Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy Welcome to the Cathedral Parish of
Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy Welcome to the Cathedral Parish of
Making Church matter …….. CONFIRMATION 2016 Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy December 8, 2015 – November 20, 2016. “I think we too are the people who, on the one hand, want to listen to Jesus, but on the other hand, at times, like to find a stick to beat others with, to condemn others. And Jesus has this message for us: mercy. I think - and I say it with humility - that this is the Lord's most powerful message: mercy.” Pope Francis Welcome to the Cathedral Parish of SAINTS MARY & JOSEPH 132 DANGAR St (PO Box 2025) ARMIDALE 2350 PH 6772 2218 [email protected] www.smjcathedral.org.au Making “Catholic” matter ! Faithful to the Teaching of the Apostles Faithful to Prayer Faithful to the Breaking of the Bread Alive in the Community of the Spirit Sharing what we have with those in need Acts 2:42-46 PENTECOST SUNDAY (C/2) Sunday 15th May 2016 Psalter Week 3 Welcome to the candidates, their sponsors and their families for the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation this Sunday during the 10am Mass. THE SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION: Baptism, the Eucharist, and the Sacrament of Confirmation together constitute the “sacraments of Christian initiation”, whose unity must be safeguarded. It must be explained to the faithful that the reception of the sacrament of Confirmation is necessary for the completion of baptismal grace. For “by the sacrament of Confirmation, (the baptized) are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. Hence they are, as true witnesses of Christ, more strictly obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1285) LITURGY THIS WEEK 9.15AM; 6PM VIGIL MASS PENTECOST SUNDAY 8AM; 10AM CONFIRMATION; 5.30PM MONDAY: 7AM; 12.30PM Cathedral TUESDAY: 7AM; 9.15AM; Cathedral WEDNESDAY: 9.15AM De la Salle Chapel; 12.30PM Cathedral; THURSDAY: 7AM; 9.15AM Cathedral FRIDAY: 9.15AM; 5.40PM SATURDAY: 9.15AM; 6PM VIGIL MASS SUNDAY: The Most Holy TRINITY 8AM; 10AM; 5.30PM SACRAMENT of PENANCE FRIDAY: 5-5.30PM SATURDAY: 11.30AM-12NOON; 4.30-5.30PM SATURDAY: SUNDAY: ROSARIES THIS WEEK: Tuesday 17th May, in the home of Helen Abood, 76 Faulkner St at 4pm. All welcome. FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING THIS TUESDAY, 17TH MAY, 5.30PM IN THE HOLY FAMILY MEETING ROOM. Across the Generations……. WUCWO (World Union of Catholic Women’s Organisations) day.. 9.15am Mass, Thursday 19th May followed by morning tea at Rene’ on the Mews. There will be a collection at Mass to support the work of WUCWO. Enquiries to Margaret on 6772 3790 or Robyn on 6772 2434. PRAYER FOR ARMIDALE…this Monday, 16th May, 7.308.30pm at St Peter’s Parish Centre. Supper to follow. All welcome. Solemnity of Corpus Christi 2016 Cathedral Parish Sunday 29th May Following the 10am Mass Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament 12noon Awakening the Faithful……. Simon Habel, Program Manager for Catholic Earthcare Australia (our Bishops’ official Commission on Justice, Ecology, and Development) will speak on Pope Francis’ Encyclical “ LAUDATO SI”, on Ecology and Climate, Thursday June 30, 5.30 to 7pm, in the Torreggiani Room. All are welcome. CATHOLIC WOMEN CONNECTING… next meeting Saturday 21st May, at 5pm in the Holy Family Parish Centre. We will be having a pot luck dinner! So bring a plate to share. All women welcome ! Armidale menALIVE…6:30 – 8 pm, Wednesday 18th May in the Holy Family Parish Centre, (please enter via the second side entrance). Contact Cathedral Parish Office or email [email protected] All interested members of the Armidale parish are warmly invited to the Catholic Mission Diocesan Dinner 2016 Saturday 11th of June 2016, 6.30 for 7pm. Torregiani Room, Catholic Cathedral Precinct, Armidale. Please join supporters of Catholic Mission from across the Armidale Diocese for this inaugural fundraising event. Jacqueline Toakley, Diocesan Director for Armidale, will speak about the work of the Catholic Church in Cambodia. Special guest: Most Reverend Michael Kennedy DD, Bishop of Armidale. $25.00 pp. RSVP: Friday 3 June. 67713517 or email: [email protected] CENTACARE PARENTING COURSES…see notice board for details or visit our Parish website under LINKS to the Centacare website. Seeking Out those who Belong……. REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS THIS WEEK: the weekly bulletin. Instead, they will be arranged as currently on the bulletin with all ministries together approximately 3 months at a time…not a separate roster for each ministry. The first of this roster format is now available on our Parish website, (contact Parish Office for password)…some copies are available in the Cathedral foyer. If you would like the Rosters emailed to you, please email the Parish Office with your current email address. [email protected] RECENTLY DECEASED: Wayne Cooper, Lorraine Gray (Tamworth), David St Clair Swan (UK), Bishop John Satterthwaite, Fr Geoff Dickinson, Fr Terence Hogan (Parramatta), Concepcion Llave (Philippines), Roy Wright, Campbell Fleming, Allan Cooper, Lyn Wakeling (Mudgee), Baby Frankie Cuskelly (Maitland), George Rohde, Norma Burns (QLD), Sr Ella Mangan RSM ANNIVERSARIES: Sarah Kliendienst, Maureen Halloway, Jarrod Allcock, Richard Devine SICK: Ghodsi Amini, Mark Norman, Geraldine Giannikas, Susan Maye, Michael Zhu, Michael Moloney, Aeron Ryan, Helen Hesketh, John Fleming, Laurie Fahy, Blake Ross, Gemma Milliken, Joseph O’Brien, Deacon Peter Harrison, Frederic Koelmeyer, Kay Robertson, Sandra Devine, Maureen Veitch, Maria Selvey, Russell Wicks, Eleanor Pankhurst, Kay Goodwin, Norma O’Brien, Anne Simpson, Ellen Snell, Michael Hartmann, Silvia & Ralph Bowles NB In keeping with Professional Standards we are trying to move away from publishing names openly on the website, hence passwords etc. ROSTERS THIS WEEKEND 15th MAY ROSTERS…As of next weekend, rosters will not be included on PARISH REGISTRATION…all parishioners who are involved in works of the Church in the parish, e.g. readers, leaders, cantors, extraordinary ministers, servers, sacristans, wardens, porters, catechist, choir, schola, etc etc…please register with the Parish Office. We need names, emails, mobile phone numbers. Some ministries require Working With Children Checks… WELCOMERS: 6pm Vigil: R Davis 8am: P Spilsbury 10am: McGrath Family 5.30pm: P Robinson READERS: 6pm Vigil: M Atchison, N Brennan 8am: G Burton, S Fleming 10am: L Herden, L Quast 5.30pm: S Frazier, R Menz PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL: 6pm Vigil: I Clark 8am: F Miron 10am: L Tindale 5.30pm: J Roff EM's: 6pm Vigil: T Dubois 8am: B Burton 10am: C Allen 5.30pm: L Turley COUNTERS: K McCartney, K Nixon, K De Souza CLEANERS: LOM SUPPORT YOUR PRIESTS AND YOUR PARISH: 1ST COLLECTION (supports the clergy): BSB: 082-105 Acc. No: 001023527 2ND COLLECTION (supports the Cathedral and parish): BSB: 082-105 Acc. No: 001006225 (Reference with your Planned Giving Number and your name)
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