A Word from the Editor - Bishop Canevin High School


A Word from the Editor - Bishop Canevin High School
A Word from the Editor
By: Maggie Dormer ‘15
Leonid Editor
Hello, Leonid readers! We are nearing the end of
our Leonid journey, and I can't express how fast this year
has gone by! It seems as if it was the first day of senior
year just yesterday, and it's almost graduation time! We
have four senior spotlights in this edition who have
singing roles in our spring musical, Godspell. I hope you
enjoy this month’s issue. We have lots of fun articles,
including one by yours truly about the dreaded curse of senioritis. Flip through the
pages to read about movies, music, and much more, including the always-funny sound
bytes provided to us by Ms. Weaver's creative writing class. I hope this rainy weather
only makes you hopeful that spring is finally here, and summer is just around the
---------------------“Spring makes its own statement, so loud and clear
that the gardener seems to be only one of the
instruments, not the composer.”
~ Geoffrey B. Charlesworth
April 2015
Issue 7
The Leonid
Bishop Canevin High School
2700 Morange Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15205
Editor: Maggie Dormer
Cover designer: Lauren Kanavy
Advisor: Mrs. Finnegan
Letters to the editor are always welcome.
Send letters to [email protected]
Senioritis Strikes
By: Maggie Dormer ‘15
Leonid Editor
Teachers dread it. Principals loathe it. They all warned us it would happen. I just never
believed them. How could this happen to me? It's something we don't realize we have until we
have it: senioritis. Urban dictionary defines it as: "a crippling disease that strikes high school
seniors. Symptoms include: laziness, a lack of studying, repeated absences, and a generally
dismissive attitude. The only known cure is a phenomenon known as graduation." I couldn't have
described it better myself.
The problem with senioritis is that it only gets worse as the year goes on, especially now
that we seniors only have little time left here, and many of us have already committed to a
college. Other than not graduating, there's not a whole lot of consequence in store if we lose our
motivation. This can result in a severe drop in GPA, very low AP test scores, and disappointed
parental figures.
I like to think of my lack of motivation as a brief respite from the life of hard work that I
am about to embark on until I die. Think about it: college is a different ball game. We need to get
good grades every semester in order to get the job
that we want. Then after that, if we are lucky enough
to get hired right away, we will have to work hard to
keep it or to get a promotion. The moral of the story
is, after adolescence, we work hard until we die. So
why not take it easy right now?
I can't explain the pure agony of spending
every ounce of the little free time I have studying,
doing homework, or filling out some sort of
scholarship, all for little or no reward. I feel like I'm
running for the finish line that is graduation, but all
these hurdles are in my way. Eventually people will
get tired and go home, and they will just hand me my
last place ribbon and that'll be that. But at least it will
be over, and I can embark on another four years of
Urban dictionary defines it as: "a crippling disease that strikes high
school seniors. Symptoms include: laziness, a lack of studying,
repeated absences, and a generally dismissive attitude. The only
known cure is a phenomenon known as graduation."
Senior Spotlight on Noah Lheureau
By: Dylan DiRenna ‘16
Leonid Staff Writer
Noah Lheureau is far from unknown here at Canevin. He can often be found singing,
whistling, or even dancing down the hallways throughout the day. With his pleasing mindset and
eccentric personality, Noah was able to capture a major role in the spring musical the past three
years. Due to this astounding achievement, he is this month’s co-male senior spotlight with
fellow senior Cory Ziller. I had a chance to talk with Noah and ask him some questions.
Noah was nominated for a Gene Kelly Award last year for his performance in The
Drowsy Chaperone. I asked
him how it felt to be a nominee.
"It's the most amazing feeling.
It's such an honor, but to be
honest, it's even cooler to work
with other nominees who love
performing just as much as I
do." I also asked if he was
anywhere else. “I was involved
with the CLO for about eight
years. Man, it doesn't seem like
that long, but it was. I took
dance lessons for years (though
it doesn't really show anymore)
and stayed with it until middle
school. I have to thank the CLO though, because all that exposure is where I started loving
theater." Lastly, I asked him why he does the musical. "It's the best distraction from school. Even
though it's a ton of work, it's what's gotten me through each year," he said.
Noah has been playing the guitar since eighth grade. “I remember playing at a party at
Cory Ziller’s house freshman year.” He has an ideal career in mind, music therapy, but it right
now uncertain of where he would try to obtain that degree. Dayton, Duquesne, and IPFW, a
school in Indiana, are three places he is considering.
I asked Noah if he could tell me something people would be surprised to know about
him. “I had super long hair when I was a kid. I always secretly wanted to be a pro wrestler, but I
think we all know that dream’s pretty laughable,” he said with a
Noah’s Favorites:
To wind up our interview, I asked Noah for one last Album: Continuum- John
piece of advice to juniors for next year. "Enjoy your last year. Mayer
Don't slack too much, but don't kill yourself with stress Band: Avett brothers
either...Then drive somewhere you've never been with your Food: Bacon
best friends …and blare your radio." That is some solid advice Movie: Goodfellas
from a senior who will be very much missed. Good luck, Noah.
Musical: In the Heights
Senior Spotlight on Katy Correa
By: Dylan DiRenna ‘16
Leonid Staff Writer
Each of our spotlights this issue has
unquestionable musical ability, and Katy Correa
is no exception. She has a storied background in
musical theatre, and plays piano, trumpet, violin,
and guitar. It is no surprise that Katy and Susie
George were selected as co-female senior
spotlights. I asked her if she had been involved
with other productions. “I have been involved
with Act One Theatre School since I was in
fourth grade. It's one of the best things I've ever
done and I honestly can't imagine my life without
it. It will definitely be one of the things I will
miss the most about high school." Music is an
integral part of Katy's life, and she transfers that
by participating in the play. With this enthusiasm
come great memories as expected. I asked her
what her favorite musical moment was. "My best
musical memory was last year when the cast of
The Drowsy Chaperone was nominated as Best
Musical for the Gene Kelly Awards and we got to
perform on the Benedum Stage. It was something
I had always dreamed of, so it was amazing
getting to do that."
