Happy Birthday to Abyssinians Born in September
Happy Birthday to Abyssinians Born in September
Worship Service September 6, 2015 “To all those who enter here, be thoughtful, be silent, be reverent. Before the service, speak to God. During the service, let God speak to you. After the service, speak to others.” 10:00 am Reverend Dr. Calvin O. Butts, III Prelude Byron Sean, Guest Organist Call to Worship God, you have been gracious to us. You have given us the breath of life, and a purpose for living. People: May all of our living and labor give you honor and praise. Leader: In this hour of worship, we honor the gift of labor. Whether we teach children, care for the elderly, or fight for the disinherited, all of our service is in worship to you. People: With our hands lifted in praise, extended in service, may you be glorified in all that we do. Amen. Leader: The Lord’s Prayer Processional “Woke Up This Morning” #566 Invocation and Chant Responsive Reading “Labor Day Blessings” #89 Gloria Patri Prayer and Choral Response Anthem The Inspirational Voices of Abyssinian "Come Thou Almighty King” Timothy Wright Pastoral Emphasis Scripture Meditation The Inspirational Voices of Abyssinian "We Are Not Ashamed” Andrae Crouch Soloist: Kathryn Woolard-Harrell, Soprano Sermon and Invitation Invitational Offertory: Offertory Sentences & Selections The Inspirational Voices of Abyssinian "Magnify the Lord” James Bignon Doxology Offertory Prayer Recessional “I’ll Fly Away” #601 Benediction and Amen Postlude WORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Sunday Morning Praying Band assembles Sunday mornings at 7:00 AM. Sunday Morning Bible Study meets at 8:45 AM. Mid-Week Manna Worship Service - Wednesday evenings 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM HOLIDAY OBSERVANCE The Abyssinian Baptist Church and its administrative offices will be closed on Monday, September 7th in observance of Labor Day. ABYSSINIAN SUMMER WORSHIP SERVICE SCHEDULE Sunday Worship Services return to 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM on Homecoming Sunday, September 13, 2015. HOMECOMING SUNDAY #BLACK JOY In times like these, our strength is found in our moments of joy. In the midst of challenges we face, Black Joy enables us to endure! Black Joy is praise in the sanctuary, dancing in the street, children playing, and a village filled with life and love. Black Joy! The world didn’t give it. The world can’t take it away. CALLING ALL MINISTRY LEADERS & VOLUNTEERS The 2015 Homecoming Block Party and Ministry Fair is next Sunday! There will be a brief mandatory meeting this Wednesday, September 9th at 8:00 PM in the Vestry. Volunteers are encouraged to attend to learn of their assignments and logistics. Ministry representatives will receive materials for their boards. For more information, contact Minister Rashad Moore at 212.862.7474, ext. 212 or [email protected]. PARKING ON HOMECOMING SUNDAY Abyssinian members who drive may park their cars (FREE OF CHARGE) in Bread & Roses High School parking lot on 135th Street between Fredrick Douglass Blvd. (8th Avenue) and St. Nicholas Ave. Parking lot will be serviced by Aby parking attendants, The Carr brothers. MID WEEK MANNA SERIES The art of storytelling is as old as human history. One example of storytelling is the parable. The parable was the preferred teaching method of Jesus. A parable is a simple story on the surface but hidden beneath the surface are layers of life lessons and applications. There are over 30 recorded parables of Jesus in the bible ranging from The Good Samaritan to the Prodigal Son. This Midweek Manna Series will explore the scriptures to uncover the hidden treasures of Jesus’ parables. Come out each week and join in powerful worship and preaching. