August 2015 - Fond du Lac Area Association of Commerce
August 2015 - Fond du Lac Area Association of Commerce
FORWARD FOND DU LAC FOND DU LAC AREA ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCE Promoting commerce n Developing partnerships n Creating opportunities n Building community Fond du Lac Works welcomes new staff Kim Spartz Nicole Yeomans Fond du Lac Works is pleased to announce the addition of two new staff members to bolster its efforts in the recruitment, retention and development of a quality workforce in Fond du Lac. Kim Spartz and Nicole Yeomans join the division, responsible for the implementation of new apprenticeships and coops and the maintenance and expansion of existing curriculums, within the school districts of Campbellsport, Fond du Lac, Lomira, North Fond du Lac and Oakfield. “We are thrilled to have Kim and Nicole join Fond du Lac Works,” said Melissa Worthington, vice president of the Fond du Lac Area Association of Commerce. “With Kim’s unique skills and specialized training, and Nicole’s industry experience spanning across marketing and advertising, as well as both of their backgrounds in all levels of education, our program initiatives will only be further enhanced in 2015 and beyond.” (Continued on page 4) Over 4,000 enjoy Breakfast on the Farm Serving breakfast for a crowd is no easy task but that’s exactly what the Michels family did on Sunday, June 28 for the 2015 Fond du Lac Area Breakfast on the Farm. Over 4,000 people joined the Fond du Lac Area AgriBusiness Council and the Michels Farms for the annual event, celebrating local agriculture and June Dairy Month. Over 3,400 attendees enjoyed a delicious, farm-fresh breakfast and more than 2,500 Culver’s sundaes were served – with proceeds benefiting local agriculture education and promotion. A unique feature at this year’s Breakfast brought together agriculture and art and resulted in numerous masterpieces. The Cow Cut Out Contest and Parade showcased 25 cow cut outs, decorated by area grade school students. Visitors to the Breakfast were able to vote for their favorite cows and as a result, $200 was raised – benefiting the Agricultural Ambassador program. The top two cows were from Eden Elementary and Rosendale Primary and the winning artists received cash prizes donated by Ruedinger Farms. Always highly anticipated, the Agricultural Ambassador Money Raffle was also a tremendous success in 2015. This year, $7,500 was raised and ten winners received cash prizes: 1st place Beatriz Vazquez of Fond du Lac, 2nd place Ryan Clark of Mayville, 3rd place Glenn Arveson of Wautoma, 4th place Dan Zeleske of Fond du Lac, 5th place Ron and Chris Schwenck of Malone, 6th place Dick Schaefer of Malone, 7th place David Engel of Mt Calvary, 8th place Amy Krupka of Amherst, 9th place Pat Broeske of Brownsville and 10th place Dave Thiel of Fond du Lac. (Continued on page 6) From a delicious breakfast to farm tours and educational exhibits there was something for everyone at the 2015 Fond du Lac Area Breakfast on the Farm! Visit for a complete photo recap of this year’s Breakfast! WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! Strengthen our community by supporting these businesses: Brookdale Senior Living 1001 Primrose Lane Fond du Lac, WI 54935 (920) 924-7775 Holiday Inn Express & Suites 55 Holiday Lane Fond du Lac, WI 54935 (920) 322-0460 The Meadows of Fond du Lac 620 W Rolling Meadows Drive Fond du Lac, WI 54937 August 2015 n Volume 38 n Issue 8 Shoe Sensation, Inc. 835 W Johnson Street Fond du Lac, WI 54935 CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Register at or call (920) 921-9500 Coffee Connection August 5 YPF Hot Topic: Customer Service AUGUST COMMITTEE MEETINGS Hosted By: Lillians of Fond du Lac (27 South Main Street) Time: 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. Date: Thursday, August 27 Time: 5 - 7:30 p.m. Location: Moraine Park - Room A112 Cost: FREE for YPF Members / $10 General Admission An unforgettable shopping experience! Trendy and affordable, Lillians features fashion, handbags, jewelry, sunglasses, scarves and other fun “must have” accessories - great fashion and accessory labels you’ll find at boutiques and department stores but at incredible Lillians prices! Join us for the August AC Coffee Connection as we explore Lillians of Fond du Lac at its NEW