PINTAR Voices - PINTAR Foundation
PINTAR Voices - PINTAR Foundation
Issue 4/2015 > A Malaysian CSR in Education Resource PINTAR VOICES ISSUE 4/2015 A Quarterly Publication KDN: PP 18323/11/2013(033700) PINTAR Voices Produced and Published By B Promoting Intelligence, Nurturing Talent, Advocating Responsibility 1 2015 at a glance PINTAR Highlights of the Year Connect with us PINTAR FOUNDATION PMLU Tour 06 LPPSL 09 08 Members’ WWW.MYPINTAR.COM.MY ISSUE 4/2015 Retreat > > PINTAR FOUNDATION > CONTENTS 06 FUN ON WHEELS PMLU continues its journey to PINTAR schools 07 UEM ELP GRAND DINNER 2015 2 08 PINTAR MEMBERS’ RETREAT 2015 11 DANAJAMIN100 LEADERSHIP PROGRAMME 09 LEADERSHIP PROGRAMME FOR PINTAR SCHOOL LEADERS 17 ARENA OF YOUTH: MY CITY 2050 COMPETITION Connect with us! PINTAR Foundation > WWW.MYPINTAR.COM.MY ISSUE 4/2015 04 CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE 05 PINTAR MAP 06 PINTAR MOBILE LEARNING UNIT 07 UEM ELP GRAND DINNER 2015 08 PINTAR MEMBERS’ RETREAT 2015 09 LEADERSHIP PROGRAMME FOR PINTAR SCHOOL LEADERS 10 AFLATEEN SCHOOL PROJECT COMPETITION 2015 11 DANAJAMIN100 LEADERSHIP PROGRAMME 12 2015 AT A GLANCE 17 ARENA OF YOUTH: MY CITY 2050 COMPETITION 18 MEMBER ACTIVITIES: CIMB 19 MEMBER ACTIVITIES: BOUSTEAD & CIMA 20 MEMBER ACTIVITIES: PLUS 21 MEMBER ACTIVITIES: MBSB 22 MEMBER ACTIVITIES: TM 23 MEMBERS ACTIVITIES: UEM SUNRISE PINTAR VOICES ISSUE 4/2015 > > Editor-in-Chief’s Note Warm greetings from PINTAR Foundation! Welcome to our final quarter of PINTAR Voices newsletter for the year ending 2015. It had been an eventful year for us at PINTAR Foundation and we thank you for sharing the journey with us! Let’s take a moment to reflect on the year that was. In the last quarter of 2015, we welcomed six primary and secondary schools – two in Johor and Selangor, and one in Kedah and Perak – into our fold. These schools were adopted by PINTAR Member, PLUS Malaysia Berhad, under its PLUS-PINTAR Programme for the next three years. PINTAR Foundation concluded the year 2015 with 406 schools, and 45 members and partners. Throughout 2015, our members and partners have implemented many notable programmes at their PINTAR schools with the objective of raising awareness on the importance of education and providing education support for students and teachers. In this quarter, PINTAR Members continued to conduct programmes OUR VISION accordingly based on the PINTAR Four Core Modules with programmes such as Danajamin100 Leadership Programme for secondary students (DJ100), and To inspire the young generation examination workshops and clinics for UPSR, PT3 and SPM students. to become responsible citizens Meanwhile, 50 counsellors and discipline teachers attended the Leadership Programme for PINTAR School Leaders (LPPSL) Batch 4 Phase 2, which equips school leaders with eective management models to assist them in their leadership role in school. Programmes such as these contribute not only towards the students’ development but also the sustainability of the PINTAR Programme. We have also just concluded the PINTAR Members’ Retreat 2015 that fosters a closer working relationship with and amongst members; apart from information sharing, knowledge exchange and discussion sessions that is meant to identify future plans that promote a more eective PINTAR programme. In a nutshell, the year 2015 has been a year of implementation and review, and of fine-tuning. The feedback received from our annual Stakeholders’ Survey will shape our plans for 2016 and with the help of our PINTAR members and partners, we remain committed to reach out to more students of underperforming schools and give them the support they rightly deserve in education. This year’s PINTAR school performance in the UPSR saw a 2.1 per cent increase in the PINTAR Average Passing Rate compared to last year, while the PT3 results recorded an increase of 7.6 per cent. Indeed, the PINTAR schools’ performance is commendable and we would like to congratulate the schools and thank all our members who have contributed towards these accomplishments. The results reinforce the importance of implementing the PINTAR programme as a way to address prevailing challenges in order to enable a child to achieve his or her potential. We hope that members will continue with more initiatives in 2016 and intensify eorts to improve the performance of our PINTAR schools and students. Lastly, we wish all our PINTAR members, partners, stakeholders, beneficiaries and readers, a happy new year. We hope 2016 will be a great year for everyone! Warmest regards, Karimah Tan Abdullah by Promoting Intelligence, Nurturing Talent and Advocating Responsibility. OUR MISSION An organisation working in partnership with corporations, partner NGOs and the Government to enhance the motivation and success of underperforming schools through education, in line with the national aspiration to develop human capital who