See the Playbill - Warehouse Theatre
See the Playbill - Warehouse Theatre
Current Tools, Inc. and The Warehouse Theatre present by David Mamet Directed by Jayce T. Tromsness Cast Paul Savas Brock Koonce Jason Adkins Anne Kelly Tromsness Stephen Boatright Charles Smith Archer Brown Turkey Guy Clarice Bernstein Dwight Grackle with additional support from Don Faircloth & Mark Blonstein November is presented by special arrangement with SAMUEL FRENCH, INC. NEW LOCATION IN EASLEY! NEW LOCATION EaSlEy ToWn CEnTER - across from Kohl’s 128 Rolling Hills Circle, EaSlEy 864-855-4800 SUPERCUTS-HUdSon CoRnERS 2115 old SPaRTanbURg Road gREER 864-322-5903 SUPERCUTS-doRman CEnTRE 120 doRman CommERCE dRIvE SPaRTanbURg 864-595-3558 SUPERCUTS-PElHam CommonS 215 PElHam Road gREEnvIllE 864-242-1490 SUPERCUTS-HIllCREST 200 daWn REdWood dRIvE SPaRTanbURg (In Wal-maRT PaRKIng loT) 864-529-0322 SUPERCUTS-TayloRS SqUaRE 3023 WadE HamPTon blvd TayloRS (In FRonT oF Wal-maRT) 864-268-2268 FIND & FOLLOW 1-800-SUPERCUTS | 648 South Main Street Greenville’s Historic West End 864.232.8999 Corner of Main & Broad Heart of Downtown Greenville 864.546.3535 A Note From The Executive & Artistic Director Welcome to he Warehouse heatre. It is because of you that we are able to enjoy a vibrant Warehouse heatre dedicated to providing you with Intense, Intimate and Unexpected theatre. You make possible the type of theatre that you have come to expect from us; the kind of theatre you can only ind in an intimate space like he Jean Pelham Stage at he Warehouse heatre. We think theatre is best experienced up close and personal. here really is no bad seat here at he Warehouse heatre and you will be almost as much a part of the action as the characters themselves. Well, that’s not quite true -- you’re actually as much a part of the action as the characters. he immediacy and ephemerality of theatre and the magic of sharing a live, leeting experience with your friends and loved ones, actors and strangers, make YOU the most important part of the theatrical process. It all comes alive when you walk into the theatre. For the entire night, your presence changes the show. See the same show twice in the same run -- even the next night -and I guarantee you will see a show with diferent nuance and subtleties that happen because of you. It’s one of those magical things that happens between an audience and those working on a performance. We all share in the event, and that event has real magic. I was, and think I still am, a student of theatre history. I studied under one of the greatest theatre historians this country has ever produced. Dr. Brockett passed away two years ago; he was one of the most important inluences on my career. Because of him, I developed an intellectual and visceral love of theatre history and, perhaps because of my Greek heritage, a fondness for the very beginnings of theatre, some 2500 years ago in ancient Greece. In just about every way, the ancients created modern theatre. In my eyes, every not-for-proit theatre is a community theatre, regardless of how many millions of dollars may or may not be in its budget. his didn’t begin in the 1960s. It began in, more like, the 460s – BC. he Greeks created an art form that had three purposes: honoring the gods, civic pride and edifying human beings. I take this seriously. Sometimes during a play we collectively experience a glimpse of the divine in the form of a sublime moment. We work to open the door for those sublime moments and our souls need that experience. We are dedicated members of our community and our city, and the iner our work, the iner our city and our region’s quality of life. Our partnerships with like-minded individuals, businesses and not-for-proits happen because we are proud of our shared community and wish to make it an even better place to live, hoping to share it with everyone who will listen. Oh, by the way -- that’s also one of the reasons big corporations move to the area. And, inally, “what a piece of work is a man.” Of course Shakespeare was speaking of mankind, and it is our hope that when you see a show at he Warehouse heatre, you will not only enjoy yourself and lose yourself a little, but also ind yourself a little. We do intend, as it were, to hold “the mirror up to nature; to show virtue her own feature, scorn her own image, and the very age and body of the time his form and pressure.” You are continuing a proud Western tradition that has continued proudly since its beginnings in the 5th century BC. (Well, there were a couple of dark years in there, but that’s a diferent note.) hank you for coming to the theatre, thank you for supporting the theatre and we hope you will take an opportunity to learn more about us and plan on joining us next season, for our 40th year of great theatre! Mailing address: he Warehouse heatre 37 Augusta St. Greenville, SC 29601 Website address: Email: [email protected] Latecomers: Latecomers will be seated at the discretion of management and in seats that avoid disrupting other patrons and the performance. Refunds are not available except in the case of performance cancellation. If you cannot attend, we can accept your unused ticket as a donation. Please return your ticket to the box oice to obtain a tax receipt. Smoking: Smoking is NOT PERMITTED anywhere in the building. hose who must smoke should do so on the public sidewalk away from the building, so as not to bother other patrons. Please do not smoke just outside the doors as the smoke drifts back inside; instead, go to the end of the ramp to the “patio” area. Cameras and recording devices: It is ILLEGAL to record a performance, with any media, in whole or in part. If you record a performance in whole or in part we will ask you to to stop recording during the live performance. You will be embarrassed. Cell Phones, Beepers & Alarm Watches: Please turn them of BEFORE the performance begins. Please do not use the vibrate option but, instead, turn them completely of. Lost and Found: Found items should be given to the House Manager. Queries regarding lost items may be made by calling 235-6948. Recycling & Trash: Please help us keep the theatre clean by discarding trash in the lobby trash cans or by handing it to us for recycling. hank you! Your Image: Attendance at he Warehouse heatre is your tacit permission for us to use