonaH at Ohio Etandad Cam Cantar. For a conddontlal Intarvlaw, ptoasa rax raaurra to: 2ie-2tt-«S64 or ma'l to: OHIO EXTENDED CARE CENTER Attn: dlractor of Nursing 3304 Kolba Road Loraln, OH 44033 (218)202-2344 EOJ Nursing RN FULL-TIME 11-7 An opportunity la now avtllabia to lot" our dynamic nursing taam. This 212-bad shlKad nursing facility la commtttad to maintaining • poslllva work anvlronmant. ff you taka prlda In your clinical skills, A poaaast laadarahlp, motivational and good communlcauon ablllMs. coma |oln our warn of caring p.o'«*stooals at Ohio Eitandod Cara Cantar. For • confKMntlal Interview. pla«M fax rasum« to: 21«-2Sa-e»4 or mall to: OHIO EXTENDED CARECEH1ER Attn: Dlrvcwr of Nursing 3204 Kolba Road Loraln. OH 44033 (218) 302-2244 EOE NOW HIRING SNACK B A J T H FULL-TIME POSillON UNTIL O O I OB EH 3t ST. Must tm lu tn Ohlor For Mont Intormuum. C orfl7t-OtP2 PART-TtME ENTRY LEVEL OOOK~ KtEPINQ POSITION '*VA1LABLE. Mutt be a d ) to do erne* tvrxmakatKxi FkiKDMi houo f .wlabU; Jtxnc be "school fiour»" c/i yixj wouW tM aol« lo be ttoma */yoot cftudiBn Send Hnsume and Salary Ftonuni. menu W P.O. BOX 30O-TP. AVON LAKE, O H 44Qt2. Part-time Bar Makt, Afternoon. 834^3216. PHOTOCHAPHEft; foatmiu Full tima position. Musi ba Ho***) a m) nav« tna abHiry to develop cohx and block & wnna Mm. soni] itrmrr* A somptas to P O Uo 14 SO 14 Wti itlake 0 H 4 4 H 5 . Artn. Cfciflv PROORAU MANAOER Mai [or-1 Degmo in Retuibiiilaiion o< rouilad twid Five year's -aorWng d d l p disatjlecl individual» Two supervisory [Jenodts Apply. Personnel Department Loraln Counrj Board ol Mental Retardation and Developmental Dtaabllltlea 1091 Infirmary Road Elvrla, OH 4JQ35 (210)320-3734 . EOE RECEPTIONIST Oroal upanmc lof lull iim^ fl«capttonisi Musi bo aa/aorwitui O"^« skills CcmtMjiiiivo saiarv A Oravlry We«t Snlon. 20012 Rd. RoOy Itrvnr EcHETAny Avon Lake Company h*i P#nTime Poation Avutatxa ( r o m Noon-9PM OaUy; Switchboard. Word Proceallng. Otnar Oeneral Office Dutlea. Eipwlence Required. Please FAX/Setid Resume to-. U.S.I.C. COHP.. ass Moore Road, Avon Lake, O H 44012. FAX- 0334079 PtZZA CUTTER, 33501-K LAKE ROAD: NOW HIRINO DRIVERS AND KITCHEN HELP. REPAJR-REMOOEUttd ana Da!n ramoijeiing compwy toetno luu tune mslaiux v*mce t»f»on witft auroral mnalnUrn •epensnea KnoMoOgo of carpwilry. GrfmBa t y d t p g a muil Compjny vahiclo and bwrwlm. good dityino rooxiJ a must M*ts! r*w>B mritry ^oruit' *;i MKJ"»^II wCHirtaiJ opportiflM/ Tiv YUJ/ nx>»l M K « t ytrrtf T/T COLA * pood iin%'ng rncotO rvquinid C-»" K a i At BOO-aai-1045 «v«n.no» & CWLD CARE I N M T SHEFFIELD" •II'M, Ao^rt 3 Murats & IJO. M«J* Opwinky W TREE CUMOERS 4 APPRENTICE TREE CUMBERS: Mu-t N I M I vaisJ ilnvwr't bce*i»J) arid puts JruJ Wjt Bnmrits, 1niu>apc< nrxl 401K *rt^( at EaiinOt Tiixt SarvtCs. 400')6 Coo<»ir Fown'Moad. AintMni On IWXJ-WWM430 TREE WORKERS WANTED. GHOUNO M£N AND CLIMBERS CALL ?34_.?g74 U S Muil U'lvnn all 50 »laln» STJ 00-11000 par hour Plus hnftflft A pnnwin For irtonrvwion can 303- RETAIL SALES/UANAaEMENr Aesis«^ company nui imme<*iiiB opomncs lor Assislim tAirwjn* & tun tirrv w)wi p«apM M u i m eiEMnnncu vr. ton UMIS a tto'inila pius Hav comnMnsumir lwrn «ap«tWK* Pail vocation, ucd iUy\ tmrMrtXTwnt ana no«d<i» \»i K M U surid rosumu or tenor nUtfiJ work Bnpenuncit and laUry ryMcy ASAP Pmsonnnl Manauor. I' O lloi 450041. Wjstllkij.OH 44145 " Wust incluOa sitldry fnitory lo Ui cong.dr>n>a A Fun Plncw To WmV- " J ^ E D O * ™ , , Up.»aiur» Horn. o«try ™,Wnd WocuyPumuli r \ J o ^ ^ C , , . . . V 4 n l r t , C o , u ,400- SALES WORD PROCES3OH. CPA SkiJl knrtH J50UA.* DIWUBIJ rtfiOM Su. -85, Situations .Wanted EXPERIENCED MOTHER will twoyM in my norm, weekday* play area <n bach yard, wm promto luncn. aftamoon inacn A T.LC. Eastvtaw Scnool araa. W-^BIOFREELANCE ARTIST m k i emDWymunt m Fmu Art. Craohe Design, OFFICE PRODUCTS Wei!s«Jii lomior/ Must ha»« o'licii prwlutt sokri uipurHHicH S«ml r«Siirrw 10 onc« Prcxlucts. P O Uo« 45071. WoatfcUia. OH 4414^ 1ALE3 POSITION Wnll groammi. poisod. tasfnonaWo SVIIBS Parson lor upscale mulsliote woown'j ctollurx) tomiiM«i Compel Mary or F'autotto I TELEPHONF. SECnETAOy I Vi >n« Ansmonng S«iV"C« I'Hiiiimu Afcti 10 »<jrti rtvjmuKis. uriitr. noons. wiurUHys J5 Gtttir W>l 'r»m AUP"y 2/l?2EjistO*i.in KVoeHOays ^H.-^£m_5alufTi.iv»flam-4pm. TMa City of Avon Laiia saaiis tria following: Part Tlma Sacratary 10 tha F Inane* Olractor, Start Ing rata $8.50 par hour. flailWa schaduU. rimlllarlty wltn word procassors raqvlrad. Sand rasuma 10 Flnanc* Dlractor. ISO Avon Qaldan Road, Avon Laka. OH 44012 83 Child pare : ^ RESPONSIBLE HABVSITT6R WANTED FOR AFTER SCHOOL CARE Fw U Vr OW in My Avon UUO Homo, Uujl Omfl Pieass O*ll 3334714 TEACHER NEEDS bdora and alltt 331.5335 wTuTPROVloe chiKIcara in my Wastiaka homa. Aoas 2 & up. havo_>«s of fua Bafanw EXPERItNCtD MOTHER Y/TSZZ for Vour Ch*, n my S t a ^ f ^ Cin, FuitPan-Tirra 9 3 M M 1 ' EXPERIENCED, p o i m Mac sctwan {216) 327-53M) HEALTH CARE: b* IW MM. a day Can LOOKING FOR ona s"1 oHo» Fua limn Accountinu. prion«3. Vary cMbto Datwronarlnd. 73-1 IT30 PROMPT dupenoatx* a m irvauugR cmAning by Molissa a n l Ouin*. Mon. mrougn Sat. Raosonstta pness £ tewncas C H 2529^)3 OUAUTY CLEANIN0 Honasl RoUaDM IndrvWuAl ^rvmdiited sarvica eacft bmo Not a cMnrung team Eftot l sw»K?BS SEARCH OF MARY~ POPP1NS/MS. FHIZZLE^IOTHER THERESA W fWoronwsarnu 366 0009 (evef.nqs| ACCUMULATED POSTCARDS; VVHI 6ny all your U 5.01 loro-on 1B60"997. Ai*o buying tintypes, phoiograpns. votantm«. advertising carUs pdHic^lio.jvBnirs. 357-1006 UUriNQ t.ki ooii. ow ami pans, old ">vs. Old furnttum. otd jturtod annuts, oid twars CJII 331-10-J3 &y C°l->-ECTOR Duy,n0 ««,<! sruiled gort cluoa. old unusual ckiOs aid punors and otfvr r coUc-tiCios owt ' ' Call216-734-lB87. HOME LOANS/REFINANCE • " * a i » - ' ' R e J i n a n c e t s i k M r a t f C h **\Ve Offer Guaranteed Sales Program" t • ftrdua 3 b Stf torn • FHA/VA How Lom Gamellia QUAUTT, Gamellia INTEGRITY, Gamellia SERVICE • land Cortrjctt • CruSt Pnikm OJt. BinKSte* OX family !Homz M » * Lund/ MORTGAGE f-.wi** AVOfi LAKE'S COHFORAnDN Beat Kept SMM£ CWKW T» Xii 63flUo«RMd»ircnUJu> OH 44012 gnq 933-7100 » 1-8D0-B47-DQ71 BUYING or BUILDING? I'VE GOT THE RIGHT MORTGAGE LOAN tit a •WEAML COMMmEQ TO « £ £ * £ £ . Volco Mail 888/637-7292 X8320 Office; (216) 716^00 Randy Fratlanne » T n . Experience METROPOLITAN Contact John Fischer & Carol McDonald 933-7700 - 871-8880 N i £ •r Walker Kd. ^ tc S 1-90 n . lamp*, taweby. ctoOu. Jj2Urtn«». glass & cftlna. toyi? [ m M M i j . Free consultation. Cal •warn. no«ri 30 yrs. nip. m the auc- ie OU- f* 1 , Ifd O. OavlM 777-7401. y e a i LAKE COLLECTOR J T 5 ^ p o c f c w i f — . men'sOTWwettv . Nebratta 6OT7B. THE PH ESS 1S8LEAHR0. AVON LAKE ELECTRICAL * TELEPHONE WOfiK. UoonsetJ. bonOad & k«urM Reasonable rate*. B33-*»3. A l Work Pertortned k> FAX SERVICE APRAYER TO THB MOLV WFBCKHttf Gptt. you wno n w a -naMavary*tfng and wowed me '* •at waytolaatfl my U M K YOU who gm»9MdMne0Niolo*>« ana feu m Mong M la dona to • ^ and you who are kial Instances on my Ka waTi i w I. m M snort * g * g f - » a r t lotiagfcyoute ' a^M'yffiau and cuvAtn once more Vaa I nwrwaniiq ba saparaaxl •Bra you no r r a w naw greet vie axaanal datfca may Ce. (wart to ba •an ycu and my loved one* in your Barpakal gfcxy. Amen. Tnar* you to you» love towards ma and my kMd ones. Persona rnust say M A pnntr 3 conaacuDw* daya »«nout aawg lor your wtan. After 3rd day wWi w* t s granted, no manor dHcuB R may ba. Tnan promna to publan Ma ( U n a at toon as W a t a w la gamadTO-S. A PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT: Hoty Spin, you • * » maoa nm M « aMrynnij and *to*mt ma Bw * * y la •aach my MuH: You who gave ma « » dMia OR UtorolMandtorgattno mono t « t at dona to mm, and you MTD n ai twtorcaa ol my tto wtfi ma: t. k) n a thort dUtogue wanitomar* youtorBveryMnQ and conBrrn onca more that 1 navar want lo be tapanaad torn you no matiar now gnm lha mMerkd detfro nwy ba. t wart to ba « m you and my towed onaa tr. your parpXuH gtary. Amaa Tham rautoryourtowatowardsma and mytowedones. Panona muu pray Via pmyor 3 oonsacuOve o*y» wanout a r t m tortfw*rwtea AMer 3rd day. your A* «M ba Q « « d n o maaar how omcuB I may ba. Than pramtM to puMbh Ma OWMUB >S aoon a* W»tevorla grartod. A.P. And Ha (Jnau) saidto(horn. ToCow Ue. and I w * maka you fttfwni ol man*Marffww4:1B K 125 public Notices •OCTttABIWEO- Smoky Mount***. Areas mod boautmi c r a v a t Elagart wnUa & rnounu>i to tff tat* ananuMnonta THE PRESS lULEAHRD. AVONUJCE : -13^ Professional; t,/.y .. Services'(:,.'"''', LEGAL SERVICES Income Tex PreDaraDon. Dtvorce. wwa. Bankruptcy, A » « d Prooaia. Power* ol AKMney. TrafltoOUl, Ekler law. A l Courts. Fn*o imt ConiUUnon D. OOUANOV1C. ATTY. aji-Taoo Warning! Your ctiadren cotAl b« loaang ttwf nwrtancet CM: i-2ift732-5S23. 13S General Services "HAMJY1IAK- REPAtR-REMODEL 20 Yra.Expa<tanca Plumbing • Carpentry Baff<roomaJQicnana,CBnmtc T» PanaBng, RacHoom. Eic. Wltote ftoMW Sanor Dwooum 10% 734-0779 A CARPET REPAIR Burns, Horn. SpHSeamieic Oeanmg. ueodorutna p WtaSrScamrOurtf • wVn 1960) Pholograpny. wShtirtABev Ed laytor 1 2 770 http-tf— nttHnouroctapota com— *7Baautirul CandlalignjI Oldtaahionad •«d*ll%.,lSSLRy Mountalna naar ^alllnbufo. o««rlooklna rl«« 5 £ r > 7 S 2 ! S cantam. c a W A Orand r*w torian Oartrt cnapw. VW"*»Daooio y, aiaborata draaamg f d minlsim F(*e CM 892-0907 FORD HOME IMPROVEMENT 4 ALTEHAT1ONSI AVON LAKE WOODWORKING CO. I t r a mart* ol wood, we can do tf" Oookshelvas. cablnelt. custom closets, entertainment centers, kiichan pentnes. Free estimates axvxri. BUSINESS » RESIDENTIAL TELEPHONE SYSTEMS. Sales. additions, mows and changes. New or used equipment avwlabte. Sarvtce on most mepr toands. RaMdenual wiring. Reasonable rales. Lake Telecom, B33-5771. 1-BOO-5225771. _ ^ _ MAINTENANCE.INC. HANDYMAN PEMODELINO Piumtiing. Elaeirtcai. Carpentry No job too tug or tuo v n a l . 835-9687 CLEANIINQ; Horn* or Ottice. Trnrougn, Cortstotord, Bondod aiKl IrwuredT Free EUlmaMa HOUSEWOnX. ETC 933-20M rn-oson ^_ CLE/'UNQ. Commofilal, roaldenilal. new ooratrucuon. bolore or alter you move, jparunenu. olllcai, parmortatlioa aarvlco. aonded & lr*un»a Frea estimalea. All work guaranteed. For more IrformnBon cafl DAY^ EASE. INC. -Z7-R34G Othars lend you • Call John fit J R Enterprises 779-7303 WINDOW R£PA*1 834-S1 l a wnocaani t m . me . WOUng. »nilwr Pavmertti 1 January tB9a V tnyt WJlng A> oualiltaa IOO% ltn«ncinglli No morwy down. CuM l-aU»»1-OA43. P $79 VtCTHOLA BEPAA UAVtCC Protouionaly IwfMOnd WAMTCD: Non-Working. quick lurnaround lima and reeaonabU nrtaa. Cal Lanca today at Xlt-toM. EXTS4S. CREDIT CAftO DCBIt Stop naHUMng pmne caaa. Efcrtnaia or reduca tmma. Cut peymonts up » m . NorvPioftl Debt CoraoidiiBOn UBEHTY HOUE IMPnOVEUEHTS All Type* ol Benaodeano. Flooring • Specialty. Sneet VWiyl, Ceramtc, Lamlnela Ftoore. iPeroo, Imagine). H4SURCP OOttbca ^* Ma-2041. NEW Service compai.j"Tirming r, Ann UJui «or crticafy ne«>id. u r n day delivery so/wice ol nonnauaidous nwterMU fmn.;-» pound uo to 1.500 pourt« anywtyKJ In Orw. FlatnttM Cal l-3tfr«33-4Saa tor data**. PAINTING & PAPERHANGING KMcfwn & Dan FtamodaanQ Window nopiacament Drywtd I tepair Eipenonoed • Ineured CalJIMLEKAN 779-8983 PHILLIPS VACUUM CLEANER CO. SALES AND SERVICE. New and robult cJoanera. auarai*ted knmat prices on new cleaners. We ropuir al nukei. warranty wore lor Hoover and Euro ha I 5 H 0 O«tro>t Hd , LaMowood. Pich-up and dalivaty avndable. Cal 1-226-0730. REAL HOME REPAIRS tntontK/Extenor PMntmo Suunlnj Custom Ce&ngm Ptotk Quihroom nemooeUng Ce«no Tarw 1 Ugntng Orywat. Shael Hocfc. PbwMr Work Oaiaoea Demo'dVAl Home BepeWI Ucenee * maurad 20 Year* Experience CaiRottn 777-3589 Your 1 <)cnl ttiinrtyman Savittg Energy. Saving the Environment BMS Loo-Cancy Roule. 30 . Earn ecu. SarjQU». 4GS-VEND. LANO3CAPE DESIGN ESTAB.1J57 Lawna-Snrubs-Treea BifcK-Stono WaksftPBUOS WaUr Qamant-FaB Chan up Snrutt TrtmrMnn _ emOeniol MemOeniol OHo Nunwrymarrs Auoc lor ".t;4l. Bu Hdin^Suppltes . Engbieered 00bi 50sl00>:a 671-CQ71 LANDSCAPES EXTRAORDINAIRE Saijrjotieterca «-«^ H7J13I 60*200x16 M I JB3J00 Bobrcs S29.9G0 C Landscape Sarvtca Speclalbdng 52HLBwWinoi-save tnousarvda nounotora buy? We must eel lour arch style. stn>gnt side buUdna Immediatatyi 2S'*2ty. xriMrAcrrfcr. 5O-»iorjr. F CALL DAN 937-675? PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE DESIGN Dasigna or Merit for IndMdual Ramidencee, Conwoendal a m PuBaeProperDee. C M for a Free CanauKatlan Today. gia)fQ7ttO4 TERRY MURRAY LANOSCAPffio" Landscape tnetaUaOon •, Dcshin NEW LAWN INSTALLATION ScnrutMVSinal Tree Rwnoval Garden RototMnaCtaarbupr P>**«ure Wasneig (beck/Honvs) Ed4rmtjgrittnQ.Tense* Bum l t n P n O •>*»«*•. l-«0O*(5-7388. PARTY AND WEDDING CAKES BY JUDY QUALITY BMGflEDBIKrS. CREATIVE DESIQN3, DEUVERY AVAiABLE. , 155 Cemetery Lots •ogemer Scene ortgnl .{SS4]97f-17«S. MOWMOtMORE LAWN CARE FREE ESTttiATC •O0-4H0 ..-,. f ;v158 Cjeaning',.