Like myself, Katy is a transfer student. She
went to CAPA freshman year, a school that is known for its creative and performing arts. It was
no surprise to Canevin that she had musical talent. I asked her if the transfer was tough and to
describe her thoughts on the matter. “I transferred to Canevin because the education at CAPA
wasn't what my parents wanted for me. I wasn't able
Katy’s Favorites:
to do the musical at CAPA or any sports. Transferring
to Canevin was easily the best decision I made in high
Movie: Secondhand Lions
school because through that I've met my best friends
Musical: Hello, Dolly! It's such a
and I've gotten to do so much more than I would have
at CAPA." She is prepared to move on to the real
Food: Steak or pasta with vodka
world, and just show how high her potential is.
Unlike most of us, Katy has a plan set up of
Role Model: My gram
where she is going, and what she is majoring in. She
Band: We The Kings
is going to attend Penn State next fall to pursue a
degree in Marine Biology. Still though, she doesn't
want to leave her passions behind; she may also minor in musical theatre.
Senior Spotlight on Cory Ziller
By: Ben Zimmer ‘16
Leonid Staff Writer
Each spring, BC students pitch in to perform a great
act of entertainment in the school musical. This year, the
musical is Godspell, and one of the most important
components of it comes in the form of this issue's co-senior
spotlight, Cory Ziller. When I asked Cory how the play is
looking this year, he said it was a lot of fun and very
different from past plays he's been a part of. “It is definitely
one to remember."
Cory is familiar with the performing arts. On top of
being in the musical all four years of high school, he is also
a part of the Drama Club and Praise Ensemble. His acting
stretches back to his elementary days. He was a crucial part
of his grade school's drama club, and was instrumental the
year he played Ollie Herdman in his first, and favorite, role
in “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.”
Cory has moved out of the classroom, however, and
has enriched his learning in out of the box ways. He
traveled to Mexico and Peru as a foreign exchange student
for a month each. It is obvious that Cory is interested in his
education and his future. He has a great plan set out. He plans to attend Penn State University for
business or pre-dentistry, and afterwards eventually own his own medical practice or be the head
of some huge corporation some day. If you're going to aim for something, you might as well aim
big, and that is exactly what Cory is doing.
When I asked Cory to describe himself in three words, he said, “Outgoing, friendly, and
courageous.” I then asked Cory to share something he would want to leave for underclassmen.
"Work as hard as you can in school, but make sure to have fun along the way. Make tons of
memories and savor these four short years!" There is no doubt that whatever Cory does, he will
be a success. Good luck with your future, Cory.
Cory’s Favorites:
Movie: I Am Legend, Harry Potter series
Music: Fall Out Boy, Foo Fighters
Teachers: I can't possibly choose one, but Mr. Lang, Ms. Weaver, Mrs. Finnegan, and Mr.
Fazio have been very influential teachers in my life.
School Memory: Chorus/chorus trip my sophomore year and all the Drama Club shenanigans
Play Memory: The Drowsy Chaperone play season
Quote: "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." – Eleanor
Senior Spotlight on Susie George
By: Maggie Dormer ‘15
Leonid Editor
As the spring musical rapidly approaches, I had the opportunity to talk to a girl who has
had a huge influence on these shows, Susie George. Susie is sharing the female senior spotlight
in this issue with Katy Correa. Susie has participated in the spring musical throughout her entire
high school years, and is so excited to perform in her senior show. Susie is a Crusette,
participates in Junior Achievement, Praise Ensemble, student government, and Circle of Friends
MD: What was your favorite part about doing the
spring musical?
SG: My favorite part about spring musical is how we
all come together as a family. Being able to perform
with some of my best friends is something that I'll
never forget for the rest of my life. And of course all
the fun memories we make together throughout the
MD: What are your plans after graduation?
SG: I will either attend Kent State or La Roche
College. I want to study Interior Design.
MD: What is one thing you will miss about Canevin?
SG: I will miss laughing in the halls and being able to
spend every day with my amazing best friends, and
Mr. Fazio's class.
MD: What is a great high school memory of yours?
SG: Sophomore year chorus trip was a blast. Taking a
trip with your best friends is always a good time, and
we had so many laughs and moments I'll always remember. We even went to Calahari, which
was really fun. But there are so many wonderful memories!
Make sure you come to see Susie and the rest of the cast perform in Godspell, April 23rd through
the 25th!
Susie’s favorites:
Favorite food - Buffalo chicken dip
Favorite ice cream flavor - Graham Central Station
Celeb Crush - Channing Tatum
Favorite Color - Pink
Favorite Movie - The Impossible
Favorite Quote – “Live every moment; laugh every day; love
beyond words. "
Godspell on BC Stage
By: Dylan DiRenna ‘16
Leonid Staff Writer
This year BC’s musical director, Andy Folmer, chose
to put on Godspell. With Canevin’s rich history in the theatre
department, expectations are very high to say the least. Last
year the musical, The Drowsy Chaperone, was very solid.
Although it did not win any Gene Kelly Awards, it was
nominated for three: Best Supporting Actor, Best Musical,
and Best Tech Crew.
This production of Godspell is the 2011 revival,
incorporating more modern references than the 1970 original
version, in order to entertain a 21st century audience. Many
people may be surprised to learn that Godspell has local ties.
It was originally created by a CMU graduate, Stephen
Schwartz, and is now a multi-season musical on Broadway.
This musical travels through many parables and other
important moments of the Catholic faith. The modernness of
this version makes it much easier for the audience to
understand, and enjoy.