your still image for marketing and/or fundraising purposes. Attendance at he Warehouse heatre is your tacit permission for us to use your moving image and recorded comments for marketing and/or fundraising purposes. Attending he heatre: • When coming to the theatre, at he Warehouse or anywhere else, you are taking part in a 2500+ year old tradition that engages you with the community in which you live. With this in mind, please be courteous to the other audience members. You are part of their experience and they are part of yours. • Watching a play requires you to think. Enjoy yourself with your brain ON. You can’t go back if you miss something – this is live and in the lesh. • here are many diferent types and styles of plays. We ofer you the opportunity to attend a pre-show talk before our Sunday matinees which will put the play you are about to watch into context, and we also have information about our production available to you in our lower lobby, but do your own homework. You will enjoy the experience more if you do a little bit of research into the play and the playwright. he Internet is your friend! • Don’t be afraid to laugh...there are laughs even in tragedies. Go’s ok! The Warehouse Theatre is sponsored in part by a grant from the Metropolitan Arts Council, which receives funding from the U.S. Department of Education, the City of Greenville, BMW Manufacturing Company LLC, Michelin North America and the South Carolina Arts Commission with support from the National Endowment for the Arts and the John and Susan Bennett Memorial Fund of the Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina. Director’s Note In ancient Greece, Aristophanes was one of four playwrights whose works would survive the centuries. He wrote comedies and satires exclusively. When the philosopher Plato was asked by a friend to point him toward a book to help him understand Athenian society, Plato told him to read the plays of Aristophanes. For Plato believed that satire and irony were the most efective ways to understand a society. Novice directors are often told that good casting is 75% of the job. Veteran directors don’t become veteran directors without heeding that advice. It seemed obvious to me that bringing this group of actors together again and letting them sink their creative talons into this play was at the very least 47% of a job well done. Add to the math David Mamet’s scathing satire on various themes (corruption, desperate human dynamics, casual prejudice, and the quest for immortality) put them together in a tiny, oval shaped, political cauldron and the odds are something’s going to give, things are going to be said that need to be said, and nobody’s going to escape scrutiny. We may be shocked by the action and words, taken aback by the naked, uncensored opining of the characters, and, perhaps, mortiied at our own laughter at such things. But in the end, we might also catch the scent of some brutal truth, or get a glimpse of some undeniably “human” behavior. And after all, a good satire should do just that: make us laugh…and then make us think. Jayce T. Tromsness The Setting The Time An Oice One: Morning, Two: Evening, Three: Morning Production Crew Director Stage Manager / Sound Board Operator Set Designer / Scenic Charge Lighting Designer / Technical Director Costume Designer Original Music Sound Design Assistant Technical Director Scenic Artist Dramaturg Light Board Operator / Electrician Set Crew Jayce T. Tromsness Samantha Else Shannon Robert John F. Keenan Kendra Johnson David Sims Jayce T. Tromsness Henry Wilkinson Sarah Shealy Elisa Golden Christian Oehring Ben Pittman, Aaron Pennington Staf Executive/Artistic Director Production Stage Manager Director of Education Director of Development Associate Artistic Director Box Oice/House Manager Technical Director Paul Savas Jaime Keegstra Anne Kelly Tromsness Katie Leckenbusch Shannon Robert Andy Croston John F. Keenan Special Thanks Mansure & Company Clemson University Performing Arts Department Glenn Sawicki SC Governor’s School for the Arts & Humanities Whole Foods Market he Brooks Center for the Performing Arts Old Colony Furniture Christ Church Episcopal School Touch of Class Florist South Carolina Arts Comission Aaron Sorkin Productions Unlimited, Inc. he West Wing Greenville Forward Morgan Blaich Safron’s Sidewalk Cafe Justin Neil Ames Zack McNamara South Carolina Children’s heatre Greenville Forward Kenneth Walker JC Rose & Associates, Inc. Taylor Mills Properties he Distracted Globe heatre Company Tenth Planet Advertising Matthew Leckenbusch Suburbun Paint Ever-Green Recycling Metropolitan Arts Council Stephen Boatright he Community Foundation of Greenville Shirley Sarlin Volunteer at The Warehouse Theatre Call 864-235-6948 or e-mail [email protected] for more information Special privileges include invitation to our 4th of July Party! 100% Committed to Local, Seasonal, Artisanal Food & Drink Cultivating & Sustaining the Arts in the Historic West End District Serving Dinner Tuesday – Saturday Reservations Recommended 732 S. Main St. Greenville, SC 864.232.7665 Dramaturgical Notes Let’s Talk Turkey Like Harold Pinter’s Pinteresque style, David Mamet is a playwright known for his signature dialogue, dubbed Mamet-speak. Mamet-speak refers to the way Mamet uses clipped, frank and often blue language in rapid-ire overlapping exchanges. “My main emphasis is on the rhythm of language,” he explained in a 1977 interview. “Our rhythms describe our actions—no, our rhythms prescribe our actions. I became fascinated— I still am—by the way the language we use, its rhythm, actually determines the way we behave, more than the other way around.” Mamet seemed to step into his own charged stage dialogue when, in 2008, he outed himself as a conservative by writing one of he Village Voice’s most popular columns. “Why I Am No Longer a ‘Brain-Dead Liberal’” shocked the theater community as it was embracing the playwright’s new political comedy, November. As Mamet explains, he wrote the essay because he started thinking about politics when writing November. Mamet later disclosed his displeasure with the Voice’s headline for the article. In a 2011Wall Street Journal piece by Bari Weiss entitled “David Mamet’s Coming Out Party,” Mamet tells Weiss, “‘hey mistitled it.’ Mr. Mamet had given the piece the far more staid title, “Political Civility.” But the Voice’s headline was truth in advertising. ‘I took the liberal view for many decades, but I believe I have changed my mind,’ Mr. Mamet wrote, referring to his prior self as, yes, a ‘brain-dead liberal.’” Whatever the title, it is safe to say that Mamet takes the Tea Party view of limited government involvement in citizens’ lives. Like St. Paul on the road to Damascus, the playwright was traveling on a highway in California listening to NPR (which Mamet refers to as National Palestinian Radio) when he was struck with the realization that he no longer believed in the liberal ideology. On his road to political conversion, Mamet revealed that his rabbi was chiely responsible for steering him in the direction of such conservative reading material as, White Guilt by Shelley Steele and Capitalism and Freedom by Milton Friedman; books that he voraciously gobbled up. His newfound conservatism has led him to speak highly of both Sarah Palin and Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. Mamet goes as far as to say that the United States needs a president like Bibi. Still wishing to clarify his recent political leanings, Mamet penned he Secret Knowledge: On the Dismantling of American Culture---the 2011 novel that had the arts community buzzing. His P.C. or Post-Conversion plays---Race (2010), he Linguistics Class (2011), and he Anarchist (debuting December, 2012) ---tend to be more message than characterdriven. As Mamet increasingly takes on political and social issues, his audiences are in for an earful. Often compared with Hemingway in personality as well as style, this is a playwright who pulls no punches. Mamet may rule a few turkey feathers along the way, but in the end he seems to be fulilling his primary objective which, as he says, is to “put asses in the seats.” By Elisa M. Golden Dramaturg The Medici Society Your gift to he Medici Society, the Warehouse heatre’s annual fund, is an altruistic act which supports our annual operations. he Medici Family of 15th century Florence was largely responsible for the lowering of arts during the height of Florentine and European Renaissance. he Medicis gave ample patronage to the arts and literature in order to encourage a prosperous city. When you give to he Medici Society, you join a rich history of giving to the arts which was born in ancient Greece, revived through the Medicis, and is ours to perfect. For more information please contact: Katie Leckenbusch Director of Development. [email protected] 864.235.6948 Chairman’s Circle ($10,000+) Lobby space donated to a charity of your choice for a reception (some restrictions apply). Producer’s Circle ($7,500 - $9,999) (20) Tickets: Pick a show, or shows, invite your friends OR WHT will donate tickets in your name to the charity of your choice. Director’s Circle ($5,000 - $7,499) Invitation for (2) to WHT Gala. January 26, 2013. Playwright’s Circle ($2,500 - $4,999) Reserved seating for you and a guest for the whole season! (reservations required) Grand Benefactors ($1,000 - $2,499) Invitation to a design presentation and rehearsal of your choice. Benefactors ($500 - $999) Invitation for (2) to the Warehouse 4th of July Party. Patrons ($250 - $499) Invitation to heatre Appreciation Events. Please check the website for dates and topics! Partners ($100 – $249) Recognition in the 2012-2013 season playbill and WHT website. The Medici Society he Graham Foundation Hollingsworth Funds, Inc. he Jolley Foundation he Metropolitan Arts Council he Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Carolinas South Carolina Arts Commission he TD Charitable Foundation Chairman’s Circle $10,000 + Anonymous BMW Manufacturing Co. JC Rose & Associates, Inc. Ethel and John Piper Jackie and John Warner Producer’s Circle $7,500-$9,999 he Derrick Family Foundation Debra and Tom Strange Wyche Director’s Circle $5,000 - $7,499 Current Tools, Inc. Danielle Fontaine and Bill McLendon Greenville Hospital System Children’s Hospital he Elbert W. Rogers Foundation he Jean T. and Heyward G. Pelham Foundation Playwright’s Circle $2,500 - $4,999 Susan and Steve Bichel Claire and Joe Blake Bon Secours St. Francis Health System Vickie and Craig Brown Design Strategies, LLC Elliott Davis, LLC Don Faircloth and Mark Blonstein Crissy and George F. Maynard, III he Priester Foundation Rogers Financial (Jon & Jeanette Rogers) Susan and Russell Stall Sharon and Adrian Steinmann Supercuts Grand Benefactor’s $1,000- $2,499 Linda Archer Sue and Dr. Jim Burford Anne and Mike Chengrian Staci and Brock Koonce Cutler Computers Linda and Jerry Cutler Jane Davenport Kathi and Joel Daniel Harriet and Jerry Dempsey Diane and Chip Egan Andrew Elash Ingrid and Rick Erwin he ExxonMobil Foundation Roy S. Fluhrer and Elizabeth Barwick Hasert Memorial Trust Haynsworth, Sinkler, Boyd Steven Johnson Mary and Jef Lawson Marsha and Wallace Lightsey Cecily Mango and Harry Wilkinson Baisa and Paul McHugh Laura and Bill Pelham Jane and Donald Pilzer he Honorable Richard C. Riley Shirley Sarlin Carol and Andy Savas Wolf Stromberg Emilie and Nick heodore Ellen and Alan Weinberg Bobbi and Bill Wheless Lorraine and Robert Wooten C. homas Wyche Benefactors $500 - $999 ADG Preferred Payroll, Inc. Helen and Neil Ames Paul C. Aughtry, III Susan and Steve Bichel Sue and Jim Burford Signe and Ron Cann he Community Foundation of Greenville Judith L. Coe Mary Anne and Bob Cooper Janis and Stanley Crowe Pat Dilger Rosenfeld Einstein Rosa Eisenstadt John Fagan and Jack Ashton Keller and David Freeman Lara and Eric Farnsworth Sarah and George Fletcher The Medici Society Lucy Foxworth Patricia and William Fuller Donna and Steve Graddick Suzie and Jim Grow Lois and Monte Hart Trude Heller and Family Alice and Jerry Lenz Billy Long McBee Station Apartments Beth and Scott McMillan Heidie and Keith Miller Mary Louise Mims Dolly and Louis Pardi Teri and Jorge Pena Heather and John Petrusick Piedmont Arthritis Clinic Sherm Rounsville David Ryder Diana and Mike Staford Shannon Robert and Paul Savas Sydney Taylor Diana and Greg Valente Jill and Lou Vales Harriet and Philip Van Hale Steve Von Fange (hanks to Harry Wilkinson) Bianca and Craig Walker Kelly and Jim Wallace Alex and Phillip Whitley Knox and Marsha White Jeannette Wilcox Gail Wilkinson Mimi Wyche and Davis Enloe Patrons $250 -$499 Helen and Neil Ames Ann Bible and Tom Batson Susan and Randy Clark Dan Belbey and Tom Donnelly Carolyn Childs Billie Cleveland and Carroll Rushing Wade Cleveland and Travis Seward Anne and John Crabtree Judy Iselin Cromwell Debby and Joe Derosa Betty Farr Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Ferlauto Mark Fernandez Nita Finley G5, Inc.