^' DIRT OUT! > *»••'! Dury. F i * SamcJ WWW. C»ario«. At— Huna Qwpts. UphcMMr,. D A CUSTOM DESIGN Prm InfcwMr PMoong Fmum Flnanee • Papmtntvolm CiwM Vrafl (War« 835-4255 335-4255 CRgPCTCAnoPHOBLEM3TOnn low morcrtfy paymeri Culliajrwii C COLUMBIA GAS NATURAL CHOICE HOME Panting *7 Paper I tanning SWMOB Since I97O 933-2990. ACTION VACUUM For Mora Wormation, Ca« Carol Free EstlnMtae CwMfy Grwan No Job Too Sown Futy Insured CHAPtaCOEStON tmao* * everymng i buuieaa world. A I produces Bp-noich reaJ*. Logos. Layout, DICK MILLER 327-69?2 Vacuuma on Bale New 4 Ueed Fiee EMrneMa on Repairs Modeta From S29.M and Up 2U07 Detroit R d , WeeOaka Customer S a d ^ O o n a Our I rttmodBtru and mure. 3HOWROOM - » 4 * i LAKE RO. HANDYMAN 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE c &c A BBOUUUI Cnap«W3*wcn FIELD MOWING ROADSIDE MOWIN 835-4255 Smoke & Water Damage RertontBon C e l Sieve Blur REACH 2 MILLION NEWSPAPER READERS wttnonead piocemanL ONLY J1B0. Ot*/s O * / s bmX a r n n n t y "owspapen Cal KMfw at the Or«j "owspapen. Statewide CteuAed hbtwork. 01448G-6677. RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL BUILDING & REPAIR SERVICES 5TJCES-;.*.',-, •••; ••:.., 1 Realty One "3 c COPIES MADE 25 CENTS WANJEDJTOY THAWS An* kind! Any Condiuon. Cash p*td Call Bnxa, 323-1455, I M W nJwsayT WANlkU-.lOY TRAINS Any kind" ,.\ V>20 P e r s o n a l s 1 5 No hamoamar*. NO FEE. C C T * " * jToavaiawe. NON-PROFIT AOEN- Co i-aoo-aanKgr. DEBT CONSOLIDATION LOANS! Cut paymaras up to 65%. Dad Crodt OK.Tfcenaed. bonded. S«ne day approval Cafl CrerM Manaoarnent Swwan i -aoo-ai i-oaao EJ-IOO. OVEH DUE BaJ-S? Paying Mgn %7 Call now lor Debt Coneoldaiion. Same day approval! CUpeymortJ* We^lpy eooooo-ooea. :140,Busmess , -., Smoke A Water Daman nEuoOon Can Sieve SK*r Smoka a. W«wr Lwmoga t CB> Sfcrte S'lar HOUSEWOfW, ETC Home or OOtte. "n nraugn. Coneaaent. eonded cnl bwuted Five Easmatet. eTI PR£ST)OC HOME SCRVICES r i K w u w i r h i e i e n j rnrimme OOca. New Corwiruaon. Insured. 048-5041. Clajys Bet. OOALTTY CLEAHWO Ho ACCUSTOMED TO QUALITY? MTEAtORCXTERIOR PAWTlNa. STAMNa WOSO-CRATNINa ETC. DECORATIVE PAIWnNO. FRESCOS. FAUX<FM1SHES (WXCHrVC TAUGHT FOR 3 YEARSL 30 YEAR'S EXPERCNCETOWNER ON-JOB. PLEASE CALL JBI A r 134-1814 FOR A REASONABLE ESTIMATE. WHY WALLPAPER? BOB'S GENERAL REPAIR Mat a deanng asm Ejcetnm nRarenoaa FreeEsamaaM 3U-*74Cj* 323.11U Parang-WaBpapar CompMa Drywal Wor* 18 yfwL. n D t r t i r a DOBCOWHARO RESIDENTIAL CLEANING 331-5749 CERTIFIED PAINTING Competitive Ratue 221-1446 PAPERMO, PLASTERINO Ras./Apt/tndu>. ,-i^OCanslructlqo. DMtnbutora Needed: For Amsrica • tm, tum M«ng geme. Eaminosun. kmOsd. Pan-Ome. FuMma. Prrtadediermorya—JaWa. Own your oyn twalnees. r™e McmaSun. NLH Entarprtte^ Doa 339. FiedencMOwn. OHOOIB. . DO YOU TRAVEL? HOOK YOUH OWNTRIENOS TRAVEL AND RECEIVE PERKS AND COMMISSIONS. CALL TW3Y. B00-Z114WC FOfl DETAILS. _^_^_^ FREE SEMINAR ^ How to CreaM MuMpM Stroama ol Inoomo Buying Homo* m Men Aniea *wi N«tww Oo-m c a i t-aoomagae£. a«L3 24nr. Recordod MMaage. jMnrttlon G-5 tor free GT). Grertmo Qud DMtnttasr » • ) « « « • No sebiig Sarvtce aooaunts M.000mlnimum Inveslmeni. immediate casn now. B-10 nrtTwk. AocnunU provided. SSO-IOOk poW-ial. 1-8004M-Z3T7. . ICE CREAM TRUCK: G«£AT BUSINESS FOH SALE OR LEASE, ESTABLISHED WESTSIDEROUTE. CASH INCOME. CALL TROY, •00WINDOW 4 WALL CreaUona; F « f lured m Ertnmraneur SCO* and Bu»neaa startup meoumea amandno In Ohio. Prime lerrSDrto*. $3 *£O rwnknum mveatmonL Hnandng avnilablu. B0O-386-57Bt. 331-8101 Call Sob ITS Done Rloni Tha First TlmaFREg ESTWATga BRICKLAYER Grfc*. Dtoch. Slone Work New or Repair Ownney. Slepa. EK. FreeEsttmatea 40 Yrs. EnperJanca D & J'S PAINTING IntsfioriT rtartor Pretosalonyl Workmanship Prompt Courunus Sarvloa Cat FUrvtew Park B3S-0472 ' CONCRETE REMOVALaT" REPLACE11ENT ROUGH a FffaSM CflADara WaHandtaAlJuba OigorSmal 670-7660 EUROPEAN PAiNTtNG A SERVICE. INC 835-8468 J3«2O«1 COS ENTERPRISES M7Q Landscaping;-. . BEST TOP SOIL e ^ Ki s P o m W—fi. Cedar Staining. Senior Discount - Insured For ProteaUonet Work ft Free Esamarea, Csfl a * a * U EXTERIOR P.O. DECORAHNO • Scrape * Sand * CEUOC * Prime Raw Wood * Rene* Loose EKJng • Paint Oaautnu screenod num lop sol. imkM Ounan * Oaan W W t a n * Dctviral Phnrw 365-777O. Pmsaura Vrtsh • SmaR Odd JoOa. Fmsn cu sod daiy lor ptctap or de30 Yrs. Experience • Intured Ivery. F i * ane Garden Cantor. OonWork Guaranteed. nis LandBCapa me 6340 Don St. FREE ESTIMATES. Toledo 419-aO5-MM/1-80O-0flJaTMBOa K3Q. MC-Vlaa-OteCPver. FRESHEN UP YOUR HOME FOR THE HOLIOAYSI WE ARE GARDEN ROTOTILUNG Cad Oarmla Draeaa 933-3618 PAINTING, t33-7S0B, t FOR A FREZ ESTIMATE. AVON LAKE DELLWOOO ROAD STREET SALE M11| RUBBISH HAULING Ga-jg^ o' smil jtructuus rurnc.ed Cemunt or any lype nx&sr.'wtXwict)» ronr-voo. a&o 3ai3g«i clMiineC 221-9204 TRASH REMOVAL: Yards Garwjirt and OasaT-jnti bummd Call Brtjcu. 323-1455. G3 JAN IS GARNER is* SHOW PLOWING StMit Brotnwrs 734-2074 • B 3 M M 9 933-C-5F0 / 83S-G500 ELEGANT BMDGESIDE C0L0N1AL1 .'865275. 4 BR; 2.5 HA: 1st floor don: hatdwood in gourmet I kitchen. (oyer; a dining room; sitting room olf master I suite: 3 car garage: prolessinally landscaped lot: many I upgrades throughout! $233,900. JAM IS GAHMER 933-G850. HOT » H 7 t NEUTRAL DECOR TKHOUGKOUTl • 05i340. This unique Westwtnds Brookshiro! 1st door den vv/FP, I first floor manor, gourmet kitchen; 2 story ceiling Jn 1 FH; wine cellar with refrigeration; sprinkler & security jsvstemsl S39S.OOO. JAM13 OARHIH 9 3 3 - 6 3 5 0 . HOT # 4 3 4 9 • * NEW 1IST1NG IN HUNTER'S RIDGE! » * 879379. \* ' Fabulous contemporary with Kono 6 cedar ftontt I ,FU« floor master with luxury bathi Ifaat room with >V<IUKM] cailtnos: ftkylighta; & stona faced liraplacal | poach. 1anc«d istr yard. S2B2.OGO. JAMtS i GARNER 933-eSSO. HOT • IOCS NEW WESTW1NDS U5TiM6! •379582. 4BR. 2.5 BA Ashwood modal! Center hall colonial [featuring gourmet kitchen: luxury master ba:h with Jacuzzi; workshop off oarage; sprinkler system; loaded with uogrades. S 259,900. JAWS OAHMI3I: | HOT »3192 ENJOY THE CONVENIENCE & LOCATION *871209. of a Crossings condo in Weitiaket 2 BR. 2 BA; ground floor unit, fireplace in LH; 2 sliders to covered patio: ] neutral decut 'Jirougtiout the unit. S 98.500. JAfcIS CAIt-j 933-eSSe. HOT • 2 B 2 3 STUNSIVS CUSTOM WESTW1NQS CONDOI "863395 h. :utrnl decor ihorughoutl 3 bedrooms. 2 5 bathj; [ Itoft area can be office or den. Jacuzit in mast or bath: sky-1 [lights: screened porch! Immediate occupancy available IS 184,900. JAUIS G4KMIR 933-6S50. HOT CtBSB PROFESSIONAL PAINTING >nto(ior/Ejrte<ar Uoensed • Insured REAL HOME REPAIRS 777-35B9 RESIDENTIAL PA1NT1NO WJttlESSVS INTERIOfl PAIMT1NG Waftpapor fVirrcvoi "•utwtng. Vdmiehlnu. Staining. Faua Finishes. Elc ISYre. Ex^e.ioncs Fair*** Park Gary77MSU • 3B7JP fasteri nfl/prywd n A BEAUTIFUL CEILING Near A clean Repairs Inloflor PafnUng * Paperhuiglng Stucco & Custom ttMluifig 635-4255 Smoke & Water Damag* RMtcmtion Csil itm.D siur CUSTOM CEILINGS Drywan • SftMtrock Plaster Repairs REAL H0Mi£ REPAIRS 777-3589 /^v,19tRodlfnsr ADVANTAOE ROOF CONSULTANTS Don'l oat rtppwj oil Dy • coniracior Ha wants to M * you a nuw rcsl Gflt the atfrsntago. we don't pul roof i on. Wo'll guidq you witn an B ecu'ate measutwrmnt, evaluation and roconme-dauon. '.itpowona • CorU!icu!