Voices - PINTAR Foundation


Voices - PINTAR Foundation
The Education Conference
School Transformation through Excellent Leadership
More inside:
PINTAR 18th Roundtable
The Education Conference
PINTAR National Programmes
And many more...
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Promoting Intelligence, Nurturing Talent & Advocating Responsibility
Program yang dianjurkan oleh Yayasan AMIR dan PINTAR
Foundation merupakan contoh penglibatan sektor swasta dalam
pembangunan pendidikan negara. Dengan adanya program yang
berstruktur seperti ini, penyumbang juga mendapat jaminan bahawa
wang atau sumber yang telah disalurkan akan memberi pulangan
yang setimpal melalui penghasilan mutu pengurusan dan
penyampaian yang lebih mantap dan murid yang lebih berdaya saing.
Saya berharap lebih ramai lagi pihak dari sektor swasta akan
berganding bahu dengan organisasi seperti ini untuk membawa
manfaat kepada sekolah, guru dan murid dalam jangka masa panjang
Excerpt from the speech by Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Deputy Prime Minister Malaysia at the Opening Ceremony of National
Teachers’ Conference entitled ‘Education Transformation Through Excellent Leadership’ on 13 July 2012
- Read by Tan Sri Abdul Ghafar Mahmud, General Director Ministry of Education Malaysia
National Education Blueprint’s 11 Shifts
Members’ Activities :
Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad
Members’ Activities :
Boustead Holdings Berhad
Members’ Activities :
UEM Land
Yayasan Amir and PINTAR Foundation
Collaborate in Driving School Transformation
PINTAR 18th Roundtable @ Kidzania
16 & 17
23 & 24
Members’ Activities :
Chemical Company of Malaysia
The Editor’s Note
PINTAR Participates in the EUMCCI
Social Responsibility Week 2012 and
Wins an Europa Sustainability Award
National Programme :
PINTAR Mobile Learning Unit (PMLU)
PINTAR School Go Green
National Programme :
PINTAR Go Green School Programme
Teachers Workshop (Phase 2)
National Programme :
Literacy Programme
National Programme :
PINTAR BattleBot Challenge
Members’ Activities :
UEM Group
Members’ Activities :
Telekom Malaysia
Members’ Activities :
Teluk Datai Resorts Sdn Bhd
: Karimah Tan Abdullah
: Noor Nazatul Janah Bt Mahmood
Contributors : Norzalina Masom
Nur Azyan Ismail
: Muhammad Hasrun Kamarudin
PINTAR Foundation (827909-U)
A-16-8, Menara UOA Bangsar,
No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1,
59000, Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03-2268 0000 Fax : 03-2268 0050
Please forward your articles / feedback to :Email : [email protected]
For further suggestions on how to improve the newsletter, or if
you wish to contribute an article for the upcoming issue, please
feel free to drop us an email.
All rights reserved. No part of this newsletter may be reproduced
in any form or by any means without written permission from
PINTAR Foundation.
The Editor’s Note
ear PINTAR Members and Friends
The PINTAR Programme was launched in December
2006 with the vision to inspire the young generation;
and mission to build human capital by improving the
educational outcomes of Malaysian children in
underserved communities, regardless of the location,
social background and ethnicity, through holistic
education based on the three key tenets of Promoting
Intelligence, Nurturing Talent and Advocating
Responsibility. The four core modules - Motivational
and Team Building; Educational Support; Capability
and Capacity Building; and Reducing Vulnerabilities
and Social Issues provide the framework that guides
members to develop and execute programmes and
activities which focus on not just academic, but skills
development, unleashing inner talents and character building of students and involving the school ecosystem.
In the last five years, PINTAR Foundation and its members have implemented more than 300 activities in
PINTAR schools which have impacted the lives of more than 500,000 underserved students. To date, the
PINTAR Programme has shown encouraging outcomes. Aided by the PINTAR experience, PINTAR students
have shown improvements in their results in Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) and Penilaian
Menengah Rendah (PMR) examinations. The attendance rate of PINTAR students has also shown an average
increase of 7.86% across PINTAR schools nationwide.
Through the years, the PINTAR Programme has remained relevant to the national education agenda of the
country. We note that in the Ministry of Education’s recently launched Malaysia Education Development Plan
2013 – 2017, which mission is to transform the education system in Malaysia, PINTAR programmes are
aligned with five Shifts out of the eleven Shifts that are the focus of the National Education Blueprint. As we
share these with you, we would like to draw attention to Shift 9 where the very essence of the PINTAR School
Adoption Programme by Corporate organisations like yours, strikes at the core of this objective of
Public- Private sector Partnership (PPP) in education. So kudos to all our members and partners for your
commitment and contribution to our National Education Blueprint! We hope you will continue to lead the
way for other corporates to follow.
“Education is the transmission of civilization.” – Will Durant
The Editor
Alignment of PINTAR Programmes to the
National Education Blueprint’s 11 Shifts
Shifts to transform
the system
PINTAR Programmes that are aligned to the
National Education Shifts
The English Programmes by members including the programme
sponsored by UEM Group is dedicated to strengthening the
proficiency of students in English via teacher development
programmes and student activities.