- Belinda and Gary Gerrack Julie and Berry Garrett Anne Gibson Sharron and Norman Glickman Laura and Jim Gossett Terry and Mark Gordon Robert Gower Roger Gower Nicolette and Allen Grumbine Priscilla and Johnny Hagins Marcy and Dexter Hagy Frank B. Halter Bruce and Nancy Halverson Priscilla and Knox Haynsworth Anna Kate and Hayne Hipp Jamie and Henry Horowitz Bev and Bob Howard Andrea and Carson Johnson Mary and Ellis Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Hurdle Lea Fred Lefert Helen Maish Genevieve and Basil Manly Sarah and Time McHenry McCallum Sweeney Consulting, Inc. Sandy and Tom Mills Mary Louise Mims Sue and Brian Onken William H. Orders William Page Margaret Ellis Pearce Sue Priester C. Niles Ray Nicole and Trevor Ream Amy and Martial Robichaud Michelle and Michael Shain Minor and Hal Shaw Carol and James Smeaton Diane Smock and Brad Wyche Pat and Barney Snyder Elizabeth P. Stall Carolyn G. Stirm Sidney and Ed Taylor Lubov and Edvard Tchivzhel Lucy and Tom Tiller Sherri and Chuck Timmons Jo and Harry Ussery Leslie and Eddie Vann Marilyn Vanvick and Bill Page The Medici Society hea and Ruud Veltman Maxim Williams Eleanor and Irv Welling Jeannette Wilcox Lorraine and Robert Wooten Patrons $100 - $249 Steve Acres Traysie Amick Tim Baiden Debbie and Michael Bell Dianne and James Bergen Bernice Bloom Angelique Brickner Linda Burns Robert Cancelliere Capehart Dentistry Mark Cerniglia – In Honor of Ben Cerniglia Mark and Sappho Charney Kenneth Christy Roger Clinkscales Alice and Tom Claggett Adrian and Kerstin Craven Eileen Culbreth Harry Curtis Peggy and Steve Davis Diane and Chip Egan Ingrid and Rick Erwin Gladys Dyke John Eastman Valerie Estes Allen Evans Ildiko and Rich Everly Laura and Eric Farnsworth Rebecca and homas Faulkner Nita Finley Pamela Fjeld Elizabeth Foxworth William Garren Annette Garver Terry Gordon Laura and Jim Gossett Heather Haley David Hames Judie Hayes Richard Heusel Sue and Sam Inman George Michael Jamra Eugene Johnson Jean and Ken Johnson BJ and Don Koonce Vickie and Paul Kroeger Sandra Lamberson Linda and Harry Law Diane L. Lawrence Glenda Manwaring Foster Lee Linda and Howard Levy Heather Lyndon Sharon Martin William Mebane Laura Miller Elinor and John Mioduski Warren Mowry McPhail Animal Hospital Lynda Morrison Mary Lee and Warren Mowry Bob and Valerie Muller Laura and Miles Nason Anne Parker Diane Perlmutter Pride of Greenville Men’s Chorus Mary Principie Sally and Peter Potosky Mary Anne Reed Susan and Tim Reed Lucy and Roger Rollin David Ryder Patricia and Bob Shufeldt John Sisson Delores and Barney Smith Cindy and Stan Starnes Maris and Neil Steinberg Frankie and Monty Tucker Valda and Donald Vandersloot Judy and Eric Verhoeven Lee Watson West End Spirits Phyllis Wilkes Charles Woford and Nancy B homas Art Young and Donna Reiss Thank you to all of our donors! Please let us know if you ind an error in your information - we want to represent your support correctly! WORKING TOGETHER FOR A COMMON GOAL Investing in a Shared Future. et To g e c re n e f if aD g in Mak TD Bank is proud to support the people, projects and activities that make life better for us all. her Season Tickets A season subscription gives the lexibility to choose from ANY Main Stage performance that its your schedule. For example: you can use one ticket on each of our Main Stage shows –or- attend a single show and treat 6 of your friends!* Please call the box oice, 864.235.6948, 11:00am-4:00pm Tuesday-Friday, or visit our website for more information. 12-13 Adult Season Subscription $195.00 7 lexible tickets to use how you like for mainstage shows in the 2012-2013 season 12-13 Adult Season Subscription with Reserved Seats $230.00 7 lexible tickets to use how you like for mainstage shows in the 2012-2013 season* his Subscription includes Reserved Seats for the season! Tell us where you like to sit and we’ll have your name on the seat for you when you arrive. 12-13 Senior Season Subscription $150.00 7 lexible tickets to use how you like for mainstage shows in the 2012-2013 season* For our patrons 65 and older. 12-13 Senior Season Subscription with Reserved Seats $185.00 7 lexible tickets to use how you like for mainstage shows in the 2012-2013 season* his Subscription includes Reserved Seats for the season! *Only two tickets per subscription may be used for he Rocky Horror Show. Playwright Biography: David Alan Mamet was born November 30, 1947 in Chicago, Illinois, and is the only son of Bernard and Leonore Mamet (they also had a younger daughter, Lynn). Lenore June (Silver) was a teacher and Bernard Morris Mamet, an attorney. His father was a labor lawyer who loved to argue and taught his children how to listen, question things, and express themselves as precisely as possible. Mamet spent many afternoons in his father’s oice, making phone calls and typing letters on the typewriter. Mamet’s parents’ high standards and their divorce when he was eleven made his childhood an unhappy one. He was very close to his sister, however. At ifteen he started working at the Hull House heatre and discovered his life’s direction. One of David Mamet’s irst jobs was as a busboy. He was educated at the progressive Francis W. Parker School in Chicago. He went on to study literature and theater at Goddard College in Vermont (receiving a bachelor’s degree in 1969) and acting at the Neighborhood Playhouse School of heater in New York. In 1971 Mamet began teaching drama at Goddard and wrote several plays. His irst play to receive attention, he Duck Variations (1972), was soon followed by Sexual Perversity In Chicago (1974). American Bufalo (1975), for which Mamet received the New York Drama Critics Circle Award, was his irst big hit. Other plays from this period include A Life in the heatre, he Woods, Reunion, and Dark Pony (all 1977), as well as he Sanctity of Marriage (1979). Glengarry Glen Ross (1982), Mamet’s most praised work, was awarded both the New York Drama Critics Circle Award and the Pulitzer