**is 979-9889 NEW CASTLE ROOFING COMPANY 892-8696 or 930-2399 Ft— EHII ma las ATTICS BASEMENTS GARAGES O U J / I Oul anO Hauling Or ask, t might do rtt 356-1887 AVON LAKE, 211*0 LAKE ROAD. Trur^day (H-fJuan). LHHB T I . B I . Zrtu} i^ucti Baty. 5ci«3 OW SluM. SOMETHING POH EVEHYONEI (CAJJ I ' U q IN LONG PHI VEWAY) AVON LAKE, 31813 RHtJWOOD. TMjrui-iy. Aug 21 CJ-3). Golt CijtJi'Oagi, Eiercisu Equipment. H.ka, C o A i ; . Etc AVOM LAKE. 3^341 WALKF.R ROAD, SaturtJJy. Au>J 2'J (10-3). H 'y &kH M J i Mnoitlafwom AVON LAKE. 191 ASHWOOD. ThkifsOjy. AO-J21. (9-t). ClOlrWS. Toys. Gamus. Housifiold AVON LAKE, 214 5EAWAH0 WAY, Tnuisduy Only (9-4). 4-FAMILY. Cloina*. Toyi. Furnitura. FIREWOOD • CLEARANCE J125 a-awd aeuvwa nardwood Pfmca 734-2674. F1REWOC3 • You Split. You Pickup. 734-0441 { i ) F I R E W OO OD, SEASONED A N D DELIVERED: J50 00 per Rid $I4C 00 pflf Cert. B43-53U3 of HORVATH LANDSCAPING Sine* 1939 w SftnjM. Tieas and La-r.s Trimming and Mulcting Ftrvwcod Stone Grinding 871-3623 LUTZ STUMP REMOVAL Ovef 35 Year* Ejtpwflerw Guasanteod Fas. Sarwcw Cad 133-721" SWEAT BROTHERS TREE - tnmrtijng. removal, stump g m v g , itorrr damage, piarttmo.. lot clearing, catJing UNO C*nili»<l ArtKnat In^tfid. SNOW PLDWINQ-RejJdanllai & convn«ncal Ca« tor >n« conauoaaon. 734-3874 - 933-6389 WILSON'S TREE SERVICE p Q> 1-S00-531-5462 353-0083 talt Sales. CftATKRS WAMTEDi N B W Owv stad Kiwai l i Fail Cratt Sti'.- Octiitn CalOLmKn^t 233-M0O. *-, .;-^SALES• AVON LAKE, 360 BRITANNIA PARKWAY, FnCay 19-4} NO EARLY SALESI1 T o y ! , Gamns. Doll Furnuura. Stutiad Anirrjis. RayBans Tom Dod and NigmsUnd. B0O*s. LP'S. Tabla Llnorn. HouaunokJ Mi AVON. 33340 HEARTWOOD AVENUE, Aunual 36-38 ( i - 3 ) , RilCfitjn, Bed. Ualri Acces>crt«i, Ctatrwig. Mjscc^idfwoua AVON, 34Bi« S U U U E R H I L L DRTVE (SUyMERHILL OEVLPUT., OFF JAYCOX} Salurtay (9AM-IPU) Qrta" CttS»». T o p . HoUday Morns, PiCK-Up Truck Ladder Rack. MltCTlLnieOU AVON. 35840 CHESTER ROAD (OFF RT. «3. NEAH 1-90) Auquit ^. M.1STTTME. LARGE 3ALEII AVON. Thunday » Fnday. Ba"n4pm, 38181 Frencn Cnwk Hd. Baby toy*, ootnna. kxs ol r*x BAY; ? M i a MitlUinO. Thu/s-FnSat (earn-5pm ). furrwura, reeotlv cloinmg. coiiact*l«i. photo and OarV/oom &}j(xvitrt. new ond Ud. 220, Auction, SatesV; i Two Aucoona. CoiurrOia Gas Surplua 10am Tuanlav. A u q u l 29, S I AJt>»na. WV & 10am. Fniay. Auguil » . WcoiUtr. OH AI Thompson, W^J438 BO0-23&-124O .230 GarggcSales; - • AVON LAK£ 4 FAUlLV-flACX TO SaiOOLrTtEUOOEUNa SAL2I 190GLENV1EW TnurKlay. (9-2] Pvtxuf Mac hi no. Turin BooMca** HuodDoanl. MJCFD•avo, Vifror, SMW. thjnd Nartw CooIitOoUwa. Lan» Wofnon'i Cotunt»a Ski jackut. AntiqiMM. Ovum. CNWi Tatwa ana Ctmri. MUCH MOnE AVON LAKE! 117 DOCK Hd . Tnurs • F»i -5ai (Uam -7pm ) ChUdmn* loys/r^otrwi. aduti cloihas, wmior *waalarsJco«ts. TV *1a*>d. *ic*ai CMr, ruminjn. accmonns a low AvON LAKF. 31138 WALKER ROAD, SATUROAY.'SUNOAV, August ?3 & 24 (6AM-7PMI. Taor-Mdult Clolhas. Mitn AVON LAKE, 32tt!1 Covqnlry Court (oft t)L 03). Thuildoy. Qunv3pm. 0 lafTHlwi. Ckjlties. loyi. qun, pcrwry A colixctiblat. oajo&all cora* So muffling lor ov^jyonn AVON LAKE, 7*2 Joycoi ltd . Lnrgo ana noitnn'a dottios & iJicwi. (JUTMB. rmciowBva, (u.niijor fiD'B-Klar, tnic Thurtdny, Aug 71. 93 AVON LAKE. 32*15 (1E0W000 AVENUE, Ihufsday, Auq^t (0-3). Gctf und Einrci-fl EqiBpirmnr. SiKa, Fumitum. M'ac^tgnoous AVON LAKE, TOMAHAWK DniVE MULTt-FAUlLY GARAGE SALES, 6+ HOMES: SatiKTlay. August 23rd (9-3) SOMET.'I'.O FOR EVERYONE! WESTLAKE: 3315 IJJw 2; a ^ i S Fn B.-22 (9*-n-4pm ) Two Farr»ly G.irjg'i SaW „ W E S I L A K E : 3ica iviyui o w c i . Thurs Bn\ ('Jam-4pm) F»f"'ly ciolrws, shous, tiJJy rloms. LJtU« 1yk.es playiol. loirs, nousohold lyxyii. . WESTLAKE; 20120 blonigalo Circle. Thurs 'Jam 2pm. l)oy's/«amon's c'ommj, lay*. WESTLAKE; 1910 S b TH S « K « T LjnbngTHurj B a Fo"ja. flp Frt. 8um.noon UltW Tikm. 0;" » OnQvni Gdo. C>iTCcn«. elc Cam eordof, kid's ufjit» 4 iM5». bar* ciatrnnq. womon'* dolftmg. |jU/P»n. fr»*c k;icuon 1 mom. WESTYVINDS 3-FAMJLY C;JRACE SALE. 41B BOUNTY WAY.Ttxjraday. FmU/. SatufOay 32t/22/23. (9-4) ^cycles. CWUMig MiscaUneous. GOOD NEIGHBOR THRIFT SHOP Awon L*k*. r^ilo '1 HousancW 933-8« RESAIL ON THE LAKE QUALITY CHlDflEH S RESALE SHOP W« Pay Caaft UK Your Wlnur ChUo>a«*a CtofUnfl. TOY*. E«WE BUY AND SELL ONLY THE BEflTt OPEfi 7 DAYS. BAY; 441 HuntmflrB. Tr>ur» -Ffl. Bam -4om. FurmturB. daytwd, TV, NO EARLY BiaOS" BAY; 624 WaWir. TFitjri 8 / 2 1 . toy*. Wuw, loddtorcarsttaL C b Teacftoy U mat*na!i. rawing m*cnm«. Many tvmaefx*! rtgma ELYRtA, 333 WASHINOTON AVENUE UOVINQ SALE: XW3 S10 Ptch-Up, LR S«t. OR S r t KingS i n WawcbMl m.'DuaJ Ccitrata, Vartiel* Cloth Blinds. Plama, Lampa, E t c EVERTTHlKa MUST OOlfFor Uota MormaBori. Cal 322H60B FURNITURE REFINISHING LET US TURN *OUR OLD TTtCASURES INTO SHOW PtfcCES FREE ESTIMATES _ 933-3322 AVON. UTJVWO SALE. Thunday. Aug. 21.'Mnv? 35410 KMMr Dr. Ptano, Coi. door iirfrvwnitv, M»^nc tiova. (rwu*n. L R lumajn. O N U roclntra. tote-bad. Dbt Dad. / . ™con». rurj. pool tat/* , Honda n-ivn&ww, many nruatMM 4 U^nan M m . 1 PERENNIAL PLANT SALE: S40 K VUtaga. Fit. & Sal. p W d Shaign. rad p y . pacnyundra. rwy httkJm. iBOavn. tamon bakn. m r u . towrlm. vmca. lamDa «arr. O W W M toKara, « B M , black -*y*d Suaana, n a n . B35-NMZ COMPUTEH USERS MEEOED. TypKvj & Wu/d Pnxaraifq Irom Iwmo. i Ca I DOT 513~1343E«tB-13a2. Molul Manager «eod«d. maiuia adUis LcJin ai-fwrw, ficavxiwt excellent stalling salary, living uujrujis. plui 6«»wlit». ptiCflnwrt *s»5tai«*j Frw H-2 i l o . CaU HTC 3JKl3 THE FUN DOESN'T STOP JUST BECAUSE SUMMER'S ALMOST OVERI LEARN TO RIDE A HORSE WITH US. WEEKLY PRIVATE LESSONS. 933-4654 TUTOR: fcLST CEBTtFIEO. ffujtifig. wiionrj. booc ma!h, siudy *k'M3, liomowork. 10 yaars mpenoncK Speaaist m LD. and A-OO CaJ 770-5705. TUT OR W a 1-1: Ftefltwig. WnangI Speaofj- Ptiuncs basad approacn. I imnla p>u«ntal nttJWy to loam Inn B71-712O. HOUE-OOUNO HOSPITALIZED Oft HOUE-SCHOOLEO. I wlH Tutor TTWM SpKlal ChMdran: All Bubkcta. G J W J M K-4. CaU 830- Z>21. -Cr 290 Entertainments• MIDNIGHT ' CONNECTION W«J0tag,Party Bard Wvocats • Top 4 0 W 0 « M (216)949-2165 KC ENTERTAINMENT Prtww Part"**. W<xk>rQt Reonions. Gratf ParUes 6 0 i , TV*. BCT» and W i Muaic lor A»c Call Kitoy. J33-WS3 NOSTALGIA MUSIC - (Urt Coteacr. D«c Jockey. Music from trw FaUious SOi W ih« 19OJ«- Waay 356-1300. PRO MUSICIAN/ENTERTAINER: Avallatilo tor Private PartWi, woddknaj. CorpontW Forcnor* » OKidrBn s iitevs. tnanjcBm on «l Instnjmciu. Indudmrj Voica AfcM AvadatM. Cat Al Foster at 94B-7077. LOG CABIN CAMPiHCI Cnm tom*/ tun. Low mat. Smart, Easy, sato. comtorucM. hoaflWul A OairjMfii ForFHEc trtomaoan A F F H E toy cedri W W carnpqroundTucanona. Cai 1-000UI4-4COS. JUKE BOX: 19>|ii'ROCK-rA> « Play Juk« B o i . Indudoa 4SRPU CapaCdiMB m 'inButmn Canamon. Jt.COOOO Cal litmrtnjt. IO3-TB00 or 933-7148 Pays MOVIMG SAL'EII PRICED TO SCLLI EVERYTXlNO L.U8T QOt Thursday-Saturday IfAftMPW), 230 VIHEYARD. Tool*T 1841 Hoi-Jeni Artor Hun MullFani-ly Moving SoWl ThuM.