Unlike previous years, Godspell isn't so much exhilarating dance, but precise, and
powerful acting and singing in order to get the serious tone across. The dancing is choreographed
to match the emotions of the musical. The musical will be performed on April 23, 24, 25 with
tickets ranging from $7-$10. All are welcome to come and enjoy the show.
Duct Tape Design:
A Fashion Phenomenon
By: Melina Mancini ‘16
Leonid Staff Writer
Fashion is often defined as a popular trend involving
anything with style and design. Over the years, fashion has gone
through many changes. One of these changes is the use of duct
tape to design anything from little things like purses, wallets and
belts to prom dresses and tuxes. The possibilities of what people
can make with duct tape are ridiculously endless.
What was once a tool used to repair things is now a
fashion phenomenon. This waterproof cloth made of mesh was
developed during WWII to keep moisture out of artillery cases.
It is now available in an array of colors and patterns
that is used for more than just a quick repair of
military equipment. Shur Brands and 3M have said
that in the past few years duct tape sales have surged.
Duct tape is becoming a pop cultural phenomenon.
Some people believe that the father of this
current duct tape fad is 30-year-old Keith Drone, a
computer network security analyst. Drone started a
website in high school selling duct tape apparel that
he wore in school. The sale of these items paid for his
entire college education. The demographics for the
duct tape fashion seem to be predominantly a
younger group of teenage girls.
Duct tape has become the new medium of
“self expression.” It is so different and has a really
leather like, cool feel. Another cool thing about it is
that it is vegan for those concerned with animals.
There is a down side to some of the fashions
designed out of duct tape in that they are not always
comfortable and can easily stretch out of shape.
Duct tape designs are not only a popular
fad, but they also make an unforgettable statement. Some may consider Keith Drone as a
fashion genius, while others would question this so-called fad. In an interview with The
New York Times, Drone once said: “It’s gonna stick around for a while (pun intended).”
Gender Equality
By: Sherry Qiao ‘15
Leonid Staff Writer
Even as society becomes better and better and laws become more complete, there is a
problem on gender equality. This problem started since people appeared and it still continues to
this day. Undoubtedly, it will continue if there are no powerful people to prevent it. This problem
is expanded in the thought: Do women really own equal rights as men and do men have the same
rights as women? This is a widely debated topic that originates in ancient societies.
No matter which country, most people believe men's positions are higher than women's.
In ancient China, women could not decide their fates. Before they married, they needed to follow
their father’s orders. After marriage, they needed to obey their husbands. After their husbands
died, they even needed to obey their sons. In America, most women change their maiden names
to their husband’s last name after they marry. In Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to drive,
and they have to cover every part of their bodies including their hair and faces. Although there
are some female presidents in other countries, often people still do not treat them the way they
treat male presidents. Female presidents seem to be pressured more than male presidents. In
some cultures, most people think that cooking and doing laundry are women's duties, so more
and more women are taught to bear these responsibilities. Men also believe they have no choice
in their responsibilities. They were taught that earning money for feeding families is their main
role. They were also taught that they should not cry easily. In some cultures, it is believed the
man’s world is centered on money and that otherwise it would be hard to find a wife.
To both men and women, it is becoming
apparent now that they do not need to follow the
traditional way of thinking on gender. Females
should have their own jobs, businesses, and
dreams. If females want equal treatment, they
must make the decision to strive for
independence. When they are treated unfairly,
they should stand up for their rights. On the other
hand, men should not be so hard on themselves.
When they feel sad, they should be able to cry.
That is human nature.
In 2014, Emma Watson spoke to the UN
on gender equality. “Both men and women should
feel free to be sensitive. Both men and women
should feel free to be strong. It is time that we all perceive gender on a spectrum, instead of two
sets of opposing ideals. If we stop defining each other by what we are not, and start defining
ourselves by who we are, we can all be freer." I hope everyone can take a step to support equal
rights between the two genders. When you do not have courage, ask yourself Emma’s question:
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
The Lost Art of Handwriting
By: Harrison Klein ‘17
Leonid Staff Writer
Your iPad, the Smart Boards in the classrooms, the computers resting high and mighty
upon their throne-like desks in your home: they are all soldiers in the army of progress that has
been marching forward since the days of the printing press. With the page of paper as their
battleground, printer and pen incessantly struggle to obliterate the other into nonexistence.
Tragically, the pen is fighting for a lost cause. Over the past handful of decades, the ancient art
of handwriting has been relentlessly pummeled underneath the crushing keys of computers.
The archaic tradition of physical communication through written expression has been an
integral part of society since 3200 BCE in the lands of Mesopotamia. The writings of these
ancient cultures not only ensured the survival of their people, but also granted them immortality
in this world. The evidence they left behind gave us the wondrous opportunity to peer into their
lives and trace our own roots as a species. So, if writing is such a paramount part of survival,
how can we even think of undermining its importance and deeming it outdated, even useless?
The fact of the matter is that destroying the art will not destroy our chance at conveying
our lives and memories to our future descendants and current companions. It simply means that
we have found a new and more effective medium in which we can express these ideas.
Of course, this begs the question of what will happen to the once sacred art of
handwriting. The answer lies within human nature. Just like telephones with a rotary dial, maps,
or even baseball cards, handwriting will become a
novelty as it becomes more outdated-- a special
something broken out only for special occasions.
It will take its place among the other art forms-- a
place that is not required for survival, but one that
makes survival infinitely more enriching.
I am afraid that the days of handwriting
are coming to a close. However, this art will
continue on in a new form in this world. It will
find its home among the museums, in the attics of
old homes, and in the hearts of those born when
writing an essay meant sitting at a desk with a pen
in hand, and not with the garish glow of a
computer screen.
“Over the past handful of decades, the ancient art of
has been relentlessly pummeled underneath
the crushing keys of computers.”
Bad Diets
By: Hannah Kaupinis ‘15
Leonid Staff Writer
Diets are something most people try at least once in their lives,
whether it's only to lose five pounds or to lose 105 pounds. You see "try
this diet" or "the new latest and greatest diet guaranteed to make you lose
weight" all over the news or on the Internet. Let me tell you that not all
diets are good diets.