Prize in drama. In 1995 he received his second Pulitzer Prize for he Cryptogram. Some of his other noteworthy plays include Speed-the-Plow (1988), Oleanna (1992) and November (2007). Mamet has also written several screenplays, including he Postman Always Rings Twice (1981), he Verdict (1982) and Wag the Dog (1997). He has also written a number of books. His awards include the Joseph Jeferson Award, 1974; Obie Award, 1976,1983; New York Drama Critics Circle Award, 1977, 1984; Outer Circle Award, 1978; Society of West End heatre Award, 1983; Pulitzer Prize, 1984, 1995; Dramatists Guild Hall-Warriner Award, 1984; American Academy Award, 1986; and Tony Award, 1984,1987. Mamet and actress Lindsay Crouse were married in 1977 and divorced in 1990. He and Crouse have two children together, Willa and Zosia. Willa is a professional photographer and Zosia is an actress. Mamet has been married to actress and singer-songwriter Rebecca Pidgeon since 1991. hey have two young children, Clara and Noah. DALI HAD BEEN FORCED INTO A DIFFERENT LIFE? WHAT IF Dali’s father was a lawyer and a strict disciplinarian. If it had not been for the encouragement and guidance of Felipa Ferres, Dali may have never developed into a legendary artist. What if the next Dali is in South Carolina looking for a chance to follow their art? You could be the difference maker. Visit to learn more. What’s in store at The Season Subscription “Flex Pass” Pricing Season subscribers receive our popular “Flex Pass” that includes 7 discounted tickets to use on any of our main stage shows. You can attend each show once, or go to a single show and treat six of your friends. Just about any combination totaling 7 will work*. *Due to the tremendous popularity of The Rocky Horror Show, only two of the seven Flex Pass tickets can be used on this particular show. Regular Flex Pass $195 Savings of up to $60 vs single ticket prices Senior Flex Pass $150 Savings of up to $105 vs single ticket prices Warehouse for 2012 - 2013 September 7- 29 October 26 November 10 December 7- 29 December 7- 29 January 25 February 16 March 22 April 13 May 17 June 8 Book, Music and Lyrics By Richard O'Brien, Directed by Brian Haimbach Starring Will Ragland as Dr. Frank-N-Furter The classic campy B-movie for the stage! The Warehouse Theatre remounts its sold out run of the 2010/11 season…but this time it’s bigger, better and bawdier! By David Mamet, Directed by Jayce T. Tromsness, Starring Paul Savas as POTUS A donkey and an elephant walk into a bar…no..seriously…fed up with politics? Fed up with clowns posing as public servants? Fed up with the Feds? Come enjoy this non-politically correct farce set in the Oval Office during the election! By Ogden Nash, Adapted by Will Rhys Directed by Brenna Yeary This family friendly Christmas musical is the heartwarming Christmas treat you and your kids crave. Follow the adventures of Nicholas Knock as he brings Christmas back to the kingdom of King Oldwin. 50 minutes of Christmas Fun! Two irreverent Holiday shorts by David Sedaris Santaland Diaries: Directed by Matt Reece, Starring Ryan Bradburn. David Sedaris spent a Christmas Season as an elf to a Santa in a mall. These are his stories. Hilarious, irreverent and not for kiddies! Season Greetings: Directed by Anne Kelly Tromsness, Starring Kerrie Seymour. You know those Christmasfamily “newsletters” that give you all the ins and outs of distant family friends and 3rd cousins thrice removed? This is the dysfunctional version. Not for the kids. By Sarah Ruhl Directed by Anne Kelly Tromsness Sarah Ruhl, one of our finest playwrights, brings the classic story of Orpheus and Eurydice to life in a beautiful retelling – from Eurydice’s perspective. The New York Times describes the play “Like all fine poems, songs and paintings, it’s a love letter to the world that deserves to be remembered for a good long time.” By William Shakespeare Directed by Paul Savas This play is one of Shakespeare's greatest works. A classic tale of a romance between enemies, of two young lovers trying to break through the feud of their families. Music and Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, Book by Hugh Wheeler Directed by Chip Egan, Starring Mimi Wyche Mimi Wyche stars in one of Sondheim's greatest and most popular musicals. Weaving from farce to comedy to bittersweet romance, this tale of living with choices you make includes the all time favorite, the classic song Send in The Clowns. 244-1375 1378 North Pleasantburg Dr. Lake Forest Shopping Center BMW Manufacturing Co. The Ultimate Driving Machine Proud to support the arts. As one of the largest employers in South Carolina, BMW Manufacturing is helping push the state forward — not only by contributing billions of dollars to the economy, but by playing a positive role in the community. That’s why we are engaged in many cultural partnerships throughout South Carolina. Our platform of commitment ranges from support of the performing arts to architecture and design. Together, we are helping to make South Carolina a better place to work and live. To learn more about our cultural commitments, please visit ©2011 BMW Manufacturing Co. The BMW name, model names and logo are registered trademarks. ® Who’s Who Paul Savas (Charles Smith) is he Warehouse heatre’s Executive/Artistic Director. Savas received his Philosophy BA from Trinity University and his Acting MFA from UT Austin. In addition to producing all shows at he Warehouse heatre, Savas has played Macbeth in Macbeth, Salieri in Amadeus, Shylock in he Merchant of Venice, Harold in K2, Charles in he Clean House and Bottom in Midsummer Night’s Dream. He also directed Sight Unseen, he Diary of Anne Frank, Hamlet, Sada and Screwtape. [email protected] for comments. Jason Adkins (Turkey Guy) is in his third mainstage production at he Warehouse and was previously seen in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Screwtape. He teaches in the theatre department at both Clemson University and Furman University. Also, he serves as a teaching artist in his Wooden O, he Warehouse heatre’s primary education outreach program, which ofers Shakespeare workshops to students in regional K-12 schools. Anne Kelly Tromsness (Clarice Bernstein) serves as Director of Education for he Warehouse heatre. Her mainstage roles have included: Nerissa in he Merchant of