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS To our beloved Pastor and his family, the Diaconate Ministry and my faithful church family: Thank you for your prayers, cards, phone calls and support during this challenging time. from The Leathers, Johnson, and Walker families. ABYSSINIAN ANNUAL GOLF FELLOWSHIP CALLING ALL GOLFERS! The Annual Reverend Dino Woodard Golf Fellowship will take place on Tuesday, September 22, 2015 at Saint Andrews Golf Course. Tee Time is 8:30 AM. Special thanks to our hosts, Aby members Al and Pat Zollar. To RSVP, and for further details, contact 212.862.7474, ext. 216. ABYSSINIAN FOOD PANTRY In 2014, The Abyssinian Baptist Church Food Pantry Ministry serviced 2,084 families. We remain thankful to those who have been generous in donating food items to the church’s Food Pantry. As we strive to continue this work, we solicit your inkind donations of the following non-perishable items: • Salmon • Macaroni • Tuna • Rice • Dry Beans • Mashed Potatoes • Cereal • Spaghetti & Spaghetti Sauce • Soup • Canned Milk • Canned Vegetables Donations accepted every day during hours of operation. For information, contact 212.862.7474, ext. 225. MINISTRY EVENTS The Archives and History Ministry will conduct four 75-minute church history tours on the following dates: § § § Friday, September 18th | 7:00 PM Saturday, September 19th | 10:00 AM & 1:00 PM Sunday, September 20th | 1:30 PM (Limited to 15 people) We will meet on the stage of the Vestry and begin the tour promptly at the appointed time. Abyssinian members and non-members are invited to join us in exploring our church history. All persons interested in taking the tours should sign up at the Ministry's Harvest Fair table or at the Elevator Lobby Desk. The Sister-to-Sister Book Ministry is currently reading “The Pearl that Broke the Shell” by Nadia Hashimi. Meeting takes place on Saturday, September 12th at 10:30 AM in Central Park at 110th Street and Lenox Avenue. MINISTRY LEADERS MEETING Thursday, September 17th | 6:30 PM in the Vestry All Abyssinian Ministry Leadership (Chairs and Co-chairs) are asked to attend this very important first meeting of the 2015 fall/2016 winter season. Brotherhood Bible Study WE | WORSHIP EXPERIENCE ONLINE REGISTRATION This year we are streamlining our registration process. Online registration will assist in better recordkeeping over time and permits us to complete some tasks that are currently done manually. It's easy and quick! Following are 5 easy steps for online registration of each child: • Visit www.abyssinian.org • Click on LEARN • Click on Core Classes • Click on Register for Sunday School • Fill out registration form • Click on SUBMIT For assistance with online registration or more information contact Minister Pamela D. Mason at 212.862.7474, ext. 204 or [email protected]. Westward, Ho! – AbyWEST Campaign Moves Forward The AbyWEST -- 3.0 in 24 Mo! Campaign is well underway. We are very grateful to the membership for their support of our effort to build a $12MM educational center. Following our initial appeal, more than 40% of our members responded to the plea to make a supporting pledge. We are making progress toward the achievement of our goal to raise $3mm in 24months. Thanks to your generous support we are one-third of the way there. Heed the Call – Make Your Pledge Today! 