are adequately prepared to meet the challenges of the 21st century. Editor-in-Chief : Karimah Tan Abdullah Contributors : Norzalina Masom : Norzainah Omar : Siti Hawaida Md Rozi : Nasrol Mansor Editorial Team : Mas Elati Samani : Erma Hayati Zakaria Email Tel Fax Address : [email protected] : 03-2268 0000 : 03-2268 0050 : PINTAR Foundation (827909-U) A-16-8, Menara UOA Bangsar No 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur All rights reserved. No part of this newsletter may be reproduced in any form or by any means without written permission from PINTAR Foundation. WWW.MYPINTAR.COM.MY ISSUE 4/2015 > 3 > PINTAR FOUNDATION A MESSAGE FROM OUR CHAIRMAN 2016 has just started, so I believe it is not too late to wish everyone a very Happy New Year. I hope that it will be a better year for all Malaysians and we remain optimistic for better outcomes for our country, especially our economy. For some time now, there has been much debate amongst key stakeholders of our education system on the importance of the English Language and how to strengthen the proficiency of our students in the language without sacrificing the national language. In November 2015, the Performance Management and Delivery Unit (PEMANDU) of the Prime Minister’s Department released three videos emphasising the importance of English and its poor state of proficiency among Malaysian students. The videos showed students, teachers and parents urging for the language to be given more prominence in schools. PEMANDU maintained that the language does not overshadow any national language but serves to complement and enhance a person’s capability. 4 This clarion call is supported by an established fact that English is a Many PINTAR members and partners have recognised the importance lingua franca across the globe. It is the ocial language in 67 countries of English in the development of the country to be competitive. and nine out of 10 Southeast Asian countries have adopted English as Consequently, over the years, they have implemented various English their second language. According to some estimates, almost 80 per cent programmes from teacher development programmes to upskill our of English speakers in the world are non-native speakers. It is considered English teachers to student activities like drama, choral speaking, action as one of the most important languages of the world, and the most useful song training and competitions. language to learn to be able to compete in the global economy. Amongst such programmes and activities organised were UEM Group’s The allocation of RM 135 million in the 2016 Budget to improve the UEM English Literacy Programme (a teacher development programme), English language and Bahasa Malaysia is thus a welcomed move. UMW Oil & Gas’s SPM English Tuition Programme, CIMB Foundation’s With this budget, the Ministry of Education is set to implement two Spelling Bee, Quiz, Story-telling & Scrabble Competitions; CCM’s English new initiatives under the MBMMBI (Memartabatkan Bahasa Malaysia Classes, English is Fun / Fun with English Programme, and Scrabble Memperkukuh Bahasa Inggeris) policy in 300 schools in 2016 – the Competition; LTH’s English Teachers’ Training Programme, MBSB’s Dual Language Programme (DLP) and Highly Immersive Programme English Workshop for PINTAR Teachers; and MAHB’s Beyond Borders (HIP). The DLP is to continue the teaching of Science, Mathematics and Programme, to upskill teachers and build students’ confidence in the Information Technology (IT) subjects in English for Years One and Four, language. Moving forward, we hope that all members will increase their and Form One but is optional for students, whilst the HIP encompass support of the government’s initiative to improve the English proficiency the implementation of supporting activities in schools to increase of our students. students’ exposure to the English Language, thus creating an immersive (English) environment. Our management team at PINTAR Foundation stand ready, as always, to assist you in any way with your school adoption and programmes. For schools, it is a new chapter for another year. But time is not on our We look forward to your continual support and active involvement in side. Malaysia recently became a party to the Trans-Pacific Partnership your PINTAR schools as, together, with added impetus, we work towards Agreement (TPPA) and with that, we need to be even more competitive. contributing to the development of our human capital to meet the To compete globally, particularly within the TPPA, our workforce need challenges of the 21st century. to be proficient in English so that we can communicate internationally and use the language as a tool to access science, technology, Yours sincerely, engineering and mathematics (STEM) to innovate and create a more competitive economy. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Utama Arshad Ayub > WWW.MYPINTAR.COM.MY ISSUE 4/2015 PINTAR VOICES ISSUE 4/2015 > PINTAR SCHOOLS NATIONWIDE (AS OF DECEMBER 2015) 30 11 6 9 5 1 15 7 9 5 15 10 3 47 61 7 13 22 68 12 8 41 32 8 1 20 27 23 5 8 3 55 12 3 2 11 1 1 17 10 1 55 1 14 10 6 15 34 6 16 8 2 PI N NTAR AR Ado dopted ed School choolss 259 Completed Adoption Period 126 Active Schools 5 21 Newly Adopted Schools 406 Total Schools (Total number of PINTAR schools as of December 2015) Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world - Nelson Mandela WWW.MYPINTAR.COM.MY ISSUE 4/2015 > > PINTAR FOUNDATION PMLU TOURS MALAYSIA INTERPERSONAL INTELLIGENCE Students of SMK Ayer Hangat in Kedah learned to interact during a game of dart. rter, this qua g in loses in c rn a r e a L e y As the Mobile nal o R ti A p T ce the PINLU) team of ex another Unit (PM have notched burned d l personne and kilometres an another s t u e o y bring few th PINTAR fuel to as much opportunity to exciting tionwide. ce”, a Intelligen of schools n moting ro s “P it a d tr Theme various l, logical, featuring e, namely verba tic and c e intelligen visual, kinaesth brought s e l, s a u ic b s u U m ur PML o students l, a R n A o T ti emo our PIN rural areas. to ’ e g d ‘knowle ostly located in m who are KINESTHETIC INTELLIGENCE Students of Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anak Yatim Perlis listened attentively on how to play the Kinect Xbox 360. LOGICAL INTELLIGENCE Students of SJKC Tong Tuh in Kedah attempted to build a rocket and launch it into space. 6 VERBAL INTELLIGENCE Students of SJKC Aik Keow in Pulau Pinang acted out the role of a customer service officer. VERBAL INTELLIGENCE Two teachers from SK Cherating in Pahang took the opportunity to become newsreaders at the newscaster section. LOGICAL INTELLIGENCE Two SMK Gombak Setia in Selangor students attempted to solve a pipe logical puzzle. VERBAL INTELLIGENCE A student from SMK Munshi Abdullah in Melaka got to become a cameraman at the newscasting section. > WWW.MYPINTAR.COM.MY ISSUE 4/2015 LOGICAL INTELLIGENCE PMLU stopped at Sekolah Kanak-kanak Istimewa in Johor where students with special needs had the opportunity to experience the pleasures of learning inside the PMLU. PINTAR VOICES ISSUE 4/2015 > Serving Up the Best! UEM English Literacy Programme Grand Dinner UEM ELP Grand Dinner recognises outstanding teachers’ contributions O n 13 November, teachers from 20 PINTAR schools nationwide were treated to a scrumptious dinner and great entertainment during the UEM English Literacy Programme (UELP) Grand Dinner 2015 at the Royale Bintang Hotel Kuala Lumpur. The Grand Dinner, organised byPINTAR Foundation, was to show its appreciation of the teachers’ commitment, efforts and support towards the three-year programme since its inception in April 2012. Prior to the dinner, the teachers attended a get-together session with the Foundation management where they shared their experience on how the UELP has helped them achieve their teaching objectives in their schools. The UELP, sponsored by the UEM Group, saw active participation from 50 schools – 15,000 students and 116 teachers from the Central, Northern and Southern regions. The programme focused on strengthening the teaching and learning of the English language through capacity building / teacher development using a variety of methods – quality delivery structures; and supportive intervention and community involvement to help enhance and develop students’ reading, writing, understanding and speaking skills in English. WWW.MYPINTAR.COM.MY ISSUE 4/2015 > 7 > PINTAR FOUNDATION T A E R T E R ’ S R E B MEM 5 1 20 ru ... e in he ey t s t e e an m th More 8 Bah Johor Twenty-four participants from 14 PINTAR Members attended the PINTAR Members’ Retreat 2015 at the Le Grandeur Palm Resort, Johor Bahru from 15-17 November. The retreat was a platform for the Foundation and its members to foster closer working relationship. The highlight of the retreat was the discussion session on the sustainability and impact of PINTAR Programme, facilitated by Yayasan Hasanah Senior Vice President, Dr Jasmina Kuka. The discussions were centred around PINTAR Four Core Modules and a standard measure for Monitoring and Evaluation on effectiveness of the various PINTAR Programmes. The Foundation also shared with its Members the results of the Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey 2015, conducted in the months of July-August by an external party, AUFA Intelligence, for PINTAR key stakeholders. > WWW.MYPINTAR.COM.MY ISSUE 4/2015 Two hundred and seventy respondents from 55 PINTAR schools and 42 respondents from 25 PINTAR members and partners participated in the foundation’s annual survey. The survey outcome noted an overall Satisfaction Index Score of 86.5 by the schools and 77.1 by the members; indicating the schools were very satisfied with the members’ programmes while PINTAR members were satisfied with