Venice, Philadelphia in Something More han A Game, Helena, Snout, Egeus and Titania in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Ana in he Clean House, Hecate and Lady Macduf in Macbeth, Edith Frank in he Diary of Anne Frank, Polina in he Seagull and he Doctors in Reckless. Anne is a founding member and co-Artistic Director of he Distracted Globe heatre Company. She is the mother of the fabulous Mae Tromsness. Anne teaches theatre and speech at Christ Church Episcopal School and is directing the upcoming he Warehouse heatre productions of Eurydice and Season’s Greetings. Brock Koonce (Archer Brown) is excited to be back onstage at he Warehouse heatre. Brock was last seen as one half of the clown duo in he 39 Steps. Previous Warehouse credits include Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, MacBeth, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, he Turn of the Screw, Sight Unseen and he hree Cuckolds. He’d like to dedicate this performance in honor of Nancy Capps. And to his wonderful wife, Staci, he sends all his love. Stephen Boatright (Dwight Grackle) feels like a kid at the grown-ups table, and is honored to be sharing the stage with such an amazing cast. He was last seen at he Warehouse heatre in he Distracted Globe’s production of Twelfth Night this summer, and before that in Something More han a Game on the WHT Main Stage. As a day job, he works in photography, ilm, graphic design and other such mediums at which people look. Jayce T. Tromsness (Director) is originally from Tacoma, WA. He earned a BA in theatre from Western Washington University in 1990. He began working professionally in theatre in the Paciic Northwest in 1986. He moved to Columbia, SC in 1990 to pursue an MFA in acting from USC which he received in 1994. During his years in Columbia, Jayce taught voice and speech, acting, period styles, text analysis, and theatre history at USC, Midlands Technical College, and the Kershaw Co. Fine Arts Center. He was also a company member at Trustus heatre. In 2001, Jayce and his wife Anne Kelly Tromsness moved to Greenville where they both became artistic associates at the Warehouse heatre. Jayce currently teaches voice and speech and theatre history at the South Carolina Governor’s School for the Arts and Humanities. He has acted and directed numerous productions in Greenville, is playwright in residence here at WHT as well as a vocal/text coach. Who’s Who Kendra Johnson’s (Costume Designer) professional credits include Adventure heatre in Glen Echo, MD, Highland Repertory heatre and NC Stage Company in North Carolina, and he Warehouse heatre in Greenville, SC. She has served as costume designer for over 50 productions, among them, A Funny hing Happened on the Way to the Forum, Marat/Sade, Equus, Macbeth and Miss Julie. November marks Kendra’s ninth collaboration with he Warehouse heatre. Johnson won several design awards as a Master of Fine Arts candidate at he University of Tennessee-Knoxville and received her degree in 1994. She earned her Bachelor of Arts from James Madison University. She is an Associate Professor at Clemson University teaching in the department of Performing Arts. Shannon Robert (Set Designer/Scenic Charge) received an M.F.A. in scene design from FSU and studied design at the Moscow Art heatre Conservatory. A painter, designer, and teacher, she was Director of heatre at William Carey University. She has designed internationally for venues in Edinburgh, Nairobi, Bratislava and Moscow. She worked with KCACTF as Region IV design chair and vice chair and served on the board of SETC. Shannon managed he Spoon Group Productions in NJ/NY and worked on the Broadway productions of he Grinch, Grease, Xanadu, Legally Blonde, Inherit the Wind, he Pirate Queen, Coram Boy, Jersey Boys, Spamalot, Hairspray and he Color Purple. Shannon is a member of the Clemson University Faculty. Samantha Else (Stage Manager) has a BA in Communications from he University of South Carolina Upstate and an MA in Contemporary Performance from he Arts University College at Bournemouth (England). Her recent WHT credits include SM for Stones in His Pockets and ASM for he Rocky Horror Show. Other credits include directing and adapting Much Ado about Nothing (Shakespeare by the Sea, UK) and directing the world premiere of “Blood Orange Sorbet” (he Hudson Guild heatre, NYC). John F. Keenan (Technical Director) is thrilled to join he Warehouse heatre as the new Technical Director. John received his Bachelor of Arts in heatre from Lander University and his Master of Arts in Design and Technical heatre from Louisiana Tech University. Over the past decade, John has worked professionally as a Technical Director at Louisiana Tech University, Oklahoma Shakespearean Festival, City Lights heatre Company in San Jose and most recently as the resident Lighting Designer and Technical Director at the California heatre Center in Sunnyvale. Other lighting design credits include: he Santaland Diaries, he Grapes of Wrath, Around the World in Eighty Days and Assistant Lighting Designer for Chestnuts Roasting Over the Flaming Idiots— an Of-Broadway holiday spectacular at the New Victory heatre. 305 Rutherford Road Greenville, SC 29609-4657 (864) 370-4787 Wishlist • • • • • • • • • • • • • Hardcover books Hardware store gift cards Plywood, 2- and 1-by lumber Masonite Crescent wrenches Oice supplies Printer paper 8.5”x11” & 11”x17” New Saw blades Beer glasses Cabaret tables Paint - especially lat black Post-It Notes Desk and loor lamps • • • • • • • • • • • • Electrical & plumbing services Guest Artist housing A soundproofed roof Antique furniture Unique clothing in good shape Plastic storage bins Paper towels and toilet paper Laundry detergent & cleaners Liquid hand soap Computers with at least Intel Core Duo processors iPads, iPod Touches, iPhones Grounded extension cords he Warehouse heatre appreciates all of our donors – we could not do it without you! When the urge strikes to bring goods for donation (such as furniture, books,paint, clothing) – please give us a call. Due to storage limitations and restrictions we cannot accept ALL donations of goods. To save you valuable time and efort please call the theatre to speak with our Technical Director or Director of Development regarding your donation. 