1) The Blood Type Diet: Developed by naturopathic physician Peter
D'Adamo, the Blood Type Diet is based on the notion that the foods you eat
react chemically with your blood type. For example, on the diet, those with
type O blood are to eat lean meats, vegetables and fruits, and avoid wheat
and dairy. Meanwhile, type A dieters go vegetarian, and those with type B blood are supposed to avoid
chicken, corn, wheat, tomatoes, peanuts and sesame seeds. However, there's no scientific proof that your
blood type affects weight loss. And depending on your blood type, the diet can be extremely restrictive.
2) The Baby Food Diet: If a baby can grow up eating the mushy stuff, eating some definitely won't hurt
you, but guess what: You aren't a baby. Dieters replace breakfast and lunch with about 14 jars of baby
food (most baby food jars contain 20 and 100 calories apiece), and then they eat a low-calorie dinner. It's
easy to get too few calories for your body to run its best. Besides, who really wants to take jars of baby
food to work each day?
3) Cookie Diets: Dr. Siegal's Cookie Diet, The Hollywood Cookie Diet and the Smart for Life Cookie
Diet all promise that eating cookies will help you drop pounds. Of course, you don't get to chow down on
chocolate-chip cookies -- you eat about 500 to 600 calories a day from high-protein and high-fiber
weight-loss cookies (one cookie company even makes the cookies from egg and milk protein) for
breakfast, lunch and any snacks. Then you eat a normal dinner, for a total of 1,000 to 1,200 calories a day.
If you stick to the diet, you will likely lose some weight, but by depriving yourself all day, you set
yourself up for bingeing come dinnertime.
4) The Tapeworm Diet: You don't need a doctor to tell you that ingesting a tapeworm is a bad idea, but
apparently, some people do. This weight-loss tactic has been around for decades, preying on especially
desperate dieters. Here's how it goes: Ingest tapeworm eggs, let the tapeworm eat the food you consume
once it gets to your intestines, and then, when you lose enough weight, get a doctor to prescribe you an
anti-worm medication. But some tapeworm eggs can migrate to various parts of your body or cause other
potentially life-threatening problems. Freaked out yet? Good.
5) The Cotton Ball Diet: Consuming cotton balls soaked in orange juice -- a diet technique that may
have been born on YouTube, in chat rooms and on Facebook -- is an incredibly dangerous way to
suppress your appetite. Eating anything that isn't actually food can cause blockages in your intestines.
Most cotton balls aren't even made of cotton -- they're composed of bleached, synthetic fibers.
6) The Sleeping Beauty Diet: If you're asleep, you're not eating. Rumored to have been followed by
Elvis Presley, this diet takes that simple fact to the extreme, encouraging people to use sedatives to stay
asleep for days on end. But sleeping the days away not only starves the body and causes muscle
deterioration from a lack of movement, but actually risks death: Every time you go under, there's a risk.
Sure, you might wake up two pounds lighter, but you might not wake up at all.
Healthy Diet Tips
Compiled by: Liz Moyer ‘15
There are many diet plans out there that people could follow if they are looking to lose
weight. With summer coming soon, many people want to burn off those winter calories. Instead
of starving yourself and doing some crazy, ridiculous diet, try some of these helpful tricks.
1) Don't skip breakfast, or any meal. Yes, it's true; breakfast is the most important meal of the
day. It will start your metabolism and give you the energy to get through your day. Instead of
skipping a meal to save calories, just chose low calorie options.
2) You don't have to deny yourself of dessert. Go ahead and have some once in a while. Take a
small piece and eat it. Being on a diet shouldn't be a punishment.
3) Exercise. You should get about 30 minutes a day. This doesn't mean to sweat at a gym. All
you have to go is take a little walk even if it's just at the mall.
4) Don't eat late. Your metabolism slows as it
gets later. Instead of burning fat, it's storing it.
5) Get at least 6-8 hours of sleep. Without
sleep, your appetite actually increases.
6) Pack your lunch for work or school. Eating out and eating that cafeteria food is not good for
7) Eat some fruits and veggies first. That way you fill up on the good stuff and save yourself
some calories.
8) Eat healthy snacks. Again, to be on a diet you don't need to starve yourself, just eat small,
healthy snacks.
9) Give yourself one cheat day a week and eat whatever you want.
10) Use a food journal (or app) to track your food and calories.
11) Never shop hungry. Make a list and stick to it or else you'll be buying all the junk food and
eating it later.
12) Don't drink pop. The best thing is water. If that's too boring for you, try some unsweetened
iced tea or sparkling flavored water.
13) Have a carbohydrate-free afternoon. It's a hard thing to have no carbs for dinner, but if you
do it you will lose weight.
14) Take a 15-minute walk after your meal and you'll burn 100 calories.
The Right College: Choosing the Correct Path
By: Ben Zimmer ‘16
Leonid Staff Writer
As a high school junior, I currently have the displeasure of asking myself these hard
questions: What kind of college do I want to go to? How far away do I want to go? What do I
want to study? What am I going to do for the
rest of my life? These questions pose scary
responses, and most of us have a hard time
discerning the answers. In fact, most of the
time we just shove them off and wait for
something to pop up in front of us. However,
the hard truth is that nothing is going to just
show up and figure it all out for us. There are
tough decisions to make, for sure, but that
does not mean we are alone in making them.
There are many areas to turn to that provide
insight into searching for the right college, and I believe it is the research that helps people the
most. Above all else, I would say researching what we want to do and how to achieve it brings
the most productive responses and brings us to what we eventually pursue. In this day of
overwhelming student loan debts and unemployment out of college, finding the right school and
the correct career choice is more important than ever. No matter the career choice, it is important
to take time aside to determine a path to take. These tips below will help in the quest:
1) Go on the College Board Website- It has its detriments, but there is no denying it has some
great features for SAT prep, college searches and matches for the individual, and some overall
great information.