LOCATION! Now located at 27 South Main Street, the Lillians vibe is even stronger! Pre-registration required for planning purposes. Cost: $5 and 2 Business Cards Deadline to Register: August 4 Business Connection August 18 Hosted By: Partners by Design (N6449 South Pioneer Road) Time: 5 - 7 p.m. Join us on Tuesday, August 18 and explore the latest design and living trends. Prizes, food, drinks and more will be available. Plus, in an effort to encourage networking, attendees can join in the fun of a scavenger hunt, exploring all that Partners by Design has to offer! The “partners” of Partners by Design — Erin Rademann and Dan Buechel — are as different as traditional and contemporary. Together they’ve created remarkable rooms with timeless appeal that warm the souls of their clients. Erin Rademann and Dan Buechel started their interior design and retail business, Partners by Design, Inc., in 1997, after years as top designers with a chic interior design house. They decided to get “Inc.” behind their names as a way to bring artful design without an enhanced price to family and friends. They have ten employees of their own now and you can see how their design sensibility is infused in everything they create. Top-notch customer service, from point of browsing to delivery and set-up, is a given. They serve clients primarily in Wisconsin — many are long-time customers whose kind words of recommendation have helped the partners grow the business — but never limit their travels when a great design project pops up. Yes, the customer is always right, but true customer service starts with you and your team. Join us as we dive into the the Fish! Philosophy – a model of excellence inspired by the unique experience of the Seattle fish market, specifically the energy and enthusiasm that each and every fishmonger puts into their work. Walk away from this event, with a simple, practical set off tools to help you foster a healthy and fun work culture, build stronger relationships and fuel a passion and fulfillment in one’s work – all of which lead to extraordinary customer service! 6 YPF Programs and Events 7:30 a.m. HR Board 8 a.m. 11 YPF Membership Noon 12 Leadership FDL Alumni Group Noon 13 YPF Marketing @ 7:30 a.m. 19 Ambassadors Club 7:30 a.m. 20 YPF Executive 7:30 a.m. 21 AC Executive 7 a.m. 26 Communications Council 7:30 a.m. 27 YPF Board 4 p.m. 28 AC Board 7 a.m. FOND DU LAC AREA AGRI-BUSINESS COUNCIL Golf Outing Tu esday, August 11, 2015 The Golf Club at Camelot (W192 State Road 67, Lomira WI) Registration: 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Lunch: 12 p.m. Tee-Off (Shotgun Start): 1 p.m. Cost: $60 per golfer (9 holes golf, 1/2 cart, includes lunch, drink tickets, hors d’oeuvres) $15 lunch only (includes drink tickets) RSVP Deadline: ASAP (pre-registration required) To register visit or call 920.921.9500 or e-mail [email protected]. ALL ARE INVITED TO ATTEND! DOOR PRIZES NEEDED: Don’t forget to send a door prizes! Prizes can be dropped off at the Fond du Lac Area Association of Commerce office (207 North Main Street). PRESENTED BY: Pre-registration required for planning purposes. Cost: $5 and 2 Business Cards Deadline to Register: August 17 The Fond du Lac Area Agri-Business Council, a division of the Fond du Lac Area Association of Commerce, cultivates passion for agriculture in the community through education, promotion and partnerships. For more information visit Page 2 n August 2015 n WIN BIG! Ag Ambassador “Shoot for the Green” Contest Team Prizes Flag Events - All Holes 50/50 Raffle Putting Contest The Fond du Lac Area Association of Commerce Leadership Fond du Lac Alumni Group Presents Master Presenter and Law Enforcement Veteran Jim Olson: Using Generational Differences LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT SERIES Unlock the Power of Your Organization Wednesday, October 14, 2015 South Hills Golf & Country Club (1175 Fond du Lac Avenue, Fond du Lac) Registration & Breakfast 7:30 a.m. Workshop 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. $50/person | $360/corporate table (8 attendees, $45 each) Register by October 8, 2015 at or call (920) 921-9500. No refunds after this date. For the first time in history, organizations are struggling to balance the different needs and working styles of four different generations in the workforce. Organizations