-FN gam -4ptn. DJUJS. dr/ur. mto rrusc a murft rrurij .— MUWMJIC. AVON LVJUU 390 HUL'SERflY LANE. WwkmiiMy. Tnunday. (9-1} TMDt. CMitf*. flKta. Rugs. DAT; 30M7 MMtknxtane. Tnun. I Bam.-3pm.). Gadrooni turratur*. M a p K*m. IwnM. houwtoW twrw, tcy«-Laa O r - * * Prtod 10 Go* ESTATE SALE) Rtfnoaralor. tUv*. atiCaUa «Munarnrf«r (uacfcaU*). Aftwua 1M0MT tota & dWr. quMn • l i e b M , 1212T-TV|. H(53*TV, Idril b SS(M>Mt l WESTLAKE; StVMn W1-WH- NO.0LU3TE0: K * I 2 .'S«*elDrlar. Tnurj,-Fii..S4l. 1 jam.-4pm. AnllQuet. MClvJdt SPOriS flwrr>rabiie» dr ift, bof As. reconSa. puai caMs. tf « * l and /lore NO.OUJ3TED i*.*?l Uaaumont. Thunl only! a^J (9a/n -4pm). Huo* Oucv Saw PXM\ MojsanoU arms, >nowC4oimir. and mo • HO.OLUSTCD: *}0Q L i t * Lan* (Launrt Wood*) Thurs. Uam.-5cm. LARGE CANOPY TENTS for Rani Parted lor Your Outdoor Partyt 20-2O'2O'3<r AutorMcrk Smtn'a Couf«ry Ceuntar NEW —WEDOMQ CAKES i p p Q You"*" tmvt t * * n anytntng lilut » M l U t a C « B t f L Ona-ot-«4jro custom designed. Be Hi* hrs| io commtston UMs n«w OucorW»fl From EngUnd A Austraia. D««c=i«y r w n d W o d . Comptoitfy edOte. T»owonai. rauun C M U I I m i W O caka«. muKfseflavorsA dM^na » cnooae from. Sot-up A •Dttvery tjy appomtmeri only. Cal 7iB-OH0AnrVCaJ>M< ~ a* v ^ v %i**B*VB>a a^ BUVSSVT^a.*^ U W > W - -i FARMING itatms. tiarCwnre. looia Umpa and NO.FtiOCCVILLC HOOOE POOCE OAFiAOC.3TI334CookHd T F 1t-l SO 1 . Sun-10-< CtoMdU Orwat P>lco« lor Coiteg* Studanli on '•intfunt, tm»t «tC*a«0B». TV*. orijdn. ountMi tumituraj. hite/ion i*t_ flnttwri. «iiik». rxkvn. rvannn. ;-<ja, ky«pfMW» 4 mucn nwyw NO~rVDQ£VILLE; Molrwr* cluD St P«t«i'» C n u t n is ti.i.ing tfmtt •rvudl fiird U M Sou 1G Artform *nJ»nU *c tJcwuIa items colt 327- j NO.RirjQEVILLE; 6702 Millar, ~-xjfa.-Fn.bal [Bam-Spm! Uatry Itont, ?4t«rbed. Ft SO bctSmar, t«x:» itarra. dTfjfc-nntri.kit* o< mac POCKY RIVER: 2717 Hampton. Sal e.73 IBim..2j*n). Multt-Fwnrfy md. kids toy*. DaskalDaii tackboard. ROCKY RIVER: 2334 Wuilltxxn 101 Sat. U/73 (8*fn-4pm ) Ri'mtuiB, houtotiold guodi. alnclianlcs. •ao;;«nc«», pictuiui-a ititio ol ^jg SHE«=.VtLLAQE, 9314 BTURBRIDGE (IN THE V1LLAOE RESERVE), Friday. Saluiday 110AM SI'Mi MANY ITtMS , TtiiMSdAy Only. a/21. 8 3CMm-4pm Muru-lamity. ctQittaa. tMlby Jo adiii. loys. housowqrui, bookfifimucn rmc SHEFFIELD LAKE. LARGE SALE AND CRAFTS 41QS SAODLKWOOO. IhUfitJay and FniJ.-iy (V-5|. Wroain*. Cruwtren't CIcH -ng. I ola ot Mucullanwom. SHEFFIELD LAKE, 8 3 1 IDLEWCQO, ThurUjy, FrkJay_(B-e). Woigi" ttinch. Changing Tablu, Clolhlng-AII A{jn*. Toyi, Oocks H k ] M U WESTLAKE; 2D547 E.llrack«.ny. Thui*(V21 (0am.-V) Muru-FarrWyf'i 3ar.* by popular demnnOI fkihy/todaJur-Plu*: doinos b^j items, loys, ctolhtny cUistc/proiesiional nmtetmty, housohold. apom. etc 1 WESTLAKE: 26200 Dotroir ( A T Thurs Brt! 1,9,-m MOVING EALF.I " •265 Farni Produce B—na. facumbin, Tomato—• Zuccnlnt, Y-UowftOnMn P^ipMa BILL UATTON FARHS U 1 3 CENTER ROAD (RT. «3i AVON (S ML S. M 0 E i T 153) OpM>ll:00AU •34-MOQ Piucrw*.Tr*a npa largo txinutitul crop Coma anoy a fartiry out**} in Omo'i lannsi Pick your-own peaci evefwrd UnnmrtDd o^wiOUn. Ewty PiNKtwa surtmg Aug. B (lad Havwi •lartB^Auo tR Ottorvanotiottnru S»ot 13 t v « r , c « y 8-B- Ralph uvaichar Orcnaro. SR 182 North FairtWd. On 410-744-7723. • ^HEALTH/REC- ii-^ZBO Educaliori •, ; ! ._,-* Inetrucjlion v ::• CAL'. and ash me nbout my Hommwrk Hotttne B35-71&, CtRIir - . 0 TEACHER win tutor sludiimsin ^-Dddn 1-12 alt subMci arM S . Sh*,, s u h dnsa also oCnred. Call a332i3B lor WloniMnon. HOLLY KILL RIDING STABLE EACH1NQ « „ . J0 1 0 M "Sif. , " o *LL AGES, TRAINING OUR SCHOCI. tS KNOWN FGR ITS QUALITY OF TEACWNQ fTHE SAFE WAY). 933-5335 LEARliiNQ UNUMITED W E S T ~ Oiagnostic Testing 'ndrvijual InslruclJon ^U^admg • Basic S*Jl.i *'A0OS ?'ujy "iufi*. ACT/SAT aoe-1732 • RELAXATION MASSAGE GREAT PWCtSl ViSft* or t$0S\.VJv. ttm*. CnaiM M l batng. tndudM RanaaoloowPoianty. QaAara. FREE GIFT TO WOMEN B3S-5042 OtASETlC-Ant you sol paying tor K X W M 7 Why? For WormaOon on now you can racarw *uppl>B« at Btta or no COM e U 1-WTX7B-5733. Do you h*va DiabMas? Clacana your PJUOOM monaxftsuppias « no cost HYPNOSIS/ GUIDED IMAGERY WEIGHT, SWOMMO SPECIALIZING IN HYPERTENSION. STRESS ABBOTT HYNOTHERAPY LORAIN 0 1 t CUYAHOOA (a6 Muuicara Recipient* (using u NabuHiar) Atbulsrol and otnr i.'jtutions.n MM&carw wUt pay lor (nwrrtf We big lor you and »hp rJmcOy IO your door. Cad MED-A^SAVE. 1BC»6 JUKE BOX: 19M ROCK-OLA BO Play JuhB D o t induOBS 41RPM Raconlt and Extamai Spaaiw CapaMrtk»«. In Exatott Condmon: $1.60000. Can Ev«h«ns: 033-7800 orB337i4qD KINO TRUMPET, ExoBMnt Corrttwr\ ProlosstonaBy Cloanod are) S « vtood; S150 Du. 033.7747 OflOAM; 68 kjeyCamvnl Magic C«"W by Lowry (4rwW9. 23\Jo«p. 34 rtign).Simulated walnut. J4C9. I * H * M A P5H-330 KEYBOARD SYNTHESCEH! 250 dlltorent in•irunoni sattinQs, Pttcn bandor, £1tacii cartridtM. MIDI compaubla'. BanVy ' j s « t CatSea Indudod O hoc* wrooara to your computer. J400 or bwirjfiar. Cal 3ai-1006 a.Vr5prn YAKAHA sUwr comat u«r» Snnpt«*Us crook, Mu new. 734-1015. 310 Sbprtlri0 Goodsj; CLUBMAXERS OVERSTOCK-e etajntou mm 3 to PAV 5 ratal woods 1-3-5 wtth InjB lnmp«r stwfrt, never IKM<I $275. Caa BoCi 777GOLF CLUB3; FuU M>4 A bto. « 5 UOKM tot $45. JuiKif u * $3ST ?21I7g USED Plnrj golt OUa oitn PriQ 00« wig (wtin wanOj ifoni era Ping ( U M Dots Wood* r^lng \-z issue 1350. Call 734*730 THE LANDINGS AVON LIKE 933-9979 OR l-800-53->.(i;m -— ^ Kd. 14.J ft. li,,r. :j « I l j .-,• ?*flC*ro)l. C w o i - m i i ^ ? V . . Ca ro1 J " r rt Crcsco -'-"'i Leader ? d j * '" " * P'*-1 '•'•i t-'rr- ^ V '-«. ?«y i'«n. S:-).w CJJ BBSSFW^ oprr> n*™,,,. 