31 Augusta Street - Greenville, SC 29601 or [email protected] Cafe: 864-241-0401 Catering: 864-525-0080 BRING the SHOW HOME • Home Theaters • Whole House Audio • Green Home Solutions COME SEE OUR NEW WEST END SHOWROOM LOCATED AT 119 N MARKLEY ST BETWEEN FLOUR FIELD AND ACADEMY STREET Give Us Call For A Consultation 864.271.4276 We’ve helped clients capitalize on opportunities since 1925. We are proud to be a sponsor of the Warehouse Theatre. fully engaged: in our community East Broad Street • Gree ille, SC 96 .elliotda The Warehouse Theatre Mission Statement: he Warehouse heatre is a professional live theatre dedicated to theatre as a serious art form; to high-quality, diverse and challenging productions; to training theatre professionals; to community outreach; and to student education. he Warehouse heatre chooses plays that stretch the imagination of Upstate audiences, energize and excite the community with Intense, Intimate and Unexpected performances that explore and celebrate the complexities of our time. he Warehouse heatre does this to encourage an adventurousness of spirit, and to develop a hunger for the visceral impact of theatre, in the mind, heart, and soul. Because of generous grants from he Metropolitan Arts Council, he South Carolina Arts Commission and he Wachovia Foundation, he Warehouse heatre proudly supplies its audience with assistive listening devices free of charge. If you would like to use a device please return to the box oice and check one out. Just leave your ID and listen to theatre afresh! We have hearing aid loop devices, ear buds and headphones! We give you a choice so you can be comfortable! From corsets to cloaks, collars to caps, The Warehouse Theatre constructs its costumes with fabric from Mansure & Company 864.282.1900 fine fabrics and trims Education at The Warehouse Theatre A signiicant part of he Warehouse heatre’s vision and mission is education – in the schools and in the community. Our educational oferings are designed to encourage engagement, creativity and theatre that not only entertains, but elevates and celebrates the community it serves. Here are some highlights: his Wooden O, WHT’s nationally recognized actors-in-the-classroom program, sends teams of teaching artists into middle, high and elementary school classrooms to enhance students’ comprehension and appreciation of Shakespeare’s works. In 2011-12, WHT teaching artists worked with 24 area schools, in English, Drama and Challenge Program classrooms, providing over 650 hours of instruction. Applied heatre: Healthy Living debuted in 2011-12. Our new applied theatre outreach programming gives youth a platform to explore not only choices and dilemmas afecting their physical health, but encompasses their social well-being and goal-setting as well. Emphasizing exploration and expression, we work in concert with organizations who serve youth to identify issues and help them envision positive possibilities. In this inaugural year, we worked with over 175 youths, from organizations such as Bridges to a Brighter Future, Sterling Teen Center, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Greenville Hospital Systems and Communities in Schools, empowering youth through theatre. WHT’s Audience Enrichment Series includes pre-show talks with directors or scholars in the genre or historical context of the play, talkbacks with actors, directors and designers about the speciic production, lobby displays and forums. Last season, 3 of the forums had standing room only crowds; sparking discussions on topics ranging from sustainable economic development, the role of story in our culture, distraction and its implications in the digital age, and the functions and dysfunctions of family. Forums are scheduled for the Wednesday before the opening of each mainstage – and they are free and open to the public! Pre-show talk and talkback schedules are on our website. Performances for Students Last season, Lamplight and Shadow, a play about the relationship between the life and literature of Edgar Allen Poe, written by playwright in residence Jayce Tromsness, played to 1600 students as part of the Peace Center’s POP Series. he play will return this November, and the POP series will also feature WHT’s production of Romeo and Juliet in the spring. Student previews for plays at the theatre are the Wednesday before the opening of many of our mainstage plays, and tickets for students in middle, high school and college are only $5 ($10 for musicals) For more information, a schedule of events or to bring a program to your school or organization, contact Director of Education Anne Tromsness at [email protected] Board of Directors Oicers President Bianca Walker Vice President Tom Strange Treasurer Susan Bichel Secretary Ingrid Erwin Member-at-Large Jackie Warner Member-at-Large Alan Weinberg Program Manager, Global Visitors Center, Furman University Senior Director R&D, St. Jude Medical Health Care Consultant Attorney Community Volunteer Community Volunteer Board Members Randy Bell Mary Biebel Claire Blake Kathi Daniel Don Faircloth Roy Fluhrer Suzie Grow Wallace Lightsey Ruth Mansure George Maynard Scott McMillan Heidie Miller Teri Pena John Petrusick Nicole Ream Jon Rogers Glenn Sawicki Eric Schmid John Scovil David Sims Tom Tiller Pat Victory Maxim Williams Marsha White Jim Whitten Senior VP, Bank of Travelers Rest Owner, Biebel Carolina Salons Community Volunteer Community Volunteer Community Volunteer Director, he Fine Arts Center Event Planner, Community Volunteer Associate and Member, Wyche, PA Owner, Mansure & Company VP, Greenville Hospital System Principal, Design Strategies, LLC Community Volunteer Artist & Development Consultant Vice President, Commercial Portfolio Manager, TD Bank Realtor, he Parker Company Owner, Rogers Financial Group, LLC Owner, Safron’s Sidewalk Cafe and he Cafe at TCMU Shareholder, Elliott Davis, LLC Owner, Current Tools Director of Arts, Christ Church Episcopal School Community Volunteer Owner, Tenth Planet Advertising Director of Community Relationship Building, Bon Secours St. Francis Health System Community Volunteer VP Operations, Fluor Corporation (Retired) Past Presidents 1974-75 J. Lake Williams, Jr. 1975-76 Jourdan Jones Newton 1976-77 Aubrey Bowie 1977-78 Tom Brodnax 1978-79 Keller Freeman 1979-80 Bill Wheless 1980-81 Jane Mattson 1981-82 Don Koonce 1982-83 Brad Wyche 