100 Percent Member Participation Requested For those who have not made a pledge, there is no time like the present. Our goal is to attain 100% participation from our members. Pledge cards are available in the church elevator lobby and at Abyssinian.org via the “AbyWEST” icon. Your completed pledge card can be left at the front desk in the Trustee mailbox. With your help our goal to raise $3mm in 24 months will be realized. Thank you for your continued support! Dedicated to “the Worship of God and the Service of Humanity”… Happy Birthday to Abyssinians Born in September Marie Jeanne Nina Sheila Amanda John Elva Oscar Veronica Rene Clarence Imani Willie Sharon Davine Kenrick Kurt Niekeda Alvin Melba Alma Nilsa Virginia Kiara Doris Doris Jean Lillie Vickie Vera Rachel Kenya Christopher Chelsea Jerome James Darin Stephanie Felicia Arlinda L. Rayne Yvonne Solange Michael Aka Allen Anane Anderson Anderson Anderson Arrington Ball Ball Ball, III Bayne Becoat Bennett Bey Bollers Boone Bourgeois Bowles, Jr. Bradford Bridgett Britto- Scott Brown Brown Brunson Bryant Bunce Burrell Carter Clarke Cole Conley Conyers Crowder Daniel Davis Davis Delia Dennis Derrick Dorsey Dunn Ealy - Clarke Eddy 20 12 7 14 26 20 10 1 16 14 23 10 19 22 6 24 21 23 29 10 14 21 25 21 21 19 13 30 25 24 1 21 3 6 26 5 16 25 26 2 12 6 17 Ercille Robert Omotolani Darius Phillip Bernice Van Deborah Mercedes Samuel Jason Mary Rudolph Sandi Areshia Sharonda Patricia Adom Martia Beverly John DeBorah Lenny Tiffany Ernest Dawn Mattie Carol Harold Miriam Patricia Michael Jerome Brian Jada Celestine Venus Christopher James Yvonne Karen Hattie Alicia Edwards Eilets Elumade Evans Fields Fife Fisher Fleming Forrest Foster Fraser Frasier Frazier Freeman Garcia Gardner Garey Getachew Goodson Gould Graves Gray Green Greene Gregg Greggs Griffin Griffin Gross Halsell Hamilton Hamilton Hammond Hardy Harper Harris Harris Harvell Hatcher, Sr. Hatchett Hawkins Hedgepeth Henderson 29 3 25 8 17 13 12 29 22 18 25 30 25 10 3 26 21 30 21 2 3 24 1 28 17 19 16 2 8 4 8 24 29 20 4 3 12 1 20 4 4 10 16 Phenice Lawrence Shaneekua Arvernetta Jennifer Shari Anthony Lee William Sabrina Yolanda Laura Maxine Ruth Monica Karen Kebra David Roy Keith Tanisha Mildred Robin Michelle Samari Onyx Maa't Kenneth David Elizabeth Michael Tamieka Cecil Francine Gregory Mildred Cecilia Shirley Ronald Patricia Lisa Tia Edwin Alvin Eliza Charmaine Pauline Lashana Henderson Hendricks Henry Henry Henry Hiles Hill Hodge Holder Holmes Holmes Hope Horne Hunt Hunter Hunter Hutton Hylton Innis Isaacs Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson-Preston Jackson-Preston Jakuta Jeffers Jeffries Johnson Johnson Jones Jones Jones Jones Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Kaplan Kelly Lee Lee Leland Leslie Lewis 15 18 16 17 29 30 21 21 24 28 30 13 16 21 30 24 23 28 3 8 13 11 3 27 26 26 13 27 26 14 5 13 7 23 6 22 28 5 12 26 14 24 9 24 21 21 5 25 Lisle Shernette Lisa Gena Holly Marie Karen Roderick Roy Betty Robyn Meredith Alberta Lina Thelma Hellen Deborah Fatima Ernestine Jasmine Courtney Kevin Mark Robert Kody Julie Dorian Brooke Dorothy Isabella Michelle Stacy Tulip Andrew Mark Morgan Genevieve Glen Evelyn Susan Carmen Curtis Stephanie Laura Jimmie Deborah Ronald Frank Lewis Linton Long Lovett Low Lunn Lynch MacNeal Magby Manor Marshall Marshall Martin Martinez Mason Mayfield McClain McFadden McFadden McFarlane White McGraw McGruder McKinley McMillan Melancon Mellony Miles Miller Miller Minns Mitchell Mitchell Morris Morrison Morrison Murray Nared Nelson Nesbitt Glover Nisbett Outlaw Palmer Parker Pate Payne Pettaway Pezzella 23 20 15 26 28 16 7 26 26 12 28 17 8 12 26 21 10 20 18 6 8 9 2 27 6 20 20 27 14 20 4 24 9 29 5 6 15 1 4 18 9 23 17 12 4 10 7 Erica Nadeen Carol Sara April Beth Karen Tirissa Beverly Nicholas Nichelle Odis Christina Vivian Valerie Yolanda Elizabeth Melody Christian Shirley Keiasha Brianna Cynthia Cedric