that appreciate the realities of generational diversity are becoming more flexible about their talent management and recognize the unique values, expectations and skills that each generation brings to the table. While it is no easy task, raising awareness of generational issues within an organization and focusing on productive behaviors can bring teams together and enable them to function more efficiently. To unlock this power, a clear understanding of each generation and their tendencies is critical. Join Jim Olson, detective for the Milwaukee Police Department and master presenter for Leadership in Police Organizations (L.P.O.) for an in-depth discussion and workshop on generations in the workplace. More than just facts, this presentation will provide attendees with the knowledge to transform people and business and will help develop the skills needed to lead the charge for change within their organization. From understanding the culture of your organization, to realizing the generational tendencies within your workforce – you have the power to unlock success. Unlock the Power of Your Organization Identify your workforce Explore generational tendencies Transform your business from the ground up Understand the culture of your organization Lead the charge Proceeds to benefit: Youth Leadership Fond du Lac Program This program, filled with Jim Olson’s experienced leadership and generational understanding, is an exciting opportunity for learning, encourages positive participation and readies you for practical action when you return to your office. Visit or call (920) 921-9500 for more information. Page LE AD E3RnSAugust H I P D 2015 E V E PMENT SERIES (Continued from page 1 - Fond du Lac Works welcomes new staff) All proceeds benefit the American Legion Trier-Puddy Post #75 Fond du Lac A GREAT DEAL FOR A GREAT CAUSE. TED SEN PRE BY: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2015 Holiday Inn (625 W. Rolling Meadows Dr. • Fond du Lac, WI) 6 p.m. Registration | 7-9:30 p.m. Games | 10 p.m. Prize Drawings $35 for YPF members, military & veterans | $45 General Admission Register online at or call the Fond du Lac Area Association of Commerce at 920.921.9500 All proceeds benefit the Kim Spartz joins the division as director of educational American Trier-Puddy Post districts #75 Fond du Lac partnerships, servingLegion as the liaison with area school to develop, design and administer the Youth Apprenticeship program. Working closely with education professionals, students and parents, Spartz will be responsible for the growth and expansion of program offerings and student involvement. Spartz has over 20 years’ experience in administrative services, with an extensive background in primary, secondary and higher education. Spartz previously served in administrative services at Moraine Park Technical College where she provided assistance to numerous divisions. Prior to Moraine Park, Spartz was the administrative assistant to the director of curriculum and instruction at the Kewaskum School District. Nicole Yeomans joins the division as director of educational programs, serving as the liaison with the local business community to develop, design and administer the Youth Apprenticeship program. Responsible for the advancement of business and education partnerships, Yeomans will coordinate business related activities and facilitate opportunities for shared learning across all sectors. The former clinical research recruitment specialist at Covance, Yeomans brings with her extensive experience in marketing, advertising and community outreach. Additionally, with a background in education, Yeomans has experience as a substitute teacher and 5 program director for the Ripon Area School District. BY: Fond du Lac Works is a division of the Fond ED du Lac Area ENT RES P 11 Association of Commerce, created to address the skilled worker shortage and position Fond du Lac for continued success and growth in the future. To date, many volunteers have come together to work on the development of initiatives which support three main focus areas: workforce recruitment, retention of existing workforce and development of Holiday Inn (625 W. Rolling Meadows Dr. • Fond du Lac, WI) talent through education and training. 