One of the key tenets of PINTAR is “Advocating Responsibility”
where the Foundation and Programme members design or run
specific programmes, e.g to create environmental awareness
(Go Green, Earth Camp, etc.), Disaster Preparedness Programme
with MERCY, Road Safety, Health and Nutrition, among others.
Leadership Training for PINTAR School Leaders (LTPSL)
designed for the school leadership - Heads of Schools and Senior
PINTAR Alumni Programme - National Teachers’ Conference:
“Education Transformation Through Excellent Leadership”
PINTAR TV – using the Internet Protocol platform, PINTAR
Foundation will be airing educational programmes for students
and teachers across all schools in Malaysia (programme
currently in development)
Supported and guided by the PINTAR Core Modules, the
Foundation and members have engaged and involved parents
and the community in its programmes at PINTAR schools, e.g.
Open Day, motivational talks for parents, gotong royong, Learn
English Family.
Average percentage of attendance rate for the 2011 year versus 2010
PINTAR Adopted Schools
PINTAR Schools Nationwide
Graduated Schools (‘09-’12)
Active Schools
Newly Adopted Schools
(July - October ‘12)
Total No. of Schools
PINTAR Foundation is proud to announce that Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Arshad Ayub, Chairman of
Board of Trustees PINTAR Foundation and Datuk Mary Yap Kain Ching, member of Board of
Trustees PINTAR Foundation have recently won several prestigous awards due to their
contributions towards education.
Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Arshad Ayub
Tokoh Melayu Terbilang UMNO 2012
11 May 2012
Anugerah Darjah Paduka Seri Laila
Jasa Yang Amat Berjasa Darjah Kedua (D.S.l.J)
15 Julai 2012
Anugerah Bintang Pribumi Perkasa Negara
dan Bapa Modal Insan Pribumi Negara
29 July 2012
Datuk Mary Yap Kain Ching
Anugerah Tokoh Guru Kebangsaan 2012
16 Mei 2012
PINTAR 18th Roundtable
@ Kidzania
he PINTAR 18th Roundtable was held on 25 September 2012 at the Theatre, KidZania, Kuala Lumpur. The
Roundtable which serves as a platform for PINTAR management to update PINTAR members on PINTAR’s latest
progress also acts as a platform for members to address any issues, and to share and exchange ideas. Puan Shareen
Shariza and Encik Sabri Abdul Rahman, members of PINTAR Foundation’s Board of Trustees took the time off their busy
schedule to be part of this much awaited event. The turnout by PINTAR members at the 18th Roundtable was incredibly
encouraging with more than 20 members taking part.
During the roundtable session, members were updated by the PINTAR management team on several projects that
PINTAR has completed as of September 2012 and newly proposed upcoming projects were also presented to the
members. Puan Karimah Tan, PINTAR Foundation’s Programme Director, highlighted the crucial need for members to be
more aggressive in adopting more schools so as to achieve the PINTAR Blueprint’s objective of having 500 schools in the
PINTAR Programme by end 2012.
At the end of the roundtable session, all participants were taken on a tour around KidZania, guided by the KidZania team.
The 18th Roundtable ended with a luncheon served in KidZania’s Café where PINTAR members and PINTAR
management team were able to mingle and catch up with each other over lunch, thus strengthening the relationship.
Karimah Tan Abdullah, Programme
Director of PINTAR Foundation, in her
opening speech; sharing the alignment
of PINTAR Programme to the new
National Education Blueprint’s 11
Shifts with PINTAR members
Dr. Mohammad Firdaus Low Abdullah
from TM expressing the company’s
concerns and sharing his thoughts on
PINTAR Programme
Encik Sabri Abdul Rahman sharing his
ideas and explaining the aim and
objectives of PINTAR Foundation and
its programmes during the roundtable
Guided by the KidZania team, PINTAR
members and PINTAR management
team toured KidZania
PINTAR Roundtable provides a
platform for PINTAR management to
update members on PINTAR’s progress
and provides opportunity for members
to address any issues; to share and
exchange ideas
Yayasan Amir and PINTAR Foundation
Collaborate in Driving School Transformation
Through the Education Conference themed,“School Transformation through Excellent Leadership”, the
three-day conference has helped to improve the national quality of teaching and learning
As part of the PINTAR Alumni Flagship Programme for 2012, PINTAR Foundation conducted its first ever
Education Conference entitled ‘Education Transformation Through Excellent Leadership’ for its school leaders from
the graduated schools which was held from 13 – 15 July 2012 at the Berjaya Times Square. The three-day Education
Conference which was officially launched by YBhg Tan Sri Abd Ghafar bin Mahmud, Director General of Education
Malaysia on 13 July 2012 was jointly organised by Yayasan AMIR and PINTAR Foundation.
