Worship Service - Abyssinian Baptist Church
Worship Service - Abyssinian Baptist Church
Worship Service February 7, 2016 “To all those who enter here, be thoughtful, be silent, be reverent. Before the service, speak to God. During the service, let God speak to you. After the service, speak to others.” 11:30 AM Reverend Dr. Calvin O. Butts, III Prelude James Davis Jr., Organist Leader: Call to Worship When we go through deep waters, People: God will walk with us. Leader: When we pass through the river of difficulty, People: The waters will not overtake us. Leader: When we walk through the fire of trials and temptation, People: We will not be burned, and flames will not harm us. Leader: In every generation, God has kept His promise. What then shall we say to these things? All: If God be for us, who can be against us? AMEN. The Lord’s Prayer Processional "Lift Every Voice and Sing" #540 Invocation and Chant Responsive Reading “Liberation” Old Testament #30 Gloria Patri Prayer and Choral Response Anthem "Ain't Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around" arr. James Davis Jr. The Inspirational Voices of Abyssinian & The Total Praise Ensemble Pastoral Emphasis Scripture Meditation "My Life Is in Your Hands" Kirk Franklin The Inspirational Voices of Abyssinian & The Total Praise Ensemble Sermon and Invitation Invitational Offertory: Offertory Sentences & Selections "Jesus Is a Rock" Percy Bady The Inspirational Voices of Abyssinian & The Total Praise Ensemble Doxology Offertory Prayer Recessional "Walking Up the King's Highway" #402 Benediction and Amen / Postlude _____________________________________________________________ BIBLE STUDY • NEW MEMBERS CLASS • SERVICES OFFERED Sunday Morning Praying Band – Sundays - 7:00 AM Sunday Morning Bible Study – 8:45 AM Monday Afternoon Bible Class – 12:00 PM Wednesday Mid-Week Manna Service – 7:00 PM NEW MEMBERS CLASS SCHEDULE - Meets Sundays, 8:30 AM |Blue Room Class #1 At the Cross: Jesus and Salvation – February 7 Class #2 Faith Foundations: Baptist Polity and Practices – February 14 Class #3 The Abyssinian Baptist Church: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow – February 21 Class #4 Giving God Our Best: Worship & Stewardship – February 28 PRAYER REQUESTS • Prayer Request forms are available at Ushers’ station in back of Sanctuary’s center aisle, and via www.abyssinian.org/connect/prayer-requests/. Prayer Band meets Sundays, 7AM in Vestry for prayer & testimony. BABY BLESSINGS • Babies are blessed on the 2nd Sunday in 11:30 AM service. Baby Blessing Class is held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6PM in the Nursery and must be attended by parents who want to have their child blessed at Abyssinian. Next Class: Wednesday, February 17, 2016. To register, call x255. WEDDINGS • Considering marriage? If you plan to get married at Abyssinian, call 212.862.7474, ext. 255, to check availability of the church, and arrange pre-marital counseling. You must also schedule an appointment with Abyssinian’s Wedding Coordinator, Tamieka L. Jones, at “A Perfect Setting Inc..,” 800-451-2951 or [email protected]. MEDIA • Photographs and Audio/Video recordings are not permitted in the Sanctuary. Cell phones are to be turned off during worship service. Only the Church’s official photographer and ABY/TECH are allowed to take pictures or record services. CHURCH TOURS •The Abyssinian Archives and History Ministry provides quarterly Church Tours on 2nd Sundays following the 11:30 AM service. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS • To The Abyssinian Baptist Church – Thank you to all for your kindness to the Lilly family in our recent loss. – Constance Lilly & Family. AbyWEST Moves Forward 3.0 in 24 Mo! Campaign is well underway Spring 2015 We are very grateful to the membership for their support of our effort to build a $12MM educational center. Following our initial appeal, more than 40% of our members responded to the plea to make a supporting pledge. We are making progress toward the achievement of our goal to raise $3mm in 24 months. Thanks to your generous support we are one-third of the way there. Heed the Call – Make Your Pledge Today! 