6 p.m. Fond du Lac Registration Works is a | 7-9:30 p.m. Games | 10 p.m. Prize Drawings non-profit $35 entity. forCorporate YPF members, military & veterans | $45 General Admission donations and grants are the main source of funding. Register online at or For more information visit call theorFond du Lac Area Association of call (920) 921-9500. Commerce at 920.921.9500 A GREAT DEAL FOR A GREAT CAUSE. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2015 OF THE MONTH Name: Michael Schumacher Hometown: Malone, WI Where do you work, what is your position and what do you like most about it? Eden Stone Company and Valders Stone & Marble, Inc. The majority of my responsibilities within the firm fall under business development and education. This is inclusive of the education of our internal and external customers, technical assistance, sales and sales support, marketing, membership affiliation, strategic development, and community involvement. What has YPF done for your personal and/or professional development? I have attended countless YPF events since I joined the group in 2010. Everything I have been a part of has provided me with an opportunity to grow both professionally and personally. The group does an excellent job of connecting its members with community leaders who can help to shape those of us who have just started on their own respective paths of success. Networking with other members makes it easy to build new friendships as well as business relationships. What is your favorite thing to do in the Fond du Lac area? I enjoy being around people and Fond du Lac is full of some of the best folks that one could ever meet. It is great to enjoy the downtown and all that the Arts District has too offer. There are always great bands to see, festivals to attend and social gatherings to be a part of. If nothing else, YPF almost always has something fun going on. What words of wisdom do you have for other young professionals working in Fond du Lac? As I strive to achieve professional success, three areas of focus have helped me on this journey. They are: Find and work with great mentors, make a commitment to continual education and personal development and always be a student of your industry. You, and you alone, have the ability to dictate your own outcome. Arm yourself with the best information and strategy that you can. Be confident in knowing that you have taken careful aim at your goal before you embark on your quest to accomplish it. Always remain hungry and humble and you will put yourself in a position for opportunity and success. (Visit to read more.) Page 4 n August 2015 n 36th Annual AC Golf Outing Thank you to all golfers who joined the AC community for the 36th Annual AC Golf Outing, held at South Hills Golf and Country Club! In addition to networking and fun, the outing provided numerous opportunities for golfers to win great prizes thanks to wonderful hole and contest sponsors! A special “Thank you!” goes out to the outing’s primary sponsor and to the two hole-in-one sponsors and to the putting contest sponsor. CONGRATULATIONS CONTEST WINNERS! THANK YOU SPONSORS! THANK YOU, HOLE SPONSORS! Agnesian HealthCare American Bank Consultants Lab of WI Friar Tucks, Salty’s, Sebastians Goebel Insurance & Financial Grande Cheese Co. The Hietpas Group Holiday Automotive International Paper JF Ahern Co. Keller, Inc Lake View Place Lakeland Care District Locate Staffing Marian University Marine Credit Union McDonald’s Valley Management Inc. Mercury Marine Michels Corporation National Exchange Bank Northwestern Mutual Promotions with Pizzazz QPS Employment Group Society Insurance US Cellular Verve, a Credit Union Wells Vehicle Electronics Wendt’s on the Lake Whispering Springs Golf Club WISCO Hotel Group Putting Contest: John Koker 1 – Closest to Pin-2: Matt Meunier 1L – Closest to Pin-2: Robyn Gruner (BD) 2 – Longest Putt: Ryan Bloms 2L – Longest Putt: Jill Stenson 3 – Longest Drive: Jeff Nuss 4L – Closest to Creek: Stephanie Loehr 5 – Closest to Pin-2: Mike Hierl 5L – Closest Drive to 150 Yard Marker: Holly Brenner 6 – Closest to Pin: Pete Manowske 6L – Closest from off Green: Kelly Norton (BD) 7 – Longest Drive: Steve Little 7L – Closest 3rd Shot: Mary Gilles 8 – Straightest Drive: Derek Drews 8L – Straightest Drive: Anne Pierce 9 – Longest Putt: Mike Fenrick 9L – Closest Shot from Bunker: Kim Galske (BD) 10 – Closest to Pin: Rich Eckert 10L – Closest to Pin: Michele Haensgin (BD) 