1983-84 John Huebner 1984-85 George Corell 1985-86 Rita McKinney 1986-87 George Fletcher 1987-88 Nancy Muller 1988-89 Bob Cooper 1989-90 Tom Bruce 1990-91 Rob Wagner 1991-92 Jackie Warner 1992-93 Karen Lawton, Bond Isaacson, Warren Mowry 1993-94 Warren Mowry 1994-95 Jan Bruning 1995-96 Susan Reynolds 1996-98 Brad Parham 1998-99 BJ Koonce 1999-00 Brad Parham 2000-01 Kelle Corvin 2001-02 Bill Pelham 2002-03 Sherm Rounsville 2003-04 Tami McKnew 2004-05 John Rose 2005-07 Wade Cleveland 2007-09 Travis Seward 2009-11 Nicole Pascoe-Ream Resident Companies of The Warehouse Theatre’s Summer Season Upstate Shakespeare Festival The Upstate Shakespeare Festival is a thriving part of he Warehouse heatre’s summer programming and community outreach. USF presents the magic of Shakespeare and other classic plays to the Upstate community in an outdoor setting. Using actors from all around the Upstate community, USF presents entertaining, inclusive, and family-friendly productions that enhance Greenville’s calling card as a summer destination. Making their home at he Warehouse heatre, he Distracted Globe works with he Warehouse to present entertaining and afordable productions of classic comedies and comedy improv, workshops and other communityoriented programs, seeking to renew the vital connection between a theatre and its community. DG presents at least one play during the summer programming. During the regular season, you can catch a DG performance of improv comedy after the main stage show on select nights of the run. Ar tists in Residence Tony Penna - Lighting Designer in Residence Tony Penna’s lighting credits at he Warehouse include he Rocky Horror Show, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Amadeus, he 13th of Paris, he Diary of Anne Frank, Tru and Topdog/Underdog. Other regional theatre credits include Centre Stage SC, Cincinnati Playhouse, Huntington heatre Company, Berkshire heatre Festival and four seasons as resident lighting designer at Actors heatre of Louisville. Mr. Penna is a member of United Scenic Artists, the theatre faculty at Clemson University, and the resident design stafs of he Warehouse heatre, South Carolina Repertory Company and the Eleventh Hour heatre Company in New York. Shannon Robert - Set Designer in Residence Shannon received an M.F.A. in scene design from FSU and studied design at the Moscow Art heatre Conservatory. A painter, designer, and teacher, she was Director of heatre at William Carey University. She has designed internationally for venues in Edinburgh, Nairobi, Bratislava and Moscow. She worked with KCACTF as Region IV design chair and vice chair and served on the board of SETC. Shannon managed he Spoon Group Productions in NJ/NY and worked on the Broadway productions of he Grinch, Grease, Xanadu, Legally Blonde, Inherit the Wind, he Pirate Queen, Coram Boy, Jersey Boys, Spamalot, Hairspray and he Color Purple. Shannon is a member of the Clemson University Faculty. Elisa Golden - Dramaturg in Residence Elisa is a native New Jerseyan, attended Kean University and graduated with a B.A. in Visual Arts. She moved to Greenville in 1990 and received a master’s degree in Education from Furman University. Elisa continues to pursue her art (mostly watercolor and drawing) and has entered a number of juried shows in the area. Her love of literature and theater brought her to he Warehouse heatre in 1999. She is currently in her twelfth season as resident dramaturg. Elisa is often asked, “What is a dramaturg?” She replies, “A dramaturg, or literary manager, is like an anthropologist– digging, assessing and categorizing these rare theatrical artifacts known as plays.” Jayce T. Tromsness - Playwright in Residence A native of Tacoma, Washington, Jayce is a director and playwright. He earned a BA in theatre from Western Washington University and received minor degrees in art history and linguistics. He moved to South Carolina to attend USC, where he earned his MFA in acting. Jayce has been a staf and company member of Trustus heatre in Columbia, as well as resident voice coach for the SC Shakespeare Festival, Sewanee: he University of the South and he Warehouse heatre. He was an associate professor of theatre at USC, and Midlands Technical College. At USC he began writing plays for young audiences as well as one-act plays for Trustus heatre. His plays have been produced by USC, USC Aiken, Trustus heatre, he South Carolina Children’s heatre, he Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival, Easley Foothills Playhouse, he Warehouse heatre and he Distracted Globe. He is currently a faculty member of the drama department at the South Carolina Governor’s School for the Arts and Humanities. Enjoy the show! From churches and theatres to schools and museums, projects big or small, the team at Productions Unlimited, Inc. can help you create a first class performance space. We are a theatrical systems integrator; we specialize in the design, installation and maintenance of theatrical equipment for performance spaces of all kinds. Whether you need lighting, rigging, audio, video, or a combination of all four, we are eager to provide you the best system for your venue. We also sell lamps, tape, gel, theatrical hardware and other expendables. Give us a call and we’ll get started putting your ideas into action! PRODUCTIONS UNLIMITED, INC. 870 ANDERSON RIDGE ROAD 870 Anderson Ridge Road, Greer SC 29651 864.675.0820 M A D E E A S Y. AND SUR PRISINGLY AFFORDABLE. • 864.335.2300 1 1 4 0 Wo o d ru f f Roa d Gre e n vil l e Present thi s playbill or ticket stub to rec ei ve 10% off your next catering order. E xpi res Oc t. 15th 2012 • PLU # 2 0 7 1 6 Effective marketing… It ain’t rocket surgery The fact is…marketing your company is probably simpler than you think. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist (or a brain surgeon) to understand the simple strategicallydriven process that we take our clients through. We help companies find effective and affordable options to generate the maximum return. And then we create unique advertising messages that engage and reward. We firmly believe that our clients’ advertising should do more than distribute information. It should penetrate minds, create bonds, fan desires. If you agree, please get in touch. 864.235.5400 •
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