Featuring a collaborative approach, conference participants engaged in the sharing of best practices found in Yayasan
AMIR Trust Schools and PINTAR Foundation Alumni Schools. The Education Conference was also held to assist the
PINTAR alumni schools to reach a higher level through excellent leadership and administration in line with the
Education National Key Result Area (NKRA) based on four tracks, namely - Developing High Quality Leadership and
Management; Improving the Quality of Teaching and Learning; Maximizing Students’ Achievement and Potential and
Strengthening the Engagement of Parents, Community and other Stakeholders.
YBhg. Tan Sri Abd Ghafar bin Mahmud, Director General of
Education Malaysia reading the text speech on behalf of
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin, Deputy Prime Minister Malaysia
during the official launch of the Education Conference held in
Berjaya Times Square
YBhg. Tan Sri Abd Ghafar bin Mahmud, Director General of
Education Malaysia trying out the BattleBot Robot assisted by
Khairul Anas Shafie, Programme Facilitator of PINTAR
Foundation. The BattleBot robot on display was developed by a
PINTAR student using LEGO components
The Education Conference entitled ‘Education Transformation
Through Excellent Leadership’ was a joint collaboration
between Yayasan AMIR and PINTAR Foundation in the effort
to improve the national quality of teaching and learning
Tan Sri Dato' Seri Arshad Ayub, Chairman of PINTAR
Foundation presenting a memento to YBhg Tan Sri Abd Ghafar
bin Mahmud, Director General of Education Malaysia
Encik Ramli Abu Bakar, teacher from SK
Ewa, Langkawi sharing his portion of
quality teaching with the Conference’s
PINTAR teachers from PINTAR schools
nationwide at one of the session held
during the three-day conference
Azlan Sharom, CEO of Yayasan AMIR
explaining to Dr. Amin Senin the
background, mission and vision of
Yayasan AMIR
The conference was attended by more than 180 participants and counsellors from more than 80 schools nationwide.
Officers from the Ministry of Education, State Education Departments, and District Education Offices, as well as
stakeholders from NGOs, corporations and Parents’ Associations were also among the attendees. The conference
brought these parties together in sharing ideas on professional development of teachers and employing collaborative
approaches to bring significant improvements to schools and students.
The conference came at a time when national dialogues took place under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, and
it was envisioned that the collaborative approach advocated by Yayasan AMIR Trust Schools and PINTAR Foundation
Alumni Schools provided successful examples of positive change and improvement within Malaysian public schools.
Teachers and Head of Schools gave undivided attention to the
talk on “School Transformation through Excellent Leadership”
En Kamaruzaman Salim, Head of School from SK Bagan Jermal
sharing his presentation on “Menuju Ke Arah Kecemerlangan
Sorotan Pengalaman Kepimpinan”
Karimah Tan Abdullah, Programme Director of PINTAR
Foundation explaining to Dr. Amin Senin on the Foundation’s
Shahnaz Al-Sadat Abdul Mohsein, member of Board of Trustees
giving out a memento to Dr. Amin Senin, Deputy Director
General of Education (Education Policy and Development
Sector) at the closing ceremony of the Education Conference
PINTAR Participates in the EUMCCI Social Responsibility
Week 2012 and Wins an Europa Sustainability Award
osted in Berjaya Times Square from 24 – 27 September 2012, PINTAR Foundation participated in the EUMCCI
Social Responsibility Week 2012 which presented the theme of “Foundations of Social Enterprise” this year. PINTAR had
the opportunity to participate in the four interactive Master Classes held during the EUMCCI Social Responsibility Week
which were participated by international and local practitioners. PINTAR together with the other participants shared
their current perspectives and experience in Sustainability and CSR, focusing on the opportunities for creating valuable,
sustainable business collaborations between the Companies, Social Enterprises and Corporate Foundations.
Presenting on behalf of PINTAR as the Master Class’s speaker was Nur Azyan Ismail, Head of Stakeholders Engagement.
During the session, Nur Azyan shared the background history and achievements of PINTAR to more than 30 participants
from local and international corporate organisations and NGOs. The session highlighted successful Governance Models
for Foundations in Malaysia and their impact on the community.
In tandem with the EUMCCI Social Responsibility Week, EUROPA Sustainability Awards 2012 was also held to
acknowledge the excellence in social, education, environmental and governance contributions of Community-Based
Organisations, Charities, Societies and Non-Government Organisations. PINTAR Foundation was nominated in the
Education category and was selected based on its effective programmes that have impacted the lives of many
underserved students nationwide. The three-day international conference ended with the EUROPA Sustainability
Awards Gala Night 2012 in which PINTAR Foundation was named the winner of the EUROPA Sustainability Awards
2012 in recognition of having met high standards of excellence in its Education Programme. Congratulations!
PNTAR Foundation was named the winner for the
EUROPA Sustainability Award 2012
The four Master Classes held during the EUMCCI Social
Responsibility Week were participated by international and
local practitioners with current perspectives in Sustainability
and CSR presented.