11 – Longest Putt: Brian Aho 11L – Longest Putt: Holly Luehring 12 – Closest to Pin-2: Brian Kuhnz 13 – Longest Putt: Jerry Schulz 13L – Closest Chip Shot: Karen Wuest 14 – Longest Drive: Zach Prendergast 15 – Closest to Pin-2: Mark Klapperich 15L – Shortest Drive: Elsa Hagen 16 – Longest Putt: Jim Anderson 16L – Closest to Tree: Julie Weston 17 – Straightest Drive: Jeff Rainer 18 – Closest to Pin-2: Mike Kristmann CONGRATULATIONS TOP TEAMS: The team with the best gross score included players: Bob Benzinger, Mark Klapperich, Mike Kristmann, Jeff Nuss. The team with the best net score included players: Mike Fenrick, David Frelich, Holly Luehring, Jacki Warner #TipOfTheMonth: Sign into your account, create a post, and SHARE IT to #SocialMedia. #ReachMore ( Page 5 n August 2015 n (Continued from page 1 - 2015 Fond du Lac Area Breakfast on the Farm) Area companies make Breakfast on the Farm happen Breakfast on the Farm provides an opportunity for community members to experience agriculture and enjoy a morning out on the farm! Attendees were provided a behind-the-scenes look at a thriving, family-owned dairy farm, complete with tours and many dairy and agriculture related activities for all ages! And of course, it wouldn’t be breakfast without a hearty meal, shared with family and friends. Funds from the Breakfast, a program of the Fond du Lac Area Agri-Business Council (a division of the Fond du Lac Area Association of Commerce), help to promote agriculture in the greater Fond du Lac area. The Agri-Business Council and the Michels family of Fond du Lac would like to thank the numerous sponsors and volunteers who made the 2015 Breakfast on the Farm a successful event. PLATINUM GOLD Advanced Disposal Badger Well Drilling Badgerland Financial Baker Cheese Factory, Inc. Bayland Buildings Beck’s Meat Processing Clover Hill Dairy Country Visions Cooperative Drexel Building Supply Duthie Construction Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Foremost Farms Hillside Dairy - Steffes Family Immel Insurance & Financial Services Knaus Cheese, Inc Kondex Corporation Lake Breeze Dairy, LLC Luke Luedtke Electric Norm’s Ag Service Ruedinger Farms, Inc. SILVER AgriBlenders Belgioioso Cheese Inc Brasch’s Piggly Wiggly B-S Chopping LLP Cole Oil & Propane Co., Inc. Cristo Rey Ranch/Villa Loretto Gehring Sales & Service, Inc. J Bartley Construction LLC Keller, Inc. Kettle Lakes Cooperative Kin-X Construction, Inc. Knowles Produce & Trading Co. Lakeside Wealth Management LDS Inc. O’Connor, Wells & Vander Werff CPAs LLC Prairie Estates Genetics LLC Redeker Dairy Equipment Redtail Ridge Dairy, LLC Sargento Schraufnagel Implement, Inc. Service Motor Company Twohig, Reitbrock, Schneider & Halbach, S.C. Wieser Concrete Zoetis BRONZE Adelmeyer Welding AgroPur Andy Petrie Farm Animart Inc Ballweg Implement Co., Inc. Bluemke Inc Braun Electric Inc Central Ag Supply Inc CHS/Larsen Cooperative Country Hills Animal Health & Quality Milk Service Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheese D & D Equipment Dairy Farmers of America East Central Select Sires Emmer Family Farm First Dairy Cooperative Fleischman Excavating Inc Fond du Lac County Farm Bureau Men Fond du Lac County Farm Bureau Women Fox Valley Farm Mgnt Fritsch Equipment Corp Gellings Implement, Inc. Gibbsville Cheese Company Inc Hayward Tire LLC Golf Carts Heartfelt Flowers and Gift Shop Hundertmark Seed John R. Smith Trucking LLC Kane Livestock Sales LaClare Farms Lakeview Electric Contractors Liberty Hoof Care/Liberty Quest Mayville Tire Co Inc Nolan Insurance Agency, LLC Nutrition Professionals, Inc. Orion Energy Systems, Inc Ottery Transportation Patricia A. Birschbach, CPA Quality Roasting Inc Rhein Realty, Inc. Schmidt Building and Equipment Schulz and Dippel Trucking Smith & Hatch Insurance Agency Stanley Schmitz Inc. Steffes Trucking Two LLC Tasch’s Custom, LLC Tilth Agronomy Group, Inc. Tom Ottery Transit, Inc. Towne Trimming & Hoof Care Tri-County Overhead Door Service, Inc. United Cooperative Vellema Seed W.W. Electric Motors, Inc. Waas Boring & Cable Inc. Widmers Cheese Cellars, Inc. IN KIND ADM American Bank Associated Bank Page 6 n August 2015 n Bank Mutual Bank of Oakfield BMO Harris Bank Bob and Bonnie’s Donuts Brownsville Fire Department Brownsville Lions Cornette Farm Supply/Vita Plus Empire Threshing Association Fond