2) Look up majors and see what job options you will have with each- With the price of college
high and the potential for employment low, it is crucial not to just pick a major for the heck of it.
Pick something you're passionate about, and one that you can see as worth the price tag.
3) Talk- Whether it be with your parents or guidance counselor, communication is key. They
could provide points you didn't see before.
4) Look at all the options- College is important, but it isn't everything. There are many ways to
make a living in this world, and studying to earn a degree isn't the only way to land a job. Look
for internships or ways to get involved in prospective careers.
5) Relax- Chill out. If you have read this entire article, then it's apparent that you care about your
future. Just keep thinking and making plans on what you want to do in the next few years and
start brainstorming for after college is done. These steps will help, but think outside the box and
come up with your own conclusions. Remember, only you can decide what your life will shape
up to be. Make it with all you have.
Courses for the Real World
By: Bridget Imler ’15 and Natasha Rajakovich ‘15
Leonid Staff Writers
Most high schools offer a core curriculum consisting mainly of courses in English,
mathematics, science, social studies and foreign languages. While these courses provide
students with reasoning skills needed in college, they often don’t really prepare students for
the real world. We believe that some classes that are electives in most schools should be
requirements, such as:
Business Management—This course teaches people how to budget their money, get through
college without using student loans, the disadvantages about using credit cards, and also using
cash for everything.
Economics—This course teaches students about how banks determine credit scores, how to
maintain a good credit score, how to get loans, how businesses trade, entrepreneurs, the market
system and much more.
Home Economics—This course teaches students practical things, such as sewing, cooking, or
even childcare.
Occupational Vocational Training (OVT)—In this program, students take core subjects at their
high school and then attend trade schools to learn hairdressing, welding, auto mechanics, etc.
Students should know how to
keep track of their bank accounts, use
credit cards wisely, balance a
checkbook and maintain a good credit
score. They should also be taught
how to stay out of debt and how much
student loans or any loans, on general,
can hurt them if they don’t pay them
off correctly. Taking courses such as
those listed above actually could
benefit them in the real world, rather
than other liberal arts classes that they
may never use.
“While these courses provide students with reasoning skills needed
in college, they often don’t really prepare students for the real world.”
E-Sports: A Rising Trend
By: Matt Tutsock ‘16
Leonid Staff Writer
E-Sports, otherwise known as electronic sports, is a rising trend all around the world.
Thousands of players participate in tournaments playing first-person shooters, MOBAs (Massive
Online Battle Arenas), and online card games. E-Sports are not like physical sports in that they
involve no physical activity and players can practice all day. They are accessible to anyone who
has a computer, and anyone of any age can play. However, these games require strong critical
thinking and need a high level of skill to become successful. Some E-Sports games, such
as League of Legends and Hearthstone, are free.
Since E-Sports happen all around the world, game producers hold world championships
every year. Teams from North America, South America, Europe, and Asia compete against each
other for a hefty prize. In 2013, Riot Games held the Season three League of Legends World
Championship finals at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California. The event sold out in less
than an hour. Last year, the season four finals were held in South Korea at Sangam Stadium. This
stadium was one of the venues for the 2002 FIFA World Cup. Season three and season four
world championships had grand prizes of one million dollars. The season four finals aired on
ESPN3 and had 27 million viewers, beating out the MLB World Series and the NBA Finals.
As E-Sports continue to grow around the world, they may eventually find their way into
Olympic-like events. They have already made their way into the X-Games and have already
surpassed viewer ratings for events like the MLB World Series and NBA Finals. Since E-Sports
is a growing trend and is accessible to anyone, it will be interesting to see the future of video
game competitions as real world events.
Net Neutrality Controversy
By: Matt Tutsock ‘16
Leonid Staff Writer
Net neutrality has been a controversial topic in the United States for
the past few months. Companies such as Netflix have been charged fees
by service providers because they are sending massive amounts of data to
many users at once. On Thursday, February 26, the Federal
Communications Commission passed a vote on net neutrality that
would change it forever. While this does not mean much for the
average consumer, it does affect companies such as Netflix. Service
providers are no longer allowed to use "paid prioritization," which
means that providers can no longer charge companies extra fees for sending
massive amounts of data. Furthermore, providers can no longer block users from accessing
certain lawful sites win no reason. Also, they cannot purposely slow down, or throttle, one's
Internet connection. Finally, Internet service is now categorized as a utility, and the government
can now control some aspects of Internet service. These rules will keep the Internet safeguarded
from practices of Internet service providers such as paid prioritization, throttling, and censoring.
The Coveted Green Jacket
By: Brendan Shaughnessy ‘16
Leonid Staff Writer
Every year in the second week of April, the Masters Golf tournament is held at Augusta
National Golf Club. Being a golf junkie myself, I am always glued to my iPad, Phone, and TV to
watch the world's best compete for the “coveted green jacket.” The tradition of the green jacket at
Augusta National Golf Club dates back to 1937. That year, members of the exclusive club wore
green jackets so that spectators could ask questions about the course or club. According to the
Masters official website: "The single breasted, single vent jacket's color is 'Masters Green' and is
adorned with an Augusta National Golf Club logo on the left chest pocket. The logo also appears on
the brass buttons." Watching the Masters is how I fell in love with the game. Last year I had the
privilege of visiting Augusta National during Masters week. It was a golfer’s heaven on earth.
The tournament is scheduled during this time to showcase the blooming of the azalea flower.
This iconic flower is the official flower of Augusta National and the course is filled with these
beautiful flowers. Aside from the beauty of the course, Augusta National has a lot of history in it.