100% Member Participation Requested For those who have not made a pledge, there is no time like the present. Our goal is to attain 100% participation from our members. Pledge cards are available in the church elevator lobby and at Abyssinian.org via the “AbyWEST” icon. Your completed pledge card can be left at the front desk in the Trustee mailbox. With your help, our goal to raise $3mm in 24 months will be realized. Thank you for your continued support! Dedicated to “the Worship of God and the Service of Humanity.” Winter 2015 PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY “And Jesus spoke a parable unto them to this end, that they ought always pray, and not faint” LUKE 18:1 THE ABYSSINIAN BAPTIST CHURCH Start the New Year with 40 Days of Prayer We launched into 2016 in focused themes of prayer over 40 consecutive days. This time of prayer began January 1 and ends February 9. P: PRAISE - JANUARY 1 –10 In the first 10 days we prayed prayers of Praise and Thanksgiving R: REPENTANCE & RECONCILIATION - JANUARY 11 – 20 The second set of 10 days we prayed for Repentance & Reconciliation A: ABYSSINIAN BAPTIST CHURCH - JANUARY 21 – 30 The third set of 10 days we prayed for Abyssinian’s leaders, members, ministries, and community, and for Abyssinian Affiliates, Abyssinian Development Corporation, AbyFund, Youth On The Move, Blue Nile Passage, Thurgood Marshall Academy for Learning and Social Change and Thurgood Marshall Academy Lower School Y: YES - JANUARY 31 – FEBRUARY 9 For the fourth and last set of 10 days we will pray for a Year of YES! We are praying for souls to say YES to the Lord in Salvation, and for more believers to say YES to the Lord in Spiritual Growth and Discipleship #PRAYFOR40 For information and content during 40 days of prayer, stay connected with Abyssinian www.abyssinian.org or the follow us on: Search: The Abyssinian Baptist Church in the City of New York, Inc. @AbyssinianBC @AbyssinianBC Also, receive daily scriptures to your mobile device by texting “Abyprays” to 55469 Day 31 – January 31 John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Day 32 – February 1 Romans 10:9 - That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Day 33 – February 2 John 20:31 - But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name. Day 34 – February 3 John 10:28 - And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. Day 35 – February 4 John 5:24 - “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life. Day 36 – February 5 Psalm 27:4 - One thing I have desired of the Lord, That will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord. All the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the Lord, And to inquire in His temple. Day 37 – February 6 Matthew 5:16 - Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Day 38 – February 7 Matthew 5:13 - You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. Day 39 – February 8 Romans 8:28 - And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Day 40 – February 9 Matthew 6:33 - But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. ABYSSINIAN INSTITUTE FOR CHRISTIAN EDUCATION 2016 WINTER SERIES ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Spiritual Gifts Workshop Tuesday: February 9 | 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM | Blue Room Instructor: Minister Pamela Mason Pray Versus Prey Tuesday: February 9 | 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM | Vestry Instructor: Reverend R.L. Bachus A 40-Day Fasting Experience Tuesdays: February 16, 23 | 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM | Vestry Instructors: Reverend R.L. Bachus and Minster Pamela D. Mason “Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights, He was hungry” - Matthew 4:1-2 Most of us cannot do what Jesus did for 40 days and nights, but we can serve Him as the prophetess, Anna did. At age 84, she worshiped Jesus through fasting and praying (Luke 2:37). During the 2016 Lenten Season, we are calling all Abyssinians to participate in our first 40-day corporate fasting experience. We will read the same scriptures, pray the same prayers, and fast together to strengthen our ministries and renew the witness of Christ in our lives. The