Nur Azyan Ismail, Head of Stakeholders Engagement of
PINTAR Foundation sharing the background history and
achievements of PINTAR to more than 30 participants from
local and international corporate organisations and NGOs
during one of the Master Class’s session.
Learning Unit (PMLU)
he current PMLU programme with the theme “Advocating Responsibility” aims to promote and encourage
students in PINTAR adopted schools to become informed and responsible citizens. The mobile unit travels nationwide
promoting “fun and experiential learning”. Throughout the months of July until September, the PMLU visited a total of
42 schools in Johor, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Selangor and Kuala Lumpur where 21,271 students and 84 teachers
visited the bus.
Amir Shah Idris, Facilitator of PINTAR
Foundation giving a talk to the students
on personal hygiene
Through PMLU, students are able to learn PMLU has impacted the lives of 21,271
and gain knowledge in a fun manner
students and 84 teachers throughout July
until September
By inculcating a healthy respect for our environment from a young
age, the PINTAR Go Green School Programme aims to develop a generation
that will adopt responsible lifestyles and attitudes towards the conservation
of our environment.
The programme fosters the ROSE concept (reduce, offset, substitute and
enhance) and environmental stewardship in students as part of PINTAR
Foundation’s initiative to promote behavioural change and attitude of
individuals towards the environment.
Several book marks that were designed by the
students based on the “Go Green” theme
PINTAR Schools Go Green promotes
behavioural change and attitude of
individuals towards the environment
Students are able to learn how to
respect and appreciate the environment
and the nature through PINTAR
PINTAR Go Green School Programme
Teachers Workshop (Phase 2)
n 8 September 2012, the Teachers’ Workshop under the PINTAR Go Green School Programme for Phase 2 was
held at the Institut KWSP, Bangi. The one-day workshop was attended by 46 teachers from by 25 PINTAR schools from
Pahang, Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah, Penang, Malacca, Perlis, and Perak.
A total of 15 UKM lecturers were involved as the lead trainers in the workshop which consist of a group of researchers
who helped developed the programme contents and materials for the workshop. A total of 5 PINTAR Foundation staff
also participated in the workshop as they will help to facilitate the programme together with the school teachers for the
workshops at the school level.
The purpose of the workshop is to train teachers and facilitators on the concept of ROSE, an acronym for Reduce, Offset,
Substitute and Enhance as well as to guide the participants on the use of Go Green materials to enable them to conduct
the programme with their students in school later. Among the main objectives of the PINTAR Go Green School
Programme are to create awareness about the impact of climate change and to instil behavioural changes to help
conserve the environment.
Professor Dr. Hazita Azman Dean of the Social Science and Humanity Faculty of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, in
her opening remarks gave an overview of the workshop as well as the Programme’s expectation from the participants.
This was followed by presentations from Professor Dr. Maimon Abdullah whointroduced the concept of
R.O.S.E.,followed by Professor Madya Dr. Jamilah Hj. Mustafa who explained the “Buku Sekolah Hijau” workbooks.
Professor Madya Dr. Abd. Hair Awang later presented his part on the “Buku Sekolah Hijau” folio to all teachers.
The workshop continued with a ‘pledge wall’ activity by Dr. Ravichandran A/L Vengadasamy and the session went on
with the explanation on ‘Go Green Board Games’ by Dr. Suhana Saad. The rest of the session was filled with
presentations on `Composting’, Eco-Art Craft, Carbon Footprint and Science Related activities to enhance the
understanding of the contents. Participants also took part in the group discussions and break-out sessions throughout
the workshop.
List of Participate Schools:
SK Ringlet, Pahang (TNB)
SK Jerantut Jaya, Pahang (MAS)
SK Wira, Pahang (MAHB)
SK Parang Puting, Kelantan (MAHB)
SK Pulau Kundor, Kelantan (CIMB)
SK Pauh Lima, Kelantan (CIMB)
SK Seri Geliga, Terengganu (MBSB)
SK Bertam Indah, Pulau Pinang (TNB)
SK Padang Menora, Pulau Pinang (TNB)
SK Bayan Lepas, Pulau Pinanag (TNB)
SK Jelutong, Pulau Pinang (CIMB)
SK Kuala Kupang, Kedah (Bank Islam)
SK Titi Gajah, Kedah (MAHB)
Teachers and facilitators took part in a role play that was
held during the workshop
List of Participating Schools:
SK Ewa, Langkawi, Kedah (TDRBS)
SK Hj Hassan Itam, Kedah (Bank Islam)
SK Seri Lagenda, Kedah (CIMB)
SK Batu 4, Gerik, Perak (TNB)
SK Pahit, Gerik, Perak (Sime Darby)
SK Changkat Ibul, Perak(CIMB)
SK Ayer Puteh, Perak (CIMB)
SK Sultan Yussuf AMD, Perak (Boustead)
SK Iskandar Perdana, Perak (MRCB)
SK Utan Aji, Perlis (CIMB)
SK Guar Nangka, Perlis (TNB)
SK Parit Penghulu, Melaka (MBSB)
Participants of the workshop were able to learn and gain
knowledge on the impact of climate change and environment
Literacy Programme
Arts Literacy Programme is intended to nurture talent in
art, amongst PINTAR students by introducing an art literacy
programme in schools through the book called, ‘Malaysian Art Book
for Children’ (MABC)
Among the objectives of the programme are:
To explore art as another medium which could contribute to the
development of both critical and creative mind
To provide access to creative arts by our own local masters,
especially for rural school children
Teachers listening to the workshop's trainer on
unleashing their students' creativity
Following the workshops for Art teachers, an art competition was organised where all PINTAR schools were invited to
participate by submitting their students’ artworks on a “Human” theme. The submission of the artworks which
deadline was on 30 June 2012 received a total of 1,226 entries from 55 primary and 7 secondary schools. The final round
of the competition is scheduled to be held on 31 October 2012 at Balai Seni Lukis Visual Negara, Kuala Lumpur.