1,19.500. QB oSS h ^ ™ J . ^ BE YOUR OWN LANDLORD MLSfSTOM Side by u<le duple* 2 o u Mdi vdr, ttrperate pt urJitio. Intnme KJ.9Q0. USTING IN AVOH SWJI3. TW-ne m w MLS*S727-I9 2Fjm.ly WJI3 W 100,400 ttm itjfor yourThow. h* D n hj« 3 twdroom* IHQmo J10.9C0. CaD — A a c r m m •£ 333-9979 or ° f t n r Above. oe 3 ixdmom, din:nS irul room *rrh picture windows MGREAT COUNTRY LIVING burning firrpUcc. foil ' " » W W M - Oott to h " . MJ 1-50 f M cSe ID "*"*• 2 « • *w*e arid riij inrpofunt io the CunKf 3 . AJw fu, anranroo^ n r i d b be a dm or 4th brdmom. To Be Swn» Gd] ^ i " > [ In Sh«rit(M Vii grrpx to at 9JM979 5 FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE SALES LEADER gftiJiitiiiii^fi^SiW X r UST1HO LEADER r —gaa»MMlii!! u s. u JUST LISTED! Hli!5i^00L WASHER GROUND FLOOR LEVEL A OCCTTUC DfltEH, Hoa*y Duty. l*W» C . $150 each or K5O *wy gooj concKioo. Cad BtESSIOartJup B3 • y m , incKxang Spooky. Vutonnrw, Qwat U « f t > . AJDSS*. Oggor. " M " . DUViy i q g . Syhrfa BO2-6O9O D0CLS; Ashton D n u Beoo Hoair» : •195. Uaitfww I1T5. Joswa $75 JlMn S75. HomAr $35. Mufl« $65 Q 5 B71-C201. B1C201. HALE-BOPP COMET. Unframod PjBtoi. 4 Sites, 2 VWWJ. PtMltiir Oujlity on Display at: SUITH'S •TORE, AVON. How Taking OrWl. A«k for Tim. 934-3401 I BUY UONEL T OLY dttplay yoo» vintage CiBand cail«ctKKi at your n«il - . -n*Jof due" rrweOng. EsUlo srt•setnont i r u u M I . Fiu oivy 333-577». 3 CUSHION OOFAi S « B loam Of. j n t . oicoKcnt ooniiavjn. S7 500 779-7V57 ha B3S-1ISS; drmset i ? o d a t m S/5.S4512S TlM* outdoor J?S b^by rruniass $20. LtL»o ANTIQUE DRESSER. NICHT~ STAND AMD DRESSINQ TABLE W/BENCH AND CHAIR; EXCELLENT CONOmOM. $200.00. 83X23J BEDflOOM SET "THIS END UP" BUNK DEO, Mailmuds. UnX'ttmBed StLfaoa Un.t. 3-D'awof Drsiwr $500 00 CnJ 933^774 BOOKCASE, wttn 3 4halv«a and 2 draHwn, light wood. $MJT>M. e n . 3420. _ L _ DININQ ROOM sol. Dwvgnnr podt*»tiH UtAo M/Wnt a2"i42* W4h 6 cant) bark cfiaifm 1575 (216) 77>15G7 J_8UTIHQ OLD POSTCAADS-i ar3oekingaJCurnsoroth«r nrfp proiaao M. Ploaae c^tt 07l-?463 ATTIC collodion and nuc. !18 Spancsr Lurm, Soutti of Lo- THE LANDINGS #878544 10-PIECE AMERICAN OOF.W Dlrt1MO ROOU SET. t>4«-t»Bd«»tai Taow. . L«rg«i Owl cro*n Glass. S*Mvtf v a Minor. J2 500 00 C4K 034-497T. 770-5537 DtNINQ ROOM SET; llulTot. iiphot •torvd tin tai»in. oklur. ligU ImUi sokl wood, nrout lor cruklran $'5o' 777-0794 LOVE SEAT; Enrty Amoncan. nundy. [3*j>go. GIBWI Pkud. E COfxtncn. B33-5364. SOFA S150. (uicMWnl coid ), cok)t TV S45, *aH<t«-an Blactrlc raign $S0. daytwd Iramo $?0. 327-1952 tO-SPCED BICYCLE. $75 00: STAINED GLASS TOOL KIT •^Gnnoef. $95 DO 933-815^ Aflur 430 IB INCH ZENITH TV. Supo. Nmt do gammfan. QtS42 »t9-7t?4 30 unm ptffl 10 carmng qu«1 * 30 runy tffl Jan Li«o ne*. Wane ctf«r >"4r PhOfw 327H594 , BABV STROLLERS (?). ^^yl craw, ru>r, OAk con«a taUNi witn Q U M mwtt t Afl in cice-lnfil tOntUmn 734-i BLACK t DECKER; V.MMI fs 1550 » O CRAFTSMAN LAWN TRACTOR. Miat aiV. 1? 5 H P . 3 vis cud. hurt pncii '133-Hrjr CREDIT CORRECTION IntupBtitivB. LeyjJ. FaM Can Anyturjf kw two infonrulion , J C Finance Concopd r CfodM & FinanaaJ Inlormaiion CUSTOM CAFIPET 0 6> 14 e S«afoarr. and mauva Dortla g prlca ong J 1.300 V ° U No* M X ) Carf Ca 33t04fl3 DISABLED? ClimtJino" • t a i n "a proot«m7 Stalrliiu. ekovjtor* arxi pmcniirM tot homes. cfturcfKt*. pwWic y LITTON ELECTRONIC TOUCHCONTROL MICROWAVE OVEN; FORMULA SU-1 STAIR STEPPER CALLH3>«W MANUAL TREADMlLL.bOa A lnx> btr». vwry ow)d pominon JK.vwg Slairt climOar. good Condition. t2O.Tmj. ?2m7S5 M I N I CAR/Go can Fo'd Musiana tit>ar(jia»« txjdy 3 n p Dnmii 4 SlrMion mtion eervnn Runsyood Jj?S 7-JJl 57B4 MOVING OUT OF THE AREA? CAIX f Ofl FREE rUBUCATION 1-800-753-3643 Monday • Sunday 34 Hour> A Day POOL; 24lt diamntar aDovw (jiournJ {9atn -PIXII ^ pool Dock laddon. covin. pump plus many a Unu SCOO 333-34?4 SOFA $330., U v w i a l S X O . bur- U > T » . ate New and uu»l AI10 n t « artitr 0pm. ami us»tl, wtwoictiair yaf,» 1-6CXJguncy uutM>v]« dot pttnt Wing chair, woptria. 774-2300. 343-3 tjO PRESSURE CLEANERS: Honda b'uo & cream p'awj w/tJutQundy |AK roll lop d««k witn maictilrtn Powored 2500 PSI-J7B0, 3000 PSI. hoart* J353. Ewcellenl condition OORMITORV SIZE ralngaralor il «mwd chair, Pidgeon Mota. 35O0 PSI$1.0OT: 4000 PSIOT27 oicoflofH condition Bicyctos. cFuKTi $»HB. 11920. $1.?QO. CaH 226-1765. $ t i « 9 . All unit! complete. Oiner rocky homo 7 1 Ovick bun©»™ Bird modet* ava<Ub*a CaU 24 hour* 1itLCO «oitd Halo onvlm sierw). STURDY COLLEGE DORM LOFT cago arM aland 333-6408 crianoa rocord play i f in nil (M9.00) AND LOVESEAT (140.00): EVENFLO DwJiijts tJionuiiiciti; Umt 1*00-403-7CB? Fnw Catalorj '.8S9-5g4t. REDUCED Pvico Saial Scons ^.icoiuam ConOiOon. 033-5041 conffiwn. Sow al Toy* H Us $t)E) B"> U J U . BX12, HAND-BRAIDED, ipmador $5., cultivator $ 5 . Prapam TWO END TABLES. ONE COFFEE My ence only $35. EMfliorac loy tunfc $ 5 . coucfi $15. *aqm $15. |OOL, GREENS/BLACK TRIM, TABLE, MARBLE TOPS; J1J5.00. mdudod Hufrymxitlaa' 779-1139 pa in I sprayer $35 . umDrelld J70 Small MalcfUna Ruga. Good 934-S0S7 FIREPLACE Loga A B u m * , $t50, 871^534 Ston; $200.00.037-5262 C'4ia WochJU) ! SEARS CRAFTSMAN router & cal« ,•335 Household t^oodS!" t ; $3a777^ $30 Houtnr/tdbor » a * taDta $15 STOOLS. Houtorooa«Ou«« 15 ThreotorS4S l $1000 aacfv Call 033-5792 aflor 331-?4ti7. COUCH-0FT. pastel brocade print. 6pm. or laavo tradiuonal 1150. Teteveiskm. SLATE POOL TABLE; Moguinuon w 130; 'Startef • wfnter coal CMCOICWTKJ, cixatJa. Sytvnno-oiJer tua wiin accei»oria*. Encolmnt Hontta pinvoum Heanen. Faciory T• Bun N B.A. autnortlc wear. $50 cundilion. S-foot Oar al>o avaiiaDM airnct 2800-PSI $799. 3W0-PSI tCOO Oolh 337-2207 331-5601. $8'J9.4O00-PSI: 1909. IOWUJI pneas gusfantwjd Wanr/ily Hosu. SoapPORCELAIN NIPPON WARE, SONY M1NIDISC SYSTEM: liicludml DUTIFUL WKjfJog a t u & *WL mrccKon. du.U udius^tw wand Heat n a dwilitop mcordirujtAiirbJCk unit, Drapes. Antique Gold. Lnud. A oil sonaur, loaded Contrfldor twnfj, headband-Wyla. Dres>u wa/krrvin pUyer & 15 miiiMJi&cs 100W * 90L. 933-5T0S DL'ry. Tni Inw Call 24 hoursl 1-flOOHOCDTU all your nxoMS. l.ipm nnd ' tnUn. long mcoveji. c»(Wino, STAINLESS STEEL POI rock B»654fl6 CDs on io rD-rocOrdat)U) 3"«3* rtvm " " I $300. CO* la givn tram dear d>gitiit jourtd )WN BELTED Leaihor Jacket JUKE BOX: I M S ROCrVOLA SO 0>ir9ly usnd JCOO or bust o'lur Call OlA lining 5 i / B ,(,. $25. Suw-e Play Julia Boa. Ir^Judnii 45FIPM Vanlcat bllndt. 1O8"«B6~, ivory !.irln;t r'-narron Cn(flncai'la antl E<t»'"al Spoaln-c vtlfa'a ptnstf-H:, hkani'n S1W, lOOKQASE, LEADED OLASS DflS, Good ConCitxm. $0GO 00. 1-8430 1ASS PORTHOLES, lobster traps. :..it],'.[p.j5 SURPLUS COMPLTER. GATEWAY 2000 WWINDOWS 5 1 . plaaM iobmrt a Written Bid by Noon on S*pt»mt>* a to: AVON LAKE PUBLIC LIBRARY. SM49 Elactnc BtMt. Avon Laka, OH 44JU. TWO WINDOW AtR CONDITIONERS. 10000 OTU. tyr old. $230 (XT. 15.DO0 DTU. $350 00 CaB 327-4 i&4 TWO WOOOBURNINO lirr^iaca minrts 34*«28*«3tT: akjnwion dog U K IUMH) Irno ) 7tr*22~<30*; Udko Ot-atl 734Q4flO UN'OUE fm»n wf popcorn wran^g machina. P*'t«cl lor ••nding operator or o * n in your own <MMDftmmunl 12.800 734-9373 UTILITY TflAILEB; 1/2cu •.