journey begins on February 10 th, followed by two special sessions to discuss details of the fast and hear from our first lady, Mrs. Patricia Butts on the health benefits of fasting. This is an exciting time so plan to join us as we unite our hearts together to achieve a deeper spiritual connection with God through Christ. *Medical Disclaimer: Members with medical concerns should check first with their doctors to be sure they are physically, mentally and emotionally able to participate in a fasting experience. PRAYER STARTERS Day 1 – February 10 • Scripture Reading: Psalm 37:1-40 Day 2 – February 11 • Statement and Prayer of Affirmation: “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Dear Lord, as I delight myself in You please grant me the desires of my heart. Day 3 – February 12 • Reflection: What does it mean to delight myself in the Lord? Day 4 – February 13 • Meditation: Identify what the desires of your heart are? REGISTER ONLINE: www.abyssinian.org For more information, contact: Assistant Minister for Christian Education, Pamela D. Mason, Ext. 204 ABYSSINIAN INSTITUTE FOR CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Searching the Scriptures | 2016 Bible Study Course Schedule __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MONDAY Noon-Day Bible Study February March April May June 8, 22, 29 7, 14, 21, 28 4, 11, 18, 25 2, 9, 16, 23 6, 13, 20, 27 Noon-Day Bible Study Class Not in Session President’s Day 2/15 • Memorial Day 5/30 SISTERHOOD BIBLE STUDY February 8, 22 March 14, 28 April 11, 25 May 9, 23 June 13, 27 BROTHERHOOD BIBLE STUDY February March April May June 8, 22 14, 28 11, 25 9, 23 13, 27 YOUNG ADULT BIBLE STUDY Saturdays March April May June 5 2 7 4 Happy Birthday to Abyssinians Born in February Jacqueline C. Addison 19 Jill Clayton 3 Oscar Allen, III 17 Hazel Cook Sampson 23 Rahesha Amon 14 Millicent Cotto, Esq. 12 Daniele Barclay 26 Grace Crosdale 22 Gary Barker 20 Margaret Crusoe 1 Terence Barnes 3 Bria Culpepper 4 Gyl-Maria Bartholomew 27 Olga Dais 23 Kevin Beckles 19 Keithara Davis 20 Gloria Benfield 5 Doris Davis 29 James Bernasko 1 Sharline Dawes 5 Daniel Bivins 17 Angela De La Cruz 4 Patricia Black 26 Jacqueline DeFares 2 Jacqueline Blackett 21 Eunia Destine 23 Christopher Blackwood 21 Thelma Dye-Holmes 15 Tiffany Boards 20 Loretta Edwards 11 Renee Briggs-King 2 Greer Ellis Coleman 15 Elijah Brooks 5 Yamisi F Mbourounda 2 Scherley Broun 4 Bobby Feimster 18 Edward Brown 12 Donald Ferguson 24 Gary Brown 25 Dena Ferreira 20 Vanessa Burton 15 Sherema Fleming 13 Sydney Bush-McCurtis 13 Floria Foote 15 Patricia Butts 9 Dina F Osbourne 1 Gloria Byrd 28 Yvonne Franck 16 Beatrice Cain 28 Regina Frierson 23 Damon Caldwell 2 Seba Fuller 10 Ethel Calhoun 25 Laura Gadson 10 Vivian Campbell 4 Garyallen Glass 17 Toby Carmichael 16 Earnestine Glover 28 Sabrina Carten 25 Muriel Goods 23 Destiny Carter - Carey 27 Felicia Gray 23 Selina Chavis 7 LaJuana Green 3 Donna Cherry 11 L.Brian Griffin 14 Sonya Chestnut 12 Patricia Griffin 10 Rether Clark-Parker 25 Kevin Griffith 26 Karla HaggodSimmons 22 Karen Madison 8 Sheila Hall 20 Stacey Maldonado 22 Carolyn Halls 14 Judy Marc 2 Wendy Hanes 12 Milton Matthews 2 Margery Hannah 7 Sonya Maxwell 25 Monica Harte-Palmer 13 Silo Mbame 10 Alvin Harvin 20 Marvin McCutcheon 19 Lisa Henderson 18 Normalyn McDade 5 Adriene Holder 4 Michelle McFadden 25 Rosie Howlett-Badu 28 Virginia McKenzie 9 Sandra Indrathaher 26 Megan McLaughlin 22 Jerome Jackson 18 Herbert McLaughlin 7 Kelly Jackson 20 Jacqueline McLean 15 Marilyn Jackson Chapple 15 Sheilisa McNeal 24 Michelle James 29 Joel Mentor 8 Debra James 16 Christopher Michael 6 Ayinka Janette 26 Carol Mills 25 Ingrid Jean-Baptiste 19 Janet Mitchell 1 Jerome Jenkins 6 Athena Moore 24 Roy Jennings 10 Brenda Morgan 26 Evonne Jennings Tolbert 4 Sandra Morrison 29 May Johnson 29 Xenia Murray 14 Ronald Jones 4 Norma Myers 2 Alexa Jordan 20 Garfield Needham 12 Willa Kester 24 Gwendolyn Nelson 13 Rebecca King 6 Linda Newell 18 Fabienne Kirk 11 Alberta Newton 10 Carolyn Lassiter 14 Sophia Nichson 4 James Lassiter, Jr. 12 Judith Parker 27 Renee Lindo-Hargett 15 Marsha Patrick 1 Sean Long 26 Annie Petrus 19 Kathy Long 20 Emerson