Ghafir Akbar, trainer at the PINTAR D’Arts Literacy Programme sharing with the teachers on exploring art as
another medium which could contribute to the development of creative mind
PINTAR BattleBot
he PINTAR BattleBot Challenge (PBBC) is a robotic competition among PINTAR school children aged 9-12 years
old using LEGO technology. Contestants for the challenge will design and build a robust BattleBot vehicle using LEGO
parts and pieces to withstand challenges from other bots.
The Challenge has made its round to all PINTAR schools nationwide which in the months of July to September, the BBC
team has completed the School Level Challenge in 55 schools around Penang, Kelantan, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur,
Melaka and Negeri Sembilan. A total of 1,760 students and 110 teachers participated in the School Level Challenge.
Following the School Level Challenge is the Zone Level Challenge, where two of the Zone Level Challenges were held
in East Malaysia and East Coast Malaysia. On 3 - 4 September, the programme completed its 2nd Zone Level for East
Coast Malaysia region and winners were students from SK Merchong Jaya, Pahang (TNB), SK Padang Garong 2,
Kelantan (CCM) and SK Indera Shahbandar, Pahang (MRCB).
A new challenge called, “Task-Based Challenge” was introduced at this level for the first time. In this challenge,
participants are required to design and build a robot that can transport balls from a particular box into a collection box.
Participants use the same chassis as per BattleBot Challenge; with the exception of the bumper which is designed to
carry, push and pull balls into the collection box. The Bot is controlled via a remote control and teams are given 2
minutes to move as many balls as possible.
Recently, the BBC team made their way to the Southern region to organise the Zone Level Challenge which was held at
11@Century Hotel, Johor on 26 – 27 September. Eight schools will be making their way to the National Level Finals – the
winners: SK Kompleks Sultan Abu Bakar, Johor; SK Sungai Melayu Johor; and SK Taman Nusa Perintis I (UEM Land);
SK Kampung Gelam, Negeri Sembilan; SK Panjang Sari, Johor; SK Sikijang, Johor; SK Morni Pok, Johor and SK Pasir
Panjang, Negeri Sembilan.
The National Level Final is expected to be held on 4 - 6 November 2012 at Legoland, Johor. The PBBC team will make
their way to the Central Zone Challenge on 8 – 9 October at Grand Kampar Hotel, Perak and to the Northern on 22 – 23
October at Park Avenue Hotel, Kedah to complete the Zone Level Challenge.
Student from SK Jerantut Jaya, Pahang try to move the
balls into the Collection box
Robot-building exercise session where students get some
help from facilitator
First prize winner of East Coast Zone, SK Merchong Jaya
from Temerloh, Pahang
All the winners of Southern region with their teachers and
Karimah Tan Abdullah (In white)
English Literacy Programme
Sponsored by UEM Group (ELP)
he English Literacy Programme Sponsored by UEM Group Berhad (ELP) is an English literacy programme that
focuses on strengthening English teaching and learning through capacity building, using a variety of methods which
include: quality delivery structures; supportive intervention; student activities and community involvement to help
enhance and develop students’ reading, writing, understanding, and speaking skills in English.
It is a programme sponsored by UEM Group Berhad (UEMG), and is designed to improve teachers’ ability to teach
English in a manner that will help enhance the way students learn the language and ultimately to be able to speak and
write in English. It will also include activities involving students, parents/ community and volunteers from the
participating company.
This programme is implemented with the assistance of British Council.
Face-to-Face Training for Teachers
‒ A series of face-to-face training was conducted throughout the month of July till Sept to train the
ELP teachers in the area of “Classroom Management and Lesson Planning” as well as “Productive
Skills in the Classroom” with the purpose to help teachers to understand how children learn and
how to manage them better in the classroom, and to promote pupils’ speaking skills in the
classroom respectively
‒ A total of 3 face-to-face training sessions were successfully conducted, involving schools located
in Kedah, Perlis, Penang, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan and Johor
Volunteer Training for UEM Group Champions
‒ The session aims to guide and coach a pool of volunteers on the “Learn English Family (LEF)”, a
module adopted from British Council to engage parents and community to be involved in their
children early literacy. A total of 17 participants from UEM Group attended the one-day training in
Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur
Participants were divided into small groups to discuss on the assignment given.