the Foundation and its services. Ninety-eight per cent of the schools perceived that the Four Core Modules conducted had achieved the objective in enhancing the student’s academic performance, while 96% of the members agreed that the PINTAR Core Modules were able to provide holistic education. On a lighter note, participants had the opportunity to work together in fun-filled teambuilding activities; visit a Trust School and the Marlborough College Malaysia which gave all an idea of the standards in a local and international school respectively, and tour the Nusajaya township which completed the packed itinerary of the retreat. PINTAR VOICES ISSUE 4/2015 > LEADERSHIP PROGRAMME FOR PINTAR SCHOOL LEADERS BATCH 4 / PHASE 2 GUIDE TO BETTER LEADERSHIP Fifty counsellors and discipline teachers are now better equipped with effective and essential leadership skills in order to support their school leaders’ important role in creating the right learning environment while motivating their colleagues and students. Apart from understanding about the transformation on school management, other key areas covered were skills in educational leadership, management, effective communication, emotional intelligence and problem skills. These participants from selected 25 PINTAR schools nationwide, were also exposed to different leadership and management perspectives, and experiences on leadership, which would make them more aware of their role as change catalysts of their schools. The group underwent the Leadership Programme for PINTAR School Leaders 2015 (LPPSL) Batch 4 Phase 2, held at the Vistana Hotel Kuala Lumpur from 30 November-3 December. The session was a follow-up session from LPPSL Batch 4 Phase 1, which was held in September and attended by 50 school leaders from the same group of PINTAR schools. 9 Participants from both Phases 1 and 2 will be working closely together in spearheading effectiveness and excellence in their school. The LPPSL provides awareness and understanding of critical factors that assist school leaders and deepens understanding of the school leadership role; the best practices in school leadership and management, and to provide opportunities for them to be equipped with effective management models to assist them in their leadership role. At the end of the four-day workshop, most participants indicated that the workshop modules would enable them to enhance their leadership skills. Both Phases 1 and 2 were facilitated by a team from the Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), led by Professor Dr Omar Abdull Kareem, an associate professor with the Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Management and Economics of UPSI. WWW.MYPINTAR.COM.MY ISSUE 4/2015 > > PINTAR FOUNDATION AFLATEEN SCHOOL PROJECT COMPETITION 2015 Students tested on financial knowledge Students from eight PINTAR secondary schools took part in the inaugural Aflateen School Project Competition 2015 to see how well they fare in planning, budgeting, saving and spending responsibly. They are part of the Aflateen Financial Literacy Programme, introduced to PINTAR students aged between 15-17 years in 2015, which provides them with an opportunity to learn about life skills and financial education. The programme also promotes a holistic approach to savings and encourages the development of a saving habit. 10 PINTAR working alongside Asia Foundation provided training for the teachers who, in turn, cascaded the knowledge and information received to their students to inspire, and empower them to lead responsible lives and become agents of change. Ten projects have been submitted to the competition and are currently being evaluated by Asia Foundation and its partner JPMorgan Chase Foundation. The competition results and winners will be announced in March 2016, in conjunction with the International Aflateen Day. > WWW.MYPINTAR.COM.MY ISSUE 4/2015 PINTAR VOICES ISSUE 4/2015 > LEADERSHIP PROGRAMME THE ORIENTATION Thirty Form 4 students from PINTAR schools in the states of Kedah, Penang and Perak were selected to participate in the Danajamin 100 Leadership Programme (Danajamin100) Batch 2. On 23 November, the Batch 2 students congregated at the Best Western Marina Island Resort Pangkor in Perak, to attend the orientation session which included a briefing on the programme that they have been selected for. After the session, they adjourned to the Outward Bound School in Lumut where they attended a five-day camp which developed their values, character, mental resilience and fortitude, while discovering their own potential. LEADERSHIP CAMP Meanwhile, the DJ100 Batch 1 attended the Leadership Camp Programme at the Intekma Resort and Convention Centre in Selangor from 9-13 December. The camp prepared the students for higher learning as well as equipped them with skills in communication and time management through fun-filled activities related to