Phillips 29 Denise Lopes 6 Betty Pierce 7 Sheila Louallen Blakeney 27 Blondel Pinnock 23 Johanne Louis 20 Avis Privott-Yeiser 26 Yvonne Lucas 1 Herbert Proctor 15 Kyle Lucas 18 Denise Reed 11 Valerie Rhodes 2 Elston Streeter 9 Keith Roach 7 Peggy Stukes 20 Raymond Rolle 13 A. Lenora Taitt-Magubane 8 Deborah Romain 17 Christine Taylor-Alston 8 Ashaki Rucker 5 Mary Williams 26 Brandon Sanders 20 Barry Williams 8 Helen Sapp 4 Deborah Willis 5 Nubia Scott-Bennett 25 Bedelia Woods 16 Herbert Segar, Sr. 8 Roy Yarborough 7 Vanetta Singletary 26 Charles Yarbrough 23 Joy Singleton 18 Jerome Yeiser 12 Kimberly Singleton 9 Tomara Young 25 Bertha Smith 24 Jose Zenon 28 Melvin Smith 15 Roger 14 Emilio Smith SmithKimbrough Sosa Jeffrey Spriggs 4 Fred Staton 14 FRED STATON Amirah Thomas 4 Alexis Thomas 9 Turns 101 Years of Age on Next Sunday, February 14th Yvonne Thomas- Gray 17 Deborah Tucker 11 Lana Turner 8 Yusef Waliyaya 15 Gregg Walker 14 Gerri Warren Merrick 5 Ebony Washington 15 Ronald West 11 Wesley White 20 Karima Wilkins-Smart 21 Mattie 7 23 Abyssinian Member In honor of his birthday and musical achievements, a celebration is planned for February 15th, 7:00 PM at: Associated Musicians of Greater NY Headquarters 322 West 48th Street between 8th & 9th Avenues Manhattan, New York Abyssinian members who want to celebrate Fred Staton at this special recognition event should RSVP to 212.245.3999, Ext.16. MINISTRY THE ABYSSINIAN BROTHERHOOD MINISTRY hosts THE ANNUAL SUPER BOWL FELLOWSHIP TODAY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2016 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM WATCH SUPER BOWL 50 GAME On Big Screen TV in the Aby Café and Enjoy Food Plus Prizes Bring your Favorite Dish!!! (to feed six people) The Abyssinian Baptist Church Health & Women’s Ministries Designer Heart Affair Honorary Chairperson Suzzanne Douglas The Parent Hood, How Stella Got Her Groove Back, Jason’s Lyric Saturday, February 20, 2016 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM Event to Feature Performances by Guest Artists “RED ATTIRE FASHION SHOW” Showcasing many of our City’s finest luminaries and First Ladies from Harlem’s prominent churches Vendors • Silent Auction • Health Screenings And Educational Information At the Art Gallery & Herbert Cave Auditorium Harlem Hospital Center 216 Malcolm X Boulevard Patricia R. Butts, Creator and Program Chairperson Reverend Dr. Calvin O. Butts, III – Pastor “GO RED FOR WOMEN” THE ABYSSINIAN BAPTIST CHURCH with THE MATTIE FLETCHER POWELL • SATELLITE MINISTRY celebrate Black History Sunday FEBRUARY 28, 2016 9:00 AM & 11:30 AM WORSHIP SERVICES with Guest Preacher Reverend Matthew V. Johnson, Ph.D Pastor – Mount Moriah Baptist Church, Birmingham, AL At The Abyssinian Baptist Church 132 Odell Clark Place, NY 10030 Reverend Dr. Calvin O. Butts, III – Pastor 212.862.7474 (T) | 212.862.3255 (F) | www.abyssinian.org LITERATURE Abyssinian’s Sister-to-Sister Book Ministry is currently reading "The Coming" by Daniel Black. The Ministry’s next meeting takes place in AbyCafé on Saturday, February 13th at 10:00 AM. Author will be present for book discussion. See Abyssinian, Harlem, and Black America through the eyes of women of the black church in CHURCH LADIES: Untold Stories of Harlem Women in the Powell Era by our own, Dr. Martia Goodson. In this book, over a dozen Abyssinian women talk about their church lives in the 1920-1970 era, and their struggles against Jim Crow alongside their pastor, congressman, confidant, Reverend Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Available at bookstore.authorhouse.com, and coming soon in Abyssinian’s Lobby Bookstore. COMMUNITY Join the New York Women’s Agenda (NYWA) and The Enterprising Women Foundation (EW) for the “New York Enterprising Women Mentoring Tea” on February 12, 2016, 4:00 – 6:00 PM, at Marymount Manhattan College, 221 East 71st Street, NY, NY 10021. To become a sponsor, purchase event ticket(s), and/or nominate a High School girl for the scholarship, go to: http://newyorkwomensagenda.org/nywa-events/2016-STEM-Mentoring-Tea HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS CAN ATTEND FOR FREE. They must register with us, and present