The English literacy training programme was led by Daniel Cornelius, Teacher Developent Trainer & Mentor
from British Council.
ELP is essentially a teacher development programme to improve teachers’ ability to teach English.
TM adopts SK Pendidikan Khas
Pekan Tuaran
Contributed by :
Group Corporate Communications
n its efforts to further expand the reach of its corporate responsibility programme to the underprivileged
community, Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) has added SK Pendidikan Khas Pekan Tuaran in Tuaran, Sabah to its list
of adopted schools, making it the Company’s first adopted school for special needs children under TM PINTAR
School Adoption programme.
In its third phase, TM’s PINTAR programme in SK Pendidikan Khas Pekan Tuaran was officially launched by YB
Datuk Hajah Azizah Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Mohd Dun, Minister of Community Development & Consumer Affairs
of Sabah, witnessed by Datuk Dr. Halim Shafie, Chairman, TM.
Speaking at the event, Datuk Dr. Halim said, “The PINTAR programme is not new to us, and to date, we have
allocated approximately RM2 million for our school adoption programme. We are proud to share that SK Pendidikan
Khas Pekan Tuaran is our first adopted school which caters for students with special needs, and so far, also the first of
its kind among the rest of the schools adopted by other companies under the PINTAR programme nationwide.
“We at TM view the education requirements for students with special needs as something very critical, especially in
their self-development, which not only encompasses academic excellence but also their current and future livelihood.
As such, TM has accepted the challenge to extend its PINTAR programme to benefit this school for visually-impaired
students. TM has so far contributed about RM27,000 in the first year of the programme’s implementation which
covers the enhancement of the teaching and learning tools for both the teachers and students of SK Pendidikan Khas
Pekan Tuaran, such as Braille machines, maintenance of Braille embosser printers and also desktop computers. In
total, TM is allocating RM200,000 over a period of three years from 2011 until 2014 for the school to conduct our
programme activities,” added Datuk Dr. Halim.
Commenting on the programme, YB Datuk Hajah Azizah Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Mohd Dun said, “TM’s presence
at SK Pendidikan Khas Pekan Tuaran through its PINTAR programme is perfect in ensuring that everyone will be part
of the development with no one being left behind in doing their bit towards progress, in their own unique way.”
“TM’s active efforts through this programme are examples of the strong synergy of resources between the State
Government and the private sector in benefiting the needy. We hope this collaboration will inspire more involvement
from other parties to further improve the human capital development, particularly the special education field, in this
TM Adopts SMK Chenderiang
As First Fully Wifi-ed
TM has also adopted Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan
Chenderiang, in Tapah, Perak, the first PINTAR school to
be fully-equipped with TM WiFi service.
TM’s PINTAR programme in SMK Chenderiang was
officially launched by Y.B. Dato’ Dr. Mah Hang Soon, State
Assemblyman for Chenderiang, Perak Executive
Councillor for Health, Local Government & Environment
representing YAB Dr. Dato’ Seri DiRaja Dr. Zambry Abd
Kadir. Datuk Dr. Halim Shafie, Chairman of TM was also
present at the launching ceremony.
This will ensure stable speeds for both uploading and
downloading of data. To ensure the service will be fully
utilised, TM has conducted computer classes and Internet
Application classes for the students, teachers and the
surrounding communities. These ICT-based classes will
continue to be organised throughout the 3 years adoption of
SMK Chenderiang under TM’s PINTAR programme.
Speaking at the event, Datuk Dr. Halim said, “SMK
Chenderiang will be the first TM PINTAR school to be
fully equipped with TM WiFi service. The usage of ICT in
schools, particularly WiFi, will definitely enrich the way
the students learn and explore the borderless world of
knowledge on the Internet, leveraging on the 1Malaysia
netbook facility received from the Government, as well as
providing the teachers with an opportunity to enhance
their teaching experience with more exciting contents and
presentation of teaching materials, all this now made
easier and faster with ICT,” added Datuk Dr. Halim.
“TM’s active efforts towards the development of ICT
through this programme will definitely fuel the passion of
the students and teachers of SMK Chenderiang to move
forward to achieve greater heights in contributing to the
development of Perak in particular and generally in
Malaysia. This programme will be a model to other
companies and organisations in collaborations towards
enhancing the development of ICT especially for the State,”
added Y.B. Dato’ Dr. Mah.
To implement the full ‘TM WiFi’ concept for SMK
Chenderiang, TM has provided the schools with 1.5Mbps
Internet broadband connectivity via Synchronous Digital
Subscriber Line (SDSL) technology with 3 access points
placed strategically at common areas around the school.
These programmes complement TM’s larger Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives for education under
its three-pronged approach namely education, community
as well as nation-building and the environment.