leadership. The group is expected to graduate from the programme in the first quarter 2016. The three-year Danajamin100 programme aims to develop and maximise the students’ potential by exposing them to a variety of well-designed engagements to optimise their leadership potentials under a structured programme that focuses on character building, leadership, communication and soft skills. So far, DJ100 has two batches of students undergoing the programme. A third batch of students is expected to be identified for the programme in 2016. WWW.MYPINTAR.COM.MY ISSUE 4/2015 > 11 > PINTAR FOUNDATION In partnership with Khazanah Nasional Berhad, PINTAR distributed schools neccessities worth RM 233,000 to students who have been affected by floods early of the year PINTAR unveiled its new PINTAR Mobile Learning Unit (PMLU), themed “Promoting Intelligence” at SK Yaacob Latiff in March Leadership Programme for PINTAR School Leaders (LPPSL) Batch 4, Phases 1 & 2 12 PINTAR engagements with various stakeholders 2015 AT A GLANCE It has been a great year for PINTAR Foundation. Thank you for all the support given to us. > WWW.MYPINTAR.COM.MY ISSUE 4/2015 PIN Eng Pro Dra Gra Cer ELP 201 PINTAR VOICES ISSUE 4/2015 > PINTAR Annual General Meeting and Members’ Roundtables ership me for chool PPSL) tch 4, 1&2 PINTAR Orientation Programme and School Onboarding Service Danajamin100 Leadership Programme 13 Aflateen Financial Literacy Programme PINTAR-UEM English Literacy Programme (ELP): Drama Competition, Graduation Ceremony and UEM ELP Grand Dinner 2015 WWW.MYPINTAR.COM.MY ISSUE 4/2015 > > PINTAR FOUNDATION CI M B Fo da M un oti va ti o n a l P ro g r a m m e ti o ish N TA R Awa rd s n PI En g l Ha ri Ke b a n L ite gsa ra c an Ce le br y Pr ati on o g ra m m e R ob oti e ll in g Be e n io om Ju eC ur mm Sp e at m fN a rnin g P c Le ts o ro g ra K nigh on amp p e ti ti rC S m art amp ‘A’C Le a d e rsh ip Tra in ng i Co Bi d i k a urs nA Sm e kh a rt ir Ac tio am rkshop nC Wo p 14 Sc l Ca mp L i b ra r yE n em Talk e n t P ro j e c t ic onal in vati Cl nc oti ha M is i t SR na M ol V oti ho UP v o ati G re e n Ca m R ti va ti o n a ign U pa PS Mo l Prog ra m m e Ro a Am ng ol P ro ib u ti o n for As na tud Zak str fS at g ra m m e ioti c R a ce II ho Di e nts > WWW.MYPINTAR.COM.MY ISSUE 4/2015 C sh Sc Pat r o Bri ti kt azi Bac dS PINTAR VOICES ISSUE 4/2015 p B Ca N m T cs TL EG O Le a gu e (FL ia 2 01 5 r n ival lays y Ca TM R ob Ma c ke oti RS L) Ho FI > TM Ea rt h Ca mp Ro bo tic Learnin g Progra L a u n ch of Bili k PI Si n a ara m S- rH mm Launch o f PL U R TA pan N e P ro g ra m me mp A’C a rt ‘ F un a Le rni am ess io n ng S P ro g r L on jak n c h of En g l a ujana SP M an S Lau is h i Tu tio n Pr M a j l i s Re s t u o g ra m m e Il m u 15 Sm a rt D eC AR ce Ex mic Ac a d e am in a li ni c ti o n C Je l a j a h D BE BETTER di i kP ro g r a m m e Ro a dS et yP ro g ra m m e SB B H Di dik sh sh W o rk op Bri ti il En g l i s h ri ti n g Co m p e ti unc -W Co gra mm e 2015 af MB P ro ue fo r Fl o o d Re l i e f Ex BH eq on k p ati di n Ch on Di ra ct e r Buil di n g C am D lle E BH ce an ha dC members’ activity ti o n highlights WWW.MYPINTAR.COM.MY ISSUE 4/2015 > > PINTAR FOUNDATION PINTAR IN THE NEWS 16 > WWW.MYPINTAR.COM.MY ISSUE 4/2015 PINTAR VOICES ISSUE 4/2015 > ARENA OF YOUTH MY CITY 2050 COMPETITION Eight PINTAR secondary schools were given the golden opportunity to take part in the inaugural My City 2050 (MC2050) Competition, one of two competitions in the Arena of Youth Programme launched by the Construction Industry Development Board of Malaysia (CIDB) in conjunction with its 20th anniversary celebration in 2015. MC2050, a townp l a n n i n g competition that was conceived as a means to develop the next generation of builders,’ said PINTAR Chief Executive Officer, Puan Karimah Tan Abdullah. MC2050, opened to secondary students aged between 15-17 years old, is a construction-related youth empowerment competition aimed at cultivating the next generations of builders, while the second competition, Rebuild It Green, is opened to university students aged between 23-25 years old, and challenges them to develop solutions to mitigate the impact of natural disasters in urban regions. Both competitions will run concurrently until April 2016. “I believe the MC2050 is the start of a brilliant partnership between PINTAR Foundation and CIDB Malaysia, and marks an important step in the Foundation’s continuing efforts to provide opportunities to stimulate the imagination of our students in order to inspire and motive them to derive maximum benefits from the activities organised for this competition,” she added. The competition will see PINTAR schools competing with international schools in developing a vision of a city in 2050. “I am happy that we are able to contribute towards the Arena of Youth’s 17 The Arena of Youth was conceived to act as a catalyst