identification at the door. Winners of the scholarship will be announced at February 12th Mentoring Tea. Two girls will receive a scholarship to include air fare, hotel, meals and incidentals for themselves and one parent or adult chaperone to attend 2016 Enterprising Women Conference in Miami, FL on February 28 – March 1, 2016. For more information, contact: Gena Lovett, [email protected], 646.554.8886, or Alexis Thomas, [email protected]. ARTS & CULTURE ECLIPSED, the new play by Danai Gurira, directed by Liesl Tommy, and starring Academy Award-winner, Lupita Nyong'o, runs for Limited Engagement Performances beginning February 23, 2016. Tickets - $89/$69/$59 with code ECTALL1123 (reg.$146/$99/$77), visit www.telechargeoffers.com or call 212.947.8844, Golden Theatre Box Office, 252 West 45 th Street between 7th & 8th Ave. Discounts for groups of 10+ call 646.467.7393. MAURICE HINES TAPPIN' THRU LIFE, A SONG & DANCE MUSICAL, Runs now to 2/28/16 at New World Stages, 340 W. 50th Street between 8th & 9th Aves. Tickets just $49 with code TLMPW15 (reg $95). Go to www.telechargeoffers.com, for tickets or call 212.947.8844, New World Stages Box Office. Discounts for groups of 10+, call 646.467.7393. Carnegie Hall presents SWEET HONEY IN THE ROCK with special guests Terence Blanchard and Regina Carter, Thursday, Feb 11, 2016 at 8pm. Limited Engagement Only; For tickets: go to www.carnegiehall.org, call CarnegieCharge at 212.247.7800, or visit Carnegie Hall Box Office, at 57th Street & 7th Avenue. SCHOLARSHIP Scholarships are available for College or Technical School students living in affordable housing. Awards of $10,000, $5,000 and $2,000 made from applications submitted before May 17, 2016. See additional application information at http://chwattys.com/2015-scholarship-fund/ HOUSING For Sale: Elegantly restored luxury Brownstone with over 4,000 sq. ft. Call 914. 437.6286 for more information. Rental: Spacious, upper floor, one-bedroom apartment available in Doorman building located in St. Nicholas/145th Street area. Living room has great view of Downtown NYC Skyline. $1,800 per month. Contact: Kevin, 937.562.1938 for more information. Rental: Available immediately, large 2 Bedrooms with private yard on Evergreen Avenue in the Bronx for rent $1,800 (Broker's fee required). Good credit and references required. Contact broker to view, 732.684.7613. Rental: Room available in quiet Convent Avenue building. Access to Gym on lower level of building. Rent - $850 per month. Call 404.519.4030. Room Rental: In nice area of the Bronx. Three bedrooms, bathroom in master, backyard. Near #2 train - $2,000/month. Ground level 1 BR- $1,070/ month. Absentee landlord. Rent room for $175 per week. Broker’s fee. Contact Barbara 917.568.2009 PULPIT FLOWERS Courtesy of Saundra Parks | 212.633.9000 ABYSSINIAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 212.368.4471 | adcorp.org SERMON NOTES Take personal notes while listening to the Word of God Date: Sermon Title: Biblical Text: Points to Note: THE ABYSSINIAN BAPTIST CHURCH OFFICERS Gerald Barbour Eleanor E. Olive Alexis Thomas Patricia Proctor Sheila S. Boston Robinson Chairman, Board of Deacons Chair, Board of Deaconess Chair, Board of Trustees Treasurer Church Clerk MINISTERIAL STAFF Reginald L. Bachus Itang H. Young Rashad R. Moore Associate Pastor Assistant Minister for Youth Ministerial Intern Ext. 203 Ext. 220 Ext. 212 MUSIC MINISTRY James Davis, Jr. Director, Music Ministries & Fine Arts Ext. 261 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES Finance Building, Grounds & Maintenance Ext. 245 Ext. 244 WORSHIP SERVICES Sunday 7:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:15 am -11:00 am 11:30 am 2nd Sunday 11:30 am 3rd Sunday 9:00 & 11:30 am 4th Sunday 11:30 am 5th Sunday 11:30 am Wednesday 7:00 pm The Praying Band Bible Class Sunday School Worship Service WE Youth Worship Experience Worship Service Babies Blessed Communion/Right Hand of Fellowship (11:30 am) Baptism Youth Sunday Mid-Week Manna THE ABYSSINIAN BAPTIST CHURCH 132 Odell Clark Place • New York, NY 10030 | 212.862.7474 (T) 212.862.3255 (F) www.abyssinian.org
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