The idea for this course originated with Bobby Jones, who wanted to build a golf course after his
retirement from the game. The first "Augusta National Invitational" Tournament, as the Masters was
originally known, began on March 22, 1934, and was won by Horton Smith. The tournament gained
popularity over the years, but became the most popular when Latrobe Pa's pride and joy "The King"
Arnie Palmer won it in 1958. Palmer then won it three more times in 1960, 1962, and 1964.
Wednesday during
Masters week, the
players relax from Most wins: 6 - Jack Nicklaus (1963, 1965, 1966, 1972, 1975, 1986)
the stress and play Youngest winner- Tiger Woods, 1997 (21 years, 3 months, 14 days)
the par three course Oldest winner- Jack Nicklaus, 1986 (46 years, 2 months, 23 days
at Augusta. This par Consecutive years played- 50 - Arnold Palmer, 1955-2004
three course is a Lowest Score, 18 Holes- 63 - Nick Price, 1986; Greg Norman, 1996
different course at
Lowest 72 hole score- 270 (-18) - Tiger Woods, 1997; Jordan Spieth, 2015
Highest 18 hole score- 95 - Charles Kunkle, 1956
and players let their
family members and
caddies play with them. On Thursday, before all the players tee off, "The King" Arnie Palmer, "The
Golden Bear" Jack Nicklaus, and "The Black Knight" Gary Player, all legends of Augusta, take the
ceremonial first tee shot to officially start the tournament.
Winners of the Masters Tournament receive an automatic invitation for the rest of their lives.
They are invited back to Augusta for the "Champions’ Dinner" where the champion of the previous
year picks the meal. Since Bubba Watson won the 2014 edition of the Masters, he chose the menu
that the game's legends ate.
This year was a historic year in the tournament for Jordan Spieth. The 21-year-old Texan
was the first player ever to get to 19 under par, but made a bogey on the 18 th hole to tie Tiger Woods’
record of 18 under par. Ironically, Woods and Spieth were both 21 years old. Spieth has had this
goal since he was little. On Sunday, April 12, he realized his dream in his first major win. This is a
tournament that the golf world waits for all year. For fans, there are no losers, only the game’s
greatest playing one of the most beautiful courses in the world.
My Top Five Baseball Movies
By: Matt Tutsock ‘16
Leonid Staff Writer
With baseball season underway, here are my five favorite baseball movies:
The Sandlot - Scotty Smalls moves into town and goes under the wings of Benny
Rodriguez, the town’s best baseball player. Scotty hits a signed Babe Ruth baseball
over the fence and into a yard with a massive dog named "The Beast."
Moneyball - Oakland Athletics manager Billy Beane (Brad Pitt) is challenged to turn
around his team on a tight budget. He hires Peter Brand (Jonah Hill), an Ivy League graduate, to help
outsmart other major league teams.
Field of Dreams - Ray, a farmer, hears a strange voice telling him to build a baseball diamond. He builds
one on his land and ghosts of baseball stars emerge from the crops. However, he learns that the field is
more than where the greats come back to play.
Angels In The Outfield - A foster kid named Roger loves the Anaheim Angels, and his father promised to
reunite his family if the Angels make the World Series. Rogers prays to God for help and real angels
come to help the team.
Mr. 3000 - A 47-year-old man with 2,997 recorded hits returns to professional baseball after three hits
had been reviewed and taken away. He re-enters the MLB to get back those 3 hits to make 3000, which is
the requirement for the hall of fame. While playing, he rediscovers his love for the game and becomes a
leader for the younger players.
The Sandlot: A Classic
By: Mitchell Taufer ‘15
Leonid Staff Writer
As little kids, we all have our favorite movies. Even as a young boy I took a
strong interest in baseball and was always trying to find the best baseball movies
out, either new or old. One of my favorite movies, The Sandlot, takes place in
California with young teenage boys. They have love for the game, but no true
league or guidance. The group finds a place to play and does things to better
As the squad rides their bikes to the diminished field day in and day out,
there's a new boy in town, Scotty Smalls. Scotty has never played baseball before, but he decides to join
the crew if it gives him a chance to make friends. At first, the boys really didn't like Scotty, an awkward,
shy kid who wasn't the best ball player. Fortunately, Benny Rodriguez had his back and gave Scotty a
chance. Benny was the best baseball player out of the group and showed the most leadership as well.
One day Benny and the boys lost all the balls they had to a nearby junkyard. Smalls, being the
new kid in town, told the boys that his step dad had a ball at home. After running a couple streets back to
his house, he grabbed the ball, which was signed by all-time great Babe Ruth. After much consideration
about using the ball, Smalls decided they would. Benny hit the ball over the fence to the forbidden
junkyard with the big mean dog. There were rumors of this dog eating humans who have trespassed on
the property; the homeowner had the reputation of being just as mean. They tried all different strategies to
get the ball, but none worked and some even caused catastrophes.
This is truly a classic film that is entertaining and funny. For those who love baseball, check out
The Sandlot. It keeps viewers laughing, following the antics of these likable teenage boys. This film
represents the character of baseball, combining the values of friendship and leadership into a family film.
Red Army: More Than Just Hockey
By: Ben Zimmer ‘16
Leonid Staff Writer
In one of many exchanges stated in the new fantastic documentary, Red Army, a Soviet
hockey player approaches his coach to discuss his dying father. “Can you let me see my father?”
The coach responded, “No. You have to get ready for the next game.” This is just one example
of many that highlight the Soviet team and their mentality in the late 1970s and into the 1980s.
Starting from the beginning, filmmaker Gabe Polsky chronicles the
history of one of the greatest hockey teams ever to have played, from
their childhood training to one of the biggest upsets in sports history,
and finally to a new beginning for Soviet players in America.