for social reform in order to facilitate change and address the challenges of a developing nation. WWW.MYPINTAR.COM.MY ISSUE 4/2015 > > PINTAR FOUNDATION MEMBERS’ ACTIVITIES PREMIUM PINTAR out what PINTAR members have been up to in the fourth quarter MEMBER Find of 2015. CIMB Foundation PINTAR Awards Before the year-end holidays, 150 Year 6 students and three PINTAR schools were rewarded for their impressive achievements by CIMB Foundation. CIMB Foundation English Language Contest Day 18 CIMB Foundation continues its focus on improving the standard of English language at its schools, and this time around, had organised a series of English Language contests for 10 of its PINTAR schools. More than 350 primary school students took part in the Final Round English Language Contest after competing at their respective school level in the English quiz, Scrabble, spelling bee and story-telling competitions. The finalists congregated at SK Seri Perlis in Perlis on 17 October for the final round of the contest series, other than joining in fun-filled activities tailored for both Level 1 and Level 2 students. The overall best school title went to SK Kuala Perlis, the lowest performing school among the 10 schools, and took home a cash prize of RM 1,500, followed by Sekolah Rendah Islam 3 which clinched a cash prize of RM 1,000, while the third place winner, SK Kelibang, received a cash prize of RM 500. The programme’s objectives were to instil interest in the English language among students; to expose them to learning the language through fun and exciting activities, and to boost their morale and improve their self-esteem. > WWW.MYPINTAR.COM.MY ISSUE 4/2015 Among those who received the recognition were 31 students who achieved 5As in the UPSR examination, 20 best students, 20 students who made remarkable overall improvements in their 2015 school examinations, and 54 school representatives who won at least third place in individual and group activities at state, national or international levels. They received their awards at CIMB’s annual PINTAR Awards Ceremony, which recognised students’ achievements in academic and non-academic fields, in Penang on 6 December. A cash reward of RM 1,000 were also given to those who secured placement in boarding schools. Meanwhile, SK Seri Perlis with a 2.26 school point average or gred purata sekolah (GPS) was nominated as the best school, followed by SK Dato Seri Syed Ahmad (2.36 GPS) and SK Seri Muda (2.44 GPS), and each received a cash prize of RM 10,000, RM 8,000 and RM 5,000. In general, an overall improvement of seven per cent was recorded by the schools in the UPSR 2015 compared to the year before. The CIMB Award Programme recognises distinguished students and schools who have put in their effort to succeed and are valued for their hard work. This is based on an effective strategy that works – positive reinforcement and rewards through financial incentives to motivate students to do well in their studies and strive to pursue their dream and reach greater heights. Syabas to CIMB Foundation! PINTAR VOICES ISSUE 4/2015 ORDINARY MEMBER Boustead Helps Students to Overcome Exam Jitters As part of their corporate responsibility efforts, Boustead Holdings Berhad held programmes to help the Year 6 students of its PINTAR school, SK Kem Iskandar in Johor, in their preparation for the UPSR 2015. Among the programmes held were Program Keranamu - Gerak Gempur UPSR, Program Motivasi UPSR 2015”, and the Bidikan Akhir Workshop. Boustead hoped that such programmes conducted would be able to assist the students and boost the academic performance of both the school and its students. > ORDINARY MEMBER CIMA Back-to-School Programme Prepares Students for School Year One hundred and seven students from three schools – SK Pusat Juasseh and SK Kuala Kepis in Negeri Sembilan, and SK Chuping in Perlis – received brand new uniforms and other essential school supplies, courtesy of CIMA. The Back-to-School Programme is to ease the burden of parents of these children aged between 7-11 to prepare for the new school year. On 3 December, Head of NSCI CIMA Bahau Plant, Encik Ismail Ahmad presented the essentials to the children in a ceremony held at SK Pusat Juasseh, witnessed by the school headmaster, representatives from the Jempol / Jelebu Education Department and SK Kuala Kepis, while on 17 December, the event was graced by Head of PIBG SK Chuping, Tuan Haji Shariff, witnessed by CIMA representatives. 19 WWW.MYPINTAR.COM.MY ISSUE 4/2015 > > PINTAR FOUNDATION ORDINARY MEMBER Among the programmes planned for the schools were Perkampungan Akademik SPM, Lonjakan PT3, Guru Muda programme, Gemilang bersama Pendidik Cemerlang Programme and Restu Kasih Programme. The launch ceremony was also witnessed by, among others, Paloh State Legislative Assembly Member, YB Teoh Yap Kun; Kluang Education Head, Tuan Hj A. Manaf Muslimin, and SMK Seri Kota Paloh Principal, Tuan Hj Shaharuddin Basri Ibrahim. 