•d/.TOO 10* capdCity. rnndon. lighu. L>C. $150 WI6)B7l.t?0g. VARIOUS HAHD WOOD; Cn^rry. M i « . Dottamul. Walnut Wormy t n t Call 324-2Uia. AftOf 5 DO. Wolff Tiuvung Oedl TanAlHomit Buy Direct and Sav«l CortunutiatHomw Urm From $199 Low Monthry Payments Fnja Color Cautog Can Today 1-e00-8£M310 346'Cojnpuler," ' .Eqiitprncnt . ; . ' TANOY-tOOOHX COMPUTER, MONITOR. PRINTEH. DESKMATE. CompWia Cal 333-2345. 360 Animal Services CRfTTER CA1C WB'IB ttmn wnon you can't M Crttter Cara otter* tondof. *poctaiUed canng visils tor your pel m your homo vtien you rwivo lo be flwny Wo con also provkda Irnnspcrtalion lo and (torn tna v«l and the groomer wtwn you no*d us » help For luily ln»un»d pro'uiiionu: vet nKommcndod pot cunt vi!nn in your homo *r»le you aw gnat Coll uS anytime. Dor & t-oult* Sundbarg Faafitred on P.M. Mcgailno 'DOGGIE DAY CARE" •CATF PAMPf H£D TOOI" lo Your Horn* Tand«r Loving "wt Cam VHfli. Doo W«tki, PUiycmo. Trnirum & rail VET RECQUMENOCD OONDED AND REFERENCES 734-6315 CAROL'S CANINE SCHOOL OF DOG OBEDIENCE PRESENTS PUPPY K1NOEROARTEN. BASIC HOUSEHOLD, AND ADVANCED OBEDIENCE CLASSES STAtmNQ SEPTEMBER «TH ANO 10TH. CALL 133-0543 TO REGISTER. SIAMESE KITTENS: lU-t & S«a> Point. $1?5 1-419-627-1573 | S yd k| | SIAMESE STUO SERVICE SaaiPomt I -419-627VaeaUonTTraval? PET SITTING Lovtno car* at nom* Food. w«l»f. aiiarclM HOuMwtnng Wdfti creatures all 835-4892 365 Household Pots 3 LEOPARD 0ECKO5;»(jaJlon c»g». dekjis tetup. fun roveraga rwat plats. PatrJ $450. AiWng $i75ynaoonaMg. 802-3950. ADOPT an adoraDM Utien or call All tatted, inots. torn* ipay«d/n«ularttd. dodaiH«d. Graat vvktt>t 251-1018 All NEW HAPPY JACK UQIJt-VlCT aX ligutd doworrrwr combine* safety \ convaruenca W MONTHLY proventOrt ol Inlemai parasites in dogs. AvaUable O-T-C DISCOUNT 0RUQ MART «4. 933-2337. FREE TO GOOD HOME: 2 THREEYEAR-OLD CALICOS, Spayed. Shots. Wld Sepamla Must Qo/Dua 10 AJlargns. Q34-5899 ;; :^370 Lost Pets CAT FOUND; FamaW tattoy mix. SincaSpnnq 331-B5O5 LOST CAT G AT: Large Grey Black Tob .ilrt CMslly'l, Ot'eMwtJJ ff«ss»qffijffasEaai^^ - p « r i c n c c d UJ '91 OtOS CUTLASS OERA. X 4-Door. Ewstem Conoooo. 63.000 *~ Miles. 6-Cyiirtter. 3.3 Utor Enomo. A/C. AWFM. 2bK M 6 » on Snocfca, Brake*, Ticw; W. 700*360.9302*41 TQ 4-DOOH SEDAN CUTLASS SUPREME, Indtrtos CoB Ptona & CD Ptayw. 15.50000. 933-41O 1M4 V.W. RABBIT O.TJ-; BUC*. unroof, «pon nms. Sony CO player, nica thane. 31.800. D«y 333-9250 X223Q Of Ewn. 476-1660 1963 THUNOERB1RO 5-sp lurtx). Air, CBsa., loaded. J7W). 3S1 -9514. 19U otda C U U S M c m NewMut1'a'. brahM, radiator and tiro*. 137,000 trt. Runs OruL 1950 Cttt BT1-3437 after 6pVr 1W4 CUTLASS S i m m e Oasae; 2dn. V-«. RWD, , Wiia, m many oplion*. 111,000m). Nica car vat. SI .Bee. 846-17B9. octf 17 OOOmL Just Eka new. Ccw a(moit $40,000. new-rutura eia**Jc $13,800-totx). 333-3642. 1SM TOYOTA PICKUP; 139Kml. C rp fcpWndldd p . erasbed loot box, dor dMactore, new snocfcs. tprtnos, Canary, luai p u m p i u n > u p O r i ^ l n w Run . t m , 331-1443. 1W0 BUICK USatm; Ciawm, • * Cflllcnt condition, 78.000 mllas. 55.600. CaB 635-1270. 1190 NISSAN Maxima GXE; V6, auto, tit. cruiM, tureooi, spoiler, B O M an-.tn audio, lufl [xxmr. 71 Kirt. Mint taJOO Phona ffia) 333-8308. 1S90 OLDS SILHOUETTE rrnrt « n ; 7 panongar. ad power, now lire*. $4,500. Col Dave Bntton 892-6618 or 8354500. 1991 TOYOTA wagon; ExcaUei condition, M l mattuintd. 130.000 m. at Norway. Aittng j a coo. or Dmt atlat. Evening* altar earn. 32-/-07SB. 1W2 FORD Tauiua GL; 4fl#ln*. ;ownar. all powvr. notion cond,. S7^00A)fMts. 33M1B3 ariaretxn. or laanw mwaaga. 1*93 MAZDA MX-3OS. V-e. auto. air, paiar tuwoof, I O K M . nrnwr Brva & bnkaa. Asking sa,4oa (216) 238^»3Q CLEANING • Residential Commercial/Offices • New Construction Personalized Service Bonded and Insured • Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed Amrmrst and Lorain Artas SUPERIOR GLEANJNG CARPET & FURNITURE CLEANING S 26 95 OO Sou LtWfMJl MtV 400 Boats & Motors 1S90 SEA RAT; Gnat ftTNwe I75hp. Men (rOoam/outDoard. LaDer, lop. anvtm cassette, na eqiipmenL low hours. Aahkn S9395. B71-6132Kav»n. BAYUNERf 21ft. good conditwn. rcasonapla. (216)133t-65£4. LOOKINQ FOR 23 b 35 HP. Oulboard. FOR SALE: Mate 0.8 HP. Outboard and Merc 4 HP. (days) 771-3200 trim) B3M473. 405,Carnpers & Vans; HACK HCE. OOZEfl. 0U^*• TRUCK 5EB.1CE. Cloth Fabric. Vinyl Jnd L»Uier 937-S020 UCENSED& BONDED (216)871-0820 b ''t 415 Motorcycles/, ' ,4MiniSjlkes/ .,' 1 » l HONOA Ooldwlnu & E ; Teal, 7S00rm., boded, 2-holmata w/Marcom C8. anvtmradko,pmurtoa. tZA-1. SX3J0O0.835-2663 paow 586-8330. .426 Motor.Homes^ 1S77 TITAN UOTORHOUE. 24 ft., so9 contained ganarslar, air, owning. Stoop* 9. In very good corxtlun. $5000. Cal 3UC51 a. 430 TrucKs For Salo 1W3 CHEVY 8-10 PiCK-UP, TmtMM Package. 2-Tom Pabit. V-fl, ZB l > tar. Runa araattooka Grwu1 Lots of Extras; *4 JSa-OBQ. 3Z2-46G9 CLEAN CORNERS? OV/fJER CLEANS EVERY HOME « / M I ncci] A > Vie «ittm>«t iteming *r,Wne ITTXJ^KWC Bie >tj( w juM one v r u l jen>ie. ewn wndmrt Wv icM jitffwpcnortjl Iwxfle* to K * ctainng MURRAY LANDSCAPING Bnch Palio* & Walhwsyi Spnnhiat SyVcms 892-17O3 For Your FREE ESTIMATE call: SUE LEUENBERGER 327-4455 > Vie is: Unshed nfwi you v a \ 1979 APPUANCE SERVICE "We Service ALL Major Brands' 933-5565 1-800-707-ANDY • Roofing • • Siding • • Windows • • Painting • • Carpentry • • Gutters • • Masonry • UGHTING FIXTURES & LAMPS PADDLE FANS • SHADES •PARTS GLASSWARE • BULBS call (216) 933-5100 for info repotrs lo lamps and fixtures RES1O£KT1AL & CCUUERCIAL EUCTR1CAL WIRING SEffflCE Houra: 3-5 JO Uzmtrt tfvu Fiidjy Call 24 Hrs. A Day WSrf 373tT Cotondo'Aw (Rt l i t ) . Awn 835-3377 ANDI • rres Estmates Ary Type Pipet • R'iswutie Rjtrt K*thy Smith 327-3842 ELECTRIC Commercial - Residential Licensed • Bonded • Insured Bob McMuldren Interior/Exterior Painting Wallpaper Hanging Ption&'Fax (216)933-6181 779-9188 ^ - FREE ESTIMATES Russ Harkins 949-6075 v.937-6482 « other A«i, 1-800-762-9341 Forthofer Home Improvement Inc. Additions, Sidino. Roo:s, Kitcrxrts. Batluooms. Windows, Doors. & Ducks (216)9344205 • (216)647-9024 vjinilslalnu liat<*t Ur KEARNEY CONSTRUCTION Netd * n up»i*tf» tmr»n«d. adding on « family ioon o« ga/agu' For major o' minor rppoiri. coll to' a '""* mtimjt* 937-6337wt 930-5222 933-0670 'Wars Puoguessioe Landscape "LtndiCApt fifjinutiuntr 5peciiUits " CLEAN UPS • MOWING • SNOWPLOWING COMMERCIAL • R£SIDEr^nAL bk • Eufxriwicetl • Iniutcd 930-5 190 ADDITIONS EXCAVATIONS CONCRETE •n CHEVY CONVERSION VAN; Good Condldon, NowTires, 01.000 Mites, VtflOO. D3O-5223. *93 FORO HIOM-TOP E-1W VAN; TV, VCR, V-8, J12.700. 