Growing up in the Soviet Union, Slava Fetisov had a tough
life. There were crowded rooms for multiple families and devastation
from the world wars. However, as he says in this documentary, he
was happy. Hockey ruled life in the country, and was taken with the
utmost seriousness. The communistic practices of the country were
translated to the hockey team, and the competitiveness of the Soviets
toward western nations was not excluded. The best of the best were
picked out and trained very early, which often resulted in their
childhood and early lives being completely lost to hockey. The
players were often in the training camps for 11 months of the year,
and practiced four times a day. However, the results were extraordinary. Slava Fetisov, who
ended up captaining the Soviet hockey team, became one of the greatest defensemen to have ever
played. When the starting five came together, they were unstoppable. Their play was much
different from premier hockey today. As opposed to the gritty play style and close games in the
NHL presently, the Soviets were graceful. They moved as one unit, weaving in and out of the
other team, and were nearly impossible to defend. The documentary was truly fantastic with their
shots of the old films and the insight from the players.
One of the most intriguing segments of the film was the infamous 1980 game. After
detailing their strict schedules and training during their childhood, it was a little devastating to
see the Soviets lose to the US in the Olympics. It was their entire lives, and the stakes were high.
After the team did win the gold in the mid 1980s, the film turned toward a controversial issue of
the time: Soviet players in the NHL. The Cold War was still at a fever pitch, and while NHL
teams wanted them, the home country was not so willing to let their pride and joy be given up to
their political rivals. Tensions mounted, and when Slava Fetisov motioned to leave his grueling
team in order to make millions in the US, the situation turned dire. People stopped talking to him
and his family, and there were many threats made toward him. Fetisov made it to America,
finally, along with many of his original teammates. The transition was tough. As well as
adjusting to a new country and lifestyle, the players had to deal with the rough and gritty style of
play in the NHL. However, Fetsiov and some of his teammates found success with the Detroit
Red Wings, winning back to back Stanley Cups in the 1990s, embracing the Soviet style.
Red Army is a short documentary, but it is tremendous. Those who love hockey and those
who have never seen one game will enjoy it for its history. It shows the team from the players’
perspectives, and the struggle those individuals faced in their prime, in the NHL, and in their
lives beyond.
A Man of Tomorrow for the World Today
By: Eric Cleis ‘15
Leonid Staff Writer
It all started back in the days of the Great Depression. Jerry Seigel was bullied quite often
for being poor, small, and slow. After individuals are bullied and tormented for so long, they
often wish they could be saved from all the pain and suffering. I know first hand since I was
bullied in middle school for being different. I was more similar to my other friends who went to
a different school who were also more accepted there. It was also around the time that my mother
died, so I constantly wished that someone could save me. That someone for Seigel developed in
his writings originally as The Super-man. At the start of his fictional life, this character was
actually a bald megalomaniac who often made the lives of others a living hell. This originally
portrayed how Seigel felt towards those that bullied him. Seigel grew to learn that instead of just
destroying the lives of the evil, that his hero should also help those who are in need and can't
defend themselves. This was the
beginning of the transformation of The
Super-man into Superman.
There have been many
different story lines for
Superman, some of which
are my favorites. These
Superman, The Earth
One series, Kingdom
Come, and The New 52
Superman is the story
where Superman lands
in Russia instead of
America and eventually
becomes the ruler of Russia
and tries to take over the
world. Kingdom Come takes place several years in the future where Superman has since retired
as well as a few other members of the Justice League. I'd rather not disclose the rest of them.
Instead, I'd rather have all of you read the stories yourself.
The Man of Steel has many abilities. His super strength allows him to PR at around
bench-pressing the weight of the Earth. Super Speed allows him to both run and fly at a couple
million miles per hour as well as faster than the speed of light. Super hearing allows him to hear
through the vacuum of space. Heat vision, which isn't just a straight beam from his eyes, can at
most encompass his entire range of sight. Frost breath allows him to freeze anything he wishes.
He can vibrate his molecules fast enough that he can go invisible as well as phase through
attacks and/or walls. Some of the feats that he has accomplished include but are not limited to:
decimating an F5 tornado simply by clapping his hands, taking the force of 15 suns exploding in
his face which is the equivalent of 150 quintillion tons of force and surviving, lugging the
(continued on page 21)
Man of Tomorrow (continued from page 20)
whole earth around, being
the filling for a planet
sandwich, and his most
amazing feet I think which
is his infinite mass punch
which he uses by vibrating
his fist faster than the
speed of light and hitting
with the force of a
supernova which is 10
octillion megatons. To put
this into perspective, the
mankind has ever tested is
the tsar, 50 megatons. The
equivalent of this punch equals about 200 septillion tsar super nukes. That's 24 zeros, folks. But
his feats don't stop at his physical standards. He has a super brain, is a master tactician, has a
perfect photographic memory, technological genius, and can read and memorize DNA! He
knows two Kryptonian Martial Arts: Torquasm Rao and Torquasm Vo which allow him to enter
the theta state, a real life phenomenon where people's brains are enhanced to the point of
predicting movements and attacks, and allowing him to protect his mind from psychic and
mental attacks. He knows pressure points that can paralyze and disable his opponent.
Even though Superman seems indestructible, he does have some weaknesses. The one
everyone knows about is Kryptonite, a radioactive rock from his home planet that brings him to
his knees. It's very dangerous to humans, so even if Batman wanted to use it against him, Batman
would eventually get cancer and die. So checkmate, bat-fans. He has no special resistance to
magic, so that is something that could be used against him. The final weakness he has is Red
solar energy. Superman gains all the energy he needs from the sun. He doesn't need to breathe or
eat food. When he becomes exposed to red solar energy in lieu of yellow solar energy, all the
yellow solar energy becomes neutralized and he becomes as weak as any normal human. If he
becomes exposed to blue solar energy, his power level DOUBLES! Wow.
There is so much more I could talk about with the man of steel, but I simply do not have
the time nor do I believe any of you will be interested in that. But before I sign off for the last
time, I'd like to leave you all with a quote I live by day to day: “You are much stronger than you
think; trust me.” –Superman
Well, that's all for this year. Party on, Wayne! Party on, Garth! Thank you all for reading!