Annie Karen Karyn Shirley Sylvia Ria L. Vivian Shanae Lillian Alicia Pierce Powell Preston Punter Reardon Reed Reeves Reid Rhymer Richards Richards Richardson Rizzo Robinson Rochon Rodney Rodriguez Ruffin Sapp Scott Scott Seagraves Seymore Shine Silcott Small Smith Smith Solomon Spencer Stevenson Strachan Tatum Taylor 7 30 15 16 8 12 30 15 1 24 27 10 30 30 12 28 15 14 20 5 1 26 7 4 26 4 7 22 17 23 1 21 5 19 Dorothy Bernard Sakinah Monique Yvonne James Ashley Arthur Tyrone Herbert George Bennie Helen Leontine Curtis Ronnie Clara Alma Anthony Gwendolyn Jacquetta Ronald Patricia Willie Harding Dwayne Angela Jonathan Enest Tanya Lawrence William Tiaka Karen Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Thevenot Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thornhill, Sr. Todd Tolbert Tomlinson Turner Upshaw Vickers Villarosa Warren Watkins Watts Whaley Whitehurst Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Wilson Wilson Winslow Wooten Wright Wynn 9 3 25 12 17 26 29 12 20 14 5 5 9 25 27 7 29 11 2 2 21 3 16 11 23 3 15 30 21 3 1 12 22 17 To All of Our September Born Abyssinian Saints: We pray that your birthday greets you with insurmountable joy and that God continues to prosper your affairs! NEW MEMBERS CLASS SCHEDULE – Classes meet at 8:30 AM in Blue Room Class #1 At the Cross: Jesus and Salvation - Sunday, September 6th Class #2 Faith Foundations: Baptist Polity and Practices - Sunday, September 13th Class #3 The Abyssinian Baptist Church: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow - Sunday, September 20th Class #4 Giving God Our Best: Worship & Stewardship - Sunday, September 27th Note: New Members Classes are not offered in the month of August. Classes resume on Sunday, September 6, 2015. BABY BLESSINGS Baby Blessings take place on the 2nd Sunday in 11:00 AM Service. Baby Blessing Classes are held monthly on the third Wednesday, 6:00 PM in the Nursery. Next Class: Wednesday, September 16th. Parents who wish to have their child blessed must attend this class. To register call Church office, Ext. 216. WEDDINGS Considering marriage? Recently engaged? If you plan to have your nuptials at Abyssinian, call 212.862.7474, ext. 216, to check the availability of the church, and arrange pre-marital counseling. You must also schedule an appointment with the Wedding Coordinator, Tamieka L. Jones, at “A Perfect Setting Inc.,” 800-4512951, or send email to: [email protected] ARTS & CULTURE Soul Night Events presents: Generation Bridge Summer White Ball, Saturday, September 19, 2015. Man of the evening honoree is the Reverend Dr. Calvin O. Butts, III who will receive the top honor for inspiring generations beyond the pulpit sphere. Event to benefit Abyssinian West. Get tickets now at http://www.soulnightevents.com. Limited number of VIP tables available for early purchase. The Sol Studio new art exhibit, “Made in Her Image” Watercolor by Debra Cartwright, runs through Saturday, September 12. Abyssinian members attending the exhibition closing Day Party on Saturday, September, 12 will receive a $10 discount on purchase of exhibition poster. Gallery hours are by appointment. The Sol Studio is located at 2073 Adam Clayton Powell Jr Blvd, (between 123rd and 124th streets). To schedule an appointment email [email protected]. or visit thesolstudio.com. AMAZING GRACE, A new Broadway musical about the story behind the beloved hymn features Tony Award winner Chuck Cooper and Tony nominee, Josh Young. Previews now running June 25 at the Nederlander Theatre, 208 W. 41st St. Use code AAC1 and save up to 35% off regular ticket prices. Orch/front mezz $85 (reg. $139), Mid Mezz $65 (reg. $98). For tickets: www.ticketmaster.com, 