20 PLUS adopts 6 PINTAR schools and rolls out a 3-year programme The PLUS-PINTAR Programme, organised by PLUS Malaysia Berhad (PLUS), offers a platform, opportunities and assistance to students in rural areas to gain access to the same education opportunities offered at urban and high-performing schools. “More than 4,500 students are expected to benefit from the programme as PLUS has allocated a financial support of almost RM 1 million to the six schools to carry out programmes based on the PINTAR’s Core Module 2: Educational Support Programme,” said PLUS Managing Director, Dato’ Noorizah Hj Abd Hamid, at the launch ceremony at SMK Seri Kota Paloh on 7 October. Six primary and secondary schools – SMK Seri Kota Paloh and SK LKTP Bukit Permai in Johor, SMK Ampang Pecah and SK Kuang in Selangor, SMK Kota Kuala Muda in Kedah and SK Sungai Megat Aris in Perak – have been adopted by PLUS Malaysia Berhad, under its PLUS-PINTAR programme for three years until 2017. > WWW.MYPINTAR.COM.MY ISSUE 4/2015 PINTAR VOICES ISSUE 4/2015 > ORDINARY MEMBERS Didik Tour 2015 Essay Writing Competition Inspires Budding Writers Following the success of the Berita Harian (BH) Jelajah Didik Programme – UPSR Clinics Phases 1 and 2, MBSB had organised the Didik Tour 2015 Essay Writing Competition for six of its PINTAR schools in October and November 2015. The competition received 30 entries from Years 4 to 6 students who submitted an essay based on the topic: “When I grow up I want to be...”. Five winners were selected by a panel of judges comprised MBSB Head of Corporate Communications, Puan Zuhaznim Izzudin, BH News Editor – Education Unit, Encik Mohd Freoz Abu Bakar, and facilitators Mr P Rangit Singh Pritam Singh and Encik Abdul Rahman Umar. MBSB Collaborates with the British English Teachers Workshop Council in Malaysia Building Society Bhd (MBSB) in collaboration with the British Council has successfully organised the English Teachers Workshop from 2-6 November in Kuala Lumpur. The five-day programme focused on English Language enhancement for all English teachers under its MBSB Over-The-Top Programme. Sixteen English teachers successfully completed a 27-hour training camp under the second phase of training workshop that aims to develop new ideas in communicative approaches and student-centred teaching techniques during English lessons. The first place winner was Mohd Yusuf Aiman Yunus from SK Gudon in Sabah, who received a cash prize of RM 1,250. Nur Maisarah Syaysya Arisfadillah from SK Gita 2 in Sarawak, won the second place while Siti Natasha from SK Gudon was the third place winner. Both Nur Maisarah and Siti Natasha took home a cash prize of RM 850 and RM 650, and they each received a computer for their schools. 21 All winners received their prizes from BH Deputy Group Editor, Datuk Badrul Hisham Othman, at the MBSB BH Essay Writing Competition prize-giving ceremony on 12 November at the Balai Berita Bangsar in Kuala Lumpur. The course modules were based on the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Framework and needs analysis which include exploiting songs, rhymes and chants, classroom management, assessing learning, developing reading skills and grammar. This workshop further serves as a motivating learning platform to inspire and encourage the teachers to be more proactive in teaching English language where trainers from British Council supported the teachers with the implementation of interactive, child-centred approaches by allowing them to observe good practice and by providing a source of practical ideas that can be implemented in their own respective school. WWW.MYPINTAR.COM.MY ISSUE 4/2015 > > PINTAR FOUNDATION ORDINARY MEMBER Is Climate Change a Myth? Telekom Malaysia (TM) has always been committed to playing its role of mitigating the impact of climate change. It has been making a conscious effort to reduce its carbon footprint, while also promoting environmental awareness amongst employees and the public. During the last quarter of 2015, TM had organised three camps under its TM Earth Camp 2015 series. Participants of the first camp, themed Biodiversity, which was held at Kem Kepimpinan Gemilang PLKN in Perak from 2-4 October, had a field day learning about Rafflesia flowers and Rajah Brook butterflies, while those who attended the second camp at the Sepilok Jungle Resort in Sabah from 16-18 October, observed at close hand the orang utans and sun bears. 