“You are much stronger than you think; trust me.”
We Are The Fallen: Risen from the Ashes
By: Kaley Forster ‘17
Leonid Staff Writer
The fans of Evanescence and We Are The Fallen are in an uproar. Many are saying that We
Are The Fallen is just a copycat band of the beloved Evanescence. However, the fact is that both
bands were co-founded by Ben Moody. Moody had a falling out with Evanescence's lead singer,
Amy Lee. In order to keep the band alive, he decided to leave.
Lee and Moody co-founded Evanescence. The young band had a promising future. Their
music was incredibly written, suiting Lee's voice beautifully. They quickly rose to fame. On their
first tour, though, something happened to the spark that connected this band. The details were shady,
but in the end Ben Moody left his life's work to preserve it. Even in the loss, Evanescence prospered
after Moody left. They went on to become famous.
After a few years, We Are The Fallen appeared. Moody, along with two other Evanescence
members, founded this group. They had also whisked away Carly Smithson, a contestant on
American Idol. The new band was quite talented. As they started performing, many Evanescence fans
showed anger towards them, accusing the band of being a copycat. With the accusations spreading
around, Moody decided to tell his side of the story, and spoke of the problems he had with Lee in an
interview on BlabberMouth.net.
Both We Are The Fallen and Evanescence are accomplished bands that will be remembered
for their talents. The bands are very similar, mostly because they are in the same genre of music.
They have taken their talents and have presented them elegantly. Despite the criticisms thrown their
way, We Are The Fallen has risen from the ashes of Evanescence.
Lana Del Rey: A True Original
By: Randy Hatcher ‘17
Leonid Staff Writer
Lana Del Rey is gaining popularity in today's music culture.
You may know her by her songs "Summertime Sadness" or "Video
Games." She has sung for movies, such as The Great Gatsby and
Big Eyes. Del Rey even sang at Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s
Born Elizabeth Wooldridge Grant, this artist came onto the
music scene in 2005. Her former stage names were Mary Jailer and
Lizzy Grant until 2010 when she changed her name to Lana Del
Rey. She currently has three albums out, Born to Die, Paradise,
and Ultraviolence. Her newest album, Ultraviolence, was released
last year. Del Rey's music and image are very reminiscent of the
1960s and 1970s. Her fourth album, Honeymoon, is already in the
making with nine songs already into the album. She is very pleased with her latest endeavor.
Her songs, "Video Games," "Summertime Sadness," and "Young and Beautiful" may seem
familiar because they have much radio play. However, they are not her best songs. "Carmen," "Old
Money," and "Ride" are more noteworthy. Her music discusses poisonous relationships, teen life,
and personal hardships. To those who are not familiar with Lana Del Rey, I would definitely
recommend listening to her genuinely original and amazing sound.
Sound bytes
at BC
The following pieces of conversations were overheard in the halls of BC:
I made the biggest decision of my life yesterday.
I had a dream I fell down a window, okay?
I live for socializing. Socializing is the best part of life. Except for,
you know, living.
Dang, you better call All-State.
My foot! I mean, my leg!
I always wanted to be a magician. Luckily, I'm a musician.
Don't give me attitude if you're going to say something.
Ms. Weaver, I'm a star. A great big shiny star.
I fell into a China closet.
Chickens have claws, not fingers.
She's the sweetest girl ever.
Quick! Who is the headmaster at Hogwarts?
I said I'm not related to her. Yeah, I'm not.
What a bunch of cowards we were. We let the girl punch the bully and she decked him.
I got dizzy there. I'm not a ballerina.
You have a nanny?
Are you telling me I don't know how to put on makeup? Cause I do. I've done it before.
I don't watch the weather. I watch sports.
They get free pizza and get to go on field trips. Who wouldn't want to be in science club?
My lip gloss is frozen!
I could be a politician. All they do is yell.
Eddie, this is why the fish died.
My pants are so weird.
Dolphins are actually really scary.
Did you know llamas can die of a broken heart?
I'm only gonna buy one llama!
What's the difference between an alpaca and a llama?
In my future, I'm going to buy a sloth. They're only about $5,000.
I think my un-published life is pretty good.
The music I listen to is delicious.
I believe him. He said he never told a lie in his life.
Is it "cuter" or "more cute"?
There was an earthquake in my nose.
Spring Horoscopes
By: Madam Jema
Aries (March 21 – April 19) -- You may find yourself in a fortunate position if you are willing to
take a bit of a risk. Don't confide in any relatives whom you know have a tendency to meddle in
other people's affairs.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20) -- Don't overreact to someone's advances. Always remember to
keep calm. Speak of your future goals, intentions, and commitments.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20) -- Be honest with yourself before getting involved with someone
who is likely to lead you on. You may want to clear the air where older relatives are concerned.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22) -- Make sure to acknowledge the important people in your life. You
will never know when they're going to be gone. Always keep your friends close along with your
family because at the end of the day, they're part of the reason for your happiness.
Leo (July 23 – August 22) -- Have a good attitude and outlook on work and life. Work hard in
everything that you do, because your actions impact your future.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22) -- This month will be lucky for you. You will have the
chance to voice your opinion and you will have a great drive for success. Luck is coming your
Libra (September 23 – October 22) —Don’t over step boundaries with people. If you think
before your speak, you can prevent embarrassing situations.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) – The people you don't always agree with will finally see
things your way. This will be a new era in your relationships and you'll be enlightened.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) -- Don't try to make everything better for others.
Focus on your feelings first rather than everyone else. You need to work on you before you try to
fix other people.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) -- Have your day mapped out. It's important to stay
organized because things will go missing and the procrastination will grow stronger without a
solid schedule.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) -- Complications will motivate you to accomplish your
goals. Your relationships will help you overcome challenges.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20) -- It's up to you to put closure around recent events so you are
free to move on and embrace the future. Focus on moving ahead rather than taking steps