877.250.2929, Nederlander Theatre Box Office. For groups of 12+ contact Marcia Pendelton, Walk Tall Girl Productions, 646.467.7393, [email protected]. HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES Studio apartment on top-floor of owner-occupied brownstone in landmarked Hamilton Heights district. Charming 475 sq. ft. space with great light from bay windows viewing east and north exposures. Near A, B, C, D trains and M3 bus. Monthly rent is $1500. Available September 1. Call or text: 646-732-9856 for more information. For Rent: A lovely one bedroom, one bathroom apartment in a central Harlem Brownstone. This beautiful apartment has a kitchen, living room, dining area, hardwood floors and ample closet space. Conveniently located next to restaurants, shops, and many forms of transportation. Available September 1st. Rent is $1800. To view/apply for this apt. contact 646-526-1119. JOB TRAINING & EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES New York City Parks Computer Resource Centers serve over 6,000 New Yorkers per week at 32 locations with over 500 open access hours per week and over 200 creative workshops, classes and certification opportunities at 24 locations! Join a class for free by calling 212.255.3066 or emailing [email protected] for general senior, adult and youth programming. Contact [email protected] for teen programming. SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES For the opportunity to win a scholarship, American Baptist Women ages 17-35 are invited to submit original essays up to 200 words that answer “Who is the Ruth or Deborah in your life?”. This contest is inspired by Judson Press “Sisters of Scripture: Mentors in Womanhood” by Billie Montgomery Cook. Cook, along with representatives from American Baptist Women’s Ministries and Judson Press, will judge the contest. The grand prize winner will receive the Elva S. Riggins scholarship of $1000. The first runner up will be awarded a $500 scholarship. Winning essays will be showcased on judsonpress.com, abwministries.org, billiemcook.com, and other related social media sites. Rules, requirements, and entry information at https://sistersofscripturemnw.wordpress.com. SERMON NOTES Make personal notes while listening to the Word of God Date: Sermon Title: Biblical Text: Points to Note: PULPIT FLOWERS Courtesy of Saundra Parks | 212.633.9000 ABYSSINIAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 212.368.4471 | adcorp.org THE ABYSSINIAN BAPTIST CHURCH OFFICERS Gerald Barbour Eleanor E. Olive Alexis Thomas Patricia Proctor Sheila S. Boston Robinson Chairman, Board of Deacons Chair, Board of Deaconess Chair, Board of Trustees Treasurer Church Clerk MINISTERIAL STAFF Reginald L. Bachus Itang H. Young Rashad R. Moore Associate Pastor Assistant Minister for Youth Ministerial Intern James Davis, Jr. C. Anthony Bryant Director, Music Ministries & Fine Arts Minister of Music for Youth Ext. 203 Ext. 220 Ext. 212 MUSIC MINISTRY Ext. 261 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES Finance Building, Grounds & Maintenance Ext. 245 Ext. 244 SERVICES Sunday 7:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:15 am -11:00 am 11:00 am 2nd Sunday 11:00 am 3rd Sunday 9:00 & 11:00 am 4th Sunday 11:00 am 5th Sunday 11:00 am Praying Band Bible Class Sunday School Worship Service WE Youth Worship Experience Worship Service Babies Blessed Communion/Right Hand of Fellowship (11 am) Baptism Youth Day Wednesday 7:00 pm Mid-Week Manna THE ABYSSINIAN BAPTIST CHURCH 132 Odell Clark Place • New York, New York 10030 | 212.862.7474 (T) | 212.862.3255 (F) www.abyssinian.org
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