218-2205257. WHY DO SO MANY CALL... Uranum Crdrr soeoo A W JON S*ruor Cibttna OiCOunl t:*azmmjaxxx. Sporta and m<xxts» 4«4*i and mora. B0O-974-4749, Btt. 4175. SEIZED CAR3 Irom SI 75. Porscrws. CadilUcs, Chevy*. B M W i , Cor> vatiaa. Also Jerp«. 4WD"s. Your Area. To! Free 1-000-2154000 EJL A-S47S lorcunart Istings. Reuphols taring Foctur Work lafftS « * * ' Lints -flnj/Sione. Sag tit (Oon mtwiuplo 900 m ft i t u o u n Cuiumouwr a o«*>ong« iiaoon. Uu*. M S M ooot»- 1W5 NISSAN A SeJAnrana C v . 37^00 MftM. N*« Tlrat; Exarilent ConOMon. I1B.700.930-1647 1BW CHflYBLER Cirrus LX; VS. power Mtodows. toO<s. atorm. iwnots entry, crutw. P«arl Qk«. 22K U n COndtttaft 331-8738. • X - c v l I c n t UPHOLSTEHY 4 DECORATING FREE Estimates 't Bon. loadad opOOfiB. &0.D0OM.. ton package. JilJOQ. Cat B35-27B0. 1 M 2 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE,' Wetf-MoJnuirwd. AO Pwx. 1O0K Mi^M. 3BJS0O. CM Evwihor- (2lfl) 671-2394. 1994 FOflO Taurus; 4Or. aN power. KATHY'S EXCAVATING DAY'S EASE, INC. 327-6346 OTHERS SEND YOU A CLEANING TEAM-WE SEND YOU SERVICE! • X-act DECKS/PATIOS , - Exterior House Cleaning Professional Deck Cleaning & Sealing Distressed by Pregnancy? Call Birthright at Call todny for a free c 322-4652 or 244-4652 2517 I Lenny's Glass Service Company CALL 949-5442 M-F 8-5 • Sat. 8-3 Storms-Screens Repaired HARTSEL ELECTRIC UcensodBondedlnaured 937-5750 i PflESSUHE WASHING IMC. 934-1OO8 LI :--216-^33-7060 v -V-l-800-943-WASH: Proftssional Service' Hnvlrunnicniutl.v Sih Senior Discounts Insured AITordublc FREF ESTIMATES BACKHOE • BULLDOZER •x DUMP TRUCK « COMPLETE EXCAVATION & CONCRETE LANDSCAPING SUPPLIES TOP SOIL - MULCH - RIVER ROCK • STONE EMERGENCY SERVICE VSPECIALSST {216)933-9450 934-4213 \JW1 • ;. DIMITRIOS COMPAN Your Single Source for Quality Home Repairs """ RXTn^'-^VHEPAlft'm? .WHENMfOUfl HOrirNEEDsriEPAiRS^fj 'CALL:930^4724rSi • SIDING Sftmglej • $Ult • i[itXtt Roolifn] • Wood ShJl* CuflcfiD<n>n5poul) • Tejr OtT* • Reroofj • Recun-: HANPYMAH SERVICE Ciipentrv • EtetUiCJl • Home PimOno • Plwntwig READ & USE THE CLASSIFIEDS / TIM FORTHOFER Builder • Contractor Home Remodeling NEW CASTLE ROOFING CO.! Garages WK CHAttCK HV THK J o n . NO! ItV Till; HOUR Remodeling Additions Kitchens e: 9376430 34875 Timberview Dr.,, Avon on OH OH44011 26 Y 26 Years E Experience THE CROWNING ACCENTS FOR YOUR HOME SHINGLES • FLAT ROOFS • CUTTERS ^ WINDOWS • SIDING • KITCHEN & BATH Cleveland 392-3696 . Lorom 950-2599 FREE ESTIMATES Phone 933-2517 Fax 933-5656 9.14.4716 O/wr 20 Yeara Expcnencc uilders inc. rAIRWEATHEHZOOFING 690 Moore Road • Avon Lake. Ohio 44012 T « , m ' S E N T ! A L l C 0 M M E « C I A L & INDUSTRIAL Tear ottRerodi . BuJt-up. Modified Asphalt butters & Downspouts • Single Ply Rubber ?-!^?,™ ' AfChrtKtural Staring Seam tSTlMATES/RADIQ DISPATCHED CRANE SERVICE FKEE ESTIMATES WINDOWS, DOORS, & DECKS, INC. VINYL SIDING SPETIAUSTS • Steel Entry Doois • Custom Built Decks 949-8710 "If It's Made Of WOOD FIRST IMPRESSIONS LAST FOREVER... 'Custom Cutter Presents PVC seamless steel siding We Can Dolt" BOOKSHELVES a! O'lUmanrs • ROOFINGS BATHS • KITCHENS • GARAGES WINDOW REPLACEMENT • DRIVEWAYS ROOM ADDITIONS • POLE BARNS 1IOUSE ERECTION • PATIOS VINYL SIDING .MARK UUDZ1AK AVON, OHIO SUMMER SgmCiAL CROWN MOLDING/FINE TRIM ENTERTAINMENT CENTERS KITCHEN CABINETS-REFACING WOODWORKING! FINANCING AVAILABLE FHEE ESTIMATES 2334450 f * « 4 FIREPLACE MANTLES 320-7 Free Consultations and Estimates References Available GARRETT-DUBER PAINTING, INC. 933-7898 Service All Makes & Models Whole Hoi'se Air Duct Cleaning •• Furnace Rwairs rurn^ce M'irjairs INTERIOR - EXTERIOR WORKERS COME ' « r—tf-v I : A Waif^parfr?0 lr; Deck P^r&h&g;* Pete* Washing 933-8676 949-251S n • v.n-,i i BONDED • INSURED Additions - Decks • Kitchens • Baths Siding • Windows • Doors • Roolmg I FREE ESTIMATES OWNER OPERATED • FREE ESTIMATES Ejilorfor/lnlorlor Repair & R e m o d f l l i n g • Knch«..i5 • Ballirooms • Windows * Dows - OfywjH • Decks 'No Job Too Sntnir Very Heason.iWe Prices FOR A FREE ESTIMATE CALL SIECRIST HOME IMPROVEMENT HOME REMODELING "3-9495 r VISIT OUR a^# ^ ^ . ^ -«O Sewer. Gas and Electric Lines Dump Trued BacMioe Services Limestone Holub's Excavating Personalized Service tor Small Odd Jobs Rick Hdub Free Estimates [216)933-4233 ( Bonded 4 Insured RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL State Certified Backflow Inspect SHOWROOM 174 Lear Ba.. Avon Lake 933-8685 Cleve. 621-6332 Call: 933-8686 or 621-6332 MOEN Authorised Dealor ol ptodutls Roller R i i "Fr.aturinx CARAGE DOORS v £S£i S£^SK W8 OOOR & OPERATORS RnWtntial i Cominmul USS^^; HOUSEWORK ETC. .}&&8S&»S Smce 1368 . 933-2O66 871-0506 327-72711 • Free Estimates Fte« consultations WE ARE T H E RESIDENTIAL CLEANING SERVICE Call (or borough. consistent quality. Your home or ottice is always managed by the same person. We are dependable and we are insured and bonded. ISP 1 is H is "The Super Store With So Much More" f mssx i K. iHHI i Claw Cooker HtnU] • WIiol«»*le F « K U • Wliolculi M**U Avon's ONLY Family Owned & Operated Grocery Store Since 19S0 HOURS • HF 9-9 • SAT &« • SUN. 9-6 37500 COLORADO HD., AVON, OHIO 934-5403 i Kipl • UFS SUppb^ SUliaa • 5< Pholo Copl" o< Llceiu* O A Cut Above The _ Rest _ i | • Anal* of A*oB Homcmule Foodj • Hug Dr. KenUl >TO,U»«X QUANTITIES *5 T U B A S COOD HOWTVES- AUd'ST M . 1 »*T O« WIlttK SLTTtOCa LAST ESfi U.S.DA Choice Mi:* wPi U.SJ)J\ Choice 3 to 4 lb. avg,. £ Porterhouse lb. lb. '.'•'-/•" "r>,-."'. 'jgaiag U.S.DA 5 e ^ U.S.DA Choice 4lbs.ormore Fresh, Lean U.S.DA. Choice Boneless Ib. U.S.DA Choice Boneless Farm Fresh Split ilbiormoK Value Pak Ib. Oscar Mayer lb. JOSDA Choice Lieberman's EveofRoaad Corned Beef Briskets i Chipped or Chopped Ham •DAiRYsDEPT. Peaches Smith's 2%, W or Skim Milk Smith's French Onion Dip Hillanthle Fanns Grade "A" ! Ice Cream tf£o Homestyte or Buttermilk .ISot Seedleas Grapes B 01. pha. 4ft^ A » l > Of AVON'I Homom«d« S«l«d* & P*»trl«* Aim Your Choice Orange Juice Ililbndale Farms Gndc "AA" Holt Pockets Butter Banana Pops Pierre's All Kellogg's Variety Pak Cereal........ Charcoal Briquets_io ib. bag Italian Bread_ PepSl Cola...2 liters Nabisco Your Choice, Style Oreo's™ HOW AVAILABLE At Smith's Hi-C Lunch Box Pepsi Products & 20«. Vuur Choice Nabisco Honey Maid Grahams H* Chef Boyardee Microwave Drinks.. Meals.. _ 7 Buckeye Brand Variety Crane Wafers or VVeU Toaster Pastries or Fudge Cookies Cereal Bars Hiflandale Farms Grade "A" Smith's l%-2% Large Eggs Skim Milk ig Without $10 purchase $1.99 While Supplies last ™ Fudge Bars Smith"s 100\ Pure Patio Chef Hickory & Oak 5 M 6 9 Wonder Family Plain or Seeded Waffles Pierre s Large Eggs Wtill. Sailed 4i |Jri*jill>a nerrc i Super Stfoop gamiiy Italian Breaif Machine Inside