22 Exceptional Gifts for Exceptional Students As part of its continuous support to assist the special students to excel academically and non-academically, Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) donated three Braille machines and four gym equipment worth RM15,000 to SK Pendidikan Khas Tuaran in Sabah. The school, dedicated for visually impaired children, is the first of its kind adopted by TM under PINTAR, as part of its effort to give back to the community through corporate social reponsibility (CSR) programme. On 18 November, TM Sabah General Manager, Encik Sukkuriya Masri, and Head of Corporate Responsibility, Encik Izad Ismail, handed over the items to the school during the launch ceremony of its gym room and Bilik Sinar Harapan, which is a mini convenience store. In 2015, SKPK Tuaran had achieved significant success, namely in the Karnival Ko-kurikulum Sekolah-Sekolah Pendidikan Khas Kebangsaan 2015 and the Karnival Permainan Pendidikan Khas 1Malaysia Negeri Sabah. > WWW.MYPINTAR.COM.MY ISSUE 4/2015 The last camp, themed Climate Change, was held from 6-8 November at the Permai Rainforest Resort in Sarawak where participants enjoyed planting mangrove seedlings at the Kuching Wetlands National Park, and exploring the unique flora and fauna while cruising along the Salak River in Kuching. PINTAR VOICES ISSUE 4/2015 > ORDINARY MEMBER For the public speaking category, the champion goes to Raja Muhammad Izzudin Raja Ismail Shamshudin from SK Kampung Pulai, while the first runner-up and second runner-up went to Saravanan a/l Murugan from SJK(T) Gelang Patah and Siti Nurmiza Muhammad Yusuf from SK Kg Pulai. For the debate category, all top three prizes were conquered by three teams from the same school, SMK Gelang Patah, while the best speaker went to Nur Wani Madhirah Mohammad Shofian Shah from SMK Taman Nusa Jaya. Asnaf Students Receive UEM Sunrise’s Support For New School Year In line with its corporate responsibility (CR) initiative, UEM Sunrise recently presented an allocated zakat fund of RM 123,800 to 556 asnaf students from its PINTAR schools in Nusajaya. The contributions is to help meet their needs as well as to assist them with their relevant school necessities. 23 Students’ Voices Heard Through UEM Sunrise Green Programme UEM Sunrise took the initiative to help develop a conducive English speaking environment in its PINTAR schools by holding a public speaking and debate competition for its primary and secondary schools. “This competition is part of UEM Sunrise ongoing quest to develop and engender an English-proficient community in all UEM Sunrise’s PINTAR schools in Nusajaya. We endeavour to continue with today’s programme in the coming years to support the HOTS (Hot Order Thinking Skills) initiatives implemented by the Ministry of Education,’ said UEM Sunrise Head of Corporate Communications, Puan Nik Surina Suria Nik Abdullah. Sixty primary and secondary school students in Johor took part in the Public Speaking and Debate Competition, organised by UEM Sunrise under its annual Green Programme, where they demonstrated their talents, abilities and capabilities in the four-hour affair at the Bangunan Dato’ Jaafar Muhammad in Kota Iskandar Nusajaya in Johor on 7 October. The competition is aimed at helping the students to articulate, organise and present ideas, opinions and information in relation to green environment, in a logical and persuasive manner. Haji Mohammad Khairi A Malik, presented the contributions to the schools’ representatives, witnessed by UEM Sunrise Head of Corporate Communications, Nik Surina Suria Nik Abdullah, and Johor Islamic Religious Council representatives, in a zakat presentation ceremony held at Dewan SK Taman Nusa Perintis 1 on 27 October. When interviewed, the students mostly said that they will use the money wisely. “I will use this money to purchase next year’s school supplies and maybe have a small allocation for personal savings,” said Nurain Fatin, 11, student of SK Taman Nusa Perintis 1. “If we receive more funds in the upcoming years, I would like to allocate it for my siblings and parents,” expressed Siti Nur Wardah, 12. WWW.MYPINTAR.COM.MY ISSUE 4/2015 > > PINTAR FOUNDATION BE PART OF US The PINTAR National Programme provides our PINTAR students with a holistic education that help transform them into well-rounded, responsible and successful individuals. We design, monitor and fund the National Programmes, which are being implemented across all PINTAR schools nationwide and offer varying themes based on the three key tenets of ‘Promoting Intelligence’, ‘Nurturing Talent’ and ‘Advocating Responsibility’, or in short PINTAR. Be a Member, Partner or Sponsor, and we will work with you to ensure that you get the optimum marketing and communication opportunities, and meet your marketing, PR and CSR objectives. Corporate companies, philanthropists, and members of the general public who are interested to fund our PINTAR National Programme may contact us at [email protected] 24 Download and read this issue on our website at To subscribe to our email newsletters for the latest developments in Malaysian education and sustainable CSR, go to Printed by : Syarikat Percetakan Zafar Sdn Bhd (049367) > WWW.MYPINTAR.COM.MY ISSUE 4/2015
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