For more information on the Company’s other CSR
programmes, visit www.tm.com.my.
Final Projects
our of CCM PINTAR Schools completed their three-year term under the CCM PINTAR Programme recently.
These adopted schools were given a final project as their final task and a contribution of RM20,000.00 were given to
each school to execute it. These schools came up with brilliant ideas such as having their own ‘Herb Land’ and
building a new court for the students.
To mark the end of the schools’ collaboration with CCM, a plaque presentation ceremony was recently held at all the
respective schools; SK Padang Jawa Selangor, SK Padang Garong 2 Kelantan, SK Sungai Ramal Dalam Bangi and SK
Sungai Tisang Bintulu. The events at SK Padang Jawa Selangor and SK Padang Garong 2 Kelantan were graced by
Puan Nur Melissa Fernandez Abdullah, General Manager Group Corporate Affairs, while the events at SK Sungai
Ramal Dalam Bangi and SK Sungai Tisang Bintulu were graced by Puan Farah Qistina Abdullah, Assistant Manager
Group Corporate Affairs.
Puan Nur Melissa Fernandez Abdullah, General Manager Corporate Affairs CCM,
giving out a plaque during the Plaque Presentation Ceremony in SK Padang Jawa
Farah Qistina Abdullah, Assistant Manager Corporate Affairs CCM, giving a plaque
to teachers and PIBG in SK Sungai Ramal Dalam
Contributed by :
Corporate Affairs
Malaysia Airports Distributes
RM125,600 of Zakat
to 12 Adopted Schools
In fulfilling its duty as a caring and responsible
organisation, Malaysia Airports in collaboration with
Lembaga Zakat Selangor has distributed part of the
company’s tithe or ‘zakat’ which amounted to RM125,600
to 12 of its adopted schools around Malaysia.
The 12 adopted schools are from Malaysia Airports’
Beyond Borders programme, a Corporate Responsibility
(CR) programme by Malaysia Airports that aims to give
sustainable impact to the overall school community and
implemented based on a comprehensive framework.
The 12 schools are :o
SK Mengabang Telipot , Kuala Terengganu,
SK Parang Puting, Kota Bharu, Kelantan
SK Batu Tiga, Kuantan, Pahang
SK Titi Gajah, Alor Setar, Kedah
SK Sungai Batu, Teluk Kumbar, Pulau Pinang
SK Sungai Raya, Ipoh, Perak
SK Olak Lempit, Banting, Selangor
SK Labu Ulu Batu 8, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan
SK Seri Cheras, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur
SK Semabok, Semabok, Melaka
SK Temenggong Datuk Muip, Miri, Sarawak
SK Wakuba, Tawau, Sabah
A total of 628 students from these 12 adopted schools were
identified as underprivileged under Asnaf categories as
their parents’ incomes were less than RM1000 monthly.
Each of the student received RM200. The zakat was
distributed in stages, from June to August 2012 by respective
Airport Managers either in an official handing over
ceremony or through issuance of cheque directly to the
school representative for distribution.
The zakat contribution distributed by Malaysia Airports
was under the Business Zakat category, an obligatory
contribution from the company’s treasury as a result of the
earnings derived from trading.
Nik Anis Nik Zakaria, General Manager of Corporate
Communications, Malaysia Airports said, “The distribution
of zakat to all our adopted schools was also part of Malaysia
Airports’ effort to share our earnings through the rightful
path by helping and easing the burden of the
underprivileged. Since Hari Raya Aidilfitri is just around the
corner, we hope the contribution will make their celebration
more meaningful.”
Contributed by :
Corporate Communications
En. Arif Jaafar (Senior Airport Manager, Penang International Airport) handling over zakat
money to one of the eligible students at SK Sungai Batu, Pulau Pinang.
Boustead Organises
Kem Kecemerlangan
for UPSR Candidates
n July 2012, a Kem Kecemerlangan UPSR has been successfully conducted at Homestay Seri Mahkota, Bukit
Merah Laketown, Perak. The programme was attended by 37 students from Standard 6 of SK Sultan Yussuf (AMD),
The programme was organised to provide a platform for the students to increase their confidence level and to make
them aware of their true potential to face the upcoming UPSR examination.
During the programme, several learning and motivation sessions were conducted which included “Slot Motivasi dan
Pecutan Optima”, “Teknik Menjawab Soalan UPSR – Sains, Matematik, B. Melayu & B. Inggeris” and “Pengurusan Diri
Cemerlang” which have helped the students to boost their self-esteem. It is hoped that the school will achieve a better
UPSR result for 2012.
The camp’s facilitator giving out a talk during a motivation
Apart from the in-class activities, participating students had
the opportunity to participate in the outdoor games
UPSR candidates listening to the talk on how to boost their
confidence level
Students were being motivated by a facilitator on how to sit
the UPSR examination with full confidence
Contributed by :
Corporate Planning Department
Motivational Camp for
UEM Land's Secondary
PINTAR Schools' Students
EM Land Holdings Berhad, the master developer of Nusajaya, one of the five key nodes of Iskandar Malaysia,
through its corporate responsibility programme successfully organised a motivational camp for its PINTAR
secondary schools’ students at Training Centre Felcra Tebing Tinggi Segamat, Johor.