du Lac County Fair Fond du Lac County Fairgrounds Fond du Lac County Farm Bureau Young Farmers Fond du Lac County Teen Leaders Association Fond du Lac Credit Union Fond du Lac Studio of Music Fox Valley Savings Bank Gourmet Delight Mushrooms Grande Cheese Co. Hometown Bank Horicon Bank Jeff’s Communications KFIZ Kindschuh Farms Lomira FFA and FFA Alumni Lomira High School Lomira High School Football team Luedtke Lumber National Bank of Waupun National Exchange Bank & Trust Pollack -Vu Dairy Ripon FFA Alumni Saputo Cheese USA Inc Silica For Your Home St Peters Lions Steve Wessing TSB Bank U.S. Bank Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board MEMBER NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS Generations Home Care celebrates five years Generations Home Care and Hospice, Inc. came to Fond du Lac five years ago with the support of several area investors, a card table, a phone and an administrator who had a dream of taking care of people, thinking outside the box, providing care as she would for her own family. Cindy Keitel sat alone, until she was joined by her partners Lisa Schuler, Reese Thoma and Kristin White. Cindy, Lisa, Reese and Kristin had a great deal of home care and hospice experience; coming into a family owned organization gave them the flexibility they needed to provide care differently, like family. By the end of 2010 Generations had nine total employees, they have now grown to 57 employees. In the five years since Generations opened their doors they have served 754 hospice patients, making nearly 72,000 hospice visits and served 847 home care patients. Last year (2014) the team traveled 146,373 miles to serve patients who needed support and care wherever they live. Generations Home Care and Hospice, Inc. remains dedicated to caring for you and your family as they would their own. They continue to grow and are now licensed in Dane County with plans to expand. Horicon Bank hires VP of treasury management Horicon Bank’s business team is expanding. Bob Van Kirk has joined the bank’s business banking team as vice president of treasury management. Growing up in Indiana and later moving to Wisconsin, Van Kirk attended the University of Wisconsin – Oshkosh. After earning his degree in International Business, Van Kirk began working in banking as a teller in Oshkosh. Eventually he worked as personal banker, branch manager and mortgage lender. Most recently, Van Kirk held a commercial banking treasury management position in the Fox Valley. Van Kirk says he is excited to bring his treasury management experience to Horicon Bank. “I love helping businesses become more efficient and save money through the use of technology,” Van Kirk said. “We have a lot to offer local businesses of all sizes to help streamline their banking.” Van Kirk is an active member of the Fond du Lac community. He is a member of the Fond du lac Morning Rotary and volunteers his time for the Fond du Lac Area United Way. He is also a member of Thrive Church in Fond du Lac and serves on the board. Van Kirk says he appreciates the relationships he has built at Horicon Bank and enjoys working together with his colleagues to create better and more secure banking relationships. “Relationships are the most important thing in banking - Horicon Bank has a lot of great employees to help people in the communities we serve to achieve their financial goals,” Van Kirk said. “We are pleased to have Bob join our business banking team,” said bank president Fred F. Schwertfeger. “He is a capable, energetic banker. His care for the community and enthusiasm to be an effective relationship banker is an asset to Horicon Bank.” Horicon Bank serves commercial and personal banking needs in six counties across Wisconsin. The bank has fourteen offices in eleven communities. Promotions with Pizzazz names Patti Koehn as account executive Promotions with Pizzazz, LLC, a full service promotional products agency, has hired Patti Koehn as an Account Executive. In this position, Koehn will develop and service clients’ product needs in Fond du Lac and the surrounding area. “Patti has outstanding credentials and is a great fit for this important position. As a rapidly growing organization, we recognized that we needed someone like Patti to grow our business. Patti offers exceptional people skills, successful sales experience and a print and advertising background. I feel she provides the perfect balance to creatively work with client ideas and budgets and continue our expectations for exceptional service for all our clients,” explained Amy Goeden, Promotions with Pizzazz owner. Koehn joins the Fond du Lac-based company with more than 30 years of experience in the print and advertising industry. About Promotions with Pizzazz, LLC: Founded in 2004, Promotions with Pizzazz was started by Amy Goeden, whose vision has always been to provide top notch customer service and quality and affordable imprinted products. The company is located at 74 South Main Street, Suite 101 and has an expansive showroom with unique displays offering the opportunity to see the product quality first hand. Schenck celebrates 85th anniversary Schenck is pleased to announce that it is celebrating its 85th year in business. Dating back to July 1, 1930, the firm was formed in Appleton as a solo public accounting office by Willard Schenck. The first office was simply a desk in a real estate office on Appleton Street, with a rental fee of $20 per month. The office equipment at the time consisted of a used typewriter, an adding machine and one threedrawer file cabinet. Today, Schenck has grown to become a full-service CPA and business consulting firm with more than 500 employees and eight locations throughout Wisconsin. As one of the largest CPA firms in the United States, Schenck provides a full range of services including accounting and audit, tax, business consulting, information technology, merger and acquisition, retirement planning, investment and payroll solutions for businesses, governments, non-profits and individuals. To commemorate the celebratory year, in newsletters later this year, Schenck will share personal stories of its history with clients, employees and friends. To subscribe to Schenck’s newsletters, visit For details on Schenck’s history, visit The winning continues...LIKE. COMMENT. TAG. Fond du Lac Works was pleased to award the second “Fond du Lac Promotion Package” to Michelle Burton of Fond du Lac. Burton won a picnic table from BCI Burke Company, a gas grill from Silica For Your Home and a “Dad’s Grillin’ Meat Box” from the Eden Meat Market. In case you missed it, Fond du Lac Works will be highlighting area businesses, both large and small, through 12-months of promotional giveaways. Participating in the promotion is easy. All you have to do is like the Fond du Lac Works Facebook page, like the official post announcing the month’s giveaway, comment on what makes Fond du Lac a great place to work and live and tag a friend in the post. Page 7 n August 2015 n Each month winners will be selected at random and will get to experience some part of what makes the Fond du Lac area one of the best places to live and work. Entry qualifications may vary as noted on specific packages. PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID FOND DU LAC, WI 54935 FOND DU LAC AREA ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCE FORWARD FOND DU LAC (USPS 504-390) is published monthly for $2 by the Fond du Lac Area Association of Commerce, 207 N. Main St., Fond du Lac, WI 54935-3460. Periodical Postage Paid at Fond du Lac, WI. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Fond du Lac Area Association of Commerce, 207 N. Main St., Fond du Lac, WI 54935-3460 FORWARD FOND DU LAC PHONE: (920) 921-9500 FAX: (920) 921-9559 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: WWW.FDLAC.COM Fond du Lac Business Barometer June Building permits Employment* Monthly one-family homes / Year to date Monthly one-family value / Year to date Monthly multiple units / Year to date Monthly multiple units value / Year to date Monthly commercial industrial / Year to date Monthly commercial industrial value / Year to date Number employed City / County Number unemployed City / County Percent unemployed City / County Real estate transfers Parking Utilities Revenues Sanitation permits (outside city) * Results from May 2015 2/8 $280,000 / $1,604,150 0/3 $0 / $535,000 0/3 $0 / $36,009,500 22,255 / 55,274 1,113 / 2,440 4.8 / 4.2 114 $27,543.50 20 2014 3 / 11 $545,000 / $1,415,000 0/9 $0 / $2,116,400 1/9 $2,177,998 / $15,409,793 20,948 / 51,537 1,706 / 3,523 7.5 / 6.4 109 $24,495.95 12
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