The motivational camp conducted for secondary schools’ students on 29 June to 1 July 2012, were attended by 200
students from Form Two and Four students from UEM Land’s PINTAR schools in Gelang Patah.
The three-day and two nights motivational camp were targeted at the low to medium performance and high-risk
students. The camp was aimed at helping the students to identify and unleash their potential, to stay focussed and
most importantly to acknowledge the importance and the impact of education to their future.
The motivational camp were filled with mental and physical challenges and activities such as Pond Rafting, Flying
Fox and Night Challenge to discipline and instil positive values in these students as well as to expose them to the
importance of time management, team work, determination, commitment and perseverance. In addition, it taught the
students to be accountable for their own actions while respecting others particularly their parents and teachers who
have been providing them guidance, support, love and protection after all these while.
This motivational camp is part of the UEM Land’s ongoing quest under its CSR Education - Academic Excellence
Programme to help raise the academic performance of its PINTAR students.
200 students participated in the recently held Motivational
Camp organised by UEM Land
Participating students were involved with several activities
that challenged their mental and physical prowess
Team work was one of the skills that participating students
learned during the camp
With positive attitude, determination, team work and
strong-willed attitude, students were able to pass the physical
Contributed by :
Corporate Communications
TDRSB Organises Hari Anugerah
Kecemerlangan Akademik
Sekolah Kebangsaan Ewa, Langkawi
he ‘Hari Anugerah Kecemerlangan Akademik Sekolah Kebangsaan Ewa, Langkawi’ was recently organised at
Dewan Kompleks Kraf, Pulau Langkawi to acknowledge the high-achievers in academic and co-curriculum. The event
was organised as part of PINTAR Programme with Teluk Datai Resorts Sdn. Bhd. (TDRSB) for 2012 and was attended
by YB Dato’ Ir. Hj. Nawawi Hj. Ahmad, ADUN for Kuah, Langkawi, En. Zulhaimi Othman, Senior Vice President,
Corporate Services, Destination Resorts and Hotels Sdn Bhd, En. Anthony Sebastian, General Manager, The Datai
Langkawi and Pn. Zaitun Udari, Associate, Human Resource and Administration, TDRSB.
Also present at the event, were Encik Halid bin Ali, Langkawi Deputy District Education Officer, school principals and
school heads from surrounding schools.
At the end of the programme, YB Dato Ir. Haji Nawawi has personally contributed a cash donation to SK Ewa as a
motivational support for their school’s development especially in academic area.
Muhammad Irfan Nugraha Zaidi receiving the award for ‘Tokoh Murid’ from YB Dato’ Ir Nawawi witness
by Ramlee Abu Bakar, Headmaster of SK Ewa
Among categories for the awards are :
Best Students Category
Best Subjects Achiever
Anugerah Ko-kurikulum
Tunas Harapan
For all levels
Awarded to a group of dancers which
represented Malaysia during a cultural
exchange programme in Trang, Thailand
Tokoh Murid
Awarded to outstanding student with
excellent performance in academic and
co-curriculum area
For all levels
Awarded to student with a great achievement
in academic
Contributed by :
Human Resource & Admin
Officiating Ceremony of
Cruyff Court Kuala Lumpur
3 September 2012
From left : Tan Sri Dato' Azman Mokhtar, Managing Director
of Khazanah Nasional Berhad, Johan Cruyff, former Dutch
footballer, Tan Sri Dato' Md Nor Yusof, Trustee of CIMB
Foundation and Tan Sri Abdul Ghani Minhat, former
National footballer
Johan Cruyff showing off his football skill in front the
students of SK La Salle 1 and La Salle 2
PINTAR students from SK La Salle 1 and SK La Salle 2 were
invited to be part of the officiating ceremony of Cruyff Court
on 3 September 2012
Video Screening of football legend, Johan Cruyff during the
Video days
during the
of him
a Barcelona
glory days of him as a Barcelona and Dutch footballer
Group photo the students with Tan Sri Dato' Azman Mokhtar, Johan Cruyff, Tan Sri Dato' Md Nor Yusof
and Tan Sri Abdul Ghani Minhat
PINTAR visits Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Perak
to boost ties with the management of state education
department and the heads of district education offices
The recent visit to Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Perak (JPN
Perak) was part of PINTAR’s effort to engage with the
State Education Department and the Heads of District
Education Offices around Perak
PINTAR’s corporate video was shared during the visit as
a brief introduction to the attendees
Video Screening of football legend, Johan Cruyff during the
glory days of him as a Barcelona and Dutch footballer
PINTAR’s visit to the Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Perak was attended by Tuan Haji Mohd Idris Bin Haji Ramli A.M.P.A,
Deputy Director of Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Perak, Heads of Sector from Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Perak and Heads of
District Education Offices

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